Geotechnical • Geologic. Coastal •Environmental
5741 Palmer Way Carlsbad, California 92010. • (760)438-3155 FAX(760)931-0915
April 7,2009
W.O. 5353-B 1 -SC
i2865'PdiñtDeI Mar,"Suite 200
• D !r California 92014
Attention: Mè.' Teri, McHugh
Subject Geotechnical Update for Model Lots Lots 96, 97, and 98 of Planning
Area 16, Robertson Ranch,'.East Village, Carlsbad Tract 04-26,
Drawing 453-8A City of Carlsbad San Diego County, California
References 1 Report of Rough Grading Planning Area 16 of Robertson Ranch East Village (Lots 44
through 63,89 through 99 117 through 140, and 160 through 189), Carlsbad.Tract 04-26,
Drawing 453-8A','Carlsbad, Sah• Diego-County, California," W.O.. 5353-131-SC, dated
February 16, 2009, by GeoSoils, inc.
2. ?Precise Grading Plans for: The Foothills'at Carlsbad, Robertson Ranch PA 16," P.U.D.
06012A, C.T. 04-26, job No. 01140, datedAugust6, 2008, by O'Day Consultants.
Dear-Ms. McHugh:
In accordance with your requet GeoSoils Inc (GSI) has reviewed the referenced report
and plans with respect to as-graded site conditions and ha prepared this update report
Grading and processing of original ground within the subject building pads was observed
and selectively tested by a representative of GSI during the earthwork phase of
development for the subject property. Based on our observations and testing the site is
considered suitable for its intended residential use Geotechnical observations and testing
completed by. this office durihg site rading; is summarized 'in the referenced report. As
of this date, the site has not changed significantly since the completion of grading and the
issuance of the'"referenced report, thus, the findings, conclusions, and recommendations
presented in our referenced report are generally considered valid and applicable with
respect to the construction and development of the subject building pads Based on the
duration of time following pad completion pre-wetting is recommended as indicated in
the referenced eport. Some sürficial processing may also be necessary, owing to the
passage -of tithe, erosion, etc. •'
Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review, engineering analyses, and laboratory
data, these conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions
have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty is
express or implied. Standards of practice are subject to change with time. GSI assumes
no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their inaction, or
work performed when GSl is not requested to be onsite to evaluate if our
recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an
agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above, notwithstanding
any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to
review by the controlling authorities.
Brookfield Homes W.O. 5353-Bi-SC Model Lots, PA-1 6, Robertson Ranch April 7, 2009
Fi1e:e:\wp9\5300\5353b1 .pal6.gul Page 2
GeoSoils, Inc.
The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you should have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Respectfully submiy____s.
GeoSoils G.
CL No. 1934 L ' Certified I
cp Geologist J
Robert G. Crismall 0. Engineering GeoEG9i
Distribution: (4) Addressee
David W. Skelly \ Civil Engineer, RCE 4
00FESS,01, NS
flCE 47837 )SO
Brookfield Homes W.O. 5353-B1-SC
Model Lots, PA-16, Rbbertson Ranch April 7, 2009
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GeoSoils, Inc.