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- SOIL & TESTING, INC San Diego Office' - Indio Office P H 0 N E - P.O. Box 60.0627 • PH 0 E .. 83-740 CitrLfs Avenue (j. 1 (619) 280-4321 . . . . . (760) 775-5983. . • San Die6o,CA92160-0627' '& TOLL F R E E T . L L S Z. : (B77) 215-4321 6280. Riverdale Street (877.)212E1 Indib,cA 92201-3438 San Diego, CA.92120. . 1 \ ' -' . .FAX '•.' . -. • FAX •. (619) 280-4717. ., . www.scst.com (760) 775-8362. www.scst.com I . . .••./ December 18, 2007 SCS&T No 0711140 Report No 7 i . . - . . •.. . . Mr Patrick O'Day. O'Day Consultants 2710 Loker Avenue West Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: CRUSHED MISCELLANEOUS BASE EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING AT CASSIA ROAD 2020 CASSIA ROAD CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. ODay This letter has been prepared in order to transmit the results of the laboratory tests conducted on the recycled base for the subject project. The material is identified as the recycled Class 2 base from Vulcan's Carroll Canyon plant We understand that the material must meet the specifications for Crushed Miscellaneous Base in accordance with the Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction Greenbook Section .200'-2.4 in order to be used on, the project In general the sampled material meets the specifications for Crushed Miscellaneous Base The results of the laboratory tests are presented in Appendix I This opportunity to be sional service is sincerely appreciaed Respectfully sub SOUTHERN C NIA S STING, INC - (D0 ill Ex D 9302008 * ärrett ou âi E2752- -. • • •: . • . . • •:. • • - :hu1ee SCIA F CA (2) Addressee (1) City of Carlsbad, Constantine (1) O'Day Consultants Attention Andy Van Loy via e-mail at andvv(odayconsultants com (1) Pacific Building Group Attention Erik Nelson via e-mail at ErikpacificbuiIdinggroup com V . . • • • - • • . • . • - . -•• • fR'' SOUTHERN CALIFORNIASOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P. 0. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 280-4321 SIEVE ANALYSIS ASTM C136 . Type Material BASE #1 Spec WT. 214085 4856 Metric Stand. Accum Wt. % Retain % Pass Accum Wt. % Retain % Pass Accum Wt. % Retain % Pass Accum Wt; % Retain % Pass 150mm 6" . . . . . 140m 125m111 5" 115mm 4112 . .. 100 mm 4" 90mm 3112 75mm 3" 63mm 2112 . . .• : t 50mm 2" 38 .1,, 1112 25mm " 0 100 19mm '3/4". 1105.5 5 95 12.5mm 1/2" 5062.3 24 76 9 mm 3/8" 7677.1 36 64 - 12213.4 57 43 0 ' 0 100 3c5 2.36mm #8 31 138.4 29 71 1 1.18mm . #16 23 228.6 47 53 . 600,, #30 16 306.5 63. 37 /2 - ,,- 300um #50 • - - 9 381.1 78 22 1 50u #100 . 5 428.2 88 12 . 5um #200 2.6 456.2 93.9 6.1 JOB NAME: ELCAMINO REAL, WIDENING . JOB NUMBER: 0711140 DATE: - . - 12/17/07 BY: RE REMARKS: -. ' A- R _ C SOIL & TESTING. ICC - * O SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC 6280 RIVERDALE STREET, P.O. BOX 600627, SAN DIEGO, CA 92160 (619) 2804321 • -. •• IN Sand Equivalent CT 217 Job Name: EL CAMINO REAL WIDENING Job Number: 0711140 . Date: 12/17/2007 A. B. I1 C. C - - Location or Discriptión . . . •I - . - Start 320 322 324 Shake 330 332 334 Sat Down Shake . 332 r 334 *336 Read 352 354 356 Clay Height 54 51 52 Sand Height 3.9 - 3.7. Sand Equivalent - 73 .. . 73 72 * Sand Equivalent Average 73 A. B. Location or Discription . . . - - • . - * - . . Start . _________________ .. _________________ Shake. Sat Down Shake Read Clay Height - . • * - . Sand Height Sand Equivalent Sand Equivalent Average - . • . - - . . - 4 A ; SOUTHERN GALIFORNIA. SOIL AND TESTING INC; ' • .4... 680RlVERDALESTREET,.P.:,Q.BOX 600627, SANDIEGO, CA92160.(619).280-4321.4. ,.* 4 Job Name '4Eldamuno ReaiWudning Jb No .--071110 - Date 12/17/07' [ Street na I1 CAL-TEST 301 Sa'ripIe # BASE #1 ( Statn na ' LJASTM D2844 Source , CARROLCCANYON . By RBA, ..- .- .• •• c.--"- - - ..,. - Description A RECYCLED BASE '- '-- . .,. . . . ( A -4 - Test Specimen4. .* A i B C D Date Teted 4..1'4 1 .i: :. ;' : -' .- 12/17/2007 ' 121.17/2007 -12/17/2OO7 Compactor Air Pressure PSL 350 -35O ............3 Initial Moisture % 47 1000 4 7 1000 4 7 SoulWt Added - GRAMS 1000 - Water'Added - ML , 62 72 -.5R. WaterAdded Q. 65 H 75 ' 62 Moisture At Compaconti 2 ', 12 2 . 10 9 ' - Weight of Briquette & Tare - GRAMS 3096 3105 3111 Net Weight of Briquette . r GRAMS 1049 1061 1050 Briquette Height / 4 I 2.5 2.51 t. 114 2 249 115 2 Density PCF ' 114 3 Eiudation Pressure PSI 440 225 615 Expansion Pressure PSF . 0 0 - 0 PH ati 000 Pounds PHat2000Rounds ) '4PSI 15 - 19 12 Displacement A,,. . Turns 5-25 5 35 5 00 . WWI" 86 Stabilometer Thickness " FT * 0:26 ' 0.32 ,- 0 2 Expansion Thickness I FT 0000 0 0000 0 0000 Expansion Dial Reading WNW ue) Modifier--Z1, 0 0 - Corrected R-Value . . 82 78 R-Value by ExudatiOn Pressure '4 079 Gravel Equivalent 0 - 0 0 Traffic Index ø 4 5 t 4 5 4 5 1 R-Value b Expansion Pressure :'1iui- .iIEq uivalent 4 t N/A G(ai,ISizè Distiibution--j As Received ' I ' As Tested '4 '4 Minus #44SampIe ". Plus14 Sample .., %Ret % Pass '4 Wt Ret - —%-R et t% Pass Total Equals - 21951k ifotal + #4 1 221 3 4 * v 'Total:#4 97376 Sieve o% 3/4 11055 'P 5% 95% 100 228 1/2 ' 5062.3 - 23% ' 77% 81 19 3/8 7677 1 35% ., '4 65% 68 13 156 1.2213.4....... . 56% . 46.; 22 r:. 264 -. 4f•• 4: :-.• '::, :i. ,.r