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• '. • DRAINAGE STUDY FOR Cassia Professional Offices Prepared by: Job No. 04-1109 Revised: March 8, 2006 Revised: January 16, 2006 Revised: October 25,2005 February 2, 2005 O'DA Y CONSULTANTS, INC. 2710 Loker Ave West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92010 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Thomas L. Guinn RCE69017 Exp.06/30106 G;\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • , .... ,. • • SECTION! • SECTION 2 SECTION 3 • TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study Scope STUDY AREA Soils Groups Land Uses HYDROLOGY Rational Method Description Program Process ANALYSIS Peak Flow Detention Basin DESIGN PROCEDURE 1 Minute Hydrograph for lO-year storm event Detention Basin Calculation Emergency Spillway Calculation Catch Basin Calculation Grass Swales Design Procedure CONCLUSION Vicinity Map Runoff Coefficients, San Diego County Hydrology Manual Isopluvial Maps, San Diego County Hydrology Manual 100-Year, 6-Hour 100-Year, 24-Hour San Diego County Soils Interpretation Study, San Diego County Hydrology Manual Overland Time of Flow Nomograph -Figure 3-3, San Diego County Hydrology Manual Maximum Overland Flow Length and Initial Time of Concentration, San Diego County Hydrology Manual Intensity-Duration Design Chart -Figure 3-1, San Diego County Hydrology Manual Hydrology 100-year Analysis Existing Condition Proposed Condition G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc SECTION 4 SECTIONS • • Hydrology lO-year Analysis Existing Condition Proposed Condition Hydrology 2-year Analysis Existing Condition Proposed Condition Flood Hydrograph for Detention Basin Pipe Flow Hydraulics for Storm Drain at El Camino Real El Camino Real inlet hydraulics Western Swale Design Northern Swale Design Exhibit A ExhibitB Drainage Map -Existing Drainage Map -Proposed G:\Accts\041'109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc -'\', ."-.- I i I • INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study • • The purpose of this drainage study is to calculate pre and post constructien runoff quantities and determine the storm drainage systems required for the Cassia Professional Offices. Scope This study calculates the lOO-year, lO-year and 2-year peak flows for the existing and proposed conditions. The lOO-year peak flows are used to size the inlet and storm drain along EI Camino Real, as well as the hydraulics of the on-site swales and detention basin overflow spillway. The 2-year and lO-year peak flows were calculated to size the swales, detention basin and detention basin watering holes, to meet the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan. The detention basin was sized to store the lO-year peak flow difference from the existing conditions to the proposed conditions. The hydrology calculations account for the entire Cassia Road in order to size the inlet within EI Camino Real; however, half of Cassia Road hydrology will be subtracted from the overall proposed lO-year, with the assumption that the project to the South will detain the difference. STUDY AREA Soils' Groups Type D soils per the San Diego County Soils Interpretation Study were used to analyze the site. Land Use The site is currently undeveloped. Proposed development will consist of a general parking area, two buildings, the widening of EI Camino Real, and the construction of a portion of Cassia St. The proposed land use will be modeled based upon the p~rcentage of impervious surface area per the San Diego Hydrology Manual for the purpose ·of this drainage study. HYDROLOGY The rational method for storm water runoff was used for this study according to the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual and Design Procedure Manual. G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICESIHydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • Rational Method Description • • The rational method, as described in the 2003 San Diego County Flood Control/Hydrology Manual, is used to estimate surface runoff flows. The basic equation: Q = CIA C = runoff coefficient (varies with surface) I = intensity (varies with time of concentration) A = area in acres A computer program developed by CivilCADD/CNILDESIGN Engineering Software © 2003, Version 7.3, was used to determine the times of concentration and corresponding intensities and flows for the various hydrological processes performed in this model. This program also determines the street flow and pipe flow characteristics for each segment . modeled. Program Process The rational method program is a computer-aided design program where the user develops a node link model of the watershed . The node link model is created by developing independent nQ(:1e link models of each interior watershed and linking these submodels together at confluence points. . . The program has the capability of performing calculations for 11 different hydrologic and hydraulic processes. These processes are assigned and printed in the output. They are as follows: . 1. Initial sub-area input, top of stream. 2. Street flow through sub-area, includes sub-area runoff. 3. Addition of runoff from sub-area to stream. 4. Street inlet and parallel street and pipe flow and area. 5. Pipe flow travel time (program estimated pipe size). 6. Pipe flow travel time (user-specified pipe size). 7. Improved channel travel -Area add option. 8. Irregular channel travel time -Area add option. 9. User-specified entry of data at a point. 10. Confluence at downstream point in current stream. 11. Confluence of main streams . G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • ANALYSIS Peak Flows • • Peak flows were calculated for the 100-year, lO-year and 2-year storm in the existing and proposed conditions. See section 3 for runoff calculations. All basins have been analyzed at the point where runoff leaves the property boundary, not at the development discharge location. This method of analysis will ensure downstream properties do not encounter increased runoff. See Section 5, Exhibit A for existing basin boundaries and Exhibit B for proposed basin boundaries. Detention Basin A detention basin will be located at the northerly portion of Lot 1. The basin will have 2: 1 side slopes on all sides and a depth of approximately 5 feet. The basin bottom elevation will be approximately 311.5 msl. An overflow spillway will be set at 315.5 and the top of the basin will be at 316.5. The storage volume of the detentien basin prior to discharge over the spillway (Modified Type 'F' catch basin) is 1108 cf. The detention basin is analyzed for the 2-year and lO-year storm event and will discharge flows at the southwest corner of the open space Lot 3 at node 260. The controlling discharge rate will be the flow rate leaving the easterly property line at node 214, since additional flows confluence at this node and will affect the discharge rate leaving the site . G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • DESIGN PROCEDURE 1 Minute hydrograph for 10-year storm event tp= tltp o 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 • 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 • 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.6 5.599qp= q/qp 3.444 q 000 0.03 0.5599 0.10332 0.1 1.1198 0.3444 0.19 1.6797 0.65436 0.31 2.2396 1.06764 0.47 2.7995 1.61868 0.66 3.3594 2.27304 0.82 3.9193 2.82408 0.93 4.4792 3.20292 0.99 5.0391 3.40956 1 5.599 3.444 0.99 6.1589 3.40956 0.5599 0.10332 1.1198 0.3444 1.6797 0.65436 2.2396 1.06764 2.7995 1.61868 3.3594 2.27304 3.9193 2.82408 4.4792 3.20292 5.0391 3.40956 5.599 3.444 6.1589 3.40956 6.7188 3.20292 0.93 6.7188 3.20292 7.2787 2.96184 0.86 7.2787 2.96184 7.8386 2.68632 0.78 7.8386 2.68632 8.3985 2.34192 0.68 8.3985 2.34192 8.9584 1.92864 0.56 8.9584 1.92864 9.5183 1.58424 0.46 9.5183 1.58424 10.0782 1.34316 0.39 10.0782 1.34316 10.6381 1.·13652 0.33 10.6381 1.13652 11.198 0.96432 0.28 11.198 0.96432 12.3178 0.72324 0.21 12.3178 0.72324 13.4376 0.5166 0.15 13.4376 0.5166 14.5574 0.37884 0.11 14.5574 0.37884 15.6772 0.27552 0.08 15.6772 0.27552 16.797 0.18942 0.055 16.797 0.18942 17.9168 0.13776 0.04 17.9168 0.13776 19.0366 0.099876 0.029 19.0366 0.099876 20.1564 0.072324 0.021 20.1564 0.072324 21.2762 0.05166 0.015 21.2762 0.05166 22.396 0.037884 0.011 22.396 0.037884 25.7554 0.01722 0.005 25.7554 0.01722 27.995 0 t q calc) q1 q2 t1 t2 o o 0.10332 o 0.5599 1 0.10332 2 0.65436 0.3444 1.06764 3 1.61868 2.27304 4 2.82408 3.20292 5 3.20292 3.40956 6 3.444 3.40956 7 3.20292 2.96184 8 2.68632 2.34192 9 1.92864 1.58424 0.5599 1.6797 2.7995 3.9193 4.4792 5.599 6.7188 7.8386 8.9584 1.1198 2.2396 3.3594 4.4792 5.0391 6.1589 7.2787 8.3985 9.5183 10 1.58424 1.34316 9.5183· 10.0782 11 1.13652 0.96432 10.6381 11.198 12 0.96432 0.72324 11.198 12.3178 13 0.72324 0.5166 12.3178 13.4376 14 0.5166 0.37884 13.4376 14.5574 15 0.37884 0.27552 14.5574 15.6772 16 0.27552 0.18942 15.6772 16.797 17 0.18942 0.13776 16.797 17.9168 18 0.13776 0.099876 17.9168 19.0366. 19 0.13776 0.099876 17.9168 19.0366 20 0.099876 0.072324 19.0366 20.1564 21 0.072324 0.05166 20.1564 21.2762 22 0.05166 0.037884 21.2762 22.396 23 0.037884 0.01722 22.396 25.7554 24 0.037884 0.01722 22.396 25.7554 25 0.037884 0.01722 22.396 25.7554 26 0.01722 0 25.755427.995 27 0.01722 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 o 25.7554 o 27.995 o 27.995 o 27.995 o 27.995 27.995 o o o o G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc q 0.0 0.3 0.9 1.9 2.9 3.4 3.4 3.1 2.6 1.9 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0·3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 • Detention Basin Calculation By using the method outlined in San Diego County Hydrology Manual, the Detention Basin should detain approximately 2.00 cfs for the lO-year storm event. Total Run off for proposed 10 year storm event = 10.147 cfs (11.636 cfs -1.489 cfs for half of Cassia Road to be detained by others) Total Run off for Existing 10 year storm = 8.763 cfs 10.147 cfs -8.763 cfs = 1.384 cfs Orifices: One circular orifice with 3" diameter, with sharp clean edge and spaced out at l' elevation intervals (a total of 4 orifices) have been used to calculate the basin discharge up to a water surface depth of 4' (see riser detail below). The cross sectional area for each one of them is 0.05 SF. The standard orifice equation is used to calculate the flow discharge. Q = CoAo~2g(Ho) (Office equation -San Diego County Drainage Design Manual) Ao= 0.05 SF Co = 0.6 g =32.2 ft/SA2 Ho : effective head above the orifice (ft) Q : orifice flow discharge cfs • A circular Riser structure with 1.5 ft Dia. is used (L=4.71' {perimeter of riser}} • 3 Q = Cscw LH2 (yV eir equation -San Diego County Drainage Design Manual) H Cscw =3.27+0AHw=4.16 H: head above weir crest (0.5') Hw: height of weir crest (4') L: length of weir crest Q for the Riser = 4.16 x 4.71 X 0.5A 1.5= 6.93 cfs > (4.821 cfs for 100 year event) EI f eva Ion o th epl H 0 Q T IQ ota 311.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 312.00 0.50 0.25 0.12 0.12 312.50 1.00 0.75 0.21 0.21 313.00 1.50 1.25 0.27 0.25 0.12 0.39 313.50 2.00 1.75 0.32 0.75 0.21 0.53 G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409.HYDROLOGY.doc • • • 314.00 2.50 2.25 0.36 1.25 0.27 0.25 0.12 0.75 314.50 3.00 2.75 0.40 1.75 0.32 0.75 0.21 0.93 315.00 3.50 3.25 0.43 2.25 0.36 1.25 0.27 0.25 0.12 1.18 315.50 4.00 3.75 0.47 2.75 0.40 1.75 0.32 0.75 0.21 1.40 316.00 *** 0.50 6.93 8.33 *** The Q for Riser structure been added Using Hydrograph Routing Program Package (see Flood Hydrograph for Detention Basin in Section 4) the peak flow = 1.115 cfs The proposed 10 year storm event at the detention Basin = 3.444 cfs The Basin is detaining 2.33 cfs > 1.384 cfs 314.5 FL 313.5 FL 4' 312.5 FL 311.5 FL 18" CMP RISER Emergency Spillway Calculation: 1 EA -4" Dia. Orfice (typ.") In case the riser becomes completely clogged, an emergency spillway will outlet the runoff to a modified Type 'F' catch basin located at the downstream end of the spillway (see detail below). G:\Accts\041 !09\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\O'109-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • Spillway Dimension Length = 2ft Height = 1 ft Side slope = 2: 1 horz.N ert. For 100 year storm event Q = 4.821 cfs Cscw (Weir coefficient) = 3.27 + 0.4 x (H 1 Hw) = 3.27 +0.4 x 1/4=3.37 Q = C scwLH 2/3 L= Q (San Diego County Drainage Design Manual) C H2/3 csw L = 4.821/3.37 x 1 = 1.43 ft (2 ft been used) Q = CSCWLH2/3 = 3.37 x 2 x 1 = 6.74 cfs > 4.821 cfs Catch Basin Calculation for Emergency Spillway: A modified Type F Catch Basin, with three openings, will be located at the downstream end of the emergency spillway to convey the overflow into a storm drain (see detail below), and eventually will outlet next to the riser discharge . Cscw (Weir coefficient) for the main Opening = 3.27 + 0.4 x (H 1 Hw) = 3.27 +0.4 x 117.7=3.8 Cscw (Weir coefficient) for the minor Opening = 3.27 + 0.4 x (H 1 Hw) = 3.27 +0.4 x 0.5/8.2 =3.29 (San Diego County Drainage Design Manual) Q (main Opening) = 3.8 x 2 x 1 = 7.6 cfs Q (minor Opening) = 3.29 x 2 x 0.5 = 2.33 cfs Q total = Q (main Opening) + 2 x Q (minor Opening) = 7.6 + 2 x 2.33 = 12.2 cfs > 6.74 cfs (Spillway outlet) Riser Emergency Spillway > 4.821 cfs (100 year storm event) Mod. Type F C.B. Retaining wall 1"'---________ _ C.B.IEMERGENCY SPILLWAY I ----I __ L______ .. I ---------~ G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\04Q9-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • Grass-lined Swales Design Procedure: Two grass-lined swales have been utilized for this project; a Northerly flowing grass swale located at the West side of Building A, of Lot 1, and a Westerly flowing grass swale located at the North side of Building A, of Lot 1. Both swales are triangular ditches with varying hydraulics. A computer program developed by CivilCADD/Crvll..DESIGN Engineering Software © 1999, Version 2.1, was used to determine the depth of the channels. Where the channel had varying longitudinal slope gradients, the least gradient was analyzed to calculate the worst case (greatest depth). (See section 4, Western Swale Design and Northern Swale Design). CONCLUSION The on-site Storm Drainage System has been analyzed and based on the output results the following conclusions have been made for the 2-year, 10-year and 100-year storm event: Existing Conditions (See Exhibit A): The total Q100 for the Cassia Offices = 12.718 cfs The total QlO for the Cassia Offices = 8.763 cfs The total Q2 for the Cassia Offices = 5.413 cfs Proposed Conditions (See Exhibit B): The total QI00 for the Cassia Offices = 16.910 cfs The total QlO for the Cassia Offices = 11.636 cfs The total Q2 for the Cassia Offices = 7.194 cfs Throughout the calculations, many different area types were used in order to better reflect the actual percentage of impervious area found in each sub-basin. In tum, the yielded results are more accurate and true to the actual post-developed conditions. Based on these calculations, the post development QlO for Cassia Offices is higher than the pre-development QlO by a value of 2.873 cfs (1.384 cfs to detain -see Detention Basin Calculation section). In order to reduce the proposed Q, and to not exceed the existing condition, an on-site detention basin and more landscaped areas (as described in the SUSMP report) will help detain the increase in Q caused by development. The detention basin will detain 1,108 cubic feet during the lO-year storm event that it was designed for. The flow control structure will discharge storm water to match the approximated lO-year storm allowable peak flow (see section 4, Flood Hydrograph for Detention Basin). The emergency spillway outlets 6.74 cfs which is more than the calculated lOO-year storm event, and the catch basin is able to handle 12.2 cfs which is more than the Q that the spillway will be releasing . G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • At El Camino Real a new Type B curb inlet will be placed to connect an existing 18" RCP with a proposed 18" RCP to carry the runoff from El Camino Real into the open space area. A computer program developed by CivilCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software © 1989 -2004, Version 7, called Hydrograph Routing Program Package was used to determine the hydraulics of the new inlet (see section 4, Pipe Flow Hydraulics for Storm Drain at El Camino Real) . G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc f ' f-'> I' I. '\ J 1 .) -1' .: .'.' , " \ ;; .. ' "'. -I I 1 I J , 'I ,:.! ." i ,-.' •... , . l- . r- L· . (. CITY OF ENCINITAS VICINITY NO SCALE . NOT TO SCALE l. ~/'!.!! 14STA ROAD • ,. SITE ~\j~ . CITY OF SAN MARCOS r . .. "-- MAP i I I II San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Table 3-1 Section: Page: RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use I-RDnoffCoefficicnt "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements Coun Elements %IMPER. A B Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Pcnnanent Open Space O· 0.20 0.25 Low Density Residential (LOR) Residential, 1.0 OU/A or less 10 0.27 032 Low Density Residential (WR) Residential, 2.0 OUI A or less 20 0.34 0.38 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.9 OU/A or less ~ 0.38 0.41 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential. 10.9 DUIA or less 45 0.52 0.54 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less SO O.5S 0.58 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 6S 0.66 0.67 High Density Residential (}IDR) Residential. 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 Commercialllndustrial (N. Com) Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 CommmciaVlndustrial (G. Com) General Commercial S5 0.80 0.80 Commercialllndustrial (O.P. Com) Office ProfessionallCoIllDlCICial 90 0.S3 0.84 Commercial/Industrial (Limited 1.) Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 C 0.30 036 0.42 0.45 0.48 0.54 0.57 0.60 0.69 0.;t8 " 0.78 0.81 0.84 0.84 3 6 of 26 D 0.35 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 Cummercialllndustrial (General 1.) General Industria) 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 "'The values associated with (lOA. impervious may be used for direct calculation of 1he :iunoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (represeating the pervious runoff coefficient, Cpo for the soil type). or for areas that will nmWn lUldisturbed in pcJpCtUity. .Justification must be given th!at the an:a will mnain natwal fonwer (e.g .• the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DUI A"" dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service • 3-6 <"'.; .i . ,.-.~" .,"-.;/ '~- '1 -~fs H)J ~ 1m U) COUlI(.-'. SAN DIEGO DEfAK T OF SANITATION & FLOOD flTROL 45' , , i - I I 15' I r · :-1-, I 33<> Of:) , • -I 33~ · : I ~. '7"-• .. ,'r .... .., ....... \ lOO-YEAR 6:!U~ pnECIPITATmi~ r2Q...; ISOPLUVIALS eF lOO-YEAR 6-1I0UI1 pnECIPITI\TIOn U,I I EilTHS Or-At·! H,~CII ~ 13 .0 1 5' I . 'I i I. I . un_~ I • • _ __ _)1 _ *i1G iillt.h :::r~ Jt-\I P,cpAt:d bl' U.S. DEPARTMENlr OF COMMERCE NATIONAL OC~AN'C I\NO A'f~ClSt'U£H'C ADW'N,sTRATIOI'f IAt. STUOIES IlRhN CII, 0 f'f'IC£ 0 f' IIi nttoLOGY, NATIONAL WEATIIt:R SERy,Ct; "~::~~-----+"~--~I~~~--~~ ... 3Q'~_ liB' liS' " 30 1 15' lit o. ,:1 ,1"1 I~. liS • 30' .... ~. it ..• it·: .. ~;i .. •• ... '1)11 'i~.'!~;S' ", .. q _·M_· 15' n6U .,., -(0 c AJ rn ~ .-- N / COUNT. I SAN DIEGO o EPJ\RTt\ NT OF SANITATION & fLOOO CONTROL !15 I 3D' IS' r , 33~DJ3 ' 33" -. .-1- --:'-.... :,r-~ lOO-VEAIl. 24~l!R pnECIPITATIO~j '-20./ ISOPlUUIAlS Or-1 00 -YEAR 24-UOUI1 I 5. Z L.S I -I ~ ~ "'~I'M ~'<i Lar u.s. DEPARTMI::Nlr Of COMM1::f<CE . ,. A TiON.At. OC,"I\:-;IC ANO A·r:.\I,:'j'II,""IC AO.IIUI:;..-I1ATION 'M. HU.'" "","CU.):,"C" Of ~rk.LOOY. OA."',"AL •• AT" •• ',""CE 1/1 I Ill" J r, 1.1 )0 ' I r. I I· • ",,0 III lit 'Iii' ...;. . )0'· .....--..-. , ' •. I ~ • HG'" • I I I-W W U. ~ w () z ~ U) 0 w ~ ::) 0 0 0:: w ~ :; 1001 1.5 I' HN// ~%~t&f /:¥ A· ~ , 130 0 en ~ ::) Z 20 :E £: w :E i= ~ ... u.. 10 ~ :5 a: w ~ 5 '\ '0 EXAMPLE: Given: Watercourse Distance (D)::; 70 Feet Slope (8) =1.3% Runoff CoeffICient (e) ;: 0.41 Overland Flow Time (T);: 9.5 Minutes T= 1.8 (1.1-C) VD 3VS =l SOURCE: Airport Drainage. Federal Aviation Administration. 1965 FIGURE Rational Formula -Overland Tune of Flow Nomograph 3-3 ., '-=-_/ --' :'., ,\.. ' .~: el __ oj ((. " San Diego County Hydrology Manual . Date: June 2003 Section: Page: 3 12 of 26 Note that the Initial Time of Concentration should be reflective of the general land-use at the upstream end of a drainage basin. A single lot with an area of two or less acres does not have a significant effect w~ere the drainage basin area is 20 to 600 acres. Table 3-2 provides limits of the length (Maximum Length (LM) of sheet flow to be used in hydtology studies. Initial TI values based on averag~ C values for the Land Use Element are also included. These values can be used in planning and design applications as described below. Exceptions may be approved by the "Regulating Agency" when submitted with a .. detailed study. Table 3-1 ~ OVERLAND FLOW LENGTU (LMl & INITIAL TIME OF CONCENTRATION (Til Element· DUJ .5% . 1% 2% 3% 5% 10% Acro LM T. LM TI LM TI LM T, LM TI LM T, Natural SO 13.2 70 12.5 8S 10.9 100 10.3 100 8.7 100 6,9 LDR. 1 SO 12.2 70 11.5 8S 10.0 100 . 9.S 100 8.0 100 6.4 LDR. 2 50 11.3 70 10.S 8S 9.2 100 8.8 100 7.4 100 .. 5.8 LDR. 2.9 SO 10.7 70 10.0 ' 8S 8.8 9S 8.1 100 7.0 100 S.6 MDR 4.3 SO 10.2 70 9.6 80 8.1 9S 7.8 100 6.7 100 5.3 MDR. 1.3 SO 9.2 65 8.4 80 7.4 95 7.0 100 6.0 100 4.8 MDR 10.9 SO 8.7 65 7.9 80 6.9 90 6.4 100 .5.7 100 4.5 MDR 14.5 SO 8.2 6S 7.4 80 6.S 90 6.0 100 S.4 100 4.3 HDR. 24 50 6.7 6S 6.1 7S 5.1 90 4.9 9S 4.3 100_ 3;S 'HOR. 43 50 5.3 6S 4.7 ' 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 100 2.7 N.Com 50 5.3 60 4.5 75 4.0 85 3.8 95 3.4 100 : 2.7 O.Com I 50 4.7 60 4.1 75 3.6 85 3.4 90 2.9 100 2.4 O.P.lCom 50 4.2 60 3.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 100 2.2 Limited I .. 50 4.2 60 3.7 70 3.1 80 2.9 90 2.6 100 2.2 General I. 50 3.7 60 3.2 70 2.7 80 2.6 90 2.3 100 1.9 *See Table 3-1 for more detailed description 3-11 EQUATION 1~-ri-~~~~~~~Iail~fHHlfHHtHf.H+ttIlttttitttll, I = 7.414 Pe 0-0.645 "*IH~+H+f,HHtI I • Intenaily (1nIhr) Pe. &Hour Pnlcipilation (IR) l:-+-h~J-I.~~~d+~~ml.RtRlHKU~HfHfHHfI D =-: DurIIIian (min) H--. L ,I-oi~ i"I I~ . r:t:: ... ,'~"" I'll -Y" ~ ~ -f I~~ I~ ~ iii ~ I! I ~l.o ---,. '" f.., 1111. F'J"'IO 101.0 b' !o. !0.7h _"mil ~, ~~~ i It:· I :.jIII IoU ,.,. 1U11It:5.0 hL -. IW1Il 4.5 ~i III.... . lUll U n, ... . -~ ..... n 111I1·liiJ I ~II. u " "T I ~ n 1.0 : 1IIIIIIIIIIIIHnlmm~IIIIII~lIrumll .. ,[ :. 7'. ,. ,. _ ...-• Haws '5 & IIII! IntenIIIty-Duration DuIgn Cbart -Template e -, .;:,....- -.,- . ~\'---7 ',--" DINctIaa.far~ (1) Fmm.PNCiPitIIion maps dat8Imina 6 ... and 24 hramoun1S far1hie .. 1.Ciri~.""" mapa .. irIctUC*t 1n1he County~ __ (1o.50."'1ODyr ..... induded In the DMign..t PIoc8dunI ....... ). (2) Adjust 6 hi' prtIClfPtatiQn (if neceSsary) 80 1hat It is WiIhin the .ange of 4S'Jf-1D 65% of the 24 hr predpiIation (not appIiG.IpIe to Desert). ~3) Plot e hr,prarJpiIatiOn on the right side of the ch8rL (4) Draw. line It!mugh U. point parallel to the pItJU8d Ones. (5) lhia line • the Intansity-dUlation curve for the /oaItiOn being analyzed. ADaUcaIIaD Fonn: (a) ~ frequency year p (b) P6;& _In.. P24 "" .~ = %(2) 24 (~) Adjust8d P6~) .: In. (d) 'x = _ min. (e) I-_ inJhr. No&e: This chart replaces the lntensityoOuratuency CUMIS WMd"'1965. IN r~ I • f...u I II I u-,-.- DonIiaI TTTI I I I I i~ iii' ::rOAO 'uol1.1&j1.4i CUll IUIQ t.tl8 1.33 .., .. ,G.41 G.I1 0.1211.02 " J lt34 D.S1 o.a 0JJi 1 .. CL1II&+4 oa cl.'Ia _ ... 3.17 iii iilu 1212.8 '10.21 U8 O.R ClII 0.71 0Jn 1M 1.11 1..:n 1M 1.;67 ':I 'C1.2Z U3 G.O OM G.I5 0.71 0.17 o.t8 ,. 1.tO tao' 1 0.,. Q.2I us 0.47 CL5I OMI 03S ,QA15 U4 1.03 1.f3 :I 0.17 0JI5 o.as 0.42 o.so 0.58 0.&7 0.75. G.II4 o.az UXJ FIGURE I , 3-1 L,e, .. ~-~ n=0030 n = 0 015 n = 0.0175 6" I , •• 20 15 10 9 ~ 7 6 ::. 5 ", .. -'#. 4 -CD Q. ..2 3 UJ 1) 2.5 ~ 2 .... UJ 1 ~~~~-----'~~~~~~--~-----r~~~----------------~ Ie 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 Discharge (tt3,S) Figure 2-2 6-inch Gutter and Roadway Discharge-Velocity Chart San Diego County Drainage Design Manual (May 2005) Page 2-13 20 30 40 50 ( .( '. ~ San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Existing 100-year storm event G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\04110gexl00b.out Program License Serial Number 5014 -----------------------------------------------------------------------p Rational hydrology study storm event year is English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 2.800 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 5.000 P6/P24 = 56.0% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used 100.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.) Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.46 %, in a development 'type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.22 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.5)/( 2.462A (1/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.972 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.174(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100(Ac.) c. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 250.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.526(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.526(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity 0.315(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 250.668(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.31(Ft/S) Travel time 4.24 min. Time of concentration = 13.45 min. Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 3.896(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.210 Subarea runoff = 0.644(CFS) for 0.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.818(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.007(Ft.) 0.600(AC.) 0.375(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Statio~ 104.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.242(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.836(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.01(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.40 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 16.85 min. 2.091 (CFS) 2.011(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.369(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.671 CA = 1.054 Subarea runoff = 2.733(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total ~unoff = 3.551(CFS) Total area = 1.570(AC.) Street flow at end of street = 3.551(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.776(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.276(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.270(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.542(Ft.) ++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-1:+++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Dec·imal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Time of concentration = 16.85 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.369(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.513 CA = 1.586 Subarea runoff 1.793(CFS) for 1.520(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.344(CFS) Total area = 3.090(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Length of street segment 250.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 48.000(Ft.) c. Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.s00(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.s00(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.01S0 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = ~.s86(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.282(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.95S(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 9.342(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.96(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.41 min. TC = lS.26 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDVSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.S70 Rainfall intensity = 3.199(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.543 CA = 1.S30 Subarea runoff 0.510(CFS) for 0.280(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.Ss3(CFS) Total area = 3.370(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 5.S53(CFS) 'Half street flow at end of street = 2.927(CFS) Deptl;l of flow = 0.2S6(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.990(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.527(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 3.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.S53(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.26 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.199(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 '. ~. Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 321. 000 (Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.500{Ft.) Elevation difference 1.500(Ft.) Slope = 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*{1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 3.333A{1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity ,(I) = 5.036(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.159(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 114.000 to point/Station 106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.500(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 309.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 245.000(Ft.) Channel base width 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.366(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.) I Average velocity Channel flow top width = 90.997(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.41(Ft/S) Travel time 10.07 min. Time of concentration = 19.11 min. Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.366(CFS) 0.405(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3. 107 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.158 Subarea runoff = 0.331(CFS) for 0.360(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.489(CFS) Total area = 0.450(Ac.) Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.), Average velocity 0.010 (Ft.) 0.455(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.450(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.489(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.107(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 5.853 18.26 3.199 2 0.489 19.11 3.107 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.853) + 1.000 * 0.956 * 0.489) + 6.321 Qmax(2) = 0.971 * 1. 000 * 5.853) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.489) + 6.174 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.853 0.489 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 6.321 6.174 Area of streams before confluence: 3.370 0.450 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 6.321(CFS) Time of concentration 18.260 min. Effective stream area after confluence 3.820 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 310.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.090 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N ' = O. 035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) 6.363 (CFS) Flow(q) thru subarea = 6.363 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0.049(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 64.856(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.10(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.46 min. Time of concentration = r 20.72 min. Critical depth = 0.069(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 6.282(CFS) 2.099(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 6.321{CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.949 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.504 CA = 2.131 Subarea runoff = O.OOO{CFS) for 0.410(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.321(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.048{Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.068{Ft.) 4.230{AC.) 2.094{Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.230{Ac.) Runoff from this stream 6.321(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.72 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.949(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 126.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 310.000{Ft.) Lowest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 2.000(Ft.) = 100.000(Ft.) Slope 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of General Industrial 2.00 %, in a development type of In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.75 minutes TC = [1.B*(1.1-C)*distance{Ft.)A.5)/{% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.B*(1.1-0.B700)*{ 70.000A.5)/{ 2.000A{1/3)]= 2.75 Calculated TC of 2.749 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.B70 Subarea runoff = 0.S7B(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090{Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Proce~s f~om Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** $TREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 30B.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 303.400{Ft.) Length of street segment 245.000{Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0{In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 4B.000{Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 46. SOO'{Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side{s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (V/hZ) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500{Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = O.OlBO Manning's N from grade break to crown = O.OlBO Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.424{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.204(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.923(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.46B(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.92{Ft/s) Travel time = 2.12 min. TC = 4.B7 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.B70 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.B70 CA = 0.322 Subarea runoff 1.797(CFS) for 0.2BO{Ac.) Total runoff = 2.37S(CFS) Total area = 0.370 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.37S(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.187(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.234(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.132(Ft/s)' Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.969(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 122.00'0 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.37S(CFS} Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 4.87 min. 7.377 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 116.000 to point/Station 118.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A 0.000 B 0.000 C 0.000 D 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 324.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 5.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of General Industrial 5.00 %, in a development type of In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.30 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( gO.OOOA.S)/( 5.000A (l/3)]= a.3D Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than S minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall inten$ity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In!Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.706(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.110(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 120.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 318.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 30S.000(Ft.) Length of street segment 560.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline Width of half street (curb to crown) 6.0 (In.) 4 8 • 0 0 0 (Ft . ) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.244(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.459(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.45(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.81 min. TC = 6.11 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 3.075(CFS) 2.449(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 6.484(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.809 Subarea runoff 4.540(CFS) for 0.820(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.246(CFS) Total area = 0.930(Ac.) street flow at end of street = 5.246(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 2.623(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.283(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.759(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.378(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** upstream point/station elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 303.400(Ft.) pipe length 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.015 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 5.246(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.246(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9.33(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 9.98(In.) Critical Depth = 11.15(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.00(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.10 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.21 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.246(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 6.21 min. 6.414(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.375 4.B7 7.377 2 5.246 6.21 6.414 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 2.375) + 1. 000 * 0.784 * 5.246) + 6.490 Qmax(2) 0.869 * 1. 000 * 2.375) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 5.246) + 7.311 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.375 5.246 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 6.490 7.311 Area of streams before confluence: 0.370· 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.311(CFS) Time of concentration 6.212 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 10B.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 303.400 (Ft.) 264.000(Ft.) 90 . 000 (Ft. ) 90 . a 00 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 7.339(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.030(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 92.994(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.68(Ft/s) Travel time 0.56 min. Time of concentration = 6.77 min. Critical depth = 0.059(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 7.339(CFS) 2.679(Ft/s) Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1. 000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 6.946(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 7.311(CFS) is being u$ed Rainfall intensity = 6. 066 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.854 CA = 1.145 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 7.311(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.030(Ft.), Average velocity = critical depth = 0.059(Ft.) 1. 340 (Ac.) 2.675(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station i08.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.340(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 7.311(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.77 min. Rainfall intensity = 6.066(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 128.000 to Point/Station 129.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 70.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.60 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5 )/( 8.571A(l/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.170 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0 .. 350 Subarea runoff = 0.065(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 129.000 to Point/Station 130.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** 3 02 . 000 (Ft. ) Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation = Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 295 . 000 (Ft. ) 120.000(Ft.) 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.234(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.015(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 26.491(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.61(Ft/s) Tr~vel time 3.28 min. Time of concentration = 9.88 min. Critical depth = 0.014(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 'Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal 'fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.234(CFS) 0.609(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 4.755(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 Subarea runoff = 0.285(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = O.349(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.019(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.018(Ft.) o .2.10 (Ac . ) 0.711 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 180.000(Ft.) Channel base width 100.OOO(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint 50.000 50.000 of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.500(Ft.) 0.610(CFS) 0.610(CFS) (e Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 100.838(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.72(Ft/s) Travel time 4.14 min. Time of concentration = 14.02 min. Critical depth = 0.010(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1. 000 0.725 (Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.794(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.203 Subarea runoff = 0.421(CFS) for 0.370(AC.) Total runoff = 0.770(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) O. 580(Ac.) 0.795(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The "following data inside Main Stream is listed:" In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.580(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.770(CFS) Time'of concentration = 14.02 min. "Rainfall intensity = 3.794(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 3 Qmax(l) Qmax(2) Qmax(3) Total of = Flow rate (CFS) 6.321 7.311 0.770 1. 000 * 0.486 * 0.777 * 1.000 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.625 * 1. 000 * TC (min) 20.72 6.77 14.02 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.327 * 1. 000 * 0.483 * 0.677 * 1.000 * 1. 000 * 6.321) 7.311) 0.770) 6.321) 7.311) 0.770) 6.321) 7.311) 0.770) 3 main streams to confluence: Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.949 6.066 3.794 + + + 10.473 + + + 9.748 + + + 9.619 Flow rates before confluence point: 6.321 7.311 0.770 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 10.473 9.748 9.619 Area of streams before confluence: 4.230 1.340 0.580 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 10.473 (CFS) Time of concentration 20.721 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.150 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 264.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 110.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 50.000(Ft.) Slope or IZI of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or IZI of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 10.516(CFS) D'epth of flow = 0.076 (Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 57.557(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.59(Ft/s) Tr~vel time 0.71 min. Time of concentration = 21.43 min. Critical depth = 0.107(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 10.138(CFS) 10.516(GFS) 2.587(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 10.473(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.886(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.562 CA = "3.514 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.473(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.075(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.107(Ft.) 6.250 (Ac.) 2.584(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.250(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 10.473(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.43 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.886 (Iti/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 132.000 to Point/Station 134.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 150.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 322.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Elevation difference 2.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.600 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.60 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 10.64 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft:)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.S)/( 1.600A(1/3)]= 10.64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.S32(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runof~ = 0.333(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.210(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 134.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 26S.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 36S.000(Ft.) Channel base width 220.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning'S 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.213(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 220.823(Ft.) 1.213(CFS) 0.668(Ft/s) Flow Velocity = 0.67(Ft/s) Travel time 9.10 min. Time of concentration = 19.74 min. Critical depth = 0.010(Ft.) Adding area flow to c4annel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0·.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 3.042 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.661 Subarea runoff = 1.679(CFS) for 1.680(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.013(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.011(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.890(AC.) O.818(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.014(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.890(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.013(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 19.74 min. 3.042 (In/Hr) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t++ Process from Point/Station 138.000 to Point/station 140.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 296.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.) 65.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 9.231 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 9.23 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 6.44 minutes slopeA(1/3)] 9.231A(1/3)]= 6.44 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.269(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.263(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.120(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 140.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width = 290.000(Ft.) 265.000(Ft.) 80.000(Ft.) 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.439(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 90.613(Ft.) Flow'Velocity = 0.79(Ft/s) Travel time 1.68 min. Time of concentration = 8.12 min. Critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.439(~FS) 0.793(Ft/s} Rainfali intensity = 5.397(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 Subarea runoff = 0.266(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.529(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.010(Ft.) 0.2g0(Ac.} 0.854(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.280(Ac.} Runoff from this stream 0.529(CFS} Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) 8.12 min. 5.397(In/Hr} TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2.013 19.74 3.042 2 0.529 8.12 5.397 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.013) + 0.564 * 1.000 * 0.529) + 2.311 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.411 * 2.013) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.529) + = 1.356 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.013 0.529 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.311 1.356 Area of streams before confluence: 1.890 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.311(CFS} Time of concentration 19.742 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.170(Ac.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 250.000(Ft.} Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.} Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.332(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.031(Ft.}, Average velocity Channel flow top width = 43.142(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.79(Ft/s) Travel time 0.75 min. Time of concentration = 20.49 min. Critical depth = 0.046(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 2.298(CFS} 2.332(CFS} 1.786(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 2.970(In/Hr} for a 2.311(CFS) is being used 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.773 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.311(CFS) Total area 2.210 (Ac.) 1.779(Ft/s) Depth of flow = 0.031(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.046(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.311(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.49 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.970(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 Qmax(l) Qmax(2) Flow rate (CFS) 10.473 2.311 1.000 * 0.971 * 1.000 * 1.000 * TC (min) 21.43 20.49 1.000 * 1. 000 '* 0.956 * 1.000 * 10.473) 2.311) 10.473) 2.311) Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 10.473 2.311 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.886 2.970 + + 12.718 + + 12.324 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12.718 12.324 Area of streams before confluence: 6.250 2.210 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 12.718(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.430 min. Effective stream area after confluence End of computations, total study area 8.460 (Ac.) 8.460 (Ac.) ce re \ San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology roanual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Proposed conditions 100-year storm event G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\041109prl00b.out ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** --------------------------------------------------------------------~--- Program License Serial Number 5014 Rational hydrology study storm event year is English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 2.800 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 5.000 P6jP24 = 56.0% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used 100.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 200.000 to Point/Station 2'01.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.) Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.46 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.22 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 8S.000A.S)/( 2.462A (l/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.972 (In!Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.174(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 201.000 to Point/Station 202.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 250.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.467(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 250.622(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.30(Ft/s) Travel time 4.44 min. Time of concentration = 13.66 min. Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open apace ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.467(CFS) 0.300(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 3.858(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.171 Subarea runoff = 0.48S(CFS) for 0.390(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.662(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) 0.490 (Ac.) 0.345(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 202.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) c· Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1. 500 (In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.13s(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.243(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.021(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.897(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.02(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.38 min. TC = 17.04 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainf.all intensity = 3.345 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.708 CA = 1.111 Subarea runoff 3.0ss(CFS) for Total runoff = 3.716(CFS) Street flow at end of street = 1.080(Ac.) Total area = 3.716 (CFS) 1.570 (Ac.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.279(Ft.), Average Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 1.858(CFS) . velocity = 2.294(Ft/s) 8.703(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 202.000 to point/Station 204.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 17.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.345(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.538 CA = 1.608 Subarea runoff 1.662(CFS) for 1.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.379(CFS) Total area = 2.990(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: (. \----~ In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.990(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.379(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.04 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.345(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 2'87.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D = 0.000 = 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 175.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.860(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.400(Ft.) Elevation difference = 2.460(Ft.) Slope = 1.406 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.691 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: ~he maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the tqp area slope value of 1.69 %, in a develop~ent type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = TC = [1.8*(.1.1-C)*distance(Ft.) ..... 5)/(% TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000"'.5)/( 2.91 minutes slope'" (1/3)] 1.691"'(1/3)]= Calculated TC of 2.907 minutes is less than 5 mihutes, 2.91 resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.899(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.140 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.140(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.899(CFS) Time of concentration 2.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 40.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Elevation difference 0.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 11.29 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.000A(l/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.361(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C =0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.031(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal. fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 (INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.361(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.697 CA = 0.042 Subarea runoff 0.152(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.182(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 285.000 to Point/Station 286.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 320.100(Ft.) Pipe length 6.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 0.182(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 0.182(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 2.35(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 2.47(In.) ce .... Critical depth could not pipe flow velocity = be calculated. 4.42(Ft/s) 0.02 min. Travel time through pipe Time of concentration (TC) = 11.32 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 286.000 to Point/Station 28'7.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.) Length of street segment = 53.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48 . 0'00 (Ft. ) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.279(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.118(Ft.) I Average velocity = 2.481(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 1.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.48(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.36 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 11.67 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.270(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.805 CA = 0.129 Subarea runoff 0.368(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.550(CFS) Total area = 0.160(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.550(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.275(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.164(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.978(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 2.941(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 (. Stream flow area = Runoff from this stream Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 0.160 (Ac.) 0.550(CFS) 11.67 min. 4.270 (In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (:):n/Hr) 1 0.899 2.91 7.377 2 0.550 11.67 4.270 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.899) + 1.000 * 0.249 * 0.550) + 1. 036 Qmax (2) 0.579 * 1.000 * 0.899) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.550) + = 1.070 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.899 0.550 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 1.036 1.070 Area of streams before confluence: 0.140 0.160 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 1.070(CFS) Time of concentration 11.674 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 204.000. **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 150.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(rn.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 29.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 28.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/~z) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0200 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0200 Est~ma'ted mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.262(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.861(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.89(Ft/s) 1. 266 (CFS) 1. 888 (Ft/s) (e r4t .... ~ . . . ,. (,_. Travel time = 1.32 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 TC = 13.00 min. 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 3. 984 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.839 CA = 0.344 Subarea runoff 0.301(CFS) for Total runoff = 1.371(CFS) Street flow at end of street = 0.110 (AC.) Total area = 1. 371 (CFS) 1.371 (CFS) 0.410 (Ac.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.267(Ft.), Average Flow width (from curb towards crown)= velocity = 1.924(Ft/s) 8.123 (Ft. ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.410 (Ac.) , Runoff from this stream = 1.371(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.00 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.984(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 321.36Q(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 350.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 18.500 (Ft,.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1. 500 (In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0200 Manning's N from grade break to crown 0.0200 Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 • c, (. Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 3.984(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.850 CA = 0.527 Subarea runoff 2.099(CFS) for 0.210(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.099(CFS) Total area = 0.620(Ac,.) Street flow at end of street = 2.099(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.099(CFS), Depth of flow = 0.290(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.058(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.740(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station. 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Ma'in Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.620(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.099(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 13.00 min. 3.984(In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 5.379 17.04 3.345 2 1.371 13.00 3.984 3 2.099 13.00 3.984 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.379) + 0.840 * 1.000 * 1. 371) + 0.840 * 1.000 * 2.099) + = 8.292 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.763 * 5.379) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.371) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.099) + 7.571 Qmax(3) 1. 000 * 0.763 * 5.379) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1.371) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 2.099) + 7.571 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.379 1.371 2.099 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.292 7.571 7.571 Area of streams before confluence: 2.990 0.410 0.620 '. ~-- Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.292(CFS) Time of concentration 17.044 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.020 (AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/station 204.000 to Point/Station 206.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITI'ON **** Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 309.00'0 (Ft.) Length of street segment 205.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 73.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 71.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Est,imated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.379(Ft.), 'Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.217(Ft.) Flow velocity = 4.17(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.82 min. TC = 17.86 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 0.000 0.000 1. 000 8.725 (CFS) 4.170 (.Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.245 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.639 CA = 2.836 Subarea runoff 0.911(CFS) for 0.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 9.203(CFS) Total area = 4.440(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 9.203(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 9.203(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.385(Ft.) I Average velocity = 4.223(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 14.518(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 206.000 to point/Station 208.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 304.000{Ft.) Length of street segment 320.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6-,0 (In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 70.000{Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 68.500{Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000{Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.437(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 17.110{Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.23(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.65 min. TC = 19.51 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [I~DUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 0.000 0.000 1.000 9.692(CFS) 3.232{Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.065{In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 3.304 Subarea runoff 0.923(CFS) for 0.550(Ac.) Total runoff = 10.126(CFS) Total area = 4.990{Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 10.126(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 10.126(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.443(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.267(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 17.403{Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 208.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.990(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 10.126{CFS) Time of concentration = 19.51 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.065{In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 216.000 to Point/Station 218.000 \,- **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A pecimal fraction soil group B 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance = 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 324.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 5.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 5.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.30 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 90.000A.5)/( 5.000A(1/3)]= 2.30 Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.706(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.110 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 218.000 to Point/Station 220 •. 000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 318.000(Ft.) 305 . 000 (Ft. ) 560;000(Ft.) 1. 000 (Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 3.3'37 (CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.125(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 3.337(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.213(Ft.), Average velocity 4.876(Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 4.125(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 4.88(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.91 min. Time of concentration 4.21 min. Critical depth = 0.320(Ft.) ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 7.377{In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.809 Subarea runoff = 5.263(CFS) for 0.820(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.969(CFS) Total area = 0.930{AC.) Depth of flow = 0.283(Ft.), Average velocity = 6.152(Ft/s) ! !Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.449(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 220.000 to Point/Station 208.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Pipe -length 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 5.969(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 15.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.969(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.96(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 14" 97 (In. ) Critical Depth = 11.85(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 9.02(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.09 min. Tim~ of concentration (TC) = 4.30 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 208.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 5.969(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 4.30 min. 7.377 (In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) 1 10.126 19.51 2 5.969 4.30 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 10.126) 0.416 * 1.000 * 5.969) Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.221 * 10.126) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.065 7.377 + + 12.606 + (. '- 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 5.969) + 8.202 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 10.126 5.969 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12.606 8.202 Area of streams before confluence: 4.990 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 12.606(CFS) Time of concentration 19.513 min. Effective stream area after confluence 5.920(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 278.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 44.20(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 12.606(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 12.606(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.32(In.) . Flow top width ins ide pipe = 8 .23 (In. ) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 38.03(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 19.53 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 5.920(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 12.606(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.53 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.063(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 222.000 to Point/Station 224.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space Impervious value/ Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance = 55.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 30S.500(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 300.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = S.500(Ft.) Slope = 15.455 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 15.46 %/ in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 5.42 minutes TC = [1.S*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.S*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 15.455A(l/3)]= 5.42 Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.004(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.074(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 224.000 to Point/Station 2S0.DOO **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 300.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 27S.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea lS5.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of c~annel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.263(CFS) Depth of flow = O.OOS(Ft.) / Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 60.76S(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.57(Ft/s) Travel time 5.43 min. Time of concentration = 10.85 min. Critical depth = O.OOS(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value/ Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.263(CFS) 0.567(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 4.475(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.087 Subarea runoff = 0.318(CFS) for 0.220(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.392(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.) I Average velocity = Critical depth = O.Oll(Ft.) 0.250 (Ac.) 0.664(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.250(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.392(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 10.85 min. 4.475(In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 12.606 19.53 3.063 2 0.392 10.85 4.475 Qmax (1) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 12.606) + 0.685 * 1. 000 * 0.392) + 12.874 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.556 * 12.606) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.392) + = 7.396 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 12.606 0.392 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 12.874 7.396 Area of streams before confluence: 5.920 0.250 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 12.874(CFS) Time of concentration 19.533 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.170 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 212.006 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 278 . 000 (Ft. ) 2 65 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) = 60 . 00 0 (Ft . ) 60 . 000 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 12.874(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.066(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 66.552(Ft.) 3.105(Ft/S) (. Flow Velocity = 3.11(Ft/s) Travel time 0.32 min. Time of concentration = 19.85 min. Critical depth = 0.109(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.170(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 12.874(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.85 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.031(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 226.000 to Point/Station 228.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance. 70.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The.maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.60 minutes TC = [1. 8* (1.1-C) *distance (Ft.) ".5) / (% slope" (1/3) J TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000".5)/( 8.571"(1/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.170 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.065(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 228.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 302 . 000 (Ft. ) 295 . 000 (Ft. ) 120.000(Ft.) 90.000 (Ft. ) c· ce Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.224(CFS) 0.224(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 90.677(Ft.) 0.366(Ft/s) Flow Velocity = 0.37(Ft/s) Travel time 5.46 min. Time of concentration = 12.06 min. Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainf~ll intensity = 4.181(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 Subarea runoff = 0.242(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.307(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.007(Ft.) 0.210 (Ac.) 0.415(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = O.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.307(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 12.06 min. 4.181"(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 232.000 to Point/Station 234.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 303.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.000(Ft.) 35 . 000 (Ft. ) Slope 2.857 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.86 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.51 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 2.857A(1/3)]= 9.51 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.872 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.034(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 234.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** 303.000(Ft.) 295.000(Ft.) Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width = 115.000(Ft.) 25.000{Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.094(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 25.474{Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.78(Ft/s) Travel time 2.44 miu. Time of concentration = 11.96 min. Critical depth = 0.008{Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1.000 0.094(CFS) 0.784(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 4.204(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 Subarea runoff = 0.098(CFS) for 0.070{Ac.) Total runoff = 0.132{CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.010{Ft.) 0.090(AC.) 0.899{Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 (. Stream flow area = Runoff from this stream Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate 0.090 (Ac. ) 0.132(CFS) 11.96 min. 4.204 (In/Hr) TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 0.307 12.06 4.181 2 0.132 11.96 4.204 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.307) + 0.994 * 1.000 * 0.132) + = 0.439 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.991 * 0.307) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.132) + 0.437 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.307 0.132 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.439 0.437 Area of streams before confluence: 0.210 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.439(CFS) Time of concentration' 12.061 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 190.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning'S 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.632(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.012(Ft.) I Average velocity Channel flow top width = 61.192(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.87(Ft/s) Travel time 3.62 min. Time of concentration = 15.68 min. Critical depth = 0.015(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.632(CFS) 0.874(Ft/s) [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 3.529(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.214 Subarea runoff = 0.315{CFS) for 0.310(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.754(CFS) Total area = 0.610{Ac.) 0.938{Ft/S) Depth of flow = 0.013{Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.017(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.610{Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.754(CFS) Time of concentration = 15.68 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.529(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 Qmax(1) Qmax(2) Flow rate (CFS) 12.874 0.754 = 1.000 * 0.859 * 1.000 * 1.000 * TC (min) 19.85 15.68 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.790 * 1.000 * 12.874) 0.754) 12.874) 0.754) Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 12.874 0.754 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.031 3.529 + + 13.521 + + = 10.922 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 13.521 10.922 Area of streams before confluence: 6.170 0.610 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 13.521(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.855 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.780(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to point/Station 214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 105.000(Ft.) Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Sl,ope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 13.571(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.096(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 49.621(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.15(Ft/s) Travel time 0.56 min. Time of concentration = 20.41 min. Critical depth = 0.144(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 13.246(CFS) 13.571 (CFS) 3.148(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 13.521(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.978 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year st'orm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.647 CA = 4.449 Subarea runoff =, O.OOO(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) t Total 'runoff = 13.521(CFS) Total area = 6.880 (Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.096(Ft.), Average velocity 3.144(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.143(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/St~tion 214.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.880(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 13.521(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.41 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.978(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 270.000 to Point/Station 271.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 (e Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.970(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Elevat~on difference 1.120(Ft.) Slope = 2.489 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.49 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)"".5)/(% TC = [1.8*{l.1-0.8700)*{ 70.000"".5)/{ 2.56 minutes slopeA (1/3)] 2.489A {l/3)]= 2.56 Calculated TC of 2.556 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.257(CFS) Total'initial stream area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 271.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 318.470(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 135.000(Ft.) Channel base width 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.513(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.077(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 4.928(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.68(Ft/s) Travel time 1.34 min. Time of concentration = 3.90 min . . critical depth = 0.086 (Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.513(CFS) 1. 680 (Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.104 (e {'. ~. Subarea runoff = Total runoff = Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.513(CFS) for 0.080(Ac.) 0.770(CFS) Total area 0.096(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.108(Ft.) 0.120(AC.) 1.904(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.120(AC.) Runoff from this stream 0.770(CFS) Time of concentration 3.90 min. Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 284.000 to Point/Station 290.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 30.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700(Ft.) Lowest. elevation = 320.400(Ft.) Elevation difference 0.300(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 11.29 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)J TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.000A (1/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.361(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.031(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 284.000 to Point/Station 290.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.361(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.610 CA = 0.024 Subarea runoff 0.076(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.106(CFS) Total area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 290.000 to Point/Station 291.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** upstream point/station elevation = 320.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 320.270(Ft.) Pipe length = 7.75(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 0.106(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 0.106(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 2.00(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 2.83(In.) Critical Depth = 2 .37 (In. ) Pipe flow velocity = 3.05(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.04 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.34 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 291.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.270(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Length of street segment 130.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 12.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 10.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0130 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.225(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.143(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.739(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 2.415(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.74(Ft/S) Travel time = 1.25 min. TC = 12.58 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 4.068 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.790 CA = 0.103 Subarea runoff = 0.311(CFS) for 0.090(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.418(CFS) Total area = 0.130(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.418(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.418(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.176(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.787(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 4.032(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.130(AC.) Runoff from this stream 0.418(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 12.58 min. 4.068(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 0.770 3.90 2 0.418 12.58 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * o . 770) 1. 000 * 0.310 * 0.418) Qmax(2) 0.551 * 1.000 * 0.770) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.418) Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.770 0.418 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 7.377 4.068 + + 0.900 + + 0.842 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.900 0.842 Area of streams before confluence: 0.120 0.130 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.900(CFS) Time of concentration 3.895 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.250 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea ~hannel base width = 3 18 . 470 (Ft. ) 317.200 (Ft.) 125.000(Ft.} 3.000 (Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations I!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 1.72.5 (CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel = 0.120(Ft.} Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.725(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.144 (Ft.) I Average velocity 2.516 (Ft/s), !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 6.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.52(Ft/s) Travel time 0.83 min. Time of concentration 4.72 min. Critical depth = 0.166(Ft.) ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.845 CA = 0.355 Subarea runoff = 1.719(CFS) for 0.170(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.619(CFS) Total area = 0.420(Ac.} Depth of flow = 0.177(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.974(Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.211(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.420(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.619(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 4.72 min. 7.377(In/Hr} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 252.000 to Point/Station 253.000 , . (e (e , **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 320.020(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.930(Ft.) 45.000 (Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.090(Ft.) Slope = 2.422 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.42 %, in a develop~ent type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A.5)/( 2.58 minutes s16peA(1/3)] 2. 422A (1/3) ] =, 2.58 Calculated TC of 2.579 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.449(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.070(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 25.3.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 318.930(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 317.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.252(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.108(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 5.712(Ft.) Flow Velocity =' 2.65(Ft/s) Travel time 0.63 min. Time of concentration = 3.21 min. Critical depth = 0.141(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil DeCimal fraction soil Decimal fraction soil [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial group B group C group D = 0.000 0.000 1. 000 1. 252 (CFS) 2.648(Ft/s) Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 7.377(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.278 Subarea runoff = 1.605(CFS) for 0.250(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.054(CFS) Total area = 0.320(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.138(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.165(Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.184(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 254.000 to Point/station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.320(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.054(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 3.21 min. 7.377(In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2.619 4.72 7.377 2 2.054 3.21 7.377 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1.000 * .2.619) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.054) + 4.673 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.679 * 2.619) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.054) + = 3.833 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.619 2.054 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.673 3.833 Area of streams before confluence: 0.420 0.320 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.673(CFS) Time of concentration 4.723 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 0.740 (AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea 317.200(Ft.) 311 . 500 (Ft. ) 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width 8.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.720(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.181(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 8.722(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.13(Ft/s) Travel time 0.53 min. Time of concentration = 5.26 min. Critical depth = 0.217(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN 0.000 0.000 0.000 (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 4.600(CFS) 4.720(CFS) 3.127(Ft/S) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 4.673(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 7.143 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.836 CA = 0.644 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.030(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.673(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.179(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.215,Ft.) 0.770(Ac.) 3.115(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.770(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.673(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 5.26 min. 7.143 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 c4t Initial subarea total flow distance 50.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 317.220(Ft.) Elevation difference 0.780(Ft.) Slope = 1.560 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.56 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 10.73 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.5)/( 1.560A(1/3)]= 10.73 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.508(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = O.063(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.040 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = • 4.508(In/Hr) for ~ 100.0 year stor~ Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.523 CA = 0.031 Subarea runoff 0.078(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.142(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 297.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.508(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 0.066 Subarea runoff 0.157(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.298(CFS) Total area = 0.100(Ac.) (tt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 264.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width = 317.220(Ft.) 311.500(Ft.) 200.000(Ft.) 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 5.500 5.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.363(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.059(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 6.152(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.05(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.17 min. Tim~ of concentration = 13.90 min. Critical depth = 0.051(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.363(CFS) 1.051(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 3.815(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.534 CA = 0.091 Subarea runoff = 0.048(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.346(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.058(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.049(Ft.) 0.170(Ac.) 1.033(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.170(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.346(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 13.90 min. 3.815(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 266.000 to Point/Station 268.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 44.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 31S.500(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.070(Ft.) Slope = 2.432 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.43 %, in a. development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.26 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.5)/( 2.432A(1/3)]= 9.26 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.959(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.017(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.010(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 268.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream. point elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 311.S00(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 200.000(Ft.) Channel base width 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 5.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 5.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.05;&(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.052(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.023(Ft.), Average velocity 0.407(Ft/S) Channel flow top width = 5.750(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.41(Ft/s) Travel time 8.20 min. Time of concentration = 17.45 min. Critical depth = 0.014(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 pecimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 3.294(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.017 Subarea runoff 0.040(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.058(CFS) Total area = 0.050(Ac.) ~ \- Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.024(Ft.) I Average velocity 0.015 (Ft.) O.423(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 25,8.000 . **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = O.050(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.058(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 17.45 min. 3.294(In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 4.673 5.26 7.143 2 0.346 13.90 3.815 3 0.058 17.45 3.294 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.673) + 1. 000 * 0.378 * 0.346) + 1.000 * 0.301 * 0.058) + 4.821 Qmax(2) = 0.534 * 1.000 * 4.673) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.346) + 1.000 * 0.797 * 0.058) + 2.887 Qmax(3) 0.461 * 1. 000 * 4.673) + 0.864 * 1. 000 * 0.346) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.058) + 2.511 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.673 0.346 0.058 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.821 2.887 2.511 Area of streams before confluence: 0.770 0.170 0.050 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = Time of concentration 4.821(CFS) 5.256 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.990(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/station 260.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** upstream point/station elevation = 311.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 306.000{Ft.) Pi~e length 20.00(Ft.) Manning'S N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 4.821(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 4.821(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 4.34(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 8.99(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 22. 85 (Ft/S) Travel time through pipe = 0.01 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 5.27 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 260.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 5.27 min. Rainfall intensity = 7.131(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 CA = 0.759 Subarea runoff 0.592(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff 5.413(CFS) Total area = 1.010(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 260.000 to point/Station 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 306.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 275.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 110.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 5.958(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.038(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 63.833(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.51(Ft/s) Travel time 0.73 min. Time of concentration = 6.00 min. Critical depth = 0.066(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 5.958(CFS) 2.511(Ft/s) ,e \-'-. . (e Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 6.558 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year stbrm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.597 CA = 0.980 Subarea runoff = 1.011(CFS) for 0.630(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.424(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.040(Ft.), Average velocity = critical depth = 0.069(Ft.) 1. 640 (Ac.) 2.585 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Aiong Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.640(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 6.424(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 6.00 min. 6.558 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 242.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Imperwious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 94.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 321.360(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 317.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.360(Ft.) Slope = 4.638 % Top of In~tial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 3.333 A (1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.036(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.035(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 242.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 317 . 000 (Ft. ) (~ (e Downstream point elevation = 275.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 265.000(Ft.) Channel b~se width = 12.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.097(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 13.009(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.77(Ft/s) Travel time 5.75 min. Time of concentration = 14.78 min. Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.097(CFS) 0:768(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.666(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year stqrm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 Subarea runoff = 0.080(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.115(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = O.Oll(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.014(Ft.) o . 09'0 (Ac. ) 0.821(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.115(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.78 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.666(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 6.424 6.00 6.558 2 0.115 14.78 3.666 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.424) + 1.000 * 0.406 * 0.115) + 6.471 Qmax(2) 0.559 * 1. 000 * 6.424) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.115) + 3.707 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.424 0.115 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 6.471 3.707 Area of streams before confluence: 1.640 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 6.471(CFS) Time of concentration = 6.001 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1. 730 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 275.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 50.000(Ft.) Channel base width 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 6.527(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 6.527(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.074(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.082(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 32.382(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.08(Ft/s) Travel time 0.27 min. Time of concentration = 6.27 min. Critical depth = 0.118(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 6.374(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.580 CA = 1.022 Subarea runoff = 0.041(CFS) for 0.030(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.512(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.074(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.118(Ft.) 1.760(AC.) 3.080(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.760(Ac.) (.' Runoff from this stream Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 6.512(CFS) 6.27 min. 6.374(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 248.000 to Point/Station 250.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initi~l subarea total flow distance = 60.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 296.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 10.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 10.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.27 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.1-C)*distance(Ft.}A.5 )/(% slopeA(l/3}] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500}*( 100.000A.5}/( 10.000A(1/3)]= 6.27 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.378(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.268(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0: 120 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 250.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 80.000(Ft.} Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.446(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.}, Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 41.005(Ft.} Flow Velocity = 1.10(Ft/s) Travel time 1.22 min. Time of concentration = 7.48 min. Critical depth = 0.016{Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 0.446(CFS} 1.096(Ft/s) Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 S~-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 5.688 (In/Hr·) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 Subarea runoff = 0.290(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.557(CFS) Total area = 0.280 (Ac.) 1.197 (Ft/s) Depth of flow = O.Oll(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.018(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.557(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.48 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.688(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 6.512 6.27 6.374 2 0.557 7.48 5.688 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 6.512) + 1. 000 * 0.838 * 0.557) + 6.979 Qmax(2) 0.892 * 1. 000 * 6.512) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.557) + = 6.369 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.512 0.557 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 6.979 6.369 Area of streams before confluence: 1.760 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 6.979(CFS) Time of concentration 6.271 min. Effec,tive stream area after confluence = 2.040 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2~6.000 to Point/Statio~ 214;000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea· = 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 15.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 7.014(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 7.014(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.101(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.442(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 25.150(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.44(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.39 min. Time of concentration = 6.66 min. Critical depth = 0.158(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 6.952(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 6.979(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 6.133 (In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.545 CA = 1.134 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.979(CFS)· Total area Depth of flow = 0.101(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.157(Ft.) 2.080(Ac.) 3.437(Ft!s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 214.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.080(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 6.979(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) 6.66 min. 6.133(In/Hr) TC (min) 1 2 Qmax(l) 13.521 6.979 20.41 6.66 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.978 6.133 1.000 * 1.000 * 13.521) + (e (e \ 0.486 * 1. 000 * 6.979) + 16.910 Qmax(2} = 1. 000 * 0.326 * 13.521) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 6.979) + 11.390 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 13.521 6.979 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 16.910 11.390 Area of streams before confluence: 6.880 2.080 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 16.910(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.411 min. Effective stream area after confluence = End of computations, total study area = 8.960(Ac.) 8.550 (Ac.) . ; \ . j 1 j 1 j " _I .' } .. l ·':1 C_ • ., . , ,~. .' . \ \ ~. San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Existing 10-year storm event G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\04110gexl0b.out ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 5014 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 2.000 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 3.500 P6/P24 = 57.1% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 100.000 to Point/Station 101.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.) Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.46 %, in a development tyPe of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.22 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 8S.000A.5)/( 2.462A(1/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.552(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm • Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.124(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 250.000(Ft.) Slope or IZI of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or IZI of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.392(CFS) Manningls INI = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q} thru subarea = 0.392(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.280(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 250.560(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.28(Ft/s) Travel time 4.76 min. Time of concentration = 13.98 min. Critical depth = 0.004(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 "Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) '. . Imperv10us value, A1 = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.715(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.210 Subarea runoff = 0.446(CFS) forO.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.570(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) 0.600 (Ac.) 0.325(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6,0 (In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 0.020 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.221(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.816(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.86(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.68 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 17.66 min. 1.451(CFS) 1.857(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 2.335(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year s.torm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.671 CA = 1.054 Subarea runoff = 1.891(CFS) for Total runoff = 2.461(CFS) Street flow at end of street = 0.970 (Ac.) Total area = 2.461(CFS) 1.230(CFS) 1.570(AC.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.252(Ft.), Average Flow width (from curb towards crown)= velocity = 2.087(Ft/s) 7.329(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 17.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.335(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.513 CA = 1.586 Subarea runoff = 1.242 (CFS) for 1.5,20 (AC;.) Total runoff = 3.703(CFS) Total area = 3.090(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) '. \., . End of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.} Length of street segment = 250.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.} Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.} Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 3.871(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.255(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.724(Ft/S) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 7.995(Ft.} Flow velocity = 2.72(Ft/S) Travel time = 1.53 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 19.19 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.213 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for t~tal area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.543 CA = 1.830 Subarea runoff = 0.346(CFS) for 0.280(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.049(CFS) Total area = 3.370 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.049(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 2.024(CFS} Depth of flow = 0.258(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.752(Ft/s} Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.152(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 3.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.049(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.19 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.213 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station 114.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** '. ~. Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 321.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.500(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.500(Ft.) Slope = 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 3.333A(1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.597(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effedtive runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.113(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 114'.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.500.(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 309.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 245.000(Ft.) Channel base width 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.255(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 90.803(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.35(Ft/s) Travel time 11.62 min. Time of concentration = 20.66 min. Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.110(In/Hr) for a 0.255(CFS) 0.351(Ft/s) 10.0 year storm (. ' ... _. Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KC~A) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.158 Subarea runoff = 0.219(CFS) for 0.360(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.332(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.) I Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) 0.450 (Ac.) 0.390(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.450(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.332(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.110(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 4.049 19.19 2.213 2 0.332 20.66 2.110 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 4.049) + 1.000 * 0.929 * 0.332) + 4.358 Qmax(2) 0.954 * 1.000 * 4.049) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.332) + = 4.193 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.049 0.332 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.358 4.193 Area of streams before confluence: 3.370 0.450 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.358(CFS) Time of concentration 19.191 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 3.820 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 310.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or ·Z· of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.387(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.039(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 63.892JFt.) Flow Velocity = 1.82(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.84 min. Time of concentration = 22.03 min. Critical depth = 0.054(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 4.314(CFS) 4.387(CFS) 1.820(Ft/S) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 4.358(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.025(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.504 CA = 2.131 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.410(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.358(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.039(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.054(Ft.) 4.230(Ac.) 1.815(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.230(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.358(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.03 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.025(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/station 126.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 '. l, Initial subarea total flow distance 100.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 310.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 2.000(Ft.) Slope = 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.75 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)".5)/(% slope"(1/3)] TC = [1.8*{l.1-0.8700)*( 70.000".5)/( 2.000"(1/3)]= 2.75 Calculated TC of 2.749 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = ·0.413 (CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** 'STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 308.000{Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 303.400(Ft.) Length of street segment 245.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break ~o crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter, = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.974 ('CFS) Depth of flow = 0.184(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.800(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.465(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.80{Ft/s) Travel time = 2.27 min. TC = Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 5.02 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.258(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area • (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff CA= 1. 280 (CFS) Total runoff = 1. 692 (CFS) Street flow at end of street = 0.322 for 0.280(Ac.) Total area = 1. 692 (CFS) 0.846(CFS) 0.370 (Ac.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.214(Ft.), Average Flow width (from curb towards crown)~ velocity = 1.988(Ft/s) 5.953(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.692(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 5.02 min. 5.258(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 116.000 to point/Station 11S.000 **** 'INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area tyPe (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 324.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) 120.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 5.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 5.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.30 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 90.000A.5)/( 5.000~(1/3)]= 2.30 Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.S70 Subarea runoff = 0.504(CFS) Total initial stream area = o .1l0 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 120.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 318 . 000 (Ft. ) (e End of street segment elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 560.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000 (·Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.155(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.222(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.272(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.347(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.27(Ft/S) Travel time = 4.11 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 TC = 0.000 = 0.000 0.000 = 1. 000 6.40 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.492 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff.coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.809 Subarea runoff 3.130(CFS) for 0.820(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.634(CFS) Total area =0.930(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 3.634(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 1. 817 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0.255(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.540(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.025(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 305.000{Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 303.400(Ft.) Pipe length 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.015 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 3.634(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.634(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.10(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 11.80(In.) Critical Depth = 9.76(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.51(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.11 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.52 min. (. ,--- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(AC.) Runoff from this stream = 3.634(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 6.52 min. 4.442 (In/Hr) Str.eam Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 1. 692 5.02 5.258 2 3.634 6.52 4.442 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1.692) + 1. 000 * 0.770 * 3.634) + 4.491 Qmax(2) = 0.845 * 1.000 * 1.692) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 3.634) + 5.064 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.992 3.634 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.491 5.064 Area of streams before confluence: 0.370 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.064(CFS) Time of concentration 6.516 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1. 300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 303.400(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 90.000(Ft.) Channel base width 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 5.103(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.024(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 92.409(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.32(Ft/s) Travel time 0.65 min. 5.103 (CFS) 2.323 (Ftjs) • Time of concentration = 7.16 min. Critical depth = 0.046(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [uNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 4.786(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 5.064(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 4.180(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.B54 CA = 1.145 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.064(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.024(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.046(Ft.) 1.340(Ac.) 2.316(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 10B.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.340(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 5.064(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.16 min . . Rainfall intensity = 4.1BO(In/Hr) program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12B.000 to Point/Station 129.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = 70.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 30B.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 c. (. Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.60 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A .5)/( 8.571A (1/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.407(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.046(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 129.000 to Point/Station 130.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 295.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 120.000(Ft.) Channel base width 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N'. = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.185(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.013(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 26.297(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.56(Ft/s) Travel time 3.59 min. Time of concentration = 10.19 min. Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Dec~mal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.185(CFS) 0.557 (Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.329(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 Subarea runoff = 0.198{CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.245(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.015{Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.014{Ft.) 0.210 (Ac.) 0.620(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 180.000(Ft.) Channel base width 100.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 (. Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500{Ft.) Flow{q) thru subarea = 0.424(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007{Ft.) I Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 100.674(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.63{Ft/s) Travel time 4.78 min. Time of concentration = 14.97 min. Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 O.424(CFS) 0.627(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 2.597(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.203 Subarea runoff = 0.283(CFS) for 0.370(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.527(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth 0.010{Ft.) 0.580 (Ac.) 0.684{Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.580{Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.527(CFS) Time of concentration = 14.97 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.597{In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 3 Qmax{l) Qmax(2) Qmax(3) Flow rate (CFS) 4.358 5.064 0.527 1. 000 * 0.484 * 0.780 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * TC (min) 22.03 7.16 14.97 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.325 * 1.000 * 0.478 * 0.680 * 4.358 ) 5.064) 0.527) 4.358) 5.064) 0.527) 4.358) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.025 4.180 2.597 + + + 7.222 + + + = 6.733 + -. ( - -.~.~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,+++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Stat'ion no. 000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.250(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 7.222(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.84 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.978 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 132.000 to Point/Station 134.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 150.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 322.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Elevation difference 2.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.600 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION~CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.60 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 10.64 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.5)/( 1.600A(1/3)]= 10.64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.237(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.238(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.210(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 134.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 365.000(Ft.) Channel base width 220.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 0.837 (CFS) Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.837(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.)1 Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 220.659(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.58(Ft/s) Travel time 10.55 min. Time of concentration = 21.19 min. Critical depth = 0.008{Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value l Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.577(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 2.076(In/Hr} for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.661 Subarea runoff = 1.135(CFS} for 1.680(Ac.} Total runoff = 1.373(CFS} Total area = Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.} 1 Average velocity = Critical depth = O.Oll(Ft.} 1.890{AC.} 0.702(Ft/S} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.890(Ac.} Runoff from this stream 1.373(CFS} Time of concentration 21.19 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.076(In/Hr} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 138.000 to Point/Station 140.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious valuel Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.} Highest elevation = 296.000(Ft.} Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.} Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 9.231 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of Permanent Open Space 9.23 %1 in a development type of In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.44 minutes. TC = [1. 8* (1.1-C) *distance (Ft.)" . 5) / (% slope" (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000".5)/( 9.231"(1/3)]= 6.44 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.478(In/Hr) for a 10.0 ye~r storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.35·0 Subarea runoff = 0.188(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.120(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 140.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.313(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.313(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.693(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 90.501(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.69(Ft/s) Travel time 1.92 min .. Time of concentration = 8.36 min. Critical depth = 0.007(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group ~ 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 3.783 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 Subarea runoff = Total runoff = Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.183(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) 0.371(CFS) Total area = 0.006 (Ft.), Ave·rage velocity = 0.008 (Ft.) 0.280(Ac.) 0.741(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.371(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 8.36 min. 3.783 (In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 1.373 21.19 2.076 2 0.371 8.36 3.783 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 1. 373) + 0.549 * 1.000 * 0.371) + 1. 577 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.394 * 1.373) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.3'71) + 0.912 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.373 0.371 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 1.577 0.912 Area of streams before confluence: 1.890 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 1.577(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.194 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 2.170 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 S~ope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.591(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.025(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 42.502(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.54(Ft/s) Travel time 0.86 min. Time of concentration = 22.06 min. Critical depth = 0.036(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 1. 591 (CFS) 1.542(Ft/s) (. The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 1.565(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 1.577(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 2.023 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KC.IA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.773 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.577(CFS) Total area 2.210 (Ac.) 1. 536 (Ft/s) Depth ,of flow = 0.025(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.036(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.577(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.06 min. Rainf~ll intensity = 2.023(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 7.222 22.84 1.978 2 1.577 22.06 2.023 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1.ElOO * 7.222) + 0.978 * 1. 000 * 1.577) + 8.763 Qmax(2) 1".000 * 0.966 * 7.222) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1. 577) + 8.550 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: F~ow rates before confluence point: 7.222 1.577 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.763 8.550 Area of streams before confluence: 6.250 2.210 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.763 (CFS) Time of concentration = 22.844 min. Effective stream area after confluence End of computations, total study area = = 8.460 (Ac.) 8.460 (Ac.) San' Diego county Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Proposed conditions 10-year storm event G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\04110gexl0b.out ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 5014 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 10.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used "Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 2.000 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 3.500 P6/P24 = 57.1% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 200.000 to Point/Station 201.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.) Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.46 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.22 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( a5.000A .S)/( 2.462A (1/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.SS2(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.124(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 201.000 to point/Station 202.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 250.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.330(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 250.505(Ft.) Flow yelocity = 0.26(Ft/s) Travel time 5.10 min. Time of concentration = 14.32 min. Critical depth = 0.004(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.330(CFS) 0.261(~t/s) Rainfall intensity = 2.673 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.171 Subarea runoff = 0.334(CFS) for 0.390(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.458(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) 0.490(Ac.) 0.298(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 202.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 0.020 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 1.438(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.221(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.853(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.791(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.85(Ft/s) Travel time = 3.69 min. TC = 18.01 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 2.306(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.708 CA = 1.111 Subarea runoff 2.103(CFS) for 1.080(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.562(CFS) Total area = 1.570(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.562(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 1.281(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.254(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.106(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 7.455(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ proc~ss from Point/Station 202.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) ~mpervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 l.000 Time of concentration = 18.01 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.306(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.538 CA = 1.608 Subarea runoff 1.146(CFS) for 1.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.708(CFS) Total area = 2.990(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: (. \ In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.990 (Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.708{CFS) Time of concentration = 18.01 min. Rain·fall intensity = 2.306 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 287.000· **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type, (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 175.000{Ft.) High~st elevation = 320.860{Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.400(Ft.) Elevation difference = 2.460{Ft.) Slope = 1.406 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User' to 1.691 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is,70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.69 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 2.91 minutes TC = E1.8*(1.1-C)*distance{Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*{1.1-0.8700)*{ 70.000A .5)/( 1.691A(1/3)]= 2.91 Calculated TC of 2.907 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KClA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.642(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.140 (AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.00,0 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.140(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.642(CFS) Time of concentration 2.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.269(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 40.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Elevation difference 0.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development tyPe of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 11.29 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA{1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*{ 70.000A.5)/( 1.000A(1/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.115 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subar~a runoff = 0.022(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.115(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.697 CA = 0.042 Subarea runoff = 0.108{CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.130(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 285.000 to Point/Station 286.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 320.l00(Ft.) Pipe length 6.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 0.130(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow O.130(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 1.82(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 2.93(In.) c. Critical Depth = 2.59 (In.) Pipe flow velocity = 4.18(Ft/s} Travel time through pipe = Time of concentration (TC) = 0.02 min. 11.32 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 286.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.100(Ft.} End of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.} Length of street segment 53.000(Ft.} Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.} Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.} Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 47.000(Ft.} Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s} of the street Distance from curb to property line 11,.000 (Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.} Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.} Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.104(Ft.}, Average velocity = Street flow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 1.000(Ft.} Flow velocity = 2.28(Ft/s} Travel time = 0.39 min. TC = It.71 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Indust·rial Impervious value ,. Ai = O. 950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 O.199(CFS} 2.280(Ft/s} Rainfall intensity = 3.b44(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.805 CA = 0.129 Subarea runoff 0.262(CFS} for 0.100(Ac.} Total runoff = 0.392(CFS} Total area = 0.160(Ac.} Street flow at end of street = 0.392(CFS} Half street flow at end of street 0.196(CFS} Depth of flow = 0.148(Ft.}, Average velocity = 1.964(Ft/s} Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 2.175(Ft.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 (. \.. Stream flow area = Runoff from this stream Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 0.160 (Ac.) = 0.392(CFS) 11.71 min. 3.044(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 0.642 2.91 5.269 2 0.392 11.71 3.044 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.642) + 1.000 * 0.248 * 0.392) + 0.739 Qmax (2) 0.578 * 1. 000 * 0.642) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.392) + 0.763 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.642 0.392 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.739 0.763 Area of streams before confluence: 0.140 0.160 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.763(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.706 min. Ef'fective stream area after confluence 0.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.} End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 150.000(Ft.} Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 29.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 28.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s} of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 G~tter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0200 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0200 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.903(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.241{Ft.), Average velocity = 1.744(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.819(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.74(Ft/s) \ • Travel time = 1.43 min. TC = 13.14 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 Rainfall intensity = 2.826(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.839 CA = 0.344 Subarea runoff 0.209(CFS) for 0.110(AC.) Total runoff = 0.972(CFS) Total area = 0.410(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.972(CFS) Half street flow at end of street D.972(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.246(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.775(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 7.038(Ft.) ++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.410(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.972(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.14 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.826 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main-Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 321.360(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 350.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 20.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.590(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0200 Manning's N from grade break to crown 0.0200 Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 ce -' .. Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 2.826(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.850 CA = 0.527 Subarea runoff 1.489(CFS) for 0.210(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.489 (CFS) Total area = 0.620(Ac,) Street flow at end of street = 1.489(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.489(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.264(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.898(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 8.445(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.620(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.489(CFS) Time of concentration = 13.14 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.826(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 3.708 18.01 2.306 2 0.972 13 .14 2.826 -3 1.489 13.14 2.826 Qmax{l) 1. 000 * 1.000 * 3.708) + 0.816 * 1.000 * 0.972) + 0.816 * 1.000 * 1.489) + 5.716 Qmax(2) 1.000 * 0.730 * 3.708) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.972) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1.489) + = 5.166 Qmax(3) 1. 000 * 0.730 * 3.708) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.972) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1.489) + = 5.166 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 3.708 0.972 1.489 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.716 5.166 5.166 Area of streams before confluence: 2.990 0.410 0.620 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.716(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.010 min. Effective stream area after confluence 4.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 206.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 205.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 73.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 71.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope. from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.014(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.340(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.816{Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Haifstreet flow width = 12.267(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.82(Ft/s)' Travel time = 0.90 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 18.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.235{In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area . (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.639 CA = 2.836 Subarea runoff 0.622(CFS) for 0.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.337{CFS) Total area = 4.440(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.337(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 6.337{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.346(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.864{Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.526(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 206.000 to Point/Station 208.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** •• ~c. Top of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Length of street segment 320.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 70.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 68.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break Jv/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 6.690(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.391(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.955(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 14.806(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.96(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.80 min. TC = Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type. (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 20.71 min. Rainfall intensity =' 2.107 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm • Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 3.304 Subarea runoff 0.623(CFS) for 0.550(Ac.) Total runoff = 6.961(CFS) Total area = 4.990(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 6.961(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 6.961(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.396(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.984(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 15.038(Ft.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/$tation 208.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.990(Ac.} Runoff from this stream 6.961(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.71 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.107(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 216.000 to Point/Station 218.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.B70 Initial subarea total flow distance 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 324.000 (Ft.) Lowest elevation = 31B.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = S.OOO % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 5.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 2.30 minutes TC = [1.B*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [l.B*(1.1-0.B700)*( 90.000A.S)/( s.000A(1/3)]= 2.30 Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to S.O minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 yea'r storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.B70 Subarea runoff = 0.504(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.110 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 21B.000 to point/Station .220.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 31B.OOO(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 30S.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 560.000(Ft.) Channel base width 1.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'z' of right channel bank = 12.S00 !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 2.3'B4(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.12S(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.3B4(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.lB3(Ft.), Average velocity = 4.262(Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 4.12S(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 4.26(Ft/s) Travel time 2.19 min. Time of concentration 4.49 min. Critical depth = 0.266(Ft.) ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 (e Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 HNDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.B70 Rainfall intensity = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.B70 CA = ,0.B09 Subarea runoff = 3.759(CFS) for 0.B20(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.264(CFS) Total area = 0.930(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.240(Ft.), Average velocity = 5.377(Ft/s) !(Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.367(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 220.000 to Point/Station 20B.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** upstream point/station elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 304.000(Ft.) pipe 'length 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 4.264(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 12.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 4.264(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 7.51(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 11.61(In.) Critical Depth = 10.43(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 8.24(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.10 min. Time of conce~tration (TC) = 4.59 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 20B.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.264(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 4.59 min. 5.269(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 6.961 20.71 2 4.264 4.59 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 6.961) 0.400 * 1. 000 * 4.264) Qmax(2) = 1. 000 * 0.222 * 6.961) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 2.107 5.269 + + = B.665 + c. (,- 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 4.264) + = 5.806 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.961 4.264 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.665 5.806 Area of streams before confluence: 4.990 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.66S(CFS) Time of concentration 20.710 min. Effective stream area after confluence 5.92.0 (Ac. ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Poi~t/Station 280.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 278.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 44.20(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow = 8.665(CFS) Nearest computed. pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.665(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 4.91(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 8.96(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 3S.17(Ft/s) Travel tim~ through pipe 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 20.73 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++, Process from Point/Station 280.000 to point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = S.920(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 8.66S(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.106(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 222.000 to point/Station 224.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (. (. (Permanent Open Space Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 55.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 308.500(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 300.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 8.500(Ft.) Slope = 15.455 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 15.46 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 5.42 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A .S)/( 15.455A (1/3)]= S.42 Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.003 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.053(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 224.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 300.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 278.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 185.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of. left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of. channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.205(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 60.661(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.51(Ft/s) Travel time 6.00 min. Time of concentration = 11.42 min. Critical depth = 0.007(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.205(CFS) 0.514(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.093 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.087 Subarea runoff = 0.218(CFS) for 0.220(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.271(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) 0.250(Ac.) 0.574(Ft/s) c. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.250(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.271(CFS) Time of concentration = 11.42 min. Rain~all intensity = 3.093(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 8.665 20.73 2.106 2 0.271 11.42 3.093 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 8.665) + 0.681 * 1.000 * 0.271) + = 8.850 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.551 * 8.665) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.271) + 5.045 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.665 0.271 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.850 5.045 Area of streams before confluence: 5.920 0.250 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 8.850(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.731 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.170(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 278.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 60.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 8.850(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.052(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 65.245(Ft.) 2.694(Ft/s) (. . ~--.. Flow Velocity = 2.69(Ft/S) T~avel time = 0.37 min. Time of concentration 21.10 min. Critical depth = 0.086(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station i12.000 to Poirit/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.170(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 8.850(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.10 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.082(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 226.000 to Point/Station 228.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai .= 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Ini.tial subarea total flow distance = 70.000 (Ft.) Highest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.60 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 8.571A(1/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.407(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.046(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 228.000 to Point/Station 2~Q.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation .Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 3 02 . 00 0 (Ft. ) 29S.000(Ft.) 120.000(Ft.) 90 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.158(CFS) 0.158(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 90.549(Ft.) 0.318(Ft/s) Flow Velocity = 0.32(Ft/s) Travel time 6.28 min. Time of concentration = 12.88 min. critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 2.862 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 Subarea runoff = 0.164(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.210(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) 0.210(Ac.) 0.357(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.210(CFS) Time of concentration 12.88 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.862(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 232.000 to Point/Station 234.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 303.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.000(Ft.) 35.000(Ft.) Slope 2.857 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.86 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.51 minutes TC = [1.8*{1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)~.5)/(% slope~(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A".5)/{ 2.857A (1/3)]= 9.51 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.480(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.024(CFS) Total initial stream area 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 234.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 303.000(Ft.) 295.000(Ft.) 11S.000(Ft.) 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel O.SOO(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.067(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 25.387(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.69(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.79 min: Time of concentration = 12.31 min. Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.067(CFS) 0.687(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 2.948(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 Subarea runoff = 0.068(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.093(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = O.OOS(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) 0.090(AC.) 0.781(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in"normal stream number 2 c. Stream flow area = 0.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.093{CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 12.31 min. 2.948{In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 0.210 12.88 2.862 2 0.093 12.31 2.948 Qmax{l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.210) + 0.971 * 1. 000 * 0.093) + 0.301 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.955 * 0.210) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.093) + = 0.294 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.210 0.093 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.301 0.294 Area of streams before confluence: 0.210 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.301{CFS) Time of concentration 12.879 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 190.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.431{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 60.948(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.75{Ft/s) Travel time 4.21 min. Time of concentration = 17.09 min. Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.431{CFS) 0.752{Ft/S) (. [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.385(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year stor~ Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.214 Subarea runoff = 0.209 (CFS) for 0.310 (Ac.) Total runoff = 0.509(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.), Average velocity = critical depth = 0.013(Ft.) 0.610 (Ac.) 0.803 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.610(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.509(CFS) Time of concentration = 17.09 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.385(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 8.850 21.10 2.082 2 0.509 17.09 2.385 Qmax(1) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 8.850) + 0.873 * 1.000 * 0.509) + 9.294 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.810 * 8.850) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.509) + 7.677 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 8.850 0.509 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 9.294 7.677 Area of streams before confluence: 6.170 0.610 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 9.294(CFS) Time of concentration 21.102 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.780 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** (". , -~- Upstream point elevation = 26S.000{Ft.) Downstream point elevation 2S0.000{Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 10S.000{Ft.) Channel base width = 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = SO.OOO Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 9.328(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.077(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 47.728(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.7S{Ft/s) Travel time = 0.64 min. Time of concentration = 21.74 min. Critical depth = 0.113(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 9.085(CFS) 9.328(CFS) 2.752(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 9.294(CFS) ~s being used Rainfall intensity = 2.042{In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.647 CA = 4.449 Subarea runof~ = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.100(AC.) Total runoff = 9.294(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.077(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.113(Ft.) 6.880(AC.) 2.748{Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 214.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.880(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 9.294(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.74 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.042 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 270.000 to Point/Station 271.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.970(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.120(Ft.) Slope = 2.489 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.49 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 2.56 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A.5)/( 2.489A(1/3)]= 2.56 Calculated TC of 2.556 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.183(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 271.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Channel l~ngth thru subarea 135.000(Ft.) Channel base width 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.367(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.064(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 4.599(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.51(Ft/s) Travel time 1.49 min. Time of concentration = 4.05 min. Critical depth = 0.070(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.367(CFS) 1.510(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.104 c. (. .......... (. '--- Subarea runoff = Total runoff = Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.367(CFS) for 0.080(AC.) 0.550(CFS) Total area 0.080(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.089 (Ft.) 0.120 (Ac. ) 1. 717 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = O.120(AC.) Runoff from this stream 0.550(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 4.05 min. 5.269(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 284.000 to Point/Station 290.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 30.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700(Ft.) Lowest .elevation = 320.400 (Ft. ) Elevation difference 0.300(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 11.29 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA{l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.000A (l/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3. 115 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.022(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020 (Ac. ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 284.000 to Point/Station 290.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.115 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.610 CA = 0.024 Subarea runoff 0.054(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.076(CFS) Total area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 290.000 to Point/Station 291.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 320.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 320.270(Ft.) Pipe length 7.75(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 0.076(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 0.076(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 1.60(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 2.99(In.) Critical Depth = 2.00(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 2.83(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.05 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.34 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 291.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.270(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Length of street segment 130.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 12.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 10.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0130 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.160(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.118(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.926(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 1.500(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.93(Ft/S} Travel time = 1.12 min. TC = 12.47 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 (. ,,' ' Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 2.923(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm, Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.790 CA = 0.103 Subarea runoff Total runoff = 0.224(CFS) 0.300(CFS) Street flow at end of street = for 0.090(Ac.) Total area = 0.300(CFS) 0.300 (CFS) 0.130 (Ac.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.159(Ft.), Average Flow width (from curb towards crown)= velocity = . 1.726(Ft/s) 3.205 (Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.130(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.300(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.47 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.923 (In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 Qmax(l) Qmax(2) Flow rate (CFS) 0.550 0.300 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.555 * 1. 000 * TC (min) 4.05 12.47 1.000 * 0.325 * 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.550) 0.300) 0.550) 0.300) Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.550 0.300 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 5.269 2.923 + + 0.648 + + 0.605 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.648 0.605 Area of streams before confluence: 0.120 0.130 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.648(CFS) Time of concentration 4.046 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.250 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 317.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 125.000(Ft.) Channel base width 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 l!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel 1.233(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.233(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.123(Ft.), Average velocity 2.200(Ft/S) I!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 6.000(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.20(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.95 min. Time of concentration = 4.99 min. critical depth = 0.140(Ft.) ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.845 CA = 0.355 Subarea runoff = 1.223(CFS) for 0.170(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.871(CFS) Total area = 0.420(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.150 (Ft.), Average velocity = 2.5'99 (Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.174(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.420(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.871(CFS) Time of concentration 4.99 min. Rainfall intensity = 5.269(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 252.000 to Point/Station 253.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 (. Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.020(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.930(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.090(Ft.) Slope = 2.422 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.42 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.58 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A.5)/( 2.422A(1/3)]= 2.58 Calculated TC of 2.579 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.269(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.321(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.070 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 253.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upst+eam point elevation = 318.930(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 317.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Zi of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel 0.894(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel = 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.894(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.090(Ft.), Average velocity 2.392CFt/s) Channel flow top width = 5.262(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.39(Ft/s) Travel time -, 0.70 min. Time of concentration = 3.28 min. Critical depth = 0.118(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 5.269 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm c. ••• ~ .. Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.278 Subarea runoff = 1.146(CFS) for 0.250(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.467(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.118(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.320 (Ac.) 2.776(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.152(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** . Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream numbe~ 2 Stream flow area = 0.320(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.467(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 3.28 min. 5.269 (In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 1.871 4.99 5.269 2 1.467 3.28 5.269 Qmax (1) = 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 1.871) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 1. 467} + 3.338 Qmax(2) 1.000 * 0.656 * 1. 871) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1. 467} + 2.694 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.871 1.467 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 3.338 2.694 Area of streams before confluence: 0.420 0.320 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.338(CFS} Time of concentration 4.993 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.740(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 254.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 317.200(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 311.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width 8.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 3.372(CFS) c. c. Maximum depth of channel 1.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 3.372(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.148(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 8.591(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.75(Ft/s) T~avel time 0.61 min. Time of concentration = 5.60 min. Critical depth = 0.174(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 3.154(CFS) 2.752(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 3.338(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 4.899 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm. Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.836 CA = 0.644 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.030(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.338(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.147(Ft.), Average velocity = critical depth = 0.172(Ft.) 0.770 (Ac.) 2.741(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.770(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.338(CFS) Time of concentration 5.60 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.899(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = 50.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 317.220(Ft.) Elevation difference 0.780(Ft.) Slope = 1.560 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.56 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 10.73 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A.5)/( 1.560A(1/3)]= 10.73 Rainfali intensity (I) = 3.220(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.045(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.040 (AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1. 000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.220 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.523 CA = 0.031 Subarea runoff 0.056(CFS) for 0.020(AC.) Total runoff = 0.101(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 297.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.220 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 0.066 Subarea runoff 0.112(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.213(CFS) Total area = O.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 264.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** (. Upstream point elevation = 317.220(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 311.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 200.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 5.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 5.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.258(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.048(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 6.033(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.92(Ft/s) Travel time 3.61 min. Time of concentration = 14.34 min. Critical depth = 0.041(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.258(CFS) 0.925(Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 2.671(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.534 CA = 0.091 Subarea runoff = 0.029(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.242(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.047(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.039(Ft.) 0.170 (Ac.) 0.903(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.170 (Ac. ) Runoff from this stream 0.242(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 14.34 min. 2.671 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 266.000 to Point/Station 268.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C := 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 (. Initial subarea total flow distance 44.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 315.500(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.070(Ft.) Slope = 2.432 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.43 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.26 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A .S)/( 2.432A (1/3)]= 9.26 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.542 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effec·tive runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.012{CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.010(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 268.000 to point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 311.S00(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 200.000(Ft.) Channel base width 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 5.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = S.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.037(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.019(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 5.705(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.36(Ft/s) Travel time 9.35 min. Time of concentration = 18.60 min. Critical depth = O.Oll{Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1. 000 0.037 (CFS) 0.357 (Ft/S) Rainfall intensity = 2.258{In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.017 Subarea runoff = 0.027(CFS) for 0.040{Ac.) Total runoff = 0.040(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.019{Ft.) I Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) o . 050 (Ac. ) 0.365{Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ C. ':c' Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 0.050(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.040(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 18.60 min. 2.258 (In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (rn/Hr) 1 3.338 5.60 4.899 2 0.242 14.34 2.671 3 0.040 18.60 2.258 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 3.338) + 1.000 * 0.391 * 0.242) + 1. 000 * 0.301 * 0.040) + 3.444 Qmax(2) 0.545 * 1. 000 * 3.338) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.242) + 1. 000 * 0.771 * 0.040) + 2.093 Qmax(3) = 0.461 * 1.000 * 3.338) + 0.f:!45 * 1.000 * 0.242) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.040) + 1. 783 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 3.338 0.242 0.040 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 3.444 2.093 1.783 Area of streams before confluence: 0.770 0.170 0.050 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.444(CFS) Time of concentration 5.599 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 0.990 (AC. ) 258.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 260.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 311.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 306.000(Ft.) Pipe length 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 3,.444 (CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 6.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 3.444(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 4.86(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 4.70(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. pipe flow velocity = 20.19(Ft/S) ce Travel time through pipe Time of concentration (TC) 0.02 min. 5.62 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 260.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Time of concentration = 5.62 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.889(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 CA = 0.759 Subarea runoff 0.267(CFS) for 0.020(AC.) Total runoff 3.712(CFS) Total area = 1.010(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 260.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width = 306 . 000 (Ft. ) 2 7 5 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) = 11 0 . 00 0 (Ft. ) 60 . 000 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 4.071(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000 (Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.071(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.031(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.166(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 63.054(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.17(Ft/s) Travel time 0.85 min. Time of concentration = 6.46 min. Critical depth = 0.052(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 4.466 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.597 CA = 0.980 Subarea runoff = 0.664(CFS) for 0.630(Ac.) c. (. '. Total runoff = Depth of flow = Critical depth = 4.375(CFS) Total area = 0.032(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.054 (Ft.) 1. 640 (Ac.) 2.228(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.640(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.375(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 6.46 min. 4.466 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 242.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 321.360(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 317.000(Ft.) 94.00'0 (Ft. ) Elevation difference = 4.360 (Ft.) Slope = 4 .. 638 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5 )/( 3.333 A(1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.597(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.025(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 242.000 to point/Station 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 317.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 275.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 265.000 (F·t.) Channel base width l2.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.069(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.069(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity 0.675(Ft/S) Channel flow top width = 12.826(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.68(Ft/s) Travel time 6.54 min. Time of concentration = 15.58 min. Critical depth = 0.010(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.532 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 Subarea runoff = 0.055(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.080(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = O.Oll(Ft.) 0.090 (Ac.) 0.713 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.090(Ac.) Runoff from this s·tream 0.080 (CFS) Time of concentration = 15.58 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.532 (In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 4.375 6.46 4.466 2 0.080 15.58 2.532 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 4.375) + 1. 000 * 0.415 * 0.080) + = 4.408 Qmax (2) = 0.567 * 1.000 * 4.375) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.080) + 2.560 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.375 0.080 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.408 2.560 Area of streams before confluence: 1.640 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.408(CFS) Time of concentration 6.462 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1.730(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 275.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 26S.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 50.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 2S.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.446(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.059(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 30.906(Ft.) Flqw Velocity = 2.69(Ft/s) Travel time 0.31 min. Time of concentration = 6.77 min. Critical depth = 0.093(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 4.446(CFS) 2.693.(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 4.333 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.580 CA = 1.022 Subarea runoff = 0.019(CFS) for 0.030(AC.) Total runoff = 4.427(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = O.059(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.093(Ft.) 1.760(Ac.) 2.689(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 246 .. 000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.760(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.427(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 6.77 min. 4.333 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 248.000 to Point/Station 250.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 = 0.000 = ~.OOO = 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 60.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 296.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 10.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 10.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.27 minutes TC = "[l.8*(l.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3») TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 10.000A (1/3)]= 6.27 Rainfall intensity (I) = 4.556(In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.191(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.120(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 250.000 to Point/station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 290.000{Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.319(CFS) Manning'S 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.319(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity 0.960(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 40.822(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.96{Ft/s) Travel time = 1.39 min. Time of concentration = 7.66 min. Critical depth = 0.012(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) 0.000 0.000 1.000 (e Ce Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 4.004{In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 Subarea runoff = 0.201(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.392(CFS) Total area 0.280(Ac.) 1. 042 (Ft/s) Depth of flow = 0.009(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.014{Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station '246.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.392(CFS) Tim~ of concentration = 7.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.004(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity, No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 4.427 6.77 4.333 2 0.392 7.66 4.004 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 4.427) + 1.000 * 0.885 * 0.392) + 4.774 Qmax(2) 0.924 * 1.000 * 4.427) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.392) + = 4.482 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.427 0.392 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.774 4.482 Area of streams before confluence: 1.760 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.774(CFS) Time of concentration 6.771 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.040 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation = Channel length thru subarea Channel base width = 265.000(Ft.) 250 . 000 (Ft. ) = 80 . 000 (Ft. ) 15.000 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Ce Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.821{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.082(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 23.245{Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.06(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.44 min. Time of concentration = 7.21 min. Critical depth = 0.127{Ft.) Adding area flow to channel 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 S~-Area C Value = 0.350 1. 000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 4.719(CFS) 4.821{CFS) 3.058{Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 4.774{CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 4.162 (In/Hr) for a 10.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.545 CA = 1.134 Subarea runoff = O.OOO{CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.774(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.082{Ft.), Average velocity = 2.080 (Ac.) 3.048 (Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.127(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 214.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.080{Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 4.774(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.21 min. Rainfall intensity = 4.162(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 9.294 21. 74 2.042 2 4.774 7.21 4.162 Qmax{l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 9.294) + 0.491 * 1. 000 * 4.774) + 11.636 Qmax(2) 1.000 * 0.332 * 9.294) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.774) + = 7'.855 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.294 4.774 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 11.636 7.855 Area of streams before confluence: 6.880 2.080 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 11.636(CFS) Time of concentration = 21.738 min. Effective stream area after confluence = End of computations, total study area = 8.960(AC.) 8.550 (Ac.) j~ San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES Existing 2-year storm event G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD .. OFFICES\Hydrology\04110gex2b.doc ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 5014 --~--------------------------------------------------------------------- Rational hydrology study storm event year is 2.0 Engl"ish (in-lb) input data units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 1.400 24 hour precipitation(inches) 2.000 P6/P24 = 70.0% Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) = 1.300 Adjusted P6/P24 = 65.0% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 100.000 to point/Station 10~.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.7-00(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.) Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.46 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.22 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C}*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] • (. TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A .5)/( 2.462A (1/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.309(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.081(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Process from Point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 250.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.251(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 250.429(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.23(Ft/s) Travel time 5.69 min. Time of concentration = 14.91 min. Critical depth = 0.003(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 1.693 (In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.210 0.251(CFS) 0.234(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.275(CFS) for 0.500(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.356(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.004(Ft.) o . 6'00 (Ac . ) 0.269(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End, of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 • c. Street flow is on [2] side(s} of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.} Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.} Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.} Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.864(CFS} Depth of flow = 0.196(Ft.}, Average velocity = 1.671(Ft/s} Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.539(Ft.} Flow velocity = 1.67(Ft/s} Travel time = 4.09 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B TC = 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 19.00 min. Raintall intensity = 1.448 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.671 CA = 1.054 Subarea runoff 1.171(CFS) for 0.970(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.526(CFS} Total area = 1. 570 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 1.526(CFS} Half street flow at end of street 0.763 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0.224(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.877(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.950(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 102.000 to Point/Station 104.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 19.00 min. Rainfall intensity = 1. 448 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (·Q=KCIA) is C = 0.513 CA = 1.586 Subarea runoff 0.770(CFS) for 1.520 (AC.) Total runoff = 2.296(CFS) Total area = 3.090(Ac.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 104.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** • Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 250.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2J side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 2.400(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.224(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.460(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 6.455(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.46(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.69 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B TC = 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 20.69 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.370 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.543 CA = 1.830 Subarea runoff = 0.211(CFS) for 0.280(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.507(CFS) Total area = 3.370(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.507(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 1.254(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.227(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.482(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.587(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 3.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.507(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.69 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.370(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I • Process from Point/Station 112.000 to Point/Station **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.3S0 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 4S.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 321.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.S00(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.S00(Ft.) Slope = 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) 114.000 ~or the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type o~ Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.S)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3S00)*( 100.000A.S)/( 3.333A(1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.338(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.3S0 Subarea runoff = 0.074(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.090(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 114.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNE~ TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.S00(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 309.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 24S.000(Ft.) Channel base width 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = SO.OOO Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = SO.OOO Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.03S Maximum depth of channel O.SOO(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.182(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 90.6SS(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.31(Ft/s) Travel time 13.30 min. Time of concentration = 22.34 min. Critical depth = O.OOS(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 .[UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 0.182(CFS) 0.307(Ft/S) -'. • • Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 1.304 (In/Hr) for a ~.O year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.158 Subarea runoff = 0.132(CFS) for 0.360(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.205(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) 0.450 (Ac.) 0.322(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 106.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.450(Ac.) Runoff trom this stream 0.205(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.34 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.304(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.507 20.69 1.370 2 0.205 22.34 1.304 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 2.507) + 1.000 * 0.926 * 0.205) + = 2.697 Qmax(2) 0.952 * 1. 000 * 2.507) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.205) + 2.592 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.507 0.205 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.697 2.592 Area of streams before confluence: 3.370 0.450 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.697(CFS) Time of concentration 20.691 min. Effective stream area after confluence 3.820 (Ac.)· ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 106.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea 3 0 9 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) 2 64 . 00 0 (Ft. ) = 31 0 . 0 0 0 (Ft . ) • (. Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =2.734(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.734(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.029(Ft.), Average velocity 1.515(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 62.935(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.52(Ft/S) Travel time 3.41 min. Time of concentration = 24.10 min. Critical depth = 0.040(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The ~rea added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 2.646(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall'intensity = 1.242 (In/Hr) for a 2.697(CFS) is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.504 CA = 2.131 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS)' for 0.410(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.697(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.029(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.039(Ft.) 4.230(AC.) 1.507(Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.230(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.697(CFS) Time of concentration = 24.10 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.242 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 124.000 to Point/Station 126.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial • Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 100.000(Ft.} Highest elevation = 310.000{Ft.} Lowest elevation = 308.000(Ft.} Elevation difference = 2.000{Ft.} Slope = 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distanc'e is 70.00 {Ft} for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 2.75 minutes TC = [l.8*{1.1-C}*distance(Ft.}A.5 }/{% slopeA(1/3}] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700}*( 70.000A.5}/( 2.000A(1/3}]= 2.75 Calculated TC of 2.749 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rain~all intensity (I) = 3.425(In/Hr} for a 2.0 y~ar storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.268(CFS} Total initial stream area = 0.090(Ac.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 126.000 to Point/Station' 122.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 308.000(Ft.} End of street segment elevation = 303.400(Ft.} Length of street segment = 245.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 11.000(Ft.} Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.} Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning'S N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.585(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.158(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.701(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 3.175(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.70(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.40 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type {General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D TC = = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 5.15 min. • Rainfall intensity = 3.361(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.322 Subarea runoff 0.814(CFS) for 0.280(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.082(CFS) Total area = 0 .. 370(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 1.082(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.541(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.190(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.831(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 4.735(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.370(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.082(CFS} Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 5.15 min. 3.361(In/Hr) ++++t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 116.000 to Point/Station 118.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 324.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 5.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 5.00 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.30 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.}A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 90.000A .5)/( 5.000A(1/3)]= 2.30 Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.425(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.328(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.110 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 118.000 to Point/Station 120.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** • Top of street segment elevation = 318.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Length of street segment 560.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 46.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 10.OOO(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate 'at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.196(Ft.), Average velocity = Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 5.075(Ft.) Flow velocity = 2.08(Ft/S) Travel time = 4.48 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 6.78 min. 1.369(CFS) 2.08Z(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity ~ 2.814(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.809 Subarea runoff 1.949(CFS) for 0.820(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.277(CFS) Total area = 0.930(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 2.277(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 1.139(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.225(Ft.), Average velocity = 2:298(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.513(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 120.000 to Point/Station 122.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 305.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 303.400(Ft.) Pipe length 50.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.015 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.277(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 2.277(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 6.60(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 7.96(rn.) Critical Depth = 8.08(In.) pipe flow velocity = 6.56(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe Time of concentration (TC) 0.13 min. 6.91 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to point/Station 122.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 2.277(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 6.91 min. 2.781(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 1.082 5.15 3.361 2 2.277 6.91 2.781 Qmax(l) 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1. 082) + 1. 000 * 0.746 * 2.277) + = 2.779 Qmax(2) 0.827 * 1. 000 * 1.082) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 2.277) + 3.172 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.082 2.277 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.779 . 3.172 Area of streams before confluence: 0.370 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.172(CFS) Time of concentration 6.907 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1. 300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 122.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 3 03 . 40 0 (Ft. ) 264.000(Ft.) 9 0 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) 90 . 000 (Ft. ) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 3.221(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 3.221(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.018(Ft.) I Average velocity = 1.937(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 91.829(Ft.) • Flow Velocity = 1.94(Ft/s) Travel time 0 .. 77 min. Time of concentration = 7.68 min. Critical depth = 0.034(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 = = 0.000 0.000 0'. 000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 2.973(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 2.597(In/Hr) for a 3.172(CFS) is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.854 CA = 1.145 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.172(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.018(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.034(Ft.) 1.340(Ac.) 1.925(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10B.000 to Point/Station 10B.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 1.340(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 3.172(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.6B min. Rainfall intensity = 2.597(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12B.000 to Point/Station 149.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 70.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 30B.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 6.60 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 8.571~(1/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.865(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.3,50 Subarea runoff = 0.030(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 129.000 to Point/Station 130.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TINE **** Upstream point elevation = 302.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 295.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 120.000(Ft.) Channel base width 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.120(CFS) Mann'i-ng' s 'N ' = O. 035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.120(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.010(Ft.), Average velocity 0.471(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 26.003(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.47(Ft/s) Travei ·time = 4.25 min. Time of concentration = 10.85 min. Critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.079(In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.123(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.153(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.012(Ft.) I Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.010(Ft.) 0.210(Ac.) 0.517(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 130.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 264.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 180.000(Ft.) Channel base width 100.000(Ft.) • C.- Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.287(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 100.534(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.54 (Ft/S) Travel time = 5.59 min. Time of concentration = 16.43 min. Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) . Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 1.590 (In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.203 0.287(CFS) 0.537(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm SUbarea runoff = 0.170(CFS) for 0.370(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.323(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.007(Ft.) 0.580(Ac.) 0.562(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10S.000 to Point/Station 108.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.5S0(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.323(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.43 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.590 (In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 3 Qmax(l) Qmax(2) = Flow rate (CFS) 2.697 3.172 0.323 1.000 * 0.478 * 0.781 * 1.000 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * TC (min) 24.10 7.68 16.43 1. 000 * 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.319 * 1. 000 * 0.467 * 2.697) 3.172) 0.323) 2.697) 3.172) 0.323) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1.242 2.597 1.590 + + + 4.467 + + + 4.1S3 • Qmax(3} 1. 000 * 0.612 * 1. 000 * 0.682 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.697} + 3.172} + 0.323} + = Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.697 3.172 0.323 4.104 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 4.467 4.183 4.104 Area of streams before confluence: 4.230 1.340 0.580 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 4.467(CFS} Time of concentration 24.101 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 6.150 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 108.000 to Point/Station 110.000 ****.IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 264.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.} Channel length thru subarea = 110.000(Ft.) Channel base width 50.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 4.503(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.046(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 54.574(Ft.} Flow Velocity = 1.88(Ft/s) Travel time 0.97 min. Time of concentration = 25.07 min. Critical depth = 0.062(Ft.} Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 4.254(CFS) 4.503(CFS) 1. 883 (Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = 4.467(CFS) is being used Rainfall intensity = 1.211(In/Hr) for a '2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.562 CA = 3.514 Subarea runoff O.OOO(CFS} for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.467(CFS) Total area = 6.250 (Ac.) • ~. Q , :,[5 •• C .. Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.046{Ft.}, Average velocity = 0.062 (Ft.) 1.877 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.250{Ac.} Runoff from this stream 4.467(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.07 min. Rainfa~l intensity = 1.211 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 132.000 to Point/Station 134.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance = ls0.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 322.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Elevation difference 2.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.600 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.60 %, in a development type of . Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 10.64 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.s )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500}*( 8s.000A .s)/( 1.600A (1/3)]= 10.64 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.104(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = O.lss(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.210(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 134.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.600(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 365.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 220.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 • Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.540(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.540(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.484(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 220.507(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.48(Ft/s) Travel time 12.57 min. Time of concentration = 23.22 min. Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 1.272 (In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.661 2.0 year storm .suba~ea runoff = 0.687(CFS) for 1.680(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.842(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) 1.890(Ac.) 0.578(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.890(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.842(CFS) Time of concentration 23.22 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.272 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 138.000 to Point/Station 140.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 296.000{Ft.) Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 9.231 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) • for the top area slope value of 9.23 %, in a development type of Permanent open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.44 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.S)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A .S)/( 9.231A (l/3)]= 6.44 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.911(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.3S0 Subarea runoff = 0.122(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.120(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 140.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation Channel length thru subarea Channel base width 2 9 0 . 000 (Ft . ) 265.000 (Ft. ) 80.000(Ft.) 90 . 0 0 0 (Ft . ) Slope or 'Z' of· left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.204(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.) I Average velocity Channel flow top width = 90.387(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.58(Ft/S) Travel time 2.28 min. Time of concentration = 8.72 min. Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.393 (In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 0.204(CFS) 0.584(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.112(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.235(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.) I Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) 0.2?0(AC.) 0.618(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 136.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area 0.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.235(CFS) • ce Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 8.72 min. 2.393 (In/Hr) stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 0.842 23.22 l.272 2 0.235 8.72 2.393 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.842) + 0.532 * 1.000 * 0.235) + = 0.966 Qmax(2) = 1.000 * 0.376 * 0.842) + l. 000 * 1.000 * 0.235) + 0.551 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.842 0.235 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.966 0.551 Area·of streams before confluence: 1.890 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.966(CFS) Time of concentration 23.216 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.170 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 136.000 to Point/Station 110.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(g) thru subarea = 0.975(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.019(Ft.) I Average velocity Channel flow top width = 41.868(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.28(Ft/s) Travel time 1.05 min. Time of concentration = 24.26 min. Critical depth = 0.026(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) 0.000 1.000 0.975(CFS) 1.275(Ft/s) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 0.957(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 1.237 (In/Hr) for a 0.966(CFS} is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = "0.773 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.} Total runoff = 0.966{CFS} Total area = Depth of flow = 0.019(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.026(Ft.) 2.210 (Ac.) 1.271 (Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 110.000 to point/Station 110.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.210{Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.966(CFS} Time "of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 24.26 min. 1.237 (In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 4.467 25.07 1.211 2 0.966 24.26 1.237 Qmax(l) = 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 4.467) + 0.979 * 1.000 * 0.966) + 5.413 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.968 * 4.467) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.966) + = 5.288 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 4.467 0.966 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.413 5.288 Area of streams before confluence: 6.250 2.210 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.413(CFS) Time of concentration = 25.075 min. Effective stream area after confluence End of computations, total study area = 8.460 (Ac.) 8.460 (Ac.) (e '- San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)1991-2004 Version 7.4 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 01/27/06 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES proposed conditions 2-year storm event G: \Accts\041l09\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0411,0gex2b . out ********* Hydrology Study Control Information ********** --------------------------------------------------------------~~-------- Program License Serial Number 5014 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 2.0 English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation (inches) = 1.400 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 2.000 P6/P24 = 70.0% Adjusted 6 hour precipitation (inches) 1.300 Adjusted P6/P24 = 65.0% San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 200.000 to Point/Station 201.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C D.ecimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 65.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 328.300(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.600(Ft.} Slope = 2.462 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.46 %, in a development type of TC = [l.8*(1.1-C}*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% 9.22 minutes slopeA (1/3)] • TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 85.000A .5)/( 2.462 A (1/3)]= 9.22 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.309(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.081(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 201.000 to Point/Station ~02.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 326.700(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 323.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Channel base width 250.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.212(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 250.387(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.22(Ft/s) Travel time 6.10 min. Time of concentration = 15.32 min. Critical depth = 0.003(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction so.il group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.212 (CFS.) 0.219(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 1.664(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.171 Subarea runoff = 0.205(CFS) for 0.390(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.285(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.003(Ft.) 0.490 (1\c.) 0.246(Ft!s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 202.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 323.200(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment = 410.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 • Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade,break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.849(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.195(Ft.), Average velocity = 1,666(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 4.499(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.67(Ft/S) Travel time = 4.10 min. TC = 19.42 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 1.428 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.708 CA = 1.111 Subarea runoff ' 1.301(CFS) for Total runoff = 1.586(CFS) Street flow at end of street = 1.080(Ac.) Total area = 1.586(CFS) 0.793 (CFS) 1.57Q(AC.) Half street flow at end of street Depth of flow = 0.226(Ft.), Average Flow width (from,curb towards crown)= velocity = 1.893(Ft/s) 6.054(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 202.000 to Point/station 204.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Time of concentration = 19.42 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.428(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.538 CA = 1.608 Subarea runoff 0.710(CFS) for 1.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.296(CFS) Total area = 2.990(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** • (. The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 2.990(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.296(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.42 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.428 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 175.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.860(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.400(Ft.) Elevation difference = 2.460(Ft.) Slope = 1.406 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 1.691 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.69 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance. With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.91 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.1-C}*distance(Ft.}A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A.5}/( 1.691A(1/3}]= 2.91 Calculated TC of 2.907 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.425 (In/Hr) for a . 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.810 Subarea runoff = 0.417(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.140(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream nUmPer 1 Stream flow area = 0.140(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.417(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 2.91 min. 3.425(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 . **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 40.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Elevation difference = 0.400(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 11.29 minutes TC = [l.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 70.000A.5)/( 1.000A(1/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.025(In/Hr) for a 2.0·year storm Effec·tive runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.014(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 283.000 to Point/Station 285.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimat fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A B C D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.025(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.697 CA = 0.042 Subarea runoff 0.070(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.085(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 285.000 to Point/Station 286.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 320.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 320.100(Ft.} pipe length 6.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 0.085(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 0.085(CFS) • Normal flow depth in pipe = Flow top width inside pipe = Critical Depth = 2.12(In.) 1.40(In.) 2.99 (In.) Pipe flow velocity = 3.77(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0.03 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.32 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 286.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.100(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.) Length of street segment 53.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 48.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 47.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line = 11.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street"= 0.089(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.077(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.865(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 1.000(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.86(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.47 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C TC = 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 11.80 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.969(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.805 CA = 0.129 Subarea runoff 0.169(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.254(CFS) Total area = 0.160(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.254(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.127(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.114(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.423(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 1.000(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 287.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** • Along Main stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.160(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.254(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 11.80 min. 1.969(In/Hr) S'tream Flow rate TC No. (CFS) (min) 1 0.417 2.91 2 0.254 11.80 Qmax(l) = 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.417) 1.000 * 0.246 * 0.254) Qmax(2) = 0.575 * 1. 000 * 0.417) 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.254) Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow·rates before confluence point: 0.417 0.254 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 3.425 1.969 + + = 0.480 + + 0.493 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.480 0.493 Area of streams before confluence: 0.140 0.160 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.493(CFS) Time of concentration 11.795 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.300 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 287.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 318.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) Length of street segment 150.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) width of half street (curb to crown) 29.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 28.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning'S N from gutter to grade break = 0.0200 Manning'S N from grade break to crown = 0.0200 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.584(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.218(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.580(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: • ( ..• \., Halfstreet flow width = 5.631(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.s8(Ft/s} Travel time = 1.58 min. TC = 13.38 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious valuet Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C value = 0.850 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 1.816(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.839 CA = 0.344 Subarea runoff 0.131(CFS} for 0.110(Ac.} Total runoff = 0.62s(CFS} Total area = 0.410 (Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.62s(CFS} Half street flow at end of street 0.62s(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.221(Ft.}t Average velocity = 1.604(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 5.805(Ft.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.410(Ac.} Runoff from this stream = 0.62s(CFS} Time of concentration = 13.38 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.816(In/Hr} Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 321.360(Ft.} End of street segment elevation = 31s.700(Ft.} Length of street segment = 350.000(Ft.} Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.} Width of half street (curb to crown) 20.000(Ft.} Distance from crown to crossfall grade break = 18.s00(Ft.} Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s} of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.} Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0200 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0200 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0200 Adding area flow to street • c. Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 1.816(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.850 CA = 0.527 Subarea runoff 0.956(CFS) for 0.210(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.956(CFS) Total area = 0.620(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.956(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.956(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.235(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.715(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 6.976(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 204.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 3 Stream flow area = 0.620(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.956(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 13.38 min. 1.816(In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) . 1 2.296 19.42 1.428 2 0.625 13.38 1.816 3 0.956 13.38 1.816 Qmax(l) = 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.296) + 0.786 * 1. 000 * 0.625) + 0.786 * 1.000 * 0.956) + 3.539 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.689 * 2.296) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.625) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.956) + = 3.163 Qmax(3) 1.000 * 0.689 * 2.296) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.625) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.956) + 3.163 Total of 3 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.296 0.625 0.956 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 3.539 3.163 3.163 Area of streams before confluence: .-2.990 0.410 0.620 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 3.539(CFS) Time of concentration = 19.419 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 4.020 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 204.000 to Point/Station 206.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 315.700(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) Length of street segment = 205.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) = 73.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 71.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) = 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Dist~nce from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = -0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 3.724 (-CFS) Depth of flow = 0.297(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.411(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 10.101(Ft.) Flow velocity = 3.41(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.00 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value = 0.850 A B C D TC = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 1. 000 20.42 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.382 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.639 CA = 2.836 Subarea runoff = 0.380(CFS) for 0.420(Ac.) Total runoff = 3.920(CFS) Total area = 4.440(Ac.) street flow at end of street = 3.920(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 3.920(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.301(Ft.), Average velocity = 3.452(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 10.316(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 206.000 to Point/Station 208.000 • **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 309.000(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Length of street segment 320.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline = 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 70.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 68.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) = 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break = 0.0180 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0180 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = Depth of flow = 0.340(Ft.), Average velocity 7 Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 12.239(Ft.) Flow Yelocity = 2.64(Ft/s) Travel time = 2.02 min. TC = 22.44 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type ] (Limited Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.900 Sub-Area C Value"= 0.850 4.135 (CFS) 2.635 (Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 1.300 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 3.304 Subarea runoff 0.376(CFS) for 0.550(Ac.) Total runoff = 4.296(CFS) Total area = 4.990(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 4.296(CFS) Half street flow at end of street = 4.296(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.344(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.659(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 12.427(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t+++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 208.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 4.990(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 4.296(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.44 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.300(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 • ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~+++++++ Process from Point/station 216.000 to Point/Station 218.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A 0.000 B = 0.000 C 0.000 D 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = 120.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 324.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = S.OOO % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 90.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of S.OO %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.30 minutes TC = .[1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.S)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 90.000A.S)/( S.000A(1/3)J= 2.30 Calculated TC of 2.297 minutes is less than S minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.425 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.328(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.110(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 218.000 to Point/Station 220.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Dpwnstream point elevation 30S.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = S60.000(Ft.) Channel base width 1.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.S00 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.S00 !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel 1.550(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.12S(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.550(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.152(Ft.), Average velocity 3.S87(Ft/s) !!Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width = 4.12S(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 3.59(Ft/s) Travel time 2.60 min. Time of concentration = 4.90 min. Critical depth = 0.211(Ft.) ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 (. Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 3.425(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.809 Subarea runoff = 2.444(CFS} for 0.820(AC.} Total runoff = 2.771 (CFS) Total area = 0.930(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.196(Ft.}, Average velocity = 4.526(Ft/s) I!Warning: water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.289(Ft.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 220.000 to point/Station 208.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 305.000(Ft.} Downstream point/station elevation 304.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 50.00(Ft.} Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.771(CFS} Nearest computed pipe diameter 12.00(In.} Calculated individual pipe flow 2.771(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 5.75(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 11.99(In.) Critical Depth = 8.56(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 7.45(Ft/s} Travel'time through pipe = 0.11 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 5.01 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/station 208.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.930(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.771(CFS} Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 5.01 min. 3.420 (In/Hr) Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 4.296 22.44 1.300 2 2.771 5.01 3.420 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 4.296) + 0.380 * 1. 000 * 2.771) + = 5.349 • Qmax(2) 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.223 * 1.000 * 4.296) + 2.771) + = Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow ~ates before confluence point: 4.296 2.771 3.730 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.349 3.730 Area of streams before confluence: 4.990 0.930 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.349(CFS) Time of concentration 22.444 min. Effective stream area after conf~uence = 5.920(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 208.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 304.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation = 278.000(Ft.) Pipe length = 44.20(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 5.349(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 9.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.349(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 3.71(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 8.86(In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 31.10(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 22.47 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 5.920(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 5.349(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.47 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.299{In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 222.000 to Point/Station 224.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 0.000 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance = 55.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 308.500{Ft.) Lowest elevation = 300.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 8.500(Ft.) Slope = 15.455 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 15.46 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 5.42 minutes TC = (1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/{% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A .5)/( 15.455A (1/3)]= 5.42 Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.252 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.034(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030{Ac.) ++++++++++~+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/station 224.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 300.000(Ft.) "Downstream point elevation 278.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 185.000(Ft.) Channel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 0.131{CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500{Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.131(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005{Ft.), Average velocity 0.430(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 60.505(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.43{Ft/s) Travel time 7.18 min. Time of concentration = 12.60 min. Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 1.887(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.087 Subarea runoff O.131(CFS) for O.220(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.165(CFS) Total area = O.250{Ac.) • Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) I Average velocity 0.006 (Ft.) o .471 (Ft / s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 280.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.250(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.165(CFS) Time of concentration = 12.60 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.887(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 5.349 22.47 1.299 2 0.165 12.60 1.887 Qmax (-I) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 5.349) + 0.689 * 1.000 * 0.165) + = 5.463 Qmax(2) 1.000 * 0.561 * 5.349) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.165) + 3.164 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.349 0.165 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.463 3.164 Area of streams before confluence: 5.920 0.250 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.463 (CFS) Time of concentration 22.468 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.170 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 280.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 278.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 60.000(Ft.} Channel base width 60.000(Ft.} Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel Flow(q} thru subarea = 0.500 (Ft.) 5.463(CFS} Depth of flow = 0.039(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 63.936(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.24(Ft/S) Travel time = 0.45 min. Time of concentration 22.91 min. Critical depth = 0.063(Ft.) 2.240(Ft/s) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++t Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: 'In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.170(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 5.463(CFS) Time of concentration = 22.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.283 (In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 226.000 to Point/Station 228.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = Highest elevation = 308.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 302.000(Ft.) 70.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 6.0QO(Ft.) Slope = 8.571 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 8.57 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.60 minutes TC= [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slope"'(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5 )/( 8.571A(1/3)]= 6.60 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.865(In/Hr) for a 2.0 ye~r storm 'Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.030(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.030(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 228.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation 3 02 . 0 0 0 (Ft. ) 295.000 (Ft. ) Channel length thru subarea = 120.000(Ft.) Chann~l base width 90.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.120(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 90.467(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.29(Ft/s) Travel time 7.00 min. Time of concentration = 13.59 min. Critical depth = 0.004(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-A~ea C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 1.797(In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.073 0.120(CFS) 0.286(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.102(CFS) for 0.180(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.132(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.005(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.004(Ft.) 0.210(AC.) 0.297(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.210(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.132(CFS) Time of concentration 13.59 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.797 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 232.000 to Point/Station 234.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance = Highest elevation = 304.000(Ft.) 35.000(Ft.) • (. \, Lowest elevation = 303.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.000(Ft.) Slope = 2.857 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.86 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance with Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.51 minutes TC = [1.8*(l.1-C}*distance(Ft.)A.5}/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 2.857A(l/3)]= 9.51 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.262(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.016(CFS} Total initial stream area = 0.020(Ac.} ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 234.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 303.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 295.000(Ft.} Channel length thru subarea 115.000(Ft.) Channel base width 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel -0.044(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.044(CFS} Depth of flow = 0.003(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.579(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 25.299(Ft.} Flow Velocity = 0.58(Ft/s) Travel time 3.31 min. Time of concentration = 12.83 min. Critical depth = 0.005(Ft.} Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 1.865 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for tot'al area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 Subarea runoff = 0.043(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.} Total runoff = 0.059(CFS} Total area Depth of flow = 0.004(Ft.}, Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.006(Ft.) 0.090(Ac.) 0.652(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/Station 230.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** '. " Along Main stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.059(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 12.83 min. 1.865(In/Hr) Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 0.132 13.59 1.797 2 0.059 12.83 1.865 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.132) + 0.963 * 1. 000 * 0.059) + = 0.189 Qmax(2) 1.000 * 0.944 * 0.132) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.059) + 0.183 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow, rates before confluence point: 0.132 0.059 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.189 0.183 Area of streams before confluence: 0.210 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.189(CFS) Time of concentration 13.595 min. Effective stream area after confluence o .300 (,Ac . ) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 230.000 to Point/station 212.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 295.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 190.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.286(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 60.742(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.64(Ft/s) Travel time 4.96 min. Time of concentration = 18.55 min. critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 0.286(CFS) 0.639(Ft/S) Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 1.470(I~/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.214 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.125(CFS) for 0.310(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.314(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.008(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.610 (Ac.) 0.663(Ft/s) Critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 212.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 0.610(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.314(CFS) Time of concentration = 18.55 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.470(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 5.463 22 .. 91 1.283 2 0.314 18.55 1.470 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 5.463) + 0.873 * 1. 000 * 0.314) + 5.737 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.810 * 5.463) + 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.314) + 4.736 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 5.463 0.314 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 5.737 4.736 Area of streams before confluence: 6.170 0.610 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 5.737(CFS) Time of concentration 22.914 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6.780(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 212.000 to Point/Station 214.000 • **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 105.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel ban~ = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 5.779(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 5.779(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.058(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.309(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 45.831(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.31(Ft/s) Travel time = 0.76 min. Time of concentration = 23.67 min. Critical depth = 0.084(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 = 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 5.589(CFS) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 1.256(In/Hr) for a 5.737(CFS) is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.647 CA = 4.449 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.100(Ac.) Total runoff = 5.737(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.058(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.083(Ft.) 6.880(Ac.) 2.303(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 214.000 to Point/Station ~14.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area = 6.880(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 5.737(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.67 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.256(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++f++++++++ Process from Point/Station 270.000 to Point/Station 271.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 c. Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.970(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.120(Ft.) Slope = 2.489 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.49 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.56 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A .5)/( 2.489A(1/3)]= 2.56 Calculated TC of 2.556 minutes is less than 5 minute$, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.425 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effec·tive runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.119(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 271.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 319.850(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 318.470(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 135.000(Ft.) Channel base width 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) FI9W(Q) thru subarea = 0.238(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.050(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 4.253(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.31(Ft/S) Travel time 1.72 min. Time of concentration = 4.27 min. Cri.tical depth = 0.054 (Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 1. 000 Rainfall intensity = 3.425(In/Hr) for a 0.238(CFS) 1.311 (Ft/s)' 2.0 year storm (. ..... (,. Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.104 Subarea runoff = 0.238(CFS) for 0.080(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.358(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.063(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.069(Ft.) 0.120 (Ac.) 1. 497 (Ft/S) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.120{Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.358(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 4.27 min. 3.425 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 284.000 to point/Station 290.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance 30.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.700{Ft.) Lowest elevation = 320.400{Ft.) Elevation difference 0.300(Ft.) Slope = 1.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 11.29 minutes TC = [1.8*{1.1-C)*distance{Ft.)A.5 )/{% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*{1.1-0.3500)*{ 70.000A.5 )/{ 1.000A {1/3)]= 11.29 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.025{In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.014{CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 284.000 to Point/Station 290.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 11.29 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.025(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total.area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.610 CA = 0.024 Subarea runoff 0.035(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.049(CFS) Total area = 0.040(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++ Process from Point/Station 290.000 to Point/Station 291.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 320.400(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 320.270(Ft.) Pipe length = 7.75(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 0.049(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter 3.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 0.049(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 1.25(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 2.96(In.) Critical Depth = 1.60(In.) Pipe flow velocity = 2.53(Ft/S) Travel time through pipe = 0.05 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 11.35 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Proce$s from Point/Station 291.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME + SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation = 320.270(Ft.) End of street segment elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Length of street segment 130.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 12.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 10.500(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on [1] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 10.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width = 1.500(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 1.500(In.) Manning's N in gutter = 0.0130 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown = 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street = 0.086(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.093(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.648(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width = 1.500(Ft.) Flow velocity = 1.65(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.31 min. TC = 12.66 min. Adding area flow to street (e Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1. 000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 1.881 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.790 CA = 0.103 Subarea runoff 0.144(CFS) for 0.090(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.193(CFS) Total area = 0.130(Ac.) Street flow at end of street = 0.193(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 0.193(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.131(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.862(Ft/S) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 1.803(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station 272.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.130(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.193(CFS) Time of c.oncentration = 12.66 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.881(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 0.358 4.27 3.425 2 0.193 12.66 1. 881 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.358) + 1. 000 * 0.337 * 0.193) + 0.423 Qmax (2) 0.549 * 1.000 * 0.358) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.193) + 0.390 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 0.358 0.193 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 0.423 0.390 Area of streams before confluence: 0.120 0.130 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 0.423(CFS) Time of concentration 4.272 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.250(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 272.000 to Point/Station **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 318.470(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 317.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 125.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 254.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = O.762(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.762(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.096(Ft.), Average velocity = 1.893(Ft/S) Channel flow top width = 5.396(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.89(Ft/s) Travel time 1.10 min. Time of concentration = 5.37 min. Critical depth = 0.107(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 becimal.fraction soil group D 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Rainfall intensity = 3.270 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.845 CA = 0.355 Subarea runoff = 0.738(CFS) for 0.170(Ac.) Total runoff = 1.161(CFS) Total area = 0.420(Ac.) Depth of flow = 0.120(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.148(Ft/s) ! !Warning: Water is above left or right bank elevations ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth Critical depth = 0.135(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.420(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 1.161(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 5.37 min. 3.270(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 252.000 to Point/Station 253.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C = 0.000 0.000 0.000 ce '-._.-. Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Initial subarea total flow distance 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 320.020(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 318.930(Ft.) Elevation difference = 1.090(Ft.) Slope = 2.422 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 70.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.42 %, in a development type of General Industrial In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 2.58 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.8700)*( 70.000A.5)/( 2.422A(1/3)]= 2.58 Calculated TC of 2.579 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations Rainfall intensity (I) = 3.425(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 Subarea runoff = 0.209(CFS) Total'initial stream area = 0.070(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 253.000 to Point/station 254.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 318.930(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 317.200(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width = 3.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 12.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 12.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.014 Maximum depth of channel 0.120(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.581(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.071(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 4.784(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.09(Ft/s) Travel time 0.80 min. Time of concentration =' 3.38 min. Critical depth = 0.092(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.581(CFS) 2.092 (Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 3.425(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.870 CA = 0.278 Ce (e 0.745(CFS) for 0.250(Ac.) Subarea runoff = Total runoff = Depth of flow = Critical depth = 0.954(CFS) Total area = 0.094(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.320 (Ac.) 2.440(Ft/s) 0.122 (Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 254.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.320(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.954(CFS) Time of concentration = 3.38 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.425(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 1.161 5.37 3.270 2 0.954 3.38 3.425 Qmax(l) = 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.161) + 0.955 * 1.000 * 0.954) + = 2.071 Qmax(2) = 1. 000 * 0.628 * 1.161) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.954) + 1.683 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 1.161 0.954 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.071 1.683 Area of streams before confluence: 0.420 0.320 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.071(CFS) Time of concentration = 5.372 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.740(AC.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~++++++ Process from Point/Station 254.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 317.200(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 311.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 100.000(Ft.) Channel base width 8.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 2.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel ~anning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel Flow(q) thru subarea = 1.500(Ft.) 2.113 (CFS) 2.113 (CFS) Depth of flow = 0.112(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 8.447(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.30(Ft/s) Travel time 0.72 min. Time of concentration = 6.10 min. Critical depth = 0.128(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q 1.941(CFS) 2.300(Ft/s) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 3.014(In/Hr) for a 2.071(CFS) is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.836 CA = 0.644 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.030(AC.) Total'runoff = 2.071(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.110(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.127(Ft.) 0.770(Ac.) 2.282(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station '258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 0.770(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.071(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 6.10 min. 3.014(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to point/Station 264.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance 50.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 318.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 317.220(Ft.) Elevation difference = 0.780(Ft.) Slope = 1.560 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.56 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 10.73 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)J TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 8S.000A .S)/( 1.560A (1/3)]= 10.73 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.093 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.3S0 Subarea runoff = 0.029(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.040(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 262.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.093 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.523 CA = 0.031 Subarea runoff 0.03~(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.066(CFS) Total area = 0.060(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 297.000 to Point/Station 264.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group Decimal fraction soil group [INDUSTRIAL area type (General Industrial Impervious value, Ai = 0.950 Sub-Area C Value = 0.870 A 0.000 B 0.000 C 0.000 D 1.000 Time of concentration = 10.73 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.093 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.662 CA = 0.066 Subarea runoff 0.073(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.139(CFS) Total area = 0.100(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 264.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = Downstream point elevation = 317 . 220 (Ft. ) 3 11. 500 (Ft . ) Channel length thru subarea 200.000(Ft.) Channel base width 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 5.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 5.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel = 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.lB7(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.040(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 5.940(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.B2(Ft/s) Travel time = 4.0B min. Time of concentration = 14.B1 min. Critical depth = 0.033(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.lB7(CFS) 0.B1B(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity = 1.700(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.534 CA = 0.091 Subarea runoff = 0.016(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = .0.154(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.036(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.029(Ft.) 0.170 (Ac . .l 0.760(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 25B.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.170(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.154(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 14.B1 min. 1.700(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 266.000 to Point/Station 26B.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 315.500(Ft.) 44.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Elevation difference 1.070(Ft.) Slope = 2.432 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 85.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.43 %, in a development type.of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 9.26 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA(1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 8S.000A.5)/( 2.432A(1/3)]= 9.26 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.302 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.008(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.010 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 268.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point·elevation = 314.430(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 311.500(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 200.000(Ft.) Channel base width 5.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 5.500 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 5.500 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of' channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.024(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.014(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 5.658(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.30(Ft/s) Travel time 11.07 min. Time of concentration = 20.33 min. Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) Adding ·area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 1.386(In/Hr) for a Ef.fective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.017 0.024(CFS) 0.301(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.016(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.024(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.014(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) 0.050 (Ac.) 0.301(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 258.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** ce Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 3 Stream flow area = 0.050(Ac.) Runoff from this stream = 0.024(CFS) Time of concentration = 20.33 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.386(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2.071 6.10 3.014 2 0.154 14.81 1.700 3 0.024 20.33 1.386 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 2.071) + 1.000 * 0.412 * 0.154) + 1.000 * 0.300 * 0.024) + = 2.142 Qmax(2) = 0.564 * 1.000 * 2.071) + 1.000 * 1.000 * 0.154) + 1.000 * 0.728 * 0.024) + 1.341 Qmax(3) 0.460 * 1. 000 * 2.071) + p.815 * 1. 000 * 0.154) + 1.000 * 1. 000 * 0.024) + = 1.103 Total of 3 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.071 0.154 0.024 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.142 1.341 1.103 Area of streams before confluence: 0.770 0.170 0.050 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.142(CFS) Time of concentration 6.097 min. Effective stream area after confluence 0.990 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 258.000 to point/Station 260.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size) **** Upstream point/station elevation = 311.500(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 306.000(Ft.) Pipe length 20.00(Ft.) Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes = 1 Required pipe flow 2.142(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter = 6.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 2.142(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 3.40(In.) Flow top width inside pipe = 5.95{In.) Critical depth could not be calculated. Pipe flow velocity = 18.62(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe 0.02 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 6.11 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 258.000 to Point/Station 260.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0 .. 000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Time of concentration = 6.11 min. Rainfall intensity = 3.008(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.752 CA = 0.759 Subarea runoff 0.141(CFS) for 0.020(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.283(CFS) Total area 1.010(AC.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 260.000 to Point/station 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 306.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 275.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 110.000(Ft.) C~annel base width 60.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.510(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.023(Ft.), Average velocity = Channel flow top width = 62.288(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 1.79(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.02 min. Time of concentration = 7.14 min. Critical depth = 0.038(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D = [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 2.723(In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.597 CA = 0.980 2.510(CFS) 1.794 (.Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.384(CFS) for 0.630(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.667(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.024(Ft.), Average velocity = 1. 640 (Ac ,,) 1. 837 (Ft/ s) c· Critical depth = 0.039 (Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to Point/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.640(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.667(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 7.14 min. 2.723 (In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 240.000 to Point/Station 242.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 321.360(Ft.) Lowest "elevation = 317.000 (Ft.) 94.000(Ft.) Elevation difference = 4.360(Ft.) Slope = 4.638 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 3.333 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 3.33 %, in a development type of Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration = 9.04 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5 )/(% slopeA (1/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A.5)/( 3.333A (1/3)]= 9.04 Rainfall intensity (I) = 2.338 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.016(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.020 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 242.000 to Point/Sta~ion 244.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 317.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 275.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 265.000(Ft . .) Channel base width 12.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = Manning's 'N' = 0.035 0.045(CF$) Maximum depth of channel 0.500{Ft.) Flow{q) thru subarea = 0.045{CFS) Depth of flow = 0.006{Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 12.639{Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.57{Ft/S) Travel time = 7.72 min. Time of concentration = 16.76 min. Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 0.000 1.000 Rainfall intensity = 1.570 (In/Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.032 0.572(Ft/s) 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.033(CFS) for 0.070(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.049(CFS) Total area Depth of flow = 0.007(Ft.), Average velocity = 0.090 (Ac.) 0.593(Ft/S) Critical depth = 0.008(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 244.000 to ppint/Station 244.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.049(CFS) Time of concentration = 16.76 min. Rainfall intensity = 1.570(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 2.667 7.14 2.723 2 0.049 16.76 1.570 Qmax(l) = 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.667) + 1. 000 * 0.426 * 0.049) + = 2.688 Qmax(2) 0.577 * 1.000 * 2.667) + l. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.049) + = 1.587 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.667 0.049 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: . 2.688 1.587 Area of streams before confluence: 1.640 0.090 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.688(CFS) Time of concentration 7.137 min. Effective stream area after confluence 1. 730 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 244.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 275.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea = 50.000(Ft.) Channel base width 25.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel = 2.712(CFS) Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 0.500(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.712(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.044(Ft.), Average velocity = 2.254(Ft/s) Channel flow top width = 29.422(Ft.) Flow'Velocity = 2.25(Ft/s) Travel time 0.37 min. Time of concentration = 7.51 min. Critical depth = 0.068(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Rainfall intensity = 2.635(In!Hr) for a Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.580 CA = 1.022 2.0 year storm Subarea runoff = 0.004(CFS) for 0.030(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.692(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.044(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.068(Ft.) 1.760 .(Ac.) 2.248(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** ~long Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area = 1.760(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.692(CFS) Time of concentration Rainfall intensity = 7.51 min. 2.635(In/Hr) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 248.000 to Point/Station 250.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 Initial subarea total flow distance = 60.000(Ft.) Highest elevation = 296.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Elevation difference 6.000(Ft.) Slope = 10.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 10.00 %, in a development type of Permanent open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.27 minutes TC = [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC = [1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*( 100.000A .5)/( 10.000A(1/3)]= 6.27 Rainfoall intensity (I) = 2.961 (In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 Subarea runoff = 0.124(CFS) Total initial stream area = 0.120(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 250.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation = 290.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000(Ft.) Cpannel base width 40.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel Manning's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 0.207(CFS) Depth of flow = 0.006(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 40.635(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 0.81(Ft/s) Travel time = 1.65 min. Time of concentration = 7.91 min. Critical depth = 0.009(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Impervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 0.000 1.000 o . 207 .( CFS) 0.809(Ft/s) C. Rainfall intensity = 2.547(In/Hr) for a 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.350 CA = 0.098 Subarea runoff = 0.125(CFS) for 0.160(Ac.) Total runoff = 0.250(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.007 (Ft.) I Average veloci.ty = Critical depth O.Oll(Ft.) 0._280 (Ac.) 0.871(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 246.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Along Main Stream number: 2 in normal stream number 2 Stream flow area = 0.280(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 0.250(CFS) Time of concentration = 7.91 min. Rainfall intensity = 2.547(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1 2.692 7.51 2.635 2 0.250 7.91 2.547 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1.000 * 2.692) + 1. 000 * 0.949 * 0.2"50) + = 2.929 Qmax(2) 0.967 * 1. 000 * 2.692) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 0.2~0) + 2.852 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 2.692 0.250 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 2.929 2.852 Area of streams before confluence: 1.760 0.280 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 2.929{CFS) Time of concentration 7.506 min. Effective stream area after confluence 2.040 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 246.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** upstream point elevation = 265.000(Ft.) Downstream point elevation 250.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea 80.000{Ft.) Channel base width 15.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z' of left channel bank = 50.000 Slope or 'Z' of right channel bank = 50.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel 2.958(CFS) Mann~ng's 'N' = 0.035 Maximum depth of channel 1.000(Ft.) Flow(q) thru subarea = 2.958(CFS) Depth of tiow = 0.063(Ft.), Average velocity Channel flow top width = 21.260(Ft.) Flow Velocity = 2.61(Ft/s) Travel time 0.51 min. Time of concentration = 8.02 min. Critical depth = 0.096(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D 1.000 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space ) Jmpervious value, Ai = 0.000 Sub-Area C Value = 0.350 The area added to the existing stream causes a a lower flow rate of Q = 2.863(CFS) 2.606(Ft/S) therefore the upstream flow rate of Q = Rainfall intensity = 2.526 (In/Hr) for a 2.929(CFS) is being used 2.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.545 CA = 1.134 Subarea runoff = O.OOO(CFS) for 0.040(Ac.) Total runoff = 2.929(CFS) Total area = Depth of flow = 0.062(Ft.), Average velocity = Critical depth = 0.095(Ft.) 2.080 (Ac .. ) 2.598(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 214.000 to Point/Station 214.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area = 2.080(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.929(CFS) Time of concentration = Rainfall intensity = Summary of stream data: 8.02 min. 2.526(In/Hr) St'ream No. Flow rate (CFS) TC (min) 1 5.737 23.67 2 2.929 8.02 Qmax (1) 1.000 * 1. 000 * 5.737) 0.497 * 1.000 * 2.929) Qmax (2) 1.000 * 0.339 * 5.737) 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 2.929) Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 1.256 2.526 + + 7.194 + + 4.872 • 5.737 2.929 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 7.194 4.872 Area of streams before confluence: 6.880 2.080 Results of confluence: Total flow rate = 7.194(CFS) Time of concentration = 23.672 min. Effective stream area after confluence End of computations, total study area = 8.960(Ac.) 8.550 (Ac.) • • • Flood Hydrograph for Detention Basin 041109 FLOOD HYDROGRAPH ROUTING PROGRAM Copyright (c) CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN, 1989 -2004 Study date: 11/02/05 DETENTION BASIN FOR CASSIA Program License Serial Number 5007 ********************* HYDROGRAPH INFORMATION ********************-** From study/file name: pmkdet01.rte ********************** Hydrograph Information ************************ From manual input hydrograph * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * HYDROGRAPH DATA* * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *.* * * * * * * * * * Number of intervals = 28 Time interval = 1.0 (Min.) Maximum/Peak flow rate = 3.400 (CFS) Total volume = 0.036 (Ac.Ft) S~atus of hydrographs being held in storage Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 Peak (CFS) Vol (Ac.Ft) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 *********************************************************************** ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from point/Station 101.000 to Point/Station 102.000 **** RETARDING BASIN ROUTING **** User entry of depth-outflow-storage data Total number of inflow hydrograph intervals = 28 Hydrograph time unit = 1.000 (Min.) Initial depth in storage basin = O.OO(Ft.) Initial basin depth = Initial basin storage = Initial basin outflow = 0.00 (Ft.) 0.00 (Ac.Ft) 0.00 (CFS) G:\AcctsI041109ICASSIA RD. OFFICESIHydrologyI0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • --------------~----------------------------------------------------- Depth vs. Storage and Depth vs. Discharge data: (S+0*dt/2) (AC. Ft) Basin Depth storage Outflow (S-0*dt/2) (Ft.) (Ac.Ft) (CFS) (Ac.Ft) --------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.000 0.500 1.000 1.500 2.000 2.500 3.000 3.500 4.000 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.010 0.015 0.023 0.031 0.000 0.120 0.210 0.390 0.530 0.750 0.930 1.180 7.400 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.009 0.014 0.022 0.026 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.007 0.011 0.016 0.024 0.036 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrograph Detention Basin Routing --------------------------------------------------------------------- Graph values: 111= unit inflow; 10'=outflowat time shown --------------------------------------------------------------------- Time (Hours) 0.017 0.033 0.050 0.067 0.083 0.100 0.117 0.133 0.150 0.167 0.183 0.200 0.217 0.233 0.250 0.267 0.283 0.300 0.317 0.333 0.350 0.367 0.383 0.400 0.417 0.433 0.450 0.467 0.483 0.500 0.517 0.533 0.550 0.567 Inflow (CFS) 0.00 0.30 0.90 1.90 2.90 3.40 3.40 3.10 2.60 1. 90 1.40 1. 00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 outflow (CFS) 0.00 0.02 0.11 0.26 0.46 0.67 0.84 0.96 1. 04 1. 09 1.11 1.11 1.11 1. 09 1. 06 1. 03 1. 00 0.97 0.94 0.90 0.86 0.82 0.78 0.74 0.67 0.61 0.55 0.51 0.48 0.45 0.42 0.39 0.35 0.31 I I I I 1 o I 0.8 Storage (Ac.Ft) .0 0.000 0 0.000 0 I 0.001 10 0.003 I 0 0.005 I 0 0.009 I 0.013 1 0.016 I 0.018 I 0.020 I 0.021 1 0.021 I 0.021 1 0.020 I I 0.019 1 I 0.018 I I 0.017 1 I 0.016 II 0.015 I 0.014 I 01 10 10 I 0 I 0 110 II 0 I 0 1 0 10 10 10 o o 0.013 I 0 0.012 I 01 0.011 I 01 0.010 I 0 I 0.009 I 0 I 0.008 I 0 I 0.007 I 0 I 0.007 I 0 I 0.006 I 0 1 0.005 I 0 I 0.005 I 0 I 0.004 I 0 I 0.004 I 0 I 0.003 I 0 I I 1. 70 I I I II I I I I 1 II I. I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.55 I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I Depth 3.40 (Ft.) I 0.00 I 0.10 I 0.46 1 1.15 I 1.73 I ~.33 I 2.76 1 3.05 I 3.21 1 3.31 I 3.36 1 3.37 I 3.35 1 3.32 I 3.27 1 3.21 I 3.15 1 3.08 I 3.01 1 2.91 I 2.80 I 2.7-0 I 2.60 I 2.48 I 2.32 I· 2.17 I . 2.04 I 1.92 I 1.81 I 1. 70 I 1. 60 I 1.51 I 1.39 I 1.27 G:\Accts\041 !09\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • 0.583 0.00 0.27 0.003 I 0 1.17 0.600 0.00 0.24 0.002 I 0 1. 08 0.617 0.00 0.21 0.002 I 0 1. 01 0.633 0.00 0.19 0.002 IO 0.88 0.650 0.00 0.17 0.002 IO 0.75 0.667 0.00 0.15 0.001 IO 0.65 0.683 0.00 0.13 0.001 IO 0.55 0.700 0.00 0.11 0.001 IO 0.47 0.717 0.00 0.10 0.001 0 0.40 ****************************HYDROGRAPH DATA**************************** Number of intervals = 43 Time interval = 1.0 (Min.) Maximum/Peak flow rate = 1.115 (CFS) Total volume = 0.035 (Ac.Ft) Status of hydrographs being held in storage Peak (CFS) Vol (Ac.Ft) Stream 1 Stream 2 Stream 3 Stream 4 Stream 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 *********************************************************************** G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • Pipe Flow Hydraulics for Storm Drain at EL Camino Real **************************************************************~*************** PIPE-FLOW HYDRAULICS COMPUTER PROGRAM PACKAGE (Reference: WSPG COMPUTER MODEL HYDRAULICS CRITERION) (c) Copyright 1982-2002 Advanced Engineering Software (aes) Ver. 8.0 Release Date: 01/01/2002 License ID 1423 Analysis prepared by: O'Day Consultants Inc 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, CA 92008 ************************** DESCRIPTION OF STUDY ************************** * 041109 -CASSIA PROFESSIONAL OFFICES * * STORM DRAIN LINE A * * PREPARED BY: THOMAS GUINN * ************************************************************************** FILE NAME: G:\ACCTS\041109\SDA.DAT TIME/DATE OF STUDY: 09:30 01/30/2006 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *'* * *'* * * * * ** * *'* * * GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS FOR PIPE SYSTEM NODAL POINT STATUS TABLE (Note: "*" indicates nodal point data used.) UPSTREAM RUN DOWNSTREAM RUN NODE MODEL PRESSURE PRESSURE+ FLOW PRESSURE+ NUMBER PROCESS HEAD (FT) MOMENTUM(POUNDS) • DEPTH (FT) MOMENTUM (POUNpS) 100.00-1.50 256.80 0.53* } FRICTION 101.00-1.34*Dc 250.13 1.34*Dc } JUNCTION 102.00-2.64* 248.27 0.67 } FRICTION 103.00-1.66* 140.06 0.95 Dc MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ENERGY BALANCES USED IN EACH PROFILE = 25 NOTE: STEADY FLOW HYDRAULIC HEAD-LOSS COMPUTATIONS BASED ON THE MOST CONSERVATIVE FORMULAE FROM THE CURRENT LACFCD WSPG COMPUTER PROGRAM. JUNCTION ANALYSIS USING FULL INTEGRATION FORMULATION 5'59.33 250.13 105.12 89.56 ****************************************************************************** DOWNSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 100.00 PIPE FLOW = 12.60 CFS ASSUMED DOWNSTREAM CONTROL HGL = FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 282.75 PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES 284.250 FEET NODE 100.00 : HGL = < 283.280>iEGL= < 291.206>iFLOWLINE= < 282.750> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 100.00 TO NODE 101.00 IS CODE = 1 G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro)ogy\0409-HYDROWGY.doc • • • UPSTREAM NODE 101. 00 ELEVATION = 293.52 (FLOW IS SUPERCRITICAL) -------------------------------------------------------------------------,~---- CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES (LACFCD) : PIPE FLOW 12.60 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH = 36.16 FEET MANNING'S N 0.01300 NORMAL DEPTH(FT) = 0.48 CRITICAL DEPTH(FT) = 1.34 ============================================================================== UPSTREAM CONTROL ASSUMED FLOWDEPTH(FT) = 1.34 ============================================================================== GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW PROFILE COMPUTED INFORMATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISTANCE FROM FLOW DEPTH VELOCITY SPECIFIC PRES SURE + CONTROL (FT) (FT) (FT/SEC) ENERGY (FT) MOMENTUM (POUNDS) 0.000 1.337 7.573 2.228 250.13 0.009 1.303 7.728 2.231 250.40 0.038 1.268 7.903 2.239 251.21 0.087 1. 234 8.098 2.253 252.60 0.160 1.200 8.314 2.274 254.57 0.259 1.165 8.552 2.301 257.17 0.388 1.131 8.813 2.338 260,44 0.550 1. 096 9.100 2.383 264.44 0.752 1. 062 9.415 2.439 269.21 '1. 000 1. 028 9.761 2.508 274.84 1.302 0.993 10.141 2.591 281. 40 1.669 0.959 10.559 2.691 289.00 2.113 0.925 11.019 2.811 297.74 2.652 0.890 11.527 2.955 307.75 3.307 0.856 12.090 3.127 319.21 4.107 0.822 12.715 3.333 332.29 5.092 0.787 13.411 3.582 347 .. 22 6.315 0.753 14.189 3.881 364.28 7.853 0.718 15.064 4.244 383'.79 9.823 0.684 16.052 4.687 406.18 12.407 0.650 17.173 5.232 431.94 15.914 0.615 18.454 5.907 46.1.71 20.929 0.581 19.928 6.751 496.30 28.774 0.547 21. 638 7.821 536.76 36.160 0.530 22.587 8.456 559.33 NODE 101.00: HGL = < 294.857>iEGL= < 295.748>iFLOWLINE= < 293.520> ****************************************************************************** 101.00 TO NODE 102.00 IS CODE = 5 FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE UPSTREAM NODE 102.00 ELEVATION = 293.89 (FLOW UNSEALS IN RE~CH) CALCULATE JUNCTION LOSSES: PIPE FLOW DIAMETER ANGLE FLOWLINE CRITICAL VELOCITY (CFS) (INCHES) (DEGREES) ELEVATION DEPTH (FT. ) (FT/SEC) UPSTREAM 6.00 18.00 45.00 293.89 0.95 3.395 DOWNSTREAM 12.60 18.00 293.52 1.34 . 7.575 LATERAL #1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 LATERAL #2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 Q5 6.60===Q5 EQUALS BASIN INPUT=== JUNCTION ANALYSIS USING FULL INTEGRATION FORMULATION G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • UPSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.00326 DOWNSTREAM: MANNING'S N = 0.01300; FRICTION SLOPE = 0.01278 AVERAGED FRICTION SLOPE IN JUNCTION ASSUMED AS 0.00802 JUNCTION LENGTH 4.00 FEET FRICTION LOSSES JUNCTION LOSSES JUNCTION LOSSES 0.032 FEET ENTRANCE LOSSES = 0.178 FEET (TRANSITION LOSS) + (FRICTION LOSS) + (ENTRANCE LOSSES) ( 0.754)+( 0.032)+( 0.178) = 0.964 NODE 102.00 : HGL = < 296.533>;EGL= < 296.712>;FLOWLINE= < 293.890> ****************************************************************************** FLOW PROCESS FROM NODE 102.00 TO NODE 103.00 IS CODE = 1 UPSTREAM NODE 103.00 ELEVATION = 295.05 (FLOW IS UNDER PRESSURE) CALCULATE FRICTION LOSSES (LACFCD) : PIPE FLOW 6.00 CFS PIPE DIAMETER = 18.00 INCHES PIPE LENGTH SF=(Q/K) **2 HF=L*SF = ( 54.75 FEET MANNING'S N 0.01300 (( 6.00)/( 105.037))**2 = 0.00326 54.75)*(0.00326) = 0.179 NODE 103.00 : HGL = < 296.712>;EGL= < 296.891>iFLOWLINE= < 295.050> ****************************************************************************** UPSTREAM PIPE FLOW CONTROL DATA: NODE NUMBER = 103.00 ASSUMED UPSTREAM CONTROL HGL = FLOWLINE ELEVATION = 295.05 296.00 FOR DOWNSTREAM RUN ANALYSIS ==========~=================================================================== END OF GRADUALLY VARIED FLOW ANALYSIS G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • EI Camino Real Inlet Hydraulics El Camino Real slope gradient = 1.2% 3 QIL=0.7(a+y)2 Q = interception capacity of the curb inlet (10.1 cfs) y = depth of flow approaching the curb inlet (0.45 -figure 2-2) a = depth of depression of curb at inlet (0.33') L = length of clear opening of inlet for total interception 3 10.11 L = 0.7(0.45 +0.33)2 L = 20.9' • • G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydrology\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc • • • Western Swale Design 1<----------------( 5.54')----------------->1 ****** --Total Depth ( 1.00')--****** *** *** *** *** 1<------( ***AAAAAW.S. *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1.82')------->1 *** ( 0.33,)AAAAA*** *** *** *** *** *** ****** ** Triangular Channel Flowrate •• '" •• e ••••••••••••• 0.363 CFS Velocity .................. 1.223 fps Depth of Flow ............. 0.329 feet Critical Depth ............. 0.254 feet Freeboard . '" .............. '" '" 0.670 feet Total Depth . '" .. '" . '" .. '" . '" '" .. 0.999 feet Width at Water Surface .... 1.823 feet Top Width ... '" ............. 5.535 feet Slope of Channel '" '". '" ........ 1.000 !1, 0 Left Side Slope ..................... 2.770 : 1 Right Side Slope .................... 2.770 : 1 X-Sectional Area .. ....... ....... .. 0.300 sq . ft. Wetted Perimeter ................... 1. 938 feet ARA(2/3) ............................... 0.086 Mannings In' ........................ 0.035 G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro)ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc '. • Northern Swale Design 1<----------------( 8.04')----------------->1 ****** --Total Depth ( 1.18')--****** *** *** *** *** *** *** 1<------( *** 4.37') -------> 1 *** ***AAAAAW.S. ( 0.64,)AAAAA*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ****** ** Triangular Channel Flowrate ,. .................................. 4.700 Velocity .................................... 3.353 Depth of Flow .......................... 0.642 Critical Deptn ........................ 0.653 Freeboard ................................. 0.540 Total Depth .............................. 1.182 width at Water Surface ........ 4.366 Top Width .................................. 8,.038 Slope of Channel .................... 3.000 Left Side Slope ...................... 3.400 Right Side Slope .................... 3.400 X-Sectional Area .............. .... .. 1.402 Wetted Perimeter .................... 4.551 ARA(2/3) .................................... 0.639 Mannings 'n' ............................ 0.035 : : CFS fps feet feet feet feet feet feet ~ 0 1 1 sq . feet ft. G:\Accts\041109\CASSIA RD. OFFICES\Hydro!ogy\0409-HYDROLOGY.doc ...;:-:- ib' Y!:t; 00 /, "' ;3-6 "''''' ~o .~ :3 0 0 ..t. ~ ~o.. =j~ • '.., ro o~ ~'-0 o_ W· ~N ~o r.g 2XJ c, '" "'<0 c:" ?3 o ~ ~ :. '" © N o o -I'>-<:) Cl ~ (") o ::::I en C S ::::I ur -::::I C"l ;;;: ~ .... ~ <:ij ~ 1i' .-~ o §l ~ <;'j B ~ ~ i 1 ~ ?- ~ n :J " C 0101= 00-I I g ~ ~ t:g.V)~ .... ~ 5. c:: Jo.L~<t(\l ~c5go~ oOCDo .... Vl"tl"O(lI c:: ~ -:c: :2 g g ;:.! ~ g 2'm ~. ~ . .5 .E <Q:l _. ~ ;;: R 5' ~ ~ ~ <;'j ~ :Ii: ~ -" ?<i ~ ~ '-"-i: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j:tl ~ fi ~ ~ :;;: ~ ;;: ~ "" ~ .e i ~~ ® ~fIl ~~ :';:t:!i E!l~ ~~ :...~ ~§i: ... ~ '" ~'" .".0, ~." <li~ '" " / ••• ' X \, • \ ".' x 4 ?4.7 x "" .. / ....... ............. , '21. 8 'Y ~ , n 1--! , ~ ga § x ..., ",0 ~ -• II ~ 6. ! .. " ~ gg 8 ,q ~ x ~§)ot;A""78iiiiii ~~- l! 325.2 i' ~ \1 '-" t'di '-' '. \ , \ , .0· ~/ , , 322 x 32J.1 <-r:? 'k324.9 :~~~332~ / / / , j , / .' x 321. _.~/.2 {'MM'''''''~' ,." •• , .", ............ 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