Bressi Ranch Lot 40
Planning Area 5
Carlsbad, California
St. Croix Capital
June 15, 2006 GEOTECHNICAL
A California Corporation
St. Croix Capital
4350 Executive Drive, Suite 301
San Diego, California 92121
Subject: Rough Grade Report
Proposed Business Park
Bressi Ranch Lot 40, Planning Area 5
SWC of Palomar'Airport Road and Melrose Drive
Carlsbad, California
Project No.: 06M112-2
Reference: Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Business Park, Bressi Ranch Lot 40,
Planning Area 5, SWC of Palomar 'Airport Road and Melrose Drive,
Carlsbad, California; prepared for St. Croix Capital, by Southern California
Geotechnical, Inc.,' dated December 28, 2004, SCG Project No. 04G243-1.
In accordance with your request, Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) presents
this Rough 'Grade Compaction Report which serves as a summary of the grading
observation and testing performed by our personnel during rough grading operations
for the building pad areas at the subject site.
The subject site is located at the southwest corner of Palomar Airport Road and Melrose
Drive, in the city of Carlsbad, California. The specific site is a portion of Planning Area 5
or Lot 40, and consists of 9:8± acres. The subject site is an irregular shaped parcel,
with overall maximum dimensions of 400 to 700± feet in the north-south direction and
800± feet in the east-west direction. Ground cover consisted of exposed soil with
negligible to sparse weed growth. A 6± foot deep desilting basin was located in the
southwest corner of the site. Prior to grading, the site topography consisted of a gently
sloping terrain, dipping downward to the southwest.
U Based upon a grading plan provided by Partners Planning and Engineering, the
proposed construction consists of fourteen (14) separate buildings with footprint areas
ranging in size from 5,700± ft2 to 8,200± ft2. The buildings will be surrounded by areas
of asphalt and concrete pavement, concrete flatwork, and new landscaped planters. The
buildings will consist of single-story concrete tilt-up buildings, supported on
22885 East Savi Ranch Parkway v Suite E v Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4624
voice: (714) 777-0333 v fax: (714) 685-1118 v www.socalgeo.com
conventional shallow foundation systems and concrete slab-on-grade floors. Based on
I the planned construction, maximum column and wall loads are expected to be on the
order of 60 kips and 3 kips per linear foot, respectively.
I Based on a review of the project grading plans, cuts and fills of up to 5± feet were
required to achieve the final pad grades. It should be noted that this estimate is
exclusive of any overexcavation and subsequent fill placement necessary for the
recommended remedial grading activities.
SCG previously conducted a geotechnical investigation report for the proposed
I development. The results of this investigation are presented in the above referenced
report. The subsurface exploration conducted for this project consisted of eight (8)
borings advanced to depths of 10 to 19± feet below the existing site grades.
Artificial fill soils were encountered at the ground surface at all eight (8) of the borings
and extended to depths ranging from 1 to at least 191/2 ± feet, the maximum depth of I our borings. As previously discussed, the fill soils within PA-5 are documented to have
maximum depths of 45 to 50± feet. These fill soils generally consisted stiff to very stiff,
I silty to sandy clays, and medium dense to dense silty sands, clayey sands and sandy
silts. Bedrock was encountered beneath the fill soils at six of the eight boring locations.
The bedrock encountered at this site consists of Tertiary age Santiago formation
I, bedrock, which is comprised of dense to very dense sandstone with some zones of
claystone and siltstone.
I In addition to or report, as part of our investigation of the overall site, including
Planning Areas PA-1 through PA-5, we reviewed several geotechnical reports provided
by Leighton and Associates, Inc. These reports conclude that construction of •
I improvements within Planning Areas PA-1 through PA-5 may begin.
Based upon the conditions identified, it was recommended that the building pad areas A I through D be overexcavated to a depth of at least 3 feet below the existing site grades
and 3 feet below the proposed pad grades. It was recommended that the depth of
I .overexcavation be sufficient to provide at least 3 feet of new structural fill beneath the
bearing grade of all foundations. In the remainder of the building pad areas (E through
N) it was recommended that overexcavation should extend to a depth adequate to
remove all surficial, weathered soils. It was recommended that the excavated materials
be replaced as structural compacted fill.
Rough grading operations documented in this report were initiated on April 12, 2006
SOUTHERN Proposed Business Park - Carlsbad CA
CALIFORNIA Project No. 06M112-2
and were completed on May 1, 2006. The building pad areas were overexcavated in
accordance with the above recommendations. This resulted in the building areas being
overexcavated to depths of 1± to 9± feet below the proposed pad grades. The limits of
overexcavation were extended laterally at least 5± feet beyond the building and
foundation perimeters. The former desilting basin, located to the southwest of the site,
was overexcavated to a depth of 3± feet below existing surface grade. Overexcavation
was accomplished using Caterpillar 623 scrapers. Prior to filling, the exposed subgrade
soils were scarified to a depth of 10 to 12± inches, moisture conditioned, and
recompacted. The overexcavation subgrades were noted to be firm and unyielding
beneath the weight of the grading equipment and were approved for filling by an SCG
field representative. The excavations were then backfilled with compacted structural fill
to reach finished grades. Fill materials consisted of on-site soils that were moisture
treated and compacted in 6± inch thick lifts with the scrapers and a Cat 824 rubber
tired loader. Fill soils were compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557
maximum dry density.
An ascending 2:1 slope with a maximum height of 9± feet was constructed in the area
of the existing slope located on the northern and eastern ends of the site. A keyway
was excavated at the toe of the proposed cut slope. The keyway was excavated
through disturbed surficial soils into competent soils. Removal depths were on the
order of 2± feet below the natural site grade for the keyway. The keyway excavation
was 15± feet wide. The bottom of the keyway excavation sloped downward from the
proposed toe back into the slope at a gradient of at least two percent. Keyway
excavation subgrades were evaluated and approved for fill placement by an SCG
representative. The subgrade soils were scarified, moisture conditioned, and
recompacted prior to filling. Fill soils within the slope area consisted of on-site soils
which were moisture conditioned and placed/compacted in 6 to 8± inch thick lifts.
Compaction was achieved through the use of a Cat 824 rubber tired dozer. The existing
slope was continually benched back in order to expose competent materials. All newly
placed fill soils were compacted to at least 90% of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry
Structural fill compaction was tested by the Nuclear Method (ASTM D-2922-81) and
referenced to maximum dry density values obtained by the Modified Proctor method
(ASTM D-1557-91). Where density tests indicated less than the minimum specified
compaction, the areas were moisture treated as necessary and recompacted until 90
percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density was achieved as indicated by
retests. Locations indicating passing test results are indicated on the enclosed Density
Test Location Plan, Plate 1. Moisture-density test results are indicated on Table 1,
enclosed in this report. In addition, data regarding the soil types used as structural fill
are presented on Table 2.
SOUTHERN Proposed Business Park - Carlsbad, CA
..CALIFORNIA Project No. 06M112-2
Expansion Index
Representative samples of the soils used for fill were obtained from the completed
building pads for Expansion Index (El) testing. The expansive potential of the fill soils
was determined in general accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) Standard 18-
2. The results of the Expansion Index testing are as follows:
Sample Identification Expansion Index Expansive Potential
Buildings A through D 26 Low
Buildings E through N 37 Low
Based on the above test results, these soils have been classified as low expansive. The *
foundation and floor slab design recommendations presented in the geotechnical report
were made with respect to the presence of medium expansive on-site soils, therefore,
no additional considerations with respect to expansive soils are considered warranted at
this time.
Geotechnical observation and testing of the building pads rough grading activities
I indicate that the building pads have been suitably prepared, with grading activities
- conducted in accordance with recommendations presented in the original geotechnical
'engineering report and the local building codes. The building pads are expected to
provide adequate support for the intended structures which utilizes foundations
designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2500 psf.
I The foundations, floor slab and other improvements should be designed in accordance
with the recommendations contained in the original geotechnical report referenced
above. It is recommended that SCG be contacted to perform additional earthwork
observation and testing during the following phases of the project:
. Foundation Excavation
Utility Trench Backfill
Retaining Wall Construction and/or Backfill
. Subgracie Preparation in New Pavement Areas
Aggregate Base Placement in New Pavement Areas
SOUTHERN Proposed Business Park - Carlsbad, CA
CALIFORNIA Project No. 06M112-2
This opportunity to be of continued professional service is sincerely appreciated. Should
you have any questions regarding this project, please contact us at your earliest
Respectfully Submitted,
Pablo Montes Jr.
S Engineer
Rbbert G. TrazcjJ M.Sc., GE 2655
Senior EngineeV
No. 26515
Enclosures: Density Test Location Plan, Plate 1
Summary of Field Density Tests, Table 1
Summary of Moisture-Density Relationships, Table 2
Distribution: (5) Addressee
__ SOUTHERN Proposed Business Park - Carlsbad, CA
Project No. 061V1112-2
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06M I12-2 GEOTECHNICAL I PLATE I A Calijbrnin Corporation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
1 12-Apr-06 434.0 Building N D 18.5 106.3 93 B.O.X.
2 12-Apr-06 432.0 Building N D 17.4 107.5 94 B.O.X.
3 12-Apr-06 432.0 Building M D 17.8 105.6 92 B.O.X.
4 12-Apr-06 430.0 Building M D 17.5 104.9 92
5 12-Apr-06 437.0 2:1 Slope D 19.1 90.7 79 Fail: 90% Required
6 12-Apr-06 437.0 2:1 Slope D 20.0 95.0 83 Fail: 90% Required
7 12-Apr-06 437.0 2:1 Slope D 22.3 97.1 85 Fail: 90% Required
8 12-Apr-06 432.0 Building M D 17.1 104.2 91
9 12-Apr-06 433.0 Building M D 17.2 103.8 91
10 12-Apr-06 435.0 Building N D 17.5 104.9 92
11 12-Apr-06 434.0 Building N D 17.8 106.6 93
12 13-Apr-06 425.0 Building L D 17.0 105.7 92 B.O.X.
13 13-Apr-06 427.0 Building L D 17.5 104.3 91 B.O.X.
14 13-Apr-06 438.0 2:1 Slope D 18.4 109.0 95 Retest #5
15 13-Apr-06 437.0 2:1 Slope D 18.9 105.0 92 Retest #6
16 13-Apr-06 437.0 2:1 Slope D 18.3 106.1 93 Retest #7
17 13-Apr-06 426.0 Building L D 17.6 108.6 95
18 13-Apr-06 427.0 Building L D 17.2 111.4 97
19 13-Apr-06 428.0 Building L D 17.3 108.9 95
20 13-Apr-06 433.0 Building M D 17.7 104.1 91
21 13-Apr-06 434.0 Building M D 17.0 106.9 93'
22 13-Apr-06 434.0 Building N D 18.9 102.9 90
23 13-Apr-06 435.0 Building N D 17.5 109.6 96
24 14-Apr-06 439.0 2:1 Slope C 19.3 103.1 94
25 14-Apr-06 440.0 2:1 Slope C 19.0 104.0 95
26 14-Apr-06 440.0 2:1 Slope C 19.5 98.6 90
27 14-Apr-06 441.0 2:1 Slope C 20.1 98.7 90
28 14-Apr-06 442.0 2:1 Slope C 20.0 98.9 90
29 14-Apr-06 443.0 2:1 Slope C 19.0 109.8 100
30 14-Apr-06 444.0 2:1 Slope C 19.5 99.2 91
31 14-Apr-06 445.0 2:1 Slope C 19.2 100.2 92
32 17-Apr-06 429.0 Building L D 17.5 103.9 91
33 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building L D 17.0 109.3 95
34 17-Apr-06 428.0 Building A D 17.8 105.4 92 B.O.X.
35 17-Apr-06 428.0 Building A D 17.3 104.6 91 B.O.X.
36 17-Apr-06 431.0 Building L D 17.0 105.0 92
37 17-Apr-06 432.0 Building L D 17.5 106.6 93
38 17-Apr-06 1 431.0 Building L D-1 17.3 104.0 91
06M112-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40--Carlsbad, California Page 1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
(%) (%)
39 17-Apr-06 432.0 Building L D 17.2 103.3 90
40 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building B D 17.9 105.6 92 B.O.X.
41 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building B D 18.1 104.3 91 B.O.X.
42 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building C D 18.4 103.2 90 B.O.X.
43 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building C D 17.8 104.7 91 B.O.X.
44 17-Apr-06 429.0 Building A D 17.9 103.5 90
45 17-Apr-06 429.0 Building A D 18.3 103.9 91
46 17-Apr-06 431.0 Building B D 18.5 105.6 92
47 17-Apr-06 431.0 Building B D 18.0 104.0 91
48 17-Apr-06 431.0 Building C D 18.6 104.5 91
49 17-Apr-06 431.0 Building C D 18.4 104.3 91
50 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building A D 17.5 105.9 92
51 17-Apr-06 430.0 Building A D 17.8 105.3 92
52 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building C B 16.1 110.3 95
53 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building C B 15.9 107.0 92
54 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building B B 16.0 106.0 91
55 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building B B 15.8 104.9 90
56 18-Apr-06 431.0 Building B 16.3 105.3 91
57 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building A B 16.5 104.5 90
58 18-Apr-06 428.0 Building D B 15.9 107.3 93 B.O.X.
59 18-Apr-06 427.0 Building D B 16.3 106.9 92 B.O.X.
60 18-Apr-06 434.0 Building C D 17.6 106.4 93
61 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building B D 17.2 108.9 95
62 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building A D 17.1 107.5 94
63 18-Apr-06 430.0 Building D D 17.5 109.2 95
64 18-Apr-06 429.0 Building D D 17.8 107.4 94
65 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building C D 14.0 107.0 93
66 18-Apr-06 433.0 Building B D 17.2 108.1 94
67 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building A D 17.8 107.3 94
68 18-Apr-06 431.0 Building D B 15.9 108.5 94
69 18-Apr-06 431.0 Building D B 16.3 108.1 93
70 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building D B 16.0 107.9 93
71 18-Apr-06 432.0 Building D B 15.8 107.1 92
72 19-Apr-06 433.0 Building D B 16.2 106.7 92
73 19-Apr-06 433.0 Building D B 16.1 105.9 91
74 19-Apr-06 434.0 Building D B 15.9 108.2 93
75 19-Apr-06 434.0 Building D B 16.0 107.1 92
76 19-Apr-06 434.0 Building B B 16.3 109.1 94
061VI1 12-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40 -- Carlsbad, California . Page 2
S - - - - - - - - TABLE I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
(%) (%)
77 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building B B 17.2 108.6 94
78 19-Apr-06 434.0 Building A B 18.6 108.4 93
79 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building A B 15.9 109.0 94
80 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building A B 16.1 111.1 96
81 19-Apr-06 434.0 Building A B 15.8 106.7 92
82 -Apr-06 _19 435.0 Building A B 15.9 109.8 95
83 19-Apr-06 432.0 Building L B 16.8 106.8 92
84 19-Apr-06 432.0 Building L B 16.5 105.9 91
85 19-Apr-06 436.0 Building B B 15.9 105.6 91
86 19-Apr-06 436.0 Building B B 16.0 106.1 91
87 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building C B 16.0 107.6 93
88 19-Apr-06 435.0 Builidng C B 15.9 108.2 93
89 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building D B 16.1 105.4 91
90 19-Apr-06 435.0 Building D B 17.1 104.9 90
91 20-Apr-06 436.0 Building D B 15.9 108.8 94
92 20-Apr-06 436.0 Building D B 16.0 107.7 93
93 20-Apr-06 436.0 Building C B 15.9 104.9 90
94 20-Apr-06 436.0 Building C B 16.0 109.7 95
95 20-Apr-06 436.0 Building C B 16.1 110.7 95
96 20-Apr-06 430.0 Building I B 16.2 104.4 90 B.O.X.
97 20-Apr-06 432.0 Building H B 16.0 110.4 95 BOX.
98 20-Apr-06 430.0 Building J B 16.3 106.5 92 BOX.
99 20-Apr-06 432.0 Building I B 15.8 108.3 93 BOX.
100 20-Apr-06 432.0 Building I B 16.0 108.5 94 BOX.
101 21-Apr-06 431.0 Parking B 16.3 105.5 91
102 21-Apr-06 431.0 Parking B 15.9 106.1 91
103 21-Apr-06 430.0 Building J B 16.8 108.3 93 BOX.
104 21-Apr-06 430.0 Building J B 16.1 108.3 93 BOX.
105 21-Apr-06 429.0 Building J B 17.5 105.1 91 BOX.
106 21-Apr-06 431.0 Building B 16.7 107.6 93
107 21-Apr-06 431.0 Building B 16.3 108.5 94
108 21-Apr-06 431.0 Building B 17.5 108.9 94
109 21-Apr-06 431.0 Building B 17.7 104.9 90
110 21-Apr-06 432.0 Landscape C 19.3 98.9 90
111 21-Apr-06 433.0 Landscape C 19.2 98.6 90
112 24-Apr-06 436.0 Building B 15.9 109.3 94
113 24-Apr-06 436.0 Building B 16.0 109.1 94
114 24-Apr-06 436.0 Building G B 16.7 108.0 93
06M112-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40--Carlsbad, California Page 3
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
(%) (%)
115 24-Apr-06 436.0 Building G B 16.3 110.4 95
116 24-Apr-06 436.0 Building B 16.8 109.5 94
117 24-Apr-06 434.0 Building H B 16.5 107.1 92
118 24-Apr-06 434.0 Building H B 16.0 107.9 93
119 24-Apr-06 434.0 Building H B 16.4 108.3. 93
120 24-Apr-06 433.0 Building I B 16.8 109.0 94
121 24-Apr-06 433.0 Building I B 16.9 109.5 94
122 24-Apr-06 433.0 Building I B 16.5 110.3 95
122a 24-Apr-06 433.0 Building I B 16.2 108.1 93
123 24-Apr-06 438.0 2:1 Slope B 15.9 106.6 92
124 24-Apr-06 439.0 2:1 Slope B 15.8 111.0 96
125 24-Apr-06 440.0 2:1 Slope B 16.0 110.4 95
126 25-Apr-06 420.0 Former Desilting Basin B 15.9 106.4 92
127 25-Apr-06 420.0 Former Desilting Basin B 15.8 104.9 90
128 25-Apr-06 421.0 Former Desilting Basin B 16.0 111.7 96
129 25-Apr-06 422.0 Former Desilting Basin B 17.9 108.7 94
130 25-Apr-06 422.0 Former Desilting Basin B 16.2 106.9 92
131 25-Apr-06 423.0 Former Desilting Basin B 15.9 108.0 93
132 25-Apr-06 423.0 Former Desilting Basin B 16.4 108.7 94
133 25-Apr-06 424.0 Former Desilting Basin B 16.0 104.6 90
134 25-Apr-06 424.0 Former Desilting Basin B 17.2 106.7 92
135 25-Apr-06 425.0 Former Desilting Basin B 16.6 108.2 93
136 28-Apr-06 427.5 Building K B 13.9 104.5 90
137 28-Apr-06 427.5 Building K B 14.1 106.9 92
138 28-Apr-06 427.5 Building K B 14.3 106.1 91
139 28-Apr-06 436.4 Building C B 13.8 04.6 - 90
140 28-Apr-06 436.4 Building C B 14.5 07.4
- 93
141 28-Apr-06 436.5 Building D B 14.3 09.1 - 94
142 28-Apr-06 436.5 Building D B 17.1 104.5 90
143 28-Apr-06 437.8 Building E B 15.3 105.9 91
144 28-Apr-06 437.8 Building E B 13.9 107.3 93
145 28-Apr-06 436.0 Building B B 14.1 113.0 97
146 28-Apr-06 436.0 Building B B 14.3 106.3 92
147 01-May-06 435.0 Building A B 15.8 107.3 93
148 01-May-06 435.0 Building A B 14.9 105.2 91
149 01-May-06 435.0 Building A B 16.2 108.2 93
150 01-May-06 436.0 Building G B 15.9 106.5 92
151 01-May-06 436.0 Building B 15.2 108.1 93
06M1 12-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40 -- Carlsbad, California Page 4
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE
Date..Elev. - Test -. Soil Moisture Drj Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
01-May-06 436.0 Building G 92
B 16.3 107.0
-May-06 434.0 Building H 90
B 15.7 104.5
-May-06 434.0 Building H 91
B 16.8 105.3
-May-06 433.0 Building I 93
B 16.2 108.1
01-May-06 433.0 Building I B 16.5 106.2 92
157 01-May-06 432.0 Building J B 16.7 105.9 91
158 01-May-06 432.0 Building J B 15.2 108.2 93
159 01-May-06 431.0 Building K B 16.8 105.1 91
160 01-May-06 431.0 Building K B 15.7 107.3 93
161 01-May-06 432.0 Building L D 17.1 103.8 91
162 01-May-06 432.0 Building L D 16.9 107.2 94
163 01-May-06 434.0 Building M D 17.1 - 105.7 92
164 01-May-06 434.0 Building M D 17.8 106.2 93
165 01-May-06 435.0 Building N C 20.1 99.2 91
166 01-May-06 435.0 Building N C 19.7 103.1 94
167 01-May-06 437.0 Building F B 14.9 106.8 92
168 01-May-06 1 437.0 Building F B 15.7 107.1 92
NOTES: BOX = Bottom of Overexcavation
Retests Performed After Recom paction
All Tests Performed By Nuclear Test Method (ASTM D-2922)
Elevations Referenced To Grade Stakes Set In Field By Others
06M1 12-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40 -- Carlsbad, California Page 5
Soil Type Soil Description Maximum Dry
Density (pcf)
Optimum Moisture (%)
A Yellow Brown Fine Sandy Clay with Silt 110 17.5
B Yellow Brown Silty Fine Sand with some Clay 116 13.8
C Dark Brown Silty Fine to Medium Sand with trace Clay (Import) 109.5 17
D Yellow Brown Silty Fine Sand with trace Clay 114.5 15
E Light Grey Brown Fine Sandy Silty trace Clay (Import) 114 16
Note: All Moisture-Density Relationships determined per ASTM D-1 557 (Modified Proctor)
061V11 12-2 Bressi Ranch Lot 40 -- Carlsbad, California Page 1