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I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I STORM DRAIN REPORT FOR Bressi Ranch Lot 40 Carlsbad, California January 13,2006 DWG No. 935-3A Project No. CT-05-07 RECEIVED JAN 19 2006 ENGINEERING Prepared By: DEPARTMENT PARTNERS Planning and Engineering 15938 Bernardo Center Drive San Diego, CA 92127 (858) 376-3444 IE 'ID ,~ 'VJ ~' CC ~ .. I I I I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION METHODOLOGY EXISTING CONDITIONS DEVELOPED CONDITIONS EXISTING RUNOFF ANALYSIS DEVELOPED RUNOFF ANALYSIS CURB INLET DESIGN AND ANALYSIS CULVERT DESIGN AND ANALYSIS CHANNEL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS DETENTION BASIN DESIGN AND ANALYSIS RESUL TS AND CONCLUSIONS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1: VICINITY MAP FIGURE 2: PROPOSED HYDROLOGY MAP FIGURE 3: EXISTING HYDROLOGY MAP LIST OF TABLES . TABLE 1: HYDROLOGY/INLET SUMMARY TABLE 2: HYDROLOGY AND HYDRAULIC CALCS LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1: Runoff Coefficients Appendix 2: 100-Year, 10-Year & 2-Year Isopluvial Charts Appendix 3: Intensity -Duration Design Chart Appendix 4: Gutter & Roadway Discharge -Velocity Chart Appendix 5: Overland Time of Flow Nomograph Appendix 6: Handbook of Hydraulics Tables 7-4, 7-11 and 7-14 page 1 page 1 page 1 page 1 page 2 page 2 page 2 page 2 page 3 page 3 page 3 page 4 attached attached page 5 page 6 ,', I I I ·1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SITE AND PRO.JECT DESCRIPTION This storm drain report has been prepared as part of the Development Permit submittal .. requirements for the development of Bressi Ranch Lot 40. The proposed development includes fifteen (15) office buildings with associated parking, landscaping and hardscape. The project site is located east of Interstate 5 and south of Palomar ~irport Road. See Figure No. I for Vicinity Map. See Figure 2 attached at the end of this report for the proposed drainage limits. See Figure 3 attached at the end of this report for the existing drarnage limits. METHODOLOGY This drainage report has been prepared in accordance with current City of Carlsbad regulations and procedures. All of the proposed pipes, curb inlets and grass-lined swales were designed to intercept and convey the 1 DO-year storm. The Modified Rational Method was used to compute the anticipated runoff. See the attached calculations for particulars. The following references have been used in preparation of this report:' (1) San Diego County Hydrology Manual, June, 2003. . (2) Handbook of Hydraulics, E.F. Brater & H.W. King, 6th Ed., 1976. EXISTING CONDITIONS: The project site lies within the Bressi Ranch Industrial Park south of Palomar Airport Road. The existing site currently consists of a mass graded pad with a desiItation basin located in the southwest corner of the site. Runoff developed on site currently sheet flows from the northeast to the southwest to the existing desiltation basin. Pipe No.6 (30" RCP) per City of Carlsbad Dwg No. 400-8D sheet 9 (see attached exhibit) is designed to account up to 37.73 cfs at a velocity of 7.70 fps. DEVELOPED CONDITIONS: The proposed development includes fifteen (IS) office buildings with associated parking, landscaping and hardscape. Surface runoff from the site will be directed to either curb inlets or grated catch basins fitted with the Fossil Filter™ Storm Water Filtration System or grass- lined swales for water quality purposes. In addition, on-site detention faciHties will be located, where required, to reduce post development flows. Proposed development cannot exceed discharge of 18.5 cfs in order to match existing conditions per Partners Planning and Engineering calculations. The emergency overflow is incorporated in the water quality/ detention basins with 'f catch basins. The 'C catch basins are designed to accept the emergency overflow. Storm drain system pipe no 6 (30" RCP) on Gateway Road is designed to account up to 37.73 cfs per City of Carlsbad Dwg No. 400-8D sheet 9 (see attached exhibit). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXISTING RUNOFF ANALYSIS: The site sheet flows from northeast to southwest towards the existing desiltation basin located at the southwest corner of the site. A runoff coefficient of 0.65 would be appropriate for the mass graded pad. See Table 1 as weJI as the attached calculations for particulars. ' DEVELOPED RUNOFF ANALYSIS: All of the proposed pipes, inlets and catch basins were designed to intercept and convey the 1 DO-year storm. The runoff coefficients for the site were based on soil group D and ultimate improvements for the proposed site. Runoff coefficients used for the proposed analysis ranged from 0.52 to 0.89 for the Basins. All of the proposed drainage culverts will be PVC and were sized using a Manning's 'n' coefficient of 0.013. Runoff from the .site will be directed to one of three (3) water quality basins located along the southerly boundary of the project site. See Table 1 as well as the attached calculations for particulars. CURB INLET DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: The proposed curb inlets are located in a sump condition. The curb i,nlets were sized utilizing the "Nomogram-Capacity, Curb Inlet at Sag" assuming a lO-inch curb face with a 6.2-inch curb opening at the inlet to determine the capacity per foot of opening (Q/L) in cfs per foot. The clear opening length was then calculated using the -following equation: L = Q / (Q / L) where L = Length of clear opening in feet QlOo/L = Capacity per foot of opening from Nomogram To obtain the inlet length as shown on the Grading Plans for this project, one foot was added to the clear opening lengths. CULVERT DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: The storm drain culverts were sized using King's handbook (Reference 3) Table '14 to verify capacity. For circular conduits: K' = Qn/[dA(S/3)sA(l/2)] where K' = Discharge Factor Q = Runoff Discharge (cfs) n = Manning's Coefficient d = Diameter of Conduit (ft) s = Pipe Slope (ft/ft) See the attached calculations for culvert sizing. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CHANNEL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS The proposed trapezoidal grass lined channel within this project was sized llsing King"s Handbook (Ref. 3), Table 7-11. For trapezoidal channels: K' = Qn/(b"(8/3)s"(l/2)] where K' = Discharge Factor Q = Runoff Discharge (cfs) n = Manning's Coefficient b = Channel Bottom Width (ft) s = Channel Slope (ft/ft) Natural, vegetated lined channels are capable of withstanding erosion for velocities up to 5 . fps. DETENTION BASIN DESIGN AND ANALYSIS: The proposed, localized, on-site detention facilities were sized utilizing the single- hydro graph method. See the attached calculations for the design procedures utilized with the single-hydrograph method. The detention facilities for site have been designed to account for the increase in flow from the site. Basin E 1 & F1 were sized to account for no detentions. The two on-site basinsjoin via 18" storm drain pipes. The combination of the flows for the site does not exceed the pre-developed flows. All detention basins are located and designed to provide a safe emergency overflow without flooding the proposed buildings or causing damage to the on-site grading or improvements by discharging into the proposed 'f catch basin. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The proposed site discharges a total of 32.0 cfs. The existing site discharge 18.5 cfs. Therefore, the site design includes detention facilities to limit the total runoff to 18.5 cfs. The outflow from each detention basin was: Detention Basin 1 = 2.3 cfs, Detention Basin 2 = 1.4 cfs, Detention Basin 3 = 11.0 cfs. Detention Basin 1 is required to have storage volume of 4131 cf and 4160 cf is provided, Detention Basin ~ is required to have storage volume of 1769 cf and 1837 cf is provided, Detention Basin 3 is required to have storage volume of 2062 cf and 2130 cf is provided. A Storm Water Management Plan will be prepared separately to discllss the impacts the proposed development will have on the storm water quality. The detention basins are physically designed to allow for emergency overflow without flooding any adjacent on-site building. e en IOn asm Dtt' B'S ummary BASIN NO. Q before Detain Q to Detained Q after Detain Detention Basin 1 6.0 cfs 3.7 cfs 2.3 cfs Detention Basin 2 4.J cfs 2.9 cfs 1.4 efs Detention Basin 3 17:9 cfs 6.9 cfs 11.0 cfs TOTAL 28.2 cfs 13.5 cfs 14.7 cfs . . 1 I I I I I· .: (3k:5',N X~; A--.... 9, 97 ~C-.. . ¢.;O~~S-(~;ss~~~~: /->~D) " 1--. I' I I I I I I . ! , , , . ... l' , I··· .. ' .... --: ... ~-....... ' .............. .. I I : L:: Ii/Sa"") : : lz.,z·-:_; . :.; , .. bl-i-: :Z2 -. -.~~.~'70~;;'-.; .. ~.;I : .. ,--: '-T' '; .. : .... : ... ; .. , "Ic-=: /, 1; ( I./'-O. b s) ~o~ _. ~.2~·~ h ~~: .. ; .' . · . . • i~J z,/; . • • !. : :-i' :: 'i : :, • : I --7,111 (;'47 ).( ~;~ )"-~,:6 '1~ ; "i~Ji·/~-k. .. :. : ; .. :. -; .. : · lo() :, :. I : :. \ 'T" .. : ...... : .;" .: .. ':" -, .... : .. ";' ... : ...... ;. n' , ..... : .: j;. ... ; 7. ~;~jL f7)('1,(};s)-a I'I~ -· .. t;G'~ -tN//.ni... ..... ! ... ·i ... : .-;. '.; .. '~' ;. ,0: 'j ; ;' : .... : ..... ~.. :'" .! ... :.; ...... ; .... : .... :·~ ...... ·l .. · ·;· .. · .. -t .... : .... ! .... :' ..... ! ..... ; ... • •. : • . . . . I • -01" , 'f.s;-: : ~ . IN. . .! !; : I.2.-:' 7·'1'1 (I.Z)(Z~'S) i I ~ :I/Z~ ?/~ .. , fJ=O);' (:~.~~jcrj( ,;, 17_~~ ,i .': , . . . . . . ,,' .... , .... -.. ...... -' .. . ,-I " . I I .• ~ .. _. :~. I· ' . ... ,' .' / I······· I I· I I' . . ... :: . (. !,y cis )(~,O'13~ : .; (,) I/;J (Q,C)·')'h ... (J, If! z.. pi~ ]c1'1II''=~ . rAB l.L 7-/, . pI J. ~ 0, ~ f 'r:-~ /c1N.~ -p+d./IE 7-~. ~ ....... O.i32cf' . It: G. t1 Z-:. {a,33?J )(t J 7.:= Ih'33 s~ : . 1/.= a/~ ~ lil/.~s /{)"~ > sl ~ . '-I,z #r::5 . : nM~ //V ll-e·,..·eH~ 7~2-;Jf,ZpPs ~ . 7;0 MI;vw..';"~ I " ... IfIIIILa.Y&AP --' -' -' -. -' -' -' -' -' -' .--' -' ------- Travel Time in Culvert ~asin Area C L So Ti Ii Qi s n b K' D/b D Ca Area V L Tt Te I Qf Remarks No. (ac) (ft) (ft\ft) . (min) ~in/hr) (cfs) (%) (ft/ft) (ft) (ftlft) (ft) (ftlft) (sf) (fUsee (ft) (min) (min) ,(in/hr):(cfs) 100-yr event Existing EI 9.97 0.65 1050 2.10 20.5 2.86 18.5 Proposed AI 0.49 0.65 170 1.00 10.6 4.39 1.4 1 0.013 1.00 0.1818 0.44 0.44 0.3328 0.33 4.20 60 0.24 10.80 4.33 1.4 A2 1.27 0.58 700 1.00 24.8 2.53 1.9 1 0.013 1.00 0.2427 0.69 0.69 0.5780 0.58 3.23 61 0.31 25.08 2.51 1.9 cont 25.08 2.7 81 1.02 0.85 370 1.00 8.7 4.99 4.3 6.30 6.11 5.3 conf 6.0 Draining into detention basin DB I CI 1.23 0.85 560 0.75 11.7 4.11 4.3 11.70 4.3 Draining into detention basin 002 01 3.44 0.85 I 590 1.00 10.9 4.30 12.6 10.90 4.30 12.6 D2 0.60 0.85 325 0.50 10.2 4.49 2.3 10.20 4.49 2.3 conf 10.90 4.30 15.7 OJ 0.23 0.70 100 0.50 9.1 4.85 0.8 9.10 4.85 0.8 D4 0.26 0.75 155 5.00 5.0 7.11 1.4 9.10 4.85 1.4 conf .10.90 17.9 Draining into detention basin DB3 EI 0.02 0.85 50 5.00 5.0 7.11 0.1 0.1 FI 1.27 0.85 975 0.50 17.7 3.15 3.4 3.4 TOTAL 32 ,Developed site QIOO cfs to detain \3.5 Mitigation Q 100 ., .. I ------ 577-sd.xls Page 1 ~ - ---HYDROLOGY AND --,_._._._,_ .... _._._._'-'_. 11/30/2005 HYDRAULIC CALCS Confl.1 Sub-'AREAI "C" CA 'Su~(ft) S(%) Ti Tt Tc I Q L (ft) S(%) Dia. K' D\d Ca V i Pipe Siziniu NOTES ---;-r=-;---;-I---Pomt Basm Ac. CA (Ovrlnd (fg) (min)!(min) min. in/hr cfs (Pipe) (Pipe) (in) (fps) : 100 -yr event i Flows to DDI I AI 0.4910.65 0.32 0.32 170 1.00 10.6 0.0 10.6 4.38 1.4 140.00 0.50 10 0.417 0.75 0.63 3.2 10" pipe I A2 1.27: 0.58 0.74 ,1.06 700 1.00 24.8 0.0 24.8 2.53 2.7 740.00 0.50 12 0.491 0.89 0.74 3.6 12" pipe 2 BI 1.02j 0.85 0.87 1.92 370 1.00 8.7 0.0 8.7 4.98 4.3 Flows to DB2 I I Cl 1.23 0.85 1.05 1.05 560 0.75 11.7 0.0 11.7 4.11 4.3 25.00 1.00 18 0.190 0.45 0.34 5.6 18" pipe 4 Flows to DB3 I DI 3.44 0.85 2.92 2.92 590 1.00 10.9 0.0 10.9 4.30 12.6 60.00 1.50 18 0.453 0.80 0.74 7.6 18" pipe 6 D2 0.8510.85 0.72 0.72 325 0.50 10.2 0.0 10.2 4.49 3.2 105.00 2.00 18, 0.101 0.32 0.22 6.7 IS" pipe 5 15.7 105.00 2.00 18 0.489 0.89 0.74 9.5 18" pipe 5 I Flow from OBI I OBI ' i 0.8 160.00 1.00 18 0.035 0.19 0.10 3.4 18" pipe 3 I Flow fro", D 82 DB2 I 2.6 110.00 1.00 18 0.115 0.34 0.24 4.9 18" pipe 7 I I i ! Flow from DB3 \ DB3 ' 11.0 50.00 1.00 24' 0.225 0.49 0:38 7.2 24" pipe 8 ' i E'I 0.2710.85 Q.23 0.23 170 1.00 5.9 0.0 5.9 6.39 0.1 75.00 1.00 ' ~4 0.002 0.05 0.15 0.2 24"'pipe 9' 15.0 75.00 1.00, 24 0.308 0.60 0.49 7.6 24" pipe 9 ' . ' -r-, FI 1.27i 0.S5 1.08 LOS 975 0.50: 17.7 0.0 ,17.7 3.15 3.4 700.09 0'.50 I.S 0.212 O.4S 0.37 4.1 IS"pipe 10 -, , i 'I '-___ ... _ .. __ ~ __ ~._ I : , " - 577-sd.xls Page 2 ---_._--------------. INLET SUMMARY Q STRUCT. Inlet Gutter Flow "A" Inlet F' Catch Basin Inlet Remarks (cfs) Inlet Type Slope Depth Length # of opening required Grate per city standard·50-yr event (Open) 0.8 I F' Catch Basin ----I -Sump Inlet 4.3 2 B-Inlet 2.22 0.325 0.33 3.26 --On-grade 1.0 3 F' Catch Basin --- -I -Sump Inlet 3.2 4 G-Inlet 0.50 0.375 ---Gl Sump-Inlet i 12.6 5 B-Inlet 1.50 0.450 0.33 7.00 --Sump Inlet I 12.0 6 F' Catch Basin --- -2 -Sump Inlet 1.5 7 B-Inlet 5.00 0.225 0.33 0.89 --On-grade B-Inlet in sump 1.8 cfs per linear foot of opening I G-Inlet in sump G1 orate per city standard with W = 3'-4" and l = 1'-11" ------------------- i NOTE: Time and Disc~arge values were obtained using County of San Diego Rational Method Hydrograph software prepared by Rick Engineering Company copyright 2001. Detention Basin #1 Detention Basin #2 Detention Basin #3 TIME DISCHARGE TIME DISCHARGE TIME DISCHARGE TIME DISCHARGE TIME DISCHARGE I 1---11--0 0 0 0 312 0.3 0 0 286 1.3 25 0.3 12 0.2 324 0.2 11 0.6 297 1.1 50 I 0.4 24 0.2 336 0.2 22 0.6 308 0.9 75 0.4 36 0.2 348 0.2 33 0.6 319 0.8 100 I 0.4 48 0.2 360 0.2 44 0.6 330 0.8 'I 1-t---c1O"725 0.5 60 0.2 372 0 55 0.7 341 0J=f=7 150 0.6 72 0.2 66 0.7 352 0.6 175 0.7 84 0.2 77 0.7 363 0.6 200 1 96 0.2 88 0.7 374 0 225 2 108 0.2 99 0.8 1-+----c2::-::50 6 120 0.2 110 0.8 275 0.8 132 0.3 121 0.9 1-1--::3"0-=-0 0.5 144 0.3 132 0.9 325 0.4 156 0.3 143 1 1---I~350 0.3 168 0.3 154 1 375 0 180 0.4 165 1.1 192 0.4 176 1.2 1-+----+-----+--+---=204 0.5 187 1.4 216 0.6 198 1.5 1-+----c~-+---------1r_---1~~ 228 0.8 209 1.8 I 240 1.1 220 2.1. I 1-+----+------+----'-t-~2=· 5:2 4.3 231 3.1 : ; 264 0.7 242 4.9 276 0.4 253 17.9 288 0.4 264 2.5 1-+----c---+~~---1r----1--;;3:~00 0.3 275 1.6 I - - - 7 6 5· (i)4 LL ~ 3: - ------' - --' ":; . .;, .:~ " ,.', =, '" DETENTION BASIN #1 HYDROGRAPH , ' :: ;,',,',C::7 :':' ' '>;:~;~~. ':-::'.:':':::~:'~; '~~~};:!~i' \i, i~f:' ~,; .'.-, ' -':"::, . .;' ,!; .' . ",'~1!.i,ii:i~i~,::., ,1i;~E,; .. ;:~\i::'! .• ~}::t1"'(I'~f :~,~ ',. . ".:'., .. -. • I',. ~ :-, ;, .. ,--; .. ~ -',f ,:" }.::. ::;::~),:·':·:j::S~·:/}(;·~:~"':.~:':,:: .. ':., .. ,:, ..• ;. .. " " "to', ': • -,' :J'~::~~":",·.X:';'.i~··:: '. :~ -'\. ":~~",.:~" • t I.:,) .,.~: .,':~ •• ";'<,';.1" ••. •... ··· ..• ,.i£.;:;~bFi,~i·"~j ',;;,J.··l~:j . ,:, - : " ,.' .'.<'; ,!', 0,::,; : ...... , ,M 1':;- :..?~. / :; •• .~ . .' j ..• : \. '. ! - -- ll.-,r {/"YO #f'" { !, ' o -I LL 3 t {;~ f, /~~ .. .:,r:..;~ • . ,-# ," ... ':'"," -j}' .' 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';' ".:,:' . ;.: ,', '; ", \.: . .~: . ~ " '"; N o ~If\ If\I9If\ ~If\ .(..!s C' OIf\C' 6}c!' <901f\ <6I~ 19c9~ ~~ 19~ C'$'I~ ~~ .(If\~ o~~ 6Io~ <96} <O?t 19~ $'I~ ..!So$} If\.t." ~C} L~ 0.(.1 61& <9<9 y 1919 $'1$'1 ..!S~ If\If\ ~~ .1.( o -.~~ ~. z i ... ,~j ..... \;1- ~ - .... , .y ... .... , . "', " /~\ II . ...... ' . • 't •••• ',,-"O:! ~: "'. \:; '_.I ... :'_..., ~~. J (", ~,.: • "J .~ I ":'::'.-t ,,~ .• V ..... ,., ~ ft" ~~ .. "'~v· -:--,.. ........... \ i.: . <...".) ,.'.';,' '-' I·· ..... , I, \j\ I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I Bressi Ranch Lot 40, Carlsbad California Hydraulic Analysis of detention basin outlet structures DETENTION BASIN 1 ORIFICE EQUATION Weir Formula for Orifices and Short Tubes (free & submer.ged) where or Q = Ca(2glr/12 Q = the flow rate, fe/sec C = the orifice coefficient of discharge a = the open area of the orifice g = the acceleration due to gravity-,-=-~-~-~---·--.--·.--· .. ·· h = head on the horizontal centerline of the orifice Q = Ca(2*32.2)Ir/12 Q = Ca(64.41t/12 ; C = 0.6 Q = 4. 812a(Jr/12 /, = 1Q/(4.812a)f Detention Basin Calc Given: Q =2.3 eft Y=J.6ft· where Y is the height of the water Assume: a = 0.3491 sq. ft for a 8" diameter pipe Then: " =1.4fl Y=J.6 ft Check: Is It =1.4 ft < Y= J.6ft YES h y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I ....... ~ ......... _.~ _r_ .... po __ I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I Bressi Ranch Lot 40, Carlsbad Califomia Hydraulic Analysis of detention basin outlet structures DETENTION BASIN 2 ORIFICE EQUATION Weir Formula for Orifices and Short Tubes (free & submerged) , _" ," Q = Ca(2gl,/12 where or Q = the flow rate, fe/sec C = the orifice coefficient of discharge a = the open area of the orifice g = the acceleration due" to gravity"~"~"·~"·-~·"'~--~'----·--·"'--' ,,,-... h = head on the horizontal centerline of the orifice Q = Ca(2*32.2)ll/12 Q = Ca(64.41,//2; C = 0.6 Q = 4.812a(It//2 Iz = IQI(4.812a)/ Detention Basin Calc Given: Q=1.4cfs Y=1.9ft· where Y is the height of the water Assume: a = 0.1963 sq.ftfor a 6" diameter pipe Then: Iz = 2.2ft Y=1.9It Check: Is I, =2.2 ft < Y= 1.9 It NO Assume: a = 0.3491 sq. It. for a 8" diameter pipe Then: " = 0.7 It Y=1.9It Check: Is" = 0.7 ft < y= 1.9ft YES h y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Bressi Ranch Lot 40, Carlsbad Califon1ia Hydraulic Analysis of detention basin outlet structures DETENTION BASIN 3 ORIFICE EQUATION Weir Formula for Orifices and Short Tubes (free & submerged) where or Q = Ca(2gll/12 Q = the flow rate, ft3/sec C = the orifice coefficient of discharge a = the open area of the orifice g = the acceleration due-to -gravity----"---~-~·~-....,-·--"~-----.. ·-- h = head on the horizontal centerline of the orifice Q = Ca(2*32.2)hi12 Q = Ca(64.4Il//2; C = 0.6 Q = 4. 812a(I,//2 " = [QI(4.812a)/ Detention Basin Calc . Given: Q =11.0 cfs Y= 1. 75ft. where Y is the height of the water Assume: Then: Check: a = 0.7854 sq.ftfor a 12" diameter pipe " = 8.5ft Y=1.75ft Is II =8.5ft< Y=1.75ft NO Assume: a = 1.5708 sq. ft. for a 2-12" diameter pipes Then: h=1.5[t Y=1.75ft Check: Is II = l.5ft < Y= I. 75ft YES h Y I I I I I I I I I I- I I I- I I I I I- I Therefore use the following: Detention Basin 1 : use 1 -8" diameter pipe Detention Basin 2 : use 1 -8" diameter pipe Detention Basin 3 : use 2 -12" diameter pipes I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I I Bressi Ranch Lot 40, Carlsbad California Down Time of detention basin flow outlet DETENTION BASIN 1 TIME DISCHARGE EQUATION where T=VIQ T = time duration of discharge in seconds V = volume of detained water ft3 Q = the flow rate, ft3/sec Detention Basin Calc. Given: Then: V=4131 cf Q=2.3 cfs. T = 4131 cj/2.3 cfs T = 1796 sec -# T = 29.9 min Check: Is T = 29.9 min < T max =4320 min (72Izrs) YES DETENTION BASIN 2 TIME DISCHARGE EQUATION where T=V/Q T = time duration of discharge in seconds V = volume of detained water ft3 Q = the flow rate, ft3/sec Detention Basin Calc. Given: Then: V =1769 cf Q = 1.4 cjs. T = 1769 cj/I.4 cjs T= 1263.6 sec -# T=2I.1 min Check: Is T = 21.1 min < Tnul.l: =4320 min (72I1rs) YES I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DETENTION BASIN 3 TIME DISCHARGE EQUATION T=VIQ where T = time duration of discharge in seconds V = volume of detained water fe Q = the flow rate, ft3/sec Detention Basin Calc. Given: Then: V=2062cj' Q =11.0cfs. T = 2062 cf/ll.0 eft T=187.5 see ~ T=3.1 mill Check: Is T = 3.1 min < TmllX =4320 min (72hrs) YES ----- -- ------ - - - - - - '\ illl!2tL '~~~~~~~~~'~"'Jl,~:"~<o"""p"",,,,,,,,, __ ,,, __ ---,.,,, ______ ._ ~. __ H£TANMl WALl r CATr:H BASIN r CATO/BASIN PER SEPENATE P£RJIIT ~ V V />"y>,,~___ ~'(}()-TfP=421.1. fOO-YEAR STORJI .' ,.-_ ... A/ /X{~"" " -ST1KIJI' ,c' '::;,,,"-V,,, /.,.... ,//J"y / • /,' " A /,' ,,' ,." ... ... : ,,' >(",,"-'f-,',. ,/,'" .......... . . ''V /" "",,,; ....... . .. " . '.'. ..' 'y/< -:,.v /). ,i .F,. /. :: .. : .... ' >." Y»'>~'~~~~~ /2X12l1RfX11S /J{JJ( i/~" ,,/:' <:<':>X,.; . /S://·//.-! /> ' • ~ ,/ .... , .. .' .. /< ....• j"> .. , .!",,"..,r, 'R. ,,'7'/'" "~ " ' A'/ <,'77'T" .~-.,,~-~..,~.-;: . .' . / ..... '. : .. ' .: '. < .y;., ", " ", "v, '. vC;: /" < / .• 77.=' ~7N7:77"O~ J , .... '. ",. • ,,' ••.. . '... . ... ' ,,' ...• ,." . . ." .•.. "... • '\<~«~<:?':<~>(/~'j;!;>"Y;»;' >r~~~y.~(Y(;:'~?:;2/;>{;?t~,';:;>::~ S~)~~S<·~:;:.-:~, ;:i:' '<./;:,':.:?: ,/,," h"""'X/,,,"-" ... , ..... '(,,,'/,. . '/'/'//"j/-~ n ...... ·.,·.'" ... ••• , ...• C .. /,'.' .', "... • • :. • . .-J " .• /V ....... :. " v'' .',,,' . ..' '.'". .m-~"'"' . .• .• u.· .. '~(~~~'/~(/'f{~~/~~\>1~;>J>;:~%~~~0:~~/~~?~/~f~~~~~~~S~;~;~~~;:';~).,; N' /'v/,v/,' .• ,y,0 .;-)..," " ",' ,/:,v, ...... ', / .. ' /' .w·· .. ' .. "., ." ..... . .. , / <'<.:\< /-(/):" ~Y/:., 1< ;/».'>/"$;>';y>-'f,,':-";.>;;, ,<,:«::</'<0//:: -;;,;/;,,?),»);;;) .,-';:>;>;< ,.C' . ;,';..", ")~>0')j~.»'-'-';-i'~~~'~~:~«<;( :~/<~. ;~. :'»~;;'>:\:,>::\>:"/';) >~~.»)::,.>,-->:-~)<::....;:'),«::( .:.' ~~ '.: (," /' /,///.,/", .. /Y"Y/':-.//'.''/''''''·''' .,.'.", ........ '-"" . '/" "./,/,.'!,/'''./'/' • -< , /v;«,(/" /,/,(//V" '>-':/'}:' ,,<';/), ",)~ 'S;'·>·;:·~"··;·":" /,',./ ... \ ":,."'.,(, /« ' i .. " ';<::.:.'>-{"'<-'(>'{(V<'\/<~(>:('Y:.//y/>;»»»:>->·.>" .... , ·DETENTION ·BASIN DETAIL NOSCAtE W· >" !': I I I APPENDIX I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I I ._,-,_._,------- -"-_ .... __ ... -... - -.- ~ --- San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 Table 3-1 Section: Page: RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil T~~e NRCS Elements Coun Elements %IMPER. A B Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Permanent Open Space o· 0.20 0.25 Low Density Residential (LOR) Residential, 1.0 DUIA orless I! <. -.. ' . 10 0.27 0.32 Low Density Residential (LOR) Residential, 2.0 DUIA or Jess 1,' .. ··'·: 20 0.34 0.38 Low Density Residential (LOR) Residential, 2.9 DUIA or less 1'7:::· .. 25 0.38 0.41 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 DUIA or less k>. ',Jr}:' ~ 30 0.41 0.45 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less {; .-~·f 40 0.48 0.51 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less I/-.,." :·t 45 0.52 0.54 Medium Density Residentild (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DUIA or less -~ 50 0.55 0.58 "' .. , .... High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 CommerciallIndustrial (N. Com) Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 CommerciallIndustrial (G. Com) General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 CommerciallIndustrial (O.P. Coin) Office Professional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 CommerciallIndustrial (General I.) General Industri~1 95 0.87 0.87 3 60f26 ---~ C D 0.30 0.35 0.36 0041 0.42 0.46 0.45 0.49 0.48 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.57 0.60 0.60 0.63 0.69 0.71 0.78 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.81 0.82 0.84 0.85 0.84 0:85 0.8.1 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calc~lation of the runoff coefficient as described in S~tion 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is·located in Cleveland National Forest). DUIA = dwelling units per acre . NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3·6 -.. ---'-"-, .. -'-" -, -----b .., 5: • ' , I , ' ' I" tIl • '33' ' ; , , ' ' , . ,-,', ~ ., ",. ' I I , ": :~' i: ,; ;: i ' , : j' .. I ' , ,. ... e ,. ~. ., ,'". : !. I! . , I, 1 ' 33.fS---------~r-~::~~~~::~~~~~~~~~~~r+~~j1~f.l~if~~t)~~~~~~~i1~\-IJ1;~~~~i;it~~f:::~ ,;:p~'~C-~ ':!~iE :' "." .. ~ _ .. J~' I 3'00' ..... :1 , Q ; ~1' 'j' , 0,' ;,'1 ~ 0' ~ 'i \:i>' : .,:; " ,-,- t: : < ~ , ' I .l. I' • J' • r '1. " , .... , .j '-"'.:--: 1:'\ --"I'J --T ,--'---\ if r ........ i I.:::~ •. . . -'~!'rl'':i :-\. 1\ Ii' '32'45' ' • of !, ~ ',' , ! i " . i ~ . ! : .~ !.A j.,,: \~_I t : , 32'30' : i ,:' ,: I i 1" t'l I I' I lVI' ~ I , .. , ' " , I! I I 1/" ,'1 :'~ ,ii>, ' ; ",''', • . I, : ;.. ,;:: I:;" 'i! Ilg: -i I ;,;,' T it> :: f I !,!. r 1 ' • . - , ' .. -',---' County of San Diego Hydrology Manual • Rainfalllsopiuvials ! ,I-I ------ 100 Y tlr Rainfan Event -6 Hours IscpIuviaI (inches) DPW ~GIS ~ SliiGIS .......... 1II1'4il:a-~,....,s-W.i:b •• s...llIqP <:. ........ -.1: N .... .."..f'IIICMIlU.man~Qr." .... .",... .... + ~ ..... e .. 'lt,"C . .nlllOtL .. tlDfD;ft4l-.u .... ~ OI ... IIPMWf.....n'l'NG.lr,..H/II..~~ ~ ........... -.,. ...... ... ~..,-----... _AIIIIIOtQ ..... E ~ ....... ""'-c-.~ ...... __ .. _~4~ ......... .., .... --.................. .. ....-.........-.,."-"-....... .... S 3 0 3 Miles ~ -----,-"-""-~ --'-.. --;! ~ ; 0, ~ ~ j fiE:! I; 33' ' ' , ' Ii; . ;' ! i ' I! """; I ' ! :.{Ij~ , ';" :1;,',;1,1! 'I' i ):o',~i:~'th~ ;!' , , l , ; ; ; d Ii; 1 ~ i I ! 'i , , 33'17~~~~_~ ; pr.2iJr&O :5irE .' I: . , 0)' (l •• t .",.. ..• 33'00' -;;. (l r l' r'"~ Ii·: ': SOlNIA -'-'-~! ,Oo_j !;.:. ~ ~ I i ···l .. ~.r . .: ,--1--_' .. -"7 , , 0 . : "~:,-,,, ... " , ' (l N' " ~ -. ~ : J'l, ! ' ! I I: ': ~o ~!o~;ol ~ 'i !~l J "I : T: ;'of'., 1-0i~" Iiri, 1, 32'.5' .,-1 ± .. f'-i /:' -i I~I--".! It. -t"h" : '0 :"~'I!r·-~"t .. /--·\I t -,~.,,\ ~ .. \ i.-'~. ~ ~ 1 '~ I li!\ ! ~ ... ·i I \ I : I! , I ! .. ; i I' , , , : -.O!._. j. •• I ,.. :... ~ ~ I , i' i! I' Ii I , ~ '; , I -I -'M 'e Xl II: U! T-'r-',--, 1 '-'I' -II 'J r "'f r " ;' '1'--[ I I,' "I' I II I' , ! f: I , ' : , i . I I I I' .. i 'r' '1" 'i; I I t -1-1--' 'I' -' I I" Ii I I I I i .1 i I I f f If I I • r j I J I I, J ! ; '32'30' , I" I ,', ; j J I I ' I ' : I I "; I ' , ~2'30' , '" -, I I.. ..... f I _. t'" I _ I • ., r... 'r...' ',., 'I II "I"!,,, II !'l', Tl..,-~I-" .... !-·I ... '..,-,'t,,!· ,0. . . :, iQ , .• " I, I 1'1' ",. I '" 1 1'1 ; '"' 'I -, lOr 1/:" I /"" I' I' I I, ;: ,,/.;: :!i i:1 ,'1:') ill 1;::ln-'[,fl !,;;::hi"--,,,·! .. /--j,II:: .. -!;l" ---- County of San Diego Hydrology Ma~ual • Rainfall /sopluvials 100 Yen Rainfall Event -24 Houn IsopIINiaI (inches) DPW ·GIS ~ SaiiGIS ~-~ ..... ~~-~ .. \l-~H.,.:s..n.l~.(_""....J! N MIlW#.~wmcIUf~OI""IIMIImO.~ f a. ...... 1EO Il10,''*0 IUflrllOt,"l1OfO "...uw.~ C6 .. ~ .... rrrNC'lhC_HIII.I'MJQ.I.NII ......... ~""""*,.,,.,..~ S ... ,......,~ ............................ E "'--tr-........ __ .. ..__.._ .. ---"'~ ... ,.......,---~ .............. .. .....-.-... 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" ' . , . , ' I I . ; I· ' County of San Diego Hydrology Manual RainfalllsQpluvials 10 Year Rainfall Event -6 Houn '~(incbes) DPW 1$GIS :!!>-: S1iiGIS. ........ ,," ...... ~-~--... ~'.: It., .. ~ ''''''\&11 ( .. WO'~ N -n.~.~"'lMOIIt~06I111r"'une-.... f OII....eM:lUllooGarr"'Olt.Ml'IDroftC"""'O ... ~ .... ~......,....N4J,.,I'IC .. _.~......oK. , c:..,r .. ~ ... ,... .......... s ... -....... ----~ ........ E....------....,.. ......... -.. --.~ , ,.. .... ...,----_ ................ ...-...-......... ..-.. .... 3 0 3 Miles ,..--r I . I' ~-CI)~ ~ .-a .S: o~ • .a §=S ~ .!:l tIj~ ::::: ~ ~o .S 0_ ~ c8 a:: =~ 5=c: u -~ ..... _ .... --- _. ---.. .. -_. __ ....... -.-.~-.... .. -. :: :.-.~-= --' -' -. -:"::"--::'-'~"~~:':~.: -.------. .= -.. ~-.~ .. -~-~ {~p~~~~9~~~~i~ .. -~ .--.---: . ___ ... __ ... "'.~:::. -~---. ..~ -'-..... I ·~.:~~~.-.iI=_ ~~"B -----.. . -. ..:..-- '~M" : •• _. _ I I •••• • rio j-~oiJ~j~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~ilr~~=~.~ _ ......... -.. "" --- ....... -.... - I I I '::1 ..... , .-.. 1., .. ,...:.,-." .. .,-::· ......... . ,~., ....... \Io ........ ... _._-.-_." ... ---_ ... -. -'-'-"-;--. -.. .. .. -':' t' .0: "it) 1 • ,i::' ~ r' :: i . , !33' . i !,' I !, ,. i' " I I . 'j t·! I ! ,:. ; I "....' -r' _. I '--1' "- • , • .." . : I I' I \' I' I' I I " , I I : ;: I . : ••.•• ~ ,l I r I I ... I I' I I :! '._.'. ~. ,.' .' , , Ii, " . i . . ' . ;J.. ' , ,,' , ' .• .: .,S .• ~:" ,,' " I"""" ,It' ,. I , ,. : ,.: .••• :-----.... !' :,.; , . '1 I ,I I j .. 1 !!! ,:' , 1 , , . , -; 33.,---r:~~~_IfBtl~ ! ~ :~oj-FC'I CAIIUi8AD~ i; rrE:--:-.' ~ . I,)) 33'00' ,.' (l ," l " I ' " 'I 'I r....-I , ."'. " ~., ._ ., ., t I I I ' ' •..• . n .' . .' ... , "j !, ::':1 '. . ' ; I -,. . .i-lYi';i! ,_" ,;' _,J , V ! . , , .~ ", .~ , " 1 ; r' ~'45' ~~~r:.-~~~1~~II~~B~~~~~~~~fi.m[6~ttiL • r • J ~ 'l i i: , ' ... . . , . " I . I" I' i II"'! I· I . '1' ., . :' :~i l't M1el){ll';C' t' --11"''''/ I '/'--1 ~ I . • • l' " I I' .f ~, . ,.. . I I I I 'f _J. --.. j I I j"I . H .. I r" I I I I . I ';i[~·3O',,·· '~;" "i:;: .:: i.1 .lii .. ·I ).;!2 I··ilil .... ii!i ~ ;.:' . ---- County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials Z Year Rainfall Event -24 Houn lsopIuviaI fondles) DPW *GIS :e-. SaiiGIS ~",.-...... ~~..,..,.",. ..~.: tt." .. s.n 1>1& . .,. (~Ira"l£ . N 1MII""'.fIIIMII.D~~."""uneP'UI ~ ar......o.a.t.OerfG.IIJfIC)IUiIIl"IDlo.ne .... c • .-.,mm S g .. ~.."...c:..II ... tGII ....... 1C.UiA~ c..,..,. ........ M....,---"-___ ........ ~ __ ...cw:l ..... E --.-.-------------~~ .... p..-..., ............... -........ ............ ..,nr..-..... .... 3 0 3 Miles ~ -------.--.----~-~ --.-. -... ... ... ... --'0.0 9.0 8.0 '1.0 l' ~ N r.J. ) , 6.0 ) I r 5.0 )ri. a I 4.0 3.0 ! ,1' 2.0 ~ :J o ~ c. ~I.O I I I ., ;;;;'0.9 ," ~ :-....... ·~0.8 ; ....... !O'P f .5' \N 0.6 i I ,6 I , I • .: -I 0.5 ,5 I '( ... 0.4 .4 , I, ~ .3 J. 0.3 0.2 :1 ." " r-.. ~ ~ . ~ '" ~ . "- I'o-.~ --. ' . ~~ -- : ~ o. . . ..... "r-.. "- !' ['... ~i" ~ ...... ~ ~ N. !' 1'0 ~ r-. ~! ~ ; 1'0 ~ i I , ! , i i i ! : ! i i :1 t -. -+-: , -.- 1 +: -f-+--t- .! 1-" '-' , ~ 6 r a 910 ! 1 r.. r--! . .. ~~i"I 1'0 " II ~ ~. 1 U i .. " " ~ !'Io. ~ rio ~ ~~ ~ ; r; . !'Io. I" r.. n ~ I~~ ~ r-. .. r"-r-. ! i r-- H II;, ...... ... ... ~ r-. H. ~ ~, ~ , i'-.. Ii I ! ~ t-H. I " I N ~: " ~ """t"-' I ! i' N I. 11~r-.. ~ "-! ! ~ ! f' i~ ! . i r'" . I j , ! f. t . -':~.::: r. .. -: '. 1,.- 'H ~~ 1-' , -r --. ! : ~ .. . i·~ . -. · , i' · -. · . -_. , 1 . 15 20 ~i! 40 'SO Mi1UIes Duration .' 1Ii------~~ , I . , , ,. i : i , II eQUATION 1 ! · I I I :: 7.44 Pe 0-0·645 I = Intensity (in!nr) ~ I Ps = 6-HourPreclpitation (in; o = Duration (min) i I I i · I tt~ , ! ~~ K I ~ R , I 'Ioi ~~ ! i ... l" I ~ I~ r' I .. ~ ~ ! I ! ;, ~ ,,~ ! ""I'. K " "-t"-! ! "-r-. I ! i ...... ...... ~, , ~ ~ ",-' I So ~ j , I , t'-~ 1'1' , , "-I' "" · I j ; .... r-. i I ~ ; " ~r--" I I ~ ~~ l"-! , , , f~ . ,---f.--I~ : -. .. f--. . , , , , , , ~·4-"1 . '. R' ,-._. . , -1--. . i , : -. , " . , , I ' , , 2 3 .", 5 6 Hoors ~ c: ... "0 iii n so '2: 5S 9! 50 g 45"§l ·40 i 35 ~ 30 25 4.0 15 10 Intenslty-Duratlon Design Chart'· TMlplate Dlrec:tJonl for Applc .. lon: (1) From precipitation maps deterJ11ine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts tor the se·ected frequency. These maps are included in the County Hydrology Manual (10. 50, and 100 yr maps n:kJded in Ihe Design and Procedure Manual). (2) Adjust 6 tv precipitation (if ~cessary) so that it is y,ithin 1he range 0145°", 10 65% of tt-e 24 hr precipitation (not applicaple to Desert). {3) Plot 6 hr precipilation on the rigllt side of the mart. (4) Draw a line Ihrough tile point parallel to the pIottec1lines. (5) This line is the intensity-duration tUNe for the location being analyzed. Application Fonn: {a) Selected frequency It?O year (b) Ps = J,.,1 in .. P24 = //,5 'pP6 = t:0 ¥.{2i 24 (c) Adjusted Pa12} = 1., I in. (d) Ix = _mio. (e) I = __ inlhr. Note: This chart replaces the Inlensity-DlWation-Frequency curves used since 1965. ' P6 ,1: 1.5: 2 2.5;:1 15." 4.5 5 5.5 • Dura:.onl I •• I "1 I I I : .... "5 2.63 3.95 :.27 6.5~ 7.50 922 '0.$4 11 .13.7 'H91!1el :... . 1 2.12 ).,.: ... 24: 5.33 :6.S6).42~ 8.-48: II.S< 10.60 11.E6 '2 n 10 1.66 2.53: 3.37 .. 21 5.:;5 5.110, 6.74 . 7.58 8.42 '.27 10" 15 •. :sa: us· 2.!l8 32' '3.89' 4.54: 5.111' 5.1M .•. 49 . 1.1~ 77. 20 • .cl6 :1.62:2.15' 2.1I( ... 3( -uS: 5.39 5i! 11411 , .... ' 25 0.93 .1.40: 3.27; . 51~ StlO I ,30 0.83 i 12 ... US 2.9!l. '.3.32 • 3.73 • 4.15 . 4.~ 4 sa ... 40 •. 12.2.D7,2.41l2.7S:3.1J.3.45 315 413 50 0.63 :'0.90 '.IV 1.49 1.192.09' 2.3e U~ 2.11& 3.ii1e 351 10 0.&3 ;0.80: 1,(16 1.33 1.59' t,86: 2.12' 2,3~' 2.~ 2.* 311 to 0.41 :O.6~·C.1I2 1.02 t.23 1.43: 1.63' '.8" 2.04 2.ii15 245 120 0.34 1'0.5110 .• e.as· U\2 "'9' 1.31' 1.53: 1.70 ~,81 lO4, 150 029 ~O.44! C.59 c.n· 0,88' 1.03· 1.18: 1.32· 1.41 U~ He . flO '0.26 ;G.38;O,52' C:.tlS)l.78:0.9( fot: 1.18: 1.:;1: ~ .. 44 '157 . .. t.-o 'O.nt~·33:C,43 C., '-08.1'S 13C 300 0.'9 '0.28 C.38 (.47 0.56 '0.66. 0.1$ o,e5 0.94 1.:>;; 1 13 :No '0.17:0.25;:).33 (.42'0.50'0.58'0.67'0.75'0.84 O.S~ 10e FIGURE L¥l -----._-----_ .... __ ... -'-----._.-I~ ~ __ ~~~~~--~ '0.0 9,0 8.0 1'-0 ,..., "-~"" ! I , "!' ~ ~ ro-! 1 . i i DInctJoI'II for Appllclilfon: (1) From precipitalioo nlaJ)$ determine 6 t.. and 24 hr amounts for the se:ected frequency. These maps are included in the No. ?O .~ I . 6.0 I '!' I I 5.0 ".0 ~ , I 3.0 I ,~ 2.0 'L:" :J ~ r. g1.0 ; i ~O.9 ~ '~o.a , EO." Vl-0,6 \..1. 0,5 0.<4 I I I I ! I I I ! I ! I I '1-' ~::: .. 0.3 I-f- 0.2 ! ... ,-f- o. I ~~ .... ~ ~ ~~ ~ ;..., ' ~~ ~ N 1';, K ~ ! ~ '", ; "I r--.~ I i t'-, i ' i ? : I I : , ; .j ! i 1 j ; i .... -~ f-f-t-. . " 1 -,-.-:-=r "T !. -.--......-! ! 6 1a910 '""r-.,I' I' ...... ~ I .. r--.r--t"'- I" I' "" 1'", I ~r-.- " .... i"I F - . - I- l-... -r-'. r- .,- 15 ! I ...... I ! r." ~ ~ I I' ~ ~ ~~ ~ I '" I"; • • i"o ,... ~ I ,~ ~I ~ H li~ I' • I r'oi H U 11"" ..... ~-~ H !"O r.-! ; ~ if' ~ I I ! "-I. t--Ii ' ~ ~ I ~ j. .1 I I I' I I ! ~ ~ ~ t"- ~ ! I ,. I ; ! ~ 1 I' II i ~ , ! , '1' i I i I' I , :1 i , I t:;; .. . I-. - -r -H· . 'f'-. -. . -4' :f--,-. r : f- o· _. I . " 20 ~o 40 ~ 1 Mhu&es Ouratk?n . 1 I EQUATION I = 7.44 Pc; 0:-0·645 ~ i I = Intensily (in/nr, ! I PH = 6-Hour Precipitation (in) o = Duration (min; 1 I : i I ~ , ~ I~ ! I I~ ~ , ~ i , ' ... ~ .. ~ ~ ;-.. , :~ ~ I 1, ....... : I j ! " "-~ t' :--. f ~ ; '" ....... ~I' , : : ..... 1'0.. ~I' i "-I' I ~ '" ...... 1' ~ , ~ " I"" I i :, ~ ! , ....... ~r--. . I ~ ! , r-... I I ~ i'. t'r--. : I i , , , l.-' : . , . ." --: 1 .. ! , , .. ., . --i--' . . , .. , -, .. • • r , ~ ~. t---: ! f-,-. . t-I " , 1 , , I . ! , , 2'· 3 ~ 5 6 Hours ~ ~ "'0 Ii n 60 -0 55 i 50 ~l "5~ 40 i 35 ~ 30 2.5 4.0 1.5 10 'menslty-Duratlon Design Chart -T4NJ1p.ate County Hydrology Manual (10. 50. ana 100 yr maps idJded in the Design aoo Procecklf8 Manual,. (2) PoCjusl6 tv precipitation (if necessary) so tna! it is within the range of 45% 10 65% of t~8 24 hr pracipitation enot applicaple iO Desert). (3) Plot 6 hr precipilation on the rigflt side of the dlart. (.4) Draw a line IhmlIgh t!'le point parallelliO the pfottec lines. (5) This line is the intensily-duration curte for the location being analyzed. Application Form: (a) Selected frequeftcy ~ year (b) P6 = ~~ .. P24 = I, q '::4 = tR..3 o/;i2i (c) Adjusted Pa(21 = It '2... in. (d) Ix = _ min. Ce) I = _ in..'hr. Note: This chart replaces the Intensity.DlI"stion-Frequency ClINes used since 1965. PIS t 1.5: 2 2.5 I 15 4 4.5 5 U • Dura:JOll I I· II I I: I I I I ... 5 2.63 9.95 5.21 659 7.00 9.2'2·10.54 ".S: 13.17 lUg 1511 '1 2.12 ::4:18: ... 2': 5.~: f.S6).4( 0.4: 7.54 : 10.60 'H6 1212 10 1.66 2.s:r 3.37' 421 5.00 5.110: 6.74 1.55 '.42 t.el 10 II 15 1.30 :,.95'2.58 324 ·3.69·~.~: 5.1" 5.84· .... 9 7.13 17. 20 1.«18: 1.62' 2.15' 2.69 '3.23' 3.77~ 4:31 ..... s· 5.:;9 5;;3 5'- 25 093: 1.40' 1.81 2.33' 2.M . 3.27; 3.73' ".2')' ".67 . 5 1~ 5110 30 0.83: 124'1.66' 2.01' 249' 2.90' 3.32' 3.73' •. 15 .• !e 498 40 0.69 : 1.03: 1.38' 1.7( 2.n( 2.4': 2.15 : 3 13 : 3 .• 5 : 3 7' 4'3 50 0.60 '0.90' '.19 1.~9 1.79 2.08' 2.3S 2.6~ 2.98 3 «t! 3 sa 10 0.53 'O.eo'1.<16 1.33 1.58".116' 2.12' 2.3~· 2.~ . 2," 31 • to 0 .• ' :0.6<C.12 1.02 1.23 1.43' 1.63' "'4' 2.~ 2.;:~ 245 120 0.34 :O.S!:C .• (:,15',1.(12 1:0' 1.36· 1.53'1.70 ~1!7 2C4 150 029·'0.<4<4~C.59 CL73·O.8a· t.03· •. ' ••• .32. 1.47 ~ 52 176 110 '026 70.31.-0.52' C.&S -0.74: 081' toe' us' 1.3t . t..... , 57- 240 0.22 ;0.3.iO.43 t.S'-O.65· 0.7W( 0.7' 09" I.OS-US 'JC ao 0.i91oa·~,38 ( ... 10.56'0.66" 0.15' 0,85: 0.94 . 1.:)S ! 13 »0 0.17 ,025: 0.33 (.42 0.50' 0.58' 0.61' Q.7,S . 0,64. O.ii ! Cil FIGURE ~. I I I I ·1 I -I I I I I I I I I I I I 1"---1.5'--+-1 2% ...-_-----n = .0175 ~~::==t:::==~~MI--~2~%~ ____ ~--Concrete _~..\ Paved Gutter RESIOENTIAL STREET ONE SIDE ONLY 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50 Discharge (C.F.S.) EXAMPLE: Given: Q. 10 S" 2.5% Chilrt gives: Depth'" 0.4, Velocity" ..... f.p .•• SOURCE: San Diego County Department of Special District SelYices Design Manual FIGURE Gutter and Roadway Discharge. Velocity Chart Pr-1. ( 3-6 I. I I: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REV. I CHART . 1-103.6 A CAPACITY OF CURB OPENING INLETS ASSUMED 2% CROWN. Q = O. 7L (A+y)3/2 *A = 0.33 Y = HEIGHT OF WATER AT CURB FACE (0.4' MAXIMUM) REFER TO CHART 1-104.12 L = LENGTH OF CLEAR OPENING OF INLET ·Use A=O when the inlet is adjacent to traffic. i.e. t for a Type "J" median inlet or where the parking lane is removed. CITY OF' SAN DIEGO -DESIGN GUI DE CAPACITY OF CURB OPEIHNG INLETS SHT. NO. ·-.... -.- .-.... - - - - - -... -... - - - - - > I ~ .. ~ t-W UJ U. ~ UI U Z ~ (/) 5 UI (/) ex: :::> 0 U 0::: UJ I-~ 1001 1.5 I ##/.;L I. 30 0 (/J w ~ z 20 i ~ w ~ ;:: ~ II.. ~::~~~~::~::::::::C:~::~~~~:J~~~~i'0 ~ If§F::J 10 EXAMPLE: Given: Waleroourse Distance (D) = 70 Feet Slope (5) ;: 1.3% Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.41 Overiand Flow Time m = 9.S Minutes T:: 1.8 (1.1-C) Yo ~Vs ~ SOURCE: Ai"port Drainage. Federal Aviation Administration. 1965 FIG U .R E Rational Formula -Overland Time Qf Flow NomQgraph 3·3 r ,-,-'-,,-.. l> , ~ . ~ 7-42 J{ANDBOOK 010' HYJ>HA ULICS Table 7-10. Values oC K in Formula Q _ K DU8H for n TrApezoidal Channcl$ (Conc/1Ided) D -dep,b 01 water • -bottom "'Idlll of cbl.llftol D Bide elopet of channel. rallo 0' hon.ontal to vertical i V.r. H-I H-I JH 1-1 IH-I 2-1 2~i-J 3-1 4-1 tical ------------1.11 .2"0 .6U .117 1.10 1.37 1.00 241 2.111 3.40 4.30 1.82 .2113 .440 .813 1.011 1.37 1.90 2.41 2.01 3.30 4.30 1.83 .2111 .437 .810 1.0i 1.37 1.1l0 2.41 UO 3.39 4.36 I." .2110 .634' .1107 1.00 1.3/1 I.S11 2.40 UO 3.311 '.36 U~ .28R .631 .104 1.01 1.34 1.811 2.40 2.00 3.31 4.34 1.'0 .2M .6211 .1101 1.01 l.30 l.II9 2.40 2.1111 3.38 U4 1.87 .2112 .625 .707 1.08 1.36 1.88 2.30 2.ao 3.38 4.34 1.88 .270 .~22 .711t 1.07 1.34 U8 2.311 2.88 3.37 4.33 1.89 .277 .UO .701 1.07 US 1.88 2.311 2.88 3.37 4.33 UO .215 .617 .788 1.07 1.34 1.17 2.38 2.18 3.37 4.33 1."1 .213 .6lC .780 1.00 I.U 1.87 2.38 2.87 3.30 4.32 l.O2 .270 .612 .712 1.00 1.34 1.117 2.311 2.117 3.30 '.32 1.113 .201 .5011 .7711 1.00 1.33 1.80 2.37 2.117 3.3/1 '.32 I.U • 200 .100 .770 1.05 1.33 1.80 2.37 2.8G 3.36 4.31 I.II~ .264 .604 .174 1.06 1.33 1.811 2.37 2.14 3.36 4.31 1."0 .282 .601 .771 1.04 1.32 1.1115 2.3/1 2.811 3.35 4031 U7 .200 .4~1I .768 1.04 1.32 1.0$ ,2.30 2.85 3.3' 4.30 • 1.118 .2.51 .4011 .765 1.04 1.32 1.85 2.38 2.85 3.34 '.30 U~ .250 .4114 .7112 1.04 1.3J 1.84 2.35 2.85 3.34 ..a0 2.00 ,2~4 ' .4111 .780 1.04 1.31 I.U 2.35 2.84 3.33 4.20 2.01 .262 .4111,· .7a7 1.03 1.31 1.84 2.3" 2.14 3.33 Ui 2.02 .250 .487 .754 1.03 1.30 1.8.1 2.34 2.84 3.33 4.20 2.03 .248 .484 .152 '1.03 1.30 1.8:1 2.3. 2.1. 3.32 4.28 2.04 .2f7 .482 .74" 1.02 1.30 1.83 2.34 2.83 3.32 US 2.05 .246 .480 .74& 1'.02 1.30 1.82 2.33 2.83 3.32 4.21 2.00 .2e3 ,'77, .7'., 1.02 1.211 1.112 2.33 2.83 3.31 4.28 2.07 .241 .474 .741 . 1.02', 1.211 1.82 2.33 2.82 U~, 4.27 2.08 .:l311 .473 .7311 1.01 1.20 1.12 2.33 2.42 (,27 2.~ .237' .471 .730 1.01 1.21 1.111 2.32 2.112 3.31 4.:n 2.10 .238 .COO .134 1.01 1.28, 1.11 2.32 2.'1 a.30 4.20 2.11 .234 .400 .732 1.000 1.21' 1.11 2.32 2.81 3.-30 4.21\ 2.12 .232 .4114 .720 ,1.004 1.28 1.81 2.31 2.81 3.30 4.20 2.13 .231 .402 .727 1.001 1.27 l.IIO 2.31 '2.81 3.211 4.28 2.1'4 .22t .400 .724 .""g 1.27 1.80 2.31 2.80 3'.20 4.20 2.16 .227 , .• 461 .722 .11110 1.27 1.80 2.31 :1.80 3.20 '.26 2.1 ; :m· ' .4110 .720 .• ". 1.27 1.711 2.30 2.80 ' 3.2' ' 4.2:1 2.1 .464 .711 ."gl 1.211 1.70 2.30 2.80 3.28 4.2. 2.1 8 .223 .4U .7J5 .1188 1.2,0 1.70 2.30 2.711 ',U: 4;24 2.1 8 .221 • .aO ' .713 .1187 1.211 J.70 2.2~ 2.711 4024 2.2 o .210 .UI ' .711 .111 • •• 28 ' •• 7.' 2.2!, 2.711 3.24 , 4.2. 2.2 I .218 .U8 • 7~ .'82 'U5 1.71 '2.20 2.71 3.~7 «.23 2.2 2 .210 .H' .700 .'80 1.25 1,78 2.211 2.78 3.~7 '.23 2.2 3 .2U .442 .70' .117,7 1.26 ,1.78 2.2/1 2.78 3.27 4.23 2.2 •• 213 .UO .702 .876 1.25 1.77 2.28 2.78 3.20 4;23 '2.2~ ;212 .430 .700 .'73 1.2' 1.77 2.28 2.77 3.24 4.22 -.000 .001 .274 .500 .743 J.24 1.74 2.23 2.71 3.87 ;. . • " o r '1 .' i' '. I .I.. '. o· ---,. ':'\'rEAln-UNJlo'OUi\( "'LOW IN OPEN CHANNELS 7-4:1 K' Table 7-11. Values of K' in Formula Q - -MS,,~i for D i' n Trnpezoidal Channels D -dep\b of water II -bottom "'idth of channel Ver-tical Sid. ,lope. 0' channel. "&;0 or horilontal to "uUoal M-l I H-l I 'H I 1-1 II}HI 2-1 I 2}HI 3-1 4-1 _1_1_1_1_1_1_1_1_I __ t_ .Ot .00068 .000B8 .00000 .OOOOD .00009 .00009 .00009 .00000 .00070 .ood7~ .02 .00213.00215.00210.00217 .00218.00220.00221 .00222.00223.00221 .OJ .00414 .oom .00423 .004-26 :00428 .oom .00436 .00430 .00443 .OOH~ .Oi .00000.00670 .00G70 .OOOS~ .OOUOI .00700 .00108 .007IG.00723.0073~ .O~ .009i6.00g64 .000711 .000111 .01002 .010JO .01()3:J .Olon .01000 .0I08~ .06 .0127 •.• 0130 .0132 .013i .0130 .0138 .01U .0143 .0146 .OI~O .07 .0102 .01110 .0170 .0173 .0175 .0180 •. 0183 .0187 .01110 .01"7 .08 .0200 .0206 .0211 .0215 .0210 .0225 .0231 .0230 .0240 .0250 .01) .024i .. 0240 .0250 .0202 .0207 .0275 .0282 .0280 .02g0 .O:UO .10 .02S~ .0204 .0304 .0311 .0311 .0320 .0330 .034~ .0361 .0370 .11 .0320 .0343 .0364 .030« .0373 .0387 .0400 .0413 .ont .OH8 .12 .0376 .0303 .0408 .0420 .0431 .0460 .0400 .0482 .0407 .0:127 .13 .0425 . .04(8 .0404 .0480 .0403 .0516 .05:17 .0550 .0575 .0UIl .14 .OHO' .0502 .0524 :0542 .05611 .0587 .01112 •01137 .0650 .0700 .16 .0628 .0:1611 .0:)86 .0008 .OU27 .0062 .0002 .072 .0740 .01105 .16 .0582 .0619 .06liO .0070 .0700· .0140 .0777 .0811 .0840 .0912 .17 .01138 .0080 .0710 .0714 .0776 .01123 .0800 .OOOT .00t? .1020 .18 .0/l05 .0744 .0786 .0822 .0854 .0010 •091iS .1008 .1066 .11411 .10 .0753 .08011 .0857 .08911 .0030 .1001 .105 .1115 .lIliO .12;7 .20 .0812 .0870 .0031 .00711 .1021 .10110 .l1U3 .1227 .1290 .1414 .21 .0873 .0043 .101 .100 .111 .120 .127, .133 .142 .160 .:12 .0034 .1016 .100 .116 .120 .130 .130 .147 .145 .J71 .23 .0007 .1087 .1l7 .12t .130 .141 .150' .100 • Hill .187 .24 .IOGI .11111 .12" .133 .140 .162 .163 .173 .1S4 .204 .26 .1125 .1230, .133 .142 ,160 .1(13 .170. .U8 .11111 .222 .211 .1111 .131 .142 • 162 .100 . .174 .180 .202 .211 .241 .27 .120 .1311 .161 .lG2 .171 .188 .203. .218 .233 .2110 .28 .132 .147 .JuO .172 .112 .201 .217 .234 .2411 .281 .29 .130 .166 .170 •• 52 .104 .2at .232 .25U .20a .:102 1.30 .HO .163 .17g .103 .2U6 .228 .248 .2117 .287 .32t 1'31 .163 .172 .1811 .20t .218 .242 .2n4. .285 .300 .:1«7 .32 ~100 .J80 .190 .216 .230 .266 .281 .304 .327 .371 .33 .107 .180 .200 .227 .243 .271 .208 .323 .348 .300 .34 .114 .lg8 .21g .2:18 .26,0 .287 .316-• .343 .370 :423 .36 .111 .207 .230 .• 261 .20g .303 .334 . • 3U3 .302 .·H.O • 30 .laO .210 .241 ~203 .2113 .3JO .3113 • .385 .410 :m .37 .100 .225 . .262 .276 .207 ;330. .372 .COO .440 ,.38 .203 ~234 .2113 .288 .• 312 ;363 , .302 ;420 .41lS .6:J7 .30 .21'1 .244 .274 , .301 .320 .371 ,.413 .462 .401 .6118 •• 0 .218 ,253 .280 .316 .3U .31111 . .434· .410 .6J8 .000 .. .iI .220 .203 .297 .328 .367 .408 .4110 ;/101 .G40 .033 .42 .233 .273 .30" .342 .373 .427 .n8· .620 .674 .111111 .43 .241 .283 .321 .367 .380 .447 .aol. .663 .003 .703 .44 .248 .203 .334 .371 .405 .401 .626 .680 .033 .740 .45 .2,50 .303 .340 .384 .422 .41111 .6tll .007 .004 .771 '" -., , .~ -. 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" \ .. :' "".-::" 'PARTNERS .,. • --,.',! .• .' .' -.-' . '," Planl1ing and Ellgille(;rillg . ~ . , '. -: '" " :. . . ,., -" ." , " '.' ';,' " . -, ~'., . .. 15938 Beriza/:do CellterDr. ' " ,Sal1 Diego, CA. 92127 . " . '., . .' ,~ " . .... -'.' " i < • ~. " · .. · , -.. ."., . . Ph. (858) 376·3444. . Fax: (858) 316-3555' ~, . . -. " .' -': ' " . . ...., . ,.' . ~.~ .' .. :', .; '.~ :. . ',: . , ,', . .... ,'" ,:' '.' "' .. '" , , "., 1 , ,'-. -. " . ' . ' . . \' ",: .', . " , ' ' ,,~ . , ' .. ". ,. " . .... . , " '.'-. ~ " .... , , .... . ',. . ., .. .. ' :-. .'.. >" . :. ; :'" :' . .,'; "< • . " " . , -' , ,.' ; .: .. ' ", '; . ; ~, ',' ;.. . " ."', .. ,~ ". . " " , . " .,'.~. . ..... . :' ':" ,'.' :',' :; ,', , " . '.' .. : .; , '.' . '.' ,. ', .. " . ~ . " ~," . -:-' .... -' .': " " . , -.' PRC)PQS'ED',HYDROLOGYEXJ-fIBIT::,,' ",BRESSI:RANCH LCrr'40, .", .: .. . ' : , , . ' .. " : , , ' ,; . .J '. ! ,'" , . ;'. ~, ~".' . , ': ' ~ . -." , '. , . . ' .. " ; " . . 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