HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 05-09; BRESSI RANCH; ROUGH GRADE COMPACTION REPORT; 2007-06-22C-r o—o"j
Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39, Planning Area 5
Carlsbad, California
St. Croix Capital
1 June 22, 2007 mr A California Corporation
St. Croix Capital
I 406 9th Avenue, Suite 309
San Diego, California 92101
Attention: Mr. Jim Jacob
Subject: Rough Grade Compaction Report
Proposed Business Park
Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39, Planning Area 5
Carlsbad, California
Project No.: 07M132-1
Reference: Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Business Park, Bressi Ranch Lots 33-37,
Planning Area 5, SEC of Palomar Airport Road and El Fuerte, Carlsbad, California,
prepared by Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG), dated March 3, 2005,
SCG Project No. 05G109-1.
jIn accordance with your request, Southern California Geotechnical, Inc. (SCG) presents this
Rough Grade Compaction Report which serves as a summary of the grading observation and
testing performed by our personnel during remedial/rough gradin operations at the subject site.
The subject site is located within the recently mass graded Bresi Ranch Industrial Park which is
located on the south side of Palomar Airport Road in the city of Carlsbad, California. The specific
site is identified as Lots 33 though 39 within Planning Area 5. The site is bordered to the north
by Palomar Airport Road, to the west by El Fuerte Street, and to the south and east by Gateway
Road. The site is an irregularly-shaped parcel, approximately 16± acres in size. Site topography
consists of gently sloping terrain, dipping downward to the southwest with approximately 30 feet
of elevation differential across the site. The northern and western site boundaries are occupied
by ascending 2h:lv slopes with a maximum heights of approximately 20 feet.
The current phase of construction will generally be limited to the western half of the overall site.
I The proposed development will consist of nine (9) buildings with total areas ranging from
6,000± ft2 to 11,000± ft2 Buildings D and E will share ,,a common wall The buildings will be
one and two-story tilt-up concrete structures surrounded by asphaltic and Portland cement
I concrete parking and drive areas. Thebüildings-will bésupported on conventional shallow
foundations and slab-on-grade floors. Based on the planned construction, maximum column and
wall loads are expected to be on the order of 60 kips and 3± kips per linear foot, respectively.
The grading plan prepared by Partners Engineering indicates the fills of ranging from 2± to 10±
I 22885 East Savi Ranch Parkway v Suite E v Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4624
voice: (714) 685-1115 v fax: (714) 685-1118 v www.socalgeo.com
feet were required to establish the planned subgrade elevations
I development area. This estimate is exclusive of any overexcavation
placement necessary for the recommended remedial grading activities.
within the proposed
and subsequent 1911
SCG previously conducted a geotechnical investigation report for the proposed development.
The results of this investigation are presented in the above referenced report. As part of this
study, SCG reviewed the previous geotechnical reports and mass grading reports for Planning
Area 5. The SCG subsurface exploration conducted for this project consisted of eight (8) borings
advanced to depths of 21/2 to 191/2 ± feet below the existing site grades.
Artificial fill soils were encountered at the ground surface at five of the eight boring locations.
These fill soils extended to depths of 11/2 to 31/2± feet below existing grade. The fill soils
encountered in the borings generally consisted of medium stiff to very stiff, sandy clays, and
dense clayey sands. The fill soils possessed moderately high strengths, moisture contents near
or above optimum, and based on their color mottling and composition, appeared to be well
mixed. Bedrock was encountered either at the ground surface or beneath the fill soils at all of
the boring locations. The bedrock encountered at this site consisted of Tertiary age Santiago
formation, which is comprised of dense to very dense sandstone with some zones of claystone
and siltstone. Bedding within the Santiago formation on site is generally massive with no
significant planes of weakness or discontinuities. The sandstone unit is typically light gray in
color, contains moderate iron oxide staining, and is comprised of weakly cemented silty fine
sand. The siltstone unit is typically light gray to gray in color, contains moderate iron oxide
staining, and is comprised of fine sandy silt. The claystone unit is typically dark gray to gray
green in color, contains some shell fragments, gypsum veins, and is comprised of silts and clays.
Based on the expansive potentials and differing strengths of the engineered fill and bedrock, and
in order to provide for a new layer of structural fill that will help mitigate the potential cut/fill
transitions, it was recommended that remedial grading be performed within the proposed
building pad areas. The building pad areas were recommended to be overexcavated to a depth
of at least 3 feet below the proposed pad grade. It was also recommended that the foundation
influence zones for the new buildings be overexcavated to a depth of 3 feet below the
foundation bearing grades.
Rough grading operations documented in this report were initiated on May 7, 2007 and were
completed on August 9, 2006. The building pad areas were overexcavated in accordance with
the recommendations presented in the referenced geotechnical report. This resulted in the
building areas being overexcavated to depths ranging from 6± to 13± feet below the proposed
pad grades. The limits of overexcavations were extended laterally at least 5± feet beyond the
building and foundation perimeters. The foundation influence zones for the proposed retaining
walls located along the western and northern site boundaries were overexcavated to a depth of
at least 2 feet below the foundation bearing grades, in accordance with the recommendations
presented in the referenced geotechnical report. The exposed overexcavation subgrades were
comprised of native bedrock material or the existing compacted fill soils. The exposed subgrade
soils within the excavated building areas and in the low areas of the parking lot which were to
SOUTHERN Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 - Carlsbad, CA
I BI1' CALIFORNIA Project No. 07M132-1
be filled were scarified to a depth of 10 to 12± inches, moisture conditioned, and recompacted.
The prepared subgrades were noted to be firm and unyielding beneath the weight of the grading
equipment and were approved for filling by an SCG field representative. The excavations were
then backfilled with compacted structural fill to reach finished grades. Fill materials consisted of
on-site and imported soils that were moisture treated and compacted in 6± inch thick lifts with
fully loaded scrapers and a rubber tired dozer. The fill soils were compacted to at least 90
percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum dry density.
Structural fill compaction was tested by the Nuclear Method (ASTM D-2922-81) and referenced
to maximum dry density values obtained by the Modified Proctor method (ASTM D-1557-91).
Where density tests indicated less than the minimum specified compaction, the areas were
moisture treated as necessary and recompacted until 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 maximum
dry density was achieved as indicated by retests. Locations indicating passing test results are
indicated on the enclosed Density Test Location Plan, Plate 1. Moisture-density test results are
indicated on Table 1, enclosed in this report. In addition, data regarding the soil types used as
structural fill are presented on Table 2.
Expansion Index
Representative samples of the soils used for fill were obtained from the completed building pads
for Expansion Index (El) testing. The expansive potential of the fill soils was determined in
general accordance with Uniform Building Code (UBC) Standard 18-2. The results of the
Expansion Index testing are as follows:
Sample Identification Expansion Index Expansive Potential
Building B 5 Very Low
Composite: Buildings A, F, G 0 Very Low
Composite: Buildings C, D, E, H, I 0 Very Low
Based on the above test results, these soils have been classified as very low expansive. The
foundation and floor slab design recommendations presented in the geotechnical report were
made with respect to the presence of medium expansive on-site soils, therefore, no additional
considerations with respect to expansive soils are considered warranted at this time.
Soluble Sulfates
The results of the soluble sulfate testing performed during our original geotechnical investigation
indicated that the on-site soils possess negligible to severe concentrations of soluble sulfates,
with regard to attack of subsurface concrete. Based on these results, specialized sulfate
resistant concrete mix designs will be necessary. At a minimum, the UBC requires that all
concrete which will come into contact with these soils incorporate the following characteristics:
SOUTHERN Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 - Carlsbad, CA
I W,/CALIFORNIA Project No. 07M132-1
, _QpTEcHNicAL Page 3
Cement Type: V (Five)
I . Minimum Compressive Strength (f'): 4,500 psi
Maximum Water/Cement Ratio: 0.45
I All structural concrete should meet the requirements of the Uniform Building Code and the
American Concrete Institute.
Additional samples of the soils used for fill were obtained from the completed building pads and
were submitted for sulfate testing. The results of the additional testing will be documented in an
addendum letter when they become available.
I Geotechnical observation and testing of the rough grading activities indicate that the building
pads have been suitably prepared, with grading activities conducted in accordance with
recommendations presented in the original geotechnical engineering report and the local
- building codes. The building pads are expected to provide adequate support for the intended
structures which utilize foundations designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of
2500 lbs/ft2.
The foundations, floor slab, and other improvements should be designed in accordance with the
recommendations contained in the original geotechnical report referenced above. It is
recommended that SCG be contacted to perform additional earthwork observation and testing
during the following phases of the project:
Foundation Excavation
Utility Trench Backfill
Retaining Wall Construction and/or Backfill
Subgrade Preparation in New Pavement Areas
Aggregate Base Placement in New Pavement Areas
SOUTHERN Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 - Carlsbad, CA
CALIFORNIA Project No. 07M132-1
This opportunity to be of continued professional service is sincerely appreciated. Should you
have any questions regarding this project, please contact us at your earliest convenience.
Respectfully Submitted,
0. 22194
Exp- 12/3,11/08
e inara, GE 2294
Eku: nsity Test Location Plan, Plate 1
mmary of Field Density Tests, Table 1
mmary of Moisture-Density Relationships, Table 2
Distribution: (1) Addressee
(3) TFW Construction, Attn: Jeff Weeks
SOUTHERN 8ressi Ranch Lots 33-39 - Carlsbad, CA
LIFORNIA Project No. 07M132-1
, ....EOTECHNICAL Page 5
- - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (Pct) Compaction
(%) (%)
1 07-May-07 395.0 Building G A 14.9 103.1 91 BOX
2 07-May-07 398.0 Building G B 16.1 103.9 90
3 07-May-07 400.5 Building G B 16.7 105.5 91 BOX
4 07-May-07 400.0 Building G B 13.9 106.7 92
5 07-May-07 400.5 Building G B 16.4 104.2 90 BOX
6 08-May-07 401.5 Building G A 15.1 103.0 91
7 08-May-07 401.5 Building C A 15.6 103.8 92
8 08-May-07 402.5 Building G B 14.9 107.8 93
9 08-May-07 402.5 Building G B 14.3 105.2 91
10 09-May-07 403.0 Building G B 15.7 107.5 93
11 09-May-07 403.0 Building G B 14.9 105.3 91
12 09-May-07 403.5 Building G B 16.8 106.6 92
13 09-May-07 403.5 Building G B 15.1 107.9 93
14 10-May-07 402.0 Building F B 15.1 106.3 92 BOX
15 10-May-07 401.5 Building F B 17.5 103.7 90 BOX
16 10-May-07 404.5 Building C B 14.9 107.7 93
17 10-May-07 404.5 Building G B 15.7 105.3 91
18 10-May-07 404.0 Building A B 17.1 105.6 91 BOX
19 10-May-07 404.0 Building A B 17.8 104.1 90 BOX
20 10-May-07 403.5 Building A B 16.4 106.8 92 BOX
21 10-May-07 405.5 Building G A 17.6 105.1 93
22 10-May-07 405.5 Building G B 14.9 105.5 91
23 11-May-07 405.0 Building A 14.9 103.2 91
24 11-May-07 405.5 Building A A 16.7 105.9 94
25 11-May-07 403.0 Building F A 15.1 99.9 88 Fail: 90% Required
26 11-May-07 403.0 Building F A 15.7 102.7 91 Retest #25
27 11-May-07 400.0 Building F B 17.7 106.1 92
28 11-May-07 400.5 Building F B 17.3 105.3 91
29 14-May-07 401.5 Building F B 18.2 104.1 90
30 14-May-07 401.5 Building F B 17.6 105.3 91
31 14-May-07 403.5 Building F B 18.1 101.3 88 Fail: 90% Required
32 14-May-07 403.5 Building F B 17.7 102.5 89 Fail: 90% Required
33 14-May-07 403.5 Building F B 17.9 103.9 90 Retest #31
34 14-May-07 403.5 Building F B 17.7 105.0 91 Retest #32
35 15-May-07 405.5 Building F B 18.4 105.2 91
36 15-May-07 405.5 Building F B 18.1 105.0 91
37 15-May-07 404.5 Building B B 17.6 106.7 92 BOX 38 15-May-07 403.0 Building B B 18.6 103.9 90 BOX
39 15-May-07 404.0 Building C B 17.1 104.8 91 BOX
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 -- Carlsbad, California Page 1
- - - - - - - - - TIM I - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pct) Compaction
(%) (%)
40 15-May-07 404.5 Building C B 16.6 106.2 92 BOX
41 15-May-07 406.0 Building C B 15.9 105.3 91 BOX 42 15-May-07 403.0 Retaining Wall B 14.6 104.2 90 BOX
43 15-May-07 404.0 Retaining Wall B 16.1 105.4 91 BOX
44 15-May-07 404.5 Building B A 17.9 104.0 92
45 15-May-07 404.0 Building B/C A 17.4 105.5 93
46 15-May-07 405.0 Building C A 18.1 103.8 92
47 16-May-07 404.5 Retaining Wall A 18.9 101.4 90
48 16-May-07 404.5 Building F A 15.7 104.2 92
49 16-May-07 404.5 Building F A 16.3 102.6 91
50 16-May-07 406.0 Building G A 14.9 105.3 93
51 -1 6-May-07 407.0 Building F A 15.1 106.0 94
52 16-May-07 406.0 Building F A 18.2 101.7 90
53 17-May-07 407.0 Building G A 16.7 104.1 92
54 -1 7-May-07 407.5 Building F A 14.9 103.9 92
55 17-May-07 407.0 Retaining Wall A 17.9 98.1 87 Fail: 90% Required
56 17-May-07 407.0 Retaining Wall A 17.1 102.5 91 Retest #55
57 17-May-07 405.5 Building C A 15.9 102.9 91
58 18-May-07 405.5 Building B A 16.7 102.9 91
59 18-May-07 404.5 Building C B 15.7 105.9 92
60 .21 -May-07 406.0 Building B A 14.9 104.5 92
61 21-May-07 406.5 Building C A 16.6 105.1 93
62 21-May-07 409.0 Retaining Wall B 17.1 105.0 91 BOX
63 21-May-07 410.5 Retaining Wall B 18.5 103.8 90 BOX
64 21-May-07 411.0 Retaining Wall B 16.7 105.6 91 BOX
65 21-May-07 405.5 Building B A 16.4 105.4 93
66 21-May-07 406.5 Building C A 15.9 104.1 92
73 22-May-07 406.0 Site Fill B 17.7 103.9 90
74 22-May-07 406.0 Building A B 17.2 106.1 92
80 22-May-07 407.5 Site Fill B 15.7 105.7 92
81 22-May-07 407.5 Building A B 14.1 105.5 91
82 22-May-07 406.5 Building A B 16.9 104.3 90
95 23-May-07 404.5 Building H A 16.6 104.4 92 BOX
96 23-May-07 404.5 Building H A 17.9 103.1 91 BOX
97 23-May-07 403.5 Building I A 15.1 105.5 93 BOX
98 23-May-07 405.5 Building I A 17.5 103.0 91 BOX
99 23-May-07 403.0 Building I A 16.6 104.3 92 BOX
100 23-May-07 408.0 Site Fill B 17.4
101 23-May-07 408.0 Building A A
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 -- Carlsbad, California Page 2
-M M T I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (Pct) Compaction
(%) (%)
102 23-May-07 407.0 Building A B 16.6 107.6 93
105 24-May-07 405.0 Retaining Wall B 13.9 105.2 91 BOX
106 24-May-07 408.0 Retaining Wall B 13.7 106.3 92 BOX
107 24-May-07 405.0 Building I A 17.8 105.6 93
108 24-May-07 405.0 Building I A 18.1 102.5 91
111 25-May-07 407.0 Retaining Wall A 15.1 101.9 90
12 25-May-07 411.0 Retaining Wall B 16.2 105.9 92
113 25-May-07 407.0 Building I E 14.7 110.0 92
114 25-May-07 406.5 Building H E 15.1 108.8 91
115 25-May-07 407.0 Building I E 15.9 110.4 92
116 25-May-07 406.5 Building H E 15.6 110.5 92
117 29-May-07 409.5 Retaining Wall E 15.9 110.2 92
118 29-May-07 410.5 Retaining Wall E 14.7 113.1 94
119 29-May-07 412.5 Retaining Wall E 14.5 111.2 93
120 29-May-07 412.5 Retaining Wall E 15.8 110.5 92
121 29-May-07 409.0 Building I A 18.8 102.3 91
122 29-May-07 408.0 Building I A 16.4 105.0 93
123 29-May-07 407.5 Building H A 16.9 103.8 92
124 29-May-07 407.0 Building H A 17.5 _103.5 92
129 30-May-07 406.5 Building D A 19.7 103.0 91 BOX
130 30-May-07 405.5 Building DIE A 14.1 102.1 90 BOX
131 30-May-07 406.5 Building E A 16.9 103.2 91 BOX
132 30-May-07 407.5 Building E E 14.6 110.3 92
133 30-May-07 407.0 Building D E 15.7 109.2 91
134 30-May-07 407.0 Building D E 13.1 109.5 91
135 30-May-07 408.5 Building E E 13.1 111.7 93
136 30-May-07 407.0 Building D E 16.6 108.3 90
137 31-May-07 408.0 Building B A 14.9 103.3 91
138 31-May-07 407.0 Building B/C A 14.1 102.7 91
139 31-May-07 407.0 Building C E 16.7 110.7 92
140 31-May-07 407.5 Building D E 17.1 108.1 90
141 31-May-07 410.0 Building E A 15.1 102.5 91
142 01-Jun-07 409.0 Building B A 17.6 102.3 91
143 01-Jun-07 409.0 Building C E 14.6 108.6 91
144 01-Jun-07 409.0 Building D E 14.4 109.8 92
145 01-Jun-07 410.5 Building E E 15.6 107.5 90
155 04-Jun-07 408.0 Retaining Wall B 16.6 103.8 90
156 04-Jun-07 410.0 Retaining Wall B 15.9 _104.6 91
157 04-Jun-07 411.5 Retaining Wall B 16.3 105.2 91
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39-- Carlsbad, California Page 3
-M M T I
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
(%) (%)
158 06-Jun-07 409.0 Building A G 14.8 106.4 90
159 06-Jun-07 408.5 Building A G 14.5 107.9 91
160 06-Jun-07 409.5 Building B H 15.0 104.5 90
161 06-Jun-07 410.0 Building C H 14.3 105.7 91
162 06-Jun-07 410.0 Building D H 13.9 105.3 91
163 06-Jun-07 411.0 Building E H 13.5 106.9 92
164 06-Jun-07 408.5 Building H H 14.1 105.1 91
165 06-Jun-07 409.0 Building I H 14.6 104.2 90
178 07-Jun-07 410.0 Building A H 14.1 103.9 90
179 07-Jun-07 411.0 Building NB H 15.3 104.8 90
180 07-Jun-07 411.0 Building B H 11.6 103.2 89 Fail: 90% Required
181 07-Jun-07 412.0 Building C H 13.5 106.1 91
182 07-Jun-07 412.0 Building C/D H 14.8 105.7 91
183 07-Jun-07 412.0 Building D H 15.1 104.5 90
184 07-Jun-07 412.5 Building E _H_ 14.2 105.2 91
185 07-Jun-07 411.0 Building B _H_ 14.5 105.5 91
192 11-Jun-07 408.5 Building H _H_ 14.9 101.9 88 Fail: 90% Required
193 11-Jun-07 409.0 Building H _H_ 14.2 104.1 90
194 11-Jun-07 410.0 Building I i-i 13.8 104.7 90
195 11-Jun-07 410.0 Building I H 13.5 105.3 91
196 11-Jun-07 408.5 Building H H 14.0 105.8 91 Retest #192
197 11-Jun-07 410.5 Building H H 14.5 106.3 92
198 11-Jun-07 411.0 Building H/I H 13.8 105.9 91
199 11-Jun-07 411.5 Building I H 11.3 102.6 88 Fail: 90% Required
200 11-Jun-07 411.5 Building I H 14.1 105.4 91
201 11-Jun-07 411.5 Building I H 13.6 104.9 90 Retest #199
208 12-Jun-07 410.0 Site Fill G 14.8 107.4 91
209 12-Jun-07 410.0 Site Fill G 15.4 106.6 90
210 12-Jun-07 410.0 Building A G 15.1 107.9 91
217 13-Jun-07 410.5 Retaining Wall G 13.9 108.8 92
218 13-Jun-07 411.5 Retaining Wall G 14.5 107.1 91
219 13-Jun-07 413.5 Retaining Wall H 14.1 106.4 92
220 13-Jun-07 413.5 Retaining Wall H 13.5 106.8 92
221 14-Jun-07 408.0 Site Fill H 14.8 105.3 91
222 14-Jun-07 409.0 Site Fill H 13.9 103.1 89 Fail: 90% Required
223 14-Jun-07 410.5 Site Fill H 14.3 106.5 92
224 14-Jun-07 411.0 Site Fill H 13.7 105.8 91
225 14-Jun-07 412.0 Site Fill H 14.5 104.5 90
226 14-Jun-07 412.5 Site Fill H 14.0 105.7 91
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 -- Carlsbad, California Page 4
- - - - - - - M _T I - - - - - - - - - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS
Test No. Date Elev. Test Soil Moisture Dry Density Relative Comments
(ft) Location Type Content (pcf) Compaction
(%) (%)
227 14-Jun-07 409.0 Site Fill H 15.1 106.2 92 Retest #222
228 15-Jun-07 FP Building E A 16.9 103.8 92
229 15-Jun-07 FP Building E A 17.4 104.4 92
230 15-Jun-07 FP Building D H 13.8 107.6 93
231 15-Jun-07 FP Building D H 14.4 106.9 92
232 15-Jun-07 FP Building C H 14.9 106.4 92
233 15-Jun-07 FP Building C H 15.5 105.2 91
234 15-Jun-07 FP Building B G 14.6 108.3 92
235 15-Jun-07 FP Building B H 15.0 105.9 91
236 15-Jun-07 FP Building A H 14.2 104.8 90
237 15-Jun-07 FP Building A H 13.9 105.0 91
248 18-Jun-07 410.5 Building H H 15.2 106.2 92
249 18-Jun-07 411.0 Building I H 15.8 105.5 91
250 19-Jun-07 FP Building I H 13.9 106.4 92
251 19-Jun-07 FP Building I H 14.3 105.8 91
252 19-Jun-07 FP Building H H 14.8 106.0 91
253 19-Jun-07 FP Building H H 12.9 101.6 88 Fail: 90% Required
254 19-Jun-07 FP Building H H 14.6 104.3 90 Retest #253
255 19-Jun-07 FP Building F H 15.3 104.9 90
256 19-Jun-07 FP Building F H 14.2 106.5 92
257 19-Jun-07 FP Building G H 14.9 105.6 91
258 19-Jun-07 FP Building G H 15.5 104.7 90
NOTES: BOX = Bottom of Overexcavation
FP = Finished Pad Elevation
Retests Performed After Recompaction
All Tests Performed By Nuclear Test Method (ASTM D-2922)
Elevations Referenced To Grade Stakes Set In Field By Others
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 -- Carlsbad, California Page 5
Soil Type Soil Description Maximum Dry Optimum Density (pcf) Moisture (%)
A Orange Brown fine Sandy Silt 113.0 15.5
B Light Gray fine Sandy Silt 115.5 14.5
C Crushed Aggregate Base 133.0 6.5
D 3/4-inch Asphalt 146.0 N/A
E Orange Brown fine. Sandy Silt with fine to coarse Gravel 120.0 13.5
F Dark Brown silty fine Sand (IMPORT) 124.5 10.0
G Light Gray fine Sandy Silt, trace medium to coarse Sand (IMPORT) 118.0 12.5
H Yellow Brown fine Sand, trace Silt (IMPORT) 116.0 12.5
3/4-inch Asphalt 146.0 N/A
Note: All Moisture-Density Relationships determined per ASTM D-1 557 (Modified Proctor)
07M132-1 Bressi Ranch Lots 33-39 -- Carlsbad, California Page 1