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CT 05-10; Poinsettia Properties The Tides; Geotechnical; 2010-05-06
INTERPRETIVE REPORT FOR INFILTRATION SYSTEM DESIGN, PROPOSED 29-LOT RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT, LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF POINSETTIA LANE AND LOWDER LANE, CITY OF CARLSBAD RIWRSffiE-COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Geotechnical, BETTER PEOPLE . BETTER SERVICE • BETTER RESULTS PROJECT NO. 10707-11A MAY 6, 2010 May 6, 2010 Earth - Strata? Inc. Geotechnlcal, Environmental and Material* Testing Consultants BETTER PEOPLE . BETTER SERVICE • BETTER RESULTS Project No. 10707-11A Mr. Darren Bolton K. HOVNANIAN HOMES 1500 South Haven Avenue, Suite 100 Ontario, CA 91761 Subject:Interpretive Report for Infiltration System Design, Proposed 29 -Lot Residential Development, Located on the Southwest Corner of Poinsettia Lane and Lowder Lane City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California Earth-Strata, Inc. is pleased to present this interpretive report for the proposed 29-lot residential development, located on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Lowder Lane, in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California. The purpose of our study was to determine the percolation rates and physical characteristics of the subsurface earth materials within the proposed development. We have provided guidelines for the design of onsite retention systems, where applicable. This study is intended to provide onsite percolation rates for the earth materials at the approximate depth near the proposed retention basins. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Poinsettia Lane and Lowder Lane in the City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, California (see Figure 1). The subject property consists of an undeveloped parcel of land with relatively flat terraced terrain. The subject property is underlain by compacted fill and Quaternary old paralic deposits. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Based on information provided by you, the proposed development consists of a 29-lot tract which includes driveways, utilities, streets and on-site retention basins. SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND PERCOLATION TESTING SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration of the subject site consisted of 11 exploratory excavations to a maximum depth of 21.5 feet, conducted on April 15 and 16, 2010. The exploratory holes were excavated to evaluate existing geotechnical conditions. The approximate location of the exploratory excavations are shown on the attached Percolation Location Map, Plate 1. EARTH STRATA, INC. • 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 • OFFICE (951) 461 -4028 • FAX (951} 461 4058 • WWW.EARTH STRATA.COM Rfc 1 T E R PI- OPt 1" > B!'-T I BK Sf RVIC E - 6FT T b.R RESUl/F S EARTH MATERIALS A general description of the earth materials observed on site is provided below. Artificial Fill [map symbol Af): Artificial fill materials were encountered throughout the site within the upper 5 to 16.5 feet during exploration. These materials are typically locally derived from the native materials and consist generally of orange brown to grayish brown silty sand. The deeper fills are generally consistent, well consolidated fills. Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits (map symbol Qop): Quaternary old paralic deposits were encountered to a maximum depth of 21.5 feet. These deposits consist predominately of interlayered moderate yellow brown to gray brown, silty sand. These deposits were generally noted to be in a slightly moist to very moist, medium dense to very dense state. GROUNDWATER Groundwater was not observed within the exploratory excavations. PERCOLATION TESTING The continuous presoak test method was utilized to perform a total of four (4) percolation tests on April 16, 2010, to evaluate near surface percolation rates in order to estimate the amount of storm water runoff that can percolate into the onsite retention basins. The percolation tests were performed in general accordance with the requirements of insitu percolation testing. The percolation tests were performed within 6 inch perforated pipes, 3V2 to 3% feet deep. The locations of the percolation test holes are indicated on the attached Percolation Location Map, Plate 1. The percolation test holes were located by property boundary measurement on the site plan and by using geographic features. For the continuous presoak testing method, the pipe was filled with water and allowed to stand. After the presoak, testing was performed by adjusting the water level to near the top of the pipe. The drop in water level was measured from a fixed initial reference point for more reliable readings, with measurements having an accuracy of 1/8-inch. After each measurement, the water level was brought up to the original test level. Percolation test data recorded in the field is summarized in the following table and is included within Appendix B. PERCOLATION TEST SUMMARY TEST NUMBER P-l P-2 P-3 P-4 PERCOLATION HOLE DEPTH (ft.) 3V2 3% 3V2 3V2 PERCOLATION RATE (min/inch] 98 86 80 82 DESCRIPTION Silty Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand Silty Sand The percolation test rates ranged from 80 to 98 minutes per inch (mpf). EARTH-STRATA, line.May 6, 2010 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the data presented in this report and the recommendations set forth herein, it is the opinion of Earth-Strata that the retention basin can be designed for a percolation rate of 90 mpi. GRADING PLAN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION SERVICES This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of K. HOVNANIAN HOMES and their authorized representative. It likely does not contain sufficient information for other parties or other uses. Earth- Strata should be engaged to review the final design plans and specifications prior to construction. This is to verify that the recommendations contained in this report have been properly incorporated into the project plans and specifications. Should Earth-Strata not be accorded the opportunity to review the project plans and specifications, we are not responsibility for misinterpretation of our recommendations. We recommend that Earth-Strata be retained to provide geologic and geotechnical engineering services during grading and foundation excavation phases of the work. In order to allow for design changes in the event that the subsurface conditions differ from those anticipated prior to construction. Earth-Strata should review any changes in the project and modify and approve in writing the conclusions and recommendations of this report. This report and the drawings contained within are intended for design input purposes only and are not intended to act as construction drawings or specifications. In the event that conditions encountered during grading or construction operations appear to be different than those indicated in this report, this office should be notified immediately, as revisions may be required. REPORT LIMITATIONS Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists, practicing at the time and location this report was prepared. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. Earth materials vary in type, strength, and other geotechnical properties between points of observation and exploration. Groundwater and moisture conditions can also vary due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. As a result, we do not and cannot have complete knowledge of the subsurface conditions beneath the subject property. No practical study can completely eliminate uncertainty with regard to the anticipated geotechnical conditions in connection with a subject property. The conclusions and recommendations within this report are based upon the findings at the points of observation and are subject to confirmation by Earth-Strata based on the conditions revealed during grading and construction. EARTH-STRATA, Inc. 3 May 6,2010 This report was prepared with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or their representative, to ensure that the conclusions and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the other project consultants and are incorporated into the plans and specifications. The owners' contractor should properly implement the conclusions and recommendations during grading and construction, and notify the owner if they consider any of the recommendations presented herein to be unsafe or unsuitable. Respectfully submitted, EARTH-STRATA, ^> r ^/VStephen M. Poole, PE 4021«'s2/ej? NO. 692 ^u' President \\ Qv^ <^»'\2ftll6^/^ ' 'Vice President . Welke, PG, CEG, PE *<f)^S^y^'' princiPal Geologist/ Engineer ^ Principal Engineer SMP/CEW/am Distribution: (4) Addressee Attachments: Figure 1 - Vicinity Map (Rear of Text) Appendix A - Exploratory Logs (Rear of Text) Appendix B - Percolation Test Sheets (Rear of Text) Plate 1 - Percolation Location Map (Rear of Text) EARTH-STRATA, Inc.May 6, 2010 FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP W-X lv"'*r"~"'W? #a^<v V^•^/^ V^f^V-V,I **•"? Il \ l Vt.'l >j ^C \"'» i if' I 10707-WA K-Hovnanian Homes - Carlsbad ,:« i c "^"^Jjj^Approximate Site Location •' - S 'Sir.s,. i~""""iKesiw AVE;-\--> ^fe=*U=»oi«s^&^^ *l;'?/ .' .1 " '~ \/"^:t°"^"ai . \\ VA *.T ' - - A\ vvi , * •>-, 0 SCO 120u ,:,^t ivFSA "© 2007 beLorme (www.delorme.com) Topo USA®" Geotec/io/ca/. Environmental and Materials Testing Consultants BETTER PEOPLE . BETTER SERWCE . BETTER RESULTS K-HOVNANI/\N - CARLSBAD VICINITY MAP 10707-10A SEE BAR SCALE MAY 2010 FI6URE 1 APPENDIX A EXPLORATORY LOGS SYMBOLS AND TERMS USED ON LOGS Earth - Strata, Inc. Geottrctinlctt, Environment*! and Material* Testing Consulting BETTER PEOPLE • SETTER SERVICE • BETTER RESUITS The No. 200 Standard Sieve is about the smallest particle visible to the naked eye. (/» QJ:= GD £ fe g!Coarse-grainec>'/2 of materialsthan #200 sigrained Soilsaf materialser than #200sieve£ ^ J5.E AI E iZ 10 GRAVELS Higher percentage of coarse fraction is larger than #4 sieve SANDS Higher percentage of coarse fraction is smaller than #4 sieve Clean Gravels (less than 5% fines) Gravels with fines fines PK4 Pl>7 Clean Sands (less than 5% fines) Sands with fines SILTS & CLAYS Liquid Limit Less Than 50 fines Pl<4 Pl>7 PI 4-7 PK4 Pl>7 PI 4-7 SILTS & CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater Than 50 Highly Organic Soils GW GP GW-GM GW-GC GP-GM GP-GC GM GC SW SP SW-SM sw-sc SP-SM SP-SC SM sc SC-SM ML CL ML-CL MH CH OH PT Well-graded grave s, little or no fines Poorly-graded gravels, little or no fines Well-graded gravel with silt Well-graded gravel with clay Poorly-graded gravel with silt Poorly-graded gravel with clay Silty Gravels Clayey Gravels Well-graded sands, little or no fines Poorly-graded sands, little or no fines Well-graded sand with silt Well-graded sand with clay Poorly-graded sand with silt Poorly-graded sand with clay Silty Sands Clayey Sands Silty clayey sands Inorganic silts & sandy silts Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, lean clays Silts & clays of low plasticity, sandy Silty clay, silty clay Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous silt, sandy silt Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays, sandy clays, gravelly clays Organic silts and clays of medium-to-high plasticity Peat, humus swamp soils with higher organic content 1 Symbols Ring Sample I SPT Sample 1 |\jR No Recovery | V | Groundwater Grain Size Description Boulders Cobbles Gravel Sand Coarse Fine Coarse Medium Fine Fines Sieve Size >12" 3-12" %-3" M-%" #10-#4 #40-#10 #200-#40 Passing #200 Grain Size >12" 3-12" %-y 0.19-0.75" 0.079-0.19" 0.017-0.079" 0.0029-0.017" <0.0029" Approximate Size Larger than basketball-sized Fist-sized to basketball-sized Thumb-sized to fist-sized Pea-sized to thumb-sized Rock salt-sized to pea-sized Sugar-sized to rock salt-sized Flour-sized to sugar-sized Flour-sized and smaller Consistency- Fine Grained Soils Apparent Density Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff Stiff Very Stiff Hard SPT (# blows/foot) <1 2-3 4-6 7-10 11-20 >20 Modified CA Sampler (» blows/foot) <2 3-6 7-12 13-15 16-30 >30 Field Test Easily penetrated by thumb; exudes between thumb and fingers when squeezed in hand Easily penetrated one inch by thumb; molded by light finger pressure Penetrated over Y? inch by thumb with moderate effort; molded by strong finger pressure Indented about Yi inch by thumb but penetrated only with great effort Readily indented thumbnail Indented with difficulty by thumbnail Relative Density - Coarse Grained Soils Apparent Density Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense SPT (# blows/foot) <2 3-5 6-15 16-25 >25 Modified CA Sampler (tt blows/foot) <4 4-10 11-30 31-50 >50 Field Test Easily penetrated with K inch reinforcing rod pushed by hand Easily penetrated with X inch reinforcing rod pushed by hand Easily penetrated 1-foot with 'A inch reinforcing rod driven with a 5-lb hammer Difficult to penetrate 1-foot with 'A inch reinforcing rod driven with a 5-lb hammer Penetrated only a few inches with Yi inch reinforcing rod driven with a 5-lb hammer JUNE 2007, Auto Geotechnical Boring Log B-l Date: April 15, 2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): g Q. 4> 0 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 — = ss - L_ OJQ. •I-" C^ •*-• |§ O CD 27 36 Sample NumberBagl @ 0-5' R-l 5^<_)a. 4-t "1/1 dJQ £r Q Moisture (%)o.£>E>•to 1< Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: CME-75 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) SM Silty SAND; dark orange brown, slightly moist to moist, medium dense, elastic silts 114.5 7.6 R-2 110.7 50-6" R-3 65 | R-4 38 53 R-5 - - R-6 96.2 113.4 ~ ; 7.5 |"" "" 5.8 5.7 114.3 3.6 113.2 5.3 - ---T--- ^-._ ^'T~ -• - — — - • ••• SM dense very dense - ----- -- - - hard drilling Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qop) Silty SAND; light orange to grayish brown, slightly moist to moist, dense, elastic silt ~ ~~ ~ ---" Total Depth <§> 21.5 feet No Groundwater Fill to 14 feet 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE Cr MURRIETA. CA 92562 iS^i^SSSSLlSSL (BTIWIfBOK^«^tf)nM(JBW(Oif*IBTl9BtlB!lHtW Geotechnical Boring Log B-2 Date: April 15, 2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): ^*- _c D.<U0 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 s s = = SB ~ = 1 - L_ djQ_ +-*c-3 +-»s§ 0 CQ 51 65 43 42 - 32 48 Sample NumberR-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 c-ua. £»/ic<uQ £•Q Moisture (%)119.2 108.0 6.1 5.5 112.6J 5.7 110.5 118.5 118.4 51 R-7 118.3 5.2 o_Q £>.to 1< SM Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: CME-75 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist to very moist, loose to medium dense, elastic silts very dense ,4 4.8 7.9 j T - SM dense - - ~ """ "" — Quaternary Old Paralic Deoosits: (Qop) Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown, very moist, dense to very dense, elastic silts light grayish brown, very dense Total Depth @ 21.5 feet No Groundwatcr Fill to 16.5 feet 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C. MURRIETA. CA 92562 E^lL^SSi&JSSi ""••-•""'"•'^""V- *** * JJC~**»i"»'' — «f--^v,^!.™ »-»«»*— "-nffi&iteotiffiHiTtiittiBnttx* iciiMiiM^atni Geotechnical Boring Log B-3 Date: April 15, 2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): g _c ad>Q 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 B s = Sf = ~ V.djQ- 4-> 3 •£ 8 § 0 CO 21 44 43 37 27 31 72 Sample NumberBagl @ 0-5' R-l R-2 ....... R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 ti^a & inC(11 Q fc-Q 124.3 115.7 117.6 121.0 115.2 112.3 120.3 Moisture (%)9.3 8.1 5.0 7.2 5.3 7.8 6.7 0.0 E £ 1< SM • Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: CME-75 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Afl Silty SAND; dark orange brown, very moist, loose to medium dense medium dense dense orange brown to grayish brown, moist SM dark orange brown, very moist Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qoo) Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown, slightly moist, medium dense very moist, dense light grayish brown, moist, very dense Total Depth @ 21.5 feet No Groundwater Fill to 12 feet | 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE fr MIIRRIFTA, f.A 92562 £f£fil,*™ft'^"± • iciiureunf.tmiKmaatiftrrmmtiitn Geotechnical Boring Log B-4 Date: April 15,2010 Project Name; K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page; lofl Project Number: 10707-10A Logged By: CW Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Type of Rig: CME-75 Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Drop [in]: 30 Hole Diameter (in); 8 Top of Hole Elevation (ft):Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map a.<uQ _o CO Ol_a E _ Q. Ero CO ua. cHIae-Q o.a I MATERIAL DESCRIPTION ON Artificial Fill: (Af) SM Silty SAND; light orange brown, slightly moist, loose 20 R-I 116.3 7.2 moist, medium dense 5 ~y 4 R-2 111.8 8.9 moist to very moist, loose Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qoo) 40 R-3 112.6 5.3 SM Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown, slightly moist, dense 10 B • • j.26 R-4 111.5 5.9 medium dense 78 R-5 117.1 6.6 moist, very dense 15 -U H 171 R-6 115.0 6.8 hard drilling j ' " |. so-6" | R-7 i H5.2 7.1 ; __j Total Depth @ 21 feet No Groundwaterf ! i--- • - j Fill to 7 feet 25 -H 30=i= 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 Geotechnical Boring Log B-5 Date: April 15,2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): _c Q.0) Q 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 = E s is = = s - OJQ. •M || 0 CD Sample NumberBagl 0-5' 8 3 35 24 54 44 R-l R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 u c(UQ 0 114.4 116.6 111.5 109.7 113.4 112.4 Moisture (%)8.7 o | CO to SM 8.3 ; 7.4 4.6 6.8 ' r ~ Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: CME-75 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, loose very moist, loose very loose Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qoo) SM Silty SAND; light orange brown to moderate yellow brown, moist, dense, oxidation zones slighty moist, medium dense — moist, very dense dark orange brown, dense Total Depth @ 16.5 feet No Groundwater Fill to 7.5 feet 26047 JFFFFR.SDN AVFNITF, SUITE fr MIJRRTFTAr f A 92.562 iS^^$S£LiSSi ***»***«**<**&{**««*«.* Geotechnical Boring Log B-6 Date: April 15,2010 Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Project Number: 10707-10A Logged By: CW Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Type of Rig: CME-75 Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Top of Hole Elevation (ft):Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map Q.0) Q 01JQ E Q. Eroto u Q. cO) O Oll_3 «'o O-Q E MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 Artificial Fill: (Afi 5 - = R-l R-2 126.2 6.6 SM Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, loose to medium dense medium dense 103.7 5.8 •45 R-3 112.5 6.4 SM 10 - =R-4 f 107.1 4.7 Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qop) Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, dense, oxidation zones moderate yellow brown to grayish brown 40 i R-5 1114.5 15 61 j R-6 117.9 6.7 6.9 very dense 20 -- Total Depth @ 16.5 feet No Groundwater Fill to 7 feet 25 -- 30 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 Earth - Strata, Inc. Geotechnical Boring Log B-7 Date: April 15, 2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Drive Weight Qbs): 140 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): H- _c Q.<D Q 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 — = = s - L_ <DQ_ ^-» 3 4-» |§ o m 17 14 Sample NumberR-l R-2 31 J R-3 1 41 83 71 "^^^ •GQ. >•4-» 'irt OJ O& Q Moisture (%)0-Q. E 5T ^to< SM 109.4 102.8 106.4 j _^ R-5 R-6 [107.2 114.8 111.3"• 6.3 4.8 4.0 5.1 5.2 7.3 — SM Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: CME-75 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) Silty SAND; dark orange brown, slightly moist to moist, loose to medium dense moist, medium dense yellow brown Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qop) Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown to grayish brown, slightly moist, dense — ,.. - _ -1 T" '- very dense dark orange brown, moist Total Depth <§> 16.5 feet No Groundwater ~ Fill to 8 feet — - 7.6047 JFFFF.RSDN AVFNTIF., STJITF f, M1IRRIF.TAr CA 92562 £flf£,«.f£if£^;/^: tui**r*onje.miiaimvKt. mnunmtmn Geotechnical Boring Log B-8 Date: April 15,2010 Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Project Number: 10707-10A Logged By: CW Drilling Company: Martini Drilling Type of Rig: CME-75 Drive Weight (Ibs): 140 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 8 Top of Hole Elevation (ft):Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map a. ID Q 01 Q_ 4-1cZ3 +-" a* _o CQ 01-Q E jyo. E(Dl/l CO)o cTo OJi_ZJ o-Q E CO< MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) SM 53 "-I T118.7T 6.5 Silty SAND; dark orange brown, slightly moist to moist, medium dense R-2 115.3 6.9 very dense dense Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: iQoo) is R-a 1103 47 SM Silty SAND; moderate yellow to grayish brown, slightly moist, medium dense,—H "r-- 10 1-1 31 R-4 110.1 6.3 moist, dense, oxidation zones 1 i 50-4- R-S 998 8.4 very moist, very dense 50-6" —- - L R-s 94.3 8.9 sample disturbed Total Depth @ 15.5 feet No Groundwater j i Fill to 7 feet 20 i -— -J 25 -H 30 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 Geotechnical Boring Log BA-1 Date: April 16,2010 Project Name; K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Project Number: 10707-10A Logged By: CW Drilling Company: Alroy Drilling Type of Rig: Earthdrill Drive Weight (Ibs): 2,400 Drop (in); 30 Hole Diameter (in): 24 Top of Hole Elevation (ft):Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map .c a 0)-Q £ 3 a. Eroto Cai Q a> o-Q I l/l <MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: (Af) SM Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, medium dense, no caving @ 5 feet: nearly horizontal fill/native contact, no topsoil 124.4 3.8 Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Qoo) SM Silty SAND; moderate yellowish brown, slightly moist, dense, slightly porous, 1 oxidation zones 10 - =R-2 Bagl @ 10-15' 119.4 4.4 nonporous below 10 feet 15 - = R-3 117.6 5.2 20 -- Total Depth @ 16 feet No Groundwater Fill to 5 feet 25 -- 30 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 Earth - Strata, Inc. *|MniM MRMNtVA Geotechnical Boring Log BA-2 Date: April 16, 2010 Project Number: 10707-10A Drilling Company: Alroy Drilling Drive Weight (Ibs): 2,400 Top of Hole Elevation (ft): g Q.<DQ 0 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 ss = ss - i_ OJQ. 4-»C^ 4-» I1 _o m Sample Numberf j 6 6 12 R-l R-2 R-3 Bagl ^^^^ 17.5' t£*uQ. £ ^in (U £ =Q S £- °o :> 122.4 8.4 -- -- -- t • • ~ 114.0: 7.4 o ^3 E>-CO 1< SM SM 120.1 7.7 Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Logged By: CW Type of Rig: Earthdrill Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 24 Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Artificial Fill: {Afl Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, medium dense, no caving _ very moist dense below 7 feet increased sand content below 9 feet @ 11 feet: contact nearly horizontal, no topsoil, no organics Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: fQoo) Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown, very moist, dense "" T T t" "~ ~" ~~ Total Depth @ 17.5 feet No Groundwater ; Fill to 11 feet ._ _1 !__.. 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUEr SUITE Cr MURRIETAr CA 92562 S^Ll-SSSflJiJSS: , „ ,-,v * •*• - **„.. . Ts*-*-yy?»y^ « - --sr*^ -y . TByyytfj-** -.— -;' - -*' JBRRHBR JtoWUl" ttfatt ttfHItm *|B8THBlOBBl8mE Geotechnical Boring Log BA-3 Date: April 16,2010 Project Name: K. Hovnanian - Carlsbad Page: 1 of 1 Project Number: 10707-10A Logged By: CW Drilling Company: Alroy Drilling Type of Rig: Earthdrill Drive Weight (Ibs): 2,400 Drop (in): 30 Hole Diameter (in): 24 Top of Hole Elevation (ft):Hole Location: See Geotechnical Map Q.<UQ 0)JQ E Q. Eroto C HIa O.d E to MATERIAL DESCRIPTION 0 Artificial Fill: (Afl SM Silty SAND; dark orange brown, moist, medium dense to dense @ 5 feet: man made plastic slightly moist, very dense below 5% feet 10 I R-I Tlig.oT 6.3 Bagl 5-10' i @ 10 feet: man made plastic 10 -N I ^11 R-2 122.3 5.4 @ 13.5 feet: contact nearly level, no topsoil, possibly scarified, no organics Quaternary Old Paralic Deposits: (Pop)15 -y * -, 1 i8 R'3 116.8 5.7 SM Silty SAND; moderate yellow brown, moist, dense to very dense n *- 15-20' 20 20 R-4 122.5 6.5^ Total Depth @ 21 feet No Groundwater ~FJiitoi3".5feet" 25 30 26047 JEFFERSON AVENUE, SUITE C, MURRIETA, CA 92562 APPENDIX B PERCOLATION TEST SHEETS PERCOLATION DATA SHEET Job Number: Project: Test Hole Number: Soil Classification: Depth of Test Hole (ft): 10707-11A K. Hov - Carlsbad P-l SM Check for Sandy Soil Criteria Tested By: CW Actual Percolation Tested By: CW Test Hole Diameter (inches): 8 Date of Presoak: 4/15/2010 Date Tested: 4/16/2010 NORMAL OR SANDY SOIL CRITERIA TEST I i Time 10:40 12:06 12:07 1:56 1:57 2:44 Time Interval (mm) 86 49 47 Total Elapsed Time (min) 86 135 182 Initial Water Level 2' !01/2" 2' l01/2" 2' I01/i" Final Water Level 2' ll1/2" 2' 11" 2' 11" tin Water Level (inches) 1 Vi 1/2 Percolation Rate (min/inch) 86 98 94 PERCOLATION DATA SHEET Job Number: Project: Test Hole Number: Soil Classification: Depth of Test Hole (ft): 10707-11A K. Hov- Carlsbad P-2 SM 3'/4 Check for Sandy Soil Criteria Tested By: CW Actual Percolation Tested By: CW Test Hole Diameter (inches): 8 Date of Presoak: 4/15/2010 Date Tested: 4/16/2010 NORMAL OR SANDY SOIL CRITERIA TEST Time 10:22 12:01 12:04 12:34 12:34 1:52 1:52 2:35 Time Interval (min) 99 30 78 43 Total Elapsed Time (min) 99 129 207 250 Initial Water Level 21 ir/211 2' 11" 2' ll1/8" 3' 1/2" Final Water Level 3' 21/21' 2' ir/s" 3' %" 3' 1" A in Water Level (inches) 3 V» (caving) 1.375 0.5 Percolation Rate (min/inch) 33 j 240 57 86 PERCOLATION DATA SHEET Job Number: Project: Test Hole Number: Soil Classification: Depth of Test Hole (ft): 10707-11A K. Hov-Carlsbad P-3 SM 3/2 Check for Sandy Soil Criteria Tested By: CW Actual Percolation Tested By: CW Test Hole Diameter (inches): 8 Date of Presoak: 4/15/2010 Date Tested: 4/16/2010 NORMAL OR SANDY SOIL CRITERIA TEST Time 9:18 10:15 10:15 11:55 11:58 12:30 12:30 1:45 1:48 2:28 Time Interval (min) 57 100 32 75 40 Total Elapsed Time (min) 57 157 189 264 304 Initial Water Level (inches) 2' 8" 2' 9J4" 2' 10" 2' !01/2" 2' 91/2" Final Water Level (inches) 2' 9%" 3' 2' !01/2" 2' 11" 2' 10" A in Water Level (inches) 1% 2% 1/2 1 1/2 Percolation Rate (min/inch) 46 36 64 75 80 PERCOLATION DATA SHEET Job Number: Project: Test Hole Number: Soil Classification: Depth of Test Hole (ft): 10707-11A K. Hov - Carlsbad P-4 SM 3/2 Check for Sandy Soil Criteria Tested By: CW Actual Percolation Tested By: CW Test Hole Diameter (inches): 8 Date of Presoak: 4/15/2010 Date Tested: 4/16/2010 NORMAL OR SANDY SOIL CRITERIA TEST Time 9:07 10:09 10:09 11:52 11:52 1:38 1:38 2:19 Time Interval (min) 62 43 46 41 Total Elapsed Time (min) 62 105 151 192 Initial Water Level (inches) 2' 9" 2' 9%" 2' 9/2" 2' W%" Final Water Level (inches) 2' 9)4" 2' PA" 2' 10%" 2' 10%" A/'n Water Level (inches) % (caving) % (caving) % Y2 Percolation Rate (min/inch) 248 i 172 61 82