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a-, IL : V. •., ... ' V r - FINALREPORT-OF TESTING AND, OBSERVATION, SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE IMPROVEMENTS !,VILLAGES OF LA COSTA THE OAKS NORTH NEIGHBORHOODS 34 AND 35 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - . .• -,•. V - -G _ •h. P PREPARED FOR -4.-. PULTE HOMES MISSION VIEJO, CALIFORNIA • . - • •- -- V__V_-P - -•• V • - V ft •I - . 4 GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAL • •ENVIRONM:ENTAL • MATERIALS <07) Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 Pulte Homes 27101 Puerta Real, Suite 300 Mission Viejo, California 92691 Attention: Mr. David Hutchins Subject: FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS NORTH NEIGHBORHOODS 3.4 AND 3.5 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Hutchins: In accordance with your request and our Proposal No. LG-09332 dated December 21, 2009, we have provided compaction testing and observation services during construction of the site improvements at the subject project. We performed our services during the period of January 7, 2010 through March 11, 2013. The scope of our services included: Performing in-place density tests on an "on-call" basis during utility trench backfill operations including storm drain, sewer main, sewer laterals, water main, water lateral, and joint trench; regrading operations; and wall backfill operations. Performing in-place density tests during the preparation of curb and gutter, sidewalk subgrade, roadway subgrade, and the placement of aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement. Performing in-place density tests during minor pad regrading. Providing geotechnical consultation services during improvement operations. Performing laboratory tests to aid in evaluating the compaction characteristics of soil conditions encountered and/or used for fill, including asphalt concrete and base materials. Preparing this final report of improvements. To aid in preparing this report, we have reviewed the following reports and plans associated with the project improvements: 1. Final Report of Testing and Observation Services Performed During Site Grading Villages of La Costa - The Oaks North, Neighborhood 3.5, Lots 1 through 39, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, October 30, 2007 (Project No. 06403-52-20). 6960 Flanders Drive 0 San Diego, CaIiforiia 92121-2974 0 Telephone 858.558.6900 U Fax 858.558.6159 Update Geotechnical Report Villages of La Costa - The Oaks North, Neighborhoods 3.4 and 3.5, Lots 1 through 83 Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated January 5, 2010 (Project No. 06105-52-27). Addendum to the Update Geotechnical Report - The Oaks North, Neighborhood 3.4 and 3.5, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated July 29, 2010 (Project No. 06105-52-27). Improvement Plans for: La Costa Oaks North, Builder Improvements, Neighborhoods 3.4 & 3.5, prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, City of Carlsbad approval dated July 12, 2007 (Project No. CT05-16, Drawing No. 446-6). During the construction of site improvements, we observed compaction procedures and performed in- place density tests to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the fill materials. We performed in-place density tests using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 6983 and D 2950 for soil and asphalt concrete, respectively. We performed laboratory tests on soil and base samples in accordance with ASTM D 1557, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content; D 422, Particle Size/Sieve Analysis; and D 2419, Sand Equivalent Value. In addition, we performed laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples in accordance with ASTM D 2726, Hveem Density; D 2041, Theoretical Maximum Density; D 1560, Stability; C 136, Sieve Analysis; and D 6307, Asphalt Content. The results of the in-place density tests are summarized in Table I and laboratory test results are summarized in Tables II through VI. We tested samples of crushed aggregate base and asphalt concrete to check conformance with Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). The results of the laboratory tests indicate the samples are in general conformance with the exception of test results in Table VI in bold type. In general, the results of the in-place density tests indicate the regrade tests, utility trench backfill, sidewalk subgrade, and wall backfill materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate that the curb and gutter, roadway subgrade and aggregate base materials possess a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate the asphalt concrete base course is compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the Hveem density at the locations tested. I We corrected the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content on fill soil being tested containing rocks larger than 3/4 inch Using methods suggested by AASHTO T224-86 and I others. The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presented on Table I reflect these corrections. I Project No. 06105-52-27 -2- March 20, 2013 I 1 I 1 i I I I I I I I 1 I I I Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the construction of site improvements, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial I conformance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report. I Additional grading and/or improvement installation performed at the site should be accomplished in conjunction with our observation and testing services. Grading plans for any future grading should be reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. Trench and wall backfill and sidewalk subgrade I should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior I to commencing additional grading or backfill operations. Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to I pond adjacent to improvements. Finish grades should be established so that drainage water is directed away from pavements, curb and gutters, and sidewalks to controlled drainage devices. Irrigation of I landscape areas adjacent to pavements should be monitored to provide just enough water to support plant life. I Should you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. I Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED ' I /Al 6ia &dr h Iline Foy Wee PG 9027 \Ot'ALQ CEG 1778 tAAL GE 2714 OFESS,0 MICHAEL C. u) AU ir T No. 2714 -No. 9027 CERTRED --I U3 Exp.06130/1 rn I (4/del) Addressee I I I Project No. 06105-52-27 - 3 - March 20, 2013 I 12 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Field Reqll. Max. Field Rd. Re[. Sample Dens. Dens. Comp. Comp. - Test No. Date Location No. (pcf) (Pct) (%) (%) AC 1 04/27/11 SitioDestmo 11+00 ACI 154.8 147.5 95 95 AC 2 04/27/11 SitioDestino 13+00 ACI 154.8 148.8 96 95 AC 3 04/27/11 Sitio Destine, 14+50 ACI 154.8 148.4 96 95 AC 4 04/27/1I SitioDestino 16+00 ACI 154.8 149.4 97 95 AC 5 04/27/11 Corte Fortuna 13+00 AC! 154.8 148.3 96 95 AC 5A 04/27/I1 Corte Fortuna 13+00 ACI 154.8 145.9 94 95 AC 6 04/27/11 Corte Fortuna 10+00 - AC! 154.8 149.9 97 95 AC 7 04/27/11 Corte Fortuna 11+50 ACI 154.8 148.4 96 95 AC 8 04/27111 Corte Fortuna 14+65 AC! 154.8 149.7 97 95 AC 9 04/27/11 Corte Fortuna 15+70 AC! 154.8 148.6 96 95 AC 10 04/27/11 Corte Panorama 27+85 AC2 154.0 148.1 96 95 AC ii 04/27/ti CortePanarama26f20 . AC2 154.0 148.6 96 95 AC 12 04/27/11 Corte Panorama 25+40 AC2 154.0 1473 96 95 AC 13 04/27/11 Corte Panorama 24+50 . AC2 154.0 149.9 97 95 AC 14 03/11/13 SitioDestino16+20. AC3 151.4 149.9 99 95 AC 15 03/11/13 SitioDestinol5+50 AC3, 151.4 147.1 97 95 AC 16 03/11/13 SitioDestino 14+55 AC3 151.4 146.8 97 95 AC 17 03/11/13 SitioDestino 13+73 AC3 151.4 148.3 98 95 AC 18 03/11/13 SilioDestino 12+50 AC3 151.4 148.9 98 95 AC 19 03/11/13 SitioDestino 11+55 . AC3 151.4 149.7 99 95 AC 20 03/11/13 SitioDestmo10+55 AC3 1514 148.8 98 95 AC 21 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 9+85 AC3 151.4 150.5 99 95 AC 22 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 10+38 AC3 151.4 149.9 99 95 AC 23 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 11+25 - - AC3 151.4 147.7 98 95 AC 24 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 11+90 AC3 151.4 148.5 98 95 AC 25 03/11/13 CorteFortuna 12+54 AC3 151.4 - 150.6 99 95 AC 26 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 13+40 AC3 1514 149.4 99 95 AC 27 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 14+65 . AC3 151.4 147.9 98 95 AC 28 03/11/13 Corte Fortuna 15+50 AC3 151.4 148.5 98 95 AC 29 03/11/13 Corte Panorama 28+10 AC3 151.4 149.1 98 95 AC 30 03/11/13 Corte Panorama 27+60 . AC3 151.4 149.6 99 95 Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 1 I I 4 I. Ip TABLE . I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Field Req'd. Max. Field Rd. Rél. Sample Dens. Dens. . Comp. Comp Test No. Date C - Location No.. . (pc 0/ 0/ AC 31 03111113 Corte, Panorama26+90 -. . AC3 151.4 150.6 99 95 AC 32 03/11/13 .Corte Panorama 26+20 . AC3 151.4 148.8 98 95 AC 33 03/li/13 Corte Panorama 254-58 - AC3 151.4 149.9 99 95 03/11/13 Corte Panorama 24+70 e . , AC3 - 151.4 149.7 99 95 I . -. • AC 34 AC 35 03/11/13 Corte Panorama 24+1O - . - . AC3 151.4 147.8 98 95 1 1 I -- . . . - .' -' • ,,. . .- I : 1 S -. • -. . .. . . I •- .. •• S . . . • Project No. 06105-52-27 '5 . March 20, 2013 - - - I --S - . - '. ••;_ • :-'.:- I I i ' - - TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I Elev. Plus - Field Field Field Req'd. or '- 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist: Rd. Rel. Depth c urve Rock MDD ,OMC Dens. • Cont. Comp. Comp. I Test No.. B 1 Date '' Location, (ft) No., ('°) (pci) (%)' (pci) (%) 93 04/26/11 Corte Fortuna 15+80 0 33 -.0 124.8 10.1 120.4 - 11.2 96 B 2 04/26/11 Corte Fortuna l'5'+OO 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 119.7 14.2 96 95 B 3 04/26/I1 Corte Fortuna 13+50 - 0 33 '0 ,124.8 10.1 120.7 12.9 97 95 I B B 4 5 04/26/11 04/26/11 Corte Fortuna 12+25 Corte Fortuna 11+00 0 0 33 33 0 0 124.8 '124.8 10.1 10.1 118.8 118.3 12.5 12.8 95 95 95 95 B 6 04/26/11 Corte Fortuna 9+70 - 0 - 33 0- 124.8 10.1 118.7 13.3 95 95 ,B 7 04/26/11 SitioDestino 10+25 ' , .. 0 33 . 0 124.8 10.1 122.3 11.4 98 95 1 ' - B B 8 9 04/26/11 04/26/11 SitioDèstin12+20 - SitioDestmo 13+60 0 0 33 33 0 - 0 124.8 1248 10.1 101 - '118.3.- 1206 12.9 -. 113" ' 95 97 95 95 B 10 04/26/11 SitioDestino15+O0 01 33 I) - 124.8 10.1 - 119.6 - 10.9 96 95 • B ' 11 ' 04/26/11 SitioDestino 16+25 - 0' 33 0 124.8 10.1" 120.8 10.6 ' 97 95 B 12 04/26/11 Corte Panorama 28+00 0 33 0 1248 101 1192 123 96 95 I -B 13 04/26/11 -Corte Panorama 26+60 ' "' 0 33, -"0 124.8 10.1 119.6 '12.1 96 95 - • B - 14 04/26/11 Corte Panorama 25+54 - 0 -. , ''33 - 0 1248 10.1 119.7 14.2 96 95 - B - 15 04/26/11-- Corte Panorama 25+30 - . . 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 120.0 12.5 . 96 95 B 16 - 05/23/11 CorteDestinoWM -Tieln 16+39 0 - 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.3 10.7 95 95 I B 17 05/23/11 Corte Fortuna WM Tie In 15+85 ' 0 33 0 124.8' 10.1 118.8 11.1 95 95 I I Project No. 06105-52-27 March20, 2013 - - ' - - - - - - 'I -1: .- - :•- , '.' I . ' '-- . , *-- :-'- - , . -",•., ,,.', I I I I I I I I TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqi. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont- Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (fi) No. (%) (pci) (%) (pCI) (%) CO 1 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 18+25 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 141.9 5.1 97 95 CO 2 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 15+25 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 135.9 7.0 96 95 CO 3 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 14+00 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 142.8 6.0 98 95 CG 4 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 14+00 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 139.2 7.3 95 95 CG 5 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 12+75 , 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 136.4 6.5 97 95 CO 6 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 12+75 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 140.2 5.7 96 95 CO 7 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 11+00 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 140.3 5.7 96 95 CO 8 04(08/11 Corte Fortuna 11+00 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 134.9 5.7 96 95 CO 9 04(11/11 SitioDestino 10+50 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 134.7 7.3 95 95 CO 10 04/11/11 SitioDestino 11+00 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 134.1 7.2 . 95 95 CO 11 04/11/11 SitioDestino 12+00 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 136.4 6.9 97 95 CG 12 04/11/1I SitioDestmo 13+50 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 135.4 7.2 96 95 CO 13 04/1 /It SitioDestino 14+00 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 138.1 7.8 96 95 CO 14 04/11/11 SitioDestino15+O0 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 136.7 6.4 . 95 95 CO 15 04/11/11 Sitio Destino 16+00 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 136.5 7.0 95 95 CG 16 04/11/11 SitioDeslino 16+00 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 140.1 6.6 98 95 CO 17 04/11/11 Corte Panorama 24+00 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 122.8 12.5 96 95 CO 18 04/11/11 Corte Panorama 25+00 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 121.9 14.5 95 95 CO 19 04/I1/I1 Corte Panorama 26+00 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 124.8 13.6 97 95 CO 20 04/11/11 Code Panorama 27+00 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 122.7 11.5 96 95 CG 21 04/11/11 CortePanorama27+55 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 122.0 11.7 95 95 CO 22 04/11/11 Corte Panorama 28+25 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 121.4 12.1 95 95 CO 23 04/15/11 Corte Fortuna 10+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.7 13.4 95 95 CO 24 04/15/11 Corte Fortuna 12+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 124.8 12.5 100 95 CO 25 04/15/11 Corte Fortuna 13+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 . 119.2 12.4 96 95 CO 26 04/15/11 CorteFortuna 14+85 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.9 14.3 95 -------------------------------------------- 95 CO 27 04/15/11 Corte Fortuna 15+60 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.9 13.9 95 95 CO 28 04/15/11 Sitio Destino 28+30 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.7 14.6 95 95 CO 29 04/15/11 SitioDestino 15+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 122.3 11.1 98 95 CO 30 04/15/11 SitioDestino 14+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.3 13.2 95 95 CO 31 04/15/11 Sit.ioDestino 13+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.2 12.9 95 95 Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location No. (%) (pcf) (%) (pd) (%) (%) (%) CG 32 04/15/11 SitioDesLmo 11+50 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.3 14.2 95 95 CC 33 04115/11 SitioDestinol0+30 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.8 14.0 95 95 CC 34 04/15/11 Corte Panorama 24+00 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 120.2 11.3 96 95 CC 35 04/15/11 Corte Panorama 25+30 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 119.6 13.6 96 95 CC 36 04/15/11 Corte Panorama 26+25 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 118.5 14.2 95 95 CC 37 04/15/I1 Corte Panorama 28+80 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 119.1 12.0 95 95 CC 38 04/15/11 Corte Panorama 2B+50 0 33 0 124.8 10.1 119.0 12.4 95 95 Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 I I .1 -' H 1 H I I 4 TABLE I I - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist., Re!. Re!. DepthCurve Rock -MDD - OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No (I) (pet) (I) (pcI) (I) (I) (I) IT 1 03/31111 CorteFortuna9+80 . , -1 31 20 1341 9.0 122.9 13.0 92 90 - if 2 03/31111 Corte FOAM Crossing io+25 -i: 18 1, 141.2 6.9 126.8 78 90 90 IT 3 04/01/11 Corte Fortuna Crossing 11+25- -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 126.6 9.7 90 90 • if 4 04/01/11 Corte Fortuna 11+90 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.2 7.1 90 90 I................04/01/11 CorteFortuna 12+30 -1 -. 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.0 6.8 91 90 iT 6 04/01/11 Corte Fortuna Crossing 12+25 -I 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.0 7.2 . 93" , 90 if 7 04/01/11 Cork Fortuna Crossing 13+25 1 18 10 -141.2 69 129.1 74 91 90 if 8 04/04/10 SitioDestinoll+90 ' l 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.5 8.0 91 90 I : IT 9 04104/10 SitioDestinol0+95 . -1. 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.2 7.3 92 90 'JT 10 04/04/10 Sitlo Destine, 12+65 -1 .. 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.4 7.7 • 90 90 iT 111 04/05/11 SitioDestino 13+50 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.6 8.0 91 90 IT, 12 04/05/11 SitioDestino 14+60 - -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.7 7.4 93 90 • I if 13 04/05/11 Corte Panorama Crossing 24+25 -1 5 0. 119.9 13.4 110.3 14.2 92 90 IT 14 04/05/11 Corte PanoramaCrossing 24+75 5 ,0 119.9 13.4 108.4 14.8 90 90 if 15 04/06/11 SitioDestino Crossing 15+60 . -1 - 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.7 8.9 90 - 90 I if IT 16 17 04/06/11 04/06/11 SitioDestino Crossing 16+20 ' SitioDestino Crossing 16+35 -1. -1 18 18 .10 10 141.2 141.2 6.9 6.9 130.5 128.1 7.7 8.3 92 - 91 - 90 90 if 18: 04/06/11 Corte Panorama 25+50 -1 5 0 119.9 13:4 111.0 14.4 - 93 90 IT 19 04/06/11 Corte Panorama Ciossing2S+90 -1 5 0 119.9 13.4 1091 14.9 91 90 - if 21 04/07/I1 CortePanorama27+15 - -1 5 0 119.9 13.4 112.3 13.7 94 --?.°.--------------- 90 IT 22 04/07/11 Corte Panorama Crossing 27+25 . -1 5 0 119.9 13.4 110.8 14.9 92 90 if 23 04/07/11 Corte Panorama 27+90 1 5 0 1199 134 1100 142 92 90 iT 24 04107/11 Corte Panorama 27+80 '-1 5 '0 119.9 13.4 109.4 15.1 91 90 March 20, 2013 Project No. 0610552-27 - . - . . . . I .1" - -. .I• - .- I I I' I I I , TABLE I .. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I - Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. - . or . 3I4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth Curve Rock . MDD OMC Dens. Cool Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Locatius (ft) . No. , (%) . (pci) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) RU 1 01/10/11 Umt3.4;Lot47 510 T,,18 20 143.5 6.2 133.7 9.0 93 90 RG 2 01110111 lJnit3.4;Lot46 . 504 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.2 8.5 91 90 RU 3 01/10/11 Unit 3.4; Lot 45 498 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.6, . 9.7 - 92 90 RU 4 01/10/11 Unit 3.4; Lot 44, 492,, 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.0 8.4 91 90 I RU 5 01/10/11 Unit3.4;Lot43 -. 486______18 30 145.9 5.5 136.7 7.9 94 90 RU 6 01/10/11 Unit 3.4; Lot 42 480 18 30 145.9 5.5 132.1 '6.3 91 90 - RU' 7 01/10/11 Unit 3.4; Lot 4l 474 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.7 '9.0 92 90 RG 8 01/10/11 Unit 3.,5; Lot 36 536 18 - 20 - 143.5 6.2 131.7 9.0 92 90 I RU 9 01/10/11 Unit 3.5; Lot 37 . - 537 18 .20 143.5 6.2 133.3 ' 8.4 93 90 RU 10 01/10/11 Unit 35 Lot 38 538 18 20 1435 62 1313 87 91 90 RU 11 01/10/tI Unit 3.5; Lot 39 538 18 20 143.5 - 6.2 130.2 7.1 91 90 RU 12 01/11/11 Unit 3.5; Lot 2o 539 18 10 141:2 6.9 127.8 9.4 91 90 I RU 13 - 01/11/11 Unit 3.5; Lot 21 538 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.3 8.0 ' 90 90 RU 14 01/11/11 Unit 3.5; Lot 22 - 538 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.3 7.4 93 90 RU 15 01/11/1I Unit 3.5; Lot 23 537 18 10' .141:2 6.9 130.2 8.8 92 90 I RU RU 16 17 - 01/11/11 01111111 Uni13.5;Lot24 unit 3.5;Lot25 537, 536 18 18 20 - 10 143.5 141.2 6.2 6.9 130.7 131.4 9.3 8.8 91 93 90 90 RU 18 '01111111 Unit 3.5; Lot 26 536 18 10 'p141.2 6.9 127.4 9.6 90 90 - - RG 19 09/14/12 Unit 3.4; Lot 47 510 18 10 . 141.2 6.9 132.7 7.0 ., 94- 90 I March 20, 2013 Project No. 06105-52-27 " ' I -- 'I, II TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS ' - Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location No.. (%) (pct) (%) (pd) SD 1 01/24/11 Corte Panorama 24+50 531 18 0 138.9 7.6 128.4 10.7 92 90 SD 2 01/24/11 Corte Panorama 25+10 533 V 6 0 121.9 12.5 111.0 13.7 91 90 SD 3 01/24111 Corte Panorama 26+10 534 5 0 119.9 13.4 108.7 15.8 91 90 SD 4 01/24/11 Corte Panorama 24+25 . 534 18 0 138.9 7.6 126.2 11.1 91 90. SD 5 01/24/I1 Corte Panorama 532 5 . 0 119.9 13.4 110.2 16.8 92 90 SD 6 01/24/11 Corte Panorama 21+40 531 5 0 119.9 13.4 111.0 15.9 93 90 SD 7 01/25/11 Carte Panorama 24+40 536 6 0 121.9 12.5 115.7 13.9 95 90 SD 8 01/25/11 Corte Panorama 27+75 535 5 0 119.9 13.4 107.4 15.9 90 90 SD 9 01/25/11 Corte Panorama 26+90 - 533 5 0 119.9 13.4 112.0 14.2 93 90 SD 10 01/25/11 CortePaflorama25+65 . 534 6 0 121.9 12.5 110.6 13.1 91 90 SD 11 01/25/11 Corte Panorama 25+95 . 532 6 0 121.9 12.5 109.4 12.1 90 90 SD 12 01/25/11 Corte Panorama 25+80 535 6 0 121.9 12.5 109.7 12.7 90 90 SD 13 01/25/11 Corte Panorama 28+25 533 8 0 128.1 10.1 115.9 11.8 90 90 SD 14 01/25/11 SitioDestino15+70 464 18 10 141.2 6.9 132.8 8.2 94 90 SD 15 01/27/11 SitioDestmo14+65 478 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.1 7.2 91' 90 - SD 16 01/27/11 SitioDes1ioo 14+00 483 ' 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.0 '6.9 91 90 SD 17 01/27/11 SiLioDestino 13+40 491 ' 18 '20 143.5 6.2 132.9 8.0 93 90 SD 18 01/27/11 SitioDestino 12+60 483 18 20 143.5 . 6.2 129.4 6.8 90 90 SD 19 01/27/11 SitioDestmo 11+65 495 18 20 143.5 6.2 128.7 6.2 90 90 SD 20 01/27/11 Corte Fortuna 14+20 - - 507 18 20 143.5 - 6.2 129.4 ,• 6.9 90 90 SD . 21 01/27/11 SitioDestino 10+85 . 504 18 20 143.5 6.2 133.7 6.4 93 90 SD 22 01/28/11 SitioDestmo 10+20 504 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.1 7.5 91 90 SD 23 01/28/11 SitioDestmo 10+25 506 18 10 141.2 '6.9 124.1 7.6 88 90 SD 23A 01/28/11 SitioDestinolo+25 506 18 10 141.2 6.9 129.0 7.8 91 90 SD 24 01/28/11 SitioDestino 11+20 500 18 20 143.5 6.2 137.7 6.9 96 90 SD 25 01/28/11 SitioDestino 16+45 458 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.8 6.9 91 90 - SD -26 01/28/11 SilioDestmo 14+15 474 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.2 6.7 90 -90 SD 27 01/31/11 Corte Fortuna 13+90 506 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.0 8.4 91 90 SD 28 01/31/11 Corte Fortuna 13+85 -- 504 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.6 8.0 93 90 Project No. 06105-52-27 . - . March 20, 2013 I - I. I I S. I TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I Elev. - Plus Field Field Field Reql. or 3/4 Adj. Adj., Dry Moist. Rel.. Rel. Depth Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Coinp. Comp. • Test No Date Location (ft) No ('s) (I) (pcf), (I) (I) (%) SC 1 04/08/I11 Corte Fortuna 15+25 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 142.5 5.3 98 95 SC 2 o. 04/08/Il Corte Fortuna 14+00 0 18 30 1459 55 1414 66 97 95 - SC 3 04/08/11 Corte Fortuna 12+75 0 18 20, .143.5 6.2 138.8 5.9 97 95 SC 4 04!08/11 Corte Fortuna 11+00 0 18 . 20 143.5 6.2 136.6 7.3 95 95 I, SC 5 04111111 SitioDestinol0+50 . 0 . 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.8 8.4 95 95 SC 6 04/I1/lie Silio Destino 12+00 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 136.g 7.0 97 95 SC 7 .04/11/11 'SitioDestino13+2O . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.6 7.5 95 95 SC 8 '04/11/11 SitioDestino 14+40 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 135.1 :5 7.9 96 95 I SC 9 04/11/11 SitioDestino 15+15 5+ - 0 18 10 -. 141.2 6.9 134.9 7.7 96 - 95 SC 10 04/11/11, SitioDestinol6+00 0 18 10 141.2 6.9. 136.4 8.0 ------------------------------------ SC 11 04/12/1-1 Corte Panorama 24+00 0 . 31 0 128.1 11.1 121.9 14.4 95 95. . SG 12 04/12/11 Corte Panorama 25+25 0 . 31 0 128.1 11.1 123.7 12.7 97 95 I SC 13 04/12/11 Corte Panorama 26+50 . 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 124.0 12.4 97 95 SC 14 04/12/I1- Corte Panorama 27+60 0 31 0 128.1 11.1 122.4 12.0 96 95 1 4 I 1' S I . Project No. 06105-52-27 . - ,. - . , March 20,20 IT I 1 IS Em I I I • Test No. Date TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus or 3I4 Adj. Depth curve Rock MDD Location (fi) No. (%) (pci) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. Field Moist. Cont. (pci) Field Rd. Comp. Req'd. Rd. Comp. SL 1 02/01/11 Lot 535 8 0 128.1 10.1 117.4 11.1 92 90 SL 2 02/01/11 Lot 16 536 5 0 119.9 13.4 109.1 14.0 91 90 SL 3 02/01/11 Lot 14. 537 5 0 119.9 13.4 110.2 13.9 92 90 SL 4 02/02/11 Lot 11 536 5 0 119.9 13.4 111.0 13.3 93 90 SL 5 02/02/11 Lot 7 533 8 0 128.1 10.1 119.4..._-11-.-O 93 90 SL 6 02/04/11 Lot 56 462 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.4 6.0 92 90 SL 7 0210.4/11 Lot 53 467 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.9 5.9 91 90 SL 8 02/04/11 Lot 51 475 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.0 6.8 91 90 SL 9 02/04/11 Lot 61 478 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.5 6.2 91 90 SL 10 02/04/11 Lot 49 . 485 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.7 6.0 90 90 SL 11 02/07/11 Lot 64 496 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.1 6.1 91 90 SL 12 02/07/11 Lot 66 509 18 20 143.5 6.2 132.0 5.8 92 90 SL 13 02/08/11 Lot 48 509 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.2 5.5 91 90 SL 14 02/08/11 Lot 83 .509 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.0 6.0 91 90 SL 15 02/08/11 Lot 68 508 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.4 6.1 92 90 SL SL 16 17 02/08/11 02/08/11 Lot 81 Lot 80 509 512 18 18 20 20 143.5 143.5 6.2 6.2 129.8 131.1 6.7 6.2 90 91 90 90 SL 18 02/09/11 Lot 70 511 18 20 143.5 6.2 1297 7.0 90 90 SL 19 02/10/11 Lot 79 516 18 0 138.9 7.6 126.2 7.1 91 90 20 02/10/11 Lot 73 517 18 0 138.9 7.6 125.2 7.6 90 90 SL SL 21 02/10/11 Lot 74 517 5 0 119.9 13.4 . 108.7 14.0 91 90 SL 22 02/10/11 Lot 75 518 5 0 119.9 13.4 109.4 13.3 91 90 I Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 I ii I '1: 0 I TABLE I - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or '3/4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve, Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. - Comp.- • Test No. Date Location No. (5) (pet) (%) (PC1) SM 1 02/01/11 Corte Panorama 24+10 534 5' 0 119.9 13.4 108.2 13.9 90 90 SM 2 02/01/11 Corte Panorama 24+95 533 5 0 119.9 13.4 109.0 13.2 91 90 SM 3 02/01/11 Corte Panorama 25+50 . 537 5 0 119.9 13.4 107.9 14.7 90 90 , SM4 02/01/11 Corte Panorama 26-f05 538 5 0 119.9 13.4 110.1 13.0 92 90 I SM 5 02/01/11 Corte Panorarna26+45 534 5 0 119.9 13.4 109.2 13.6 91 9 SM 6 02/01/11 C6rtePanorams26f90 536 5 0 119.9 13.4 108.6 15.0 91 90 SM 7 02/02111 Corte Panorama 27+40 534 5 . 0 119.9 . 13.4, 113.1 13.3 94 90 SM 8 02/02/11 Corte Panorama 28+10 533 . 8 0 - 128.1' 10.1 118.2 9.9 92 90 I SM 9 ' 02/04/11 SilioDestino 16+00 462 18.. 20 143.5 . 6.2 130.1 6.1 91 90 SM 10 . 02/04/11 SitioDeslino 15*25 . 465 ' 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.2 6.5 90 90 - -. SM 11 02/04/11 Silioflestino 14+55 473 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.4 7.0 90 90 SM 12 02/04/11. SitioDestmo 13+00 . 488 18 .20 143.5 6.2 131.2 6.0 91 90 I SM 13 02/04/11 Sitio Destino 13+50 481 ' 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.0 6.1 90 90 SM 14 .02/07/I1 SitioDestmo 12+10 494 18 20 143.5 6.2 133.0 6.4 93 90 SM 15 02/07/I1 Corte Fortuna 14+15 508 18 20 143.5 6.2 128.9 6.0 90. 90 I ' SM SM 16 17 02/08/11 02/08/11 Corte Fortuna 14+90 Corte Fortuna 13+20 507 506 18 18 . 20 30 143.5 6.2 145.9 5.5 132.2 135.7 6.1 5.6 ----------------------------------------------- 92 93 90 , 90 SM - 18 02/08/11 Corte Fortuna 12+25 ' 511 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.4 6.0 91 90 SM .... SM 19 02/08/11 Corte Fortuna 15+55 507 18 20 143.5 6.2 128.8 6.0 90 90 I SM' 21 20___'_02/08/11 02/09/11 Corte Fortuna 14+50 CorteFortuna 12+60 506-----1-8 .511 18 20 20 143.5 6.2 l43.5----6.2----1-29A------6.4 130.2 7.1 90 , 91 90 90 SM 22 02/09/11 Corte Fortuna 11+15 516 18 0 138.9 7.6 125.2 7.7 90 90 SM 23 02/09/11 Corte Fortuna 9+80 518 5 0 119.9 13.4 109.9 13.2 92 90 I-.- 0 0 ''. Project No. 06105-52-27 . . March 20,' 2013 I . ' . . 0 - ,0 I Li H: I • ,. . TABLE I . SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I . Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. - . o . 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. • Test No. Date Location '. No. 0 . 0) (pci) (/o) ky.., 0 0) i0/ 0, 0/ SW 1 03/17/11 Lot 47 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 128.8 7.3 90 90 SW 2 03/17/11 Lot 46 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.5 8.6 90 90 • SW 3 03/17/11 Lot 45 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.4 8.5 90 90 SW 4 03/17/11 Lot 43 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.8 6.4 90 90, I SW 5 03/17/11 Lot 40 - 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.1 7.2 91 90 SW 6 03/17/11 Lot 41 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.1 8.1 90 90 SW 7 03/18/11 Lot 42 0 18 20 '143.5 6.2 130.0 6.6 91 90 SW 8 03/18/11 Lot 44 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.9 6.7 91 90 I SW 9 05/16/11 Lot 21 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.0 8.3 90 90 - • SW 10 05/16/11 Lot 20 . 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 132.7 7.0 . 92 . 90 SW 11 05/18/11 Lot 38 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.1 8.8 90 90 SW 12 05/18/11 Lot 39 '. 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 132.0 7.4 92 90 I SW 13 06/07/11 Lot 22 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.8 8.0 91 90 SW 14 06/07/11 Lot 23 . - 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 133.1 7.2 93 90 SW 15 06/07/11 Lot 24 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.1 8.3 91 ' 90 I SW SW 16 17 06/08/11 06/08/11 Lot 16; SDGE Lot 12; SDGE , ' 0 0 31 31 0 0 128.1 128.1 11.1 11.1 122.2 121.1 10.9 11.3 95 . 95 90 90 SW 18 06/08/11 Lot 9;SDGE 0 31. . 0 128.1 11.1 126.4 11.1 99 90 SW 19 06108/11 Lot 83; SDGE 0 18, 20 143.5 6.2 130.2 7.3 91 90 SW 20 06/08/11 Lot 81; SDGE 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 140.1 6.1 98 90 I SW 21 06/08/11 Lot 78; SDGE 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 135.0 6.6 94 90 SW 22 06/08/11 Lot 76; SDGE 0 18 20 143.5 ' 6.2 - 132.6 6.1 92 90 SW 23 06/08/11 Lot 68; SDGE 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 135.7 6.4 95 90 SW 24 06/08/11 Lot 65; SDGE 0 18, 20 143.5 6.2 134.3 6.4 94 90 .I SW 25 06/08/11 Lot 61; SDGE 0 1820 143.5 6.2 130.8 5.8 91 90 SW 26 06/08/11 Lot 58; SDGE 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 133.4 7.7 93 90 SW 27 07/11/11 Lot 36 . 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 129.8 8.2 90 90 SW 28 07/11/1I Lot 37, 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.0 7.0 91 90 SW 29 07/11/11 Lot 76 0 18. 20 143.5 6.2 129.9 " 8.1 91 90 I SW 30 07/11/11, Lot 27 0 18 20 143.5. 6.2 132.1 7.7 . 92 90 SW 31 08/09/11, Lot 28 . . 0 9 0 140.2 6.7 130.2 8.1, 93 90 Project No. 06105-52-27 : March 20, 2013 I' . • . . -• . - I •••. . i . .• • . . TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd Rd. pth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Coni. Comp Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (%) , (pet) (%) (pci) (%) (%) (%) SW 32 08/09/11 Lot 29 . - 0 9 - 0 140.2 6.7 128.1 8.8 ., 9,1 90 SW 33 08/09/it Lot 30 0 9 0 140.2 6.7 127.4 9.3 91 90 SW 34 08/09/11 Lot 31 0 9 0 140.2 6.7 130.7 7.9 93 90 SW 35 08/18/11 Lot 35 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.9 7.6 91 90 SW 36 08/18/11 Lot 34 - 0 18 - 10 141.2 6.9 137.6 8.0 97 90 SW 37 08/18/11 Lot 33 0 18 ' 10 141.2 6.9 128.9 7.0 91 90 SW 38 08/19/11 Lot 32 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.7 6.6 93 90 SW 39 08/19/11 Lot 34 . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.0 • 7.3 94 90 SW 40 09/13/11 Lot 1 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.1 7.0 90 90 SW 41 09/13/I1 SitioCorazxrn(Ped Ramp) 20+00 - 0 l8 10- __141.2___6.9 129.6 6.5 92 90 SW 42 09/13/tI Lot 1 - 0 . 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.5 6.2 92 90 SW 43 09/13/1I Lot - 0 - 18 10 141.2 6.9 126.9 7.3 90 90 SW 44 09/13/11 Lot 17 0 - 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.0 5.9 93 90 SW 45 09/13/11 Lot 19 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 129.6 6.0 92 90 SW 46 09/t4/11 Lot 18 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.1 7.2 90 - 90 SW 47 11/17/11 Lot 13 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.6 8.7 95 90 SW 48 11/17/11 Lot 14 . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 129.4 9.4 92 90 SW 49 11/17/11 Lot 15 - . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.6 9.8 91 90 SW 50 11/17/11 Lot 16 , . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 134.7 8.2 95 90 SW 51 11/21/11 Lot 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 135.0 8.5 96 90 SW 52 11/21/11 Lot 5 0 18 .10 - 141.2 6.9 131.2 8.7 93 90 SW 53 11/21/11 Lot ii 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.0 6.9 92 90 SW 54 11/21/11 Lot 9 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.4 8.9 90 90 SW 55 11/21/11 Lot 8 0 18 10 141.2 - 6.9 132.7 7.1 -. 94 90 SW 56 11/21/11 " Lot - 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.6 8.0 9.90 SW 57 03/05/12 Z; 20+64 0 , 18 10 . 141.2 6.9 128.3. 8.4 91 90 SW 58 03/05/12 Lot 83 - . 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.7 7.9 93 90 SW 59 03/05/12 Lot 82 0 18 0 138.9 7.6 128.1 7.8 92 90 SW 60 03/05/12 Lot 79 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 135.5 6.9 96 90 SW 61 03/05/12 Lot 76 0 18 0 138.9 7.6 128.6 7.9 92 90 SW 62 03/05/12 Lot 73 0 18 0 138.9 7.6 132.7 7.7 96 90 Project No. 06105-52-27 - . . - March 20, 2013 - ., . .. - -. - 1 - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I . Elev. Plus Field Field Field 'Req'd. or 3/4" Adj.' Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location No (%) (pet) (%) (PC') (%) (%) (%) SW 63 03/05/12 Lot 70 . . '0 18 20 143.5 6.2 139.5 6.4 97 90 SW 64 03/05/12 Lot 66 0 18 0 138.9 7.6 126.9 7.6 91 90 SW 65 03/05/12 Lot 66 0 18 10 .141.2 6.9 135.0 6.9 96 90 SW 66 03/05/12 Lot 48 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.9 7.1 95 90 I SW 67 03/05/12 Lot 48 0 .18 10 141.2 6.9 132.5 . 6.9 94 90 SW V 68 69 03/05/12 Lot 47 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 136.1., 7.0 96 90 033012 L455 ' 0 . 0 10 0 130.9 7.6 116.9 3.9 '.'.R4 90 I SW OW 70 71 050/I2 056012 tmt 52 bet 62 18 0 138.9 7.6 122.0 4.8 88. 90 - OW 72 0 . ID 0 130. 7.6 6.9 .' 110.5 5.4 05 50 0560012 0 10 io: 141.2. 11 4.2 03 50 SW 73 05/31/12 Lot 62 0 - 18 . 0 138.9 7.6 132.0 7.7 95 90, SW 74 05/31/12 Lot 59/60 0 18 0 138.9 7.6 131.7 7.6 . 95 90 .I SW 75 05/31/12 Lot 49/50 . 0 18 , 0 138.9 7.6 130.9 7.8 94 90 - SW 76 05/31/12 Lot 53 0 18 0 138.9.- ,,7.6 130.4 7.7 94 90 W 77 08/12/12 Lot 56 0 - 18 20 I43.5 6.2 137.8 6.1 96 90 I SW SW 78 79 08/12/12 08/12112 Lot 57 Lot 55-S 0 " ' 0 18 18 10 10 141.2 141.2 6.9 6.9 130.1 127.3 6.8 7.2 92 90 90 90 - ...,. . Project No. 06105-52-27 . - . - . . '• March 20, 2013 I I . . . I. . ..-* ,.. . H TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (°") (pci) (%) (PC') (%) WB 1 05/27/11 1.01 81 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.7 7.4 91 90 WB 2 05/31/11 10141 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.3 7.0 90 90 WB 3 05/31/11 Lot 53 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 126.5 7.1 90 90 Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 I I • : . - TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS I .Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or, 3/4" Adj. Mi. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MOD OMC Dens. Coot. Comp. Comp. • Test No. Date 1..o cation . No. (°') (pet) (%) (pci) (%) WL 1 02/14/11 Lot 18 . . -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 109.5 13.4 90 90 WL 2 02/14/11 Lot -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 109.9 12.1 91 90 WL. 3 02/14/11 Lot 16 -1 - 19 0 121.2 11.6 109.4 .12.8 90 90 WL 4 02/14/11 Lot - -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 - 111.4 13.2 92 90 I WL 5 02/15/11 Lot 15 0 19 0 121.2 11.6 110.6 12.0 91 90. WL 6 - 02/15/It Lot 13 0 - 19 0 121.2 11.6 108.6 12.2 90 90 WL 7 02/15/11 Lot 0 19 0 121.2 11.6 109.1 12.4 90 90 WL 8 02/15/11 Lot -0 .. 19 0 121.2 11.6 108.8 11.9 90 90 I WL 9 02/18/11 Lot 68 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 129.1 6.6 91 90 WL 10 02/18/11 Lot 66 . -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 132.3 6.6 94 90 - WL 11 02124/it Lot 74 -1 . 18 10 141.2 6.9 129.9 6.8 92 90 - WL 12 02/24/11 Lot 73 -1. 18 10 141.2 6.9 131.2 6.5 93 . 90 I WL 13 02/24/11 Lot 72 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 133.7 7.0 95 . 90 WL -14 02/24/11 Lot 71 -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 132.2 7.2 94 90 WL 15 02/24/11. Lot 48 -1 18 0 138.9 7.6 130.0 7.7 94 90 WL 16 02/24/11 Lot 49 -1 18 50 151.0 4.1 139.9 5.8 93 - 90 I WI. 17 02/24/11 Lot 52 -1 18 20' 143.5 6.2 129.7 7.7 90 90 WL 18 02/24/11 Lot 54 ,. -1 18 20 143.5 6.2 132.1 5.9 92 90 I I . .1., .. , .,. ii .. . .. No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 . I Project I 1 I .. . H I U IH . TABLE I U SUMMARY OF. FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. • -of 3i4 Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rd. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MOD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. • Test No. Date Location No. (%) (pet) (%) (pet) WM I 02/14/I1 Carl ePanorama24+75 -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 111.5 12.7 92 90 WM 2 02/14/11, CwtePánsrama26+O0 . -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 110.7 13.1 91 90 WM 3 02/15/11 Corte Panorama 26+75 :0 19 0 121.2 .11.6 109.3 14.0 90 90 WM 4 02/15/11 Corte Panorama27+80 0 19 0 121.2 11.6 109.5 13.6 90 90 I 5 W M 02/16/11 1 SitioDestino 1+65 , -1 19 0 121.2 11.6 111.7 12.1 92 90 VIM . 6 02/16/11 SitioDestino 13+00 , -1 . 19 0 121.2 11.6 110.7 12.4 91 . 90 WM 7 02/16/11 SitioDeslino 15+00 , 0 19 0 121.2 11.6 110.4 12.7 91 90 WM ' 8 02/18/li Corte Fortuna 13+50 . -1 18 10 141.2 6.9 127.9 6.5 91 90 I WM 9 02/24/11 CorteFortuna 10+10 . -1 18 0 138.9 7.6 125.9 8.2 91 90 WM 10 02/24/11 Corte Fortuna 11+20 -1 • 19 20 128.0 9.4 124.6 9.0 97 90 WM 11 02/24/11 CorteFortuna 15+25 -1 . 28 10 140.0 7.0 128.2 6.0 92 90 WM 12 02124/11 SitioDestino 10+60 -1 28 SO 150.3 4.1 138.1 5.4 92 90 I• WM 13 02/24/11 SitioDestino13+00 ' -1 28 20 142.5 6.3 130.4 5.9 '92 90 WM 14 02/24111 SitioDestino15+00 -1 28 20 142.5 6.3 131.0 6.1 . 92 90 V/M . 15 04/12/11 SitjoCorazon20+50 -2 18 10 141.2 6.9 130.4 7.4 92 90 WM 16 04/12/11 SitioCorazon20+50 • ' -1 28 10 140.0 7.0 134.5 7.1 96 90 I Project No. 06105.52-27 March 20, 2013 • • • I I. - ,• , . U I I HI TABLE I' I . EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS - - TEST SUFFIX A, B, C, - - - : Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. - 3TR11(E-OUT Fill in area of density test failure was removed and replaced with roperly compacted fill soil. - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS I , AC - ASPHALT CONCRETE B - BASE - - CG - CURB AND GUTTER - IT - JOINT TRENCH RG - REGRADE SD - STORM DRAIN I 1 SG - SUBGRADE SL - SEWER LATERAL .SM - SEWER MAIN SW - SIDEWALK WE - WALL BACKFILL WL - WATER LATERAL WM - WATER MAIN- - CURVE NO. Corresponds to curve numbers listed in the summary of laboratory maximum dry density and optimum I moisture content test results table for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observation. ROC K CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum I moisture content were adjusted for rock content For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values are unadjusted- TYPE OF TEST - U SC: Sand Cone Test (ASTM D 1556) NU: Nuclear Density Test (ASTM D 6938 and D 2950) OT: Other . - ELEVATION/DEPTH - - Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot. Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 - : • i•. . - U - I I TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS I Sample Description Maximum Dry Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content (% dry weight) S Olive brown, Sandy CLAY 119.9 13.4 6 Reddish brown, Silty to Clayey, fine to medium SAND 121.9 12.5 8 Olive gray, Clayey to Silty, fine to medium SAND 128.1 10.1 9 Dark olive brown, Sandy GRAVEL 140.2 6.7 18 Light reddish brown, Silty to Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 138.9 7.6 19 Light brown, Clayey, fine to medium SAND; trace gravel 121.2 11.6 28 Dark yellowish brown, Silty, fine to coarse SAND 137.7 7.7 31 Light olive brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 128.1 11.1 33 1 Class 2 Recycled Base 124.8 10.1 i I TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Sample No. Test 2009 Greenbook Specifications Stability Maximum Aggregate Size (inch) Theoretical Maximum Density (pci) Hveem Maximum Density (pci) Stability AC-1 3/4 159.7 154.8 41 235 AC-2 ~ 162.1 154.0 42 235 AC-3 V2 158.8 151.4 39 1 235 I I I I I I Project No. 06105-52-27 March 20, 2013 I I I I I I I I TABLE IV SUMMARY OF AGGREGATE BASE LABORATORY GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS AND SAND EQUIVALENT TEST RESULTS Test Type J..33 Caltrans Specification Class 2 Aggregate Base Sieve Analysis (% passing) (% passing) (sieve size) ASTM D 422 1 inch 100 100 3/4 inch 95 90-100 No. 4 47 35-60 No. 30 18 10-30 No. 200 4 2-9 Sand Equivalent ASTM D 2419 57 25 TABLE SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS %-Inch 2006 ,Greenbook Test Type Section 203-6.4.3 AC-1 AC-2 Specifications Type II Class B Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136 (sieve size) % passing % passing % passing .1 inch 100 100 100 3/4 inch 99 97 87-100 V2 inch 83. 81 70-87 % inch 74 72 55-76 No.4 52 51 35-52 No.8 37 37 22-40 No. 30 22 22 8-24 No. 50 12 12 5-18 No. 200 4 3 0-7 Oil Content (%)* ASTM D 6307 4.6 5.0 4.5-5.8 *Green Book refers to as "Asphalt %." Project No. 06105-52-27 . . March 20, 2013 I - TABLE VI SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS. 1/z-Inch 2006 Greenbook Test Type Section 4004.3 Specifications - AC-3 Class C3 Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136 (sieve size) % passing % passing %mch • 100 •- 100 1/2 inch 97 89-100 %inch 83 • 74-160 No.4 48 50-78 No. 8 . 33 t 32-60 No. 30 19 14-38 No. 200 - • 5 2-10 Oil Content (%)* ASTM D 6307 5.0 4.6-7.0