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Ciro si 5 FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES PERFORMED DURING SITE IMPROVEMENTS VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS NORTH NEIGHBORHOOD 3.3 SOUTH CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR COLRICH SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA APRIL 12, 2011 PROJECT NO. 06105-52-22A .. .• GEOCON I INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICA.LU ENVIRONMENTA1U MATERIALSdW • ProjctNo. 06105-52-22A April 12, 2011 1 - CoiRich • 4747 Morena Boulevard, Suite 100 San Diego, California 92117 - Attention Ms Ten Shusterman Subject: VILLAGES OF LA COSTA - THE OAKS NORTH • NEIGHBORHOOD 33 SOUTH S CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND.OBSERYATION SERVICES • PERFORMED DURING SITE IMPROVEMENTS S Dear Ms. Shusterman: I - .- . In accordance with your request and our Proposal No LG707234 dated May 21, 2008, we have provided compaction testing and observation services during construction of the site improvements at • the subject project We performed our services during the period of May 27, 2008 through March 31, 2011. The scope of our services included: Performing in-place density tests on an during basis dung utility trench backfill • operations including storm dram, sewer main, sewer laterals, water main, water laterals, joint • trench and wall backfill, Performing in-place density tests during the preparation of curb and gutter, sidewalk . subgrade, roadway subgrade, and the placement of aggregate base and asphalt concrete pavement; Providing geotechrncal consultation services during improvement operations, • Performing laboratory tests to aid ..in evaluating the compaction characteristics of soil . conditions encountered and/or used for fill, including asphalt concrete and base materials; and • Preparingthis final report of improvements. S To aid in preparing this report, we have reviewed the following reports and plans associated with the I project ,improvements: S • 1. Final Report qf Testing and Ob.ervation ervicés Performed During Site Grading,. Villages • of La Cosita - The Oaks North jsleighborhood 33 (South) prepared by Geocon Incorporated, • dated July24, 2007 (Project No; 06403-52-20). - • 6960 Flanders Drive • San Diego California 92121-2974 U Telephone 858 558 6900 U Fax 858 558 6159 • Update Geotechnical Report Villages of La Costa, The Oaks North, Neighborhood 3.3 South, Lots 19 through 35 and Lots 80 through 115, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated July 31, 2007.(Project No. 06105-52-22). Improvement Plans for: La Costa Oaks North, Builder Improvements, Neighborhood 3.3 South, prepared by Hunsaker and Associates, with City of Carlsbad approval dated May 8, 2007. During the construction of site improvements, we observed compaction procedures and performed in- place density tests to evaluate the dry density and moisture content of the fill materials. We performed in-place density tests using a nuclear density gauge in accordance with ASTM Test Procedures D 2922/6938 and D 2950 for soil and asphalt concrete, respectively. We performed laboratory tests on soil and base samples in accordance with ASTM D 1557, Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content; D 422, Particle Size/Sieve Analysis; and D 2419, Sand Equivalent Value. In addition, we performed laboratory tests on asphalt concrete samples in accordance with ASTM D 2726, Hveem Density; D 2041, Theoretical Maximum Density; D 1560, Stability; C 136, Sieve Analysis; and D 6307, Asphalt Content. The results of the in-place density tests are summarized in Table I and laboratory test results are summarized in Tables II through VI. We tested samples of crushed aggregate base and asphalt concrete to check conformance with Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). The results of the laboratory tests indicate the samples are in general conformance with the exception of test results in Table V in "bold type. We reported these results to the ColRich on-site superintendent and to the City of Carlsbad representative. We also performed concrete compression testing on samples obtained from a storm drain structure. The concrete compression results are presented in Appendix A. In general, the results of the in-place density tests indicate utility trench backfill, sidewalk subgrade, and wall backfill materials possess a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate that the curb and gutter, roadway subgrade and aggregate base materials possess a dry density of at least 95 percent of the laboratory maximum thy density near to slightly above optimum moisture content at the locations tested. In-place density test results indicate the asphalt concrete is compacted to a density of at least 95 percent of the Hveem density at the locations tested. We corrected the laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content on fill soil being tested containing rocks larger than 3/4 inch Using methods suggested by AASHTO T224-86 and others. The values of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content presented on Table I reflect these corrections. Project No. 06105-52-22A - 2 - April 12, 2011 Based on observations and test results, it is the opinion of Geocon Incorporated that the construction of site improvements, which is the subject of this report, has been performed in substantial conformance with the recommendations of the project geotechnical report. Additional grading and/or improvement installation performed at the site should be accomplished in conjunction with our observation and testing services. Grading plans for any future grading should be. reviewed by Geocon Incorporated prior to finalizing. Trench and wall backfill and sidewalk subgrade should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum dry density near to slightly above optimum moisture content. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill operations. Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to improvements. Finish grades should be established so that drainage water is directed away from pavements, curb and gutters, and sidewalks to controlled drainage devices. Irrigation of landscape areas adjacent to pavements should be monitored to provide just enough water to support plant life. . . Should you have any questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON INCORPORATED Michael C. Ertwine Senior Staff Geologist MCE:AS :SFW:dmc i Sadr awn Foy Weedon CEO 1778 GE 2714 (4) Addressee . CJ\ONAL , AU CC SADR CERTIFIED '4 (P ENGINEERING CALIf 4O HW #0FESS (c(c No. 2714 Exp.06130111 AItcO Project No. 06105-52-22A - 3 - . April 12, 2011 Max. Field Sample Dens. Dens. No. (pcf) (pcf) Field Req'd. Rel. Rel. Comp. Comp. (%) M AC! AC1 AC! AC! AC! -------------------------------- AC! AC1 AC1 AC2 AC2 --------------------------------- AC2 AC2 AC2 AC2 AC2 AC2 AC2 AC2 AC3 AC3 -------------------------------- AC3 AC3 AC4 AC4 ACS -------------------------------- ACS ACS ACS AC5 ACS ACS 147.4 145.8 147.4 141.3 147.4 143.2 147.4 141.0 147.4 145.8 ----------------------------------------------- 147.4 - 141.6 147.4 143.4 147.4 141.4 146.4 140.9 146.4 142.5 146.4 143.0 146.4 143.3 146.4 140.9 146.4 140.9 146.4 139.9 ---------------------------------------------- 146.4 141.5 146.4 . 140.9 146.4 141.6 148.2 140.9 148.2 140.9 - 148.2 141.8 148.2 141.3 148.6 . 141.6 148.6 140.7 151.6 144.7 ----------------------------------------------- 151.6 145.2 151.6 146.2 151.6 146.6 151.6 144.3 151.6 144.5 ----------------------------------------------- 151.6 144.1 99 95 96 95 97 95 96 95 99 .95 96 -------------------------------------------- 95 97 95 96 95 96 95 97 .95 98 -------------------------------------------- 95 98 95 96 95 96 95 96 95 97 ------------------------------------------- 95 96 95 97 95 95 95 95 95 96 -95 95 . 95 - 95 95 95 95 95 95 96 ------------------------------------------- 95 96 - 95 97 95 - 95 95 95 95 95 95 .......................................'-a.. TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location AC 1 08/27/08 Corte Panorama 10+00 AC 2 08/27/08 Corte Panorama 11+00 AC 3 08/27/08 Corte Panorama 11+65 AC 4 08/27/08 Corte Panorama 12+60 AC 5 08/27/08 Corte Panorama 14+00 AC 6 -08/27/08 Corte Panorama 15+00 AC-.. 7 08/27/08 Sitio Bahia 11+00 AC 8 08/27/08 Sitio Bahia 12+60 AC 9 08/27/08 Sitio Caliente 10+75 AC 10 08/27/08 Sitio-Caliente-12+00 AC 11 08/27/08 Sitio Caliente 13+00 AC 12 08/27/08 Sitio Caliente 14+00 AC 13 08/27/08 Sitio Caliente 15+20 AC 14 08/27/08 Sitio Caliente 16+25 AC 15 08/27/08 Corte Altura 10+50 AC 16 08/27/08 Corte Altura 11+75 AC 17 08/27/08 Corte Altura 13+05 AC 18 08/27/08 Corte Altura 14+50 AC 19 07/24/09 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+65 AC 20 07/24/09 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+65 AC 21 07/24/09 Corte Panorama (R&R) 14+25 AC 22 07/24/09 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+75 AC 23 03/30/10 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+65 AC 24 03/30/10 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+75 AC 25 03/30/10 Cone Panorama 12+15 AC 26 03/30/10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cone Panorama 12+75 AC 27 03/30/10 Corte Panorama 13+25 AC 28 03/30/10 Cone Panorama 13+60 AC 29 03/30/10 Corte Panorama 14+40 AC 30 03/30/10 Corte Panorama 15+05 AC 31 03/30/10 Corte Panorama 15+85 Project No. 06105-52-22A . . April 12, 2011 ......s.....................•............s TABLE I - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - - - - Field Reqd. Max. Field Re!. Re!. • Sample Dens. Dens. -. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date - Location No. ' (Pd) (pcI) AC 32 03/30/10 Corte Altura 11+00 AC6 150.3 146.9 . 98 95 AC 33 03/30/11 Corte Altura 13+00 AC6 150.3 147.7 98 95 AC 34 03/30/11 Corte Altura 14+50 AC6 150.3 144.6 96 95 AC 35 03/30/11 Sitio Cal iente 11+00 AC6 150.3 147.7 98- 95 AC -. 36 03/30/11' SitioCaliente 12+50 . — AC6 150.3 145.3 97 95 AC -37 03/30/11 SitiCaliente 14+00 o . - AC6 - 150.3 145.7 97 :95 AC 38 03/30/11 SitioCaliente 15+50 - . AC6 150.3 145.1 97 95 AC 39 03/30/11 Corte Panorama 12+00 AC7 152.2 147.6 97 95 AC 40 03/30/11 Corte Panorama 10+50 - - AC7 152.2 145.8 96 95 AC4103/30/il Sitio Bahia 11+00 'AC7 152.2 - 146.8 96 95 AC .42 03/30/11 SitioBahia12+50— . . AC7 - 152.2 147.9 97- 95 . 1 .• 0 .- \• / - -• -7 4 4. • • . Project No. 06105-52-22A . April 12, 2011 • - ........................................... TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date - Location Elev. or Depth (f't) Curve No. Plus 3/4 Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pd) Adj. OMC (%) . Field Dry Dens. Field Moist. Cont. (pct) Field Rel. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp. B 1 08/25/08 Corte Panorama 15+15 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.8 6.7 95 95 B 2 -08/25/08 Corte Panorama 13+75 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.9 5.6 95 95 B 3 08/25/08 Corte Panorama 12+85 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.2 5.5 95 95 B 4 08/25/08 Corte Panorama 12+00 - 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.3 6.0 95 95 B 5 08/26/08 Corte Panorama 11+00 . 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 133.6 6.3 98 95, 6 08/26/08 Corte Panorama 10+00 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.4 6.7 95 95 B 7 08/26/08 Sitio Bahia 10+60 - 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.8 5.6 95 95 B 8 08/26/08 Sitio Bahia 12+00 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.9 6.6 95 95 B 9 08/26/08 Sitio Bahia 12+70 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.8 . 7.7 95 . 95, B 10 08/26/08 Sitio, Caliente 10+60 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.5 . 5.8 95 95 B 11 08/26/08 Sitio Caliente 12+00 .. 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.4 5.7 95 95 B 12 08/26/08 Sitio Calientè 13+40 0 25 0 . 136.2 5.9 - 129.8 5.7 95 95 B 13 08/26/08 Sitio Caliente 14+60 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.8 6.9 95 95 B 14 . 08/26/08 Sitio Caliente 16+00 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 133.1 7.8 98 95 B 15 08/26/08 Corte Altura 10+40 . 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 128.8 7.0 9-95 - B 16 08/26/08 Corte Altura 11+75 ' 0 25 0 136.2 5.9 129.3 5.7 95 95 - , B 17 08/26/08 Corte Altura 13+00 0 ' 25 0 136.2. 5.9 129.9 6.4 95. 95 B 18 08/26/08 Corte Altura 14+50 - -0 25 0 136.2 ' 5.9 129.7 5.4 95 95 B . 19 07/22/09 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+80 -. 0 24 , 0 127.1 7.6 124.1 - 10.6 98 95 B 20 03/30/10 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+65 0 . 24 0 127.1 7.6 121.7 11.6 96 95 B 21 03/30/10 Corte Panorama (R&R) 13+85 0 24 0 . 127.1 7.6 123.6 10.9 97 95 Project No. 06105-52-22A . . - . . . - April 12, 2011 ........................................... TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rd. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location ff0 No. (°'°) (Pd) (%) (pd) (%) (%) (%) CG 1 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 11+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.0 7.1 96 95 CG 2 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 12+50 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 138.4 5.5 97 95 CG 3 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 14+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 137.1 6.8 96 95 CG 4 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 15+50 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.2 8.4 95 95 CG 5 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 15+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 137.5 6.2 97 95 CG 6 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 13+50 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 138.2 5.9 97 95 CO 7 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 12+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 137.8 7.0 97 95 CO 8 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 10+70 . 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.1 7.4 96 95 CG 9 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 15+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 134.9 9.1 95 95 CG 10 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 13+50 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.2 8.6 95 95 CO 11 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 12+00 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.5 7.4 96 95 CO 12 08/01/08. Cone Panorama 10+50 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 129.6 8.0 97 95 CO 13 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 9+80 0. 1 10 133.7 8.4 127.9 8.8 96 95 CO 14 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 11+00 0 1 10 .133.7 8.4 128.8 8.5 96 95 CO 15 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 12+50 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.3 8.9 96 95 CO 16 08/01/08 Cone Panorama 14+00 . 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.5 7.5 95 95 CO 17 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 11+00 0 1 10 . 133.7 8.4 127.4 7.5 95 95 CO 18 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 12+50 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 130.1 8.3 97 95 CG 19 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 12+10 . 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.0 7.7 96 . 95 CO --08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 10+80 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 126.8 9.9 95 95 CO 21 08/01/08 Cone Altura 10+50 0 1 . 10 133.7 8.4 130.3 8.5 97 95 CO 22 08/01/08 Cone Altura 12+00 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 127.8 9.2 96 95 CC 23 08/01/08 Cone Altura 13+50 . . 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.6 8.9 96 95 CO 24 08/01/08 Cone Altura 14+60 . 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 127.4 9.7 95 95 CO 25 08/01/08 Cone Altura 14+20 . 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 129.5 8.6 97 95 CO 26 08/01/08 Cone Altura 12+60 0 . 1 10 133.7 8.4 127.6 9.9 95 95 CO 27 08/01/08 CorteAltüra 11+30 0 . 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.5 7.4 95 95 CO 28 08/01/08 Corte Altura 10+60 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 137.6 7.0 97 95 CO 29 08/12/08 Sitio Bahia ll+00 . 0 - 24 0 127.1 7.6 120.7 7.7 95 95 CG --08/12/08 Sitio Bahia 11+90 0 24 0 127.1 7.6. 121.1 6.6 95 95 CO 31 08/12/08 . Sitio Bahia 12+60 - 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 121.3 6.7 95 95 Project No. 06105-52-22A . . April 12, 2011 ........................................aa TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus ,Field Field Field Reqd. or - 3/4 Adj Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. - Depth , Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location No. (°"°) (pcI) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) CO .32 08/12/08 Corte Panorama 13+75 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 120.9 6.0 95 95 CO 33 08/12/08 Corte Panorama 12+45 .- 0 - 24 0 127.1 7.6 120.7 7.7 95 95 CO 34 08/12/08 Corte Panorama 11+00 . 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 120.5 6.5 95 95- CO 35 08/12/08 Corte Altura 11+20 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 122.2 7.0 96 -95 CG . 36. 08/12/08 Corte Altura. 13+10 . 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 121.7 6.5 96 95 CO 37 08/12/08 Corte Altura 14+55 0 24' 0 1271 7.6 120.4 7.3 95 95 CO 38 08/12/08 SitioCaliente 12+80 0 24 0... 127.1 7.6 - 121.5 7.0 96 95 CO 39 08/12/08 SitioCaliente 14+50 . 0 24 0 1 127.1 7.6' 120.8 7.4 - 95 - 95 CG 40 08/12/08 Sitio Caliente 10+55 * . - - 0 24 0 127.1 7.6 120.8 121.0 7.4 6.6 95 95 95 - 95 CO CO 41 42 08/12/08 08/22/08 CuikA1tuipXO 10+20 Carte Altura XO 10+15 . 0 0 24 - 24 0 0 127.1 127.1 7.6 7.6 125.6 6.9 99 95 CO. 43 08/22/08 Corte AlturaXO 10+20 - 0 24 0 427.1 76 122.4 8.4 - 96 95 -4- . - Project No. 06105-52-22A . . . - April 12, 2011 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (°"°) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) JT 1 07/14/08 Corte Altura 14+60 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 116.6 9.4 85 90 JT 1 A 07/14/08 Cone Altura 14+60 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.5 8.6 91 . 90 JT 2 07/14/08 Corte Altura 14+80 . 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 127.8 7.6 94 90 JT 3 07/14/08 CorteAltura 13+60 555 1 20 136.6 7.5 122.5 8.0 90 90 JT 4 07/14/08 Corte Altura 13+85 555 1 20 136.6 7.5. 124.0 8.2 91 90 JT 5 07/14/08 Corte Altura 12+90 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 126.3 8.1 92 90 JT 6 07/14/08 Corte Altura Xing 12+65 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.1 18.0 92 90 JT 7 07/14/08 Corte Altura 11+95 555 1. 20 136.6 7.5 131.5 7.5 96 90 JT 8 07/14/08 Corte Altura 11+00 553 1 .20 136.6 7.5 126.2 8.4 92 90 JT 9 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente Xing 15+80 . 553 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.2 8.0 92 . 90 iT 10 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente 15+00 549 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.6 7.0 91 90 JT 11 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente Xing 15+00 549 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.7 8.6 92 90 JT 12 07/15/08 Sitio, Caliente 14+10 . 546 1 20 136.6 7.5 128.0 8.1 94 90 JT 13 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente 13+35 543 1 20 136.6 7.5 122.5 9.0 90 90 JT 14 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente 12+50 S 540 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.0 7.2 91 90 - -- JT 15 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente Xing 12+55 539 1 20 136.6 7.5 131.1 7.0 96 90 JT 16 07/15/08 Sitio Caliente 11+30 535 1 20 136.6 7.5 128.1 7.9 . 94 90 * JT 17 07/15/08 Corte Panorama 14+50 ; 527 1 20 136.6 7.5 122.8 4.5 90 90 JT 17 A 07/15/08 Corte Panorama 14+50 - 527 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.0 7.9 91 90 JT 18 07/15/08 Corte Panorama 13+70 526 1 20 136.6 7.5 122.6 7.7 90 90 iT 19 07/15/08 Corte Panorama 13+00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.7 9.3 92 90 JT 20 07/16/08 Corte Panorama 12+00 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 115.3 8.3 86 90 JT 20A 07/16/08 Corte Panorama 12+00 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 119.9 9.2 90 90 JT 21 07/16/08 Corte Panorama 11+00 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 115.9 7.9 87 90 JT 21A 07/16/08 CortePanoramall+00 - 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.2 9.5 91 90 iT 22 07/16/08 Conte Panorama 10+00 529 1 10 133.7 8.4 123.4 8.8 92 90 JT 23 07/16/08 Corte Panorama 12+36 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.0 9.9 90 90 JT 24 07/16/08 Corte Panorama 14*05 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.1 10.7 90 90 JT 25 07/16/08 Sitio Bahia 11+00 . 532 1 10 133.7 8.4 123.8 8.6 93 90 JT 26 07/16/08 Sitio Bahia 12+45 5 538 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.3 9.9 91 90 iT 27 07/16/08 Sitio, Bahia ll+65 533 1 -10 133.7 8.4 122.5 9.2 92 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A April 12, 2011 . - ........,.................................'a-' TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS - Test No. Date . Location Elev. or Depth (ft) Curve No. Plus 3/4" Rock (°'°) Adj. MDD (pcI) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. Field Moist. Cont. (PcI) Field Rel. Comp. Reqd. Rel. Comp. SD 1 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 13+18 525 1 10 133.7 8.4 124.7 8.7 93 90 SD 2 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 13+07 525 1 10 '133.7 8.4 120.9 9.6 90 90 SD 3 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 15+07 545 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.8 6.9 92 90 SD 4 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 14+40 545 2 10 142.1 6.5 132.3 6.1 93 90 SD 5 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 13+80 542 2 10 142.1 6.5 129.9 8.0 91 90 SD 6 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 12+65 536 2 10 142.1 6.5 128.3 .5.4 90 ' 90 SD 7 06/03/08 Sitio Cal iente 11+70 . 535 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.4 7.2 92 90 SD 8 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 10+90 532 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.9 6.7 92 90 SD, 9 06/03/08 Sitio Caliente 10+57 529 2 10 142.1 6.5 131.5 5.8 93 90 SD 10 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente MH 13+35 . 540 1 10 133.7' 8.4 123.4 8.4 92 90 SD 11 06/10/08 Corte Panorama ll+08 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 123.4 8.4 92 .90 SD . 12 06/10/08 Corte Panorama ll+10 523 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.3 9.1 91 90 SD 13 06/10/08 Corte Panorama ll+05 524 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.8 8.7 92 90 SD 14 06/10/08 Corte Panorama ll+15 . 524 1 10 133.7. 8.4 120.4 9.6 90 90 SD 15. 06/10/08 Corte Panorama ll+10 524 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.2 9.5 91 90 SD 16 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 11+55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 530 1 20 136.6 7.5 123.1 9.0 90 90 SD 17 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 15+05 548 2 10 142.1. 6.5 129.6 5.8 91 90 SD 18 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 15+08 549 23 20 144.7 5.5 130.8 6.4 90 90 SD 19 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 10+53 530 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.4 8.7 92 90 SD 20 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 10+57. 532 1 20 136.6 7.5 127.1 7.9 93 90 SD 21 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 10+59 . 532 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.5 8.3 91 90 SD 22 06/24/08 Corte Panorama 13+07 525 1 10 133.7 8.4 115.7 6.7 87 90 SD 22 A 06/24/08 Corte Panorama 13+07 525 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.6 7.9 92 90 SD 23 06/24/08 Corte Panorama 12+97 . 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.9 7.5 90 90 SD 24 06/24/08 Corte Panorama 13+05 524 1 10 133.7 1 8.4 120.2 10.1 90 90 SD 25 06/24/08 Corte Panorama 12+97 525 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.1 8.3 91 90 SD. 26 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 510 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.9 8.8 92 90 SD 27 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 . 510 1 20 136.6 7.5 126.4 9.0 93 90 SD 28 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 511 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.6 9.5 92 .90 SD 29 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 512 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.7 10.1 91 90 SD 30 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 513 1 34 140.9 6.3 130.2 6.6 92 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A . April 12, 2011 / TABLE I - SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft No. (°''°) (pcI) (%) (pcf) SD 31 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 514 1 34 140.9 6.3 131.0 6.2 93 90 SD 32 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 515 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.8 9.5 90 90 SD 33 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots ll3/114 515 1 20 136.6 7.5 123.6 7.0 90 90 SD 34 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 - 516 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.8 7.7 91 90 SD 35 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 516 1 , 10 133.7'S 8.4 122.9 8.2 92 ' 90 SD 36 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 517 1 - 20 136.6 7.5 127.1' 8.0 93 90 SD 37 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 517 1 20 136.6 7.5 127.6 7.3 93 90 SD 38 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S,Lots 113/114 518 1 20 136.6 7.5 - 124.5 8.2 91 90 SD 39 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 , 519 1 20 136.6 7.5 126.3 8.7 92 90 -- , SD 40 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 519 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.0 8.4 91 90 SD 41 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 520 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.6 ' 9.2 91 90 SD 42 -06/26/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 * 521 ',I 10 133.7 , 8.4 120.9 9.8 90' 90 'SD 43 06/26/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 521 . 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.1 10.2 90 90 • SD 44 06/27/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 - ' 522 1 30 139.6 6.7 129.8 8.3 93 90 SD 45 06/27/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 522 • 1 30 139.6 6.7 130.3 8.6- 93 - • 90 SD 46 06/27/08 Vortechnics Box SLots 113/114 523 1 30 139.6 6.7 127.4 9.2 , 91 - 90 SD' 47 06/27/08 Vortechnics Box S Lots 113/114 523 1 30 139.6 6.7 131.0 7.9 - 94 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A ' - April 12, 2011 Elev. or Depth (ft) ' Curve No. Plus 3/4' Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pd) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (pcI) Field Moist. Cont. (%) 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.2 5.8 0 - 2 10 142.1 6.5 ' 136.3 6.9 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 137.6 6.5 0 2 ' 10 142.1 6.5 139.0 6.0 0 2 . 10 142.1 6.5 135.5 7.5 0 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 142.1 6.5 134.9 5.6 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.6 . 6.1 0 2 10 - 142.1 6.5 135.9 8.2 0 2 10. 142.1 6.5 137.2 7.3 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.0 7.9 0 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 N 133.7- 8.4 128.4 8.8 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 130.2 8.0 0 - 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.1 9.4 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 129.5 8.6 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 131.6 8.3 0 ,' 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.8 7.9 0 , 2 10. 142.1 6.5- 138.1 7.3 0 1 10 133.7 8.4. 131.0 8.2 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 , 128.9 9.4 0' 1 . 10 133.7 8.4 129.7 -8.9 0 1 10 .133.7 8.4 128.9 8.9 0 . 2 '10 142.1 6.5 137.8 6.3 0 - 2 - 10 142:1 6.5 138.2 6.7 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 128.8 11.4 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 126.4 9.3 0 1- 10 133.7 8.4 130.1 9.1 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 129.2 10.8 Field Reqd. Re!. Re!. Comp. Comp. (%)' (%) 95 95 96 95 97 95 98 95 95 95 95 95 96 95 96 95 97 95 96 95 96 95 97- 95 96 95 97 95 98 95 .96 ---------------------------------- 95 97 '. 95 98 .95 96 95, 97 95 96 ---------------------------------- 95 97 95 97 95 96 95 95 ---------------------------------- 95 97 95 97 95 Test No. Date Location SG 1 07/29/08. Sitio Caliente 16+15 SG 2 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 15+15 SO 3 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 14+20 SG 4 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 13+20 SG 5 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 12+25 SO 6 07/29/08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitio Caliente 11+25 SO 7 07/29/08 Sitio Caliente 10+60 SO 8 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 15+10 SG 9 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 14+10 SO 10 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 13+10 SO . 11 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 12+10 SO 12 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 11+10 SO 13 08/01/08 Corte Panorama 10+10 SG 14 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 10+70 SG is 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 11+70 -SO 16 08/01/08 Sitio Bahia 12+70 50 17 08/01/08 Corte Altura 10+30 SO 18 08/01/08 Corte Altura 11+30 50 19 08/01/08 Cone Altura 12+30 SO . 20 -08/01/08 Cone Altura 13+30 50 21 08/01/08 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cone Altura 14+30 SO 22 08/01/08 Cone Altura XO 10+10 50 23 08/01/08 Corte Altura XG10+10 SO -24 07/22/09 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+85 50 25 07/22/09 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+70 SO 26 07/22/09 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+95 SO 27 03/30/10 Cone Panorama (R&R) 13+70 Ii TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Project No. 06105-52-22A . • ' ' • April 12, 2011 ......,........f............'................ TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location SL 1 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 10i-66 SL 2 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 11+17 SL 2 A 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 11+17 SL 3 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 11+80 SL 4 05/27/08 Corte Panorama 14+91 SL 5 05/27/08 Corte Panorama 14+24 SL 6 05/27/08 Corte Panorama 13+63 SL 7 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 12+36 SL 8 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 11+95 SL 9 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 10+70 SL 10 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 9+85 SL 11 05/28/08 Sitio Bahia 12+72 SL 12 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 11+76 SL 13 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 12+47 SL 14 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 13+06 SL 15 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 14+26 SL 16 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 14+88 SL 17 06/10/08 Corte Altura ll+30 SL 18 06/11/08 Corte Altura 12+29 SL 19 06/11/08 Corte Altura 13+45 SL 20 06/11/08 Corte Altura 14+02 SL 21 06/11/08 Corte Altura 14+49 Elev. or Depth (t') curve No. Plus 3/4" Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pcO Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (pcO Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rel. Comp. Req'd. Rel. Comp. 528 -2 10 142.1 6.5 128.4 6.2 90 90 529 2 10 142.1 6.5 125.5 5.1 88 90 529 2 10 142.1 6.5 129.1 6.9 91 90 531 2 10 142.1 6.5 128.0 7.8 90 90 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.6. 10.1 90 .90 528 1 - 10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133.7 8.4 121.3 8.7 91 90 528 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.5 8.2 92 .90 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.9 9.5 90. 90 - 528 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.6 8.8 91 90 529 1 10. 133.7 8.4 121.0 9.2 91 90 529 1 10, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 133.7 8.4 123.2 8.4 92 90 535 . 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.4 7.1 92 90 534 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.7 8.5 92 90 538 23 20 144.7 5.5 131.9 8.0 91: 90 539 1 10 133.7 8.4 124.8 9.2 93 . 90 543 23 20 144.7 5.5 132.4 7.1 91 90 545 2 10 142.1 6.5 129.7 7.2 91 90 551 1 20 136.6 7.5 123.2 6.7 90 .90 554 23 20 144.7 5.5 135.3 6.1 94 90 555 23 20 144.7 5.5 130.9 6.9 90 90 556 1 - 20 136.6 7.5 128.1 8.3 94. 90 557 - 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.3 9.5 - 90 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A . - April 12, 2011 Test No. Date Location SM 1 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 10+80 SM 2 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 11+50 SM 3 05/27/08 Sitio Bahia 12+20 SM 4 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 12+80 SM 5 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 12+10 SM 6 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 11+30 SM 7 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 10+40 SM 8 05/28/08 Corte Panorama 10+00 SM 9 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 11+20 SM 10 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 12+24 SM 11 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 13+20 SM 12 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 14+05 SM 13 06/10/08 Sitio Caliente 15+70 SM 14 06/10/08 Corte Altura 10+45 SM 15 06/11/08 Corte Altura 11+75 SM 16 06/11/08 Corte Altura 12+60 SM 17 06/11/08 Corte Altura 13+25 SM 18 06/11/08 Corte Altura 14+20 SM 19 06/11/08 Sitio Caliente 11+54 SM 20 06/11/08 Sitio Caliente 13+63 SM 21 06/11/08 Sitio Caliente 15+35 SM 22 06/11/08 Sitio Caliente 16+06 SM 23 06/11/08 Corte Altura 10+84 SM 24 06/11/08 Corte Altura 12+09 SM 25 06/11/08 Corte Altura 14+49 ••.•....s..•..................ss....ss...ss.. TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. or Depth (ft) Curve No. Plus 3/4" Rock (%) Adj. MDD (pci) Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. Field Moist. Cont. (pci) Field Re!. Comp. Req'd. Re!. Comp. 529 2 10 142.1 6.5 128.0 8.1 90 90 530 2 10 142.1 6.5 128.7 7.6 91 90 532 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.4 7.2 92 90 - 526 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.0 9.0 91 90 527 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.8 8.6 - 91 90 527 1 20 136.6 7.5 125.7 8.0 92 90 528 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.1 8.4 91 .90 529 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.9 9.5 90 90 532 1 10 133.7 8.4 123.5 7.9 92 90 536 23 20 144.7 5.5 131.2 6.8 91 90 538 23 20 144.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5 131.7 6.0 91 90 542 23 20 144.7 5.5 132.1 6.3 91 90 549 1 20 136.6 7.5 124.6 6.8 .91 90 551 1 20 136.6 7.5 126.1 8.0 92 90 554 23 20 144.7 5.5 132.4 7.1 91 90 555 23 20 144.7 5.5 136.7 6.4 94 90 555 23 20 144.7 5.5 130.8 6.6 90 90 556 1 20 136.6 7.5 128.1 8.5 94 90 535 23 20 144.1 5.5 130.3 7.8 90 90 542 23 20 144.7 5.5 134.6 6.5 93 . 90 549 23 20 • 144.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.5. 130.9 6.2 90 90 552 23 20 144.7 5.5 132.1 6.4 91 90 552 23 20 144.7 5.5 134.9 7.1 93 90 552 23 20 144.7 5.5 133.7 6.8 92 90 556 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.9 10.0 90 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A April 12, 2011 ...s...s...s........s........s............. TABLE!, SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location SW 1 03/17/09 Lot 91; Sitio Bahia 10+00 SW 2 03/17/09 Lot 92; Sitio Bahia SW 3 03/17/09 Lot 93; Sitio Bahia SW 4 03/17/09 Lot 94; Sitio Bahia SW 5 03/17/09 Lot 95; Sitio Bahia SW 6 03/17/09 Lot 97; Corte Panorama' SW 7 03/17/09 Corte Panorama 16+10 SW 8 03/17/09 Corte Panorama 17+86 SW 9 03/17/09 Corte Panorama 19+10 SW 10 03/17/09 Corte -Panorama-19+-90 SW 11 03/17/09 Lot 87; Sitio Caliente SW 12 03/17/09 Lot 88; Corte Panorama SW 13 03/17/09 Lot 109/111; Corte Panorama SW 14 03/17/09 Lot 31; Corte Altura SW 15 03/17/09 Lot 41; Corte Altura SW 16 06/30/09 Lot 98; Corte Panorama SW 17 06/30/09 Lot 101; Corte Panorama SW 18 06/30/09 Lot 102; Corte Panorama SW 19 06/30/09 Lot 115; Corte Panorama SW .20 10/20/09 Lot 19; Sitio Caliente SW 21 10/20/09 Lot 20; Sitio Caliente SW 22 10/20/09 Lot 21; Sitio Caliente SW 23 10/20/09 Lot 84; Sitio Caliente SW 24 10/20/09 Lot 85; Sitio Caliente SW 25 10/20/09 Lot 86; Sitio Caliente SW 26 10/20/09 Lot 87; Sitio Caliente SW 27 10/20/09 Lot 88; Sitio Caliente 5' SW 28 02/01/10 Lot 83; Sitio Caliente SW 29 02/01/10 Lot 82; Sitio Caliente SW 30 02/01/10 Lot 81; Sitio Caliente SW 31 02/01/10 Lot 80; Sitio Caliente Elev. or Depth (ft) curve - No. Plus 3/4" Rock (%) Adj. MDD Adj. OMC (%) Field Dry Dens. (1) Field Moist. Cont. (%) Field Rel. Comp. (%) Reqd. Rel. Comp. (%) 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 133.2 7.1 94 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 134.8 6.4 95 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 .131.2 6.8 - 92 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.5 6.6 95 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 135.2 7.1 95 90 0 • 2 10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 142.1 6.5 136.1 6.4 96 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 136.9 7.0 96 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 131.9 6.8 93 90 . - 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 131.6 6.2 93 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 131.8 9.4 93 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.1 6.7 92 .90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 132.3 6.2 93 90 - - 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 132.2 7.0 93 90 • 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 133.8 6.6 94 90 0 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.9 6.1 92 90 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 124.4 8.5 93 90 0 1 20 136.6 75 128.7 7.4 94 90 0 1 20 136.6 7.5 123.0. 9.6 90 90 0 1 20 136.6 7.5 126.1 7.9 92 90 0 - 1 30 139.6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.7 126.6 6.2 91 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 128.4 7.7 92 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 127.1 6.7 91 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 131.7 ' 7.1 94 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 130.7 6.4 94 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 126.1 5.9 90 90 0 1. 30 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139.6 6.7 127.6 6.4 91 90 0 1 30 139.6 6.7 127.0 6.8 91 90 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 134.4 6.7 94 90 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 133.8 6.1 94 90 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 134.1 5.9 94. 90 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 135.3 7.1 95 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A . . April 12, 2011 - ........................................... TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd. or 3/4' Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location (ft) No. (°"°) (pcf) (%) (pcf) (%) SW 32 02/01/10 Lot 35; Corte Altura 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 134.6 6.8 94 90 SW 33 02/01/10 Lot 24; Corte Altura 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 137.4 - 6.1 96 90 SW 34 02/01/10 Lot 23; Sitio Caliente 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 134.9 7.7 95 90 SW 35 02/01/10 Lot 22; Sitio Caliente 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 135.2 6.4 95 90 SW 36 04/27/10 Lot 103; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 131.4 8.3 92 90 SW 37 04/27/10 Lot 105; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 134.3 9.0 94 90 SW 38 04/27/10 Lot 107; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 130.1 9.2 91 90 SW 39 04/27/10 Lot 109; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 129.6 8.8 91 90 SW 40 04/27/10 Lot 110; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 128.9 8.4 90 90 SW 41 04/27/10 Lot 111; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 128.5 8.0 90 90 SW 42 04/27/10 Lot 112; Corte Panorama 0 23 10 142.5 6.2 130.2 8.8 91 90 SW 43 07/21/10 Lot 32; Corte Altura 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 125.6 3.3 88 90 SW 43 A 07/21/10 Lot 32; Corte Altura 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 136.6 5.5 94 90 SW 44 07/21/10 Lot 34; Cortd Altura 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.9 6.6 92 90 SW 45 07/21/10 Lot 30; Corte Altura 0 18 40 148.4 4.8 135.5 6.3 91 90 SW 46 07/21/10 Lot 28; Corte Altura 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 134.7 5.4 92 90 SW 47 07/21/10 Lot 26; Corte Altura 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 131.8 5.9 90 90 SW 48 01/06/11 Lot 89 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 122.8 12.3 84 90 SW 48A 01/06/11 Lot 89 S 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 131.3 7.7 91 90 SW 49 01/06/11 Lot 91 0 18 30 145.9 5.5 134.2 7.9 92 90 SW 50 01/06/11 Lot95 0 18 20 143.5 6.2 130.6 8.3 91 90 SW 51 01/06/11 Lot 74 0 18 30 - 145.9 5.5 132.4 - 8.0 91 90 SW. 52 01/06/11 Lot 77 0 18 10 141.2 6.9 128.7 7.7 91 90 Project Nor 06105-52-22A April 12, 2011 '5- ....................................o...... TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Reqd. - or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Re!. Re!. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont Comp. Comp. Test No Date Location No (%) (pct) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) WB 1 10/16/08 Lot95 -1 1 30 139.6 6.7 125.1 7.9 .- 90 90 WB 2 10/16/08 Lot 95 0 0 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.9 8.1 - 92 90 - 0 Project No 06105-52-22A April 12 2011 TABLE I SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Elev. Plus Field Field Field Req'd or 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rel. Rel. Depth Curve Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. Comp. Comp. Test No. Date Location No. (°"°) (pd) (%) (pcf) (%) (%) (%) WL 1 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 14+39 528 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.0 10.7 91 90 WL 2 66/19/08 Corte Panorama 13+28 -P526 1 30 139.6 6.7 126.1 9.0 90 90 WL 3 . 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 12+28 . 527. 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.7 8.2. 90 -90 WL 4 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 11+55 - . . 528 1 10 133.7 8.4 122.2 . 9.4 91 90 WL 5 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 10+40 527 -- 1 10 133.7 8.4 121.8 8.3 91 90 WL 6 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 10+15 526 1 30 139.6 -6.7 125.7 10.4 90 90 WL 7 . 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 9+85 530 1 10 133.7 .8.4 121.9 7.9 91 90 WL' 8 06/19/08 Sitio Bahia 10+94 529 2 10 142.1 6.5 130.2 8.4 92 90 WL 9 06/19/08 Sitio Bahia 11+27 . 531 2 10 142.1 6.5 128.7 9.3 91 90 WL 10 06/20/08 Sitio Bahia 12+24 536 2 10 142.1 . 6.5 128.9 9.0 91 90 WL 11 06/20/08 Sitio Bahia 12+73 538 .2 10 142.1 6.5 1278 9.4 90 90 WL 12 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 11+32 535 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.7 8.9 90 90 WL 13 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 12+57 540 1 10 133.7 -8.4 122.9 8.2 92 90 WL 14 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 13+78 544 23 20 144.7 5.5 133.8 8.0 92 90 WL 15 - 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 14+98 549 23 30 147.0 4.9 135.5 6.9 92 90 WL 16 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 15+58 551 23 30 147.0 4.9, 135.0 6.2 92 90 WL 17 06/20/08 Corte Altura 10+71 - 554 23 30 147.0 4.9 135.3. 5.9 92 90 WL 18 .06/20/08 Corte Altura 11+39 554. 23 20 144.7 5.5 130.4 7.4 90 90 WL 19 06/20/08 Corte Altura 12+54 555 1 20 136.6 . 7.5 125.2 7.6 92 90 WL 20 06/20/08 Corte Altura 13+55 556 2 .10 142.1 6.5 128.0 9.3 90 90 WL 21 06/20/08 Corte Panorama 9+85 . 529 1 10 133.7 8.4 120.4 8.8 90 90 'Project No. 06105-52-22A - . April 12, 2011 ..............o.........•................. - TABLE SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS Test No. Date Location WM 1 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 14+90 WM 2 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 13+90 WM 3 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 12+50 WM 4 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 11.60 WM 4 A 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 11+60 WM 5 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 10+80 WM 6 06/19/08 Corte Panorama 10+00 WM 7 06/19/08 Sitio Bahia 10+75 WM 8 06/19/08 Sitio Bahia 11+50 WM 9 06/19/08 Sitio Bahia 12+30 WM 10 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 10+99 WM 11 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 11+86 WM 12 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 12+88 WM 13 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 13+68 WM 14 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 14+65- WM 15 06/20/08 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sitio Caliente 15+50 WM 16 06/20/08 Sitio Caliente 16+48 WM 17 06/20/08 Corte Altura 10+85 WM 18 06/20/08 Corte Altura 11+80 WM 19 06/20/08 Corte Altura 12+85 WM 20 06/20/08 Corte Panorama 13+85 WM 21 06/24/08 Sitio Caliente 15+90 WM 22 06/24/08 Cone Altura 14+50 WM 23 07/16/08 Cone Panorama 15+25 WM 24 07/16/08 Sitio Bahia 10+45 WM 25 07/16/08 Sitio Caliente 10+50 WM 26 08/08/08 Sitio Bahia 12+25 WM .27 08/08/08 Sitio Bahia 12+25 Elev. or Depth Curve (ft) No. 529 1 527 1 527 1 528 1 528 -------------------------- 529 1 530 529 2 531 2 535 2 534 1 537 1 541 1 544 23 547 23 -------------------------- 551 23 555 23 554 23 555 23 556 23 ------------------------- 557 553 2 558 528 531 1 532 1 536 538 1 Plus Field Field 3/4" Adj. Adj. Dry Moist. Rock MDD OMC Dens. Cont. (pet) (%) (pet) (%) 10 133.7 8.4 120.4 11.1 10 133.7 8.4 123.1 9.7 30 139.6 6.7 127.0 8.9 10 133.7 8.4 118.3 7.7 10 133.7- 8.4 120.8 9.1 10 133.7 ------------------------------------------------------- 8.4 123.0 8.4 30 139.6 6.7 126.7 9.5 10 142.1 6.5 128.9 8.8 10 142.1 6.5 130.9 7.2 10 142.1 6.5 129.2 . 8.0. 10 133.7 ------------------------------------------------------ 8.4 120.4 9.8 10 133.7 8.4 122.4 8.3 10 133.7 8.4 121.8 8.8 30 147.0 4.9 134.4 7.8 30 147.0 4.9 135.4 7.7 30 147.0 4.9 136.0 6.3 30 147.0 4.9 137.9 5.5 30 147.0 4.9 ' 138.6 5.9 30 147.0 4.9 136.2 6.7 20 144.7 5.5 . 132.2 7.8 10 133.7 8.4 120.1 9.3 10 142.1 6.5 127.9 7.1 10 133.7 8.4 120.7 9.7 10 133.7 8.4 119.7 9.8 10 133.7 8.4 120.4 9.1 10 133.7 ------------------------------------------------------- 8.4 120.1 9.5 10 133.7 -8.4 122.4 9.2 10 133.7 8.4 124.0 9.6 Field' Reqd. Re!. Re!. Comp. Comp. (%) (%) 90 90 92 90 91 90 88 90 90 90 92 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 91 90 90 ----------------------------------- 90 92 90 91 90 91 90 92 90 93 90 94 90 94 90 S 93 90 91 90 90 ---------------------------------- 90. 90 90 90 90 ' 90 90 90 90 90 .90 92 90 93 90 Project No. 06105-52-22A . . . April 12, 2011 ...............•..i...........•........... TABLE I EXPLANATION OF CODED TERMS -TESTSUFFIX A, B, C.... :Retest of previous density test failure, following moisture conditioning and/or recompaction. - TR1T(L-OUT Fill in area of density test failure' was removed and replaced with properly compacted fill soil. - PREFIX CODE DESIGNATION FOR TEST NUMBERS AC - ASPHALT CONCRETE , B - BASE,, CG - CURB AND GUTTER , JT ,- JOINT TRENCH ' sb - STORM DRAIN ' ' SC) - SUBGRADE SL - SEWER LATERAL SM - SEWER MAIN ' SW SIDEWALK ,WB - WALL BACKFILL , WL - WATER LATERAL , ' WM - WATER MAIN - CURVE NO: ' Corresponds to curve numbers listed in the summary of laboratoiy maximum dry density and optimum ' moisture content test results table for selected fill soil samples encountered during testing and observation. ' - ROCK CORRECTION For density tests with rock percentage greater than zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content were adjusted for rock content. For tests with rock content equal to zero, laboratory maximum dry density and optimum moisture content values are unadjusted. ' - TYPE OF TEST SC: Sand Cone Test (ASTM D1556) NU: Nuclear Density Test (ASTM D2922) OT: Other - ELEVATION/DEPTH Test elevations/depths have been rounded to the nearest whole foot Projekt. No. 06105-52-22A ' ' ' " ' April 12, 2011 TABLE II SUMMARY OF LABORATORY MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT TEST RESULTS ASTMD1557 Sample No Description Maximum Dry Density (pci) Optimum Moisture Content (% dry weight). 1 Olive brown, Silty, fine to medium SAND 130.9 9.3 2 Olive brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 139.9 7.2 3 Dark brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 129.0 9.6 4 Grayish brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 126.0 12.0 18 Light reddish brown, silty to clayey, fine to coarse SAND 138.9 7.6 23 Brown, Clayey, fine to coarse SAND 140.3 6.8 24 Brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Recycled Base) 127.1 7.6 25 Dark brown, Sandy GRAVEL (Class 2 Recycled Base) 136.2 5.9 TABLE III SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE TEST RESULTS Sample Test 2006 Greenbook Specifications Stability Maximum Aggregate Size (inch) Theoretical Maximum Density (pci) Hveem Maximum Density (pci) Stability AC-1 3/4 153.8 147.4 40 >35 AC-2 3/4 154.0 146.4 43 ~!35 AC-3 3/4 151.8 148.2 38 2:35 AC-4 ~ 156.0 148.6 41 ?35 AC-5 ½ 157.9 151.6 48 35 AC-6 ½ 156.9 150.3 36 ?35 AC-7 ½ 156.7 152.2 38 ?!35 Project No. 06105-52-22A April 12, 2011 • TABLE IV SUMMARY OF AGGREGATE BASE LABORATORY GRAIN SIZE ANALYSIS AND SAND EQUIVALENT TEST RESULTS Test Type B-24 B-25 Caltrans Specification Class 2 Aggregate Base Sieve Analysis . % passing % passing % passing (sieve size) ASTM D 422 1 inch 100 100 100 3/4 inch 100 97 90-100 No.4. 60 51 35-60 No. 30 26 28 10-30 No. 200 6 9 2-9 Sand Equivalent ASTM D 2419 71 - 36 ~!25 TABLE V SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS• 34-Inch 2006 Greenbook Test Type Section 203-6.4.3 AC-1 AC-2 AC-3 ' AC-4 Specifications Type H Class B, Sieve Analysis - ASTM C.136 % passing % passing % passing % passing % passing (sieve size) 1 inch 100 100 100 100 100 3/4 inch 97 100 - 98 96 87-100 inch 81 78 - 79 82 - 70-87 % inch 70 62 63 72 55-76 No.4 48 41 45 48 35..52 No.8 36 32 30 44 22-40 No. 30 19 17 17 20 8-24 No. 50 1.1. 10 12 9 5-18 No. 200 4 3 6 3 0-7 Oil Content (%)* 46 . 47.. 4.5-5.8 ASTM D 6307 *Green Book refers to as "Asphalt Project No. 06105-52-22A • • • April 12, 2011 • TABLE VI SUMMARY OF LABORATORY ASPHALT CONCRETE GRADATION - AND ASPHALT CONTENT TEST RESULTS .. .. .. ½-Inch 2006 Greenbook Test Type Section 400-4.3 - AC-5 - AC-6 AC-7 Specifications Class Sieve Analysis ASTM C 136 % passing % passing - % passing % passing (sieve size) 3/4 inch 100 100 - 100. - 100 V2 inch, - 95 96 94 89-100 3/8 inch 83 78 77 74-100 No. 4 68 57 59 50-78 No. 8 49 41 42 32-60 No. 30 20 20 21 14-38 No. 200 4 5 5 2-10 Oil Content (%)* - 7.0 62 . T - ASTMD63O7 • . -. . • - * - SI • 0 0 • . •0 • 1 w S ., S.- 'St -1 '1 .5- - 'S • 0•, -S .. _ S 5__ : APPENDIX A • REPORT OF CQMPRESSION TESTS • • 0 ,5_, • FOR. 0 : THE OAKS NORTH - NEIGHBORHOOD 3.3 SOUTH S . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA S S PROJECT NO. 06105-52-22A S S O S *5 • , .. ,. 0 ,, 0 . S . . .5 5 . , - S1• - • .5 5.. S - S -• S . S - S Sf S. S.- •0 5--S . •55 '*5' * 0 • .- S I,.. -S S.- S .. GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNI CAL . ENVIRONMENTAL. MATERIAL'S' 7' REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS 'PROJECT NO:06105-52-22A DATE:7-03-2008 ; 'NAME: —The Oaks North - Neighborhood 3.3 South ADDRESS: Carlsbad, California CONTRACTOR: Crawford Contractors FIELD DATA. CONCRETE (ASTM C39) DMORTAR (UBC 24-22) OGROUT (ASTM C1019) .1 OPRISMS (ASTM E447) DOTHER LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:Storm Drain Cleanouts (Zi 10+57. 13+49, 13+11 SUPPLIER: Superior Ready Mix TICKET NUMBER:1057769 MIX DESIGNATION:5596 TRUCK NO/LOAD NO.:342 MIX NUMBER:560-C-3250 Concrete TIME IN MIXER:60 minutes SLUMP: 5 1/2 inches ADMIXTURE:__________________________________ 'TYPE CEMENT:' . CC TEMP.: _degrees 'UNIT WEIGHT: . PLAN FILE NO.:_________________________ PERMIT NO.: ' REMARKS: .REQUIRED STRENGTH (fc):3,250psi At'28 Days' DATE MADE:6-4-2008 SAMPLES MADE BY:—Austin ' ' ' DATE RECEIVED: 6-5-2008 LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY SAMPLE . DATE DIMENSIONS -'AREA MAXIMUM COMPRESSIVE NUMBER AGE, DAYS TESTED (in.) (sq.in.), LOAD' STRENGTH . '97-1 7 ' 6-11-2008 6x 12 ' ' 28.27 '44,875 '3570 97-2 ' - 28 ' 7-2-2008 6x 12 ' , 28.27 , 64,255 ' ' 5110 97-3 - 28 7-2-2008 ' 6 x 12 ' 28.27 65,780 5230 97-4' HOLD,. , ' 6k 12 ' 28.27 6960 Flanders Drive 0 San Diego, California 92121-2974 0 Telephone 858,558.6900 0 Fax 858.558.6159 GEOCON INCORPORATED S GEOTECHN'I CAL . ENVIRONMENTAL. MATERIALS 7 REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO: 06105-5'2-22(A) DATE: _6-102008 NAME: The Oaks North - Neighborhood 3.3 South ADDRESS: Carlsbad,'California - CONTRACTOR: Crawford ContratOrs - -' FIELD DATA - .5 CONCRETE (ASTM C39) OMORTAR (UBC 24-22) OGROUT (ASTM C1019) DPRISMS (ASTM E447) DOTHER I LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:Sitio Caliente - Storm Drain Box at appox. .10+57 SUPPLIER:Superior S TICKET NUMBER:118307 - MIX DESIGNATION:5596 • TRUCK NO./LOD NO.: 211 MIX NUMBER:560-C-3250 Concrete - TIME IN MIXER:25 minutes SLUMP: N/A inches . ADMIXTURE: - TYPE CEMENT: . CC TEMP.:N/A degrees UNIT WEIGHT: PLAN FILE NO.:W.O.2352-125 . : PERMIT NO.:________________________ REMARKS: Client only wanted cylinders REQUIRED STRENGTH (fc):3,250 psi -At 28 Days DATE MADE: _6-10-2008 SAMPLES MADE BY:WiliMiller DATE RECEIVED: 6-11-2008 LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY SAMPLE -DATE DIMENSIONS AREA. MAXIMUM COMPRESSIVE NUMBER AGE, DAYS TESTED (in.) (s4- in) - -- - -. (lbs.) - • (psi). 98-1 . 7 . 6-17-2008 6 x 12 . 2:27 • 42,785 3,400 98-2 28 7-8-2008 • 6 x 12 28.27 58,645 4,670 98-3 . 28 7-8-2008 6 x 12 . 28.27 60,955 . 4,850 98-4 HOLD 6 x 12 • 28.27 . S 6960 Flanders Drive •' SanDiego, California 92121-2974 0 Telephone 858.558.6900 0 Fax 858.558.6159 S SGE000N. INCORPORATED GEOTE.CHNICAL. ENVIRONMENTAL. MATERIALS. / • REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS S I, S I S. ..S .... ., .. DCONCRETE (ASTM C39) j OMORTAR (UBC 24-22) DGROUT (ASTM C1019) DPRISMS (ASTM E447) DÔTHER LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:Sitio Caliente - Storm Drain inlet Box SUPPLIER: Superiof Ready Mix ' TICKET NUMBER:119300 MIX DESIGNATION:5596 TRUCK 140./LOAD NO. 574 MIX NUMBER: 560-C-3250 Concrete TIME IN MIXER:39 minutes. SLUMP: 3.00 inches ADMIXTURE:. TYPE CEMENT:. CC TEMP.:- degrees UNIT WEIGHT: PLAN FILE NO.:________________________ PERMIT NO.: . REMARKS: . S REQUIRED STRENGTH (fc):_3.250 osi At 28 Days DATE MADE:- 6-20-2008 5 __________ _____ SAMPLES MADE BY:Tim Hopson = DATE RECEIVED:6-23-2008 LABORATORY SAMPLE DATE DIMENSIONS AREA - MAXIMUM .CL'E NUMBER AGE, DAYS TESTED (in:) (sq. in.) LOAD STRENGTH (lbs.) (psi) 100-1 7 6-27-2008 6 x 12 28.27 38,330 3,050 100-2 28 .7-18-2008 6 x 12 . - 28.27' 52,965 ' 4,210 100-3 28 7-18-2008 6x 12 • 28.27 51,825 •. 4,120. 100-4 HOLD , 6 x 12 . 28.27 . - •. FIELD DATA PROJECT NO:06105-52-22A DATE:6-202008 NAME: The Oaks North - Neighborhood 3.3 South ADDRESS: Carlsbad, California CONTRACTOR: Crawford Contractors 1 LABORATORY DATA . 6960 Flanders Drive 0 San Diego, California 92121.2974 • Telephone 858:558.6900 • Fax 858.558.659 I .. • CEOCON ; S INCORPORATED ' GEOTECHNICAL's ENVIRONMENTAL • MATERIALS REPORT' OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO:06105-52-22A DATE: 6-20-20'08 - NAME: The Oaks North - Neighborhood 3.3 South ' ADDRESS: 'Carlsbad, California - CONTRACTOR: Crawford Contractors 'FIELD DATA ' ZCONCRETE (A&rM C39) . j OMORTAR (UBC 24-22) , DCRouT (ASTM C1019) I DPRISMS (ASTME44I) I DOTHER LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:' Sitio Caliente -Inlet Box SUPPLIER:Superior Ready Mix TICKET NUMBE'R 119339 MIX DESIGNATION:5596 ' ' TRUCK NO."/LOAD NO.:377 MIX.NUMBER:560-C-3250'Concrete TIME IN MIXER:41 minutes SLUMP: 3.00 inches - ' ADMIXTURE:_________________________________ TYPE CEMENT: . CC TEMP.: 'degrees UNIT WEIGHT: ' ' PLAN FILE NO.: ' PERMIT NO.: - .REMARKS: REQUIRED STRENGTH (f c): 3J50 psi _' ' At 28 Days' DATE MADE: 6-20-2008 , SAMPLES MADE BY: Tim Hopson ' , DATE RECEIVED: 6-23-2008 LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY SAMPLE DATE DIMENSIONS AREA MAXIMUM COMPRESSIVE NUMBER AGE DAYS TESTED (in) (sq. in) LOAD STRENGTH (lbs) (pst) 7 6-27-20,08 6 x12 28.27 ' 43,820 ' 3,490- 101-2 28 7-18-2008 6 x 12 - 28.27 58,360 - ' 4,640 101-3 , 28 7-18-2008 6x12 28.27 -56,050 4,460 101-4 HOLD ,6x12 _'28.27 6960 Flanders Drive' • San Diego, California 92121-2974 U Telephone 858558.6900 U Fox 858.558.6159 GEOCON INCORPORATED GEOTECHNICAI.ENVIRONME'NTAL • MATERIA•LS REPORT OF COMPRESSION TESTS PROJECT NO:. 06105-52-22A DATE:' 06-20-2008 - NAME: The Oaks North Neighborhood 3.3 South ADDRE$S: Carlsbad, California CONTRACTOR: FydaQ Contractors FIELD DATA CONCRETE (ASTM C39) DMoRTAR (UBC 24-22) OGROUT (ASTM C1019) - DPRISMS (ASTM E447) DoT14ER LOCATION OF PLACEMENT:CortePanorama - _approx. Sta. 13+00 - SUPPLIER: Superior Ready Mix TICKET NUMBER:. 57319 'MIX DESIGNATION: 5596 TRUCK NO./LOAD NO.: 572 MIX NUMBER:560-C-3250 Concrete TIME IN MIXER:113 minutes SLUMP: 200 inches ADMIXTURE: _N/A - TYPE CEMENT: CC TEMP.:— degrees - UNIT WEIGHT:: PLAN FILE NO.:_/ PERMIT NO.:GR070029 REMARKS: REQUIRED STRENGTH.(fc):3.250 psi At 28 Days DATE MADE:. 06-25-2008 SAMPLES MADE BY: Tom Galambos ' DATE RECEIVED:07-02-2008 LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY SAMPLE DATE DIMENSIONS AREA MAXIMUM COMPRESSIVE , NUMBER AGE, DAYS TESTED (in.). (sq. LOAD STRENGTH - (lbs.) • - . (pi) 102-1 7 : 7-2-2008 6 x12 - 28.27 . 40,415 3,220 102-2 28 7-23-2008 6 x 12 • 2.27. 62,070 4,940 1023 28 • 7-23-2008, 6x12 28.27 . 62,99 • ' 5,010 1024 HOLD 6 x 12 28.27' ( 6960 Flanders Drive •. San Diego, Cplifornia 92121.2974 • Telephone 858.558.6900- U Fox 858.558.6159 . • • -• / ,