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\S' GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION - TABATA DEVELOPMENT Qi CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: LENNAR HOMES 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Prepared by: GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, California 92126 GDC Project No. SD365 Document No. 13-0339 March 4, 2014 GROUP r7r 11( I DELTA 1IJrtMWI Gcoiechnical I Engineering Geology II !Iydrogeologj Earthquake Engineering Materials Testing & Inspection Forensic Services March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. Tom Lee SUBJECT: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Tabata Development. Carlsbad, California Mr. Lee: I Group Delta Consultants (GDC) is pleased to submit this geotechnical investigation for the Tabata residential development in Carlsbad, California. The project will include I the construction of 26 two-story wood framed residential buildings founded on post- tensioned slabs. Specific conclusions regarding the potential geotechnical constraints at the site, and preliminary geotechnical recommendations for grading, foundation, I retaining wall and pavement design are provided in the following report. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued professional service. Feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS 74wAao43 Z.- Matthew A. Fagan, G. E. 2569 VamesC. Sanders, C.E.G. 2258 Senior Geotechnical Engineer Senior Engineering Geologist Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. Tom Lee (tom.lee@lennar.com) __.(1) Addressee, Ms. Roberta Correia (robcorreia cox. net ) r2569 ((NO258\ EZp. j CERTIFIED 12 31 15 * t 1 ENGINEERING 1* GEOLOGIST / OF C 9245 Activity Road Suite 103 • San Diego California 92126 e (858) 536-1000 voice. • (858) 536-8311 fax Irvine (949) 450-2100 A Torrance (310) 320-5100 A Ontario (909) 605-6500 Sacramento (916) 3024330 A Victorville (760) 88i3224 www.GroupDelta.conz GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TABATA DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................6 1.1 Scope of Services ................................................................................ 6 1.2 Site Description......... ......... . ...................................... .... ....... 1.3 Proposed Development .......................7 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION.............................................8 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE-cONDITIONS ............. ........... 8 3.1 Santiago Formation ............................................................................. 9 3.2 Old Alluvium .................................................... .................................... 9 3.3 Fill ....................................................................... 10 3.4 Groundwater ...................................................................................... 10 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS........ .......................... ..................11 4.1 Ground Rupture ............. . ................... . ...................... .11 4.2 Seismicity................................ ...........0 4.3 Liquefaction and Dynamic Sèttlrrrent..........- ....................11 4.4 Landslides and Lateral Spreads .........................................................12 4.5 Tsunamis, Seiches and Flooding.......................................................14 5.0 CONCLUSIONS..........................................................................................15 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................17 6.1 Plan Review ....................................................................................... 17 6.2 Excavation and Grading Observation ................................................. 17 6.3 Earthwork..........................................................................................17 6.3.1 Site Preparation...................................................................18 6.3.2 Compressible Soils .............................................................. 18 6.3.3 Building Areas .....................................................................18 6.3.4 Fill Compaction...................................................................20 6.3.5 Subgrade Stabilization.........................................................20 6.3.6 Surface Drainage..................................................................20 6.3.7 Slope Stability......................................................................21 6.3.8 Temporary Excavations ........................................................21 6.3.9 Bulk/Shrink Characteristics .................................................. 22 I I1:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TABATA DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 6.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations ....................................... 22 6.4.1 Post-Tension Slabs (Category 1)...........................................22 6.4.2 Post Tensioned Slabs (Category H) .. . ............................ .....23 6.4.3 Post Tensioned Slabs (Categoryill) .....................................2-4 6.4.4 Settlement ........................................ .............. 24 6.4.5 Lateral Resistance ................................................................ 24 6.4.6 Slope Setback ......................................................................24 6.4.7 Seismic Design.............. . ...... ............................................. ...25 6.5 On-Grade Slabs ................................. ................................................ 25 6.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs ............................................... 25 6.5.2 Exterior Slabs .................................................................27 6.5.3 Expansive Soils ..................................................................... 27 6.5.4 Reactive Soils .......................................................................28 6.6 Earth Retaining Structures................28 6.7 Preliminary Pavement Design ...................... ..... .... . ...........29 6.7.1 Asphalt Concrete ....................... ...3.0- 6.72 Portland Cement Concrete .... ............ ..................3O 6.8 Pipelines ............................................................................................. 31 6.8.1 Thrust Blocks ......................................................................31 6.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction .......................................................31 6.8.3 Pipe Bedding ....................................................................... 31 7.0 LIMITATIONS .............................................................................................31 8.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................32 GROUP DELTA. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development 13-0339\13-0339.doc GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TABATA DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) LIST OF TABLES Table 1 - 2013 CBC Acceleration Response Spectra ............................. .............36 Table 2 - Summary of Remedial Excavations ......................................................37 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1A - Site Location Map ............................................................................. 39 Figure 1 B -Site Vicinity Plan...............................................................................40 Figure 2A - Exploration Plan .....................................................................................41 Figure 2B - Geotechnical Map ............................................................... . ............42 Figure 2C - Tentative Grading Plan ....................................................... ..- .. . .........43 Figure 2D - Revised Grading Plan .......................................................................44 Figure 2E - Proposed Development ..................................................................... 45 Figure 3A - Regional Geologic Map.....................................................................46 Figure 3B - Regional Topography ..................................................................... . .. 47 Figure 3C - 100-Year Floodplain.........................................................................48 Figure 3D - Tsunami Inundation Map..................................................................49 Figure 4— Regional Fault Map.............................................................................50 Figure 5 - Wall Drainage Details .......................................................................... 51 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A - Field Exploration ............................................................................ 52 Appendix B - Laboratory Testing.........................................................................86 Appendix C - Dynamic Settlement Analyses......................................................118 Appendix D - Slope Stability Analyses ...............................................................125 GROUF DELTAI. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc I GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TABATA DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION I This report provides geotechnical recommendations for the proposed Tabata residential development in Carlsbad, California. The approximate location of the site I is- shown in-Figures 1A and lB. The site vicinity is shown in more detail in Figures 2k and 2B. The residential complex-will include 26 wood frame buildings and an access - road, as shown in-Figures 2C through 2E. The objective of this study was to provide site-specific geotechnical recommendations I for remedial grading and the design and construction of the proposed structures, pavements and associated surface improvements. The recommendations presented I herein are based on our subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering and geologic analyses, and previous experience with similar geologic conditions. 1 1.1 Scope of Services - This report was prepared in general accordance with the provisions of the referenced proposal (GDC, 2013b). In order to develop geotechnical recommendations for the development, the following services were provided. A geologic reconnaissance of the surface characteristics of the site, and a review of the pertinent reports referenced in Section 8.0. A subsurface exploration of the site including ten hollow stem auger borings and five cone penetrometer test (CPT) soundings. The approximate locations of the explorations are shown on the Exploration Plan. Logs of the explorations are presented in Appendix A. Laboratory testing of samples ,collected during the field explorations. The laboratory test results are summarized in Appendix B. Engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data to help develop recommendations for site preparation, remedial earthwork, foundation design, soil reactivity, and site drainage and moisture protection. Our analyses are summarized in Appendices C and D. ;GROUP;, Preparation of this report summarizing our findings, conclusions and geotechnical recommendations DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 7 1.2 Site DescriDtion The subject site consists of the proposed Tabata residential development in I the City of Carlsbad, California. The site is located immediately southeast of the intersection between El Camino Real and Camino Hills Drive, which form I the northern and western property boundaries, respectively. Existing single- family residential developments bound the southern and eastern edges of the I property. The approximate location of the site is shown on the Site Location Map, Figure 1A. The site vicinity is shown in more detail in Figure 1B. 1 The site slopes moderately down to the north. The elevation at the toe of the fill slope at the southeast corner of the parcel is roughly 120 feet above mean I sea level (MSL). The elevation along El Camino Real in the northeast portion of the parcel is about 82 feet MSL. The surface of the site has been repeatedly I graded over the years, and used for agricultural purposes. Most of the site is -now -covered with a light growth of weeds and grass. A landscaped 2:1 -(horizontal to vertical)- fill slope ascends as much as 40 feet up to the I residential lots along the southern and eastern edges of the site. A few trees and shrubs are also scattered across Parcel 2 (see Figures 2A and 2B). A northwesterly trending ridgeline once crossed through the southwest corner of the property. Remnants of the ridge may remain in the previously demolished residential area (Parcel 2 in Figure 2B). However, topographic indications of the ridgeline have been mostly obliterated by the previous grading activities on site. Various cuts and fills appear to have been conducted throughout Parcel 2. The slopes that now border the perimeter of Parcel 2 appear to be graded fill slopes, as indcted by Boring B-5. 1.3 Proposed Development Site development will include 26 two-story residential buildings supported by post-tension slab foundations. Other site improvements will include a new asphalt concrete paved residential street, Portland cement concrete sidewalks, GROUP and various associated subsurface utilities A bio-swale and detention basin is rI proposed along the northern edge of the site. A preliminary layout of the planned development is shown in Figures 2D and .2E. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 8 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION Ten hollow stem auger borings and five cone penetrometer test (CPT) soundings were advanced at the site between January and February 5th, 2014. The maximum depth of exploration was approximately 65 feet below surrounding grades. The approximate locations-of the explorations are shown in Figures 2A through 2E. Logs describing the geologic conditions encountered are presented in-Appendix A. Soil samples were collected from the borings for laboratory testing and analysis. The testing-program included gradation, hydrometer analysis and Atterberg Limits to aid in material classification using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Expansion Index tests were conducted on remolded samples to aid in post-tension slab design. Tests were conducted on relatively undisturbed ring samples to help estimate the in-situ dry density and moisture content of the various geologic materials we-encountered on-site. Direct shear tests were also conducted on the ring samples toaidJn strength- characterization -for the slope stability -analyses. Corrosivity tests were-conducted on bulk soil samples to evaluate the pH; resistivity, chloride and sulfate content of the on-site soils. Maximum density tests were conducted on the bulk samples to help estimate shrinkage of the compacted alluvial soil. R-Value tests were also conducted on the bulk samples to aid in preliminary pavement section design. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The site is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of California, which consists of subdued landforms underlain by marine sedimentary formations. As observed in our subsurface investigation, the entire site is underlain at depth by the Eocene-age Santiago Formation, which is covered with alluvial flood plain deposits associated with Agua Hedionda Creek. The approximate locations of the explorations conducted for this investigation are shown on Geotechnical Map, Figure 2B. The general geology in the site vicinity is shown on the Regional Geologic Map, Figure 3A. The regional topography is also GROUP shown in Figure 3B. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered in the explorations are presented in Appendix A. The soils encountered in our subsurface explorations are described in more detail below. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 9 3.1 Santiacio Formation Sedimentary materials associated with the Eocene-age -Santiago Formation I were encountered in all of our borings at depth. As observed on site, the Santiago Formation (Map symbol Tsa) most commonly consists of sandy lean I or Tat claystone (Unified Soil Classification CL or CH) with lesser amounts of £11tst0ne(ML); The formation varies widely in. color from olive or bluish gray to I light gray and orange brown. The claystone is typically high in plasticity (the average Liquid Limit of the samples we tested was 55, with an average Plasticity Index of 33). Laboratory tests also indicate that the formational I materials have a high expansion potential (an Expansion Index of 120 to 123), and are very corrosive with a severe soluble sulfate content. Our tests indicate that the Santiago Formation has an average in-situ dry I density of about 105 lb/ft, -with-an average moisture content of 21 percent. The corrected -standard penetration -test (SPT) blow counts (N60)- within the - formation generally ranged-=frorrr20-to'64 and averaged 46. This indicates U that the claystone is typically very stiff to hard in consistency. Pocket Penetrometer readings and CPT interpretations indicate that the formation I typically has an undrained strength well above 4,000 lb/ft2. Direct shear testing suggests that the formational materials also have a drained shear strength I exceeding 231 with 200 lb/ft' cohesion, as shown in Figure B-5.6. 3.2 Old Alluvium Quaternary-age alluvial sediments associated with the Aua Hedionda Creek I and Letterbox Canyon drainages were encountered in most of the explorations conducted at the site (map symbol Qoa). Up to 65 fet of alluvium was I both encountered in the northwest corner of the site, with lesser alluvial depths to the south and east. The Old Alluvium most commonly consists of sandy lean clay (CL) or clayey sand (SC). In several borings, the alluvium graded I into clean sand (SP or SW) near the contact with the underlying Santiago Formation. The upper 10 to 15 of the alluvium was typically stiff in GROUP consistency, whereas the deeper clays were very stiff to hard. Laboratory tests indicate that the alluvium is moderately expansive (an Expansion Index ranging I j from 66 to 91), and very corrosive with a severe soluble sulfate content. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 10 I The alluvium has an in-situ dry density ranging from about 105 to 125 Ib/ft3, with an average dry density of 105 lb/ft' and an average moisture content of 14 percent. The corrected standard penetration test (SPT) blow counts (N60) I within the alluvium ranged from 9 to 64 and averaged 31. In general, the SPT and CPT data indicate that the upper 10 to 15 feet of alluvium may be I moderately compressible under the new fill and foundation loads, whereas the deeper alluvial deposits appear to.be older-and better consolidated. An average shear wave velocity of 288 m/s was measured in the upper 47 feet of the soil profile in -CPT-3 (see Figure A-13c). This shear wave velocity (VsD) was then extrapolated to a depth of 30 meters(Vs30) using a common formula (Vs30_[1.45_(0.0I5*D)1*VsD), where D is the depth measured in meters. The average shear wave velocity for the upper 30 meters (Vs30) estimated in this manner was 356 m/s (corresponding to a 2013 CBC Site Class D). 13 Fill Shallow undocumented fill (2 to 7 feet deep) was encountered in all of the borings. The fill generally appears to be similar to the underlying alluvium from which it was likely derived. The fill typically consists of clayey sand (SC) with lesser amounts of sandy lean clay (CL). Approximately 15 feet of fill was also encountered at the old home site in Boring B-5. This fill included some gravel and demolition debris. The fill stockpile recently placed in the northwest corner of the site is generally composed of silty sand (SM). The existing fill is loose to medium dense, and considered potentially compressible.. . - 3.4 Groundwater . Groundwater was encountered in CPT- 1 and CPT-2 at depths ranging from about 34 to 36 feet below grade (or an elevation of about 49 feet MSL). This corresponds to an ultimate groundwater depth ranging from 50 to 65 feet below the planned building pad elevations shown in Figure 21). It should be :GROUP noted that groundwater levels may fluctuate over time throughout the site due I to changes in the water surface elevation and flow rate within Agua Hedionda Creek, as well as variations in rainfall, irrigation, or site drainage conditions QELTA T1:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 11 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The subject site is not located within an area previously known for significant geologic I hazards. Potential geologic hazards will generally be the result of moderate ground shaking on relatively distant active faults (the Rose Canyon fault zone is located about 11-1km west of the site). Each potential geologic hazard is discussed below-- 4. 1 Ground Rupture I Ground- rupture is The result of movement on an active fault reaching the I surface. Known faults within 100 km of the site are shown in the Regional Fault Map, Figure 4. The site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake I Fault Zone, and no evidence of active or potentially active faulting was found during our site investigation or literature review. Consequently, ground rupture not considered- a-significant geologic hazard at the site. I is: 4:2 Seismidty - - The site is located at latitude 33.1439° north and longitude 117.2865° west. I The United States Geologic Survey has developed an interactive website that provides Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) probabilistic seismic analyses based on the site location and average shear wave velocity (USGS, 2009). An I average shear wave velocity (Vs30) of 356 m/s was estimated from CPT-3, as discussed in Section 3.2. The peak ground accelerations (PGA) with a 2, 5 l and 10 percent probability of being exceeded in a 50 year period are estimated at 0.45, 0.33g and 0.26g, respectively. These levels of risk are often referred I to as the Maximum Considered, Upper Bound and Design Basis Earthquakes, respectively. By comparison, the design level PGA from the CBC Design Response Spectrum shown in Table 1 is 0.319. I 2013 4.3 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement Liquefaction is a process in which soil grains in a saturated deposit lose iGROUP1 contact due to earthquakes or other sources of ground shaking Liquefiable I . soils typically consi st of cohesionless sands and silts that are loose to medium dense, and saturated. To liquefy, these soils must be subjected to ground / shaking of sufficient magnitude and duration. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\ 13-0339. doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 12 The alluvial soils are primarily clays, which are not considered susceptible to liquefaction. In addition, groundwater was only encountered in soundings CPT- I and CPT-2, at depths of 34 to 36 feet below existing grades (more than 50 feet below proposed finish grades). The other borings and CPT soundings did not encounter groundwater. Therefore, if soil liquefaction were to occur during a large-earthquake, the occurrence would be iocateddeep below the ground surface and proposed improvements. Liquefactio-n-at such depths would not be expected to produce surface manifestations (SCEC, 1999). Although liquefaction is not considered a significant hazard to the proposed improvements, dynamic settlement may still occur in areas where medium dense granular alluvial soils are subjected to earthquake shaking of sufficient magnitude and duration. Dynamic settlement analyses were conducted for the site using a design level PGA of 0.31g associated with the 2013 CBC Design Response -Spectrum. The estimated' dynamic settlements at the-five CPT locations are :presented in detail-in the-figures-of Appendix C. The total dynamic settlement (including dry soil settlement above groundwater and liquefaction below) is estimated at less than 1 inch at the site. According to state guidelines, a differential settlement equal to one-half the anticipated total dynamic settlement may be conservatively assumed for structural design (SCEC, 1999). Therefore, we estimate that the dynamic differential settlement for the proposed structures will not exceed ½ inch in 40 feet. Dynamic differential settlements of this magnitude are not expected to result in significant damage to the proposed improvements. 4.4 Landslides and Lateral Speads Regional geologic maps suggest the presence of an ancient landslide within the subdivision southeast of the subject site, as shown in Figure 3A. This area was previously graded, and fill slopes up to 40-feet in height were constructed over the mapped location of the landslide. No documents describing the as- graded conditions for the adjacent subdivision were found in our literature GROUP review. However, in accordance with the standards of engineering practice, measures should have been taken during mass grading of that subdivision to remove the landslide debris and stabilize the existing fill slopes DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 13 No indications of slope failure were observed in our geologic reconnaissance. Roughly 10 feet of new fill is proposed for Lots I through 3 along the eastern edge of the site. This new fill will ultimately buttress the existing fill slope in that area, increasing the overall slope stability. However, temporary 1:1 cut slopes up to about 20-feet high will be needed to complete the remedial earthwork and construct the-proposed retaining- walls along the southern an eastern portions of the site.Gr-oup Delta should Observe--the geology exposed in the temporary 1:1 cuts to confirm the anticipated geotechriical conditions. The Revised-Grading Plan indicates that a 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) fill slope up to about 12-feet in height will separate the lower Lots 21 to 26 from the upper Lots 14 to 20 (see Figure 2D). Roughly- 6-foot high 2:1 fill slopes will also separate Lots 1, 2 and 3. Fill slope inclinations of 11/2: 1 are proposed for other minor slopes (less than 2 feet high) which will separate several lots. Stability analyses re-nductedusin - SLOPEJW With Spencer's-Met-hod- of Slices, basedonThe-geologic-conditions observed:inthe explorations. Lower bound shear strengths were estimated for each geologic unit (see Appendix B). Our stability analyses indicate that the proposed 2:1 fill slopes will possess an adequate factor of safety against deep-seated static failure (FS> 1.5), assuming that our remedial grading recommendations are implemented during construction. Our analyses also indicate that the 1:1 cut slopes will possess an adequate safety factor for a temporary condition (FS> 1.2). The results of our slope stability analyses are presented in Appendix D. Seismic slope stability was also analyzed using simplified methods. For the seismic analyses, estimates of Modal Magnitude (M), Distance (r) and Maximum Horizontal Acceleration (MHA) were developed. The Significant Duration of Shaking (D595) and Mean Period of Input Acceleration (Tm) were estimated in general accordance with the referenced guidelines (SCEC, 2002). IGROUP DELTA. SEISMIC PARAMETER ASSUMED VALUES Magnitude (M) 7.2 (Rose Canyon) Distance (r) 11 km (Rose Canyon) Acceleration (MHA) 0.31 g (Design Level PGA) Duration (D 95) 17 seconds Mean Period (Tm) 0.5 seconds Shear Wave Velocity (V5) 356 rn/s N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 14 The seismic stability analyses indicate that the proposed slopes will have yield accelerations (Ky) that exceed 0.24g. Given a peak ground acceleration of 0.31 g, the seismic slope deformation is estimated at less than 1 inch. Seismic deformation of this magnitude is generally deemed tolerable. 4.5 Tsunamis, Seiches and Flooding The site is located about 21/2 miles from the Pacific Ocean, as shown on the Site Location Map, Figure 1A. The proximity to the ocean suggests that the potential may exist for damage in the event of an earthquake induced tsunami. However, the existence of the offshore barrier islands, and the configuration of the continental shelf in San Diego County have historically provided relief from tsunamis. The five greatest tsunamis that occurred within the Pacific Ocean in the last 100 years did not significantly impact San Diego County. Studies-have indicated that a500yar-tsunami within the Pacific-Ocean may result in a water surface runup- of about 11 feet above tidal elevations-along the- coast of Carlsbad (U.S. Army, 1974). Assuming a high tide of 9 feet at the time of the tsunami, the inundation zone is estimated to include areas with an elevation of about 20 feet or less. Available topographic data indicates that the subject site is located more than 80 feet above mean sea level. Given the elevation of the site, the potential for damage due to tsunamis is considered remote. The California Geologic Survey's Tsunami Inundation Map for this area suggests that the water surface runup from a tsunami would not extend beyond the eastern end of the Agua Hedionda lagoon (see Figure 3D). The site is not located within a FEMA 100-year flood z6rie or a dam inundation zone, as shown in Figure 3C. The 100-year floodplain is shown in more detail on the Site Vicinity Plan, Figure 1 B. The site is not located below any lakes or confined bodies of water. Consequently, the potential for earthquake induced flooding due to seiches or dam failures is considered low. GRQUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 15 5.0 CONCLUSIONS - The proposed development appears-feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided I that the following recommendations are implemented. However, there are several geotechnical constraints which will impact site development. Many of the structures will be underlain by-relatively deepalluvium. We have recommended that the upper 10 or 15 feet of alluvium be excavated and compacted, which should remove the more compressible soil. With the addition of the planned fills, most of the lots will ultimately be underlain by 20 to 30 feet of compacted fill. However, up to about 20 feet of old alluvium may be left in place beneath Lots 21 to 26. We recommend that construction of settlement sensitive surface improvements be delayed for at least 4 weeks after rough grading of the site is completed, in order to allow for settlement of the remaining alluvium. Settlement monuments- should be -installed during grading in Lots 21 and 26 in order to confimithat'settlement is- completed- prior to construction, -The remedial grading-is-summarized in-Tbler2. Several of the proposed structures along the southern edge of the site would be directly underlain by highly expansive claystorie of the Santiago Formation. We do not recommend constructing the proposed improvements directly on the highly expansive clays. For Lots 4 through 11, we recommend that the cut portions of the building pads be over-excavated at least 4-feet below finish pad grade. The over-excavation should be backfilled with low expansion imported sand (El<20). Preliminary post-tension (PT) slab design parameters are provided for these (conditions in Section 6-4.3 (Category III) The remaining lots will be underlain by fill derived from the existing alluvium. Laboratory tests indicate that the alluvial soils at the site generally have a medium potential for expansion (an Expansion Index of 66 to 91). Preliminary PT slab design parameters are provided for moderately expansive (Category II) conditions in Section 6.4.2. As an alternative, the remaining lots may also be capped with 3-feet of low expansion sand (EI<20) to reduce the potential for GROUP heave and cracking to the proposed concrete sidewalks and driveways. Preliminary PT slab design parameters are also provided for Category I (low 1,) expansion) conditions in Section 6.4. 1 DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 I Lennar Homes Page 16 I . The existing fill soil throughout the site is considered to be compressible, and should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill prior to site development. I -. Existing fills include most of Parcel 2, as well as the new fill stockpile recently placed in the northwest corner of the site. Note that the new fill stockpile appears to primarily be composed of low expansion silty sand, and may be I suitable for use as a select low expansion fill on the surface ofrthelots. I . The temporary 1:1 cut slopes that will be needed to complete the remedial earthwork along the eastern and southern edges of the site should be observed by Group Delta to verify the anticipated geologic conditions. If adverse I geology is observed, additional remedial grading recommendations for a I stabilization fill or buttress may be provided during grading. . Laboratory tests indicate that the on-site soils present a severe potential for I sulfate attack. The sulfate hazard is typically mitigated by the -use Type-V cement for new on-grade concrete, with-a maximum water to-cement ratio -of - . - 0.45 and a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4,500 psi-. - Laboratory tests indicate that the on-site soils are also very corrosive to metals. Typical corrosion control measures should be incorporated into the design, such as providing adequate concrete cover or protective coatings for steel reinforcement, and providing sacrificial anodes as needed for buried metal pipes. A corrosion consultant may be contacted for specific recommendations. Shallow groundwater was not encountered diiring our site investigation. Groundwater was only encountered in soundings CPT-'1 "and CPT2 at an . .... - elevation of about 49 feet MSL This corresponds to a groundwater depth of about 50 to 65 feet below planned finish grades. Groundwater seepage is not anticipated within the proposed remedial excavations. However, wet soils may be generated by the proposed remedial excavations that may require extra effort to dry back to a moisture content suitable for compaction. The potential for active faults, seismic settlement or floods to impact the site is GROUP: remote Other geologic hazards that may impact development include strong I ground shaking from an earthquake on an active fault. This hazard may be 1) mitigated by structural design in accordance with the applicable building code. DELTA! N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 17 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The remainder of this report presents recommendations regarding earthwork construction and design of the proposed structures. If these recommendations do not cover a specific feature of the project, please contact our office for amendments. 6.1 Plan Review We recommend that the foundation and grading plans be reviewed by Group Delta Consultants prior to construction. We anticipate that substantial changes in the development may occur from the preliminary design concepts used for our investigation. Such changes may require additional evaluation, which could result in modifications to the recommendations provided herein. -6.2 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation-and grading should be observed by Group Delta. During grading, I Group Delta should provide observation and testing services continuously. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that I differ from those anticipated by this investigation, to adjust designs to the actual field conditions, and to determine that the grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. Our Group Delta Consultants recommendations are contingent upon performing such services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill and I backfill during grading and improvement operations to support our professional opinion as to compliance with the compaction recommendations. I U 6.3 Earthwork ... I Grading and earthwork should be conducted in general accordance with the applicable local grading ordinance and the requirements of the current I California Building Code. The following recommendations are provided regarding specific aspects of the proposed earthwork construction. These GROUP recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on the conditions observed by our personnel during grading N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Deveiopment\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 18 6.3.1 Site Preparation: General site preparation should begin with the removal of the deleterious materials from the site. Deleterious materials include existing structures, improvements, trees, vegetation, trash, contaminated soil and demolition debris. Existing subsurface utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed and the excavations backfilled and compacted as described in Section 6.3.4. Alternatively, -abandoned pipes may be grouted with a two-sack sand- cement slurry under the observation of Group Delta Consultants. 6.3.2 Compressible Soils: The undocumented fill, stockpiled fill and surficial deposits of alluvium throughout the site are considered poorly consolidated and compressible. By comparison, the deeper deposits of Old Alluvium and the Santiago Formation are hard, and are considered much less susceptible to settlement under the new fill loads. Compressible fill and the surficial.älluvial soils should be excavated and replaced as- compacted fill prior -to development. In general, -over- --excavation :depths are anticipated to vary from about 10 to 15 feet across the site, as summarized in Table 2. I In all areas of proposed fill placement or surface improvements such as pavements, sidewalks, exterior flatwork and buildings, the compressible I soils should be excavated under our geologic observation. The actual remedial excavation depths may vary depending upon the conditions observed by our geologist during grading. Once the compressible soils I have been excavated, the bottom of the excavation should be scarified, brought to slightly above optimum moisture content, and then I compacted as described in Section 6.3.4. The stockpiled soils may then be replaced as a uniformly compacted fill to the plan finish grades. 1 6.3.3 Building Areas: In addition to remedial grading to remove and compact compressible soils throughout the building and improvement I areas, many of the residential lots will be underlain by transitions between fill and formational materials. Remedial grading should be GROUP conducted so that the building foundations do not cross cut/fill I transitions, due to the potential for adverse differential movement :DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\113-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 19 The surficial soils throughout the site are moderate to highly expansive (see Figure B-2). The use of post-tension slab foundations will help mitigate the potential for damage to the •residential structures associated with moderate soil heave. However, we do not recommend constructing buildings directly on the highly expansive fat claystone of the Santiago Formation. Our site investigation indicates that Lots 4 through 11 as shown-on the Revised Grading Plan may be underlain directly by the highly expansive claystone, or a transition between claystone and fill (these are the Category Ill lots described in Section 6.4). The remaining lots will be underlain by relatively deep fill. For Lots 4 through 11 (Category Ill), the building pads should be over- excavated to a minimum depth of 4-feet below finish pad grade in order to mitigate the presence of both the cut/fill transitions and the highly expansive: fat claystone. The highly expansive clay generated by this excavation maybe buriedin the deeper fills in the blo-retention basin alonthe=riorthern edge of-the site, or removed from the property. The over-excavated areas should extend at least 5 feet horizontally beyond the heave sensitive improvements. The over-excavated areas should then be brought back to plan grades with a uniformly compacted low expansion (El <20) imported material, as discussed in Section 6.3.4. The alluvium is relatively deep throughout the remaining building pad areas (Lots I to 3, and 12 through 26). The removal and compaction of the compressible surficial soils as recommended in Section 6.3.2 is anticipated to result in a relatively uniform depth of moderately expansive soil beneath these 18 lots. Additional remedial grading is not necessary (these are Category II Lots). A summary of the anticipated remedial over-excavation depths for each lot is presented in Table 2. Although post-tension slab foundations may be used to mitigate the potential for damage to buildings associated with moderately expansive soil heave (Category II), the surrounding sidewalks and driveways may GROUP still heave and crack over time. In order to reduce the potential for such distress, these residential lots may be capped with three feet of low expansion imported soil (Category I lots), at Lennar 's discretion DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 20 6.3.4 Fill Compaction: All fill and backfill should be placed at slightly above optimum moisture content using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum recommended relative compaction is 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed by Group Delta so that an opinion can be rendered as to the-compaction achieved. Racks or concrete fragments greater than 6 inches in dimension should not be used in structural fill. Imported fill sources should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. Imported fill materials should consist of granular soil with less than 35 percent passing the No. 200 sieve based on ASTM C136 and an Expansion Index less than 20 based on ASTM D4829. Samples of the proposed import should be tested by Group {)elta in order -to ev-a1ua1e the suitability of these soils for their proposed -use.. During- grading -operations, soil types may be encountered by the contractor that do not appear to-conform to those discussed within this report. Group Delta should be notified in order to evaluate the suitability of these soils for their proposed use. 6.3.5 Subqrade Stabilization: All excavations should be firm and unyielding prior to placing fill. In areas of yielding or "pumping" subgrade, a layer of geogrid such as Tensar BX-1200 or Terragrid RX1200 maybe placed directly on the excavation bottom. The geogrid should then be covered with at least 12 inches of minus 3/4-inch aggregate base. Once the excavation is firm enough to attain t required compaction within the base, the remainder of the excavation may be backfilled using either compacted soil or aggregate base. 6.3.6 Surface Drainage: Foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well surface runoff drains from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structures. The ground surface should be graded so that water flows away from GROUP structures without ponding. Consideration should also be given to providing a continuous subdrain along the toe of the southern fill slope in order to intercept nuisance seepage from the back lots. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc 1 Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4_2014 Lennar Homes Page 21 I 6.3.7 Slope Stability: Various new cut and fill slopes will be constructed throughout the site. We recommend that permanent fill - slopes up-to 20-feet high be inclined no steeper-than 2:1 (horizontal to I vertical). Minor fill slopes up to 2-feet high may be inclined at 11/2:1. Our analyses indicate that the proposed slopes will have a Safety Factor I above 1.5 with respect to deep-seated failure (see Appendix D). All slopes may be susceptible to surficial slope instability and erosion given substantial wetting of the slope face. Surficial slope stability may be enhanced by providing proper site drainage. The site should be graded so that water from the surrounding areas is, not able to flow over the top of slopes. Diversion structures should be provided where necessary. Slopes should be planted with vegetation that will increase the surficial stability. Ice plant is generally not recommended. I Vegetation shoukt-include woody plants-,along with ground cover. Irrigation should -be limited to- -the -minimum- -needed- to support the - landscaping. -Plants-may be adapted for-growth in semi-arid climates I with little or no irrigation. A landscape architect should be consulted to develop a planting palate suitable for stabilization. Where fill is to be placed on surfaces inclined steeper than 5:1 (such as I up against existing slopes), these surfaces should be benched to provide a relatively level surface for fill placement. The benches should extend through the compressible materials to expose competent material, as evaluated by Group Delta. The bench width should generally be adequate to expose 3 to 5 feet of competent material in I the vertical wall of the bench. The exposed bench bottoms should be scarified and compacted prior to placing compacted fills. 1 6.3.8 Temporary Excavations: Temporary excavations will be needed at the site in order to accomplish the planned remedial excavations. All I excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA guidelines. Temporary -. excavations should be inclined no steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) for heights up to 20 feet. Deeper excavations, or any excavations that encounter seepage should be evaluated by Group I )) Delta Consultants on a case-by-case basis, or shored. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc I - , Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 22 6.3.9 Bulk/Shrink Characteristics: The in-situ density of the alluvium varies from about 105 to 125 lb/ft', as shown in Appendix A. The maximum density of the fill derived from the alluvium is estimated at 125 to 126 lb/ft3, as shown in Figure B-4. Assuming that the fills are• compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density as recommended, we estimate that the--alluvium will shrink up tO percent when excavated -and placed as fill(5 percent average). Shrinkage may vary considerably based on variations in the alluvium density. 6.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations The following recommendations are considered appropriate for post-tensioned I slab foundations that bear entirely on compacted fill placed in accordance with our recommendations. These foundation recommendations should be I considered preliminary, and subject to :revision based on the conditions - -encountered- during grading; The ultimate foundation design should - -incorporate, the -geot-ethnicl design parameters-providedin-thesas-gaded I geotechnical report. The following recommendations are considered generally consistent with methods typically used in southern California. Other alternatives may be available. They are only minimum criteria and should not be considered a structural design, or to preclude more restrictive criteria of governing agencies or the structural engineer. 6.4.1 Post-Tension Slab (Ctegor I): Category I foundation design conditions are applicable to lots with low expansion potential. For Category I conditions to apply, the compressible and moderately expansive surficial soils will first need to be excavated and replaced as compacted fill, as described in Section 6.3.2. In addition, the Category I lots will also need to be capped with at least three feet of low expansion imported soil (El<20), as discussed in Section 6.3.3. GROUP Category I conditions may apply to Lots 1 to 3, and 12 through 26. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\ 13-0339. doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 23 The following design parameters were developed in general accordance with the procedures described in the referenced guidelines (PTI, 2007). Post-tension slab design' may be conducted by the structural engineer using the following preliminary geotechnical parameters. Moisture Variation, em: Center 'Lift: R-0 feet -'Edge Lift: 5.0-feet Differential Swell, y: Center Lift: 0.5 inches Edge Lift: 0.7 inches Differential Settlement: 3/4 inch in 40 feet Allowable Bearing: 2,000 psf at slab subgrade 6.4.2 Post Tensioned Slabs (Category II): Category II lots will apply to areas underlain by rnotierate1jexpansive fill soil. Category II conditions are anticipated -for tots I to-3, and 12 through-26 (unless selective ' grading is chosen by the developer to cap these-lots-with 3-feet of-low expansion soil and produce Category I conditions). The following preliminary foundation design parameters were also developed in general accordance with the 2013 CBC and the procedures described in the referenced guidelines (PTI, 2007). Moisture Variation, em: - Center Lift: 9.0 feet ' -, Edge Lift: 4.6 feet * ..•j 'p Differential Swell, cehter Lift:' 1.2 inches - Edge Lift 18 inches Differential Settlement: inch in 40 feet Allowable Bearing: 2,000 psf at slab subgrade GROUP: DE•LTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 24 6.4.3 Post Tensioned Slabs (Category III): Lots 4 through 11 will be underlain by highly expansive claystone of the Santiago Formation (Category III). As described in Section 6.3.3, we recommend.that these lots be over-excavated at least 4-feet below finish grade, and capped with 4 or more feet of low expansion import (El<20). The following preliminary design-parameters would apply-to these conditions. These parameters were :al.so developed in general accordance with the procedures described in the referenced guidelines (PTI, 2007). Moisture Variation, em: tenter Lift: 90 feet Edge lift: 4.8 feet Differential Swell, y: Center Lift: 1.0 inches Edge lift: 1.5 inches DifrentialSettlernent 3/4 inch in:.40.feet - -Allowable-Bearing 2,00=psfatslb subgrade 6.4.4 Settlement: Provided that remedial grading is conducted within the building areas as recommended in Section 6.3, total and differential settlement of the proposed structures is not expected to exceed one inch and 3/4-inch in 40 feet, respectively. In addition, dynamic settlement of up to ½-inch in 40 feet may occur (see Section 4.3). 6.4.5 Lateral Resistance: Lateral loads against the structures may be, resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings and slabs and the soil, as well as passive pressure from the portion of vertical foundation, members embedded into compacted fill. A coefficient of friction of 0.25 and a passive pressure of 250 psf per foot of depth may be used. 6.4.6 Slope Setback: As a minimum, all foundations should be setback from any descending slope at least 10 feet. The setback should be measured horizontally from the outside bottom edge of the GROUP footing to the slope face. The horizontal setback can be reduced by #I deepening the foundation to achieve the recommended setback distance projected from the footing bottom to the face of the slope. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 25 It should be recognized that the outer few feet of all slopes are susceptible to gradual down-slope movements due to slope creep. This will affect hardscape such as concrete slabs.. We recommend that settlement sensitive structures not be constructed within 5 feet of the slope top without specific review by Group Delta Consultants. 6.4.7 Seismic Design: The proposed structures should be designed-in general accordance with the seismic provisions of the 2013 California Building Code (CBC) for Seismic Zone 4. An average shear wave velodty (Vsd) of 944 it/s was measured within the upper 47 feet of the soil profile in CPT-3, as described in Appendix A. This corresponds to an estimated value of 1,168 ft/s (356 m/s) for the upper 1.00 -feet (Vs30), as described previously. Therefore, it is our opinion that a 2013 CBC Site Class D is most applicable to the general site conditions. The USGS mapped spectral-ordinates S and SA equal IJ070 -and 0.413, respectively.. For-Slte€1ass D the acceleration and velocity coefficients Fa and F equal 1.072 and 1.586, respectively. The spectral design parameters SDS and SDI equal 0.765 and 0.437. The peak ground acceleration from the design spectrum may be taken as 40 percent of SDS or 0.31g. The recommended 2013 CBC Design Spectrum for Site Class D is shown in the attached Table 1. 6.5 On-Grade Slabs On-grade slabs should be designed by the project structural engineer. Building slabs should be at least 51/2 inches thick, and should be reinforced with at least No. 3 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. 6.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs: Concrete slabs constructed on grade ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete is permeable, the GROUP moisture will eventually penetrate the slab (I DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 26 I Excessive moisture may cause mildewed carpets, lifting or discoloration of floor tiles, or similar problems. To decrease the likelihood of I .. problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings, moisture I sensitive equipment, or other factors warrant. The most common moisture barriers in southern California consist of ' two inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. Two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems. It has been our experience that such systems will transmit I approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. The architect should review the estimated moisture transmission rates, since these values may be excessive for some applications, such as sheet vinyl, wood flooring, vinyl tiles, or carpeting with impermeable I backings that use water soluble adhesives. Sheet-vinyi -may -develop- discoloration or adhesive degradation due -to- excessive moisture. -- Wood flooring may swell and dome- if -exposedto. excessive moisture. - I The architect should specify an appropriate moisture barrier based on the allowable moisture transmission rate for the flooring. This may I require a "vapor barrier" rather than a "vapor retarder". I The American Concrete Institute provides detailed recommendations for moisture protection systems (ACI 302.1 R-04). AC! defines a "vapor retarder" as having a minimum thickness of 10-mil, and a water I transmission rate of less than 0:3 pérms when tested per ASTM E96. ACI defines a "vapor barrier" as having a water transmission rate of 1 0.01 perms or less (such as a 15 mil StegoWrap). The vapor membrane should be constructed in accordance with ASTM E1643 I and E1745 guidelines. All laps or seams should be overlapped at least 6 inches or per the manufacturer recommendations. Joints and penetrations should be sealed with pressure sensitive tape, or the I manufacturer's adhesive. The vapor membrane should be protected from puncture, and repaired per the manufacturer's recommendations I i i if damaged. The architect should review AC! 302.1 R-04 along with the moisture requirements of the proposed flooring system, and i )) I incorporate an appropriate level of moisture protection into the design. DELTA;, N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\ 13-0339. doc I I Geotechnical Investigation I Tabata Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD365 March 4, 2014 Page 27 The vapor membrane is often placed over 4 inches of granular material. The materials should be a clean, fine graded sandy soil with roughly 10 to 30 percent passingthe No. 100 sieve. The sand should not be contaminated with clay, silt, or organic material. The sand should be proof-rolled prior to placing the vapor membrane. Based on current AC! recommendations, concrete should be placed directly over the vapor membrane. The common practice of placing sand over the vapor membrane may increase moisture transmission through the slab, because it provides a reservoir for bleed water from the concrete to collect. The sand placed over the vapor membrane may also move prior to concrete placement, resulting in an irregular- slab thickness. When placing concrete directly on an impervious membrane, it should be noted that finishing delays may occur. Care should be taken to assure that a low water to- cement atio is-used and that the concrete is moist cured in accordance with -AC! guidelines. 6.5.2 Exterior Slabs: Exterior slabs and sidewalks should beat least 4 inches thick. Crack control joints should be placed on a maximum spacing of 10 foot centers, each way, for slabs, and -on 5 foot centers for sidewalks. The potential for differential movements across the control joints may be reduced by using steel reinforcement. Typical reinforcement for exterior slabs would consist of 6x6 W2.9/W2.9 welded wire fabric placed securely at mid-height of the slab. 6.5.3 Expansive Soils: The near surface soils observed during our field investigation primarily consisted of sandy lean or fat clay (CL and CH) and clayey sand (SC) with a medium to high expansion potential based on common criteria. The Expansion Index (El) test results are shown in Figure B-2. In general, the alluvium has a medium expansion potential, whereas the Santiago Formation is highly expansive. Due to the presence of expansive soils throughout the site, differential heave of exterior flatwork and sidewalks should be anticipated. One inch of CROU.P differential heave is not considered unusual, and more may occur rI where highly expansive soils are present DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 28 Post-tension slab foundations will be used to help reduce the potential for distress to new buildings founded over the moderately expansive clays, as discussed in Section 6.4., In order to reduce the potential for differential heave and cracking of other concrete improvements such as driveways and sidewalks, the upper two feet of on-site clayey fill may be replaced with a low expansion sand (El <20), as a minimum. 6.5.4 Reactive Soils: In order to assess the sulfate exposure of concrete in contact with the site soils, samples were tested for water soluble sulfate content (see Figure B-3). Based on these test results, some of the on-site soils appear to have a severe potential for sulfate attack based on commonly accepted criteria. It should be noted that the use of fertilizer or the presence of sulfate in the irrigation water may cause the sulfate content in the soil to increase over time. The sulfate hazard is typically mitigated by the use of Type V cement for new concrete structures, with a maximum water to cement ratio of 0.45 and a minimum 28-day compressive. strength of 4,500 psi. In order to assess the reactivity of the site soils with respect to buried metals, the pH, resistivity and soluble chloride contents of selected soil samples were also determined. These test results are also shown in Figure B-3. The tests suggest that the on-site soils are very corrosive to buried metals. Typical corrosion control measures should be incorporated in the project design. These measures include providing the minimum clearances between reinforcing steel and soil as recommended in the building code, and providing sacrificial anodes I . (where needed) for buried metal pipes or structures. A corrosion consultant may be contacted for more specific recommendations. 1 6.6 Earth-Retaining Structures I Backfllling retaining walls with expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be I GROUP backfilled with soil that has an Expansion Index of 20 or less. The on-site soils I do not meet this criterion IDELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 29 Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until walls have achieved adequate strength. Heavy compaction equipment, which could cause distress to the walls, should not be used. For general retaining wall design, an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 lbs/ft2, a coefficient of friction of 0.25, and a passive pressure of 250 psf per foot of depth is recommended. Cantilever retaining walls with level granular (imported) backfill may be designed using an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3. The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least ½ percent of the wall height. Walls that are restrained so that such movement is not permitted, or walls with 2:1 sloping backfill should be designed for an at-rest earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 55 lbs/ft3. These pressures do not include seepage forces or -surcharge loads. Surcharges within a 1:1 plane extending back and up from the-base of the-wall should be accounted forin the wall design. All-retaining -walls :Should contain adequate backdrains to relieve .hydrostatic pressures. Typical wall drain alternatives are presented in Figure 5. 6.7 Preliminary Pavement Design Alternatives are provided below for asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete pavements. In each case, we recommend that the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade be scarified immediately prior to constructing the pavement section,, brought to'about optimum moisture, and compacted to at least 95 percent of the mximurn dry&nsity as determined byASTM D1557. Aggregate base should also be compaded to 95 perent of the maximum dry density. Aggregate bse should conform to the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction' (SSPWC), Section 200-2. Asphalt concrete should conform to Section 400-4 of the SSPWC and should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction based on the Hveem unit weight. R-Value tests were conducted on bulk samples of the on-site soil collected .GROU.P during investigation, the site in general accordance with CTM 301. The test results are presented in Figures B-6.1 through B-6.4 of Appendix B The tests r indicated subgrade R-Values ranging from 14 to 19. DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\ 13-0339. doc Geotechnical investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 30 6.7.1 Asphalt Concrete: Asphalt concrete pavement design was conducted in general accordance with the Caltrans Design Method (Topic 608.4). Traffic Indices of 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0 were assumed for preliminary design purposes. The project civil engineer should review the assumed traffic levels to determine if and where they are appropriate. Based on the minimum R-Value of 14 determined by our laboratory tests, the following pavement sections are recommended. PAVEMENT TYPE TRAFFIC INDEX ASPHALT SECTION BASE SECTION Passenger Car Areas 5.0 3 Inches 8 Inches Truck Traffic Areas 6.0 4 Inches 10 Inches Heavy Traffic Areas 7.0 4 Inches 14 Inches -6.7--.2 Portland-Cement-Concrete: Concrete pavement design was conducted in general accordance with the simplified design procedure of the Portland Cement Association. This methodology is based on a 20-year design life. For design, it was assumed that aggregate interlock would be used for load transfer across control joints. The subgrade materials were assumed to provide "low" subgrade support based on the minimum R-Value of 14. Based on these assumptions, and using the same traffic indices presented previously, we recommend that the PCC pavement sections at the site consist of at leak 6 inches of concrete placed over 6 inches of compacted aggregate base. For heavy truck traffic areas, 7 inches of ccrete is Tecommended over 6 inches of aggregate base. Crack control joints should be constructed forall PCC pavements on a maximum spacing of 10 feet, each way. Concentrated truck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons and loading docks, should be reinforced with number 4 bars on 18-inch centers, each way.' oil COSLJLTANTS N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc I I I I I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 31 6.8 Pipelines It is our understanding that the development may include a variety of pipelines such as water, storm drain and sewer. Geotechnical aspects of pipeline design include lateral earth pressures for thrust blocks, modulus of soil reaction, and pipe bedding. Each of these parameters is discussed separately below. 6.8.1 Thrust Blocks: Lateral resistance for thrust blocks may be determined by a passive pressure value of 250 lbs/ft2 per foot of embedment, assuming a triangular distribution. This value may be used for thrust blocks embedded into fill soils as well as Old Alluvium. 6.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction: The modulus of soil reaction (E') is used to characterize the stiffness of soil backfill placed along the sides of -buriedflexible- pipelines. For the purpose of evaluating deflection duerto4he1oad associated with trendrbadcfiWover the pipe, -a value of- t-, 500-lbs/in2-is-recommended for the general- site conditions, assuming granular bedding material is placed around the pipe. 6.8.3 Pipe Bedding: Typical pipe bedding as specified in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction may be used. As a minimum, we recommend that pipes be supported on at least 4 inches of granular bedding material such as minus 3/4-inch crushed rock or disintegrated granite. Where pipeline or trench excavations exceed a 15 percent gradient, we do not recommend that open graded rcck'bè used for bedding or backfill because of the potential for pig and internal erosion For sloping utilities, we recommend that coarse sand or sand-cement slurry bie used for the bedding and pipe zone. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in this or similar localities No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and rIprofessional opinions included in this report DELTA I' I . . N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 32 The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the-work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside ourr-controt Therefore, this report is subject to -review and should not-be relied upon after a period of three years. I 8.0 REFERENCES N American Society for Testing and Materials (2006). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock (I); Volume I 04.09 Soil and Rock (II); Geosynthetics, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Compact Disk. I Anderson- JG. , Rockwell, T. K.., Agnew, D. C. (i989). Past and- Possible Future EarthgQakes of-Significance to the San Diego Region: Earthquake Spectra, i Vot:5, No 2. pp 299-335. APWA (2006). Standard Specifications [or Public Works Construction, Section 200- 2.2, Untreated Base Materials, Section 400-4, Asphalt Concrete: BNI, 761 p. Boore, D.M. and G.M. Atkinson (2008). Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the I Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV& 5% Damped PSA at Spectral Periods between 0.01s and 10.0s, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp. 99-138. I Bowles, J. E. (1996). Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th ed.: McGraw Hill 1175p. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology (1992). Fault I Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Act of 1972: California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. California Department of Transportation (2008). Caltrans ARS Online (V1.0.4), Based on the Average of (2) NGA Attenuation Relationships, Campbell & Bozorgnia I (2008) & Chiou & Youngs (2008) from http://dap3.dot.ca.qov/shake stable! I Campbell, K.W. and Y. Bozorgnia (2008). NGA Ground Motion Model for the I :GROUPt Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of PGA, [-'CIV and PGD and 5% Damped Linear Elastic Response Spectra for Periods Ranging from 0.01s and lOs, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp 139-172 DELTA :r N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\ 1 3-0339\1 3-0339. doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 33 Chiou, B. and R. Youngs (2008). An NGA Model for the Average Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Motion and Response Spectra, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp. 173-216. - Group Delta Consultants (2013a). Geotechnical Review, Tabata 10 Subdivision, Carlsbad, CA, Project IR596, August 30. -Group Delta Consultants (20-13b). Proposal for Geotechnical- Services, Tabata RèsidentialDevelopment, Carlsbad, CA, Proposal SD 13-108, September 6. International Conference-of Building Officials (2010). 2010 California Building code. Jennings, C. W. (1994). Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions: California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map Series, Map No. 6. Kennedy, M. P., and Tan, S. S. (2005). Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30'x60' -Quad argle; California: -California GeologicSurvey, S-c-alei: i000OO. Post-Tensioning Institute (2007). Standard Requ&e•ments for Analisqf Shallow Concrete Foundations on Expansive Soils and Addendum No. 1 to the 3' Edition of the Design of Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground, Phoenix Arizona, May, www.post-tensioninq.orq. Pradel, D. (1998). Procedure to Evaluate Earthquake Induced Settlements in Dry Soils, Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 364 to 368. Robertson, P.K. and Campanella, R.G. (1988). Design Manual for use of CPT and CPTu, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, 200 p. Robertson, P. K. and Wride, C. E. (1990. Soil Classification using the CPT, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1, February, pp. 151 to 158. Southern California Earthquake Center (1999). Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG SP 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California, University of Southern California, 60 p. Southern California Earthquake Center (2002). Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG SPI 17, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating FG_R Landslide Hazards in California, University of Southern California, 110 p I! United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (1974). Tsunami I)) Prediction for Pacific Coastal Communities, Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg. DELTA [*JiUi N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I Geotechnical Investigation GDC Project No. SD365 I Tabata Development March 4, 2014 Lennar Homes Page 34 I United Stated Geological Survey (2009). Earthquake Hazards Program, Based on Three P/GA Relationships, Boore & Atkinson (2008), Campbell & Bozorgnia (2008) & C'hiou & Youngs (2008) from http://egint.cr.usqs.cov/deaggint/2008. - Vinje & Middleton Engineering, Inc. (2006). Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed-26-Lot Subdivision, Camino Hills Drive, Carlsbad, CA (API'! 212--050a-32 & 33, Job No. 06-210-P, June 23. Vinje -& Middleton Engineering, Inc. (20111. Geotechnical Plan Review Update, Proposed 26-Lot (Tabata 10) Subdivision, Camino Hills Drive, Carlsbad, CA _(AP N- 212-050-32 &33,), Job No. fl-210-P, December 13. Wesnousky, S. G. (1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91,-no. B12, p. 12587-12631. Youd, T. L. et al. (2001). Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER!NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Sails, Journal of Geotechnical- and Geoenvironmental EnqtheeringVct 127, No- 4, ApriL Youngs, R.R. and Coopersmith, K.J. (1985). Implications of Fault Slip Rates and Earthquake Recurrence Models to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 939-964. 70 r :4 - WCO'Svtl'4'~Ts N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc TABLES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TABLE I 2013 CBC ACCELERATION RESPONSE SPECTRA GDC PROJECT NO. 5D365, Lennar Tabata Development Site Latitude: 33.1439 Site Longitude: -117.2865 - - Ss= Sl= Site Class= F,= F= TL= S 5= S= 5se= Sor= T0= T5= 1.070 g = short period (0.2 sec) mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1613.5(3) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator) 9 = 1.0 sec period mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1613.5(4) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator) = Site Class definition based on CBC 2010 Table 1613.5.2 = Site Coefficient applied to S to account for soil type (CBC 2010 Table 1613.5.3(1)) = Site Coefficient applied loS1 to account for sot type (CBC 2010 Table 1613.5.3(2)) sec = Long Period Transition Period (ASCE 7-05 Figure 22.16) = site class modified short period (0.2 sac) MCE spectral response acceleration = F x S (CBC 2010 Eqn. 16-36) = site class modified 1.0 sec period MCE spectral response acceleration = F x S1 (CEC 2010 Eqn. 1631) = site class modified short period (0.2 sac) Design spectral response acceleration = 2/3 x SMS (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16-38) = site class modified 1.0 sec period Design spectral response acceleration = 2/3x S (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16.39) sec = 0.2 S'.1Sss = Control Period (left end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) sec = S01/S05 = Control Period (right end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) 0.413 C 1.072 1.586 8.00 - 1.147 0.655 0.765 0.437 0.114 0.571 O o LU 0. 'a - T (seconds) Design MCE 1.4 ------_---__- - .... ... ..... .-...-.............. 1.2 -.--- .H-.- f 00 . -.........................1.- .2 ' '.._........j._..._.j._ - , ° 1 U t 0.6 --------- U ..-...... Cl) 0.4 0.4 ----------- .. ... -----F ---........l - 02 0.0 _3.6W__ 0.0 0.5 1.0 ....;... -..I ....i.4. . 4.0 ------I----[--- .. -- _ .. Sa (g) Sa (g) 0.000 0.306 0.459 0.114 0.765 1.147 0.571 0.765 1.147 .-, .. - .....-1•• .._ _. J L.......I........... -- I i L - H......L...i....4..44.....4......j........4. 0.600 0.728 1.092 0.700 0.624 0.936 .. . -Design MCE 0.800 0.546 0.819 0.900 0.485 0.728 1.000 0.437 0.655 10 f \_____i -I--.-................I.- 1.100 0.397 0.595 1200 0.364 0.546 1.300 0.336 0.504 1.400 0.312 0.468 .IL.,....,,X.._....L..,.._.L...... I . I 1.500 0.291 0.437 -_..._ 1.600 0.273 0.409 1.700 0.257 0.385 1.800 0.243 0.364 I ..--.--...--.---.--..-----.----.-..--.. --- 1.900 0.230 0.345 2.000 0.218 0.328 2.100 0208 0.312 2.200 0.198 0.298 ------.------------- ................I ...... -------- 2.300 0.190 0.285 2.400 0.182 0.273 2.500 0.175 0.262 2.600 0.168 0.252 ------------- - - ----- - --- -. L...j......I.. -I - 2.700 2.700 0.162 0.243 2.800 0.156 0.234 2900 0.151 0.226 3000 0.146 0218 3.100 0.141 0.211 0.205 0.198 ............. 3.200 0.136 3.300 0.132 3.400 0.128 0.193 3.500 0.125 0.187 1.5 2.0 Period (seconds) 0o182 2.5 3.0 3.5 OA21 3.700 0.118 0.177 3.800 0.115 0.172 3.900 0.112 0.168 4.000 0.109 0.164 4.000 0.109 0.164 N:\ProJects\SD\SD365 Lennar. Tabata Deveiopment13-0339\Calcs\2013 CBC Calculation.xis xpansion Sulfate lotential Exposure Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe High Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe Medium Severe 1edium Severe Iedium Severe viedium Severe 1edium Severe 1edium Severe For Category II lots, if 3 of non-expansive fill is used to cap the lots as discussed in Section 6.3.3, Category I conditions will apply (otherwise use Category II). Category Ill foundations will generally be founded on 4 feet of low expansion fill (El <20) overlying claystqr)e of t1e Santiago Formation (see Section 6.4.3). Represents the estimated depth of Old Alluvium that will remain below the compacted fill once the surficial soil is excavated and compacted. FIGURES EY VP kv ZT OP 91.4— WE jX sgw Ar - w0w~l 4 . I.,, f -4 -f - T., zt AIM'S ik~ ' Wki Va Igua Hedionda PN . - 7111i AN VN <11 wlu 13-033_ &- ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DOCUMENT NUN. RY Tabata Development FIGURE NUMBE _____ Lennar Homes -4 g -- - -01 r BOUNDARY EXPLANATION: FILL Approximate location of previously placed fill. Approximate location of Qoa old alluvial flood deposits (circled where buried). Approximate location of •• geologic contact (dotted where buried by fill). B-10 •4 Approximate location of exploratory boring. (DF- Depth to Formation) CPT-5 v Approximate location of exploratory cone penetration test. 0 40 80 120 LOT 30 / LOT 111 Reference: Hunsaker & Associates (2013). Grading Plans for Tabata 10 Stockpile (Uncompacted Fill), Drawing No. 472-7B, August 29. - -- '7 LOT 19 / EXISIING 75 /1 DRAINAGE DITCH Wc ,I9 LO PROPOSED LIMIT j 0F GRADING 0 LOT 16 1 EXPLANATION: Approximate location LOT 15 B-10 of exploratory boring LOT 14 1 CPT-5 q Approximate location of exploratory cone penetration test. 13 t%.. 0 40 80 120 - I 9 D? 62-111781 71Nq 21' P6 L11 Z 20 89.0 CPT-f VT PROPOSED 24' - I A RCPT0RU DRAIN -- I CPT-2 J A - 2.1 -_--- _CPT-3_ I D2 ____/___ ---r 74074f3 I - - IDEJENlION BASIN FOR .e. - - - r'- - - -TYPE B B i - PROOSED , 00 ff~ - lox I.Oz S 4(PBuc) !x!P°MAT(1w.) _---- riozB..3 B-i FG 95.83L OPEN SPA 0 EASEMENT 40 1 JF?CE1_v ----.--- - I07JFGI In 26 2 11,00 Mf LOT 15 105.1 MAP -f6407.0 110 ITCH 7-9 BEG SORSD C_ CPT-5'i O79 FG=I129 1 ii LOT 14 I -)-- DMNAGEEASEMEN - EaL jk- FG _- .i1IELIy B6 I_ ( B 'H ACE 2'/21k ) rFG1O&5 /- LOT 1.3 B-5 N G=l05j/ l - Ik I 671 NEW 1 4 MAIN e67. —19R 6714 RNGUMI I 1190 LOT 12 - 625 6Z 75 .20 B-1 . / I- -62.75 - 627 FG31O 5 0=112.1 - 4_4 BEGIN PROPOSED I FG=O98 FG=I119 / 8,935 r"' EL- 19ff VF0=124O RETAINING WLJ. I I 11 7 Sf 115 E19 4.0 pg sf _, / 4 9sf EL-114.O V r/EL_-176.O -124,0 MAIN PER 1STh1ASL 7.792f/ 8,192sf [ A F0=1l6.O FG=I16.O -'j B-9 5 EL=IllO / - a=iio / 7 0 FG=II4O,,7-.I [ SYSTEM PER 1I / I R7 I J I ,_FC=113rj- - LOT 30 61. E)aSI7KG a' PVC j LOT 8 PER CT 83-25 Reference: Hunsaker & Associates (2013). Grading Plans for Tabata 10, Drawing No. 472-7A, June 20. El. CAM/NO REAL RAY CPT-2 CPT-3 20' I =3C \/1 113.8 f TYA I 1 115.0 / 1 '-.o' J20. A' CPT I - - -8I0 RETENIION/DFJEN1ION BASIN SEE DETAIL SI-IEET 2 21 o 'A' STREET o I -H -- .-- Ch -00 /'_.- iO I 110.5 I 1120 ij i ,i't.0 (+3.5) (+3.5) (+3.0) I iC B-6 -------_i----------11 - 41) --- k I I ci1 C D ii 114.0 ~t7 / ( 108.0 -3. 8 'q09 / 108.5 109.1 (-2.5' / 1097 (-20) -. B- / J - B-J11- 7 8 I -- r _-I -- fri f1L A I 108.4 108.5 1O7.8 ('+3.4). (+2.8) 4!-5 --.- (1)B3 102.0 __7 -------- 108.0 EXPLANATION: B-I 0 4 Approximate location of exploratory boring. CPT-5 v Approximate location of exploratory cone penetration test. Approximate location I of slope stability cross sections in Appendix D. 0 40 80 120 (IT? flT TO GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJECT I ---B-2 "l 1UU/-'I i&Vc Cj5•26 98.4 (+1.4) F 99.0 (+2.0) 0 I - ---------CPT-4,----- 99.7 ('+0.7) 100.5 (+0.59 101.5 (-0.5') 102.0 if T C' 105.8 BVC I --------------------------- T c0Bj, 114.7 !T Reference: Hunsaker & Associates (2013). Consistency Determination Exhibit, Approved TM Overlay, Tabata 10, Sheet 1, September 24. EL CAM/NO REAL a_Pan pan Pk C4MINORE4LR/W nan..w-_rr .._..n r rr-n.... v rrrar. ,rpuu.uup,rn.uup.r._i,r,s,iii EL 00le CRT-T- 810 RETENIIONIDETEN77ON BASIN SEE DETAIL SHEET 2 A6 JL TW 107 Ir Q1 5 FS 102 ,To '.. F PLAN' I [_ IY PLAN 1 IIPLAN 3 1 PLAN 21 PLAN 3] , I ' I, H 103.0 /.0j7 T_ VC TT_ . 22 1 nv cPT-5i 10IiJi Il-i. II rP i U' rP1 FWI LT'1 flCD L 1 L PLAN ___ FS cii !' fi PLAN1 I2[[1 4J4ANl PLAN B-6 I 20-VC 3I 115.0p EXPLANATION: PLAN ! PLAN 2 B-10 Approximate location 5 of exploratory boring. 2.5% A! STREET 10 6 G42 0. CPT-5 Approximate location 705.0 - -- - - - -i -- . -- 4 of exploratory cone PLAN 2j PLAN 3 PLAN 2 PLAN • penetration test. t 10 9 c2 080 120 3D B-9 13-8 ii ,o B-7 — — I -- -r ... GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJETNUMBE _n._- R %..AJ - ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS S0365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD. SUITE 103 DOCUMENTNUMBER SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 (858) 536-1000 13-0339 PROJECT NAME Tabata Development FIGURE NUMBER Reference: Hunsaker & Associates (2013). Consistency Determination Exhibit, Preliminary Plotting, Tabata 10, Sheet 2, September 24. 1 DELTA PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT x/7 I I SITE Qa \ V QIS 1 '<a") \ \\\ \\2H \y 7 ) \\ ç \ \\ \ I \ \ \ Ot \ \ ; --__- EXPLANATION: EIJ Old alluvial flood plain deposits undivided (late to middle [ T Santiago Formation (middle Eocene)—Named by Woodring Landslide deposits undivided (Holocene and Pleistocene)—Fluvial sediments deposited on canyon floors, and Popenoe (1945) for Eocene deposits of northwestern Pleistocene—Highly fragmented to largely coherent Consists of moderately well consolidated, poorly sorted. Santa Ana Mountains There are three distinctive parts A landslide deposits. Unconsolidated to moderately well -_______________- pe buffeable, commonly slightly dissected gravel, sand, silt, and basal member that consists of buff and brownish-gray, consolidated. Most mapped landslides contain scarp area as GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PRO ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS JECT NUMBER clay-bearing alluvium. Where more than one number is massive. coarse-grained, poorly sorted arkosic sandstone and well as slide deposit. In some areas scarp is shown separately. 9246 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DOCUMENT - shown (e g.. Qoa2,6) those deposits are undivided (Fig. 3). conglomerate (sandstone generally predom inating). In some Many Pleistocene-age landslides were reactivated in part or SAN DIEGO, cA!126 (858) 5361000 C1NUM5ER areas the basal member is oerlain by gray and brownish-gray entirely during late Holocene. Most of the landslides in the A " PROJECT 55515 0339 Qa Alluvial flood plain deposits (late Holocene)—Active and (salt and pepper) central member that consists of olt, quadrangle have occurred within the Capistrano Formation, Tabata Development FIGURE NUMBER recently active alluvial deposits along canyon floors. Consists medium-grained, moderately well-sorted arkosic sandstone however, there are many within the Monterey and Santiago J ennar Homes -- of unconsolidated sandy, silty, or clay-bearing alluvium. . formations as well / Reference: Kennedy and Tan (2005). Geologic Map of the Oceanside 30'x 60' Quadrangle, California, Scale 1:100,000. NO SCALE DELTA REGIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP EI]iuJPW4lME ~ I I I II I I I I 1— INV III WOW - SITE ez V7 1 N pie 42 / - c ,i \ \ • . eclamt 27 tk .• %%'% . \ 3flb PR tA 1 \\ \ \ r It \'<\k 21 ç47 ( t\ It GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJECT NUMBEI 0 \ \ ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SD365 -• - 0 0 0, / \ N ___________ 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DOCUMENT NUMB SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 (858) 536-1000 -0339 PROJECT NAME 13 Tabata Development FIGURE NUMBER X1 y Lennar Homes 313 70 C0 It P NO SCALE DELTA REGIONAL TOPOGRAPH (sSJW I I I I I I I I I I I I I I el k •'I_••+e .. * : :; : :•t: I-I '\ \ \1 , 4 '_ ' , * . 14 * :4 /( / d 1' J T \ • - - '% - / "' flL)U 'GoIf Curs SITE dl - I \\ \\ / / \ Caii \ I 1 4 \ f I N 011 / - & VA Legotand IG P fl GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJECT NUMBER TT -- ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SD365 11 I I I EXPLANATION: I Approximate location of the recommended CEMA Tsunami Evacuation Area A I REFERENCE: California Emergency Management Agency (2013). County of San Diego, Encinitas Quadrangle, CEMA Tsunami Response Emergency Planning Zone. NO SCALE NO SCALE 3 (.. \ \\ •••, \ \\ N N — ne- — / 7 lorg N N \ N N N —<. \\ \\\ N \ \\ \\ \\ \\\ N N SITE 'N Seismic \\ Zone 33* N& \ N /I J(/?NN -\\~' I "\1 k / " \,-- \\\\ \\\\ \\\ /\ NN N Al .— \ l\ - I United Stale \ \\ N. \ N \\AQ \ \ N N 0 NOTATIONS \ \ \ \\.\ \ Holocene fault displacement (during past 10,000 years) without historic record. Geomorphic evidence for Holocene faulting includes sag ponds, scarps showing little erosion, or the following features in Holocene age deposits: offset - stream courses, linear scarps, shutter ridges, and triangular faceted spurs. \ Recency of faulting offshore is based on the interpreted age of the youngest , \. " strata displaced by faulting. .,.. .. " Late Quaternary fault displacement (during past 700,000 years). 'N ...-•::... . " \ 32*_L- "- •'.: \\ " Geomorphic evidence similar to that described for Holocene faults except I \I — ._....... features are less distinct. Faulting may be younger, but lack of younger overlying \ deposits precludes more accurate age classification. N.., Quaternary fault (age undifferentiated). Most faults of this category show i_ \\ ".' \ — — evidence of displacement sometime during the past 1.6 million years; possible exceptions are faults that displace rocks of undifferentiated Plio-Pleistocene age. Se Bulletin 901 Annnrliy fl for source data ..' ok, Late Cenozoic faults within the Sierra Nevada including, but not restricted to, the Foothills fault system. Faults show stratigraphic and/or geomorphic — evidence for displacement of late Miocene and Pliocene deposits. By analogy, late Cenozoic faults in this system that have been investigated in detail may have been active in Quaternary time (Data from PG&E, 1993.) Pre-Quaternary fault (older than 1.6 million years) or fault without recognized Quaternary displacement. Some faults are shown in this category because the source of mapping used was of reconnaissance nature, or was not done with the object of dating fault displacements. Faults in this category are not necessarily inactive. PANEL DRAIN ALTERNATIVE 111111 F219,11 0 II ALTERNATIVE DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUIRED DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUIRED 12" 12" GEOCOMPOSITE / PANEL DRAIN MI Hit COMPACTED BACKFILL 7-COMPACTED- ILIlNL#F1ftIf'I___I 84cek5lLL 0 MINIMUM MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK / 1 CU FT PER LINEAR FOOT OF ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC °o 7 WEEP-HOLE MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED (MIRAFI I40NL, SUPAC 4NP, OR / ALTERNATIVE ROCK ENVELOPED IN APPROVED SIMILAR) 7 FILTER FABRIC // A IKIC'LI rIAftA tIIJI I LJ.UVi ir' PVC 4-INCH DIAM. PVC Arr PERFORATED PIPE rr¼jr\i-u LJ PIPE NOTES Perforated pipe should outlet through a solid pipe to a free gravity outfall. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least I %. As an alternative to the perforated pipe and outlet, weep-holes may be constructed. Weep-holes should be at least 2 inches in diameter, spaced no greater than 8 feet, and be located just above grade at the bottom of wall. Filter fabric should consist of Mirafi 140N, Supac 5NP, Amoco 4599, or similar approved fabric. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. Geocomposite panel drain should consist of Miradrain 6000, J-DRain 400, Supac DS-I5, or approved similar product. WEEP-HOLE ALTERNATIVE APPENDIKA FIELD EXPLORATION APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration included a visual and geologic reconnaissance of the site, the drilling of 10 exploratory borings, and the advancement of 5 cone penetrometer test (CPT) soundings. The subsurface investigation was conducted by Group Delta Consultants personnel between January 30' and February 5t1,201-4. The maximum depth of exploration was about 65 feet. The approximate locations- of the- borings-and CPT soundings conducted at the site are shown on the Exploration Plan. Logs describing the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings and CPT soundings-areshown in Figures A-i through A-15, immediately-following the Boring Record Legends. The 10 exploratory borings were drilled by Pacific Drilling using a 6-inch diameter, continuous flight, hollow stem, truck mounted drill rig. Drive samples were collected from the borings using an automatic hammer-with anEner-gyTsarisferRatio fTR)-of roughly 87 percent. Disturbed samples were- collected:from the bornusin a-2-- inch outside diameter Standard Penetration test (SP-Ty sampler -Less dist-urbed samples were collected using a 3-inch outside diameter ring lined sampler (a modified California sampler). These samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. For each sample, the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 12 inches was recorded on the attached logs. The field blow counts (N) were normalized to approximate the standard 60 percent ETR as shown on the logs (N60). Bulk samples were collected from the borings at selected intervals for testing. The borings logs are presented in Figures A-i through A-10. The five cone penetrometer (CPT) soundings were advanced by Kehoe Testing and Engineering in general accordance with ASTM D5778. The CPT soundings were advanced using a 30-ton truck mounted rig with a 15 cm' cone. Integrated electronic circuitry was used to measure the tip resistance (Qc) and skin friction (Fs) at 2.5 cm (1 inch) intervals while the CPT was advanced into the soil with hydraulic down - pressure. A piezometer located behind the cone tip also measured transient pore GROUP pressure (u). The CPT data is presented in Figures A-i 1 through A-15. DELTA. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION (Continued) The first figure for each CPT sounding presents the raw CPT data (Figures A-11 a I through A-15a). The interpreted soil profile is shown in a color-coded log in Figures A-Il b through A-1 5b. The soil interpretations area function of the normalized cone I resistance and friction ratio (Robertson, 1988, 1990). The interpreted Soil Behavior Type Index (Ic), and the estimated undrained shear strength (Su) for eh soil- profile- are also shown in Figures A-11 c through A- 15c. I At the location of the third CPT sounding (CPT-3), shear wave velocity measurements were taken at 5 foot depth intervals using an air actuated hammer located inside the I front jack of the CPT rig. The interval shear wave velocities are shown in Figure A- 13c. The average shear wave velocity for the upper 46.7 feet (Vsd) at the location of I sounding CPT-3 was measured as 944 ft/s (288 m/s). Note that- theCPT-was unable to- advance through the dense materials below that depth. floweverr---a common - extrapolation method would estimate an average shear wave velocity in the-upper 100 I feet (Vs30) of 356 m/s based on the following formula (Boore, 2004): I Vs30 [1.45 - (0.015*d)] * VSd - [1.45- (0.015*46.7/3.28)] * 288 rn/s 356 rrils. The boring and CPT locations were determined by visually estimating, pacing and I taping distances from landmarks shown on the Exploration Plan. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of I measurement used and the scale of the map. The lines designating the interface between differing soil materials on the logs may be abrupt or gradational. Further, soil conditions at locations between the excavations may be substantially different from those at the specific locations we explored. It should be noted that the passage i of time may also result in changes in the soil conditions reported in the logs. — :aUp '( II DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Dev&opment\13-0339\13-0339.doc HOLE IDENTIFICATION Holes are identified using the following convention: H- YY- NNN Where: H: Hole Type Code - YY: 2-digit year NNN: 3-digit number (001-999) Hole Type Code and Description Hole Type Code Description A Auger boring (hollow.or solid stem, bucket) R Rotary drilled boring (cpnventional) RC Rotary core (self-cased wire-line, continubuly-sa mpled) RW . Rotary core (self-cased wire-lirrè not continuously sampled) P Rotary percussion boring (Air) HP Hand driven (1-inch soil tube) HA Hand auger D .Driven.(dynamic.corre perretrometer) CPT Cone Penetration Test Other (note err LOTB SOIL IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE Refer to Section - Identification 2 Components W CL I Group Name 2.5 ,2 3:2.2 • 2 Group Symbol 2.5:2 .3.2.2 Description Components 3 -Consistency of 25 3 3,2.3 • Cohesive Soil Apparent Density 4 :f Cohesionless 2.5.4 Soil 5 Color 2.5.5 6 Moisture. 2.5.6 Percent or Proportion of Soil 2 5 7 3.2. 4 . - Particle Size 2.5.8 2.5:8 • o 7 Particle Angularity 2.5.9 Particle Shape 2.510 0 8 Plasticity (for .fine- 2.11 3.2.5. grained soil) - Dry Strength (for 2 512 fine-grained soil) lio Dflatency.for fine- . -2 513 - grained soil) -. -Toughness(fbr 2514 -, fine-grained soil) 12 Structure 2.5.15 0 13 Cementation 2.5 16 Percent of Cobbles and 25.17 Boulders 14 Description. of Cobbles and 2.5.18 • Boulders 15 Consistency Field 25 3 Test Result 16 Additional 2519 Comments.. Describe the soil using descriptive terms in the order shown Minimum Required Sequence: USCS Group Name (Group Symbol); Consistency or Density; Color; Moisture; Percent or Proportion of Soil; Particle Size; Plasticity (optional). = optional for non-Caltrans projects Where applicable: GROU] Cementation; % cobbles & boulders; Description of cobbles & boulders; . Consistency field test result 2 REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010). Description Sequence Examples: SANDY lean CLAY (CL); very stiff; yellowish brown; moist; mostly fines; some SAND, from fine to medium; few gravels; medium plasticity; PP=2.75. Well-graded SAND with SILT and GRAVEL and COBBLES (SW-SM); dense; brown; moist; mostly SAND, from fine to coarse; some fine GRAVEL; few fines; weak cementation; 10% GRANITE COBBLES; 3 to 6 inches; hard; subrounded. Clayey SAND (SC); medium dense, light brown; wet; mostly fine sand,; little fines; low plasticity. Project No. SD365 Tabata .Development Lennar Homes BORING RECORD LEGEND #1 GROUP SYMBOLS AND NAMES Graphic: Sym5.e Srmgp Nm.s Graphic Symbol . Group 14.mo 77 // OW CL -----'4 - GP // NO CL-ML GVVIGC ," AI:t - 1-:4 GP.GM '5,' 4. -.--------- ---------------------'----'_-------. . 'ML <',3)4 I . - S 4 <1 0 GC GC-GM - 5154'.4',< '-4I3;4'i OL SP 345<- 4. 11<43..'? CH "44311 - , SW-SM -. // 4134, 3,3< Ix 41,45 ''34 45t /• SW-SC" MHs'-43,fl ..44'44 I ';It 1.4"' Alt, SP.SM (313445 348,4' 1' / spsc 41<4 1 IX ZLAI F<43t1, osi 44.44.5 04' 4?I.,.4" ''8, <155<4(4 SM DIRCAN17 ]_< 5351' - IS <40,4.3 <4 544,53 O44'.,,l.r .5 .4.53584 S5NO -_R4\s,441 / - ''53' "'45 <1134414'S 1<441 3,7 -, Sc 4<4' ~-ND 41, 1 , OH 458,4)4 11<E,A'.4' 3; 1 4''4,"f.?.'.4 '4'4%',5 '14441'IA',E? -4 1. - 5-(l .4,4 - SC-SM 1 . 4 44454,L,,74--414 , .4 JL, <1<44,',,31])S')Al4L<1-4,' '47 015555!) -.PT <4451 - 0135-444 3, SC, 54-I.,, ''4 , 3<5,414414",, 1" 44444 OLJOH ',41'4<S 344<1,413; 1- S4,43'4 41A11,A'4<1 'I], ,it, GRAVEL. 4 - 0055545 - - - 0 ISLE 151514,013155 -,,8, 35443 DRILLING METHOD SYMBOLS [J AugerDnflirtg Rotary DrillIng.. [] Diamond Core FIELD AND LABORATORY. TESTING C CL CO 444' 4 4,?v 4 1',' , CR. Calm-,,o,, "3;",11' 3 tke"Ifw,s K "41843 C 37,1-17, C1 422 CU LU!" 1] 414'!' 1<]? 1 ,5<41174',5,< .'TIlt OS CC P Peur"s5 4'y 1_TI! PA Pof1?s].s "44?' 444,4 ('4<5,4< it' 174221 P11<1<13 <8 4 ' II,'indlU STT P1. Pont 4 5,43 ]I']5.f PW R SC '4,11,111 43'. 1A]"li 1? 71,1,' 7, SC 414154<1<1? 4,441', /ASr'1I< I 3:3 SL 3' I (4574! ['4:7] SW tASTN1<4'S] tiC I <3 4.1,1: it' .,< I. 54']' /:8<11.1 0 610,) I <s,uo'1313'-]1 4,5<11<3 i"'u 34 ,44 <Asl!' 3? _79'P IJU ./,51311 LI UW 0,0 4<1,'664 4,574,' I S3'ndard,Penetrioi TeSt Standard Californla'Sampler ModifIed California' Sampler (2,4" SD, 3" OD) {[J Shelby Tube Piston Sarnp!er wx RockCore fi Hd'Rpck,Càre Bulk Sample: Other (ae1remrks) I WATER LEVEL SYMBOLS -. First Water Level Reading (dUthgriUlng) Static WaterLèClRadIng (after drilling, date) REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010). Term Definition Symbol Material a'!angein material is observed in the Change sam pie or core and the location of change can be accurately located. Estimated change in material cannot be accurately Material located either because the change is - - - - Change gradational or because of limitations of. the drilling and.sampling methods. Soil / Rock Material changes from soil characteristics Boundary to rock characteristics. f CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Description Shear Strength (tsf) Pocket Penetrometer. PP Torvane, TV, Vane Shear, VS. Measurement (tsf) Measurement (tsf) Measurement (1sf) Very Soft . ..Less than 0,12 Less. than 025 Lessthan 0.12 Less than 0.12 Soft:• :012-0.25 0.25 .05 0.12-0.25 .012-0:25 Medium Stiff 0.25-05 05-1 0.250.5 025-0.5 Stiff 05 - 1 1 2 0.5 1 Very Stiff . 1-2 2-4 - 1-2 1-2 Hard Greater than 2 Grèaterihac4 Greater than Greater thin 2I APPANTDNS1T-Y OF COHESIQNLE.SS, SOILS:. Description SIPTN(blows /12 inches) .VeryLoose - 0- 5 Loose Mediüiti Dns i •3Q Dense- X- Very Dense Greater than 50 PERCENT OR PROPORTION OF SOILS Description. Criteria Trace Particles are present.butCstirnated tobe less than 5% FeW Little - 15 -250/* SOme .30-45 Mostly - 50 - 00% - Weak Crumbles or breaks with handling or little finger pressure. Moderate Cr jmbles. or breaks with considerable finger pressure. Strong Will not crumbleorbreak .with.flnger pressure. REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010), with the exception of consistency of cohesive soils vs. N60. CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Description SPT N60 (blows/12 inches) \/y5ft 0 2 Soft 2-4 Medium Stiff 4-8 Stiff 8-15 Very Stiff 15 -30 Hard Greater than 30 Ref Perk, Hansen; and Thornburn, 1074, "Foundation Engineering,' Second Edition. Note: Only to be.used Iwitti caution) when.pocket penetrometer or other data on undrained shear strength are unavailable. Not allowed by CalUans Soil and Rock Logging and Oassllication Manual, 2010. Description Criteria Dry, .NO:.discemable moisture Moist. Moisture present:. but no tree water Wet Visible, free water PARTICLE SIZE: Description: Size (in) Boulder Greater than 12 cobble 312 Gravel - Coarse Fine 1/5-3/4 5-and, - Coarse 1'S Medium.. - fl64 -1/4.6. Fine 1/300. 1/64 Silt and Clay Less than 11300 - Plasticity Description Criteria Nonpiastic A 1,8-in thread cannot be rolled at. any water content. Low The thread can barely be rO.11ed.:and .:the"IUmp'cnflot formed when drièr.than the plastic limit. Medium The.Thread is easy to roll and.-not much time is. required to reach the plastic limit. The thread cannot'be rerolled after reaching the plastic limit. 'The 'lump crumbles when drier than the plastic limit.. High It takes'.-considerable:time rolling and kneading to reach the plastic limit.. The-th read 'can be rerolled ,several times after reaching the plasti'c..limit. The lump can :be .forrned'ithout crumblirig,:when '-drier than the plastic limit. 0 C,) z 0 0 C) 0 0 BORING RECORD ILennarHomes PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD365 B-I SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/5/2014 2/5/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL I MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 41.5 94 Y N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD - NOTES - Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR - 87%, N - 87/60 * N - 1.45 * N 2 z - i- DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION -co-:: Silty sand (SM), dense, orangish brown, moist, -X'XX - - . -. . -: fine to coarse grained sand, nonplastic. = - B-t -- PA OLD ALLUVIUM: Sandy lean clay (CL), very stiff to - 12 )<0 - S-2 18 26 CP hard, dark brown, moist, fine to medium grained sand, - 9 El // low plasticity. - 'xx R —90 - 7,,./ (0% Gravel: 48% Sand: 52% Fines) —5 - - LL-37, PL-14, P1-23 - R-3 12 46 44 12.6 - 121 - UW - Hard, orangish brown, fine grained sand, low plasticity. 26 -:-85 - 10 / 6 Very stiff, increase in fine grained sand, low plasticity. >( 8 18 26 10 —80 —15 15— - 13 / Hard, increase in fines towards bottom of sample. - R-5 19 40 39 9.4 114 UW 21 20— - X S-6 6 16 23 / Lean clay (CL), reddish brown -and brown, very stiff, - 10 moist, medium plasticity. • - . // PP-31/2 F70 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. G AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 I SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER ii LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE ATTHIS LOCATION 9 WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-i a San Diego CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. El BORING RECORD ILennarHomes PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD365 B-I SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/5/2014 1 2/5/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTH/ELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 41.5 94 N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES - Hammer: 140 lbs.. Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR 87%, N60 — 87/60 * N 1.45 * N - Z d z Uj - . 0 - -i 0 ?- • Z W - Z(D - u - — z. W to W.i- w - 9 -S2 -° DESCRIPTIONANDTCLASSIFICATION a_ w w. —J < Zijj 0 - - - >- 0i- - 0- w O - W < U) Cl) LU 1= co coEL - -. 14 66 64 121 123 (Jw — 27 OLD ALLUVIUM Clayey sand (SC) reddish brown to - 30 M brown, very dense, moist, medium to fine grained sand, 36 low plasticity. - 165 -30 — 30- - ------------------------- ) S-8 16 16 30 44 . . Well-graded sand with gravel (SW), dense, orangish - — brown, moist, coarse to fine grained sand (mostly - 14 - . . . • meitimgrainedsand), nonplastic, 10% gravel up to 1-inch in-maximum-dimension. -60 —35 - — 35- 14 R-9 16 18 57 55 18.7 109 UW 77 —39 M - - SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone (CL), light blueish gray, moist, low plasticity, strongly indurated. .155 -40 — 40- x S-b 18 91 132 - - Total Depth: 411/2 feet No groundwater encountered • -50 - -45 - 45- -45 - GROUP, GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. E OF DRILLING. FIGURE I• 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION 9 NTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-i b - San Diego CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL amaze= ' CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BORING RECORD I LennarHomes PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER SD365 BORING B-2 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/5/2014 2/5/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAE DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 21.5 91 Y N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 Ibs, Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR - 87%, N60 87/60 * N --1.45 * N D - cr - .E. UJ :< 0- co .u:LL LLJ s -W- w - 12 - S CL - - - - 0I LU - - DESCRWTIONANDCLASSIF1CATION -90 - - - - - FILL: Clayey sand (SC), medium dense, light brown, - B-i - - PA PI . -• -: : dry to moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. 1 OLD ALLUVIUM: Clayey sand (SC), medium dense, cP R - V " R-2 19 18 12.6 115 w M . dark brown, moist, coarse to fine grained sand, low plasticity. -5 - 5 (3% Gravel: 52% Sand: 45% Fines) - 10 - —85 S-3 13 19 LL-36, PL-16, P1-20 Orangish brown fine grained sand low plasticity. >( -10 - 80 - - R-4 43 42 9.6 111 Uw 10- :::•. -------------------------- Poorly-graded sand (SP), dense, orangish brown, fine to .... - 27 M : :: medium grained sand, nonplastic. -15 _ - 11 18 44 64 15- / SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone(CL), light gray, - 26 . . moist, low plasticity, strongly indurated, hard. PP>41ATSF -20 170 F R-6 31 53 51 20 - Total feet No groundwater encountered GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 r LOCATIONSAND MAY CHANGEATTHIS LOCATION San Diego, CA 92126 WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. A-2 BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Homes SD365 B-3 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger I TSL I MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 21.5 92 T N/A /na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR - 87%, N60 - 87/60* N 1.45 * N - 2 - z 0,5 LL1 DESCRIP-TFONANDCLASSIFICATION Q w < -, a o -• > = o'- LU - - EihL. Clayey sand (SC) medium dense light brown - B-i - .. dry to moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. - - 7/ OLD ALLUVIUM: Sandy lean clay (CL), stiff to very 90 - CR- El R-2 24 23 18.0 106 DS stiff, mottled light gray, blueish gray, purple, moist, - 10 - medium plasticity. PP-41/2TSF (2% Gravel:-36% Sand: 62% Fines) —5 - 5 - LL-48, PL-18, P1-30 S-3 6 - 9 - -------------------------- - -/ N- - - -- = - 7/ Lean clay (CL),-stiff,-dark brown, moist, fine to medium - - -85 /1 -grained sand, low-plasticity. - - - - : / PP-1-1/2 TSF —10 - O— Clayey sand (SC), dense, orangish brown, moist, fine to medium grained sand, low plasticity. J SH.4 -80 —15 15— - - SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone (CL), orangish - R-5 12 28 27 23.4 102 DS 16 /7' brown and light gray, moist, low plasticity, moderately - 75 "7 / weathered, very stiff. - PP-3%TSF -20 20- X S-6 22 32 ftstone light gray, most, low plasticity, hard. 15 -70 • - Total Depth: 21Y2feet No groundwater encountered GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. T OF HE FIGURE 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 I SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION 9 WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-3 I)rLTA San Dieno CA 92126 _ ' PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. I BORING RECORD ROJECT NAME FPennar I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Homes SD365 B-4 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 21412014 1 2/4/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL I MAE DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft] CME75 6 21.5 102 1 N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 Ibs, Drop: 30 in.- (Automatic) ETR - 87%, N 0 - 87/60 * N - 1.45 z CL g -- - - -DESCRIPTION-AND - w 9 9 ö > 0 -a. < U) - -- - E!L!. Clayey sand (SC) medium dense brown dry to - B1 PA moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. . - - -i:'-: - 100 El (1% Gravel: 60% Sand: 39% Fines) - S-2 10 15 22 /.. LL-28, PL-114,.131-14 — R-3 16 44 43 8.7 - 121 UW .: /' OLD ALLUVIUM: Clayey sand (SC), medium dense to — 25 19 -- = - - M .//: .7- •.. dense, brown, moist, fine to coarse grainedsand, low plasticity. 10 10 0 -/. Medium dense, orangish brown, fine to coarse grained — X S-4 17 25 7/ sand (mostly medium grained), trace gravel up to 1-inch 190 — in maximum dimension. 15 - — --.-, 1 5 - Clayey sand with gravel (SC), very dense, increased moisture, increase in coarse grained sand, gravel up to — R-5 17 I 66 64 10.0 —85 122 uw • . ç '. -• ' -,.( 2%-inches in maximum dimension. - . :- -20 - — — S-6 6 26 38 20- / SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone (CL), light gray, —80 — 16 orange stains, moist, low plasticity, indurated. — ; Total Depth: 211/2 feet No groundwater encountered GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THIS SUMMARY APPLIES THE T IME OFDRILLING. FIGURE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER -I ii 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE ATTHIS LOCATION 1/ WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-4 San Diego CA 92126 PRESENTED IS SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. C C 2 Ix C C C C C BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Homes SD365 B-5 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL I MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 36.5 117 I N/A /na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR - 87%, NRfl - 87/60 * N -1.45 * N cci DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION • LU F - .LU a. XXX ELLJ,: Clayey sand (SC), medium dense, orangish - B-i PA /-/ brown, moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity, PI fewgravelupto 1inch in maximum dimension. —115 R S-2 14 20 (5% Gravel: 59% Sand: 36% Fines) — 7 .,// LL-32, PL-14, P1-18 -5 I 5_a ______ N ,/' • — R-3 10 39 38 18.0 110 uw Sandy lean clay (CL), very stiff to hard, light orangish — M .- brown, dry-moist, fine grained sand, low plasticity. 25 • —110 - : / -?P-4:TSF — 10- S-4 15 22 (0% Gravel: 38% Sand: 62% Fines) 8 / LL-36, PL-15, P1-21 —105 B-5 PA 1 PI —15 ./- OLD ALLUVIUM: Clayey sand (SC), dense, reddish — R-6 43 42 16.2 114 uw 17 M /./ brown, moist, fine to medium grained sand, low 26 plasticity. t — 100 — 20- )< /' — S-7 8 24 35 Sandy clay (CL), hard, dark orangish brown and grayish 9 brown, fine grained sand, moist, low plasticity. 15 . / PP-41/2TSF ROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE flMEOFDRIWNG. FIGURE 9245 Acti ii vity Road, Suite 103 I Activity . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION 9 WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-5 a San Diego, CA 92126 _____ OF THE ACTUAL JSEDSISAcSMPUFICATION , CO H BORING RECORD ~Lennar PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER I BORING Homes SD365 B-5 SITE LOCATION I START I FINISH I SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA I 2/4/2014 I 2/4/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY I DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAE DRILLING EQUIPMENT I BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft) I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft) CME75 6 36.5 117 1 N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR _87%,N60 87/60*N 1.45* N z LU- 000— z LLI .a I 0 LU z w -J zo - LL : ZF . z WI- 10) I I— >. -J - wo DESCRIPTONAND.CLASSIFICATION O LU LU O LU < 0) 0 • - R-8 2 54 52 17.4 114 UW SANTIAGO FORMATION: Lean claystone (CL), light 34 M gray with orange staining, moist, low plasticity, strongly - indurated,-ha-rd. • —90 - PP>4%TSF —30 - 30_/ x Siltstone (ML), light gray with orange staining, moist, low S-9 30 44 - - plasticity, strongly—indurated,—hard. 18 • —85 - —35 - 35- - - I R-10 . 36 35 26.1 97 UW — 22 M - - —80 - Total Depth: 361/2 feet - No groundwater encountered —40 - 40— 75 -- - _.45 - 45- -70 GROUR GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-5 b DELTA. San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. 0 0 0 z 0 0 0 0 0 0 BORING RECORD Homes ILennar PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER I I BORING SD365 B-6 SITE LOCATION I START I FINISH I SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 2/4/2014 2/4/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY I DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT I BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft) I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 21.5 109 X N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer 140 lbs Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR 87%, N_87/60*N 1.45* N - - a) z 0 >- o z ZW' Qo- -Z z LU a) 0 I <a) W - w -J ZF -. U) zw '- I- DESCRIPTION AND-CLASSIFICATION CL W L11 -J - < W0 zw _J o -J o >- i- o Ui 0 w CL < U) FILL: Clayey sand (SC), loose to medium dense, .IB PA moderately brown, dry to moist, fine to coarse. grained P1 El sand, low plasticity. I OLD ALLUVIUM: Sandy lean clay (CL), very stiff, light • — R-2 17 16 156 108 R UW M gray, dry to moist, low plasticity. PP-4% TSF • —105 (0% Gravel: 47% Sand: 53% Fines) -5 — LL-44, PL-18, P1-26 — S-3 11 16 - 6 - Lean clay (CL),-stiff,da brown, moist fine-to medium grained sandlow-past-icity PP-4%TSF • —100 —10 — 10— — Trace coarse to fine sand, low plasticity. R 31 30 14.4 118 — 18 M - - SANTIAGO FORMATION: Lean claystone (CL), light • —95 blueish gray, moist, low plasticity, moderately ~X' weathered, very stiff to hard. —15 — 15— PP-2% to 4% TSF — >(S5 14 20 - 8 _ _ -90 - -20 — 20— — 11 Orange and light gray, dry to moist, strongly indurated, I R-6 20 53 51 13.5 120 UW hard. — 33 - M - — Total Depth: 211/2 feet - No groundwater encountered —85 - GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-6 DELTA• San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL COMMEUM CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BORING RECORD ~LennarHomes NAME IPROJECT PROJECT NUMBER I BORING SD365 B-7 SITE LOCATION I START I FINISH I SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 2/4/2014 I 2/4/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY I DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT I BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft) I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft] CME75 6 31.5 108 IX N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES H-lammer 140 lbs ,Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR —87%,NRfl-87/60 * N - 1.45 * N z 0 w >- z Oc.— PZo z I W w 0 . - - - - W -J W -J Q_ 0S LL D I- U) w o co I U) I - DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICABON- -Q w .- w -i -Lii- < D LU < co S 0 >- 0)— - w (0- .EllJi Clayey sand (SC), loose to medium dense, I - - PA brown, moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. P1 - CR OLD ALLUVIUM: Sandy lean clay (CL), stiff to very —105 S-2 10 15 El stiff,-brown, moist, fine to coarse grained, low plasticity. 5 (0% Gravel: 42% Sand: 58% Fines) —5— 5— LL-46, PL-16, P1-30 — R-3 16 15 10.3 110 UW Orangish brown, few cobbles. - M — —too -- -10 — 10— • — >( S4 13 19 Lean clay (CL), very stiff, dark brown, moist, low 8 plasticity. PP-1%to3TSF • —95 —15 — 15— Lean clay with sand (CL), hard, orangish brown, moist, - R-5 32 31 18.7 111 uw trace fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. — — 20 M - SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone (CL), light gray —90 and orangish brown, moist, low plasticity, weakly to moderately indurated, very stiff. —20 — 20— — S-6 14 20 9 —85 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OFDRlLLINc3. FIGURE 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 r7l SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-7 a DELT-,kl San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Homes SD365 B-7 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/4/2014 1 2/4/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger I TSL I MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTH(ELEV. GROUND WATER (ft CME75 6 31.5 10 X N/A /na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) . ETR - 87%, N 0 - 87/60 * N 1.45 * N - - z w o ZLUI go— z - 2 - z —zcb . DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION - w -< - z3 uJ - S ca >- °'LU CL — -CO a. 12 38 37 261 98 ijw SANTIAGO FORMATION: Claystone (CL), light gray - - 18 M /7/ and orangish brown, moist, low plasticity, moderately 20 indurated, hard. - PP-4TSF —80 —30 30 Strongly indurated. 1 x S-B 13 22- - 35 51 - - 75 - Total Depth: 31% feet No groundwater-encountered —35 - 35- -70 —40 - 40- -65 —45 - 45- -60 - GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT TONLY HE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE I- ii 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-7 b San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. I I BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME Lennar Homes I PROJECT NUMBER SD365 BORING B-8 SITE LOCATION Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA START 2/4/2014 FINISH 2/4/2014 SHEET NO. 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY Pacific Drilling DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger LOGGED BY I TSL CHECKED BY MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT CME75 BORING DIA. (in) 6 TOTAL DEPTH (ft) 21.5 GROUND ELEV (ft) 116 DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft] Y N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs.. Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) NOTES ETR - 87%, NR- 87/60 * N - 1.45 * N - 2 F = -- -z DESCRIPTION-AND CLASSIFICATION - = -10 • -15 -20 —115 - - 1110 - 1 - 105 - 100 g - B-1 - S-2 S-.4 R-5 S-6 R314 7 7 11 22 18 39 16 32 16 40 65 23 31 23 39 94 23.5 - 23.8 98 102 PA PI El DS UW . - . - - 10- 15— - FILL: Sandy lean clay (CL), stiff, brown, moist, low )< , I SANTIAGO FORMATION: Sandy fat claystone (CH), gray and orangish brown, moist, few fine grained sand, high plasticity, weathered. PP-21/2 TSF (0% Gravel: 32% Sand: 68% Fines) PL-20, P35 °'- ---------------- Interbedded with clayey sandstone-(SC), dark orange - brown, moist-,very-fine grained, low plasticity. Blueish gray and orange lean claystone (CL), medium plasticity, slightly indurated, very stiff to hard. PP-2Y2 TSF ..-.• Blueish gray, strongly indurated, hard. PP>41/z TSF . - — X — 20- >< Total Depth: 211/2 feet No groundwater encountered GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. -I 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 F, San Diego CA 92126 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. FIGURE A-8 I BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Homes SD365 B-9 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 214/2014 2/4/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger I TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft] CME75 6 21.5 120 Y N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 ibs, Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR 870/o, NRfl - 87/60 * N - 1.45 * N - LU 2 W = CL WOO z -' W CL 0 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ZW 0 0- W - - a. FILL: Sandy lean clay (CL), stiff, brown, moist, low - B-i - ,/',/' plasticity. (0% Gravel: 45% Sand: 55% Fines) - El - LL-45, PL-18, P1-27 - R-2 10 10 22 21 14.1 110 .UW - 12 - ------------------------- Clayey sand (SC), medium dense, brown and reddish - - brown, coarse to fine grained sand, mostly medium grained, low plasticity. S3 12 17 - SANTIAGO FORMATION: Sandy fat claystone (CH), - • - - - --B-4 PA - light-gray, moist, high plasticity, slightly weathered P1 (0% Gravel: 32% Sand: 68% Fines) -10 —110 10- LL-51, PL-20, P1-31 R-5 11 42 41 14.0 113 DS PP>4%TSF 23 - 15 -105 15 - Sandy lean claystone (CL), brown, moist, trace medium to fine grained sand, low plasticity, very stiff. -5 x S-6 11 16 PP-2to3TSF 6 —20 —100 20— - R-7 28 27 15 . . - Total Depth: 211/2 feet No groundwater encountered GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. ONLY AT THE LOCATION TOF THIS BORING AND AT HIS SUMMARY APPLIES THE TIME OF DRILLING. FIGURE ii 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 I SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-9 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BORING RECORD PROJECT NAME PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Homes SD365 B-10 SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Tabata Development, Carlsbad, CA 1 2/5/2014 2/5/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHIELEV. GROUND WATER (ft] CME75 6 21.5 120 1 N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 ths., Drop: 30 in.-(Automatic) ETR - 87%, N 0 - 87/60 * N 1.45 * N - -w - DESCRIPTION ANDCLASSIFICATION CL L, _j z 9 ö >J °LLJ W < (0: W - ELU: Clayey sand (SC), loose to medium dense, light - B-i - PA . /. brown, moist, fine to coarse grained sand, low plasticity. - CR ______________ )< SANTIAGO FORMATION: Sandy fat claystone (CH), - S-2 14 20 - - light blueish gray, moist, high plasticity, weathered. - (0% Gravel: 30% Sand: 70% Fines) —5 —115 5 - LL-59, PL-25, P1-34 - R-3 - 10 -- 17 39 38 19.9 103 DS Purple/blueish gray, strongly indurated, hard. _ - PP>4%TSF 10 110 10—/ Pink/greenish gray, hard. - - X S-4 . .24 35 14 - - -15 —105 15- I' .- - Darker blueish gray, hard. - R5 25 14 65 63 222 105 uw Lean claystone (CL), light gray with orange stains, / moist, medium plasticity, hard. -20 —100 20— .. - x S-6 14 77 - T 30 53 - Total Depth: 211,4 feet No groundwater encountered GROUP. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. T OF IME FIGURE 9245 Activity r - vity Road, Suite 103 I . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION F,! WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-10 - - - San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL wiii~CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - Strength (Su) [PSF] Tip Resistance (Qc) [TSF] Soil Type Lid 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 1 2 3 4 0 -.-'-.- . . --'- . -. . - . .. 0 5 _____ 1 _____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ ___ 5 10 ____ ____ ____ ____ __ __ - 10 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ __ S __ 15 ____________ l ____________ - - 15 p 20 - - -__ 20 LU LU 25 25 LU 30 --- 30 35 35 __ __ ___ ___ 40 - - - - 40 45 45 50 50 ROUP, GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS ESTIMATED STRENGTH (CPT-5) Project No. SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 ai& SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE A-15c APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of the test results, or the conclusions derived from these tests. Where a specific laboratory test method has been referenced, such as ASTM or Caltrans, the reference only applies to the specified laboratory test method, which has been used only as a guidance document for the general performance of the test and not as a "Test Standard". A brief description of the various tests performed for this project follows. I Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System as established by the American Society of Civil Engineers. I Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing and classification using ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. I Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in general accordance with ASTM D422, and were used to supplement visual soil classifications. The test results are summarized in Figures B-1. 1 through B- 1. 12. Atterberq Limits: ASTM D4318 was also used to determine the liquid limit and I plasticity index of selected soil samples. The Atterberg Limits were used to refine the soil classifications as shown in Figures B-i.1 through B-i.12. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soil samples was estimated in general accordance with the laboratory procedures outlined in ASTM test method D4829. The test results are summarized in Figure B-2. Figure B-2 also presents common criteria for evaluating the expansion potential based on the expansion index. Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, selected soil samples were tested for water soluble sulfate. The sulfate was extracted from the soil GROUP] under vacuum using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was tested for water soluble sulfate in general accordance with ASTM D516. The test results are presented in Figure B-3. Figure B-3 also presents common criteria for evaluating soluble sulfate content. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING (Continued) PH and Resistivity: To assess the potential for reactivity with metal, selected samples were tested for pH and resistivity using Caltrans method 643. The test results are also shown in Figure B-3. Chloride Content: Soil samples were also tested for water soluble chloride. The chloride was extracted from the soil under vacuum using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was then tested for water soluble chloride using a calibrated ion specific electronic probe. The test results are shown in Figure B-3. Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture: The maximum density and optimum moisture content of selected soil samples were determined using ASTM D1557 (modified Proctor). The results were corrected for over-size material using ASTM D4718 as a guideline. The test results are summarized in Figure B-4. Direct Shear: The shear strengths of selected samples of the on-site soils were assessed using direct shear testing performed in general accordance with ASTM D3080. These test results are shown in Figures B-5.1 through B-5.5. The shear test results are summarized in Figure B-5.6. R-Value: R-Value tests were performed on a sample of the on-site soils in general accordance with CTM 301. The results are shown in Figures B-6.1 through B-6.4. GROUP DELTA. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 ' % 3/4' 3/' #16 #0 #0 #100 #200 H droreter 90 80 70 60 ci) LL 50 —040 30 6 20 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE FINE J COARSE MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND II I 9245 SAMPLE SAMPLE ID: B-i SAMPLE LOCATION: 1-5' UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 37 PLASTIC LIMIT: 14 PLASTICITY INDEX: 23 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-tI ---- ----- __ 52 —O%GraveI 48% Sand 52%Fines— liii I.•I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes " 3A4" A / #8 #16 #O #ü #100 #200 H dror eter 100 90 80 270 0) 0,60 (Dc E50 0-40 30 20 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-2 LIQUID LIMIT: 36 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0--5' DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND PLASTIC LIMIT: 16 PLASTICITY INDEX: 20 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD SUITE 103 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 5D365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.2 ----- y:7_ : 0 —3% Gravel 52% Sand 45%Fines—* U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 " 4" 3/8" I 8 #16 #0 #0 #iOO 7 0 vdrc ieter 90 80 -c '70 ci) 150 C ci) 30 20 10 ___ :11111 1111111N 71 iiiiii 1111111 ___ ___ TO 111111 __ 111111 __ 11111 IIII_± iiiiii __ di 11111111 ___ IlILlil ___ 11111111 111111 IIIII ___ ___ - - - - - - - 4-20/6 Gravel 36% Sand I Il-I *- - I - - - 62% Fines— 'I I 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-3 LIQUID LIMIT: 48 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0'- 5' DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 18 PLASTICITY INDEX: 30 GROUP. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No 5D365 9245ACTIVITY ROAD SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.3 3 I - MM I- - —. - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 3" 1/2 /4' 249 "--._ 8 #16 #30 #0 #100 #200 H rometer 90 80 -c a) U-50 C a) i5 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND I I I 7- SAMPLE SAMPLE ID: B-4 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0'- 5 UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 28 PLASTIC LIMIT: 14 PLASTICITY INDEX: 14 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 \ ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 JI2 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.4 __ 111111 jjjjI 1111111 __ __ r C-) 32 17 +—I% Gravel II I I 60% San 39% Fines--+ - - - - - .- - - II I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes s-" - #16 #30 #100 #200_ HurIrrneter 100 - - ._fi8 _#o_ - - - —4.aQ$" - - - - 90 80 .970 47 a) a) 40 30 20 t17 10• .(--5% Gravel 59%Sand4- 36%Fines-+ - - 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE ] SILT AND I CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-5 LIQUID LIMIT: 32 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0--5' DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND PLASTIC LIMIT: 14 PLASTICITY INDEX: 18 GROUP; GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 L ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS. 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No, 5D365 DF SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.5 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 1/2 34 3/8 #4 #4 U —#16 #'O #0 #100 #200 F vdrometer 90 80 .70 a) -600 a) LL 50 ci) 0 30 6 20 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.091 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE FINE COARSE I MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND I 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, S U ITE 103 SAMPLE SAMPLE ID: B-5 SAMPLE LOCATION: 101 -15, UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 36 PLASTIC LIMIT: 15 PLASTICITY INDEX: 21 L P GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 5D365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.6 ---- tp 62 ______ ______ ______ m An --O% Gravel 38% Sand -3. 77-1 62% Fines—* 0 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 " 1/U 34' 3'" - #8 #16 #0 #0 #100 #200 H"droieter 90 80 -c .270 a) r t50 30 20 6 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters E ___ III LI. iiIIIiii IIIIII LU --- *--0% Grave 47% Sand - 53% Fine I I II I I I 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD,- SUITE 103 COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND GRAVEL SAND CLAY SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-6 LIQUID LIMIT: 44 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0--5' DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 18 PLASTICITY INDEX: 26 GROUP: GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No SD365 Ui.L& SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.7 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 3" 1W 3/4" 3/" #4 98 #16 #0 #0 #100 #200 H"drc-,etr 90 80 a) LE5O C a) 30 3 20 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE I FINE COARSE MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-7 LIQUID LIMIT: 46 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0'- 5- DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 16 PLASTICITY INDEX: 30 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS .9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 1. L GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC Document No. 13-0339 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No SD365 1& •SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.8 58 0 _______ —0% Gravel 42% Sand - 58%Fines—* 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - F0. IL -xr;)1111 4_8 - - - - - - 4-0% Gravel 32% Sand - - - - 68% Fines—* 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE FINE COARSE I MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-8 LIQUID LIMIT: 55 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0'— 5' DESCRIPTION: SANDY FAT CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 20 PLASTICITY INDEX: 35 rF GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. DocUment No. 13-0339 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 5D365 T& SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.9. U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 1%" /4" 3/8 #4 98 #0 #0 #100 #200 Hvdr meter 90 80 ci) E50 C 040 IL 30 20 10 6 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 1/2U 3/4 3/8 #8 #16 #0 #50 #100 #200 F vdrometer 90 80 70 ci) 50 C 30 8 20 10 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-9 LIQUID LIMIT: 45 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0--5- DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 18 PLASTICITY INDEX: 27 GROUP GROUP'DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. SD365 ' 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.10 1111111 ___ IIIIIIIii ___ 111111 1111111 ___ ___ 160 40 k4 r :___ 4-0% Gravel - - +H - - - 45% Sand 55% Fines--+ I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 90 80 -c .70 U) 60 U) c U-50 c U) U) 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE I FINE COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND CLAY GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH ATTERBERG LIMITS SAMPLE ID: B-9 LIQUID LIMIT: 51 SAMPLE LOCATION: 5'- 10' DESCRIPTION: SANDY FAT CLAY PLASTIC LIMIT: 20 PLASTICITY INDEX: 31 L .9245 ACT I IVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.11 " 11/2"3/4" 3/8" #4 416 #30 #0 #100 #200 I vdro ieter 92 az 0 I-40 —O%GraveI 32% Sand 68% Fines—* I I COARSE FINE GRAVEL SAMPLE SAMPLE ID: B-la SAMPLE LOCATION: 0 -5' COARSE MEDIUM I FINE SILT AND CLAY SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH DESCRIPTION: SANDY FAT CLAY ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 59 PLASTIC LIMIT: 25 PLASTICITY INDEX: 34 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 100 - 1/fl 34 3'8" #4 # .4-16 #0 #0 #100 #200 Uvdrmeter 90 80 -c °'70 a) LL 50 C a) "040 9 a- 30 20 10 0 100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters 7 10 "IL C8 -)AA ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ - - - - - - - .-0% Gravel - - - 30% Sand - - 70% Fines-i I GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. . . Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS . SOIL CLASSIFICATION Project No. 5D365 1 - .9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 I& SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-1.12 EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4829) SAMPLE DESCRIPTION EXPANSION INDEX B-i @ 1'- 5' Old Alluvium: Dark reddish brown sandy lean clay (CL). 66 B-3 @ 0'- 5' Old Alluvium: light olive gray sandy lean clay (CL). 91 B-4 @ 0'-75'Fill: Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC). 16 B-6 @ 0'- 5' Old Alluvium: Yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL). 77 B-7 @ 0'- 5' Old Alluvium: Dark yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL). 76 B-8 @ 0'- 5' Santiago Formation: Olive sandy fat claystone (CH). 120 B-9 @ 0'- 5' : light gray sandy lean clay (CL). 78 B-lU @ 0'- 5' Santiago Formation: Olive sandy fat claystone (CH). 123 EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION 0 to 20 Very low 21to50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 130 Very High OUPT GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 AD, SUITE ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS Irt 945ACTIVITYRO W3 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS. Project No. SD365 FLTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-2 CHEMISTRY TEST RESULTS (ASTM D516, CTM 643) SAMPLE pH RESISTMTY [OHM-CM] SULFATE CONTENT [%] CHLORIDE CONTENT [%] B-I @ 1'-5' 7.7 560 <0.01 0.06 B-3 @ 0'— 5' 7.0 350 0.90 0.06 B-4 @ 0'— 5' 6.5 1,740 <0.01 0.03 B-7 @ 0'— 5' 6.3 450 0.65 0.04 B-10 @ 0'— 5' 7.0 320 0.23 0.06 SULFATE CONTENT [%] SULFATE EXPOSURE CEMENT TYPE 0.00 to 0.10 Negligible - 0.10 to 0.20 Moderate II, IP(MS), IS(MS) 0.20 to 2.00 Severe V Above 2.00 Very Severe V plus pozzolan SOIL RESISTMTY [OHM-CM] GENERAL DEGREE OF CORROSMTY TO FERROUS METALS 0 to 1,000 Very Corrosive 1,000 to 2,000 Corrosive 2,000 to 5,000 Moderately Corrosive 5,000 to 10,000 Mildly Corrosive Above 10,000 Slightly Corrosive CHLORIDE (CI) CONTENT [%] GENERAL DEGREE OF CORROSIVITY TO METALS 0.00 to 0.03 Negligible 0.03 to 0.15 Corrosive Above 0.15 Severely Corrosive GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Project No SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 g SAN DIEGO, CA 92126. FIGURE B-3 MAXIMUM DENSITY & OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTMDI557) SAMPLE ID DESCRIPTION MAXIMUM DENSITY [lb!ft3] OPTIMUM MOISTURE [%] B-I @ 1'- 5' Old Alluvium: Yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL). 126 9 B-2 @ 0'- 5' Old Alluvium: Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC). 125 10 B-5 @ 0'- 5' : Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC). 1281/2 81/2 LJ GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD;SUITE 103 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Project No. SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-4 4000 U_ a. 3000 U) U) U' 2000 1000 UJ Cn 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN [%] 4000 Peak Strength Test Results 3500 —23 Degrees, 250 PSF Cohesion - Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 —23 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion - 5 2500 0. UJ U) 2000 <1500LU 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-3 @ 2'- 3Y2' PEAK ULTIMATE OLD ALLUVIUM (Qoa): 4, 23 ° 23 ° Yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL). C' 250 PSF 200 PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED STRAIN RATE: I 0.0007 IN/MIN 1 Yd 106.3 PCF 106.3 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) w 18.0 % 21.7 % CROLJP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS INC Document No 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 7 9245ACTMTY ROAD SUITE 103 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.1 4000 U- 3000 eL U) U) U' 2000 1000 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN [%] 4000 Peak Strength Test Results 3500 —25 Degrees, 350 PSF Cohesion Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 —25 Degrees, 150 PSF Cohesion - 2500 0 Cn Cn W 2000 <1500 1 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-3 @ 15'- 161/2' PEAK ULTIMATE SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa): 25 ° F25 ° Mottled sandy lean claystone (CL). C 350 PSF PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED STRAIN RATE: I 0.0002 IN/MIN 'I'd 102.4 PCF 102.4 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) w 23.4 % 23.9 % ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS '71 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, I SUITE 108 GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS INC Document No 13-0339 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. SD365 DELTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.2 4000 U- 3000 co 2000 1000 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN [%] 4000 H Peak Strength Test Results 3500 —25 Degrees, 400 PSF Cohesion Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 25 Degrees, 300 PSF Cohesion - 2500 Cn Cn 2000 Cn 1500 I CO) 1000 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-8 @ 5'-61/2 PEAK ULTIMATE SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa): 4)' 250 25 ° Light olive sandy fat claystone (CH). Co 400 PSF 300 PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED STRAIN RATE: I 0.0007 IN/ 98.1 PCF 98.1 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) w, 23.5 % 26.6 % GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS r 9245 ACTIVITY ROADSU1rE1O3 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No SD365 SAN DIEGO CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.3 4000 LL 3000 U) 2000 Cl) 1000 LU U) 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN [%] 4000 H I Peak Strength Test Results 3500 —25 Degrees, 300 PSF Cohesion - Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 - - - 25 Degrees, 250 PSF Cohesion LL CO) 2500 0 U) 2000 < 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-9 @10 - 11V2 PEAK ULTIMATE SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa): 25 0 25 ° Dark brown sandy fat claystone (CH). C. 300 PSF 250 PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED ___ STRAIN RATE: 0.0002 IN/MIN Yd 112.7 PCF 112.7 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) w 14.0 % 18.3 % PROW', GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. SD365 RQTJ SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.4 4000 U- Cn 3000 Cl) Cn U) 2000 ioo: LU 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 STRAIN [%] 4000 Peak Strength Test Results 3500 —25 Degrees, 300 PSF Cohesion - Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 - 25 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion LL Cn 2500 a- U) U) I— U) LU .uuu 'rnn V- < 1500 Li Cn i::o 500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-10@5'-6W PEAK ULTIMATE SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa): 25 ° 25 ° Olive gray sandy fat claystone (CH). C 300 PSF 200 PSF IN-SITU AS-TESTED STRAIN RATE: I 0.0002 IN/MIN 102.8 PCF 102.8 PCF EYd (Sample was consolidated and drained) 19.9 % 23.7 % "OuR GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS',INC Document No 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY,ROAD SUITE 103 DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Project No. SD365 DELTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.5 4000 0 Ultimate Values 3500 ______ U Peak Values Ultimate Strength - —Peak Strength 3000 2500 ILL U) U) 2000 LLI 1500 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] ALLUVIUM A summary of 5 direct shear tests on PEAK ULTIMATE samples of the on-site clays (CL & CH). All 5 samples were tested at the in-situ 24 0 23 density under saturated conditions. C. 300 PSF 200 PSF GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS DIRECT SHEAR TEST SUMMARY Document No. 13-0339 Project No. SD365 SAN DIEGO CA 92126 FIGURE B-5.6 BORING NO.: B-i SAMPLE DATE: 2/5/14 SAMPLE LOCATION: 1' -5' TEST DATE: 2/10/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark reddish brown sandy lean clay (CL) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN A COMPACTOR PRESSURE B INITIAL MOISTURE C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT D WATER ADDED E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)/C) F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) G MOLD WEIGHT H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT I NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT K DRY DENSITY (30.3*I/((100+F)*J)) L EXUDATION LOAD M EXUDATION PRESSURE (L/12.54) N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS P DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) S EXPANSION DIAL READING T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S*43,300) U COVER BY STABILOMETER V COVER BY EXPANSION 1 2 3 4 5 140 100 70 7.3 7.3 7.3 1200 1200 1200 65 77 89 5.8 6.9 8.0 13.2 14.2 15.3 2114.6 2113.2 2108.1 3188.8 3185.5 3177.7 1074.2 1072.3 1069.6 2.38 2.41 2.45 120.9 118.0 114.7 8424 5208 2248 672 415 179 36 44 54 97 112 127 4.43 4.84 5.10 27 18 11 25 17 11 0.0074 0.0040 0.0021 320 173 91 0.82 0.91 0.98 2.47 1.33 0.70 [PSI] [%] [G] [ML] [%] [%] [G] [G] [G] [IN] [PCF] [LB] [PSI] [PSI] [PSI] [Turns] [IN] [PSF] [FT] [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: GRAVEL FACTOR: UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 5.0 1.46 130 14 15 14 *Note: Gravel factor estimated from pavement section using CTM 301, Section C, Part b GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD , SUITE 103 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No SD365 DELTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.1a Sample: B-I @1- 5 3.0 2.5 0.5 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - R-Value at Equilibrium: 14 ] UU 90 80 70 60 a) 50 40 30 20 10 0 __ 0.0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] 71 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC Document No 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 RE B-6 lb SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 BORING NO.: B-2 SAMPLE DATE: 2/5/14 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0' -5' TEST DATE: 2/10/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN A COMPACTOR PRESSURE B INITIAL MOISTURE C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT D WATER ADDED E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)IC) F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) G MOLD WEIGHT H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT I NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT K DRY DENSITY (30.3*I/((100+F)*J)) L EXUDATION LOAD M EXUDATION PRESSURE (L/12.54) N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS P DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) S EXPANSION DIAL READING T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S*43,300) U COVER BY STABILOMETER V COVER BY EXPANSION 1 2 3 4 5 120 70 170 3.9 3.9 3.9 1200 1200 1200 112 120 102 9.7 10.4 8.8 13.6 14.3 12.7 2113.2 2114.3 2108.3 3207.9 3202.1 3207.5 1094.7 1087.8 1099.2 2.47 2.48 2.46 118.2 116.3 120.1 3680 2363 4656 293 188 371 45 55 39 112 128 100 4.54 4.87 4.40 19 11 25 19 11 25 0.0022 0.0010 0.0041 95 43 178 0.87 0.96 0.81 0.73 0.33 1.37 [PSI] [%] [G] [ML] [%] [%] [G] [G] [G] [IN] [PCF] [LB] [PSI] [PSI] [PSI] [Turns] [IN] [PSF] [Fl] [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.49 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 19 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 22 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 19 *Note: Gravel factor estimated from pavement section using CTM 301, Section C, Part b IGROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 771 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No. SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.2a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sample: B-2 © - 5 R-Value at Equilibrium: 19 _________ _________ 100 _________ _________ _________ _________ 90 2.5 80 F U- 70 '- 20 I / 60 0 1.5 I' ,50 1.0 30 20 0.5 z 10 0.0 0.0 0.5 800 700 3.0 0 100 600 500 400 300 200 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS L COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD SUITE 103 BJA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.2b BORING NO.: B-5 SAMPLE DATE: 2/4/14 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0 -5' TEST DATE: 2/12/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC) LABORATORY TEST DATA V COVER BY EXPANSION TEST SPECIMEN ______ 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 80 120 170 B INITIAL MOISTURE 0.9 0.9 0.9 C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 D WATER ADDED 120 112 104 E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)IC) 10.1 9.4 8.7 F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 10.9 10.3 9.6 G MOLD WEIGHT 2004.6 2017.1 2010.5 H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT 3110.2 3118.8 3109.0 I NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) 1105.6 1101.7 1098.5 J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT 2.46 2.44. 2.40 K DRY DENSITY (30.3*I/((100+F)*J)) 122.8 124.1 126.5 L EXUDATION LOAD 3016 3955 5522 M EXUDATION PRESSURE (L/12.54) 241 315 440 N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 51 49 46 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 120 113 106 P DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 4.59 4.43 4.37 Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 15 19 23 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 15 18 22 S EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0003 0.0009 0.0010 T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S*43,300) 13 39 43 U COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.91 0.88 0.84 0.10 0.30 0.33 [PSI] [%] [G] [ML] [%] [%] [G] [G] [G] [IN] [PCF] [LB] [PSI] [PSI] [PSI] [Turns] [IN] [PSF] [FT] [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.49 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 17 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 22 R-VALUEAT EQUILIBRIUM: 17 *Note: Gravel factor estimated from pavement section using CTM 301, Section C, Part b .GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No 5D365 ;DFLTA SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.3a - - - - - - - - - m ug - - - - - - - - Sample: B-5 @ 0'- 5 . R-Value at Equilibrium: 17 3.0 _________ 100 /. 90 2.5 80 70 2.0 E 60 50 1.5 40 1.0 30 / 20 5 0 / 10 0 00 0 0.5 3.0 800 700 0 100 600 500 400 300 200 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS INC. . Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 7 COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No SD365 9245 ACTIVITY SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA92126 FIGURE B-6.3b BORING NO.: B-6 SAMPLE DATE: 2/4/14 SAMPLE LOCATION: 0' -5' TEST DATE: 2/12/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN A COMPACTOR PRESSURE B INITIAL MOISTURE C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT D WATER ADDED E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)/C) F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) G MOLD WEIGHT H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT I NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT K DRY DENSITY (30.3*I/((100+F)*J)) L EXUDATION LOAD M EXUDATION PRESSURE (L112.54) N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS P DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) S EXPANSION DIAL READING T EXPANSION PRESSURE (5*43,300) U COVER BY STABILOMETER V COVER BY EXPANSION 1 2 3 4 5 140 100 70 7.1 7.1 7.1 1200 1200 1200 102 115 130 9.1 10.3 11.6 16.2 17.3 18.7 2111.7 2112.5 2100.6 3153.3 3126.2 3133.2 1041.6 1013.7 1032.6 2.40 2.39 2.48 113.2 109.5 106.3 8427 5126 2899 672 409 231 38 46 58 103 115 131 4.37 4.60 5.04 24 18 10 22 17 10 0.0081 0.0067 0.0027 351 290 117 0.84 0.89 1 0.97 2.70 2.23 1 0.90 [PSI] [%] [G] [ML] [%i [%]. [G] [G] [G] [IN] [PC F] [LB] [PSI] [PSI] [PSI] [Turns] [IN] [PSF] [FT] [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.49 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 14 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 14 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: F 14 *Note: Gravel factor estimated from pavement section using CTM 301, Section C, Part b %;xKUUP.DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No 5D365 4149 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.4a - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Sample: B-6 @ 0'- 5 3.0. 2.5 LL 00 • I 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] ItT11) • S 5 R-Value at Equilibrium: 14 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Exudation Pressure [psi] tJUI' . Document No. 13-0339 -ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD SUITE 103 COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No SD365 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE B-6.4b APPENDIX C IGROII1 DELTA .tIIuw1I1 DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT ANALYSES Liquefaction and dynamic settlement analyses were conducted using the data gathered from the CPT soundings. Note that the CPT soundings were conducted within the deepest deposits of the alluvium along the northern edge of the site. The analyses were based on the simplified procedures originally developed by Seed and Idriss, and were conducted in general accordance with the recommended procedures for implementation of DMG special publication 117 (SCEC, 1999). The tip resistance (Qc) was normalized for overburden pressure and corrected for fines content using the procedures described in the referenced document (Youd et al., 2001). The resulting "Normalized Clean Sand Equivalent Tip Resistance" is designated by the symbol 1N(Cs) in the following figures. Note that the CPT fines correction was based on the Soil Behavior Type Index (Ic). For each sounding, both the Normalized Tip Resistance and Soil Behavior Type Index are plotted as a function of depth for the upper 50 feet of the soil profile. The liquefaction analyses are shown in Figures C-i through C-5. The central chart for each CPT sounding shows the estimated seismic settlement due to a Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) of 0.31g from the 2013 CBC Design Spectrum provided in Table 1. The groundwater table was assumed to be at a depth of 35 feet below grade for our analyses, based on the conditions encountered in CPT-1 and CPT-2. Fine-grained soils with an Ic value greater than 2.6 were considered to be too clayey to liquefy. Similarly, granular soils with a normalized clean sand equivalent tip resistance (Q1N(cs)) greater than 160 were considered too dense to liquefy. Only those soil zones that were both loose enough and sandy enough to liquefy contributed to the estimated post-liquefaction settlement. Seismic settlement was also estimated for dry soils above the groundwater table using the referenced procedure (Pradel, 1998). Our dynamic settlement analyses suggest that the deeper alluvial deposits along the northern edge of the site may experience total dynamic settlements of up to about 1 inch due to the Design Basis earthquake. According to state guidelines, a differential settlement equal to about one-half of the anticipated total liquefaction settlement may be conservatively assumed for structural design (SCEC, 1999). Consequently, we estimate that differential seismic settlement in some portions of the site may approach ½ inch in 40 feet. Seismic settlement of this magnitude is generally deemed tolerable for structures founded on post-tension slabs. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QC1N(cs) Total Seismic Settlement [IN] Soil Type (Ic) 0 0100 200 300 400 0.0 1.0 .2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 012 _3 . 0 ) Total Settlement = 0.6 [IN] 5 / - - ____ 1 I ç-- 10 5 15 20 LU LU ____________ 20 - ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ______ - 125—, w .- 25 - - a —I . - _____ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ -30 _ 30 ---------- . -35 .35 —r------- 40 40 = 45 -s- - -45 50 50 . __ - - QROUP': GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 7 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT (CPT-1) Project No SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD-SUITE 103 A "LT SANDIEGO, CA 92126 . FIGURE C-I Q1N(cs) Total Seismic Settlement [IN] 0 100 200 300 400 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0 — - — -1-I-n- Total Settlement = 0.7[/N] - 10 15 20 LLJ LU 25 0 w 30 35 40 45 50 L Soil Type (Ic) 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - U 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC.Document No 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT (CPT-2) Project No SD365 .9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 £IT SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 FIGURE C-2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QC1N(cs) Total Seismic Settlement [IN] Soil Type (Ic) 0 0100 200 300 400 0.0 .1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 012 3 . 0 : Total Settlement = 0.1 [IN] ) 5 ____J ______ _____ 5 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ - 10 - 10 I 20 LLJ LU 20 25 X 25 ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ __ __ LU :: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ 35 35 40 45 _ 50 50 - - Qug GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. Document No. 13-0339 f ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT (CPT-3) Project No SD365 SAN DIEGO,:CA92126 FIGURE C3 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - °c1N(CS) . Total Seismic Settlement [IN] Soil Type (Ic) 0 100 200 300 400 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 0 -' 0 — Total Settlement 0.2 [IN] 10 10 -- 15 ......... - 15 .-. 20 I— LLJ LU 20 -- - 25 LLI 25 30 35 35 40 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ 40 45 50 AIG !7 50 GROUP DELTACONSULTANTS, INC.. Document No. 13-0339 rl ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT (CPT-4) Project No SD365 J& SANDIEGO,CA:92126 FIGURE C4 I - - - - =11111110, - - - - - - - - - - - - - QC1N(cs) Total Seismic Settlement [IN] Soil Type (Ic) 0 100 : 200 300 400 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0 1 2 3 4 : Total Settlement = 0 1 1/Nj ____ 10 10 -- 15 15 ::ii:i LU LU 20 25 25 UJ :: ___ 35 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ 35 :: ii[ 45 :: ____________ _50 GROUP DELTACONSULTANTS,INC.. Document No. 13-0339 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGLSTS DYNAMIC SETTLEMENT (CPT-5) Project No SD365 9245ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA2126 FIGURE C-5 I APPENDIX D I SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES Slope stability analyses were conducted using the program SLOPEiW for the four I cross section locations shown on the Revised Grading Plan, Figure 2D. Spencer's Method of Slices was used for all of the analyses. Spencer's method satisfies both I force and moment equilibrium. All of the critical failure surfaces were optimized. The geology of each section was characterized using the general geotechnical conditions encountered in nearby subsurface explorations, as well as our previous experience with similar conditions. Our slope stability analyses for Cross Sections A-A' through D-D' are summarized in Figures D-1 through D-4, respectively. Laboratory tests were used to approximate the lower bound shear strengths of the various geologic materials encountered at the site. Direct shear tests were conducted on relatively undisturbed samples of the on-site soils in general accordance with ASTM D3080. The test results were summarized in Appendix B (see Figure B-5.6). Based on these test results and our experience with similar soils, the Santiago Formation and Old Alluvium were both estimated to have shear strengths that generally exceed 230 with 200 lb/ft' cohesion. A shear strength of 340 with 100 lb/ft2 was assumed for the imported select fill soil. The existing compacted fill within the slope along the southern and eastern edges of the property was assumed to have a shear strength exceeding 30° with 200 lb/ft2 for the stability analyses. Three cases were evaluated for each cross section: temporary, static and seismic stability. Our temporary stability analyses (Case 1) indicate that the temporary 1:1 cut slopes that will be needed to complete the recommended remedial earthwork and construct the proposed retaining walls will possess an adequate factor of safety for a temporary sloping condition (FS> 1.2) as shown in Figures D- 1.1 through D-3. 1. Our static stability analyses (Case 2) indicate that the proposed 2:1 slopes and retaining walls will possess an adequate factor of safety against long-term deep-seated failure (FS> 1.5) as shown in Figures D-1.2 through D-3.2. Our seismic stability analyses (Case 3) indicate that the proposed slopes may experience up to about 1 inch of lateral deformation given the design level peak ground acceleration of 0.31g presented in Table 1. Seismic slope deformations of this magnitude would generally be considered tolerable. The seismic stability analyses are summarized in Figures D- 1.3 through D-3.3. For Cross Section D-D', our analyses indicate that the proposed minor 11/2: 1 fill slopes (up to about 2-feet high) will possess an adequate factor of safety against long-term failure (FS> 1. 5), as shown in Figure D-4. N:\Projects\SD\SD365 LennaE, Tabata Development\13-0339\13-0339.doc 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 n 170 160 150 140 130 LL C 0 Co > ci 110 I w 100 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 150 140 130 LL 120 0 CD > 110 w 100 90 0 170 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 150 140 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 170 160 I I ExIsT!?4coNDmoNs Ø<4ØØflI 1IV 130 _______ IdlIlIlII!1N16uhhJ 150 140 LL 120 cu ii; 110 100 90 GROUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SD365 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO. CA 92126 (858) 536-1000 DOCUMENT NUMBER I) PROJECT NAME 13-0339 (Tabata Development FIGURE NUMBER Lennar Homes D-2 DELTA CROSS SECTION B-B' 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 150 140 130 LL 0 Co > 110 w 100 all — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Elevation [FT] 01 0) (0 - Ci - - - () o 0 0 0 0 ci 0 o 0 0 0) 0 - . 0 (31 0 co m I\) 0) CD — 0 Cl) z Il —o C) 0 z 00 2 0 Z Cl) 0 -o - _ 0 - e 0 0 - 1%) 0 - 2rn 0 1•1 CD PIm" - I i:o°z (0 - - (I) .11fl 0 m 0 z 0 --- —01 - 0 DOq 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 120 110 100 90 F . LL 80 0 cu > a) 70 w 60 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 L70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 120 110 We 90 LL 0 cli > 70 w 60 50 o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 130 I I Case 3 - Seismic Stability (Ky 0.57g) 120 - too 110 - lIIIIIII0v' Fill 3Q0, 200 PSF) 100 90 • Old Alluvium r23°, 200 PSF) p V a.o • o 'S IL 0 Co > 70 w 60 50 Gj OUP GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 1 1 ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS I 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SuITE 103 PROJECT NUMBER S0365 VU SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 (858) 536-1000 PROJECT NAME DOCUMENT NUMBER 13-0339 I I (_r Tabata Development I Lenna J Homes ._._i__. FIGURE NUMBER P-3.3 DELTA CROSS SECTION C-C' 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 0 170 160 150 140