HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 06-13; TABATA 10; INTERIM AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT; 2014-10-31•:.- -•,., H
-.. - October 31, 2014 -
Lennar Homes •
25 Enterprise, Suite 300
Aliso Viejo, California 92656
Attention Mr. Brian Nestoroff
\ Casro Development (Building Pads) I
.1 Carlsad, California _•;_
Mr. Nestero'ffr \
In accordance with your request, we have prepared this interim as-graded report summarizing
the results of the testing and observation services provided by Group Delta Consultants to date
during rough grbdingVof the building p'ads at the Casero development in Carlsbad, California
/Note that Lots 11 through 13of the development, and much of Camino Hills Drive, have notyet
been finish graded as' 24th, 2014. Our additional tests and observations associated '
/ with finish grading these lots, as well as backfill of the utility trenches and retaining walls, and
the construction of tFe,avement sections\and surface improvements will be provided in an
/ updated a/graded report once these construction activities are completed The general
contrai"for this projectwas Lennar Home4\The grading operations were conducted by
James McMinn lncorporated'(JMl). Our geotechnical services for this phase of the project were,. \ \t. -.
provided between September 4th and October 24Ilk, t", 2014. • - - •.-
7 This report and the associated geotechnical services were provided1n general accordance with
- the provisions of the referenced agreement personnel were provided
v -TfdFihis project in order to test and oerve remedial earthdk. fill placment and the'-'
-. compaction operations. These, observations and-tests assisted us in developing professional • -
,. opinions regarding whether or not thégeotechnical-aspects of earthwork construction were •
••, • •. conducted in general accordance with our geotechnical recommendations arid the geotechnical
1' ' - •
requirements of the City of Carlsbad Our services did not include supervision or direction of
- the work of the contractor, his employees, or agents. Our services did include the following.
Interim As-Graded Geotechnical Report GDC Project No. 5D365
Casero Development (Building Pads) October 31, 2014
Lennar Homes Page 2
• As-needed consultation during grading. Pertinent reports are referenced in Appendix A.
Observation of the preparation of the existing ground in order to confirm that remedial
earthwork was conducted in accordance with our recommendations.
• Performing field and laboratory tests on fill materials in order to support geotechnical
recommendations and conclusions. The laboratory test results are summarized in
Appendix B. The field density test results are shown in Appendix C.
Preparation of daily field reports summarizing the day's activity with regard to
earthwork, and documenting the hours spent in the field by our technicians.
Preparation of this interim report which summarizes site preparation to date, field and
laboratory test results, fill placement, and the compaction operations.
The subject site consists of the Casero residential development (formerly Tabata 10) located in
the City of Carlsbad, California. The site is located immediately southeast of the intersection
between El Camino Real and Camino Hills Drive, which form the northern and western property
boundaries, respectively. Existing single-family residential developments bound the southern,
eastern and western edges of the property. The approximate location of the site is shown on
the Site Location Map, Figure 1. The geotechnical conditions at the site were described in detail
• in the referenced geotechnical investigation report (GDC, 2014a).
Site development will include 26 two-story residential buildings supported by post-tension slab
foundations. Other site improvements will include a new asphalt concrete paved residential
street, reconstruction of the northern terminus of Camino Hills Drive, new Portland cement
concrete sidewalks and driveways, several new retaining walls, and various subsurface utilities.
A bio-swale and detention basin will also be constructed along the northern edge of the site.
The layout of the site and the lot numbers are shown on the Rough Grading Plan, Figure 2.
The site is located within the coastal plain section of the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic
province of California, which consists of subdued landforms underlain by marine sedimentary
formations. Prior to the grading operations described herein, most of the site was covered with
alluvial flood plain deposits associated with Agua Hedionda Creek, undocumented fill, and
stockpiled fills. The Eocene-age Santiago Formation underlies the entire site at depth.
A GROUP DD...T1%. N:\Projects\SD\5D365 Lennar,Tabata
Interim As-Graded Geotechnical Report GDC Project No. SD365
Casero Development (Building Pads) October 31, 2014
Lennar Homes Page 3
fl The surficial soils used to cap the upper 3 or 4-feet of the building pad areas at the site
generally classify as silty or clayey sand (Unified Soil Classification System SM and SC), with the
exception of Lots 11 through 13, which have not yet been finish graded. Laboratory tests
indicate that the fill soils typically have a low expansion potential (El<50), and a negligible
soluble sulfate content based on commonly accepted criteria. Specific aspects of the rough
grading operations within the building pad areas are described in more detail below.
The geotechnical aspects of the grading and improvement operations to date included remedial
grading for the future building pad and improvement areas, and the placement and compaction
of fill soils to attain site grades. These operations are described in greater detail below.
4.1 Remedial Earthwork: Remedial grading was conducted within the planned building
pad areas in general accordance with the geotechnical recommendations presented in
the referenced report (GDC, 2014a). Remedial excavations were first conducted to
depths which typically varied from about 4 to 15 feet below the lowest existing grades
Ll within the pad areas. The excavated soil was then placed as a uniformly compacted fill
to within 3 or 4 feet of finish pad grades. The upper 3 to 4 feet of fill soil placed within
the building pads consisted of select, granular, imported, low expansion soil (El<50). A
summary of the as-graded conditions beneath each building pad is presented in Table 1.
Note that Lots 11 through 13 have not yet been finish graded.
4.2 Fill Soils: The various materials used as fill are described in Figure B-i. The
maximum densities and optimum moisture contents of the soils were determined in the
laboratory using ASTM D1557 as a guideline. The on-site fill soils generated from
excavations within the alluvium and formational materials generally consisted of lean to
fay clay with a variable amount of fine grained sand (CL or CH). The select granular
stockpiled fill material used to cap the building pad areas typically consisted of fine
grained silty or clayey sand (SM or SC).
4.3 Fill Placement: Grading of the site was performed using typical grading techniques
with heavy earthmoving equipment. In-place moisture and density tests were
conducted during fill placement in general accordance with ASTM D6938. The results of
these tests are presented in Appendix C. The approximate test locations are shown on
the Test Location Plan, Plate 1.
Al~ IDUP DEL.TL N:\Projects\SD\5D365 Lennar, Tabata Development\14-0178\14-0178.doc
Interim As-Graded Geotechnical Report GDC Project No. SD365
Casero Development (Building Pads) October 31, 2014
Lennar Homes Page 4
The test locations and elevations were based on available field survey information
provided by the grading contractor, and should only be considered rough estimates.
The estimated locations and elevations should not be used for preparing cross sections,
or for the purpose of after-the-fact evaluating of the sequence of fill placement. .
Based on the observations and tests we have conducted to date, it is our professional opinion
that remedial grading operations for the building pad areas have been performed in general
accordance with the intent of our geotechnical recommendations, and with the geotechnical
requirements of the City of Carlsbad. Our conclusions are based on observations and tests
performed between September 4th and October 24th, 2014. Note that Lots 11 through 13 have
not yet been finish graded. No representations are made to the quality and extent of materials
that we have not observed.
5.1 Compaction: In the areas we tested and observed, it is our professional opinion
that fill materials were placed in substantial accordance with the minimum compaction
criterion of 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. The
approximate density test locations are shown on the Test Location Plan, Plate 1.
5.2 Building Pads: It is our professional opinion that remedial grading for the building
pads was conducted in general accordance with the intent of our geotechnical
recommendations. Laboratory tests were conducted on samples of the soils placed
within the foundation influence zone for the proposed residential structures. Testing
included expansion index and soluble sulfate content. The laboratory test results are
shown in Figures B-2.1 and B-2.2. The testing indicates that the new buildings will
generally be underlain by silty or clayey sand (SM or SC) with a low expansion potential
(El<50) and a negligible soluble sulfate content.
5.3 Foundations: All of the building pad areas were capped with 3 or 4-feet of low
expansion sand (except for Lots 11 through 13 which have not yet been finish graded).
The as-graded conditions beneath each lot are summarized in Table 1. The as-graded
conditions are shown in more detail on the As-Graded Geotechnical Map, Plate 2. The
2013 CBC seismic design parameters are presented in Table 2. The updated post-
tension slab foundation design parameters are described in detail below.
A EBROUF2 DELTA N:\Projects\SD\S0365 Lennar, Tabata
Interim As-Graded Geotechnical Report GDC Project No. SD365
Casero Development (Building Pads) October 31, 2014
Lennar Homes Page 5
Post-Tension Slabs (Category IA): The following post-tension slab foundation design
parameters are considered to be applicable to building pad areas that are underlain by
at least 4 feet of low expansion compacted fill. This condition applies to Lots 1, 2, 3, 14,
15, 16, 24, 25 and 26 only, as shown in Table 1.
Moisture Variation, em: Center Lift: 9.0 feet
Edge Lift: 5.0feet
Differential Swell, ym: Center Lift: 0.4 inches
Edge Lift: 0.6 inches
Allowable Bearing: 2,000 psf at slab subgrade
Post-Tension Slabs (Category IB): The following post-tension slab foundation design
parameters may be used for building pad areas that are underlain by at least 3 feet of
low expansion compacted fill. This condition applies to Lots 17 to 23 (see Table 1).
Moisture Variation, em: Center Lift: 9.0 feet
Edge Lift: 5.ofeet
Differential Swell, ym: Center Lift: 0.5 inches
Edge Lift: 0.7 inches
Allowable Bearing: 2,000 psf at slab subgrade
Post-Tension Slabs (Category II): Lots 4 through 10 are underlain by highly expansive fat
clays derived from the Santiago Formation (Category II). These lots were all capped with
at least 4 feet of low expansion sand. The following post-tension slab design
parameters apply to Lots 4 through 10 only.
Moisture Variation, em: Center Lift: 9.0 feet
Edge Lift: 4.8feet
Differential Swell, ym: Center Lift: 0.9 inches
Edge Lift: 1.4 inches
Allowable Bearing: 2,000 psf at slab subgrade
A GROUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\50365 Lennar, Tabata oevelopment\14-0178\14-0178.doc
Interim As-Graded Geotechnical Report GDC Project No. 5D365
Casero Development (Building Pads) October 31, 2014
Lennar Homes Page 6
Our services were performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under
similar circumstances, by reputable soils engineers and geologists practicing in this or similar
localities. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional
advice included in this report.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of professional service. Feel free to contact the office
with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else.
Matthew A. Fagan, G.E. 56 a es C. Sanders, C.E.G. 2258
Senior Geotechnical Engineer Senior Engineering Geologist
Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. Brian Nestoroff (Brian.Nestoroff@lennar.com)
(1) Addressee, Mr. Brett Hood (Brett.Hood@lennar.com)
(1) Addressee, Mr. Moses Kim (Moses.KimIennar.com)
(T :::\\\
/ SANDERS 1 No. 2258 I
41 A DLJP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\14-0178\14-0178.doc
GDC PROJECT NO. 5D365, Lennar Casero Development
Occupancy Type
Category2 3 Elevation
Finish Pad
Elevation (FT]
Remedial OX.
Bottom [FT]'
Depth FF111
Total Compacted
Fill Depth [Fl]
Content [%]
Residential Category IA >90 103.2 -77 -13 -26 17 Low 0.02 Negligible
2 Residential Category IA >97 108.2 -83 - 14 25 12 Low 0.02 Negligible
3 Residential Category IA > 105 113.3 -97 -8 -16 17 Low 0.04 Negligible
4 Residential Category II > 112 114.2 -102 -10 -12 17 Low 0.08 Negligible
5 Residential Category II >117 115.3 -101 -14 -14 19 Low 0.09 Negligible
6 Residential Category II >115 114.4 -92 -22 -22 16 Low 0.02 Negligible
7 Residential Category II > 114 114.0 -108 -6 -6 23 Low 0.03 Negligible
8 Residential Category II > 114 112.3 -106 -6 -6 15 Low 0.02 Negligible
9 Residential Category II > 113 110.5 -106 - 5 - 5 18 Low 0.04 Negligible
10 Residential Category II >113 109.6 -105 -5 -5 15 Low 0.03 Negligible
11 Residential Category 115 > 112 108.9 -103 -6 -6 Pending Pending Pending Pending
12 Residential Category lB 5 > 111 108.3 -99 - 9 - 9 Pending Pending Pending Pending
13 Residential Category 19 5 > 109 107.8 -99 -9 -9 Pending Pending Pending Pending
14 Residential Category IA > 103 114.2 -92 - 11 -22 10 Low 0.02 Negligible
15 Residential Category IA > 102 112.7 -89 -13 -24 4 Low 0.02 Negligible
16 Residential Category IA > 101 111.0 -90 -11 -21 13 Low 0.02 Negligible
17 Residential Category lB > 101 109.7 -86 -15 -24 8 Low 0.02 Negligible
18 Residential Category lB >102 109.1 -91 -11 -18 0 Low 0.02 Negligible
19 Residential Category lB >102 108.4 -91 -11 -17 1 Low 0.02 Negligible
20 Residential Category lB >102 107.8 -91 -11 -17 5 Low 0.01 Negligible
21 Residential Category lB >92 99.5 -76 -16 -24 17 Low 0.04 Negligible
22 Residential Category lB >92 98.9 -77 -15 -22 5 Low 0.02 Negligible
23 Residential Category lB >91 99.7 -76 -15 -24 14 Low 0.02 Negligible
24 Residential Category IA >91 100.4 -76 -15 -24 10 Low 0.02 Negligible
25 Residential Category IA >92 101.1 -76 -16 -25 7 Low 0.02 Negligible
26 Residential Category IA >92 102.0 -76 -16 -26 24 Low 0.03 Negligible
NOTES: 1) As a minimum, compressible soils were excavated and compacted throught the Site 55 described in the investigation report. Actual over-excavation bottom elevations are shown above.
For Category IA lots, 4' of low expansion till was used to cap the lots. For Category lB lots, 3' of low expansion till was used.
Category II foundations will be founded on 4' of low expansion till overlying highly expansive till and daystone of the Santiago Formation.
The reference elevations for the recommended over-excavation depths were taken as the lowest natural grade on each lot.
Lots 11 through 13 have not yet been finish graded as of October 24th, 2014. The foundation design categories shown for Lots 11 through 13 should be considered preliminary.
- S3= 1.070
S= 0.413 g=1
g = short period (0.2 sec) mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CDC 2010 Fig. 1613.5(3) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator)
.0 sec period mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CDC 2010 Fig. 1613.5(4) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator)
Site Class 0 = Site Class definition based on CDC 2010 Table 1613.5.2CL F= 1.072 = Site Coefficient applied to S. to account for soil type (CDC 2010 Table 1613.5.3(1)) Latitude: 33.1439
F= 1.586 = Site Coefficient applied to S to account for soil type (CDC 2010 Table 1613.5.3(2)) Longitude: -117.2865
- TO 8.00 sec = Long Period Transition Period (ASCE 7-05 Figure 22-16)
SMS= 1.147 = site class modified short period (0.2 sec) MCE spectral response acceleration = F. x 5, (CDC 2010 Eqn. 1646)
S 1= 0.655 = site class modified 1.0 sec period MCE spectral response acceleration = Fx S, (CDC 2010 Eqn. 16-37)
S= 0.765 = site class modified short period (0.2 sec) Design spectral response acceleration = 2/3 x SMS (CDC 2007 Eqn. 1648)
S= 0.437 = site class modified 1.0 sec period Design spectral response acceleration = 2/3 x SMI (CDC 2007 Eqn. 16-39)
1= 0.114 sec = 0.2 S01/505 = Control Period (left end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05)
- TS=l 0.571 jSeC = SDI/SW = Control Period (right end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05)
- 1 Design MCE
1.000 0.437 0.655 - --
3.800 0.115 0.172
(seconds) Sa (g) Sa (9)
0.000 0.306 0.459
0.114 0.765 1.147
0.571 0.765 1.147 1.4
0.600 0.728 1.092
0.700 0.624 0.936 --
0.800 0.546 0.819
1.100 0.397 0.595 --
0.900 0.485 0.728 1.2 ---Design
1.200 0.364 0.546 --
1.300 0.336 0.50-4 10 ---MCE --
1.400 0.312 0.468 .2
1.500 0.291 0.437
1.600 0.273 0.409 1.700 0.257 0.385 ,.
1.800 0.243 0.364 U
1.900 0.230 0.345
2.000 0.218 0.328 -
2.100 0.208 0.312
2.200 0.198 0.298 0.6,-
2.300 0.190 0.285 --
2.400 0.182 0.273 CL
IL 2.500 0.175 0.262 u 2.600 0.168 0.252 0.4
3.000 0.146 0.218 02
3.100 0.141
iLl : EEE: 'I
2.700 0.162 0.243
2.900 0.151 0.226 ±
2.800 0.156 0.234
3.200 0.136 0.205
3.400 0.128 0.193 0.0 -
3.500 0.125 0.187
3.900 0.112 0.168 Period (seconds)
3.600 0.121 0.182 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
3.700 0.118 0.177
4.000 0.109 0.164
- 4.000 0.109 0.164
S •. S S S
. . - . TABLE 2
GDC PROJECT NO. SD365, Lennar Casero Development
T1111 M,
1 !141
1 .
American Society for Testing and Materials (2006). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4,
Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock (I); Volume 04.09 Soil and Rock
Geosynthetics, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Compact Disk.
APWA et al. (2006). Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Untreated Base
Materials, Asphalt Concrete, BNI, Vista, CA.
Group Delta Consultants (2013). Geotechnical Review, Tabata 10 Subdivision, Carlsbad, CA,
Project 1R596, August 30.
Group Delta Consultants (2014a). Geotechnical Investigation, Tabata Development, Carlsbad,
California, Project No. SD365, Document No. 13-0339, March 4.
Group Delta Consultants (2014b). Supplemental Settlement Monument Details, Casero
Development (Formerly Tabata), Carlsbad, CA, Project No. SD365, Document No. 14-
0105, June 18.
Group Delta Consultants (2014c). Updated Foundation Recommendations, Casero
Development, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 5D365, Document No. 14-0117, July 16.
Group Delta Consultants (2014d). Grading Plan Review, Tabata 10 Development (a.k.a. Casero),
Chula Vista, California, Project No. 5D365, Document No. 14-0158, August 13.
Group Delta Consultants (2014e). Seismic and Geologic Hazards, Casero Carlsbad, California,
Project No. 5D365, Document No. 14-0165R, September 3.
Group Delta Consultants (2014f). Testing of Pavement Sub grade Materials, Casero
Development (Reef Circle Street), Chula Vista, CA, Project No. 5D365, Document No. 14-
0197, October 21.
Lennar Homes of California, Inc. (2014). General Agreement for Consulting Services, Casero
(Tabata), Carlsbad, Contract No. 19545880, May 5.
Post-Tensioning Institute (2007). Standard Requirements for Analysis of Shallow Concrete
Foundations on Expansive Soils and Addendum No. 1 to the 3rd Edition of the Design of
Post-Tensioned Slabs-on-Ground, Phoenix Arizona, May, www.post-tensioning.org.
44L., GROUP DELTA Lennar, Tabata Development\14-0178\14-0178.doc
I .
Selected samples were tested using generally accepted standards. Laboratory testing was
conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by
members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions in the same locality.
No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of the test
results or the conclusions derived from these tests. Where a specific laboratory test method
has been referenced, such as ASTM, Caltrans, or AASHTO, the reference applies only to the
specified test method and not to associated test methods or practices, and the test method has
only been used as a guidance document for the performing the test, and not as a "Test
Standard." A brief description of the tests performed follows:
Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System as
established by the American Society of Civil Engineers in general accordance with the
procedures outlined in ASTM test method D2488.
Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture: The maximum density and optimum moisture of
selected fill soil samples were determined by using test method ASTM test method D1557. For
samples with more than 10 percent plus %-inch material, the maximum densities and optimum
moisture contents were corrected using ASTM D4718 as a guideline. The test results are
summarized in Figure B-i.
Expansion Index: The expansion potentials of selected samples of finish grade soils within the
building pad areas were estimated in general accordance with the laboratory procedures
outlined in ASTM test method D4829. The results are summarized on Figures B-2.1 and B-2.2.
Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, selected soil samples
were tested for water soluble sulfate. The sulfate was extracted from the soil under vacuum
using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was tested for water
i0 soluble sulfate in using ASTM D516. The results are also presented in Figures B-2.1 and B-2.2.
ESROUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\5D355 Lennar, Tabata Development\14-0178\14-0178.doc
(ASTM D1557)
1 Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC). 119 11'/2
2 Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC). 123 10%
3 Light olive brown sandy lean clay (CL). 120 12
4 Yellow brown sandy lean clay (CL). 1191,4 12
5 Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM). 121'/2 1134
Document No. 14-0178
Project No. SD365
91 to 130 High
El-i 17
El-2 12
EI-3 17
El-4 17
El-S 19
El-6 16
El-7 23
El-8 15
El-9 18
El-b 15
Lot 1 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02%
Lot 2 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02%
Lot 3 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.04%
Lot 4— Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.08%
Lot S - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.09%
Lot 6— Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02%
Lot 7— Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.03%
Lot 8— Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02%
Lot 9 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.04%
Lot 10— Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.03%
Pending Completion of Fine Grading ---
Pending Completion of Fine Grading ---
Pending Completion of Fine Grading ---
(ASTM D4829 & D516)
0 to 20 Very low
21to50 Low
51 to 90 Medium
it No. 14-0178
pect No. 50365
(ASTM D4829 & D516)
El-14 Lot 14 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 10
El-is Lot 15 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 4
EI-16 Lot 16 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02% 13
El-17 Lot 17 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 8
El-18 Lot 18 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 0
EI-19 Lot 19 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 1
El-20 Lot 20 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.01% 5
El-21 Lot 21 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.04% 17
El-22 Lot 22 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 5
El-23 Lot 23 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.02% 14
El-24 Lot 24— Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 10
El-25 Lot 25 - Dark yellow brown silty sand (SM) 0.02% 7
El-26 Lot 26 - Moderate yellow brown clayey sand (SC) 0.03% 24
0 to 20 Very low
21to50 Low
51t090 Medium
91 to 130 High
Above 130 Very High
0.00 to 0.10 Negligible -
0.10 to 0.20 Moderate II, IP(MS), IS(MS)
0.20 to 2.00 Severe V
Above 2.00 Very Severe V plus pozzolan
Document No. 14-0178
The results of the field density tests taken during the grading operations at the subject site are
presented in the following Figures C-i through C-S. Note that the elevations and locations of
the field tests were determined by hand level and pacing relative to survey data provided by
the grading contractor.
• The following abbreviations were used to describe tests reported in this appendix.
FG = Finish Grade
NU = Nuclear Density Test
A&—, DUF DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD365 Lennar, Tabata Development\14-0178\14-0178.doc
Document No. 14-0178
Project No. SD365
Test Test Elevation! Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcfl [%] [pcfj [%) [%]
1 09/11/14 81 4 119.5 11.5 110.0 92 90 NU
2 09/11/14 82 4 119.5 14.6 112.2 94 90 NU
0 3 09/11/14 82 4 119.5 14.5 108.5 91 90 NU
4 09/11/14 83 4 119.5 13.8 107.9 90 90 NU
5 09/12/14 86 2 123.0 9.4 106.6 87 90 6 NU
6 09/12/14 87 2 123.0 9.2 104.9 85 90 7 NU
7 09/12/14 88 2 123.0 10.5 110.5 90 90 NU
8 09/12/14 89 2 123.0 12.5 111.4 91 90 NU
0 9 09/12/14 86 4 119.5 13.5 110.0 92 90 NU
10 09/12/14 87 4 119.5 12.8 108.8 91 90 NU
11 09/12/14 86 4 119.5 14.0 108.0 90 90 NU
12 09/12/14 87 4 119.5 15.2 107.5 90 90 NU
13 09/12/14 93 4 119.5 14.5 107.3 90 90 NU
14 09/12/14 91 2 123.0 12.3 110.5 90 90 NU
0 15 09/12/14 92 2 123.0 12.3 111.5 91 90 NU
16 09/12/14 86 2 123.0 12.2 108.0 88 90 18 NU
17 09/12/14 87 2 123.0 11.5 107.6 87 90 19 NU
18 09/12/14 86 2 123.0 12.5 111.9 91 90 NU
19 09/12/14 87 2 123.0 12.9 112.1 91 90 NU
20 09/15/14 92 2 123.0 19.3 106.5 87 90 21 NU
0 21 09/15/14 92 2 123.0 14.6 111.1 90 90 NU
22 09/15/14 93 2 123.0 16.9 106.1 86 90 23 NU
23 09/15/14 93 2 123.0 12.8 113.5 92 90 NU
24 09/15/14 94 2 123.0 10.5 114.9 93 90 NU
25 09/15/14 95 2 123.0 10.8 115.6 94 90 NU
26 09/15/14 89 2 123.0 13.3 110.5 90 90 NU
27 09/15/14 90 2 123.0 10.4 110.2 90 90 NU
28 09/16/14 88 2 123.0 12.8 111.4 91 90 NU
29 09/16/14 91 2 123.0 20.8 100.1 81 90 30 NU
30 09/16/14 91 2 123.0 12.3 113.0 92 90 NU
31 09/16/14 99 4 119.5 10.3 108.3 91 90 NU
32 09/16/14 103 4 119.5 12.2 107.0 90 90 NU
• 33 09/16/14 104 4 119.5 12.0 108.6 91 90 NU
34 09/16/14 82 2 123.0 10.7 114.5 93 90 NU
35 09/16/14 84 2 123.0 11.4 110.3 90 90 NU
36 09/16/14 89 2 123.0 9.5 110.8 90 90 NU
37 09/16/14 88 2 123.0 10.7 110.1 90 90 NU
38 09/16/14 87 2 123.0 10.4 110.4 90 90 NU
• 39 09/16/14 92 2 123.0 16.3 113.4 92 90 NU
40 09/16/14 93 2 123.0 14.9 112.1 91 90 NU
41 09/16/14 92 2 123.0 11.5 110.8 90 90 NU
42 09/16/14 93 2 123.0 10.2 115.3 94 90 NU
43 09/17/14 95 2 123.0 15.5 111.2 90 90 NU
44 09/17/14 96 2 123.0 16.0 110.7 90 90 NU
• 45 09/17/14 95 4 119.5 16.0 109.0 91 90 NU
46 09/17/14 96 4 119.5 15.9 108.5 91 90 NU
47 09/17/14 95 2 123.0 13.8 112.1 91 90 NU
48 09/17/14 96 4 119.5 15.5 107.9 90 90 NU
49 09/17/14 97 4 119.5 16.0 107.4 90 90 NU
50 09/17/14 101 4 119.5 12.0 107.4 90 90 NU
Document No. 14-0178
GROUP 130...T4% DENSITY TEST RESULTS Project No. 5D365
Test Test Elevation! Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
Eft] [pcfl t%] [pcf] f%] [%]
51 09/17/14 102 2 123.0 14.0 110.8 90 90 NU
52 09/18/14 94 4 119.5 12.0 107.9 90 90 NU
• 53 09/18/14 95 4 119.5 12.4 107.4 90 90 NU
54 09/18/14 96 2 123.0 13.2 113.1 92 90 NU
55 09/18/14 97 2 123.0 14.4 112.1 91 90 NU
56 09/18/14 94 2 123.0 13.9 111.9 91 90 NU
57 09/18/14 96 2 123.0 13.3 111.5 91 90 NU
58 09/18/14 102 2 123.0 14.4 112.0 91 90 NU
• 59 09/18/14 104 4 119.5 17.6 109.1 91 90 NU
60 09/18/14 96 2 123.0 11.9 112.5 91 90 NU
61 09/18/14 98 2 123.0 10.0 111.4 91 90 NU
62 09/19/14 108 4 119.5 9.2 105.0 88 90 64 NU
63 09/19/14 109 4 119.5 9.0 104.8 88 90 65 NU
64 09/19/14 108 4 119.5 11.4 107.6 90 90 NU
• 65 09/19/14 109 4 119.5 13.2 109.8 92 90 NU
66 09/19/14 111 1 119.0 11.6 109.8 92 90 NU
67 09/19/14 112 1 119.0 11.4 107.8 91 90 NU
68 09/22/14 100 2 123.0 10.5 110.7 90 90 NU
69 09/22/14 102 2 123.0 10.0 111.0 90 90 NU
70 09/22/14 103 2 123.0 11.5 112.2 91 90 NU
• 71 09/22/14 104 2 123.0 10.9 110.9 90 90 NU
72 09/22/14 105 2 123.0 10.2 111.4 91 90 NU
73 09/22/14 104 2 123.0 9.9 110.4 90 90 NU
74 09/22/14 105 2 123.0 11.0 111.2 90 90 NU
75 09/22/14 106 2 123.0 15.5 107.6 87 90 76 NU
76 09/22/14 106 2 123.0 10.4 110.9 90 90 NU
• 77 09/22/14 107 2 123.0 13.8 113.3 92 90 NU
78 09/22/14 104 2 123.0 11.3 111.1 90 90 NU
79 09/22/14 105 2 123.0 10.5 110.6 90 90 NU
80 09/23/14 85 2 123.0 10.3 103.6 84 90 80 NU
81 09/23/14 86 2 123.0 9.7 106.8 87 90 81 NU
82 09/23/14 85 2 123.0 10.6 110.8 90 90 NU
• 83 09/23/14 85 2 123.0 12.0 110.9 90 90 NU
84 09/23/14 88 2 123.0 11.1 114.5 93 90 NU
85 09/23/14 88 2 123.0 11.4 110.8 90 90 NU
86 09/23/14 112 1 119.0 10.2 107.8 91 90 NU
87 09/23/14 113 1 119.0 10.8 107.0 90 90 NU
88 09/24/14 94 2 123.0 10.3 112.6 92 90 NU
• 89 09/24/14 95 2 123.0 11.1 111.1 90 90 NU
90 09/24/14 97 2 123.0 11.7 110.1 90 90 NU
91 09/24/14 98 2 123.0 11.3 111.8 91 90 NU
92 09/24/14 100 4 119.5 14.8 107.1 90 90 NU
93 09/24/14 102 2 123.0 9.7 114.6 93 90 NU
94 09/24/14 94 4 119.5 12.5 109.4 92 90 NU
• 95 09/24/14 95 4 119.5 12.8 107.2 90 90 NU
96 09/24/14 97 2 123.0 12.8 111.3 90 90 NU
97 09/24/14 99 2 123.0 11.9 110.9 90 90 NU
98 09/24/14 104 2 123.0 11.5 112.0 91 90 NU
99 09/26/14 86 2 123.0 10.0 112.4 91 90 NU
100 09/26/14 88 2 123.0 10.5 113.6 92 90 NU
Document No. 14-0178
Test Test Elevation! Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcf] [%] (pcf] [%] [%]
101 09/26/14 100 3 120.0 12.2 108.5 90 90 NU
102 09/26/14 102 3 120.0 12.1 109.9 92 90 NU
103 09/26/14 103 3 120.0 15.6 100.3 84 90 105 NU
104 09/26/14 104 3 120.0 13.7 106.0 88 90 106 NU
105 09/26/14 103 3 120.0 13.5 109.0 91 90 NU
106 09/26/14 104 3 120.0 14.2 108.6 91 90 NU
107 09/26/14 82 2 123.0 10.7 110.4 90 90 NU
108 09/26/14 83 2 123.0 12.4 110.7 90 90 NU
109 09/26/14 85 2 123.0 10.7 112.4 91 90 NU
110 09/26/14 86 2 123.0 12.5 111.3 90 90 NU
111 09/26/14 88 2 123.0 14.2 102.2 83 90 112 NU
112 09/26/14 88 2 123.0 12.3 111.0 90 90 NU
113 09/29/14 92 2 123.0 13.0 106.9 87 90 114 NU
114 09/29/14 92 2 123.0 11.3 113.3 92 90 NU
115 09/29/14 89 2 123.0 14.5 110.6 90 90 NU
116 09/29/14 90 2 123.0 13.3 111.0 90 90 NU
117 09/29/14 80 2 123.0 10.3 107.6 87 90 119 NU
118 09/29/14 81 2 123.0 8.7 105.9 86 90 120 NU
119 09/29/14 80 2 123.0 10.1 110.6 90 90 NU
120 09/29/14 81 2 123.0 10.5 111.8 91 90 NU
121 09/29/14 83 4 119.5 14.7 110.9 93 90 NU
122 09/29/14 84 4 119.5 12.7 109.6 92 90 NU
123 09/30/14 87 4 119.5 15.1 110.5 92 90 NU
124 09/30/14 89 4 119.5 14.4 107.9 90 90 NU
125 09/30/14 79 4 119.5 12.6 107.7 90 90 NU
126 09/30/14 81 4 119.5 12.5 108.2 91 90 NU
127 09/30/14 83 4 119.5 13.8 108.9 91 90 NU
128 09/30/14 85 4 119.5 14.1 108.7 91 90 NU
129 09/30/14 87 4 119.5 13.9 109.3 91 90 NU
130 09/30/14 79 4 119.5 12.9 108.2 91 90 NU
131 09/30/14 81 4 119.5 12.5 108.4 91 90 NU
132 10/01/14 83 4 119.5 11.9 110.5 92 90 NU
133 10/01/14 85 5 121.5 11.3 111.2 92 90 NU
134 10/01/14 86 5 121.5 11.5 110.3 91 90 NU
135 10/01/14 80 5 121.5 11.5 110.7 91 90 NU
136 10/01/14 82 5 121.5 10.8 108.9 90 90 NU
137 10/01/14 85 5 121.5 11.1 113.9 94 90 NU
138 10/01/14 87 5 121.5 11.9 108.8 90 90 NU
139 10/02/14 96 5 121.5 11.5 112.8 93 90 NU
140 10/02/14 98 5 121.5 11.4 114.6 94 90 NU
141 10/02/14 82 4 119.5 11.5 109.7 92 90 NU
142 10/02/14 89 4 119.5 12.0 110.5 92 90 NU
143 10/02/14 90 2 123.0 9.7 116.5 95 90 NU
144 10/02/14 88 2 123.0 9.9 110.5 90 90 NU
145 10/02/14 90 4 119.5 13.8 108.8 91 90 NU
146 10/02/14 92 4 119.5 11.6 109.0 91 90 NU
147 10/02/14 94 4 119.5 11.8 112.1 94 90 NU
148 10/02/14 96 4 119.5 12.5 111.5 93 90 NU
149 10/02/14 98 4 119.5 11.2 111.5 93 90 NU
150 10/03/14 94 3 120.0 12.4 108.8 91 90 NU
Document No. 14-0178
Test Test Elevation! Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date I Location I Type I Density Content Density I Compaction I Compaction I Number I Method
151 10/03/14 95 5 121.5 11.6 110.1 91 90 NU
152 10/03/14 95 5 121.5 14.3 110.8 91 90 NU
• 153 10/03/14 96 5 121.5 14.5 111.3 92 90 NU
154 10/03/14 98 5 121.5 15.6 110.2 91 90 NU
155 10/03/14 99 5 121.5 14.8 109.1 90 90 NU
156 10/03/14 101 3 120.0 12.3 104.3 87 90 157 NU
157 10/03/14 101 3 120.0 12.6 108.9 91 90 NU
158 10/03/14 102 3 120.0 13.0 109.2 91 90 NU
• 159 10/06/14 105 4 119.5 14.0 108.6 91 90 NU
160 10/06/14 106 4 119.5 11.3 109.0 91 90 NU
161 10/06/14 106 5 121.5 12.3 111.0 91 90 NU
162 10/06/14 107 5 121.5 11.9 112.7 93 90 NU
163 10/06/14 108 5 121.5 13.0 110.1 91 90 NU
164 10/06/14 112 5 121.5 11.9 111.5 92 90 NU
• 165 10/06/14 112 5 121.5 7.2 103.5 85 90 166 NU
166 10/06/14 113 5 121.5 11.2 108.9 90 90 NU
167 10/06/14 113 5 121.5 11.4 111.7 92 90 NU
168 10/06/14 113 5 121.5 8.7 106.0 87 90 169 NU
169 10/06/14 108 5 121.5 11.2 110.0 91 90 NU
170 10/06/14 108 5 121.5 10.3 110.5 91 90 NU
• 171 10/06/14 108 5 121.5 10.0 111.7 92 90 NU
172 10/06/14 103 1 119.0 9.3 113.2 95 90 NU
173 10/07/14 103 1 119.0 8.0 111.6 94 90 NU
174 10/07/14 109 5 121.5 9.4 111.4 92 90 NU
175 10/07/14 109 5 121.5 9.1 118.3 97 90 NU
176 10/07/14 108 5 121.5 9.7 110.7 91 90 NU
• 177 10/07/14 108 5 121.5 8.9 109.5 90 90 NU
178 10/07/14 108 5 121.5 9.3 112.8 93 90 NU
179 10/07/14 108 5 121.5 10.0 110.9 91 90 NU
180 10/09/14 94 3 120.0 17.0 103.9 87 90 181 NU
181 10/09/14 94 3 120.0 14.6 110.2 92 90 NU
182 10/09/14 96 3 120.0 17.6 103.7 86 90 183 NU
• 183 10/09/14 96 3 120.0 13.9 109.0 91 90 NU
184 10/09/14 98 2 123.0 8.7 108.9 89 90 185 NU
185 10/09/14 98 2 123.0 11.0 112.1 91 90 NU
186 10/09/14 100 2 123.0 9.9 111.2 90 90 NU
187 10/10/14 103 2 123.0 12.1 114.1 93 90 NU
188 10/10/14 106 2 123.0 10.3 116.8 95 90 NU
• 189 10/10/14 109 2 123.0 11.5 115.5 94 90 NU
190 10/10/14 108 1 119.0 10.3 112.3 94 90 NU
191 10/10/14 109 1 119.0 10.2 112.1 94 90 NU
192 10/10/14 110 1 119.0 11.0 112.0 94 90 NU
193 10/10/14 111 1 119.0 10.9 107.1 90 90 NU
194 10/10/14 FG 5 121.5 7.6 119.1 98 90 NU
• 195 10/10/14 FG 5 121.5 8.2 112.1 92 90 NU
196 10/10/14 FG 5 121.5 6.9 120.0 99 90 NU
197 10/10/14 FG 5 121.5 6.2 119.2 98 90 NU
198 10/10/14 FG 5 121.5 6.8 113.2 93 90 NU
199 10/10/14 FG 1 119.0 7.8 111.4 94 90 NU
200 10/10/14 FG 1 119.0 8.4 113.4 95 90 NU
Document No. 14-0178
Test Test Elevation! Soil Max. Dry Moisture Dry Relative Required Retest Test
No. Date Location Type Density Content Density Compaction Compaction Number Method
[ft] [pcfJ [%] [pcfl [%] [%]
201 10/14/14 FG 1 119.0 9.1 113.5 95 90 NU
202 10/14/14 FG 1 119.0 10.8 107.7 91 90 NU
• 203 10/14/14 FG 1 119.0 9.2 110.7 93 90 NU
204 10/15/14 FG 1 119.0 7.5 108.4 91 90 NU
205 10/15/14 FG 5 121.5 9.4 119.1 98 90 NU
206 10/15/14 FG 5 121.5 9.4 112.7 93 90 NU
207 10/15/14 FG 5 121.5 11.4 110.1 91 90 NU
208 10/15/14 FG 5 121.5 7.8 110.5 91 90 NU
0 209 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 9.9 113.5 93 90 NU
210 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.1 120.4 99 90 NU
211 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.1 118.1 97 90 NU
212 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.6 112.7 93 90 NU
213 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.1 111.1 91 90 NU
214 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.3 109.9 90 90 NU
• 215 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.6 111.6 92 90 NU
216 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 12.3 110.4 91 90 NU
217 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.5 113.2 93 90 NU
218 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.6 109.2 90 90 NU
219 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.3 115.3 95 90 NU
220 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.5 110.1 91 90 NU
• 221 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.0 114.4 94 90 NU
222 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.8 111.9 92 90 NU
223 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.3 111.9 92 90 NU
224 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.1 110.8 91 90 NU
225 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.0 111.7 92 90 NU
226 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 12.0 112.0 92 90 NU
• 227 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 12.2 112.3 92 90 NU
228 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.9 111.4 92 90 NU
229 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.5 110.7 91 90 NU
230 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 12.1 112.2 92 90 NU
231 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 11.9 111.7 92 90 NU
232 10/16/14 FG 5 121.5 10.5 110.9 91 90 NU
• 233 10/16/14 102 5 121.5 12.5 110.9 91 90 NU
234 10/16/14 103 2 123.0 11.9 112.8 92 90 NU
235 10/16/14 99 2 123.0 13.5 110.6 90 90 NU
236 10/16/14 100 2 123.0 12.9 111.4 91 90 NU