August 26, 2016
Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc.
Inspection I Testing I Geotechnical I Environmental & Construction Engineering I Civil Engineering I Surveying
CTE Project No. 10-13292G
Tabata Family Trust
CIO: WMC General Contractors, Inc.
Attention: Mr. Bruce Wiegand
760 Garden View Ct., Suite 200
Encinitas, California 92024
Telephone: (760)803-2427 Via Email: bruce(wncommunities.com
Subject: Update Geotechnical Recommendations for
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive
Carlsbad California
References: At end of document
Mr. Wiegand:
In accordance with your request, Construction Testing & Engineering, Inc. (CTE) has completed a
review of the previously prepared geotechnical reports and documentation for Lots 1-5 at the subject
site, as referenced herein. We also recently visited the site on August 23, 2016 to confirm current
conditions. Recommendations are based on prior site documentation referenced herein, new and/or
updated regulatory requirements, review of current site conditions, and the scope of work we agreed to
perform at this time.
Based on the project improvement plans, the proposed construction is to consist of two-story, light-
framed, residential structures with conventional continuous and/or spread footings. Associated utilities,
flatwork, paving, landscaping, and other minor improvements may also be constructed.
CTE has found the recommendations in the referenced geotechnical documents to be in compliance
with common geotechnical engineering practices and should be considered valid unless revised herein.
However, CTE reserves the right to further modify recommendations and/or provide additional
recommendations based on the actual conditions encountered at the site during earthwork and/or
construction. Updated seismic loading parameters are also provided herein in accordance with the
requirements of the current California Building Code. Updated standard grading recommendations
(Appendix D) are also attached herewith, though additional grading is anticipated to be relatively
1441 Montiel Road, Suite 115 1 Escondido, cA92026 I Ph(760)746-4955 I Pax(760)746-9806 I www.cte-inc.net
Update Geotechnical Recommendations Page 2
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad California
August 26, 2016 CTE Job No. 10-13292G
Based on our review, the existing building pads at the subject site were previously graded in accordance
with the referenced reports. It appears that site conditions have remained generally consistent to those
described in the original and as-graded reports. Significant changes, distress, and/or erosion in the
building pad areas was not noted. Therefore, based on this information and on reference review, we
provide the following update recommendations.
Based on the limited preliminary plans and information provided, as well as our understanding of the
proposed development, the following remedial recommendations are believed to be appropriate at this
All proposed building footprints and other distress sensitive improvement areas should be cleared of
existing vegetation, construction debris, stockpiled, deleterious, and other loose materials.
Objectionable materials, such as construction debris and vegetation, not suitable for structural backfill
should be properly disposed of offsite.
Following removal of loose and unsuitable soils and approval from the geotechnical representative,
exposed areas should be scarified a minimum of eight inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted to a
minimum relative compaction of 90 percent, as evaluated by ASTM D 1557, at a minimum two percent
above optimum.
Fill and backfill should be compacted to a minimum relative compaction of 90 percent as evaluated by
ASTM D 1557, at a minimum two percent above optimum. Minimum relative compaction of 95
percent (per ASTM D-1557) should be conducted for the minimum top 12 inches of subgrade beneath
proposed pavement and drive areas, and for all/any aggregate base. The optimum lift thickness for
backfill soil will depend on the type of compaction equipment used. Generally, fill soil should be
placed in uniform lifts not exceeding eight inches in loose thickness. Fill placement and compaction
should be performed in overall conformance with the geotechnical recommendations and project
specifications in conformance with local ordinances.
A CTE geotechnical representative should observe and test the bottom of overexcavation and
compaction of soils within the proposed building footprints and other distress sensitive improvement
The seismic ground motion values listed in the table below were derived in accordance with the ASCE
7-10 Standard that is incorporated into the California Building Code, 2013. This was accomplished by
establishing the Site Class based on the soil properties at the site, and then calculating the site
coefficients and parameters using the United States Geological Survey Seismic Design Maps
application. These values are intended for the design of structures to resist the effects of earthquake
ground motions.
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Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad California
August 26, 2016 CTE Job No. 10-13292G
2013CBC AND ASCE 7-10
Site Class D ASCE 7, Table 20.3-1
Mapped Spectral Response
Acceleration Parameter, 5s 1.108g Figure 1613.3.1 (1)
Mapped Spectral Response 0.426g Figure 1613.3.1 (2) Acceleration Parameter, S
Seismic Coefficient, Fa 1.057 Table 1613.3.3 (1)
Seismic Coefficient, F 1.574 Table 1613.3.3 (2)
MCE Spectral Response 1.171g Section 1613.3.3 Acceleration Parameter, SMS
MCE Spectral Response
Acceleration Parameter, 5M1
0.671g Section 1613.3.3
Design Spectral Response
Acceleration, Parameter 5DS
0.780g Section 16 13.3.4
Design Spectral Response
Acceleration, Parameter 5D1
0.447g Section 16 13.3.4
Peak Ground Acceleration PGAM 0.466g ASCE 7, Section 11.8.3
Footings for structures should be designed such that the horizontal distance from the face of adjacent
descending slopes to the outer edge of the footing is a minimum of 10 feet. In addition, foundations
should bear beneath an imaginary 1:1 plane extended up from the nearest bottom edge of adjacent
parallel trenches or excavations located within 10 feet. Deepening of affected footings should be a
suitable means of attaining the prescribed setbacks.
In addition, footings located adjacent to retaining walls should bear beneath an imaginary 1:1 plane
extending upward from the base of the wall retaining soil in order to minimize additional surcharge load
to the wall itself.
If retaining walls are to be constructed in association with the proposed development, the following
parameters are anticipated to be applicable. For the design of subterranean walls where the surface of
the backfill is level, it may be assumed that the soils will exert a lateral pressure equal to that developed
by a fluid with a density of 35 pcf. The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top
at least 0.2 percent of the wall height. For walls restrained so that such movement is not permitted, an
equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pcf should be used, based on at-rest soil conditions. The recommended
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Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad California
August 26, 2016 CTE Job No. 10-13292G
equivalent fluid pressures should be increased according to Table 4.0 below for walls retaining soils
inclined at 2:1 (horizontal: vertical). Walls below the water level are not anticipated for the subject site.
In addition to the recommended earth pressure, subterranean structure walls adjacent to traffic loads
should be designed to resist a uniform lateral pressure of 100 psf. This is the result of an assumed 300-
psf surcharge behind the walls due to normal street traffic. If the traffic is kept back at least 10 feet or a
distance equal to the retained soil height from the subject walls, whichever is less, the traffic surcharge
may be neglected. The project architect or structural engineer should determine the necessity of
waterproofing retaining walls to reduce moisture infiltration.
Retaining wall backfill located within a 45-degree wedge extending up from the heel of the wall should
consist of soil having an Expansion Index of 30 or less (ASTM D 4829) with less than 30 percent
passing the No. 200 sieve. The upper 12 to 18 inches of wall backfill should consist of lower
permeability soils, in order to reduce surface water infiltration behind walls. The project structural
engineer and/or architect should detail proper wall backdrains, including gravel drain zones, fills, filter
fabric and perforated drain pipes.
(pounds per cubic foot)
(YIELDING) 35 45
Lateral pressures on cantilever retaining walls (yielding walls) due to earthquake motions may be
calculated based on work by Seed and Whitman (1970). The total lateral thrust against a properly
drained and backfilled cantilever retaining wall above the groundwater level can be expressed as:
For non-yielding (or "restrained") walls, the total lateral thrust may be similarly calculated
based on work by Wood (1973):
PKE = PK + AP1
Where PA = Static Active Thrust (given previously Table 4.0)
PK = Static Restrained Wall Thrust (given previously Table 4.0)
APAE = Dynamic Active Thrust Increment = (3/8) kh yH2
APKE = Dynamic Restrained Thrust Increment = kh yH2
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Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad California
August 26, 2016 CTE Job No. 10-13292G
kh = 2/3 Peak Ground Acceleration = 2/3 (PGAM)
H = Total Height of the Wall
Total Unit Weight of Soil z 135 pounds per cubic foot
The increment of dynamic thrust in both cases should be distributed triangularly with a line of action
located at H13 above the bottom of the wall (SEAOC, 2013).
These values assume non-expansive backfill and free-draining conditions. Measures should be taken to
prevent moisture buildup behind all retaining walls. Drainage measures should include free-draining
backfill materials and sloped, perforated drains, as designed and detailed by the wall engineer or
architect of record. These drains should discharge to an appropriate off-site location. Any necessary
waterproofing should be as specified by the project architect.
As indicated, the updated recommendations herein are based on our evaluation performed to date and
could require modification as project improvement plans further progress and/or based on conditions
encountered during construction.
The field evaluation and geotechnical analysis referenced in our geotechnical documents was conducted
according to current engineering practice and the standard of care exercised by reputable Geotechnical
Consultants performing similar tasks in this area. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made
regarding the conclusions, recommendations and opinions expressed. Variations may exist and
conditions not observed or described may be encountered during construction.
Our conclusions and recommendations are based on an analysis of the observed conditions. If
conditions different from those described are encountered, our office should be notified and additional
recommendations, if required, will be provided upon request.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should you have questions, please
contact the undersigned at your convenience.
Respectfully submitted,
No.2665 (j (o No.84232
Dan T. Math, GE #2665 EXP.12/31/16 Jj Rodney J. Jones, RCE #84232 1 . 9/30/17 10
Principal Engineer , JJ Project Engineer
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Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad California
August 26, 2016 CTE Job No. 10-13292G
References: Interim As-Greaded Geotechnical Report
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive
Carlsbad, California
CTE Project No. 10-12101G, dated August 2, 2015
Lot 3 Subdrain Recommendations and Elimination of Retaining Wall
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive -
Carlsbad California
CTE Project No. 10-12101G, dated July 14, 2014
Transfer of Geotechnical Responsibility Letter
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive
Carlsbad, California
CTE Project No. 10-12101G, dated July 1, 2014
Geotechnical and Update Report and Grading Plan Review
Proposed Tabata Ranch Subdivision
Lemon Leaf Drive, Carlsbad, California
Vinje & Middleton Engineering Job # 01-364-P, dated August 2, 2006
Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
Proposed 4-Lot Subdivision, Tabata Ranch
Off Camino De Las Ondas and Lonicera Street, Carlsbad, California
Vinje & Middleton Engineering Job # 01-364-P, dated October 24, 2001
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