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C0( -- SOIL RETENTION DESIGNS INC. Verdura Retaining Wall Design Project: TRACT NCT 06-27T MUROYA CARLSBAD, Ca. Prepared for: TALYOR MORRISON OF CALIFORNIA LLC. 15 CUSIIING IRVINE, CA 92618 SRD Project No: 0711-004 April 27, 2011 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 9 Phone (760) 966-6090 • Fax (760) 966-6099 SOIL RETENTION DESIGNS INC. Date: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 SRD Project No: 0711-004 Client: Taylor Morrison of California LLC. 15 Cushing Irvine, CA 92618 Attention: April Tornillo Subject: Verdura 40 MSE Wall Design, Tract CT06-27 Muroya, Carlsbad, Ca. In accordance with your request, Soil Retention Designs, Inc. (SRD) has prepared analyses for the proposed retaining walls at the above referenced site. The enclosed structural design addresses wall 14 and Wall 8 with the location as noted in the accompanying construction drawings (Verdura Segmental Retaining Wall Plans). The design is based on a contract with Taylor Morrison of California LLC. dated: 03-01-11. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS The information provided for use in the enclosed structural analyses included the following: MSE Wall Design Parameters, Tract CT 06-27 Muroya, Carlsbad, CA, prepared by Geocon Consultants dated: July 14, 2009 and included in this report in Appendix 1. Electronic grading plan and profile, Tract CT 06-27 Muroya, prepared by Pangaea Land Consultants, received in our office on 2/25/2011. SCOPE The scope of services provided for this project included the following: Review of the above referenced documents relative to obtaining necessary Verdura Wall design parameters. In-office analysis and design of the proposed Verdura Retaining Wall as required to accommodate the design. Preparation of this report, which contain our calculations and associated specifications, plans and/or drawings that relate directly and specifically to the proposed retaining walls. 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 9 Phone (760) 966-6090. Fax (760) 966-6099 I Mrs. April Tomillo Verdura 40 Wall Design I Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 LIMITATIONS I The design and recommendations provided herein are applicable to the use of Verdura retaining wall products, which is of proprietary ownership by Soil Retention Products, Inc. Note that the scope of services authorized and provided herein is limited to a structural deign of the proposed Verdura Retaining Wall system. SRD did not provide any on-site geotechnical services such as I subsurface investigations or identification/testing of soil materials that may be used in or near the proposed Verdura 40 Retaining wall. Information presented herein is based on data provided in the reference documents. If the conditions differ from those presented in the referenced documents, the I engineering design and analyses provided by SRD may no longer be valid and additional engineering and analysis services may. be required. Conditions noted above include, but are not limited to slope configurations, wall system type, wall/slope heights, soil materials and structure loadings. In addition, it I should be noted that SRD is the wall designer and not the geotechnical engineer-of-record. VERDURA 40 RETAINING WALL - I General - The site consists of two proposed Verdura retaining walls (wall 8 and wall 14) Wall 8 is located on the west side of pad numbers 17 and 18 adjacent to the proposed storm water basin. The I proposed wall 8 will have a flat top condition and a proposed 2:1 descending slope that leads to the storm water basin area at the toe of the wall. Wall 14 is located on the west side of the proposed building pad numbers 35, 36. The Proposed wall 14 will have a descending slope at the toe and a proposed 2:1 I ascending slope above the wall. We have prepared the design and drawings for both walls. Geotechnical Design Parameters - The geotechnical parameters provided for use in design of the I Verdura Retaining wall were provided by Geocon geotechnical consultants Inc. (the geotechnical engineer for the project), which is noted as Referenced Document #1. I Seismic Design Parameters - .17g I Wall Components - The Verdura Retaining walls are to be constructed using Verdura 40 blocks, Mirafi geogrids and other accessory products as required for construction by the wall building contractor, and described in "Part 2 - Products" of the "Specifications" of the attached construction drawings (Sheet 1). I Wall Design - The Verdura 40 Retaining Walls proposed for this site have been designed for both static and pseudo-static conditions using computer program Verdura Wall 1.0. Verdura Wall 1.0 is a derivative I of the program MSEW (Mechanically Stabilized Earth Wall) developed by ADAMA Engineering, Inc. Verdura Wall 1.0 incorporates nationally recognized methodologies in design of mechanically stabilized earth structures such as those adopted by the Federal Highway Administration (A-IWA) and National I.: Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA). - The design calculations are provided in Appendix 2 of this report and preceded by a summary page of the critical factors of safety. I Mrs. April Tornillo Verdura 40 Wall Design I Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 Our analysis is based on the AASHTO Design Method. I Summary: Wall 14 22' Total Height wall with a proposed 2:1 ascending slope above Wall 11.3' Total Height wall with a proposed 2:1 descending slope to a flat basin area below I Toe embedment - Toe embedment (embedment of the wall base into the foundation soils) is typically provided to minimize the potential for erosion undermining of the wall base, enhance bearing capacity and enhance sliding resistance of the basal reinforcement layers. Embedment of the wall is accounted for in I the calculations as part of the "total wall height". The embedment has no impact on the wall calculations (i.e. design methodology conservatively ignores passive earth pressures from soils in front of the wall and hence has no effect on the internal or external stability of the wall system/components). Per the I Geotechnical Engineers recommendations, we have added additional embedment into competent formational material to account for the potential of loose slope material to be eroding away from the face of wall over time per the soils report. Toe embedment used in design exceeds the minimum guidelines as set forth by NCMA and FHWA (H/5 [sloping toe condition], where "H" is the walls exposed height). For descending slopes we have used a minimum depth of 7' to daylight. Wall Backfill - Requirements for reinforced, retained, and foundation zone backfill materials are included in the specifications for this project. The reinforced zone materials should consist of engineered fill comprised of select on-site or imported soils accepted by the geotechnical engineer—of-record and having a minimum friction angle of 30 degrees shear strength when remolded to 90% of modified proctor density (ASTM D-1557). Additionally, the soil materials used in wall construction should not exhibit a plasticity index (P1) greater than 20 or have % fines passing the 200 sieve> 35%. Soils within 6 inches of a reinforcing geosynthetic layer shall not contain particles larger than six inches. Backfill Drainage - Retaining wall sub-drainage should be constructed in accordance with the details shown on the accompanying construction drawings and/or as directed by the geotechnical engineer of record. Surface Water Drainage - Drainage and channeling of surface water from above wall and from surrounding improvements should be directed to collection devices away from the retaining wall structures. Where possible, surface water should be collected in v-ditches, swales, or other collection/channeling devices in order to contain and discharge water to either end of the wall or away from the structures. Berms, curbs, gutters, swales or other devices may be required to prevent excessive amount of concentrated runoff from draining over the crest of the wall and creating erosion problems. In no case should large volumes of runoff or concentrated flows be allowed to cascade over the top of Verdura Walls, discharge into the backfill or infill soils from which the wall is constructed or otherwise be allowed to saturate the structural fill of the wall. Mrs. April Tomillo Verdura 40 Wall Design Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 Improvements Above Walls - The uppermost geosynthetic reinforcements are designed to be at least 2 feet beneath the top of wall elevations. The 2-foot zone is typically considered a suitable depth in which landscaping can be installed. If deeper infrastructure improvements are planned within the areas above the wall, there may be conflict with geosynthetic reinforcements. SRD should be contacted if infrastructure utilities are planned for these areas and trench excavations encroach within the zone of geosynthetic reinforced soils. Additional analyses in order to assess the stability of the designed retaining wall may be required if this condition exists. Construction Details - Detailed specifications, relative to the construction of the Verdura retaining wall system, are provided on the accompanying construction drawings. The length, strength and spacing of geosynthetic reinforcements are depicted on a maximum height cross-section design. The minimum recommended geogrid lengths should be maintained throughout the specified lengths of the wall per the accompanying drawings. Geogrid spacing for all wall areas shall not be greater than 3 block courses except for top of wall areas as noted on the included plans. GLOBAL STABILITY ANALYSES - Global stability of soil slopes surcharged by retaining structures is typically independent of local structural design for the retaining structure and hence has not been conducted as part of the design included herein. The global stability of the slope and retaining structure combination is the responsibility of the geotechnical engineer-of-record (Geocon Geotechnical Consultants, Inc.) and should be provided under separate cover prior to initiation of construction. In order to ensure that the geotechnical engineer of record has reviewed the global stability of the proposed structures, we request that the geotechnical engineer of record provide a letter of review to SRD. The letter of review should provide confirmation that an assessment of the global stability for the slope and retaining wall combination was performed and that minimum required safety factors per the requirements of all appropriate reviewing agencies, have been achieved. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER-OF-RECORD It is the project geotechnical engineer-of-record's responsibility to review the enclosed design calculations, plans, and specifications in order to ensure that the assumptions made herein are consistent• with their intentions. It should also be noted that it shall be the responsibility of the project geotechnical engineer-of-record to ensure that the soil and geologic structure on which the proposed Verdura retaining walls are founded are globally stable (i.e. stable with respect to potential failure surfaces that may occur behind and beneath the Verdura 40 retaining wall) Lastly, the geotechnical engineer of record will be responsible for ensuring that the soil, materials, and methods used in construction of the Verdura Retaining wall are conducted in accordance with the specifications outlined herein. M. April Tollo Verdura 40 Wall Design Muroya I Wednesday April 27, 2011 CONCLUSIONS I Construction of the above referenced Verdura Walls is feasible provided that the recommendations and associated details presented herein are followed. If you have any questions or wish additional information, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully Submitted, qJAN4. I Distribution: (6) Addressee Attachments: Appendix 1 - Verdura Design Parameters Appendix 2— Retaining Wall Design Calculations - Rear of Text 'H I, I . .. , I. I • I I, I Mrs. April Torni]lo Verdura 40 Wall Design Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 1 1 I I I I I ic I I I 1 1 Appendix• 1 Geotechnical Design Parameters (3 Pages) I should bebackfihledwithIess permeable.compactedfill to reduce wa*er.infiirlitäon. The use of drainage openings through the base of the wall (tveep..hoies) is not'recommended where the seepage could be a nuisance or 'otherwise .a4versely affect. the property ad jacent to the I base.of the wall. The recommendations 'herein assumea propefly-cempanted gmrailar(Elof 50 or less) freedraining backfill matedñl, with no. hyOStaUc forces -or imposed surcharge I . load. Figure 12 presents a typical retalhing. wall drainage detail. lf.conditions different than those described are expected, or if Specifit drainage details.:are deg iied,'Geocon Incorporated should be contacted for additional recommendations. I 6.10.6 lii general, wall foundations having a minimum depth and width of ,1 foot may be designed for an allowable soil bea gpreinure.of 2000 psf, piOvided the soil within 4 feet below the I base of the wall has an Expansion 'Index of Si) or less. The pro*h±tity oftLe.foUndation 'o the top of a slope steeper than 3:1 could impact. the:a]Owab1C soil baariii'g pressure. Therefota,: I . Geocon Incorporated should b&consülted wher.'Sih.a condition is eciecied. 6 107 The recommendations presented herem are generally applcale to the design of rigid' .concrete or masonry retaining walls..hav1ng r.,':.:inm...'b :oT8 erJ eventthat. 1 walls higher than :8 feet or other types of walla (such as viib-type walls) are-jilanned, Geocon 1'ncorpo rated 'should be consulted for-a'ddional..reconéndations. I 6i1Liir itós ..- 6.11.1 For resistance to lateral loads, an allowable passive earth Cssure ' equival:ent. to a f1U14 I density of 350 pcf is recommended for footings or shear keys pured".neat against properly compacted granular fill or formational materials. The allowablepassive pressure. assumes a horizontal surface extending. away from the base of-the wall at least 5 feet or-three times the U height of the surface generating the passive pressure, Whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material not protected.by floor slabs or pavement should notbe:'inchided in. the I design for lateral resistance. An allowable friction coefficient ofiL35 may ..used for resistance to sliding between soil and. concrete. This fritin coefficient ray be combined the a11ob1e passive'eaith pressure when 'detemtinirig.resistance to lateral loads. U .with 6.12 Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls U 6. U2.1 Mechanically stabilized earth (M-SE-) retaining.-walls 'are tilt fl'.tiyo walls .6091t bi modular block facing with geogrid. reinforced 'behind ffier block. The Øgrid attaches to the block units and is bjpicàl1" placed at: specified: 'vertical: .:intervtis and I . embedment lengths. Spacing and.lenthsarebased on the typ'e.and:strength characteiisfics :f s6 11 used for backfilL Pojcct No, O7671-52-01 . -21- • 1uly'14, 2009 I I I I I I I. I I , I 6.12.2 Based on information obtained from the referenced geotechnical reports the. geotechnical parameters provided in Table 6.12.1 can.be used for design of the;MSE wall& TABLE6.1V1 GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS FOR MSE WALLS Parameter REinfOrced Zone .Rctáined.Zone. Foundation Zone Angle of Internal ..Filetion 30 Aggrees304grnes . 4grees. Cohesion 300 psf O.O:pf POPsf Wet Unit Weight 130 pcf 13(ipcf 130pcf 6.12.3 The soil parameters presented in Table 6:12.1 are based on.owexperienceand direct Shear- strength tests performed during the geotechnicalinvestigation: and previous grading operations and represent some.of iheonsite material s.Th wet unit wei. vaiuespresented in Table 1:can be used for destgn but actual cdëisitiesmayrangefrom approximately 110 to 145 pounds per cubic .fot. Geocon Incorporated.has no. way of J=Gwing whether these materials will actually be-used as backfill bhindthewall;uring construction. HIS up to the Wall designers to use their judgment in selection of the: design parametèTts. Assuch; once backfill materials have been selected told/Or stook-piled . ~.sufficient hear tosts:shotildbe conducted on samples of the proposed backfill materials to check that they conform to:actual design values. Results should be provicked -to-WCCes-Iffi-pilo—fe-"-iFv—atu-ge- i - ................- -. bilifThels. Dependent upon test resbits, the designer may require: modifications to.the original will design (e.g., Longer reinforcement embedment lengths). 6.12;4 For walls founded on and retaining compacted M.L.the. angle of -internal :fiiction I recothmened for the reinfotced zone should also be used thr the retained zone and found tion zone. The foundation zone is the area WhOre, the fqoting. is embedded, the I reinforced zone is the area of the backfill that possesses the remforqng thbnc, and the retained zone-is the areabehind the reinlb±cedzone.. 1 .6.12.5 An :allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 .psf (poundsper square fbot) Shouklhe used for foflndátion design and -calculations.for wall beafig. This beait:g pres- sure üs5umCs a / minimum foundation width and depth. of 12 inches founded otapacted fill at fdtithtibnal I materials. The allowable soil bearing pressure maybe increasedby 300 pf and. 500t.of for each additional foot of foundation width and depth respectively, up to a maximum allowable I soil bearing pressure of-4;000 psf 6.12.6 Backfill materials within the reinforced zone shotild be compacted to a dry densityof at least 90 percent of the laboratory maximum:dry density near to s1ghUyabOve optimum moisture PmJctNo.t671-52'O1 July 14,2009 I I I content: in accordance with ASTrM. I) 1557. This i $p1e to:'hi ienembedi',ent''width of the geogdd reforcei''ent. Typically, wall deaigners specir no heavy compaction equipment within 3 feet of the face of -the wall. However, smaller e4tptheflt (e.g., walk- behind, self-driven. compactors or hand whackers-) can. be used to compact the materials without causing deformation of The' wall. if the designer specifies: no cOmpact e effort for this zone, the materials are essentially not properly compacted 'and the geogrid"withiir the uncompacted zone should 'not be relied upon for 1reinforcement, 'and overall embedment lengths Will have to be increased- to. account for thedif erence. 6.12.7 The wall should be provided with adrainage system sufficient to prevent. excessive 'seepage through the wall and the' base of the wall, thus preventing. hydrostatic pressures behind the wall. 6.12.8 Geosyntbeticreinfo,rcement-niust':elongateto develop 11111 'tniie.'sistanoe. Thia elbnatfoU I generally results in movement at the top of'thç wall. The;amgUnt Qfhjtivé men t is pCndetit upon the height of the wall (e g, higher walls rotate mom) and the type of geognd reinforcing used. in'addi ionovertimegeogrid.has 'been known.to e bibit ciCP(Son,etim'es as much: as :5 percent) and can undergo additi nal movement Given ThiS:' con41t16n, the owner should be aware that structures and, 'pavement placed within "the reinforced and IIretained zones of the wall may undergo movement 6.1:3 Preliminary PavementRecommendations i. Ii 6.13.1 The following preliminary pavement design criteria are based on expected soil conditions. Mininmni resistance values' (R-Value). of 30 for sbgrade soil and 78 for aggregate base I materials have been iassurned, 'based on the results of our 'lab to*y'testüig and experience with similar material&R-Yalue testing Should he performe4 on materials present at subgrade elevation after grading and on base materials in order to develop final pavement II recommendations. 6.13.2 The flexible pavement 'section was caliilated in general conformance with 'the'Caltrans 11 Method of Flexible Pavement Design"(Bighway 'Design Manual, 'Section 6O84) 'us'iig thteC possible Traffic Indices (TI). 'Tbe'projetaihitt, ciVil engineer, 4ownr should reviôw the pavement designation to determine appcopriatc locatiaflS fó5 paie,ment thilths. I] Recommendations for flexible :pavementsections are presCnte* Table 6A13.11. PrajcetNO. 07671-52.01 -23- July 14, 0O Mrs. April Tomillo Verdura 40 Wall Design Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 Appendix 2 Retaining Wall Design Calculations (20 Pages) I Mrs. April Tomillo Verdura 40 Wall Design I Muroya Wilnesday April 27, 2011 Design Summary Design Summary Table - Wall 14 (HD=22 ft) WlSeismic Descending 1.5:1 Structure Geometry - Total Height 22' - Crest Condition Ascending 2:1 - Toe Geotechnical Parameters Reinforced Retained Foundation Friction angle, (p, degrees 30 30 30 Dry Unit Weight, Id, pcf 130 130 130 - Cohesion, c, psf Not used Not used 300 - Seismic acceleration, g 0.17 Global Stability Per Geotechnical Engineer of Record Minimum Factor of Safety FS, Static I FS, Seismic External Stability Actual Target Actual Target - BearingCapacity 14.33 2 11.82 1.5 - Direct Sliding 3.75 1.5 1.88 1.1 - Overturning 10.26 2 4.16 1.5 InternalStability - Connection 2.98 1.5 1.23 1.1 - Geogrid Strength 2.86 1.5 1.80 1.1 - Pullout Resistance 5.70 1.5 2.80 1.1 - Direct Sliding 3.38 1.5 1.70 1.1 MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Peseut Daxefl'ime: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 PoldefL07ll-004 I H=22.0.3EN AASHTO DESIGN METHOD Muroya PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Muroya Project Number. 0711 004 Client Taylor Morrison of California LLC Designer EJS Station Number Description. H=22.0' design with 1.5:1 desending slope at toe Company c iijonnation. Name: Soil Retention Designs, Inc. Street 2501 State Street Carlsbad, CA 92008 Telephone #: 760-966-6090 Fax # 760-966-6099 E-Mail: njansson@soilretention.com OriginaiJUe path and name: J:\SRDesign'Job Folder\0711-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA\Desi .....11wall 1 H=22.0.BEN Oiiginal date and time of creating this file: Tue Aug 24 16:24:32 2010 PROGRAM MODE- ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. Muroya Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA 99 Inc. Em Page 1 of 10 License number MSEW30201j I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Present Datetlime: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:lSRDesiZn'Job Folder\0711-004 Muxoya_Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wa11wa11 1 R=22.0.BEN SOIL DA TA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, 'y 130.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 30.0 RETAINED SOIL I Unit weight, 7 130.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 30.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) I Equivalent unit weight, y. 130.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 0equiv. 30.0 Equivalent cohesion, c env. 300.0 lb/ft 2 I Water table does not affect bearing capacity lATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICiENTS I Ka (internal stability) = 0.2467 (if batter is less than 100, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, 4= 40.180 (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.2443 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) I BFAR1NG CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 30.14 N 'j= 22.40 I SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.170 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.218 I Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh = 0.218 (Am = 0.218) Kae ( Kh> 0) = 0.4167 Kae ( Kh =0) = 0.2443 - A Kae = 0.1724 (see eq. 37 in DEMO 82) Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. I ------------------------ Muroya Page 2of 10 Copyright© 1998-2009 ADAM Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 5a u Z K/Ka - Oft 1.00 3.3 ft 1.00 6.6 ft 1.00 9.8 ft 1.00 I 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 19.7 ft I 1.00 9.8 16.4 26.2 32.8 K/Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Present Datetlime: Tee Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 i:%SRDesign\Iob Fo1dex0711-004 Muioya_Carlsbad CADesign\v-wanwaU 1 H=22-0$EN I INPUT DATA: Geogiids (Analysis) D A T A Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid type #1 type #2 type #3 type #4 type #5 Tult [lb/ft] I Durability reduction factor, RFd 4700.0 7400.0 9500.0 13705.0 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Jnstallation-damage reduction factor, RFid 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Creep reduction factor, RFc 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 N/A Fs-overall for strength I Coverage ratio, Rc N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface, p 26.10 26.10 26.10 26.10 Pullout resistance factor, P 0.85-tan 0.85-taro 0.85.tan4 0.85.tan4 N/A I Scale-effect correction factor, cx 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Myth Pressure Coefficient With Depth I I Muroya Page 3 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I Z/Hd To-static /Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd 0.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Pru.sent oatetrm]e: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:SRDesign'Job FoldeA0711-004 Muroya-Carlsbad CA\Des1gnv-waflwai1 1 H=22.01EN I INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (accnnhinL to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) I FACIA type: Facing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g., modular concrete blocks, gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 ft. Horizontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit weight of block is Tf = 117.00 lb/ft 3 Top of wall Z/Hd°°°! -- 0.25 0.50 -- 0.75 1.0Q- 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 a CRult (2) a CRult 0.0 0.75 0.0 0.42 4000.0 0.75 1545.0 0.60 4000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type #3 G CRult 0.0 0.22 1831.0 0.63 4000.0 0.63 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRult a CRult 0.0 0.31 1914.0 0.57 N/A 4000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a CRcr a CRcr a CRcr 0.0 0.75 0.0 0.42 0.0 0.22 4000.0 0.75 1545.0 0.60 1831.0 0.63 4000.0 0.60 4000.0 0.63 a = Confining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/ft 2] CRult = Tc-ult I Tult CRcr = Tcre / Tult Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRcr a CRcr 0.0 0.31 1914.0 0.57 N/A 4000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to 80% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name V40 - SXT V40 - 8XT V40 - 1OXT V40 - 2OXT N/A Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 N/A Creep reduction factor, RR N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A I I Muroya Page 4of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW.302016 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Present Dal&Time: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:\SBDesign\Job Foldei0711-004 Muro}eCarlsbsd CA\Design\v-wafl\wafl 1 H=210.BEN I iNPUT DATA: Geometiy and Siuchuxge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height, Hd 22.00 [ft] { Embedded depth is E = 2.00 ft, and height above top of finished I bottomgradeisH=20.00ft} Batter, Ct) 14.0 [deg] Backsiope, 26.6 [deg] Backslope rise 3.0 [ft] Broken back equivalent angle, I = 3.90° (see Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) I UNIFORM SURCHARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 21 I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCAL& 02468 10[ft] I I Muroya Page 5of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Present Daielrime: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:lSRDesign\Iob Fo1dejk0711-04 Muroya_Carlsbad CADesi\v-wa1Awafl 1 H=22.0.BEN I ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Stmic conditions)) Bearing capacity, Fs = 14.33, Meyerhof stress = 2891 IbIft2. Pmniintinn 1ntrfra F}ireit ulidinp Pu =,1-74R- F.ccentricitv e/L = -00166. Fs-overtumin = 10.26 GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geognd strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Ps 1 1.33 23.00 4 4.09 4.13 4.126 27.231 3.382 -0.0196 V40 - 20XT 2 3.33 23.00 2 2.98 2.86 2.862 31.130 3.732 -0.0235 V40 - 8XT 3 5.33 23.00 2 3.30 3.16 3.162 28.986 4.152 -0.0265 V40 - 8XT 4 7.33 23.00 2 3.68 3.53 3.532 26.385 4.664 -0.0288 V40 - 8XT 5 9.33 23.00 2 4.12 4.00 4.000 23.599 5.305 -0.0305 V40- 8XT 6 11.33 23.00 2 4.53 4.61 4.611 20.630 6.127 -0.0317 V40-8XT 7 13.33 23.00 2 5.09 5.44 5.443 17.656 7.224 -0.0325 V40- 8XT 8 15.33 23.00 2 5.90 6.64 6.642 14.683 8.757 -0.0334 V40 - 8XT 9 17.33 23.00 2 7.16 8.52 8.516 11.712 11.051 -0.0351 V40-8XT 10 19.33 23.00 2 6.14 7.74 7.735 5.702 14.857 -0.0393 V40- 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 11.82, Meyerhof stress = 3227 lb/ft2. giin1ntim Tntprfnr'e flIrct u11ino Pu = 1 RSO P ntricftv PIt. = 0.0654 Fs-overturning = 4i6 GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs i1.33 23.00 4 1.82 2.74 2.741 12.116 1.699 0.0532 V40-20XT 2 3.33 23.00 2 . 1.23 1.80 1.796 12.856 1.878 0.0366 V40 - 8XT 3 5.33 23.00 2 1.36 1.98 1.984 11.965 2.113 0.0205 V40- 8XT 4 7.33 23.00 2 1.52 2.22 2.215 10.885 2.421. 0.0067 V40 - 8XT 9.33 23.00 2 1.70 2.51 2.507 9.729 2.823 -0.0048 V40 - 8XT 6 11.33 23.00 2 1.87 2.89 2.889 8.497 3.367 -0.0140 V40- 8XT 7 13.33 23.00 2 2.09 3.41 3.406 7.263 4.143 -0.0214 V40 - 8XT 8 15.33 23.00 2 2.42 4.15 4.150 6.029 5.335 -0.0272 V40 - 8XT 9 17.33 23.00 2 2.93 5.31 5.310 4.795 7.367 -0.0323 V40 - 8XT 10 19.33 23.00 2 1 3.01 5.53 5.534 2.801 11.436 -0.0385 V40 - 8XT I i Muroya Page 6 of 10 Copyright© 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. Ucense number MSEW-302016 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Preseni Dare!rnne: To Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:SRDesign'Job Fo1der0711-004 Muroya—Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wamwafl I R-22.0.BEN BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT STATIC SEISMIC (Water table does not affect bearing capacity) Ultimate bearing canacity, q-ult 41421 38152 [lb/ft 21 Meyerhof stress, av 2890.5 3227 [lb/ft 2] Eccentricity, e -0.38 1.50 [ft] Eccentricity, e/L -0.017 0.065 Fs calculated 14.33 11.82 Base length 23.00 23.00 [ft] I SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10[ft] Muroya Page 7of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 .ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Present Dare/lime: Tue Mar 08 15:17:32 2011 J:\SRDesignJob Foldefr0711-004 MwoyaCarlsbañ CA\Design\v-wafl\wail I H=22.0-BEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual I# Elevation [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [lb/ft} minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [ft] Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name static static seismic seismic I 1 1.33 7169 1737.42 1386.65 N/A 4.126 N/A 2.741 V40-2OXT 2 3.33 3871 1352.48 1267.51 N/A 2.862 N/A 1.796 V40-8XT 3 5,33 3871 1224.20 1148.37 N/A 3.162 N/A 1.984 V40-8XT 4 I 7.33 3871 1095.92 1029.24 N/A 3.532 N/A 2.215 V40-8XT 5 9.33 3871 967.64 910.10 N/A 4.000 N/A 2.507 V40-8XT 6 11.33 3871 839.36 790.96 N/A 4.611 N/A 2.889 V40- 8XT 1 13:33 3871 711.08 671.82 N/A 5.443 N/A 3.406 V40-8XT 8 15.33 3871 582.80 552.69 N/A 6.642 N/A 4.150 V40- 8XT I 9 17.33 3871 454.53 433.55 N/A 8.516 N/A 5.310 V40-8XT 10 19.33 3811 500.38 314.41 N/A 1.735 N/A 5.534 V40-8XT I RESULTS for PULWUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/ft] [lb/ft] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [lb/ft] Fs Fs [lb/ft] Fs Fs I lift] 1 1.33 1.000 1737.4 1386.6 21.76 1.24 41312.1 N/A 27.231 37849.7 N/A 12.116 2 3.33 1.000 1352.5 1267.5 19.89 3.11 42102.9 N/A 31.130 33682.3 N/A 12.856 3 5.33 1.000 1224.2 1148.4 18.02 4.98 35484.3 N/A 28.986 28387.4 N/A 11.965 I 4 7.33 1.000 1095.9 1029.2 16.15 6.85 28915.9 N/A 26.385 23132.1 N/A 10.885 5 9.33 1.000 961.6 910.1 14.28 8.72 22835.5 N/A 23.599 18268.4 N/A 9.729 6 11.33 1.000 839.4 791.0 12.41 10.59 17315.7 N/A 20.630 13852.6 N/A 8.497 1 13.33 1.000 711.1 671.8 10.54 12.46 12554.7 N/A 17.656 10043.8 N/A 7.263 U 8 15.33 1.000 582.8 552.7 8.67 14.33 8557.3 N/A 14.683 6845.8 N/A 6.029 9 17.33 1.000 454.5 433.5 6.80 16.20 5323.4 N/A 11.712 4258.7 N/A 4.195 10 19.33 1.000 500.4 314.4 4.93 18.07 2853.0 N/A 5.102 2282.4 N/A 2.801 I II Ij I I Muroya Page 9 of 10 License number MSEW-302016 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. I MSEW - Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls Muroya Piesent Date!ruee: Tue Mar 0815:17322011 1:\SRDe9gnUob Foldei\0711.004 Mnroya_Cartsbad CA\Design\v-wafl\wafl I H=22.0.BEN I RFSULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) - Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product I [ft] Dblft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) gb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual I CRult CRcr 1 1.33 1737 0.57 0.57 7102 7169 N/A 4.09 N/A 4.13 V40-20XT 3.33 1352 0.60 0.60 4036 3871 N/A 2.98 N/A 2.86 V40 - 8XT 3 I 2 5.33 1224 0.60 0.60 4036 3871 N/A 3.30 N/A 3.16 V40-8XT 4 7.33 1096 0.60 0.60 4036 3871 N/A 3.68 N/A 3.53 V40 - 8XT 5 9.33 968 0.59 0.59 3987 3871 N/A 4.12 N/A 4.00 V40-8XT 11.33 839 0.57 0.57 3804 3871 N/A 4.53 N/A 4.61 V40-8XT 7 I 6 13.33 711 0.54 0.54 3620 3871 N/A 5.09 N/A 5.44 V40-8XT 8 15.33 583 0.51 0.51 3437 3871 N/A 5.90 N/A 6.64 V40-8XT 9 17.33 455 0.48 0.48 3254 3871 N/A 7.16 N/A 8.52 V40 - 8XT 10 19.33 500 0.46 0.46 3070 3871 N/A 6.14 N/A 7.74 V40 - 8XT RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) I Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factorfor connection Geogrid connection Geogrid Product [ft] [lb/ft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name I (short-term (long-term Tavailable - strength) strength) [lb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRcr [lb/ft 1 I CRult 1.33 3124 0.57 0.46 5681 7169 N/A 1.82 N/A 2.74 V40-2OXT 2 3.33 2620 0.60 0.48 3229 3871 N/A 1.23 N/A 1.80 V40-8XT 2373 0.60 0.48 3229 3871 N/A 1.36 N/A 1.98 V40-8XT I 5.33 4 7.33 2125 0.60 0.48 3229 3871 N/A 1.52 N/A 2.22 V40 - 8XT 5 9.33 1878 0.59 0.47 3190 3871 N/A 1.70 N/A 2.51 V40-8XT 6 11.33 1630 0.57 0.45 3043 3871 N/A 1.87 N/A 2.89 V40-8XT 13.33 1383 0.54 0.43 2896 3871 N/A 2.09 N/A 3.41 V40-8X1' I 7 8 15.33 1135 0.51 0.41 2750 3871 N/A 2.42 N/A 4.15 V40-8XT 9 17.33 888 0.48 0.39 2603 3871 N/A 2.93 N/A 5.31 V40- SXT 10 I 19.33 815 0.46 0.37 2456 3871 N/A 3.01 N/A 5.53 V40-8XT I I Muxoya Page 10 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 Mrs. April Tornillo Verdura 40 Wall Design Muroya Wednesday April 27, 2011 Design Summary Design Summary Table - Wall 8 (HD=11.3 ft) W/Seismic Slight 2:1 to flat area Structure Geometry - Total Height 11.3' - Crest Condition flat - Toe Geotechnical Parameters Reinforced Retained Foundation - Friction angle, q, degrees 30. 30 30 Dry Unit Weight, Yd, pcf 130 130 130 - Cohesion, c, psf Not used Not used 300 - Seismic acceleration, g 0.17 Global Stability Per Geotechnical Engineer of Record Minimum Factor of Safety FS, Static FS, Seismic External Stability Actual Target Actual Target - Bearing Capacity 17.68 2 11.88 1.5 - Direct Sliding 3.15 1.5 1.59 1.1 - Overturning 7.46 2 3.04 1.5 Internal Stability - Connection . 3.40 1.5 2.17 1.1 - Geogrid Strength 2.61 1.5 . 2.24 1.1 - Pullout Resistance 5.84 1.5 2.16 1.1 - Direct Sliding 3.16 1.5 1.60 1.1 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 26239:E 2011 J:SRDesign'Job Folder\011 1-004 Muroya_Catlsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 Hl I .3.BEN SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIL Unit weight, y 130.0 lb/ft 3 Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 30.0 RETAINED SOIL Unit weight, y 130.0 lb/ft Design value of internal angle of friction, 4) 30.0 FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, y equiv. 130.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, 4),. 30.0 Equivalent cohesion, c equiv. 300.0 lb/ft 2 Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability) = 0.2467 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, w= 53.00° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability) = 0.2467 (if batter is less than 101, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise, eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Nc = 30.14 N y= 22.40 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.170 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kb = Am = 0.218 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh = 0.218 (Am = 0.218) Kae ( Kh>0) = 0.4037 Kae (Kb = 0) = 0.2467 i Kae = 0. 15 70 (see eq. 37 in DEMO 82) Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. MUROYA Page 2 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAIVIA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 26 09:39:022011 J:\SRDesignJob FoldeA071 1-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 1.3BEN INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D A T A Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid Geogrid type #1 type #2 type #3 type #4 type #5 Tult [lb/fl 4700.0 7400.0 9500.0 13705.0 4700.0 Durability reduction factor, RFd 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Installation-damage reduction factor, RFid 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Creep reduction factor, RFc 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.58 Fs-overall for strength N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Coverage ratio, Rc 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.800 Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface, p 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 Pullout resistance factor, F* 0.80-taii4 0.80-tank 0.80ta4 0.80-tank 0.80taftl Scale-effect correction factor, a 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth Z K/Ka 0.0 1.0 2.0 K/Ka 3.0 Oft 1.00 3.3 ft 1.00 Z[ft] 6.6 6.6 ft 1.00 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 MUROYA Page 3 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 Z / Hd To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd 0.00 1.00 0.25 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 26 09:39:02 2011 J:\SRDesign\Job Folder\0711-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 l.3.BEN INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. FACIA type: Facing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g., modular concrete blocks, gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 ft. Horizontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit weight of block is Yf = 117.00 lb/ft Top of watt Z/Hd 0.00 0.25 ---- - 0.50 ---- - 0.75---- - 1.00--- - 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static / Tmax or To-seismic / Tmd Geogrid Type #5 Cr CRult 0.0 0.75 4000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type #1 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a 0) CRult (1) a CRult a CRult 0.0 0.75 0.0 0.42 0.0 0.22 4000.0 0.75 1545.0 0.60 1831.0 0.63 4000.0 0.60 4000.0 0.63 Geogrid Type #4 a CRult 0.0 0.31 1914.0 0.57 4000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #5 a CRcr 0.0 0.75 4000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type #i Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 a CRcr a CRcr Cr CRcr 0.0 0.75 0.0 0.42 0.0 0.22 4000.0 0.75 1545.0 0.60 1831.0 0.63 4000.0 0.60 4000.0 0.63 (I) a = Confining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/ft 2] CRult = Tc-ult / Tult CRcr = Tcre / Tult Geogrid Type #4 a CRcr 0.0 0.31 1914.0 0.57 4000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to 80% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #1 - Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name V40 - 5XT V40 - 8XT V40 - IOXT V40 - 2OXT V40 -SXT.. Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Creep reduction factor, RFc N/A N/A N/A N/A - N/A MUROYA Page 4 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2009 ADAIvIA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present DatelTme: Tue Apr 2609:39:02 2011 J:\SPDesign%Job FoldeA0711-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CADcsign\v-waII\WALL 2 H11.3.BEN INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height, Hd 11.30 [ft] { Embedded depth is E = 2.00 ft, and height above top of finished bottom grade isH9.30ft} Batter, (o 14.0 [degi Backslope, 13 0.0 [deg] Backslope rise 0.0 [ft] Broken back equivalent angle, I = 0.000 (see Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UNIFORM SURCHARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 2] - MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MIJROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 2609:39:022011 J:\SR.Design'Job Folder\0711-004 Muroyu_Cartsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 1.3.BEN ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 17.68, Meyerhofstress = 1248 lb/ft'. 1n = 1 1A IZ 1t = A AA1i1 = 7 Lt GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding cit name [ft] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 2.00 9.00 1 3.40 2.61 2.607 7.222 3.158 -0.0108 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 9.00 1 6.84 5.25 5.251 10.457 4.151 -0.0186 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 9.00 1 9.43 7.23 7.232 8.944 5.894 -0.0203 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 9.00 1 17.31 13.28 13.278 8.501 9.750 -0.0167 V40 - 5XT 5 9.33 9.00 5 23.03 17.67 17.665 5.840 17.478 -0.0115 V40-5XT80% ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 11.88, Meyerhof stress = 1610 lb/ft'. P = 1 Q2 /T = A 11 r,,i cc ,'h,r,.nn = ' fl GEOGRID CONNECTION Fs-overall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # 'Elevation Length Type [connection [geogrid strength resistance sliding cit name [It] [ft] # strength] strength] Fs Fs Fs 1 2.00 9.00 1 2.17 2.24 2.244 4.602 1.595 0.0625 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 9.00 1 3.78 4.09 4.088 5.771 2.096 0.0252 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 9.00 1 4.93 5,42 5.416 4.677 2.977 0.0021 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 9.00 1 7.66 8.78 8.783 3.761 4.923 -0.0083 V40 - 5XT 5 9.33 9.00 5 8.52 10.18 10.175 2.160 8.826 -0.0085 V40 -5XT 80% LI MUROYA Page 6 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAIVIA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Datell'ime: Tue 11 , 0!;1401 20.1.1 J:\SRDesign\Job Fo!der07I 1.004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 1.3.BEN BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT STATIC SEISMIC UNITS (Water table does not affect bearing capacity) Ultimate bearing capacity, q-ult 22058 19125 [lb/ft 21 Meyerhof stress, av 1247.6 1610 [lb/ft 2] Eccentricity, e 0.03 1.04 [ft] Eccentricity, efL 0.003 0.115 Fs calculated 17.68 11.88 Base length 9.00 9.00 [ft] MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 2609:39:022011 J:\SRDesign'Job Fo!der\071 1-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA'Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 1.3.BEN DIRECT SLIDING for GIVEN LAYOUT (for GEOGRID reinforcements) Along reinforced and foundation soils interface: Fs-static = 3.145 and Fs-seismic =.1.588 # Geogrid Geogrid Fs Fs Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [ft] 1 2.00 9.00 3.158 1.595 1 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 9.00 4.151 2.096 1 V40-5XT 3 6.00 9.00 5.894 2.977 1 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 9.00 9.750 4.923 1 V40 - 5XT 5 9.33 9.00 17.478 8.826 5 V40 -5XT 80% ECCENTRICITY for GIVEN LAYOUT At interface with foundation: efL static = 0.0034, e/L seismic = 0.1153; Overturning: Fs-static = 7.46, Fs-seismic = 3.04 # Geogrid Geogrid e / L e / L Geogrid Elevation Length Static Seismic Type # Product name [ft] [flu 1 2.00 9.00 -0.0108 0.0625 1 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 9.00 -0.0186 0.0252 1 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 9.00 -0.0203 0.0021 1 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 9.00 -0.0167 -0.0083 1 V40 - 5XT 5 9.33 9.00 -0.0115 -0.0085 5 V40 -5XT 80% MIJROYA Page 8of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 26 09:39:02 2011 J:\SRDesignVob Folder\011 1-004 Muroya_Carlsbad CA'Desi9st\v-wa11\WALL 2 HI I.3.BEN RESULTS for STRENGTH Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Tavailable Tmax Tmd Specified Actual Specified Actual Elevation [lb/fl] [lb/fl] [lb/fl] minimum calculated minimum calculated Product [fi] Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall Fs-overall name - static static seismic seismic 1 2.00 2458 942.85 240.89 N/A 2.607 N/A 2.244 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 2458 468.22 210.49 N/A 5.251 N/A 4.088 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 2458 339.94 180.09 N/A 7.232 N/A 5.416 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 2458 185.15 149.69 N/A 13.278 N/A 8.783 V40-5XT 5 9.33 2458 111.33 129.48 N/A 17.665 N/A 10.175 V40-5XT80% RESULTS for PULLOUT Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geogrid Coverage Tmax Tmd Le La Avail.Static Specified Actual Avail.Seism. Specified Actual Elevation Ratio [lb/fl] [lb/fl] [ft] [ft] Pullout, Pr Static Static Pullout, Pr Seismic Seismic [ft] [lb/fl] Fs Fs [lb/fl] Fs Fs 1 2.00 1.000 942.9 240.9 7.99 1.01 6809.5 N/A 7.222 5447.6 N/A 4.602 2 4.00 1.000 468.2 210.5 6.98 2.02 4896.1 N/A 10.457 3916.9 N/A 5.771 3 6.00 1.000 339.9 180.1 5.97 3.03 3040.5 N/A 8.944 2432.4 N/A 4.677 4 8.00 1.000 185.2 149.7 4.97 4.03 1574.1 N/A 8.501 1259.2 N/A 3.761 5 9.33 0.800 111.3 129.5 4.30 4.70 650.1 N/A 5.840 520.1 N/A 2.160 MUROYA Page 9 of 10 Copyright © 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW -- Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls MUROYA Present Date/Time: Tue Apr 09:39:022011 J:\SRDesignVob Folder\071 1-004 Mwoya_Carlsbad CA\Design\v-wall\WALL 2 H1 I.3.BEN RESULTS for CONNECTION (static conditions) Live Load included in calculating Tmax ****** Important Hinge height concept is ignored. # Geogrid Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geognd connection Geognd Product [It] [lb/It] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-tern, Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/It] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr Vb/ft] 1 2.00 943 0.75 0.75 3205 2458 N/A 3.40 N/A 2.61 V40 - 5XT 2 4.00 468 0.75 0.75 3205 2458 N/A 6.84 N/A 5.25 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 340 0.75 0.75 3205 2458 N/A 9.43 N/A 7.23 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 185 0.75 0.75 3205 2458 N/A 17.31 N/A 13.28 V40-5XT 5 9.33 111 0.75 0.75 3205 2458 N/A 23.03 N/A 17.67 V40-5XT80% RESULTS for CONNECTION (seismic conditions) ****** Important: Hinge height concept is ignored. '' Live Load included in calculating Tmax # Geognd Connection Reduction Reduction Available Available Fs-overall Fs-overall Elevation force, To factor for factor for connection Geogd connection Geognd Product [ItI [lb/ft] connection connection strength strength, strength strength name (short-term (long-term Tavailable strength) strength) [lb/ft] Specified Actual Specified Actual CRult CRcr [lblft] 1 2.00 1184 0.75 0.60 2564 2458 N/A 2.17 N/A 2.24 V40 -5XT 2 4.00 679 0.75 0.60 2564 2458 N/A 3.78 N/A 4.09 V40 - 5XT 3 6.00 520 0.75 0.60 2564 2458 N/A 4.93 N/A 5.42 V40 - 5XT 4 8.00 335 0.75 0.60 2564 2458 N/A 7.66 N/A 8.78 V40 - 5XT 5 9.33 241 0.75 0.60 2564 2458 N/A 8.52 N/A 10.18 V40 -5XT 80% MUROYA Page 10 of 10 Copyright 0 1998-2009 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016