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'I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I DRAINAGE STUDY FOR ROBERTSON RANCH PA22 t::!. 09-0~ Prepared by: O'DAY CONSULTANTS, ]NC. 2710 Loker Avenue West Suite 100 Carlsbad, California 92010 Tel: (760) 931-7700 Fax: (760) 931-8680 Job No. 081245-6 February 10, 2010 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTIONl SECTION 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study Scope Comprehensive Basin Analysis Facilities Proposed in City of Carlsbad Master Plan of Drainage STUDY AREA Soils Groups Land Uses HYDROLOGY Modified Rational Method Description Program Process CONCLUSION Hydrology Calculations APPENDICES APPENDIX A . EXHIBITS EXISTING CONDITION HYDROLOGY MAP PROPOSED CONDITION HYDROLOGY MAP HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUPS APPENDIX B -HYDROLOGY CHARTS RAINFALL ISOPLUVIALS INTENSITY DURATION DESIGN CHARTS NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS G:\Ol1014\Hydrology\PA 22 C.U.P. Hydrology\100210hydro.doc INTRODUCTION Purpose of Study This drainage study was prepared to determine existing and proposed runoff quantity impacts for the grading of the Robertson Ranch P A 22. ·1 rl II II I II 11 II II L. II i- t_ [I II II 11 il II II II I ! . DRAINAGE STUDY ROBERTSON RANCH J?A 22 DECLARATION OF RESPONSIBLE CHARGE I, hereby declare that I am the Civil Engineer of work for this project, that I have exercised responsible charge over the design of the project as defined in section 6703 of the business and professions code, and that the design is consistent with current design. I understand that the check of the project drawings and specifications by the regulating agency is confined to the review only and does not relieve me, as engineer of work, of myresponsibili~ aMl Q'SflJ', RCE ~ C ~'1 %'-tg.-t z 'eM. M.c.LAu~ kJ '" Date I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Scope This study analyzes the 100-year flow for proposed conditions of Planning Area 22. For existing conditions, please refer to Drainage Study for Robertson Ranch East Village, C.T. 02-16 by O'Day Consultants dated Nov. 30, 2006 and additional calculations per this study. Proposed Condition Analysis The proposed condition of the site includes a RV parking lot and the construction of a 20' wide street. All water will enter the storm drainage system and will exit into the vegetated swale south of Cannon Rd, west of the site. All proposed storm drains and inlets are sized for this condition. The proposed drainage maps in Section 4 reflect this condition. Please refer to runoff coefficient chart in Section 2 and proposed condition calculations in Sections 3. STUDY AREA Soils Groups The site is characterized mainly by soil group D, per the San Diego County Soils Interpretation Study. Refer to Soils map, Section 2. Land Use The site is currently graded and can be approximated using the runoff coefficient associated with undisturbed natural terrain. Proposed conditions include an RV parking lot and a 20' wide driveway. HYDROLOGY The hydrologic analyses are being performed according to the 2003 San Diego County Hydrology Manual. The overall drainage area is less than one square mile and includes junctions of independent drainage systems; therefore, the Modified Rational Method is being used for the analyses. The Modified Rational Method is applicable to a 6-hour storm duration because the procedure uses Intensity-Duration Design Charts that are based on a 6-hour storm duration. In some cases, the 6-hour precipitation must be adjusted based on the ratio of the 6-to 24-hour precipitation. This will be performed where necessary. Modified Rational Method Description The modified rational method, as described in the 2003 San Diego County Flood Control/Hydrology Manual, is used to estimate surface runoff flows. The basic equation: Q = CIA I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C = runoff coefficient (varies with surface) I = intensity (varies with time of concentration) A = area in acres For the lOO-year design storm, the 6-hour rainfall amount is 2.6 inches and the 24-hour rainfall amount is 4.5 inches. San Diego County Rational-Hydrology Progranz Package Version 7.4, developed by CivilCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software © (1991-2004), was used to determine the rainfall amount, times of concentration, corresponding intensities and flows for the various hydrologic basins within this model. The program was then used to route flows through drainage conveyance structures and confluence basins per the modified rational method. Program Process The Rational-Hydrology program is a computer-aided design program where the user develops a node link model of the watershed. Developing independent node link models of each interior watershed and linking these submodels together at confluence points create the node link model. The program has the capability of performing calculations for 11 different hydrologic and hydraulic processes. These processes are assigned and printed in the output. They are as follows: 1. Initial sub-area input, top of stream. 2. Street flow through sub-area, includes sub-area runoff. 3. Addition of runoff from sub-area to stream. 4. Street inlet and parallel street and pipeflow and area. 5. Pipeflow travel time (program estimated pipe size). 6. Pipeflow travel time (user-specified pipe size). 7. Improved channel travel -Area add option. 8. Irregular channel travel time -Area add option. 9. User-specified entry of data at a point. 10. Confluence at downstream point in current stream. 11. Confluence of main streams. CONCLUSION The proposed condition for Planning Area 22 C.U.P. has been analyzed and based on the output results the following conclusions have been made for a 100-Year storm. The total Q discharged from the site'is 4.2 cfs. The Q flowing into Calavera Creek north of the the flood wall in the proposed ultimate condition, which includes development of an office building and additional parking, is 12.7 cfs per Drainage Study for Robertson Ranch East Village, CT 02-16 by Q'Day Consultants dated Nov. 30,2006 (See Section 5). The existing condition has shows a Q of 4.1cfs being discharged from the mass graded site. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Based on these calculations, there will be approximately the same runoff from the site, as the existing condition, and much less runoff as compared to the proposed ultimate condition which, assumed a fully developed site resulting in a higher Q. When the site is ultimately developed, a new analysis will be required to determine the impact of the development. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Existing Conditions Q100 Calculations Analysis: Nodes 100 -101 From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Soil Hydologic Groups Map Soil Group D From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Table 3-1 Graded Pad C = 0.35 Hydrology Calculations: C= 0.35 A= 0.98 L= 360 acres feet use 85 feet (max. length per San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Table 3-2) ~E= 1.7 feet S= 2.0 % From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-3 T= 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 S1/3 Ti = 9.9 minutes From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-4 L= ~E= 275 feet 3.5 feet Tt = 0.053 hours Total Tc = 13.1 minutes = 0.05 miles = 3.2 minutes From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-1 P6 = 2.6 inches P24= 4.5 inches P6/P24= 58 % Use P 6 = 2.6 inches C= 0.35 1= 7 .44P 6D ·0.645 1= 3.69 inches/hour I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Q=CxlxA = 1.26 cfs Analysis: Nodes 200 -101 Hydrology Calculations: c= 0.35 A= 0.53 acres L= 430 feet use 40 (overland flow) L1E = 1.2 feet S= 3.0 % From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-3 T = 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 S1/3 5.9 minutes From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-4 L = 390 feet = 0.07 miles L1E = 3.9 feet Tt = 0.076 hours = 4.5 minutes Total Tc = 10.5 minutes From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-1 C= 0.35 1= 7.44P6D,o.645 1= 4.25 inches/hour Q=CxlxA = 0.79 cfs T1= 10.5 min Q1= 0.79 cfs T2= 13.1 min Q2= 1.26 cfs QT1 = 1.80 cfs QT2= 2.17 cfs Q= 2.17 cfs Total Tc = 13.1 minutes Analysis: Nodes 101 -102 12 = 4.25 in/hr 11 = 3.69 in/hr I I A= 0.55 ac LA = 2.06 ac L= 240 feet = 0.05 miles I llE = 2.4 feet T = (11.9L 3/ llE)O.385 I Tt = 0.052 hours = 3.1 minutes I Total Te = 16.2 minutes 1= 3.21 inches/hour I O=CxlxA = 2.31 cfs I Analysis: Nodes 300 -301 I Hydrology Calculations: C= 0.35 I A= 0.51 acres L= 175 feet use 100 (overland flow) llE = 15 feet I s= 15.0 % T = 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 I S1/3 Ti= 5.5 minutes I L= 75 feet = 0.01 miles llE = 1.5 feet I T = (11.9L3/llE)o.385 Tt = 0.016 hours = 1.0 minutes I Total Te = 6.5 minutes I 1= 7.44P60-0.645 1= 5.78 inches/hour I O=CxlxA = 1.03 cfs Analysis: Nodes 301 -302 I 12/1 pipe s= 1 % I L= 130 ft I I I v= 3.93 ftlsec Tt = 0.55 min I Total Tc = 7.05 min 1= 7.44PsO-O_S45 I 1= 5.49 inches/hour A= 0.11 ac I 'i'-A = 0.62 ac Q=CxlxA = 1.19 cfs I Analysis: Nodes 302 -303 I 12" pipe s= 1 % L= 45 ft I v= 4.08 ftlsec Tt = 0.18 min Total Tc = 7.24 min I 1= 7.44PeO-o.e45 1= 5.40 inches/hour I A= 0.44 ac 'i'-A = 1.06 ac I Q= CxlxA = 2.00 cfs Analysis: Nodes 303 -304 I 12" pipe s= 1 % I L= 500 ft v= 4.67 ftlsec Tt = 1.78 min I Total Tc = 9.02 min 1= 7.44PeO-O.S45 I 1= 4.68 inches/hour Q= CxlxA = 1.74· cfs I Analysis: Nodes 400 -401 I Hydrology Calculations: C= 0.35 I I I I A= 0.62 acres L= 440 feet I use 70 (overland flow) .6.E = 0.7 feet 8= 1.0 % I T = 1.8(1.1-C)01/2 81/3 I Tj = 11.3 minutes L= 370 feet = 0.07 miles I .6.E = 3.7 feet T = (11.9L 3/ .6.E)0.385 I Tt = 0.073 hours 4.4 minutes I Total Tc = 15.7 minutes 1= 7 .44P 60.0.645 I 1= 3.28 inches/hour Q=CxlxA = 0.71 cfs I Analysis: Basin I T1= 9.0 min 0 1= 1.74 cfs 11 = 4.68 in/hr T2= 15.7 min O2 = 0.71 cfs 12 = 3.28 in/hr T3= 16.2 min 0 3= 2.31 cfs 13 = 3.21 in/hr I OT1= 3.44 cfs OT2= 4.17 cfs I OT3= 4.20 cfs Q= 4.2 cfs Total Tc = 16.2 minutes I Analysis: Outflow I 18" pipe s= 2 0/0 L= 145 ft I v= 7.6 ftlsec Tt = 0.32 min Total Tc = 16.51 min I 1= 7.44P60·0.645 1= 3.17 inches/hour I I I I i Q=CxlxA = 4.1 cfs I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proposed Conditions Q100 Calculations Analysis: Nodes 100 -101 From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Soil Hydologic Groups Map Soil Group D From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Table 3-1 Natural/Office Professional/Commercial C = 0.56 Hydrology Calculations: C= 0.56 A= 0.06 acres L= 180 feet use 25 feet ~E= 12.5 feet S= 50.0 % From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-3 T = 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 S1I3 1.3 minutes I = 7.44P6D-o.645 I = 16.04 inches/hour Q = 0.09 cfs Analysis: Nodes 101 -102 Channel flow L:(CA) = 0.034 L= S= 155 ft 2.0 % From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-1 Q= 0.4 cfs v= 3.3 fps Tt = 0.8 min Tc= 2.1 min 1= 11.92 in/hr Q= 0.4 cfs Analysis: Nodes 102 -103 I I I I I I I I I I I· I I I I I I I I 12" pipe L= 16 ft S= 1 % V= 3.00 fps Tt = 0.09 min Tc= 2.2 min 1= 11.6 in/hr A= 0.61 ac ~(CA) = 0.38 Q= 4.4 cfs Analysis: Nodes 103 -104 12" pipe L= 216 ft S= 1.76 % V= 6.8 fps Tt = 0.53 min Tc= 2.7 min 1= 10.1 in/hr A= 0.61 ac ~(CA) = 0.38 Q= 3.8 cfs Analysis: Nodes 200 -201 A = 0.44 acres L = 180 feet use 100 feet (max. length per San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Table 3-2) ~E = 10 feet S = 10.0 % From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-3 T= 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 S1/3 Tj = 4.5 minutes I = 7.44PsD-o.s45 I = 7.28 inches/hour Q = 1.8 cfs Analysis: Nodes 201 -104 12" pipe L = 53 ft S = 1.1 % V = 4.7 fps Tt = 0.19 min Tc = 4.7 min 1= 7.1 in/hr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L:(CA) = Q= Analysis: T1= T2= QT1= QT2= Q= Analysis: 12" pipe L= S= v= Tt = Tc= 1= A= L:(CA) = Q= Analysis: 12/1 pipe L= S= v= Tt = Tc= 1= L:(CA) = Q= Analysis: A= L= use L= t,E = S= 0.25 1.7 cfs Node 104 2.7 min 4.7 min 4.8 cfs 7.1 cfs 7.1 cfs Nodes 104 -105 175 ft 0.5 % 11.5 fps 0.25 min 5.0 min 6.9 in/hr 1.0 ac 1.20 8.3 cfs Nodes 105 -106 282 ft 0.5 % 11.5 fps 0.41 min 5.4 min 6.5 in/hr 1.20 7.9 cfs Nodes 300 -106 0.96 acres 750 feet 50 feet 0.25 feet 0.5 % Total Tc = 3.8 1.7 4.7 cfs cfs minutes From San Diego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-3 T = 1.8(1.1-C)D1/2 S1/3 12 = 10.10 in/hr 11= 7.10 irVhr I I . I I Tj = 8.6 minutes I From San Oiego County Hydrology Manual (2003) Figure 3-4 L= 700 feet = 0.13 miles I 6.E = 6.8 feet T = (11.9L3/6.E)o.385 I Tt = 0.120 hours = 7.2 minutes I Total Tc = 15.9 minutes 1= 7.44PsO"O.S45 I 1= 3.25 inches/hour Q= CxlxA = 1.7 cfs I Analysis: Nodes 200 -250 A= 0.54 acres I L= 360 feet use L= 100 feet 6.E = 10 feet I S= 10.0 % T = 1.8(1.1-C)0 1/2 I S1/3 Tj = 4.5 minutes I L= 260 feet = 0.05 miles 6.E = 2 feet '1 T = (11.9L::I/ 6.E)U.::I!:!5 Tt = 0.061 hours = 3.7 minutes I Total Tc = 8.2 minutes 1= 7.44PsO"O.S45 I 1= 4.97 inches/hour Q= CxlxA = 1.5 cfs I Analysis: Nodes 400 -401 I A= 0.09 acres L= 130 feet use 90 feet 6.E = I 2.2 feet I I I S= 2.4 % I T = 1.8(1.1-C}D1/2 S1/3 Tj = 6.9 minutes I L= 40 feet = 0.01 miles 6E= 1 feet I T = (11.9L3/6E)0.385 Tt = 0.009 hours = 0.6 minutes I Total Tc = 7.4 minutes I 1= 7 .44P 60-0.645 1= 5.31 inches/hour Q=CxlxA = 0.3 cfs I Analysis: North Basin I T1= 7.4 min Q1= 0.3 cfs 12 = 5.31 in/hr T2= 8.2 min Q2= 1.5 cfs 11 = 4.97 in/hr I QT1= 1.6 cfs QT2= 1.8 cfs I Q= 1.8 cfs Total Tc = 8.2 minutes Analysis: South Basin I T1= 5.4 min Q1= 7.9 cfs 12 = 6.50 in/hr T2= 15.9 min Q2= 1.7 cfs 11 = 3.25 in/hr I QT1 = 8.5 cfs I' QT2= 17.5 cfs Q= 17.5 cfs Total Tc = 15.9 minutes I Analysis: Basin Sizing I 3600 CF per tributary acre per Option 2 of Water Quality Order 99-08-DWQ Basin Area (acres) Design Volume (CF) Actual Volume (CF) I North 0.63 2268 12715 South 3.11 11196 11845 I Analysis: Basin Confluence I I I T1= I T2= QT1= I QT2= I Q= Analysis: I 18" pipe L= s= I v= Tt = Tc= I 1= L;(CA) = Q= I I I I I I I I I I I 8.2 15.9 3.8 6.9 6.9 Outflow 108 2 8.3 0.22 16.1 3.2 1.32 4.2 min min cfs cfs cfs ft % fps min min in/hr cfs 1.2 5.1 cfs cfs Total Tc = 15.9 minutes 12 = 4.97 in/hr 11 = 3.25 in/hr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I" I I tmp#59.txt Orifice Calculator Given Input Data: Solving for..................... Flowrate Coefficient ..................... 0.6100 Diameter ........................ 12.0000 in Headwater ........... ....... ..... 0.6000 ft Tailwater ....................... 0.5000 ft Computed Results: Flowrate ........................ 1.2153 cfs Velocity.. ...................... 1.5474 fps Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tmp#58.txt Orifice Calculator Given Input Data: Solving for .............. ....... Flowrate Coefficient ..................... 0.6100 Diameter ........................ 18.0000 in He;:ldwater ....................... 1.1000 ft Tailwater ....................... 0.7500 ft Computed Results: Flowrate ........................ 5.1157 cfs Velocity ........................ 2.8949 fps Page 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I tmp#57.txt Orifice Calculator Given Input Data: Solving for ....... : ............. Flowrate Coefficient ..................... 0.6100 Diameter ........................ 18.0000 in Headwater ....................... 2.6000 ft Tailwater ....................... 0.7500 ft Computed Results: Flowrate ........................ 11.7613 cfs Velocity ........................ 6.6555 fps Page 1 l iz ! = ,9 , , I~~r~-'~ T l t'') II "I"j ~. I '~l lit: 9 I -'. --• 10 -1""";==1 =--: . : i _11=1=, I,...,.: .. _! .... _ ,'''=j'''''T'=i\. =t . . ~~ ~ . ~ _. /. ). t ~ . .I.. .!.O(;EANSIDE I I .. i .. · .. ! ~ ~. - 1 ~ . i -; I ' -, -I ! i ! -i" f f .-~ , I .!. l ... i .. · J > 1 1'" --i' I ~ ~ ~z 1· f i ' i' .; j ! 'r ·-.lE~CINI1A . t' I , t .. : ~.~g ~+=: '=£' I 11=' "M'=::---d S'OI~QEA:.cJ;!,. i~ -~ i :: .1" . ,'-"',-,....., . -. - I • • ! ! ;. i 1''' ~.~ t" i. I . ·-1 1 I I I' " : . , ~ ';--i' : ; , , Ii' i i -1 -," -! ! ., .' J ,. ~ !' 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'i"';:'" .,: ~ , ~::;'\,n!;.9.~o,~~t~j;t~ttY;~~y; "e,' ~~ -:,:,I~~"';:':'l~ :"L~;""_'~~'~', >:·f)~.: '~.'.!;'~:' .';.~' ~>;HY.DROtQGIC,SQllieGRQ N !i:'f::::'4!<,;\"'~\Wt@;':§li'~q.,p,:;;-y;:,.~'f:&: -~(»~~fW.~~Io)~'!{W.~~~il(~.l.\1i..ti&lJ , ~ , " ,,' Note: Soil D~ta Source USDAlNRCS SSURGO Soils 2007 A '--1-' 31.50 3 Miles DPW --GIS "_''111"'*''''·, •• '~.'i~"'''''' y~4:''''' ~ ~GIS ~1-••••• r'·'II." •• THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. INCLUDING. BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND RTNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Copyright SanGIS. AI Rights Reserved. This product may contain infunnation from the SANDAG Regional Informafion System v.fIich cannot be reproduced Wllhout the written permission of SANDAG. This product may comain information which has been reproduced IMIh permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps. DRAINAGE STUDY ROBERTSON RANCH PA 22 APPENDIX B -HYDROLOGY CHARTS • RAINFALL ISOPLUVIALS • 1NTENSITY DURATION DESIGN CHARTS • NOMOGRAPH FOR DETERMINATION OF TIME OF CONCENTRATION • RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS I I ~_ ( 1\ I I I I. I I I .. \ c.>~. ' I I I I I I I '. ) I \~, .. I ~ .s ~ §< ~ ::::::: .g, ·5 ~ c !il ~ i I:'t'\ ~ . • ~ -... :. \\ III 'iii <II i &s r-'" ! Ji! (,,':, .Ill ~ ~ '\'..:. '" ~ CIS <II ;>t N --.-. C" ... -" -~ --:/ "--- ~_J~~" ,~ . / (i "--_J _.i~ _.I ......... '-1 __ .Iw .. -.-~ .~ County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Rainfall Isopluvials 2 Year KainraR Event -24 Hours lsopluvlel (InchBS) ~(-Z~f.) =-L <t DPW ~GIS ~wn..:k~ ~,.......",...,.~ .... ~\';..""-'''~GIS '~~:~ .. .,. . '-' ".,..Ii.!!. \\':'.,: H;:.\:l. 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I I I ~~ II I-lJ II J t '" ~ gIl I i .. . :~!5 ~~ I ~ ~ liAi0"~ lit II J .Si :i! --.. ~ " r' 11 ~ ,; !(.:1~ •• § j t ~ j N\ ~~.pJ liU Ii JI §-I 'fi .... :§. 11~1! ~ = II QI '!II ~ &1 ] ~ S It II ~ :! ~ " ~~!i if I Iii Ii j J:'l '-~ ~~ ~C!l~j i!5~ !n & ~ .. ~ o~;b CI ~ = ~-.... . , . ·n--' .. ·· .. · .. I .B~L~IJ=fri.ifi=;~u.~~B.IJ.~::lj::TFj;~?:~~~+~·;-:f:~:~::~-·~~':::;:L: .... :-:: .. ;:: ... i : ... _~:: ... I 1(. I" 11 i1 I 11 I 11 Ic:. ' I I I -, (-II" I I I' I I 11 Ie,. I I II .~ II I I I ~-.2 ~ Oa fa~ CIJ ~ CoI-f 0,.9 i~ o£ U ~ M" ........ ""M ,'_' • c ~ ::t .S! ~ ~ ~ ~ I ... ~ : ::::: [;;;I ~ = j ,Ii:: 5 Cl:: .. ~ '= = ... en CD g .,.. ~ a a. ~ tn ~ 1\ '7' c.. P -V \'-~ ____ J __ J_l_j_I_J~_-.. ----J-l 10.0' " ~I" e.o ..... i'o.. DlreGtiGna for AppUc:don: e." " , """'i'oo. ~ (1) FIOITI_precipitation mapS determine S hr and 24 hramounts 7Jl " ..... , i'o.."" , farthe ilelected frequency. These maps are Included In the fJ.O '-'-, "'~ ,"", "" EQUATION County Hydrology Manual (10, 50, and 100 yrmaps included ~ .... ""'" = 7.44 Pa D-O·645 . In the Design and Procedure Manual) • ...... ... I 5.0 "! (2) Adjust 6 hr precipitation (if necessary) so that It is within .... I = Intensity (inlhr) " ~ ~ 'I' ~ P 6 = 6-Hour PrecIpitation (in) the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation (not 4.0 III, I-applicaple to Desert). "" '~ .. i"'o D = Duration (min) ~ ~ (3) Plot 6 hr precipitation on the right side of the chart. 3.0 I i'-. ..... :... '" (4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. ! "" ~ (5) This line Is the lntensity-duration curve for the location '" " " being analyzed. 2.0 .... .. ..... , ' ..... I ~, ,"" AppilcatlDn Fonn: .....'" "-"" "" '1-(a) ~ected frequency __ year -.:-"", , ::c :;, ,"" g .!§.= ~ "" -"" .. (b)P6= _In.,P24 = __ %(2) I ~, " 'P24 11.0 ! ~, 8 (~) Adjusted Ps(2) = in. u ir f: ! IIII'N , 5.5 if ..... 5.0 g (d) fx = _ min • ~ 4.5 -:. JiiO.7 " 4.0 9-(8) 1= __ inJhr. 0.6 -3.51 Q.5 I I" Note; Thls chart replaces the Intensity..Jluration--Frequency I 0...; 3.0 curves used since 1965. o. I -1 __ 2.5 I • rl-' I f ; • =-- """ 'III, !Pa 1 1.5 !-i"I£5 3 =ru-4 f-'~ ___ ~"_ f-~ ,-L 111111 i"oo, m.ull DuAltion I I I i I J I I I I I I I I ! 2.0 5 2.63 3.85 5.27!fl.sg 17.SIO 9.22 10.54111.86i 13.17 1 .. 48 15;81 0.3 1 2.12 3.18 4.24 5.SO 8.38 7.42 8.48 I 9.64 110.60 11.68 12.72 f--.l! 1.68 2.5S 3.37 4.21 6.05 5.90 6.74 f7.58 I U2 9.27 '0.11 1ft 1.5 Ui -1.30 1.95 2.59 3.24 &88 4~ 5.19 5.84 I &.4t 7.13 7.78 20 1.os 1;62 2.15 2.6i 3.23 3;71 4.31 4.85! 5.38-5.13 8.<16 0.2 -:='21 0.83--UO 1.117 2.33 2.lIO 321 3.~ 4.20 14.87 5.13 uo 30 ruI3 1.1" 1.68 2.07 2.49 2.510 ~ 3.7314.15 4.56 4.81)-- --1.0 ..0 0.69 1.03 1.38 1.~ ~~ 2.41 "-~~ .!-1.q+~<t5 3.79 4.13 - 10 CUIO o.iIO 1.19 1.49 ~~ ~~ 2.38 2.69 U8 3.28 uS WH 10 0Ji3 o.ao 1.08 1.33" 1.58 1.86 '2.12 2,39;\ 2.e5 2.t2 T1i: 80 0.41 0.61 0.82 1.02 1.23 1.43 1.83 1.14_12.04 .2.25 2M __ !!9. a34 G.51 O.88lo.as -t.Q2 1~19 .1~_ ~!1.70 1.~_ 2.(N- 1SO r-oa OM oaTon ci8ii 1:03 1.18 1.82 i 1.47 -1.112 rf.ja 0.1 1110 G.26 UO 0.62 D.66 ~.78 0.91 1.G4 1.18 1.31 1.44 U.7 5 e 7 0 910 115 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 -5 8 -_ 2AQ -CJ.22 D.33 0.43 _0:54 Q.6S 0.16 0;87 ~11.(18 1.19 1.30- Minutes Hours 300 0.19 0.28 0.38 0.41 0.56 0.68 0.75 0.85 I 0..94 _1.03 1.!! Duration .,. 0.17 0.25 0.33 0.42 o.so 0.58 0.67 0.75! 0.84 0.82 1.110 Intanalty-DuraUon Dealgn Chart· Template a~l -. -. ... -. ~ -.. _1 IIIJIJ I!!!!!!!!!IJ I!II!I!IJ ~ .. ~ ~ -1 _1 ",1, tu W U. z -w u z ~ (f) c W ~ ::> 0 () tl': w ~ s: 1001 1.5~' I I~ ::c g~ ", CJ) w I-::l Z 0 20 ~ ~ w :a i= ~ -t LL 10 ~ :5 n:: w 6 piG J 10 EXAMPLE: Given: Watercourse Distance (0) = 70 Feet Slope (s) =1.3% Runoff Coefficient (C) = 0.41 Overland Flow Time (T) = 9.5 Minutes T= 1.8 (1.1-C) VD 3VS SOURCE: Airport Drainage, Federal Aviation Administration. 1965 FIGURE Rational Formula· Overland Time of Flow Nomograph 3-3 7 J --- -,- San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 -. -L __ -, -L ~ ----'W ---. Section: Page: Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements Conn Elements %lMPER. A B C Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Pennanent Open Space 0* 0.20 0.25 0.30 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.0 Du/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 Du/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential. 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DUiA or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 43.0 DUiA or less 80 0.76 0.77 O.1lS Commercial/.lndustrial (N. Com) Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 -'CommerciallIndustrial (G. Com) General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 CommerciallIndustrial (O.P. Com) Office ProfesSional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 CommerciallIndustrtal (Limited I.) Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 General Industrial 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 -, -----' 3 6of26 D 0,.35 0.41 0.46 0.49 0.52 0.57 0.60 0.63 0.71 0.79 0.79 0.82 0.85 0.85 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the iunoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the areawiU remainnaturaJ. forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). . DUI A = dwelling units per acre NRCS =National R~our~ Conservation Service , - 3-6 "'. -~, _ .... _~i , ./" ;v NOTE II ! LOT 7 PER MAP 15fJOIJ ,'< -"( t" " ELECTRONIC DATA filES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO 8E USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR vmllCAl SURVEY CONTROl ©2010 O'Day Consultants, Inc. QR. x 47 ----- \ \ \ " , , \ \ \ \ \ x 47.3 i')/j·V f.)i)rJ/); r'/j I)· f")f! i[" //I,d.; :,!/fJuf rff . !'flill , . ,\ "Y \ \ \' , , - 1 ---- \ , ~::-\ ----- . i --.. ~.~ ... " .. -----.' .. - -' ---RW---I;';AIL [A~EMENI PER MAP -~--. -x--4-Z5 -- ' .. la54 Acl ---- .-'/ ---- PARCEL A CERTIRCATE OF COMPLIANCE ___ _ ---=== === === ---- 11.04 Acl --. ~~----..... :. .. ! -;:=, '-----I I _. --------------- x r-; n , r~--l-'-~l , I I , i . ROAD - \ \ \ \ \ \ - f \ - ",.-.--~~--V1 -- = --'- 2<.1 -•. -~ -~:<C--"'~ -------0_ -,....;f8.5 - BENCHMARK 39.7 48.! . ..-; ---... \ DESCRIPTION: STANDARD 1J-10 STREET CENlERUNE WElL MONUAfENT LOCATION: CENTERLINE OF E1. CAMINO HEAL AT ENGINEER'S STATTON 454+92 PER R.S 1800-1 RECORD FROM: COUNTY BENCH I.£IIE1S (No. COUNTY I£RT. CONTROl DA rA) ELEVATION: 68.479 DATUM: u.s.c. d' as. SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS ~-.-.-:. ------ 80' -----40' SCALE: ,. = 40' -- x 49.5 .A PROPOSED CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT PLANNING AREA 22 DA TE OF PREPARA TTON: FEBRUARY 10. 2010 SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS C~~TS DESIGNED BY: AB. DAlE: NOV. 2008 DRAWN BY: J.S. SCAlE: ,-= 40' PROJECT t.4GR.: G,Q, JOB NO.: 011014 2710 lOKER AVENUE WEST CMl ENGINEERING ENGINEER OF WORK SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CAUFORNIA 92010 PlANNING 760-931-7700 Fox: 760-931-8680 PROCESSING DATE: ODAYOODAYCONSUlTANlS.COM SURVEYING GEORGE O'DAY RCE: 32014 G:\011014\0114YDS01-A.dwg Feb 10, 2010 2:10pm )(refs: 01148MAP; 01148S1R; 01148UTl.; 0114BGrd-cc7; 0114tp-g-cc7: 01147ull; 0114AMAP; D114fema: 0114Ygrd-a; 0114ymap ......... ~-.-~< ; ! ___ 1 ! NOTE II / ./ ) / ./ ElECTRONIC DATA fiLES ARE FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT TO BE USED FOR HORIZONTAL OR VERllCAL SURVEY CONTROl.. ©2010 O'Day Consultants, Inc. / i ::::~ " ,~,~ , \ \ \ x 47. \ i < \ \ \ \ '--- x 47.3 \ " , " \V , , \ , , \\ \J \ " , , -~~ - 1 - \ \ \ , \ = = -- -' - , , i -----RW---18, TRAIL EA~[I.lE~IT PER MAP ----._-- • , L • \ .~--~. , ' , , , \ ; - -x--4,Z5 - 1'---', II L ' .... ..,...J--__ < . f -.. _ ..... ..L_~ t ! I PARCEL A CER llFiCA TE OF COMPLIANCE ___ _ .---- ROAD --.- ____ '1 , , \ \ • \ , \ \ \ \ \ las] Acl ~-- lag8 Acl 2'1 ... ~-" ... -~ -". ~~"~"-' =::t - 39.7 -" ._-- las! Acl ...:--. \ \ \ \ x 49.5 - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 80' -----40' SCAlE: ," = 40' EXISTING CONDITION DRAINAGE EXHIBIT BENCHMARK DESCRIPTION: STANDARD 11-10 S71?EET CENTERlJN£ IIflL IIONUIIENT LOCATION: CENTERlJN£ OF El. CAIIINO REAL AT ENGINEER'S STA llON 454+92 PER RS 1800-1 RECORD FROM: COI/NTY BENCH l£VEl.S (Na COI/NTY VERT. CONTROl DATA) ELEVATION: 68.419 OATlJII: u.s.c. .t as. PLANNING AREA 22 OAT[ OF PREPARAllON: FEBRiJARY,f.. 2010 -, SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS C~/~T DESIGNED BY: A.B. DAlE: NOV. 2008 DRAWN BY: J.S. SCAlE: 1--40' PROJECT, MGR.: G.O. JOB NO.: 011014 S 2710 LOKER AVENUE WEST CML ENGINEERING ENGINEER OF WORK SUITE 100 CARLSBAD, CAlJFORN~ 92010 PlANNING 760-931-7700 PROCESSING DATE: Fax: 760-931-8680 OOAYIiODAYOONSULTANlS.COM SURVEYING GEORGE O'DAY RCE: 32014 G: \011014\0114YDS02-A.dwg feb 10. 2010 11: 160m Xrels: 0114BMAP; 0114BSlR; 0114BUTl; 0114BGrd-cc7; 0114tp-g-cc7; 01147ull; 0114AMAP; 01141ema; 0114Ygrd-a; 0114ymap