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Ii / 4 / Geotechnical • Coastal • Geologic. Environmental I . 4-P •fl - -.- . . _._5 1 4. .... . i i- 4 4- 4 4- 4•. -. • -.- 4-, •__•1 , k-. - •-'-. . 4_•*_4 4- ' - 44 - • '4 4 - •- - .. .-' - - • .,'-' . '4 COMPACTION REPORT OF GRADING '.- •', -- . . •- . Pp -. LANAI SUBDIVISION (FORMER MILES PACIFIC AND SOHEI SUBDIVISIONS) - -"- .'4' - . - .4 . /. 4'\ f'4.'4 •'4 . CITY OFCARLS AD-'PROJE TNOS-CT1 0 AND S11-02 '4 OR 6 1 99'40.MESI RIMROADSWE SAN ' DIEGO CALIFORNIA 92121 -. . -. -, - - . - 1' • " 4'. * 4. 4 '4 ,W 0 6649-B SC JANUARY 6, 2016 - . . . . 1% - 4 1' 4 . . . ./ V.4 •' - I -.4 ... . 4 . "• : ' - . - . - . C - - - -' . •- .-- .-. . ' y .( 4', - 4' ,• . _4_• •-:-,•. '• .................... 4- - 4- •- - '4 .4. . .4.4 1 •! 4 - '4 •:t• 44 . . * - - .4-',_ .* ,. - £ . - -. -. .--- p . •'•. -' ••4_ . - -. 4 r 4 • , -r , P "'4r 4' . '4 '_• -. .• •'r V - , - '•• (_ f,.- •, -. '4-4 -' •i:'4 - . -' - 1 • - '4 J - • - .. 4.4' - . • - • •' • 4, 4- - .4 - -- •-'• '- - •- - - •- , • V •'. - .4 - . .4.4 '. • 4-• ':'' • 4.'4 . .', - • - I. - , Geotechnucal. Geologic. Coastal. Environmental 5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad California 92010 • (760),438-3155 • FAX (760) 931 0915 • www.geosoilsinc.com January6, 2016 - '• .WO.6649BSC. Shea Homes Limited Partnership 9990 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 200 San Diego, California 92121 ' Attention Ms Sarah Morell Subject: Compaction -Report of Gradihg, Lanai'Subdivision (Former Miles Pacific and Sohei Subdivisions), Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, City of Carlsbad Project Nos CT 12701 and MS 11-02 s Dear Ms. Morell: , •. - , .,, - .. - In accordance with your request and as required by the 2013 California Building Code.. ([2013 CBC], California Building Standards Commission [CBSC], 2013 [see the. - Appendix]), GeoSoils,lnc. (GSl) presents this compaction report of grading performed at • ;' the subject subdivisióhs. Grading under the purview of this report commenced in late • August 2015, with the exception'of Lots 14 and 15 (Tract CT'12-01), was substantially completed in November 2015. At the onset of éarthworkwithin Tract CT 12-01, continuous geote'chnical observation.and testing was 'not performed, owing to.the excavation and stockpiling of environmentally impacted soils, which-was performed under the oversight of the project environmental consultant. However, GSlprovided full-time observationand field density testing during remedial, grading excavations and engineered fill placement within Tract MS 11-02. Full-time observation and field density testing within Tract CT 12-01 began after' the removal.'of environmentally impacted soils therein. The scheduling, of .geotechnical observation and testing was solely determined by your field representative. Line and grade was the 'responsibility of others and notGSl. Unless specifically- superceded herein,the conclusions and recommendations in the referenced geotechnical' reports prepared by this firm (see the Appendix) remain valid and applicable and should. be appropriately implemented during the balance of construction' ' ' r Purpose of Grading The primary purpose of grading wasItó prepare relatively lOvelbuilding' pads for the construction of 20 single-family residential structures, three (3) storm water bio-retention basins, and three (3) private roadways. Gradingwas also performed to dispose of environmentally impacted soils.' Remedial excavations of impacted soils were monitored - - and tested by Advantage Environmental Consultants (AEC) Ow- - :' Engineering Geology The geologic conditions exposed in excavations during the process of planned and remedial grading were observed by a r&presentative from our firm. Earth materials ____ • encountered during grading consisted of localized areas of undocumented fill, - Quaternary-age colluvium, younger and older Quaternary-age paralic deposits (undifferentiated), and Tertiary-age sedimentary bedrock, belonging to the Santiago Formation. Evidence of adverse geologic structures was not observed in the earthwork - excavations. In general, the geologic conditions, exposed during grading, were similar to those described in geotechnical reports prepared for the design phase of project development. An exception was encountering the Tertiary Santiago Formation in the environmentally impacted soil disposal pits at approximately 20 to 30 feet higher in elevation than shown on regional geologic maps prepared by the State(Tan and Kennedy, 1996; and Kennedy and Tan, 2005 and 2008)..V . V Bedding within the Santiago For&iation was observed gently dipping 3 to 8 degrees to the west-southwest. The paralic deposits were generally thickly bedded -with localized V bedding gently dipping 5 degrees to the west-northwest. The contact between the - Santiago Formation and the overlying older paralic deposits was observed gently dipping V 14 degrees to the northwest. •. • • V V Groundwater The regional g rou ndwater table was not encountered within the earthwork excavations and therefore is not anticipated to a major factor in the future performance of the currently planned improvements, provided the recommendations, contained in this report are V - properly incorporated into the balance of construction and post-development landscape V practices. Groundwater was locally observed as seeps near the geologic contact between the Santiago Formation and the overlying old .paralic deposits, owing to contrasting - 'V permeabilities between these units.( V V V Due to the nature of the site earth materials, perched groundwater conditions may manifest in the future along zones of contrasting permeabilities and densities (i.e., engineered.fill/old paralic deposit contacts, old paralic deposit/Santiago Formation contacts, fill lifts, geologic discontinuities, etc.) as a result of excessive precipitation, over-irrigation, and/or damaged V V •underground utilities. The potential for perched groundwater occurrence should be. - anticipated and disclosed to all interested/affected parties. Should such conditions occur V in the future, GSI could provide recommendations for mitigation, upon request. V Geotechnical Engineering • • V V •. V V • • V V V V V V Remedial Earthwork V • - V V V V • V VV 1 Prior to grading, existing vegetation was removed and hauled offsite Shea Homes Limited Partnership - W.O. 6649-13-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad V V V V' V V • V January 6,2016 V - File e \wpl2\6600\6649b cro GeoSoils, Inc. -. Page 2 During grading within the subject lots, potentially compressible unsuitable soils (i.e., existing undocumented fill, Quaternary colluvium, and weathered old paralic deposits) were removed as part of excavations performed for the mitigation of soils impacted by organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). As requested by the Department of Environmental Head (DEH), during excavations for environmental remediation, AEC tested the exposed subsoils and environmental excavations continued until their testing indicated no further removals were warranted. In general, the excavations performed to remove OCP-impacted soils extended to depths on the order of ±2 to ±4 feet below the existing grades. The impacted soils were stockpiled on unmitigated ground in the rear of Lots 4 through 8 and Lots 9 through 13 of CT 12-01. Subsequently, the grading contractor overexcavated the exposed subsoils within Lanai Court and the fronts of Lots 4 through 8 and Lots 9 through 12 of CT 12-01 while stockpiling the overexcavated, environmentally suitable materials on Parcels 1 through 3 of the adjoining former Sohaei subdivision (MS 11-02). Once the overexcavation was completed, bHA, Inc. (project civil engineer) surveyed the bottom of the ovërexcavation. Following this survey, the grading contractor began placing and compacting OCP-impacted soils from the remainder of Tract CT 12-01 in the bottom of the overexcavation. During this process, the OCP-impacted soils were not placed within 2 feet of the lowest sewer invert elevation nor within 7 feet of pad grade, as confirmed by field survey data. Once placed to the design grade, the grading contractor covered the OCP-impacted soils with Mirafi 140N filter fabric, and subsequently began overexcavating environmentally suitable subsoils within Lanai Court and the fronts of Lots 2, 3, 16, and 17 of Tract CT 12-01. Following survey by bHA, Inc., stockpiled OCP-impacted soils and the undisturbed, OCP impacted soils, beneath the stockpiles, were placed into the overexcavation, moisture conditioned, compacted, and kept to 2 feet below the lowest sewer invert elevation and 7 below pad grade. Similar to the initial OCP-impacted soil disposal pit, the top of the impacted soils were surveyed by bHA, Inc. and then covered with Mirafi 140Nfilterfabric. Stockpiled environmentally approved soils located on Parcels 1 through 3 of adjoining tract MS 11-02 were then removed and placed, and compacted above the filter fabric. All residential lots received a compacted fill blanket. This required some overexcavation of suitable paralic deposits. Where the overexcavations, necessary to construct the OCP impacted soil disposal pits, did not extend beneath the building footprints or resulted in less than ±10 feet of fill beneath the residential structure, the lot was overexcavated to receive a minimum ±3-foot compacted fill blanket. Lots where the aforementioned disposal pit overexcavations extended beneath the residential structure or created more than ± 10 feet of fill beneath the footprint of the residential structure received additional overexcavation. A keyway was constructed for the support of the small fill slope, within a portion of the sewer easement on the neighboring property adjoining the southwesterly corner of CT 12-01. The keyway was approximately ±10 to ± 13 feet wide. The bottom Shea Homes Limited Partnership W.O. 6649-B-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad January 6, 2016 File:e:\wpl2\6600\6649b.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 3 P .. - . the keyway was sloped from the toe toward the heel at approximately. The.. approximate location of,the keyway- isindicatedon Plate 3. . 5. Prior t0 fill placement within Tract CT 12-01, exposed subsoils were scarified, moisture conditioned to slightly above optimum moisture conditions, and then re-compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557), where tested. Subsoils exposed in remedial grading excavations within Tract MS 11-02 were scarified, moisture conditioned to slightly above optimum moisture cbnditiors, and then re-compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557). Engineered Fill Placement Engineered fill materials consisted of the onsite soils, derived from the remedial grading and environmental excavations. During grading, engineered fills were placed in approximately 6-to 87inch lifts, moisture conditioned, mixed to achieve optimum or slightly, greater than optimum moisture bonditions, and mechanically compactedto a minimum relative compaction of 95 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557), where tested.. In general, the thickness of engineered fill placed under purview of this report generally ranged between ±3 and ±271/2 feet. . . . Field Testing : . .• . . Field density tests were performed using the nuclear method in general accordance with ASTM D 6938-10 (Procedure A) and the sand cone method in general - accordance with ASTM D 1556. The compaction test results are presented in the attached Table 1: The approximate, locations of the field density tests performed during grading operations are presented on Plates .1 through 4. The field dry densities of the engineered fill were evaluated as a percentage of the maximum dry density attained in the laboratory for the representative soil types encountered during grading. Where field density testing indicated inadequate compaction, the failure area was reworked until the minimum compaction criteria,. based on the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557), was achieved. Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check the compaction of the engineered fill placed by the contractor. . Laboratory Testing . H .. . . Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Content The maximum density and optimum moisture content iereevaluated for the major soil F types encountered during grading. Testing was performed in general accordance with the laboratory standard, ASTM D.1 557. The moisture-density relationships obtained for these soils are shown on the following table Shea Homes Limited Partnership : W.O. 6649-B-SC • Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad - - • . . . . January 6, 2016 File e \wpl2\6600\6649b crc GeoSoils, Inc. Page 4 Ô1I]'E [ULE- ;SAMPLELOCATION pH RESISTIVITY - - SULFATES' - — — 'CHLORiDES We : ppii).,. Lots 2 and 3 663 "4 " '2,000-...00035 130 (Composite).' .- - 4f._ roug Lots 4th h -' -4 4- 7.10 1,1400 00460 50 (Composite). Lots7and8 49 730 E-1 - 00210 40 (Composite) - -' . * - .• - 4.4 4- 4- - -.+ •--: : ----.- -. _,.,".4.:4 - — - -"-4---.-- r- ----"---t ---4 s*i-•--—,4..- mMAXiMUM' ., ----'-4- 4''4 __-4 WE M0ISTURE. 1 SOiLTYES LJ , -jDENSI1W(ICF) 2'-00NTENT(%). 1 A Brown Silty Sand 131 .0 , - 10.0 B Brown Silty Sand 12704 105 Olive Brown Clayey Silt t,108 0 ' 18.5 I C iD -'Dark Yellowish'Broin Clayey Sand -120.0 '' '' -14.5. Expansion Index ì — • - -'4".' 4 •Y'!,4-.. - -4 Expansion index (E.l.) testing was pei1ormedbn soils e*posed near finish grade. Testing and expansion potential classification were performed in general accordance with ASTM D 4829 The results of expansion testing are indicated lnjable 2 Corrosion (Saturated Resistivity, pH, and Soluble Sulfates, and Soluble Chlorides) S 4 Testing was performed on selected representative samples of soils exposed near finish grade to evaluate saturated resistivity, pH, and soluble sulfates and chlorides The testing was performed in general accordance with California Test Methods (CTM) 417, 422, and 532 (643) The results of the testing are provided in the following table 1 - ' : . ' _ •- - ' _. • - • - ,. --.- -. •: • •- -. . ,, * •4. - .. - - .- 4 Summary of Corrosion Testing -. :- :'- -:-- .-.-' - - --•' - The results of the corrosion testing. indicatethat finish grade soils are.slightly acid to - neutral with respect to soil acidity/alkalinity, are corrosive to severely corrosive when saturated; present negligible ("not applicable per American., Concrete Institute 318-11),. - -- sulfate exposure to concrete, and have slightly elevated concentrations of soluble chlorides GSI does not consult in the practice of corrosion engineering Thus, the project architect, civil engineer, and structural engineer should evaluate the level of corrosion protection required for the project and see cbnsuItation from a qualified corrosion7,' engineer, as warrdnted Shea Homes Limited Partnership - ,-. 4-" W.0. 6649 B SC Lanai Subdivision Carlsbad I , 4- January 6 2016 File e \wpl2\6600\6649b cro 4'. GeoSoils, Inc. , .. Page 5 .4 ,, I - I' -4 • I - 4. ._(4 Conclusions The work performed to date appears to be in general conformance with the preliminary recommendations contained in (GSI 2013b), GSI field recommendations, Appendix Chapter J of the 2013 CBC (CBSC, 2013) and with the grading guidelines of the City of Carlsbad, California, from a geotechnical standpoint. Field testing indicates that fills placed under the purview of this report have been minimally compacted t090 or 95 percent of the laboratory standard (ASTM D 1557), where tested. Based on the observation and compaction testing performed during grading, GSI concludes that engineered fills, placed during site grading, are suitable for their intended use from a geotechnical perspective. Recommendations The following recommendations should I be incorporated into the balance of site development. Surface drainage will need to be periodically checked and maintained by the homeowner and homeowner's association (HOA) over the life of the project. Water should not be allowed to pond near foundations, enter into the driveway and roadway pavement sections, nor flow uncontrollably down any slope. Owing the variability of onsite soil expansion characteristics, the Client should consider pre-moisturizing slab subgrade soils on lots where Foundation Category IA has been assigned (see Table 2). The slab subgrade should be pre-moisturized to at least the soil's optimum moisture content to a depth of 12 inches below finish grade. The slab subgrade moisture content should be evaluated by GSI within 72 hours of the placement of the underlayment sand and vapor retarder. As indicated in GSI (2014), slab subgrade pre-moisturizing is specifically recommended on lots where Foundation Categories I and II have been assigned. The slab subgrade on these lots should be pre-moisturized to slightly above the soil's optimum moisture content to a depth equivalent to the perimeter grade beam or cut-off wall depth in the slab areas or to at least 12 and 18 inches below pad grade for Foundation Categories I and II, respectively. The slab subgrade moisture content for lots to receive Foundation Categories I and II should be evaluated by GSI within 72 hours of the placement of the sand underlayment and vapor retarder. The Client should consider placing very low expansive fill materials within Lots 14 and 15 to bring these lots to their design grades. Likely sources of such fill materials may be spoils generated from foundation excavations on lots having very low expansive soil conditions, listed in the above table. GSI can further evaluate the proposed fill materials once generated, and prior to placement. Care should be taken to not mix foundation excavation spoils generated from lots underlain by low and medium expansive soils with those generated from lots underlain by very low expansive soils. Shea Homes Limited Partnership W.O. 6649-B-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad January 6 2016 File:e:\wpl2\6600\6649b.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 6 It is our understanding that the Client is currently considering revising the Category I and II foundation designs from a uniform thickness post-tension slab to a ribbed- type post-tension slab in order to allow for the foundation to be constructed at the pad grades shown on the approved grading plans. GSI shouldreview the revised. foundation designs prior to construction Regulatory Compliance The soil engineering and engineering geoloic aspects of the construction are ingeneral - compliance with approved geotechnical report and geotechnical aspects of the construction. Furthermore, with respect to the grading plans, GSI will ,certify' that the soil engineering and engineering geologic aspects of the grading are in general compliance with the approved geotechnical report and the grading plan (AEI, 2012) Limitations The conclusionsänd recommendations presented herein are professional opinions. These opinions have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no, warranty, either express or implied, is given. Standards of practice are subject to change with time GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work- or testing performed by others, or their inaction, or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite (such as small walls), to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report constitutes an agreement and consent by the user, to all the,limitations outlined above, notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may be subject to review by the controlling authorities p 4 •-. - - -. 1As defined in the California.Business and Professions Code, Division 3, Chapter 15, Article 5, Section 8770.6. Shea, Homes Limited Partnership W 0 6649 B SC Lanai Subdivision Carlsbad January 6 2016 File e \wpl2\6600\6649b cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 7 The opportunity to be of service is' sincerely. appreciated. If you should have any questions, please do no .hestate to contact our office. Geo Respectful ly sub ;.FRX Lu a cr_ No. RCE 47857 Certified Engineering .(P., Geologist & P. anklin David W. Skelly c# Engineering Geologist, CEG 1340 Civil Engineer, RCE 47 Ryan B. Boehmer Project Geologist - RBB/JPF/DWS/jh . . Attachments: Table 1 - Field Density Test Results Table 2 - As-Graded Lot Conditions Appendix - References Plates 1 through 4 - Field Density Test Location Map Distribution: 3) Addressee (via US mail and email) (1) bHA, Inc., Attention: Mr. Dale Clark (via US mail and email) Shea Homes Limited Partnership . . W.O. 6649-B-SC - Lanai Subdivision. Carlsbad . January 6, 2016- File: e:\wp 1 2\6600\6649b. cro . . . Page 8 GeoSoils, Inc. . . Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO DATE TEST LOCATION. TRACT NO ELEV OR DEPTH (if) MOISTURE CONTENT J DENSITY (%) DRY., (pci) REL COMP TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 11111111111100111MMM X-10-1 1 8/28/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.5 10.2 119.5 91.2 ND A 2 8/28/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.9 10.1 121.4 92.7 ND A 3 8/28/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.5 11.2 124.1 92.4 ND A 4 8/28/15 Parcel 2 MS 11-02 99.5 10.6 119.6 91.3 ND A 5 8/31/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.5 10.3 127.3 97.1 ND A 6 8/31/15 Parcel 2 MS 11-02 100.0 10.1 126.5 96.5 ND A 7 8/31/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.2 10.4 124.4 94.9 ND A 8 8/31/15 Parcel 3 MS 11-02 102.2 10.2 125.1 95.4 ND A 9 9/1/15 Parcel 1 MS 11-02 94.5 10.4 125.3 95.6 ND A 10* 9/1/15 Parcel 1 MS 11-02 94.5 7.5 113.4 86.5 ND A bA. 9/1/15 Parcel 1 MS 11-02 94.5 10.8 123.7 94.4 ND A 11 9)1/15 Pacel 1 MS 11-02 95.5 11.1 122.8 93.7 ND 12 9/1/15 Parcel 1 MS 11-02 95.5 10.3 125.5 95.8 ND A 13 9/14/15 South Lot 5 CT 12-01 72.0 11.4 121.8 95.9 ND B 14 9/14/15 Lanai Ct Sta. 5+75 CT 12-01 73.0 10.9 123.6 97.3 ND B 15 9/14/15 Lot 11 North Side CT 12-01 74.0 12.3 122.5 96.4 ND B 16 9/16/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 73.0 11.8 128.8 98.3 ND A 17 9/16/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 72.0 12.3 126.3 96.4 ND A 18 9/16/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 74.0 10.4 125.6 95.8 ND A 19 9/16/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 72.0 11.2 127.7 97.4 ND A 20 9/17/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 76.0 10.7 127.4 97.2 ND A 21 9/17/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 77.0 11.4 125.1 95.4 ND A 22 9/17/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 75.0 11.2 126.3 96.4 ND A 23 9/17/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 76.0 12.4 125.9 96.1 ND A 24 9/18/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 75.0 11.2 125.2 95.5 ND A 25 9/18/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 74.0 10.5 124.9 95.3 ND A 26 9/18/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 77.0 12.3 126.1 96.2 ND A 27 9/18/15 Lot 4 CT 12-01 78.0 11.8 127.3 97.1 ND A 28 9/21/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 76.0 12.4 =125.1 95.4 ND A 29 9/21/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 73.0 11.8 125.9 96.1 ND A 30 9/21/15 Lot CT 12-01 72.0 10.2 127.2 97.1 ND A 31 9/21/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 76.0 12.5 =126.5 96.5 ND A 32* 9/22/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 75.0 7.5 122.1 93.2 ND A 32A 9/22/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 75.0 10.7 125.8 96.0 ND A 33 9/22/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 77.0 11.4 124.6 95.1 ND A 34 9/22/15 Lot 12 CT 12-01 77.0 12.3 124.2 94.8 ND A 35 9/23/15 Lot 4 CT 12-01 80.0 10.6 125.1 95.4 ND A 36 9/23/15 Lot CT 12-01 82.0 11.4 1269 96.8 ND A 37 9/23/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 81.0 10.8 1253 95.6 ND A 38 9/23/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 79.0 12.4 126.6 96.6 ND A 39 9/24/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 82.0 13.2 114.1 92.3 ND B 40 9/24/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 83.0 12.6 117.4 95.0 ND B 41 9/24/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 82.0 11.4 125.3 95.6 ND A 42 9/24/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 84.0 10.6 126.1 96.2 ND A Shea Homes Limited Partnership W.O. 6649-B-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad December 2015 File:e:\wpl2\6600\6649b.cro . GeoSozls, Inc. Page 1 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO DATE TEST LOCATION TRACT NO ELEV OR DEPTH (ft) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pcf) REL COMP (%) 2 TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 43 9/25/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 86.0 12.9 117.9 95.4 ND B 44 9/25/15 Lot 19 CT 12-01 74.0 13.2 118.5 95.9 ND B 45 9/25/15 Lot CT 12-01 77.0 10.8 125.7 95.9 ND A 46 9/25/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 76.0 11.2 125.3 95.6 ND A 47 9/25/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 78.0 12.1 126.5 96.5 ND A 48* 9/28/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 79.0 7.6 118.0 90.0 ND A 48A 9/28/15 Lot CT 12-01 79.0 10.2 124.5 95.0 ND A 49 9/28/15 Lot 19 Basin B CT 12-01 80.0 12.4 125.8 96.0 ND A 50 9/28/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 78.0 11.8 126.3 96.4 ND A 51 9/28/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 83.0 12.6 125.1 95.4 ND A 52 9/28/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 80.0 13.1 125.9 96.1 ND A 53 9/29/15 Lanai Court. . . CT .12-01 81.0 . . 14.2 . .124.3 94.3 .. ND A 54 9/29/15 Lot 9 CI 12-01 82.0 13.2 127.9 97.6 ND' A 55 9/29/15 Lot CI 2-01 83.0 12.6 125.1 95.4 ND A 56 9/29/15 Lanai Court CI 2-01 84.0 10.4 126.6 96.6 ND A 57 9/30/15 Lanai Court CI 12-01 78.0 10.4 124.7 95.1 ND A 58 9/30/15 Lanai Court CT 2-01 74.0 11.4 125.5 95.8 ND A 59 9/30/15 Lanai Court CT 2-01 80.0 10.9 126.3 96.4 ND A 60 9/30/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 81.0 12.3 125.8 96.0 ND A 61 10/1/15 Lanai Court , CI 2-01 81.0 11.1 126.8 96.7 ND A 62 10/1/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 76.0 10.3 128.9 98.3 ND A 63 10/1/15 Lot 2 CT 12-01 77.0 10.8 124.6 95.1 ND A 64 10/1/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 80.0 9.5 128.4 98.0 ND A 65 10/2/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 78.0 9.9 125.1 95.4 ND A 66 10/2/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 82.0 10.4 124.7 95.1 ND A 67 10/2/15 Lot 3 CT 12-01 83.0 10.6 128.5 98.1 ND A 68 10/9/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 83.0 11.5 124.8 95.2 ND A 69 10/9/15 Sewer Easement South of Lot 9 CT 12-01 82.0 10.6 126.7 96.8 ND A 70 10/13/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 84.0 10.6 124.6 95.1 ND A 71 10/13/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 85.0 19.2 106.1 98.2 ND C 72 10/13/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 86.0 18.8 105.8 97.9 ND C 73 10/13/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 87.0 19.5 106.5 98.6 ND C 74 10/14/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 89.0 19.3 104.8 97.0 ND C 75 10/14/15 Lanai Court , CT 12-01 93.0 18.7 105.1 97.3 ND C 76 10/14/15 Lanai Court CT 12-01 92.0 19.1 104.2 96.4 ND C 77 10/14/15 Lot 1 CT 12-01 94.0 18.8 106.6 98.7 ND C 78* 10/14/15 Lot CI 12-01 84.0 14.1 117.2 92.2 ND B 78A 10/14/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 84.0 14.3 122.5 96.4 ND B 79 10/15/15 Lot 17 CT 12-01 96.0 11.2 121.4, 95.5 ND B 80 10/15/15 Lot 17 CI 12-01 98.0 12.1 121.8 95.9 ND B 81 10/15/15 Lot CT 12-01 85.0 10.8 122.1 96.1 ND B 82 10/15/15 Lot 10 . CT 12-01 84.0 10.1 123.3 97.0 ND B 83* 10/16/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 87.0 6.8 117.3 92.1 ND B 83A 10/16/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 87.0 11.2 121.1 95.3 ND B 84 10/16/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 86.0 10.7 123.5 97.2 ND B Shea Homes Limited Partnership . W.O. 6649-B-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad . December 2015 File:e:\wpl2\6600\6649b.cro GeoSoils, Inc. Page 2 Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO DATE TEST LOCATION TRACT NO ELEV OR DEPTH (if) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pcf) REL COMP (%) TEST.,SOIL METHOD TYPE 85 10/16/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 88.0 12.1 122.4 96.3 ND B 86 10/19/15 Lot CT 12-01 83.0 14.7 114.1 95.8 ND D 87 10/19/15 Lot CT 12-01 85.0 15.2 116.4 97.0 ND D 88 10/19/15 Lot CT 12-01 84.0 14.9 115.3 96.0 ND D 89 10/19/15 Lot 8 CT 12-01 86.0 15.5 114.8 95.6 ND D 90 10/20/15 Lot 6 CT 12-01 84.0 18.8 104.5 96.7 ND C 91 10/20/15 Lot CT 12-01 86.0 19.2 105.3 97.5 ND C 92 10/20/15 Lot 5 CT 12-01 87.0 15.2 115.2 96.3 ND D 93 10/20/15 Lot CT 12-01 87.0 14.9 117.1 97.5 ND D 94 10/20/15 Lot CT 12-01 88.0 14.6 116.3 96.9 ND D 95 10/21/15 Lot 12 CT 12-01 92.0 16.4 114.4 95.3 ND D 96 10/21/15 Lot 13 CT 12-01 94.0 14.9. 115.7 96.4 ND D 97 10/21/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 87.0 15.2 114.3 95.2 ND D 98 10/21/15 Lot 16 CT 12-01 97.0 12.1 120.9 95.1 ND B 99 10/21/15 Lot 2 CT 12-01 98.0 14.4 122.6 96.5 ND B 100 10/21/15 Lot 1 CT 12-01 103.0 10.6 127.2 97.1 ND A 101 10/21/15 Lot 3, CT 12-01 95.0 11.8 124:1 97.7 ND B 102 10/22/15 Lot 1 CT 12-01 104.0 11.2 126.8 96.7 ND A 103-FG 10/23/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 FG 10.6 122.0 96.0 ND B 104-FG 10/23/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 FG 10.6 125.4 95.0 ND A 105-FG 10/23/15 Lot 13 CT 12-01 FG 10.8 121.5 95.6 ND B 106-FG 10/23/15 Lot 12 CT 12-01 FG 10.4 127.2 97.1 ND A 107-FG 10/23/15 Lot 2 CT 12-01 FG 10.0 128.6 98.1 ND A 108-FG 10/23/15 Lot 3 CT 12-01 FG 10.1 124.6 95.1 ND A 109-FG 10/28/15 Lot 4 CT 12-01 FG 10.1 128.7 98.2 ND A 110-FG 10/28/15 Lot CT 12-01 FG 10.1 125.7 95.9 ND A 111-FG 10/28/15 Lot CT 12-01 FG 10.3 126.1 96.2 SC A 112-FG 10/28/15 Lot 7 CT 12-01 FG 10.2 126.5 96.5 Sc A 113-FG 10/28/15 Lot 8 CT 12-01 FG 10.5 124.8 95.2 ND A 114-FG 10/28/15 Lot 16 CT 12-01 97.5 10.6 125.5 95.8 ND A 115 10/29/15 Lot 9 CT 12-01 86.0 10.6 121.5 95.6 ND B 116 10/29/15 Lot CT 12-01 87.0 10.9 120.8 95.1 ND B 117-FG 10/29/15 Parcel 3 Sohaei MS 11-02 FG 10.6 127.8 97.5 ND A 118-FG 10/29/15 Parcel 2 Sohaei MS 11-02 FG 10.5 122.1 96.1 ND B 119-FG 10/29/15 Parcel 1 Sohaei . MS 11-02 FG 10.7 124.9 95.3 ND A 120 10/30/15 Lot CT 12-01 87.5 10.6 125.1 95.4 ND A 121-FG 10/30/15 Lot 17 CT 12-01 FG 10.3 126.0 96.1 ND A 122-FG 10/30/15 Lot 16 CT 12-01 FG 10.7 121.8 95.9 ND B ,123-FS 10/30/15 Lot 12- Slope CT 12-01 90.0 10.1 127.2 97.0 ND A 124-FS 10/30/15 Lot 16- Slope . CT 12-01 95.0 10.5 127.4 97.2 ND A 125-FG 10/30/15 Lot CT 12-01 FG 10.0 124.7 95.1 ND A 126-ES 10/30/15 Lot 4-Slope CT 12-01 93.0 10.6 121.4 95.8 ND B 127 10/30/15 Lanai Parkway Adj Lot 19 CT 12-01 83.0 10.7 121.5' 95.6 ND B 128 11/4/15 Lot 14 CT 12-01 . 93.5 10.6 122.2 96.2 ND B 129 11/4/15 Lot 14 CT 12-01 94.5 10.7 121.7 95.8 ND B Shea Homes Limited Partnership W.O. 6649-B-SC Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad December 2015 File: e:\wpl2\6600\6649b.cro GeoSoi1s, Inc. Page Table 1 FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS TEST NO. DATE TEST LOCATION TRACT NO. ELEV OR DEPTH (ft) MOISTURE CONTENT (%) DRY DENSITY (pci) REL COMP (%) TEST METHOD SOIL TYPE 130 11/4/15 Lot 15 CT 12-01 93.0 10.6 121.2 95.4 ND B 131-ES 11/4/15 Lot 13 CT 12-01 92.0 10.7 122.0 96.0 ND B 132-FS 11/4/15 Lot 11 CT 12-01 87.0 10.9 121.9 95.9 ND B 133-FS 11/4/15 Lot 10 CT 12-01 95.0 10.5 123.4 97.1 ND B 134 12/17/15 Lot 14 CT 12-01 94.5 12.6 125.1 95.4 ND A 135 12/18/151 Lot 14 CT 12-01 95.0 10.7 126.3 96.4 ND A LEGEND: * = Failed Test A = Retest FG = Finish Grade FS = Finish Slope ND = Nuclear Densometer 4 4- - Shea Homes Limited Partnership - . W.O. 6649-B-SC - Lanai Subdivision, Carlsbad - December 2015 File: e:\wpl 2\6600\6649b.cro . 4GeOSO11s, Inc. Page 4 -. • .' - - . .*'' ,. 4 ' • 1. •' 4 -' - 1- £ - ., •4 •'f" . - - 1 - I- . - -. ,- -. - .' .• 4. TABLE 2 - ASGRADED LOT CONDITIONS r - .•.._t , - '-, 4. -' • - ., - ARPR.OXIMAT-E: -' FOUNDATION DESIGN TRACT! ASBUIL ILL EXPANSION CATEGORY PER SUNCOAST LOT R NUMBE POTENTIAL* ACRO LOT POST-TENSION, LTD (2015 AND 2015b) J (FEEi' CT 12-01 /Lot 1 Very Low ±41/2 to ±28. - IA CT1201/Lot2* ., Low . .,±8to±25 -- - - CT12O1/Lot3* Low ± 71/2 to ±21 I CT 12-01 /Lot 4 Low 51.±62 to ±191/2 CT -12-01 /Lot 5 Low :1 ±6½ to ±19 I CT12O1 /Lot 6 Low ±6½to ±19½ I CT 12-0 1 /Lo't 7 Medium ±6 to ±18½ H CT12O1/Lot8 .Medium ±5to±18½ I ii ' CT 12-01 /Lot 9 Very Low ±6 to ±20 . IA .- CT 1201/Lot 10 IVery Low ±7½tO±20h/2 - IA CT 12-01 /Lot 11 Very Low ±5t0 ±20 IA CT 1201/Lot 12 Very Low' '31/2 to ±23 '4 IA CT 12 01/Lot 13 Very L6w1 , 3½ to ±6 IA CT 1201/Lot 14 Not Applicable "( ±3/ Not at Finish Grade CT 12-01 /Lot 15 Not ApIicablei ±4 to ±41/2 Not at Finish Grade - -+ CT12-01 /Lot 16 ..-' -'-- -. ,.-'. Very' ow,-, ...- ±3½tO±251/2 .. -.-'- ,,-.- •--- CT 12-01/Lot 17 Very Low ±51/2 to ±271/2 IA -- CT 12-Ol/L ot 18 .-- -. Not Applicable -': ,44 4t ±½ * -'• - -' Not Applicable CT 12-Ol /Lot 19 Not Applicable . ±1 to ±17 Not Applicable (Basin B IF MS 11-02/Parcel 1 VeryLow ±3 to ±4 - . -- -.IA MS 11 02/Par6el 2 Very Low ±3 IA ' MS 11-02/Parcel 3 Very Low,_- ; . - ±3 to ±4 . . . . IA.... - .............. * Previously reported (GSI 2015a) 4 - '- _'_•*,- - - 1 - 4 4 41 F • - . - - ,1 . ., *. 1 - .- -.., F . E - *1 - 1 . GéôSoi1s,Inc.--. •:: ;... r q - - I • APPENDIX REFERENCES American Concrete Institute, 2011, Bufldin code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-11). and commentary, reported by ACI Committee 318; dated January. 7 2004, Guide for concrete floor and slab constuction: reported by ACI committee 302; Designation ACI 302.1 R-04, dated March 23. - American Society of Civil Engineers,2010, Minimum design loads for buildings and other structures, ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-10. - bHA, Inc., 2015a, Grading plans for: Miles Pacific subdivision, 9 sheets, 20-scale, Drawing No. 483-4A, City of Carlsbad Project No.: 12-01, latest date of July 30. 2015b, Grading plans for: SohaeiMinor subdivision, 4 sheets, 20-scale, Drawing No. 483-5A, City of Carlsbad Project No.: 12-01, latest date of April 10. California Building Standards Cbmmission, 2013, California Building Code, California Code of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, Based on the 2012 International Building Code, 2013 California - Historical Building Code, Title 24, Part 8; 2013 California Existing Building Code, Title 24, Part 10. .. GeoSoils, Inc., 2015a, Interim compaction repbrt, Lots 2 and 3, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, City of Carlsbad Project No.: CT 12-01, Drawing No.: DWG 483-4A, W.O. 6649-B-SC, dated November 11. 2015b, Preliminary as-graded lot conditions, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific Subdivision and Sohaei Minor. Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, .W.O. 6649-B-SC, dated November 10. 2015c, Second foundation and post-tension plan review, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific Subdivision and Sohaei Minor Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, W.O. 6649-A7-SC, dated September 18. 2015d, Foundation and post-tension plan review, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific Subdivision and Sohaei Minor Subdivision),` Carlsbad, California, W.O. 6649-A6-SC, dated September 8. ' - 2015e, Geotechnical recorrimendations'for mat slabs, Lanai Project, 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, APNs 156-351-03,-07, and -08, City of Carlsbad Projeôt No.: CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A5SC, dated -July 15. - GeoSoils, Inc. 2015f, Geotechnical review of 20-scale grading plans and calculation package for Miles Pacific subdivision, 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, 9 sheets, APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, City of Carlsbad Project No.: CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A4-SC, dated June 29. 2015g, Geotechnical review,of 20-scale grading plans for Miles Pacific subdivision (second plan submittal), 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, ARNs 156-351-03, ,-07, and -08, City. of Carlsbad project no.: CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A3-SC, dated May 8 2014, Geotechnical update evaluation, Ayrë subdivision (former Miles Pacific and Sohaei properties), 2359, 2373, and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad,; San Diego. County, California, W.O. 6649-A-SC, dated June 23. 2012a, Qualitative evaluation .of infiltration and soil runoff potentials, APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, 2373 and 2375 Rio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008, W.O.63247A1-SC, dated December27 _,201 * 2b, ___2012b, Preliminary geotechnical evaluation, APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008, W.O. 6324-A-SC, dated October31. * Kanare, Howard, M, 2005, Concrete floors and moisture, Engineering Bulletin 119, Portland Cement Association Kennedy, M.P., and Tan, SS., 2008, Geologic map of the San Diego 30' by 60' quadrangle, California, Map no. 3, scale 1 :100,000,California Geologic Survey and U.S. Geologic Survey. ,'2005, Geologic map of the San Diego 30' by 60' quadrangle, California, regional -, geologic map series, scale 1:100,000, California Geologic Survey and United States Geological Survey, www:conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/rgm/. preliminary_geologic_maps htm Post-Tensioning Institute, 2008, Addendum no 2 to the 3rd edition of the design of post-tensioned slabs-on-ground, dated May. 2004, Design and construction- ofpost-tensioned slabs-on-ground, 3d edition, Phoenix, AZ State of California, 2015, Civil Code, Sections 895 et seq Suncoast Post-Tension Ltd., 2015a, Project Lanai, Location Carlsbad, CA, Builder Shea Homes, Job No 1576414, latest revision dated July 28. Shea Homes Limited Partnership File e \wpl2\sc6600\6649b cro GeoSoils, Inc. • Appendix Page 2 IA I ( -- - - Vy rL/ - N: ___ (~j POLE TO REMAIN EXIS71NG POVIR FIRE HY DRANT 1+00-LANAI COURT Lef MY POLE PIO As -10 Ts E~i,2 +_~rM68 S77T DIS TANCE LINE __ -' - El JO BE RELOCA704F, WA TERURE 6' HIGH W" FMCE J0' IX -W -A CdORDANCt 'PORI7'ON OF P P \-\\, I I -To in )A_CCf.S_PAYP_O1E 50 s tog SWAIX- TRUNCA TED DOME' 71LE AREAS rOR ACCESSIBLE RAMPS JEa 'A -PROPOSED RETAINING WALL THE CTY CAR LUA D! P7_n HP 106.38 Ais SHALL BE J.O'(1WIN) X' 4,091H) AND SHALL, COMPLY K1TH CALIFORNIA 717LE 24 ACCESSIBILITY CODES 2X THE MOSt CURRENT REQUIREMENTS PER THE STATE OF I; • Ii ___F I I ,( I/J') REJAINING HEIGHT VARIES 0.5' 24 D RETA - 1 - ( ---I \ tll0l.31 PROPOSED _2_- • tt/-..:.fl\i. I' 1) I\ - (sPurrAcEeLocK-rm) 1 \ E1ST1NQGRQUND AIAR / - STREET LiGHT \-1 (I FL 46J Jor ----- - I" / FEN post 1 6 ! 4?TkX.1OO DOCI ACCESS EASEMENT I / 71 APN APN -- - - I TT OVER ROPOSED 4' AC PWT AB-C 5 9 NThD FOOTING ON PROPERTY LINE PT Lut) 1 1.60 f zi FH MA,P yA) Wet t06 J4 IJ Ch 105 70::I / - !i ______ - - I ff i.: AAOT TO SCALE :::.f .k . j ---L -351 12' HIGH FOR 3 LF TO ACT AS A7' wSPLASH WALL" FOR THE BROW 0 DITCH DRAINAGE FLOW I 1 1: :-;, ; 103.51 ! I I I AIR A, Pff --,. J 156 APN 1 -. - ---- -.-r --i--'- GSI LEGEND A fe - ARTIFICIAL FILL - ENGINEERED (PLACED UNDER THE PURWEW OF THIS REPORT) QOP - QUATERNARY OLD PARAUC DEPOSITS (YOUNGER & OLDER-UNDIFFERENT7A TED), CIRCLED V4-IERE BURIED Tsa - TER11ARY SAN17AGO FORMATION, CIRCLED WERE BURIED - APPROXIMATE LOCA liON OF GEOLOGIC CONTACT • • • • • • - APPROXIMATE TOP OF BURIED GEOLOGIC CONTACT X-133 - APPROXIMATE LOCA liON OF FIELD DENSITY TEST X-125FG - APPROXIMATE LOCA liON OF FINISH GRADE FIELD DENSITY TEST 1101.51 - APPROXIMATE ELEVATION OF REMEDIAL EXCAVATION (FEET NG'?V29) IVAR - NOT A PART OF THIS STUDY --)- -' pt ei-ppopa~, PtC ITCH, TPE 75 L1> CID F WIN, 90.5 96.0 s. lit. 0 FC MPI..- IZ MIN IX MIN X 129 sCPTE I T-. FG 05. 'ep 77.9 / .I94.0I LOTI7 X-80. . ~'9~5 ~- Y f N I HP X7 :- 176.6 2O .FF 102. 25 Afe i I HP 92.0 - ' '-L X-76 a - D1' ff1 ' j FG95.O . I - . I ' - . \ - .- X61 As X-I2IFG - I FT 8' I 020 ' c' _..- FG9 5 FT 9658 G95 0 78.5 •: \"; ::0:\: 75.7 ,-.. '••: I 1oZo8'\TsaA i 'o, .._. . 81 -10' 2.0' MAX RtrARI!NG U APN -19 - ' . . I - cY -j X-64 X-57 - . WALL PER SORSD C- - . ___ 49, 7 TOE Or , j4 X79_- . LOTIS 91.5 LOTI4 I I T# 107. J91.oI : e •-. -- ' \ ... X-130 95'7S 1 Qo PE%.O A I FG ioyjp - -. - - - !& -I---' • - - 4 3' MAX RETA1NI- 1 T' X128 < - 'i sa / X-72 ..- rmoi HP 8' i / \ WALL PER SOR C-2 / ! It Fg) ::\:. :,/. . • F099.O• _i. . 95.5&_...........Ii I I 17,0 ioo'a • 920 7'i'100 \4 .L L 1 180 1 89g 0 X-98 ' )SD C-2 939 'I_91_51 A _kcr"- I --i'- -' - x-' -. - \ IE96 05 940 LOT 16 UN 25 Pr) jFç95 0\ i F FE li3_- pfyw 752 / - !L 1z 58.5 15 178 2O X-107FG _OCC A/C UNITS \ - ' p '., - 915 JNTC IC 6 I ---- 1 0%(1W) X-99 • 099..&) I' ' i \ X-68 - 'X-60 1 " , t._ - .APN 102 0 - L- - 7 X-124 .' - . c c'oso pcc PARCEL 74.1 - - - • S - - - _7 E - - I '1 - BROW DlH, flE I A F` I v lot To kni~ . . V1 Q h-IN 92.00 PIN,* ,jlf PER ': Aie 4FG\ gAl_el , ' : F - 110o, p to Afe LOT • 1 ., / / ' ' -' - \ i fe IA I INI ----179Z25 ID 60 LOT /,A' 1 MAPs ' PE X-34 3' -- I V V - FFPJ,75, I FL IF NOTES: • SEE SHEET4 • - ® 'p.01'osa) 5' I?DE COW.AIANT LW PRIVATE EASEMENT FCV? ORNNAC PURPOSES FOR THE BENEFIT OF APN I56-351-0, 156-351-10, 1$6-351-11 AS SH01 ON FM 12-01. () PRCP0S& CONANT OF PRIVATE DRAFUAGE EASEMENT FOR THE B7IEF1T OF LOTS I 7HRCIJ(1 15 AS SHOM, ON FM 12-01. © PROPOSED CONANT OF EAMENT TO PRIVATE EASEJIEJIT FOR ME BENEFIT OF THE 110A FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE, BROW 011tH, SOUND WALL (OM 483-4L) AND STORM DRAW FAC1U17E5 AS SHOM. OF FM 12-01. () PROPOSED 6' HIGH MASONRY SOUND WAIL SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS (483-4L) & DETAIL 06 ON SHEET 8. (TJ 3 PVC STORM DRAIN PIPE W/6" DIA YARD DRAIN AND CURB OUTLET PER SDRSD 0-27 () PROPOSED COVENANT OF ACCESS EASEMENT OR A PORTTC*I OF LOT 18 AND O€R LOT 20 FOR THE BENEFiT OF NOTE FOR EXIS11NC EASEMENT NOTES: SEE SHEET 3 - -I ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE This document or efile Is not a part of the Construction Documents and should not be relied upon as be1n7g an accurate depiction of design. FIELD DENSITY TEST LOCATION MA P Plate I W.O. 6649-B-SC I DATE.-01116 I SCALE: 1"20' I FOR&Y.7,WATER AND I SWEET 1MPIOMENTS SEE wo. 483-4 © BUILDING SETBACK UNITS LINE PER CITY ZONING ORDINANCE ADJACENT PROPERTY (Aiw 158-351-01) AS SHOW ON FM 12-01. - - YARD DRAINAGE S WALES (IX MIN SLOPE) vow"* I f!PJnc, ( °• 1 krid_prth,ctverrert-i,eurvcyt,g 10'0' _20'40' _60' 5115 AVENIDA ENCthIAS SUITE ftl.M CARLSBAD, CA, 92008-4387 SCALE: 1 = 20 (760) 931-8700 MILES PACIFIC SUBDIVISION S. GELDERT' -N -r CT 12-01 REVISION DESCRIP-nON SEE SIIEET3 20' 10' 0' 20 40' 60' - SCALE: 1" 20' EXJS17NG PENCE 18 1w_ EA7S1WG —\ POOL DECK \ i 8 IDE PRIVATE bvhyni EALNT PROP0SD 6' tMal MASONRY SOUND WALL SEE LANDTAM RAMS (4W-4L) rG S(_0 PE 89.0 PROPOSED P00 BROW D1T011, IWE 00 0 PER 0-75 SE(TJONH-H NOT fl) SCALE APN 156-351-13 PROPOSED P00 BROr! DI1tH, TYPE 'B PER D-75 WALL. SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS (483-4) &DETNLO6CWSHEET8 1 60 LOT11 50 E7S11NG FENtE MS 11-02 TO CONNECT TO 0-75 FOR THIS PROCT 121/GHFORJLFTOACTASA '\ .SPLASH WAIf FOR THE BROW DITCH DRAINAGE FLOW 1 )APN L-p j 156-351-04 BRawoircu, n "8 PER 0-75 I>. 892 PJ AYS PROPOSED FCC-' 8RO' oirce, rrPE 18' PEP 0-75 SECTION I-I NOT TO sci w _Pd f I 67.0 -24 I8a6 - 81 i9° SEE PLATE I FOR LEGEND SEE SHEET5 J ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE This document or efile Is not a part of the Construction Documents and should not be relied upon as being an accurate depiction of design. Mc 2O0'R FS - LANAI COURT A TI A A 1(7) Tr"1'A fT NOTES: I ® PROPOSED 5' Vt)E COVENANT OF PRIVATE EASEMENT FzX? DRAINAGE PURPOSES FOR THE BENEFIT OF APNS 156-351-09, 156-351-10,, 158-351-11 AS SHOP/ ON FM 12-01. (J PROPO$tI) COVENANT OF PRIVATE DRAINAGE CASEMENT FOR THE BE.EEAT OF LOTS I THROUGH 15 A S/IOJ ON FM 12-01. © PROPOSED CONANT Cf EASEMENT TO PRIVA TE EASEMENT FOR THE BENCF1T CF IHE HOA FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE. BROW DITCH, SOUND VIAU (DWG 483-40 AND STORIf DRAIN FAC!UflES AS SHOV.N OF FM 12-01. () PROPOSED 6' H!1 MASONRY SOUND WALL SEE LANDSCAPE PLANS (483-4L) & DETAIL 06 ON SHEET & ® BUILDING SETBACK LIMITS LINE PER CITY ZONIJWG ORDINANCE ® 30 PVC STORM DRAIN PIPE W/80 0/A YARD DRAIN AND CURB OUTLET PER .WRSO D-27 () PROPOSED COVENANT OF ACCESS EASEMENT OVER A PORI?QN OF LOT 18 AND OVER LOT 20 FOR THE BENEFIT OF AD.UCENT PROPERTY (APH 156-351-01) AS 1O'V ON PM 12-01. y,afJ DRAiNAGE S WALES (19 MIN SLOPE) NOTE FOR £)7S1WG EASEMENT NOTES M7 SEE SHEET, 3 mom. FOR I FOR SEV.R, WATER AND I s1iEEr V.JPPOVEV1q1tS SEE L_ NO. 48J-4 10'5'0'.10'V_20' - \ 1 /1 SCALE; iN = ADA_ACCE$ _RARE _4O1E TRUNCATED DOME TILE AREAS FOR ACCESSIOL! RAMPS SHALL BE 3.oTMIN) X 4.0'(MIN) AND SHALL CMPLY I11H 7. MoSt CURI?EN T REQUIRf VENTS PER 71€ srA TE OF CALIFORNIA TiTLE 24 ACCESSIBILITY CODES r r OflALD I i I f t I rWi 1OUO''AY 'Yt LILLI 1aII(,. No. r"1 fl landpathh'g._c _engheeg,tz,voyfrg 5115 AVENIDA ENC4NA SUITE WLII 'OP CAR(..SBAD, CA. 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 CATCH eASIN TWE F PER D-7 X4, Yi4'1 V8.33, T=8' MANHOLE FRAME AIX) CO VER PER M-2 - r ORiFiCE To ALLOW 100 Y1? PREDELOPMEJJT FLOW 0 MIL LINER NOTE, 30-I1L £LPERMEA8LE LINER FOR 9WMT10N CONFORM TO TIE FC%L0"NC SPE0F1CA710NS SPEciFiC RAVTY (Asmi 0792) 1.2 (G/CC MN.) TD4SILE (,ISfl( D882) 73 (t84N-DT1, MIN) aC4170N AT BREAK (ASThI D882) xo (X UIN) MLUS (ASThf. 1)882): 50 (L84N-PDTh1, AIM) AM[ TEAR SIRENGTH (ASIW 01004): 8 (LBJ?N1 W!N) SCAM SHM SIRENCTII (ASJV 0882) 5a4 (LB14H, W?4, SEAM PEEL SRENCTIf (ASPJ 0882) 15 0 B/l.'& M! SEE COLORADO. LIN!NG IN7ERNA710\!AL PVC 30 ITIP: OR APPROW.D EOJJAL. DEEP R0070, DENSE, f( 89.5 10\ SOUND ________ DROUGHT TOLERANT SOUND 21 SLOPE 3' MAX WALL RETAINING WALL l. 70' FREE RD PLANTING $U1TA&E nk WALL PER FOR VLL DRAINED -' LOT 8 WALL 3' MAX OA PAD CL 87.5 RETAINING RETAINING / wAif - DEEP ROOTED, DENSE. DROUGHT 1WRANT ,-TW 91.60 CATCH BASIN fll'E F PER 0-7 PLAN 11NC SUITABLE FOR 14th. (JRAINIO SOIL-j (11 X-4', Y=4 V=a52', T=6 MANHOLE FRAME AD : J" ORIFX TO ALLOW 100 OWR PER *4-2 'Il? PREDEWLCMENT FLOW -S 218' FREEDC*RD- -' V FG 8560 TW85.53-\ 86.02 I 2.0% TC85.40 84.89 20' 10' 0' 20' 40' 60' c.niws flj \ OVERFLOW I -83.2O EI I L!k . . • .J, " a af.A - i . KA No Sa l , . S FATIMA ..: a • - a - , 0 I • • I.-. 0'O •'0 • g••• f' - - • t' • e - •. r .pP 5 0 0 I • ' a ' '' 0 ' . .1,.- - : : - VO FIJ . , ,;.:: s•,; - - : • - • : ;,..;s - 'r • • -- -a- •.., . Si ,•,• • al9 . • • u •• .• ,_!_-:. : ,•' FIxI SUITE ftL0 PROPOSED 4 AC P VM T-.1 180 ENGINEERED SOIL MIX _____\Tsaé' OVER 4* AR (MINIMUM) RETAININGMN S S7, WET 4 V2 STORAGE LAYER, 314- CRUSHED 42 ROCK. ENCAPSULATE STORAGE AREA IMPERMEABLE LINER SIDES AND IQ, r ON 00 BOTTOM (SEE 30 MIL LINER NOTE) rM IX ) 54 870 X86 CAT I / X-37 -- I'la ~f / - , - - - -- \ / DE 'I E(fl LO Ky '7 ..1c MIN 12 c' - 2 flNJ0'DPuIBL'CSEVR 4* PVC P!P> -r 0 GAL M PLA 11E X 81 47 ME PUBLIC MU r 01 RECOPOW.- JULY 2a 1967 OPO.R usomr PER Fm 12-01- 81.5 *4/N 18151 . - . _____ e X-45 3' MAX RETAINING 1 X-116 / /7 / ' 1.5- DIA DRAIN 1 // DO HOLE c - ---'l ..•. \i WALL PER SDRSDC-2 ca7o\ FGCB.00 ,7 ,- 7 ' .- // ) STR1CTOR PLATE TO LIMiT FLOW - - - i- i e LOT 7 - -J / I sa - , . ,/ X-115 B X-9 7 \ PROM Vi VAULT STORAGE AREA -r/ :.N~ .4 . -3/ BROW DITCH, TYPE I sa 98 X-29 -Q/ - - - STEF.L PLATE NUTS (7W 4) L?' PER 0-75 4 x.42::HINSTALL: 67.9 o.. .• .- - - 86 7 ..:*::. :.,r , 'PER C. ANS P7' fl. .-'- ./ 4PIV PIPE .•,.::::I' Q'F,PL4TE AND Jq0 17-6-150-140 T co 90.0 no NdT 81.0 EXISlING BROW DITCH THROUGH X-32 A - .1 820 L _ 6621 rfl' X-49' 1 4P p " T _ ----' - /.,-' I V PCC HEADY'ALL (FL 7a0) STE PLATE TO 1X M'N 35' .1J54Q - " 'G I 1W 9250 /PERF PIPE sr0-'\ TY 85.53 >-INSTALL 3' rOE x ga HT6H / SET (.W BOTTCI AIAR I ' - ___________ I 1/ INSTALL 11' V'IDE C G 82 / - ,.-' r (osw) 820 ,- SPLASH WALL JO rLS1ERLY Or CATCH eASIN -6* RCP SD LOT19 -,SIDE OF EVST BROW DI`TCH 69. 82.5 20f 12v' x.89 LOT8 J 717 BASN NO T TO SCALE - PE 87.5 - ..-- _J• • 1. FL*84 7l / 'A RLEV. 1' ,' -'5' FR(Y' -P4 TO' 692 T ' IE0LJT:8Z21 f2 i Qop 77 CFS) 49 - CONTOVR'ELEVJ7.5 82.5 J18-X16" STAIN ,K'A[L PER SO Tsa FG87 00 7. AI.A. P. ANCHOR BOLIS V! too 4" PVC V-11 7, 7w 846) 1L - - X WiN - , , /¼ 12 P / F / - 1i_ - - F erJ - - - - 85.1 PL85.55 ''1' TWEF'7 'I _,2- E77.JRowITdH' -- iF 6077f105) EE PLATE I FOR L EGEND LT f-0 81727 N 60'I ELEY,,77.5 ;,4 QOP ...Aw x DA nJGHT ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE Tw F6 ---.. * - . . TYPE LF 5 6- 78. 05 1 sa vc-m---zA r, 40, f - . / . ' . .-- This document or efile Is not a a of the Construction FL Documents and should not be relied upon as-, being an = .20 TYPE -Ex N11-1 F MP ef).Oz accurate depiction of design. 7P. 40r PROP05MV 8' Tw M091 FO 83.1 ç -FL832O (EG8fO ' MAR .) 9 9) \\IJnLIwLk_EUMJ PER CAL 77RANS PERVIT I " le RCP PIPE CONNECT TO EXISTING BROW o,rcn 75 - -75 - [I APN 156351011 INSTALL 5' rE X 18 H'CH SPLASH Y4LL .05 C) I I14'I1L , 5 ()Q' 0 PROPOSED 5' P'DE COWNANT C PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES FCx? THE 0.50_1 L - I BENEFiT C APN'S 156-351-09, 156-351-10, 156-351-11 AS snor ON FM 12-01. - -- -- - &' DIV' 1 .!RIPY8.OW DITCH 0" PRIOR TO CONSTRUCT1OU ____ RtUIRO imrr C0L ? TAFZ TYPE DCP.C"T1ON :vTO V,STERLY SIDE OF EXIST a'Ow DITCH. -'v PtJfl p1wmi) BIO-REIENI1ON BASIN BASIN A 11860 5P. 4,279 S.F. BASiN 8' 2,319 IF. 5,352 S. 1L4'V. ru, . I LLLL LLJ .1L' k Li Lt i' 11 co SCALE: H WRT: 10-48 CMI 014) Z:i2O' L O GA TI O N lU/lA P 5115 A'NIDA ENCU*JAS p r(riP) r CARLSBAD, CA 920081___ SHEET_____ -- Plate 3 12 p/ tfr J.V3' -1 ) PRC*aO5E0 COWANT & PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASWFJJT FOR THE (760) 931 8700 w 0 6649 -B-SC DATE 01/16 SCALE 1" 20' NO T TO SCALE MOPOSSED COVVANT Or EASEMENT TO PRIVATEEASDfiNT FOR THE BU&7T OF TW- HOA FOR THE MAINTENANCE Or SLOPE, 9ROW DITCtk SOUW WALL (DYn 483--4L) AJID SIORU DRAPIFACJUTIES AS SHOVIN. OF FY 12-01. FM -.SEM, WATER AND SECTIONE E BENEFiT OF LOTS? THROUGH 15 AS SHOV ON FM 12-01. ____ _____ ___________________________________________ CITY OF CARLSBAD PL 4.* STREET IMPROVEVEWS SEE ENGlIsEMING DEPARTMCNT TC85.05 550' __ © PROPOSED 5' HIGH MASONRY SOUND LSEE LANDSCAPE PLANS (483-4L)&DUAILOGCW SHEET & I DNO. 483-4 I -, Q50' PCC CHANNEL SECTIQN © BUILDING SMACK LIMITS LINE PER CITY ZONING ORDINANCE - ______________________________ _____ ____ ____ ____ (lADU.G PLANS FOR 101 70 r 2.0% 1-7- 84 NTS Q) 30 PVC STMV DRAIN PIPE W16" DIA YARD DRAtN AND CURB OUTLET PER SDRSD D-27 MILES PACIFIC SUBDIVISION CUL-DE-SAC '.• - - - '--' .. ._4 ._ I' () PROPOSED ONANT OF ACCESS EASEMENT OVER A POR170W OF LOT 18 AND OWR LOT 20 FOR THE BENEFiT OF _____ _____ -. @ NOISE WALL AND: GA7r WTHIN THIS PROPOSED A=SS EASEMENT TO AojAcENr PROPERTY (APN i56-m-ot) CURS INLET (MODIFIED D-25)) (Z) PRIVA TE SMU DRAIN, SEE ENCROACHMENT AWEEMENT My W~Iqft RCE- 011~ EMIES 9/N/(6 OATE CURS OPENING WTHO(JT L4 H 1 - YARD DRAIMGE S WALES (1% MIN SLOPE) DOC, CTM REVISION ____________________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ 0 N BY' _____ R AWE & COVER (8.50 cFs jjjSUEET # - ------------------ AFN 156-350-12 J. I I H I APN 156-350--11 I I APN 156-032-01 PROPOSED FOR PRiVATE 11 02 DRMIAGE EASEMENT PER OM COVENANT FOR MAY. ,l ;?lEE DRAINAGE EASEMENT , - PER PU11-OZ -INSTALL LF OF TYPE - - -- - - 952 D-75 BROW DITCH 1)12 1038 APN 156-351-05 1J OQUNDAPY N 8925b03NW 381 EXISflNC A RIWAY 92.07 ... ... . FL - EXISTING FENCE 152.37' EXISTING I 1 J . •...__•• vw"1.0 975 ,_.--• çj A 4.TOREWJN----------. WATERSERVICE . I c ri 93.01 I - 1031 r X-V COVENANT FOR PVATE 1 2FG 970 - APN 156-032--30 GE EA5EMEN 93.0 X PM 11-02 10 \ I. X-11 1BAC 1 X-8 Afe i2:1 ... EX1SI1NC I 88 INSTALL i u OF I X-4 SLOPE CiI 1o1 01 2:1. DECK E SEWER LA R XISTI NG I T)n PDUD7S BROW 'FOR OVERFLOW A fe SLOPE j5Fc I I X-3 1100 \ I I PURPOSES 4j) 1PARCEL1 C ci HLP. PARCEL 2 PAD EL- PAD'~U 100.7 PARCEL X-117FG . . . 1 ,..:..r. ------------------------- PARCEL 4 07 X-118 G!00.5 PAD EL 104.2 Yu.0 EXISTING HOUSE t s 9&0 FG 104.0 FG I v_: - 104. 0 FG MAN ENSTING 8* VCP SEWERUNE. lit T .50 EP IVAP X-101A . "t .. 8.28EP\ II \I I APN 156-351-04 I - ç )9864 TC 8 WATER MAIN J I 'P 156-032-29 I 980 C . 9814 EP I PER DW 483-5 1 . (r'ADArc\ I . . . . .. . . APN 1 . . -..i • VL . -' . BIO-RETENTION BASIU TO BE ' (log 97) kl I C MAZNTAD ! ACCORDANCE 11 \J d F -.----- L - - - - - .2 'i] I ' (109.95's J TB 1128 I 11 1 l AU11ON' I mI C C &R's 1 ( ' 1 92 0 I RECONSTRUCT ft 112 36 - f f -f-X1S11NG 2 HP GAS LJNEI to / ' DR1'WAY N . IlB 112 64 i!-L I_- PER 0K 148-7 I SUB VS1QV flOUNDARY I 15 6 965 . ___ I 119T'N I I 565 EP - 960 B A 1101 01 - SLOPE i I I I EXISTING 12 STEEL WATERUNE r'rtfAuy rr DotiAtr I = 9 r S 92 0 -.-.,1' r c i B I)'( 148-7 VERIFY TYPE, %,%JTI.UrtIV t4\VJ'IIL I . . . . - 1000 I -J -_ . WJQRZjR1 LOCA11ON IN FiELD DRAINAGE EASEMENT PER i I r PM 11 -02 955 . Afe 970 F - - - - --------- - 940 _ / _cLDvi?1 +0 E Tsa ill ___ - 1010 CATOi BASIN 1015 ---'i ___ - fl2 ±aQQ TO 938 1 - 960 - - C'O VC4OO C - . I EXIS11NG SER MANHOLE ftl ELEV.' 111.63 IE U00 IN IE 8890 OUT 38 71!z-7 As"' 965 s 4 SMAJP ATE M_,,, 3 ILIDE H 103.88 FL _- _________ c -- ___ • . . - r ... . 11.03 ~44+i---"' j3-7649 I C 925bO3wW38151I ----- - - __--_ - -_ T - FL APN 156-032-28 30 TYPE 'F' FSDO100% -- - - U H/'M AD -=.-- - _-_- _--_-- 11+7649 It 7O evc CATCHBASU 4+446 _ J98OOFS FORCE L1AJNPthDWG 483-5 II I - 108.40 FS x F1 FL 111. 'I ft11120 OMES IE 88.70 L I'Ll-ji 95.41 EP AMTY SEM. MAIN GRAVI-Y SEWER 0EC' I -FL 1166t FENCE TO REMAIN O"TE ON FILE WITH VE. 11PATE, DRAINAGE FL 95.17 56' 351-07 (5'XIO') EXISTING PRIVATE APN I CITY ENGINEER,- GRANTED ROAD EASEMENT RECORDED 50 IF OF 10 PVC :1 DOC 2015-0058469 '' \ SEE DWG 484-5A I OH FEBRUARY 20, 1996 AS-31-2011 ~D PIPE 0 Z50% REC: FEBRUARY 10, 2015 FOR GRADING CF E)OSTING 8* VCP SEVER, ..'i ADJACENT PR0PE DATED: 5 O1294(PREcrO9)a-rrlr Al I .--- ,. -.... :.. •.:..., 20 10 0 20 40. 60 71 71 SCALE: 1" = 20' EA$EMEAT,NL07TS 4> EASEMENT FOR PIPELINES, RESERVED To SOUTH COAST LAND COMPANY, 1II OW) RECORDED; MARCH 21, 1929, IN BOOK 1601, PAGE 263 OF DEEDS. (NON-PLOTABLE) 8.00 FOOT Vv1DE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC U71LI1ES TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO., RECORDED JUNE 6, 1966 AS IWSTRUMNT f 92949 OF O.R. 10.00 FOOT '4DE EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET fc PUBLIC U71LIfl', To THE CITY ,OF CARLSBAD, RECORDED: JANUARY 9, 2006, AS INSTRUMENT # 2006--M I4589 OF O.R. 4> 34.00 FOOT PR! VA it ROAD EASEMENT FOR THE BEN(EFIT OF PARCELS 1 THROUGH 4 PER RECORDED PARCEL MAP FOR This bEVFLOPMENT. 34.00 FOOT PUBLIC GENERAL (JilL/fl' EASEMENT (CUE) FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCELS 1 THF?OUGH 3 PER RECO)WED PARCEL MAP FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. 4> PUBLIC ROAD AND EMERGENCY. ACCESS EASEMENT FOR THE BENEFiT OF PARCELS 1 AND 3 PER RECORDED PARCEL MAP FOR THIS DEVELOPMENT. CONSTR UcTIONNOTES ® ALLEY TYPE DRIVEWAY PER CS-20 (STAMPED AND COLORED PCC) ® PCC CURB PER SDRSD NO. G-1. © PCC CURB AND GUTTER PER SORSO NO. G-2. () 5.5" THICK PCC RESIDEN7AL DRIWWA Y () 4 AC/5" AB/12" COMPACTED NA71 (PER SOILS REPORT). SEWER LATERAL To FORCE SEWER MAIN (SEE OWO 483-5) © CATCH BASIN, TYPE F PER SDRSD 0-7 (SEE DETAIL BELOW) ® 7.5' STAMPED Pcor COUPA CTED NA 77L.f ® ni'e '' 6' AC CURB PER SORSO NO, 0-5 Q) RIP RAP ENERGY 0155/PA TER (.25 TON) PER SDRST) 0-40 (1J 18' VIWE PCC DRIVEWAY PER SORSI) NO. 0-148 (NO GUTTER) () SER LA TERAL TO GRA t4TY SEER (SEE 0}W 483-5) WA itfi SIR '10E (SEE Dk 483-5) TYPE "0' PCC BROW DITCH PER S.ORSD NO. D-75 PF SEIfR BACKFLOW PRENTER IS REQUIRED AF'N 16-062-2I f94J PARCEL LINE-s 7.0' BENCH-1 2:1 0.1 aljl x SLc°E\Hj SEE PLATE I FOR LEGEND TYPE 'L)' 0-75 FOR- EMER(ENCY OVERFLOW PURPOSES SPECIFY TOI.ERA? SOIL Cc) *,G1NEERED SOIL MIX SHAH.. AP F) * N(.NEERD SCL SPECJFIC411( CLEAN SAND; 30% TOP SOIL, HARDOD MULcH. P. ALL LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE This document or efile Is not a part of the Construction Documents and should not be relied upon as bie!ng an accurate depiction of design. 34' (ESMAT WAY-PR! VA TE/G(JE) 34' (ESMAT MAY-.-PRIVATE/GUE) 24' 12' 12' t.IIj_ 3' 4' 5' - V ,-6fCtJR6& GJTTER, -2 I2 4.5, 0.5' p. a. a a FAWAW- SECTION_C-C (siTS) 6 CURB ONLY (c-I) 2% (3) 3" PVC SEWER FORCE MATh/S (TEMPORARY) TO BE ABANDONED YvITH CAWTY SEMR OECO/.4E$ A VAIUBLE 6' GRMITY -" SEWER MAIN 11' NO 7E THE NAF'EST Ft1E HMT IS eoo jnLff SOUTH AT iE irssçim oF LA-S FLOES Mi. Vic AP'D F0 P0 5115 A\ENtDA ENCINAS SUITE '1' CARLSBAD, CA. 92008-4387 (760) 931-8700 4' A0/6 AB/12 COUP NATiVE FiNAL STRUCTURAL SECT/ON 10 B DE1TRMThD BY R-VALUE 1ET, SEE 517?EET NOTES I CWSHEET I OF Dn. 483-5. U "-r PVC WATER LINE SECTION A-A (PER DWG 483-51 CURB ONLY fJçci) - 4' AC/6" A8/12" COP NA7JVE FiNAL STRUCTURAL SECT/ON To BE DETERMINED BY R-VALUE TEST, SEE STREET NOTES 1 ON SHEET I OF DKV 483-5, 86, PVC WA TER LINE (3) 3" PVC SEER -I I.._6 1 FORCE (AINS (TEMPORARY) TO BE AA/IDbNED ñTH GRAVITY SEWER BECOMES A VAIL!BLE 10)' Mi 6' GRAVITY- SEVE R MAIN SECTION , 13-13 (PER DWQ 483-5 ESMAT WAY-PRIVATE DRIVE (T.1. = 6.5) (UTS) ESMAT WAY-PRIVATE DRIVE 6,5) (Nis) rom I FOR SEWER, WATER AND I SWEET'IMPR0a1ENTS SEE DWG NO. 483-5