Geotechnucal' Geologic. Coastal .Environmental
5741 Palmer Way • Carlsbad California 92010' (760) 438-3155 • FAX (760) 931-0915 • www geosoilsinc corn
4 4 4
4 4 •- ;•-. -- 4 _*.•' ..- - -. - '. 4- 4.. 4 - •1 -. - .4 4
- October 19, 2016
WO. 6649-B-SC
Shea Homes Limited Partnership
9990 Mesa Rim Road, Suite 200—
San Diego, California 92121
Attention:-, Ms Sarah Morell
Subject Pad Re-certification, Lot,1, Lanai Project (former Miles Pacific Subdivision),
Carlsbad, California, City of Carlsbad Project No CT 12-01, Drawing No
-'DWG 483-4k,.
4 Dear Ms. Mórrell:Y-.' -.• -•--. -'.- --. . . . . . - . 4 • . . . .4 .
In accordance with your request and authorization, GeoSoils, Inc (GSI) presents tIis pad
re-certification letter for the subject lot 4 A summary of the geotechnical observation and
testing during grading of this lot and the overall subdivision is provided in GSI (2016c [see
the Appendix]).. Unless specifically superceded: herein.,..,,the conclusions and
recommendations in the referenced geotechnical reports prepared by this firm (see the
Appendix) remain valid and applicable and should be appropriately implemented during
the balance of construction
In Septembe4r 2016, the surficial soils of the subject Lot 41 were re-graded, following the
removal of the sales trailer and associated parking area Re-grading consisted of scarifying
-and moisture conditioning the-near-surface soils to at least optimum moisture-content.
Following this surficial treatment, the near-surface soils were compacted to at least 90
percent.of the laboratorystaridar1 (ASTM-D1557).
. . . .
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S... -•
.FieIdTesting -'-'•
-I 4.
1 Field density tests were performed using the nuclear method in general accordance
with ASTM p6938-10 (Procedure A). -See the attached Figure 1 for the results of
the field density tests performed during re-working of the near-surface soils on the
subject lot.'- ,
2 The field dry density of the engineered fill was evaluated as a percentage of the
maximum dry density attained in the laboratory for the representative soil types
* encountered during re-grading of the subject lot
ft 4 4. •4 -,-
3 Field density tests were taken at periodic intervals and random locations to check
the compaction of the engineered fill placed by the contractor
Laboratory Testing '
4Vfr.V 4 - - .4' -• 4
V .' ..4 . ,c -.-V'4 • ..4. •\1 V
I 44 4
Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Content
- I 1
The ma mximu density and optimum moisture content were evaluated for the major soil 4 44
types encountered during grading of the subject lots. Testing was performed in general -
accordance with the laboratory standard, ASTM D 1557 The moisture-density
relationships obtained for these soils are shown on the following table
44 44 •4 4'
A- Brown Silty Sand - 131.0 I 10.0 I
4 . V 4 - _* 1 . 4 . .
4 4 4 1
1 1 . I f. •. .4 .4 - •.
-. . • '. •. * .. .
Based on our observations and field density test results, re-working of the surficial soils,
. within Loti, has been performed in- general accordance with GSI recommendations and -
engineered fills have been'compacted.to at least 90 percent of the laboratory standard ,'•
(ASTM D 1557), where tested Therefore, it is our opinion that the subject lot is suitable for
its intended use from a geotechnical perspective -Additional criteria for development are
. provided in GSI (?0166).. . '•.. . ' ' . I
45 44
: The soil engineering and engineerin"geologic aspects of the construction are in general
V compliance with approved geotechnical report and . geotechnical . aspects of the 'V
construction. Furtherm'ore,'with respecttd the grading plans, GSI will certify that the soil -.
, engineering. and engineering geologic, aspects of the grading are in general compliance .
with the approved geotechnical report and the grading plan (bHA, 2015a)
It 4 4
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V •V . V4V
V V'*,• .1 : V V V
.4 i . V - • 4. •'',,. V .• V _
As defined in the Caiifornia Business and Professions Code Division 3 Chapter 15 Article 5
Section 8770.6. - 'VV• • .j , .. :
- 4 ' ' V ' • V V 4 ' V . V 4
Shea Homes Limited Partnership . W.0. 6649 -B -SC
Lot 1 Lanai Project Carlsbad October19 2016
File e \wpl2\6600\6649b pri GeoSoils, Inc Page 2
V .-.- V • •.44. . 4-V 'V V *4 VV'*VV.4 , V V
V 4 4 •VV.
•. • . V * .4 V V
Inasmuch as our study is based upon our review and engineering analyses and laboratory '
data, the conclusions and recommendations are professional opinions. These opinions
have been derived in accordance with current standards of practice, and no warranty,
either express or implied, is given. Standards of practice are subject to change with time.
GSI assumes no responsibility or liability for work or testing performed by others, or their
inaction; or work performed when GSI is not requested to be onsite (such as site walls),
to evaluate if our recommendations have been properly implemented. Use of this report
constitutes an agreement and consent by the user to all the limitations outlined above,
notwithstanding any other agreements that may be in place. In addition, this report may
be subject to review by the controlling authorities. Thus, this report brings to completion
our scope of services for this project. All samples will be disposed of after 30 days, unless
specifically requested by the client,-; in. writing.
Shea Homes Limited Partnership
- W.O. 6649-B-SC
Lot 1, Lanai Project, Carlsbad . . - . 'October 19, 2016
File e \wpl2\6600\6649b pri GeoSoils, Inc. Page 3
The opportunity to be. of service is sincerely appreciated: If you should have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
. FE '_-/o,v
Respectfully submifte SA-
CL No. 134
Certified Exp._L2_-31 t-7
Engineering IP
$ng~ineering Geologist, CEG 1340 Civil Engineer, ACE 47857
yan B. Boehmer
Project Geologist
Attachments: Figure 1 - Field Testing Report dated September 16, 2016
Appendix -References
Distribution: (3) Addressee (wet signed, via email)
(1) bHA, Inc., Attention: Mr. Dale Clark (via email) .
Shea Homes Limited Partnership W.O. 6649-B-SC
Lot 1, Lanai Project, Carlsbad . October 19, 2016
File:e:\wpl2\6600\6649b pri GeoSoils, Inc. . Page 4
CLIENT_t*4 (—ca.tJ . TRACT
SUPT._______________________ CONTRACTOR
___ )
15 ,/ _____ _________ ____ 4
oe `7'
This fieII report presents a summary of observations and testing by Geosoils, Inc. personnel. Our work does not include
supervision or direction of the actual work of the contractor, his employees, or agents. The Contractor should be informed
that neither the presence of our field representative, nor the observation and testing by our firm, shall excuse him in any way
for defects discovered in his work. It is understood that our firm will not be responsible for job or site safety on this project.
bHA, Inc., 2015a, Grading plans for: Miles Pacific subdivision, 9 sheets, 20-scale, Drawing
No. 483-4A, City of Carlsbad Project No.: 12-01, latest date of July 30.
2015b, Grading plans for: Sohaei Minor subdivision, 4 sheets, 20-scale, Drawing
No. 483-5A, City of Carlsbad Project No.: 12-01, latest date of April 10.
California Building Standards Commission, 2013, California Building Code, California Code
of Regulations, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 2 of 2, Based on the 2012 International
Building Code, 2013 California Historical Building Code, Title 24, Part 8; 2013
California Existing Building Code, Title 24, Part 10.
GeoSoils, Inc., 2016a, Interim compaction report, Lots 14 and 15, Lanai Project (Miles
Pacific Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, City of Carlsbad Project No.: CT 12-01,
Drawing No.: DWG 483-4A, W.O. 6649-B-SC, dated February 17.
2016b, Pavement design report, Lanai Court and Moãna Place, Lanai Project
(Formerly, Miles Pacific Subdivision), CT 12-01, Carlsbad, San Diego County,
California, W.O. 6649-E-SC, dated January 6.
2016c, Compaction report of grading, Lanai Subdivision (former Miles Pacific and
Sohei Subdivisions), Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, City of Carlsbad
Project Nos.: CT 12-01 and MS 11-02, W.O. 6649-B-SC, dated January 6.
2015a, Pavement design report, Esmat Way, Lanai Project (Formerly Sohaei Minor
Subdivision), MS 11-02, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, W.O. 6649-E-SC,
dated December 21.
2015b, Interim compaction report, Lots 2 and 3, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific
Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, City of Carlsbad Project No.: CT 12-01, Drawing
No.: DWG 483-4A, W.O: 6649-B-SC, dated November 11.'
2015c, Preliminary as-graded lot conditions, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific Subdivision
and Sohaei Minor' Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, W.O. 6649-B-SC, dated
November 10.
2015d, Second foundation and post-tension plan review, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific
'Subdivision and Sohaei Minor Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, W.O. 6649-A7-SC,
dated September 18. •
2015e, Foundation and post-tension plan review, Lanai Project (Miles Pacific
Subdivision and Sohaei Minor Subdivision), Carlsbad, California, W.O. 6649-A6-SC,
dated September 8. • • •
GeoSoils, Inc.
2015f, Geotechnical..recorrimendations' for mat slabs, Lanai Project, 2373 and
2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California, APNs 156-351-03,-07,
and -08, City of Carlsbad Project No. CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A5-SC, dated July 15.
2015g, Geotechnicál review of 20-scale grading plans and calculation package for
Miles Pacific subdivision, 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California, 9 sheets, APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, City of Carlsbad
Project No.: CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A4-SC, dated June 29.
2015h, Geotechnical review of 20-scale grading plahs for Miles Pacific subdivision
(second. plan submittal), 2373 and 2375. Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California, APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, City of Carlsbad project no.:
CT 12-01, W.O. 6649-A3-SC, dated May 8.
2014, Geotechnical update evaluation, Ayre subdivision (former Miles Pacific and
Sohaei properties), 2359, 2373, and .2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San.. Diego
County; California, W.O. 6649-A-SC, dated. June 23.
2012a, Qualitative, evaluation of infiltration and soil runoff potentials, S
APNs 156-351-03, -07, and -08, 2373 and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego
County, California 92008, W.O. 6324-Al-SC, dated December 27.
2012b, Preliminary geotechnical evaluation, APNs 156-351703, -07, and -08, 2373
and 2375 Pio Pico Drive, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California 92008,
W.O. 6324-A-SC, dated October 31. . S
Suncoast Post-Tension Ltd., 2015a, Project: Lanai, Location: Carlsbad, CA, Builder: Shea
Homes, Job No. 15-6414, latest revision dated July 28. .
2015b, PostTension Foundation Calculation for: Shea Homes, Lanai, Carlsbad, CA,
Job # 6414, dated July 10. . . S .
Shea Homes ' . . S , •. S .' S Appendix
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