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• • • • GRCUP REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION POINSETTIA 61 DEVELOPMENT CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Prepared for LENNAR HOMES 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Prepared by GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, California 92126 Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 • • • • • ~ UtCUP DEL TL\ November 20, 2014 Lennar Homes 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. Andrew Han SUBJECT: REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Poinsettia 61 Development carlsbad, california Mr. Han: We are pleased to submit this preliminary geotechnical investigation for the proposed Poinsettia 61 development in Carlsbad, California. The development will include mass grading for 140 residential lots with associated streets, retaining walls, and underground utilities. A future bridge is also proposed for the site. Specific conclusions regarding the potential geotechnical constraints at the site, and geotechnical recommendations for grading, foundation, retaining wall and pavement design are provided in the following report . We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued professional service. Feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS m~4~ Matthew A. Fagan, G.E. 2569 Senior Geotechnical Engineer I /,( /J~ ;J ~~-~ James C. Sanders, C.E.G. 2258 Senior Engineering Geologist • • • ' • • < Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page i Lennar Homes TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Scope of Services ...................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Site Description ........................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Proposed Development ............................................................................................ 2 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION .................................................................... 2 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................................................................... 3 3.1 Santiago Formation .................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Young Alluvial Deposits ............................................................................................ 4 3.3 Fill ............................................................................................................................. 5 3.4 Groundwater ............................................................................................................ 5 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS .................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Ground Rupture ........................................................................................................ 5 4.2 Seismicity .................................................................................................................. 6 4.3 Liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement ..................................................................... 6 4.4 Landslides and Lateral Spreads ................................................................................ 6 4.5 Tsunamis, Seiches and Flooding ............................................................................... 7 5.0 CONCLUSIONS .............................................................................................................. 8 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................. 10 6.1 Pian Review ............................................................................................................ 10 6.2 Excavation and Grading Observation ..................................................................... 10 6.3 Earthwork ............................................................................................................... 10 6.3.1 Site Preparation .......................................................................................... 10 6.3.2 Compressible Soils ...................................................................................... 11 6.3.3 Expansive Soils ............................................................................................ 11 6.3.4 Building Areas ............................................................................................. 11 6.3.5 Fill Compaction ........................................................................................... 12 6.3.6 Bulk/Shrink Characteristics ........................................................................ 12 6.3. 7 Surface Drainage ........................................................................................ 12 6.3.8 Subsurface Drainage ................................................................................... 13 I\ t;_~ GR.CUP CELT~ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnica! lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development GD( Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page ii Lennar Homes 6.3.9 Slope Stability ............................................................................................. 13 6.3.10 Temporary Excavations .............................................................................. 15 6.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations .......................................................... 15 6.4.1 Post-Tension Slab Foundations .................................................................. 15 6.4.2 Settlement .................................................................................................. 16 6.4.3 Lateral Resistance ....................................................................................... 16 6.4.4 Slope Setback ............................................................................................. 16 6.4.5 Seismic Design ............................................................................................ 16 6.5 On-Grade Slabs ....................................................................................................... 17 6.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs .................................................................... 17 6.5.2 Exterior Slabs .............................................................................................. 18 6.5.3 Expansive Soils ............................................................................................ 18 6.5.4 Reactive Soils .............................................................................................. 19 6.6 Earth-Retaining Structures ..................................................................................... 19 6.7 Preliminary Pavement Design ................................................................................ 19 6.7.1 Asphalt Concrete ........................................................................................ 20 6.7.2 Portland Cement Concrete ......................................................................... 20 6.7.3 Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks ............................................................ 20 6.8 Pipelines ................................................................................................................. 21 6.8.1 Thrust Blocks .............................................................................................. 21 6.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction ............................................................................ 21 6.8.3 Pipe Bedding ............................................................................................... 22 7.0 LIMITATIONS ......•.............•......................•......................•................•.......................... 22 8.0 REFERENCES ..................•................................••.............••••......•......•••••....•......••••••....•. 22 J) t..~ GROUP CELT.A N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes LIST OF TABLES Table 1 Table 2 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1A Figure 18 Figure 2A Figure 28 Figure 2C Figure 2D Figure 3A Figure 38 Figure 3C Figure 3D Figure 4A Figure 48 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 Figure 9 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C 2013 CBC Acceleration Response Spectra (Site Class C) 2013 CBC Acceleration Response Spectra (Site Class D) Site Location Map Site Vicinity Plan Rough Grading Plan (North) Exploration Plan (North) Rough Grading Plan (South) Exploration Plan (South) Regional Geologic Map Regional Topography 100-Year Floodplain Tsunami Inundation Map Regional Fault Map Local Fault Map Lot Transition Details Canyon Subdrain Details Slope Grading Details Buttress Details Wall Drainage Details Geotechnical Map Field Exploration Laboratory Testing Slope Stability Analysis GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page iii 1\ (::_~ GROUP OELT.L\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION POINSETIIA 61 DEVELOPMENT LENNAR HOMES 1.0 INTRODUCTION The following report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed Poinsettia 61 development in Carlsbad, California. The property is located roughly two miles east of Interstate 5 at the eastern terminus of Poinsettia Lane, as shown on the Site Location Map, Figure lA. The planned development will be located in both the northern and southwest portions of the property, as shown on the Site Vicinity Plan, Figure lB. The preliminary rough grading plans for the site are presented in Figures 2A and 2C. Aerial photographs showing the approximate locations of the borings we conducted for this study are provided in Figures 28 and 2D. Our investigation was performed to provide an overview of the general geotechnical constraints to site development, and provide geotechnical recommendations for mass grading and the preliminary design of the proposed structures, pavements and surface improvements. The recommendations presented herein are based on our subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, engineering and geologic analyses, and previous experience with similar geologic conditions. 1.1 Scope of Services This report was prepared in general accordance with the provisions of the referenced proposal (GDC, 2014b). In summary, we provided the following scope of services. • A geologic reconnaissance of the surface characteristics of the site and a review of the pertinent reports referenced in Section 8.0. • A subsurface exploration of the site including 19 exploratory borings, 2 percolation tests, and 11 test pits. The approximate exploration locations are shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. Logs of the explorations are provided in Appendix A. • Laboratory testing of soil samples collected from the borings and test pits . Laboratory tests included sieve analysis, Atterberg Limits, Expansion Index, pH, resistivity, soluble sulfate and chloride, maximum density, optimum moisture, direct shear and R-Value. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. • Engineering analysis of the field and laboratory data to help develop preliminary recommendations for site preparation, remedial earthwork, slope stability, foundation, pavement and retaining wall design, soil reactivity, and site drainage and moisture protection. Our slope stability analyses are shown in Appendix C. • Preparation of this report summarizing our findings, conclusions and geotechnical recommendations for site development. I} t-~ GRCUP CEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 1.2 Site Description GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 2 The subject site consists of a 61.4 acre parcel located southeast of the intersection between Poinsettia Lane and Cassia Road, as shown on the Site Location Map, Figure lA. The western edge of the site, and the central portion of the eastern edge of the site are bordered by existing residential developments. Most of the site is currently undeveloped, and the native chaparral was recently burned by a wildfire. The development will be primarily located in the northern portion of the site, within an area that was previously used for agriculture. A small 17 lot subdivision is also proposed in the southwest corner of the site, as shown on the Site Vicinity Plan, Figure lB. A new bridge is also proposed to extend Poinsettia Lane across the existing canyon through the site . The site configuration is shown on the Exploration Plans (although these aerial photographs were taken before the 2014 wildfire). A review of historic aerial photographs indicates that the 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) slopes along Poinsettia Lane were cut in 2010 to depths of 30-feet below the natural grades. The remaining portions of the site contain the remnants of previous agricultural operations, including a variety of fences, unpaved roads, irrigation lines and structures. Much of the agricultural equipment was burnt, and will need to be removed from the site prior to grading. Site drainage flows to the south within a natural canyon, as shown in Figures 3A and 3B. A natural ridgeline crosses the site from the northeast to the southwest, as shown in Figure 3B. The top of the ridgeline is roughly coincident with an unpaved road at the site. Elevations along the ridgeline range from a high of about 305 feet above mean sea level (MSL) along the northern edge of the site, down to a low of about 260 feet MSL in the southwest portion of the development. The site slopes down from the ridgeline to a low of about 200 feet MSL in the northwest corner of the site, and to a low of about 210 feet MSL in the southeast corner of the northern development area. Much of the perimeter of the property is currently surrounded by fences. 1.3 Proposed Development We understand that site development will likely include the construction of 140 one or two-story wood-framed multi-family residential units. Various surface improvements are also anticipated, including asphalt concrete and paver block streets, Portland cement concrete sidewalks, and a variety of associated subsurface utilities. Extensive cut and fill grading, and numerous retaining walls will be needed to attain finish grades for the planned development. The preliminary rough grading plans for the site are also shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. 2.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION The field investigation included a geologic reconnaissance of the site, the drilling of 19 exploratory borings, and the advancement of 11 exploratory test pits. The field investigation was conducted between October 27th and November 4th, 2014. The maximum depth of exploration was approximately 60 feet below grade. The approximate locations of the explorations are shown on the Exploration Plans and Geotechnical Map. Logs of the explorations are provided in Appendix A. !\ t;~ GROUP DEL TA N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. S0412 November 20, 2014 Page 3 Soil samples were collected from the borings for geotechnical testing and analysis. The geotechnical testing program included gradation analysis to aid in material classification using the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Tests were conducted on relatively undisturbed ring samples to help estimate the in-situ dry density and moisture content of the various soils. Direct shear tests were conducted on the ring samples to aid in soil strength characterization. R-Value tests were conducted on bulk samples to aid in preliminary pavement section design. Index tests were also conducted on the bulk samples to help evaluate the soil expansion potential and corrosivity. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. Two falling head percolation tests were also conducted as part of our field investigation. The tests were located in cut areas where retention basins are proposed, as shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. Note that several other retention basins are also proposed in portions of the site that are currently inaccessible to the drilling equipment, or in areas where deep cuts or fills will be needed to reach basin subgrade elevations. Percolation tests were not conducted in those areas at this time. Additional percolation testing may be conducted once these basins are rough graded. For the percolation tests, 6-inch diameter holes were drilled to depths of 5 or 10 feet below grade. The boreholes were then filled with water, and the water surface drop was measured repeatedly at 15 to 60 minute time intervals. The percolation test data is presented in Figures A-20 and A-21 in Appendix A. The field percolation tests indicate that the unsaturated formational sandstone at the site may initially take water at a rate of about 5 to 7 minutes per inch. Once the dense fine-grained sandstone becomes saturated, the infiltration rate drops to zero. We anticipate that the compacted fill soils proposed for the site will absorb more water than the dense sandstone that will be prevalent throughout the cut portions of the site. However, we recommend that all basins be lined with an impermeable HDPE or PVC membrane to reduce the potential for slope instability. 3.0 GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The site is located within the Peninsular Ranges geomorphic province of southern California. The Peninsular Ranges are characterized by a series of northwest trending mountain ranges separated by valleys, with a coastal plain that includes subdued landforms. The mountain ranges are underlain primarily by Mesozoic metamorphic rocks that were intruded by plutonic rocks of the southern California batholith, while the coastal plain is underlain by subsequently deposited marine and nonmarine sedimentary formations. The entire site is underlain at depth by the Eocene-age Santiago Formation (Map Symbol Tsa). As observed on site, this formation generally consists of a massive fine-grained silty sandstone that contains beds of claystone. The bottom of the canyon in the northeastern portion of the site is filled with deep alluvial sediments that are characterized by loose to medium dense, poorly consolidated silty and clayey sand. Shallow groundwater was encountered within the alluvium. The general geology in the site vicinity is shown on the Regional Geologic Map, Figure 3A. The geologic conditions at the site are shown in more detail on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. The various materials we encountered in our subsurface investigation are described in detail below. N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 3.1 Santiago Formation GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page 4 The Santiago Formation underlies the entire site at depth. As observed in our borings, the Santiago Formation primarily consists of silty or clayey sandstone (SM or SC). The sandstone is generally massive and relatively flat-lying. The sandstone is typically very light gray or light yellow brown in color, fine grained, and moderately cemented with a few strongly cemented layers. Over 100 Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were conducted within the formation during our subsurface investigation. The corrected SPT blow counts (N60) within the formation were generally well above 50, and averaged 119. This indicates a very dense condition for the sandstone. The Santiago Formation at the subject site contains several continuous beds of lean to fat claystone (CL or CH), with a variable amount offine-grained sand. These claystone beds were typically 1 to 4 feet thick, although thinner claystone beds were observed within several borings. The claystone is olive or reddish brown in color, with a medium to high plasticity, and is moderately indurated. Two distinct claystone beds were encountered in our explorations with basal elevations of about 226 and 265 feet {MSL). Two additional sheared claystone beds were previously encountered by others in large diameter borings at elevations of about 235 and 245 feet MSL (Geocon, 2006). These claystone beds may be continuous across the site, and will adversely impact cut slope stability. The location and extent of these claystone beds should be evaluated during grading. Laboratory tests conducted on samples of the sandstone from the Santiago Formation collected during our subsurface investigation indicate that it is generally non plastic to low in plasticity, with a negligible soluble sulfate content, and a very low to low expansion potential. By comparison, the claystone within the formation is very highly expansive, with a severe soluble sulfate content. The formational materials are all acidic and severely corrosive to metals, with a saturated resistivity typically below 1,000 ohm-cm, and a chloride content of 0.1 to 0.2 percent. Laboratory tests also indicate that the formational materials have an in-situ dry density that typically varies from about 98 to 115 lb/ft3 and averages 107 lb/ft3, with an average moisture content of 11 percent. 3.2 Young Alluvial Deposits Young alluvial deposits (Qya) cover the eastern portion of the site, as shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate l. Alluvium was encountered in Borings B-4, B-7, B-13, B-14, TP-7 and TP-8. The alluvium was over 20 feet deep in some areas. As observed in our borings, the alluvium primarily consisted of fine to medium grained, silty or clayey sand (SM or SC). The alluvium was generally moist, although saturated conditions were encountered at depths of 9 to 10 feet below grade in Boring B-14 and Test Pit TP-7. Corrected Standard Penetration Test blow counts (NGo) within the alluvium ranged from 7 to 22, and averaged 14, indicating a loose to medium dense condition. Our analyses indicate that the alluvial deposits are moderately compressible, susceptible to liquefaction, and unsuitable for the direct support of new fill or foundation loads. Laboratory tests indicate that the sandy alluvium has a very low expansion potential, and a negligible soluble sulfate content. The alluvium is highly corrosive to buried metals. ,, t-~ GRIJUP CEL TA N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical tnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 3.3 Fill GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 5 Undocumented fill soils associated with the ongoing agricultural operations exist throughout much of the property. Undocumented fill soils were observed in Borings B-9, B-13, and Test Pit TP-5, TP-8 and TP-9. The undocumented fill contains a substantial amount of trash, cans, vegetation, burnt equipment and demolition debris that should be removed from the site during grading. The undocumented fill throughout the site is considered to be loose and compressible. Compacted fill soils were also encountered in the northwestern portion of the property in Borings B-1, B-5 and B-6. These fills were documented during placement, as described in the referenced report (Geocon, 2006). The compacted fill soils we encountered generally had corrected SPT blow counts (N60) above 25, indicating a medium dense to dense condition. The compacted fill is considered suitable for the support of new fill loads. Laboratory tests indicate that the fill has a low expansion potential, and a negligible sulfate content based on common criteria. 3.4 Groundwater The sandstone throughout the site was generally moist, with in-situ moisture contents ranging from about 7 to 15 percent. Significant quantities of groundwater seepage are not anticipated during excavations within the Santiago Formation. However, the alluvium within the eastern canyon drainage is saturated at 5 to 10 feet above the geologic contact with the underlying sandstone. Heavy groundwater seepage was observed in Boring B-14 and Test Pit TP-7, which were both located within this canyon. Remedial excavations along the southern edge of the northern development area may encounter heavy groundwater seepage. Note that groundwater levels may also fluctuate overtime due to changes in rainfall, site irrigation, or broken subsurface utility lines. 4.0 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS The site is located within a broad zone of northwest trending faults including the Rose Canyon, Coronado Banks, San Diego Trough and San Clemente faults to the west, and the Elsinore and San Jacinto faults to the east, as shown on the Regional Fault Map, Figure 4A. The nearby active faults are shown in more detail in Figure 4B. Geologic hazards at the site will generally be associated with the potential for strong ground shaking due to an earthquake on the Rose Canyon fault zone. Each potential geologic hazard is described in more detail below. 4.1 Ground Rupture Ground rupture is the result of movement on an active fault reaching the ground surface. The nearest known active faults are located within the Rose Canyon fault zone about 9Y:. km west of the site, as shown on the Local Fault Map, Figure 4B. The Rose Canyon is a right-lateral strike-slip fault zone believed to be capable of producing an earthquake with a characteristic moment magnitude (Mw) of between 6.8 and 7.2. However, the site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone. Consequently, ground rupture is not considered to be a substantial geologic hazard. ~~ GROUP DELTL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 4.2 Seismicity GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 6 The northern portion of the site is located at latitude 33.1106° north and longitude 117.2767° west. The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) has developed an interactive website that provides Next Generation Attenuation (NGA) probabilistic seismic analyses based on the site location and shear wave velocity (USGS, 2009). Using an estimated shear wave velocity of 365 m/s based on our previous experience in the site vicinity, the USGS data suggests that the peak ground accelerations with a 2, 5 and 10 percent probability of exceedence in a 50 year period are 0.45g, 0.32g and 0.25g, respectively. These risk levels are often referred to as the Maximum Considered, Upper Bound and Design Basis Earthquakes, respectively. 4.3 liquefaction and Dynamic Settlement liquefaction involves the sudden loss in strength of a saturated, cohesion less soil (sand and non- plastic silts) caused by the build-up of pore water pressure during cyclic loading, such as that produced by an earthquake. This increase in pore water pressure can temporarily transform the soil into a fluid mass, resulting in sand boils, settlement and lateral ground deformations. Typically, liquefaction occurs in areas where there are loose to medium dense sands and silts, and where the depth to groundwater is less than 50 feet from the ground surface. In summary, three simultaneous conditions are required for liquefaction: • Historic high groundwater within 50 feet of the ground surface • liquefiable soils such as loose to medium dense sands • Strong shaking, such as that caused by an earthquake Shallow groundwater was encountered within the loose alluvial soils along the eastern edge of the northern development area. Our analyses indicate that the potential does exist for liquefaction of the alluvium due to the design basis earthquake. However, we have recommended that the alluvium be completely excavated, dried or mixed with drier soil, and replaced as a dense compacted fill prior to site development. Assuming that the alluvium is excavated and compacted in accordance with our recommendations, the potential for liquefaction to adversely impact the proposed development is considered to be low. 4.4 Landslides and Lateral Spreads The site is located in an area where landslides are relatively common. Sheared claystone was encountered within the Santiago Formation during development of an adjacent community (Geotechnics, 2001). Sheared claystone was also observed within the large diameter borings that were down-hole logged by others at the site (Geocon, 2006). Consequently, test pits were excavated in selected portions of the site to search for landslides. No evidence of existing landslides was observed. Continuous drive samples were also collected from the borings at the elevations of the anticipated claystone beds. Four locally continuous claystone beds were encountered in the explorations at basal elevations of about 226, 235, 245 and 265 feet MSL. N:\Projects\SD\$0412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 7 Slope stability analyses were conducted using the program SLOPE/W at the nine cross section locations shown on the Rough Grading Plans, Figures 2A and 2C. The geology of each section was characterized using the general geotechnical conditions encountered in the nearby subsurface explorations, as well as our previous experience with similar geologic conditions. Laboratory tests were used to characterize the shear strength of the various geologic materials we encountered at the site, as shown in Appendix B. Our slope stability analyses are presented in Appendix C. Our analyses indicate that the proposed 2:1 {horizontal to vertical) cut and fill slopes at the site should possess an adequate factor of safety against deep-seated failure {FS>l.5) for the planned heights. However, several buttressing excavations, keyways, liners and subdrains will be needed. The presence of the highly fissured claystone beds within the formation creates the potential for future slope instabilities. Consequently, buttress fills are recommended for the northern cut slope, and deepened keyways are recommended for the planned fill slopes. Complete removal of the alluvium is recommended beneath the planned retaining walls within the eastern canyon drainage, in order to reduce the potential for settlement and failure of the wall during an earthquake. This may require dewatering of the alluvium. Any proposed retention basins located near the top of a fill slope should be lined with an impermeable HDPE or PVC membrane to reduce the potential for seepage related slope instability. Finally, a subdrain and outlet should be constructed at the bottom of the remedial excavations in the eastern canyon. The precise location and extent of the recommended buttresses and subsurface drainage improvements should be considered subject to revision based on the geologic conditions observed by Group Delta during site grading. 4.5 Tsunamis, Seiches and Flooding The site is not located within a FEMA 100-year flood zone or a dam inundation zone, as shown in Figure 3C. The site is not located below any lakes or confined bodies of water. Therefore, the potential for earthquake induced flooding at the site is considered to be low. The site is located about 2Y, miles from the Pacific Ocean, as shown in Figure 3D. The proximity to the ocean suggests that the potential may exist for damage in the event of an earthquake induced tsunami. However, the California Emergency Management Agency's Tsunami Inundation Map indicates that the water surface runup from a tsunami would not extend beyond the eastern end of Batiquitos lagoon {an elevation of about 35 feet MSL), as shown in Figure 3D. The subject site is located more than 200 feet above mean sea level {MSL). Given the elevation of the site, the potential for damage due to a tsunami is also considered to be remote. I) t-~ GROUP DELT.l\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes S.O CONCLUSIONS GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 8 The planned development appears to be feasible from a geotechnical perspective, provided that appropriate measures are implemented during construction. Several geotechnical conditions will need to be addressed during mass grading of the site. • Loose, compressible undocumented fill and alluvial soils cover much of the site. These materials are susceptible to settlement under increased loads, or due to an increase in moisture content from site irrigation or changes in drainage conditions. Consequently, these materials should be completely removed and replaced as compacted fill in areas which will be subjected to new fill or structural loads. Remedial grading recommendations are contained in the following section of this report. • Excavation and compaction of the alluvium within the eastern canyon will be difficult to achieve due to shallow groundwater. Dewatering will be required. A dewatering contractor should be consulted to develop a specific dewatering plan. It may be possible to collect the groundwater, and use it for the fill compaction operations. Note that even with dewatering wells, perched seepage zones may remain within the alluvium. The excavated alluvial soils will need to be dried back to a moisture content suitable for placement as compacted fill. • Exploratory test pits were excavated in the southwest portion of the site in an area that was previously identified by others as potentially containing a landslide (Geocon, 2009ab). No evidence of existing landslides was observed in our exploratory test pits or borings. The unusual topographic expression in the southwest portion of the site appears to be related to differential erosion of the formational sandstone and claystone materials. • Future irrigation of the development will introduce significant quantities of water into the underlying soil. This creates the potential for seepage to develop at the faces of slopes and at the geologic contact between fill and formation. Our percolation tests indicate that the formational materials at the site have a very low infiltration rate once they become saturated. Subsurface canyon drains and slope drains are recommended for those areas where the potential for seepage exists. Retention basins should be lined with an HDPE or PVC membrane to reduce the potential for seepage related slope instability. • Development of the subdivision will result in numerous cut/fill transitions within the future building pad areas. In order to reduce the potential for distress associated with differential settlement, all building pads should be graded so that structures will not straddle cut/fill transitions. This may be accomplished by over-excavating the cut portion of the building pads so that foundations will bear entirely on compacted fill. Consideration may also be given to over-excavating cut pads to ease future foundation and utility excavations. !\ (;:_~ GROUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page 9 • Excavations within the Santiago Formation are expected to generate predominately granular soils with very low to low expansion potential. However, excavations within the claystone portions of the Santiago Formation will produce very highly expansive material. Heave may occur if the expansive soils are placed or left within pavement, foundation, or slab subgrade. Consequently, selective grading should be conducted so that highly expansive materials are not left near finish grade throughout the site. • In general, excavations at the site should be achievable using standard heavy earthmoving equipment. Some excavations within the Santiago Formation may generate large blocks of strongly cemented sandstone that may require extra effort to break down to a size suitable for incorporation into compacted fill. The saturated alluvium within the eastern canyon will require special handling and drying prior to replacement as compacted fill. • It has been our experience that deep fills, even if well compacted, will undergo some settlement over time. The amount of settlement is related to the fill depth, and the amount of surface irrigation and subsequent groundwater infiltration. For lots underlain by more than 30 feet of compacted fill, special foundation recommendations may be needed. • Laboratory tests indicate that the near surface soils at the site primarily consist of silty and clayey sand (SM and SC) with a very low to low expansion potential. However, highly expansive clays do exist at the site, within relatively thin claystone beds in the Santiago Formation. Additional Expansion Index testing should be conducted during grading operations to confirm that the upper four feet of fill soil placed beneath each structure consists of a very low expansion sandy material (El<20). Additional remedial excavations will be recommended if expansive clays are encountered near finish pad grades. • Laboratory tests indicate that the on-site soils are acidic, may present a severe potential for sulfate attack, and are very corrosive to buried metals. Additional testing should be conducted during mass grading of the site to determine the corrosion potential of the finish pad soils. Typical corrosion control measures should also be incorporated into the design. A corrosion consultant may be contacted for specific recommendations. • There are no known active faults located beneath the subject site, and the potential for ground rupture to adversely impact the development is remote. Other geologic hazards that may impact site development are primarily associated with the potential for strong ground shaking from an earthquake on the Rose Canyon fault zone. The shaking hazard may be mitigated by structural design in accordance with the applicable building code. • Borings B-12 and B-16 were conducted near the planned abutments for the future Poinsettia Lane bridge. Additional limited access borings should be drilled at the planned bent locations once they are established. A Preliminary Foundation Report should be prepared to aid in the bridge foundation design. /) ........ __,.,' ~~ ~cup ~T.l\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page 10 The remainder of this report presents recommendations regarding earthwork construction and the preliminary design the proposed structures and improvements. These recommendations are based on empirical and analytical methods typical of the standards of practice in southern California. If these recommendations do not to cover a specific feature of the project, please contact our office for additions or revisions. 6.1 Plan Review We recommend that the foundation and grading plans be reviewed by Group Delta prior to construction. We anticipate that substantial changes in the development may occur from the preliminary design concepts used for this investigation. Such changes may require additional geotechnical evaluation, which may result in substantial modifications to the remedial grading recommendations provided in this report. 6.2 Excavation and Grading Observation Foundation and grading excavations should be observed by Group Delta Consultants. During grading, Group Delta Consultants should provide observation and testing services continuously. Such observations are considered essential to identify field conditions that differ from those anticipated by this investigation, to adjust designs to the actual field conditions, and to determine that the remedial grading is accomplished in general accordance with the recommendations presented in this report. Our recommendations are contingent upon Group Delta Consultants providing these services. Our personnel should perform sufficient testing of fill and backfill during grading and improvement operations to support our professional opinion as to compliance with the compaction recommendations. 6.3 Earthwork Grading and earthwork should be conducted in general accordance with the applicable local grading ordinance and the requirements of the current California Building Code. The following recommendations are provided regarding specific aspects of the proposed earthwork construction. These recommendations should be considered subject to revision based on the conditions observed by Group Delta Consultants during grading. 6.3.1 Site Preparation General site preparation should begin with the removal of deleterious materials from the site. Deleterious materials include existing structures, improvements, trees, vegetation, trash, cans, burnt equipment, contaminated soil and demolition debris. Existing subsurface utilities that are to be abandoned should be removed and the excavations backfilled and compacted as described in Section 6.3.S. Alternatively, the abandoned pipes may be grouted with a two-sack sand-cement slurry under the observation of Group Delta Consultants. !\ t-~ GROUP DEL T .<\ N:\Projects\SO\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6.3.2 Compressible Soils GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 11 The undocumented fill and alluvium at the site is compressible and susceptible to liquefaction, and should be completely excavated and replaced as a uniformly compacted fill in all areas that will be developed. Removal of the alluvium within the eastern canyon is recommended in order to reduce the potential for distress to the future retaining walls and buildings in that area. As a minimum, remedial excavations should include any alluvium which may adversely impact the stability of proposed fill slopes along the southern edge of the northern development area. In general, all alluvium within the area described by a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) plane extended down and out from the toe of the planned fill slopes should be excavated and replaced as a compacted fill. Removals should expose competent sandstone as determined by our personnel during grading. In general, alluvium and fill removals are anticipated to be on the order of 5 to 10 feet deep, although removals of 25 feet or more will be needed in the eastern canyon. The removed soil that is free of deleterious material may be replaced as a uniformly compacted fill to the proposed plan elevations. It should be noted that dewatering may be needed to complete the remedial excavations, and that much of the alluvium will have a very high moisture content, and will require drying or mixing with drier soils prior to inclusion in compacted fills. 6.3.3 Expansive Soils Soil heave may cause differential movement of foundations, slabs, flatwork, and other improvements. Figure B-2 summarizes the expansion index testing conducted at the site. In general, the sandstone of the Santiago Formation, the existing fill and alluvium are considered to have a low expansion potential (El<50), whereas the formational claystone is very highly expansive. One to four foot thick claystone beds were encountered within the Santiago Formation with basal elevations of approximately 226, 235, 245, and 265 feet above mean sea level (MSL). Remedial grading for expansive soils should be anticipated for cut lots near these elevations. In order to reduce the potential for differential movement, we recommend that highly expansive soils not be left in cuts or placed in fills near finish grade. In areas where excavations expose highly expansive claystone near finish grade, we recommend that these materials be over-excavated to a minimum depth of four feet below finish pad grade. The expansive material should be placed in deeper fills, and replaced with a compacted sandy fill soil with a low expansion potential. Samples of the soils used to cap each lot should be tested during grading to confirm the low expansion potential. The actual extent of the over-excavations needed at the site may be better delineated in the design development phase, once 40-scale grading plans become available. 6.3.4 Building Areas Residential structures should not straddle cut/fill nor deep fill transitions, due to the potential for adverse differential settlement. Typical transition conditions are depicted in Figure 5. These conditions include lots with cut/fill transitions, as well as transitions between shallow and deep fills. I\ ~ GROUP CELT.t\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 12 The approximate locations of the cut/fill transitions at the site are shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. Our recommended lot remediation measures are shown in Figure 5. For both cut/fill and deep fill transition conditions, we recommend that remedial earthwork consist of excavating the formational materials beneath the building pad, and replacing them as uniformly compacted fill. The depth of the recommended over-excavation should be equal to a depth of H/2, where "H" is equal to the greatest depth of fill underlying the proposed structure. The depth of the over- excavation should not be less than 3 feet, and does not need to extend deeper than 10 feet below pad grades. Note that the over-excavation should extend at least 10 feet horizontally beyond the proposed building envelopes. The over-excavated building pads should be brought back to plan grade with compacted fill prepared as recommended in Section 6.3.5. 6.3.5 Fill Compaction All fill and backfill should be placed at slightly above optimum moisture content using equipment that is capable of producing a uniformly compacted product. The minimum recommended relative compaction is 90 percent of the maximum dry density based on ASTM D1557. Sufficient observation and testing should be performed by Group Delta Consultants so that an opinion can be rendered as to the compaction achieved. Rocks or concrete fragments greater than 6 inches in dimension should not be used in structural fill. Imported fill sources should be observed prior to hauling onto the site to determine the suitability for use. In general, imported fill materials should consist of granular soil with less than 35 percent passing the No. 200 sieve based on ASTM C136 and an Expansion Index less than 20 based on ASTM D4829. Samples of the proposed import should be tested by Group Delta in order to evaluate the suitability of these soils for their proposed use. During grading operations, soil types may be encountered by the contractor that do not appear to conform to those discussed within this report. Group Delta should be notified to evaluate the suitability of these soils for their proposed use. 6.3.6 Bulk/Shrink Characteristics We estimate that cuts in the Santiago Formation will bulk on the order of 5 to 10 percent when they are placed as compacted fill. However, excavations within the alluvium and undocumented fill may shrink on the order of 5 to 15 percent when excavated and replaced as compacted fill. It should be noted that the bulking and shrinking potential of soil can vary considerably based on variability in the in-situ density of the material. 6.3.7 Surface Drainage Slope, foundation and slab performance depends greatly on how well surface runoff drains from the site. This is true both during construction and over the entire life of the structure. The ground surface around structures should be graded so that water flows rapidly away from the structures and tops of slopes without ponding. The surface gradient needed to achieve this may depend on the prevailing landscape. I} '"""""CUP f;_~ ~ CELTL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 13 Planters should be built so that water will not seep into the foundation, slab, or pavement areas. If roof drains are used, the drainage should be channeled by pipe to storm drains, or discharge at least 10 feet from buildings. Irrigation should be limited to the minimum needed to sustain landscaping. Should excessive irrigation, surface water intrusion, water line breaks, or unusually high rainfall occur, saturated zones or "perched" groundwater may develop within the soil. 6.3.8 Subsurface Drainage In order to reduce the potential for a variety of moisture-related problems, we recommend that a subdrain be constructed at the bottom of the remedial excavation within the alluvial canyon located along the eastern edge of the northern development area. The approximate location of the canyon subdrain is shown on the Geotechnical Map, Plate 1. Typical canyon subdrain details are provided in Figure 6. All subdrains should be connected into permanent outlets such as a storm drain, brow ditch or a natural drainage course. If drains are outlet onto natural ground, a permanent headwall should be constructed around the outlet to reduce the potential for damaging or clogging the subdrain pipe. Note that the location and extent of all subsurface drainage improvements should be considered subject to revision based on the geologic conditions observed by the Group Delta Consultants during grading. Our experience with the long term performance of slopes on a graded site suggests that seepage may develop in time at any level within a slope face given substantial upslope irrigation. Where geologic conditions conducive to creating a perched water condition are observed during grading, recommendations for buttressing stabilization fills will be made, as discussed in Section 6.3.9. However, seepage may occur in areas where prediction is impossible, especially with high slopes in excess of 15 feet. These seepage problems are usually addressed if and when they occur, and mitigation typically involves the construction of subdrains at the toe of the slope in question. However, it may be difficult to construct these subdrains after the residences are occupied. Consideration should therefore be given to the construction of subdrains at the toe of all slopes in excess of 15 feet in height in order to decrease the incidence of moisture related problems. Alternatively, rather than constructing slope toe drains during mass grading, provisions for construction of these drains at a later date may be considered. Construction of storm drain laterals and easements at regular intervals throughout the site would aid in the future installation of these subdrains on an as-needed basis. 6.3.9 Slope Stability Various new cut and fill slopes are propsoed throughout the site. We recommend that permanent cut and fill slopes be inclined no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). Fills over sloping ground should be constructed entirely on prepared bedrock. In areas where the ground surface slopes at more than a 5:1 gradient, it should be benched to produce a level area to receive the fill. Benches should be wide enough to provide complete coverage by the compaction equipment during fill placement. Typical slope construction and benching details are presented in Figure 7. i) t-~ GROUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical \nvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 14 In order to characterize the behavior of the various geologic materials we encountered on site, representative samples were transported to our laboratory for direct shear testing. The results of these tests are presented in Figures B-5.1 through B-5.16 in Appendix B. Based on these results, conservative shear strength parameters were estimated for use in the slope stability analyses. Our analyses were conducted using the program SLOPE/W, and are presented in detail in the figures of Appendix C. The cross section locations are shown in the Rough Grading Plans, Figures 2A and 2C. As discussed previously, four locally continuous claystone beds were encountered at the site. These claystone beds may daylight in several of the planned cut slope faces. We anticipate that groundwater from future irrigation may collect on these claystone beds and migrate to the faces of the slopes. Our stability analyses suggest that the presence of the fissured claystone may also result in shallow slope failure. We recommend that a buttress fill be constructed wherever these claystone beds daylight in cut slopes. As a minimum, a buttress should be constructed for the entire cut slope proposed along the northern edge of the site. This buttress may be constructed by extending a 1:1 temporary cut slope from elevation 285 feet down to below the claystone bed at 264 feet, as shown in Appendix C. Typical details for the proposed buttress are shown in Figure 8. The buttress should contain a continuous backdrain, as shown in Figure 8. Note that the drainage panel coverage within the seepage zone, the depth of the keyway below the claystone beds, and the precise location of the outlets should be determined in the field by Group Delta Consultants. If heavy groundwater seepage or unanticipated geologic conditions are encountered during grading, additional recommendations may be warranted. In general, all slopes are subject to some creep, whether the slopes are natural or man-made. Slope creep is the very slow, down-slope movement of the near surface soil along the slope face. The degree and depth of the movement is influenced by soil type and the moisture conditions. This movement is typical in slopes and is not considered a hazard. However, it may affect structures built on or near the slope face. We recommend that settlement-sensitive structures not be located within 5 feet of the top of the slopes without specific evaluation by Group Delta Consultants. All slopes constructed at the site may also be susceptible to surficial slope failure and erosion given substantial wetting of the slope face. The surficial slope stability may be enhanced by providing proper site drainage. The site should be graded so that water from the surrounding areas is not able to flow over the tops of the slopes. Diversion structures should be provided where necessary. Surface runoff should be confined to gunite-lined swales or other appropriate devices to reduce the potential for erosion. It is recommended that slopes be planted with vegetation that will increase their stability. Ice plant is generally not recommended. We recommend that vegetation include woody plants, along with ground cover. All plants should be adapted for growth in semi-arid climates with little or no irrigation. A landscape architect should be consulted in order to develop a specific planting palate suitable for slope stabilization . !} t;~ GRCUF' CEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6.3.10 Temporary Excavations GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 15 Temporary excavations are anticipated throughout the site, such as for the removal of the existing deleterious materials, trenches for the proposed utilities, and the construction of the stabilization fills and buttresses. All excavations should conform to Cal-OSHA guidelines. Temporary slopes at the site should be inclined no steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) for heights up to 30 feet. Higher temporary slopes should be evaluated by Group Delta on a case by case basis during grading operations. Temporary excavations that encounter seepage or other potentially adverse conditions should also be evaluated by the geotechnical consultant on a case-by-case basis during grading. Remedial measures may include dewatering, shoring and flattening the temporary slope . 6.4 Preliminary Foundation Recommendations The design of the foundation system should be performed by the structural engineer, and should incorporate the geotechnical parameters provided in the as-graded geotechnical report prepared after site grading is completed. We anticipate two general design conditions at the site, based on the remedial grading recommendations we have provided. The design of foundations on lots underlain by sandstone or shallow fill will be controlled by the expansion potential of the near surface soils. Because of the selective grading we have recommended, we anticipate that soils having an expansion index of no greater than 50 (very low to low expansion) will be present in the foundation influence zone for these structures. The second design condition is expected to include lots having deep fill, or a steep change in fill depth across the building area. In general, deep fills are considered to be those in excess of 30 or 40 feet. The design of structures on these lots may be controlled by the potential for differential settlement. Higher relative compaction {93 percent) may be used on the deeper portions of the fills to help reduce the settlement potential. Based on the anticipated soil conditions, the potential for settlement, and the expected magnitude of the new structural loads, we anticipate that the lightly loaded residential structures at the site may be supported by post-tensioned slab foundations. Preliminary post-tension slab foundation design parameters are provided below. 6.4.1 Post-Tension Slab Foundations Provided that remedial grading is conducted per our recommendations, most of the residential lots at the site will be underlain by compacted fill with a low expansion potential {El<SO). The following preliminary post-tension slab foundation design parameters are considered applicable to buildings that will be underlain by such conditions. Note that these recommendations should be considered preliminary, and subject to revision based on the conditions observed by Group Delta Consultants during grading of the site. The final foundation design parameters should be provided in the as- graded geotechnical report after the site is graded . /\ t-~ GR.CUP CELT.l\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes Preliminary Post-Tension Slab Design Parameters: Moisture Variation, em: Differential Swell, ym: Allowable Bearing: 6.4.2 Settlement Center Lift: Edge Lift: 9.0feet 4.Bfeet Center Lift: 0. 7 inches Edge Lift: 1.0 inches 2,000 psf at slab subgrade GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 16 Provided that remedial grading is conducted as recommended, total and differential settlement of the proposed structures is generally not expected to exceed one inch and %-inch in 40 feet, respectively. However, more settlement may occur on deep fill lots. The potential for settlement should be better defined in the as-graded geotechnical report after the site is rough graded. 6.4.3 Lateral Resistance Lateral loads against structures may be resisted by friction between the bottoms of footings and slabs and the soil, and passive pressure from the portion of vertical foundation members embedded into fill or formational materials. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 and a passive pressure of 300 psf per foot of depth may be used. 6.4.4 Slope Setback As a minimum, all foundations should be setback from any descending slope at least 8 feet. The setback should be measured horizontally from the outside bottom edge of the footing to the slope face. The horizontal setback may be reduced by deepening the foundation to achieve the recommended setback distance projected from the footing bottom to the face of the slope. Note that the outer few feet of all slopes are susceptible to gradual down-slope movements due to slope creep. This will affect hardscape such as concrete slabs. We recommend that settlement sensitive structures not be constructed within 5 feet of the slope top without specific review by Group Delta. 6.4.5 Seismic Design The proposed structures should be designed in general accordance with the seismic provisions of the 2013 California Building Code (CBC) for a Seismic Design Category D. Based on the findings of our subsurface explorations at the site, it is our opinion that a 2013 CBC Site Class C will apply to many of the residential lots. The USGS mapped spectral ordinates Ss and S, equal 1.075 and 0.415, respectively. For a Site Class C, the acceleration and velocity coefficients F, and Fv equal 1.000 and 1.386, and the spectral design parameters Sos and So, equal 0.717 and 0.383. The peak ground acceleration from the design spectrum may be taken as 40 percent of Sos or 0.287g. The preliminary 2013 CBC Design and MCE Spectra for Site Class Care shown in Table 1. N:\Projects\SD\S0412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. $0412 November 20, 2014 Page 17 Many of the lots located along the eastern edge of the site, and the northwest portions of the northern development area will be underlain by more than 30 feet of compacted fill. For these lots, a 2013 CBC Site Class D will likely apply. For a Site Class D, the acceleration and velocity coefficients Fa and Fv equal 1.070 and 1.585, respectively, and the spectral design parameters Sos and S01 equal 0.767 and 0.439, respectively. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the 2013 CBC Design Spectrum may be taken as 40 percent of Sos or 0.307g. The preliminary 2013 CBC Design and MCE Spectra for Site Class Dare shown in Table 2. 6.5 On-Grade Slabs On-grade slabs should be designed by the project structural engineer. Building slabs should be at least 5y, inches thick, and should be reinforced with at least No. 3 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. Slab thickness, control joints, and reinforcement should be designed by the structural engineer and should conform to the requirements ofthe current CBC. The site soils are anticipated to be predominately granular with a low expansion potential. However, expansive clay soils, if present, have the potential to swell or shrink in response to changes in moisture. These volume changes can result in damage to slabs and hardscape. If expansive soils are encountered during grading, new slabs-on-grade may need to be thickened, heavily reinforced or post-tensioned, or additional stiffener beams may be added. Alternatively, two to four feet of non-expansive soils (El<20) may be placed directly beneath the heave sensitive concrete slabs on-grade. 6.5.1 Moisture Protection for Slabs Concrete slabs constructed on grade ultimately cause the moisture content to rise in the underlying soil. This results from continued capillary rise and the termination of normal evapotranspiration. Because normal concrete is permeable, the moisture will eventually penetrate the slab. Excessive moisture may cause mildewed carpets, lifting or discoloration offloortiles, or similar problems. To decrease the likelihood of problems related to damp slabs, suitable moisture protection measures should be used where moisture sensitive floor coverings, equipment, or other factors warrant. The most common moisture barriers in southern California consist of two inches of clean sand covered by 'visqueen' plastic sheeting. Two inches of sand are placed over the plastic to decrease concrete curing problems. It has been our experience that such systems will transmit approximately 6 to 12 pounds of moisture per 1000 square feet per day. The architect should review the estimated moisture transmission rates, since these values may be excessive for some applications, such as sheet vinyl, wood flooring, vinyl tiles, or carpeting with impermeable backings that use water soluble adhesives. Sheet vinyl may develop discoloration or adhesive degradation due to excessive moisture. Wood flooring may swell and dome if exposed to excessive moisture. The architect should specify an appropriate moisture barrier based on the allowable moisture transmission rate for the flooring. This may require a "vapor barrier" or a "vapor retarder" . r~ t-~ GROUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical !nvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • .. Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 18 The American Concrete Institute provides detailed recommendations for moisture protection systems (ACI 302. lR-04). ACI defines a "vapor retarder" as having a minimum thickness of 10-mil, and a water transmission rate of less than 0.3 perms when tested per ASTM E96. ACI defines a "vapor barrier" as having a water transmission rate of 0.01 perms or less (such as a 15 mil StegoWrap). The vapor membrane should be constructed in accordance with ASTM E1643 and E1745 guidelines. All laps or seams should be overlapped at least 6 inches or per the manufacturer recommendations. Joints and penetrations should be sealed with pressure sensitive tape, or the manufacturer's adhesive. The vapor membrane should be protected from puncture, and repaired per the manufacturer's recommendations if damaged. The vapor membrane is often placed over 4 inches of granular material. The materials should be a clean, fine graded sandy soil with roughly 10 to 30 percent passing the No. 100 sieve. The sand should not be contaminated with clay, silt, or organic material. The sand should be proof-rolled prior to placing the vapor membrane. Based on current ACI recommendations, concrete should be placed directly over the vapor membrane. The common practice of placing sand over the vapor membrane may increase moisture transmission through the slab, because it provides a reservoir for bleed water from the concrete to collect. The sand placed over the vapor membrane may also move prior to concrete placement, resulting in an irregular slab thickness. When placing concrete directly on an impervious membrane, it should be noted that finishing delays may occur. Care should be taken to assure that a low water to cement ratio is used and that the concrete is moist cured in accordance with ACI guidelines. 6.5.2 Exterior Slabs Exterior slabs and sidewalks should be at least 4 inches thick. Crack control joints should be placed on a maximum spacing of 10-foot centers, each way, for slabs, and on 5-foot centers for sidewalks. The potential for differential movements across the control joints may be reduced by using steel reinforcement. Typical reinforcement for exterior slabs would consist of 6x6 W2.9/W2.9 welded wire fabric placed securely at mid-height of the slab . 6.5.3 Expansive Soils The near surface soils observed during our field investigation primarily consisted of silty and clayey sand with a very low to low expansion potential based on common criteria (El<SO). The Expansion Index (El) test results are shown in Figure B-2. It should be noted that thin beds of highly expansive claystone do exist throughout the site. If claystone is encountered near finish grade in building or heave sensitive improvement areas, the upper two to four feet of clayey soil should be excavated and replaced with a very low expansion sandy material (El<20). Additional expansion index testing should be conducted during mass grading of the site. !l t-~ GROUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6.5.4 Reactive Soils GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 19 In order to assess the sulfate exposure of concrete in contact with the site soils, samples were tested for water-soluble sulfate content, as shown in Figure B-3. The test results indicate that some of the on-site soils may present a severe potential for sulfate attack based on commonly accepted criteria. In order to assess the reactivity of the site soils with respect to buried metals, the pH, resistivity and soluble chloride contents of selected soil samples were also determined, as shown in Figure B-3. The tests suggest that the on-site soils are severely corrosive to buried metals. The sulfate content of the finish grade soils should be determined during mass grading. Typical corrosion control measures should be incorporated in the project design. These measures include providing the minimum clearances between reinforcing steel and soil as recommended in the building code, and providing sacrificial anodes (where needed) for buried metal structures. A corrosion consultant may be contacted for specific recommendations. 6.6 Earth-Retaining Structures Backfilling retaining walls with expansive soil can increase lateral pressures well beyond normal active pressures. We recommend that retaining walls be backfilled with soil that has an Expansion Index of 20 or less. Much of the on-site soil appears to meet this criterion. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557. Backfill should not be placed until the retaining walls have achieved adequate strength. Heavy compaction equipment, which could cause distress to the walls, should not be used. For wall design, an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 lbs/ft2, a coefficient of friction of 0.35, and a passive pressure of 300 psf per foot of depth is recommended. Cantilever retaining walls with level granular backfill may be designed using an active earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 lbs/ft3• The active pressure should be used for walls free to yield at the top at least Y, percent of the wall height. Walls that are restrained so that such movement is not permitted, or walls with 2:1 sloping backfill, should be designed for an at-rest earth pressure approximated by an equivalent fluid pressure of 55 lbs/ft3• These pressures do not include seepage forces or surcharges. All retaining walls should contain adequate backdrains to relieve hydrostatic pressures. Typical wall drain details are shown Figure 9. 6. 7 Preliminary Pavement Design Alternatives are provided for asphalt concrete, Portland cement concrete, or paver blocks. In each case, the upper 12 inches of pavement subgrade be scarified immediately prior to constructing the pavements, brought to optimum moisture, and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D1557. Aggregate base should also be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density. Aggregate base should conform to the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction {SSPWCJ, Section 200-2. Asphalt concrete should conform to Section 400-4 of the SSPWC and should be compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. I} t;~ GROUP DEL TA N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6. 7.1 Asphalt Concrete GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 20 Asphalt concrete pavement design was conducted in general accordance with the Caltrans Design Method (Topic 608.4). R-Value tests were conducted on samples collected during the investigation in general accordance with CTM 301. The test results are presented in Figures B-6.1 through B-6.6. The tests indicated subgrade R-Values ranging from 15 to 32. Traffic Indices of 5.0 through 9.0 were assumed for preliminary design purposes. The project civil engineer should review these Traffic Indices and determine which apply to the various streets proposed for the development. Based on the minimum R-Value of 15 from our testing, and an assumed range of Traffic Indices for streets within the City of Carlsbad, the following preliminary pavement sections would apply. PAVEMENT TYPE TRAFFIC ASPHALT BASE (CITY OF CARLSBAD) INDEX SECTION SECTION Local Street 5.0 41nches 61nches Collector Streets 6.0 41nches lOlnches Industrial Streets 7.0 41nches 13 Inches Secondary Arterial 8.0 51nches 151nches Prime Arterial 9.0 51nches 181nches 6.7.2 Portland Cement Concrete Concrete pavement design was conducted in general accordance with the simplified design procedure of the Portland Cement Association. This methodology is based on a 20-year design life. For design, it was assumed that aggregate interlock would be used for load transfer across control joints. The subgrade materials were assumed to provide "low" support based on the R-Value testing. Based on these assumptions, and using the same traffic indices presented previously, we recommend that the PCC pavement sections at the site consist of at least 6 inches of concrete placed over 6 inches of compacted aggregate base. For heavier traffic areas (Traffic Index of 8.0 to 9.0), 7 inches of concrete over 6 inches of aggregate base is recommended. Crack control joints should be constructed for all PCC pavements on a maximum spacing of 10 feet, each way . Concentrated truck traffic areas, such as trash truck aprons and loading docks, should be reinforced with number 4 bars on 18-inch centers, each way. 6.7.3 Interlocking Concrete Paver Blocks Interlocking concrete paver blocks may be used in portions of the site. Interlocking concrete paver block design was conducted using Technical Specification No. 4 of the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute (ICPI) as a guideline. The paver blocks were assumed to be roughly equivalent to an equal thickness of asphalt concrete. For our design, we have assumed that the paver blocks will have a minimum nominal thickness of 80 mm, and will be placed over an average of 1 inch of bedding sand. The recommended paver block aggregate base sections are shown below. d~ C:iRCUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes PAVEMENT TYPE Cul-de-Sacs Residential Streets Residential Collectors TRAFFIC INDEX 5.0 6.0 7.0 PAVER SECTION 80 mm I 1" Sand 80 mm I 1" Sand 80 mm I 1" Sand GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 21 BASE SECTION 81nches 121nches 151nches The paver blocks should be installed in general accordance with the product manufacturer's recommendations. Once the aggregate base has been compacted, and the concrete edge restraints are in place, bedding sand should be screeded in an even layer over the base. The bedding sand should be at least% inch thick, but should not exceed lY, inches in thickness. The use of more than lY, inches of bedding sand may result in undesirable settlement of the paver blocks. The paver blocks should be placed over the bedding sand, and vibrated into place using a high frequency plate compactor. The joint sand should then be swept over the pavers and into the joints, and compacted. Typically, 4 to 6 passes with a compactor would be used to seat the interlocking paver blocks. The bedding sand should conform to the gradation requirements of ASTM C33. ICPI specifications indicate that the bedding sand should be " ... as hard as practically available." We recommend that bedding sand be used with a durability exceeding 30 when tested in general accordance with ASTM D3744. A separate joint sand should be used which is finer than the bedding sand, and which conforms to the gradation requirements of ASTM C144. 6.8 Pipelines The development will include a variety of pipelines such as water, storm drain and sewer systems. Geotechnical aspects of pipeline design include lateral earth pressures for thrust blocks, modulus of soil reaction, and pipe bedding. Each of these parameters is discussed separately below. 6.8.1 Thrust Blocks Lateral resistance for thrust blocks may be determined by a passive pressure value of 300 lbs/ft2 per foot of embedment, assuming a triangular distribution. This value may be used for thrust blocks embedded into compacted fill soils as well as formational materials. 6.8.2 Modulus of Soil Reaction The modulus of soil reaction (E') is used to characterize the stiffness of soil backfill placed along the sides of buried flexible pipelines. For the purpose of evaluating deflection due to the load associated with trench backfill over the pipe, a value of 1,500 lbs/in2 is recommended for the general conditions, assuming granular bedding material is placed around the pipe . I\ t;_~ GRCUP DEL T .L\ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • • • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes 6.8.3 Pipe Bedding GDC Project No. 50412 November 20, 2014 Page 22 Typical pipe bedding as specified in the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction may be used. As a minimum, we recommend that pipes be supported on at least 4 inches of granular bedding material such as minus %-inch crushed rock or disintegrated granite. Where pipeline or trench excavations exceed a 15 percent gradient, we do not recommend that open graded rock be used for bedding or backfill because of the potential for piping and internal erosion. For sloping utilities, we recommend that coarse sand or sand-cement slurry be used for the bedding and pipe zone. The slurry should consist of a 2-sack mix having a slump no greater than 5 inches. 7.0 LIMITATIONS This report was prepared using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable geotechnical consultants practicing in similar localities. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional opinions included in this report . The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the condition of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether due to natural processes or the work of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards of practice may occur from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of three years. 8.0 REFERENCES American Society for Testing and Materials (2006). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 4, Construction, Volume 04.08 Soil and Rock (I); Volume 04.09 Soil and Rock (If); Geosynthetics, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA, Compact Disk. Anderson, J. G. , Rockwell, T. K., Agnew, D. C. {1989). Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region: Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 5, No. 2. pp 299-335. APWA (2006). Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Section 200-2.2, Untreated Bose Materials, Section 400-4, Asphalt Concrete: BNI, 761 p. Boore, D.M. and G.M. Atkinson {2008). Ground-Motion Prediction Equations for the Average Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV & 5% Damped PSA at Spectral Periods between O.Ols and 10.0s, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp. 99-138. Bowles, J.E. {1996). 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NGA Ground Motion Model for the Geometric Mean Horizontal Component of PGA, PGV and PGD and 5% Damped Linear Elastic Response Spectra for Periods Ranging from O.Ols and 10s, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp. 139-172. Chiou, B. and R. Youngs (2008). An NGA Model for the Average Horizontal Component of Peak Ground Motion and Response Spectra, Earthquake Spectra, V.24, pp. 173-216. Geocon Incorporated (2006). Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, the Bridges at Poinsettia, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07381-32-02, dated June 22. Geocon Incorporated (2007). Update Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, the Bridges at Poinsettia, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07381-32-03, dated May 25. Geocon Incorporated (2009a). Limited Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance, Poinsettia Lane Bridge, The Bridges at Aviara, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07381-32-04, dated March 11. Geocon Incorporated (2009b). Update Geotechnical Report, Pontebello, Carlsbad, California, Project No. 07381-32-03, dated May 22. Geotechnics Incorporated (2001). Geotechnical Investigation, Aviara Community Park, Carlsbad, CA, Project No. 0669-001-00, October 12. Group Delta Consultants (2013). Geotechnical Investigation, Tabata Development, Project No . SD365, dated March 4. Group Delta Consultants (2014a). Preliminary Geotechnicol Information, Carlsbad Poinsettia Development, Project No. EN015, dated February 6 . Group Delta Consultants (2014b). Proposal for Geotechnical Investigation, Poinsettia 61 Development, Carlsbad, California, Proposal No. SD14-107, dated October 15. International Conference of Building Officials (2013). 2013 California Building Code. /} t-~ GROUP CELTA N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • • Report of Geotechnical Investigation Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD412 November 20, 2014 Page 24 Jennings, C. W. (1994). Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions: California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map Series, Map No. 6. Kennedy, M. P., and Tan, S. S. (2005). Geologic Map of the San Diego 30'x60' Quadrangle, California: California Geologic Survey, Scale 1:100,000. Pradel, D. (1998). Procedure to Evaluate Earthquake Induced Settlements in Dry Soils, Geotechnical Journal, Vol. 124, No. 4, pp. 364 to 368. Southern California Earthquake Center (1999). Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG SP 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California, University of Southern California, 60 p. Southern California Earthquake Center {2002). Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG SPlll, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Landslide Hazards in California, University of Southern California, 110 p. United States Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station (1974). Tsunami Prediction for Pacific Coastal Communities, Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg. United Stated Geological Survey {2009). Earthquake Hazards Program, Based on Three NGA Relationships, Boore & Atkinson (2008), Campbell & Bozorgnia (2008) & Chiou & Youngs (2008) from http://egint.cr.usgs.gov/deaggint/2008. Wesnousky, S. G. {1986). Earthquakes, Quaternary Faults, and Seismic Hazard in California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 91, no. B12, p. 12587-12631. Youd, T.L. et al. {2001). Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 127, No. 4, April. Youd, T.L.; Hansen, C.M. and Bartlett, S.F. (2002). Revised Multilinear Regression Equations for Prediction of Lateral Spread Displacement. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volume 128, No. 12, December 2002, pp. 1007-1017 . Youngs, R.R. and Coopersmith, K.J. (1985). Implications of Fault Slip Rates and Earthquake Recurrence Models to Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Estimates, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 939-964 . t..~ GROUP DEL T"-N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc TABLES • • • • • • • • • • TABLE 1 2013 CBC ACCELERATION RESPONSE SPECTRA (SITE CLASS C) GDC PROJECT NO. SD412, Poinsettia 61 Development Site Latitude: 33.1106 Site Longitude: -117.2767 Ss= 1 075 g = short period (0.2 sec) mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1613.5(3) or USGS Ground Motion C1lcul1tor) S,• 0.415 g = 1.0 sec period mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1613.6(4) or USGS Ground Motion C1lcul1tor) ... Site Class• C = Sne Class definition based on CBC 2010 Table 1613.5.2 :::, a.. F,= 1 000 = Sne Coefficient applied to S, to account for soil type (CBC 2010 T1ble 1613.6.3(1)) c!: F,• 1.386 = Sne Coefficient applied to S1 to account for soil type (CBC 2010 T1ble 1613.6.3(2)) '---TL• 8.00 sec= Long Period Transition Period (ASCE 7.()5 Figure 22-16) SMS• 1.075 = site dass modified short period (0.2 sec) MCE spectral response acceleration= F, x s, (CBC 2010 Eqn. 16-36) ... s.u• 0.575 = s,te dass modified 1.0 sec period MCE spectral response acceleration= F, x S1 (CBC 2010 Eqn. 16-37) :::, a.. Sos• 0.717 = site dass modified short period (0.2 sec) Design spectral response acceleration= 213 x s .. , (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16-38) ... S01• 0.383 = site dass modified 1.0 sec period Design spectral response acceleration= 213 x s .. , (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16-39) :::, 0 T,• 0.107 sec= 0.2 S01/S05 = Control Period (left end of peak) for ARS Cur,,e (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) Ts• 0.535 sec= S0,iSo, = Control Period (right end of peak) for ARS Cur,,e (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) T Desi an MCE laecondsl Sa (g) Sa (g) 0.000 0.287 0.430 0.107 0.717 1.075 0.535 0.717 1.075 1.2 0.600 0.639 0.959 0.700 0.548 0.822 0.800 0.479 0.719 ' 0.900 0.426 0.639 -Design 1.000 0.383 0.575 1.0 1.100 0.349 0.523 :§ \ 1.200 0.320 0.479 1.300 0.295 0.442 C ' -MCE 0 1.400 0.274 0.411 :.:, 1.500 0.256 0.383 ~ 0.8 ' Q) z 1.600 0.240 0.359 @ 0 1.700 0.226 0.338 I. ;::: , 1,1\ j 1.800 0.213 0.320 <( :::, 1.900 0.202 0.303 ~ ' 0 0.6 ..J 2.000 0.192 0.268 u , ' c( I\,. 0 2.100 0.183 0.274 ~ I\. :I 2.200 0.174 0.261 :::, CJ) a:: 2.300 0.167 0.250 j\~ r-... I', ... 0 2.400 0.160 0.240 0.4 UI 2.500 0.153 0.230 1' """' a.. ,... U) 2.600 0.147 0.221 r,.. .... r-,,.,_ 2.700 0.142 0.213 ro, I°"' 2.800 0.137 0.205 l"'o, """ ,-.. ..... ..... l"'o, ..... ..... 2.900 0.132 0.198 0.2 """ ..... 3.000 0.128 0.192 3.100 0.124 0.1B6 3.200 0.120 0.180 3.300 0.116 0.174 3.400 0.113 0.169 0.0 3.500 0.110 0.164 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 3.600 0.107 0.160 3.700 0.104 0.155 3.800 0.101 0.151 Period (seconds) 3.900 0.098 0.147 4.000 0.096 0.144 4.000 0.096 0.144 • • • • • • • TABLE 2 2013 CBC ACCELERATION RESPONSE SPECTRA (SITE CLASS D) GDC PROJECT NO. SD412, Poinsettia 61 Development Site Latitude: 33.1106 Site Longitude: -117.2767 s.-1075 g = short period (0.2 sec) mapped spectral responsa acceleration MCE Srte Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1813.6(3) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator) S,= 0.415 g = 1.0 sec penod mapped spectral response acceleration MCE Site Class B (CBC 2010 Fig. 1613.6(4) or USGS Ground Motion Calculator) ,_ Site Class• D = Srte Class definition based on CBC 2010 Table 1613.6.2 ::, Q. F,• 1070 = Site Coefficient applied to S, to account for soil type (CBC 2010 Table 1613.6.3(11) ~ F,• 1585 = Srte Coefficient applied to S1 to account for soil type (CBC 2010 Table 1613.6.3(2)) --TL• 8 00 sec= Long Period Transition Period (ASCE 7.06 Figure 22-16) SMS• 1.150 = site class modified short period (0.2 sec) MCE spectral response acceleration= F, x S, (CBC 2010 Eqn. 16-36) ,_ SM1• 0.658 = site class modified 1.0 sec period MCE spectral response acceleration= F, x S, (CBC 2010 Eqn. 16-37) ::, S01s 0.767 = site class modmed short period (0.2 sec) Design spectral response acceleration = 213 x SMs (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16-38) Q. ,_ So,• 0.439 = site class modified 1.0 sec period Design spectral response acceleration= 213 x SM, (CBC 2007 Eqn. 16-39) ::, 0 T,• 0.114 sec= 0.2 S01/S05 = Control Period (left end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) Ts• 0.572 sec= S0,/So5 = Control Period (right end of peak) for ARS Curve (Section 11.4.5 ASCE 7-05) T Desi on MCE lsecondsl Sa (g) Sa (g) 0000 0.307 0.460 0.114 0.767 1.150 0.572 0.767 1.150 1.2 0.600 0.731 1.096 0.700 0.626 0.940 0.800 0.548 0.822 \ 0.900 0.487 0.731 -Design 1.000 0.439 0.658 1.0 1 1.100 0.399 0.598 § 1.200 0.365 0.548 1.300 0.337 0.506 C ' -MCE 0 1.400 0.313 0.470 :::; 1.500 0.292 0.439 ~ 0.8 Cl) ' z 1.600 0.274 0.411 ~ ' 0 1.700 0.258 0.387 1'. i= 0 5 1.800 0.244 0.365 < 1, 'I\ ::, 1.900 0.231 0.346 ~ .. u 0.6 ..J 2.000 0.219 0.329 u ' I" <( u 2.100 0.209 0.313 ~ ~ " :I 2.200 0.199 0.299 en ::, 1' ... r,.. ct: 2.300 0.191 0.286 ,_ "" 1' u 2.400 0.183 0.274 0.4 w 2.500 0.175 0.263 I"' " Q. r,.. r,... fl) 2.600 0.169 0.253 ,... ,... """' 2.700 0.162 0.244 f""'I -.... 2.800 0.157 0.235 ,... ,... .... .... """ "'"'-.... ..... 2.900 0.151 0.227 0.2 3.000 0.146 0.219 3.100 0.141 0.212 3.200 0.137 0.206 3.300 0.133 0.199 3.400 0.129 0.193 0.0 3.500 0.125 0.188 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 3.600 0.122 0.183 3.700 0.119 0.178 3.800 0115 0.173 Period (seconds) 3.900 0.112 0.169 4.000 0.110 0.164 4.000 0.110 0.164 • • • FIGURES • • • • • ,~ i :8 • -~ !< G,:li ;~ r-IL 'U) § ~. c( ~ z ~ i~a~ f 0 ,; ~~ ~ • a!ai J 0 0 ~ .i~!~ .5 ..I u ii ~-w ~r~ ~ ~ t-~~ ~ ~sn~ iii I ~1 i ~ w ..I <( (.) • Cf) 0 z • • • • • • • ~ fN hl ico ~~ 1~ z ~ f" r· ~ D. D. ~r; .. ~ B .. ~~ h z • i di! u ffi ~~~~ > ~:!! w U~ii .; ~ I-~;~~ lij ii) r ~ ~g r~~ iia3 w ...J <( () • Cl) 0 z • • • • • • • • • • • • • • /'> / ..... I ' / .... .. . .. . ,.. .._ '· ' ' .,..,../ ~/ , .. / I I ' ,// -----~· • N A NO SCALE EXPLANATION: B-19 -+ Approximate location of exploratory boring (TD-Total Depth). P-2 ~ Approximate location of percolation test. A A' Approximate location of cross section. ~c,-......111 SD412 OOClJMCNT,..._...11 14-0188 nO...c'2A°11 ROUGH GRADING PLAN • • s • • • • • • N A NO SCALE EXPLANATION: B-19 -+ Approximate location of exploratory boring (TD-Total Depth). P-2 ~ Approximate location of percolation test. ENGINEERS ANO GEa.OGISTS $0412 • ""°"" .... TA"°"""-TANTl,ON<l '"°-«'~• 92~A.CTMT'Y~.SUfT'El03 OCOl . ..:HI-....:, I !::c~.:CCAt:al2tfliSIJ538-HXIO 14-0188 Po.'tsettla6t OeYelopment f~-" Lenn1r Homes 28 EXPLORATION PLAN • • • • • • • • • • • / / /' . / .. ·· / ,' .,-/ ,• / / / / / / // / _I~ f,• ,·,.·' .; . / -....'.. / ., ' / ./ I/ / / /II . / .,.·· /./ .. ··· / / ... / / / / / / . ·-J / w ...J z<~ 0 z • • • • • • • N A NO SCALE • • EXPLANATION: B·19 ~ Approximate location of exploratory boring (TD-Total Depth). P-2 ~ Approximate location of percolation test. ~,~1 SD~, O(),:)J...:,,f~· 14--0188 I Poinsettlo610e-I ·--· lo...,.r !·tunes 20 EXPLORATION PLAN • • • EXPLANATION: GJ !r\ll•llaEU ··•na»tian lNNildk UtHr)-N.tnlcd b) \\ooJriAt and ~ 41'1-HJ "-" I fk.'Cfft lk-1'0" .. ' of •<tn~ottfl Sam AR;J ~k>uftll;slfl~ Thtll!C ~ dN1.'C dN&nClh·" JQIU. A N..::al n"·n~ ttu1 to•1•hh of buff and bu,.,.nl,...sn). 111.n.,.hc. ru.M'C'•lnllnnl. l"'(IUII) .ono.l :ri.4Ni: ~ and C\lffl!,Ullll.T'Jk (oQ!IJ)l(ffll: l,"\-"Kf~I) pk'dom,,uliffl) •• 'IOflk arc:a_4 me N,wl nk"fflh:r u, O\t1bia h> Jfll> -.J hf..m•l\lt-sr.t) l!oilh and Mll"Cfl C"l.". .. raJ m,._,nbn-Ill.al Wfl'i~ of 10n, fflC\ilum-Jr.11e«I. nnkr.11.:1) vi'\:11....onN :u~b.C ~ ~ El • • • • ~r I ·~ -c::::::,, ~ ,."' .w pa,..lk' ..-,h .. • 11111 11 rmkldk' •• •HI> Plf'hl«ffM'._,.,~,y f'O'>r1) MN1N. mudn:11.:1, J'ffhl'ilhk, ~,.,.~, tnll'ffittpnnl ",...•~-""xii• C'IJutW •nJ c.WN\~I ~i,,a .. ,~ .. of~ll..tofW. ~.&ooct uJ ClHl1t"1nKnl"'- Oki p.Jltalk ~''-l 1111&,. l...l •IMlhkk4 1fa1,.1• •ld41ir l"tffltYtt1M"1-\~I) JkUI~ WJf1Cd. ""°"'"*'> ~ollbk ,rdd1,h.huJ'111,0. lnfetJi-,tlal ~,-.&nJJu.r. lk-Mll. Nc.tOftt' .W c°'l•n.11 «J'INl• con1po,,4"'J of ~11.a..x. unduow ..a «-1t..'l)C'fflt" G:J C=J , ... ., alhn .. l flood pllla 41tpMII, Ol"8ttfll' Hd btl' l'lf'h.1~._,,.hlt) f"UI) roo,wlW..rJ. f'OU'I) 11.odftl. flitfflW,blC' flooJ rl'-'" ~· .. \l•t•wdt.••••r, •ltti Mrt,u•tN•k rwa., 1111dhhl,-d (\lf'l"1N,.,_Lo-·-pM (l'J""ffl1'ffl1~ ~I ~~--, n.1d,., ti:-.:tnnlmdr. ~ •• ~IL,.iun&o) lnl&'fl.t)'ffl'd ...t •tl\al "'"' 1UdinilkM'lk ""l~ c0tt,l~lflc .,, noi.., , .. rr. wJJ ,uk~IC~lc~Y • N A NO SCALE • ~ ----;--··-.~ A GRCI.JP OEl.. T .L\ OltOl.P Df:LTACOHIUl.TAHTl. lotC. 50412" ooc:u.:.,,,,........:11 EN<*EERSND GEQ.OGISTS IIQ.45 ACTMTY RCW>, SUtTE 103 SAN DIEGO. CA92121 f1681536-\000 14-0188 Poin5etti9 61 ()e..-elopment cf---MJ-11 Lemo,Ho<m, 3A REGIONAL GEOLOGIC MAP • • • • • • • • • ~ 33 N Approximate topographic contours of the site in 1978 (feet). A NO SCALE REFERENCE: National Geographic Holdings (2001). TOPO!, County of San Diego, Encinitas Quadrangle, Map Level 5. • , .. ~. ~-,..'~71 ~ ;,; ~· ~ ... ,.. ·- A GRa...F CEL T.l\ ····--·-----·--······· GltOl.#'DaTAC()fr,IIUl.TMa,INC. ~SNCGE.Q.OGISTS 50412 i:'24U.CTMT\'Jlt0t.D SUf1'f: ,00 DOO..IM:ffTNl•••U ~o;e~CA921211161J53f.l000 1 14-0188 Pointettla 81 Oeveiopmert ~ M.1141a" Lennor tbmos 38 REGIONAL TOPOGRAPHY • • • -p EXPLANATION: • Poinsettia PDrk • \ Cammo De Las Ondas O d o Sy -1:,(!; • Approximate location of the FEMNDWR 100-Year Floodplain • • ~ -,,,e Dr Four Se.:11ons Avl.lra Golf Club • • Tsa REFERENCE: California Emergency Management Agency (2013). County of San Diego, Encinitas Quadrangle, FEMA Flood Plains and California Specific Flood Areas. • N A NO SCALE -<I. • -~, ?· ~ ,J ti,. ~. An A GRCJLJP OEL TA >-GROUP DB.TA CONSLA..TAKTI, WC. ENGHEERS/IJ<J QE(l..OGlSTS 9:2'5 ACTMTY Ro..D Sl.lnt: 103 SN. DIEGO. CA9212' P5!)a.l000 Polmettil61 De~ Ulmer t-bmes "'IIO.CCl ..uoaA SD41~- 14--0188 "'jc'" 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN • • ~ ~ 0-~ .- EXPLANATION: Poimett,o Park • 1...am111u )e La.-. 'Jndas \ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~- 0.11.-.~· -4.,c; • • ~ ,,.,,~ or "C ~ Four Seasons Avl.lra , Golf Club • Approximate location of the recommended CEMA Tsunami Evacuation Area • Tsa REFERENCE: Cal~omia Emergency Management Agency (2013). County of San Diego, Encinitas Quadrangle, CEMATsunami Response Emergency Planning Zone. • • ,,.,~,f?o\'(I~• L~. R, •Alga•Rd~ ~ a:: :.-t ...,_ < . ne ,!2 I~ ,:; ,.;..; N A NO SCALE 4/,, 1;, ~" J:I ~ ........ , ,, L~ F A, A GRC1JP DELTA ~ OII.TAC:ONaL&:tuns. ..e. ....U:C'r'9JWLII EHGiNf:lfll:INC>OEa.OGIITI 50412 ~ACfMTYM)ID SUITE lfXI DOQJIIIIOfl ...._. ~o:r:!. CAl2121(116eJf.».tOOO 14-0188 1 --··· Oo-r ----· r-= LoM1,fbme1 30 TSUNAMI INUNDATION MAP • • • • • • • • • • • • . , /' ,/ '.,6>••-:-.. ~ i;hq<1 a. s lfil i~ r,t c( ::E ~ ::J ~ ~~~' I it :!~ ~ ..J !d5( j c( ~ -~~! ,'J z !i ~ -. 0 I , ~ £~~ m ~ 5 // ~ s1~s1Js w // i 11!1 J a:: /-1:: "' w .) ..J z-< ci: ,'!, (.) If) 0 z + tl • " ·~ • '. ',.\ l\~Q.J Potn\ •. \, 1 \._. . \. • • s: • I emecur~~ -.:..t '-'-) .~ •. rp • ... ~ " . ' . ' \ ~.\ Camp Pendleton fl.1 .::irt ne Corps Base \ ~-~ '··, ' ', ,,, "•., ··, ' .... '>-' \ • \ . \ \ . ' . . . . "·~ "---...··\ ~ ·. \ ... ~, ·~ ' ~~ , ', Ocea~.l&tde . \ ,·, \ \ C.:irl s~3d ~ \ ' ¥ ' \ ~ . ~ \ ' \' I • ~-, San Luts ~ Rey n Maroos 527 rr· ···,,,, Vall ey Center • • • • Ko3f•EHvat\n ... .. · .. .. ,~-"~' • J ... _ ~ ··~ -' ' ----,., _, . .) _ tr:zc:---·, -r ·~~"'" ''1 l ' '·~ . . ' .. ,, "". ... ' --~ . .. .... "\ ·, ', ,,:-.. '\,J \ 'q:~'!:-.,. .. ~" ·~ ~ ~ ., ' . '~~ ·-" •._ \ / \\. I , ~ ,f I \ / ....... ..... .. ~,\. •, ' -·~· •, ,. '~ ,, ... -~ \ ' s~ S.Jll on c ,ty I .. \ \ ~\ .. '\. \ '\. Qi•:.~. ·,,,, ·, Ramona '·,. ,, pAl I _ '\.~ [)11 CU J ~, .. ,,, , _, '\~ \ C .:irdtfl',hf-the~~.ea ~-. . "' \ l ~~ \ I ~" D el \r/lar ' ,, .... \\ .,.. ' -~~. I . . ·, .. _ , ... ·, ''··'\''\ ' •. ,., \ '· \ 'I \ ,.\, . 'i• •\ '" \ \ \ .. \\~l I I ,:~' I ~ '• <\\ .,..,, '\ -~ \ .... EXPLANATION: \ ', \ ··. i ~ \'~ \ \ • \ i .. a J .,,, .t,'\ rn ~ Poway ,. ( \< Winter Gardens ~ -Approximate location of active faults with evidence of historic displacement within the last 200 years. Approximate location of active faults with indications of displacement within the last 11 ,700 years. --J . M ,,-. '\ , . ' ' ·.;~ I ~ . ! .. , -·~,{) -• ,, •,rt., ·'~. ': .·, ', < ','~,. ,~, ' ... ' e-.-, \. I ~ ~,,~ I ""' \ .. , .. ·--~ I fj ' (l ,. I~ ~ ' I V · ,:.:---:.· ./' j /~ ~ . 'l\& fl I N A NO SCALE ~ C:RCI.JP DEL TA GRot.P OR.TA COHSUl.TAKTl. lilC. ENGINEERS AK) GE.a.OGJST5 12UACTMTYACIAO, SUITl.103 ?"DIEG0.CA'211t(151)5Jl.t000 Poinsettia 61 OeveklpmenC Lenrer Home& '9IOLCI ~ SD412 ~ 14-0188 4 9-~ LOCAL FAULT MAP • • • • • • • • • • • TYPICAL CUT/FILL TRANSITION TYPICAL DEEP FILL TRANSITION NOTES DOD 2% SLOPE ----=-=-.---------Fl LL OVER-EXCAVATE TRANSITION TO A DEPTH OF H/2 FEET (3 FEET MINIMUM) FORMATION MAXIMUM FILL DEPTH (H) 2% SLOPE ---------. OVER-EXCAVATE TRANSITION ....__TOA DEPTH OF H/2 FEET (10 FEET MAXIMUM) 1) Structures should not cross cut/fill nor deep fill transitions, due to the potential for adverse differential movement. 2) For building pads underlain by both cut/fill and deep fill transitions, the cut portion of the pads should be over-excavated to a depth of H/2, where H is equal to the greatest depth of fill beneath the building. 3) Over-excavations should extend at least 3 feet below pad grade, and do not need to extend more than 10 feet below pad grade. 4) Over-excavations should extend at least 1 O feet beyond the perimeters of the building foundations, including any isolated column footings. MAXIMUM FILL DEPTH (H) __ 0 FILL FORMATION A GRCIUP CEL TL\ QftOlWI OflTACONSUlTANTS, ..C. ENGIHEE.RSNO GEQ.OGl:stS 9245 ACTMTY ffl<W>. SUITE l03 SA.NOIEGO CA.t212fljl6IJS3&-1000 Pc*\settia 61 DeY91opm&nt lerrert-t>mes SD412 14-0188 ~5 M LOT TRANSITION DETAILS • • • • • • • • • • • CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAILS / ,, // ,, /~ Com acted Ftll SUBDRAIN LENGTH PIPE DIAMETER SIZE (feet) (inches) first 100 4 (optional) ~ p / /) REMOVE UNSUITABLE ~ '\. / / ;.....i MATERIAL '\. ' / / TYPICAL BENCHING__/ ......_ -... _ -/ . / f ~ COMPETENT FORMATIONAL '-. ~'-. MATERIAL 100 -500 4 500 -1000 6 > 1000 8 (or 2-6") NOTES .& "--_INCLINE TOWARD DRAIN TYPICAL SUBDRAIN DETAIL 0 24" MINIMUM MINIMUM 9 CUBIC FEET PER LINEAR FOOT OF APPROVED DRAIN MATERIAL APPROVED FILTER ---FABRIC 12-INCH MINIMUM OVERLAP PVC PERFORATED PIPE (SEE TABLE FOR SIZE) WIIIJ2ll: Subdrain length is 800 feet. From Oto 100 feet pipe is optional, from 100 lo 500 feet pipe is 4", and from 500 lo 800 feet pipe is 6". OPTIONAL V-DITCH DETAIL APPROVED FILTER I FABRIC 12-INCH 'f MINIMUM OVERLAP 24" LINEAR FOOT OF APPROVED -i--~ MINOMUM OF9CUBIC FEET PER MINIMUM J' Q DRAIN MATERIAL ~ PVC PERFORATED PIPE V SHOULD BE BETWEEN 60 TO 90 DEGREES (SEE TABLE FOR SIZE) 1) The need for perforated pipe and pipe diameter to be determined by geotechnical consultant based on field conditions. 2) Perforated pipe should outlet through a solid pipe to a free gravity outfall. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least 1 %. !l GRCJUP OEl.. TA 3) Filter fabric should consist of Mirafi 140N, Supac 5NP, Amoco 4599, or similar approved fabric. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 12-inches. 4) Drain material should consist of minus 1Y.-inch, minus 1-inch, or minus :Y.-inch crushed rock. 5) Subdrain installation should be observed by the geotechnical consultant prior to backfilling. r OIIIOW'DELTACOHlll.TMT&.IHC. OGNEERSN«J GEOLOGISTS 1:245 ACTMTY AO,l,D SUCTt. 103 SANOIEGO.CAil:2t2tj1151J!ll&-lOOO Polnsettle6108"'81optneri Lennar Home, '""'1.ECl-11 SD412 ~,......,.,. 14-0188 ~r R CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAILS • • • • • • • • • • • FILL OVER CUT SLOPE FILL OVER NATURAL SLOPE SURFACE OF FIRM FORMATION ------ SURFACE OF FIR1 FORMATION -- FINISH FILL SLOPE ~,,,, FINISH FILL SLOP""' _---<-----1-~ ~. TYPICAL --- "',. ~ 4' TYPICAL FINISH CUT SLOPE , _ ;:::-,.~~ :: ::::>---, NATURAL SLOPE i -~/r.: ·I l -------:,,------10'TYPICAL --- --------------------.------.,_.--I .--------------Y I• ·I NOTES I· ·I ; \ 15' MINIMUM (INCLINED 2% 15' MINIMUM (INCLINED 2% MINIMUM INTO SLOPE) MINIMUM INTO SLOPE) 1) Where the existing ground surface slopes at more than a 5:1 gradient, benches should be constructed to provid level areas for fill placement. 2) Benches should be wide enough to provide complete coverage by the compaction equipment. ~ GRCJU=I CELT .L\ OROUf' DB.TACONlll.TAHTS. INC. EHGMERSNI> GEa.OGISTS lr.145ACTMTY ROAO SUITE 103 SAHC>IEOO.CAV2128(161!~1000 Poinsett.ii 61 Oe..elopmenl Lef'l'l8rl-bmes ~CT~ S0412 ~It 14-0188 ~7 R SLOPE GRADING DETAILS • • • • • COMPOSITE PANEL DRAIN FABRIC SIDE FACING SEEPAGE (COVERAGE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT) 4" DIAMETER PERFORATED PVC WITH MINUS 3/4" CRUSHED ROCK WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC (1 CUBIC FT ROCK PER LINEAL FT) • • • RECONSTRUCTED FILL SLOPE PER PLAN -------. 2-INCHES OF CRUSHED ROCK BELOW PERFORATED PIPE COMPACTED FILL BUTTRESS NOTES -2% SLOPE • KEYWAY WIDTH AS DETERMINED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT (15 FEET MINIMUM) 1) Drainage panels should consist of prefabricated geocomposite drain such as Mirafi G100N, JDrain 400 or similar. Filter fabric should consist of spun bond, needle punched geosynthetic such as Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP or similar. 2) Splices in panels should be as recommended by the manufacturer. Interlocking type panels should be overlapped at least 6 inches. Non-interlocking type should overlap at least 12 inches. 3) Subdrains should outlet by a solid 4 inch PVC pipe to a storm drain system or suitable surface outlet. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least 1 percent. • • TEMPORARYBACKCUT (1 :1 GRADIENT MAXIMUM) SEEPAGE OR SHEARED ZONE A_GRa...FOELTA GltOl.9' 0£LTA CONSULTAHTl:, INC. ENGINEEAS~ GE.Q.OG!STS SQ-'5ACTMTYROAO, SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA9:212tflSl,)538-,000 Polnsettil 61 Oevelopmerl. le1Y18rtt::lmes BUTIRESS DETAILS • • • ROCK AND FABRIC ALTERNATIVE MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC (MIRAFI 140NL, SUPAC 4NP, OR APPROVED SIMILAR) NOTES 4-INCH DIAM. PVC PERFORATED PIPE • • DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUIRED • 12-INCH I A MINIMUM WEEP-HOLE ALTERNATIVE '•/o···----- • • DAMP-PROOFING OR WATER- PROOFING AS REQUIRED GEOCOMPOSITE PANEL DRAIN 1 CU. FT. PER LINEAR FOOT OF MINUS 3/4-INCH CRUSHED ROCK ENVELOPED IN FILTER FABRIC 4-INCH DIAM. PVC PERFORATED PIPE 1) Perforated pipe should outlet through a solid pipe to a free gravity outfall. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least 1 %. 2) As an alternative to the perforated pipe and outlet, weep-holes may be constructed. Weep-holes should be at least 2 inches in diameter, spaced no greater than 8 feet, and be located just above grade at the bottom of wall. 3) Filter fabric should consist of Mirafi 140N, Supac 5NP, Amoco 4599, or similar approved fabric. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. 4) Geocomposite panel drain should consist of Miradrain 6000, J-DRain 400, Supac DS-15, or approved similar product. 5) Backfill should consist of granular soil with an Expansion Index of 20 or less, and 35 percent or less passing the No. 200 sieve. • • PANEL DRAIN ALTERNATIVE ~ GRCI...IP DEL TA ~ DR.TA COH&lA.lAHTI, .. c. ,RQ.CCI *""9Clt ~AICJGECX.OGISTS $0412 92<$.SACTMTYR0,1,0,SUJTEtOJ ~--" ~~:!:CAt2l28j161)s»-toOD 14-0188 Poiisettla 61 Devek>pmenl ~...,..A Lenr.-rHomes 9 WALL DRAINAGE DETAILS • • • • PLATES • • • • • • • i • / g 1- i~ ( I I r I J i I l ti · I J I f f 1 i I . . I I i rll1il 1··1~l tll 1 11 iiiiii 111111 ' • • • • APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION • • • • • • APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration included a visual and geologic reconnaissance of the site, the drilling of 19 exploratory borings and 2 percolation holes, and the excavation of 11 exploratory test pits. The subsurface investigation was conducted by Group Delta Consultants personnel between October 27th and November 4th, 2014. The maximum depth of exploration was about 60 feet below surrounding grades. The approximate locations of the borings, percolation holes, and test pits are shown on the Exploration Plans. Logs describing the subsurface conditions we encountered are presented in Figures A-1 through A-32, immediately after the Boring Record Legends. The 19 exploratory borings and 2 percolation holes were advanced by Pacific Drilling Company using both a track mounted limited access drill rig (the Fraste). and a truck mounted all-wheel drive drill rig (the Wolverine). Drive samples were collected by the Fraste and Wolverine rigs using automatic hammers with average Energy Transfer Ratios (ETR) of 83 and 82 percent, respectively. Disturbed samples were collected from the borings using a 2-inch outside diameter Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler. Less disturbed samples were collected using a 3-inch outside diameter ring lined sampler (a modified California sampler). These samples were sealed in plastic bags, labeled, and returned to the laboratory for testing. For each sample, the number of blows needed to drive the sampler 12 inches was recorded on the logs. The field blow counts (N) were normalized to approximate the standard 60 percent ETR, as shown on the logs (N6o). Bulk samples were also collected from the borings at selected intervals. The boring logs are presented in Figures A-1 through A-19. Logs of the percolation test boreholes are shown in Figures A-20 and A-21. The 11 exploratory test pits were advanced by West-Tech Contracting using a John Deere 510D backhoe with a 24-inch wide bucket. The test pit excavations were logged by our project geologist . Bulk samples were collected from the test pits at selected locations for laboratory testing. The test pit logs are provided in Figures A-22 through A-32. Both the boring and test pit locations were determined by visually estimating, pacing and taping distances from landmarks shown on the Exploration Plans. The locations shown should not be considered more accurate than is implied by the method of measurement used and the scale of the map. The lines designating the interface between differing soil materials on the logs may be abrupt or gradational. Further, soil conditions at locations between the excavations may be substantially different from those at the specific locations we explored. It should be noted that the passage of time may also result in changes in the soil conditions reported in the logs . ,, t-~ GR.CUP CEL TA N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical \nvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc SOIL IDENTIFICATION AND HOLE IDENTIFICATION DESCRIPTION SEQUENCE Holes are identified using the following Refer to convention: 3 Section H-YY-NNN ! .. C C Where: .. Identification :, 0 :, "' :Ii a ! .; .0 Components ii: !I a: 0 H: Hole Type Code -~ 1 Group f'-JCUT'tt:..' :2 5 2 3 '2:? • YY: 2-digit year :' Group Symbol '.2 5 :? 3 ':! ~ • NNN: 3-<ligit number (001-999) Description Components Hole Type Code and Description 3 C..:On$1stency or ~..., ~' 3 3 ~..., 3 • Hole Type Description Coh~s1ve Soll Code Aprarent Den51ty A Auger bonng (hollow or sohd stem, 4 of Cohes1onle55 2~4 • bucket) Soil 5 Color 255 R Rotary drilled boring (conventionat) • RC Rotary core (self-cased w1re-llne. G Mo1'!::,1ure 25G • cont1nuously-sampled) Percent or 2 !.l ; 3 :_> 4 • 0 RW Rotary core (self-cased wire-line, not Proportion of Soil continuously sampted) ;-Part1cte Size 2 ~. 8 2GR • 0 p Rotary percussion boring (Air) Particle Angularity 259 HD Hend driven (1-inch soil tube) • Particle Stlilf:lC' 2 !:> 10 HA f land auger 8 Plast1c1ty (for rux•-2 S 11 3 2 (1 D Driven (dynamic cone penetrometer) grained soil) CPT Cone Penetration Test 9 Dry Strength (for 2ti 1:2 0 other (note on LOTB) f1ne-qra1ned s.011) 10 C)1latency (fnr fine ~ 5 13 qr; .. 11r1cd soil) 11 Toughness (for 2 5 14 Descri(!tion Seguence Exam(!les: ' . ----f1_ne _ _9ra1r,ecJ ~n•!)_ ---· --- -. ... ---- 1 ' Stru<;ture :.., C, 1 Ci I------------------------------ 1 ~i C..:ementat1on :? !", 1 () • SANDY lean CLAY (CL); very stiff; PPtc:f;'nt of yellowish brown; moist; mostly fines; Col>l.Jlctci <.111c.J :2211/ • • 1-1 Roulder~ some SAND, from fine to medium; few Oescnpt1on of gravels; medium plasticity; PP=2.75. Cobbles and ~ ~ 1 t3 • Boulders 1 ~) c_;ons1stency r 1c-lcJ :...., ':-, 3 • Well-graded SAND with SILT and l est Re-suit GRAVEL and COBBLES (SW-SM); ~---·-···-----------· --~ --------t----... -- 1G Adcl1t1ona1 ::1 !':, 19 dense; brown; moist; mostly SAND, Cun1rnL•n1'::; • Describe the soil using descriptive terms in from fine to coarse; some fine GRAVEL; few fines; weak cementalion; 10% the order shown GRANITE COBBLES; 3 lo 6 inches; Minimum Reguired Seguence: hard; subrounded. uses Group Name (Group Symbol); Consistency or Clayey SAND (SC); medium dense, Density; Color; Moisture; Percent or Proportion of Soil; light brown; wet; mostly fine sand,; little • Particle Size; Plasticity (optional) . fines; low plasticity. o = optional for non-Caltrans projects Where a(!(!licable: Project No. SD412 Cementation; % cobbles & boulders; GROUP Description of cobbles & boulders; )~ Consistencv field test result ) Poinsettia 61 Development REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, ~'*-' Lennar Homes Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010). DELTL\. BORING RECORD LEGEND #1 • • • • • • • • GROUP SYMBOLS ANO NAMES Gr:.phlc I Symbo Group Names Grophlc I Symbo ---· V / •• GW W•1>910<1od GR•VEL ~ •11.,...:,.;:~"'o,.:f:+---1--:-:-,:-':-:.od-.-.:-:-~-VE-v_~-:-·••_s•_,,,_D ______ I~"'// i<>°oo.· GP V /, on Q o. 1 Poo,ty \}ti'td9d GR.\VEL "'Ith SANO V1'tt'l·g1:Kted GRAVEL t.1lh Sill' .lnJ SANO ,. !iW' GW-GC •., .. ~t~:ri>dod CAAVfL "'"" CLAY (o, Sil lV ~~tir~~8~;;'!~~~'o~LAY ~nd SANO ~g I< ~ ~ D GP-GM p-,, g•>dod GRAVEL .,rh Sill ond SA"<D ~i;wPc~~j--CM-t-s-~-nG_R_•VE-L~~~~~r~~~ .:;., ,, S1LIYGR•VEL w«h$AtJ0 m ~ ).( GC CLAVEY CRAVEl ~.;?'. CLAVEY CRAIIE«Hh SAND y • SIL n CLAYEY GRAVEL ) ) ) G~~ I ':} SllrV CL.VEV GRAVEL"""' SANO ) J ) t'-....,--+-~~-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~-,1 I • • • W.cl-gt,Mjed SANO J } SW Wo._g,ad.,, SANO w"" GRAVEL I \ 1 ... SP P-,,, .,...o..i SO.NO ~ POO<lr v,odoo SANO ~'1h GRAVEL ~ _.,,,.,..·. ·. 1·:1111---sw eM-------v~[// ...., W~Jt,g,.iided SAND #Ith Sill V / w ... gr.Mi.ct SAt,o ..-,"dt, .Sill ::Ind GRAVEL Welf.gtil>Cled SANO wMI CLAY (Of Sil TY CLAYJ SW-SC \\'•J.g,.>ded SANO with Ct.AV .-nd GRAVEL (or SIL TY CLAY ~nd GRAVEL) SP.SM Poorty g,.:1ct.d SAMO .tt"th Sil 1 .-.d GRAVEL ,:"'o,,""',,_, ~J_:; " PT PEAT U> ~~~~~·.:i+-~,--~~~~~~~~,~ COBBlES i,, COBBLES -BOULDERS ~ I..:: , 80ULOERS f ff CL CL-ML ML OL OL CH MH OH OH OUOH L•.:in c .. AY LUn C .. AY ""'th SA.."iO lo:m CLAY ..,,th G~VEL SANDY htanCLA', SANDY lun CLAY ... 11h GR.,\VE_ GR;AVE.ll Y Je;')O CLAY GQAVELL V It ;ll1 CLAY _.,th !)A1~0 SIL 1"1' CLAY SIL lV CLAY M!h SANO Sil TY CLAY A 1ft C.RAVfl SANDY SIL TY CL4Y SANDY Sil rv CLA't wr1h GRAVEL GRAVELLY SILTV CLAY Gs:tAVEll Y Sil TY C.LAY with SMlO SILi SIL 1 Nfth $.ANO SILT "11th GRAVEL SANDY SIC r SANOY SILT 11o'lth GRAVEL ~RAVE LL I SILT GRAVELL y Sil T ,11,,th SA.r,o ORGANtC ~~f\CLAV ORGANIC ~..anCt4'( ••tn $,A'IO ORGANIC .. Jn ClAV 41th GRAVEi.. SANOY ORGANIC lUII CLAl SANOY ORCA.t,IIC tun CLAV w·lh ~RAVEL G~VELL Y ORGANtC t•.:ln CL.AV GRAVELLY OJ:«;Ar-HC O.M\ Ct1'Y ~rth S.A.NO OAGA.NtC Sfll ORGANIC SILT""" SAND ORGANIC SILT .,.llh ORA'IEL SANOV ORCMUC Sil T SA..~OV Qq:GAtUC SI:.. T w<fh GRAVEL GRAVELLY ORGANIC SILT GRAVELLY OAGANtC Sil T"" tn SANO ,:MCLJ.Y F:111 CLAY ~"Ifn SANO F.t CL,',V ~.i. GRAVEL SANDY !:,t CLAY $ANDY 1.tt CLAV wrth GRAVEL GRAVELLY t;,t CU\Y GRAVELL V f.11 CLA.V .-,1h $ANO El.ube St\..l E.l.11oc SH.1 wfth SA'l40 Ebsttc Stl r ~,th GRAVEl SAiNOY el.tat,c SIL 1 SANOY M:11,t1< S*l T A"t111 GRAVEL GRAV£Ll Y •l.:ttH Sil T GRAVELLY el;au, Sill ,,_tth SANO ORGANIC ta1 Ct.AY ORGANIC fat CLAY ""•!'h S.\1110 ORGANK: 1.-it CL~Y 11orth ')RAVEL SANOV ORCAIIIC l;v Cl,\ Y SANDY ORGANIC f.1t CL4"-wr.h GRAVEL GRAVELLY 0 ':fCANIC f.it CLAV GRAVELLY ORGANIC 1;11 CLAY Ar1h SANO OROANIC "'l.uttc: SIL r ORCA"'IC otlubC: SH. I 4'>•th SJ\NO OROAUIC ~i.l•tl<. SIL I ~,th v RA'lfL SANDY •~,t.c EL.A~ HC S!L T SANOV ORGANfC eb,.sbc SILT Hilti GRAIVEL GAAVELL Y OAGAmC •L:wtc Stl. l GRAVELLY ORGANtC elJSlK SILT ""tn SANO ORGANfC SOil ORGAutC SOIL Mth S,.NO ORGANIC S1:ttl *tth GRAVE.L SANDY ORGIJUC SCHL SANDV ORGANIC SOIL••• GRAVEL GRAVE.LL Y ORGANtC SOIL CAAVELL 't ORc.AUIC SOit w,ffl SAf>IO DRILLING METHOD SYMBOLS IHI Auger Drilling fq Rotary Drilling ~ Dynamic Cone ~ Diamond Core ~ LLJ or Hand Driven bf FIELD ANO LABORATORY TESTING C Consoli<fOlrOll (ASHI O 2435) CL Co!lopso Potenllt>I IASTM O 5333) CP Compncr,on Cwve (CHI 2 lb) CR Corros1<>n Sultolos Cl>IOfldos (Cnt 643 Cat 4 17, CHl -l72J CU Consor,d,lle<J Ur1drrnned Trmx,ot (ASTIII O 4767) OS O.rect Shen, tASHI O 10801 El Expons,on Index (AS H I O 48291 M ~\o,~1uro Con1,m11ASHI O 22161 OC Organic Content (AST~\ 0 2'>74) P Perrnaab11ity (CH I 220) PA Po<11clo S,ze Anolys1s (ASH I O 422) Pl l tqi.mJ L11rn1 Ploshc L1m,1 Plastac.ly Index tAASHTO T 89 AASHTO T 90) PL Potnl Lood Index (AS fM D 5731 l PM Pressure Meter R R,Voluo (CHI 30 I) SE Sonct Eq111volen1 (CTM 217) SG Spec,1oc Gravlly (AASHTO T 100) SL Shrn,koge L,m,t (AS H I D 427) SW Swell Porenroal (ASTM D 4546) UC Uncontinod Comp1oss1on Soil (ASnl D 2 16'3) Unconf,nad CompresSlOn Rock (ASTM O 2938> UU llnconsohdated Undromed Tnox,ol IASUI D 2850) uw unir We19n1 (AS TM D 4767) SAMPLER GRAPHIC SYMBOLS Standard Peneiratlon Test (SPT) Standard California Sampler Modified California Sampler (2.4" ID, J" OD) Shelby Tube NX Rock Core I Bulk Sample []] Piston Sampler [I HQ Rock Core ~ Other (see remarks) WATER LEVEL SYMBOLS V. First Water Level Reading (during drilling) .!'. Static Water Level Reading (after drilling, date) Ch.lrgf" ,n m..l~f"t1.%l ri ~t?d U"I thf! \Mnfll~ ...-c«r M 11hr 1(1(,ltlOfl nl rtur;ir L1f' he xcu,:11ety locar~IS Symbol REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010). rumutr-d 0t.:af"'£f" ,n m.1:f'n.)i c.:anno1 bot .x,ur.ltt"l-f M\Uf'fl,tl loc..1:MJ ~nhrr bfo(.1tJ1,,.. tf,r ch,1ne. ... ,,., flr.Jd111on.1I or hN-lu\t' of l,m~:,ttnr\ o" CJ, inn~ :~ r dr,r a-,v,d ... ,mpl,ng ,..,..; h:,d• Sod/ Rock \1~: .. ,~, d,.,,,g,. from .oil Lhl1,1c1.-r1,t1e, Bourd.uv to roc.l. t hJr.x1en:.t,t.) GR CUP DELTA Project No. SD412 Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes BORING RECORD LEGEND #2 • CONSISTENCY OF COHESIVE SOILS Descriplion Shear Strength (tsf) Pocket Penetrometer. PP Torvane, TV. Vane Shear. VS. Measurement (tsf} Measurement (tsf) Measurement (tsf) Very Soft Less than 0.12 Less than 0.25 Less than 0.12 Less than 0.12 Soft 0.12 -0.25 0.25 -0.5 0.12 -0.25 0.12 -0.25 Medium Stiff 0.25 -0.5 0.5-1 0.25 • 0.5 0.25 • 0.5 Stiff 0.5 - 1 1 - 2 0.5 • 1 0.5 -1 Very Stiff 1 - 2 2-4 1 -2 1 - 2 Hard Greater than 2 Greater than 4 Greater than 2 Greater than 2 • APPARENT DENSITY OF COHESIONLESS SOILS MOISTURE Description SPT "'6o (blows I 12 inches) Description Criteria Very Loose 0-5 Dry No d1scernable moisture Loose 5 • 10 Moist Moisture present. but no free water Medium Dense 10 • 30 • Dense 30-50 Wet Visible free water Very Dense Greater than 50 PERCENT OR PROPORTION OF SOILS PARTICLE SIZE Description Criteria Description Size (In) • Trace !='articles are present but estimated Boulder Greater than 12 to be less than 5°,\i Cobble 3 -12 - Few 5. 10°/o Coarse 314 -3 Gravel Fine 1/5 • 3/4 Little 15 • 25% Coarse -~~!16 · 1/5 Some 30. 45°4 Sand Medium 1164 • 1116 Fine 1/300 • t/64 Mostly 50-100°/o Silt and Clay Less than 1 /300 CEMENTATION Plasticity Description Criteria Description Criteria Weak Crumbles or breaks with handling or Nonplast1c A 118-in thread cannot be rolled at little finger pressure. any water content. • Moderate Crumbles or breaks 1Nilh considerable finger pressure Low The thread can barely be rolled and Strong Will not crumble or break with finger the lump cannot be formed when pressure. dner than the plastic t1 m1t. Med1urn Tt1e thread 1s easy to roll and not REFERENCE: Caltrans Soil and Rock Logging, much time is required to reach the Classification, and Presentation Manual (2010), with plastic limit. The thread cannot be • the exception of consistency of cohesive soils vs. rerolled after reaching the plastic Nso· hm1t. The lump crumbles when dncr than the plastic limit High It takes considerable time rolling CON51)1lNCY 0~ lO~l"ilVl ':>O!l':i and kneading to reach the plastic limit. The thread can be rerolled [){-.,cr,pt1on ~PI N .. 1.blows/ l l 1nche~) several times after reaching the Vf!rv S.ott 0-' plastic hm1t The lump can be formed without crumbling when Solt ' .. drier than the plastic limit. ML·d1um S~itt 4 ' ':ititt " l:, v,:rv St1ti F 30 . , Project No. SD412 M,lrd Gr,•,1!1-r lh,1n ~I) GROUP • Ari · · '' ,, ,, 1 1·1 ,_, ':·,·1 )~ ' ,,, ..... 1 ... ,,, ... ,,, .,..,,r ..... ,,,,. -.. ,, .,,, . -~ , .. , .. •· r'' j Poinsettia 61 Development ' ... . ,. '' ,.,,., 1 ,, ,' ..,. :•h ,1.1•· lf!""i.:, Lennar Homes ·.-1. ,,,. .,,, ., ' ' .. • ,, , •• ,J, ,,, '.'.,,,,, ,, '., DELTL\ BORING RECORD LEGEND #3 • BORING RECORD I Lennar ~~~::ttia 61 Development ! PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 B-01 SITE LOCATION J START ]FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)) OEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck RiQ (Wolverine) 6 21 226 :r N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N,, -82/60' N -1.37' N w zw->-~ z a. cj Qo~ ~ w >-~ • 0 >-z >-Z W >-0: u5 0: U) ,1', s1 ,, >-<( <( -i= :;;-w 0: >-~ ~ -:e => -z 'ti W>-Ic, I <( • w ~ >-U) ~ ~~ IUl I a. 0 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >->-" ~ a. ~filg ~s >-W >-~~ a. w-a. :> 0 6 O>-a. w ~ :> <( ~ >-w "' " w <( U) w 0:"' "' :> 0: " U) a. -" t--225 I 8-1 PA -FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); brown; moist; mostly fine -SAND; some fines; nonplastic. CR (0°/o Gravel; 73°/o Sand; 27°k Fines) El ------------------------X S-2 8 25 34 SIL TY SAND (SM); dense; light gray; moist; mostly fine ->---12 -SAND; little to some fines; nonplastic. I 13 : .... --· · .. -5 >---5 -· .. ~ R-3 10 38 35 12.5 111 --220 18 - ~ 20 ·.: ... ~ -: . --:· • ~ -. -10 ~ -10 -----------------------~ S-4 10 22 30 ~· CLAYEY SAND (SC); dense; light brownish gray; moist; -t-215 12 -mostly fine SAND; little to some fines; nonplastic. 10 I -- ~ -~ -~ - -15 15 0 ~ ~ R-5 15 50 46 13.7 116 SANTIAGO FORMATION:SILTY SANDSTONE (SM): -t-210 20 -dense; light gray with orange staining; moist; mostly fine 30 . . : . · .. SAND; little to some fines; nonp1astic. ~ -· .. ~ -: --- -20 20-::. · .. . . . ~ z Very dense. S-6 20 100 137 50 -205 ~ -Total Depth: 21 feet No groundwater encountered ->---- ~ - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \MTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-1 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. 8 " • • • • BORING RECORD I ' .. -.. ·• Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development !PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 B-02 SITE LOCATION ISTART IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD [LOGGED BY ICHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH {ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I OEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria <Wolverine) 6 36 I 282 I !'. NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N00 -82160' N -1.37' N ~ ~ U) I t;: w 0 >-10 §µo N ii U) D U) a• 6 U) x• ~ ~ ',? f- ~ - 1--280 - -275 - - 1---270 - - -265 ,--..260 w a. >-,_ w ~ a. ~ - 0 z w ~ a. " ;;; 6 S4 X S-5 -X S-6 -e B-7 ~ S-8 ~ R-9 13 24 29 16 60 21 45 60 18 34 50 24 43 50 17 60 50 53 120 105 84 93 120 100 72 109 9.9 144 115 127 164 91 9.7 109 109 0: U) WO-IUl ,-w QO- PA El OS I t;: w 0 - .. ·.· ........ · ...... :·.: 5 -· .... ·.·: ·.·.·. :-··.: - ::·:>:·_:,::·:-'· :/·_:-:::: ·. · .. ·.·. ·:: .. · .. ·.i": 10 -I· .. -·: DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light yellowish to orangish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 76°/o Sand; 24% Fines) Very light gray. Very light greenish gray. Increase in moisture. 15---t'"';,~~-------------------------- /' f SANDY FAT CLAYSTONE (CH); light greenish gray: -/ ~ moist; mostly fines; some fine SAND: !medium to high / /. plasticity; orange staining . -: 20 -_.·. -: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light greenish gray: mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. Some fines. ~~~.L.....~'---1--~'--~-'-~~~-'----''---'-.---"'-----' ...... "-'-'-'--~~~~~~~~-.---~~~~~----t 8 " § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED FIGURE A-2 a • • • • b '-' • § 8 '-' ~ '-' § N 3 w 0 w BORING RECORD ·---' ····-f PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development S0412 B-02 SITE LOCATION l START \FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)) GROUND ELEV (ft) ! DEPTHElEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Riq (Wolverine) 6 36 282 !' NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-! z ci Oo~ " >-~ 0. w .... 0 >-z Fz.:o >-er in er"' ~ \2 i=Z" .... w <( <C-:, _ Ie, er,..."' ~ .;, ~" WI-I <( • w ~ .... U),: ~ ~£ IU) I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION .... Gi ~ ~ 0. oe 1-W .... ~~ 0. 0. " WU)Q 0 6 O>-0. w ~ " <( zw~ ~ >-w "' D w <( U) Wer a, a, " er D U) 0. -D SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE f---. (SM); very dense; light yellowish to orangish brown; -255 moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. f--_. .. : -:· : r-30 -~ 30-.. 31 ·. ,. R-10 75 150 137 10.0 111 DS - -250 -: f-- --.. •. ·• : . · .. l-35 -~ 36 35-. Very light gray to white. S-11 60 120 164 -- -245 Total Depth: 36 feet No groundwater encountered -- - '.....40 -40- --- -240 - -- - -45 -45- - -235 - - -- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-2 b San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • C § • ti " § 8 " ~ " 00 g N ii "' 0 00 ~ 0 00 X ~ ~ " z . ~ al § g " BORING RECORD I ,. ____ , ....... _ ! PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-03 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 1 of 3 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) ) DEPTHELEl/. GROUNDWATER (ft Truck Rio (Wolverine) 6 59.75 / 303 !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs .. Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ ,.. ~ z 0. cj Qu~ w >-~ ~ 0 ,.. z >-Zm >-0: a; 0:"' ~ (.) j:: Z' >-"" -'i'c., w o:>-~ U-i' :,_ r5 "[ Wr I ". w ~ r<n la >-a' I"' I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-Gj~ ~ 0. Wii5Q "' -"->-W .... r? ~ 0. 0. " 0 0 o>-0. w ~ " " zw~ ~ ,.. w c., " w " "' Wo:a, "' " 0: " "' 0. -" 1 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE r -B-1 PA .. (SM); very dense; light yellowish gray with orange R stains; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. -X 5-2 12 55 75 (0°/o Gravel; 65°/o Sand; 35% Fines) -300 21 .. I 34 .. ·.: -.'·.: --5 5 -::.·· . . . . -R-3 50 100 91 8.4 92 a --: . -. -295 -: . ... --. ~10 --10 -::::.:·_:-:/ X 5-4 19 79 108 -29 . :·:::·.: ·..:::::--50 - -290 . .. .. . . --. ::·:::-.: ·.:-::::- -15 -~ 36 15-Yellow patches. R-5 75 150 137 6.8 102 DS :·:::-: ·_:-:/. --. -. ··.\ . ·. ··: .· ·:' -285 .. C - -20 -s 25 20-: Orange staining. S-6 60 120 164 :-..·. _:.::: C - .. .. --•:. -280 -.. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-3 a San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. • • • • • o' " 00 BORING RECORD I ,. ____ ' ,. __ _ Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development I PROJECT NUMBER BORING S0412 8-03 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road atthe Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 2 of 3 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD !LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) ITOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I OEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine\ 6 59.75 I 303 1'. N/A Ina Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w I z 0 0. 0 >-z i== z-,_ w I <( • w ~ ,_ ~~ ~ 0. 0. 0. " w ~ " <( D w <( U) U) 1---275 --30 -~ R-7 1---270 -)< S-B f--35 - - ~ -)< S-9 -265 IX s-10 - -~ R-11 - L-260 zw-0(.)~ i== zw <( <-"',_~ ,_ U) WU)Q zw~ WQ'."' 0. - 50 18 31 46 12 21 41 27 60 50 ~ ,_ "-~ .j1, 0 ~ "' 100 91 77 105 62 85 120 164 100 91 w "' =>-ti f. 6 " 9.3 10.3 >-,_ u5 z Ii' ~8 >-"' D 95 102 "'U) w,-IUl 0-W QO- OS PA Pl DS ~ ~ <.) Ito I o.o ,_ ~~ 0. w 0 " - ::·: ::-:. ·.-:·: ·:: .. ·.:·,:.:/. 30-::·.:--.·. _.· - -:.-. ·._. ... -·,:. · .. 35-. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light yellowish gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. Light gray with orange spots. ~ 4 SAfltlYFATC:0.VST~ (CFl);verynarif; Jiglii ---- /7 greenish gray; moist; mostly fines; some SAND; high / plasticity. (0°/o Gravel; 37°/o Sand; 63°/o Fines) _I".--,,?,.-+--__:_ - - - - - ---- ---- - - ---- - - - - . : .-.,:: 40-·. _· .. -. -·. -. SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light gray with orange spots; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. Very light gray to white with orange spots. §-45 45-· N 3 00 0 00 6 00 ~ ~ ~ <, f- - - -255 - ~ g1---~---'~~...L~...L~...L~~....L~~..L..~---'~~..L..~..L..,-..L..~~s:J."'-'J..:.l~~~~~~~~~~~~--.~~~~~~~~--1 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-3 b BORING RECORD "-••• N~MC I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-03 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 3 of 3 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria {Wolverine\ 6 59. 75 303 1' N/A I na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ ;.-z ci Qu~ >-i • a. w ,_ ~ 0 >-z ,-z w ,_ 0: iii 0:"' ~ " ~Z' ,_ <<-'cc, w 0: ,_ ~ ~ ._!, "-~ '§: w,-:c «• w ~ ,_"' ~ ,_;;, :c"' :c a.o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ,_ ~~ ~ a. WU)O "'-0-W ,_ ~~ a. a. " 0 iS "'-oo-a. w ~ " <( zw~ ~ >-w " C> w <( "' w 0:"' "' " 0: C> "' a. -C> ~ R-12 50 100 91 11.8 98 DS SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -'--(SM); very light gray with orange; moist; mostly fine -,: .. ·. ..... SAND; some fines; nonplastic . '- -250 -. --: -55 -55-· .. · .... : --x' .. : .. S-13 23 100 137 ·::-:· .·,:.::\ Light gray. 50 '-cg 43 Little fines. S-14 200 273 100 . ::.·· . . . . 1--245 ; 42 S-15 75 150 205 ,_ '-34 S-16 100 200 273 1-60 '-60- ,_ '--Total Depth: 59% feet No groundwater encountered '-- 1--240 - -'-- --65 '-65- --- 5 " § '- 8 1--235 " ,_ '- ~70 '-70- ,_ '- '-- ,_ ~230 - " '-- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME THE DATA A-3 c San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED tS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED b '-' § 8 '-' BORING RECORD I Rwsv I n~-" \ PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-04 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY 1CHECKEO BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria <Wolverine\ 6 20.5 248 Y NIA I na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ I z 0 Qo~ >-I 0. w >-0 >-z e-Z W >-0: iii 0:"' <.) i= Z' >-w .:«-~ :,-W>-re, I "'. w ~ 0: >-i! i: .j', >-;;, z Ii' I<n I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-~~ ~ 0. >-"' ~E: ~f3g "'->-W >-~~ 0. 0. " 0 i5 O>-0. w ~ :, "' ~ >-w " " w "' "' w 0:"' "' :, 0: " "' 0. -" I -: ALLUVIUM: SIL TY SAND (SM); medium dense; light ~ B-1 PA gray to orangish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some R fines; nonplastic. e -M R-2 8 23 21 11.6 104 (0°/o Gravel; 66% Sand; 34% Fines) " -245 10 I 13 " '- f--5 -5 _::.··. Very light brown. i 3 " -S-3 4 10 14 6 e '-- i--240 -::. e '--.. ~10 '-~ 50 10 R-4 100 91 7.7 99 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SAND (SM); very --dense; very light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; little .. : . : ·. · . . . . fines; nonplastic. -· -- -235 -: -- -15 --15 -: Very light greenish gray . ~ 43 ... . : :· .... -S-5 34 109 149 ....... 75 ::::::_'.:·/:"::- Light gray with yellow staining; some fines. '- ,_ L-230 :···<········· " '-: . · .. 0 '-IE! 50 20-. Light greenish gray; increase in moisture content; little R-6 100 91 9.6 90 fines. '-- '--Total Depth: 2011.i feet No groundwater encountered 1-----225 - -- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION 'NITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-4 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. • b " § 8 " N ii "' D w ~ X ~ ~ " z . "' fii " g g " BORING RECORD I ·----' RRfflC ( PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-05 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft)) OEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine) 6 20.75 I 223 !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N,, -82/60' N -1.37' N w zw-~ >-I z a. ci Qu~ w f-I " 0 >-z f-Z © f-0: u5 0:"' i= Z' f-.,:.,:-""' w 0: f-~ ~ ,!, "-z-Wf-I ~l w ~ f-"' ;;: ~~ w'tl IU> I a.o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION f-~ a. WU)Q D" f-W f-~~ a. a. " 0 6 Of-a. w ~ ::, .,: zw~ ~ >-w "' D w .,: "' Wo:m m " 0: D "' a. -D :99' FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); orangish brown; moist: -~~ B-1 PA -. mostly fine to coarse SAND; little fines; nonplastic. -(0°/o Gravel; 73°/o Sand; 27°/o Fines) ~ 15 35 32 13.4 110 ~ ------------------------ -220 R-2 17 -CLAYEY SAND (SC); dense; light gray and light I 18 ~. yellowish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; -low plasticity. -5 -5 -I Medium dense; light gray with orangish brown and dark X S-3 6 16 22 brown. C -7 ~ 9 ~. -- -215 -fl -- -10 --10-38< ~ R-4 15 90 82 15.7 117 << --40 -·.·.·. SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -50 ' (SM); very dense; light gray and light brown with orange -staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. -210 -. - -15 -x 15-.· · . 10 . . ·.:.::::-S-5 35 85 116 ---50 . . ' --: . ·. -205 -.. -·_:::::- -20 -~ 40 20-. ' Light gray. R-6 75 150 137 9.6 109 - -Total Depth: 20% feet No groundwater encountered --200 -- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME THE DATA A-5 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED BORING RECORD r-nuJc,., f'l~mc l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-06 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY lCHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Rin /Wolverine\ 6 21 247 !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ 1i z 0 Qo~ >-1i a. w >-,1'_ 0 >-z >-z w >-" " ""' ,1'_ t) ~~ >-<( •=-'cc, w " >-"' ~ ,!, =>-~'[ W>-r ~~ w ~ >-u,,: ~ t;;~ IU> r "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-~ a. >-W >-~~ a. a. " UJ U) 0 0 i5 "'-o>-a. w ~ " <( zw~ ~ >-w " 0 w <( u, "'""' "' " " 0 u, a. -0 I r2···.·. FILL: CLAYEY SAND (SC); light brown; moist; mostly ~ B-1 PA -1 fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. Pl -~ (0% Gravel; 52°/o Sand; 48% Fines) 1--245 CR X El S-2 8 18 25 R -~ 8 -~ // ! 10 · ... •. ·: ... -10 -5 5 I SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYEY SANDSTONE --(SC); very dense; brown and light gray; moist; mostly 10 100 91 16.3 112 R-3 50 fine SAND; some fines; low to medium plasticity. --~ 1--240 ~ " ~ I ~ . 0 ~10 '--10 -----------------------~ S-4 14 31 42 · .. ·.·. ·/:( SIL TY SANDSTDNE (SM) with thin interbeds of SANDY e ~ 12 lean CLAYSTONE (CL). SANDSTONE (SM); dense; 19 .• · .... light gray with trace dark gray grains and orange e ,--235 . : . stanining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. CLAYSTONE (CL); gray; moist; mostly fines; -~ -: some fine SAND; medium plasticity. ~ -'. : .. -15 15-~ ~ 50 : .. Very dense; very light gray. R-5 100 91 10.9 110 -.· - b " § -230 g '-" ~ . •. ·. : . · .. >--20 ~ ~ 31 20-. S-6 75 150 205 ~ L---225 Total Depth: 22 feet No groundwater encountered . e ~ " ~ - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \NITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-6 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. BORING RECORD I Lennar P·~:::ttia 61 Development f PROJECT NUMBER BORING S0412 B-07 SITE LOCATION \ START \ FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/30/2014 10/30/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD ]LOGGED BY [CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)! GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck RiQ (Wolverine) 6 21.5 260 !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ I z ci Qu~ >-ii a. w t--0 >-z t--ZW t--QC ui "'"' ~ " ~:g t--<( <( -'i'c, w a:>--~ ~ -jl, "-i1i Ii' Wt--,: <( • w ~ t--<n i: ~c ,: "' ,: a. 0 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION t--~~ ~ a. WU) Q 08 t--W t--~~ a. a. " 0 6 Qt--a. w ~ " <( zw~ ~ >-w CJ D w <( "' Waco, "' " QC D "' a. -D m 00 ~ ALLUVIUM: CLAYEY SAND (SC); medium dense; f->----B-1 PA -moderately brown to dark grayish brown; dry to moist; Pl mostly fine SAND; little to some fines; low plasticity. e >----CR X El (0°/o Gravel; 81 °/o Sand; 19% Fines) S-2 13 26 36 I f->----13 -m 13 e >---- f---5 -255 5 -~ M R-3 12 28 26 7.2 113 DS e >----15 -13 I - f->----------------------------.. ·.: ·//· SIL TY SAND (SM); medium dense; moderate brown; -dry to moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic . .. ·. ·. . . . ~10 -250 ~ 10 ---. ... . : Light yellowish brown; few to little fines . S-4 5 10 14 -5 -5 ::·:::·.: ·_:::.::-- a -:":\ .... : ·.,. - · .. ·.·. . ;-: : -15 -245 -15-Orange staining. ~ 6 -R-5 11 24 22 6.1 107 DS -13 --.. - - ,-20 -240 -20--· X S-6 4 12 16 -5 -7 -- Total Depth: 2111:i feet -No groundwater encountered - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-7 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED BORING RECORD ] Lennar P:7::ttia 61 Develooment I PROJECT NUMBER BORING S0412 B-08 SITE LOCATION I START I FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. {in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine) 6 20.5 255 'f NIA I na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N00 -82160 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ z ci 0(.)~ ~ > ~ a. w f- ~ 0 > z i= z fD f-a: in a: U) • " i= Z' f-<( <( -~i "' Ic, w a: f-ii ~ .,!, iii I, Wf-cc <( • w ~ f-U) ~ cc U) cc a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION f-~~ ~ a. ~ff}g "'-o3 f-W f-i:i~ a. a. ::, 0 0 Of-a. w ~ ::, <( ~ > w " D w <( U) w a:"' "' ::, a: D U) a. -D I ·:·: .\ ·_:-::::-SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE '-B-1 PA (SM); very dense; very light greenish brown; moist; Pl • .. mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. '-CR --:· .. S-2 33 120 164 El (0°/o Gravel; 80%, Sand; 20%, Fines) 60 '-I< -:· --- -5 5 ::. · .. . . . -250 -Very tight greenish gray. X 20 -S-3 28 65 89 -.· '--37 '- '- e '- ~10 1--245 ~ 10 -SIL TY SANDSTONE with lean CLAY (SM); very dense; R-4 21 120 109 17.3 110 60 very light greenish gray with orange spots: moist: mostly ~ ~ fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic to low plasticity; increase in moisture content '-- . '- -'--·: . -15 -240 z 15 -· SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light S-5 21 100 137 •. · . . . . 50 greenish gray with yellow and orange staining; moist; ---·. mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. 5 " § '-·:I·. .-_. :·.-·.·.·. 8 '-" '- Wo 1--235 ~ 50 20-: Very light yellowish brown; little fines; increase in R-6 100 91 10.1 94 moisture content. • e '- Total Depth: 2011:i. feet ~ '-No groundwater encountered '-- '-- • GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \MTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-8 8 " San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED BORING RECORD I Lennar P~::ttia 61 Development I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 B-09 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD !LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Rio (Wolverine) 6 21 221 :f N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in . (Automatic) ETR-82%, N"' -82/60 • N -1.37 • N • w zw-~ )-"' z ci Ou~ ! • Q. i= Z CD w r l) ~ 0 )-z >-"' in "'"' i= ~ r -<-< -'i'"' w °' r"' ~ -i' =>-iii~ Wr r -< • w ~ r"';: ;: >-;;e ru, r a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION r ~~ ~ Q. "'-0~ rW >-~~ Q. Q. "' ~~g 0 6 Or Q. w ~ "' ;I ~ )-w (!) 0 w -< w"' <D <D "' "' 0 "' Q. -0 • m FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); medium dense; very light r r-220 B-1 PA -. gray to orangish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some · .. . . fines; nonplastic. ~ --: . ' X S-2 5 14 19 (O°li1 Gravel; 66°/o Sand; 34°/o Fines) 6 -----------------------r ~ ~ 9 8 CLAYEY SAND (SC); medium dense; grayish brown; -~ -~ moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; low plasticity. f.--5 ~ 5 -Brown; little to some fines. ~ R-3 4 15 14 10.1 111 -t--215 6 -~ -9 e ~ f---~ e ~ ~10 f--~ 10 :<:·_:::::-S-4 20 90 123 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE f-,--210 30 (SM); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; 60 •: .... moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. r ~ --:·. f-~ r ~ - >-15 ~ 75 15-.... · .. 8 R-5 150 137 --~ · .. No recovery. r r-205 -: -. -.. ·. ·. ... r f-- --.. •. ·. : . · .. µo ~ ['.g 20 -·. Orange staining. S-6 17 100 137 50 r ..-200 e ~ Total Depth: 21 feet No groundwater encountered r ~ - f-~ - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION VVITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-9 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • b " § 8 " ~ i,i X ~ ~ " z BORING RECORD PROJECT NUMBER SD412 BORING B-10 Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SITE LOCATION START FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Tem,inus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD LOGGED BY CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ri Wolverine 6 31.5 268 Y NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-82%, Nee -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ '°' z ci Ou~ • 0 a. z i=Z u:> ~ >->-i=~ >-<( <( - <( • w a:>-!£ ~ :c w ~ >-U) ;: >-Gj~ ~ a. Wv.j0 a. a. " 0 w ~ " <( zw~ ~ " w <( U) '""'"' "' U) a. - B-1 8 S-2 26 265 12 14 R-3 20 100 50 260 10 12 S-4 19 39 20 255 15 R-5 13 66 31 35 250 0 15 S-6 18 39 21 245 >-w >-a: a; a: U) -,!, => -z-Wf->-"' w'tl :c U) "'-",:, f-W i5 O>->-" a: " PA Pl CR El 36 R 91 11.5 112 53 60 30.5 93 53 ~ (.) ~ Ie, :c a.a >-.:i~ a. w " "' 5 10 15 20 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SC); dense; light gray with light yellowish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. (0%, Gravel; 58% Sand; 42°/o Fines) Very dense; very light gray with orange staining. Very light gray and orange; fine to medium SAND. ------------------------- SIL TY CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SM-SC); very dense; gray and light orangish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. ------------------------- CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SC) moderately bedded with laminated layers of light yellowish fine SIL TY SAND (SM); very dense; dark brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low to medium plasticity. Trace crystalized material. ~ g1-~-'-~~l..-~l..-----'~~----'~~-'-~-'-~----'~----'~-'-~~ ..... '-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-f THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION Vv'ITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 8 " FIGURE A-10 a • ~ ~ w § N ~ w 0 w g ;:; ~ \1 . ~ g BORING RECORD I n=•v O N"MO l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-10 SITE LOCATION I START \FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)! GROUND ELEV (ft) r DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Rig (Wolverine) 6 31.5 268 YN/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-z ,. ~ z a. 0 Qo~ w >-~ ~ 0 ,. z >-Z w " a; "U) ~ <.) F; >-<( <( ->-'i:" w ">-~ ~ .,?, ::,_ i'5 'i, W>-I ~! w ~ >-U) ;: ~t. Iu> I a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-~ a. ~fag Q S, >-W >-~~ a. a. " 0 6 o>-a. w ~ " <( ~ ,. w " Q w <( U) '"""' "' " " Q U) a. -Q 0,:::::, R-7 60 l<U 1us lb.7 1us SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE --(SM); very dense; light gray and orange staining; moist; .. :·_:-:/. mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic; trace f-~ crystalized material. -240 .. ::·:::-. . .-_,:: . :· :: ~ lnterbedded with CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SC); very .. f--30 --30-: .. .. dense; thin layers of gray and orangish brown; moist X 20 mostly fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. S-8 80 109 r -30 -.· -50 -- -235 Total Depth: 3111:tfeet No groundwater encountered -- -35 -35- -- - -230 - -- '.....40 -40- -- - -225 -- --45 -45- - -- --220 - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \NITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-10 b San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • BORING RECORD [ PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 B-11 Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SITE LOCATION [START [FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/3/2014 11/3/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD ILOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPntELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria /Wolverine) 6 20.5 I 246 I !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-82%, N,,-82/60 • N -1.37 • N - L - :i: ii: w 0 -10 ~1--15 § b "' § 8 "' " C, C §µo N 3 w D w ~ 6 w X ~ ~ ~ -245 - L-240 L-235 - - - -230 - - - 1...-225 - ci z w ~ Q. ~ B-1 R-2 X $'3 ~ R-4 ~ 5'5 ~ R-6 35 75 28 29 40 25 60 32 60 50 150 69 120 120 100 137 10.6 95 109 21.7 164 91 11.0 119 104 100 0: U) W>-:i: U) >-W o>- PA I >-a. w 0 5 -.. ·. -.. ·_. .. -.. ·. ·,: .. -.· DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light brown to light gray with orange stains; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 69o/o Sand; 31% Fines) Brown. 10-+~9-+---------------------------109 :~ CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SC); very dense; layered dark brown, brown, orangish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low to medium plasticity; trace crystalized material. ~ 15---1."'.'-0"-,,Ll-::.·. -------------------------- · .. ·.·.·..-.·:: -::·.:··. -: - 20 _ :.-.· . .-.. - - - - SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light brownish gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic; trace crystalized material. Very light gray. Total Depth: 201h feet No groundwater encountered " g}-~--'~~...1..~...l..~...l..~~..J.~~-'-~--'~~-'-~-'-.---'-~~'--~--'~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~--1 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION V\/ITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 g ~ FIGURE A-11 • • BORING RECORD , nKmc I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-12 SITE LOCATION \START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD \LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine\ 6 50 I 242 I !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) I Ii: '" 0 -5 - -240 - - - - 1--235 '" a. >-,_ '" ~ a. ~ ci z '" ~ a. :, :Ji Ix B-1 X S-2 ! "' 17 40 60 35 75 100 150 137 137 NOTES ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N 8.0 118 """ '",_ IU> ,_'" QO- PA I I ,_ a. '" 0 - -. - - ::·:::,.:·.:-::::. •, · ... DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 62°/o Sand; 38% Fines) Light yellowish gray. 1--10 1--38 60 10 - . Very light gray. ;-15 § b " § 8 " ~ " "' §1-20 N 3 "' 0 "' @ x" ~ ~ \1" 1--230 8 R-5 60 - 1--225 ~ S-6 50 1--220 120 164 -·: . -.· .. -... ·. -·: . 120 109 10.0 96 15 - · -·. ::·.1:-... ·_. :·_ ... -. 20-: Light yellowish gray. 100 137 _. ~ gf-~--'-~~,._~,._---'~~---'~~-"--~--'-~---''----'~---1.~~-""'"'"---"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--l THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGEATTH1S LOCATION V\/ITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED § 8 " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-12 a BORING RECORD 1 ,. ____ , ·······-l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-12 SITE LOCATION I START lFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck RiQ /Wolverine\ 6 50 242 1' N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60' N -1.37' N w zw-~ >-C z 0 Qo~ ~ • 0. w r g 0 >-z rZW r "' u; O'.U) g (.) j:::;=-r w .,.,_ "-'i'c, °'"""' ~ i' ii'i" Wr I "'. w ~ """'~ i: tnl IU) I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-->-" ~ 0. o& rW r ~~ 0. w-0. " WU)Q 0 0 Or 0. w ~ " "' zw~ ~ >-w " D w "' U) '""'"' a, " "' D U) 0. -D ~ R-7 75 OOU ,o, --.. .. ·.··.: SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE ~ -(SM); very light gray with yellow staining; moist; mostly f..-215 :.::::. fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. -. ·.·. ~ .... :·:: ·.· . . . - 1--30 -~ 30 -: ·,:. · .. · .. S-8 30 150 205 ·.·. ·,·: 75 e ~ : . · .. : -210 ·.·. ·.<: " - •. e -.. ·.·. ·.··.: " - -35 ·.·-·::: -B 75 35-R-9 150 137 8.2 96 .. --.· ... : : ·.· . . . -205 -.·. .. . .. : : _. -.. ~ -·: ·._.. · .. · .. · .. : .. -40 ~ ~ 30 40-.·. S-10 75 150 205 ·,:. :::·::---. ·.·. b " § -200 -... ·.··. . ·:. 8 ---. " . --· ... -45 -~ 100 45-: Light yellowish gray; mostly fine to medium SAND; R-11 200 182 13.2 103 increase in moisture content. - --195 -Total Depth: 50 feet No groundwater encountered -- • "'X S-12 50 100 137 GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-12 b San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • • BORING RECORD Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development \ PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 B-13 SITE LOCATION I START [FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 1013112014 10131/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD [LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)] GROUND ELEV (ft) [ DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Rio /Wolverine) 6 21 I 215 I !' NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N,m -82160 • N -1.37 • N - ! :i: >-"-w 0 -5 - - - f- t--210 f- f-f- w "-i'.: w ~ "-" ;;; 0 z w ~ "-" ;;; ~ :: I ~ R-3 - -10 ...--205 - - f-- 5 " § 8 " ~ " -§r-20 ~ ~ 0 U) ~ 6 U) C ~ ~ ~ " -200 - - - - -195 - - - ~ S4 R-5 ~ S-6 7 5 4 3 6 11 6 5 5 21 60 23 75 9 17 10 120 150 12 15 14 109 205 10.4 103 13.3 109 0: U) W>-:i; U) >-w O>- PA GP DS :i: t;: w 0 - -: 5 -. · .. -· ... -. 10 -:·· DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); medium dense; brown; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines: nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 75°/o Sand; 25°/o Fines) ALLUVIUM: SIL TY SAND (SM); medium dense; dark brown with orange staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. Very light gray and light yellow. 15-++a-e1-1---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t · .. ·. \ .· ".: - 20-. · - SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; moist to wet; mostly fine SAND: some fines; nonplastic. Total Depth: 21 feet No groundwater encountered gl-~---'~~..c..~ ..... ~..C..~~-'-~~-'-~---'~~-'-~-'-~-'-~~L-~---'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--l g ~ § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED FIGURE A-13 • • • • 0: " 00 BORING RECORD I ,, nAMC Lennar Poinsettia 61 Develooment I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 8-14 SITE LOCATION I START \FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Tenminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD !LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)! GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine\ 6 26 I 212 I !'. 10.0 I 202.0 SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) - I >-a. UJ 0 -5 ~205 -200 - - - - ~195 UJ 0. ~ UJ ~ 0. " ;;; - - cj z UJ ~ 0. " ;;; X S-4 '--- -M R-5 '--- 4 3 2 5 5 6 2 4 5 p 4 6 5 11 9 10 7 10 12 9 NOTES ETR-82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N 14.9 82 "u, UJ >-I U, >-UJ o>- PA CR El ! I :;: UJ 0 : <: ·_ .. :: ~:- --: . :·.' .... _. -: -.. -:_>i ·_:.: :.- -:\·:::·.- - DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ALLUVIUM: SIL TY SAND (SM): loose to medium dense; light yellow brown with orange staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 71 % Sand; 29% Fines) lnterbedded with thin beds of CLAYEY SAND (SC): greenish gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. Medium dense; light yellowish brown to orangish brown; mostly fine SAND; trace medium SAND; increase in moisture content. ·.-. ::·.:. :: :· .. ;. 10-++++-"~------------------------->i ·_:. :-:.- ': \ ·:: :·.- ··<· _: ...... 15-::<·:.·-· - -::. -..... 1·.1.·. -.· SIL TY SAND (SM); loose to medium dense; light brown with orange staining and very thin layers of light gray; saturated; mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic . Loose. No recovery. 9-20 -X ~· 20-V// 1/// ClAYE'y"""SAfmlSCf; cfense: Jig@' gray wiffi orange -• • staining; wet mostly fine SAND; some fines; low N ii 00 0 00 ~ 6 00 X " " \1- L...-190 - - '--- 2 3 26 29 40 - -. . . plasticity. SANTIAGO FORMATION: SILTY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light gray; moist: mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. ~ g1---.....l--...L..-...L..-...L..----'---.J....-.....J. __ .J...._.J....~.J....--L.i...L..:Ll------------~-----------I THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-14 a • BORING RECORD "_._ .. 0 NAMO I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-14 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine\ 6 26 212 !'. 10.01202.0 SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-82%, Neo -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw- ! z 0 Qo~ ~ >-i "-w ,_ 0 >-z 0-Z ID ,_ "' a; "'"' ~ <) i=Z-,_ "" -'i' (9 w "',_~ ~ .Ji, "-r5 '[ w ,_ I ~! w ~ ,_"' ~ t;~ I<n I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ,_ ~ "-WU)Q ,_ w ,_ ~~ "-"-" 0 6 o_ QO-"-w ~ " " zw~ ~ >-w (9 0 w " "' woe., "' " "' 0 "' "--0 ~ 34 Jlt··· ' .. : -::.IL IT .:>ANU-::iT01'11L R-7 50 100 91 18.0 113 (SM); very dense; light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND. a - -185 -Total Depth: 26 feet Groundwater @ 10 feet r - - --30 -30- - 1--180 " '-. • b " 8 8 " ~ ~ 00 9 N ii 00 0 00 ~ " 00 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ fii § 8 " .. ~ l--35 '- e ~ e 1--175 " '- e ~ --40 '- ~ 1--170 ~ ~ 1-45 - - -165 - - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 35- - - 40- - - - - 45- - THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION lMTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-14 b PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • • • • d •~MC BORING RECORD 1PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 8-15 Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SITE LOCATION !START !FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 b " § 8 " ~ " "' DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD !LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft}f GROUND ELEV (ft) I OEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria {Wolverine) 6 21 I 259 I !'. NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) - ! I t: w 0 -10 - - 1--255 - - - -250 - 1--245 -240 w a. i'.: w ~ a. ~ 0 z w ~ a. ~ ~ R-5 8 9 10 22 60 27 50 35 75 19 26 120 109 100 137 150 137 NOTES ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N 10.5 115 8.1 97 """ WI-I<n 1-W 01- PA R OS ~ ! I l-o. w 0 -. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light reddish brown: dry; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. (0°/o Gravel; 73% Sand; 27°/o Fines) ->-'...._.,__,_ ___ ----------------------- -~ 5-~ -.... :·. ·.: - ::·:::..:·:-::::- --:: ·.·.: ·_::: :_:. 10- · .. :::-.:·_:-:/. - .... : ·.:·.·. :i" .. 15 -:--.·· · .. -.. - -·: . -. ·: ·._. .. CLAYSTONE with SAND (CL); very stiff: greenish gray; moist; mostly fines; few fine SAND; low to medium plasticity; moderately indurated. ------------------------- SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light gray and yellow; moist; mostly fine SAND; trace medium SANO; little to some fines; nonplastic. Very light gray; fine SAND; some fines. Yellow staining. §Lio ~ S-6 30 50 20- N ~ "' 0 "' ~ 5 "' < ~ ~ \1" -235 100 137 Total Depth: 21 feet No groundwater encountered ~ ~l-~...J~~..L~-l-~..L~~....l~~.L~...J~~.L~.L~.L~~.1-~...JL-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \NITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED g " § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-15 • • • • BORING RECORD I "--· , 1 l'IAmc !PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-16 SITE LOCATION ISTART \FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Tenminus of Poinsettia Road 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD ILOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) ITOTAL DEPTH (ft)l GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Rin /Wolverine\ 6 50 I 253 ~ N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N00 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N I Ii: w 0 i--5 -10 """-15 ~ § b " § 8, " ~ " § f----20 ~ 3 "' D "' ~ 6 "' ~ :,; :,; ~" - - -250 - - - 1--245 1.--240 - - - -230 - ci z w ~ a. :,; ;;; = B-1 X ~2 s "' ~ R-5 -X S-6 ~ 20 33 42 30 60 19 30 45 37 60 20 12 14 75 120 75 120 26 103 109 103 109 36 11.7 115 8.7 114 ""' We-IO) e-W O>- PA Pl CR I Ii: w 0 ~u . 'Ci:<:: -v .· .. ~. 5-~ ~ i ~ 10-i 15~~ ~ DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION 11: ::i1x1nu1eso1, ,,,....LI ,c. 15 inches of AGGREGATE BASE. SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYEY SANDSTONE (SC); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; low plasticity. (0%, Gravel; 71 % Sand; 29°/o Fines) Slight increase in moisture content. . . V.6 +,,;c,.,w--------------------------- . 20--:·-:··_' SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. ~ @f-~....L~~L..~L......J~~....J~~.J....~....L~....J~...l~....L~~.J..:J....L.J..:J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION \NITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED g " § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-16 a • • • • • aK-• I PROJECT NUMBER BORING BORING RECORD I Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-16 SITE LOCATION I START [FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 11/4/2014 11/4/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD [LOGGED BY 'CHECKED BY DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft) GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER {ft Truck Rin /Wolverine\ 6 50 '\ 253 I !'. N/A Ina Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N -30 ~ -40 § ~ ~ 00 9µ5 ~ 3 00 0 u, ~ ~ X" ~ ~ ~, z - - -225 - - - 1--220 1.--215 - - ~210 ,--205 0 z w ~ "-~ ~ R-7 z 5-8 ~ R-9 ~ S-10 liBij R-11 60 30 75 50 50 60 1.:::u 1u:::1 11.1:S ~o 150 205 100 91 19.2 107 100 137 120 109 0: u, Wr IU> r-W o>- I a: w " -:: .. ·.:·_.-::::- - · .... ·. ··: -· .. : .. ·: -: - 30_::.··· .. -.. : ... ··: • .. · :···.: · ..... .. · 35- :>·//· _. -·: . 40-· . . . -. ·._. .... . : DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light gray with yellow staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. Layer of orangish brown with trace fine GRAVEL. Light gray: slight increase in moisture content. Orange staining; increase in fines content. Total Depth: 50 feet No groundwater encountered ii' ~ S-12 50 120 164 g1-~....L~~i..;;:;;,,.1..::::.!!J~~--'_..!.::!!...L~....L~...J'-...l-,-....L~~..LI....L..LI~~~~~~~~~~~--.-~~~~~~~~~ THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS B0R1NG AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION INITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-16 b • b (!) • • § 8 (!) BORING RECORD NAMC \ PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 8-17 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Limited Access Rin IFraste) 6 30.5 241 !'-N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -83%, Nsa -83/60 • N -1.38 • N "' zw-~ ! z 0 Qo~ >-~ a_ "' >-0 >-z e-Z ID >-"' ui "'"' ~ (.) i= Z' >-.,.,_ ""' "' "'>-~ .. ,1, "-z'o W>- I .,. "' ~ >-"' ~ >-;;e Io> I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-~~ ~ a_ ~~g "'-~ E: >-W >-r2~ a_ a_ " 0 i5 o>-a_ w ~ " "' ~ >-"' (!) 0 w "' "' WO:m m " "' 0 "' a_ -0 1...-240 I -~ SANTIAGO FORMATION: SANDY LEAN 8-1 PA CLAYSTONE (CL); very light gray to greenish gray with Pl -~ orange stains; dry to moist; mostly fines; some SAND; '-low to medium plasticity. X S-2 9 17 24 -9 :~ (0°/o Gravel; 40°/o Sand; 60°/o Fines) E 8 - ---5 -5 ----------------------- R-3 28 100 92 7.9 116 DS 50 SANDSTONE with SILT (SP-SM); very dense; very light -235 -.... orangish brown; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; -::·· >: ... trace to few fines; nonplastic. '- ~ -. .. ... ·. ·. ~ - >-10 10 -.. ·. ·. ... '--Very light gray; moderately interbedded with thin beds of )< S-4 16 53 73 CLAYSTONE (CL); light greenish gray with dark orange " ..._230 21 SAND; moist; mostly fines; low plasticity. ~ 32 " '-X 20 S-5 18 38 52 " ~ ~ 20 X S-6 14 66 91 " ~ 28 'i/ L1CIIIJ"CTh1'STO~CCflightgreenishgray am,---38 >-15 -~ 14 15 orange; moist; mostly fines; little SAND; low plasticity. ------------------------S-7 26 66 91 ,__225 40 -. · .. SANDSTONE with SILT (SP-SM); very dense; very light orangish brown; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; S-8 13 82 113 ·. trace to few fines; nonplastic. '-32 --: . .. ~ 50 a '-S-9 15 120 166 _.· 60 •,. .. ·. ~ -...... ~o - ... 20- -220 -.· - - a - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-17 a San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. • • • 5 CJ ~ CJ • • BORING RECORD ·---· • I 1'1"-m~ l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-17 SITE LOCATION I START IFINJSH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 2 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft.)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Limited Access Rin ffraste) 6 30.5 241 !'. N/A I na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -83%, Nso -83/60 • N -1.38 • N w zw-~ ! z 0 Qo~ ,.. ! a. w >-0 ,.. z >-z w >-a: ui a: u, \1 ~p >--<-<-Ic, w a:>-~ ~ -;!, "-~"[ W>- I .,. w ~ >-"' ;: >-"' IU> I a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-Gi~ ~ a. UJci5Q "'->-W >-~~ a. a. " 0 i5 o_ o>-a. w ~ " "' zw~ ~ ,.. w "' 0 w "' "' WQ'.a, "' " a: 0 "' a. -0 -R-10 60 1,u "u H.1 so DS -215 -: .. SANTIAGO FORMATION: SANDSTONE with SILT (SP-SM); very dense: very light gray and dark orangish -::·. :··_' ... brown; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; trace to few --fines; nonplastic. -. -.. --:::.:· --30 -z 50 30-::. ·,:. S-11 100 138 -210 - Total Depth: 30% feet ~ No groundwater encountered ~ .. .__ . l--35 ~ 35- C 1--205 C ~ C ~ f-~ --40 -40- ~200 - ~ - ~ - .__ - ~5 ~ 45- f--195 -- --- - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION VVITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME THE DATA A-17 b San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • b "' § 8 "' ~ "' 00 § N ii 00 0 00 8 "' BORING RECORD I "-·~· NAM• I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-18 SITE LOCATION I START I FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Limited Access Ria IFrastel 6 41.5 273 Y.N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-83%, N60 -83/60' N -1.38' N w zw-! z 0 Oc..>~ ~ >-! 0. w f-0 >-z i= z (D "' in "'"' () i=? f-w <( <( -f-"-'i'c, "'f-!!! ~ ,!, r5" Wf-I <( • w ~ f-"' ~ ~c IV> I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION f-Gj~ ~ 0. f-W f-;Ii~ 0. 0. " ~f3g 0 i5 0 E, Of-0. w ~ " <( ~ >-w "' 0 w <( "' '""''" <D ::, "' 0 "' 0. -0 0 -~- SANTIAGO FORMATION: CLAYEY SANDSTONE -B-1 PA (SC); very dense: light gray to orange brown; moist; Pl mostly fine SAND; few to little fines; nonplastic. -CR -~ 15 El i (0% Gravel: 57°/o Sand; 43%, Fines) -270 S-2 17 38 52 - 21 --n --5 -26 5 - ~- Light gray. ~ R-3 60 120 110 10.3 116 -- >--I 1--265 - -- ~-e-10 --10 -------------------------X S-4 13 59 81 SANDSTONE with SILT (SP-SM); very dense; light gray -26 -.. with orange staining; moist; mostly fine SAND; trace to ~ 33 ·. ·. few fines; nonplastic. ---: .. · .. -260 -.. .... · .. - ·.· .. ···.···· -15 -~ 15 -:.-. · ...... Few fines. 25 R-5 50 100 92 6.0 112 - - -255 - -20 --20 ------------------------- X S-6 14 37 51 SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; very light -17 greenish gray with yellow and dark orange staining; -20 moist; mostly fine SAND; some fines; nonplastic. " - --250 _. ---.' GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-18 a San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. • BORING RECORD a~mo \ PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Develonment SD412 B-18 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. I START IFINISH Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/28/2014 10/28/2014 2 of 2 [LOGGED BY ]CHECKED BY DRILLING COMPANY Pacific Drilling DRILLING EQUIPMENT Limited Acoess Rin IFrastel SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. ! I t-<L w D -30 ~ ~ t; " § 8 " ~ " 00 g N ~ 00 0 00 ~ 6 00 X ~ ~ l-35 ~ - - --40 - l--45 ~ " z 0 i= z-". >2 w- ~ w ~ - -245 - - - ~ ~240 .__ ~ ~ ~ ~235 .__ ~ .__ - L....-230 .__ - '- ~ -225 ~ w zw- 0 0(.)~ <L >-z i= z U) t-w "" -0: t-"' w ~ t-"';: ~ <L <L ::, WU)O ::, ;I zw~ " wo:"' "' <L - ~ R-7 28 60 -X 20 S-B 25 -31 ~ 35 R-9 100 g S-10 15 35 45 (Automatic) ~ t-~ ,!, ~ 0 ~ "' 120 110 56 77 200 184 80 110 DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft 6 41.5 273 1' N/A Ina NOTES ETR-83%, N60 -83/60 • N -1.38 • N >-~ w t-0: a; 0:"' ~ <.) "-Wt-'i'c, ~i t;~ I<n I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION t-W t-~~ i5 o_ Qt-<L >-w " ::, 0: D D 13.4 116 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -(SM); very dense; very light gray; moist: mostly fine .. ·_. ... ... · ..... SAND; few to little fines; nonplastic . -· -: 30 ----------------------.. SANDSTONE with SILT (SP-SM); very dense; very light -: .. gray with dark orange spots; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; trace to few fines; nonplastic. 35 ---------------------· -- --SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); very dense; light greenish . gray and light yellowish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; . . trace dark gray SAND; few to little fines; nonplastic . -· -: -Light gray with orange staining; moderately interbedded .. ·_. ... 40-:.-. ·._. .. with thin beds of CLAYSTONE (CL); very stiff; light greenish gray with orange; mostly fines; some fine SAND; low plasticity. -.· Total Depth: 411h feet No groundwater encountered 45- -. ~ " '3 g " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-18 b ,l San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • BORING RECORD ~n.v.,1....; 1 ........... !PROJECT NUMBER BORING S0412 8-19 Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SITE LOCATION I START !FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 2 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD 1LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) ITOTAL DEPTH (ft)J GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHElEV. GROUND WATER (ft Limited Access RiQ (Fraste) 6 31.5 I 270 I Y N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -83%, Nao -83/60 • N -1.38 • N ! J: >-0. w 0 -10 L -265 -260 0 z w ~ 0. ::, ;Ji m B-1 X S-2 I ~ R-3 '----- -~ S-4 10 14 20 22 34 28 18 28 30 34 62 58 47 57 11.0 80 98 "'U) W>-J: U) >-W o>- PA R J: ii: w 0 ·, _.: ·//· -· - 5 -::.·-: .. _.· - ·:.1:,..· ... : : -.... DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); dense to very dense; very light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; few fines; nonplastic. (Oo/o Gravel; 57°/o Sand; 43°/o Fines) Very dense. Light yellowish brown. Very light gray. t: -15 § 1---255 R-5 21 60 120 110 7.0 105 DS 15-· : . · .. -. b " § 8 " " " U) - -·.-. ·.". ·: :·_ ... -· - - gµo -X S-6 20-: N 3 U) 0 U) ~ 6 U) x< ::, ::, \1 '----- 18 23 31 54 75 -: • oc g;j-~...J~~..J...~-l-~..J...~~-'~~-'-~...J~~-'-~-'-.----'-~~-""""-:l..cl'-~~~~~~~~~~~-.-~~~~~~~~---1 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION I/\IITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 FIGURE A-19 a • BORING RECORD I r'KUJc...;T nAMC 1PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 B-19 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. I START \FINISH Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 1012712014 1012712014 2 of 2 1LOGGEDBY I CHECKED BY DRILLING COMPANY Pacific Drilling DRILLING EQUIPMENT Limited Access Ria <Fraste) SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. w zw-p z 0 Qo~ • 0. ~ 0 >-z rZID ~? r w "" -"''"~ I ". w ~ '""' r >2 ~ 0. ~~g 0. w-0. " w ~ " " " w " "' wo: <D "' 0. - ~ R-7 22 -40 ~ 60 -- '- '- 1-30 1--240 -X S-8 17 -23 ~ 30 -- - - -35 -235 '- ~ '- b " § 8 " o' " § N 3 w 0 w ~ 8 X ~ ~ ~ L ~ ---40 - - µ5 " '- '- 1--230 '- '- - - --225 '- '- '- - DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)! GROUND ELEV (ft)\ OEPTHELEV. GROUNDWATER (fl 6 31.5 270 • N/A/ na NOTES (Automatic) ETR-83%, N" -83/60 • N -1.38 • N ~ >-Ji w r r "' u5 "'"' ~ \! ~ ::,_ ~'ii' Wr Ic, ,!, ;; ~c I<n I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION "5 rW '" ~~ 0 i5 Qr 0. ~ >-w Cl <D " "' " " 100 92 14.0 113 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -. (SM); very dense: very light gray with orange stains; moist; mostly fine SAND; few fines; nonplastic. -: - 30-::· .· 53 73 -: . - Total Depth: 31%:feet -No groundwater encountered 35- . - 40- - - - - 45- . ~ § g " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION INITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-19 b al San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • BORING RECORD 1-nw"v I n--" 1 PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Develooment SD412 P-1 SITE LOCATION I START !FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Tenminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD \LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. {in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)\ GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria rwalverinel 6 5 247 !' N/A/ na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR-82%, N00 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N w zw-~ z 0 0()~ ~ >-~ Q. w I- ~ 0 >-z i=Z a> I-0: '" 0: U) ~ " i= z-I-<<-"-'i'c, w 0: I-~ U--l' ~u WI- I <• w ~ I-U) ~ I-# IUJ I o.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION I-iii~ ~ Q. "'-oS 1-W I-~~ Q. Q. " WU}Q 0 i5 QI-Q. w ~ " < zw~ ~ >-w " D w < U) w 0:" " " 0: D U) Q. -D SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE " ~ -(SM); light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. f-L,._245 " ~ -:· Hole cleaned out to 5' with hand auger. Gravel added to bottom prior to filling with water. -'- -5 5 See Figure A-20b for percolation test data. ~ '--Total Depth: 5 feet No groundwater encountered L-240 - ~ - f-'-- ~10 -10 - -- -235 - f-- -15 -15- a - b " g ~ 1--230 - 8 ~ ~ - " C '-- ---20 ~ 20- • -'-- 1--225 - -- - ' GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS ANO MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME THE DATA A-20 a San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • • FALLING HEAD PERCOLATION TEST FIELD DATA SHEET Storm Water lnfilitration Project Name: Lennar Poinsettia Job No.: SD412 Tested By: GMS Test Hole No: P-1 Date Drilled: 10/31/2014 Date Tested: 10/31/2014 Drilling Method: 6" Hollow-Stem Auger Depth of Hole as Drilled: 5 Depth Before Test: 4'6" Depth After Test: 4' 6" Reading Time Initial Final Change in Rate Time Interval Depth of Water Depth of Water Water level Number (min.) (ft.) (ft.) (in.) (min.fin.) 1 8:16 8:31 0:15 4.00 4.04 0.50 6:00 2 8:31 0:15 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 8:46 3 8:46 0:30 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 9:16 4 9:16 0:30 9:46 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 5 9:46 0:29 10:15 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 6 10:15 0:30 10:45 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 • 7 10:45 1:00 11 :45 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 8 11 :45 12:45 1:00 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 9 10 • 11 12 13 14 15 16 • • ~ GFlCUP OEL TA Document No. 14-0188 PERCOLATION TEST DATA (P-1) Project No. SD412 FIGURE A-20 b • • • • BORING RECORD I Lennar P 0 ~~~·~:ttia 61 Development ! PROJECT NUMBER SD412 BORING P-2 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road I START 10/3112014 TFINISH 10131/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY Pacific Drilling DRILLING EQUIPMENT Truck Ria (Wolverine) SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 0 ! I >-a. w 0 ~ >- b " § 8 " ~ " w § N ~ w 0 w ci w X ~ ~ >- 1-s - -10 - ~15 a a ~o a " " ~ - w z ci 0 a. z >-F? >-w <( • w ~ Gjg ~ a. a. " ~ " <( w <( u, u, - f- -- ..._230 - f--- -225 - - - - i--220 - - - - ........-215 - - - - 30 in. (Automatic) zw-~ 0(.)~ Fz co >-<( <( - 0: >-j@ ~ i' >-u, ~ Wf/)0 0 zw~ ~ w 0:"' "' a. - DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)I DEPTHElEV. GROUND WATER (ft 6 10 235 !'. NIA Ina NOTES ETR -82%, N,, -82160 • N -1.37 • N >-i w >-u 0: iii 0: u, i's 'cc, "-~ '§: We-t;;e:, I<n I a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION o_ e-W >-.::~ 0 O>-a. >-w " " 0: 0 0 :<:·_:.::::. SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; .. : : •: . . · nonplastic . -. : .. : ·:: ::--: ·_:: i.::- 5 -::. ··: .. -· .· -': ..... -: . ·,:. · .. Hole cleaned out with hand auger to 9'. Gravel added to bottom prior to saturating the borehole. -.· 10 See Figure A-21 b for percolation test data. -Total Depth: 10 feet No groundwater encountered - - 15 - - 20- - - - -. ~ § g " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION VVITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-21 a al San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • FALLING HEAD PERCOLATION TEST FIELD DATA SHEET Storm Water lnfilitration Project Name: Lennar Poinsettia Job No.: SD412 Tested By: GMS Test Hole No: P-2 Date Drilled: 10/31/2014 Date Tested: 10131/2014 Drilling Method: 6" Hollow-Stem Auger Depth of Hole as Drilled: 10' Depth Before Test: 8' 2" Depth After Test: 8' Reading Time Initial Final Change in Rate Number Time Interval Depth of Water Depth of Water Water Level (min.fin.) (min.) (ft.) (ft.) (in.) • 1 9:00 0:15 7.50 7.75 3.00 5:00 9:15 2 9:15 9:30 0:15 7.08 7.33 3.00 5:00 3 9:30 9:45 0:15 7.33 7.58 3.00 5:00 4 9:45 0:15 5.50 6.08 7.00 2:08 10:00 5 10:00 10:15 0:15 6.08 6.25 2.00 7:31 6 10:15 10:30 0:15 6.25 6.42 2.00 7:31 7 10:30 10:45 0:15 6.42 6.58 2.00 7:31 8 10:45 11 :00 0:15 6.58 6.75 2.00 7:31 9 11:00 11:15 0:15 5.50 5.75 3.00 5:00 10 11:15 015 11:30 5.75 6.17 5.00 3:00 11 11 :30 11 :45 0:15 6.17 6.33 2.00 7:31 12 11 :45 12:00 0:15 6.33 6.42 1.00 15:02 • 13 12:00 0:15 6.42 6.46 0.50 6:05 12:15 14 12:15 12:30 0:15 6.46 6.46 0.00 0:00 15 12:30 12:45 0:15 6.46 6.46 0.00 0:00 .. 16 12:45 0:15 6.46 6.46 0.00 0:00 13:00 • A GROUP CEL TA Document No. 14-0188 PERCOLATION TEST DATA (P-2) Project No. SD412 FIGURE A-21 b • • • • BORING RECORD I ,, aKmc Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 TP-01 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road ILOGGED BY !CHECKED BY DRILLING COMPANY West-Tech DRILLING EQUIPMENT Backhoe SAMPLING METHOD Shovel w zw-~ ~ z a. 0 Qo~ ~ 0 >-z >-2 W >-i= 0 >-w <( <( -a:>-\!! ~ I <( • w ~ >-"' ~ >-~~ ~ a. a. a. " ~f3g 0 w ~ " <( ~ 0 w <( "' w a:"' "' "' a. - ,11, f-- NOTES DRILLING METHOD Test Pit BORING DIA. (in) 24 JCS MAF TOTAL DEPTH (fl)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft 6 I 225 !' NIA I na 24" Wide Trench Excavation w >-~ >-a: a; a:"' ~ "-ifj'[ W>-ti;~ IO, I >-W >-i5 o_ o>-a. " >-w a: 0 0 u 'cc, a.a r2~ " -:·:.\·;-:·::- DESCRIPTION ANO CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately cemented . e f-- . .. ·. ·,' .'·. .. : .... : f-f-- f-- ·:·:::-:·/:::. Light yellowish brown. .. : -5 ~220 5 ~ ::.··: f-- f---Total Depth: 6 feet No groundwater encountered f-f--- f--- ~10 -215 10- f--- -- f-- - ~ -15 ~ -210 15- § e - b " § >-f-- 8 e f--. " ~ ~ f--" w 9 -20 1--205 20- N • 0 f---w 0 w f--- ~ " w -X - ~ ~ -" -z ~ iil " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE 0 OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING ~ u 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER 0 LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION " WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME THE DATA A-22 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • • • • BORING RECORD llennar P:~n::ttia 61 Development I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 TP-02 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. l START IFINISH Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 lLOGGEDBY DRILLING COMPANY West-Tech DRILLING EQUIPMENT Backhoe SAMPLING METHOD Shovel w I z cc 0 >-~? .... I ... w .... >~ ~ cc w-cc w ~ " D w "' U) ~ 1--230 ~ ~ " U) § N 3 U) D U) ~ Si X ~ ~ " z -5 - -10 - - ~ ~15 ~ --20 - ~ ._ ~ ~ ._ 1--225 - - - - -220 - - ~ ._ ~215 ~ ~ ~ ._ -210 - - - zw-t! 0 Qo ~ z >-ZW .... w o:o:-0: .... U) ~ ,!, ~ .... U),: ;: cc " WU)O 0 "' zw~ ~ U) Wo:a, "' cc - B-1 DRILLING METHOD I CHECKED BY Test Pit JCS MAF BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft 24 6 231 !' N/A/ na NOTES 24" \Mde Trench Excavation >-cc, w .... • 0: 00 0: U) ~ (.) "-'i'c., ~~ W>-~t IUl I cca DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION oS >-W .... ~~ 0 a>-cc >-w " " 0: D D SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light brown to yellowish brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. Fl\TCLAYSiOJili=(CH)"; olive 1irown; mois( mostly--- PA /,1 CLAY; little SAND; high plasticity . Pl 5 DS SIL T'nll\t<ll5Si0Jili=(SM/; lrglil crown io yellowlsli --- El brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines: nonplastic. -Total Depth: 6 feet No groundwater encountered - - 10- - - 15- . - - 20- - - - -. ~ iii GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION INITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-23 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • • • BORING RECORD ] Lennar, ~oinsettia 61 Develooment \ PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 TP-03 SITE LOCATION I START lFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)] GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 10 235 !' N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw-~ :> I z 0. 0 Qo~ w f--~ t) 0 :> z f--ZW f--er a; er"' ~ i=P f--w "" -~ =>-r5'§: Wf--'cc, I ". w ~ er>--"' ~ ,!, ~~ IU, I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION f--~~ ~ 0. f--"',: f--W f--;:;~ 0. 0. " WU)O 0 i5 "-Of--0. w ~ " " zw~ ~ :> w " " w " "' Wera, "' " er " U) 0. -" SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE f--. (SM); light brown to yellowish brown; dry to moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately to f-strongly cemented; stained layers. f--f- ti ~ § 8 ~ f-- w -10 - >-15 f-- f-- wo - f- ..._230 f- f- f- f- 1--225 - - - f- 1--220 f- - f- f- 1--215 f- f- f- - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 8 ~ 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 .. ·.· . .'·.: ... 5 -: .. - -: . · .. -.· 10 -Total Depth: 10 feet No groundwater encountered - - - 15 - 20- - - - - THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-24 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • BORING RECORD 1 ·----, n~m• l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-04 SITE LOCATION I START 1FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD [LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft.)I GROUND ELEV (ft.JI DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 5 240 :r NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw-~ >-~ z 0. 0 Q<.>~ w >--~ ~ 0 >-z >--ZW >--0: 1n 0: U) ~ <) j::: 'f >--w o:-<-:,_ 'i'" o:>--~ ~ .;,, z-W>-- I "'• w ~ >--U) ;: ~l w'tl IUJ I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >--~':!::-~ 0. ~~g 0 E, >--W >--c2~ 0. 0. " 0 i5 o>--0. w ~ " "' ~ >-w " 0 w "' U) w 0: <D <D " 0: 0 U) 0. -0 • SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE --:::.:: .. • (SM); light brown to yellowish brown; dry to moist; ,' --: . mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately -cemented. f-~ -: - w -235 5 -Total Depth: 5 feet No groundwater encountered " -- f-- • - -10 ,--230 10 - --- -- --- -- ~1s -225 15 - --• -- -- - wo -220 20-.. - f-- " - -- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-25 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED tS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • BORING RECORD llennar P 1~7~~:ttia 61 Development I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 TP-05 SITE LOCATION I START TFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY \CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (In) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft.)1 DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 8 237 !'. NIA Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw-~ >-! z Q. ci Qo~ w .... ii 0 >-z f--ZW .... "' u5 "'U) • (.) j:::~ .... w <( <:-=> -"' 'i'c, "' .... U) ~ ~ z-Wf-- J: ~~ w ~ .... U),:: ,: .... # w1l J: U) J: Q. 0 DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION .... ~ Q. "'-05 .... ., .... ~~ Q. Q. " WU)Q 0 6 Of-Q. w ~ " <( zw~ ~ >-w "' Q w <( U) wa:"' "' ::, "' Q U) Q. -Q FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); dark brown to brown: moist; f--mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic; concrete fragments, trash, debris. 1--235 .... f------------------------- . .: : : ~:-SIL TY SAND (SM); dark brown to brown; moist; mostly e f--fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic, no trash. • ::·-:· ... . .· 5 - • b " § 8 " 8 " .. -5 f-- f-- 1--230 -f-- - -10 - - -225 -- f-- '-15 f-- f-- e f..-220 e f-- • f-- -20 f-- f-- f..-215 - - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 - --:· .. " • : t>ILI T Vr'\IUJ'-'1....,, ..... (SM); light brown; moist mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately cemented. -Total Depth: 8 feet 10-No groundwater encountered - - 15 - - - 20- - - - - THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-26 PRESENTED lS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • • • • • b '-' § 8 '-' BORING RECORD I nw•v I a~m• I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-06 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY lCHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DlA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)\ DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 15 250 1'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" \Mde Trench Excavation w zw-~ ~ z 0 Qu~ >-! a. w >-~ 0 >-z r-ZW >-0: a; 0:"' " F o >-<( <( -'cc, w o:>-~ ~ ,l' "-~ '§: Wr I ~£ w ~ >-"' ;: ~~ IUO I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-~ a. WU}O r-W >-~~ a. a. "' 0 i5 o_ o>-a. w ~ "' <( zw~ ~ >-w "' 0 w <( "' w 0:"' "' "' 0: 0 "' a. -0 -: SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE ~ (SM); light brown to yellowish brown; moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately a -cemented; massive, few iron oxide stained beds; occassionally strongly cemented zones -2' thick. - - f----5 -245 5 -.. ·. ·. .. • --.. • ~ - • ~ -: ·. · ..... '--·: ·,:. · .. -10 L-240 10-. ~ -': . -- - -. - - -15 -235 15 --Total Depth: 15 feet No groundwater encountered - ~ '- ~ . ~20 L-230 20- ~ ~ ~ - ~ - -'-- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-27 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED . • • • • • BORING RECORD I ··---. I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-07 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road I START 10/27/2014 -,FINISH 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY West-Tech DRILLING EQUIPMENT Backhoe SAMPLING METHOD Shovel \i • '=-I .... 0. w 0 f- w e b " § 8 " ~ 8 X ~ ~ " z e -10 >-15 f- e ~o - z 0 i= Z' ~! ~ w - f..-225 ~ - ~ ~ -220 ~ ~ ~ - -215 - - ~ ~ -210 f-- ~ ~ - .._205 ~ - w 0. >-.... w ~ 0. " <( "' zw- ci 0(.)~ ~ z i= z a, .... <( <( -w a:>-~ ~ -,!, ~ ~ 0. .... "' " WU)Q 0 <( zw~ ~ "' w a:a, "' 0. - DRILLING METHOD [LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY Test Pit JCS MAF BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)I DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft 24 14 227 !'. 9.01218.0 NOTES 24" Wide Trench Excavation >-\i w .... \1 a: "' a:"' g Ic, "-r5 'R W>-~~ IU> I "-o DESCRIPTION ANO CLASSIFICATION >-W .... ;Ii~ iS "-o>-0. >-w Cl " a: 0 0 -:·:-\ .. : : .. : ALLUVIUM: SIL TY SAND (SM); loose; brown to light brown; dry to moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; few ·:.::"::. fines; nonplastic. · .. ·.·. . ·. : .. · ·.·. 5 -· ... -·· :,:-,::. -. -:--..... ---------------------- 10-." . SIL TY SAND (SM); loose; brown to light brown; saturated; mostly fine to medium SAND; few fines; -.:· -.... · .. · nonplastic. Caving . 15 -Total Depth: 14 feet Groudwater @ 9 feet . - 20- - - - -. ~ 0 ro THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION g 8 " GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION INITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-28 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • • • 5 " § g " • • BORING RECORD I .. _. .. , .. -.. ·· Lennar Poinsettia 61 Develooment I PROJECT NUMBER BORING SD412 TP-08 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY ]CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)! DEPTHEL.Ev. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 14 238 !'. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw-p z ci Ou~ ~ >-1i • 0 0. z i= z <D w >-t) ~ >->-a: a; a:"' ~ i= :;:->-"" -'<'c, w a:>-~ "-.;,, "-~i W>-I " . w ~ >-"' ~ >-"" IU> I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION >-G'.i~ ~ 0. "'-rW >-~~ 0. 0. " Wcr.io 0 i5 o_ O>-0. w ~ " " zw~ ~ >-w " C, w " "' w "'"' "' " a: C, "' 0. -C, ->---. filb SIL TY SAND (SM); loose; light brown; dry to moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; few fines; ·. .:: .. -' .. : nonplastic; trash and debris. ---: . -235 -·.:·.·. -~·.: I·/·. ALLUVIUM: SIL TY SAND (SM); loose; light brown; dry to moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; few fines; ---nonplastic 1-5 -5 - ... f---: . :·.: -. ·: :·.-::·:\ -230 -: -- ~10 -10-."· .· . .: : ·-.i · .. .. --- -- SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE --225 -. (SM); light brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. ~ ~ -15 -15-Total Depth: 14 feet No groundwater encountered ->--- ~ - ~220 - -- -20 -20- -- - -215 - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-29 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED BORING RECORD .. ~me l PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-09 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD 1LOGGEDBY I CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) l DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 14 215 ,._N/A/na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw-~ C z ci 0(.)~ >-'al' • a. w I-~ 0 >-z i= z (D I-0: a; 0:"' ~ 0 I-"" -It, i= :;:;--w 0: I-!!! ~ i' "-i'5 I, Wt- :i: " . w ~ I-"' j: I-" :coo :i: a.a DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION I->-" ~ a. Wcr.io "'-D 3 t-W I-~~ a. w-a. " 0 0 Qt-a. w ~ " " zw~ ~ >-w " D w " "' WO:o, "' " er D "' a. -D '--FILL: SIL TY SAND (SM); light brown; dry to moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic; -·:·.·. ·.·.· concrete fragments, trash, debris. '- --: " '--. f--5 -210 5 -: :-·: " '-.. ;-: : --:· . - " -.. : .. 10-> . ·: :": ~10 -205 '--::·:::·.: i>: '- SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE --. (SM); light brown; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. " - -15 -200 15-Total Depth: 14 feet No groundwater encountered - t; " --§ 8 -- " - l--20 1--195 20- '-- '-- -- -- GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-30 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. • • • • • • BORING RECORD aHme ! PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-10 SITE LOCATION SHEET NO. I START ]FINISH Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 TCHECKEOBY DRILLING COMPANY West-Tech DRILLING EQUIPMENT Backhoe SAMPLING METHOD Shovel w ~ z • 0. g 0 >-i=? t-- I ". w t-->2 ~ 0. w-0. w ~ :, 0 w " "' ~ .__ - - --5 -205 - " .__ t-- 1--10 b " 8 8 " " " 00 § N ii 00 0 00 2 X ~ ~ !, -15 " " WO t-- " t-- ~ .__ L-200 ~ .__ ~ .__ -195 - ~ ~ ~ L-190 ~ ~ ~ .__ zw- 0 Qo~ z t--z <O w "<:-a:>-~ ~ t--"' 0. :, WU)O " zw~ "' wa:"' 0. - DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY Test Pit JCS MAF BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft)! DEPTHELEV. GROUND WATER (ft 24 4 210 Y.N/A/na NOTES 24" Wide Trench Excavation ~ >-! w t-- t--a: ui a:"' " ~ => -Wt-'I'(!) -,!, rE[ i: ~£ IU> I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION t--W t--~~ 0 6 o_ Qt-0. ~ >-w (!) "' :, a: 0 0 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -(SM); light brown; dry to moist; mostly fine SAND; little ·.·. : .... fines; nonplastic; moderately cemented. -: . -: 5 -Total Depth: 4 feet No groundwater encountered - 10 - - - - - 15- - 20- - - -. ~ f,l GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-31 " g g ~ San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • • • ti " 8 8 " • BORING RECORD 0 •AM< I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 TP-11 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Tem1inus of Poinsettia Road 10/27/2014 10/27/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD I LOGGED BY I CHECKED BY West-Tech Test Pit JCS MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)I GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTHELEv. GROUND WATER (ft Backhoe 24 4 204 1'. N/A I na SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Shovel 24" Wide Trench Excavation w zw- if z 0 0(.)~ ~ ,. if 0. w f-,1!, 0 ,. z i= Z ID f-a: a, a: U) ,1!, <.) i= Z' f-w " .. ,_ ~ =>-Wf-'i'e, a: f-U) .;, z-I ~! w ~ 1-~::1: ;: f-"" w'tl IU) I "-o DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION f-~ 0. "'-a.ea f-W f-~~ 0. 0. " Wu,0 0 i5 Of-0. w ~ " ::\ zw~ ~ ,. w " 0 w " w a: a, a, " a: 0 U) 0. -0 SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE -(SM); light gray; dry to moist; mostly fine to medium SAND; little fines; nonplastic; moderately cemented. -- -- --200 ----5 -5 -Total Depth: 4 feet No groundwater encountered -- ~ - ~ - 1--195 - -10 ~ 10- ~ - --- -- --190 - -15 -15- -- --- --- -185 --20 -20- - - - --180 - GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION FIGURE OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA A-32 San Diego, CA 92126 PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED • • • • • • • • APPEND/XB LABORATORY TESTING APPENDIXB LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory testing was conducted in a manner consistent with the level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in the same locality. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the correctness or serviceability of the test results, or the conclusions derived from these tests. Where a specific laboratory test method has been referenced, such as ASTM or Caltrans, the reference only applies to the specified laboratory test method, which has been used only as a guidance document for the general performance of the test and not as a "Test Standard". A brief description of the various tests performed for this project follows. Classification: Soils were classified visually according to the Unified Soil Classification System as established by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Visual classification was supplemented by laboratory testing and classification using ASTM D2487. The soil classifications are shown on the boring logs in Appendix A. Particle Size Analysis: Particle size analyses were performed in general accordance with ASTM D422, and were used to supplement visual soil classifications. The test results are summarized in Figures B-1.1 through B-1.21. Atterberg Limits: ASTM D4318 was also used to determine the liquid limit and plasticity index of selected soil samples. The Atterberg Limits were used to refine the soil classifications as shown in Figures B-1.4, B-1.7, B-1.8, B-1.9, B-1.11, B-1.17, B-1.18, B-1.19 and B-1.21. Expansion Index: The expansion potential of selected soil samples was estimated in general accordance with the laboratory procedures outlined in ASTM test method D4829. The test results are summarized in Figure B-2. Figure B-2 also presents common criteria for evaluating the expansion potential based on the expansion index. pH and Resistivity: To assess the potential for reactivity with buried metals, selected soil samples were tested for pH and minimum resistivity using Caltrans test method 643. The corrosivity test results are summarized in Figure B-3. I) ~~ GR.CUP CELT~ N:\Projects\SD\50412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING {Continued) Sulfate Content: To assess the potential for reactivity with concrete, selected soil samples were tested for water soluble sulfate. The sulfate was extracted from the soil under vacuum using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was tested for water soluble sulfate in general accordance with ASTM D516. The test results are also presented in Figure B-3, along with common criteria for evaluating soluble sulfate content. Chloride Content: Soil samples were also tested for water soluble chloride. The chloride was extracted from the soil under vacuum using a 10:1 (water to dry soil) dilution ratio. The extracted solution was then tested for water soluble chloride using a calibrated ion specific electronic probe. The test results are also shown in Figure B-3. Maximum Density/Optimum Moisture: The maximum density and optimum moisture content of selected soil samples were determined using ASTM D1557 (modified Proctor). The results were corrected for over-size material using ASTM D4718. The test results are summarized in Figure B-4. Direct Shear: The shear strengths of selected samples of the on-site soils were assessed using direct shear testing performed in general accordance with ASTM D3080. The individual shear test results are shown in Figures B-5.1 through B-5.14. The shear test results for ten samples of sandstone from the Santiago Formation that were collected from the subject site as a part of this investigation are summarized in Figure B-5.15. The shear test results for four samples of the claystone of the Santiago Formation that we recently tested from a nearby site are shown in Figure B-5.16 for reference (GDC, 2013). R-Value: R-Value tests were performed on selected samples of the on-site soils in general accordance with CTM 301. The test results are shown in Figures B-6.1 through B-6.6. !} .... .,,., . ;;_~ GROUP ~TA N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc • 100 3" 1 'h" 90 80 :E .Qi 70 (I) ~ ~ 60 ..... (I) C U:: 50 c (I) ~ 40 (I) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-1 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' :/4" : II" +-0% Gravel 10 FINE U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 ~ R ilt16 #10 #:;o #100 ;112(0 I -~"' I ........ I I I '\ I --I \"" \ \ Ii ' \ \ " \. '"" \-- ,. \ \ " ' ' Ii 7 I I I I I I I II : I 73%Sand -, 27% Fines- ' ' I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND [2iii(CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATIERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.1 • 100 90 80 .E .Ql 70 (I) ~ ~ 60 .... (I) C U: 50 -C (I) ~ 40 (I) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 ~" 11/," COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-2 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' - 5' ~/4" ~ff. -0% Gravel 10 FINE • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes u jR :ft1R # .n :11,;n #100 :ID( n -~· ..... ~ I"'. l t 88 \ I \ \ \ i \ \ \ • 42 \ ' "'r-,. ' . I"+ I I I I I ·' I I 76% Sand +-+ , 24% Fines-I 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND [2iii(0UP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.2 • 100 90 80 E .2> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C: U:: 50 -C: Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 3" 1V." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-3 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' 3/4" 3/f" -0% Gravel 10 FINE • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes u ~ 3 • -..:11:1 Fl # .0 # ;o #100 ,1nrn --r"'(.., '\ I Q1 \ \ \ ' i \ \ \. 57 \ \ ' ' -T ,,- i 65% Sand ..... 35% Fines- I I I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .3 • 100 90 80 -..c -~ 70 a, ~ ~ 60 .... a, C U: 50 c a, ~ 40 a, a.. 30 20 10 0 100 "l" 11/," COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-3 SAMPLE DEPTH: 37' 3/4" 'IS" .-0% Gravel ' 10 FINE • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 j s • -..,. • ., #In #!;Q #1nn #2rn 1-unroneter -1-97 I ,. -I I"-. I I I '\ Otl 'j I \ I I \ I I I I I I Ii ~· ~ E 3 I'-,....._ ,....., k53 ; I 37% Sand ...... 63% Fines-+ ' 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH DESCRIPTION: SANDY FAT CLAY ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION - ~ ,'- "'i. 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • !I.. ~6 I',, lo ..,,, -........... .... '~ 25 ll 18 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 50 PLASTIC LIMIT: 19 PLASTICITY INDEX: 31 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.4 • • 100 90 80 .:E -~ 70 Q) s: ~ 60 .... Q) C U::: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) Q. 30 20 10 0 100 ~" 1/,.." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-4 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' ~ /ll." "/I" .-0% Gravel 10 FINE • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 • > .#16 #10 #50 #100 :i!~rn ---,_ al " --r\ vv \ \ I \ I \. --\ \ \ ~ 1, " ' ... - 11 66% Sand +-+ 34% Fines- 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND L::iNCUP DEL TA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.5 • 100 90 80 1: ,g> 70 (I) s: ~ 60 .... (I) C U::: 50 -C (I) e 40 (I) Cl. 30 20 10 0 100 3" 1Y." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-5 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' 3/4" 3/1" +---0% Gravel 10 FINE • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes wl --#R #16 #10 #!in #100 #?rn T" -~ ~7 I ! 'w.... 33 I I I ,~...., L ~7 I I I'-.. I ! '\ I --\,., . \ . \ . \ \. .,. " -'\. ' . • : 7 I I I i I I I l I 73% Sand +-+ , 27% Fines--+ I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.6 • • 100 90 80 -..c: .!2> 70 (I) ~ ~ 60 .... (I) C: U:: 50 c (I) e 40 (I) ~ 30 20 10 0 100 • , .. 1 V." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: 8-6 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • ~/4" '}Jf " +-0% Gravel 10 FINE • • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 B ,M1fi #10 ,11,;n #100 .i.r,n U,..<r-•~•- -li:: I r. I ..... r--,.... 'l\o~ \ ' ! \ Ii .... 67 \ \ I\, ..... 8 ""i"'--. ._ ·~ ,~ h, •i,... ~a._ 2 ..... r----.t ?~ \~, 24 i 52% Sand +-+ 48% Fines- ' 0.1 0.01 0.001 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND SILT AND CLAY ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 39 PLASTIC LIMIT: 16 PLASTICITY INDEX: 23 L:iti(CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .7 • • • 100 90 80 1: .Q> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 ... Q) C U:: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 ~" V." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-7 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • ~/4" • • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes ~/f . #4 ~ i • --M1R #10 #<;O #100 #~rn ---... :, ' ' ---~ u ..., )::I .... I'\. I l /'(j I \ 11 \ I \ ' \ \ \ '\ .:,:, \ I '\ I I\!'. I I 'i ... ,! I:, -17 I ,! 1: I I +----0% Gravel I 81% Sand +-+ 19% Fines-+ ,! 10 1 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND L::iKCUP DEL TA SOIL CLASSIFICATION •c 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • •.• h -. " -\:j 0.001 ATIERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 25 PLASTIC LIMIT: 18 PLASTICITY INDEX: 7 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.8 • • 100 90 80 -.c .Q> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C U:: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 • 3" 1 Y," COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-8 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • :/4" • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes w· #4 -J. R .Jt1R #10 #!iO #100 #200 I ---1"11 be:: I I 1\ I I I I\ I I , I . I I\ I I I \ Ii \ 0~ I I \ \ ' II I\ " \ '\ v;;J \. \, I\ •• ln - II ! .-0% Gravel 80% Sand+-+ 20% Fines-+ 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND bfiilCUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: NP PLASTIC LIMIT : NP PLASTICITY INDEX: NP Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .9 • • 100 90 80 :E -~ 70 (I) ~ ~ 60 .... (I) C U::: 50 c (I) ~ 40 (I) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 • 3" 'h" COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-9 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' 3/4" 3/1 . -0% Gravel 10 FINE • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes t4 ·--~ ~ #16 11nn #!in #100 o11?nn r ~ I tH I """'tit I ~1 I I ', I I 'l I 82 I I \ : I \ I I \ I I I\ I I \ I I "'\ ~ I I I '\ I I \ I I ,! II!' ,!4 I I I I I I I : I I I 66% Sand +-+ I 34% Fines-I I I I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SILTY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .10 • 100 90 80 :E _g> 70 Q) s: ~ 60 ... Q) C U: 50 -C: Q) e 40 Q) Cl. 30 20 10 0 100 • 'I" 1~11 COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-10 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' 3/4" 1/1" +-0% Gravel 10 FINE • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 118 #16 :It. :n -#'iO #100 #2(0 H• 1rnmo+or -"98 " \ " \ ,. \ ,. \ ,, \ i ,. ll 62 .. \ '\ ,. " " '~ '2 : I', "-' ,. I r-.._ ' ' .. ~-" - ,, II I 58% Sand +-+ 42% Fines-,. 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND L.:ifif.CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION ----.....:t 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • , la 1"1 .....:1~ L17~r---\.v -. 111 15 I 0.001 ATIERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 30 PLASTIC LIMIT: 19 PLASTICITY INDEX: 11 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .11 • • • 100 90 80 1: .2> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C: U:: 50 -C: Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 3" 1Y." COARSE I GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-11 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • 3/4" • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 3/E" ~ B • -..:lt16 #10 #:iO #100 ,1Drn -N l ~7 r"\. \. 11 82 \ \ Ii \ \ i \ --"\ ...... I \. "r'-1 I' I"• ~ .1 11 I Ii +---0% Gravel 69% Sand +-+ 31% Fines-+ ' 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND luNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM I loESCRIPTION: SILTY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.12 • • 100 90 80 .E .Ql 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C ii: 50 c Q) ~ 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 • ~" 1 '/:z" COARSE I GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-12 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' - 5' • 0 /4" • • • 8 • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes "/8" #4 B 11!16 #10 #:iO #100 #2CO ----""11. 97 " \. \ \ I :, \ I Ii \ I \ ' •• 8 i +-0% Gravel 62% Sand <-+ 38% Fines-+ 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE I COARSE I MEDIUM I FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND L.:itilCUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.13 • • 100 90 80 .E .Q> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C U:: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) Cl. 30 20 10 0 100 • 1" 11h" COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-13 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' '.'/4" • • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 'II " #4 ;I B ·-~1R #In #'iO #100 #2(0 -1 ..... ~ Ii " ,. ll 0~ Ii \ \ ,. \ ' ,, I ,. \ \ \ ,. -47 \ \ '" " -- ~ 1; +-0% Gravel 75% Sand ...... 25% Fines-+ ' ' 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND L:iKCUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.14 • • 100 90 80 1: .Q'l 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C U::: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) 0.. 30 20 10 0 100 • ~" 1'/:z" COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-14 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • ~/4" • • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes '/J " #4 ;iR .jf11:: # 0 #iO #1nn #~' n --~ '1 I 01 \ \ \ ' Ii \ \ \ '\ 0'+ \ \ I\ I\ 1• •I-' ,, • -0% Gravel 71% Sand +-+ 29% Fines-> ' ,: 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND btitCUP DEL TA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.15 • • • 100 3" 1'/." 90 80 .E .Q> 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C: U:: 50 c Q) ~ 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-15 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • "/4" s ,, " -0% Gravel '' 10 FINE • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 B -1f16 #30 #''° #1nn #2r,n ---... ~ I I 1 \. ::14 I I I ' I \ I \ I I I \ I I \ Ii 11 67 " \ ,. \ \ \ I \. A~ "'\..' 'i.. r--, ~7 ·1 I I I I I l I I 73% Sand +-+ , 27% Fines-+ I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.16 • • 100 90 80 -.c .Q> 70 (1) ~ ~ 60 .... (1) C U:: 50 c (1) e 40 (1) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 • 3" 1 ,,,, .. COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-16 SAMPLE DEPTH: 2' -5' '2/4 " • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes '.":II " 14 ·--B #16 1t tn #50 #100 c11 ,rn T --·-,. -' \ ~ .. ,. \ \ \ ' i i \ \ \ ~ 48 \ '\ I'' jll • . ~ +-0% Gravel 71% Sand -29% Fines-+ II I I I 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND L:ifiilCUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 33 PLASTIC LIMIT: 19 PLASTICITY INDEX: 14 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1 .17 • • 100 90 80 1: .!2> 70 d) ~ ~ 60 L.. d) C: U: 50 c d) ~ 40 d) 0. 30 20 10 0 100 • ~" 1 '/." COARSE SAMPLE BORING NO: SAMPLE DEPTH: GRAVEL 8-17 O' -5' 'llA" • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes ',," #4 :II~ :ll.1R A # 1n #iO #100 --......, I 0~ \ \ ~ \ '\._''+ "' " 11 +-0% Gravel 40% Sand +-+ 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CL DESCRIPTION: SANDY LEAN CLAY • #2ln Hwirnno+o, I ....... ,_ -,r-,; ........ r'-11 '-2 ,~_ I,~ l ~t I I , 60% Fines-+ I 0.01 SILT AND CLAY ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION • A" ~ -....... ....., ~3 \~,I 6 30 0.001 ATIERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 47 PLASTIC LIMIT: 16 PLASTICITY INDEX: 31 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.18 • • 100 90 80 1: .Q> 70 Q) s: ~ 60 .... Q) C i.i: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 • ~" 11/.z" COARSE SAMPLE BORING NO: SAMPLE DEPTH: GRAVEL 8-18 O' - 5' 3/4" ~II" +--0% Gravel 10 FINE • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 ;tfl #1fl "'-,n -#'·n #1nn #2on H1drnm<>t<>r ..., ·~::i " \. \ ~tj4 \ I \ ; \ ' \ I ' ljl i3 ........... -----~ I I I I I I I ! I T I I I 57% Sand +-+ 43% Fines-! I 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SC DESCRIPTION: CLAYEY SAND [:ifiijtCUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION .....32 -..... 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • ... .tI • --, i-.... L '>1,, ,.., ---,~ 20 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 34 PLASTIC LIMIT: 15 PLASTICITY INDEX: 19 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.19 • • • 100 90 80 -.c -~ 70 (I) s: 1i' 60 .... (I) C: ii: 50 c (I) ~ 40 (I) 0... 30 20 10 0 100 '.1" 1%" COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: B-19 SAMPLE DEPTH: O' -5' • '.1/4" • • • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes 'II " #4 ~ • --'t1R # 10 # ;n #100 #2[0 ---•v l '-. 98 '\. ' r<I. \ 'a. 77 \ I \ I 1; I II \ I I I I .. I I I ~ I I " ~ 3 T +-0%Gravel .. 57% Sand .... 43% Fines-4 ' 10 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: SM DESCRIPTION: SIL TY SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0.01 SILT AND CLAY • • 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: PLASTIC LIMIT: PLASTICITY INDEX: Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.20 • • 100 90 80 .E .~ 70 Q) ~ ~ 60 .... Q) C: U:::: 50 c Q) e 40 Q) a.. 30 20 10 0 100 ~" 1'/.." COARSE GRAVEL SAMPLE BORING NO: TP-2 SAMPLE DEPTH: 4' "ft." "IF" +-0% Gravel 10 FINE • • • U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes #4 i ;I A n,tt16 #lO #!iO #100 ..,,rn '-'•"'rnmo+o, ---ih ""' I I l ~ I I I ~ I I ~. lit? I -~ i . ,, I 18% Sand ._. 82% Fines-+ 0.1 Grain Size in Millimeters COARSE MEDIUM FINE SAND UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION: CH DESCRIPTION: FAT CLAY WITH SAND ~CUP DELTA SOIL CLASSIFICATION • • ---~ .,. ,-.Iii ~ t:~ 0.01 SILT AND CLAY "- ~ 5S "' "' ill, • r ~I-, ""-.... 40 •. 5 0.001 ATTERBERG LIMITS LIQUID LIMIT: 76 PLASTIC LIMIT: 25 PLASTICITY INDEX: 51 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-1.21 • • SAMPLE B-1@ 0'-5' B-2@ 0'-5' B-6@ 0'-5' B-7@ 0'-5' B-8@ 0'-5' B-10@ 0'-5' B-14 @0'-5' B-18@ 0'-5' TP-2 @4' EXPANSION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D4829} DESCRIPTION Fill: Brown silty sand (SM). Santiago Formation: Light yellow brown silty sandstone (SM). Fill: Light brown clayey sand (SC). Alluvium: Brown clayey sand (SC). Santiago Formation: Light olive brown silty sandstone (SM). Santiago Formation: Light yellow brown clayey sandstone (SC). Alluvium: Brown silty sand (SM). Santiago Formation: Light gray clayey sandstone (SC). Santiago Formation: Olive brown fat claystone (CH). EXPANSION INDEX 13 0 48 0 0 12 10 22 154 EXPANSION INDEX POTENTIAL EXPANSION Oto 20 Very low 21 to 50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 130 Very High Ii\ t-~ GROL.F OEL T.L\ LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-2 • • • • .. • SAMPLE pH B-1 @0'-5' 7.4 B-6@ 0'-5' 4.1 B-7@ 0'-5' 6.5 B-8@0'-5' 5.9 B-10@ 0'-5' 5.4 B-14@ 0'-5' 4.6 B-16@ 2'-5' 5.6 B-18 @0'-5' 5.7 SULFATE CONTENT[%) 0.00 to 0.10 0.10 to 0.20 0.20to 2.00 Above 2.00 SOIL RESISTIVITY Oto 1,000 1,000 to 2,000 2,000 to 5,000 5,000 to 10,000 Above 10,000 CORROSIVITY TEST RESULTS (ASTM D516, CTM 643) RESISTIVITY SULFATE CHLORIDE [OHM-CM) CONTENT[%) CONTENT[%) 930 370 730 1,870 690 1,560 1,620 490 SULFATE EXPOSURE Negligible Moderate Severe Very Severe <0.01 0.38 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.02 0.01 <0.01 0.02 0.18 0.20 0.11 0.11 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.15 CEMENT TYPE II, IP(MS), IS(MS) V V plus pozzolan GENERAL DEGREE OF CORROSIVITY TO FERROUS Verv Corrosive Corrosive Moderately Corrosive Mildly Corrosive Slightly Corrosive CHLORIDE (Cl) CONTENT GENERAL DEGREE OF 0.00 to 0.03 0.03 to 0.15 Above 0.15 LABO RA TORY TEST RESULTS Negligible Corrosive Severely Corrosive Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-3 ' • • MAXIMUM DENSITY & OPTIMUM MOISTURE (ASTM D1557) SAMPLE ID DESCRIPTION B-13@ 0'-5' Fill: Dark brown silty sand (SM). ~ C:iRCUP OEL TL\ LABORATORY TEST RESULTS MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DENSITY [lb/ft3] 120 MOISTURE [%] 11)1, Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-4 • • • • 6000 ~ 5000 D.. ';; 4000 "' / ~ 3000 1- : 2000 / ~ 1000 ::c / ___,-- "' ~ 0 0.0 6000 5000 _ 4000 u. "' D.. -"' "' ~ 3000 I-"' 0:: ct w ~ 2000 1000 0 SAMPLE: B-2 @ 20' 0 --~ 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --40 Degrees, 100 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -36 Degrees, 100 PSF Cohesion 1000 2000 3000 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] +· C' PEAK 40 ° 100 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN I (Sample was consolidated and drained) 1 108.5 PCF . 9.7 % 8.0 10.0 5000 6000 ULTIMATE 36 ° 100 PSF AS-TESTED 108.5 PCF 21 .6 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.1 • • • • • • • • • • • 6000 [ 5000 a. ;;;' 4000 u, ~ 3000 .... : 2000 ~ 1000 :c u, ~ / / ~ r~ ~ 0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN rlo] 6000 • Peak Strength Test Results -33 Degrees, 400 PSF Cohesion 5000 • Ultimate Strength Test Results -33 Degrees, 100 PSF Cohesion _.. 4000 IL. u, a. .... u, u, w 3000 0::: .... u, 0::: c( w :c 2000 u, • 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-2 @ 30' Santiago Formation: Li ht ellow brown silt sandstone (SM . STRAIN RATE: I 0.0030 IN/MIN I (Sample was consolidated and drained) +· C' Yd We PEAK 33 ° 400 PSF IN-SITU 111.4 PCF 10.0 % 8.0 10.0 5000 6000 ULTIMATE 33 ° 100 PSF AS-TESTED 111.4 PCF 19.7 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.2 • • • • • 4000 ...... LL ~ 3000 .... "' "' ~ 2000 t-u, ~ 1000 w :I: "' 0 0.0 4000 3500 2.0 4.0 STRAIN rto] • Peak Strength Test Results --40 Degrees, 50 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 -37 Degrees, 50 PSF Cohesion [ 2500 e:. "' "' ~ 2000 t-u, 0:: Li'j 1500 :I: "' 1000 500 0 6.0 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: 8-3@ 15' PEAK Santiago Formation: +· 40 ° Li ht ellow brown silt sandstone SM . C' 50 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0030 IN/MIN I 'Yd I 102.2 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 6.8 % GR.CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ,,;.~~ ULTIMATE AS-TESTED 102.2 PCF 21 .2 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.3 4000 ti:' ~ 3000 .... u, u, ~ 2000 t-u, ~ 1000 w :c u, 0 0.0 4000 3500 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --36 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results 3000 -36 Degrees, 150 PSF Cohesion [ 2500 a.. .... u, u, w 2000 a: t-u, a: ct w :c u, 1500 1000 500 0 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-3@ 30' +· c· STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN 'Yd I (Sample was consolidated and drained) We PEAK 36 ° 200 PSF IN-SITU 94.8 PCF 9.3 % ULTIMATE 36 ° 150 PSF AS-TESTED 94.8 PCF 22.3 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-5.4 • • • • • • • • • 4000 -u.. f 3000 -"' "' ~ 2000 I-"' ~ 1000 :c "' 0 0.0 4000 3500 3000 [ 2500 a. -"' "' ~ 2000 I-"' ~ ~ 1500 :c "' 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ II Peak Strength Test Results -37 Degrees, 150 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -35 Degrees, 150 PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: 8 -3 @ 40' PEAK Santiago Formation: +· 37 ° Light aray silty sandstone (SM). C' 150 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN Yd 102.0 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 10.3 % ~~i:,.... GR.CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ULTIMATE 35 ° 150 PSF AS-TESTED 102.0 PCF 23.5 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.5 • • • • • • • • 6000 [ 5000 a. °;; 4000 "' ~ 3000 .... : 2000 ~ 1000 ::c ~ "' ~ 0 0.0 6000 5000 _ 4000 u.. "' a. -"' "' w 3000 a:: .... "' a:: ~ w ::c 2000 "' 1000 0 SAMPLE: B-3@ 50' 0 ~ - _,, ~ 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ 11 Peak Strength Test Results -34 Degrees, 300 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -34 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion 1000 2000 3000 4000 NORMALSTRESS[PS~ PEAK +· 34 0 C' 300 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN (Sample was consolidated and drained) Yd We I 97.6 PCF 11 .8 % l',Ii,o~ ~CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS 8.0 10.0 5000 6000 ULTIMATE 34 ° 200 PSF AS-TESTED 97.6 PCF 23.3 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-5.6 4000 IL ~ 3000 -(/) (/) ~ 2000 1-(/) a:: <( w J: (/) 1000 0 0.0 .... 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 e:. (/) (/) w 2000 a:: I-(/) a:: <( w 1500 J: (/) 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r.1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --41 Degrees, 50 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -38 Degrees, O PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 SAMPLE: 8-7 @ 5' !Alluvium: :Brown clatet sand (Sq. STRAIN RA TE: 0.0030 IN/MIN (Sample was consolidated and drained) NORMALSTRESSWS~ PEAK ULTIMATE +· 41 ° C' 50 PSF ,__~~---'..__~~~--'I l.___3 _~-~_S_F__, Yd I We IN-SITU 113.0 PCF 7.2 % AS-TESTED 113.0PCF 18.2 % ~CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.7 • • • • • • • • • • • 4000 -LL f 3000 -Cl) Cl) ~ 2000 I-C/) ~ 1000 UJ :I: Cl) 0 0.0 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 0.. -Cl) Cl) ~ 2000 I-C/) 0:: Li'j 1500 :I: Cl) 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results -36 Degrees, 150 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -36 Degrees, 50 PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: 8-7@ 15' PEAK Alluvium: +· 36 ° Liqht yellow brown silty sand (SM). C' 150 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RATE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN Yd 106.6 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 6 .1 % GRCUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS I ULTIMATE I 36 ° 50 PSF AS-TESTED 106.6 PCF 20.1 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.8 • • • • • • • 4000 u::' [ 3000 "' "' ~ ~ ~ ~ 2000 .... "' o::: 1000 ~ ::c "' ~ 0 0.0 - 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 a. .... "' "' w 2000 0::: .... "' 0::: <( UJ 1500 ::c "' 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN rkJ • Peak Strength Test Results -33 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -32 Degrees, 100 PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMALSTRESS[PS~ SAMPLE: B-13 @ 0'-5' Fill: Brown silty sand (SM). +· Remolded to 90% Maximum C' STRAIN RATE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN I Yd (Sample was consolidated and drained) We PEAK 33 ° 200 PSF IN-SITU 108.4 PCF 11.1 % ULTIMATE 32 ° 100 PSF AS-TESTED 108.4 PCF 20.4 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-5.9 • • 4000 iL' ~ 3000 .... u, u, ~ 2000 t-u, ~ 1000 w :c u, 0 0.0 - 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 Q. .... u, u, w 2000 a: t-u, a: <t w 1500 :c u, 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --36 Degrees, 700 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -33 Degrees, 100 PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: B-15@ 5' STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN I (Sample was consolidated and drained) +· C' Yd We PEAK 36 ° 700 PSF IN-SITU 115.4 PCF 10.5 % GR.CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS ~~~ ULTIMATE 33 ° 100 PSF AS-TESTED 115.4 PCF 18.4 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. S0412 FIGURE B-5.10 • • • • 5000 [ 4000 0.. .... ~ 3000 w a::: t; 2000 a::: ~ 1000 :I: "' 0 0.0 6000 5000 ..... 4000 IL. "' 0.. .... "' "' ~ 3000 .... "' a::: c( w ~ 2000 1000 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1o] • Peak Strength Test Results --45 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -38 Degrees, O PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 SAMPLE: B-1 7@ 5' Santiago Formation: Li ht ellow brown sil sandstone SM). STRAIN RATE: I 0.0040 IN/MIN I (Sample was consolidated and drained) NORMALSTRESS[PS~ PEAK +' 45 ° C' 200 PSF IN-SITU Yd I 116.1 PCF We 7.9 % ULTIMATE AS-TESTED 116.1 PCF 16.7 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-5.11 4000 .... LL [ 3000 u, u, ~ 2000 t-u, ~ 1000 w ::c u, 0 0.0 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 Q. ..... u, u, w 2000 0::: t-u, 0::: <( 1500 w ::c u, 1000 500 0 SAMPLE: B-17 @ 25' Santiago Formation: 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --34 Degrees, 350 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -33 Degrees, 300 PSF Cohesion 8.0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] PEAK +· 34 0 C' 350 PSF IN-SITU ULTIMATE 33 ° 300 PSF 10.0 STRAIN RATE: I 0.0030 IN/MIN Yd I 94.7 PCF AS-TESTED 94.7 PCF 12.2 % (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 8.1 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. S0412 FIGURE B-5.12 • • • 4000 .... LL ~ 3000 ..... en en ~ 2000 I-C/) ~ 1000 w :c en 0 0.0 .... 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 e:. en en w 2000 0::: I-en 0::: <( 1500 w :c en 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 STRAIN[%] B Peak Strength Test Results --36 Degrees, 200 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -36 Degrees, 50 PSF Cohesion 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMAL STRESS [PSF] SAMPLE: 8-19 @ 15' PEAK +· 36 ° SM). C' 200 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RA TE: I 0.0030 IN/MIN Yd 105.2 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 7.0 % I ULTIMATE I 36 ° 50 PSF AS-TESTED 105.2 PCF 20.2 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.13 • • 4000 ri:' f 3000 .... "' "' ~ 2000 ~ I-"' o::: 1000 ~ :::c "' /;,-- r 0 0.0 - 4000 3500 3000 ~ 2500 D. .... "' "' w 0::: 2000 I-"' 0::: c( w 1500 :::c "' 1000 500 0 2.0 4.0 STRAIN r1oJ • Peak Strength Test Results --24 Degrees, 0 PSF Cohesion • Ultimate Strength Test Results -19 Degrees, O PSF Cohesion 6.0 8.0 10.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 NORMALSTRESS[PSF] SAMPLE: TP-2 @ 4' PEAK Santiago Formation: +· 24 ° Olive brown fat claystone (CH). c· 0 PSF IN-SITU STRAIN RATE: I 0.0003 IN/MIN 'Yd 89.6 PCF (Sample was consolidated and drained) We 32.7 % ~~~ GR.CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS I ULTIMATE I 19 ° 0 PSF AS-TESTED 89.6 PCF 32.7 % Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.14 • • • • • • 6000 • Ultimate Values • Peak Values 5000 --Ultimate Strength -Peak Strength 4000 ii:' "' a. -"' "' w 3000 0::: I-"' 0::: ct w :c "' 2000 • 1000 0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 SANTIAGO FORMATION Tsa A summary of ten direct shear tests on samples of the intact sandstone from the Santiago Formation at the site, including silt and cla e sandstone SM and SC . NORMAL STRESS [PSF] +· C' PEAK 35 ° 150 PSF 5000 ULTIMATE 33 ° 100 PSF 6000 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-5.15 • • • • • • 4000 • Ultimate Values 3500 • Peak Values --Ultimate Strength -Peak Strength 3000 2500 ii:' Cl) ll.. .... Cl) Cl) w 2000 IX .... Cl) IX c( w :c 1500 Cl) 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 SANTIAGO FORMATION (Tsa) A summary of four direct shear tests on samples of the intact claystone from the Santiago Formation in Carlsbad, including both lean and fat claystone (CL and CH). 1500 2000 2500 NORMALSTRESS[PS~ +· C' PEAK 24 ° 300 PSF ~~ GR.CUP DELTA DIRECT SHEAR TEST SUMMARY 3000 3500 ULTIMATE 23 ° 200 PSF 4000 Document No. 14-0188 Project No. S0412 FIGURE B-5.16 • • BORING NO.: B-3 SAMPLE DA TE: 10/30/14 BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/6/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Yellow brown silty sand (SM) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 190 150 120 [PSI] B INITIAL MOISTURE 0.1 0.1 0.1 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 [G] D WATER ADDED 100 111 124 [ML] E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)/C) 8.3 9.3 10.3 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 8.4 9.3 10.4 [%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2010.6 2010.3 2011.8 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT 3063.1 3068.7 3085.5 [G] NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) 1052.5 1058.4 1073.7 [G] J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT 2.41 2.46 2.52 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3*1/((1 OO+F)* J)) 122.1 119.3 116.9 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 5842 4300 3430 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 466 343 274 [PSI] N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 36 48 54 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 81 110 122 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 4.38 4.53 5.02 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 36 20 13 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 34 20 13 s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0017 0.0009 0.0003 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S*43,300) 74 39 13 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.71 0.86 0.93 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 0.57 0.30 0.10 [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.49 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 15 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 40 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 15 *Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.B.2. A GRCUP DEL TA. R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.1a • • • • • • • • Sample B-3@0' -5' R-Value at Equilibrium: 15 " / : 2.5 / 80 ~ m 120 / 60 .2 :s Cl> l!! ~ i ,s / :: ~ 1.0 / ' ~ ........... '\ 30 8 ""'i-. "' i-~-+~~+-~--t~~-t---4~t--~-t-~~t-~---, 20 05 / '1--. 10 . 0 0 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] tJ)\ Document No. 14-0188 ~ l.:iftCJUP DEi TA COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD412 ~ FIGURE B-6.1b • BORING NO.: 8-4 SAMPLE DATE: 10/31/14 BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/6/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Yellow brown silty sand (SM) LABO RA TORY TEST DATA • TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 220 140 260 [PSI] B INITIAL MOISTURE 0.1 0.1 0.1 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 [G] D WATER ADDED 120 132 105 [ML] • E WATER ADDED (D.(100+8)/C) 10.0 11.0 8.8 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 10.1 11.1 8.8 [%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2098.8 2112.3 2100.4 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUETIE WEIGHT 3139.8 3112.4 3129.9 [G] • I NET BRIQUETIE WEIGHT (H-G) 1041.0 1000.1 1029.5 [G] J BRIQUETIE HEIGHT 2.43 2.36 2.38 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3.l/((100+F)"J)) 117.9 115.6 120.5 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 3784 2980 7434 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 302 238 593 [PSI] • N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 40 47 30 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 88 105 63 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 4.36 4.87 4.10 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 32 21 48 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 29 20 44 • s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0010 0.0003 0.0022 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S.43,300) 43 13 95 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.72 0.81 0.57 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 0.33 0.10 0.73 [FT] • TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.58 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF] 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 29 • R-VALUE BY EXPANSION 41 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM 29 ·Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.8.2. ~GRCUPDELT~ Document No. 14-0188 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.2a • • • • • • • • • • Sample B-4 @O' -5' R-Value at Equilibrium: 29 3.0 100 / "" 2.5 ~------+--------/-F-----------l 80 [ m 12.0 / 60 .2 :0 !! ~ (/) -f 1 5 / ~ ::i ~ ~ ~ 1.0 ~ j -------/ \ : 05 / 10 0 0 O 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 . .5 . .5 . 2.5 3.0 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [Fl] ~ )\ Document No. 14-0188 ~ CWCUP DF'I TA COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD412 ~ FIGURE B-6.2b • • • • • • • • • BORING NO.: B-6 SAMPLE DA TE: 11/3/14 BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/19/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Light brown clayey sand (SC) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 220 170 120 [PSI] B INITIAL MOISTURE 6.6 6.6 6.6 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 [G] D WATER ADDED 100 119 140 [ML] E WATER ADDED (D.(100+B)/C) 8.9 10.6 12.4 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 15.5 17.2 19.0 [%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2108.7 2111.4 2108.1 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUETIE WEIGHT 3169.3 3142.7 3135.3 [G] I NET BRIQUETIE WEIGHT (H-G) 1060.6 1031.3 1027.2 [G] J BRIQUETIE HEIGHT 2.41 2.40 2.46 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3.l/((100+F)'J)) 115.5 111.1 106.3 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 8350 5055 3348 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 666 403 267 [PSI] N STABILOMETER AT 1 ODO LBS 34 46 53 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 86 110 124 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 3.43 3.73 4.35 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 39 23 14 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 38 22 14 s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0086 0.0044 0.0014 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S.43,300) 372 191 61 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.59 0.74 0.82 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 2.87 1.47 0.47 [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR 1.68 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 16 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 16 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 16 ·Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.B.2 . A GROUP DEL TA R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.Ja • • • • • • • • • Sample B-6 @O' -5' R-Value at Equilibrium: 16 3.0 100 / 90 2.5 / 80 ~ 70 u.. 'i° 2.0 / -.. 60 E .2 :0 .. .. -~ (/) 501i >-1.5 ~ .c / .. .. .. 40 C: " ... u :c 1'---. t 1.0 30 .. / > '~ 0 0 / "-20 -"'-., 0.5 r--.. / 10 0 0.0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] Exudation Pressure [psi] ~\• •<CUPDEI Document No. 14-0188 :TA COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.3b • BORING NO.: B-10 SAMPLE DATE: 11/3/14 • BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/19/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Light yellow brown clayey sand (SC) LABORATORY TEST DATA • TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 100 160 350 [PSI] B INITIAL MOISTURE 3.0 3.0 3.0 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 [G] D WATER ADDED 150 125 105 [ML] • E WATER ADDED (D.(100+B)/C) 12.9 10.7 9.0 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 15.9 13.7 12.0 [%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2098.6 2113.1 2112.1 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUETTE WEIGHT 3228.8 3213.6 3177.7 [G] • NET BRIQUETTE WEIGHT (H-G) 1130.2 1100.5 1065.6 [G] J BRIQUETTE HEIGHT 2.65 2.54 2.43 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3.l/((100+F)"J)) 111.5 115.4 118.6 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 1976 3742 7797 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 158 298 622 [PSI] N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 65 44 23 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 138 96 42 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 5.82 505 4.18 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 6 25 63 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 6 25 63 • s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0007 0.0025 0.0064 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S.43,300) 30 108 277 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.86 0.69 0.34 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 0.23 0.83 2.13 [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.74 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF] 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 24 • R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 22 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 22 ·Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.B.2 . • ,A GROUP DEL T.L\. Document No. 14-0188 R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.4a • • • • Sample B-10 @O' -5' 3.0 ..-----,-----,-----,----,-----,---,. 2.5 I=' LL ':° 2.0 " -" E 0 :s l! U) >-1.5 .c .. .. " C "' " :c I- ~ 1.0 " > 0 u 0.5 800 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.5 Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] • • • R-Value at Equilibrium: 22 ._ ~ ~ " ~ '\ " \ '\ 700 600 500 400 300 200 Exudation Pressure [psi] 100 100 90 80 70 60 " ~ 50ii ~ 40 30 20 10 0 0 ~\ GFi.CUP DEi ~ A COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.4b • • • • • • BORING NO.: B-15 SAMPLE DATE: 10/31/14 BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/18/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Dark yellow brown clayey sand (SC) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 110 150 195 [PSI] B INITIAL MOISTURE 3.9 3.9 3.9 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1200 1200 1200 [G] D WATER ADDED 157 142 130 [ML] E WATER ADDED (D*(100+B)/C) 13.6 12.3 11.3 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 17.5 16.2 15.2 [%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2108.6 2114.3 2100.3 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUETIE WEIGHT 3189.6 3194.8 3137.4 [G] NET BRIQUETIE WEIGHT (H-G) 1081.0 1080.5 1037.1 [G] J BRIQUETIE HEIGHT 2.52 2.49 2.39 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3"1/((1 OO+F)' J)) 110.6 113.2 114.2 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 1932 4047 5015 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 154 323 400 [PSI] N STABILOMETERAT 1000 LBS 63 59 37 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 137 113 84 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 4.73 4.40 4.15 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 8 19 35 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 8 19 33 s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0002 0.0011 0.0020 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S*43,300) 9 48 87 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.99 0.87 0.72 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 0.07 0.37 0.67 [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.49 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF]: 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 17 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION 35 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 17 "Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.B.2 . ~ GROUP DEL TA R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE 8-6.Sa • • • • • • • Sample 8-15 @O' -5' R-Value at Equilibrium: 17 100 3.0 / 90 2.5 / 80 I=' 70 !!:. ; 2.0 / -a, 60 E .!! :;; " g ~ Cl) 50"iii ~ 1.5 I ~ .Q "' " " a, 40 r:: "' " :c t ':: 1.0 30 ~ .. ~v \ 0 0 .. 20 ~ J/ 10 ,... 0 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [FT] J\• •<CUPDEI Document No. 14-0188 :TA COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.Sb • • BORING NO.: 8-19 SAMPLE DA TE: 10/27/14 BORING DEPTH: O' -5' TEST DATE: 11/6/14 SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: Light gray brown silty sand (SM) LABORATORY TEST DATA TEST SPECIMEN 1 2 3 4 5 A COMPACTOR PRESSURE 200 320 170 [PSI] 8 INITIAL MOISTURE 4.7 4.7 4.7 [%] C BATCH SOIL WEIGHT 1100 1100 1100 [G] D WATER ADDED 121 108 132 (ML] E WATER ADDED (D.(100+8)/C) 11.5 10.3 12.6 [%] F COMPACTION MOISTURE (B+E) 16.2 15.0 17.3 (%] G MOLD WEIGHT 2009.3 2006.3 2011.8 [G] H TOTAL BRIQUEITE WEIGHT 3032.2 3024.4 3038.1 [G] I NET BRIQUEITE WEIGHT (H-G) 1022.9 1018.1 1026.3 [G] J BRIQUEITE HEIGHT 2.43 2.40 2.48 [IN] K DRY DENSITY (30.3.1/((1 OO+F)' J)) 109.7 111.8 106.9 [PCF] L EXUDATION LOAD 3775 5110 2948 [LB] M EXUDATION PRESSURE (U12.54) 301 407 235 [PSI] N STABILOMETER AT 1000 LBS 33 25 50 [PSI] 0 STABILOMETER AT 2000 LBS 75 50 104 [PSI] p DISPLACEMENT FOR 100 PSI 5.20 4.75 5.99 [Turns] Q R VALUE BY STABILOMETER 35 54 18 R CORRECTED R-VALUE (See Fig. 14) 33 52 18 s EXPANSION DIAL READING 0.0004 0.0029 0.0000 [IN] T EXPANSION PRESSURE (S.43,300) 17 126 0 [PSF] u COVER BY STABILOMETER 0.65 0.47 0.80 [FT] V COVER BY EXPANSION 0.13 0.97 0.00 [FT] TRAFFIC INDEX: 5.0 GRAVEL FACTOR: 1.64 UNIT WEIGHT OF COVER [PCF] 130 R-VALUE BY EXUDATION: 32 R-VALUE BY EXPANSION: 43 R-VALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM: 32 ·Note: Gravel factor estimated from required AC pavement section using CT301, Part 6.8.2. }~ ~ GR.CUP DEL T .L\. R-VALUE TEST RESULTS Document No. 14-0188 Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.Ga , • • • • • • Sample B-19 @O' -5' R-Value at Equilibrium: 32 100 3.0 / 90 2.5 / 80 ~ 70 LL i 2.0 / -" 60 E .S! :;; " .. j -:, rn 50~ >-1.5 \ .D / « .. .. " 40 C \ ... " :c :" / 30 ~ \ 8 .'-._____ 20 • "'/ . 10 0 00 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Exudation Pressure [psi] Cover Thickness by Expansion [Fl] J\• •<CUPDEI Document No. 14-0188 :TA COVER AND EXUDATION CHARTS Project No. SD412 FIGURE B-6.6b • • • APPENDIXC SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSES • • APPENDIXC SLOPE STAB1Ll1Y ANALYSES Slope stability analyses were conducted using the program SLOPE/W at the nine cross section locations shown on the Rough Grading Plans, Figures 2A and 2C. Spencer's Method of Slices was used for all of the analyses. Spencer's method satisfies both force and moment equilibrium. All of the critical failure surfaces were optimized. The geology of each section was characterized using the general geotechnical conditions encountered in the nearby subsurface explorations, as well as our previous experience with similar geologic conditions. Our slope stability analyses for Cross Sections A-A' through 1-1' are presented in Figures C-1 through C-9, respectively. Laboratory tests were used to approximate the lower bound shear strengths of the various geologic materials encountered at the site for use in the slope stability analyses. Direct shear tests were conducted on relatively undisturbed samples of the on-site soils in general accordance with ASTM D3080. The shear test results were presented in Appendix B. Based on these test results and our previous experience with similar soils, the sandstone of the Santiago Formation was estimated to have an peak shear strength that generally exceeds 35° with 150 lb/ft' cohesion, as shown in Figure B-5.15. The intact claystone of the Santiago Formation was estimated to have an ultimate shear strength that generally exceed 23° with 200 lb/ft' cohesion (see Figure B-5.16). The remolded claystone of the formation was estimated to have a residual friction angle of 19° with zero cohesion, as shown in Figure B-5.14. A shear strength of 32° with 100 lb/ft' was selected for the compacted fill soil, using remolded samples at 90 percent relative compaction (see Figure B-5.9). Three cases were evaluated for each cross section: temporary, static and seismic stability. Our temporary stability analyses indicate that the temporary 1:1 cut slopes that will be needed to complete the recommended remedial earthwork and construct the proposed buttresses and retaining walls should possess an adequate factor of safety for a temporary sloping condition (FS2:1.2) as shown in Figures C-1.1 through C-9.1. Our static stability analyses indicate that the proposed 2:1 slopes and retaining walls should possess an adequate factor of safety against long- term deep-seated failure (FS2:1.5) as shown in Figures C-1.2 through C-9.2. Our seismic stability analyses indicate that the proposed slopes should generally experience less than 1 inch of lateral deformation given the design level peak ground acceleration of 0.31g presented in Table 2 for a Site Class D. Seismic slope deformations of this magnitude would generally be considered tolerable. The seismic stability analyses are summarized in Figures C-1.3 through C-9.3 . t:~ GRCUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar Poinsettia Geotechnical !nvestigation\14-0188\14-0188.doc .=-u. ....... C 0 ~ • 320 310 f 300 290 1 > 280 Q) w 270 260 250 NOTES • • 1.17 .- • 1) The static Safety Factor for Section A-A' is approximately 1.2 for the temporary. 34-foot high 1 :1 cut slope (FS-1.2). 2) The static Safety Factor for the temporary 1 :1 cut slope is less than 1.2 for failures within the fissured claystone (if present). • Taa-Sandatone (35°, 150 PSF) Ta -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCJUP CELT~ Glloc.. Oti.TA C.ONSUl.TAlffl,, INC. ENQtt,lfERSNCI OEQ..OO!ffl S0412 ln45ACTMTY~.SU1TE 103 ~ ~ ~DIEGO CU21M"58)~t000 14-018S ~IIO.l:Cf- Pow,9etUa 61 Developmenl. Fl<U!C ~ Le,..,Home, C-1.1 CROSS SECTION A-A' 320 310 ~ 300 I=' I::!=, 290 t C: 0 :.:. m a', 280 [ w 270 I 260 250 NOTES 1.02 .- 1) The static Safety Factor for Section A-A' is approximately 1.2 for the temporary, 34-foot high 1 :1 cut slope (FS-1.2). 2) The static Safety Factor for the temporary 1 :1 cut slope is less than 1.2 for failures within the fissured claystone (if present). • • Tsa -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCUPOELT~ GROUP Oft.TA.CONIULTMITS, INC. ""().£CT,,.,..._ .. EHGlhEf.RSAN) GEQ.OGlSTS SD412 112.U ACTMT'V Ro...o SUITE IGl DOWf!UIT -~~=., CAlr212tf151)SlS-1000 14-0188 Poinaerue61 Oeveiopment J"Ga:"-'-=" Lennar Homes C-1.1 CROSS SECTION A-A' 320 l 310 ~ 300 ; 290 1 Q I :;::; ro > 280 t Q) w 270 260 r 250 NOTES 1.50 .- Fill (32°, 100 PSF) 1) The static Safety Factor for Section A-A' is approximately 1.5 for the proposed slope configuration with a retaining wall (FS-1.5). 2) The static Safety Factor for the proposed 2:1 cut slope remains above 1.5 for failures within the fissured claystone (if present). • • Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCJUP OEL T.A ~ OELTACOH5ULTANTS, lite. EHGINEERSN«J GEa.OGISTS a24SN:.TMTVR0,1,0.SUrn IO.J SAN DIEGO. CAs,a12t 11681 SJ6.1000 ~~--- Poim;ettilll 61 De"'8klpmer1: r f ........ ......«1t Lenne, tbmes C-1.2 CROSS SECTION A-A' • • 320 310 300 I [ 290 ( C 0 I :.:; ca > 280 ~ w 270 260 250 NOTES • 1.53 .- Fill (32°, 100 PSF) • • 1) The static Safety Factor for Section A-A' is approximately 1.5 for the proposed slope configuration with a retaining wall (FS-1.5). 2) The static Safety Factor for the proposed 2:1 cut slope remains above 1.5 for failures within the fissured claystone (if present). • • • Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) ~ GRCIJP CEL T.t\ Q,ROUPOft.l'ACONSULTIIHTS,~C. ENGINEERS AHO GEQ.OOJSTS 9245 ACTMTY FIO'D. SUITE ,OJ SNI01E.GO,CA92128{15!)538-,000 l"io.a.ci-;;:...; - 3) The analysis assumes that a 1: 1 temporary excavation is cut down from elevation 285 feet on the slope to the base of the retaining wall backcut. Pwttettil 61 Oevelopmeri Lemar 1-bmes CROSS SECTION A-A' • • • 320 310 300 f- .=:' !:!:.. 290 C: 0 :;; i 280 1 270 ~ I I 260 250 NOTES 1.00 .- Fill (32°, 100 PSF) • • • • • • • Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section A-A' is approximately 0.32g, which exceeds the seismic demand for the site of 0.31g (see Table 2). ~ GROUP OEL TA I GROI.POR.TACOfrillA..TANTS,INC. l"IIICIA.Cl""'..U I ENG»<tEERSANO GEOlOGISTS SD412 '2.t5 ...CTMTY RO,,l,D SUfTE 103 OCQJliCril ...-:fl I SAN01EGO,C.'9:H:Hi18,51JS3S-t000 14-0188 l'MlACT- Pm,5etlie 61 Oe"'81oprneft H<lUl'a: -..:11 L&nnar 1-bmes C-1 .J 2) The seismic slope deformation is estimated to be less than 1 inch for the 0.31g seismic demand associated with the 2013 CBC design spectrum. CROSS SECTION A-A' • • • • • • 320 I I 310 ~ 1.26 .- I 300 I=" ~ 290 C: 0 :.;:; ro > 280 Q) w - ~11111¥ 270 260 r _/ I 250 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section B-B' is approximately 1.3 for the proposed 2:1 cut slope with fissured claystone {FS>1.2). • • • Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) ~ GRCI.JP CELT.(\ GIIOII Del.TA CONSUI.TAkTS, .. c. EHGIN£ERS/li'3 GEQ.OGJSTS 91,5ACTMTYl't<»O. SUITE lOJ SAN DIEGO. CA 1212'@5!) 5JIS-1000 "'"'°'4C1>11U4. Poinsettia 61 Oewlopmenl r Lennar Homes ll'Al(U;:CfM.1..-Clt SD412 = 14-0188 ,~It C-2.1 CROSS SECTION B-8' • 320 310 300 I="' !:!=, 290 C: 0 :.= ro > 280 Q) w 270 260 250 NOTES 1.36 .- • • • • Tsa -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tsa -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) J\ GRCI.JP OEL T .L\ 1) The static Safety Factor for Section B-B' is less than 1.5 with the critical failures on the fissured claystone encountered in Boring B-3. GROW' DB.TA CONSULT ANTI ... c. SOm 2) A stabilization fill should be constructed to improve the static Safety Factor to 1.5. A 15-foot wide (minimum) buttress keyway is recommended. ENGINEERSN«l GEQ.OGISTS i2~N::TMT'l'R0,,1,DSU1ff,OO -~-~E~~ CAl'212t jU8J 539-1000 l>ti&.JIII ......... 14--0188 • Polnsettla61 Oe\ol&lopn'lent RQUlll(lol)-lt ,-1 Lenno, Homos C-2.2 CROSS SECTION B-B' • • • • 320 310 I 1.55 .- 300 ~ i=' ~ 290 ~ C: 0 I :;:. ro Fill (32°, 100 PSF) > 280 Q) w I Tsa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 270 I Buttress Keyway 260 ~ (15 Feet Minimum) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 250 NOTES ~ GRCJUP CEL T.L\ 1) The static Safety Factor for Section 8-8' is less than 1.5 with the critical failures on the fissured claystone encountered in Boring 8-3. ~ DELTA COHSUI..TANTI. IHC. 2) A buttress or stabilization fill should be constructed to improve the static Safety Factor to 1.5. A 15-foot wide (minimum) buttress keyway is recommended. 3) The buttress should contain adequate drainage, including a continuous panel drain as shown in Figure 8. ~~~~~ ~04~ SAN01EGO,CAa212tJIMl)53fS..100li ~t,Ol;Nl~ ~"'•..: I 14-01aa Powl&ettlll 61 Oewlopmert ftO.R: -_" L•ma,>txnes C-~ CROSS SECTION B-B' 320 310 1.00 I .- 300 ~ .=:' ~ 290 C 0 :.;:. ro Fill (32°, 100 PSF) > 280 Q) w __.-I I -I I I 1 I I I I ,r 270 -~>..I VI III I IIIV Buttress Keyway 260 f------(15 Feet Minimum) 250 NOTES 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section B-B' with the recommended 15-foot wide buttress is approximately 0.21g. 2) The seismic slope deformation with the recommended buttress is about 1 inch, which is generally considered to be tolerable. Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tea • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GROUP CEL T.t\ GAOUPD!\.TACOfriSla.TNiTS,iijC. EHGIH£ERSN,()GE:OLOGISTS 92-4$ACTMTYROIIO,SU!ff. W>3 SAN01lG0~8:2128~SJ&-1000 Poinsettia 61 De"'9klpmeri LerY181rHome$ ....._a.._. S0412 ~fllUlll9C" 14-0188 ·c.IT CROSS SECTION B-B' • • 280 I=' !:!:.. 270 C 0 :.:. ro > 260 Q) w 250 240 230 - • • • 11.99 .- • • • • 1 220 Existing Fill (32°, 100 PSF) Tu. Sandatone (35°, 150 PSF) I ~~c:======--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_.:..:14,0~1~aa-oo~.1~.gaz__, 210 t!: NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section C-C' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into the existing fill. The fill keyway should be observed by Group Delta Consultants prior to fill placement. A GRCI.JP OEL Ti\ GROUP 00...TA CONSUl.TAHTI. INC. ENGHEERS~GEQ.OOSTS 9245...CTMTYROt.O SUITT. M>3 SAN~.CAl'2129jl5t)538-1000 ...0..:Ct......al SD412 ~ 14-0188 Po.\letl.la 61 De"81opmenl HQ.R ,.,,.... .. Lema, Ho""• C-3.1 ---~ ---1 CROSS SECTION C-C' • • • • • • 280 I=' ~ 270 C: 0 ~ 1.64 • C\l > 260 ' Q) w 250 . / ~/ Fill (32o' 100 PSF) -240 230 220 1 Existing Fill (32°, 100 PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 210 ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOTES I~,~::~~ £NClrUMN«JOECLOG.Sfl S0412 s:~~12~~':., ocn-,,,_,. ~.---~ l 14-0188 PoinNUIII 51 Oe'W!topmenl l'lQUIIII; """'*-.II ~--L.,.,,.,,........ C-3.2 1) The static Safety Factor for Section C-C' is above 1.5 for the proposed 25-foot high 2:1 fill slope. 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into the existing fill. The fill keyway should be observed by Group Delta Consultants prior to fill placement. CROSS SECTION C-C' 280 I=' ~ 270 C: 0 I :.;::; ro 1.00 > 260 • Q) w I 250 [ ..r I I/ Fill (32°, 100 PSF) ......, ' ' ,v 240 I 230 · .I ./T I ,. 220 Existing Fill (32°, 100 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 14-0188-03.3.pz l("{-l!!:!~·£VV~)=======--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.;..;..;_~____;____. 210 [!: NOTES 1 A GRCJUP ~ T~ 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section C-C' is approximately 0.27g. 2) The estimated seismic slope deformation under the 0.31g seismic demand is less than 1 inch, which is generally considered to be tolerable. ! ~DB..TACOHSUL.TANTl,IHC. ~Cl~R •~TY~~~ oocus~~-I ~~.::CA92t29 )531-toOO 14-0188 Porlsettte61 [)e~ FMlll(NJl«R Lenre,Homes C-3.3 CROSS SECTION C-C' !=' u.. ...... C: 0 :.::; <ti 250 l 240 ~ I 230 I 220 a, 210 w 180 NOTES 4.76 .- 1) The static Safety Factor for Section 0-D' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). • Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) [A GRCI.JP OEL TA ENGINEERS NC> GEQ.OGtSTS $0412 ~D(LTACONIULTAIITS,fw. "'°-CCTNJWIUI 9245 ACTMTY RO'D, SUlTE ,00 OOCUW(NT ~II ~-~OO _CA~12t@Se)'18-~fi4-0188 ~, ........ 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into formalional materials. The fill keyway should be observed by Group Delta Consultants prior to fill placement. Poin,ett.1&61 [)evelopmeR ·~OUlll(l(R "'"""'""""' C-4.1 CROSS SECTION D-0' • • • 250 t 240 1.71 .- • • Fill (32°, 100 PSF) 230 r i=' !:!:, 220 C: 0 ~ > 210 Q) w 180 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section 0-D' is above 1.5 for the proposed 2:1 fill slope configuration (FS>1.5). 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into formational materials. The fill slope keyway should be at least 15-feet wide. 3) Any alluvium that may exist beneath the toe of the fill slope should be excavated during keyway construction. • • Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A C:iRa.JP CELT A ~08..TACONSULTAHTS.INC. ENG!HEERS ~ GEOCOGISTS 9:lUACTMTY R<»D SUITT. 103 SAN01EOO.CA9212'1j851l5l&-1000 "IO.l:CT"°"IIOI: Polnsetl:1861 De"9klpmert Lemar Homes ~C1'-M SD412 14--0188 'c'-4.i' CROSS SECTION 0-0' • 250 240 230 I=' ~ 220 C 0 :.::; ro > 210 Q) w 1.39 .- Fill (32°, 100 PSF) .............. Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 190 180 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section D-D' is below 1.5 for the temporary condition with the basin full of water and 2-feet of freeboard (FS-1.4). 2) The stability of the proposed fill slope should be improved by providing a PVC or HDPE liner for the proposed basins. l GRCUP OEL Ti\ GAOUfi D&.TA COHSU..TANTI, IJ,jC. EHGINEEASANO GEOlOGJSTS t24SACTMTY~.SU1TE l03 , f .. =~~=CA9212e~S.1000--, Pmuetlia 61 Developmen: [ Lemar tt:>mes O'toOA,Cf~M 50412 14-0188 ''c-41" I CROSS SECTION 0-0' • • 250 , 240 f 230 ~ J=' !:!:., 220 C: 0 ~ > 210 t Q) w 200 190 180 NOTES • 1.00 .- 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section D-D' is about 0.27g. • Fill (32°, 100 PSF) 2) The seismic slope deformation is estimated to be less than 1 inch for the 0.31 g seismic demand. 3) The stability of the proposed fill slope should be improved by providing a PVC or HOPE liner for the proposed basins. • • • • Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) ~ A GRCUP OEL TA Gltex.PDnT~COfrfMJI..TNfft.lfllC '"*l.CCT-!lt ENGIN££RSN¥J GEQ.OGISTS SD412 92.f!ACTMTYROAO SUITl:.103 ~-" 5AH0jfGO CAt2,2-{161)~tOOO 14,-0188 PIIO.£Cl""WE: PolnsetUa61DeY8k>pfnenl: ~.,.; Le.....,,Homes C-4.3 CROSS SECTION 0-0' 260 I 250 240 230 I=' I:!=. 220 C 0 ~ > 210 Q) I w 200 190 NOTES 3.71 .- Ts a -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF)I 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). A GRCI.JP OEL T.t\ f OltOU" DILTACOfrillUlTANT'I. INC. ENGIHf:EMAND GE.O..OCISTS 924$,ACTM'TY "°"°· SUtTE 103 SAH01EOO.CAll2121j8511~ ~c, ..... c $0412~ 2) Complete alluvium removals should be conducted beneath the retaining wall. The removal bottom should be observed by Group Delta prior to fill placement. Po.isettiB 61 DeYl!klpm9f'« Lennar Homes U1o1CH1--;;;.i 14-0188 ·c-n· CROSS SECTION E-E' • • • 260 1 250 240 ~ 230 r= ~ 220 C 0 ~ ro > Q) w NOTES • • 1: 1 Temporary Cut Slope 15-Foat ic.,.., 1.43 .- • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) • Tea • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition, during the recommended remedial excavations. A C:RCIUP OEL TA 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into the existing sandstone. The fill keyway should be observed by Group Delta Consultants prior to fill placement. 3) All alluvium within 10-feet of the retaining wall foundation should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill. CROSS SECTION E-E' • • • 260 250 240 230 I=' !:=, 220 C 0 :.:; co > Q) 210 w 200 190 NOTES • • 1.35 .- 1: 1 Temporary Cut Slope • • • • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 15-Fool~ l GRClUP CEL Ti\ 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition, including the 1 :1 temporary excavation within the alluvium ""°'"'Oft.TACON<IA."""u ,c. I -.cc,~-· 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into the existing sandstone. The fill keyway should be observed by Group Delta Consultants prior to fill placement. EHGiNEEIIS .t.tC:I OEQ.OGl!STS $0412 SAN~~MJ't2~~~ ~.(),,._. -,.i°cy--14 188 • 3) All alluvium within 10-feet of the retaining wall foundation should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill. Poo:aettia 61 Oe\telopmenl r------~ "'-'-;.;--- Lennar i'bmes I C-5.1 CROSS SECTION E-E' • I=' LL ........ C: 0 ~ • 260 r 250 [ 240 230 220 > 210 Q) w 200 190 NOTES • • 1.52 .- 18-Foot High Wall • 15-Foot~ • • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) Tsa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is above 1.5 for the proposed retaining wall and 2:1 fill slope (FS-1.5), assuming the wall is internally stable. A GRCI.JP CEL T.L\ --~----· --··-·-····-_,,., ----·····-- 2) The retaining wall foundations should be deepened as necessary to attain adequate global stability (FS>1.5). 3) All alluvium within 10-feet of the retaining wall foundation should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill. Pointoltio610e- LemerHomes '"c.s.i' CROSS SECTION E-E' • • • 260 - 250 240 230 ~ 220 L C: 0 :;:; ro ~ 210 w 200 190 NOTES • • 1.52 .- 18-Foot Hi~!) Wall • • 15-Foat~ • • • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) Tsa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF)I 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is above 1.5 for the proposed retaining wall and 2:1 fill slope (FS-1.5), assuming the wall is internally stable. f A GRCUPOELT~' GROOPDfi.TAcotillA.TANTl,NC, "'510.A'.Cft,iU~Jt ENGINEEFISNCGEQ.OGISTS ~0412 2) The retaining wall foundations should be deepened as necessary to attain adequate global stability (FS>1.5). 3) All alluvium within 10-feet of the retaining wall foundation should be excavated and replaced as compacted fill. 11'24!iACTMT'I" ROAD SUrTE 103 ~I r-:::··-.. ,--,.;;,~ settil 61 [)evelopmef( J!C)J,'ll: ~R Lemor~~,1 CROSS SECTION E-E' l • • 260 250 f 240 230 I I=' !:::., 220 C 0 :;::::. ro > 210 Q) LU 200 190 NOTES • 1.36 .- 18-Foot High Wall • • 15-Foala__, • • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) JJJ;f~~ PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCJUP CEL T.l\ 1) The static Safety Factor for Section E-E' is below 1.5 for the temporary condition with the basin full of water and 2-feet of freeboard (FS-1.4). GROUl"D8..TACOHIUlTAlffS,INC. P111()..CCT-.il ENGINEERSN<JGECl.OGJSTii ~S0412 2) The stability of the proposed fill slope should be improved by providing a PVC or HOPE liner for the proposed basins. 9'245.-.CTMTY Rc»,D SUITE t03 OClCl*Dfr~• =~~c,.e2,2tpNJS3l·t000 14-0188 Polnsettia61 De'lelopmer1 ~~I lema,»,mes C-5.2 CROSS SECTION E-E' • • 260 250 240 230 I=' ~ 220 C: 0 ~ ca > Q) w NOTES 1.00 .- 18-Foot High Wall • ,..,,......, • • • • Tsa -Claystone (23°, 200 PSF) FIii (32°, 1 PSF) I Tu • 8anclatone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCUP OELTA 1) The yield acceleration for the slope is about 0.37g, which exceeds the seismic demand of 0.31g. Seismic deformation should be less than 1 inch. GN)I.POILTAC:OlliSIA,'TANB.,NC. ~Cf...,.._ 2) The stability of the proposed fill slope should be improved by providing a PVC or HOPE liner for the proposed basins. --0,Q.OG<STS 50412 IZ4$ACTIYl'TYROIO.Ml!Tt1Gl ~ -I SNtOIIEOO CAt212tGIY)~>&-lOOO DOOJIOl4-0,,._S8 HIO.l.CTW...... 1 1 ~-81 Dewfopmenl: I HGl.ML -.111 t.en.,Home, C-5.3 CROSS SECTION E-E' • • i=' LL ...... C: 0 :;::. ca a, LU • 250 - 240 230 220 I 180 NOTES 14.35 • • 1) The static Safety Factor for Section F-F' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). • • • • Tu· Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) GIIIOUP DB.TA CONSUL.TA.NT$. ..C. ~c1...-.111 SD412 2) Complete alluvium removals should be conducted beneath the proposed slope. The removal bottom should be observed by Group Delta prior to fill placement. EHGINEERSN«J GEa..OGISTS 9245 ACTMTV ROAD SUITE m 6AN DIEGO. CA8212t ~)6311--1000 '1IO.ICCY'"""'I'. ~-... 14-0188 ~&etlla610e'<lelopmert lern1r Homes 'c-61' CROSS SECTION f .f ' • • • • • • • 250 ~ 240 FIii (32°, 100 PSF) 230 I I=' Alluvium (36°, 100 PSF) I:!=, 220 C 0 :p ro > Q) w Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 180 NOTES A GRCI.JP DELTA 1) The static Safety Factor for Section F-F' is above 1.5 for the proposed 2:1 fill slope (FS>1 .5). 2) In order to complete the remedial excavation of the loose, saturated alluvium, dewatering will be necessary. c.s:z· CROSS SECTION F-F' • • • • • 250 240 FIii (32°, 100 PSF) 230 Alluvium (36°, 100 PSF) i=' ~ 220 C: 0 :,.:::. ro > L 5 ' Feet (I) LU 200 ------------------•-----------------------------------------------------------------Tu· Sandstone (35", 150 PS~ l 190 180 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section F-F' remains above 1.5 with groundwater levels back at current elevations (FS>1 .5). 2) The alluvium should be completely removed to within 5 feet of the toe of the planned 2: 1 fill slope. ,A GRCJUP DEL T.t\ ~ GROU'Dfl.T•eot<S<A.TANTS,IHC. L '""'"'~-I ENGINEERS~ GECl.OGISTS SD412 t24S ACTMTY ROAD SlJITE 103 m1ion ,.,-:11 ==CA.9212'"691~1000 14-0188 Poinsettia 61 0e¥etopmert ~IQ.Nl.;;;.,;- Lema, Homes l~.2 CROSS SECTION F-F' 250 240 I 230 I=' !:!::., 220 C: 0 ~ ro > 210 (1) Alluvium (36°, 100 PSF) I • • • • Fill (32°, 100 PSF) UJ 200 -------------------------------------------····--·--·--··· ------· ... .-, Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) 190 180 NOTES A GRCI.JP DEL T.t\ 1) The yield acceleration for Section F-F is approximately 0.25g, which is less than the seismic demand of 0.31g. 2) The seismic slope deformation is estimated at less than 1 inch for the 0.31g seismic demand from the 2013 CBC. ~DIL.TACOtr.lW..tAKTS.INC EHGiHWtlNC>GEQ.OGll'TS 50412 9:kSACTIY!TY J110i1iD Uf! 103 000...U.I ...... , :c~=-CAt:l12e111S1JSlt-t000 14-0188 I -lt&IOe-1 -~-· f Le~ L C-6.3 CROSS SECTION F-F' • 260 250 t I 240 ~ 230 ~ LL ........ C 0 +:i ro > Q) 210 w 200 190 NOTES • • 5.06 • • • • • • Fissured Claystone (19°, 0 PSF) J Tu -Sandstone (35°. 150 PSf\ Tsa -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF)i .---l ~Cl.JP DEL TA 1) The static Safety Factor for Section G-G' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). ENGINEERSANOGECl.OGl$TS $0412 • 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into competent formational materials. The keyway should be observed by Group Delta prior to fill placement. 9245ACTMTYRCW>.S01TE 10,l DOCUMUil.....-:~I GROUf'OflTACONSIJl.T,UITS,f lNCPRO.C<:fMU.._lt ~_Q_lf.GO CA.9'2l2tC-)S3&-fflOO 14--0188 ""'-"'"-PwlsetU1 61 Oewlopment f1',I.H:;:;.; Lenna,-· _______J;d .1 CROSS SECTION G-G' • 260 250 240 230 I=" ~ 220 C: 0 ~ > 210 Q) UJ 200 190 NOTES • .1.81 1) The static Safety Factor for Section G-G' is above 1.5 for the proposed 2:1 fill slope configuration (FS>1.5). • 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into competent fonnational materials. The keyway should be at least 15-feet wide. • • • • ILL (32° I 100 PSF) Tu· Sandatone (35°. 150 PSF Tsa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF)I l GRCJUP CEL TA ~OILTACONSll..TAHTl.arfC. PMQ.LctMJIO&lf iEf,,GNEfMN,oGEQ.OGIITI S0412 ' s!:r~R~:i:..':x, OC:O.-Ot---~,-· 14-0188 Poimettll fl 1 DeY81opment FO..-: ---Le,,..., Home, __ C-7.2 CROSS SECTION G-G' • • • • • • • • • 260 I 1.00 .- 250 ./"IV 240 -~ I I I V L (32°, 100 PSF) I 230 1 ~ 1 11111/Y Tu • Sandstone (35°. 150 PS I=' Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) ~ 220 f C: . 15-Foot~ 0 :.;::::; ro > 210 Q) UJ 200 190 NOTES IJ._\ GAD.JP CEL TA ~ ~-I ---·---·-· 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section G-G' is about 0.28g. 2) The seismic slope deformation is estimated to be less than 1 inch for the 0.31g seismic demand. GftOUP'Da.TACOfrrlllA.TANTS,IHC. l"MO.l:Cl,,,,_llt EHGIHEERSAAO GEOLOG~TS 50412 t2~ACTMTV~.SUrTEl03 J DOO.IICNT~II SANDlE00.CAl212e115!)5Jl.1000 14-0188 ~~;;::1a s1 De"91opmett I HOI.K NJ-It Lema,Homes ~.3 CROSS SECTION G-G' • • 260 250 240 230 f • 3.30 .- • Fissured Claystone (19°, 0 PSF) I=' ~ 220 C -.. -8andstone (35°, 150 PSF)! 0 ~ 6, w 200 190 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section H-H' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into competent formational materials. The keyway should be observed by Group Delta prior to fill placement. ~ GRCJUP CEL TA GM)I.P DELTA.CC*$Ul.TAHTI, MC~"ROLCI ~Ill ENGlf,IEERSA>CGEQ.OGlSTS SD412 12..S.trCTMlY R<W>, SUfTE ,oo ~, ......ui .~°;~t.Aa2,2&(85!)~1000 14-0188 Polnsettie61De\'8klpmef'II: ~-" Leme,Homos ~~C-8.1 CROSS SECTION H-H' • • 260 ~ 250 t 240 230 ~ • 2.18 .- Fissured Claystone (19°, O PSF) • • .ndatone (35°, 150 PSF) 220 1 I=' LL Tsa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) ...... C: 0 ~ ro > 210 Q) LU 200 190 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section H-H' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to fill slope construction). 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into competent formational materials. The keyway should be observed by Group Delta prior to fill placement. A GRClUP OEL TL\ GROIM' 06-TA CONIUA..T.t.Nft, ltjC. ~Cl NU...ut ENOINEERSANO oea.OGISTS~ 50412 9245ACTMTY~ SUITE 'IOJ ~1,....-Jt '~~CA~t29~)_!)8-1000 14-0188 --·,0e-.. r -~· I Le....,, Home, C-8.1 CROSS SECTION H-H' • 260 250 240 230 ~ !::!=, 220 C: 0 ~ > 210 Q) w 200 190 NOTES 1.56 .- • 1) The static Safety Factor for Section H-H' is above 1.5 for the proposed 2:1 fill slope configuration (FS>1.5). • 2) The new fill slope should be keyed into competent formational materials. The keyway should be at least 15-feet wide. • • • Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tu • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) !l GRCI.JP OEL T .L\ ~ DB.TA cotma.tAHTl, ..C. ~~~~~~ ~~=-C.AGU.IIY}SS,000 H4--0188 I --···Co-......... Le,.,..,>t>me, ~-8.2 I CROSS SECTION H-H' • 260 250 240 230 ~ ~ 220 C: 0 ~ > 210 ~ w 200 190 NOTES 1.00 .- 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for SectionH-H' is about 0.22g. • 2) The seismic slope defonnation is estimated to be about 1 inch for the 0.31g seismic demand. • • • T• • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) A GRCJUP OEL T.l\ ~Oft.TACOfliS&A.TANTS,INC MCILC'f......_11 &GNU:M.,.,GEO..OGIITI SD412 11:k$ACTMTYJIIQIIOUl'Et0:3 1 ~,_,. ~ SMDl(00 CAtQut .. )5,.11.tOOO 14.-0188 ·-Porttett.1161 Oevelopmenl Hl)..M(--11 co ..... ,...,., __<;-8.3 CROSS SECTION H-H' • • • 46.51 .-,,o.rumnUlJ I I l I l l I I I IJIDY 260 250 r Fissured Claystone (11•, 0 PSF) 240 I-~ [ 230 ~ - C 0 J 220 L w 210 I- • ~ Tu -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tsa -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Tu -Sandstone (35·, 150 PSF) ~c I NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section 1-1' is above 1.2 for the temporary condition (prior to cut slope construction). A GRCIJP CELT.A -~---{--" ENGINEERS~GEQ.00!$TS SD412 9245ACTMTY~.SU!TEI03 OOCUIIDIT.......ul =~~CAl2l~(l56JSJ6.1000 14-0168 Po•m1etti11161 De~ ~ ••. , •• u 1---leMllr tt>mas C •9 .1 CROSS SECTION 1-1' • 2.55 270 ~ 260 ---------------<U.1 I I IW 250 .. - Fissured Claystone (11•, 0 PSF) ~ 240 1 s;::: ~ 230 C: 0 ~ > 220 Q) UJ 210 200 NOTES 1) The static Safety Factor for Section 1-1' is well above 1.5 for the proposed 2:1 cut slope (FS>1 .5). 2) The cut slope should be observed by Group Delta Consultants to determine if additional claystone beds are present. 3) Additional buttress recommendations may be provided if additional claystone beds are encountered. T• -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF} T• -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF} T• -Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) l GRCUPCELT~ GIIO&.-Dll.TACOtiiSLa.TANfl,lfC. l'IIIIO.CC1~ I f.NGltiWtS AJrrC> GEQ.OG!STI 50412 9'2UACTMTY~ SUlTEtO:J r--------l>OCllOtll.N•~ _ IAHD!£GO Ct.G12t\fll~,OOO I 14-0188 HIO.tle,_ Pohma:9510.~ Le,...., t-bmts C-9.2 CROSS SECTION I~' • 270 260 1.00 .- 25011-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..1.--1----~ Fissured Claystone (1r, o P8F) 240 ~ ........................................ ~~~;; .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ 230 ~~~~ ................................ .. 0 :.:; ro > 220 Q) UJ 210 200 NOTES 1) The yield acceleration under seismic loading for Section 1-1' is above 0.52g. 2) The seismic slope deformation is estimated to be negligible for the 0.31g seismic demand. Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF) Taa • Sandstone (35°, 150 PSF)I l A GRCJUP CEL T.t\ ~Ciel.TACONSULTANTS,.WC il'fWl.LCt~ EtGNUltS~OEa.<XUTS 50412 924$.-.cTMTYflll:W> aMTE ,oJ ~~~ :=c~= CAl21211tMt)!JI.IIXIO 14.-01&8 Pointel:III 61 DeYelopmefi ~ ..,.,. ... Lema, Home, C-9.3 CROSS SECTION 1-1' r - ., I /i,1--,~ , I I i / I I I I i 1 I I ~/ I I I ) I/ ,).,;s.,. ! -'~,$' / -==-r 1:r -/ ,L-- .____, / / / // / / / / / / / / / / / \ I ' I @ p 4-4'8 Reference: 1418A-GP-04-Key.zip, provided by O'Day Consultants, Inc, 2018. \ 304.3 )( 0£BRJS 310.1 X 3 10.2 ~-7 " ~ J0~.9 .310.1 C' J-o~ X B' \ -\ 306.~'!I 0£NS£ BRUSH GIN \ Qya ) ! AA' \ \, \ . I\ / / I I I 04GTP- A 2oa.5 /i X .15~d3TP-11 207.9 X Qya \ 04GTP-13 \ ~04GB-4 \ --_!_ 210.5 X \ I Ii- 222_ X 257.5 X/ 25~~-I I I 25i / 255.6 f. £1 X 25(<6 ff,5:j< y-"fs, T 255/4 'I Xi \ I , I 257.5 .............__ . X sx. - EXPLANATION Tsa Qya Fillu +B-19 +A-17-004 8 rP-11 ..;.-P-2 +99GB-4 99GTP-12 8 04GTP-14 IEiill ---?······ cut ---fill o· 60' Santiago Formation, circled where buried Alluvium, circled where buried Fill, circled where buried, "u" where undocumented fi II Approximate location of hollow stem boring (GDC, 2014) Approximate location of hollow stem boring (GDC, 2017) Approximate location of exploratory test pit (GDC, 2014) Approximate location of percolation test (GDC, 2014) Approximate location of large diameter boring conducted by others (Geocon, 1999) Approximate location of large diameter boring conducted by others (Geocon, 2004) Approximate location of exploratory test pit conducted by others (Geocon, 1999) Approximate location of exploratory test pit conducted by others (Geocon, 2004) Approximate location of geologic contact (dotted where buried, queried where uncertain) Approximate location of daylight with cut and/or fill indicated Approximate location of proposed canyon subdrain, barbs in direction of flow 120' 180' A GROUP DEL TA GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEERS ANO GEOLOGISTS 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD, SUITE 103 SD412B SAN DIEGO. CA 92125 (858) 536-1000 OCUMENT NUMBER PROJECT NAME 18-0012 Lennar -Poinsettia 61 LATE NUMBER 1 Geotechnical Map I I r BB 30 27 24 18 0 60 ------------ AA 30 I w ~ ,,~ < 27 Planned Gr'i!d 24 21 '_...-...-...---~~-;~~~F~i~llu:...~...---------~ Fillu T0-12.S' ? TO-21· T0 -35' Tsa 18 I -w )lz o-,o -~ 0 • ~~ o~ Existing Topograph m-6' BEDDING PLANE SHEAR (GEOCON 1999) ! A T N38W _;, mW z AA' a; < m :o :::.~ "~ ,o ~lg' w oz r -~ rr ~ WN 0 " rr 300 w ~ r ! -~ --;-i;, :, ~-rr r-; 0 O 0 r D rr w o~ ,,; m i w 270 < NSW/6SSW N60E2/NW N-5/SE 240 N7-1E/10SE TD -31.5' TO -•s• 210 Tsa Tsa "-.. Qya 180 ?..._ 1so-t~~~~""T~~~~"'T'~~~~,..~~~~T"~~~~r-~~~--,,-~~~-,~~~~""T~~~~"'T'~~~~,..~~~~T"~~~~r-~~~~r-~~~-,~~~~""T~~~~"'T'~~~~,..~~~~"T"'~~~~..-~~~~1-1 so 0 60 120 Tsa 120 180 240 180 "' g!'l ~~ 0 • o'..0 r rr o~ BEDDING PLANE SHEAR (GEOCON 1999) 300 cc 30 27 24 21 18 0 240 300 360 " m m 0 ~ " N5W/65W N60Ef21NW N-5110SE lU .(S' 360 420 480 ~ ,m ,m m-; oo o rr o~ ~~-·-(GDC 2014) TO . 21· Tsa 60 120 180 420 ~ ~ 0 0 " ro -20.s· 540 480 POINSETTIA LANE STA 185+70 600 Tsa 240 300 540 600 ==,A la T N 85 E 660 720 ! A T m~ N 11 W w '0 ~N 0 g~ 0 ~ -; ~o r rr "~ " ~ T0 -10' Qya Tsa 360 420 660 720 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 Fill,, -? ? TD -10' Qya ? -? TD -5' Tsa Tsa 780 840 900 960 1020 1080 1140 1200 1260 1320 "' 0 w ow Nb ~i:, ,N ,m ~-cc· ~a r -; oo r rr D rr o~ "~ 300 270 240 Fill,, 210 TD -16' Qya .....__ - 180 Tsa 480 540 600 660 720 780 BB' 300 270 240 -- 210 180 1380 I EXPLANATION -? Tsa Qya Fillu 'I'~ 0.. "' f--• -, () 0 0 Cl'. (!) 0.. J_ TD -15' ;; en ~ (') ' ... ro . -, () 0 0 Cl'. (!) 0.. . _r/SE TD -21' 60 ' 30' O' Geologic Contact, dashed where approximate, queried where uncertain. Santiago Formation Alluvium Fill,"u" indicates where undocumented fill Approximate location of Geogrid Wall Approximate location of Test Pit with projected distance and direction to cross section location and total depth indicated. Approximate location of geotechnical boring with projected distance and direction to cross section location and total depth indicated. Strike and dip of bedding measured in large diameter boring. Horizontal Scale 1" = 60' Vertical Scale 1" = 30' @full size 22"x34" 60' 120' A GROUP DELTA GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC . PROJECT NUMBER ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SD41 2B 9245 ACTIVITY ROAD. SUITE 103 SAN DIEGO, CA 92126 (858) 536-1000 JOCUt.llENT NUMBER PROJECT NAME 18-0012 Lennar -Poinsettia 61 LATE NUMBER 2 Geologic Cross Sections ' ' ' I