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\J I 7 SOIL RETENTION DESIGNS I N C. ') Verdura® Retaining Wall Design Project: Poinsettia 61 CT 14-10, GR 2017-0054, DWG 507-2A Carlsbad, CA Prepared for: Lennar Homes of California, Inc. 25 Enterprise Suite 400 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 SRO Project No: J 704-003 August 21, 2017 Revised November 3, 2017 Revised December 19, 2017 2501 State Street• Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.soilretention.com N\ =ii: () a.. . -;;::; C GROUP DELTA December 8, 2017 Lennar Homes 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. Jamison Nakaya JAN l 7 201 SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL INFILTRATION INFORMATION Poinsettia 61 Development Carlsbad, California References: Group Delta (2014). Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Poinsettia 61 Development, Carlsbad, California, Document No. 14-0188, November 20. Mr. Nakaya: In accordance with the request of Mr. Tim Carroll, we are summarizing herein the infiltration testing we previously completed in 2014 for the Poinsettia 61 Development in Carl sbad. A narrative describing the infiltration testing was provided in Paragraphs 3 and 4 in Section 2.0 of the referenced 2014 report (GDC, 2014). That narrative is summarized below for clarity. We also previously provided the attached Appendix D, which was intended as an addendum to the 2014 report. Appendix D is attached to the end of this letter, and contains the boring logs and infiltration test results from the investigation, as well as Worksheet C.4-1 of the 2015 San Diego County BMP Design Manual. Worksheet C.4-1 is identical to the City of Carlsbad Form 1-8. Two falling head percolation tests were conducted as part of our 2014 field investigation. The tests were located in cut areas where retention basins are proposed. Note that several other retention basins are also proposed in portions of the Poinsettia 61 site that were inaccessible to the drilling equipment, or in areas where deep cuts or fills will be needed to reach basin subgrade elevations. Percolation tests were not conducted in those areas, since they would not be representative of the future as-graded conditions beneath the basins. Additional percolation testing may be conducted once the basins are rough graded. For the percolation tests, 6-inch diameter holes were drilled to depths of 5 or 10 feet below grade. The boreholes were then filled with water, and the water surface drop was measured repeatedly at 15 to GO-minute time intervals. The percolation test data was initially presented in Figures A-20 and A-21 from Appendix A of the referenced 2014 investigation, and is also presented in the attached Appendix D. ... Supplemental Infiltration Information Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. SD4128 December 8, 2017 Page 2 The field percolation tests indicated that the unsaturated formational sandstone at the site may initially take water at a rate of about 5 to 7 minutes per inch. However, once the dense fine- grained sandstone becomes saturated, the infiltration rate drops to zero. We anticipate that the compacted fill soils proposed for the site may absorb more water than the dense sandstone that will be prevalent throughout the cut portions of the site. However, we have recommended that all of the basins be lined with an impermeable HDPE or PVC membrane to reduce the potential for slope instability. We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued professional service. Feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. ~E~iOAt..~ GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS ({~,4,_;;'"\'~ fr/4Khw4 ~ f:,!. Matthew A. Fagan, G.E. 2569 ~~~ Senior Geotechnical Engineer "''iOFc,.\.'fr'J Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. Mr. Jamison Nakaya (Jamison.Nakaya@Lennar.com) (1) Addressee, Mr. Mr. Tim Carroll (timc@odayconsultants.com) ~ GRCUP DEL TL\ N:\Projects\SD\SD412B Lennar -Poinsettia 61, T&O of Earthwork Construction\S. Reports\17-0145.doc APPENDIXD INF/l TRATION ASSESSMENT Appendix D: Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Requirements Worksheet C.4-1: Cate orization of Infiltration Feasibili Part 1 -Full Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would infiltration of the full design volume be feasible from a physical perspective without any undesirable consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question Is the estimated reliable infiltration rate below proposed facility locations greater than 0.5 inches per hour? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D. Provide basis: Yes No No Percolation tests were conducted in cut areas where retention basins are proposed (see attached test data). Several other retention basins are also proposed in areas where fills are proposed. Percolation tests cannot be conducted in fill areas until the site is graded. The tests indicate that the formational material has an equilibriu infiltration rate below 0.5 in/hour. We recommend that basins located near the tops of proposed fill slopes be lined with an impermeable membrane to reduce the potential for slope instability. Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. 2 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other fa~tors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: See response to Item 1 above. No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of srudy/data source applicability. BMP Design Manual-Appendices December 2015 D-1 Appendix D: Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Requirements Criteria 3 Screening Question Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without increasing risk of groundwater contamination (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors) that cannot be mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: See response to Item 1 above. Yes No No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability. 4 Can infiltration greater than 0.5 inches per hour be allowed without causing potential water balance issues such as change of seasonality of ephemeral streams or increased discharge of contaminated groundwater to surface waters? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: See response to Item 1 above. No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability. Part 1 Result* If all answers to rows 1 -4 arc ''Yes" a full infiltration design is potentially feasible. The feasibility screening category is Full Infiltration If any answer from row 1-4 is "No", infiltration may be possible to some extent but would not generally be feasible or desirable to achieve a "full infiltration" design. Proceed to Part 2 *To be completed using gathered site information and best professional judgment considering the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/or studies may be required by City Engineer to substantiate findings. BMP Design Manual-Appendices December 2015 D-2 Appendix D: Geotechnical and Groundwater Investigation Requirements -.. ,.., .-::-,_..,.,,,~ \'.'m;i~mr.w.,.•Hluq~ • • Part 2 - Partial Infiltration vs. No Infiltration Feasibility Screening Criteria Would .infiltration of water .in any appreciable amount be physically feasible without any negative consequences that cannot be reasonably mitigated? Criteria Screening Question Yes No 5 Do soil and geologic conditions allow for infiltration .in any appreciable rate or volume? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2 and Appendix D. No Provide basis: The percolation tests indicate that basins located within cut areas in the Santiago Formation will have a negligible equilibrium infiltration rate of about 0.0 inches per hour. We recommend that the basins proposed at the tops of the fill sloped be lined to reduce the potential for slope instability. Summarize findings of srudies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps. data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 6 Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without increasing risk of geotechnical hazards (slope stability, groundwater mounding, utilities, or other factors) that cannot he mitigated to an acceptable level? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.2. Provide basis: See response to Item S above. No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies. calculations. maps. data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. BMP Design Manual-Appendices D ecember 2015 D-3 Appendix D: Geotechnical and Groundwater Investig ation Requirements Criteria 7 " . .~·· Screening Question Can Infiltration in any appreciable quantity be allowed without posing significant risk for groundwater related concerns (shallow water table, storm water pollutants or other factors)? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Appendix C.3. Provide basis: See response to Item 5 above. Yes No No Summarize findings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/ data source applicabili ty and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. 8 Can infiltration be allowed without violating downstream water rights? The response to this Screening Question shall be based on a comprehensive evaluation of the factors presented in Append.ix C.3. Provide basis: See response to Item 5 above. No Summarize finctings of studies; provide reference to studies, calculations, maps, data sources, etc. Provide narrative discussion of study/data source applicability and why it was not feasible to mitigate low infiltration rates. P art 2 Result* If all answers from row 1-4 are yes then partial infiltration design is potentially feasible. The feasibility screening category is P artial Infiltration. If any answer from row 5-8 is no, then infiltration of any volume is considered to be infeasible within the drainage area. The feasibility screening category is No Infiltration. *To be completed us1ng gathered site mformaaon and best professional Judgment cons1denng the definition of MEP in the MS4 Permit. Additional testing and/or studies may be required by Agency/Jurisdictions to substantiate findings BMP Design Manual-Append.ices December 2015 D-4 " ,: § I-0 t:l t:l 0 8 t:l a'. t:l V) t:l 9 N ;, 0 V) 0 V) _, 5 V) >< ::!: ::!: t:l z ii" 0 m BORING RECORD ' PROJECT NAME I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 P-1 SITE LOCATION 'START 'FINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Term inus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD 'LOGGED BY 'CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) I TOTAL DEPTH (ft)/ GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTH/ELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Ria (Wolverine) 6 5 I 247 Y. N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) UJ zw-~ 0 Ou~ ai z a. ~ 0 >-z i=Z"' I-i= =-I-<( <( -UJ 0:: I-Cl) LL -;? I <( ., UJ ...J I-~ s: :l: I->~ ...J a. a. w-a. ::;:: UJC/)o 0 UJ ...J ::;:: <( z UJ ...J ...J 0 UJ <( Cl) UJ 0:: aJ aJ Cl) a. - - -245 - - e-5 - - ~ -240 ~ f- ~ f- 1-10 ~ I-- .... 1--235 I-- 1-- ~15 - - -230 1-- 1-- -20 f- 1-- 1--225 1-- ~ ~ NOTES ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 * N -1.37 * N >-UJ I-ai 0:: ui 0::r.l) ~ =>-zc UJ I-~t UJ 0 I r.I) I o.3: I-UJ I-6 QI-a. >-UJ ::;:: 0:: 0 0 -. -· - - 5 - - - - 10- - - - 15- - - - - 20- - - - ~ I(.') a.a ~...J (.') .. .. .• , . .. .. ,. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SIL TY SANDSTONE (SM); light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines; nonplastic. Hole cleaned out to 5' with hand auger. Gravel added to bottom prior to filling with water. See Figure A-20b for percolation test data. Total Depth: 5 feet No groundwater encountered § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLI FICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. FIGURE A-20 a FALLING HEAD PERCOLATION TEST FIELD DATA SHEET Storm Water lnfilitration Project Name: Test Hole No: Drilling Method: Depth of Hole as Drilled: Reading Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Time 8:16 8:31 8:31 8:46 8:46 9:16 9:16 9:46 9:46 10:15 10:1 5 10:45 10:45 11 :45 11 :45 12:45 Lennar Poinsettia Job No.: S0412 Tested By: GMS P-1 Date Drilled: 10/31/2014 Date Tested: 10/31/2014 6" Hollow-Stem Auger 5 Depth Before Test: 4' 6" Depth After Test: 4' 6" Time Initial Final Change in Rate Interval Depth of Water Depth of Water Water Level (min.fin.) (min.) (ft.) (ft.) (in.) 0:15 4.00 4.04 0.50 6:00 0:15 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 0:30 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 0:30 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 0:29 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 0:30 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 1:00 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 1:00 4.04 4.04 0.00 0:00 ..J\ GROUP DEL TA Document No. 14-0188 PERCOLATION TEST DATA (P-1) Project No. S0412 ,;-..... FIGURE A-20 b ; § b (.'.) (.'.) 0 8 (.'.) .., a.. (.'.) Cf) (.'.) 0 ....I N ~ Cf) 0 Cf) ....I 6 Cf) X ::;; ::;; (.'.) z ii': 0 a, BORING RECORD I PRUJE1,;T NAME I PROJECT NUMBER BORING Lennar Poinsettia 61 Development SD412 P-2 SITE LOCATION I START IFINISH SHEET NO. Southeast of Cassia Road at the Terminus of Poinsettia Road 10/31/2014 10/31/2014 1 of 1 DRILLING COMPANY DRILLING METHOD ILOGGED BY !CHECKED BY Pacific Drilling Hollow Stem Auger TSL MAF DRILLING EQUIPMENT BORING DIA. (in) TOTAL DEPTH (ft)! GROUND ELEV (ft) I DEPTH/ELEV. GROUND WATER (ft Truck Riq (Wolverine) 6 10 I 235 ~ N/A Ina SAMPLING METHOD NOTES Hammer: 140 lbs., Drop: 30 in. (Automatic) ETR -82%, N60 -82/60 • N -1.37 • N UJ zw~ :g-ci Ou~ ~ z a. UJ ,!g_ 0 >-z i= z"' f-oc i= Z' f-UJ <i:<l:-::)~ er: t-Cl) u. ~ I <l: QJ UJ ...J f-~~ ~ ~~ f-> .! ...J a. a. w-a. ::, UJ Cl) 0 0 6 UJ ....J ::, <l: zw ....J ....J 0 UJ <l: Cl) UJ er: co co ::, Cl) a. - >-- >-- >-- >-- c-5 >--230 >-- ~ >-- ~ >-- ,_ I-- >-10 1--225 ,_ I-- ~ >-- ~ >-- ~ >-- c-15 1--220 ... >-- >-- >-- >-- c-20 >--215 1-- >-- >-- >-- >-f- ui er: Cl) z~ UJ f-UJ u IC/l o.e: f-UJ Of->-er: 0 Z' QJ ,!g_ ~ IC) I a.o f-~...J a. UJ 0 C) 5 -.. • ... .. · ·.·. DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION SANTIAGO FORMATION: SILTY SANDSTONE (SM); light gray; moist; mostly fine SAND; little fines: nonplastic. Hole cleaned out with hand auger to 9'. Gravel added to bottom prior to saturating the borehole. See Figure A-21b for percolation test data. 1 0-+~·~·L·"""--'1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--f Total Depth : 10 feet No groundwater encountered - - - 15- - - - 20- - - - § GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS, INC. THIS SUMMARY APPLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF THE ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. FIGURE 8 (.'.) 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103 San Diego, CA 92126 A-21 a FALLING HEAD PERCOLATION TEST FIELD DATA SHEET Storm Water lnfilitration Project Name: Lennar Poinsettia Job No.: S0412 Tested By: GMS Test Hole No: P-2 Date Drilled: 10/31/201 4 Date Tested: 10/31/2014 Drilling Method: 6" Hollow-Stem Auger Depth of Hole as Drilled: 10' Depth Before Test: 8' 2" Depth After Test: 8' Reading Time Initial Final Change in Rate Time Interval Depth of Water Depth of Water Water Level Number (min.) (ft.) (ft.) (in.) (min.fin.) 9:00 0:15 7.50 9:15 7.75 3.00 5:00 2 9:15 0:15 9:30 7.08 7.33 3.00 5:00 3 9:30 0:15 9:45 7.33 7.58 3.00 5:00 4 9:45 0:15 5.50 6.08 7.00 2:08 10:00 5 10:00 0:15 6.08 10:15 6.25 2.00 7:31 6 10:15 0:15 6.25 6.42 2.00 7:31 10:30 7 10:30 0:15 10:45 6.42 6.58 2.00 7:31 8 10:45 0:15 6.58 11 :00 6.75 2.00 7:31 9 11:00 0:15 5.50 11 :15 5.75 3.00 5:00 10 11 :15 0:15 5.75 6.17 5.00 3:00 11 :30 11 11 :30 0:15 11 :45 6.17 6.33 2.00 7:31 12 11 :45 0:15 6.33 12:00 6.42 1.00 15:02 13 12:00 0:15 12:15 6.42 6.46 0.50 6:05 14 12:15 0:15 6.46 12:30 6.46 0.00 0:00 15 12:30 0:15 12:45 6.46 6.46 0.00 0:00 16 12:45 0:15 6.46 13:00 6.46 0.00 0:00 Document No. 14-0188 ..J\ GROUP DELTA .., ,...,--_ PERCOLATION TEST DATA (P-2) Project No. SD412 FIGURE A-21 b SOIL RETENTION DESIGNS I N C. Date: December 19, 2017 SRD Project No: 1704-003 To: Lennar I tomes of California, Inc. 25 Enterprise Suite 400 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Attention: Mr. Jamison Nakaya Subject: Verdura® Retaining Wall Des ign, Poinsettia 6 1, Carlsbad, CA In accordance with your request, Soil Retention Designs, Inc. (SRD) has prepared this report for the proposed Verdum® retaining walls at the subject site. The enclosed structural design addresses twelve ( 12) walls located at the proposed project site as depicted within the accompanying construction drawings ( Verdura® Retaining Wall Pl ans - Sheets 23 through 44). The subject structural design is based upon the referenced gradin g plans and wall profiles, which were prepared by O'Day Consultants, Inc. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The information provided for use in the enclosed structural analyses included the fol lowing: I. Supplemental MSE Retaining Wall Recommendations, Po insettia 6 1 Development, Carlsbad, California, prepared by Group Delta Consultants, dated July 12, 2017. 2. Digital Files of Rough Grading Plans and Wall Profiles, Poinsettia 61, provid ed by O'Day Consultants, Inc. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of design services provided for this project included the following: I. Review of the above referenced documents relati ve to obtaining necessary desig n parameters. 2. In-office analysis and design of the proposed Verdura® Retaining Wall s as req uired to accommodate the established civ il design. 3. Preparation of this report, which contains our calculations and associated specifications, accompanying construction plans that relate directly and specifically to the proposed retaining walls. 2501 State Street• Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.soilretention.com Vcrdura• Retaining \\'all l)c,ign -l'oinwllia 61 SR D l'rojcc1 No. 1704-003 December 19. 2017 Page 3 VERDURA ® RETA INING WALL DESIGN Genera l -The proposed project consists of twelve ( 12) Verdura® retain ing walls located at the subject site. /\ summary of th e general geometric condition is provided below: Des ign Wall# Total C rest Condition Toe Condition No. Design Height (ft) I* A-I 7.33 Level Grade to Upper Wall Level Grade 2 A-I 14 Variable Ascending Slope Level Grade 3* A-I & A-2 18.67 2: I Ascending Slope to Upper Wall Level Grade 4* A-I & A-2 20.67 2: I Ascending Slope to Upper Wall Level Grade 5* A-I &A-4 28 2: I Ascending Slope to Upper Wall Level Grade 6 A-I 20 2: I Ascending Slope 2: I Descending Slope to Lower Wall 7 A-I 15.33 2: I Ascending Slope 2: I Descending Slope to Lower Wall 8 A-1.5 13.33 2: I Ascending Slope 2: I Descending Slope to Lower Wall 9 A-1.5 16 2: I Ascending Slope 2: I Descending Slope to Lower Wall 10 A-3 12.67 2: I Ascending Slope Level Bas in Grade 11 A-3 6.67 2: I Ascending Slope Level Gracie to Lower Wall 12* A-4 9.33 2: I Ascending Slope to Upper Wall Level Grade 13* A-4 8 2: I Ascending Slope to Upper Wall Level Gracie 14 B-1 & B-2 28 2: I Ascending Slope Variable Descending Slope 15 8-2 10.67 2: I Ascending Slope Variable Descending Slope 16 C-1 & C-2 25.5 2: I Ascending S lope 2: I Descending S lope 17 D 8.67 2: I Ascending Slope Variable Level Grade 18 E 10 2: I Ascending Slope Level 19 F 9.33 2: I Ascending Slope Variable Level Grade 20 F 10 2: I Ascending Slope Variable Level Grade * T iered areas of Wall A were designed as a large single height wall (which determined gcogrid length) and then verified as individual single height walls where the s urcharge from the upper was applied to the lower wall (which determined geogrid strength). T his method was used due to the asymmetrical con figuration of the wall layouts. Geotechoical Design Parameters -The geotechnical parameters used in design of the VRW a re based upon the recommendations from the geotechnical engineer of record within the Referenced Document # I (Appendix 1). The soil parameters used Cor wall design are summarized as follows: o Reinforced zone (cohesion [cl= 0 psf, friction angle (<p]=32°); o Retained zone (c=O psf, cp=32°); and, o Foundation zone ( c= I 00 ps f, cp=32°). The materia ls used within the reinforced zone may consist of either select onsitc and/or imported fi ll material, provided the fol lowing quality criterion is met: o Friction ang le (effective):::_ 32 degrees; o Percent passing #200 sieve~ 35 percent; o Expansion index of_:::: 20; and, o Plasticity index of~ 20. 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.sollretention.com \'crdurn • Rcwining \\ all l)c,ign l\1insc11ia 6 1 SRI> l'rojcct No. 1701-00 l Dcccmt->cr 19.20 17 Page 4 Seismic Design Parameters -The design s ite acceleration o f0.15g was utili/.ed for the subject site based on information provided within the Referenced Document # I (A1>pendix I ). The site acceleration used in design is equal to 50% of 2/3 PG/\" per C l3 C Code. Wall Components -The proposed VRW is to be constructed using Vertlura® 40 blocks, Mirafi geogrids and other accessory products as required for construction by the wall-installation contractor, and described in "Part 2 -Products" or the "Specifications" or the accompanying construction drawings (Sheet 23). Wall Design -The Verdura<F retaining walls proposed for the subj ect site have been designed for both static and pseudo-static conditions using computer program MSEW (Mechanically tabilizcd Earth Wa ll ) 3.0 design soft.ware, developed by ADAMA Eng ineering, Inc. The structural designs have been completed per the AASI ITO 2002 (ASD) design methodology. Structural design calculations in clude external, inte rnal, and local stabi lity analyses. The des ign calculations arc provided in A ppendix 2 o f this report and are preceded by summary pages of the critical factors or safety for the stru ctural designs at the rear o f this text. Our analyses consisted of the incorporation o r twenty (20) wall designs to accommodate the proposed wall geometry previously discussed. Minimum safety factors fo r externa l, interna l, and local stability satisfy the following criteri a: External Stability Calculations Static Seismic Base Sliding 1.5 I. I Bearing Capacity 2.0 1.5 Overturning 2.0 1.5 Interna l Stability Calculations Static Seismic S liding 1.5 I. I Geogrid Pullout 1.5 I. I Gcogrid Strength 1.5 I. I Local Stability Calculations Static Seismic Gcogrid -Block Connection 1.5 I. I The accompanying constructio n drawings ( Verdura® Reta ining Wall Pla ns -Sheets 23 through 44) co nsist o f gcogrid lengths, strengths and placement based upon these structural designs. 2501 State Street· Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.sollretention.com Vrn.lura" Retaining \Vall Dt:')ign Poin::.cttia 61 SRD l'rojcc1 No. 170-1-003 December 19. 2017 Page 5 Toe Embedment -Toe ernbedmcnt (ernbedment o r the wal l base into the fou nd ation soils) is typica lly provided to minimize the potential for erosion un dermining of the "vall base, enhance bearing capacity and enhance sliding res istance of th e basal reinforcement layers. Embedment of the wall is accounted fo r in the calcul ations as part of the ·'total wa ll height". The embedment has no impact on the wall calcul ations (i.e. design methodology conservative ly ignores pass ive ea rth pressures from soils in front of the wall and hence has no effect on the in terna l or external stability of the wall system/components). Per nationally recogn izcd standards and in corporation or project speci fie recommendations, the minim um requirements for wall embedmcnt are summarized as follows: MINIMUM EMBEDMENT REQUIREMENTS Sloping Condition at Toe of Wall Embedment Requirement* Level H'/20 (M in imum I-foot) 3H:IV H'/10 2H:IV H'/7 *Note: H ' equals the exposed height of an MS£ 1Va/l. Toe cmbcdmcnt of a minimum of 2 to 4.67 feet for th e proposed Verdura® Retaining Walls, as specified on the accompanying construction plans, exceeds the minimum nationally recogn ized standards. A minimum 8-foot to slope dayli ght condition is also satisfied in sloping toe areas. Wall Backfill -Requirements for backfill materials surrounding th e proposed wall arc included 111 the speci tications of the construction drawings for thi s project. Backfill Drainage -Retaining wall sub-drainage should be constructed in accordance with the details shown on th e accompanying construction drawings and/or as directed by the geotechnical engineer of record. Surface Water Drainage -Drainage and channeling of surface water from above the wa ll and from surrounding improvements shou ld be directed to coll ection devices away from th e retaining wall structure. Where possible, surface water should be collected in v-ditches, swales, or other collection/channeling dev ices in order to contain an d discharge water to either end of th e wall or away from the structure. Berms, curbs, gutters, swales or other devices may be required to prevent an excessive amount of concentrated runoff from draining over th e crest of the wall and creating erosion problems. In no case should large volumes of run off or concentrated fl ows be allowed to cascade over the top of Ventura® retaining wall s, di scharge into the backfill or infill soils from which the wall is constructed or otherwi se be allowed to satu rate the structural fill of the wall. 2501 State Street• Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.soilretention.com Vcrdurn' Retaining \\'all Dc,ign l'oin,cltia 61 SRD Project No. 170 1-00.1 lkccmhcr 19. 20 17 Page 6 Improvements A bove W a ll -T he uppermost gcosynthetic reinforcements arc designed to be at least 2 feel beneath the Lop of wall elevations. The 2-loot zone is typically considered a suitable depth in which landscaping can be installed. If deeper infrastructure im provements are p la nned within the areas above the wall, there may be connict with geosynthctic re inforcements. SRD should be contacted if infrastructure utilities are planned for th ese areas and trench excavations encroach w ithin the zone of geosynthetic reinforced soils. Additional analyses in o rder to assess the stability of the designed reta in ing wall may be required if this condition exists. New structu res s uch as pools, spas, outbuildings, etc. th at may be planned in areas where the retaining wall has been constructed may surcharge the retaining wall or sever the geosynthetic reinforcements during their construction. SRO should be contacted prior to construction of any improvements so that the stabili ty of the proposed retaining wall can be evaluated. Construction Deta.ils -Detailed specifications, relative to the construction of the Verdura® retaining wall system, are provid ed on the accompanying construction drawings (Verdura® Retaining Wall Pl ans - Sheets 23 through 44 ). The length, strength and spacing of geosynthetic re inforce ments are depicted on the wall profil e. The minimum recommended geogrid lengths in accordance with the total heights should be maintained throughout the wall per the accompanying drawings. Geogrid spacing for all wall areas shall not be more than 3 block courses except fo r top of wall areas as noted on the accompanying construction pl ans. Plantability and Landscaping -The Verdura® retaining wa ll system has a ful ly plantable fascia. T he Verdura® S RW un it is design ed with a "lip" on the block w hi ch helps to retain soils within the block when th e units are spaced a patt up to 9 inches. The free-face design allows for vegetation to root itself back into the cooler soils of the reinforced mass and does not limit the root area to a smaller concrete planter pocket. A landscape architect s hould be consulted for the site specific applications. GLOBAL STABILITY ANALYSES G lobal s tability of earthen slopes surcharged by retaining walls is independent of local structural design for retaining walls and hence has not been conducted as part of the des ign included herein. Any recommendations from the geotechnieal engineer of record for the lengthening of geogrid for global stability purposes around the proposed walls should be incorporated into the accompanying construction drawings if needed. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER-OF-RECORD It is the proj ect geotechnical engineer-of-record's responsibility to review the accompanying construction plans in order to ensure that the design parameters and recommendation they prov ided have been correctly implem ented. ICC-ES REPORT (ESR-3073) The enclosed structural design has been completed in accordance with the requirements of the ICC-ES Report ESR-3073 for the Verdura® Retaining Wall System, which is compliant with current 2015 IBC and 201 3 C BC building codes. Special inspections per the ICC-ES Report (ESR-3073) should be completed during cons truction. 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.sollretention.com \ c,JurJ Rc1.1111111g \\'.ill lksign l'<J1n,c111.1 (,I SIU) Projccl No 170~-00J December 19.2017 LIMJTATIONS The design and recommendations provided herein arc applicable to the use of the Verdura® retaining wa ll products, which is of proprieta1y ownership by Soil Retenti on Products, Inc. Note that the scope of services authorized and provided herein is limited to a structural design of the proposed Ventura® Retaining Wall system. SRO did not provide any on-site gcotechni cal services such as subsurface investigations or identification/testing of soil materials that may be used in or near the proposed Verdura® retaining wa lls. lnformation presented herein is based on data provided in the reference documents . lf the conditions differ from those presented in the referenced documents, the engineering design and analyses provided by SRO may no longer be valid and additional engineering and analysis services may be required. Conditions noted above include, but are not limited to, slope configurations, wall system type, wall/slope heights, soil materials and structural and/or ex ternal loadings. fn addition, it should be noted that SRD is the wall designer and not the geotechni cal engineer-of-record. CONCLUSIONS Construction of the above referenced Verdum® retammg walls are feasib le provided that the recommendations included herein and within the accompanying consh·uction drawings are followed. lf you have any questions or wish additional information, please contact the undersigned. 7/:j~ Niklas Ja{1sson, RCE 67744 Vice Pr sident D~tion: (J) Addressee (Electronic) (l) Tim Carroll, O'Day Consultants, lnc. (Wet-Signed & Electronic) (I.) Matthew Fagan, Group Delta Consultants (Electronic) Attachments: Appendix 1 -Supplemental MSE Retaining Wall Recommendations Appendix 2 -Verdura®Retaining Wall Design Calculations 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966·6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.sollretentlon.com Ven.Jura' Retaining \\,all Design -Poinsettia 61 SRD l'rojcct No, 170~-00.l Dcccmba 19. 2017 Appendix 1 Supplemental MSE Retaining Wall Recommendations 2501 State Street• Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.soilretention.com Page 8 G ROUP D E L Tl\ Ju ly 12, 2017 Lennar Homes 25 Enterprise, Suite 300 Aliso Viejo, California 92656 Attention: Mr. And rew Han SUBJECT: SUPPLEMENTAL MSE RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS Poinsettia 61 Development Carlsbad, California References: Group De lta Consultants (2014). Report of Geotechnicol Investigation, Poinsettia Development, Carlsbad, California, Document No. 14-0188, November 20. Mr. Han: O'Day Consultants (2017). Poinsettia 61, Rough Grading Plan, 20 Sheets, Project No. CT14-108, dated June 28. In response to our recent project team meeting, we are providing herein supp lemental geotechnical recommendations for use in the design of the Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE} retaining walls recently proposed at the Poi nsett ia 61 residential development in Carlsbad. Geotechnical parameters for the design of standard cantilever retaining walls were provided in Section 6.6 of the referenced geotechnical report (GDC, 2014). Those recommendations remain applicable to design of the cast-in-place and masonry retaining walls proposed at the site. The following design parameters are provided for the Verdura style MSE walls that will be designed by Soi l Retention Systems, as shown on the referenced rough grading plans (O'Day, 2017). The proposed MSE ret aining walls wi ll retain a variety of different soil conditions. In general, all of the MSE walls may be assumed t o retain compacted fill soils that will primarily consist of silty and clayey sand (SM and SC}. This assumption will be slightly conservative in the cut areas. The terraced MSE walls proposed along the northern property boundary, as well as the MSE wall proposed in the cut area near the southwest corner of t he site, will likely retain dense Santiago Formation, which mostly consists of silty or clayey sandstone (SM or SC}. For design of these MSE walls, a higher shear strength t han that of t he fill may be applicable to the retained zone. However, several one to four-foot thick fat claystone (CH) beds were encountered within the Santiago Format ion at the site. A buttress was previously recommended behind the northern MSE wall due to the presence of t he fissured clayst one. Once the preliminary MSE wall designs are completed by Soil Retention Systems assuming fill conditions, the global stability of the various cut slopes and MSE walls should be evaluated by Group Delta Consultants. 9245 Activity Road, Suite 103, San Diego, CA 92126 TEL: (858) 536-1000 Anaheim -Irvine -Ontario -Oakland-San Diego -Torrance -Victorville www.GroupDelta.com Supplemental MSE Retaining Wall Recomrnendat1ons Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC Project No. S0412 July 12, 2017 Page 2 MSE retaining walls should be designed using soil parameters that reflect the strength in the reinforced and re tained zones. For design, we recommend that the retained and foundation area materials for all of the proposed MSE walls be assumed to cons ist of fill soil with a shear strength of 32° and 100 lb/ft3 cohesion, and a moist unit weight of 125 lb/ft3. An allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 lbs/ft2 may be assumed. For lateral resi stance, a coefficient of friction of 0.35, and an allowable passive pressure of 300 lbs/ft2 is recommended. The bottom of the MSE wall should be deepened where needed to provide a minimum slope setback of 8 feet, measured horizontally from the bottom outside edge of the MSE wall units to the slope face. All MSE walls should contain an adequate drainage system to relieve the buildup of hydrostatic pressure. Typical MSE wall drain details are provided in the attached Figure 1. The soil placed within the reinforced zone of the MSE walls should consist of granular soil with an Expansion Index less than 20 based on ASTM D4829. For design purposes, we recommend that the material in the retained zone be assumed to consist of granular fill soil with a minimum friction angle of 32° with zero cohesion, and a moist unit weight of 120 lb/ft3. Retaining wall backfill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction per ASTM D1557, and should be sampled and tested during construction for remolded shear strength per ASTM D3080 to confirm that the minimum required 32° friction angle is attained. Much of the on-site soil, including all of the poorly graded and silty sand (SP and SM), as well as some of the clayey sand (SC) generated from the proposed excavations, may be suitable for use within the reinforced zone of the MSE walls, provided that these soi ls have an Expansion Index less than 20 based on ASTM D4829. The Expansion Index testing conducted previously for the investigation was summarized in Figure B-2 of the referenced report (GDC, 2014). Note that all of the on-site clay (CL and CH), as well as some of the clayey sand (SC), may have an Expansion Index above 20, and would be considered unsuitable for use as MSE wall backfill. We understand that seismic design is required for all earth retaining structures over 6 feet in height. The Design level peak ground acceleration (PGA) for the site may be taken as 40 percent of the short period spectral ordinate (Sos), as shown in Tables 1 and 2 of the referenced report (GDC, 2014). One-half of the Design level PGA is typically used for pseudo-static seismic wa ll design, which would equate to 0.14g or 0.15g in this case, depending upon the wall location and underlying Site Class. For seismic design of retaining walls throughout the site, we have provided design parameters based on the higher PGA of 0.15g (corresponding to a Site Cla ss D). We recommend that seismic retaining wall design be conducted using the Mononabe-Okabe so lution which incorporates a pseudo-static horizontal load. The Mononabe-Okabe solution is based on active earth pressures, and requires that the retaining walls are free to yield at least Yi percent of the wall height. We recommend that the equivalent seismic pressure increment (Ye) of 13 PCF be added to the active earth pressure for seismic wall design. Note that the seismic pressure increment may be idealized as an inverted triangular pressure distribution with the resultant acting at a height of 0.6H above the base of the wall, as shown in Figure 2. A ~CUP DEL T ~ N:\Projects\SD\SD412 Lennar · Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\17-0081 MSE Walls\17-0081.doc Supplemental MSE Retaining Wall Recommendations Poinsettia 61 Development Lennar Homes GDC ProJect No. 50412 July 12, 2017 Page 3 We appreciate this opportunity to be of continued professional service. Feel free to contact the office with any questions or comments, or if you need anything else. GROUP DELTA CONSULTANTS Matthew A. Fagan, G.E. 2569 Senior Geotechnical Engineer Distribution: (1) Addressee, Mr. Andrew Han (andrew.han@lennar.com) (1) Soil Retention Systems, Mr. Nick Jansson (njansson@soilretention.com) (1) O'Day Consultants, Mr. Tim Carroll (timc@odayconsultants.com ) A ~CUP DELTA N:\Projects\SD\S0412 Lennar -Poinsettia Geotechnical lnvestigation\17-0081 MSE Walls\17-0081.doc FIGURES I,.. L___ Approximate Excavation Line Interceptor Drain Consisting of Geocomposite Panel or Crushed Rock Blanket (SEE DETAIL)\ ' / ~athvel. Collector ~ t Pipe Height of Drain Equal to 2/3 Height of Wall ~V\.,I'\. DLANl'\.C I AL I C~NA I IV C Filter Fabric Surrounding ~ Crushed Rock . Approximate Excavation ~ Line ~ -'----. Minus 3 Crushec At Least 2" of Crushed Rock Surrounding Pipe 4" Diameter Perforated Pipe, ABS or PVC, Draining to Gravity Outfall GEOCOMPOSITE PANEL ALTERNATIVE Geocomposite Panel Drain -- Approximate Excavation , Line \ ... 1ould outlet through a solid pipe to a free gravity outfall. Perforated pipe and outlet pipe should have a fall of at least 1 %. nel drain should consist of Miradrain 6000, J-DRain 400, Supac DS-15, or approved similar product. i consist of Mirafi 140N, Supac 5NP, Amoco 4599, or similar approved fabric. Filter fabric should be overlapped at least 6-inches. f ..... ,"" PCF] Angle (cp) [0J: 0) [OJ: t) [o]: ) [OJ: ion (Kh) [g's]: l (Kv) [g's]: ;ultant: Fa = 1 /2 Ya H2 e Resultant: Fe = 1 /2 Ye H2 120 32 21 0 90 0.15 0.00 '-''"''-VU'-'"' I L..U r '"'l""'IWIL.. I '-1'"'1 Active Pressure Coefficient (Ka): Equivalent Fluid Pressure (Ya): Seismic Pressure Coefficient (Kae): Equivalent Fluid Pressure (Yae): Equivalent Seismic Pressure (Ye): ~ DD ~ OD I 13 I Horizontal Component of Active Pressure Resultant F ah = Fa cos(o+~ Horizontal Component of Seismic Pressure Resultant F eh = Fe cos(o .... - - - - - - - -_a _ --~-- - ,ranular -----7 3ackfill "-"\ ______ _ yq> l( / --------------c=O _______ 7 ____ _ YeH ~ ... / ____i _,,-,, ya .~ + \ Fah - 14" \\ ~ I~ \, // H/3 Y ~ I e , "-,'4.j$= -1 A ... I I I :+--: 0 .6 1~7 _y YaH I- I- \lcrdurn' Rctninin!,l \\all Dc,ign Poinsettia 61 SRI) Projcc1 No. I 70~-003 December I 9. 2017 Appendix 2 Verdura® Retaining Wall Design Calculations (125 Pages) 2501 State Street • Carlsbad, CA 92008 • P: (760) 966-6090 • F: (760) 966-6099 • www.sollretentlon.com Page 9 .. 1, ... ·'--,, ·-.,... ...... , ... . . " ... ,... --...... ·-~ ~ MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1ed Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 l'1c~~111 0.11~ l ml\.: rh\1 '\1" 02 01< I~ 11 .ZUI 7 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTlFICA T!ON Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar Homes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. I Wall /\-1 -5.33' Exposed Wall with 2' Embedment. Total Wall Height = 7.33'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. C/\ Telephon.: #: rax #: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: nj ansson@lsoi I relent ion .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDcsip,n\.Job Folder\1 704-003 Poinsettia Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... II /\-1 -7.33 FT.BEN - Original date and time of creating this file: Fri /\pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. \. ,_,.,..,..,,._,,.,rw._.,,._,.,o,-.. • ..,.,,,,., .. ,., • .,., .• 1....,., "'''"' ___ , .. ,..... "·•·-·~"'""" ··•-• ''"' • --·•-• __ ,.,,. . ..,, -·· w~,-..,,.-uvw" '•-·~uv• ,,._, .... ,.., .. _, • ....,., 1 .. -,~•ht• ·--·•-•••-••,...,,,.,,._.~""'"' ,_,. -••-••• - I Poinsettia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright O 1998-201 6 ADA MA Engineering, hie. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Ml'chanicall) Stabilized 1-.arth Wall s Poinsettia 61 P,~,\!nl 0:1h: I mw I Im ,u\ 112 me 11 11 21117 ,:r I 7tJ-t-f10) Pom,1.:ln.1 ( ,ul~t,.1d (),,;,i:,m ]nd '-luh111111al D\!\1<211 ,o I -\\ ,,II \-1 . 7 U I I Bl'\ SOIL DATA Rl~INFORCED SOIi. Unit "·ci!l,ht. y Design , aluc of internal angle or friction. <J> RETAINED SOIi. Unit weight. y Design value of inh:rnal angle or friction. <J> 120.0 111. n ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/rt ' 32.0 ° 1-0UNLJ/\TION SOIL (Considered as an equh aknt uniform soil) Equivalent unit \\.Cight. y """" 125.0 lb/ft 1 Equivalent internal angle of friction. <j>,4,m 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c <qu" I 00.0 lbll't 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFlCJENTS Ka(internal stability)= 0.22 10 (if batter is less tlrnn 10°, Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. 1v = 54.00° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utili zed) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.-19 Ny= 30.2 1 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = /\111 = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.3498 Kae ( Kh = 0) = 0.2210 t, Kac = 0.1288 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 :CWIII JDIISIJb IZJlfEl\e:ttKtl+MI WI I I If I Ill ?h I lltttl t tUl 1 IN!! 832 DIil I ¥1111 11\'ttJ 11211 :Cbft?l I I Ell ::rm: SI Ill I 2)) trthoefhn MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili,.ed l\arth Walls Prc,..:111 l),1lc lmll.' lhu ,\,\ 020!< 12 11 lCJ\7 TNPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D A T !\ Tult ! lb/ft I Durabilit) reduction factor. RFd Installation-damage reduction !'actor. RFid Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overnll for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scalc-cflect correction factor, a p Geo grid C,co)?.rid lVJ2C # I l\ J2C 112 4 700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tat~ 0.85 ·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient Witb Depth 7.. K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 7. l rq 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13. I ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 - 26.2 32.8 Poin,cuia 61 i:t 1711-l-(KI' P\1111',.;ll!,I (. ,11l,'1,1d lh:,1tz11 :rnJ ,ubnu11.1l lk,1;n ,n I · \\ .111 \-1 · 7 q I I Bl , Gcogrid Gcop.rid Gcogrid lVJ:!C #J t1pe 114 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.13 I .45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NII\ 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.8S·tan~ 0.8:Hanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 -- ··~ ........... , ... ~-,,-~M .. , •..•. ~ ........... _,~ ....... ··-··'14M•·-· ....... -·~"•" ...... ,,,.._, ............. .,. -· , .. ,,..,,._ ... . Poinsetlia 61 Page 3 of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 b l*lll ltlWl!t ttRIIJ IMRIJ lllfZ!I IIIP I 11111 ttftt 1 1 IIW'r '«•H•M+ t fH ! t 1:9MNl::t:ftdrMHtH I WI lll'tt? I 1¥¥21 I w:n I I I t 31 b I 11 ?J) II MSF.W --Mcchanicall) Stabilitcd l:arth Walls Poins..:ttia 61 P1~,1,;111 l);,I~ I 1111i.: 1 hu ,~I\ 01 nX 12 t 11017 l'I 1-0.i-oo, l\1111.,i:-111.1 ( ,111-.t,.,d lk,1g11 .!o~l \11~11111:1l lk,1gn ,,, I • \\ ,111 \·I . 7 .U I r ni-..: IN PUT DAT A: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) !'/\Cl/\ t)pc: l·acinµ enabling frictional connc<.:tion ofreinforccment (<.:.?, .• modular concrete blocks. gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.0010.67 ft. llori1:ontal distance to Center of Gravit) of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit \,eight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/fi ' Z. I I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 To-static I rmax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 z. / I Id 0 :01 o._, 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 Gcogrid Type # I Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type 113 CJ (11 CRult (21 CJ CR.ult cr CR.ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 36 16.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 Geogrid Type # 13) Gcogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type 113 CJ CR.er CJ C R er CJ CR.er 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.6-l 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 "1 CJ = Confining stress in between stacked blocks llb/ft 21 <2i CRult = Tc-ult I fult <1l CRcr = Tcrc I Tult To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR.ult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Ucogrid Type #-l Geogrid Type 115 CJ CR.er CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D /\ T A (for connection only) Type Il l ·1 ype #2 Type 113 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name SXl 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. RFd 1.1 5 1.15 I. I 5 1.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA NIA NIA N/A NIA 1-,..,_, • ...,..,,.._.,_,.,.,...,,. , .. , .. ,, •• ,." '~"~",,. ••-•1 \.·\1\,11, , ... .,,.,.,_, ,,.., .. ''"'-'"'""'" ·-••~,.,-.,,•.,~·~•-••"""'' ... ~•••11<1.l•\"-'"'''", ,,.-,.~,. ,__.,,,., ,\_, • .,,a,.,._,..,,,,...,,.,_.,,,,,.1,, _..,.,.,\lv,., • ., .. ,o Poinscuia 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright C> 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-3020 t 6 I I )ti)] ·J )fpt) lb?) :SM81b-*fMMtt:me:tt•1~ l!l'Pth IIIBtll 1111)) ::w:r IN:+ I 112 lt:0111 I Ill IDMtB te¥M11 I Will 1112 ·11 I WEIT I :VJ) · 11 MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili;:cd Earth Walls Poinsc1tia 61 1'1~·,c111 ll,1tc I 111ll.' I hu ,11, O:! OX 12 t 1 1017 er 170-'-ltt.J.' 1•u11l\ct11.1 ( ;.1rl,h.1d I k,1:z.n .!ntl \uhn11tt,1I IX.:,1g11 ,o I -\\ JII \-1 -7 i '\ 11 Bl , INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 7.33 [I'll 14.0 lclegl 0.0 ldcgj { F.mbcddcd depth is E = 2.00 n. and height above lop of finished bollnm grade is 11 5.33 fl l Baller. CJ) 13act.,s lope. 13 13ackslope ri~e o.o 1n1 IJroken back equivalent angle. I ; 0.00° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FORM SURC II ARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/rt 21 OTI IER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) fS 11 Strip Load. Qv-d = I 050.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 I lb/ft 21. Footing width, b=I 00.0 lftJ. Distance or center of li.>oting from wall face. d = 59.0 I ft!@ depth of 1.0 I ft) below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ftl ·-·•••..-i•-•-'f'"'"''"'""'"""<l"'-•'~"'lil"'-''"''"' .~ .. ~,.,,,_.,., • ....,.,,,. .... , ....... ..,, , .u,;,, '""'°'"'-'~""''•-··•V•i•• •t'illot•'•-'""u"',. ·~"''"'' , • ...,..\ H\l.•1 ...... _,~.....,_ .. ,._,,·•••·•-'"""" ..... , ... ., .. ,._..,,,. Poinsettia 61 Page 5 of 6 Copyright() 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 l I HUi i l!l?5!1 lftlU!I +&rea:l 091 MHl:l-HMMl:l lttl?IM I :Ct I ) 111#11 Ill' I lltl I tS:t tttttt ttttllb :emr I tell t tcll M!I b If IS? l JS I I MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1.cd Earth Wa lls Poinscttia 6 1 P,i:,cm l>,Hi: Time llm ,11, 02 flk '2 11 101 7 c1 170-'4(1()1 Pom-.c\llil ( .1rl,b,u.l lk,1,!n l111l ,uh1111tL1I lk,1~11,11 I · \\,111 \·I · 7 ~3 11 Ill ' ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static cond itions) [3cari ng capacit). Fs 22.48. Mc>erhofstrcss = 807 lb ft2• foundation Interlace: Direct slidinQ. Fs = 4.376. licccntricit,. c/1. ~ -0.0171. Fs-ovcrturnin!!. = 14.81 # I 2 3 G Ii O G RI D Elev.it ion 1rq 2.00 4.00 5.33 Length I rq 8.00 8.00 8.00 l ypc II 2 2 2 I CONNECT I ON Fs-ovcrall I connection strength I 5.38 15.4 1 24.46 Fs-ovcrall I gcogrid strength I 8.47 25.43 41.71 Gcogrid strength Fs 8.468 25.433 41.707 ANALYSIS: CALC ULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Pullout resistance Fs 8.193 13.395 11.818 Direct sliding Fs 6.350 10.5 10 17.882 l:cccnlricit; c/L -0.0217 -0.0 185 -0.0129 Product name 8XT 8XT 8XT Foun Bearing capacity. r-s = 21.19, Meyerhof stress = 834 lb/ft2• d f o· I'd' r, 2 68 F I r, . 35 allon Inter ace: ln.!Cl SI mg. ·s = .4 . :cccntncitv. e L = 0.0327 . ·s-ovcrturn1110 = 6. GEOGR I D CONNECT I ON # I 2 3 Elevation [ ft J 2.00 4.00 5.33 Poinseuia 61 Length Type [fil 8.00 8.00 8.00 # 2 2 2 Copyright O l 998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. I ltllt :C:221 ttlfRlb :SIIC:l :Wfl +cwH:MHa, ,., ,, Fs-ovcrall l connection strength] 4.32 9.42 12.64 15 . 1st)) f-s-ovcrall [geogrid strength] 7.24 17.68 25.36 Geogrid Sll'Cllglh Fs 7.244 17.675 25.357 Pullout resistance Fs 5.264 6.548 4.886 Direct sliding Fs 3.295 5.453 9.277 1113!~ Ill ltlWII ltb!l! -1:t:tWzlh lltM31 tt·:: Eccentricity e/L 0.0038 -0.0088 -0.0095 I Product I name 8XT 8XT 8XT Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ttttt ICISP IIW 1 Oil II L_ __ _ ------------------------ . ..,_ \ ·-... .. . ... --·~ ....... _ ..... ~ ... . .. ,.. .... """' ,, ... _,.,,,,. ... __ ...... ~ MSE\V --Mechanical!) Stabili,cd 1:arth Walls P1.:,..:n1 I );11.: 1 nn.: I Im ,,,\ O.:! OX I~ tlh ZOI 7 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar I lomcs of'California. Inc. NJ Design No. 2 Wall A-I -12' Exposed Wall with 2' Embcdrnent. Total Wall Height = 14'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State SIJ·ect Carlsbad. Cl\ Telephone#: Fax II : 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: n j ansson@soi I re lent ion. com Original tile path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job Foldcr\1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... Wall A-I -14 FT.BEN Original date and time ofereating this file: Fri Apr 11 10:44:16 20 14 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. Poinsettia 6 1 ,, __ ,.,,,.,, .. ··-·· ..... , ............... ·-·· •\OW"'Oo\ .. _ •• ~ ... ' , ........ , ......... ._ .. ,_ ......... ... I Poinsettia 6 1 l•\l'I"'•.--••--•,,..,.,,,.,..,.,,, • .,., v,,.,, ••v,1-.••-•v\~ ... , •vw~•• .. .-,, ... 11,_1",..,t.._,_,.,_,,,.,~,.,.,.,.1a1.,, .. _ 4V"411'11r1_,."..,.,.,._,. Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineer.ing, Inc. Page I of 6 License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili/.cd Earth Wall s Poins..:ttia 61 111..:,1:111 l ),11..: I Ink: I hu ,u, O.? OX -I' 11(1 2017 ld..:1 170t-OII.\ l\1111,.:111.1 ( .,rhll,HI l)\;,1l_!n :nil \ulmuu.,t lk,,~n '.o 2. \\,tll \-1 . I l I I Ill \l SOIL DATA REINFORCF.D SOIL lJnit II eight. y Design value of internal angle of friction. ~ IU:1 /\INED SOI L Unit weight. y Design , alue of internal angle of friction. ~ 120.0 lb f'l ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lh/l't ' 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered a~ an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, y """" 125.0 lhtn 3 Equivalent internal an!l,le of friction. ~<qu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,qu" I 00.0 lb/fl ' Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFIClENTS Ka (internal stabil ity)= 0.2210 (if haller is less than I 0°, Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. 1v = 50.54° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2237 (if batter is less than I 0°, Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utili zed) BEARING CAPAC ITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny=J0.2 1 SEISMIC I TY Maximum p.round acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Desiin acceleration coefficient in lnternal Stability: Kh = /\111 = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = /\m = 0.195 Kae ( K.h > 0) = 0.4042 Kae ( K.h = 0 ) = 0.223 7 t;. Kae = 0.1806 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specilicd static value. Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I ltilll 113&1!1 It )) II MR th B1121 I 01 I ¥Nit IIIRDJI •tttl'I' I tel1' 1)01 ll I I )Ml lbltl ll'S:t 1112ft tttHP)I ttWl>l I ltblDI tt'Ptt II ----------- I MSF.W --Mechanical!) Stabili7cd 1-.arth Walls 1'11 .. ·,,:111 I >ah: Tutk.' I hu \.11\ O.! 11!( ·I.' Oti 2017 INPUT D ATA: Geogrid s (Analysis) D A TA Tull l ib/I'll Durability reduction factor. RFd Installation-damage reduction !'actor. lffid Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface, Pu llout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect con-ection factor. a p Cicogricl (icogrid type # I t\J)C #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.4 5 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tai~ 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With D epth 7. K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z1n1 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 fi 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinscuia 61 !dt.:1 I 70 l-00.1 l',111N,:1t1,1 ( arl,t'Md l>nt~n :'!mJ \uh111111.1I 1>1.:,1:;in \,.:, 2 - \\ .111 ,-\-1 • I~ I I ltl '-. Geo grid Gcogrid Geo grid tv12c #3 t1pe #4 tY(2C #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 I. I 5 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K l Ka 3.0 ·.-•• , .,..,.,,,.,..,4,00,t111\,..,., ... ~,., .-.. , _.,,_, • .,,. ••..-•~""'"' .., .. ,u..., .. 1., .. .a,uht>t· .. -H>t"• ,-. ... _,. ·-,~,.,,,. ... _, ,,.,-. 1 .. -u.i~,., ,,._,,..,., .... , 1,,.,_.., 1,. .. , • ..,..'ll, "'"-''" ,,..,..,•'*"'~ ••-•••q,• ,,. .... ,~""" ·-'""'""' ,.,., Poinscnia 61 Copyright Ci 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I 1 t I I · · ttW I ftbW! I th WI lltf'P b 1h11 tt IIWP J Page 3 of 6 II MHUII ltlft!J I :W)t :Ct! tt-1:Hr:ttaitl) JS M t3 I H 1) I 111' teWIJI lbt to i\1SEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1.cd Earth Walls Poinscllia 6 1 i'I .;,..:111 I >.1l...: I nnc nm ,,,, 02 nx ,1 ~ 111, 2017 t~kr I i/14-00\ l'm1hdl1,1 ( iul~h.u.l lk,1g112nJ "uh1111t1,1I (),.,·,1~n '\11 2 · \\.111 \·I · 1 l IT Bl 'l INPUT DAT A: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) F/\CIA l) pc: Facin)! enabli111,1. frictiona l connection of rcinfun.:cmcnt (e.g .. modular concrete blocks. gabions) Depth/height or block is 1.00/0.6 7 n. I lori1.ontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. /\vcrage unit "eight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' 7. / I Id To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd z / lid 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 I op ot ,,all l I ±t 1 fl±t I 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 Geogrid Type # I Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type 1/3 CJ (11 CR.ult 121 (J CR.ult CT C R ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type# 11> Geogrid Type 112 Geogrid Type 113 (J CR.er a C R.er (J CR.er 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 36 16.0 0.6 1 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 CIJ cr = Confining stress in between stacked hlocks I lb/fl 'J 121 CRult = Tc-ult I Tult Pl CR.er = Tcre I Tult To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 a CRult a CR.ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR er (J CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 111 seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D /\ T A (for connection only) Type# I Type #2 Type 113 Type #4 Type 115 Product Name 5XT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. R.Fd 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 l.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor. R.Fc NIA NIA NIA NIA NI/\ ,,..-,.~,. ..... , •. ,>,,.,,,.,..,.,,..., .. ,,_, ... w,, ....... ""'-,. --"''""""'-'"''"-..'"-'"u,...,,_,,_.-i-., ... _,.,,. .. ,., .. _., _,,,_, . ....,,..,,_.,,~...,,, .. ,.,_.,,.,,,.~ .. -·~-•••-·•.,.,.,.,_..i. .... -.. -·•-•'"''"''"'·'01"''"-'0'f't•·-••.,. "''••••• Poinsenia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I IOSJI) tzWftJ )0)511 !WCI lll'l't tft¥Q\,eeM¥f+I I ttfl\c 31:dtft'llltll :·+ I'll tMI 1 tlllt!) I ¥Nib lttEJ ¥¥Mi+ ·--------------------------------- Page 4 or 6 License number MSEW-302016 cw' 1@1 :e:mn tbeett MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1.ed J~arlh Walls Poinsettia 61 Pr1;,1:111 lhh.: I UII~ l !m '°' O.! n:,; 1:r-(lfi 1017 IJ,..r I 704.001 l\111bctt1.1 ( .nl,h,td lh.,1;:'.11 2nJ \uh111111,1l l> .. :,1g11 ,,, 2 · \\.ill \·I · 1--l I 1 Ill \j INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. Hd I.J.00 Iii] f Embedded depth is E = 2.00 n. and height above top of linislK·d bollom grade is 11 = 12.00 Ii } 13allcr. w JJacJ..slopc. J3 11ackslopc ri~c 14.0 12.0 18.0 ldcgl !deg! 1n1 BroJ..cn hack equivalent angle. I UN I F O R M SURC II/\R GE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 21 ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10 [111 C"'~· ~ ~ Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I JDICl'lt IIMU:tmtl:f:M! ttffwtil:I MM! 111!1 1:0:¥1 31 1 Zl ti) 12.00° (sec Fig. 25 in Df:MO 82) II Page S of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I 2 I 1 I lttbRtl I :OWt>J wen Z I IC I I lfM) JS MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili,cd Earth Wall s Poinsettia 6 1 Pr..:,cnl ll,1ll: l ,m, t Im ,o\ Hl Ok 15 flli 201 7 llkc 171)!.(j(ll l•umwtti.i ( arl,h.1J lk,1~11 2nd \uh111111,1l 1)1:,1!,!11 '-~) :? • \\.111 \· l . 1-' I I HI" ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) 13earin).t capacit). Fs = 15.73. Me)erhofstress = 1623 lb/fl'. Foundation lntcrl'acc· Direct slidinu Fs = 3 457 Fcccntricit, ell -0 01 SJ h-mcrturnino = 7 48 -· -· . -· - GEOG RID CONN EC I IO N Fs-ovcrall Fs-ovcrall Cicogricl Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type I connection lgCO!!,l'icf strcngth resistance sliding e/L name 1n1 lfti # strength I strength! Fs Fs Fs 2.00 12.00 2 2.67 3.65 3.646 12.496 3.355 -0.0248 8XT 2 4.00 12.00 2 4.72 6.71 6.707 18.559 3.891 -0.0322 8XT 3 6.00 12.00 2 5.52 8. 19 8.190 16.775 4.597 -0.0382 8XT 4 8.00 12.00 2 6.79 10.52 10.517 15.059 5.562 -0.0439 8X'I 5 10.00 12.00 2 9.05 14.69 14.689 13.546 6.942 -0.0522 8XT 6 12.00 12.00 2 11.39 19.42 19.425 10.063 8.974 -0.0721 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seism ic conditions) Bearing capacity. Fs = I 1.57, Meycrhof stress = 1927 lb/ff. F r o· 1·d· r 1 832 E 11 o 0837 r · ~ r ·ounc auon ntcr ace: 1rect s 1 me.. ·s = , :ccentncllv. e = , ·s-overturn111g = ., . .} GEOGRID CONNEC TIO N I Fs-overall Fs-O\ era II Geo grid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type r connection r gcogrid strength resistance sliding e/L I name [ft I lftl # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs 2.00 12.00 2 2.03 2.99 2.991 7.587 1.82 1 0.0466 8XT 2 4.00 12.00 2 3.10 4.93 4.930 9.752 2.177 0.0165 8XT 3 6.00 12.00 2 3.54 5.90 5.90 1 8.588 2.684 -0.0076 8XT 4 8.00 12.00 2 4.17 7.35 7.347 7.411 3.457 -0.0271 8XT 5 10.00 12.00 2 5.20 9.73 9.732 6.234 4.76 1 -0.0449 8XT 6 12.00 12.00 2 6.34 12.53 12.532 4.479 7.274 -0.0703 8XT •--, ,,.,..,, .. _, •. _..,, .. _,.,.."-.. 1·-1u\~\l'"''-'''l'f'"•"''"'•l" .. '\f .. l-l•""'•'•-••lol)J•t-H\l••'-I "'"""'""""''"'".,, _ .. _,,..,..,,.._._, • ._.., ""'•'•""""\'"-'"''"'"'_"_.,..,_, .. )ol .. '-'•4'<-'""40•1-•,•"''"'',. .. '",~"''»"'\._\·• ...... ,,. •••·~ Poinscuia 61 Copyright C I 998-20 I 6 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. ttttH) It :rt 1111'!b :SMZl\'tte:MMIIIJ urn ll1fl1h-M:WM) ltblll llt?II) ttPJ) tttlll II Ml JIU IHtC!b ----------- Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 Pl I Hlt!I It zrz: ISlts?l ff)) I tttl!btttit -. ' ........ -•• • .... ' ...... •• .Ji•, • ... .,.. ... • ..,~ .... ...... \1,,/,... ... MSl:W --Mechanical!) Stabili1.cd Earth Walls l'h·,1;111 llmc 1,m.._. I lrn ,,., O:? o:,i ~2 01 .?017 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update# 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Oesigner: Station Number: Description: Poinscllia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar I lomes or Cali fornia. Inc. NJ Design No. 3 Wall /\-1 & A-2 -16.67' Exposed Wall with 2' Embedment. Total Wall Height = 18.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs, Inc. Street: 250 I Stale Street - Carlsbad. C/\ Telephone #: r-ax #: E-Ma.il: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctention.com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... & A-2 -18.67 FT.BEN - Original date and time of creating this fi le: Fri /\.pr l l I 0:44: 16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: /\NAL YSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRIU as reinforcing material. Poinsettia 6 1 - ,,._,. •-•• .. ,. ••••'•'l<-iW·,-•,,......,,.,_,,, • .,.._.,_ • ._,.,,.~ ,,.._,._..,\••-•••w .... -1 w,,,. ,,...,.u-~ •-•''"'"''-•'·'\In•\"-''"""~'•-'"'"~'"' n,,.~.., ·..--·•-•1 ,,,\1,1,. .--,•""J"' ,.,_.,,.-....,,., ... -,~w .. , ·-.. '"""'"'' u I Poinsetlia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili;,,d birth Walls Poinsettia 61 l'i-..:,c111 1>,11c I 1mc I hu ~o, o:?. O!( '2 11-l 2017 -1111 ~ l'um,1.·11111 { m 1 .. !"l.1d I k,1r11 2nJ \11h1m1t,1I lA·,1'.:!t1 '\~.l \ -\\ .11! 1\• I l\. \-2 Ii,< fl 7 I I Bl '\; SOIL DATA Rl-:INFORCED SOIL Unit weight. y Design value of internal angh:: of friction. ~ RETAINED SOIL Unit wcip,hl. y Design value of internal angle of friction. ~ 120.0 lb1fl ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/rt 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, y """" 125.0 lb/ft ' Equivalent internal angle of friction, ~,q,m 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,quo, I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. lj/ = 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2 186 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utili,:ed) BEARING CAPAClTY 13earing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.21 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = /\m = 0.195 Kac ( Kh > 0) = 0.3600 Kae ( Kh = 0) = 0.2186 ti. Kac = 0.1414 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coerlicient. f-* is 80.0% of its specified static value. \•·-·~-• ,..,.,.'IIM.,.,,..,.., .... ,.,1--0""'•\ .,.,,,. •-•·'t'-"•--•·,....,•\•-' "'""' ..... ,i,,u:;-.. ,,..,.,.1........., .,.,,., ... ,..,, "~*"'' '•"""'•-•1"1•••••--h.,...,.,_,.,•"H•\ •J\ltl•·.r-••""'t"''"-""°'"''•••'"'-'.JtW'-•••-"'-•'~ Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. I I WI 0) I It Mft h:fteM:Wrtl I II II l . J SW I I 1Mb I INICJJ I Ult 1 t Iii DR I I lt 1 Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I kM:eltWl!t &Hbltt 111 I) 12:rcn: rrW'tlO IDWDII :C:0¥1 11131 1 t'Ptt I ------------------------- MSEW --Mechanicall) Stabilized Earth Wall s Pr..:,1.·111 Dal\:'· I 1111 .. · I Im ''" fl.! O~ ~1 0 t 2017 IN PUT DAT A: Geogrids (Analysis) l) A r A Tult i lb/l't l Durability n:duction factor. RF<l lnstallation-damagc rc<luction ractor. RFi<l Creep reduction fa ctor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor. F* Scale-effect correction factor, a. p Gcogrid (,cop.rid tvpdil ti QC #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85 tai<I> 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 n 1.00 z I fti 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. - - Poinscttia 6 1 -0111 l\111M.:t11,1 ( arl,h,1d l>,·";:11 ~nJ \ul,111111,11 lk,,~n ,\, \ \\ .,II \-I l\_ \-2 -I li! h1 I I Ill \i CiCO)l.rid Geo grid Geo grid tvpc #3 t,pe #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13 705.0 20559.0 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.1 3 1.13 IAS 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 K I Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 ~ ·----- ----r-- ->--------- Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I :cn:n: JS:S ,, ISHFtzWM:HW'H-+-MHhRJ :m,eetr:r -, I IF11 Jt rtl tftltlb 1¥21 I 1211) tDlt Zbtt!I tddt!b 113¥1 1 tUUJJ ltttlll 10)92 1 ltlfWI I t'ff'I JI MSF.W --Mechanical!~ Stabili1.ed Earth Walls P1~'l'll! n,111.! 1'11111: lhu 'I)\ U2 01( '.2 o., .20P Poinsettia 61 .(10, l\1111'1,:llt.1 < .11l,h,1J D .. ·"~n ~nd "-uh111111,1l Dn1gn ,~, I. \\,111 \-I & \·l · lk h7 I 1 m, INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACIA t)pc: hieing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g .. 111odular concrete blocks. gabions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 ft. I lorit.0ntal distance to Center of Gravit) of block is 0.42 ft . Average unit \\Cight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' 7. I lld 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid T) pc# I CJ \ I) CRult oi 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid Type # I 31 CJ CR er 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 ·1 u-static I Tmax or To-si.:ismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Gcogrid Type #2 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type 112 CJ CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.6 1 6000.0 0.6 1 Gcogrid Type 113 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type #3 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 111 CJ = Confining stress in between stacked blocks I lb/ft 2J '2> CRult =Tc-ult / Tult ell CRcr = Tcre I Tuft 7. I lld 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.90 101> ol ,,nil 0.80 0.70 0.60 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type 115 CJ CRult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type 115 CJ CR er CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 0.50 In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. I) A T A (for connection only) Type #I Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type 115 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA NIA NIA N/A NII\ ••• ,,.,,.," .. \"'•""'•·..,,,.,,._,~""" ........ \ •• ,,>!' ... •-•• ........ _ ......... , ....... ~., ..... \ ..... ~ ........... ;i .... ,,., ...................... \1\, ... \.-·•·····t"' .. , ..... ~........ • ......... , .. _ •• ...., .. ,_, ... ,..... ··-~, ............. , •-1, ..... ·-·· .... , ... ,._ .• Poinsellia 6 I Copyright C I 998-20 I 6 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. I · I Wlth-ttWl:hceetthtll IFMSZJ · CHZ +:en,WWJt\..,tt¥ftll 112171 · 101 lb !?WIii I till ISM?! Page 4 of 6 License number MSEW-3020 I 6 t! 1 t ltt It I IZIBD 1 11¥¥1 I I ttll Dttfit I l rt lDI SJ' MSI--.W --Mcchanicall) Stabili,cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 1'1""""' Da1i:· I 11nc I hu \;11\ 111 0:.,C "2 0-t 2017 -00\ l'ot1hcll1.1 Carl,tl,1d 01:,1:;11 .:!n<l \ut11111tt,1I D~·,1:.?11 ,11 ; • \\ ,111 ,\-1 t\ \-!·I!< f.711 nr, lNPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCT URE) Design height. Hd 18.67 ( Fmbedckd ckpth is F: 2.00 i't. and height above top or fin ishcd bottom grade is 11 16.6 7 ft l !latter. m 13ad.slopc. 13 13ackslope ri se 14.0 26.0 3.0 I ftJ jdegl lclegl I ft I Broken back cqui\alcnt angle. I = 4.59° (sec Fig. 25 in Dl~l\110 82) UN I FO RM Sll RC II ARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 llbirt 2 1 OTI 11:R EXTERNAL LOAD(S) [S I I Strip Load. Qv-d = 1950.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 llb/fi 'I. Footing width. b=SO.O I ftl . Distance of center of footing from wal l face, d = 31.0 I ft] 0' depth of 2.0 I rtl below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: I I I I I I I , SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO [ftl u::::::-_:· .... ~ Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. I . IOOIPh IIWII) rntru>: INM8"1¥fte:bb&llt :M:HH:1:1 ttltMr• l?lll l ---------- 3 l I ICIRJ SIi [S I I M Ill II Page 5 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ¥tut t rs: :021: HMtitt nnn:,, ::1n11 rer :o: at re MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili1.cd birth Walls Poins.:ttia 6 1 1'1~·,~111 I l,1h: I n1k.' I hu ~,,, 02 Ilk 52 O I 2017 .fll)l P,•nh.:IIM C ml,h,ul lk,1:,:11 lnJ \uhmtlt,1! l)l·,11,:n ,,, l. \\,tll \·I l\ \·1-IS '1111 UI·'- ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) 13caring capacil). Fs = 11.73. Mc)crhofsircss = 3778 lb/ft'. Foundation Interlace· Direct sliclino Fs = 3 670 Ecccntricit, c/1 = -0 0503 Fs-ovcrturning = 9 77 -· ' ·- GEOGRID CONN EC I I ON Fs-o,crall Fs-ovcrall Gcogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product /J 1':levation Length l"yf)C I conncction Jg1:ogrid strength n:sistancc sliding c/1. name l ftl [Ill # strength I strength I Fs l's l's I 0.67 24.00 4 6.46 10.12 I 0.123 I 00.786 3.216 -0.0535 20XT 2 2.00 24.00 4 4.17 6.62 6.619 63.11 9 3.428 -0.0596 20XT 3 4.00 24.00 4 2.88 4.67 4.675 40.348 3.806 -0.0681 20XT 4 6.00 24.00 4 2.99 4.95 4.946 37.694 -U81 -0.0759 20XT 5 8.00 24.00 3 2.66 3.64 3.637 34.906 4.900 -0.0830 JOXT 6 10.00 24.00 3 2.79 3.87 3.867 31.983 5.748 -0.0896 IOXT 7 12.00 24.00 3 2.93 4.12 4.123 28.948 7.000 -0.0956 JOXT 8 14 .00 24.00 3 3.08 4.41 4.409 25.890 9.069 -0.10 12 IOXT 9 16.00 24.00 3 1.82 2.65 2.653 12.8 17 13.239 -0. J 066 IOXT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACT ORS (Seismic conditions) 13earing capacity, l's = 13.39. Mcycrhof stress= 3530 lb/IF. Foun d ~ o· rct· r 2567 1· 11 OO I78r · 625 attOll nter ace: 1rect s 1 1111'. ·s = . ~ccentnc1tv. e , --·s-overturn1112. = >. GEOGR I D CONNECT I ON Fs-overall rs-overall # Elevation Length Type I connect ion fgeogrid [ft] [ft] # strength I strength I I 0.67 24.00 4 3.38 6.22 2 2.00 24.00 4 2.65 4.75 3 4.00 24.00 4 2.10 3.72 4 6.00 24.00 4 2.19 3.95 5 8.00 24.00 3 1.96 2.92 6 10.00 24.00 3 2.07 3.12 7 12.00 24.00 3 2.19 3.35 8 14.00 24.00 3 2.34 3.62 9 16.00 24.00 3 1.56 2.38 Poinscuia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. 'tttill J · :SU-:!1 Ill I 1211¥ tb 1118:0 I I dU t lbtlttll ttlflR l t 11 llttEM Geogrid Pullout Direct strength resistance sliding Fs Fs rs 6.2 17 42.193 2.267 4.753 32.179 2.457 3.716 23.493 2.804 3.949 22.075 3.25 1 2.919 20.582 3.849 3.122 19.011 4.689 3.353 17.372 5.958 3.616 15.715 8.095 2.377 8.775 12.458 Eccentricity Product e/L name -0.024 1 20XT -0.0354 20XT -0.0507 20XT -0.0640 20XT -0.0754 IOXT -0.085 1 IOXT -0.0934 lOXT -0.1004 IOXT -0.1064 IOX T Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 t 11 111 lift 1111) ISJftlll 1'1111 ttltl!l lCIOtl 1¥51+-MHWt:tee:M . -_..,. -· -· ,.... . .. ;. --· ·:.:;.-:;-.... .,.,,,. .. • ,... ,... -· •• .... • •• t '....... ..... ... • MSl:W --Mcchanicall) St:1bi lizcd brth Walls 1'1..:,cm n,111.: r 1rn"· I hu ,u\ tll lNO~ 511 .!Oli AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinscllia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar I Jomes or California. Inc. NJ Design No. 4 Wall A-1 & A-2 -18.67' Exposed Wall with 2' l:mbedmcnt. Total Wall Height = 20.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone #: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctention.com Origina l file path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job Folder\1704-003 Poinsellia_Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... & A-2 -20.67 FT.13EN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\LYSIS of a S IMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as rein forcing material. Poinscllia 61 - \ ·~t.t• ·-·~· ..... , .......... ,.. . • .,.,. ... ,. lt\11,,,.,_ •.. ,.,., ......... ,.,,. ..... _,.,,""', .. -., ..... -. ... -.. ,-.. ,~··~·--.. , .. ,,,.,,.,,. 11,1>1-.. ·-··'"'""' ,~ ....... _ •• ..., .. \_ •• ,,., ...... _, ...... ·-1,, ... ,.. ................ -·· ....... ,-... ~ I Poinseuia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mechanically Stabili,cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 Pri:,cnl IJ,111:. I um.· I hu 'i" n~ 0'1 O l ~11 21117 -0!1.t 1'1,11h~tt1,1 l arl,h,1d lk,1g11 l 1l\l f,,,uh1111t1,1l lk-,1~n '\,• -I. \\ .1111\-I i._\ 1\-l 20 t,1 11 Bl '- SOIL DATA Rl :INFORCRD SOIi. Unit"..:ight. y Design value of internal angle or friction. cj> RETAINED SOIL lJnil wcip.hl. y Design value or internal angle or friction. cj> 120.0 lb/rt ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lh/J"t ' 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equi\alcnl uniform soi l) Equivalent unit ~eight, y <""" 125.0 lh/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of fri ction. c!>c4u,. 32.0 ° Equiva lent cohesion, c <q111, I 00.0 lb/fl 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.22 10 (if baller is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. IV = 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2 189 (if baller is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARfNG CAPAClTY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.2 1 SE!SMIClTY Maximum ground acceleration coenicicnt. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > O ) = 0.3692 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.2 189 !:J. Kae = 0.1503 Seismic soil-geogrid fri ction coefficient. r• is 80.0% of its specilied static value. Poinsenia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I :Oltll I JOMlfl 1 18158! I IC'Zlb I Jt om km l Mt?' 17111 I I ]Oil I rote ? > I II 3) ts Ott 1 l :Slfl?Y l II II I 1 ! ICl#IJ' Ill I 1 I I I 181 1¥ I tettSit t IIW! t I I _j MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1.cd Earth Walls l'1l'-.l'11t I l.11.: l uni.: rhu '.\,n u; 09 (1 ~ f;I) 20 I~ INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Ana lysis) D A TA !ult I lb/ti I Durability n.:duction factor. RFd Installation-damage reduction factor. IU id Creep reduction factor. Rf.c l's-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along geogrid-soi I interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor, a p G<.:ogrid Geo grid lY(2C # I t"pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.1 S 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 N/A NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.8S·tm$ 0.85 tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coeffic ient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z I rq 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 fi 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poin,..:ttia 6 1 -Ou_; 1•u11Nt1ta \ :trl,h,td n~,1g112nJ \uhnllll.11 lk,1µ11 '-•\ -1 -\\,111 \·Ii.\. I\.:! -211 h'7 l I Bl'-: Geogrid Geo grid Geogrid 1,pc #3 '"Pe #4 type #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 I. I 5 1.15 1.13 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 1.45 N/A NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85 ·tanp 0.85 ·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 K I Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 __ ,.,,r,,,.-.,_,,,.,.,.,,.,..,,o .... , ... ,._,_'i!V.,\_,_. ....... ,_, ... "."'-hW,<IOl.~-" ... ,,..._, ... -.,,.,,.._,a_. ......... , ""'''" ,.._, "''"'"""'"'~""" •-''''"l'I..-U'fl,l"''-n-••-••"'>t"'\.,.._l,""1\t,\,ot1o,.1f ..... w,-oo,_,.,.,., _., .... .,,,,, .. ,.,. Poinseuia 61 Copyright C t 998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 , 1or:n1 1cu1111 :e:rm: r:m: ..... we, arm> ·, 11u1 : : dHlJJ :e1111 ltldlY Page 3 of 6 IIWIM tlMMl! I t'SI llltbf!I I tff?±mztfttftt)l ltlltlfl FMC? 11) I MSEW --Mechanical I) Stahili,.cd l~arth Walls Poinscllia 61 Ptl.'.',..:111 ll,th: !um: lhu ,11\ IIJ!N(l~ ~112017 -(101 P1,nl'ic111.1 C .1rl,h,1d ll..-,1;,!n 2n1t ,uh111111.1I D..:,1~u ,~, I -\\,1\1 ·\·I ~ \-2 20 t,711 HI·' IN P UT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) Fi\CIA l) pc: Facin!! cnabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g .. modular concrete hlocks. gabions ) Depth/height of hlock is 1.00/0.67 f1. I lori1:ontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. A,cragc unit ,,eight of block is Y1 = 120.00 lb/ft ' 7. I I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1 o-static I Tmax or To-scismic I rmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7. I lid 000 I 0.2) 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type # I Geogrid Type #2 Geog.rid Type #3 er ( I) CRult 12' er CRult (J" CR.ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 Ohl Geogrid Type # i 3> Geogrid Type #2 Gcogrid Type II 3 er CRcr er CR er er CR er 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.6.J 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 .10000.0 0.64 111 er = Confining stress in bet\\ cen stacked blocks I lb/ft 21 <2> CRult = Tc-ult I Tult n> CRcr = Tcrc I Tull Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 er CR ult (J" CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 er CR er er CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 ln seismic analysis, long tem1 strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) fype # I Type 112 Type 113 Type 114 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc N/A NIA N/A NIA Type 115 22XT 1.15 NIA 0.50 .. _,,,,....,. ..••• , •. ,i+..,,,. • .,,.,,,, .... _, •11,111,_, • ...,..,.,.,_, ,,w.11·.-,.,..,,.,., . ..,.,~"''"'''".-, ... ,,,., """''""'"'""'" "''"' ,..... .. , .. 1.n>••-•'".,..'""'..,••·~•·i~••-•·•••..,,..,_,._,.,.,,_,.~o.,.,,,_,,_,,.,_,,,,,,.,,.,.,,.,., • .,, .. ,. ..-•·""'"'·-•·· Poinseuia 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSf.\V-302016 I rnttttl IC 111 l Ifill 111214:fftMWl-\1 l :n~-MIW!I lftlftu] 11 111 1 111 19:0lll 1211 11 llllbDht9ttt/dNMld ttJMitt 111 I SOI wm· re, raw,> 11 ~--·------------------------- MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili,cd birth Walls PoinSl'llia 61 1•1..:,~·111 l>;ih.: f11m.· lhu :-.i11\ 02 ,~, fl_\ ~fl 2017 .(lfll PonbClli,I l .11l,h,1d l>v,1g11 ::?11\l \uhrn1th1l l)~,1~.t11 '-11 ,I· \\.11! \-11..\. \·:?: 20 h7 I 'I lff' INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 20.67 [ Embedded depth is F = 2.00 n. and height above lop of fin ished bonom grade i~ 11 = 18.67 ft I !\alter. w llacJ..slope. (3 Backslopc ri~c 14.0 26.0 5.0 ldcgj lckgl I Ill l1rokc11 back cqui,alcnt angk. I ~ 6.90° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I F O R M S LJ RC ll AR G Ii Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 j lblfl 21 OTI IER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) IS 11 Strip Load, Qv-d = 2350.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 I lb/ft 21. Footing width. b=SO.O fftj. Distance of center of footing from wall face. d = 34.0 [fll @ depth of4.0 l ft l below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 lOlflJ , ,... r" "'; , .. ,., Poinsellia 6 I Page 5 of 6 Copyright C I 998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 111111 ltltl!t ltl?tl Dlll?-YHlflWOchWl!'-iMttNsll 1111 ttt bl] ..... I It!) I )SJII )9111 It !) tr C lPQ ttt I l IIJG 1b t Tl' 11 S It JS MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili1cd Eanh Wall, Poinsettia 61 P1i.:,,.;111 l>,1h: I um: l hu ,11\ U.! H•J IH :'-II 2017 .(IU_l [•,111M:ltl,I lurhh,IJ l),.•,1g1t 2nd \uh111LU,1l l)~,l\,!ll ,11 I• \\,t\l ~\·I & \•2 .20 h7 J .I llf"...; ANALYSIS: C ALC ULATED FACTORS (Static co nd itions) Bearing capacit). Fs = 11.28. Mc) crhoJ' stress = '1528 Jblrt'. Foundatio11 l11tcrfacc· Direct slidino Fs = 3 801 Fcccntricit, c/1 = -0 066? Fs-ovenuming = 10 45 -· -· G I: 0 G RI D CONN EC -I ION Fs-ovcrnl l Fs-o\'cral I Gcogrid Pullout Dirl!ct f:cccn tricit)' Product II Elevation Length 1) pc I connection lgcogrid strength resistance sliding c/L name lftJ 1n1 II strength J strcngth j Fs Ps ~ I 0.67 29.00 4 5.75 8.84 8.844 120.767 3.3 17 -0.0690 20XT 2 2.00 29.00 4 4.87 7.58 7.581 I 00.203 3.506 -0.0744 2ox·1 3 4.00 29.00 4 4.34 6.89 6.892 85.415 3.83.J -0.0822 20XT 4 6.00 29.00 4 3.32 5.38 5.385 6 1.648 4.234 -0.0895 20XT 5 8.00 29.00 3 2.26 3.04 3.039 45.426 4.737 -0.0965 IOXT 6 10.00 29.00 3 2.34 3.19 3.1 92 42.725 5.390 -0.1033 IOXT 7 12.00 29.00 3 2.42 3.36 3.358 39.899 6.284 -0.1098 IOX1 8 14.00 29.00 3 2.5 1 3.54 3.536 36.955 7.595 -0.11 6 1 IOXT 9 16.00 29.00 3 2.60 3.73 3.729 33.881 9.734 -O. l 225 lOXT 10 18.00 29.00 3 1.5 1 2.19 2.194 17.14 1 13.932 -0.1290 JOXT AN ALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Oearing capacity, l's = 12.67. Mcyerhof stress = 4270 lb/ft2• r ct r LY r r 1· 2 120 E 11 o 0394 F · 7 26 -oun auon nter ace: 1rect s 1c 111g. ·s = ·cccntn c1tv e -. s-ovcrturn1 11e = GEOG R ID CONNEC T I ON Fs-overall Fs-ovcrall Geogrid Pullout # Elevation Length Type I connection f _geogrid strength resistance [l'tJ [ftj II strength] strength I Fs Fs I 0.67 29.00 4 2.93 5.3 1 5.309 49.148 2 2.00 29.00 4 2.7 1 4.89 4.891 44.595 3 4.00 29.00 .j 2.58 4.68 4.684 40.584 4 6.00 29.00 4 2.2 1 4.00 4.000 32.838 5 8.00 29.00 3 1.64 2.4 1 2.405 26.290 6 10.00 29.00 3 1.70 2.54 2.538 24.877 7 12.00 29.00 3 1.77 2.68 2.684 23.397 8 14.00 29.00 3 1.85 2.84 2.844 2 1.85 1 9 16.00 29.00 3 1.94 3.02 3.021 20.228 10 18.00 29.00 3 1.28 1.95 1.950 11.6 1 I Poinsettia 61 Copyrigh1 Cl 1998-2016 AOAMA Engineering, Inc. Direct sliding Fs 2.391 2.565 2.873 3.257 3.749 4.40 I 5.309 6.66 1 8.894 13.298 Eccentricity Product e/L name -0.0443 20XT -0.0537 20XT -0.0666 20XT -0.0783 20XT -0.0888 IOXT -0.0983 JOXT -0.1069 IOXT -0.1147 IOXT -0.12 19 IOXT -0.1289 JOXT Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 l ldwtlt :0:2111 lflUhmttttHIII nm, 11111?1' lMH'!ll 18)3PJMLIM?) )Qt) tllbll IMlll 'IJRIII It'll) IMtl) 1121 lltttl rctatt: me Ill lftWlb ti ~------------- ---:-; -,hi ~ .... .. _ _. ., .... . ,..... .... ,~ . . . . .... .. . MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1,cd Earth Walls Pr.:,1:111 D,111.: lmk: I Im ,,I\ Ill 1111 11 11 .:?UI 7 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(J.0): Update Ii 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsellia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar Homes ol'California. Inc. NJ Design No. 5 Wall A-1 & A-4 -26' Exposed Wall with 2' Embedmenl. Total Wall I !eight = 28'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephom: #: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soi I n:tent ion .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesign\.lob Foldcr\1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... -1 & A-4 -28 FT.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri /\pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. .. Poinsellia 61 \.,_, ... ..,. ,,._\oll'6t-.,,..., •.• 'llot.'"' ~-•• .... "" .. '•-·•..,..,,. \•-••-• ,,.....,, • ...,.1•~-,. .. ,.,, .... .,. ,._,., """" ,.,_,u,.... ... ,.,,_H,,,, ... .,_,. "-'""'~ ,,...,.,._.,._,H'll••l-•~lol"" ,,._, • ._w, 1.,w,••1,.,.,.,.'4',l•\.,.,..,,,,...,-,, ,.,.,.,._...,..,.. ,.,.,...•1-••t I Poinsettia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mcchanicnll) Stnbilizcd Earth Walls Poinsettia 6 1 1'11,.•,1;111 lht~ Tun"· fliu '\"o\ 01 ()ti 11 11 2017 10--1.u1n P,rnhl\11,1 ( arl-.f'oad lk,1!!112nJ \uh11uu,1! ll..:,1:.!11 ,,, :' -\\ all \-IS.. \·I -2X 11 nr, SOIL DATA RI-.INFORCED SOIL lJnil \\'eight. y Design value of int.:rnal angh:: of friction. <P Rl :"I AINED SOIL Unit weight. y Design value of internal angle of friction. <P I '.W.O lbin ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/rt 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an cqui,·alent uniform soil) Equivalo.:nt unit wci!!,ht. y """"' 125.0 lb/fl ' Equivall:nt internal an_glc of friction. (j),qu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c ,qu" I 00.0 lbift 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFlCIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than I 0°, Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. cq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. \JI = 44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)=-0.2212 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.-19 Ny= 30.2 1 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient./\= 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =-Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = /\111 = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.3884 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.2212 I'!. Kae = 0.1672 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. 1 __ •• ,...,.,,..,_,0~•'"'-u"'•"''_..,. .... ,.,__..,_._,.,._,, .. ._.,.,_,~....., .. ,., .. ,.,~-,,..,-,..1·"""''.,_'•....,.•l .. -·~·'""''"'••''"""''"'"•'lt""ll''•-•~m,..,,._1•"l1"''"-u"""""'-'"'""""''-'~,....,.,,..,..,.,_,.,,.,..,,d.,.,,.,_., .... .,,, . .-,, Poinsettia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I II 1C1Wl 115fRI IBW!l :r: I Jl 11 II I l? t I 111 I 11·11 1 tot·« )'It! tt>tJI 21' man: Cbffill ICWII) 1 em b 11811 WHMIJ --------------- MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabilized Earth Walls P1.:,l'nt f>,lh.' I mw 1 hu ,\1\ 02 OCJ 11 11 2017 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) DA TA ru11 I lb/fl I Durability reduction factor. Rl'd Installation-damage reduction factor. RFid Creep reduction factor. RFc l's-overall for strength Coverage ratio, Re Fricti on angle along gcogrid-soil interface, Pullout resistance factor. F* Scale-effect correction factor. a p Gcogrid (icof!.rid I~ pc # I 1,pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.1 5 1.13 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 l.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tar~ 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Latera l Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 on 1.00 0 z [Ill 3.3 ft 1.00 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 n 1.00 9.8 13 . l ft 1.00 l 6.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poin~cllia 61 70~-UO ~ l'um,.:H1.t ( :irl,t:>a\l l)i.·,n.m 2nd \uhnltllul 1)\:,1:.rn 1\o c; • \\ all \· I .\ \-I -!I< I I m ' Geogrid Geo grid Gcogrid IYQC /13 tvec #4 l:ij2C /15 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 I. I 5 1.1 5 I. I 5 1.1 3 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85 ·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 '--- ----- I--'- --1-_._ ---.__ "- \,...,.,~\.tll" •.-.. ,ot-t1' '-•'•\Of.I"' ·-.. ,~ ....... c., ....... ". , ................. , ... •"*"'"'""""''•W•••· 0 •WW'III > H_ .. , ........ ,.,.,;> _ ••. ,.,.,, ... ,.,_,.,, ..... ~ .. -•,\1~1\0 \ I~"""' ·--0-•\ U\I••" ..... -•~"l"il\,.-,.1'<1'tV• · ... _ 'A'>O•I& ................. ,~ .... ,. I I Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. 1ft KIii JtlffiR) :C:W)) 1 :ma IIWI I lfff?J tcttJll )QQ ' 1 3 Ill 11 Utt 1 l l ___ ----------------------- t'IR l?'Dltt ?!I I Wt] t!Wlt Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I It Db tJt 1131 Ct t ff MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili,.e<l Earth Walls Poinsl.'ltia 6 1 Pr..:,,.:nt 1);11..: T11n'° Thu '\'.11\ 02 09 11 14 2017 74H-OO) r,~llhl'll!.1 ( ml ... tiJ\I tK',1::!LI 2nJ 'wh1mti.1! D\.'",1gn ,,1 " -\\311.\-1 & \•I -1~ 11 Bl ' IN PUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analys is) FACIA type: Facing enabling frictional connection of rcinforcemrnl (c.p. .. modular concrete blocJ..s. gabions) Depth/height or block is 1.00/0.67 r1. I lorizontal distance to Center of Gravit) of block is 0.42 rt. Average unit weight of block is Y1 = 120.00 lhlft ' 7-/ lld 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid Type # I (J (11 CRul1 121 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid Type # I 31 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 To-static I fmax or To-seismic 1 ·1 md 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Oeogrid Type #2 (J C R ult 0.0 0.34 36 16.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #2 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.34 36 16.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #3 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type #3 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 ni CJ = Con li ning stress in b..:twecn stacked blocks [lb/fl 'I 12, CR ult = Tc-ult I Tull 11, CRcr = Tcrc I Tult Z/ lid • :: I o. __ 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR er (J CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 1:rnoo.o 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long team strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type Il l Type #2 Type 113 Type #4 Type 115 Product Name 5x·1 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. RFd 1.15 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc N/A N/A NIA NIA NIA •"''" _, .. ..,,1••-·•~v,,.., ,_.,.,,,,.,,.,_,~ ... -,,,,....,., ..... ,.1_..,,.,.,,., __ , . ...,..,., ,,,..,,.,~., ... .,, .. .,,,"·· Poinsettia 61 Pag~ 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 t 11¥1)1 !!Wit IIIITl+-fMM+-:¥WIH111-,ahit:HMl:l tltWtJt! I 11· I I 11 lltllll eYdlU + ti I 1 II ? I 11 I OJ' I tll!t :OWi-' Wit! I lftl ttlW? II ----------- MSEW --Mcchankall) Stabili7cd Earth Wa lls Poins.:ttia 61 Pr..:,1;111 I );1h.', l 11m· I hu ,,l\ 112 I)(> I l 1-1 2017 .,n.-.un; P,iuh.:111.1 ( ;11hh,1d J'h:,1=:\n 2nJ \uh111111,,l lk,1gn ,,, '. \\ nll \.t &. -\· I . 2X l T nr, INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 28.00 14.0 26.0 [ftJ JdcgJ JdcgJ : Embedded depth is E = 2.00 rt. and height above top or linislwd bottom grade i~ 11 = 26.00 ft } Hatter. <,> 13m.J,s lope. (3 Backslopc rise 10.0 J ft J 11rokcn back cqui,alc11t angle. I = 10.12° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FORM SURC II AR(jE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 J lbfft 'I OTlll:R EXTERNAL LOAD(S) IS I J Strip Load. Qv-d = 2350.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 J lblfl 21. Footing width, b=SO.O rrq. Distance of center of footing from wall face. d = 44.0 [f t]@ depth or 4.0 [ft[ below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: [SI J 'II I I I I I I I I I I I I - SCALE: o 2 4 6 s 1orn1 Poinseuia 61 Page 5 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 1 I It)) 111111 0:WthW::tY'HM:t lllfl21 I ME• I ti lb I IOU] tstt?J\eeHI I) lt)OfY I w·o, :Cllll t?l'!t I 1181) Dl1bt11 ltlfl?I ICWl'I 11201 MCI lbWJb I r MSEW --Mt·chanicall) Stabili1cd birth Walls l'll''"-'lll D.il~ rnnl' I hu \:11\ O::! I~/ 11 11 2017 Poinsdtia 61 71•-1-(ltil 1'0111,..:tt1,1 ( .uh!•,1d lk,1gn 1nll '\uhm111,1l lk,1g.n '" " • \\ ,111 \· I t\. r\•4 • 2:-< 11 Ill '\ ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACT ORS (Static conditions) 13carin!t capacit). l's = 13.96. Mc) erhol' stress = 4 159 lb/rt 2. Foundation Interface· Direct slidino Fs = 7 167 Fcccntricit1 ell = 0 0190 Fs-o\'crturni1111 = 4 19 -· -· -· CiEOGR I D CONN EC ·1 10 Fs-overal I Fs-o, crall Gcogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length 1 ypc I connection l!!cogrid strength resistance sliding c/L name I rq lfti # strength I strength I f's fs fs I 0.67 30.00 4 4.46 6.40 6.398 98.654 1.866 0.0137 20XT 2 2.00 30.00 4 3.70 5.38 5.382 80.419 1.927 0.0032 20XT 3 4.00 30.00 4 3.22 4.77 4.765 67.42 1 2.026 -0.0122 20XT 4 6.00 30.00 4 3.39 5.12 5.12 1 67.610 2.134 -0.0273 20XT 5 8.00 30.00 3 3.01 3.84 3.837 67.242 2.255 -0.0423 IOXT 6 10.00 30.00 3 3.23 4.17 4.173 66.729 2.390 -0.0572 IOXT 7 12.00 30.00 3 3.49 4.58 4.575 66.841 2.543 -0.0722 IOXT 8 14.00 30.00 3 3.80 5.06 5.062 67.411 2.7 18 -0.0873 IOXT 9 16.00 30.00 3 2.92 3.95 3.947 47.789 2.923 -0.1029 IOXT 10 18.00 30.00 3 2.34 3.21 3.210 34.720 3.167 -0.11 92 IOXT 11 20.00 30.00 3 2.43 3.39 3.385 31.918 3.465 -0.1365 IOXT 12 22.00 30.00 3 2.53 3.58 3.577 29.004 3.843 -0.1552 IOXT 13 24.00 30.00 3 2.63 3.79 3.787 25.914 4.345 -0.1759 IOXT 14 26.00 30.00 3 1.86 2.72 2.718 15.318 5.056 -0.1995 IOXT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity. Fs = I 0.39. Meyerhof stress = 4863 lb/ft2• l·oun d C o· I'd' F I 5 3 I' /I O 08 r . 2 97 at1on Inter ace: irect s 1 11w, ·s = . 4 • .:.ccentncnv. e -= I I. ·s-overturnmg = GEOG RID CONNECT ION Fs-ovcrall f's-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [gcogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name [ft! I ft I # strength l strength I f's Fs Fs I 0.67 30.00 4 2 .03 3.51 3.510 35.987 1.340 0.0723 20XT 2 2.00 30.00 4 1.88 3.23 3.227 32.690 1.400 0.0552 20XT 3 4.00 30.00 4 1.78 3.06 3.057 29.799 1.499 0.0307 20XT 4 6.00 30.00 4 1.87 3.27 3.272 29.721 1.6 11 0.0074 20XT 5 8.00 30.00 3 1.65 2.44 2.439 29.376 1.738 -0.0147 IOXT 6 10.00 30.00 3 1.75 2.64 2.637 28.94 1 1.885 -0.0358 IOXT 7 12.00 30.00 3 1.88 2.87 2.871 28.74 1 2.055 -0.0561 IOXT 8 14.00 30.00 3 2.02 3.15 3.15 I 28.688 2.255 -0.0757 IO XT 9 16.00 30.00 3 1.79 2.75 2.752 23.460 2.493 -0.0949 IOXT 10 18.00 30.00 3 1.60 2.43 2.429 I 8.945 2.782 -0.114 1 IOXT 11 20.00 30.00 3 1.68 2.59 2.593 17.69 1 3.138 -0.1335 IOXT 12 22.00 30.00 3 1.78 2.78 2.778 16.371 3.591 -0.1537 IOXT 13 24.00 30.00 3 1.90 2.99 2.988 14.939 4.184 -0.1754 IOXT 14 26.00 30.00 3 I.SO 2.33 2.333 9.887 4.994 -0.1994 IOXT Poinsettia 6 l Page 6 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I Wfll WI!) Mffbteee+eNftlhnbeftMJ:9:t ttnW!bweftMlb illtilthtt IZIUl 121211 --wHfh\ II l It 9 I I ti II tit t ID no hnetltHIU 3 I IN) IPISP I 'Ztr t lte!lemtt MSEW --Mechanically Stabili,cd l:arth Walls 1'11,;,1;111 I ),11,.;. 1 nm: I hu ,m U2 I{, 11 '~ 21117 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(J.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Pro_ject Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar Homes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 6 Wall A-I -15.33' Exposed Wall with 4.67' Embcdment. Total Wall I !eight = 20'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs, Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone II: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soi ln:tention .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... Wall A-I -20 FT.IJEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as rein forcing material. '"'-''"""'' --· l·..._,,. ........ ,.., ... __ .,,. "'"'"'~ .................. ,.,o,,., '""'°!"' ... _ ......... ,_., l'I~ ...... _,,,,..,., ........ , .... -·· ·"'"" ........... ,. .......... ,t .... ,_ ........ -. ,·-·· Poinsettia 6 1 - I Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. Page I of 7 License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili,ed Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 l'n.: .. ~111ll;1ti.:·lu111.:: lhu ,11\ tl2 16 II 'L?Znl7 IJi.:r 1711.1-00J l\un,i:111., ( .ul .. h,n1 lk,1l,:1\ :?ml \uh111111.1\ lk,1!,:n ,,, (1 • \\;ill \· I • :?O I I Bl ~ SOLL DATA Rl:INFORCEO SOIL lJnit ,,eight. y Des ign value or internal angle of friction. $ RETAINED SOIL Unit weight. y Des ign value of internal angle of friction. $ 120.0 lb/rt ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lh/ft ' 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIi. (Considered as an equi, alcnt uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight, y '""" 125.0 lb/fl' Equivalent internal angle of friction. $,qu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,4.," I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table d ocs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFTCIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (ifhauer is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. ljl = 44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2901 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY !3earing capacity coeflicients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 Ny= 14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coeflicient, A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in lmernal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = J\m = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.2901 t:.. Kac = 0.4996 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient. F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. ·-'"'*''"''•••''""'"'~"'""'''"'"'"~ ,.,.....,.,.,_ •. ,.,.,.,, ..... .,,,.,,,.. .._ .. ,,. .. ,.,._...,,.1,....,,,.,,1,., .. ,,.,..,..,,., """ -'-""''""-•"\llot• -•''""'"'"--u~•·•-,._..., . ""'"''-'"..u"''""" ... 1c•1J1.1o'"'-•'•'-!"°'"'~-.. 1-1.<~n,,..._u Poinsettia 61 Copyright © 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I :CW-II 11:0Ub 1#11611 tftNIMettzMHffll f?l. 21111 ll?ltl llttl! I tfNHtl Page 2 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 tlll'l! ltbllll lfSJ) :OW' I lfttll ltfll Cl t i lttlBI! rrw-, tr MSEW --/Vl cchanicall) Swbilizcd Eanh Wall s !•r..:,..:n1 D.11..: I Ult\.' I llll ,o, 112 1(1 I l t,'.! .:WI 7 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) [) A '( A lull I lb/ft I Durability reduction factor. RFd lnstall ation-damag..: reduction fac tor, Rl·id Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil intcrf'ace. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor, a p (jcogrid (icop,rid t, pc # I l\ (lC #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tar4> 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K /Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z [Iii 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 fl 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 -- 32.8 Poinsettia 61 !~kr 170--4-(101 l'.111hct1111 l ad,h,ld lk,1gn 2nd \uh11111t.1l D..:,i~n ~,\ (, · \\,1\1 \.\ · :?O 11 HI~ (icogrid Gcogrid Gcogrid lVJ2C #3 tv12e #4 tV)2C #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.13 1.1 3 1.1 3 l.-1 5 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.8S·tanp O.S S·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 ~- ~ ... -, • .,...._ . .,_,0""•'"-'"'!>l-'·-IY\f. .... ,.._,, ...... ,,.,_,,,,.,,w1-o.'-'1•\.,_l•"'"""\'"-''"',t""<•••'"'~V'l•\"-'•":,.t"''-'~""""'·-•~\O.l-..,,.,,.,.,.,b.\..-1"""•••-••v .. ,,_,,M'°-' .,._,,-<11 .. ,..,,,.,.t•• .. •••~M•11·•-' '"'•'•-•• Poinsettia 6 1 Copyright© 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. I :C:NII !) ISll[[ll I Mitt· ) t11tth:ecttt¥U) JMlfflh HW:11 lttftJ) I If II !M Iit 11110: J 121! I! l Page 3 or 7 License number MSEW-302016 II ID 5F ltHIO!l ltlfill 1 lttt II I Tl' II MUI MSEW -· Mechanical!) Stabili/.cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 6 1 P1c,~111 D:11c l m'k." llm ,m O:! J(i 11 l2 1017 IJ1.•1 I 701-00l 1,,,111 .. c111.1 ( ml,h,lll l1r.:,1gu 211J ,uhm,11:11 D1.·,1g11 ,,1 Cl -\\ all ·\· I · 211 I I ltl '-l INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) f-/\CIA l)pc: Facing enabling frktional conn..:ction ol'reinforccment (q2. .. l!lOd ular concrete blocks. gabions) Depth/height ol'block is 1.00/0.67 r,. I lorizontal distance to Ccnt.:r ol'Cin11·ity of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit "eight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' /. I I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid Type # I er '" CRult 121 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type # 13> er CRcr 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Io-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid Type #2 er CRult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.6 1 Geogrid Type #2 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #3 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.6<1 Geogrid Type #3 cr C Rcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 111 er = Confining stress in between stacked blocks I lb/ft 'I 121 CRult = Tc-ult I Tult 11> CRcr = Terc I Tult I. I I Id 0:0 1 o._) 0.50 0.75 1.00 l + 1-1~-I-i J F-1 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 cr CRcr cr CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D /\ T A (for connection only) Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd I. IS 1.1 5 1.1 S 1.1 S 1.1 S Creep reduction factor, RFc NIA NIA NIA NIA NI/\ Poinsettia 6 I Page 4 of 7 Copyright C I 998-20 I 6 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number M SEW -3020 I 6 1 Ill 121 1118111 IIIIUJ ISIIZI) IPMRII J#MYl\ IZMll!l I Wttl WffWUJ IRWII) ffllfW) I w·n '' 11 2 Mil> en· 11112: rmr, u:s,, tt»SP 21 18 ----------------------- MSF.W --Mechanical!) Stabil i1ed Earth Walls Poin~wia 61 P11.:,l..'nt l).ii..: l 11111.: 11m ,1,, 02 I (1 11 l2 2ttl 7 IJ,..r 1701-1111\ 1',1111,..:ui.1 l ,11hh.1J l>1,;,1~11 211J \utm1111.1l lk,1!!11 ,l, 6. \\,111 \.1 • :w Ir HI'- INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 20.00 14.0 26.0 I rq ldcgl fdegl { E111bcddcd depth is 1-. = -l .67 Ii. and h.:igh1 abo, c lop of finished bottom grade is 11 = 15.33 n } Batter. u> Bad.slope. ~ Backslopc risc 20.0 I rt I Broken back cqui~alcnl angle. I 26.00° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN IF ORM SU R C IIA RG E Un iformly distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 2 j ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO(ftl Poinsettia 61 Copyright C I 998-20 I 6 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. I IDWII Ill 111 11 JI) IPHBCI 111112) ltm?l tllOf!)etttttenr: :Cl B 111%111 It M M ll I Page 5 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 lt!I Clttlll 11M ft IDW!t tl:Will :cwt• 11 or, II fl "**' IC MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili7.ed birth Walls Poinsettia 6 1 l'H.',c111 l>,1t..: Tmk.' n111 :-..m O.! 16 11 1~ 2017 kkr' I 70~-011.\ 1111111,i:lll.l ( 11rhtMd 1),:,1!,!.n 2nd \11h111111,1l l).:,1g11 ',) 6 · \\ .1\1 \. I • 10 IT Bf'- • • 'I • ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) 11carin.fl capacity. Fs = 6.10. Meyerhof stress= 2894 lb/IV. Foundation Interface: Direct s liding. Fs = 2.802. Ecccntricit\. d i.= -0.0288. Fs-overturning = 6.21 GEOGR ID CONNECT I ON rs-overall Fs-ovcrall Gcogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type I connection lgcogrid strength resistance sliding e/L name !Ii I lfll # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 20.00 3 2.2-l 2.89 2.892 2 1.838 2.522 -0.0360 IOXT 2 -l.00 20.00 3 3.73 4.90 4.897 32.778 2.677 -0.0429 IOXT 3 6.00 20.00 2 3.24 4.25 4.252 30.949 2.848 -0.0496 8XT 4 8.00 20.00 2 3.52 4.80 4.804 29.039 3.037 -0.0565 8XT 5 10.00 20.00 2 3.89 5.52 5.521 27.158 3.243 -0.0640 8XT 6 12.00 20.00 2 4.38 6.49 6.488 25.362 3.467 -0.0727 8XT 7 14.00 20.00 2 5.08 7.87 7.866 23.681 3.706 -0.0838 8XT 8 16.00 20.00 2 6.15 9.99 9.988 22.186 3.948 -0.0993 8XT 9 18.00 20.00 2 5.89 10.05 10.046 I 5.530 4.161 -0.1234 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Dearing capacity, Fs = 4.00. Meyerhof stress = 3695 lb/ft2• Foundation Interface· Direct sliding Fs = I 500 Eccentricity e/1 = 0 0964 Fs-overturnine =? 80 ~ -· GEOG R ID CONNECT ION Fs-overnll Fs-ovcrall Geo grid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type r connection [geogri<l strength resistance sliding c/L name [fll rrq # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 20.00 3 1.38 2.02 2.021 10.750 1.391 0.0666 IOXT 2 4.00 20.00 3 1.90 2.94 2.936 13.321 1.531 0.0392 IOXT 3 6.00 20.00 2 1.64 2.54 2.538 12.508 1.699 0.0142 8XT 4 8.00 20.00 2 1.77 2.85 2.85 I 11.653 1.906 -0.0088 8XT s 10.00 20.00 2 1.93 3.25 3.252 10.801 2.163 -0.0302 8XT 6 12.00 20.00 2 2.1 S 3.78 3.784 9.966 2.487 -0.0505 8XT 7 14.00 20.00 2 2.45 4.52 4.525 9.149 2.897 -0.0708 8XT 8 16.00 20.00 2 2.90 5.63 5.626 8.355 3.40 1 -0.0932 8XT 9 18.00 20.00 2 3.11 6.21 6.214 6.559 3.949 -0.1218 8XT Poinsenia 61 Page 6 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. tnc. License number MSEW-302016 1 "*''' llbtf1) ttKlfl.._HrMM n:201 I Mil! IDHMII I JIU) I t I) :S:Oitt) lt2Dt3 tctt!I) ll)Rlfl ltHC!) IM JJ 11121 )ft!) I :mar :awn :CJfP2) JO)@)) It MSEW --Mechanically Stabili,.ccl Earth Walls l'n,;,.,:tll ]),th: lttlll.' l)lll:,._\H 0]: 1611 .1:!11117 BEAR.I NG CAPAClTY for GIVEN LAYOUT STJ\'I IC ( Water table docs not affi.:et bearing capacity) Ult imate bearing capacit). q-ult 17660 MC) crhof stress. crv 2893 .8 Eccentricity. c -0.58 l~ccentricity. e/L -0.029 r-s calculatccl 6.10 13asc length 20.00 Poinsettia 61 SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO[ftl ~·'....'V"..J"l Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. SEISM IC 14769 3695 2.12 0.106 4.00 20.00 It t'RI tlf:Zt It tb -I dt 'lllttll It¥ l! ltlttbl ..... d 11111 'CIIIJ) IC IPl)C l Ill I 12Jl Poin~cllia 61 ldcr,170l-01U \',1nM~t11,1 ( ,1fhh,1.J l~,1µu l nd \uhrmtt.11 D-:,1l-1n ..._.._, h ·\\all,\ I -10 \ I HI, UNITS ilb/ft 'I llb/li 2j I rq 1n1 Page 7 of 7 License number MSE W-302016 l!! Ill 11 1 I Nit b 111181' ts I I I b& I h CWtt t 1511 rttre·:) llt ,_ '--"' ~ -"' ~ "' .. ~ ..... ' . . .. ,. -., , .. , ........ .... ~.. ,. ~· _ .... , -. MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1cd Emth Walls P1..:,c11t l>;1h.' lune lhu ,o\ ti:? lti L? q 2017 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSl2W(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFfCATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar Homes of Cali fornia. Inc. NJ l)csign No. 7 Wall A-I -10.66' Exposed Wall >with 4.67' Embcdmcnt. Total Wall Height = 15.33'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone II: fox#: E-Mail : 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilretention.com Original file path and name: J :\SRDcsip.n\Job Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... I A-I -15.33 F LBEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. , ........ -•• ,., .... -~-· , ..... , ..... ti, .. -···"""''--'•"'-• ,..-,, ... ,,.,,., ............ , .. , ....... \l .. .. Poinscltia 6 1 - I Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. lnc. Page I of 7 License number MSEW-302016 MSE\V --Mcchanicall~ Stabili;cd Earth Walls Poinscllia 61 l'rc,cnt 1>.111.: T1111o.: I hu '°' O.! Ht 12 q .zot 7 r 170-l-()ti.i 1•,,1nwt11<.1 ( arl,h,11.I lk,1t!n !uJ "'uli11u11;1l lk ~1::,n '-11 7. \\ .111 \· I . I~ ~ ~ 11 Bl , SOIL DATA Rl:INFORCED SOIi. lJnit 1veight. y Design value of internal angle of friction. $ RliT/\INED SOI i. Unit weiµ,ht. y Design value of internal angle of friction. $ 120.0 lb/ft ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/rt .1 32.0 ° FOUND/\TION SOIL (Considered as an equivalent uni form soil) Equivalent unit weight, y «nu• 125.0 lb/ft ' Equivalent internal angle or friction. $,quu 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c cqu" I 00.0 lb/fl ' Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICI ENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.22 10 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is uti lized) lnclination of internal slip plane. ljl = 44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if baller is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY l)earing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 Ny= 14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coeflicient, A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = /\m = 0.195 Design acce.leration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Arn = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kae ( Kh = 0) = 0.290 I t,, Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soil-geogricl fri ction coeflicient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. , ... _,,.,,,,., • ...,.,,.,....,,,. .... , •. ,.,,..,_,,_,.\_,.,..,..,,.,_,.,..,, .. ,_,.,,..,,.\,.,_,.., .... ,._, ... ..,...,,,.....,,,..,.t,.\., ..... , ... .,..,.._ .. ,,w,,,.,_,,.,...r-...,·.,,.,., .. \"'"'·,,._,.,,,..,,.,._, • ..,,.,..,_,.,~., .. ,.,.._,~_,.,_.,.,~,,..,..,,_ •........ ,_...,, . .,.,.,. ... .,,~ Poinsctl ia 61 Copyright IC 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. h !CWtll JSIIE!I IRPRJ I ll!lll toll !+=eltM:Mlltftftltlttlt I 11 ~--------- lllO'JI :us:r· Page 2 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 ,: It JJ :00111 ICC ti :ZIIIII 111111 MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili~cd F:arth Walls l'r~"..:nl I h11.:. I mk.· I hu \.ii\ H.! I (i I:?: ~ ~ .!U 17 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) I) AT A Tull I lhlfil Durability ri:duction factor. RFd lnstallation-damagi; reduction factor. Rf'id Creep reduction fa ctor. R.17c Fs-overatl for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor. F* Scale-effect correction factor. a p Gcogrid (,co.arid l~'[?C I/! l\Ql! 112 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tnicp 0.85·lan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth l. K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z [Ill 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.R ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 rt 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsdtia 61 r 17111-00.1 P,,llhl'\11,1 t ..irl,h,1\l !Ji..·,1gn,lml 'iuh111111.1I D..: .. 1g11 \.n 7 -\\ all \-1 I~ ! l I I Bl ~ Geo grid Geo grid Gcogrid lVQC #J lVQC #4 tYl!C #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.1 5 I. I 5 1.15 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.8S·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K l Ka 3.0 ••-'""''"' .,_,,,, ..... ~,.,.,.,4._,.._ .. ·,-•!• .... • \ '•""'"' I I•"'-"·-•• ..... ,•,,.,_, .. ,.._,. • I "lt"' • '"""'"' ·-•' ,,_,,. ·_..,.,., \l\•-..\.-.,, •\IV••--, .. ~,., ....... ,~ ... ,,~.-, ....... ,.,_,.,,,.. .. , . -·~-,. ·-~ .... ._.,.. .. , .... ,.,.,,..,,,., ,_,., . ._ .. l,ou,.•t Poi nsellia 61 Page 3 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I ltltlll IBlflJb ltblf)I Dltn -YHHII I t'C!~*"MMttAb t:1111 Ill I IR'llrtrtttlflll IN lb OBI +tH:N,tJ I Wit I WR t tW! ..... hzrz MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1:cd l~arlh Walls Poinsi:ttia 61 1111:-.i.:111 Dal.: lmh: lhu:--.11\ 021(, 12 :'-71017 r 17111 -110.l l\,mw1t1.1 <. .ul,h,1..I l)~,1!!11 1mJ 'uhm111:1l ll~·,1}.'.1i \,1) 7 \\ .i.ll \ I I <Ci 3-' I I Ill \, IN PUT DATA: Facia a nd Con nectio n (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACIA t) pc: Facing enablinµ frictional conm:ction of rcinforccmenl (c .g .. modular concrete blocks. gabions) Depth/height of'block is 1.00/0.67 n. l lori,.ontal distance lO Center or Gravit) of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit \\eight ofhlock is y, 120.00 lh'ft ' 7,/ lid 1 o-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd i'. I lid 0:01 o._:i 0.50 0.75 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 Geogrid Type 11 1 Geogrid Type 112 Gcogrid Type 113 0" (II CRult 1zi CJ CR ult er CR ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 Geogrid Type 11 13> Geogrid Ty pe 112 Geogrid Type 113 cr CRcr CJ CRcr cr CRcr 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 111 cr = Con lining stress in bet:1,vccn stacked blocks I lb/ft 2] <21 CRult = Tc-ult I Tult <'> CRcr = Tcre I Tull To-static I Trnax or To-seismic I Tmd (ieogrid Type #4 Geo grid Type II 5 cr CRult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type 114 Geogrid Type 115 CJ CRcr CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to 100% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type 11 1 Product Name SXT Connection strength reduction factor. RFd 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. 1 ltltl!)· to'' 111121 IMti'Uem::Ml:fMsll tH>> l!l lhtmtdHt5¥7 ,,,., ts»tl•MW Type 112 Type 113 8XT IOXT 1.15 1.15 NIA NIA Type #4 Type 115 20XT I. I 5 NIA 22XT 1.1 5 NII\ Page 4 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 11) 111 Ml 11111! Ill I) IFNCb llftll :cr:n: IDWFCI 11115)) mm,,_,, ------------------------------------------ MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabilized i",arth Walls Poinsettia 61 1'1i;,i;111 Pali; I um.· lhu f\i•\ 02 I<• 12 ~ ~ lO Ii r 110.i.1tt1t 1'1•11M'll1,t l ,uhhall 1>.: .. 1~0 foJ °'uh111111at IJ..: .. 1;,:n ;\1• 1 \\ all \· l 15 U I t HI , INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id llatti.:r. w Bad.slope. 13 IJach.slopc rise 15.33 14.0 26.0 30.0 I ft I ldcgl fdcg l ffll UN I F ORM SURC II ARGE f l':.mbcddcd depth is E = 4.67 rt. and height abovt: top of linishcd bottom gradt: is 11 = I 0.66 n : Broken back cquivaknt angle. I = 26.00° (sec l·ig. 25 in DEMO 82 ) Un iform I) distributed dead load is 0.0 [lb/ft 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO [ ftJ ~-..... -..:.1 '-""'" '"-'~IIU•>"' • J.•"I.V" .,_, __ .. ,.,. .• ,,.,. ... ''"-'''""'tW.••-'•"'•IW. •-'"""" ,.,_,~,, .... ••-••'4,.. .. ••-' •'lol•f"' ,,_.,.,,,. .... , ..... ,,.,, ... ,~ ,,.,..., .... >'l>l'II _ .. ,, ...... \_., -~ Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. t6Wt b · :n::Ml Heit l#W9r: > I tW! Page 5 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 ?1 t'Mlb IHI I ms,·: l!W2l IDW>l JO)ffi)b MMlitt tttt?I ID ---------·-------------·---- MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili,ctl b r1 h Walls Poinsettia 61 l'1c,l!m l>,1h: h ue lhu ,11, 02: 1(1 I~ ''T .?Ul7 r· 17111-00J P,•nhl'lll.1 t .1rhh,1d lk,1L'n .!nJ ,uhm111.1l lk,1~n '\.u 7 \\ :111 \ I I~ JJ 11 Bl , ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing cnpacit:r. Fs = 5.89. Mc) l'rhof stress = 2130 lb/fl'. Foundation Interface· Direct slitlino Fs = ? 657 Fcc..:ntricit1 ell = -0 o, 15 h-01 crturnin11. = , 59 -· -· --. GEOG RID CONNECT IO N Fs-ovcrall Fs-o,crall Gcop,rid Pullout Oin:ct Ecccntricit) Product # Elevation Length 1 ypc Jconncction Jgcogrid strength resistance sliding c/L name !I'll 1n1 # strength I strength! Fs Fs F~ I 2.00 14.00 2 2.26 3.00 3.002 I-U99 2.447 -0.0323 8XT 2 4.00 14.00 2 3.84 5.3 1 5.310 2 1.165 2.662 -0.0422 8XT 3 6.00 14.00 2 4.30 6.20 6.199 19.099 2.910 -0.0519 8XT 4 8.00 14.00 2 4.95 7.44 7.445 17.019 3.193 -0.0621 8XT 5 10.00 14.00 2 5.92 9.32 9.318 14.936 3.5 13 -0.0746 8XT 6 12.00 14.00 2 8.82 14.55 14.548 15.023 3.857 -0.0927 8X r 7 13.33 14.00 2 8.25 14.07 14.072 10.046 4.077 -0.1116 8XT ANALYSIS: CALC ULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity. fs = 3.16, Meyerhof stress= 3017 lblft2. r d ~ IY I'd" r I 389 E IL O 1272 r . 2 42 ·olm at1011 ntcr ace: irect s 1 m11.. ·s = ·cccntnc1ty. c = . ·s-ovcrtur111n11. = GE O G R ID CONNECT IO N r s-overall Fs-ovcrall Geo grid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type r connection [gcogrid strength resistance sliding c/L name I fl I [ ft] # strength] strength! Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 14.00 2 1.36 2.06 2.062 7.031 1.328 0.0818 8XT 2 4.00 14.00 2 1.90 3.11 3.11 4 8.373 1.517 0.0417 8XT 3 6.00 14.00 2 2.13 3.64 3.636 7.558 1.764 0.0062 8XT 4 8.00 14.00 2 2.45 4.37 4.369 6.738 2.097 -0.0253 8XT 5 10.00 14.00 2 2.93 5.47 5.472 5.918 2.559 -0.0543 8XT 6 12.00 14.00 2 4.03 8.00 7.997 5.494 3.200 -0.0843 8XT 7 13.33 14.00 2 4.37 8.72 8.722 4.254 3.718 -0.1083 8XT Poinsettia 61 Page 6 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I IDWDJ 11 tclltocttMMI ICINC t-tttMH I . Pt tttlltlY t lib' I l'WIJ > ttMFl OIW I hr tSNr 1 II lttettdlt MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1.ed Earth Walls Poin~cttia 61 l'11>rn1 lht'° 11111'-· lhu''" Ill I(, I! ~7.!1117 r 17H.l 00 l l',•111,,:111.1 L 11rhh,1J D1..--.1!!n lnJ ,uhnuual D-:.,1:::n ,11 i . \\ ,11\ \·I . I<( n IT IH ,..: BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT STATIC SUSMIC uNns ( Water table docs not affect bearing capacity) Ultimall: bearing capacil). q-ult 12554 9539 lib/rt 'I Me) crhof stress. crv 2130.3 3017 I lblft 'I Eccentricit). c -0.30 1.91 I rq Eccentricity. c/L -0.021 0.136 Fs calculated 5.89 3.16 11asc length 14.00 14.00 I ftJ SCALE: O 2 4 6 8 IO I ft] \ '•"'I-•··•-••-•'•"'"'"""., ,.,..,..,.,,,._,.\I.,,.\ I \l'·"'·--•·,\a,U•\oo-•s.i~•• ••M)t'l,.i_U_ .. , 1;·""' ,..,., ~1•1., .... ,,.....,.,,. ... ,.,'1~•'11•-••~\h0•, .. -,.\,11,t .. \ JnW•l"'\'",_1,1,11\jf,',o,o.•l'' ... ••"'"•"•\I,..., ....,.., .. _,,.,..,.,, Poinseuia 61 Page 7 of 7 Copyright Cl 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I I 11 Jtlflll I ?Rt I Wtl 1111 Ill JC¥U · IDMC:11 112 :Cltlt I M 21 License number MSEW-302016 Ml ttfllb IHMlt IIOt tW:t I Its! :Cl?Rt ttlZRJ IDIZll IC >' "t• ... ~....... ~., ·•-~ •• •• '••••• ~-~•M •• .. ---" ......... MSE\V --Mcchani<:all) Stabili1...:d birth Walls Pn.:,~111 lhk I um: I hu ,1n fl~ Ill< -ii< 2X ::?017 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MS l:W(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTJFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar Homes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 8 Wall A-1.5 -9.33' Exposed Wall with 4' Embedmcnl. Total Wall Height = 13.33'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone #: Fax #: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: nj ansson(a)so i I relent ion .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job Folder\1704-003 Poinsellia Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... A-1.5 -I 3.3 3 FT.BEN - Orig inal date and time of creating this file: Fri A.pr I I I 0:44: 16 20 I 4 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. ,_,...,",...,."'...,.,l.'>U'o\ .,,..,.,,,1,<0 _.,..,., ...... ,....,..,, • ..,., .. , '""""" ,.._,,_._,,..,.,,,~"'"'-" o,\l._."1',_,_, ........ ,., ,._.,,..,.,,._, ""'''"'°"'!O\l•l•l.,,.,.,,....,,,.,.._,,\1<1-., , ....... ,., l'oins..:ltia 61 - I Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADA MA Engineering, lnc. Page I of 7 License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili,.cd Earth Wall s Poinsdtia 6 1 !•t,.: .. 1,;nl ll,11~· 111111..' lhu ,,n 02 nr< -Pl 2X 2017 \ 71) 1-01'1 P.1m,clt1..1 l.. Ml,t,.1d Dl.',t!,?n :?.ml \uh1111tt.1I Oi:,1~n ,,~ I<. \\ all \· l ,;; . 1 l l l 11 Bl ~ SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIi. llnit l\<.:ip.ht. y Di:sign valui: of internal angJ..: of frictio n. cJ> RETAIN ED SOIi. Unit wci)lht. y Design \ alue of' internal angle o r fri ction. cJ> 120.0 lbif'l ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/Ct ' 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an cqui,·alent uniform soil) Equivalent unit \~eight. y cu"" 125.0 lb/ft ' Equivalent internal angle of fri ction. cJ>c4u" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c cqu" I 00.0 lb/fl ' Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stabil ity)= 0.22 10 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) IJ1clination of internal slip plane. \j/ = 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coef!icients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 N y= 14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coeflicicnt. A = 0.150 Design acceleratio n coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefticicnt in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.290 I t:i. Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. -... ,,.,~ ... "· ,,.,., •• ...,,.,,.,.,.,, .. ,,.. ,~ .. "f .. \-•t'oA!~• , ......... , l•'N•\,o..,.lk"~''"''"'"''"I .,., .. ,,.._•f\Ot"~••• ~'\I,,., ,.,....,,,.,..,,,,~'"'1•••oAO U\tU\O\ .... ,..,,...,.,,,,._,._,. 11\1.,..,.,,._,,_.,.., ,~ ... ,,.,,. .. ,.,.-s,.,, .... ,., ... ,,.,..,.,., • Poinseuia 6 I Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. Page 2 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 I 1:011 IOJOfll lllfftl tBMtlhM+HMtl!t:J I IWit-lMMtlb 11111 IIWIJ" MN+ I bl 11 11¥21 llfZ If) JP'ltndlklttl :CPS ) tr J 1 till) I er MSEW --Mcchanicnll) Stabili,cd Earth Walls l'ri:,cnl ll;1h.: I Hll\: lhu '"\ 112 01( -lS 2S :!.017 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) DJ\T/\ Tult I lb/ft I Durability reduction factor. RFd lnstallntion-damap_e reduction factor. Rf.id Creep reduction factor. RFc l's-overall for strength Coverage ratio, Re Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor, a p Gcogrid Crcogrid tvpc # I I\ pc #? 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0 .85 ·tmcj> 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z KI Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 Z [ftl 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 fl 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsl:ltia 6 1 1111.1-110.1 P11UN'tl1.1 l url,bJd D1.-,1~n 2nd "t11h111111,1I 1).:,1~11 ,,, I(.\\ ,,II ,\-I ~ -1 l \) 1 1 Ul '- Geo grid (1CO!!rid Gco!lrid t\ pc 113 l\ 12e #4 1v12c 115 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.1 5 1.1 S I. I 5 1.1 3 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 Nit\ NII\ NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85·lanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 I ••"'il·•·,.-•,•<:11t•'•'"•'"".._ .. ,,._I0.._.,.._\..,,,..,,..,>#,.,_,.,.,,..,,,.,_,.,....,_,_,,.,.,.,1 .. -••'W'>"'''"-'t""'"'--'"'4"-11'•.,_,.,u~,1 .. -,.v,1,i,,..-,_,_m,.,.1~, .,,,,,._,, ... ..,,_,_...IHh,t'"'•-'""'°"'••"'"'''"'·~••••'"""'"''-''"'-'•'••••• Poinsetria 61 Page 3 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. I t ltft ldlS 11 · IOIICTI I 'lsthete:Ml:M!rl I SRI lll1tl!b tlbltlll:d IC) It t 8 I License number MSEW-302016 JWJ I bill) I ·p:r) t t!b :rrttt IDIBJ t ¥911 1 IOI?) 11102 111 l)Ottthnm ---------------- MSI: \\' --Meclinnicall) Stabilized Earth Wall, Poinsettia 61 1'1l!,cn1 Dal\: l uni.' l'lm ,11, t11 fl!< -lX 2R 2tl\ 7 110 ;.oo.t p,,1n ... i.:u1.1 t '" l,h.1d l)c,1g11 :ntl \u1'11ut1,1I Di.:,1t,?11 ,,, ~ \\ ,,II \-I ~ · I ~ ~ \ I I Hr " INPUT DATA: Facia a nd Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACIA t) pc: Facing enabling frictional cotlf1l'Ction of rcinfon.:..:ment (e.g .. modular concrete blocks. gahions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.67 n. I lori,ontal distance to Center of Ci ra1·ity of block is 0.42 n. Average unit weight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' z / lid 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid Type 11 1 (J ill CRu11 121 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type 11 13• (J CR er 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 ·1 o-statie I Tmax or To-seismic I rmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid Type #2 (J CRull 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #2 (J CRcr 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type /13 (J CR ult 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type #3 (J CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 ''1 cr = Confining stress in b.:twcen stacked blocks [lb/ft 'I 12, CRult = Tc-ult I Tult 11> CRcr = Tcrc I Tult Z/1 Id 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 fop of 1.\nll 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR ult (J CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR er (J CR er 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long tenn strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. I) A T A (for connection only) fype # I Product Name SXT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 Creep reduction factor, Rfc NIA Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I I It'll I 12 I Ptl It I I I I l. I I'd! b 11' Ult¥ Type #2 Type #3 8XT IOXT 1.15 I. I 5 NIA NIA Type #4 Type #5 20XT 1.15 NIA 22XT 1.15 NIA Page 4 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 I ::0 l I flt t ttti 11 I I MM ) 1 SR trMMi I 1 W Sb 'Cl 131 I XU> I nrw:: I ID ~----------------------------------------.... MSEW --ML·chanicall) Stabilized l:arth Walls Poinsettia 61 P1\· .. 1;111 ll.111.: lm11.: 1"1111 ,11, 02 OX -IS 2:-l 21117 110 1-(JII.' P11111,.:1t1.1 l ,o!,h.11J lk,1'.-!!1 ::!n\l \uh111111.il l>c-.1~n "\o X \\ ;tll \-I < I~ ~., I I Bl\; INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design heigh!. I Id I latter, 0) 11ad.slope. 13 13.33 14.0 26.0 I ft I ld.:g l ldcg l Embedded depth is E = -1.00 f1. and hdgh1 above top of fi nished bottom grade is 11 " 9.33 ft f r.lad.slope ri~c 15.0 fftJ 13roJ..cn back equi,alcn t angll:. I -26.00° (~cc l·ig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FO R M SU R C IIA R G E Uni formly distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/fl 2 J ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10 [fl) L:"' ™'I ==i Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. llffllt ltltll) IDMSU,e:ewet I I I hmnlt#M!' m:111 It! ....... , I !I Page 5 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 111 l :en I I ll ll l IIZII IJIQ[I J :C:Ml!l 1@)§11 t 11119 ------------------------- MSEW --Mcchanirnll) Stabili7cd l:arth Walls 1'1c ... ,.;nt I l;1h: I 111\~ l hu ''" 02 •IX lX lX 201 i Poinscltia 6 1 1 ".'tJl.OO.l P,i111,c111,1 l ml,.t,,ld lk"gn 2nd \11h1111Lt,1l I k,1:;11 ,,1 X -\\ all \-1 ~ l l _q I I 1\1 , ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) 11earing capacit). Fs = 6.04. Mi:)crhof stress= 1908 lhll't'. Foundation Interface· Dir..:ct slidino Fs -7 76-, 1:cccntricil\ c/1 = -0 0269 Fs-ovcrturnino = 6 01 < -· -· -· - GEOG I{ 1 D C ON N I: C.: T I O N h-overall Fs-o, ..:rail Cicogrid Pullout Dir.:ct Eccentricity Product # F.lcvation Length 1 ypc I connection lp.cogrid strength resistance sliding c/L nan,c 1n1 I rq # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 13.00 2 2.53 3.50 3.500 13.780 2.565 -0.0380 8X I 2 4.00 13.00 2 4.43 6.38 6.381 19.832 2.817 -0.0484 8x·1 3 6.00 13.00 2 5.12 7.7 1 7.709 17.872 3.109 -0.0591 8XT 4 8.00 13.00 2 6.19 9.74 9.737 I 5.97 1 3.444 -0.07 18 8XT 5 10.00 13.00 2 9.34 I 5.4 1 I 5.408 16.568 3.813 -0.0899 8XT 6 11.33 13.00 2 9.03 I 5.40 15.403 11.717 4.053 -0.1090 8XT ANALYSJS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Ucaring capacity. Fs = 3.76. Mcyerhof stress = 250 I lb/ft2• Foun cl ation In terface: o· 1rect slidin P. Fs = 1.469 Eccentricitv. c/1. = 0.1044. Fs-overturniirn = 2.69 G l:,:OGR ID C O NNEC TION Fs-overall Fs-overnll Geo grid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type r connection jgcogrid strength resistance slid ing c/L name l ft I [ftJ # strength] strength l Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 13.00 2 1.54 2.43 2.426 6.713 1.429 0.0586 8XT 2 4.00 13.00 2 2.20 3.76 3.760 7.891 l.667 0.0 184 8XT 3 6.00 13.00 2 2.53 4.5 I 4.512 7.053 l.992 -0.0167 8XT 4 8.00 13.00 2 3.01 5.64 5.64 1 6.224 2.45 1 -0.0484 XXT 5 10.00 13.00 2 4.10 8.19 8.186 S.8 15 3.107 -0.0802 8XT 6 11.33 13.00 2 4.47 9.04 9.036 4.637 3.657 -0.1 052 8XT ,-... •~\I .. ~·.,_, •• .,.. .... , ... ,., • .,.,, .. , I \<..t•1·,..,,., • .,,,.,.,_, "''" ,,,....,.,_,.,._,,.,,.,.,., . .,.,,.,., ,., .. ,.,., t .... ~--,,~"'"'""'•-••-'•"••'"• 'V"''"'''"-'•" .. "' ,,.,.._.,,.,._,.,,,y~\•••"'••l"l""'"''~'.t1t .. ~ ''-..:.-, ••' Poinscllia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. :ntt' IFS?I !UIIF!b CMIUnefdfW:I llhhr:ted:llftlt JORI 11111 IWIM) Jtfirt Page 6 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 tF 17 ti 1 II ti); II th It ftp 1 trNftll I l fl l 'Bbl t I ) I 111 Ill ID MSEW --Mcchanicall) Swbili1.ed l·.arth Wa lls !•1.:,...:111 Ll,1t1,.· l 11m.: I hu '·" il.! 111< -'!< 2M 2017 BEARING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAY OUT STATIC SEISMIC (Watcr table docs not affect bearing capacit)) Ullimatc bearing capa,it). q-ull I 1526 9-107 Me)crhof stress, crv 1907 .6 250 1 Eccentricity. c -0.35 1.-1 8 Eccentricity. e/1. -0.027 0.114 Fs calculated 6.0-1 3.76 Base length 13.00 13.00 SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 10 [fl] "'~ ............... -.... -, Poinsettia 6 t Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. I Nitti IP It flt' ll'Me:tt tlttt!:hmnt:tzt:Fh\ I. lbrtHHtht Jt I I It Ill Poinscttia 61 170 1-00.1 11.1111'1..'IIU l ,trl,h.iJ l)n1g.n :!nll \ul,111111,11 I h.:,1~11 -..:11 S ·\\all ·\· I " • i l P I 1 IJI ·, lJNITS lib/ft 21 I lb/ft 21 I ft I I ftJ ::nu itrct : we· :n 1111 Page 7 or 7 License number MSEW-3020t6 WI I I 9 Cb ltt12?l tl ltl I ----------- .. --.. ~ ....... .. . ... --.. MSl=.W ·· Mcchanicall) Stabilin:d Lanh Walls Poinsettia 6 1 1'1(,\:III Ila!.: l 1m.: lhu ,,,, 02 Ill I., I" ;wt 7 I ,,:r liO~-OtH 1\,11N.:ll!,1 C1nl,fl.1d lk,tgn .!nd '\uhm1tt.1! l>i.:,1;;11 '-u l) -\\ ,Ill \-1 '1i • I(! I I IU '° AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I tomes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 9 Wall i\-1.5 · 11 .33' Exposed Wall with 4.67' Embedment. Total Wall Height = 16'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. Ci\ Telephone#: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctention.com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesi,e.n\Job Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... II A-1.5 · 16 FT.13EN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 I 0:44: 162014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. 1,.._, ,,..,. ,,_ ... ,....,..,,.,.. •"'""''-•h......,-..1 •••tu,• •~w""·-'"~"'•-'t..._,.,._, "'l"'·•-•Hll'ol" -... ·~"""'-•'"'"''\ 1.,,_,,.., '""''"' ,.,,,. .. ,,,._1•"'4•1 t~""" - I Poi nsctl ia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADA MA Engineering, Inc. Page I of 7 License number MSEW-302016 MSl:W --Mcchanicall~ Stabili1:ed 1:arlh Walls Poins1.:11ia 6 1 l'r,:,..:111 l).th. lmh.' lhu ,m II.! 16 -'~ .l< 2017 .. , PO,HM)l l'\lllhi,:lll,I l ,.11hl;,,1d l)..:,1::0 ~nJ ,ut,111111.11 ,~,,:,in ,u 9 ~ \\,di \·I\ lh 11 Bl' SOIL DATA RI I FORCFD SOIi. Unit" 1.:ight. y Design value or internal angh: or friction. <I> RI I AINl·D SOIi Unit ,,ciµ_ht. y Design ,aluc o r internal angle of friction. <I> 120.0 lb n · 32.0 ° 125.0 lhll't ' 32.0 ° I OUNDA I ION SOIi. (Considered as an cqui,aknt uniform ~oil) l~quivalent unit ,\eight. y """" 125.0 lbll't ' Equi,alcnt internal angle of friction. <l>,4011 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c "~"" 100.0 lb,ft 1 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTI-1 PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.22 10 (if batter is less than I 0°, Ka is calculAtcd from cq. 15 . Otherwise, eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. IV 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is cah.:u latcd from cq. 16. Othern ise. cq. 17 is utiliLcd) BEAR.ING CAPACITY 13earing capacity coefficients (calculated b} MSc W): Ne 0.00 Ny=14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration cocflicient. A 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coef!icient in E>.tcrnal Stability: Kh d = 0.195 ... Kh Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0 ) 0. 7897 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.290 I Kae 0.4996 Seismic soil-gcogrid friction coefficient. r:• is 80.0% of its specified static 'value. Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. l It I llCII I ti ttMftt tt't t tfmtl 11¥ ltcatl tft'ttl ltM'll#tttlfi It ttl I lf ?l ti ICbtHt I MO I) II 9 Page 2 of 7 License number MSl:.W-302016 tMO! I WI tllt O CM ) ) · llltlJ iNPfl MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabilized h 1nh Walls P,,.· .. ..:nt ll.11..: T11n1..· I hu ,o\ Ol I(~ 1--'' 2011 l) I\ INPUT DATA: Gcogrids (Analysis) T I\ 1\ilt ! lb/rt I Durabilit) reduction factor. R l·d Installation-damage reduction factor. RFid Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor. F* Scale-effect correction factor, a Geo grid (icogrid 1\pc # I t\ pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NII\ N//\ 1.000 1.000 p 27.97 27.97 0.85·tm<I> 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Va riation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K / Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z lfti 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13 .1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinseuia 61 Copyright ~ 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I I SU l lt:ZB t :S:W! b II MH ': ltlf811 tr WI tilt I! l tld:SJ) t ltitll 11&'11 'ttltl1 I Jilt Poinscttia 61 ',:I 1111-'-00J l\1nh1.:111:1 t ;111,t,,uJ l>..:,1:,.rn .!nil \uhm111:1l lh.:,1~n ,t, 11 -\\ ,111 \-1 ~ · 16 I l Bl , (icogrid Gcogrid Gcogrid tv12c #3 t\pc #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 I.IS 1.15 I. I 5 1.13 1.13 1.1 3 1...15 1.45 1.45 N//\ NII\ NII\ 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 K I Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 Page 3 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 111 SI Ill IM !t IDl'tPJ tt>Mt!I :c:ren: 11 I · I 2)) II ~---------------- ---------------------------- MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabilized 1-.anh Walls Poinsettia 61 Pr..:,1.:111 D,11,.:' I um: I hu 'm 02 I (1 _.-l,;, 2017 l't I "10-l ,IIO_l fllllll,-\'111,l ( ,uhtl,1(11 k ,1~n ~nd "ul1111111.1l lh.:,1~n '\o C) -\\ .111 \-1 'i -16 I I Bl ..,: INP UT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) f-ACIA l) pc: Facin1,t enabling frictional connection of reinfon:cmcnt (e.g .. modular concrctc bloch.s, gahions) Depth/height or block is 1.00/0.67 ri . l lorimntal distancc to Center or Gravit) or block is 0.42 ft. Average unit \\eight of block is y, 120.00 lb/ft 3 z / lid 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid Type 11 1 CJ (I) CRult (ZI 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Geo grid Type # I J) cr CR er 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 1 a-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid Type 112 CJ CRult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Gcogrid J'ype 112 CJ CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.6 1 Oeogrid Type 113 CJ CRult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Geogrid Type #3 CJ CR er 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Cl> CJ = Confining stress in between stacked blocks I lb/ft 'I <21 CRult =Tc-ult / Tult 111 CRcr = Tcrc I Tuft lop of \\all i'. / lld 000 I 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 I J ± l El f 1-t I 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Tmax or To-scism ic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 874-1.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type 115 CJ CR.er CJ CR er 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long tenn strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type # I Product Name 5XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA Poi nsctt ia 6 I Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. 1:01?1 ICWl?l IS:'.80) IM2t :Z:OJbttMtNH)· blt%1 l:S?irt ICM l IW'!t w-Wr:inll::t'I Type 112 Type #3 8XT IOXT 1.15 1.15 NIA NIA Type #4 Type 115 20XT 22XT 1.15 1.15 NIA NIA Page 4 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 IN> I ffM) I I :Z I ¥tit llt&/tlr bit!! ISWJ) · :O:M IOlIDI I WI) ttlft MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1:cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 1'1c:,c:n\l),1h: lntw lhu,u,1121(1 11 1(2017 '-'' 17l1-l-rn:n 11~,111'l'Ui.1 l :11hl'i.ul l>c,1~n .!nd 'i.uhm111al lk,1~11 ,1, ll -\\ ,111 \-1 " l<i I I Bl \. INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design hcight. I Id 16.00 I ftl ( Embedckd depth is f 4.6 7 n. and height abo,·c top of finished bot1om grade is 11 = I 1.33 ft ] Hatter, c,i 13acJ..s lopc. ~ l:3acJ..slopc ri~e 14.0 26.0 '.W.O ldcgl ldcgl 1n1 11roJ..cn back cqui, a lent angle. I = 26.00° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FORM SlJRC IIAR.GE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 !lb/ft 21 ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: o 2 4 6 s 10 I rq Poinsettia 61 Copyright Cl 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. I I lb 10)(5!) I 11121 ::Hi:¥8rt) 1135P1tftterl:Mllrt tMlltMtfti ti! ti I Page 5 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 l fl It DI 111II' lltll 11111 Cltlll llPll :Ott> It l 1111 ts:SH tr 1SEW --l'vkchanicall) Stabili1.cd Earth Walls Poin~cttia 61 f11..:,.:11tl),1t..:lm11.' lhu\.m0216 17-l'2017 c1 t 70-1~(101 P\1111-,i.:111.1 C.1rh0.1d lk "1i!r1 ~11,l \u/11mt1,1l l>-.:,1g11 ,u 1> • \\ ,111 \-I '. I(\ 1 I Ill \. ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) lscaring capacil). Fs = 6.10. Mc)crhof stn:ss = 23 15 lb1rt'. Foundation Interface· Direct slidino Fs =? 802 F:cccn1rici1, ct l = -0 0788 Fs-ovcrturnin° = 6 "I -· -· --·- G I: 0 GRID CONN EC I I ON l·s-ovcral I Fs-o~ crall Gcogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation l.en?,th T) pc I connection lgco)!rid strength resistance sliding c/1. name 1n1 I rq # strength I strength I Fs f's Fs 2.00 16.00 2 2.18 2.87 2.865 17.3 14 2.560 -0.0377 8X I 2 -l.00 16.00 2 3.69 5.03 5.027 25.534 2.761 -0.0462 8XT 3 6.00 16.00 2 4.09 5.82 5.817 23.604 2.988 -0.0547 8XT 4 8.00 16.00 2 4.65 6.90 6.901 21.726 3.243 -0.0640 8 XT s 10.00 16.00 2 5.47 8.48 8.481 19.936 3.526 -0.0752 8 XT 6 12.00 16.00 2 6.77 11.00 11.00 I 18.311 3.828 -0.0908 8X I 7 14.00 16.00 2 6.84 11.67 11 .668 12.719 4.1 14 -0.1162 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) 13cari n?, capacity, Fs = 4.00, Meyerhof stress = 2956 lb/IF. f d ~ D' I'd' I 500 L' 0 09 ' . 2 80 •oun auon ntcr ace: 1rect s 1 in12. l·s ~ iccentnc1tv. e L = 64. 1-s-ovcrturnmg = GEOGR ID CONNECTlON Fs-overall Fs-ovcrall Gcogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricit) Product # Elevation Length Type I connection lgcogricl strength resistance sliding e/L name l fi j rrq # strength.I strength I Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 16.00 2 1.3 3 1.99 1.987 8.444 1.424 0.0595 8XT 2 4.00 16.00 2 1.84 2.97 2.973 10.206 1.611 0.0264 8XT 3 6.00 16.00 2 2.03 3.42 3.41 7 9.358 1.850 -0.0033 8XT 4 8.00 16.00 2 2.28 4.02 4.018 8.518 2.163 -0.0302 8XT 5 10.00 16.00 2 2.64 4.87 4.874 7.692 2.581 -0.0555 8XT 6 12.00 16.00 2 3.19 6.19 6.193 6.891 3.138 -0.0815 8XT 7 14.00 16.00 2 3.58 7.17 7.165 5.324 3.817 -0.1137 8XT Poinscuia 61 Page 6 or 7 Copyright C 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I HSI) 1111 Yb lbl'CJb ttKftth tttfhtlhreshtA&I: HMhl 1 P l t ill I 1181 : er·: I tlZ!t It' ti 1 I ldtl l Ull Hl I :C 1 I worn : 111221 · ro:rzr rs MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1.cd l:arth Walls Poinsettia 61 Pn;,,:ntl),tl\.' lun..: ltm,,t\021(,47 ,~2u17 ,:1 11,q.1Mn l',,uh.:111., C.ul,li.td l>,:"~n :11..i \ulimu1;1! D .. ·,1~n ,(1 11. \\ ,111 \-1 ~. 161 r HI, BEA RING CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT S fAT!C SEISIV!IC UNITS 11 81 S l ib/fl 'I 2956 I lb/ft 'I 1.69 1n1 0.106 (Water table docs not affect bearing capacity) llltimatc bcarinµ capm:it). q-ull 14 128 Mc) crhof stress. crv 23 15 .0 Eccentricity. c -0.46 Eccentricity. c/L -0.029 Fs calculated 6.10 4.00 l3ase length 16.00 16.00 I rq SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO [ft] ... +r pa . .,..., , .. _ •• "' .... , ............ , ................. __ •• _., ... -•• , ........ _." .. ,_,11 ............... ,., .. _,.'"',. ,._, ........ _.,,...,.,,._, """ ................ , ....... , ... , ................. _h,.. .... , .. _,,....,.,.,_ ........ ,.. ........... , .. _ ..... , .... , ___ .• "., .. -···-··-.. ·~ Poinseuia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. t 11 I ·)8tt f!t !S:H&!ite:nitHMMih IIJIIQI 11'.F)-dtHH:! lllf1l tttt·t IMP!) !1flll Page 7 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 &lllr:ecel JI OJ IHI!' ltlMth tttWtlt IP»-11 :Cit? lt'.IDI !Milt .... . ·--.. . . ..... ' ... ·:.... .. .. " . ·-~' ' ~ MSEW --Mechanical!~ Stabili1cd Earth Walls Pr.:,rnt D.11.: l on~ lhu ,1n 112 f}<J 1~ 1-1 2017 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update 11 14.96 PROJECT IDENTJFJCATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Statio n Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I tomes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. I 0 Wall A-3 -4.67' Exposed Wall with 8' Emhcdmcnt. Total Wall I !eight = 12.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs, Inc. Street: 250 I Stale Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone #: Fax II: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctcntion.com Original file path and name: J :\SRDesi~n\.Job Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\lJes ..... .... .I A-3 -12.67 FT.BEN Original date and time of creating this fi le: Fri Apr 11 10:44:16 20 14 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. Poinsettia 6 1 - l--\<o',f<l'fl .,,..,,,,,, .. ,.,..,, .. -..... _,., ,,,,, .. , •4W""•·<••••"''"•,.._1<1..._I ... ,._ ..... ., ..... _, "'"" --,~-,., .. __ '·"''" w-1 \n<-.,..,._,., • ....-,,.,.,,.,.,..,,°''"'--••"'""'' .. -Uv. .... , lf\l~ .... _.,.,,.,,'-"l••"oo.•\ .JO,~,.,.,.,~ ..... _.,.......... •• I Poinsettia 6 1 Page I of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mt·chanicall) Stabilized 1:arth Walls Poinscttia 6 1 P1i:,~·n1 t>.11i: rum: I hu ,,,\ 02 0•1 l2 l 1 2017 170-t -nu_, Pl1111wt11.1 ( ,1rhh.11l lk,1g1f 2nd \11h1nitt.il lk,1~11 ,1, Ill \\ .,ti \~J 12 h7 11 Ill , SOIL DATA REINFORCE!) SOIi. l/nit \\Ci,Qhl. y Design value of internal angle of friction. 4> RETAINED SOIL llnit weight. y Design , alue of intcrnal angle of friction. 4> 120.0 lb/rt .l 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/rt 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an equi"alcnt uniform soil) Eq uivalent unit weight. y 001111 125.0 lb/ft' Equivalent intcnwl angle of friction. 4><q,m 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c equ" I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTI-I PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (illlernal stability)= 0.2210 (if baller is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. ljl = 44. I 0° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY l3earing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35 .49 N y=30.2 1 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient, A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = J\m = 0.195 Design acceleration coeffi cient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.7897 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.290 I tl Kac = 0.4996 Seismic soil-geogrid friction cocflicicnt. F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. 1 .... ,.H-1'·.i,-, .. -.. 1 ..... •~w:tt"' ,,_,._, .. ,.,_,_.\,f.-,'O>•-• 'to,•_, ...... , .. ,,,.,,,,,~ ... •"•"-'""''°' •-1, ... ,..,,,._ .• .,.,.-;. ,._10\1~,,,........,,.\(_, .. ,.,_, "'""·-•~'l'-1•1,.-lt ........ ,......,,~u .. ,,.,,_,•o«o"\"''"'"' ,.,,.,.,_,.,.1,1 ... ,. """' t,\I..,. .. .,,,.,~ Poinsettia 61 Copyright <C 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. h«IIMt!) lOPllt ht:51 lt:IRI) ICIIR!I l:Hrt• 11¥111 12:Sllt lttll I Dlt ·: t t' !t'lti Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 lit :Olt)JIMttllltWl t'c?tt mm, lll?RllblRJ·Jtll:C MSl:W --l'vkd1a11icall) Stabili,cd Larth Walls l'k,CIII ll,ll\.' i lll'k: I hu ,1n O.! Iii}_\;? 11 2017 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) l) I\ T I\ ·1ult I lb/ft I Durabilit) reduction factor. RFd Installation-damage reduction factor. RFicl Creep reduction factor. RFe l·s-ovcrall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogricl-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor. a f) (ieogrid (ico11rid tvpc # I tl'pe #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.13 I .45 1.45 NII\ NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tai~ 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 on 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z I fl l 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 fl 1.00 16.4 -- 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Po in~cttia 61 170-l O(P l'\u11,ct11.1 l 11rl-,t,;1d l>"',1,;?n 2ml \ut'im111.1l lk .. 1~p1 ,,., IP \\,111 \ •. \ • 12 ,,~II 1H' Geogrid Geog.rid Gcogrid 1v12c #3 t\(?C #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 I 3705.0 20559.0 1.15 I. I 5 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NII\ 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.8S·tanp 0.8S·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 ,. , -,q•·-,.1'"'''"·,,.,...,,,,,,~,. .,..,.,.,,.,.,,1_.,..,, • .._,...,. _,.,, .. 1-<• ,.--,.-1fl\,.,_,., .. ,,,.,,,_\.\,l'lll>\-"I\''""' '•'"'_. *''"'''''"'"--'•"-•1• -~•• 1''""'••-••,-."111•-•t-.. ... •,-,.,.,... •-\l'll•\-•>~\O>'"fl • ..,-. .. ,•,.,.-., .. Poinsettia 61 Page 3 of 6 Copyright© 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 }d I IC '' etflZ:1 2 lfR ICJIU"PMMMiM:lhffl WJ l I II J h t ...... ldt :t\ i:tl ft ti lttfti 1 l l 1 12:r ti bl b Ill I it Care J I HN th I ISP 1 1 I ID Ult b t :CNfllt ettthzzvavm MSEW --Mechanical!~ Stabili1.cd Larth Wall~ 1•,.:,.:n!l).11,.: l1tlll.° thu,u\ll,!(\tJ';~il 20l7 Poinsettia 61 I 7o-l-001. l1,111N:11,,1 t 11rl,hall l>..:,1~n .?nJ ,uh,mu.,I n~·,1~n '\' 111 \\ ,1!1 \. i. 12 117 11 HI , INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) f-ACIA l)pc: l·acin!! cnablin/!. frictional connection ofreinfon;cmcnl (e.g .. modular concrete hlocks. gahion,) Depth/h.::ight of block is 1.00/0.67 fl. llori1.0ntal dis1a11c.:: to Center of Gravit) of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit ,, eight of block is Yr = 120.00 lb/ft ' z /I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid Type # I (J (I) CRult 121 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 G eogrid Type # J 3l (J CR er 0.0 0.-15 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 1 o-static I rmax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid rype #2 (J CR.ult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #2 (J CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #3 (J C R ult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.6-t Gcogrid Type #3 (J CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.6-t 10000.0 0.64 111 cr = Confining stress in between stacked blocks lib/ft ,, 121 CRult = Tc-ult I Tult <11 CRcr = Tcre I Tull 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-stat ic I Tmax or To-seismic f Tmd Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR ult (J CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 (J CRcr (J CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #I Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 T)'pC #5 Product Name 5XT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. RFd 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA ...... \N ............ ,.,.. .. , .. _ ....... -·· ... ""'' ..... -... -· .. , ... ,_ ......... , ...... 00 ... , ...... _., ... ,, ....... ,.,, .... y .. ,.,., ............... ,.-,.,"'1 ................ ,. __ ,,..,.,.,, __ .............. , ....... _._ ..... "' .... _ .. , ,...,,.,_ .... , ............... ~, .... . Poinsctria 61 Copyright © I 998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. l 'OWi fltilt l tttVJ ) Mitt ) oHMHt hCtt:Mtf\)· )t)QIJ\ I ten+e ll'JJ) tl211l f + MIil Ii l I ti Z' JC R Puge 4 or 6 License number MSEW-302016 tdHNI l :Oltlt :Clttbl l I I JI I I It M It MSF.W --Mcchanicall~ Stabili1.c<l l·,arth Wall s Poinsettia 61 \11..:,..:111 I ),11..: 1 ml..: I hu ,11\ Ill tJ(I \~ l I .?(117 'l?tl.l,on1 1•1111h1.:1l1.1 tarl,haJlk,1gn211ll\ulmrn1.,llk,1J;t1,,1 111.\\,lll \ l l:?h-1 I Bl, IN PUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 12.67 14.0 26.0 I ft I ldcg l ldcgl ( Embedded derth is F 8.00 rt. an<l height above top of finished bottom grade i, 11 4.67 ft l Batter. u> llackslope. 13 11ackslope rise 30.5 [Iii 11rokcn back cqui\aknt angle. I = 26.00° (sec rig. 25 in Dl:MO 82) UNIFORM SLJRC I I /\.RGE Un iform I) distributed clend load is 0.0 i lb/fi 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: , ... -,,,ro ... · . .,_,,,.,...,,,_,.'1""' -··~-"'1•••·•-••, '"'"''' _. .. ,,,...,,., .. ""'''"'"'"' ·••• ,..,.,.,, w;o,,...,.1.-.,-, Poinscuia 61 Copyright() 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. IWPI llltll tlftl 1181 ltl'IRhmnltMRI I'll) 11111 11'111teM:Nilttt) l!Wt > .,., .... ,,.._,p\l~··· .... ,. "~ "'·-··'"""''.,._,.,...,... • ....... ,_.._ ....... ,, .. _, •. r,,1•• .. -•'•"ot' .. _ ....... ,1 · ••l Page 5 of 6 Lic~nse number MSEW-302016 I)] .1 ':OH' \ I flt I l I J IDWI I I Ill J tr) I JCJCR l · I ff! I t MM I I ID ---------------- MSEW --Ml·chanicall~ Swbili1ed Earth Walls Pt\'. .. 1..'III lb!\'. I un~· I hu '-,1\ 0~ ll'J l:_ ', I ZUl 7 Poins..:llia 61 170J.11011•1111t,..:111.1 lurhi'.1<l L>1-·,1~11.?11d",uhm1tt,1I D~·,1g11 '-t' 111 \\,lll \ l 12 fi~I ! Bl, ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) llcaringcaracit~. Fs = 14.35. Mc)erhofstrcss = 1854 lblfl'. Foundation lntcrf-icc· Direct s lidino Fs ? 84" 1-'cccntricit\ ell = 0 0106 h-o,crturnin<> = 6 39 ' ' -· -· -· -- G E O (i R ID CONN EC I 10 l·s-o,crall Fs-ovcrall Gcu?,rid Pullout Din:ct l:cc..:ntricit:r l'roduct /t Elevation l .cnglh Type I conm.:cti on \gcogrid stri::nglh resistance sliding e/1. name \rt\ \Iii /i strength I strength\ Fs Fs Fs I 2.00 13.00 3 3.48 .1.75 4.754 14.007 2.644 -0.04 14 IOXT 2 -1.00 13.00 3 6.33 8.78 8.776 20.227 2.909 -0.05 19 IOXT 3 6.00 13.00 2 5.49 8.38 8.384 18.390 3.215 -0.0630 8Xl 4 8.00 13.00 2 6.78 10.84 10.838 16.687 3.563 -0.0769 8XT 5 10.00 13.00 2 6.02 10.09 10.094 10.061 3.935 -0.0983 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearin?, capacity. Fs = I 0.09, Meycrhof stress = 2307 lb/ft2. Foundation Interface: Direct slid1111>. Fs = 1.5 33 0 0886 ,. . 2 9? . Ecccntncllv. c I,= ·s-overturn11111 = - GEOG R I D C O N N I: C T I O N Fs-ovcrall f's-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product II Elevation Length Type I connection f geop,rid strength resistance sliding c/L ) name [ ft l [ftl # strength\ strength I Fs Fs r s I 2.00 13.00 3 2.08 3.24 3.244 6.690 1.500 0.0447 IOXT 2 4.00 13.00 3 3.05 5.04 5.039 7.797 1.763 0.0063 IOXT 3 6.00 13.00 2 2.60 4.75 4.749 6.973 2.126 -0.0274 8XT 4 8.00 13.00 2 3.13 6.01 6.01 1 6.1 68 2.643 -0.0587 8XT 5 10.00 13.00 2 3.28 6.41 6.413 4.392 3.372 -0.0919 8XT .,-,.,, ...... ,,. • • "°'''*''"''_.'•"'"'"' ·-••••f••-••'t\l_, .. _,,,,.v\•11 ......... Sl:i"'-•"''•"' .. " ,._,,,.-,-. _ .. , ""l4 ,.,~., _..,_A ,~....,l,\t"'" -.. 1 "''"'•-»lo fl,,._, l'I~' .. -•••-.. _,,., ........ ,.._,,_.., •-"' ... ,. ,,..,..,,,y .... -...I "'" '°'"''' Poinsettia 61 Page 6 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc . License number MSCW-302016 ... I rm: I W 110 II )I :t¥11.--MMlntl: itdt)' 11¥16! I Ifft 3) W¥tr 1211 I Bltt tt ts I tit tl t 'RPI tll ti f'ltettl IUCFJJ 1 Wit llll!lh«rM:tla ... ,.... ....... ........... "' MSEW --Mcchank all) Stabili,cd Earth Wall s Poinsettia 61 fln.•,c111 I >.111.: t 11111.· In ,,1\ o, 11s 11< 21 .:w1 -I t I "ll l-001 l'l•nb1.'ll1,1 <. .1rhh,1J D~-.1~11 ~Hlt ,uh1111ttal ll1.·~1p1 ,,, 11 · \\,111 \ l · 6 h7 11 Bl '- AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSl~W(3.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTlF!CATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: D escription: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I lomcs of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 11 Wall i\-3 -2.67' Exposed Wall with 4' Embedmenl. Total Wall Height = 6.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Dl.!signs, Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. Ci\ Telephone II: Fax#: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: n j ansson(ti)soi I retention .com Original file path and name: J :\SRDesign\Job Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... II A-3 -6.67 FT.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 I 0:44: 16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: i\Ni\LYSlS ofa S IMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. 1 .... .,, .. ,.. .• 1,,.,. ,,...,.,...,,..~·~•I'-_..,..,, .... v, -•'•"W~ , .... ,,,.-...,, 'lJ,,.,.,, ... ••-~,;,::·.:....;.,,>1.,-.,.,.-11._ ... _ _.,.....~.,,;, ,..,.,.,._.,,,_,, ""''"'•-••-•"'-"' .• .., .. ,_..,., ....... , - I P(linsettia 61 Copydght O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineer_ing. Inc. Page I of 7 License number MSEW-302016 . MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili/\'.<l E:1rth Walls Poinsdtia 61 P.-..: .. cnl 1),11\' 1 nm: I 11 \;o\ U~ US 1X ~ I .201 i r I iO-t•OUl l\111hc1t1c1 ( ,11hh,1J l>.:,11!1\ 1ml '\ulinuttal ll.:M~i'L ~,1 11 · \\ .111 \ · ~ • f. h~ I I H1·, SOIL DATA Rl:INFORCED SOIi. lJnil\lCiµht. y Design value of internal angk or friction. 4> RE1 AINED SOIi Unit wciµht. y Design \aluc or internal angle of friction. 4> 120.0 lb rt ' 32.0 ° 125.0lbift ' 32.0 ° H)UNO/\TION SOIL (Cunsi<lcrc<l as an cqui\·alcnt unil'orm ,oil) [quivaknt unit -A eight. Ycuu" 125.0 lbln 3 Equivalent internal angle of fri ction. tj>,qu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,4,,., I 00.0 lb/rt 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal s lip plane. lj/ = 44. I 0° (set: Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2901 (ifbatler is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARfNG CAPACITY Bearing capacity codficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.21 SEISMlCITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.7897 Kae ( Kh = 0) = 0.2901 1:1 Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soil-gcogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. -'\•'"••-'4\1~•• -••'l•t•••-·• ...... ~ .. _., t..'1"''-""''~"\!-.. .,..,,H"'"\ ,~_,..,,,,,._,,.,~, ... ,_,.,.,1q,, '~'"'"~'"*"'l~•WIO\ot••''"''' ,.....,, ,,.,,. •~••• Poinsenia 61 Pag~ 2 of 7 Copyright e 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 'Bibi I tttlit I MHtl 11 mun c:m rrvn re I ISM Ill ltl 1 111 I I &MM l IC:lffl t 1 M l trkltll 1 "I l It ttl? I 21 ttzW-+t:I ------------ IV1Si".W --Mcchanicall) Stahilitcd l:arth Walls Pr,,>c111 ll.1h: l mli.' \11,11\ ll~US 1X 21 lt117 IJ A INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) T A Tull j lblftl Durabilit) reduction foctor. Rl'tl lns1allation-da111age reduction lilctor. RFid Creep reduction foctor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along geogrid-soil interface. p Gco_grid l\ pc # I 4700.0 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 Poimdt ia 6 1 r 1111,1.001 l',•11N.:ll1i1 t 1ul,h,1\l lk,1\!111nd ,uh1m11:11 n.:~1~n ,l, 11 -\\ .111 \._: . t, h7 I I Iii -..; (icogrid Gco!).rid (icog,rid (icogrid t,p.: #? tVJ2C #3 t, pc #~ tvpc #5 7400.0 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 I. I 5 1.15 I. I 5 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIJ\ NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 27 .97 27.97 27.97 27.97 Pullout resistance factor, F* 0.85·tat$ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ Scale-effect correction factor, a 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka K / Ka 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z I ft! 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13. I fi 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 ·•.o•,\f•t~·.,.,, ...... ,,, •• , .. ,.,,,~-••f\o ... "\-.,..,.,,.r,.i" , ... ,,,,.,_ .. _..., .. , •• ..,,.,,. .. .,.,,.,_, '"'~ .,,,.,, ... ,,, .. ,_,.,.,,.,.._., ..,..,.,.,-,,.,.1 ""l<I>\·._. ... l',••••-1<>••1 .. \,o-"\.d,J</.',...-.'l'>"'•'"'-h'"••\ .. -U,""t•\""'"'''"ll·~-l la\JT\•.o••• Poinsettia 61 Pag~ 3 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I *It' 11bPllt ttb D I 18t121 1111211 5! I I 111 11 M I ti bl I 11h11 b IMHt 5?1 I 1111 211> 1 IIW I .,,.,,INtHiset:tMll ti 1 WJ I lV? ISl Z21 Jftsl!l I MSEW --Mechanical I~ Siabili,.c<l 1:anh Wall, Prl!,...:u1 !);111: Tum: I 11 ,o\ 111 ,1x :!.~ 21 2111- Poinsettia 61 r 1711-1-(101 l'1•11h1i.'\l1,1 t mhh,1d !J~,11.!n .?11,I "u\"l1mllal I h:"1;n ,11 11 · \\ ,111 \. \ -f, fi7 I I HI ' INPUT DATA: Facia a nd Connection (accord ing to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) 1-ACIA t)pc: Facin!!, enablin!!, frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g .. modular ClHlCretc blochs. g.ahiom,) Depth/height of bloch is 1.00'0.67 fr . I lori1.ontal distance to Center or Gravity or bloch is 0.42 ft. Average unit \,eight of block is y, = 120.00 lblft ' /./I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Ueogrid Type # I (J (I l CRult <21 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type # 13> (J CRcr 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 To-static I rrnax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Gcogrid Type #2 (J CRult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Gcogrid Type #2 (J CR er 0.0 0.34 36 16.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type 113 er CRult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.6-1 Gcogrid Type 113 (J CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 1r1 cr = Conrining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/ft 'I tl! CRult = Tc-ult I Tult 1'l CRcr = Tcre I Tult I./ I Id o.~~, I o._) 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 l1il1f[J1 1 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Trnax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 (J CRull 0.0 0.32 874-1.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type 11-1 (J CR er 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR ult 0.0 0.2 1 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type 115 cr CR er 0.0 0.2 1 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. D I\ T A (for connection only) Type Il l ·1ype 112 Type 113 Type #4 rype #5 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. Rfd 1.15 1.1 5 1.15 1.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor, RFc NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA ,., 'N"'•,.••.1'-'l'/¥\ot••••••"l"· .... ,,.l•W .... l•-·•linJ"•~-h"'"' •• ... \'fl ..... , .. -.,.,,...,.,, W'l!"'\ ,,,._,.,,. .-.., ....... ,.,,,...,.1•,"I" I-••'•""",,,_, '°''" ,,,_,.,...14 ,.,..,.,,, .... .,_,~._,,..,. • .,,~••••• ,.,..,,.,"~'" .,.-J '"Ill'··•-•·~ Poinsettia 61 Page 4 of 7 Copyright (Q) 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 Cl I I'll ttltl JfllRI tlll>t!t I Hl?ltttt:tHHl+ltffflt¥tft I 'lil I 1018 IN± l I M >t tf Sltl!b Ir! t lft:J bHbJI 191WI :SIS llMte I JUl I MSEW --Mcchanicall~ Stabili,cd l~arth Walls Poinsl'llia 61 1•,..:,\:tll llth.' I un... I 11 'II\ 111 OS~)( 21 11117 r I illt -00_1 l',•11hl.'lt1.1 l arl,h,tJ Jk,1!.!11.!11t.l 'iuhm1t1;\l l)1!,1:;n '" 11 · \\ ,ill \ l · fl h7 I I Bl ' INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 6.67 { E111bcdtkd depth is E -l.00 n. and height aboH' tor of finished bottom grade i~ 11 2 .6 7 It I Hatter. w 13ad,slopc. ~ IJackslopc rise 14.0 26.0 2-l.O I ft I l ck gl ldcgl I rq 13rol-cn back equivalent angle. I = 26.00° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) lJ N I F O R M S U I{ C 11 A R G I~ Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/ft 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 61fll Poinscnia 6 1 Copyright <O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. I 1 II llJJI ltlE"ll IC'ffthtt#Htf'tl IHI• IMIY) IDIIE!t •H»IWnerftlWtt ~----------- 'fill 1¥ l I Md Page 5 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 11 I) · 1111 IP +±Wet! I :0%11 t Tl 1 I 212 I 12113 I IP MSE\V --ML·chanicall) Stabili,cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 l'n.:,..:111 I )111..: l 1111..: I t1 ,,1\ 0; OS 2k ~ I .?1117 r 1.,u.-~00·~ l'\\llN'11M (. ,uhtuJ 0-:'l!!II 211.I ,uhm1t1al 1),.:,1:'n ,\, 11 . \\ ,1\1 \._; 6 1,; I I nf '\,i ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacit). Fs = 16. 71. Mc) LThof stress = I O.\J lb/ft'. Foundation Interface: Direct sliding. Fs = 3.087. Ecccntri<.:it,. d i. --0.0.\06. Fs-ovcrturning = 7.57 Gl:OG RI D I CONNECT I ON r:s-mcrnll Fs-o\erall Ii l~levation Length ·1 ype I I Ii I I Ii I Ii !connection lgcogrid strength I strength I I 2 2.00 4.00 8.00 8.00 2 2 .\.90 8.09 7.83 13.57 (imp.rid ~trcngth Fs 7.826 13.57 1 Pullout resistance rs 8.4 13 8.682 Direct sliding l's 3.069 3.624 Ecccntrici ty c/L -0.0577 -0.0797 Product name 8X I 8X r ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity. r:s = 14.82. Meycrhofstrcss = 114 1 lblft'. I' d f LY I" d" F I 742 E /I O 0482 r: . 3 75 ·oun at1on ntcr ace: irect s 1 rn g. s = cccntnc,tv. c = ·s-ovcrturnrng = # I 2 GEOG R I D Elevation I ft I 2.00 4.00 Length Type I ftJ 8.00 8.00 # 2 2 I CONNECT I ON Fs-ovcrall I connection strength I 2.69 3.91 Fs-ovcrall lgcogrid strength] 5.01 7.80 Gcogrid strength Fs 5.005 7.802 Pullout resistance Fs 3.704 3.351 Direct sliding Fs 1.944 2.748 Eccentricity c/L -0.0124 -0.0638 Product name 8XT 8XT .,,...,., .... , ·~~,.,. ...._.,.,, .. , •• ••1"ll•, .. -,.,.,.,,., .. _,o\l,o"• ,,,.,.,..,, ... -h.....,.'I\\ ,., .,-,., • .,_, """ _,.,r.,a·,•·••'~ Poi nsctt ia 61 Page 6 of 7 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I I OJI l PJI 111 ltblf?) ltNII Yl'HI t ltMH! I ·r I 11211 I ttHttl I tia,;J ': rttfHM\ )£11 Ill 111 t IM Ill 1122 tdl'flll 11#111 JClSCI License number MSEW-3020t6 rnt ·: 11111 tt MS[W --Mechanical!) Stabili1.cd b irth Walls !'1~ ... i.:m lbh: lml\· ln'.1nll!0~2~212lll~ Poinscttia 6 I r 171).j.UU.t l'11Uhl.'111,I l ,1r1'h;1ll l),· ... 11rn l1l\1 "iuhnuu;1! lk ,1ro ,n 11 \\JII \._, · (, h'7 I I IH '-< BEARJNG CAPACITY for GIVEN LAYOUT S IA I IC SEISMIC UNITS ( Water table docs not affect bearing capacity) Ultimatc bcarin)l <.:npm:il). q-ult 17431 169 18 llbifl 'I Mc) crhor strc,s. crv I 043 .4 1141 lib/rt 'I Eccentricity. c -0.32 OA6 r rt1 1:cccnlricity. c/L -0.041 (l.058 Fs calculated 16.7 1 1-1,82 Gase length 8.00 8.00 1n1 SCALE: () 2 4 6[ftl .• , .. ..,.,,, __ ,,""I•'"''"'"''"''"''-'"' 'l>I''•-'•'"'" •-• .,.,-,.,-..,10\f',,I.,,-•'•'"'" > '"'"\·--••"-"' ,. l>V. .....,.,,.I''''"-'~""''"' ... '"-""' ,,.4.,..,,_._,._.,, .. _,.,\l""'_..,.,,-,.,,.,\,n, .. >•·~._.,. ... ,.,..,i .. ••••\l'f'\ ..... ,o Poinsettia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engin~ering. Inc. I It 111 Pl · :OUstt I IStttte::MMW:l I 111\ ftHrctlh:eee 2 t! I 11 It I t It II I I 1l) 1 211' t)[ 112 I ¥81 11:0 I ' Puge 7 of 7 License number MSEW-302016 11 11»?>' lltt Us I MDI I tltt' lt -------------------------- ... ..,.. ..,., " . .... ~.... . .. MSEW --iVk chanicall) Stabili,ed Earth Walls 1'1..:,i.:nl l),11\.' I m11.· I hu ,11\ tll 09 4,; 11-11117 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinscltia 61 1704 003 Lennar I lomcs or California. Inc. NJ Design No. 12 Wall A-4 -7.33' Exposed Wall with 2' Embcdmenl. Total Wall I !eight = 9.33'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone II: Fax#: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: nj ansson(a)soi I retention .com Original tile path and name: J:\SRDesign\J ob Folder\ I 704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... 111\-4 -9.33 FT.L3EN Orig inal date and time o f creating this file: Fri /\pr 11 I 0:44: 16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\LYSIS or a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. Poi11 5cttia 61 \ ....... '"',··-··, ...... , ................ -·· ........ , ,.-......... ., ....... ~ .... ""''"'" ... ,,,,1~1 .. _ ... "'!"''-·····-.. , ...... , .. , ............. ,, .. , .. _ .. \j ....... _. "~;"' l•\h)<O,\"-''""'"'-''"'"" ........ ,", ................... , ............ "" -·· \,1 ........... ,. I Poinsettia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number M SE.W-30201 6 MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabili1cd Farlh \\'alls Poinscllia 6 1 t•r~·· ... :111 llth: 11111~· l hu ,,.\ O.! 1J11.lli 117 .?.Ut 7 r 170-1-Wll f',rnhl.'lll,l l arl,,l'>,td ll..:,1cu .Z11d '\uhnuual lk~1~n ,o 12 · \\ .111 \~ · 9 l l I I 01 \i SOIL DATA REINFORCED SOIi. llnit \\eight. y Design \ aluc or internal angk of friction. lj> Rl:"l AINED SOIL Unit weight. y Design "alue or internal angle or friction, 4> 120.0 Ib n ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lhln 3 32.0 ° FOUNDA rtON SOIi. (Considered as an cqui\alcnt uniform soil) Equivalent unit weight. y cu,u, 125.0 lh/l't ' Equivalent internal an.gle of friction, 4>c4uov 32.0 ° 1-'.quivalent cohesion. c ,qu» 100.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stnbility) = 0.22 10 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is cnlculated from cq. IS. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plnne. ljl = 44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if baller is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utiliLed) BEARING CAPACITY Ocaring capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.-l9 Ny=J0.2 1 SEISMICITY Maxim um ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design nccelcration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kac ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.2901 /:J. Kac = 0.4996 Seismic soil-gcogrid friction cocflicicnl, F* is 80.0% of its specified stati c value. Poinsettia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright© 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSE W-302016 1tt&t1 :e:o 1: 11 rm: w,ea 1 tslf n: 1 : > 1 1111 a> It ti HI ?WIil Mt II t bJJ I l1 Ill 1'152' hdltt 11 IDW>J 1112111:MftMNilill ¥12MSJ'eN6:!t --------------- MSl~W --M,·cha11icall) Stahili1.cd l:arth Walls 1'1..:,~·111 I ),tic 111111: I hu ,o, 111 lt-J t -1. ll ~ lil 17 IN PUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D I\ T I\ 'I ult I lb/ft I Durabilit) reduction factor, Rl·d Install at ion-damage reduction ractor. I{ I-id Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall ror strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor. a p Cit:ogrid Cicogrid t\ pc # I l\'[2C #? 4700.0 7'100.0 1.1 5 LI 5 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NII\ N//\ 1.000 1,000 27.97 27.97 0.85·ta1cj> 0.85-tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variatio n of Latera l E arth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z [fij 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 n 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsettia 61 r 1,11-1 .oo i 1'0111,~ni.1 l .1rl,h,1<.I I k~11!n lnll ,\1hnu11~11 llc,1fn ,,1 I!·\\ ,1\1 \.,i · 9 :n I 1 1H -...; Geo grid Geogrid Gcogrid tvpc #3 t\[2e #4 type #5 9500,0 13 705.0 20559.0 I . 15 I. 15 LI S I . 13 1.1 3 Ll 3 1.45 1.45 1.45 NII\ NIA NII\ 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27,97 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 K I Ka 3.0 ~--,,......, ... ,,.,4,..,.,.\,. .. ,., • ., .. ,.,..-., ~..i•\ ,~,.,..,,. .. -•·,l<l'>"',...,.,._. .... ,.,. .. ,,."",,. ... .,, "~'"' ,._,,·,>1~1-.. ·~··"• _,,, .. ,.,,..,,.,..,.,o,u1a,,. .... ,,~u•••...,.,,,,"•'•"'"'•" .... ,,. _ _,",1• .,_,_""''''·-·•-"',._,. ... , . .,. ,,,_., ,,w,· "'"'" Poinsettia 61 Page 3 of 6 Copyright tC 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I M II 1¥ 11 I 'lttA !netett:Wt:t ee:MMH:I tOt lttMttU tttrWUC 1 IOI t I J3 I Z ! 391 II > II t'ISl ICtdf lhMHII :Stoll! t I I Met I I I tb I MSEW --Mcchanirnll~ Stabili,cd Earth Walls Poins,·nia 6 1 Pr~,.:nt I >.,1~ I nm.· I hu ,,I\ 0.! 1lil -l' ll"' .!!II 7 r 1711-l-(10.: l',1111,\:111.1 l url,haJ IJ..:,1<.::11111J ",uhnn11.1I t>..:,1:-:n ,,, I! -\\ .111 \ l . iJ I l I I Iii '\ IN PUT DATA: Facia a nd Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACI/\ l) re: Facing enabling fril:tional con111.:1:ti on of rcinfon.:erm:nt (e.g .. modular concrl'tc blocks. gabion,) Depth/height of block is I .00 '0.6 7 l"r. I Jori/Ontal distance to Center or Gravit) of block is 0.42 fl. A,erage unit weight ofblod; is Yr 120.00 lb/ft ' /. / lid 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Gcogrid Type # I CJ (II CRult cii 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid Type /J I 31 (J CR er 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 1 o-static I Tmax or To-scis111 ic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Gcogrid Tyre 112 (J CRult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Gcogrid Type #2 (J CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid 'I ypc Ii 3 cr CR ult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 I 0000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type 113 (J CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 ci, cr = Confining stress in between stacked blocks I lb/ft ,I c21 CRult =Tc-ult / Tull <'> CRcr = Tcrc I Tutt l t'P ol \\JII 1.. I I Id ·:·1 o._:, 0.50 0.75 1.00 1-± r lJ r 111 1 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 ·1 o-static I Trnax or To-seismic I Trnd Gcogrid Type #4 cr CRult 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type #4 (j CR er 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Gcogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.21 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR er 0.0 0.21 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 0.50 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. l) t\ T A (for connection only) Type Il l Type 112 Type 113 Type #4 Type 115 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22x-, Connecti on strength reduction factor. RFd I. I 5 I. I 5 1.15 I. I 5 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA Nit\ NIA NIA Nit\ ... ,, ... _,., ,.,.,., .. ,~ .. , .... ,.,b,.,,.., ..-,-,.\4,...~ 1•v-,•, , ,.,,.,, ,,,-1-.\,0-1,, ...... ,,._1 "~•,..-,..,,01,t.,.,_,., "'"' -·••' .......... _H,,,..I• __ ,., . .,..,.,., .. _, •. ,.,_.\ 10., .. ~. ''">I-".,_, "'ll-"1\·-\•'"'''"''.-••'''" ~'"-'""''* ,,o" Poinscuin 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright ~ 1998-20 t 6 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 1111 18¥111 I*' tMft:HtteM .......... H+ I Mt) IC 1 t 111?1 11211 re I IOWllb 111·111 ltll>l-»HhMH·rfnrtMWI 18¥1!! lttt!lt Poin,cttin 61 MSI~ \,\' --M<.:chanicall) Stabili/cd l:arth Walls 1'1.:,.:111 l).11..: I 1u)l' I Im,,,\ Hl o,, .,~ u-r 11117 1 170-t-oi,l fi,,11N'll1,1 l ,Hl,lqJ I >~·,1eu·lml 'iulmut1;1l Di:~1~11 ,,, I;?.\\ ,111 \--4 . \/ _lJ I l Bl -..; INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE) D<.:sign height. I Id 9.33 1-l.O 26.0 I ftJ ldcg l !deg) [ Ern bcdtkd depth is r: -2.00 ft . and height above top of finishc·d bollom grade b 11 7.33 l'l l natter. w !lad.slope. fl Bacblopc rise 10.0 I rq l.lrol--cn back cquivalcnt angle. I = 26.00° (sec fig. 25 in DEMO 82) lJNll·ORM SLJ R C IIARG E Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/ft 'I OTI IER EX I ERNAL I OAO(S) [S I J Strip Load. Qv-cl = 2900.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 I lb/rt 'I. Footing width. b= I 00.0 I rq. Distance or center of footing from wall face. d -69.0 I fl I ((I) depth or 4.0 lftl below soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 [ftl ~ ,, .... ,., •• ,,,~ ... , .... _ ...... ~._ .. ,." .... , .. _, .... ,. ,~ .. ,.,. ....... ~-, .. , .... ~,, ....... -·'''"''" ........ _ .. ,_ .. h ,h'" ....... ,,.., .. ,-... ,~-··· ............. _. "'" .. _,, ........ -·~""'"·-.. '·'"'"·,.,.,.,.,1,<,, __ . ·~ ...... -, ........... - Poinscuia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. JtWtt) ltllll 1 MIFVeeeMl:¥8::+h lf!lt()hm, MHBllececeM¥:eHII 1 ·pa: 'tlltl IBtfD?lrt llttt'I Page 5 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 IS )I] I lt II I l ti W:¥hft 1 '11211 I :SI!) 111 Wi tt· I Poinsettia 61 1 I 70~-oot P,~11h\·1t1.1 t ,u\,h,1J o~,1~11 1mJ ,uhm1t1;1l lk,1,.:n , .. 12. \\ <.111 \· I • '' 11 I I HI ~ l\1Sr:W --M,·chanicall~ Stabili1,cd 1-.arth Walls P1-:,i.:n1l>a1~· l11n..: lhu,11,0209-1{0~1017 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capac iL). rs 15.8 1. Mc) <c:rhof stress = 2564 Jblft2• roull(htion Interface· Direct slidino Fs I 81 S Ecccntrici1, ell -0 074 1 1-s-ovcrturnino ~ ~ 9J ' -· .. -.. - # I 2 3 4 GEOUR I D !:le, at ion I rq 0.67 2.00 4.00 6.00 Length I ftl 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 I ypc # 4 4 4 4 CONNECI I ON f's-o, crall I conncc1i11n strength I 11 .60 I 0.73 11.05 10.11 f'S-OH'ntil I gcogrid strength I 20.04 18.)Q 19.8 1 18.54 (icogrid stn.:ngth Fs 20.035 18.8 17 19.8 12 18.5-D Pullout rcsistancc Fs 136.975 119.410 I L0.94 1 90.489 Direct ,liding Fs 1.581 1.664 1.81 7 2.02 1 Ecci.:ntricit) c/L -0.0852 -0.1079 -0.1440 -0.1838 Product name 20XT 20X I 20XT 20XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) IJearing capacity. f's = 17 .18. Meyerhof stress 2475 lb/ft'. F I . I" r 1· I 60 I E /I O O 8 -~ 3" oun, auon nterlacc: )ffCC\ S IC 111g ·s = ·cccntncnv. c --55 , l·s-ovcrturn111f! = •. ) # I 2 3 4 G l~OGRID Elevation [ ftJ 0.67 2.00 4.00 6.00 Length Type I ft I 23.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 # 4 4 4 4 CONNECT I ON Fs-ovcrall !connection strength l 5.62 5.50 5.73 5.61 f's-overall fgCO).\rid strength I 11.5 6 11.36 12.07 I J .94 Geo grid strength Fs 11.560 11.358 12.074 11.943 Pul lout resistance Fs 53.115 48.935 46.003 40.189 Direct sliding Fs 1.408 1.5 14 1.708 1.959 Eccentricity e/L -0.0694 -0.0965 -0.1379 -0.18 13 Product name 20X r 20XT 20XT 20XT ... ,,...,,,,. ~"'"'• ,.,..,,.,,. .. -.,0111, .-u'"'"'"'-'f\lJof.,. ..• , ... ,,.,. ·*-'•""••,.,.-.,,-,,i., .. , .. ~,., ,,.,.,,. ,,.._,,.,.,, ,._ ,,..,. .,,.,.,., .. ,,.,_.,,,,o.?••«•"''"~"'"'·,.,-,,,~,.,,._i._...,., h'I_.,. ·-'""''"' .,,.,.,, . ..,,..,.... .• , ·•"'"' Poinseuia 61 Page 6 of 6 Copyright IC> 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. l 1111111 lCbSIJ I IIW I I t 1181 \cttMMhllt:ft:t*A!l UMCUr·I 8JI ft ref 11 I WY I tMMtll JI *«MMttlb um :t rtn#S 0 Jl H 1 t I IIW) 12 1 License number MSEW-302016 t It I W!he:NM ·--------------------- .. . . . ., . ···~ .. ,. .... ·---'"" ....... ~ ... ""-'"'--• . ..,. ··- MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabilized l:arth Walls P1..:,~111 1h!<.: I tml.' I hu ,n\ 112 o~, '.'~~I lot 7 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I lomes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 13 Wall i\-4 -6' Exposed Wall "'ith 2' Embcdmcnt. Total Wall I I eight = 8'. Compa ny's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad, CA Telephone #: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson'f!Jsoi I retention .com Original file path and name: J :\SR Dcsi/.!.n\.lob Folder\ 1704-003 Poinsettia_ Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... Wall /\-4 - 8 FT.l1EN Original date and time of creating this file: rri /\pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTUR.E using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. 1 ........ ~ ........ , .... , ............. _ ............ _ ......... ,_ .. , '"'" · ... -·~''"" ··-·· ............ , "''" .. ., ......... , ...... , '"·" ....... , .. ,," ..... _ •• _,,, ......................... ".., ........ _,., ...... . Poinsl'lli.i 61 - I Poinsenia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. Page I of 6 License number MSEW-302016 MSF.W --Mechanical I) Stabili1acd Earth \Valls Poinsettia 61 Pri:,..:nt 1),111." l 1111\.° I hu ~,,\ 112 u~, '~ ~ I Ju 17 llkr 110..i-On_l l'nm,t.:111.1 l .,rl,h,1d lk,1;:11111.J ",uh11111t,1l lk,1;.m ,., I\. \\,111 \·-' -I\ I I Bl, SOIL DATA Rl-:INFORC'F.D SOIi. Unit "ciµht. y Design , aluc of internal angk or friction. ~ RETAINED SOIi. Unit \\eight. y Design \ aluc of internal angle or friction. $ 1:w.o thin ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/fl 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIi . (Considered as an cquivnll:nt uniform soil) Equivalent unit v.eighl. y """" 125.0 lb/fl 1 Equivalent internal angle of friction. $cq,,.. 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c <qu" I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip phme. IV= 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2492 (if batter is less ihan 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARlNG CAPACITY l)earing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.21 SEISMIClTY Maximum µround acceleration coefficient. I\= 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in lntcrnal Stability: Kh = Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0. l 95 => Kh = /\m = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.6476 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.2492 t::.. Kae = 0.3983 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coenicienl, r,• is 80.0% of its specified static value. ·-'"""•1•-·~"·1.,., • ..,.u""'" __ ,., . .....,..,,_,_...,...,.,.,,_, . ..,v .. ·, ,,,...,.\ ...... ,.,,., _,..,, • .,,.,,._u'Ot•\-,.••·,.,.,~ .,_,,,..,,.,., '"""'" •-"""""' .. -'•"..;..,. ••-"' ••"•f'Vl,_....,,1\811•\--.w•,,.,• ,.,.. '4.'lt"' -•• ""••-•'" Poinseuia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. IWblt IIC:11 IIICPb ·ttffftl 11199 ttWtll ll'Jl rr:t:nl 'ttlll :Cl ti !ttlf 1111 Ill It Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I I I ll U meet tt:MMt I I 12 J l JC)QJJ l t FRI I I f2! l ID MSI:\,\' --Mcchankall) Stabi li1cd l:arth Walls l'r.:,i:111 ft11~· I um: I htt ,.1, 111 Oil '.'1 ~ t .2017 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) DA TA ·1ult !lb/ft I Durability reduction factor. RFd Installation-damage reduction factor. RFi<l Crco:p reduction factor. RFc Fs-ovcrall for strength Coverage ratio, Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor. F* Scale-effect correction factor, a p Gcoµrid Gcogri<l l\pc # I t~ pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.1 S 1.13 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tai$ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 on 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z I rq 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 · Poinsettia 61 Poinso:ttia 61 kkr 170-J-Otl; l',111hllll,1 C ,1tl,h,1ll D ... ,1;?11 2nd 'uhm111.1l ()1,: .. 1[!1\ \.,1 I ~ -\\ ,,II \--l · ~ I I Ill", Gcogrid Gcop.rid Gcogrid lvpc #3 l\pc #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.() 20559.0 I. I 5 I. 15 1.15 1.13 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 N/A N/A N/A 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 0.8 K I Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 Copyright © 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. ,. "*'" 12111 1M RI WW:r+ :s&snb 'tt':Wli ·uvttJ I Q)t :run, ttlt II Clt IU-11 ttlltt·edtllll IPIU) lt(fl tMMk)) JOWi) IIWttl ttft 1ft --------- MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabilin:d birth Wall s l'n:,1.:"111 l>ah; l 1111,,: 1"1111 ,u\ O:! n11 '2 ~I ..!OI/ IN PUT DATA : Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) \·/\CIA t)pc: Facin_g enabling fri(;tional conncction ofrcinforce111e111 (e.g .. modular concrete bloc~s. gabions) lkpth/height o\'blod, is l .00'0.67 fr. I \t,ri1.ontal distance to Center of(irn,·it) ofblod. is 0.42 ft. A,cragc un it w.:ight ofhlock is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' Z I lid To-static I Tm;ix Poinsdtia 6 1 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 or To-scisrn ic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 /./I Id 0.001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Lt 1 ~ 1 J l r~ I Geogrid T) pc # I Geogrid Type 1/2 Gcogrid ·1 ypc #3 cr ell CR11lt m cr CR ult cr CRult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.4 1 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.6 1 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.6 1 10000.0 0.6-1 Geogrid Type # I JJ Gcogrid rypc 1/2 Gcogrid Type #3 (j CRcr (j CR er (j CR er 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.4 1 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.6-1 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 "' cr = Confining stress in between stacked blocks I lb/ft "I cir CRult = Tc-ult I full 111 CR.er = Tcrc I Tull 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 ·1 o-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Trnd Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 cr C R ult cr C'Rult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type 1/4 Geogrid Type /IS (j CR er (j CR er 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 0 0% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type # I Type 112 Type #3 Type #4 Type 115 Product Name 5XT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. Rrd 1.15 I.L S 1.15 1.1 5 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA NI/\ NIA NIA NI/\ ;..-,•l-'W<.l'l"•,04\f•IM•\ .... •••l<;lt" ._,, ........ ,_. ... , ......... , i ,.,,11. l••Jt-j .. \ .... •'•"H'<l•.--'•">.l~\ -•1\1'!", '\I•_ .. ., .... .., ... -\u'l>t• .--••\11'' .... .,,,"" ,0, ·'-"'° '"'-'''"*'"' .. -h\ht\l•--..1 ''-t••-ttH,l'<t ,,._,,.,,""'•• .. ••~ Poinsettia 61 Pag~ 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 : Unlit :ems»: c:wn: t ¥111 :s !hrm:1Mt¥Mlt'md!UW::!: :te'I· 1111?' 1 a 'ti me :r t I 11'1 II HIMd> •• 21 b 1 W . ti¥tt) I 1 ma I 121 l I 11 t I I I If b«M:±S MSLW --Mi:chanicall~ Stabili,.i:d birth Walls Poinsdtia 61 1'1~,l'III fl.ill.'.' fllllt.' \hu ,,1\ 02 Oil°'~ ~J 2017 1,kr 170--1-00~ l',•nN:111.1 < .irl,h.,J l>1.,1;m ~1\~I \uhm1tt.1l l>i:,1gn ,,, \ 1 -\\ aH \--1 ·NI I Bl , IN PUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIM PLE STRUCTURE) Di:sign height. I Id Hatter. w llacl,. 5lope. 13 Bad.slope rise 8.00 14.0 26.0 6.0 1n1 [deg! ldegl 1n1 lJ N I F O R M S U R C 11 A R G I: [ EmbL,ddL'd depth is E 2.00 n. and height aboq; top or [inishi:d bottom grade i~ 11 6.00 J't I Broken back cquivalcnt anglc. I -20.56° (s..:c Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 llbfft 'I OTI IER EXTERNAL LOAD(S) f S 11 Strip Load, Qv-d = 2150.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 I lb/ft 21. Footing width, b= I 00.0 [ ft 1. Distance or center of footing from "all face. d = 61.0 [ft I (ril depth of 4 .0 I ftl below soil surface. ANALYZED REJNFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 Poinsettia 61 4 6 [ftl Copyright O 1998-20 l 6 ADAMI\ Engineering, Inc. I llCZ IB>IYI IMtFt+eeewt&+: Sl'tl:erohtHl' l!Ht MI 112'11 1'1>' !di ll Jb?Ml IC'!b Page 5 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 lit Ill 1 lb ltott t:MW?J IOW?J 12 flt It tt:NI 11 MSEW --Mcchankall~ Stabili1:cd Earlh Walls PoirN.:llia 61 P1..:, ... ·111 Dall.'.' f111w I Im ,1,, nl w, '2 ( I .!Ot 7 l,k r 170 J.Ool l'11nhi.:l\1.1 { a1l\h,1ll lk~1!_!11 2nd \uh1n1t1,1l lk,1t:n '\.,1 I 'l. \\ all \ .. 1 -M J l BJ , ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacil). r-s = I 0.22. Mc~ crhol" s1rc\s -2798 lb/fl'. Found·1tion ln1crf°'lcc· Direct slidino Fs =? 986 l·ccc.:ntrici1, c.:/1 = -0 13 17 Fs-o,cnurning = 11 4 1 ' ' -· -· /i I 2 3 CiEOG RID l~lc, ution I rq 2.00 4 .00 6.00 I c.:ngth T~pc 1n1 18.00 18.00 18.00 # 4 4 4 CONN EC I I O N l·s-o, crall I con11cc1io11 s1rcng1hj 6.53 14.05 19.45 Fs-O\<.:rall i.!?CO)!rid strcng1hl 11.62 25.56 36.22 Gcogrid slrcng.lh Fs 11.624 25.561 36.222 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Se ismic conditions) Pu llout resistance Fs 51.803 98.445 119.601 Direct sliding Fs 2.987 3.693 5.000 Ecccnlricit) c/1. -0.1586 -0.1861 -0.2151 Product nam.: 20X r 2ox r 20XT BcarinJ.!. capacity. Fs = 11.13. Meyerhof slrcss = 2686 lb/ft'. Foundation Interface: Direct sliding. Fs = 2.467. Eccentricitv. c/L = -0.11 55. Fs-overlurninQ = 9.48 II I 2 3 GEOG RID CONNECTION I Fs-overall Fs-ovcrn ll Geog.rid Pullout Di rec I Elevation Length Type f ft l [ftl # 2.00 4.00 6.00 18.00 18.00 18.00 4 4 4 [conncc1ion [geogrid s1rcng1h resistance sliding s1rcng1hl stn:ngthl Fs Fs f s 3.68 5.53 6.58 7.58 12.39 15.43 7.576 12.389 I 5.426 23.349 30.986 32.383 2.589 3.374 4.826 Eccentricity c/L -0.1500 -0.1825 -0.2143 Product name 20XT 20XT 20XT •·-·· _...,,.. , ...... "''"'''"""''•" .. "''·-•' . ..,'>111\-'~""" • •noo·,_. .. ,.,,..,.1,.,,._,~~~,. ._,,.,,.,. ••'\bf"\ .... .., e "'"' ..... , ....,,.,,._,t'1"l"'"' .. ,. ... , 11,1 ..... , .. .,..,., -·•-"'•--'•¥•••,~-•~,...,,.,,.,.,..,,.,..,. , ...... ,.,,.," .,. ... , _,, -·• Poinscllia 61 Page 6 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 1 rev :a: : 1211 121 Mt¥8:tl :Z:1121 MIil I :tt)l lit" t 1'131 18111 tt I 111"1 It I 1111 I llt!I bMbH JtlOHJ '"1111 ftWII · tdlt:11 tt'.01 · 1111201 IC .... ... .... ... . ... -,..,, -.. .,. .•. .. .. .. ,. .. _ "''" .. MSEW --Mechanical!) S1abili1.cd Earth Walls Pn:,\.·111!),11\.· 11111\.· l n'\11\0I I0 --!{<1111111 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSL:W(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: l'ro,iect Number: Client: Des igner: Station Numhcr: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I Jomes of California. Inc. NJ Design No. 14 Wall 13-1 -10' Exposed Wall with 4.67' Embcdmcnl. Wall 13-2 -10.33' Exposed Walll with 3' Embcdmcnt. Total Tiered Wall I I eight = 28'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs, Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlshad, CJ\ Telephone #: Fax #: E-Mail : 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 nj ansson(c/lsoi I retention .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesi~n\Job Foldcr\1704-003 Poinsettia_Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... Walls B-1 & 13-2.IJEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr l I 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ,,... • .,,,,..""''"'"•' _,.,,._H,m'"' __ ,.,....,.,, •t'f""" ,~10,.,,..,.,.,~-"''"-''"'"'" .. _,, .. .,,..,.,_,,\IQ'f,",..._,.,, ... ,u J\NALYSIS ofSUPEIUMPOSED WALL using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. Poins..:ttia 61 I Poinsettia 61 Copyright © 1998-2016 ADAMA l:.ngineering, Inc. Page I of 6 License number MSEW-302016 1 :Cltll tr:21!) It Jtl ltltl I 1111 StlZO) 1¥¥11 11211 'Ill t) !ltll! It 123! t It llMr t 1 I 11 l :Sitt t b 11W It tenet I Cl t :C I I I )ddsH MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabili1:e<l birth Walls Poin~cllia 61 l'n.·,1;111 1).11..: I un.; In '\m IIJ Ill I' :'ill 21117 lll-l:111 l',un,~·111.1 l arl,h,1J !h:,1~11 :?ml "iul,m111,1I D..:,11!n '\t, I~. I 11:rr-J \\ .,lh Ii I'"' H-: HI \i SOIL DATA Rl-:INFORCFD SOIi. lJnit i,eight. y Design , aluc of internal angk of friction. <I> IU: I /\INEIJ SOIi Unit weight. y Design , aluc of internal angle of friction. <I> 120.0 lb/1"1 ' 32.0 ° 12:i .0 lb/ft J 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIi. (Considered as an cqu i,aknt uniform soil) Equivalen t unit weight. y •""" 125.0 lb/fl ' Equiva len t internal angle of friction. 4>c""" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c ,qu" I 00.0 lb/ft ' Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.3073 (i f baller is less than l 0°, Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. cq. 38 is ut ilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. ljl = 61.00° (set: Fi!?. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.3 173 (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is uti lit:ed) BEAR.ING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 Ny= 14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh = !\m = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.4907 Kac ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.3 173 t:;. Kae = 0.1734 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, r,• is 80.0% of its specified static value. Poinsettia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I Wit :Clffllt I II tt:e:ebH&t lfllSI I Wll J 'I II I I I trl ti,· I tr)) f Met thlttl 11¥13 :CfMD lltl#ITTJ rcrn IClRR a JC RI IC I ---------------------- MSEW --Mcchanicall) Stabilized Earth Walls l'tc,..:111fl.1h: 11111" 10,mll~ 10 ~~5(1.!1117 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) D I\ TA ·1 u1t ! lb/ft I Durability reduction factor. RFd Installation-damage n::duction fac tor. RFid Creep reduction factor, Rrc Fs-ovcrall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interracc. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor, a p Geogricl Gcogricl type 11 1 t\QC #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.8S·ta1 4> 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z [f"tl 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinseuia 61 Poinsettia 61 111-VOl Pi)lll,\'1\1.1 ( nrl,l'l.1ll I k,,gn 21hJ ",ut,nutml 11~·,1.t!n ~\' 1-1 · I 1~n.-~l \\ ,111, U-1 ll( 13-2 HI· 'I Geo grid Geogrid tVE!C 1/3 h QC 1/4 9500.0 13705.0 1.15 I.I 5 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NII\ 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tan~ 0.85 ·tan~ 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 Cieogrid tVQC 115 20559.0 I. I 5 1.1 3 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 0.8S·tan~ 0.8 K I Ka 3.0 Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. 1 toe tl :SMRII )Cb'51) -/6::¥M) ldll ti I MY11 ft) Mffl :nn: llblb! IZIN I HIP) I Wit I ti 111211 IOIMIJ tN:W: I tffll 121221 I 1121 2141 :S MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili /.Cd 1".arth Walls h.: .. .:111 lht..:· l 111t'-· I n ,,n 0~ 111 ~;; ;r;u 2.1117 INPUT D ATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised D emo 82) (Analysis) I ACIA type: Facinµ enablinµ frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g .. modular com:n:te blocks. g.abions) Depth/height of block is 1.00/0.6 7 r1. I lori1.ontal distance to Center of Ci ravit) of block is 0.42 fl. Average unit \\Cight of block is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' 7. / I Id To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd 7. / I Id 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Poinsdtia 61 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 Geog.rid T) pc # I Geogrid rype #2 Geogrid Type #3 CJ (I) CR ult m CJ CRult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.6-t Geogrid Type # 131 Geogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type #3 CJ CRcr cr CR er CJ CRcr 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 111 CJ = Confini ng stress in between stacked blocks [lb/rt 21 OJ CRult = Tc-ult I Tult 11l CR.er = Tcre I T ull To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type f/4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CRult (J CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 CJ CRcr CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.2 1 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 ln seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to 100% of its static value. D A T A (for connection only) Type #1 Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name 5XT 8XT lOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd I. I 5 I. IS 1.1 5 I .J 5 1.1 5 Creep reduction factor. RFc N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA ,._, .... t•·•-"l ...... \ .. ._,o•• ....... _, \, .. -,.\ ••'-1 ... W·-•\ ...... _H ... , .. ,.,,,. .. _ .. ~'"-•' u,,,.,.,, ... ,, ... .,.,, • .............. , .... ,, .. , 1~,•~11'• ... ,-•H<t••,.--u,-,.,,\,o,_lf" ... '-• <,1..i•I •• ~-.·-,.,, ...... ~, .... u .... , ... ,._,.\t'>!'II'\ IO Poinsellia 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I "*'' I : . : )fME!J· I MMt+=e-HMN::l,h:eteteHRJ:\ l!Htt?! I Withs IRbM OJ I ere• l'P I J: tto :own I 10:I I t I I ow rt I M tr 1 If Mil? 1 :0: JJ :0¥911 I WI' fl MSEW --Ml·chanicall~ Stabili1cd Earth Walls Poinsettia C, I l'll'"Clll f},1(..:.T11m: I fl ,,h oi IO-'( <11 .?!117 11.i-ll!I l l\1111..,\·111.1 ( arhb,1d lh.,1gu :?nl.l 'H1t,11ut1J\ I >.;,1~n "-11 11 · 1 h.-r\•d \\,111, ll-1 ,\.. 11-:? IH· ~ INPUT DATA: Geometry and S urcharge loads (of SUPERIMPOSED wall) Design height. I Id 28.33 l rq [deg] ldegl 1n1 ( E111becldcd ck rth is r~ = 3.00 n. and hci!!-hl above tor or linishcd 11allcr. oi Had.slope. ~ Bad,slopc rise 0.0 23.0 8.6 bollom grade is 11 25.33 n. \\'here 111 = I 0.00 and 112 = I 0.33 l Broken back equivalent angle. I = 8.63° (sec Fig. 25 in DhMO 82) Offset ol'upper segment from lov,er one. Offset = 12.0 fl, 131ackslore2 = 26.0 deg. and Bad.slope rise. S2 = 5.0 n. UN I FORM SU R C I I ARGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/fi 'I OTI IER EX.I ERNAL LOAD(S) [SI] Strip Load, Qv-d = 240.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 I lb/ft 2[. Footing v.idth. b=45.0 [frj. Distance of center of foot ing from ,n1ll face. cl = 45.5 [ft] «_v depth ofO.O It'll below so il surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 02468 10ftll C"':~.:::J [SI I ·-··"""'•••'t'°""''·-... " .. "''-~• _ .. ,_ ....... J.•• -···-............ 1 .. ,-........... _ .... ,.,,_,-i..,..,, . ._ t,.,,. ......... \l,,,,_...,,, .. , ... .,_ .... ,.,,.._.~ .. Sl'tl•--•·'"'-..... 1_,,"'-''"''-'",¥"'"''t"-\ ...... ._ ........... _ •. , .... ,, ·-,""'"'' ....... . Poinsettia 6 1 Page 5 of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 Ill fl JI lt'Pl I IZJ 11 I C I' I If I l I b COM t)ncobM+ Mb I JI tlllt "' rn:erc h+wnt 1twn Sil) I Dlfttt IC MSF.W --Mechanical I) Stabili,cd birth Wal ls Poinsettia 61 111~"\'ll!ll.11,.; lum: lr1'\\nO) IO .t( .c:n2n1· n.t-lhl l 1'1lt1h\·111.1 ( art ... h,1d lk,1~n 1nd ,uhn1111,1l l)..-..,1~11 ,,, 11 • I tn1.d \\ .,U, H-1 ~ U-~ IU· '\ ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacit). rs = 8.8-L Mc) crhof stress= 33-19 lb'f"t'. Foundation lmcrface· Direct slidino F~ -? J?8 Ecn·mricil\ etl O 0063 r:s-o\.crturnino 5 66 -· .. -· --.. GF.OGR ID CONNF.CT I ON Fs-o, erall r:s-merall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # F.lc\.ation Length Type I connection lgcogrid strength n.:sistance sliding etl. name I rq I ft I # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs 0.67 32.00 2 2.79 3.76 3.761 95.327 1.997 0.0015 8XI 2 2.00 32.00 2 2.35 3.25 3.245 77.057 2.035 -0.0082 8XT 3 4.00 32.00 2 2.07 2.98 2.978 63.799 2.093 -0.0236 8XT 4 6.00 32.00 2 2.23 3.35 3.354 64.393 2.151 -0.0-lOO 8XT 5 8.00 32.00 2 2.44 3.84 3.837 65.658 2.207 -0.0581 llXT 6 10.00 32.00 2 4.88 8.06 8.059 12 l. 93 1 2.259 -0.0784 8XT 7 11.33 32.00 2 1.9 1 3.25 3.252 45.11 5 2.290 -0.0938 8XT 8 14.67 19.00 2 2.67 3.52 3.525 23.044 2.198 0.0380 8XT 9 16.00 19.00 2 2.88 3.9 1 3.908 22.14 1 2.296 0.0260 llXT 10 18.00 19.00 2 2.60 3.66 3.663 16.302 2.462 0.0080 8XT II 20.00 19.00 2 2.89 4.25 4.247 14.225 2.652 -0.0 I 08 8XT 12 22.00 19.00 2 3.28 5.05 5.053 11.935 2.873 -0.0313 8XT 13 24.00 19.00 2 3.87 6.24 6.237 9.300 3.129 -0.0554 8XT 14 26.00 19.00 2 3.22 5.45 5.445 4.005 3.424 -0.0878 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Ucarinjl. capacity, l's= 7.11. Meyerhof stress= 3746 lb/fl'. Foundation Interface: Direct sliding .. Fs = 1.686. Eccentricity e/L = 0.0505. Fs-overturnmg = 4.0 I GEOG IUD CONNEC T I ON Fs-ovcrall Fs-overall Geogrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product # Elevation Length Type [connection [geog rid strength resistance sliding e/1. name lftl I ftJ # strength I strength I Fs Fs Fs I 0.67 32.00 2 2.20 3.17 3.170 60.022 1.462 0.0425 8XT 2 2.00 32.00 2 1.9 1 2.80 2.804 50.200 I .522 0.0268 8XT 3 4.00 32.00 2 1.72 2.61 2.6 15 42.470 1.623 0.0034 8XT 4 6.00 32.00 2 1.83 2.91 2.914 42.270 J.984 -0.0329 8XT 5 8.00 32.00 2 1.96 3.29 3.291 42.342 2.061 -0.0512 8XT 6 10.00 32.00 2 3.29 6.04 6.039 65.689 2.129 -0.0713 8XT 7 11.33 32.00 2 1.60 2.87 2.875 30.324 2.165 -0.0863 8XT 8 14.67 19.00 2 2.33 3.20 3.199 16.061 1.504 0.0895 SXT 9 16.00 19.00 2 2.49 3.53 3.525 15.305 1.6 10 0.0674 8XT 10 18.00 19.00 2 2.28 3.34 3.344 11 .457 1.801 0.0362 8XT II 20.00 19.00 2 2.5 1 3.85 3.850 9.900 2.040 0.0068 8XT 12 22.00 [9.00 2 2.82 4.54 4.536 8.194 2.346 -0.0217 8XT 13 24.00 19.00 2 3.26 5.52 S.520 6.262 2.739 -0.0514 8XT 14 26.00 19.00 2 2.80 4.93 4.933 2.784 3.232 -0.0869 8X r Poinsettia 61 Page 6 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 rem,: JttWII) Oct'll>l rcnJiMMHMMl!ot!SdtC}h.-l+w+lo ... +,WU:r:MICXJJ \¥¥N'":'esd+tliW) ... II :CINI) JTtd:!HM'NMtl"tttettr MMH! tt l 7 J I f Ill II iJI) t II . MSl~W --Mechanical!) Stabili1cd Larth Walls l'r..:,i.:11! t>.1h: I tnl\! In \i\l\ 01 IU --'(1 ~N 2111, AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(3.0): Update # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Numher: Description: Poinsettia 6 I 1704 003 Lennar I lomcs o l'California. Inc. NJ Des ign No. 15 Wall B-2 -7.67' Exposed Wall" ith 3' Embedmcnt. Total Wall I !eight = 10.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. Cl\ Telephonl) Ii: rax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctention.eom Original file path and name: J:\SRDesign\Job Folder\] 704-003 Poinscttia_ Carlsbad\Des ..... .... .113-2 -10.67 FT.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri /\pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\L YS!S of a SIMPLE STRUC f'URE us ing GEOG RID as reinforcing material. Poinsi:ttia 61 1,,.,,.,.,.., ... ,.,..,., •. ..., .. ·••••••IOI"' _.,,, "'Ol'\ .. ,~.,..,,.1.,-, "''" ,...,.,.,. ,.,..,1 \n·"•'•'""'"' · •-'""'.. ,,...,,., •>n•'""' > ....... 1 .. -,.,,., .. ,._, .. 14, .... ,_.,,,. .... ,. ,,._, • ._..,, __ ~"•}'l\.o,-•~WOJ'\\• .. •'·)' .. >" ,,..,., IA'"h" ...... , ...... ,.,_,., I Poinsettia 61 Page I of 6 Copyright Cl 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 Poinsettia 61 MSEW --Nkchanicall) Stabili7cd b irth Walls \•ri:,1.:nt D.111: run,: In ,\n Ol 10 -H, ~~ 2017 1-;ou-1.1111~ Pit11M'IIJ.1 l .,rl,h,11.l lk,11.?n 2nd 'o11'111uu.il lk,1,::.11 :-..,1 15. \\ .111 B-2 in fl, 11 Bl, SOIL DATA REINr'Ol{CF,I) SOIL lJnil \\Ci_ghl. y Dcsign \'aluc or internal anglc of friction. ~ Rl·T/\INED SOI L Unit weight. y Design value of internal angli.: or friction. ~ 120.0 lb n , 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/ft 3 32.0 ° ~OUND/\ TION SOIL (Considered as an cquh alcnt unil'orm soil) Equivalent unit ,~eight, y c"'"' 125.0 lb/fl 1 Equivalent internal angle of fri ction. ~cqu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,qu" l 00.0 lbfl"t 2 Wat..:r table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane, 111 = 44.10° (sec Fi~. 28 in Dl~MO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2901 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculntcd from eq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 N y= 14.99 SEISMICITY Maximum !),round acceleration coeflicicnt. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coef!icicnt in Internal Stability : Kh = /\m = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_ d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.290 I !:i. Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soil-gcogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. Poinseuia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 IDEti:ftN:t tttttl JQIT?t JO ! I I It 'IWl):ttdhrw JI l ll'Jtl 3 I Mt t 1 · 1 It?) :SPJ!l It¥ 11 IPM8M · lttlfPJ l tRJ' 11115?1 I Q[Jl ICM¥! 31 I tit It'll) ------------~------------------------- MSE\V --Mechanical I) Stal:>ilitcd Earth Walls 1'11.·,1:1111>.il,; I um.-In ,m O_l 10 lh -liS 101 - INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) [) A T A Tult i lblfll Durabilit) reduction factor. Rhl Installatio n-damage reduction factor. Rr:id Creep reduction factor. Rr:c Fs-overall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Fri ction angle along geogrid-soi I in terrace. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scalc-erfoct correction factor, a p (jcogrid Gcoµri<l l\(2C # I t,pc #? 4700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.1 5 1.13 I. 13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85 ·tar~ 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z 1n1 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinscllia 61 170-4-00 I l',111M·t11.1 4.. .1rl,t•,1J D~·,1:.!11 1ml ,ut,111111,11 lk,1:!-n "-l1 J _'\ \\ ,tll B-! IO rtl I I HI " Gcogrid Gco!!rid <,cogrid tVQC #3 l\(2C #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.13 I. 13 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27 .97 0.85 ·tanp 0.85 ·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 Kl Ka 3.0 .-1, •-f• ·-···-· ,_,.,A,O~, ... _., ... ,,. .. --'"""" -·· ... ,, .. ·-· .... , ................. ,,,_, "''"' ........... , ......... '""' .,.. ............. ~--'"''""' -~ .. -............ _ .......... _ .. __.. ·-/~l-'w,, ·-•,\I~· ....... ,.,n, .. \<Ow•••~ .. ~,_.,.,..,.,~ ....... . Poinscnia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016ADAMA Engineering. Inc. t 12w,· IIID)tt IOMIII :W+N :Cl?Jl M ,,-ae#tl 1121 IM? ~·-------------------- ... Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ttMt:t· ttttttMl!tt::c:eiO't:ll IPffl!b Z:05!1 ICHfObet 121@!\ettll MSEW •· Mcchanicall~ Stahili!i.:d 1-,arlh Walls Poinscllia 6 1 !•1..:,1;01 D,th: l mw I r1 ,m Ul Ill H, "'<it .?11\ 7 170.t .no l 1'11111,,:tt\,1 l .1rl,h,td I k,1;11 2n,1 ,uh11111tal I k,1::11 \.,1 1 '.' -\\ .111 lL? I II h: I I Ill ' IN PUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACIA l)pc: Facinµ cnablinp. Crictional wnncc.:tion ofrci11fon:crnc111 (e.g .. modular wnen.:tc bloci..s. gabionsJ Dcpth/hcight of bloc.:!,. is 1.00/0.67 Ii. I lori1:011tal distam.:c to Center of Gravit) or bloc!,. is 0.42 ft. Average unit ,,eig.hl or block is y, 120.00 lblft ' I. / lld 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geogrid T) pc # I CJ (I l CRult m 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid Type # I 11 CJ CRcr ().0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 ro-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid T ype #2 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Gcogrid Type #2 CJ C Rcr 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid 1 ypc 113 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.6-t Geogrid 1\ pc #3 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 111 CJ = Con lining stress in between stacked blocks lib/ft 2J W CRull =Tc-ult / Tull <'l CRcr = Tere I Tull z / I Id 1.00 0.90 0.80 0. 70 0.60 0.50 Io-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type #4 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type 114 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.21 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type #5 CJ C Rcr 0.0 0.21 10 282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long tenn strength is reduced to 100% of its static value. D A 1 A (for connection only) Type # I Type #2 rype #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name SXT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength rcduction factor. RFd 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc N/A N/A NIA NIA Nit\ Poinseuia 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 tt:Zt 1112111 CIIJII t I'S! trl1HI 1 IWl I J[fJJ l 2 !tWtl t 'tit tu 211111 01 ft I ti It 1112 1 l 11¥111 WO: I ·rz I ll WI' II MSI~ W --Mechanical!) Stabili/ed 1:anh Walls Poins..:llia 61 !•1._·,..:111 1);1h: I 1111 .. · I rt ,,n Ol 10 H, ~x 10li I ~o.-,Of\~ l\•Ubt'!I 1,1 l .,rl,tl.id I k,1:.:,n .!m1 ,ut-m111.:al I k,1;.:n ~11 I~ \\ ,111 B 1 I II I, 7 I I Bl , INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of a SIMPLE STRUCT URE) Dcsign 111.:ight. I Id 10.67 14.0 26.0 rn1 [deg! ldcgl f Emb..:dded dcpth is r: 3.00 n. and h..:ight abow top of finished bollom gradc is 11 7.67 Ii } Baller. (•> Bad,slopc. P t:3ad.slope rise 25.0 1n1 Broken back cquiH1knl angle. I = 26.00° (s.::c 1-ig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FO RM SU R C II ARG E Uniformly distributed de;id load is 0.0 I lb/ft 21 OTI IER EX I ERN AL LOAD(S) IS I J Strip Load, Qv-d = 240.0 and Qv-1 = 0.0 lib/fl 2 1. Fooling width. b=40.0 [ft]. Distance of center of footing from wall face. d = 75.0 [fl l 0 depth of 0.0 l fl ] bclo11 soil surface. ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 61fl l c-,o'"1 PJ .... ,~~ • ,_u....,,· ....... ,.,,,1, ,....,n'!\I''•-'•""'"' _, . .,,.,,,..,..,,.,.,.,.i,,. , ,.,...,..,...,.,,,h,,., .. ,._,,., _ _.. ....... ,-. _ ••. ..,...,.,.,_.. ... ,.,1>1,..,,._,,,ruo.,. .. i.-.~ .. ,_.,, ........ ..,_, ,..,,,. .. _, ~., ... ,., ._,..,,. .,,..,. "'1 .. -..., .. , ... ,_,,,.,, Poinseuia 61 Page 5 of 6 Copyright ~ 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I 12111 Ill !I I (0)) tttfHhtttMMtP nftW+ t+!•-Jt'rl:Mll I tl 1 I It tlltlt 11 11 I [Y) tlf! 1111 ram, Wff;]J ICWtl) ftW!I lfll l!lllt ... t:111 --------·------------- MSl:W --Nkchanicall) S1abili1cd Earth Walls Poinsi:ttia 61 l'ti:,l.'.nt I J.1h: I nni: I n ,m O.~ Ill I(, :'X 2111 7 \ 711-1 .1111 ~ l\1111,1.·IU,1 t .1rl,O.,d l).; .. 1:.:n 111J ,utm11tt,1l l>c,1:!11 ,,, 15 \\ ,,II B-~ -10 r,~ 11 Bl ' ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capadt). h = 6.18. Mi.:Frhof stress = 1564 lb'J't'. Foundation lntcrfr1cc· Diri:ct sliding Fs 2 850 Ecc 'ntricil\ c/J O 0310 h o, crturnino -6 4? ' ' ~ ---- # 2 3 4 U l:O GR ID Ek,ation 1n1 2.00 4.00 6.00 !!.00 Length ·1) pc 1n1 11.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 I! 2 2 2 2 CONN E Cl 10 h-0\CraJJ I conncction stre ngth I 3.07 5.71 7.14 6.58 Fs-01 cnill I !!COµrid strength I 4.49 8.72 11.4 1 11.0-l Geo!J,rid strength Fs 4.492 8.721 11.408 11 .037 ANALYSlS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Pul lout resistance l's I 1.6 77 16.581 14.802 8.900 Direct slid ing r, 2.697 3.024 3.411 3.845 Eccent ricity e/L -0.0-137 -0.0561 -0.0704 -0.0919 Product name 8XT sx·1 8X-I 8XT 13earing capacity, Fs = 4.29. Mcyerhof stress = 1938 lh/tF. Foundation Interface· Direct sliding Fs = I 519 Fcccntricitv e/L = 0 087? Fs-ovcrturnino = 2 95 -. ~ -· - # I 2 3 4 GEO G RID Elevation 1 n I 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 Length Type [[ti 11.00 11 .00 11.00 11.00 # 2 2 2 2 CONNECT I ON Fs-ovcral I r connection strength I 1.8 1 2.67 3.26 3.53 fs-overall [gcogrid strength I 3.03 4.89 6.26 6.91 Gcogrid strength Fs J.027 4.889 6.264 6.910 Pullout resistance Fs 5.490 6.209 5.405 3.816 Direct sliding Fs 1.549 1.891 2.400 J.175 Eccentricity c/L 0.0361 -0.0074 -0.0455 -0.0832 Product name 8XT 8XT 8XT 8XT '-••' ·• ... ,,._,~_, ... ,,~•••"'"'" .-.. , ......... , •. -, ...... .,, .... ,.,.,.,.,_,,,,.._, .. ~ .. -,,..,~,••-••·"'''A•~"''"'i"'I"'-"' ~""''° '""""''-"'' ...... 11' •·-•,.,,,.,.,,._1~\,l<\ .. ,,._l~\U,t-.., I"""'' ,;.....,-.\ >•\U-!•, .. -, .... ., ... .,_,,4"t•1.,...,,.,1 Poinsettia 61 Copyright e 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ltWl!I 11111111 I 1511 C!t M¥¥M:htnrhMttl' leHintll 11111 1 t Ill I ttt'!t It I t I IC I 130111 MHMli I I tl I 2?fth:CN t I Wll IP' I :011511 1'.IWIJ II -------------~ -------- .. ... ' ,., ~, ... .. ' .. , .. --.. MSl~W --wk chanicall) Stabili1.cd Ea rth Walls Poinsct t ia 6 1 !'1..:,..:111 I >,it..: I um· In ,111 0.1 Ir, 11(1 q .21117 J h.1.wu l'1•11N.'L\1,1 l arl,h,1,l llt.:,1l!,n .Znd "lut,111111.111)..:,1~11 ,,1 Jfl • I 1n~·d \\ ,111, l -1 t... l .;: HI -..: AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MSEW(J.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFlCATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinscllia 61 1704 003 Lennar I lomcs of California. Im;. NJ l)esign No. 16 Wall C-1 -7.33' Exposed Wall with 4 .67' Embcdrnent. Wall C-2 -10' Exposed Wall w ith 4.67' Embcdmcnl. l otal Wall I I eight = 25.5'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carl sbad. CA Telephone #: rax II: E-Mail : 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson(<i)soi lrl!tent ion .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDcsip,n\.lob Foldcr\1704-003 Poinsettia_Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... Walls C-1 & C-2.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri Apr 11 I 0:44: 16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS or SUPERIMPOSED WALL using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. ,., ' -~ , ........ , .. ,, .. , ...... , .. ,, ........ ,.,hi•, .. ,_ ............. _ ............ _ .. ...., .. , ...... ~-· .......... "''~ ·-'""·'" ... _, •. ,.., ... , .... ,,.~ .. -,,.,,...., . ..,_, UV>o\ ,,,.,_,,, .. -,~-.. , I "4•1 .. ..--••\1'11•·,. .. .,,,.,.,., ,. •• , ~• ., ... , .... ,.,_. ,,.,, - I Poinsettia 61 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. Page I of 6 License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mechanical!) Stabili1.ctl E,1rth Walls 1'1..::-..:111 D.11..:-fun~.-Ir, ,1,, u• lt> o<~ i:i; lo\ 1 SOIL DATA Rl:INFORCJ-.,l) SOIL Unit \\Cip.ht. y Design value of' intcrnal angle of friction. <I> RETA IN!-.,!) SOIL Un it \\Cight. y Design value of internal angle of friction. <I> 1:w.o 1111n ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lblt't 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Consitlcrcd as an cqui\·al<:nt uniform soil) Equh,aknt unit \.\'eight, y euu" 125.0 lblft ' Equivalent internal angle of friction. <l>cqu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c equiv I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacit) LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFlCIENTS Poinsettia 61 Ka (internal stability)= 0.3073 (if batter is less than I0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination or intern al slip plane. \j/ = 6 1.00° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.3481 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated Crom cq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilized) BEARlNG CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 0.00 Ny= 14.99 SEJSMlCITY Maximum i:tround acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0. 195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kac ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.6258 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.3481 t... Kac = 0.2777 Seismic soi l-geogrid friction coefficient, 17* is 80.0% of' its specilied static value. Poinsettia 61 Copyright O t 998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. rent I IIWI to -II 7 I ltlt*-*l:SP:l I M 31 JtMHl 1 )QI) 111 lb t tr I I If) t tlfl I MIi 'OM 1 I I'll I IW Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-3020t6 JW>J I It ll to& tb tit 12 I I 111 ti II MSEW --Mechanical I) Stabilin:d l:arth Walls l'H>1.:111 1>.111.; I 1111..: l 11 ,\l\ en 111 oc1 ,~ 2011 INPUT DATA: Gcogrids (Analysis) D A T A Tull I lblfll Durability reduction factor. RFd lnstallation-damag..: reduction fa..:tor. RFid Creep reduction factor. R Fe Fs-ovcrall !or strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correct ion factor. a p Geo grid Geogrid 11pc Ii I t1pc 11 2 -1700.0 7400.0 1.15 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tm~ 0.85 ·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Eartb Pressure Coefficient With Depth 7. K l Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 () 3.3 ft 1.00 z I ftJ 6.6 fl 1.00 6.6 9.8 n 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 n 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsettia 6 I Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering, Inc. I IWlb :CW'Jb lttfElhe:dHNMt:tteMWff':nfttHf-.' IMth IJO'tl lt:tittct+ttft+t I flt Ckogrid tvpc /13 9500.0 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 0.85·tan~ 0.8 1.0 I Wtdl It I Cicoµ.rid 1v12c #-I 13705.0 1.1 5 1.13 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 0.85·tan~ 0.8 2.0 Poinscllia 61 Gcogrid 11 pc #5 20559.0 1.15 1.1 3 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.8 K I Ka 3.0 Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 11 I I IS I l±Wt) I 1 C I t It II I rft:MMffHrwz·t $1 t MSl·.W --M.:chanicall) Stabili1.cd h1nh Walls 1·,~,..:111 lt1h' I 1111.,,· In ,o\ o! 16 Oh l~ 2Ul 7 IN PUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) FACIA L)pc: Facin!). .:nablinp. frictional connection ofreinforccmcnt (c.!). .. modular concn:h: blocks. gabions) Depth/height of block is I .0010.6 7 ft. I loriwmal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. A,·cragc unit ,,cig.ht of block is y, = 120.00 lblft ' 7. / I Id To-static I Tmnx lop of\\,lll Poins.:ttia 6 1 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 or To-seismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 z / I Id ":"I o._) 0.50 0.75 1.00 l t l I r I ll t I Geogrid Type /1 1 Gcogrid Type #2 Geogrid Type 113 er (II CRult 121 er CR.ult a CR ult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 Geogrid Type Ii I 3> Geogrid Type 112 Geogrid Type 113 er CRcr er CR er er CRcr 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.4 1 3198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.6 1 10000.0 0.64 "' er = Confining stress in between stacked blocks fib/rt 'I ci, CRult = Tc-ult I Ttilt 11> CRcr = Tcrc I Tult 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 ·1 o-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type 115 er CRull er C R.ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type 114 Geogrid Type #5 er CRcr er CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. l) t\ T A (for connection onl)) rypc 11 1 Type #2 rypc 113 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name 5XT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor. RFd I. I 5 1.15 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 5 C reep reduction factor. Rl"c NIA NIA NIA NIA Nit\ --·•'"'" ....... ,,,..,.,,. ..... ,..._. •. _. "~··-·~-• -'·'"' ;s,_, ,.,..1., .. _, .... ,, ... , ..... ,,"""''"'~"'"..._,4,_.,,~.,,.. -· .,,.-.. ,.,.,o,i-,,.1.-... ,,~1v-.,,._,.,,.~•·•-••"'''"'"'-· ....... •·-·•''"""'"'·"'",...'"·-•'~"'., .... _,~""""''• .... •• Poinsettia 61 Page 4 of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 I I PIil :Ollll l#HYIJtftdMnNMl lrlHdft:irfet-i+' "*'' nu: 11tno : rr me, ttMttt t I 1 t lf)QQ 1 I MIU t I K llt t ram t tob flt 1 I tc t to Ct IH ~------------------------------------- MSI~ W --Mechanical!~ Stabili1cd Earth Walls h .. · ... c111 1>.11~ I 11111.: I rt ,u, 0~ If• Ohl~ lllli INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (of SUPERIMPOSED wall) Design height. I Id 25.50 1ft] f Embedded dqHh i, I·= -1 .67 It. and height abO\'C lop or finished l\attcr. c,) l\ad,slopc. 13 13acJ..slopc ri~e 0.0 26.0 15.0 bottom grade is 11 20.83 f't. \\'here 111 -7 .33 and 112 = I 0.00 l [deg! ldcgl 1n1 13roJ..cn back cqui\ale111 angle. I = 16.39Q (sec Fi g. 25 in DEMO 82) Offset or upper segment from lo,\cr om:. Offset = I 0.0 ft, Blackslope2 = 26.0 deg. nnd BacJ..s lope rise. S2 = 3.5 ft. lJ N I I· 0 R M S U R C 11 A R G E lJnifonnl) distributed dead load is 0.0 lib/fl 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 8 IO(ftj ,.: ... "»=-'".:J Poin~,·ttia 61 ·--' ',l""',f••' ~.,,,._, .......... _., ........ ,.-•••W•"'-•'''"' .,,._,,,..._1 ... ,..,,.,.,., ... ,_. ,._I~, .. , , .......... -·.:.'-'~,.'-•' "''"'''°'""'•-l'>'• •-•v\'~""' , .... ,. .. , .. _, ......... , U\I .. ,. --'•"'""--~••-• _..,,., ........ ~•••·W\l;o\ .... .,, Poinseuia 6 1 Copyright iCI l 998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Wtrttttstl 81 l I %11 'OMB'ilt C)Sl!l -3 tID ewMitftl:l I I 111 :,, I 11 DOIi? IYbtl Page 5 or 6 License number MSEW-302016 111! I ·1 ·1 :ns:t·· llltJI I 11 1 I I 150) IMIISU:e:0H -------------- MSEW --Mcchanicall~ Stabili1:cd l:anh Wall s Poin,.:uia 6 1 !'1..-,1;111 I bll.' I 1111c I fl '1" OJ 16 O(, l5 2017 11.J-C,4Ll 1'1H11'1.:111.1 ( :1rl,h,1J lk,1_!!n ~ntl ,uh1111tt.1l l>~·,1~n l\.l, If, -l 1\.·,..-~1 \\ all, t ·Ii.\ l -~ m·, AN ALYSIS: CALC U LAT ED FACTORS (Static conditions) f3earingcapacit). Fs = 7.19. Mc)crhofstn.:ss 3300 lb'fl'. Foundation Interface· Direct ~lidin11.. Fs 2.156. F.cc.:ntricit\. ell. -(J.O 131. Fs-O\'Crlurnin!! = 5.12 GF.OG RI D I CONNF.C l"I ON f's-0\·crall j (icugrid f·s-ovcrall Pullout Direct 1:cccntricit) Product ff Ekvation Length 1 ypc I cnnncc1ion I µcoµrid I strength resistance sliding c/1. nun,c 1n1 1 rq # strength I strcnglh I Fs Fs Fs I 0.67 26.00 2 2.45 3.21 3.2 11 58.266 1.940 0.0079 8X I 2 2.00 26.00 2 2.04 2.74 2.HO 46.053 1.987 -0.0025 8XT 3 4.00 26.00 2 1.77 2.48 2.476 36.875 2.061 -0.0 186 8Xl 4 6.00 26.00 2 1.87 2.73 2.729 35. 754 2.137 -0.0356 8XT 5 8.00 26.00 2 1.99 3.04 3.041 34.726 2.214 -0.0542 8XT 6 10.00 26.00 3 3.08 4.41 4.407 33.829 2.290 -0.0751 IOXT 7 12.00 26.00 3 1.72 2.5 1 2.509 16.426 2.360 -0.0996 IOXT 8 14.68 16.00 2 7.67 10.7 1 10.706 48.109 2.230 0.0163 8X r 9 16.00 16.00 2 3.27 4.69 4.689 17.653 2.343 0.0031 8XT 10 18.00 16.00 2 3.00 4.49 4.493 12.384 2.535 -0.0175 8XT II 20.00 16.00 2 3.45 5.41 5.405 10.070 2.75 1 -0.040 I 8XT 12 22.00 16.00 2 4.13 6.78 6.782 7.353 2.986 -0.0675 8X1 13 24.00 16.00 2 4.40 7.60 7.604 3.205 3.205 -0.1068 8X r ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) Bearing capacity, Fs = 4.87, Meycrhof stress = 4053 lb/ft'. Foundation Interface: Direct slidino, Fs = 1.50 I, l~ccentricity. ell.= 0.0872. Fs-ovcrturnino = 3.16 r G E OG RI D CONNECT I ON Fs-overall I # Elevation Length Type I connection rn, l ftj # strength I I 0.67 26.00 2 2.04 2 2.00 26.00 2 1.75 3 4.00 26.00 2 1.55 ·4 6.00 26.00 2 1.62 5 8.00 26.00 2 1.72 6 10.00 26.00 3 2.63 7 12.00 26.00 3 1.58 8 14.68 16.00 2 5.4 1 9 16.00 16.00 2 2.78 10 18.00 16.00 2 2.60 II 20.00 16.00 2 2.94 12 22.00 16.00 2 3.45 13 24.00 16.00 2 3.67 Poinsetlia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. ·- ------ Fs-ovcrall Geoirid Pullout f gcogrid slrenglh resistance strength] Fs Fs 2.82 2.821 38.834 2.46 2.459 31.597 2.25 2.253 25.802 2.47 2.472 24.859 2.74 2.739 23.957 3.94 3.942 23.112 2.36 2.360 12.033 8.32 8.316 27.165 4.19 4.186 12.027 4.06 4.060 8.579 4.83 4.833 6.876 5.97 5.970 4.914 6.68 6.681 2.136 Direct sliding Fs 1.305 1.367 1.474 1.896 2.006 2.11 3 2.205 1.485 1.616 1.863 2.187 2.607 3.083 Eccentricity Product e/L name 0.0770 8XT 0.0570 8XT 0.0277 8XT -0.0245 8XT -0.0444 8XT -0.0658 IOXT -0.0899 IOXT 0.0734 8XT 0.0468 8XT 0.0093 8X r -0.026 1 8X r -0.062 1 8XT -0.1059 8XT Page 6 of 6 Liccns,; number MSEW-3020t6 ----------- .. . .... . ,._, .. ,., ... MS1.W ·· Ml'chanicall) Stabili1.cd Earth Wal ls l'r..:,..:111 l>atl.' I 111\\· 111,11\ lll 10 ~ l ll', .!HI i AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 6 1 MSl2W(3.0): lJpdate # 14.96 PROJECT lDENTlFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar I lomes or California , Inc. NJ Design No. 17 Wall D -6.67' Exposed Wall with 2' Embedmcnt. Total Wall I leighl = 8.67'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. Ci\ Telephone #: Fax #: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: nj ansson@soi I retention .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDesi_gn\.lob Fo lder\1704-003 Poinsettia Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... Wall D -8.67 FT.B EN - Original date and time of creating this file: Fri /\.pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\1.YSIS or a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. Poinso:ll ia 61 - ·~ • .,.,,. .... ·~·,w,._,,.,.,., ...... ,. 4L~ ........ \ ·~-.. _, .... , ....... -••\1:\111\..-.,o••,\l.... 11\1\•'6 ..,_,,.,,.. ... ,_ , ..... ,1._,., """''_..,,o,°"•''"-''"''"''~-•·•·0111,,._, ......... ''"'"" __ ,,,..,.,., ,..,,., .... , ..... .,,.., .• , •. .-•• , ..... ,., •• I Poinsettia 6 1 Page I of 6 Copyright CJ 1998-2016_!'-_l?AMA Engineering. ln_c. Lic~ns~ number MSEW-302016 Poinsettia 61 MSEW --Mcchanil.:all~ Stahili1cd brth Walb Pr..:,"·111 1),111..· rim"· I r1 ,,1\ o~ HJ~~ lfl.21117 \kr 1711-1-\111 S 1'1}llhl.'llta ( ,111,t-,hl D.:,1un :?nd \uhnuu.1! I k,1~11 ,,. 17 . \\ all I>. I< (17 I I HI , SOIL DATA IU:INFORCFD SOIi. lJnit \\Cip.h l. y Design value of internal angk of friction. <I> IU:T /\INU) SOI i. Unit "ei)!ht. y Design , alue of internal angle or friction. <I> 120.0 Jh. r, ' 32.0 ° 125.0 lh/ft ·' 32.0 ° FOUND/\ T!ON SOIi. (Considered as an cqui, alc11t uniform soil) Equivalent unit ,~eight. y cuu" 125.0 lhlfl 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction. <l>cqu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. e ,qu" I 00.0 lb/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacit) LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka ( interna I stabi I ily) = O .22 IO (if batter is less than I 0°, Ka is calculated from eq. I 5. Otherwise. eq. 3 8 is Lili I iLcd) Inclination of internal slip plane. 111 =44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability )= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated fro m eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utilized) BEARING CAPACITY Bearing capacity coefficients (calculated b) MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.21 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefficient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.290 1 /';, Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soi)-geogrid friction cocflicicnl, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. , ,,.,~,....,.,. ..-.... , ~,.,., .. .,,~"""•-•''"""''"-·•-••,. ... ,,,,.,,, ,,...,.,.,, .... .,,.,.,., .. ,,. .... , wu-.. I M ct I 111 I Bl rvut t (J) 11 Qf1 ) lltttll Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 !ZtNt cu tEII 11':tt · ff --------------- l MSEW --Mcchankall) St:ibilit.cd birth Walls ,~,.:,\.'.Ull);Jh; IHlk' tri,i!\/1~ lfJ.iil_l62til"' IN PUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) DA T A I ult 1 lh!rt I Durability r..:duclion ractor. RFd lnstallation-da11i.1!!,c n.:duction factor. RFid Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-ovcrall for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Sea le-effect correction factor, a p Gcogrid (1co!!,rid tvpi.: #I t\ pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 I. I 5 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.8S·ta1$ 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 on 1.00 () 3.3 ft 1.00 z trtJ 6.6 rt 1.00 6.6 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 fl 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinsettia 6 1 da 170-l-llfl \ P1\1tbdl1.1 l .-rl ... b,,d l)..;,1~11 :?nJ ...,uhm111,1! I k ,1~11 ,1, \ 7 . \\ ;11! I).~ h7 1 I ltl '- (icogrid Geo grid (1CO!!.ricJ tvpc #3 t\pC #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 KI Ka 3.0 L ,.._, .. ,t,,,,.· ,.,...,,,,,...., .. ,,. .... , .. .,.,, • ,.....,,_,," .. "•-•' """ '°"'',.'•-'4"...,.'"-'""'"''"_,,,.... .... , .... .,.~ .. " .,.,..,,,.,,..,, ........ _.,, .,._.,.,nn,,,~-··"'" .. -1,, Poinseuia 61 Page 3 of 6 Liccns.: number MSEW-302016 BS II ldHlifll IRMl!t-t II ))I 1 It JtlNlhftd:W 111 I 0:31 b I l I 1111 \ If MSI·.\\' --Mechanical!~ Stabi li,cd I arth \\'alls Poi1hcttia 61 1111.: .. \,·ut I l.1h. I uri'-In ,10 u; Ill<;_\ •h 1111"' J~r I 711-1,fHI l. p,qu~tll,I ( ,trht'IJJ ll\-,1:n 2"d ,uh1111tt.1I 1>..:,1.;11 ,., I, . \\ JII I) !r( t,'1 I l 141 ..... INPUT DATA: r acia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82 ) {Analysis) r AC I/\ t) pc: l·acinp. cnabl inp. frictional cnnncct ion of rcinfon:cmcnt ( c .p. .. modular C(HH.:rctc bloci..s. gabiom) Dq,th height of bloc!,. is 1.00 0.6 7 n. I lori,,111tal di~ta1H.:c to Ccntcr or Gra, it) of block i~ 0.42 IL A,cragc unit "eight ofbloci.. i-, 11 120.00 lb ft ' I. / lid 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Geog rid T) pe 11 1 (J (11 CRultm 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid 1 ype # 11' (J CR er 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 1 o-static I Tma, or T o-sci~m ic I 'I md 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid Type #2 (J CRuh 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.6 1 Gcogrid T) pe 112 (J C Rcr 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 (,cogrid I") pc 113 (J CRult 0.0 0.4 1 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid 1) pc #3 (J CR er 0.0 0.4 I 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 11, cr -Confining stress in bet\,ecn stacke~ blocl,.s [lb/ft 'I ci, CRult -Tc-ult / full 1 •, C Rcr Tcre I Tull 1 11d o.~~1 o._:, 0.50 0.75 1.00 t l l 1 I l~ I 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 ·1 o-static I Tmax or l'o-scismic 1 ·1 md Gcogrid l'ype 114 Gcogrid Type 115 (J CRult (J" CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Gcogricl I) pc #4 Geogrid Type #5 (J CR er CJ CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analy~is. long tenn strength is reduced lo I 00% of its static value. D A I A (for connection only) fypc # I I) pe #2 Product Name 5Xl 8XT Connection strength reduction factor. Rf-d 1.1 5 1.1 5 Creep reduction fa ctor. Rl'c N'A NII\ Poinscnia 61 Copyright fO 1998-2016 ADAMA r:ngineering. tnc. I :owe 111111 I It' ttHN:h#eMtht )lffi) I 11lh I Bfll lbl ti *' 11'.b!h I rt· l°)pc #3 IOX J" 1.15 NIA Type #4 Type #5 2ox·1 1.1 S NIA 22XT 1.1 S NIA Page 4 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ltttt'IM I'll thx I 11' !] town: 1110 t ti CR) I mt tttlf MSEW --ML'chanicall~ StabiliLcd Farth \Valls Poin,cttia 61 1'1.:,~111l)i1h!l1tn,,; 1,1,1no~,o~,l621117 lkr 1711.J-UO.I Pl,mv,:\11,1 ( ,111,1,.iJ lk,1'.!11.?mt \uhm1tt.1l l>,.,1g.11,11 17 4 \\:1U I). X ,,-: 11 I\!, INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. I Id 8.67 14.0 16.0 l Ii I lckg J Jdcg J ( h nbcddcd dcpth is E = 2.00 I\. and h<.!ight aho\'C top (>f linishcd bottom grad<! is 11 6.67 ft } Batter. C1> HacJ..slopt:. P BacJ..slopc ri~c 15.0 J ftJ 13rokcn back cqui~alcnt nnglc. I = 16.00° (sec Fig. 25 in DEMO 82) UN I FORM SU R C II /\RGE Uniformly distributed dead load is 0.0 J lh/fl 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6[uJ c::.::=-~----1 ""'""'•\t'\l .. \,o .. ,~ .... ..,,,._,.,,...,, ., ... ,.,,-,-.\_,~...,.,~ ·-'•"''"''--'-\R,11'\~ .. ,,J,,,.,,. I ·W••• , .. .-•t 'Jo.,1' -"'' ,,·, .. ,,, .. ,...,.,,,,.,,,., ... ,'l"' ••-•Hh•"\«,....l•\l'l• ••-••-• , .. _,,._.., .. ..-... ,, ........ "'"•M-1• ,,._,,.,.~,-. Poinse11ia 6 l Copyright <I,') 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. b ltltl?l 111111 :OW>I M:HM:ftt+eM¥tfU1nttttfttl·**HWtll 12 OJ 11 l'&ttelrfttrlzb Mt Page 5 of 6 License number MSEW-3020 16 Ill J ·trJrtYMM11 IM!t 111111 ++W:ttl IOW:t JIOIC 11¥! IPl*-rrtt ------------- MSl (W --Mcchanicall~ Stabi li1cd Earth Walls Poinsettia 61 l'l\''l'nl Dall' l mll' I r1 ,,n IP Ill "l ~(1 2t117 ,kr 1711-l ·ltO; J•,iui,..:tt1.1 (_ 111h~.uJ IA.·,1'.,!n .:?nJ ...,uh11u11.1! I >v,1~11 ,11 17. \\ ;1U I>. S t,7 I I IH , ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bcarin?.capacit). Fs = 15.27. Mc)crhof strcss = 1275 lb/ft '. rounclation Interface· Direct slidino Fs ., 86 1 Ecccntricit, cil = -0 03 1 'i h-01 crturninu = 6 47 fl 2 3 CiEOCi RIO l:lnation [rtl 2.00 -l.00 6.00 Length ·1 ypc I rq 9.00 9.00 9.00 II 2 2 2 -· -· CO NNECT I ON l·s-o, cral I I con11cction strength I 3. 7-1 7.53 7.26 Fs-01 l'ntll l!-!eogrid stn:n gthl 5.71 12.0-1 12.17 .. Ci eogrid strength ~s 5.707 12.041 12.174 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) - Pullout resistance Fs 9.292 12.954 7.732 Direct sliding l·s 2.776 3.203 3.7 14 Eccentricity el l. -0.0-168 -0.0625 -0.08-12 Product nainc 8X r SXT SXT Ucari11g ca pacity, Fs = I 1.04. Meyerhof stress = 1569 lb/ft 2• r d r o· rc1 · r 1 -4s E 11 o oss., F · ., 98 ·oun # I 2 3 at1on nter ace: 1rect s 1 GEOG R ID Elevation Length Type f ftl 2.00 4.00 6.00 [fti 9.00 9.00 9.00 # 2 2 2 111!.!. ·s = .) . ~ccentnc1t1·. c = CONN E C"I IO N Fs-ovcrall [connection strength! 2.14 3.36 3.78 Fs-overall [gcogrid strength I 3.77 6.48 7.-14 . -· ·s-overturnmg = -· Geo.grid strength Fs 3.767 6.481 7.441 Pullout resistance Fs 4.255 4.619 3.218 Direct sliding Fs 1.626 2.110 2.9 12 Eccentricity c/L 0.0242 -0.0262 .(J.0715 Product name 8XT 8XT 8XT -•· .,.. .• ,.,-•11,,,....1,.,.,., .. .,.,, -• "'""'-·•••w ... ••-•••'ll>• ·-•~-..:-1•1,,..., .. ,~..,.,,.,_..,, ..... -''"'""• ,,...,.,.,0,,1-• _, uv-.1-1 .. ~~·"·•••••••• "~-•••,, .. 1a,,.-.,.,.,~..,....,, .... , ''"" ·---·•-• , ..... ,,~., ... .,••11Jt• ,·-1 ..,,.,.a ·•·• Poinsenia 6 1 Copyright e, 1?98-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 SIi 3 I 191111 I II WI 1 L HIP l ttll I\: ltl Jbl l I lt 2 1 I S ! 2 t tftit+tMM? WI I I 1711 L I II ! n+ttWU:ecd IHMM:l I 18 SI 10:S Q 11 II !C¥et I I ...... ..... .. ., .. . ·-·-.. ~· MSEW --Mcchanieall! S1abili1ed l:arth Walls l'ii: ..... ·111 l>,11~ Inn .. · I r1 \;(1', oi 111 ~1 •~ ,21111 AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 61 MS1\W(3.0): Update # 14.% PROJECT lDENTIFICATION Title: Proj ect Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar I lo mes of California. Im:. NJ Design No. 18 Wall E -8' l..:xposed Wall with 2' [mbedmcnt. Total Wall Height = IO'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. Cl\ Telephone 1/: Fax #: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilretention.com Orig inal file path and name: J:\SRIJcsign\Job Folder\170-1-003 Poinsettia_Ca.rlsbad\Des ..... ..... -Wall E -IO FT.13EN Orig inal date and time of creating this file: Fri /\pr 11 10:44:16 20 14 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\LYSIS ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE using Ci EOG RID as reinforcing material. Poins.:ttia 6 1 \---·~"'''"\ .. ,..,,.,, ....... , ........ ~,· ..... --·· ......... , ............ ~ .... ,"'''-............ \ .. -'•"if• , ,, ..... -··''"*·'·'"· ................. , ....... ""'"''•-'''"""' '''"''"''·-··--··-· ............. ,.,,.,._ ......... ~ .. , ..... ,.,, ..... --· ... .,.,., ..... ~ I Poinseuia 61 Pnge I of 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 MSEW --Mcchanicall~ Stnbili/l'ci l·.arth Walls Poitb.:llia 61 fln.: .. ~111 ll,1h: 1 nm: I 11 '-tl\ Ul 10 :'i.i l~ .?tll 4 ,1ld .. ·1 1701,00J l',111h..:H1.i. l 111!,h.,J I k,1i11 lnd ,011r11111.1\ fk,1g11 '-" I~~\\ .1111 . to I I HI ' SOIL DATA RLINFORCF:O SOIi. lJnil \\c·iµJH. y Dcsign \ alue or internal angJ..: or friction. cj> RETAINED SOIi Unit wci1-tht. y Design \aluc or internal angle of friction. 4i 120.0 lb n .. 32.0 ° 125 .0 lb/rt 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIi. (Considered as an equivalent uniform soil) Equivalent unit \\eight. y """" 125.0 lb/ft 3 Equivalent internal an_gle or friction. <l>cqu" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c cq,m I 00.0 lb/ft ' Water table does not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.22 10 (ifbattcr is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. ljl = 44.10° (sec Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from cq. 16. Otherwise. cq. 17 is utilit.cd) BEARING CAPACITY Uearing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 N y= 30.21 SEISMICJTY Maximum ground acceleration cocflicicnt. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = /\111 = 0.195 Design acceleration eoenicient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kac ( Kh > 0) = 0.7897 Kac ( Kh = 0) = 0.2901 !!1 Kae = 0.4996 Seismic soil-geogrid friction coefficient, r• is 80.0% of its specified static valut: . .,,.. ,,._,. ••••I-•-,.._,~,.. .. -~ '"''1 ... 1 J\IV•l-l•"~'ile--'"'"""""'"'",.I<_,...,,,._, "'""•-.,,'~"'''"'-•'• •••• ,,,u.1-.,_...,_1,_,...,. _. ... ,o .. ••l•-.'""'""'''"-'•'4a>'• , """'•-•o•N•••-•••Jft)•••••••--.. .,...,,-.,,_ •~•• Poinsettia 61 Page 2 of 6 Copyright O l 998-20 16 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-3020 16 I IIWIJJ 'Cl 11 101 cHWNot:ene+tMM4':-:Mtdt:I 11111 IO 'ti 31 I on rtltMMt 1¥111 IIFII) '11111) tttMdlt 'tit tlOBJ :CM)l ]JIil :CcffO,tc :ann·-:tt MSEW --Mechanical I~ S1abili1ed b rth \\'alls 1'1.:,..-1)\ l>.11.: I 11111. In \i1n Ol Ill~ I ; 1 211\; INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) [) I\ T I\ Tull [lb/fl I Durability n:duction factor, Rl·cl lns1allatio11-clamagc reduction factor. Rl·id Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Co, cragc ratio. Re rriction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance fa ctor, F* Scale-effect correction factor, Ct p Ueo~rid Cico!,'!rid type # I t,pe #2 4700.0 7400.0 1.1 5 1.1 5 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tai~ 0.8S·ta11p 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 on 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z lfll 6.6 -6.6 ft 1.00 9.8 ft 1.00 9.8 13.1 ft 1.00 16.4 ft 1.00 16.4 19.7 n 1.00 26.2 32.8 -·~ .......... ,4 .................. " .. _1 ....... 1 •• .,,., .... """'\ .... -· "'l ...... _, ... ~ .... \,._,, ... , ... , Poinseuia 61 Copyrighl O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. WI I CW 1 "'' -,vettrtte::M:¥tttmMtHht-MMMr!r: I J I M 11 tffl It ft tt¥bl Poinscuia 6 1 old.:1 111,i.110:. P\•ul'-..tt1.1 l .1rl,h,1J lh:,1:.l.11 inJ ',uh1111tt.ll J).:,1:.:11 \.11 I!< -\\ ;1111 . 1011 Ill , (icol).rid Ci cop.rid C,cogricl l\ pc #3 tvpc #4 tvpc #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.1 5 I. I 5 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.1 3 1.-1 5 1.45 1.45 NII\ NIA N/A 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.85·tanp 0.85·tanp 0.85 ·tanp 0.8 0.8 0.8 K / Ka 1.0 2.0 3.0 -- Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I fl I NI I II J 3 Hll i? • I W? I l1P 1 11 ttUi:Mftdt MSEW --Me1:hanicall) Stabili/.cd Earth \\'alb Poin~.:llia 61 l'r..:,cu1IJ;11i: lun1.: 1ri,1,,1n 10,1,12u11 ,1ld..:1 11111.,ui_: I\Hnwtt1.1 l ,1rb,h.1d fk,1~11 lnJ ,uh1mtt.11 D..:,tl:11 '-o l'C. \\,1111 • IP 11 Iii·\. INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Analysis) r:ACIA l)pc: !·acing enabling fri1:tional 1:onrH.:ction of reinlo rccrnc111 (e.g .. rnodular eomTcle blod.s. gabions ) Dcpth/hcight of bloc!,. is 1.00/0.6 7 fr. I lorizont:il distance to Center of Gra, ii) of bloc!,. is 0.42 ft. A,·crnge unit \\'eight of block is Y1 = 120.00 lblft ' z / lid l o-stal ic I l'rnax Top of,,,111 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 or ro-seismic I ·1111d 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 I.I I Id 0 :: I o. __ 0.50 0.75 1.00 1 ~b 11 l I f I Gcogrid Type # I Gcogrid Type #2 Gcogrid 1 ypc 113 CJ (I I CRuit W CJ CRult CJ C Rult 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.41 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.64 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 I 0000.0 0.6..J Gcogrid Type # I JJ Geogrid Type 112 Gcogrid Type #3 CJ CRcr CJ CR er CJ CRcr 0.0 0.45 0.0 0.34 0.0 0.4 1 3 198.0 0.75 3616.0 0.61 7959.0 0.6..J 6000.0 0.75 6000.0 0.61 10000.0 0.64 111 CJ = Confining stress in between stacked blocks lib/ft 'I <21 CRult = Tc-ult (rult 1,1 CRcr = Tcre I Tuft 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 ·1 o-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type #4 Gcogrid Type #5 CJ CR ult CJ CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid ·1 ype #4 Geogrid Type #5 CJ CR er CJ CR er 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis, long term strength is reduced lo I 00% of its static value. I) A T A (for connection only) fype # I Type #2 Type #3 Type #4 Type #5 Product Name 5XT 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reduction factor, RFd 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 S 1.1 S 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc N/A NIA NIA NIA NIA ~ •'•''"" ·••'' .. .,.,.,..,,,,..,.,, ,,.....,,\-'-•t\l'-l .. ·, .. -,.,~,,., , ...,, .. a ..... , ......... _,_"'"'•--''",.. .. ,.,, .... i-, .. -••••h,•~ , ,..,,.,. ,.,-•010,,,.,. ... ,~..,.,,, .. -1 .... -. ..... _,., .,..,, ••\Ml•\•""''"',...,..,,,. • .,,,.,~., _.._,«,.., .. 1, ... ,, Poinsettia 6 I Page 4 of 6 Copyright IO I 998-20 I 6 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. License number MSEW-302016 1 M II UlhRt I lIDl I MIi :CW ltmctt¥Nl> lbllfltl 11 · I W!h I fit) )U(J' IQ'TJ tel!¥! 1 en fMIWJ Hlltl'I' I)$]) JS)( t RI SE Poinsettia 6 l MSF.\\' --Ml'chanically Stabili1.cd Earth \\'alls P,i:,..:1111>,11~ lmw lr1'-:,1111~JO~-l ~l2:0I ~ 11hk 1 I 7Ui-tlll I 11\,11h.;1t1,1 (._ ,1rl,h,1J lk,1g,n 111J ,uti111111.1l lk~11!.II ,,, IR.\\ .1111 -10 I I Ill " INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Design height. l Id I0.00 flatter. w 14.0 Bad,slopc. p 26.0 !1acl-.slopc ri~c 11 .0 1n1 ldcgl lclcgl I fti hnbeddcd depth is r: = 2.00 fl. and height above top of fini shed bottom grade i, 11 8.00 n f 13roken back equi valent angle. I = 26.00° (sec f-i g. 25 in Dl:MO 82) UN I FO RM SURC II ARG E lJni fornily distributed dead load is (l.0 I lb/fl 'I ANALYZED REfNFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 61 fll MSr.\V --Mechanic.ill) Stabili1.cd Eanh Walls Poin,cllia 61 l'1l,..:11I lbh.' r11111,.• I ri ,,1\ II~ Ill 'i 1 \.~ 2111 ~ ,1llk1 1701.rnn 1'\,m,~111.1 l atht'l.,J lk,t..:11 211~l \ulim11t.1I tk,1~n ,u I~· \\.1111 -IU 11 Bl, A NALYSIS: CALCULAT ED FACTORS (Static conditions) 11.:arin.g capacit). Fs = 15.16. Mc)Crhof stress= 1508 lb1ft'. Foundation Interface· Direct slidino Fs =? 95? l·cccntricih ell -0 03'i1 Fs-merturning = 6 90 -· -· -· ... # 2 3 4 GEOGR I D Elevation I ft! 2.00 -l.00 6.00 8.00 Length 1 ypc I Ii I 11 .00 11 .00 11 .00 11 .00 # 2 2 2 2 CONN EC I I ON 1-s-o, crall F s-o,, era 11 I connect ion lgco)!.rid strength I strength I 3.26 4.84 6.20 9.61 7.99 12.98 9.03 15.39 Gcllgrid Pullout Direct Eccentricity Product strength n:sistanc.: ~liding c/1. nami: Fs Fs Fs 4.837 11.917 2.800 -0.04 78 8XT 9.609 17.11 2 3.147 -0.0605 8X'I 12.976 15.590 3.553 -0.07(,4 8XT 15.394 11.297 3.990 -0.1029 8X'I ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) l3earin_g capacity, Fs = 11 .94. Meyerhof stress = 1763 lb/ft2. Foundation Interlace: Direct slidin11.. Fs = 1.624. Eccentricitv. e/L ~ 0.0692. Fs-overtumin2 = 3.27 GEOG RID CONNECT I ON Fs-ovcrall Fs-ovcrall # Elevation Length Type I connection [gcogrid I 2 3 4 (rt] 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 Poinsettia 61 l ftJ 11 .00 11 .00 11.00 11 .00 # 2 2 2 2 Copyright Cl 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. strength I 1.96 2.95 3.65 4.38 l ltttiUJ ::an: l&JCI lflWth 1111:r ICM t·ree+A¥Mra:) 12111 strength I 3 .32 5.46 7.13 8 .89 lw+rhe Gcogrid strength Fs 3.318 5.464 7.128 8.889 Pullout resistance Fs 5.730 6.520 5.696 4.385 Direct sliding Fs 1.650 2.039 2.625 3.501 Eccentricity e/L 0.0208 -0.0206 -0.0578 -0.0977 Product name 8X'I 8XT 8XT 8XT Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I I' 11 l I I ti 1 I tttlt I 1 » IIW!t 110 I 3 BK !) 1 ltl"I re I Wtb I -,· .... ,.,, ..... . .. MSEW --M,•chanicall~ Stabili1cd Earth Walls Poin5l'tlia 61 ,.,,..,1.:111 l),,1..: 11111,.. 1,1 '1" ui 10 << :.11111\i I J.;r 1701-0II~ P,111hl"l\1.1 ( nr"1i,1J 1>,.-...1,m 2ud ',uhm111.1\ lk \ll!ll \.o 111. \\.1111 . iJ q I I HI, AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Poinsettia 6 1 MSEW(3.0): llpdate # 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Project Number: Client: Desig ner: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 61 1704 003 Lennar llomes or California. Inc. NJ Design No. 19 Wall F -7.33' Exposed Wall with 2' t::mhedmcnt. rota! Wall I !eight = 9.33'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Desig ns, Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone #: Fax#: E-Mail: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 njansson@soilrctcntion.com Original file path and name: J:\SRDcsign\Job Foldt!r\1704-003 Poinsettia_Carlsbad\Des ..... ..... Wall F -9.33 IT.BEN Original date and time of creating this file: Fri /\.pr 11 10:44:16 2014 PROGRAM MODE: ANALYSIS of a SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOGRID as reinforcing material. ·--··"''"' .... _ ................ 1.... .. .. , ........ ,,._, .. , ...... ~""" , ... _,~..,., ... , ....... ; ..... ' ,....... .. ...... ,. ... ,,,,. I Poinsettia 61 ·~''''"' . .,,_ .. ..,.,.., ..................... ,., ........ ·'""'"'\·-·· Page I of 6 Copyright <C> 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Lic~nse number MSEW-302016 I ltWl!I I :Ot!t IS . I IIHP?l I 11111 112 .itMatti:t:t I tfttttb 1tttl'I\ 1h11 I) I I ID I It llllbtfl IZH tt lfllffll' tlS tl t IIMtt II MSEW --Nk chankall~ Stabili,i:d Eanh Walls Poinsettia 61 l'fl:,,:1111>,tk lum; ln'-m113 111~~-W2111i d,·r 1101-0II.' l',•Uhd\1.1 ( .irbh.1,l lk,1;:11 211,I \ub11Hll,tl lh.-,11;11 ,,1 l•l. \\.ill I . 9 l.l 11-111' SOIL DATA Rl]NFORCFD SOIi. Unit \1 eight. y Design value of internal angle of friction. q, Rl:TAINI-.D SOIi Unit weight. y Design ,·alue of internal angle or friction. q, 120.0 lb fl 3 32.0 ° 125.0 lb/ft 3 32.0 ° FOUNDATION SOIL (Considered as an cqui\aknt uniform soil) Eq uivaltmt unit ,~ei!.\ht, y "'"" 125.0 lb/fl 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction. q,,411" 32 .0 ° Equivalent cohesion, c cqu" I 00.0 lb/ft ' Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka (internal stability)= 0.2210 (if batter is less than 10°, Ka is calculated from cq. 15. Otherwise. eq. 38 is utilized) Inclination of internal slip plane. IV = 44.10° (see Fi)!. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.2901 (if batter is less than 10°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utili1.cd) BEARING CAPACITY Uearing capacity coc!Ticicnts (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 Ny= 30.21 SEJSMICITY Maximum gro und acceleration coeflicient. A = 0.150 Design acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh =Am = 0.195 Design acceleration coefticient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kae ( KJ1 > 0) = 0.7897 Kae ( Kh = 0) = 0.2901 6. Kac = 0.4996 Seismic soil-gcogrid friction coerlicicnt, I·* is 80.0% of its specified s1a1ic value. Poinsettia 61 Copyright ii:) 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering. Inc. Page 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 b I WIil :0:11 OWi t#NM tlrfttW#ttt)-tfNMtt I IOI he IM ll I rrts ififSI I WIil I Ill! ISl'tll eMdh!l ]St! tU:tftll fttfilll Cl I 11119)) tttf?!) MSEW --rvkchanicall~ Stabil i1cd Eanh Walls 1'1;,:,._·nl 1 ),1h: I urn.: I rt ,11 .. O l l(l ~5 Jfl 20 I"'.' INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) 0 A T i\ r ult I lb/ft I Ourabilit) n:d uction factor. Rl·d lnstallation-danrn1-?,e reduction factor. Rl·id Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overall for strength Co, erage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogrid-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor, F* Scale-effect correction factor. Cl p (icogrid Gcugrid tvpc #I t1 pc #2 4700.0 7400.0 I. I 5 1.15 1.13 1.13 1.45 1.45 Nit\ NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tarlj> 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth z K I Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 () 3.3 ft 1.00 z [ft] 6.6 ft 1.00 6.6 9.8 n 1.00 9.8 13.J ft 1.00 16.4 fl 1.00 16.4 19.7 fl 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poinseuia 6 I Copyright O I 998-20 I 6 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. i I ?Dl l1l 111 )1111) 'PtlSI) :ors I I ma• UldttJ i I I I 3 l 1 11 lb# lttltlt Poin~cllia 61 i.k 1 110 l-110 l 1',1ui-,1,.·u1.1 l ,1rhh,1J I h·,1~11 2nd ,uhu1111.1\ I J.:,1!.!n '" 111 -\\ .ill I . ,, n I I Bl , Gco!(rid (,cu grid tvpc #3 t\J)C #4 9500.0 13705.0 1.15 I. I 5 1.1 3 1.1 3 1.45 1.45 NIA Nii\ 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.8S·tan~ 0.85· tan~ 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 IW?l 11lP Geo grid t:i:pc #5 20S59.0 1.15 I. I 3 1.45 NIA 1.000 27.97 0.85·tan~ 0.8 KI Ka 3.0 Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-3020 I 6 tl Wt l I 11? It ? ....... MSEW --Ml·chanicall) Stabili11:d 1-arth Walls Puinsl!ttia 61 l'r..:~.:111 l),11<.: 111111: I ri ,m ll_l Ill 55 to 21117 J~1 1 ·111.ool 1•,,11,wtu,1 <.. :uhh,h.l n~·,1gn 2nd ',uhmm.111 )~',1!.!0 ,,\ 19 -\\ .Ill I -9 ~; I I Iii , INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised D emo 82) (Analysis) FACIA l) pc: Facing enabling frictional connection of reinforcement (e.g .. modular concrete blocks. gabion,) Depth/height ol' block is 1.00/0.6 7 n. I lori1:ontal distarm: to Center of' Grn,·ity of block is 0.42 1i. Average unit weight of block is Yr = 120.00 lbift ' l. I I Id 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 Gcogrid T) pe HI (j ( I) CRult 121 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Gcogrid Type 11 1 JJ cr CR er 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Io-static I Tmax or r o-seism ic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid rype 112 (j CRult 0.0 0.34 36 16.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Gcogrid fype #2 cr CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type 113 (j CRult 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Geogrid Type 113 cr CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 111 cr = Confining stress in between stacked. blocks !lb/fl 2 1 (ZJ CR.ult = Tc-ult I Tull 11i CR.er = Tcrc I Tult 7. / I Id 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 -l-~~~ l J l l l t I 1.00 0.90 0.80 0. 70 0.60 0.50 ·1 o-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Geogrid Type #4 Geogrid Type #5 (j CR ult cr CR ult 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 Geogrid Type 114 Geogrid Type 115 cr CR er cr CRcr 0.0 0.32 0.0 0.21 8744.0 0.60 10282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.60 12000.0 0.57 In seis mic analysis, long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. I) A T A (for connection only) Type ff I Type 112 Type 113 Type 114 Type #5 Product Name sx-r 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT Connection strength reducti on factor, RFd 1.15 1.15 1.1 5 1.15 1.15 Creep reduction factor. RFc NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA ,, . .,;,-. ....... ,.. ...... ,., .. ..,..,..,,..,.,.,,r,~• ..... , ,,,.,. -u-•••-'·•~»-., ..... , .,.,.-,,,1.-,.,,.,,. .... _ ..... ,,. .. _,,,,,,.,,.,,_,.,,..,, ....,.,.,,... .. ,.,_, ...... ,.,_,,~_.,., Poinsettia 61 Copyright © 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. ·-IDWII • I M n I I st I unn I I t lttf J \+Hz «teHM! bet:Pt I WI! HWJ Ill Page 4 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 121111 I &'I IOJW' HHf'!l Hr tc:n tbO#ldlP!I I ltltt II MS1-;;w --Mcchanicall) Stabili1.cd h trl h Walls l'oin~c:ttia 6 1 P,~,..:1111>.111 lmll.'. 1u,,n1+.10<<.0~111~ J,·1 I it11.001 1',•uh~·111.1 t. arl,t,.1\1 I h·,1:.!n 1nJ ,uhm1t1Jl 1> .. w.!11 '" Pl \\ JII I 1> l.\ I I Bl , INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Dc:,ign hc:ig.ht. I Id 9.33 l ftl ( r:mbcddcd tkpth i~ r: 2.00 ft. and height abo, c top or linishL·d Baller. w Bacl.\lopc. P Bad.slope ri,c: 1-l.O 26.0 22.0 JdcgJ Jdcg.J I ftJ UN ll·ORM SlJ RC II /\RGE llniforml~ distributed dead load is 0.0 J lblft 2 J bottom grade i~ 11 7.33 n } llrol.cn bm:I. c:quiq1fc:11t angle. I 2(1.00~ (,cc f ig. 25 in DEMO 82) ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6[ftJ I-: ~ :;_;::') Poin,cuia 61 Page 5 or 6 Copyright O 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. License number MSEW-302016 p I t?l!b t:Wt -llttttt teWz I Mtt 'Ott CM I,., •• etc I wt M t I Wt! I It t teen: ltl!F MHhll I Wt JCJC:11 INN ti I no ------------------- 1\1'-ir W --l\kchanicall) Stabili,cd l·art h Walls Poin~cttia 61 l'r,..,1.11: l>.u,: 11111,; I,,,,,\ 11• 111 <.; •11 ?111 · 1k1 I iu 1-o()l. f',,,11,,.·11t.1 t. ,1rl,k1,l l~,t;.:11 ~nJ ,,1hlmt1Jl ll..:,1..:.n ,11 Pl \\.&III -•1 l I I 1 Bl \. ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) Bearing capacit,. Fs = 15.2 1. Mc) crhof str.:~s = 1391 lh1fl'. I ounuation lntcrfocc: Direct ~lidin!!. Fs = 2.9 11. faccntricit,. c/1. = -0.0336. h-mcrturnin!! ~ 6.7 1 Direct c; , .. o G R I D I c o N N 1: c r r o 1 I l·s-o, era II Fs-o, ..:rnll I ( icoµri d Pullout # Flc,ation I cngth l)pc lconm:ction jµcoµrid strength resistance sliding 2 3 4 I n1 I n1 11 strength I ,trcngthl l·s Fs r:\ 2.00 ,J.OO 6.00 7.33 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2 2 2 2 3.48 6.80 10.59 I 1.14 5.2.J 10.70 I 7.48 19.00 5.239 10.697 17.4 75 18.999 ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) 10.604 15.043 15.664 I I. 76.J 2.790 3.173 3.626 3.948 f-cccntricit) CL -0.04 74 -0.0614 -0.0798 -0.0993 I Product na1m: 8X I 8XT 8XT 8Xl IJcarinp. capacit). Fs = I 1.54. MC)'crhof stre~s = 1663 lh'IF. Foundation Interface: Direct sliding, Fs = 1.589. Ecccntricitv. c/L = 0.0762. Fs-ovcrturnin11. = 3.14 GL'O GR ID C ONNECTION l·s-ovcrnll Fs-ovcrn ll I Gcogrid Pullout # Elevation Length 1 )PC I connection fp,cogrid strength resistance fl'tl I ftl II strength I strength I Fs Fs I 2.00 10.00 2 2.13 3.64 3.639 5.180 2 4.00 10.00 2 3.30 6.18 6.179 5.841 3 6.00 10.00 2 4.53 9.09 9.090 5.361 4 7.33 10.00 2 5.14 10.52 10.519 4.339 Poinsettia 61 Copyright <i;, 1998-2016 ADAM/\ Engineering, Inc. I 111 l!l 11 M ti 181181 t Mlltlbftf: M:NNI illff? tlPMt rtttWttl t 1810 tttt+ If fl I 1111 l l'Mttc I '.?l --------------------------------- Direct sliding l's 1.640 2.07 1 2.75 1 3.401 Eccentricity I Product c/L name t 0.0222 8XI' -0.0233 8X r -0.0640 8XT -0.0932 8XT Page 6 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 I W Ct 11 2 I Mttel+rz .. ,,._ .. , " _, . .. ... ., ..... . .. . . . .... ·-.. .. .. l\1SEW --Mechanicall~ Stabili1.ed Earth Walls P1..:".:111l>,,1.:l nno.· l n ,m 01 I0 ).,11~1111- AASHTO 2002 ASD DESIGN METHOD Po insettia 6 1 MSEW(3.0): Update II 14.96 PROJECT IDENTIFICATION Title: Prnjce1 Number: Client: Designer: Station Number: Description: Poinsettia 6 1 1704 003 Lennar I lomes of California. In c. NJ Design No. 20 Wall F -8' Exposed Wall with 2' Embcdmcnl. Total Wall l lcight = IO'. Company's information: Name: Soil Retention Designs. Inc. Street: 250 I State Street Carlsbad. CA Telephone #: Fax II: 92008 (760) 966-6090 (760) 966-6099 E-Mail: nj anssonla]soi I retention .com Original file path and name: J:\SRDcsign\Job Folclcr\1704-003 Poinsctlia Carlsbad\Dcs ..... ..... -Wall F -IO fT.01:N - Original d ate and time of creating this file: f'ri /\pr 11 I 0:44: l 62014 PROGRAM MODE: /\N/\L YSIS ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE using GEOG RID as reinforcing material. •-.--· "~"··-···•J>l-.0\ ..... ,~ ... .._ ... -·· ... ., •• _ ..... ~ ........... ,.~---,.~ .. -....... ,..,..~ ............... , ...................... , , .... -··""'''·''''"'~'h1••••••·, .. ~,··-'"'"" .... _.,...._ ..... . Poin~et1ia 61 - I Poinsettia 61 Copyright Cl 1998-2016 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. Page I of 6 License number MSEW-302016 Poinsellia 61 MSEW --Mcchanicc1ll) Stabili1cd Earth Walls 1•11;,1.:111 1>,u1.: I 1111\.· In ,n\ II~ Ill ~7 lP .?1117 ,1k.kr 1701-tl(ll r,,11M·t11.1 ( ,1rl,h,11l lk,1:.m .. h1~1,ut-.m111,1! fh:,1~11 ,~, 20 · \\itll I · 111 I I Bl \a SOIL DATA RLINl'ORCl~I> SOIi. lJnit \\dght. y Design value of internal angle of friction. $ IU·."f AINED SOIi Unit v\cight. y Des ign ,alue of internal angle of fri ction. 4i 120.0 lb fl J 32.0 ° 125.0 lh/ft ' 32.0 ° FOUND/\ rlON SOIL (Considered as an equi\·alcnt uniform soil) Equi,,alent unit ,,eiAht. y """" 125.0 lh/ft 3 Equivalent internal angle of friction, $,4"" 32.0 ° Equivalent cohesion. c ,4"" I 00.0 lh/ft 2 Water table docs not affect bearing capacity LATERAL EARTH PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS Ka ( internal ~tabi I ity) = 0.22 IO (if batter is less than I 0°, Ka is calculated from eq. I 5. Otherwis.:, eq. 3 8 is ut i I ized) Inclination of internal slip plane. 1v = 44.10° (see Fig. 28 in DEMO 82). Ka (external stability)= 0.290 I (if batter is less than I 0°. Ka is calculated from eq. 16. Otherwise. eq. 17 is utilized) BEARTNG CAPACITY 13earing capacity coefficients (calculated by MSEW): Ne = 35.49 N y= 30.2 1 SEISMICITY Maximum ground acceleration coefticicnt, A = 0.150 LJesign acceleration coefficient in Internal Stability: Kh = /\111 = 0.195 Design acceleration coefficient in External Stability: Kh_d = 0.195 => Kh =Am = 0.195 Kac ( Kh > 0 ) = 0.7897 Kae ( Kh = 0 ) = 0.290 I t.. Kae = 0.4996 Seismic s9il-geogrid friction coefficient, F* is 80.0% of its specified static value. Poinsettia 6 I Copyright O I 998-20 I 6 A DAMA Engineering. Inc. ISM )) ll rnwr» I Met I Ill' I hare bdNtl I 11 It I 11111 I I :rt!t-«H+ rte+ -tttrtR l lftll JI tetfJ l ¥Pl I 'O t --------------- Pag~ 2 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 ttlttl C "I SIi I Wlbttttt MS!:\\' --Mechanical!) Stabili,c<l bnh Walls 1'1,,: .. .:nt l),1k I un'-: I t1 'o" OJ 10 ,.., u., 21117 INPUT DATA: Geogrids (Analysis) [) I\ TA I ult ! lb/fl I Durabilit) reduction factor. RFd lnstalla1ion-clamagc reduction factor. RFid Creep reduction factor. RFc Fs-overnll for strength Coverage ratio. Re Friction angle along gcogricl-soil interface. Pullout resistance factor. F* Scak-cffect correction factor. a. p Geo grid Geog rid t\pc # I t\ p.: 112 4700.0 7400.0 J.15 1.15 1.1 3 1.13 1.45 1.45 NIA NIA 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 0.85·tai~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8 0.8 Variation of Lateral Earth Pressure Coefficient With Depth i'. KI Ka 0.0 0 ft 1.00 0 3.3 ft 1.00 z [ftl 6.6 n 1.00 6.6 9.8 n 1.00 9.8 13. I ft 1.00 16.4 n 1.00 16.4 19.7 ft 1.00 26.2 32.8 Poin,;cttia 61 1111,kr \ 70!-II01 l\1m,\·111.1 l arl,h,Ht lk,1~11.lnJ \uhm11111\ l)n1~•11 '\.11 :?O -\\ ,tit I 10 I I l\1 , (icogrid Gcogrid Gcogrid tvpc #3 I\ pc 11-1 lYQC #5 9500.0 13705.0 20559.0 1.1 5 1.15 1.1 5 1.13 1.1 3 1.13 1.-15 1.45 1.45 NII\ NII\ NIA 1.000 1.000 1.000 27.97 27.97 27.97 0.8S·tan~ 0.85·tan~ 0.8S·tan~ 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 2.0 KI Ka 3.0 _._,,,ht .,,.,.,.,,v,. •••· ........ -•· ,.,...,1_,.,..,._.~ ·-··'" .,,,,.._,._,., .. --... ., ... --· """''-'~"'"' ,_, ... .,,,,. ,.,.-~•·""'._., ...... ,e,;M" ,._,.,,,.,.,.,..,._, .. \l\l.,,..-,.,. .. u""'w1_,~ ...... ,,.,..,,..._,,., ... _,.,~,•· ...... ,.,,.,,.. -•'"""" ·--·• Poinsettia 6 1 Copyright ~ 1998·2016 A DAMA Engineering, Inc. ! I 8 llf !l It l If IICJ Hns!fft'tfl 1 1 !I t ltttat bttt 1 I II I II ti M It I I 11 Page 3 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 71 I bl ! I I M It b :0 tt I I IA ! I 11 lfbll tllt:C t W If MB! I bl MSEW --J'vk chanicall) Stabili1cd Lanh Walls />1 .. ·,i.-111 ll,11...: t mu: I r1 ,11\ il\ 10 ~, ti'\ 1111 i Poin'Sl'llia 61 11ll1 .. ·r 11111-Uu_i l\1m,..:111.1 l ,1rhh,1~11>~·,1~n 2nd \uh11111t,1l lk,1~n '\n :!n · \\11\1 I -to I I Bl'\ INPUT DATA: Facia and Connection (according to revised Demo 82) (Ana lysis) !·/\CIA l)pc: Facin!!-cnablin!!-frictional connection ofrcinforcc111cnt (e.g .. 111oclularconcrch.: blocks. gabions) Depth/height or bloc1' is 1.00'0.67 n. 11<,rizontal distance to Center of Gravity of block is 0.42 ft. Average unit weight nf bloc1' is y, = 120.00 lb/ft ' 7. / I Id 0.00 0.25 0.5 0 0.75 1.00 Geogricl l'ypc 111 (J ( I) CRult 121 0.0 0.45 3198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 Geogrid Type # I 31 (J CRcr 0.0 0.45 3 198.0 0.75 6000.0 0.75 To-static I rmax or To-sl!ismic I Tmd 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Geogrid Type #2 CJ CRult 0.0 0.34 36 16.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geogrid Type #2 CJ CR er 0.0 0.34 3616.0 0.61 6000.0 0.61 Geog rid I ype #3 CJ CR ult 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 Gcogrid Type #3 CJ CRcr 0.0 0.41 7959.0 0.64 10000.0 0.64 <1l cr = Confining stress in between stacked blocks [lb/fl 'I 121 CRult = Tc-ult I Tult (!l CRcr = Tcrc I Tult I.I lid 0001 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 H J I i-U-l l I 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 To-static I Tmax or To-seismic I Tmd Gcogrid Type 114 CJ CR uh 0.0 0 .32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Ueogrid Type #4 CJ CR er 0.0 0.32 8744.0 0.60 12000.0 0.60 Geogrid Type #5 (J CRult 0.0 0.2 1 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 Gcogrid Type #5 cr CR er 0.0 0.2 1 I 0282.0 0.57 12000.0 0.57 In seismic analysis. long term strength is reduced to I 00% of its static value. I) A T A (for connection only) l'ype # I Product Name 5X'I Connection strength reduction !'actor. RFd I. I 5 Creep reduction factor, RFc N/A ,...4 .. , .. _.~........ . ""''" -··~····-·~ ... ,,. ........ '"'" Poinsetcia 61 Copyright© 1998-2016 ADAMA Engineering. Inc. I 'ON!l JCJRR 1%>1 I :CU I 'F lh rt+t:MM::il:• I ·utJl W!I 11Mb) -------- Type #2 rype #3 Type #4 Type #5 8XT IOXT 20XT 22XT 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.15 N/A NIA N/A N/A 4' .,,,. 6-•l',\ol"''" •-••<f\ll,I .. •-• q">''" ··-··-· ,_._ ........... •-• ''" ..... Y-h-~,., .. .,I~-", ........... ''·; It 1 lf ! I tit l t 111 I 18 l I 1121 I RE I It Page 4 of 6 License number MSEW-302016 m: t mt r 1111 oe MSI. \\' --Mcchanicall~ Stahiti,cd l·arth Watt~ f•r~·~111 l>.11~ I 111.,: I ri ,,,\ o~ Ill ,.., u~ 1111 • INPUT DATA: Geometry and Surcharge loads (ofa SIMPLE STRUCTURE) Dc,ign height. I Id 10.00 1-1.0 26.0 lftl I deg.I I deg.I f f-mbeddcd tk pth i, F -2.00 Ii. and hcight abovc lop or linishcd bollom grade i, 11 8.00 ft : Poin,cuia 61 Batter. w llad,~lopl'. f3 Bad.slope ri,c 23.0 I ft I llrol..cn bact.. cquiH1lcnt angle. I 26.00° (,cc lig. 15 in Dl·t\10 82) U N l F O R M S lJ R C 11 A R G 1- lJ n i form I) distributed dead load is 0.0 I lb/ft 'I ANALYZED REINFORCEMENT LAYOUT: SCALE: 0 2 4 6 [f'tl ~ ~;-., Poinsenia 61 Copyright O 1998-2016 ADAM A Engineering, Inc. > IOWl:fflt +d:Wfb tot liert&M:tt trtf lb t I H I\ I JI I I tin:M#:bMWtt I II l I I ttt tt Page 5 of 6 License number MSE\,-302016 lbllfeMz:ttQ?I t>et lltt llfl?t 21 It P,1in~o:llia 61 ukl .. :r 1701.1101 1~~111bclll,1 l ,trhh,hl I )1,.·,1l,:11 lml ,uh1111ltul 1)1,.,1~:11 '-11 :!ti·\\ .1111 · Ill l 1 Bl , MSEW --Mcchani,all ) Stabili/.cd b irth Walls 1'11.'".:111 1),,1<.: I um; In'"' fl., 10 "7 (It 201- AN ALYSIS: CA LCULATED FACTORS (Static conditions) nearing capacit). Fs = 15.16. Mo:)crl10 i'strc~s = 1508 lblft'. Foumhtion lntcrf-icc· Direct ~lidino Fs 'l 9~') Fcco:ntricit, ell -0 03S3 h-o, crturnino = 6 9U ' ' -· -· ·--· - # I 2 3 4 G EO GR I D l]cvat ion I rq 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 Length lypc 1rq 11.00 11 .00 11 .00 11 .00 # 2 2 2 2 co N 1-.:C I IO N Fs-o, era II lconncction strength I 3.26 6.20 7.99 9.03 rs-ovcrall Gcop.rid Pullout Ip.cop.rid strength n:siswnc.: stn.:ngthl Fs Fs 4.84 4.837 I 1.9 17 9.61 9.609 17.11 2 12.98 12.976 15.590 I 5.39 15.394 11.297 Diro:ct Eccentricity Product sliding c/L na,nc Fs 2.800 -0.0478 8XT 3.147 -0.0605 8XT 3.553 -0.0764 8XT 3.990 -0.1029 8XT ANALYSIS: CALCULATED FACTORS (Seismic conditions) 13caring capacity. Fs = 11.94. Meyerhof stress = 1763 Iblft2. foundation Interface: Direct sliding. Fs = 1.624. Eccentricity. c/L = 0.0692. Fs-overturning = 3.27 # I 2 3 4 GEOG R I D CONNECT ION I Fs-ovcrall Fs-ovcrnll Geogrid Elevation Lcngth Type [ftJ [ft l # 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 11.00 11 .00 11.00 11 .00 2 2 2 2 [connection fgcogrid I strength strength] strength J Fs 1.96 2.95 3.65 4.38 3.32 5.46 7.13 8.89 3.318 5.464 7.128 8.889 Pullout resistance Fs 5.730 6.520 5.696 4.385 l)in:ct sliding Fs 1.650 2.039 2.625 3.501 Ecccntricity ell. 0.0208 -0.0206 -0.0578 -0.0977 I Product I name 8XT 8XT 8XT 8XT ·•-'•'''''" .. _ ,,_.,,. .. ,.,." .. ,. -•'•""""''"'"'"' ..... ,,. . ..-,.,\h"'·--• \fl,.o"Ol\,.,_1•,IJHt••-I )l•.'1104""'' ~ ... , ...... ,~•·4-•I ,_,..,,.,..-,,1-,••••'"''""'"\,.-o ........ ,._~~-,...,,._.,.,,.,, • .,..,-., .. .._. ·~,., ...... ""''"• ...... •'"""'"'•••••• Poinsettia 61 Page 6 of 6 Copyright C 1998-2016 ADA MA Engineering. Inc. I I I t Ff2 J HMM t IC'Dtl 1 MW 10l Ml I DI 1 ti 111 I 1 1 rtW:9:t+ I ti I? l I 1 1 I I" I ¥21! tftWltew*H#iH I WH 181213 I ti License number MSEW-3020t6 HeaM::flr