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BB&02 PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Preliminary Drainage Report (CT 15-05/ PUD 15-13) QUARRY CREEK PLANNING AREA R-3 City of Carlsbad, CA County of San Diego •... PREPARED FOR: PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE QC, LLC 4365 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PREPARED BY: era SB&O, INC. 3990 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (858) 560-1141 SB&O JOB NO. 71470.60 eoc'E S S joy o l‘ Allen L. Butc er, PE 47107 ExP'/31/2015 w No.47107 Exp.12731- 15 •tIgi C r.P..•••.rntRECL" 7 - - July 15, 2015 JUL 2 Corporate Office:3990 Ruffin Road,Suite 120 •San Diego,California 92123 •PhonePLLAIY8N58°N.51F6NOGG.':16411\1FaSxi8U51.560.8157 41689 Enterprse Circle North, Suite 126 •Temecula,CA 92590 •Phone 951.695.8900 Fax 951.695.8901 BB&IDi PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING TABLE OF CONTENTS Vicinity Map 1.Scope of Report 1 2.Off-site Public Storm Drain System 1 3.Project Description 1 4.Pre-Development Conditions 2 5.Post-Development Conditions 2 6.Hydrology 2 6.1 Design Criteria 2 6.2 Soils 3 Aye 6.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors)3 6.4 CivilDesign Hydrology Software 3 6.5 Results 3 7.Detention 3 8.Hydromodification 4 9.Conclusion 4 Drainage Maps (Existing, Proposed, and DMA)Map Pockets EXHIBITS A.CivilD Analyses (Existing Conditions from Project Design Consultants master report) B.CivilD Analyses (Proposed Conditions) APPENDIX San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual References D:\71472 Quarry Creek \Rgportalydrology\20150715, R3, Drainage Report docx SB(SLOti PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING (41 ITZ) (%,/ MIRA EL CAMINO v COSTA COLLEGE COUNTRY CLUB if • Ari .4.A 78 •ZiaiRfaimong.. -Th‘sing- HAMAR DR tick RD. 41.41?RON RCA .0mAitSBAO *S.‘, $7,c wamne MAP NOT TO SCALE THOMAS MOTHERS pc.1107,GRID A-2 2006 EDMON D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reportalydrology\20150715, R3, Drainage Report &ex SB&ID PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 1.Scope of Report A master or regional report, "Drainage Report Quarry Creek," dated March 23, 2015, was prepared for the Quarry Creek development by Project Design Consultants Inc. (PDC). The PDC master report summarizes the pre-and post-construction hydrology for the entire project, including bioretention/detention basin 3-3, the basin Planning Area R-3 discharges to. The PDC master report details the design and modeling of the detention basin 3-3. This report is limited to documenting the following at the Planning Area R-3 (R-3) site: A)Site hydrology and site design B)Tributary area and impervious area, including comparisons to those used in the PDC report C)Compliance and consistency with the assumptions and design parameters used in the PDC report Initial sizing of post-construction treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs), and analyses of initial site hydromodification are detailed in the regional Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) "Quarry Creek," prepared by Project Design Consultants, dated March 19, 2015.A specific SWMP was prepared by SB&O Inc., dated March 15, 2015, for the R-3 area. The SB&O SWMP verifies that the individual site specific plan for R-3 is consistent with the design parameters and assumptions made in the regional SWMP for Quarry Creek. 2.Off-site Public Storm Drain System An analysis of the off-site public storm drain system capacity was performed in report titled "Drainage Report Quarry Creek", prepared by PDC, dated March 23, 2015.The report documents that the off-site storm drain system, located downstream of the R-3 point of discharge, was designed for flows of equal drainage areas and equal development intensities. The off-site report found that the existing storm drain system has adequate capacity for the post- development runoff Please refer to the PDC drainage report for all off-site public storm drain. 3.Project Description The Quarry Creek development is located in the City of Carlsbad (City), but is bordered to the east by the City of Oceanside. The project is situated west of College Boulevard,east of Interstate 5 and south of Haymar Drive. The property is divided north and south by the Buena Vista Creek which runs east to west across the middle of the site. The site is 155.36 acres in gross project size with the addition of some off-site grading and improvements. The first phase of Quarry Creek prepared the previous redevelopment project into large sheet graded pads, and provided construction of public roads, public utilities, and the Low Impact Development facilities required for both current and future phases of the project D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports liydrology\20150715 R3, Drainage Report docx 1 BB&C3i PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Specifically, the R-3 area is located in the southeastern portion of the site. R-3 is bound by the Buena Vista Creek to the north, El Salto Falls Street to the west and Marron Road to the south. R-3 is approximately 6.60 acres with a net developable area of approximately 5.15 acres. This yields a net project density of 17.09 dwelling units per acre (DU/AC), which corresponds to High Density Residential (HDR) per Table 3-1 "Runoff coefficients for Urban Areas"of the San Diego County Hydrology Manual. 4.Pre-Development Conditions Currently, R-3 is a large sheet graded pad approximately 6.60 acres in area. The pad was graded at 1% in the northwest direction towards a temporary de-siltation basin and temporary storm drain outlet. This temporary storm drain is connected to an existing type B-5 storm drain cleanout. The existing cleanout is located near the northeast intersection of Adobe Springs Road and El Salto Falls Street. The existing cleanout is connected to a 30" RCP storm drain that outlets to a bioretention/hydromodification basin located northwest of the intersection of Adobe Springs Road and El Salto Falls Street. This storm drain is named Line 400 in the PDC drainage report. The pre-developed site is the proposed site from the PDC report. 5.Post-Development Conditions The R-3 area will be a multi-family residential development.A total of 88 units will be constructed, consisting of various attached product types (4-plex,5-plex, and 6-plex row home style buildings). Along with the construction of the multi-family style buildings, private driveways, walkways, and a public "scenic river walk" trail will be constructed. These features are integral to the functionality ofthe site. The impervious portion of the site was calculated at ..t.54%. This percentage is significantly lower than the percentage assumed in the regional SWMP. Drainage will still flow towards the northeast portion of the site. Flow will be conveyed via storm drain lines and gutters.All runoff is collected and discharged to the existing Type B-5 cleanout and 30" RCP storm drain. This line is named "SD line 4" in the PDC drainage report and on DWG 470-5A. The project will route runoff to the bioretention/hydromodification basin located northwest of the intersection of Adobe Springs Road and El Salto Falls Street as shown in the PDC drainage report. 6.Hydrology 6.1 Design Criteria The private drainage system will be designed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's "Engineering Standards", Chapter 5.Storm drain pipes will be designed to convey 100-year storm event runoff under open channel flow conditions, and flow depth in the street gutters shall not exceed the top of curb.The San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual was utilized to calculate peak flow rates for the 100 year storm events.(See Appendix for Reference Materials, Charts &Tables). D:\71472 Quarry Creek \Reports\llydrology \20150715 R3 Drainage Report docx 2 SB&O`i PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Ahm 6.2 Soils The assumption from the PDC report that all soils are Hydrologic Soils Group D was held in the modeling and calculations for this report. 6.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors) With a proposed density of 17.09 DU/AC and approximate 59% imperviousness,a high-density multi-family residential drainage co-efficient of 0.71 has been selected. 6.4 CivilDesign Hydrology Software CivilDesign Engineering Software © was used to compile the rational method calculations analyses. The program uses a node-to-node analysis to determine time of concentration, rainfall intensities, runoff, and open-channel pipe sizes, based upon parameters in the County Hydrology Manual.Rainfall intensities were calculated using the rainfall data form the County 6-Hour and 24-Hour Isopluvial Maps as follows (these are the same values used in the PDC report): Storm 6-Hour 24-Hour Ratio Adjusted - IEventRainfallRainfallP6/P24 P6 (in)(in)(in) 100-Year 2.90 5.10 57%2.90 See Appendix for Rainfall Maps and Figure 3-1 to determine adjusted 6-hour rainfall. 6.5 Results Exhibits A and B contain rational method peak flow calculations for the discharge location, the Type B-5 cleanout at the top of Line 4 per the PDC drainage report, and DWG 470-5A. The following tables compare the existing and post-development runoff at the common discharge location. SITE DISCHARGE / LOCATION #1 (TRIBUTARY TO LINE 4) Storm Frequency C-Factor A (acres)Q (cfs)Tc (min)NODE 100 (PDC report)0.743 6.71 25.73 9.18 432 100 (proposed)0.71 6.60 25.34 8.09 17 7.Detention The results of the previous section indicate that the tributary area and impervious area for R-3 is consistent with the PDC drainage report.A comparison of the hydrology calculations indicates that the response time (time of concentration) for the proposed R-3 site is slightly shorter than that shown in the PDC study. The Quarry Creek development includes the construction of bioretention basin 3-3, which is a combination basin, providing water quality treatment, hydromodification management controls, and attenuation for larger storm events.The basin will be constructed downstream ofthe R-3 site and will provide all three benefits for the project. D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports\Hydrology \ 20150715, R3, Drainage Report docx 3 BB&C3i PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING The PDC drainage report includes detention basin analyses for basin 3-3, which includes runoff from the R-3 site.Peak flow rates were calculated using the County of San Diego Hydrology Manual.Peak flow rates are based upon the 6-hour rainfall total for the project location and the time of concentration at the design location. Hydrographs were generated using the County Rational Method Hydrograph procedure, which provide runoff values at multiples of the time of concentration during the 6-hour storm event. Regardless of the peak flow rate (or time of concentration), the total runoff volume cannot exceed the 6-hour rainfall total.Therefore, while changes in time of concentration affect the shape of the hydrograph,it cannot increase the runoff volume.Since the detention basin routing is most sensitive to total runoff volume, small changes in the estimated time of concentration do not materially change the basin discharge rates. Since the R-3 site has slightly less impervious area and slightly larger peak flow rate than planned, the discharge rates from basin 3-3 will be consistent with the original design. No further detention analyses are necessary for the R-3 site. 8.Hydromodification The design parameters for bioretention basin 3-3 were included in the SWMP prepared by PDC. The basin provides treatment and hydromodification management controls for runoff from the R-3 site.The detailed design included continuous simulation modeling (SDHM), rather than the BMP sizing tables. Since the R-3 total and impervious area is consistent with the original assumptions, discharge from basin 3-3 will be consistent with the original HMP modeling. No further hydromodification analyses are necessary for the R-3 site. 9.Conclusion The proposed R-3 site parameters are consistent with the original design assumptions made in the PDC studies.The site will rely on the construction of bioretention basin 3-3, located downstream of the site, to provide treatment, hydromodification controls and detention of runoff. D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports\Hydrology \ 20150715 R3, Drainage Report docx 4 BB&D • PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Exhibit A:Node-to-Node CivilD Analyses Existing Conditions —100-Year LINE 4 *10 D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports\Hydrology 120150715 R3 Drainage Report docx S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 319/2015 10:37:43AM AM No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =11.615(CFS)Highest elevation =330.000(Ft.) Nearest computed pipe diameter =15.00(In.)Lowest elevation =329.300(Ft.) Calculated individual pipe flow =11.615(CFS)Elevation difference =0.700(Ft.)Slope =1.000 % Normal flow depth in pipe =8.04(In.)INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: Flow top width inside pipe =14.96(In.)The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft)Critical depth could not be calculated.for the top area slope value of 1.00 %,in a development type of Pipe flow velocity =17.36(Ft/s)7.3 DU/A or Less Travel time through pipe =0.18 min.In Accordance With Table 3-2 Time of concentration (TC)=11.89 min.Initial Area Time of Concentration =8.40 minutes(for slope value of 1.00 %) Rainfall intensity (I)=5.468(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 Process from Point/Station 402.000 to Point/Station 403.000 Subarea runoff =0.343(CFS)****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION ****Total initial stream area =0.110(Ac.) Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Process from Point/Station 405.000 to Point/Station 405.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 ****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space )Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Time of concentration =11.89 min.Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Rainfall intensity =4.370(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (7.3 DU/A or Less (Q=KCIA)is C =0.506 CA =2.804 Impervious value,Ai =0.400 Subarea runoff =0.637(CFS)for 0.490(Ac.)Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Total runoff =12.252(CFS)Total area =5.540(Ac.)Time of concentration =8.40 min.Rainfall intensity =5.468(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoff coefficient used for total area ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++(Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =0.393 Process from Point/Station 402.000 to Point/Station 403.000 Subarea runoff =1.808(CFS)for 0.580(Ac.) ****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ****Total runoff =2.150(CFS)Total area =0.690(Ac.) The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stream flow area =5.540(Ac.)Process from Point/Station 405.000 to Point/Station 406.000 Runoff from this stream =12.252(CFS)****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Time of concentration =11.89 min.Rainfall intensity =4.370(In/Hr)Upstream point/station elevation =329.300(Ft.) Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 Downstream point/station elevation =322.300(Ft.) Pipe length =400.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =2.150(CFS) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Nearest computed pipe diameter =9.00(In.) Process from Point/Station 404.000 to Point/Station 405.000 Calculated individual pipe flow =2.150(CFS) ****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION ****Normal flow depth in pipe =7.24(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =7.14(In.) Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Critical Depth =7.92(In.) Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Pipe flow velocity =5.65(Ft/s) Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Travel time through pipe =1.18 min. Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Time of concentration (TC)=9.58 min. [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (7.3 DU/A or Less Impervious value,Ai =0.400 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Process from Point/Station 405.000 to Point/Station 406.000Initialsubareatotalflowdistance=70.000(Ft.)****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** P:12468.201EngrlReportsIDRAIVEIHYDRO Page 3 of 28 P:12468.201EngrReportslDRAIN-FEHYDRO Page 4 of 28 4 a S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43AM AM Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street =5.650(CFS) Along Main Stream number:2 in normal stream number 1 Depth of flow =0.400(Ft.),Average velocity =2.360(Ft/s) Stream flow area =0.690(Ac.)Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Runoff from this stream =2.150(CFS)Halfstreet flow width =15.240(Ft.) Time of concentration =9.58 min.Flow velocity =2.36(Ft/s) Rainfall intensity =5.023(In/Hr)Travel time =2.79 min.TC =11.19 min. Adding area flow to street Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Process from Point/Station 407.000 to Point/Station 408.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION ****Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 (7.3 DU/A or Less Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Impervious value,Ai =0.400 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Rainfall intensity =4.545(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (7.3 DU/A or Less (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =2.326 Impervious value,Ai =0.400 Subarea runoff =9.915(CFS)for 3.870(Ac.) Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Total runoff =10.569(CFS)Total area =4.080(Ac.)Initial subarea total flow distance =100.000(Ft.)Street flow at end of street =10.569(CFS) Highest elevation =325.000(Ft.)Half street flow at end of street =10.569(CFS) Lowest elevation =324.000(Ft.)Depth of flow =0.484(Ft.),Average velocity =2.747(Ft/s) Elevation difference =1.000(Ft.)Slope =1.000 %Flow width (from curb towards crown).19.431(Ft.) INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 1.00 %,in a development type of ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 7.3 DU/A or Less Process from Point/Station 409.000 to Point/Station 406.000 In Accordance With Table 3-2 ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Initial Area Time of Concentration =8.40 minutes(for slope value of 1.00 %)Upstream point/station elevation =320.200(Ft.) Rainfall intensity (I)=5.468(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Downstream point/station elevation =317.300(Ft.) Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 Pipe length =290.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Subarea runoff =0.654(CFS)No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =10.569(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.210(Ac.)Nearest computed pipe diameter =21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =10.569(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =12.54(In.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Flow top width inside pipe =20.60(In.) Process from Point/Station 408.000 to Point/Station 409.000 Critical Depth =14.54(In.) ****STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME +SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION ****Pipe flow velocity =7.05(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.69 min. Top of street segment elevation =324.000(Ft.)Time of concentration (TC)=11.87 min. End of street segment elevation =320.200(Ft.) Length of street segment =395.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline =6.0(In.)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Width of half street (curb to crown)=22.000(Ft.)Process from Point/Station 409.000 to Point/Station 406.000 Distance from crown to crossfall grade break =18.000(Ft.)****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz)=0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz)=0.020 Along Main Stream number:2 in normal stream number 2 Street flow is on [1]side(s)of the street Stream flow area =4.080(Ac.) Distance from curb to property line =10.000(Ft.)Runoff from this stream =10.569(CFS) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz)=0.020 Time of concentration =11.87 min. Gutter width =1.500(Ft.)Rainfall intensity =4.374(In/Hr) Gutter hike from flowline =1.500(In.)Summary of stream data: Manning's N in gutter =0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break =0.0180 Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity Manning's N from grade break to crown =0.0180 No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) P:12468.201EngrRepods\DRAIN•FEWYDRO Page 5 of 28 P:12468.201EngftReportsIDRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 6 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM 1 12.252 11.89 4.370 1 2.150 9.58 5.023 2 12.441 12.11 4.318 2 10.569 11.87 4.374 Qmax(1) Qmax(1)=1.000 *1.000 *12.252)+ 1.000 *1.000 *2.150)+1.000 *0.982 *12.441)+=24.467 1.000 *0.807 *10.569)+=10.678 Qmax(2) Qmax(2)=0.988 *1.000 *12.252)+ 0.871 *1.000 *2.150)+1.000 *1.000 *12.441)+=24.549 1.000 1.000 *10.569)+=12.441 Total of 2 main streams to confluence:Total of 2 streams to confluence:Flow rates before confluence point: Flow rates before confluence point:12.252 12.441 2.150 10.569 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data:24.467 24.549 10.678 12.441 Area of streams before confluence: Area of streams before confluence:5.540 4.770 0.690 4.080 Results of confluence:Total flow rate =12.441(CFS)Results of confluence: Time of concentration =11.874 min.Total flow rate =24.549(CFS) Effective stream area after confluence =4.770(Ac.)Time of concentration =12.112 min. Effective stream area after confluence =10.310(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 406.000 to Point/Station 403.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Process from Point/Station 403.000 to Point/Station 410.000****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point/station elevation =317.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =300.000(Ft.)Upstream point elevation =300.000(Ft.) Pipe length =225.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Downstream point elevation =259.500(Ft.) No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =12.441(CFS)Channel length thru subarea =835.000(Ft.) Nearest computed pipe diameter =15.00(In.)Channel base width =0.500(Ft.) Calculated individual pipe flow =12.441(CFS)Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Normal flow depth in pipe =9.20(In.)Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Flow top width inside pipe =14.61(In.)Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =25.133(CFS)Critical depth could not be calculated.Manning's 'N'=0.018 Pipe flow velocity =15.77(Ft/s)Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Travel time through pipe =0.24 min.Flow(q)thru subarea =25.133(CFS) Time of concentration (TC)=12.11 min.Depth of flow =0.946(Ft.),Average velocity =11.117(Ft/s) Channel flow top width =4.282(Ft.) Flow Velocity =11.12(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Travel time =1.25 min. Process from Point/Station 406.000 to Point/Station 403.000 Time of concentration =13.36 min. ****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ****Critical depth =1.438(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel The following data inside Main Stream is listed:Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 In Main Stream number:2 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Stream flow area =4.770(Ac.)Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Runoff from this stream =12.441(CFS)Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Time of concentration =12.11 min.[UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN Rainfall intensity =4.318(In/Hr)(Permanent Open Space ) Summary of stream data:Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity Rainfall intensity =4.053(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr)Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.502 CA =6.328 P.12468.201EngrReportsIDRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 7 of 28 P:12468.201EngrIRepoilsIDRAIN-FE1HYDRO Page 8 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3191201510:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified' 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Subarea runoff =1.095(CFS)for 2.300(Ac.)Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000Totalrunoff=25.645(CFS)Total area =12.610(Ac.)Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =1.735(CFS) Depth of flow =0.954(Ft.),Average velocity =11.173(Ft/s)Manning's 'N'=0.015Criticaldepth=1.453(Ft.)Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Flow(q)thru subarea =1.735(CFS) Depth of flow =0.356(Ft.),Average velocity =4.030(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Channel flow top width =1.922(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 403.000 to Point/Station 410.000 Flow Velocity =4.03(Ft/s)****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ****Travel time =1.03 min. Time of concentration =9.43 min. The following data inside Main Stream is listed:Critical depth =0.434(Ft.) In Main Stream number:1 Adding area flow to channel Stream flow area =12.610(Ac.)Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Runoff from this stream =25.645(CFS)Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Time of concentration =13.36 min.Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000Rainfallintensity=4.053(In/Hr)Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (7.3 DU/A or Less Impervious value,Ai =0.400 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Process from Point/Station 411.000 to Point/Station 412.000 Rainfall intensity =5.073(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION ****Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =0.599 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Subarea runoff =2.662(CFS)for 0.930(Ac.) Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Total runoff =3.036(CFS)Total area =1.050(Ac.) Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Depth of flow =0.460(Ft.),Average velocity =4.650(Ft/s) Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Critical depth =0.566(Ft.) [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (7.3 DU/A or Less Impervious value,Ai =0.400 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Process from Point/Station 413.000 to Point/Station 414.000Initialsubareatotalflowdistance=60.000(Ft.)****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Highest elevation =330.000(Ft.) Lowest elevation =329.400(Ft.)Upstream point/station elevation =326.000(Ft.) Elevation difference =0.600(Ft.)Slope =1.000 %Downstream point/station elevation =320.500(Ft.) INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS:Pipe length =375.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft)No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =3.036(CFS)for the top area slope value of 1.00 %,in a development type of Nearest computed pipe diameter =12.00(In.) 7.3 DU/A or Less Calculated individual pipe flow =3.036(CFS) In Accordance With Table 3-2 Normal flow depth in pipe =7.42(In.)Initial Area Time of Concentration =8.40 minutes Flow top width inside pipe =11.66(In.) (for slope value of 1.00 %)Critical Depth =8.96(In.) Rainfall intensity (I)=5.468(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Pipe flow velocity =5.95(Ft/s) Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 Travel time through pipe =1.05 min. Subarea runoff =0.374(CFS)Time of concentration (TC)=10.48 min. Total initial stream area =0.120(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 413.000 to Point/Station 414.000 Process from Point/Station 412.000 to Point/Station 413.000 ****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** ****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Upstream point elevation =329.400(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Downstream point elevation =326.000(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Channel length thru subarea =250.000(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Channel base width =0.500(Ft.)[MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 (7.3 DU/A or Less P:12468.201EngrlReports\DRAIN•FEV1YDRO Page 9 of 28 PA2468.201EngrtRepodsIDRAIVEIHYDRO Page 10 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Impervious value,Al.=0.400 Calculated individual pipe flow =18.812(CFS) Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Normal flow depth in pipe =13.62(In.) Time of concentration =10.48 min.Flow top width inside pipe =15.45(In.) Rainfall intensity =4.739(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Critical depth could not be calculated.Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Pipe flow velocity =13.12(Ft/s) (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =2.816 Travel time through pipe =0.36 min. Subarea runoff =10.309(CFS)for 3.890(Ac.)Time of concentration (TC)=11.85 min.Total runoff =13.345(CFS)Total area =4.940(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 415.000 to Point/Station 416.000 Process from Point/Station 414.000 to Point/Station 415.000 ****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Along Main Stream number:2 in normal stream number 1 Upstream point/station elevation =320.500(Ft.)Stream flow area =7.390(Ac.) Downstream point/station elevation =316.600(Ft.)Runoff from this stream =18.812(CFS) Pipe length =430.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Time of concentration =11.85 min. No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =13.345(CFS)Rainfall intensity =4.379(In/Hr) Nearest computed pipe diameter =21.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =13.345(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =15.35(In.)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flow top width inside pipe =18.62(10.)Process from Point/Station 417.000 to Point/Station 418.000CriticalDepth=16.32(In.)****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Pipe flow velocity =7.08(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =1.01 min.Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Time of concentration (TC)=11.50 min.Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++[MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Process from Point/Station 414.000 to Point/Station 415.000 (7.3 DU/A or Less ****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION ****Impervious value,Ai =0.400 Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Initial subarea total flow distance =100.000(Ft.) Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Highest elevation =308.000(Ft.) Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Lowest elevation =307.000(Ft.) Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Elevation difference =1.000(Ft.)Slope =1.000 % [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: (7.3 DU/A or Less The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft) Impervious value,Ai =0.400 for the top area slope value of 1.00 %,in a development type of Sub-Area C Value =0.570 7.3 DU/A or Less Time of concentration =11.50 min.In Accordance With Table 3-2 Rainfall intensity =4.466(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Initial Area Time of Concentration =8.40 minutes Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (for slope value of 1.00 %) (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =4.212 Rainfall intensity (I)=5.468(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Subarea runoff =5.467(CFS)for 2.450(Ac.)Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 Total runoff =18.812(CFS)Total area =7.390(Ac.)Subarea runoff =0.467(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.150(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 415.000 to Point/Station 416.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Process from Point/Station 418.000 to Point/Station 419.000****STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME +SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Upstream point/station elevation =316.600(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =306.000(Ft.)Top of street segment elevation =307.000(Ft.) Pipe length =280.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 End of street segment elevation =303.000(Ft.) No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =18.812(CFS)Length of street segment =280.000(Ft.) Nearest computed pipe diameter =18.00(In.)Height of curb above gutter flowline =6.0(In.) P:\2468.201Engr\Reports\DRAIN•FEWYDRO Page 11 of 28 P:12468.201Engr\Reports\DRAIN•FEIHYDRO Page 12 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/201510:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Width of half street (curb to crown)=22.000(Ft.)Process from Point/Station 419.000 to Point/Station 416.000 Distance from crown to crossfall grade break =18.000(Ft.)****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz)=0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz)=0.020 Along Main Stream number:2 in normal stream number 2 Street flow is on [1]side(s)of the street Stream flow area =1.440(Ac.) Distance from curb to property line =10.000(Ft.)Runoff from this stream =3.882(CFS) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz)=0.020 Time of concentration =11.13 min. Gutter width =1.500(Ft.)Rainfall intensity =4.561(In/Hr) Gutter hike from flowline =1.500(In.)Summary of stream data: Manning's N in gutter =0.0150 Manning's N from gutter to grade break =0.0180 Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity Manning's N from grade break to crown =0.0180 No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street =2.214(CFS) Depth of flow =0.288(Ft.),Average velocity =2.201(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel:1 18.812 11.85 4.379Halfstreetflow width =9.669(Ft.)2 3.882 11.13 4.561 Flow velocity =2.20(Ft/s)Qmax(1) Travel time =2.12 min.TC =10.52 min.1.000 *1.000 *18.812)+ Adding area flow to street 0.960 *1.000 *3.882)+=22.539 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Qmax(2) Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 1.000 *0.939 *18.812)+ Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 1.000 *1.000 *3.882)+=21.542 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ]Total of 2 streams to confluence: (7.3 DU/A or Less Flow rates before confluence point: Impervious value,Ai =0.400 18.812 3.882 Sub-Area C Value =0.570 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: Rainfall intensity =4.729(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm 22.539 21.542 Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Area of streams before confluence: (Q=KCIA)is C =0.570 CA =0.821 7.390 1.440 Subarea runoff =3.414(CFS)for 1.290(Ac.)Results of confluence: Total runoff =3.882(CFS)Total area =1.440(Ac.)Total flow rate =22.539(CFS) Street flow at end of street =3.882(CFS)Time of concentration =11.852 min. Half street flow at end of street =3.882(CFS)Effective stream area after confluence =8.830(Ac.) Depth of flow =0.338(Ft.),Average velocity =2.509(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)=12.149(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 416.000 to Point/Station 420.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Process from Point/Station 419.000 to Point/Station 416.000 ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Upstream point/station elevation =301.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =289.000(Ft.) Upstream point/station elevation =303.000(Ft.)Pipe length =45.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Downstream point/station elevation =301.000(Ft.)No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =22.539(CFS) Pipe length =200.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Nearest computed pipe diameter =15.00(In.) No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =3.882(CFS)Calculated individual pipe flow =22.539(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter =15.00(In.)Normal flow depth in pipe =9.04(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =3.882(CFS)Flow top width inside pipe =14.68(In.) Normal flow depth in pipe =8.38(In.)Critical depth could not be calculated. Flow top width inside pipe =14.90(In.)Pipe flow velocity =29.19(Ft/s) Critical Depth =9.55(In.)Travel time through pipe =0.03 min. Pipe flow velocity =5.50(Ft/s)Time of concentration (TC)=11.88 min. Travel time through pipe =0.61 min. Time of concentration (TC)=11.13 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 416.000 to Point/Station 420.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** P:12468.201Engr\Repods\DRAIN•FEIHYDRO Page 13 of 28 P:12468.201EngftReportsIDRAIN-FEHYDRO Page 14 of 28 4( S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 319/2015.10:37.43 AM AM Process from Point/Station 421.000 to Point/Station 410.000 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 ****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 The following data inside Main Stream is listed: Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 In Main Stream number:2 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN Stream flow area =9.320(Ac.) (Permanent Open Space )Runoff from this stream =22.760(CFS) Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Time of concentration =12.03 min. Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Rainfall intensity =4.337(In/Hr) Time of concentration =11.88 min.Summary of stream data:Rainfall intensity =4,373(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoff coefficient used for total area Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity (Q=KCIA)is C =0.558 CA =5.205 No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) Subarea runoff .0.221(CFS)for 0.490(Ac.) Total runoff =22.760(CFS)Total area =9.320(Ac.) 1 25.645 13.36 4.053 2 22.760 12.03 4.337 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Qmax(1) Process from Point/Station 420.000 to Point/Station 421.000 1.000 *1.000 *25.645)+****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****0.934 *1.000 *22.760)+=46.913 Qmax(2) Upstream point/station elevation =289.000(Ft.)1.000 *0.900 *25.645)+ Downstream point/station elevation =262.000(Ft.)1.000 *1.000 *22.760)+=45.846 Pipe length =65.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =22.760(CFS)Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Nearest computed pipe diameter =12.00(In.)Flow rates before confluence point: Calculated individual pipe flow =22.760(CFS)25.645 22.760 Normal flow depth in pipe =9.75(In.)Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: Flow top width inside pipe =9.37(In.)46.913 45.846Criticaldepthcouldnotbecalculated.Area of streams before confluence: Pipe flow velocity =33.33(Ft/s)12.610 9.320 Travel time through pipe =0.03 min. Time of concentration (TC)=11.91 min. Results of confluence: Total flow rate =46.913(CFS) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Time of concentration =13.364 min. Process from Point/Station 421.000 to Point/Station 410.000 Effective stream area after confluence =21.930(Ac.)****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Upstream point elevation =262.000(Ft.)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Downstream point elevation =259.500(Ft.)Process from Point/Station 410.000 to Point/Station 422.000 Channel length thru subarea =70.000(Ft.)****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Channel base width =0.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Upstream point elevation =259.500(Ft.) Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Downstream point elevation =212.000(Ft.) Manning's 'N'=0.018 Channel length thru subarea =909.000(Ft.) Maximum depth of channel =3.000(Ft.)Channel base width =0.500(Ft.) Flow(q)thru subarea =22.760(CFS)Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Depth of flow =0.967(Ft.),Average velocity =9.669(Ft/s)Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Channel flow top width =4.368(Ft.)Manning's 'N'=0.018 Flow Velocity =9.67(Ft/s)Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Travel time =0.12 min.Flow(q)thru subarea =46.913(CFS) Time of concentration =12.03 min.Depth of flow =1.173(Ft.),Average velocity =14.302(Ft/s) Critical depth =1.398(Ft.)l!Warning:Water is above left or right bank elevations Channel flow top width =4.500(Ft.) Flow Velocity =14.30(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Travel time =1.06 min. P:12468.201EngnReports1DRAIVE1HYDRO Page 15 of 28 P:12468.201Engr1ReportsIDRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 16 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Time of concentration =14.42 min.Travel time through pipe =0.10 min.Critical depth =1.938(Ft.)Time of concentration (TC)=14.64 min. ERROR -Channel depth exceeds maximum allowable depth ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 423.000 to Point/Station 452.000 Process from Point/Station 422.000 to Point/Station 423.000 ****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** ****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: Upstream point elevation =212.000(Ft.)In Main Stream number:1 Downstream point elevation =115.000(Ft.)Stream flow area =27.370(Ac.) Channel length thru subarea =217.000(Ft.)Runoff from this stream =51.564(CFS) Channel base width =0.500(Ft.)Time of concentration =14.64 min. Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Rainfall intensity =3.821(In/Hr) Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =49.266(CFS) Manning's 'N'=0.018 Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flow(q)thru subarea =49.266(CFS)Process from Point/Station 424.000 to Point/Station 425.000 Depth of flow =0.786(Ft.),Average velocity =30.246(Ft/s)****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Channel flow top width =3.644(Ft.) Flow Velocity =30.25(Ft/s)Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Travel time =0.12 min.Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Time of concentration =14.54 min.Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Critical depth =2.000(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Adding area flow to channel [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 (Permanent Open Space ) Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Initial subarea total flow distance =60.000(Ft.) [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN Highest elevation =260.000(Ft.) (Permanent Open Space )Lowest elevation =230.000(Ft.) Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Elevation difference =30.000(Ft.)Slope =50.000 % Sub-Area C Value =0.350 INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: Rainfall intensity =3.838(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) Effective runoff coefficient used for total area for the top area slope value of 50.00 %,in a development type of (Q=KCIA)is C =0.491 CA =13.436 Permanent Open Space Subarea runoff =4.652(CFS)for 5.440(Ac.)In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Total runoff =51.564(CFS)Total area =27.370(Ac.)Initial Area Time of Concentration =3.66 minutes Depth of flow =0.801(Ft.),Average velocity =30.594(Ft/s)TC =[1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slope^(1/3)]Critical depth =2.047(Ft.)TC =[1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*(100.000A.5)/(50.000^(1/3)].3.66 Calculated TC of 3.664 minutes is less than 5 minutes,resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculations ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Rainfall intensity (I)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Process from Point/Station 423.000 to Point/Station 452.000 Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.350****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Subarea runoff =0.134(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.050(Ac.) Upstream point/station elevation =115.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =114.500(Ft.) Pipe length =58.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =51.564(CFS)Process from Point/Station 425.000 to Point/Station 426.000 Nearest computed pipe diameter =36.00(In.)****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Calculated individual pipe flow =51.564(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =25.08(In.)Upstream point elevation =230.000(Ft.) Flow top width inside pipe =33.10(In.)Downstream point elevation =216.000(Ft.) Critical Depth =28.04(In.)Channel length thru subarea =300.000(Ft.) Pipe flow velocity =9.80(Ft/s)Channel base width =0.500(Ft.) P:12468.201EngrtReports1DRAIN-FEHYDRO Page 17 of 28 P:12468.20EngrtReportsORAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 18 of 28 A S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43AM AM Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Channel length thru subarea =235.000(Ft.) Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Channel base width =0.000(Ft.) Manning's 'N'=0.018 Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =4.000 Maximum depth of channel =3.000(Ft.)Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =4.000 Flow(q)thru subarea =0.134(CFS)Manning's 'N'=0.030 Depth of flow =0.076(Ft.),Average velocity =2.701(Ft/s)Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Channel flow top width =0.804(Ft.)Flow(q)thru subarea =4.251(CFS) Flow Velocity =2.70(Ft/s)Depth of flow =0.541(Ft.),Average velocity =3.628(Ft/s) Travel time =1.85 min.Channel flow top width =4.330(Ft.) Time of concentration =5.52 min.Flow Velocity =3.63(Ft/s)Critical depth =0.111(Ft.)Travel time =1.08 min. Time of concentration =6.83 min.Critical depth =0.586(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 426.000 to Point/Station 427.000****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME ****++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 428.000 to Point/Station 428.000 Upstream point elevation =216.000(Ft.)****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Downstream point elevation =138.000(Ft.) Channel length thru subarea =188.000(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Channel base width =0.500(Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =2.218(CFS)[COMMERCIAL area type Manning's 'N'=0.018 (Neighborhod Commercial ) Maximum depth of channel =3.000(Ft.)Impervious value,Ai =0.800 Flow(q)thru subarea =2.218(CFS)Sub-Area C Value =0.790 Depth of flow =0.190(Ft.),Average velocity =13.228(Ft/s)Time of concentration =6.83 min. Channel flow top width =1.261(Ft.)Rainfall intensity =6.247(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Flow Velocity =13.23(Ft/s)Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Travel time =0.24 min.(Q=KCIA)is C =0.584 CA =2.173 Time of concentration =5.75 min.Subarea runoff =9.326(CFS)for 1.980(Ac.)Critical depth =0.488(Ft.)Total runoff =13.577(CFS)Total area =3.720(Ac.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Process from Point/Station 428.000 to Point/Station 452.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN (Permanent Open Space )Upstream point/station elevation =128.000(Ft.) Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Downstream point/station elevation =114.500(Ft.) Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Pipe length =332.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Rainfall intensity =6.980(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =13.577(CFS) Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Nearest computed pipe diameter =18.00(In.) (Q=KCIA)is C =0.350 CA =0.609 Calculated individual pipe flow =13.577(CFS) Subarea runoff =4.117(CFS)for 1.690(Ac.)Normal flow depth in pipe =10.48(In.) Total runoff =4.251(CFS)Total area =1.740(Ac.)Flow top width inside pipe =17.76(In.) Depth of flow =0.263(Ft.),Average velocity =15.741(Ft/s)Critical Depth =16.44(In.) Critical depth =0.664(Ft.)Pipe flow velocity =12.72(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.43 min. Time of concentration (IC)=7.27 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 427.000 to Point/Station 428.000****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME ****++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 428.000 to Point/Station 452.000 Upstream point elevation =138.000(Ft.)****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** Downstream point elevation =130.500(Ft.) PA2468.20EngrlReports1DRAIN-FEYDRO Page 19 of 28 P:12468.201EngrlReportsIDRAIN-FEHYDRO Page 20 of 28 * S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:2 Along Main Stream number:1 in normal stream number 1 Stream flow area =3.720(Ac.)Stream flow area =31.090(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =13.577(CFS)Runoff from this stream =60.205(CFS) Time of concentration =7.27 min.Time of concentration =14.88 min.Rainfall intensity =6.004(In/Hr)Rainfall intensity =3.781(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr)Process from Point/Station 433.000 to Point/Station 434.000****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** 1 51.564 14.64 3.821 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 2 13.577 7.27 6.004 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Qmax(1)=Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 1.000 *1.000 *51.564)+Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 0.636 *1.000 *13.577)+=60.205 [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN Qmax(2)(Permanent Open Space ) 1.000 *0.496 *51.564)+Impervious value,Ai =0.000 1.000 *1.000 *13.577)+=39.169 Sub-Area C Value =0.350Initialsubareatotal flow distance =63.000(Ft.)Total of 2 main streams to confluence:Highest elevation =196.000(Ft.) Flow rates before confluence point:Lowest elevation =166.000(Ft.) 51.564 13.577 Elevation difference =30.000(Ft.)Slope =47.619 % Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data:INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: 60.205 39.169 The maximum overland flow distance is 100.00 (Ft) Area of streams before confluence:for the top area slope value of 47.62 %,in a development type of 27.370 3.720 Permanent Open Space In Accordance With Figure 3-3InitialAreaTimeof Concentration =3.72 minutes Results of confluence:TC =[1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)^.5)/(% slopeA(1/3)]Total flow rate =60.205(CFS)TC =[1.8*(1.1-0.3500)*(100.000^.5)/(47.619A(1/3)].3.72 Time of concentration =14.642 min.Calculated TC of 3.725 minutes is less than 5 minutes, Effective stream area after confluence =31.090(Ac.)resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculationsRainfallintensity(I)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Subarea runoff =0.053(CFS) Process from Point/Station 452.000 to Point/Station 454.000 Total initial stream area =0.020(Ac.)****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =114.500(Ft.)++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Downstream point/station elevation =107.000(Ft.)Process from Point/Station 434.000 to Point/Station 435.000 Pipe length =238.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 ****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =60.205(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter =30.00(In.)Upstream point elevation =166.000(Ft.) Calculated individual pipe flow =60.205(CFS)Downstream point elevation =151.800(Ft.) Normal flow depth in pipe =20.81(In.)Channel length thru subarea =269.000(Ft.) Flow top width inside pipe =27.66(In.)Channel base width =0.500(Ft.) Critical depth could not be calculated.Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Pipe flow velocity =16.58(Ft/s)Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Travel time through pipe =0.24 min.Manning's 'N'=0.018 Time of concentration (TC)=14.88 min.Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Flow(q)thru subarea =0.053(CFS) Depth of flow =0.043(Ft.),Average velocity =2.096(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Channel flow top width =0.674(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 452.000 to Point/Station 454.000 Flow Velocity =2.10(Ft/s)****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS ****Travel time =2.14 min. P:12468.201Engr\Reports\DRAIN•FEIHYDRO Page 21 of 28 P:12468.201EneReponsIDRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 22 of 28 t a f . S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Time of concentration =5.86 min.Time of concentration (TC)=6.31 min.Critical depth =0.064(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 436.000 to Point/Station 454.000 Process from Point/Station 435.000 to Point/Station 436.000 ****CONFLUENCE OF MINOR STREAMS **** ****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME **** Along Main Stream number:1 in normal stream number 2 Upstream point elevation =151.800(Ft.)Stream flow area =0.850(Ac.) Downstream point elevation =113.000(Ft.)Runoff from this stream =2.022(CFS) Channel length thru subarea =88.000(Ft.)Time of concentration =6.31 min. Channel base width =0.500(Ft.)Rainfall intensity =6.573(In/Hr) Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =2.000 Summary of stream data: Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =2.000 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel .1.069(CFS)Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity Manning's 'N'=0.018 No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) Maximum depth of channel =1.000(Ft.) Flow(q)thru subarea =1.069(CFS) Depth of flow =0.128(Ft.),Average velocity =11.034(Ft/s)1 60.205 14.88 3.781 Channel flow top width =1.013(Ft.)2 2.022 6.31 6.573 Flow Velocity =11.03(Ft/s)Qmax(1)= Travel time =0.13 min.1.000 *1.000 *60.205)+ Time of concentration =6.00 min.0.575 *1.000 *2.022)+=61.368Criticaldepth=0.342(Ft.)Qmax(2) Adding area flow to channel 1.000 *0.424 *60.205)+ Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 1.000 *1.000 *2.022)+=27.568 Decimal fraction soil group 8 =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Total of 2 streams to confluence: Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Flow rates before confluence point: [UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN 3 60.205 2.022 (Permanent Open Space )Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: Impervious value,Ai =0.000 61.368 27.568 Sub-Area C Value =0.350 Area of streams before confluence: Rainfall intensity =6.796(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm 31.090 0.850Effectiverunoffcoefficientusedfor total area Results of confluence: (Q=KCIA)is C =0.350 CA =0.297 Total flow rate =61.368(CFS) Subarea runoff =1.968(CFS)for 0.830(Ac.)Time of concentration =14.881 min. Total runoff .2.022(CFS)Total area =0.850(Ac.)Effective stream area after confluence =31.940(Ac.) Depth of flow =0.179(Ft.),Average velocity =13.186(Ft/s) Critical depth =0.469(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 454.000 to Point/Station 456.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)**** Process from Point/Station 436.000 to Point/Station 454.000 ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Upstream point/station elevation =107.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =93.000(Ft.) Upstream point/station elevation =113.000(Ft.)Pipe length =326.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Downstream point/station elevation =107.000(Ft.)No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =61.368(CFS) Pipe length =150.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Nearest computed pipe diameter =27.00(In.) No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =2.022(CFS)Calculated individual pipe flow =61.368(CFS) Nearest computed pipe diameter =9.00(In.)Normal flow depth in pipe =21.14(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =2.022(CFS)Flow top width inside pipe =22.26(In.) Normal flow depth in pipe =5.08(In.)Critical depth could not be calculated. Flow top width inside pipe =8.92(In.)Pipe flow velocity =18.38(Ft/s) Critical Depth =7.74(In.)Travel time through pipe =0.30 min. Pipe flow velocity =7.86(Ft/s)Time of concentration (TC)=15.18 min. Travel time through pipe =0.32 min. P:\2468.20ingffieporisIDRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 23 of 28 P:\2468.201Engr1Reports1DRAIVE \HYDRO Page 24 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/201510:37.43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Upstream point elevation =122.000(Ft.) Process from Point/Station 454.000 to Point/Station 456.000 Downstream point elevation =115.300(Ft.)****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS ****Channel length thru subarea =875.000(Ft.) Channel base width =5.000(Ft.) The following data inside Main Stream is listed:Slope or 'Z'of left channel bank =5.000InMainStreamnumber:1 Slope or 'Z'of right channel bank =5.000 Stream flow area =31.940(Ac.)Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of channel =13.250(CFS) Runoff from this stream =61.368(CFS)Manning's 'N'=0.018 Time of concentration =15.18 min.Maximum depth of channel =2.000(Ft.) Rainfall intensity =3.733(In/Hr)Flow(q)thru subarea =13.250(CFS) Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 Depth of flow =0.486(Ft.),Average velocity =3.673(Ft/s) Channel flow top width =9.857(Ft.) Flow Velocity =3.67(Ft/s) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Travel time =3.97 min. Process from Point/Station 430.000 to Point/Station 431.000 Time of concentration =9.18 min.****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION ****Critical depth =0.504(Ft.) Adding area flow to channel Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (43.0 DU/A or Less (43.0 DU/A or Less Impervious value,Ai =0.800 Impervious value,Ai =0.800 Sub-Area C Value =0.790 Sub-Area C Value =0.790Initialsubareatotalflowdistance=100.000(Ft.)Rainfall intensity =5.163(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Highest elevation =123.000(Ft.)Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Lowest elevation =122.000(Ft.)(Q=KCIA)is C =0.790 CA =4.732 Elevation difference =1.000(Ft.)Slope =1.000 %Subarea runoff =22.435(CFS)for 5.650(Ac.) INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS:Total runoff =24.434(CFS)Total area =5.990(Ac.) The maximum overland flow distance is 65.00 (Ft)Depth of flow =0.669(Ft.),Average velocity =4.380(Ft/s)for the top area slope value of 1.00 %,in a development type of Critical depth =0.711(Ft.) 43.0 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3InitialAreaTimeof Concentration =4.50 minutes ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TC =[1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)^.5)/(%slope^(1/3)]Process from Point/Station 429.000 to Point/Station 432.000 TC =[1.8*(1.1-0.7900)*(65.000A.5)/(1.000^(1/3)].4.50 ****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** The initial area total distance of 100.00 (Ft.)entered leaves a remaining distance of 35.00 (Ft.)Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Using Figure 3-4,the travel time for this distance is 0.71 minutes Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 for a distance of 35.00 (Ft.)and a slope of 1.00 %Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 with an elevation difference of 0.35(Ft.)from the end of the top area Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 Tt =[11.9*length(Mi)^3)/(elevation change(Ft.))]A.385 *60(min/hr)[UNDISTURBED NATURAL TERRAIN =0.710 Minutes (Permanent Open Space ) Tt=[(11.9*0.0066A3)/(0.35)]^.385=0.71 Impervious value,Ai =0.000 Total initial area Ti =4.50 minutes from Figure 3-3 formula plus Sub-Area C Value =0.350 0.71 minutes from the Figure 3-4 formula =5.21 minutes Time of concentration =9.18 min. Rainfall intensity (I)=7.441(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Rainfall intensity =5.163(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedforarea(Q=KCIA)is C =0.790 Effective runoff coefficient used for total area Subarea runoff =1.999(CFS)(Q=KCIA)is C =0.743 CA =4.984 Total initial stream area =0.340(Ac.)Subarea runoff =1.301(CFS)for 0.720(Ac.) Total runoff =25.735(CFS)Total area =6.710(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 431.000 to Point/Station 432.000 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****IMPROVED CHANNEL TRAVEL TIME ****Process from Point/Station 432.000 to Point/Station 457.000 P:12468.201EngnReports \DRAIN-FEIHYDRO Page 25 of 28 P:12468.201EngrlRepoits1DRAIN-FEHYDRO Page 26 of 28 S400P100.out S400P100.out Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 3/9/2015 10:37:43 AM AM Printed: 3/9/2015 Modified: 319/201510:37:43 AM AM ****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (Program estimated size)****Qmax(2) 1.000 *0.625 *61.368)+ Upstream point/station elevation =101.000(Ft.)1.000 *1.000 *26.825)+=65.203 Downstream point/station elevation =100.000(Ft.) Pipe length =140.00(Ft.)Manning's N =0.013 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =25.735(CFS)Flow rates before confluence point: Nearest computed pipe diameter =27.00(In.)61.368 26.825 Calculated individual pipe flow =25.735(CFS)Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: Normal flow depth in pipe =21.75(In.)81.185 65.203 Flow top width inside pipe =21.37(In.)Area of streams before confluence:Critical Depth =21.26(In.)31.940 7.500 Pipe flow velocity =7.50(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.31 min. Time of concentration (TC)=9.49 min.Results of confluence: Total flow rate =81.185(CFS) Time of concentration =15.176 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Effective stream area after confluence =39.440(Ac.) Process from Point/Station 457.000 to Point/Station 456.000 End of computations,total study area =39.440 (Ac.)****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (1.0 DU/A or Less Impervious value,Ai =0.100 Sub-Area C Value =0.410 Time of concentration =9.49 min. Rainfall intensity =5.054(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.708 CA =5.308 Subarea runoff =1.090(CFS)for 0.790(Ac.) Total runoff =26.825(CFS)Total area =7.500(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 432.000 to Point/Station 456.000****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:2 Stream flow area =7.500(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =26.825(CFS) Time of concentration =9.49 min. Rainfall intensity =5.054(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) 1 61.368 15.18 3.733 2 26.825 9.49 5.054 Qmax(1) 1.000 *1.000 *61.368)+ 0.739 *1.000 *26.825)+=81.185 P:12468.201EngrlReports\DRAIN•FEIHYDRO Page 27 of 28 P:12468.201EngrlReports\DRAIN•FEIHYDRO Page 28 of 28 .44 4a BB&D • ^,I•P PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING Exhibit B:Node-to-Node CivilD Analyses Proposed Conditions-100-Year HON Line A 411111 Age 4111 ora -arg AV. D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports \Hydrology\20150715 R3 Drainage Report docx 71472.out San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software,(c)1991-2014 Version 9.0 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood control Division 2003 hydrology manualRationalHydrologyStudyDate:05/14/15 R-3 Planning Area 100 Hydrology 71470.10 *********Hydrology Study Control Information ********** Program License Serial Number 6334 Rational hydrology study storm event year is 100.0English(in -lb)input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour,precipitation(inches)=2.900 24 hour precipitation(inches)=5.100 P6/P24 =56.9% San Diego hydrology manual 'C'values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000***INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area c value =0.710Initialsubareatotalflow distance =10.000(Ft.) Highest elevation =32.230(Ft.) Lowest elevation =32.030(Ft.) Elevation difference =0.200(Ft.)Slope =2.000 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.100 %INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 75.00 (Ft)for the top area slope value of 2.10 %,in a development type of 24.0 DU/A or Less In Accordance with Figure 3 -3InitialAreaTimeofConcentration =4.75 minutes TC =[1.8*(1.1 -C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(%slopeA(1/3)] TC =[1.8*(1.1 -0.7100)*(75.000A.5)/(2.100A(1/3)]=4.75 Calculated TC of 4.747 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculationsRainfallintensity(I)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedforarea(Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 Subarea runoff =0.098(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.018(Ac.) Page 1 71472.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000****STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME +SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION *** Top of street segment elevation =31.520(Ft.) End of street segment elevation =27.570(Ft.) Length of street segment =232.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline =4.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown)=12.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break =10.670(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz)=0.097 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz)=0.020 Street flow is on [1]side(s)of the street Distance from curb to property line =5.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz)=0.020 Gutter width =1.330(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline =0.130(In.) Manning's N in gutter =0.0150Manning's N from gutter to grade break =0.0150Manning's N from grade break to crown =0.0150Estimatedmeanflowrate at midpoint of street =1.776(CFS) Depth of flow =0.155(Ft.),Average velocity =2.457(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel:Halfstreet flow width =8.563(Ft.) Flow velocity =2.46(Ft/s) Travel time =1.57 min.TC =6.32 min. Adding area flow to streetRainfallintensity(I)=6.568(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub-Area C value =0.710Rainfallintensity=6.568(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =0.537 Subarea runoff =3.428(CFS)for 0.738(Ac.) Total runoff =3.526(CFS)Total area =0.756(Ac.) Street flow at end of street =3.526(CFS) Half street flow at end of street =3.526(CFS) Depth of flow =0.205(Ft.),Average velocity =2.920(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)=11.035(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000***PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =21.300(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =20.810(Ft.) Pipe length =49.19(Ft.)Slope =0.0100 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =3.526(CFS) Given pipe size =12.00(in.) 4.Calculated individual pipe flow =3.526(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =8.41(in.) Flow top width inside pipe =10.99(In.)Critical Depth =9.63(In.) Pipe flow velocity =5.99(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.14 min. Time of concentration (TC)=6.46 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000***SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=6.478(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Page 2 71472.out Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 40 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 Du/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area C value =0.710 Time of concentration =6.46 min.Rainfall intensity =6.478(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =0.635 Subarea runoff =0.586(CFS)for 0.138(Ac.) Total runoff =4.112(CFS)Total area =0.894(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =20.480(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =19.090(Ft.) Pipe length =138.77(Ft.)Slope =0.0100 Manning's N =0.011 NO.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =4.112(CFS) Given pipe size =18.00(in.) Calculated individual pipe flow =4.112(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =7.13(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =17.61(In.)Critical Depth =9.32(In.) Pipe flow velocity =6.31(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.37 min. Time of concentration (TC)=6.82 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=6.252(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 Du/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area C value =0.710 Time of concentration =6.82 min.Rainfall intensity =6.252(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea(Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =1.005 Subarea runoff =2.169(CFS)for 0.521(Ac.) Total runoff =6.281(CFS)Total area =1.415(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =18.760(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =16.000(Ft.) Pipe length =83.18(Ft.)Slope =0.0332 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =6.281(CFS) Given pipe size =18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =6.281(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =6.49(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =17.28(in.)Critical Depth =11.63(In.) Pipe flow velocity =10.95(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.13 min. Page 3 71472.out Time of concentration (TC)=6.95 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/Station 6.000****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:1 Stream flow area =1.415(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =6.281(CFS) Time of concentration =6.95 min.Rainfall intensity =6.178(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 7.000 to Point/Station 8.000****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION **** Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area C Value =0.710Initialsubareatotalflow distance =10.000(Ft.) Highest elevation =27.400(Ft.) Lowest elevation =27.200(Ft.) Elevation difference =0.200(Ft.)Slope =2.000 %INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 75.00 (Ft)for the top area slope value of 2.00 %,in a development type of 24.0 DU/A or Less In Accordance with Figure 3 -3InitialAreaTimeofConcentration =4.83 minutes TC =[1.8*(1.1 -C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(%slopeA(1/3)] TC =[1.8*(1.1 -0.7100)(75.000A.5)/( 2.000A(1/3)]=4.83CalculatedTCof4.825 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resettin9 TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculationsRainfallintensity(I)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedforarea(Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 Subarea runoff =0.103(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.019(Ac.) AM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 8.000 to Point/Station 9.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Calculated TC of 4.825 minutes is less than 5 minutes, resettin9 TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculationsRainfallintensity(I)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area C Value =0.710 Time of concentration =4.83 min.Rainfall intensity =7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =0.354 Subarea runoff =2.599(CFS)for 0.479(Ac.) At Total runoff =2.702(CFS)Total area =0.498(Ac.) Page 4 71472.out ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 9.000 to Point/Station 6.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** upstream point/station elevation =21.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =16.000(Ft.) Pipe length =110.09(Ft.)Slope =0.0454 manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =2.702(CFS) Given pipe size =18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =2.702(CFs) Normal flow depth in pipe =3.88(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =14.81(In.)Critical Depth =7.48(In.) Pipe flow velocity =9.63(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.19 min. Time of concentration (TC)=5.02 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 9.000 to Point/Station 6.000**CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In main stream number:2 Stream flow area =0.498(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =2.702(CFS) Time of concentration =5.02 min.Rainfall intensity =7.625(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) 1 6.281 6.95 6.178 2 2.702 5.02 7.625 Qmax(1)= 1.000 *1.000 *6.281)+ 0.810 *1.000 *2.702)+=8.470 Qmax(2)= 1.000 *0.722 *6.281)+ 1.000 *1.000 *2.702)+=7.234 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 6.281 2.702 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 8.470 7.234 Area of streams before confluence: 1.415 0.498 Results of confluence:Total flow rate =8.470(CFS) Time of concentration =6.951 min.Effective stream area after confluence =1.913(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 9.000 to Point/Station 6.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=6.178(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormDecimalfractionsoilgroupA=0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000DecimalfractionsoilgroupC=0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or Less Page 5 71472.outImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub-Area C value =0.710 Time of concentration =6.95 min.Rainfall intensity =6.178(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =1.664 Subarea runoff =1.812(CFS)for 0.431(Ac.) Total runoff =10.282(CFS)Total area =2.344(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/Station 10.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =15.670(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =12.030(Ft.) Pipe length =238.83(Ft.)Slope =0.0152 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =10.282(CFS) Given pipe size =18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =10.282(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =10.79(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =17.64(In.) Critical Depth =14.81(In.) Pipe flow velocity =9.30(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.43 min. Time of concentration (TC)=7.38 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10.000 to Point/Station 11.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=5.945(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ](24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub-Area C Value =0.710 Time of concentration =7.38 min.Rainfall intensity =5.945(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =2.514 Subarea runoff =4.663(CFS)for 1.197(Ac.) Total runoff =14.945(CFS)Total area =3.541(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 10.000 to Point/Station 11.000***PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)*** Upstream point/station elevation =11.700(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =10.390(Ft.) Pipe length =92.26(Ft.)Slope =0.0142 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =14.945(CFS) Given pipe size =24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =14.945(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =11.55(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =23.98(In.) Critical Depth =16.71(In.) Pipe flow velocity =9.98(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.15 min. Time of concentration (TC)=7.53 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/Station 12.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION ***•• Page 6 71472.out Rainfall intensity (I)=5.866(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000 [HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 Du/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub -Area C value =0.710 Time of concentration =7.53 min.Rainfall intensity =5.866(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =3.024 Subarea runoff =2.792(CFS)for 0.718(Ac.) Total runoff =17.738(CFS)Total area =4.259(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/Station 12.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =10.080(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =8.540(Ft.) Pipe length =152.00(Ft.)Slope =0.0101 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =17.738(CFS) Given pipe size =24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =17.738(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =14.23(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =23.58(In.)Critical Depth =18.21(In.) Pipe flow velocity =9.15(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC)=7.81 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12.000 to Point/Station 13.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=5.731(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 sub-Area C Value =0.710 Time of concentration =7.81 min.Rainfall intensity =5.731(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =3.502 Subarea runoff =2.334(CFS)for 0.674(Ac.) Total runoff =20.072(CFS)Total area =4.933(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 12.000 to Point/Station 13.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =8.540(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =7.040(Ft.) Pipe length =150.09(Ft.)Slope =0.0100 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =20.072(CFS) Given pipe size =24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =20.072(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =15.52(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =22.95(In.)Critical Depth =19.29(In.) Page 7 71472.out Pipe flow velocity =9.34(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.27 min. Time of concentration (Tc)=8.08 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12.000 to Point/Station 13.000****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:1 Stream flow area =4.933(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =20.072(CFS) Time of concentration =8.08 min.Rainfall intensity =5.607(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No.2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 14.000 to Point/Station 15.000****INITIAL AREA EVALUATION *** Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 sub-Area C Value =0.710Initialsubareatotalflow distance =10.000(Ft.) Highest elevation =32.230(Ft.) Lowest elevation =32.020(Ft.) Elevation difference =0.210(Ft.)Slope =2.100 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 75.00 (Ft)for the top area slope value of 2.10 %,in a development type of24.0 DU/A or LessInAccordancewith Figure 3 -3InitialAreaTimeofconcentration =4.75 minutes TC =[1.8*(1.1 -C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(%slopeA(1/3)] TC =[1.8*(1.1 -0.7100)*(75.000A.5)/(2.100A(1/3)]=4.75CalculatedTCof4.747 minutes is less than 5 minutes,resetting TC to 5.0 minutes for rainfall intensity calculationsRainfallintensity(1)=7.641(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedforarea(Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 Subarea runoff =0.114(CFS) Total initial stream area =0.021(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/station 16.000****STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME +SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Top of street segment elevation =31.520(Ft.) End of street segment elevation =19.500(Ft.) Length of street segment =681.200(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline =4.0(in.) width of half street (curb to crown)=12.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break =10.670(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz)=0.097Slopefromgradebreaktocrown(v/hz)=0.020Streetflowison[1]side(s)of the streetDistancefromcurbtopropertyline=5.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz)=0.020 Gutter width =1.330(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline =0.130(in.) manning's N in gutter =0.0150manning's N from gutter to grade break =0.0150Manning's N from grade break to crown =0.0150 Page 8 71472.outEstimatedmeanflowrate at midpoint of street =1.882(CFS) Depth of flow =0.158(Ft.),Average velocity =2.527(Ft/s)Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel:Halfstreet flow width =8.691(Ft.) Flow velocity =2.53(Ft/s) Travel time =4.49 min.TC =9.24 min. Adding area flow to streetRainfallintensity(I)=5.142(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub-Area C value =0.710Rainfallintensity=5.142(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffectiverunoffcoefficientusedfortotalarea (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =0.728 Subarea runoff =3.632(CFS)for 1.005(Ac.) Total runoff =3.746(CFS)Total area =1.026(Ac.) Street flow at end of street =3.746(CFS)Half street flow at end of street =3.746(CFS) Depth of flow =0.208(Ft.),Average velocity =3.005(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)=11.211(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 16.000 to Point/Station 13.000****SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION **** Rainfall intensity (I)=5.142(In/Hr)for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group C =0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D =1.000[HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL(24.0 DU/A or LessImperviousvalue,Ai =0.650 Sub-Area C value =0.710 Time of concentration =9.24 min.Rainfall intensity =5.142(in/Hr)for a 100.0 year stormEffective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA)is C =0.710 CA =1.181 Subarea runoff =2.325(CFS)for 0.637(Ac.) Total runoff =6.071(CFS)Total area =1.663(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 16.000 to Point/Station 13.000**PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =14.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =7.040(Ft.) Pipe length =71.80(Ft.)Slope =0.0969 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =6.071(CFS) Given pipe size =18.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =6.071(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =4.82(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =15.94(In.)Critical Depth =11.42(In.) Pipe flow velocity =15.94(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.08 min. Time of concentration (TC)=9.32 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Process from Point/Station 16.000 to Point/Station 13.000****CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS **** Page 9 71472.out The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number:2 Stream flow area =1.663(Ac.) Runoff from this stream =6.071(CFS) Time of concentration =9.32 min.Rainfall intensity =5.115(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity No.(CFS)(min)(In/Hr) 1 20.072 8.08 5.607 2 6.071 9.32 5.115 Qmax(1)= 1.000 *1.000 *20.072)+ 1.000 *0.867 *6.071)+=25.336 Qmax(2)= 0.912 *1.000 *20.072)+ 1.000 *1.000 *6.071)+=24.380 Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: ,d5 20.072 6.071 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 25.336 24.380 Area of streams before confluence: 4.933 1.663 Results of confluence:Total flow rate =25.336(CFS) Time of concentration =8.078 min.Effective stream area after confluence =6.596(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 13.000 to Point/Station 17.000****PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation =6.710(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation =3.000(Ft.) Pipe length =15.61(Ft.)Slope =0.2377 Manning's N =0.011 No.of pipes =1 Required pipe flow =25.336(CFS) Given pipe size =24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow =25.336(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe =7.17(In.) Flow top width inside pipe =21.97(In.)Critical Depth =21.24(In.) Pipe flow velocity =32.13(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe =0.01 min. Time of concentration (TC)=8.09 min. End of computations,total study area =6.596 (Ac.) Page 10 to • .an o• “Nig to. •••• • BB&O PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING ANN Appendix San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual References Soil Group Map Runoff Coefficient Tabley. Isopluvial Rainfall Maps 100-year, 6 -hour &24-hour duration Figure 3-1 IDF Chart D \ 71472 Quarry Creek \Reports\Hydrology \20150715, R3, Drainage Report docx O if) Col 1—N--County of San Diego 33°30'Orange,,Hydrology Manual County 6.•A..._...74*...,1. •.,t..':.•-. op.4f-r-ri fti,,.,•r i '*....- il.44`"\I (/- I 'fi.'''.'..f .4 '4.1 'te / I\41tP 1 c7 #-,/,•-.'''' 'rr . ...... -,.-.crt;t1-- 1 ..4 Soil Hydrologic Groups 33°15'•" ...,,,`.-.1‘.1.,mr.r4.. '•,„.'1 1.‘10r-,,.1. ..';.Legend'-.,;,,., OCEANSID-'1 7 ..--- a Soil Groups t`b.1-i:.Group A CARLSBAD -- t.l• k..,,p4 .i.olik Group B , - ,,,,).4,_....... t.,.it.A.1 Group C 0 ENCINITAS ...Group D....-. 0.41.>1 44*Undetermined33000....•-•ii-...v-,-0 SOLANA BEAC 17:-..,'1 Data Unavailable kr,'' '''• ID DEL '-.,r'I6V%11..C)'4#4°1I'.,.6 i co '\' 9.) r ° (0 .4 i 32°45'la .... DPW _............._ ,......._,...,6„.s......... _.,..-Gis...R.-SariGIS......... Depeetment vtalAclAtttoScopraerintrm'P atra.SanncoF We R.1 v.._San Diego Covcrcci! N THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPREEOR IMPLIED. INCLUDING, BUT NOT UNITED TO, THE IMPUED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.IA Copyright Sant3IS. All Rights Reserved. \,/a This products may contain information horn the SANDAG Regional- wee; r.... E Information Systemawhichazot be reproduced without the This product may contain information which has been reproduced with32.30.permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps )/'Scoy)r-`L 36-03 Miles .,--1— ... A San Diego County Hydrology Manual Section:3 Date:June 2003 Page:6 of 26 Table 3-1 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements County Elements % IMPER.A B C D Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural)Permanent Open Space 0*0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Low Density Residential (LDR)Residential,1.0 DU/A or less 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41 Low Density Residential (LDR)Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 Low Density Residential (LDR)Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49 Medium Density Residential (MDR)Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52 Medium Density Residential (MDR)Residential,7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 Medium Density Residential (MDR)Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 Medium Density Residential (MDR)Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63 High Density Residential (HDR)Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 (0.71) High Density Residential (HDR)Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (N. Corn)Neighborhood Commercial 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (G. Corn)General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.82 Commercial/Industrial (0.P. Corn)Office Professional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.)Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial (General I.)General Industrial 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity.Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A =dwelling units per acre NRCS =National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 b in I M0,_r•-•1"--_County of San Diego_,... Orange •...Hydrology Manual....7 •,33°3 ' County I -• ••-,__,..... ..„,„,.....,„,,,.........r.„.„ .....,.z ..•..•‘.i.--„......k, .,•,•- -•...,•...,.'•...7.!..i.11>.:!:::14/ A7*'9,„Am/......'';!..:......, .":' • Z.?..'''...'" c.1114.n.,:,,,.ip...''...'•••;'.,•1''..•4.".4\set DIEG.0.0„,..k.• .• •1....,9N... ....... ........;71'.ft.:''!::.;;...%..wf .../.:'.i• i./". '4--'''•li.4 •-.I.j••4'.•,. ...:.:•.4.' ktill'o,,,.,,s.ssii.z... •.-,• ,•,,'-„,.--3-.0'..'.. .-.'.',,•••:• ,•,....,,,,..„Rainfall Isopluvials‘..,..•r„. •33°15': ''; ily •.`•; •••.‘.•,.•. --•- ,,t_,- 5.'': , .1 ,-:•-•''''./-ir..'_IA-i-•-•,ri.•‘..-t :.100 Year Rainfall Event -6 Hours• •••••.....•.....visTA......:•OCEANSIDE '•• ....••••r_____ -%..-•,.i,...•:,• i Isopluvial (inches)•. ••;•I '., ..;)... ..•. . !\'''i -i:'• :'•,' .:;":71.. 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NI Rights Reserved. ‘,...rie This products may contain information from the SANDAG RegionalpInformation System which cannot be reproduced without the,...i r E written permission of SANDAG.. . . . . This product may contain information which has been reproduced with32°30'. . .permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps..• ED rI).Y S 3.: r`-•0 3 Miles —immiimom! VI. a toel•,-- ..County of San Diego..._ V.- 33°30'arict Hydrology Manual. .Ora :! Count--i -',..•:-,-.`:`''----• ••l' .4;.„. - / ...:" - - '• . ., -.,. ...,7.0• -• - l /9s,N• . ... , •3_• tf :.,:;:4:..::: ?.0 .6 -•e.;c.:..?81`fr. :>--•:.1 ••ill• •........•.•,, Ail, ,.r.--.--••..,'''N •••• .• :..5:0".czi".:..!.t c5..•.;:i•:..:•..:.......;°..it .4::!?'i..•.•.4k.•4.-•••• •.,•,.1:1..;''. `h.L1 CA• ,••5 t;: ..,.. '.,'':,.Rainfall Isopluvials3;',.. ....I'•-,-P... `».,,...33°15'!;CiV!!‘..6 .-.-•-•...-,...:.7•.,. ••,'•..rf../ ..-.-• 100 Year Rainfall Event -24 Hours..... ,it).. 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N THIS MAP IS PROVIDED WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRES• •..OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.ii Copyright SanGIS. All Rights Reserved. • • •.....• . .... ..J .- This products may contain information from the SANDAG Regional • • •Information System which cannot be reproduced without the. •i r E written permission••of SANDAG. This product may contain information which has been re roduced with32°P30'! .permission granted by Thomas Brothers Maps.a .in ../'Sco . r._0 3 0 3 Miles. r.- l—• • •'-,.:..t..• 10.0 4171110CROAZINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIINannii111111111111111111111 Directions for Application:9.o • 8.010111:111111011h:9111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111WIMM111111111 (1) From precipitation maps determine 6 hr and 24 hr amounts 7.0 illINZIAMNR6471111H1111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME111/111111111111111111111....b.h.,lik.111.,for the selected frequency. These maps are included in the ligigilliMillt%igilli%0111111111111111111111111111111111116 0 116.1.......b..b..Ilk.I....... ...1 EQUATION IllrgillliNiti.;HilialMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I =7.44 P6 D-0.645 11111111 County Hydrology Manual (10, 50, and 100 yr maps included in the Design and Procedure Manual). (2) Adjust 6 hr precipitation (if necessary) so that it is within5.I =Intensity (in/hr)0 III4411111i4411iiii114411141111111111111111111i4.0 IlL li.kb..__Iiik..ihilk.ei!!th Pe =6-Hour Precipitation (in)Illi the range of 45% to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation (not siiiiimipliiiiiiqiiiroot;;;;IIIIII_III I)=Duration (Min)applicaple to Desert). (3) Plot 6 hr precipitation on the right side of the chart. 3 0 lb.I h.IllibilhaitiilliSkilli.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (4) Draw a line through the point parallel to the plotted lines. 1111111111111119111iN11101111;:SMq:SSI:ii311111111111111111111111111111111 (5) This line is the intensity-duration curve for the location 2.0 111111111111111111i1OhliMIlliiiiIIIIIIIEFIliiiiiMill111111111111111111111111 being analyzed. 1111111111111111!MiiiilliditiiiiillMiillililiiillilligigg!!1111111111111111i Application Form: ii)(a) Selected frequency it'°year i 111111111;11111mhilpi Illioniiiiipliiiiilliiiiilifpil;01;Iplomm ?; (b)..15 -. cf 0 (2)P6 =i'5 in.. P24 =5- 7 / ,1-4- 4P =•/° ,-, 1.o III 1111111119111011 IffifiLIIIIIIIISIIII11101101:11411;1140111.ill_Ilk..6.0 •Ic:i.(c) Adjusted P6(2) =t 1 in. .9111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111011111111101111111111111110111b0101i3Ifini;:!5.5 .7...(d) tx =min.,.'o 111111111IIMMIIII1111111111111111N11111111111111i1111111111111i0111111101111111.19101016:5.0 g0.8 -$.1111111111111111111n1111111111111b11911111111111110111111110111k1Filaillaniii ()I - c 7 0 e -in./hr. 1111111111111111111111110111111111111111101M1111111111E1111111illni:1116011iinii 4.0 g 0.6 '.3.5 -cf.' 0.5 R111111111111111111111111111111111111011111116PRIIIIIIIIIIMICHIhiagl 3.0 Note:This chart replaces the Intensity-Duration-Frequency curves used since 1965. 0.4 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111liiii;!!!!!1111111il!!Illiinhill 2.5 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11!!!111111181111111 2.0 P6 1 1.5 2 2 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 Duration 1 1'1 1 1 •1:1 1 5 2.63 3.95 5.27 6.59 7.90 9.22 10.54 11.86 13.17 14.49 15.81 0•3 _;„.....,.ormou .4.me I IIii llllll NW III llllllllll III IIIIIIIII111111111116'NISI =!.mull 7 2.12 3.18 4.24 5.30 6.36 7.42 8.48 9.54 10.60' 11.66 12.72.......-Faa.---i--- 1 --'--7 ifti ll .....WM.MIN BNB MEMNON=NM•..•NWOf ll •.11.11111llllllllll Mai =Mlle MU lllll UM .lllll ..11...11 10 1.68 .2.53: 3.37 4.21 5.05 5.90:6.74 :7.58 •8.42 9.27 10.11-MINN 1-t .r'''llllll 111111M111 lllllllllll 1111111113=11111111111.....i....lllrxim 1.5 15 1.30 1.95 2.59 3.24 3.89 4.54:5.19 5.84 •6•.49 • 7.13 7.78•-1-OM -__11. --' '71 - :L 1.:- ..1:1 atmnoNIN:13:::111111111111111110111111lllll .1111t11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIINIIIOIIIW"llllll 111111111 20 1.08 1.62' 2.15 2.69 3.23 4.85 5.39'5.93 6.46 1111111111rn -..Ili NM 1111#11111%111111111•1111 illt lllllll IIIISIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII•1B111.•eltllIllIlltIIII 25 0.93 1.4011.87. 2.33 3.73 4.20 4.67,5.13 .5.60- •inns -1---swinsammummuutis lllll imam0.2 '1111llllll 1111111.1111/11111111.1111111111111111111111111 •.IIIIIIIIIII,'_.ailainiliniUMilliliiMiniiIMIIIMMillilielielEMMENNAMMiiiib.:%111111 30 0.83 •1.24' 1.68 2.07 .2.49. 2.90:3.32 .3.73 4.154.56 4.98- 1 .t ..01111111tikiIIIIikaikommiiiiiiiiiiiitianiiimmiiimminunimismisk.'il!!40 0.69 .1.03 1.38 ,1.72 .2.07. 2.41 2.76 .3.10 3.45 '3•.79 .4.13 r 1''1 1:31141113113:::111:1131IMIIIIIIIIIIIIII=2:::11:::::::711:111:13111 "50 0.60 0.90' 1.19 1.49 1.79 2.09 2.39 2.69 2.98 3.28 3.58 18111119111111118111111111111118111181811181111111111111111•1111111111111111111111111111111 60 053 •6.80. 1.06.1 .33 71 59.1.86: 2.12 • 2.39 2•.65 •2•.92 3.18 71111111111•••• •• 1 .: -Nil 1111111.111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111111111111111111811111111111111111111NMIT".'-'' !II 111111111111l1111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111115111111111111111111 90 0.41 0.61 0.82 1.02 1.23 1.43 1.63 1.84 2.04 2.25 2.45„.....• 1111111111.111111111111.1113 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111 120 0.34 0.51.068 0.85 1.02 1.19 1.36 1.53 1.70 1.87 2.04 110.111111111111111111.111.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111•11111111111111111111111111111 150 0.29 0.44: 0.59: 0.73 :0.88. 1.03 1.18 :1.32 :1.47 •1.62 .1.76 0.1 1111111111111111111111111 111111M111111111111111111111111limminiummainummuntui 180 0.26 0.39' 0.52 0.65 0.78 0.91'1.04 1.18 1.31 1.44 1.57 240 6.22 .0.33:0.43 0.54 0.87 •0.98 •1• .08 •1.19 :1.30 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 30 40 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 ......300 0.19 0.28. 0.38 0.47 0.58 0.66i 0.75 0.85 0.94 1.03 1.13 Minutes Hours 360 0.17 0.25 0.33 .0.42 0.50 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.84 0.92 1.00 Duration FIGURE Intensity-Duration Design Chart -Template 3-1