City of Carlsbad, CA
CT 15-05 / PUD 15-13
4365 Executive Drive, Suite 600
JOB NO. 71470.60
July 15, 2015 JUL 7
1.0 Scope of Report
1.1 Declaration of Responsible Charge
2.0 Summary of Project Information
3.0 Pre-Project Site Conditions and Drainage Patterns Narrative
3.1 Site Development Constraints
4.0 Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Narrative
4.1 Site Development Opportunities
5.0 Sources of Pollutants from the Existing Site Narrative
6.0 Project Hydrologic Location
7.0 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters
8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category
9.0 Identification of Pollutants of Concern
10.0 Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) Applicability Determination
11.0 Summary of HMP Compliance Approach
12.0 Permanent Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs)
13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) Practices
15.0 Water Quality Treatment Calculations
16.0 Comparison of Water Quality Treatment Calculations
17.0 Relative Effectiveness of Project Treatment Facilities and Integrated Management
Practices (IMPs)
18.0 Summary and Conclusion Narrative
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19.0 Figures
Vicinity Map
Proposed DMA Exhibit (map pocket)
20.0 Attachments
City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Questionnaire
Geotechnical Study reference
Permanent BMP Certification Form (see Project Design Consultants [PDC]regional
HMP Calculations (see PDC regional report)
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1.0 Scope of Report
A master or regional report, "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek," dated March 19,
2015, was prepared for the Quarry Creek project by Project Design Consultants (PDC).The
PDC regional report summarizes the storm water requirements for the entire Quarry Creek
project, including bioretention basin 3-3 located northeast of the R-3 site,as show on sheet 10 of
Drawing No. 484-5A.Furthermore, the PDC regional report details the design and modeling of
the bioretention basin which includes continuous simulation modeling (SDI-1M), rather than the
BMP sizing tables.
This report is limited to documenting the following at the Planning Area R-3 (R-3) site:
A)Site Design
B)Source Control
C)Tributary area and impervious area, including comparisons to those used in the PDC
D)Compliance and consistency with the assumptions and design parameters used in the
PDC regional report.
1.1 Declaration of Responsible Charge
This Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)has been prepared under the direction of the
following Professional Civil Engineer.The Professional Civil Engineer (Engineer) attests to the
technical information contained herein, and to the engineering data upon which the following
design, recommendations, conclusions and decisions are based.The selection, sizing, and design
of the storm water treatment and other control measures in this report meet the requirements of
the Regional Water Quality control Board Order R9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments.
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Priority Development Project —SWMP SB&O INC.
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2.0 Summary of Project Information
Item Project Information
Project Name Quarry Creek Planning Area R-3 (Lot 3)
Application Number(s)TBD
Project Address Westerly terminus of existing Marron Road
Assessor Parcel Number(s)167-040-11,-21
Total Project Area 6.60 AC.
Proposed Project Description and Multifamily ResidentialLand Use
Z Housing Development of 10 or more dwelling units
r]Commercial Development of one acre and greater
Heavy Industry of one acre and greater
Automotive Repair Shop
Applicable Priority Development ID Restaurant
Project Categories Hillside Development greater than 5,000 square feet
El Water Quality Environmentally Sensitive Area (WQESA)
El Parking LotZStreet, Highways, and Freeways
Retail Gasoline Outlets
El Land Disturbance greater than one acre
Redevelopment Project that Creates r -71
ElIncreases or NotReplaces >50 %
Increases or
of Replaces <50 %ofILIor Replaces 5,000 square feet of
Impervious Surface Applicable Pre-Project Imp.Pre-Project Imp.
Surface Surface
Project Disturbed Area 6.598 AC/ 287,420 SF
Predevelopment Impervious Area 0.000 AC/0 SF
Proposed Impervious Area 3.565 AC/155,305 SF
Proposed Pervious Area 3.033 AC / 132,115 SF
Project Hydrologic Unit Watershed Tijuana Hydrologic Unit
Project Hydrologic Soil Group El A B 111 C Z D
Number of Discharge Locations 1 Location
Required to Implement HMP Z Yes El No
Number of HMP Compliance Points 1 Locations (POC-3-3 Per SWMP 14-13)
Jack Robson
Applicant Contact (858) 458-9700
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3.0 Pre-Project Site Conditions and Drainage Patterns Narrative
The existing site, Planning Area R-3 (R-3), is part of the larger master plan development area
Quarry Creek. The project is located in the City of Carlsbad (City), but is bordered to the east by
the City of Oceanside. The project is situated west of College Boulevard, east of Interstate 5, and
south of Haymar Drive.
The first phase of Quarry Creek included preparation of the large sheet graded pads, and
construction of public roads, public utilities, and the LID facilities required for both current and
future phases of the project.The regional "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek,"
dated March 19, 2015, by PDC, was prepared that used design assumptions to account for future
development of the graded pad areas. This plan proved that the further design and development
of the pad areas is consistent with the assumptions made in the regional SWMP.
The R-3 area is located in the southeastern portion of the Quarry Creek development. Currently,
R-3 is a large sheet graded pad approximately 6.60 acres in area. The pad was graded with a 1%
slope to the northwest, directed towards a temporary sediment basin and temporary storm drain
outlet. This temporary storm drain is connected to an existing Type B-5 storm drain cleanout.
The existing cleanout is located near the northeast intersection of Adobe Springs Road and El
Salto Falls Street. The existing cleanout is connected to a 30" RCP storm drain that outlets to a
bio-retention/hydro-modification basin located northwest of the intersection of Adobe Springs
Road and El Salto Falls Street.
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3.1 Site Development Constraints
Applicable Site Development Constraints
Limited Available Hydraulic Head
Z Impermeable Soils
High Groundwater
Contaminated Soils
Geotechnical Instability
Perimeter Conditions
High Intensity Land Use
Heavy Pedestrian Traffic
Heavy Vehicular Traffic
Restricted Right-of-Way
Existing Easements
Inadequate Down-Stream Drainage Infrastructure
Public Safety Concerns
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4.0 Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Narrative
The R-3 area will be a multi-family residential development.A total of 88 units will be
constructed, comprised of various attached product types (4-plex,5-plex, and 6-plex row home
style buildings). R-3 is approximately 6.60 acres, with a net developable area ofapproximately
5.15 acres. This yields a net project density of 17.09 dwelling units per acre,which corresponds
to High Density Residential (HDR)per Table 3-1 "Runoff coefficients for Urban Areas"of the
San Diego County Hydrology Manual. Along with the construction of the multi-family style
buildings, private driveways, walkways, and a public "scenic river walk" trail will be
constructed.. The impervious portion of the site was calculated at 54%. This percentage is
significantly lower than the percentage assumed in the regional SWMP. Drainage will still flow
towards the northeast portion of the site, consistent with existing conditions.All runoff is
collected and discharged to the existing Type B-5 cleanout and 30" RCP storm drain.
The project will route runoff to the bio-retention basin 3-3 located northwest of the intersection
of Adobe Springs Road and El Salto Falls Street,as intended in the regional SWMP.
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4.1 Site Development Opportunities
Applicable Site Development Opportunities
E]Adequate Available Hydraulic Head
Permeable Soils
Groundwater Separation
Geotechnical Stability
Perimeter Conditions
El Existing Natural Areas
•Undevelopable Areas
El Adequate Down Stream Drainage Infrastructure
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5.0 Sources of Pollutants from the Existing Site Narrative
No known legacy pollutants
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6.0 Project Hydrologic Location
Hydrologic Unit Hydrologic Area Hydrologic Sub-Area
Carlsbad 904.00 Buena Vista Creek 904.20 El Salto 904.21
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7.0 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters
Pollutant(s) Causing
Receiving Water Impairment to 303(d)
Receiving Water
Z Buena Vista Creek Selenium
Sediment Toxicity
NutrientsZBuena Vista Lagoon Indicator Bacteria
Sedimentation/ Siltation
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8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category
Priority Project Category General Pollutant Categories
Detached Residential Trash &Debris
Development Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oil &Grease
Bacteria &Viruses
Development Attached
Residential Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape exists on-site)®
Oil &Grease (if uncovered parking areas exist on-site)
Bacteria &Viruses
Sediment (if landscape exists on-site)
Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site)
Heavy Metals
Organic Compounds (if uncovered parking areas
exist on-site)
111 Commercial Development Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes
Oil &Grease
Bacteria &Viruses (if land use includes food or animal waste
Pesticides (includes solvents)
Heavy Metals
n Heavy Industry or Organic Compounds
I—I Industrial Development Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oil &Grease
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8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category (continued)
Priority Project Categories General Pollutant Categories
Heavy Metals
Organic Compounds (includes petroleum hydrocarbons and
Automotive Repair Shop solvents)
Trash &Debris
Oil &Grease
Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances
Restaurants Oil &Grease
Bacteria &Viruses
Pesticides (if landscape exists on-site)
111 Hillside Development Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oil &Grease
Sediments (if landscape exists on-site)
Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site)
Heavy Metals
Parking Lots Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape exists on-site)
Oil &Grease
Pesticides (if landscape exists on-site)
Heavy Metals
Organic Compounds
Retail Gasoline Outlets Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oil &Grease
Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site)
Heavy Metals
Organic Compounds (including petroleum hydrocarbons)
Streets,Highways &Freeways Trash &Debris
Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes solvents)
Oil &Grease
Bacteria &Viruses
Pesticides (if landscape exists on-site)
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9.0 Identification of Pollutants of Concern
Pollutants Associated Pollutants Causing Impairment to 303(d)with Priority Project Pollutants of Concern
Category Receiving Water(s)
Chloride Z Sediment/Siltation0CopperSediment ToxicityZSedimentZNutrientsZSelenium Z Sediment
O Phosphorus 0 Sulfates
O Sediment 0 Total Nitrogen as N
0 Chloride 0 Sulfates
Eutrophic 0 Total Dissolved SolidsZNutrients ®NutrientsZNutrientsElTotal Nitrogen as N
O Phosphorus 0 Toxicity
0 Copper 0 Sulfates0Heavy Metals 0 Manganese 0 Total Dissolved Solids 1E1 Heavy Metals0Sediment Toxicity 0 Toxicity
Eutrophic0Organic Compounds 0 Toxicity 0 Organic Compounds0SedimentToxic.q
Eutrophic 0 Total Dissolved SolidsZTrash&Debris 0 Nutrients Z Trash &Debris0ToxicitySediment Toxicity
n Eutrophic 0 SulfatesZOxygen Demanding Z Oxygen Demanding®Nutrients 0 Total Dissolved SolidsSubstances Substances0Phosphorus0Total Nitrogen as N
EutrophicZOil &Grease ®Sediment Toxici 0 Toxicity Z Oil &Grease
Enterococcus ®Indicator BacteriaZBacteria&Viruses 111 Eutrophic Z Bacteria &Viruses
0 Fecal Coliform 0 Total Coliform
0 Copper Z Sediment ToxicityZPesticides Eutrophic 0 Sulfates Z Pesticides0Phosphate0ToxicityElTotal Nitrogen as N
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10.0 Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) Applicability Determination
NO 1. Is Project a4Priority Development
IYES or N/A 2. Proper NO Redesign EnergyEnergy Dissipation
3. Does Project
Increase Impervious
4. Does ProjectNOIncrease Unmitigated Peak YES W
Flows to My Outlet
YES 5. Does Project rE:341Directly Discharge to
Exempt System?
YES 6. Does Project NODirectly Discharge to
Lagoon Area?
YES 8. Does Stabilized YES 7. Does Project Directly
Conveyance have Capacity Discharge to Stabilized Conveyance
for Ultimate Ow?to Exempt System?
YES 9. Does Project
.to highly '—1"
11.Palomino Dcenainof Analysis YES la'IS Project Urban
See HMP Soden 5.2 Disdwrging to -
12. Does Stabilized
Conveyance Extend PastYES NODomain of Analysis and Eventually
Discharge to LOW
13. Do CumulativeYES NOuture Impacts Represent < 3%tlImpervious Area
HMP Exempt
14. Hydromodification Controls Required
End of Decision Matrix Go to Figure 6-2 of Decision Matrix
Figure 6-1.HMP Applicability Determination
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11.0 Summary of HMP Compliance Approach
Not Applicable —Project Exempt from HMP requirements
Determine/Identify Point(s)of Compliance
Utilize SCCWRP Screening Tools to determine Stream Susceptibility
Default to a High Susceptibility Stream (0.1Q2)
El Utilize an appropriate HMP Sizing Tool to demonstrate HMP
Summary of Project Utilize HMP Sizing Tables to demonstrate HMP compliance
Compliance Approach [S]Utilize an approved Continuous Simulation Model and compare pre-
project and mitigated post-project flows to demonstrate HMP
Provide comprehensive, digital support data, calculation method and
parameters, and calculation results on Compact Disk (CD) sufficient to
duplicate study and support a RWQCB audit
See "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek" dated March 19, 2015, by Project
Design Consultants,for HMP compliance documentation.
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12.0 Permanent Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Source Control BMP Applicable Implementation Requirements
Z Provide prohibitive dumping placards and/or signage
Z Post signage at public access points to deter prohibitive
Z Storm Drain Inlet Labeling dumping
Z Maintain legibility of placards and signage
0 Not Applicable
O Materials placed in an enclosure (e.g. cabinet, shed, or
similar structure that prevents contact with rain, runoff or
spillage to the storm water conveyance system)
O Protected by secondary containment structures (e.g. berms,
dikes, or curbs) and paved or sufficiently impervious to
Outdoor Material Storage Areas contain leaks and spills0The storage area is paved and sufficiently impervious to
contain leaks and spills
O Includes a roof or awning to minimize direct precipitation to
the secondary containment area
Z Not Applicable
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12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs (continued)
Source Control BMP Applicable Implementation Requirements
1 Paved with an impervious surface
El Designed not to allow run-on from adjoining areas
111 Screened or walled to prevent off-site transport oftrash
111 Common Trash Enclosure and
Recyclable Material Storage Use trash containers with attached lids to exclude rain and
Areas maintain lids in closed position while not in use and/or
include a roof or awning to minimize direct precipitation.
Acknowledgment that installation of storm drain inlets or area
drains in designated trash storage areas is prohibited
Z Not Applicable
Z Plant pest-resistant or well-adapted plant varieties such as
drought tolerant and/or native plants
Z Discourage pests by modifying the site and landscaping
[S]Distribute IPM educational materials to future occupants as
Z Employ Integrated Pest part of the final engineering phase Operation and
Management (IPM) Practices Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) which addresses physical pest
elimination techniques such as relying on natural enemies to
consume pests, weeding, pruning, and etc.Emphasis placed
on correct and limited use of pesticides as a last line of
El Not Applicable
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12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs (continued)
Source Control BMP Applicable Implementation Requirements
[A Employ rain shutoff devices to prevent irrigation during and
after precipitation
El Design irrigation systems for the specific water requirements
[E]Use of Efficient Irrigation of each landscape area
Systems &Drought Tolerant [S]Use flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure
Landscape drop to control water loss in the event of broken sprinkler
Design heads or lines
El Provide water conservation educational materials to future
111 Not Applicable
Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or,
El An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
111 Interior Floor Drains and 111 Acknowledgment that direct connection of interior floor
Elevator Shaft Sump Pumps drains and elevator shaft pumps to private or public storm drain
or sanitary sewer is not permissible
[Z]Not Applicable
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12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs (continued)
Source Control RAW Applicable Implementation Requirements
Prohibit vehicle washing
Prohibit pressuring washing of parking surface in the parking
garage and
Provide adequate treatment control BMPs to treat runoff prior
to discharge to an MS4 and
Provide prohibitive dumping signage and floor drain marking;
prominently displayed inside the parking garage and at the
floor drains, respectively and;
Implement dry clean-up methods for non-hazardous Interior Parking Garages accidental spillsEquippedwith Floor Drains Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility
Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or,
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
Acknowledgment that direct connection of interior floor
drains and elevator shaft pumps to the sanitary sewer or storm
water conveyance is not permissible
Z Not Applicable
El A pet waste station that includes eye level, post mounted
signage which reads "pick-up after your pet" or similar
approved language andZPet Use Areas A pet waste disposal receptacle equipped with a lid
Not Applicable
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13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
Individual Priority Project Applicable Best Management PracticeCategory
Rural Swale System
Urban Curb/Swale System
Private Roads Dual Drainage System
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
El Not Applicable
Designed to drain into adjacent landscape prior to discharging
to a storm water conveyance
El Shared access
[ZI Residential Driveways &Guest Flared or piano shaped entrance (single lane at street)
Parking Wheelstrips (paving only under tires)
Porous paving/Permeable surface
Not Applicable
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13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
Individual Priority Project Applicable Implementation RequirementsCategory
El Covered loading dock areas or,
n Designed to preclude urban run-on and runoff
0 Containment method to isolate dock and facilitate pollutant
removal, such as a shut-off valve and containment area
0 Dock Areas (Truck Wells) Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility
0 An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
0 Acknowledgement that direct connections to storm drains
from depressed loading docks are prohibited
Z Not Applicable
•0 Located indoors and,
0 Designed to preclude urban run-on and runoff from adjacent
areas0Self-contained bay drainage system (i.e. dead-end sump, with
no outlet to offsite facilities) designed to capture all wash
0 Maintenance and Repair Bays water, leaks, and spills. The self-contained drainage system
shall connect to a "dead end sump" for collection and proper
disposalnAcknowledgement that connection ofmaintenance and repair
bay drains to the sanitary sewer or storm water conveyance
system is prohibited.
Z Not Applicable
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13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
Individual Priority Project Applicable Best Management PracticeCategory
n Paved with an impervious surface
Self-contained to preclude urban run-on and runoff
Preferably located indoors or,
Covered with a roof or overhang
Vehicle and Equipment Wash Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility
Areas Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or,
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
Acknowledgement that connection of vehicle and equipment
wash areas to the storm water conveyance system is
Z Not Applicable
Cover or enclose areas ofthat are a source ofpollutants,
Grade or berm the perimeter of the processing area to prevent
run-on or runoff
Sloped to a self-contained drainage system (i.e. "dead-end
sump", with no outlet to offsite facilities) designed to capture
all wash water, leaks, and spills. The self-contained drainage
system shall connect to a "dead end sump" for collection and
proper disposal
Outdoor Processing Areas Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility
Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or,
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
Acknowledgement that installation of storm drain inlets in
outdoor processing areas and connection to a storm water
conveyance system is prohibited
Z Not Applicable
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13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
Individual Priority Project Applicable Best Management PracticeCategory
n Paved with an impervious PCC surface
Ej Graded at a minimum slope to prevent pond formation
111 Separated by grade break, curb, or berm to prevent run-on
111 Covered with a canopy that extends a minimum of ten feet
in each horizontal direction, for each pump, or alternatively;
111 Covered the fuel area with minimum dimensions equal to or
greater than the area within the grade break or fueling area
El Fueling Areas (defined as extending 6.5 feet from the corner of each fuel
dispenser or the length at which each hose and nozzle
assembly may be operated plus one foot, whichever is
IE]The canopy shall not drain to the fueling area
111 Acknowledgement that connection of fueling areas to the
sanitary sewer or storm water conveyance system is
[Z1 Not Applicable
[I Where landscaping is proposed in surface parking areas
(both covered and uncovered), incorporate landscape areas
into the drainage design
El Retail and Surface Parking Areas Overflow parking (i.e. parking in excess ofthe minimum
parking requirements for the project) may be constructed of
permeable paving
1Z Not Applicable
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13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories
Individual Priority Project Applicable Best Management PracticeCategory
[S]Steep hillside areas disturbed by project development shall
be landscaped with deep rooted, drought-tolerant plant
species selected for erosion control and stabilized with
Eg Steep Hillside Landscaping mulch, consistent with the statewide Water Conservation in
Landscape Act
Not Applicable
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14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) Practices
LID Practice Applicable Design Characteristics
Z Preserve natural drainage features
Z Preserve existing trees and vegetation
Minimize soil disturbance
Z Clustering or concentrating development on the least
Z Conserve Natural Areas environmentally sensitive areas; consistent with SUSMP
§4.1 (e.g. developing on... previously graded areas, areas
containing of non-native vegetation and etc.)
Z Incorporation of open space Lot(s)
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
Not Applicable
Comment: Done as part ofthe Quarry Creek Master Plan.
Z Minimize the impervious footprint by increasing building
density and/or by incorporating multiple-storied architecture
Z Construct streets, sidewalks, and parking lot drive aisles to
minimum widths, provided public safety is not compromisedZIncorporate landscape buffers between sidewalks, streets,
and other flatwork
Z Minimize Impervious Surfaces Z Minimize impervious surfaces in landscape design; such as
decorative or stamped concrete
1 Using permeable surfaces (porous concrete, pavers, asphalt)
in overflow parking or low-traffic areas
El An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
El Not Applicable
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14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) Practices
LID Practice Applicable Design Characteristic
Z Minimize disturbance to natural drainages
Z Convey runoff safely from the tops of slopes
Vegetate slopes with native or drought tolerant landscape
Z Protect Slopes and Channels Stabilize permanent channel crossings
Install Energy Dissipaters
An alternate method,as approved by the City Engineer
Not Applicable
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15.0 Water Quality Treatment Calculations
Area Impervious area Landscape Area
R-3 287,420 6.598 155,305 3.565 132,115 3.033
01 6,342 0.146 0 0.000 6,342 0.146
BB 3-3 (offsite)23,656 0.543 23,656 0.543 0 0.000
02 (offsite)11,237 0.258 0 0.000 11,237 0.258
Totals 328,655 7.545 178,961 4.108 149,694 3.437
0. 65
CWQ 0.590 85th Percentile depth inch
WQ Vol 10,505 CF 0.241 AF
Provided Area 8,896 SF
_Required Area 7,757 SF
Computed %
Sizing Area 4.587
1) Cw0=Composite runoff factor per Section 4 of SUSMP=(impervious area'1+0.1`pervious area)/total area
2) WO Vo1=WQ 85th Percentile depth* Cwo* Area
3) Computed % sizing factor =Provided Basin Bottom Area with Sandy Loam (SF)/(Cwo • Area)*100
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16.0 Comparison of Water Quality Treatment Calculations
Basin 3-3 Regional Report Design Assumptions Calculations % Difference
Area (AC)7.5 7.55 101%
Impervious Area (AC)4.81 4.108 85%
CWQ 0.68 0.590 87%
WQ Vol (AF)0.28 0.241 86%
Provided Area (SF)8896 -
Computed % Sizing Area 4 4.587 115%
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17.0 Relative Effectiveness of Project Treatment Facilities
rRelative Effectiveness of Project Treatment Facilities and IMPs
Pollutants Grouped by Method of Transport
Treatment Facility/IMP Coarse Pollutants Associated with Pollutants that tend to be
Sediment Fine Particles During Dissolved Following
and Trash Transport Treatment
Z Bioretention IMP High High Medium
Flow Through Planter IMP High High Medium
El Infiltration IMP High High High
El Conventional Vegetated Swale High Medium Low
111 Extended (Dry) Detention Basins High High Low
111 Media (Sand) Filter High High Low
El Wet Pond High High Medium
El Constructed Wetland High High Medium
El Proprietary Vault/Tree Well High Medium Low
111 Proprietary Inlet Filter High Low Low
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18.0 Summary and Conclusion Narrative
This SWMP has identified this project as a Priority category that is required to implement Low
Impact Development, Treatment Control, and hydromodification mitigation measures.The
potential pollutants to be generated from this project have been identified and compared to the
impairments of all downstream bodies of water leading to the Pacific Ocean.In order to mitigate
for these potential pollutants, the R-3 area will discharge to bioretention basin 3-3 as defined and
described in the regional SWMP. Basin 3-3 will also mitigate for potential hydromodification
impacts to downstream receiving waters. This project is within and consistent with the
assumptions used for the design of the applicable Integrated Management Practices set forth in
the regional SWMP for the R-3 area.
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19.0 Figures
Vicinity Map
Proposed DMA Exhibit (map pocket)
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• .4.i
7--ci .R.CI(A
/._;7 T
\t•MARRON '..1
,1 CAR.BAD,•k•
7710AGIS EIR077-IERS PG.1107,GRID A-2
2006 EDMON
20.0 Attachments
City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Questionnaire
Geotechnical Study reference
Permanent BMP Certification Form (see Project Design Consultants [PDC]regional
HMP Calculations (see PDC regional report)
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STORM WATER Development ServicesCity of STANDARDS Land Development Engineering441.6_QUESTIONNAIRE 1635 Faraday AvenueCarlsbad760-602-2750E-34 www.carlsbadca.gov
To address post-development pollutants that may be generated from development projects, the City requires that new development and
significant redevelopment priority projects incorporate Permanent Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP's)into the project
design per the City's Standard Urban Stormwater Management Plan (SUSMP). To view the SUSMP, refer to the Engineering Standards
(Volume 4, Chapter 2).
Initially this questionnaire must be completed by the applicant in advance of submitting for a development application (subdivision,
discretionary permits and/or construction permits). The results of the questionnaire determine the level of storm water standards that
must be applied to a proposed development or redevelopment project. Depending on the outcome, your project will either be subject to
'Standard Stormwater Requirements'or be subject to additional criteria called 'Priority Development Project Requirements'.Many
aspects of project site design are dependent upon the storm water standards applied to a project.
Your responses to the questionnaire represent an initial assessment of the proposed project conditions and impacts.City staff has
responsibility for making the final assessment after submission of the development application. If staff determines that the questionnaire
was incorrectly filled out and is subject to more stringent storm water standards than initially assessed by you, this will result in the return
of the development application as incomplete.In this case, please make the changes to the questionnaire and resubmit to the City.
If you are unsure about the meaning of a question or need help in determining how to respond to one or more of the questions,please
seek assistance from Land Development Engineering staff.
A separate completed and signed questionnaire must be submitted for each new development application submission.Only one
completed and signed questionnaire is required when multiple development applications for the same project are submitted concurrently.
In addition to this questionnaire, you must also complete, sign and submit a Project Threat Assessment Form with construction permits
for the project.
Please start by completing Step 1 and follow the instructions.When completed,sign the form at the end and submit this with your
application to the city.
To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions:
1.Is your project LIMITED TO constructing new or retrofitting paved sidewalks, bicycle lanes or trails that meet
the following criteria: (1) Designed and constructed to direct storm water runoff to adjacent vegetated areas, or
other non-erodible permeable areas; OR (2) designed and constructed to be hydraulically disconnected from X
paved streets or roads; OR (3) designed and constructed with permeable pavements or surfaces in
accordance with USEPA Green Streets guidance?
2.Is your project LIMITED TO retrofitting or redeveloping existing paved alleys, streets, or roads that are Xdesigned and constructed in accordance with the USEPA Green Streets guidance?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, then your project is NOT a priority development project and therefore is
NOT subject to the storm water criteria required for priority development projects.Go to step 4, mark the last box stating "my
project does not meet PDP requirements" and complete applicant information.
If you answered "no" to both questions, then go to Step 2.
E-34 Page 1 of 3 Effective 6/27/13
City of STANDARDS Development Services
Land Development Engineering
Faraday AvenueQUESTIONNAIRE1635.a„risbad760 -602-2750E-34 www.carlsbadca.gov
To determine if your project is a priority development project, please answer the following questions:YES NO
1.Is your project a new development that creates 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surfaces collectively
over the entire project site?This includes commercial,industrial,residential,mixed-use,and public X
development projects on public or private land.
2.Is your project creating or replacing 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface collectively over the entire
project site on an existing site of 10,000 square feet or more of impervious surface?This includes commercial,X
industrial, residential, mixed-use, and public development projects on public or private land.
3.Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface
collectively over the entire project site and supports a restaurant?A restaurant is a facility that sells prepared Xfoods and drinks for consumption, including stationary lunch counters and refreshment stands selling prepared
foods and drinks for immediate consumption.
4.Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface
collectively over the entire project site and supports a hillside development project?A hillside development Xproject includes development on any natural slope that is twenty-five percent or greater.
5.Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface
collectively over the entire project site and supports a parking lot.A parking lot is a land area or facility for the Xtemporary parking or storage of motor vehicles used personally for business or for commerce.
6.Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates 5,000 square feet or more of impervious surface
collectively over the entire project site and supports a street,road,highway freeway or driveway?A street,Xroad,highway,freeway or driveway is any paved impervious surface used for the transportation of
automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and other vehicles.
7.Is your project a new or redevelopment project that creates or replaces 2,500 square feet or more of
impervious surface collectively over the entire site,and discharges directly to an Environmentally Sensitive
Area (ESA)?"Discharging Directly to" includes flow that is conveyed overland a distance of 200 feet or less X
from the project to the ESA, or conveyed in a pipe or open channel any distance as an isolated flow from the
project to the ESA (i.e. not commingles with flows from adjacent lands).*
8.Is your project a new development that supports an automotive repair shop?An automotive repair shop is a
facility that is categorized in any one of the following Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)codes:5013,X
5014, 5541, 7532-7534, or 7536-7539.
9.Is your project a new development that supports a retail gasoline outlet (RGO)?This category includes RGO's
that meet the following criteria: (a) 5,000 square feet or more or (b)a project Average Daily Traffic (ADT) of X
100 or more vehicles per day.
10.1s your project a new or redevelopment project that results in the disturbance of one or more acres of land and
are expected to generate pollutants post construction?X
11.1s your project located within 200 feet of the Pacific Ocean and (1)creates 2,500 square feet or more of Ximpervious surface or (2) increases impervious surface on the property by more than 10%?
If you answered "yes" to one or more of the above questions, you ARE a priority development project and are therefore subject to
implementing structural Best Management Practices (BMP's)in addition to implementing Standard Storm Water Requirements such
as source control and low impact development BMP's.A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) must be submitted with your
application(s) for development.Go to step 3 for redevelopment projects.For new projects, go to step 4 at the end of this
questionnaire, check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information.
If you answered "no"to all of the above questions,you ARE NOT a priority development project and are therefore subject to
implementing only Standard Storm Water Requirements such as source control and low impact development BMP's required for all
development projects.A Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)is not required with your application(s) for development.Go to step
4 at the end of this questionnaire, check the "my project does not meet PDP requirements"box and complete applicant
E-34 Page 2 of 3 Effective 6/27/13
4.14(....City of STANDARDS Development Services
Land Development Engineering
QUESTIONNAIRE 1635 Faraday AvenueCarlsbad760-602-2750E-34 www.carlsbadca.gov
Complete the questions below regarding your redevelopment project:YES NO
Does the redevelopment project result in the creation or replacement of impervious surface in an amount of less than
50% of the surface area of the previously existing development?
If you answered "yes," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply only to the creation or replacement of
impervious surface and not the entire development.Go to step 4,check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and
complete applicant information.
If you answered "no," the structural BMP's required for Priority Development Projects apply to the entire development.Go to step 4,
check the "my project meets PDP requirements" box and complete applicant information.
STEP 4 7
My project meets PRIORITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (PDP) requirements and must comply with additional stormwater
criteria per the SUSMP and I understand I must prepare a Storm Water Management Plan for submittal at time of application.
I understand flow control (hydromodification) requirements may apply to my project. Refer to SUSMP for details.
My project does not meet PDP requirements and must only comply with STANDARD STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS per
the SUSMP. As part of these requirements,I will incorporate low impact development strategies throughout my project.
Applicant Information and Signature Box
Address:End of existing Marron Road.Accessor's Parcel Number(s):167-040-11,-21
Applicant Name:Applicant Title:Cornerstone Communities VP a La/NA Pia Irvin t DeNtkoogni-
Applica t Date:-7 -ILI •IS
This Box for City Use Only
City Concurrence:YES NO
Project ID:
*Environmentally Sensitive Areas include but are not limited to all Clean Water Act Section 303(d) impaired water bodies; areas
designated as Areas of Special Biological Significance by the State Water Resources Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the
San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); water bodies designated with the RARE beneficial use by the State Water Resources'Control Board (Water Quality Control Plan for the San Diego Basin (1994) and amendments); areas designated as preserves or their
quivalent under the Multi Species Conservation Program within the Cities and County of San Diego; and any other equivalent
environmentally sensitive areas which have been identified by the Copermittees.
E-34 Page 3 of 3 Effective 6/27/13
a !
t .
Ei\rsilkONMENTAL 1
FEBRUARY 24, 2015
PROJECT NO. 07135-42-05
Project No. 07135-42-05
February 24, 2015
Cornerstone Communities
4365 Executive Drive, Suite 600
San Diego, California 92121
Attention:Mr. Jack Robson
Dear Mr. Robson:
In accordance with your authorization,we are pleased to submit the results of our update
geotechnical investigation for the proposed Quarry Creek project. Conclusions and recommendations
presented herein are based on review of available published geotechnical reports and literature,
observations during previous grading performed on the property for reclamation, previous subsurface
geotechnical exploration and site reconnaissance of existing conditions.
The eastern half of the property has been used for mining and crushing rock to produce commercial
aggregates. As the result, the eastern half of the site is underlain by compacted fill,previously placed
fill,undocumented fill,sedimentary,volcanic,and intrusive bedrock.Reclamation grading has
occurred on this portion of the site. The western half of the site is in an ungraded natural condition.
The accompanying report presents findings from our studies relative to geotechnical engineering
aspects of developing the property.The site is considered suitable for the proposed improvements
provided the recommendations of this report are followed.
Should you have questions regarding this report, or if we may be of further service, please contact
the undersigned at your convenience.
Very truly yours,
Ali Sadr t§St%0 Rodney C. Mikesell
CEG 1778 it No.ins GE 2533
% 0
t G.
1111/11;AS :RCM: dmc w GEOLOGIST •Z.r
.),A ,c)(2s2533 rc en
(4/del)Addressee `.OP COY—t OA.(2/del)The Corky McMillin Companies-*0 *
ts>Attention:Mr. Don Mitchell 4)-z.r„
6960 Flanders Drive ei Son Diego, California 92121.2974 II Telephone 858.558.6900 11 Fox 858.5S8.6159
4.1 Compacted Fill (Qcf)4
4.2 Undocumented Fill (Qudf)4
4.3 Previously Placed Compacted Fill (Qpcf)4
4.4 Previously Placed Fill (Qpf)5
4.5 Topsoil (Unmapped)5
4.6 Surficial Landslide Debris (Qlsf)5
4.7 Alluvium (Qal)5
4.8 Colluvium (Qc)6
4.9 Terrace Deposits (Qt)6
4.10 Santiago Formation (Ts)6
4.11 Salto Intrusive (Jspi)7
6.1 Faulting and Seismicity 7
6.2 Liquefaction 9
6.3 Flow Slide Potential 10
6.4 Landslides 10
7.1 General 11
7.2 Excavation and Soil Characteristics 11
7.3 Subdrains 12
7.4 Grading 13
7.5 Surcharge Fill 16
7.6 Settlement Monitoring 16
7.7 Slope Stability 16
7.8 Seismic Design Criteria 18
7.9 Foundation and Concrete Slab-On-Grade Recommendations 19
7.10 Retaining Wall Recommendations 24
7.11 Detention Basin and Bioswale Recommendations 26
7.12 Site Drainage and Moisture Protection 27
Figure 1,Vicinity Map
Figure 2 and 3, Geologic Map
Figure 4, Geologic Cross Sections AA'through DD'
Figure 5,Typical Canyon Subdrain Detail
Figure 6, Typical Subdrain Cut-Off Wall Detail
Figure 7, Typical Subdrain Outlet Headwall Detail
Figure 8,Construction Detail for Lateral Extent of Removal
Figure 9, Settlement Monument
Figures 10 —14, Slope Stability Analysis
Figure 15,Typical buttress Fill Detail
Figure 16,Typical Retaining Wall Drain Detail
Figures A-1 —A-5, Logs of Large Diameter Borings
Figures A-6 —A-27, Logs ofTrenches
Figures A-28 —A-33, Logs of Small Diameter Borings
Figures A-34 —A-39, Logs of Trenches (Geocon 9-10-09)
Table B-I, Summary of Laboratory Maximum Dry Density and Optimum Moisture Content
Table B-II, Summary of Laboratory Direct Shear Test Results
Table B-III,Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results
Table B-IV, Summary of Laboratory Expansion Index Test Results
Performed During Reclamation Grading
Table B-V, Summary of Laboratory Water-Soluble Sulfate Test Results
Table B-VI,Summary of Laboratory Water-Soluble Sulfate Test Results
Performed During Reclamation Grading
Table C-I, Summary of Soil Properties used for Slope Stability Analyses
Table C-II, Summary of Slope Stability Analyses
Figure C-1, Cut Slope
Figures C-2 —C-3, Buttress Fill Slope
Figure D-1,Stability Analysis for Flow Slide Potential
Figure D-2,Stability Analysis to Determine Yield Coefficient
This report presents the results of an update geotechnical investigation for the proposed Quarry
Creek development.The purpose of the geotechnical investigation is to evaluate surface and
subsurface soil conditions and general site geology, and to identify geotechnical constraints that may
impact development of the property. In addition, the purpose of this report is to provide foundation
design criteria, concrete flatwork recommendations, retaining wall recommendations, excavation and
remedial grading considerations that can be utilized in developing project budgets. The scope of this
investigation also included a review of readily available published and unpublished geologic
literature, aerial photographs and the following documents previously prepared for the property:
1.Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation,Quarry Creek II,Carlsbad/Oceanside,California,
prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated February 24, 2015 (Project No. 07135-42-03).
2.Foundation Report,Quarry Creek Bridge,Carlsbad,California,prepared by Geocon
Incorporated, dated August 21, 2014 (Project No. 07135-42-04A).
3.Mass Grading Plansfor Quarry Creek, prepared by Project Design Consultants, undated.
4.Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading,Quarry Creek,
Carlsbad,California,prepared by Geocon Incorporated,dated April 4,2013 (Project
No. 07135-42-02).
5.Final Report of Testing and Observation Services During Site Grading,Quarry Creek,
Oceanside,California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated,dated March 11,2013 (Project
No. 07135-42-02).
6.Update Geotechnical Investigation,Amended Reclamation Plan,Quarry Creek Refined
Alternative 3,Carlsbad,California, prepared by Geocon Incorporated, dated September 10,
2009 (Project No. 07135 -42-01).
7.Limited Geotechnical Investigation to Evaluate Hardrock Constraints for Quarry Creek,
Carlsbad,California,prepared by Geocon Incorporated,dated April 9,2004 (Project
No. 07135-42-01B.
8.EIR —Level Soil and Geologic Reconnaissance Quarry Creek II Carlsbad/Oceanside,
California,prepared by Geocon Incorporated,dated October 20,2011(Project No.07135-
The site is located south of State Route 78 and west of College Boulevard in Carlsbad, California
(see Vicinity Map, Figure 1).
The eastern portion of the site has been graded as part of the reclamation process.Geocon
Incorporated performed compaction testing and observation services during the grading operations.
Project No. 07135-42-05 -I -February 24, 2015
References 4 and 5 are the as-graded reports prepared for reclamation grading. As-graded conditions
are shown on the Geologic Map (Figures 2 and 3).
Previous field investigations were conducted in 2012 (Reference 1)and 2004 (Reference 7). These
investigations included large-diameter borings,small-diameter boring,and exploratory trenches.
Pertinent information, including boring and trench logs and other details of the field investigations
are presented in Appendix A.
We tested selected soil samples obtained during the previous field investigations to evaluate physical
properties for engineering analyses and to assist in providing recommendations for site grading. Details
of the laboratory tests and a summary of the test results are presented in Appendix B and on the boring
logs in Appendix A. The Geologic Map, Figures 2 and 3 also present the locations of the exploratory
excavations. The base map used to generate Figures 2 and 3 is a CAD file ofReference 3.
Other reports reviewed as part of this study are summarized on the List ofReferences at the end of
this report.
The Quarry Creek property has undergone many years of mining, crushing, and screening to produce
commercial aggregate products. The majority of previous mining activity occurred in the eastern and
southern portions of the site. Mining waste products were placed in canyon or pit areas to reclaim
quarry excavations. This resulted in placement of mostly undocumented fill in depressions,as well as
some compacted fill. A former concrete batch plant and base-coarse crushing and screening plant
operated by Hanson Aggregates occupied the central portion of the property. Other portions of the
property were previously used for storage purposes, which include stockpiles of concrete and asphalt
rubble, bioremediation stockpiles, and other materials.
Reclamation grading of the previously mined area commenced in July 2011 and was completed in
December 2012.During reclamation grading,undocumented fills were removed and replaced as
compacted fill. Alluvium, within the drainage area,was removed to approximately 3 feet above
groundwater elevation and replaced with compacted fill.Drop structures, levees, and rock revetment
slopes were constructed along and in Buena Vista Creek drainage. Reclamation grading has resulted
in removal of undocumented fill and replacement with compacted fill on the south side of Buena
Vista Creek and majority of the areas north of the creek. Reclamation grading resulted in large sheet-
graded pads on the eastern half of the property on both the north and south sides of Buena Vista
Creek. The western portion of the property has remained in an ungraded condition.
Project No. 07135-42-05 -2 -February 24, 2015
The overall site slopes northward, southward, and westward, following the east-west natural drainage
of Buena Vista Creek valley and its tributaries.The original valley-slope topography has been
lowered by quarry operations and then regarded to the current sheet grade elevations during
reclamation grading. Mining of rock in the northeast quadrant has created near-vertical rock slopes.
The cut has exposed fractured rock, which is very strong and considered stable in its temporary steep
condition.Recommendations for a permanent slope condition are provided in the slope stability
section of this report.
Slopes on the south side of the valley have been graded to permanent 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) cut
slopes with benches, bench-drains and brow-ditches. On the north side of the property, reclamation
grading has resulted in 2:1 cut slopes.Elevations in the eastern half of the property vary from
approximately 80 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) to above 300 feet MSL in open-space areas.Sheet
graded pad elevations vary from approximately 105 to 115 feet MSL.On the western ungraded
portion of the site, existing site elevations vary from approximately 80 feet MSL to 160 feet MSL.
Review of the grading plan for Quarry Creek indicates regrading in the eastern half ofthe property will
generally consist of cuts up to approximately 35 feet and fills of 15 feet,respectively.Within the
ungraded western portion, cuts and fills up to 40 feet and 30 feet, respectively will occur to create large
sheet-graded pads.Development will also include the construction of a bridge across the creek,
roadways, and utilities.A report specific to the bridge has been provided separately (see Reference 2).
Final plans for development have not yet been completed,however,we understand plans are to
construct 3-story multi-family buildings,2-story single family attached units,affordable housing
units,and a community facility.Plans include street improvements,utilities,and several
neighborhood parks. Several water quality basins are planned within the development.
The site description and proposed development are based on a site reconnaissance and review of the
available plans.If development plans differ significantly from those described herein, we should be
contacted for review and possible revisions to this report.
Eight surficial soil deposits and four geologic formations were encountered and/or mapped on the
property.Surficial soil deposits include undocumented fill,compacted fill,previously placed fill,
topsoil (unmapped),surficial landslide debris,alluvium,and colluvium. Formational units include:
Quaternary-age Terrace Deposits; Tertiary-age Santiago Formation; and Jurassic-age Salto Intrusive
rock.Mapped limits of the geologic units are shown on the Geologic Maps (Figures 2 and 3).
Project No. 07135-42-05 -3 -February 24, 2015
Geologic Cross Sections are presented on Figure 4.The surficial soil types and geologic units are
described below.
4.1 Compacted Fill (Qcf)
Compacted fill placed during reclamation grading exists across the eastern half of the property.
Observation and compaction testing of the fill has been performed by Geocon Incorporated. Report
documenting compaction tests and as-graded conditions were prepared in 2013 (see References 4 and
5).The fill is predominately comprised of silty to clayey sand with varying amounts of rock
fragments,soil rock fills,and windrows of oversize rock and concrete.A 10-foot hold-down for
oversize rock was provided during reclamation grading.However,in the southwest portion of the
reclamation grading area, the hold down was raised to 7 feet below finish grade.Compacted fill is
considered suitable for support of additional fill and structural loads.
4.2 Undocumented Fill (Qudf)
Undocumented fill exists in the northeast portion of the property beyond the reclamation grading
limit and within the existing access road from Haymar Drive. The majority of this undocumented fill
will likely be removed to achieve sheet grades based on proposed cuts shown on the project grading
plans. However, we expect some remedial grading will be needed below proposed cut elevations to
completely remove undocumented fill. A small amount of undocumented fill also exists just west of
the graded reclamation parcels near the central portion of the project.Undocumented fill is
unsuitable in its present condition, and will require removal and recompaction to support additional
fill or structural improvements. Oversize materials encountered during remedial grading may require
breaking down and special placement procedures in deeper fill areas.
In the southwest portion of Lot 2,a limited amount of undocumented fill was left in-place during
reclamation grading due to the presence of groundwater.Based on our observations during
reclamation grading and potholes performed, we expect less than 3 to 5 feet of fill was left below
groundwater in some areas.We do not expect the presence of the undocumented fill will impact
future development.
4.3 Previously Placed Compacted Fill (Qpcf)
Limited areas in the northeast and southeast portions of the property are underlain by previously
placed compacted fill (see Geologic Map).According to a report by Ninyo and Moore (dated
August 31, 2000), most of the approximately 10 feet of documented fill in the bottom of the northern
pit area had been placed between approximately 1988 and 2000.The report describes the fill
Project No. 07135-42-05 -4 -February 24, 2015
as ... interlayered, medium dense to dense,clayey and silty sand, clayey gravel and stiffsandy clay.
Portions of the compacted fill were buried beneath stockpiles of oversize shot-rock that was removed
during reclamation grading. The upper approximately 3 to 5 feet of previously placed compacted fill
was removed during reclamation grading and recompacted.
Previously placed compacted fill associated with the development of the eastern quarry (Wal-Mart
shopping center)encroaches into the southeastern portion of the property.These materials were
partially removed and recompacted during reclamation grading operations.Based on observations
during reclamation grading, the fill appears to be relatively dense with adequate moisture content and
considered suitable for support of structural improvements.
4.4 Previously Placed Fill (Qpf)
Previously placed fill exists near Haymar Drive and Highway 78 along the northern property
boundary. The approximate limit of the previously placed fill is shown on Figure 2 (Geologic Map).
These soils should not impact future development of the property.
4.5 Topsoil (Unmapped)
Portions of the western side of the site are irregularly blanketed by 1 to 3 feet of topsoil consisting of
loose, porous, dark brown, silty to clayey, fine sand. Topsoil is compressible and expansive, and will
require removal and recompaction within areas of planned development. Expansive clays should be
placed in deeper excavations during grading.
4.6 Surficial Landslide Debris (Qlsf)
Several suspicious surficial landslides are mapped within the western portion of the site,along the
south banks of the Buena Vista Creek basin. Due to the limited access to these areas,subsurface
investigation was not practical at this time. Their existence will be verified when access is available
or during the grading operations.Trench T-5 was excavated at one of these areas and showed
approximately 5 feet of sandy clay material overlying bedrock formation.The surficial landslide
debris,if they exist, are considered unsuitable for receiving fill or structures and require removal.
4.7 Alluvium (Qal)
Alluvial deposits are present within the major east-west drainage of Buena Vista Creek,as well as in
the northeastern and southwestern tributary canyons that converge with Buena Vista Creek in the
central portion of the site.The alluvial soils generally consist of loose,porous dark gray to dark
brown, very clayey, fine to medium sand, and clayey sand and silt with occasional layers of slightly
silty sand.Areas of deepest alluvium are located in the central portion of the site adjacent to the
Project No. 07135-42-05 -5 -February 24, 2015
original channel of Buena Vista Creek and its tributaries.The alluvium is compressible and not
suitable for support of additional fill and/or structural loads and will require partial (dependent upon
groundwater depths)to complete removal.Remedial grading of the alluvium along the north and
south sides of the main Buena Vista Creek drainage has occurred during the reclamation grading.
Alluvium is expected to be encountered along the toe of the south facing fill slope at the west end of
the property.
4.8 Colluvium (Qc)
Colluvial deposits were encountered in the southwest portion of the site mostly along the sides of the
draining tributary canyons. Colluvium is comprised of approximately 4 to 6 feet of loose dark brown,
very clayey to silty, fine sand. Due to the loose unconsolidated condition of the colluvium, removal
and recompaction will be required to provide suitable support for placement of compacted fill or
structural improvements.
4.9 Terrace Deposits (Qt)
Extensive and thick river terrace deposits consisting of medium-dense to dense, light reddish-brown
to olive-brown, gravelly, silty to clayey, medium to coarse sand to cohesionless sand with occasional
layers of silty clay are present in the western and southwest portions of the site.Except near
depositional contacts (or unconformities)with older formations,this unit is typically massive to
horizontally bedded,relatively dense and exhibits low compressibility characteristics.Terrace
Deposits are most prevalent in the southwestern portion of the site. The sandy zones are suitable for
support of fill and/ or structural loads in their present condition. The clayey zones, however, possess
low shear strength and high expansion potential.
Our large diameter boring LB-2 performed in the proposed cut slope located at the southwest
boundary,adjacent to Simsbury Court,encountered materials consists of interbedded silty sand,
cohessionless sand and clay layers which arc occasionally partially remolded.We recommend a
stability buttress be constructed along this cut slope to provide adequate slope stability.
4.10 Santiago Formation (Ts)
The Eocene-aged Santiago Formation, consisting of dense, massive bedded light brown to greenish-
gray sandstones and thin interbedded siltstones is present in the north -central and south-central
portions of the site.The Santiago Formation is generally granular and possesses suitable
geotechnical characteristics in either an undisturbed and/or properly compacted condition. However,
the occurrence of clayey siltstones and claystone layers in this unit may generate moderate to highly
Project No. 07135-42-05 -6 -February 24, 2015
expansive materials,or localized expansive zones at grade.Where practical,clayey zones of the
Santiago Formation should be placed at least 3 feet below proposed subgrade elevations.
4.11 Salto Intrusive (Jspi)
The Jurassic-aged Salto Intrusive consists of a steeply jointed,dark gray,very strong tonalite to
gabbro rock considered to be older than the Peninsular Range Batholith and more closely related to
the formation of the Santiago Peak Volcanics (Larsen,1948). This granitoid bedrock unit is present
in the northeast and southeast corners of the property and is the predominant geologic unit that has
been mined for aggregate on the property. Typically, this bedrock unit outcrops along the eastern or
southeastern boundary of the site, or is covered by fill in the central portions of the site. Exploratory
excavations encountered mostly buried intrusive rock that exhibited a variable weathering pattern
ranging from intensely weathered and fractured material near contacts with the overlying
sedimentary rocks, to fresh, extremely strong crystalline rock within quarried areas.
Groundwater was encountered in the major lower elevation drainage areas of Buena Vista Creek and
its tributaries at elevations between 70 to 80 feet MSL.Depth of groundwater is subject to
fluctuation from natural seasonal variations.The relationship between alluvial removals and the
position of groundwater table and time of year remedial grading is performed are discussed in the
Conclusions and Recommendations section of this report.
6.1 Faulting and Seismicity
Review of geologic literature, previous geotechnical reports for the property, and observations during
our current field investigation indicates no active faults traverse the property. One fault was observed
in Salto Intrusive rock across the quarry slope in the northeast corner of the property. However,an
exploratory trench excavated through the Tertiary Santiago Formation across the fault confirmed the
fault did not displace the Eocene-age sedimentary unit. As such, the fault is considered inactive and
not a constraint to the property.
According to the results of the computer program EZ-FRISK (Version 7.62),8 known active faults
are located within a search radius of 50 miles from the property. The nearest known active fault is
the Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault Zone, located approximately 6 miles east of the site and
is the dominant source of potential ground motion. Earthquakes that might occur on the Newport-
Inglewood-Rose Canyon Fault Zone or other faults within the southern California and northern Baja
Project No. 07135-42-05 -7 -February 24, 2015
California area are potential generators of significant ground motion at the site.The estimated
deterministic maximum earthquake magnitude and peak ground acceleration for the Newport
Inglewood -Rose Canyon Fault are 7.5 and 0.34 g,respectively.
We used Boore-Atkinson (2008) NGA USGS2008, Campbell-Bozorgnia (2008) NGA USGS 2008,
and Chiou-Youngs (2008) NGA acceleration-attenuation relationships in the calculation of the peak
ground accelerations (PGA).Table 6.1.1 lists the estimated maximum earthquake magnitudes and
PGA's for the most dominant faults for the site location calculated for Site Class D as defined by
Table 1613A.5.3 ofthe 2010 CBC.
TABLE 6.1.1
Maximum Peak Ground Acceleration
Distance EarthquakeFault Name from Site Boore-Campbell-Chiou-
(miles)Magni)tude Atkinson Bozorgnia Youngs(Miv 2008 (g)2008 (g)2008 (g)
Newport-Inglewood-Rose Canyon 6 7.50 0.30 0.26 0.34
Elsinore 21 7.85 0.21 0.15 0.19
Coronado Bank 23 7.40 0.18 0.12 0.14
Palos Verdes Connected 23 7.70 0.19 0.13 0.16
San Joaquin Hills Thrust 35 7.10 0.18 0.10 0.09
Earthquake Valley 42 6.80 0.13 0.09 0.11
San Jacinto 45 7.88 0.13 0.08 0.10
Chino 47 6.80 0.08 0.05 0.05
We used the computer program EZ-FRISK to perform a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis. The
computer program EZ-FRISK operates under the assumption that the occurrence rate of earthquakes
on each mapped Quaternary fault is proportional to the fault slip rate.The program accounts for
earthquake magnitude as a function of fault rupture length.Site acceleration estimates are made
using the earthquake magnitude and distance from the site to the rupture zone.The program also
accounts for uncertainty in each of following:(1) earthquake magnitude,(2) rupture length for a••
given magnitude,(3) location of the rupture zone,(4) maximum possible magnitude of a given
earthquake, and (5) acceleration at the site from a given earthquake along each fault. By calculating
the expected accelerations from considered earthquake sources,the program calculates the total
average annual expected number of occurrences of site acceleration greater than a specified value.
We utilized acceleration-attenuation relationships suggested by Boore -Atkinson (2008)NGA
USGS2008,Campbell-Bozorgnia (2008)NGA USGS 2008,and Chiou-Youngs (2008)in the
Project No. 07135 -42-05 -8 -February 24, 2015
analysis.Table 6.1.2 presents the site-specific probabilistic seismic hazard parameters including
acceleration-attenuation relationships and the probability of exceedence for Site Class D.
TABLE 6.1.2
Peak Ground Acceleration
Probability of Exceedence Boore-Atkinson,Campbell-Bozo rgnia,Chiou-Youngs,
2008 (g)2008 (g)2008 (g)
2% in a 50 Year Period 0.52 0.42 0.47
5% in a 50 Year Period 0.39 0.32 0.35
10% in a 50 Year Period 0.31 0.25 0.27
The California Geologic Survey (CGS)provides a computer program that calculates the ground
motion for a 10 percent of probability of exceedence in 50 years based on the average value of
several attenuation relationships.Table 6.1.3 presents the calculated results from the Probabilistic
Seismic Hazards Mapping Ground Motion Page from the CGS website.
TABLE 6.1.3
Calculated Acceleration (g) Calculated Acceleration (g)Calculated Acceleration (g)
Firm Rock Soft Rock Alluvium
0.27 0.29 0.33
While listing peak accelerations is useful for comparison of potential effects of fault activity in a
region, other considerations are important in seismic design, including the frequency and duration of
motion and the soil conditions underlying the site.Seismic design of the structures should he
evaluated in accordance with the California Building Code (CBC) guidelines.
6.2 Liquefaction
Liquefaction analyses were performed during Geocon's 2009 report for reclamation grading. Results
of the analyses indicate alluvial deposits below the groundwater should not liquefy for the design
level acceleration. However, design accelerations for under current building codes have significantly
increased over the last several years.Under current design accelerations,portions of the alluvium
below groundwater could experience liquefaction.Liquefaction,should it occur,is expected to be
limited to the area within the existing Buena Vista Creek drainage,and in the tributary drainage
Project No. 07135-42-05 -9 -February 24, 2015
southwest of the site. With respect to the alluvium left in place within Lot 2, the alluvium is likely
less than 10 feet thick,has been surcharged with approximately 15 to 20 feet of fill, will receive an
additional 5 feet of fill to achieve proposed sheet grades, and will be surcharged with an additional 5
feet of fill during regrading (see Section 7.5 of this report). In our opinion, liquefaction,if it were to
occur in this area would not cause surface manifestations (i.e.,sand boils).Settlement,should it
occur is expected to be relatively uniform and less than 1 -inch total.We estimate differential
settlement as a result of liquefaction to be 1/2-inch or less.
6.3 Flow Slide Potential
We analyzed flow slide potential for liquefaction conditions along the channel bank. We performed a
slope stability analysis using residual shear strength parameters for the potentially liquefiable soils.
Residual shear strengths were determined using information provided in Recommended Procedures
for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117 Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating
Liquefaction in California. It is our opinion that there is a low potential for flow slide impacts to
structures at the locations shown on Figure 2.The results of the stability analysis are shown
graphically in Appendix D (see Figures D-1 and D-2).
6.4 Landslides
Review of 1995 published landslide maps of the California Geological Survey (formerly the Division
of Mines and Geology) and a previous geotechnical report by Ninyo and Moore (August 23, 2000),
suggested the presence of suspected landslide deposits in the southwest quadrant of the site.
However,observations of intact outcrops and current subsurface investigation confirmed that the
landslide does not exist.Several suspicious surficial landslides are mapped along the south bank of
the creek. These areas were not accessible for subsurface investigation. These potential landslides,
even if confirmed, should not have significant impact on the proposed development.
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7.1 General
7.1.1 From a geotechnical engineering standpoint, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the
proposed development, provided the recommendations presented herein are implemented
in design and construction of the project.
7.1.2 Soil conditions identified during this study that may impact development include
compressible surficial soils (undocumented fill,alluvium,colluvium,surficial landslide
debris and topsoil)that will require remedial grading.Undocumented fill may contain
large rock fragments that require special placement procedures.
7.1.3 The property is approximately 7 miles from the Newport Inglewood/Rose Canyon Fault. It
is our opinion active and potentially active faults do not extend across or trend toward the
site.Risks associated with seismic activity consist of the potential for strong seismic
shaking.Building setbacks will not be required for the planned development due to
7.1.4 Several potential surficial landslides are mapped along the north-facing slope within the
western portion of the site. Due to the limited access, these areas could not be reached for
subsurface investigation.If encountered during the grading operations, total removal of the
slide debris within the grading area is recommended.
7.1.5 Subsurface conditions observed may be extrapolated to reflect general soil/geologic
conditions; however, some variations in subsurface conditions between trench and boring
locations should be anticipated.
7.2 Excavation and Soil Characteristics
7.2.1 Excavation of the Terrace Deposits,Santiago Formation and weathered portion of the
Salto Intrusive is expected to require a heavy to very heavy effort to excavate.Less
weathered and fresh Salto Intrusive bedrock may require blasting or specialized rock
breaking techniques to efficiently excavate and handle.Very heavy effort with possible
refusal is expected for excavations into the volcanic and intrusive rocks. Oversize material
may be generated which would require special handling or exportation from the site.
7.2.2 The soil encountered in the field investigation is considered to be "expansive" (expansion
index greater than 20)as defined by 2013 California Building Code (CBC)Section
1803.5.3.Table 7.2 presents soil classifications based on the expansion index. Based on
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the results of our laboratory testing,presented in Appendix B,we expect the on-site
materials will possess a "very low"to "very high" expansion potential (Expansion Index of
20 and greater).
ASTM 4829 AND 2013 CBC
Expansion Index (EI)Expansion Classification 2013 CBC
ASTM 4829 Expansion Classification
0 —20 Very Low Non-Expansive
21 —50 Low
51 —90 Medium
91 —130 High
Greater Than 130 Very High
7.2.3 We performed laboratory tests on samples of the site materials to evaluate the percentage
of water-soluble sulfate content. Results from the laboratory water-soluble sulfate content
tests are presented in Appendix B and indicate that the on-site materials at the locations
tested possess "negligible" sulfate exposure to concrete structures as defined by 2013 CBC
Section 1904 and ACI 318-08 Sections 4.2 and 4.3. We recommend the requirements set
forth by 2013 CBC Section 1904 and ACI 318 be followed when determining the type of
concrete to be used.The presence of water-soluble sulfates is not a visually discernible
characteristic;therefore,other soil samples from the site could yield different
concentrations.Additionally, over time landscaping activities (i.e., addition of fertilizers
and other soil nutrients) may affect the concentration.
7.2.4 Geocon Incorporated does not practice in the field of corrosion engineering.Therefore,
further evaluation by a corrosion engineer may be performed if improvements that could
be susceptible to corrosion arc planned.
7.3 Subdrains
7.3.1 Canyon subdrains are recommended to mitigate the potential for adverse impacts
associated with observed and potential seepage conditions and to collect perched water
that migrates along the contact between natural ground and fill surfaces. Figure 5 presents
a typical canyon subdrain detail.Recommended subdrain locations are depicted on the
Geologic Map, Figures 2 and 3.
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7.3.2 The final 20-foot segment of a subdrain should consist of non-perforated drainpipe. At the
non-perforated/perforated interface,a seepage cutoff wall should be constructed on the
downslope side of the junction in accordance with Figure 6.Subdrains that discharge into
a natural drainage course or open space area should be provided with a permanent
headwall structure in accordance with Figure 7.
7.3.3 Final grading plans should show the location of the proposed subdrains. Upon completion
of remedial excavations and subdrain installation, the project civil engineer should survey
the drain locations and prepare an "as-built"map depicting the existing conditions. The
final outlet and connection locations should be determined during grading.The grading
contractor may consider videoing the subdrains shortly after burial to check proper
installation and to check that the pipe has not been crushed.As a minimum,we
recommend the subdrain for the buttress fill be videoed. The contractor is responsible for
the performance of the drains.
7.4 Grading
7.4.1 All grading should be performed in accordance with the Recommended Grading
Specifications contained in Appendix E.Where the recommendations of Appendix E
conflict with this section of the report,the recommendations of this section take
7.4.2 Prior to commencing grading,a preconstruction conference should be held at the site with
the owner or developer,grading contractor, civil engineer, and geotechnical engineer in
attendance. Special soil handling and/or the grading plans can be discussed at that time.
7.4.3 Grading should be performed in conjunction with the observation and compaction testing
services of Geocon Incorporated.Fill soil should be observed on a full -time basis during
placement and tested to assess in -place dry density and moisture content.
7.4.4 Site preparation should begin with removal of all deleterious material and vegetation. The
depth of removal should be such that material exposed in cut areas or soil to be used for
fill is relatively free of organic matter.Deleterious material generated during stripping
and/or site demolition should be exported from the site.
7.4.5 Undocumented fill,topsoil,colluvium,alluvium and landslide debris within areas of
planned grading should be removed to firm natural ground and properly compacted prior to
placing additional fill and/or structural loads. The actual extent of unsuitable soil removals
should be determined in the field by the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist. Overly
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wet surficial materials, where encountered,will require drying and/or mixing with drier
soils to facilitate proper compaction.
7.4.6 Alluvium should be removed down to competent formational bedrock or to within
approximately 3 feet of the groundwater table, whichever occurs first. During excavation
of the alluvium,test pits should be periodically excavated to determine groundwater
depths. Dewatering and special equipment such as swamp cats, excavators, and top loading
operations may be required to excavate the alluvium. Removals at the toe of slopes along
the drainage channel at the southwest corner of the property should extend out at a 1:1
plane from the toe to the bottom of the removal.A typical lateral extent of removal is
shown on Figure 8.
7.4.7 Graded areas may expose volcanic/intrusive rock at finish grade.The presence of hard
rock may impact future development. We recommend hard rock be undercut to a depth of
at least 5 feet below finish grade in building pads and 2 feet below utilities and a soil cap
7.4.8 After removal of unsuitable material as recommended above, the base of overexcavations
and natural ground surfaces (including previous compacted fill soil) to receive additional
fill should be scarified approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned, and compacted.
7.4.9 The site should then be brought to final subgrade elevations with structural fill compacted
in layers.In general,soils native to the site are suitable for re-use as fill if free from
vegetation, debris and other deleterious material.Layers of fill should be no thicker than
will allow for adequate bonding and compaction.All fill,backfill,and scarified ground
surfaces should be compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent of maximum dry
density near to slightly above optimum moisture content,as determined in accordance with
ASTM Test Procedure D 1557.Fill areas with in-place density test results indicating
moisture contents less than optimum will require additional moisture conditioning prior to
placing additional fill.
7.4.10 To reduce the potential for differential settlement, it is recommended that the cut portion
of building pads with cut-fill transitions be undercut at least 3 feet and replaced,where
practical, with "very low-to "medium" expansive compacted Fill soils.
7.4.11 Cut pads exposing concretions, cemented material, or expansive soil should be undercut at
least 3 feet and replaced with properly compacted "very low" to "medium" expansive soil
to facilitate excavation of foundations and shallow utilities.
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7.4.12 Undercuts (overexcavations)performed on pads with cut-fill transitions,cemented
sandstone, hard rock or expansive soil materials at grade should be undercut at a gradient
of 1 percent toward the street or toward the deepest fill area to provide drainage for
moisture migration along the contact between the native soil and compacted fill.
7.4.13 The on-site soil is suitable to be used as fill if relatively free of debris and organic
material. The depth of removal should be such that dense natural ground is exposed at the
base of the overexcavation.
7.4.14 Grading should be performed such that highly expansive soils are placed in the deeper fill
areas and outside of slope zones.Materials within 3 feet of finish grade on lots and the
upper 12 inches of subgrade within streets, where practical, should consist of very low to
medium expansive soils (soil with an Expansion Index less than 90).
7.4.15 Cut and fill slopes should be constructed at an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) or
flatter. An approximately 15-foot-high 1.5:1 cut slope in the Salto Intrusive is planned in
the southeast portion of the property and an approximately 30-foot-high 1.5:1 cut slope in -
Santiago Formation is planned at the northeast portion. These 1.5:1 slopes are acceptable
provided they are free of adverse bedding. It is recommended that the slope excavations be
observed during grading by a representative of Geocon Incorporated to check that soil and
geologic conditions do not differ significantly from those anticipated and adverse bedding
does not exist.
7.4.16 All fill slopes should be constructed of granular material and compacted out to the face of
the finish slope.If complete removals cannot be performed outside the toe of slopes due to
environmentally sensitive areas and/or groundwater conditions,Geocon Incorporated
should be consulted to provide recommendations.
7.4.17 Excavations in cemented zones of formational units will likely generate oversize rock
chunks.Oversized materials can be placed in fill areas in accordance with the
recommendations contained within the Recommended Grading Specifications in
Appendix D.Oversize materials (rocks or hard lumps in excess of 12 inches in least
dimension)should be kept at least 10 feet below proposed finish grade within building
pads and at least 2 feet below the deepest utility within street right-of-ways. Modifications
to the hold down depths can be made at the owner's desecration.
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7.5 Surcharge Fill
7.5.1 In Lot 2 where undocumented fill and alluvium were left in-place below groundwater, we
recommend a surcharge fill height of at least 5 above finish pad grade be placed.The
approximate area of recommended surcharge is shown on Figure 2.The top of the
surcharge fill should extend out to a horizontal distance of at least 10 feet beyond the
limits where alluvium was left in-place. We recommend the bottom 1 -foot of the surcharge
fill be placed and compacted as structural fill.This will result in compacted fill at finish
grade once settlement of the underlying alluvium occurs.
7.6 Settlement Monitoring
7.6.1 Settlement monitoring is recommended where surcharge fill is placed.Once rough pad
grade is attained,we recommend surface monuments be installed to measure settlement.
The locations and number of monuments should be determined by Geocon once building
pad locations are known.A typical surface settlement monument detail is presented as
Figure 9.
7.6.2 Surface settlement monuments should be read by the project surveyor every week for the
first 4 weeks, and then every two weeks until measured settlement is within tolerable limits
such that additional settlement will not impact site improvements. Based on our experience
with similar soil conditions, we estimate 2 to 4 months of monitoring would be necessary
to demonstrate that primary consolidation is essentially complete.
7.7 Slope Stability
7.7.1 Slope stability analyses, utilizing average drained direct shear strength parameters, indicate
proposed fill slopes constructed with on-site granular materials and cut slopes within
formational material should have calculated factors of safety of at least 1.5 under static
conditions with respect to both deep-seated failure and shallow sloughing conditions.
Results of the analyses are presented on Figures 10 through 14.Additionally,an
inclination of 1.5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) is acceptable for slopes excavated into the
Salto Intrusive and Santiago Formation provided no adverse jointing, fractures, or bedding
exist.All cut slopes should be observed by a geologist to assess if adverse bedding,
jointing, or fractures exist.
7.7.2 There are steep to near vertical cut slopes within the northeast portion of the site.These
slopes were excavated during mining operations.The stability of these slopes should be
,r1 evaluated when ultimate grading and use of this area is known. Various options such as lay
back, stability fill or soil nailing/rock bolting may be considered at the time. Alternatively,
Project No. 07135-42-05 -16 -February 24, 2015
slope set-backs and rock retention fences can be utilized.For preliminary planning
purposes, we recommend a set-back for site improvements of 20 feet from the toe of slope
in conjunction with the construction of a debris ditch and rock retention fence.
Additionally, we recommend loose rock and accumulated soil on the slope face and at the
top of the slope be removed. The construction of the debris ditch and rock retention fence
should occur during fine grading of the pad once pad usage and improvement locations
have been determined.
7.7.3 The proposed 45 feet high cut slope located at the southwest boundary,adjacent to
Simsbury Court,will be excavated into Terrace Deposits. Our large diameter boring LB -2
encountered materials consisting of interbedded silty sand,cohessionless sand and clay
layers which were occasionally partially remolded. Our analysis indicates that a buttress
fill will be required to provide adequate slope stability. Based on our analysis, the stability
buttress will need to have a minimum width of 30 feet to provide adequate stability. A
typical buttress fill detail is provided in Figure 15.A discussion our stability analysis is
presented in Appendix C.
7.7.4 Excavations including buttresses, shear keys, and stability fills should be observed during
grading by an engineering geologist to evaluate whether soil and geologic conditions do
not differ significantly from those expected.Buttress shear key and associated subdrains
should be surveyed during construction and depicted on the final as-built grading plans.
7.7.5 We performed the slope stability analyses based on the interpretation of geologic
conditions encountered during our field investigation.In certain areas,the geologic
conditions such as the localized or continuous features of the bedding plane shears may
need to be further defined by additional field exploration based on our review of the
40-scale grading plans.
7.7.6 The outer 15 feet (or a distance equal to the height of the slope, whichever is less)of fill
slopes should be composed of properly compacted granular "soil"fill to reduce the
potential for surficial sloughing.
7.7.7 Fill slopes should be overbuilt at least 3 feet and cut back to the design finish grades.
Alternatively, fill slopes can be compacted by backrolling with a loaded sheepsfoot roller
or tracked walked by sufficiently by a D-8 dozer or equivalent, at vertical intervals not to
exceed 4 feet.Slope should be uniformly compacted to a dry density of at least 90 percent
of the laboratory maximum dry density to the face of the finished slope.
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7.7.8 All slopes should be landscaped with drought-tolerant vegetation having variable root
depths and requiring minimal landscape irrigation. In addition, all slopes should be drained
and properly maintained to reduce erosion.Slope planting should generally consist of
drought tolerant plants having a variable root depth.Slope watering should be kept to a
minimum to just support the plant growth.
7.8 Seismic Design Criteria
7.8.1 We used the computer program U.S.Seismic Design Maps,provided by the USGS.
Table 7.8.1 summarizes site-specific design criteria obtained from the 2013 California
Building Code (CBC; Based on the 2012 International Building Code [IBC]and ASCE 7-
10),Chapter 16 Structural Design,Section 1613 Earthquake Loads.The short spectral
response uses a period of 0.2 second. The building structures and improvements should be
designed using a Site Class C.We evaluated the Site Class based on the discussion in
Section 1613.3.2 of the 2013 CBC and Table 20.3-1 of ASCE 7-10. The values presented
in Table 7.8.1 are for the risk-targeted maximum considered earthquake (MCER).
TABLE 7.8.1
Parameter Value 2013 CBC Reference
Site Class D Section 1613.3.2
MCER Ground Motion Spectral Response 1.067g Figure 1613.3.1(1)Acceleration —Class B (short),Ss
MCER Ground Motion Spectral Response
Acceleration—Class B (1 sec), Si 0.413g Figure 1613.3.1(2)
Site Coefficient,FA 1.073 Table 1613.3.3(1)
Site Coefficient, Fv 1.587 Table 1613.3.3(2)
Site Class Modified MCER 1.145g Section 1613.3.3 (Eqn 16-37)Spectral Response Acceleration (short),SNIS
Site Class Modified MCER 0.656g Section 1613.3.3 (Eqn 16-38)Spectral Response Acceleration (1 sec),S511
5% Damped Design 0.763g Section 1613.3.4 (Eqn 16-39)Spectral Response Acceleration (short),SDS
5% Damped Design 0.437g Section 1613.3.4 (Eqn 16-40)Spectral Response Acceleration (I
7.8.2 Table 7.8.2 presents additional seismic design parameters for projects located in Seismic
Design Categories of D through F in accordance with ASCE 7-10 for the mapped
maximum considered geometric mean (MCEG).
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TABLE 7.8.2
Parameter Value ASCE 7-10 Reference
Mapped MCEG Peak Ground Acceleration, PGA 0.407g Figure 22-7
Site Coefficient,FPGA 1.093 Table 11.8-1
Site Class Modified MCEG 0.445g Section 11.8.3 (Eqn 11.8-1)Peak Ground Acceleration, PGAM
7.8.3 Conformance to the criteria in Tables 7.8.1 and 7.8.2 for seismic design does not constitute
any kind of guarantee or assurance that significant structural damage or ground failure will
not occur if a large earthquake occurs. The primary goal of seismic design is to protect life,
not to avoid all damage, since such design may be economically prohibitive.
7.9 Foundation and Concrete Slab-On-Grade Recommendations
7.9.1 The foundation recommendations that follow are for one-to three-story residential
structures and are separated into categories dependent on the thickness and geometry of
the underlying fill soils as well as the expansion index of the prevailing subgrade soils of a
particular building pad (or lot). Categories for each building pad or lot will be provided
after the completion of grading once fill thickness is known and expansion index testing
has been performed on finish grade soils.
TABLE 7.9.1
Foundation Maximum Fill Differential Fill Expansion
Category Thickness, T (feet)Thickness, D (feet)Index (El)
I T<20 EI<50
II 20<T<50 1O<D<20 50<El<90
III T>50 D>20 90<EI<130
7.9.2 Table 7.9.2 presents minimum foundation and interior concrete slab design criteria for
conventional foundation systems.
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TABLE 7.9.2
Minimum FootingFoundation Continuous Footing Interior SlabEmbedment DepthCategory Reinforcement Reinforcement(inches)
12 Two No. 4 bars,6x6-10/10 welded wire
one top and one bottom mesh at slab mid-point
II 18 Four No. 4 bars,No.3 bars at 24 inches
two top and two bottom on center, both directions
III 24 Four No.5 bars,No.3 bars at 18 inches
two top and two bottom on center, both directions
7.9.3 The embedment depths presented in Table 7.9.2 should be measured from the lowest
adjacent pad grade for both interior and exterior footings. The conventional foundations
should have a minimum width of 12 inches and 24 inches for continuous and isolated
footings, respectively.
7.9.4 The concrete slab-on-grade should be a minimum of 4 inches thick for Foundation
Categories I and II and 5 inches thick for Foundation Category III.
7.9.5 Slabs that may receive moisture-sensitive floor coverings or may be used to store moisture-
sensitive materials should be underlain by a vapor retarder. The vapor retarder design should
be consistent with the guidelines presented in the American Concrete Institute's (ACI) Guide
for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-Sensitive Flooring Materials (ACI 302.2R-06). In
addition,the membrane should be installed in accordance with manufacturer's
recommendations and ASTM requirements,and in a manner that prevents puncture.The
project architect or developer should specify the vapor retarder based on the type of floor
covering that will be installed and if the structure will possess a humidity controlled
7.9.6 The project foundation engineer,architect,and/or developer should determine the
thickness of bedding sand below the slab.In general,3 to 4 inches of sand bedding is
typically used.Cieocon should be contacted to provide recommendations if the bedding
sand is thicker than 6 inches.
7.9.7 The foundation design engineer should provide appropriate concrete mix design criteria and
curing measures to assure proper curing of the slab by reducing the potential for rapid
moisture loss and subsequent cracking and/or slab curl.The foundation design engineer
should specify the concrete mix design and proper curing methods on the foundation plan. It
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is critical that the foundation contractor understands and follows the recommendations
presented on the foundation plan.
7.9.8 As an alternative to the conventional foundation recommendations, consideration should be
given to the use ofpost-tensioned concrete slab and foundation systems for the support of the
proposed structures. The 2013 CBC has updated the design requirements for post-tensioned
foundation systems. The post-tensioned systems should be designed by a structural engineer
experienced in post-tensioned slab design and design criteria of the Post-Tensioning Institute
(PTI), Third Edition,as required by the 2013 CBC (Section 1805.8). Although this procedure
was developed for expansive soil conditions, we understand it can also be used to reduce the
potential for foundation distress due to differential fill settlement. The post-tensioned design
should incorporate the geotechnical parameters presented in Table 7.9.3 for the particular
Foundation Category designated. The parameters presented in Table 7.9.3 are based on the
guidelines presented in the PTI, Third Edition design manual.
TABLE 7.9.3
Post-Tensioning Institute (PTI)Foundation Category
Third Edition Design Parameters I II III
Thornthwaite Index -20 -20 -20
Equilibrium Suction 3.9 3.9 3.9
Edge Lift Moisture Variation Distance,em (feet)5.3 5.1 4.9
Edge Lift,ym (inches)0.61 1.10 1.58
Center Lift Moisture Variation Distance,em (feet)9.0 9.0 9.0
Center Lift,ym (inches)0.30 0.47 0.66
7.9.9 If the structural engineer proposes a post-tensioned foundation design method other than
the 2013 CBC:
•The criteria presented in Table 7.9.3 are still applicable.
•Interior stiffener beams should be used for Foundation Categories 11 and Ill.
•The width of the perimeter foundations should be at least 12 inches.
•The perimeter footing embedment depths should be at least 12 inches,18 inches
and 24 inches for foundation categories 1,II,and III, respectively. The embedment
depths should be measured from the lowest adjacent pad grade.
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7.9.10 The foundations for the post-tensioned slabs should be embedded in accordance with the
recommendations of the structural engineer.If a post-tensioned mat foundation system is
planned, the slab should possess a thickened edge with a minimum width of 12 inches and
extend at least 6 inches below the clean sand or crushed rock layer.
7.9.11 Our experience indicates post-tensioned slabs are susceptible to excessive edge lift,
regardless of the underlying soil conditions. Placing reinforcing steel at the bottom of the
perimeter footings and the interior stiffener beams may mitigate this potential. Current PTI
design procedures primarily address the potential center lift of slabs but,because of the
placement of the reinforcing tendons in the top of the slab, the resulting eccentricity after
tensioning reduces the ability of the system to mitigate edge lift. The structural engineer
should design the foundation system to reduce the potential of edge lift occurring for the
proposed structures.
7.9.12 During the construction of the post-tension foundation system,the concrete should be
placed monolithically.Under no circumstances should cold joints form between the
footings/grade beams and the slab during the construction of the post-tension foundation
7.9.13 Category I, II, or III foundations may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of
2,000 pounds per square foot (psf)(dead plus live load).This bearing pressure may be
increased by one-third for transient loads due to wind or seismic forces.The estimated
maximum total and differential settlement for the planned structures due to foundation
loads is 1 -inch and 1/2-inch, respectively. Differential settlement is estimated to occur over
a span of 40 feet.
7.9.14 We expect primary settlement of existing fills is essentially complete.However,we
estimate that additional settlement as a result of hydro-consolidation to be approximately
0.2 to 0.3 percent of the total fill thickness. We expect hydro-consolidation to occur over a
20 year or more duration.We estimate a total fill settlement as a result of hydro-
consolidation to be 1 -inch or less in areas where compacted fill exists.A more refined
estimate of total and differential fill thickness can he made once buildin.locations on
individual sheet graded pads
7.9.15 Foundations will need to be designed to accommodate estimated total and differential fill
settlement from both building loading and hydroconsolidation.In addition, building pads
on Lot 2 where alluvium was left in-place should incorporate the estimated liquefaction
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7.9.16 Isolated footings, including PT foundation systems where footings are not reinforced with
PT cables,should have the minimum embedment depth and width recommended for
conventional foundations (see Section 7.9.1 through 7.9.3)for a particular foundation
category.The use of isolated footings,which are located beyond the perimeter of the
building and support structural elements connected to the building,are not recommended
for Category III. Where this condition cannot be avoided, the isolated footings should be
connected to the building foundation system with grade beams.
7.9.17 For Foundation Category III,consideration should be given to using interior stiffening
beams and connecting isolated footings and/or increasing the slab thickness. In addition,
consideration should be given to connecting patio slabs, which exceed five feet in width, to
the building foundation to reduce the potential for future separation to occur.
7.9.18 Special subgrade presaturation is not deemed necessary prior to placing concrete; however,
the exposed foundation-and slab-subgrade soil should be moisture conditioned,as
necessary,to maintain a moist condition as would be appropriate in any such concrete
7.9.19 Where buildings or other improvements are planned near the top of a slope steeper
than 3:1 (horizontal:vertical),special foundations and/or design considerations are
recommended due to the tendency for lateral soil movement to occur.
•For fill slopes less than 20 feet high or cut slopes regardless of height,footings
should be deepened such that the bottom outside edge of the footing is at
least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope.
•For fill slopes greater than 20 feet high, foundations should be extended to a depth
where the minimum horizontal distance is equal to II/3 (where H equals the
vertical distance from the top of the fill slope to the base of the fill soil) with a
minimum of 7 feet but need not exceed 40 feet.The horizontal distance is
measured from die outer, deepest edge of the footing to the face of the slope.A
post-tensioned slab and foundation system or mat foundation system can be used
to help reduce potential foundation distress associated with slope creep and lateral
fill extension.Specific design parameters or recommendations for either of these
alternatives can be provided once the building location and fill slope gconietry
have been determine 1.
•If swimming pools are planned,Geocon Incorporated should be contacted for a
review of specific site conditions.
•Swimming pools located within 7 feet of the top of cut or fill slopes are not
recommended.Where such a condition cannot be avoided,the portion of the
swimming pool wall within 7 feet of the slope face be designed assuming that the
Project No. 07135-42-05 -23 -February 24, 2015
adjacent soil provides no lateral support.This recommendation applies to fill
slopes up to 30 feet in height, and cut slopes regardless of height. For swimming
pools located near the top of fill slopes greater than 30 feet in height, additional
recommendations may be required and Geocon Incorporated should be contacted
for a review of specific site conditions.
•Although other improvements that are relatively rigid or brittle,such as concrete
flatwork or masonry walls, may experience some distress if located near the top of
a slope,it is generally not economical to mitigate this potential. It may be possible,
however,to incorporate design measures that would permit some lateral soil
movement without causing extensive distress.Geocon Incorporated should be
consulted for specific recommendations.
7.9.20 The exterior flatwork recommendations provided herein assumes that the near surface soils
are very low to low expansive (EI <50). Exterior slabs not subjected to vehicular traffic
should be a minimum of four inches thick and reinforced with 6 x 6-6/6 welded wire mesh.
The mesh should be placed in the middle of the slab. Proper mesh positioning is critical to
future performance of the slabs.The contractor should take extra measures to provide
proper mesh placement.Prior to construction of slabs,the upper 12 inches of subgrade
soils should be moisture conditioned at or slightly above optimum moisture content and
compacted to at least 90 percent ofthe laboratory maximum dry density per ASTM 1557.
7.9.21 The recommendations of this report are intended to reduce the potential for cracking of
slabs due to expansive soil (if present), differential settlement of existing soil or soil with
varying thicknesses.However,even with the incorporation of the recommendations
presented herein, foundations, stucco walls, and slabs -on-grade placed on such conditions
may still exhibit some cracking due to soil movement and/or shrinkage. The occurrence of
concrete shrinkage cracks is independent of the supporting soil characteristics.The
occurrence may be reduced and/or controlled by:(1) limiting the slump of the concrete,
(2) proper concrete placement and curing, and by (3) the placement of crack control joints
at periodic intervals, in particular, where re-entrant slab corners occur.
7.9.22 Geocon Incorporated should be consulted to provide additional design parameters as
required by the structural engineer.
7.10 Retaining Wall Recommendations
7.10.1 Retaining walls that are allowed to rotate more than 0.001H (where H equals the height of
the retaining portion of the wall)at the top of the wall and having a level backfill surface
should be designed for an active soil pressure equivalent to the pressure exerted by a fluid
density of 35 pcf. Where the backfill will be inclined at 2:1 (horizontal:vertical),an active
Project No. 07135-42-05 -24 -February 24, 2015
soil pressure of 50 pcf is recommended.Expansive soils should not be used as backfill
material behind retaining walls.All soil placed for retaining wall backfill should have an
Expansion Index less than 50.
7.10.2 Soil contemplated for use as retaining wall backfill, including import materials, should be
identified in the field prior to backfill. At that time Geocon Incorporated should obtain
samples for laboratory testing to evaluate its suitability. Modified lateral earth pressures
may be necessary if the backfill soil does not meet the required expansion index or shear
strength.City or regional standard wall designs,if used,are based on a specific active
lateral earth pressure and/or soil friction angle. In this regard, on-site soil to be used as
backfill may or may not meet the values for standard wall designs. Geocon Incorporated
should be consulted to assess the suitability of the on-site soil for use as wall backfill if
standard wall designs will be used.
7.10.3 Unrestrained walls will move laterally when backfilled and loading is applied. The amount
of lateral deflection is dependent on the wall height, the type of soil used for backfill, and
loads acting on the wall. The wall designer should provide appropriate lateral deflection
quantities for planned retaining walls structures,if applicable. These lateral values should
be considered when planning types of improvements above retaining wall structures.
7.10.4 Where walls are restrained from movement at the top, an additional uniform pressure of
8H psf should be added to the active soil pressure where the wall possesses a height of
8 feet or less and 12H where the wall is greater than 8 feet. For retaining walls subject to
vehicular loads within a horizontal distance equal to two-thirds the wall height,a surcharge
equivalent to 2 feet of fill soil should be added (unit weight 130 pcf).
7.10.5 Retaining walls should be provided with a drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup
of hydrostatic forces and should be waterproofed as required by the project architect. The
use of drainage openings through the base of the wall (weep holes)is not recommended
where the seepage could be a nuisance or otherwise adversely affect the property adjacent
to the base of the wall. The above recommendations assume a properly compacted granular
(EI of less than 50)free-draining. backfill material with no hydrostatic forces or imposed
surcharge load.Fipiire 16 presents a typical drainage detail.II conditions
different than those described are expected,or if specific drainage details are desired,
Geoco Incorporated should be contacted for additional recommendations.
•7.10.6 The structural engineer should determine the seismic design category for the project in
accordance with Section 1613 of the CBC.If the project possesses a seismic design
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category of D, E, or F, retaining walls that support more than 6 feet of backfill should be
designed with seismic lateral pressure in accordance with Section of the 2013
CBC. The seismic load is dependent on the retained height where H is the height of the
wall, in feet, and the calculated loads result in pounds per square foot (psf) exerted at the
base of the wall and zero at the top of the wall. A seismic load of 21H should be used for
design.We used the peak ground acceleration adjusted for Site Class effects,PGAM.of
0.445g calculated from ASCE 7-10 Section 11.8.3 and applied a pseudo-static coefficient
7.10.7 In general,wall foundations having a minimum depth and width of one foot may be
designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf, provided the soil within 3 feet
below the base of the wall consists of compacted fill with an Expansion Index of less
than 90. The allowable soil bearing pressure can be increased by 300 psf and 500 psf for
each additional foot of foundation width and depth,respectively,up to a maximum
allowable soil bearing of 4,000 psf. The proximity of the foundation to the top of a slope
steeper than 3:1 could impact the allowable soil bearing pressure.Therefore,Geocon
Incorporated should be consulted where such a condition is anticipated.
7.10.8 Resistance to lateral loads will be provided by friction along the base of the wall
foundation or by passive earth pressure against the side of the footing.Allowable
coefficients of friction of 0.35 are recommended for footings in compacted fill.Passive
earth pressure may be taken as 150 pcf for walls founded on a 2:1 slope, and 300 pcf for
horizontal ground in front of the wall. The allowable passive pressure assumes a horizontal
surface extending at least 5 feet. or three times the surface generating the passive pressure,
whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material in areas not protected by floor slabs
or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance.
7.10.9 The recommendations presented above are generally applicable to the design of rigid
concrete or masonry retaining walls having :1 maximum height of s feet.In the event that
walls higher than 8 feet are planned,Geocon Incorporated should be consulted fur
additional recommendations.
11 Dot....ntion 'Basin and 9losvglh 7)commIndations
7.11.1 Any detention basins,bioswales and bio-remediation areas should be designed by the
project civil engineer and reviewed by Geocon Incorporated. Typically, bioswales consist
of a surface layer of vegetation underlain by clean sand.A subdrain should be provided
beneath the sand layer. Prior to discharging into the storm drain pipe,a seepage cutoff wall
should be constructed at the interface between the subdrain and storm drain pipe.The
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concrete cut-off wall should extend at least 6-inches beyond the perimeter of the gravel-
packed subdrain system.
7.11.2 Distress may be caused to planned improvements and properties located hydrologically
downstream or adjacent to these devices. The distress depends on the amount of water to
be detained,its residence time,soil permeability,and other factors.We have not
performed a hydrogeology study at the site. Downstream and adjacent properties may be
subjected to seeps, springs, slope instability, raised groundwater, movement of foundations
and slabs, or other impacts as a result of water infiltration. Due to site soil and geologic
conditions,permanent bioswales and bio-remediation areas should be lined with an
impermeable barrier,such as a thick visqueen,to prevent water infiltration in to the
underlying compacted fill.
7.11.3 The landscape architect should be consulted to provide the appropriate plant
recommendations.If drought resistant plants are not used, irrigation may be required.
7.12 Site Drainage and Moisture Protection
7.12.1 Adequate site drainage is critical to reduce the potential for differential soil movement,
erosion and subsurface seepage. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond
adjacent to footings. The site should be graded and maintained such that surface drainage
is directed away from structures in accordance with 2013 CBC 1804.3 or other applicable
standards. In addition, surface drainage should be directed away from the top of slopes into
swales or other controlled drainage devices.Roof and pavement drainage should be
directed into conduits that carry runoff away from the proposed structure.
7.12.2 In the case of basement walls or building walls retaining landscaping areas,a water-
proofing system should be used on the Nvall and joints.and a Miradrain drainage panel (or
similar)should be placed over the waterproofing.The project architect or civil engineer
should provide detailed specifications on the plans for all waterproofing and drainage.
7.12.3 Underground utilities should be leak free.Utility and irrigation lines should he checked
periodically for leaks,and detected leaks should be repaired promptly.Detrimental soil
movement could occur if water is allowed to infiltrate the soil for prolonged periods of
7.12.4 Adequate drainage provisions are imperative.Under no circumstances should water be
allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The building pads should be properly finish graded
after the buildings and other improvements are in place so that drainage water is directed
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away from foundations, pavements, concrete slabs, and slope tops to controlled drainage
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1.The firm that performed the geotechnical investigation for the project should be retained to
provide testing and observation services during construction to provide continuity of
geotechnical interpretation and to check that the recommendations presented for
geotechnical aspects of site development are incorporated during site grading, construction
of improvements, and excavation of foundations.If another geotechnical firm is selected to
perform the testing and observation services during construction operations, that firm should
prepare a letter indicating their intent to assume the responsibilities of project geotechnical
engineer of record.A copy of the letter should be provided to the regulatory agency for their
records.In addition,that firm should provide revised recommendations concerning the
geotechnical aspects of the proposed development,or a written acknowledgement of their
concurrence with the recommendations presented in our report.They should also perform
additional analyses deemed necessary to assume the role of Geotechnical Engineer of
2.The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon
the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the
investigation.If any variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during
construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that anticipated herein, Geocon
Incorporated should be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given.The
evaluation or identification of the potential presence of hazardous or corrosive materials was
not part of the scope of services provided by Geocon Incorporated.
3.This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or his
representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are
brought to the attention ofthe architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the
plans,and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry
out such recommendations in the field.
4.The findings of this report are valid as of the present date.However,changes in the
conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural
processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties.In addition.change;in
applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the
broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly
or partially by changes outside our control.Therefore,this report is subject to review and
should not be relied upon after a period of three years.
Project No. 07135 -42-05 February 24, 2015