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I I I I I I ~ I I C C C r .. I I I I I f?,Ctrr( W7 i-z1uri:J ADDENDUM TO THE MASTER SWMP FOR QUARRY CREEK STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 14-13 FOR QUARRY CREEK PLANNING AREAS R-4A(EAST) CT 15-09 DWG497-1A&1B R-4B (WEST) CT 16-05 DWG 497-lC & lD P-3 (REc) SDP 15-20 DWG 484-51 SWMP 16-32 City of Carlsbad, CA PREPARED FOR: PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE QC, LLC 4365 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 (858)-458-9700 PREPARED BY: PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 3990 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 858-560-1141 DEC O 9 ·2016 LAND DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING 1------------------------ I i • ! I i • I I I ; ! I I I ; I ~ I I I " II I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope of Report 1.1 Declaration of Responsible Charge 2.0 Summary of Project Information 3.0 Pre-Project Site Conditions and Drainage Patterns Narrative 3.1 Site Development Constraints 4.0 Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Narrative 4.1 Site Development Opportunities 5.0 Sources of Pollutants from the Existing Site Narrative 6.0 Project Hydrologic Location 7.0 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters 8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category 9.0 Identification of Pollutants of Concern 10.0 Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) Applicability Determination 11.0 Summary ofHMP Compliance Approach 12.0 Permanent Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs) 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories 14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development {LID) Practices 15.0 Water Quality Treatment Calculations 16.0 Comparison of Water Quality Treatment Calculations 17.0 Relative Effectiveness of Project Treatment Facilities and Integrated Management Practices (IMPs) 18.0 Summary and Conclusion Narrative QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Pagei SB&OINC. I f • i• I I •· I I I ' -i I C . -.. 19.0 Figures Vicinity Map PDC Master Report Exhibits Single Sheet Storm Water Management Plan BMP Exhibit Summary of Drainage & Impervious Areas Drainage Basin Map Post-Project Slope Analysis & Land Cover Proposed DMA Exhibit (Map Pocket #1} Proposed Drainage Exhibit (Map Pocket #2) 20.0 Attachments City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Questionnaire Geotechnical Study Reference See.Project Design Consultants [PDC] Master Report Permanent BMP Certification Form HMP Calculations QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page ii SB&OINC. I ! • i I i I I I I I I I I C I I I I 1.0 Scope of Report A Master report, "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek," dated March 19, 2015, was prepared for the Quarry Creek project by Project Design Consultants (PDC). The PDC master report summarizes the storm water requirements for the entire Quarry Creek project, including the combination (bioretention, water quality and detention) basins "BB-4" and "BB 5" located north and west of the R-4A, R-4B and P-3 Planning Areas. Runoff from R-4 is tributary to both of the combination basins. Therefore, all of the areas tributary to Basins BB-4 and BB-5 must be summarized. The PDC master report details the design and modeling of the bioretention basins using continuous simulation modeling (SDHM), rather than the BMP sizing tables. A copy of the Basin Area Exhibit from the Master SWMP Report is included in the Attachments Section. This report is limited to documenting the following at the Planning Area R-4A, 4B and P-3 sites: A) Site Design B) Source Control C) Tributary area and impervious area to basins BB-4 and B-5, including comparisons to those used in the PDC report - D) Compliance and consistency with the assumptions and design parameters used in the PDC regional report. 1.0 Declaration of Responsible Charge This Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) has been prepared under the direction of the following Professional Civil Engineer. The Professional Civil Engineer (Engineer) attests to the technical information contained herein, and to the engineering data upon which the following design, recommendations, conclusions and decisions are based. The selection, sizing, and design of the storm water treatment and other control measures in this report meet the requirements of the Regional Water Quality control Board Order R9-2007-0001 and subsequent amendments. QUARRY CREEK R-4 A, R-4B & P-3 (Rec) SB&O Inc. Company QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 1 Date SB&OINC. 2.0 Summary of Project Information Project Name Application Number(s) Project Address Assessor Parcel Number(s) Total Project Area Proposed Project Description and Land Use Applicable Priority Development Project Categories Redevelopment Project that Creates or Replaces 5,000 square feet of Impervious Surface Project Disturbed Area Predevelopment Impervious Area Proposed Impervious Area Proposed Pervious Area Project Hydrologic Unit Watershed Project Hydrologic Soil Group Number of Discharge Locations Required to Implement HMP Quarry Creek Planning Area R-4 (Lot 4) & P-3 (Rec) TBD Westerly tenninus of existing Maffon Road 167-040-46, 50, 51 & 52 R-4A, R-4B, P-3 The project proposes 150 attached multi-family units and 56 detached single family units, and Recreational Lot. ~ Housing Development of 10 or more dwelling units D Commercial Development of one acre and greater D Heavy Industry of one acre and greater D Automotive Repair Shop D Restaurant D Hillside Development greater than 5,000 square feet D Water Quality Environmenta11y Sensitive Area (WQESA) D Parking Lot (gJ Street, Highways, and Freeways D Retail Gasoline Outlets ~ Land Disturbance greater than one acre ~Not Applicable 19.51 AC OAC 14.85 AC 4.66 AC Carlsbad 904.21 2 Location ~Yes D Increases or Replaces >50% of Pre-Project Imp. Surface D Increases or Replaces <50% of Pre-Project Imp. Surface 849,874 SF 0.00 SF 646,885 SF 202,990 SF oc 0No Number ofHMP Compliance Points 2 Primary Locations (Basins BB-5 & BB-4 SWMP 14-13) Jack Robson Applicant Contact (858) 458-9700 'robson comerstonecommunities.com QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP SB&O INC. Page 2 I I I I I I I I I ' ~ I I i ' I I I I I I C E I I I I I 3.0 Pre-Project Site Conditions and Drainage Patterns Narrative Planning Area R-4 (R.4) and the Recreational Lot (P-3) are part of a larger master plan development area called Quarry Creek. The Quarry Creek development is located in the City of Carlsbad (City), but is bordered to the east by the City of Oceanside. The project is situated west of College Boulevard, east of Interstate 5, and south of Haymar Drive. The first phase of Quarry Creek included preparation of the large sheet graded pads, and construction of public roads, public utilities, and the LID facilities required for both current and future phases of the project. The regional "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek," dated March 19, 2015, by PDC, was prepared using assumptions to account for future development intensity of the graded pad areas. This report proves that the further design and development of the pad areas is consistent with the assumptions made in the regional SWMP. Currently, R-4 is a large sheet graded pad approximately with a ridgeline splitting drainage northeast (R-4A East) and southwesterly (R-4B West). (See PDC BMP Exhibit located in Map Pocket # 1.) From the ridgeline fatmd on R-4, the eastern portion of the pad was graded with a 1.5% slope northeast, directed towards two temporary sediment basins and temporary storm drain outlets. The Quarry Creek Mass Grading Plan shows a section of the graded area located west of Adobe Springs Road (future extension) will be directed towards temporary sediment basin #2. The temporary storm drain for temporary basin 2 is connected to an existing Type 'B- l' curb inlet. This existing curb inlet is connected to a 30" RCP storm drain that outlets to bio- retention/hydromodification basin BB-5. The eastern portion section is directed towards temporary sediment basin 3. The temporary storm drain for temporary basin #3 is connected to an existing modified Type 'B' curb inlet. This existing curb inlet is connected to a 30" RCP storm drains that connects to a 42" RCP storm drain the outlets to bio- retention/hydromodification Basin #BB-4 located northwest of Adobe Springs Road. This storm drain system is named 'System 700' in the PDC drainage report. Per Quarry Creek Mass Grading Plan, the western portion of the pad was graded with a 1.0% to 1.33% slope directed towards temporary sediment basin# 1. A temporary storm drain is connected to an existing Type 'B-5' storm drain cleanout. This storm drain cleanout is connected to a Private 36" RCP storm train that outlets to bio-retention/hydromodification Basin #5 located at the southwest end of Marron Road. This storm drain system is named 'System 500' in the PDC drainage report. The Recreational Lot (P-3 I Lot 8) is sheet graded from southeast to northwest and is directed to a temporary sediment basin near the eastern limits ofR-4. The basin is connected to System 700 of the PDC Drainage Report. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page3 SB&OINC. 3.1 Site Development Constraints D Limited Available Hydraulic Head ~ Impermeable Soils D High Groundwater D Contaminated Soils D Geotechnical Instability D Perimeter Conditions D High Intensity Land Use D Heavy Pedestrian Traffic D Heavy Vehicular Traffic D Restricted Right-of-Way D Existing Easements D Inadequate Down-Stream Drainage Infrastructure D Public Safety Concerns ~ Other: Consistent with Master Plan Drainage and Water Quality including adjacent improvements & storm drain system. Comments: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SvVMP Page 4 SB&O INC. • I ,, I I ,. ~ I i I I I I I I C I I I 4.0 Proposed Site Development and Drainage Patterns Narrative The R-4 area will be a mix of multi-family and single family residential development. TheR-4B West portion will be 56 detached single family units, with R4A East portion will consist of 150 multi-family units ( duplex and triplex buildings). The project yields a net project density of 12.0 dwelling units per acre, which corresponds to Medium Density Residential (MDR) per Table 3-1 "Runoff Coefficients for Urban Areas" of the San Diego County Hydrology Manual. Along with the construction of the multi-family style buildings and detached single family buildings, private driveways, walkways, and recreation areas will be constructed. The impervious portion of the site was calculated at 60%, which is significantly lower than the percentage assumed in the master SWMP (64%). The proposed layout for R-4 splits the drainage area between BB-4 and BB-5, consistent with the Quarry Creek Mass Grading Plan. Runoff from R4B, the western end of the project is directed to the stonn drain at the west end of Marron Road (System 500 in the master drainage study). This system includes a portion Marron Road and adjacent slopes, and discharges to Basin BB-5. The remainder of the R-4 site (R-4A-East) discharges northerly to the Adobe Springs storm drain system (System 700 in the master drainage study). This system also conveys runoff from the Recreation Area (P-3 I Lot 8), Adobe Springs Road, the remainder of Marron Road (south ofR- 4 to the project entry), offsite commercial parking lot areas, and adjacent slopes. This system discharges to basin BB-4. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 5 SB&OINC. 4.1 Site Development Opportunities ~ Adequate Available Hydraulic Head D Permeable Soils D Groundwater Separation 0 Geotechnical Stability 0 Perimeter Conditions 0 Existing Natural Areas ~ Undevelopable Areas ~ Adequate Down Stream Drainage Infrastructure ~ Other: Downstream Treatment & JlJ.VP Controls Comments: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 6 SB&O INC. 5.0 Sources of Pollutants from the Existing Site Narrative No known legacy pollutants QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 7 SB&OINC. 6.0 Project Hydrologic Location QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 8 SB&OINC. 7.0 Identification of 303(d) Impaired Receiving Waters cg] Buena Vista Creek cg] Buena Vista Lagoon QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 9 Selenium Sediment Toxicity Nutrients Indicator Bacteria Sedimentation/ Siltation SB&O INC. 8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category ~ Detached Residential Development rgJ Attached Residential Development D Commercial Development D Heavy Industry or Industrial Development QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 10 Sediment Nutrients Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides Sediment Nutrients Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape exists on-site) Oil & Grease (ifuncovered parking areas exist on-site) Bacteria & Vimses Pesticides Sediment (iflandscape exists on-site) Nutrients (iflandscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (if uncovered parking areas exist on-site) Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes solvents) Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses (if land use includes food or animal waste products) Pesticides (includes solvents) Sediment Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease SB&O INC. 8.0 Identification of Pollutants Associated with Priority Project Category (continued) D Automotive Repair Shop D Restaurants D Hillside Development D Parking Lots D Retail Gasoline Outlets r:8J Streets, Highways & Freeways QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 11 Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (includes petroleum hydrocarbons and solvents) Trash & Debris Oil & Grease Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Bacteria & Vimses Pesticides (iflandscape exists on-site) Sediments Nutrients Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Pesticides Sediments (if landscape exists on-site) Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (if landscape exists on-site) Oil & Grease Pesticides (iflandscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances Oil & Grease Sediments Nutrients (if landscape exists on-site) Heavy Metals Organic Compounds (including petroleum hydrocarbons) Trash & Debris Oxygen Demanding Substances (includes solvents) Oil & Grease Bacteria & Viruses Pesticides (iflandscape exists on-site) SB&OINC. 9.0 Identification of Pollutants of Concern IS] Sediment IS] Nutrients IS] Heavy Metals IS] Organic Compounds IS] Trash & Debris IS] Oxygen Demanding Substances IS] Oil & Grease IS] Bacteria & Viruses IS] Pesticides QUARRY CREEK R-4 Chloride D Copper IS] Nutrients D Phosphorus D Sediment D Chloride D Eutrophic IS] Nutrients D Phosphorus t]'copper ... ' D Manganese IS] Sediment Toxicity · 0-:fa~t~ophic IS] Sediment Toxicity ,O. ,,,,-,m -, D Eutrophic D Nutrients IS] Sediment Toxicit Sediment/Siltation IS] Sediment Toxicity IS] Selenium D Sulfates D Total Nitrogen as N tJ ·sulf~tes' D Total Dissolved Solids D Total Nitrogen as N D Toxicity d Sulf~te~ D Total Dissolved Solids D Toxicity fa·, • " Z---r < < ~ •, D Toxicity D Total Dissolved Solids D Toxicity [] Eut~ophi~ [] S~lfates ISl Nutrients O Total Dissolved Solids D Phosphorus D Total Nitro en as N , 0 E~ter;coc~~; , . , ., . IS] Indicator Bacteria D Eutrophic D Fecal Coliform D Total Coliform D Copper D Eutrophic D Phosphate D Total Nitrogen as N IS] Sediment Toxicity D Sulfates D Toxicity Priority Development Project-S'WMP Page 12 IS] Sediment IS] Ni.:trients IS] Heavy Metals D Organic Compounds IS] Trash & Debris ISl Oxygen Demanding Substances ISl Oil & Grease ISl Bacteria & Viruses ISl Pesticides SB&OINC. 10.0 Hydromodification Management Plan (HMP) Applicability Determination ( End of Decision~ .. Figure 6-1. HMP Applicability Determination QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 14 NO 14. Hydromodificatioo Controls Required Go to Figure 6-2 ~.~~ . SB&O INC. 11.0 Summary ofHMP Compliance Approach D Not Applicable -Project Exempt from HMP requirements D Determine/Identify Point(s) of Compliance D Utilize SCCWRP Screening Tools to determine Stream Susceptibility D Default to a High Susceptibility Stream (0.1 Q2) D Utilize an appropriate HMP Sizing Tool to demonstrate HMP compliance D Utilize I-IMP Sizing Tables to demonstrate HMP compliance [g] Utilize an approved Continuous Simulation Model and compare pre- project andmitigated post-project flows to demonstrate HMP compliance DHEC-HMS 0HSPF [g] SDHM 0SWMM D Provide comprehensive, digital support data, calculation method and parameters, and calculation results on Compact Disk (CD) sufficient to duplicate study and support a RWQCB audit See "Storm Water Management Plan Quarry Creek" dated March 19, 2015, by Project Design Consultants, for HMP compliance documentation. Quarry Creek Lot 4 is consistent with the assumptions of the Master Report. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 15 SB&O INC. 12.0 Permanent Source Control Best Management Practices (BMPs) [gj Storm Drain Inlet Labeling Comment: [gj Provide prohibitive dumping placards and/or signage [gj Post signage at public access points to deter prohibitive dumping [gJ Maintain legibility of placards and signage D Not Applicable ~1~~~:~c-c-----,~, D Outdoor Material Storage Areas D Materials placed in an enclosure ( e.g. cabinet, shed, or similar structure that prevents contact with rain, runoff or spilla e to the storm water conveyance system) D Protected by secondary containment structures ( e.g. berms, dikes, or curbs) and paved or sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills D The storage area is paved and sufficiently impervious to contain leaks and spills Includes a roof or awning to minimize direct precipitation to the seconda containment area [gj Not Applicable Comment: No outdoor material storage areas proposed. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Pag~ 16 SB&OINC. 12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs ( continued) D Common Trash Enclosure and Recyclable Material Storage Areas D Paved with an impervious surface D Designed not to allow run-on from adjoining areas D Screened or walled to prevent off-site transport of trash Use trash containers with attached lids to exclude rain and maintain lids in closed position while not in use and/or include a roof or awning to minimize direct preci itation. Acknowledgment that installation of storm drain inlets or area drains in desi ated trash storage areas is rohibited ~ Not Applicable Comment: No common trash enclosure or recyclable material storage areas proposed. Trash containers proposed. [gJ Employ Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Practices Comment: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 18 Plant pest-resistant or well-adapted plant varieties such as drought tolerant and/or native lants Discourage pests by modifying the site and landscaping design [gJ Distribute IPM educational materials to future occupants as part of the final engineering phase Operation and Maintenance Plan (O&M Plan) which addresses physical pest elimination techniques such as relying on natural enemies to consume pests, weeding, pruning, and etc. Emphasis placed on correct and limited use of pesticides as a last line of defense D Not Applicable SB&OINC. 12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs (continued) ~ Use of Efficient Irrigation Systems & Drought Tolerant Landscape Design 0 Interior Floor Drains and Elevator Shaft Sump Pumps Employ rain shutoff devices to prevent irrigation during and after recipitation ~ Design irrigation systems for the specific water requirements of each landsca e area ~ Use flow reducers or shutoff valves triggered by a pressure drop to control water loss in the event of broken sprinkler heads or lines ~ Provide water conservation educational materials to future occu ants. D Not Applicable 0 Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or. D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Acknowledgment that direct connection ofinterior floor drains and elevator shaft pumps to private or public storm drain or sanita sewer is not permissible ~ Not Applicable -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--1 Comment: No interior floor drains or elevator shaft sump pumps proposed. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 19 SB&OINC. 12.0 Permanent Source Control BMPs (continued) D Interior Parking Garages Equipped with Floor Drains D Prohibit vehicle washing D Prohibit pressuring washing of parking surface in the parking garage and D Provide adequate treatment control BMPs to treat nm off prior to discharge to an MS4 and D Provide prohibitive dumping signage and floor drain marking; prominently displayed inside the parking garage and at the floor drains, res ectively and; D Implement dry clean-up methods for non-hazardous accidental s ills D Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility D Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or, D An alternate method; as approved by the City Engi~eer D Acknowledgment that direct connection of interior floor drains and elevator shaft pumps to the sanitary sewer or storm water conve a.nee is not permissible [gj Not Applicable Comment: No interior parking garages equipped with floor drains proposed. [ZJ Pet Use Areas Comment: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 20 A pet waste station that includes eye level, post mounted signage which reads "pick-up after your pet" or similar a roved lan age and [gj A pet waste disposal receptacle equipped with a lid D Not Applicable SB&OINC .. 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories D Private Roads Comment: No private roads proposed. ~ Residential Driveways & Guest Parking QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 21 D Rural Swale System D Urban Curb/Swale System D Dual Drainage System D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer ~ Not Applicable Designed to drain into adjacent landscape prior to discharging to a storm water conveyance ~ Shared access · D Flared or piano shaped entrance (single lane at street) D Wheelstrips (paving only under tires) D Porous paving/Permeable surface D Not Applicable SB&OINC. 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories ( continued) D Dock Areas (Truck Wells) Comment: No dock areas proposed. D Maintenance and Repair Bays D Covered loading dock areas or, D Designed to preclude urban nm-on and runoff D Containment method to isolate dock and facilitate pollutant removal, such as a shut-off valve and containment area D Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Acknowledgement that direct connections to storm drains from de ressed loading docks are rohibited ~ Not Applicable D Located indoors and, D Designed to preclude urban run-on and runoff from adjacent areas D Self-contained bay drainage system (i.e. dead-end sump, with no outlet to offsite facilities) designed to capture all wash water, leaks, and spills. The self-contained drainage system shall connect to a "dead end sump" for collection and proper dis osal D Acknowledgement that connection of maintenance and repair bay drains to the sanitary sewer or storm water conveyance system is rohibited. [gJ Not Applicable .Comment: No maintenance and repair bays proposed. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 22 SB&O INC. 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories (continued) D Vehicle and Equipment Wash Areas 0 Paved with an impervious surface D Self-contained to preclude urban run-on and runoff 0 Preferably located indoors or, 0 Covered with a roof or overhang D Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility 0 Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or, 0 An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer 0 Acknowledgement that connection of vehicle and equipment wash areas to the storm water cOnveyance system is . prohibited ~ Not Applicable Comment: No vehicle and equipment wash areas proposed. D Outdoor Processing Areas D Cover or enclose areas of that are a source of pollutants, D Grade or berm the perimeter of the processing area to prevent run-on or runoff 0 Sloped to a self-contained drainage system (i.e. "dead-end sump", with no outlet to offsite facilities) designed to capture all wash water, leaks, and spills. The self-contained drainage system shall connect to a "dead end sump" for collection and roper dis osal D Equipped with a clarifier or other pretreatment facility D Properly connected to a sanitary sewer or, D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Acknowledgement that installation of storm drain inlets in outdoor processing areas and connection to a storm water conveyance system is rohibited ~ Not Applicable Comment: No outdoor processing areas proposed. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priorlty Development Project -SWMP Page 23 SB&OINC. 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories ( continued) D Fueling Areas Comment: No fueling areas proposed. D Retail and Surface Parking Areas D Paved with an impervious PCC surface D Graded at a minimum slope to prevent pond formation D Separated by grade break, curb, or bcnn to prevent run-on D Covered with a canopy that extends a minimum often feet in each horizontal direction, for each um , or alternatively; D Covered the fuel area with minimum dimensions equal to or greater than the area within the grade break or fueling area ( defined as extending 6.5 feet from the corner of each fuel dispenser or the length at which each hose and nozzle assembly may be operated plus one foot, whichever is greater D The canopy shall not drain to the fueling area D Acknowledgement that connection of fueling areas to the sanitary sewer or storm water conveyance system is prohibited [:g] Not Applicable --·· ' D Where landscaping is proposed in surface parking areas (both covered and uncovered), incorporate landscape areas into the drainage design D Overflow parking (i.e. parking in excess of the minimum parking requirements for the project) may be constructed of penneable avin [:g] Not Applicable Co~nent: No retail or surface parking areas proposed. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 24 SB&OINC. 13.0 Identification of BMPs Applicable to Individual Priority Project Categories (continued) ~ Steep Hillside Landscaping Comment: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 25 Steep hillside areas disturbed by project development shall be landscaped with deep rooted, drought-tolerant plant species selected for erosion control and stabilized with mulch, consistent with the statewide Water Conservation in Landscape Act D Not Applicable SB&OlNC. 14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) Practices rg:j Conserve Natural Areas cg] Preserve natural drainage features 0 Preserve existing trees and vegetation D Minimize soil disturbance 0 Clustering or concentrating development on the least environmentally sensitive areas; consistent with SUSMP §4.1 ( e.g. developing on ... previously graded areas, areas containing of non-native vegetation and etc.) 0 Incorporation of open space Lot(s) D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Not Applicable Comment: Done as part of the Quarry Creek Master Plan. rg:j Tvlinimize Impervious Surfaces Comment: QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 26 Minimize the impervious footprint by increasing building density and/or by inco orating multiple-storied architecture 0 Construct streets, sidewalks, and parking lot drive aisles to minimum widths, rovided public safety is not com romised 12s] Incorporate landscape buffers between sidewalks, streets, and other flatwork 12s] Minimize impervious surfaces in landscape design; such as decorative or stamped concrete D Using permeable surfaces (porous concrete, pavers, asphalt) in overflow parking or low-traffic areas D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Not Applicable SB&OINC. 14.0 Implementation of Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) Practices (continued) 0 Minimize disturbance to natural drainages ~ Convey runoff safely from the tops of slopes 0 Vegetate slopes with native or drought tolerant landscape ~ Protect Slopes and Channels D Stabilize permanent channel crossings 0 Install Energy Dissipaters D An alternate method, as approved by the City Engineer D Not Applicable Comment: Quarry Creek discharge locations to Master Storm Drain facilities. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 27 SB&OINC. 15.0 Water Quality Treatment Areas R4 East (Basin BB-4) Rj E (East) 474,891 10.902 P-3 / Rec 51,096 1.173 Streets /basin I Sl~pes 560,158 12.859 Total 1,086,146 24.934 R4 West (Basin BB-5) lnkrior Lots 190,880 4.382 Lots on Marron 45,956 1.055 Marron/Basin 85,639 1.966 Total 322,475 7.403 QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 28 284,752 31,668 330,465 646,885 122 163 27,753 53,253 202,990 6.537 190,139 4.365 0.727 19,428 0.446 7.586 229,693 5.274 14.850 439,260 10.084 2.804 68,717 1.578 0.633 18,382 0.422 1.223 32,386 0.743 4.660 445,378 2.743 SB&O INC. 16.0 Comparison of Water Quality Treatment Area Impervious Area ( ac) % Impervious BB-5 Drainage Area (ac) East (BB-4) % Im ervious BB-4 Drainage Area (ac) Total Impervious Area (ac) % Impervious Total Drainage Area (ac) QUAXRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 29 4.66 63% 7.40 14.85 60% 24.93 19.51 60.3% 32.33 5.47 -0.81 71% -8% 7.72 -0.32 15.09 -0.24 61% -1% 24.59 +0.34 20.56 -1.05 63.6% -3.3% 32.31 +0.02 SB&O INC. 17.0 Relative Effectiveness of Project Treatment Facilities Treatment Facility/Th'IP [gJ Bioretention IMP D Flow Through Planter IMP D Infiltration IMP D Conventional Vegetated Swale D Extended (Dry) Detention Basins D Media {Sand) Filter D Wet Pond D Constructed Wetland D Proprietary Vault/Tree Well D Proprietary Inlet Filter QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 30 Coarse Pollutants Associated with Sediment Fine Particles During and Trash Trans ort High High High High High High High Medium High High High High High High High High High Medium High Low Pollutants that tend to be Dissolved Following Treatment Medium Medium High Low Low · Low Medium Medium Low Low SB&OINC. ~ I I I • l ' ~ I -I ; I I I I I I I I I E 18.0 Summary and Conclusion Narrative This SWMP has identified the project as a Priority category that is required to implement Low Impact Development, Treatment Control, and Hydromodification mitigation measures. The potential pollutants to be generated from this project have been identified and compared to the impairments of all downstream bodies of water leading to the Pacific Ocean. In order to mitigate for these potential pollutants, the R-4 area will discharge to bio-retention Basins BB-4 and BB-5 as defined and described in the regional SWMP. Basins BB-4 and BB-5 also mitigate for hydromodification impacts to the downstream receiving waters, and provide attenuation for larger storm events. This project is within and consistent with the assumptions used for the design of the applicable Integrated Management Practices set forth in the regional SWMP for the R-4 area. QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 31 SB&OINC. i' I I i I I I I I I 19.0 Figures Vicinity Map PDC Master Repo1·t Exhibits Single Sheet Storm Water Management Plan BMP Exhibit Summary of Drainage & Impervious Areas Drainage Basin Map Post-Project Slope Analysis & Land Cover Proposed DMA Exhibit (Map Pocket #1) Proposed Drainage Exhibit (Map Pocket #2) QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project -SWMP Page 32 SB&OINC. ~ ' I i ~ I I I I I I I I I E ' I I C ; I £L CAMINO. COUNTRY CLUE ·~ ·~ ' ~. lfl ·~ ·-i V/CINITY. MAP ~ NOT TO SCALE' THOMAS BROTHERS f'(). 1107, GRID A-2 2006 EDITION' I l l J l I I 100 200 ---c-- j t 400 SCALE: 1" = 200' P: \2468.20\Engr\DWG\_Plans\Grading Mass\For City of Carlsbad Submitfal\2468.20-CC-GP _BIJP PLAN.dwg 6/3/2015 10:44 AM "------·,-- V 'AS BUILT' PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS Planning I Landscape Archltecb.Jre I Engineering I Survey 701 B Street. Suite800 Sen Diego, CA 92101 619.235.6471 Tel 619.234.0349 Fax RCE __ _ EXP,----DATE 600 REVIE'JED BY• INSPECTOR DATE SWMP NO. _,_.,__,3 __ _ PARTY RESPONSmLE FOR MAINTENANCE: NAM£ CORNERSTONE COMIIUN/TlfS CORPORATION ADORfSS 4365 £X£CUTII£ ORJI£ SUITE: 600 SAN DIEGO. CA 92121 PHONE: NQ (858) 458-9700 EXT. 120 PLAN PREPARED BY; NAME: GREGORY II. Sl//flDS CONTACT JACK ROBSON )h.A-->\ '8fGNATUR£ V PROJECT DESIGN CONSULTANTS Planning I Landscape Architecture I Engineering I Survey 701 B Street, Suite 800 San Diego, CA 92101 619.236.6471 Tel 619.234.0349 Fax B:MP NOTES; 1. 71/fSf BA/PS AR£ MANDA TORY TO Bf INSTALLED PER 1/ANUFACTllRER'S RECOIIMENDATIONS OR 71/fSf PLANS. 2. NO a/ANGfS TO 7HE PROPOSED BMPS ON 71/IS SHf£T '1,171/0UT PRIOR APPROVAL FROII 1H£ arr ENGINEER. J. NO SUBSTITUTIONS TO 7Hf MATERIAL OR TYPES OR Pl.ANTING TYPES '1,171/0UT PRIOR APPROVAL FROII 71/E arr ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY IIILL Bf GRANTED UNTIi. 711£ arr INSPE:CTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PRo.ECT FOR APPROPRIATE: BIIP CONSTRUCTION ANO /NSTALJ.A TION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGRff/,/ENT OOCUMENT. 6. Sf£ PRo.ECT Sll!IP FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. RIQll]RID TIIIATMINT CONTROL BIIP TAJILI TYPE DESCIIIPnON 01INEBSIIIP IWNTBIWICE SHUT NO. AGJIEBlll!NT NOR71/ 8/0CLEAN 11£DIA FILTER WATER POUS//£R PRIVATE: BAIP MAINTENANCE UP-FLOW I/ED/A AGREfM£NT 6 FILTER SOU71/ 8/0CLfAN 11£DIA FILTER WATER POUS//£R PRIVATE: 81/P MAINTENANCE UP-FLOW I/ED/A AGREEIIENT 8 FILTER 8/0RETENTION HYDROl/00/FICA TION 88, PRIVATE: BAIP MAINTENANCE BASIN AGR££MENT 7 8/0RETENTION HYDROIIODIFICA TION PRIVATE: BMP 1/AINTENANCE 7 BASIN 88 J-2a AGREfM£NT BIORETENTION BMP MAINTENANCE HYDROIIOO/FICA TION PRIVATE: 7 BASIN 88 J-2b AGREEIIENT BIORETENTION BAIP MAINTENANCE HYDROl/00/FICA TION PRIVATE: 8 ,t 10 BASIN 88 J-J AGREEMENT 8/0RETENTION HYDROIIODIFICA TION PRIVATE: 81/P MAINTENANCE 8 BASIN 88 J-7 AGR££MENT 8/0RETENTION HYDROIIOOIFICA TION PRIVATE: 81/P MAINTENANCE 10 BASIN 88 4 AGREEIIENT 8/0RETENTION HYDROIIODIFICA TION PRIVATE: BA/P MAINTENANCE 13 BASIN 88 5 AGREfM£NT SUSIIP PROJECT PJUORITY WGH IWN'l'l!NANCE FBIQUENCY 1 TO 2 Tll/£5 PER lf"AR 1 TO 2 TIIIES PER lf"AR 2 TIMES PER i£A/I (II/NII/UM) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (MINIMUM) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (11/NIMUII) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (MINIMUM) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (MINIMUM) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (11/NIMUM) 2 TIMES PER lf"AR (I/IN/MUii) l I F I I I I IF!d~=~=JIAD ISHEf'SI OAiE j INITIAL DAlE I INITIAL OAlE I INITIAL REVISION DESCRIPTION OTHER APPROVAL P-Nl>INt.ER OF WORK QTY APPROVAL QUARRY CREEK RECORD COPY PROJECT NO. CT 11-04 <JL -~ I DRAWING NO. I I INITIAL b~ I 484-5SW r··, ir-1 F''I --~~:• ~ rl -------------------------·· --· . .._ ___ -r,.._r·1 WQ 85th Percentile depffF::. 0.65 in Basin Volume-based Sizing forV\fa.ter Qua.frty Treatment Regairemenls -·------.-------.- t . - Provided! Provided Basin f I WQ Basfn Bottom Area with Ctitrent Compumd % I f Bioretenfiwl Drainage lmperoiOOs VohJme Vo fume Sandy loam Basin.~ Sizing~ Hydromod Basm Area(ac} Nea{AC) Cwu{1} {AF)f;7J (AF) {SF) ResiJlt factor · 1. 13.72 6.85 0.55 0.41 2.64 13138 OK 4 3-2-~ 8.66. 4.W' 0.62f 029. 2.03 8705 or<; 3.7 3-2-b 52 3.60 0.721 020 o.st 570$ bK 3.5 3-3 7.5 -. 4.81 0.68 0..28 ·U?f . 8896. OK'. .4 :?,--7 3..73 0.92 0-22. 0.07 0.35 1725 OKi 3,.3 f 4 24.59 15.09 0_65 0.87 6.54 278181 OK 4 l 5 7.72 5A7 0-74 0.31 1.63-1{)041 OK 4 Note$:. 1) Cwu=Gomposne nmofffac:torperSei;oon 4 of SUSMP=(impeMous area"'1+{t1j)e.Mous areajltotaI area 2) VVQ Vol='WQ 85fu Percenffle depfu* ewo_~ Area . _ 3} Computed% sizfrrgfactor= Provfded Basin Botfljm Area wiih sandy-loam (SF} f (Cwo * .Arl:l?) = 100 ... ·-·~.---~ --··-····"·.; ·" --"'-__ ..,:.;_ .. ;. ·------·-· -·· .·.~-·-·· =r (/) Oc 33 003 (D Pl 9.·'<: -· 00 :J -+>. ::: CJ qp3 ,-~~ ~«l n> (1) (/) Seo r-+ CD -~3 ~--g o< --I --::o g cr r.n ~ )> -u ~ 0 <D ro -0 (/> arry Creek ,: 3116/2015 2468_02_0ralnageBasln_ 11x17 :12468.20\G IS\Mxd\2458 _ 02_0 rai'lageBasin _ 11x 17 .mxd 'tits tnily be COlflJX"Bd f,om "8rfous .salfcea with diffe,.nt •~sol •ccurrcy.For det•ls on accur.cy d this exhil::it plea re n<•r b Meta 01• PfOVitJ«I. ·-f. * Point of Compliance Biorentention/Hydromod Drainage Basin: I l JFeet PROJECT DES18N CONSULTAN1 0 150 300 I I i I i I 1.1 !I .. ,d I I u I .. I f • f i I !• I -I I ' I· I I • ~ ! I I I 20.0 Attachments Storm Water Standards Questionnaire Geo technical Reference QUARRY CREEK R-4 Priority Development Project-SWMP Page 33 SB&OINC. • -l I I l I I I -I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ST-ORM WATER STANDAF'{DS QUESTIONNAIRE "E:M34 fl~J?.f.W. IMnd oevelopm.e.rn Snglneiarlng 168S Faraday Avenu-e- 76011~0Z·2750 www.cal'lsba~ca,gov i'o tddreee post-devalo~men1 pollutants· that may be genel'ated from d&velopment praj~ote·, The-City requlree-that new deve!QpJTient end a!gnlf.loant r~dl!lvelopnrent p1'1orlty proJeote lnoot·por&1te Perm~u~&l'lt Storm Wt11t.er Seat Manf.Q$'ment Piacttoee (aMP1$} lrilo the ,proJ~ot deal~n r,e:r the-Otty'e sternd~rd lJrbstn stormwat,r Miin&1gement Pl~n (SU8MF1:), 'l'o vlewihe: ausMP, refer to the angh1e,rl11g Stal'\dar.da ~Volume .4, Chapter· 2), h1lijal!y thl.$ qU$'E!llonmtlre must be oompl0ted by th~ applloant In advanoe of a1,1bmmlng tor et,drwelorment !pplloatlon (subd1Vlsk!n1 cilaore,1onS1ry perrnlte-·ihd/br ool'.latruotlon permits),. ihe result& ot the q~1e-stlonnalre determlha .the !tiV& of atorm W$-t0r stmndarde tt1at must be GiPPll"d tO' ai proposed -develo.pmerit 6r re~ev.ilopmtrit proJeot, Oepeftdlng OM the otrtoom"Sy your proJeotwlll elth'er be st.1bJeot to • 1etendard Sto~mwe1ter R$ql./fretnents'· '01' b&i aubJ.~-ot to additional orl1e1·1a i;iallecl 'Pl'k>rlly Pevelapment Prejeot Requlr&rnenta', Ma,w aspeota of proJ'9ot e!M d"eslgn eire ~lepsnd~nh1pon the etormwa1ter-ahtndarda ~ppnl!lit.to a.pro'j'~ot. Your reapon41e& to thEi q~reetlol'ln~lre repre~nmt an lnltlal asaeeement. of the-proposed Pl'Ojeot 0<>ndllrone srrd lrnpeiols, City, staff hlla reepon-$Jbl\lty tor maldng ttr~ ~tltil ~ssygeement e'lt0r e'f.lwlil!ttsl'on of the ~evi,lopme1Jt eippl!omlon, 11'1!.tetff-dettmill1$s that the,qi.J'fi$6onneilre- wma lt'lo.orreGtl}l.fllledout anti le-tubJt110Ue r.nor1:1 eir!n-gen~ am: ~ter etandeircif lhem 11:iWally aeara$s$d b.y youl'~la will re-au!t In the TGiturt1 o.f the ~evtlo,p1:nenrappffoatlon as-tnoompleta, In· thl$.Oa", ~feaae maike th, changes to ti,t ql.J$!il(lonna!re and reeubrn~to: th~ Glty. If yoLt"'1re l!netire 'about the meaning of a q~1estlor:1 or need h$(p In deietmln'lnsi how to, respond to anEJ or more of the que$·tronei please seek tilsaletanoe from I.Ql'Td Development tlnglnel!lrlnQ eteff, A maparat~ ,QomrMti4 ~r,d elaned. c1ue$tlo-ttnmlF.& mue~ be eubmltted for 1114\0h new development appllo~oh subrmeston, Only.. Qne odl'mpleted ~rKI elQnecl qL1esilonnt1lr.e is ·requlra-d Wli!'Jn multlple· devslopmatrt eipplloatlona k>r th$ seime proJeo~ -are subml~d -oonOli1rrenBy, In atldltlon 10-this qulil~tlonnalre1 yoL1 rnust ett$o ~omp{E1te, sign Md eubmtt a 1?roJ:E1ot ThP'1at Aceaeeament Form wit~ oanetrl:lafkm permffs for the proj.~ot; 1, s. ym.rr praJeot I..IM ao ro. oontitruotlng new ~r.tetr ijlng pave -Gtld'awalk$1 b oyQfe ea or trml s that rwret t11\ll tolloWftl'Q orlterla: (1} Dealgned ancl ootiatruot~· tp :dlrlllot atorm water l'\.m.off to adl1:1oent ve~e-tiated areM, or other ~on~erodlble-pl:lr.rneabfe '1r&as; 0~ (~) d~alsned and oor:ietruoted to be hy~rauftod!IIY·dls!l0nMeted from paved &treste or r"ads; OR (3),,cleelgned end oonafrt.loted .with permeeble pavements er eurfaoe:s In aooor<la e with ueg.zeA.~re1:n Streets gultl§QOe? -2, Is your p1·0Jeot LiMITE!O·TO .retroffttlns, or reciigvel'Oplng existing paved aUe.ya, stl'eet&. tir roads th~t are X ~leat necl &ind. ool'lst1·uot<1"d In ~Mordar.iee with the uee:PA ·GreEHi $tl'e$~ .. gt1fdanoe?. _, ___ ........_. _ _.__,-i If you mnewered -Yee" 10. one ar more-of·the sbo1te (t~a«oM, than yourproJeot fa Nor ia prlortty deveki~ment ~roJ~t an-d iher&fore la NOT subJeot to the storm water ertterla r&>qulr@d for -prlor{\y development proJeots, Glo-to $tap 4, merk tha !Mt box -stating 11my project -ctoraa not maet pt,p ra-ci~11r~mants11 an-d. <le1m1<>lete apptloanl ll'lformat!on, J.f.}'.2.ll answer~d "ooQ ~ both gUe§t,lona, thrm go ~.atee.2, Page 1 of 3 l:!fftot!ve 6127 /13· I I I I r • i • I f I I I ,. I ; I I I I I I I I I .STORM WATER STANDARDS QUESTI-ONNAIRE Sl,(34 12~tvf.l£RWlrtf S1tJl/W Land 1'av~lopmant Engfr1earing j,6S5 Peiraday Avet1Ue 76Qv602•27$0 www.oarlebadoa,gov ,-..-------------------~fkw,.;. .. h '''"""'' 11":auo.,,, =41tldZ IA..Jli'tl. ll lliial1£4.M II l!JM iifl11 J 11'11, I' I • ; ,,,:;, I 'II, ,, ! " ' ~ 1 (;, , ' 1 I, 1 .~ 1 , 1 , , , 1 1• • '' I t i'. jtl f•\, 1, ii, , ,'• , '/ • 11 \, 1 , , I, , t, 1 .1 ;_ , ~ 1,, Ii! V /1, rt': t I 11 ,\.t,1 t I'' 'I /1,,. ,ll .::', 1 \)'•/ )1'/ •1 .·' ,. :'1 1,1 ,, ·, ' I 'I.· 1\'\\ !1-1,,,'t,'\·~:·:~:I , , .,. ,' : , , , 1:,r). i·,i,: \',H,i:/11:,: :t•I J,1i,11 ;,l/K ,1.•111,/1 ·!',& ~i1,v1J1,q:11 1!!'/,\,;\:l< t' ,ii',1~11 )~i\1 :;, "\/\: ll ·. /!",; , , · ,: ·•. i , J'! {•\,,:·"I To determine lr yot1r proJeot, I~ a prlortty devel<lpment proJaot1 pl@a.se e111SW$l' the 1ollowlng. ques.Hone1 YI:!$ NO · 1, le ·your proJeot Q .nc,w devel~rnenl that oreares 10,000 -equerre f~et or rtiore. ot lmpervloue-st.trlaaes oolleotlve~ X over the -sntlre proJeat s~e? Th/$ lnol&tdee oomn:iftolah lnduetdeil, ,w/c/enllel, mlxe.d•t1s<?, and publ o c/e'{!~{tr.neat ~roLMIS tlQ eubJl<r or.~ltv§te ,/eindi • •• ' :2, ls your prcJeot oreafing or 1·eplsol11g 5,00(). squell'e feet or morli1 oP lmparvtous stll1tcEJ ,(:ldllecr~vely over tht ~n.Ul'll X p1•0Jeot site on an ijxlsUng st!~ ~ 10,001) s~~1e1re feet or more of lmpervl,rlfa >\JUl'~oa'I ihl.s lnolt/d9.s oommel'olal, lnr:lijstrl~t {letdimllit ml~e~J.-!l.afi>1 ead eubt o ,:/s\lel<:>IWJ.fnt rJl'Of.eofo on. r:1r.1bllo or ar/vats tand, · s, le your .proJeot a hew or ~de>V$lopment.;proJe·ot tl'rel oreertes 51000 equmre feet ·or more of lrnpeM01J1J eurf!loe eolle()tlvely -over1hG;i ·anflre.pr~Mt slM· eir1d st1~ports ,a re-staul'ant7 A /!e8taimmt l.s s '610/1/iy fhst $el/6 pre.pfl/'$4 :x fuo(/$ Md·c/J!lnkq fo>' oor.t6Ump em, /nolucllng .s atfo1161J:y lunqh oountsra mt.Jc/ tef/'e$J1men1 Mande ,s&lftng pJ:epared fr.io<Ji.~!Od.ddtiks forlmmti~J:dite o.ont1ump_t/¢11, . . , 4, le KGtU' ~r<>Jeoi l!I r.1ew OJ' r~~~velormient,proj~ot 'the1t ore!llte«i eiooo .squarei feet or /'l'IQN) .o11r.np0tvh:lt1G :eul'faoe- · 00 leoUve!Y OV5r cthe f>Mth'&l 'J}roje.c · elte itnd-,u~rcol'!& ti hlllskf e·ctevelopmlll:lt proJeot7 A hlllf'/d$ development X . · proJeot /norird.ee development on .gmy natural .s op.(J that k twMty.f/w, peroenf or 91ieeiter, $, la yc;M proJeot &T new or red&\lelopmen~ ~roJect thlil~ oreeitM MO(). &1quarti feet ·or mo0ra o1 Jn,'pe·1vli:i1Ja et.trfli\oa. oofle-oflvely over the· en Ur$ prqjeot elfe imd i,upporle II parkln~ lot, A pe.rkln@ lot Is e, /,Md sireei orlEtolltty tor 0111 X tet.nDC#JNt>trl<fm:1 '>Ctfot~'9 of mofo.r v~~Jo/e.e W:,8eg_eer.soniil Ii_ for-b1.18'/~u100 or for 2omm~t,oe, e:. l.e your proJeot a new or Nild.evelof ment projedt that ·oreatee '6~'000 eqLtare feet or more of il'l:lp:$!\I/IOlil8' el.Jrtaoe oolle0~ve1i over fu0 ~ntlr; proJeo s~ 61hd tn1pports Ill &t.reet1 road, highway trei(i)way or dtlvswrayi A $tl'9'et, X /'OM, !Jig way~ 7"eeww or drlvewr,y Is. GrnY f)t1Ved lmpervlot1$ eurtao/9 ~~~d f.or the t,ran-sporltl/on af e~/tomat,/ftM, 1ruoks, moforoYo/eaL' and t;Jtf?ar V9h1otes1 • ....--1, la your proje~.! a new-01• rectevelopment r,roJeo'\ ttrat GJreitee ·Gr rep!aoes 2·,000 squsr~ feet or more ot lrnpervtoue .aL1rf-aoe oolleotlve~ over t~.a sn fl'e: &"e1 al'ld dfeohargee dlreotly tQ l!irl EtiYlronrrrentallY SaMltlve X Area ~e.SA)?-·"J:>Jqo/1,irt{JlfJCJ D 11eot/y to IMl&Jdes flow tfleit Js oonvay.ed over/Qnd -a dMat1011 or 200 .teat er /ete f/!om t'. fil p!e/eol tC! the SSA, fi/''()onveyecl In ei pfpe ct ~1>$n-oh~nPlfll enl dlstanoe e-s sn-/sol&ifed 'flow lrom the i,roJeot fo th$~ .(f.,e, aot ~¢1tIJ.mlnt1/a-s Wlt/J fi2ws nrQm m'gj_s/iJent tsndel, . • . .. . -8, ls ~OLII' ~1'0Jeot a M19-W development tha1 supports ·al1 automotive .repafl• shor ,An, 611.itOrtJot/v$ ./'Spa/r ahop. /,s t1· X. fflo /tty t at ta ·ofMfgt)Orltecr In sny one of the following stqif.1d$rc/ fnduetr/s. 0/aasff/(Jat/on (SIO} oodes,• ~Oie, 15014 45541. 1eN,:1"7/5$~1 -ar iJ1_S@-7,53fl, .. • •. Q. Is ,Your proJei:rt El new devel0pmentll1ataupports m retilll g.aeollne-outlet (~00)1 rht~oa"t$gorytnak1d@s 1w101.s X th~t rrr@eit 'the fa/lowing ol'fie1fa: {tt) 6,00() fNJU&rf fe@t or l'/'10/'8J or-'(b) ti pro/sot Average Dally Tr.sfflo-(AJ'Ji) of 1 GO or /1101'8 V,/lJhlatee .~fl d'lltY, -~ ~ 10, Is yo.ur proj'eot a new Gr .r.edevelopment proJeat thah$aUlts In the dlsturbemoe of ol'Je or more-morae -o( liitnd and X mre ex~etited to g&nerate pol!u(ants poet ooneb'Uotlon? ·-11.ls your proJeot looeitsd within 200 feat ot the Paolflo C:>o~an and ,1) oreeitea 2,5eO ~uare feet or more -or . X _tmeert!oU6l ~ul'f'aoe or(£~ ·lrioteae-e! lmeervlqu~ ~urtao·~ on tiie ~rope~ b~ mer.a th«m •Wo?· 11 you 111nawer&d 11yei11 tcJ one or more of the above qUMtlona, you AR-I:! a frrlorlty dev~JOpl'tlen't proJeot and :are th&refore aubjeot lo lmple1r1~mtl11t1 s~oturel Beet Mamigement ~raotloes (SMP'e} ln eiddlt~on to mpleme-ntlng' standard Stortn Water Rdlqt1h'ements alioh eis so1:1r.oe. oontrol $1'ld low lmr,aoe development BMP'a, A storm Weiter Meinag$mant Plan ·{SWMP} .rrrust bia ·eubmltted With your appllofltlonM for del'/elop.m~m , <ilo to step 8. for rad~va{opment pPo]eots, ,For n&W !)rajeote,. ~o to step 4 at tf\e ant~ of thf@· ~l.lestlonnHlra, ohac>k the 11my proJast tnee-t.<.i PDP raqi11re-msnts" bG>X and oomplatuppll,f>'Ellrt fnformatlol'l, If you answered 11no11 to eill of the above queat!ona-, you ARa NOT e priority development proJeot and .are therefore lilUbjeol to lmpl-ementlnf onty .$\E1nd~rd· st0rm Wauir RaqLtlram0r1ta suoh as sotiroe oontrol and low lrnpaot d(welopme~t BM!=)'e-r<il~.Ulred for eill davelopm0n proJeota, A storm Water Managel'n$Mt Plim (~WMP) la notNqc1lredwlth your applloetlon~afufor-developmen't, Go to stsp 4 at ·the ·<\met of this queetlonnalre, oheok thi1 11my p-roJeot cfoes not t'rleet PD\!l requlr!mehts' ox 21nd oomp1eta ~p-pllo.«nt ll'll0r!'l1·'Ell!.9.J1, ..........,_,.._ .. _ _..... ·---,,.._ Page~ of 8 lllfteotlve 612111 $ ' I I 1- 1 I I I I I I I I I I rrm --IIVW!iiFIII i II TFlf ST10RM WATER STANDARDS QUES'rlONNAIRE E~34 li?..1Jll.lR.tU!1'J..t1JJ100JJ.j t Land Development Snglneerlng 168S Far~day AVEll1tl s 760•1602-2750 www,carlsbadoa,gov ~ hmf.=-htnt OA m, ' iKAPl::i.Cll41:o•dM:oact• • 1l10IJ1azza, ............. rr you anawepe<f ''no." the. etru\ltural BMF''ei requrr~d for P11orl.ty Development Pl'QJegtg ~p~ly to the en6re development, Go fo iat0i:, 4, ohaok th$ "m ro &l.'I~ m~eta !'OP rag,utrernenta11 box ~mcl C\'.>!.UBl'$te 11ppllo'lnt tri101•tru'tilt>n, My project mi&ets .l?RIO~l'rY oiavat.OPME!NT' P~OJaor .(PO"PJ reqt1!rements and must oomply with ad'dltronal sformw,ter. orltena pfr lh.e SUSMF -and r l!ndersteind I rni.ret j:'lrepare el storm Waler-Management· Pl61n for si.ibmntal mt time of applloatton. I 1.1nd trstand flow .ooritrol (hydrotnodlfloatlon) requlrementti may eip~ly to. myprQJeot. Refer to SUS MP for det~lle, M:r proJMt r:IOEIS not-meet PD!'J raqu'lrements and 111.1,1$'1 only QOITJPIV wlfh .StAN:OA1'0 STOPI.MWA'r.eR lt8l~U!RE!MEN're· per thQ· SWSMF', As ·part of theeie reqll1re.me1i.te, I wllf IMorporate lo~ rmpaof development e·tl'aitegles fflrougho~~ my prt;tJeot, · . Ai,plloant Jnform.atton· and SlgnaMe l3ox Aoo~eeor'i Paruel NL1mber(s): 167.04,0"111 ."2j, Ap~1h~~LAAIL f~tlMI~ J. ~JIM~ 08\L 1 I i :t I ~ S.' .... - Apr;,Hoant Name: CotMtstof.:l.e OottJ.:tXlunitles rhtG Box for Oliy Usd1 Only Olty onourrenoe: Pro eat I : .,, E!nvlronmentc1lly senaltlve Areas-Include but 61re riot llmtted to all Olean Water Aot eaoUon 803{d) lmpidrad ~ter bodres; sireets designated aa Areae -of epeolal alologloal SlgntfJQanoe by the -atate Water Reaouroes Control aoe.r.d ('vlletrr QuaHty e::iontrol Plan for tM San .Dleg<~ BEtstn (199-4) end amendment~); water t:>odle& r.lealgnatad wl!h the RARE behenoTal use .by the State WEiter E'{asiouroet ooritrol Soarcl (Wa'terQual1ty Oohtrol Plan for 'tl'te-San Diego F.:lasln (1S~4) ind emendmenta); arsaa dealgMted aa pre~erves or their c1u1va1ent under the Mum Speolea Oonaervaflon Program. Within the--Oltlea and -County of Sah blego: ~nd any ott1ar eq~nvaletH env/rconrnentally a"enalflve sreaa Whfoh h&ive been lden.tlfled bY. fhe Ooperrnlttees, l:!1feoUve 6/27/10 I I I I ' I I I i I I i I I I I I I I I I • i !Ilg • !11111 • !11111 • -.. : I ; .. ·" : \ ·: ' . ; ,: ·! ; ,, I ~ ' I .. .. : . ' 1' 'I !' ; . I UPDATE GEOTECHNICALINVESTIGATION . Q·UARRY CREEK .CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR CORNERSTONE COMMUNITIES SAN D(E,GO, CALIFORNIA FEBRUARY 24, 2015 PROJECT NO. 07135-42 .. 05 I I • l i, I ! I I I I I I I I I I I! • ~ .. I Pl'Ojeot No, 07i35w42-03 Febrnru·y241 2015 Cortxetstone Co1nmi111Hies 4%5 Bi~out:lve D1'ive, :Su.ite 600 San Diego, Califo1•.rri~ 92121 Atte11tio11·: 111·. Jadk Robson .SubJeot: UPDATE GEO'Ji'ECHNTCAL INVESTIGATION QUARRY CREEK. CARLSBAD/OCEANSIDE, CALIFORNIA bear Mr. Robson: ·-. ~ . . . In aooo1·danoe wlth your nuthoriza.tfo.n, we .ai:e pleased to. submit 'fue re1uJ.ts of 01,i;r update geoteo'.lanioal ilwestlga'tion fur the :p:ropose'Cl Quarry Oi:eek proJeot-. Co11ohislona .mid 1·eoo1ntne.1:1.cla,tions presented he1'e:ln are based on .t'eview ·of anilable p1.1b1ish©d geoteohnfoa:l repwts ruid llteratlu·e, obset<v~tfons ell.iring previous grading pe.rforr.n~d on fu~ property fo1· reofoma:tion..., p.rev1otis suhslJrlace. geuteohni,,Jal exp1ol'atlon and filite 1·oeonn~fasw:oe of e:&1sting condltlo11s, The eastern half.of the :i,,ropel'ty has been used for m.lnlng and C1'lll!hlng rook to. pxocfooe oommerolal aggi<egatoo. As the::result, the eastem ha.Lf of the site ls unctedaln by co.tnp$otec1 :f'lll, previotJ.s1y· plaoed fill~ undooi.imentecl fill, sedlme11ta'i'Y> volcanic, and 1.ntruslve bed.1:0.ok. Reolan16ti0.n grading has oootU1'ed on this portion of the s:lte. The woote1'n haTf of the site is h1 a11 \mgraded natl.mil oo.ndition. The aooompanying report present~ f:u1dings from om· studies· relative to geotechnica.1 0nginee1'i:t1g aspects of developing the p1·ope:rLy, The site fa. uonsideted S1.dtable fo1· the proposed improvemeints provided th(!) 1·ecomtnenda#olis of thls-repo~·t are fol!owed, Sho1.1.ld you have q1.1es-tions r.egil,l'ding this teport, or if we l11<1Y he of f.m'ther smvioeJ please Qontaot ·fue undersigned at your oonvenienoe-. . Ve-ty tnily ym.1rs, GEOCON INCORPORATED AS :RCM:d:no WMlh'tlrlJU.til\*.,lln:1utJlt1111,1t,n••1•~ _ _.,. ~~11C!IIIZll1111ffl'ttMIINl•ltlM»l,II~ 1A~l'.l:Pf1111,K{M.!,1illflf).r& Ill hnirll1't.11 Qn!INb/!t!rll'I' n11tit1,tWJ I i111fagi~4m,a. 8./IMS!U-Ji~ II ~MiUfi.f)~, • .. I I ' ! I I • l I I I I I I I I -• • 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 71 iABLE OF CONTENTS PU@OSBAND·SCOPB.,,,11H1llllllllflll\tll\ll'IHl11111tffllllllt1H\1.1111·1llltlf1tll11111·tl1Hffftlfll"ltllll1IMIIIHIIJIIIIIH'ltllll 1 PRBVIOUS·SITEUS-AQJ3AND GRADIN<J,1.11.111111111n1111111111,1,1111,1111H111u1111111111tt11111H11+1111rr.1tr11111J11111f2 SITE AND PRQJEC'T DBSCRJP1.TQN,,,1111111n11,111t1111.1,1111f111111111111,111."t'1.111111111,t111t111i,1111u111Hllt11111,11t11 3 SOIL AND· GEO·I,.OGIC CONDITIONS.,,,1,.,,,,,,,,,:,,,1,1,,,,,,,, .... ,"''''' ... ,,,,,,.,,.,1,,,,,,.,.,,,,,,,,,,,11,,,,,.,,11,,, .•• ,.,, 3 4, 1 Compa.oted Fill (Qcf) 111111111,11tlllfl•lll111,n1111lt1r1ultu1lt111111111111H11IHllf11t1f11111,0111tt1l1it11111111111111111111111, 4 4.2 Undoot1:t11entecl. Fill (Qudf) tltttllltil•I f11tllflll lfftllltltl lllf.11t1IHMltllltttlt11\•fll1111111,·11 .. 1111t.1111111nn1111.1111u11111 4 4,3 Pi'eviotLsly Plai·oed Co1-npaoted Flll .(Qpof) ,1-111lit11 "' IIIIHUHll1tt1l11t111u1111111111un11111111111;n1111111u11111-11 4 4,4 Ptevi .. ously Placed Fi-11 {Qpf) 111u II.II I IIHl 1111111111 IIIHtt 111 flfl 111 ,,111(11111111 H II t/11 tll I IIHfl II ttll II I II Ult,111111 M ,.,, , , 5 415 T·opsoil .(Urunappec1)., j llfltlfllltl 111 u flt 11111,1.1,.11111 ttlllll t 11111 n 1111 Ill tlfttl 111 HI tit tll lJI I llllltlUll fll l.ll"t"llllll llllru11 ti 5 4,6 $1.1rfiofal Landslide ))_eb1·is (Qlsf) .. ,u,,,,,11,.,,."'''''' '"'''1,o,,, .. ,,.,_..,",,,,.1,, , .. 1.,,11,11,,, •• .,,,,ut1••·''~ .. ,,1,,,9 ,,1, S 4,1 A1lt1vit11ll (Q'al) •tlll'flll'-U IH"'ll llltllllHlltllll II tll•l!lltlllHlltHlllllllllfll l11tr1111tllHUfl1H1IIIHUlll~lfolllllUillllllll11lll1 s 4,8 Colltiviuni (Qo).,11, 11111111111 rltlll tit tu1,1,r11111,, 11 ,, 1,111111 '" I fl 111J1111'1 H 111111'1111 tit 1111·1111111,u11111IIIHll1I"""'' t111u1 6 4,9 Te.t..vaoe Deposit.a (Qt) lttl11t.1Htlollr111l;l1t1111f111111111,111.1o1o1111n11H'Jltr1,Jl1111,1tH1t11111 u11111111t11.1111.1111i.i,11n·11Hl11f!JI 0 4,10 S-a.ntlEl.go Pol'matio11 (Ts),,1111-111,11111r,11,u,-n,111111,i-.11111111h11r11Hlll1t1111111111111,,,1n1•1o11-.1111111,1111n,1.111-tllilllllj 6 4,11 Sal to Itltrt13ive (Jsp1}nYnrt1·fffll'T'l"r'r.i:i.,n) 1111n ,11 Hltl 1111111111 MI I If ,-1,111 ,-1111 .. U)J,l,11111~\ll I Ill ll)IUJIIJLI 111·1f\l~-.11·11,u1,1·1 ·7 GROtJNDWA'rBR ,,,11u1f\llilll•flliltlHlllltlilllll11111,,111111111111111111•u1JUlltHtll'lt111·1n1.11H11, .. H1tlljlltUIHIHt1lll 0 IIUIMll 7 GEQLOGJC'RAZARDS,1t-1111u111·11r1u,u111111,111111111,1l.r.,,.,1,11111t'11111ur111111n111111111·1111111111i1111111111,,11111 t\r.1111111111111 7 6..1 F.a.tLltit1g ei1d Sefsmicity,. rl l)H'l lll I'"'''" lltHI .. fl Ifft HI'" Ltll 11111u11t 11,t.11) r.l ttlll 1 !It UIII I ll•IHllllll II I Utll/1 un) II ('Ill 7. ~ 6.2 Liquefto.tio.n." I" .. , 11, ... , ,111 • .... I"" ..... 1, ...... ,,, 1, 1 .... I, ......... 1,. ... ,, .... 1, 111 ...... 1, 1.r, 1, .. ,, ..... I""'"""'"" ... ,, 1, .... 9 6,3 Flow Sllde Eote11tial 11111111111u11IIIM\11111111111,,111111tll,II I'll llltH1111rr1n 1•ll lllltlll ilflM111•11·111111111111-1ur1r1,11111111 10 614 La.ndslldes 111111 tll 11111 lll\ 111 l'I" 11 tt I 1111111·11111 t'l 1111 HH.i11u1tt ti 11 IHII 1-IHl'l!II fllffl ,n11 u{l,11,1 I 111,,11111111o1frHl •I II II ll't llH 10 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOWl.tENDATIONS.~1,,,,1.1,,,,,,,,,1,-,1_,., ••• ,., •. ,.,,.,,.,,,.,1,,,,,11,,,,,1, .... ..,_,,,,u,.1,., ••• 11 7,1 712 7.3 7.4 7-.5 ·116 7,7 1,8 719 7.10 7.11 7.12 General lj ti 1·\11·1" ll,1111 H n I.I If II If ll·fl'f.lll I.I lltlt11 lll'l ll'tl l\lflltl It II I IHI rl I 111111111llttt11)11111 I tlltll II IH,111111111 Mlll•I r,1o111,11 1"1 E,xoa.va.tioh 6U1Cl Soil Cheu:acte.dstics II HI 111, 11ut11t 111111111 IIIUI '"' 11111111, 11111 tll lltl" 1'1 lllll"U 1111r1111 n11111 IU·l1t I 11 SiJ.bdrains 11 HII 11111111ti:1111111111111,,,11-1111tll I It I l,l t 1,,, 11111.111111111 t/11,1111, 11 I ll•fllll tllf ••1Y11illf'ftt•t11111·1111,1-t11u,11-1111.11111 t 12 Grading 11,11•1 fl H·111·1•11•111'1 ll1lt I ll'tll llN•l'l lftlll 1l11IU 1f 1111r111 fl IJ Ill 4111111111i+ l1·frl II 1•111111111 Ulflllll.iNI IIHltll 111'111"61111 Ill I 13 .Stu·ohergeFill . ht+l.itH ,.., ,1, I. I.I LI 111J1'11f011111111111111 .. ,,, 11 n11,, 111 llllUI I lll)H11111,u111+-111111u1.11'11111r,1 t·I :Jf!II II I II I t/1 I 16 Settlement Monlto11ing 111 r, I l\ll'll 1N1.l'tll I ll1111111I II t111lH,llt ri 1111 lnk1111111tl 11111u1111111t111111114fUn1111tHillrttr11 1111 16 Slope Stab111ty Ifft I r1u111II JM 1111\1IHl'Jitll'l 1J1 Ill l.11-11111,,1111111 ,11, IIUflli ,111111.n1hfl I lt'tll lll11fl¥11 lllhllhl 11111111111,111 I 16 SefsnUo Design crne1tf.a IIU 11 fll '11.JII I ltlfl ,,. ,.,, 1111 tllH01l '' 1·1111,111-111111 lfl 111.t111·111'111 ••• 1n1.11111111111 tiff llllfll 1111111, I 18 Foundation and Concrete Sla.b•OnwGrade Reoo:rru.1w.11datlons1 .. , .. , .... , .. "'l"""""""""I"'"'"""·· 19· Retainb~g. Wall Reoo1n1net1dations filtl ilt-111Hr111,1,11'1fl, 1,111,11111 t11..-1111,11·111111111,1111111111 r11,111, 1111111 r,111111 2·4t Detenrio11 Basin ru:id Bioswale Recofi:Utl:endations ....... ,11"" '"""11 .. , ... ,." "' 1,rn,1""'""" l"""I"''"' 26 Site Drainage and Moisttrre Pro.tection JIIHf11Ull.flllll't.1111111,,11111111n11111111H1111111111u111ia111.nn,.,r1,111,,.11127 LlMlTAT10NS AND UNIFORN.1ITY OF CONDITIONS ,. • ! ~ I I I ' ' ; I -r I I I I I " • • • " • TABLE OF' CONTENTS (Cono[uded} MAPS AND ILL UST.RA TIO NS Flgt11·e 1, Viol11ity Map F~iite 2 and 31 GeologiG Map .Fig1.mi 4, Geologic C1•oss Se:,0tio11s AN th1·ough DD' Flgiu·e 5, Typioa.1 Cm1yon St1bdraf.n Detail Figtu·e 6, Typioal Subdtafn Cut•Ofi'Wall Deta11 Fig1.u•e 7, Typical S1.ibdrafo 01.itlet Headwall Detafl F{gtt1'e 81 C-011strnotio11 Detail fol' Lateni:I Extent of Removal Figt.11·e 9, Settl~110t1t Mo111m1e11t Figtn·es 10-14, Slope· Stability An~!ysis Flgm·e· 15s 1."ypical 1:mtt.1:ess Fill Detail Figtire 16, 1ypic-a1 Retainl:t1g Wall Drafa Detail APJ?ENDTXA FIELD INVESTIGATION Figm•@s A-1 :...A~-s, Logs oftargeD1a..rnefiei· Bodngs Flgi.n•es A"6-A~27, Logs of Treuohes Figttres A -r28 -A-3 3, Lo gs. of Small Diame-ter B otlngs Flgtu·~ A~34..::._A.;3.9,Logs o£T:veMhes (Geooon9-l0-09) APPBNDIKB LABORATORY TESTING Table BwI1 StUllttlerty ,of Labotatoi'y Maxi.mum Diy Denalty and Op.thmm1 Moisttu·e Content Table BwII,. S1:unn:ia:ry of Laborai:01y Dlreot-Sheru" Tes't Re.s-iil.ts, Ta'ble B·w1II1 Stunmary of Laboratory Expansfo.n J.ndex Tegt Rea1.1ltii table B"IV, S1..in1tnaty .ofLabort1tol'y Bxpeinslon Inc!-e,x Test Resu1ta · Pel'fonned Du.d.ng Reolrunatfo.tJ. G1'.adlng Tabl@ Bw V, StJJntrJ.ary .of Laboratoty Wate:rwSo hibl e Stilfate Test Results Table} B,.YI1 Su.n:m;i,ary of laboratory Waite:rwSoluhle Sulfate Teat R(;).stilts Performed Dul'lng R.eolarnatiou G1'adll'.lg APPENDlXC SLO:PB STABll,ITY ANAL YSXS Table Cw!, Siunmary of Soll Properties used fot Sfope Stability Analys-eis. Table C"II, .simunary of Slope Stability Atmlyses- Fig1.u·e Cwl, Cut 'Slope Figtires Cw2 ·-C-3, Buttres-s Fill Sfope A'P'.PBNDlX D FLOW ANALYSIS Figt1re Dwl, Stability A!lalyeis for Flow Slide Potcvntial Figure Dw21 Stability Anal;yalsto Determine Yield,Coef.f:lclent APPEND:CXE RECOMMENDED GRAD!NG-SJ?ECW'ICATIONS LIST OF REFERENCES . ; i m I i I !. ~ I • ; I I I I I I I C I C C __ . .i,. ·------------------- UPDAiE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE This teport p1'ese11ts th0 tesults of ru1 update .geoteohnioal investigatio11 fo1· the pxoposed Q1u:w:1·y C1•eek develop1ne.t1t, The pt11·pose of the geoteoh11ioal fovestigation fs to evahlate-Bt11'faoe ru1cl s1.1bsurfaoe soil oonditlons and geriei'a1 site geology,. and tO' identify geoteolUlfoal oonstrafnts that nJay Lmpa.ot de'(ielopment ·of the p1'operty, In acklit!'on, the piit'pose of this l'epol't is to provide foimdation .design 01'iteria1 oomwete ffatwoi'k 1'e0onnnendatioM, 11etaittl.ng wall i:eoo1mne11dii'tions1• ex<mvatiotl. a.nd rero.ecH~l. g1'adfog 0011.stderations that. can be titHized in clevelopJng p1•ojeot b'tidgets .. The soope ofthis investigation also i.tl.oluded a 1·ev!ew of 1·eacH1y available published and imp1.1blished geologic litetahU'(;\ mitfal photographs ·and the following doouments. previously p1·epared for the pi•opel'ty: 1, PreUmlnary Geo/eohntoal lnvss#gatto.n, Quany Cr.eek JI, Cctrhbad/Ooeamlr)e, Cctlifo.mtct, p1·e1n1ted by <leaoon Ittoo1-po1·fl.ted, dated Februai·y 24, 2015 (Project No, .0713.542-03). '2, Founclcctton Report, · Quarry C1.'eelt ErMge, CctrMbad, California) pi'epa.red by Geooon Inool'porated, dated At1gi.1st 21t 2014 (Project No, 07135 ... 42-04A), .3. 4. 5, 6, 7. Mct,98 G1•c1d~ng Plansjr:;1• Qucm')J Ct•eek, p1'ep·ared by Pt'oject Des:lgn Cons.1..tlta.:nts, un:datect. Ftnal Report of .Testtng cmd Olxietva#on Se,'tJtaes During Stte G1•a.dtng, Qt,arr.y Creek, Cctrfsbadi Cctll,j'oni~a, prepared by Geooon Tu:co.rporatecl, dated Ap111 4, 2013 (Pl'Oject No, 07135-42 .. 02). nnat Rep9t1 qf Teattng and Obtervt1tion Serivtcea. Diwtng Stte Gradt'!i& Qttctn,y Creek, Oceanside) Cc-t.lifornict, prepared by Geooon fuoorporated> dated March 11, 2018 (Project No,. 07135·42~02), Updctte G~oteohntoctl lnve;'Jftgatio'fl1 Amen'Clect Reotamatton Plcm1 Quaniy Creek Refined Altemattve Bi Carhbctd, Califomta, prepared by Geooon lnoo:rpo:r.ated, dated September 101 2009 (.Pl'OjeotNo, 07135-42·01), Ltmtt~d Geotechnfrjttl lnvesitgcttton to Evctftwte Hctrd1•ook Con#ratnts for Qt,tct1'1')) Creek, Cctrlsbctc~ Cctlifornla, prepared by Oe00011 Incorporated, dated Apl'il 9, 2004 ·(Project No, 07135-42M01B. 8. E!R. -Level Sot! and Geologio Reootmcttssmice Quarry Creek I.l Ca'f''1sbad!Ooe'ltM1icle, Ccelifo1•11tcli prepared by Geooon Jnoerporated, dated Oetobei" 20~ 2011(Project No, 07135· 42..:01B), The site, is located sotith of State Route 78 and west uf .College Boulevard itl 'Cii.t'lsbad, C£11ifornia (~ee VfotnityMap> FlgiU'e 1). The eastern portio11 of th6 siM has. bee11 grm.ded as pru.'t of the 1'tiClatnatio11 pr0oes~. Geooon Inoorpota.ted performed oompaotiotJ. testing atrd obsetva'tion services during the grading operatlo11s·, :Projeot No, G113-S·42.·0S I I: I i, ~ I I ' I -1- 1 I ' I I I I I I ···;,: '. Refet·enoes 4 and 5-.ru:e the as·-graded 1'epoa-ts .111·epar(ild fo1· 1·0ola1natio11 grn.clit1g, AsMgi'aded ccmditio11s sre show.tl 011 the Geologio Map (Figures 2 a.11d 3), Pi'evious f1efd investigations-wei'e 0011d-uoted in 2012. (R:efet'e:tlae. '1) and 2004 (Reference 7), These i1westigat':!ons i11oluded leitge~dfomr.ite1· bo1fogs, s111all~dlrunetel' bo1itl.g1 and exploratoxy tl'enohes, Pe1't:lne11t lnfo1·matio111 1nofodfng boring and t1·e11oh logs and other detaLls of f:11e field itwesHgations m·e p11esented it1 AppencUx A. We testec:1. selected soil srunples obtained di11fug the prev.lowJ field invest:lgat.io.ns to ei-valuate physioa1 prope1·ties for engfueedng analyses emd to assfst ii1 p1'ovlding 1·ooot1m1end-ati·o11s fol' site g1'ading. Details of the fabor~itory toots and a stUnt'l:1a:ry of the test resillb! are presented in Appendix B and on tho borJ:ng logs in Appendix A. The Geologfo Map, Figtu•es 2 .and 3 also ptesent the locm.tlox1s of the .explorat01y excavations, The base map '\.lsed to gene1'ate Flgi.11·00 2 and 3 is a CAD fifo of Refew110e. 3, Other reports. 1·evie.wed as pmt of this study rure stunmadized on the Li.rt of Ref~renae8 a.t the-end of ·thla teport. 2, PREVl'OUS SITE USAGE.AND GRADING The Qmu·iy Cl'eek ptoperty h:as u:nclergorre many yea.rs of .trunhtg1 01·t1sh.tng, .and screening to pl·oduce ooromeroial agg.l'egate· p!'oducm. The-m.aj ority of prevlm1s b.11rJing ac.tlvity 0001,u'l'ecl in the easten1.and so1.1the:rn portions of the site. Mining WMte p1·od11ots we:re placed fo. canyo:n 01· pit areas to reclaim qmir.ry ·e-x.oa.vation.s. This 1·es1.iltecl in plao·eruent of mostly tlllclootmiented tl11 in depressions I as :v17e11 as some oon1.pitetecl fill, A :l:01111e1· concrete batoh plant and base-coarse crushing and so1·ee11ing plant operated by Hanson Ag!regates .oooupiec1 the oentl'a.1 pottion of the-property, Other portio11s of the propexty were prevfoi.isly i.ised for storage purposes, w11ioh i:nolude £tockpiles of 0011orete and asphalt robbleJ bioremedf ation stookp11oo) and othex materials. Reolama1ion .grading of the previously ntlned are.a oo.tnmenoed in July 2011 and was ootnpl()ted in December 2012. During teolattmtion .grading, undocumented fills we-1se removed a:ttd .t'eplaoed as compacted :fill. Alluvium, within the cka:!nage ruea, waa :removed to approxi.t:nately 3 feet above gro'Llndwater eleva.tfon and replaced with compacted fill. Drop str1.1otures, levees, and rook revetment slopes were oonstnioted e.lo11g and in Buena Vista Creek d1•afoage, Reclamation gl.'adlng has resv.lted 1n removar of imdoo·time11ted fill 6111d replaoetne11t wlth oompaoted fill 011 the south side ofBuena Vista Creek and tnajority·of the areas north of the oreek, Reola.:tnation grijdh1g resiilted in 161.l'ge sheet~ graded pads cm the e~1stet11 half of the property on both tl1e north and soiit11 sides of Buena Vista C1·eek, The weatert1 portion of the p.rope1<ty has remained in a:11 ung.t'acled 0011dit!on, Fobrua.l'y 24, 201 S I !. I -I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ; I s·. SITE AND PROJECT DESCRJPTION The overall sit~ slopes northwa.J:d, southward, and westwa1'cl1 following the east-west 11atiu•al drnlua.ge of Bt1e11a. Vista C!'eek valley and its t.ribiitaries. The otigina.1 valley~slope topcyg1·aphy has been lowered by q1.ta1·1·y opera.tio11s a.11d then 1'egarded to the-oi111·ent sheet· ·g1·aclo elevatiotta <.fod11g 1'eofo1natlo11 grading,. Mining of l'ock fo the no1'th0ast q1.1~idra11t has created 11ea.r ... vertf oa1 1·0ck slopes. The ottt has exposed :fractured took, whioh is very st1·0:t1g at1d GJ011siderecl stablti l.1.1 its tetnpo1·a1·y steep oonditlon, Reoo111111endatlo:t.ts fol' a pe1·1t1a11e11t slope oond1tio11 ate p1•ovided in foe slope .stability section of this tepott, Slopes on the-soiith .side of U1e valley haw be011 graded to pel'111anent 2:1 (hodzontru:.ve1'tfoal) ottt slopes with benches,. be11oh,.dra.i.ns a:nd brow-d!tohes, On the 1101·th side of the property, 1·eclrunition gJ:ad.ittg has resulted ln ·z: 1 cut slopes, Elevatlo11s 1.n the ea.stem luilf of the pro.p~:rty vary from. app1·oxunately 80 feet MeaJ:J. Sea Level (MSL) to above 300 feet MSL :l.tJ. opeu"'spaoe areas, Sheet ·gtaded pa.d elevettions vary from a.pprox1.mately 105 to 115 feet MSL, ·On the weste1'.l1 i111grac1ed portion ofthe site) (;x:lstlng site tilevations vru·y :from approxi111ately Sff.eet'MSL to· ·1-06 feet M81, - Review of the grading plan fol' Qt.iru·r;y Creek ind.lea.tea regi·adfng in th.e eas-tei:11 ha.lf.ofth~ propel'ty will generally consist of outs t1p to app1·oximafoly 35 feet and fills of 15 feet, respectively, Wlthin the uri;graded W<ilStem portio.111 cuts &incl fill,s 't.J.P to-40 feet a;nd 30 feeti respectively. wHl occur to cteiite large sheet"graded pads. Development will also lnclude the oonstri.totlot1 of a bridge acrn-ss. the creek, r.oadways, and ufllitiea, A :ceport ape(}1:f1:o to cl1e bridge has been provided separately (see Refel'enGe-2)., Final plans for develop-:tnent have not yet been oompleted, however, w.e 1.mderstend plans are. to cons.t.niot 3--stoty nmlti-fantlly bttlld:lngs, 2-sto:ry efngle fmnily attnohed tin.its, af.fordi!.ble housing t1ttlts, and .a commt1t1lty. faoility, Plans inoh.1de $ti'e-et improvements, utilities, and seve.tal ueighborhood,patks. Several water qtialitybasins a1'e platU1ed within tli:e ctevefopm6nt, The site description a.11d proposed devel-opme:t1t are based 0:n a site rec.onnaissance and review of the ava:il:able p-lans. lf t1evelopme11t plans diffol' signifioa:t:1tly :6:oro. those described. herein~ we should be oont,a;oted for teview and ,possible revisions to this report, 4, SOIL. AND GEOLOGIC COND.ITIONS Eight s1.1rl'i-oial soil cleposit.<J and fotu· geologic> for1natio11a were e11001.mte1·ed rmd/or tnapped on the prope1'ty, Si1rftolal soil de;posi.ts inolu4(;1 1.111cloo1.unented fill; oompaotecf fill1 p1'evio1.isly placed fi11, topsoil (1.m:tnapped), StJt.f1cial la11dslide debds1 alluvitim, aud oolhwium, Formational units ·lnolucle: Qtratet'11aty~a.ge Terrao(;) Deposits; Tertiary-age Santiago Borina.tion; and JurassioMag@ Sa1to Tnfa'usive t'ook, Me;pped 1lmits of the geologic units a'l'e .shown -on the Geologic Maps (E'igiires 2 ·a11d 3), "3. Fe~rmwy 24~ 2015 I ,. I I i I I I I ' ' I ' I I I I C E Geologlo C1·oss Seotio11s ai'e p1·eset1ted 011 Figul'e 4, The m.1l·fiotal soil ty.pes and geologio units ru:e desodbed below.. 4.1 Compal.}ted FIii {Qof) Co:t11paoted :fUl plaoed d1.1.t'i11g reolamatio·n ·grn.d'hlg exlsts ao1·oss the .easte1·n half of the p1'opei·ty. Obse1'VaticH1 and oompaotton t'°stlrlg of the fill has been pe:l'fom1ed by Cfoooon Inool'pol'ated. Report clooi1me11ti11g oo:tnpaoti0n testil and as.graded ~0.11d.J.tlo11s were p1·epru:ed in 2013 (see Reil:'et·e11oes 4 rutd 5), The fill fo predo:tni1late1y 001:npdsed of sllty to clayey sa:nd wtth Va.l'y.ing alll.'O'tlfits ,of l'Ook :fl:agl'nents, soil l'ook f11ls1 ~ml. winch·ows of O\re:rsize rook and 0011ol'ete, A 1 O~foot hold .. down for oversize took was p1•ovfcled cfodng 1·eohunation gi·adfng, However, 111 the· sotithwest portion of the 1•eola.matlon gl'ad:lng a.1·ea1 the hold down was raised to 7 feet belovY fln.ll!h grade; Compacted f111 is oonsideJred. sti.1.tab1e fo1· suppol't of additlsmal fill and stniott.u·al loads, 4,2 -Uridocumehfod Ffll (QL1df} Undociu11enfod fill exlsts .tn the-no-rthe~t potti:o.n of the-propetty beyond the 1'eola.matlo.u grading llmit.an:'1 wlthln the existing aco-ess road from E!:aymar Dl'iVe, The xnajcxHy of this undoomnented fill w.lll Hkely be removed to achieve sheet grades based. on proposed outs shown on the project grndlng pla:n/3. Boweve.r1 we expect some 1'emedial g1·ad!.ng will be ne~ded below pl'oposed 01.it elevatfo.ns "to completely ren:1ove 1.lndoeumented flll. A small amount of 1.UJ.dootimented f.t11 also exists Just west of the graded .eeclro:natlon paroel;s· neal' .the cer1tl'~u pol'tlon. of the ptqj,eot. Undocumented fill is t111suitable in it~ present condition, and wi111'e~ii1:e 1-emov~ ein.d reoompaetion to suppo1't addi'tiot.ia.1 fill or stn.ioti.iral improvements, Ove1'size materials enoountel'ed during remedial grading tt1ay requirei bl'eaking down and special pla:oe1t1etJ.t prooedmoo in deeper fill ai·eas, Iti 'the southwest portion: of Lot 2, a limited amount of 1.mdo01m1ented £111 was left inMplace. during 1·0otm:natl.on gracling due to the pi'ese:nce of gro1mdwater. Based on 01.ir obse.1:vatio11s chtrlng 1.·eclamation grading and potholes perfor.tnedi. we expect less than 3 to 5 feet of fill was left below .g.1:oi1ndwate1· 1n some areas, We do not e:x.pect the pl'esenoe Gf the undocumented fill wi11 impact ftit1..ire develop1w,11t. 4.3 Previously Placed Compacted Fill (Qpof) Limited a:reM in the northeoot a.11~ southeast pol'tions of the property m.l'e w1derlain by pl'evloi1sly placed coinpaoted :fill (aee Geologfo Map). Aocordfog to a repo1't by Ninyo a.11d Mooi'e (dated August 31 1 2000)1 mo~t of the appro~imately 10 feet. o:f documented fill fa1 the bottom of the 110rthe1·11 pit ei:.rea had been placed between approximGttely 1988 ei:nd 2:000, The repo1t desc1·ibes the fill Ptoje(JtN't'l, 07135-42-05 ' f I • I • j I I \ I I : I ! I I I m ~ as . , , tn.terlayered1 medium dense to denn1 olayey and .1t.lty sand, alayey gravel anct &tijf 1andy clay, Portio11s of the oompfloted flll w·el·e buded bemeat11 stookp:Ues of ovei·size ahot .... 1'ock that was re1a1oved dudng :ceolru.natio:n gl'a.ding, 'l:'fa, itpper appl'oxhnately 3 to S feet of previously plaoed 00111pa.oted. f111 was 1'emoved diirfag 1'eolamatio11 gt•ading a11d reoo:mpaotecl. P1'evlously phtoed compacted fill MSt)oiated wlt:h the development of the eastetn qtrn1'1'Y (Wal~Mat't shopping oentel') enot·Qaohes into the eoi.itheastem pol'tio11 of th® p1'ope1ty. These mateda.1s wete pru:tfol!y temoved and reoompacted during i'eo1ainai.'ion gi•a.ding ope1'atio11s. Based on obs·ervatfons dtu·fng reclru11a.t!o11 g.ea.di:ng, tho :fill appea:t'S to be 1'elatively dense with adequate :tnoistu.re content and 0011skl.el'ed su.itable for stipp01't of struotimi:1 i111])1'ovem0:Q.ts. 4.4 Previously Placed Fill (Qpf) l'revio:i.n1ly placed fill ex:lsts 1J.eei.t' Haymru· D1'ive ei.:nd Highway ·n alo:JJ.g the-northern p1•0perLy botindaJ:y, The approximate 11mH of the p1'evio1,J.Sly plaeec1 fill fa .shown on .Figt11·e 2 (Geo!ogfo Map), Th@se solls-l!lhoukf riot ±tlrpaot ft1nu·e development of the pi:cipe.rty. 4,5 Topsoil (Unmapped) P ortfons .o:f th-e western side of the -site are irreg1.ilarly blanketed by 1 to 3 feet oi topsoil oonslst.fng of loose, porousi dark brow11, sllty to ·clayey~ fine a-and', Topsoil is conwresslble. and expanalve, an:d 1ivi11 l'eq1iire remo·val and reoompaotion vvithl.o. a.!'eas of plat1ned <leve1opinent. Expa.nsJve ola:y,g shott1d be placed l.n deepe1· excavations ~mlng-gradi11g, 4,6 Sur'fl-olal Landslide DeJ;rrls (Qlsf) Severa! su5pioiou:s surfioial la11dslk1ea are mapped within the westel'b. portion of the site., along the south banks of the Buena Vuita Cte@k basin,. Due to the limited aooes-s to these a.re-ast si1bsi:11'faoe inv:eatlgation was not practical at thfs titno. Their existence will be ve:dfled, when aocess. ls available. or clming th@· grading operatio:JJ.ft, Trenoh. T-5 was exoav~ted at one of th.ese· areas and showed approximately 5 feet of s·andy clay matetfal .ove1'1ylng bedrock :formZ\tio11, The s'Cltfioial landslide debris, if fhe:y exist, are oonsf de1·ec1 tl:tlsitltable for reoeiv.!:JJ.g :fnt or stri.icttires and reqitlre temova.1, 4.7 Alluvium (Qal) A1hivial deposits ru·e present w#hln the major east~west dl'ainage ofBtie11a Vista Creek, as well a,s in the northeetstern and southweat0r11 tribtltal'y canyons that oouverge i,,v'lth B-mma Vista Creek in the oentt'al pol'tio11 of th-e si'te. The alluv:lal soils ge1wrally 0011.dst of loose, pol'OUS dit1'k gray to dat'lc b1•own1 very o[ayey,, fine to :medium sand, Md olay©y aand and silt with o·ooasfo11al layers-of slightly silty sa11d, Areas of deepest alluvium are located in the oe11tral p01·Hon of the site adjaoent to 'the ProJoot No. 07135•42-05 Febt·uru·y 24., 2015 ' • ! -I I -' -I I I I I 01·Jginal oha1111,el of Bmma Vista C1'eek and its tdbuta:des, The aI1uvhi1n is oompt·esslble and 11ot S\litable for support of a.ddl1donal :fill a.nd/01· st1iioti11·al loads a11d wi111ieq1:rl1'e pru:tia.1 (dependent up011 gtoimdwater deptlw) to oomplete 11emoval. Remedial gmdftlg of the alhivh.un along the ·11ott11 and south sides of the 1naln Buemi Vfata Cl'eek dra.J.na.ge has oooi11·1·ed dur1ng the 1·eoirunat.!ot1 gi'adi11g, Alltiviiun is expected to be ·e1'.t0ou.nte1'ed along the toe of' the south faofog fill slope at the west end of the pl'opel'ty, ·4.8 Colluvlum (Qc) Co1lt1vial deposits were enoou'nte1·e<l :In the 80Ut:b.west po1'tloh of the site :mostly along the. sides -<rf the cfraJt1111g trihlltru:y canyons, Colfovitll'.n is comprised of app1·oxl111ately 4 to 6 ·feet of looo.e dm1c b1·ow11, very clayey to silty, fJ.ne sand. Due to the loose tr.nootJ..Solldated oonclltio11 of the oo-llnvhun, :removal et.1'1d reoornpaotfon wlll be l'eqi.iited to provide suitable support fo1· placement of oo.tnpaoted fill 01· stmott1tal l111p1'0vements. 4.S Terrace Deposits (Qt} Exte11sive-and thlok 1'1ve1' temioe depos:rts OO'nsistlng of m0c1:tum-dense to -dense,. llght 1·eddlsh-btow.n to 0Hve-b1·ow11, g,ra.velly; sllty to olay,ey, medhun to ooru·se sand to oohesfonless saind with oooeislonal laye1·s o~ sil'ty · df.l:y are present 1n the western and sotithwest · pottlons of the site, B:x.oept ·near deposJtio11a! oontaofa (or unoo.nformities) with older fo1'.tnations, this 1.mlt rs typically mw.sl've to hodzonta11y be-dded, relatively dense and exhlblts low· oomp1·essibillty ohe1.raoteristics. Terrace Depos'it.s are most prevalent J.n the .soiithwestern portion o:fthe site, T11e ·sandy zones a.re suitable for support of fill and/ .or stmotnr.al 1oads in their present oondltlon. The ofayey zones, however, possess· low sltet1t strength and higb: expamdo11 po.te11tial. ·Our-1'a1'ge dia:mete1' bol'ing LB-2 pe1iforrnec1 in the p:toposed oiit slope located at the s.outhwest bou:tldru.·y1 adjacent to, Simshiu:y Court, enoounteted :tnaterfa.ls consists of h1terbedded s'ilty sand, 00heasionfoss sand and o1a.y foyets whioh are-o.oQasfo:naliy part.folly remolded. We teoornme:nd a .stabllitybuttress be oonstrtiote,1 along this oitt slope to provide adequate slope sta'bilfty. 4.10 Santiago Formation (Ts) The :Eocene-aged Santla,go Formatio111 oomlist!ng of dense, tnassb,e bedded light brown to g1·eenfsh~ gray sa11dstones and thin i11terbedcfod siltstones fs p:rese11t in the no1'th•oentra1 and soiith-oeniral po1'tio11s of the site, The. Santiago Formation is genet·ally grn111.l1ar n11d possesses suitable geoteohnioHl obal'aotedstios fo eithe1· an 1mdist1.irbecl a11d/01· properly oompaoted oonditton, However, the ooou1·renoe of olayey sHtstonea Md olaystorie layers in th.is unit may generate tnocletate to highly ProjeotNo, 07135-42-05 Febmary24, 2015 I ~ I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I E e:x:pa11sive matedals, 01· localized expansive :zoMs at grade. Where. JJl'a:oticali olayey zo11es of the SantJa.go For1natio11 shou.lcl. be plaoed at least 3 feet below proposed s11bgrade eleva.t'iofis, 4,1'1 Saito Intrusive (Jspl) The. J1.u·assio~ag0d Sa.1.to I.ntr1wive oonsis'ts of a steeply jointed, dark gray, ve1·y str0ng tonalite to ga.bbxo rook 001lsideted to be o!de:1: thru1 the Peninsitliir :RMge BathoUth and :n1ore olosely rehited to the. fo11natio11 of the Santiago Peak Voloanios. (La:rsen, 1948), This gra11itoid bedrook imit fs p1'ese11t in the 1101'theast and sontheast 001·h0ts of the ptoperty Et:tld is the predomtnant geologio. itttlt that has been mfoed fo1·-aggtegate on the ptopel'L'.Y, Typfoedxy, this becb:ook tin.it outcrops along the easte1'n 01' southeaster11 botmdary of t1w site, or is oove1:ed by fill in the oenti·a.1 po.ctio11s o-f'the site·, Exploratory excava:tlons encountered m.ost1y b1.1ded lntrmllve l'Ook that exhibited a va.dable. weatfae.cing patte1'n ranging from. intensely weaJh®red and fl:actul'ed matedal near oonmot-, wlth the ove11~Jng aed:l:mentruy 1·ooks> to fh:1,11h, e:x:tl'emely strong 01ystal1i11e 1'ook wfthln .qua1•de(i areas, 6. GROUNDWATE~ G1·01JJ:J.clWEtt(;)L' was enoou.ntered 1n the .rnaj o.r lower elevation drainage-ru:eas of Buena Vista Creek and its ttibiifo,dea at ·elevations betwee11 70 to 8.0 feeyt MSL. Depth 'Of gi•oUJJdwatilt iB subject to :£11.iottiation from. na.tiira1 seasonal varlatlotis,. The relationship between ttlhiviru removals and the po&ition of grou.nc1watel' table ~ncl tl.me Gf: yeru· t(;l'.medial g1·adillg ls performed -are cllsoussed in the Conclust.-on-s and .Recommendations sectlon o:f this repoi't. 6. GEOLOGJG HAZARDS 8,1 Fauitlng and Salstnlcrty Revfow 0f goo.logic 11tera.t1tre, provious geoteohnfcal reports :for the property, and observatlons dutlng 01.11· O\ll'l'ent field investigatio.tl i:ndfoates na active :fm.i.lts traverse the property. One fault was observed in St1lto fo,tnisive rook across the ,q1.1a1·ry slope ln the northem.st ootnel' of the property. How.eve1\ rui exp!oratory trenoh excavated through the Tertiro:y Santiago Fo1·matio11 aotoss the fault confirmed the fa,tlt cllc1 not cllsplaoe. the Eooene~age sedimentaiy tmlt, As stioh, the fa.tilt ls considered inactlv(;) and not a oonstJ:aint to the property. Aooo1·ding to the ·results of the oompute.1· p1·og1•e.111 BZwFR18K 0/el'sion 7,62), ·g. k.now11 aotlve faults are located within a search racHi1s of 50 tniles fl'om the propwty, The :neru·eat l010WJ.1 aotive fault Is the Newpo1't"I11glewood~ Rose Canyon F·ault Zone, looat.ed .approximately 6 mlles east of the sfte and is the doin111a:t1t sou1·ce of pott.7ntia1 g1'0und motio11. Ba.l'thq,uakes that might 0001.ir on the Newpo1't- In.glowood~Ros0 Ca.1lyo11 Fatil't Z-one 01· othe1· fattlta within the smithern Oa.Iifornfo and northern Bija Proje0\ No, 07135-42-0-5. February 24, :2015 ~ I i I i I i ! I I I I I ; -I I I I I I I I I I I Ca.Hfomia a1'e&1 al'e potential ge11erato-rs of aigniflcant gtoimd motf 011 -a:t the site, The estitnated cletettni:nis·tio 1na:xf1111,1111 esu:thquake rua.g11itude and 11eak g1·ound aocele1'atio11 for the Newpo1't Inglewood-Rose Cm.1y011 l:j'ault a.re 7,5 and 0,34 g, l'espeotively, We used Eoo1'e~Atklnson (2008) NGA USGS2008, CampbellMEozotgnta (2008) NGA USGS 2008, and C11louMYoiwgs (2008) NGA ·aooe1e1'MiotHtttenua.tio111·el61.tI011ships hi the oalotilatio11 of the peak gmu11cl aooefol'ati 011s (PGA), Table 6, 1, 1 lists the esi':hnMed :tnaxiltmm eai:thqttake magnitudes a.n:cl PGA's fol' the most do1t1.1na.11t faults fo1' 'the ,site location oalcttlated fo1' Site Class D as defhted by 'I'abl~ 1613A.5,3 of the 2010 CBC, TABLE 6.1.1 DETERMINISTIC SPECTRA SITE 'PARAMETERS M111imttm Peak Ground Aoc~leri\tion Distance· · .lllarthqtrnke · ]'{!Ulf NnmG · f.rom.Site . Mn-gxdtmle Boore,. 'Campbell~ Chiou~ -(miFe_s} _ (Mw) . · Atldnson. Bozorgn!a · • Youngs 2008 (g) zoo·8 (g) 2008 (g) Ne~vport-Ingl0wo0d,. Rose Canyon ·6 1,50 0-.S'O 0,215 0,34 Efai11ore-21 1.BS 0.21 ,Q.15 o.19 Coronado-Ba:ruc 23 '7.40 0.18 0.12 0,14. Palos Vevdes Connected Z3 7,70 0.19 0,13 ·0.16 .San Joaqt1it1 Hills Tl11·ust 35 7.10 0,18 0.10 0,09 -Earfug;imke V11,Uey 42 6.8·0 0.13 ,0,09 0.11 ,:fa11 J ao-lnta 45 '7,88 0.13 0.08 0.10 Chino 41' 6,80 0.08 0,05 0·,0'5 We used the computer program EZ./i'RJ,SJ( to perfbttn a. probabilistic seiamio hazard Malysi_s,_ The OG1nptite1· ,program. . .EZMFRIS1( operates ttndet the as~n.mi.ption til.at the ocourrenot1 rate of ~arthqi.iakea on each mapped Quaternary :t'a1.1lt is. pr0po1'tion:al to the fault slip rate·, ''I'he program aooo1.111ta for earthqt.mke ma.gnitude as. a fbnotio~ of fault rupture length, Sf te aooe1etation estl:cnates are made usl:ng the earthqtial~e mag:ttltude a.nd distance fto.111 !:he site to the tti1,t11re zone:. The p1'ogrw also aooou11ts for ttiJ.C·ertainty fat eaoh of follow1ng: (l) earthqi.mke magniti.ide) (2) n1pture length for a given :.tnagnitt1cle1 (3) location of the ni:pture zone, (4) tnEtx:!nmm po!!sible :magnitt.1de of a given .eatthqiiake1 and (5). aooele1'e.tion a.t the site from a given ea:rthq,u6lke along each fault, By oafoiila.tfng the expected aoce!erations fro1n oonddel'ed ea.rthqtiake somc-eg, the program oaloulates the total avemige annual expected 11u1nber of ooounenoes of ,~ite aooele1·a.tf 011 greater than a. specified value, We utilized aooeleratlonwattent~atlon te1atfonships -&1ggegtecl by. BooreMAtkfalson (2008) NGA USGS20081 Ca.to.pbe11 ... Bozo1•gnia (2008). NGA USGS 200&1 and Chiou0Yo1.mgs (2008) in the ~ ! I I I I I ' ' I ! I I. -I I I I I I I I I: a11alysis, Table 6.1,2 presents the sih:iwspeoiffo probabilistic soismio haza.t'd pa1'an1eteiia ittoludi1lg a.ooeletatlot1watte111.ia;tio111·efotiom1hips a.ncl the pt'obabiHty of ex.oeedenoe fo1· Site Class D. TABLE 6,1,2 J:>~OBA8lLISTIC SEISMIC HAZARD PARAMETERS :Fenk Gi•omHl Aocelaratio11 l?robabiliCy of ll'HJ'eeden-oe· Boore~Atldnso111 Cnmpbell .. Bozoxignln1 Ch1011••Youngs1 200'8 (g) 2008'. (g) 2008 (g) 2% 111 a: 50 Yem• Ptidod 0,5'2 OA2 0,47 5o/o !ti a 50 Yijja:l' l'e1'1od 0.39 0,32 o.;3s 10% h1 a. SO Ye1ir Pe1'ioc1 0.31 0.25 0.27 The Callfomla Geolog±o Sti.:tvey (COS) ptovfc1es a computer p1•0g1·am Chat calculates the groimd motfo.t1 f01· a 10 pero·<·mt of ptohabUity of ~oe~de:noe :l.n 5:0 yeru.·s. based on the· a.vei-age value. of severa.1 attenuation relationships. T11,ble 6, 1.3 presents the oaloulated :resillts from the P1·ob11,blllstlc Seis1n!o Hazards Mapp.fng dt<ound Mot.ton Pa,ge :fro1~ the CGS website, TABLE 6.1 • .3 PR..OBABILISTlC SITE PARAMEiERS FOR SE!LECTEO.FAULTS -~·.. OAJ..IFORNIA GE.OLOGIC SURVEY .. .. CRfoulatecl AMeletntion (g) Ca:lculatecl Accelerntfo11 (g) Cnlculnted Aoceleratfo11 (g) Firm Roel~ Soft Rock Allnvitmt 0,27 0.29· 0.33- While Iistlng peak aooeleratlons is useful for oomparfaon of p0tential effeots o.f fault activity in a region, othe1· considerations a.re important in sefsm:lo design, inoh1dh1g the· frequency and d.1.1:ratlon of motion and the 'Soil oondltions 1.mderlyfng the slte. Seismic design of the -at1·LicL1.1.i:es shoii.ld be evaluated in aooordanoe with the Californh1,.Buflcting Code (CBC) gu.1de11nes. 6.2 Llquefactron Liquefaction analyses we1'e perfo1'tned eluting Geooon I a 2009 report for reolatna.tlon grading, Results of the a11alyseii indfoato alfovial deposits below the .groundwater should not liquefy for the design level aooeleraH011, Howeve1', design aooelerations for Ufider -oim·ent biiflding oodes have 1dg11i:tlom.11tly inoteased over ~he last s~veral yl!lat·s. Und@1· otti:re11t desig:1?. aoceleratio11s, po1tfons of the alrLwlum 'below ·g1'o'lmdwater oould e.xpe.rie1toe 1iciiefa.ction, Liquefaction> -should it 0oou1\ is expected to be lim:ltec1 to the area wl.thin -ehe existing B1.iem~ Vl.stti Creek dl'ainage, and in the Mbutary drainage •, Jj. .fi:, ~. ~-: .. :., '. I I I I ~ I I I ; ~ I I I I I I I I I so1.lthwest of the site. WJ.th respect Co t11e alli.ivhnn left i11 place wlthitl Lot 21 the alhivhm1 fa likely less than 10 feet thicl<:i has bee11 S1.J1'ohatged with appi'Ox11nately 1 S. to 20 :feet of :£1111 wi111'eoeive a11 addltiol1a1 5 feet of fill to aohieve pl'oposed sheet grndes1 mi.cl vv:111 be sutoha1·ged wlth an a.ctditlon!IJ .5 feet of fi11 chufog 1·egi:ading (see· Section 7.,5 of this 1·epol.'t), fa 01.1r opfoio11) Iiqueff\otio:1:11 if it we1•e to ooou.r 111 this area wouk111ot oause s1.u·:fuoe 111ru1!fe&tatlo.tts (i.e,1 sand boils). Settl'eme11t, should it ooot11· is expected to be telatively 1.Ulliol'm ru.1d less than 1 Hinoh total. We estimate diffo1·e11tlnl settleme11t as a 1·esult of Hqtief'aotlon to be ~win.ch 01• less. 6.8 Flow Slide Potential We ru.1alyzed :flow slide potential fo1· liquefaction 0011dltio:ti:s along the channel bank. We ptlrformed a. slope stability analyB'.!s usin.g i-esidu~ shea1· .st.t·e11gth para:meters for the potentially liqtieflable soils. Residmil shear strengths were deter:tnlued us111g infor1natlon pl'ovMect h1 Reaommended Prooedute,g /01• lrnplementatlon of DMG $pee/at P.ubltcatton. 117 Gttideftne.1 for Analyzing and NJ#lgctttng Ltquefactton tn Ca!ij'ot'nlct. rt is otu· opltl.!o.tt that there is a low pote11Ua1 for ·flow slide io:Jpact.s to. ·s-t.m~tm·es-at the locat!ol.i:s ;shown on Figtu;e 2.-The fo51.1lts of the ,gtablllty analysis are shown graphioally 1n AppencllK D (see Figw:es DMl and DM2), 6.4 Landslides '.Rev:iew of 199'5 p1.ibllshed 1ands1kfo maps ofthe Callfomla. Geologfoal Sttl'Vey (fotmerly the Dly}sion of Mines. and Geology) and a p1·evious geote0hnioal report by Nillyo and Mool'e (Aiigus't-23, .2000), suggested the p.i:esenoe of s1.ispeoted laudsllde de-posits in the ~ou'thwest qua,fra:nt of .the slte. Eowever, ob:s·ervat.ion.s of intact oiitorops atrd 01.m·e11t subsurface investigation oo.n:firm.ed that t.he landslide ·do-es not exist. Sevem1 suspicious su.rffoial landsHdes a.re mapped along the south baJ1k of the creek. These areas were not aoct;)ssible fot s1.ihs1.1rfaoe investigation. These potentia11anclslldes, even if oon:ffrrned, should tlOt hav.e signi:fioa:o:t impact on the. proposed cleveiopmi!lnt, • 10 • F6bt·uart24, 2015 I r -\ ' r I ; ' I I ,. I ! ' I I ' I ' I I I I 7, CONCLlJ:SJONS ANO R.E.COMMSNOATlONS 7,1 General 7.1.1 Fn'lln a,geot0oh111oa1 en,g!nee1'i11g standpoint, it is ou1' opinion that the site is siiitable f~r the pl'oposed ·clevelopinent, p!'ovlded the r0oon11nenctatfons pnisentecl hel'ein a1'e i1nple1nented in desig11 and ,co11strnotlo11 of the p1·oj eot, 7. 1.2 Soil oot1ditio11s kle1'i.tffied diu'ing this stiidy tfai;t may impact development i110lt1.cle- oonipresaible stir:fioial soils (t.mdommwnted fi.11, alluv:h.1tn, oolhtvh1111, stttfiola1 landslic1Gl· debris ~fl.d topsoil) that ·will :req'\.ii.re remedial g1'acUng. U11doct1rue11ted fill may oontafn forge took fragments that reqidre specfot p1aoeJ:l.'l.ent ptooedu1'es. 7.1.3 The propel"ty is appro:x:1m.ate1y 7 miles from the Newport In,g1ewood/Rose Canyon Fault. rt I.a oul' opinion actlve and potetttia11y actlve foul.ts clo .not extend aotor:ts or tt·end toward the ,si"t~'. · Rfab assqoiat@d wlth seismic Miivlty oonsist .of the po-tential.:for stt·o11g -seismlo shaking-.. Buik1J.11g setbacks vv111 not be 1•equired for the platl11ed cfoveiopment di.ie to foultmg. 7.l,4 . :Several potential surflofol laJ.1di.ltkles a.re mapped along the n:orthAacing sfope wHhln the wester.it poreio.11 ot' the site. D'tle ta the llmlted access, these a1'eas oou1c1 not be reached for st1bs1irfaoe lnv.~stlgatlon, lf e11001.1ntered d.1.1rll:1:,g the grading opetatio.ns-, tota.11·emoval 'Of the slide deb1'is wlth:ln the grading a:1'0a is 1·eootrunenc1ec1. 7.1.5 Substirfaoe oondit1onB observed may be extrapolated to reflect gene:eal -soil/geofogfo conditions; howe.ve.r, sotn@ v:atiatfons i:tJ. siibs:tll'foce conditions between ti:emoh and boring locations should be a..uticipated,. 7;.2 Excavation and Soll Ch-araotartstlc.a 7,2,1 Bxoavation c,f the Terxaoe DepositB', Santiago-llot.tna:tion and weathered portion. of the. Salte Int11rnive is eicpelilte,t to require m. heavy to vel'Y heavy effort to excavate. Less weatheted and fresh Sa.lto Intnisive. bec1.l'ock :may ;,:equire bhlstlng or specialized rook b1·eald11g teohniqiies to efficiently exoa.v~te and handle, Ve1y heavy effo11: with possible reftisal is expected fo1· exoavatious :h1to the voloanio eind i11tn1sive rooks. Oversize material may be genetated :yvhlch wotild 1'(;)CJ1.Jfre speoial ha11el1lng 01· expo1'ta.Ho11 from the site, 7,2,2 The soil e11ootmtered il1 the field hwestigatio11 is 0011side1'ed to be uexpansive1> (~xpmisio:o: index greater than 20) as defined by 2013 California B1.1tlding Code (CBC) Seo·Hon 1803.5,3, Table 7:2 pl'esents soU olasBifioations based 011 the expa11sion index, Based on -11. ' I ~ I I I I • I I I I I t I I I I'. I 7,2,3 7,2'4 7.3 7,3,1 the 1·eaulta of om' laborato~y testl11g1 presented 111 Ar>.P<;mdix B1 we expeGt the on-site 1nat'e1'ia1s ·will possess a "vety iow)I to 1'vety higlt expa11sfon pote11tfol (Expansion Index of 20 ~met gl'ea.tet), TAEJ..E 7,2 SXPANSJON CLASSIFilCATlON BASED ON SXJ:>ANSION INDEX ASTM 4829 ANO 20.1s OBC Expansion I11clex .(El) .Expm:i.sloll Chl.ssiifont!ou 2013 CBC ASTM48z9: E:xpansion Cfas~1f!c11tlo·r1 0-20 Very Low N o.u-Expllflgiye 21-50' . Low 51-90 Medhnn Expanaive 91-130 High Gteat61' Than 130 Ve1·;x-High We. perfo!'med laborato1·y testi ·on -samples oft.he s-ite materials to eYa.!1.we the.perceniag.e of wa.te1·....soluble mil.fate oontent, Results fJ.·01n the. laboratory watet-soh,1b!e sulfate co11te11t tests are presented fo. Appendix B and lndioate tha't the on-site .mate.d'a.1s at the locations tested possess 1'negllgible" s1.llfate exposw:e to oon0rete stritotl-ttes as de£lnec1 by 2013 CBC Seo'tion 1904 and ACI 31'8~08 Seotions 4,2 and 4,3, WI/} l'ecommend the reqiikements aet forth by 2013 CBC Sectlon 19'04 and ACI :S1S be :followed when de'!:ennining the type :of oonorete to be us·ed, The· pres~noe of wm.ter~soluble sttl:f.ates is not a v1swa11y disoern±b.le -ohatacteristlo; t.her&'ore) other so.il sa.i.n:ples from the. site ·oould yield -dlfforent ooncentrattons, Additionally, over time 1a.ndsoa.pi.ng activities (i.e., iitddition of ib1'tH1ze1·s a.nd other so.U nutrients) :tnay affect the .co1wentration. Geocon Inoorporei.t(;)d does not practice-in the field of oorro.si'on eng1neerlng, Thetefore, f1.1rther evaluation by a 001:1:osion engilleer may be pel'for1ned i£ im.p·rovements that oot1ld be .si.iseeptible to corrosion are pfa.nned. Subdralns Oa.1iyon s1.ibdrafos are reco1mne11dec1 to mit:lgat(;) the potential for a.dvei'Se fm_paots- a:ssooiated with observed a11d. pote11tial seepage conditions a11d to oolleot petobed Wiliter fuat migrates a.long the contaot between nati.iral gro1.md anct f:111 sittfaoes, Fig1.ire 5 prese11ts a typfoal oa11yo11 subd1'afo deta:il. Reootrm1e11ded subch'ain looatio.11s are deploted on thi:> Geologic Map, Figi.1.1·es 2 ahd 3, M 12 °' 1. I • I I I I I ,. i I i I I I I I r, • - 7,3,2 The fl.11al 20-foot segment of a. subdra.111 ahotild ·0011sist of no11-ped'orated drainpipe·, At the nonNperfo1'ated/pel'fo1·a-ted inte1faoe, a seepage cutoff wa.11 .should be constnioted 011 fl1e tlowm1fo11e side of the Ji.motion in a.oool'danoe with Figure 6-, Sttbdra.ins-th~.t disohg1·ge into a natimtl dJ.·a.inage-001.u·ee ot open spa.oe e1.:l'ea. sho1.11d he pl'ovided with a pem1a.mi11t hea.c1w.eill st.1:iiotm·e in aooo1'c1anoe with Figure 7, 7.3.3 Final g1·adl11g pla.ns should show the looatlon of the .:p1·oposed subd1'a.ina. Upon oo:tnp1etio11 of 1·e1'.lledfa.1 exoava.tlons a.11d siibdl'al.11 installation, the proj eot civil engi11e0r shoiild stirvey the d1'ai1'1 looatfons and p1•epru:e an "asNbtlilf map depfoting the existi11g 0011dit:lons, 'The: ffoal outlet 6l.tld connection locations sho1,1ld be det~w11rlned chu'ing g.1:adln:g, The gi·acting 0011traotot :tnay conskf.et videolng the siibdnlins sho1't1y after bu.rial to eheck pt•oper it1sta.1la.t1011 and. to oh0ok that the pipe has· not been onished. As a. .tn1ninmtn, we 1'ecommend the subdtaiu for the buttress :fill be videoed, The contractor 1.e 1'esponslb1e for the pe:tfow:ial1Ce of the d1:ains, 7.4 Grading 7.4.1 All grading should he pe:r:fotinecl in aocotda.t1oe wlth the Recommended -Grading Speotjfr:Jtttfon:· contained :!:n Appencll:x. B, Where tl1e racomm.en<1ntioniS of Appen'dbi E conflict with thb section of the report, the recommenclaiions of this· s@ction take ptecedenoe. 7A,2 Prior to oomm.enclng grading1 a preoonstmotion Gon:feteuce should be held at the sit'e with the owner or developer., g:ra.cling contractor, o:tvil enginee.t\ ru1d geotec1mfoal engineer in :atte:nda11oe, Spe·cfal soH handling ·m1d/01· the grading plans can: be. diso1i.11sed at that ·ijme. 7 ,4,3 -Gtading should be pe:tformed in conjuniztlon with the .obset'Vation .and oompt1.otfon testing services of Geooon Incol'ponited, Fill .soil shm.tld be -obsel:ved o:n a..:fufl..t:lme-basfs d'l.l.ring plaoe:mefit and tested to assess !n ... place dry density and mofsttire. ocm.tent, 7 ,4..4 Slte prepara.i1o:t1 shotild begin with 1'e:cnovat uf all deleterim1s mate:rial and vegetat1on, Tlae depth of removal sho.1.ild be such -that material eKposed 111 out areas or soil to be used f:or fill is i-elatively :fi:ee of orga1rio mntter, De!eterlotia ma:te1·ial geMtated cfodng strlpph1g a11d/or site demolitfo11 should b-e exportecl :ft:om the site,. 7.4,5-Undoot1:1ne11ted fill, top~oil, oolluvh.rm, alluvhitn and fandslicle debris within at·eas of planned gi:acling shou1d be removed to firm na.tllt·a.l .gl'O'und and p1'0pet1y. oompaoted pr!or to placing additional fill and/or-stniotttral loads. The aot1.ml extent o:funS1.i:ltable soil re1novaJ:s should be det©tini11ed in the field by the soil engineel' and/or engineering g©ologist. Ove1·ly ProJeotNe, 07135-42-05 • 13 • Febtnm·y 241 201 S ( I i I I I I ~ I I I I I r 1111 ffl • • Ill - wet s1.l1'fiolal 111a.tedals1 vvhe:re e11co1.111te1·edi will requfre dryfo.g a11d/01' mixing with d1fo1· soils to fMUitate prope1· oompaotf 011. 7,4,6 All1.1viu111 should be l'emoved down to competent f01:mational bed1·ook 01· to wit1d11 appto~irnately 3 feet of the g1·01.mdwate1· table1 whichever 0001.u·s :fi1'St D1.1l'ing exoewaef 011 o:f the a11uvit11n1 test p'its shoti1d be perlodioaJ.ly excavated to dete1'1n1ne gi'ou11dwa.te1' depths, Dewatei'ing and speolal eqiiipment suoh ~is swatnp oats, .exoavatorsi and top lo·ad±ng operations n1a.y be required to ex~avate the allt1vi1.im, Retnova.ls at the toe of slopes a.long the clra111a.ge oha11:trel at the southwest oor.o.el' of the prope1'ty should extend O'tlt at a. 1 ~1 plane :fro.tu the toe to the bottom of the 1·e1nova!, A typloa11atera1 extent of 1'etn.oval is shoWtJ. 011 :Figi.m.t 8, 7.4t/ ·Gl'adecl ai-eas t11ay expose voloanfo/int.rnslve i'ock at fltrlBh gi-ade, The. presenoe of hard rock may 1J;npaot :tti:ti.u·e ,1evelop1nent. We recmmrnend hal'd rook be 1;inctercut to a ·depth of at least 5 f~et below ~J:Jlsh grade ln bi.iildlng pads rui:cl Z feet below utilities ana a soil oap 1'eplaoed •. . , 7.4,S A:fter removal :of ims,.tltab.le roatel'ial as l'eoommem:ted abov.e, the base of GVe.cexoava.t!ons and natm:a.1 g1•01.1.nd siitfaoes (inohldJ:ng pl'eY1o:us compacted ±111 so11) to receivie additional flll shoitld b~:soatiflecl approximately 12 inches, rnolsttu·e conditioned, and oo1ll,Pao1:e<t. 7.4,9 T1w site shou.fo th:en be brought to final siibgrade -elevations with. stnicttu·at :fill compacted i11 layl.:ltB, Jn general, soils native to the site a:i:e ,<.mitable fo1• 1·tJwt1se as :fill if :free from vegetation, deb:ds and other ·deleterious material, Layel'S of fill should be no thfoker than will allow for acteq~tate boncllng a11d compaotfon. All fill, bao1ct111i a:nd soa.ritled gtound surface~ should be compacted to a dcy d(;):tJ:Bity o:f .a;t least 90 percent of maximum c1ry de.tlS1ty 11.etii' to slightly above opti:tmun :ro.of.sh1te 0·011tent1 as determined :in accordance with ASTM Test P.rocedure D 1551. Fill areas with in-place dens!ty test 1'eITT.11ts indicating moistw:e contents less than optimum will reqitke additional mofature· condit:ionln.g prior to placing additional fill. 7.4, 1 O To reduce the potential :fol' differential sett1o.tnent, it is. reoo!l1ll'.l.ended that the 01.it portion of building pads with out-,'flll irm1sit±ons be tinde1•out at least 3 feet a11d replaced, whei'e p1'aotfoa.l, with "very low'' to "1t1.ediu111" expansive oompaoted fill soils. 7.4, 11 Cut .Pads @xpos1ng oonc.ret:lons, cemented matel'ia:1, or expansive Boil should be i.m.derout at least 3 feet and 1·ep1aoed with propedy compacted "ve1y low11 to ":medium" expansive soil to faotlftate exoavatio11 of foimda.tfo11s and shallow utiHties, ProJ1>otNo, 07135-42.-05 ~ ' I I ~ I I I I I I i I I I I i I I 7.4, 12 Unde1•01.1ts ( oven,xoavatf 011s) per±bl't'ned on pads with ont4i11 ttansitlo11s1 .oe1ne11t-ed sru1dstoM1 ha.t'd i'ook 01· expansive soJl matel'ia.ls at gi·ade. should be undel'Ctit at a ·gi·adf.e11t of 1 pe1·oe11t toward the stJ:eet 01' towm·d the deepest fill area to p1·ovide d1'ruMge fo1· moistttre 111ignitio11 a.1011g the oonta.ot betwee11 the native· soll and oo:rnpaoted t111. 7.4, 13 ·.('he on><Site S(J)il is siiitable to be tised as ffll if 1'elat1ve1y free .of debris and orga11fo mate1'ial. The depth of 1·etnoval sho:i.tld be suoh that dense nat.tU'a.l grotmd is exposed at the ha-a·e of'the ovei'exoavation, 7.4, 14 Cfradf:ng .shotild be performed suoh that highly exp ms1ve soils ai-e plaoed in the deepe-1' fill ru:eas ru'ld outside of slope zones, Mate1'ials wit11in 3 feet of :th1ish g1•acle 011 lots and the t1pper 12 Inches of siibg1'ade withln streets, where praotioa.1, should oonsist of vei·y low to mecllum expansive sol1s (soll wHh an Expansion Index less thelli 90).. 7,4, 15 Ciit_ a:.nd fill slopes· should be ao.nsttiii.lted at a.n 1:no1h1atlon of 2: 1 (b:odzontaJ to ve1'tkal)ot :f1a.ttel.', An appro:x:11:nately. 15~:fuot-high 1.S:1 out slope 1n the Sa.Ito Int.nis-1ve is pla.110:ed in tha southeas't portion offue p1·ope1'ty and a.n ti.pp1'oximate1y 30wfoot-h1gh 1.5:1 ctit slope U'l. w Santiago J:i!o.rmation is planned at the :tJ.Ortheast portion, These 1,5:1 slopes a.re-il.ooeptable pro\iided they a1'e· free of advetse beddlng, It Ls recom.meuclsd that the i11lope e:x;cavatlo.na· be observec1 du:d.ng .g1•acll:ng by a rept·esexi.tative of Geooon Incorporated i"o check tha.t soil and g(lologlo ·oolldltlons do not diffo1' slgnifloa.ntly. from those at1.ti.cipated and adverse bedcll11g doea not exfat 7.4.16 All fill slopes should be -consb.tioted o.f gramtlat ma.terfol and oo.mpaot'ed out to the f'aoe ot the :finish slope, If. complete-removala crumot be perfo1•1ned otitside the to6' of slopes due to e.nvkonmentally sensitlve areas and/or grotmdwater conditions, Geooon Incorporated sh01.11d be consulted to provide reoorrunendations. 7.4 .17 Bxoa.vati0ns fn oeinented zones -of fo1matio.t1al units will likely .gen©'.l'ate ove1:size rook ohunks. Oversized mate.rials ean be placed in fill areas 1n aooorcla.n.oe wfth the r.t:>oon:unendfl;tions contained withf.11 the Reoommended G'f'adtng Speoiftoctttow. in Appendix D, Oversize .tnatel'ia.ls (rocks 01· hard lumps 1.tJ. excess of 12 inches J.n least dimensio11) should be kept at least 10 feet below p1·oposed finish gracle within btii1d111g pads a.11d at least 2 feet below the deepest iitiHty withi11 stl'eet l'ight,.,of~ways, Modlfioations to the hold clown d.epths can be· ma,l@ at the owner's. dese-oratfo11, :P1'ojeotNo, 07135-42-05 • 15 ~ F'ebl'~mt·y 24, 201 $ ~ ,, : ~ l I i ! I i I I I i I i I ; i I ; ' I I ; ' " ii:, • -.. 7.5 Surcharge Fill 7,5.1 In L0t 2 whel'e imdo0un1e11ted :till ru1d alliiviinn Wel'e left it1°p1aee below g1·ottt1dwa.te:c, we 1·eoo1:r1ttle11d a surohru·ge fi11 height ·Of at least 5 above :ffriish pad gl'ade be p1aoed, T1le approxiinate ru.·ea of 1·eoonunentfocf SU1'oha1'ge is show11 on Fi,gi11'e· 2. The top :of the sul'oha1•ge fill shotild. extend out to i hod'zontal dlstat1oe of at least 10 feet 'beyo:ncl th.e limits where, alluvium. was left iil~plaoe, We teoo1nmei1d"the botto1111-fooi of the siu•ohru:ge f111 he plaoed and oompaoted as stl'l.1ott1ral fill. This w!111·esii.lt 1n compacted :fill at flnlsh gl'ade-onoe. settfom@nt of the i111de1'1ying alluvium crooura, 7.6 Settlement Monitoring 7,.6,1 Settl0ment mo11it01·ing fs 1·eco1ntnende-d where ain·ohai·ge fill ls plaoed, O:t1ce rough pad gl'ade is attalned, we teoommend Biit•fooe ruontitnents be installed to mea:mt•e .settlement, The looatio.tJ.S. ahd ni.imbet of moniiments sh01.tld be dete1·1111.11ed by Geoco.n onoe bti.ildlng .tni.d locations are know1.1, A typical sm·face settlement n1o..ni1.ment c1eta11 is _p1·esented as J:i'lgtire 9, 7,6,2 S1ttface sei"tle.tnent .momimenta should be reet.d by the project siu'Veyol' eve.1.y week fol' the fir.st 4 weeke, and then evel'y two weeka until mesist1l'ed settlement ls w{th.t.n. tolerable 11.tnits. siich that addltlond settleme11t will not ln.1paet site improvements, Based on ·<n11· experience with .similar soll co11clltioM,. we estltnate 2 to 4 months. of ruonito:rl11g wottld be nei;iessary to de1nonstrate: that p1'1rna1y oons-olldt1.tio:n is essentfa.1ly complete, 7. 7 Slope stability 7. 7, l Slope stability ana1yll'es, utilizing average drained dlreot shea.:e st1·ength parameters, 11ldioate proposed fill slopes constructed with on-site gi:anttlm· materials mid out sfopes within fo1'1natfonal ro.aterfa:1 shoilld have -oaloula.ted faotors of safety of -at lea.st 1.5 under static conditions wJ.th respect to both deep~soated fail1.U'e ancl shallow sloughing conditions, Rosu!ts of the analyses are p:reae-.11ted on FlgtttOO 10 tfa101.tgh 14. Additionally, an inolination of 1,5 to 1 (horizohtal to verifoal) is acceptable for slopes exoavated into the Salto I:ntJ:usive and Santiago Formation provkled .no adverse joi:tltingi :thiott11·es1 01• bedding exist. All out slopes shotild be observed by a geologist to assess if adverse bedding, jofotil1g, or fraotul'es 5Xist. 7, 7,2 There are steep to 11ea1· verti'oal otit slopes within ·!:he no1·t.heast portio11 of the site. These slopes we-l'e e.xoavated du1'lng tninfo.g operation«, The stability of these slopes shoiild be e-vahmted when ultimate gl'adillg and use of this 'tl.t'ea is known, Vru.·ioua opt!o11s stioh a& lay back, stability fill .01· soil 11aili11glrook bolting may be oonside1'ed at the time, Altemiit1ve1y, · Projeot No, 07135··~2-05 i, .. • i ! I ! I I ' ~ I I I I I I I I i '· • • I I I • • • slope set .. baoks a..nd rook rete11tlo11 fe11oes oa.11 he irUHzed.. For pl'eliminary plMH1i11g piuposes, we 1·eoo11'Unend a set"baok for site i11-ip1·ov:eme11ts of 20 feet fl•otn the toe of slope in oonj11notio11 with the oonstmotlo'11 of a cte'bds dftoh and J:ook 1·ete11tion £e110e, Additio11ally, we reoo:tnt11e11d loose 1'ook ati:d Motltl.liilated soil 011 t11e slope fooe rutd at the top of the· slope be 1'e1noved, The 0011strnotio11 of-the clebl'is ditoh m1d 1·ook .:r:ete11tlon fence shoiild ooou1· di11fag fine g1't1.c1fng of the pad once pad i1sage a11d fn1p1·ovement locations .have been detel'mlned, 7,7,3-The p1'oposed 45 :feet high otit alope located at the southwest boimdat;y.1 a<Uitoent to Simsbitty Cou.:r:t, w:111 be excavated i11to Terra.oe Deposi't.9, Ou.r large d1amete1· borfog LB"2 euooimtered :tn-atedals consisting of interbedcfocl sUty sei.nd, oohessio1:11ess smtd and otay layers whloh w01·e oooa.slonally partially re1nolded, Ottl' ru:i.alysis iu<llcates that a b1.itt1:ess fill will be l'equired to p1·ovlcle adeqi.iate slope sta.blllty, l3aJJed· on 01.w ru1a1ysis, the· stabllity butt.l.'esa wl11 need to have a mfoi.ro:um wWth of 30 feet to p1·ovkle adequate stability, A t-ypioal ~uttress flll det¥1 ls pJovMecl ln·Fig~m, '1"5. A dlsctJssion om· Etabflity .a..r.m1ysls is presented 1n App~.ttdix C.. 7, 7A Excavations :l.nohtd.ln.g 'btitt.vesses, sheat k~ya1 and tt11.bl1lty :fllls shoiilct be observed dudng gl'ading by @ e.nglnee:dng geologist to evaluate whethe-1· soll a.t1d geofoglo oonilitioM d<iJ not cflffer slgni:floanUy from those expected •. Bttttresa sheai· key an,t .aasoolated swbcltruns shotild be-surveyed d1.u'itlg CQJJ:stt·uotio:n and depicted on the fl11a;l as~bullt g.radlng plans. 7,7,5 We performed the slope· stability analyses based o:n tho intoi'p:retat.lon of geologic 0011dttions e11.001.mtered during otit• :field ihvestigatlon, In cr'5rtain -areaa, the geologic 00nd.iCio11B siioh as. the looellzed or contl.ntious features of the bedding plane shemis .may · nted to be ftwther defined by adclitional :field exp.lon,tfon bMed 011 our 1·eview of the. 40-soa.le .grad:.l:ng plans. 7,7,6 The oiite1· 15 feet (or a dis.ta.noe equal to the height -of the slope1 whichever is less) of :fill slopes should be oo:tnpoa-ed of properly oompaoted granular 11soil" ±111 to reduoe the potencial for .sitrfloial alo'tlghing. 7.7,7 Fill slopes should be ove1'bu:!lt at least 3 feet anc1 01.1t baok to. the clesfgn fiu..lsh gi'ad(is, Alte1'11atl:vely, :fill slopes can be co1npaoted by baokrollillg with a loaded sheepsfoot roller 01• treioked. walked by suffioie11tly by a D·8 dozer 01· equivalent1 at Ve1't.ical intervals :not to exoeed 4 feet. Slopei'.should be unifor1nly com1)aoted to a dry defiidty of at least 90 percent of the fabol'atoty 1naxhniun dry density to the fao® .of the fini,ghed slopl;il, ProJeotNo, ·0113·5.42,.os. • 1:7 • Febrnary 241 2015 m i I I I \ I i i I I I I I I I I i I - - 7,7,8 All slope,9 should be Jandsoapecl with d1'oughMolenmt vege'tatio11 having va1'iable i'oot -depths eil1d 1·ecJuhfag 11111li:l'nal la11dsaape fr.dgatio11, ~u adctltion, all slopes ,shoi.ild be ckained and prope1'15' 111ah.ttai11ed to retl.1.1oe erosion, Sl0pe pla11thlg shoi.ild generally comilst of drought tole1'ant plants having a val'fable toot depth. Slope watedng s!io't.ild ·be kept to a n1inhnutn to just siippot't the plant gi'owth, 7,8 Seismic Dsslgn Criteria 7,8.1 We used the· ooxnpute1• progtrun U.S. Settmic Destgn Mctp8,. provided by the USGS, Table 7.8.1 sutntrla:l'izes site"speci±lo design 0,dtel'ia obtained from the '2013 -Califoi-nia Building Codei (CBC; Base(1 on the 2.012 I11temat1ona1BuUding Code [IBC] and ASCE 7w 10)1 Chaptel' 16 St11.iott1ral D0sigt11 Section 161.3 Ea1'thq,.iake Loads. The sh.Ol't spect.l'al response uses a pel'iod .of 0.2 second. The btdlding stmot1.u·es and hnprovemeuts should be dealg11ed 1..tslng a Site Class C, We evahrn.ted the Site· Class based on the dlsousslon i.n Seo'tion 1613.3.2 of the 2013 CBC wit Table 20.3' .. 1-of ASCE 7 .. 10. The values presented in T~bfo 7;gJ are for 'Che d.sk~tai·gete& 1na:drr1t11n oonsldel'ed eru1hqtiake (MCBR), · 'rABJ..l:l 7,8,1 2013 C'l3C SEISMIC bE$1GN PAAAMSTERS Pm.•nmef°el' Value 2013 CBC Refer.euce $He, Class D Seotion 16-13,3,2 MCBa Or()imd M-otion Speot1·al Response Ul67g F!2t11·e 1613,3.1(1) AoQel~·atJon -Clas.s B (sho1·t), Ss MCER Gi'otmd Motion Speotl'al Response ·0,413g Figu1•e 1613,3.1(2) Aooeleration -Class. B (1 seo), S 1 Site Ooeftlolent) F:A. 1.0't?J Table 1613,3,3(1) Site Coeffiofont, Fv 1.581 T&ble 1613 ,3 .3 (.2) Site Class Modified MG'BR 1.145g Seotfon.1613.~.3 (Eqn16~37) Speotrnl Response Aooele11t1tlot1 (aho1•t), Stv1g -Site Class Modif1.et1 MCER 0,656g Slilotfon 1613.3,3.(Bqn 16-38) Speot1·a.l Response Acoe1era.ti6n'(1 seo), 8M1 5%Da.mped Deaign 0.76'3g . Seotlon 1613,3.4 (Bq1116-39) Speot.t·a! Response Aooele:ra.tiou (shol.'1:)1 Sos 5% Damped Deslg.t1 0.437g S'!lotlon 1613.3,4 (Bq1116"40) Speot1•al RespoMei Aooalera.tloll, (1 seo)"' Soi 7.8.2 'fable 7,8,'2 presents aclctitiomil ae.istnio dem.g.n p-aranret1:m1 fo1· pl'Ojeots looa.ted in Seismlc Desig11 Catego1'ies of D thr01..igh F fa aooordanoe with ASCE 7~10 fo1· the mapped rnaxhnutn 0011sid.erod geometric mean (MCBo), ProJeotNo, 07135-42-05 Febntary24, 2015 I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I C C TAl3LS 7.,8,2 2013 CBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS - Pm•flmete~· Vnlua AS CE 7 •1 O Ref erenca Mapped MCEo Peak G1'ou11cl Aoo0le1•a.tio111 PGA 0.4,07g .Figll1'6 2,2. 7 Site· Coeffie!e11t1 FpoA 1,093 Table 11.8· t -Site· C1Ms Mod1:f1ed MCEo 0,44.5g Seotk>111 l.8,3. (Eq111l.:8-1) Peak Grou11d Aooe1e1·atfoh1 PGA1v1 7 ,8,3' Conforma11oe to the criteria in Tables 7,8,1 and 7,8,2 :f'ol'Seis1nio design cfoes not oot.1stitt.1te any kind of gt1arru:i.tee ·ot asst}tru.100 that significant @t111ott11·al datnage or g1·01md failure will not ooom· lf a lai'ge en1'thqual<:e ooours, 'I'he p1'hnru•y goal of s-eisrulo design is to pl'Oteot llfe, not to avoid all cla . .tnage, slnoe siioh design inay be eoonornioally pl'ohibitive, 7.9 Foundation and .concrete Slab .. qn .. Grad_e Recommendations. 7.9.1 The founcla.tion reoom..tnend.zitions tha.t follow a1·e. for o.neM to th1'ee.-stoi·y resld@11tial s-t1'1J.ot1ire-s and m•e separated .into· cat0go.des dependenJ <;m the thickness· an~ geometry of the-underlying :fill sells. a-13: well as the expanslo.n index of .the ptevalHng sub.g1:ade solla of a partimila.i: btiildlng pad (or lot), Cateigol'ies for each bi1lldi1\g pad -ot lot w111 be provided afte1· the ooru.p1etlon of grading once flll thlckne-as is known and e.1panslon l11dex testing has bee11 performed on finlsh grttcfo soils, ·7,9,2 :Fn un tlatfo 11 Ontegory l II m TAl3LE 7,9·.1 f10UNOATION CATEGORY GRITERIA Ma:dmttm :Fill Dif:fel:'entinl Fill 'I'h1olmess, T (file·t) . Th-ioknwis,, D (feet) 'I'<20 .. 20;:fT<SO 105D<20 '1'2:50 D2,20 Expansion Index(El) li!I~SO 50<EI,:590 9o<Ers13o Table 7 ,9,2 presents 1nitrlnmm fm:m.datlon anci it1terfor oonot'ete B'let.b design 01iteria for 001wimtio:na.l fot1:ndatlon systems. P:toJeotNQ, 07135-42-05 -19 • February 24, ·2015 I .... ill I I. . I !: ,. -! I I I I'' ' ' I! I I i I I I I 1111 I • I 111111 Ill 111111 Ill TABLE 7,9,2 CONVENTIONAL FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS EY OATSGORY Faundntfou Minimum Footing Collthmous-Footing luterlo1• Slnb Ciitegory E111bedU1ent Deptl1 Rei,lfox•cemeut Rein:t'orcemeut Q11ches) I 12 Tv'icl No, 4 bru·.s, 6x6· 10/1 O welded wll'e -~ one top a.t1d 011e bottom. 111esfl at slab mld..pol11t n 18 Fot11• No, 4 bru·s, No. 3 ba1·s at 24 iuolres two top anj two bottom 011 oento1·, both dit-eotlo11s III 24 Fom· No, S bats, No. 3 be.1·.s at 18 .lnohes two top ru1d two botto.111 on oenter, both dfreotlo.n& 7,9',3 The embedment deipt!hs pres.ented ib. ·'!'able 7.9.2 should be measm·ed :fl:o.tn the-lowest · adjacent pad grade for both interio.r and extet!o.r footings, The -eonventlo.nal fo1.mdneions should have a :tn!.nfr.m.un width .of 12 inches and 24 inches; fo1• 0011titmoi1s and isolated footlng3;·.respe0Uvely: 1,9.4 The concrete slab~on-gi'ade s.hould he 't1. nu.t1i.mu111 of 4 inohea thfok for Foundatton Ca:tegodes I and :U an,t5111cihes thick forF0tmclatfon Category nr. 7.9.5 Slabs th~t maynloeive mofattire-sensitive floor eove.dngs or may be ~wed to store moist1.11·eM . se.rwitive materials s"hottk1 be imclel'lain by a vapor retal'der, The vapor retarder dooign should be consistent with the gJ.iidellnes prese11ted i:n the Atnerfoan Concrete I11"Stitute's {A.CI) Gui-de for .Concrete Slctb~· thctt Reoetve Metsmiwe-Sen.sttive Ftoo.r.ing Mate1'tct/$ (ACI 302,2RM06),. In additfo11, t1ie membrane should be installed in accordance with memufa41tt.1rer1 s recoro:mendaf:.ions and ASTM :r:eqiil.re.tnents, and in a .rn:atmer that prevents _pU11ot\.u·e. The project architect 01· cfovelope1· should speoify the vapor retarder based on th-e type of fl.ool' covering that will be installed a.nd if the stn10ttn·e will possess a humidity oontro11ed envfrontnent. 7.9.6 The project f.i::rnndation engine0r, arc.hlteot, a.tl.d/or developer should d·etermlne the thickness of bedd.ing sand below the slab. In general, 3 to·4 it10hes of sand bedding 1s typioa.1ly 1.i;sect. (foooofl should be-oontaoted to p1•ovid0 reoomtnendations if the beddi:n,g sand is taioker tha.11 6 i11-ohes. 7,9,7 The fb1.mdatio11 c1esigtt e11g111eer shoi1lcl p1•ovide app1'op1fate-oonorete mix cleslgtt orft0d.a ru1d oudng meas\ttes to assitre proper ourl11g of the slab by :rediic-Jng the potential for .rapid 1noist1;p:e loss a11cl s1.ibseq1.Jent 01·ackfng a11d/or slab 0\11'1. The foundatto11 desig11 engineer s'houlcl spt1olfy the oonorete m:lx desig11 and :proper ou1fog methods 011 the foundatfon plai1. It ~~.~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ ....... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Projeomo, 07135-42-0S • 20" February 24, 2015 C i • I I I I ! I I \. -! I I I I I I I • I - is orit±oa.1 tha.t the foimdation oor1~1·aotor tmderstMds a11d follows the 1'eoo:tn111e11datlo11s pl'esented 011 the :fo1.mdatio11 pla11. 7,9,8 As an altemative to the 001wentio:na.l foi.inda.tio111·eoo1n111etl.datlo11s, 0011siclerat!o11 sho.ttld be glve11 to the, use of posMtm-sio11ed oonoi-ete slab and fotlndm.lon systems fo1' the s1.ippo1't of the p1·opos('jd stnictiires, The 2013 CBC has updated the design ;1.·e~rt1.fre111e11t8 :fo1' posMens!oned foimda.tio11 systems, The post,.t(msionecl systems sho1.1ld 1:re designed by a 13t1'1.totu:cal e11g.b:xee1· exp-e1fonoed jn post-tensio11ed slab design and design otitel'ia of the J;'>ost .. Tensfonlng J:nst1tiite (.PTI)1 Third '.Bctition, a.s i'eqiifred by the 2013 CBC (Seotlon 1805, 8); Althoiigh this p1•ooedute was developed fo:r expan~ive soil oonditlons~ we 1mdel'stand it oan mso be "Used to reduce the potential foi· fo1.indation dis-tres,~ due to diffe1•c;J11tial :fl!l settlement, The post-ten~ioned desigtl s:b.ottld lno0rpoi·ate the geoteoho.loa.1 pru·runetets presented in Tabfo 7,9.3 foi· the paxtiouh11· Fo1.incla.tion Category c1esignatec1, 'The pa.rn.rneters prese11fod rn 'Table 7,9,3 are based on the gttidelin©s pl'esented 1:n the PTI, Thil'd Edltlon. design.111a,m1al. 7,9,9 TASLE"7.9.3 POSTwTENSlONED FOONOAilON SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMET.ErRS PostwTensionb1.g lnstftuta {PTI) f!'ot1ndntion Categol'Y Third .Edition Design Parn1netel's l !l ll! Tharnthwa.He In-d~.x -2-0 ·20 ~20 Bq1.1illb!'it11U Si1otio11 3,9 3,9 3,9 Edge Lf:fl: Molstu1•e Var!,ittJ.o:n Dista11oe1 eM (feet) 5.3 5,1 4,9 Edge Lift, Y/vl {inohes) 0,:61 1.10 1.58- Center Lift Moistill'e Yaifatf 011 Distance, 'eM (feet) 9,0 9.0 9.0 Ce11ter Lfft, YM (inches) 0.30 0,47 0.66 If. the ·st1·uoi1wru e:ngineet p1·oposes a posUensi:an:ed found'atfon design method othei' than the 2013 CBC: • The oriterla ptesanted in Table 7.9.3 ru:e stil1 a.pplioable. • Intedol' stiffener h<la.nlB' shoiild be 1.l8ed. for Fout1da.~io.n Categories II and ID, 11 The width ·of the peri:111ete1· foimda.tions sho'ti1d be at lea.st 12 inches,. e Th0 p-erimeter footing embeclment deptl1a ahoidd be at least 12 inches, 18 i:nohes a.t1d :24 inches fot· foundation oategodea IJ Il, and III, respeotively, The embecltnent depths shot1ld be 1neasiired from the. lowest aqjaceut pad grade, F1·ojeotNo, 07135-42·05 Febnuu·y 24, 2015 ~ ' I I I ,, I I • I I I I I I I I I I ; 7 ,9, 1.0 Tho foi111datlo11s for the posMe.nsioned slabs shoukl he embedded in a:ooordanoe· with the teoommendations of the sC'J:tiotimil e.ngi11eIJt, If a post .. 'f;e11sioued mat fou11clatio11 system is pla..uned, the slab shoiild posses-s a thicke11ed edge with a min1.t11tU11 widtl1 of 12 fnohea' a!'ld extend at least 6 i11ohes below t1w o1eat1 sand 01· 01·ushed1·ook foye1·, 7,9,11. Our expedenoe indicates posHensione<l slabs at·e susceptible to excessive edge Hft, tegardless of the un:del'lying soil 001ttlitions, Plaohl.g reinfo:toing steel at the botto1n of the pe:dnietet footi11gs a11d. tl:te hlterfo1· stiffette1' be-runs 1nay mitigate this potential. Cum11t FTI design p1•ocedt1res pritnadly adc1tess the potentla.J oe11.te1· Hfl:. of slabs but, because of the- plaoe1.tent of the refnfol'ofag tendOJJ.S in 'the top of the slab, the 1·esiil ting eocehtrioity aftet tenstoJ:lfog 1·ed1.loes the ablHty of the syskmr to mitigate edge lift, The struotui'al e11ginee1• aho1.1.ld deaig11 the foundat1011 system to reduce the potential of edge lift ooom1·i11g for-the pi·oposed st·1.icL1u~s. ·1.9.12 During the. c·o.11Str1.10Lfo:n of th~ posMenaio:n £oii11dat!on system, the co.norete shoi.ild be placed monolith!oilly, Undet· no -011'01.r.tnstanoes should cold joi.o.ts for.tn betwe(;)n the fo·otings/ grade-beams and the ·.slab dul'lng the. oonstnictfo.n. of fue ,posUenslon fo1.indation ·syatem., 7 .-9, 13 ·Category I, II, or III foirndat1ons may be deaiwiecl for an allowable soil bea.l'i!l.g p1·essure of 2,000 pounds ;pei· sq1.1ru·e foot (psf) (dead pfos live load.). This beru:ing p!'e-ss111'e may be increased by one-third :fo:r trru1sient loads chte to wind or seismic :f'otces, The estlmated me:xi:tnuro. total and differential settlement :fo1· the planned st.n.iotures -due to fotmda.tion loads is f~ inoh and Yi~inch, respeotiv0ly. Differential .settletne11t is estimated to ooour ovet a.span of40 feet, 7,9, 14 We expect primary settlement of existing fl11s is es;sentia:lly complete, However., we estimate that additional -settfement as a re-rm.It o! hydto .. oo:11sol!dt1tlon to be approxitnate1y 0 ,2. to O ,3 percent. of the total fill thickness, We expect hyc1:ro-0011aolld1tion to oooitt over a: 20 year or :tno:re d1.1ratfon. W.e· estimate a total fill sectleruent ,as ·a resi.1lt of hydro ... consolidation to be 1-inch or less-in areas where ·compacted fill exists, A more ref:lned estimate of total and diflfel'ential fill thiokness can be tnade once building locations on '1.ndivkhlal sheet graded pads a.l'e knovvn, 7 ,9, 15 Foimdat1011s will need to be designed to acoomtnodate es.CJmated total alld differential fill sett1eme11t from both b1.rllding loading and h;yd1'00011so1idation. In addft1o11, b1.l'llding pacls on Lot ·2 whete alluvium was left in~plao-e sho1.1ld h~ootpo1'ate the estimated Hquefootion settlememt. Project.No, 0713542"05 Febnta.ry 24, 2015 Ii 1 I :.· ,. 1: i Ii· i I : i i 7.9.16 Isolat(;)d footJngs, 1!1oh1dlt1g PT foi1t1datio11 systems whe1·e footi11gs ai·e Mt reh:iforoed with PT Glables, should have the niillitniun embeclment dep,th a11d width 1'eoom:n1e11cled fol' oonventlomil foundatloM (see SeoUon 7.9.1 th1·ough 7.9·,3) fo1· -a pmtloidar foi111datlot1 oategoty. The use of' faolate-d footi11gs1 which ~ire looatecl bayo11d the pe1·imete1· of the buildiJ:rg and Stil)pol't stmotu.:ea.1 elen1e11tg 0011t1eoted to the builcll.ng, are not teooJ.111t1end0d fo1· Category III, Whe:ce this oouditio11 oa1111ot be avofd(;ld, the isolated. foothi:gs should be 001meotod to the bui1di11g fouJ1dation system with .g1'ade beruns. 7.9.17 Fol' Fo1.U1datio11 Catego1•y m1 oon~kletatfon should be given to i1si11g 1ntel'ior stiffening beams and ooruieotiilg isola.tec1 footings and/01• l1101'easfng the slab thiokttess., In addition, consideration should be given to 0011t1eoting patio slabs, which exoeect five feet in width, to the b1.itld:l.ng foundation to rechJx:ie the p.otential :fol' fohite sepa.l.'atfot1 to oootU'. 7,9 .18 .Specla:1 sub.grade p1•esatu1'ationis 110t deemed neoessai-y p.do;r to plac!.ttg co.no1·etei howevei\ the -exposed-:fuimd-itio.nw -and sfob•s1,;iograde Soi1 ShEJi,J.ld be,-·m~fsittre oonclitiuned,, li'S" neoessa:l'y, to ma.lntnfn a moist condition !'IS' would be. appropriate in mJ,y suoh conorete p1aoe.rnetxt, 7 .9 .19 Where build.tugs or o.i'.he1· improvements are pfo11t1ed near the fop· of a slope steepel' than 3:1 (ho1'1zo.1:1tal:vetelcal)1-speoJal foimdations and/or design co.nsJderatloJ:IS . .are. rec0nlJ.lle:nc1ed due to the tendency fo1· lateral soil 1noven1antt0 occur. •· • • • Fo1' fill a1opes· less than 20 :feet high or ·out slopes regardlesS' of height, fooHngs. shotild be deepened suoh that the, bo-ttoin outside edge of the f0otlng is at lea.at 7 feet hol'izontally :frotn t'he faoe of the .Blope, For fill slopes greater than 20 feet high, fo1.l!l.dations sho1.Jld be ex.tended to a depth 'Where the :tniri:!n:rum horizontal c11stanoe is eqtial to H/3 (where H eqiui1s the v:ertiMl dista:11.ce from the top of the fl1l slope to the base of the fill sell) w:lth a .tninlmiim of 7 :feet but need ncJt -exceed 40 feet, The hodzontal dietat1.0e is :tneasi11·ed fr(:).tn t11e oute.1·1 deepest edge of the footing to the :t'aoe of' the slope. A posUt.mBioned slab at.to. founda.tfon system 01· mat :foundation system cM be 11sed to help 1'ed1.~oe potential fo1.mdatto11 distress associated with slope "Creep and lateral :flll extension, Speoiflo -deffign paramete!'s or 1·eoo:mmendaeio.t.1s £or either of these alternatives oan be provided once the btdlct1:o:g looatiot1 and fill slope· geometry have beefi cfotet·tni:ned, If swhmniug pools s.re pfan:ned1. Cfoooon faoorporated shottld. be oontaoted fo1• a review of speotf.:to site oond.1tfons, Swimming, pools looated withfo 7 feet of the top of oiit or £111 slopes a.re :t1ot 1'eOo1n111€l1tded, Where, suoh a oondiifo11 oa.nnot be avoided, the portlo11 of the svvhrt:ming pool wall within 7 feet {.)f tho slope faoe be desig11ed assuming that the Pi:ojeat No, 07135-42•05 Febi·uaty24, 2015 I ~ I i I i I I ,. I I I I I I I I I E 7.9.20 acUaoent soil p1'ovldes tw late1·ai su1,po1't, Tll.lS reoommemc/~tion a.ppllGs to :fill slopes tip to ]0 feet 1n h(;)ight, and oiit slopes r~gardless of height, Fo1· swimming pool3 looatc1d neat the· top of :fill sto_pes greate1· thru1 30 feet in he.ight, addlCforta! 1·eoo1111:nend:atio11s 1nay he reqttl1·ed m1d Geooon I11ootpo1'at©d shot1ld be oontaoted fo1' a 1·ev:i@W o:f speoifio site oondltions. • Altho1..1gh other i11-ip1·oven1ents that a1·e :relatively 1'ig1d 01· bdi'tl~ siiah as O'Onorete f!atwo1'k 01· 1nason1y walls, may -exped011oe SM1e dist1:oss if located neru· the. top of a, slope) it is ge:nemlly not·eoo11otnioal to :mitigate tllis potential. It may be possible, howevel', to ino01·po1·ate. desfg11 :lll.t%ts1..1..1·es that would pei'mit s.01ne late1•al soil m0vettle11t witho1.it oa:usw.g ·extensive d:!st.l·ess, Geoo.on Itloo1porated should be oonsiiltecl fol' speoiflc 1·eoo1nmend.atio11s, The exfetior flatwotk 1•ecoinme11da.tions provided here:b.1 asa1.1111es that the neat' ·sul'faoe soils a,:e ve11 low to low expanstve (EI~ 50), Exterior slabs not Stlbjeoted to vehicular trafflo aho~tlct be a m:J..nim1..U11 of foi.u· inches thick and re.111foroed with 6 x 6-6/6. welded wll'e mesh, the mooh sh_oulc1 be placed in th.e nrl4d1e of th~ slab. Prope1· ti.;iesh posltlo:rrlng ls oi'itloal ·to ft.i:rore petfo.lwanoe of the sfaba, · The -·oontraotot shouid tai.::e extra tneamires to provid.e pl'Ope:r mesh p1aoe.m.-e11t. P1'im· to oom1tl't1otlon of slabs, the upper 12 inoh-es of sttbg1·ade soils !hould be molstu.t·e condi'tio.ne-cl at 01· s11ghtly 111,bove optfrnum molsttire oontellt and ootnpaeted to tit foa1tt 90 percent oHhe laboi'atol')' maxinmm CU'.y. density per ASTM 15 57, 7.9.21 The reoommendation.s of th.ls report ru·e intended to reduce· ilie potential 'for ora:cldng of slabs di.ie to· -expansive soil (1£ ptese.ntJ, cllf:foreutia.1 settlement of existing s0i1 01· soil ~vith vary.Ing thiokne.sses. However, even: with the illGotporatlon of the r-eoomtnendations p1·ese11t@d herein, foundations, stucco walls, and slaba,,o.n-grade placed on .such oond.itio11s inay still e.xhibiti1101ne cracking dtte. fo soil movement a:nd/or shritikage. The ooou111·1moe of ·oonote'fo shri:tik:age cracks is independent of the $tippo:rt1ng ·soil ohai:acte.ristios, The ooourrenoe may 'be wduoed and/or cro.ntl'olled by.: (1) limlting the slump of Che 001101'ete·, (2) proper concrete plaoement and o:Ltting, and. by (3) the phi.cement of ara:ok control Joi:ttts at :periodic fntervrus, in partioufar, where 1'e-entrant slab co1-.n'c)J.'S ooour,. 7,9,'22 Geooon Inco1'porated should be cons1.11ted to provide add!tf:cinal deslgn panuneters a,, 1•eqt1i:red by the struotttreil engine61', 7..10 Retaining WaII Recommendations 1. 10, 1 Retaining walls that ei'e allowed to 1•otate more tha-11 0·,001B: (where H equ-als the height of the retainhlg portion of the wall) at the top of the wall and having I fove.1 baokfl1l si1.-rfaoe .should be designed for an active soU press1mt equivalent to the p1'essure exerted b;y a. £1.uid d~nsity of 35 pof, Where the backfill wm be lnolhled at 2:1 (horizo11tal:vertiaa.l)1 an m.otive Ji'l'ojeot No, ·0713'5-42··05 -24 • Febma1·y~41 2015 I ' I I ·i I ' ' I :I I ~ i I ' ~ I I I f. I I I I I I I I I I I I ,· .. soil p1·ess1..u·e of 50 pof fs reoommei11ded, Bxpe1.11sive soils shotild not be used as baokfill mate1'ial behlnd tetain!ng walls, All sol! phwed fb1• retah1h1g wa.11 ba.Qkfi11 shm.ild have a:n Bxpansio11 Index less than 50. 7,1-0.2 So.il co1ttetnplated for use as retalnh1g wal1 baok:tHl, inoltlding i111p01·t 1nate1'1als,. should be identified Ln the fleld prio:r to baokf.!11, At that th.11e Geooo11 I1.;1.001:po1·a.ted shoti!d obtm11 sa1n;pfos fo1· laboratG>ry te,~th1g to eva:ltiate its stlitabillty, Modified late1·al eaJ.'th p1·eisa1.ttes miiy be neoessru·y if the baak:ftll soil does not meet the reqti:h-ed expansion fnclex 01· sliea1· ·st·engeh, City 01· l'eglonal sta.ndal'd wa.11 desig11s1. if used, al'e based on a speoifio aotlve lateral earth p1·esstu·e ancl/or soil fi:iotion aiigle, Itl: th!& regard) 01:t~site soil to bo uaed as baoldl.11 may or ni.ay not. meet tb:e valtles fo1· standard. wall cleslgi'l.ll, ·Ge0oon J:t1001'porated shou1d be 0011s1.J.1ted to ass@ss the suitablUty of the on-slte soH fo1· use as wall baokflll lf standa.rcr wa11 deslgns will be used. 7, 10,3 Un.res:IJ.•a:lne.clwalfa. w'ill mov.e-1ateral1r :wilen bao1ti'111ed ,a.rid 1oei.dl.ng.fs applied. The amou:1at of late.rm deflection is dependent ott the wall height) the type of soil used £or bao.k:fill, &net loads aQting on the wall. The wa11 designe1· should pl'ovicle app.mpdate late1:al deflectio-.n quantities for planned retainl.ng walls strtioturea, if applicable. These lateral vali.iaa shci.tlcl be considered wh0n planning types of lmprove:Lnents above reta:initl.g wall structtwes. . 7 .10 .4 Where walls are testralned fro.m movement at 'the top; an a:clditlonal unlfol'.tn prlilssure of 8H psf sho1.1ld be added to the active soil pressu1•e whe1'e the wall possesses -a height of 8 foet ot less a.nc112H whe:tie the wai.11 is gl'eater than 8 feet. Fo.r retaining m11s subject to vehfoular loads "v.lthin a horizontal distance equarl to two-thirds thGI wall height) a surcharge equlvalent to 2 feet of fill soil sh0·uld be added (tin1t weight 13 0 p0:t), 7, 10. 5 Retaining walls shott1d be p1.'ovided with a; drainage· system adequate, to pi·event the buildt.i:p o:f hydrostatic forces and should be wate1<p.l!oofed as reqL1i:red by the proJe~t archlt~ot. The i.ise ·of drainage openh.1.gs tlu:oi1.gh the base of the wall ·(weep holes) fa not .recommended where the seepage 001:i!cl be a nuis.anoe 01· othe1wise advets·ely affoot the property adjace11t to the base of the wall, '!'he above recommen:de.tions. assmne a properly Gom.paoted granular (EI o:f legs than 50) free-&ra.in1ng baokfi111naterial with no hydrostatic forces or imposed s1.1toharge load, Fig1.ire 16 presents a typfoa1 reta1nihg wall dtainage cletail. If conditions dif'fe1·e11t thati: those desodbed ·are e:xpeotecl, or if ape0f:f10 d1'eifaage details nre des:lred1 Geooo11 Incorporated should be oontaoted fot additional :reoomm®d.aifons, 7,10,6 The sttuottwal engb1ee1· shoi11c1 determine the seismic design categot'y for the project i11 aocordE1noe with Section l6J.3 of the CBC, If the p1'ojeot po11s~ses ~ seismic design ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-.__........._, !'1·t>Jeot No, 07135,42-05 Feb1·u!U'y24, 2015 I I· 1 I ; • ~ I ' I i I ! I I i I I I I I I I oatego1·y of D1 B1 o~· F, 1·0tafoi11g walls that -suppo1·t 1no1·0 i:hm1 6 feet of bao'kf111 shoiild be des-lg11ecL with seism:lo lai:eral p1·essttre i:tJ. aooo1•da11oe with S·eotlo11 18,3,5,12 of ti10 2013 CBC, The sehnnio load le dep!.?tide11t 011 the 1·eta.lned height whe1'e H ls the height of the wall, in feet, ru.1d the oafo1.1lated loads tesitlt i11 pounds pet squai·e foot (psf) exarted at the base of the-wall and ze1·0 a.t the top cifthe wa.J..t, A seistnio load ofZ1H shoiild be m1ecl fo1• des:tg11, We 1.ised the peak gw1.1nd Moeleration adJusted fm Site Class -effects, PGAM, of 0.445g oaloulated f1'01n ASCE 7M10 Seotlo:n 11.8.3 tnd applied e1 psemdo-statio ooeffl.oie11t of0.33, 7.10,7 In .ge11etal1 wt1ll foundations havfng ·a minimtt:r::a dept11 and width of one foot may be designed fo1· an a11owabfo soil beru:ft\g pteissti1'e· of 21000 psf, provided the soil witfi.lll 3 feet below the base of' the wall oo:nsfsts of oompaoted fill with !W.1 Expansion. Itlde:x of less than .90. The allowable soll bearing pressul'e om-1 be faoteased by 300 ;psf and 500 psf fol' each additlon:al foot ·of f01.indation width and depth, respeotlvely, 1.ip to a maxi1'XltJ.1'l.'l a.11~wabJe soll beru:'ing of 4,·000 Jp'l'.f, Th(:)_ pr0x.lmity of the fo1.U1dat.lon to the oop of a' slope steeper than 3il could impaot the :~fowable so11 beating p1·essm·0, Therefore, Geooo1l Ino0tpo.t:ated shotlld b© oons1.ilte<l. w11e!'e stich a condition is antJclpated, 7.10.8 Resistance to· late1'al 1oe.ds ,vill be providod 'by '.et'lotlon along the base of the. wall fou11datfo.11 or by passive eftrth p1:ess1.1.1·e ·agal.nst the side of the :footing. Allowable ooef.tfolents of fl'foti0n of 0.35 m·e teo0J.n1.11ended for footings 1:n oom.paoted :fill, Passive ea:rth p1·ess1.1re. may be taken as 15.0 pof for wru.ls founeled on a 2: 1 slope, a.nd 3 00 pof fo:r horizontal ground in :5:ont of th(l. wa,11. 'The-allowable passive p.rel'J!l'\.1.i'G assurnea. II horizontru -su1·faoe e:x.te:ttding at 1~ast 5. feet, or three times the: st1.rfaoe g-©11erating the pas~ive pressure, whichever is g.1'eate1·. The uppel' 12 inches ·of 1'.nate-.t'ial in areas not pl'Oteoted by floor slabs or pavement aho'Lild not be :l:t1cliided in design fo1' ,pamslve resista.noe,. 7,10.9 The re1Jonunend:ati0na presented above ar-e ge11erally applicable to. the design of rigid oonorete or :masonry tetai:uing walls having a m:mdmutn height of 8 :frilet. In 'Che e.vent that walls higher than 8 feet are pfatJ.1.1ed~. Geoeon Inoorporated shotilc1 be _oo:t1S1.tlted fox addf tio11al reco1t1tnendations, 7,1'1 Detention Basin and 131oswale Raoommendatlons 7,11.1 A11y detention bash1s1 bioswalea a11cl bio-te1nediatio11 areas sh01 .. 1.kl be dea,lgned by the project oivil engineet emd reviewed by Oeooo11 lnoorponited, Typicnlly, bioswales oonsfat of a stirfaoe foye1' of vegeta:tion tmderfoin by olean sattd, A subcb:ain .~hoitl.d be p1'ovkled be11eath the sa.11d lay(:)t, Priol' to disoha.1'ging foto tbe storm dra:h1: pipe, a seepage. cutoff wall should be o-011stt1.1crted at the, i11te1'faoe between. the s1.ibdtai11 1md storm draln pipe, The- Projeo1 No, 07135 .. 42.:05 Febtu!l.l'y 24, :Z01S I :j 'i .• I I I .\ 1 I I· ' I r I I ' I 1-· I I I I I I I I ootlol'ete oiit"off wa11 should extend a.t least 6-foohes beyo11d the ped:metel' ot' the gi·ave.1- pMked subdl'ii.t!l system. 7, 11.2 Distl·ess· m.ay be oat1sed to planned irhprovements a11d p1•0,pe1·ties looatect hyru·ologloa11y clownst.t·r>am oi• ac1jaoe11t to these devices, The dlst1:ess depends 011 the irm:01.mt eif wate1· to be cletain'0cl, its 1·ooide11oe tUl'J.e;. sell petn1eabi11ty, ru1d othel' factors, We have. not pei'fol·111ed a hycll'ogeofogy study a.t the site, bow11sti'eam. and acljaoent prop-erties 1nay be subjected to seepsi springs, slope i11stability, l'aiSecl g11ou11dwate1'1 tnovement of foiin,faUons a11d shibs) .or other in1.PMts as a remtlt o:f' wa:te1· i11:filt.t·ation, D1.1e tO' site soil and geologic conditions, permanent bioswales and bio-reinediatlon .e1.:t'eas shotdd be linect with an impenneEtble ba.!'l'ier, such as a. thfok visqiieen,. to prevent water in:tlltra.tfon ill to 'the imdedyh1g compacted flll, 7".11, 3 The landscape arohlteot should be co.ns=ulte<l to pi'ovidc,. the appfopl'late plant reoomm.enda.tlons, If-clJ:01.iglit 1•eslsta11t plants are not t1se4 frdgatlon .may be 1·@qufred, · 7,12 Site Dralnage-and Moisture· l'roteotlon 7 J2.1 Adequate .s±te drainage is critical to reduce the po'tentla.1 fot· fllfferentia.1 soil :mo-vement, erosion and .subgurf'a.o-e .seepage. Uncle!' no· cfrownstru:i.olils should wa.te.r be -allo\~ed to po,ncl a.c~ace11t to footlngs. The site sho-1.1.kt be gt'aded and 1'l:1aintalned suoh that silrfaoe =dra.l.nage Is cUreeted away from strnotu:res ln acoordanoe w'ith 2013 CBC 1804.3 oi· other applloabfo s,tandards. In 1i1.ddition1 In.u·faoe dl'ainage s11ould be direottld awaiy :fl.·om the top o:f slopes into swales 01· other oon:tro11ed cb:ainage devices, Roof and pave.tnettt drninage erhould be directed i11t0, oorid1.1Jts thaJ CtlJ'l'Y ninoff away from the proposed stniotttrl;}, 7, 12.2 rn the oase of basement walls or· building walls 1·etal:ning la.ndsoaplng a.reaa, a ~wte1• .... pl'oo:fing syste:m shoiiM be used on the wall and j oints1 and a Mftadtain drainage panel ( or simil1i.r) shoiild be placed ·over the wa.terproofJ.ng, ·ne project architect or oivll e11ginoor shottld provide detailed specifications on the pians for all watel'prooflng and d:l·ainage·. 7, 12.3 Undergr,ound utilities shou1d be Iea:k free. Utility anc1 krigation lines -~hou:ld be checked. · perlodioruly for lea.ks, and deteot~d leaks should be repaired prompcly, Det!'imental soil 111ovetne11t cmi1c1 ooom· if water is allowed to i11filtrate the aoil for proloflged. pel'iods of tii'.r.l~. 7.12,4 Adequate drainage p1·ovisions are t.mperative, U11der 110 ofro·tirnstances should wate1· be -allowed t0· pond adjacent to footings. The btilldiug pads shmtld be p1'opl)1'1y :finish graded a:fter the b1.1i1dings and other impl'oveinents-at'e in plaoe so that dra111age water is dfreoted I ' • • I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I i a.way from fotmdatfons, paverne11ts) 001101'ete slabs, ru1d slope -to,ps to 0011trolled -dmimige devices, Pl'ojeotNo, 07135.42 .. os Febrna('.Y 24, 2015 l J &. J ~ .. J ..... ILi .. •c:t I --~---20--r:=-, C/W'IIICSCAJI 200 600 .. ·~ .. - BMP PLAN FOR, QUARRY CREEK .. ------ SWP NO.: fol-IS ADDCNDVM ,1 PAHTY RfSPONS/BlE FOIi MAINTfNANC£.• NAMC.· CORNERSTONE: COIIIIUNITES COIIPORATION ADORESS: 4JdS !'Jf£WTM DRII/C SIJl1<6()(J SAN LVCGQ. CX !12121 PH0N£ NO.: (858) 68-~700 EXT.: 120 AMENDMENT BY: NtWC.· ALLCN L lltlTCHER COI/RIW't': S&tO NC. ~.J690NtJFF1NRt:WJ sun,'"' SAN lWOO ex !1212.J PH0N£ NO.: (858) 560-1111 ~ SIGNAnmE.• ----- 1. ma£ /MIPS MC """'°41tM'I' Tr) 11£ INS1l4U.ED P£1I MANVFACTllllOt'S R£COM#ENDATIONS Oil 1HE'SE Pf.ANS. 2. NO CHANCCS Tr) THE FROPOSED l1MPS ON THIS SHEU WllHOIIT PRtOR ~ FROM TH£ CITY £NGINECR, .J.NOSlJBSTTTIR10NSRJ7H£M41E'i!MtORTW'fSORPI.ANTINCT>PCS WITHOUT'PRIOR~n«JM!HCCITYE'NOINEER. 4. NO OCG't.t'MM:'Y WIU 8£ GfWl1ED VN1N. THC aTY INSPCCTION STAIT HAS INSP£C1ED THS PRQ/ff:T FOR APl"ll'QIIJW41£ I/MP CONSmllCTTON MV INSTALLATION. .,_ REFE1i 10 ~ AGR£O/ENT OOCtllENT. 6. SEE PROJECTS1MW' FrJRNJOITTONAI. IYJ'tMUl1lQ'I. HCQVIHCD THCATMCNT CONTHDL BMP TABLC _..,I ""' I DESCRIPTION -_,,_, 5'ECT AGRmENT NO. (l) I 1---== 148,-$SWI """'"-"" '*'"" PCUSHER -" IP-Fl.OW AIEZll4 '""" ""'"8IOCt£AN -<l> """'"'"" '*'"""""""" PfiilHT< ~ --5SW UP-FLOW~ """"''"" '""" ® BIOR<1ENl10N BMP --I/Bl """"" -----o<CRaMNT (l) -PfiilHT< -1/YDROMODnCAIION 1/BJ-Z< ""'""""" ----""""""" ® -""""" -Hn>R(MIOO#D'1ION I/BJ-NJ ""'""""" ----ACREDENT (j) ----..,_, -" -""""" '84-5SW -ACR<DIENT 0 --" ---..,_, -~ ----ACR<DIENT ® -BIN PfiilHT< ----mw;a: ----_, ® -BMP --... -" -48>1-5SW -_,, SDVHCC CDNTHDL @ ""5H I """4NO. PRNAT< BMP -,uw,cc EN<tOSUN< SO-J2 _,,.,,., (jJ l """4NO. -swas """" -SD-1J _, SVSMP PHOJCCT PHIDHTY: HIGH ,_,vw,cc FH«iU£NCY 1-2 1WES -- 1-2 TWES """"" 2-1111£S,.. -("",tMM) 2-1711£$ POI -("",tMM) 2-TIMES P£1t -("",tMM) 2-1111£$ PER -("",tMM) 2-Tlll£S PER .... ("",tMM) 2-""'5F<R -("",tMM) 2-TMIES P£R -("",tMM) - SB&D~ LEJI CITY OF CARLSBAD 11'"'"'1 I "AS BUILT" 1-1--1-1--11-------+1-f-1-+-1--+1--111•~~.-;~;;;;;;~K 1 PLANMNC ENGIN[£RING S1.JRI/E:11NG .399Q Ru-f,n ~oad, Sud~ 120 S:,n Oiqo, Cc. ~:1;;~ 851' 5W 1141 R",~-';(,0-ll'~7 Fnx '°'-- IR£\1EWEOBY: I tlAl(IN11Ai.l&:,~Pll(X)t)C1'Ntf)RfflSED REVISION DESCRIPTION INSPECTOR A/.l.EN L BUTa£R lMTC 71822EX01-0C BMP Om'i4LL.Dfft\' RECORD COPY ~ -,..--- c~~:, I :;4~1;; I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! :: : 1 11 I II I II •I~ I " .~ -., a;.i ... 200 Ii • ,-. ...... - 0 0 GRAPHIC SCALE 200 400 600 BMP PLAN FOR: QUARRY CREEK SB&D~ PLANNING ENGINEERING SURVEYING 3990 Ruffin Road, Suite 1 20 San Diego, Ca" 92123 85&560-1141 85&56D-81 57 Fax "AS RCE EXP. REVIEWED BY: INSPECTOR \ BUil T" DATE DAlE INITIAL DATE ENGINEER OF WORK -------" SWMP NO.: 14-13 AOOENOl/M #1 PARTY RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE: NAM£· CORNERSTONE COMMUNITIES CORPORATION ADDRESS: 4365 EXECUTIVE OR/VE SUITE 600 CONTACT: JACK ROBSON SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121 • PHONE NO.: (858) 458-9700 EXT.: 120 j 9GNATUR.:~~~~~-ff-_:::,;;__~- AMENDMENT BY: NAM£· ALLEN L. BUTCHER COMPANY: SB&O INC. ADDRESS: 3990 RUfflN ROAD SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92123 PHONE NO.: (858) 560-1141 BMP NOTES: 1. THESE BMPS ARE MANDATORY TO 8£ INSTALLED PER MANUFACTVRER's RECOMMENDATIONS OR THESE PLANS. 2. NO CHANGES TO THE PROPOSED BMPS ON THIS SHEET WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. NO SUBS77TUTIONS TO THE MATER/Al OR TYPES OR PLANTING TYPES WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THf CITY ENGINEER. 4. NO OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED /)NTJL THE CITY INSPECTION STAFF HAS INSPECTED THIS PROJECT FOR •APPROPRIATE BMP CONSTRUCT/ON ANO INSTALLATION. 5. REFER TO MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT DOCUMENT. 6. SEE PROJECT SWMP FOR AOO/T/ONAl INFORMATION. REQUIRED TREATMENT CONTROL BMP TABLE BMP ID TYPE DESCRIPTION OWNERSHIP MAINTENANCE DRAWING AGREEMENT NO. TREATMENT CONTROL NORTH 8/0CLEAN BMP (j) MEO/A RLTER WATER POLISHER PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A UP-FLOW MEO/A AGREEMENT RLTER NORTH 8/0CLEAN BMP (}) MEO/A RLTER WATER POLISHER PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A UP-FLOW MEO/A AGREEMENT RLTER HYOi?OMOOIFICATION ANO TREATMENT CONTROL (J) 8/0RETENT/ON 8MP HYOROMOOIRCATION 881 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT @) 8/0RETENT/ON BMP HYOROMOOIRCATION 883-2A PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT -~·· ® 8/0RETENTION 8MP HYOROMOOIRC4T/ON 883-28 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT ® 8/0RETENTION 8MP HYOROMOOIRCATION 883-3 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT 0 8/0RETENTION BMP HYOROMOOIRCAT!ON 883-7 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT ® 8/0RETENTION BMP HYOROMOOIRCATlON 884 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT ® BIO RETENTION BMP HYOROMOOIRCATlON 885 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE 484-5A BASIN AGREEMENT SOURCE CONTROL @ TRASH CASQA NO. BMP PLANNING ENCLOSURE S0-32 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE AREAS AGREEMENT fj) CASQ4 NO. BMP PUBLIC STENCILS S0-13 PRIVATE MAINTENANCE STREETS AGREEMENT Sl/SMP PROJECT PRIORTY: HIGH SHEET MAINTENANCE NO. (S) FREQUENCY 6 1-2 TIMES PER YEAR 8 1-2 TIMES PER Y£4R 2-TIMES PER 7 >£4R {MINIMUM) 2-TIMES PER 7 >VIR (MINIMUM) 2-TIMES PER 7 >VIR (MINIMUM) 2-TIMES PER 10 >£4R (MINIMUM) 2-TIMES PER 8 >VIR (MINIMUM) 2-TlMES PER 10 >VIR (MINIMUM) 2-TIMES PER 13 >VIR (MINIMUM) -ANNUALLY -ANNUALLY I SH~ET I CITY OF CARLSBAD I SH~TS I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SINGLE SHEET BMP SITE PLAN FOR: QUARRY CREEK £ THIS SHEET REPLACES SHEET 1, APPROVED RECORD COPY PROJECT NO. ON JUNE 4, 2015. AOOEO BU/LO/NG PRODUCT ANO REV/SEO STREET LIMITS. CT 11-04 DAlE INITIAL DAlE INITIAL I DRAWING NO. I REVISION DESCRIPTION OlHER APPROVAL CITY APPROVAL INITIAL DATE 484-SSW il' g e:: '" ;:;: Ci " "' ;la ALLEN L. BUTCHER OAT£ '" .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ~ i0-26 .tfi 11-21-16 71822EX01-QC BMP OVERALL.OWG JN.·