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CT 16-05; QUARRY CREEK PA R-4B; DRAINAGE REPORT; DWG 497-1C; DWG 497-1D; 2016-10-26
I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I Drainaa:;e Report QUARRY CREEK PLANNING AREAS R-4A (EAST) CT 15-09 DWG 497-lA &18 R-48 (WEST) CT 16-05 DWG 497-lC & ID P-3 (REC) SDP 15-20 DWG 484-51 City of Carlsbad, CA -County of San Diego PREPARED FOR: PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE QC, LLC 4365 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PREPARED BY: &Di SB&O, INC. 3990 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (858) 560-1141 SB&O JOB NO. 71630.60 / -l -i ~ I I I i I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS Vicinity Map ....................................................................................................................... 2 1. Scope of Report ................................................................................................................... 3 2. Off-site Public Storm Drain System ................................................................................... 3 3. Quarry Creek Development ................................................................................................ 3 4. Existing C.onditions ............................................................................................................. 4 5. Post-Development Conditions ............................................................................................ 4 6. Hydrology .................................................................................................................................. 5 6.1 Design Criteria ......................................................................................................................................... 5 6.2 Soils ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors) .................................................................................................................. 5 6.4 Rainfall ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 6.5 Results ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 7. Inlet Calculations ................................................................................................................ 7 8. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 7 Drainage Basin Maps Master (PDC) ................................................................................................................ Map Pockets Proposed ....................................................................................................................... Map Pockets EXHIBITS A. CivilD Analyses -Proposed R-4A & R-4B B. Curb Inlet Calculations R4A & R-4B C. CivilD Analyses (PDC Master Report) D. WSPG-Water Surface Profiles-Site Mains APPENDIX San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual References I i I • I I I I ; I ! I I I I I I I I I I I I ); I" . ,~.tm.l D:171632 QC PA 4\Rcporti\Hydrology\20161026 R4A Bost Drainagc.doox I ! I • I ! I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1. Scope of Report A master report entitled, "Drainage Report Quarry Creek," dated March 23, 2015, was prepared for the Quarry Creek development by Project Design Consultants, Inc. (PDC). The PDC master report summarizes the pre-and post-construction hydrology for the entire project, including bio- retention/hydromodification and detention Basins BB-4 and BB-5. Sizing of treatment Best Management Practices (BMPs), and analyses ofhydromodification impacts are in the SWMP "Quarry Creek," prepared by Project Design Consultants, dated March 19, 2015. The PDC master report includes the design and modeling of the Basins BB-4 and BB-5. The storage volumes ofthe combination basins were determined using hydromodification modeling software (SDHM,) along with the Rational Method Hydrograph procedure for larger storm events. These models are based upon the total area, impervious portion and rainfall totals. Planning Area R-4 is split between the 2 basins (BB-4 and BB-5), along with other portions of the developed site (Recreational Area at P A-8, Marron Road, Adobe Springs Road, and adjacent cut slopes) and the offsite areas located just east of the project entry. 2. Off-site Public Storm Drain System An analysis of the off-site public storm drain system capacity was performed in report titled "Drainage Report Quarry Creek", prepared by PDC, dated March 23, 2015. The report documents that the off.:.site storm drain system, located downstream of the R-4 points of discharge, were designed for flows of equal drainage areas and equal development intensities. The off-site report found that the existing storm drain system has adequate capacity for the post- development runoff. Please refer to the PDC drainage report for all off-site storm drain analyses. 3. Quarry Creek Development The Quarry Creek development is located in the City of Carlsbad (City), but is bordered to the east by the City of Oceanside. The project is situated west of College Boulevard, east of Interstate 5 and south of Haymar Drive. The property is divided north and south by the Buena Vista Creek which runs east to west through the middle of the site. The first phase of Quarry Creek construction divided the individual planning areas into large sheet graded pads, and with the supporting public roads and utilities, along with the combination basins to provide Water Quality Treatment, Hydromodi:fication Control and Detention for the ultimate project. Planning Area R-4 is located in the southwestern portion of the Quarry Creek, bounded by the Buena Vista Creek to the north, Adobe Springs Road to the north and Marron Road to the south. D:171632 QC PA 4\Reports\Hydrolog).\20161026 R4A Basl Dndnage.docx 4. Existing Conditions In accordance with the Quarry Creek Mass Grading Plan, Planning Area R-4 is a large sheet graded pad, approximately 18.29 acres in size, with a ridgeline splitting drainage northeast and southwest. (See PDC Drainage Exhibit located in Map Pocket 1). The westem portion of the pad is directed toward BB-5, along with a portion of Marron Road is conveyed by the storm drain system named 'System 500' in the PDC drainage report. The eastern portion ofR-4 is directed towards BB-4, along with Planning Area 8 (Recreational Area) and portions of Marron Road, the adjacent slopes and some offsite area. The stonn drain is identified as 'System 700' in the PDC drainage report. See Exhibit "C" for detailed hydrologic calculations from the PDC master report. 5. Post-Development Conditions Planning Area R-4 will include both a single family portion (R-4B West), and a multi-family component (R-4A East), which is adjacent to the P-3 Recreational Area (approx. 1.1 acres). A total of 150 multi-family units will be constructed, comprised of various attached product types (duplex and triplex buildings) and 56 detached single family units. R-4 is approximately 18.47 acres, with a net developable area of approximately 17.20 acres. This yields a net project density of 12.0 dwelling units per acre, which corresponds to Medium Density Residential (MDR) per Table 3-1 "Runoff Coefficients for Urban Areas" of the San Diego County Hydrology Manual. In addition to landscape areas, the P-3 includes a small parking lot, play areas, walkways, a recreation building with pool and decking area. The site has a greater impervious portion (65%) than the master design report (50%). However, the overall impervious area tributary to each basin will be less than the master SWMP, compared as follows; Im ervious Area (ac 4.66 5.47 -0.81 % Impervious 63% 71% -8% BB-5 Drainage Area (ac) 7.40 7.72 -0.32 R-4A East+ P-3 Basin BB-4) 14.85 15.09 -0.24 60% 61% -1% BB-4 Drainage Area (ac) 24.93 24.59 +0.34 Total Im ervious Area (ac) 19.51 20.56 -1.05 % Im ervious 60.3% 63.6% -3% Total Drainage Area (ac) 32.33 32.31 +0.02 Since the total and impervious areas to each of the basins is consistent with the original design, the treatment, HMP control, and storm discharge response from Basins BB-4 and BB-5 will function as designed. No further analyses are necessary for the R-4 or P-3 (Recreation) sites. D:171632 QC PA 4\Repoits\Hydrology\20161026 R4A East Drainage.docx 6. Hydrology 6.1 Design Criteria Drainage system will be designed in accordance with the City of Carlsbad's "Engineering Standards", Chapter 5. The rational method as defined in the San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual is used to calculate peak flow rates for the 100 year storm events. (See Appendix for Reference Materials, Charts & Tables). 6.2 Soils The assumption from the PDC report that all soils are Hydrologic Soils Group "D" was held in the estimates for this report. 6.3 Runoff Coefficient (C-Factors) With a proposed density of 12 DU/AC and approximately 60% imperviousness, a medium- density residential drainage coefficient of0.63 was selected. 6.4 Rainfall Rainfall intensities were calculated using the rainfall data from the County 6-Hour and 24-Hour Isopluvial Maps as follows (these are the same values used in the PDC report): See Appendix for lsopluvial Maps and Figure 3-1 to determine the adjusted 6-hour rainfall. 6.5 Results Exhibit "A" contains 100-year rational method peak flow calculations (CivilD) for the R-4 development areas. Runoff is generally divided between the R-4A East and R-4B West. The R- 4A West portion discharges to the backbone storm drain in Adobe Falls Road at 2 locations, and is tributary to Basin BB-4. The R-4B West portion discharges to the storm drain inlet at the north end of Marron Road, and is tributary to Basin BB-5. ~:!,~J!;lffi'.!~<f. Q Tc CivilD NODE Basin Area C-Factor acres) (cfs) (min) (SB&O) Salina Entry 0.68 7.36 28.66 7.8 8 Telaga 0.64 3.54 12.82 8.1 16 R-4A East Total 0.67 10.91 40.92 8.1 Combined D:\71632 QC PA 4\Repo1ts\Hydrology\2016l026 R4A East Drainage.docx Basin Area R-4B I Marron Rd C-Factor 0.68 A acres) 6.77 Q (cfs) 22.16 Tc (min) 8.3 CivilD NODE (SB&O) 24 The proposed discharge locations are similar to the following design locations in the CivilD hydrology in the PDC master report (See Exhibit "C"). A Basin Area C-Factor acres) PDC R-4 East 0.79 5.90 0.80 3.28 0.79 1.91 R-4 East Combined 0.79 11.09 ------------ - R-4A East Combined 0.67 10.91 A Basin Area C-Factor acres R-4 B I Marron Rd 0.77 7.11 R-4B I Marron Rd 0.68 6.77 Q (cfs) 32.47 20.80 11.04 59.69 40.92 Q cfs 39.05 22.16 Tc min) 5.76 5.97 5.35 -5.97_ 8.1 Tc (min 5.32 8.3 CivilDNODE (PDC) 766 748 780 PDC SB&O CiviIDNODE (PDC) PDC 532 SB&024 Runoff from the Recreational Lot enters directly into the main storm drain at an inlet in the northwest corner of the site. Runoff comparisons should be made using the main line system time of concentration at this location, which is 11.22 minutes I I= 4.536 in/hr). Based upon the following comparison, the increase impervious area for P-3 I Recreational Lot will have negligible impact on the stonn drain system. Basin Area C-Factor Rec (63% Imperv 0.70 Rec (50% Im erv) 0.63 A acres) 1.17 1.14 Q cfs) 3.72 3.26 Tc min) 11.22 11.22 CiviID NODE NIA PDC 713 Increase= 0.46 cfs which is 2% increase for S stem 700 Main below System 700 25.16 11.22 Node 713 D:\71632 QC PA 41Reports\Hydrology\2016 L026 R4A Eost Drainage.docx It I: I I I I f ~ 1- ' I I I I I I I I I I I The above comparison illustrates that the 100-year peak flow rates from the R-4 sites are expected to be less than the original design report. The reductions are primarily attributable to the lower runoff coefficient and longer times of concentration. 7. Inlet Calculations The R-4 storm drain system will include Regional Standard Drawing Type 'B" curb inlets, located in both sag and passing grade conditions. The inlets capacities I interception flows were verified using the time of concentration for the surface tributary areas. Inlet calculations are provided in Exhibit "B". 8. Conclusion The R-4 storm drain systems and inlets demonstrate adequate capacity. The proposed storm drain system will be consistent with the tributary areas of the original design report (PDC). No further calculations or analyses are required for treatment, HMP controls or detention. D:\71632 QC PA 4\Reports\Hydrology\20161026 R4A !last Drainage.docx 1: t ' ,1. I ! Ii I ' I I ' I ! • ; I I I I I I I I I I I I I - -. --· ·-- Exhibit A: Node-to-Node CivilD Analyses Proposed Conditions-100-Y ear R-4A East R-4B West I Marron Rd Inlet D:\71632 QC PA 4\Roports\H)'drology\20161026 R4A Bast Drainage.docx Ir I I! 11 I l I: I! ; ~ I L I I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out San Diego county Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering software,(c)1991-2014 version 9.0 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego county Flood Con. trol Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology study Date: 10/20/16 ********* Hydrology Study control Information********** Program License serial Number 6334 Rational hydrolo~y study storm event year is 100.0 English (in-lb) input data units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.900 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 5.100 ·P6/P24 =---S·6;9%-----------· --- San Diego hydrology manual 'C' values used ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION**** Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Initial subarea total flow distance = 45.000(Ft.) Highest elevation= 128.400(Ft.) Lowest elevation= 127.950(Ft.) Elevation difference= 0.450(Ft.) slope= 1.000 % Top of Initial Area slope adjusted by user to 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 80.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 14.5 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of concentration= 6.01 minutes TC= [1.8*(1.1-c)~•distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC= [1.8*(1.1-0.6300)*( 80.000A,5)/( 2.000A(l/3)]= 6.01 Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is c = 0.630 subarea runoff= 0.098(CFS) Total initial stream area= 0.023(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 1.000 to Point/Station 2.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Page 1 ll j· •i 11 I I ! ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out user specified 'C' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.01 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.678 CA= 0.433 subarea runoff= 2.839(CFS) for 0.615(Ac.) Total runoff= 2.937(CFS) Total area= 0.638(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/Station 3.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensitr (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'c value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.01 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 0.745 subarea runoff= 2.119(CFS) for 0.459(Ac.) Total runoff= 5.056(CFS) Total area= 1.097(Ac.) --·-----· -++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 2.000 to Point/station 3.000 1'*** PIPE FLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **H Upstream point/station elevation= 113.190(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 109.llO(Ft.) Pipe len9th = 268.00(Ft.) slope= 0.0152 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 5.056(CFS) Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 5.056(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 7.80(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 17.84(In.) critical Depth= 10.39(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 6.88(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.65 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 6.66 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 0.923 subarea runoff= 0.808(CFS) for 0.262(Ac.) Total runoff= 5.864(CFS) Total area= 1.359(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Poi~t/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensit¥ (I)= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Page 2 It r i. I· ' • I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 1.187 subarea runoff= 1.681(CFS) for 0.389(Ac.) Total runoff= 7.545(CFS) Total area= 1.748(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user SRecified 'C' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=l<CIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 1.432 subarea runoff= 1.555(CFS) for 0.360(Ac.) Total runoff= 9.lOl(CFS) Total area= 2.108(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 _ *_*'f:_-lr SUBAREA .FLOW_ ADDITION -*-**_'!!. Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'C value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=l<CIA) is C = 0. 680 CA = 1. 691 subarea runoff= 1.646(CFS) for 0.38l(Ac.) Total runoff= 10.747(CFS) Total area= 2.489(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'C' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 1.907 subarea runoff= 1.370(CFS) for 0.317(Ac.) Total runoff= 12.116(CFS) Total area= 2.806(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/Station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall in~ensity (I)= 6.354~In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user SRec1f1ed 'C value of 0.680 91ven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.122 subarea runoff= 1.370(CFS) for 0.317(Ac.) Total runoff= 13.486(CFS) Total area= 3.123(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Page 3 11 i 1! ; I\ 11 I ' I I ' I I ; I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out Process from Point/Station 3.000 to Point/station 4.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user SRecified 'c' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.66 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.354(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.380 subarea runoff= 1.638(CFS) for 0.379(Ac.) Total runoff= 15.123(CFS) Total area= 3.502(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 3.000 to Point/station 4.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** upstream point/station elevation= 108.780(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 105.070(Ft.) Pipe len9th = 288.13(Ft.) slope= 0.0129 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 15.123(CFS) Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) NOTE: Normal flow js _pres_sure_flow ir1-us.er selected.p~pe-size. ----- Tne-apj:frox,riiate nydrau1ic grade line above the pipe invert is 3.170(Ft.) at the headworks or inlet of the pipe(s) Pipe friction loss= 5.971(Ft.) Minor friction loss= 0.910(Ft.) K-factor 0.80 Pipe flow velocity= 8.56(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.56 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.22 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.03l(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User SRecified 'c' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.22 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.031(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.648 subarea runoff= 0.846(CFS) for 0.394(Ac.) Total runoff= 15.970(CFS) Total area= 3.896(Ac.) .++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.03l(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'c' value of 0.680 9iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.22 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.031(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 3.164 subarea runoff= 3.108(CFS) for 0.758(Ac.) Total runoff= 19.078(CFS) Total area= 4.654(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 4.000 to Point/Station 5.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Page 4 I ,. ; I I i I I I I I I I I ! I - - --- I ! I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out Upstream point/station elevation= 104.740(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 103.770(Ft.) Pipe length = 67.65(Ft.) slope= 0.0143 Manning's N = No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 19.078(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 19.078(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 14.86(rn.) Flow top width inside pipe= 23,31(In.) critical Depth= 18.84(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 9.34(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.12 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.34 min. 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/station 6.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.966(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.34 min. Rainfall intensity=_ __5_.9~_6(rr:v'.,Hr)_for_a 100.o_year stor-m -Effectfve -runc:ifr coefA ci ent used for tota 1 area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 3.301 subarea runoff= 0.617(CFS) for 0.202(Ac.) Total runoff= 19.695(CFS) Total area= 4.856(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 5.000 to Point/station 6.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensitr (I)= 5.966(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.34 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.966(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 3.659 subarea runoff= 2.134(CFS) for 0.526(Ac.) Total runoff= 21.829(CFS) Total area= 5.382(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 5.000 to Point/station 6.000 -{'*** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= 103.440(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 102.360(Ft.) Pipe length = 67.65(Ft.) slope= 0.0160 Manning's No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 21.829(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow = 21.829(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 15.70(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 22.83(In.) critical Depth= 20.04(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 10.02(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.11 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.45 min. N = 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 6.000 to Point/Station 7.000 Page 5 I: i· I I I I· \ I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.908(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'c' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.45 mm. Rainfall intensity= 5.908(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 4.076 subarea runoff= 2.254(CFS) for 0.614(Ac.) Total runoff= 24.082(CFS) Total area= 5.996(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/station 7.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.908(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'C' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.45 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 5.908(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 4.425 subarea runoff = 2. O_p;L(CfS) _for _ O. 513(Ac.). ----TcJtal -rurfd"ff-= --2-6 .143 (CFS) Tota 1 area = 6. 509 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 6.000 to Point/Station 7.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation= 102.030(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 100.450(Ft.) Pipe len~th = 183.45(Ft.) slope= 0.0086 Manning's N = 0.011 No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 26.143(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) NOTE: Normal flow is pressure flow in user selected pipe size. The approximate hydraulic grade line above the pipe invert is 1.034(Ft.) at the headworks or inlet of the pipe(s) Pipe friction loss= 1.754(Ft.) · Minor friction loss= 0.860(Ft.) K-factor= 0.80 Pipe flow velocity= 8.32(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.37 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.82 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 6.000 to Point/Station 7.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= S.728(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.82 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 5.728(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 4.717 subarea runoff= 0.875(CFS) for 0.430(Ac.) Total runoff= 27.019(CFS) Total area= 6.939(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 6.000 to Point/Station 7.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Page 6 ll t I Ii i i II I I! ' I! i i I i I I -.. ----- r I I I I I I I I I I I 71632salina.out Rainfall intensity (I)= S.728(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 7.82 min. Rainfall intensity = 5. 728(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 5.004 subarea runoff= 1.644(CFS) for 0.422(Ac.) Total runoff= 28.662(CFS) Total area= 7.36l(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 7.000 to Point/station 8.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** upstream point/station elevation= 100.120(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 99.SlO(Ft.) Pipe len~th = 35.SS(Ft.) slope= 0.0172 Manning's No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 28.662(CFS) Given pipe size= 30.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 28.662(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 15.59(rn.) Flow top width inside pipe= 29.98(In.) critical Depth= 21.91(In.) Pi-pe flow veloctcy =----11. lZ(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.05 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.87 min. N = 0.013 End of computations, total study area= 7.361 (Ac.) Page 7 • : ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I -I I -• I ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out San Diego county Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering software,(c)l991-2014 Version 9.0 Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego county Flood control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology study Date: 10/20/16 ********* Hydrology Study control Information********** Program License serial Number 6334 Rational hydrolo9y study storm event year is English (in-lb) input data Units used Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.900 -2~-hour _precip:itati-on(inches) = --5 .100-- P6/P24 = 56.9% san Diego hydrology manual 'c' values used 100.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 9.000 to Point/station 10.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION**** Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Initial subarea total flow distance 28.000(Ft.) Highest elevation= 130.0BO(Ft.) Lowest elevation= 128.0BO(Ft.) Elevation difference= 2.000(Ft.) slope= 7.143 % Top of Initial Area slope adjusted by user to 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 80.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 14.5 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of concentration= 6.01 minutes TC= [1.8*(1.l-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC= [l.8*(1.1-0.6300)*( 80.000A.5)/( 2.000A(l/3)]= 6.01 Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is c = 0.630 subarea runoff= 0.043(CFS) Total initial stream area= O.OlO(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 9.000 to Point/Station 10.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Page 1 I . • 1: ~ I I I i I I I • I -·---- I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out Deci ma 1 fraction soil group A = 0. 000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time of concentration= 6.01 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 0.329 subarea runoff= 2.194(CFS) for 0.513(Ac.) Total runoff= 2.237(CFS) Total area= 0.523(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 10.000 to Point/station 11.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= 116.090(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 114.760(Ft.) _ _pi_p~_l gn!]_th ___ = __ 133_. QO_(f:t_._) sJ_ope =-_o. 0100 --Manntng ~s N -=-0~013 - No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 2.237(CFS) Given pipe size= 12.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 2.237(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 6.89(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= ll.87(In.) critical Depth= 7.68(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 4.79(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.46 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 6.47 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/station 12.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.471(In/Hr) for a · 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time· of concentration= 6.47 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.471(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 0.515 subarea runoff= 1.094(CFS) for 0.294(Ac.) Total runoff= 3.33l(CFS) Total area= 0.817(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/station 12.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.471(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Page 2 I:: I ' I I i I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time of concentration= 6.47 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.471(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 0.729 subarea runoff= 1.386(CFS) for 0.340(Ac.) Total runoff= 4.717(CFS) Total area= 1.157(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/Station 11.500 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation= 114.430(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 113.0BO(Ft.) Pipe lenQth = 135.00(Ft.) slope= 0.0100 Manning's N = No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 4.717(CFS) Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) calc;_ul_~te_d_inc;livi_d_ual pip_e_flow = _ 4.717.(CFS} -- -No final fl ow depth in pipe = 8. 46(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 17.97(In.) critical Depth= 10.0l(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 5.78(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.39 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 6.86 min. 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/Station 12.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.232(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time of concentration= 6.86 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.232(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 0.941 subarea runoff= 1.149(CFS) for 0.337(Ac.) Total runoff= 5.866(CFS) Total area= 1.494(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.000 to Point/Station 12.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.232(In/Hr) Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Page 3 for a 100.0 year storm J I \ ! I\ I Ii I: .. ' ' I( I I I:---- 1: I' I I I I I I I I I Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 71632TELAGA.out Time of concentration= 6.86 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.232(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 1.028 subarea runoff= 0.542(CFS) for 0.138(Ac.) Total runoff= 6.408(CFS) Total area= 1.632(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 11.500 to Point/Station 12.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation= 112.750(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 110.390(Ft.) Pipe length = 201.22(Ft.) sloRe = 0.0117 Manning's N = No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 6.408(CFS) Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 6.408(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 9.67(In.) Fl9w,top width inside pipe= 17.95(In.) cr1t1 cal Depth_= _ 11. 74_(:i;_11.., )_ _ _ _ _ _ __ ·Pipe-flow velocity = 6. 63(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.51 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 7.36 min. 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12.000 to Point/Station 13.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time of concentration= 7.36 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 1.290 subarea runoff= 1.273(CFS) for 0.416(Ac.) Total runoff= 7.680(CFS) Total area= 2.048(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 12.000 to Point/Station 13.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c value= 0.630 Time of concentration= 7.36 min. Page 4 I! ' It l I: i I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out Rainfall intensity= S.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 CA= 1.445 subarea runoff= 0.923(CFS) for 0.246(Ac.) Total runoff= 8.603(CFS) Total area= 2.294(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 12.000 to Point/station 13.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation= 110.060(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 106.230(Ft.) Pipe len~th = 212.78(Ft.) slope= 0.0180 Manning's N = 0.013 No. of pipes= l Required pipe flow = 8.603(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 8.603(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 8.74(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 23.lO(In.) critical Depth= 12.54(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 8.31(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.43 min. __ Iim~_of conc.e_n__t_ration _(TC)_:;: _____ 7. 79 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 13.000 to Point/station 14.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation= Pipe len~th = 143.57(Ft.) slope= No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow 105.900(Ft.) 104.000(Ft.) 0.0132 Manning's N = 8.603(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 8.603(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 9.SO(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 23.48(In.) critical Depth= 12.54(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 7.44(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.32 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 8.11 min. 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 13.000 to Point/Station 14.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 5.592(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user specified 'c' value of 0.680 Qiven for subarea Time of concentration= 8.11 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.592(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.636 CA= 1.672 subarea runoff= 0.746(CFS) for 0.333(Ac.) Total runoff= 9.349(CFS) Total area= 2.627(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 26.000 to Point/station 27.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS**** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main stream number: 1 Page 5 I l I I• I I I I I ' i I I I I I ------- . I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out stream flow area= 2.627(Ac.) Runoff from this stream= 9.349(CFS) Time of concentration= 8.11 min. Rainfall intensity= S.592(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 26.000 to Point/Station 27.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION**** Decimal fraction soil group A= 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group B = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group c = 0.000 Decimal fraction soil group D = 1.000 [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ] (14.S DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 sub-Area c Value= 0.630 Initial subarea total flow distance = 37.000(Ft.) Highest elevation= 128.400(Ft.) Lowest elevation= 128.030(Ft.) Elevation difference_= ___ 0310(Ft.) slo.pe. = _ .L.000-%---Top oF :i:ni fl a-1 -Area Slope adjusted by User to 2. 000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 80.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 14.5 DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of concentration= 6.01 minutes TC= [1.8*(1.1-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/5% slopeA(l/3)] TC= [1.8*(1.1-0.6300)*( 80.000A.5) ( 2.000A(l/3)]= 6.01 Rai nfa 11 intensity (I) = 6. 789 (In/Hr) for a 100. O year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is c = 0.630 subarea runoff= 0.098(CFS) Total initial stream area= 0.023(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 26.000 to Point/station 27.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user s~ecified 'c' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.01 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q:;KCIA) is C = 0.678 CA= 0.374 subarea runoff= 2.437(CFS) for 0.528(Ac.) Total runoff= 2.536(CFS) Total area= O.SSl(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 26.000 to Point/station 27.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** upstream point/station elevation= 111.lOO(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 107.180(Ft.) Pipe len~th = 24.34(Ft.) sloRe = 0.1611 Manning's N = No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 2.536(CFS) Given pipe size= 12.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 2.536(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 3.42(In.) Page 6 0.013 I ' I I, i I I I I I I 1-- I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA. out Flow top width inside pipe= 10.84(In.) · critical Depth= 8.18(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 13.74(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.03 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 6.04 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 26.000 to Point/station 27.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= 6.767(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm user s~ecified 'C' value of 0.680 ~iven for subarea Time of concentration= 6.04 m,n. Rainfall intensity= 6.767(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.678 CA= 0.418 subarea runoff= 0.296(CFS) for 0.066(Ac.) Total runoff= 2.832(CFS) Total area= 0.617(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Poi nt/~tat_i Qn ______ 21 ...... QO.O_ to_ eotnt/Stati on ---28 .-000 -n-**-PIPEFLOW-TAAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation= Pipe lenijth = 93.31(Ft.) slope= No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow 106.850(Ft.) 104.000(Ft.) 0.0305 Manning's N = = 2.832(CFS) Given pipe size= 12.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 2.832(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 5.68(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= ll.98(In.) critical Depth= 8.65(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 7.74(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.20 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 6.24 min. 0.013 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 27.000 to Point/station 28.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS**** The following data inside Main stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 stream flow area= 0.617(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 2.832(CFS) Time of concentration= 6.24 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.626(In/Hr) summary of stream data: stream Flow rate TC Rainfall Intensity NO. (CFS) (min) (In/Hr) 1 9.349 8.11 5.592 2 2.832 6.24 6.626 Qmax(l) 1.000 * 1. 000 ~. 9.349) + 0.844 * 1.000 * 2.832) + = 11. 738 Qmax(2) 1. 000 * 0.769 * 9.349) + 1. 000 * 1.000 * 2.832) + = 10.019 Page 7 'i :\ I I I ~ I I • i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 71632TELAGA.out Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 9.349 2.832 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 11.738 10.019 Area of streams before confluence: 2.627 0.617 Results of confluence: Total flow rate= 11.738(CFS) . Time of concentration= 8.112 min. Effective stream area after confluence = 3.244(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 14.000 to Point/station 15.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I)= S.592(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm u~er specified 'c' .value of 0.680 Qiven for subarea Time of concentration= 8-,lLmin. ___ . ------------------Rai nfa.Tl -inten-sity ;;,, -----5-. 592 (In/Hr) for a 100. 0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.647 CA= 2.293 subarea runoff= 1.083(CFS) for 0.298(Ac.) Total runoff= 12.822(CFS) Total area= 3.542(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/station 14.000 to Point/station 15.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** upstream point/station elevation= 103.670(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation= 102.630(Ft.) Pipe lenQth = 62.37(Ft.) Slope= ·0.0167 Manning's N = No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow = 12.822(CFS) 0.013 Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 12.822(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 11.12(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 23.94(In.) critical Depth= 15.47(In.) Pipe fl ow velocity = 8. 99(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.12 min. Time of concentration (TC)= 8.23 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 15.000 to Point/station 16.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size)**** Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation= Pipe len9th = 46.23(Ft.) slope= No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow 102.300(Ft.) 99.870(Ft.) 0.0526 Manning's = 12.822(CFS) Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) calculated individual pipe flow = 12.822(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= 8.13(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 22.72(In.) critical Depth= 15.47(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 13.68(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.06 min. Page 8 N = 0.013 I I 71632TELAGA.out I Time of concentration (TC)= 8.28 min. End of computations, total study area= 3.542 (Ac.) i ~ I I ' I I -. --- I I I I I I I I I Page 9 I I I ~ I • I I ~ I •-----·-----·---------------·--·---·---·------·. ---·-----·----------- • I I I I I I I I I I . I I' f __ .,, j If ! ~ I. I ! -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 9.0 ++++ San Diego County Rational Hydrology Program CIVILCADD/CIVILDESIGN Engineering Software, (c)l991-2014 Version Rational method hydrology program based on San Diego County Flood Control Division 2003 hydrology manual Rational Hydrology Study Date: 09/26/16 ********* Hydrology Study Control Information********** Program License Serial Number 6334 Rational hydrology study storm event year is --Eng-1-ish--~i-n-lb)--i-nput--data--Uni-ts -used--- Map data precipitation entered: 6 hour, precipitation(inches) = 2.900 24 hour precipitation(inches) = 5.100 P6/P24 = 56.9% San Diego hydrology manual 1C1 values used 100.0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 18.000 to Point/Station 19.000 storm **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION**** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 Sub-Area C Value= 0.600 0.000 0.000 1. 000 0.000 Initial subarea total flow distance Highest elevation = 131. 400 (Ft.) Lowest elevation= 131.040(Ft.) 36.000(Ft.) Elevation difference= 0.360(Ft.) Slope= 1.000 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is 80.00 (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2.00 %, in a development type of 14.S DU/A or Less In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration 6.39 minutes TC= [l.8*(1.l-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC= [l.8*(1.1-0.6000)*( 80.000A.5)/( 2.000A(l/3)]= 6.39 Rainfall intensity (I) 6. 523 (In/Hr) for a 100. 0 year. I I I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C 0.600 Subarea runoff= 0.055(CFS) Total initial stream area= 0.014(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 19.000 18.000 to Point/Station **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 6.39 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 0.513 Subarea runoff= 3.291(CFS) for 0.742(Ac.) Total runoff 3.346(CFS) Total area= 0.756(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 18.000 to Point/Station 19.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 6.39 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0,679 CA= 0.644 Subarea runoff 0.852(CFS) for 0.192(Ac.) Total runoff= 4.198(CFS) Total area= 0.948(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 19.000 to Point/station **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 6.39 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.523(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 0.873 Subarea runoff 1.495(CFS) for 0.337(Ac.) Total runoff= 5.693(CFS) Total area= l.285(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ It i i· Ii I ! 1: I I: • I I I ! I i I ---.. ----. ~ I I I I I I I I I I I Process from Point/Station 19.000 to Point/Station 20.000 ++++ **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation Pipe length 243.76(Ft.) Slope No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) 123.390(Ft.) 121. 490 (Ft.) 0.0078 Manning's N 5.693(CFS) Calculated individual pipe flow 5.693(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe = 9. 21 (In. ) Flow top width inside pipe= 18.00(In.) Critical Depth= ll.04(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 6.26(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.65 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.04 min. 0 .011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 to Point/Station 21-.-000-------------- **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.129(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.04 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.129(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 1.162 Subarea runoff l.427(CFS) for 0.425(Ac.) Total runoff= 7.120(CFS) Total area= l.710(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 to Point/Station 21. 000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.129(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.04 min. Rainfall intensity= 6.129(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 1.394 Subarea runoff 1.421(CFS) for 0.341(Ac.) Total runoff= 8.541(CFS) Total area= 2.0Sl(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 20.000 to Point/Station 21. 000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** e,G Ir t • I' I I ' I • I I ; I I I I I I I I I I I I ++++ Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation Pipe length = 137.82(Ft.) Slope No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow Given~pipe size= 18.00(In.) 121.490(Ft.) 120.330(Ft.) 0.0084 Manning's N 8.541(CFS) Calculated individual pipe flow 8.541(CFS) Normal flow depth in pipe= ll.63(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 17.22(In.) Critical Depth= 13.57(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 7.07(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.32 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.36 min . 0 .011 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 21.000 to Point/Station 22.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Ra...i.nf.all intensit-y--(I)--=--5-.-953 (-In/Hr) -for -a--100~-o year- storm User specified 1C 1 value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.36 min. Rainfall intensity= S.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm \\ Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 1.727 Subarea runoff 1.739(CFS) for 0.490(Ac.) Total runoff= 10.279(CFS) Total area= 2.54l(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 21.000 to Point/Station 22.000 storm ++++ 22.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = S.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.36 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.953(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0. 680 CA = 1. 938 Subarea runoff 1,255(CFS) for 0.310(Ac.) Total runoff= ll.534(CFS) Total area= 2.BSl(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 21. 000 to Point/Station **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation= Pipe length 172.33(Ft.) Slope 120.330(Ft.) 118. 970 (Ft.) 0.0079 Manning's N = 0.011 Ii 11 ! 11, I I I I Ii I ' •• -' I I I I I I I I I I I I I ++++ No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow Given pipe size= 18.00(In.) NOTE: Normal flow is pressure flow in user The approximate hydraulic grade line above 0.656(Ft.) at the headworks or inlet Pipe friction loss= 1.487(Ft.) Minor friction loss= 0.529(Ft.) Pipe flow velocity= 6.53(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe 0.44 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.80 min. 11. 534 (CFS) selected pipe size. the pipe invert is of the pipe(s) K-factor= 0.80 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 22.000 21.000 to Point/Station **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.734(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 1C1 value of 0.680 given for subarea ----Time of-cencent-ration-=-------7~ao-mi-n. ----------- Rainfall intensity= 5.734(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.454 Subarea runoff 2.536(CFS) for 0.759(Ac.) Total runoff= 14.070(CFS) Total area= 3.610(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 22.000 21.000 to Point/Station **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = S.734(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.80 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.734(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.605 Subarea runoff 0.866(CFS) for 0.222(Ac.) Total runoff= 14.935(CFS) Total area= 3.832(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 23.000 22.000 to Point/Station **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= Downstream point/station elevation Pipe length = 97.99(Ft.) Slope No. of pipes= 1 Required pipe flow Given pipe size= 24.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow 118. 970 (Ft.) 118. 000 {Ft.) 0.0099 Manning's N = 14.935(CFS) 14.935(CFS) 0. 011 I I Ii 1! I ! I: I I I I I I I I I I I ++++ Normal flow depth in pipe Flow top width inside pipe= Critical Depth= 16.7l(In.) 12.87(In.) 23.94(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 8.7l(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe = 0 .19 min. Time of concentration (TC) = 7.99 min. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 23.000 22.000 to Point/Station **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = S.647(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.99 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.647(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 2.947 subarea-runof-f = ----1.--?0S(-CFs)·-for-·· -··o·.so3-(J(c;) Total runoff= 16.640(CFS) Total area= 4.335(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 22.000 to Point/Station 23.000 **** SUBAREA FLOW ADDITION**** Rainfall intensity (I) = 5.647(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm User specified •c• value of 0.680 given for subarea Time of concentration= 7.99 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.647(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.680 CA= 3.130 Subarea runoff 1.033(CFS) for 0.269(Ac.) Total runoff= 17.673(CFS) Total area= 4.604(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ Process from Point/Station 22.000 to Point/Station 23.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS**** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 1 Stream flow area= 4.604(Ac.) Runoff from this stream 17.673(CFS) Time of concentration= 7.99 min. Rainfall intensity= 5.647(In/Hr) Program is now starting with Main Stream No. 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .............................................................. llllllllllfliiililiililllll .... 1111 .. lllllllllllllilllliiillill~"-·W-iill.i.=~=;::;;~'li:.~~~AJ~;!!E!l!lllllill. It I Ii I I 1, ! If ! I! ' If __ ! I I I I I I I I I I I ++++ Process from Point/Station 25.000 to Point/Station 24.000 **** INITIAL AREA EVALUATION**** Decimal fraction soil group A Decimal fraction soil group B Decimal fraction soil group C Decimal fraction soil group D [MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (14.5 DU/A or Less ) Impervious value, Ai= 0.500 Sub-Area C Value= 0.630 0.000 0.000 0.000 1. 000 Initial subarea total ·flow distance Highest elevation = 131..070 (Ft.) Lowest elevation= 130.370(Ft.) 62 .160 (Ft.) Elevation difference= 0.700(Ft.) Slope= 1.126 % Top of Initial Area Slope adjusted by User to 2.000 % INITIAL AREA TIME OF CONCENTRATION CALCULATIONS: The maximum overland flow distance is so.oo (Ft) for the top area slope value of 2. 00 % , in a development tY!l_e_ of ---14,5 DU/A: or Less ----·· · -·· -- storm ++++ In Accordance With Figure 3-3 Initial Area Time of Concentration= 6.01 minutes TC= [1.8*(1.l-C)*distance(Ft.)A.5)/(% slopeA(l/3)] TC= [1.8*(1.1-0.6300)*( 80.000A.5)/( 2.000A(l/3)]= 6.01 Rainfall intensity (I) = 6.789(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year Effective runoff coefficient used for area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.630 Subarea runoff= 0.184(CFS) Total initial stream area= 0.043(Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 24.000 25.000 to Point/Station **** STREET FLOW TRAVEL TIME+ SUB.AREA FLOW ADDITION**** Top of street segment elevation= 132.400(Ft.) End of street segment elevation= 122.440(Ft.) Length of street segment 760.000(Ft.) Height of curb above gutter flowline 6.0(In.) Width of half street (curb to crown) 18.000(Ft.) Distance from crown to crossfall grade break 16.000(Ft.) Slope from gutter to grade break (v/hz) = 0.020 Slope from grade break to crown (v/hz) 0.020 Street flow is on (2] side(s) of the street Distance from curb to property line 12.000(Ft.) Slope from curb to property line (v/hz) 0.020 Gutter width= 2.000(Ft.) Gutter hike from flowline = 3.000(In.) Manning's Nin gutter= 0.0130 Manning's N from gutter to grade break 0.0150 Manning's N from grade break to crown= 0.0150 Estimated mean flow rate at midpoint of street= 3.385(CFS) Depth of flow= 0.348(Ft.), Average velocity= 2.455(Ft/s) Streetflow hydraulics at midpoint of street travel: Halfstreet flow width= 6.923(Ft.) I 1: 11 I I ' Ir I I I I I I I I I I I storm ++++ Flow velocity= 2.46(Ft/s} Travel time= 5.16 min. Adding area flow to street Rainfall intensity (I) = TC= 11.16 min. 4.55l(In/Hr) for a User specified 'C' value of 0.680 given for subarea 100. 0 year Rainfall intensity= 4.551(In/Hr) for a 100.0 year storm Effective runoff coefficient used for total area (Q=KCIA) is C = 0.679 CA= 1.473 Subarea runoff 6.519(CFS) for 2.126(Ac.) Total runoff= 6.703(CFS) Total area= 2.169(Ac.) Street flow at end of street= 6.703(CFS) Half street flow at end of street 3.351(CFS) Depth of flow= 0.410(Ft.), Average velocity= 2.778(Ft/s) Flow width (from curb towards crown)= 9.982(Ft.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Process from Point/Station 25.000 to Point/Station 24.000 **** CONFLUENCE OF MAIN STREAMS**** The following data inside Main Stream is listed: In Main Stream number: 2 Stream flow area= 2.169(Ac.) Runoff from this stream= 6.703(CFS) Time of concentration= 11.16 min. Rainfall intensity= 4.551(In/Hr) Summary of stream data: Stream No. 1 2 Qmax(l) Qmax(2) Flow rate (CFS) 17,673 6.703 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 0.806 * 1. 000 * TC (min) 7.99 11.16 1. 000 * 0. 716 * 1. 000 * 1. 000 * 17.673) 6.703) 17,673) 6.703) Total of 2 main streams to confluence: Flow rates before confluence point: 17.673 6.703 Rainfall Intensity (In/Hr) 5.647 4.551 + + = 22.470 + + 20.946 Maximum flow rates at confluence using above data: 22.470 20,946 Area of streams before confluence: 4.604 2,169 Results of confluence: Total flow rate= 22.470(CFS) Time of concentration 7.990 min. Effective stream area after confluence 6. 773 (Ac.) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -------------------------------...... -·,s~v=--------It ' ' •i i i 11 / I I I I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I ++++ Process from Point/Station 23,000 to Point/Station 24.000 **** PIPEFLOW TRAVEL TIME (User specified size) **** Upstream point/station elevation= 118.000(Ft.) Downstream point/station elevation 117.SOO(Ft.) Pipe length 107.6l(Ft.) Slope 0.0046 Manning's N 0.013 No. of pipes= l Required pipe flow 22.470(CFS) Given pipe size= 30.00(In.) Calculated individual pipe flow ·= 22. 470 (CF'S) Normal flow depth in pipe= 20.37(In.) Flow top width inside pipe= 28.0l(In.) Critical Depth= 19.34(In.) Pipe flow velocity= 6.33(Ft/s) Travel time through pipe= 0.28 min. Time of concentration (TC) 8.27 min. End of computations, total study area= 6.773 (Ac.) I! i I II I I • ! I ! I I ~ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit B: Curb Inlet Calculations R4 Inlet Summary Inlet Calculations D:171632 QC PA 4\Reports\Hydrology\20161026 R4A East Drainqe.docx I r .. · " 11 " i It '· I; ' ' I I ,. I I I I I I I I I I I I Quarry Creek R-4A & R-4B 26-0ct-16 Summary of Curb Inlets (Type B) PG= 2.9 in ID BASIN A C Tc I Q OPENING INLET COMMENT LENGTH LENGTH 1 AA 0.333 0.68 5.0 7.64 1.73 X, Y,Z 0.960 Difference between QlOO & Q2 6.19 5 6 SAG 2 Q 0.394 0.68 7.5 5.89 1.58 4 5 3 R 0.758 0.68 7.1 6.07 3.13 4 5 4 0 0.430 0.68 5.0 7.64 2.24 4 5 5 p 0.422 0.68 7.6 5.82 1.67 5 6 6A VY 0.528 0.68 6.0 6.79 2.44 4 5 7A zz 0.066 0.68 5.0 7.64 0.34 4 5 6 HH 0.192 0.68 5.0 7.64 1.00 4 5 SAG 7 MM 0.759 0.68 7.8 5.74 2.97 5 6 8 MK 0.222 0.68 5.0 7.64 1.15 4 5 9 KK 2.126 0.68 11.1 4.57 6.60 4 5 SAG Note: Basin AA adjusted to reflect area and roof drain excess from upstream areas X, Y & Z Q INLET UPSTREAM GUTTER ID BASIN Gutter Intercept DEPTH EFFICIENCY DEPTH SPREAD VELOCITY COMMENT (cfs) (cfs) (In) (%) (in) (ft) (ft/s) 1 AA 1.73 1.73 7.39 100 N/A N/A N/A SAG 2 Q 1.58 1.58 9.02 100 5.02 1.29 5.88 3 R 3.13 3.13 10.89 97 6.89 5.82 4.59 4 0 2.24 2.24 10.44 100 6.44 3.97 4.47 5 p 1.67 1.67 9.83 100 5.83 1.5 4.6 6A VY 2.44 2.44 10.32 100 6.32 3.47 5.26 7A zz 0.34 0.34 7.05 100 3.05 0.78 3.43 6 HH 1.00 1.00 5.94 100 N/A N/A N/A SAG 7 MM 2.97 2.97 10.96 99 6.96 6.12 4.14 8 MK 1.15 1.15 9.08 100 5.08 1.3 4.18 9 KK 6.60 6.6 7.36 100 N/A N/A N/A SAG D:\71632 QC PA 4\Spreadsheets\lNLETSUMMARY.xlsx 71632.60 Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. Thursday, Oct 20 2016 <Name> //V{ e:'Tf Curb Inlet Calculations Location = Sag Compute by: Known Q Curb Length (ft) = 5.00 Q (cfs) = 6.19 Throat Height (in) = 2.20 Grate Area (sqft) = -0-Highlighted Grate Width (ft) = -0-Q Total (cfs) = 6.19 Grate Length (ft) = -0-Q Capt (cfs) = 6.19 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Gutter Depth at Inlet (in) = 9.95 Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.080 Efficiency(%) = 100 Slope, Sx (fUft) = 0.020 Gutter Spread (ft) = 3.63 Local Depr (in) = 4.00 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = -0- Gutter Width (ft) = 1.50 Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- Gutter Slope(%) = -0-Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Gutter n-value = -0- NI c'lmensions!nfe,ct Inlet Report Hydra flow Express Extension for· Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. Saturday, Sep 24 2016 Inlet 2 -BasinX Q Curb Inlet Calculations Location ::: On grade Compute by: Known Q Curb Length (ft) ::: 5.00 Q (cfs) ::: 3.13 Throat Height (in) :::: 2.20 Grate Area (sqft) :::: -0-Highlighted Grate Width (ft) = -0-Q Total (cfs) = 3.13 Grate Length (ft) ::: -0-Q Capt (cfs) = 3.13 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Gutter Depth at Inlet (in) = 10.89 Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.325 Efficiency(%) = 100 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Gutter Spread (ft) = 5.82 Local Depr (in) = 4.00 Gutter Vel (ft/s) ::: 4.59 Gutter Width (ft) = 1.50 Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- GL1tter Slope (%) ::: 1.20 Bypass Depth (in) ::: .-0-' Gutter n-value = 0.015 Inlet Report Hydrafiow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD@ Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. Thursday, Sep 22 2016 <Name> ~ 'Fl Curb Inlet Calculations Location = On grade Compute by: Known Q Curb Length (ft) = 4.00 Q (cfs) = 1.58 Throat Height (in) = 2.20 Grate Area (sqft) = -0-Highlighted Grate Width (ft) = -0-Q Total (cfs) = 1.58 Grate Length (ft) = -0-Q Capt (cfs) = 1.58 Q Bypass (cfs) :::: -0- Gutter Depth at Inlet (in) :::: 9.02 Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.325 Efficiency (%) = 100 Slope, Sx (fUft) = 0.020 Gutter Spread (ft) = 1.29 Local Depr (in) = 4.00 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = 5.88 Gutter Width (ft) = 1.50 Bypass Spread (ft) = .o- Gutter Slope(%) -= 2.00 Bypass Depth fin) = -0-' Gutter n-value = 0.015 All din1~nsions in feet Inlet Report Hydraf/ow Express Extension for Autodesk® AlltoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc, Thursday, Sep 22 2016 <Name> L1f 0 Curb Inlet Calculations Location :::: On grade Compute by: Known Q Curb Length (ft) :::: 4.00 Q (cfs) = 2.24 Throat Height (in) :::: 2.20 Grate Area (sqft) = -0-Highlighted Grate Width (ft) = -0-Q Total (cfs) = 2.24 Grate Length (ft) = -0-Q Capt (cfs) = 2.24 Q Bypass (cfs) = -0- Gutter Depth at Inlet (in) = 10.44 Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.325 Efficiency (%) = 100 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Gutter Spread (ft) = 3.97 Local Depr (in) :::: 4.00 Gutter Vel (ft/s) = 4.47 Gutter Width (ft) = 1.50 Bypass Spread (ft) :::: -0- Gutter Slope.(%) = 1.00 Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Gutter n-value = 0.015 Inlet Report Hydra/low Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. <Name> Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Throat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) Slope, Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (in) Gutter Width (ft) -Gutter Slope (%) Gutter n-value = On grade = 4.00 = 2.20 = -0- = -0-= -0- = 0.325 = 0.020 = 4.00 = 1.50 = 1.00 = 0.015 Thursday, Oct 27 2016 /3 ltsr;l) P Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) Highlighted Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (cfs) Q Bypass (cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Efficiency(%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Vel (ft/s) Bypass Spread (ft) Bypass Depth (in) Known Q = 1.67 = 1.67 = 1.67 = -0-= 9.83 = 100 = 1.50 = 4.60 = -0- =· -0- Inlet Report Hydraf/ow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. <Name> Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Throat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) Slope, Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (in) Gutter Width (ft) Gutter Slope(%) Gutter n-value = On grade = 4.00 = 2.20 = -0- = -0- = -0- = 0.325 = 0.020 = 4.00 = 1.50 =-1.34 = 0.015 Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) Highlighted Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (cfs) Q Bypass (cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Efficiency(%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Vel (ft/s) Bypass Spread (ft) Bypass Depth (in) Thursday, Oct 27 2016 Known Q = 2.44 = 2.44 = 2.43 = 0.01 = 10.32 = 100 = 3.47 = 5.26 = 0.18 = 0.72 Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. <Name> /!VlCT 7,4 Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Throat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) Slope, Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (in) Gutter Width (ft) Gutter Sk:ipe (%) Gutter n-value NI dfmen.slMslnf~ = On grade = 4.00 = 2.20 = -0-= -0- = -0- = 0.325 = 0.020 = 4.00 = 1.50 = 1.34 = 0.015 Thursday, Oct 27 2016 ,~JiSJAI -Z Z Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) Highlighted Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (cfs) Q Bypass ( cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Efficiency(%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Vel (ft/s) Bypass Spread (ft) Bypass Depth (in) Known Q = 0.34 = 0.34 = 0.34 = -0- = 7.05 = 100 = 0.78 = 3.43 = -0-= -0= • I ' ! i •' !• I :. ; . Inlet Report -------.. -~-.---------· Hydra/low Exprnss Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. <Name> Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Tt)roat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) Slope 1 Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (in)' Gutter Width (ft) Gutter Slope(%) Gutti:fr ri~vafue · · · >'JI d!m~ns{an3ln (c"a{ ;::; Sag ;::; 4.00 :::: 2.20 ;::; ·0- :::: -0- :::: 0.325 :::: 0.02·0 :::: 4.00 = 1.50 = .. Q. ·= -0- Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) HighHghteci Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (c'Fs) Q Bypass (cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Effrclenoy (%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Vel (ft/s) Bypass Spread (ft) _8ypa~s pepth (in) Monday, Alig 15 2016 Known Q :::: 1.00 :::: 1.00 :::: 1.00 :::: -0- :::: 5.94 :::: 100 ::: 0.50 :::: 4.68 :::: -0- ::; -0-- Inlet Report ··----- Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc. Satur·day, Sep 24 2016 Inlet 7 -Basin MM Curb Inlet Calculations Location = On grade Compute by: Known Q Curb Length (ft) = 5.00 Q (cfs) ::: 2.97 Throat Height (in) = 2.20 Grate Area (sqft) = -0-Highlighted Grate Width (ft) = -0-Q Total (cfs) = 2.97 Grate Length (ft) ::: -0-Q Capt (cfs) = 2.97 Q Bypass (cfs) ::: -0- Gutter Depth at Inlet (in) = 10.96 Slope, Sw (ft/ft) = 0.325 Efficiency(%) = 100 Slope, Sx (ft/ft) = 0.020 Gutter Spread (ft) = 6.12 Local Depr (in) = 4.00 Gutter Ve! (ft/s) = 4.14 Gutter Width (ft) = 1.50 Bypass Spread (ft) = -0- . Gutter Slope (%) = 1.00 Bypass Depth (in) = -0- Gutter n-value = 0.015 Inlet Report Hydraf/ow Expr-ess Extension for Autodesl<® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® by Autodesk, Inc. <Name> Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Throat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (fUft) Slope, Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (in) Gutter Width (ft) Gutter Slope(%). Gutter n-value = On grade = 4.00 = 2.20 = -0-= -0-= -0- = 0.325 = 0.020 = 4.00 = 1.50 = 1.00 = 0.015 ·------------------ Thmsday, Sep 22 2016 Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) Highlighted Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (cfs) Q Bypass (cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Efficiency (%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Vel (ft/s) Bypass Spread (ft) Bypass Depth (in) Known Q = 1.15 = 1.15 = 1.15 :::: -0- = 9.08 = 100 = 1.30 = 4.18 = -0-= -0-- Inlet Report Hydraflow Express Extension for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 30® by Autodesk, Inc, <Name> Curb Inlet Location Curb Length (ft) Throat Height (in) Grate Area (sqft) Grate Width (ft) Grate Length (ft) Gutter Slope, Sw (ft/ft) Slope, Sx (ft/ft) Local Depr (In) Gutter Width (ft) Gutter Slope(%) Gutter n-value All din16f'lslons In roo = Sag = 4.00 ::: 2.20 ;::: -0- ::: -0- = -0- ::: 0.325 = 0.020 = 4.00 = 1.50 = -0-= -0- ThL1rsday, Sep 22 2016 Calculations Compute by: Q (cfs) Highlighted Q Total (cfs) Q Capt (cfs) Q Bypass (cfs) Depth at Inlet (in) Efficiency (%) Gutter Spread (ft) Gutter Ve! (fUs) Bypass Spread (ft) Bypass Depth (in) Known Q = 6.60 = 6.60 = 6.60 = -0~ = 11.34 = 100 = 1.12 = 4.18 = -0- = -0- 11 r i ll ! I I ~ I I ' I ! ' I I I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit C: Node-to-Node CivilD Analyses 100-Y ear from PDC Master Report System 500 System 700 D:\71632 QCPA4\Reports\Hydrology\20161026 R4Aliaat Dralnage.docx CT.'\ITI..O'.OOJ~Glil ~..llEeM_mg-~-e,.{cJ:W-ll.-2'104 if~ 7,4- R<rtlona! me""Joxl JiYm'ol<>'@' pr,,,g:rao, ~ ·on 5?rt in.ego to,;,gty F.!/OtJ.d ~.al I,:,.¥--5:ie>n 30~ ti~ ~ ~ Hj~ Sl;'µiiy Satle': '.OJ,$./1-4 ..... -~--------· ~-------· ___ ..,._ =~=< P.llerosEEJ .cpNi)Dnm5 S)fS'ffiil 5-0? FilE: $@P:l.e0 -~---·----· -~--------= ~,a1 ey<:4"'!>;io;gy ~;{ o<~O!'"' ev",.m: ye;a,.> is ma,e English ('i.<1--lb) inpm; 4~ U:.•ri:ts used Man data pr-q;::1¢.i:ati-O'n ~e.<'ed= 6. h.oµr-, ;p:c'ecip1"Tatl.oH(;i.m'.:l'lle$) "" 2..900 24-hour-pr<ep.¢tri;i-0n{'inches} "" ;;.:me PS/)?-24 = 5&..9% San !fugo !,ycirba..'1.pg;y m;,nual 't:' 'va1..Ires osei:l r=-,-r · --'I-· r t·"-·:r---:i ---r ·.,.._ti .. :1::-:r:; -c·,:·-.. ;"' .. --r gr-:;::a-.r 7::i r _ -l;-..... -41;;=- ?r=ess -i'Fom ~~:, see._00\'f to P<l'mt'/St:aticn 5llU:W0 -Jlll'.!::fl'-AL A)'!EP:. Bf~ -. ~-C!Dlal. mct:u>ri spil gt,~ :,,, = a_aoo. Dedl!ra1. +-ract:um sdf1. gro,,p B = a.ooe tieciroaJ ~ .soil ~ c = ,e_aaa Ded.,;,al n-ad;ioa S'Oil. gpctl? 0-= 1.6lalJ- ffir£R ~ aE'S!D.err.>J\l. J (43.e DlsfA or-Le$ ) ~~ '-""34-~,. ~ = ?-SOO Sn!>-~ C Valse = 0-7.9"0 '!ro:t:ial. StibaPea ffitar. £!.u,t ~"'-""' t0,.0B6(Ft:.} ~._.s:t ~ = '.!2!,.'E>,l0{Fz:a) u~ ~ = ~.5?a(Ft,) E!eva:t.a® d:$.ff'"~ = '0,SOO{Ft.} Slo!i= ,. a.Si!3 2: nu,-.,M_ .AAEA TIME OF ~Ti::om C4LCU1AT-,{JN$t !.Cle ~ f>'.Te{'b:nd -i':!.= "~ 'is $5_00 {F.t;) -fur we toJ= ai:-ea sll:>pe ~ si' a,ss %,; :hi a tlevel.uPJ1re%: 1;;,'P€: -of 4ZU~ OOfA <r. Less . - :tr: ~= tu"'TI1 ;;~ 3-3 _ :In'!:!7i,.2i. .Ar-= T;i:llle .;,F Q;,;,~ = 4-79 min~es TC= f;;-.8'*(4--.:l...;Q~;e(P"_)~-£;/{~ ~,).(3j] TC = [:J .... &"(L1-J3.-7S9.G-}*{ 65'.ae&'-5}/{ fr,/lae"{:1./3)}= 4-.79 bilai!.e:"'<.ed ,c -or 4.7K7 wfuBtes. :r,s '.159 tnan 5 ~" res:ie!l:n..ng TC i:c s_e, m;L-:mtes fui-r~ :uttens:i~ ~ Rail:Jfall,:i.rtt~ [:t) = 7_641.{I,?.f~) for-a :ma.e Yl!!aJ? s'timi; ~vi: z,,mo;i" t:~,::,iett [JS?d foo ar-~ (Q=RJ:;rA) :B c = 1,.;1se snbal-ea ~ = 2.?15{CFS) T=,l ~ ~ area = 0-452(;,,c.) t;: "' ----'"'. -· -: -1·1; I r =J 11 i - - - - -i ------, --_ s I ... ,. 1--z • --- - --·-"" -----l .. -, ------ -... - l'r'oces.s ~ .?a'mt]St:a:tiDn 510-cae\'l 1:o f'c:int;fst:ati:b,., 53e--000 -~OVED ~ TJ>,Al1EJ.. TIME. -- (;qver~ chatmel -f.lp~ ~ elev.a~ = :12:li.see{Ft.) ~ µofut el.e='"'= = :!:21..~l't.. ~ ~ .1$gt<i ti!r-a sua;;r-ea = S81UIB0{Ft. J C!szmel ®.Se .. 1.iett,'! 5.5$i(Ft.) 5Lope-w, ·z.· af len:: channel !'Jank= i'i,Ml:i Slape =· ·r o-f .ri.ght ¢a<!Ilntl b'ank "" ,e.ooe ~ msan -flo,,r i:-a.te at :w:i<leoii:ri: of cbanael = :!Z'--8-91.(~ ~·i ·w -~-ere; -· · ~ ~ o:f cb.=e:t = a_J:OO{n:.) F.k>lsl{.;;u 'tm'<r ~ .. 28-Z.9:1.{J:;FS} Pr= <f"'.!OW ~tlnn m aru,;red t:ba1m~ ~tti,,d ~..tep = :I;l.-3.4{Ft-) F'J.o,o: a,;,e:a, = 6..95{5q.:'-:C) ~-r~ line l"'e'.Qlli,si-& bi.7.>i:: iill.et = ~.kv<ft-) .-'.!'§.cu.on.= = '.t;h"l3a4-_Sl:7(Ft..) MitloP tt""~on 1o.S'.5 = 0.eoo{Ft:.) K-F=,:.,or-= !:UlW ·i:;l..ril,r Velop.~ = 'IL~F't/$0; n,a,,--al_ tijn'e; "" lL-43 lam. T'..ll>e ci' -e'.o~.aticn = S.22 ci.;i_ ~ atea fl~ w cbanneJ: ~-tl .fr.,¢on ~~A= e.eae Ded!ila!, fh-ct::.--on ~ gron~ ll = B-000 l:l&:lil!al. ~ soil grOUp C = li.fl!li1 · Decool. fy,i.ctip]; sail !@'Pl!p D = :LBe~ [~ ~ RESIDR~.L ] (43..B otl.fl\. or-c.ess } ~...rs..dnus vahle~ .Ai = l3.saa SJ;t>-b-eii, ~ Viahle = fJ-79~ ~ :iff',..ens:ify "' 7 -433(.l:,rf,-ir) fut-a· Ie'e-.0 year> ,,........,,....., ~'I! rnoof.l= coefri--i::i.e'Jtt' used fop 'tPtal. ar-ea ~j is C = la..7% 9'1-= 4-7013: ~..a ii'~-. 32.-2&:l{CF,S} ~ 5.$"..&(.Ac..) ToE>l. ?®oa'7 = 34.,~'£!'5) Tdl:ai area~ 5-956-(.S.C.) ?rocess 'fu¢m Poim:/Statton ~ fu. P<>in:!:;{Station s;R_000 ,.,._ ~!~ ntlM:,l. 'Jill1E (Pr-Ol<"'<;S ~ si=) - Up~~~ ~-'p-~ = :n8;.;300:(P-<.--) ~ p-...jstatiim ~ = Z!:7.500(:F't.) ~pe ~Jt ·= 55....oo{Ft.J' ~·s l!1 = $..-,P.3 No--ffr Ir.~ = '.i. Re~ p;i.pe 'fie;, = ;14-.~} ~ ~m;re:d ~ Jll;t!L~i> "' 3e--ee{'°J.R-} Ca).~ ~ pii:,e 'fJ.ow = 34.SSo{cts) l'lcnmal ~-4e¢:lt .in pi~ = 22,:5{}:h~) . Fl-00 i;o1' ~J:t :,;;,~ ¥,tp.e = 2637£[.~; Cr:it:ical. J}epi:;k = ~.12.(l:n..) Pi'!;!e f;!.o.r ~r±ty = .9-fil{Fi::f&) 'l"r;:r;tl;l i5Jne ti;POOgh W.JF = B~ m:itt- T:l:roe di' mace..,r-..ratlnn {IQ .., ;; _32. lllin. • : : : , t t " I I : : : :; ::. : : : :-: 'I::-:.~-'!:=='" ::i ; r;(~ : z .: :r.: = :-: .:...,:: • : :. .: :I .. :: J L:: : .,. : : I .: .; : :' C:. :' P.ro= -fl"Om P<rin't}S"tatloo $32.1300 'tll' ~-ta,ti.en 532,.eee, -~...!.lla;N.c:E m:·MlG;N sm~ - The -folla>tl..qg; data insiJie M3,ln ~ is l:!st:ea= ;i;i, Mai!, Sti'<'..:am nlll!lbe,.~: :1. ~ fiDw a."'E!a ,;,,·· ·s_%a(A.c-} Rtlnoff n--am tro::s. me= = 34..,;.9&{:cyS) <.l.lJJc of' a:,;:rc-~ "" 5...;12 ¢J,._ ~ i~ = 7-34:1.{ln!'rlr} ~ :is nor,r ~ m±fr .Maj.n ~ l',[f)_ 2. .; t I t : : :·: :-, : T : : : :-: ~-y -; ",, : ;. :.: t s •-:_::.::. :-: : $ 1:-,_-.::,._: .:.:-:: : : ;c: i;. -.; : :-: :. : : .: • X; ! • : : =~= l P:ro.c;es.,i: ~ Pci.,--rl:JS~ 53i:L0.0i3 m Poi.rn;;T~ ~-©0 -:E&rr,.Af.. AREl. 'EVMn!I.TI:m =- D1=C'.,_aa1 n-a,;:J:;io.n soil wcop A = 0-008 J:YeMma, ftac:tiw smI ~ B = eL90@ ~cimal fractr= =U g<-nap c =.0-~ DeC:iJ!!al ~~ so;iJ. gr<>ey J) = 1..t'JOO [DIDUSTIID.L =ea -fyp.e J (~~ ) :;i;m~tts va:!.oe~ Af. = l'l-9/>E!' $111>-A:re C Value = 8_8Je To:li:ia1 snfun.ea tofu:!. -F.i.= dist;;anca = W6a000(Ft.} Ei,ghest: ~V2'.0.01? = ::!.32-~~) LO'.¢S'lt elevat::Um = 12S-S~.} E:iei:a-t:filn di.~ = 2~(Ft} Siope = 2353 % DIIT.DU. AREA TIJ\lE CF CONC!31ITTt--7:'.0:eN: G'U.O:.'lJttro!>S= The=-ov~P-~<i -f'.,.<M ~e ;is: ~-$ (~ fur the -mp a=.a s,lope "Val.l,e oF ~3"6.,,,.. 1n ;a <lffi/'eU>pinent yip.e o-f · ~ Trnfu,.-f:r'ia!_ :rn At:col"!t,nce l;!:ttlt :F~e :F3 ;nn:i;ial Area r= of c:aacent:ration = 2_se ~ 'IC= [:!.,{$'•('.L3.-,-C)~lf't-Y..5}.t{Z: sl,;,p,,"(:IJ3)J re= [:l....8"'{:1..~.S70!,)"'-f 7<;.eaaA.5)/{ 2-353-"(V3.)J,,. 2..so- Tue .i,-i.in:al ar.e,a-futaI. ~q, ,ft · ;106.~ {Ft.) ~illo~ l.~ a r~.g ~Ct; Ii# 36.00 (:Ft.) . · Using Hgo<'e 3-4.e, ~ traltcl. "t!iile ful' this llist2hca is @'52 ~ -fur a elistance df 36.Be {Ft-.) "ffl ,; s1<Jpe °fl¥ L.36 % ,d'th ;;,n· e'J.eV?tkln d,;ij'f,>--.F..Jlce li1T fLSfi(Pf'...) fl'<llil ~ =d err tt.e ·-u,.;, ,wee Tt: = ['.!;L9"'2.en~}''3)/(cl~=ttnn ~[ft.)}J"'.;,s:5 *P0(1lllilffu>)° 0'"522~ "NF[(:!1..9"'0-0068h3)./( a.llS)J''-385= a_52 Tata3. ~ -zrea n_ ~ 2,.:iiB ~ -front f"i..gp?l= 3-3 fu"'1!il.? p1u$ !L52 mittts fr.$ 't::r:le ~ 3-4 furmull'; = ·:,,:14 ~ C21.culo-f:erl. TC o:f 3_3::24 ~-be::s "J.S ~ than. 5-m'in:tr.tes, ~ttmg TC to ,;_a ~oes fur-Nd.Tli'ail ~ ral!;ul:a~ Railtfall .int:epsify {t} -7_p;4;L(.;JJ.!./HP) -f<r.;,, 1.01L0_yeap_s:-J:Ol'm ~ ,:,J:m£>ff ~oein.cient !JSetl -f!;lr-awea (~CEA) is c = 0 .8:]a Sal:ra,.t<ea•rwoff = 1.391)({;.~) T-ot:a:I. 1"1'13ai ~ area = e_Z!.G(.!lc..) . .i,;.~ -~-p~~i-s~~-. ''. -~€~00&'.;;,' p,'.,~tr~~--, :r: ~~$~- -SfP.:aIT F!.Ol-i ~'a TIM.le 4 SUBMEA HOW MmµEJN - ''°"-<if' si;r-ee:t seg.ieut: elevzti.an = · n,L500(F't-) \;rid taf s;i::,-~t segjlr.ent d-~ = :iB-500.(Ft..) Lcr,gp; oF sb'eei;. S<eg,Jlegi: = -4£0 ..oo,:>.,(Ft:_) HefgM: cW £U1'B 2DUl1e gyt:te!'--fl'~ = t,_affn_) w.a:am o:F;.kal:r' street {on-!> -w ~QWtt)-= 1£,-e@e{f't.) ~qe ·~ ,;:i,e,,m i;o ~ ~G!l1ac !>reak = :m . .aee(Ft-:1 £'.l.o-pe 'fr'$J. ~LeP W g;,;,,de O~\ (_yrrr;z:) ~ e-.ll',iJ=, S.!.qpe -fuma gr-ooe hrea!c 'to .::'.r"oon r,rF,.z) = 0_0'.IB Stte,,-t: 'f:to.,--:iS on [2'.J siQe(s) er -me st~ ~ :n"!:!ill cwb 1:b J.!r>Opert,y J$;i:e = rt_000{Pt.) Sl.ope i'ro.m =l> te ~e:rg-llse (v/f':Z) = 0,l'fl? Gtrtter'-,d..dm = z...soo(Ft} ~ ~ i?oin -flotdit~ = 1...~{In-) 1~·s N xo. .g!ft"-t.er-= e.0°:b"B- !"Jaml'.iJ]g~s Is! ,fPOm. .gtJtW" t:c gpade h~ = a.ff,i.8'.} ~.g~s !ii -from gn-de l>r<ealc i:o -crown = e-.~ ~4 l!IESl; -fJ.sw .r,;:te at m:ilip~ of strea = c;l:.$.Y{CFS) l;)epti, ¢' {'lq., = 0.274{Ft-)~ A~ag<= ~~ = 2-0i9(Fl:/'5) s~, i:iycl;-aµ.ics at 1ri.fijW.1Ilt cff street 1:)'=1.~ Ha_lfsfre.e;t: T..!.9W ~drn:; 8.'971(¥1:,..) f'.l.::M-,,....Jl:lO.i;y = 2-02{Ft!s) T!'iIVel 'ti:w.e = 3..8£; .n;fn_ Tt: = 0..22 mm. ~ ?;..= -flpr~ to ~t ~ ~n sail gri:Jt.!p . .A = €L003 ~ ~ sefil. g,-£>up; g = e.oo& Decimal ~ soil W.!*$ -c a=. a.eaa p,;-cim22 ~n so~ gr-OU!{ o = 1...000 !)NB~ ...-,;;,a i:ype (li€fl!'ral. +ii,fastrhl ) :rsa.>enF,io>tl. ~ .. .Ja = l,_5!5!3- &iili-aJ\ne/a-c va:i:..e: = 0.m'll Ra:!;of.all ~ti! = €.-~--i/Hr) ·fot-a 1oo_e ~ s"""= ~y.e,f~ co~ci.etit. used -f"s.~ ~ ~ {~) ais c = e.ro-0 tA = a.~ Sul$\'ea ~ = 4_:i..91(crs.) for-,L~c~) 1.'ptaj_ ro,.,aµ'f = S-4i/T1(G'S.). -~ ~ = :l.02e(A<e.) Sl:Peet ~ at: en.d crf' si:l"eet = 5.437{<:l'S} . R31T ~t ~ a:t ena af street= 2.-74-9{0'.S) Depf:b -,:,.f' f.li'JW = 0-.37..J3(.l't:,} > A\!\=,"'?g)e -.,,,J_-OC:i.'cy oe 2.234.(Ft/s) flow Rliff;!l (fro,m a.rM: ~ coo,,,.,)= W...766{f't.} ,I_! ..... ! . t .... ~-1. ,. ---------..... : !. ! -: !. !-::,;-:..-.. --: ~ ' ----i ----~ --t. -!. -------a 1 4 -~:.. =- f'r><>C£'55 ~ P-,:srt;,~ 534-.aee to PO:ii,ct'&ati.on 533 ... J!IOO- -P'.EP£R..Olir TIWlS.. TINE (P,,ogram "es'cimated s:i:z:e} ==" ' . ~eillll Ii/1iJtt/statiDn elevzctcy,, = ::!.22-SWtn-; ~-: pcr>.:nt'/~n eI-e\.'Zti<:b-, = :R£_;i.7Jo(Ft.) I Pi.P"' le,gt"'a = $-0.0tf-'t.. J Ma>ining' s M = 0,.J:133, Ne>~ of' p~ = 1 ~ ~ fl.aY = 5-4$7{£:F.;,} Nel'est t:omp~ peipe ,liamett<> = V.llet:ru-; Gili:-"'~cr ind:i'lti.tloaJ. pipe f.l® = 5-4W(Cf5)- NororeaL V-"W de.J1>i:h :in J:rl.pe, -:19-:J.S{'.rn-) Fl--<!',,-t;:,p lrufi;,', ins'4 p:i.pe = ~{I.-..) Cr'.iti\:a:;t. l'lccpt.'2 = !L5St-F,.,,.::) 1'1;>>= -8.<Yd v--J=:ity = 1-S2{RFs) T!'<aVal. time ti!.--eugb pipe = ff...fB ,rin., U3iJ1a of' rotrcerr' ... <>a'..lon {T<;) = 7 _5.5 mn.. T • --t 7 ..... I T - - -i - --- - - - - -------------... --I :r-.--... :· . -: : --r.:: :;. --: -] ;-1-;:--·.: l Prot= ft'C!l! Pm.n:t/s:trt:mn 533-~ ti> P~fS~=. ~-~ -{Dl\lFlJJEN.CE OF MIMl)il. $TREAl1S - Along M.afu Str'eam ~: 2 :i,tl. a~ st.re;iin nawb'er-:i; ~ f".!-00: ~ = L€1ffi{Ac-) Rmwft' -frow tfps sbf-eam. = SAB'7{CF:S) i'.nll.a O'f CO!'lCelltra:l:.:iDn = -:t .55 llllt.."l- ~..ll ij>'t:elltl-cy = S...&5£(:il'.JH;:,; • -.-1.! :.=":. •• --..... _ ••• l ! _ -··1 I 1 _,._. t .• -·· ... :., • .: ..... -...... ,; .. -•... __ g __ z.i; I.!..--=~---. PMleeSS fr®' Po-:mW~11 533S£l0 to !?<mr"JSt,,te:on 53;3_;300 -:mtr:rl\J. AR& BfAi.tlru~N - i;)etj=S1 -Fr--act:ibn sctl:!. gf'0!1p A= a.00% ~ -fracti= sail_ gt'l'.!t$ a = a.J:!El!i Decimal. ~...-4, soil g;,anp e '= @_i:!00' _ 0~ ~ s..U g,-mip D = :L..000 fH!6B E1S\!5:DY ~--A!. ] (4:LB DU/A Ui' Less ) Tolpet"l1:i!:ms: va:r.ae~ ,<,i. = 4l.8$0 Suf;--ru>e>a C ~ = fL79& I.".iitial. i;,JbaN,a ~ -B.<li« ~ "" ;r.i!-2...ooa{.=t.) ~ ele~ = :128-50!l{A::.) l~ ~on = n:J .l>OO(F';:.) ~= dL-"fu!>..;ni;e = 1-~t) filepe = ?-704-X :ru:cr'IAL AAEA ~ OF ~00 C/J1.W-~:: 1he max:irum 13V-al.amI 'f.1:ow ~e is 5£-?2 (Ft} fur-"tl:ie mp. ar-e., slop.e va:hle f'Jf ft~72 ::;;.,. ;;,; .a rleirelqpwe,m: i:)',ie or 43. ti D!J/A qr u,ss In: ~dar,¢:<: ol;i.th i;c-~ ~ I~ kea ~....:me of :QJnce.n~ = 4.A-4 min.if'"~ T<;: = I:WS*{J..,.1-qa,;ab~Pi:..}".5)J{% .sJ.ilpe"~U~)J TC= [LS"'{'.L'.!.~.7300)"'( 5l:Ul0a'"S}J{ fl--7!Ml'•{l]3}}.,. -.4..4 _ Tne :im.tia'l. a!"ea total d~ of' 142.-lw-(Ft.) 'al1't~ }ea,i,,,..s " re,m,'wlg ~~-or :%._~ CR!:-} .. 1.JS:U.,g ~~.e. j-4:,-~~ ti-aval tbIJe fu-thi:s ~'C j.s i-72 ndnµ:t~ -f;;r.> a ~ce. t,f 92.00 {f't.j a."'lCi a~ "or ft.7'J x· . ' . ~ an e.I...=.ratio., m.""rrerence r* 0--~~) ~ 'i:!ie" elld oF -me i':<,? ar~ 7't: "" [=..9*l.<91¢,(ftfrs)/(eJ.-~ ~pt_}}JA-385' ~ljl:mj.,J') -:!..71..5~ - 'fb-.[(-..,.9"'a;in74'>3Jf{ a.~nA-38!>= i,:n Tot;;i;!. im.tial area· Ti : 4.44 m§.n)rr$ -f1'0lll f'ig,m: 3-3 ~ p].""" 1.:n mim:tt~ from "the ?i--@!l'e 11-4 ~ = 6-:W ~ 1 j l I 1 -l j I ---·· -------------__ ,_ -. ~: ~-cy (I) ~(:fu!UI') 'fer "' ;100..e ~ s:"u)Flf< Err~ !'tinoff me$~ used -fol'--(Q,,KG".) is .:: = e.79e- ~ ,mrof'f = &.6&6(GPS) -To-ta:!. ~tia):_ ~ a:r,;,a = 0-<3lXAt:-.) I ----_ · ::-·~~ -· __ -------. ·r"". r.::---.:. -···-· _--.---· ·'" 1.·:1 •. ---;-·---_ • .1 ·:3: ·; Upst:reamjp<,3Jl;t/srat;mn ,;,Ie--.zt:!:.cn ~ 124,000{f't.) ~~ po,.JK/stati® $<ratioa = :t:!7.:iOO{P!:..) Pi,pe J.~ = ~(ft.} ~s ij = e.a;G No:. 1Jf If'~= :t · Req;,i,~ pipe, ~.I.OJ,;' = -0.e!?{CFS) ~est. iollljJttt'ed ;ftpe t!iai!lct!=I' = 6.00Cfu-) 4<llotl.a¥ indi.vidllal ¢.i;e ~ = a.SSG{a:S} J<QJ'!iiii1. i':l.iJw: deptl,{ in: i;ti_p,, = 2.5&(IJL} • F'.J.-,:i,r tq:,;~ .i<t9..na Jnl''= = 5-94(,!'l:l-) ~~ = 5.02Q:n..) Pi~\: 'f;l..~ velocity = tL50(F'-Js) T=vel tl)ne tsil'<>ugll p:i;pe = 0-=B ;rut_ Time ¢I ~e,r-rtrat;um {TC} =a &.z& m;ul- S-,B_e~ --· ,r!:----u-:r -: ----i. --• -• ----i-_:=-Jr --_ ----_, 1 • ----., 111 x: 1,. -• -J • • • • .. 1: - ~ -fy-Qilr P~Staoon lB;u,a.e-"to Pi:ru;rt:/~ 533.eee -CDNFjll,'EMCE OF M!NOR ~~ - ~ ~ S~ l;Ulill,~ ::>; :in n"""1a! strealil ~ 2 ~Sm B.w ati-ea"" -e_:c-e{Ac-} Rnm:!ff -f'roll! i:bis stream. = . ~-fi3.6{CF5) <:J.ll!E e:F coqce..-rt:ration = 6_2l, Illin- J.?.a:infull. ~ty = l'i..$3wil"tll'} Etm)IISPy ~ ~-.k42: S"t:r'aam . Np. Tc: (rrut) ~!m:~-ty. {an/Hr'} 1 z ~(1) SA-97 B-~ . :r.:.ooa * : 0-_lIBS * Q={2)"' I 3-el,fr"' i"' 1.. .. -000 ~ 5-497) + ;;)_£iJ"6} + = 5.1!$1) 7" a..(ig$) .,-= To-;:aJ. of i st:rec!mS m ~: "'---""' ~ befoz-e c~ P<,:im:: -5~$,7 -'6.$14 ~ -flior,r ~ at c:or>r:-:Weiice w;i,ig: ~1>¢.ve ~ 6--:ifffY 5-26:1. A.""ea oc .streams beft:we corrr~ueri::. . L\zi.e f!..1..'>0 . Restf!.ts; er-c~ae, Tot;iL -f"";.mo: ~ ~ 6-3.07{Cf.'s-} 6,:12,7 r.llle pf conc~m:r.-a"'ti.Gn = 7 .. 552. min ... ~ ~ area :af.t:= =t"=~Ce; = -_ -· · _ --.. • . -; ---· ---.. --i -· -"' • -·~ ,.. .. --i. ....... -·· • • --; i I .f • -I s .... ..,. -·,z i $·J J • • 1. ii. Pl'ocess ·fr·am P-O'f__nt/S"t.2:ticn S33. 00? i:t> "!JiJm't/5-rat:4,n 53-:?. 00E -~ ~l/Ei. TI'.ME (Prog-f'.a/ll ~tea~-) - U-~-e:a"' poi.ITT:/s;t;ati.ore ;tlevatian = · :I;Ul0lra0(Ft-) D~ p¢.m;/~ ~~l'.lID = tt7SOO{f?i;_) Pipe 1.ength = m~F't.) ~.Ifs N = &fil3 ffo_ &F p;ipes = :!. .Req'..dred p5.i,e £lo,,, = iL'.Wl(€H>) Near>est: -c:om~"'<i :¢p.e rl"-'lm":1",eP = :!$...£0{;!Jj_) · <":zlcn1;a<telf frwi;>n.wa!-¢.P,,, floo-= .&-"~7(tF.s) No"""3J. -fJ..-ae_ut;h ~ pi.p;, = '.l,3-3oCu;..) Fl°"' top >-;a<!-th insi>ie p:\'.v,: "" '.'!5,75{:L"l.) ~ Depm e; 1.1...45(.In.) pj_pe flOt-I "!lel.oo.ty = 4.3'>(H:/ s) Trav~ -nme ~ p~ = EL:% 'J!d,n_ Tfue .<ff-cnncen~ (-re) = &. ~ min~ -::):. : ... :1 z 1 '::;. t.::~:;:x:zr:: :: .... : ... ;.;. ::;'.::::1r.:::·::=i:.:: 1:: ~-=.:.: :.:. :: .. ;:: ::,;,:;::: Proc= 7rQlll Po:l!r'"JS-ration ::3:io.009 tv Po<...n"t/stati.00 532.ooa -C~-tlIB!!:CE CJF wrn;; SIRE,.,_""l$ *"""* . The· fu~ <l,;,ta ~ 1-lzin S-z:;-5'!!ii 'iS ~..,,.,'~- In Main Si;reaJJ< n~ 2.· St:r>e.aM -f'k>w · area = L:15J:l (A,;.) R=off 'fr<611! i;ms ~ = . ·s.:iID(a:s) r=., -o-f coo.~ = t-~ min.. R;tl..-tf,.ll ~~ = 5.~/Sr-) S~ of s:t:re'alit. &:tao S""tr'eai!t N..""1 rate Mo_ f~ RaiilfuTI IJr-..£;!lS1'.°'fy w!Hr) 1. 34..9$1, 5.;Q 2 ~= S.B'.i.. Q;,,,ex(:!..) 1..006"' .'.L000' at: 34-.995'.) 1..000 * 1u;s.i» 5...:18-7} Q;,llax{2) = i3a76& * '.LB1i0 ... 64.$,%) LeBe"' 1..009 _.,, -5...:f.'87} Tota!. <?if' 2 ~ s&eaiu:s i:n co.trf"--tiencie= 1'1.ai.r r,;rtes !)e!:rore <"'-<">1'rl'l...;,ei:roe ,pq:im:.: ~-995 {5.-:J/'>7 7.3.4;!. F,_637 or = 39_a;;t ~ + =: 32:..ll7il ~ fl.a,< r,rt:i,s ,.'t ~cs:<F.ru519: ~ eoo>te daeta: 39. %1. 32..!i,79 AreZ .a-f ~ c~ coo:fhrelece= 5.~ 1...'.150 :.-------------·---~ I Page7of11 'rm:-al ~ !'at!: = 39,a51{0:S) T:'ime; Cl'f sencem:r-ati.on = 5_32.e l!liff_ ?ffeetlve ~ aP~ af-.Ler" -a:>nrJ..Uence - -• --• . .a. -'T • ·C -• -" -• -----·-"" ---" ---• 'T -• -: • -• ..;. •.., -----"'} J T,.. 7'. :.--1 -• •• -• • --•. -: • ... Pl'<lde!s& ?!"Om >'oi..rrt/station 53,Ul60 i:O Ro".,m;{S-t:atioa -P~ TAA.~L 1";ThiE (~ -esom,!:ed ~) - ~ p.oilt'".J~ .,;J__~a "" :u:7.5.00(rt.) Bo.w~ poin\:;i'sb,:tioa ~ = '.!09a0~(F"t-) Fi.pc ;teniffi_ = 3&.00(f't..) ,;;'a:pro. ... g"s N = a.en N,o._ af ~ = 1 ~ ~ f'IN = 39-.BS!.(G'S) ~ ~ pipe m.ame-;:.a,. -,IB, .. -1il0{l;,,..). ~._ed :uid:iv.ki,..--..ai ~e r.I.,;m = 39-!l51{Cf$) ~ flQ>,; c.(et>'t!J ill p-~ = :U.0-2(.Zn_) FT..l)>! tt,p ~tll .inside jiip;a = 15.95(m.) &.itical. ~ cmikl = re calOllai:e.<;l.. P'f...pe. -ru:i., V-d.\Jt:ify = 3:!..:f3.{FU;s.) Tr-ave:!. ~ "ffil:'or,rgfl pip1= = i'c,l32 m:m: r= tJf gmc-'clltrztien (fC) = 5_34 mi,,. -·-_.,. -.. ---irjr:r 7i;:r-.,::--·;1:··----------·. --... -. --..1_ ----------.:---------· P-r!Zs= f;rf1J!t P-oftlt/S-.:a:tl.<m 547 .000 'ttl ?.oi!rt_;f.S:tati..on 51W. 000 -~ p..;:i],J AbDITI"(JN - D~~s@....l~A=0.000 ~ ;.'1 acwm 5dU. ~ ll = -&.000 Dectnlhl -fl>attiotr '5Xri:I.. gro,q, C = 1:7-fr® Dee~ fuct:id!? 5d1 Wo"l' B = 1......000 [!.:OW~~ J {La OOiA. or-Uess ) ImpeF4b!JS "1al.tle, l!J. = !l"...20!:t SW-~ -i: value = 0...!b'!2 Time; -Of -ame:~n = 534-mfn_ ~ ~ = 7.=s_":!n/,J,-) for-z :).OO_S years'-~ -CFrecti¥e:1 ~ ~ciem: used f9!' i:ntaI, ar-o2 (Q=l(CJJI) ;is C = 0_.7ll CA = 1,.949 S~a ranl!lff = 4.SOO{cr;:i) for-<i-5:IB{.ll!=-) Toi:a!. r-1'il11i,ff = 43.539{CFS) T<'mi!. = = 7.7'20(.Ac.) i!pstre"211l p[lnflt/st;ao",oo elevation = c:ill9_eoo{Ft...) ~?"fil paim;/.sta.tis-:, ek~ = l:!2,aOOl>(P.:...} ?:we~ = EB.${FL} ~'li1'lg's Ii == il.fil3 ifu_ c!f P'l.PSS = :I.. ~ pi.[>€ Tio,;, = 43-5-59{~) ~ ~~ ~ ~~ = :18-00{.'rn-J .... ~~ ~.on1~_;,=1.. i!-iPe--az.-..-. = ·€'k559(CFS) ~~ ~ <lep'""Jl :a.Ti p-~pe = :U..-S:4{In-) El.ow top ~ ~ Jrlpe = 16J9{In.) !;:..'"'1:ti-c:al ~ c=1d not: be q,-k:olatEi:h ~ -fl.W >~Ol=£tY. '= :cl.2...g!(rJsj i :,.r: i: --------1, i· • i-'-1 ---I • ---... -• • • •.£ f • it ----• • "i ;-... • e i: .. -.... -·-• -::C: l i,, l. -'i --• "!, ?roce= -&ca J?cur?t./Sts,t;ion 550 • .000 ti Pb1..~arr 55.B_eoo -CONFUlElilCE qi.= }'!:!UN Sf.REMs - ~ foll,::,wing <iata ins;ide l".ai!l ~ is ~= To ~ Si:re~ ntmibel-: 1 S"b-eam -fl.a., srea"' 7_::t.w(Ac..} ~o<:>ff from tltls st,,e.am = 43-·5"9{~ T":l.l!!e ef ~n = 5-'112 Ell. .. ~-n'ail :ii'rrensi.ty = 7 .. 25~.m!HP} .f>!'ogit'aE> is now sta.~ itlt!> Najn ~ No .. 2 . _ 1_1.r-__ , ! .. ::. -.. --+·: r ... -r.., r·, . .,._.:: _£ ___ • : .. __ ...... --= --.:1: • ._.·_·'l.l'<--,:;-~"' --... ,,,a:._:.., .. ~ Froi:<:ss fronr PiGlint/5'!::n;iq;t :54lL0-oo ta P~~orr ~..1JOO --INIJIAJ .. Am,A, BIA:!..U;crrOO - 1kcimal -fraci:inn soil g<".i:i((p A. = .a..130'& ~ fl'sp:ion soil ~ l3 = ii.eoo flectma;!. f-i"act;ion :soil ~ap· c, = .a,_;aoo. . Dec::µ,,al. -Fr--a~ wil grot!p ti= 1.:000 IllmISTIJRBID w.TU!W.. rr.&RAni ,~ Open S,J',at:~ ) JiilpeE'-viob,s '1a'.l,.uel m. = a .. %0 SQ~""!£ C 'Vame = !k~ I.,u.tial scmar-;;,e total Ba,,~-= '.!.88 .. ees(Ft.) ffighsst elc,-v.ati_q,i = '.l.S&..01:!a(R:..} !:..o!,teSt e1.e,-,,at:Loa = :i.35. BOO{Ft-) Ele,-a"t!:.on di::ff=e = ,l2..000.(F't-j s;tope = 17 _e:zi. X Th!.-r-..lAL J!J!.EA TIME OF c®camu.TI"DN au.a,~:; r.o.:e :waxi.!ltim1 icAA:r-Iarid ~ ms:tarice k rn0 .. 13!l t!='t:3 fur-"tiJe to:, = ,;;Ippe -value. \>f' :I:7-lu ;i,;, in a <lell'}i.vpsent ~ .o-f J>~elrt: Open Space Tu :l'\c~~ t-G:t:li f:!.gµt;= 3'-3 ;tuiti.al. ~...;a T:!:ille. ~ Gont.ei.-fu'-atian = 'E-25 mmttes T-C = t:1.,8*{1...!.~Ge{Ft .. )A..5-}/(% .sl.Qpe"{i/3)] ,.t .. [:r.....8*(1. .. :1..-e..35%-}f'( 1-e:e .. -eooo..S)f( 1:t~e.:t."f:!/3)]=· s..25 ~ ~-.;i.~ a<-ea i:O;ta!. ~ m' :!£lU!0 (Ft .. } en~ :!.ea$ a ~ msta= of . 8$ .. 00 ~) . • ---· U$i.J;!g F:igill"e 3-4;, i:i>.e ~<lei!. 'tlm:e: fur--tids. ~e 'is a.As~ +or-a ~~ or ~-00 (Ft.) aad a .s1qie" -eyF :\7.3iZ :% . mt.~ an el.e'l"fattal'I ~eOCE of. 14..SS{!=t) -freJ,,: ifie ei!l'i af t?.e ~ a""2 Tt ~ Iil...~eng"'Ji{M'I}"S)/(eJ.~n ~(J't.})l'• .. 385 "'£.0{zjn,'1;;-} 0-4$~~ Tt=[(:l.LS"'\'l .. l:Q.S!-<5)/( :!.4 • .98)1-.. :.85= 0..49 . Tobl. :mi.~ aPea TI.= 5.25 ~ ITOlll ~ 3-3 -ful'l!!ulz pl.ls aA& mimrt:aes -f:r-Olil. "tf>e F:iggre 3-4 fb"l'lll\Jls = 5 .. 73 JJl;in~ Bct.,_"'"f:all. :i.~"zy (l'.) = £, .. $95(TI1J'l'!t-} fw a =-e year-~ Effect:i,,e ~ coeff'i~m:: !lS5l" -fur ~ (fl:=~ is t_ = 0..;,m Su!;,a."-e;e !'llnCJ>;T "" 2....399(0'5) Tet:a'l ~ str= ar-ea = a.98'0{.AC...) I l t cr~i;;d<-m=~=. !36...eea<yt..) !lPWI'.lsta,-ea,;;-pcii;;_ ""1.evati-an =< ;i;;1:_90f3{F.:..3 Olano.el~ 'ti!ffi S'rularea = 5:1\l-_000(Ft..) ~ f>,,s1= w.hltft .. 5_a0,r(Ft:,): .s:to~ or-l "Z"" CT iert chan.."tel. oan_~ = 3 .. 8@0 ~ er; "'z' ~ r:ig.'tt dla.nntl b2nR = 3_ese ~--4 '!lleail f..ww J.'an'e at midp:O-S.-m: (>f' manntl = 3..560(CFS} garmi,,g's 'N' = e,645 1'la:ldnram <le,pth tJf .channel = 1..G00{Pt-) ru;,,,,c <J} _ i'.hro snb;wea = 3' .. 5~(5S) D,ep,t:h !Jt"'flb!.;i = e.~~}>-~ge v=...loci:fy = 3_3:z6{Ftrs) ChWme!. j'.k;.<!_ 1:1:>:;r t-,~ = &_:1£2.(f'!:...) Flow v~ = 3.33(Ft.fs• T~fe:1. ~ .. !:=. 2-5'6. min;. F ilm; gt= en~ = 8_2S; min- 0-iti.cal '.ae.ptit = a.~.(Ft...) ~ ar'ea -faw fu ~ D~ 'fi:-al:tiiln s-pil gro<i,> A = !;Li3l:!B Dedmal. 'ft~oo. SOU Wot!i> B = ll-lfl0 . _ De.d:ll!al. ~4:;iofr =" grtl<;-p. c = 9_909 De:cii;,al. fr;;.l:t;'m.n Sl::JS..J. gl'\lU!l O = 1..~ riim:i~ wm,~.A.r. 7ffiWlJN 1 {&;~ ~= :,pace ) ~~ va:J.ue~ J'5.. = e,eoo Sub--}l..<>ea iC Ve1.ue 'F ft_35f, Raim'all b~~"" · 5,5'.1£(:rn!ar') for-? 1:00...a ye2.,-:s'"c0."nr ~ rono?f ~t: I!Sed fu. 'ro"tal == {~l{C&) ;os C = 3 .. 351'! d: = f; .. 840 soaarea rµiIGff = .2.233{m:s) for-L420.(.<ic.) Tm:a:£ ~ ,,. -?-633(CFS) Tet2J_ cFea = 2-400(.Eic .. ) ~-OT~= e,:z2.4(t't.}~ Al<EP-~ wilia¢'fzy = 3a649(R;/s} c.....;±tp,1. "e)'/ti> = a..2Sl.(Ft .. ) ---·:;--" .:-;rt· r.--;.:.-""1--~ -., __ .., __ ._. ____ .... ----a.---rJ1 1 -... 1-·:-· ---, __ ;1::1-· -- pPI')"'-= 'fyi;~ Pafu.1':JS-ra-t:ioo 549 .. a.aa to Pcd:rrtJS~ol'l-»0_001, -~WEND:: m= l".liJ:N SIREA_1.!S - -Tue fnlJ.&lii:ng-d?ta ~ ti.dn !si:Psam: 1;s ~ In ~ ~ .mlmber;: 2 Stream f.1..£/w -a'i"ea = L400'{Ac,) ~ ;l"Mnl: t'tis SP'eiilll .. ~[a'-SJ Ti:m!'> cl' ~~n = l:L~ l!UI!, Rafurail int~ -5 ,3:!S{In:ftlr-) ~ ~ S!?eaJ)I data: ~~~ ~~ ®-' (CF$) :!. ~»9 2 -4._633- Qm=(l..) =. 1'C (~) 'Rc:L~ ~i.i:y {I:a,/H_...} 7 .. 26-S 5 .. 515 LOOS" 1...:000 * 43~=} 1..0Bl3 * e.652 "' 4..-o""W) Q.~2) a.,:>9 * :L.!'llJB .. 12.SSS) 1-€!00 ";=I :L-800::: '4.633) T.of:al of 2 ~ stre,,ms i:o a,,a.'J.nem:e: :FJ..~ r'e"'tes. ~-= coJn"°'Iueare ~--IK: 43.5SS 4.<B3 -1, :.:-= 4§.sys + ... =< ?;]~532. ~ Bbf,: rates trt com-1.0J';D'.te ~ at,we dal;,;: 4&..519 ?:7 ..£82 .Area ef streams befu?'€; =n---:I.t!eme: 7.729 2...@9 R=uJ.ts of' cbnfl..~ Tof:21. fies., rate= 4S • .57!e!(GS} T~ hf c.ont:.eatratioo ::: 5_-4?$2 '?!ri.E:_ Effecti.'-"'e: st:?eam atea after ~...weice -,: --• -• ---.,. ---:_1 I -J • -i .. -;--~--_ .. ---·. --·--i • •~--_----_-.:Zif'!!~----.-.. -iJ-·r - P=ss TI"'O.llf Poil:i;t/Si:ar......ali 54:S.~ to P-.cfurt;{&;Bfilorr -= stJ!WtEA FUJW APD:n:!.U!'l - ~ fract::iml sd'...l. g,<oup. A = 0-,0"€1~ D~ 'rt'.ac;;t;wn 50".,i. g,-oup-B = ~-009 !ledma1. -fract:i,;in soil gr-oop C = !L-BBe ~c::im21 'fi>action S<'l'iJ. ~ D = j_0!3.l3e [~ED X...,'9>'JRAL ~ J (!>e~ opens~ } Lru,erv'...Di:lS valoe, ~ = l:l.130!3 S:rrb-11):>aa c "\r.i!.ue = a.~5a T:i= ·oF coni::e,r~en = 5.40 nfur. ~ :mt-...ensij::y e. 7..269:{;Ee/Hi>) for-a 1.eiLl:! ye.ar-;;:t:w,,r E'rf'ectiire runofi' ¢oei'n.cieht !!si,;:l 'Wt'---wtia-1 ar= {~) :is C = iL&?i:i 0\. = 7.0"85: Subarea ~ = 4.Q29{CF-$} fur-S,S50Q\c.) Tota1. rµnoff = s-,....,sw{CFS) ~ area ~ ;iagfl.){~) $Jd of' <'."oinput.ati:ons, tmal. st,r,fy area = 19.978 (Ale-) i,. Rational.. ~<hod ey~ ~ !rasei on San !liege w.mty F~ Contror !l1'7'.sion 2am hyer-p~-~ Ra'tiorra:L ttyarclogy study l'la'.te=. Uffil/J,.4 2~ QlJARRY mar< SYSTe1~ \?B:O?OS6) c~ Et.E= S-;OOP:!,00 . _ -. i · · :t . R_ydrq].Dzy-5-tudy ~ J;n:for.niatlOR t · tr -: -: :+ - . -.---------. ---. --------"-----!-----~· . - ---------~ . -----. --. --~-----~------~ R?,t:ioaiaL cydrol-0.gy stuey-stom e.vem:: Y=' :fs W@_ei ~h (.ui-.ib) ir,p-at <lat;, UIP:tS used Mzp &rt:;a preMp:l:tauOn ~; 6 hO..."?'.; !>""ed.:in.ta=,_,;;i,,{i.nc,'r~ = 2..9"0e 24 h_o,,r-;,,rec:ipi~·q;:m{lndres) = 5.:100 Pi'i./l>-24 = 55...B% . S;m ~ttf,> hyd_"l;>J.~ .nianahl. 'C' v:ak,es tcye.d · -· " -_ --· -· -i ;.r • • -• • --• --. · _ · -,.. --7 ·,. "J -:r • • :l'. --· • E J l..f 'T · · · -·-i ·,. · j l.: · • I · ·· P"r-Oe:= -rn:,_mc ~O".cr-rt}Stat:1on ~.ooa -m l'a[,-i:t/S~ 7~.00!3 *"= J:1-...."ITfT..Al. N'S'. BlAWlIT©N ,_ Dec:imal ~"' sctD.. gl'O°l'!' A :;; aELel:le ~ -&act:;io,:t soi1.I. gr.esp. ~ ""e.~aa, ~ ~ soil ;gvonp ~ = e,aoo ~ -fi-actian ;%>ii w=. u = CL.em, ~RIAL 2P!a!a ~ J {~~...;,i ) 3.mpe.~ ~> Ai. = B-!:156 Soo--.Anea C Valme = £1...870- Tffetia~ Sti!>ar'e? ~ f"..u:,;, ~ ~-000(?t.) ~ elevat:mn = ri:L400(Ft.) I.1:>.ls-=t .el~ = :f50.tioo{l"t.) Elevation di'ff-el.'5!ce = '.!..400(-Ft.) 51.o~ = l. .55~ X IJi!rriru. AABi< ~ OF OONCB{l"RJ>cuPN ~~ nre ~ 0f.EP-~ flow di,.s'tance 25 76--00 {Ft:) f-m--i:be to;, att.a sl.cipe 'llal.qe vii '.L.55 X,. in a k,;elopmem:: i:¥J;e 07 f.ene.-,;J. Dtdu.seb-"'...al l}i: .Ar;~ 'i.E:th F.>,gu!"'"e 3-3 Ini-zial ki'Sa ~e 'Or-~""leen=-u.-st:i.01S: = 2~ m.nu:tes: TC ~ [:LS"'(:L!,-Q*~~J-"..5}f(% :,;J.o~(~B)J n:: = p_s~(2.i--eu;;,··oey( 7e-.. oo~.5)/( 1.~{:IJBJ}= . 2 .. ss The ~a1. ar~ "E~ ~ce or sa.aa {Ft.} eutePed ~s a Page1 or2S -1 l F'.~€ tlist'ance cif ~-00 {Ft.} lils:ins ~gt!l"'e 3-4> ue "l:l"avEi ~ fur--Bn.s ~ .is 0-39 mL-mtes 'fur a e;st;:mc<c &f W.00 (Ft.;} 2.'>d a :SJ.op;: of :;..ss % W~ sn -eL.~ti.Qrr ~ce o-? 0~3.1,.(Ft-) ~ the ~ Qr i.ne top s?Fea TI: = t:1.1.9"'ue.flgti;;{l'.:i.)-"3:}i(~a)1 cilangJ=(l;'-.':,. ))}'>.385 "'6?>--(m:i,-;Jm-;}° 3.,389 &nrrbes_ . T-.:.>=!:{:I!L.~fl-60~""!<}/{ e~:n,. .335-= e.'3.9 r~ i:d:ttiai. a.<ea i1 = 2..99 ~-ties -&o!i! F__ggre, 3-3-fu~ plus !'l-...39C ,snnm;es -from 'fie i;':l:gu,:s. 3-4 fu.-awa. = 3:.31?. ~= Cal~ "re ~ 5.37S Eautes. ZS. less ~ 5 mi.73tIU=S:, rese'!:tiog TC W. 5.0 ~ f-Gr' i>M.,~ .ii,t~ ~ !.ra1nr.dJI :Leq:enstty {t} = 7.64:t(Ir,Jr..,.) fuz-a :!2l,-~ year s"",.orm -~"4,-,-!ml:>fi' a....~..a.~ use<! fol' 2r>ea {Q:--i.=) :is c. = e.ID"B ~ea rrronf'f "' 0-..SSS(o=s) Tbt:il ~ ~...?ll> zi=...;;. = e-.e98{Ac.). ·:;:_ !.i ::.'.: :?·-·::-::s.::::::::-~.: :--:. .,_: :::~;: ... : ,; ;:::::1 !: : : .i}. :·:. -;::-·::--:· Pr-ocess f;'Qlll P-<:furl:I~ 732..~ to ?&.re::,S~n -~ Fl.00 TllA)iEt_ W1E + ~!\ Fl.mi" l\OOTIION - TQJ> of'~ S~ ~=a,ti-en = :2$1...~Pt:..} l=nd <l"f ~t ~ 'sll:v.ati.on = JE&.1:l80(ft.) l.eng,:,.3 of st?EEt segmett = 14$,UfOO(Ft.) l-'..sght: Cff ,;::u,-i,-:ahoVe grrtter-'l:ktoiline "' 6.~(An.) W;l.lml. ecf', ri.al,f $tr-ea: {a.if'a i:c, .o:,a,,m.J = --;:7 .00.0.{Ft..) ~ce,-fl>om·P'Gi.,i to ei'loS:sfill. ~ area>< = w.~(Ft) Q.ep.E ;-, oo g,-.ttter-to grade! b~ {vflt,;} = '3.t120 ~ fro.m ~ m,eak -re a-o;,m ('v.tro:) = B--020 S't;r>ee;t f,L<M" .ts .GI! [1.1 shle(s) .,,i= -tt'.e street ~"fr~!ll qn,b -to DJ'GPa-'t";' line = 13-000(~) Sl.Qp<a ~-a,r'b t:-o p-"">~ty ,l5ne-(vff;z.) = -;u;:i.e ~ ,4l:iw = :LSm;,(R.) ·-Gm::!=-mlte ~ -flrn,,r~ne = L5ZO~-) ~'"lg·s N .in~ = e.13"...sa Manning% N -from grttte-w ~"' break = e.ac-....sa-~·.s N frtllli ~~ b~ -W ~ = 0-.0'.l.SB E;;;tlmat:e~ l!JS!l fr..ow I'z'°<..e -at ilfulpilim: .or ~t = 4.200,(a=sJ D"1>th er' fl-ew. = 0..3il{Ft..:L A~ag;e. ~~"ty = 33$(P"-'-<["s) s--~ .~ ,et\:~ ,..i: str--eet i:r'c.vhl.= miJ_fsL 6'if: fl...ti".,. ~ = :1<.:l.$7;3(.ft} F'f_q,, 1,-,,;t-('.IC'tq( = 3-3G{Ft/:s() Travel. nine, = 7 37 nfut. TC = 113.75 IJlm. ~ -~ fla,.,-t:c; sm,e.-t !Jedlaa1. ~-s.t,;il g!"OUt> ~ = a.Bee ~ ~ ?',il gi'ollp ~ = 0-.000 Decimal ~ st>'U gJ:'P\lp C = a.l300 r:~ fi:-~ sbil group D = ;i....000- !~ ar<::a wia l (Garer?-'L ~""' } ~ ~->Ai= 0-2.:;fe ~-c vaI.~ = a.87a rurl'_r,fy;il :µfl:e,~ = 4....553(~) fop a :100._ e. Y£!ZI.'" st:<>rm E-ff.eci:i.ve!~ coeff:i~-rt IISEn fuP' tGta:l 2.~ (~) ~ -t = e.kre q,.. = 1_@:1 s«irc-re;a rmiorr =c 7 .3U(GFS} -ror-1..~-a (Ac.) To!:21. pm,6:ff = 7$!'.l{CF:$1 Total :area= :!..950-{Ac.) S1:reet B:ow at e,~ o-f' ~ = 1-911.(J;FSJ HaI:f 5tre<ct B,ow at: eru'! 9r ~ = 7_~o=s) De;:,ti, cf' fla-"' = 0-3J5(Ft_), A""".;,ge ~i:y = 3_9I:l1'f{Ft/sJ F'.1_,:,w RL--=tll. (T!'Dl!l s:-<-4-"!;> tow:a'E"aS Ct'o!,(n)= :i3.;3Se(Pt_) ,.. :' 1 : ... : l: T 7 . : :; :_:: : : :.; :. : : ; : 7 .. : _: .. ~ ':-1.: l CL :z: { .._ J. 1:. :.:rt r., ~:: :·:: . £ l :., -: l : : : C --: : .,:x J l..: P~ f!"Olll P<:dJlt/Stm:l.W ,94_(:10&) 1:p Poiµrt;f~ ~.900 -~ FL.ct; Jilll:LT"fT..J:JN - o~ TractiJ:>.fl s0:n g:r,nup A. = e~ Deci.:ma:l ft's:ct::.-Oll soll ~ $: ;: @JraB De<:i.>JJal -&.act$on ~ gr-cap c = e.eae D.~ frsl::ti-cn S<lil group l:t = :i.!'!00 [~~~ J (P~t -OflcR $~ ) ~..&>US v:al,,e, .ki. = li).~ Scl,--;u-e,a C ilz:!L'<: = 0-356 Time: or ~~-'Q. = 1fL75: miii- ~ ~ty = 4~-663.{'r,'lflli') fyr-a 100.E Yer' s:torm ~qe; Mml>ff coe~ us.ed -f-0,t-~ ll,F'ea {Q.=!CQ:.'l.) is C = 0,$.5 C'i, = 2..17£ S$1-e;a Minoff = 2..2.!>6(G=S.) -fll<' :L~~Ac-} Tota,. NmOff = :lfl_!.4:T(CFS) Taf:a! =ea = 3_:P-;€;(1'.t.) -..: f t l -I .. .,. f :r _ • ,:: ---: ~ .-• -tr-::; · s 1-: ----:; ... -_ ---· · · :..t ..... -I -: I• : -.. I·.---·-:··" • • ... P~ from Pt>:i!ro'Si:atiolt 7,)$.000 W '.Pbii:r.../~,n 7B&.~6e -SUSJ>K"""""' F1.dia! .Al)ro:nti1,1 --- D.ec;i,:n;;u. ~ :Sl:'U, &">"""C!UP J!. = 0-$00 rrec::u:sl -&acti&t snU. ~l" E = 03l00 Dedl!ia!. -&a...--t:ion roil ~-'P c = a.e.aa D"eom«l .r, ac~-i so:-1. group la = :t.J30\3 [Il!E>CJSJXDt-L area -type c-~~..:a1. ) ::rnip-1"\F.i-eus val.,;ie, Ai. = a.9.50 Sul:H!:r'ea c Yai.De = e.87? •= ccF p,tle.~ = :w~,:s mm- ~ ia~ty ,. 4--&63fn.'Jlfr-) fur-a 1%:,.ll ,-<>a?' ~ ~ve r~ ~-em !)Sea -ror'" ~~ ~....a (lFKOA) :is t = s.:r.12 a,. = _:t_ii£; _ S~ rt1noff = 2"-S6.&(CFS} T!JP :L2.00{Ac-} Tutal r,m(>ff = 15-ru:5{0::S} Total. aPea = la..52a(.<\c-) il F• :::=.; ,::..--. ?e-:·:-;:·:; .. -. · :=:.:.·:~·:. _-: .... ,._:,::.:,4·x:'."'T .::::::--;::::'::, · . .:;.:.::-:: Process -fi'a,µ ?crur<J:S"tatien 708.000 'to-i>m:rrt:-!SwO.cm , ?U-0i30 -PIP!=r-1..!T...; -rama TINE {2.i:>.gram em.nra'tell Slil=) ~ ~ po'L'"lt/sta-ti.o"1 e:!e~on = ~-~-=-} Ool.~am poi.'li:f~en ele<r.rt:fun = :IM-"!>OO{F't-) Pipe J.engm = 8.6tl{rt:.) J'!annisg's: M,., E~ no.. pf IP..J?eS = :!. J>~li?'eG ¢,pe -fl-,,., :!5-W5{!:rB 1'!53resl;: Cd\!lpoc.ed p-i...pe ~U!<' = 1$._00(In_) caJ_cul.i,:",.ed :inifurirlual. p:ipe ~.. = 15 • .0"'...S~CFS) No<'lll'al flo1il erel,fttJ ::m pipe = :r:l..'14Gm-) l t . { I ! l I 1'Ibw t,,,p' w:tin:n f"s;,rl~ p"ipe = 12...77{.To-.) u<i.i'.:t.caJ\ ciey-J:t GCltlrl not ne =:t~teii- np,,, -f.Lo,,.-. vel.cc:ify = 14.llS{Fi';[s): "fi'at{eJ_ time -twottgt, !"ipe = ~--fil m:in.. T'.ull>: of' 'CP~ (TC) :IB-ZS m.e. $--s-z-:r; .. ___ -.·--:,_ •t ••---. .. --·-.,;..:-rf.,.-T •1 • .:r1,.• • --. -• -':I'-Jf-,{., •• -•-r· • s;-• Prcce;s ~t-...m Po~:>-~"'"'orl 71J)_ooa -m Po5.m:/Start:i.~. TU..600 -S'.8\, Fa..\'.!!,! Jli,DifW!,l - !lectciaJ :-fi<act:,J;m sci! g,;-o,:ip, J\. ~ ·a_iJ.11.G P&imal'.. ;Fr?ct:iQ.n sle!il _grl:lµp ~ = e.eee- Joecil$1. fraction soil UGUp c = iLeez iled.=2 'fi>acti(\r.i sqil _,,.oup D = 1-~ [~'3!'.S,~ ] {Gea-.;,,r'al J;..,~ial, } ~.dO:its val1\e-, Jli = 0,95!} S~-Arie'a C Val.ile = 0~81,0 Tiu.e cf dJn~ation = m.76 liUU. P~,~ = 4-66.a(ml!-'"') -?pr-a :1fi0.e -year !S't:orm Effective r=,, ~"elem: use,;! fui;> ~ arez (~) ~ C = iD55 CA= 1(...;s:..<19 ~,;.muff= 5-885(0'5) fov :l._7&a(;,.c.} ~ I"rmofF = 2i,..~Cl;.5) 'fctru.. "1'e!a = t;_;n..,(A::.} 1·•:;-T-l1:·ib=··;z--·zr--11rt~-----M----:111· .. ---;1---:--___ -;_;•--- ~s efi,-ooi Prom:/St.'timi 711,...1,ee to Pcn:.-ttfs~ 713.iaee • -~TaA))EL TI:ME ~ ~-s'.,;:re) - Up~~~ e4,V<tl:ffen = :w,...eee-(?t-} De:~ i::..o-r__,_..,....J'S..Z~d!l~Fl = :le:!..000{pt..) fip.e lengfu ,. W-!'!!l'!;F'"--..) ;~_g·.s :R = 0.o:G- N<s>. or ~e;s = 1.. ~ pi.pe -flew :z:i....ggg(tFS) Nea,,-wt ~ p:t?e ~ "" ::2s..ooo:;n.) ~~pipe ao,., = ZL.899{0'$} ~ -flpi,: <ief)th in' p,i.;,e = 1.7 _44.(..fu_) Fl@ -top i.r~..h ~~ ,µ.j,e = ZL.39{z.n-) C,itlca'L iL"'¢:h = Z0".e6.(In_) . P::f.pe fl-a,r1 veI..c=""fy "" 3.9~-,:;rs} Travel time-i:Iir"ougft pipe = a.46 mii:,. T:uae er co~;:lti!m (TC) = 11-'.& Itlin- .. ----. ·;,-,; .. -··;-·:;·-..ti· .. --! ...,_ ..... ·-e--.. ---z. --: . ---5-· ::-... .a.. 2 -1 I; ... z~ .. ·'--'• Pr~ ~ Pr»....nt/Station · 713...600 -tn Pif...at;/SU;ltlon 7'...3.600 ~~-OF Mll,!OR.~ - Al.ci-lg ~ Stream: ~ti.-~ 1. in ;o:orm"?-L st:'"~ ~r ..1. ~~area= -$..22$(AecJ ~ from tliis stream = Zl.-899(0'$) ~~ of' >;9!Y~ = 1:1.22 ;,.m_ ~.,u ~ = 4.535{Toj.-irj 1:. .. =2·: 1 11·; fl ti:'!.:Fr _ ----~----------.... r-i11·· -... --:..) r:·--...... ·r· 1 Z-iir--.. ·;·.- Pt-deess n-e.m Pnili'-JStation 712.000' to !'oiiT'~ -:rl\EITIAl MIE.'l. BlAµ.ll!Tii)li! - ~1. -fr:a:....<"ti.cftt sif..J. ~ A s-g_,002 ~ -frai::tio,, sr,;;l gpo;,,p B = e_oo:e De<:imel frai:::fi..m so-,--1. gr'Qey C = fk-000 D1=C:ioital. TI"&--tlon soil group !} = 1-1'$0 fMEOil'.lM DEt,!SlJY RES:i:m::m-)J'J. J (14-5 D!J/A or-~ ) ~ vaJ.;ie,, Ai = e~soo Scl>--~ C Vahle = '0,/Ee Ici.tiaa. ~ tot:,µ.£.,_ ~ce = ~--00a{_E't..) lli.ghes1: hl.2Vcl:ion = 114..~Ft-) Lowest tleWrtion = l:W-000{.Ft.) EJ..e>ra.n.= <ti-..-"'Fel"eUCe = 4_aoo(Ft._) SI== J...404,:; :w£1IAL 4.~ T.Il'!E dF COJl.~.,Jm. D,.1._CU~: Toe~ ~Thad T.!:ew ~ is 65-91:l CR) ivr-tne t:.op ar¢ca .slQpe value i:,F 1.113" %, Tu a ~ ~ cl' 14-5 "f)fJf.A o.:-l.e;i$ . In ACC0!'!J,aDCe wii:h Pl"~oare 3-3' :r;n:itia'!. kPea Taime of OmceP-.t;-ati,:m = 6.es mi:i;>t.'f:.'-ies TC = [LS"'("' )l..-.c:)~(fi1.}°-.5)fe% ~3}] T-C = [:L.8""(:L:!.-~-5300}"-{ ~5-~.S)J( 1..404"-{113)1= .6.f:)9 Tue imti.al. '!"!l'ea mtaL ~ crF 2!!53l~ {Ft.) enn,rs;i I:eoYes a Ye~ tl1Sta.T...e of µZ.00 (Fi:..} . U$itlg R.:gtl= 3-4-, ttre travel. tiln;e 'fop i:lnS <:fist;ance is L 51 ~uu,s fol> a ci.isE!!lre af" 2,:$.00 {ft) au"ii a s-~e of' 1.~ % · wit.f> :a:a '!!l.-evasticn di,ff~ r:ff 3.$(Fi:.} rrcm ~ -eful of m,;, ~ area Ti:= f;.;L.~~)""';,)/{e;le.rati'9.G t:J:laa~(Ft.}}J"-~ '"'${."Uin!hr-} 2..~~ TIF[ (U..!r.0-eilCZ7-"3 )! ( =L~) J"-.385= 2.57 Totifi. ;L-,:i.ti:a,1. ~ TI. = 5.09 ~es n"Qlll Figl.U'c 3'-3 -fur!Iftl1a pls.s 2S7 ~ -fypJl! "l;he F'lg!Ir,e 3-4 ftl~ = lUi6 ~..es Rzi:'"tfaD.. ~i:;Y {:o = 5.352,_-fTof~J -fut-3 1"00.6 :t=' sf:Gl"lli ~ve {'trOOff' o:lef::.-cie.'T<:: us-ert -fur-"'"""' {Qscl«.:IA.) :is· c = 8.630 $"t!G2r<'..a ~ = ,'.h-851.{t.."-$) Toto-.:!. :urr.tial =-a-am area = 1......"UIB{AC..) _ -$: -• -a -: ;. ----. -.---c -;-.c r z. ... ___ -l ---~ ---_ : · --_; -,-,:_-:.; _ -z -~ --r · ---. 1 -.: : r _ Process 7PDill Po-"...dtl~ 7'...2,ffi\13 ta l'9ioc/S~n 713.00a -GY.>..""l.t!BICE ill' filNOO ~ _.,.; . Along .Me£, s~ n~: :!. i.rr <lOt'filal. S""...ream. ~ 2. .9treefu flO!,f ar-ea = 1.;!.~.) ~ f>-om "t!:fu;: !Slream = 3.$~(tfS) T~ of ,c:onteJiOl~doa = g_55 :ra.a__ ~nrsi:U ~'fy = 5.352(::,Jl./Rr"} Surnn,at-y cf st::ream <f=tia-: S-a-eaD\ F.!.Q<o ~ l!ro. (CFS) 1 4---899 2 3~ Q,=(:!) = 11-~ '8.$ ~n;r,~zy Q:,:tJF.r} I · l :i:..e"OO' * :i....-f/00 * 21...899} + a.i,45 ,,,. 1...000 .... 3.8;,Jj += ,15_157 Qro,,;x{;2:)-.- * i.ooa ·a.772: * :.;I..8SS.) + i.e)/:ia "' :t.000 .. 3.851) ~= ~-75~ ' T-Oi:;,l. <>£ 2 str'.e.c!l!S to ,:om-'ll;l<anae~ ~ r-~~ ~r-e car.tr~'"lee paint;::: . 2;'!,-~ ::i.&.--i - !"~, ~l r,a'i3es ?i= CO.,fil.L<e<>c"= ll$i..~ 2'!,ctv,a <b-f;a: :ts.:l.57 20.Y-:,l, ~ OT .... stt---.._ams be-Fore c-0nrf....u~e je.220 1..11!0 ~-ts ~ cr:>!€".u:rei= Tatal. ~ r&e =-E.i57tCT'SJ -r-;llle n"f ~~ == ~ znn_ Effe,;:ti.$, ~ ares art:ei'-q,,m--:U.~G=-= 7 .36~AC..) ~ces.s fr&~ l?'<Y.:r,;qStation 77...3.Btie to !?®'i:if$~ ~ P-~F!..OW TI!.'IYE!.. TJl'!E {!?togram e;stliilau,d s:Izie) - o~e;;or p~st:ati<>n -<&;,iration = :r.a:r..a.e1?(E't 1 .D~ po;irr,fstati<m cl.eira-::W!l = 9SS0e{Ft.J Pipe~ = 73.00{Pt..} Yi;;,nniog's N = fU~ti !l'o. pr yipes = 1. Reqt£m?d ~ -B.oo = 25.:!SJ-'{c;FS) -Ne~~~~ = 2,;.-eao:,,.) t:afdit..~ :iD<L.~ p;ipe ·fl® = 25..:157{~5) np~JlkU. Tl.ON-~ :in ¢,pe = :15_.BS(..1;.-i_) F-J.ti;.,, tep iitl<ith. ~de p,ip;: = 22..7~-'B; .• ) CMflra't -!'ll=J;>tli = 2:1.-19(:In...'.) ~ -fle<:.1-vel_O<±ty = :UA~(n:fs} T.r-cl!'el ~ tllrough pii," = a.:n:. in;i.n. · 1:!:mE cl' conceno a~"<;:? (TC) = 11.-33 $-- t::'rl i. ---·"". --. :. r·-.. "i ii:;-·-! I -'l ?:l I l;..l -.. •. ----~ -• ---------1 I 7' ' _ ~ -t --• ~ ---... • --- ~ ~ i'mnt/~ 7$-~ 'tt> PoL"tti".Sfa:tion 7n_o/cl0 -~~CT!'~ ~.S\1'1$ - .A1rn:lg ~ ~ Ril!il§er>, 1. :m ~ ~§2i\, nambe-:2. ~ ~ ~ =< 7_36a(.h:-} Runoff -fih;, -'t:ms ~ = 2c<..:IS7rerS) ,-xme oF ~~~n = '.!:l-33, ~-~ Ra;mfall. ~fy = 4..;;09(:rn/rl?} :;::;::.£-o::-;-:::aJ : ... ::.: i; :.:-=-::::::.::-:.._.;:.::. -1--::::-;_,.::-:-: · 1-! ! .:r-~--=-Pr--.ccess -fl>tii1t Pdirri:/S''tation. 7':i.-4.$"~ t> Pt:5..>rtlSi;ation 7'...,; __ ?3~ ..,.._~.AREA E'~ - b"elfu!al .r;~ti;:m soil group A= 0"...000 ~ ~ s,,µ_ ~ B = a.i,ee m,cilnal -f:f'att.fcm sail gr'<lup c = a.ooa J1&;i:etal -¥.'act:i<l!a sml. group D = 1,."000 u;iIDusncr]..1. 2'""2 i;}->pe } (-Ge!,e,""22 ~..r'i...al. ) ~ v.uue,. ~=fr~ SUh--,1!.re-a c Va'Lue = 9.~ Dti.ti;al. saba.'t-Sa total. f:IQ<,1 dista,"lQ: 2,.000{Pl:..) Higfrest e:i.evatton "' 146-00BO't.) tc== ~n "' 14li.0"00fFt:..) Ele'r.l'l:fu,, fil.,~eµcr, = 2..~(Pt:~) 5Top.1= = 2aX74 % n,rn'"'..1.AI. ~ Til'IE o;;: CONCBITMT.mN OIU:6i.Jq:rof"JS: n,e, mati= otreril;and ~ ~e is ~-~ ('Ft) fo<' t:he tt>r;, a"e3 $ld,,,-e value: of i .. ::a lr., ill a c!i:1lel~ fype cFf :Gener-a:t ~_ql. :r:.i Accol?liaru:e M:l:th F:igpj>e 3--3 :rm.i;i.a.1. ArE!a t"2me "Or ~" = :'.?..67 s...--rut:es TC = [L~:1...:!.'-C}~C;e:(Pt.)"-5}/(.%" s:lGpe"('.!./;I)] TC= [1..Si"("t_~--!UP00)*( 70 ... t!00"-5).I( 2.;J..,<&"-(:U'.3)J= 1.S7 The Uli.tial =ea ~-'-at ~ w s~.0ll {F-;:,.) e;rr',__,,_ leaves a ~~--'fu)g. pistance of' 22._.0/, (Ft.} U§...r,g ?.ig\X['e 34,. ni:e ~ tiai;e. f'elr-illns -d::istaaca is: e1-37 ,;,iscl:es. i'-0?' a~ of 22..e.!i (Ft,) Z!IJii a s'lol,e of 2..17 :% "'1.th a,'1 cle>..aetian mrfe..""'1Ce ¢' iL$.(Ff:..) fJ>i;m, iih" e,j;l,i 9"f -;;he i:O!' ,gpeJa Ti:= [ll,9*"1--=g1:,".(."li}"3}I(eL~ ~{S't.}}J"-,385 *60{minthrJ a_as;s Mi.rnf-l:es TI=[{ll...9*!Ul04i2:-"3)/{ 0--4&rf"-..325=. 0-37 1D'tal im.~ a~ Ti. = 2...67 ~"1:'eS -fi>oa Figu.-e 3:--3 i'On3ru.a p:lµs 13_37 l!UB~ from the F:i$-Te ;h4-fuNntiba = ',_.@4 ~IJi;e; ' · -' ~q.,;Lat,ed TC of 3--~ ~ ~ lzss man p--~-" Pesettiflg lt W $.J:l m:uim:->:,; 70!' r.;n,'tfall ftr,'~S'ffy calctl.-~ Ri=.i."""..ll ~ t!)"' 7 ... J541.{);i,/Hl'-) fol' a 100.e r~ smrm fff'ect::iv.e M.moff coeffi.d'.l,m: ti&ed for-"U'53. (Qai{C[JiJ' is C = &-,-870 Sob~a r-u®ff = lL59S{O:S) . Total inttial. stTeam ~ = 0,.391:l:{Ac..J .. z • ._ ! ,:;; : : .(.: .t:, '.:i; 1 • ~ : t ! : ..: ~: J. • • .::..:: ,. : • 1:::: ;r;; p: r:: -: .. : : 7 : t L • ".:°. !:? f •. ·. ; : ;_;:;:-; r Pr",)'cess from !'"o"~Stat:,pn T.<.5,£00 to Paint!S~ =*"' ~ FL\'.lW "l'RA-VS:. 'ill".,E + ~ Ft£ilJ .li!im:J':IDN - 'ro,p o7' streetseg;ii~t elevation= 144..-0!:w{i't.) End of' ~ s~ ?!evatton = '.107SOO(Ft.} L~ of' street~ = ll90o000{?'t.) tte;ight <ff Cffi'!} gl,c,ie gutte,-~,e = 6..aC,D, .• ) 1-la:cftlt di' -st"e>e't. f=i:> i:o =) = Zii-'!le<!{Pt..) l)ist:an:te f?om =-n w tros:sf;iU waaa l'lr=k = a_'0.el00'{R:-) Slilpe fr:::ml g .. ;_.tei--to ~e l'lrea!c {v.thz} = a.022 · · S1__ape from gr-ade flreE!c -m ~ (vfw:'f = 13.0:W S~i: -F'_mw i,s qn Il.J sit4,(s) aF t~ ~~t ll'is:tauce -from ruro i:D ])I'0!3$'W '~!l" = 1!L00@{Ft-J 5-eop-e from =b to PT'O:"""' cy lirr.e {v/"11~ = a.am C,~ '>li.dtlJ = 1._~_(Ftc) ~ JpJq; from 'ilil;,,µJ,E s= ;i._5ae(,r.s.} ~-'!g's N :la gat:te!' = a.a:!5.S Ma'lCJins:'s N frem ~ to gr...de t,;,<eak"' .a~mw ~ng;· s !'t -fmlli ~ e~ -to o.-o;.m = a.~ Est:nna't:ed mean fl..,., .-a'te a;: mi<Jwiirt: <:if st:reet = 2-_&2?(CR>) Oi,,ptt, ef flos,, = 0..:tn{Ft.). ~ ve1uti'ty = 3.074{rl:;/s) St-ee;:fl""' !Iyd.--auli= at: miclp~in:t err' st:f'Zet TI'~ - HaJ:;""su eet r.i= ~Jo = lLS.$2.a.-'Ft.) F.l..-OW' ~ = ;ikfl7(Ftfs.:} D-av.cl. i,;me = 6:"45 PJlil-TI: = S.49 lltUl. ~ area f.!am, i;o ~E:<ft Be~el. 'fr-~~ so;il grou,i A = IL80e Dec:inr"1. ~,4ll'> s.,il gr,:illp B = iL fil:0.,1 ~ ;fi,actilill soil gr-oajl C = 0. 000· -Ueci;n@J. 'fi-actioff so:i1. §rO.,_'l." !) = :l.J0% ~Lareatype (!o,i,rs;.-a:,.. Tu~ ) :l;nperirf."""5 ~~ Ju. = EUT;:,0 Sm,-~. C ~e = 0s8'7e ~ i;;tter~ty = 5-G52{~-'.') -fu!-.,. wa • .e y~a..-:,;torm Err"ect:r.ve r-.. "doff ~detrt ~ fur tata:l area {Q=KCIAJ; is C: = 0,8¥0 CA = .J_.940 Suhar-ea ~ = 1;:_;;:49(0'5) 'fu.-0.9se{Ac) ~ t=ff = 4-747[!':FS) "'rotar.. a:,-aa = 1..08e(A<:~) Sireet -a-c± end <tr strseet ~ 4_:;tg(Cf'S) H?J..f ~ fi.-?!: enti o.= sl:r'>..£i:,. 4.cPY{a's) DeS>tn ~:-, £Lo,, =. ;q_m(t's:.), ,weN!ge 11'cioc;i.ty = 3.5.B(Ftfs) Flo,;-~'; (~ curb ~ ~)= ll.-={FL) . --= .. _, r • l r · -z .. --. -----"":x -__ • : -• -, _ 11." --__ "_ .... -. -• • : ... -.... -··: _ -_ ----_ --1. - Prooe,ss mm P.o-in:t;!St;:,a;ion 72JUlfl0 to e>-.if...rt=-,JS'i::a::fun 723~~ """"* ¥.P'EF!.W TRAVEL W~ :(~ ~ ~..z.a) -. ~~,;annio:iirt'/statfon ~., = 1.0;2..eoo(F,;.) Do;.-nstreaill !'<1":uitf~a ~ = 1.0lUl~0{Ft:.) Pipe 1--gtb. = Z3,U3e,"ft:..) Narim.."5'S M = a~e;s A!q._ o:F pip~ = :t ~ ¢.pe fl~ = 4..c747{CF5) Nearert <;:Olllflln:ed pipe 4:i=eter-= rr5 -!leQ:o.} Cal.~ :in,;fu,irlo:al ~ ~ = 4-?4J'(O'S) ~ fl{)t,z -deptl, x.'t pipe = :$-00'{:m.) ~.1i>W 't@-,d.dTj> ~ pipe = 1•4dl9{:t.-...) Cci'ieira• nl!pth = :uuu{To-) Pi.{>e. -f".w;h,~ic<i'ty = 5.-42(,'t/:sc) Tr-astel ~ -th~ V4"' = ,L71 min. ~:lllll} ef q,,-'ic:e;rtr-atin..., 00 = m.2:1. Jlrfu_ .• -E -• ------• .• ---:..I -i 3 -~ i l -i • --;, f -----i -.---... • ! ~ .. ··.: • . -------i . • • --- Process ~ .!>oi,."lVSt:atioo 723-~ -t:o ~~= -SI.JR~ .FU)l,J A!lfu--Y-.dllll -~=~=!=:~= Dedmal. ~op Sltlil gr<>ielp C = 2-09-e. D~ -r#action soil. g,,cup o = '.k-0~ [X.'\l!)~~t:y;:\~ 1 (Geie.tlil ~ :!fu~-0'95 ~~ A£ = a.sse ~ i: V'a'ltt<e = e_$7e ~ c;:;,~~:n-= 4~~:.) fa.-a 100.0 y,,a,-si:= Effec-t!~e I"Uilj'.lff c~µertt us.ec:i fut-"" ~ct:al.. aP?:a (Q---Kd:A) ~ (; = a.pe CA = ;L2<11 S:u~a i'_FmOff =. i.a42(C!'5:} for-0.308-(Ac~) .. i .. l _ • -I .. ! l L .'"i _. -.:l. J. -1 ----. -• --• • --,,. ---I ••• J • :f • ,,. . • :r ••• ,.-• . . ... _ , -): .. P=c:ess from, Pm."Tt/stafil.<m ~-~ ~::urr/.$t><ti~rt _7B_,aai:, -S!J~.AREA FlD.14 AL.mTio& - Il2ci:JnaI, f~ sojl gt"-Onp :A. = lL!,)00 Deq:nra'L -fi:-act:i.<m sci1 g?01Jl:> B = -a_~ DecrI)!al. TI'IS~l't soil sl'Pl1P C = {L000 Decnial. fpacfien S<ri'.l. gro"P D = L-iilOO [IMOils-ra.tA!.. ~ i:'";pe: ] (~i"al. ~.iaJ. ' ~U'S: ,,allle~ Af = fL%5 So&-.lirea C '!F->..l.ue = !LIDi'I r:sme af' l:01""..certtrction = 10-Z!. min. ~ .intensity = 4.SZZ.Q:n!H,~) :Fo,_> 2 ie,i • .0 ~ st~ Eff-ceti..ve Pun.off cbe:rT:!cient: ~ -fo? tatai .a,rez CQ.~) :is C = lL278 G\. = :L.7.1.4 SD.bar'e;a rtmu-ff = 2. • .!!CJ5(CFS) fur-l3-59e{Ac..) Total. !'Ullot;-= S-26'>{0'5) Total. a:rea = i..Sra(AC..:} :2 :.;::-: 1.: :z::: (•-.:.:.:::; T f ·:::_ -: :t:: .:. ::~::.,..1:.:. :::::-:~:::: r "; ... ;::-: .'.l:S{ l>Pocess i'ro:r;r P¢nt{S~ 7.BA!OO t:¢ P<fl.Jlr/5.ts:t!.c,,, -PfrcFL:CW TR1lliEr. T.rl'lE Q>r<w-at esti.ma'reci sue) - ~ :i>oici:/~n ek~n = :1..$.002.(fl=-J Ji.£,~ peintt.s;tat;iol> tl,a.~n = %..SOOlfl;:..J .!?:ipe J.~am = 78.>aa{Ft-}.. !'ia'nrtlng's N = .,_03 NG-tj= ~ = :!. ll<e<;[t.r~ )':il's; Tl.""1 S.,21,>i.(GFS) Nea,res:t ~..ea ]>i.pe ~Et& = :UU!9(,l'.!l.) Caica:1.a'tee. ~1In2• _iliP<= -fln.r = 8-..264(0=$) Normal 1:!.cr:,:-<ie:pe, :m p:,,.pe = :14s«It:q F.!.dW -i:~p >riitf:n ;Uis:I_l{i; ~ "" g..z,(n:i~) W--P --a 7 D.eF-fil = 13.35(To.) Pipe fla,,; vel.oc:tty = S.J3(Ft{s) n-avtl ti.me ~\ ¢:~ = 15.~ l!µi;. T"'..,_,we of' Cooeeiltr~ CfC) = 18~ ;.in. . .;·- ~-es,;~ 'i'~~~, . ', • 723.ooa-to,. ;ef41:t1S~. , : ;.;_;_:ooa, =-p)!IIFU!"EN('E: m= f-illIDR SffiEJ\l>iS - .AJ..ong M;ti.n s~ ""1))jber-: 3.. ;4:r -~ ~ n~-2 ~eei;, -f.Lt<; area; = :!.-970'0<c-) ~ from i:mS ="" icL26'!(£FS} ~ di-==tratiPi:r = J.e--45 i;t;:n_ "l!ZL.--.rail mte='L~ = 4,..7;,0,(,X;,fii,:} s.,--"""""Y of s!"-J-:e:a>r data= J. Fl,bw r-ate (CFS) 1'C (i!ri:J,). R:a'iil:f?ll ~i;y {Iu./'"dr-) 4 .. 5€9 I 'l I 2 8..254- Q!J@;x:(1.j ;= QiitaRc{2) = i.,.000 * !)-.949 * :!."":0@$ ~ :1...aee"' :rn .. 45 25.:157) .,.. s.~) += 2'.>.1:,'"7) ':- lL;>.64)->-= Tot:al of: 2 =-~ ~o co"'-~- 2$< ~~~~~-po~ ~ ~.Q cat,es. :qt -tonF'"..uI&-g:e cs:i.:;-g ?hDV'e tlZ:ta: .:'?. ell:!. 3:1-467 Rea ni= ~ before 'COrtrillence.: 7..36e ~7f'; Res:ui'ts 6£ c~'"Iuence: Toi:ail. ~ -= 33-%:i.(<:FS) Time af ·=~n = rt.32& ~- E'f'fe:::µ;re ~ area after coafl.L.~ = ~.33£}(.Ac.; :-:.t:,01:: .• ·-'fr .::.r: :t:::=<o::: i ': :y: !! z :' _ .: :.:-:z ::.. :; :. -1::---:r l :. .. ::.::.,. -:-::--:: .. :' - P~ #oJn P<Ji:n'fyS~ 722.000" to f'o"i....ut/Sratipn: 74Lel3a _. P-:l;Pl;Fl.CJJ,J. TRA\/1:i'... TIME (P.-o~ es'-"~ ~) _,., Upszy= pmm;f stati:m e.J_~on = ;;9 .5!;l8{Fi:.) ~~ ~~ ~i:va'P-ilfl = 97.400,(Ft.) me~ = ~.00(:Ft.} .!'ialming"S !{ = 0..el.3- Jlio, elf-~ = :t K~ pipe fI.d<, 3'=".ea-1-(CFS-) !<<!West ,;e,;,puted ~ ~r = 33-~) ca~ is4tt,~ ¢.,_e tl9>l = 33..Bai{CFS) Nori!lal. -f'kM -de;pti,-:L':1 ~ = 24-3S(In.) FT ... cw "tot> Mi.,;;th -S=:fde ;>ipe = 29-B5f.In,) Crlti.,:%I. !)eJ7f:rt = Z?.-~Q:n-) pa::p,. -£1.o., ,~fy = 7.0:l-{~s) Ji'<N""d. ~ ~r=g1r ·P'-P" = :Ui2 !!a."- •"-"!e 6'f c;oo~>.Ji',;tion {TC) n...35 1IU.<t. I~ r.l . : : :· .·: :.: .:c:: : : -... :.r.< T.:. : 1 : 1 • ": , J. I r:": ·"':::.: · : -· :::::: _::. -_;: ; ; :: : .. : .: : 1.: _ :· Process -fr~ ~°GtiO)S 7Z2....UI¥? to Pcf'.tl'tt!S'l;.,:t:fon 742..,000, -!:\J.lln=µJ~ rn=_Mm ~IS - Toe: ~~ -eat:a i.llldd~ ~ ~ j-5 Lisa:eli= m Main -'>~ A""'PB'~ I St:1-..ain fl~ ar,:,,a = 9 ..332-(ru;...} Runaff mm -th-is stre.cm = 3:U,ro.(CFS} ume ef c~-= :r;;_35 l!rln •• :$"'..nraXL ~,.nstty = 4-.=-tnir#t'-) ?~ ~ nd!,< s'taM:1ng latia Ma.n S-t:,,e:,m No_ 2 ~::::._::.._ .. ·--::. :: ; 1. -1:·; .. :::::-:_;:; :::-::: : _::::-r ! : : . : .: f ~-:z .: _ ,..!l Ii:::-=-: Pr= -;'ii<E! Pm__"It/5tltiQn 730...800 ta:, Poirrt::~ 732.-~ -~ ARB!\ BiJUJMU:ON ~ Deci<E:!. 'frectioo ;Seil groap s-"' e_aaa Deco,nal -fncticm :;oil groop C = 0.000 If..a.ma:!. -Frect:ibn soil gf'<)J)J;> l! = :t. 0:e0 ~L area -fy,,e } t~ Indrisfl',_zl } Imp~-s.us ~, M = e.9513_ Suh--A.--ea C \ta!.,;ie, ~ e.Z]e Toi.ti.a!--snQarea ~ -f':ID.-, ilisi::21:ll:e n..a~i='t~} B;ighest eJ.evatiou = '.!:i.!L 7-®(F!::_) LOlolesi: eiev.ation = 109-"JOO{Ft.} &eV?ti= ~= = 1.ooe(Ft:.) Sl.ope = ::I..3l39 Z JNTIJ7\L AREA "PNE m= ~()lil, OQW~= The~ O!le-12.nd flw ~ is 5e,.00 (Ft:) fu!'" tfte -s::G-p a.= .sJJ,Jle "\/al.l!E: of 1..3S .%",, fu a deve:iopmei:fc i:;\lpe of' G'e:ner"al L~_a'l In ic::;or,wic~ Jsm:;I, F'":r.gur-e; 3"-3 :!m:ti,d .i'.rea •= rtf' O>acemr-ati.on = 2.ro-~ TC = [LS*(J..1-c:)~!'t.)"--5)/(% .slope"{:1J:'>)J TC = ['.t.S*b;..1-a.s:ro~*( ~!313"',S)f( 1...389"{1/3}]= 2.87 The µi."i±:J,l area -m"t;ll ~-¢' n..ialB (Pt:.} ~~ 1-~ a ~g ~ee ef :u_fla {.Ft} · USing F~e 301-,,. tl,e tr-"a\id "Ol!!e 're!' this ~:e is fl ."2:7 -..:1.~ for ? ~ of 12.0f/ (Ft~} a'!d a slope of' :t..39 % iii.th ah e:1~ m-frere:nce af G...':!)'{Ft.} -f,>e:,r -me en~ etF til's -;;qi> ar<>a T't = [ll.9*.1-engtn(M'.i:)'S}/(elevat:mn clr,,:ia-ge{Ft.))1"··3?5 *"50(ll,di,/t-..r:, s.;:t,5 Y~ TI:=[(ll..¥-8~e.n"'S}/{ fl"-TI}J-'".3.85= 0...ll T~"t<!l. :i:a-.">TI21. a.,~ Ti = 2.a7 mmr.es fr<iffl J;:~we 3--3 -fb""1Ula pl.us 0-.27 mir)~ n'Oii! t!;_e l'igll,'"'c 3--4 ·f(,~ = :L.15 lii;i;q:utes GD..~ TC of' 3.1-'l.9 .min~te,_; is :l;,:ss -tfu,,,: 5 r,n,nuti,s~ J.>eSe't'tz,"lg TC ti:, 5d!t !i!i;:,L>tes 'fw> ~ :i.f,tcil5.lty c_al.c~as ~ .irrt'eiEsii:<_r {I} = 7 .;6-..~) fur-a fi:00..e yea,-st'QNI. ~-Nm.off coeffio....e,~ =6 fut> a-~ {Q=~OAJ 'i.s C = &...$7@. s~ nmorr = -0.5'9S(CF-S) Tota:I. ~ st;r,ean, area:= iLp$&(Ac,.) ; ·z::::----· -·: -· i . · • ··-.,. --. ;;_ --; f. ;..-,..._-.. -1 P! --• -.. i: =1--.. -... t .• 1 • -~:::14. • -----•-1 -J"" -- P~ *= Pa:L-WSilation '33:l.,000 'ti, ?oiDx/&-'-:ati,en 736.006- -£TaE£i'" R.~ 11'.AVEL Til'l2 .,. stlBAlwi FWW }W~.@ - Top Cff ~ ~ hlc~ = 1.!xL7~) Emf m' str-eet ~ ~ == :@5.:1.00(Fc:_j t.-e,,gtn or sfreet ~,:t = 4':17-®BtFi-} !.:tight dF tiiro ~ ~ fl.<Wm= = 6.&:;rn_j loi4tll of' hai'<' street (o,rb t-0 ONOt-m) = :l;7.l3!3e{Pt:.} ~ from ~ kn 9""...ssf.ail gr,a,de b:t'e;ak "' :W-.OOflv"t) S"--Dpe ~ gi..t"..er--m #ade ~-< l)r/fi:c; = e.m.a S'.!.ope. from gNWe bl'eak i:!!> o-mm (vfh:()--= -0.E!W street floo: :is -at? [11 SS-....de{s) if. t'Te s:treet D~ T<"OID eur-1> "!:<> ~fy J::io1= = :B.BOO(E_"t,} Q,;,pe TI'O!lf ~ = ~<>;-!;¥ line C,,~) "' a.;m; Gat'-....er wiem = 1..sall:(Fl!:.} €zy.tter .m!:E -f'f"Clil €?Cf.,nTn~ = !....Sxit3~.) Mann,w.g< s N _j,,;i gu,_--.__tj = e-.1:1153 Mau,"1ing's N fycm ~ 'tp ~ Qt'~ = 13-6'".!.80 ~·s N -frol1I ~ ~ t-o 0"6"'9-= 0..fil.39 Page.11 Di."2a l I .t I I ~ m.eatl -flO>l' ~ ~ ll\idpif.....nt: crf stre...=t "' 2..e'.!.Z{-f:FS} D.eytl/ <fr fl~= '0_324-(Pt-), Ali'e~ Veii.00:1:;y = L0215{Ft:/'s) s~ eydr?<ilic;; at~ dF rt:t'eet -:::r~ ).lali'str-,,.,;t flo~ ¢i:lm = =.46"1-{Ft,.} _Flo,,r -.:¢!:-;,,city = L64{Ft,;s) T;r,;,,re1. ~ = 3_74 nn..-,. TC = 6-8'9 min. Addi.Ilg: ~ £I,;,,; 'tc str<"-....e't D"'--i:i,ulai ~ sdi.l groap A = s,~ ~ ~ =il grm,p J3-= s.e-eo Decimal. ~n so.il group c = 0-0€-l;! ~ fl;-.a_ct;u;n s¢1 gF>$l.lj) D = :LOO!:i ~-~fyp~ } (Geilera!' :i;ndusrr-.fa!. ) ~Us val.~, Pef.... = e-95'a Sue-AI:-:e;,: f':: 'i:lat!re = i:;_,oe ~ im:e;is:i:ty = 6.2:12{In/&J -fur-c: Ie'B...f} year-stQ:t'lll Effecf:::ih_""e-~ ~ userl: -f"or-total.. area (Q=,l(cr:ft.) :iS C = e.K70-CA= 903-17 snoare.-,. 'f{'tin9ff = -?.53S(CFS) for· S-ss;{A<:-) TornI mn9't'E' = s..:BS(Cf'S) Tcrt::,il_ == = e.9Se(Ac-) Si:;!"ee,c £Lo..-at eoo o-f stref't ,;. 5 .:135.(G'S) Hali' s>--*t flo,,, at em! Pr' ;sµ-<eet = s.:!3S{CFS) D~ ¢"'_B..o,o = 0,..386(~-}.,. Ava-age vtloct,cy = 2.34-7(Ft/s) Fl.o,,, ~ (frcm cur-b-_.<is er-=)= 14--548-{Ft.) :. .• X ...... .J'. . ! J:h t:: ,;;!. : : : l Lr; J J:::: Z :.11 ~ f 1:: 7 : 1 ·: .I. J J(f :_ :z;::' :_ ,-: :: 1 _:Cr: .. :::: . --:'.. !'POCes',S ir<'<>m Pro.n'"Jstat:i<>B 7.3'.2..?,IB t<l Po'µtt~ ;736.00€, -alHFUJEMGE -61= l'ffli/OR STRE,>;_05 - JD.Ong, Mmn S:t..-eam .lllllllber-: 2 m noF!lllal str= numl)er-:;_ St~ fl;m..i-area "" &.9.Se'(Ac.) R!,.~ fr$ t!tls st!'-~= 5.:135(CT'5} r~ oF ¢onc-a;L <!'~ = 6. SS ,n;w_ ~ z..~-fy = s.=0;,,/Hr-) , >:.z--r_-·&_ ;·.:.--_c~ .... -:-----• --x_-l:-IF-ff---:.-: -1-·T--.---=--r:·-s -----:-; · Prt>Ci!S;S' -fr6in Ptlliit/Si:ati= 744..%<1 'i;p-Pcmt!S~ 74&-008 -:JNJ'.fr..Af:. .AREA EV.AliIAc1.'TIJR ,.,,,_ Dedrna' ~ba ~ groa,;;, A = a~ei'..E ne,:im;i!_ ~en soil g,'OOj) El' = e.,eoo ~ ~ =il ~ i: = a..ooa ~ ~~ s(rli ~ti.= :L-000= [m1,R DDS:i:JY ~ ] (4'5. {7 D)r/~ GP Les.$ } -Th)t,!'I"'r'-'-""'s i,.i!.ue;,. Af. = 0 .$0.0 5ub-Ar>a2 ,:; '11:al.tra = e.732 ~~~~~.:::~ = 7~000(Ft.j lli.gi,es,I; ere~on = n3.SOO(!=t.) Lbwes':: ~"" = =-5W{Ft,..) ~on··,di,~uc;-e = :LOOp{:=t.} Slape"" 2....429-% TQP' m' J:m""tial Jl,,=..a Slope ?d'j,;,st:ed ey ~" to-1.51',7 ,:; ~ ftJ!B\ TIME ~ mJicert'~t 0,.U:--u'.JI.T.:.-mJS: ,1re ~ e,,,e;.J.=d 6.-tfistan~ ~ 75.oo (Ft) fa;-'tire; i:~ ~ s.i.,epe ,,aJ..r,e of' 1....SS '%, i.n :a crevcl.opmeat -type ~ 43-0 U!IfA ,;;g-Less IH /1.c-mrdaace lil'i.t:h f::i.g-.we B-3 1:E\....9::'!.aJ.. AP& T'i.me cii' Goaceut., atI.qn = 4-:l.4 mcmm:es tL =. t"1..8-*(2-1--G}~;,(F:t-}"...5)i{% sJ.6pE:"-f'!.a}1 •-: · · n:: = [:LS"{l...l!.--a:?900)"'{ 7~A0!l-'--5JI{ L587=('-J:3)}= 4..:!.4 ca!.q,12i::eli 1t cf 4.:!.4.3 Jl0.<."1tn:e$ is ~ 'the.n 5 llru!lJ):e;S.~ ~ TC to s_a iiru:lctes fop ~ cmt-~"""cy-ctL~= Rai..-.'fa!l intens1ty €I) "' 7 _.;,u.,:;rn/<'!?} -fui:-a 111,u:; year srora Ei'rect:!.ve rum,rr coef;.t::rey1, ~ fur, ~ (Q=K"m) is ;;: ,.,. 0..790 !:;«!,~a ~ = 4--!£5.{G'S} Total im.uai. streai;l! erea = e_6&1:,(J11:-) ;. t i -• : 1 :c ., :. • -: .. p! ':_ :Z : 7 i::.: • • -.: : TL, LT:_ -t .. ::r-;; ,.; . .; ;_T:;::: ;: L .,.:; • ~ ~ "$.: % • •: ..,_: 't; .. ,. Pl"'v<:-es£ fr-arr P~t/SU!tion 745../3'.00 to ~~ 76£_aoo° =-:wPRO\/ED ~ TR,aJ1Ei.. 'f1l'iE - U;lstr".= p.<>ime ~•='IJ:atlon = · ~{Fl':-} ~ ;im.......t "'1:vatio,i = ;i;JE._.500{Pi:.) 0,,armeJ. 1ertg"-LC1 tqru StrOJ3r?cl = .IJ3e~~O't) O,ab:ritl fase !"'-4th :12;_~.(Fi:;) ~=~ o.,. 'Z' ttF IeR: d,l;<one1...1>a:ialc.;. s_ooa S-.wpe = Tz,• of' r_gm:: <;:fumt,eJ.. b'aroi: = s..1300 ~ mean -F4!>< ~at~ or~= :rn_~(P".S} .M:annmg·s ·w = ,u,~ i'liDdmuih deptil m' rnanneJ.. = "L000(.Ft} F,lp,,,.'{a.) 1:m'n smn,,•,;2 = :w:.~(P's) D~ of-fl.aw= 8.353{Ft:,}, Avera~ -velocify; 4AlS(?-Js} urannei T.m'A' top~= i3_.Q5(Ft;_.) ~ ~ocf.ty = 4. .. ~s) 1:r.;!V""d ti.me, = 1.52 ;:,rin,. n.me ct= o:mcer~on = 5---ro .ticr.Jl_ t.-i:ticaI. tf,w-J, = l:L43S(F-.:,.) Adai,,g ~ fl.ow to cil'a~ :sed.mal ~n ~ ~ ,t = \'1-800 D~ -FPact:ien sb,..-i group B = e_~ Decin!'aI. i'raction sell .g;'01lJ, C = f\_!,00 DeciJnal. ~n ;s,;>il ~p D = 1.,.606' ~ Da6T.i'{ ~-;:o'd. J ( 43--~ rril,/ :A OX-{.,s,s:s; j ~...F'Vi."3US va!.t.ae, a = fL~0 S'uo-~ C Va]:m, = 0.79"(> R;aini'all. :u,~ty"' i;_sn.(Thl?.r<) ,fa,-a :m0.e-ye.ar stsrm Effect:tve ronorr a:,~ i,scl -l'"or total at'!:2 ~0,0 is C = 0',~ CA= 4..£$:i. . :;;~ ron!;ff' = 2S38&{tt$) mr-;;.ZW-{A!:-} Tot31. ,-unofF = 32..4S0(~} 'R>til area = L<>m.{Ac_) Depb"! or 'fWL-i = aAS9'l:Ft.}~ w~ ~-a::it;y = s,343{Ftts) Cr"'~ de;r-Jt -8,Bir7{Ft.,} "l" •-=-z-· =.:-·:. ,.;:-.... -.... --.-t·rt·..--:;H;----__ ec.:..-. ------.-E-------· --_.;!i 1:::: P~s fro;m-P'oirrt:/.sctati§m 76€;.ee& to Ppi.!r..{Ststti.on 736---~ -PTI'EFLOW LI@JH. T1!>lE (~ ~ ~) ""'*"' tlpstr'eam: peiirt:/s:t<llian ~ * :ID5Silll(P\;:•} llti,,..'l>Str~ po:intf ~ e}e.•«Sf;l'on ~ ss.~Ft} P:i.:,>? :J:.~ = ?1_.1:;1;(Ft:-) l'1zDm.·11/ss N:.=. !:!-lu:3. Ii,'P-!fl'-~e:s :a. i ~eel p-=,.pe-fl.o;.; = 32-499(GS) Neat=t -coin~ pipe ~-= 2L~{I'n-) caloaJ,aiie,d :i.ud:.--v.!dtra:> i:4"!"= f""'°!'t "" :;i:2....4S0(o;s:) ~ ~ <i!epth :in p:!pl= = ;;2.,8S(m-) 'fla.e, iD.Jli ~ :ins,ioe p;...p,, = :ce..A<>(L,_) &iaca:i; dept'h C:i:5ti;!.d i,Jpt !>e ~-s<C- P:ipe a..,. ._..;j.edty = ZLBS(Ns.} Tv-"aMtl time ~gr, p;ip.e = e .. es llli.,. T:illle Gr ·~ab a;,.J.,0,0 {TC) = 5$ ~ ... fi1 .... f -~;-:•.,. •·•.,. -..... ·.?: i·. --• -·-.... !t._ .,.le~!! .... -? .. ~--.t •• -_:1:--.:z:. ... .:_::. !!? i:.. I. i. !'roe~ _fr'"..,Jll. ?Oi..'1'"".J~ 76& .. 00ce i:O ?$t/Si:atia:n. 7315~~ -CONEL.,~ OF Mn\OR ~ ~ Al.~ ~ stream ITlllll):)erc: 2 :in.~ str>e;am mll!lbei' 2 ~ "€!.~~ qrea = 5_900{Jl'.c-} ~ ~-= -tins -~-= 32-498(CF-S) "!~ af p;J~ = 5-83 min- ~ inc"...ensl.i;Y = 6 .. 921.{In/a;-) ~ cl stra:am d:i-:ta: S!:;j,ea,ir ' Fl--= ija'"d, .No,. {~. TC (mi.'1} Ra't..,;fzll ntt:ens-a,fy (Ir\.ffi<') ;l. 5-~ £ •. ss -5.:2'.!.2 2 al: ... .'.@£j 5.83 6-921 ~~) L.000 .,. i.Eiafl * $.:U,,""} .,,. tUiS& "' '.L00B "' 3:2-490)' += 34---298 Qilia,c{2; = 1-e0.a * lL845 * 5--135) ~ :;;_...900,. :i .. €00 "' 32.Ail<i) 7= 35-333 Y:~ cf, 2 SD"-eap;:rs: to C{w~: F"'"~ ~ §l:fu~ m.rrfhp.Jic.e paint: 5..,:!2,S 32..4$0 ~ -ac,,, ~ .rt G!)Bri~e<; u:s".a..ng aoov.e data:: 3<1;.298. 3~_&33 APe.a er. ~ t>e:f<>re confluence: a:csse 5... 900 Re,;:al..t;; m' ro!aFIJfe..'<<ae: TJ'.>t;tl. B.oo ~ = 35..83.3{Cf!S) T":J.i;;e· of' ('.j'Jncen~ = 5_$29 min. Effectnte, ~ area cfter com-'1.u~. ~ (>.850(k..) _ ... r.::t-•...... : -.. :: _ -----_ . : -:. . _1 • __ • •· t ! ~ .... __ ·--.,. --.-.. -----t r· ... _ -___ -_. · 1 r 1 • .. --= PP-oeess ~ Pa1.m:;T~ E6 .. W'Gl:!--oo Pmnt[~ 74i.e~m ·· -;,~ 11lii.1rci. TI1'!E {l?rog,<an ~ea srre) - -~ ~...Jr~"i'! eievm:ioii ,,; 9$.A.l0(Ft:-} :D<Y"7'.5tre"<Jm J)Qll!tfstztfun e;i_~n -. ;3-7 -41'l.13{l't.) p.~·J.ength. = 2:Ui9(Ft} J'latming'S !\I= {U313 No-. cl' ~ = ::!.. R-°dltd.rea pfye -f:!= = 36..$~(;Cf5) r.=-est co-~UD=d j:rrpc ~ = 24-,.00{Tu-} ,;:aI.c:ilat:el .irmv.i-otrel ~e fl® = 36.$3(CFS) N0!'1!lal fi"_()W E€;Pti> .in pip;e = l!S_:,is{tr-~} Flot,; tap, wi"5t:h ~...tie ~ = 2:l..$7('.b,,} Cr'Iticai dem:n -ceclti ;:,,:re 1,,,. ~ P"-.pe -f:!.El1or V-eJ.i:id'i:y = $-55{PVs} Tra'II,,:;, i:ime t~ p->.-a)E '-1:L~ min- ~ o"F· -ccs~v~ (tQ-= s~ ~ • --·--·1::--.1 · 1---? -;: ·tz:r_::_ ---_-z;:----... j ~----.... -• ---• .. l! .... 'i--·-:---1-1:· • Pl'W:-1=SS &om l?ointr'Sta€:'tm> T:in.009 tQ Popi;U.Stao.,n -tm!P.lla!tE CF 1'!iml! 511'..Ei'M? - ~j~ ~~~ Ea'.t?l ~ .M~ ;9tream: :ts ~;: :;:,-., 1'ia:ut s~ n~r: 2 st.-eam -fl;,,., area= 6.~·c) Rm:lOff TI'em this ~ =s 3i?-833(0'$) Tfu!> cl' conc~ir = 5,&,5 t;'ih.. R3">--1!fall ~ty = 6-8~...a/Hr'j Program :is new ~ ,atii r>aam St;r>ea,µ NQ. 3 l' i. • --.:. --' -.,.. • • :t •.·. -l • E=i:1 i (;; · -l ! I. -. --.. ---· -i -. -i;tl. r .• [ .... -,:-1 · -:t···;. --Ji Process -fro<!) l>caht/'S'tatif/n BS,~ 't:<? P~-tati= ~-ere ~ J.N.i.tXAL AP~ i:V"JU.?.c.=?l!.~'i ~ Deo;na!. ~ soil gpqtip :A ,;, \(001? ~ fcaction ,;;;:,:p__ gr-e,ey ~ = a,a!\0 D-...,,-,,:,nafr n-=uon soil groap C = e _aaa: Deci:ma1. fr-actl<m soil gpou;p tJ. = L!l!l9 ~.o.r. 2l'e'a fyp~ l ~ Iill!us'!':r'".:a-1. ), ]mp~ val.uec~ id = 6-95£! Su1>-Area C "lla!ne = .;_8:1'!:; ltd.~~ i:m::al "Q.™ ~ 7.UlOO(Pc_): ~e,st: "1~011 = l:!.fr_713?(:Ft) !.~ ~on = W.'700(Pt..) Elevation fil:i'fere-.,ce = 1..wgtFt-) Slope-::. l.,389 %' ~..AL AREA. TTME Dl" ~~ QU.Q.Jl'..PEmNSc Tht< ~ °"""!.2nd -flo:,, ~ is w.oo; (Pt) ~ the top a..~ ~e ,..~ or LW %-=t in a d~~t ~ ,$ G:eneral. Ind!IStl':i.21. :i:n =~~=<e{' iltth F.l@ire 3'-3 l:tri.ti_a:1, Ar.ea Ume of 'Cooce:at:l'== = ;z-_S7 llEi.trutEs . TC= [1..E"'(~~~J~-5t.r{% .:;~eA{v,'t)} TC= [Lli."'(L:t-e.s;n3>:t)*{ Iiil-000"-,;:)J{ 2-39ll"{1.BJ::[= 2..ff! The; im.~ al'°ea to-'tal ~ sf 72_,,e {}c.) c,r!'t'ered l~ a ~ ~Ce 6f 12-~ (Pc.} 1:/,;:mg P:tgore 3--4,, '$e ~ time for -tins ~ :'f:s. a..z, mim."t~ -Fp;;> a ;tistam:e d'f :i.:z_oo (Pl:..;) and a s:to-,;e of :L39 %. 'Wi..tb an ~eva"f:i.on ~~c.e-.oF .0-:!7{Ft..} "ITbaa ~ end OT 'tlre tQp at?"ea Tt -=' f:r::L9"'1.engtli.(1€}-"3}/{cle!!atioa ~ge{Ft.))J"-385 '*6!'l{lltia."br) 0-274~ . -rt'=f("-r .;p--->i,..e~}/{ a.i,--)JA.385= an Tots,;L il:titral. ~ Ti. = 2-~ lllil3®eS -frem F::!gtwe 3-3 n>l'"ll!ala plus a_z:; minw...es fract tile Figure 3-4 -f'-,,rmtiia = 3_15 ll!iBg"--u,s Gil-~ TC <if 3-148-$1..-'1":es ;;;; ~ i:fraI, 5 nu.ciates, re:ettip"g re u, S.B ~ -f"" i'aiefa;LL :i);tensS.ty ~= ~~ :i,rt:~ (:t:) = 7.~(:l:nl'&-) fol" a :r.ee-.11 yer-$twri< Effective );'unorr cc,,,_ff"..a.em: used for' are (~) :rs c = e.irn, Si,,k,rea' r,moff = 0..3~(-CT'S) T~ ls~~ ~"?lll ?f'Ea ~ ;Ll?i;:,'1;1~.) -•:. :t • • .... l •i:-,...;. • •• • ?-1•. • -=:· • · J. c• t.;: -,-;.:.• • € -· -• :;.tl_) f l't ... _ .. }-l if'ilf T Process -&em P',;,e'.rr.JStatioa 739.000 ta l?dili!:JS'tati<>n 74e..0e/:} -STll;EET l=iJ:lr..i TRil.1/a TIME. -.-SUB;A.'!B< 'Fl.£M ADD1:!TON - ,op cl' ,;;treet segilen:t: ~~~"' = ~-700(.f't..) End ~~<ft~ e~ = '.W5-009{Ft) L~ Of szyetl ~ = 477_~) lle:iisfrt w =-is aoove gi.,n:er-~e = 6-eCL-...) -~tl';::b. 'Or halT stfeet (Ol!'Q-'b:> ~) = IUlOO{R-) llista!;,pa fl>om ~ i;<:) cross;fall ~E ru-eak -:!.fUlOO(Ft..) ~i,e -fuem g,rt-ter-tu grae., ur-ea.'c (vim:.; = 0.e20 ~ ~ g1"3tle ~k -to cro..n (v/l:a.) · = e..020 ~'t fuw is 90 [1] ~(s) or "ffie .stPee:t ~ f'=m CU!'h -.:o Jll"O~ li."'le = 13~00l:/(l?i:..) 51opa from =!:i ~ ;,re~ :line, (vr/"rrz.) = a~ G!!tte~ ~ = :L-5~~-) Gm:ter-~ 7"<)<11 ~..me-= :l..500{To,.) l'fannmg~s N in gm:\:a' = !L>l'.150 ~-,g's N frO!il g_,itter-'to grade hreak = eu:iaie !~-.,g"s M -fr-em gt,-<;t!e bre.dc to o,q.n = 0,e"..sZe ~tea a~ -Fl.OW ~ ?t mi.cfpoi.lrt OT ~ef: = :L..577(0:51 !:lecpi:i! ci'-fiQ,,< = 0_1:15(Ft,.)~ ~~ .~ty = 1..7,%{.Ftfs} ;;n-eet:a*"" h;it\il'aulie; ;a,t ~ of ~t ~= li;3J;fsb~ fl~ ~J-i = ~-~68"CFt-) F1oo ~W = '.L76{Pt/s} T 1'aVcl. -qii,e = 4..SB min, 11: = 3' -fi5 nfui_ Mdit!E' ;area fl<iN to :s±re;;t. Eledli!al fr~ s-cil. g?Oup A = \:i-0"&! tledmal. fy.,.cti.an soil gNlnp-ll> = lii-000 lcle,timal. ~aq;kln i5<lil gronp C = 0-.e-e.t !J!S._q;gal 'rt'~n s_oil g,-onp D = :uaoo ~ ar'ea fypi: 1 ~~'ia]_ J ~i,n.-Q'.:s.; ¥a11le, Ai = &.9Sia- SD;a--Af>$ t Vslµe "' KZ73 ll:airtfail ;i,rrEil$--":t;y = 5-807 (In/m-} -Foi' a '.H:le .e yeqr, s,i:o<>m affect:r-,;,,, runofF c-0e;Fad.errt --fu?. ~ az,ea (~crA} !is C = B-8713 (A = ~.49-5 SCIBlai'ea t1;$o-;-;-= '2-54'.J{U-S) fu.-es··cl{Ac..} rat:a:L :ruriJ,;rr = 2..875(crS) Tfi"t2i. area = 0_57e(Ac.) Street ,p.,_h,;t ·«t 'e$E ¢ ~ = 2-!m{CFS): Hear ~t -P-.1.CW .it ~ "7' m<:et = :LW.§(O:S} pe,tfIJ. oi' 'fl.dw = _-e.":iV'Cf"!:-)~ ~e 'l:tels.ci:cy ·= 2a029c{Ft/s) i,:,__o,;, wi<ffii (-fram ,:url, ~ cro-...,,,)= :U,.6'.U.(Ft.) ?roe-cs -from PI:fur,Js'ta'tion 7-40~ i:1::> PO:int/5tztion -Pet.~i.Qki ~ nm; {PI'~~ i;S....-e;} - Fags: 1.8 of 26: Llp'sl:I'eam pclti.'t/stc.s:ion eL.=vation = %.aoo{H:..} ~ pamfJs.t:a:t:ib<J ?L;.~_ori = 97.~0'(Ft..) ?.i.pe i#Jg,=h = 11.00(R ... ) t~<:s :;i ea a.003 !S(O. or ¢.;,cs = :i, Re'Q'~ pi?e £.1,:,w = _2.~CFS} Nearest COI'i[:.l!r>.£:a ¢,J].e cfulmei.eP = 1'.000:,..} calcul.a'"-...ecl .i.n!fu.:,>..Jmal pipe -fl<JW = 2.s'i9{~ »o~ -flow d;,,gr:h zi pi~ = 3~n.J P.1.b« t:op ..:iatil :insai:le ~ = & ... !r.r{I:a.) CM:t;Cp]_ depttl rnu1d tllK l',.e ~- ?i~ -fl.ow TJelo<::ify = 15 • 70{Ftf:S;): T~ "'ti.me ~ p:Ip"e = B...00 ll!U). TI.me of' cohcenu-ation (K) = J'.S6 mm-. : : --:, =::: ".:-: 1 S -:-: : ., :.: ;; 7 .; .: v 1:. r l : : ! _ ; ;·r •:::::,. 7 ~ ·-: .:.,.. _ 'i-. :-;: :: :-: c · : : : .; ; : 2 4 = ~ : f . .:. P~5 'fr.<:iar Poi*1$tation. 7$~000 te ~o:iaj;/£:~n 742..lil.?]3 -g)NFI ... UENCE OF /V',4JN 5mE!il'!S ,._ . . ~-re -:fo~ d~.._a ins"'~ fuiu stream is J:istea: In~~~!3 Stream fll:!>f al'ea = 8.57!:l{Ai:.) Rtlnoff -from t.'tis stream = 2..8179{-cF:s) T:i.~ o'f cO~ ~ 7-65. mir,_ Rai..'trall :'urtensi.-ty = 5-is050:uf'..;,,) .Stmm:!afy o-f 5h'eani ~: $tr-= F.!AW i-.ne No_ {O'S) RaiHfall llteosi.ty ~) !. 33,.001. l,2:.3$ 4..:l,.."'4- 2. 35~ 5-... SS 6.Sl,9 3 2,.879 7.615 ,,;_§$ Q.~{'.l.) :Leoo .. L00,3"' 33 ... Bl/U.} ... -0.&18' * 1..000 "' 35.1$) 7 0.7:35 * 1.000 * 2...879} 7= 57,.&/2 Q.ll!aX(2) 1.eee "" e._-474. ~ 33.001.) .... :!,.~ * LOOii* 3B..m3) :- 1,000 * ,0~7£5 * 2..879). += 54-,$89 ~) = ;L.000 * '8 ... 1519 * ::$.001) T e.84-i * :1...,.0:00 .. 35.8381) + L000 * 1...000 * 2...879) 7= 54.3?.....9 "t:otal. oF 3-main six~ tc ,cotrr"J:..oence: Fl.ow r-ates be~ c,;~,, »tn;"'ft:: '.a:3-.iofil. 36.83:> -1:_ffl Marilm'.illl -f°.LG,1 ~ at aia.'1.t!enct, ~ ab"<M> t!ab,; g:, -1383 54-.'539 5ih.3'.29 Ar-ea of =-eams ~ c-Onf'l....t1ence: s_.33a 6.ZS!3 1:r..57a To.tal 'f'l"..fill ~ = 57.88;!{CPS} T:i:me of' mncerrt:ran.<m = il-.3::;0 mi:,. ~i'Ie ~..:am ~ea ?ft~ ~__tre.._~e : ::: : ..: ..: ; J : t: .. t -: ; : .. >:,:: .::, T : : .J. :.; .. :.: : l : : '::.:: -=--1 .t n : : : : • : : t :-::::: : t: l -: 1 -) - Pi>rn:e;s'from Rcir.ttlst:cticn 7-,;;2 ... 200 to -?~/S-tatian 786.ac.OO& -"* P'm'ERDW-IRAVS.. TIME t!'r-Qg!'-am ~--n,4 sue) =-.. . - ~-pmm;/st:at:i.Qa ~Il = ~7.AOO(R::.} l)oW"~ ~-Vstatfun .e:1.=tiprr = 9'7.BOO(F-,;...) 'P!ipe la!gtl, = 45-00{Ft.) ~,s :re = 0_;,g l')o~ df-@i= ·= .1 ~ pipe--fl.oo = 57 -~CF5) ~~ ~ ~ = 3:5 ... BB(.r,,.) ~...esi imfi~ pipe ~ = I,] .,$83{.C:"$.'J Nel"lll2I fl& dspqi ~pipe-"" 17.B(l2L) Fl$< W ><i<l+-.ll. fus:ilie pi.pe = 30.se(n,.) {;I:'i.ti.....-4il De;rti, = .29S6{Dl..) P~ fl<:,,., -.aiod:cy = ~-®(Ft/s:) T,-a>Jcl. fue--th~ ~-'-!'£ = B.W llifu.. T:i:me "m' ,c.aru::l::nCrc!'&n {K) ~-42 mirr. _ • r. ... = _ .. _:,. -· ........ ,. Z .. -___ ., • -::;-:. : • : ..... ., _ --_: , = _ " :. : ~-.:., : [; : ; ;: t ,. : _ : : x :-:r ! 1 ,:: ?i'Q.ceS'S n-qm ?i;an't!Statwa 7Q.~ 'to ?.&m:/~ '.735.1320 . *"-C5l'lR!lENGE DF M)!'j1{ s:raEk\S - The w.I.i:rud:ag &c!-= :i.~e l',.m; 51:r~ is ll,s<-..ed: In~~I!l:tlllb<>...r-:1. s~ fro,;, are.a= :1.fi.T"9"0,.c.) ::.u.'Wff -frc!!l' t>us stream= s::r •. zsa:(q;:5) T33J!°e di' c®~W = :!2.-4.2 mi.0- R?n>rall :i,rt:$5ity = 4-248{.In/Hr) ~ i$ n9<;,-st,rr-til)g w:ii;h Mai,fn ~ J>b.. 2 :i. ·t Z -~ • ---... -----; ~ ----• • 7 .... • • -• l l.J I Li t J: ~ "''--r • I • ------j: • e r -• , ... -r -x. a. ... -• - Pl"oq;,5$ n"<l3i i>ro.itt,-'Statinn 722-eoo to P<>ii:rt.)Stat:ioa 72:LfiOO -:m:r:inu. i'.ru:A Bf".....IiJAIIClt ,,_ . D'ec;i;JJa1. -fyacti-on soil €N>UP-A = '.8. e?0 ~~sail.~ B = e",e'OO ~ -fy?<:ti.-tin S<'.a2 gi-=p C = tl-90~ _ [P-ci:mal. f,Taction ~..l. i;PG""!' D = :L 900 [iC-$~~l:/>l'("..A!.. 1 (43..~ J;lUf,A "W ~s ) '.!;wp~~ val.U<>c, Ai = 0.2:~ SUh-Area 'c "l/l3;l.l.le = e.73i.:r I:.ai.ti:;tl ~ t,ital 7.1-pw: ~~ -5e.;300{f"-i:,.) ~ -$---,,;,rt:Ion = 329"-~Ft-) Lowest ~ = ;i.;t&...aoo(E't..} El.evati.an, ,J1i$T"'-."""1= = ::uaOO{Ft:.) ~ = 1..5!S7 X Eitm:'.'li. ~ 1".0!E (lF q;Ji!03\.~ =.l'..AIJ:{JN$; The .nra:tim'.c!lll ~--?tia ,flow m:stance is 7.5.00 (Ft} for-V.e -tap ar,ea s!.qpe "Jal.se if.' 1...57 Z,, in a dev~ t:;(?e di= 43'.6' DW,\ W [J=SS '.l:rr. Aca>.~ ldtl! P'~,;re 3--3 I.""i:lT":a' ~ T1!DE! of Co~= -'i--fil ~ TC = I::t.8'"'{1-1-t:)"iiistaru:e{Ft,}"--SVt.% slope"(Z/3)J ,C = f::L.8*\'.Ll-c-0-7$100'),g( ?5~008".S)j{ 3...67~(,,n)J= 4-07 ~~ TC of 4_013 ~ is ~ than 5 mi.s!d:es, r=~ Tc""" s.e ~ fbr< !'mnf-cll ~ ca:r.~= ~ =L--==.t,y 00 = 7.l5>rr{;rn,JHr-) fup a 101U~ year satnr'ill rr,e;..tiv.e ~ coa'f"..d.=t: USeA ftlr' <1rea (~) :is C = 0.7W Sabarea r.um::ff' = 4.346(CF.Sj TataJ. -eu'ii::Ja) ~ 2Fe3 = !',_7'....B(k.) -• -:.--•:tttz -I: c-;---r -:tr"-..! -. "I-i --] •.~ ·:;:i, ---• -=-----------.., ----, •;--~----; ?r-o= i'rom Po:int/S~tia.1 781.13'!@ fu Poin~r> 78!Leoo tl.,::::: -~ dr.lO,J!i!E;L TRA'\/El. T.rf!E *"""" .-::,... CJ,:,stream pa'..a:f; eiev,,ti;oe = n&.000(Ft.} O~eam pef.,..rrt: ~ = 3.24-.SOO{Pt.J ~ 1.~'r 1'.!t= ~ = 250..~t.) CJ;=eJ. ~ r.,futu; 1xUiOO{f't:.} - SJ.o'oe bi" ,.z· of Jsi='t ~hank= 5-~ Slope or-'Z' of' night chenoel l:iahil:: = 5. !iOO ~ ;i.,.'""'ll 1'l:oioi t'irt.e 'at tnf4p6inl: off dlanne.L = 7-7E(Ci-'5) i,ia,,..n:1ng· s ·w = 17.«!S 1~ eepth af' chaantjl = 2-080{.Ft.) FJ.ei.-:(<j) i::hra suba.-m = 7 J.2:Y(O'S) Depfu or f.1.d>;;. £L:2;'.!3{Ft.)0 ~~ ,,-......l<>di:)r = 3-.2;73{.Fi::/s) ~ fl~ top tY.f.dfil = 12~:i34{F't .. ) FJ.ow Veloc:ity = 3.zt(FtfsJ 'Travel i:ime = 1.:V mis, Ti_me c:F ~nee~ = 5_35 mitt ... u-rt:;;,;:a'T sepm = 0.~"Ft.} ~ area fl.o:,, -to cmumtl Oed:maL ~o.a sb5.I g:r'U!l]l" A = 0-l:!ll0 !)eci,;,a:L -r'r.;tJ:;;l::ieu =il _group S = 0.,,00 ~cimal -Fr-acti.·0J1 soil :§7eup--C = a-~ a-ea, ~ frat:tion soil ,group o = .Leee i}II'6li DENSJ:TY ~ I (43.'!l DlJ/A or-Less ) IJ,;pe.-'4ous val.a!'e, A'i. = 0 ,:&\!a 5tu?-Are2 C Va!Jl5'·= 03% ~ ~t;ens:tty = 7.313{:rn/Hr) ~r-a 200.0 yi,a!' st<>F!li .E:ffe.....-ti.ve runo:ff ~ ;used T9f'" 'total area · (~i;;l:A.) ;ts C = 0.3'98 CA = 1..sa9 _ SD!,a;-e,a .r-,m't;ff = · fi.~6(CFs) TOP ~Ac.) Tota!. r-w.on' = n...~{a=s) T<>tal a.-ea = :L.S:IB{.Ac.J ~.h if.; f.l,o-.r = 0.263.{Ft.}~ -~ .,,,...19c::ify = 3.7111,(P!::/s} .:~ deptll: = !l-!UE{ft.) 1·-'l. t · · . -• -: '" -1, .. •. ; -•.• ·--.., • • ---i i-----=:r -.; • -.. ~ --" -l -i -· -. --~ !. --,. ~ -·. ,.. :: i -~ . " ,· P?ocess -i=N.,_., ~<fi,+Itf~ 78!L000' ti> Ptlm/$~ ;.ll'!,.0$ """""" P:I:P.EP!.O* 7F~'EL 7,IME (~ e~ed .s'izeJ - ~ B<'linti~ ~QJl = 1;22..1/IW;;.(n:.} ~ai. Pimttf~ a~$n = na.ooiatn:-'.> P:£pe-~...J, = :LW.00{Ft) 1'.;,mfug':S N = <'}.<1]'3 . J\IO. of Jnpe5 = :.1. Req;tirea ¢pe f'J,ow = :U.-042{0:S); N""'1"est ~ed ¢.ire diailfei:,ar' = ZL.00(:!n,) Cah.-wz'-,;.eii fufu:id..a1. J?~ 'flp;,z = lJ...e,1,,2.(CFS) ~!o;,s;il. -S..GJ« ~ :in ~ = ll-91.(In..) . F!_= top ,rufu'J. ms.i<le_ Ir:$= = 20~) C!'::tt:r.call ~ = 14-~-) P:>.J)B f.l<i<l '1!:..<-0t:i:cy = 7 .i2{Fiifs) "t-.i ti;l!e ~Jsh ¢.!?" = B--~ llrul, -.~ rief.d(mcerrt~ {TC) = 5-58 ,aiQ_ ;: .. ____ r ,.-.. -. T .. -.• --:-------~::;-.-E··------~-.-,----~·'":;-~:..zz: . .r.==------:;;:-- PJ"OCeSS 'from p,,.;_.m::JS-tatiatl 784..100 'to Pmrrt,i$tad(lfi 7a4,%0 -SU81!'.R.EA Fl$1.~l -- DEciJ!lal ~n si,;u groop A = C...$00 D~ ~"' soil. ~ap B = 0_00,a De.:-,a;;,a, ~bl'> :s;,il gi'<Jt1JJ-C = -0.900 !).aci,,;al. fi-2ctib:;i soil g:,eup D = 1 • .ieB IINDll'stRD:u.. a......aa ~ . {6~[ '.l:ndllSb:'ial ) ~ va'.!.ue; A'i. = 0.9:;il 5Hh-Ar.eas C ~ = a.s:n -r,_:me o:f t:.rurcenn-ation = 5.5'8 min. R;:ttnfa1.T~:in~ty = Y-~-~l/fW) fur 2 ~~e ye:ar-storm ~cti,,e ~ !!:-oeffidem'. t!Sffi -fo!' ~ ere.a ~rn} is C: = 0.&82 CA. = . 1.795 ~a l;'ti'B_off = :l.743{0:S} -fot> 3.33?{P.c.} Total!'~= :i.2.-7&4{CFS) Tn'ta!.. a-ea= 2-240{.l\c.) Abang ~ Str~ :iumt5e:i~= 1: .µl a:?ON?tal st:Pea.m· cmmber ::I. st~ -flv.,, area= 2.24a{)lc..} Kua off -f'l:'Qm i:!ru; sb'e2lil = ;12-~ c'f$) T~ tlr CGirICEilll"'ati.bn. = 5-5? Ilii.n- ~ :i.trreasi.fy = 7 -~{L"iJH:r') r·-{----X -.--" ---.. _y ... l l I l --• l -.. : • -• =--"'."" -----, --T.1 I. : -· -· , _ -l --.. -• --i i 1 -• 'l .J'. T - P,:-ot;~s #ci¥: PlY'..*1'5~ 7135.e!ID t, P<mr.JS.-tatiou 785.::ffi0 -DlIIllli. ARB< Elf,Oltliu~\! - Ded;Elal fyaction ~ gr-eui, A= a.~ ~ f!"act:rf!n soil ~p B = O.eBl'i becim<l -n-a..'"ti.on soil gN)Lrp-.c = ~.eoo De<;iiD,!J. fy~ sif.:.l wol!Ji D. = 1.~.ee [R(ru D:rn.str'f RES:!DBi<.ulL J {43..0 DUJ'A -Or Less ) ~...m,s ~,rez Ai = 0.800 Sub-A.->iaa l!:: va!.m> = 0-.79? ~tial. s'.l!lharea i:eta>. -!Tow ~e 50..BOO{ft..) ~ ;::;);evatiofl = ~.aea(Ft:.} ~ ~ =-:!28.00El(F.c.} ~,m di~ence =-LGOO(F-.:..) £op,,=. -.t..$67 z Th-<rtr..AL ARB>. TIME OF ~.i.00 CAf.11'i'l'!JuI£il•!£:z The ~ over-land 'f.[.ow ro.stam:e :is 15.a@ {Ft:} -fb,,. tit~ 't<>? ~ S'AJ?e "\/3!.ue trf ::L!iz %;. .4 a '!ienilii~ type dJ 43.a DVfA. i'.lt' l!=Ss :;:,, At:cctJ:fante W'i:'"<ll Hglll"e ~g == A.--ea ,iJne or c~on = 4.157 ~ TC = J:1..tl"'°'(:!...:L~Q~(F;:.)~.5){{% sipp;e,,.(1/3.')J TC= [1...8""(1..1--0~)"'( 75.8E!0"-.5)/{ LS7e"{1/3)]'"' 4.Jal G>i=1afEd TC qf' 4-..lP.3 ~ is ~ "tliar.l 5 mn'!l't:-as', t:-esetting ,c to $..B l!UP.m:e5 -fur ~qll ~Jttlfy cal.~'as Rla:iniaU ~ [.E) = 7 .641.(Ji;/ffr) fu?> a · :raa.a ysr $tqr'm Errect:i.ve ~ o;,ec"T.I.cieat BseJi fol' Bf'<=a {Q=i(Cl:1:i.) is: c = i:L79$ S,~ Plll'.l.ofi' = 2..837(CFS} ~ iru.~ 51:l-'>....>!In-ar-ea = Et-47.f!f:A;:...'.) : : : I:.: 1 i , : 1 1 : : : ; -r.t:. _:.. _ :. .: . · ; : 1:; _: ~: T: :: :-: : : :; l ~ r;: r: 1' tl::::::: a : :. : : ·-: ' =ess f.-om .?oiat./S~-0n :ras.~ ro f'oint:/Staut;n 785--2;00 -I!~ Ol1\NNEL TRA'\1El... TINE - u~ ·pQ1J;rt: eevzti<l-~.. =.aoo(Ft.) D~ p@..m: e!e,ati;:ln = '.:l24..500{Ft) ~ 1slg""dl thre; SW'lJ'i:3 = 368.~Ft.) G.anne1 base 'Wi:ejth ::!1o.B00tFt} . :$lope OP 'Z" err .left: J:haM~ hank = 5.!\00 ~pe or-·r aF i"".igm: d!am!tl hank = 5.000 Es-''-'.lllaterl mean Ba,, r-ane a>t :midottirrt: er t:ham,.tl = w.~(OiS; Manning',;'. ·Ji' = 0.G:18 • .. Ma:x:i= depth eof tha.'l.~ = :t..aoo{F::-.) ~{<r) ti!M1 sci,.swoac = :$.957(0::S) Der,;n or 'fJ:oto = a.2S!.ift.}, JM,,,~~ ~od.iy = 3-~{P'.""Js) O<an?.el 1'1<:,.,! ~ 'fdm:h = :0...92is(H:.} 8._o,., Veu>cify = 3.~~s'} Tr~e!. time c: ~ min'- 'f'T-Jfie di' ~i;retion = 5-~ lil"ln. ~tictl il'"J,ltl-i = a.3'f_;;;{Ft.J Adding ~ flpw to dlan~ D<cctml. fract::wn 'S<!il. ~A= 0.fi~ Iledla:al. fre,.'tEon sml ~ s = B_ooe; D.edsai. ~:i SQiJ groi,p 'C = B.!300 Dedm;,1. -fy<!,..~ ,roil ~ D-= L000 [fti:ffi ~ ~Elu:01.L . 1 ('!3.'0' !ltVA oc-!.ess ) :To:ipervj.-OuS valn!a.,. ,1lcr_ = ?-S'.ee SiJb--.A,--es C vail,'e ae 0, ,;ge Rai.,full, .fir",.er.si.ty = 6.EGS{'.I;i1ilir-) ,fo,-a :u,€1.e ~ swrm a-;-e:cti'V.e. "-'!m<i'ff rocl'f.loseut used -f,e,,-tdta1 area · (~.) :ns;: C = 0._799 Cc;..= 2-765-. Su1'><)J--ea l"Unoff = '.wc:!~{GS) fw 3.~Ac.) T.otai. rtrom"f = :UL'.994(0'5) Tot:al. area ,. 3.S<l0.(Ac.} P.epth ci' -fkM = !L399{Ft..)~ Al.-erag.e veloci'!,y = 3';95:T{Ft:/s} t:M:t:lt:al. depth = e -445{.Ft.) -r ----: -•. • i :.;-·, ----1.-.;; --;; ~: ~ -,. -1-:--r· ,,:r ... r.-· y-: -:: tt ·;:c r :---.., .: · -:·i I 1.t · r ?N>Cess fro& Pmn:t!~ 78f.:¥>8 w ~JS't!ttll:)n 7$ .. ©e -P'.Il'ffU:i'.i ~ T.lliiE ~ ~~! *"""* Upfu>eam ?-OL-r-.Jst&fu.ll elev.it:i.on-= :!:21..000{ft.} R~.poin'-.Jst>tlon e:i,eym:::lon = :I!w .. :SOO~-) - J>ipe ieirgm = 40 .. !le{F"t.J .!12nni.ng'£ N = 'ff~e-.s NO. 6!' ¢:tis = :;. R~~ ]7-ipe ~ -1.a-~A(O"SJ Neerest. con,p<r..eii ¢.pe ei=-e-i:e.-= 24.oo(:r_;.,.) ~ :indi;d,:!ua:t ;µpe -f,.w,, = :ul-"$4{G'S} ~~ -an .. <:lsi,tl>: :in ¢pe -S 52.Q:,,.) F'W," ~ "li<ltl> . .i=i&e-Fl>" ""' :12-95('.r>I.) Cri:ti.ctl !lefth = :!B.81.(Xrt .. J P;ipe flat.\' ~ = &.M(i:=1:fs\ ·ri>ave:t ti,ne ~ ¢:pe =. 0~!38 ~- 'fl!3ne Gf ·coru:~ (TI:) = s..s7 m:m~ Ilecim;il ~ .>,oil group-A =< 13.000 ~ ftac!::ioi) SCil gI'Ouµ :a = B.00& !iedmai ~ "'°"~ ·g,,or.if> t = e.sP.,e becim;a:"i. ~ scll gr-a,;p D = :r...eee: [llil)~ at'!=a tj,pe . J (~rcl~ ) ~iii$~" m. = e~ Sl'h-A:re?. C V;,1.ne = .i.pe Time er ~-= 5 .. S? van.. ~~-:in~= 5.~(.!i?JP.<-) fur a :100 .. 13 )""..a;;-=· ~v<ic ~ ~~ ~ fl)r-total 21=...a \'.~} ;:is C = f).7,fl CA = Li:b'L $~ puntj'f' = 1..lW:L{CFS; f,:,r-0.33e{Ac...} T~ ,-._,,;o;~ = 2.€f.795(CFS) Total aPea = 3.},Be(.Ac.) ;,;;,~~-~;;-~~.1s~_,,;,.;-~=~--s·~-i,,;:i,;.-JS~~·-···-m=e00- -Pil'EF'Ldf/TMVEL Til'iE (~ ~'l.::ei 9 __ :z.e) - ~ t,#.m:,'~ eleuatinn = 11¢..SOO(Ft.) ~~ ·pomtf~-, eh:v:ztiqn = :!20..~00(H:.). M~ le~ = 35_00('.Ff;_) Man)rlng's: ~ = a.a.3 No. oF pijaes = 1 Recr'..sre<i ?~~ -fkM "" 2B.7.'!S{CT$} ~ ~p.rrte'd p'.'ij>e &.ame't:er.' = :z4..00cr,,_) ~ !,."ld:'iv,idea!. ,;:q,e f=l__,e,,: = 21'1-7;!5(0'5) 1'lclMnaI. f.IJ», de;;tn i.tl f;;i.!Je = :ts.:n an., F'low ~ ;_~ 'fns:w,; p-ipe = ZL-7S(:tn:) G->.i:;[pal ileptl, = ,:!lL51_Q:n.) i:,;-.-pe fi~ ve:l.eci1:y = 9 .. 49(Ft/s) Tr:aoRi time t'n=i#.i Jrl.pe = e.05 cl.-,_ Tue ,:ff =~n {1t::} = 6.03 min. ::-:·l:;;. J;:: :s :::_:. ':.:: :· .. •: :~::: ._:-: ::;:...::::. :.: ::. l 1 .• :_z :.:·.::=;:1f:.~:=·T:·1 T :; T '!>PocE$S 1'!106l· ~/5i;,l;ticb 7/UA'laei w ?o:mt/:Si:ztion 784.-008' -CONFi..UENO: OF ~CE: $TRE;<NS - Mong tsain s::re:an, rumilaer: 2 in npt'mal str'q3lll ~ 2 ~or ft....,.. area = 3-~Acc) Ru:uoff -from t."iis s'tream = ?.B.795,CCFS) T:Lme o:f c0!1C6J.b aw.em = &Al3 mn~ ~ :!m:e.~ = 6-~./Rr) ~ of s:treaii> &;~: S-tr-eam 8.ow r-zte No. (CFS) r-c {mitt) Ra;mfall ~1:y {IJJM,-) 1.. lZ..784 5-58 7.ll8 2 20".195 6.133 fi.7.,SS Q),2x{"' -,. -= 1_000 * :t.000 * il.'7$4) 7 :L~ * l?,925 * ~.795) f--32.616 Qjliax{.?.) = fL9S1. * 1..0'00 "' .:ii..7&4) ,- 1.;,a0 "' L~ * .2f;.~5) +::: .'j"L9S0c Total. m' 2 ~ -to-co;;fLuetll;:e: Flow-r-2±= l>e,fos,e confl.uence pain'!:: l;2.. 7S'4 2!!;.795 Maxilnu:o;t fl.a.: r~ at ~...nent:e tttiJlg .abq.ve ~"* 32.ln& 32.;JS"ft Pu~ oF sb'ean<s: -iie,for.e ct>l:?r'Jnence: .2.2.40" 5-~ Resttl:ts ef tonHueocec T.crtal -fl_m< r'at:e = 32:.$$2(0:CS) T.'i:lne r:tf' ~El::full = 5.84-min. Ef-;2.ec:ti.y.e $f:r,eam: area afl:~L"'-ct£or.luence: = O ... €v-$c-} : r ~-_ =---! r z ?=£ r . _ r _ . ., .. --.. _ .. _ ... r ~ _._: __ z --• _ .-_ -! -_; x -... ---• 4 • _ .. !. .. ---: -_ -• ~ I -- P= TI'Ol!l Pci..'Tt{~on 7&4...000 to P~~.....oo 786.~ -J>Il:>£FLO!..r 1RAYEl TI}lE {Pr'o_gi-am estin..~ size) _ ""'*" u~ ~~n ~on= :UO.lo00(1=-,:_.) Wwns'""~ 'l)O"....if'"J.s'tatiQn ele~un. = 97_000(:F-.::.) l'::!.1'.)e I.ength = 200-01'l{Pt:.) ~s lil = &.e'.3. ~-<2R ~ = :!. ~~ ;iupe -fl.a.w "' ~P'S) Near-est~ pjpe iliam:Ert:er = :21..00(,;n..) - i:al.c:uJ.ate,l :miff.~~~ p:'lPe tlrn;, = 32.9'5'8(l:FS) ~ -$.ow d'$ti.t in p-'i..pe = ;;!,.$6(".m.) :Fi...JJw -top w:'tEitli ~e pfy,s = 1Y ..oo:r--'-!4} CI>i.nan-.qe.p~ coo1xl no;:!: be, ~ ?.ipe flow ve:lJ:,d.t:y = io.J'.B(Ft/,sj Tf'3'.'te'I. time 'tll.=ugh ¢.:Pe = Z.52 :nan. Ti1ite or conceni'.Patiq,1 (TC) = 6 • .55 tl,,_ :1 ::1::. l ! T j. : ' i -} ~ _. : : :, • : £ .. ! :: • f: _::: :_ -f:: -.: :: =::: • _:: -:: :; •. :. z_; -; ~.:: ::-t,_ • ::::. :. :'. • _: .:... ! ~ fto.ln P-cd.:!r<./~ ~-l:l.00 i:9, P-G!illt;,'S~ 7&:i . .!00 -CON.FU,JENCE OF ~ 5T'R'eAl'IS - T/-,e fuilqw;rhg da'ta :ins:i.de · Mam ~-:is ~::. J:,; Mcd.D St:r-eam !."ID!$~ :i2. ,s~ fl<M area= o.117El{Ae-) ~~ TN!n WiS ~ = 3L95fl(O:S) ~ of5f~ ~ 5_35 min. ~dtj:. ~ = $.4,'.IB{l"....rrFdr-) ~of~mtta: s~ FJ-= =te l\fo. (Cf-.~ 1.. -s:J.$$3 2 32S5a ~)= TC (!!dn} Ra:i!a:r.,JJ., !lrtPps:?:ty (ToJRi'-1: :L.1300 * a.eQ: * 57.883) -s- 32.S5B} + = ~(2.) = 57.SlE)-.. 32,950} -e-= S3A74 roi:al. t;# 2 m:ain ~!if:; -t"o ·corrf.lnenc-e: now ~ J;Jefwe-conflae:Eee poini:: 51'.&lB 32.95a ~ flmJ ~ at com--:hren.t-e u;;"".c.ng smo'ife data~ ~ .691 53-..474 A.."$ ¢ fue;ams: bef'-ore =f"=e:: ~-750 o.wa ~Sttl."t:; ~ COtr.~;. Total. i'l.o;r .-a't!: = ?9...i5..-'c:l:(.q'S} Ti,zje-or l::on.~ati-0n ... :!2.42:4 ia;b;,. Err=t:i\'e SO'e'a!Ir ar-e;a after-C0,"1'!"°1J:;ence : • : : . -:_x. ::.: :-J1 :J l -1 "l: I;""~:--: i 1: '.:: :·: :·:::: ";' :::--;::: -.: · _x ""~; =:;::: ~ .,.; l -?'. --;_ :z Pr9cess ~ f'o:m=J~n 785.e© -t-o l'oin:t/Stat:fon 738.000 *"""* P~ T"td\V~•-1'lME {~ estimated Si=} -' . - ~ ~ ~n = 97.00e(pi:..). Datmstre<lbt p,;i-i...<t'-,Jst;ao.oo ~'1 = 9.S-SOO(Ft:.} l"fi.re ~ = 42.00(Ft) Ytanfti.ng's N = 8.131.S N!L or p"....,_<;:$ = :'.i. ~ ¢?e f.Iow "" 79..691.{CE'S) ~ ~m:ed pipe: ~'°1:e!" = 39.00Cfu...} ~;aterl :rnd:i'\~ 1'!1-.J)"e fl<;JW = 7S.S'.1.{0:?}- !!p,.-.,,,,,;J.. 1':ik1w" ciepm 2:r1 pape = .w.seQ:n..) Fl.ow toll •.d!tth ~pipe= ~.<>El(In.) trrtica1 ~ = 33..BJ{Tn.) Pipe ~ ve'.!.odfy = :U..2.fJ(Y.;/s) Ttave1. twe tli,?OOgfl P.iJl<= = 0.06 mm.. TJiJJre of ~~n {lt) = U-48 llli.µ.. P,o,;..ess ~\,~~~ '"··~-~\:~·,;~~~ h m.0% ..,_ ~ t:F roNl.'t $Dl'.Elll'\S - Stream itow ~a= ::U,..&Z!l{;A.c-) llnnorr -fi,.om titjs stre:am .,. 79-6'9:i(C:'5) Time £ff conc~ti.cu = TIA& nn- R,,;iefa}.l :m--~_fy = 4-235{1:n!Jl.") :r""; _•·:-c-... ---.. -7 e--:r;----t.11-.. --' p_n----f'---... z----·-.. --r· --... ;-· ·1~--' Process TI'Ofl1 ~ill.t/Station 7fs7 .-ee~ to P<.>:µ1tf5tati.o" ?SS .... \)~ -=7"".1.AL AREA E'.!Af!JJiJTilN - oat:'.f~"! *a~l? sdil g_r-t)}:!9 A =: et'"~ !)eeimaL ~ ~= soil group :S = ..,_009 Dei::inla;l.. #ad:&m-SPil ~ C = ~-'006 Deci.mel. -frect::k.m. so;U. gro® u = L eoo [LOJ,! ~ ~'ITAL {'l..0" PU/A. OF-Less ) ~...r'>d,ous vaEue, Af.. = "!~ SUJ:;-,!l..,..ea .(: Va1Jre = 0.410- ~ ~ tota!. fl~ ~ce 1BB-0t10'{Pt...) Big~ tle~ = S8,fl00(Ft-) L~ e1.evcl2c.n = 95_.\300{Ft_) EL'"lratior: diifer-&1ce"" 2,-000{.i=·t-) ~ = 1-'.!Xi x :i:::r,,_---r-.1#-,.!(?.EA T.rME ru= CDNC&"1RlUJ'.~ CA!;(JlLAnolllS:: Toe matimemi av;:f'l.aale{ -r-0W ~nte 'j$ '.le--00 {Ft) for tf>..e tnp are.a slope, '1$J..ue 'Of 1-'U :Z:, 'i:.o a de,ve:l~ t;,;pe al" 1..0 00/A QI' Less :en h:c~ !,li.i,n F.'i,,"Ure d<--3 Ini.tl~ A.~i:i T;we of ~1:rtw., = 1!,,Bi-~ TC ,=. [::t-glF(:r..:!,s"C)*-iustanc;c{Fi:..}".5}/(% ~'4:U3)J . TC s-[1.z"(;U:1.-'9.,la':0"/i)-"'( 71}.ooe"-.!>Jf{ '.U!.l~{J./,l)J=, . 1.0-~ Tne .'!.m.tia::L a'.t"ea' 'rof:a1 ~ oF Jim.~ (Ft,:r ~ 1$',6 a ~ ~ce or :i:.UU3B. {Ft-) !Jsi..~ F.igt:tte 3--4-.,. uie 1:3:-a.Vef!_ n!!le fu-ifils n3$l'atlUe is '.:Lco minnt2s f-or-a elist2:nce or :ua..,00 (Ft..) and a slope df 1-n % i...'Xth ;m e:(,ewri,ian <li:f'Zerie;m:e Di' ::1-22.(Ft.) frol!l me end cF "tl!"~ to]> ar<>--<t Tt = [.ll..:9"""..t.eng<"Jt{l1l:.}"'3),{[el.e~ ~Fs:.)Hh-3&5 ~(Jfil"!J:/'lir>} 1-648-l'finu':::,;s n""!:c:u..9*-a.aza8"3)t{ :L~}:r-'3:85= 1..65 Total. ire-Ha, ~ µ. ,=· 1.0-M ~ TI'O;tt F~ 3-3 ,formt.t],a t>:WS ~-65 mirurt;es T!"'dllr 1:be ~ 3-4 fu"""'1'.i!B = TI..&"$ ~ Rrl,."'rl'.all ~ty fr:) = .. 4.419(.fu/Jit? f,w :a ~ -!? yea,-s'".m-ii>. ~v.e J"Ill'lO-Ff ro,,f;F...p.e,il:t ~fur'~ {/EKO:I\:) i.s C = !1,4-'.!,"£\ 5-ubarea: ranofi' -3.:53:{l:FS) · Tut;µ im.tiai .stream area = 1.746.{ft...). ----r--·-·;-,t-1:---~ ·j1,. '1 Har; v·:FT.l '-it·:;----; it!•·;;.,· j · -------2=-:r-:r-1r ... ~ n-om P:o:I.nt{Sl;aticm 7%7 .... 1300 to~ 788~800 -;;:Qi~ OF filNQR. STREl,l'IS: - .AJ..<>Og i,;~.., ~ m-mihe!-~ :L m nOI'll!c!l .str~ numb-",er 2 Stf-<a.....am -f1nl.< """"' = l..748(Ai::-) RtL--.off frOllI this ~""1 -= 3.:;53{CF5) Ti= or concei:rt:r'ati.bn = X'L68 lllL,- ~-mtll mta:is;tty = ,i..4a.9p:n~.r-} s~ cl' s=...am eata:: ·----..;: .. ~ ;;;,-..ensrry f:u,JP!r-j l. 7!3.:6$a :U..4$ 2 3.:!53 tl....68 Q.~} = :l...~0"' !...900 * 7!!L691.} 0_$3. *' :r...eml-"' 3.153) Q;!irax{?.) '.! .... 3l;l0 .. 0..,936 * 79-S$'1.) 1..000 .. :LOO!o * :iL:153) Total. of' z ~ ti:t <:oitt""1J!ence= Fl.ti{ rates berore Q.)m---:!.nence ~: 79...59:t 3 _1.:,'"3 4-:BS 4-419 -=-= 32._r..a. . -:""= 77.755 M2tim flow rates at: =~enc,e es-'-1lg :ahi,V-i, Qa:"..a: 8)!.:'ra "T!.755 *r"ea ~ S-:-~ pero~ CQCn-'~!2"= ZZ.s:IB :J,-74& ~<i:S of o:,m-'}_~,e= rotai -f'l..,;r,, "'=-.:e = sz. 7:12(.t:FS} T3.lllec rfr ~e.,J., "l'...ion = ~1'8:1. min ... 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' Ir 1: I I I I I I I I I I Exhibit D: WSPG Runs -Site Storm Drain R-4A (East) Salina Telaga R-4B (West) Estero D:\71632 QC PA4\Rcporta\Hydro!Qg)!l2016l026 R4A Eilllt Drainago.doox -·---· --·--------... ------------------------·---------- 6 FILE: 71632_SALINA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-20-2Ql6 Time: 2:57:24 71632 salina ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert ] Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICriticallFlow ToplHeight/,Base Wt' lNo Wth Station Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) (FPS) Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth I Width IDia.-FT or I.D. ZL Prs/Pip L/Elem -,I~ Slope-1--1--1--1--I-SF Av;,l-HF -1;E Dpt~l;roude ;f;orm Dp-1-"N" -1-x-Fal;:I-ZR -!Type Ch ********* *********l********l*********l*********l*******I******* *********l*******l********l********l*******l*******I***** I******* 1000.000 99.510 1.399 100.909 30.26 10.70 1.78 102.69 .oo 1.88 2.48 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-1- 42.020 .0145 .0152 .64 1.40 1.77 1.41 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I l I I I I I I I 1042.020 100.120 1.385 101.505 30.26 10.84 1.82 103.33 ,00 1.88 2.49 2.500 .000 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-. -1--1--1- -1--1- .00 1 I- . 0 7 JONCT STR . 0825 . 0142 . 06 1. 39 1. 80 . 013 . 00 I I I I I I I I I I l I PIPE I .00 1046.020 100.450 1.819 102.269 27.53 9.17 1.31 103.58 .00 1.82 1.15 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1--1--1--J--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- 13.745 .0086 .0134 .18 1.82 1.00 2.00 .013 .00 I - PIPE .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1059.765 100.568 2.000 102.568 27.53 8.76 1.19 103.76 .00 1.82 .00 2.000 .000 I .00 .0 1 -1- -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1--J- 169.705 .0086 .0144 2.44 2.00 .00 2.00 .013 .00 .00 I- PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 1229.470 102.030 3.051 105.081 27.53 8.76 1.19 106.27 .00 1.82 .00 2.000 .000 I 1 .o .oo -1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- JONCT STR . 0825 . 0126 . 05 3. 05 . 00 . 013 . 00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1233.470 102.360 3.230 105.590 23.09 7.35 .84 106.43 .00 1.71 .00 2.000 .000 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1- 67.660 .0160 .0104 .70 3.23 .00 1.36 .013 .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1301.130 103.440 2.855 106.295 23.09 7.35 .84 107.13 ,00 1.71 .00 2.000 .000 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1-. -1--1- -1--1--1- JDNCT STR .0825 .0080 .03 2.85 .00 .013 .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1305.130 103.770 2.946 106.716 16.90 5.38 .45 107.17 .00 1.48 .00 2.000 .000 (q 0 I- PIPE I .00 .00 . 0 .00 1 I- PIPE I .00 .0 .00 1 I- PIPE I .00 1 . 0 -1- -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--J- 144.340 .0067 .0056 .81 2.95 .00 1.50 .013 .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1449.470 104.740 2.781 107.521 16.90 5.38 .45 107.97 .00 1.48 .00 2.000 .000 I- PIPE I .00 .00 .0 1 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--J--J- JUNCT STR . 0825 . 0079 . 03 2. 78 . 00 . 013 . 00 tf .00 I- PIPE ..... -····-·-· ----· -·------· .. ---,-··----·--- ------·-·----------------------------------------- 3 FILE: 71632_SALINA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING 71632 salina PAGE 2 Date:10-20-2016 Time: 2:57:24 *******~****************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super jCriticallFlow TopjHeight/!Base Wtl jNo Wth Station I Elev I (F'l') Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. j Elev l Depth Width jDia.-FTjor I.D. ZL IPrs/Pip -1- -1-- --,--1--1--1--1----1--1--1--1--I L/Elem ICh Slope I I I SF Ave! HF SE DpthlFroude N'Norm Dp I "N" X-Falll ZR !Type Ch *********l*********I******** *********1*********1*******1*******\*********l*******I******** ********\*******\*******\***** ******* 1453.470 105.070 2.369 107.439 10.64 6.02 .56 108.00 .00 1.25 .oo 1.500 .ooo .00 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1-I- 106.091 .0180 . 0103 1. 09 2.37 .00 .97 . 013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1559.561 106.981 1.544 108.525 10. 64 6.02 .56 109.09 .00 1.25 .00 1.500 .ooo .00 1 .o -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1-I- HYDRAULIC JUMP I I I I I I I I I I I I 1559.561 106.981 .973 107.954 10.64 8.77 1.19 109.15 .00 1.25 1.43 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I - 43.722 .0180 .0175 .77 .97 1.68 .97 .013 .00 .oo PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1603 .283 107.768 .993 108.761 10.64 8.57 1.14 109.90 .00 1.25 1.42 1.500 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1-I- 31. 783 .0180 .0161 .51 .99 1.62 .97 .013 .00 .oo PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I l I 1635.067 108.340 1.036 109.376 10.64 8.17 1. 04 110.41 .00 1.25 1.39 1.500 .000 .oo 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1-I - 13.085 .0180 .0144 .19 1.04 1.49 .97 .013 .00 .oo PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1648.151 108.576 1. 082 109.658 10.64 7.79 .94 110.60 .00 1.25 1.34 1.500 .000 .oo 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 6. 817 .0180 .0128 .09 1.08 1.36 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1654.968 108.699 1.133 109.832 10.64 7.43 .86 110.69 .00 1.25 1.29 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 3.438 .0180 .0115 .04 1.13 1.24 .97 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I · I I I I I I I 1658.406 108.761 1.189 109.949 10.64 7.08 .78 J.10.73 .00 1.25 1.22 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 1.064 .0180 .0104 .01 1.19 1.12 .97 .013 .00 .oo PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1659.470 108.780 1.252 110.032 10.64 6.75 .71 110.74 .00 1.25 1.11 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I - JUNCT STR. .0825 1.25 1.00 .013 .00 .00 PIPE ·----~------·------ - -- ----------------------.._ ________ ----____ JIii _ _ ___ lllll!L_fl!lllll FILE: 71632_SALINA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-20-2016 Time: 2:57:24 71632 salina ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Su~er ICriticaljFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wtl jNo Wth Station I Elev I {FT} I Elev (CFS} I (FPS} Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth I Width 'Dia.-FT or I.D. j ZL IPrs/Pip -1----1--,--1--1- -1- -1--1--1----1--1--I L/Elem I Ch Slope I SF Ave I HF I SE Dpth I Froude NI Norm Dp I "N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch *********l*********l********l*********J*********l*******1*******J*********I******* ********l********J*******l*******J***** !******* 1663.470 109.110 .593 109.703 5.06 7.79 .94 110.64 .00 .87 1.47 1.500 .ooo .00 1 .o -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1- -1--1--1--1-1- 72.288 .0214 .0214 1.54 .59 2.06 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1735.758 110.654 .593 111.247 5.06 7.79 .94 112.19 .00 .87 1.47 1.500 .000 .00 1 .o -1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1- -1--1--1--j-I-49.340 .0214 .0211 1.04 .59 2.06 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1785.098 111.708 .596 112.304 5.06 7.72 .93 113.23 .oo .87 1.47 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 35.421 .0214 .0196 .69 .60 2.04 .59 .013 .oo .oo PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1820.519 112.465 .618 113.083 5.06 7.36 .84 113.92 .00 .87 1.48 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -,--1--!--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 12.982 .0214 .0172 .22 .62 1.90 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1833.501 112.742 .641 113.383 5.06 7.02 .77 114.15 .00 .87 1.48 1.500 .000 .oo 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--l--1--1-I- 7.345 .0214 .0151 .11 .64 1.78 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1840.846 112.899 .664 113.563 5.06 6.69 .70 114.26 .00 .87 1.49 1.500 .000 .00 l . 0 -1--1--1--l--1--1--1--1--1--[--1- -1- -1-I- 4. 774 . 0214 . 0133 . 06 . 66 1. 66 . 59 . 013 . 00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1845.620 113.001 .689 113.690 5.06 6.38 .63 114.32 .00 .87 1.50 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .o -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1-'"' -1--1--1--1--1- -1-I- 3.276 .0214 .0117 .04 .69 1.55 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1848.896 113.071 .715 113.786 5.06 6.09 .58 114.36 .00 .87 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .o -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1--1-I- 2.281 .0214 .0103 .02 .71 1.44 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I l I I I I I I I I I I 1851.177 113.120 .742 113.861 5.06 5.80 .52 114.38 .00 .87 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1- -1- -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--[--1--1-I- 1.554 .0214 .0090 .01 .74 1.34 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE ---·--· ---· ·-·. ·-·--·---- -- - -- ----·----_IIIIIIL ----·----11111111 .. --~~---·------ FILE: 71632 SALINA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 4 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LIST:(NG Date:10-20-2016 Time: 2:57:24 71632 salina ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super lcriticallFlow TopjHeight/lBase Wtl !No Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I {CFS) I {FPS) Head I Grd.EL I ~lev I Depth I Width 'Dia.-FTlor I.D. I ZL IPrs/Pip -,--1--,--,--1--1--1--1--1--1-- --1-- --I L/Elem Ch Slope I I SF Ave I HF I SE Dpth I Froude NI Norm Dp I "N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch *********l*********l********l*********l*********l*******1*******l*********I***·**** ********l********l*******l*******I***** !******* z 1852.731 113.153 .770 113.923 5.06 5.53 .48 114.40 .00 .87 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 1 .o - I -. -I - -I - -I --1--I - -I - -I -· -I - -I - -I - -I --1-I - 1. o 02 .0214 ,0080 .01 .77 1.25 .59 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1853.733 113.174 .800 113.974 5.06 5.28 .43 114.41 .oo .87 1.50 1.500 .000 .oo 1 -1- -1- -1--1--1- -1- -1--1- -1--1- -1- -1--1-1- . 557 . 0214 . 0070 . 00 . 80 1.16 . 59 . 013 . 00 . 00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1854.291 113.186 .831 114.017 5.06 5.03 .39 114.41 .00 .87 1.49 1.500 .000 -1- -1--1- -1- -1- -1- -1--1--1--1--1- -1--1- .179 .0214 .0062 .00 .83 1.08 .59 .013 .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1854.470 113.190 .865 114.055 5.06 4.79 .36 114.41 .00 .87 1.48 1.500 .000 -,--1--,--,- -,--I- -,--,- -,--,- -,--1--,- 1858.470 113.520 .865 114.385 5.06 4.79 .36 114.74 .00 .87 1.48 1.500 .000 -1--1--1--1- -1--1- -1--1- -1--1--1- -1--1- .oo .oo .00 .oo 1 I- PIPE I I-I I- 1 1 • 0 .0 .0 .o ···-····----------·--··--·-----·---. -· ·--·· ··------- I I I I : II I I I I I I I I I I I ---_.._ ··--· ---· --. - . ------______ ..._ __ J!l!III.--~---_ _-______ _-. ___ ~ . --_,.. FILE: 71632_TELAGA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14,06 PAGE 1 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 WATER SURFACE PROFILE L!STING Date:10-20-2016 Time: 4:56:52 71632 TELAGA ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super lcriticallFlow TopjHeight/lBase Wt! !No Wth Station I Elev (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.EL I Elev I Depth I Width jnia.-FTlor I.D. I ZL jPrs/Pip -1------1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--I L/Elem I Ch Slope I I I SF Ave I HF I SE Dpth I Froude NI Norm Dp I "N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch \ (p *********!********* ********!*********!********* *******1*******1*********1*******1********1********1*******[*******1***** I******* 882-030 99.870 .746 100.616 13.26 12.42 2.39 103.01 .00 1.31 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1----1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 1.372 .0490 .0391 .05 . 75 2.95 .70 .013 .oo .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I r I I 883 .402 99.937 .747 100.684 13.26 12.39 2.38 103.07 .oo 1.31 1. 93 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1----1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 15.250 .0490 .0366 .56 .75 2.94 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 898.652 100.684 .774 101. 459 13.26 11. 81 2.17 103.63 .00 1.31 1.95 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1----1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 9.981 .0490 . 0321 .32 .77 2.74 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 908.633 101.174 .802 101. 976 13.26 11.26 1.97 103.95 ,00 1.31 1.96 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -1----1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 7.187 .0490 .0281 .20 . 80 2.56 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 915.820 101.526 .831 102.357 13.26 10.74 1. 79 104.15 ,00 1.31 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 5.447 .0490 .0247 .13 .83 2.39 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 921.267 101.793 .862 102.654 13.26 10.24 1. 63 104.28 .oo 1.31 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 . 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 4.254 .0490 .0217 .09 .86 2.23 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 925 .521 102 .001 .. 894 102.895 13.26 9.76 1.48 104.37 .00 1.31 1.99 2.000 .000 _oo l .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 3.384 .0490 .0191 .06 .89 2.08 .70 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 928.905 102.167 . 927 103.094 13.26 9.31 1.35 104.44 .oo 1.31 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 l .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- 2.715 .0490 .0168 .OS .93 1.94 .70 . 013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 931.620 102.300 .962 103.262 13 .26 8.87 1.22 104.48 .00 1.31 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 l . 0 r -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-I- \. ~ JUNCT STR .0825 .0154 .06 .96 1. 81 .013 .oo .00 PIPE --·---~---·--·-------------· . -····--. ··-·· .. -------· ----------------------------~------. _______ ,___ ~--. . -· t ') \ v{ FILE: 71632 TELAGA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 2 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-20-2016 Time: 4:56:52 71632 TELAGA **********************************************************************************************~*************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super ICritical,Flow ToplHeight/lBase Wtl [No Wth Station I Elev I {FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth Width Dia. -FT !or I.D. I ZL I Prs/Pip ---1--1- -1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--I L/Elem Ch Slope I I I SF Ave I HF I SE Dpth I Froude NI Norm Dp I "N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch *********l*********l********l*********l*********l*******I******* *********l*******I******** ********l*******l*******I***** I******* 935.620 102.630 .926 103.556 12.17 8.55 1.14 104.69 .00 1.25 1.99 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1- -1- -1- -1--1--1-1- 25.520 .0167 .0143 .36 .93 1.78 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 961.1.40 103.055 .956 104.011 12.17 8.20 1.05 105.06 .00 1.25 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1-1- 14.766 .0167 .0127 .19 .96 1.68 .90 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 975.906 103.302 .992 104.294 12.17 7.82 .95 105.24 .00 1.25 2.00 2.000 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1- -1--1- -1- -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1- 8.815 .0167 .0112 .10 .99 1.56 .90 .013 .00 I- PIPE .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 984.721 103.449 1.030 104.479 12.17 7.46 .86 105.34 .00 1.25 2.00 2.000 .000 I .00 1 .0 -1--1- -1- -1- -1- -1--1--1- -1--1- -1- -1--1- 5.658 .0167 .0098 .06 1.03 1.46 .90 .013 .00 I- PIPE .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 990.379 103.543 1.070 104.613 12.17 7.11 .79 105.40 .00 1.25 2.00 2.000 .000 I .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--[--1--1- 3.691 .0167 .0087 .03 1.07 1.35 .90 .013 .00 I- PIPE .00 I I I I l I I I I I I I 994.071 103.604 1.112 104.716 12.17 6.78 .71 105.43 .00 1.25 1.99 2.000 .000 I 1 .00 .o -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 2.299 .0167 .0077 .02 1.11 1.26 .90 .013 .00 I- PIPE .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 996.369 103.643 1.156 104.799 12.17 6.46 .65 105.45 .00 1.25 1.98 2.000 .000 I 1 .00 .0 -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 1.243 .0167 .0068 .01 1.16 1.17 .90 .013 .00 I- PIPE .00 I I I I I I I I I I I I 997.612 103.664 1.203 104.866 12.17 6.16 .59 105.46 .00 1.25 1.96 2.000 .000 -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1--1- .388 .0167 .0060 .00 1.20 1.08 .90 .013 .oo I .00 1 I- PIPE .00 .0 I I I I I I I I I I I I 998.000 103.670 1.253 104.923 12.17 5.87 .54 105.46 2.00 1.25 1.93 2.000 .000 -1- -1- -1- -1--1- -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1--1- JDNCT STR . 0825 2. 00 1. 00 . 013 . 00 I .oo 1 I- PIPE .00 • 0 -··---------· -----·· --------··-------·------·-·----·--·---- - V·'\ \~ --------- -. ------·--------. -.. __ ------ FILE: 71632 TELAGA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-20-2016 Time: 4:56:52 71632 TELAGA ************************************************************************************************************************** *******W Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super lcriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase WtJ !No Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FT[or I.D. I ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem !Ch Slope_i_ -,--,--,--I-SF Av;1-HF -1;E Dpt~l,;roude ;l;orm Dp-1-"N" -1-X-Fal~,-ZR -,Type Ch *********J*********l********l*********l*********J*******1*******l*********I******* ******** ********l*******l*******I***** I******* 1002.000 104.000 .798 104.798 8.68 7.43 .86 105.65 .00 1.05 1.96 2.000 .ooo .00 1 .0 -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1-1- 34.754 .0131 .0132 .46 .80 1.69 .80 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1036.754 104.454 .796 105.249 8.68 7.45 .86 106.11 .00 1.05 1.96 2,000 .000 -1--1--1--1- -1- -1--]--1--1--1--1--1--1- 53.104 .0131 .0142 .75 .80 1.70 .BO .013 l l I I I I 1089.858 105.147 .768 105.915 8.68 7.82 .95 106.86 .00 -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1- 22.114 .0131 .0161 .36 .77 I I I l I I 1111.972 105.436 .741 106.177 8.68 8.20 1.04 107.22 .oo -1--1--1- -1- -1- -1- -1- 14.731 .0131 .0184 .27 .74 I l I I I I 1126. 703 105 .. 629 . 716 106. 344 8. 68 8. 60 1.15 107.49 .00 -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1- 11.367 .0131 .0210 .24 .72 I I I I I I I 1138.070 105.777 .691 106.468 8.68 9.02 1.26 107.73 .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1- 9.420 .0131 .0240 .23 .69 I I I I I I I 1147.490 105.900 .667 106.567 8.68 9.46 1.39 107.96 .00 -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1- JUNCT STR .0825 .0218 .09 .67 I I I I I I I 1151.490 106.230 .732 106.962 8.68 8.34 1.08 108.04 .00 -1- -1--1- -1--1- -1- -1--1- -1- 65.601 .0180 .0180 1.18 .73 I I I I I I I 1217.091 107.411 .732 108.143 8.68 8.34 1.08 109.22 .oo -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--r--1- 65.596 .0180 .0180 1.18 .73 ----··--·-·------·-------·-------· ·---·--·-·· 1. OS 1. 95 -1- 1. 82 , 80 1.05 1.95 1. 05 2.09 1.05 2.23 1. 05 2.39 1. 05 2.00 1.05 2.00 I -1- I -1- -1- -I- I -1- I -1- 1.93 .80 1. 92 .80 1. 90 .80 1.89 1.93 .73 1.93 .73 2.000 -1--1- .013 2.000 -1--1- .013 I 2.000 -1--1- .013 2.000 -1--1- .013 I 2.000 -1--1- .013 I 2.000 -1--I - . 013 I I 2.000 -1--1- .013 .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .ooo -1- .00 I .ooo -1- .00 .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I - .00 PIPE I .00 1 I-.oo PIPE I .00 1 I-.00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I-.oo PIPE I .oo 1 I -.oo PIPE .o .0 .o .0 .0 . 0 .o • 0 ----------------------------11111!!1 - - - - " -· . .__,_,,.., .. -----rn:r ... ·-··· ( l-, \\,5" FILE: 71632_TELAGA.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING 7163 2 TELAGA PAGE 4 Date:10-20-2016 Time: 4:56:52 ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water Station_,_ Elev _,_ (FT) _,_ Elev I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super jcriticaljFlow Top,Height/,Base Wtj jNo Wth I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. j Elev I Depth I Width Dia.-FT or I.D. j ZL 'Prs/Pip -1--1- -1--,--1--1--1--1--1--1--I I SF Ave HF I SE J:?pth I Froude NI Norm Dp I "N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch L/Elem !Ch Slope I *********!*********,******** *********l*********l*******'*******l*********l*******l********l********,*******l*******I***** I******* 1282.687 108.592 .733 -1- -1--I- 62.442 .0180 I I I 1345 .129 109.715 .759 -1--1- -1- 19.141 .0180 I I I 1364.270 110.060 .786 -1--1--1- JUNCT STR .0825 I I I 1368.270 110 .390 .826 -1--1--I- 135 .272 .0117 I I I 1503.542 111.977 .826 -1--1--I- 45.289 .011.7 I I I 1548.831 112.508 .851 -1--1--1- 14.586 .0117 I I I 1563 .417 112.679 .885 -1--1--I- 6.073 .0117 I I I 1569.490 112.750 .921 -1--I--I- JUNCT STR .0825 I I I 1573.490 113.080 .706 -1--1--1- 98.669 .0100 109.324 8.68 8.33 1.08 110.40 .oo 1.05 1.93 2.000 .000 .00 -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- I 110.474 -1- I 110.846 -1- I 111.216 -I- I 112 .802 -I- I 113.359 -l- I 113. 564 -I- I 113. 671 -[- l 113. 786 -1- .0169 1.05 .73 2.00 .73 .013 f I I I 8.68 7.94 .98 111.45 .,00 -1--1- -1--1--1- .0148 .28 .76 I I I 8.68 7.57 .89 111. 74 .00 -1--1--1--1--1- .0128 .os .79 I I I I 6.67 6.69 .70 111.91 .00 -1--1--I --1--1- . 0117 1.59 .83 I I I 6.67 6.69 .70 113.50 .00 -1--1--1--1--1- .0112 .51 . 83 I I I 6.67 6.45 .65 114.00 .oo -I--1--1--1--I- .0100 .15 .as I I I 6.67 6.15 .59 114.15 .00 -1--1--1--1--1- .0089 .os .88 I I I I 6.67 5.87 .53 114.21 .oo -1--1--I --1--1- . 0092 .04 .92 I I I I 4.73 5.79 .52 114 .31 .·oo -1--1--1--1- -1- .0100 .99 .71 1. 05 1.86 1. 05 1.74 1. 00 1.44 1.00 1.44 1. 00 1.36 1.00 1.26 1. 00 1.17 .84 1.38 -1- I -1- I -1- I -1- -1- I -1- -I- I -1- 1.94 .73 1.95 1.49 .83 1.49 .83 1.49 .83 1.48 .83 1.46 1.50 .71 I 2.000 -1--,- . 013 I 2.000 -1--f- . 013 I I 1.500 -1--1- .013 1.500 -1--1- .013 I 1.500 -1--1- .013 I I 1.500 -1--1- .013 1.500 -1--1- .013 I 1.500 -1--1- .013 .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1-.oo I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 .00 .00 .oo .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1 .0 I- PIPE I 1 . 0 I- PIPE I 1 .0 I - PIPE I 1 .0 I- PIPE I 1 .o I- PIPE I 1 .0 I- PIPE I 1 .o I - PIPE I 1 . 0 I- PIPE I 1 .o I-PIPE ----------·--···--------·-···--------·--·-----·--------------··---· ------------------------_____________ .. ___ .... __ Jlll[III \\ \6 FILE: 71632 TELAGA.WSW PAGE 5 W SP G W -crvILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTI;NG Date:10-20-2016 Time: 4:56:52 71.632 TELAGA ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super !CriticallFlow ToplHeight/lBase Wt! !No Wth station I Elev (FT} I Elev I (CFS} I (FPS} Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth I Width Dia. -FT or I.D. I ZL IPrs/Pip -1- -1--1--1--1--1--1----1--1--1--1--1-- L/Elem ICh Slope I I I I SF Ave HF !SE Dpth!Froude NINorm Dp I "N" I X-Falll ZR JType Ch *********1*********l********l*********l*********l*******1*******l*********l***«***l********l********l*******l*******I***** I******* 1672.159 114.067 .706 114.772 4.73 5.79 .52 115.29 .oo .84 1.50 1.500 .000 .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 36.331 .0100 .0098 .36 .71 1.38 .71 .013 .oo I I I I I I I I I I I I 1708.490 114.430 .712 115.142 4.73 5.72 .51 115.65 .00 .84 l.50 1.500 .000 -1--1- -1--1- -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- JUNCT STR .0825 .0098 .04 .71 1.36 .013 I I I I I I I I I I I 1712.490 114.760 .574 115.334 2.23 4.7.9 .36 115.69 .00 .64 .99 l.000 -1--1--1--1--!--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1- I -1- I I 109.985 .0100 .0100 l.10 .57 l.23 .57 .013 I I I I I I I I 1822.475 115.860 .574 116.434 2.23 4.79 .36 116.79 .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1-17.001 .0100 .00.96 .16 .57 .00 I I I I I I I I 1839.476 116.030 .589 116.61.9 2.23 4.65 .34 116.95 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 5.062 .0100 .0087 .04 I I I I I I 1844.538 116.080 .613 116.6.93 2.23 4.43 .30 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- . .952 .0100 .0077 I I I I I I 1845.490 116.090 .639 116.729 2.23 4.22 .28 4.22 -1- .28 -1- -,--,--,--1--,--1--,- 1847.490 116.420 .639 117.059 2.23 -1--1--1--1--1- ----·-··-··-_________ , _______ . --------------- 117. 00 .01 117.00 117.33 -1- -I- I -1- -1- .59 I .00 -1- .61 .00 .00 I -I- I -1- .64 1.23 .64 l.17 .64 l.08 .64 .64 -l- I -l- -I-I -1- .99 .57 . .98 .57 .97 .57 .96 .96 l.000 -1--I - . 013 I l. 000 -1--I- . 013 I l.000 -1--1- .013 I l.000 -1--I- I I l.000 -1--1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -I- I .000 -1- _oo .00 .00 .oo .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1 I-PIPE I 1 I- PIPE I l I- PIPE I 1 I- PIPE I 1 I-PIPE I 1 ,- PIPE I 1 ,- i I- . 0 .o .o .o . 0 .0 .o .o ~· ~ -I I I I I I I I I -----------~-------------------- - -.. . . -. . .• --.-~ ·-· -----·· --... , .----=-=-"'- FILE: 71632 estero.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 1 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-21-2016 Time: 9:57:ll 71632 ESTERO ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super lcriticallFlow Top,Height/lBase Wtl !No Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev I (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. I Elev I Depth Width Dia.-FTlor I.D. ZL IPrs/Pip L/Elem -1~h Slope_,_ -1--1--,--I-SF Av~,-HF -ll~E Dpth,;roude ;j;.orm Dp-1-"N" -1-X-Fal~,-ZR -,Type Ch *********1*********1********1*********1*********1*******1*******\********* *******i********l********l*******,*******I***** !******* 1000.000 117.500 1.682 119.182 24.38 6.94 .75 119.93 .00 1.68 2.35 2.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1- -1--1--1--1--1-1- 9.1.39 .0046 .0053 .05 1.68 1.00 1.81 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1009.1.39 11.7.542 l.756 119.298 24.38 6.62 .68 11.9.98 .oo 1.68 2.29 2.500 .000 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1--1- -1--1--1- 63.640 .0046 .0048 .31 1.76 .92 1..81 .013 I I I I I I I I 1072.779 117.838 1..807 24.38 6.42 .64 120.28 .00 -1--1--1--1- -1--1- -1- -1- -1- 34. 831 . 0046 . 0046 .16 1. 81 I I I I I I I I 1107.61.0 11.8.000 1..807 119.807 24.38 6.42 .64 120.45 .oo -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- JONCT STR . 0500 l. 81 I I I I I I I I 1111.610 118.200 1.342 119.542 14.94 6.66 .69 120.23 .00 -1--1--1--1- -1--1--1--1--1- 7.029 .0070 .0070 .05 1..34 I I I I I I I I 1.118.639 1.18.249 1..342 1.19.591 14.94 6.66 .69 120.28 .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 24.002 .0070 .0071 .17 1.34 I I I I I I I I 1142.640 118.416 1.330 119.746 14.94 6.73 .70 120.45 .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1--1--1- 25.668 .0070 .0076 .19 1.33 I I I I I I I I 120.64 -1-.00 -1-1168.308 118.595 1.276 119.871 14.94 7.06 .77 -1--1--1- -1-. -1--1--1- 1.6.696 .0070 .0086 .14 1.28 I I I I I I I 1185.004 118.711 1.225 1.19.936 14.94 7.41 .85 120.79 .00 -1- .13 -1- 1.22 -1--1- -1--1- -1--1--1- 13.810 .0070 .0097 1.68 .87 1. 68 .87 1.39 1.08 1.39 1.08 1.39 1.09 l.39 1.19 1.39 1.28 I -1- -1- -1- I -1- I -1- I -1- -1- 2.24 1.81 2.24 1. 88 1.34 1.88 1.34 1. 89 l.34 1.92 1.34 1.95 1.34 I I 2.500 -1--1- .013 2.500 -1--1- .013 I 2.000 -1--1- .013 I 2.000 -1--I- . 013 I I 2.000 -1--1- .013 I I 2.000 -1--I - . 013 2.000 -1--1- .013 --·. ------~ ------·----"--·---·-·-··-·-·--· -·--· ·-------·--------·· -----'---·--····--· ·----_______________ ....._ ____ --- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1-.oo I .000 -1- .00 I .ooo -1- .00 .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I-.oo PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I-.oo PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .oo 1 I - .00 PIPE I .00 1 I-.oo PIPE .0 .0 . 0 .o .0 .0 .o .0 ~ -~------------· --·-·-···-----~-----~ ... ---- FILE: 71632 estero.WSW PAGE 2 W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:10-21-2016 Time: 9:57:11 71632 ESTERO ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert I Depth I Water I Q I Vel Vel I Energy I Super lcritical!Flow Top!Height/!Base Wtl 'No Wth Station I Elev I (FT) I Elev (CFS) I (FPS) Head I Grd.El. I Elev Depth I Width !Dia. -FT!or I.D. ZL Prs/Pip -1----1-- --1--1--1-- --J--1--1--1--1--I L/Elem I Ch Slope I I I SF Ave I HF I SE Dpth I Froude NI Norm Dp I 11N" I X-Fall I ZR I Type Ch *********!*********!******** *********l*********l*******1*******l*********l*******l********l********l*******,*******I***** !******* 1198.814 118.807 1.177 119.984 14.94 7.77 .94 120.92 .00 1.39 1.97 2.000 .000 .00 1 .o -1--1-- --1--1- -1- -1--1--1- -1- -1- -1--1-1- .0070 .0109 .13 1.18 1.39 1.34 .01.3 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 1211.029 118.892 1.132 120.024 14.94 8.15 1.03 121.05 .00 1.39 1.98 2.000 .000 .00 1 -1--1----1--1-~,--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- 11.1.31 .0070 .0124 .14 1.13 1.49 1.34 .013 I I I I I I . I I I I 1222.1.60 118.970 1.089 120.059 14.94 8.55 1.13 121.19 .00 -1--1-- --1--1- -1--1- -1- -1- JONCT STR .0500 .0121 .05 1.09 I I I I I I 1226.1.60 119.170 1.295 120.465 11.53 7.11 .79 121.25 .oo -1--1-- --1--1- -1- -1--1--1- 3. 733 . 0071 . 0108 .04 1.29 I I I I I I 1229.893 119.197 1.380 120.576 11.53 6.78 .71 121.29 .00 -1--1-- --1--1--1- -1--1--1- 18.173 .0071 .0108 .20 1.38 I I I I I I I 1248.066 119.326 1.500 120.826 11.53 6.53 .66 121.49 .00 -1--1-- --1--1- -1- -1--1--1- 140.774 .0071 .01.16 1.64 1.50 I I I I I I 1388.840 120.330 2.194 122.524 11.53 6.53 .66 123.19 I .00 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- JUNCT STR .0500 .0093 .04 .00 I I I I I I I 1392.840 120.530 2.330 122.860 8.54 4.83 .36 123.22 .00 -1--1--1--1--[--1--1--1--1- 135.750 .0071 .0066 .90 2.33 I I I I I I I 1528.590 121.490 2.267 123.757 8.54 4.83 .36 124.12 .oo -1--1--[--1--1- -1- -1- JUNCT STR .0500 .0048 -1- .02 -1- 2.27 ---·------------··------··--------------. . 1.39 1.61 1.29 1.00 1.29 .83 1.29 .00 1.29 .00 1.13 .00 1.13 .00 -1- -1- I -1- I -1- -1- -1- -1- 1. 99 1.03 1.50 .81 1.50 .00 1.50 .00 .oo 1.19 .oo 2.000 -1--I- . 013 I 1.500 -1--I - . 013 1.500 -1--I - . 013 I 1.500 -1--1- .013 I I 1.500 -1--I- . 013 I 1.500 -1--I - . 013 I 1.500 -1--1- .013 --------· ---· --·--·-·--··-·-···-· .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -I-.co I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I .000 -1- .00 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1. I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 l I- .00 PIPE I .oo 1. I- .00 PIPE I .00 1 I- .00 PIPE I .00 1. I- .00 PIPE .0 . 0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .o ---- ------------------------------------------ FILE, 7l632_estero.WSW W SP G W -CIVILDESIGN Version 14.06 Program Package Serial Number: 3093 PAGE 3 WATER SURFACE PROFILE LISTING Date:l0-21-2016 Time: 9:57:11 71632 ESTERO ************************************************************************************************************************** ******** I Invert Depth I Water I Q / Vel Vel / Energy / Super I Critical / Flow Top I Height/ I Base Wt / / No Wth Station Elev (FT) I Elev I (CFS) / (FPS) Head / Grd.El. I Elev Depth I Width /Dia.-FTlor I.D. / ZL IPrs/Pip -1------1--/- -/--1----1--1--,--1--/--I L/Elem I Ch Slope / I I SF Ave I HF / SE Dpth / Froude NI Norm Dp 11N11 X-Fall / ZR I Type Ch *********!********* ********l*********l*********l*******l*******l*********l*******l********l********l*******l*******I***** ,******* 1532.590 121.690 2.288 123.978 5.69 3.22 .16 124.14 .00 .92 .00 1.500 .000 .00 l .0 -1----1--1--/--1--/--1- -1- -1--1--1--/-t- 192.067 .0070 .0029 .56 2.29 .00 .88 .Ol3 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 1724.657 123.042 l.500 124.542 5.69 3.22 .16 124.70 .00 .92 .oo l.500 .000 -1----1--1--1--1- -1--1- -1-. -1--1--1--1-.00 1 r - .o 28.242 .0070 .0027 .08 1.50 .00 .88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 1752.900 123.241 1.361 124.602 5.69 3.38 .18 124.78 .00 .92 .87 1.500 .000 .oo l .0 -1----l--1--1--1- -1--1--1- -1--1--1--1-I - 14.398 .0070 .0027 .04 1.36 .43 .88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I 1767.297 123.342 1.280 124.623 5.69 3.54 .20 124.82 .00 .92 1.06 1.500 .000 .oo 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1- -1--1--1-I- 6.753 .0070 .0028 .02 1.28 .51 .88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1774.050 123.390 1.241 124.631 5.69 3.64 .21 124.84 .00 .92 l.13 1.500 .000 .00 1 .0 -1--1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1- -1- -1--1--1-/- 4.000 .0070 .0050 1.20 1.24 .55 .88 .013 .00 .00 PIPE I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1778.050 123.590 1.241 124.831 5.69 3.64 .21 125.04 .00 .92 1.13 l.500 .000 .00 1 • 0 -1--1--1--1--1--1- -1- -1- -1- -1--1--1--1-I- -···-·-------··-··--· .. --------·------·---·------. --·-· _.,_ __ ---·-----------------· ··-· ------. ---··-···----·----·-·---- -· -... --.. i -• -• -• -.. -• ---- - --- - Appendix San Diego County June 2003 Hydrology Manual References Soil Group Map Runoff Coefficient Table Isopluvial Rainfall Maps 100-year, 6-hour & 24-hour duration Figure 3-1 IDF Chart D:\71632 QC PA 4\Reports\Hydrology\20161026 R4A East Drainoge.docx County of San Diego Hydrology Manual Soil Hydrologic Groups Legend r -!----·-S01l Groups ~ iii!">, GroupA -GroupB llll Groupe -GroupD I . · -' -: Undetermined c=J Data Unavailable DPW ~GIS ~ S"11iGIS .:..U-.<F~w.n. ~~r-We H::1.\'C San Diego Cm-cn::d.! N nus r.u.P IS PRO'llllED wm,iovr wARP.ANTY OF AM' IOlND. EmiER EXPRf ~ O!'t~,N:1.L'D!NG,61.lTNOTUMITEDTO,Tltl;IM?l.EDWIIRRANTIES OF MERCHANT/loBIUN AHO FITNESS FOR A PNmct.l>.R PUR?OSe. ~SllnGl.'S.NlRigllll~ n..~....,.~.........,_,..SAND,0,(3~ E !,.,_Srawt,~QtV'I0!~ ... ~--1""' ...-n~dSAHOAG. LI ----------! -G-~Tharnasfl~Maps i s 3 0 3 Miles ~ ' I', _,, i, -1, I " - -- - -• -• -• • -.. ---.. - -- --- Sb~ '5 § ij~ tZl ~ ~ oo -,~ 0£ u .. ;. _,_ ! i ......... ~--:-! _, J -·1 ~ -~ i L' ! ,!::l ~ .!:f ~ ] \0 I ~ .. = ~ ~ ::::: raol ~ i .s = ~ ~ ! g ... --; -,-··:·-. ·-\ t '·· ·I I I .,,. I 1 ,-+-·: t ;--· IJ fl I ! 'l' I ; _rr,_ ----1-- ___ ; I 1 i ' :·t f tr11- • -~--.t ! I , ___ ~-~· i \- . ! 1-~ i --1 I i., I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ++++! I I I i : i ! I I J I I I I ) I I I I I ; I I I I ! I I I I ~ I I i I I I I I I • I •. 1 • t. I __ I ____ • I • l • J .J. '1 . i--'"\'·,. l ~q:::,;1~·-±-._-NJ..,::.l;::, •• H.1't.·t4.: ,i1-·11'·-;.f.JJ: .. . I 1.L -' -~ CT!-;r-·;;;;r r Tor -tT·. m I ' • • I I I I . I :9'-'.." -. "•J 'I I Ii I LLLL I I I I I I I County of San Diego Hydrology Manual 1 ,j... -· 1 • -~7 1 rrm. ·1 1 •••• r:·-·:\::,., ... -~ 1 ••• ~1 • •• 1-. p ,,1 :·t.! . 1 •• ·1 •• 1 ••• :. , , , i+ ] I~ 1 • :::·I-{;-1. • 1 .: , • r. l ..... ::,:~:•.';·>· ·hi ·. l,I \~ i ~ '-l :; ·---f' _[_ : .. i·. • •• ' 11 . "T .J.. J .,· •. , ' •• • -I 1·( \ •· r,. • • '. o: qJ • • '•, • I : '1 •• ..:... · • ' : , 1 • ·~r·r 1 1.1 :i.· 1 ~.. . •• : •• • ._, J., : 1·: • ~" • '1!0 )' •• .•• , •. '{ ,: -P ·., ,. · :' ... : + -:--11 Rainfall Isopluvzals ·+ I I ·1 ·I . :' ' r·. '•L ,. I,• • ··.r-:1·1: • :: :I •I.I ' ~!~t·';··~~-~--~~~-t·a+t+=:JI~------------------• ' I I •••• I '~ \. '. .:, :J ... ' . . .,; . : ie" .'!° • •.J •• .I: I ~ . r . ""v:r. ' • . : '.! • .. , I' ... : '. I • -+~~::L: • :· ii:) ••••••• ,... ; i , , ~ ~J :l " ' .... , .. -.·. ~-, "'· ·r·._ ·,·.·· ,.J.. ><:,-1.1 ·i·+:-;-i-'· 4'fr-::1>.,f, .. -, , •. 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IT: I ,1 --FF~· I "'!J 1 1 ~· 1 J T l T I ,s , J.-1'1 1 _ i.l lr"I -.,--: : • 1 r. • , "1 n N\ •• ••• • I ·i : L 1 -· ·;· 1 ~ ~111_11 !'!'Ii 11,,. ·11.-n.,:~ ••. 11 ,;. ·····.\'. -r·. · 1:-•• -,..~ \, 1.-i J L'P 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~--:-• 1 •• " ; 1 :· -.1 ~ •• .-~ •• 1 ; 1 r· . , , i : : ~ , 1 l 1 1 0 I 11 "\ "''· I J • -, : i . f ,~ I ·.1 f • ·., \I C: I(~ , . ._. ·I 1--i r.1,.~ I·: 1'. ~~a '-, .i-, IL' ·, 111 ~ ~ if . •• t . ·-t I , ~ •• •• I .ia '< e..: .'":"c--·1--j-t::: .. i;' ,•r •;'II • •. • +-!~··;--r"-t·..,_.l-t-1"~- .. ..., "'' ! :.; ,'4.. ...~. . 1,• • ' ...... -. : r.-···;·' .. .. .. • · r----!.Lf1 .; " , , r. , ' i fl ... .. ! -· •• .il1fT I L i '45' ·1 ! ,i,. 1 • : ,y: ! .... --.... J 1 1 r· • · • 1 •• .. J r.. 1 i''" kl. = .r<... · •• ; 1 J:· 1 r.-.1 --1 r~.L"1L_ ,.·] 1: -,·He• .J • -<!A 11+: r·c-. ':: · . r. .,,., j_ • --·· -• 1 :I ··I-. I r-. c-,y .,.•1 l.·i-""l' ~1·1-• • .-,= , . -....~ =i-U. "i', N I.· 1 : I• .·, r·1 " · · ' ~ '';:1 f):.>,-_-t-·L .• I-. : L ...• J..-1 I l ' ,..~ 1"'-l. I~ +"--- r Ll l i "T I Ii +++-:-ii l 11111111 I ·I I I 111 / I I i I \ I 100 Year Rainfall Event -24 Hours I -······· Jsopluvial OncheS~ DPW -eGIS ~"~.,,., --- ~ S11iGIS We Have S:m. Di~ Covered! I Col¥111hlSlnGtS,All..;:=:::FORA~~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J;::tJ+N :5:it,.~~~~.wrJONO.lmllR ;:=-,,::.: ............. 4 ____ .,,;:;: .. -'=:::- I I n.~.._.....,, s ~~..,~~ ... _._ ..... ~o 3Miles - I I I I I I I I I I San Diego County Hydrology Manual Date: June 2003 I J I J I I I I I I I I I I Table 3-1 I I I I I t __ _l I ___ l __ J _____ I_ _ -'~--J _ t Section: Page: 3 6 of26 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR URBAN AREAS Land Use I Runoff Coefficient "C" Soil Type NRCS Elements County Elements %IMPER. A B C D Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Permanent Open Space O* 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less IO 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46 Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.9 DU/ A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60 Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 PROP.@D High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.71 High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (N. Com) Neighborhood Commercial 80 0,76 0.77 0.78 0.79 Commercial/Industrial (G. Com) General Commercial 85 0.80 0.80 0.81 0.82 Commercial/Industrial (O.P. Com) Office Professional/Commercial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial (Limited I.) Limited Industrial 90 0.83 0.84 0.84 0.85 Commercial/Industrial ( General I.) General Industrial 95 0.87 0.87 0.87 0.87 *The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest). DU/A= dwelling units per acre NRCS = National Resources Conservation Service 3-6 I f f I I I 11 11 11 II I I I I I I I I ---I 1-I J_ _I t_ I I ___ I t t J i 10.0 / I !:~.w.~~ki--kM~~kH+tttt-ttt-tttfmttffiiittttffimtrnn Dtrections for App~on: I ·j = 7.44 t"'fiffU.~ r t = lritensily {infnr) _ _ t {:I}· From precipitation.maps detennine 6 hr and 24 hr amolJnts for the selected frequency. These Jl'iap$ are inG!Udect in the County-HYdra{Qgy~ (10, 50, and 100 yr maps included m tne·Design and Procedure·Manua). (2} Adjust 6. hrprec1pitatfon {if necessary) so that it is Wifhtn the range of 4-5".k to 65% of the 24 hr precipitation {not apPlicapte to Desert). zot i ~"i,~ f ! I I !~ : I ! I I N>.id ff! f I-.:-• ::I iO l,E f~ .~ 1 4-4--!-Jf-++--!-l--t-ii-HHiiftft'~itt i g1.0i- l';:o..9·1.-,l..4.+-!-+-+-t-+-t-rt-H1Tttr l~aa·l----;-+-+-!-+-+-++-+-H-rn-rtrr ;~a7l-i--!--4-.!!-+-+-t-++-iH-Hi--tt1 ,- 1 0.61 ' : I i ! ! : o.sl ! ! f f i l ! 1 ! ! ~ ·1 ! ;. l ! ! ; i I. t ff i 11 0.4! r ! ! I i l U ! l l I : : : : ·1 I 11 l .. 111 r ll ) ll!li lll!!il!Wlil 1 ... 1 ! 1 I 1 , t • l , I , : J I r I 1• 1 H I O.r ~ , ~ 1 • i i. I s 6 7 8 9 10 --·----·-·--------·. ---· 30 Minutes 40 50 0,.;ralion Pa= &-Hour Pi-ecipiral:lon {in) f -D = Duration {mm) . j' {3) Plot 6 ht precipitatroh on the right side of me chart. {4) Draiiv a .line through the point parallel to the .pbtted lines. {5} This line iS ftle-iniensfty-durafion CUJVe for the Iocatton being ahaty:zed~ Application Fonn: i (a) Selected frequency~ year ~ (b) p0 = 2.9 in. p24 = 5.1 p6 = 56.9 %<2) il . ---' ----'P24 --·- £. (c} Nt.iustoo p (2) = 2.9 in 6..0-'.£.. • · 6 ---· ' ,,:·t {dffx= ___ min. ·:.is:g (e) t = __ inJhr. ~4~~ o:;0~' ·a'.s e Note: This. chart replaces the lntenstty-Duration-.Frequency curves used since 1965. 3.0 25. ·2.0 '1..5 ·1.0 2 3 4 5 6 Hours FI ·GU R. E Intensity-Duration Design Chart-Template I a-1 I l \ > ""' SCALE: j6t2.1j ' . 1Jr100' l ' I JOB If: 21168 i . l CREA TED• 3:~ · ; 18/15 I ) f . PREPARED BY: PR-OJECT Plano· .. DESIGN CO . mg ILandscapeArch. NSULTANTS. itecture I En · gineering I survey \ \ to x:1~1· :,;;;,<! ~:1-1,1..& xt~ -'-_x1~rs ~ -~- . I \ I I \ \ I ' z C -.... Cl = z -...... Drainage Report ADDENDUM#! QUARRY CREEK PLANNING AREAS R-4A (EAST) CT 15-09 DWG 497-lG City of Carlsbad, CA -County of San Diego PREPARED FOR: PRESIDIO CORNERSTONE QC, LLC 4365 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 PREPARED BY: BB&D~ ~LANNING E:NC~INEE::RINC.:; SlJRVEYING SB&O, INC. 3990 RUFFIN ROAD, SUITE 120 SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 (858) 560-1141 SB&O JOB NO. 71630.60 1. Scope of Report A review of the capacity of the storm drain laterals for the Quarry Creek R-4A East development was requested by the City of Carlsbad. The analysis assumed a time of concentration of 5 minutes, C=0.63, and kept all areas the same from the original drainage report. 2. Conclusion The R-4A storm drain laterals have the capacity to carry a 100 year storm. If for any reason the water doesn't get into the lateral during the I 00 year storm (i.e. a grate is plugged), the water will pond up to the high point and then emergency overflow into the street. All overflows are minimal and do not impact the downstream inlets. D.171632 QC PA 4\Reports\Hydrology\R4A East Drainage, Addendum !, 2017- 07 J 7 docx Quarry Creek R-4A Summary of Area Drain Sizing BASIN C A LAT SIZE (in.) SLOPE STUB A 0.63 0.615 8 29% C 0.63 0.262 6 41% D 0.63 0.317 6 35% E 0.63 0.526 6 4% F 0.63 0.614 8 12% G 0.63 0.459 6 24% H 0.63 0.271 6 43% I 0.63 0.389 6 35% J 0.63 0.36 6 46% K 0.63 0.381 6 41% L 0.63 0.379 6 29% M 0.63 0.202 6 11% N 0.63 0.513 6 14% 0 0.68 0.43 Street Street p 0.68 0.422 Street Street Q 0.68 0.394 Street Street R 0.68 0.758 Street Street 5 0.63 0.513 6 17% T 0.63 0.294 6 42% u 0.63 0.34 6 26% V 0.63 0.337 10 7% w 0.63 0.138 6 43% X 0.63 0.416 6 35% y 0.63 0.246 6 35% z 0.63 0.298 6 14% AA 0.68 0.333 Street Street DD 0.68 0.67 Street Street VY 0.68 0.528 Street Street zz 0.68 0.066 Street Street P6= n= 'Oss 0.66 0.28 0.34 0.57 0.66 0.50 0.29 0.42 0.39 0.41 0.41 0.22 0.55 0.50 0.49 0.46 0.88 0.55 0.32 0.37 0.36 0.15 0.45 0.27 0.32 0.39 0.78 0.61 0.08 2.9 in 0.011 *0100 2.96 1.26 1.53 2.53 2.96 2.21 1.30 1.87 1.73 1.83 1.82 0.97 2.47 2.23 2.19 2.05 3.94 2.47 1.42 1.64 1.62 0.66 2.00 1.18 1.43 1.73 3.48 2.74 0.34 'Q, 1.33 0.57 0.68 1.14 1.32 0.99 0.58 0.84 0.78 0.82 0.82 0.44 1.11 1.00 0.98 0.92 1.77 1.11 0.63 0.73 0.73 0.30 0.90 0.53 0.64 0.78 1.56 1.23 0.15 17-Jul-17 ClcAPACITY(STUB) 8 4.5 4.2 1.42 5.1 3.4 4.6 4.2 4.8 4.5 3.8 2.3 2.6 Street Street Street Street 2.9 4.6 3.6 7.3 4.6 4.24 4.2 2.6 Street Street Street Street T, las 1100 1, 5 1.7 7.6 3.4 DEPTH (P6) 0.65 2.9 1.3