HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 2017-0002; TYLER STREET RESIDENCES; HYDROLOGY AND STORM WATER STANDARD PROJECT REQUIREMENTS; 2019-01-17CT2017-0002/PUD 2017-0001 CITY OF CARLSBAD ENGINEERING DIVISION RECORD COPY 2§1\--}Nv( Initial 1,/2.,J,'- Date ··-· ----~ HYDROLOGY AND STORM WATER STANDARD PROJECT REQUIREMENTS FOR TYLER STREET RESIDENCES ENGINEER OF WORK VINCEJt :.!tEl,: PREPARED BY: SAMPO ENGINEERING, INC. 171 SAXONY ROAD, SUITE 213 ENCi NiT AS, CA 92024 Tyler Street Residences Standard Development Project (760) 436-0660 LAND DE\ El OPMENT E1\JG1,-...E~r 1 ;\IG Sampo Engineering, Inc. 1/17/2019 -LL Introduction The subject property is located at 3337 Tyler Street in the City of Carlsbad. The lot area is 0.34 gross acres or 14,818 square feet. The prope11y has been previously developed with two one-story wood framed residences, porches, concrete flatwork, asphalt pavement driveway, planters etc. The subject property is surrounded by an apartment complex to the east and southwest, by a single-family residence to the northwest and by Tyler Street to the northeast. A masonry wall approximately six feet in height is located on the apartment side of the property line adjacent to the southeasterly property line of the subject property. Existing storm water runoff sheet flows on the surface in a southwesterly direction away from Tyler Street and toward the southwesterly property line at an approximate slope of two percent and ultimately toward the most westerly comer of the property. Runoff then continues to drain to the southwest on the surface, much of which infiltrates into the soil as it flows across of city owned land known as Coastal Rail Trial northeast of the NCTD right-of-way. The elevation in this point area is significantly lower than the NCTD Tracks therefore runoff ponds at this location until it infiltrates into the soil or evaporates. No runoff from Tyler Street or adjacent properties drains onto the subject property. This project proposes to maintain the historical drainage pattern to the southwest. The owner proposes to demolish the existing structures and private improvements and to subdivide and construct a one-lot eight-unit condominium subdivision with attached garages, permeable paver driveway to serve all units, three on-site parking spaces, permeable paver walkway and patios, permeable concrete sidewalk along the right-of- way frontage of Tyler Street, and landscaping. The project anticipates a minor increase in runoff due to an increase in impervious surface area. The difference in volume will be mitigated by two Raised Planters at either end of the building that will collect roof water and releasing runoff at the controlled rate to ensure no increase in peak runoff in a 100 year event. Hydrology Summary A hydrology study utilizing the Rational Method was performed for the existing and proposed conditions and the results are as follows. The existing condition is composed of 1 hydrologic basin that includes the entire property. Existing Drainage Basin 1 has a tributary area of 0.34 AC with a runoff coefficient of C=0.66 and an anticipated flow for the 100-year storm of 0.83 CFS. The Proposed Drainage Basin 1 over the same area produces a runoff coefficient of C=0. 73 and an anticipated flow for the 100-year storm of 0.91 CFS. The total site impervious surface area is increased by 1,063 SF from the existing condition. The result being a minor increase in a 100-year event in the proposed condition of 0.08 CFS. Storm Water Quality Summary The project is classified as a "Standard Project" using the City of Carlsbad Storm Water Standards Questionnaire (E-34) and is therefore exempt from priority project requirements. The development proposes to reduce the discharge of pollutants offsite by utilizing Source Control and Site Design Low Impact Development (LID) BMP's to the Tyler Street Residences Standard Development Project 2 Sampo Engineering, Inc. 1/17/2019 Storm Water Quality Summary (Cont.) maximum extent practical. The project soil type is B and allows for infiltration as tested by the project soil engineer, copies of which have been submitted. To minimize impermeable surfaces on site, the new driveway access will be constructed entirely with permeable pavers as are the front pathway, courtyard areas and sidewalk in the Tyler Street right-of-way. Landscaping, ground cover and vegetated swales will be used in yard areas and assist in preventing erosion of the surface soil and slopes. Pervious hardscape has been designed to disperse runoff away from the building to landscape areas and vegetated drainage swales that drains on the surface to the southwesterly comer of the site where runoff will sheet flow toward the southwest as it has historically. The project soil engineer has recommended that impermeable liners be constructed around the perimeter of the building foundations (acting as cut off walls) to avoid lateral migration of infiltration under the building. Roof downspouts on the garage side of the project will be discharged onto the new permeable paver driveway and on the South (front yard) side of the project the roof drainage will drain on permeable pavers that will slope away from the buildings and toward a vegetated swale around the perimeter of the project. To avoid an increase in peak runoff from the project site in a 100-year event the design and project plans propose to detain the increase in runoff using two above grade concrete planters, one at the southwesterly side of the southwesterly building (unit H) and one at the northeasterly side of the northeasterly building (unit A). From the Rational Method the increase in runoff volume due to the development is 222 cubic feet. The basins have been sized to detain this increase in volume by directing roof gutters and downspouts to the above grade detention basins. Together the two above grade detention basins have a capacity of 338 cubic feet which exceeds the increase due to development. Both detention basins systems will be integrated with the landscape design to provide treatment to storm water runoff generated on-site before discharging runoff in a controlled manner to the site. Tyler Street Residences Standard Development Project 3 Sampo Engineering, Inc. 1/31 /2019 EXISTING •• Impervious Areas per Layer: DESCRIPTION BLDG SHED CONG ACDRWY PORCH L PROPOSED •• Impervious Areas per Layer DESCRIPTION BLDG CONG. DRWY E: PROPOSED tJ. 6 IMPERVIOUS (SF) : Summary: IMPERVIOUS AREA CALCULATIONS V-CALC IMP IMPERVIOUS (SF) 2552.00 125.00 2553.00 497.00 124.00 5851.00 39% C-CALC IMP IMPERVIOUS (SF) 6827.00 87.00 6914.00 47% 1063.00 Note: Areas from AutoCAD + + ••Pervious Areas per Layer: DESCRIPTION PLANTER LANDS :E: ••Pervious Areas per Layer: DESCRIPTION LANDSCAPING PER. PAV. PAVERs 6 PERVIOUS (SF) : V-CALC PER JN: 16-136 INITIALS: AO DATE: January 17, 2019 PERVIOUS (SF) TOTAL (SF) 104.00 8867.00 8971.00 61% C-CALC PER PERVIOUS (SF) 1701.00 6207.00 7908.00 53% -1063.00 14822.00 100% TOTAL (SF) 14822.00 100% The project proposes an increase from 5851 sf to 6914 sf of total impervious surfaces, or an increase of 1063 sf. 171 Saxony Road, Suite 213 • Encinitas, CA 92024 • P: 760--436-0660 • F: 760--436-0659 • info@sampoengineering.com DRAINAGE STUDY CALCULATOR EXISTING HYDROLOGY DESCRIPTION: BASIN 1 (ALL SUBJECT PROPERTY) Area = 14,822 SF C-Factor (Values Q.er Table 3-1 Q_er Count)(. H't,drolog_)(. Manual) Soil Type B, % Impervious< 40% therefore Cp = 0.51 ~ = (0.90)(% Impervious)+ (Cp)(1 -% Impervious) (0.9)(0.39) + (0.51 )(0.61) Q = 220 ( Watercourse Distance, FT) ~ = 1.4 (Slope,%/ I c1 = 1.8(1.1 -Cl(D)112 1.8(1. 1-0.59)(220/'112" (S)'" (1.4)'113 f!.1 = 1.2 ( 2-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial) f!. 10 = 1.6 ( 10-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial / f!.100 = 2.5 ( 100-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial) 0 !1 = 7.44 P2 Dre, .0.6'5 7.44(1.2)(12.17)'(-0.645) l 10 = 7.44 P10 Dre, .() 6'5 7.44(1.6)(12.17)'(-0.645) l 100 = 7.44 P,00 Dre, -0.645 7. 44(2. 5)(12. 17)'(-0. 645) g 2 = CIA (0. 66)(1. 78 INIHR)(0.34 AC) g 10 = CIA (0.66)(2.38 INIHR)(0.34 AC) g100 = C I A (0 66)(3.71 INIHR)(0.34 AC) Per San Diego County Hydrology Manual 2003 JN: 16-136 INITIALS: AO DATE: January 17, 2019 0.34 AC 0,66 12.17 MIN 1.78 IN/HR 2.38 IN/HR 3. 71 IN/HR 0.4 CFS 0.53 CFS 0.83 CFS 171 Saxony Road, Suite 213 • Encinitas, CA 92024 • P: 760-436-0660 • F: 760-436-0659 • info@sampoengineering.com DRAINAGE STUDY CALCULATOR PROPOSED HYDROLOGY DESCRIPTION: BASIN 1 (ALL SUBJECT PROPERTY) Area = 14,822 SF C-Factor (Values per Table 3-1 per County Hydrology Manual) ~ = Q = ~ = I c1 = I c2 = I total = E.2 = e 10 = E.100 = !2 = !10 = f 100 = Q.2 = Q. 10 = 9.100 = Summary: Soil Type B, % Impervious < 50% therefore Cp = 0.58 (0.90)(% Impervious)+ (Cp)(1 -% Impervious) 200 1.2 1.6 2.5 ( Watercourse Distance, FT) (Slope,%) 1.8(1.1-C)(D)112 (S)i/J Concentrated Flow @ 2 fps ( 2-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial) ( 10-Year. 6-Hourfsopluviaf) ( 100-Year, 6-Hour fsopluvial) 7.44 P2 Dre, -0645 7.44 P,o Dre, -0.645 7.44 P,oo Dre, -0.6◄5 CIA CIA C I A Per San Diego County Hydrology Manual 2003 (0.9)(0.47) + (0.58)(0.53) 1.8(1. 1-0. 73)(200)'1/2 (1)'113 56' 2fps 7. 44(1. 2)(12. 42)'(-0. 645) 7. 44(1. 6)(12. 42)'(-0. 645) 7. 44(2.5)(12. 42)'(-0. 645) (0.73)(1.76 INIHR)(0.34 AC) (0. 73)(2.34 INIHR)(0.34 AC) (0. 73)(3.66 IN/HR)(0.34 AC) JN: 16-136 INITIALS: DB DATE: January 17, 2019 0.34 AC 0.73 11.96 MIN 0.46 MIN 12.42 MIN 1.76 IN/HR 2.34 IN/HR 3.66 IN/HR 0.44 CFS 0.58 CFS 0.91 CFS Total site runoff due to redevelopment will increase from 0.83 CFS to 0.91 CFS, an increase of 0.08 CFS. The increase will be mitigated using two Detention Basins on the east and west side of the building. 171 Saxony Road, Suite 213 • Encinitas, CA 92024 • P: 760-436-0660 • F: 760-436-0659 • info@sampoengineering.com DRAINAGE VOLUME CALCULATOR EXISTING DRAINAGE BASIN # 1 VOLUME DESCRIPTION: e 2 e 100 .k'.100 = = 14,822 SF (0.90)(% Impervious)+ (Cp)(1 -% Impervious) 1. 2 2.5 ( 2-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial / ( 100-Year, 6-Hour /sopluvial) Per San Diego County Hydrology Manual 2003 C P2 A C P,oo A PROPOSED DRAINAGE BASIN # 1 VOLUME DESCRIPTION: e 2 E.100 .k'.100 Y FB j{ GRVL 14,822 (0.90)(% Impervious)+ (Cp)(1 -% Impervious) 1.2 25 ( 2-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial / ( 100-Year, 6-Hour lsopluvial) Per San Diego County Hydrology Manual 2003 C P2 A C P,00 A j{ 100 PROPOSED -j{ 100 EXISITNG Total Effective Area of Basins Per Grading Plan (AeHHrneeeo•Ro oeerH) (AeHFREEBOARD SOIL oEPTHl°Assuming 20% Voids (AE) (HGRAVEI DEPTH)"Assuming 40% Voids• Tributaryof roof runoff to Detention Basins from Roofs JC 100 = C P 100 A(area of roof tributary) Summary: (0.9)(0.39)+(0.51 )(0.61) (0.66/(0.1 FT/(14822 SF) (0.66)(0.21 FT/(14822 FT) (0.9)(0.47) + (0.58)(0.53) (0. 73)(0. 1 FT/(14822 SF) (0. 73)(0.21 FT)(14822 SF) (2272.2FT)-(2054.3 FT) (136 SF)(1.2 FT) (136 SF)(1.1 FT)(0.2) (136 SF/(0. 6)(0.4/ j{ TOTAL (0.95)(0.21 FT/(1098 SF) JN: 16-136 INITIALS: AO DATE: 1/30/2019 14822 SF 0.66 0.10 FT 0.21 FT 978.3 CF 2054.3 CF 14822 SF 0.73 0.10 FT 0.21 FT 1082.0 CF 2272.2 CF 218 CF 136 SF 163.2 CF 29.92 CF 27 CF 220 CF 219.0 CF Two detention basins were originally sized to each have a minimuim effective area of 136 SF/2= 68 SF, and a volume of 110 CF, for a total volume capacity of 220 CF Detention volumes are designed to detain the increase in stormwater runoff in the 100-year peak storm event from the new development. Per discussion with City Engineer detention basins were increased to accomodate an additional time of concentration (Tc) equal to 12 minutes of peak flow in a 100-year event. For this, the detention basins have been increased to 83 SF each which increases the volume by 58 CF each, for a total volume capacity of 338 CF. See detention basin calculations. 171 Saxony Road, Suite 213 •Encinitas.CA 92024 • P: 760-436-0660 • F: 760-436-0659 • info@sampoengineering.com SAMPO EN G I N EE R I N G, I N C. DETENTION BASIN CALCULATIONS DETENTION BASIN #1 {WESTERLY BASIN) ROOF AREA TRIBUTARY TO BASIN #1= 0.013 AC C=0.95, TC=5 MIN 1=6.59 IN/HR Q1oo=CIA Q100= (0.95) (6.59IN/HR) (0.013AC) =0.081 CFS ROOF RUNOFF TRIBUTARY TO DETENTION BASIN # 1 DETENTION BASIN #2 {EASTERLY BASIN) ROOF AREA TRIBUTARY TO BASIN #2= 0.013 AC C=0.95, TC=5 MIN 1=6.59 IN/HR Q1oo=CIA Q100= (0.95) (6.59IN/HR) (0.013AC) =0.081 CFS ROOF RUNOFF TRIBUTARY TO DETENTION BASIN #2 RUNOFF NOT TRIBUTARY TO DETENTION BASINS Q100PROP-QTRIBUTARYTO D. BASfN I -QTRIBUTARY TOD. BASIN 2= 0.9 1 CFS-0.081CFS-0.081CFS= 0.75 CFS DRAINAGE BASIN SUMMARY: 11W' (F caaJ/17.41IDl/ ll//)fl IMl(R' ~--11IBIWIY111fJ£1(J(Tl(J//flA9/lf) ____________________________ ~ 1/t£fJ/!D/M;lf'rMT 7C=IUNlf 171 Saxony Rd #2 I 3 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengineering.com Page ll SAMP □ E N G I N EE R I N G, I N C. DETENTION BASIN #1: ASSUME EFFECTIVE DIMENSIONS= 5' WIDE X 16.6' LONG=83 SF AREA 83 SF X 0.42 ' (FREEBOARD)=34.9 FT3 83 SF X 1.2 ' (WATER LEVEL)=99.6 FT3 83 SF X 1.1 ' (FREEBOARD SOIL DEPTH X 20% VOIDS) = 18 .3 FT3 83 SF X 0.5 ' (GRAVEL DEPTH X 40% VOIDS)= 16.6 FT3 TOTAL VOLUME= 169.4 FT3 DETENTION BASIN #2 ASSUME EFFECTIVE DIMENSIONS= 4.33' WIDE X 19.25' LONG=83 SF AREA 83 SF X 0.42' (FREEBOARD)=34 .9 FT3 83 SF X 1.2' (WATER LEVEL)=99 .6 FT3 83 SF X 1.1' (FREEBOARD SOIL DEPTH X 20% VOIDS)= 18 .3 FT3 83 SF X 0.5' (GRAVEL DEPTH X 40% VOIDS)= 16.6 FT3 TOTAL VOLUME= 169.4 FT3 VOLUME TOTAL BASIN #1 & #2= 338.8 FT3 SCHEMA TIC FIGURE FOR DETENTION BASIN #1 SCHEMATIC FIGURE FOR DETENTION BASIN #2 171 Saxony Rd #213 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengineering.com Page 12 SAMP□ E N 13 I N E E R I N 13, I N C. DETERMINE TIME @ PEAK FLOW FOR ALL SITE Q100YOLUME IN PROPOSED CONDITION TO RUNOFF SITE WITHOUT DETENTION BASINS. EQUATION= T= VOL Q100 T= 2272.2 FT3 =2496. 9 SEC x 1 MIN = 4 1.6 MTN 0.91 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO FULL STORAGE OF DETENTION BASIN #1 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4FT3 =4131.7SECx 1MIN =68.86Ml 0.041 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO FULL STORAGE OF DETENTION BASIN #2 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4FT3 =4131.7SEC x lMTN =68.86MlN 0.041 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO DRAIN DETENTION BASIN #1 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4235.0 SEC x lMIN = 0.58 MIN 0.040 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO DRAIN DETENTION BASIN #2 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4235.0 SEC x !MIN = 170.58 MLN 0.040 CFS 60 SEC SUMMARY: 1. THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR THE PROPOSED CONDITION EXCLUDING THE DETENTION BASINS IS Tc= 12.4 MIN. Q100 PROPOSED = 0.75 CFS @ Tc=12.4 MIN. Q100 EXISTING= 0.83 CFS. 2. AT 41.6 MIN. THE ENTIRE STORM VOLUME HAS RUNOFF THE SITE INCLUDING FLOW FROM THE DETENTION BASINS, UP TO THIS TIME THE PEAK FLOW DOES NOT EXCEED Q100 MAX PROPOSED=0.75 CFS +0.04 CFS+0.04 CFS=0.83 CFS. 3. THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR DETENTION BASIN#l AND #2 IS EQUAL TO THE TIME ITT AKES TO FULL STORAGE OF THE BASIN PLUS THE TIME TO RUNOFF TO THE WEST END OF THE SITE OR NO LESS THAN Tc= 66.86 MIN. 17 1 Saxony Rd #2 13 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengineering.com P age 13 SAMP □ E N 13 I N E E R I N 13, I N C. ADDITIONAL AREA AND VOLUME FOR DETENTION BASINS FOR AN ADDITIONAL Tc= 12.4 MIN: VOLUME = 12.4 MIN x 60 SEC x 0.08 CFS= 59 FT3 !MIN SUMMARY: FINAL DETENTION BASIN AREAS AND VOLUMES TO BE CONSTRUCTED ARE: BASIN #1: AREA: 83 SF VOLUME: 1 JO+ 59 = 169 FT3 BASIN #2: AREA: 83 SF VOLUME: 1 I 0+59 FT3 = 169 FT3 171 Saxony Rd #2 13 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengi neering.com P age 14 SAMPO ENGINEER I N 13, I N C. DETERMINE TIME@ PEAK FLOW FOR ALL SITE Q100VOLUME IN PROPOSED CONDITION TO RUNOFF SITE WITHOUT DETENTION BASINS. EQUATION= T= VOL Q100 T= 2272.2 FT3 =2496.9 SEC x lMIN = 41.6 MIN 0.91 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO FULL STORAGE OF DETENTION BASIN #1 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4131.7 SEC x lMlN = 68.86 MIN 0.041 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO FULL STORAGE OF DETENTION BASIN #2 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4131.7 SEC x IMIN = 68.86 MlN 0.041 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO DRAIN DETENTION BASIN #1 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4235.0 SEC x lMIN = 70.58 MIN 0.040 CFS 60 SEC DETERMINE TIME TO DRAIN DETENTION BASIN #2 @ PEAK FLOW T= 169.4 FT3 =4235.0 SEC x lMIN = f?0.58 MTN 0.040 CFS 60 SEC SUMMARY: 1. THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR THE PROPOSED CONDITION EXCLUDING THE DETENTION BASINS IS Tc= 12.4 MIN. Q100 PROPOSED = 0.75 CFS @ Tc=12.4 MIN. Q100Ex1sTING =0.83 CFS. 2. AT 41.6 MIN. THE ENTIRE STORM VOLUME HAS RUNOFF THE SITE INCLUDING FLOW FROM THE DETENTION BASINS, UP TO THIS TIME THE PEAK FLOW DOES NOT EXCEED Q100MAX rRorosED=0.75 CFS +0.04 CFS+0.04 CFS=0.83 CFS. 3. THE TIME OF CONCENTRATION FOR DETENTION BASIN#! AND #2 IS EQUAL TO THE TIME IT TAKES TO FULL STORAGE OF THE BASIN PLUS THE TLME TO RUNOFF TO THE WEST END OF THE SITE OR NO LESS THAN Tc= 68.86 MIN. 171 Saxony Rd #213 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengineering.com P age 13 SAMP □ ENG I NEER I N G, I N C. ADDITIONAL AREA AND VOLUME FOR DETENTION BASINS FOR AN ADDITIONAL Tc= 12.4 MIN: VOLUME= 12.4 MIN x 60 SEC x 0.08 CFS= 59 FT3 l MIN SUMMARY: FINAL DETENTION BASIN AREAS AND VOLUMES TO BE CONSTRUCTED ARE: BASIN #1 : AREA : 83 SF VOLUME: 110 FT3+ 59 FT3= 169 FT3 BASIN #2: AREA: 83 SF VOLUME: 110 FT3+ 59 FT3 = 169 FT3 171 Saxony Rd #2 13 ♦ Encinitas, CA 92024 ♦ P: 760.436.0660 ♦ F: 760.436.0659 ♦ info@sampoengineering.com P age 14 :) ~ ~ ("I 00 ~-i- .~'1 \ +~ ./ 'v.s ~ t--< 0 '-'.'3 ---=~ _,(,:__ i § ; C) ~ 1:0 N55'56'27t 213.66' GARAGE -~- ~ I 40.00' i I -< DIRT ~ ~ (/) I ~~~ ::,-tr, I ::::rj "a, :. ·..,. (") ...., ----s~ ... ...,- ~ ¼ "'\ DRIVEWAY 4.65'~ J. l \:~' ~ ~ ~-, t ·•. • ' ~~*~= ~ . '-1 -~ 0 BASIN I l ~ t\3-~ I ~ \~ I t 1,~;i~t/HR I ~ " · ~ A=0.34 Ac -~~ 1---1-------'l I 0100=0. 83 CFS ~ _a 16.1' ,:-.., IL4' \ 0 ;,;. • 20J' ~ t ~ • . '-'-"-~--'-=~ "! ,.. ~~ 0 ------~--- ~, --,,~~-~ \'\_ ...;,-1,~ t----~ ~: --~ I .D ' *I i ' J 71 11: ~.s 27.8' JJ37 TYLER ST. " ONE STORY ::0 ;1 ~ WOOD STRUCTURE 0 671 SQ. FT. \ ~~ ' ' ·...> cl I\> J3J7-R m£R ST. 5.2' mA IC/ TIU/:' I e,, ONE STORY tn/1 re.I. /IMC. - '1 io WOOD STRUCTURE O J lm.c; • 1,881 SQ. FT. ~ -DISTANCE= 220 FEET '<9 "'FINISH FLOOR to µ, SLOP[= ,. 4% '6' EL = 50. 1 ~ ~6' TCrorAJ..= 12.17 MIN J2.J' I 9 ·~ ___ 51.J' ----.,-4.,.-..1-26.9' L_.___:--l---~--!--I.I--------.. < ~ ~ • I: k ti ~ rr46 N59,V2'tif ~1J.66' i;i ,c.J£. __ .-, ~ ;ii{ r06';, 4_5•1 -"iff ;Q 11 II ~I :r: ... n g i;i n ° !1° ~--1---I I i;i ~ k6Y ro" LEGEND SYMBOi.. WATER COURSE ~--· ~ PROPERTY BOUNDARY p (/) 1) :r: p r- -I c:: ::0 .,, p () f"l ,~V) I ~ ~ I ~ I "."~..., p .......,_ ll C: to c:: 0 ::ti ~ -, 0 ,, ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ........ ~au "S.. z "'t--11.~ I ~1 -IIJ ',.;_ ~ I~ ~i:!:i I IIJ • CITY OF CARLSBAD : <(~ ~~ EXISllNG DRAINAGE MAP FOR "'5 -~. ,: ~ ~ ~ \ SITE VICINITY MAd NOi IO SCALE 0 20 40 1 • 1 TYLER RESIDENCES ,.·. '"\ ··: ~ ~ 3337 TYLER STREET L ;-! ~ . - SCALE: 1" = 20' TIME OF CONCENTRATION FROU DETENTION BASIN /1 TO THE DISCHARGE POINT TC=45.1 MIN TIME OF CONCENTRATION FROU RUNOFF NO TRIBUTARY TO DDENTION BASIN TO THE DISCHARGE POINT TC=124MIN RUNOFF OUTLET FROU ~ -0 DETENTION BASIN /1 Ot(X) =0.04 CFS TC=44.l MIN 'Cl ~ 0 0(1 ~-i-\ SITE VICINITY MAJ NOi 10 SCALE ---i_ __ _ _ _r- 0 20 40 I I : ~ SCALE: 1" = 20' ~ I ::f I I 40.00' I ~ ~ (/) 1y-~ "' I 11 l ~ ~ I. } I :E I I ~ ~ ~ . I □U ~ ~ i ~a.-Oi~ I!] ~ I z ~~ ~~~ ~l -~IIJ i!i-....;:. CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ <(~ ~~ ROOF DRAINAGE EXHIBIT f()f/ --s JR! ,; I TYLER RESIDENCES ~ .. 1i-"i: ~! 3337 TYLER STREET __ -, ~~ .., - ,-0 -Yo ~ 0 OG ~-i- .,__ \ SITE VICINITY MAJ NOi -IO SCALl O,AI O,Ai -7_ __ __ __r- .,__ .,__ .,__ .,__ NOTE: ~ 1,098 SF TOTAL ROOF AREA TRIBUTARY TO DUENTION BASIN 0 20 40 I I :g SCALE: 1" = 20' ~ .,__ ~ i M ~ I ::f. I I 40.00' I ~ S:J V') --ry-~ I ~ ....... I I! ::e. Ii ' I I I I ~ I I ::f. ~} i II I~ "-~ a ti ~ ! i~ D.~ ~~ ~~ix ;i;J -~w i!i'-'- C/TY OF CARLSBAD ~ <(~ ~~ ROOF DRAINAGE EXHIBIT FOR -:; Jll ~ ,: ! TYLER RESIDENCES -{ ~! 3337 TYLER STREET ,,, /~ ~ ~ . E:: -0 >"0. ~ 0 ~ ~ TRA~L TIME DISTANCE= 56 FEET ,~~ 2FT/S ii Tcz 0.46 MIN 1 _ s-- I I . ~ LEGEND WATER COURSE PROPERTY BOUNDARY \ SITE VICINITY MAd NOi lo SCALE -7_ __ BASIN C= 0.73 /t()()=166 IN/HR A=0.34 Ac OtfXJ=0.91 CFS SYMBOL ---· - O;fl 0 20 I l SCALE: 1" = 20' O;fl __s---7_ __ ~ I ~ i I ~ I ~ I 40.00' I ~ S3 V) 11-~ I Ii I Ii ~ ~ ~ TRA~ TIME ◄ I 1, : ~ w 40 ~ ~ I. } I ~ I I ~ 00 $_□ti ~ z ~ "' -~1 n.ri ;, z ~~ ~~; ~I .,_ tJC,.w ~-...:. CITY OF CARLSBAD ~ .-t~ ~~ ~------------------~ ..._._ l!I ~I PROPOSED DRAINAGE MAP FOR Jll ~ ,~ ~ TYLER RESIDENCES .· 1\·. ;~ 3337 TYLER STREET l(r . /-~ ~ I/ I 70 Swa e.,,, 5wale Q Ana hf~,' -5 Z/3 1/z Q "~ (0,351'F) (0.1-9) (0.013) o/D?S Q = 0, T~ ~ 5 5 wq' e <fr.; bvto7 /) reo.. /} = /o1 410 sF -=-o,1_4q Ac. Q-= CIA Q = ( 0 :t 3) ( 3, /uh ; VJ/~ r ) l O , '.L 't 'I J ::: 0, 4 0 ~ -------------