HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-03; TRI-CITY AUTO PLAZA; RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS PERFORMED ON SUBGRADE SAMPLES; 1973-02-06C.. (j. ... " J./ [. • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER February 6, 1973 TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 Mr. John Mamaux Tri-City Auto Dealers Costa Del Mar Road CT12-03 Rancho La Costa, California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 72-10-30 Results of Laboratory Tests Performed on Subgrade Samples Sta. 0 + 00 to Sta. 31 + 12.47 Plaza Del Norte Tri-City Auto Plaza Carlsbad, California ftECEIVED FEEl... a-li9il3 -...::-~'1~ This is to present,the results of laboratory tests performed on samples of subgrade soils obtained from Plaza Del Norte ot the Tri-<:ity Auto Plaza in Carlsbad, Californiao The samples were obtained on January 23, 1973, at locations as directed by a representative of the City of Carlsbado Laboratory tests to determine the "R" values of the soils were performed by Southern California Testing laboratory and a copy of their report of the test results is attached heretoo Tests to deter- mine the sand equivalent and the percent finer than the No. 200 Sieve for each sample were performed in our laboratory. The results of the tests together with the description of the soils, according to the Unified Soil Classification Chart, are presented as follows: Sample . Station 3+ 00 9+ 00 15 + 50 Description Brown sl ightly si Ity fine to med i urn sand . Dark brown silty fine to medium sand . Brown silty fin~ to medium sand fiR II Value 78 75 79 Sand Equivalent 19 16 18 Percent Finer Than Noo,2oo Sieve 16.8 2.5.9 24.4 Project No. 72-10-30 .~ Tri-City Auto Plaza .. -2- Sample Station 22 + 00 28+ 00 Description Gray brown si Ity fine to medium sand with some clay binder Dark brown silty fine to medium sand • "R" Value 50 81 Sanc;l Equivale.nt 17 21 February 6, 1973 Percent riner Than Noo 200 Sieve 21.9 20.0 As requested by the City of Carlsbad, various structural pavement sections were determined for a Traffic Index of 8.5 and IIR" values of 48, 50, 70, and 75. 1he sections are presented as follows: Class 1: "R" Value A.C 0 Pavement Aggregate Base 48 48 50 50 70 70 75 75 Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By.t;~~ :0 Remer 3.0 " .8.6 11 3.011 8.4" 3.0" 5.3 " 3.0" 4.3" " r' -, ~ 'i~ . Reviewed /. ~ . ~enf~eer Distr: (2) Addressee (1) Associated Engineers (2) City of Carlsbad, Engineering Dept. Attention: Mro Russell Morrison (1) Mr 0 Howard Hassett (1) Mr. Bob Knauf BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 10.5 11 9.7'1 3.0-" RCR/PHB/prw IN5PECl'~ON • TESTING • RESEARCH • DEVELOPMENT 6280 Riverdale St. 0 San Diego, California 92120 • Phone 280·4321 "" ,,/- ==============:================="=========='=' '=="========='==--:.:.~ :r ALI. IItEl'O"TS Alit!!: SUIIMITTED AIS THE CONI'IDENTIAL ,.ROI"I!IITY OF CLIENT •• AUTIiO"'ZATION I'OR PUBLICAT'ON 01' OU" REPO .. T •• CONCLUSIONS. 0 .. EXTIltACTS ; .J FfiOM OR IItEGAftDIUG THEM Itl IItEIIEftVED PENDING OU .. W,,'TTItN A,.,.ROVAL AS A MUTUAL PROTECTION TO CLIENTS. THE ,.UBLIC "NO .OURSELVES. , " -, " '-. -{ , '-'~ ~ , \ ". '. -:."; -: .-. \. ... ' :' :- "., ,-.,:i·~· ~' .. " - ,; .~' '. . . '.'. Benton Engineering ·6741 E1 Cajon Boulevard San Diego, California \ February 2, aECEIVED F£i ~ 8 '1~R:l ' 92115 CfrY Of 'CAR~S~:~\SCT ll~~18 E:og\neerlog .p@p~f ,Repo~t No. 5 . ' . ·"1 ~;. 'j (! ;1 . j SUBJECT: Transmittal of fiR" Value Test Results, for Auto Plcrza Boule- vard, Tri-City Auto Plaza. Gentlemen :' . " -:: " '.- In accordance with your request, we have performed "R" Value tests on subgrade samples taken from the subject site. W~ 'are transmit- ·,ting here,'lith the results of these tests. " ',' , '.: , " . ,-, ,-,,;' -;. .; The tests were performed on three samples submitted to our laboratory. '.~ :";·~·i:? The tests were performed in accordance with the California Test Method ,. " '!' .. :~,,~:j No. 301-0. ::s:::t:a: :::t:::s::::s 0:::::. review~nlg our report, please do not~ ,.:,~:!;,tll , ,:,.': :,';\;'~:: I , , This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. . , : " , ' ~ '" Respectf\llly submi t'ted , .-, ' SOUTH~RN CALIFORNIA TESTING'LAB.INC" :, , ' ",~,~' ,' . •• ..: -.<' . , .. ' '. :":~·;:.i: . " ",1 ~ _~ v' -: y' CHC:jle cc: (3) Submitted " . T" .,-::_1- " . ,~ ", , . , ' • "1,,, ~ .. ~. . ' SAMPLE: Sta. 3+00 ! E "R~ VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE -;-_' ._7_8 __ _ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 21;2 2 _11;2 80 1 3/4 70 % 3/8 #4 60 #8 #16 w :3 ~ 50 #30 b: • #50 #100 40 #200 .05mm .005mm . ,'.' , .001 mm , LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT ••.. ~ .QOUtllCftfl CClQ[~OhI1[a CJestiltg ~aboftdf6hy, Dile. , :r+r:. '-t . h+'-ff-'----, . , or. I . -'-!--'! . '!:j.. AUTO I PLA;ZA BOULr-:VARD ' JOB NO. 110118 PLATE NO. 1 <: • " :r '. { . I I , t " ~ I . ,; " I t· . i , ; , . ; , l ~, ,'! ~, ..: i ., ;,' : ·'1 ,I 'i i .. \ ',' .:. , .,' ' ,' . , qAMPLE: Sta. 9+00 E 56.7 MRIt VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE , __ 75 __ _ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION . riltt+!+'f-' tt Iffi' . 'hj. +1- ·1 H:(j-H-H -: , .' . SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED , .:rl---":. .. '3 90 ; . ' , 21;2 2 11;2 1 3/4 1;2 3/S #4 #8 #16 -#30 #50 1 . #100 #200 -.' .05mm .005mm .001 mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX 80. 70 j. 60 w 3 :E 50 . • I' 40 . tr-t' 1-..j. -:'r+ ~ ., ',_' ..::.-:--r _.-\-,.. .;..:... ':i-:I-, . "-t '!=i:t '~' -EtI .. . . ..! , -.... ~ ,. .. l SAND EQUIVALENT f.l-+ 'M 1+. gouH,eM\ CaQibohllia tJegHtlg ~abOho.tohg. ~ilC. o rtt ,..-r. 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi AUTO PLAZA BOULEVARD BY JC· DATE 1/26(73 JOB NO. 110118 PLATE NO. 2 o > !~ .• I :-,' · , _'1' I ., · . ~·I ,,: '. [, .. -,', I . ::';":'] , .. · . : I '1 .! " I · I , , . I SAMPLE: sta. lS+50 " 'f V>~~------------------~·-~~---+~--~--~--~---r-------r------~ , "f: .~. , " ,; turns o "Rft VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = _--!-7 9~ __ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 2Y2 2 1Y2 .. I 3/4 % 3/a #4 #8 #16 #30 #SO #100 #200 .0Smm '.OOSmm . 001 mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT w :3 :+i-- 90 80 60 ~50 . a: • 101---'" , i--+T "- :H+ -'-'-J-" .. , "f-- " t ' ....... 4-. • -:-~ .. -+t-t-t' ' :t-,_ ,~ ,.tt:t " ,,-' " ," -+ , r+ ..."., . , , • .!. PLASTICITY INDEX C:ti: t"Lc-t:c-, I : . 'Jr .. rr 1-: • -,-.f_ -+++ -~ +. ~ --;--+..1 ··:-+:-t "T. I SAND EQUIVALENT gout/lerml CaQ{bOlltliO Vegtulg ~abohatohy, 9J1C. f--+t ~ o ' 800 700 600 500 4CX) 300 200 100 ' , EXUDATION PRESSURE 'psi " , AUTO PLAZA BOULEVARD 'BY JC; DATE 1/26/73 P~TE NO.' 3 o SAMPLE: Sta. 22+00 .. :, "R"Value 45.0 ''' .. -1---1.~-=":;';':":""--------+----------f--~":"":"~I--'-:;':"'~:---+-----t------; "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = _....:;;.5...:,..0_-____ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION -·!-tH+ -i Ii ' . 't1:1:::::± . , , SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 2Y2 90 H--r.-. . ~-.-+~. l-:!±+ - . -+-~r-t .. : ' ~,.J. __ :j.:, tt ~-'-'-I-.::::f+:-+t· - , ...,. -. 2 80 . t!±t -'-~. 1-'-+ , --,' " 11'2 .---. 1 1 ~ "':::, ___ ~ ~ ',' '3 . Y4 70 % 3/8 #4 60 #8 #16 w 3 ~ 50 #30 p: #50 #100 40 #200 .05mm .OO5mm .001 mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT goutlteftn CaQibOfttlia tTestitlg ~abOftatohg. 9tlC. 1 IT ~±.c..,. +ft' . ++ +f ' . AUTO PLAZA BOULEVARD BY JC DATE 1/26/73 JOB NO. 11011,8 PLATE NO. 4 -. '.'. ! ._ 1 , . , ! I I .! I ,I _. I I I , , St.a. 28+00 "R"VALUE AT 30b PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = __ 8_1 __ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 100 SIEVE AS RECEIVED M3 TESTED 3 90 21;2 2 11;2 80 1 3/4 70 1;2 3/a . #4 60 #8 #16 w 3 ~ 50 #30 . a: • #50 #100 40 #200 .05mm 30 .005mm .001 mm -LIQUID LIMIT ::: -;- 20 :L .L PLASTIC LIMIT 10 , PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 0 BOO goutl,efUl CaQiboflflla tJegtlflg ~aboflatohy. 9flC. -.. 700 -t : t. , + .... ++ . . , - . . ._. :.-tf. f: -_~EmTJl~~ff.:· t- 1-;-',. -, :....-., ;t ... -~ 600 500 400 300 ~XUDATION PRESSURE AUTO PLAZA BOULEVARD .1- .. , -+ . . 200 100 0 psi BY JG DATE 1/26/73 JOB NO. 110118 . ~' I' ' I I I I : I I . f ! I . I i I , I