HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-13; Carlsbad Condominium Villas Ph 2; Soils Report; 1972-07-25. .
~’ ‘( ~’ ‘( : : fj:; p3 fj:; p3
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.Oo”tUC*N orkrrnuNI* tDLIT2Nn L A ” u ” * 7’ cl N, Y INoORPhUA*L*
~. ,ri,u “IYthD.L’I. 1,. ..n L%,IUtl, e*LI*. .24”b : ll,LC D”LY..fldl t v.0. B”L sQ,,1’t .AM “llllb. O.Lll, 9ElF0
l>.U,. “I”“*).* <,I r+.LM DL’1CII I, (1II,I’.‘!IJIC” + 1cLt ia.‘.,D1”
I 7 n tNTt.*II1. L1. ~e.~tI401n”, D*l.LIr. ‘18Y16 . 1c.t .h?‘!d.‘.
- , 3uiy 25, 3.9:~
L&y D. Hunts 61 Aasoaiateti; +.X.Zi. 3025 Pif'ch Avenue - San Diego, Califokia 92163
SC.2 21OOSl
StrilJECTr Phase YI Soils ~x&~~veetlgation for the Prapo~ed &r~sb~d' CbndaininPum Villas, FIarbor Drive and Cnrlsbad L;ngon:1, ;Csrlsbad, C!a&ifornki. ,'
Gentlemen: ':
XXI a&&dstko t&th ~your requf?st, de havo,parform~ci an itivestJ.gr!tion of th6 soil. &nditiona~at ths subject, kite, ~~arrwith ri z'hlport of this invnstigntion. We are trqnonitti~ny
The atiiA$siS of &lr fitidin=$ s is intended-to provide the requkcd information to ckaign tlm eartl~wo.rl: and fou~~datio~s for tlw propi~3ed dcvr:lo~:~n?:, Tha hyoonal tqorlc is covarcd by Pha::e I S0il.s Invcfit:'~-. cjk:tion &tad May 15, ,1972.
fn yuri~al,,tiie Pd$~d camp&ant native soils comprbsinq the hll$side adj~%cQrrt~to the hgooil and wa recommend the use of conveM.icnal Spread' fb&inr;s. .,,
lf yblx hzsvk any quentS,ons ~fi:cr ,rovi.cwirq onr report, ple;!sa JO ilo'i h~~t;itat:e CO dontiict tli5.s off~.cx~.
'L'h,j.y o~>~>ortll~:iky l;o 1,B of norvica i, cinccrely ~I>l~~i'eccii,tcc7. I I He:ipec:l,:full~~ r:;?-ctitted,
,' !iOilt?!l~.T?li w0x.l T;:KLn ';'&.:lt4(;: L1:jr , XNC.’
ep;'/jl: Z' :
(')I{ &,l:f7 L . . . . ..-._ 4".."...A1- ._., _.. --., -.-... -.... _.._ C. Il. \docd, I<. C. EZ!.o.iyO '^--- cc: (G) r;i.,~m,ittctl _ ,
6280 FIivd.rd;!le St. y San Diego, California 92120 l Phbne 280-4321,
1. I'&&$T D~ZCRI-X'~XJj~!~ SCOPE ~ --.-_-
This rep&t predents the rk.dtis of! auk soil investigation for the ,,. proposcd'dondominium development to be'iocated at the south'end of
Harbor Drivd and adjacent to the carlabad Lagoon (Aqua Hedionda Lagoon),
in Carlsbhd,' California. ~",f ;I ,,( y.*, ! ;' ;i ': "
* .
ft is our understanding that tha proposed development 5s to cons&t .
of about 60 two'story condominium structwres. The anticipated loads
are in the order of I500 pl;! for continuous footings.
This soii 'invsstigation was undertaken to:
, a) Determine thti phya:ical propcrtie~ of the provaillng soils
includinq the:h! c4up]~~i:t.Lng characteristics. <;';1p;tcitios and settlement
Pyovidl design in~ornrath regarding oite preparation and found&ions.
&, rr~n?~~,~~~~-D-n~~C-~~~~~~DATSO~S- ----..-.- -
2.1 &j.te ConditioE
The site is locat:ad,on Chlz northern shore of.Aqua Hcdionda Lagoon,
west of Highkay 5 in Cnrlsbad, California. Topographically, it
'icy 2lOOSl &11y 25, 3.972 Page ‘Iwo ., )I .’
- 2.2
,' - :
i.8 marked by a 50' hiqh cliff adjnccnt to tho ~lagoon which gives
away to the south to a ralatively flat terrace. The terrace reaches
a maximtnn'elevation of 64.9 feet with reference to mean sea level
Wthe northeastern part of the site.
Culfukally,~ the eite has several buildings serving as residences.
fn the western part of the site, there is a residence with four :
agricultural outbuiidinqs. There are groves both in the south-
western and northeastern part of the cite with other areas being
recently cleared of qroves and crops resulting in a loose topsoil
condit'ion.~ ,,
( .:
&ils Dencription:
Geoloqically, the site,ia underlain by Quaternary Terrace Deposits
consisting of sandstone with random interspersed lenses of clay
and siltstone. bne boring that encountered a claystone, also
encountered a perched water table at tha upper contact between
the claystones and sari&tones. Bedding attitudes observed in the
bluff aroa~ show the overall attitude of the terrace deposits to
be east-west with a dip of between Jo'& ll" to the'south. ,.. .
The,,majority of the soils were found to he very dense and smetfnics
parti.+.ly cemented slightly silty sands. Thase sands exhibit c
relatively high strength, very low compressability, and are non-
expansivu. The afordmentioncd siltstone & claystone Lcnsos com- "__ .. .
pd.!+0 such a Low fraction of the soils, the‘; ma;' be nelrjlectcd as
contributing to instability frola massive circulas fail,drc. Also, .
the dips are insuffici.onC to result i.n slid<.!-lg along Lcdtling planes.
_- , sdTd 210001 July 25, 1972 Piige Throc
2.3 r, soundat 0~
2.31 Cencrai
The expansive characteristics of the soils as described in Section' _,
2.2 abo& will equir& ,spec,ial consideration and/or design so
that structural damage is not likely to ocdur. 0 I
we recommend that conventional. spread footinqs be founded a minimum 1
- of 12 inches below adjacent finish grade. Continuous footings should
have a minimum'width of 12 inches. Square footings should be a U."_ . . - minimum of 24 inches in width or diameter so that the bottom of the ~ _... ,., . ^ ,I..
footings, may be cieaned. ,', ,a. .,
2.32 g1Y.owabY.e Bearins Pressures: - The bearing values for the indicated soil conditiohs are best ., expressed by the following formulas roiatinq footing depth and width ,
.t.a h&nd.t?g strenqth:
-- 4 Soil Condition I: Undisturbed Dense Silty sand
Continuous Footing@, q - 2.88 + 0.80 x D + 0.39 x B - Bquare Footinqs * q = 3.46 + 0.80 x D + 0:31 x B .,
SoiI..C!ondition III Sil&Sand recompacted to 90% , - .~ Contixkous Footings q = 1.23 e 0.50 x D + 0.21 x B
S~uar~'FoalA.nqs q - 1.48 to.50 x D + 0.17 x B 2'
The above allowable stresses may be increased l/3 for wind and/or S.," seismic loading and should be decreased 1/4 for dead load only.
Th&al$w&bls bearing presmures in kips per square foot for the
mitiimum'siza footings as stated hereinbefore are as follows:
$oil Condition
Cont'ifiuouk Footinqs " Yquara Pootings
1' II
4.07 1.94 '4.08 2.32
* s,c; 21ooai ally 25, 1972 Page Four -~
The allowable bearing pressures for other size Pootings may be
- computed from 'the above formulas. However, the bearing plxssures
so computed should be'lflmited to 6,000 psf. Adjacent footings --
founded at different bearing levels should be so located that the
- slope from bearing level to bearing level is flatter than 1.0
h&iaoxital, to 1.0 vertical.. +
- >;; ‘\ .l
2.33 JZZmated Settlement ( i t;’ .* .~,-A i
- If the reoomunendations presented herein are followed, the anti+pated
total settlement kl.1 be in the order of l/4 inch and differential - f"ovement will be in the order of l/8 inch, hence, negligible. a
- 2.34 Lateral Reaietance2
- *
/ ’
The passive pressure ‘and/& the coefficient of friction of concrete .'
to soil m&y be used to resist horizontal movement.
The alloW&le values o'f friction and passive precsuro are presented
in the following 'tsble'for the previously defined soil conditions.
I: '< 370 psf 137 psf/ft. ' 0.43
rr ,,' 2io psf %30 psf/ft. 0.41
The values of passive'pressure are the valuea at the surface or
tap of &rata*and in&earing at the indicated rate per foot of depth
below adjacent finish grade. An increase of l/3 is permissible when
xonsidering wind end/ox seismic loading.
These values ha& been computed assuming no surcharge and tho finish .
grade is'levcl adjacent to the resisting element. If these XGpVpt.iOM4
aXo incorrect, this office should be colyt-act~ed for new valtics to
re,fY.obt the true condl.~t;ions.
- l., :
SCT ii0081 ” ally 25, 1972 Page Five _
., * ,’
,,. ,,
Activ& Pressures .for izho design of cantilevered retaining ; '. I a,tr~b&ras that are free to move at,the top may,be assumed to
'ho equivalent to the pressure of a ,fluid weighing 37 pcf. ff
the',rotaining atrueturo is fixed and not free to move as in the
cake of basement walILs,'the structure should be designed to .* ,,_,,,. ,_._ / ., ._..... . ..., ,..
withstand an equivalent fluid weighing 56 pcf. These pressures A~...
I&r& for no surcharge and a level and drained backfill condition.
.~Zf these conditions ,are not met, this office should be con~kacted
for’ *he,,necassary pressure increase.
, g&&l : : q .~, ',, ;:I, .
2.71 'bitie'ral: : The Collowing rccommendcd maximum slope angle
,(gihn in ratios of horizontal vs. Gertical utiits) will provide
i inini$k factor of safety of 1.3 when a seismic factor of 0.1
times. grakity id a~plieci. This iq the current requirement of
F.H.A. antI is considered. overly conservative.
The propossd slopes will be stablo with relation to deep-seated
failure.if Fonstructed in accordance'with the follo&g recom-
,mendations. They should be,constru&'ed at or flatter than the
Sollowing slope ,rat'ios expressed in horizontal to vertical units
fbr%he in&cated haights.' ; ',', 'Cut 61&p& to 18'faot in height l.d : : 1. y ""." ho'23 feet in height l,ZS :'I to 29 feet in height 1.5 a 1,
‘to 40 fucL in heicjliL 1.75 : 1 .
;',, Fill klopes to 18 feet in height 1.5 : 1. to 23 feet in heiqht 1.75 : 1
to 32 foa!t in hciylrt;. 2.0 :l 250,faet in height 2.5 : 1
-SCT 210081
’ . ,’
_~ ,’
ally 25, 1912 Page Six
The above valuoa assume the soils within the slopes to be
homogeneous and havo siliLr strength characteristics. They
also as#+um$ a horisbntal grade &bove the top and below the toe
- of stopa. The~possiblo~ &ambinationa of soil strengths and slope '. ,. .' '., .~ ,~ g&ometry iasult in a multitude of situations. The&fore, pro- ,'
viding &&cifid re&munondations to encompass each possible solution
is irnpoes9ble. -. We should bk &tac?ted~ for 'additibntrl~recommeh8a-
~tions~,as.,spociEiti problems arise or more d&i&d information ,, .~ bocomeg avall&lc, :"", ~1, .,./,, : ,',,' :, :.';,,: ,' ,," : ,.I: ,: 8'~ ', I "'
,, ,, ,, ,.' ',..:~' " ,l ::;G;;, ~.I ~., ,' ',. ,,, ,.
2.81 &neraLj "&)"'gr&!ing or e'artll,,~ork'cant.omplated for sita ,,., ,, preparation should' te'aecomplis~ed in 'accordance with the attached ' '.. RoCo:nmcinda& Grading &cic~.fica'ki&ia. :, I, ,. ‘.
'2.82 Com~aot$i~&: ~AY.l s&ankmonts, structural fill and backfill " .' trench shouY.d b~'oompnetod to 90 percent, 'Paving subgrade should :
bf3 : com&ted to' di 'perciant. Natural, undisturbed soils having 1.
an 'in&tu density 'of less than' 62 percent should be r&x?&!, re- .,
placed and cornyik&tid to'90 percent. I
Foundationa suppoxted pari3.aJ.Y.y on cutend partially on fill are
not r&c!omm&nde& The tendency of cut and fill,soi.ls to compress
diffetintly yill. probably result in unequal support and con-
aequantial cracking. Therefor&, in traneitionni areas, we ,, recorirm&nd that the entird~.~+rea be undercut and replaced with soil
c!ompacted to 90 percent. The undercutting should be carried ,,
to, pl minimtim 'depth equivhlcnt to the width of the widest footing
below the base of footings./ " .- .,,.. . ., .,;. I ,'
, sc;r ilOOf31 " July 25, 1972 Page Seven
- ,'I
2.83'Shrinkaqe Factor $or FTr).hiqork B:ltlnce: The volume change d/L------
of the 'roiis"from'excavation to embankment has been estimated
- using tk'natural density and 92 percent relative compaction.
Akbest, theso'est&at'es are' crude. This is due partially to ,, ,, the,,statiatieal reliabi'lity of the undisturbed samples and
partially to the fill density being indeterminate. However, :, - from the dati available, ,tha:volume chanya factors are as ,followsg ,,
dne aubio'foot of oxdavation of the native soils should yield between 0.97 and 1.03 cubic feet of embankment. :, ,.
,,,,, ,#, ,, 'y; ',. 3. FXCllPgWl?XO:LlS ,, :P/, ‘
Fdul: subetkface ex~~draCionswere,made at the locations indicsted on ,.
attached~,,Plate NO. 3-l furing July, 1971. Theso explorations ioonsiated 8, *
of borings drilled by means' oi! g rbtary bucket type drill rig. .' *
,, ',
- 'The explorations,wero 'knduludted'under the direct supervision of our . engineering geolcqistia :,, ,,,
‘, ,.I ,‘: ,,,, ..:, . . i ,’
The explorations WQPQ ca??efully logged when made. Tk!ae logs are pre- - rented on the following'Plnte No's 3-2 through3-7, incI.usive. The
soils, are dostiribod in ac~ordurrco~witlr tho QG.fied soils Classification -
System ahr illustrated oti tho attached simplified chart; In addition,
- a verbal tecgural desoription',the wktat coldr, the apparent moistuke, and I the density or c'onsisten&'aro given on the Jogs. Soil densities Por
- granular"soil~ are Qiven.~as e'ither ,very loose, loose, medium dense, dense .' ', ., or very d&se. The consistency of tiilts or clays are given ae either very -
adft, soft, medium stiff, skiff, very Btiff, or hard.
; SC'P 2LOOSl ,',, 3'uly.25, J972 Page Eight
L * ' ,' ,'
Representative core sampleti were obtained by means of a split tube samplar
-driven into the soi1 'by'meanti"oE the "kelly bar" of the drill rJ~g. The
energy rcquired'to drive the aplit'tube aampler is indicated on the -
boring lo&as the'"penetration resistancaN. The ,corc samples !+re
-arefuLly removed, realed, and returned to the laboratory for testing.
Disturbed sampleh of typical and'rcpreeentstive soils were also obtaintbcl - and returned tie the laborat0r.y for teBt.lny. : ,'
- ,~ ~ .:,,: 4i-&AsK?~~~~,s*,,G' b
Laboratory Ceets were pergormed in a&oordancc with generally .accepted - 1., smericsn Society for Testing and Materials (&S.T.M.~)tcst methods or 8 .,
-suggested pr'o&dures. Representative sample D were tested for their .,., .
natural de&ity and moisture content. 'The results cf these tests are ',
-+ese&ed 'dir .' the boring loge. Xn addition; the maxi&m dens4ties',.'angles '
-of internal fri&ion and cohesion were determined for typical and repre-
tentative eamples. The reeults of these teets are present&d in tabular
'Eorm on the follotiing Plate NO. 4-l;
” ,,
‘, ‘,’
,, ,,
1 -
- .,.<’
,: -
,. ,...
--- ~-.n.a‘~“,~..U-..uar, -
’ < DORfNG No. 3
1RS - S!l -
SM s
‘, SM
L ..Descriptirm
Dl:. WoWn, llry, Loose Silty Sand, r I~:ul.tivc~~oci)
Dk. Grey Bxcwn, mr&d to Moist, Dense Slightly Silty Sand
', ..m,-+.d--a
Yellowish Brown
Lt. Grey.,Brown, tiumkl ,tb Moi!;t, .Very Dense Slightly Silty Smci
* ', * I'
(Very Hard,.Siltstone lenses)
m.d ," -.-II
112.4~ ,4 . 1
. .
CONTI~~!f!3D ON PLlrl'I;' 3-3, FOI? LEGEND .PCE PL.".?'E 3-3
-.-.~..-A..- L LI
71.: 2MhiWl
B?I??>!:; TOG
II ,.-.. 1.. -.rr*.rrmULNrr**m**uhu* L~..-....-.“I.b--*..
- )’ .
.B%?ING No. 3 (Co:~t’cl) . , -
3 ;7;
- .‘,
- “.w
37.5 (Very Hard Siltstone J.w-&c~) u
Lt. Grey Brown, Hunid t.o binis t,
Slightly Silty Sand, Very, Dense
,(Incraaiiri~ GistUre, 'Moist to Wet)
~,, ., ‘.
Qray-EwoLn, Satur~lt'ecl, very ' Dense, SligWly Silty San?,
. ..I
j .#SmO,lq ~+hyon ‘,..
E,= Sm~lle Penetration Resistance (Ft.
,, ,Y 3'Natwal Dry Dcmity (pcf)
:M * Natural Moisbure Content (% of Y)
65.0 102.3
112~. 0
13.6 I
CALITOR~~~A ft3t1~rj LAExM?Al’ORY, INC.
SAN LN.00. WLtfORNI& 4:?120
. -
B%tl?\ii I,CIG ;
’ -.
- zi ij
I -3
!i z I 2 01 4 :-
‘,: Ii -. E
-’ g !I r-7 ul -‘EL 3 H, E [r -a
: ,DORfNG No; 4
Des&iJJtt~~ E Y
fiti. 'Brown,' Humid, Medium Uenso, Silty Sand
(Tap 18" Cultivated) ,' ,'f '.
,Lt, Bfowit
,I, ,., ,:’ “,
:‘a, ;
‘. L
Beige, Moist'
12.0 12?.? 8.9
10.5 '113.5 7.6
12.0 ,99.9
..,.. .~-...~_.. ~.- “I.--. . . .._. -... ..* . .._. ,.-- --.- -*---.,.I
16.5 94.2 7.1
FOR LEGI%) SCE PLATE: 3-3 ' ?..n.wM.MIW.~U,-U.-.*.~."-
C---.s.“,...WI -a* Pe,.hb.U.n....W-.-~rr*-...- . ..-- --..-. . . . . .
,, - BORINt3 No. 5
,., 8,’ msrr:it~~ I+.-- E Y
Ok. Btown, Dry, Loose S1i.ghW.y Silty
Urown, Hunlid to Moist, Denso, Sli.ghtly Cilty Sand ,
Cr,ay Frown, Hunid to Moist, Very Dame, Slightly Silty Sand
Lt. Grey &Tan, Moist, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sahd 1, ,'
.- Way, Moist to Wet, Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand
' (Random $il.tsto& lctises) ,,
13.5~ 10.o.R
15.0 11T.9
19.5 'li7.0
40.5’ 120.0
‘~O~T~NUEO ON PLATE 3-G) FOX LK;t'&O SI;X t'L.4T:: 3-3
--r4.-- l-
SOUTHEPN C~+l.lWRtilA ,TiS’rIl& LAtOtl~,W~Y, INC.
6286 RIV~I’DA!.C SlRCfT qtN DILIXJ. CAI.IrORNIA 92120 114 sxl)43;‘1 .
CAXSEAD 'CI":l';~,::~:j~~::l' VIIiAS
15’1 fi’> ?: (,.j:“?
. ,
0, BORING No. 5 (CONT~Nl!ED)
neac:ri.wt:i.on - .-.--~-I_
.A “)
Lt. Gfay, fiaturatcd, Very Hat-d
Tan, Moist,'Very Dense, Slightly Silty Sand
Lt. Gray, Ir'oist, Very Hard Clay
Lt.' Gray, Moist, Very banse Slightly SiLty Sand
3.03.2, lo.‘4
at., Grayyrean, mmid, Vsq' D+ssl silty Sti?d ~ 75.0 108.9 E.8
,‘- /
I “w-
. . ,,
--d ,..I..“-. c
. 114 :!6U.d531
H’.‘R~!?G l,!.!G
‘&.y* pi! * . - ‘. . .a4
Dc~cr llle inn. ‘-a-+---- 3
Dk. ~WOWrl,; 1.uy, f,oO:;Ct, si3,ty s;.l!x’, ./ ~, : ~&-“..1..bu
5’ ,, ,’ ”
Raclis)~,, Drown, ?loir,t, DcqC-e,
S1ightl.y Si1,t.y Sanh ,’ : ,,.,
.., ,,,
,’ :. d3-mm.1 AAd ,, ‘.
Browli I
.,~ ,,
., ‘d
,~ ,‘.
.i ” ,,
*, ‘* ‘,
Y P’i
112.5 5.6
102.5" 3,6
--,.A -d.-
. ?I4 :!bIl1Ul’
BORPG LP- ,^ . . ...” ,_.- ..a-~&-.~.- 8) 4 I!\V ii? * . ,\ . . . I
',_~~~.cr:,"~~~~~FR~S~l~~ (SAf~l'LES SATURATED C DRAINED) --..-
,I ,
83 0 41
k-3 46
B3 @ 5-6
_I SAbkfi
I.B3 e 5-6
B!i @ 34-35
.:~ ; . ::
8. .’ . - .,,* .’
h4&Wti ~“M3W-y b bPTiM~t4 tvl01sTuRE CONTENT - ASTM t..A.!m, METWODI . ..a A ..a...
,’ “~ bESCRiPT,lOtd Maxtmum ogtimu m Irloi5tu l-c Y$f?’ cOht(‘/.) .,
Dk. Gr’eymx&~ Slightly Silty Sand 122.5 9.6'
*an Slightly Sil‘ky Sand 120.0 2263
,\ ., : i-
-- _I . ,, :~, .
- /, j
CC’80 tllVERDALt ~STREFIT @+J DIEGO. CALNTT::-lb+ YZIZO 714.203.613J
I .pL.C!L-- _ !DATT. 7-25-72
I an,, ,111 91 nno, I
-~,I*] i,:\,{i!:[ ;< I\,’ ]“/\.(;]<, 1 JOI’, x0. 210081 ..__..- -.., .-.--_.I I!.r\Y~;:July 25, 1972 . . . ..- -.. ^_.. .._ ._--.... .._ , (’ ‘, 2, ,’ 1 Rt,:(~OI’:;ilf~‘fJl;;‘lJ (‘l:‘I.llf+.!( ‘)]‘]‘C:fI”:,.(’ !‘]!:i:\l”$ ..a-- L,LL -___. “.A&..‘.‘.-:.. ^ 1 ..___d_ .L!t.... .,!t’^-^_ -.!.~‘..‘..~:::,l., .s (:]x’lli’la41 )Ifi(ll:~I !:J:p::I: .,.N..--._ _._,..
em;jt;!!]i;i”hl,, Tl;q:jltly. ‘, _. ..,A..‘--Am.!..-. ~.A <
Thr~ j~r\.ent oil t;;i:sc9 r;pccJ,ficatiorio is t:‘O, C!~tt.?bY.S.iAll ~~,1~OC!C~~Ui~C‘~l jOY CiC’;iPI\II~, -
!olnplctinl.$ llat.urTl:t &rotrnd) pl+pnrin[r tksc:lD t:O be ~I:I:I.od n114 p3aC::i.xg :::~d I?‘OIU- * ,, ,,, I.
+act.l.nf’; fflY ,Nuil to tlie linen and:~grad~~~ 4lrown ori tAc acc~ptc:d plc~L+~ ‘WI e .
rec:ntii:l!on~ations contal.necl I.n !i-Ac ~pr~lSlllSlltii~y soil’ 4nvcHtlgilt~fon repcwt ilnd/w . - :hc ,:ttackoci. s&bcinl ~rovlui’on~ are a part of the rocollllncrldcA firacir ni; spoci --
-f1catSonn ,and ~1ialI f3upc~‘cedn” ,t!k provislcm ‘con~~~1nc!cl hcre2wift.e3* 2.11 the
:ase of’ con,flict~. .,
,, 1. .:, ‘, ,, . ‘. ,. ,,. ~: - .’ ,,
[NSPm’~~~?q ~GiS~i,~llJ~ ~, --- - 6” ., .
4 qualff1.d’ :s,cjSl tingtirtcw ~hliY.3.~bo”&~Io~~fd t+ inspsct ntld teat the C?tk~thkiOrl: <
in accordanccl wi.tl; thbrx’, tipecl i’ioution6, It;’ will , IJC necest:s?T’y ‘t.h%t t.fle soil
--?nRirAeL?r &? fr:i.‘n ~&k3!:~!IMA”o ,J~mfi&3 P~~cc]uat.c’ l.n:.~]wctfLon PO ~ll2.t !:c :::n.\
~ccr.tif’s thhf; ‘thr: tiork when or M;L:~ noe ~cco~llpll:ihod,, as npecilicc?. 1:. skill. - ,, ” I :
)e tl16 rc~$~nr,~i.biiity ck ,jihi obntrnctor to ncciist; the s0ii cl?giIleer 3uxI to
4ccp him apprnl.~;ed ‘of work solic!cluYies, chaneen and YIC:V! information and rlnt~ ,, ,,
GO that h: m&mik~ thena c&+:tf’~.datibns. -.
.I i’ ) in t11e Ofi:l.II9on of the GOil cn[;:lnc?ur, ::\1:~s1:andnr*cl c:ondit’ion:> WC e!1::61111t:- / .
-3~erl , :;uch 811 quei;~tional~le oaj 1, pool* rncAf: t,vPc: cqntrol., Ih~ld~C~ll:ttQ CO::!~i13t;10AlI
nclvo:~i:~’ weitthw,~~ etc. 5 he wJ 11. Ilo empowrcd to ~$.~.IK.T atop coll~,\tr~~c:::l.tll; unt:l.:I - ,\ -,
Lht! cor~lr!1.t:iarl4~ ::rc r&llcdsc!d 01’ c0r?+?ctcc1 c-1’ 1’ccomltl~?1lcl reject: OrI et tt:c \do!zk.
;n:l:I tcrjt:; w&l t'ti dctl?r',rll IIC t.),rn &r,?VC of Cr,rilpaCt.:i ,>,, wf.3 1 I>(! pcrf'o~~:?!.~~I J,I
-llcr!r:l~l;:.ncc VA !;]I the fi~l:lr.wjng A;;crj.c~il~ Sc~c::i.cty fop ‘i’,fi!.itsrlp; :-Illl~l I.‘;hLC’r’Li i’,l LI
Lc!:l I!.C~l;‘nrxl!~ :
- t4UX9.6.!1::! I,rC?l-l!j:l 1::! III?d Cll3’i. il!l\l]Tl liii).l :;i, ?:,‘;P;’ Cailf,(*,;i, I A, .(: .‘>, fs:, Ijbj,!;c’/..+((l, ,,,
l:,:lI:::i ihy Of ZfL!‘: 1 ~lY~l-l’1ll~:‘c,,: - fi.,,$ .‘i’, I,!, !>-:!fi~,l,?-.(il: . -
- s
I!, i’l:L!:()i ,I,) 1’1lC15 2’ ’ ilo1’1 l~!o. iloOfQ _,.,“,_ . - -. . __. ;!,?!?il-A?Q 25, .1972 - _...^.. ~- -_,---_-__~ . * ,, - .
l’,l!‘*f~~(!‘) ;‘!iY \\]{1;‘fi,b ,..
"'0 ];l:CI,?I\'j~' :!,1:i J . .,: .__,, ',L--2. .._..,....-- ',-i,,.-.&L.,.'.~._ .:..A."
.I- VO~I?tfLt~~K~il, bl’U!lh tli!d dchr:l.:; tihall hc: r*c~movec:, ptled and burnc~rl ($1’ oiher- ,, :’ ,I;:-;c: di’Lsposc!d of. . ,,Af&l:r cleurl ilg> the nn’l:uv;?l. gr~ou!ld :hll be RCfIl~‘it’.lod to a -
i’ t,i: of 6” , Lvou~ht to, the prcqG m0:I~t.w~ contc~nt , co:i:pact,cd and tt:::t.cd for
illJ m:.nLmutn dc!~lSZl,‘;y U]:~C~C!;li’iC!CI ill the SpC!C:I iI’1 ])l’OV< %:l 011:: Or th? ~‘eC(~liil~‘~~lililt~tCl~?~ ,,’
~,,,:n?.ncd iri, t11o prel:l.~fl:t’~uirj Rc~:l I invest:igc.rtioli Pcr!O>?‘i,
- .’
i ir: the elope of the’ nnLurR1 gw~1~1f1 reccivhg fll.1 rrweds 2Of! (5 horl:~ontal
Cl V&?tiCUl.j, the td.g$lIO~ gra(~Ul’ld chnll. I.10 atCpLICd 01' benched. Bcnchc\s shal 1,
e cut. to a fi~,ilr’,uonlrbton’t s0:l.l’ c0mU.tj.o~. Thu lmwr bench sl~ell. bc nt lcast
( rect \llde arld”all &ther txkhes at Yeast 6 feet wide. ‘The ho~~ieont.al por-
inn OI' each licrtlch ~shnI1. be comglcted,‘prfor to r~ccJ\~inc; fill ne spec:LI’icd
,L-*cinLefore f’or’ compa.ated ‘natuml. ~:~oukl. Uround slope”, r1.atter than 20% ,, > i-131 he bencl~d when cnnold&wl wcc~an~*y by the soJ.1 en~;~mc+~. r, >‘,“,
: 51, PA7’137 I AL : -_-.. _.--I --_. _
ricw.bll.5 p>.acf!cl in the fj:!l shti:l>. be s.ppr~Y(!d by th:? dol.1. eng:incer an3 shcll.:L
j- free of ‘VC&&Hb1.E mmtt:Cr’ and rit,t,or dc!lot;@I~ious suhstatlc~ea 1 CrRlliil f,y 3011
isI 11~ C0l?t~R%n uUffj.CiCnt f’inC “18Ii;~r’j.a~ to fi3.l the VC~~.C~S. %%I.! drflnition and
.:po:.:j.tion of ~ovgvize!l mcku, c?x~ww~alve :I,II~/OI, det.,~.h&tal ‘~‘011s uri’ covcrcd
‘- tllo spekj.al, provisions. Gxpunr4:tvo 009.3.::, 30:rln 0.r poor gro.&itlcn or
‘iar:~:~~;‘:l~ Ch3PU~:i;,~rldt~.CC way, be tho~~U~;l~ly l:i! sed \rlt,!~ nther SO:t 3.:: to I’TXNid~ -
tS!:fctc,tor;: f:iY!!:L, tnotoyffJ3 ,’ consrr1;; of the sol1
13~ ,i~ I: c: c: r . ,
!!!L .__, L-2.! -.-. L.. ,‘..,-. ?, .L!...l! L ‘(‘J i:i< ,\r!-) (~‘,‘)i,tlJAcr,‘:1:():1 (‘?.I F:rLL : - --.-
~WOV~‘d f i II- rmtcrlul EIiliIl .l,C! ]~,:l.:Lced’ 11’1 i1.:r(!:::; p;.‘q!::,P?l:! to rl!(>c::1~:(! .r:l:I 3. :I.11
-*: :_, ,q 3 ?, 1.0 C’;:Or?c:d 6 :ll:c:llcn 1,, c:o!!!l.lnc!;~.,:1 ttl:l,cl:l!,::;:~ , IT:,ch :I,rl:.:(!r :,:ll:il.:L Il:Jvc
I:!>.: I’~tl’lFi 1,801 :!:.111’4 C(~l’l’~~!!;lt; .ir? i;)I.: 1$,?1’I~<C t 11:11; i!,l :I,1 i!II :I a:*,: t:!lP c(‘,!i!]‘l;lct:‘tr,il C~‘~Ol~t
1 yi,;t,!iffY*. A, l,A:;!: ? J ()I!. . '_. .I
ii'> *.210.06L-.- "~~'l"~.dlly .,25.,-2x2-,....
. . ;, tic+ crr5 f:J,f\i,tl,v n1,rp:t %cd to EclJ:'t!VC t11c ;.:poo:i.f:! cti O!~:,:i?C~c of’ cn:np:,f;::.; C;j., .
c-1, 1 .tlycr I ::h::.l 1 be und..ror;rll’y c!o;!:]pactl?d to :I ,nJ.nl.;au;r nprc.i L'J.c!ti den::? ;.\ i
i t:ii &tlfZqlla~i31!, Re’kCd’ <!CiLJi]JJflC!Jlt , ~:5.f;l’lE?.? ::j?cc?,f’ic~ll.I:’ de~5.~;u~2d i’orl ~0:; : -
c 1!MCti0Yt Cl” Of PI-OVr!tl J’Oliflt,J:i.‘~!.t:y. WIV fl:In:l.rnilr!l dc’bc:f’ec’ Of’ compnct.i 011
(-1,)~ fichj,c<*i<*(1 ,j s opc!(!j (‘j~ed In elt.hel ChC: fll12C!%dll )‘~:‘0ViGiCllS ‘017 tljc i’c-
r.~~::.~r:n~nntj~orl:; cbntaincd J.n the ~uwl%nW~W~ zoll tri-vcGt1~F;i’-tlclil ,‘t:ptlr~t.
- ‘.a
,:,S:I,tl testn a’&i ‘~n::pectl:onY.‘tO Cl?C!C!l< the ‘lq,Iw? 01’ co!n~‘aC!1:icill O’f e11:. i’i.11. ‘,
r:-‘l be taKnn b,y tlio 8o:l.l erkg:incw w kl9.S rcl”t’e3Cllt.:l~;IVE, ?‘llC locctl~o,n
ll.ltl fl~equcncy of’ tllh touts g)la:t 3. bc at tllc 80i2. erig:i.nt~er’s di.ncret~o~r. In - ,’ L’ I I
‘,I ~lclxl1 ) tt1o tlu.ns~.ty kestL: w:~ll~Lf3 made ht an 3,ntorval not ~,xce!ediq: 2 i’ect I 6
‘~5 ver:::lcal “pil\~‘nnd/ay SfiQ~ cut’ic yuryl$ of wd~nnltincni:. ,, I ,.
;iuwx,l! LImTS: ,' - -__----..II !, ::
>*J.l t:)>all ll& bQ plnccr1 dUr;ll.lG ~,~11’aVoru~rl~! We~~Pl~~~ rondi tio:-1s 1 vt!rrn rrorl:
ii- Interru~t&d by heavy rain, f I.l:I.i.rig ol:,r:~73tions ::lwl 1 not bc! ~c:‘m~tl tinti
;he :,propcr liwiGt,ttf~e c’c~titent and ‘clt!yiSity OS tile ‘f11.l. )los been a~hi~evc~d. L&m-
*. I e r03ultl’ny: f&n kehtYrtr nhnl,l be repa:l.wd befo~k~ acceptmae of v:uI+:.
.J-l.‘ii!~;i:sl~l”~: c!oI!D:~Tfo~?~ ’ . -. __._._- - --..- -,.-AA
IE t11e event th;it c0n~j t.lOns mx! cncountcv~-~~i9 tlupln~: the hitf? ]~J~~!~l,?i;~:i,.iOri
~~,-;-t.i~:irt-.io:~i !;nUt)~crr~ Cn~ifori~in ?~estj.np; f.,.i!l~ol~.?t.or.\~, 3:nc. a:~~un:e:: 170 PC:~~I-
s1.l-iillty for ccrlluitl.oll:; &o~nl:c*1+c!cl Wl,'lCIl d.if'fPP fl.~i-:nl t;trosP CC,lld;i 1,; r*r:s f'oavd
: .ti cic~~c~~l.Imi in the, prel,9mirmry t:oLI :Irlvr~l:l-1.gt?t:lOli I,c!pOPl: I *
l -