HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-20; La Costa Rancho Mobilehome Park Unit 1; Soils Report; 1969-01-01Soecificetions for Unit No. 1
Carlsbad, CelifOrnie
Andrew W. McReynolds
~eslend Engineering
2100 University Avenue
San Dieqo, California 92104
Richard H. WillimS
Frank C. Duerte, and Associates
1104 wrena Boulevard
San Dioqo, California 92110
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ReIereoce: Is a,..J:loi. io ~he c;eL,eixi ..:m.~rlo!;: hel.ein. ;he A.I.A. Geuemi COP itio. .,
F:o,,i! ‘A,!Ol” a?e hex:... r~a:e a p,ni’i 0; ~hrse +eci!rcaciou. e.xceptily as mo4fir~.l
herein, am. S&-Con;~ac+&~~~, ,-hall ha! e I ade the!. sel,;es :am~:ar w t,h sarr;e. A cop)
01 lhib i:ocu?‘en!. is 1x1 the iile i:, the Architect’s office for Co-,tractor ase.
Stanciar;s of QualiLy I’ro&x~t; speciiiec-1 hereir! are spec Cie? for standards of qaalit;,.
i-‘ro.luc:s of Liiierent ~xuufacmx s~botituteci ihal! tie o:eq~~+l qualit;- to those
jpec.! ed al;u shall co!LIom LO applicable FHA Stanuarde ana are subject to approtial 5~. by the Arch:tect an:: engineer.
Con,pliance with Dmwings ami Specifications: Reier LO drawings lor iten ti specifieo.
Specitications and drawings ale iuter?e!nte~! items iniicated in the Contract Docuents
shall be :nclu+xI in the work.
Guarantee: Te&ies burantees required elsewhere, the contractor shall ar.ii he-r&z
does. guaranree ail work ior a per iod of one yea? a?Er tIie’~!ate of acceptance of ?he
work !ty Ihe Owner, an,1 Bhall repair or replace a:~ or all tiuch work, togethe: with
any other work which 1,:ay be Zsplace:! in so aioing that ,,:a!, probe iefective in workit an.-
ship and/or n,aterials withm the one year period :‘ron date o! acceptance without
expense whatsoever to the Owner‘. or2inar); wear an 2 tear. un~tiual abuse or neglect
Clean-Up: All d&t rubbish au! debris iron: all comtrvction operation shall be ren;ove,
iron px-el”laes i:y the Sub-Contrac’~rs am! all portions oY ..u,I..lng shali ile !eft in a
thoroughlj- clean comi~lion after ;he mrk ia’ coc~ple‘e.
Colors: Colons for interior ami exterior iinish &all be selected bj the Architect.
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The work'spacified in this division is subject to all reguirements of the
General Cooditions, Special Condltious, and any othar eontract documents
pertinent to this division.
Scope of lsrk Dnder Thi8 Division.
“’ A.
Clearins of site: mlition, Clearing and Grubbing.
SaYthwoyk: Soils Poisoning, Site Grading (soils report reference,
c&ificationa), EMavating and Backfill.
: Storm Drainage, Pavad Swales, Ditch Improvemants.
??ziiEs SfTA Lk I: Gas, Sawer, Water (including standpipes and firehose
stat+#~#, Electrical (including &rest lighting).
Beads a Walks: Paving, Curb and Gutter, Walks, Soad and Parkinq
A-as (parking area paving, curbs, striping, vheel stops,
&met signs, etc.), Driveway on Lot, Off-site Improvusant Befsrencs.
Sita Improvsmants: Fences (chain link, pool, trash enclosure),
Shuffle &ard Courts, Decorative Fountains, Irrigation System (including
wall), Yard Improveme nts, Benches, Drying Yards,
Lavns & Planting: Soil Preparation, Lawns,~Ground Cover and Dther
Plants, Trees and shrubs.
General ltaquir~ents
Inspectton of Sita: The Contractor shall visit the site and determine for
himsalf tha existing conditions, the nature of matarials to be encountered,
and all other facts concerning or'affecting the work to be done under this
Bxisting Utilities: All~utilities en&untered during the vork shall bs left
'undiaturbad and in working order. Any connection to an existing utility shall
bs made by City crews or under the constant supervision of the City Inspector,
at the discretion of the City Engineer, and in accordance with all local ordi-
Public Irapr‘ovarents: All public improvements shall comply with applicable
local ordinances.
cons~tion Plans: The Construction Plans and details shown thereon shall
bacome a part of this division.
standard Specifications: Tha 1969 Edition of the Standard Specifications of 7
'the B%ate of California, Department of Public Works. Division of Hishwavs. -
shall hereinafter ba reierr~d to as the Standard Specifications. - -
General Require- (continued)
Contract Prices: Prices paid for various item of work shall include fur-
nishing all eguipnent, labor, and materials required to complete that itm,
and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor. The Engineer's
Estimate of Quantities are approximate only, being given as a basis for the
comparison of bids. The Contractor should verify all quantities prior to
bids. The Engineer assumes no responsibility for any excess or deficiencies
resulting from performing the required work, as specified herein.
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Clearing and grubbinq shall conform to the provisions in Section 16 of the
Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
The entire graded area shall be &&a and grubbed under the direction of
the Soils Engineer (see Earthwork - Section 2B).
Payment for clearing and grubbing shall be considered as included in other
items of work and no additional compensation will be allowad therefor.
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Earthwork shall conform to the provisions in Section 19 of the Standard
Snecifications and these Special Provisions. It shall be performed to the
line and grade as shown on the nlans.
All rocks or boulders 6" or larqer shall he buried a minimum of 12” in fill
Attention is directed to Section 7-1.04 of the Standard Snecifications. The
Contractor shall comply with the City Gradinq Ordinance No. 9032, and other
applicable ordinances.
The Soils Report and Grading Specifications by Southern California Testinq
Laboratory, dated February , 1971, and subsequent addendums, shall be
considered a part of these specifications. The work done under these spxi-
fications shall be performed under the control of the Soils Rnqineer, who
shall be hired and paid by the Owner. The Soils Engineer shall require any
work that does not conform to these specifications to be redone or corrected
to his satisfaction. Certification of work done under this section shall be
made by the Soils Enqineer prior to acceptance.
The Contractor shall balance out and fill where possible. He shall furnish
all imported fill where required, or shall export excess earth where required.
All requirements for 95% relative compaction in Sections 19 and 21 of the
Standard Soecifications are waived and a value of 90% relative comnaction used
therefor, except for structure backfill, the top six '(6") inches of base
material in the roadway prism, and the area around the buildings as shown on
the contract plans.
Earthwork shall be paid for as cubic yards of excavation hased on the linits
shown on the Plans and as stated herein, adjusted by the amount of anv autho-
rised changes. Compensation for structural excavation, structural backfill
and compaction shall be included in other items df work, and no additional
compensation will be allowed therefor.
Topsoil excavated during the job which is unsatisfactorv for use in earth
fills shall be placed in stockpiles as directed by the Soils Enqineer, for
use in landscaping at a future date. No additional compensation will he
allowed therefor.
All finish qrades around buildinqs or structures shall be sloned to drain
surface water away. Gradinq required for shapinq and contourino to finish
grade shall be considered as included in the contract nrice n;tid for enrth-
work, and no additional compensation shall be provided therefor.
Corrugated Metal Pipe: Corruqatsd metal pips shall conform to Section 66
of the Standard Spscifications and these Special Provisions.
Pull compensation for all structure excavation and structurs backfill shall
be considered as included in the anrtract unit price paid per linear foot
for the corrugated metal pipe, and no additional compensation will be allowed
Storm Drain Inlets: Storm drain inlets shall be constructed in accordance
with City of Carl&ad Standard Drawinqs, City of Carl&ad Standard Specifi-
cations, and the construction plans. Payment shall be a Lump Sum for storm
drain inlet in place.
Paved Swabs: Asphalt concrete downdrains and paved swales shall conform
to the requiremsnts for asphalt concrete as specified in Ssction 2E.
Payment shall be included in the unit price per square foot for miscellaneous
areas as specified in Section 2E.
storm Dtainaqe Channel tiprap and Rock Lining: Riprap sides of drainage
channels within the limits shown on the plans, with rock as follows:
Size of Rock Material Percentaqe Larger than: Rock Size
l/4 Ton . . . . . O-5
200 Lb. . . . . . 50-100
15 Lh. . . . . . ------
5 Lb. . . . . . go-100
Material shall conform to the following quality requirements:
Test Test Method
No. Calif.
Apparent Specific Gravity
Loss in soundness
Less in Los Anqelas Rattler
(after 500 revolution.91
206 2.5 Min.
206 2% Max.
214 5s Max.
211 458 Max.
A footing trench shall be excavated alonq the toe of the slope as shown
on the plans.
Storm Drainaqe Channal Riprap and R3ck Lininq:1 (continued)
Rocks shall be so placed as to provide a miniman of voids and the larqer
rocks shall be placed in the toe course and on the outside surface of the
slope protection. The rockmaybe placed bydurapinq andnravbs spread
in layers by bulldozers or other suitable squipnent.
Local surface irregularities of the slope protection shall not vary
fran the plannsd slopes by aore than one foot measured at riqht angles to
the slope.
Excavation or a&ankment required to obtain line and qrade of channel as
shown on the plans shall be included in the contract price paid for earth-
work, as specified in Section 2B.
The price paid per cubic yard of rock slope protection, in place, will be
determined from the dimensions shown on the plans and rock slope protection
placed in excess of these dimensions will not be naid for.
The Contractor will perform all necessary trenching and backfill, includinq
furnishing of any imported backfill material required, and will furnish and
install any necessary connectinq squioment and service meters at each site
as shown on the Plans, and make final connections, all in accordance with
the Utility Specifications. The Contractor shall co-ordinate all work with
a representative of the utility company, and shall give ample notice of work
to be performed. For clarification of requirements, see "Rules for the Sale
of Electric Energy", latest change by San Dieqo Gas 5 Electric C!oany.
The Contractor will perform all necessary trenching and backfill including
furnishing of any imported backfill material required, and will furnish and
install any necessary connecting equipment at each site as shown on the Plans,
all in accordance with the Utility Specifications. The Contractor shall
co-ordinate all work with a representative of the utility campany, aud shall
give ample notice of work to be performed. For clarification of requirsnmts,
see "Rules for the Sale of Gas", latest change by San Dieqo Gas h Electric
The water distribution system shall be furnished and installed in conformance
with the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
The price per linear foot for water pips, complete in place, shall be full
payment for furnishing all labor, materials, tools, equipxnent and incidentals
necessary to complete the project and to perform all work contsatplated and
embraced under the contract, and no additional compensation will be allowed
The work covered by this section includes removing all veqetable matter from
work area and the furnishing and installing of all pips, fittings, standpipe
and appurtenances, all excavation and backfilling of trenches, furnishing and
placing of all concreteHocking and pads.
All materials shall be new, free from defects, and of the type and quality
specified and for the -se intended. All pipe, fittings, and materials
shall comply with the standards as set forth by the regularly accepted American
agencies prevailing in the industries where not covered by codes.
Asbestos Csment Pipe: AsbestoB c-t pipe used for the conveyance of
water shall be Johns-Manville URinq Tite" or Certain-Teed "Fluid-Tite"
pipe or approved equal. Asbestos cement pipe shall be 4" class 150
conforming to the latest revision of AWNA S tandards for Asbestos Cement
Pipe, C400-65. 1
Plastic Pipe: P.igid Polyvinyl Chloride pips shall be uanufactured according
to the specifications accepted by the American Society for Testing and
Materials, and designated as A.S.T.M.-6OT. Acceptably Polyvinyl Chloride
pipe is:
1. Schedule P.V.C. 40 NSF Type II, (shall conform to connner&ial standard
CS207-60). This pipa is not to be threaded.
2. Type P.V.C.-II Grade 2, P.V.C. 2110-VS-11 Schedule 80 (conforms to
commercial standard CS-207-60) shall bs used as all threaded nipples.
Cast Iron Fittings: Cast iron fittinqa are to be used witfl asbestos c-ant
Pipe- The fitting shall have~bells of the Ring Tite or Fluid-Tite type.
All cast iron fittings shall donform to the ANWA Specifications for Cast
Iron Pressure Fittings, ClOO-55 or latest revision or Short-Body Cast Iron
Fittings for 150 psi water pressure.
The interior surface of cast iron fittings ahall be lined with cement
mortar and ths exterior surface shall be coated with coal-tar pitch varnish
as specified in the A.S.A. Specification A21.10=1951 latest revision.
Plastic Fittings:
1. All.solvent welding fitting shall be of the same type and grade mat-
erial used in the pipe. They shall be a high impact molded fitting,
withstanding three (3) times the pipe's rated pressure.
2. All threaded fittings shall be Schedule 80 of the saue type and grade
material used in the pipe.
D. Plastic Fittings: (COntinued)
3. uanufacture - all fittings shall be that manufactured by Krayloy,
Carlon, Chemtrol Company, Lasco Industries, Sloane Manufacturing
company, or by other companies producing the same materials, and
demonstrating that said fittings are equal to the fittings man"-
facturad by the above ccsqanies.
4. Saddles and Clamps - solvent welded or clamp saddles will not be
permitted, except clamp saddles may be used subject to aporoval of
the Engineer when tieing into an existing system or line.
5. Fitting Standards - all fittings shall have a higher bursting pressure
than the pipe used. Such fittings shall be comprised of established
5 patterns.
6. Joint Material - for plastic pipe shall be as recosrnended by pipe
manufacturer, and meeting the reguirements and reccium endations of TPD
of SPI and/or DCC standards.
7. Thread Lubricant - for joining plastic to threaded fittings in water
supply and valves still be as recamnended by the plastic pipe manu-
E. Valves: All 2" and larger gate valves shall have a minimum rating of a
m working water pressure and meet the requirements of the AWA
Standard CSOO-61 as revised. Nonrising stem, bronse or brass trimned,
with 2' square wrench nut.
A. Tranches: The necessary trenches for water pipe, fittings, services, and
appurtenances shall be excavated by the Contractor to the required align-
ment and depth as shown on the Plans and called for in these Specifications.
Trenches shall be excavated 4 inches below the bottom of pipa. The trench
excavation shall proceed only as far in advance of pips installation and
backfill as the Inspector will permit. Trenches shall be braced and drained
whenever necessary so that workmen may work therein safely and efficiently.
water main tranches shall be excavated so that the distance between trench
walls at the top of the pipe shall be minimum of 12 inches and a maximum
of 32 inches, or as shown on the Plans.
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A. Trenches: (continued)
No backfill over joints or connections shall be accoaplished until
after all testing and workmanship have been performed to the entire
satisfaction of the Inspector. Backfill between joints and/or oon-
nections may be ociapleted prior to pressure testing providing joints
at connections are left clear for observation during test&q procedure
as herein specified.
B. Depth of Pipe: Unless otherwise shown on the Plans or specified by
the Inspector, all 8" and 6" water mains shall have a coverage of at
least 36 inches between the top of the pipe and the finished surface.
All 3" and smaller pipes shall have a c-age of 24 inches.
Cc3ater in Trench: All water encountered in the trenches must be ptsnped
out and the trenches kept dry until the pipe has besn laid and the
joints closed. At the option of the Inspector, crwhed rock for drainaqe
or bedding shall be provided where necessary and the backfill ooupleted
to a depth of one foot above the top of the pipe.
D. Excess Excavation: Wherever the Contractor over excavates, he shall
backfill the b&tam of the trench with select fine campacted material
to a depth of 4 inches below the bottos of pipe grade. This backfill
shall be placed at the Contractor's expense.
Wherever the trench bottan does not afford a sufficiently solid and
stable base to support the pipe or appurtenances, the Contractor shall
excavate to suoh depth below the normal trench bottan, as directad by
the Inspector, and he shall backfill with B select colnpscted material
to a depth of 4 inches below the bottom of the pipe grade. This excaVation
and backfill shall be at the expense of the Contractor.
Backfill for all excess excavation below the bottou of the trench qrade
shall be placed in uniform layers, properly moistened and canpacted to a
relative cuapaction of 90% or uore.
E. Changes in Line and Grades: In the even obstructions not shown on the
Plans are encountered during the progress of the vork, that will require
alternations to the Plans, the Engineer shall have the authority to change the Plans and order the necessary deviation from the line or grade.
Excavation (continued)
F. Blasting Procedure: Blasting for excavation will be permitted only
after securing approval of the proper authorities and only when proper
orecautions are taken for the protection of persons and property. The'
hours of blasting will be fixed by the City. Any dsmaqe caused by
blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense. The Con-
tractor's methods of blasting and procedure shall conform to State laws
and local ordinances. Precautions should be taken to post signs waruing
operators of radio equipment to stop transmitting in any area in which
blasting operations are in progress. The Contractor shall also obtain
permission from the City prior to commencing blastinq operations. The
following precautions shall also be taken:
1. Electric blasting caps should not be transported in cars with +zw-way
2. Electric blasting caps should be transported in their original con-
tainer only and none should have their wires extended.
3. All cars with two-way radios, while with 300 feet of any electric
btisting operation, should have the transmitter turned off.
4. only a non-electric blasting method such as blastinq cap and fuse, or
Primacord with blasting cap and fuse should be permitted if within two
miles of a commercial broadcastinq station.
5. A falling pin seismograph shall be employed by the Contractor during
blasting as directed by the City.
Asbestos Cement Pipe Construction -
A. Affidavit of Compliance: The manufacturer of each shipnent of pipe shall supply a statement certifying that each length of pipe has been subjected
to the tests specified for asbestos cement pipe and has been found to meet
all the requirements of the aforementioned AWWA Standard and as specified
herein. The certification shall be filed with the Inspector prior to the
unloading of pipe material at the job site and all pipe shall be so tagged
or marked by the manufacturer as to clearly indicate that it has been
subjected to and meets the certification requirements. such tags or marks
shall be preserved by the Contractor until inspection and approval by the
Inspector has been obtained.
8. Handling of Pipe: Proper care shall be used to prevent damage in handling,
moving, and placing of the pipe. Tools and eguipnent satisfactory to the
Inspector shall be provided and used by the Contractor. All pipe, fittings,
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Asbestos Cement Pipe Construction
Handling of Pipe: (continued) valves, and other pipeline materials shall be lowered into the trench in
such a nanner as to prevent damage thereto and the pipe shall not be
dropped, dragged, or handled in such a manner as to cause hruises, crmks,
or other damage thereto. Rubber rinqs for pipe joints shall be stored and
protected in a proper manner to prevent deterioration.
Defective or Damaged Material: The pipe and couplings shall he carefully
inspected for defects. Any length of pipe, couplinqs, sleeve or rubber
ring found to be defective in workmanship or material or so damaged as to
make repair and use impossible shall be rejected and removed from the work.
In the event that a portion of a length of pipe is damaqed, the damaged
portion shall be cut off in an approved manner and discarded and the re-
maining sound portions may be used. The Contractor shall be responsible
for any and all damage to materials and he shall stand the expense of
repairing or replacing same.
Bearing: Bearing shall bs .5btained by placing mounds of select backfill
near the ends of the pipe- These mounds shall extend across the trench,
shall be at least 6 inches wide, and shall be high enough to insure, after
conpection by dropping the pipe several times a vertical distance of 8 or
10 inches, a clearance of at least 4 inches beneath the bottom of the pipe
along its entire length. Mounds shall bring the pipe to true line and
grade as shown on tlte plan and profile. The entire length of the pipe
shall be bedded with select backfill, tamped well under and around the
pips of optimum moisture content.
Cutting of Pips: Cutting shall bs done with a special cutting tool as
manufactured by the Pilot Manufacturing Ccnnpany or equal and as approved.
by the Inspector.
When pipe is cut and is to be joined to a cast iron fitting, the end may
be machined in the fiild or shop to create a machined end equal in wrk-
manship to the machined ends of the pipe as furnished by the manufacturer.
Such machining shall not result in under cutting the wall thickness and
must be approved by the Inspector prior to installation. .
Assembly: All connecting parts of pipe, rings, couplings and castings
shall be clean before ass&ly. After bearing has been obtained, couplings
shall be assembled in a workmanlike manner. The use of excessive lubricant
S I TI‘WORK DIVISION 2 ..-~--__-____-_-.----.--_-~___
Asbestos Cement Pipe Construction -
F. Assembly: (continued)
will not be permitted and the assembly of the couplings and rings shall
he in accordance with the manufacturer's recormnendations. Lubricant and
rubher rings shall be supplied by the pipe manufacturer.
~11 fittings and valves shall have joints that match the type of adjoin-
ing pipe. Anchored portions of the pipeline shall be secured with shackles
where specified on the Plans or herein.
G. Cleaninq: The Contractor shall keep the pipe and appurtenances clean .
during the progress of the work. Dirt, rocks or other foreign materials
shall be removed from the interior of the pipe before installation. All
openings in the pipeline shall be closed with watertight expandable type
sewer plugs or "Transite" test plugs at the end of each day's operations
or whenever the workmen are to he absent from the work area. The use of
burlap, wood or other similar temporary plugs will not be permitted. All
surface or ground water shall be prevented from entering the pipe and shall
be removed from the trench.
11. Joininq with Cast Iron Pipe and Fittings: Where asbestos cement pfoe -- joins fittings or valves with rubber rinq type joints, the length of pipe
on each side of the joint shall be a maximum of 13 feet and a minimma of
2 feet. Where the pipe joins any other cast iron fitting or other anchored
portions of the lines in a rigid joint such as caulked or bolted, the
lenqth of asbestos cement pipe on each side of the joint shall not exceed
3 feet 3 inches in length.
The space between the asbestos cement pipe and the standard bell well of
cast iron pipe or fittings shall not be less than l/4 inch. In cases
where standard bells of cast iron fittings are not large enough to ptumit
the asbestos cement p!& to enter and still have a minimum joint space of
l/4 inch, asbestos cement pipe adaptors shall be furnished and installed.
I. +ckfilling Asbestos Cement Pipe: __I Backfill for asbestos cement pipe shall
conform to all the requirements herein specified. In bedding the pipe and
in backfilling, extreme care shall be taken to fill completely all spaces
under and around the pipe by hand methods using suitable tools and appli-
ances, and care shall be exercised to prevent damage to the pipe.
At the end of each day's operation, the pipe shall be backfilled to one
foot above the top of the pipe and to within two pipe lengths of the end
of the line, except that joints and couplings shall be left exposed.
Plastic Pipe construction
A. Ma.nufacturer: Plastic pipe installed shall be as herein specified and
shall be manufactured by Baldwin Extruded Products, Inc., Carlon Products
Corporation, Krayloy Chemtrol, Johns-Manville, Lasco Industries, or
approved equal.
B. Diameter: All pipe outside diameter sizes shall be in conformance with
A.W.W.A. iron pipe sizing. The pipe shall be extruded from virqin mater-
ials, shall be NSF approved, and shall conform to Cosnsercial Standards
C5254-63 (TS5604) or CS218-59.
C. Pipe standards: All pipe and fittinqs shall be tested accordinq to methods
and standards established by the American Society for Testinq and ~Vaterials
(A.s.T.~~.). Such pipe and fittings shall comnlg with A.S.T.M. Standards
and be approved by and bear the seal of the National Sanitation Foundation.
D. Declaration of Compliance: A statement shall be furnished by the pipe
manufacturer that the pipe and+ fittings complv with the A.S.T.M. So-scifi-
cations and that all materials bear the N.F.S. seal and are manufactured
according to the standards and methods approved by the A.S.T.M. and N.S.F.
E. Pressure Rating: All pipe and fittinqs shall be pressure rated according
to its thermoplastic standard dimension ratio. Such nine and fittinqs
shall show the number of pounds per square inch for which thev are rated.
F. Marking of Pipe and Fittings: All markinq of pipes and fittings shall be
in accordance with the followinq:
1. All pipe fittings shall be permanently marked in the process of moldinq
or by stamping with a permanent ink which will etch the material or be-
come hasoqeneous with the fitting material. Such markinqs shall provide
the same information as required for pipe.
2. Pipe shall be permanently marked in the process of extrudinq. A nerma-
nent ink shall be used which will etch the material or become homoqene-
ous with the pipe material. The following information spaced at inter-
vals of not more than five (5') feet, shall be printed on the pipe:
(a) The nominal size of the pipe, e.g. l/2", 3/4", etc.
(b) The type of plastic pipe material in accordance with the desin-
nation code, e.g., A.B.S.1210.
Plastic Pipe Construction ---_-
F. Marking of Pipe and Fittz: (continued) ____
(cl The standard thermoplastic dimension ratio, e-q., S.D.R.-13.5,
or the oressure ratinq of the pine in vsi for water at 73.4'F.,
e.g., 160 psi.
(d) The connnercial standard desiqnation when adopted.
(e) The manufacturer's name or trade mark and code.
(f) The seal of aoproval of the National Sanitation Foundation, Inc.
G. Delivery: All pipe shall be delivered to the site in unbroken bundles.
packaged in such a manner as to nrovide adequate protection for the ni?e
ends, threaded or plain.
H. All Other Material: All other material shall be delivered to the job site
in oxkaqes with the manufacturer's labels and identification marks pro-
minently displayed.
I. Handling and Assembly of Pipe: Handling and assembly of nipe fittinqs and
accessories shallbe installed by skilled tradesmen "sins approved methods
and tools and,exercisincr care to nrevent damaqe to materials or equiment.
Interior of pines, fittings and accessories shall he kent clean at all
times and all openinqs in nipinq runs shall he closed at the end of each
day's work, and as necessary to prevent the entry of foreign materials.
J. Pine Protection: All piping shall he adequately protected durinq construc-
tion with all &en ends left closed or capned to prevent foreiqn materials
from enterinq the pipe. Should any open end be found left own and unnro-
tected, the entire system shall he flushed thorouqhlv and oroven to he free
of foreign materials before proceedinq any further with the work.
K. Plastic Pipe Jointing: I_--
1. Installation of plastic pipe - plastic pipe shall be installed in
a manner so as to provide from expansion and contraction as recom-
mended hy the manufacturer.
2. Cutting plastic pipe - all cut ends shall be square and pronerly
burred prior to installation, so that a smooth, unobstructed flow will
be obtained.
Plastic Pipe construction
R. Plastic Pipe Jointing: (continued)
3. Threaded Joints - all metal to plastic joints will be threaded, and
all joints indicated as such on detailed drawings. Assembly of threaded
connections, use a non-hardening, non-aroma tic hydrocarbon vehicles
lubricating and sealing. Use Teflon tape or Teflon liquids as pipe
dope. The joint should be made up hand tight, and a strap wrench should
be used to tighten the joint one-half turn past this point. Camon
pipe wrenches shall not be used.
t - 4. Solveut-weld Joints - shall be made in the following manner: t
Plastic pipe and fittings to be jointed shall be exposed to the
same temperature conditions for a reasonable time to insure uni-
form temperature of parts before assembly.
wipe outer surface of pipe and the inner surface of fittings with
clean cloth moistened with methylethyl-ketone WSKl to r-e all
foreign substances and moisture before the application of the solvent (cement).
Use a non-synthetic brush having a width of approximately 3/4 the depth of the socket. Apply the solvent to the fitting socket and to the pips ends. apply the solvent freely with a light, wiping
action, to spread uniformly over the surfaces. Do not apply sol- vent excessively to cause a bead on the interior of the fittings.
Insnedistely after the cement has been appliad to the surfaoe to be joined, insert the pipe into the fitting in a straight line. Do not twist. mediately after joining is completed, wipe off
excess solvent at end of fitting. DO not allow excess to dry on
the pipe.
Hold the pipe in position for 1.5 seconds to permit solvent to set. Do not disturb for 5 minutes.
Setting Time - pipe shall be permitted to set for 24-hours for continuous pressures to 60 psi. For continuous pressures in excess
of 60 psi pipe shall be permitted to set for 4S-hours.
Plastic Pipe Construction
K. Plastic Pipe Jointing: (continued)
(ql Bushing - will be permitted only if the reduction in size is at
least one-half inch nominal pipe diameters.
L. Ternwring Pipe: Pipe shall be tampered by running cold water through it
for a period of 15 minutes ismediately before backfilling. All risers shall be
capped or faucets adjusted to "GIFT" except for open risers on the end of each
run of 50-feet or more, through which a minimum of 5 gallons per minute shall
flow. The waste water shall be diverted to prevent pondinq or soil erosion.
Tempering may be combined with flushing.
M. Connections and Valves: Connections and Valves provide for the supply and
control of water in the qeneral location as shown on the Plans.
N. Valves: Valves shall be protected by gate well as specified. .__
0. Location of Valves: Location of valves shall be generally as shown on the
Backfill and Bedding
After the pipe has been placed and joined in the trench it shall bs inspected.
Then the pine shall be firmly bedded, by the use of select granular material
or sand under and around the pipe up to 6" above the too of pine. Beddinq
material shall be free from oil, stones* clods, or&her deleterios material
and shall not contain more than 101, by volume, of clay or adobe. The Engineer
shall determine the acceptability of bedding material.
Bedding shall be placed in 6" lifts, worked by hand tampers, capable of forcing
the material around and under the pipe and shall continue until the material
has a relative compaction of not less than 90%. The intent is to provide a
homogeneous envelope of firm material as protection for the pipe.
In general, backfill above the bedding material shall be excavated material
from the trench. In areas where no vehicular traffic is anticipated, the
backfill may be placed in the trench and wheeled, rolled or by any method to
obtain a firm dense material free from voids. Sxcess material shall be mounded
over the filled trench or spread in other areas of the park by the Contractor as
directed by the Soils Enqineer. In areas where vehicular traffic is anticipated,
I - .
Backfill and Bedding ~continued)
the trench backfill shall be compacted to a relative density of not less
than 90% as determined by the Imoact or Field compaction test as specified
in the Standard Specifications of the State of California latest revision.
The surface (top 3 inches) shall be replaced in kind.
In areas where the pipe line is transversing steep sloping groumd, cross or
diversion furrowi shall be placed to divert the water away from the ditch.
Backfill around valves and fittings shall be the same as for the pipe with
the exception of the thrust bloaks.
Gate valve Painting and Testing
h-for to installation of working parts all interior ferrous surfaces shall bs coated with epoxy resin coating of the catalyst cured solventless type
or other approved equal. Projections on the ferrous surfaces shall ba ground
-th. After removal of casting all irregularities, oil and grease shall
be removed from the castings, and the surfaces shall be sand or shot blastad
to white metal. After sand or shot blasting, surfaces shall be air blown
to remove dust. Coating or painting shall iaswdiately follov the cleaning.
Where epoxy resin coating is used , surfaces to bs ooated shall be warmed to a minimum of 135. Fahrenheit to insure dryness. The minimum thickness of the
coating, when dry, shall ba 10 mils when measured by an electrical or magnetic
thickness gauge. The epoxy resin shall not impart taste or odor to drinking
water. coating shall be hand and glossy and shall not bruise of shatter when
hit with wood, rubber or plastic hamers. Coating material shall have suffi-
cient color pigmentation to indicate an even application.
Bxterior surfaces shall be painted as specified in the aforementioned ABWA Specification.
All valves shall be tested as specified in the aforementioned AWWA Specifi- cations, and the Contractor shall furnish to the Inspector an affidavit of compliance certifying that each valve has been manufactured and meets all the requirements of the aforementioned AWWA Specifications and as herein
Gate Wells
Gate wells with covers shall be furnished and installed for a&L buried valves and shall consist of 8 loch Class 150 or Class 100 asbestos cement pipe. Gate wells shall be of lengths as required by the profile or by field condi- tions. Beveled sections of pipe will not be alloved at the top of the well and the top cutshallbe made by machine. Gate veil covers shall be 8 inch cast iron, heavy duty, long body with the word "Water" cast in the top. A
6-inch wide, 6-inch dee$ Class "8" concrete ring shall be cast around the
gate well'covers that are flush with the surface. This ring shall be placed after final grading or paving together with final cleanup.
Anchors and Thrust Blocks .-.a
Anchors and thrust blocks shall be constructed where shown on the drawings or where directed by the Inspaotor and as specified herein. In general,
thrust blocks and anchors will be placed at all angles greater than 5*, at
changes in pipe siee, at cast iron fittings, at hydrant ells and at gate
Anchors or thrust blocks shall be designed to have a sufficient bearing area
and shall be so placed as to safely transmit to the mnrounding earth all the maximum forces which may occur in the pipeline at that point. Areas of thrust blocks shown on the drawing shall be considered as minisam! sfaes only.
Where additional anchorage is required, the Inspector may require steel cl-
and shackles.
The bearing face of all thrust blocks and anchors shall be placed against undfstmrbed sound material. Form work shall be constructed where necessary to keep concrete behind the bell of fittings and valves. All form lu&er
shall be r-ed prior to testing. concrete thrust blocks and anchors shall
be allowed to cure a minimum of 7 days prior to pressure tests on the pipeline.
All anchors and thrust blocks shall be of 2,000 psi minimum strength concrete and shall be considered as part of the pipeline installations.
Disinfaction of Water Mains and Services
All water mains, water-services, attached appurtenances and connections, if any,shall be disinfected in accordance with the AWWA Specification C601 and
as specified herein.
“. ,~ ~,
Disinfection of Water Rains and Services (continued)
Before being placed in service , all facilitfes shall be chlorinated with the application of hypochlorite tablets. The tablets shall bs attached by mans
of an approved adhesive to the inside top of the lengths of pipe as they are
being laid. The amount of adhesive shall be limited to smallest practicable amunt applied to one side of the tablet only. The tablets shall have ao average weight of .009 lbs. each, and shall contain not less than 70% of
available chlorine. Adhesive shall be a type that will not impart taste,
odor, or detrimental compounds to the water supply. The guantity of tablets used in pipeline shall bs 6 tablets per 100 linear feet of pipe.
Water shall bs fed slowly into the pipeline and the treated water shall be retained in the system for a minimum period of 24 hours and shall produce at the end of the retention period not less than 35 ppn in all sections being disinfected.
During the chlorination process , all valves and facilities shall be operated.
Disinfecting the mains and appurtenances, hydrostatic testing and prelimiuaxy retention may run concurrently for the required 24 hour period, but in the
event there is leakage and repairs are necessary, additional disinfection
shall be made by injection of chlorine solution into the line as orovided here-
Proper care sha1.i be taken to store hypochlorite in tightly closed containers
where they will not be accessible to children or unauthorised persons. Rypo-
chlorite shall be kept dry until the water line is filled with water for dis-
infection purposes.
In the event ground watar is encountered, and it is impossible to prevent its
entrance into the mains, or the mains are not free from dirt, they shall be thoroughly flushed prior to disinfection.
After the required period of retention of the hypochlorite solution, a City
representative will test the water for residual chlorine and will make any additional test which may bs necessary, free to the Contractor.
If the tests are not satisfactory, the Contractor shall provide additional
disinfection as required. If the requirement for additional disinfection is
due to any omission, negligence or nonconformance with these Speoffications,
on the part of the Contractor , or because of premature wetting of the hypo- chlorite or repairs made to the pipeline after its initial filling with water
for disinfection, the Contractor shall provide such additional chlorination
at his expense.
.,,. .
,. .,l.~w~q- ,.., Tia1,” ,_ : ,., pi. .~,i
Disinfection Of Water BainS and Servicer hmltirmed)
After chlorination, the water shall be flushed from the line at its extremities
until the replacement water tests are egual chamically and bacteriologically
to those of the permauent source of supply.
The chlorinated ,m may)& lFsed later for testing of other lines, or if not so used, shall be disposed of by the Contractor. The Contractor will be responsible for loss or damage resulting from such disposal.
Field Test of Asbestos Cement Water Mains
The Contractor shall perfow successful hydrostatic field tests of all pipe
and aplmrtenauces in the presence of the Inspector, and only after backfill has been placed and final cuspaction performed as specified in these Speciff-
cations. Field tests shall be conducted in sections determined by the Inspec-
tor between valves, blind flanges, or against temporary plugs or caps. All
permanent thrust blocks and anchors shall be in place and shall have set the required period of t&me prior to testing. Temporary blocking during the tests will be permitted only at temporary plugs or caps or where directed by
the Inspector.
The asbestos cement pipe should ba isolated from the plastic pipe for this
test. The Contractor shall furnish and install at his own expense all
corporation stops, tanporary pipe, fittings, connections, equipment bulkheads
and bracing required for the tests , except the pressure gauge which will be
provided by the City, and he shall be responsible for any and all damages of
material furnished and installed by h3m and from failure under the tests or from faulty workmanship, negligence, or improper test methods.
Before applying the specified test pressure , care shall be taken to release
all air within the pipe and appurtenances to be tested. The location of the
testing egufpsont shall be ccmputed on the basis of the relative elevations
of the test gauge and the lowest pofnt in the section being tested, and shall result in a pressure of 225 Rounds per square inch at the lowest point and not less than 150 Rounds per square inch at the highest point.
The test shall be made on all sections of the water main in order that all pipe, valves, fittings, oo-tions and water services shall receive the
test. The test pressure shall be maintained continuously by pumping for a period of at lasse one hour. At the end of the first hour, the pressure shall meet the reguirmaents stated above, pwaping shall then be discontinued for one
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Field Test of Asbestos Cement Water wins (continued)
hour and the drop in pressure recorded. The initial test pressure shall then be restored by pumping, and the quantity of water pumped into the line shall
be accurately measured. This measured quantity shall not exceed that which
would result from leakage at the rate of 15 gallons per inch of pips diameter per mile of pipe per 24 hours. If there is any sign of leakage or failure at any point on the line during the test or if the leakage requirement is not
met, the test shall be discontinued until repairs are made after which the
test procedure shall be repeated until the section tested meets the above requirements.
Asbestos cement pipe watar Min shallnotbe tasted until the watermainhas been filled with water for a minimum of 24 hours.
All defective joints, cracked or defective pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants
or water services and all connections shall be rfsnoved, repaired or replaced by the Contractor with sound material and the&r& shall be repeated until
satisfactory results are obtained as approved by the Inspector.
Field Testing Procedure for Plastic Pipe
The Contractor shall not allow or cause any of the work installad to bs covered before it has been tested and approved. Should any work be covered before being approved, the Contractor shall be held responsible for uncovering
and testing of ssme. Center-loading of plastic piping shall be allowed:
however, all joints and fittings shall be exposed.
~11 plastic piping shall be tested with an accurately reading Bristol Record-
ing gauge.
All plastic piping shall be tssted at-the:-completion of roughing-in at 150 psi hydrostatic pressure for a minimum period of four (4) hours with no more than five (5) psi loss in pressure with five (5) psi loss or gain per each loo F change in temperature during test.
All defects must be corrected, test repeated, and all lines approved before backfilling of trenches will be permitted.
s1TBwoBE DIVISIcm 2 -
t* z
Unless otherwise specified on the Plans , all sewer pipe ahall be extra strength vitrified clay.
The Contractor shall furnish all materials required to canplete the project.
All manhole framas and covers are to be set to exclude inlet of surface waters, or set flush with finished pavement surface.
Piping and Pipe lines shall include the furnishing, installation, and
testing of pipe, pipe supports, anchors, fittings, specials and all
necessary appurtenances as shown on the Plaus and specified, and as required tomake the work complete and operable.Eitharclay or bituminised fibar pipe is acceptable for distribution lines aud for use in absorption trenches.
Bituminized fiber pipe shall conform to Federal Specification SS-P-3Sb.
and be as manufactured by the Craugeburg Manufacturing Ccmpany of Newark,
California, or equal. Pipe in distribution lines shall be solid pipe with
root prcof "Taperweld" joints.
vitrified clay sewer pipe shall be bell and spigot, extra strength, and shall conform to ASTM CZOO-55T. All vitrified clay sever pipe shall be
of the mechanical compression type joint known as "Wedge-Lock", "Speed*
Seal", or "Bond Seal", as made by Mission Pipe Company, or equal.
All pips lines shall be furnished and placed as shown on the Plans and
in conformance with the applicable provisions of Section 71 of the
Standard Specifications.
The price per linear foot of 8-r pipe shall include full compensation
for furnishing all labor. tools, equi~ent and incidentals, and for doing
all the work involved in constructing the sewage systedn, complete in place, including all excavation and backfill, and testing the line to the satis- faction of the Inspector, and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor.
Manholes and cleanouts shall be installed as shown on the Plans and in accordance with City of Carl&ad Standard Drawings and City of Carlsbad Standard Specifications. Price shall be per manhole or cleanout, in place.
Existing manholes shall be extended to new grade as shown on the Plans, in
accordance with City Standard Drawings and City Standard Specifications, and under the supervision of a City Inspector. Cuspensation for raising existing
manholes to grade shall be a lump sum price for all manholes and shall include
full compwuation for all nratarials, labor, and eguipaant to perform this work.
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The location of all underground utilities insballed under these specifica-
tions shall be marked by the use of a continuous identifying tape buried
in the trench above the line.
The identifying tape Shall'hTerra Tape, manufactured by Griffolyn Company, Inc., or equal.
Identifying tapes shall be busied in the utility line trench. Those trenches 12" or less in width shall require one strip placed approximately down the center line. One strip either side of canter line, adjacent to the outer edges of the trench shall be required for larger trench openings. In non-
paved areas, the tape shall be located approximately three (3') feet above
the line but not more than 12" below the final finished grade minimum. In areas where paving is to be installed over the completed trench, the tape
shall be placed mediately below the paving aggregate base course. The
tape shall be placed in the trench with:: printed side up and shall be essen- tially parallel with the finished surface. The Contractor shall take neccs-
sary precautions to insure that the tape is not pulled, distorted, or otherwise misplaced in completing the trench backfill.
Payment shall be considered as included in the price for the appropriate utility system and~no additional compensation will be allowed therefor.
Fire hydrants and appurtenances shall be 6" mains with 2 l/2" and 4" openings
as manufactured by James Jones Company. They shall meet the requirements of
the City of Carl&ad Fire Departient, and shall be located as shown on the
Payment for Fire Hydrants shall be price per hydrant, in place, and shall include all valves, pipes , and appurtenances required to connect to the
2E. !=aADsANDwALKs
Miscellaneous Concrete Construction: The construction of uortland cement concrete X-Gutter and miscellaneous flatwork, including the cutoff walls,
sidewalks, curb and gutter, shall conform to Section 73 of the Standard
Specifications, the Plans, and these Special Provisions.
Portland cement concrete X-Cutter and miscellaneous flatwork will be paid
for by the square foot, in place. Portland cement concrete curb and gutter
will be paid for by the linear foot, in place.
Asphalt Concrete: Asphalt concrete shall conform to Section 39 of the
Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions and shall be Fjps "B".
The aggregate gradings to be used shall be at the option,of the Soils Engineer but in general shall conform to the following requirements:
When the compacted thickness of the asphalt concrete being placed
is 0.08 foot or less, the 3/8 inch aggregate grading shall be used.
When the canpacted thickness is between 0.08 foot and 0.17 foot,
the l/2 inch maximum, medium grading shall be used. When the ccm-
pacted thickness is equal to or greater than 0.17 foot the 3/4 inch maximum, fine grading shall be used.
Paint binder shall be furnished and applied as provided in Section 39-4.02
of the Standard Specifications and full compensation therefor shall be considered as included in the contract price paid for asphalt concrete.
Asphalt concrete paving for roadways and miscellaneous areas will be paid
for by the square foot, in place. Asphalt concrete dike or berm shall be paid for by the linear foot, in place.
Asphalt concrete used in the construction of dikes shall be Type "B" using 3/8th-inch maximum aggregate grading as specified in Section 39-2.02 of the Standard Specifications.
Any increases or decreases in the quantity of asphalt dikes, roadways, or miscellaneous areas required , regardless of the reason for such increase
or decrease, shall not be subject to the provisions of Section 4-1.03B
of the Standard Specifications, and full compensation to be paid for these items will be at the unit price per linear foot for dikes and per square foot for roadways and misceflanaous areas, for the actual amounts constructed,
and no additional allowance will be made therefor.
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2E. ROADS AND WALKS (continued1
Aggregate Base: Aggregate base shall be Class 3 and shall conform to Section 26 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions.
Decanposed granite acceptable for use as aggregate base may be
dumped in piles on the subgrade and spread frca the dxsaped material. Separation of aggregate shall be avoided and the material as spread shall be free from pockets of large or -11 material.
Class 3 aggrsgate base shall conform to the following reguir~ents:
~:: -Eesistance (R) Value Sand Equivalent Percentage Ccsaposition by Weight:
Passing a l-1/2" sieve
Passing a 1" sieve
Passing a 14 sieve Passing a t30 sieve Passing a t200 sieve
73 Minimum
30 MinilnuQ
90 - 100% 50 - 100%
25 - 55t
5 - 18%
Aggregate base will be paid for at ths contract price per sguare foot, furnished and compacted in place. Ihe quantities for payment will be determined from the limits shown on the Plans, adjusted by theamount
of any authorized changes.
Pull compensation for all work perfoxmsd in locating, processing, and trans-
porting material oonforming to this specification shall bs included in the unit price paid for aggregate base and no additional compfzrrsation will bs allowed therefor.
Liquid Asphalt: Where asphalt concrete surfacing is placed over aggregate ba8ematerial. the area to be surfaced shall first be treatedwith a prime coat consisting of MC-70 liquid asphalt.
Liquid asphalt shall confons to Sections 28, 39, and 93 of the standard Specifications. Payment for furnishing and placing of liquid asphalt
shall be included in the price for asphalt concrete surfacing.
2E. R@ADS AND WALKS (continued)
Parking Lot Marking and Bumpers: Furnish all labor, materials and eauiument
necessary to complete all parking lot marking and bumpers as indicated on the Plans and as herein specified.
A. Materials 1. Parking Lot Marking Paint: Two heavy spray coats of "Traffic Paint"
as manufactured by 3.E. Bauer Companv, or approvedequal.
2. Concrete Bumpers: Precast Concrete Bumpers 6'0" long as manufactured
by "Plan-It" Company, Sos Angeles, Saf-T-Park Company, or approved equal. Installed as per manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Markings
Parking stall, division and limit lines shall bs 4" in width, true and
straight, white color.
.-““I:J :ii.:y&.q;sqg ,,,, I* ili?_j 1.; ,,sq-: ,:;,1* $“‘i~~T$J’,;‘r>$ ;,-(i$.;i’ ,~ ~., :
Chain link fence shall be in accordance with Section 80 of the Standard
Soecifications. It shall be of a size and location as shown on the Plans.
Decorative walls shall be in accordance with Section 4 of these specifica-
tions - GGmx-ay).
/, *?, ) ~, ,_: _,, .‘. ‘,“:.“‘;,:. ‘,, ,‘,’ y;;;,:‘,: ,,,. J?,,,‘, .,. “H -
UIWXIS and plantinq, including slope planting, soil preparation, ground cover,
t?xes , and shrubs shall conform with Section 20 of the Standard Specifications,
and the Plans.
Payment shall be in price per thousand square feet.
General Conditions are a part of this section.
This sectionzshall include al< labor, material, equipm&nt.and trans- Scope:
portation necessary. Pour all rough and finish concrete and do allfinish
cement work as indicated on tk drawings and/or specified herein. Iac!u’de
all relate& reinforcing bars and mesh, D. G. fill and vapor barriers where
Material : Concrete shall have the proper quantity of aggregate and water
per -sack of cement as is required for Concrete having 2000 lb. pe’r sq. tn.
minimum ultimate 28 day compressfve strength.
J?JpiaheB: All interior concrete slabs shall receive a smooth dense steel
tmweled finish. Interior exposed concrete floors shall be treated wtth
hardening agent and shall have integral color. Coloring agent &hall be :! “Colorful”. Exterior concrete slabs shall have w’all slip broom’textured
ftnish and shall slope 1% minimum to drain water. Include redwood headers
where indicated on the drawin.gs.
Soil Treatment: Soil under interior concrete slabs shall be treated with
approved termite protective agent.
Rejnforcing Steel: Conform to ASTM Spec. A-815 Grade 40. ‘tight &ight
concrete shalt be instaIled at roof deck and adjacent dtairs. ,,
Genera! Conditions are a part of this section
3: This section shall include’furnishing all labor. materials equipment
and transportation‘ necessary to complete all the masonry work shown on the
drawings or specified herein, including the furnishing and placing of the
reinforcing steel anchors and metal attachtients.
Masonry: Rein. Steel - ASTM Spec. A-615, Grade 40, @ortar -2000 psi,
grout -‘ZOO0 psi, concrete &lump block - Grade A Units. Slump block shall be
as manufactured by Hazard Products.
Workmanship: Walls shall be plumb, level and to a plane surfa&. Mortar
joints straight, clean and uniform thickness. Carefully cJean,mesonry of
mortar and grout droppings or stains before mortar or grout e,ets up and
leave perfectly clean.
Mortar Mix: Mortar shall consist of one part Portla~nd c&neni. l/4 part
high calcium lime putty, and 3 parts clean. we!! graded .sandj~‘ Mortar ahall
be.mixed in a batch mixer for not less than 5 minutes. No tiortar ,shall be
used after it has been mixed longer than 2 hours. All expose’g.mcjrtar joints
shall be tooled.
METAL DIVISION 5A -.- __-__- -
Reinforcement shall conform to section 52 of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions and shall be furnished and placed as shown on the Plans, and as directed by the Engineer.
Bar reinforcing steel shall have surface deformations conforming to ASTM
The unit prices paid for the various concrete structures shall include full
ccmpensation for furnishing and placing reinforcing steel and no additional compensation will be allowed therefor.
Miscellaneous iron and steel shall conform ta Section 70-1.02E of the Standard Specifications and these Special Provisions and shall be furnished and placed as shown on the Plans and as directed by the Engineer.
Miscellaneous iron and steel shall oonsist of manhole frames and covers, drain- age inlet qrates and frames , and angle iron with attached anchors and any other steel requirsd to complete the structure.
The unit prices paid for the various concrete structures shall include full compensation for furnishing and placinq miscellaneous iron and steel and no additional canpensation will-be allowed therefor.
General Conditions are a part of this section.
w: Do all structural carpentry work as indicated and/or specified in
contract documents.
Foundation sills - prkssure treated.
Studs - standard grade fir.
Blocking - iltility grade fir.
Horizontal Framing Members - Douglas fir, Construction Grade :.unless
noted otherwise.
Siding - Rough Sawn Cedar, or Rough .Sawn Redwood; or cedar.
8 / 8” exterior plywood
(Refer to drawings for type of siding required)
%im - resawn Redwood or Fir, smooth finish redwood. or fir.,
(Refer to drawings for type of trim required)
Wood Fencing: Adjacent to recreation building shall be of similar material
to wood siding and trim.
Rough Hardware: All roilgh hardware shall be provided by Oe,neral Contractor
including II ails. spikes, bolts, screws, metal covers, straps, anchors, etc.
locks ad hinges, etc., for temporary work and all other rough hardware nece-
ssary to complete the building in secure and workmanlike manger. Rough
hardware shall be as manufactured by Teco or Simpson,
Backing: Contractor shall place all nailing blocks and backing necessary for
the attachment of grounds, trim and fixtures and do the required cutting,
furring and backing required for other work.
Forms: All concrete shall be cast in wooden forms constructed on’&ound
ms Fir. Forms shalt be substantially unyielding, true to line and levels,
sufficientlry tight to prevent the leakage of mortar and shall conform ‘to the
dimensions or, the drawings.
: All’lumber yhall be accurately cut. fitted and framed. AIl;cbrners
11 be square. floors levei, walls vertical. joints.eveo, and finished in a
workmanlike manner. All walls shall be plumb and true to line.
2” decking: Where exposed shall be architectural appearU@@grade with .
resawn finish. Concealed decking shall be service grade. Decking skall be
laid continously over 3 rafter spans.
Glue-laminated Beams: Shall be re-sawn. Douglas fir. Coast Region. Combin-
ation A. I
aRPENTRY t eontd.
Sceqe: Furnish and deliver all millwork and relat@d,ttems aa, Bhown on the
drawing8 and herein specified.
Door -‘rim: Clear Wh&& Pine or Fir.
7 Base: Clear White Pine or Fir.
abinets: ~Wbere indicated on drawings M be -hardwood ahal bad philUpine
abogany. &Ir&re indicated on drawtngs,,- to be p&ited g~ade~~?)ihp11 be of Fir,
or Pine. Cabinet doors shall be Lipped type:&&rIfy size of ai ,appIimces
prior to the installation of kitcheti cabinets.
Dimensiops: Field verify all e.xisting condition6 end dlmeneic@s ~prior to, the,
inetat‘:,lation of finish carpentry.
Refer to., drawings far type of doore spefifi~.d,..“.‘Doar$“shall be “8 fur$
Suwet Builders Supply. ,,
F&ish Hardwave: ..The furnishing and iastallkiw strmll tjein&dcd herein. ~’ ‘.
@atbroom Accessories: The furnishing and intitallation shall’& i&tided
Paneline Shall be l/4” thick random width Vee Joint Mahogany with, resawn
closet Shelfin$
This and miscellaneous related trim shall be $~,mite Pine or i. I:.,. . .-,
Wqrkmanship: All trim and cabinetry ahat be neatly fitted and of high quality
worlcq,anship: ,_ 2
Miscellaneous Trim: At eliding glass doors. shall be of re-oiwn fir oti:,redwood
Folding door - Pella, unfinished maboganey. I
General Conditions are a part of this section.
6.1 RCWI$jG
Do all roofing aB indicated and/or specified in contract documents. Scope:
Refer to drawings for type of roofing required.
Wood Shingle: Shall be certlgrade $2 ~redlabel. 16”. Use 5d nails spec.
Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions.
Felt: 15# asphalt satur~ated rag felt.
Application: Starting at eaves with a double course. shingles shall be laid in
straight courses exposed to weather per Uniform Building Code with a Btrip
of felt 18” wide shingled in between each course it: such a manner that no felt
is exposed to weather at any point. Sqcure each shingle under lap with
two nails. Hips and ridges shall be laid modified Boston style ‘over douBle
thickness of felt. Break vertical joints to provide minimum 1 l/Z” side lap.
Flashin Flash all valleys with minimum 24” wide, ribbed and crimped
Asphalt: -form. to Federal Spec, SS-A-66. Type II, Grade& Low’Melting
Point. .:
Base Sheet: One layer of 15# felt.
Second & Third Ply: Two layers of 15# felt.
Surfacing: Asphalt at minimum of 50 pounda per square.
Materials & Application: Shall be roofing system equal to that manufactured
by Johns-Manville, or Flintkote.
Flashing: Install as’ required to conform to roofing product manufacturer’s
Waterproofing: Under light weight conate shall consist of 2layers of 15#
felt. hot mopped - similar lo Built-Up Roofing.
Install all parapet caps. gravel stops and scuppers wmre indicated on,,,ehe
All plastering snd mixing ,sh&ll :be d&e &sccordance
more stringent requirements sra specified herein.
eceive cement plaster scratch coat behind ceramic tile.
: Acqzasti@s: Include all plaster accessories as required for a complete
fn+&llqtion. -.-
i.2 DF&WAL,L
S3, Da all drywall work aa indicated and specified. ‘~,
Wdtlboards: l/Z” tapered edge gypsum panels.
B U. S. Gypsum Co. rner Reinforcement: q’Dura-A&Bead” metal corner.
.Joint Treatment: PM-A- Tape Joint Sys tern as manufactured by U. 8.
~Ghpsurn Co.
‘,F Wallboard Ins talla tian: Per manufacturers jnstructions.
Dura-A-Bead Corner Reinforcement: Shall be securely nailed to all external
corners in a manner to provide a strong and true corner.
Joints: PertA-Tape Cement shall $e mixed according to the manufacturer’s
Pe$frA:.Tnpe Application: Shall be in accordance with the best practices of the
trade and the Manufacturer’s written directions.
I ., /
,S@&yed Ceilings: Drywall Contractor shall s~yceilings where called ior
‘On ltnioh schedule w.ith simulated acoustic plaiiter or equfvabant textured spray. .,
Wails Finish: Light Spray texture all walls to rece
Workmanship: The drywall Contractor shall $ responsible’ fork finIshtng
atI fointe surfaces and seams in a smooth wOrkmanshiplike manner.
FINISHES - contd.
s: Furnish and install all laminated plastic surfaces as shown on plans
and specified herein.
Refer to.drawings for surfaces requiring laminated
Hudee Sink Frames: Will ‘be supplied by Plumber
Laminated Plastic: Formica, Textalit&. color to be selected.
Joints: All surfaces shall be s&f-edged and butt joints. Junction of counter
Gand splash shall have cove joint.
workmanship: All seams shall be tight and of high workmanlike quality.
w Do all ceramic tile work as indicated~andlor specified herein. Tile
scratch coat will be ‘&&lied by Plastering Contractor.
Tile Scratch Coat: Shall be ahlied by Plastering Contractor at ceramic tile
wainescotee. Scratch coat.5 at’counter tops shall be provided by Tile Contractor
Ceramic Tile:
Equal to Pomona 4-1/2”.‘Standard Grade. Trim shall match
.’ SOa% gnd Grab: China Finish, recessed. one at every shower. 1
C&arrv Tile: #5?9, 12x12. flashed wainut. as manufactlrred by Interpace.
Quarry tile sb,lIiLt laid by thin bed setting method.
Installation: All workmanship shall be in 8 trict accordance with the current
addition of the American, St andard Specifications for Glaq,d CerHmic Tile
and r;$ramic Mosaic~Tile installed by the Portland Cement Mortar Method. ~1.
Samples’and Approval: Tile colore will be selected. The tile Contractor shall
replace all t@.sracked or chipped by the tfle setters.
a: Do.all resilient flooring bhere indicated on the drawings.
Finishes: Refer to finish schedule on plans.
Vinyl-Asbestos Tile: Armstrong. Imperial Modern, 12X12 X l/S” vinyl
asbestos tile.
*+“i #r + j,x j;:,.,:;,,, ?L, ;,’ ‘, ,,” I ,.. ,-I,; :‘: .$i”
FINISHES - contd. DIVISION 7 - .-__
Adhesives: As recommended by product manufacturer.
Manufacturer’s Directions: Related to the installation of their particular
material are hereby made a part of these specifications and shall be adhered
to in every reepect.
Guarantee: All work and material shall be guaranteed free of defects for a
‘period of one year.
epletion. -.
: Any spots or BLeara of cement o& fhce shall be immediately removec
all rubbish resulting from this work shall be removed. from
premises and flo~+s shall be left clean of stains and in perfect condition.
Workmanship: gile shall be layed in a neat and workmanlfke’manner with ~11
joints tight and square. Tile shall lay flat without unsightly bul&s.
Paint Products: Shall be as manufactured by Dunn-Edwards, the Olympic
Stain Co. or Frazee’s.
Scope: Provide all labor. material and equipment necessary to do all paint-
ing and decorating work complete as shown and/or specified,
Unpainted S&faces: Sprayed ceiling and exterior etucco will not be painted.
Sprayed Ceilings: By Drywall Contractor.
Ferrous Metal:
1 coat Zinc Dust - Zinc Oxide$rimer
1 coat Flat Paint
Exterior Siding & Wood Trim:
1 coat Olympic Semi-Transparent Stain
Painted Cabinets & Interior Wood T&s%:
Under coater. two coats of enamel. InteriorIpltions. under coater and
one coat of enamel.
Stained Cabinets: .Y
1st coat Lacquer Sanding Sealer
2nd coat Stain
Srd and 4th coats Lacquer, dull
Interior Stained Wood Paneling. Trim, Doors, Decking and Beams:
One coat Oly-rnpic. Semi-Transparent Stain.
I (, ,., ,1-y ‘++y>$ ,,:,1 > “,~, _ll; .I ., . ,i ii 1 ‘4,. *., ,.<, ,,, I_, .; ,.., ~:“‘ ,c*,,,ri, ,_, L, <, _,
FINISHES - contd.
7.6 PAINTING - &ntd.
Drywall-Enamel: One coat enamel undercoat and oae coat semi-gloss enamel.
Workmanship: Properly protect all surfaces not to be painted. Painting
Contractor shall be responaibIe for any damages incurred by his work and shall
at his own expense repair or replace damaged items. Clean up at end of job.
Slump Stone (Block Walls: 2 coaCEl Frazeaa water-stop.
Colors: Paint and etain colora will be #elected.
7.7 CARPET t
Shall be PiIe Fiber - 100% Ansco Nylon with 20 oz. Pile Weight, contit&~ous
filament fiber type, with high density Foam Back, Carpet shall be bkw Extra
Point as manufactured’by Berven of California. Carpet shall bonform to
app?icable FHA Standards.
. .
,‘i ‘I*!,: ‘::e+,?,.,:g y::,y vi: i. “-#,!I ,I,3 ~; i /., _:1
DOOIIS, WIiX’ImWS ANI) ..;l~.AsS 1 ~ILrISION 8’ - __-~_ -.---.
Gerleral Conditions at-e a part of this sectlo:,.
Scope: Furnish and install all glass, me:21 doors and metal windows as
indicated and/or specified.
Sliding Doors: Equal to Doormaster. series ‘700. include Mfg’s standard
screen arid hardware.
Sliding Window: Louvre Leader, kitchen-pass thru window.
Glass: Shall conform to current UBC requirements, sliding glass doors
andadjacent fixed glass shall be B/16” fully tempered. Fixed glass shall
be set in “Tremco” lastomeric.
Mirrors: Shall be crystal quality.
p~*~wp?-~:‘~ ‘mq!;i;~:.:;. “I i:ii ,:) .f:‘;;‘,~:. :,;:, .~ ‘,
General Corliitions are a part of this section.
a: Furnish and install all plumbing as indicated and/or specified
herein and as requirei for a complete plumbing system.
Code: All equipment, installation etc., shall be in strict accordance with
theapplicable codes and ordinances.
. Fees & Permits: The sewer connection fees and water meter will be paid for
by the General Contractor.
Water Piping: Shall be Copper, Type “1” in all locations. Use all brass
nipples. No connection6 will be permitted in or under the slabs.
Gaa >Piping: Shall be standard weight black steel pipe with banded iron screw
‘type fittings. Use dipped and wrapped pipe below grade.
Dryers & Washers: Rough-in Plumbing where noted on plans,.
. Dishwasher: Provide plumbing and connect.
Size & Install: Piping as to preclude any objectionable noise due ta howing
Fixtures: Fixtures, color - white, American Standard and shall include the
Water Closet: Cadet, F2122
Lavatories: 18” round with single lever center set faucet comb., PS201.
Water Heater: 80 gal. Rheem with 5 year warranty;
Sink: 32”,~ 21”. SH 3221. Barvest. Stainless steel; with single and single
Dioposa~: K.M. - 90.
Gas Piping furnish~and install to clothes dryer and FAUS.
Laundry T.ray: L$gem~ont. W/R5140 faucet.
Drinking Fountain:’ Tioga. F8333
Shower: Colony. C217-1 shower combination with Royaline Fiberglas
ShowerStall h Chrome Curtain Rod.
Urinal: Washbrook, F6500. ,,
General Condition: are B part of this section.
Scope: Furnish and install a complete heating system as indicated on the
plans and specified herein. ,
Work: The work under. this sectioa shall include,all labor, materials and
equipment to install gas-fired forced air heating’daw filte~rs. ~turnigb
vanes. registers, grilles and all appurtenancieszrequir,ed for the com.plcte
installation ready for operation.
Furnace: Furnish and install gas fired forced &r unit, Day B Night. Install
furnace and sys tern in accordanoe with requirements of A,S. H.,V. E.
. . C_Pntrols: This unit shall be complete with fan limit diapl@agm’gas-valve.
AGA shut-off valve, pilot safety valve, thermostat and summer switch:
The system shall be installed,to maintain 750 Fr:~mi+in+fn all
ated with an outside temperature of 40%.
tin wrapped with l/2” - 314” Fiberglas.
Ducts,sh& be’brlgbt
Wall Register: S,hall be Multi- Louyer type. Perb@@r regfster S&II be
equal to H b C #411. Grilles shall be equal~to 11 b C y?i$r 4~,
Insulation: All warm air ducts shall be covered with I/Z”‘Flberglas inaula-
tiori after sealing all joints with;10 lb. asbes~toe+aper. Wall &cl&, boots and
register boxes shall be~covered with IO lbr asbestos paper,.
Cod&S: The hea’thg system shall conform to a&codes anh’ord,Iaatmes hnvfng
legal jurisdiction,
* Vents: Run all v&Its &ough ro6f b&ind ridge so they are not~‘v&&e.f~~
‘Ventilating: Include duct work for exhmtsltins:: range h&d, and’clvthee dryer ., vents.
Exhaust Fans: Refer drawings ~%or type. Waits ahaIl be Nu*T&k ,a ..% . . .
Scope: Do all electrical work as indicated and/or specified in contract
Service: Electrical service shall be 120/240 v. 3 wire. single phase,
wound service.
Wire: Copper, N. E. C. Type TW minimum size #14.
‘Switches: Silent type, ivory plastic covers.
Panelboards: Circuit breaker type.
Convenience Outlet: Flush, duplex, ivory plastic plate.
Codes: All electrical work shall conform to the NatienaI Electrical Code
andal ordinances and Utility Company requirements.
Fix:ures: This Contractor shall include the instal lation,of fixtures.
Thermostat: Connect thermos tat where indicated.
Summer Switch: Provide for’ furnace. 1
Door Chime: Connect chime and button, Nutone L-12.
Recessed Lights: 15OW. drop opal glass.
T. V. Oiftlets Provide single hole cover plates boxes and lead into roof.
Telephone: Wire to run by local Telephone CO. not by thfs tintractor.
Ser vide Entrance Requirements: The electrical contractor shall install the
service capacity for the connected load.
Lighting Fixtures: Refer to drawings for type.
General Conditions ‘Bre a part of this section. I
‘*scoye,:, Furnish and install all&ems as indicated and/or specified herein
,’ ,Refer to drawings for items required kurein.
Partitions: Sanymetal. Bonderized Steel, Academy type. Include
nufacturer’s standard accessories.
i $pliances: General Electric - color-coppetione j
Rang@: JM72
i : ., Dishwasher: GG SD 250; Refrigerator:, TB 125L
Provide the following: Water Depths: 3’ to r,‘. Depth
I, 4’. ,4 l/2’, 8’ and both ends, Slope 4’ deck around pool
; l/4” .to 3/8” per ft. slope away from ~1 to deck drains. 4” min. diameter
25’ apart max. 400 sq. ft. to’each drain. Safety rope and floats 2’ t@wwds
shallow end of break. Ladder: one (I) srt of grab rails ~with recessed steps.
.: SteRs in the shallow end: three (3) 12” max. risers. 12” min. treads. Hand
rail over steps.in the shallow end. Under Water Light: 500 watt one (1)
Interior Finish: white plaster: Surface skimmer: one (u Swjmquip U- 3
Filter Pump & Motor: Swimrite C-10-H lph 55 gab per min. $8 60 Ft. Head.
IFilter: Swimquip MKV 33 S.4. FL. area. Guagee on influent ant3 effluent lines
/at dame elevation rate of new indicator: Blue & White #F-100, Backwash
. i to rewer receptor with air’gap. Chlorinator: Precision #11301~?1 Heater:
‘_ ::‘@.O. Smith 300, 000 BTU. Fill Spout: 1” with 2” air gap a&ove coping.
!.Vac.. Cleanexy Suction type W 135: hose. Vacuum fitting in U-3 surface skimmel
:peturn inlets: Three (3) adjustable inlets. 18” belo6 water line, Valve8
t+,@ed for identification and instructions provided for o*ration of equipmerlt.
I&in drain 8” screw fastened grate. Misc. Equip. : TWO (2) poles. life ring
w,,th 3tiiine, life hook on pole, first aid kit. thermonmeter. signs as per k
cec7829. Pool installation shall be as furdislhed by Bab Altman Pools.
S&&t Pools. or Anothony Pools.
.., ,. Zj~
Hj&o-Therapy Pool: Proiride the following: Spa - area; ‘78 64. ft.
De&n! ‘~Rouad, 10’;I%ameter. De@h:,3’ &?&ter: 1.450 Gals. Depth Marker:
4” - 3’ on sides~ &nd ends of wol. Deck Around’ Pool:. 4’ Minimum ‘l/4” to
318” per ft. aside sway from pool to deck dratns 4” n&mum diameter.
25’.wrt maxi&i&n.; 400 aq. ft. to each drain; drainage to storm sewer.
Interior Fir&h:’ White Plaster. Steps In The Shallow End: 3 s’&ps 11” maximun
risers. 12” min!mum treads, Hand Rgil over steps. Underwater Light;‘500
watt, Surface Skimmer: (1) Swimquip U-3, vacuum fitting in skimmer.
Pool Plumbing: PVC Plastic schedule #40. Filter: Swimquip MKV 15. Pump
& Motor: Sta-Rite 314 HP H.F. 37 CPM @J 60’ IfD. Guagee on influent and
effluent lines et ‘the eamc elevation. Bac,k wash to sewer @ith air gap. Rate
Of Flow A4eterf,: Blwe White #F-100. %hlorfoato~: Precision #11301-71.
Heater: A.O. Smith 160,000 !@I%. . Fill Spout;. 1” with 2”.air gqp above .?
coping. :Retur&&et@? (2) adjustable inlets I@“, l&w water liny. Main,Draio: s
SP:CUL-L‘IES - contd. --__~
* ,
- _. DIVISION 11
Hydra- ‘Therapy Pool - con td.
8”. screw fastened. Va!ves Tagged for Identification and Instructions
Given for Operation of Equipment. Note:’ (6) Hydro-Therapy Jets.
Plumbing for jets to be sepafite from pool filtering system. (2) HP Pump
& Motor for jets. Pool installation shall be as furnished by Bob Altman Pools,
Sunset Pools or Anthony Pools.
Suana: Electric Heater: Viking Model BTK-8, 8K. 240V A. C. 1 P with
standard controls and accessories.. Bencheo shall be single tier type,
interior finish shall be Mfgs Std. Redwood. Include all accessories,
insulation, and related items as required for a complete installation. Pro vii5
redwood benches in drying areas.
Wrought Iron Fencing: 5’ high, Logan, Plain picket type. Line posts @ 6’
o. c. , picket space @ 5”o. c. Wedge Fencing: Shall be utility grade redwood
with posts spaced 6’ o. c. and set 36” in concrete.
Fio&sh Hardware:
Door Locks: Schlage. Tulip Design, Alum Fia
Entrance Locks: A52WD ,{a11 exterior doors, office and kitchen doors)
Passage Locks: AIOS (all passage doors)
Dummy trim: Al’70 (Storage Doors 11) Include Deadlock
Folding Door: KV, Ezy-fold (Door 11.3)
Door Closers: Yale, series 500. alum. fin. (exterior doors & Interior
Rest Room Doors)
Door Butt Hinges: Hager, Alumetone Fin, 2 - 3 l/2 X 3’1/2, removable
pin @ interior doors, 3 - 3 11% 3 112. non removabIe pins @
exterior doors.
Door Stops: Jaybee #1133 ( all doors as applicable)
Cabin6t Pulls: Jaybee &+24, 1 l/2”. satib chrome fin.
Cabinet Hinges: Jaybee. Satin Chrome #191. self cldsing.
Clothes Pole: KV, chrome
Shower Curtain Rod: KV. chrome
~Note All locks shall be master keyed.