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CT 72-20; La Costa Vale Unit 2; Soils Report Final; 1974-11-27
PHlLlP HENKING BENTON Pm!S101N1. SIVIL LWrlNill BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .APPLIED SOIL MEt”*NICS -- FOUNOATIONB 8717 CDNVOI COURT SAN OIEGO. C*LIFORNI* SP,,, La C&a Land Company Costa De1 Ma Road Cal&d, Collfornla 92008 Subfect: Proiect No. 72-12-5D Final Report on aachd Filled Ground* La Cost0 Vale Unit No. 2 - November 27, 1974 TELEPIIONL ,714, S85.,8Ss3 RECEIVED NOV2 9 1974 CITY OF CARLSBAD Englneering Deplrtment Carlsbad Tract No. 72-20.2 Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: This Is to report the results of tests cmd observations made in order to inspect the compaction of filled ground placed on certain seas of La Costa Vole Unit No. 2 in Co&ad, California. The fills were placed during the period between February 6, 1973 ond November 18, 1974. The approximate aeo and deptha of filled ground placed under our inspection in acordance with the approved specifications ore shown on the attached Drawing No. 1, entitled “Location of Compacted Filled Ground.” The grading plan used for the placement of filled ground was prepared by Rick Engineering Company. The approximate locations ot which the tests were taken and the final test msults are presented on pages T-l and T-24, inclusive, under the “Table of Test Results.” The laboratory deter- minatlons of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials are presented on page L-l, under the “Laboratory Test Resulb.” Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the “Table of Test Results’-were combinations of these. The tests were taken during the weekly periods indicated below: -umber Week Ending 1 to 24, inclusive 25 to 56, inclusive 57 to 91, inclusive 92 to 121, inclusive 122 to 131, inclusive 132 to 145, inclusive 146 to lS9, inclusive 160 to 170, inclusive 171 to 198, inclusive Februq 10, 1973 February 17, 1973 February 24, 1973 March 3, 1973 March 10, 1973 March 17, 1973 March 24, 1973 March 31, 1973 April 7, 1973 Proloct No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale Unit No. 2 -2- November 27, 1974 Test Number Week EndIng 199 to 216, Inclusive 217 to 220, inclusive 221 to 224, inclusive 225 to 234, inclusive 235 to 260, inclusive 261 to 290, inclusive - 291 to 358, inclusive 359 to 374, inclusive 375 and 376 377 to 387, inclusive 388 to 390, inclusive 391 to 421, inclusive 422 to 426, inclusive 427 to 444, inclusive 445 to 477, inclusive 478 to SOa, inclusive 501 to 524, inclusive 525 to 542, inclusive 543 to 573, inclusive 574 to 603, inclusive 604 to 630, inclusive 631 to 647, inclusive 643 to 661, inclusive 662 to 666, inclusive 667 to 704, inclusive 705 to 710, inclusive 711 ta 720, inclusive 721 to 726, inclusive 727 to 735, inclusive 736 to 738, inclusive 739, 740 and 741 742 April 14, 1973 April 21, 1973 November 17, 1973 November 24, 1973 December 1, 1973 December 8, 1973 December 15, 1973 December 22, 1973 December 29, 1973 January 5, 1974 Jclnuary 12, 1974 January T9, 1974 January 26, 1974 February 9, 1974 February 16, 1974 Februory 23, 1974 Mcech 2, 1974 Mcrrch 9, 1974 March 16, 1974 March 23, 1974 March 30, 1974 April 6, 1974 April 13, 1974 April 27, 1974 May 4, 1974 May 11, 1974 Moy 18, 1974 June 15, 1974 June 22, 1974 June 29, 1974 November 16, 1974 November 18, 1974 (Dote of Last Test) The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted fllled ground hcl, been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It bar been determined that the fill materiols, compacted ta 90 percent of the maximum dry density, have a safe bearing value of 1650 pounds per squat foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at a minimum depth and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. If footings are placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 I/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line pro[ected out- ward and downward from a polnt 5 feet horizontally inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. Tests indicate that the compacted R Iled ground is adoquate ns satisfactorily support the proposed one and two ttary wood frcrne dwellings wlthout detrimental settlements. BENTON ENGINEERIN. INC Pro/ect No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale Unit No. 2 -3- November 27, 1974 Oversized rocks ‘~)re buried in the slope aea on the southerly side of Lots -St 275 and 276. If footings are placed closer than 5 feet to the top of this slope area, e&f&Id bedeepened one foot below a 1 horizontal to 1 vertical line pro/acted outward and down- wad from a point 5 feet horizontally imide the top of compacted filled ground slope. It II poaible that natural in-place rock formotiom existing in the mea may be encountered during excavation for footings and/ar utility lines. Critically expansive soil condition, exist within the upper three feet below Rnished grade In both cut and fl lled ground areas. Therefore, in order to minimire possible detrimental effech caused by these potentially expensive soils, the following special design md pre- cautions are recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. b Avoid the use of isolated interior pien. Use continuous interconnected reinforced concrete footings throughout, and place these at a minlmum depth of 24 inches below the lowest adjacent exterior final ground surface. Where in-place rock condltiom exist at shallower depths, then less depth of excavation is permissible to a minimum of 12 inches. Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars all interior and exterior footings with one #5 bm at 3 inches above the bottom of the footings and one #5 bar placed 1 l/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footinp. Raised wooden floors that span between continuous footings are best, or use concrete slabs reinforced with at least 6 x 6 - lO/lO welded wire falxtc. A minimum of 4 inches of crushed rock 3/4 to 1 inch in size shauld be placed beneath all concrete sl&s and covered with a moisture barrier. Two inches of clean sond should then be placed over the moisture barrier and below the bottom of the slob. Separate garage slabs from perimeter footings by o l/2 inch thickness of comtruction felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement of gaoge slab relative to perimeter footings. Assure complete separation by extend- ing the fett over the full depth of the front thickened edge of the gaage slab. Also, cut off the garage door stops at leet l/2 inch above the slab. Provide positive drainwe oway from all perimeter footings with a vertical foil of at leart 5 inches to a horizontal dlrtance of 5 feet ouhide the house wal Is. Exercise every effort to assure that the soil under the concrete slaba has o uniform moisture content at lest 1 to 3 percent greater than optimum throughout the top 1.5 feet below flnished grade at the time of placing the foundatiom and slabs. BENTON ENGINEERING. #NC Profect No. 72-12-5D Lo Costa Vale Unit No. 2 4 November 27, 1974 Ail buried exterior utility lines should be City of C&bad approved plortic lines due to the oorrosive chaacteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tesh are taken to establish that noncorrosive soils exist in the utility trench treas. The upper 14 feet of filled ground placed in the proposed pak area on L however, se not takrn in this upper zone. Respectfully submitted, rz compacted; BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. fWPHB/& Dish: (3) Addressee (1) Addressee Attention: t&. Burton L. Kramer (2) City of Carlsbad Building Department (1) Rick Engineering Company, Cczlsbod (2) Title Insurance and Trust Company Attention: Ruth J. Rodger (1) Leucadio Water District (1) Olivenhain Municipal Water District BENTON ENaNEERING. INC @oiectNo. 72-12-5D LaCostoVale No. 2 Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 imote Location 259W* 26OW* 259w* 26OW* 259W* 26OW* 259w* 26ow* 259W* 259w* 26OW* 259W* 26OW* 25aw* 261W* 259w* 262W* 262W* 261W* 26OW" S. Side of Lot258 S. Side of Lot258 261W* 258 N* 258 s* 259W* 262 258N* 261W* 26OW* 259W* 262 258 E* 258 E* 258 E* 26OW* Depth of Fill ot Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Maximum Dry Density Density Percent Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 10.0 14.0 12.0 3.0 12:: 1.0 3.0 4.0 14.0 2.0 15.2 109.6 119.4 91.7 25.4 96.8 107.5 90.1 17.4 102.7 113.8 90.2 13.8 107.0 114.7 93.3 17.1 102.2 110.9 92.2 15.8 106.0 116.8 90.7 16.1 102.4 113.8 90.1 14.4 110.7 121.6 91.1 23.2 103.3 114.7 90.3 21.3 102.7 110.9 91.9 18.2 106.3 114.7 92.0 14.4 106.2 112.6 94.4 15.0 108.4 117.0 92.7 15.0 106.3 110.9 96.0 14.6 107.8 113.1 95.0 14.6 107.2 113.8 94.2 13.5 108.4 113.8 95.4 18.0 102.7 113.8 90.3 12.9 108.4 117.0 92.6 14.4 109.4 117.0 93.5 17.2 104.3 111.2 93.8 4.0 14.1 105.3 115.2 91.5 7.0 16.4 107.5 115.2 93.4 7.0 15.8 102.2 110.4 92.6 6.0 11.8 .113.5 115.2 98.6 18.0 12.5 114.7 116.1 98.7 5.0 11.9 112.8 121.6 92.6 8.0 12.0 113.4 121.6 93.5 11.0 13.4 113.2 118.4 95.6 16.0 14.0 113.0 118.4 95.5 22.0 14.7 108.7 119.3 91.1 11.0 14.9 110.0 118.5 92.9 6.0 15.4 105.8 115.4 91.7 '8.0 15.3 105.6 112.9 93.7 9.0 10.6 111.7 121.6 91.9 20.0 12.2 109.6 115.9 94.5 T-l November27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS * Indicates west side of Lot259 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-1.2~5D La Costa Vale No. 2 T-2 November 27, 1974 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Test No. Approx- imate Location 37 258 N* 38 259W* 39 261W* 40 262 41 264 42 258 E* 43 26OC* 44 26OC* 45 259C* 46 259C* 47 259 E* 48 258 E" 49 258 E* 50 260 E* 51 259 E* 52 260 E* 53 258N* 54 259C* 55 26OC* !i6 258N* 57 259 E" 58 261 E* 59 259C* 60 26OC* 61 261 E* 62 256 63 259C* 64 258 N* 65 258 E" 66 261 E* 67 260 E* 68 260 E* 69 261W" 70 262 71 259 E* 72 26OC* 73 262 N* 74 262N* Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 10.0 26.0 15.0 15.0 2.0 10.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 11.0 12.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 14.0 6.0 6.0 16.0 8.0 2.0 10.0 :*i 2:o 12.0 19.0 13.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 19.0 16.0 11.0 12.0 1.0 3.0 Field Moisture % drywt Dry Maximum Dry Density Density Percent Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 13.6 112.0 123.6 90.7 13.2 108.0 116.8 92.6 14.2 111.3 121.6 91.6 11.7 110.9 121.6 91.3 17.7 106.7 112.6 94.9 16.0 101.5 109.3 92.7 9.6 113.4 121.6 93.5 10.5 106.3 113.5 93.6 22.0 100.6 110.9 90.8 11.4 111.5 118.0 94.5 10.6 106.0 114.1 92.8 14.9 112.7 121.6 92.7 11.8 113.1 115.5 97.9 13.2 106.5 115.2 92.4 9.8 108.5 114.1 95.0 11.7 111.9 121.6 92.1 12.9 107.4 117.0 91.8 10.3 112.5 121.6 92.6 11.0 114.1 121.6 93.8 14.1 108.4 119.3 90.7 14.7 106.1 113.2 93.7 14.2 105.9 114.4 92.5 10.4 105.6 113.2 93.3 14.6 104.5 113.2 92.2 15.7 106.1 116.1 91.4 14.3 108.4 115.8 93.7 12.4~ 107.7 114.6 94.1 15.2 104.2 113.2 92.0 16.6 105.3 114.6 92.0 13.6 101.9 115.2 88.4 Reworked 20.2 100.6 110.4 91.0 Check on 166 14.3 110.0 114.0 96.5 12.5 108.3 115.2 93.7 17.4 104.7 110.4 94.5 17.5 101.2 110.4 91;6 15.6 104.6 110.4 94.6 15.7 103.8 110.4 94.0 19.1 102.4 110.4 92.7 z3ENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostaValsNo.2 Test ?:r- No. Location 75 262 N* Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 5.0 76 n 78 79 80 81 82 83 04 85 86 87 z 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 262 N* 7.0 262 N* 9.0 262 N* 11.0 262 N* 13.0 262 N* 16.0 262 N* 15.0 262 N* 17.0 262 N* 19.0 262 N* 21.0 262 N* 23.0 262 S" 17.0 262 N* 25.0 ;2: s"* 18.0 * 20.0 259 E 8 &into St. 12.0 258 s* 12.0 Lot268 2.0 Lot268 2.0 Lot254 2.0 Lot268 2.0 Retiro St. 2.0 Opp. Lot268 Lot254 4.0 Lot263 4.0 Retiro St. 4.0 Opp. Lot268 Lot253 2.0 Lot253 2.0 Retiro St. 2.0 Opp. Lot269 Lot252 2.0 Retire St. 2.0 Opp. Lot270 Lot270 2.0 Lot268 6.0 Retire St. 6.0 Opp. Lot268 T-3 November27, 1974 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture % dry wt Drv Maximum Dry Ib/cu it Density Percent lb,& ft Compaction Rem& 17.0 100.8 110.4 90.7 14.7 105.2 110.4 95.1 16.3 103.3 110.4 93.5 18.2 100.9 110.4 91.3 17.8 102.7 110.4 92.6 17.7 101.7 110.4 92.1 14.4 107.3 112.8 95.4 14.2 108.3 115.2 94.0 13.9 108.2 112.8 96.0 15.5 103.0 110.4 93.1 15.9 104.6 110.4 94.7 14.4. 106.3 112.8 94.3 13.0 107.3 114.8 93.5 17.3 101.6 110.4 92.0 17.4 102.4 110.4 92.4 14.5 106.7 112.8 94.6 14.1 107.2 115.8 92.7 14.2 100.0 107.5 93.0 14.2 108.6 114.7 94.6 16.7 99.0 107.5 92.2 14.3 111.0 115.8 96.0 13.1 112.2 115.8 97.0 17.7 110.3 114.1 96.5 17.6 113.1 116.8 96.9 16.4 106.3 111.2 95.6 15.8 108.0 111.2 97.1 18.0 104.7 114.1 91.7 16.1 101.2 111.2 90.9 20.1 102.6 114.1 90.0 13.8 107.6 114.1 94.2 18.6 102.7 111.2 92.2 19.0 103.7 111.2 93.2 21.2 101.8 112.8 90.4 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Pro/ectNo. 72-12-5D LaCostaVale No.2 T-4 November27, 1974 TA&E OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 imate Location Lot253 Lot268 Lot268 Lot253 Lot269 Lot267 Lot268 Lot253 Lot252 Retiro St. Opp. Lot269 Lot270 Lot253 Lot268. Lot268 Lot253 Retiro St. Opp. Lot269 Lot269 Lot270 Lot270 Lot252 Lot 252 Retiro St. Opp. Lot270 Lot270 Lot268 Retiro St. Opp. Lot268 Lot253 Lot268 Retiro St. Opp. Lot268 Lot253 Lot269 Rstiro St. Opp. Lot268 Lot253 Lot270 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field W Moisture Density % drywt lb/cu ft Maximum Dry Density Percent Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 32:oo 6.0 6.0 4.0 4.0 17.1 105.7 114.1 92.5 16.4 111.1 117.0 95.0 16.2 101.9 111.2 91.5 16.5 107.7 114.4 94.0 15.1 107.6 112.7 95.6 19.1 101.0 111.8 90.5 17.4 102.1 111.8 91.6 21.0 98.6 109.3 90.1 20.2 100.0 110.9 90.3 17.9 103.2 110.9 93.4 4.0 13.1 104.5 115.2 90.6 8.0 17.7 101.8 110.9 91.6 8.0 15.6 101.3 109.3 92.5 9.0 18.7 102.2 110.9 92.5 8.0 15.2 108.0 114.0 94.7 6.0 20.4 101.0 111.2 90.7 4.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 i:: 19.4 103.2 114.0 90.7 16.4 103.1 111.2 92.6 16.4 105.0 114.0 92.1 16.8 105.0 112.6 93.4 15.6 110.0 116.8 94.4 18.9 106.0 112.4 94.2 8.0 17.9 105.8 115.4 91.5 10.0 17.1 111.0 121.6 91.4 10.0 17.8 105.6 114.1 92.5 10.0 17.9 107.2 116.2 92.3 10.0 18.1 101.0 112.7 90.0 12.0 20.3 101.1 110.9 91.2 10.0 21.0 102.1 110.9 92.4 6.0 13.5 114.2 120.6 94.9 14.0 ** 18.0 104.1 110.9 94.1 12.0 17.6 106.9 110.9 96.5 10.0 16.5 101.2 111.0 91.5 ** Finished Grade BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostc~Vole No. 2 T-5 November27, 1974 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Location Retiro St. Opp. Lot270 Lot252 Lot268 Retiro St. Opp. Lot253 Lot253 Lot269 Retire St. Opp. Lot269 Lot253 Lot252 Retiro St. Opp. Lot270 Lot270 Lot253 Retiro St. Opp. Lot253 Lot269 Lot252 Retiro St. Opp. Lot270 Lot270 Lot270 Intersection of Retiro St. & Codencia St. Lot 270 Lot252 Intersection of Retiro St. & Codencia St. Lot270 Lot252 Interxeution of Retiro St. & Calencia St. Lot270 Lot269 Retiro St. Opp. Lot269 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field DV Moisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft Moximum &Y Density Ib/cu ft 6.0 20.4 101.8 110.9 6.0 14.9 106.1 111.2 95.3 12.0 16.6 108.1 116.0 93.4 12.0 17.1 102.8 110.9 92.7 12.0 17.0 106.8 116.2 91.6 12.0 21.2 104.0 114.9 90.7 12.0 21.4 102.0 110.9 92.2 12.0 20.8 104.0 114.9 90.7 8.0 18.3 104.1 114.9 90.8 8.0 19.2 99.3 110.0 90.1 8.0 18.5 103.2 114.9 90.0 10.0 113.7 99.0 107.2 90.5 10.0 16.5 105.8 114.9 93.0 10.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2: 4.0 16.9 111.2 118.8 93.7 2.0 18.7 101.3 111.2 91.0 6.0 11.0 108.5 118.8 91.6 2.0 12.1 114.0 118.8 96.1 12.0 11.1 121.9 128.0 95.0 12.0 11.1 116.0 128.0 90.5 Percent Compaction Remarks 91.8 18.7 104.2 114.9 90.9 17.5 100.7 109.2 92.0 18.5 97.0 107.2 90.5 17.6 108.8 114.2 95.0 17.9 95.7 109.2 87.5 Reworked 77.7 107.2 114.9 93.5 13.2 108.3 111.2 97.5 Check on #158 11.8 110.6 115.2 95.5 12.3 lW.5 115.2 95.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC, Project No. 72-12-51) Lo CostaVale No. 2 T-6 November 27, 1974 Approx- Test imate No. Location 169 Lot253 170 Lot253 171 Lot253 172 Lot269 173 Lot269 174 Lot268 175 Lot268 176 Lot244 177 Lot258 E 178 Loi257W 179 Lot253 N 180 Lot257 E 181 Lot257 E 182 Lot257E 183 Lot257W 184 Lot257W 185 Lot258W 186 Lot258 E 187 Lot260 E 188 Lot253 E 189 Lot258 E 190 Lot257W 791 Lot257 E 192 Lot264 193 Lot264 194 Lot260 E 195 Lot259 E 196 Lot257W 1%’ CityPark 198 Lot257W 199 Lot260 E 200 Lot25t 201 Lot256 202 City Pcrrk 203 Lot268 204 Retlro St. Opp. Lot268 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Depth of Fill Field at Test Moisture in Feet % dry wt 12.0 11.3 14.0 16.4 14.0 12.5 14.0 13.2 14.0 12.4 14.0 14.0 14.0 16.6 4.0 17.4 16.0 17.8 12.0 17.5 22.0 18.4 2.0 15.5 4.0 18.7 8.0 ** 18.6 14.0 21.4 18.0 18.9 25.0 l * 15.2 18.0 18.1 13.0 16.7 18.0 16.8 19.0 ** 14.2 21.0 18.3 4.0 18.6 6.0 ** 14.6 4.0 17.2 10.0 10.2 16.0 13.1 24.0 ** 16.4 4.0 17.1 28.0 19.5 DV Density ib/cu ft Maximum DV Density ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 113.0 118.8 95.5 110.9 118.8 93.4 110.3 111.2 99.0 110.0 115.2 95.4 108.5 115.2 94.2 101.8 109.2 93.0 106.3 111.2 96.3 104.0 111.2 93.5 105.0 111.2 94.4 104.0 111.2 93.5 102.0 111.2 91.6 102.9 111.2 92.4 90.6 109.2 82.9 99.5 109.2 91.0 99.2 109.2 90.7 98.6 109.2 90.2 107.3 115.2 93.1 108.0 115.2 93.6 105.0 115.2 91.0 103.9 113.2 91.5 113.0 115.2 98.0 106.9 115.2 92.7 loo.0 111.2 90.0 101.4 111.2 91.2 100.6 111.2 90.3 112.5 118.8 94.9 108.9 115.2 94.5 102.7 111.2 92.4 101.4 111.2 91.2 99.8 109.3 91.1 12.0 ** 15.6 109.8 116.3 94.4 4.0 15.0 109.1 116.3 93.7 8.0 l * 15.4 107.4 111.2 96.5 8.0 12.5 106.7 111.2 95.9 14.0 10.7 109.0 118.8 91.7 14.0 13.2 104.4 115.2 90.6 Reworked Check on xl81 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-51) La Costa Vale No. 2 T-7 November 27, 1974 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Test %t? No. Location 205 Lot268 206 Retlro St. opp. Lot253 207 Lot269 208 Retiro St. Opp. Lot269 209 Lot 268 210 Retiro St. 211 Lot268 212 Lot268 213 Lot268 214 Lot268 215 Lot268 216 Lot268 217 Lot271 218 Lot271 219 Lot271 220 Lot271 221 Lot251 222 Lot253 223 Lot251 224 Lot254 225 Lot253 226 Lot254 227 Lot253 228 Lot254 229 Lot253 230 Lot254 231 Lot253 232 Lot 254 233 Lot253 234 Lot254 235 Lot252 236 Lot254 237 Lot251 238 Lot253 239 Cadencia St. 240 Lot252 241 Lot253 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Moximum Dry Ib/cu 'ft Density Percent ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 14.0 12.9 111.0 116.3 95.4 14.0 12.7 108.1 116.3 92.9 16.0 12.4 108.0 116.3 92.7 16.0 11.8 114.1 118.8 96.0 14.0 14.3 108.0 116.3 92.9 16.0 15.1 109.0 116.3 93.7 2.0 15.3 105.1 116.3 90.2 4.0 12.9 108.1 116.3 92.9 6.0 20.1 107.0 116.3 92.0 8.0 13.2 108.6 116.3 93.3 10.0 12.6 107.0 116.3 92.0 12.0 12.9 114.9 116.3 98.7 2.0 11.9 116.4 118.8 98.0 2.0 12.6 108.6 118.8 91.4 4.0 11.3 115.0 118.8 96.8 4.0 16.1 107.0 118.8 90.1 N.G. 13.0 121.4 128.0 94.8 1.0 13.8 111.6 118.8 93.8 1.0 13.5 112.2 118.8 94.5 1.0 13.2 126.8 128.0 99.2 3.0 15.4 112.3 123.6 90.9 3.0 15.3 108.8 118.8 91.7 4.0 15.1 113.2 123.6 91.7 4.0 16.6 112.0 123.6 90.7 5.0 16.9 106.7 114.1 93.5 5.0 15.0 109.0 118.8 91.7 5.0 14.0 113.3 123.6 91.7 5.0 15.0 110.8 121.6 91.3 6.0 10.9 119.2 128.0 93.1 6.0 10.0 119.4 128.0 93.4 2.0 17.5 113.2 123.6 91.7 2.0 9.6 118.2 128.0 92.3 3.0 15.6 110.2 118.8 92.9 8.0 9.4 116.3 128.0 90.8 1.0 12.4 112.0 118.8 94.3 5.0 16.7 106.4 114.7 92.9 8.0 14.0 100.6 110.4 90.9 N.G. indicates Natural Ground BENTON ENeINEERINO. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LO Costa Vale No. 2 Test imate No. Location 242 Lot 254 243 Lot 254 244 Lot 251 245 Ccdencia St. 246 Cadencia St. 247 Lot 253 248 Lot 254 249 Lot 254 250 Lot 252 251 Codencio St. Sta. 21 252 Cadencio St. sta. 22 253 Cadencia St. Sta. 23 254 Ccxiencia St. Sta. 23 255 Cadencia St. Sta. 25 256 Cadencio St. Sto. 24 257 Cadencia St. Sto. 23 258 Cadencia St. Sk. 22 259 Cadencia St. Sto. 25 260 Cadencia St. Sta. 24 261 Ccdencio St. Sta. 24 262 Cadencia St. Sta. 26 263 Cadencia St. Sto. 27 264 Cadencia St. Stcr. 27 265 Cadancio St. stcl. 21 266 Cadencia St. sta. 22 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Dry Moisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft 17.5 103.2 11.9 109.8 10.2 113.5 14.8 112.3 11.1 118.7 11.5 118.3 11.5 112.5 14.6 109.4 13.6 108.4 15.2 109.3 Maximum Dry 8.0 8.0 7.0 3.0 5.0 10.0 4.0 6.0 9.0 2.0 Density Percent ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 114.2 90.4 121.6 90.3 124.8 91.0 121.6 92.5 128.0 92.8 128.0 92.3 121.6 92.5 118.8 92.1 118.8 91.3 115.2 94.9 4.0 10.5 115.2 124.8 92.3 6.0 10.3 115.2 124.8 92.3 2.0 14.7 113.6 121.6 93.3 2.0 13.7 109.7 118.8 92.3 4.0 10.5 113.9 123.6 92.3 6.0 13.4 110.5 118.8 93.2 8.0 11.7 107.7 117.8 91.3 6.0 11.3 116.3 128.0 90.7 8.0 10.7 117.0 128.0 91.4 4.0 11.1 108.3 118.8 91.3 10.0 11.8 112.2 118.8 94.6 2.0 10.4 107.3 116.8 91.9 6.0 14.0 103.0 114.1 90.3 10.0 9.2 119.3 128.0 93.2 12.0 14.7 108.8 118.8 91.6 T-8 November 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESJJLTS (CONT.) eEN,DN ENG,NEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-51) La CostaVole No. 2 T-9 November27, 1974 ApPmx- Test imate No. Location 267 Cadencio St. Sta. 24 268 CrJdencia st. Sta. 21 268 Cadencia St. Sta. 25 270 Cadencia St. Sta. 23 271 Lot289 272 Lot289 273 Lot289 274 Lot284 275 Lot284 276 Lot284 277 Lot284 278 Lot284 279 Lot283 280 Lot289 281 Lot285 282 Lot289 283 Lot286 284 Lot290 285 Lot284 286 Lot285 287 Lot286 288 Lot283 289 Lot283 290 Lot283 291 Lot285 292 Lot283 293 Lot289 294 Lot286 295 Lot289 296 Lot285 297 Lot2B6 298 Lot284 299 Lot293 300 Lot286 Depth of Fill ctt Test in Feet Field Moisture % drywt Dry Density lb/cu ft Maximum Dry Density lb/& ft Percent Compaction Rem&s 8.0 9.7 113.2 121.6 93.2 14.0 10.1 113.7 121.6 93.6 10.0 11.4 111.3 118.8 93.7 14.0 10.7 111.0 118.8 93.4 2.0 9.9 113.3 121.6 93.2 4.0 13.0 111.6 121.6 91.7 6.0 14.2 108.8 118.S 91.7 2.0 12.7 115.8 124.8 92.8 4.0 16.7 105.2 109.2 96.2 6.0 11.0 112.0 118.8 94.3 8.0 14.7 115.6 128.0 90.3 10.0 15.4 111.9 116.8 95.8 2.0 12.4 120.8 128.0 94.3 8.0 12.6 114.0 124.8 91.5 1.0 12.2 109.3 114.7 95.3 10.0 17.8 104.3 114.7 91.0 1.0 15.0 107.3 114.7 93.6 1.0 13.1 110.8 121.6 91.3 12.0 11.7 112.8 121.6 92.8 5.0 11.7 113.0 128.0 92.2 3.0 11.4 113.3 121.6 93.2 4.0 14.2 113.4 121.6 93.3 6.0 16.1 104.6 111.2 94.0 8.0 11.0 113.3 121.6 92.2 9.0 15.0 106.3 114.7 92.7 10.0 13.0 104.3 114.7 91.0 14.0 13.8 97.7 111.2 87.8 Reworked 7.0 17.8 102.0 111.2 91.7 14.0 19.8 103.2 114.7 90.0 Check on #293 8.0 17.6 109.7 114.7 95.7 11.0 16.3 109.1 116.6 93.7 14.0 11.1 112.0 121.6 92.1 2.0 15.4 118.7 128.0 92.7 15.0 16.4 109.0 114.7 95.0 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS (CONT.) BENTON ENGlNEERINO. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCosto Vale No. 2 Test %t?x- No. Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture % drywt DV Density ib/cu ft Maximum DV Density Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 301 Lot285 13.0 17.4 104.1 114.7 90.9 302 Lot287 2.0 17.0 105.1 114.7 91.6 303 Lot284 16.0 15.3 110.7 118.8 93.3 304 Lot284 20.0 11.1 107.3 114.7 93.7 305 Lot286 19.0 11.7 112.2 118.8 94.6 306 Lot280N 2.0 16.7 112.5 118.8 94.7 307 Lot280N 4.0 15.9 113.3 118.8 95.5 308 Lot293w 4.0 12;4 108.4 118.8 91.4 309 Lot293W 6.0 11.9 111.9 118.8 94.1 310 Lot293W 8.0 16.1 109.4 118.8 82.1 311 Lot283 12.0 14.2 110.5 118.8 93.0 312 Lot283 14.0 9.8 108.5 118.8 91.4 313 Lot284 24.0 9.9 116.7 128.0 91.2 314 Lot286 21.0 15.4 112.1 118.8 94.5 315 Lot283 16.0 11.7 112.9 118.8 95.1 316 Lot286 25.0 17.7 107.0 114.7 93.3 317 Lot293W 10.0 14.3 124.4 128.0 97.1 318 Lot283 18.0 14.8 107.8 118.8 90.7 319 Lot280N 6.0 18.0 112.3 118.8 94.5 320 Lot280N 8.0 15.3 106.1 114.7 92.5 321 Lot280N 10.0 14.9 106.7 114.7 93.0 322 Lot283 20.0 11.9 111.1 118.8 93.6 323 Lot281 4.0 12.6 112.2 123.6 91.0 324 Lot280N 14.0 12.4 104.9 115.2 90.8 325 Lot293W 12.0 11.8 115.0 118.8 96.8 326 Lot283 22.0 12.0 106.8 117.0 91.2 327 Lot293 W 14.0 13.8 114.9 118.8 96.7 328 Lot283 24.0 12.7 121.9 128.0 95.1 329 Lot281 8.0 14.2 113.1 123.6 91.7 330 Lot28OS 1.0 15.2 105.6 116.8 90.6 331 Lot279 3.0 15.0 108,7 118.3 91.6 332 Lot280 S 5.0 11.1 110.5 121.6 90.9 333 Lot279 7.0 16.0 107.2 118.3 90.6 334 Lot280S 9.0 14.6 112.1 121.6 92.4 335 Lot279 11.0 13.1 111.1 120.6 92.3 336 Lot280 S 13.0 12.0 113.0 123.6 91.5 337 Lot280N 18.0 14.7 109.6 118.8 92.4 338 Lot281 12.0 15.9 111.1 120.6 92.3 339 Lot280N 22.0 14.0 109.7 120.6 90.9 340 Lot281 16.0 16.4 114.9 123.6 92.9 T-10 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) November27, 1974 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LoCostaVole No.2 Test " imate No. Location 341 Lot290 3.0 12.5 109.6 118.6 92.4 342 Lot293 E 2.0 12.5 115.0 123.6 93.1 343 Lot293W 18.0 17.5 108.6 118.8 91.5 344 Lot289 18.0 16.9 104.9 114.7 91.4 345 Lot293 E 5.0 17.3 107.8 118.8 90.8 346 Lot293 W 22.0 5.8 117.0 128.0 91.4 347 Lot283 26.0 4.2 127.0 128.0 99.2 348 Lot290 7.0 14.6 103.2 114.1 90.5 349 Lot289 22.0 11.4 108.1 118.6 91.4 350 Lot290 11.0 12.9 107.6 118.6 90.7 351 Lot293 E 9.0 14.0 106.3 114.7 92.7 352 Lot293W 26.0 13.0 111.8 118.8 94.2 353 Lot293 E 13.0 14.0 109.5 118.8 92.3 354 Lot293 E 15.0 12.5 116.0 128.0 90.6 355 Lot287 6.0 9.1 118.4 128.0 92.5 356 Lot287 8.0 10.4 116.0 128.0 90.6 357 Lot287 10.0 11.8 109.0 118.8 91.9 358 Lot287 12.0 9.4 116.2 128.0 90.7 359 Lot289 26.0 14.1 107.B 118.5 90.9 360 Lot288 3.0 16.9 104.3 114.7 91.1 361 Lot288 5.0 14.6 107.1 116.8 92.0 362 Lot288 7.0 16.3 104.2 114.7 91.1 363 Lot288 9.0 14.5 106.1 116.8 91.0 364 Lot288 11.0 12.3 109.1 118.6 92.1 365 Lot288 13.0 14.7 107.6 118.6 90.9 366 Lot288 15.0 13.3 109.3 118.6 92.4 367 Lot288 17.0 12.1 107.5 118.6 90.6 368 Lot291 1.0 15.2 108.2 118.6 91.4 369 Lot291 3.0 15.2 105.2 116.8 90.1 370 Lot291 5.0 15.0 106.5 116.8 91.4 371 Lot291 7.0 14.8 109.0 118.6 92.1 372 Lot291 9.0 14.6 108.2 118.6 91.4 373 Lot 291 11.0 13.2 108.9 118.6 91.9 374 Lot291 11.0 9.0 110.0 118.6 92.7 375 Lot 291 13.0 15.2 104.4 115.7 90.4 376 Lot291 13.0 13.6 109.0 115.7 94.3 377 Lot291 15.0 13.0 107.2 115.7 92.9 378 Lot278 2.0 12.4 110.3 118.6 93.1 379 Lot278 4.0 9.6 115.3 128.0 90.2 380 Lot277 2.0 10.8 112.3 118.6 94.7 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet T-11 November27, 1974 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum Dry Density ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks BENTON ENGINEERIND. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostaVale No. 2 T-12 November27, 1974 Approx- Test imate No. Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft Density Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 381 Lot270 8.0 13.2 106.9 114.7 93.2 382 Lot277 6.0 11.3 111.5 118.6 94.0 383 Lot278 12.0 13.6 99.3 109.2 90.7 384 Lot277 10.0 9.9 108.8 118.6 91.7 385 Lot278 16.0 14.8 110.0 118.6 92.7 386 Lot277 14.0 13.3 111.2 118.6 93.9 387 Lot278 20.0 11.9 112.2 123.6 91.0 388 Lot280 S 1.0 11.9 113.3 123.6 91.8 389 Lot279 3.0 12.8 113.8 123.6 92.1 390 Lot280S 5.0 12.3 114.3 123.6 92.6 391 Lot279 7.0 11.7 111.7 118.8 94.1 392 Lot28OS 9.0 14.8 108.3 118.8 91.3 393 Lot279 11.0 12.0 111.2 118.8 93.7 394 Lot280S 13.0 14.6 113.9 123.4 92.2 395 Lot279 15.0 14.9 110.9 118.8 93.3 396 Lot280 S 17.0 12.0 110.7 118.8 93.1 397 Lot279 19.0 12.1 112.3 120.6 93.3 398 Lot280 S 21.0 14.2 112.7 120.6 93.4 399 Lot281 18.0 12.1 115.3 128.0 90.2 4oa Lot 281 20.0 10.9 116.5 128.0 91.0 401 Lot 279 23.0 13.6 111.3 118.5 94.0 402 Lot281 22.0 14.5 109.3 118.5 92.4 4x3 Lot281 24.0 14.2 112.2 118.5 94.7 404 Lot281 26.0 10.0 111.2 118.5 94.0 405 Lot280 S 25.0 12.1 113.3 118.5 95.7 406 Lot281 28.0 12.0 111.7 118.5 94.2 407 Lot287 14.0 10.6 116.2 123.6 94.1 408 Lot287 16.0 11.6 110.7 118.5 93.5 400 Lot287 18.0 11.4 112.3 118.5 94.9 410 Lot287 20.0 11.3 114.0 123.6 92.3 411 Lot287 22.0 11.0 113.4 123.3 92.0 412 Lot287 24.0 12.5 111.1 123.4 90.0 413 Lot287 26.0 12.2 111.2 120.6 92.3 414 Lot287 28.0 12.5 112.1 120.6 93.1 415 Lot288 19.0 12.3 111.3 120.6 92.4 416 Lot288 21.0 12.8 109.3 117.0 93.4 417 Lot287 30.0 11.0 110.2 120.6 91.4 418 Lot274 2.0 13.4 110.2 120.6 91.4 419 Lot274 4.0 12.7 111.0 120.6 92.0 420 Lot275 2.0 14.2 109.4 120.6 90.9 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS (CONT.) BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Proiect No. 72-12-5D T-13 November 27, 1974 La C&a VakNo. 2 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Test No. 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 4.40 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 Approx- imate Location Lot 277 Lot 278 Lot 277 Lot 279 Lot 280 Lot 278 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 291 Lot 288 Lot 288 Lot 288 Lot 288 Cadencia St. Sta. 35+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 35+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 35+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 35+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencla St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencia St. Sto. 38-150 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 18.0 24.0 22.0 27.0 29.0 28.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.0 27.0 29.0 31.0 33.0 35.0 23.0 25.0 29.0 33.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum Dry Density lb/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 17.7 lOB.7 118.5 91.7 16.1 110.3 118.5 93.2 16.2 105.9 112.5 94.1 9.9 116.5 123.6 94.3 8.4 109.4 118.5 92.3 11.2 113.4 123.6 91.8 6.4 114.9 123.6 92.9 17.1 105.0 114.7 91.6 11.7 112.0 120.6 92.9 15.9 111.3 120.6 92.5 12.4 111.1 123.6 90.1 12.4 110.9 120.6 91.9 11.0 112.1 123.6 90.9 11.5 109.9 120.6 91.1 14.6 97.1 107.2 90.4 15.0 98.1 107.2 91.4 15.9 96.7 107.2 90.0 17.7 loo.9 110.4 91.4 20.2 99.9 109.0 91.6 19.3 99.5 109.0 91.2 14.9 110.1 121.6 90.7 12.2 109.1 118.8 91.8 12.7 109.8 118.8 92.4 17.3 99.2 107.2 92.5 16.9 107.1 115.2 93.0 15.6 106.3 115.2 92.3 20.0 105.8 115.1 92.7 18.2 105.1 115.1 92.1 20.2 113.7 123.6 92.0 16.0 102.9 111.8 92.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC, Proiact No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale No. 2 T-14 November 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Test No. imate Location 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 4% 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 22 484 485 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Cadencio St. Sta. 38+50 Lot 292 E Lot 292E Lot 292E Lot 292E Lot 283s Lot 283s Lot 283 S Lot 277 Lot 277 Lot 277 Lot 277 Lot 277 Cadencia St. Sta. 3860 Cadencia St. Sta. 38+50 Lot 293 E Lot 293 E Lot 287 Lot 277 Lot 276 Lot 277 Lot 279 Lot 280 Lot 293 E Lot 293 E Lot 276 Lot 276 Lot 275 Lot 275 Lot 274 Lot 275 Lot 276 Lot 276 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 14.0 16.0 18.3 98.4 107.2 91.6 18.0 15.9 102.2 110.4 92.6 2.0 13.9 105.1 114.7 91.6 4.0 14.3 105.9 115.2 91.9 6.0 20.8 99.3 107.2 92.6 8.0 18.9 101.9 103.2 93.3 2.0 19.5 104.9 114.2 91.9 4.0 13.5 108.3 116.8 92.9 6.0 23.3 101.4 109.2 92.9 26.0 19.4 105.6 116.8 90.4 30.0 14.5 103.9 114.2 91.0 32.0 13.3 110.8 121.6 91.1 34.0 14.8 107.8 118.5 90.9 36.0 17.7 107.7 118.5 90.8 20.0 16.2 106.7 116.8 91.4 22.0 19.0 13.3 113.9 123.6 92.1 21.0 12.6 114.5 123.6 92.6 32.0 16.0 107.8 118.5 90.9 38.0 19.0 101.3 109.2 92.6 12.0 20.2 101.8 109.2 93.0 42.0 20.6 102.9 112.5 91.4 31.0 18.3 101.9 110.4 92.1 33.0 14.4 104.2 114.1 91.4 23.0 10.9 121.8 128.0 94.9 25.0 10.4 115.8 123.6 93.6 16.0 17.1 116.1 128.0 90.8 20.0 14.7 112.1 123.6 90.9 18.0 15.6 109.1 118.5 92.1 22.0 18.9 101.2 109.2 92.6 20.0 15.6 105.8 115.2 91.5 26.0 16.3 118.0 128.0 92.1 24.0 18.0 105.8 116.8 90.6 28.0 20.8 104.8 115.2 90.7 Field Moisture % dry wt 18.9 19.7 DV Density Ib/cu ft 102.9 101.3 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 110.4 109.2 Percent Compaction Remarks 93.2 92.7 Project No. 72-12-5D La,Costa Vale No. 2 .. Test imate No. Location 486 Lot 274 487 Lot 276 488 Lot 275 489 Lot 274 490 Lot 276 491 Lot 293 E 492 Lot 293 E 493 Lot 275 494 Lot 274 495 Lot 275 496 plot 274 497 Lot 275 498 Lot 274 499 Lot 275 500 Lot 274 501 Lot 275 502 Lot 274 503 Lot 275 504 Offsite Opp. Codencia St. Sta. 29+50 8 Sta. 31+75 505 Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 506 Offsite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 8, Sta. 31+75 507 Cadencio St. Sta. 29+50 508 Offsite Opp. Codsncia St. Sta. 29+50 8, Sta. 31+75 509 Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 510 Offsite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 24.0 18.6 117.8 128.0 91.9 32.0 17.9 109.1 118.6 92.1 30.0 14.4 118.9 128.0 92.7 28.0 15.1 110.7 120.6 91.7 36.0 13.6 110.4 120.6 91.6 27.0 12.0 112.9 123.6 91.4 29.0 17.9 108.2 118.8 91.4 34.0 15.2 108.9 118.8 91.7 32.0 11.9 110.9 120.6 91.9 36.0 12.0 112.0 123.6 90.6 34.0 15.6 110.5 120.6 91.6 38.0 13.9 114.8 123.6 92.8 36.0 15.5 111.8 120.6 92.6 40.0 13.7 112.7 123.6 91.1 38.0 16.9 108.1 118.8 91.2 42.0 17.5 102.8 114.2 90.0 40.0 17.7 106.5 114.2 93.3 44.0 18.3 103.0 110.4 93.3 2.0 11.8 110.3 121.6 90.7 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 T-15 November 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Field DV Moisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft Maximum DV Density Ib/cu ft 18.0 102.6 110.4 14.0 108.0 118.8 17.2 17.2 116.8 114.2 16.6 116.8 16.0 106.7 103.5 106.3 105.1 115.2 91.2 Percent Compaction Remarks 92.9 91.0 91.3 90.6 91.1 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale No. 2 T-16 November 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Tert No. 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 510 519 520. 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 Location Cad8ncia St. Sta. 29+50 Ofbi tc opp . Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 Offiite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 Sta. 31+75 Calencia St. Sta. 29+50 Offtite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 Cadencia St. Sto. 29+50 Offsite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 Ofkite Opp. Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 Lot 288 Lot 290 Lot 289 Lot 288 Lot 294 Lot 294 Lot 294 Lot 283 S Lot 283 S Lot 283 s Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 16.0 18.0 20.0 14.0 110.6 118.8 93.1 22.0 15.9 107.4 118.8 90.4 24.0 26.0 28.0 13.0 101.6 109.2 93.0 30.0 14.6 107.2 115.2 93.1 32.0 16.7 105.5 115.2 91.6 34.0 16.2 110.3 121.6 90.7 37.0 14.7 115.8 123.6 93.6 15.0 16.9 110.8 118.6 93.4 30.0 14.9 111.6 121.6 91.8 41.0 16.8 108.7 117.0 92.8 2.0 12.4 127.6 128.0 99.6 4.0 12.2 122.6 128.0 95.7 6.0 13.6 111.2 118.6 94.0 8.0 16.3 107.7 114.7 94.0 10.0 15.3 110.9 120.6 91.9 12.0 14.0 109.6 120.6 91.0 Field b Moisture Deml ty %drywt lb/cu ft 14.1 112.4 13.5 111.4 Maximum DV Density Ib/cu Ft 121.6 121.6 Percent Compaction Remarks 92.4 91.6 13.9 106.3 117.0 90.9 11.7 115.6 128.0 90.3 BENTON ENGINEERING INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale No. 2 T-17 November 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) T st etr? N”,. Location 531 Lot 292 S 532 Lot 292 S 533 Lot 292 S 534 Piragua St. Sta. 3HKI 535 Piragua St. Sta. 35+00 5% Piragua St. Sta. 35+00 537 Piragua St. Sta. 35+00 538 Piragua St. Sta. 35+00 539 Pressure Reduced of ‘Fill Field at Test Moisture in Feet % dry wt 2.0 15.7 4.0 15.1 6.0 14.5 2.0 13.9 4.0 18.0 6.0 13.4 8.0 16.3 10.0 20.0 4.0’ Below 22.2 BOX Opp. Lot 251 Grade 540 Lot 284 28.0 541 Cadencia St. 4.0 Sta. 31+50 542 Offsite Opp. 38.0 Cadancia St. Sta. 2960 & Sta. 31+75 543 Calencia St. 8.0 Sta. 31+50 544 Offsite Opp. 42.0 Cadencia St. Sta. 29+50 & Sta. 31+75 545 Cadencia St. 12.0 Sta. 31+50 546 Cadancia St. 14.0 sto. 31+50 547 Cadancia St. 16.0 Sta. 31+50 546 Cadencia St. 18.0 Sta. 31+50 549 Cadencia St. 20.0 Sta. 31+50 550 Cadencia St. 22.0 Sta. 31+50 17.8 20.0 14.5 DV Dens1 ty lb/cu ft 110.1 107.6 113.1 115.2 108.7 101.4 107.2 102.2 98.0 106.1 105.0 107.3 Density Ib/cu ft 121.6 118.6 123.6 128.0 118.6 110.4 117.0 111.8 115.2 117.0 114.2 116.8 91.6 05.0 90.8 91.9 92.1 11.6 121.9 128.0 12.9 114.8 123.6 95.2 92.7 10.7 115.2 123.6 93.4 15.5 113.9 121.6 93.7 14.4 112.1 121.6 92.4 19.6 106.7 114.7 93.0 18.8 109.7 118.6 92.4 12.8 114.6 123.6 92.7 Maximum Dry Percent Compaction Remarks 90.7 90.7 91.7 90.1 91.6 91.8 91.7 Reworked BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostaVals No. 2 T-18 Novenber 27, 1974 Tart Approx- imate No. Location 551 Cadencia St. Sta. 31+50 552 Venado St. Sta. 3+00 553 Venado St. Sta. 3+00 554 Venado St. Sta. 3+00 555 Venado St. Sta. 3+00 556 Venado St. Sta. 3*0 557 Venado St. Sta. 3+CG 558 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 559 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 560 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 561 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 562 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 563 Codencia St. Sta. 26+.50 564 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 565 Cadencia St. Sta. 26+50 566 Lot266 567 Lot 266 568 Lot266 569 Lot266 570 Lot266 571 Lot266 572 Lot266 573 Lot266 574 Lot251 575 Lot251 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 24.0 Field Moisture % dry wt 14.5 DV Density Ib,'cu ft 120.0 Maximum Dry Density Ib,'cu ft 128.0 Percent Compaction Remarks 93.7 2.0 20.2 110.9 120.6 91.9 4.0 12.4 109.0 120.6 90.5 6.0 13.6 lW.7 120.6 90.9 8.0 14.7 108.9 118.3 91.8 10.0 15.8 110.9 121.6 91.1 12.0 12.5 112.1 123.6 90.8 2.0 16.4 109.9 120.6 91.1 4.0 18.4 106.9 117.0 91.3 6.0 17.3 106.6 117.0 91.1 8.0 13.7 110.2 121.6 90.9 10.0 12.9 111.5 123.6 90.3 12.0 19.2 103.2 114.7 90.2 14.0 12.9 110.9 121.6 91.2 16.0 14.9 113.5 123.6 91.8 2.0 16.0 102.9 114.1 90.1 4.0 15.3 106.6 117.0 91.0 6.0 11.3 111.9 121.6 92.0 8.0 19.5 102.2 112.5 91.0 10.0 13.0 119.6 128.0 93.4 12.0 11.1 111.8 123.6 90.4 14.0 12.4 99.9 109.2 91.2 16.0 12.0 114.8 123.6 92.8 2.0 14.4 110.2 120.6 91.6 4.0 12.7 111.5 123.6 90.4 TAELEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) BENTON ENGINEERINa. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale No. 2 Test .. imate No. Location 576 Lot251 577 Lot262 578 Lot262 579 Lot262 580 Lot262 581 Lot252 582 Lot252 583 Lot252 584 Lot262 585 Lot262 586 Lot262 587 Lot252 588 Lot254 589 Lot253 590 Lot254 591 Lot253 592 Lot254 593 Lot253 594 Lot254 595 Lot253 596 Lot253 597 Lot253 598 Lot253 599 Lot253 600 Lot268 601 Lot268 602 Lot268 603 Lot268 604 Lot256 605 Lot256 606 Lot256 607 Retiro St. Sta. 17+OO 608 Ratiro St. Sta. 17KlO 609 Retire St. Sta. 17+00 610 Lot268 611 Lot268 612 Lot256 DePh of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Density Ib/cu ft Maximum DV Demity Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 6.0 14.2 118.6 128.0 92.6 2.0 11.9 107.0 115.2 92.6 4.0 11.4 109.2 117.0 93.5 6.0 13.2 108.0 118.8 91.1 8.0 17.3 107.9 117.0 92.1 2.0 12.1 117.0 123.6 94.8 4.0 15.8 119.0 128.0 93.0 6.0 14.9 112.8 123.6 91.1 10.0 16.4 109.8 120.6 90.9 12.0 13.6 111.1 121.6 91.5 14.0 14.8 113.9 123.6 92.0 2.0 20.0 106.0 114.1 92.9 2.0 14.8 109.2 118.8 92.0 4.0 17.4 115.3 123.6 93.4 4.0 18.1 104.9 114.1 91.9 6.0 18.1 112.1 123.6 90.8 6.0 19.7 109.0 120.6 90.4 8.0 14.1 115.0 123.6 93.1 8.0 16.4 111.1 123.6 90.0 10.0 14.3 111.4 123.6 90.1 12.0 13.7 110.8 118.8 93.2 14.0 10.8 105.7 115.2 91.7 16.0 18.6 104.3 114.1 91.4 18.0 15.8 107.9 117.0 92.1 2.0 16.6 103.6 110.4 93.8 4.0 16.1 .104.5 114.1 91.5 6.0 16.6 KU.2 114.1 90.4 8.0 14.8 108.6 1X.8 91.5 2.0 15.9 107.2 118.8 90.2 4.0 16.0 105.1 115.2 91.1 6.0 20.2 104.0 114.1 91.0 2.0 11.7 108.7 118.8 91.6 4.0 13.5 108.9 118.8 6.0 12.7 108.9 118.8 10.0 11.9 119.6 128.0 12.0 14.3 104.8 115.2 8.0 13.8 107.9 118.8 91.7 91.7 93.4 90.9 90.9 T-19 November 27, 1974 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) DENTON ENGINEER1NCI. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostaVale No. 2 Test %?- No. Location 613 Lot257 614 Lot257 615 Lot257 616 Lot266 617 Lot266 618 Lot266 619 Lot266 620 Lot266 621 Lot268 622 Lot266 623 Lot266 624 Lot270 625 Lot270 626 Lot270 627 Lot269 628 Lot269 629 Lot268 630 Lot252 631 Lot262 632 Lot271 E 633 Lot271 W 634 Lot271 E 635 Lot271 W 636 Lot271 E 637 Lot271 W 638 Lot262 639 Lot262 640 Lot271 W 641 Lot271 E 642 Lot271 E 643 Lot271 E 644 Lot271 W 645 Lot271 E 646 Lot271 W 647 Retiro St. 648 Lot262 649 Lot256 650 Lot258 S Slope Area Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture % dry wt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum bY Density Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 2.0 13.4 113.2 123.6 91.6 4.0 15.9 110.0 121.6 90.5 6.0 17.4 107.1 118.8 90.2 18.0 11.5 112.3 123.6 91.0 20.0 17.2 111.1 121.6 91.5 22.0 16.2 106.1 115.2 92.0 24.0 14.9 103.7 117.8 92.4 26.0 14.2 112.9 123.6 91.4 14.0 16.1 109.1 116.8 92.1 28.0 14.9 118.9 128.0 92.9 30.0 14.1 110.2 120.6 91.4 2.0 14.3 106.9 115.2 92.7 4.0 16.2 101.6 109.2 93.0 6.0 13.4 109.2 120.6 90.6 2.0 14.9 113.0 123.6 91.4 4.0 16.0 108.1 118.8 91.0 16.0 12.8 106.5 117.0 91.0 8.0 13.1 107.2 118.5 90.6 16.0 13.3 101.9 109.2 93.3 2.0 15.1 103.4 110.4 93.6 4.0 18.9 102.1 110.4 92.4 6.0 17.0 104.5 114.7 91.2 8.0 16.3 105.0 115.2 91.0 10.0 16.8 101.3 109.2 92.7 12.0 19.4 105.5 114.7 92.0 18.0 21.3 103.0 109.2 94.2 20.0 10.3 109.0 118.8 91.7 14.0 14.5 113.9 118.8 95.9 16.0 12.8 97.5 111.2 87.6 Reworked 16-O 18.7 104.0 111.2 93.4 Check on#rUl 20.0 13.3 113.9 121.6 93.5 22.0 12.3 105.5 111.2 94.9 24.0 16.3 102.2 111.2 92.0 26.0 16.5 108.0 114.7 94.1 8.0 15.4 109.3 114.7 95.3 22.0 16.0 112.5 118.8 94.5 10.0 14.9 106.0 114.7 92.5 2.0 12.3 110.1 121.6 90.5 T-20 November27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) BENTON ENGINEERNG. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D LaCostaVale No. 2 T-21 November27, 1974 Tst Af'pmx- N',. imate Locatisn 651 Stoma Drain Lot253 652 Lot258s Slope Area 653 Lot258s Slope Area 654 Storm Drain Lot253 655 'Storm Drain Lot253 656 Quinta St. Sta. 2iQO 657 Quint0 St. Sta. 2+QO 658 Qulnta St. Sta. 240 659 Lot 258 Slope Area 660 Lot258 Slope Area 661 Lot258 Slope Area 662 Lot284 E 663 Lot285 664 Lot284W 665 Lot283 666 Lot280 667 Lot258 N 668 Lot255,E 669 Lot259W 670 Lot258 s 671 Lot257 N 672 Lot260W 673 lot260 E 674 Lot261 E 675 Lot261 W 676 Lot2565 677 Lot256 N 678 Lot254N 679 Lot254 s 680 Lot262 Depth of Fill atTest in Feet Fkld Moisture % dry wt Dry Demity Ib/cu ft Maximum bY Density lb/cu ft Percent CompactIon Remarks 2.0 15.1 106.9 114.1 93.5 4.0 12.9 106.2 114.1 93.0 6.0 16.7 116.6 128.0 91.0 4.0 13.7 105.8 114.1 92.5 6.0 17.7 106.0 114.1 93.0 2.0 16.8 108.9 118.8 91.7 4.0 15.5 107.1 118.8 90.3 6.0 13.7 109.0 118.8 91.8 2.0 14.4 110.5 116.8 93.0 4.0 15.5 107.0 118.8 90.0 6.0 ** 16.1 119.2 128.0 93.1 31.0** 6.1 117.1 123.6 94.7 16.0** 8.2 115.5 123.6 93.6 31.0** 12.9 112.1 123.6 90.9 28.5 ** 9.5 108.0 118.6 91.1 35.0 ** 9.6 99.0 109.2 90.8 24.0 ** 11.2 107.8 116.8 92.4 19.0 ** 16.8 107.1 118.6 90.5 30.0 ** 18.4 105.9 114.7 92.4 15.0 ** 15.0 115.1 121.6 94.5 8.0** 7.7 104.0 114.7 90.7 11.0 l * 16.0 110.8 121.6 91.1 24.0 ** 14.3 112.4 123.6 91.0 9.0 ** 15.1 114.7 123.6 92.8 24.0 ** 13.7 116.1 123.6 94.0 12.0** 13.3 107.8 114.7 94.1 12.0 10.6 109.5 114.7 95.6 10.0 12.9 116.9 123.6 94.7 10.0 18.5 106.3 116.8 91.0 24.0 ** 13.3 103.5 114.1 90.7 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) ** indicates finished grade BENTON ENGINEERINa. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La CostaVale No. 2 T-Z? &ovember 27, 1974 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Approx- Test imate No. Location 681 Lot253N 682 Lot253s 683 Lot251 s 684 Lot252 N 685 Lot269 N 686 Lot269 S 687 Lot270N 688 Lot270 S 689 Lot268 N 690 Lot268 S 691 Lot274 E 692 Lot274W 693 Lot275 E 694 Lot275W 695 Lot276 E 6% Lot276 W 697 Lot277 E 698 Lot277 W 699 Lot278 E 700 Lot278W 701 Lot279W 702 Lot281 E 703 Lot281W 704 Lot282 S 705 Lot286W 7a6 Lot236 E 707 Lot287 N 703 Lot288 W 709 Lot288 E 710 Lot289 E 711 Lot290 712 Lot291 E 713 Lot291 S 714 Lot293E 715 Lot293W 716 Lot294 717 Lot291 E 718 Lot291 W 719 Lot293W 720 Lot294 Depth of Fill Field at Test Moisture in Feet %drywt 20.0 ** 19.0 20.0 ** 13.1 6.0*' 11.5 10.0 ** 13.8 6.0** 11.4 6.0** 9.3 8.0 14.1 10.0 ** 9.5 18.0 ** 15.7 18.0 ** 16.2 42.0 ** 10.3 46.0 ** 14.4 46.0** 7.9 46.0** 9.1 40.0 ** 13.1 40.0 ** 10.5 42.5 ** 10.3 42.5 ** 9.7 32.0 9.4 X2.0** 12.4 35.0 ** 14.7 30.0** 6.6 30.0 ** 15.5 5.0 l * 7.3 29.0 ** 20.8 29.0 ** 15.7 34.0** 10.0 26.0** 14.3 43.0** 13.5 33.0 ** 17.3 18.0 ** 13.8 37.0** 8.8 32.0 ** 11.3 31.5 ** 10.2 31.5 ** 6.9 13.0** 9.7 37.0 ** 11.7 37.0 ** 13.6 31.5** 8.2 13.0** 14.9 DV Density Ib/cu ft 101.7 115.8 115.7 118.6 119.8 111.0 111.7 122.2 109.8 105.1 113.5 110.8 115.1 110.0 110.2 113.8 115.0 111.7 118.0 109.1 109.0 111.2 lcB.2 113.0 101.7 111.3 103.8 loo.3 112.6 105.2 97.1 107.0 109.9 107.5 112.1 111.6 109.6 113.9 108.3 99.4 Maximum Dry Demity Ib/cu ft Percent Compactlon Remarks 112.8 90.3 123.6 93.6 123.6 93.6 123.6 96.1 123.6 97.0 114.7 96.8 118.6 94.3 128.0 95.5 118.6 92.6 116.8 90.0 123.6 92.0 116.8 94.9 123.6 93.2 116.8 94.2 121.6 90.9 123.6 92.0 123.6 93.0 116.8 95.0 123.6 95.5 118.6 92.0 118.6 91.7 121.6 91.6 118.6 91.4 121.6 93.0 110.9 91.9 118.6 94.0 114.7 90.7 110.9 90.4 118.6 95.0 116.8 90.2 109.7 88.6 Rework~ed 118.5 90.5 118.6 92.7 118.6 90.7 118.6 94.5 118.6 94.2 118.6 92.5 121.6 93.7 118.4 91.3 110.7 90.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Co&a Vale No. 2 T-23 November 27, 1974 Approx- Test imate No. Location 721 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 722 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 723 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 724 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 725 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 726 Lot 263 8, Storm Drain Easement 727 Lot 263 & Storm Drain Easement 728 Lot 263 729 Lot.263 730 Lot 263 731 Lot 263 732 Lot 263 733 Lot 263 734 Lot 261 & Storm Draln 735 Lot 260 & Storm Drain 736 Storm Drain Bet. Lots 279 a 280 737 Storm Dmin Bet. Lob 279 8, 280 738 Storm Drain Bet. Lots 279 8, 280 DePh of Fill at Test in Feet 2.0 Field DV Moisture Demi ty % dry wt Ib/cu ft 13.7 99.0 Maximum bY Density lb/cu ft 107.2 Percent Compaction Remarks 92.5 4.0 15.5 119.3 128.0 93.3 2.0 9.2 loo.3 115.2 94.0 6.0 14.7 107.3 116.8 92.0 8.0 13.5 110.2 118.3 93.2 10.0 13.2 112.5 118.3 95.1 4.0 16.5 100.6 111.3 90.3 6.0** 15.4 102.3 113.2 90.2 12.0 18.2 106.6 116.8 91.3 14.0 20.2 102.3 110.9 92.2 16.0 16.1 98.3 109.0 90.2 18.0 16.1 106.5 109.0 97.7 20.0 ** 17.0 107.0 109.0 98.1 2.5 ** 10.0 104.6 115.2 90.7 2.5 ** 2.0 16.8 13.4 111.8 90.1 118.3 90.1 4.0 14.4 115.0 91.6 6.0 l * 16.0 100.7 106.5 105.3 107.0 115.2 92.9 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) BENTON ENOINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vale No. 2 Test No. 739 740 741 742 Location Pressure Reducer Box Opp. Lot 251 Pressure Reducer Box opp. Lot 251 Pressure Reducer Box Opp. Lot 251 Lot 290 T-24 I\!ovember 27, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of Fill Field at Test Moisture in Feet % dry wt 4.0 8.1 Below Grade 2.0 10.1 Below Grade 5.0 6.1 Below Grade 13.0 *+: 15.5 ** Indicates finished grade Dry Density Ib/cu ft 113.5 Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 121.6 112.8 123.6 llG.3 93.7 128.0 107.5 Percent Compaction Remarks 93.3 Check on #539 91.4 92.5 91.9 Check on #711 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-12-5D La Costa Vole No. 2 L-l November 27, 1974 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry densitior and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter lA0 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented cs follows: Soil Description Maximum Optimum Mois- Dry Density ture Content Ib/cu ft % dry wt Light brown gray clayey silt 107.2 19.0 Olive green silty clay 107.5 16.4 Brown gray silty clay 109.0 17.8 Light yellow brown silty very fine to fine sand with 109.2 16.8 clay binder and chunks of silty clay Yellow brown very fine to fine sandy clay Gray brown fine sandy clay Olive green silty clay Light brown silty fine sand Light gray yellow clayey fine sand Light gray brown clayey very fine to fine sand Gray with red brown and white silty clay Light gray brown clayey ffne sand Gray black silty clay Light brown silty fine sand with clay bin&r Light brown and gray silty clay Light yellow brown fine sandy clay Light yellow silty fine sand Gresnlsh brown fine sandy clay hoown clayey fine to medium sand Grayish brown silty flne sand Light brown silty fine to medium sand Ught gay silty clay with yellow streaks Light gray sltly fine sand Yellow brown silty fine to medium sand 110.4 15.5 110.9 14.3 111.2 15.0 112.5 10.9 114.1 13.9 114.2 14.4 114.7 15.3 115.2 14.7 116.8 11.8 118.3 11.9 118.6 14.0 121.6 11.5 123.6 10.5 118.8 12.2 128.0 9.2 117.0 13.1 118.5 12.0 110.7 15.1 111.8 12.5 120.6 11.4 BENTON ENOINEERING. INC.