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CT 72-25; Alicante Hills Lots 2-21; Soils Report Final; 1974-12-02
PHILIP HENI(ING BrNTON .IL*IocNT. ClYlL IWG,YIl2I) BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOlL MECHANICS - FO”ND*T,ONS 57,7 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEQC.. CALIFORNIA 9211, December 2, 1974 TLLEWIONE ,714) S89.19SS La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carl&ad, California 92008 Subiect: Project No. 72-6-20D Final Report on Compacted Filled Ground Lots 2 to 21, inclusive Alicante Hills Carl&ad Tract No. 72-25 La Costa Area Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: This is to report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the compaction of filled ground placed on certain areas of Lots 2 to 21, inclusive, of Alicante Hills in Carl&ad, California. The fills were placed during the period between May 11, 1973 and November 14, 1974. The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under our inspection in accordance with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No. 1, entitled “Location of Compacted Filled Ground.” The grading plan used for the placement of filled ground was prepared by Rick Engineering Company. The opproximote locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results ore presented on pages T-l to T-25, inclusive, under the “Table of Tart Results.” The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the moior fill materials are pre- sented on page L-l, under the “Laboratory Test Resulk.” Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the “Table of Test Resulk” were combinations of these. The tests were taken during the weekly periods indicated below: Test Number Week Ending 1 2 to 22, inclusive 23 to 36, inclusive 37 to 48, inclusive 49 to 75, inclusive 76 to 105, inclusive May 12, 1973 May 19, 1973 May 26, 1973 June 2, 1973 June 9, 1973 June 16, 1973 Prolect No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills Test Number 106 to 125, inclusive 126 to 140, inclusive 141 to 154, inclusive 155 to 166, inclusive 167 to 184, inclusive 185 to 203, inclusive 204 to 219, inclusive 220 to 235, inclusive 236 to 248, inclusive 249 to 268, inclusive 269 to 291, inclusive 292 to 314, inclusive 315 to 335, inclusive 336 to 360, inclusive 361 to 384, inclusive 385 to 420, inclusive 421 to 447, inclusive 448 to 468, inclusive 469 to 481, inclusive 482 to 496, inclusive 497 to 506, inclusive 507 to 520, inclusive 521 to 524, inclusive 525 to 539, inclusive 540 to 550, inclusive 551 552 to S78, inclusive 579 to 584, inclusive 585 and 586 587 ta 609, inclusive 610 to 626, inclusive 627 to 658, inclusive 659 to 662, inclusive 663 ta 669, inclusive 670 ta 673, inclusive 674 to 690, inclusive 691 to 695, inclusive 696 to 698, inclusive 699 to 711, inclusive 712 to 718, inclusive 719 to 722, .inclusive -2- December 2, 1974 Week Ending June 23, 1973 June 30, 1973 July 7, 1973 July 14, 1973 July 21, 1973 July 28, 1973 August 4, 1973 August 11, 1973 August 13, 1973 August 25, 1973 September 1, 1973 September 8, 1973 September 15, 1973 September 22, 1973 September 29, 1973 October 6, 1973 October 13, 1973 October 20, 1973 October 27, 1973 November 3, 1973 November 10, 1973 November 17, 1973 November 24, 1973 December 1, 1973 December 8, 1973 December 15, 1973 December 22, 1973 December 29, 1973 January 5, 1974 January 19, 1974 January 26, 1974 February 2, 1974 February 9, 1974 February 16, 1974 March 2, 1974 May 11, 1974 May 18, 1974 June 8, 1974 July 6, 1974 July 13, 1974 November 16, 1974 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills -3- December 2, 1974 The final results of tech and observations indicate that the compacted filled ground has been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It has been determined that the fill materials, compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, hove a safe bearing value of 1300 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at the minimum required depth and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. If footings are placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet imide the top of compacted filled ground slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 l/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line prolected outward and downward horn a point 5 feet horizontally inside the top of com- pacted filled ground slopes, Oversized rock and boulders were buried in the slope areas between Areas A and B and between Areas B and C on Lok 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. Therefore, on these lots it Is recommended that footings be placed at least 10 feet horizontally inside the top of the above described slope areas. If footings are placed closer than 10 feet to the top of these slopes, these should be deepened one foot below a 1 l/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line projected outword and downward from a point 70 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slope. It is possible thot rock formations moy be encountered in certain areas during excavation for footings and/or utility lines. Expamive soils were placed in the upper three feet below final grade in the filled ground areas and expansive natural soils also exist at depths of less than three feet below final grade in certain shallow fill and cut areas. Therefore, in order to minimire possible detrimental effects caused by these potentially “expansive” soils, the following special design and precautions are recommended: 1) Use continuous interconnecting reinforced concmte footings throughout, and place these at o minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjacent exterior final ground surface. Where in-place rock conditions exist at shallower depths, then less depth of excavation is permissible to a minimum of 12 inches. 2) Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars all interior and exterior footings with at least one #5 steel bar at 3 inches above the bottom of the footings and one df5 bar placed 1 l/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footings. 3) Raised wooden floors that span between continuous footings are best, or use concrete slobs reinforced with at least 6 x 6 - lO/lO welded wire fabric. A minimum of 4 inches of 3/4 to 1 inch size crushed rock should be placed beneath all concrete slabs and covered wlth a moisture banter. Two inches of clean sand should then be placed over the moisture barrier and below the bottom of the slab. Wherever practicable, the concrete slobs should be separated from adjacent footings by a l/2 inch thickness of construction felt or equivalent to allow independent movement of theslabs relative to the footings. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC f’rolect No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills -4- December 2, 1974 4) Provide positive drainage away from all perlmeter footings with a vertical fall of at least 5 inches to a horizontal distance of 5 feet oukide the buildings. All buried exterior utility lines should be City of Carlsbad approved plastic lines due to the corrosive characteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tests ore taken to establish that noncorrosive soils exist in the utility trench areas. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Reviewed by<~&;t~~~~@~ RCR/PHB/pk Dlstr: (3) Addressee (1) Addressee Attention: Mr. Burton Kramer (2) City of Carl&ad, Building Department (1) Leucadia Water District (1) Corlsbad Municipal Water District (1) Rick Engineering Company, Carlsbad (2) Title Insurance and Trust Company Attention: Mrs. Pearl Lyng BENTON ENGINEERING. INC l'rolect No.Y2-6-200 LaCorta Land Company, Alieants Hills T-l December2, 1974 Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Lo&On Lot k&A* Lot 13-A Lot.&A Lot&A Lot.lbA Lot 13-A Lot 13-A Lot~1.3-A Lot.&A Lot 15-A Lot 15-A Lot 15-A Lot 15-A Lot.l5-A Lot20-A LotZO-A Offkite B Off&e B Offsite B LotaO-A Alicante Road Sta. 38+35 Lot21-C Lot21-C Lot20-A Lot 19-A Alicante Road sto. 38+35e Alicante Road Sta. X3+35 < Alicante Road N. Side Sta. 39+QO ~lcmhs Road at e Alfcante Road S. Side Sta. 37+37 Depth of Fill atTest In Feet fleld % dry wt DW h’ty lb/cu ft MaXlmWn Dry Demlfy lb/w ft 2.0 4.0 6.0 1"o.: 1210 14.0 16.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 18,l 110.4 117.8 16.5 108.5 119.5 16.5 107.3 119.5 11.5 113.3 125.1 16.7 112.7 125;l 16.1 111.3 123.5 16.3 112.2 123.5 17.1 110.6 119.5 14.8 111.8 119.5 15.0 114.0 125.1 15.2 111.3 123.5 12.7 114.8 125.1 15.8 114.6 125.1 15.6 113.2 125.1 11.6 118.6 127.5 9.6 122.0 127.5 13.2 114.1 123.9 16.5 109.9 118.8 13.9 111.1 118.8 11.4 112.6 123.9 9.6 99.8 117.9 2.0 8.7 108.3 125.1 2.0 9.5 112.7 125.1 8.0 10.9 112.0 119.5 2.0 10.2 114.0 125.1 2.0 12.7 109.5 117.9 4.0 13.6 107.0 117.9 6.0 13.4 113.8 125.1 8.0 8.9 110.6 6.0 16.3 102.8 121.5 114.0 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS Percent C0mpactlon Ramarkr 93.8 90.8 90.0 90.7 90.1 90.1 90.9 92.6 93.6 91.1 90.1 91.8 91.5 90.5 93.1 95.7 92.1 92.6 93.6 90.9 84.6 ROW-Wkd 86.7 Reworked 90.1 check on m 93.8 91.0 92.9 Check on 121 90.9 90.9 91.0 90.2 * Indicates test taken in Area "A" on Lot 13 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-20D LaCosta Land Compmy, Alicante Hills T-2 December2, 1974 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 @JPth 4+-x- of Fill hata atTest Locatlon in Feet Alicante Rood 10.0 ate Sta. 38ii?5 Altoante Rod 10.0 s. Side Sta. 37+37 Alicante Road 12.0 N. Side Sta. 39+00 Allcante Road 12.0 N. Side Sta. 39+00 Lot20-A 12.0 Aiicanh Road 12.0 S. Side Sta. 38+35 Aliccnte Road 14.0 atC Sta. 38+35 Lot-18-A Lot 18-A Lot%A Lot5-A Lot18-A Lot 18-B Alfil way Sta. 8+00 Alfil Way Sta. 8+00 Alfll Way Sta. 8+00 Lot&A Lot6-B Lot&A Lot18-8 Lot&A Lot5-A Alfll Way Sta. 8+00 Alftl Way Sta. 8+00 1.0 13.1 100.9 114.0 88.5 Reworked 1.0 13.0 104.3 114.0 91.5 Checkon 138 3.0 15.4 106.7 115.9 92.2 2.0 20.5 109.3 119.5 91.5 2.0 18.8 103.2 114.0 90.6 2.0 19.0 97.3 115.0 84.6 Reworked 2.0 17.2 115.1 119.5 96.3 4.0 14.6 119.1 125.1 95.3 6.0 14.1 118.0 125.1 94.2 4.0 14.1 107.6 114.0 2.0 15.0 117.8 125.1 6.0 14.5 112.0 121.5 2.0 14.7 114.7 125.1 8.0 14.3 113.6 125.1 10.0 14.1 108.2 119.5 8.0 11.3 115.0 125.1 94.4 94.1 92.1 91.6 Check on #43 90.8 90.5 92.0 10.0 11.6 115.1 121.5 94.6 Field *V MDlsture Dmslty %drywt Ib/cu ft 14.3 104.8 Maximum h Density Ib/cu Ft 115.9 Pement Compactton Remarks 90.5 13.7 107.3 117.9 91.0 12.8 95.4 117.9 80.9 Reworked 12.2 105.3 117.0 90.0 Check on 133 12.0 105.7 117.0 90.4 13.4 107.1 117.9 90.8 13.1 103.0 114.0 90.4 eENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Pro]ect No. 72-6-201) La Costa Land Company, Alicanh Hills 1 T-3 December2, 1974 TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet LotCB 4.0 Alicante Road 14.0 N. Side Sta. 39+00 &ante Rod 16.0 s. side sto. 37i37 Alicanh Rood 18.0 ate Sta. 38+35 Alicanh Road 20.0 N.Side Sta. 39+00 AIlcante Road 20.0 s. side Sta. 37+37 Alicante Rood 22.0 at% Sta. 38+35 Ofkite c 2.0 Sta. 8+00 offsite c 2.0 Sta. 6+00 Ofkite c 4.0 Sta. 7+00 ofkits c 4.0 Sta. 5+00 OfMte C 6.0 Sta. 8+00 OfkiteC 8.0 Sta. 7+OO offsite c 6.0 Sta. 6+00 Offsite C 2.0 Sta. 4+50 Offsite C 8.0 Sta. 5+OO Lot21-C 4.0 Lot21-B 2.0 Lot21-C 8.0 Offsita D 2.0 Field b w Ablswm Density Density %dryM Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft 14.4 113.8 121.5 14.8 113.3 121.5 Percent Compaction Ramarhs 93.6 93.4 17.3 105.0 115.9 90.6 18.8 108.2 117.5 92.1 12.7 115.0 126.1 91.1 15.8 112.6 123.9 90.8 13.8 114.8 120.0 95.7 16.6 115.3 120.0 96.1 16.3 114.3 120.0 95.3 10.5 117.8 126.1 93.4 7.5 123.7 126.1 97.9 19.7 113.1 120.0 94.4 14.2 114.9 125.1 91.8 11.4 111.3 114.0 97.6 15.2 106.7 114.0 93.7 11.6 108.8 114.0 95.4 11.7 110.4 117.9 93.5 13.2 113.0 120.0 94.2 13.0 lW.7 117.9 91.3 16.6 110.7 119.5 92.6 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-200 Lo Costa Lond Compony, Alicante Hills T-4 Decether2, 1974 Test No. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ApProX- imate Location Dspth of Fill at Test in Feet offiits c 9.0 Sta. 6tCO Lot lbB Pond 2.0 Lot14-B Pond 2.0 Lot 1bAf'ond 4.0 Ofkite D 4.0 Offsite D 6.0 Lot lS-A 14.0 Lot15A 16.0 Lot15-A 18.0 Lot&A 20.0 L4tl5-A 22.0 Lot&A 24.0 Lot15-A 26.0 Lot lCA 28.0 Lot13-A 18.0 Lot13-A 20.0 Lot 15-A 30.0 Lot13-A 22.0 Lot14-A 2.0 Lot13-A 26.0 Lotl5-B 2.0 Lot 15-A 34.0 Lot 14-A 6.0 Lot13-A 30.0 Lot 14-A 10.0 Lot 13-A 34.0 Lot 16-A 2.0 Lot13-A 38.0 Lot15-B 6.0 Lot 14-A 14.0 Lot&A 38.0 Lot12-A Lot12-B E Lot12-A 610 Lot12-A Pond 2.0 Lot2-A 2.0 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field DV h MolStUt-0 Density Donslty % dry wt Ib/cu h Ib/cuft Percent Compclctlon Remarks 23.8 101.2 114.0 88.8 11.2 104.7 114.0 91.7 10.9 113.6 125.1 90.7 12.0 114.1 125.1 91.2 9.5 113.9 125.1 91.0 9.3 118.0 125.1 94.4 12.6 112.0 119.5 93.8 10.8 110.7 119.5 92.6 12.2 108.5 119.5 90.9 14.1 111.1 119.5 93.1 17.8 107.6 114.0 94.4 18.1 108.1 119.5 90.6 11.2 112.5 123.5 91.1 18.8 106.6 114.0 93.4 12.6 109.9 119.5 91.9 12.6 109.7 119.5 91.8 14.3 114.9 125.1 91.9 10.8 120.1 127.5 94.3 17.3 108.1 114.0 94.9 21.6 113.2 114.0 99.3 25.2 106.1 114.0 93.1 18.4 117.2 120.7 97.1 25.6 102.7 114.0 90.1 20.2 110.3 114.0 96.9 11.1 112.8 119.5 94.4 10.5 114.5 125.1 91.4 10.7 113.1 121.5 93.1 9.9 116.1 121.5 95.6 9.8 117.0 125.1 93.5 13.5 111.0 117.9 94.2 12.4 113.1 121.5 93.1 15.2 110.3 119.5 92.4 11.5 113.1 121.5 93.2 11.1 115.2 125.1 92.1 12.1 118.0 125.1 94.3 6.6 111.0 117.9 94.1 eENTON ENCilNEERING. INC. PvalectNo.72-6-20D T-5 December 2, 1934 LaCosta LdCompony, Alicante Hilly Test No. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132' 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 bth of Fill at Test Location InFeet Lot2-A 4.0 LotBA 6.0 Lot21-B 8.0 Lot212 12.0 Alicante Jlosd 24.0 atf& Sta. 38+35 Lot2-A 10.0 Alicante Road 28.0 N. Side Sta. 38+35 Lot2-A 14.0 Lot2-B 2.0 Lot2-A 18.0 Lot2-B 6.0 Lot2-A 22.0 Lot2-B 10.0 Lot12-B Pond 2.0 Lot12-B Pond 2.0 Lot12-B Pond 4.0 Lot&A Pond 6.0 Lot 16-A 4.0 Lot14-A 18.0 Lot13-C Pond 2.0 Lotl3-C Pond 4.0 Lotl3-A 42.0 Lot 14-A 18.0 Lot13-B 2.0 Lot16-A 6.0 Lot&A 40.0 Lot12-A 8.0 Lot15-A 42.0 Lot&B 10.0 Lot 15-A 42.0 Lot 13-A 42.0 Lot15-B 14.0 Lot16-A Lot15-A 4x Lot16-A 1o:o Lot 14-A 22.0 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Field Dry Moisture Density %drywt Ib/cu ft Maximum *rY Demity Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Remarks 11.9 109.9 117.9 93.3 13.5 109.1 119.9 91.1 14.0 107.1 117.9 90.8 9.1 114.0 119.9 95.1 11.3 114.3 12169 93.9 10.5 111.1 121.9 91.1 14.6 104.8 115.9 90.5 13.4 108.6 117.9 92.1 18.1 102.5 114.0 90.0 17.7 106.4 115.9 91.9 12.2 109.1 117.9 92.6 15.8 108.5 117.9 92.1 15.5 109.3 117.9 92.7 6-9 111.1 126.3 88.0 7.1 122.1 126.3 96.7 10.6 116.1 125.1 92.7 10.3 118.1 125.1 94.4 15.2 110.6 119.5 92.6 9.1 119.0 127.5 93.4 8.8 122.9 127.5 96.4 12.7 121.2 127.5 95.2 11.1 122.0 127.5 95.7 11.9 119.9 127.5 94.1 11.2 123.0 127.5 96.5 11.6 120.8 127.5 94.8 11.1 117.0 127.5 91.9 10.7 119.8 127.5 93.9 11.6 116.1 127.5 91.2 9.3 119.1 127.5 93.4 8.5 118.8 127.5 93.2 12.9 115.6 126.3 91.4 9.7 118.1 127.5 .92.6 10.5 116.1 127.5 91.2 15.1 115.3 126.3 91.4 18.3 110.8 120.7 91.8 12.4 112.1 121.9 92.1 Raworked Check on #124 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. prolect No. 72-6-200 LaCosta Land Compoly, Aliccmte Hilts Td December2, 1974 Test e- No. Location 147 Lot136 148 Lot13-B 149 Lot ldB Pond 150 Lot13-A 151 Lot 14-A 152 Lot&B 153 Lot 13-A 154 Lot 13-B 155 Lot%B 156 Lot13-B 157 Lot13-A 158 Lot14-B 159 Lot 13-B 160 Lot14-B 161 Lot 13-C 162 Lot14< 163 Lot14-B 164 Lot 13-B 165 Lot 13-B 166 Lot WB 167 Lot15-B 168 Lot16-A 169 Lot&A 170 Lot 13-B 171 Lot 14-A 172 Lot13-A 173 Lot%A 174 Lot lli-B 175 Lot16-A 176 Lotl6-A 177 Lot 16-A 178 Offkite E Sto. 26+50 179 OfTsite E Sta. 28150 180 Lot13-c 181 Lot&B 182 Lot 14-c Depth of Fill otT& InFeet Flold b h4oishue Density 96 dry wt lb/cu ft MaxImum *V De&y lb/cu R Percent Compaction Ramorks 46.0 11.4 115.1 126.1 91.3 6.0 10.2 115.0 126.1 91.2 8.0 12.7 116.8 127.5 91.6 46.0 13.1 114.3 126.3 90.5 26.0 10.8 115.8 127.5 90.8 4.0 11.8 116.0 127.5 91.0 50.0 8.6 118.9 127.5 93.2 10.0 8.3 120.1 127.5 94.2 6.0 13.2 115.3 125.1 92.1 12.0 16.0 114.1 125.1 91.2 50.0 17.2 110.0 119.5 92.1 8.0 17.2 109.8 119.5 91.8 14-o 16.0 111.6 120.7 92.5 10.0 12.6 118.1 127.5 92.6 6.0 14.1 112.5 120.7 93.3 4.0 17.2 108.8 120.7 90.2 10.0 16.3 110.3 120.7 91.4 14.0 13.0 116.3 127.5 91.3 16.0 13.3 113.1 123.5 91.6 12.0 15.6 115.1 121.5 94.7 16.0 13.2 114.0 123.5 92.3 12.0 12.3 113.9 123.5 92.2 48.0 17.7 113.8 120.7 94.4 18.0 17.9 112.1 120.7 93.0 2s.o 16.9 109.1 120.7 90.4 54.0 17.5 110.1 120.7 91.2 50.0 14.5 111.9 120.7 92.6 22.0 17.2 110.8 120.7 91.9 14.0 14.6 116.9 127.5 91.6 16.0 18.9 107.9 119.5 90.4 18.0 22.4 109.9 120.7 91.1 2.0 27.3 96.8 114.0 84.9 Reworked 400 4.0 2.0 4.0 24.6 99.6 114.0 12.9 114.8 125.1 10.8 119.0 126.3 12.6 115.8 126.3 87.4 Reworked 91.7 94.2 91.6 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Proiect No. 72&20D T-7 December 2, 1974 La~Cceta Land Company, Alicante Hills TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 1% 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 20% 209 210 211 212 213 Location Lot14-B Lot 15-A Lot15-B Lot15-C Lot15-A Lot&B OffsiteF Sta. 45tOO Offsite F Sta.,42UW Offsite F Sta. 39+'50 Offsite F Sta. 41+00 Offsite F Sta. 40#0 Lot15-C Lot15-B Lot14-B Lot15-B Lot15-C Lot15-B Lot15-B OFfsite E Sta. 26+50 Offsite E Sta. 28+50 Offrite E Sta. 27+JXl Lot15-A Lot 16-A Lot 13-A Lotld-A Lot15-A Lot 14-A Lot13-C Lot 14-A Lot13-B Lot 14-B Depth of Fill at Test In Feet Field w Moisture Density %dry* Ib/cu ft Maximum h -iv ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Rem&s 14.0 16.1 113.6 119.5 95.1 54.0 14.1 115.0 120.7 95.3 26.0 13.5 114.6 125.1 91.6 2.0 10.0 118.0 125.1 94.4 58.0 9.8 120.6 125.1 96.4 30.0 14.8 111.9 120.7 92.7 2.0 8,7 106.2 117.9 90.1 2.0 8.9 101.2 117.9 90.1 2.0 8.7 107.7 120.1 89.6'~ ** 4.0 7.7 108.0 120.1 4.0 6.2 108.0 120.1 4.0 10.7 119.8 127.5 32.0 14.3 114.3 122.7 16.0 15.4 111.9 120.7 34.0 9.6 118.3 127.5 6.0 9.9 119.9 127.5 36.0 19.1 105.3 115.9 38.0 9.4 115.0 127.5 2.0 16.1 109.0 115.9 4.0 12.5 109.8 115.9 6.0 9.6 117.0 117.9 89.9: ** 89.9 ** 93.9 93.2 92.7 E 90:9 90.2 94.1 Checkon 1178 94.7 Chock on1179 99.3 60.0 12.4 100.9 122.5 82.4 Reworked 20.0 9.2 118.3 127.1 93.1 56.0 11.4 114.3 122.5 93.4 30.0 17.6 108.8 122.5 88.7 Reworked 60.0 12.4 116.1 122.5 94.7 Check on f204 30.0 12.3 119.8 122.5 97.8 Check on 1207 6.0 16.4 110.9 120.7 91.9 32.0 16.7 112.0 119.3 93.8 20.0 15.6 115.9 125.1 92.6 16.0 9.6 120.2 127.9 94.0 l * This fill will be a drain for 100 year flood line BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. PrajectNo.72~200 La Casta Lcmd Company, Alicante Hills T-8 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Test No. 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 s 247 248 249 250 251 252 in&o Location Lot&B 38.0 Lot132 6.0 Lot 13-B 20.0 Lot&B 40.0 Lot%B 18.0 Lot%B 40.0 LotlbB 18.0 Lot15-B 42.0 Lot M-B 20.0 Lot12-B 8.0 Lotl3-B 22.0 Lot15-C 8.0 Lot&C 10.0 Lot 14-B 20.0 Lot 15-C 12.0 Lotl5-C 14.0 Lot12-B 10.0 Lot%B 22.0 Lot13-C 8.0 Lot 14x 6.0 Lot WB 22.0 Lot13-B 22.0 LotWB 24.0 Lat12-B 12.0 Lot 12-B 14.0 Qfklte F 2.0 Offsite F 4.0 Lot12-B 16.0 Lot13-C 10.0 Lot12-A 10.0 Lot 14-A 34.0 Lot12-B 18.0 Lot&B 22.0 Lot13sB 26.0 Lot&B 24.0 Loi 13-B 26.0 Lot14-B 24.0 Lot&C 6.0 Lot13-C 12.0 Depth of Fill atTest in Feet Field h DV Moisture Density Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft 9.6 19.2 16.1 17.2 17.0 17.0 16.1 13.2 13.0 14.3 16.4 10.5 13.0 12.7 14.7 11.9 8.8 17.0 11.3 11.4 11.6 12.0 13.2 14.7 14.3 14.4 13.4 14.7 15.7 1208 12.2 11.9 14.2 11.2 1::: 8.6 9.0 16.6 119.1 127.9 93.2 107.6 119.3 90.1 111.6 119.3 93.6 111.9 119.3 93.7 111.2 119.3 93.3 111.1 119.3 93.2 108.0 119.3 90.4 114.1 122.9 92.9 113.7 122.9 92.4 110.2 120.7 91.4 114.3 120.9 94.6 116.8 127.9 91.3 117.6 127.9 91.9 115.0 126.1 91.1 112.5 122.9 91.6 114.9 125.1 91.7 117.1 126.5 92.6 109.3 125.1 87.4 Reworked 114.2 125.1 91.4 116.2 126.5 91.9 118.9 127.9 92.9 117.1 125.1 93.5 Checkon f231 115.0 125.1 91.9 112.7 122.9 91.6 111.0 122.9 90.4 112.1 119.3 93.9 113.2 119.3 94.9 110.5 120.7 91.6 110.2 120.7 91.4 115.6 126.3 91.5 118.5 127.9 92.7 118.1 127.9 92.4 109.9 120.7 91.1 114.3 126.5 90.4 120.0 127.9 93.9 119.8 127.9 93.8 119.5 127.9 93.6 117.1 127.9 91.6 107.8 119.3 90.4 .., ~_i..a.,“,,*,~,~ ,. b December 2, 1974 Percent Compaction Remarks BENTON ENOINEERINO. #NC Project No. 72-k-200 LoCostaLandCompwy, Alicante Ms T-9 December2, 1974 Test No. 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 Approx- imate Location Lot12-C Lot12-C Lot12-C Lot14-C Lot 12-C Lot15-C Lot15-C Lot&C Alfii Way Sta. 16+00 Alfii Way Sta.16+00 Lotlsx Lot16-A Lot 16-A Lot 15-A Lot16-A Lotl5-A Lot16-B Lot 15-A Lot16-B Lot16-A Lot ~k4-c Lot14-C Lot 14K Lot13-C LotlbC Lotl3-C Lot 12-C Lotl4-C Lot16-B Lot&B Lot16-A Lot 16-B Lot15-C Lot 16-B Aifii Way Sta. 16+00 Lot16-B Depth offlll atTest InFeet Field w b hbishtre Density Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft lb/w ft Percent Compaction Remarks 2.0 17.4 105.6 114.3 92.4 4.0 17.8 107.8 114.3 94.3 6.0 21.6 l&3.3 117.3 90.4 ReWorked 8.0 19.3 103.8 114.3 90.8 6.0 18.1 108.1 114.3 94.6 Checkon 1255 16.0 12.2 116.6 122.9 94.9 18.0 17.0 111.1 122.9 90.4 20.0 16.9 113.7 122.9 92.5 2.0 13.7 115.8 126.5 91.5 4.0 16.0 110.0 120.9 91.0 22.0 15.1 112,2 122.0 92.1 22.0 15.5 113.7 122.0 93.1 24.0 16.8 111,o 122.0 91.1 60.0 16.6 113.3 122.9 92.3 26.0 17.3 110.9 119.3 93.0 62.0 17.3 109.8 119.3 92.0 4.0 22.6 101.9 112.3 90.6 62.0 13.1 110.9 120.0 92.4 6.0 15.3 112.9 122.9 91.9 28.0 14.9 115.0 126.5 91.0 10.0 15.3 111.8 120.0 93.1 12.0 16.1 110.1 127.9 93.5 14.0 13.3 116.0 127.9 90.7 12.0 16.2 110.0 117.9 93.4 16.0 15.0 110.2 117.9 93.5 14.0 15.2 115.0 122.9 93.6 8.0 16.0 113.1 122.9 92.0 16.0 16.7 113.8 122.9 92.6 8.0 18.3 110.8 121.2 91.4 10.0 '15.8 115.0 122.9 93.6 30.0 11.3 118.9 127.9 92.9 12.0 14.2 115.0 126.5 90.9 24.0 15.1 113.0 122.9 91.9 14.0 14.9 115.5 122.9 93.4 6.0 15.2 110.3 121.2 91.1 16.0 12.7 112.8 122.9 9119 TA&EQFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) BENTON ENGINEERtNG. INC. Project No. 72-6-200 Lo Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills T-10 Appx- Test imote No. Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Field Moisture %drywt Dry Density Ib/cu ft Maximum DV Density ib/cu ft 289 Lot15-C 26.0 13.8 111.1 122.9 290 Lot16-B 18.0 11.0 117.0 127.9 291 Lot15-C 28.0 10.2 115.9 127.9 292 Lot15-B 44.0 15.0 100.7 114.0 293 Lot16-B 20.0 14.2 101.9 112.3 294 Lot15-8 44.0 14.8 102.0 114.0 295 Lot16-B 22.0 14.7 106.1 114.0 296 Lot16-A 32.0 13.5 103.8 114.0 297 Lot14-C 18.0 13.4 104.1 114.0 298 Lot 14-C 18.0 14.7 112.5 121.5 299 Lot18-A 5.0 13.7 114.9 125.1 300 Lot18-B 2.0 14.1 112.1 121.5 301 Lot18-A 7.0 15.2 110.9 121.5 302 Lot18-B 4.0 17.6 109.9 120.7 303 Lot18-A 9.0 16.7 109.3 120.7 304 Lot18-B 6.0 16.0 113.2 120.7 305 Lot18C 4.0 15.6 112.7 122.0 305 Lot18-A 11.0 15.9 112.9 122.0 307 Lot17-A 2.0 10.5 115.3 125.1 308 Lot 17-B 4.0 12.2 118.2 126.5 309 Lot18-A 13.0 11.6 118.6 126.5 310 Lot18-A 15.0 16.2 113.1 122.7 311 Lot18-B 8.0 19.2 110.9 120.9 312 Lot 17-A 6.0 15.8 111.0 120.9 313 Lot 17-B 8.0 11.4 115.2 127.9 314 Lot 17-A 10.0 12.4 112.9 122.7 315 Loi18-B 10.0 17.1 107.8 119.5 316 Lot 15-C 28.0 16.8 107.5 115.9 317 Lot18-A 17.0 18.4 109.6 120.9 318 Lot18-A 19.0 17.2 109.4 120.9 319 Lot18-B 12.0 18.4 108.3 119.3 320 Lot18-A 21.0 16.6 108.2 119.3 321 Lot18-A 23.0 17.0 108.9 119.3 322 Lot 18-A 25.0 18.9 103.9 119.3 323 Lotl8-A 27.0 17.2 109.0 119.3' 324 Lot18-A 29.0 16.9 111.1 119.3 325 Lot18-A 31.0 16.9 109.6 119.9 326 Lot18-B 14.0 14.1 112.0 121.9 327 Lot17-C 4.0 13.3 114.1 119.9 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) December 2, 1974 Percent Compaction Remarks 90.4 91.6 90.6 88.3 Reworked 90.6 89.4 Check on 1292 Reworked 93.1 90.9 91.3 92.6 91.9 92.3 91.2 91.1 90.6 93.9 92.4 92.6 92.2 93.4 93.7 92.2 91.8 91.7 90.1 92.0 90.3 92.7 90.7 90.6 90.9 90.8 91.2 91.2 91.2 93.1 91.4 91.8 95.1 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Prolect No. 72-6-20D LaCostaLandCompcny, AJlcante Hills T-11 December2, 1974 Test z- No. Location 328 Lot17-B 329 Lo(18-A 330 Lot&B 331 Lot18-A 332 Lot lbB 333 Lot18-B 334 Lot16-B 335 Lot&B 336 Lot17-A 337 Lot18-A 338 Lot19-A 339 Lot 17-B 340 Lot18-B 341 Lot17-B 342 Lot20-A 343 Lot19-A 2 Lot20-A Lot 19-A 346 Lot20-A 347 Lot 19-A 348 Lot19-B 349 Lot 19-A 350 Lot19-B 351 Lot 18-A 352 Lot18-B 353 Lot18-A 354 Lot19-A 355 Lot 19-B 356 Lot 18-B 357 Lot17-A 358 Lot17-B 359 Lot 19-A 360 Lot19-B 361 Lot19-A 362 Lot19-B 363 Lot18-A 364 Lot lB-B 365 Lot 19-A 366 Lot19-B 367 Lot18-A TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Depth of Fill atTest in Feet 12.0 31.0 14.0 35.0 24.0 18.0 26.0 28.0 14.0 39.0 6.0 16.0 22.0 16.0 16.0 10.0 20.0 14.0 24.0 18.0 4.0 20.0 4% 26.0 47.0 24.0 12.0 30.0 18.0 20.0 28.0 16.0 32.0 20.0 51.0 34.0 Field DV Moisture Density %drywt ib/cu ft Maximum b Density ib/cu ft Percent Compactten Remarks 15.2 113.8 124.9 91.1 15.1 112.8 124.9 90.4 15.3 111.2 121.9 91.3 14.0 113.8 121.9 93.4 13.5 119-3 127.9 93.3 11.5 112.7 121.9 92.5 11.7 121.2 127.9 94.7 11.7 121.7 127.9 95.2 13.9 112.0 123.9 90.4 15.8 109.1 117.9 92.6 9.7 106.1 117.9 90.0 15.0 102.1 115.9 88.2 Reworked 19.9 105.7 115.9 91.3 20.2 104.3 115.9 90.0 Check on 1339 19.5 107.2 115.9 92.6 13.5 111.8 119.5 93.6 17.4 110.8 119.5 92.6 19.2 103.3 114.0 90.7 14.3 106.9 115.9 92.1 12.5 110.6 117.9 93.9 14.5 110.2 117.9 93.6 15.2 109.0 119.5 91.2 14.9 112.1 122.9 91.2 12.6 116.8 127.9 91.3 12.8 118.7 127.9 92.7 13.4 116.5 127.9 91.1 12.1 118.2 127.9 92.4 18.7 104.0 114.0 91.2 16.6 112.2 122.9 91.4 15.6 112.9 122.9 91.9 13.8 113.5 122.9 92.4 14.1 112.6 122.9 91.6 17.6 106.0 115.9 91.6 17.0 111.1 120.9 92.0 18.4 110.6 120.9 91.4 17.9 112.2 122.9 91.3 12.6 116.4 127.9 91.1 14.0 115.9 127.9 90.6 15.7 116.2 127.9 90.9 14.4 118.9 127.9 93.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Proloot No. 72-6-20D LaCosta Land Compcmy, Alicante Hflls ,I-12 December 2, 1974 &Pm- Test hate No. Location 368 Lot18-B :i Lot17-A Lot19-A 371 Lotl4-C 372 Lot13-C 373 Lot12-C 374 Lot14-C 375 Lot15-B 376 Lot19-B 377 Lot19-A 378 Lot19-B 379 Lot 18-A 380 Lot is-B 381 Lot13-B 382 Lot 13-C ii: Lot ldB Lot14-C 385 Lot15-A 386 Lot+B 387 Lot15-C 388 Lot 16-B 389 Lot 16-B 390 Lot 15-C 391 Lot13-C 392 Lot12-C 393 Lot14-C 394 Lotl4-C 395 Lot152 396 Lot16-C :; Lot16-C Lot16-C zl Lot16-C Lot 16-C 401 Lot16-C ii Lot9 Alfif way Sta. 16+00 404 Lot 15-C Lot19-A Lot18-A Depth of Fill &Tut in Feat Ffald Molshm %drywt b Defwfty lb/w ft Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft Parcent Compaction Ram& 38.0 15.1 22.0 16.8 40.0 15.2 20.0 9.1 16.0 15.1 10.0 11.6 24.0 13.7 44.0 13.9 28.0 13.8 44.0 13.8 32.0 12,5 59.0 14.1 42.0 16.2 28.0 14.5 18.0 13.8 26.0 13.5 26.0 13.0 64.0 11.3 46.0 10.6 30.0 14.0 30.0 13.6 32.0 14.4 32.0 13.6 20.0 10.5 12.0 13.8 28.0 14.0 30.0 14.9 3.0 12.4 2.0 16.0 4.0 15.0 6.0 15.3 8.0 15.0 10.0 12.1 12.0 15.3 2.0 16.1 8.0 14.9 114.9 112.7 112.7 111.1 112.2 117.5 116.3 107.9 112.5 114.2 115.1 115.8 112.9 118.1 117.8 117.5 120.7 118.0 117.4 116.1 117.7 111.6 113.6 116.1 115.5 113.0 114.6 112.9 112.4 112.0 111.1 112.8 114.1 112.2 114.9 116.1 126.5 120.9 120.9 122.0 122.0 127.9 126.5 114.0 122.9 122.9 122.9 125.1 125.1 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 120.9 122.9 127.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 122.9 125.9 125.9 90.9 93.2 93.1 91.1 91.9 92.0 91.9 94.6 Check on 1294 91.6 92.9 93.6 92.6 90.1 92.3 92.0 91.9 94.4 92.2 91.9 90.9 91.9 92.3 92.4 90.9 94.0 91.9 93.2 91.9 91.5 91.1 90.5 91.9 92.9 91.4 91.3 92.2 34.0 13.4 114.1 125.9 90.7 28.0 13.1 110.2 121.5 90.7 37.0 13.6 110.0 121.5 90.6 T&LEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) BSNTON ENGINEERING. INC. Proectf%~.72-6-20D L T-13 hcember2, 1974 La ata LcndCompany, Alican~ Hlllr Test z:- No. Location 4v Lot17-A 408 Lot 19-A 409 Lot 18-A 410 Lot 17-A 411 Lot 16-C 412 Lot9 413 AIRI Way Sta. 14+00 414 Lot 16-C 415 Lot14-C 416 Lot 18-A 417 Lot19-A 418 Lot 17-A 419 Lot 15+-A 420 Lot18-A 421 Lot 17-A 422 Lot 19-A 423 Lot 18-A 424 Afffl Way Sta. 16+W 425 Alfll Way Sta. 14+C@ 426 Lot9 427 Altil Way 428 AlfIl Way Sta. 15+00 429 Lot9 430 Lot8-A 431 Lot9 432 Lot8-A 433 Lot9 434 Lot12-B 435 Lot13-B 436 Alffl Way Sta. 6+00 437 Alffl way Sta. 4tO0 438 Lot+B 439 offsi h3 c Sta. 8+00 Depth of Fill at Test inFeet Ffeld DV Moirtue Density % dry wi lb/au tI MaxImum b Delnsfty lb/cu ft Percent Compactfon bmad5 6.0 14.4 114.9 125.1 91.8 32.0 13.8 112.8 121.5 92.7 41.0 18.7 105.9 115.9 91.4 10.0 13.1 113.1 122.0 92.7 12.0 17.5 112.2 122.0 92.0 4.0 '10.4 110.1 117.9 93.5 2.0 13.3 107.2 118.1 90.9 14.0 11.4 115.0 122.0 94.3 30.0 14.7 106.1 115.9 91.6 45.0 13.7 117.1 127.9 91.6 36.0 16.0 115.5 125.5 92.1 14.0 17.9 113.8 125.5 90.7 40.0 13.5 112.0 122.1 91.6 49.0 11.8 113.1 123.2 91.8 18.0 14.9 113.1 122.9 92.0 44.0 17.5 111.9 122.9 91.1 53.0 12.0 115.2 122.9 93.7 8.0 13.0 109.2 119.9 91.1 4.0 14.9 111.0 119.9 92.6 6.0 15.6 110.1 117.9 10.0 14.4 109.6 119.9 4.0 17.0 108.8 119.9 8.0 17.3 105.9 118.1 2.0 13.4 112.9 118.1 8.0 16.0 110.6 118.1 4.0 14.9 110.6 121.1 10.0 13.4 111.0 121.1 20.0f 14.9 115.6 125.5 30.0. 14.6 114.2 125.5 1.0 7.2 124.9 127.9 93.4 91.4 Sta. 16+00 90.7 89.6 Reworked 95.6 93.6 Check on 1429 91.4 91.6 92.0 91.0 97.6 2.0. 28.0* 8.0* 13.1 13.7 10.2 115.9 114.1 119.5 127.9 90.6 125.5 90.9 126.1 94.8 TA&EOFTEST RESULTS (CONT.) l Indicates Finished G&o BENTON ENQINEERING. INC Roleat No. 72-6-20D T-14 LctCosta L~Grnpimy, Alicante Hrth December 2, 1974 Approx- Test imate No. Location 440 offsite c Sta. 6too 24: Lof8: LOPB 443 Lat 8~ 444 h&19-A 445 Lot17-A 446 Lot%A 447 Lot19-B iti OffrIte F Offiite F 450 Ofhito F 451 Ofklte F 452 Ofhite F 2 Lot12-A Lot+A 455 Alfil Way Sta. 16+CO 4% Alfil Way sta. 16+00 457 Alfil Way sta. 16+00 458 Ofbih F 459 Lot B-B 460 Lot8-A 461 Lot8-B 462 Lot8-A 463 Lot8-B 464 Lot9 465 Lot 9 466 Lot8-A 467 Lot8-B 468 Lot 15-A 469 Lot 9 470 Lot9 471 Lot&B 472 Lot8-B 473 Lot9 474 Lot9 475 Lot&A wfi of Fill atTest In Feet Field Moisture %byWt Dr>r DetXity Ib/cu ft DV Density lb/cu ft Compaction Remakr 10.0. 11.7 115.8 126.1 91.8 2.0 11.5 116.0 125.5 92.3 4.0 13.4 116.6 127.9 91.1 6.0' 13.6 112.6 121.7 92.5 48.0 9.8 114.3 123.2 92.9 24.0. 10.7 115.2 123.2 93.4 61.0 10.7 114.0 123.2 92.3 36.0 10.7 112.2 123.2 91.1 6.0 16.9 107.3 116.9 ,91.9 8.0 16.1 109.6 116.9 93.6 10.0 14.9 112.2 123.2 91.0 12.0 13.2 113.2 123.2 91.9 14.0 16.0 113.0 123.2 91.6 12.0' 10.6 111.9 123.2 90.8 36.0 * 10.7 111.2 123.2 90.4 6.0 13.0 115.9 127.9 90.6 8.0 14.6 114.1 125.5 90.9 10.0 18.8 109.1 120.9 90.2 15.0* 15.6 111.0 121.2 91.5 2.0 15.9 108.9 120.9 90.1 6.0 15.7 112.0 120.9 92.6 4.0 15.2 110.4 120.9 91.4 8.0 15.5 111.9 122.0 91.6 6.0 14.8 114.8 125.5 91.5 10.0 15.0 113.0 125.5 90.1 12.0 14.5 112.7 121.2 92.9 8.0 12.9 115.0 125.5 91.6 8.0 13.5 115.6 125.5 92.1 66.0* 10.1 115.2 125.5 91.8 14.0 15.9 115.7 125.5 92.1 14.0 13.8 115.9 125.5 92.3 10.0 17.1 112.9 121.7 92.9 10.0 12.0 116.1 127.9 90.8 16.0 15.0 114.9 125.5 91.5 16.0 17.1 111.6 121.7 91.6 34.0 10.6 114.3 123.2 92.9 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(C0NT.j * indleates Finished G&e BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Rolect No. 72-6-201) La C&a Lmd Campy, Allaanta HHl,s b T-15 December 2, 1974 TRgtEOFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Test %?- No. Loaatlon 476 Lot16-A 477 Lot%A 478 Lot 12-C 479 Lot13-C z Lot 14-C Lot17-C 482 Lot 17-C 483 Lot17-C 484 Lotl8-B 485 Lot19-B 486 Lot18-B 487 Lot18-B 488 Lot 19-B 489 Lot 19-C 490 Lot19-B 491 Lot19-B iii; Lot19-c Lot19-C 494 Lot6-A 495 Lot6-B 496 Lot5-B 497 Lot 15-B 498 Lot 15-C 499 Lot 16-B 500 Lor 19-B 501 Lot19-B 502 Lot19:B 503 Lot2-B 504 Lot2-A 505 Lot2-B 506 Lot2-B 507 Lot2-B 508 Lot2-B 509 Lot2-B 510 Lot2-B 511 Aliconte Rood Sta. 44+50 512 Aliconte Rocld sta. 44-m of Fill at Test In Feet 36.0 l 58.0’ 14.0' 26.0. 32.0 l 2.0 1.0 4.0 l 44.0 38.0 46.0 46.0 40.0 4::: 44.0 4.0 6.0 10.0* 6.0 8.0 49.0. 36.0" 34.0 * 40.0 44.0 46.0 12.0 24.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 2.0 4.0 l Indicotas Finished Grada Field Moirlure % dry wt 14.1 7.3 10.3 14.5 13.0 12.6 13.3 14.2 11.0 10.6 13.6 10.8 11.7 11.1 14.3 10.5 13.0 14.8 11.8 13.1 13.4 10.3 10.3 10.8 16.6 11.9 12.1 12.5 11.9 15.9 15.8 13.1 11.1 14.4 11.9 12.0 14.7 Dry b Density Density lb/w ft lb/w ft Peraent Compocticm Rem& 109.6 118.6 92.4 113.6 122.0 93.1 112.0 122.0 91.7 112.1 122.0 92.0 114.1 123.2 92.5 115.6 125.9 91.8 113.0 123.2 91.6 111.8 123.2 90.7 111.1 123.2 90.1 128.0 127.5 loo.4 106.1 120.2 88.4 Reworked 113.0 123.2 91.6 Checkont486 113.3 123.2 92.0 113.0 123.2 91.6 113.6 125.9 90.3 115.9 125.9 92.1 113.9 125.9 90.4 113.6 125.9 90.3 118.1 127.9 92.4 113.5 125.9 90.3 113.9 125.9 90.4 116.2 127.9 91.0 115.2 125.9 91.6 117.2 127.9 91.7 112.3 122.9 91.4 115.7 126.5 91.4 116.8 126.5 92.3 117.9 127.9 92.2 111.8 122.0 91.6 116.3 126.1 92.4 117.9 126.1 93.4 113.1 125.1 90.4 116.9 126.1 92.6 111.2 120.0 92.7 115.6 126.1 91.6 112.7 123.5 91.2 112.1 123.5 90.9 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Protect No.72-6-20D LaCosto LandCompony, Alicante Hills T-16 December2, 1974 App=- Test imate No. Location 513 Aliconte Rood Sto. 42+50 514 Aiicants f&xl sta. 44+50 515 Alicante Road Sta. 42+50 516 Aficonte Rood sto. 44+50 517 Alicante Road Sta. 42+50 518 Alicante Rood Sta. 42+50 519 Aficante Rood Sto. 42+50 520 Lot2-B 521 Lot 19-A 522 Lot19-B 523 Ccndil Way sta. 160 524 candifway sta. 1+50 525 Lot lO-B Emt End 526 Lot18-B Ecut kd 527 Lot17-B W&End 528 Lot17-B West End 529 Lot18-B East End 530 Lot17-B West End 531 CandflWay sta. 1+75 532 Aliconte Real sta. 44+50 533 Aficonte Rood sta. 44+50 Depth of Fllf at Test in Feet 2.0 6.0 4.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 26.0 49.0*~ 46.0 2.0 4.0 48.0 50.0 24.0 26.0 52.0* 28.0 6.0 12.0 14.0 TABLE OFTESTRESULTS(CONT.) Field Dr>l tvbistura Density %drywt Ib/cu ft 13.0 115.1 13.6 113.9 15.3 113.0 12.9 113.3 12.5 115.2 i3.0 112.5 13.1 110.0 10.5 113.2 13.7 96.0 13.1 94.2 10.7 113.9 10.9 116.0 16.1 102.3 16.4 104.3 11.9 102.8 18.6 100.6 15.8 105.8 15.7 111.2 17.0 115.4 16.9 109.5 17.6 108.2 Maximum DV Den&y Ib/cu ft 125.1 125.1 125.1 123.9 126.1 123.9 122.1 123.9 117.9 117.9 125.1 125.1 113.1 114.2 114.0 110.7 114.0 122.1 127.5 114.0 114.0 Percent Compaction Rsmaks 92.1 90.9 90.4 91.5 91.3 90.9 90.0 91.4 81.5 Reworked 79.9 Reworked 91.0 92.6 90.5 91.3 90.2 91.0 92.8 91.0 90.5 w.0 95.0 * Indicates Finished Grade 8ENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-201) LaCc&a LandCompcny, Allaante Hills T-17 December2, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Teet No. 534 535 538 539 540 541 542 543 546 545 546 547 ii 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 540 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 Depth of Fill atTeat Locatlon InFeet Aliccmtc Rood 16.0 sta.44+50 AlkMeRoad 18.0 sta. 44+50 w2-c Alicante Road 2::: sta. 44-I-50 Ler2-c 5.0 Lot2-c Lot19-A 2;' L&19-B 46.0 Lot19-B 48.0 Lot19-B 50.0 Lot 19-B 51.0* Storm Drain 2.0 Ecoemant Lot 1-A 2.0 Lot14 2.0 Lot 1-E 2.0 Lot18-C 8.0 Storm Dr&S 18-A Lot6-B 10.5 l Lot5-B 10.0 Lot5-B 12.0' Lot 18-W 2.0 Lot18-W 4.~0 Lot18-A 59.0 Lot18-A 2.0 Lotl8-A 4.0 Lot 18-B 2.0 Lot18-B 4.0 Lot18-B 6.0 Lot 18-A 6.0 Lot3 1.0 Lot19-C Lot 19-C :Ti Lot3 110 Lot 195 Dike 26:: Lot19-C 8.0 * indicates Finished Grade Field DV W Moisture Den&y Density %dry wt lb/w ft lb/w ft 11.0 110.3 121.5 Perwnt Compaction Remarks 90.9 10.8 112.3 123.5 91.0 12.2 118.2 127.5 14.9 112.7 125.1 2: 14.8 108.8 119.5 91.1 14.5 100.5 117.9 85.2 Reworked 20.0 108.1 117.9 91.6 Check on#521 23.2 104.3 114.0 91.5 Check on 4522 13.8 115.2 127.5 90.4 12.7 107.5 117.9 91.2 11.9 108.3 117.9 92.0 11.0 104.7 116.0 90.2 13.2 106.4 118.1 90.0 12.5 110.5 122.1 90.4 12.2 108.8 120.0 90.6 15.3 104.0 114.0 91.2 12.9 103.0 114.0 90.4 10.5 106.2 117.9 90.1 12.7 105.4 116.0 90.8 16.4 108.3 117.9 91.8 14.4 109.7 117.9 93.0 14.7 108.7 117.9 92.3 15.3 103.0 114.0 90.4 Saver 11.7 108.0 117.9 91.5 Saver 14.8 104.2 114.0 91.3 Sewer 15.1 105.4 114.0 92.4 14.8 106.5 117.9 90.3 13.4 112.2 122.1 92.0 Sewer 13.7 105.7 116.0 91.1 Sewer 14.6 111.3 117.9 94.4 14.0 108.2 117.9 91.8 13.6 108.8 117.9 92.3 12.3 108.2 117.9 91.7 15.3 105.7 117.3 90.4 11.7 110.3 117.9 93.7 11.0 111.3 123.5 90.0 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC FrojectNo.72-6-200 Lo Costa Land Company, Aliaonte Hills T-18 December 2, 1974 TABLEOFTESTRESULTS(CCNT.) Test No. 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 593 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 of Fill at Test Lo&ion in Feet Ofkite "C" 9.0 Lot19-C 10.0 Lot18-C 12.0 Lot19-C 14.0 Ld 2-c 9.0 Lot3 3.0 Lot3 5.0 Lot3 7.0 Lot3 8.0 Lot 3 9.0 Lot3 10.0 l Lot6 2.0 Lot6 4.0 Lot6 6.0 Lot6 8.0 Lot6 10.0 Alicante Rood 8.0 sta. 39+OO Over Sewer Pipe Aliconte Rood 10.0 Ski. 39+00 OverSewer Pipe Alicante Rood 5.0 sto. 38+50 Over Storm Drain Ailcants Rood 2.0 sta. 37+50< Aliconte Rood 7.0 sto. 38+50 Over Storm Droin Aliconte Rood 12.0 stcl. 39+Oa Over Sewer Pipe Aliconte Rood 4.0 sta. 37+50 Right of'$ Allconte Rood 9.0 sta. 38+50 Over Storm Drain l lndicahma Finished Grade Flrld Moisture %drywt 15.6 13.4 13.3 12.8 11.6 10.8 12.2 13.2 13.0 12.7 13.1 10.2 10.2 8.4 13.1 10.3 10.9 19.0 17.5 16.6 12.4 13.1 15.5 13.6 Dry Density lb/cu f~ Maximum DV Density Ib/cu ft 110.5 116.9 112.7 125.1 110.3 117.9 110.7 117.9 117.3 125.7 116.3 125.7 103.8 114.0 109.8 117.9 110.1 117.9 112.3 123.9 112.3 123.9 115.0 127.5 113.7 123.5 116.7 125.1 119.7 127.5 111.9 123.5 111.0 121.5 122.1 123.5 90.1 123.5 90.1 127.5 91.5 122.1 91.6 122.1 126.1 Persent Compation Rem&r 94.5 Check on #75 90.2 93.7 94.0 93.2 Check on #.X39 92.4 91.0 93.1 93.4 90.6 90.6 90.3 92.1 93.2 93.9 90.5 91.2 90.4 90.9 90.5 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Pro [ec t No. 72-6-20D T-19 December 2, 1974 La Costa Land Compcmy, Alicante Hills TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Test No. 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Alkonk Rood 14.0 sta. 39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Allconte Road 6.0 sta.37+50 Left of $ Alicante Road 11.0 stcl. 38+50 Over Storm Dr&n Alicante Rood 16.0 sta. 39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Aliconte Road 13.0 Sta. 38+50 Over Storm Drain Alicante Rood 18.0 sto. 39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Alicante Road 8.0 sta. 37+50 g Alicante Road 10.0 sta. 37+50 Right of e Alicante Road 15.0 sto. 38+50 Over Storm Drain Alicante Road 20.0 sta. 39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Alicante Road 12.0 sta. 37+50 Left of $ Alkanh Rood 16.0 Sta. 38+50 Over Storm Drain Aliconte Road 22.0 sta. 39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Alicante Road 24.0 sto.39+00 Over Sewer Pipe Field w Moisture Dens1 ty % dry wt lb/w ft 17.1 112.7 hkximum DV Density lb/cu ft 123.9 15.9 111.9 122.1 12.7 113.9 125.1 7.4 17.4 16.8 6.8 15.0 10.1 15.1 11.1 11.2 14.5 15.9 117.8 127.1 92.7 109.2 118.4 92.3 110.8 122.1 115.8 127.1 91.1 lw.o 118.4 92.0 120.0 127.5 94.2 108.1 118.4 91.3 116.2 127.5 113.2 110.2 110.1 122.1 122.1 122.1 Percent Compactlon Remarhs 91 .o 91.6 91.1 90.7 91.1 subgrode 92.7 Subgrode 90.3 90.2 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Roiect No.72-6-20D T-20 December2, 1974 Lo Costa Land Company, Aliconh Hills TABLE OFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Depth of All Test c&Test No. Locotlon InFeet 608 A&onto Road 26.0 sto. 39+00 Ovu Sewr Pipe 609 Alicrmte Road 28.0 sta. 39+00 OvorSewer Piw 610 611 612 613 614 615 618 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 Alkante Road’ 2.0 Sta. 40+75 $ Akxrnte Rood 4.0 sta. 40+75 5 Akante Road 6.0 stcl. 40+75 5 Lot P-A 26.0 Aliccnte Rood 8.0 Sta. 45t75 ~1 Left of% MPA 22.0 Southwest Comer Lot2-A 24.0 SouthwestCorner Lot2-A 26.0 SouthwestComer Allcante Road 10.0 Sta. 40+75 $ Lot2-B 30.0 Akxnte Rood 14.0 sta. 42+50 5 Alicante Road 24.0 sto. 44t50q Aliccmte Rood 12.0 Sta. 4U+75 5 Aiicante Road 28.0 sta. 4-4+50$ Lot2-B 34.0 Aliecarte Road 18.0 Sta. 42+50 Left Of% Lot2-B 38.0 Alicante Rood 22.0 sto. 42+50 Left of% Field fJfY Moisture Density %drywi lb/w ft 11.0 123.8 Maximum DV Den&y lb/w ft 127.5 Percent Compaction Rem& 97.0 8.6 116.9 126.1 92.7 Subgrale 12.4 109.6 118.4 92.6 13.4 109.9 118.4 92.8 17.1 107.4 114.0 94.2 8.6 110.0 122.1 90.0 11.0 108.5 118.4 91.5 7.8 118.7 127.5 93.1 8.6 117.4 127.5 92.1 11.3 113.9 126.1 90.3 10.7 114.3 126.1 90.6 9.3 114.5 126.1 90.8 11.8 111.6 122.1 91.4 7.0 115.8 127.5 90.8 12.5 110.8 118.4 93.6 9.9 115.6 127.5 90.7 11.0 109.9 118.4 92.8 11.1 111.4 122.1 91.2 11.0 102.5 114.0 90.0 10.0 112.3 122.1 91.9 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC Proiect No.72-6-20D T-21 La Costa Land Company, Alioante Hllls December2, 1974 TABLEOF T&ST RESULTS (CONT.) Test No. 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 z 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 Location Subgradefof FloodControl I Lot2-B Aliconte Road Sk. 44+505 Alioante Rood Sk. 44t50$ Allcante Road sto. 44i50g Lot2-C Aliccmte Road Sk. 44+50$ Lot2-C Aliconte Road stcl. 44+50$ Lot2-C Alicante Road Sk. 44+50$ Alioonte Road Sto. 42+50 Left of% Lot2-C Lot20-A Lot20-B Lot20-B Lot20-B Lot20-B Lot20-B Lot20-B Lot21-A Lot21-A Lot21-A Lot21-A Lot21-A Lot21-c Lot2l-c Lot214 Lot 19-c Lot19-c * Indicates Fir Wed Grade Depth of fill at Test in Feet Field &Y Moisture Denslty %drywt lb/au ft Maximum DJY Density Ib/cu ft Percent Compaction Rem& Grade 8.2 116.3 126.1 92.2 42.0 14.8 110.6 122.1 90.6 32.0 16.8 113.9 126.1 90.3 36.0 40.0 13.0 44.0 17.0 10.2 104.6 114.0 91.6 48.0 9.4 110.2 118.4 93.2 21.0 11.5 102.6 110.7 92.6 52.0 11.1 107.2 114.0 94.0 26.0 11.8 109.1 118.4 92.2 25.0 12.9 106.9 114.0 93.8 26.0' 11.0 106.2 117.9 90.1 2.0 11.0 111.2 122.1 91.1 4.0 11.9 103.3 110.7 93.3 6.0 12.5 114.1 123.9 92.1 8.0 13.2 107.3 117.9 91.0 10.0 12.5 111.3 122.1 91.2 11.0. 11.5 112.1 123.9 90.5 2.0 10.3 119.8 127.1 94.3 4.0 11.4 113.2 125.1 90.5 6.0 11.0 112.1 123.9 90.5 8.0 11.0 113.4 123.9 91.5 9.0" 11.3 110.8 122.1 90.7 14.0 12.6 107.8 117.9 91.4 16.0 11.6 113.3 123.9 91.4 17.0 11.1 112.2 123.9 5’0.6 16.0 10.0 112.3 123.9 90.6 18.0 11.2 115.2 125.1 92.1 14.9 109.0 118.4 92.0 11.3 106.1 114.0 93.2 8.8 121.8 127.5 95.4 12.1 112.2 122.1 92.0 eENTON ENGINEERING. #NC Prolect No. 72-6-201) Lo Cost0 Lord Company, Alicante ttllls T-22 658 659 660 :: 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 TABLEOFTEST RESULTS(CONT.) Location Depth of Fill ot Test in Feet Lot194 20.0 Lot9 18.0. Lot16-C 16.0. Lot8-A 10.0’ Lot&B 11.0” Lots-A 11.0* Lot17-B 30.0 Lot17-B 32.0* Lot18-A 62.0" Lot18-B 53.0 * Lot 19-C 21.0” Lot 18-C 15.0.* Lot2-C 26.0 * Lot2-B 45.0 * Lot2-A 27.0 * Lot 21-B 10.0 * Offsite Water- 2.0 Iine,E. Slope Area, Altisrna way Offsite Water- 4.0 * line,E. Slope Area, Altisma WOY Offsite Water- 1.0 Line,E. Slope Area, Altisrno WOY Offiite Water- 3.0 * Iine,E. Slope Area, Altisma way South Edge 2.0 Lot245 South Edge 4.0 * Lot245 Alfil Way 1.0-1.5 Sta. 41-87 Alfil Way 1.0-1.5 %Y2+50 9 0 * lndicotes finished grade Fiald Molsbre % dry wt 11.4 12.0 14.5 13.9 11.8 9.7 17.2 15.5 12.5 14.1 8.2 13.5 18.5 6.7 4.7 6.5 14.4 Dry lb/au k 114.2 109.2 loo.3 112.5 113.4 114.1 102.4 105.1 110.0 116.7 185.4 104.7 109.2 109.0 116.3 111.7 121.6 bY Density Ib/cu ft 125.1 119.5 110.7 125.1 125.1 123.9 110.7 116.4 117.9 127.1 116.4 115.4 117.9 120.0 127.1 123.9 127.1 Compactton Remarks 91.3 91.3 90.7 90.0 90.6 92.1 92.5 90.3 93.3 91.8 90.5 90.7 92.7 90.a 91.5 90.2 95.7 11.2 106.9 117.9 90.7 14.0 117.0 127.1 92.1 12.6 115.8 126.1 91.8 16.9 113.1 123.9 91.3 19.0 113.7 123.9 91.8 11.2 114.7 125.1 91.7 9.6 111.6 122.1 91.4 December 2, 1974 Sewer Sewer BMTON ENOINEERING. INC. Rolect No. 72-6-201) La Costo Land Company, Aliconte Hills T-23 December 2, 1974 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Test No. 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 imate Location Alfil Way sta. 9+00 Alfil Way Sta. 12+50 Sewer North of Alicante Rd. Alfil Way Sta. 8+48 Alfil Way Sta. 8+45 Sewer South of Alicante Rd. Alfil Way Sta. 8+50 Alfil Way Sta. 8+55 Alicante Rd. Sewer Alicante Rd. Sewer Sewer South of Alicante Rd. Sewer South of Alicante Rd. Alicante Rd. Sewer Alicante Rd. Sewer Sewer Bet. Vale #2 & Alicante Hills Sta. 22+50 Sewer Bet. Vale #2 & Alicante Hills Sta. 32+00 Sewer Bet. Vale X2 & Aliccmte Hills Sta. 27+50 Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 1.0-1.5 1.5-2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0-1.5 3.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 * 2.0 2.0 1.0 Below Grade 1.0 Below Grade 2.0 2.0 18.2 2.0 Field Moisture % dry wt 14.7 12.3 15.5 20.0 17.0 14.3 14.2 8.1 9.2 9.9 8.0 11.6 21.4 19.0 21.3 16.5 Dry Density Ib/cu ft 107.7 109.8 118.7 103.5 105.2 110.2 114.2 116.3 120.1 120.2 112.3 la.6 100.4 104.0 101 .o 109.4 109.0 Maximum b Density Ib/cu ft 118.1 118.1 126.1 114.0 114.0 117.9 126.1 127.1 126.1 126.1 121.1 114.0 110.7 114.0 110.7 120.0 120.0 Percent Compaction Remarks 91.2 Sewer 92.9 Sewer 94.2 90.8 Water Line 92.3 Water Line 93.5 90.6 Water Line 91.6 Water Line 95.2 95.3 92.8 93.4 90.8 91.2 91.3 91.3 90.8 BENTON ENOINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alicolte Hills T-24 December 2, 1974 Test No. 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 Approx- imate Location Depth of Fill at Test in Feet Access Road 2.0 for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills 8, Vble #2 Access Road 4.0 for Flood Control Bet, Alicante Hills & Vale #2 Lot 21-C 12.0 Lot 21-c 14.0 Lot 21-C 16.0 Lot 21-C 18.0 * Sewer N. of 6.0 Alicante Rd. in Conyon 50’ N. of 2nd Manhole Sewer N. of 6.0 Alicante Rd. in Canyon 20’ N. of 1st Manhole Sewer N. of 6.0 Alicante Rd. in Canyon 75’ s. OF Last Manhole Access Rd. N. 2.0 of Alicante Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. N. 4.0 of Alicante Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. N. 6.0 of Alicmte Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. N. 8.0 of Alicante Rd. in Canyon TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Field DV Moisture Density %drywt Ib/cu ft 13.6 107.2 Maximum DV Density Ib,‘cu ft 117.5 Percent Compaction Remarks 91.3 13.4 107.0 117.5 91.1 17.8 106.7 114.0 93.6 16.3 106.0 117.5 90.2 17.4 102.6 114.0 90.0 10.1 110.9 117.5 94.4 17.0 109.1 121.1 90.1 9.0 103.8 114.0 91 .o 14.4 111.5 121.1 92.0 12.3 105.1 117.5 90.3 13.0 20.0 7.9 109.5 121.1 90.4 105.8 117.5 90.1 112.3 123.9 90.6 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Proieot No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills T-25 December 2, 1974 Test No. 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 Location Access Rd. N. of Aliccmte Rd. In Canyon Access Rd. N. of Aliccnta Rd. in Cmryon Access Rd. N. of Alicrnte Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. N. of Alicante Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills &Vale 12 Access Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills 8 Vale #2 Access Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills & Vale #2 Sta. 27+00 on Access Rd. Bet. Alicante Hills 8, Vale #2 Sta. 29+20 on Awars Rd. Bet. Alicante Hills 8, Vale #2 Sto. 24+00 on Ac.cass Rd. Bet. Alicante Hills & Vale #2 Sta. 23+00 on Access Rd. Bet. Alicante Hills a Vale 12 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Dapth of Fill at Test in Feet 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 l Finished Subgrade Finished Subgrade Finished Subgrade Finished Subgrade Field Dry Moisture Density % dry wt lb/cu ft 10.1 102.0 13.2 111.9 18.6 108.0 15.4 118.3 15.6 109.3 15.3 12.1 16.8 13.0 10.7 13.3 110.5 119.1 126.1 94.5 106.3 109.6 118.3 92.4 115.8 123.6 93.7 109.0 118.3 92.2 Dry Density Ib/cu ft 110.7 Percent Compaction Remarks 92.1 120.0 93.2 120.0 127.1 121.1 90.0 93.1 90.3 121.1 91.3 116.8 91 .o BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. December 2, 1974 Prolsct No. 72-6-20D La Costa Land Company, Alioante Hills L-l LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials o deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound ranmer falling horn a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter l/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented as follows: Soil Description Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt Light brown gravelly silty clay Red brown clayey fine to medium sand Light gray silty very fine to fine sand Light brown gravelly fine to medium send Brown clay Red brown fine to medium sandy clay with scattered 125.1 11.4 126.1 9.5 118.4 13.5 127.1 9.7 114.0 15.5 127.5 10.2 gravel Brown clayey fine to medium sand 122.1 11.5 Brown clayey fine to medium sand 123.9 10.1 Gray brown clayey fine to medium sand 126.1 10.4 Gray brown clayey silt 117.9 13.4 Gray silty fine sand 121.9 11.8 Yellow brown clayey very fine sand 110.7 15.5 Red brown clayey fine to coarse sand with 127.9 8.7 scattered gravel Gray silty fine sand 121.9 11.8 Dark gray silty clay 116.8 11.8 Light brown silty fine send with clay binder 118.9 11.3 Light yellow brown silty flne sand 123.6 10.5 sENTON ENGINEERING. INC.