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· .' Q~~ ®ep StJo/4. BENTON ENGINEERING, ,INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -'FOUNDATIONS PHILIP HEN KING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER La CO$ta :Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 January 27, 1975 Subject: Project No. 72-6-20D Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Compacted Subbase And Base Materials GentleniEln; AI icante Hills Carlsbad Tract No. 72-25 Carlsbad, California TELEPHONE (714) 565-1955 RECEIVED JA'N 3 1 1975 CITY Of CARLSBAD Engineering Department This is to report the results of field density tests taken in compacted subbase and base materials pl'aced in the street areas of Alicante Hills in Carlsbad, Cal ifornia. The tests were taken on the dates indicated. below: Test Number 1 and 2 3 to 13, inclusive 14 to 22, inclusive 23 to 34, inclusive Tests Taken in Subbase T ests Taken in Base Material 1 to 6, inclusive 7 to 27, inclusive 28 to 31, inclusive 32 to 36, inclusive 37 and 38 Date Oecember 27, 1974 January 2, 1975 January 3, 1975 January 6, 1975 January 16, ·1975 January 17, 1975 January 20, 1975 January 21, 1975 ,january 22, 1975 The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented on pages 3 to 7, inclusive, under the IITable of Test Results. II The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the materials are presented on page 8, under the IIlaboratory Test Resul ts. Ir . , , Project No. 72-6-:20D La Costa Land Company -2-• January 27/ 1975 The final resuJ.ts of the tests indicate that the subbase and base materials have been compacted to a minimum of95 percent of maximum dry density. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By-tRC!~ R. C. Remer Philip H. Be ton, Civil Engineer Distr:· (4) Addr.essee (1) Addressee Attention: Mr. Burton L. Kramer (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Department (1) Rick Engineering Company, Carlsbad RCR!PHB/ew BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 72-6-20D La CoSta Land Company e -3-e· January 27, 1975 T ABLE OF TEST RESULTS Maximum Approx-Field Dry Dry Test imate Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location 0/0 dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks Tests Taken in Subbase Alfil Way 13.0 102. 1 110.2 92.5 Reworked Sta. 1+00 2 Aim Way 12.4 101.4-110.2 92.0 Reworked Sta. 7+00 3 AI i conte Rd. 17.8 103.3 110.2 93.8 Reworked Sta. 36+00 4 Ali conte Rd. 14.7 105.8 110.2 95.7 Check on #3 ·Sta. 36+00 5 AI ic~mte Rd. 16. 1 100.0 110.2 90.7 Reworked Sta. 38+00 6 AI icante Rd. 13.2 104.9 110.2 95.0 Sta. 40+00 7 AI.i conte Rd. 13.4 102.6 110.2 92.9 Reworked Sta. 40+00 8 AI icante Rd. 15.9 105.5 110.2 95.7 Check on #5 Sta. 38+00 9 AI i conte Rd. 13.6 105. 1 110.2 95.4 Check on #7 Sta. 40+00 10 AI i qante Rd. 13.2 104.8 110.2 95.0 Sto. 42+00 11 Alicante Rd. 12.9 105.2 110.2 95.5 Sta. 44+00 12 AI i canteRd • 14.9 101.6 110.2 92.0 Reworked Sta. 46+00 13 Alicante Rd. 14.3 102. 1 110.2 92.7 Reworked Sta. 48+00 14 Aim Way 11.7 105.0 110.2 95.2 Check on #1 Sta. 1+00 15 AI icante Rd. 15. 1 104.9 110.2 95.0 Check on #12 Sta. 46+00 16 AI i conte Rd. 15.3 106. 1 110.2 96.2 Check on #13 Sto. 48+00 17 AI i conte Rd. 16.7 105.2 110.2 95.5 Sta.28+35 18 AI i conte Rd. 14.5 105. 1 110.2 95.4- Sta. 30+00 19 AI icante Rd. 12.6 105.4 110.2 95.6 Sto. 32+00 20 AI i conte Rd. 13~5 105.4-110.2 95.6 Sta. 34+00 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ~J h , ", Project No. 72-6-20D • -4-e January 27, 1975 . La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Maximum Approx-Field Dry Dry Test imate Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location % dry wt Ib/cu ft lb/cu ft Compaction Remarks Tests Taken in Subbase 21 Alfil Way 10.8 105. 1 110.2 95'.4 Sto. 3+00 22 Alfil Way 13. 1 101.4 110.2 92.0 ' Reworked Sta. S+OO 23 Alfil Way 10.5 105. 1 110.2 95.3 Check on #22 Sta. 5+00 24 Alfil Way 11.2 104.7 110.2 95.0 Check on #2 Sta! 7+00 25 Alfil Way 9.4 10S.4 110.2 9S.6 Sta. 9+00 26 Alfi! Way 9.3 104.9 110.2 95.0 Sta. 11+00 27 ,Alfil Way 12.4 105.6 110.2 95.7 Sta .13+00 28 AIJiI Way 12.7 102.4 )10.2 93.0 Reworked Sta. 15+00 29 Alfil Way 10. 1 106.4 110.2 96.S· Sta. 17+00 30 AI.tH Way 12.2 105. 1 110.2 9S.3 Sta. 19+00 31 Alfil Way 9.0 107.0 110.2 97.0 Sta. 21+50 32 Candll Way 13. 1 10S.2 110.2 95.5 Sta. 0+50 33 CandH Way 10.2 105. 1 110.2 95.3 Std. 2+50 34 Alfil Way 9.0 106.4 110.2 96.6 Check on #28 Sta. 15+00 Tests Taken in Base Materi al 1 AI icante St. 8.6 124.1 130.3 95.3 Sta·. 29+00 2 Alicante St. 6.5 125 •. 6 130.3 96.3 Sta .• 31+00 3 Alicante St. 6.6 125.5 130.3 96.4 Sta. 33+00 4 AI i conte St. 6.1 123.7 130.3 95.0 Sta. 35+00 5 Ali cante St. 8.5 126.9 130.3 97.2 Sta. 37+00 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, . Project No. 72-6-20D • -5-• January 27, 1975 La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Maximum Approx-Field Dry Dry lest imate Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 6 Ali cante Sf. 8.1 123.6 130.3 94.9 Sto. 39+00 7 Ali cante St. 8.9 128.6 130.3 -98.7 Sta. 41+00 8 AI i cante St. 7.3 124. 1 130.3 95.3 Sta. 43+00 9 Alicante St. 8.9 126.4 130.3 97.1 Sta. 45+00 10 AI icante St. 8.7 122.2 130.3 93.8 Reworked Sta. 47+00 11 AI j cante St. 6.5 120.8 130.3 92.6 Reworked Sta. 48+10 12 Aliconte St. 5.4 130.4 130.3 100.0 Check on #10 Sta. 47+00 13 AI i cante St. 6.3 123.9 130.3 95.1 Check on #11 Sta. 48+10 14 Alfil Way 4.8 126. 1 130.3 96.7 Sto. 21+40 15 Alfil Way 6.0 127.6 130.3 97.9 Sta. 20+50 16 Alfil Way 6.5 127.9 130.3 98.1 Sto. 19+25 17 Alfil Way 6.2 125.7 130,.3 96.5 Sta. 17+00 18' Candil Way 9.5 124.9 130.3 95.8 Sta. 2+50 19 Candil Way 7.0 125.4 130.3 96.4 Sta. 0+50 20 Alfil Way 8.1 127. 1 130.3 97.5 Sta. 15+00 21 ' Aim Way 6.9 126.9 130.3 97.2 Sta. 13+00 22 Alfil Way 6.5 125.4 130.3 96.3 Sta. 11+00 23 AlfiJ Way 8.9 124. 1 ' 130.3 95.2 Sta. 9+00 24 . Alfil Way 7.0 126.4 130.3 97.1 Sta. 7+00 25 Alfil Way 7.0 ' 125.8 130.3 96.5 Sta. 5+00 26 Alfil Way 8.7 124.4 130.3 95.4 Sta. 3+00 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . Project No,. 72-6-20D e -6-• January 27, J975 La Costa Land Company '. , TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Maximum Apptox-Field Dry Dry Test imate Moisture Density Densi.ty Percent No. Location % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks Tests Taken in Base Materi al (Cont,.) 27 Alfil Way 8.9 129.0 130.3 98.9 Sta. 1+00 28 Access Rd. 8.7 127.0 130.3 97.5 Bet. ALicante Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 22+00 29 . Access Rd. 8.1 121.5 130.3 93.2 Reworked Bet. AI i cante HiLls & La Costa South #5 Sta. 24+00 30 Access Rd. 8.7 128.5 130.3 98.6 Bet. Alicante Hills&La Costa South #5 Sta. 26+00 31 Access Rd. 8.7 123.8 130.3 95.0 Check on #29 Bet. AHcante Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 24+00 32 Access Rd. 8.3 124.5 130.3 95.6 Bet. Alicante Hil.ls & La Costa South #5 Sta. 22+00 33 Access Rd. 8.6 124.0 130.3 95.2 Bef. AI icante Hills&la Costa South #5 Sta. 24+00 34 Acce~s Rd. 7.5 123.8 130.3 95.0 Bet. Alicante Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 26+00 . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 72-6-200 • -7-e January 27, 1975 La Costa Land' Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Maximum Approx-Field Dry Dry Test imate Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location % dry wf Ib/cu ft 'Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks Tests Taken in Base Material (Cont.) 35 Access Rd. 9.5 128.0 130.3 98.2 Bet. Ali cante Hills 8. La Costa South #5 Sta. 29+35 36 Access Rd. 8.6 126.4 130.3 97.0 Bet. Ali conte Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 32+00 37 Access Rd. 5.1 124.3 130.3 95.4 Bet. Alicante Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 31+90 38 Access Rd. 8.8 126. 1 130.3 96.7 Bet. Alicante Hills & La Costa South #5 Sta. 29+65 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ·\~. PLro'C1ect NL"o. 7d2C~-20D • a osta an orn-pony -8-• January 27, 1975 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS· The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the materrals as determin~d by the A.S.t .M. D 1557-70 method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound ra"mmer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented as follows: Soi I Description Yellow brown silty very fine to "fine sand Gray brown sl jghtly silty fine to coarse sand (decomposed granite base) BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 110.2 130.3 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 13.8 7.8 . t • BENTON EN.GINEERING •. INC. APPL.IED SOIL. MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURi SAN DIEGO. CAL.IFORNIA 92111 PHiL.IP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIl.:. ENGINEER Apri I 2, 1975 La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 73-11-12DF Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Base Materiql EI Camino Real and Levante Street Carlsbad, California TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 . Thi's is to report the results of two field density tests taken in compacted .base material placed at the intersection of Levante Street and EI Camino Real in Carlsbad, California. The tests werf) taken on March 20, 1975. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the' tinal test results are pres~nted as follows: Approx- Test imate No. Location 1 South side of 2 Entrance to Levante St. North S ide of Entrance to Levante St. Maximum Field Dry Dry Moisture Density Density Percent % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction 6.0 137:5 137.9 99.7 6. 1 136.3 137.9 98.9 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the base material as determined by the State of California, Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, Test Method No. Calif. 216-:F, are presented on page two. Pr9ject No. 73-11-12DF La Costa Land Company Soil Description . . • Brown gravelly slightly silty fine to cogrse sand . Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC • . By £c::~ R. C. Remer' -2- Reviewed by @ lf~ . Philip H. enton, Civil Engineer . RCR/PHB/mr D istr: (1) Addressee (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Dept. (2) County of San Diego Dept. of County Eng tne~r Attention: Mr. Robert Aiken BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 137.9 AprH 2, 1975 oJ Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 7.8 •• BENTON ENGINEERING~ INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP /"IENKING BENTON PRESIDIENT • CIVIL ENGINEER April 3, 1975 TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 La Costa Land Company CostaOel Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project. No. 70-1-50 Results of Field Density Tests Taken on Water Line Trench Backfill La Costa South Unit No. 5 Carlsbad, California This is to report the results of field density tests taken in sorls placed a~ backfill over water lines in Romeria Street and Gibraltar Street. in. La Costa South Unit No .. 5, Carlsbad, California. The tests were taken on the dates indicated below: Test Number, 1 to 4, inclusive 5 and 6 7 to 10/ inclusive 11 and 12 Februa.ry 25, 1975 February 26/ 1975 March 19, 1975 March 20,' 1975 The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented below: Depth Maximum Apptox-of FiLl . Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft' Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 1 Romeria St. 1.0 14. 1 102.9 113.3 90.8 Sta. 5+00 2 Romeria St. 2.0 14.8 101.2 111.2 91.0 Sta. 4+90 3 Romeria St. 3.0 14.5 105.9 115.2 91.8 Sta. 4+85 4 Romeda St. 4.0 . 9.6 113.3 115 . .2 98.4 Sta. 5+00 . 5 ~omeria St • 5.0 7.2 119.2 126.2 94.5 Stci. 4+95 , './.' j>~ ProJect No. 70--1-50 • -2-• April 3, 1975 la Costa South Unit No. 5 Depth Maximum Approx-of Fi II Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test lV\oisture Density Density Percent . No. -location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 6 Rome ria S t-3.5 9.4 110.5 118.3 93.3 Sta. 5+10 7 Gibraltar St .• 2.0 Over 23.4 -98.7 115.2 85.6 85% Reg'd. Opp. Lot 383 Pipe 8 Gibraltar St. 2.0 Over. 22.3 9?8 11 i.2 86.0 8PIc, Reg 'd. Opp. Lot 383 Pipe 9 Gibraltar St. 2.0 Over 14.6 94.2-109.0 86.5 85%, Reg'd. Opp. Lot 383 Pipe 10 Gibraltar St. 4.0 Over 15.6 106. r 116.2 91.3 Base Opp. Lot 383 Pipe Reworked 11 Gibraltar St. 4.0 Over 4.7 120.0 126.2 95.0 Base Opp. Lot 383 Pipe Check on #10 12 Gibraltar -St. 4.0 Over 6.7 125.2 126.2 99. 1 Base Opp. !.ot 383 Pipe LABORATORY TEST RESULTS The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as determined 9Y the A.-S.T .M. D 1557-70 mefhod, that uses 25 brows of a 10 pound rammer fglling from a height_ o'f 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder, are presented as follows: ' Soil Description Light orange brown clayey very fine sand Olive green silty clay' light yellow gray very fine to fine sand, Brown fine to coarse sand with scaftered gravel Gray brown fine sandy clay Olive green clay Light ye lIow brown silty fine sand Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BY1R~·~ R. C. Remer Maximu.m Dry Density Ib/cu ft 113.3 111.2 115.2 126.2 118.3 109.'0 116.2 Optimum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 15. 1 15.0 13.5 8.2 12.-0 16.6 13.3 @/}~ Reviewed by ~ _XS) ~, Philip H. nton, CiviJ Engineer D istr: (2) Addressee (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Departme'nt RCR/PHB/mr BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. , ( ", " '. -, , ; \, , . , , ':11,< , i'i'" I , " ·1' ", ,: I I"~ "1, Jtf , '. " .:.' " ',',.' -', .,. .' ,~ >: " ~ i , - " I, . "l " , • ....5,--) ----- r ,/ a 0.--1 / r o .. { • / /,~{../ r . L17 /. o / r n 0 ~ (/: r ~~ __ i /p-Q tY 0 /~ ... 1 !/J/ d oJ fJ /1.1 IV V ,0 j' (1j" {II (7 .I (J} I ':';1 ;' (j) I / / / .I " .I I ;' o ~--) ~--, r o .-/ -r '11 0 ;0 3: Z n w 2: ~ (Il CD ... 1'1 C ;u "IJ >-~ ~ ;~ r ~ j ,.'. ,"~'} '" '., ,~ '. I • " ~ I' , ! I , ~ ': ~ . • ,: '-'1 1' • \ /~ .: " , '\ . .' . . . ~ ", ' .. " . • . ......... / / • I', ," " • , " .. '{ . I ,:,,' :" .. . , I -, I : ~ . . ,,' . ':~ . . '" t:'" "" ·0 ." ..., . ..... h,. V .,.' .. ""f' ,,' ',,') . , . " .. . '" ~ :a. ~" lC n n """ n II ·Z 01 :z: :x ! III ~'. ~" .. ~ 111 ~ :!I :~ ..~ 'I ~ , -,' ',.I.,' • • \.. y. _-:t,v-, I,.!i' - / PHILIP HENKING SENTON PRESIDENT, CIVIL ENGINEER BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 July 16, 1974 TELEPHONE (714) 565·1955 La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 CT?J..-25" Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 72-6-20D Results of "RI! Value and Sand Equivalent Tests, And Structural Sections Alicante Hills Carlsbad Tract No. 72-25 Carlsbad, California This is to report the results of laboratory tests to determine .the "RU Values of the subgrade soils obtained from the street areas in Alicante Hills and to present structural sections based on these results and the traffic indexes assigned by the City of Carlsbad. Sand Equivalent tests were also performed on each sample. . The apprQximate locations at which the samples were obtained together with the results of the URI! Value and Sand Equivalent tests are presented as follows: Sample No. Location 1 Alfil Way, Sto. 21+00 2 Candil Way, Sta. 2+00 3 AWl Way, Sta. 11+00 4 Alfil Y'/ay, Sta. 4+00 5 Intersection of Alicante Road and AI fil Way 6 Ali can te Road, S ta. 44+50 7 Alicante Road, Sta. 41+50 8 Alicante Road, Sta. 37+50 Sand Equivalent 12.7 9.3 9.3 11 • .9 15.5 9.2 8.6 8.3 "R" Value 11 6 " 9 17 18 17 W 19 Copies of the reports of the IIRII Value tests, conducted by Testing Engineers, Incorporated, are attached hereto. . The Traffic Indexes for the streets were assigned by the City of Carlsbad and it is understood that· Proiect No. 72-6-200 La Costa Land Company -2-July 16, 1974 the minimum thickness of A.C. pavement will be 2 inches. Based on this information and the test results, the pavement sections determined for the various streets are presented below: ' Street Stationing Alfil Way 0+00 to 5+00 5+00 to End Candil Way Entire Street An~ante) 35+74.04 to 39+50 ~_/ / 39+50 to 43+00 43+00 to 48+42. 16 Respec tfu n y subm itted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By£C~ R. C. Remer RCR/PHB/pk Dtstr: .(2) Addressee (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Department Traffic Index 5.5 5.5 5.5 7.0 7.0 7.0 Design "RI! Value 17 9 :!} Structural Section A.C. Base ... G. E. 1.0 (Inches) (Inches) 2 2 2 13 3'ir,VJ-'Li 141/2o~~lj 15 1/26\t-7t'~'$) 19 "-04) - 3 1',[1' &U------;-r:,~ :- 15 1/2 16, 1/2 .:::: 0 l c;.-. 16 17 3 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. , fl")t,;~w .. ~" ~ TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED OAKLAND SANTA CLARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO ~ ~ 1'" • . ' 3467 KURTZ ST •• P.O. BOX 80985. SAN DIEGO. CA 921.38 (7,14) ;!2~-Ha~ LABORATORY NUMBER I. SD29-2241 File No 534 DATE July 3 1974 . .. , , , JOB DATA: Alicante Hills SAMPLE DATA: $u"bgrade Sta. 21+00. Submitte~l to the 1aboratol:"Y June 26, 1974. Benton Engineering, Inc. 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, Ci:llifornia 92111 R • VALUe: DAT!,> GRADING ANALYSIS A B C D E , , SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. ,50 75 145 SIZE As RCVD. As USED " .. ,. MOIST @ COMPACTION .' % 17.8 16.1 14.4 4" - DENSITY. #/CU. FT. 110.9 113.2 117.4 3" R.VALUE • STABILOMETER . 6 11 18 2" EXUD. PRES~URE • P.S.I. 2.20 300 390 1" "- STAB. THICK ~ FEET 1.35 1.48 1 • .18 %" 100 EXPAN. PRESS. THICK.FEET 0.03 0.41 1.17 .~" T. I. (ASSUMED) = ---" %" . , w BY.STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. 'EXUD. = 11 Z:J #4 Cl..l -< 1:» By EXPANSION PRESSURE = , o· ---0: #8 AT EQUILIBRIUM ,= 11 #16 .. SAND EQUIVALENT = #30 DURABILITY (COARSE) = L.IQUID LIMIT #50 DURABILITY (FINE) = PLASTIC, L.IMIT = #100 " P. I. ~ #'200 .. ,- REMARKS: . ,. (1) , Benton Engineering, Inc. ~ESTING ENGINE;ER,S, INC. BY T., 11. Chapman:)' :2.#E .. 112e;g;t rm'l!'.f'l, .......... r-. ------ . i . , f , i i "Cl::;' ~ , ','" ,~~~~'i1 ... " " ,: ,-' .' LABORATORY NUMBER TESTING ENGINEERS, !NCORPORATED 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. BOX 80966. SAN DIEGO. CA 92136 (714).222-1166 SD29-2242 File No. 534 DATE july 3, 1974 , OAKLAND , SANTA CLARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO " JOB DATA: Allicante Hills SAMP!..E DATA: Sta. 2+00. Submitted to the ; laboratory.June 26, 1974. , Benton Engineers, Inc. : 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 , <. . ' ! R. VALUE DA1;A GRADING ANALYSIS B C 0 E " A ", SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. t--125 75 50 SIZE As RCVD. As USED " MOIST @ COMPACTION· % 18.4 20.1 '21.8 4" ~ DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 109.3 105.9 102.7 3" .. R·VALUE • STABILOMETER . 16 11 6 2" EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 540 480 220 " 1" STA6. THICK. FEET ------l}4" 100 , EX!"AN. PRESS. THICK.FEET 0.30 0'.09 : 'h" .' } T. I. (ASSUMED) = ---%" .. w BY.STA6. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 6 Z:l - #4 C)..1 .. ' , -< .. g]> By EXPANSION PRESSURE :;:: 00: ---#8 . , . AT EQUI1..16RIUM = #16 6 . SAND EQUIVALENT = #30 DURABILITY (COARSE) = LIQUID LIMIT = #50 DURABILITY (FINE) = Pl..ASTIC LIMIT :;= #100 " P. I. = . , #200 . , REMARKS: (1) Benton Engineering, Inc. , . ~ ....... -------~ ........ -, ~. OAKLA~':'; TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED . SANTA CLARA LOS ANGEl~S SAN'DIEGO· 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. BOX 60965. SAN DIEGO. CA 921.36 (714) 222-1165 LABORATORY NUMBER SD29-2243 JOB DATA: Alicante Hills 'Benton Engineering, Inc. 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 GRADING ANALYSIS SIEVE SIZE 4" 3'" 2" 1" %" '0z" %" - " PERCENT As RCVD. PASSING As USED 100 File No. 534 COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. MOIST @ COMPACTION • % DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. R.vALUE • STABILOMETER Exuo. PRESSURE. P.S.1. STAB. THICK. FEET EXPAN. PRESS. THICK.FEET T. I. (ASSUMED) = DATE July 3, 1974 SAMPLE DATA: Sta. 11+00. Submitted to the laboratory June 26" ,1974., " R • VA,LUE DATA A B C D , , 120 200 65 19.8 18.0 21.5 ! " 106.7 110.1 103.3 . 12 25 8 370 520 170 , , 1.27 1.08 1.32 ' . 0.43' 2.00, 0.33 .. 4.5 , E .. #4 , . z ~ BY'sTAB. @ 300 P.S.J. Exuo. = 9 ~~ I------------------------~--------~--~~----~----~------~.~----, ffi> #6 0" By EXPANSION PRESSURE = ,23 AT EQUILIBRIUM, = #16 SAND EQUIVALENT = ,#30 DURABILITY (COARSE) = LIQUIOLIM,T - #50 DURABII.ITY (FINE) = PLASTI!;:LIMIT ==' #100 . P. I .. - #200 REMARKS: (1) Benton Engineering, Inc. " ~ -'o~',~ ____ -II , ',. -. . ~,\, "i ~: _.,.,,'-:0:<"'" I ~\l:$' I TESTING ENGINEERS, INCORPORATED 'SANTA CLARA j ':, ~ LOS ANGELES I . ' .. , .• -~:l' .'" ,t' 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. SOX 60965, SAN DIEGO, CA 92136 (714) 222-1185 SAN DIEGO, i . ~ -, ~ I j, OAKLAND i I j J ! I LABORATORy'NUMBER SD29-2244 File No. 534 DATE July 3, ~974, " I I Hills I JOB DATA: A1icante SAMPI..E DATA: Sta. ' 4+00. Submitted the . to I laboratory June 26, 1974., ' , I Benton Engineering, Inc. I I " I 6717 Convoy Court I San Diego, California 92111 '\ " ~, ,~-., --.--r--.. ·· R ,VA1.UEDATA I GRADING ANAL.YSIS A B G D E: I ' , ; SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.1. 175 50 :1.20 SIZE As RCVD. As USED , , MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 14.1 17.5 15.8 \ 4" ; i i DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 118.3 111.1 113.8, I 3" I R.VA1.UE • STABII..OMETER 0 25 6 13 t 2" I EXUD. PRESSURE. p.sl 560 :1.30 230 I ! i" ~ STAB. THICK. FEET -----~ , --- I : ~" 100 i EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET 0.50 ---0.07 ' , j JAz" . To I. (ASSUMED) = ---I %" I ! w By.sTAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 17 Z:l . #4 Cl-' " -< t !a> : c· BY EXPANSION PRESSl,JRE = ---, .a II:: .. , " j " I AT EQUII..IBRIUM = 17 1 ~16 I 1 SAND EQUIVAI..ENT = #30 , t LIQUID LIMIT = I DURABII..ITY (COARSE) = .. , #50 1 .. I DURABII..ITY (FiNE) = PI..ASTIC L.IMIT = j #100 I " I " P. I. = : #200 • REMARKS: .. , , I " ,(1) 'Benton Engineering, Inc. .. . ' , , , " , " ". : : , ::G;;~X: i .. " " I , " , " " , ' , T. H. Chapmanl R-;E. '1Fl2882, -" , I I , , i : I , i ! ; , TESTING ENGJNEERS, ~N,CORPORATED OAKLAND SANTA ClARA ~OS ANGELES' SAN DIEGO. 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. BOX aOG6S. SAN DIEGO. CA 92136 (714) 222-1165 LABORATORY NUMBER SD29-2245 File No. 534 DATE July .3, 1974. JOB DATA:, Alicante Hills SAMPL.E DATA: Intersection Alicante Road & Alfil Way. Submitted to the laboratory Benton Engineering, Inc. June 26, 1974. 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 -R • VALUE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS A B C D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR ,PRESS. P.S.I. 50 190 95 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION. % 14.4 ll.O 12.7 4" DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 118.2 127.0, 122.4 3" R.VAL.UE • STABILOMETER -6 35 15 2" EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 120 470 270 11t STAB. THICK. FEET ---0.43 1.23 %" 100 ' ' EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET ---0.97" 0.30 ¥zit T.I. (ASSUMED) = 4.5 %" .. III By STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 18 Z:J #4 C).J -< gj> 34 '. Q' By EXPANSION PRESSURE = " #8 " AT EQUIL.IBRIUM = 18 #16 .. SAND EQUIVAL.ENT = #30 : DURABIL.ITY (COARSE) = LIQUID I,.IMIT = #50 - DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PL.ASTIe; L'JMJT = #100 ,P; I. -', #200 . REMARKS: " . (1) Benton Engineering, Inc. '. .. , I T. H. ' ,., jl! ,,' , Chapman. R. .. E .. 1f12.8,s;Z "m·l f'" :;> i'T" ---~-,. , , .. . , '" I i T~STING ENGINEERS, iNCORPORATED 3467 KURTZ ST •• P.O. BOX 80985. SAN DIEGO. CA 92138 (714) 222-1185 LABORATORY NUMBER SD29-2246' File No. 534 DATE: July 3, 1974 OAKLAND 'SANTA CLARA, LOS ANGELES , SAN DIEGO, JOB DATA: Alicante Hills SAMPLE: DATA: Sta. 44+50. SUbmit1;ed 1;0 tpe Benton Engineering, Inc. 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 GRADING ANALYSIS SIEVE SIZE 4" 3" 2" 1" 3A" *" %" #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 PERCENT 'As RCVD. PASSING As USED 100 laboratory June 26, 1974., R • VALUE: DATA A B C 0 E COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. 115 205 :60 MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 16.3 14.6 18.1 . ' DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 113.0 118.0 108.9 R.VAL.UE • STABIL.OMETE:R 13 27 10 , EXUD. PRE:SSURE • P.S.I. 250 500 210 STAB. THICK. FEET ------ .. EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET 0.27 1.10 0;17 .. , . T. I. (ASSUMED) - .. ", .. z ~ BY.STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 17 2~ I------------~ ____________ ~ ______________ ~~~~ ____ ~----~ 111> cit: SY, EXPANSION PRE:SSURE = AT ,EQUIL.IBRIUM = 17 SAND EQUIVAL.E:NT = DURABIL.ITY (COARS~) = LIQUID LIMIT = DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PLASTIC LI,MIT = P. I.-= RE:MARKS: (1) Benton Engineering, Inq. -----~---~------------~'.--~ ,. i I I , . r I ! I • -~ • I TESTING ENGINEERS INCORPORATED OAKLAND SANTA CLARA lOS ANGELES " 3467 KURTZ ST •• P.O. SOX 60965. SAN DIEGO. CA 921.36 (714)-222-t 165 SAN DI)~GO· _.,0 , i, " ,I...ABORATORY NUMBER SD29-2247 File No. 534 DATE July 3; 1974 , JOB DATA: SAMPL.E DATA: Sta. 41+50. Submitted t:o the Alicante Hills laboratory June 26, 1974. ,- Benton Engineering, Inc. 6717 Convoy Court San D~ego, California 92111 , -4;,:",''':'''< T ..... : •. ':_";';-,"'-~'"";;:l"-;;':';'-:C~~~"'~ .. ~~.~,~,,"".:;:.t.,;.--:~ !~~"'".,~ ' .... :~;"';"';.~,; • .=.~':'~~.~,:~~:"!~:-.":".:.-:=::::"" ... -=-.:...::.~! •• :::= .. ....-:.---:.-~ ... ::.-:::::=..=~::~~:.!::'=:!'!."'~-~ ... ~~"t!..~~-'::='-~~ R • VAL.UI;;OATA GRADING ANAl... YSIS , A B C 0 E '. SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.1. 125 70 290 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION 4" .% 16.0 17.7 14.3 DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 114.6 110.6 i20 .• 0 3" , , R.VAL.UE. STABIL.OMETER -17 9 31. 2" , EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 340 230 800 1" STAB. THICK. FEET 1.19 .1.30 0.99 %" 100 ' , EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET *" 0.50 0.17 1.67 T.I. (ASSUMED) = 4.5 %" w BY,STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 14 Z::l \!l..l ,--: #4 -< " gj> By EXPANSION PRESSURE.= 23 o· 0: -#8 AT EQUIL.IBRIUM = 14 #16 -' , SAND EQUIVAL.ENT = " #30 DURABIL.ITY (COARSE) = I...lQUIQ 1...11>117 = #50 DURABIL.ITY (FINE) = PL.ASTIC 1...1 MIT = . '/;100 . , P. I. =' #200 : REMARKS: (1) Benton Engineering, Inc. " " TESTING EN~1NEERS. , ;,...' . 677/ " .. By , -I t/t) A ~L2.LJ. . -~ (lif ChaTmah-; Tf.E:?fl~882 T. H. "Hiter;;:#lh .', . \ I , i ~. '1.~.",-: ... , ~ TESTING ENG~NEERS, !NCORPORATED OAKi.Mi\u) SANTA CLARA LOS ANGELES SAN DIEGO . " -3467 KURTZ ST •• P.O. BOX 60985. SAN DIEGO. CA 92138 (714) 222-1165 LABORATORY NUMBER SD29-2248 . File No. 534 DATE July 3, 1974 JOB DATA: Alicante Hills SAMPI-E: DATA: St;a. 37+50. Submitted the laboratory on June 26, 1974. Benton Engineering, Inc. 6717 Convoy Court San Diego, California 92111 . , -, 'R • VAI-UE DATA GRADING ANALYSIS .A B C D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS. P.S.I. 105 260 70 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 13.7 12.0 15.4 4" DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. 117.8 123.2 114.2 3" R.VAI-UE • STABII-OMETER -15 27 7 2" EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.I. 240 460 120 '" STAB. THICK. FEET ---------100 %" .. EXPAN. PRESS. THICK-FEET ---0.33 ---' lh" T.I. (ASSUMED) = ---%" .. . ' . w By STAB. @ 300 P.S.I. EXUD. = 19 ' . Z::J #4 Cl-l -< .. g}> By EXPANSION PRESSURE == c· ---#8 0: AT EQUII-IBRIUM = 19 #16 SAND EQUIVAI-ENT = #30 DURABII-ITY (COARSE) = LIQUID LIMIT = #50 DURABII-ITY ( FINE) = PL.ASTIC LIMIT == #100 P, I. - #200 - REMARKS: (1) Benton Engineering, Inc. .. f TESTING ENGINE1.RS. , ay~7t ~ -. -~ , , 'fl!}I~~~rn T _ H. ·(fulifi'fclan,. It~ .. E .. Ir"1Zg,gi2: to , -' - ,. • .. J • HYDRAULIC CALCUIATIONS .. ALICANTE HILLS CARLS1;3AD TRAGT 72-25 PIU;PAREB BY: Rick EriClJineering Gompany 509 Elm Avenue 8arlsbad, California 92008 Job Number 3943 I ·1 " . -' '." , . , ' .e.'· f" BASIC CRITERIA f ., Calculations are based upon the following:' : , -. -. . Run-off: ." , . Rational formula (Q ~ CIA) . c = o. 5 (Drainage ~rea used in calculation is adjusted for this factor) ," ;.~ 1 -Per. Peak Run-off. Rates 'ot} Sheet .No. 3 '., ., :. T .. C.=·lOminat£irstlnlet .,,':':., :<' ... ' .•.• Pipe flow; . " : " .. ; .. : r ': t. .. .. .. ~ .' ~ . ,',,",;" . :'~;. ",' : ... 1~ --.-:-: ... ~ ~ t • f • . Mannings' formula with n = 0.013 _ Pipes are sized for a 50-year storm .... : . j: ' .. ' .. ' " .. .. ,; Inlets: , NOTE: Grate Inlets sized to carry 50-year run-off with a maximum of 3·-1/Z·~ of ponding.· Curb Opening Inlets sized to carry 50-year run-off with water ponded to top of curb •. . ',t < , . . ~ t , .. ~ . .' , , . '.' "~.' ,...... , '. ~ . '" .! ~ . . ~ . : . . .' :< •• ~ • , . . . \ :,:'-:':" I' : •• l< .. ~.: ' • ., , .. Loss Factor shown on the2following calculation sheets represents ,a , .'..... , .fractional proportion of]L in accordance with the following: " ... ::'... . " 2g , . For 900 bend in alignment For 450 bend in alignment .. For no bend in alignment J' LOSS FACTOR i.oo '0.50 o (If the above bends a're accomplished by a 'substantial'radius, use 1/2 of the above Loss Factor) Porentrance of sub lines to main lines' Loss Factor on main line will be equivalent to r~tio of Q"s of sub line. to main line (L.F. ::: Q sub/Q.main).· TITLE: SHEET NO'. e. Rick Engineering ,Co. ' .. JOB: ·tOB NO. DATE ELEV. FACTOR 0""1500 lOO 1500-3QOO ,1'.25 3000-4000 1.42 4000-5000 1.6"0 5.000-6000 1.70 DESERT I.t2S To obtain COrlett intonlSity •. m~ftiply Int6n.si1y, on chart by. factor, for design , ete.Yo1ion. .. -, -Z: -I o fll o &i ,C -Z -1 -I .,-< _0 _ -c. C I 0,:0 0 0""'" < c : &1 ~ l> .... _. Z O· » 0 "2 ~ iii i ~ (j) " m 0 :0 Z . ri1 o 0 _ c: .>< 'Pl (JJ ~ '6 -< ::0 S> Z. ~ r r \) t ) ~ .. DURATION HOUR'S . M I III UT ES . 5 f 0 . 20' . 30 40 5 0 J . . 2 3 .,. " 6 7 a 9 to " 4 5 .5.0 . rti ,lit: :.t-:~, :-!:t .. I±:H i~;m~1TIh .-[~ Ill.I.tH:tII:tW ,iH' P rr~ liHl!, i~'~ --i. . "F". U-H f J~: -... Pi-II-.-"-::::ttlj!. rf L .+ Hr+r:t-l fll Id l1l.f:; .,.r:. . HHF·, :-' 4.0~ f'o'... I . '.. ....-p.ffj , . I' • • I' ft.~ ~""~..L",. ... f=!:; .-':'.1.:-1=;:; -:-=-.1.:r.r . I I:. ,·rr 'rr-. . I-:-.;-i-:jli ;rhr:r. 1--' -;-..::~. t£Tttfl ,. -~ .~£;.;.:::;.:-. =" ::-..±t:i '1::.1:!:.~ 1:. ~tl=-t=I:':f--+ .. !t'!I!::.-: . ,.!.::' !:: .• .:llt ...... Ik:::f-t-t-l::l _ ~., ~,. t::~ :IIU:~::'~;~~_'-t:',· . , ,:: ~W. t:,rrl 11 '1-J-J:'" __ g;';~:Jl~:.::[f:fE .. rrr;!~J:-nWL -3 _ '3.0 ..... ~~, . -~ k:.., o ,'" ~ CD·... ."{.. . -' ~ W' ".;l """ ! •. \; -Ii P '.~+-H';";' t •• 1-, t' i' '. ,-.• 1 • ·lIt~+;....;;.+·~ i -••. '-"'1'-- ·E. 20 r-...... ,; .......... ~ ~ ... • 1 .-" ., ·1, i"-J I' .,.. • I .... 0: . ....... "r... ....... 1':. f'>«: ..... ~r, t • .t' i;"" « ::l, 1'-, ..... ,1"00.. .K' I I . ·~o~,··: .... f~ Po... ·~.~JI':~·' ':": ( _ ,X I!: ' .. !I' ~ !'oJ I !1'-lI"fi' ,.~h:,·..... . I ,in I ,I ,I ·Ii' -II il :1 >-0: "'W·. -a. 1.0 (f) 0.9 Z LI:J CI) 0.8 ... Zu 6 -z 0 ... 0.5 -, 0.4 0.3 ... 0.2 -I· 1'. :1._ ~ "1'-'.' li~"'I~ .~..--..' I. ! ;3! ." I' :.' ! ill! t--." I).( 1111: LI!' No. j :L. .... ~~'!"'lt.~· i' , I' II 'I II ".: . N: !; ~I' '.' ir"l .K. ' o~"~:c'1 ! .' I . 'II' 1 ~ -.~.' =; ,-: i;~':J:='-; . • •• 'I-I+p'::agr:~;r I-d..,. -. .~~ t:: ;-;::;: -t.ct --t .... F.E;' .. --~I: ::H~ :.::_ ~:... 7-~._:==-~~:;.=.;._...:.=e:~~ ~ _ ....... ~ :%-~.~-~ -. -~~-=-~.5:?:~ IIJ I ~t:t 1:1:': '::.! •• ::: trr: .. :.r. -. -=:. :!·~~,;EBf:~t::f..:-.;:r " .I.....,~ .... -.. +~=.:..;:;; i it Hi H~;'-H:;q.mr=. I:t: -.'~"fu ~ +:,_ ==. ~ 't-".: , .~~i-r;~.:...,.. ~:.t=.t===;=. r-.--. -EiH;:i * ::.t:::~,.. _ H-r..:L:;.;. I:;.r;" ... ;i~~"· ~;"~~i=!fr H~ ~ _ I'~t: ~ u:r.u±f;: .. :1 i ... , , A;:-~:r\-~ • 'r!" .. j-:, , ' --,~ :, ~. :l"~::iJ!oo •. . .. + ..... '. "'-t"t::"-' SUfI ~ • I ~ tttit4i -'-:-n-r :::;:::;::;:::: ~ .,..,.... .~." -: ....... + +-+-"t: llilktJj; +-rH' f" . ~ ~~~' ......... -' t:-t-:- .t~ tti--t-tttt.tt.tttrtttti~ t~tt:t-:+-ll.J:~...n.U.£ 1--1 n I 1111++ M •,..~~'::N J: ,', " ....... ~ , . II ",..,. '!<l ~: . :S;;;~. ." - ffli"; L", k-.e· -t-t-1-t-r 'f-t''t'-t_ ;I: i I n I 1111 I' 1I',Il I 2'· 3 .L.L,-/ I I h ! 11ll1l .. 1~+mmn+=i:t$ttfJHtIe . _ , 5 .1·0 2·0 30 40 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 50 . 'MINUTES HOURS .. .. .1" O.URATION· • .' . " ,'. ...... .!-.' . ." '\' ' . ., I I I , I I I ! t .: ! , .. ~.' .-f ·.1 . I FORM 366C DAWCO DafeZ Z/Vc> U 7,Z JOb#--"'s::;;....:;;.9_4_3 ..... --____ _ BY-..::J.=-:.· ..:...A.:::..P.;;.... -:..t.p::...:.. ___ Sheet~of~Sheets RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~ll~'L~=~~~"fn 509 ELM AVENUE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 920P8 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 114 729·498; ~ I t k ! .\. . , " ." ; T iTl'E: . .. ~ ' .. -: ........ ' ... ~ "'-.', 3 • 3: s 3 <) • 0 a s S' S S S , 0 556696 24 co :\0 AO a ~ c 0 s • • .) J ,\ !I .. 3 • 3 S 1 1 9 • 1·9 S ~ • 388 S ' o • 2 Q ... 3920~O '$ 24 C' ,..J 29·7GOOOOO CO 9-453781:5 ·A¢ o -,2 7 7 5 5 8 9 AI) 0-0'1 7232 a .:l ¢ 1 1 9 • 4 677 642 c ¢ 573 • 8 7 S 129·3571511 A 0, 1 .' 3 e 7 7 9 4 7 30 1-0117115 A¢ i (T. C. = t'Z.~5"'min.) W.s. @,@ HA ,(previous downstream line) (if cOY) Bend fact~r @ @ (0 for'~o bend .. l for 900 ) Drainage Area (s. f.'> '. Pip,e size (inches) Q (c£s) ...... cP' c V (fps)' -. ~, Bend loss, if 'any " H • .G. slope w.s. @'® Length of line . w.S.@ © HB (This line) Flow time (min.) i (T. C. = lL30'min. ) r . w.S. @@ , HA (Previous d,ownstream. line) , Bend factor @ ® (0 for no bend .. 1 for 90°) Draina~e Area (s. f. ) ,Pipe S~ze {inches) Q (cfs) V (fps) e , Bend loss, if any H.G. slope 0 @@ e, W.S. -. .... Length of line W.S.,@ © ' HB (Thi s line) • Flow time' (min.) . , HYDRAU LIC CALCU LA TrONS', , Prepared by.· , Job f\r " S'H E,ET ,NO. RICK 'EnginHring Compo'lY . :f:> 509 Elm avenue phone 729 '987 . , Carlsbad Calif 92008 ' .1",-. JOB: -~ .• 1 ; Manhole or. Catch Bas " . . . . ':. ~ . . .' ':Len -Energy Gradient (LG.) 3 • 3 S 12'9'35 $' 1-3B:fl S 1 • 0 S J92040 S 1 e S 29-.7000000 CO 1 6 • e G 6. 7 2'2.6 Ao 4-3e61168 AO 0-080.8916 cO 130-7380000 co 301 "35 S 155~1146836 AO 4 • 3 961 1 c e a ~ o • 2 9 8 S 3 8 7 A 0' i (1'. C. ='t-o;:;p min. J W.S. @.@' , HA ,(previous downstream line) Bend factor @ @ (0 for :n0 bend, Drainage Area (s. f.·) . Pipe size (inches) Q (cfs) V (fps)' Bend loss, if'any H. G. slope W.S. @'® Length of Hne ' W.s. @ © HB (This line) . " Flow time (min.) ..... _____ ....----'-__ • .. • ~. • • • M' • ,-• .' . ' .. ~(o~ooC@ @minol---...;...-----r.t-'-- HA (Previous qownstream. line) ~ ~. " , , \ ~.' ~ ,.-.' , . : ~ ~ . ~.-" ... .... , '.~.":' . . ~ : .. ' ..... ",' " '. . ." . . ' : '" ' .. '. ' ". '" . " TITLE: , ':':!-tYDRAU LIC CALCULATIONS , \ B,el.1d fact~r @ @ (0 for no bend, 1, for 9qoJ Drainage Area (s.f.) . ,Pipe 5~ze {in-ches) Q (cfs) V (fps) Bend los S, if a1l.Y H. G. slope W.5.@@ Length of line W.S •. @ © -HB (This Hne) o. c -..J • Flo\v time '(min.) _____ .__... _____ .......,. ....... d b b A" SHE. e. T N O~ . ,Prepare !yo' ,Jo IV ~ RICK JOB: '£ngirwring Company ~ 509 Elm avenue phone 7291,987 Carlsbad Calif 92008 .' " / \.:" ~ ~ § '!Oooo ;::: .~ '~ '0 Manhole or . Catch B Manhol~ or ---'-_'_I~:O--~----~. __ __ , Catch Basir:a ... -, .. ' ~ , .. .. ~: _ . .....,.. 3 • 3' .1. 5'~ • 96 2 • 4 7 0 294030 1 8 ·22·27500 -;1 2 0' 6 {) 5 03 O·OGOO(} 0 G 4 :; 50 1 55 • 96282 65 r "5'"8 q':J "":;2 ") , '" v ..; z:- 2-i=7cf6T1~C '." l ':._, .... f I 3 0 3 155 ·9.6 o • 2 T C 9 8 010 1 8 ~'98::~5 i~ '155."955,87 cO 63 s o ·2 4 9 9 (\ S ,. ::> S S S S CO ;'-0 A¢ e-¢ c ¢, S A 0 3¢ .-::> $ S S S S i (T.C. = 9;. ~jmin.) . W.S" @:@ . . . HA ·(previous downstream line) Bend factor @ @' ('a for ~Q b~nd, Drainage Area (s. f.l Pipe si:l.ie .(inch~s) Q (cfs) V (ips)"' .' :. 'Bend loss, if·any H. G. slope .W.S. @'® . Length of line . ·W.S. @ © . HB (Thi.s line) r" ., c: -..J Flow time (min.,> __ ....:-________ --'-....... __ i (T. C •. = ,9.99' 'min. )-' , W.S. @ @ .' , ' HA (Previous downstream: line,~ Bend factor @ @ (a for no bend" Drainage Area (so f.) . ,P~pe S~ze {inches): Q (cfs) V (ips) Bend loss, if any H •. G. slope w.S. @ ® Length of line· W.S.·@ © ' . HB (This line) . .' t, 1 for 9~0) Flow time '(min.) __________ ..&,-___ __ ~T-I~T-l-~-:·-.---.---.-,-.-~~~----------,--r;~.-P-'~~-p-a~re-d~by-:--~:-j~O~b~~~~~~S~H;;E:E~T~N~O~.--------1 . ····HyDRAULIC CALCULATIONS" . Ii RICK .JOB: . '. EnginHring Company 509 Elm avenue phone 729 '987 Carlsbad Calif 92008 8 Manhole or . r---, • <.' • Catch B,osln. " ~ . ", Pip,a , -."", . , 3 • 3 S 31·00 S 8. • 7 3 S 0 S 1536796 S 30 S , .. " : {g 3 " 3 S § , 6' B • 1 1 S ',.." t::: 8 ·33 S §! ',..., 0 f' "0 ;) " 1.50'1513 S ~ 30 S -J-, It>.. ------ i (T. c. =ltl/ -G ~ min. ) W.S. @,@ HA ·(previous downstream. line) Bend factor @ @ (-0 for :no'b~nd. Drainage Area (s. f.). Pip~ sb.e (inches) Q (cfs) V (ips) Bend loss) if·any H. G. slope W.S. @® Length of line . W.S. @ © HB (This'line) CI) .E, ..J (if qny). Flow tinle (min.) __________ "'"--_ ~ i (T. c. ="""/?~ ·min.) t W.S. @ @ '~ , HA [Previous 90wnstrearn line), , Bend factor @ @ (O for no bend,., 1 for 900 ) Drainage Ar-ea (s. f.) .Pipe S~ze {inches), Q (cfs) V (fps) . Bend loss; U any H. G. slope W.S. @ ® Length of line W.S· •. @ © . HB (This line) I Flow time '(min. ) _________ ---.1'--_ .---------------------,------------~~.-~.~~.--------------------~r_------___ ~------__; "" SHE ET NO. T tTLE:· prepared by' '. Job I'r . ;':HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS 'RICK t-J ..... O-.S..:.f :-• ...;..~----~----------'t .. i . EnginHring Company . \ O. 509£lm avenue phone 729 '987 Carlsbad Calif 92008 . 'p .: .... • ___ ._._ .... ~~ ..... ___ .. ....,_----"_ 'A' , ?= ..... ".. 1oI.""'"':"'r---<-___ .,. __ ...... ___ ~ • ___ .... ..---.. __________ ........... ._ __ • ___ _ , , , Manhole or rgy GrCl<tient (E.G.) , Catch Basin <' ',' pip.a ...... 3 " 3 S 94" 6 5 S 7 io, 9 l' S (j $ 1,462J09 S 30 $' 110'780'96 CO 22'56805 ,1\ 0 0-00000 AO \ ,,0·07225 3-0 , 94-65136 c 0 '150-1 7 $ 1.::] 5 • : 8 t 14--A-!) , 7 .-9 v 8 6 4 '13 (> ~-v ,'< 3 • 3 S 1 09-. 1-4 v S 7-70, S a s 1 442 707 S 3 b ,$ 1 0 9 • 2 9 5 9 ,6 Co 22·26553 A6 [ I I I I I I I i (T. C. = 41,,£5' r.t:lin.) " W.s. @.@ .. HA ,(previous downstream line)' Bend ..faet~r @ @ (,0 f,?r ~o p~nd, Drainage Area (s. f.,) Pip,e size (inehes) , :,O'(efs) V (fps)' " Bend loss, if'any H.-G. slope W.S. @.@ Length of line . W.S. @ © HB (This line) (i~ any) Flow time (min. >. ___ ..,.;-______ -'-_ " ,~(T • C. '=/t1".2C-'min. ) , , f .. W.S. @ @ HA (Previous downstream line) . Bend factor @ @ (0 for'no bend,. lfar '90 0 ) Drainage Area (s. f.) ,P~pe S~ze {int:hes) ,-'. ' . Q (cds) V (fps) 0·00000 A ¢ o • {} 7 033 a 0 , 1G9·'14i'96 c ¢ , 41·58 ....... S I Bend loss, if any H. G. slope W.S. @ @ Length of line W.S."@ © , HB (This line) , Flow time '(min. ) ______ -........ L...--• 1 1 2 • 066 2 8 A 0· J 7-69804 B (> I 0-03112 AO TiTLE: , ' , , :"HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS. Prepared by.· : JobtJO RICK SHE ET NO. , JOB: '£nginHring Company 509.£/m avenue phone 7291,987 Carlsbad Calif 92008 ! " ~ o· ~. ~ § " ~ ~. , ' :.:::: , , 0 . ""'" '0 , ',""'" Cl:J '~' .. ~ ~ ~ . , "t:J o ~ , .,9). " _, '4 , ,<' .' ... : '. . . ." .. :. ",f· :. ':. '. '" .: .',:' , .. " , , , ,iI . ,~ . ," . ." • • f' .. -.' .•. ~ .. -. ; : .. ' ~. . : ~ . ~ .". . ...... ·:.t" " ,-.'''.'. " :'," . .' . " , , , ... .. ' . " . ~.. . " ....... . .. . PiP.8 , , , , .. , 3 • 3 S 1'1'2-07"" S 7'70 S d • 1 S 1293732 S 30 S 98 • 01 0'00 CO 19'96638 AO 0'61903 AO 0'-05655 a 0 . 1 1 4 • 1 9 8 7 2. c ¢ 274*57./ S 129-72565 A¢ 6·19031 B¢ e·2291g A¢' ... . ... .... : .. I i (T. C.= /tJ(?3 min.) W.S. @.@ , . . HA ,(previous downstream line) Bend factor @ @ (0 for ?-o bend~ 1 for 900 ) Drainage Area (s .• f.) , '. Pipe size (inches) Q (cfs) V (fps) " Bend loss, if 'any H. G. slope W.S. @'® Length of line ,. W.S. @@, HB (This line) '. .. ., .C -..J Flow time (min.) ____ ..;,.-._---... __ ..J..-_ . ' i (T.'C. = 'min. >--.:....-----t...--W.S. @ @ . HA (Previous d,ownstream line)', , .' B,end factor @ ® (O for no bend, 1 for 900 ) Drainage Area (5. f.) .Pipe S~ze {inches) Q (cis) V (fps) Bend loss" if any H. G. slope W.S. @®' Length of line W.S.,@ © CI ·c ' :J' . " , HB (This line) • Flow time ·(min. ) _______ ---J~_ TITLE:, , , Prepartad by,· . Job tr ,,,' S H EE T NO. , ,~.' HYDRAU I:..IC CALCU LATIONS', JOB: . RICK '£nginHring Company. . .\ L SCE£lm avenue phone 7294987 •. , Carl;;bad Calif 92008 ' I l " piP.8 ~ (tJ ~ ~ g> ~ 1) 3 -3 ·27-00 6 • 70 0 7750630 0 ~ ~ 72 587·1 6,893 § 2 G • 7 6 68 0 0"", til .. ~ -.~ ~ 0 ,... o • 0.0 000 0-01835 2 7 • 0 0 342 c ,... 6 8 ·00 E ~ ~ ~ 2'8·2 S 1 22 & • 6965 2, 0-05457 \I;J ,~ ~ ~ ti -g ~ ~ ~. ~, ...... t; ~ ...... "0 -<:) ,... (tJ e ~ ~ TITLE: .. .... ·:·:I-IYDRAUJ..,IC CAJ..,.CULATIONS·. .<i.. • J06: $. S '$ S S S CO A¢ AO a 0 c¢ I S· I A ¢ I r SO I t,0 h i <-T.C. = \0 mIn.) W.S. @.@ HA -(previous downstream lip.e) (if any) Bend £act~r @ @ (0 £or.!l0 b~nd. 1 for 9'Oo ) . Drainage Area (s. f.) ., _', . Pipe. size (inches) Q (cfs) V (fps) Bend 10ss6 i!·all.Y· H. G. slope W.S. @'® Length of line . W.s. @ © HB (This line) Flow tinl.e (min.) ____________ ..&.-_ i (T. C. = ,,\::) °min.) , .. 1' W;s. @@ . . HA (Previous d,ownstream line) . Bend factor @ @ (O for no bend, 1 for 90.°') Drainage Area (s.!. ). :'P~pe S~ze {in'C;hes) Q (cfs) V (fps) Bend loss6 if any H. G. slope· W.S. @® Le.ngth of line W.$'.·@ © .. .' .@ CJ .C ::; . HB (This line) • Flow time ·(min.) _---: ______ -....,.j"--- . Prepatl!d by.. . Job ~ SHEET NO. RICK . Engirwring Company .' . 509 Elm ave"ue phone 7291,987 Carlsbad CaliL.,~~CE~,_· ___ ..1-________ _ Manhole or Catch Bosin· -..... --=~~-.., .' TITLE: .. Pip~ . . 3 • 3 S 2'~ • 48 ~ .... o • 65 S 0 S 1509'35 S 1 8 $ 11 '43446 C¢ , -6·· ~ 7,0 5 6 -!t-¢ 0·00000 A¢ --;r---~('!- i (~. C. =\~min.) W.S. @,@ . HA ·(previous downstream line) Bend· fact~r @ @ (0 for ~o bend. Drainage Area (s. f.) . '. Pipe size (inches) Q (~fs) V (fps>. (~) Bend loss. if'any H. G. slope ., c -.J fsf any) 2 8 • 4 7 9 88 'c ¢ S W.s. @'® --2 0 6 • 4 5 --3 V • 955 2 1 A ¢ Lengthoi line . ,/W.S., @ © -.;l-• e 5 a 1 2---3 0 -~ r £: 3 1 T-f:r-'kC 3 7 • 4 0 o • 24 o 921 29 1 8 -G-'z 4 2 2 r-8¢ ~'~A¢ s s s s s s HB (This line) I Flow tim.e, (min •. ) --,...;..-___ -" __ i (T.C. = \t> 'min.) 1 w.s. @ @ HA (Pre,vious d,ownstream line) . . . , Bend factor @ @ (0 for, no bend,.. 1 for 9qo) Drainage Area (s.'·f.) ·Pipe S~ze {inches) .', Q (cfs) V (fps) Bend loss, if any H •. G. slope W.S. @'@ Length of line W.S •. @ © .® o ,.5 ..J , HB (T,his line) • Flow time '(min.) ______ ......._ ....... ---'---. . '>HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS . Prepared byt . Job N° RIOK SHE ET NO • , )0'8: 'EnginHring Company 509 film avenue phone 729 1,987 Carlsbad Calif 92008. , . , rgy Gradient (E.G.) Manhole or ' Catch Basin ! ' 'pip.e ~ 3 • 3 S e Q.. ,3 7, -,4 0 S "'0, Oir 1 Q S 0 ~ 0 S '~ 58806 S ~ 18 S § ';:, , .Q <-r-"'..,. 4-= 'S«2PC =='-}j)_&2'~~ r'~ 4·45500 CO ,~ ~",. ,-,.. ... '7"~.--:.~ , 2. ~ 2 0 0 6 A ,/I (§ -7.''''''-=~ -!J I , 'oj ~ <!~<-a~~O'== O. Q 0 (" 0 0 A ¢ O~~~...::!.,t:<-~---~-'-, Y , , ~ -. ---,-, o· 0 0 1 8 1 ' a ¢ .. . --!tt------------,----------'--e . 31-46132 c¢ I 11 ·8,3 S ~ 3,7 • 4 2 2 7 3 A 0 g 0-09868 ;¢ Ii (T. C. '= "..-_...;niin.) /W.S. @,@ HA ,(previous downstream line) Bend factor @ @ (0 fo'r ~o b~~d. Drainage Area Cs. i. ) Pip,e size (inches) I Q (cis) I V (ips): Bend loss, i£'~~y H. G. slope -W.S.@,® Length of line ' W.S. @ @ HB (This line) 4P C, -..J (if ony) 'B 0-07821 A¢ Flow time (min.) ~ ______ --'" ___ _ "", .. . " . : •• ~ '. ...... • • ~" "·0·· ... '.. . : .:.~. . " . ~ ~ . :, . .. -. ,. , .' " TITLE: , ' , ,~, :HYDRAU LIe CALCU LATIONS' " i (T.C. = 'min.>--------tr,-- W.S. @,@ HA (Previous 90wnstream line), , Bend factor @ @ (0 for' no b~nd, 1 for 90°) Drainage Area (s. f. > ' ,Pipe S~zetinches)" ' , Q (cfs) V (ips) , Bend loss, if a,ny H. G. slope W.S. @ ® Length of line W.S'.,@ © , HB (This line) ,'--' • Flow time '(min.) ....... ________ --..l ......... _ :' , Preparead i:JYl , .Job tr i RICK , .... '-JO ........ 8-: ~-~--------':---.......,: '£nginHring Company 509 Elm avenue phone 7291,987 : Carlsbad Calif 92008 .. Of any) , , .':. , PiP, . : ,e Q.. b 0 ~ (1). 15 ~, ::i, 'E ~ ~ ,... ~ ~ ,', ~ , , ~ ~ a 't:s 0 ~ , , , " " . : . .. : . . , ' " , " , , 3.' 3 1'9"53 0-93371 0 723531 3 6 54-81293 7-75442 o • 000 Q'O 0-00'663 19'5300~O 1 'J 6 -0 0 20-32948 0-93371 0-42126 ... '-. . '" , Y, , . .'. -~ .. -'.','. . '. ..' . . ~ " , ' " ,- " .:;. . ' . , ," ~ TlTll;: , ' "HYDRAULIC CALCULATION~ JOB: , , S $ S S ,$ S CO AO A 0 a 0 cO, S "0 3 e- AO 'i (T. C" = \ ~ min.) w.s. @:@ HA ,(previou.s downstreaIIl line) Bend factor @ @ (0 for ~o bend, Drainage Area (s. f. ~' " " " , Pipe size (inches) Q (cfs) V (Ips) " ' Bend loss,i!'any H.G. slope ' W.S. @'® Length of line, ' W.S. @@' HB (This line) " ... Flow tinle (min.,) '. c ::; :.', .. ' ~~~'. C@@min. )---:--------" ,~r-, ,-, -, HA (Previous ~ownstream line)l Bend factor @ ® (0 for no bend, 1 ~or 9~O) l' Drainage Area (s.f.) , ' ,'., : '. ',Pipe S~ze. (inches),' , ". " , " Q (cfs) V (ips) Bend loss, it any H. G. s,lope W.S. @® Lengtho{ line W.S. @ © , HB (This line.) " ., ,Ji .J Flow time '(min .. ) ____ ,....-___ ..-....1 ___ • \' Prepared by.· , Job ~ ~'i SH E ET HO~ RICK, EnginHring Company '\ <0 5CB Elm avenue phone 729 '987 ' ; , ""' _____ -i~r!sf'Od Ca~li~f .;;,.9200;;.;..;..;.8_ ....... _-a __ '"""""! _____ .... FO'RM 366'C DAIVCO (' -- RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I r,:~II~L~:t~~\"g, 509 ELM AVENUE ~ CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 729-4987 FO RM 366C DAWCO ( e RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~lt~m=mTt£"g 509 ELM AVENUE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORN,IA 92003 TELEPHONE AREA CODe: 714 729·4987' (e FORM 356C PAWCO ce RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~'I~'L~=~Yf8: 509 ELM AVEN'UE • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92.008 .TI'"I 1'"~l.InN~ ARr:' ... ~nn~ 7·1.t. 7"Q • .t.<l1I7 FORM 366C DAWCO RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~~II':Im:l~w,::' 509 ELM AVENUE ,. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHON·E AREA CODE 714. 729·4?87 FORM 366C DAWCO --Date~%.;:;;.'-....;.,/t_JC>_·v_"";:;>--.;;;;2-_JOb# ___ -"""'3~S::;;....;;.<?...:; . ..;;:3.;:;;-.......... -- By_J ___ , __ /._'?_, ___ h_'V_-__ Sheet __ ' _of ____""Sheets RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~11~~::tllm': 509 ELM AVENUE' CAR·LSBAD, CALIFORNIA' 920Q8 TELgPHONE' AREA CODE '714 729;4987 FORM 366C DAWCO c e Date &Mc./7~ By -./.R.II J Ob#--=5...,;;::r;;...: _4_3=--, ____ _ Sheet~of~Sheets RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I ~:~I,1,m~~~W'lf 509-ELM AVENUE· CARLSBAD, CALIF'ORNIA 92008 Tc;LEPHONE AREA COO!=, 714 729-4987 .' ':·--·~···:·-E-.~--,·. :::).2:> -~" .... -. -•• -~ __ -. ;~ ... ~ ......... ~- .. 1t .. ~< ........... -..... .... 3d c. Date....:f:::...=:;..!f)-=)J,::..-· '.C'C=.' ..;;;;.'~' :;...0/ Ce:..· _J (lb # _..<..«...::.7:;...: ....:4.:-;'3=--__ '~"">--' __ " ._~_~~-.-,~~-=__:=:::J::::R=-;=)/=.~=:;t. =. :;:~=; s~~.et-........,.-O_f:--.-. _S",",!,he_et...."s of< '~f" . " .... ---.;. "---.- . .. '.---.... -!-'-.~.-... ,. /. . . _. . RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY J ~',~~~~mw'n 509 ELM AVENUE' CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA. CODE 714 729·4-987' Date __ ...,.-__ -----Job#,.-, _______ _ --...... --.. ..--.... -., ..... ----.... "" ~ , 7~--~~ .. ---· ....... ~, i .: ; ~ I ;Jt I ~. --~'. ~: . --::-:--_ ... -.;;·--;f--~~ .. ·-·r-A·-· .. ·r:z/5 -~ ~---:./'~ ... :' ---j -.,,;-.-.<-=:' b~;;-b'~-' -;-"-.--~--~ ... cY ... d ... -... ~--.-.~!~-. ".{".---.. --_ ... _.~5:_---..... " .. ;. .... : .... ~ ; ... __ .. _, __ .~.: ..... _,.-<S/;.-;--.--,--.. .,.....-; . , !". t ' ,! ! '. f /""--<:::/. CZ7 If Y By:::=:::::::========Sheet of_Sheets ;, _ .. _ .. -.. ~ __ .2~_j_" -t----~.---.. t .. -(-+--.~--'1'--' -~ -~. __ ... L_ .. L. ... t--·-:--.. -~-.... '. ~-.. (::;;-.-.:. ..; , r" T---;---.-~< , ....:........w.;. i : J ; { I 1 ( ! ' , ; !~ : _:__ I i ..:. __ .L--..:...--...._' , . Q!L:::.3: :j¢ lAQ'-,hlL! !ft:"%/5 is ; 'I i -; :/1 ;,..;, ; ; . : ! , ", '/' ..u.><\ <---! I ~ , ')( J • • X ' " ~ -"...-"\ C.-J q--' Ii' • ~,--" .... --''1---' ./,( ... "'-'---'r--'+~"" '''' ... -: ... ~.. ,--.... , ... _-, .. ..;. ........ t-...... -.--i---r.-.....,-.--.~---.--.<..;./..-----.-,-----, -. , .. i ......... J ~H-+-d+Jt-~+~ -J-·~-h--l~fd~37.t~-t-~-_c-! , '(j ~9' ; ;-. : • ~ ~~l::'-' .: :0~~~";Jc @.3.9 .. ! ... _: .... ~.; c· .. ·:-9~ .. ~E.$-;-.. -;-. r" :~'''--r'-'/''~--; ......... ~?/?Z?~z-~~~~~ '~ 3 d "'+?J · .. ~ ........ ~-/i; .. 3-~· :;.~ ... -; -........ -....... : ......... · __ ··-t-......; -......... ; .... :. .... --..... ~:--'., ..... ; .. --;"-: -... ----~ \....ff!!d Q ... ,,~. ~ -:-/.!:,,;.J ~ t:::..' .• ' ., ... '".. .". '-~--". , .,...-....... , .. ...-.. -" .... -..... --."" . t t . ., . , , .... ___ ._.'~ ...... _ .""':."... __ ...... ~._ ...... h_.........;... ........ _-::-~_""'-__ ..... '." ..... 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'-/-.... ~ .-.... ;~ _ .... ;...-' . ../)._._L~"1::'~_.-...... ---.-.--,~-...... --t--.~4-.--""-'~.'-~'''--,;,t?' ~_ .. <f r-'''''-.... -·l..="""·~~""-+~~-¥.L·..,;)....J.. .. -l ~"-'---.. -.-~ .. @'-.. ~I i .-.; /....: jgi ;"'"':~2.3.-; f ; ~' --~f-~: : -;-: ! ;~,.....,.: ; ;-" Ii: ! I . i :;.. ;;.....; V ' t i ;'!' --~~? I ~....-; . -";?,.,...., ; : ; i ; . .: ~ ..... -. -.... ----... -/. '''''''''.' ·-·l..--~ .. t .. --·~ _. "''''''.'''' . .-.. ~ ;'/-...... ~...-! .1.._ .... ,-h-v..! .. ...,. .. :.~·-·--r·-' ---t-•• ~ ---• . ' .. .. '~_.l .... , .. j ... ~ .. ~-.. -.. .,it.-.. -;.-,-:-.. -~-j._._~ __ L .. -.~_ ....... ; ----: ... ~~-~~ ... M X ... '@_Jid:Z_:9 ~ ... --! .. --,~--... -: -.i .-~ : . I:. t , f·' ~ !' ~ ,.! j : ~ t . I l • Of' -~.-... -,. . ;.'---'''1-'' -"~'~'''''~-''':''~'-' ·:-·-.... ·r .. -"-~:-·-.......... ~·~ .... -··i-. -.. ' ~---: -·-~ .. ·r·--·~ ...... -~-~--.--:---~-·;·-·-~l--~-:---:----l-ft-----~~--""1 t :: 1 : j : t : ' ; " . I l I I , 1 j :.! . i: j i i . 1 ' , , 1 ! ' " >,' .,' I .'," 1 .... -:..,"---.. ~-~ .. ---!-.--. i . -; ;.: : ,,-_.1-._ i ,~"~.,......J....,_l. ___ ~ ; : i ! ; ! l :: i .~.:.-<--.-$;"-k~~ .. :r.~ "7-~~~~A!;~~"'·~~~ , ... : .• : -t·r ···--~tt=,·~L +=~-:jj-~~-:~=~L-IC;~~:i ............. ______ .-.. __ \ _________ ~ ___ t..._..,.._ .... ~ ,~ ;...-.i. __ ~ _____ ...... ._...:, _ __l.__~J ... _~ __ ._: ___ ~_~~._ .. L-L .L_. ___ · _______ . FORM 366C DAWCO RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY 1~~II~~~:I~ltm 5{)9 ELM AVI;NUE • CARLSBAD,. CALIFORNIA 92008' TELEPHONE AREA CODE 714 729-498:7 Ce Ce Date FORM, 366C DAWCO FORM :l66C DAWCO Oate _____ ......... __ Job# _________ _ RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY I Wo~V~'mmTtN:: 509 ELM AVENUE. CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 TELEPHONE AREA 'CO[)E 714 129·4981' i Date (/~7 7.5 , ' , By '-./: R. "t./ Sheet _____ of_Sheets l' FORM 36se oAweo " " ,,:,';t~~:~~'~-'-i<Title'Insurance and: Company .' '. : "t';':i:: ~\~t~f.Jf;'(/(:::~~~:+.i~~\;;i;'~~~f§j7tfj?/::::: ' . ',,- 220,':-A"'"STREET~~ ,P;·O!;iBOXC.:,-~ 50~~-~~~~--O.II;:GO. ~ ~ . __ ~}~~4 .:.-:.~ ~~; .~ :~:~~,j:;:" ;::/,7\:;: ;7:~~;: ;t:!,,· " \~!~?::~f~~:~L.i~f.~i-}-;i,.;:~~ '<ow I MPOR!'ANT-WHEN'>RE -'RE'F~ ,.:1.',,:.. REFE,REN'CE 8" 1."\:,,COST A C;OSTA. 1) CARLSBAD: AtT.TEN:T ,'. ""'.':,"'''' I,or .' ~, ':0: 'FOR,~;T~~~:'~INE THE ~:COUNTY-"~O ! s: ~:~'~~;T<E~".:·,;;{,;:,::~:::,., ", . " ",_~,:." ',,=":I ;~:>;{i~;:;~~?f;:l-~~<:: . IN CONNECT'r.OW;·WI'TH:::THE':' P'ROPOSED RE kTION OF: .TH'E 'StJSD ON MAP~, A ;PREL I'M I NARY::;EXAM I NATION 6~"THOSE:;:·P'UBL-IC .. RECORDS .. WI"U:C:fof' .. UNDE,R ,tHE,. RECORD !NG' :LAWS : !MPART CONS:TRlJCT'I VE NOT ICE' OF ,MATT'ER5: RELATING TO SAID LAND 9: DI,SCLOSES THE-"FOLLOWXNG MATTERS. ,,', ' DAT~P AT 8800 A.M~ ,J U NE 29? 19'(2 r ITLE' OFFI CERa .',' .: .:.-o:;:;;::~ -- .' ~~.',!,:, -'. SIGNED L, v' \' 941160 "-, -.,,.1', .... ~ - ,):i~~; • :>' t' :.: ~. ~ .' " .. .: '-.. ''';';'' ' " "1". \~, . , ' ;;111( , " " ,-,-,: GRAN.TED TO' ,RECORDED' . . ~,' .-: . ," '. . ,"~ :;(·'!'f:~:~~.'''-.:,,'~.·.;' :"':.' ;~;-~t:··:. :> .. " ., -~ .. " ' . .' . ~ " . , .' : . : ~ .: ' . REF'ERENCE IS·.:.M~D~.·:T~,;:~:~,I~,'·~.~C~MENT· ';:P~::lULI.;.. PA~.TICUt..ARS~· :",; .'. :{,,//i':'-:.:~>'t::?: " ': : .. ", }~'~~~{p~<f;~~:';~f:~~::;;:~,:" '" ~f~~it;t~~~:~£A?:~:2~~~~i~~{l~~~?~Ei ~:::" ~.i' , ... , . :., '. ::.~' ;Yil,~~~~{":~:;,:>.:.,·,:j":fj:~~~i~l~~:i·<~~' 4 Q AN. EAS.EMENT: AFFEC. ·I.NG"" THE'. PORT !'ON:,/OF . SA I D ' 1..AND ' ANC., FOR ~ THE: ::" :.~:.~:~~:~~:, ~ ~. , :.~.~~" PURR\. SE S:r:~\t~f?:"HER·E.rN;({~,ND: iIN,C-IDENtA:~<·',?URP.OSES :.,'. "'··:.:·;.;/'i:;::i:~, '." <'. :\':~~itY~;~;,\:.: ::~:.:.r I FOR" ': . <·.'~~~t~~~i:?'~~~··'::<:;::,;:,:';;:;.8ff;;(:.5.1::"A::;S,!ORM' '.DRAIN~:>ANO;."·AL.r.:.: .STRUCTURES:·" tNC1DEN'i-At;~~}<!.:~;:;,,; .7·~ ,'.! ",: ."'. :~('3!~;~Et':'f.\:5::~~:;~;'/· ":~1~{T8ER·E;t·~?:,.:, ,':;"::i:'~i:~~40{~~: -:, .:.', :.' '., ,.',. :~',' .:.;'~.\:~~~~l'i:~ ;;:;' , .. ~~\>' ~J~.~i:~·~\.:\~: GRAN.rEO ,10< '''', ,.".<:~<:~.; ;;CO·UNT,¥.t~OF: S'AN~;.·O-I,E'"GO·~ STATE OF"·C/d:.:IF:ORNIA:' ,J.~ .. '}··~t'-'~';.:fl; R ." ,] 't·r·\f<~,,·~;-' .. I' }l E ~. ',. .::""," ~ .. ' ..' ...... ~~."".) .,~, ;tl':":"~'·"'l<' RECO DE!):'" .';\!·i;~.!<{.\~';'ii:\.:-;!. 'S, PTE,MaER<6:·~·\~·~l',9'66·· . "<,, '" .'. ·fV>:.;·,;~~';~';:" :', ' .. ~~~:';;.,,;'.:;' RECORDER t S:·;"'E.;ft:5·l·NO~/;; ',\trl:.( i:1A5066~~'i:: .;:~~.:,!;:~.J';::j:.y ...... ".', . ,.; ',;' " ,.:: ~.:" :;;~i:',::;: ;;)::/ ' .. 'y '::\':.~,.:. ;~.~.;~;?!i~--;, AFFeCrS ... ·,:·-.:":~'.. ~,,:.;::r.;:· _ .. "-'·-A-r:STRt~'~OF.';:IiA:Nrj;fio FEET,' W.IDE',,).'lifiNCf, :-.:.' .. :'::~~ ;:;,~t';'i~},1 : ::!: ::.··~;r ,\'.~~:' S:,~~FEE,r::;ON~;'7EAcft:<s·rbE}OF' ,THE F,O~QW'l·N,~,:<':·~:}'Y:~~~'IJf.*? . ::.:' :,:.;" ';":~'" 'DES' rR'I"Bi::"D "'Ci:6N'~E' R": I, '1 N'!:": ... :" '. ": ..... '.)j.;;.~"i;:. :~'.,";'" . :":',"': .. ;.~ ;.,\'!iJ.,~':. "': .. ",~:, <':'~:'~}~i ":. ,\it., ~ _, ·~·:1-.""'· ;I~ " .,;: . .., . "':S-" '.' ,:. ''''It:,'~'Y;'f;·:~~-r-I(+.'· "~"",f: .. --;.-.';. .. ~,::';-.\'i:';~!~if :> ': ":'~ :, ',' :,:" '~·:;·i~~. '"\' :7.U;P~i:~~~:tf,:;:{~;~'WJ.~:;Y:tL;f~i~l~::1':.'~.:;~~:;~)2~:~g.~tiJ~tY:~.': ,~:" ..: .. .{; V,, : :~;:~:)lt;:r,!}lp'~~~::~;~l~tt;}·:'· ;ff~t>;;:;t.Jf! COMMENCING ;:'Al::~t?rE'."\NO:RTHE"AST-:::COR'NER'::aF;~':;;SAio "SOUTH~A~T . QUARTER' '.~. ""';~':\:'.,:. 1t!J:£:i::,1/£~ Of SECTlot-f' Z6:8:: 'T,HENCE.·\~,L.,ON.G' ~THE;N'ORr~"F"ti'NE' OF· SA.IO SqUTt'iEASr.::· <" '::'~'>:;:'{~"'t~f;:;:t.::f~~~ QUARTER' 'NORTH!·~ 89,0'1.4 0, 5 S'lv·WEST:'. 30Z~ 24;'~FE'ET' TO THE. eAS;TERt...Y"TERMINUS'''·~'''.'f;·:::~~~:·~':··':;:\··::'-i OF' 'tHAT CERT'AIN" COURSE .,S·HOWN·AS· GtNORT'H' 89.0 14 a 58 n.WEST.: 1222rJ22 .. ' ;.:(~;~::.: :::,'::l~:' . FeET" IN THE. ... NORTHER1...Y·.130UNOARY· ·L!NE ,:OF LOT UAlt OF ut.ACOS·TA ..... :.;;,·'·i':-::: ':.'<.:'~ VAL1..EY UNl'T:,NO',,:.ln~ ·A,C.C.ORO!NG:TO MAP·;·THE:REO.F NOe ·54-3'4 F.f1..EO·.' ····.:".0 .,,':-/~: JULY 29. ,1:964-,;. IN THE OFFICE' OF"THE 'C.OUNTY RECORb~R O'F SAI,D . COUNTY OF SAN'PIEG09 'SAID POINT BEING THE BEGINNING, OF' .A NON .... TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWEST·E·RI...Y AND HAVING A RADIUS OF lCHOFE'ET', '. THE RADI.AI..L·INE, TO SAID POINT'BEARING NORTH 15~12'42" EAST •. ' THENCE SOUTHEASTERL.Y ALONG . SA 1.0 NON--r ANGENT CURVE SAND AI..ONG" SAID NORTHERLY BOUNOARY ~INE,OF LOT hA", THROUGH A CENTRAL '. ' ANGLE OF 0 0 13 032" AN ARC DISTANCE, OF,'SIb9'a FEET TO AN INT'ERSECT10N .. ~ ... < . ~ WItH A. LINE PARAL,t.EL,,:' TO' .AND D!STAN·":SOUTHERI...Y 1· FOOT, MEASUREO', :':'>.:~.<~\':' ~:. AT. RIGH·T AN,G·L.ES' FROM 'SAtD: NORTH l...lNE'·OF~ THE' SOUTHEAST: QUAR:TER :,. ',:·<i.:·:~~·" .,:',r OF"SECTION·'Z6'., THENC'E;':.P:ARALLEL.' TO SAlO: N.ORTH t.r~E· OF T}:i~/SOUTHEAsti:i:·;.~t·>;:" .:':;;:;;~ QUARTER ·1..EAVING: SAI.O'·.';;c NORTHERLY: .B,OUNDARY .. L.INE 9F.~LOT '~~Aff .. NO'RTH' ,,~': '.:lrt'*'}..ti'/ .. ~t:;;~: 89-0 14·Q 58.11;' WE:S:~"~::; .,99, FE'E·.T··~TO AN-: ·INTERSECTI'ON. WITH·THE'-:'SOU.T:HERt.;Y'·,:'~·;;"~' ·::;\,.;J!t·';;'f>~~o'4l·t· LINE'. OF SAIO":,,(OT:"':A'1t ,·.:SAI.O'.LA~,T· :MENTIO~EO. INTERSECTrON~ Pol"fi1> :."; .;:;: ..... 'r~,~~t~~;:::~~tJ~[:~:f BEING .THE:·::.-:BE.G·I,N'NING': O.F,?~j'A{,7NON;~1.ANGENT:.: ... C.URVE·CO~'AVE SOU-THW~STERL.'(:~'~':i}-L:,JJ)·;·';,,:§:~ AND. HAY INq.·~A.;\~RAD:rU·S,;:·O,f>lO:d9::::.;~FEET p:,'."TEfE~jkA,O rAL ·1...lN~ 10!: .. sArCF':',:: :.~~j:.;::.:~:,:,'\ • >;t;2)6~r .LAS-r.· MEN·T.t:ONEO<.INTER.SECTI:ON. POINT, BEARING NORTH; ~ '.15,0 l3;~,O'6·~<"I,~~: .. :.",:;'" ",.,;~t>,:>:~~;ti, EAS·TI, ,THEN.c:e·~1cSOU:THEAS·TERLY·. AL.'ONG'. ·SAlo.:~;,t:;AS·T ',MENrtoNED' N:ON,-r ANGENT.,<;\~:.::i~i:;:;>-~(:,::~~tf. '. '. + , • _' -." .'", 4 ,-~,+ .. -• • ". " ~:·r;;'''':''/'.~:--l·~·''' .~\~.\"."':,:,?,':'.",. CURVE, AI:.ON~G:·.·SA 10"" SOU:r~HER'-Y·.,:t.lNE·_ OF"d~·O,t·c.,A . THROUGH A :.C:ENT~~~':·· "':: ':'~f\r~0b;f;t;P;{('~~~::?'t ANGL..E.: OF·'ll.~Oa,p 25:"" ,AN:~AR'C".DI.S"'ANCE:. 0;:;'::·,1'96'$18: 'F·EET'.· TO; ;·!E:i,E:.: SE,~tNN:I'N.~{~;'~~~(.~::'r:.>~~, OF' A NON-TANGENt:· CURVE,::CONCAVE. SOUTHERt. y 'ANO .HAVING. A"RAD,I US'·· : '~.i.'::::~;i'~\;f1i:;';~::·:~~~f::::r • '.~.'. . • • . ."' .,-• ~.) '-, )'4'tfo'~>1\';~'''' ~.~",,_".J.JA,~ :~. O'F 4910 f'EET';, THE ·'RAO'lAL; .L.INEc '·TO THE<·BEG.INNING, OF. SArO::'C'AS,T',,:, , , ", . /:~'t;:;·,;:~t::":;'~:";;~~L~· MENT t.ONEO . NON.-T:ANGEN.i.;:~'~CURVE; ·BEAR.ING:,:.NORTH 10'O~" 41ft .. EAStli" 'THENCE, \'''''~tr : ):;~'~}~~ . WESTERLY L.~AVIN·G SAID~'SOUTHERli.,'t .L.INEY·OF' 1..0.T A ALONG"SAnS" LAST·· ..... :,:<~}:. '. ,.'·<·,<~\t M'EWt'I ON EO'· NON~TANGE.N.T :.CURVE:' THRO'UGHA;·CENTRA1...·ANG1..E OF 0 0 23 .. '3·9 .. "·:i'~::~;\!;;C~.;0 '}"::;'.~,~: AN ARC>DIS'TANCe:"OF"33~1'8 FEE,TI' THENCE-SOUTH 0 04.7'20' •. WESr.···-."·:~;\::iN;~:::>'.'·;<,::~~~'~!: ;~.5 ;~:~ oF~~1. ,~,gS:*AP~!~LE~N'u~7.~'·~g~T~,~~;~~~~; y p;i~~ ~~ IN~~~~~~' '. ,}i;)~~~j/:;~/~~~~:: EASTERL.Y ·TERMIN,US ,OF' .THAT· CERTAIN, COURSE SHOWN AS "'SOUT'H~9014t58IfJ ""'; EAST 1.97 $43,' FEET"" IN 'EXHIS!T ·!'A"· OF, THAT CERTAIN DE'ED RE'CO'ROEO' '''~'Y: ~ . '9'41.1.60 ,,:,",' ,: ,.,' ,;~ AGE';\Z/' . ·:,;;/;;·1".;f:t~;;;;,· ... , . • / t~ .., ,',.,. ,,:' , • .' .", .• :" ,.;:( :,' .•.•.. ' ,. .. .. : ,~:~ <:'~~;~;;'if\" ~l'" " '~j .... No,vi::Me'E'R19 ii., 1 964Z:·dF;,OF·F,r, · T Hf;NceJ' At ':r,T.uC'.:'''';:;Q . 5 31? 3:3 :~'4O:II" . ' 1l"~;,,",.'<,.'J'. R E CO·h-'D:'{PER\· -E' ET:':-S' '0' U' T ", r ..... ~_. !'-'" . , '.II A "'.il"~tHENC""""''''·'''· E AS:T::!i~:a'5;. . 110:3'6':";4.9 t~··:. R EC'ORO:: 'PER .~ w·"' .• I0" .... ··~._ .' ,.' L I,NE;~;~"o.~r EX .: "' .. SOU;~,fH·:':)~!+6° ;! ".' 2 75i ,;:F,EE1i·S, .... , ~h,~ ~ -1 •• "j ,~ . . 7 o'1:(l':~ ao·It". E' A FE~ln;ifrH'L:NcE;-, .. , lJ;TH;" ... ,':1 ..... h ..... ,.'·n B~ KNOWN' HERE':l'NA,FT-ER:A : .".FO.I., . , .' , . , POtNr.:·'O.F ·S·E.G·INN·I'N.G· ~'THENCE::'CONT t·NG;:i;SOU.TH261?2'lf,:t·,(l0',tJ·f:AS· .' , . 146,.8'6' FEET i ... THENCE·· S'OLJ'T.H; /18 0 47' 0 ·00 "';E:AS T"·: 202 Ft.Ei~ :;~i':~HEN'CE:'>j:"J":~~"'. <.'" ·.'.!,,7,''I''';·;'·', SOUTH':;35° 11" i3·1t ... EAST' .7T •. 6~( fE.E1::' TO: . AtH'o·I NT 9SAlO' .PO:IN·T. B:EiN:G:·t:·:. '.:~;, THE" SOUTHEASTE·RL y' TERMI'N.t.!S,· . OF';·T'HAT."~·:CERTAIN COURSE':SHOWN:~':AS <:'.'<:~ . .' II SO'UTH,"'21 0 00 f 00 II" EAST· 67'4.01 FEET" ·I·N· SA I D' EXHrari.' '·A'~r' '~TH'E'NCE .". AL.ONG SAID BOUNDARY LINE OF EXHI'B r·T : "A"" NORTH' fi40 5·9 t55'" EAST:.' ': .. 752.l7· FEET -NORTH 85°00t-OO·1I EAST 151.(t9-8 FEET· RECORD P·ER. SAIl)' ,'; :'\' EXH I Bli' "A.II-a· THENCE· SOUTH' 76'000 0'10 It' EAST· 349.5-3' FEET '-SOUTH:, ':. '.\_I.<::i, .'. '.:. 760 00 1 00,fI' EAST RECORD PER SAID EXHIBIT ttAIt-s TH'ENCE LEAVING :"o:·':·':,.,.i:··:'t:.'.: ,::,;:.: 'SAID, BOUNDARY LINE; OF EXHIBIT i'A"-;· NORTH 130 S'9 i 50n, 'EAST:22S '., .. ',:,'.'«'.-... FEET TO A POINT: rOBE KNOWN HEREINAFTER AS "POINT, Bu •. SAID" ... : : ". .' POIN,T· .. BEING. TH~·.TRt.JE. POINT' OF BEGINNINGJ' THENCE ,SOUTH :'Z6~ "io~t;:,··:·~~:(,. EA~.~jl;{i~ .•.• ::~~;~~~ts,~~.~zl;:~i}~lirf{~M,t~·~~'fj'~iif£~;%'¥"·. . 'i. 5 • " ·:.)e.tJRECORD~ O'F~;SURVEy::o.'MAR.',PtJRP:OR! I'NG;":.TO;,SHOW: ~lr~i~~:'~~v~:~~~~7~~~~*t:' i;'.:::f~;'~· ·····Wti~t~?;\.\· 6.~. :i';.j:~?5bE;ED.·OF;fTRUs:t:;;.:G:t;VE,N;;·:~T'O·.isECUR:E'1A :'NDE'8 TE . STAT·E:cif,:HER~I.N/AN·D"A·N:y;.r:'O·THER .·AMOtJ.t{, '? . 'A::YABL,~;: UND'ER:" · THEREO,~,r;: !:~·.: .. i;;::t~f¥;~~~r;~~.:<~:::': .. , . ..:.';ft·· .. ,~,·:~l~v>=i .. ~.,. . .. ft;..';.~~:1~\:~~,::/~:·:~:(·' . DA Te:D·~~·, :lr . i· .>,.,I,'\.!",;\,;;>.,·, r;.;.· 8;-+" . AN-WARY':-··l. "~I.9 68't·,t· . .:',.,. ',' '" "'.'~' . l, ' ... ::.~~:-.:.. '. '-1;{:· .. ~;\~~·J/~~'tt.:, ;,'; :(.,~.~.:y\ ~ '.:. ,.:~ .. '-:.~.~~~ .",','e\.:: ,_~~ ·I~}l. , AMOUNT·""" ." /. (,' .... ,:. :,'. ", w' tF,,;';$·18 ,839,,·78'0 e·5S· '",. '.,., ....... ,;; . • ' ' •• ~ .. '-, < •• {~r. ~·~I.~\~;,:>~.!;. t "'I.~"f)~"". " ": 1 ~ ... ::'~' :'r . t.', . T RUS.TO~' :,:. .. "?~ ,;;t{:;~: ::::,:.~::8·~::r~,.:::I;;;A~ 1.COST,4, LANQ.!;,(:9.o.t'1r?Arff"J Ar;t\, . , TRU'STEE:..:'. }~::\~ {;>~:.~~ .. ~::~;,S.):Jitn:'E. rNS~R.ANC·E.·~ AND.'. :rRUST·:SOM.P~NX '. '':'' ":-'. ' .... d ·rp :'.",,:1' ,c;, •••. ~ ...... -':"C>AL"I'FORN I'A':~ CO·RP·ORAT·ro""'''. ' \ ..... ,:'. ':, , ',,' .. . • ", .. tt't 'fl;' .' ~\,,·._~/:.:.5' ,r.o :. _~~r;~~~ . . :";1,.' '." '" .j~ : ~'4 t',' ~. _i'~ ~;'~ . BENE'F:lcrARY' .~.,.: ;; ... :i:(;'~, :~':':+:~\THE,: TRUSTEE.S~ OS""CE,NT'RAL': STATES', 1,' , .. 1'~' . ",,, ,. } j ".~. • ' • ., ., I'>:~>';": .... ' "",:;~;;:~< .. j.~~.~.~ ..• :" ~':~~t~~ANDl':SOUTHWEST'~iAREAS : PENS10N·:.·F.UNO··· . R ECOROED' ."; (j:! ;',: . '1.' ·;··'·';APR I'" 10 , .. '1968' ';". , '.' , .' '.,'"' .' .. • ~, •• '.' ',.> , ~'. ::f~" ...... , '" ,;:,,-,.~ ,r'" . ~~. '-:'It,~ ~':1'l';"\,'::-':" RECORD'ER'S FII'!:'· NO 8·<,,(1'0'0084·"""\" .t.,,:;.:\,"::>!,;,;.;.:.,,', .' ".\ .• ,'~.~""~' '.0'· ... '. _ .... ;, • _ ~.l,d) .' ~ .~-.,..-~:'.:, ~1 .. ;! •. ~;;l~.:\tr'-r:~.-:, ,', ~:," .. ~;~". ' .. ,t.l ... ~.t ·~t :~ .. ~ _\,,'j, I};' , '~ ,..~.;, -~ ... ,: " ... , , " '~:' ... J;:,t· ~ :" , : 'i~ili~',(·~ ',. .' .... " , ". .. , . ~ ',' . , ",' .. " 's . ',:>;':'. R .......... ~,,' .... \ .. '..~~>,., , < , .,. i '. r:: ~~~ no," • BED .. PRO P ERT'Y:: ."WiTH· ' .. :,:: ;;" ': ',' :.', ";:- -:.: ,)-",,",,--,,:,,;," ,,,,,",,:.,,,,,,,,,',: :·<:~':t~:r:f ?"~.,:,~,:~,, , " RELEASE;,CLA '" ,. i\:::t~'F~t{~;1_.1:~ ':,!r~ :J/¥';>f: 8. NOT~8 SAID WITH O:THER DEED OF TRlJST', COVERS PROPERTY THE :HE'REI N , : -~ : .. ,: ' '+', NOTEs SAID, DEED Q.F T RUS T' CaNT A INS, A PARTIAL RELEASE C-LAUSE: ~OTE8 A MODIFICATION OF DE~D OF TRUST WAS RECORDE'E/ OCTOBER 13 ~ 1970 UNDER'REC:ORDER'O'S FILE NO$ 185595 :" . .' ":,' > -~ , .. , . . ' :t:, . ..,".~/;'.~':'<' <;'H,::~~Y:;;'~':'.~· :,,f REFERENCE IS.·MADE ·TO SAID DOCUMENT FOR-FULL PAR.TICULARSe->:.':':-", ..... ';:~."t;··;;"':"·< ',' ... ,:-- ;.. ..' .. ' " " .:. '.'" . ',< ,~,,:~:mMi~;;L~!.,::;:"; :~/'!E';)J{4~~;~\?;,I,~ki·,~:L~' SAID :DEED, OF' TRUST HAS,,·, BEEN .SUSORDI NAT-ED, T'OTHe-'SUBJE,cr: .:MAr.:TER/,··,::·:·':j·~:,:; f.;f;;:':i::.'~::;·; ·RE.FERREDTOl'N~.·THI.S· PARAGR.~PH f', BY THE.,l?~:o'iJ.S,lON;S OF': AN:~:lN'S:'f~UM~('fT;i,>:~,~~r ':':?;g5f~~f; R EC~R~:E~, :", ;:' .. :~:i,.:~·~ .. ~-.;. JUNE';'7' ~ '. ,1 ~7;~;',~N~~:~.~;~~~OR:D,~,R.' S:.~.~I~e:::,;·.~.t~~;9~:~;:~·\':>·I(~·:~«~~ ,':(;l' ,~, . ,~.:, ·,A'.:,. t.::}, ,:~p.:rr",~'-,-._, . 11 &laS:w:.~i:<:1~'f»:~;: .. ~"~;'~j~/\ \~:t".~r~t~f~:i~:"~ ~,'''', ~'t·;t,\ ~' •. 't. :':' 1:, ~~;i':.~ {:i~!;~~~' .,,~::~:~i~~~t!.. . suaORO'I NATED"""~O 8'" EAS'EME"IT" ",: ~f,' ,l ,""~<"~ j"J~'~f 'I ,' .• '>.' <' ,'. ·l •. ~'.:l.' ' >. "k",· ~~l;.f!;'· "'<I'·' .. ~'._~ '.: .. ~~ ~ .','t','-" -·-:'t:'{:"·"'·:t~·: ;1,-~,:?t~.':".~, .. :~, '::"'~ir.· '~~.:~ ~'5:/:::;U\;1 .. :, .. :.~.1.J.~~ REcaRO'EE)'.'::·r-rr~:f . "·S\F<·:, JUNEq.tr~;:.):~.1:~·'",U~DEB1';;·R-~C.qR,D~Rf:S:·,f·r;;E,7t:{o:~'<~;'l> ."+.'8.1(,,,:: ~:~,f" ~i ~-4:'tr"~'t; ~~. ~~' .1~(t· 'It,;: ~,,~ .~; '.,' I~'''t. ':;~';if:r';;~*lf¢:~f\': ~;"~~':~{:'~\!~:':~.:-:~;"11~':~~7/~ .~;.\l; ':~;:~~: : •. ~'.t< -j:~: ~1 ~~"J"(' /~, ~}~?: .. ~'. ~~,~t~\t~t ~~~·r~,;~~·~~.l Jf~ I NOTE-r~{.A>,;Supp·fEM"ENT:·· TO:;~~'OEEB.:·'O'F.::,:·iR'U,sf/w~'s :.RECORDE,ci.,.-.;N~\V~M~.~R?;~ .:,~~::~<~'t~;~~~ O"\;],~~~~t 1971 '. UNDER '''RE'''ORDER § S' ',:, FI""E: NO: 2691~'": ..• .-." . ' .. "" :, r: . ',', ('" It; .,c," '.;'j""" " ••. l; .... .', .. x . ,'-" ~'ol' ....... ' •• " iiI.-':,:;-,; ·.n·~,.~I·t·.;·I?,.\.4.~Jfl·-+~'~·~~' '.'.?I~.-.. t ... (l·~ ;i:·,';:,'l;:t·~ ~:~!-:/1::t ,'!' ;~ •• ~': , '~' ... ,), ':. -." . '. .. :." ; t·.<~: ;i.,;,~' '.:., -i: .;: ~ :'; '; ,';,.' :.:: r ~ ... ",! ~ • < . "" , 'I • ',-" ';' ••• ' 1-, • ' .lr . . '. ,:~ ~~f~t:,:':,(1~Ji,;:L .... ' .. ' '''". ~ . REFERENC'E' IS, MADS,,;.]O,:SAj , 6CU~tENT' 'Fo·k::-FUL.,i.> PARTI.CULAR ' ;,:,v ,> -.. , ,':' '.},:;~:~·rl:~/~1~~~i. ',',:",'~I:',:~ 'Ji~~ .. :~:::;~;:~ii;p" ·'""·~~t;:i;.Yri:>i:(:~}:~~y?,.~; :,: ,:'.':'N" ,;o:.,3'.'N.\" , ',9 «I" ,AN":EAs:eME'Nl!;~,~'AFFE:CT·,rN.'h,~rEE"Xp'ORi!ON5~;;Or:7:sA I 0 :··L.AND-· AN · 'P·URPO~::e::;.~S,l'A.r.EP:liFlE~E'I N: ,·~),;Nci:~:r:N:'.'rOE·N·T.'A:t,;{p.bRPOSE S: '::': ,;' '.':"":",;: ' ", FOR": . i::·t··:~;,'JJiiU;{:'f~~··" "'~'~i/S--S:WS' 'R~~'P,'Y,PC"'I'·:I·Nr:-',:·::'O· 'R' ""P'I'PC'I" 'I' .':fES. ,,' ',', ',' , <','.""'U'" .', ',,. .. ,, .. -'~. ,-' #' ~....... :';!i-..... . -'.... ,. ~ -. " 1;,."., ~ , ........., I....... . " : GRANtcfi:;':(ra~:':\~;'''' i{:::~'tetJCA'td:A;:;·:C'OUN""y'-~'WAT'eR" iSTRICT " , . ';-' RECORD,E'O>/':~;~~:' 'i/{:'~~·\""~.N.e~~{f£#~·1;:. " :";~;{·h·~J·::c;:~:· .. ); .. <.";' " RECORO'ER ~'S':;g' 'aI8~ :,{:,;.:";,,.,I:: !.,.,,,,,, ., :, :": .. ;,:;::~.)i~~;~~~~:~;~d~~i~~; : """ ..... . 'Li!j'~!~:~~~~:~t ,rY".,,' •• ,,,~,.)~~;" ". . ': . ';-A F FE'~;r.;:~'{A.'~~T:,a, : '~~'1' . : F::!;~'~A~·p."~o~t:J:;'~E :t'::~·,l~i·:,ri.\¥;·t;,~rH .~~~.. .. . SOUT'ij''''HAI,;;F~iOFt:~SE,C;T;~lON0~:;:~2'S!<i:iANOi''';TRE:'·:N'Ol~,thf·;;HALF.·:r·OF': -"""'~"'··-'H.'''::,~#.,..'n · . I t'4;, :;,TO W;NSH'r::p:f)j~:z:rs·o:i;);.iH:;~iFRANGE~:;: 4:{'W·E S.T·~;;i~?SA·Nf{a ERNA RciI,NCt:· ':', :.' r ~{:T:HE:?;,OU,N:T:t·BiFl{~~SAN,:iiolEGarpstAtE:':~· ci~~1CA't:1FOR'N rA:.·~·· ............ ...Ln.u ':' .. TO O'F:FlCrAt;:t'ptA,1Z~iTHE~E:O'F;~:\tHE:,~"tEN:TER~~t?I;N;E,: OF. SA'tO ';20:" , '. BE.r~~~~·~~~S~;~:{~~~J{~fi~s~t~~%~~~~~t~~~;;::;;:;·;-}}~:(~:~~l~l~:j}~~.~!·~:r., ,";~ ;y;H<:::··>.: .. :;:: .. ,' .' . BEGlNNING·.'AT:·.,T·HE:.CENTER'··OF\·SAI'O SECT rON 25 AS SHOWN 'ON'<M-AP' ': NOa 68·OO',O.F;LA:· CO'STA:···· MEADOWS' ,UNITt,.J0.,:'·1:9 FII.;.ED.: tN THE::-OFFICE " ,,"'," OF 'THE ·c.OUN-:ry:,:, RE.CORo,ER, OF-~ SAl D' COUNTYI' >THENCE' ALONG THE:· 'S'OUNDARY',' : ::,:;;:'",~ . '.:" :" ': OF SAIO,UNIT NO,. 1~·NOR.TH>89013·a54tt' WEST' 305.60· FEET TO THE ... ,,',:,"."'~-... ':'.;:.:;' MOST, WESTERI.Y CORNER OF I.OT 57 OF SAID' CJNI T NO.1' .. THENCe-'ALONG' '., '.: :":.' ',0,. THE 'SOU,THWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF: 'SAID' UNIT N.O •. 1 AND THE 'PROl .. ONGATION . . THEREOF ". SOUTH 60 0 37 t 21" ,EAST 603 .10 FEET TO THE: CENTER l;'INE ". 0' OF. ALGA·ROAD· AS~'SHOWN ON' SAlD MAP. No's" 68009 SElNG'A POI'NT' IN . '. ' THE ARC OF A'-1.000' F.OOT··RAD'IUS 'CURVE9',CONCAVE NORTHWES-TERt.y, .... ~: '" A .RADIAL.,BEARS: S,OUTH' 43 0 38'.03411' EAST TO SAID .. POINT., THa'NCE:"": .. ,. " .. :- , ALONG SAtD CENTER < LlNE 9' 'SOUTHW~S.TERLY. A·LONG. sAro. CURVE-.THROUGH' .. :.:.)::.::.~:""':~,,:::.:'}' · ·AN· ANG·I.E::· OF';' .. ' to.~Zl:!07tt: A DtSTAN.C:E" OF';;. 18:0·. 65 "FEET TO THE:TRUE,··:.~ ... ~:., , p-b INT.,:Of=:' BEG,z:mn NG,a'::rHENc,s:~"SOU'T.H:'''·Z.9,025 '2,7ft': EAs:r .'46'1.12: '.F'·EE,1\·{,::,",·,:":, ,." , TO A, TANGENr',:::5',4q~~~,~qor ::RkQ:x'U,S'::.:CURVE •. ,:.CO~CAVE:·. W:E'SrERLy.'J·~:;iHEJ'i!-c:il,ji::::-7·~' .. S'OUTftERt,y' A1;.ON,Gi!~\S·AlO:' .. CURVE,:;:N.:'/t'HROIJGH·: AN\-.: ANGt.E:.:'OF·;64-°3 9 t:17!!'?/k!~&'~'::~::":: '. o IS-TAN'CE·.'OF,<,609.;3l~:te:Et:"~·~,::r.H·EN'CE'.'·,TAN.GEN':r ;:to· .SAllD.·:C.LlRve::",.:sotiT-H.';:.·::;:·::::' .. . :3 50 13f5;O:1.?;:.w~si~~lt3:~;:'~~,EE:r{\to.:'f'A~~TANGEl'{;~ff2:0:0" ~C)OT':)~AO:IUS" ,CtJRV~~~:/:;\;;:,:, .. · C.ONccAve:~.-E'AS!.ERLY.'J:;?:, THENCE:\'·SOtJ.THERLY. ;At::ONG::: SkI D .':C:URva".n:fR'OUGHf;:;,~;~r.;·\ " A' N' AN' G.I"'~ ·O'··~"~"2·~·O:'';·''2;f'O·''2·I'''' Ace ;;;::I·S:~A"N·'ce:, 'Oe.'~.J;·';"8··6· 46 'c Fr::ci-jr,·TH· ·EN"'~Y·S-·"I.·j'T~·H"'-:> , " _ t..~ .. , ~r~ , . .,.·t~·.:*!"~~·: .. ;#" .• ~~,' ~".&J:, "~;:.':':" ,'~:._ i;..~ r::;t;~ . .'>~;.~., .~._ ... -~ .. ' -... " '-.-~~~ ~lii! .:,,::" : 8;3 0'17:1'01 II:;' :WES':r.:,~1.3;3 .• 82·: ,Fee.,r.:-;;'·THENCE ..... SOUTH:: ;'2:5.0'04:t-5'"''' W,eSi:i,'l·lO:',;~?:i~·; .:;' FEET·.·,-,,··:·THE:NCS ... ·SOIJTH .. ,:·l:9:0'3'O:o,;:::·we:s-'r:;·345' :FEE'j r;' n;"ENC~"S:OOTI'f"90:3o-t,·"/",,·,,I .. · WES-T..;·2·:ao: ~ FEE-r~L,i:THEN.Ce.:,/soJ+~~~;l·O~~.S t~'~ASt~;;3'50 -'·,.F,EET:I . tHE'N'C:~):~s6uT~' · 16'050 ,. 5,5 It 'W.E's:T~~i43:~ ia~ . F-EE.t:~·i:+O': AN;' ' .. ANGt:: E;!~ P 0 IN f:<tN·~·:,r. HE< C~N T Eit~1j:f:i{'ii~~;, :" ", . L z'NE·>6F.,.:·TH.E::·:·Jo~:~,~~~'FOO:i ·.S~,We'R{:E:AS·EM(NT::~20E:SCR lBSO: :I'N',:,OEEO)'TO : .. '.r.~;:-:,'.,., _ LEUCAD I~A:COUN,T"t'i,wATtR~·D;.l $T,R·z,c.r.;· .. RE"ORDED ,·JUL.·Y,: 9 ,·· .. 1965·: f( NO., l23-2'a~2' OF""O'F'FlClAL:::·REC:ORDS • .':',.;:-\,:;}P:i:~I,,»'~': .. :'>; . .',.\{.}~:,. . :' .. ~: ... :',',: ... :. : :1;' ;:':~;t.r ,:'.' .'{::. \:/{~)~,~~A~i~';,,:.',;·'~'(::~{'·' :~'!'~~~i!f~;:~~~f~~,:~; ~~!')~;':';:;>'~':'.~ . ::,. EXCEPTING" THAi: PORTION', ·LoYING",W·'ITHIN" 'SAfC':' ALGA ROAD'AS. ON· . MA~':. ~~~':~~:~:.~ ~:' :~~}~:!·.t:,i~:~~'-'jr~~;.B<,i\{~:l:~/\ :', )~]1~~I({~{,t:. : .::::,-\;;\ ~i;::~/f)-":,:': .<' .:; , ... '. SA~·o. aO,:,FOOr'STR·ip.::to',:"T'ER:kfNA'tE;'''ON,JHE',:NORTH'·.:1:N::'T'HE,SOt;JtHER ',,, .. ,. ,,:, j::.IN£" OF': SAlD .AL.GA .. ROAO ,·,ANO 'ON"THE:.SOUTH~ IN' THE .CEN1ER'·LI:N'E':.:'· ,,::. ',;:::. ',,~, . ",:(' " -, -, , OF -(~J~tdp:~ THE.>~ANO·RE CAL rr:-ORNIA . ',: ::::. ...... :.:.1: t~·AL£t~N,T.e::, 'SE'CTIONS:' 8 ERNA'R'OtN AC .,'" . ",' ,.,,' .~,. ; •• ' • '.:~' "'1 '. t'·;.\ ::~' , ,',~~' .... I'!. ., : \ '~~~ :! ~., " ~ I • ~~ ", ,<'~'-," 94-1160 . ", .' '.) " ' :>.:·~;::~'::r·:::~~:·::·~AG.E;<,:: .', '. 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LClT'7 ® -50b-v---i1274840e I s645632e -1-----_ .. _-_ .. s274~40w o t n621120w 281520 248290 2931+40 2~·8000 s53-50-04.2w e> ----.-._-- are' 500 t 501 f 502 r 503 r 500 I r ------71296 .. 0 sq' 1.63673 acre ~ V f 501 504 --aps-----·---- ~ v () ---'-------"" .. -. t} ------------.. @! ~ \Y ,i.-- ~ 500' 5231. 719 5148.,063 1+907.959 5000.006 ,,008 51220229· 5301.158 5174" 506 5000 .. 005 5000.000 ...... 5000. .. 000. 5302.610 5::'710265 o o o I () "T./'-' 0' .'..1 ___________ .. _. __ • -_. ___ . __ •• _. 'r<: -") 5240.104 . 5151.475 4902.473 4999 .. 993 5126.652 5316 .. 216 ____ . ____ . _ 5184,,871 4999.995 --. . __ ..008 . 5000 .. 000__ _ ... 5000 .. 000. ,5249 .. 002 5143 .. 843 4884 .. 298 5000.004 -5131.345 --.. -- 5356.266 5219.360 . ' .. 5000.006 .. 007 5000.000 5000,,000 , .. "';-' -~ ~ -~ ~ ~ ---~ " o o o o o o o o () o 0: °1 o ___ 4 •• 4 __ _ •• ___ .-_ ) ,. . .. .' , LtJ. C?L.05Ui2c-S 2931+40 50P 265290 502' 470000 t 503' 00'7 -28-01.0 200000 504' 20000 t 505' 090-00-00,,0 110510 506 7 11'70000 t 507' 00'7-43-59.9 20000 5259.51+5 5147 .. 186 5249,,800 5088.451 30 .. 669 4900.606 '490'7 .. 411 4888.687 20.000 4926.62L~ 6025.521 4990 .. 667 '79 .. 019 4999.998 5136 .. 90'7 537'70228. _ 4918 .. 566 .5360.003 61..208 5291.,344 5272 .. 560 003-44-00.5 5265 0 694 ' .... 28.284 .. 045-00-00.0 5161.SJQO 55636555 5011.682 157.197 003-52-00 .. 0 4999-992 ________ ._...._. __ "_' 500' ,,007 5000.000 . _ 5000.:._0.00. ~:c -_ .. -._--._-. .'. n'75-16-49.2e : _._~:t:e.~ ____ . __ ." .500' 501'502'4'70000'503' 504'20000'505' 506' 1170000' 507' 500' r : . 83'754.5 sq f 10922'73 acre . . .. ~I) : ~ I 1 "--aps' '50----' ---. 510 'J " ~ 0 -.-------.. -" l ' LOT 3 . ~ --566-'----·--s6~·5632e c; }32'75300w c1t' s2'75300i{ 299120 25'7080 530000 5270 .. 967" 5150.738 .. 4902 .. 871 ---.. --------._-... ; . '0 .... ··0 o () o . , o n200l.t·40e C-: e' '72.203 503' 007-48-19.9 4873 .. 313 4646 .. 079 4117 .. 611 4675.402 36 .. 157 4733 .. 131 475l..915 4758 .. 781 5084.818 '72~147--003-54-09 .. 9 .'---.. 0 4926.877 . _~ _____ . _____ n695520w crt' I n200440e C ________ ._. n695520w e l 31.416 . '~ .. , ,t _______ n200440e (.: c1t' n695520w 168160 504Y 20000 r 505~ _090-00-00 .. 0 200000 506.1 530000 _._ . ___ ... : .. _. . s755'740e e t 55.861 . 006-02-2090 500' ._---------_ .... -_. __ . o o .006 20.000 . 4946.62'7 5128 .. 513 5000.005 27 .. 956 4933 .. 743' ----... 4914.958 28.284 ---045-00-00.0' 4983~618 4485 .. 827 ---.----... -. ..-- 4999.997 55 .• 835 003-01-10.0 . 5000 .. 000 ----500-0;000 .-------------------------..-~----.-----------.'~ - .. _-----------~-_.---_--..!.._-_. o o o o o o o o o -(,-, '--) . o Q ---------- ,-j L ,.,-.' _____ ._ (./ I /£; 500' s64 56 32e o __ ' _____ ."_ s471900w " crt' n153145e ~ __ . ________ s491927w (~.i e r 29 .. 491 _. __ c~~'. ___ "._ s491927vT n275300e o _e~ __ 19.8.J33 1 n275300e 1 f'"\ ---~---.. --I,,--~. n25-29-51.1e 333370 501 t 331380 502 1 . 50000 503' 033-47-~·2 .. 0 530000 504' 021-26-27 .. 0 257080 I .,007 4858 .. 807 4631+ 011.1-9 46820324 4649.735 15 .. 189 4304 .. 292 4772.760 100.,:;40 4999 .. 994 5301 .. 993 .. 5058,,392- 5071 .. 778 5033 .. 858.. .. 29 .. 066 46310901 48790768 197 .. 1,"(8 4999 .. 997 5000.000 5000.000 , ..... ) @.'-' t'p'!j 0 016-53-51.0 () o 010-43-13.5-- o 21 ~: -·-are·,_· ' __ .n_._ 500' 501 r 502' 50000: 503' -0530000' 504.1500' I E () J99]Q,,~ __ sqr__ 1 .. 81083 acre () aps' 501 505 ~ ,~. ---------------- Lt!?T II ~ .. 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""_~,, _ s041+930w 375000 506 r _ , . , 1 s5)+5833w 170000 507' '~ _______ ~._ .. dJ,)J:(C~\) ··lU~t:VV 1 500· 54360814 5478 .. 914 5)+36.211-6 31 .. 287 5197.230 5390.022 _ 25 .. 665 51L~4.019 _ 5094 .. 51+0 47200869 4623 .. 302 o o -5279 ~ 886----·-.. ·- 5306 .. 861 _____ ._ 5332.928 o _ 53.045. __ , 032-02-10.0 4893.757 5355 .. 093 _. __ _ __ _ -() 51.263 002-56-180 5 ~t§J:~~~"------'---------'-------.. 0 5403,,222 5264.007 L:-999 .. 018 ____ .. __ . ___ . ___ __ , : (' "n......,_ '''-.-._ • ,,; ________ ~ ____ :lS'!w51z 10.2e l=aQQ? ::OGGuGGO _5GO~" __ ~._4_~ __ ._. ____ ~_ .. r--. (".,,', " 507' n350127w 460000 5000.001. 5000.003 -Jl __ L. _____ .... --s71-15-00 .. 8-w 500' .. 003 5000 9 000,,--5000.000---. --.-: .... ---- C>! are' 500' 501' -0050000 f 502' 500000 t 50)' 504 t5<?5t5<?~f~~I~.!_q~r_~. _____ . _____ .. _____ ". _____ n __ • _______ • 0 ~-n---2i6168.2-sq" 4Q96253 acre o aps t 501: _____ d" 508 ----.. ---------------------------.-,0 o ------...... ....:..:, .' LOI /3 537270 501 r 470000 ' 502' o 18-rr-05o0 50000 ' 50)' 040-47-14 .. 0 50000 504 1 056 .. :?-0"'30,,0 518790 505 1 262000 I 500' .. 002 5429,,365 5022 .. 002 5335 ... 248 75 .. 638 530 10 92l+ 5302,,804 180 588 5303 .. 685. 5261 .. 585 26 .. 777· 4824.771 5000 .. 001 53220962 5088.537 . -.... 5438 .. 932 . . .. 149 .. 355-.. ·-009 ... 08-32 .. 5 54010 656 5451 .. 648 31+ .. 847 5501.6LI.Q . 5474.665 47112:1.0 5194 .. 779 5000.001 . 020-23-37 .. 0 5000 .. 000. --. 5000 .. 000 ~ ~~ ____ ... 500'.50:}.!.470000502t 50000' 503' -0050000' 504 t 505' 500' ~ ______ ..... ___ . ____ .... § 0 129682.6 sq! 2 .. 97710 acre ' ~ ~ '~-a:ps r ---.. _-501 ., -' 506 ~ 0 ___________ . __ . ., " M LCJT 14-i 0 -,-500' n200440e .- ~ _~_ ~ ___ . ___ s695520e crt r s200440\o1' o ____ n29550ge o e' 80.729 --_._ ... ------ s365700w'. nQ.80127iv n30-38-44.6e 464750 501' 215660 502' 470000 503' 009-50-28 .. 9 . 537270 504' 150950 500' ,,011 5436 0 506 5362 .. 471 4921.034 5328 .. 397 40 .. 464 4899 .. 032 4999.990 5159.546 5362 .. 100 5200.151 ___ 5435 .. 177 ___ ". ___ .. 80 .. 630 004-55-14.5 . 5112 .. 214 ___ ._. __ _ 4999 .. 994 ~ -' -~ . 50000000 5000.000 -a-r-e i '-500 t 501'-502.' 470000 t 503 t 504 f 500 2 -r . , ____ l.10015.0 sql. ______ 2.52559 acre (3 aps' " 501 , 505 o· Lpr /£ --5"00" --n235400e - - c1t' n235400e 10 -----, -:---~ s200440v7 ,el 82.054 -'-i-'--"--' .-s695520e () f s200440w -, 'n480127w n~91?7w _ 478680 1230000 501' t 502 1 003-49-20 .. 0 163010 503 1 464750 50u, t 98080 505' 191680 500' 5437.635 .-.-5193~9"Y----------.. -... 65620167 5692.251 5406.911 ·--5270.004---"-~'--·" ..... ... . 41e042 82 .. 038 001-54-40.0 5350~95754230107 . 491L~ .. 451 5263.561 4980.048 .----5190.645--·-------·----"-'--- 5000 .. 00t~ .... 5qq9_~_Q9l _______ ._ ....... _._ .... _ .. 008 5000.000 5000.000 --.' ~ .. ~-~-~ .. ~ ... .. (J .are' 500'501'-1230000'502'503'504'505'500" ----111113-:-5 sq t------2 .. 68855 aCl~e ...- o ---aps' -501------· -506 -----.-.:---------'" 0' Jr o o o o o o o o o o o o o ·0 o o o o ._--_._------------------_._--._--_~_~._~~_4 __________ ~____ __ ___ _. (, ) -0. ---.---... -,... -- : I L~T It::, r ' --_ .. -'--" -_. 599810 . 195680 1230000 50P 502' t 503' 003-54-39 .. 9 4 78680 50l~ v 336360 t s04.-47-59.4w 500 ', .-J-3943 o • ____ w ._.~ , •• __________ _ ,,004 5000.000 5000 .. 000 e ~ar~i-'-~"'''--'' 500t501t502'-1230000t503'504t500' I '-"0 160122.7 sq' 3~67591 acre -0 apsf 501 505 , ---._------.~ ~ LtJT 17 : () -50·0-'------. ---n274840e , t . 6 ~ _.-;-._ ..... _ .. _ s 21120e 2 t s274840w ~ {3 _t _____ ~ ... _____ n630345Iv t' 603870 266340 599810 266370 500' ~ O· _______ n07 -40-00" 5'" ., ; -5'06i----···· n274840e () s621120e f o s271+840'iT _n630345w 608620 311850 . 603870 311880 C\ _~~~~. ______ .5008 50'1' 502 t 503' 500 f I 189057.4 sqt 4 .. 34016 acre 500' .0 --apst----·-:---·501 504 .. ___ ._ ,_. __ ... _ .. s23-38-24 .. 2e 753L~00 530000 50P r 502t 031-50-00.0 85440 503' 59t;:;876 ! 608620 504 t 198570 500' 55340117 5409.854' 4879.328 4999 .. 998 5281.740 5517.315 5237 .L~69 5000.000 .. .. 001 5000.000 _ 5000.000 ... '. 5538 .. 318 5283.956 . 5392 .. 822. _ .5559,,785 ... __________ . 4858.705 5278.044 4999 .. 992 ..... 5000 .. 003. _ .. __ .' . _____ .. _ . , .. 008 5000.000: .. 5000 .. 000 .. 009 ... 5000" 000,.. 5QQO .Q.QQ o .... --.. 0 o o o ---0 o o o '0 o o o o !_~r.e~._._ .... _ .. _.:..500v 501' -0530000' 502' 503' 504' 500" ~I 178509.9 sq t L~ .. 09802 acre o " o '-apst 501' --"'''' .' 505 :----.... _. -_.-:--"-'--~ -------.. ---..... -------.----0 0-:--. ~ -4" --.~-.. ~ ---4-t/ r" 2 0 --500' _ .. -. -n593840e o crt: s 302120e ------~ -n593840e e t 39.270 CJ -,------'-'s302120e f s143830w --,---------------. n7521301·r © r n125400';'T . --, --.. --------:------ 473100 25000 501' I 502 t 090-00-00.0 73410 503' 753Ll-00 504' 176290 505' 530970 500' 5239 .. 088 5217 .. 515 5230 0 149 25 .. 000 , 5166 .. 803 411-37 .. 869 )+482.431 5000 0 000 J,,;3943 /-fUJ-73 5L~08 .. 241 5420 .. 875 - 5442.447 35 .. 355 __ . 5479,,546 52890107 5118.542 5000.003 @. pp9 ,n89-23-02 .. 1,v .002 5000.000 5000 .. 000 o ----. -. --.--- .,," are' 500'501'25000'502'503f 504;505'500" " -_.-224169;'0 'Sqf' 5.15998 acre f: E) -aps L_. _____ -501 506 o ~Z t'Jr---Z/--,·· -"506t-----n144400w' o f n083000w cl t t n083000vT s30212.0e o -:-et-244.-892- r 's125400e --I ----··--···-n752130vT o -_s$74050W 199260 501 r 206500 502 ' 642000 503' 021-51-20 .. 0 530970 504' 172900 505' 99690 r 500 1 .. 004 5192.708 5396 .. 940 6031.888 54·77 .. 902 123,,952 4960.333 5004.038 5000,,003 --.§::r:=. t . _ ,,_, __ ._.500' 501 t 502 f -061+2000 f 503 t 501-~ f 505 f 500 t f 113388.9 sql 2.60305 acre o . --aps-' 500-"-' ,. . 506 o o A V --'-----_._--- '---... --._-_._-------------, .. ----- .... o ----~---------.~--_._--_._-------. ----,._ .. --.' - <X o _____ --,._ o· o 1 _________________ __ V , . o -. ---. '"-----. ---. -----~-.---.--.-.-----~ .~-.----~-----.-----.~-- _, i .,,-... ( c o o C) o o 0' o . ' () .~-----. . 'A-Lie ;:J--IV r £" ,? 1) -aps '... 330 335 o 307' n160833e 1000 ~--,.---.---.-s735127e 30000 cIt' n160833e 638000 .. '. o -8------. s043833':' e' 12 .. 055 ---'---..... ----s852127e . crt t s043833'" '---... --------.... -.. 11172335e 0' 178.031 r--'\ ~_f --.. '-.-_.. ----s7~3625e -..... clt' n172335e 011-30-00 .. 0 403240 r 800000 012-45-02.0 100000 f 600000 ~ --.-.-~~-.. +s302120e :: ('"'; e 1 500. 022 O~ 7 _l!l~_ 5L~ .. 9 '" -----n593840e 668100 ~ 330 t n645632':' 839980 '! t ~ :-', ------_ f) 316' : '-" s79-22-49 .. 2w ~ ~ r. --~LF/L ,0'19-1/ : ",-,! ----:3301 --s593840i-T /140000 ; s302120e 1401-1-10 ~ Cl -colt' n593840e 500000 ~ . -_ s274~Ow ;; -e·t-----277 • 798 . > ,'~ s621120e t_, --c--l-t. r --n274-840e s200440w C -e-l-16h-966·-. . . t s695520e _. ___ 1.. __ --' •• -...... s695520e r' crt f . s200L~40'(v l. C" , . ..-,~ ----------.. n554240e e' 310.959 ---n153145e . n471900e _.f~_._. __ -----s64.5632e 031-50-00.,0 859310 1200000 007-43-59Q9 160510 331' 218160 500000 . , 035-37-59.9 50000 t 331380 1611no 317' "-../' ----.-. s37-47-08 .. 6w I • .... " U/~t/ 250000/ t 500000 006-42-3209 824·500 317' s22-03-03.8·W' --"'--._----. - o ------ o () I---~.Q--·----· --------. .\j o • 8771.175 1678.~+1 8762 .. 834· 1707 .. 158.--.. --." --o 9375 .. 680 1884-.539 .. 8739,,773 .... 1832 .. 901 61+ .. 2l.j·3 127,,84·0 8707 .135 2231~· .. 818 7909Q760 2170.067 8673 .. 181 24·09 .. 207 89 .. 385 1770664 86l+3o~89 2504· .. 635 9215.855 2683.990. 86980111 29870209 265.561 485 .. 678 9035;. 7h5 .3563 .. 716 . 9391 .. 504 28020794 006-22-31.0 023-52-27 .. 5 .. 008 9391 .. 502 8964.9911-3442 .. 909 0 8843~833 3513.867 90960516 39450320 8654.,270 3712 .. 04-1 . 0 14·2 .. 586 27L~'-239 .. 015-55-00 .. 0 8253.352 44720093 . 9314 .. 71n .... 5031 .. 963--__________ .. _. 0 8187~668 46208008 81 .. 106 .. __ 161 .. 843 ___ .. 003-52-00,,0 8132 .. 566 4770.763 .---.--. 0 8057 .. 672 ~·975.665. .7588.059 4804.018 7869 .. 741 ... 52170121_ ________ 0 160a693 305.972 017-48-59.9 ~it~:§~~ §~~:{g~ .......... ---... -. . 0 8074 .. 212 5620.327 _ ._ ... .. .. 010 _ 8074,,203 . ___ 562.0!3~J.:. __ . ___________ .. _ .. _ 0 ... 0 8367. 373 L~856 .. 587 8539.020 L~386.974· -... --.... 8423.~·13 48730425 29 .. 308 .. ' -'-'58.515" -003-21-16.L~ 8074.211' 56200324 o -.--------. --------.. -------.---.. ----.... "'----._-. -----.-0 .008 8074 ... 203 5620.321 . o . -. ---0 o .. ------"'--------------------------.--~--.---0 . e • • . BENTON ENG'INEERI-NG. INC . APPLIED .sOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 ·EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN ·DIEGO •. CALIFORNiA 92115 PHILIP HENKING BENTON I?RESIDENT -CIVIL ENGINEER December 16, 1966' Par..adise Homes, Inc;:. Rou te 1, Box 2550 Encinitas., California .92024 Attention: Subject: Mr. Irv Roston Pro jec t No. 66-3-31 D Fi nal Report on Compacted Fi lied Ground Lots 148 to 169, inclusive, 171,.174 to 179, inc·lusive., 182 to 19.5, inclusive, 206 to 224, inclusive, 227, Cu Ivert and Headwa J J ~ La Costa Valley Unit No.4 San Diego County, California Gentlemen: 6'1t{. SAN DIEGO: 583-5654 LA MESA: 469-5654 <;"t.--I This is to report the results of tests and obs /~ns made in order to inspect t ompaction of filled ground placed on certain areas ;lLots 148 to 169, .inclusive, 11.Z-1· -179, inclusive, 182 to 195, inclusive, 206 6;9224, inclusive, 227, certain offsite HI areas, the backfill of a culvert on Alga Road opposite Lots 148 ahd 149, and the backfill-6f a concrete headwall on the northeast side of Alga Road opposite Lot 154, in La Costa Valley Unit No.4, in San Diego County, California. The fills were placed during the period between July 8, 1966 and October 14, 1966. The test results taken in fil-Ied gr-ound placed on portions of Alga Road, Alicante Road and Almaden Lane, within La Costa Valley. Unit No.4, were reported separately on October 19, 1966. The approximate oreas and depths of fi lied ground placed under our inspection in accordahce with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No .1, entitled IILocation. of Compacted Fi lied Ground. II The grading plan used for the placement of fi tied gr~.und was prepared by Rick Engineering· Co., dated June -8, 1966 and revised to June 20, 1966. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented on pages 4 to 23, inclusive, under the "Table of Test Results. II The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fi /I materials are presented on ,page 24, under. the IILaboratory Test Resu.lts. II The tests were taken during the weekly periods indicated on page 2. Project No. 66-:3-31D • La Costa Valley Unit No.4 -2-• DElcember 16, 19(>6 Test Number 1 and 2 3 to 25, inclusive 26 to 69, inc lusive' 70 to 111, inclusive 112 to 165, inclusive, 166 to 251, inclusive 252 to 343,' inclusive. 344 to 430, inclusive 431 to 530, inc'lusive 531 to 594, inclusive 595 to 673, inclusive 674 to,700, inclusive 70'1 to 715, inclusive 716 to 731, inc lusive 732 to 739, inclusive Week Ending July 9, 1966 Ju Iy 16, 1966 July 23{ 1966, July 30, 1966 August 8, 1966 August 13, 1966 August 20, 1966 August 27, 1966 September 3, 1966 September 10, 1966 September 17, 1966 September 24,1966 October 1, 1966 ' October $, 1966 October 15, 1966 The final' results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted fi lied grou'nd has been placed Qt 90% of the maximum dry density or greater within the shaded areas shown on Drawing No.1. Ithas been determined that the fi II materiq.J~~, mpacted to 90% of the /, J,', • inaxi~um d~y density, _ within,,,Lo_!~._ 148 t.o 169, inclusive,4rli 174, 0'179, inclusive, 182 to 195, inclUSIve, and 206 to 224, inclUSIve, of La Costa Valley nIt No.4, have a safe bear- ing va Itle of at least~OTI:iOunds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at a min'imum depth alldplaced five feet or more inside the top of compacted fi Hed ground slopes '. If footings are placed c leser to the expesed slepes than 5 feet inside the top of cempact- ed filled ground slopes, these sheuld be deepened one foot below a 1 1/2 herizental to 1 vertical line projected outwcird and downward from a point 5 feet horizqntcdly inside the top of compacted ,fill ground slepes. Tests indicate that the cempacted filled greund is adequate to satisfactorily support the preposed one and two story woed frame dweHings witheut detrimental settlements. -The fiQ materials placed and cempacted in the upper 3 feet 9f fill lots described in the preceding paragraph are~i~ In semecut areas, beth en IQts that are al'l in cut,and in lots that are part cut and part fill,*there was seme petentia IIy expansive c lay observed. In some cases it was feasible to remeve the petentially expansive clay, and in ethers it'was net. follewing is a tabulation ef the le~s that sti /I contain petentially eXP5!nsive soi!:. within the upper three feet. 154 170 t:.'fZlD 172 I 176 f 177 180 181 ~ Let NO's. 184 188 '189 193 194 196 197 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC, .Let NO's. 199 to 206, inclusive 217 to'22 T , inc lusive r-- '\ Pro jed No. 66-3-31 D • La Costa Valley Unit No.4 -3-• December 16, 1966 tt is recommended that special foundation design and precautions 'be used on these lots to minimize the effect of the potential expansion of the soi Is. Recommendations for this special design and precautions are beinf(transmitted(£Q )t.ctu-.i~separ9trttlif]9beaQl'eC[] ~W~~r-ZQ( . [266, !.1 . :.-~ I ~ Some'c;>fthe fi lied ground placed within the upper 3 feet on Lot 227, and offsite beyond the subdivision boundary of La Costa Valley Unit No.4 included soi I types 2 and 4 and could therefore have an a.llowable bearing value of at least 1'050 pou~ds per ~quare foot. Expansive natural clay soi Is were also observed. in portions of these areas and tot 228. It is understood that Lot 227 is to be regraded in the future, therefore the final classification . of the soils existing within the finished bu'ilding pads, together with the recor:nmended allow- able bearing values for those areas will be presented at that time. Respectfu Ily sub;"i tted, BENTON ENG INEERI N(;, INC. . .--.J r BYll?1/'-l'~ M. V. Pothier, Civil Engineer Distr: .(4) Addressee (2}Rick Engineering Co. Attention: Mr. Bill Rick (3) San Diego County Operations Center Attention: Mr. Don KIHch BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ~ .....:...::.. ~-.~$. -.:-~ .. ~~~. Pto.ject No. 66-3-31 D • .,.4-• December 16 i 1966 La· Costa' Valley Unit No. : TABLE OF TEST RESULTS ! e Approx-Depth' Maximum imate of Fi II Field Dry Dry Tes't Location at Test Moisture, Densi ty Dens,ity Percent I~o. Lot No. in Feet* o,{, dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compacti,on Remarks 1 156 0.5 9.2 113.6 121 .6 93.5 Natural Ground 2" 159 0.5 7.1 100.2 107.9 93.0 Natural Ground' ','3' . 158 2 16.6 107.2 114.S 93.5 '4· 157 2 12.7 101.2 107 :9 93.9 5 162 1 15.0 103.2 114.8 90.0 .6 164 1 14.6 107.S 114.S 93.8 ,7. 160 1 16.0 . 104.6 114.9 91.1 'S 1:56 3 16.2 106.5 117.5 90.6 9 159 3 14.9 lOS.S 120.2 90.6 1-0 ' 1'6 ]. 3 19.0 96.5 105.2 91.8 ,n 158 4 15.6 10S.5 116.2 93.4 12· 157 5 lS.0· 104.4 112.2 93.1 13 163 3 16. 1 106.7 116.2 91.S 14 164 5 16.3 105.3 112.2 93.9 15 162 5 14.3 109.6 120.2 <J 1 .0 16 Offsite N. 2 15.7 107.0 116·2 92.0 of ·159 e If 160 5 15.5 104.5 116.2 90.0 18 159 5 16. 1 103.2 112.2 92,1 19, 161 7 15. 1 107.6 116.2 92.6 2.0 163 7 19.0 102.6 109.1 '94.0 2'1 157 6 12.9 106 .S 115. 1 92.S 22 156 6 12.4 104.3 112.4 92'.8 23 164 9 1-2.4 109.6 120.2 91.2 24 . 162 9 12.3 115.S 123.3 93.9 25 160 9 13.3 109.2 119.2 91.6 26 155-156 5 16.7 111 .5 123.3 90.4 27 159 7 15.3 107.7 119.2 90.3 2$ 163 11 15. 1 108.6 116.2 ,93.6 29 161 11 15.4 107.3 116.2 92.4 30 151 0.5 16.2 111.2 123.3 90.2 Natura,/ Ground 31 156 7 11. 1 ." 112.2 120.2 93.4 32 158 S 14.6 108.6 119.2 91.0 33 164 13 14.0 lOS .8 119.2 91.2 34 162 13 16.3 114.6 123.3 93.0 35 157 S 14.S 112.S 123.3 91.3 36 159 9 . 15.3 109.1 119.5 91.4 37 14.9 2 14.8 108.3 il7.1 92.5 , e Indicates e·levation gain in feet from toe of lowest adjacent filled ground slope * throl.lghout entire "Table of Test Results. II BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ~ • Project No. 66-3-31D -5-• December 16, 1966 L.a Costa Val<leyUnit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry lest ~ocation at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib!cu ft Compacti~n Remlilrk$ 38 158 10 12.6 115.5 123.3 93.6 39 149 4 <17.7 106 .3 117 . 1 90.9 40 149 6 11.9 108.7 119.5 91.0 41 160 13 16.5 107.5 114.6 93.9 42 1'56-155 9 16.5 _ 112. 1 120.2 93.3 43 158 11 12.7 113.3 123.3 92.0 44 157 11 17.7 109.4 . 120.2 91.0 45 159 13 17.4 104.9 114.6 91.5 46 163 15 13.5 106.6 117.6 90.7 47 161 15 16.6 109.5 116.5 94.0 48 151 2 12.8 107.5 116.6 92.1 -49 158 13 14.8 108.1 120.2-90.1 56 166 2 11.3 '106.8 115.1 92.8 51 165 4 10.6 106.7 115. 1 92.5- 52 160 17 1-1 .6 108.4 115. 1 94.2 53 167 4 13.8 108.1 119.5 90 .. 5 54 164 17 12.2 113.4 123.3 92.0 , '_ 55 162 17 12.3 105.5 '123.3 85.5 Reworked" < -, -56 156-155 13 11.4 107.8 114.6 94.1 I-57 158 15 15 :6-109,.1 119.5 91.3 58 <162 17 11.9 109.5 119.5 91.7 Check Gn #55 59 159 . 17 17. 1 108.0 114.3 94.4 60 157 .15 14;0 102.5 109.1 93.8 61 166 6 12.5 116.1 123.3 94.2 62 164 19 13.6 111 .3 123.3 90.4 63 162 19 10.9 ' 112.0 123.3 90.8 64 160 19 14.0 109 :7 120.2 91.3 65 ' 156-155 17 14.2 111 .8 120.2 93.0 66 158 19 12.6 116. 1 123.3-94.3 67 157 I 19 14.1 ' 1'04.3 114.6 91 • 1 68 159 21 17.0 102.7 107.1 95.8 69 149 8 10.7 103.8 115. 1 90.2 70 161 21 16.0 103.0 114.6 90.0 71 163 21 12.4 110.0 119.1 92.4 72 197 8 10.6 111 .2 123.3 90.2 73 166 10 10.3 110 .3 119.2 92.6 74 165 8 14.3 109 .7 120.2 91.2 75 164 23 14.0 111 .7 120.2 92.8 e BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Pro jec t No. 66-3-3'1 D • -6-• December 16, 1966 La. Costa Valley Unit No.4 i· TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Max'imum imcHe of Fill Field Dry Dry Test . Location at Test Moisture . Den~ity Density Per~ent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compacti~n Remarks 76 162 23 15.3 110 .0 119.2 92.4 77 160 23 10.3 106.2 115. 1 92.4 78 167 12 12.7 110.7 120.2 92.0 79 166 14 12.5 103.9 115. 1 90.2 80 165 12 12.0 105.6 115. 1 91.8 81 163' 25 10.2 108.6 119.2 91.0 82 164 27 9.6 110.9 119.2 93.0 83 161 25 15.9 105.7 114.6 92.3 84 162 27 16.0 107.8 114.6 94.0 85 160 27 17.8 101.2 111 .5 90.8 86 158 21 15.3 W7.2 119.2 90.0 87 168 6 11.9 103.8 114.8 90,.3 88 158 23 ' 11 .. 0 . 110. 1 119.2 92.4 89 168 . 10 13.5 105.8 114.8 92.3 90 167 16 15.2 107. 1 . 117.6 91.1 91 165 16 15.7 106.1 115. 1 92.2 92 163 29 16.3 107.0 115. 1 93.0 -93 161 29 15.2 105.3 114.3 92.2 94 158 25 17.8 105.5 117 . 1 90.0 95 166 18. 14.3 114.9 120.2 95.5 96 168-169 . 14 10.8 105.4 115.J 91.6 97 158 27 17.6 105.2 111 .0 94.9 98 158 27 15.2 108.1 120.2 90.0 99 ' 167 20 10.0 110.0 120.2 91.5 100 162 31 10.3 112.5 120.2 93.6 lOT Off site 4 17.4 111 .0 114.3 97.1 N.of159 102 Off site 6 17. 1 104.2 114.3 91.3 N. of 1.59 103 165 20 ]4.0 107. 1 116.1 92.3 104 168-169 18 12.3 108.8 120.2 90.5 lO5 166 22 8.2 113'.8 120.2 94.5 1.06 164 31 16.4 9S.8 107.9 91.7 107 163 33 16 .. 3 107.3 119.5 90.0 lOS 160 ' 31 14.5 111 .2 1-19.5 93.0 109 157 23 15. 1 nO.5 '119.5 92.5 110 162 '35 12.3 110.9 120.2 92.2 11] 164 35 12.0 ' 103.2 114.S 90.0 112 159 25 13. 1 105.0 116.2 90.2 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. I, Project No. 66-3-31 D • -7-• December 16, 1966 La Costa Va Iley UnLt No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS(CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fil·1 Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture· Density Density Percent ·No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compactien Remarks 113 160 35 12.7 106.1 114.5 92.7 114 163 .37 18 Q 1 104.4 116.0 90.0 115 105 24 18.6 104.5 116.0 90.0 116 167 24 14.7 105.9 116.2 91:0 117 168-169 22 15. 1 106.5 116.2 91.5 118 207 2 16.6 113.3 . 120.2· 94.4 119 149 10 15.4 107.6 1 ]7. 1 91.8 120 150 2 17.6 103.5 115.1 90.0 121 169 24 16.4 109.3 120.2 91.0 122 168 26 18. 1 106.2 115.8 91.7 123 166 26 14.3 109.5 119.5 91 .7 124 . 211 2 16.6 108.7 120.2 9·0.4 125 211 4 11.4 110.7 ] 14.3-96.7 126 164 39 13.9 ] 1 ] .5 1-19.5 93.4 127 150· 4 15.4 109.7 119.5 91.8 128 ]59 . 29 15.0 112.2 119.5 94.0 e· 129 208 4 13.5 112.5 120.2 93.5 130 207 6 12.9 114.3 120.2 ·95.2 ]31-162 39 13.9 112. 1 120.2 93.2 132 208 8 17. 1 106.7 117.3 90 .. 8 133 207 10 17. 1 107.1 117.3 91.4 134 164 .39 ]7.7 ] 10.2 119. 1 92·.6 135 161· 37 15.5 ] 13.0 119.5 94.6 1:36 2 ·11 6 16.8 104.2 ] 15. 1 90.6 1·37 211 8 16.8 ·107.7 1 ]5 . 1 93.3 138 208 12 15.3 107.5 1 ]5.·] 93.4 139 207 14 15.4 109.3 115.1 95.1 140 169 28 16.0 102.2 110.7 92.5 ·141 167 28 15. 1 110.5· 120.2 92.0 142 165 28 14.4 ]09. 1 119.5 91.4 143 153 2 14. 1 108 .. 3 117. 1 92.6 144 163 41 17.8 111 .7 120.2 92.9 145 161 41 13.6 109 .. 3 120.2 91.0 146 150 6 14.0 112.0 117. 1 95.6 147 149 12 16.4 111 .3 117. 1 95.1 148 211 10 10.7 111 .2 120.2 92.5 149 15Q 8 12.5 109.6 120.2 91.0 150 157 27 15.2 111. 1 120.2 92.4 8~NTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 66-3-31D • -8-• December 1-6; '1966 La Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Approx-Depth . Maximum imafe of H/-I Field Dry Dry Test Location at TesJ Moisture Density DensHy Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 151 166 30 12.6 . 97.0 107.9 90.0 152 . 208 16 11. 1 105.8 114.0 92.9 153 207 18 11.3 108.7 114.0 95.3 154 168 30 14.8 105.1 115.4 91.1 155 . 165 32 15.0 107.8 115.4 93.3 156 153 4 14.0 106 .9 116.2 91.9 157 160 39 11.4 114.5 . 123.3 92.9 158 2.08 20 7.5 112.3 123.3 91.0 159 153 6 804 112.7 123.3 91.4 160 21"0 12 8.6 109.3 120.2 91.0 ! 161 211 14 9. 1 109.4 120.2 91.0 , 92.0 I. M2 150 10 10. 1 110.8 . 120.2 163 149 " . 14 12.8 115.5 123.3 93.7 164 162 43 13.3 102.5 111 .9 91.6 165 164 43 10.7 109 .. 2 120.2 90.8 I 166 . 157 31 10.6 108.6 111.9 97.0 e 167 159 33 7.6 107.5 115.4 93.2 168 160 43 15.5 110.6 120.2 92.0 169 161 45 9.5 112. 1 120.2 93.2 170 163 45 12.4 111.7 123.3 90.5 171 160. 47 17.5 106 .8 117.6 ,90.9 172 162 47 12.6 lO3.6 115. 1 90.0 '173 Culvert* 6 13.0 101.1 112.4 90.0 174 Culvert* 8 13.2 102.6 112.4 . 91.2 175 164 47 15.,5 107.7 117.6 91.6 176 157 35 10.9 111 .5 123.3 90.3 177 156 19 14.4 1.12. 1 123.3 90.8 178 . 154 2 15.5 103.9 111 .9 92.8 179 154 4 Ij.7 105.4 115. 1 91.7' 180 210 16 12.8 112.3 123.3 91.1 181 211 18 13.8 100.4 109.9 91.5 182 209 2 14. 1 100.3 111 .5 90.0 183 209 4 14.6 109.2 120.2 90.8 184 209 6 14.6 108.6 120.2 90.3 185 Headwall** 2 14.3 98.8 108.8 90.7 186 Headwall** 4 13.3 99.7 108.8 91.7 187 166 34 16.2 105.9 117.6 90.1 188 165 36 13.9 108.2 117.6 92.1 e' * Sta. 15+41, Alga Road ** NE side of Alga Road Opp. Lot· 154 BENTON ENGINEERING, IN.C. r-----r----- Pr9ject No. 66-3-31 D • . Lq Costa Valley Unit No.4 -9-• December 16, 1966 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-. Depth Maximum imote of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Loc.ation at Test M0isture Density Density Perc.ent No. Lot N·o. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 189 162 51 14.4 110.5 117.6 94.0 190 161 49 16.8 103.2 114.1 90.4 191 1'59 37 12.6 103.2 114.7 90.0 192 207 22 13.7 116.2 123.3 94.4 193 159 41 13.6 104.2 115. 1 90.6 1'94 211 22 14.3 107.6 119.5 90.1 195 159 43 1'3.5 110.5 120.2 92.0 196 167 32 11.4 106.5 114.8 92.9 197 . 164 47 15.7 106.3 117.6 90.4 198 163 49 13.0 114.3 123 . .3 92.7 199 192 11.8 112.2 121 .9 92.2 Natur<;sl Ground 200 191 2 17.8 99.4 109.6 90.7 201 210 24 15.3 102.0 112.8 90.4 202 161 53 13.3 103.9 114.8 90.5 203 159 45 16.3 105.0 114.8 91.5 204 162 53 13.0 106.2 114.8 92.6 ,. 205 211 26 20.4 101.2 112.2 90.2 e 206 190 16.8 101.3 110.5 91.6 Natural Ground 207 192 4 15.9 1013 .7 118.0 ·92.0 208 191 6 13.4 106.0 114.0 92.8 209 187 2 15.2 110.7 121 .9 90.8 210 190 4 15.7 110 .5 121 .9 90.7 2)1 190 8 21.0 105.2 114.8 91.7 212 192 8 11.8 107.7 118.4 90.8 213 CC 2 11.5 111 .2 118.4 93.9 214 208 28 13.4 111 .2 120.2 92.5 . 215 DD 4 9.2 115.2 123.3 93.3 216 160 51 13.4 109.6 120.2 91.0 217 160 55 12.0 103.2 120.2 85.9 Reworked 218 210 28 17.0 109.6 120.2 91.2 219 166 38 12.4 103.7 115.1 90.1 220 165 40 16.2 109.2 119. 1 91.7 221 163 53 13.4 109.1 119. 1 91.6 222 162 55 14.7 111.6 120.2 92.8 223 160 55 . 11.8 112.7 119. 1 94.5 Check on #217 224 160 59 12.9 114.8 119. 1 96.3 225 187 4 13.4 112.2 117. 1 96.0 226 189 2 15.5 108.8 117.6 92.5 ,·e 227 193 1 10.1 104.4 115.1 90.7 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 66-3-31D • -10-• December 16, 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TE:S TRESULTS (CONJ.) , e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fi II Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test M<Disture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft CompactiGn Remarks 228 BB 4 20'.6 95.5 105.2 90.2 229 189 4 14.7 102.3 108.2 94.4 230 187 6 18.5 100.6 108.2 92.9 231 212 2 19.2 100.3 109.1 92.1 232 CC 6 11 .5 114.3 125.0 91.5 233 AA 1 16.9 105.3 115. 1 91 ;5 234 169 32 16.3 105.7 115. 1 91.8 235 168 34 12.5 106.2 115. 1 92.2 2'36 167 36 11.4 111. 3 120.2 92.7 237 ' 168 38 10.9 111.0 120.2 92.4 238 164 51 13.4 105.8 115. 1 92.0 239 209 10 18.8 102.2 109.1 93.6 240 207 30 13.8 106.3 109.1 97.4 241 208 32 14. 1 106.9 111 .5 95.8 242 167 40 14.3 111 .3 120.2 92.6 243 212 4 17.6 100.5 109.1 92.1 244 165 44 15.3 108.3 117.6 92.1 e 245 211 30 . 14.2 108.8 120.2 90.5 246 210 32 23.5 101.3 109.1 92.7 247 JJ 2 15.9 103.8 115. 1 90.1 248 BB 8 15.6 103.7 115.1 90.0 249 CC 10 12.3 105.9 115.4 91.6 250 FF 2 14.3 103.2 109.1 . 94.7 251 AA 5 13.3 106.0 115. 1 9.2.0 252 216 2 21.8 101.0 109.1 92.6 - 253 211 34 22 . .8 99'.1 109.1 90.9 254 209 14 16.8 101.9 109.1 93.4 255 207 34 18.6. 108.8 114.5 95.1 256 215 4 16.2 102.4 109 .8 93.2 257 168 42 12.8 105.5 115. 1 91.5 258 216 6 13.9 104.2 115. 1 90.6 259 167 44 12.9 i 14.2 123.3 92.6 260 . 166 46 11.4 . 107.2 115.8 92.7 . 261 169 36 12.9 1,05.8 114.6 92.4 262 BB 12 15.2 103.8 109.8 94.5 263 JJ 4 14.5 101.6 109.6 92.7 264 CC 14 20.2 98.4 108.0 91.0 265 GG 4 16. 1 102.5 112.4 91.2 e" BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, ,. Project No. 66-3-31 D • -1'1-• December 16, 1966 La' Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS' (CaNT.) e Approx-Depth' Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Tesl Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cLi ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 266 DD '8 14.6 107.6 114.0 94.3 267 BB 16 15.2 111 .2 121 .9 91.3 268 AA 9 14.6 108.3. 120.2 90.0 269 EE 4 16.5 101..3 109.8 92.3 270 168 46 13.4 10.S.3 117.6 92.2 271 212 6 14.6 102.7 113.1 90.8 272 210 36 13.5 109.8 120.2 9J .4 273 208 36 13.8 .107.4 -114.6 93.S' 274 215 8 9.2 111 .0 120.2 92.4 275 216 10 10.2 111 .0 120.2 92.4· 276 211 38 16.9 103.8 114.6 90.7 277 209 18 16.7 1'01.2 109.1 92.8 278 CC 18 9.4 108.3 120.4 90' . .0 279. DD 12 13.9 105. 1 114.3 91.9 280 FF, 6 12.3 107.1 119. 1 90.0 28.1'. BB 20 _ il.6 1lO.2 119. 1 92.6 , 282 210 40 17.2 1-07.5 119.5 90.1 e 283 , 213 10 14.7 105.$ 114.3 92.5 284 212 12 14. 1 106 .3 114.3 93.0 285 209 22 18.0. 108.2 120.2 90.0 286 207 38 15.8 101.0 109.8 92. -1 287 208 40 16.5 102 . .9 114.3 90.0 288 206 4 17.5 105".6 114.6 92.2 289 MM 2 17.4 103.3 112.4 91.9 290 215 12 12.2 100.5 110 .9 90.7 291 211 42 17.0 103.9 114.3 90.9 292 Jj 6 12.0 100.0 109.6 91.3 293 214 2 11.0 108 .. 2 115.1 94.1 294 FF 8 17.0 95.2 105.2 9G.6 295 207 42 18.4 103.2 114.6 90.2 296 209 26 17.5 107.2 114.3 93.S 297 216 14 18.0 101.0 112. 1 90.1 298 214 6 17.7 102.7 112 . 1 91.5 299 ' 215 16 _ 15. 1 106.2 117. 1 90.8 300 208 44 19.4 102.·3 l09.1 93.8 301 206 8 19.5 99.7 105.2 94.7 302 212 14 21.4 98.9 109.1 90.5 303 214 6 10.4 94.7 108 .4 87.4 Reworked 304 211 46 21.2 98.3 109.1 90.1 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, Pro ject No. 66-3-31 D • -12.;. • December 16 I 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fi 1/ Field Dry Dry Test tocation at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 305 JJ 8 18.0 105.5 110.2 9'6.7 306 GG 6 14.4 104.2 115.1 90.4- 307 EE 8 18.3 104.3 114.0 91.7 308 MM 4 15.0 105.3 115. 1 91.5 309 JJ ]-0 11.0 109 .2 116 . .2 94.0 310 FF 10 17.,0 103.5 107.9 96.1 311 AA 13 . 11.7 105.8 115.1 91.8 312 JJ 12 16.5 96.0 lO5.2 91.3 ~13 LL 2 10.0 108.2 115.1 94.0 314 GG 8 15.7 99.7 107.9 92.4 315 CC 22 17.0 105.1 114.0 92.2 316 DD 1'4 14.0 106 A 112.4 94.7 317 EE 12 12. 1 107.1 115. '1 93.0 318 KK 4 13.5 106.1 115. 1 92.3 319 BB 24 12.0 102.5 112.4 91.2 320 EE 16 14.0 105.4 115. 1 91.5 321 FF 14 13.5 103.5 112.4 92.0 e 322 HH 4 13.9 105.3 116 ;2 90.7 323 LL 6 19.5 102.0 107.9 94.5 224 JJ 16 15.2 106.0 115. 1 92.0 325 214 6 13.2 100 . .8 108.4 93.0 Check on #303 3.26 207 46 9.9 109.0 120.2 90.7 327 206 12 10.7 115.il-123.3 93.5 328 208 48 9.0 113.2 , 123.3 91.8 329 211 48 14.7 lOS. 1 120;2 90.0 330 213 16 13.0 110.5 120.2 91.9 331 216 18 15.5 97.3 105.2 92.3 332 214 10 15.7 96.9 105.2 92.0 I, 333 215 20 14. 1 105.6 114.6 92.2 ' '334 216 22 12.9 108.8 112.4 96.7 335 GG 10 14.5 102.8 112.4 91.5 336 FF 18 15.2 107.0 115.1 92.8 337 HH 6 11.0 111.1· 121.9 91.3 338 KK 6 13.0 106.8 116.2 91.8 339 EE 20 13.0 108.2 116.2 93. 1 340 GG 12 12. 1 ]-Q9.8 121 .6 90.3 341 DD 16 15:0 c 105.8 115.1 91.8 342 190 10 17.5 101.0 1'07.9 93.7 343 187 10 18.5 102.0 107.9 94.5 e BENTON F;:NGINEERING. INC. Pre ject No.. 66-3-31 D •• -13-• December 16, 1966 La Ccstd Varley Unit No.. 4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Apprcx-Dep·th Maximum imate cf Fi 1/ Field Dry Dry Test Lccaticn at Test Mcisture Densi-ty Density Percent No.. Lot No.. in Feet % dry wt Ib/Gu ft Ib/cu ft Compacticn Remarks 344 CC· 26 20.8 96.7 106.6 90.7 345 NN 6 20.5 97.8 107,4 91.0 .346 EE 20 17.8 99.4 107,4 92.5 347 JJ 20 17. 1 100,4 107.4 93.5 348 LL 8 18.2 99.7 107.4 92.8 349 DD 18 17.0 99.5 107,4 92.5 350 FF 22' 19.6 99.2 107,4 92.2 351 GG 14 15.0 111 .5 121 .9 91.5 '352 EE 21 20,9 97,4 105.2 92.5 353 AA 17 17.7 100.7 108.2 93.0 354 214 14 17.6 97,4 107.1 90.8 355 215 24 18.7 96.7 107. 1 90.2 356 216 26 18.2 98.2 109 . 1 90.0 357 214 18 22.3 97.1 107.1 90.7 ,358 215 28 15.0 105.8 114.0 92.8 359 216 30 15.0 106.2 114.0 93.1 360 214 22 21.6 97.9 107.,] 91.3 e ~61 215 32 17.6 102.7 111 .5 92.1 362 216 34 20.2 95.4 109.1 87.2 Rewcrked 363 QQ 2 17.2 102.6 114.0 90.1 364 KK 10 17.3 98.3 105.2 93.5 365 RR 2 16.8 96.8 105.2 92.0 366 pp 4 17.4 99.8 105.2 94.8 367 55 2 17.7 97.7 105.2 92.8 ~68 MM. ~ 8 17.6 98.3 1-05.2 93.4 .~69 QQ 6 13,4 107.7 115. 1 93.3 370 TT 2 15.5 102.1 111 .3 91.7 qZl LJU 2 15.8 100.2 111 .3 90.0 372. pp 8 12,4 105.0 112,4 93.3 373 216 34 19.6 95.9' 105.2 91.0 Check cn #362 374 215 36 17.6 108.6 115.8 93.6 375 Off site 2 20.2 101.3, 112,4 90.2 Opp, .21.5-16 376. 215· 40 15.'8· 105.7 115.8 91.4 377 -Off site 6 18.9 100.7 109.1 92.1 Opp.215-16 ,378 214 26 18,.5 103.7 112,4 92. 1 e BENTON ENGINEERING, INC., Project No. 66-3-31 D • -14-• December 16, 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate Qf Fill Field Dry , Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 379 Off site 10 20.1 101.4 111 .7 90.8 Opp.215-'16 380 NN, 10 17.4 98.1 107/.9 91.0 381 MM 12 18.8 95.1 105.2 90.5 382 NN 14 18.4 95.1 105.2 90.5 383 185 2 13.0 104.7 119. 1 87.8 Reworked 384 185 2 14.2 99.4 109.6 90:.8 Check o~ #383 .385 185 4 17.9 lOq.3 112.4 94.7 :386 191 10 19. 1 104.3 1.10.8 94.2 387 189 6 18. 1 re5.8 110.8 95.5 388 185 6 13.5 113.0 121.9 92.7 389 MM 16 17.5 106 .7 110.8 96.2' 390 NN 1-6 11.2 113.3 121 .9 92.8 391 QQ 10 12.0 115.3 124.9 92.5 392 55 4 16.2 96.7 . lO5.2 91.8 393 RR 6 15.0 103.2 114.0 90.7 394 SS 8 16.9 106.2 115. 1 92.2 e 395 00 2 17.3 106.0 114.0 93.0 396 190 12 14.2 111 .7 1.21.8 91.7 397· 189 8 15.2 102.7 112.4 91.3 398 189 10* 16.5 105.8 114.8 92.1 399 JJ 24 11.0 107.9 116.2 92.7 400 'KK 14 14.6 98.7 107.9 91.4 4tH LL 12 14.4 97.5, 107.9 90.3 402 JJ 28 7.7 111 .5 120.2 92.8 403 LL 16 12.2' 114.7 123.3 92.9 404 BB 28 11.0 104.6 110.8 94.6 405 DD 20 19.5 97.5 107.9 90.3 406 KK 18 5.9 1'07.3 115.4· 93.~ 1 407 179 2 8.5 106.4 110.8 96.2 408 179 4 8.3 106.4 110.8 96.2: 409 MM 18 14.5 109.3 120.2 91.0; 410 pp 12 8.7 114.2 122.6 93.3 411 NN 20 11.7 109.8 120.2 91.4 412 CC 30 10.9 108.3 119. 1 90.9 413 AA 21 12.9 107.3 114.8 93.5 414 179 6 14.3 104 .. 3 112.4 92.7 415 WW 2 9.1 112.3 120~2 93.5 416 RR 8 11.5 107.7 114.8 94.0 e * Hni$hed Grade BENTON. ENGINEERING. INC. Pfoject No. 66-3-31D • -15-• December 16, 1966 La Costa ValleY'Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULT5(CONT.) . . e' Approx-Depth Maximum imaJe of Fi" Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density DensHy Percent No. Lot No. in Feet ok. dry wt Ib/c\.) ft Ib/cu ft Compacti0n Remarks 417 " WW 4 12.0 110 .2 118.4 93.1 418 OQ 4 16.5 103.2 111 .3 92.7 419 RR 12 9.8 99.0 107.9 91.8 420 pp 14 9.8 113.8 121 .9 93.3 421 MM 24 17.4 104.8 115.5 90.6 422 QQ 14 20.0 98.2 107.9 91.2 423 pp 16 9.9 104.2 115. 1 90.6 424 S5 12 10.5 .JOO.7 109 .8 91.7 425 TT 8 9.1 100.3 109.8 91.5 426 VV 2 9.5 98.2 107.9 91.2 427 186 2 9.6 119. 1 123.2 96.6 428 185 8 16.7 104.9 112.4 93.3 429 184 2 13.9 103~8 115. 1 90.2 430 l83 4 14.0 100.1 107.9 92.9 431 QQ 18 13.4 .105. 1 115.8 90.:8 432 NN 24 11.3 108.9 119. 1 91.4 e 433 pp 20 1.6.2 104.2 112 ;2 92.8 434 RR 16 12. 1 112.1 121.6 92.2 435 55 16 16.5 103.0 112.4 91.6 436 184 4 15.9 108.5 114.0 95.2 437 l82 2 9.8 110.9 119. 1 93.1 438 TT 12 18.7 107.2 116.2 92.3 439 WW 8 17.6 110.2 119.8 92.1 440 186 4 15.2 108.1 115. 1 93.9 441 186 6 20.5 101 .3 110.8 91.5 442 187 12 11 .0 1'1] .7 121 .9 91.7 443 190 14 14.4 104. 1 114.() 91.3 444 QQ 22 16. 1 104.3 114.0 91.6 445 TT 16 16.6 110.5 119.1 92.7. 446 VV 6 16.7 111 .7 119. 1 93.7 447 227 2 15.8 . 101. 1 11-O.@ 91.3 448 NN 26 9.9 111.9 123.3 90.7 449 pp 24 14.5 107.A 117.6 91.4 450 QQ 26 17.2 106.7 114.8 92.9 451 S5 20 16.4 105.8 117.6 90.0 452 RR 20 ·16.4 104.7 114.8 91.2 453 n 20 13.3 107.3 117.6 91.4 454 WW 12 16.9 105.7 114.8 92.1 e 455 00 6 13.7 ll6.4 125.0 93.1 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. I-• I • '! Projec.t No. 66.0.3-31 D -16-December 16, 1966 La Costa Vaney Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) I e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Retnarks 456 _ XX 2 16.6 105.9 117.6 90.1 457 NN 28 13.8 110.5 119.5 92.5 458 227 4 ' 15.3 99.4 110.0 90.4 459 MM 26 15.5 108.3 115. 1 94.0 460 PP 28 14.8 1M .5 115. 1 92.5 461 227 ,6 15. 1 100.0 110.8 90'.3 462 178 2 18.3 102.9 '110.8 92.8 463 187 14 12.5 116.5 125.0 93.2 464 186 6 15. 1 99.7 110.8 90.0 465 184 6 15.6 110.5 119 i 1 92.8 466 186 8 15.0 108.3 119.1 90.7 467 179 8 22.0 101.2 nO.8 91.3 468 179 10 15.0 107.8 113.8 94.8 469 178 6 14.3 108.2 119.1 90.7 470 186 10 14.8 107.7 119. 1 90.3 471 -183 6 19.4-103.8 111.5 93.2 472 182 -4 18.7 105.3 114.8 91.9 473 183 6 18.8 104.2 1.12.2 92.9 474 183 8 14.0 102.3 108.2 94.6 475 185 12 18.3 99.3 105.2 94.3 476 186 14 14.5 104.5' 114.8 91 .1 ,477 1-86 16 15.5 . HO.3 119.0 92.8 478 NN 30 14. 1 113.7 '123.3 92.:1 479 VV 10 ,18.4 106.4 115.8 92.0 480 QQ 30 15.6 110.0 119.5 92.1 481 55 24 14.3 113.9 123.3 92.3 482 UU 6 15. 1 111.0 1-21.4 91.4 483 XX 6 16.2 110.8 120!2 92.1 484 WW 16 14.5 ,106 .1 115;8 91.7 485 "FT 24 19.5 100.6 110.0 91.5 486 PP 32 16.6 110.7 121.8 90.9 487 QQ 34 15.6 107.3 117.7 91.2 488 RR 24 13.5 98.7 109.5 90.1 489 . 179 12 16.8 102.3 110 .8 92.4 490 178 10 16.4 101.9 ,110.S 92.0 491 178 12 1-0.7 112.3 123.3 91.1 492 193 2 12.5 112.3 123.3 91.1 493 179 14 16.7 103.2 112.2 92.0 e 494. 179 16 18.3 1'06.8 115. 1 92.7 BENTON ENGINE~RING. INC. Project No. 66-3-31 D • -17-• December 16/ 1966 10 Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS{CONT.) e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 495 178 14 16. 1 '1'08.0 117. 1 92.2 496 179 18 12.0 111 .3 119.1 93.4 497 227 8 16.2 ·97.2 105.2 92.4 498 NN 32 12.0 114. 1 123.3 92 . .5 499 RR 28 8 .. 7 112.1. . 12.3.3 90.9 500 SS .28 16.6 107.3' 117.2 91.5 501 UU 10 17.4 1-09.0 119.5 91.2 502 TT 28 14.3 lOS .8 117.2 91.0 503 227 10 15.6 103.5 112.8-91.8 504 227 12 14.2 96.6 107.4 90.0 505 178 16 . 13.5 108.8 119.5 91.0 506 178 18 13.9 lO8.8 ' .119.5 91.0 507 AAA 2 13.5 109.6 119.5 91 .. 7 508 227 14 18.8 95.1 105.2 90.2 509 179 20 14.8 106.8 114.0 93.7 510 178· 22 13.8 110.9 121 .6 91.4 e 51-1 179 22 12.0. 111 .4 '119.1 93.4 512 227 16 14.0 113.4 123.3 92.0 513 . 227 18 13.2 107.2 ]]9.1 90.1 514 AAA 4 13.9 113.6 123.3 . 92.1 515 AAA 6 13.9 108.5 120.2 90.3 516 186 18 14.4 109.2 120.2 90.9 517 185 14 15.6 104.3 115.1 90.6 518 PP . 36 10.8 114.5 123.3 92.9 519 TT 32 . 11.6 111 .4 122.0 91.3 520 UU 14 11.3 106.1 115.9 91.5 521 XX 10 12.2 109.2 119 . .5 91.4 522 . VV 14 14.5 106 .4 115.9 91.9 523 TT 36 16.2 103. 1 112.2 91.8 524 RR 32 15.5 105.3 115.8 91.1 525 55 32 14.5 106.9 117.8 90.8 526 UU 18 16.4 111.9 121 .5 92.1 527' RR 36 19.4 107.9 119 . .5 90.3 52.8 RR 40 13.9 108.8 120.2 90.3 529 175 2 11.3 114.2 123.3 92.5 530 5S 36. 11.0 109.3 120.2 91.0 531 152 4 13.7 109. 1 120.2 90.8 532 IS1 4 14.1 109.3 120.2 91.0 e BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ,----~ Project No. 66:-3,"31 D • -18-• December 19./ 1966 La Costa Va.lley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TES T RES UL TS (CONT.) , e Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fill Fie'ld Dry Dry Test Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No .. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 533 AAA 8 14.6 98.6 109.3 90.2 534 149 16 10.9 112.6 123.3 91.2 535 150 12 10.4 110 .7 120.2· 92.0 ·536 215 42 16.1 lOlA 109.1 93.0 537 159 47 10.8 110.9 120.2 92.1 538 NN 34 13.5 112.2 120.2 93.4 539 QQ' 38 15.'0 110.2 120.2 91.7 540 RR 36 16.4 109.7 120.2 91.0 i 541 UU 22 .14.7 110.·0 . 120.2 91.3 I 542 . TT 40 15.0 11-0.,2 120.2 91.7 l' . 543 ww 20 14.7 107.0 117.8 90.9 1 544 VV 18 15.4 107.4 .114.3 94.0 i I 545 XX 14 14.2 109.6 , 114.3 95.9 I 546 WW· . 24 15.7 104,,6 114.6 91.4 547 'VV 22 14.3 110.8 120.2 92.1 548 171 2 15.1 103.2 114.0 90.6 e ' ,549 171' . 4 11.2 106.7 110.8 96.3 " 550 175 4 13. J 111. 9 121.6 92.0' 551 . 174 2 12.6 112.0 120.2 93.2 552 171 6 10.9 118.0 123~3 95.8 553 AAA 10 . 15.0 106.7 115.4 92.3 554 171 8 12 .. 8 108.7 120.2 90.3 555 AAA 12 10.5 114.2 123.3 92.5 556 li5 6 12.2 117.8 125.0 94.3 557 174 4 15.2 107.2 117.1 91.6 558 WW 28 12.2 111.0 123.3 90.0 559 224 1 11.6 106.0 115.4 91.9 560 XX 18 14.0 106.1 115.4 92.0 561 ZZ 4 10.3 115.1 123.3' 93.4 562 yy 2 15.0 109.7 120.2 91.2 563 224 5 15.2 100.5 109.1 92.0 564, yy 4 16.9 98.6 109 . 1 90.4 565 XX 22 18. 1 102.2 109. 1 93.6 566 ZZ 6 13.5 109. 1 116.2 93.9 567 171 10 9. 1 124.5 125.0 99.5 568 AAA 14 17.8 102. 1 110.0 92.8 569 171 12 15.8 101.3 110.0 92.0 570' VV 26 .12.4 112.3 123.3 91.0 I e BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 66-3-31 [) • -19-.', December ,16,. 1966 Ld Costa VaHey Unit No.4 , i ! TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) ! ' e ' Approx-Depth Maximum imate of Fi" Fi,eld, Dry Dry i, Test' Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. ' Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks, 571 WW 32 12.3 111 .5 123.3 90.3 572 224 9 16.4 106,;0 ' 114.3 92.8 573 XX 26 16.6 103 ;,3 114.3 90.3 574 BBB '1 9.9 110.2 119.5 92.3 575 BBB 3 10.9 108.7' 119.5 91.0 576 BBB 5 10.4 110.7 119.5 92.6 577 yy 8 13.6 114.0 123.3 92.5 578 171 12 14.1 111.2 116.3 95.7 579 171 14 17.7 106 .2 116.3 91.3 580 171 16 18.2 106.8 114. 1 93.6 .' 581 XX 30 17.8 105.6 115'. 1 91.8 I , 582 224 13 16.9 105.6 115. 1 91.8 , 583 171 18 15.8 101.7 109.1 93.1 584 171 20 16.6 102.8 109.1 94.0 585 ZZ 8, 13.3 107.2 114.3 9,3.8 586 yy 12 13.7 112.0 120.2 93.2 e 587 171 22 15.6 105.7 114.3 92.4 588 171 22 16.6 103.3 109. ] 94.8 I 589 171 24 16.8 102.0 109. 1 93.4 , i' l 590 zz 10 13.2 112.9 123.3 91.4 591 ZZ 12 14. 1 113.7 123.3 92.2 592 zZ 14 15.0 112.2 123.3 91.0 593 224 17 12.3 108.2 120.2 90.0 594 XX 34 13.2 1 ],0.2 120.2 91.7 ! 595 152 7 6.8 109.0 120.2 90.8 I' I 596 153, , 8 12.8 112.3 120.2 93.5 I , 597 154 6 16. 1 106.2 114.3 93.0 598 154 8* 14.9 112.8 123.3 91.4 I, 599, 156 21* 11.2 122.5 1'25.0 98.0, l' 600 157 39* 12.3 108.5 120.2 90.2 601 yy 16 18.8 106;7 114.3 93.2 602 XX 38 11.2 108.2 120.2 90.0 " 603 ZZ 16 17.6 106 .4 114.3 93.0 604 ZZ 18 17.5 107.0 114.3 93.5 605 224 21 14.2 110.2 120.2 91.8 606 yy 20 14.2 108.8 117.0' 93.1 607 ZZ 20 14.3 105.8 117.0 90.4' 608 223 2 15.7 lO8.2 ' 119.5 90.6 e 609 ZZ 24 16.4 107.5 119.5 90.0 610 171 26 19.7 110.2 119.5 92.4 * Finished Grade t BENTON ENGINEERING. INC., Project No. 66-3-310 • -20-'. December 16, ,1-966 La' Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) -Approx-. Depth Maximum imate of Fill Field Dry Dry Test Location, , at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No .. Lot No. in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Iblcu ft Compaction, Rem€lr~s 6.1'1 224 23 19.9 107.3 114.3 94.0 61:2' 171 28 18.8 102.8 109.1 94.2 613 224 25 14.3 106.5 115.8 92.0 614 223 6 13.9 108.0 115.8 93.3 615 215 44 13.7 102.8 107.2 96.0 616 Off site 14 16.5 102.6 112.4 91.3, . Opp.215-16 617 215 46 10.9 111 .6 123.3 90.6 '618 214 29* 12.5 108.3 120.2 90.2 619 215 48* 11.3 108.8 120.2 90.6 620 216 38 16 . .6 105.7 115.1 91' .8 621 212 18 15.0 106 .4 115.1 92.4 622 158 29 9.5 110.5 121.7 90.8 623 158 ' 31 * 8.9 106.0 120.2 88.4 Reworked 624 155 16* 10.0 110 .8 121.7 91.0 625 159 49* 11.2 ·103.5 120.2 $6.0 Reworked e 626 160 60* 14.0 112. 1 123.3 90.9 627 ' 161 56* 10.5 114.6 123.3 93.0 , 628 162 58* 9.7 104.8 120.2 87.2 RewCDrked ! I . . I 629· . 163 56* 9.9 117.6 1.23.3 95.4 I I 630 164 55* 13.8 116.7 123.3 94.6 , 631 165 47* 12.3 107.7 120.2 89.7 Rt:lworked ' I 6~2 166 50* 12.4 108.7 1,20.2 90'.4 633 167 48* 9.5 106.2 115; 1 92.3 634 168 50* 11 .4 112.2 123.3 91.1 635 169 38* 11.9 112.8 123.3 91.3 636 211 50 19.8 99.4 109.1 9'1. Q 637 210 44* 17.9 104.6 114.3 91.6 638 211 52* 10.9 109 .3 120.2 91.0 " 639 209 30* 13.2 115.2 123.3 93.4 '640 '208 52* 8..4 109.2 .'120.2 90.9 641 207 ' 50* 10. 1 110.6 120.2 92.0 642 206 16 * 9.7 110.5 120~2 91,.9 643 171 30 14.0 112.7 123.3 91.3 644 171 32 13.6 '1'14.2 123.3 92.7 645 174 6 13.7 111 .8 123.3 90.7 646 174 8* 14.7 113.7 123.3 92.2 647 171. 34 14.0 109.8 120.2 91 .. 3 e 648 171 36* 14,.5 1G8.5 120.2 90.4 649 175 8* 13.2 112.3 123.3 91.0 * Finished Grade BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. , - Ptoject.No.66-3-31D • La Costa Valley Unit No i 4 -23-• December 16, 1966 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CO,--.1T.) e· APPF0X-Depth Maximum imate . of Fill Field Dry Dry Tesf Location at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lot-No. in Feet % dry wt II?/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 726 152 1 14.2 113.0 121.8 92.8 727 152 3 10.8 114.7 121 .8 94.3 728 151 1 7.3 107.2 118.9 90.3 729 . 151 3 10.7 1'16.9 121.8 96.1 730 153 1 15. 1 113.3 120.2 94.4 731 153 ~ 3 1.4.7 nO.3 120.2 91.8 732 17l 1 16.3 104.5 114.7 91.1 I . 733 171 3 17.3 100.2 110.0 91.2 Finished Grade ! 734 169 1 14.3 109.4 120.2 91.0 735 169 3 16.0 101..6 112. 1 90.6 Finished Grade i , 736 223 1 1S.7 104.6 113.5 92.4 , 737 223 3 17.7 107.2 110.7 96.8 738 214 1 1:8.7 103 .. 6 113.8 91.1 739 214 -3 16.4 105.2 113.5 92.9 j-. • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. j. , r-I ! ; 1 I I I ! . j' , f.: I Project No. 66-3-31 D • La Costa Valley Unit No.4 -24- LABORATORY TEST RESULTS • December 1'6, 1966 fhe maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fi II materials as determined by the A.S. T .M. 0-698 method, modified to 'use 26 blows of a 10 pound hammer . falling from·aheight of. 18 inches on eqch of3 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder I are presented as foHows: Soil Type Light yellow-brown very fine to fine sand . Gray silty very fine sand Light brown sil:ty Hne to medium scmd . Olive-brown si Ity fine sand, clay binder Light yellow-brown silty fine to coarse sand Red-brown grave·lly clayey fine to medium sand Light brown clayey very fine to fine sand Light yellow-gray silty fine sand, slight clay binder Olive-gray si Ity clay Light brownsi Ity fine to megium sand Light brown to medium brown clayey fine to medium sand, scattered gravel Dark gray clayey si It, lime sheaks Light gray silty fine sand Light gray silly fine to coarse sand Red-brown si l.ty clay Yellow-brown sandy clayey si It Brown si Ity clay Dark brown silty fine to medium sand, clay binder and scattered gravel Medium brown to red-brown si Ity fine to medium sand, some gravel, slight clay binder Medium brown to red-brown slightly ·silty fine to coarse sand, som.e gravel light yellow and gray fine sandy si It Brown slightly:si Ity medium to coarse sand Light gray fine sandy clay Light gray silty fine to coarse sand, 10% gravel Gray-brown s i I ty clay Light brown silty fine sand I clay binder Light brown si Ity fin~ to coarse sand BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Maximum Optimum Mois- Dry Density ture Co~tent Ib/cu ft % dry wt 107.9 18. 1 112.2 16.0 115.4 13.0 119.5 11 .2 123.3 10.5 125.0 9.7 114.8 14,.1 120.2 12.2 109.1 18.5 115.1 14.5 119. 1 13.0 105.2 19.8 115.8 ]4.7 111. 9 11.7 114.0 15.4 117. 1 15.0 110.8 17.2 124.9 10.4 121 ;9 11.6 121.8 10.2 114.0 15.4 116.0 13.7 108.3 15.2 121.2 12.5 111. 3 14.8 116.2 13.2 120.0 11.0 •' -_ .,1,-_ ~.¥~, ~ flU BENTON ENGI~EERING. INC. ;vrfi rY!) APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS yY -eJl\ - 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD • / SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 S-,::)' 170-0 - PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER Paradise Homes, Inc. -Route 1, Box 25'50 Encinitas, California 92024 Attention: Mr. Irv Roston Subject: Proi~ct No. 66-3-310 Final Report on Compacted Fi lied Ground Alga Road, Almaden Lane ~~":J ~a:Co:Ja: ~alJ2X:~hi N~. 4 San Diego County, carl Fornla Gentlemen: This is to report the results of tests-qnd observations made in order to inspect the compaction-of fi lied ground placed on certain areas of Alga Road, 61maden Lane ,and blicante Road'<Iin La Cos-ta_ Valley Unit No.4, San Diego County, California. The fills were placed dvring the period between July 13, 1966 and October 4,1966. The grqding plan used for the placement of fi-Iled ground was prepared by Rick Engineeri-ng Co., -dated June 8, 1966. The approximate loca.tlons at which the tests Were taken and the final tes-t results are presented on pages 3 to 9, inclusive, under the "Table of Test Results . II The laboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture ~onten.ts of the major. fill materials are presented on page 10, under the Itaboratory Test Resu-Its." The tests were taken during the weekly peric;>ds inqiCated below: Test Number 1 and 2 3 to 8, inclusive 9 to .21, inclusive 22 to 35, inclusive 36 to 58, inclusive 59 to 74/ inclusive 75 to 90, inclusive 91 to 105/ i ncl us i ve Week Ending July 16, 1966 July 23, 1966 Ju Iy 30, 1966 August 6, 1-966 Aug ust 13, 1966 August 20, 1966 August 27, 1966 September 3, 1966 Cont. page 2 ie·· Pro ject No. 66-3-31 D • La Costa Valley Unit No. '4 'Test Number 106 to 122, inclusive 123 to, 126, inclusive, 127 to 128" inclusive 129 to 132, inclusive 133 to 140, inclusive -2-.' October 19, 1966 Week Ending September 10, 1966 September 17, 1966 September 24/ 1966 October 1'/ 1966 October 8, 1966 The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted fi lied gr.ound has been placed at 90% of the maximum dry density or greater. Respectfu Ily submi tted, BENTON ENGINEERING / INC. BY/fflAr~ M. V. Pothier, Civil Engineer Dish: (4) Addressee (2) Rick Engj,neering Co. AttentIon: Mr. Bill Rick (3) San Diego County Operations Center Attention: Mr. Don Klitch BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Proie~t No. 66-3-31 D • -3-• ,,~ ?""" October 19, 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No.4 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS e Depth Maximum Approx-of Fill Field . Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density DensLty Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 1 Alga Rd. 2 21.1 95.8 105.2 91.1 Opp. Lot 160 2 Alga Rd. 4 15.3 102.3 105.2 97.3 Opp. Lot 159 3 Alga Rd. 6 14.8 108.8 115. 1 94.6 Opt>. Lot 160 4 Alga Rd. 8 12.4 107.7 115.1 93.6 Opp. Lot 159 5 Alga Rd. 10 10.2 105.5 112.2 94.1 Opp. Lot 160 6 Almaden Lane 2 11.7 111.2 . 119.5 93.1 Opp . Lo t 210-211 7 Alga Rd. 12 11.7 112.3 119.5 94.1 Opp. Lot 159 .s Alga Rd. 14 13.5 111 .2 119.5 93.0 . Opp. Lot 160 9· Alga Rd. 16 18.9 104.8 114.6 91.4 e Opp. Lot 159 10 Almaden Lane 4 14.6 W1.3 111 .5 91.0 Opp. Lot 209-210 11 Almaden Lane 6 14.9 106.6 .115.1 92.6 Opp. Lot 209...,210 12 Alga 'Rd. 18 17.3 108 .. 5 115.1 94.3 Opp. Lot 160 13 Almaden Lane 4 13.5 111 .2 117.6 94.6 Opp. Lot 207 ... 208 14 Almatlen lane 6 12.9 111. 1 117.6 94.5 Opp. Lot 207-208 15 Almaden Lane 8 17.1 106.7 117.3 90.9 Opp. Lot 207-208 16 Almaden Lane 10 17. 1 107.1 117.3 ·91.4 IOpp. Lot 207-208 17 Almaden Lane 12 16.5 107.2 117.3 91.5 Opp. Lot 207-208 18 Almaden Lane 14 15.0 113.8 120.2 94.6 Opp. Lot 207-208 19 Almaden Lane 16 13.2 112.8 120.2 93.9 Opp. Lot 207-208 e BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ,Project No. 66-3-31 D .--4-• October 19, 1966 La Costa Volley Unit No. TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) • bepth Maximum Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry , Test imote at Test Moisture De8sity Density Percent ·No. location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compactili>n Remarks 2.0 Alga Rd. ,20 16.0 105.7 ,114.3 92.6 Opp. Lot 159 21 Almaden Lone 18 16.2 111.4 120.2 92.7 Opp. Lot 207-2.08 22 Alga Rd. 22 16.4 110.8 120.2 92.~ Opp. Lot 160 23 Alga Rd. 22 12.5 102.2 1.12.2 91.0 Opp. Lot 157 24 Almaden Lone 18 16.3 106.8 116.2 92 .0 Opp. Lot 207-208 25 Almaden Lone 20 16.5 104.8 116.2 90.3 Opp. Lot207-208 26 Almaden Lone 8 12.3 104.5 . 115.4 90.6 Opp. Lot 209..,.210 27 Alga Rd. 24 16.3 107.4 114.3 94.0 Opp. Lot 159 28 Alga Rd. 26 16.9 109.3 116.7 93.8 Opp. Lot 157 29 Alga Rd. 26 15.4 107.3 114.3 94.0 Opp. Lot 160 30 Almaden lone 10 16.8 104.9 114.3 91.8 Opp. Lot 209-210 31 Almaden Lone 22 11 .4 111 .1 120.2 92.4 Opp. Lo,t 207 32 Alga Rei. 30 16.6 112.0 120.2 93.3 Opp. Lot 160 33 Almaden Lane 12 14.2 100.7 111 .5 90.3 . Opp. Lot 210 34 Almaden Lane 14 14. 1 100.3 111 .5 90.0 Opp. Lot 209 35 Alga Rd. 28 .8. 1 109.0 120.2 ·90.7 Opp. Lot 159 36 Alga Rd. 30 13.1 111 .2 12'1 .~ 91.4 Opp. Lot 159 37 Alga Rd. 32 13,0 110.8 121.9 91.0 Opp. Lot 159 38 Alga Rd. 34 13.0 103.6 111.9 92.6 Opp. Lot 160 e ~ BENTON, ENGII'IEERING, INC. P~oiect No. 66-3-310 • -5-• October 19, 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No. ,TABLJ OF TEST RESULTS (CO,NT.) e Depth Maximum Approx.,.. of Fi" Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moistvre Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft 'Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 39 Alga Rd. 36 12.8 102.2 111 .9 91.4 Opp. Lot 159 40 Almaden tone 16 14.2 114.7 123.3 93.0 Opp. Lot210 41 Almaden Lane 24 11.9 102.6 1'll.9 91.7 Opp. Lot 208 42 Alga Rd. 2 15.5 108.0 119. 1 90.7 Opp. Lot 2,11-212 43 Almaden Lane 26 12.7 114.5 123.3 .92.8 Opp. lot 207 44 Almaden lane 18 21.2 94'.9 105.2 90.3 Opp. Lot 209 45 Almaden lane 20 14.5 101.5 109.1 93.0 Opp. Lot 210 46 Alga Rd. 38 18.2 106.4 113.3 93.8 Opp. Lot 160 47 ' Alga Rd. 40 9.9 108.8 120.2 90.6 Opp. Lot 159 48 Alga Rd. 34 lOA 109.0 120.2 90.8 Opp. Lot 157 49 Almaden Lane 28 13.4 111 .2 120.2 92.6 Opp. Lot 208 50 Almaden Lane 2 13.4 106.0 114.0 92.8 Opp. Lot 191 51 Almaden Lane 4 9.2 115.2 123.3 93.3 Opp. Lot 190 52 ' Almaden Lane 22 16.3 110.3 120.2 91.8 Opp~ Lot 209 53' Almac;len Lane 24 16.8 105.2 i09' .1 " 96.5 Opp.Lot21O 54 Almaden Lane 30 15.8 r04.4 '109. 1 95.8 Opp. Lot 207 55 Almaden Lane 32 14. 1 106.9 111 .5 96.0 Opp. Lot 208 56 Almaden Lane 26 15.4 107.7 114.0 94.6 Opp. Lot 210 57 Almaden Lane 28 1:5.4 108.3 114.0 95.2 _, Opp'. Lot 209 e ~ BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Pro ject No. 66-3-31 D ' -6-• October 19 1 1966 La Costa Valley Unit No. TABLE OF TES T RES ULTS (CONL) '_ Depth Maximum Approx-of Fi II Field Dry Dry Test imcite at Test Moisture Density Density Percent Nq. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compdctien Remarks 58 Alga Rd. 4 16.4 105.7 109.1 97.0 Opp~ Lot 211 ... 212 59 Almaden Lane 34 18.6 108.7 119.5 91.0 Opp. Lot 207 60 Almaden lane 6 15.1 99.6 110.8 90.0 Opp. Lot 191 61 Alicante Rd. 2 12.7 116.2 120.2-96.7 Opp. Lot 215 62 Alicante Rd. 4 12. 1 115.1 120.2 95.9 Opp. Lot 216 63 Alicante Rd. 6 11.0 107.0 117.6 91 .1 Opp. Lot 215 64 Almaden Lane 2 12.5 108.3 115.8 93.5 Opp. Lot 168 65 Almaden Lane 4 13.6 111 .6 119.5 93.5 Opp. Lot 168 66 Almaden Lane 36 16.7 100.5 109.'1 92.2 e Opp. Lot 208 67 Almaden Lane 28 8.5 106.5 115.4 92.3 Opp. tot 210 68 Almaden Lane 30 17.8 99.0 109.1 20.8 Opp. L6t209 , 69 Almaden Lane 8 15.4 98.0 105.2 92.9 Opp. Lot 191 70 Almaden Lane 10 15.8 99.5 108.3 91.6 Opp. Lot 190. 71 AI i cante Rd. 8 17. 1 107.5 117. 1 91.8 Opp.Lot216 72 Alicante Rd. 10 14.5 108.3 117. 1 92.6 , Opp. Lot 215 ]3 Alicante Rd. 12 14.5 94.8 105.2 90.2 Opp. Lot 216 74 AUcante Rd. 14 13.9 98.4 109.1 90.2 Opp. Lot 215 75 ABcante Rd. 2 13.0 106.8 116,.2 91.8 Sta. 24+20 76 Ali conte Rd. 16 17. 1 100.5 109.1 92.1 Opp. Lot 216 'e 77 AI:iconte Rd. 18 '16.9 101.8 109. 1 93.3 Opp. Lot 215 ~. BENTON EN'GINEERING. INC, ( ! Project No. 66-3-31 D • -7~ • October 19, 1966 f La Costa Valley Unit No. I I ! TABLE OF TEST RtSUL TS (CONT.) e Depth Maximl:Jn1 Approx-of Fi" Field Dry Dry Test imate-at Test Moisture Density, Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 78 Alicante Rd. 4 1702 102.6 114.0 90.1 Sta. 22+20 79 Alicante Rd. 20 20.2 101.2 112.4 90.1 Opp. Lot 216 80 Alicante Rd. 22 18.9 100.7 109.1 92.3 Opp. Lot 215 81 Alicante Rd. 8 16.2 99.3 105.2 94.4 S.ta. 22+20 82 AliCanteRd. 4 16.4 lUO.2 107.9 92.9 Sta. 18+25 83 -Alicante Rd. 4 16.5 100.7 107.9 93.4 Sta. 17+42. 84 Alicante Rd. 6 16.9 106 .2 115. l' 92.2 Sta. 18+25 85 Alicante Rd. 2 16.6 103. 1 111 .3 92.8 Sta. 22+20 e 86 Ali-cante Rd. 6 <}.1 112.3 120.2 93.5 Sta.. 17+42 87 Alicante Rd. 10 8.7 1l4.2 122.6 93.3 Sta. 18+25 88 Alicante Rd. 12 10.5 102.7 114.0 90.1 Sta.22+20 89 A lican teRd . 14 12.7 104.7 114.9 91.3 Sta. 18+25 90 Alicc;wte Rd. 10 11.5 109.5 114.9 95.4 Sta. 17+42 91 Alicante Rd. 14 14.5 114.8 124.9 91.9 Sta.17+42 92 Alica_nte Rd. 4\ 17.0 109.7 119.2 92.0 Sta. 14+52 93 Alicante Rd. 8 10.3 11'1.7 121.8 91.8 Sta.22+20 94 Alicante Rd. 18 14.'8 108.6 119.5 90.9 Sta. 18+25 95 Alitante Rd. 18 14.9 111.6 121 .4 91.9 $ta. 17+42 96 AUcante Rd, 22 19.0 108.9 119.5 91.1 Sta. 18+25 e 97 Alicante Rd. 22 15.3 103.7 114.8 90.3 Sta. 17+42 ~. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, Pro iec t· No. 66-3-31 D • -8-'. October 19 , 19(>6 La Costa Va IleyUni t No. TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CaNT.) • Depfh . Maximum Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test itnate at Tesf Moisture Dens'ity Density Perc;:ent No. Locafion in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft CompacHon Remarks 98 Alicante· Rd. 26 14.4 110.9 121 .2 91' .5 Sta. 18+25 99 Alicante Rd. 26 15. 1 110. 1 119.5 92. ·1 Sta. 17+42 1O0 Almaden Lane 2 16.9 106.8 115.8 92.1 Opp. Lot 178 101 Almaden Lane 4 14.7 108.4 120.4 90.1 Opp. tot 178 102 Alicante Rd. 30 15.9 105.6 115.8 91.2 Sta. 18+25 lO3 Alicante' Rd. 30 13.6 109.6 119.5 91.7 Std'o 17+42 104 Alicante Rd. 34 14.6 106.9 117.8 90.8 Sta. 18+25 105 AI i cante Rd. 34 14.8 110.2 121 .5 90.8 Sta. 17+42 106 Alicante Rd. 38 17. 1 108.5 120.2 90.4 e Sto. 17+42 107 Alicante Rd. 8 15.3 , 107.4 114.6 93.8 Sta. 14+52 . 108 Alga Rd . 38 9.7 113.5 123.3 92.1 Opp. Lot 157 rD9 Alga Rd. 42 9. 1 113.2 123.3 92.0 Opp. Lot 160 110 Alga Rd. 32 12 .. 0 110.3 120.2 91.8 Opp. Lot 210 111 Alga Rd. 42* 11.9 111 .5 123.3 90.5 Opp. Lqt 157 112 Alga Rd. 46 12.6 110.8 120.2 92.2 Opp. Lot 160 113 Al i cante Rd. 12 14.0 1.02.9 109.1 94.4 S·ta. 14+52 114 Al i cante Rd. 16 13.6 104.0 109 . 1 95.4 Sta. 14+52 11-5 Alicante Rd. 20 12.9 110.7 117.6 94.2 ·Opp. Lot 224 116 A/icante Rd. 24 10.3 120.8 123.3 98.1 Qpp. Lot 224 117 Alga Rd. 4 11.4 106.8 116.2 92.0 Opp. Lot 211-212 * Finished Grade BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ( Pr<>:lec t No. 66-3-31 Do. ! -9-• October 19, 1966 La Costa Val/oey Unit No. o·zr TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) e Depth Maximum Approx-of Fi /I Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks i. 118 Alga Rd. 6 11. 1 108.2 115.4 93,,9 , o Opp. L6 t 211-2 12 , I 119 Alga Rd. 8 13.9 111 .6 119. 1 93.7 Opp.Lot 211-212 120 Alga Rd. 10 13 :7 110·.8 1l9.1 93.0 Opp. Lot 211-212 121 AlicanteRd. 28. 14.6 108.8 112. 1 97.1 Opp. Lot 224 ,. 122 Alicante Rd. 32 13.9 117.2 123.3 95.1 Opp. Lot 224 123 Alicante Rd. 24 17.6 lOL2 109.1 92.8 Opp. Lot 216 ·124 Almaden Lane 26 12.4 115.0 120.2 95.8 Opp. Lot 215 12,5 Ali conte. Rd. 36 15. 1 111. 1 115. 1 96.6 Opp. Lot 224 126 Alm9den Lane 34 12.0 115.8 12.0.2 96.4 e Opp. Lot 209 . l27 Alic:ante Rd • 42 12.6 113.7 12.0.2 94.6 $ta. 17+42 128 Almaden Lane 38* 12.7 115.2 12.0.2 96 . .0 Opp. Lot 2.07-2.08 129 Alga Rd. 52* 0.5 114.9 12.0 . .0 95.6 Opp. Lot 16.0 13.0 Alga Rd. 12 11.3 110 .8 117.6 0 94.3 Opp. Lot 211-212 131 AISJa Rd. 14* 11.2 111 .6 117.6 95.0 Opp. Lot 211-212 132 • Alicante Rd. 28* 17 • .0 1'08.1 115. 1 94 . .0 Opp. Lot 215-216 133 Alga Rd. 44* 12.3 11.0.5 12.0.2 92 . .0 Opp. lo,t 159 134' Alga Rd. ** 2 12 .. 3 lOT .6 111 .0 91:7 135 Alo Rd ** go 0 '. 4 12.5 1.07.1 114.6 93.4 136 Alga Rd. ** 6 12.7 112.3 12.0 .2 93.6 137 Alga Rd. ** 2 13.6 108.3 116 . .0 93.5 '138 Alga Rd. ** 4 11.8 111 .2 12.0 .2 92.6 139 ' Alga Rd. ** 8 9 . .0 117.2 123.3 95.2 14.0 Alga Rd. ** .]0* 10.1 114.5 123.3 93.0 e * Finished Grade ** Over Storm Drain Structure Adjacent to Lo.t 148 \ 8ENTON:·ENGINEERING. INC, j I i ;' 1\ . \ f ero jec;t No. 66-3-31 D • La Costa Valley Unit No.4 -10-, • October 19, 1966 LABORATORY TtS'T RESULTS The. maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fnl materials as determined by the A.S . T .M. D-698 method, modrfied to use 26 blows of a 1:0 pound hc;;mmer falling from a height of 18 inches on each of 3 layers in a 4 inch di'ameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cylinder ,are presented as follows: Soil Type LiglH ye I low-brown very fine to fine sand Gray si Ity very fine sand Ught brown silty fine to medium sand Olive-brown sj Ity fine sand, clay binder Light yellow-brown silty fine to coarse sand Red-brown gravelly clayey fine to medium sand Lig ht browne layey very fi ne to fi ne sand Ughf·yellow-gray silly fine sand, slight clay binder Olive-gray si Ity clay . Ligh.t brown si Ity fine to medium sand Ugh t brown to medi um brown clayey fi ne to medium sand" scattered gravel Dark :gray clayey si It ,lime streaks Light gray si Ity fine sand Light gray si Ity fine to coarse s.and Red-brown si Ity clay Yellow-brown sandy clayey silt Brown silty clay Dark brown silty fine to medium sand, clay binder and scatter~d gravel Medium brown to red-brown si-Ity fine to medium . sand~ some gravel, slight clay binder Medium brown to red-brown slightly silty fine to ,coarse sand, some 9 rave I Light yellow and gray fine sandy silt Brown slightly silty medium to coarse sand Light gray fine sandy clay Light gray silty fine to coarse sand, 10% gravel , Gray-brown si Ity clay light brown si,lty fine sand, clay binder Light brown, si Ity fine to coarse sand BENTON ENGINEERING, INC:. Maximum Optimum Mois Dry Density ture Content Ib/cu ft % dry wt 107.9 18. 1 112.2 16,.0 115 A 13.0 119.5 11.2 123.3 10.5 125.0 9.7 114.8 14. 1 120.2 12.2 109.1 18.5 115.1 14.5 119. 1 13.0 105.2 19.8 l15.8 14.7 111 ,9 11.7 114.0 15 A 117 . 1 15.0 110.8 17.2 124,9 lOA 121 .9 11.6 121 .8 10.2 :114.0 15.4 116.0 13.7 108.3 15.2 121.2 12.5 111.3 14.8 116.2 13.2 120.0 11.0