HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 72-26; LA COSTA MEADOWS; PRELIMINARY SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1970-06-15·' .. ~,,' ::--" " ,:, ,,_ " ',,' , .. , "'\~~~::~~u~;~t>~>,,,.?,' " ,'.' 1; <><" '" The ~existilli natur.af soils that arE!"to.,-rece,ive fill or, one and two:S"l:,O irvr'restlaC~nrICU structures are su i table' for use as 'foundation soi Is for. J-h~se builcn~s.~,,::TMs ossu"·£!:'!'E ~$-:~la'~';I'er that spectal designpr:ecoutions 'Wi:!1 be, token whe~~~r;exponsrve,.clay$~ four\d' 'remain;iri'the-upper three, feet bel'ow finished·grade5.~f'qny'of.~e-btiHdire ....... ,._i~." J~":;'~;~~~{"" ": ',~,>":, .' ,,' >:'~'::':':',' .:':., <,:,::'c,';~~;1~;~~}:::.',~':~;:':·',·,:i;,,:'.::,::'~',K'::,>: ; . .,':' . ,Z!7~.:r-;:·::~t:~:::' Ca!cul.ations bosed .on':the-resu.I.~ ,of:s~e:qr'tests'. perforl!le&'Qn ' .'::: ,,~ soilS:T;;dJ~~~fe, a safe'a'lI owab Ie, b~Q'rJ~;:volu'e:'or ' ,.'. ;"'Ij3~ per: '.. '·'flV'lto.·f riiE,nNii:;'.tV'l+- ,~.:~,::.,~'··contfntious:;'footi ,,',-. " nded. ' ' . ofC-fJe' '.' . " "':.,',; 'stJ;f~ac;fl" '."'-"'" ~f.";;z;l1;~~)l);~~,; ~ " .' "~~,:~; ~?); ~~~! ;::7.::£'~",';:!';·' " .. ' . :':"3 !~2~;~~~ .. ri:.:fhe:,-CI .. 'u:r'I~';'VI foot'~f~~{:~'9nttnUoU~}go~tr\1 '~." " .at:~· p 9rou ri£:~sirr.fa~~an~f f~ad~d 'to '30oof p6t/nCis; pe'r 'CI"II'I, t'lr,..· .' , ]/8·~~~~iYr\·~~~~~g~~~:~j)~~~:~:"':<":,;-?::~:~1f~'·~~~1J1grr:"::': , ':'0.' .; 'r.' ',' ',"", '." , . 4 •.. ~;'~;lJ<:: All o~ ·the soilnria>:::.be 'satisfactorl :c;ory,PQcte~ .tn, the' fifl' t'I PO'. ·_·,"'.,.·..c", ...... ··..,'COI:TlC'OCl to 9bperce'nt of maximum dry deriSi.ty.~ the' ~oi Is ha.;~·~!cr~af&.bearrr~i ya[i!e'of / square foot for one foot wide contfN.JOus fOotirgs:p'IQ~ea.one foot oelow:th~nn1Sn:ect>eCl'mclaetccl": ground sUrface .. This.value maybe fncre'~edat, th~e~:-;'a~.:of.'.22a p~ndSper"sqvQre:}oot' foot of-depth that the-fo(;tirt{ is; pl~'de'd greater 'thch:Jfl;~~o·ne·.foot,'mini'muni;~':r~e:jfd.i~f~·"' •• ' ......... rn ... of one.. foot wide footi ~s.located ,in:properly cO~p'.a~,!~d,:·~:IJ~d ground~.and r,~~~~~~·.~. !,C :"c mn'l81'1Idei;t'; is eS6~~ to b.·I.~ ~on l/4:Jht,>~,~;,:;~.~~~"":; ·': •. ~:;,~~l~1W;:'~' ",,; ,,,p,,,.,,.,_ v .' C'Y·":~~:~;~:~~:Z'l-:~~!'~!.~}~t;::;~<'{f""'%~.,,,,~~~~f;'::1~T;;;~~ !~!;" (' it::d~:t'r,~!;:j~i~r . Rancho La Costa . ' . ' : . .. . .• '. . ", ",," .... " ',: ,..... .. . . ." ~ . ' ('~. .,.:.~.:;.:~::)/: ... " . ~ -... :::-:;~~:.~:~.}::.~'.':: . '~'J.;.:'\"~; :~'<' ''-;. 5, . :,' The clayey soils such as those found behveen the depths ofT.O aT,d· 6',0. feet· .' .... ::} ..... :: .': ~ .... : in Borirg No.·2., between L7 and. 3~5 feet i.n Bori:e':.,,!cL \3~ betwee:n? to·2..5.X~~t.i.ri ,.: /\,:;~:.r::·:·:. Borirg No, 8, andbetween3.0t04.2feetlnBo~lI·g "'0·.·16.areconslder~d·q~·.expans.lve. _:"'::., .: .... :: i~' ':-..:::1 type soils with respect to volumetric. change with c~'~l'l1ein-"moistur~' conte~t-.:>:~ccordingly .. :. ~:. : >.:.:}J.j it is recommended that wherever such expensive· typec:'cIay soils are:·allowed toremai.n in .': .... ':: ". :.::.c' the upper three feet below finished grade in the natural ground or. in the corripa~te.d .filled .': ..... ' .... , ground, .that the design precClUtionsset forth in Appendix BB~ att<ilched heretOj~:beexercj5ed>:': .. " ·':::(;i:." ., ;' : ....... "'.. . .... ,'. . .' ':",~::~:~i~jf.::'~,~··~ .. >·.·. ,.''-;' ."<-' ··::;':~.';};·',:K;~,:.,.: ... '::}L·'~.'" ';::/;J;i;1 . _: .. ,:..:;, Inspection of the 'soi Lconditions shoo Id :be. continuou~~d~r.irg gra~r~::so that.·:.';~~"\>·.~,: ')\~, upon·cOmp·letion, . th.~lofs· where expansive soilS:·" inintn,el!PPE!r.',!hr:ee: " o~ " ·:(.",:':<,,·:ti·,:·F '" . finished'grcde will be' .. tab~la~d ~'~Y.<:i~·,~.,"<.« · . ·:~:':.:~:\:~.:~;':!i0;;.' ;:.', ~. '. ',' , . ::: . . .. :'i:i;~~~:~:;:;' :-:''':.,:. :)j~{~TI;:i%;§,?;::!~g;':~~:f:i'*~}~;};:':{I\L~ ,}.~~~:K~::-::·~:<~:1f.~(;~: . . -.' " ":-6:~k;j!$:":~ . It' it· recOmmended'.~that'~ir·th'e; .. '. " .Onlpnsn~d-' n:.·ai.;:c~~d.(;tnce;· .. attached:~."Standard· Specifications for.Placeme . . : Appe~i~. AA, .attac~ed·her~to ~'-:~~:~:::.>;;;i\.}~i~ . -'.': .' .;\. ; ::.' :::;'~i~;;'~f·". '.::" .' ;: ::' •.. ' .::::.,.~;,.:';" :'. " ':~~~.:'::~'~ . ~'.,':.~.:, .... : " ,;,.: J:' '. ':""'~'~?'~~~Q)"''"i'I p relimlna!y.,pla~ ,.~!,cote-.that~~~·~K~}!}~t"OI~aer,:;,o · ...... '~l::;· to. be:?~::te"tn·varioU's'1&atioli,:·()n~tfi'4t' -."' .. ' ""~ '~"".''''''' ~~ .. c.-.--i_"!O' .. ;;~;·",,,_:. ,', '"' __ ,;.·L"· •. ·~ ••. '· ... l 'f-~~:'\" ' • '~',;~ •. ,:, Icbor.a~~:test·datC;and~the;·iesurfs:~of.)he,.field ~.. " " : unifOriiify.:'compacted "to'. at least. 90"percent of max .... ". ry-" ' .. approved specifications.will be stable with· a safetY-faetor of at le.ast!l:5 H,n:·neJIOnr::., 50 feet when constructed on a 1.11.2 horizontal to--li:vertical of,flatters',","""',:'-II'N·:.H . fee·t-, wide . benches spaced vertically· n-;; greater tha~:25 feet on··cenhtrs:';L.. , ~ --..... ; <; ;J' ." :,. ,.~. :..':T~:·" . . b). Under the same condition; slopes u~,tb:'90 feet fn h~rgh"t>;~_be,:c,'o~~trtJrctE!d wi th the top 50 feet on a J 1~ horizontal to· 1 verti-cal, Or flatier 'stope' a.nd-·J~t wide- benches placed at -25 feet and 50 feet respectively from the top of slope and :the"remai'nc!er-.,. of the fill construc'tecfon a-2 h~ntal to 1 yert;'cal./ or flatter dope and a ten:.feetwfde J •• -::. " bench placed at 75 feet below ·the· top of the slope· ... -.Stability analyses for tha.~proposed fill slo~s' are presentea on Drawi~ Nos. 27 and 28 ... In. accordance wUh the COU-no/·Gradirg· . ':" . Ordinance I cut'slo~ may be excavated on ~ 1 1/2 horizonfal to .. fvertical;~iJ'. br flatter~.<}.~ 0"": without· benches up to 40 feet in heightand for.s opes . . . ... bencltes spaced vertic~lfy no greater:tha]i 3Q feet:~~~cen!'ers me~~'reck .. ~.'<. ," :' ~ .. ~.~ ..... :' :. .,:·.;:;::~i:.~·:~~:,:0"",:~;;j.~~~11~~~::~~\:: .. _/·.::i:,::·t~:;':':::::~:j~,::, , .. ".:,/.~.:;,<:", The above conclusions 'Casu'me a hoii;ontol·'sefsmic force.equ· and that:'erosion control and proper drainage wHl·:,be:provlded. to"-prev;ent ','r Mt!4II"'Ww't't.,,' runni~ over' the top of-the exposed slop'es' ,:!<~.'~':-;:' . ;;t-r,,~' < ,;' •. : .... :'.: ; .};.:;:.~' '.' '; < ::" "'.:. . .'. ')~~':"::;:""<" :~~.\~:.~':~!~.<::.>'~:.:::{:.' ", '-.:"£;~~ . , 1;' .. ,c\, .. 8. ". . Both cut and fill operations are 'required for .the development of.' the project •... ,.; . ., One and two story weod frame structures may be··constructed on, lots ·that are partly!" cut:and.-·' .. '.: ,.:. partly in fill provided that the load Httlement·ch.aracteristies of ih. natural'·soHs Clrld the ·:::c.>:">, : : compacted fill ground are comparable~. This may require excav.athmand recompaction in'~' .:.~ -::.',' .. loose compressible soils or where extremely dense. s.lightly weathered rock a!e. feul'd to exist--,": ::", - on these lots. ".:: :~;"':: . ,:':>:.~:!:;;,:, .. '. . .' ... '>' .... ::' ""·"f .. 9. The exploration bori~s, the explo~~ti'~n"Pits/' th~· G~~physr~~l~~~i~~"·a~~:·2:\~:~Y.~:J·>·:~,,:, Geologic study all indicate a great deal of very dense rock underlyi~ a very rarge portion 0(' .-: :.'.- the project site, therefore it is recommended that the maximum particle size,:dfseusied'in' .".,;., ... i:· . • • " ~'.¥ "~{~;~~~~~.: ~ ~ ~ '. ' " , -. '. '.: c'" ,~. :-«', ' .. -: . ,: .. '. SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. -~' : .. ' "P'iJ-'< '. "':~"if~.;:if,~?~f""· .... ·.ii~ff~1:'t- Project No: 70-4-1 F':' -3- Rancho -La Costa .. , .;~ . ,.::'1'. '; :-;.1 l'" :~ '.' ., . parogra~ 3~ of Appendi~.AA be modified to 12. inches' for all fills ·p.,low three fe~t below .' .. ,.~'" "'" ~ '; finished grade provided ,that the rocks are distributed iii such a manner that cdeq,UClht quant,iUes . " :';" of minus No.4 material exists and compaction can be 'accomplished behYeen the rocks. It .' , is also' recommended tha't. rock disposal arees outside ,the foundation prisms·of the proposed ' buildil'\js be established to accomodate the oversized materiel; The' foundanonprism is.. . ',-. defined as that prism enclosed by planes intersecti'll the ground surface 5 feet outside the '., foundation line slopirG· Outword end ~ownward at' J,.: 1~ horizontal tol vertical slOpe. ;.' " All slopi~:hi'liside :ar~:~~{;'i'ch :~r~·:to:~e'cei~~. ~'i£~'h-I'i~ shot! be .c·leored o/th~;'61~ay soj"s,j~'::>,,:, : , .. ',:-, the benchir¥1 process discussed in·Parcgraph 2. (c) o.f:'Appendix 'M", , .. .-< '.~: .;:,::,.,~,,:;"'; _'._ ,:",-';~'.-!:. . . .::'i;~:~~E;.!:;:~:.; ':,,' . ,'·?::'ii~)t~~~.~:<>· ·,'c.:;. : .. :);,~;:}, :.~ ~. '. ·:":~j·~~~{l~!~:~/.:"~ :' ..... ~ '.' :>-:-" ... i-:< >:::'" 'r ;j~·::[.i£i~'·:· :".:": .f :·";:},~1:~~:,:.~~~::,:;·:"· .. , If cny' ~~it·)ypes ore' e,~~u~te~ed. du~irG' .!he.grading{?,~rations.'that~re not!ti:stea::Jn:fhis.,~?::Si::i',:::::LJ . . j nvestig(i~~on/. cddi tion~r~·r~~OratorY,"~~sts ... wi II be.~~o~~~ted i~: order':~~ d.eternilne::1heir ph~icc:d:,~,,~:;~~,;;-:; , ", ", charee-tenes and supplemental· reports and recommendations wdh:utomahcal a·.pc.~f :';:,i'>'~:':~."~ of ih .. ·'::t~~a~:72til):~:;·~";~t:_-" . "A'~~~S~~ .. . ;'~if,%~:~i4~':; . The da'tc:i·Rf.sentedi.c.'· .. ·,,·,"'" -'«'. ·l:'to:~~:7:;',t~';rrK::lusive '. III :;NoSt;:;:,J. tOe .... as App."·· i~es;·A,;:'.'A ;Ec;:~'Ci~~~and':D '. this .. repor'ri;;~;tJ: Res:~'tn.ny ,:f~f;;;dl .. <":,~'!,,~;;1~~l:"·; . . ;~;2;".:~fJJt') . • _. .,' •• ~.~ .::. 1' .... 1 ,: BENTON.ENGINEERING, INC. -. . , .... ') . B ( 'Y/ #" .. """. ,'-... < . c? ---/? . Y . /,A:::.c·c<::'.< .. -'_ \ '., \t., c:Z-e.. '---. ..• G William G. Cotlin, Civil Ergineer .,', ~:' ;~':~:{~2~~:' -. : Distr: Rancho La ,Costa, I ne . .• ";, '~~f ;":'~" . . : .. ':.: ; ,~:~ '. ~'(4) , (2) Rancho. La Costa, Inc ~.: Attention:: :Mr~., 'Burton L. Kramer '" (2) Rick Ergineerirg Company·. .'. " 1!":" . 1;' ... ../\;;,.;-. , ~. ~ ~~ . -.. ~,';:: .}., . ',~ . , '. .. :-~. ,"'-. . ~~ . .~. '. -.--:.- :.,. ,.' :,'.' .:' .. :' " .:.. -, -', " ~";,,,.: BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. . ,'. j: . ;~:: ·i~.';.2·'./; ';,.-,.:,j~:::! . " .. :." u::: ."f.~I:~ ,,~:: j:'~ \:{~~,~,~~i~~,~~~~!;;:t~;;;~:'l,tt!.;:i,;J!r;:;~liE!~~~r;i;l .. " .,.' ,-'. ~:/,:i.,~:··_,i~,~,',j·.-:.':' . : '_".: •• ~ J : '.,~ • '_.,:, -'J:"''''~~''~ .• ~ ......... . ' ': .' .::; -~ '. DISCUSSION" ;.,',' "'>"'. :':;.;::; ;".':~!~} ,~~: A preliminai'Y soils investigation has been complet~d';~~'the proposed La' c~';~:'~~~(;doWs Units .': "" . "::./ 1 to 4, inclusive, located east of EI. Canino Real and ~n'either side oran extension ofAIg.q ",: ' ,,~;~~. Road in San Diego Cbunty I California. This parcel is:more portict,Jlai'ly describe'd as portions,. '. ,' .. «" '~ 0,,17 .~ -.:;' of Section 25, Township 12 Scuth Range 4 West S. BJL, & M. and portions of ,Section 30 and' ' . . ',:,,~:t,:, 19 T-ownship· 12 South Ra~e 3 West S.B .'B· .. &. M';'.encompassirg a total area ofapproximately·'::'· .. ·, .. ·"fr.'.: 386 acres •. The objectives of this inVestigation were to determine the existirg',soirconditions"""'" .:·,~~e·, at the site, to develop Sufficien'tinrormation about·:·the physical prq>erties'of the;soi'ls so that ": ::' ",:' ',J;~~:~. recommendations could be mode for safe and ecor:tomical gradilli c;lnd .. fOUncrati ''''!design anctto;,:':',,:---::': .' ,:'::: provide.!.nformation .!~:~~ply :Hi~',,~e r~uire~,e:n~~~~~ I~~, g.ua.-n~lee.Os'''.· .' Or.derJ9 '. :,c-... , :,'.' , acc9f'nplls,h :.these ob,e~:tiyes, eighteen borll''Qs Mr,e'~r~l-Jed/'Sl'x' , . turbed arid: loose beg::'sCmples, Were·; obtai ned ,andJ~6bo~~fory.. tests: ~'". In oddition~ the subsurface c:ondi tions were· evalua'ted~'i~: selected, .. refractio';.seismograph):mc{ a p~eviC)l.;sly prepcred.,9~,QJq;ic .. s .. . . :' :""$:" ' .:: ~ .~i~~:" --.(.: . i: .. ".', :', '.-;,'-': :'. Ff': :."", '.': ~':V~t&~~~';:~': :.» , The.ge~~9r topograpf.t9:·,:~f the,a~a."maYtbe~ .. d~c~jb~~:~:"~IT-I·o"detate''U-'.'lp1'''l"e . peaks _as:~igh as ElevatJ'o:ri $8Sa&(5!4 fe'erfn~ttl;'llP4!h~i:ry­ ",.-as low·~> ... Elevati'cn 2~O, .. !~-~t· in·-the~'hO·~~rly a~~~~t~trV"',' ," -~':'::: ,'. ;::>;:'.;'::'.i:,~Y'::"\::~:)Y'S,:,-':'~':·:---'~':·"·:·~~~~X~;'ji~1!~;';!'!"':'-~,: . '., ." Accordir~r to the "Soil Mop "'prepared by the U :-: S::"D~pOrtmerit Agricul upper soUs·::-.::,:< in mat of the southerly and easterly' portion 'are described as Las PosOS', Stony:Ane~Sandy Locuri,~'·:_ ,.", Las Pose. Stony Fine Sandy LoOm is·-indicated as O.3-foot ofa friable'stoney fin:.,sc'ftdy "oam ':'!'. :,.' .. r,,:, underlain by 1.0 foot of slightly compact cloddy stony fine sandy loom, 0.6 -foot to 1.6 feet of moderately compact stony fi ne sandy loam and bedrock. The remainder of the 'sUrface is. made upof Carlsbad LOClmy Fine Sand, Botella Sandy Clay· Loam, Olivenhain LoamY.Rne Sand, Ayar Clay Locm, Altamont Cloy r and rough broken land., The soils enccuntere:d in" the·borf'l1s in this:' investigation consisted primarily of clayey sands and some silty sands, sandy claY; clay, sandy ':;,' ... ., '. , o • ~ , silt and claystone. A large portion of the area was underlain by dense bedrock~"_:~'" ' , Jt, ' .' .~.~~,.~..-:. ~":., .:::~. . .' "'. " .. --.. " .', .. ···\>·;.·:··~~~+:t;~,;.-~.::.:;' __ ,':' . Field Investigation,' . , ,,~:.',: . . ,".:,. :,", ;',," .. -,;~,.\:~;.~,j"'i: .. ," ," _ ' , :',.. _ . ,'-,:. " ,_. :::."~ .' '" -,_ <;<~~i,?~;:;: . .' ': :,: 'j.' ~:\::;'~~":~;;:'~::,:~. ':~~~*~~~~?~}::;: (~' .~:,{ , ' The eighteen bori~s were· drilled, each to a dianetei<of 24 inches With: a truck;~ounted,ro't<;2ry:i~:,'" . bucket-type drill rig at. the approximate locations shown on Drawi're, ;No ... ,.1 /e'ntf:tle~t'.'Loccitiori ':: ---:'-: _~, of Exploration Sites •. ~'·One of the' bori~s·.is located,~tS'ide orthe-final proj;,c(houndarY. ,Th:~';.":·,\'. :,, __ .';' borirgs were' drilled to depths 013 .5to.29.0 feet-:~I~,'!V::~e. ex~stirg' g·round,$"urf.a.c~~, A .cOrit~~t::;;,.~>,;?,j: ucus leg of-the soils encountered in the borirgs wasO recorded at the .. time'of driflt.~'and is showft:" .. ·: :~<~;: in detail on' Drawir'G Nos. 2 to 19,'inclusive, each:entnled "Summary·Sheets-.-II', ,The exploratron<,:~:;:: ':~';:. pits were-excavated' with a Caterpi liar D-9 tractor-'equipped with rippers at the :apprQXimate.:~,:,:·,.· '. ::,:;J locations shown on Drawirg. No.1, to depths of 4.0 to 14.0 feet below the existifllground sur":'.' ':'~' ·face. These pits were all terminated because the t~actor could not.e-xcavah!'any~deeper •. A .~ ':'.' ',' .::\~ continuous log of the soils discovered, in the pits was recorded and is shown in '~etQil on DrawirtJ,:,." ·'··f," Nos. 20 to 24, inclusive,'each entitled IISummary Sheet. II ', .. '. '. . . >-... -" "':.'-',:~~~~ . ;:: ~ .. , , . • '. ~. ~ ":' >: ~'::!:~ . The solis 'Here visually clcssified by field identification procedures' in .accordc~~\Yith: the--, ", ':." .. Unified Soil Classification Chart. A simplified description of this clossifi.cation system ispre-';" sented in the attached A.ppendix A at the end of th is report. . .. "~~'" , ". BENTON ENGINEERING, ,INC. . '1',.' • " ~ .. , " ," _.:' t'" " . '" ' '.-.~._ ... :~:.::;~~c~:~ti;{:i:~~1r ,~·~~~~r~:. . "";h Jp' Undisturbed s~ples were cbtdi~, where' possible, in 'the soils ahead ofdrill'irg •. me-drop ' .. ' . weight used for drivirg the somplill1 tube into the soils was the IIKellyn bor of the drill rig'-· which .weighs 1623 pounds end the avereg. drop was 12 inches •. The general procedures used hi field samplirg are described under "Somplirgll in. Appendix B. loose representative samples of-probable fill soils 'n'fJre also obtained. ,: .. The Geophysical subsurface investigation was perfo~ed by Ted Funnekofter ~o is a Re9istered Geologist. and is a Certified crGineeril'9 Geolcgist.· The inve~figotion 'NOS performed by the' .: refraction seismograph-hammedmpact method" coupled with a geologic. reconnaissance. Coples .. ' of these. reports are otteched oS'Appendix C, ~nd C}; respectiveli.·· .. ,:. . .... .'. Profe~o;'··Bo;I.·O: 'Bt~~~~~' th~: &~:~I~Y De~~r~~~~::;T'th~' S~n. :;or eg~.'StQte ~orl;~~}~~;'ep~~d "~'.~'::' '~::, .. ' ' ...... ;~.~ a reper.t·of the; Geol'cig ic' conditions of this gene~aFdrea dated lanuoiy.30, .196J\:;~·copy of .,.;-., ,: .. :,:B,:'~: th is. geoIOg'i'c' rep~t.·fs 'ottache«(as:'~ppendix' D~~:n.~efo?t; ,<,~.':.~ ~~~:< .. ,H. , ,> .,:'~'~f;:::'+, :::. ," -<,:':';'~~::~'Xi.·'<')·::~:.~;~J Lab~:t:: .'T~~,i~f;~\,i;f~~~iJ' .....•. ·' .. ·je:'1~:~~:T?~'~"·'~':·{!"!.ei;r~t:fi~W71;~a}~ LabOrctaytests:iwer~:per.foiriie(:rroni·all,·~&·u·ndrsf(jrEicf;soitsanpleS:in'·order;:fo'~de·termine>~the.r '~~~~f~~:~~~;~ "' -. . ~ -'--i.~. ' . -.-, . ~ . ~ -. -,." -... ,., . "'...... 1""-, ~ "..~ dry de iisi ty r. mois~, r!t£on Ie nt\~~d: 's~eori rg ,'s tren9:ihte~t;~;The "results 'of .these·~st:s3C1.r~;.:pre.s~nted~. , i~::'f~:;; on: DraWi'rG, NoS,~2:tO:. 19/ i ndtJ-sfve'., Consol idatrC)il·c·t~sts Were, ,p.rfOrmeCf on':~~Pie's&'ritativ&: ::;''f'{:r:;;~.~.<i?;)}:~~' " " '. " -, -~ • • . . • ~ ~1 ~ ,', -. <'" • '" .. sampJes, in order to de term i ne th e I cad se ttl ement· charec ted sti cs of the soi.1 s: ~~::--lhe resu I fs' of ,:' ,:~::·,;;·X*"~:::' ';;::"V these·tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 25 and 26,. entitled IrCoi1$olidation,:Curves." .... <,:", .. ,:;·,,~:t:': -. " . -, '._ ~:<.; ." ._ .. ;.,.' '~. . .' :: ..... _~_:" '. ~ .. : -. _. -:-~:".-.~ .. '-:,~. -~:: I :;~;~_,~ Direct sh'eor tests we~e performed ~n selected loose '~oil samples remolded to '90;:percent of ". :,'}~ maximum dry density and on selected undisturbed samples that were aU saturated and drained . ' prior to testiT'f}. The resul ts of these tests are presented below: Borirg 2, Sample B~ 1* , Depth: 1.5-2.5 feet Borirg 2, Sample'2 Depth 3.5 feet Borire' 3, Sample Depth: 2.5 feet Sorire 7, Sample 1 Depth: 1 .5 feet , ,,-' Normal Load in kips/sq ft. Maximum Shear Load' . kips/s~ ft 1.0 2.0 4.0 ,':'.: 2.79 . " '3 08 ' . '(:'.'3:60' 1.0 2.0 4.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 ... '.', "'2 .17*· ':;.'~ 1.95 :·2.24 2.47 2.50 , 1.07 1.58 2.58 .,. Sample remolded to 90 percent of maximum dry densi'ty ** Results of shear test not conclusive BENTON ENGINEERING. INC • . . " AllJle of' lnternol , ", .I'.;:'!.i.~ : ,~ Apparent ~' , .~.:, Friction. Cohesion",·,. ' "". " < Degrees.' _ " Ib/sq ft. " :;:~. ,<.·,,·~,t " . :," . /t.:~;'::: :'<:': ::l' 16.0·' .. . ~ ,-. 1.0 45.0 " ~'~' " ' , '~, .... " . " ,~. ...: ' .'.?{~ .,",' } ""l';;';1 . '. Borirg 7 r Sample 2 Depth·:,5.5 feet Normal Load in kips/sq ft 0.7 2.0 4.0 ,\-\aximum Shear load kips/sq ft '4.40 5.69 ':/-7.50 ,~--, . Borirg. 7,' Sample Bag 2* . , 1.0 ': .... " 0.93 '-::r .51 . . . .. ~" .;: ':;, 2 77 Depth :.:13.0-14.0 feet '. <.; 2.0 ;' .\:.~t~;i :';.'~., .'< ,. :'. ::.;~,~&{.: ... c· . 4 .0 " ~ ':. ~.;> -_11 __ ~ _~ T '; " .~.' Borirg" lO',.Sample· Bag".3*'·.··. :.: : .. ': . Depth: 10':.0-J 1 :O:feet' . ,,' ~ '.:." -. ;~ .... .' 'j ~·:r·'·;-. ".-~ . ~~ .... ' -. ", ':. 'LO 2.0 ", 4.0 " "~:~"Slr'l: ~.: . . .~~', ~·l. 34 . " ~.! . .' ,··,2.20 Al"G1e of Internol Friction . Degrees .'.- 45.0 3.1 • a-" :' ,.'! ,.- . '-' .. 21.3 :~: ~;~~~!~':~:fir1:~4::~;;t:1, ~ J';; .• ,'.-~*~J!~~ ....... ···~r'/·{~~·:~ .'. Borirg 11, Sample: 1 0.5 1.14 Depth:· 1.5 feet 1.0 1.23 35.5 2.0 2.22 Borirg 11, Somple 2 1.0' 1.70 Depth: 6.5 feet 2.0 3..06 44.0 4.0 4.56 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, , -: ";.' Apparent·,,~:,,: . ephesion .. ~. Ib/sq ft· 3700 " -.. ' .-.... . . :/ i ," ". .' :'" ... :~-... ~:'~500' .: .... ::./.~.; :;".:. .. .. , J'?;;~' .-; " "" " .... .:~ .', . -.' ,-~, " "-:, . . ~:. "", , :,,' -, .', " . . ~-, -1':, .. ' ': ;-:. .:.:.... . ';', ., ... ;:;, \':.:, :>": .:~: ~;;·J~.:~~:/./i:~~~;'~~ ~:,.;.(.:'<,~ Pro jec t No: 70-4-1 F Rancho Lei Costa ~. ->~, " , . ~',. :". "~.' ~ . -; ....... ~;.;;. '. ...: :.~.:':' , . ,V.' '. .. " .. ', --" " .. ,: ,'.' ',,' Perc. e'ni,:t" .i.··':';:p'·'a· """.""'0' 'n", .<"~,,.,., '\.:::.~,.:.~: "::' .~.: .~, '. ' : ,'.~ .:. ";::/:f::;k::~.'· " " ,~ · w . " ' . :,' . ,,' '" ;"',:< " . Under.:(j iift.:.load of 'F' .: ':.- Depth of J:::'m~('~ ~ .. ,' 5FOOPfr~h~A',' '~~u~'re'; ~' .: ." " . Borirg Sample Sample, Soil ",.-,;-.:. ,'" oot. qm; Ir . ...,.T· ',;~ ... ,:::' No .. .. No.' tn, Feet Descripti on : >":':>. ':.:'.. to Sdturdtiori'" .. -; ·,·>"·~:r·-:, . '.' 2 2 . ,'" ':" .". " . ' ..... :).·/~i;~::'~'< " ,::' .,,;,-' ',' .' X::~:?,.: . . 3.5 . ' Gray-brown day', ~i th scattered '., ,:::~<I~,:' ,. ", ',,: :." , . ,-,.:;,',coarsegrains'oijq,smc:rll chunks.of..: .':"~;;'." .... : ,",',' '~'.' 3 ' •• ", , 1 """ /;;l~,{5~~!,:~,i{~'~~ti;1~~,;~~?~~~tr,j~j;:·· 8' .":;j. '~i:':J :.' ';'f',:",2'.Oj":"'~-")'i;':~\':~Brown,ffne,sa lor-WIth: few~"',:,>: .... ~'<;,5;~~:'~;,~· '. : "'\1:~:~~ti~~ .' }t{t.~~~;::tn;mjn;:arid::~~rs~l:9r~i.i,s.:J;>~j{~~~y~t{-' 16 ." '-<.: 2 " .. ;.,:;"<4~0~<" , 7::>;-;Ligh'fgray o~.d:~b~;ovin;cfayey:ji~ry,:~:::> ';~~~i~> ";j~::1C;t\~;?';:r~;i~~: I#~~i nS Q~ sane,~" The' g~~;al.procedure~·:~!~d. or,J~le~abov,e,·. . . :", H:\·2"" ·';~ .. :;~~~rf~~:';:.~~'f-~: 'f,~i1'>~:~::":.~"7:\' '<.,~,.~", .' . '. . Compaction tests Were performed on representative . p'les 6f the 'soils: to be:., . to,,;:,.. .. estoblish ,compaction. criterio. The soils were. tested:::Ciccordi 1"9 to, the.A •. S. L~·t.;" ;l557 -66T ",:;'; :':.'/' method of compaction vd-lich uses 25 blows of 0 10:p'ou'ncf hommer dro'ppirti 18:i~heS;,on each';""""'_> of 5 loyers in 0 4 inch diometer 1/30 cubic foot mold'-' . The results of the tests Ora'·'presented -., as foil O'M : . ,,;, '. '."': , :\:;i ~ ::." '" Bori~ 8ag Depih No. Semple in Feet ~ 1· 1.5-2.5 7 ,'~:..:. -2 13.0-14.0 , . ',. , '.' '10 .', ., ,3· ,: '1 0 • 0-11 • 0 .. 14 2 5.0-6.0 17 2 5.0-6.0 . -' .. ' ~ . .-, . ~: .. ~': .. ' '. . ': ';'" '.~' .; ". ~ Soil Description' Red -brown fi ne ,to. . medium sandy cl~{·.·· Yellow,..brown si .. lty::c:'-"':. '. fine to medium· sand' . to siltstone .. : ~;·:·:i{> ',: . Light'Yellow-:~ro'~n~:":.[­ 'si I ty' fi ne to mediUm; sand a nd wi th :s H is tone Light yellow-br·o~· silty fine to mediu'm',' sand wi th 'scattered <. : coarse grains ''':-'':~;::::: .. Brown silty fi ne to. '. coarse sand with, 'c' .. ,-. 30 to 40 percent..'· gravel BENTON e:NGINE:ERI"lG. INC. Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft" . Optimum Mois- . tu re· .... Content . o/~, ~~Y' w~~' 111 ~a· . lS:a~:;:;~'<' ' .. '. ,;.>~~;'M :'<;,v~: ;" .... c':;," 1 16.2.: •. ' 137.8. '. ·')~~'I~~~Y~·. " .. ( , 8 A :"" . ;':" ' . ~:, -.\. ~,:: .... ' .' ~ ." c·~, :~':J~~f~~: ~ <::i.:'.;.':, ... ': ''':':/0 '.~ ". " ,.-':; ,_~·;\.t-. ':', .. ,"",.. , .' .. '" J ,> 1~-. , ~. r, ~ '. • ;'T'> "" '. _ .. J : )it;~~i~'''~i· . ." • f-.~ . ',.: ,'" " ,'-. ;;. MMARY SHEEr.:. '" , . ,~~ . BORING NO._,...:..-_ ELEVATION '407' '* :'. t/. Loose to Medium Firm I 30 to 40' Percent' Rock FrClgments to 6 Inches.' ?0';~.!".:1 .--or:-'::;",,-, _ -:.:,-::' .' .~; . ~ ~ -;:. ~ :::. ... '. '. FINE SANDY, ", . 'CLA Y. J '. ~ • . '~. . .:' .;WEATH fRED ;-~. ', .. '-'ROCK ;{l~tt" · 1.1.1 > • Q ,,' . ;'.:-.;, . '. " ~ ~,' .". ". -', . ~ . ',. ':;.' *,' ;t;;~}.: ... The elevCltion shown On these Summary' Sheets were derived by i~t;~oIClti~:?' PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F fran CI contour mClp of the ClreCl furnished by Rick En;ineering, Company I SCln Diego, CClHforniCl. .< • ".;, • . .. , ,~ .. " .; .. '- BENTON ENGINEERING, ·INC. ,-:"~\ 4: .~' "r." "it) .::,r,; .E ~ U o ...J o :; IoU-MMARY SH'EET .... 1oU =~ !).iCI ~101.1 ~~ A. "-. IoU "'Z Q .. 2 BORING NO. ELEVATION 405 1 light Brown, Slightly'Moist, 10 Perce nt Grave I to lit '----..:.....---- Brown, Moist, Firm',' With. , Sccttered Cocrse .Grai nS:: .' .:>:,~ .. ' " " .. ' 1--___ -1 Gra)i:-broWM, Medium' Firm;:j9"; , +-1i--......... ~, ~ii1n; i,~Small, Chu nks of Cl cyst-one-: 1-"-'--1 ,:-;,:,t~~.;:;.'-: .' ,.' ',-'~~~.:ff:~r_S;~;;~i~~~Y.~~;',~·;' ' ,',,,' . . '-. -: 'y(.;~~i};~i:~i~{~f~~~;~ o Indicates Undisturbed Drive Sample '" SILTY,CLAY CLAYSTONE ,',:. . ", ...... PROJECT NO, 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ,." : IoU ~ -Q 17.9 /':~t.?~E::'· ;~;'-'; ·f<!· " :: .. ,\ "". . ',,,. DaAWING NO. ",": .. 3 ~-~~~~"~"~~~~~~~~~~""~~~~"~~~"~""~UM"~~~~~~~ ~ "'.. ... :-i , "J~~_~.~{.~,!,-.,.::" .. ~,~-~." },"' ': ': :I"';':~"":~ -.:,(r,;:'.~.,~~'r.':~:~~,-{:-__ .·d~-·~,~:~~_i':~~.:,T.:.!'.:.~,,:,:,~,~(-;~·,f:.:.·~:~~.",-.).'.~'~ .. ,::~~.%.'~.~~_~"':"':'~'~"~"_'~'~':~~'?f.;~.{~.L.r~.,~~,<'1,::,'~~:~~:'" '~-.,',:.\, ','-':~ ~~-; ;l,,:-·':',;j-~;~:·~l':.~~~i, ~ ~'~:~'£~!Jl~·~~J:;. ~~:~: .~:. . ,.-~.-' . ~ ,... -=~. ' .. ~~ . , ';:";-:':-'~'-";/':~-':~:;~:),:;:,~!,,_,~' ", ~ -. "':::~-~?r.~~~~~~:~.; .. ,~,,~-,.,>." l~ ..e ~ u .s (5 u o .....I o ...c u ~--------------~,--------~ SUMMARY ,SHEET', " r" BORING NO. 3 ELEVATION 440' Brown, Slightly Melst,;. loose, -ESS'Very Lean, Porous, With 1 Scattered Medium to' Coarse Sand ,', ." ~" .. ~: ';',. .~. .~ , .:;', -.. -: ' .. :":f' , '.', '. "~" ~ VERY FINE :SAN,DY CLAY'::'· '" ::~,~ ;:~:i;,~:. '" ' .. -.: "';, . " ' . ~.' ~, . PROJECT NO. 70-4-·1F BENTON ENGINEERING, . INC. ~--~----~~~~--~~~~~ ::' . . ,: .. ~'(" ~', ' F' •• ~ i., ' .: . " .'"' ,'. • ~ ... : _ -, ':, ,. t; , . , ~. '. . ' .~ _ '0;-;; -.": ,": ~ .', , .' ~ , '. 't,. ..... , .: ",1 .OMAWING NO. 4' ;., .: . "" : . '/': .E ~ u' .s o ...c o C o ~ tlO o ..... c';; t: ... ~', ': ;\;;:{::;.:~~;: :.;:, ~': '~10;i§7;:t~'l{'\,' , >', .. , '~ ;:7/.'~,:':;~~:;~~1.:'~~:~:"'~;-\ ~:~:":;'~)~f,~i~,/5 : ';.';;; --. ~ :' .. :' , '. SUMMARY SHEET: BORING NO. _ 4 ELEVATION _ 505,1 ~"""""';..,j Brown, Slightly Moist, Loose, f--"---* Scattered Coone Grair5 aro : Small-Rock Fragments to· 1/4 Inch,: Porous to 3 I.rtenes ,: ... " Light Greenish-graY.,and 'Orar~:ie-brown, Moist to " Slightly Moist, Very Firm, Slight Clay Binder • !'""- .... :-, . , ~ _ ,10:,::. ~ ~ ',. , ',.1 .~ ~ ~;~'¥r\~~~, ~~': I ~. ~, . . '."~ ... CLAYEY FINE .. ",; SAND.· SilTY VERY FI~E TO FINE SAND " ." " '~" .... :>;. • '1'-i;~~~!~,~;;·: .. , l~ ~ ... -- >->-C)' • ..,; *' t: ~ in u. IA.I -Z 11'1 Z :;:) loLl A. I.LI U ~ 0 ...... w ..,; > ..,:: >-;;: l1li: &a' u.. Q -' 0 '.\ :, .. ' .. " " 6.5 , . : ~.~ .; ~ . u : •• ~ __ • .... ,".' .. -• +,-'l~;,~ __ ::f:·.~;~~~ ,:',:' "~ .-" . PROJECT NO. 70-4 -IF ;. -,:..,-~". BENTON -..... , ' , , . ENGiNEERING, 1NC •. · ,. "; '~-.:"";~ ::: ' ' '> . ' .... ' -: : ~ ).'A;~' .. . ":';" -:-. ' '.' -. ~ '. " -' : . -~ . " ,,".' :' .' ,,'" -::::--, .. , , DRAWING NO. ,,5. .:.:~'y ,_Y" • -~.:> "¢ o - I· . -", ~.: ,- 20 BORING NO~~ 5 ELEVATION ~551 .:-;-'. Gray' With,~o'ral"G~ l--.,....,.~· broWn' , . -.. Olive -gray With Orange- brown Light Gray-white, (Pockets) Sane Claystone '. -,J. t- 01 ive-gray and Ora~e-brown and Dark Gray, Moist, Very. ~~~ . Firm, Highly Weathered FINE SANDY'" .CLAY , . --~ .: . ~ :. --':,.--" .~ ~~~~:. ~~~~~ ~~ ~'. ,:.- CtA YEY VERY. FINE·. TO FINE"':' (SAND' ','!,';' , '., . ,-. Conti rAled on Ora wi ng No. 7 PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F SENTON ENGiNEERING, iNC. . . .. -~ " . , •. -:-~ I. ~ : \'.' .' . .3 11 ~2 J26 .97.50 ". -,' DRAWING NO. 6 ",;' ',. '" .. , ftAMARY SHEET WRING NO. Orange ... brown ali ve -g ray and and"Dark Gray, Moist, Firm, Highly Weathered . ','.'.' ': ~- ,-,', ." . ~~ :,/: ,:?t,~: ", 71111_1 ;?~~]{)/\ .. ~. PROJECT NO. 70-4-1 F • ~ .. ~' """'t.~ .. _ • '£~ ~;:: .--".-_' ,·~t Very '.~ . ,"" SENTON 5 (Cs:mt.) .; . ':" -,--' -.;. _.'" ,-.':"'" > (!) ,.: iIIIt Yo 10loi '" Z "" !oU A. 10loi i2 > ,.: it Yo Q '.' INC. -.,-,' , )-, 'I-W iii tal: Z 0:;:" -' ~ !.I,I 10l0iI0I'l Q it'a ).. .':e .. III: ., ~ Q " -... -; .':-'-;', ~ 'l:" .'. ' ~ ' .. ":, -:?,. ~~ .~" ~ . ...: '~'.:: .. ";~ '. . ,'. , . ~, WI-v"" %. :;:, v w~~ '" ..; x''''' ""iiilC tD '"" w_ taI:~ , ~.-,"" . " ' ORAWfNGNO. 7 ~ ;. I 'I .\' ~:i -:.::: <;;l o -. RY SHEET BORING NO. 6 elEVATION ,504' Dark Gray, Slightly Moist, ~~~ Loose Light Brown, Olive-gray: and .. ' Ora~e-brown, Slightly Moist, Very'Firm, Serne Clay'Birder,,_ Pockets of Fi ne Sandy Clay:., ~" 'Between' 1.5 and 2.:5: Feet '~( ,,"." ~ , ~ep~:"::i':':; -~'.: "":':_:: -, ";:E:;~~1~~~~]~~~~;J~~~: : ',: ... " light Gray, Slightly Moist I Very Firm j",:~~~ Orange-brown, Slightly Moist, Very Firm, Some Clay Light Gray-brown WI th Dark.. P~OJECT NO. 70-4-1F . ' ' .. ~. Stai ned FracflJres, Hqrd, Rock ,-~' ... SENTON ': ,; ,~ ,; .' .. FINE SANDY, , 'ClAY .... J .• '. , .. , " ". VERY FINE SANDY SILT VERY FINE SANDY SILTSTONE ROCK INC~ I0I.l >, ;C' Q 11.4 , . : .. . :,. . ) "!~;' i, . ~ ... ~. '-' ~,. '. , . , ;: ~ ~, . ..,:.. . ... '.', -".'" . :: ,:: ;.~ ., " . • ; > !' ., i,,> ::., . DRAWING NO. , 8 . ~ . , .'--, : t', ~_./:: .. "r~~·~~\~l:.~ ,~: .. -: ./; , .... ; -twz', '>"--':::4:':' ,~' '.'; ."~", .: ; .. ": . MMARY SHEET BORING NO. 7 .. . . , ~>', ELEVATION ~4...!,;8::.::5::...' __ '.'· Dark Gray brown, Sligh tly, Moist I Loese Light Brown and light Gray, ~ Slightly Moist, Very Firm, .. ' Some Clay Con'tent in Certain· Zones..' . FINE SANDY . CLAY . ,: lighT'Brown and 'l'tgfi't,G'ra{;;"'.'", ",~'ilil&ct'};L ~~Wi ih;(~ayers of~:Ora'~~':'bro~':~ ': ~rd Oltve"gray, .Slightly" ' Iv\oist, Very Firm \. ~ Light, Olive-gray With Ora~e· brown and Light Yellow-brown VERY FINE SANDY SILT -;-. . } ..... "'-. ":'. , , ..... -+. , '; t ~ , ' " , . PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERiNG, iNC. .' .. :.. ... , 0 , .', " . " ..; " . -,'~ . .'1.- D.RAWING-NO. 9 ," '~',. ,~.' . " , ,~~ ::;\~h :r _ •.. r , ....... . -t· ... - ~ I. "_~;-.. ". ' . ......' ~.- ,- ., ~ '::;:'~'''l.~ _, _0 ~., ,':_,;,,: ,._ .,.:~,:..-;,<,:~:' ~~'/:'-; .. :. ~ _ ~-, . " ~ 3r·~ .. ~,~~,;,·.'.'''¥'~--~'~i\~i~.!.~/~f.l,~.~~,:Y,% ,'.:.;~~~~ ~---'~~~.~A~"'~,". __ M_I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t~ ~:)'J.":1~:: ~~ ~" , •• ,'';<'" --;~\?~V,\~- . ".~: .. ,) :." ' BORING NO._.z..8_ 1 ELEVATION 427 I ~=~,Brown, Slightly Moist, Loos~i ,. Some Medium and COarse'-,' , " <j'-" . -,:' . -,~ -': !' " Grains _ Ligh!Gray and, Ligh,{Yellow-::-.. broWn, 51 ightfy Moist' Very -: -. . ' , .~ Ugh t Gray Wi th ' Orcl'lle-brown Layers', I nterbedded layers' of Sil ty' Very Fi ne to Fi ~e SaJid _ .. : .. ~ '. . ';. FINE SANDY -CLAY' SILTY VERY FINE SAND ~ . -.. :, '.'..~ ;:', , ··~'4~. :J.~' :~:~;~" ; .. } . ' ...... "." PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGiNEERING, INC. '-! ' '. -.: ,.' '/ .--: -.:: , ,~.o.- .. ':-.. ".'..... ', . . " . >-" .": . , ¥ .~,~:;_~ ~;.. J- ··,t' : . - "":~ .! .. DIAWI.NGNO. . 10 .. :. .', " .:~, : ~::~~.t,~ ':;:::~~: .: :~:~. , -"'":",!.,.." " <~ .: .~-:\ -, , ',' "" ., 1,,' ~l:~:p~'~~~r~~ "-~ ,"{ ':, ??r:':~;'?:::::_i; '~:':·;~·',/i'j:~~i~~:r~ ... ::;);~:;~?~~~~~{C::~t:, ':': i -'-:. ""::-;. ~~f1 -. .~. ,:: .. ~. . ~ ,:" .," ~ ".,,-..... "." "",,>-g.c _lOiI ~~ ~!.I.l A. W. t.IoI II'tZ_ C ,', ~--------------------- BORING NO. 9 . '" :'~ ..... ELEVATION "4231 .';O~-' ',;0. __ ':_:1)1;_",_1&..___ " I ",' ' .-'~r: " y Moist, Firm jo Very Firm : .... !'-:' ~ 'FINE SANDY " > :~fi~(':;' ~LA Y Light Gray With Ora~e­ brown, Moist, Very Firm PROJECT NO. 7D-4-1F 1'<', , ____ J'!' e --, '\ ~ • '" :. \'; ,~t '.' -: },i::":t--,-.' , ... ~.: ~ .. BEN iON .. -' ':0: .-.: ' , " ENGiNEERING, iNC., , :-. ,~ ,'::' DRAWING NO. . :.-H :-- l •• ' ~ ...... " . , ~." ~~::~~ ~:~~~:' : . "~i-'P1:;~~:,~:~o:~~:~:~\!:i1.}~~~i~~:? Y':':,., :,~:r:t,~?:~~:Y{:~:'~n~~:::'" ~f2"J~~~2 ':'" ',' , " ~ " . MMARY SHEET,' ,:' . , 10 " BORING NO. ___ .": .. ELEVATION _~.X,~O_I __ p..;..~~ Brown, 51 iSh ~y Moist I Medium FINE SANDY CLA.Y Finn "'.,' ~~----~----------------'~"-'--~'-'-'-"-'~-------------------+ 13.0 -r-:=';""":;-{ light Gray-yellow, Brown' and ~;"':"";;'..:..j Orarge-brown/~ Slightly" Moist; v-~.;;..,;:.:.~ Very' Firm _ ," ;" ' " ;'~. ':. ,'.-. ~-, .. : : '.' . :. '<,,:,~:~~'i,: .. ~' ~~ f,;: Light Gray ard Orange-brown, "'fo.oo!o--~ Moist, Very Firm, Very lean '. ". -.'." '" . , :~. -'- --''!:-.. •• ..:! • r ._,-,f,,_ '.-' ;: '.: -"~'" ;;,.~. :.. : : CLAYEY VERY, ", ,FINE SAND ,.'" VERY FINE . :'SANDY CLAY. ':" " : .. " 30.8 Con ti nued on Drawi 1'9 ' No. 13 PRC.JECT NO, 70-4-1F BENTON .. -,' .. , iNC. .~ " 2.88 ~--f ", -. .1Q ;. '--::~~~ :~ -",. ,-: ~ .. . '.'~ .':.' •• or: ':""1, l1IlAW!tJG NO,-;' T2, .E a u o ...J w ~ ...,. ' , "",loW :z:ti a...:1 ;.-..., ~~. Q. ~ loW ~'z Q SUMMARY'SHEEt'··,: BORING, NO~--1tL!C9nt,;) 17"~= Light Gray 'Mth ligh,t YeUow, Moist I Very Firm, Very lean' " ~ .. . : ,\ ',~ ' ...... . ~"~;:~~~~~' /{,;:: 19-C=:l ~------ , . I nterbedded layers of Fine Sandy Stlt:;:{,~;: " ~ , ; ... ' ,.,,;.i?~J~:;¥~: ";, , : ,: ~ ~ !;.. ( . ''':', . ,~,t~;w~:i.'\ _, '" -'~'''';~~' :~~ ":::> -.~~ 1". ,.:" C-' .:,"<:,' '," .,': ~. ,;.!:.., -,': ." . .... ~. -.,,:. -, '~" PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, .' ~ ' .. .', .:,' .... ..... '~ '~.: ' ... -'. " .. ... : -«' ~j -.. ~ <·::.:1 " ,:N'.:.",c' c " •. ~. 'i~~" .. ;~i~ :~~:;~:~,~.,";, ~,i 0 .... :- ~ 0 -0 0 ..9! o ...J .. ' . '. -' SUIAMARY SHEET. BORING NO.-",' . ' ~, ELEVATION· _ .. ~ .. , ' ~ • .t,' FINE SANDY.: . -:: CLAY VERY. FINE' .:'-':: ' . , - .- '. , '.""' " .. ~ .- . :~~ND,y' :.~~;~.;?? ~~,':, '. ,',' :~:'.::;;:' l------+-~~~"""'-+---+....,...._'!""I fay'· _.' P'o ..... ,~ a~ Gray:-vJ,ite~J"Moist/ .'yery,. Firm,:' Pockets, of Very" , j:ine Sandy Clay ':"-:~,:"'::> .:.c' . .... -. ~ . VERY FINE SANDY SILT 22.7 -- l .:t:~:., ". ,-'" -.. ~:~':~~:: '. , :·:·~l:~ -t~~::~, . ~<;~F; s.-;:====I---------.-..:" . ....: .. _--+~(M~erg~irg~to2..) --I_-I-~~-I_--I-.:...-t. '>~i~'i . . ~:~~f~~-. , Orarge-brown, Olive-gray With Dark Stained Fractures, Slightly . Moist, Very Firm,.' H . ROCK * Too many rock fragments to test. ;-'ROJECT NO. 70-4-lF BENiON ENGINEERING, . iNC .. ,,_ .. :-,:, . , .... ~." : '-,~ <:~ "<~ .:,;~~ .. :~.< -\~~:' .. . ~.~ "¢ o .... .E <3 o ...J , " - '., ;',::.~:~~~~~r~Jf.~;.:::' ::·';r~~rfiItt~~:·:F~ ,';; ':"'l ~-~' :~t:;~~~~~~!~~;~!,~~:+ ':~: ··~:;~r~~~~C:,'::: ,~! .:~:~:: ,:;:.~ (:'\:~'~~~'i~;:,:~;" "'::'~, ~---~~~----~--~--~ MMARY SHEET'.: BORING. NO. 12, " _",' ELEVATI~N -.:...5.62 1-:':,':': . ',~ : .. .' . .' Brown, Slightly Moist;· Medi'um Firm~40 to 50 Percent Rock ments to 6 Inches' "FfNE SANDY , ,,'~>; eLA Y Dark Gray With Oral'Ge-brown c"~~~§ and White Streaks/ Sli9htly Moist I Firm, Highly Weathered Very Firm , ~-'> .... ~ .-. --<.}'~.~~~~.: .~", " J '., •• ~ :-,: ~'~", . , :,~~,~, ::::It~1~~H: ·,>{ROeK' ~ "~~~:~'.~;" .. ;. =="= -D-a-rk-G-r-a-y-W-i th-L-i9-h-t S-r-ow-n-, --I :>:~::<";:' .. Gray-brown and OraJ"Ge";" :;"";,:'" brown, Less Weathered With IncreasiJ"G Depth ?ROJECT NO, 70-4-1F BENTON -. "., , , ENGINEERJNG1 .. ~ . '," ~' .' .-" INC. -" " "-;"...'. ,DRAWING NO. ..: . 15: .. .r f~ :".: .... <. ,..-' -~ • .:,', ''!', ',- . ,~, ;j;td~i:~1;~~t.;.".; .. : ... ~rI'l.:~~~':!-~·~.~;<,~,-__ ~~~ """',,:j~~.~':::rl~~"';:::I!-i.~a.i\N-: ~:-~~' .. ~!..~ • .:_;.-.t .. r··~/.t~~~_":"""~~~ .,~"",~~~~~~~i1;;;2~~~glh:~m:::d::;~fi=~·':"'·:.1 ~ :""" '" . ~ . .;,:~ , <:) ~ E o v o ....J . ,~. . ,:.. ~ SUMMARY S,H'EEl BORING NO. 14 ELEVATION : 5441 ~~io.,j Brown, 51 iaht1y Moist I L-;.;;o..;;.O$.;...;;e:"'--l ~=3 Medium Firm >. ~ • ,Firm ,,' '" ,f, < FINE SANDY' ,CLAY 9.7 22.6 100.1 2'.18 Light Yel.low/ Gray-brown and Gray-Whne I Sligh tly Moist;, . . ry' Fi,nn:; Pockets ofG"'aY-~'lite " . < ' l'tYi,qaY'r,,5cattered, Shell," ",,:?":r-::, ",':;~K~i!:;.,. ,"'\~,,'i~i!'r":\', :"~~fs1~t." ,' .... """"",";e, .C'. -., . -~ .~':~"~':'«" Olive-gray With Orange-brown, ~""'''""l Moist, Very Firm, Small Pockets of Sil ty Very Fine Sand 2-t:::::.1 No Sand Pockets Below 11.5 -t::::t:~ Fee t .. f-..''-'-...;~ Olive-gray With VVhite, 4-l;;;=;;iSlightly'Moist, Very Finn" " Cemented, Many Fossils Light Gray, With Orange-brown, Slightly Moist" Very Firm, Pockets of Very Firm5andy Silt VERY FINE SANDY CLAY , CLAYEY VERY ~ . FI NE' SAND, ::.:., ,·,SILTYVERY .·>FINE SAND'" ,.' .. ' Continued on Drawing No. 17 PROJECT NO, 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, . INC. 19.5 . , '. "~\ , , 10.6 5.09 -"'- ", .... . ,-'. , ; -"'~'1~, _,' l,.·, . ";'t:.~ . • '.~I' .. :-;,;'- . ~:. ~ .: :~ "'It" ' ,:y ,.j' '" " ~~1.~;:~ o ....J t.:' . -,~' .. .';; . ,-. .. :-:: . -.. ,,- ~:>~.; , .. Light Gray With Orarge-brown, Slightly Moist, Very Firm;" ,Pocket~ of Very Firm Sandy Silt ' " '.,~ .. ',: , -, ~ . "". SILTY VERY---:~,~ >:FINE SAND, " , -. , ...... . ~ ,; .... "~, . '; ... -',;'."~ ". 1 -.': ' •• , .. , "': . , _,I, PROJECT NO. 7Q-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, ":-,' ; .... ~ ~. ". ).' " • '-U Z '-U '-U > . ,,", 0,',:,. -",~ . '" , , 'C;o •• ~ , :".,' -,' ',' :', DRAWING NO . 17, , ~ ( , ~" .. ,-~; "\ ,..-~ , c' " .". '-":;' .\,:t.: .• ' .. :;.1. , ~I ,,~. "V ,>',' o .;.. ~: '.' " SHEET ' . BORING NO. 15' .,:: ',: . . -. : ...... , J ';~' , ,.' J.', . , , . ~ , ," . Dark Gray, Slightly Moist,,, !~i§§~ Loose, Shrinkq;je Cracks to 1-Depth oLI Foot :.' -". ,. ... ,': ":::'" ' ".' -':;., fiNE' SANDY , ',0':, :.;' ClA Y , .Rrm'to:Firm B.ORI NG NO ~ . " , " , --,;: < ',,,, ,.J. -----....... - ELEVATION'·' 378' --.;;;....;::...- Dark Gray, Slightly Moist,' -,..~~ loese r Shri nkage Cracks to 1 Foot , VERY FINE SANDY CLAY :;rj:O';"";""'i--'i. ,Light Gray,;With Brown'))~'\oi~t;·, ~-:;..;..;;.., Very Firm, Clay Veins~·.Some· 1-=-=:":"":"4 'Zones of Very Fi ne ~aridy Clay, ,I-'-';"';"~ Very lean :::-~'ClAYEY VERY',·. . FINE' SAND' PROJECT NO. 7Q-4-1F BENTON ENGiNEERiNG, INC .. . '. ',:', f', , . 8'.1 .. ;. > . J-'J-jj; ... Z...: loll v' Q ....... ,)00, vi SII:. IC Q .... , .... , "- '2 - .' ...... ~ . . . ~ ~. :'-::', " .' ,. :,' . '.!~., . , ~. ," oj '. ,"' .~ ", .. ... '.; .. , ' .: '-..... ~....,' DRAWING NO', . -' 18, ',','" . J .E 8 u o ....J ~ ::lU ~loU 0. v.. UoI. Q , w· ...J loU 0..:1 ~~. BORING NO._ ····->.s~·: .. : .,,·z· '. 'T" 3:n, HEVA ION _.w_~~ __ . ,.' : :~.~ -: ,.~ ';, , " ~ '-.:. , . Brown, Slightly Moist I Loose, tt~::l to Medium Firm, Scattered· Ro~k . Frog me nts to 3 Inch es .; ',FINE SANDY ,. :'., CLAY' . ~;1~~\:"~\;'"~-/!' '~:-. ': . ': .... ,.--: ... ..; ':,' Brown, Mobt, Firm,. Scattered ~~~ Grains and Rock Fr~ments to. . I InCh' : : .. ' :. ~ . :,.', .. ·,,··f·, : ,>: FI NE SANDY;":: . ;/~/: 'CLAY' :., ~ .... :.t---+---~~---~-""-'f~ •• : I BORING NO'. ----- ELEVATION 330"· .. , .. ~ ,~ • ... light Brown, Slightly Moist r ~ ......... Loose, Scattered Rock Fr~ments. to Inch, Some Boulders to , ; -.:: . ;-~ .' ~=::::j' \: 1.6·:I .. ~.c~e$,. '. :' .. ,:\:'\:;::~':~~';' '.' Brown Moist Firm ";'" ' Yellow-brown, Moist ,-' .. Firm, . <:;.1., .. '" . :~~:hd~:ock .Fr~m.nts~~2~~P' y,~ Olive-gray With Dark Strained '" , ': .. ',. ,.'>:;~~ FF~acturLes, SWIi~hthtIYedMOWiistth' Very ROCK ~:f;"; ,'" .. Co :; "_:.~_~.!: 'b:' ess ea er r 1-_--''--:_' ._, ...... _' '.~'.-. --1. __ -'-___ .. _. -1: .. :,.t;s' 'I.,..;;;:.;:;.c.:.:.;..-___________ ...L... ________ .J ;".":": . -:.. '~'.:.: . ," <~~:,' PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F , . -, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " . ~ ~ .: ,;:",:;,~~::,~~~~'. :-i ", ' . \ .. . ,':' . ~. . -. ' ,~ , . ,-. -. '.--~ "',' " " ',"-, ',. , DRAWING NO. 19 "~ .~: .. ,,: ::;.:, ;J~ .' ~ ;'~~'~'. t~?~r:.·.::I~~!~~V;~£'- !" /-" . -:-, -~ :'.~~'-~ ~'·i : :.:' i~;'~~' I;.f\~t~~;\~j>·, -~!. H'. ~ •• ' :~ ~'~:i.5:$;~~;~lf:~~-~::~-. SUMMARY SHEET PtT . ·NO. A .' '.: ELEVATION' 422 1 1t Brown,. Dry, Loose I "'r opsoil , Some Medium Coarse Grai ns I Scattered Gravel-~_SIi9ht Cloy .Binder~,: . '.' SILTY FINE SAND M4!-di'um Brown, Dry',: Arm, .-.~~ -. . SILTY CLAY -. ::-Scattered G rave f.'} IntrUsions ....... ",' .. ' ~ ~ .w ,,' " :' '" " " Rock'Mass Becomes less Weathered, Less Fractvred . , .-k. >-C). * IoU Z IoU IoU > ~ Q , ~, ' .. , ~ l.I. IoU ....... 01: VI 0:;:) c... .... ,.. 52 IoU VI ii:(5o ,..: ':E et w. -' .. >-. ,.. iii Z IoU Q >-l1li:' 0 .' , ' , ':.. ~ ~. !Io. ::l U '"':-VI = .... .' ~ . ';.: ' ',":: :', ', .. . , . '-.\', :.;,' " ~" ~ .... i_-: '~~'.~ .; '. -'., ~, ' • >~ '-'s.. .' ~------------------~------------------------------------------------------~------------------~'''' ;: PROJECT NO. 7o-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 20 -. '.1/ • »":-: '. ". '" /,: MMARY, SHEET- ,.J; .' PI T: NO.-..wB_-..'; ELEVATION, 275' Brown I Dry, Loose" T opsoi , Some Medium Coarse'Grains, Scattered Gravel, ,Slig,htClay, Binder' ' ',)':-,' " -,_ • _l • " " . ~ . ~. ',' SIL TY FINE, 'SAND -. ~. PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, iNC. , , '~.:/; ~ .. '<' ~~~j.t:2}~h~~j:,,::~:,.:::~--~,~.-,.": " '. ~ ,'" '", -L ';;;~'if >-C) III: IoU ' 'Z' , IoU y;, > iii Q >" . '. .... :'W .... .... "--"-"'" '",« VI ' VI Q :') z ::) A. .." .... Iol.I U ~' ""'VI C" '" U::O >0' vi' .... ,~ «' At "-Q .... "-... ·;·,'~f .~ ~ '-,' _ :.- 'I: ': ~ . " .~~ .. ; .. t:)~~,,~1~::~1,;.:/'~ .~-.. :)'~::.-:;:~:~"~' ."-' DRAWING NO. 21 . .. ~-.. '.,-' .. ';':~~ '~.:-'," '.. :;";'.:::::,::-:';'~'>'\;~;~',1:>-, ~.: ':'\;,:;:~:~~r:':~t-:~}~' ~----------------------~- ........ ,. . - '",' '- MMARY SHEET ,PIT NO. 0 £l.EVATION. 5121. t Brown, Dry, Loose, T opsoi , Some Medium Coarse Grains, Scattered Gravel, SI ish t, Clay' Bi nder Red~rown and Gray,. Slightly :".Moisti" Very Rrm,:-Yery _" . Frac.ture·d and, Wathe r~ ,'_,:; '70;'tQ'SO Pe rce nt:: ROc k -;:-~~;~:' -:;,' ,~OI'1'_U 1t'7(arers of'Gr~'xeHy :;.y-« ::'" SillY-Slay .-.:. ,:,;~lii:~X~-.F· ." .. , . '~ . ... .~'. '." . . ~ .; SILTY FINE SAND ':'. . .... , ~ ":'. ~ .. .. ".:' PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . -, ~ ... ': ;:. . ~, .-. ,> • ", -'."";, " "I' DRAWING NO. 22 ~-'/'''::~ .:.) , ::i', ': . : .. ~': ' ':' .,,-< -.~~:~~' -' -~, - '-;<: ::~.~';:': > •• :'" ~~,.".,. " .,:;. -: . ,,' SUMMARY SHEET'.' 'PIT NO .. _·E;.......;..- ELEVATION . 574' Brown I Dry I Loose " T opsoi I t Some Medium Coarse Grains, Scattered. Grave ,.", SI ight .CI ay Binder Bro~ni' Red-brown, '.Sl.ightly Moist, .. Finn, Scattered ...... ::. Graver' . . ,; .. :.' ,:..:.~ Yellow-brown/ Slightly Moist, Very Firm, IntrusionS of Less Weathered Rock .. ' ~. -; '! .' , -,.':.. . '-:~.\'~-' ': l{~ .. ;', , '~;<~>::'. : SILTY FINE' .... , .. , SAND . -', ' .... ,' . ,. CLAYSTONE PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ~-~, ." -.. - ' .. ;:.:~~:}:\:;:' '; '--~ . <. " -' .. -,: .' 'I.! ,,~.,: ,:i~:i::':'-::' "{" • ~ .. '-'~:~",,\;;I'''' DRAWING NO~ 23 .~' ;". -',:-:' .-~~:~, '; ... -.... 1>0. "-,~ . ~ •• ,t ... .<:\: ." "~ ', .... .."., ';:.. 'it ~~~ l:Q o .., . '. ".~-. '." ... ~'; .' .' .. ~ .' .:'·;'0~~11f~~f~:~ io':'~'_ ... , '~:~"'C';:~(t~. --------------------------~ ~ ...... MMARY SHEET', ...... ".-.. :z:tti .Q. c PIT NO. E I-!.I.I ~~. ..... '. A.."-!.I.I .."Z " 581' Q ELEVATION Brown, Dry, Loose , Topsoil,. -+. ........ ~,.o{ , Scattered Gravel;. Some SILTY FINE.SAND dium Coorse Grains, Light. Clay Bi rder . .. Br<?wn to Red-brown, ;Slightly . Moist". Very Firm',: .Scattered +7'-..,..c~. Gravel: .. " . ..,' ,.'," ELEVATION' 420' . ,,-., ----=---- ": 1, Brown, Dry, loose, Topsoil., Some Medium Cool'$e Grains, Scattered Gravel, Slight Clay Binder Brown and Red-brown, Moist, ~"'7*-~ Very Firm,. Scattered Gravel I ntrusions of Weathered and.' . Froc rured Rock,'·· " . ':. :-.~ .. ;. '. ~. :-';. !. ;.. .....~,. '\'.~ •. '.' '., . • ' ~ i.' _'. ~ . ; SILTY'FINE . SAND 'SILTY CLAY , , , . . ,' .,!..: .... , " " ' FINE SANDY' . CLAY" -- BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . , ' ... ' .': .• ~~~~~,~ ~." I Ii~' ~ ~'::i~:J~T ~:':::; .. ~ ,;~ :. I~:t;'.~~::{~~: ~"~~~'¥~;:¥ ,>'~: 1::: .. ~~ . ::':",' : ' , .. -~ , ~ ,..', .(~ .. . ~ ":'. ,\:" . .' " .'-'.' ~ " ", .' ~.' .~. :~ '.~ ,-t;. -: .. ~ ~ ". , .:.: i . .:., . ~. PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F O'RAWING NO. 24·'·:~';: .. : ".".:0, .... '.\1., .' "";;"0.';';:;:;';~.;;'~i~1;'(;"~A,;,A~~;"''';i.~JiI;~ ~iI ... ;~-::: {t~~~+:.r-:r .. ~~ :·~~:ql;f,~lf"i;~0 .-.. ;:: / . ·."I~t.f~.:.t(:~f> 'i~fJ'~~~~~r~~~~ir~r)j:~: :':iSt(:i7i~' '., "'; -. r~" , • o • PROJECT NO. 70-4-.lF '. :, I CONSOLIDATION ·CURVES l.OAD IN KI'S PER SQUARE FOOT Indicates percent consol idation at field. moisture Indicates percent consol idation after saturation BENTON ENGINEERING /. INC •. " ,.:, :, .. , :.. •• .> , ,-' •• ~ .. ;:. '.:."':.' J' " ".:. .. -> 'f' ~ • '1""0;":.: ,~ : ! ,~ .... ,: ..•. - •• ,;J;- o ....J :"" PROJECT NO. 70-4-1F o • , ' CONSOLIDATION CURVES L.OAD IN KiPS PER SQUARE' FOOT Indicotes percent consol idation at field moisture Indicates percent consol idation after satur'ation BENTON ENGINEERING " INC. " . ,', '_ ,~1i DIUWINI NO. 26 ,.~ ... '. 'Z!yl-" '".' >-... "., < c-~. ". .' ~,~~. ".-:, -,' . --':-' -¥ ", . /" ..::;:-... S-7~- ..c "" -, -....-::::.:.0 . ",' <7 .". /97 1 .:;7" ~ ':" -) / /" :1' I. 3": 5',(0 .. (-:Z $8 '::.j ~$'"O) + 3.3 4. 4,.. 1971 . : . ~'-; '. . 1 ,_ .. ', .. , ..... ',..... c:.yi;(t~I~ : -;: .. ,',' .... : I ,.. .. , , . .:~~~::'*' .. " i .1 .~ .. .~ jy ) '.~'. - . ~ :.~ -. ~ .' .' ", " , i-: .• '. ,.' : .. , r/-"'-( I 20' I $:.,;},,, /,?"'o, -'i.lJ~.r <t ·.17·';;'-1:, :r?; .. ,fj ..... ,....s:; 1{ ~a.<o~: ,I:Z¢'·· ./ ~ . i:' ," .':;:" ~:;{ /"G.O . _~~j.~ tJ '6..":., s.,~ ..... d:J " ·~o.6 .. r<:.o ;;::- "~::::<·5~~:2'.;;:'+';~:~~b:$rA;:~:<::··M.:~A DO IV $ V AI '/ T S / , , ... SAN DlG'tlC COv~ry" CAL;I""OAN/A ;,::·$4..o,e':~;'.s:TAL!!I'·U ry ANA.l..YS,S , •• 1 PHILIP HENKING BENTON . PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEE:R . ' .. -,; '. ..; ~.' " ..... . BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPI...IEO SOIl... MECHANICS .~ FOUNDATIONS. . '. 6741· EI... CAJON BOUI...EVARO SAN DIEGO. CAI...IFORNIA· 92115 ... , APPENDIX A'" , . . Unified Soil Classification'Ch~rt* . .. ~', " ~ +'.' -.: -: ~ -.. : '!.-'.' ,~ . ~:-.~ .. -"" ' . -. '~, . - ', .. \ . -" ,. " . " : -, !, , .SAN OiE:Go, 583·5654 . '. ;'.,I.../':" MI!:~A'. 469.5654 -~ . . _.. ~ ,. .-t..., 5 OIL DEseRI prlo N .' .' .. . ...;.~~~~~0f~~:\ ~'i~~~~}!:;:..?\:r!~~i:>.:;~;-~:.. ." J. COARSE. GRAINED, More than half,of:. :" ':'):;;t,'>!"./;:. . ',' . ,,,·:;1!.:"~i·'· " .,' ,~.~ .~'."":""i;;-,'; .. ~.::, ",.,;",_".."':'", ...... " • • • ,~: '~II!', . ~-:.,' ';;":-,: ..,.:::.:,,, .. ' ' .. :~.: :':+-!:~.:":"':~~f';.; . ..:.~, :.::', ~;.:~: ... '. :.',;~. \~~'. :._ -materiaL IS larger than,.No •. 200 sleve .. ;(,,:,:~' ;·~\i,;.t;\.!;;·;" .'<~;' ''-'~ :,.:, ... ~.".,-,' r,,/ '.'~';'b"~;':.".' _ . size'.,*:.;,,'··>:, .. ;, .. :~:.-:.~.x·.(·;;~; .. ~.~.« ":'~'~~~~~~~~~L~: :~~~~[~~~;<;'::.': ·:~\;~~~,;r ... ~,.~A;:\,:·j?' /~1.;:.~.:):Jj;:?~··".~:?;:~:{~i.:~~~:~::·,.(~r. GRAVELS :'.' . :-,,~;.: .·.CLEAN GRAVELS., .. ·:·' :.' :. GW:' _,·Wef.! graded·gravels"I';.graye.f-sand mlxftJreS;I":"::'/.":::~ I .... ~ ".:'. '0"' ,'. .. , ... , • ... //-:'t;.;i .. l·\· . ,:.. J.,':-:'l·" I ................ h -; •• ;:t~::·. :;.~~1::~.:; :"':.-::, .. '-.• : '~,~.'''''' ~.~;. ..-. "~""~ More than ha f-of· .,:c' .'. ". ,,' ~.:-~',' .. ,,:.~"~';" '~.': " .:''; Itt e ·or 'no,fmes: ... · ~··,::;{.,:{;;t'tf,;:~~~.:-~~ .... " .,"';.<,': ", . -. r:;'" coarse fraction'.iL; .:~ ..... .< : .. ,',:' .. :. . :. ::' .. :. GP' ' .. -" '.' . . ·'g~av~J·~:·~Z9;q~~(~a~d./\~'</,.=,.<-,:'=:· I arger' thari~,N~:~~4:.~:'::~h~1~~/·:'}~'~\~~i',·::i" . ' . ' e;;;6f~·tf&~;frn~~~it~~~~:~~~t>~; "'~:~:::.i;:". ' ' . . sieve .si,z~~~ut~:~m~II.~~GRA\!EL.S;:WITH:F;I. j.lty: gray~L~~f?p~oay~:: '~'~~~" i"'>~§·~~J~i:~~yEt;';·,-:· than :trriches"~;;-:'?",:'! ..... :. (AppreCiabl~tCi·~oJnt:. :;'.'..:': sancf~nr:·ri1r~fure~·~· ~J( .. ;~, .:;4~.Yt:·~:<~··';~·:·:.r:~"}~~/f;~~:~r ':: .' ': '; .... of fines)' '. ,".' .... : . ; ... /'::':'.'.' GC '.' .:·>ClayeYgravels;· pciorrY'~9r:aded gravel":;::<;':-:-.. :'.·;· , > . , -. .:.:: .. ··,:: .. :!~2:~f",.s~nd-c.'ay ~~~ture~·(sJy~:~:{-:< . .'·.~:·"··-.,~::· : ,. .. .' CLEAN SANDS . SW .... ,. Well gradedsand,-gravelly: salids, little' SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of .': material is. smaller than No •. 200 . si.eve size·;, ** SILTS ANDCLAYS', ,. Liqui~ Li~it .. Less than 50 . SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 Ill. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS , . . i . SP SM SC or no fines.~· .... . Poorly graded sands,. graveJly sands, little or no fines. Silly sands,. poorly graded sand-silt . mixtures .. Clayey sands, poorl y graded sand-day mixtures. . ."" .. r ' ~ ~~ , .. • : ~" , {;; ~ ., ' ., ..... _.', ~ ". : c •• _ •••• .; ;;s;~ltJ(; ,0:. ~£~~~~:;' .', ML:,-:. ':':' Inorganic silts and verY:firte~sands.,-tock f _. ~ .~~ :;. flour T sandy sit t, or cI ay~y~sil t-sand : ... ;.,::- ... ~.;>: ,::;.mixtures with. 51 ight ·plasti'c;.i.tY.· .'. ... .•. ";:.~. '. CL .... ~'.lnorgani<; .. :ctays of 16w)o;jnedium pl~s':'·> OL MH CH OH PT ticity I gravelly cldYs·;:.~andY clays,. .. silty.days,·Jean clays.:.::-,.;:>~ '. ,: . Organic sHts and organic'silty-clays of- .' ". '. row plasticity; : . ," ,',,, ,,' .- Inorganic silts; mica-~~'~~s ~ diatoma-. ceoos fine sandy or silty"s~irs, elastic' silts. . ::.. Inorganic days of high pLasticity, fat· . clays. ~. Organic days of medium to high plasticity. .'. Peat and other highly organic soils. •• j * Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January 1 1952 •. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U.S. Standard. . :) it· BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 'e PHILIP HENKING BENTON Pftl!:"IDENT • CIVIL ENGINE!!:ft SAN CIEGO: 583·565 ... LA ",':54: 4SA.SSS .. 1. APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND General· Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate int~;~~~ ;';rengtlt". ".' in filled ground by proven engineering procedures and tests so that: the propOs~d' structures- may-be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing'and grubbing; .removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, filling of the land, 'the$preading, .,' .. : _ ,:: and compact iC'.n. of the fi II ed areas' to conform with the lines, grades, and .sl opes 0$ shown' .;.: :"':/[~"~< on the, accepted plans;, ," , ';':;>~~~~~;:~~~:~'::" <0 " " .. :':;;~)~~/~~~;~~; t ' . The owner shall employ a qual ified soils engineer to inspect and test the fill-edg'rouncl as placed to verify the uniformity of compaction of filled ground to the specified SQ percent of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the'.owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and shall have the' authority to reject the compacted filled ground until suchtim& that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shol! be the sole responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction 0 • 2. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (q) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be remov~d, piled ... an~ burned or other-' wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of vegetation alidde~ris. Any soft ~ swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected by draining or re- moval, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the support'of the fiHed ground shall then be plowed or scarified too depth of at least six inches (6"), and. until the surfoce is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used •. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slcpe'areas, greater than .10perc~nt,. horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natural ground in order to pro- vide both lateral and vertical stabi! ity. This is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be ot least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natural ground at the elevation of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which win vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slop~~ (d) '; .! .'''' . ,t,..' " APPENOIXAA -2- , " After the natural ground has been prepared I it shall then be brought to the proper mob- ture content and compacted to not les$ than ninety percent ~f maximum density in .' accordance wi th A .,$ • T .M. 0-1557-66 T method that uses 25 blows of a Hl pound hammer. fallillJ from 18 'inches on each of 5 layers in· a 411 diameter cylindrical mold of a I!30th cubic foot volume. . " . ;' : ..... ; . . ":., ~ . 3. M~terials and Spe'ci 01 Requi re'ments. The fi II soils shal i 'consist of sel~ct ~at~A~I~"'~o,g~a4ed', " that at lease 40 percent of the material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be-b~tained from' .. ,.~:.. ' the excavation ofbanksr borrow pits of any other approved sources and by'mixtrg:~~Tfs from -,:','.',. >:. _ one or ~ore sources", The material uses shall be .free from vegetable matter ;.,'and ather de-· .. / . -. : leterious·.substances,· and shall.not contain·rocks."or 'Iumps of greater than 6 inC::h$':il~ diamete£',~~'~ " ~ If excessive vegetation,. rocks;' or soils· with inad~uate streI"Gfh or other' U~Qc~e.pfubFe physical> ... · . characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas Q$. shown:. on: the ...... ::":". plans.. or qs directed by the soils engineer. If duri.I'"G' grading 'operationsl' soi:fs:, hQ·t.,~:ncountered. ~;:':; ~'., and' tested" in the" prel fm i nary i n."les tigaH or;· are fo~ na';tests. on th'es~J'sotls. sh~lt~;:'p'~~fo'rme~ Ct~If~'::/· determrne;~th~i r physi cal' characteristicS., Any sped aL treatment: recommende~:;t:h;~~e':,-prel imi narn~> .. -: or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these'speci£ication$,~'~ .. :., . "" -, : ... ~,~ '-' : .~: " . . ,,: : Th~ testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade,subbase, and bas~"~'~~terials for' , roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall·be in accordance ~ with, those of the governmental agency havj~ jurisdiction. 4. Placi~, Spreading, and Compacti~ Fill Materials. (0) The suitable fill material shall be placed 'In layers which, when compacted shall nQt . exceed six inches (6 11). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throughly mixed duri~ the spreading to insure uniformity of materbl and moisture in each layer. (b) ,When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified''by the soHs e~ineerr ' (c) (d) water shall be added until the· moisture content is near.optimum as ,specHt-ed. by the .' ." soils engIneer to assure thorough bonding during the compactt~ process, •. : . ,. .. ~ _. i:; When the moisture content of the fi /I material is above that specified bY: th~.·~orls ell:lineer, the fi II material shall be aerated by blading-c;n,q. scadfyillJ or othe~satis­ factory methods unti I the mojstur~ content is near optimum as specified by the'soils ergtneer. ." '.' . . After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shaH be thoroughly , compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance with A.S. T.M. 0-1557-66T modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shaH be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other, ~pproved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that ts specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design that they wi II be able, BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ....... . , I I I [ APPEN.DIX AA - 3 -, to compact the fill material to the specified density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling of each Ia.yer shall be contInuous over its entire area and the roller shall make suffIcient trips to insure, that the desired density has been obtained. The entire areas to be fllI~d shall be compacted. (e) FirI slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equ.fpmerit. Compacting operations shall be continued until-the slopes are stable' but nOt too dense ' for'pla.ntj~ and until there'is no appreciable: amount of loose soH on the slopes .. , " Compacting, of the slopes shall be accompltshed by backroUing the slopes hit Increments "',,, of3 to 5 feet in elevation gatn or by other methods producing satisfactory results. ' " .'., '"". <", , , (f) , Field density,tests shall be taken by the solis, engineer for approximately each foot in', " , elevation gedri 'after' compaction/ but not te exceed two feet in vertical"helght be-twe'en>..,;,~' ': tests,~,,'Fieldde'nsity, tests may-be .taken at intervals of 6 inches< Tn el.evatten' gaIn if, ,,"' ~,;,; r~qutred by the soils e~ineer. The location of, the tests in, plan shall be so spaced to " ': give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feef .. Tests; shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet in, elevation gaIn.. The soils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity ,,,," of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the cOm- pacted matedal below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of flU shaH be spread untIl the field density tests indicate that the specffIed density has been obtal-ne_d. (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six Inch (6 11 ). compacted layers, as specTfTed above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted pi ans • 5. Inspection. SufficIent inspectron by the soils e~ineer shaH be maIntained during the fllIT~ and compactlr'G operations so that he can certHy that the-fill was constructed Tn accordance wi th the accept.ed speci fi ca ti ons • 6. Seasonal Limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled. If weather condrtions Increase ffie moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is interrupted by rain/flll operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the'soils engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as prevIously specified. 7. Limtti~ Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those soils that expand 2 .5 percent or less from air dry to saiuration under. a uni t load of 500 pounds per square foot are considered to be nonexpanstve. . 8. All r~commendatIons 'presented in the IIConclustons II section of the attached report are a part of these specificatIons. BENTON ENGINEEItING, INC. ":-.' PHILIP HENK!NG'BENTON . PRESIOENT. C1V'L £NGINEER . ' BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS',.-.FOUNDATIONS ' 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 APPENDIX B., .... " . ,'·SAN. DIEGO: 5~3·5654 LA ME""A~ 469.56$4·' .. Sampling '-:~ .. ,.'. '. .' '. ':~I';' . .. .-, .. · .. ~::ih~~:;:U~di~;Y:.~~~.:~,~il sampies:~r.~'·:obtain·ed ~~:J?r~lng a spe~~al sampli~g:"~Ub~:'into the :.7;;\~·:' undistu.roed:~~6as;:cit:·the:.bottom of the boring'; at .freqiJent:in~ervals· below the: graund surface. ' . .:: ' .. The scuripnng:jube',con~ists: of a steel bar'rel: ~.O inches~ ou~}d'e diameter}:.with 'd~";pedar cut--~.' :~.< ting Hp9~;;o';e.end and.a double ball.valve on. the otheri.·ondwith a lining offwe!ve'thin .. :~,.:.~ .. . brass' rin9.~~;'each,. one. inch. long by·2 .• ;42:in,ches inside.:afa~eter: ',The ~ampier,:.: c~~:ected' to a.>-\: .: ... ~. twelve:ihch~-'ong wast~· ~arrel/ is eithe~ pushed or c!riven opproxima·tely.18 inches.in.to·.tfte soil :':.' . '.. and.a.:.~sJ~liridi:sectron·::brthe· centeripor.tiori;,·of th~~s~mple:'is,:taken for.laboratory',:t~s·ti~::the·soiL;~~±:(~~:~:':,· -.,".---:·· .. ·~~::~.:.·';;.·l::2:V·;l~ ~:~~"".>l,~.,;,~'~_ .. ~, .,'! .• ,;.,<.:,:. ... ~ ...... ;:,.·.,;.. .. ~.!~.·-.:·.,.M.~.· .... ,-ct; __ , .• :r.'~.~.~ ... '~'« .. ",.>' '~;_"''',J''' .... r'~,: .. ,·-· :.' .:'. be in~:'·.~st~~I;}_~:Ori·fine~~:i~; th~_ bras~' r.~n'!:Js:·r:;ayte<~xtra~~i prE/r?m.: the' sampl er': tube~.~·· .. ;T~~·s?tnpl es :dre.~'S~~J~~~;:,: .. •• _.'. , •• w.~,~~> .... "~.~.~: .~": <,;~ ..... ,I~:;,:,;"'" ,.::-.• ,1: .• ! .~" ... 'i"!I."'!.;;'''_·". ::.."':-~ .' ,v:..:t. •. ·?i>?~ ... ','" ". ";:'.-,_, •• r··.· ~ " .-. ".\,;;:4,.;''\::' . '" '. --f?:);' ~"i-."ei .. ':' .. . ".:" taken<to·~the .. laborator.y .. rh c lose:frlfing' waterproof'c·on.tarnerS'· rn-order-to. retarn-' tne;Jie:Id..ri1ors-,,:~{":,:'?r~>;·.~·'·;:·,: turl!' un HI:' completion· of the tests •. The driving energy': 'is'calculdted as the.avEm:ig:e"~meigy in :':.-.~'~:.'::(~" foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil. at the depth at which the.: .... ' sampie is obtained. ' .. : . . Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direcT'shear machine o{the strain control type in' which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the .test~ are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in whi'ch they are se-' cured •. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to· the weight of the soil' above the po'jnt of sampl ing. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal .Ioadsin order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion. Where consi.d.ered necessary, 5atnp~es are saturated and drained. before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. " .' '.'. ·:r'·· .... '. "" '::' :. '" . '.' ... : .... : ' .' , ..... :~,,:, ': .. >~,--... '".''' -<;::.:t;'+:· Consolidation Tests' '. '. .-"" ..' '\~ -.:, .. -\ ~~. ,.,. :'<.' '. ··Th.e apparat~s ~sed for' th'e 'co~solidation testS~·is. designed to ·re·ceive one·.(){th~ one in·ch.: high ·rings·'.of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in.severalincrerTiettts .fo the~pper: . surface· ofthe test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at seleCted time intervals· for each increment. Generally I each increment of load is maintained on the sample unHI fh~ rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in. . : contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or re[~ase of water~ Expansion Tests One inch high ~amples confined in the brass rings are permitted to air dry cit 105~F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit. load of 500 pounds per square fO'ot is then appl ied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample •. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is: recorded and expansion is recorded until the rate of upward movement is-less than 1/10000 inch per hour •. . i '~., ' '. ---,_~~.' ~--~,,~_=-~,,-,-':""';':-,--,-;";';;";""":"'.;...' =-. ...:;,-._;;;..., ,;.,,~ :;.;." .... : ..................... ..;.0" ... : •• ...;._---_.: ........ '...; ........ .'~~r~i~~~t~~~, "{:'~:" ~,~~:J:~?~,: .: ~ :.;., .. ~ .. :',: ";;~{'!~~ ~ , _-,:'.rr - ""':' ~ ,.., " '. ;-. r ,.--, ",i": • , ~I- r, ,. ,;·~.<~::U:/·" "-, ,~ I ~'.' , .. APPENDIX aa : '. ''';' .. Reccmmended special design precc:iutionl ,to be exercised fOr bulldilllS to be construc'ted on· sites having critically expansive soil in the' upper 3 feet b. low ,fjnished grade._..:: '. ,:.~ '",', , " ::' ~,:,,~ ~:: ~'; :,,~'.'.:~.' -~: ... ', ":, ::" , -' ' ',: :,:,: ,'.-',' " :·"{~~~,.';Ir:·~ : ... ' ; .-,.: .. , ... : :"" .. ' ~:.'>,/\;~~;~~~~?~~It;;·_,::.~.,:·,L~':::~~;::!:'/~"J ~~1:. r". '" l.-,. .', Isolated interior piers shoUld not be ,'u$ed'~ .,:: ContirtJou~ footrrGs should ~be' ""~""." ;,.:~:::~ .. \;~ .. ".~ :, .,~)::'~·~.,.~.,;,~sed throughout".and these should be::placedata mrnrm~Rl:dep~:';;(two: "'. '~:;, t~'.~:::-:' ~:,,:(<,:,'~[ij~~, 'feet-below the: lo.west. adiacent.ex,terJ~i:Ji nal groul1c!::surface' ,.-.,-, , ~ . ,': : ;L~~~[:~lfB~;;¥:' ;,:,:~;lK;J~f~~~tj:·i;!;;:¥~:f~i{';;~~~·· i:i~~fi!i~$\~~:'{i:~t\;~·, J"'~~~:; ::~{:;,T?;~C:~j;;:'}';~::' . , . ' '2 ~:'~:~~:-;'}~X;,Re I "force'a'rid', i'riterconnec t~o'Tlti nuous 'Y~ aH~,J:nterfor.ancF: .' , 'r' t;.. ... '".! .. \ --~ '-• I -... ,~.. . ~ .'," '-"-~-1 .~.-., ',/" ~ -', -~, ·~'.(,~}:',:,{\with~~ne· ,5 .bar at·3 inches:-abCNe:~e:bottc:m::4ra([;JootirGS .n ... ,.-:,,,,,,,,,,, ~', ',S"·,:/·~ar. placed Jl;2. i'i1ches',bel' . the.' "of ,': ,; 'of:me-, ,:11,OOtl .,::~" :::,~;!,~. :~:-::,~, "', ~~;.::. ':}::':~~. '~::' .. ':~·"~i):::;,~y: .. ·;;~:! ., . ..,':;":';.,'-;,; . .., . ':Reinforce-alt'concrete.,sl ';~';(i~:~ ',0: 5. Provi cJe "'0 \;,ohfure 'Vapor bCrT'ie',.· 2, '.:.' : .. : ":;:' ,<':.~.~-':'>',:' :c::," ... :' ''::'';:;'" : ,.'.'>_ ... ;',.: '. '_,,':;',:";'.;, , ' . ;',' ,c'.; Separate garage slabs'from perimeter.footi~s by T~'inc.h thickr:ieSs,., , ' . , ..... . 'conltruction felt or equivalent, to allow)ndePendent movement 'ofgarCGe slabs relative to perimeter footings. :' ' ' . 'c. ':'::~:':.'<:: ." :",'.. " , .~ "-" .:-: -. ,,; .. 6. Provide positive drainage away from all' p~rimeter foatirgs to a'ho.:i:z:o~tOl· distance of at least 6 feet outside the house walls. " .;.;: :., " :. ,.' ~ : ~:~" . " . .{..,'" . , .... ~. " "" .. ~. -.. ": , ,,:,,;,~,~,:,j):? ,'.~ .,'-:; -;., .' ;--" .. ~" .. '. < .; BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. , .- . . ' ~~~;) h~!~J~~, k' ".; :.) -. -. '.' . . ... " <r .. ~_f ,.~" •• , ••• :._~,_. '.,!'.:., ::'.:'" :"", •. ::~.·~.5.~?~: _,. ;'.~.'~~-.-:..::,: ,."";. "> .. ~:,,," .. l_ :'l:::~;~·~~_''':''\O~'':!'''...-. __ ;,:_ ......... ..;:...-~ ... _.;,~_"~ .... --., __ . ? __ .... ~: ·tt ''''-.. ,. ,,~~ .~, ' 0~"~~i~"~~~~! ., ~- ~ '-r~ .. ~. '.," :; '.~.: . ' .. ::~ .-'~' t'~ - ,"A '.' . -. " --:~. , .' " -. ". ".', '. , ~ ";, ,.;' .' " .~ :. .. :~., .. ::; ~ ';': -i'". ~:(\.:<~<:'4: ... ~·:-/~. ;. .i 0/,'", .:;:. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • .. ,J. •• ' ...., ~'" .. ;.' ..... ,", " " ~,-'. " '\: .... :-.' ,,' , -, 'r .:".- '~ .. ' , . ~ ..... ~ : I.' " .... ~. -';., 'J~; :~':' ':" . ~,~.~--" .. ~ . -.-~; . !, .~~.:.' ~:~ .... ~."l:; , ·~::~~~;,~:~!·~::t:f: ~ .. ' "\'" ... , .~\~:~:' ';'::" ,.,'-. -, , .,':' , .:_;t. :-' .. ," ~'"f :; ." , ~:.~~ ~;: ':~. " ,l~!f~:?"'-:''[''': . :,;! -, • }~r ,-• l.'''~ '1:'" ,.,.. .. ~; •• ~~. " .. }(;~t;:~~W'\'>\~;~;~~l;"J:;~; <"}:ii, J ." '~1~t~'?;/"!{j~~~fi" (,' ~,', .. " < ' ':':~ ',-,,' ,;. ," r:- , -~- BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. :. " r :. ~ • ;~iJ~~~~z,~B.;t: -:'1..:. ~ :~' .~. ~~~', ... ":>~ : .... .'~~ ~ , '. ~ • < ~ ~ . ~ -' '-. .,.' -' '" .. '", ~ " ',' ',', ......•• JI'-.....• ', >}~:<:~~'~';~~"~~""'; ", "::,.!.';":;::":: e:,"~:'·} , ·e" .. ' : .... '. ~ -'-.~: .: -' ''.-., , " ,:. ':-': ~. . . \~rpose: To" evaluate subsurface conditions -in order to. ant'icip'~t;'e anY" . :-':'. excavation problems that might exist. during grading design. · ... :~F. Method: Refraction Seismograph -hammer impact method.: Geologic reconnais~an.ce.·'~: . -. . .: .. : .,. . -... Discussion: .. These Seismic runs' are an~ addition' to the previous: .. rUns made ·in. .:~. :::: ". ~:-\ ... c. ' .' ,_ ':. '~-:..::-::. ~ .:' .' 1J~~ ~,\6.·~·, They ·.are tc? .th.~, east of: original 'line A. . ,:~~.";}~.;,: ... ; ':>:_:.;y~~.: .. :' :_ '<\~~f~.~Th~.,;ci~t~;i~~ i~ .~imii·~~··to th~>origi~al lines 'in,:·this'.:areat-::·:t~·e.~·~,";:~.~· , • ~.~. <l'r,,..._ • • • ~.~. ~ • ~. • -'!~ .'!,,, ~ ~.~'4,. ~ ,,~ ;·.\:{~;X;;,:i~"(;.f;:§r \>:. '~{:;'~~\' / ::;.--t: '::,:'\,::,,~>, '. :: :;. '., ) .' . :: "~;::,~~':'" .: .,." .' "., .. '. ::. '. ::" ·~·.:·.:f.~.{~::~~{~~·>·: ' .. , :, .. ni;£::···::;~'~t·':~?l~~ '. surta.ce;.::tlows,;;of, andesite ,:and rhyol:t,te •. :': : ....... : .... : .>!~:it~;;:;;;·,,,,·.·:,.' ",:,:;.;:::>-:-.':;.r'::.';":,~:;i:'. . "-"'~~.,~~~~,::,:"::~:~{:~S~,:::~·:·,-:,::·-.'/, ;";' ~<',": ~'~';:.:~~,' -:"; ~. :' .' ': ~~i~~~f:':?~:. "> .~. ."--"('.':~ ,-~:"-. w" ;:-f~~~;f:;~::~~~: :':-.\.'. ~'-<~:'~'~';}~::!:~';:~;.~" .~.-, . j;:·:Four;···.lines were . run' in .... two· a;t'e'ai:i:"~" lines Al, BJ.:,:Cl:;?nd:'Dl as" ,ShOW/lt.·· .. :~~:;:~;-?'t"":'::.;:~.; .. ::~' ':.:.::~<>. ~"'.:~';'.:" .: ,'::":'~~~'<"::-.: .', ' ... : .' ,.?:_).;-;~ '.:::, ". "»'::><;~:~~~ . o.n:~t,:the. location. plat ~:;:.Total Seisrn:1;'c'-' co:verage,· is 1500 ·;~lineal.feet.~;:~, ';'-i/"":-',: ~:"~~.,\~ \: .. ::;~.~~~,~~:.;~:~ .. :~~t~f;"\·\: -~</.j:~~:t~~~·~;~~.~~·~:~ ~ ~:~ ".: : ""~/.)!! :~'~:: ~~7~~~J~~~·;·:~(' ~.;~':. ' .. l -. ->' ,I "~' >.',. .< ;:~":'~~;~.~~~y.~~::~ ::.,.~ __ ~ .::.:~~~?f~~~$:~.~l' ~~~~," . in&;':'A:;indicates;~·a.;"soft soiL;;and~,residual:. l~yer.:·:of:<~.-::to 4;. ·:f'ee,t:.~~:>r: .. ·."·j ",' [ ~.I'~. ::~:.;.:'~'''~''~~':. '~";'::~;~ :~~.::.t' .-:,~.~~~'::.;~'.' . ". ~.-.:.: < ••• ~:<"'~~~?::?~~~~~~\:r:~:'("'~~~"":'~: , >~'~:"""':". -. .:'".~~!;:~~;:~~.~~~\",. ~~.'~ :~'(~;'~~~~:~~f~~;;f,:V;~:~~:: "With' aveloci ty range,.:of 1500 to".2000 ft/sec. Under-~y:tng thiss6rl;g;, ':.. '-'. -.-~~'" . for, most of the line is decomposed and fractured material with a'·.,' •.. " , ... t veloc~ty range of 5100 to 5300 ft/sec. Below this material for most of the line is high velocity parent material. with velocities of 6700 to 8000 ft/sec. This material rises a~ost to the surface·in the area of stations 3 to 4a5. Line Bl, which was run across line· Al. indicates comparable conditions. Line Cl indicates: considerably ,.1~o~e massive and widespread high velocity material fromd~pths .oi/.: .. ,'. \,~,~ ·4·:to 24 feet. Material with moderate velocities. overii.es' the pare~~·c:, .. ".,.~-: f ..I' ~ • ." F -: material on the southern part of the . line • -In this area maiel:"ia~ with.'i"': -.,... ':". --,~/;," velocities of 2400 to' 3000 ft/sec' is 'from i4 to 24 ·fe~;-deep.Line.·: ,~: . . ' .:';,f, " Dl, which was run across line Cl indicates similar conditions •. Angular blocks of andesite and rhyolite are incorporated'in the, overburden, especially where indicate'd on the velocity profile 0 ' . , -;'.'-~ . " 1--.' , '. '. -: ... --~ '-~ "-.... ...,.".' .,' " - -. ,:'~ . ..: -~:.,' '. '. . ' ~ . . ..... :. : ;.~. 1 .~- " ::'_'., " . .'~. " ' ... r,' .:, .. :.:\ --"4. ;_:.. , .• -,:""" •• <'~ :~"~ -.: :.~:~~' Conclusion: .,Considerable more marginally ri;pable' ~at~~~al :~~'~"l'~~ated' on~,>, -:<'.~:i::~' 'lineS>"Al and Bl than on any of the 'previous runs.,'~~t:~'··:the ~~te~~~:·:~~:·}T ','.. . ~ ~ . .' " ",-', _ ' .. ' : ·:Y:~.'(f.::'::~~,,;.,. ~'.'_':';;'}"';.:~~\:. _ r, •• j,~~. of the' 5100 to '5300 ft/sec material •. This material s.hotiid provet6,~.:;.r,':' ,:~'::' < '. : ~ .:::-.:.<' ~;~~: .' ,~ .... ~ ~"'."...,,' .' ~ . '. .' ::~' ... : ~ " -.. ' ',~. '. ~ '. ":~" ,-~:~'. ~s:'/~':, ,~. :" -~ , <~. :.,,; .;~t~!;:;'~'~~ .. (~~:,~,~ . be :very:,,: gifficult "ripping'to probable" shoot.ing. ·,Underly:tngthis'~'~:i1;"~'::~;:Y::.: ···'--'~~-:~~::;·~~)-r't·.: " '. ,-.:.: \-.~: '-'. '.'-;~: _ ~,~.~:>-." ~ ':5 ':;~'-":~:., .';~.<~~'~·:~~~~~~{~t,·:~~:·~:,,~·-,,~;r!,~~~:1:A~1;i,~~~~:-", material", is the non~rippable parerit~,,'roak.-.Lines 01' aiid:,;,::,p1:;~how-:?~)};:ff';<: . ~~'";' ~ ,: ' '" ~ .' '.~' .:~.\".::~~:~ .. :: .':~ ~, .. '. -:: . ':· .. {~f~~;!?>·::-;::·:.~~",~:~g~~f~?r:.~:~~(·;, wi.despread high, velocity', parent rock~ very' near to' t4e::,'S-I;~~f~ce::9n·:;j~:~,,~, , the~~:'n~rthern' part, of,.,th~ ,::line' an9.::;,,·~~\to .24 .de~;'. o~," <;::~>'}:~; .,' .<. ':" '; :e,",' . anal ';3'E2 ....... ::i}" '.;:; ';,:},~~~;t~~;";';K~::1;i:,~,, ':,?i';:\t: In "terms of rippability, based :on the the following schedule would apply: "'" Velocity o to 2000 tt/sec 2000 to 5000 ft/sec 5000 to 5500 tt/sec Over 5500 ft/sec -y. ;:. ,-~, Excavation Met'hod Scraper Ripper Marginal Drill & Shoot ~ ~ . . ... :, " . " .:-: ~ , .. ~~~ . .: ':~~~~~: , , -.'; t~"": ~ ~ . . '; ... ~:\~ : :t~ I ~ .. ":' . .'~' ~ '.,.'!~ ,1 • .' • ;.'~ I ~.'. :' - -: .. :~:.:. ~ , .W;! . . ~'~ ~, , ;. i . I".f , " ", , ..... -l i' I 1 I '''--~ , ".' ( ~ . " ~ ~: _ ... '\';' ~ ;-.: ,- :'. . ' ,- .-.,' .. 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'. ~: , .. :-~-:,' ;>t ...... .. --,~, ; ... . . 'r".: ..:': ,.' e· GEOLCGIC CONDITIONS AT LA COSTA IDilT If 5 .' -~ , -... ,'-".., ~ ~ -:~ -; ~r '! :, .. , • • .-}.J:~):~: ;~~.-:, - . '- , . " . '. ~, . ., ' . . . '. . ,-. ! -;: ";, ,-.~ .' :. .. Introdu9tion ' .. ,,-.' ,-.; .... '. ,,' '>:'~'::':"'::~:".; ,:~; '.' This' lnveetlga tlon into the geologia cand! tions ',~ :~':.: ';":"" >~ ·.:'.·:.:'~-~:.~~~~o; ~ COS~~.·'~d~·rlYl~ __ .'~~1t If 5 ~8 mad~:~t" the ·req~e'~~"·\~~,.>, ,! . . ~.'~;;~~:1~~~;;;~~~~~:<;:.~y~~.~~~'~:,~j.: .. :.'.'-:;:;: ',:~ :~=-.~'~:{: .. ~~ .;,\:~.:. :~.~:~i:~~;·';'·, " -, -" :~:-:~; :'~_':;':" '-': .. ~~ .t~\:(~.·.~~t~~·'·<:~:·" , : ~;:<:'9~4,Mr'~i:~Ph111p' Ii_<Bentori, of th.·~.Benton Eng1neeririg (Jompanl' of.':J, ,<~"~' .. { '. :::·~>~>;~~;~;:;,:·;~~·>:·\);~>:.\:\··:'~·'·'.:'~·zV·: ;'./::' t ;··'·::,;5.!;;;~'::': '.< , ........ : :. ' :.> .; ,', ':·<:~'~~·::~~·~.:~:\:0C;,:'·"'':~; ': .~:"San.~ Dl·e8O:~.Ca.liforn1a •.. The wr1 tar wag· asked to· give" ~tten'tl0lt·"·(' ",(;}tl ,,</.:~::-.:;{~[~ ...... \-~~.;.;):..~' .... :. t., •• : .,~_.,,<.;::.~<:'<:!' ~~:~' :-r' .. "':'_'\~_ ,,4', ",' ~ • ,,~: :' ~~.~ " •. '~:~.(:.~~~:t>~~~:.:' '. '~'. -.~;'.\~:'-~'~~:;:" , ,?:(g:~~ . "".·:';'partloularly ,to the "f1eld relatione between sotter.and harder":~>:, .' <::c;'~ ; ~'>.;,)~:;);~,;~i;,;J.;::'/·~~~t~ -;:~·.c':<.:,:.' .' ,,:~;/:·.;,.~li~~;~,;:,': ,~;;;-:, ," .. (" ~.~ .:;~' ,~-,:!:; _ , .. ' _.' '" ,:; '.' ),C X:;;~ ::;'~.:.: , ... ' :, : .!~ :;:'::'~~-;:;:""~;~:;.--'-F,~­ , \~r;.;·c:rrook'":.'t.trilts·:'ot'fthe:?;area;~·:to· es'timate ·the"·'depth:"o:r:.8tiah·un1ta::l~!,f?~:·~~:;;·~.~~,:· "~ ~);,:~ 3;:1~i~~:-·~ft:.~;l#.*~t#~r~r~:~::':/~·:.~. :::~;,Si~8!:}~" .~~-;j?;7·~1".~:.~: ~~ ~;.~~~t~!i·~~;1~~~;:'~\~ ,~, ;: ~ ,-~j <', -' -~.~ . '. :~~ ~;~~;1:~;~~~~" : 4.~ ~~~.~ ~:'_ ~ :,~~:~~_. • '~fr~,~;~ "'~::(:"Y:crltlcaI::'a.reasf··,to;·"suggest behavior character1.st1as' eXpecta:bl.~~;:-';~:~\/·': .... " :q.~.::. .'" ,-' .. :.... ": .:, ~.:-_ .. , . ,:~~i1/->r\f;§:;~-:'::·".~-' /':. :: .·in development operations; to exam1ne. the area. o-r proposed' deep' '~. . , cutting; and .to bring to attent10n any ob.served features of geolog1c concern that m1ght have possible bearing an'current plans tor subdivision expansion. --... ~. Accordingly, the writ.er bas spent· several days in .. , ''''':'' . . -~. .' -. ~ c the f1eld' checking the kind of mat.er1als 1nvolved,-the1r oontact.·:. ' .. ~ .::~:: _ ",.. '_ _ : _, " .. ~:t::. ~'~j' ::'{'~',:~'~ ~:i . relat.ionships,.: .their,·distribut1on. the~r a~tl·tud.· whe~. obtalnable~)~_ . . '. ".~. =-.-:~ ~. . ' _ . - -. _~ :", __ .: A', __ ~':. -:-', :~ .:\;;::~~:~~~~~~:;;~~~~:~~ .~~:~~. ·.the Jo1nting. the· weathering, and such matter •• Adequate ba8."~'::"<:' :.:~> :-", ,-, ~. ~l' _. --~ ~~ ~ '. -. "-'.< . _-.··-~_l,·~k';.~-~:~~ .... {:~t .:' maps were· supplied by Benton' Eng1n~er1ng on a soa18:of 1."-2Obt~ :,.:.,: ,.); " '~'. . __ . _ , . . .. : :/.. _.... ,"~>_':"'" ~ " ~J'I ¥, ~~~~ wi th 5' contours.·A 'geologie' map was oonstructed f'rom this baae ' . ;:~:. . '. . ..... : .. r~£ by plott,1ng thereon ''the reeults o-r the rleld inveat1gat.1on. The·' . '~.::}~ pos1 t.lon ot bore holes· and oute already made. tran~t~rred :tr~m .:.:',' ::;.:"?~ ,.' " :': . ~ : -: (?J:'?' other sources, were added aa well aft the approx1mate looat1on or, ~:'~ -. ':;-",. ", ~ ... ': new .~reet.s •. propo~ed outs,and the l1k&.· A copy or th1. map· . becomes an 1nt.egral part or the repOrting and aocoDlpan1.. the . ". :.::. , > ~ •• , "~' ," .. -' .; " ,. -~ , .. , ' ,,': '. ' ." " ;'> '. , . ".r.·:" ."<~}'::~:~;~~V . .::", wr1tt.en part herewith. Detailed. croes sections are-omlt.t.ed,·,' .', ,since 1t was obesrVed very. early 1n the Invest1g2.tlcna ,\hat,~.: '. " '.'. . , the 'S~Ope8.nsle or contactual::relat1onehips of :rt~~nlat1on8 " ':,.: ,;::; ; ,.-': ··:· ... '~~1ea. 'gre&tl;r and:' was .not· at all unlt"orm. thl-OUghO~;::~he":: >.:'::>.:,,:'~:/.-' :T~ --. ': > ~:' •• ~". <.'.~: '. . ~ r ' .~ •. -. ','" ~ ",: ,: ,.' -' -'. ',:-~ -:: . 0'.-... ~:':' .. :'-;"":.~' .. ~. . :': .. <v·i.:..f -:.!~ ~.~:~ .': '.:" area .. -Photographs bavebeen added wl'l,erever 1 t walf~t.l-t. -that .: \<::~ " "~' . '. _j;:';';~.:.~;.,\:: ":~/' :'> ' ..,.. .. '::'... . >.:>:/t;>. :", ',' ,:.-;':':. :.,' .::.:.,/{€~.~,:;~~ .::.:::,: . ~ .·.·::s:::~~~;:::i.i:::~~;'~!).) . . :~:::{;,·th.1:.;,m1gb.tald 1nvlaua11zing. c,ondltion8,·.desoribed.:.~;,,;:·-:.:;, '~"··.:'·i:'5;>:.~·:.·_:.>.< · \J::i~~;!~'i:~I~;:L~~:-·.;:;;· ••• ····.· .• · •. ·.3:~:,~t: ~:fi~~~.~~.;f;';~·"'ilf~;';!:~~~~i\ ·:.'·'::~:~:<~:i:r:·.:::' ., .. \ :~::: .' .,", . Other' '\han :.the,·Rectnt AiiUYiWn;;_,,,,~ah tliiS:,:;:::y·:);'ct::~:.· • ~. : •. ~.! I •• ~ ·r-~~t·~~t?~.~~. ~f;/:-;:i' . .~~'~'.',. "r'" : ::~~,.:~;': ;J:~>: ,.",...; : .. ' ;-.~ ~. .':, :~:f~>~~~~~~~?;.~·~:;+~'-:~ .~:~ ',f:-£:~::~;{;~:f~~';:.~'r:·.; .. ~ '::';: ~~~!~1~f~:~tH~. ~r~~,:)·:t:·;~'i~§~·:(~~ "~~l~\;;~~~,: ". : ~~ .• f. Talley" or .. San-Marcos Cree:tt:r ,.nd···.1 tS": ·tributarles-z~ ~~:·'.the ':~"l! .:,·r~ "'::.::,,::; '! ~~·t . ~:~!"~~~~~,~~~ :~{~~£r~~~~: .:;;~~~~~~-r~ ~~j ~ ~ '~k ;:'~~ .~~": :~:_;.~.;;:~'~~:?; ~ .:, -r ?~,~~~~t~~tf~:'~j;~~·:-~~t~~ftf(~~~~~i~· 8vr:~t1~@~?i~t~:f~~~~~}~~~i~' ~ "'~~(~~;)~ ':.".\~(.J Course" level,: there are ~I,;O' malii~':torma.tl'on8 eneoun:tered:.· .. lli~ . 8:;::1\.;:'<":':.-: '<'<:::~~};;":' . '. . ". ,,;:-;.' .. ,,".'. . .,'., .... ',. '. .::,;:. ,,\::,;.-,.,,; '.,,' .... ··~~:··;,'}~:t.)~;tF.' . " :' .;.;,: area.· One 1 s an ax-tansl va sedimentary forma tlon. whieli Cl<;lVera,;":,, .: ~:: :'. .,-: ,.' . ;,.~, , , ,'., . . '. ',. " : -':, ",:.:'~~".". ~,~ .. ~ ~~,~ . . much or t.he Rancho La Costa property from Un! t .11· 5 '_seetlon :.:. .' . c westward. through the canyons and ~esa lands. to the ocean. This formation 1s mapped as Ts -{Tert1ary sedlme.nts l'tmd 1s shown in green shading on the geologie map accompany1ng ·this report • . . The second 'formation,. which underlies th~ sed1ment.s to the west.. ... . , ~,.' . "" : ,,-..... :.;" ' .. '," surfaces in a broad tront to, the' ea.$t. There 1ta .outcrops risG":'''~'.~ ': .. ~. '. <~ ~ ~_:,'~--. -. ~ ~ . -.'. . . ". ~>, _ -: ~,: .'~;. :~-:', -. .," ,·~\.:;,-~t~~~~~~~i~~iz::i:-' . : .to t"orm bold foothills· better".:tban 400" and 500' 'in elevat1on;;·· .. ,,\:···.::: . ,.:' 'r1mming the eastern horizon. ~~~'~een trom golt" ao~~~:"~" 'cl~~2'" :. ~', "":.'I ..... " . " ',' .'. ':: """::: .. ~:.:.: .. ~.'''.'' .... ~~~., " ",/';'.! . house lave.le. { See F1g.l ·and·;Flg·. 2 ot··'Plate l' r:.'nUa ·f'ox:na.tlcn, . :--:',:,:::". . . ." .i.- Qoneists of a seriee of very old' and very thick vol.can1c:rocke· ot difterent kinds. It 1s mapped. as the Black jolt.Volcanicl and. il5 shown by orange shad1ng and the 13m:! umbol. on the map_ The undifferent.iated sedimentary formation,.. (Te) 1s younger than the volcanics and lap against t.hem 1n about. the mid-portion of Unit # 5. This seriea thiokens markedly to. '. <'~l i I • 1 . -_::-'-:-=." ...... :.,::-.- ,', : " , ,t.' •••• ,.. ',', .,' . , .: , :'··~the ~et where it torms' t.he predominate unit' of the' coastal: :' plain. ~TheBe eediments are marine in origin tor: 't,h&' most' pa.rt "-:" -" -' '- : :',' and' ,c~n818t in this area of 'fine grained sandstone~ ~d al1t-, ,c: '.' '>.' ,_ ."'" . I . _. .' • . : • ' > ... .': _' . : ·:r\;~tO~~·8.~lth ~ ta1'r clay conte~t which glvea them'. c~herSnce. 'l~:~::'::','c ~:>,:,' ·:·~~~~1~~.th~ 'S:~bs~riC'fr' ~'t· '~~~~nt.l~ aseri~a.' They-'are triab~e:" arid 'respond::)". ;.~ .. ::.,::. ",.:,.J~,{~::~~:,;~:,::,~":~:<:,,~' ... ~ '::,::,~: ',~: -:~~,::, .:.;. ':, . ..~_:.' .. ': '" . ' , ~ . "_ ... , ' :-'. :'. '''~'4''~'Y::·.'·'' :~~ ~_ ,~:.~:::~)~~.,: .:"::, :'. ,<.~~W;~lat,i.velT'·eaeily "t.o ~utting,;8.nd grading operat,1.ons':They are:'.:·~·, .. , -{':;~~~~¥f~~;:~:~~;f~;Jt:~~":~~~~~\~~:~~,:",'~~:,)J' ' .. -"~'~(:~' .. ~:{~~::: .. ;:,: ... :~.,;,3, .. :~~-_ '" , " ~:!~')~;::;~~,' _ ' ", '_-,,'_~., "", J', ,.:~:~i:,~::·:.,;'::l',' -~ ~,~::;~', .. "t~:·':;~-'_~:-'.'''>~l:'~' :-.,>F", x'a1e:'greeTl1sh-' srai:,~·t.o .~ft .and:::,tan: color. and art!" ~e~ &xpo~ed ; .. :',' :,i:::;:-.: : ~. ~ (~ft':~~~~:·~ .. ;.'~~:' ,~. -::. ~:.~ ~:. > .,"~:', < :~~.,,~:.~.; ::~':~. ". ~ ~ ... r~: ~.,~ .;.: ,-,' .. ~ . ~ , .:'.' -':... ~ -;' ~ " " .: .:: .. ~ :;-·~:-tJ;. ""': :,'.-' '. " ·~':'::-:I'~'~ -}~~.~~;i .. : .. :.: ~~f~{- : ::.'~::::J:~~ln>present;' gr&d1ngoperations,.1.1n Un1't;'# 4-jUst~·t()!··,:the. l1eat,;~·ot.: :::'.:: .... ,:: .. :.;.~ .. ··~.-:~t,:.,:!:·~.,,'., .. ~.-[ :-~."" -. ':. ',' .' , .... ~./ ..... '~, .' ':'. ~ ~::~:"'\(i:'.k', '~'::" "", _:<~.~ .. ~.,:.. '-, .. ' :::;~~;~:~·'~::.rea'~··under pre8ent' __ conslderatl~. ~Y.',,&ppear.;:td,~~i1;' In ~cOiJ.i,ii~:·:' , '.~~~if,:~" . ;~~it~~?:~~~ ,~~:; ·r~_'} ~.~> -.::f '. ..~::<' .. , :~\~~~~"j~?!'~1:;':'~\~;·~ ~ '. ,.-: .. :~~:~~~~ f~f:::':Y:":<:' : . ' ~-'.. . ( ~ ,~:-~.~~~\ __ '. :_ ~+' ~ >:;. o~< y:~(~~ ·::~;~3~·~r~~~·~:r:~~ :(:<~~~~~~~~~:~~~~; :~_~;,;, .::.:., h.,·(hor1zontal 'position' w1t;h~"1perbaps' ,s-llght,.1h,c.11natlon: :in--: ... ~.. ..~~!~~;:,:: : :":"~:~~~ ' • .."",.:C":l:; ': '::.' ,,,,., ',:"'''. '. >.-~ r:'· "', . .:'~i.~·\t' .,', '. '. ", ' .. ',' J.'·::~~y'~;:'· ... ~~'C"'>':;'<::::-':i~tS':f :.~Si1.~>~::·::' .::.:t:,:::;·':>·;'·weaterlY' dIrection. Good exposures' o~ bedd.ing ,planes f'or more;:,i'.'~·l:.: . • ;" • . , -~, ,: -,' :'. <: .:,,;~,-:~.~~:., .::<,;,;~·,'acourata determination a.re not. numerous. '~ro ev1denee'o:f anT ',;~~: . . ,,' pronounced deformation o--r these beds exista on 'the propertY''' Just North o--r the Golf Course and. East 01"' the borrow pit there, 118 aome suggestion of slight displaoement 'of some of' .. the· beds I , I but it oould well be post depositIonal. set.tl1ng rather than! . 1 .. " ..,'... ~ . ,," ~. , I ... aoti,ve f'racturing or taultiDg and is of' no great· concern"'; To·>~.;::.:.: "'" ":1 . '. the Ylest.h01rever~· '~d otf' of' Ra~Ch~ Ia. Costa pro~;·tT.I'·· thtit,·.:.~<dj\,Gd1:1tf~,~;·1 , .... : . .. .' .'. ' .. :-'..:. ' '. ' .. ;' .... ".{.;.::-.. « .. ;"= .... I . , 1nterrupted but oontinuou!l presence 01' higher east .. tacmg· ". : ~"~("< .'i: .. '-: .••. -\ . .'.. . ..., ' ~'. ~ :.! • . ; I -.. blurts ot these, same sediments 1s interestinge. Th1.--zone: 1.::-5.:'.:·:-;' ':':;:,~ I ..' .' '.:,' .,;-:':. ,'. ,,'.c'-': :: --:';,~tl roughlY' parallel to the coast and though dls-eontinuQus it . :. ~." ",).1 extends fl'om areas east ot Enolnlta.s to C.arl.sbad and beyond •... : .. ·:.::;1 It oould be due \0 different1al e~s1on of higher' and mo~· '.; res1stant member. of' the series, or l.t could be due to mild,' '. adjustment along fractures in the' serles-Ine~,:ther 0".8. it ' 121 interesting to note, but not ot great conoern. tQr tJ1e area ':". " . .' :..~ )~l ,,~~! 4" ~ --···1 · ~ '. ~ "" ! .~ :: ~ · ~ · . i ~ ' .. <:1 ~.:..l.l S.-, ~ .. "" •••• .. . ,..,..:. , ' .. :'~.-. •• 'l~ .. ' under pre8en~ study. " ," a·: . ... . 0' ~'::::-i~'" :A<:·' . .' . ,"-, -' '~'. .'. _ :.~;i The sur:f'aoe· upon which these sediments 11e. and which ' .. ' ... .-. , ;~, ... -'<:> ...... )~ '; • • . . , . • , ' :' , .' they bury 'in most phase i~'. t.he ~est~ '1s highly .1~egular •. ru~··' :' .. :.- .;, -'-~: ' ~ .. -~,' ':, .. -:'. ::~'~. : '-:'';;~'~:~}-~:, .. ,I ' • ,,'. • ":' '~~',:,.~';., •• -"'.:. -•• ,:,. __ ••• .':.~ '.': means t.hat there ·1s a· variat.1on in the thicknesa ··ot .. these :, .,. :~.:~:. :>} . : ":' -, .. ' .. " . ' ', .. ' .... : ... ~ .. .'.~ ~ ~.'~~:r~.'·~:': ," ':, .:. ,'-,"... . ': ~.-1::~·:1.\,~~.~~i .. ,:_.:::~~: . :-:: '.:mater1als 1n Unit'li '5: acoording to the nature' of :the:re1.1et:·:ot'~:.;·.' :t:: '.'.:.>-:":'.'.,.-!' , '_.::,". '~.':.'~', .. " ' .. :'":\~<,-',, ~_~ ,., .... :., ~:.; .. ~:~: .. : .. ;-,~,~,. -. ::~C>':'~,"1~:~.·~~~';'~~->..: c. ,.' .~':,<~;:·;,the . .-· aurface wh1ch.'.they burled'~: Some evidence of'::.tli&:·slope :,:·ot.~~~~:~{:···,,}: , ·:c\J\:1·/,~:"·/::·': '. . .'. . . ' . ':' '.', ". :::::"/{i~ti,;·,·.·· .. ': .. ',: ,~:-: . . <::i{e~~~t:~ '}": ".-. ,.~{:fgj,1~~¥.<f~.~;~,~g~.· ... : :;:';;{<)':, thi·s· ·.old . surface;J>enea t.h. th~:tpresen~' remaining·:::$e.d.1me~t,."&#·{Zlir~:;~';c~ .' .', .'-:->~>. "<" .•. ~., ~ ...... '. . 7,. :~:,:. ~~".:,,~: . :·r'.:)~' }~';i,~'~ : ' .... < .::: . c; .... ''. ': ... <{:~~:f;·;Y:~ ;:':~(.' " .!~:~';::';:1~~~,~}~:t~~i; .. ,.' ',,"'. be' . obtained at Te et . hole # ~"I'·.>( See, Map-, tor . 1.0ca:t1on .. ·l·.~:.3"~:~:~4~ ,c ':':(J; ~ ~ , . .'. ~ ::'~ ~;-.': ': ! :~.'. ~ ~ :': ,'.: .' . ~', .. :'!' c_ ':, .:~~~-. :,~~.;:~:..~:~' >~. ~.. ~ . , ~ . ,~~}'!:,: :,.' . ,~ . .1 ··:~i/~~~~~.~~: .!.~,;. ,', '-~.' ~~.:{. :~-_ ~"'::;: ~~:.~f(·~;:<:r~~~:?1:}· .: :"., ,· . ..:·.:hole·wh1ch 1s about· 75' west;;·.ot. the contact ·l1ne;;bet.ween . ,." .. : j,;3ft~:4~~:';~~{\ '" -,: ::~: .. "-;;. ;::'·:t/: '. "',' ':::' ,~;ii" .,; Aq~",t: . : ;', ·N~·2;.~~:/~::·~;!.:,7 .. :;, :::':t:~:r' ,;; i-\<?' .. ~::':':; '~?i~{}j;;:~~~:W~L?P :':~~f!:'" ,:< ,." '>·:;'~.rtla17·: sed1ments; and·. the·'BlackMt..Yolcan~~ s,: .plo.~J!':';up,., . ' "lu;;t.~~_ ~".s~:·{~ \><.~~-~ . .:' -.,::, ':-~: I~ ;". -" ::~:,~~: .. -0~~~i.~~t{~,::,;~: < :-.::::j:~~~}~;;;(:~.:-:".:-. C -:" -·J:~~t~::/~:·_:~ '. -; ~ ·,·~·~·~:.~;~.~~~\~l1ft~~;.g~:<·~/~:.~.:~~~~~.~ ~, f:-:-:~":~~:;~"' ~ ':::}::~;t:;l";same rocks at a depth of 8~ :·down .. This ~plies"a. :81ope,angl.e~,;;:·~t':·.: . ;.~~ .' -. "~: -, "~ ... ~', .<~ ---!: ~<'~:'::.:.:~) .~.:: of about 6 at this po1nt. In. other places theinter~ectlon ·of·,:· ... ·' '. . " :' " '. ;.«1;" ... : contour and contact lines guggest a steeper angle. The contac~ . line between :f'ormat.iona extends o:f'r or Ranoho La' Costa. land to t.he west and north around a. prominent hill -:elev~tlon 444'- on. whioh a oommunity TV antenna station 1s apparen~l~ built •. ~e contact swings back on La, Costa. propert.y. to.· the· north ana··,· .. , ~' -... i.. -, ~ _ ..... :-. ~.' .' _ to the east.. Here the same sedimentary torma t10n urlder11es ':~~~;~"~.~ .. ' ;. " . -,' . _: ' . ., -: ~ :~ -.~-~,~~: ~,,~ '~: ',--< t,,-·~~:~~:(~~~i!~7.~~,f,:··: former area ot cul.tivatlon. Higher elent1.on· or" thi.S .field. ::.:'",:: ::: " 425' -475' and cont.o~-contaot· relations lndlaat~··· 'tbat a.": :'.::'.>.~;, .... ; . . ".:,'. . , .. '. " .~,-,::~:"~~'~": ,'", ~~ .::~-:" ',' .. ~::r greater tJU,clmess may exist here than 1n. the seotion to the ", ..... ~ . . '" . ' . ~ .. ~.( southwest. where Unit; #5 adjoins Unit /I 4. The sediment.s here· . . . . . . 118 north of the h18hest hill -elevation 584:'-· or the Blaok .... ~. + • Mt.Volcanlc formation, and extend north and east orr the map. (See Flg.3 and Fig., 4 Plate II ) Though not always on Rancho . property, it will be noted that the Tertiary sediments (Ta) .', . '. .:" :. .. " ~" :",-, .. ' "':'j ... ~. ' . ... ~ . , .'. :., '.' '5' '. , .. ; ,'" . . .: .. -, surround the h1lla ot, Black Mit. Voloan1cs on three side •• Some'" eTidenoe exists. from outside,the 1mmedlate area that.·aome of .' .",,' ": .. these 'hills mal .. well baTe been islands oft-shore :in the sea ,: ':", . . . ', '~'t~t:·.~i'tn:~s·sed' th~ 'd~;O~~ tion '80 'l~ng 'ago '~:rthe'~e, ~~'d1me~t.~:'.~~'::;:~';·.\:;:' /:'>':"<:"'" -:', "::; , "" ','." '." ',:': ,''',',,: ,'. ', .. /",':, ,'., , .. ':-,:~~l:~:;<;l , ,:-,~.,{,:;:.,.'.;~'~~':.':':' ,As mentioned earlier-, ,the· bold . foothills, crr the:' "'·'",;; .. :'l/;;·,· ;,~, -::~ ~~ :~~~;_~~ .. ::. -??i~~ :.~:~.-.:~'~.; ~ .:'_~~. ~ ~. " :. -". _. ~.~ 7'''~ '.-,_ . -.:' '.: . ~: ~ ~,~ " : _ . -, ":'. '". " ,.:' ,.t ", • ":.' , • '. ·::,~~,.t.~~:i<~. ~ .. ~~:~; ,:~,;~:t,~ .... ~ern. areas .. o~.·Rancho· La Costa', are underlain b1. :t~ ,seeonCt~::~}::;..::,:.:.~ :~' ',~;1;j,tj:~~?J·,~~ ... ~:~:i~'.~ ~ ~t:;:~( :".:':; ':~',:, : ; ,~ ~ ~-: "-~-~;~~~ .. : :~: .' " -;'. <: .~:(.~~.~ ~:":' '~.~ . .:., ' .. .-~ ~ " '. '. .. .', T ~ ~ .~ ~ ::".: .:~(,:: • ,;.' .. ~: ~·~.-~~~:.;!(r-?~ :~~':'~1~~ ·}'~"~71):~,.and:':' older~'format1ori 'under'oons1de~at,lon. :,It ·c,ons!s~s~. of a &er1.& .. ~:~ -·':'.~:"~~~l~.~~tS:~-~--;>~·.:~,·~,.;, ._.: .. '.-: .... ,'r_,:~ J ,:=_I:' .. :~ .. _':.~ .•. .,'<.!~"~ ::. .. ,.~.~-'., :.:~."':_.~;.'. ~.-..;.,.~.< .. ~~~:-,_"' ... :;:.~ ... ,~:': ;-:;,~:,~·~:,_:~:~::~it~~~;·· , ,·~;·,~~,:I~;iot::~jolcan1c. materials, close', to:Andeslte 1n:seneral.: csc;>~pOS1.tl~",,~,::,}~:t , "' .. ~ .. -:'1.~,:.~ .~Z:~"_: :-. .... . '" . -. :;";~":.: . '" -:~~:!~_, ~. ' .:' -, ',' 'r)'::' ::'-~. -. ".. .-'. :. ;~:.1-;~:4~~:.J-_ :'~' .. ::"~:'~' :,: ,,::~,:~:if;~~' :t;::~i8, called, the' Black' Mt. Volcanio ,torma'tlon' from,:;a~~a8 .. to:, th./·~':,~'~?;'( <t:: ;~tf:',~:i.·'».;;:>,~-;: .. ;.";;:, ·".'~>"-,;';';~:i:>f:~,:.;·,'·· '-" ·:;~;::~t:}}::},~~·,:':",~,:,:~."C :: ...... :; ~~~~;;,;F:~'~"·,::';';::.?·;,,r.. :':"~t:~ '>f:'~~ .ou~h·,;~Jnlth: 1.t:"a18.Q: .. ~~embles·.~:areas··pt :rock· in , thelaaIlt&>An' :~ " " · .. ,:·-.:~~:~,,;.:.)~?~':::W':~~·"~" ,,,,,,," .. " ..... ,' .. :':'> ... ':" '. ';.:;';',::)::: .' . .' . .' -... ,:, .:' .. : .... ,:<+-.'.~~~.,/' .. ':".:,/~~, .At~~~ ... ;:~:·; ":,:7 .. ~:.~:!J.o1ountains to the north which 1s. t.here oalled, Santiago. ieak:'::·~{:;-,:,\.:~': ',' , : ." -• .~, .... , -: r .. ~ . . : ~ -.. ;~r. :_~. ·,-':·:Volcanlcs. In either case they-seem to be the' sam~ rook as.' ; ,i.;: '., i3 present here at Rancho La Costa. The :f'ormati.on 'conslsta of' hard resistant bas1c Toloanloa that. a.re more resist.ant. to . erosion than ~e softer sediments whioh all but surround them. larger 1nter-Jo1nt. blocks that ha'\~ not yei; weathered down to size. Exposed JOint surfaces, are pro~e to burr colored coatings of weathered mater1als which otten oompletely mask' -':::. . : .,." . ", ."- ~'.~;":.~'-' , .. '--"'"- '" • ',. '..!I. " . ,1!~:~:t -,.' .",. .!" ': ,,' ---: • ~ ," I ~ ... ' '_ -_ •• . "::':" >::' ..... , 6/' '<:.:'.: :~ .. ' ;" - ~ :.: .'? '. I' ,.:::,', • _ ..... ' 't. '~ • t~::t'~~e color of . the or1ginal rock which 18 green£iUl"·,·· '."', ,:':;<:::~, .' . ", ,': " . .:~ ~. "t.o:~·dark gray in ,un-weathered,.state. Such rock ij~ otten :,' .'J' ,::::; ... ~ . • , • -: • • • • ----~ • .'.:'. • ,: ' .~ _. "0' ~ ~" ,. :,C&:ll~d "greens~one" or. Ht~pff by' eastern observer.~· 'l'he.-::.: :,:-:~;:<",:, : .. , ....... '. " . ~~·~~~sive jOi~ting mentlo~~d··;\S due' in p~~t ~~~:{~;/~nd .:: :.~ ..... ~ .. \,.·.;./: .. t : "':":~-'~:.,~' '.:.~ . ':~:'.' '. . . ~::¥::;~: " . -' -: . ..;.\.,.:~~ .. ~.:~~. \ "". .--~"-:~~~~~'~,~~;;~-":' ~.':~;. < .': ';-., and' the age of the forma t.1on •. but· a~8o· to' the s:t.ructura~' .:,f: '. :'·~::1::-·:.:'; c'"., . :/';:~_' ..... ,;~;:,::~),:i..:.,;... .",:. . ... <" ·:.':';~·h:.'.': .' ,'.: .. ,":'.: .. ' ,';;}.~:;~;:';.~ .'. ·:':·:::~~f:<::;Jt'~.:<:} ".;:{(~,<" ",vi~Jssi tud.es that. it haa endured •. , ~~ Jac:t. o:f·;·~9~nt1.ng: .·:!~·:~;.t~(;};:·.~~';··i:;; ~,.;~j:'~t~ ;,:~~;~\ ~.:' -. :J~·~r~;;~S;},·.~,,: -. ,:" . -... ~,~~~~~~,;,~. , .,: .~.' ~':;'" : i ;~:~;~;~:<B~'";'~~N.!.:·~ ;.':. ;: :,' .'. '. " ,~ "f~'~ ." " '"~~·~~~1~i~~f~:~.A/~'·~~·:;i.~~ -:~: -~'}<:~~1~;~~!-~~~{::~ \~~f~~5: .. ·.:'>;~".<:~,.-·:, .. :·lmportant,' in,' determ1n1ng '·~h.:'::best -use· ~or. the: '.regi.<lns.: ~h&t:·{;;;'-;,'i;,~;;s}J~·· :, ':'.~>.:*~~:,~.~' '.,~.~:,_-"~,\::,,.-. .' .;-: ',;~ .. ::. ~'''''~ ,'~~~,::.~~.~:~~~: ... ~,;-!)'~-;: .. ~-~: ~-,~. ~ .. -.~~:,~:~,: •• ,.~.'~>:.: '. 7:~~.3k~~~;;~~,~~~~:.:, .' ~-·._~,:~~~~~~}.~-~::~t;i\~· >'~." :'," 2'. are'~ underlain wlth:·th1s·. material,.:.And· :ror-"select1ng:::the~:~.~:~~:,i;t·.~;,~~';;..·:3}<~;:,~ .. ·'~~~~i·~:'~h~f:"lopme;t,m~th~dS ;'~~~f~.~~·"~?· ~~:~\i;Et~:~~~;"~i~~·' .'~':'>';"'''''''}'. 2": thinS" 'seems,;,.reasonably'" certa1ti~ ::a~d, that:·.18,:th&t{io'4~;;li· " .;:;;,.:~~~.- '·\':i~,;;. :' ':', ".' .... ' 0::. " . .' . . ... <. :. . . . ""'" ,,' . '.:,:' .. ::,:rr::t::?E.;,::Y;'~:~~.:"::';;~";'~'" /!>:it'{:: . "",>, ';' . not:'· soon run out· 01' this kind or"rock for 1t 'extends 't.o ,·an.·~.>:-Y·;::,~~:.·:' unknown dept.h_ Joint. spacing on the prominent. expo~ur~~\~:~.:·::~:~:;'·: :;~::: " '. -. varies from e. few inches, 6" to . .a ti lt to 'two or ihree teet. in the oase of the bold t!rock pilatt type of" outcrops,. Some idea of whe. t to expect in the de"felo:pment of the portions o~ Unit. If 5 that involve th1e kind orma.teria~ : .' may be gained from noting s1milar cond1t1.ons 1nother par;'s: . . ~ :.'." :.,"" --, HIghway #395 n<?rth. ot 'Sari' Diego, & large hill or. . this same: ' . . : ~. ~ .' .' .-:... ' .. ,,, , -,.;. ,. . -' rook was penetrated between Miramar and. 't.he P,o"ai:'Roa~ . : .. ;~" ,::. _ <;, . , . . "., I turn-otf'. ( Gee F1g.5 and Fig.6 Plat. III ) Here a deep eu~·· "'se made for grade and. till purposes .• In 1ts deepest parts-. better than loot are exposed and have been .l~ped and terraced to prevent s11ding of tr~e somewha.t 10089' and· badly fractured ( Jointed ) rock un1 ts l"2v(!)lved. Throughout the entire exposure,save tor a tew relatively small spot_, tne " : . ", ~.: : . " .' ' 1 . I ; j , ! ~j I J '_. '\ : '.:; ':7,_" , .... , -:~ . . . ,. "~~~'-""" ~ ' .• : . -' ~.'~ "".',','./' ~ • <" ' jo1nts are close-spaoed and yield mostly small'joint. ' blocks, of', 12" dimension and iess -sometimes, mUch, i~ss.' ,:' ~.~, --~ , :,:;~:'-~; ~ ., , ~ " ,', ' , In "some,'spots 'whe,re joints wer.e ~ore w1de1l 'Spaced'the ::~':' ,':' '" "'~> , ,resulting blocks were of 2' (:and 3 t ~ d1menslo~.,' s~~hj)l.OCk~\~~,:·::'·,_ :;',\ ':,'£~'~' .' ~ .' _' ,~~:.:' . .::'. ~;-:).~~!;,'~:~ -:' .'·~"':l' :.~:\~(:~-':~~:~'~':'::\0~~: ,,: were', however in the, minor1 ty, in th1s case. Th01,lgh~;thS" :wr1:t:er-,.~;0',' <~< . '" c,': ': ',"., .. .-:-( , , ' ":, ." ",~:" , ,'" " .' ,'.' ,,',' i, > ~<:;!;;~: .. :~;!:,;,<:;/~{ :~:~~rH:!.:!~·:' , ','" ' .. was not: present: ',at,,: :the, tlm~ .. ',of the prepare t1on,: ,o,~~:,"th1.1t '~:U, ,-·;:~h:,:;~;'".f:;~"~: . "~, ~; :' '::,:,: :\',,::,;;~,,~:;<. ';,?,:', ", ':' .. ', r Ji~'~ '~,:::,:~:'::: , ,:-:,:--';:";~'\.; .. , '" ,:'. '~" .. ,):~::i;;f;~k~;~:{i)·~,,~,}',0jj;~:~ti%~~t~~';~;i:,~i'~, . '. 1t~seems more ,'likely ,that::,the resulting block','slzEiti~are::the,:3~i<i: " .: <-,,' :~' • "':',~ '.'.':'.~.:.':! -',A. '~; "~".~)"~~~:;'~ -", ":' ~ '~'.-;~-5'.f:~~~~~'-:~.~~.{.'-~':~r~~.¥. . nat.ural'-reeult.,;_o~':,the spacing' ,or the jo1ntrs rat-he~~:,_t.ban·:1;il?:~:~~~~l;.::~, ,:iti~;f.· ., -', . ~ ':. ," 4, .• ,' ~ "', .~. . .' . '. " . ~~?-:.;:--,.~:,.,:.;.-..... _ :~i.' ·:':'.~i~:.:~~\(:~~·;:'-,,~t.~~.;,\- ." re8ul~,~r.·:,at+y" plaait1~ ope~~~:ori that ,may or:m~i:~;'h#~~)l&!·."~~··":"~"n;'~t~~::" ,. ',' '" -. ,w: .• L{.~ . ::.~ ~'":, • :':' J;' '. .' ... :.: (~'f;~ ._~'" . " " .. ~;.-:; ~. " ': : _ '" '... '_ ;:~:--I.:: :J..:,,~;,: 'f":-~--;~:":?{~'}<~ " -:~: .~, , " "emplo1ed'~c,~e':'depth .'of the:;'j,ointlng in,'tUs case\1.,)not9:.. ',41~1 , --' . _ .. :~ .. :' . --" -' ' ';. ;"~:';,~1':,y> .~.~l'A:~,~._~~~~~::'~~:~ ~-~5-~~i. unusual but the' depth of wea th~rlng pene·tra tion" 1s ~rea.~Etr:,~t~,~'~!!3:~{:i;;<~: . -,,' .' ... >.:~:::?t~;2.:' ;.;~f.~~~-:,n ':-f._:~~ a.pparently than would be expected 1n this' clima,tic 'reg1me~, ''''}I;," ;',", Something ot th1s same Bort. of' c~ndit'lon ;'eI7'll~~'~r:':,'-~";~' exists in the port1on of Un1 t I:? 5 now under oonslderat'1on.- That, it will all be this cloeely spaced is pr9bably-too mUch,' . to expect. In general ,r wo~ld expeot the highe~ar&aa such a.s Hill ,¥ 444 and Hill II 584 to exh1bl t w1der 'spac~ng and;, '--', j . '. '; ,: '" ' , ; ::;;'}-;~:~~i ; hence larger. tougher t, resl s,tant blocks • Some~ e~ldenc_e ' of' ,th1s,:I,:::/,/,~~ 1 ..' , ':,' .," , ' . , ":';,;·,>,,:1 sort exlsts near' the bu1l-dosed road on, the top, ot, Hill Ii· ~ , . ,.":~; ~ " > ••• ' • _ • .' .: _. t :; _ • ;~ • ':,,,, J '.-: . ~ .' -:::~:~~ near the community TV antenna 'station. In the section Just eas~ of ~,DriT8. E Drlve~ .and' B Drlve, the deve~opment plans call tor an, extensive ~u~ ro~' slope and pad purposes. ( See Geologie ~~p) In v1ew of the' general nature or th1s Blaok Mt. VolcaniC formation 'and 'thS " laok or numerous bold o~tcrops 1n the area, the, u.ua~,C1Q8e spao1ng or jo~nts a.nd the relatiTe17 ,small joint block. . :':'. ~:_I . -:::;:f'~ , ,.:: .~ ,·",:;,'1 . ~..,. / . . . -"'~ " •••••• . ~:'.' :.})J~~~:':" . ~.'.-.,<-. .... ' .. " '8.' .. ' ....... . _ ',t .', .,' . :-:,:~.;: ';;: .. ' _ 'C-~,.:' .. ~ ma;~' '~ell be expeoted. Since 'surface feat~res are':n~t oi~~;11··.:·:: . " ... ~ " ... indicative this. m1ght be a ilkeiy area· tor test-··drllling. if. '.< ."-:'~ .' . ; .. ~ .' pos1tive information is needed 'for development ·decisions,.. .','. '.' . :." '.'" ~ s~~~~~·~~ se 'th~re doe s not" seem to" be ~Ch 'reas'~~' ;f.~r· ~o~ : ~., Y:'):.:: .... ;, ". , •••• { •• '~~!~'ahead .. ? ~h,' plans now., p~po8ed., ,:', '., '.'.,' •.•. ·0;i~if1t ..:.";:;~l%~;~'· . ' .. ·"'.::.; .• ~~/'-r:j.;;.{;!i'":i~;;t;?,~.·. -. In· .. ·.thedevelopmen't:.of. the De~ .. Cerr?'Su:oq.1.v1a1on)~·' -~~~':t~,~~:::~f~:::~~:~,~~~:~~::'~~~'~':' ". '< ... ~~.,';:?; ~:.:.:':. ~'.,.':~"-',:;~', : ~ .';:.':-":"., ~ .,,= .. ~-: ~ ~.~~:::~~~~~~~/:~ .. ~{~~~: __ :~-;-~,:~~~.'" .'. ::: ..... to.·}the' north· and. ea.st 'of Sa.n' D1ego State Col1ege-.. 1n· .. th~··' . . -.. ;~,~ ~ -.. ~ :':~:~~~~ :"i~' :.: i:.. _.~: :-:.' __ .: ~ ~ I .' ,> .-,.'. ".~, ->~ . _. -:. :.':. ~ ·:.;£*ft;;;1;>:>;"~:1:-,.~-::~~~, . '., . -01 tY'~or' San D1ego an extens1 VB h1ll: of Blaok . Mt~Volea.n1-e;" , -,.:' '"" . ~:~ ::~f~i'~ :-L~'>~l'~:'~\ : .... ~~ 'A':' .' " ,'~.-._" • l-':., ' -' " ~"'. ',--• ~. " '.: .... ;'/:;'~;:roc'k-:"was . a-1'80' encountered. ;:.{ .. C See F 19 .... T' PIa -.-' -;';~'~~~:~i~;i:~~~:~~~_.i~:~:i.~~~:':~.·~ --:.<, <:~,' ~w.' • ~'.-:~ ..... ~ :='):'~'::.: ._~-, ~¥~::, . '. " •• , .. ·0 t.hat;' case the' subdi v1der ran"'1nto • ' ·i;"L .:.-'~~ ...... ~ ','; .•• :' , . cond1 tions that exIst 1n Un1 t· If 5 Ranoho ~ Coeta~~Ff1~ ~:~.:.~~, .. . ';''''1!.'' problem was rendered aomewha t more d1ftloul t nowever due ... to extensl ve areas of widely spaced jointing which. 'yle~ded large hard 'to handle blocks or tough materlal.-;Ln B,ome" places as may be seen in the picture If houses: and roads. '"ere almost 11 terally constructed on rock in place. So11 ,~.. ',' ~ ':-~~ . ~'-' ~ ... .. ,.',' ', .. cover was often thin and in some small· areas'; a,~.~"~,,j.:~,':,'.:.l.,,:.~,~ ..... :;,.~, .. '~,:.;,~~.:~:,~:,.:;.::. ' ~:f~~::fi: .. :.:?! completely laoking. .-. "<:,: .. ,, ': ':". ,:-.,,' " ~'~~"":.; ~,-, -._ t. '" ,~ '_. I do not think' that the Un1 t, # 5 program ,at . '.' .~, •. .' . '.-, i· . ....'-,-, :-. < • La CORta w1ll encounter much of the large bloek--"problems-" .' although it 1s of oourse a'poeslbl1Ityto oontend.w1..th.· A tew years ago I was hard pressed to tind l~rge blocks 'of" th1.-a . same rock in this area for use or the San'Diego Gas and Eleotric Company at the time of con!truct1on of the hew Encina Power Plant. When large blocks for r1p rap were needed,the.emaller ones were 1n greater abundanoe~At . -~-. -" . " :'t:~:::,:.·..".-: ' ~. : ~:J f:.'·r ," " . : .' ~. • ,\'I --. .. -.:. :',":':~:\;' :, '. \bat. \1_:.1\ .,._ MCMta.ry w,op.m up quari'J-tloora:j,o .. > .. >-:/.:.',:, ',. ,', tlt"i:~~, "~ '.oft ,to obta1n'~'~1~~ble ~"u_bl~::',~i~k'~·\" ' .. ',' '. .~.' aftd 'rten then t.b8re' ._.~. it. ·l.rP/~t ',Oi-':rubbl~{~~:~{?}\:) :.~?:;. ,-,:\~~~~~t~furt~.1~~¥~:,~~:~' :,~tS-~~:~~:;~':t.l}f :,:,,~<t.TOnbl. tor' lu8e ;8121. blooka\M.n' ~, - -_~~;~ii~l,~~: xb~~:Filt~~~~~~~,tl" be~€'m~i:JO.lea , ·~,':+{:'cut,; .. nt,1oned. OM ~be' handled:'wi tbout, t.oo~ muoh;' t.r.c~i:I •• t-:~ , ,,'f~ff'~~~~.~t~;~:~;,f!~~.~'~;,~~-. .r ...... --~,;' "'-pOaltlon and .. extent..: can. not·':.l_l.:be:,:,rift,Kn.a1:.4!tti·~··r'JII : . \:~~~.~ ~~. :-.~!;"~:J}'~~~~::' ~ ,. .--:;/-:':";~l: -.~: ~ ," ': .: , .. :: ·:-:f~:~<';~'.~_ '··~·7· ':'-·.~~:~~~?~}::·~.~:~~I:· --~ -:":> <~-. '.'.' ~:·;~-.1'fao.:;or·.dr111··'oJ.Mtratlon·. ··It~.;I'8::otten<It-:. ' n':>~~~:<';:·p~poelt.lon. but ln thle ca.~:·~~-:'bell~·.:;~.re::·" . . ", .. 100& ted on a 01080' epaoed J o1nt area with WJ'rT. 11017 a good., ~.: . , '., .... -. '.'~.;~, :'~,;'< " .. This jUst. about 8WWJArlsee thft geolog1o. oond1t-lona .. ,.:,:;~:. -.' .' -.~~ .. . .:,' ';. : ..... '. ' •. ", •. "" " " ~:r~'~:i1(;i" ." --.: ' t ,~-' H-'SpeotfUllT .subl11 t~·;;,,,,:~,.: (~j}i.iJ$roj·~;;;,· " - r(' . ". ' . ~ . J'anual'1 30 1967 , :." ". " , . . . . ':,~, " ',' . ~ ':'- . -".: :'2:_", _ ,~ . " ;;., .' .. ~.. .. · .. ··e * ~ ", "'.:,' . T. FUNNEKOTTER GEOPHYSICS For.:' '. Highways -, Subdivisions.-Dams- Foundations -Water -' Pipelines. P. O. BOX 575 ESCONDIDO, CALI,. 92025 , . >. 746·2793 or 2B3·6557 .. " <. : " -.' ~. ~ ~ .... . '" ~', ',' ~. !. , '. ,J --~ , ,",";:.. . :... . "~. ,-, . :': ,,,>,~:: " .. ~':":-->,,:: :" .. ,~:. ',: .. </" .. ~'; ::~.~>~):.:.. . ,':.: .. '::'::':;-/" .:J: .... ; '::', Purpose: To. .. evalua te,··subsurface, conditions./in:. ord.er to faci .... .a. .... Q~1I ,.$:~.; ... :.~~;~:.,~~/< .. ,~~ .. ::"'::.:~;~.: .. ":\: ~.,.'. -:' .... ~:.:.< ... >_~.~ .. :'.:~ .. :~.~ .. ;: '·.·:~:·~;~~:1-;f;~~,~::::·:·~~·~. : ':'.!~.~;.',:, :'~ ~-.; , '. ·defiiili."ana:\:anti6:ipat~.~ a·rii:?eica;;ia"ff6Ii:·~·n·robiems:'~.that· ..... ' .... F, ...... 'I~'t'.'" ..... J. .... . "'i '.>.: <'" ~{";~.f".::.~·~~~-:~' ,:~ .. -~. ·~·'.!''':,;J;:S~'10-·~{;<~:~;~::,~'~~';~ ~ ?:l-.:.)~!Jt~~t;.;·~;-: -:' ~:_:~, ,:~,.~,:;::~:, -. Method: Refrac'tion-"'S~ismbgraph:~~;:~'h~rnmer:" :t'LilfEic·t:·me·th6.· .. , ~~~~~.ai~~.f~~,~:; ........ :]~~~~j"q+~~}::':»::::iJ~f:. Discussion::,:.:~h;e:,-prq·j:ec:t:··: is : s:tt:uat.eai:~~:n~/t·h" ~u. ·oothil1:s~' : . ·:~5.:~;~::~;;:~\,:·";,·:., :~');':)fl!it}: ~:;In::.:;:·,,: ;:.;..;,:.i~;'::;l;",.~,,,!'" . ~V~~~~·}~;~: :'~~~~':::~';:;>:.,~ . . Val.:J.:.eY'''· . Th e !-'c bmpos ti 6.rr.~\ "';i;hes' etdi ." ;s!~ is·i·pr:tma:~l.::.Ii::Y2.:'::;L,-~ ,~'.j ~\ .• 1 .: •••• • .<-t"~ , ::;~';;:~; , ~~~;¥:~ >; ~ . t~~::~~~~t:;~¥1~r'.!:· '.-,: ~/. -";':{\J::'~ ;:< .~'-,; ~ ... .' surface, flows such as··andes·ite··an(;:'rh'yoiit'e .. ··Aii··sQ·..I;..Ql.u.4.,i.i.; were run on this type of~t~ri~i'::;' ,):~t~t~,:,~,; ", Approximately 3600 lineal feet· of 'proposed cut are~. "vi~s ... , i .. -:'.' investigated along eight lines. These lines are labelted A thru. . H and are positioned as shown on the lo.cation· plat·s •. tines A,' Bt :<. ::. C, and H are within La Costa Valley Unit No 6 and linesD,' .15,., F, ;~.::, ' . ~ . , a~d ~o a:: :::~n ~::r~.,·t~~e: mapp~~14~ :aw"r;;~ •. ·.~¥,;lg~2~~~~:'· •.• ~., mantle .up to 10 feet~ thick 'with' shock wave velocities··::of:; .. ;I.500:.:t.o;'i·<;· .... ; . ~"" ." ~ . .' ,!~;~'!. _ .. ,., ,~",:;,~:~;; .. < .. :':~; .' ~ ~'_ -"~,.:~'::~'-.',:: -..... ".~,::r-.·~,~~:;~f:~~{tl.1-\ ~'. ;',~~.';'~~{ ~'::'."':':~. 2500 ft/sec, the underlying decomp.os·ed,. and; fractur~-fr'})i.:ay~e£" up:· 'tb~{>?':·:· . '" :: 1 ~ ':" " . ,-: ~'il\-:~~{:>.' .~ -' " --'N '~~ •• ~~,~~~" _', : :." \.;':~-:'~-f.:;·':f~:~'::i:~'; ~',.'~, .:' .. :~~~~ .. ,~:i4('~-:: ': .. : ~' .. _' 30 feet thick with a velocity range' of 28·00 to' 4500·~tt/sec, ~nd~~"3:' :,' ,~,~ . . . ~.' .~'~,." ,-. ,.~_~.,;.:..:':~.~:~-:. "-'~-""::~,,>,,,:,":~~ . ...1'''''' ••• -~ the, lower parent. andesi~e which· occu-rs front 0 to 35'feet deep "and ".: has. a velocity range of 5800 t~' 850'~' ft/sec~::'~ll r~;:j~:n~icat~'-. the' presence of this high' velocity' andesite':' most Sho~' 'this . . . ..-:. ',,; ..; '" ' material to be between 5 and 15 feet from. the .surface·~"·:'·:. , .. ~ '.' ,-:' . '-~: :-: . Lines~A and B show similar conditions, however the'high velocity material is closer to the surface on line B. Line C' indi:cates that' this same material is from 4. to 10 feet from the. surface' over 'most of this line. An anomolous condi tio·.Q.· exists· on the scititti' end of'" ",:.' Discussion (can't) T. FUNNEKOTTER GI:OPHYSICS For Highways -Subdivisions -Dams Foundations -Water -Pipelines P. O. BOX 575 ESCONDIDO, CALIF. 92025 746-2793. or 283-6557 ~'. ' •• this.line<in the vicinity of station 0 to 2. The high. velo~ity ,-.~ --" .... . ',' . '. '. .. -. ;') ,-,~: ~' -.', "'::" . ... ", . h~~~~z~na~J'~~~s. to • pl,~~ge: rapidly towards. the south :,.~~:~:.,H -:a.~ .. '~>.;" . run:;.~across.·this area .... to substanti.ate· this condition·.:-;·.'J:'lisc:overlying··..-:··:.· , '~ ~' " • :'~'. ; _ -, .: _'. _ ~.~;, ... ~~)'~.:""'~ __ '.' .~' :' • ~ '_ •• ·.~l, "~ ••.• -~,:~:_ m~te;i~l 'Sh'ows" a' ve'ioclty' of' 4500~ft/~e~ ·with.:in:ci~~Ii;Z;~" ~f. v~~~~.·~/::·"." '~(" . ····~-l~:~:~::r';::a;~:!:~::~t~:r t ~BI;(;:t~~:;·.~Ll;f~~!,~~tJlf~.·. to 'D except: the high· veloci ty material averages app.r.ox·imately .... ::.{;~~::::.'., .. . '. .,-' '. -: ." " 6000 ft/ sec. Lines F and G indicate the thickest ove:r;:burden -up .c to 35 feet overlying high velocity material. The overburden is from 20 to 35 feet thick in this area. Virtually all runs indicate the presence of block's,' of harQ' parent material within the overburden. These are disconnected pieces of andesite ~nd can be very large as on the south end "ot . ":. ... ~--. . " . line c. It is noted on ·the Velocity:, profile wh'ere thei3-e:' .. ar~· .. ,:, .. ',~:c':"/~~> ,': .... /. .' -, ') ~~~# <. -'.,~ ~ especially common •. ·· ,,~ '-:.. ~ ':':: . ".' " ". ~ J.. -: '," Conclusion:-Tn terms of rippabili ty, ba·sed outhe capability of ::a '.0':"9' cat-, ~.,~ .. :.,,/ the' following schedule would apply: Velocity o to 2000 ft/sec 2000 to 5000 f't/sec 5000 to 5500 ft/sec Over 5500 ft/sec ., : .::, " Excavation Meth.Od Scraper Ripper ~~argina:L Dri ~l & Shoot, ' .. , -. . ~, ~. .-, ,. ' ',' "_. :, ~ -~:.': f .. ;:.:"; • -= ___ " .. _~ , • * -, .. .;-' " T. FUNNEKOTTER GEOPHYSICS , For' Highways .-:. Subdivisions -Dams, Foundations -Water ..:;.-Pipelines P.O. BOX 575 ESCONDIDO, -CALIF.' 92025 746·2793 or 283·6557 , :', -. ~ . . ,.,', ':. ~ . the rippable overburden was-o~er'~O feet average between 20 and 30 feet-thick. -.' '-. .. "'-~' ., ~ .. ' .; " " ".f, . :.~ ,~, -_ ; h;;,.~ • '~,:" ':j ~''':: . -.~' ,'-',' ", ,-", ... -'\:1, • ,:~ '" .. ' ~ .~ 'j,-.'( .. ~~;. : ~.,.:': :. .. '-, . .. .... '. , .. ~' ' .. , --~" ',:!,,';'~ ~~~{->~, :' :.- .;'~:;E.; ..... ',.", . , . \ . .". "' ", ',,', I " , ". ' , '" 14.,"~. ' ... ; •. .. :2:\:-!:.'; ;; ."~ >Ifr~· .~ ~ . ".-.~ ~;;;G~~a~fe:~~-(:£fj~€ "'i€!l?:"~ ,,' . 2 :<~E _.p .... profile extrapolation, outwar:d"·:f:r;o~. ,this area:must"'-b~;~c6ns:ia::e s~~c~lat'i :r~\ uz:le s? . ad~i t~~~~,l. ~?~?,~:~ t io:n i.s:.~~:av~~.~~B:r~:~j:~~~ ;:.:. '. ',' 3~ The Seismic velocities m~'asured' indicate ave~age' densi.t.l:es.,of· eac'h. subsurface layer. This s'hould not be' construed to' mean -that· large variations exist ---geneially this doe~ not Dccur •. , ::~, 2"::1->'h~::': "-;,.~. . ';, .'~-,~' .: ~kw' ~{~~; 4. 5,;. In general, D-9 No. 9 ri.pper performance is' .as: 'follo~~s:: • J -':c. .-.. ~£.: "r.~~:::':': , ~ ,-::.' .,,' ..... .-...:.::- , ';:r'l'" Ve'loci ty Range Excavat.ion M.ethod' ,. -~ ~,t.;:-;" ... . .... /.-, " . ~ . ,., .... " 0·'::', t' 2' 000: ft:.../sec:. ,,-:1::,,.,. Scraper," .:,::i::;::.:r·,jo:,' .. ' '2~.J)Oo-.t~,.,:,;~;·600C'ft:./sea •. :.>. ·;>:.\~~~~.i< ·i,;;,:·: .. Rip·p.er.. <:,g~ft' ;':." '. 5-' 00-0 t . "'6' '00 0' "ft;f'''''~ec' .::" d' ~ ,';"", •• ,:;:,., ;."., 'Pre":'h1:a:'s;t;;,,1 np·pe .' t..:: ... ~ ~o: .; .. ;r -.' " . ·.(£~i~'_.>"':!,f',;,:"~",?,;·.:r.i<.;!,,,-,·. ,;'i-:;~,:!~£:';;{~2;:.:;:.:" .. ' "",1',,' -.; •. ",'~':':: ';,..-•• _ -•• '.: '''i- :', ' :"" . '-~ ': •... :,,~;:-' -';'~~;:'.:':.~ ,.~'';Ii~':~',~'~':-' ,~ .. < :):.~':,!i:';;~~~: <~:. -', "<,:::sJioVeT~y~g'Q~'~~r: 'ifJ~~>,' ":"·6";:'.00'0 ft. .• /se'c .•. :,' ~nd:"up'; :»:.: . ~ .. 'C' .:":~"." . BlastTng ':·ari:(l<~Shove.l.:",wagcrt:,: .. Ob;~~~~lY~; ~·~~·2·ep·~·:i~n~:".~o:·.~hese :,'~~g,jre'~' ,ex~s~'/:h'o~,,~;~~~~~i~~~.' ;i{&.ji~t ai~~_,,:'based 'qri',:ovei:··25~'. jobs. " . .'~:<;;:;~.;.,,' <, '" " • ..,. ••• :":' ,,·:'::{'t}j;':~f~; :-,:' ,;' '/'·j:;~·r?' For ,trencher:, and.·back-ho~' \)per'afi~~'s, .' the ri~babili·~~;':\~Ig:ur~~.'~ :~:tt:~,:·\:,~~ must be adjus.ted'>downwar:d~ i.e .. ,' ve:locities·;:as. low q.s'.3.;S0tl f't;:' • ./~ec~.; may. 'require: bla:s-t:in'g ,prior .. to exca.vation, depending. :oI,l ... ~hehomoge:~ei:': of 'the material, wher,eas·· material. measuring ove·r. 4,s-ao:, . .ft .. ./se.c.,,,c.'c;lIllO .certainly would'." . As,' an average '.then', materials ·mea,sultiIig,:,3,aao:~;:f~·;,!: or more would mean difficult trenching, and the economic~ :of th~:i:~~~:,<:~ situation would probably-dictate explosive work first.·-:!::f.,,~. ;'i,.:';';,<f>~. , " _:_ ~;."''-:.''~ ~,~ . ,. r"'.;~':,' #_ ~. . -"·c' . :' ':-,;, '~~~,~~. ',' -':.' \, 1'" ...... , .. }. >,. .o;~ '. .-:::, .... .. ,,',.!~ ~ .' ~ ~ \:.- ':. ,"! " .--':. :-.. 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"";. -_...!.._ -"--I---_ _ . ;-. ____ L~ __ ...... _-.---':"'-~;~-.~~=~ .:~~~~~~~~L~ _~_~~.~~: . . ---.~------.-. -. i' '--r'--' '---. . , -=-:L=:":.~=~ .' ~ j -.-' ---;--;'--r--- j ..;.. ~r-:'-++T :k-;-----t--:--:-·r-·t-~-···­ .~~-~ .. -~~--~+~-+-~ -'---'--.. , . -I -----'" .. 'h~ ~:~-.-~ ~ .-~. --'---,.~ .. '--."'~-r~-1-,. ____ •• __ .1 ____ ;_ __ -.1_. _ ___ ~_. __ ._J"_.'_ .. ':'- : ~.l-;......;",~ . .i.._: --,--=--.-,--i-. .. . "---i·-;'_M".--• . -. ~.----- , •• 4. •• ... ~ __ .. ---'''' --_.... -... ..-., .--.. ~~~.---- .----..: .~ . ~ .. ,,-.-" ......... -.-.... ----., , "·'1 . -.~.-......... --.;..>--.. .:,-~.- ~'" ". . -: . , .... >'~ .. '. " . ... . ';": '-;." , . .:~ .. , ""-;"':';.:~,£~,~;~,.i;'\::" . ~,L .. ~~,:';,~:.t'~;;i~;'0:i1;~~>;; '!'~:" ~~'. .' /J":~ .. ,~ . . ' '12:!':.:L .i.~,2,;i~~:,~ ... ~::;~, t BENTON ·ENGINEERING. INC:. APPLIED 5011.. MECHANICS ..:.~ FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL:,'CAJON BOULEVARD . ' .. ' -'., ., . -".,--\ ~ " "~."" ' '_ .~->·:F~';':.: . . -~/ . ~ . ""' ,~," .. ~ ',' " :, ~.~~~\- ;':: .. ~ '''''~''' ,,", '-.... . .. ,-.... .' . -.... ':"" . " .. ', '-":~' .~'. PHI!..,!? !-iE'NKIf:./G BENTON':):,' ."",' PRESIOENT .• CIVIL.:ENGI,NEE!,. >... " . February 15, '1971 -.SAN;·j).i:GO:.583.S654 ,_ t.A" MES ... , 469·5'654' RO~ch~.L~ ·~tJ.~:~!:· . .:....~ :.' Rout~·'!:",:.B?x,.~55Q~.':".: ... ' . '~:,.;,.:?!-. ;,,\> .. ',. , Encinitas;, Cali.fom'ia-,::92024. -: "':"'; .". ' , ::·=::~i~~:~;)j*~;,fD;}&;~." ;~~~~~~!i .. 7 ' , Suolect:"7,,;~?"~~;:·:P-role~t. No,.! v-1... )-L .: ,~-.• ,' > k.-:~M~ado";lark -Area ·:·.';"''''''I';~"'_·::C·o·_·' . ;'~~;>!f;1:i;f,(;:.;{;~: .' ~. L~, Costa·:;e:;~,:?:·):':fiii-;i~~i~~!t .'." This. , fo the Subsu·rfac~l~w~s·ti~otion. c)f Lines A l.O'-fo:. ,0._", ·._·;z .. ·., including the velocity' profiles '.' Copies were hand delivered to Ri.cl< Engine~ring?:uponF::'> completion of the investigation .•. Reference is made to our letter this dol'e·.o·n:··p;Qr~d,;<: .. No e 70-4-1 F which forwarded the ·Master Exploration. Plan for Rancho laCos.ta~:,:~~T5fi··' ;,.' locations of these Subsurface Inv~tjgation Lines are set forth on the Master ExploratIon; Plan. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. WilHam G~. Catlin,. Civil' Engineer·:, ':':'..",,' . :~.) . c Distr:-(4) (2) (2) (1 ) -~ ~ '::':~.~y:'. .~: ~';:.: .".{:t.<;~. :', ::. Rancho La Cosl'a .. lnc •. :.::; .:, Rancho La Costa Inc· ... ,:' .... ::.:>.:. Atten tion: Mr o' Burton L e' Kramer Ri ck Engineering Company T. Funnekotter . ' .. . ... ~.' ~:' ',' : ;'; >~~ ~;'~/i'~ :,' !' .-,~ .,: .. ". . " :.-~ , ... '-':': :. :\", ,: .. ~·'t', :-~-!~. -,~'., .. ~' .. '.:". , .... ~"" ..• ~_'r~~., : r::-~ .". /';~:~ ~ ! . ' " . ,~ ~.:~: . . : .; ~.~-~~"--, ~::~J~;.; "'.>~,! -'~I .~·:c;;.;;;;;~i;,:,k;.~g ~t~,~i0'~~i -", <. ',.,I-," .'. -." .-" ,'; '. " " " 'a .W'. SUB.SURFACE INVESTIGATION T. FUNNEKOTTER REGISTERED GEOLOGIST CERTIFIED ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST P.O~ BOX.575-'. .''::::'.'~ ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA 92025.-; .-~. ", .. DECEMBER 23, 1970 PROJECT NO. 70-6-29F (Par~ f) .: .. ' "~' ... ., .... :. ',~; ~ -. , -,-1. " ;'. -~'.-, '. - ,'- '" : .' .= . ..... ,. -.•. :: -." H • .. ':~' .>::~ t~ -; ~ .~ , . ~";" ~'. :. .." ~J •• }~(: :.:"::~;:~ .. -.; :;':' ,:~ '",,,, ," 4:;': ;:- .'\' ~ '-.. -.... -~ t', " ;:,,:' 'j '. }~::.;:; :::'~~iit~1~'-';;':]~::~:'.? (~.' " , ~ , 'J ) .. J 1 :.c······:······~···.·"~;~f\:;::···)·:;~jr~iT ... · .. ';i,",:; ,;' :~",;. ;';:ir" , .' ." ~ , . . "- ....... . • . . .' t;. .. '~ ... :j . -, ~ Pu~se: . .' ·\·T~·f~rthe' e~al uate t;,o select arZ;n ~rder taproj;~e m~r:ir~:~·~};~' {C;;,f; :,:,-:' 'dppability information. .. ',",": . :,.:;::':~:~, :.,i,~:·{:~~/.:::-.·.~,'.· .,',." ""~'1~~ :i::::on~... " :~:ar:::: ~:~:::~~:~s :;:I::h:~:::3'Sho~0:f,;·~f~~~I~~\;~t.;~~ .. ;;,{ ".," plat·~, 'Seismic coverage is 1200 lineal-,feef.:.',' '-:\f;j~::,:', ',~.' " ','", : .' ,:,,":,' >:":::.: ,: .. ~~,;i;:~: ': ... :'fi>i:":;:;t:: .~ ': :::.~. ,,' :~<;f.J.J~;}"{':;,~~~ .. : .~{::~;i~:ii;j~i~.';; ;~.F~[~~~k~~~~,~)"%.~ .~ {./," ·.,:':.,;L;ne:'EIO is separate from the otheHJfies and is:.CiIPP~o~i' .. ,""",.',' '. ~ :' '. . --. '~!~"--"")~":~.' .' -~.~.~'. ,.' . <:,;""" >~~, :west.':;;,:Jhis. runjndi,cates, hign"ve,lq"crtx'grdnHe', . :,' . ',''''. ",::< "southec~t (u'pslope)~: Outcrops,.qr~::t~sent' ' .. ; , ~ ':" ,~:: ';':: \'"run ~.~: The high .. velcidt,y· materi6J:iises"to within:' .' " :'" ,,' ',<alon'9 this' ~n~"::;The velocity,rciri9~;'b(the.' ," . , ~:f/:, ,~:,",', and the-high,.velocity'gronHe' 'fciUii~i:tbiri a~ rO,rige' ,:' :~):f,~:':'~: ' : :'~:': large' blocks' of granite· are endose~~;With,in-,t~e.:·o" . ~";~}:.,,,~:': ':' ' "";:"<, .:< ': . :,'," ,,~.;'," )~~' ·:'~",r-.>:\i.:::'T',i':~iir~W;~~?{{:,: ,~/~~:~,:~t'~ ("~~~;;\\~,7:?(':':~:)~J:\' The remaining .Iiries are in the same::area as :the: , . ' , '. general, both investigations indicate',comparabl,rcondHi 'high,·, ,'. Conclusion: -... ::. .... _,_t::: velocity grani,te rising and falling rapidly within, dose proximity :of the,·, ;:,', '.: ' .. "'~A~ surface., The velocity ra,nges that,'were' measured for·the vario~5,)a'yers >~/:~';~~\<.-.: :;:, are os follows~ Soil -1300 to 1500ft!sec, Decampos~d G~nite"";' 3000 to' .':". '~'~: 3300 ft/sec t and Granite -7000 to 8500 ft/sec. Lilie·AIO indi.cates high:' velocity material rising to within· 12, feet of the surface near station' 0., ' ';;,~' Line B10 indicates a much thicker'overburden (28 feet). Line CIO,shows, ,<if.' " . :: this boundary at approximately 20 feet and dipping northwest. Line FlO, ." ~ . reveals high velocity material from 9 to 14 feet deep. 'The high velocity' ,'." grani te along line D1 a appears conformable to the surface and from 10 ' , .:i' to 12 feet deep. '. . . . ":',~Q~":' :.~i!~t;~ ,(i "i GenerallYt this area exhibits, high ,velocity granite,varying,:il!~:depth'from:"r~'~;:~:}_, 7 feet to 35 feet. Over large areas this material is' as hear'~os:lb feet from~:~~:'~'~~:'./ ,.;. the surface. The results of the investigation fndic~tes th~t thi;:h·igh"velodfty~~,·)~~t:;%\,: granite is quite unpredictable as';'to'irls configuration .and depth,.,., -:.,-" ::::':~./::~~·::;t~;:,r"··~~~i~~: 10 te = of ri ppabi I i ty, the fal ;0~~9 ~chedu I'; w~u'l j appl ~;':' . i i~: ;?f,~':ii:31 o 10 ~~:c;:;sec Exca;:::::rMetho~ '·,.)c~; : '": .. ~.:.. . . ~~:::~~~ 2000 to 5000 ft/sec Ripper" ,< " ".::~~: ~ 5000 to 5500 ft/sec Marginal . :' Over 5500 ft/sec Drill & Shoot '::,: . ':;'; , '> , I ._j , I ~ _. l ~ - -} --._-I ".' -l-t E to . -l~' _. ----~- .. -.1.-.. I ! . "37d~iC - i 'j' -.. _ .. ' -'1-----,-- ---t---___ . i ! . I •. f. . __ . I· -. 1 ______ _ I i . -.... "" ,) ) ~-------;--;-:f ::. •• ~_ t-.-I,_~ _._, __ -1.. +_ !_.,_:, "-'-~""'--;-"-. -'--- .... -... -~-'-: '""'1- A_ •• ~_ .... . -~ ... -.--_ .. --... -.-I-·-·----._:.._. __ .:._I--. ... ~.~ ~~,_ •• w _ •• __ .,-;-__ •• __ • __ .... _ ••• _--.. J ...... .-...,. ...... '--. .:..