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".'f'" ::" >: "MPACTION TEST RESULTS" ,', JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 CATE REPORTED 3/9/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 CATES COVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGE 1 0... 5 MOlaTURE FIELD LA.,ORATORY RELATIVE DATE TEaT RETEaT ' LOCATION ELEVATION CONTENT DENalTY DENalTY COMPACTION NUMBER OF 01' TEST "" DIlY,WT. PCI' PC .. ... OF'LAB. DE!(a. NOV 13 1 LOT 243 176' 12.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 2 242 188' 15.3 106.5 116 ~'O 91. 7 3 246 154' 14.9 106.5 114.5 93.0 4 258 18.2' . 14.3 108.0 116.0 93.1 'NOV III 5 247 148 1 16.3 105.0 116.0 90.3 6 252 150' 14.9 107.5, 114.5 93.7' 7 253 156' 9.9 119.0 127.0 93.7 ' NOV i5 8 245 160' 14.3 107.0 116.0 92.3 9 254 166' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 10 255 180" 11. 1 114.5 121.5 94.3 11 244 168' 12.3 112.5 ' 121.5 92.6 12 257 184' 11. 1 115.0 121.5 94.7 13 255 194 1 6.4 110.2 121.5 90.5 NOV 20 14 \t, 248 ' 140' 11.7 115.5 121. 5, 95.0 , 15 246 158' 15.6 107.8 116.0 ' 93.0 , 16 244 172' 16.3 107.5 116.0 ,92.7 17 0 242 192' ,15.3 109.0 116.0 94.0 · 18 , 243 180' 9.9 i17.8 127.0 92.7 NOV 21 IV) 19 249 128' 9.0 118.0 127.0 92.9 20 L'" 251 142' 10.5 115.2 126.5 91.2 21 ' 253 160' 14.3 , 108.5 116.0 93,.5" 22 255 '184' ' 15.6 108.2 116.0 93.3 NOV 22 23 l----' , 242 196' 11.1 109.0 119.0 ' 91.6 , 24 243 184' ' 12.3 108.7 '119.0 91.3 25 '(j 242 200' 14.3 ' 105.5 114.5 92.0 26 243 188' 14.9 108.0 116.0 93.5 27 243 190' ,., 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 28 240' 192' 13.6 ' 108.5 119.,0 91.1 29' 243 194' 11. 1 116.0 126.0 92.2 30 240 196' 11. 1 112.,5 121.0 93.0 31 243 198' 11. 1 112.3 ' 121. 0 92.8 32 240 200' 12.3 1.12.0 119.0 94.0 .. 0 33 241 202' 11. 7 115.5 121.5 95.0 :~ ,34 240 ' 204' 16.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 NOV 27 35 243 202 1 9.9 115.5 126.0 91. 7 36 242 204' 10.5 115.5 ' 126.0 91.7 37 ' 243 206' 13.6 110.2 119.0 92.7 38 242 ;I 208' 10.5 111.8 121.0 92.3 " , 39 241 206' 14.3 ,107.5 116.0 92.7 .' '40 24.0 208' 11. 1 110.5, 121. 0 ' 91.3 41 241 210' 11.7 115.0 126.0 91. 3 42 243 210' 9.9 109.5 126.,0 87.0 . IZIENSKI " ASSOCIATES DATION £NGIN££RS, AND GEOLOGISTS , , 4toMPACTION TEST 'RESULT. ' .-: , ~ JO. NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 : JOII NUMBER 72-102-4 N()vembe,r 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 , OATES COVERED PAGE' 2 0 .. 5, " MOISTUIlIt I'IIELD LA.OIIATORY lIeLATIVe DATIl: Tll:aT RltTEST LOCATION ' ELEVATION CONTENT aeNalTY ' altNalTY COMPACTION NUMBEIt 0,. Ol'TIEST ,., DRYWT. pe,. PCI' % 0,. LAlli. aEli". NOV 27 43 42 LOT 243 210' 9.9 118.5 126.0 93.3 CONT. 44 240 2121 9.9 114.0 121~5 93.7 45 242 2121 9.0 111. 5 121.5 91.8 46 241 214' 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 NOV 28 4'7 242 2"16' n.7 l1S.5 "21.5 9'5.0 48 241 218 1 11. 1 114.5 121.5 94.3 'NOV 29· 49 241 220 1 16.3 105.0 116.0 90.3 50 241 222' 14.3 108.0 116.0 93.l 51 242 217' 11. 1 112.3 121.0 92.8 DEC 6 52 235 160' 10.5 114.5 125.0 91. 5 53 246 162' 14.9 106.3 116.0 91.6 54 253 164' ' 17.5 112.5 121.0 ' 93.0 55 235 164 1 15.3 107.0 114~ 5 93.3 56 245 164' 10.0 118.5 125.0 94.7 57 236 166' 14.3 107.5 116.0, 92.7 58 246 166' 14.9 106.0 116.0 91. 5' , " , 59 253 168 1 14.9 106.0 114.5 ' 92.5 60 235 168! ' 12.3 111.3 ,121. 0 92.0 61 236 170' 15.6 104.8' 114.5 91.4 62 245 168 1 14.3 106.0 114.5 92~5 63 254 170' 14.3 106.5 116.0 91. 7 64 ' 253 ,172 1 10.0 116.3' 125.0 93.7 DEC 1'-65 , 246 170' 14.9 106.5 116 .. 0 91.7 66 245 172' 15.3 107.0 116.0 . 92.3 67 246 174' 15.6 105.5 114.5 92.3 68 244 174' 16.9 103.5, 114.5 90.3 69 254 174' : 17.3 105.0 113.5 91.7 70 253 176' ,..,15.6 106.0 116.0 91.4 71 245 176' 9.9 116.2 125.0 92.9 72' 258 185' 10.5 116.5 125.0 93.3 ' 73 257 186' 15.3 103.0 116.0 88.7 74 . ,73 257 186' 15.5 106.0 ' 116.0 91.3 DEC 12 75 237 176' 16.3 108.0 116.0 93,.2 " , r1 76 239 188' 9.0 118.0 125.0. 94.3 77 238 184' 15.6 104.5 114.5 91.3 78 ,237 180' 16.3 104.8 116.0 90.3 79 239 192' 9.9 116.5 126.0 92.5 80 238 1 188' 14.3 108.8 119.0 91.4 , ,-'~: 81 237 184' 12.6 109.5 119~0 ' 92.0 82 239 196' 16.5 106.5' 114.5 91.3 WOODWARD· GIZIENSK" ~ ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ANO FOUNOATION ENGINEERS ANO GEOLOGISTS ,i ~~. 4toMPACTION TEST' RESULT.' JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 , JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 DATES COVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, 1973 PAGE 3 0,. 5 MO'STUIIE I"ELD LABORATOIIY IIELATIVE DATE TEST RETEST LOCATION ELEVATION CONTENT DENS'TY DI:NSITY COMPACTION NUMBEII 01' OFTEST "'" DIIYWT. PCI' PCI' % OF LA8. DENS. ,DEC 13 83 LOT 246 178' 13.0 107.0 116.0 92.3 84 244 178' 8.5 115.0 125.0 92.0 85 254 178' 8.0 118.0 127.0 ' 92,.7 I I 86 253 ,180' 14.9 106.0 114.5 92.7 ' I ,,,87 ,,2-45 ·,l,gO' ~.5..·3 ,lQe,.·Q :t ,1-6 • .0 91.3 DEC 14 88 246 ' 180' 16.3 104.5 114.5 91.3 89 244 182' 15.6 106.0 114.5 92.7 90 245 184' 15.6 103.5 114.5 90.3 91 254 ' 182' 14.3 105~5 114.5 92.0 92 253 183' 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 93 254 184' 15.3 108.0 116.0 93.0 DEC 15 94 244 186'. "5.3 107.2 114.5 93.5 95 254 186' 14.3 105.'5 114.5 92.0 96 245 188' 15.6 106 .. 3 116.0 91.6 97 255 188' 14.3 107.3 116.0 92.5 98 237 186' 15.6 108.0 116.0 93.1 99 238 195' 15.0 '105.9 116.0 91.2 100 239 204' 15.0 105.8' 116. O· 91.2 101 244 190' 15.0 '105.5 ,-16.0 90.9' 102 254 190' 16.3 105.1 116.0 90.6 103 244 192' 16.3 .' 110.0 116.0 94.8 104 245 190' 15.6' 104.9 116.0 90.4 105 254 192' 15.6 107.2 116.0 92.4 106 255 190' 16.3 105.8 ' 116.0 91.2 JAN 23 107 '244 194' 15.0 104.9 ' 116.0 90.4 108 245 192' 12.J 113. 1 119.5 94.6 109 244 196' 16.3 104.8 116.0 90.3 JAN 24 110 254 " 194' ... 9.9 108.8 119.5 91.0 111 244 198' 16.3 106.3 116.0 91.6 112 244 200' 11.7 111.0 121.5 91.3 JAN 25 113 255 196' 15.6 ' 105.1 116.0 90.6 114 255 198' 16.3 105.9 116.0 ' 91..2 115 211 130' 13.6 112.9 121. 5 92.9 116 255 200' 13.6 110.0 '121.5 90.5 JAN 26 ' 117 212 132' 13.6 110.9 121.5 91.2 118 249 134' ,11. 7 111.9 121. 5 92.0 '119 112 ;I 136' 13.6 111.7 ' 121.5 91.9 , 120 249 138' 12.3 113.2 121.5 93.1 '121 250 136' 13.6 110.9 121.5 91.2 , 122 2-12 140' 14.3 112.6 ' 121.5 92.6 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND fOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGIS1S ..--,./ , . .MPACTION TEST RESULT. ' .rOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 .rOB NUMBER 72-102-4 DATES COVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, '1973 PAGE 4 0 .. 5 MOISTURK '11ELa LASORATORY RIELATIVIE DAn: n:ST RETIEIT LOCATION ELEVATION CONTIENT DIENSITY DIEHIITY COMPACTION HUMIER 01' OP'TEST '!It DIlYWT. PCI' ~" % 01' LAB. DIEHI~ JAN 27 123 LOT 250 1421 9.9 114.9 121. 5 94.5 124 251 1441 8. 1 108.5 121.5 89.3 ,125 124 251 1441 8.7 110.2 121.5 '90.6 126 248 1441 16.3 106.4 116.0 91.7 127 250 146' 15.0 104.8 116.0 90.3 JAN 29 128 248 1481 11.7 113.0 121.5 93.0 129 251 1421 12.3' 112.1 121.5 92~2 130 250' FG 150.01 10.5 112.4 ' 121.5 92.5 131 247 1501 11.7 '111.4 121.5 91. 6 132 252 152 1 10.5 112.2 121. 5 92.3 133 247 1541 12.3 110. 1 121. 5 90.6 JAN 30' 134 248 15,2 1 11.7 nO.8 12'1. 5 91.1 135 251 1541 • 10.5 112.3 121.5' ' 92.4 136 248 '156 1 11.7 111.0 121. 5 91.3 137 252 156 1 11.7 110.2 ' ,121.5 90.6 1~8 247 158 1 9.9 110.9 121.5 91.2 139 251 158 1 10.5 111.8 ' 121. 5 92.0 140 234 157 1 11.7 112.1 121.5 92~2 ' 141 234 159' 10.5 111.4 121.5 91.6 JAN 31 142 248 160 1 10.5 109.9 121.5 90.4 ,143 252 160' 9.9 109.7 121.5 90.2 ' Hl4' 234 161' 10.5 111.0 121.5 91..3 145 247 162 1 11.7 110.0 121. 5 90.5 146 ' 251 FG 162.0' ,9.9 111.5 121. 5 91.7 , FEB' 1 ' 147 247 164' 10.5 110.9 ' 121.5 91.2 148 252 164 1 11. 1 110.4 '121.5 90.8 149 247 166' 11 ~ 1 J 11.0 121.5 91.3 :150 252 166' ... 11. 7 111.5 121.5 91. 7 151 253 'FG 185.0' 10.5 111.8 121.5 ' 92.0 152 254 FG 196.0' 11.1 112.2 121.5 92.3 'FEB 2 153 247 ' 168' 8. 1 no.o 12L5 90.5 154 '252 168' 8.1 109.9 '121.5 90.4 155 247 170' 10.5 110.4 121. 5 90.8, 156 252 170' 9.9 111 .• 0 " 121.5 9L3 157 257 188' 8.7 112,.0 ' " 121 .5. 92. 1 158 257 190' 9.3 111.5 12'1. 5 ' 91. 7 FEB 8' 15,9 ' 247 FG 172.0' . 11. 1 107.9 119.5 90.2 160 252 ,I 272' 12.3 116.4 121.5 95.8 161 213 134' 11.7 109.4 121.5 90.,.0 ' 162 213 138' 12.3 111.0 12L5 9'1.3 WOQDWARD • GIZ'lENS.K'1 & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ANO FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS .--r ..... eOMPACTION TEST RESULTAt JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 DATES CbVERED November 13, 1972 through February 17, '1973 PAGE 5 01" 5 MOISTURIE .. IIELa LA.ORATORY R&UTIVIE DATIl: Tll:ST RIETEST ~OCATION ELEVATION CONTENT.' OIENSITY OItNSITY COMPACTION NUMBER 01' OI'TEST ~ allY'WT. PCI' pcp " % 01' LAB. o~s. FEB 9 163 LOT 252 1741 11.1 107.9 119.5 90.2 164 257 192 1 11.7 111.0 121.5 91.,3 165 257 194 1 11.1 111. 9 121.5 92.0 FEB 16 166 249 ,FG 14.0,.,0 1 ]4 •. 3 10.9 .•.. 0 ,119, .. 5 ,91..2 'lb7 258 FG 187.01 15.0 110.9 119.5 92.8 FEB 17 168 241 FG 224.0 1 12.3 111. 1 121.5 91.4 169 242 FG 219.0 1 11.7 113.3 121.5 93.2 170 244 FG 202.01, 14.3 109.1 119.5 91.2' 171. 245 FG 192.0' 13,.6 112. O· 119.5 93.7 " 172 257 FG 196.0' 14.3 110.3 ,119.5 92.3 173 246 FG 182.01 12.3 112.3 121.5 92.4 , , ! , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND rOUNDAT,IDN [NGINEE"S AND GEOLOGIStS -.-J , .MPACTION TEST RESULTS e " JOB NAME' LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 (STREETS) DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 November 14, 1972 through February 1, 1973 I DATES COVERED PAGE S'",: 1 0 .. '$-2 ' I MOlnUIl& !'11tU) LABORATORY, RItLATIYIE DATIE UST RItTIEST LOCATION ELItVATION CONTIENT DIEN.ITT DIEN.ITY COMPACT'ON NUMBER 01' Ol'TItST ~ DRYWT. PCI' PC, % 01' L.AB. C'ItN •• NOV 14 S-l REFUGIO AVE.O~P.LOT 253 1741 14.3 105.5 114.5 92.0 NOV 20 S,-2 257 182' 14.9 108.0 116.0 93.5 S-3 255 184 1 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 NOV 21 S-4 N'EBLINA DR.OPP. LOT'-243 1941 '13.6 '1'08.5 l19.0 9'1. 1 ,S-5 242 206 1 11. 1 116.0 126.0 '92.2' S-6 240 198 1 11.1 112.5 121.0 93.0 S-7 240 200 1 11. 1 112.3 121.0 92.8 S-8 "242 212' 12.3 112.0 119.0 . 94.0 NOV 27 S-9 , 240 202' 14.3 107.5 116.0 92.7 S-10 242 210 1 11.1 116.0 127.0 91.5 NOV 29 S-11 240 214' 12.3 120.0 119.0 '94.0 5-12 242 218' 9.9 117.8, 127,.0 92.7 DEC 6 5-13 236 164' 14.9 106.0 114.5 92.5 S-14 237 174' 10.5 114.5 125.0 , , 91.5 5-15 REFUGIO AVE.OPP.LOT 253 178' 14.3 106.0 114.5 92.5 S-16 254 186' 10.0 116.3 125.0 92.2 DEC 12 S-17 NEBLINA DR.OPP. LOT 236 1681 14.9 105.3 114.5 ,91.8 5-18 244 184' 15.6 107.8 116.0 '93.0 S-19' 246 1721 11. 1 '116.0 126.0 92.2 S-20 238 188' 11.7 115.5 121.5 ,95.0 S-21 245 1781 8.5 119.5 127.0 94.0 DEC 14 S-22 237 180' 15.6 106.0 114.5 ' 92'.7 S-23 ' 238 184 1 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 DEC 15 S-24 245 190 1 or 14.9 109.9 116.0 94.7 DEC 18 S-25' 239 206' 16.3 104.4 116.0 90~0 DEC 19 S-26 REFUGIO AVE.OPP.LOT 258 180 1 15.6 105.9 116.0 91.2 S-27 254 182 1 14.3 105.2 116.0 90.6 JAN 23 S-28 257 184 1 17 .0 107.2 116'.0 .92..4 5-29 256 ' 186 1 15.6 105.8 ,116.0, ' 91.2 JAN 24 S-30 253 188' ' 13.6 112.1 119.5 93.8 S-31 254 190 1 16.3 105. 1 ' 116.0 90.6 ' :# JAN 25 S-32 256 192'1 16.3 106'.0 116.0 ' ' ' 91.3 S-33 257 194 1 15.0 107.8 116.0 . 92.9 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ANO rOUNOATION ENG.NURS AND GEOLOGISTS 'eOMPACTION TEST RESULT •. JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 (STREETS) . DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 DATES COVERED November 14, 1972 through February 1, 1973 . PAGE S-2 0,.. S-2 MOISTURE I'IItLD LABORATORY ,RII:UTIVII: DATE TEST RETEST LOCATION .... ELEVATION CONTENT ClENSITY ClENSITY COMPACTION NUMBER 01' Ol'TEST 110 ClIlYWT. PCfF pcp .'~ OfF' LAB. DENS. JAN 29 S-34 NEBLINA DR.OPP. LOT 248 150 1 9.9 111.0 121. 5 91.3 S-35 248 152 1 11.7 110.3 121. 5 90.7 5-36 248 1541 10.5 112.1 121.5 92.2. JAN 30 S-37 235 156~ 12.3 111 J4 121. 5 91.6 S':'~3'8 "'247 T58 1 "n.7 --1'10:0 'T21 ::5 ·90.5 S-39 248 160 1 11.7 112.9 121..5 . 92.9 JAN 31 S-40 235 162 1 11.1 110.7 121.5 91.1 FEB 1 S-41 239 202 1 13.6 108.0 119.5 90.3 S-42 236 182 1 12.3 109.1 119.5 91.2 . . WOODWARD· GIZI£.NSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTINC SOIL ANO rOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS e:>MPACTION TEST RESULTsAt JOII NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS NO. 8 & 9 DATE REPORTED 3/9/73 .lOB NUMBER 72-102-4 "OFF SITE FILL II (WEST OF LOTS 238 THROUGH 279') DATES COVERED December 11, 1972 PAGEOF'::l 0., OF-l MOISTURK ,.IELD LA.O~TORY ·RELATIVK DATE n:ST RETEST LOCATION "-ELEVATION CONTENT DENSITY DENSITY COM"ACTI'!N NUMBE" Of' 0,. TEST ~ DRYWT. PCI" PCf' % Of' LAB. DItHS. DEC 11 1 WEST OF LOT 241 202' 16.3 105.0 1"6.0 9.0.3 2' 239 216 1 9.9 114.0 121.5 93.7 3 238 194 1 14.3 105.5 114.5 92:0 4 . 240 210 1 14.9 105.3 114.5 91.8 .",5 239 ... 2.0.7 1 .9".,9 .1l6 .• 2 125 .. 0 92.9 6 241 220 1 10.0 118.5 125.0 94.7 7 278 224' 10.5 114.5 125.0 91.5 • WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS '. , tECHAN I CAL ANAL YS I S 100 3 • ~ 10 110 200 ....... DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 1 2 \ 80 Dry Density, pcf --C!J \ :II: Initial Water Content. % --~ 60 ~ \ "-Final Water Content. % --l-\. ffillO Apparent Cohesion. psf --<.> "-eo. W ........ --Apparent Friction Angle. 0 "-20 -- 0 I I I L I I f f I 1110 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 \ 1\ f?7lERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRA'IN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS -,"'. 'Y ·"'ICOBBL~4~~~rE1·I"cl~A~r f ISIU & CLAY I " ... ~~'l5 , ..... ". " -~ ....,.,.. ~ '\ \ 1\ ' V2.70 S.G. 130 \ PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS \ 2.60S.G. 1 2 i~ !\....-v2.50 S.G. Liquid Limit, r. -- l~ !\\ l\ Plasticity Index. r. -..; 2'r-a."J ~\ \~ Classification by Unified Soil 120 /j.. t--l \ I~ t\ Classification System SM-SW SC-SM I 1\ \ .... \ 1\ I\. u 1\ ' \ Q. I-\ 1\ !\ SWELL TEST DATA 1 2 ' , :z:: C!J 1\ ' \ 110 ~ , \ \ !\ Initial Dry Density, pef --I--1\ ,\ Initial Water Content. % . z: --:::> >-\ \ r\ Load. psf 0: Q [\ 1\\ -- Percen t Swe 11 ' . , \ 1\ --IOQ \ \ \ \. \ SAMPLE LOCATION \ \ ~ \. \.~ 1 Street. Sta: 13+00 90 MAXIMUM DRY 1 2 r\ 2,.-Cut DENSITY. pcf 127.0 126.C ~~ OPTIMUM MOISTURE ~~~ CO'ITENT. % 9.0 10.: ~, " , " ,~ .. MOISTURE CONTENT "/0 ~ 80 0 10 20 30 110 LABORATORY c(wACTI~ TE!.T " .' FILL SUITABILlrv TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: ASTM 01557 -70T LAGUNA RIVIERA 'UNIT 9 WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCI.ATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION, ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA ~. _B'f: t1gR ISCALE~ IPROJ. NO: 72 ·102-4, CK'D BY, db' I DATE: 4·5·72 IPAGE -, of . tEaiAHICAL ANALYSIS ., ) t ~ '10 Ij() 200 100 ' 3 ,DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 3 ""\ "\ 80 Dry Density, pcf 94.2 . <:1 "' . z; Initial Water Content. r. 17.4 ~ ~o "-< ~ Firal Water Content. % c... 26.2 I-\' ffilj() Apparent Cohesion. psf 315 <.> 3 S ex w \ Apparent Friction Angle. 0 12 5 ~20 0 I I I L I I I I , I ij() 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 \ 1\ ~ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS , ~ JCOB~LE~I G~~rE¥ J c_1 ~N.r JSILT & C~AY I· "~; ,~ \ t , ". ... \ 1\ ' 130 \ V2.70 S.G.' PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS , \l,V2.60 S.G. :3 \ !L.-~ 2.50 S. G. Liquid Limit. "/. Sq \ 1\ Plasticity Index. r. ~7 I\. \ Classification by Unified Soil 120 \ \ r\ Classification System '. CH 1\ ' \ .... \ 1\ 1\ u 1\ ' t--.\ Q. ~ l!\ 1\\[\ SWELL TEST DATA . ·3 § 'l\\ 110 w ~ -~ 3: I' \ 1\ t\ Initial Dry Density, pef 102.5 I- z: 1\ \ Initial Water Content. % 17.9 ::> >-\ \ f\ Load. psf 1160 0:: Q 1\ t\,\ .. , 11 ? \ \ 1\ Percent Swell 100 1\ ~ f\ '-"\ SAMPLE LOCATION "\ \. \. \~ I MAXIMUM DRY 3 f\ . . 90 DENSITY. pcf 11 LL t:; ~~ 3 LOT 274, 'UNIT # 9 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 16.5 ~r\.r-.. CONTENT, % ~'I\. I " ~)... MOISTURE CONTENT '/0 ~ 1...:) .' .80 0 10 20 30 Ij() , LABORATORY C()PACTION TE iT • .. -. , FILL SU I TAB I LI TY TESTS' LABORATORY COMPACTION LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS' 8 & 9 '. TEST METHOD: ASIM OJ 55Z-Z01 -A , . I ~ WOODW4RD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOC I ATE$. I CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINT~RS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO •. CALI FORN I '. . , DR. BY: AS SCALE: ---IPROJ. NO:' 72'1 02-4 CK"D BY: ~ DATE: 3/9/73 'PAGE TOT 4 . e ..-t.£QfAN I cAL ANAL YS I S , 100 ' 3 f ~ '10 IK) 200 '. ,DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 4 5 6 .\ '-... \\ 80 t\ Dry Density, pcf 95.4 100.6 108.9 (!J \ I'\. '~ c .. z: Initial Water Content. % 15.0 15.6 11.5 (I) ," " ~ ~O 1\ I':: ... Q.. fi~al Water Content. % 25.0 23.7 16.5 .... " 11 .~ ~ . ffilK) Apparent Cohesion. psf 320 240 " 210 (,) -~ I~ a. UJ 10 " 0 Q,,20 1'-. Apparent Friction Angle. 13 21 29.0 . r-. 0 I I I I I I I I , 11K) 1000 100 10· 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 \ \ ~ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS \ \-ICOBBLESIGRAVEL I ~AH~ Is I LT &: CLAyl ,k1 .,-~ ~ -~'" .. ~ ~.~ --. .-_. ..C I f c I m •• d ..... -t:l \ '\ ~2.70 S.G.' 130 PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS , ,~2.60 S.G. 4 5 6 i\ 2.50 S.G. Liquid Limit, r. 47 46 29 !\...- "\ r\ Plasticity Index. r. 28 25 . 7 1\ "\ Classification by Unified Soil -~ ~ 1\ 120 . Classification System . CL CL S'M-SC r..\~ \ \ ~\ \ .... c:;::;;:: <~ ~\ () 4 Q. .... i> ~ ~ .. \ ~t\ SWELL TEST DATA . :z: 1\ " ~\\ 4 5 h 0 v 110 u:; ~ \ \1\ Initial Dry Density, pcf '106.6 107.6 11l.8 .... \ z: 1\ Initial Water Content. % 14.6 15.2 11.6 ::> >-"\ \" r\ , 0:: Load. psf 160 160 160 co· r\ 1\' Percent Swell '6 0 o 2 , " \ 1\ 10.8 100 \ 1\ 1\ \ ' . , SAMPLE LOCATION. \\ \. '\ \\ 4 LOT 270. UNIT #9 L1. !1 6 1\ LOT 287, UNIT #9 . .. 90 MAXIMUM DRY 5 DENSITY. pcf 116.0 1l6~0 121.5 I\~ 6" LOT 223~ UNIT #9 OPTIMUM MOISTURE ~t\ CONTENT, '/0 15.0 15.5 11.5 ~ I\.~ I\. t\.~ MOISTURE CONTENT % ~l...1 .80 0 10 20 30 40 LABORATORY CCWACTI~ TE:iT . , FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: ASTM 01557-70T-A LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 _,ow. :;' WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS' ·AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO •. CALIFORNIA' . iOR. BY: AS I SCALE: ___ !PROJ •. NO: 72·102-4 ! CK' 0 BY: -;;z;ij i DATE: 3/9171 'PAGE 2 of Ll . DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 7 8 ·9 Dry Density, pcf 1114 0 1135 96.9 Initial Water Content. r. 9 2 9 4 12 1 Fi~al Water Content. % 13 .6 14.9 23.4 Apparent Cohesion. psf 70 480 240 Apparent Friction Angle. 0 35 22 11 , 1110 \ r\ ~ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES , \- ,C!:! z: en 100 80 ~ 60 Q. ~ ffillO (.) ox UJ Q.20 o I tEQlAN I CAL ANAl YS I S . 3 I ~ 'I 0 110 200 "\\'\ \.\' "1\ ~\.~ r-a " '-. f-. \\oc I-.......... . 17 -~\ ~ \ '-... '-- I I I I I I I 1000 100 10 I 0 0 I 0 01 0 001 . GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS "'.>1""." . '~ ,., .~ "\ I IGRAVEL " SANr I I -~ CO,BBlES, "C "I "f" 'c'l 'm" 'f "S.IU & ,CLAY 130 \ 1\ , ' \ ~2.70 S.G.' PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS , \[\/2.60 S. G. 7 8 9 \ v2.50 S.G. Liquid Limit, r. ~ 29 51 rv ~ r\\ 1\ liP 13 Plasticity Index. r. '36 / \ 1\ Classification by Unified Soil 8 I--'H \ [\\ [\. Classification System ' SM SC CH .~ \ 120 .' \ ~\ 1\ .... u 9 1\ \), \ a. , ~ \ 1\ 1\ SWELL TEST DATA . :z:: 7' 8 9 'C!:!' 1\ ' \ u:i ~ \ 1\ !\ I"itial Dry Density, pcf -113.7 105.6 ~ 110 :z: 1\ \ Initial Water Content. % -g. i 13.0 ::;) >-\ \ [\ , c::: Load. psf .160 160 Q 1\1\ - Percent Swell '2. J; 10.6 , \ \ - \ 1\ 1\ 100 1\ \ ,SAMPLE LOCAT I'ON \\ \ \ ~~ '1 lQI28Q _UNIT # 9 MAXIMUM DRY 7 8 9 " 8-LOT 282 UNIT # 9 , ~ DENSITY. pet 1?h n 1?fi'n 11 q 0 ~~\. 9 LOT 283~ .. UNIi # 9 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 10.0 13.0 CONTENT, r. 10.0 ''\.f\. 90 " r\.'\.. MOISTURE CONTENT, % 'rV-J 10 20 30 LABORATORY CCJ.fIACTION FILL SUITABILITY TESTS , LAGUNA RIVIERA UNITS 8 & 9 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD:ASTM 01557 -70T -A WOODWARD -G I Z I I & ASSOC I ATE;S CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND ,GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA' ' , , ,I"~ .. t.£QiAH I CAL ANAL YS I S ,DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 10 Jl . 12 Dry Density, pcf h07 2 11. 3 107. 100 " 3 ! q 'I O· 110 200 80 ...... ~ ~ I\\~ ~'ll . Initial Water Content. 1-10.0 9.7 14. 1 \ " Fi~al Water Content. % 17.5 17.3 21·.J ,...-~ 1\ ... \ \\ Apparent Cohesion. psf ?35 370 780 f"\:.'\, ~ r"n . Apparent Friction Angle. c 19 22.5 12 \ ~ , ,,(,.. ~ ~ " ... o ..1 11 1. I I I I , 1110 1000 100 10 I 0 0 I 0 01 0 001 \ 1\ . . ~lERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS , \-~II ,1 GRAVEL 1 SAND I, .. ~. , ,. " , .... ~ .~ "\ .. ~OBB~,E~"",c,,1 'T"j'(l'I"m 'I -f _,SI.U & CLAY 130 \ 1\ V2.70 S.G.' \ PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTrCS , \ ~2.60 S.G. 10 11 12 i\ v2.50 S.G. Li qU id Limi t. % 34 138 3R r'v-~\ 1\ Plasticity Index. % 17 121 18 ' j..I '\ ~ \ 11 f--' Classification by Unified Soil lA l\ f\ Classification System (SC . CL lC ~ V ~ .\ -./' 120 .'" ~ ~,.I\ .... 11-: ~ (J -~. t\\ , \\ Q. ...: \ I~.f\ SwtLL TEST DATA . ::z: , . .\ 10 11 . 12 <!) Uj ~ \ 1\ [\ Initial Dry Density, pef '111.4 11-2.6 107.8 I- 110 z: 1\ \ Initial Water Content. % 11.3 9.7 13.5 . :::> >-\ \ [\ . IX Load. psf "60 160 160 Q [\ 1\\ 6.2 " \ 1\ Percent Swell 3.4 . 4.4 \ r\ 1\ 100 1\ \ SAMPLE LOCATION \ \. I\. \. \~ 10 LOI285 UNIT JL -.9 .. MAXIMUM DRY 10 11 17 i\ 11 LOT 284 UNIT # 9 " ~ DENSI TY. pcf 121 0 1125 '0 119.5 ~~I\!" 12 AVILA AVE OPP LOTS 289-292 & OPTIMUM MOISTURE 90 CONTENT. % 11.5 10.5 13.5 i\.. , " LOTS 269-271 I , ,~ MO I STURE CONTENT. % '\..hl 10 20 30 LAOORATORY C(J.FACTl~ LABORATORt COMPACTION FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LAGUNA RI V I ERA UN.ITS. 8 & 9 TEST METHOD: 8STM D 15 57-70T -A .. .. WOODWARD -GI Z I ENSK I & ASSOC 1 ATES . COHSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS ANDGEOLOGi'STS SAN DIEGO 'CALIFORNIA' . POOR· . QUALITY ORIGINAL. S . DRAINAGE PLAN LAGUNA RIVIERA TRACT CARlSBAD CALIFORNIA " ,~ , " 'L~A.~'tJ-"l$_R~,\l,~ ,~,~.~ .~ 4 YA,Ii.:E.~..l~~ .. DR~i NAGE RA 'NU R. R; ~"'- v / ,'.C~vt,J E~ghi~e"," jJ.~a.~tL~I~ L-;arion I From ~ , To llength I Tdbuil'8ry :tl' ''''"·f.".,ii"t,....le-_·-01~··r~a'(fivaii-r--.-----.i,---...,I~--r-=='~ ·-r·~b~', ---r:~.:-'-~ I I A&"ea F i ow ~ ec ~ou flC" i 'I ~ ii, iii ~ rr.-e I Re~(';·~s , L I' Ilnc •• :'p'olai In p-of-a rotenSHY IJ -/iuen.lslopel 01 • ...: V.lo·I~-·-I- I Feet men~ I S:Co I !fld!VJ,ComPJ%d:'I?Y :.1 Sewer Ii'll! ~_ _c __ -d-: Acres Acres Mu'io I..!Y1.1J.!'-~~_n:ilUed _ R:::c:!a 100 h~che __ Se:.!~t~~!~~L __ . __ ~ ._~_. ___ ~t ',w--l--~--J---LT~lt n;t~l~' __ J~~~.:*-~ ___ i+J; fY\ r ci-;~~~'~==' ~. "\ ~\'\o 'I I I · I v I I I I I I i I' I I ,t\..\n~,a_-:J«t_~I~OO 2t~IU.' t.t It,I,----4 ... LJ Ilel I! I ~ ~i\\t,Jb:l~ ~o Ir:t r"e.cl · 3 ];?-.4L ~.~ n~~~r~~ I 1--" _-.! ~~~~1_.lI_~44'11.3~'t.~_ t._~ I l11'~~'o I 2'4 Iia I r= i _ _ ". 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I'" ~~ .. ;'~,,-~··'-l'~ .. ~-~' t • t) • • , ..' " <,. .--" '--_. '-. ' , , , ' . ,! ." . . ' . .-------, < ' • , , " "".., --, .. --_.-'.... I 'f ~ l f ; f I ! l ~ .---.... '(-.. ---~.~. i ,.\ 1 < ,i f I POOR. QUALITY ORIGINAL S· MUNICIPAL !HOtNE!lIHG VALUATIONS, SURVfY~ DtSfGH, SU'ERV'SiOH RAYMOND R. RI8AL MtMlER· ... : AMI.,CAH IOCIIT'i CIVI" ENGINEHI -~-- , " , , G'IPAL . ' . CIVIL AND $ANIT ARY ENGINEER 771 so. IlIA .YD. IUI1I .. MIA, C.vMolN&A ..... . DRmlaI PLAI . LAaUIl RIVIERl '1'R1C'! " CARLSBAD . CALDalIIA . Oatobw " 1966" , ,~ ',' . .' J' . ~ .. ' .' Tb18 ctN1u,. ·plAll .. be!eIl ~ to OCIIIPlT w1,,"~ nbcU.m1oia . • pp~l ~:.al"'·Iq\1Da JI1neft'!Taot to 'be ~ed..1A \1Id.ta. Eacb UD1t .. ~roniCl 1t\.U proY1de __ poJlUoM of • ~ wttlda tbe lm1t.,' Tbua, ... aU .. til of tbe !'aot aN SIIpro'nd. all the· dndMp tacU1~ .0..11&17 for'tbe tract wUl a~o 'be 0 .GIIp~. ~ J ~ , . wb1le tbe dr&1zaaP Qwtea 1.t propOlieLl to 'be '~ 1. ...-al as 1JId,cated _ the ~'.ttacblcl.'..,. ~ ,..~. p1pt ,81£., blet looat1cma "n:L be NqU1Ncl .. OOMt.raot.S& 4ft'dDP aN prepand. ·1-_ l " . ,'_ , . It 1.t ...-d tbat .u tr1batoJ7 ana 1dJJ, be ~ ....... ~ .. nth a' runott: factor Of 60 per ~t. . .. -- • 0 !be'~ cca:llt1c1a1 ,WUJ, ~ nal.t Sa .a ..... " sr-ter .toN i,' o n~ tban ..,. ,·be upeOteci tor tbe/a.r~bed.aNIl, ,...... tbe7 wUl'be ,1,' ut!Ci lDltU noh t1Iie 0" daw"ipec1f1cal1J' appl1cable to Carla't.d. 18 oca-'+ ;p1led., '" 0 • 0 " • f ':i ...... - . . ' • . It 18 proposed to provide' an ~1 aorou tM" 'fl'ct tor ~h18 dra1nage, wb1c~ channel W1U be ~te iiiitii""rn ettect"ve~_UDt11 the area 18 .ubstant1ally imProved. At tb1a tma, because of tbeelope of the chanrlel am tlowwloe1ty, 1t will be necesS817 to J.1ne the channel to prevent erOsion. The tiDal llned channel would haVe the d1mensions. ;' shown on the design sheet, an area at 2!:Ls~ teet,. ~ flowing tul:l carry' 1100 cubic, teet per aecom. or 800 oubio tNt per secoo:l all.ow1ng one foot lin1ng freeboard. ~~. In 'order to .oOlfipJ,.y Witb· the requirement that not to exceed t1tteen acres contribute' to surface dra1nage, it 18 necessary to cOnstruct a storm drain in Hillside Drive and.B street tram the northwesterly end ot Hillside Drive t.o ParK Drive. . This stQl"D1 sewer w1ll drain 28 acres outside the Tract nortberl1' of . the terminus or R11l,side Dr1 va. - The siZe of the Comu1ts Vary' from 18 inches ~o ,6 inches in ~1a meter as .shown on. t,he design sheet.. Wet structures are to be p~ 111 poeral .. ,.,i.teet.CD tbIt plan. !:met locations, size and.· ~r or 5,n1eta to be depement en the -. f'inal grad111~ plan and street ,1mprovementpl.ans., Tbtreare JS acres 9t au.rtace dra1nage to the 1ntereeots.en '0: wDw ~ !tH"~treets. It 1a tberetorQece8H1'7 to CODIItru.ct a 8to~ 'dra1D trQn this intersectlon 1li "H" Street azxl H1l.la1c:le Dr1ve to the .un drEdnage channel. , The si.1a 0: the cOlldu1t. v11l'V'a1"7 trca l5 iDch to ,0 ~b' 1D d1aJIIeter __ shONll CID tI. design .beet. '. Again-.the e1Ze aDd.locat1d11 _at 1nlArte w1l1 be depeadat CD the grading aM t1nal at.reet plaDa. ". . In' a4<i1t1oD to the dra1Dlt.ge ~ deecr1bed abon, drainap . structures are requ1red at "A" S't.nIet am Park .M .... aDd at ~ Dri .... ~ Kelly 'Dd," as ~ted OIl the plan. Tbe· .11'.. of theae cordu1ta are as 1r¥l1catect On the De8ign Sbeet. The necessity tor a cIra1Dap tac111t)-at MarSaa Dr1~ aDd Park Dri .... :baa not beaD· deterat..Mcl. '1'be PI .... of ~ tacU1t1ee aDd access to the yacht basin are tactors in the l.Qcat1OD ot tb1e atruct'Ql"e • • SIB a.,. ~ . , slept clra1u are beu..v.t to be DeOe8Al7 atc.c tile rear of tbe loU abutts.Dc DlJT Dr1ft CD tbI w.t 'be __ .Il: <>ad_ JIIa1 alii .,'nIe Dr1,., ... at tba rear of 1. a~ lA' ' ...... the 1Itet betwllll . 11.1.lls1d.e Dr1ve aDi the Nortb Tract bouDda17 •. KRRijp EDQII ~j <~ •• " . ", ..,,' I' ! ' I ,~~ . :~,;i:,:, ~, , . I . :" I, I, I " r'~I.': l , .. j' .. ,8,]=:1:,,1::' J~,]~~L: .', '. ~ ;-.{' /:1Au,.i72eA-INA<;.£ ti.?tpt . LI.A c:; ,'INA !Zt Yi UA ·Th .. DR:\' NAGE STORM SEWER D~SIGN SHEET RA YMONtig.,. R IBAL,. [ ~ :", . ~t~} I.:~ngl'le,;~· ~Q~~a~' ~. , ., r ,~ __ .~ '.' .' ." . ____ ~ .> l o<;a t i Pri-, ,,' From . To Length Feet Tributary , nme,--or-.6 ~:faj rr.· I . ,'. ," r' .-,-,--:.~ -. '--.:: -,' " Area Frow'fector "C": . . ".<' Time.-Re~;k~. ,nere-ITote, . In I·Tote IntensHy " l' ,'. ': 't'u~no Si.9l?~·Dl~'m~·;:v.e'f'o ' ;'::'" ;,~:,' ment Sec. !I"oiv Comp ne,'" . f~." ~ewer. """ In .• ~y.--t Aeres ACr'es Min. MIn., .tjn rdue·t =cla .roOt I~che ~ct,~ TOt6~f :- I,4r '., ,. I '1 /1' I , . ~/ Tft:l ,''1-'''' ! 26 Y IZ . f, 'C~;o:!p" . ~ ~~£Yl Ei.'C~NIN~ , 7YI2JI./£. :1NO Jt~~'-I 1~:1 7~517aGr 8 /3 'L IV' 2.r)'O " ~o 1/ ~185l) I' -I!$.: , :'1 ,84. -I eo,' ." .. •••• f' ., ." \.~ '/" : .. 1,:}:·· ., ~~gJ,; .;lOP "'4P~··.~.5 %J1'~E, I _ I· L .. ,~: .. """,-'~~~'~-~''F;[~JiI~ ~,- . . . ,()OO"" .' 71J---' 'ft" '-----C"c--" --1' -,---c--'---"------L-~/on ~' .. ,' I,;:"., l5%.' OW}~~(7J r:. -=~",'·~=t:~,E~-~,r~~,··:-·rn~ . r.1 ) 2--t:',~ J~:~I~,JA;VW£L, J -Il~'-~7 'J" : r .. ' ~"l';· ' \:&. ~~. :.C ~. ,::~""'" ,''-::, ;,. '~':I ',. II ':' , . I',.. , ',I ~ ". , --,L ~ fs' .. '·':I·~· r'l ~.~. I . r'\. •. ' .. ~ ¥. _ I ·--tJ~ ·f¥.M·~ MI'--~.~·~'; 'J.'> .. :,,:Cj --':->: ,"." . :~, •• .. 6 • I' ~~ _' . ""--.,:",~, .. , " ... .. ~ . ~ . " I.--r~ ['1---'.-;' .-' ,.', A':.. 1<0 "l..,~, te. :It.. Z.S /' . . "r-' ; ----. " . . ~ ....., '\> =-!l.Z;'Z .~., (),t"~ . ..1 '.' III .' 1" _, I. .. I ' 'i=jlt:, r ... ,.. .... .F\~A~ (l\~,e~).;, .:, :. F\. ... 1. \\ ZC __ " '·n_.A 1 ~".:" S: ": ...... ','.' ! '.' --, . . -~ ,~ -_ . " . . .... ..,., , '-: .: . '"'.,,' ,-. __ ., t:· .< ___ •.. _._ _,,'-. i .' . . .' . / --' .'" :' , ,. ' A~I'4$:' ,~· . ."..,\¢\6.· . ": ": l. __ . .I, I, '$ .! " ., _ ,-I I ,t. __ .. --,I I' I' '" I . I I' --," J" ",.~~:\' Co": '1<~'Z~8 ~'I' , , .. ,; ,", ,':: f: : , :" . • ...:,:. . I . . .' . ~ . ' ,' . ." --' .' . ". ",' ,'. ." ", ,:.:.' : :. ',;;.' . __ .. J. --1\ I j -"', _. "'1. --.'., , .; '" . -,.-,I } 1 I' ,J L:: -! I,~ I I ·1..A:Gd ]S\.A 'Q,\U'\-'i2.A . _~'~" _~S-:r:i.-______ DRA I NAG.E . STORM SEWER DESIGN SH~E~ ,. ,;" I "', . I t _" ~ . RA YN.oND R:. RJ~AL: '.' . ':J' {: ;J .' ' . : CfvJ.f Engineer. Deie:~' ·~l~'. . ---. -, " -. " ~ ..... ~ ... ,- Time of" - Loca't, ion From Tributary ~alnfa j I .. . '.' ~'. -: . ; . -, ~ , To Length Ilctor ';c'J . Area Flow -, rhne ,-Retrlerks' ., . " Incre-Total In Tote I ntens lty .l'ld i v· Comp,t~·c i' pua",. Slope Diem. Velo. Feet ment Sec. ~!I Sewer In Acres Acres Min. Min .. ' "itt rduel Q=cla hl6c l'nches Sect. Totel ' , -. .' . h.it~o.~ ~~O~-· .. ' ,; .. 'C , /0 'fR.. ,"; ,::. . , . , ,'~ .. • ,1{ .... ~:. ,-" , N. A"dA ' iT'", .,' .. , ,<. -, ,. "" ~,. ~ ,', -,' I/.b>i~h K..o '~D.O cc.3 ·.'223 z. , , 2·t ~ -. j > . .-, -lo ~>l '. ' ,j. , ~"+ t;5r}d' ./ 1(;;) .; '. . ," l~''s.t. < ,6 % .. .5: " '. -. ' ,11-1/ IIs/d~ ~oo 1()'2. '.~ 12.4 2.~ (00 t ,4 10 ()' \'9;'1 . \~ ,of' ". ~ . -, .-'-' " . " . ~ .... IA "3· ~ c'lsr .300 £.~, 14#-.1 ,.; IP.7 2.3 ~O I.'f :53: '~a:_ ~ 2.1-'1 Ig " <:.' '1:: . -. ' ... )'7". --}///I.iide V AIIIIIIIIie... .... -'. t",\:,7 --~,'. ~ , I~I:S+ ,. :(ao j 1~,4~ -·~.oo ~,'3 ~l)j) . '.~ " I~.o -c.3 ~o It.{. z'f' '50' r'6' ' , J .. _ , " .,., r,T, 0,' , (li/I$,d<:':-' , ' ' . ;,~' . .. .' .' '.~ ," '-:' ' ..... :' < :~ •• "~ ••• ,~t..I'7, " i~, ~". '.' , f(~ '~5'f . 4DD" '-~,] J 13.J 2.,2-aD /"Lj OJt, 7() -J~" .1.~ -'! " '. " ' , " ,"7,-" _ '~-.:" .. . .-. ~ , " " .. " -, J 'E"s " .. ', .~ , ' .. , ....... '. '-.. 7/.%-'. ~ J.3I" .51/; ;~l(' ' , 'r PS-r 300 4.g :>./ I ~D f;t> ¢lZ' 18 " ~ 'r'~ OJ • : 1 , l " .. ' , ."': l\~\~ '. .. '-:---'-... ,,, .. , ..........,c : .vW ,0' , _ ,' ..... '" ...... ~ ,' ...... :. .. , ~ ¥ .. .. 0;<, ....~ , -. . . ~ .-~:. ;~;-' ~'."'~~~:~'";;".~: . ' , p."s· ' I ..oct-if . 4£0.250 .'96.6 ~4 !l1.a r J:3 crz .fa ' El)" -., .. _ ... , 14.0 ~I r1 ' I,' ". -.. , I ' .Park. l)"II~i " '.' 00 '-I..:.r-I,'~ /it 50 ",," /1 . , " . I.. ' j I' .:' .. " ',', -.. i . ! ::: -' " . -,. . :' ",' . , . '. . ".' ~, f ---. . '. " '''', . -: ' -, -.- " 1 ' ' I : '. ~. " I' '. , ,-, ....... t, . '" .. -. f .. , . ,. . I' " f' . : --' -' .. j I " ; !' " -I . . - i ' " . ! _.' " I' , .. , ". 'j'-" . . " ,.1 " ' . -,-: , , .' ., " '. , , , .~ , ---~-----, . ... ~~ -'------ _ ,! i I j ! I' I I_+_~ II ! I' I 1'1 .' .' + . ..1 , L I .1 I • ! .1 . " I ... .L. ,_ .. '''_ " "I . I , .• ' ,I, 'I-,,' ...... ;. , ' , ,I ' , . ! I l A ~u t-d,A % \\.)\ E"Rt\ . , k \ \\S)d e.::D c\ veDRA.' NAGE STORM SEWER DEsiGN SHEET RA YN.OND R. RJ BAL C i v i f Eng i neer D."te~ Q: ,-(to ~. Trrbutary Time ,of '. ~alnfat I - l 'cation From To length -- Area ' ' Flow ~tensity Facto~· nC" Time Remar~s Inere"': Totel In Tota ---' PUf.'!o. Siope Diam. ~~Io. - Feet ment ' Sec. rn! hId IV-Comp' ~ct, f!t 'Sewer ,In " Acres Acres Min. Mi • . Ititt ,duel p=cla rode Inche~ lSect. Tote I =-~'\ . .-.. ~it'\Q 10 'It::. , In: tJ/~ IRJ,\)\\ ~ ! . , ~t'~ ~ 'M \1 ,':s,-r .., ID I.. ", ",' ~ I-,-r \t:;OO \$ \ b, ~:\5 ~~\\~\d.~ , 2>oD ,~.6 , 2~.~ , i3; .... fl,S Z,'O (gO II~' fl2J -\ ~\ ,t.' -.:.,~ -Z.\ \00 I~ -I \~ .. )~ - ,I T'I ~,. ~SD \'0.0-33S .1' " 'rl1~ 2,3 (gO \.4, '32. $'0< .21;\' \4 -. -. I \'\T'~~ \.(e:\\~ , . " -~ ,~O,D 2'O!~ 1.64', a _11; 13,~ 2,7. 1.,0 l'~ 4~ SO ' Z4!/ \-<t, , j' J • I " ' - We\\\,( t\.\D.~rtel ~ .... -. t g.<b z.\ Coo \.0 ',,() :) ~t) '1/ I -, , ,-J -r --," ,-+---, ,'.,:.f;~. ~:: .!,.. • .. l~ , , ' ' .. . , , " " , ' , , ' , ,..., .... ,. .. ': , , . " .. ' . ' ... ", • 0 \ . \ , , -~'" '" ,,' ,- I r ~: ' , j t " -,~, ' .' _ i ' .. . --' " i .. ' ':1 \ , , ] , . ·4 , -.. ' . " I '-' , I j , I ' , I ! .. , .j , , ' ' ~~' " .. " ,j . .o. f -, . _ n,~' ::";," ," 0' • 0 ,'j -' .,~", ~ I , , " -, ' ; , I . '-" :: ," ~'" '. ' " .. " -. -I .. . : ,j '" -' --. I ' . , " i ' , .~' ~. , , i ' , , 4<" "1 -- - ~ , :,.. , , . ' '1 " ',~:I t/,~i~' ,:, " , I L, , ; , ' . , ' " . -. ~ , , . , ' .... *" . .', , 0 .. " . , -.-.--, , .y "I -__ ' . i < ' _Ld AGU NAX \v\ E:"\<..A ~.,..: t ~'h Sa C .!ilL . , ". _.. DR.~ I NAGE " , -...... ~---,. Loc'ation I From I To I length Tributary Area Incre-Totel Feet ment Acres Acres \ .:;-Q ,0 _~ ___ ,~~.-k. P ... t:,~~ t4'e~y , , stORM SEWER DES!GN SHEET RA YN.o~e R. R,e~l. ~~<, I-.. w'ojlOiD' ,etv; I En~t'~ee,"'_Qate~, .!'~",,,,,,~, Time of Flow' In I Toti Sec. Min. I Min. In I \0, a '2. -S I\"l. .$ lIt\i+I!i\ 19 ~nfafT -I ' F'" " .' , ., ~;/ .,' I3ctOI'" lie!': ",. ".' . ' . , : .' TJ,Il'Je" :~~;nafks' '. Intensity "1--,', tuen• Siope Diem. 'lie'lo, , ' :,.:;.:.' ~¥ld IV Comp ~ci'" Hi '". Sewer ,',hi.. "i" rdual '=cla I, In,che' ~ect!' Tote! ,;1."b [J4Jseo'l $0 I Z'4" 'I \ 4 J .,' ,', O_~/j icknns/I I~O CJ 1J.f:f I ,).5 I r~( I j.2> l~ I ~LJ.1 ~O, I 2,iJ {,4- ) • t f • • i '1 [J~~,.um' .... =r~_ ....... ~r=l ___ L_.~, L_J._,_~~L~!,~=I_~ ,J ; _____ J -·"·····T·'··--I'·····--,'-l~·' l r-'-l'-~'-In r-T-'T'~ . I j . L I . -c-------,-- e, • MAIN DRAINAGE NORTH OF /~~ LAGUl'lA RIVIERA TRACT CARlSBAD, CAI,IFORNIA \ . -.,,- e· • , ' , " " •. ~\ ~:'Ca,t" 41' &-- WOODWARD ·.G12IENS·KI . & . ASSOCIATES· .. · 3461 KurtZ. S~reet ~ 'San:Diego Califomia·921.10 (7.14> 224-2911 CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS. AND GEOLOGISTS. An affiliate. of. Woodward .. Clyde Consultants' July 5., 1974 Project No. 72-102-4 KamarCon.structi on Company, Inc. P :0:. H'ox'llS ,Carlsbad:,. California 92008 01"' 1.~ -oS'>. , . . ~ .' .'. Attenti;on:· .-Mr. Jerry l~: Rombotts, ,: '." -i. ~ . " .. ~ . ~ ~ ~ .. :4 :\ : .. ~ .' .. ~ . {. i .:.: .... :~. :.' "~"'r .~ .:. PAVEM~Nt DESIGN ";' .... '1. ';1 ;:t~~~~~A~:V~k~F~~~~XES UNIT NO. a ..... ". .. .' ..:.>::}] . . '. I\n .acco.rd:ance with yourreqt;.lest~, .\tle.· ha:V.e,,·:p<erforme~: tha'n$ces:~a;r'y, :s()1'l test~ .. :····· :'. '" . j "~. " ". ' : . .. ... ·and-have: made .a· pavement de:sj,gn for: three· ·s.tr~ets .. Q~fth·s·:,sj;JbJ!=ct"S'.tib·dtv.i:sfon:.~.·: .: .' .. :. f, ~ .' . '. Thes-e.· streets' aTe Cordoba., -N'eb.1 t,na· an'd' Refug.l'o·· .. St.ree'ts .. ~.· .'. .' .... ;:. '.;:; r <~ :.' ·~r;. S~nlpl~e·s:b;:f ~he subgrade: ma~e.r'ial~~ .we:r~;ob.t~:i:~e·d: 'by' ~~.f,·f$ld~~e:chnj·,c:~~a~:; ·and·;·~·::,··· ... :-:'··:F:J { ..... : ~:.; R~v.a lue-s, were, "pe.rfor.m.~.d.:on. the. s.amples: t(n:. a'ccordam:e:' w.:itn·. 'tlte: Sta¢-e, ·:o·r.··Ca H'f,th':n:1~:' ' ... :' ' .. ;'r: .. Standards,. The' resu:l ts' of the'R-v~hre .. te$ts':a:re ·:a:tta.d~ed, •. The" tes·t··r~s;lHt,s .. , ;.,:~ :,,; ~: .. :. .' . .ind:i.tate. R-values' rari·gin;g. fh;lm,lO to' 12 '~nd a. qe.s:i'~mv~lue·q.:f·· U· W~:s:·.~~];~cte,d;.·.· ... c· ...• ~ .'.". .:' .,: : Trafffc. .tndices· we-re suppl ted" us;· .. by-yoU,· tn' YO.ur..'Tett$t ,Off, Jumr' 25:':~: 1'~,7;4 ... ~ ... :;: ',.,:: .. : '.'>:1 .. ;.~ ... :.:... ' •. ' ::' .-,' • .... '., ~.' "'~ . ",'. " '., _:'" :"'.: " •. ' ~".' ,_ ':.', :.,:',' • '. r_,_ •••• : •••. .'.~ :"> ... . '< Based, 00" ,theres:ults of;·labd.ratory., .te:s·ts·. :a-rrd' :·Q.Urca]:tu1:.a.ti'oo.s·,<tt: ;:$" .re:coinmende·d:~:"J·:'-. :} .: .... ';":.: :.:. th~t:the: fo.llowi ng' .p.a;.~emen:t .~·ettion;~ :b~,;,us·ed;'9n.t.fle5'.i:d)dec:t':·~'tree:~s,~.:: .: .... :.; ....... :'.:: :.: "':' .. :1 .>: .; ;, '< . : ; .', ". ...... . '. ' . ." .' . . : ....... ,.... .:".: >. .' ...... :<,:'-. . '. . . j .' " . .' . '" 'Cordoba' and' NebJ-ina-< Streets:'':''' Traf'fi.c Ihdex· 5.5,.:' .... :: .. ; '"'' c" ' • .: :':,'. :::': '. i ,. ". .~ . ' . . . '. _. "~:"'''"' :'-~'-,'~ 2.-1I2· tnches asptialt·. coriC;t'e:l;~:·:~.v:er J2 'to.cHe,s; ·ctas~· ... Ij.T ... .... :; base mater-tal. .:'~: .' ',:. " " .:.-..... ~ .. :. <-:>,<~~<:' ...... ;~.;:: ...... >.J Refug1'oStre-e( -: ~rra.~f: c"·lh.d~;x~· ~.~5;~. '.' ..... :,.>,: .":.... . "". ':: .: '. '. c. :.::: -,,:.: .:-:.:1 2 'i:nch'es .aspha'.H~:::coti~\~'~!te. 'over 9 ·.;;nch~s. C'l a$'s-~lll:':' . ·..···;t ·ba·s,e :materia l., ... ,. . '.".. . , . ',.' .. '. " , . 'l . . . . . .... . : .. . . , ·.f .'. '-'. \' ...... -. f; ." . "':.' " '.. . .It, 1;5: .re~C:)mmen:det;f:.: thaLthe" .a·s·pb-ad>t cQ:F)'c;neit:¢;'C!.'p,cl·. bil:s:~.:·inat~rj;,aj."·ctinTo~m·:to: :;...:. >. '. :.:'.:> '.':" ..' ... i . : ::. . the folTow,in9 .. :' spe!cifi:Ga:t.i'~n'S'::::: . ...' , :' ... '. . '.~:.. . .... : ,. ...:. .. . '.'; . : ~ \'.' .' \' .... , '" rJ),l) X+).,.lh.j)~ __ .·~_· ...... ~., ......... ____ ,··' ,,-•• '. I. " " " - , " . -'", .. ',:' . .. ' ,.' . " : . ~~?i~ ., , ~.. ..:~ " -. -; . ".: ' ~] .. . . , •. ! . '"" '~-' .~.,.:"" ',' ·3 ~. '. .' •• ' • l' .... ~ " ',' . ,F; .. ' .. :~ :'/:: ':: .. ~ . . . . '. ~ ,. -. '... ., .~.... ." ~ """-'" ,,', . ... . -. ~ Kam~r. Const.ructi on Cc.aany, Inc. ProJect No o' 72.-102-4 ., JLily '5" 197'4 . (a) Asphalt concrete surfacing shall constst'Qf: hot mixed' a:sphalt concrete prepared from liquid·,paving·grade. asphalt (Sta.te . of Cali forni a Standard Speci ficatio.n 3:9-2,~,01, 1971): and, Type B aggregate (State. of Cal ifornia Standard' Sped·fi'·c:at;ion· ~g:"2·.04:" 1971).' ., ' .. ' ... .'. . . --, (b:) ,Aggregate' bas'e shall consi stof C] 0.:$,5 ' Illaggre:g~:te 'base '. ..' ••.• <\~~~~'~i~e~meo: S:: :: ::~i:;~n;:r S:::::n:r:::::::: ::::::c;r~:::=~~".;;.. ..' . . ': .... ·~u~;~:raq~'.s'otls s·houl d' b.e scari fi·ed" watered or driedia's neCe$'SiH·:'y·and':·t~«(t~~~~l9;ted: ~! , ':., to, :a.t" ,leaS't"'95% .of the maxijllum dry density ·~s, determine'dp:y· the: test" .metodd>· .".'~ , :',' .. ; " ", ASTM 0',..15"5'7-7-0. ,..... .: .. " ' : " . "c, "," .~ l~ • ", "', .. " ." I.f' .yq'lt':frave.'a,ny quest·ions. c~~cerni:ng the' ab~ve>recommend~ttonS':~ pleas~, C~11i' .. ' O"r':wri:te:at:· your'co.nven i· ence .• , ' '.., :-',' . :~ ". .' " ~, . WOODWARD .. GIZIENSKI &' ASSOCIAT~S. ". ". ::-:' .. ,' ' r-, ' '" , • ,,=.-;... ,~. , .'.' . .' " '(2o) " '~amar' CQr.lstructi"on. Company" Inc-•. . ' " .,". ,(21 :" ,ctty of C"arls:bad' ' . '. ~ . i, ... : ,: . .,:, ' , .' A-ttac'hments:: :",' . , ~ .', ' '-• ' '" • • 'r·' ., '~~~-'-.l I • ':: : -~ • ' '. • I :. :t·",·, . < '-, " '.~ ~"', ~ , -.,' ,'. . "'" ".,.' , "'." ':,: .. '. . ','.' '. ',~ . . ~ " . .. ," " . ,~. .','" ., . -',' .', -",',. ... ..... ; .... ~ .. ;:,. ~, : '. :" : . . . . . ',;, . ,,- . , .', ., " ." " . . ~. . ,:.-.... ". " :-',,~.: .,. ': '\ .. f:;: : ~.". ',-, o ~ ..... :. . . .'< ,"-, " ",:, " ' '. '~ . :; /~ ,.' " .. ,' . ~ ," ;., .' : ,~. , . , " " ' . . " -,.;, ", \ " ~ ~_ • . I . '. ~ ::., . .,', ",' • .' ~ o· --.-.'.,' , .-\ :, '-.-./ .... , ' ,. " , '''~ . " " : :'. .:.. ~. " . " . i . .' -.' '-: ' .... '~~: . -' -o' " -.. ' ~ .. ~ -,,- f,' .,:~ . :;. -" ;' , .', "'.', ".j ,:' . " " .l , , , , , ." --. ".-,' .' ", :-:":':. " . '. ,~,-: i " , . , . -~' '; . . :. .~ , .. -. " : ,.~-, ---._-' ", ,.', • ~, ' • ..-.... "f --.. --------~' .. '~' " --" .,.~ •. :~ '. """~ ~' ','eta TESTING ENG'INEERS,INCORPORAT-ED' OAK~ANb: ~ANrA C,~R.~, ' lOS AN.GElES , ' • r, " 34,67 KURn ST •• , P;O. BOX 809'85. SAN-DIEGO. ~A 92l.38 (;714) 2~~M18S, ", :SA~: ,DIEGo", ' Mi:1;y :9;; , 1:9,74" .JOB; DATA:' ";;rob ~No. ,72-102: .. 4, File, No,. 507' .. Lag~~g "Riv,iera, 8 SAMPt;£:~A:r-A: ..sIN, '-ifT R;~fugid Ayert~e' 4: t, E,~$t " of' L. op'pqsite :~"tt, 258'" ,snhn,'iiJ:.tcec1.:' :t;o'th:e,:,' la1?,()rc:j.torton'.'Ma:~ ,$';,' ,19]'4., ::, " ' -', ... .woodwat:d~Gtz,ien~ki and Assoc;fates : ';,346}<~~:i:'~~ '-S:trl?,et:" :'" ,~ . - . ' . .. . .. ':;. .". " : :"'San-Diegci:~', G~,l:i:J:b1!nia, S!£v~:'" , '5.1'2£,:'; : .. -•• J • .' :' -. ~ ::,~,,-, : . . ... t.~ .< '.',', ", ".j , ' ~ , .. ":" '" " 'r '--", -,:.,sq.,-,',:;:":':' " .' .-~ , ~. :~. < ~ • . " ...... PERCENi:-.·, ',pi~SING' AS,R,CVD.' "C', AS'USED ,", : -'=, :: .. ~~/' '''' " .~. r~.· . ,' . " . "/ .. ~, ... ~ ',.' , ": ;";"';"'-""--",-" , " .; .- .', \ . . ' " , . ", -.' , .', ' ~. ',,' :', ;-. !~', "".'; "_. '·~i·.~'-: -~'."':I~ ,,:' ~'~1~:~~:('~':' _::L~'$.:3.~·~~7~·:;~'., :~t·:S~~5~',' . :{'. ~~_ ." ~ ,'; ~ '.:, DENSIT,Y .~#-)ctJ~, l;-~'( " ~' ,:,~, ; '~D:~:~"";~ ;'J;l8.'~:~~:'::)~~k:~;:·::; ~;' ::«;~c., ,: ,;' : .. ' .. ,', , R~V~C~~<: ~;~~,~o~~i~:~;,~:; ;';;' :, ~::. ;':, ,~: "::6: ~;: ',:: 'I~'~:'::"'~,~,:';,<: ~;,(: ~i:i;'~~;:::: ',::',:" ~':::::~::-',I> ~.," <, ~X~D; .. ,PRESS,t1;£; •. P)SJ.,~:' '"'' .' '. ;;,; 14d:" ,: ~_::' 64'&',"':: !:;'.2:9 o;:::,~:,,:,'" ~'-::,:' :,,~ <':,\ ,< :(t~,:,: __ ,',. , " .' ,T ,~ ~ •• , ,~.' " ' ., " ~." .' . \" ,-' :1,(,):::43;:' :-:·,::,o:~67·, ::io~:6.b{;: :;.'::'>,:::::, :,' i!<,.=;,'",;".,:,', : ';_' '.~~"" 'I ... ", ", ,~:, ~ __ ' :', ," ",~" _"'~ w" " ,'_' , "', ", '.',,,' "" .,' 'Z'-,:::I, ,"B,Y·'S"'A~' "@' ,390A?S,f •. '£x;)o:, '::;:;" ' ,', .' ;:[!': ~,~Y;~~~N~~q~ P,R.~u:~l~,~::·:: ::', '. < -.', ", "-". -~ ." • ~ , • ,_.-,:';',l :.... ~ i -.~. '" ,., ' -"~ , , ,. -- ;-, , " " . , ''';: e, . .' ~ " ' . " ., _<_~:, • : , SANO .. :Eqt:lW')tl':~N:r.':=.. ,.;-. c· " ,;:':~:" , .. ,' ,:-j;~'>" "'~ -::.-.,,-': . .-:,', ,~ '~:', ,<,:', :," "'c ",;,.-':'::, biJfi~~!'Uf~"(:C'OARS~J:~~,:h, :':' :'"," :,-:' ;." ":':';':'ci~'~ ,i': ,:(rJ~l,~;{,r;.i+i;:~~":,-::;~,:"':'· !'~"~:<y. :::~ ;.\:,::', .,~ ,. DU. •• !~dvli!Wjl~~." •. <" .. i,~:, : "~ •. ~'"~"~~:':";':,'.),» " , ,,' "',,,' P 'I"" ': .... ' , "c~;::,::~, .' ,'" .. ',' '," ..... ~' .. ' .. , ' " ~,' ,', ".':': ", ;::,':.r t, ,'I :"""': <, :-::;,: .. '-;~:," ,.'c',' ", ",;~.,:,,~,., " " . . ~ . " '~'~~ARI(S:'.' '," ",' " ", : ,,' " , ~'q' '~' -:, " ,~·',~o~dwar.d':: Gd:Z:l;~hs'kt; 'and:~~SiS~C~i;"'~;t-eS_,o:",~,~' ~,' , . . .; ~ . • " ~. > ... ~ > ,"" ,~ ~~ /', .. ,::',' ~"'::"'"~'~'" ~ '.';,- '. ,I', ..... , ..... ~" ./ . -.... .. . , . ,'. ,.' • •• --TESTING ENGJ:NEERS, INCO.RPQ'RA·JED;· 3467 :KURTZ ST~. P.O. BOX 80985;. 'SAN OtEGO. CA..921::38. (714) 222~,1.185· I·· ·O,..TE M~y ·9,. "l974 ,. ' .. SAN.,fRANtISCq .CAKlI\NQ· , SANTA CLARA , .' ... lO$· ANGEtES~ SAN DIEGO "" .. .JOB DATA:. 'Job,. :Nh. 72 .. -102-4, File No .. 507 La'fWIia Riv~ra' 8 SAMPLE? DAT.,A:~ S/R"1f2 C'or,doba.' P~a:c.e '. on t, opposite, Lot' 246~ ·su.bm~.te·~d; t:q.:the. Woodward-Gizieris'kf' a.nd· Associ:ates, 34.67' Kurtz Stre,et' . Ia:b6ra.1:orY on May' 3:,. 1974.: . ,:" . <'~ :Sati.Diego ·Ca.1ifornia·., , ,.'.... .,' ~. . . . . " ", v. ' ,"~.::{5 .,.' / ~ SJEvE:.c . 5th:" ' .. ~,~,:.' .. ">' ,', ,", "c'-' .-- . 'PERCENT.·' ,PASSING" ""'.: As"RcYD. As USED. ,' .. .~, • f. ~ .. ' ... " . .~ .r:- " ... ~ ;. w..:" ..... ' '." ~ .. ' . ..... ".:. ;"""'---..,....,. --- .', -'c",' .... , .. :.: #8. .' . <: ; , ,:. i' •• '. , . -.' .'THC::rn.k .. .. ". :' '",. COMPACT-OR" PRESS • 'P':-S~J~ , ; ':.1' ·1'$···· .'120" 150.,.'.;':': .. ' ' .. ' '.' : i : . .-:-~t~·()··; t i5:.;·~: ;'.:; .. t5:~.n/.::;~;~~· ;,.;'/ .: ' . '. ~.~ ' . " :. -: / ~. '. "'10:9:.1: . .1~i3; •. 't : '1'1:5:.5;'.' " -,,', ,J..... »~ . ~ .. '. '," : '. < ,'.'-. ".r' .' , : -'.' ," -:: ---.. ,-~'~ - STAB •. Tt'u.CK. FEET : -!-',. " ' ,'-. " O.~~7'··.: -. 1 ' -~. 't-d~,63 .. '; ,.': ; ·'Qi3.~; ,.':~ : i~·;t:;·:···'·;·":·;: f:;;' :>:'~ •.. ,"; .' C .. · ... . , . .:'.' .. , , , .t-- .... ,' ' .. AT; EQUI1.IBRIUM, -:::. ",' '''. ' , , ,; ,~ . -". -'-- ,"," ::, . --'" '. ':,. ~,~:->,:' ,'')0,. <~>':." ' . -, ., .' ·:/.':··:·~:,:".:::~};f:,i;: ... _:.:: ~ , .~ ~, , ' : '-' .••. 0,: . .,.:'::-..... --..,.,.," ;,,·)~'~~'~fi-~!~;T"~::.~:;··:: ~:''''''::'';';'-,;''':::''''.;.':'''.:-.. .....:'''''''''''' * ..• J,----..-:----.:;...;;.,-~--...,.----...,:;.;..-+'-....",..;;:.:.;. ----.~. ~~.~ ~::~ .... "',' " .. ." .. , "'''iO-'''';''-.. -......... :.' :--, '1".L.A$:tIC:·:.J.;i~l:r:':~i··"::·i .'., .,;,,:--""..,--' ....... ..:,,;.,.. .. --.. ' . ..,..,..;..~ • -,,--_. ~ ~ _. -'-'.-'",. ,.' ._,-, -"".'.< -"'" -, ~;. " " .. Pi ·;I~."~: '; >' ;' ': : -' ' '\:: .::}, " Jo,' '-:: #,-- .' . ~'.: --: -"', .~. • ~< • . " ' .. ';' '" ' " , , ! ' ... . -:- , ,I"ORM,tS:"!, SAN, FRANCrSCO, c' TESTING ENG,IN:EERS; IN,CORPORATED" ... :OAKLAND' SANTA ClARA, ids: ANGE~E~' c, " SAN' ,D.lEGO' 3467 KURTZ ST •• P.O. BO~ 80985. S~N' DIEGO., C~ 921:38'. 't714')'22~;U8!5 ·1· , ", . LABORATORY: NUMBER 'SD29-1662. JOB PATA:: . Job. ~b.' 72-102-4, File No. 507. Laguna Ri vi.era 8·. ':Woodward: .. (HZ'ienski and: 1\ssocia·tes 3467 K~~tz: S,t~eet· S~rt, })iego, ~' C<ilJif.orni~ • c _ ' .GRADING.ANALYSIS. $AMPL.EDATA: SIN ifo3" 'Nebli~a Pl;.iiv:e!·. 6t .N}· of t 0pp~s'ft,e' ~ot 2:31 ~·,·s-qbmtt,ted: :to:·, th~·. ',,: laboratory on May' 3';.,1974~:·' . ~.: ," ~,I£Yf! "'.' ·SiZE, 'PERCENT As. Rcyo; , . PASSING'. 'AS'USED . COMPACTOR' P.RESS .' .p..s;r:, . .,.. ~ .. MOIST' @', COMPACTION .• %" .' .. : • ". "'~' " • ...,1 .... ,J. , ,. OENSITY ~ #/Cu., FT .. , -.. '. " ',,:," .~07~~;":~l'2,.;Q~: :.,':;li~,~:#: .. ;":" :".'::< t: . ~ , -. '" . ~ " ~ , '. "16,"'::' '.', :'.~, :. . • ~ ! , "~ ,', , , " 1 ~ ---:,. , ." . -. . ~ 2:QO~;.q~ ~·OO"·.:; ::::. 4~~ Pi".,: : ,:) . ," :;. ,: . -, '. : ~ , . \ •• _~_4' :. • • ." A ,. . ~ -', - , .-~ . ~-'~'!" EXPAN .. PRESS.-T!:frCK4~F££~~ ," -~-:, < , .' (Ji~3i,"Q~.50,::'<, . :9,.'8:3,' .... : L", ;:,: . .',':,',<. ~:, ~:> , , ,,'. ',' " T. t. (':ASSI:JM.ED·),: =' , ' ",:': . > ,', -', - , ; . .'~, :~ ..... '/ ",! ~ , ---.).','" :., ..... -< : ~ , , .. _ ~, i'" .. .", ..... ---.~, -'-, ' .'" , (,.' .. ~"'-' -': -; -,' '-'.-::; .'." ... -.. ', • < : _.' :l •• " -':" -" , 'SANO' EQIJI,VALEfI<T' ,=. ,"',' "-;, .' " <."',. ,~~ , ,- "'. lti.t~RKS:r . :, , '. '. " . ('1):.', ',~~~dwa;td:-GiZfen~ki', and. A~'so~i~a1::es"', ). , -... ~ .'. ',' .', . -" ,; . ~ " : ,'. .' . ',:' '''.;0'''':'''' ._.' ''' .. ' ,. -';..,-. - . . e· e. l. f!US $ ·2 .. P4Al ~?S~,e.~~D ~~~~~A~~N K'~G'~EE!'~DOG~!~!'~ .,j. I?/~,. . 0F73~S:m' 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego California 92110 (714) 224·2911 An ,,"'Uat, of WoodwoNl-elyd, e"""",~,, ~ d October 24, 1974 Project No. 72-102-4 Kamar Construction Company P.O. Box 71 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Jerry Rombotis LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT NO. 8 STREET SUBGRADE COMPACTION TEST RESULTS CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA RECEIVED OCT 2 9 1974 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department Attached are the results of field density tests taken at the subject project at the request and under the direction of Mr. Russ Morrison, Public Works Inspector, on the date indicated and at the· locations . given. These tests represent the relative compaction and water contents at the locations tested. Opinions as to the relative compaction, water content or suitability of the fill in areas not tested will be expressed by us only where we have observed the placement of such fill, and have satisfied ourselves that construction procedures followed in other areas are repre- sented by the areas tested. . WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES /"IJ)mes L. Henry, ProJect ~per'ti·s.or V' / ) L~ JLH/EHP/en c:r{)"OS Attachment (5) Kamar Construction Company (2) City of Carlsbad Engineering Department r :. .,. 'OMPA~TION TEST RESULTS • ~ . JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA DATE REPORTED 10./24/74 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 (STREETS) , OATES COVERED October 22 and 23, 1974 PAGE, 1 OF 1 MOlllTURIt I"IEL.O LABORATORY" ,RE,LATIVE DAYE nUT RETEST LOCATION ELEVATION CONTENT DENSITY DItN.ITY COMPACTION NI,JMBER OF O/"TEST % DRYWT. PCI' reI" % O~ L1!-B. DEN~. Subg.rade OCT. 22 S-51 REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 259 II 11. 1 120.0 125.5 95.5 13' FR FC !T S-52 REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 253 15 1 FR FC II ' 6.9 '114.1 121.5 93.9 5-53' REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 247 " la' FR FC II 7.5 114.5 125.5, 91.,2 -: .$-54 • Of OCT. 23 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 235 1 10' FR FC II 12.3 ' 124~. 7 125.5 99.2' " 5-55 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 232 OVER SEWER MAIN " 8.7 ' 118.2 1.24.0 95.5 '$-56 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 245 10' FR FC II 11.7 l20.8 125.5 96.6 S-57 CORDOBA PLACE OPP. LOT 247 10' FR FC II 9;9 110.8 '21. 5'. 91.0 S-58 CORDOBA PLACE OPP. LOT 247 10 1 FR FC II 10.5 109.4 12'1.5 90.0 WOODWARD· GIZIENSK.I 8. ASSOCI-AlES CONSULTING SOI~ AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS , . 'OMPA~TION TEST RESULTS. .. . JOB NAME LAGUNA RIVIERA ", DATE REPORTED 10/24/74 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 (STREETS) DA"f.ES COVERED October 22 and 23, 1974 'PAGE 1 OF 1 MOUITURE I'IEL.D '!.ADORA-TORY , RI!:L.AT.IVE DATE TEST RETEST L.OCA-TION EL.EVATION CONTENT DENSITY DENSITY COMPACTIPN NUMBER OF OF TEST '!It DItY'NT. PCI' PCI' %' OF !.AS. DEN •• Sulrg'ra'cie OCT. 22 S-51 REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 259 II 11.1 120.0 125.5 95.5 13 1 FR FC ~~ S-52 REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 253 15 1 FR FC II '6.9 ." 4. 1. 121.5 93.9 S-53' REFUGIO AVE. OPP. LOT 247 10 1 FR FC II 7.5 114.5 125.5 91.2' , , . OCT..' 23 S-54 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 235 10 1 FR FC II 12.3 12.4.7 125.5 99.2 S-55 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 232 OVER SEWER MAIN II '8.7 118.2 124.0 95.5 S-56 NEBINA DRIVE OPP. LOT 245 10 1 FR FC II 11.1 120.8 125.5 96.6 s-51 CORDOBA PLACE OPP. LOT 247 10 1 FR FC II 9.9 110.8 121.5 91.0 S-58 CORDOBA PLACE OPP. LOT 247 10 1 FR FC II 10.5 109.4 121 ~ 5 90.0 .~ . ..-.. -.~ ... " WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI' & ASSOCI.ATES CONSULTING SOI~ ANO fOUNOAT)ON ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS . , e . WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIl.: AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS' 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego California 92110 (714) 224·2911 An affiliate of Woodward -Clyde Consultants November 4, 1974 Project No. 72-102-4 Kamar Construction Company P. O. Box 71 Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Jerry Rombotis RECEIVED NOV 6 1974 CITY OF CARLSC~O' iriSi.D.eering Pepattl11~l1t Attached are the results of field density tests taken at the subject p.roject at the request and under the direction of Mr. Russ Morrison, Public WorkS Inspector, on the date and at the locations given. Also attached are the results of a laboratory test performed on a sample of the material used for fill. . These tests represent the relative compaction and water contents at the locations tested. Opinions as to the relative compaction~ water content or suitability of the fill in areas not tested will be expressed by us only where we have observed the placement of such fill, and have satisfied our- selves that construction procedures followed in other areas are represented by the areas tested. WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES JLH/EHP/en Attachment (5) Kamar Construction Company (2) City of Carlsbad.....- / " e,MPACTION TEST RESULT •. JOB NA~E LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 8 JOB NUMBER 72-102-4 " (STREET BASE) OATES COVERED 0'ctober31, 1974 DA'rE TlteT NUMBER OCT. 31 $-59 $-60 $-61 $-62 S-63 S-64 RETEST OF LOCATION REFUGIO AVENUE OPP LOT: 256, 20· E OF CTR. LINE 249, 81 W OF CTR. LINE 263, 10 1 E OF CTR. LINE CORDOBA PLACE OPP LOT 247 51 N OF CTR. LINE NEBLINA DRIVE OPP LOT 243, 10 1 E OF CTR. LINE 236, 10· W OF CTR. LJNE DATE REPORTED November 4, 1914 PAGE $-1 OF $-1 MOISTURIt FIELD UaORATORY RltLAT1VE' ELEVATION CONTENT DIENSITY DIENSITY COMPAcTION OF TEST .,. DRY W'r. PC" reI' % 01' LAS. D£HS. Top of Base 6.9 133.1 ·133.5 99·.8 1\ 6.9 139.0 133·.5 100+ II 6.9 138.9 . 133.5 100+ II 6.4 138.7· 133.5 100+ II 7.5 136.3 133.5 100+ II 7.5 143.8 133.5. 100+ WOODWARD· GIZI·ENSKI & AS.SOCIATES CONSULtiNG SOIL AND FOUNOAllON ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGIS1S .. ... . ) " MECHA.'f ICAl ANALYS I S 100 3 4. II-iO IW 200 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA Dry Density, pcf 80 ~ z <. Initial Water ,Content. % -~ 60 « , ~ Final Water Content. % I-" ffi 110 " ')3: Apparent Cohesion. psf <.> 0: w Apparent Friction Angle. " Q.. 20 0 I I I I ' I J 'I 1 111-0 1000 100 10 1.0 '0.1 0.01 0.001 \ 1\ VZER,O A I R VO lOS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS \ \-ICOBBLESIGRAVEL'! SAH[ ISILT & CLAY] V1 \ clf clm f \ V1 ~2.70 S.t. 130 )< \ PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS I \ ~2.60 S.G. i\ v2.50 S.G. ,Liquid Limit, % !V \ \ 1\ " Plasticity Index, ,'/0 - 1\ Classification by' Unified Soil \ \1\ Classification System -120 f\ \ \ \ 1\ f\ . ..- f\ \ \ 0 0- J-\ 1\ f\ SWELL TEST DATA :c: , \ ~ 110 W :;ll: \ 1\ f\ Initial Dry Density, pcf J--1\ \ Initial Water Content. % % :::> >-\ \ i\ Load, psf £r! Q 1\ 1\ Percent Swe II \ \ 1\ 100 \ r\. ~ r-.. SAMPLE LOCATION \\ i\ -\ ,).. 17 RefuQio Avenue - ~, ..... ~ . .. _ •. +"," . , 90 MAXIMUM, DRY 17 1\ , DENSITY. pcf 133.5 ~~ OPTIMUM MOISTURE ~~~ CONTENT. % 9.5 I\. ,-, '\.. ,"}.. 80 0 MOISTURE CONTENT, % " 1'\.1 10 20 30 w LABORATORY CQ\\P ACT ION TE: IT FILL SUITABILITY TESTS " LABORATORY COMPACTION , TEST METHOD: ASTM-D 1557-70 A LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 8 WOOD~<J,~RD - G I ZI ENSJ( I & ASSOC I ATES - CONSULTING SOl L AND FOUNDATION Jt31~EERS AND GEOLOGISTS . 'SAN DIEGO, CAL Iii OR. BY :1.._' S . 1 SCALE:-- -!PROJ.NO: 72-102-4 , CK'D BY, PH' i DATE: 11 / 4/~1 ipAGE 1 of 1 , , I :1 ,I 11 il , · !?'~'~~~~D G'~~~~A~~N K'~G'~'~!~DOG~!~!'~! An affiliate of Woodward -Clyde Consultants 3467 Kurtz !?trf;et San Diego California 92110 (714) 224·2911 ' November 27, 1974 Project No. 74-102-35 City of Carlsbad -Engineering Department 1200 Elm Street _ Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Russ Morrison ,-. GRAND AND OAK AVENUES 2AND GARFIELD STREET "SUBGRADE COMPACTION TESTS RESULTS ,-.cARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA REC,EIVED NOV 2 9 1974 CITY Of CARLSBAD -, - Engineering _ ~epartment CT73-05 Attached are the results of field density tests taken at the subject project at your request and under your 'direction on the date indicated and at the locations given. These tests represent the relative compacti~n and, water- -,.contents at the 'locations tested. Opinions as to the relative compaction, --water content or suitability of,the fill in areas not tested will be expressed ,by us only where we have observed the placement of such fill, and have satis- .fi-ed ourselves that construction procedures followed in other areas are repre- , ~sented by the areas tested. ";;:J:WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES .. ..£~I". .. JLH/~HP/we ' ,'.Attachments 'g~ (2) City of Carlsbad Sully Miller Contracting _Zimmerman and Chandler Construction Company _--ttMPACTION TEST RESULTS. _-'OB NUMBER -~GRAND :ANDOAK AVENUES AND GARFIELD STREET 74-102-35 ", -j)ATE~ COVERED November 25, 1974 ,OATil: naT , ·NUMBER ,'NOV. 25 S-3 , 5-4 S-5 S-6, RETEST 01' S-3 1.0CATION -" OAK AVE. OPP. LOT 335, 10 1 N OF i -·GRAND AVE. STA. 2+20, 20' S OF t 'GARFIELD ST. STA. 1+15 ON i OAK AVE. OPP. LOT 335, 10 1 N OF i L . .o. Furnished by the City SUBGRADE II If II II MO.STURI: CONTENT 'II> OilY WT, 6.4 5.8 4.7 6.4 DATE REPORTED November', 21, 1974 'PAGE 1 -01" 1 I.ABORATORy IlEI.ATIVE DENS.TY COMPAcTION pcp % 0,. I.AB. DENS. **, .. ' ------~--- 121.2 133.2 91.0 132.9 133.2 99.4 126.7 133.2 95.0 133.5 133.2 100+ WOODWARD· GIZIENSK:I &' ASSOCIATES eONSULTINIl SOIL AND rOUNDATION lNGINr£IIS AND QEOLOGISTS 'OMPACTION TEST RESULT_ .. _..,', , JOB NAME JOB NUMBER GRAND AND OAK AVENUES AND GARFIELD STREET 74-102-35 DATES COVERED November 25, 1974 DATIl: NOV. 25 TIE&T NUMBER S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6. RETEST . OF S-3 I.OCATION OAK AVE. OPP. LOT 335, 10 1 N OF t GRAND AVE. STA. 2+20, 20 1 S OF It GARFIELD ST. STA. 1+15 ON t OAK AVE. OPP. LOT 335, 10 1 N OF t ** L.p. Furnished by the City SUBGRADE II If II II DATE RE.PORTED November' 27, 1974 MOISTURE CONTENT "" DRYWT • 6.4 5.8 4.7 6.4 'PAGE 1 .. 11E1.D DENSITY f'C.F 121.2 132.9 126.7 133.5 OF 1 I.A..ORATORY RELATIVIt DItN.ITY COMPACTION f'C.F % 0" LAB. OlEN •• **, 133.2 91.0 133.2 99.4 133.2 '95.0 . 133.2 100+ WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ~OIL AND fOUNDATlDN lNOINU!!S AND GEOLOGISTS -'~" lOMPACTION TEST RESULTS •. JOB I~Af./lE LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 8 JOB NUMBER 72--102-4 . (STREET BASE) DATES COVERED (Jctober 31, 1974 DATE OCT. 31 nST NUMBER $-59 $-60 $-61 $-62 $-63 $-64 RETEST OF LOCATION REFUGIO AVENUE OPP LOT: 256~ 20 1 E OF CTR. LINE 249, 81 W OF CTR. LINE 263~ 10' E OF CTR. LINE CORDOBA PLACE OPP LOT 247 51 N OF CTR. LINE NEBLINA DRIVE OPP LOT 243, 10' E OF CTR. LINE 236, 10' W OF CTR. LJNE MOllJTURE ELEVATION CONTENT OF TEST % DRY WT. Top of Base 6.9 II 6.9 II 6.9 II 6.4 ' II 7.5 II 7.5 DATE REPORTED November 4, 1974 PAGE S-1 Q~ S-1 P'IELO DENSITY PCP' 133.1 139.0 138.9 138.7 ' 136.3 143.8 LAISORATORY Re:LATIVE DENalTY COMPACTION pcp '10 OF LAoIl._ OEtJa. ' 133.5 ' 99.8 133.5 100+ 133.5 100+ 133.5 100+ 133.5 100+ 133.5, 100+ WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCI'ATES CONSUL lING SOIL AND fOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS . • --MECHAN I CAL ANALYS I S • ! 100 3 I q 10 110 ~oo DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA , . 80 Dry Density, pet C!:I % Initial Water Content. % en ~ 60 Q,. Final Water Content. % I- ffi40 Apparent Cohesion. psf <.> "" \J.J Apparent Friction Angle. c 0.. 20 0 I I I 1 J , ' " I 140 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 \ ~1 ~ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS , \-~BBLESIGRAVEL I SAM[ ISILT & CLAY I ~ \ f c I f c I m \ ~y2.70 S.(3. )( . 130 y2.60 S.G. PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS I \ r\,.--~2.50 S.G. 0 Liquid Limit, % '( \ 1\ Plasticity Index. % r\ Classification by' Unified Soil \ \' r\ , 120 Classification System I'... \ ,,\ . '+-\ ~ ~, u 1\ \ \ 0- 'f-\ 1\ f\ SWELL TEST DATA :c: l\. \ \ C!:I II\> Ui 3:: \ \ 1\ Initial Dry DensIty, pcf I--f\ \ Initial Water Content. % z , ::> ~ >-\ \ t\ load. psf 0:: Q 1"-1\ Percen t Swe 11 '\ 1\ 100 \ \ \ \ SAMPLE LOCATION \\ " \ \\ 17 Refugio Avenue 90 MAXIMUM DRY 17 f\ DENSITY. pcf 133.5 ~~ OPTIMUM MOISTURE r-..f\. f\: COHTEHT. % 9.5 r\. r\. I\. r\.' t\.'h MOISTURE CONTENT. % r-.. ~I 80 0 10 20 30 LKl LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS " LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST METHOD: ASTM-O 1557-70 A LAGUNA RIVIERA UNIT 8 WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCI ATES , CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA DR. BY:' L. S S.CALE: -- - IPROJ •. NO: 72-.102-4 . CK'O BY: dC( DATE: 11 /4/7 4 !PAGE 1 ~6f ;;=~ =..;. -= -: = '" !! 1 liifTiiil l1l 1 1JI 7000 REPORTS AND STUDIES' OOOl 1111111111111111 S310n.lS NOV SJ.HOd3H .- . . .• ' I , . _ ',> . Control #! ~5 '., URBAN SYSTBMASOCL4TES, INC. ,."..,.. nw.x: ........ ~.~~ C:OMlCc.TANJW 7U ~y NlD ~ TO: john Dobrott DEC 0 9 1998 pholt~N(;1INEERIt(e : • (94~fPff~;Mfl'('49) 2.60-1925. COMPANY: Gale q Wentworth California L.L.C. FROM: Sam P. lCab, II~ . ,- TOTAL PAGES: d:. DATE: No'Vember 30, 1 ~98 nUE: 3;00 PM TRANSMITTED VIA: Fax Er Mail SUBJECT: CARLSBAD CORPORATE CENTER (PREVIOUSLY CARLSBAD tOMMERCE PARt) 002297A As you requested, Urban Systems ASsociates, Inc., is providing.a trip generation comparison of the current planned uses to those assumed in the approved traffic study (dated September 3, 1997). Attachment 1 shows an excerpt from the approved project traffic study which. indudes 3,SS2 ADT for the site (444 KSF " 8 trips/KSF -3,552 ADT). Attachment 2 shows the revised site plan )Iou provided with the Federal Express site included, and building sizes for the remaining parcels. With the Federal E"press site assumed at 121,431 square feet, the project AOT wOLlld be apportioned as fonows~ Federal Express Remainder square footage Total 1Z1.437 KSF )( 8 trips(lCSF = 972 ADT 313.§16 KSF x 8 kipslKSF 1= 2.:;11 APT 435.253 KSF Total 3,483 ADT As tabulated above, with the Federal Express site, trip generation is expected to be within the trip generation assumed for this sit~ in the project traffic st~d'y. Therefore, no additional traffic impacts are expected, and. th~ site access 85 shown on the approved Slte Development plan would serve the revised site without the need for additional access driveways. please give me a call if you need additional information or have any questions. 1 A.:\CCC3Idislc 4<4" V,...APIW V" I ~ Rn.fn .'1rrm.: 1fJfi • .~N DJtGa. C1 92123-1573 • (619) 560-4911 • FIiX (6191 560-9734 ATTACHMENT 1 e- TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS for CARLSBAD COMMERCE PARK Prepared for FRANKLIN CROFT GROUP June 25, 1997 Revised -September 3, 1997 URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC. PLANNING & TRAFFIC ENGINEERING, MARKETING & PRO,JECT SUPPORT CONSULTANTS TO INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT 4540 Kearny Villa Road, Suite 106 San Diego, California 92123-1573 (619) 560-4911 Carlsbad Commerce Park Urban Systems Associates, Inc. • 1997 PROJECT TRIP GENERATION The Carlsbad Commerce Park is planned to consist of five separate industrial par,k type buildings totaling 444,000 square feet, as shown in the site plan in Figure 4. Using SANDAG's trip generation rate for this type of use, the project is expected to generate the following ,average daily and peak hour traffic. . A.M. P.M • USE AMOUNT TRIP RATE ADT IN OUT IN OUT Industrial Park 444,000 S.F. 8/KSF 3,552 512 I 57 .501 448 This amount of trip generation for this site was included in the City's 1992 Master Environmental Impact Report, which used the SANDAG/Carlsbad traffic model to evaluate traffic impacts. Table 3 shows the trip generation for the developable parcels within the traffic ,analysis zone (TAZ) of the Carlsbad traffic model that contains the project site. As shown in this table of comparison, the' trip generation from the existing and planned uses within this TAZ are less than assumed in the Carlsbad traffic model and therefore have been analyzed during review of the Carlsbad Master EIR. Figure 5 shows the assumed project trip directional distribution percentages into and out of the project site. These percentages are based on the inbound A.M. peak hour flow at the EI Camino 002297 11 CPARKPRT-1/CD-1 ~ I\) . . . .."-= '''1-1[ ..... .. ." ., ·e e , • ' ' 1'" . ' . ' . ; "" .. , ~ §QlJRCt: KMA: Architects FIGURE 4 SITE PLAN {/RBAN SYSTEMS CARlSBAD COAIMERCE PAl1/( NO SCALE (}022.97 ':,. 1/ i < ••••••••• ..... ~ e e ~--~ . -. . '. -• A /", ',. I I .1, ., CARLSBAI) CORPO~TE CENTER __ U!!Iii::::::J1 '0' ... PROJECT OATA ~... MlQw.(:AL_CIIIIIM .. lie CIa GMt I "'1I'wOllll" HH .... , .. ". III :III' ...... CA~ .. .... HI·,," ~®--. ..... WI.III",M A" .......... " lUI ..... ,., ..... "II. _.CA~" ... ~ ... ..... 0'.. .., •• WI'ONIJIt .... ' ..... MtllCrl CAIk_AD~'" ."'11" • tfillC' ."' .... "'c'· CMk"-~M. • ..,' ... DII'IIC' ICMOOI. .t-.cr· CAIk .... ~ .. eoioa .... e' ..... :::... A". ... ...... ,''''1i!II1OIII1 - .... , L" VII, 110 :"*O'AIID .. lOf MIA \ ... ' .... IIIU"OII. ___ A _ .. 'O,~ .. _. • ..... til' ,,00II..... .. .... " .U' ................ . ... "C" ., "OQIII MIa. _tal .. ~ .. -.'*-.. • .. ". ., .... 00II..... .. .... III ... _' ...... ' _ . .00 ,"I' 'I' ,,00II.. .. ... .. ............ --IN. ..... ' ...... ., LMeIIC»IO MI" ........ ' .. ", •• LANDICNIIO Ule" MIA Mou.!D ........ ., . -... =.:a1 ......0 ..... .. • .. ·1· .. ·1 . '"'' .,. I ......... :1 • ..... UfO •• " .... c:ooM .... 0.0 ... _ 01110'11 __ 01 ._0 COICIM'.M .... 'MIl'" ~OIII,.Aot IMAII 1ft, ... , ftIO'OIIl1011A'l to 1Il0lMl0 ..... Mfa '.alOt ..... 0If a cu. .......... A""'" .,..,,, ' .... 'e 01"".'10 ey , .. MOAe'l, • MIl" II, ••• .IN ~ • , .. N