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CT 73-18; Rancho Del Ponderosa Unit 3 Lots 132-238; Soils Report; 1976-07-08
. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCfENTlSTS WESTERN REGION 3467 KYm street San DIego caii,oma 92110 Phone 17141 224-2911 in JULY 8, 1976 Project No. 72-253 F Ponderosa Homes, Inc. 2082 Business Center Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, California 92664 _ ‘5 I ‘, -’ iiF. :- ‘: c r .y, ?- - ._ -- Attention: Mr. Terry Teeple RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT NO. 3 LOTS 132 THROUGH 238 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA C-i-7? -1s In accordance with your request and our proposal dated April 1, 1976, we have provided soil engineering services in conjunction with the grading pf the sub- ject site. The services included: s< (1) Engineering observation of the'grading operation. (2) Observation of the excavation of loose surface yand alluvial soil prior to placing new fill. (3) Observation of the removal of potentially expansive soil from within the top two feet of rough lot grade and replacing it with nonexpansive material. (6 (5 ) Taking field density tests in the fill placed and cor!pacted. ) Performing laboratory tests on representative samples of the material used for fill. Site preparation, compaction, and testing were done between April 12 and June 25, 1976 in accordance with the "Specifications for Controlled Fill" in our report entitled "Soil Investigation for the Proposed Ranch0 De1 Ponderosa Development, Wiegand Property San Diego County, California," dated September 12, 1973. GENERAL SITE GRADING Fill placed during this phase of grading was compacted and tested on Lots 132 through 142, 145, 147 throuqh 200, 202, 214 through 228 and 235, 237 and 238. Prior-fill i;;as piaced, compacted,.and tested as an offsite fill-on Lots 149 through 162, 174, 178 through 181 and 187 in coniunction with the grading of Unit No. 1. Prior to placing design fill, alluvial soils were excavated and re- compacted on Lots 159 through 163, 182, 185, 186, 187, 222, 223 and 235. s1010.21.6Ll Fcpdergs? How: , Inc. pr?ject No. 72-253 F ._ July 8, 1976 'age 2 As the site grading progressed, the compaction procedures were observed, and field density tests were made to determine the relative compaction of the fill in place. Field observations and field density test results indicate that the fill has been compacted to 90% or more of maximum laboratory density. The approximate locations of field density tests and the limits of compa:tpd fill have been recorded on a copy of the grading plan for reference. The results of field density tests and of relative compaction, expressed as a percent of maximum laboratory density, are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests to determine moisture-density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, plasticity characterisitcs, and strength and swell characteristics were performed on representative samples of the material used for fill. The results of laboratory tests are given on the attached forms. SLOPE INFORMATION Cut slopes wereinspected for faults, landslides, adverse joint and fracture patterns, or other indications of structural conditions which might affect the long term stability of the slopes. On June 22, 1976, an engineering geologist from our firm inspected cut slopes on the subject units. The inspection revealed that, as anticipated and so reported in our preliminary engineering geology and fault study, the Eocene age$iediments ex- posed on slopes in the subject units are generally horizontally stra'tified sand- stones with a few interbedded sandstone beds, and locally moderate crossbedding attitudes (5-10 degrees). The inspection further revealed that the fault zone described in the report of November 23, 1973 by idoodv;ard - Gizienski and Associates does not traverse Unit 3, although several zones of jointing and minor shear, probably reiated to that fault, are exposed in slopes in the area of lots 220- 224, Our inspection revealed no landslides, adverse joint and fracture patterns, or other indications of structural conditions bdhich might affect the stability of the cut slopes c,r the subject units. burino the grading operation certain lots were spec!all) treated to provide a speciiied dep:;, of selected soii at rough grade. FILL LOTS Laboratory tests and visual inspection indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within two feet of rough grade on all fill lots noted herein. On Lots 145, 198, 199, 200, and 224 through 22E potentially expansive soil was excavated and re- placed with nonexpansive fill to a depth of two feet below rough lot grade and within the limits of the entire level lot. - Rough lot grade is defined as that grade set in the field by the grade checker frcm reference stakes established by the surveyor, and represents rough grade at the time b/e were inspecting th, 0 removal and replacement of expansive soils. Like- wise. the ierjths of undercutting of expansive soil and/or depths of placement of nonexpansii,e ioil were in accoroance with saastirements made by and grades set by the contrirtcr's grade checker. !WDDIViRD-CLYDE CONSULlfiNTS pO~!T;erosa 537ies , Inc. .pr(ject Lo. 72-253 F t, July 8, 1976 page 3 CUT LOTS A visual inspection of cut Lots 143, 144, 146 201 through 213 and 229 through 234 and lot 236'at completion of grading indicated that potentially expansive soil is not evident at rough grade surface. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS i (1) Foundations for single or two-story residential structures placed on noti- expansive undisturbed so11 or nonexpansive properly compacted fill may bedesigned for a bearing pressures of 2,000 psf and 4,000 psf (dead plus live loads) at a depth of 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot grade respectively. Soil bearing pressures of 2,500 and 5,000 psf are recommended for fill and un- disturbed natural sandstone respectively at a depth of 18 inches. All footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. These pressures may be increased by one-third for loads that include wind or seismic forces. (2) Structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as foun- dations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) should not be located within 5 feet of the top of a slope. Footings located closer than 5 feet from the top of a slope should be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footing is 5 feet horizontally from the outside face of the slope. LIMITATIONS 4 Ke elevations of compaction tests shown as finished grade (FG) tes& correspond to the elevations shown on the grading plans for "Grading Tract 73-18 (Ranch0 De1 Ponderosa Unit No. 3) dated January 16,1976, prepared by Rick Engineering Company, San Diego, California. Elevations and locations shown in this report are based on field surveys established b-y others. This report covers the fiil placed under our observation,during the dates spe- cified herein. fiddititional fill placed after these dates, as well as the back- fill in utiT<ty trenches located within 5 feet of a building and greater than 12 inches deep, or any trench 5 feet or more from a building and in excess of 5 feet in depth., should be cc,zpacted under the observation of this office and tested to assure compliance \c<th the earthwork specifications forthe project.' This office shsulc‘ be cants-+ -.,ed at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. Utility service trenches x<thin 5 feet of a btiildina that are perpendicular to the builci<nc footings and are less than 12 inches wide and less than 3 feet deep are not subject to this recommendation. The inspections of foundation preparation, types of materials and soil placement and compaction, as well as tests of compaction made during the period of our services on the subject site , were in accordance with the local acceptable stan- dards for this period. The conclusions or opinions drawn from the tests and site insoections apply only to our work with respect to grading, and represent con- ditions at the date of our final inspection. ;;age 4 We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, or by uncontrolled action of water, or by failure of others to properly repair damages caused by uncontrolled action of water. UOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS JEC/JLH/EHP/rt (2) Ponderosa Homes - It-vine (4) Ponderosa Homes - San Diego (1) Rick Engineering Company Attachments . ;, k'~OOO\+'kRD~CLYDE CONSULTANTS LO.*YL.IhI I.rl..L.,. n,OiYol,,* A** *."."Yl..v.l.i .<1rw11.7s ’ CC)!I!?AC-~ION TEST RESULTS ‘. iDI3 NAML RAKCHO DEL POIiDEROSA I;klT 3 CITE RCPDRTLD 7-8-76 JOB N"Msha 72-253 D*TEScoVERED NOV 26 through JUKE 23, 1976 PAGE 1 OF 13 NOV 26 DEC 1 DEC 2 CEC 5 DEC 8 17 1; 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2; 2 ?, i" 3: 32 33 34 ?K 3i 37 3E 3s 40 41 42 LOT 155 120' 155 123' 155 126' 155 128' 155 128' 155 154 LOT 155 155 153 155 155 154 152 155 155 LOT 178 15i 155 153 178 155 155 152 LOT 17e 155 155 154 178 1’:; 152 i51' LOT 179 154' 155 154' 155 154' 154 151 178 155 155 153 159 131' 131' 12.3 110.7 13.0 110.7 12.3 115.7 11.7 111.1 11.7 112.2 11.1 112.9 13.0 113.8 134' 11.7 134' 11.7 134' 11.7 137' 11.7 137' 11.7 137' 11.7 140' 11.7 140' 12.3 140' 12.3 140' 143' 143' 143 146' 146' 146' 146' 13.0 12.3 1Y.Y 13:o 11.1 13.0 11.7 54' j5 ' 56' z 56' 111.8 112.3 115.2 112.1 113.0 113.0 110.0 111.8 110.0 111.0: 111.7 113.3 111.8 113.0 112.2 111.7 114.8 11.1 111.8 12.3 106.6 12.3 107.0 14.9 104.1 13.0 105.4 11.7 109.0 13.0 107.3 12.3 107.4 14.3 105.7 i3.0 104.9 12.3 106.5 13.0 105.6 11.7 109.0 11.1 110.1 12.3 110.7 14.3 107.3 12.3 106.5 15.6 105.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 ,122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 11 5.0 11 11 ::i 1; ::i 11 5.0 90.6 90.6 94.6 91.1 92.0 92.5 93.2 91.5 92.1 94.4 91.9 92.6 92.6 90.2 91.5 90.2 91.0 91.4 92.8 91.5 92.6 92.0 91.4 94.0 91.5 92.6 93.1 90.4 91.6 94.8 93.2 93.3 91.9 91.2 92.6 91.7 94.9 95.6 96.3 93.4 92.5 91.4 . COhlPACTlON TEST RESULTS JOB NANE RANCH0 DEL PON3EROSA UNI-T 3 OATERCPORTED 7-E-76 JOB NUMBER 72-253 DATES CO"ER1ED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PAGE 2 CJr 13 “Ot.T”“* FIELD U~DR*TO”. RLU,,“I CO”TIN1 DxHaIT* OIU.irv % DITIT. PC, CY*.*CTIOH PC, 9. Or LA.. or,... -- 156' 11.7 107.3 153' 13.0 105.6 156' 13.6 105.0 158' 12.3 106.5 158' 11.7 105.2 158' 11.1 107.3 158' 14.3 105.5 158' 14.3 106.3 93.5 91.7 91.5 92.7 91.3 93.5 91.7 92.5 LOT 155 158' 13.0 107.9 153 158' 11.7 108.0 151 158' 12.3 108.0 149 158' 12.3 106.1 148 160' 13.0 105.5 150 160' 13.0 105.3 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 '116.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 93.5 94.0 94.0 92.5 91.7 91.5 13.0 14.9 13.0 12.3 13.6 12.3 11.1 105.9 105.0, EF 105:2 110.1 109.0 92.2 91.2 94.3 93.9 91.5 95.7 94.8 12.3 13.0 12.3 14.9 15.6 13.0 13.0 12.3 13.0 14.3 106.0 107.9 105.9 105.8 103.6 105.2 107.0 108.4 lC5.2 ?“F 2 I Gi . 127.7 108.3 106.8 105.8 106.2 106.8 108.4 i08.8 107.5 106.0 92.2 93.8 92.1 91.9 90.2 51.5 93.2 94.3 01.5 92.4 164' 12.3 i64' 1l.i 164' 12.3 164' 14.3 164' 13.6 164' 13.0 164' 12.3 156' 11.7 i66' 14.3 i66' 12.3 93.6 94.2 92.7 92.0 92.5 92.7 94.3 94.5 93.5 92.2 DEC 9 DEC 10 DEC 11 DEC 12 DEC 15 :4” 45 46 ii tz 51 52 53 54 z; 57 LOT 152 58 155 59 ,155 60 61 62 63 64 iz 67 68 69 70 71 72 180 73 178 74 75 76 77 78 LOT 149 180 180 180 179 178 155 155 177 179 180 179 LOT 178 155 155 154 153 151 149 180 LOT 155 155 159 156 154 152 150 180 179 155 160' 160' 160' 160' 160' 160' 162' 162' 162' 162' 162' 162~' 162' 162' 164' ;5i ' * CC)MPACTION TEST RESULTS JCIB i&E RANCH0 3EL ?:li;3ERO;A UNIT 3 DATE REPORTER T-8-76 _ JO8 NUMBER 72-253 D~TESCOYERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PAGE 3 0, 13 "OISnJ"l FILLD U~OIlAT.aI" "LUIIYI - Dk,l X.7 BCTLS1 LDCAllON TLLY*TIO* cO"*‘*T DLXSII'I D‘".ITI coY.*cTIoY YY"rnL" 0, OF TEST 7 l ORY -T’ -= K. *a or LA.. Dr”*. DEC 31 84 85 86 87 LOT 155 155 158 155 88 89 g”: 92 153 151 148 180 180 166' 14.3 104.0 166' 13.0 106.0 166' 14.9 106.9 166' 12.3 108.7 166' 14.3 106.8 166' 13.0 105.0 166' 14.9 105.0 168' 13.6 107.8 168' 14.9 105.2 90.5 92.3 92.6 94.4 92.8 91.3 91.4 93.6 91.5 JAN 2 93 94 95 96 LOT 178 155 155 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 155 168' 13.0 107.0 168' 14.3 104.7 168' 14.3 104.9 93.0 91.0 91.3 97 98 JAN 5 101 102 LOT 159 154 152 150 168' 13.6 168' 14.9 168' 12.3 168' 13.0 168' 13.0 103 104 105 106 107 LOT 148 180 179 178 168' 12.3 170' 13.6 170' 14.3 170' 12.3 170' 13.0 170' 11.1 170' 11.7 105.8 106.0 105.9 104.84 104.F 103.8 104.9 105.4 106.3 107.0 107.0 105.1 92.0 92.2 92.0 91.1 91.0 91.1 92.1 92.7 92.5 91.4 93.1 91.2 108 109 110 111 155 155 158 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 161 LOT 154 152 150 170' 11.7 104.3 170' 14.9 107.7 17C' 13.6 106.0 170' 13.0 104.8 90.8 94.4 93.c 92.0 .I,, - .r,/~ D 112 .- 113 114 115 116 117 118 LOT 148 ia0 180 178 155 155 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 158 OFP LOT 160 LOT 154 n, l$ 172' 172' 172' 172' 11.7 12.3 14.3 13.6 15.6 15.6 105.0 106.2 06.3 04.2 10.0 05.8 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 92.2 93.3 93.5 91.5 96.4 91.7 119 120 172' 13.0 172' 13.6 172' 14.9 06.2 07.3 05.0 92.5 93.4~ 91.2 . COhfPACTION TEST RESULTS ‘. JOB NAMr RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT 3 - J~,,N"HBER 72-253 DATE REPoarED 7-B-76 DATES COYfRED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PACT. 4 or 13 DATE TX.7 ILILSI YOISTU". VIILD U.c.IAT0"" "LLIT,"E LOCATION ELLYATION CO"TItdl IIIHrnll, DIY.Irv co"~*cIr,* YYML1E" 0, OFTEST I DLI IT. cc, PC, Y or l-4.. DLN,. i JAN 7 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 JAN 8 129 130 131 LOT 153 150 149 181 180 178 155 155 172' 13.6 172' 14.3 172' 12.3 174' 11.7 174' 13.0 174' 12.3 174' 14.9 174' 14.9 104.0 114.0 106.3 114.0 106.2 114.0 105.0 114.0 104.6 114.0 107.0 114.0 104.8 114.0 105.0 114.0 91.3 93.4 93.3 92.0 91.8 93.8 91.9 92.1 132 152 133 150 134 148 135 187 136 181 JAN 9 139 140 137 141 138 142 143 144 145 146 JAN 12 147 148 149 ?50 15J 152 153 JA.N 13 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 154 OPP LOT 159 LOT 158 156 157 LOT 179 LOS PINOS DRIVE: OPP LOT 222 159 177 153 151 149 174 LOT 180 178 178 155 155 155 158 LOT 174 159 161 162' 151 149 148 174' 13.0 174' 13.0 174' 14.3 174' 12.3 174' 14.9 174' 13.6 176' 14.9 176' 13.0 106.2 114.0 105.2 114.0 106.9 114.0 107.1 114.0 104.7 114.0 106.1 115.0 106.7 , 115.0 109.6., 115.0 176,' 15.6 106.9 176' 14.3 107.0 176' 14.9 107.3 176' 12.3 108.0 176' 13.0 107.0 176' 11.7 108.7 176' 14.3 105.0 176' 135.5 115.0 176' 11.1 108.7 176' 12.3 107.6 17E' 178' 178' 178' 178' 178' 178' ii.: -7 n iv.0 13.0 13.6 12.3 12.3 11.7 106.7 106.0 105.0 104.9 108.5 106.2 106.0 178' 178' 178' 178' 178' 178' 178' ii.; 13:o 13.0 12.3 11.7 11.1 111.9 107.0 105.7 107.8 106.0 io4.e 106.C 11 li 11 11 :1 11 ii 1: li, ii: li 115.0 li5.0 li5.0 li5.0 ii5.0 115.0 115.0 li5.0 115.0 li5.0 Z:i 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 2 5.0 5.0 5.0 5. 0 93.3 92.3 93.7 94.1 91.7 92.4 92.6 95.2 92.8 92.9 93.4 93.8 93.0 94.4 91.3 91.7 94.3 93.5 92.e 92.1 91.5 91.0 94.4 92.5 92.3 97.1 93.2 92.0 93.7 92.3 91.0 92.3 . . COMPACTION TEST RESULTS JOB N*ML RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT #3 Joe NUHBLR 72-253 D*TE=CWRED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 DAii REPORTED 7-B-76 P.wx. 5 of 13 “OI*TY*‘ ,,<LO OAIl n.7 “L,CST Loc*I,o* UBORAID”” “cu,,“I ELEVATION CO*Tw*7 DIP‘.IT, c?r*.,n NYMBL” 0, 0FTL.l ; c DIY WT. Fc, rc, co”.A”m* * or LA.. DIN.. JAN 14 161 LOT 181 180' 13.0 162 180 180' 14.3 163 181 180' 11.7 164 179 180' 9.9 JAN 15 165 LOT 177 166 155 167 155 168 155 169 170 JAN 16 171 163 172 164 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 JAN 19 18'1‘ 182 183 184 185 186 187 l&8 JAN 20 ie9 LOT 158 190 LOS P!NZS DR!VE: or? LFI 222 174 191 192 193 194 JAN 21 195 196 197 198 199 200 176 177 162 160 LOT 181 179 174 174 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 162 LOT 151 150 148 151 150 LOT 181 180 181 177 178 1% IiF 4 _i ARez_CT.y C:“CLE: o;r L'T :55 159 160 161 ARBUSTO CIRCLE: OPP LOT 16'2 152 150 149 148 LOS PINOS DRIVE: OPP LOT 221 92.0 93.0 87.3 83.8 180' 11.7 180' 13.0 180' 12.3 180' 12.3 180' 12.3 180' 11.1 106.0 115.0 107.0 115.0 100.5 115.0 96.4 115.0 106.6 115.0 106.9 115.0 105.0 115.0 106.0 115.0 105.5 115.0 104.1 115.0 105.8 115.0 107.3 115.0 105.9 115.0 105.8 215.0 107.3 ‘ 115.0 92.6 92.9 91.4 92.2 91.6 90.6 180' 13.0 180' 12.3 180' 14.9 180' 13.6 92.0 93.4 92.1 92.0 180' 180' 180' 180' 180' 180' 182' 182' 182' 182' 182' 1 e2 1 182' 11.7 11.1 10.5 11.1 13.0 13.0 99.0;; 115.0 yg.; 115.0 115.0 c3.5 86.1 87.3 91.5 92.1 91.0 13.0 13.0 14.9 14.9 15.6 14.9 14.3 106.0 104.8 107.0 107.1 104.5 106.0 106.6 109.5 106.4 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 93.0 93.1 90.9 92.0 92.7 91.0 22.5 1 ,!.2 ' je7' L lg3' ;s3' ,C? NV.' lg3' I"?' 12.3 106.6 13.0 107.0 115.0 115.0 22. 7 G3.G 13.0 108.5 14.3 104.6 12.3 106.0 11.7 110.6 11.7 109.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 24.2 91.0 92.1 96.1 94.7 183' 14.3 104.7 182' 14.3 104.2 182' 13.0 105.7 182' 14.3 106.0 182' 12.3 109.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 01.0 90.6 91.8 92.0 54.6 162' 12.3 107.7 115.0 93.5 .. COMPACTION TEST RESULTS . . .: JOB NAME RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT #3 ,om NUMBER 72-253 F D*TESCWERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 DATE R-EPORTED T-8-76 PAGE lj or 13 “OI.~““I IlriD LAmcmAIOII “Ku,,“* - EOMTIH, Dr.Pd.ITY D‘N.wT l DIYWI. PC, PC* co-~AcTmy % 0, LA.. D‘**. DAIl TX.7 *Y*nE” IITLW LOCAIlDY rLL”*TIO* or 0, X,‘, - APRIL 22 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 LOT 139 138 136 134 132 138 139 LOT 133 135 139 138 185' 189' 200' 196' 192' 193' 197' 11.1 14.3 193.03 15:6 13.6 13.0 112.2 115.0 97.5 109.7 115.0 95.4 110.4 122.0 90.5 110.2 122.0 90.3 117.9 122.0 96.6 115.3 115.0 94.6 114.4 115.0 93.8 APRIL 23' 208 209 210 211 212 195’ 137 199' 199' 199' 201' 213 136 200' 214 210 139 199' 215 132 193' 216 134 198' 12.3 13.0 11.1 14.3 16.3 15.6 11.7 13.0 14.9 115.0 115.0 114.0 115.0 122.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 115.0 90.0 90.0 89.2 92.2 92.3 93.4 93.4 91.: _ 1. _ APRIL 26 217 218 219 220 221 222 LOT 157 158 155 181 179 178 186' 13.0 184' 11.1 184' 13.6 185' 10.5 184' 9.9 184' 8.7 102.8 105.3 101.7 106.0 112.6 107.4 107.4 105.3 106.!4' 113.; 112.0 113.4 111.0 114.1 113.3 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 '122.0 122.0 92.5 91.e 93.0 91.0 93.5 92.9 APRIL 27 223 224 225 226 227 228 LOT 158 177 159 154 151 155 183' 11.1 114.1 122.0 93.5 183' 14.9 118.1 122.0 9E.E 184' 15.6 106.3 116.5 91.2 185' 11.1 110.9 122.0 90.5 186' 12.3 110.1 122.0 95.2 186' 12.3 110.5 122.0 32.: APRIL 28 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 LOT 180 177 153 152 150 163 161 187' 187' 186' 116.5 122.0 116.5 162 185' 187' 180' 184' 149 155 186' 190' 184' 14.9 13.6 10.5 13.6 15.6 13.6 1::: 14.9 11.1 115.9 118.1 109.1 112.4 112.5 105.5 107.0 107;6 109.2 111.8 1 16.5 22.0 14.0 16.5 16.5 16.5 22.0 99.5 95.t 93.6 96.4 92.2 92.5 91.5 92.4 ~93.e 90.e APRIL 29 239 LOT 160 186' 13.0 110.1 240 164 190' 11.1 110.8 241 222 184' 13.0 105.6 242 148 192' 14.9 109.0 116.5 94.5 116.5 95.1 114.0 92.E, 116.5 93.2 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS JOB NINE RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT i! 3 - DATE Rwonr~o 7-8-76 JOll N"MeLR 72-253 F DATES COVERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976. PAGE 7 0' 13 “oI*T”I* l,rLD LA~O”AIO”” “ILI,,Yr DATE rr.1 R’;;” LOC*Tto* LLEVAIlON CE”TI”I DIN,IT, DEH.l77 COI.AICTI.3” NUWBL” or TLS, l Dll II, Fc, %I ?. O.U.. OLH., APRIL 30 -- MAY MAY 4 KAY 5 KAY 6 MAY 7 MAY 10 243 LOT 154 244 151 245 147 246 247 248 249 250 251 LOT 147 146 149 161 163 158 LOT 140 165 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 172 174 141 257 140 139 140 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 LOT 173 171 158 169 166 162 159 267 268 269 270 271 272 LOT 165 158 170 166 169 172 273 LOT 168 274 167 275 165 276 167 277 170 278 222 279 224 280 281 282 283 284 285 LOT 223 192' 225 192' 173 194' 172 196' 220 221 188' 189' 186' 190' 192' 191' 187' 189' 188' 195' 190' 182' 186' 204' 203' 204' 203' 188' 11.1 llj.5 122.0 94.6 158' 12.3 112.8 118.5 35.2 190' 11.1 112.1 118.5 94.5 190' 16.3 116.2 116.5 99.7 192' 14.9 112.7 118.5 95.1 189' 11.1 108.6 114.0 95.2 188' 13.6 111.3 118.5 93.9 192' 192' 190' 104' 194' 193' 12.3 11.1 14.9 l&.5 li CJ ,.d is.2 110.6 1:8.5 93.3 111.7 118.5 94.2 110.6 lie.5 93.3 112.5 'ili.5 94.9 109.5 ilE.5 92.4 112.2 lie.5 94.6 203' 200' 198' 14.3 109.9 118.5 92.7 13.6 110.9 112.5 93.5 . 12.3 109.6 ilE.5 92.5 11.7 111.1 115.5 93.8 11.7 108.4 llE.5 93.1 9.9 111.8 122.0 91.6 8.5 115.2 ;22.0 94.5 202' 199' 188' 190' 186' 188' 11.7 109.0 114.0 95.8 16.3 106.1 114.0 93.0 14.3 110.8 116.5 95.1 14.3 104.4 114.0 91.5 11.1 109.5 115.0 95.2 10.5 112.1 116.5 96.2 11.1 108.2 116.5 92.8 11.7 107.6 114.0 94.3 13.6 106.8 114.0 93.6 12.3 110.7 118.5 93.4 14.9 107.0 116.5 91.8 12.3 113.3 122.0 92.8 11.1 110.4 116.5 94.7 13.6 110.4 118.5 93.2 10.5 105.1, 118.5 88.6 12.3 109.1; 118.5 92.1 15.6 110.3 118.5 93.1 11.1 104.5 14.3 105.6 14.9 109.0 14.3 108.7 14.3 108.2 i5.6 108.2 1 i6.5 i 16.5 16.5 1 lB.5 1 18.5 1.6.5 90.0 91.4 92.0 91.8 91.3 91.3 COMPACTION TEST RESULTS .. JOS NAME RANCH0 CEL POKDEROSA UNIT # 3 DATE REPORTED 7-8-76’ ,om NYHEER 72-253 F D*TEs COVERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PAGE 8 or 13 : ,,LLD LA~oll*~o”* “ILLI,“m Dr.H.ITI DIH.ITv ‘. PC, KI FoY~AIR1o* * or U.. DLN,. MAY 10 (can't) MAY 11 F:AY 12 MAY 13 KAY 14~ KAY 17 KAY 18 286 LOT 220 287 186 11.1 104.4 114.0 91.6 13.6 108.0 118.5 91.3 288 289 290 291 292 293 LOT 187 185 184 182 174 174 180' 181' 184' 184' 190' 193' 11.1 104.7 114.0 91.8 11.7 108.4 118.5 91.5 11.1 108.2 118.5 91.3 12.3 104.9 114.0 92.0 11.7 109.9 118.5 92.7 13.6 114.8 122.0 94.0 294 LOT 186 180' 12.3 295 185 184' 13.6 296 186 184' 13.6 297 187 181' 14.3 298 185 186' 11.1 299 184 187' 11.7 300 183 187' 13.6 301 LOT 187 302 186 303 183 304 182 185' 11.1 188' 13.6 188' 18.3 188' 9.9 305 LOT 177 186' 306 176 186' 307 182 187' 308 186 188' 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 LOT 175 177 139 138 137 136 135 134 193' 13.6 110.9 118.5 93.5 190’ 12.3 111.5 118.5 94.1 FG 205.3' 11.7 105.4 116.5 90.5 FG 205.0' 11.1 110.5 116.5 94.i FG 204.7' 13.6 109.5 116.5 94.0 FG 205.4' 9.3 101.1 116.5 86.7 FG 201.3' 15.6 111.0 118.5 93.6 FG 199.5' 14.3 105.8 116.5 90.7 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 LOT 235 219' 189 190' 188 190' 185 190' 184 191' 217 192' 133 FG 197.6' 324 132 iG 195.9' 325 167 FG 205.3' 326 168 FG 205.9' “O,I,““l Co*TcU, % DLIWI 109.8 115.1 102.5 111.5 112.2 109.5 104.3~. 109.;'; 111.7 113.8 113.4 122.0 122.0 114.0 122.0 122.0 '122.0 115.0 90.0 94.3 90.0 91.3 91.9 90.0 90.7 118.5 92.0 122.0 91.5 122.0 93.2 122.0 92.0 13.6 13.6 1Z 105.7 113.4 111.7 113.0 114.0 122.0 122.0 122.0 92.7 92.5 91.6 92.5 14.3 108.5 118.5 91.5 14.3 107.3 118.5 90.5 14.3 108.7 118.5 91.7 15.6 104.9 114.0 92.0 14.3 109.5 118.5 92.5 15.6 108.4 118.5 91.5 16.3 113.4 118.5 95.7 13.0 109.0 114.0 95.7 13.6 107.6 116.5 92.4 14.3 106.3 116.5 91.2 . COt\4PPkCTION TEST RESULTS . . JOB NlrrE RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA UNIT NO. 3 DATERLPORTED 7-6-76 JOB NUMBER 72-253F DKE~~WERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PAGE g or 13 “OI*N”~ ,IILD LA.O”ATo”~ “IlAT,“I COXISNI DCU.ll, o=H.lrv s D”Iwl. PC, r-cl co”‘*c”oy * ov LA.. DZ.*,. MAY 19 327 LOT 140 FG 328 169 FG 202.5' 329 170 FG 201.1' 330 171 FG 199.7' 331 141 FG 206.0' 332 145 FG 199.5' 333 172 FG 198.2' 334 173 FG 196.7' 335 197 244' 336 198 247' 337 199 248' 338 215 216' MAY 20 339 LOT 190 194' MAY 21 340 198’ 341 187' 342 LOT 215 220' 343 216 225' 344 202 224' 345 202 229' 346 202 233' 238' FG 199.9' FG 203.2' FG 195.3' 240' MAY 22 352 ii 147 353 148 354 149 355 146 3% 202 357 202 356 151 359 150 360 LOT 215 361 214 FG 196.2' FG 195.2' FG 195.8' FG 197.0' 243' 246' FG 191.8' FG 192.3' MAY 24 228' 14.9 105.4 115.5 229' 15.6 108.9 115.5 YXII I1LiC.l ‘OC.I,DM cLLY*IIOH q Y*mL” 0, OF ,rn, --- 14.3 105.4 116.5 90.5 13.6 102.6 114.0 90.0 14.3 105.1 116.5 90.2 15.6 110.5 118.5 93.2 14.3 103.5 115.0 90.0 15.6 11.1.6 118.5 94.2 14.3 110.5 118.5 93.2 15.6 111.7 114.0 98.0 16.3 108.4 118.5 91.4 12.3 104.7 114.0 91.8 16.3 104.6 114.0 91.3 13.6 113.2 118.5 95.4 10.5 114.4 118.5 96.4 12.3 113.4 118.5 95.4 10.5 111.8 J18.5 93.7 14.3 12.3 11.1 16.9 16.9 14.3 13.6 1i.Z 12:3 107.7,.' 118.5 90.9 105. 1.:" 116.5 90.2 112.2 122.0 91.9 105.1 116.5 90.2 106.8 118.5 90.2 105.2 116.5 90.3 110.5 118.5 93.2 97.8 115.0 85.0 110.1 118.5 92.9 107.3 118.5 90.6 14.3 16.9 14.3 15.6 14.9 13.6 158:; 113.1 llE.5 108.9 llE.5 108.3 118.5 111.1 116.5 105.0 llC.D 106.6 114.0 105.1 114.6 110.0 118.5 95.4 92.0 91.4 93.7 92.1 93.5 92.1 92.9 91.2 ?4.3 .- COMPACTION TEST RESULTS ._ . . . . ,oa NAM= RANCH0 DEL PONDEROSA- UNIT NO. 3 DATCREPORTED 7-8-76 ,c.m N"rnElER 72-253F DATES COVERED NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 PAGE 10 OF 13 “Ol*T”“n ,lLU) l.ABoalm”* “CUTIII DA,= wyz::” .m:., LocArIDY LLLYATION Cc.*TsNI DIY.,rv DIU.lTv 0FIL.T 5 0.Y WT. PC, PC, CoMpA=T’O* % 0, us. DC”., -- I MAY 25 362 363 364 365 LOT 216 215 217 184 366 179 230' 233' 202' 202' 367 368 369 370 371 372 176 235 164 163 349 166 314 136 196' 193' 217' FG 192.1' FG 191.5' FG 203.2' FG 203.4' 14.3 15.6 19.0 15.6 18.3 13.0 16.3 11.1 10.5 11.7 9.3 102.5 114.0 107.2, 115.5 106.8 115.5 106.9 115.5 108.6 115.5 113.1 122.0 106.6 115.5 107.6 116.5 90.0 92.7 92.5 92.6 94.0 92.7 92.3 92.3 90.4 91.2 91.2 MAY 26 373 LOT 181 374 183 375 178 376 162 KAY 27 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 LOT 161 160 159 158 186 152 153 175 178 182 184 187 154 196' 196' 196' FG 190.9' FG 190.3' 13.0 FG 189.7' 11.1 FG 190.3' 13.0 FG 190.0' 13.6 199' 15.6 FG 191.3' 11.7 FG 190.9' 11.1 197' 12.3 198' 12.3 198' 12.3 202' 11.7 198' 12.3 FG 19C.d' 14.3 104.0 115.0 104.9 115.0 106.3 116.5 11.7 108.4 116.5 93.1 12.3 107.6 118.5 90.8 11.1 112.5 ,122.0 92.2 13.6 112.7 116.5 96.7 110.5.i 116.5 108.1 114.0 107.2 114.0 105.8 114.0 109.9 118.5 107.9 118.5 112.3 118.5 104.5 114.0 106.0 116.5 102.6 114.0 102.2 115.5 114.8 118.5 lC3.3 114.0 94.8 94.9 94.0 92.8 92.7 91.0 94.7 91.6 91.0 90.0 93.7 96.9 90.6 . COtdpACTION TEST RESULTS . JDBNIL~E RAr<CHO DEL PONDEROSA $ 3 JOB NUMBER 72-253 F D*TESCOVERED NOV 26 through JWE 23, 1976 P*GL 11 or 13 DAll WC.7 IETL.7 t.oc4TIo* ““Yrnf” 0, -- MAY 28 390 391 392 393 394 395 MAY 29 396 397 398 399 400 401 JUNE 1 402 403 404 405 JUNE 2 406 -__ 407 408 409 410 411 412 JW 3 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 JUK 4 423. 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 LOT LOT LOT LOT LGT 413 LOT 422 429 428 184 204' 186 204' 188 204' 217' 206' 187 206' 189 206' 12.3 12.3 13.6 12.3 Z:i 105.3 115.5 105.4 115.5 106.5 115.5 108.3 115.5 107.2 115.5 91.1 91.2 92.2 93.9 92.8 93.2 218 208' 13.6 187 208' 10.5 223 FG 193.1' 11.7 222 FG 193.6' 11.1 221 FG 193.6' 9.3 220 FG 193.3' 9.3 107.7 115.5 110.7 116.0 109.3 122.0 111.4 .118.5 106.8 114.0 103.1 114.0 103.2 114.0 95.4 90.0 94.0 93.6 92.2 90.5 218 208' 14.9 188 209 ' 13.6 186 211' 7.0 184 211' 11.1 113.0 i16.0 112.5 a 116.0 108.0 ;; 116.0 107.6 116.0 97.4 97.0 93.1 92.8 185 273' 14.9 109.1 115.5 94.5 188 213' 13.6 105.7 115.5 91.5 190 212' 13.6 108.5 116.0 93.5 217 213' 11.7 110.8 115.5 95.9 189 214' 14.3 104.7 115.5 90.6 187 215' 10.5 104.9 116.0 90.4 157 190' 13.6 105.0 115.5 90.9 216 232' 13.0 103.2 115.5 80.3 214 T35' 16.9 108.0 116.0 93.0 216 232' 14.3 105.6 115.5 47 ." i85 27$' 14.9 102.9 114.0 Lx.2 186 218' 11.1 104.4 115.5 Tic.4 187 220' 9.9 104.0 115.5 30.0 188 220' 12.5 104.0 115.5 187 90.1 221' 11.7 108.1 116.0 93.2 156 Fc- 191.4' 11.11 111.0 114.0 97.7 157 'I 101.5' 11.11 98.5 114.0 86.4 218 215' I93 230' 191 225' 189 223' 157 F^; '191.5' 190 230' 189 223' 1e9 223' 190 226' E 14.3 12.3 12.3 16.9 13.0 15.6 16.9 107.0 116.0 92.3 107.4 116.0 92.6 112.0 116.0 96.6 105.2 115.5 91.1 110.1 115.5 95.3 101.2 115.5 87.6 102.1 115.5 88.4 109.8 115.5 95.1 iJ~Ei,Ll. c:yll% a moh~s (‘,,: /.,, !.,,,‘ $,,f! *,,,f ! ,.,‘,,,i ,.,,,.,, , ,,1 ,,,. vs. ,v.:,,t; I... .‘V.“ I COMPACTION TEST RESULTS JosNAHe RANCH0 DiL POi<DEEOSP, 283 JOB NUM-m 72=253 F o*TEs COVERED NO\, 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 DATE REPORTED ,-8-76 - PAGE ,2 or ,3 DATE TCSI YYYmL” .-- JUNE 4 condt. 432 JUNE 8 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 JUNE 9 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 JUiIE 11 447 448 449 JUI:E 14 450 -__ 451 452 453 454 ::j:;E J5 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 ,ILi!:E 16 I;? 46a 469 470 “lTI,T 0, 433 439 442 443 447 449 447 LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT LOT 188 191 193 191 192 193 142 194 190 217 194 ;;; 194 195 275 2’1: 155 225 226 227 ii’ 221 1 a; Jai lE2 183 227 179 177 17E 175 176 EZ 217 218 219 221’ 229 ’ 232’ 229’ 232’ 235’ FG 206' 239’ 226’ 216’ 239’ 247’ 245 ’ 239’ 243’ FG 222' 14.1 FG 222' 11.1 FG 2C4.9' 9.9 FG 185.0' FG '95.5' FG 197.7' FG 201.1' F; 204.0 5.2 9.3 8.7 E FE 193.7’ FG :99.8’ FG ;98.6' FG 199.3' FG 199.1' FG 201.1’ FG 299.8' FG 199.6 ' FG 199.8’ FG 199.1’ FG 199.5’ FG '226.8' FG 226.4’ FG 219.0’ Fi ,217.5' FG 214.8' 16.3 105.6 12.3 14.3 12.3 14.3 10.5 9.9 16.3 101.7 107.8 102.3 107.0 102.9 107.5 99.31 11.1 9.3 13.6 13.6 J3.6 11.7 11.7 104.2 107.5 98.3 99.4 103.9,.’ 102.8;p 103.1 99.8 106.4 101.1 105.7 102.3 103.2 98.3 106.8 12.3 104.6 11.1 107.8 8.7 107.0 9.9 109.5 11.7 106.7 9.3 109.8 12.3 104.0 11.7 107.3 9.9 114.0 11.7 113.0 12.3 109.2 ~~~’ 817 12.3 10.5 112.5 115.5 97.4 112.7 115.5 : 97.6 113.4 115.5 98.2 113.4 115.5 98.2 105.7 115.5 91.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 114.0 115.5 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 ,114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 114.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 14.0 114.0 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 114.0 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 115.5 91.4 88.1 93.9 90.0 92.7 90.2 94.3 87.1 91.4 94.3 86.2 87.1 91.1 90.2 90.4 87.5 93.4 88.7 92.7 90.0 90.5 86.2 93.7 91.8 93.1 92.7 94.8 92.3 96.3 90.4 92.9 98.7 9.7 . e 94.5 WOODWARD.CLYDE & ASSOCIATES c‘I!,.,,,,/,,y \,,I, n ,,A ,: ,w,,,,,,, <,,, ,KllX ,*,,., ,a wd CWl'Cill Cu'l<?ekCTl3b: TEST RESULTS ,’ . , ,>s PIIAUL EhiiCHO DEL PONDEEOSA t 2G3 JOB NUMBCR 72-253 F ~~~~~~~~~~~~ NOV 26 through JUNE 23, 1976 D*rE nmr “ZILST LDClTlDN e.U”IE” or -__ DITC REPOPTED 7-B-76 P*GL 13 OF 13 “Or*T”“l ,IFcLD U*011110”* “LLA.,YI TLLY*TIO* COYTIYI ca*s,,v rxY.l?Y co”PAcTIo* DFTFST * DIY WT. PC, PC, % OI LA.. Dud,. I - JUNE 16 471 472 LOT 473 la4 FG 215.2’ 13.6 192 FG .234.2' 14.9 193 FG 227.3’ 11.7 113.6 105.3 : 107.8 1 15.5 14.0 14.0 98.3 97.3 94:6 105.6 1 JUNE 17 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 JUNE la 482 483 484 JUNE 21 485 486 487 488 489 490 JUNE 22 491 JUXE 23 492 49: 494 49: LOT LOT LOT 489 LOT LOT ;92 189 190 191 214 215 216 187 188 FG 225.2’ FG ~228.2’ FG 1231.3' FG 240.0' FG '239.7' 280’ FG 221.2' FG 222.6' 12.3 12.3 13.0 11.1 13.6 11.1 12.3 11.7 104.8 115.5 106.0 115.5 103.7 114.0 102.1 114.0 91.4 93.1 90.5 91.0 90.7 91.8 90.9 90.0 186 FG 220.0' 14.3 114.2 115.5 98.9 216 FG 239.8' 11.1 104.7 115.5 90.7 185 FG 218.0' 10.5 103.4 114.0 90.7 197 198 196 195 194 194 FG 249.2' FG 249.8' F,: 245.1' FG 247.9' FG .241.2' FG 241.2' 12.3 110.3 idA 115.5 95.5 15.6 104.2 ’ 115.5 90.2 5.2 112.3 115.5 97.2 14.3 106.6 115.5 92.3 12.3 06.8 115.5 a3.8 15.6 103.8 114.0 91.0 191 FG ,250.O’ 16.3 200 202 200 198 FG 251.0’ Fr: 253.P’ 13.6 12.3 8.7 11.1 15.5 107.5 115.5 104.6 115.5 103.7 114.0 109.2 115.5 101.3 114.0 109.4 115.5 107.0 114.0 108.2 115.5 94.6 88.8 94.7 93.8 93.7 KOODKARD-CLYDE & ASSOCIATES L.,*li:',l.& F,.,! ,,/,1, ,~,l,,l ,,,,a 1,111 ,',,n,l,,.lrr ,wd Crrd.lC"I* I’LAT, ICITY C,,RrtI\CIL:III!;TIC:. Licluad Liuil, ‘K -~ . ~~.- __ Plxticity I~Idcx, X ---~__~_~ Clarr,lication by Utitlicd So11 Clarrific3tiOn System 150 i ZERO AIR VOIDSCURVES ‘~~~~~ I 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.0’ 0.00; GRAIN SIZE. mm - 2.50 SG hlECHANlCAL ANALYSIS I 120 i t ~ 3 w 110 3 k $ 2 0 -ip-- -~;+ ‘. /~ : 4 .i ‘11 !I$ 7J1--+4 / ' pii j I j ! 1 / -1 !I! ! : ~! i L-& 100. ( ; ! ! / I ; I ~ ~ ~ : j ~-T!i ~----..- : I / I i i I / \i\i\\ 7 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 6 7 Dry Density, pcf 1DLLLoL!___ Iniria! Water Content, 06 17.1 15.4 Final Water Content. 96 J 5-1 dg-.L-_.~~.. __ kppren: Cohesion, psf 60 16" --- v-. ~~~_~ A~i:wcnf F,icl,on Angie, dcgiec: 31” 35 0 SWELL TEST DATA I Inifta! Dry Density, pcf lnitm! !l’;ter Contenr. 96 Final Dry Density. pcf Fir.3 \:rir: conrent, 96 Loxi. ps: S.W’, Ll:.,^en, I / / / I I I ~ 90 ;-; , , ! ! Maximum Dry 6 ! 7 I Density. pcf /122.oii14.0 Ootimum Moisture I I I i I i c;ntent Sb 1 12.01 15.01 I i ‘1~1 I 80; ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ h*nlCTt 1”E CONTENT, 56 III”,., I “II 10 20 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST F.,ETHO,,: &Tit -c -GE: -” 6, I I FILL SUITABILITY TESTS I %F.liCHO DEL P~Y;:;:~~~S:, +J DRP..WNBY: AS oecrcm m:/$l:di P.mJEcT ~0: ir _ 2 j :. DATE: 2il3/76 -dxl F,G"RE NO: 3 . ~IOODV~ARO-CLYCE CO!+SULTA6TS 14 O- EO ZERO AIR VOIDS / IEi -. j- I 1 ~ I\\ I i CURVES -7 ‘8 -__ 3 i---- :,:::, :, ‘1 :, : ‘,!.jl -- i / ; / I 11, I / : I 1. :.: 3 ~..~. ___-- u’;;- .-.-.-- l-J+& ;I--TYr..- - j z __:_-qp i +Ix-- ?j GO __ ~&Jr/ 1 loo0 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.031 GRAIN SIZE. mm hlECHANlCAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 4 5 1 Dry [)c~~;,IY, i)Cl imridl W2’jier Content. 91 Fi,w b%aicc Cwj,:!i:. ‘:o -....-- . SWELL TEST DATA Fin>: V.‘;,:e: Cowi,;-.:. ‘:.~ Loat. iii: -I ,.__~ 1 ..~._ sw!~l:. pL,CCn: i ; OI)LIIIlJITl MOIStUle Conlmt. :: ! ! I MC)ISTUf?E CONTENT, % 16 20 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST SAl.il’LE LOCATION TEST I.<ETHOD, LL-L LAOORATORY CyfM~.hCT!E~- d-L- 7c A FILL SIJITAEIL~ITY TESTS I:AliCIiU IJiL I’OMIEI:05/, /j 1 _.-- ,,,,nv;,u uy: i\‘~, 1. CIILCKwY:4y ~‘IIOJLCT No: .~ ,--~-~-----;; IL-253 -- 7 --I -1~~~~ZT!+Y;:J--- ','.'iV~!ii'ii.ICii i:I Yl)r [:!;:;!:I'; I ,:pJIS _ _- I’LAS‘IICITY CIIAi:fsC IEiilSTlCS ./ 2 3 ,.ll,llil/ Lilllll. ‘:;I __~ 51- ~44 ~_ -il!l ._ Plxlicity IIdCx, ?A 35 24 26 -.-..-.. .__- - Cldr;iltc;lliorl by Urrifwd Soil C!arrific2lion Svslem CH CL CH 151 1x 1lC i oc 80 3 ZERO AIR VOIDSCURVES LiiLI:sji , 1 r,i:,.\‘i, / ~::llti~ee,~~’ ]sIL: 1 cq loo0 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE, mm hFECHANICAL ANALYSIS IX... ~~ :~~I -’ ; .-~~ .~A. -. ;,I. -y;,(h\ / I~ Apparent Ftictmn Angle. dq~rerr SWELL TEST DATA Initial Dry Density. pet - i lniiial Wsrer Conrent. 56 ..- -- ____ ~~~~--. F,nal Dry Dcns,t\. iaci -- .._.. ~~ ._....~~~_~~~ .___-- __ ~. -~-m F,nal M’arrr Contvnr, ‘% LCJd, PSf Swell, percenr ____ .-_ F.laximum Dry Dmsify, ,~ci SAMPLE LOCATION LAnORATORY C()Ml’ACTION ‘rEl;T MET,,<>r): !;y>]l<:i!. / 557,70~,F, CII.1. SIII~~AIlll.ITY TESTS lciillr:ll~r I)! / I’!!rilll:l{iis/\ // 1 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.c; GRAIN SIZE, mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS ( DIRECTSHEAR TESTDATA 1 8 ( 9 1 ,o ( Ap;)are!,, Concrlon, prf ~~,;,a:ent Friction Angie. dqrtcr -J W:ELL TEST DATA lniiial Dry Denury. pcl Lox, 211 S\;.C~~. rlrrceni I ~. -A I Szni Fquivalent - Sample 10 = 69 LABORATORY CObWACTIGN TEST ,'~~~;",~T~~~:C~~~~~~'C~57 70 A FILL SUITABILITY TESTS I RANCH0 DEL PONDERDSA . I I DRAWN BY: t3H CHECKED BY: .::(‘/ PROJECT NO: 72-253 DATE: 6-14-76 FIGURE NO: 1 ) ., WOOCK'AFID.CLYDE COXiULTANTS --- -__ __ -~ LII,W! Lilllll. ‘:,, --- -I ,,,. ‘... ~ semi”,’ .,,; ,.;A.--...--- - __._ 2<‘, _ -.__ Plxlicity !tudvx. ‘X. lU0, I -._- _-_ 9 -----7. ~.~- -.-..- -.-__. _!ll’ - .~__ -- Cla;rihcallon by UnlIted Soil ,r,li <r--q4 (:I.,, , 5 *o,*fj -,-, a\ I:....-. /~ Clxrilicrrtion Syrlcm 1 lJ!“/ I-- -“I I 1 1~~-~- iooo 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 GRAINSIZE,mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS 1 DIRECTSHEAR TEST DATA ( ,, 1 ,F 1 DIRECTSHEARTESTDATA ,, ,2 I ~. I I Dry Dry Density. pcf Density. pcf 111 111 1107 107 1u; I 1 ii; 1 ; initial Water C25% initial Water C25% ) 13 ( 16 ) 13 16 Ftnal Water C-90 17 7r- _-- ~~~...~--- Appmn, Cohesion. prf 180 550 A,;pxi:n: FKI,~:: A~I~IB dcgiec; 22” -~ -2 I?7 ~-, /i ZERQ AIR VOIDSCURVES WELL TEST DATA Fisa; :2:ate: Conten:, “r -..- LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST TEST P>:ETHOD: ST,,,-D 15~~); LASaRATORY C~I.IP,+CTION7 FILL SL'ITABILITY TESTS RANCH0 DEL PO:IDEROSb DRAWN BY: EH CHECKEDBY+qC PRO&TNO: 72--'53i L&n: <-J&76/ FG!mEh.O~ W!L9:;'F.!?D-CLYDE CO::SULT/