HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-24; CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY; SOILS REPORT; 1981-01-21 (2)• • .' • • • • .- • • Woodward· Clyde Consultants UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL-INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY (CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-24) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA prepared for: piaza ~uilders, Inc. 16800 Devonshire Street Granada Hilla., California 91344 ." • • • • • • • 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego, California 92110 714-224-2911 Telex 697-841 January 21, 1981 Project No. 50316W~UDOI Plaza Builders, Inc. 16800 Devonshire street Woodward-Clyde Consultants Granada Hills, California 91344 Attention: Mr. Ed Hamner UPDATE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY (CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 73-24) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated December 2, 1980, we have prepared an update report of the soil and geologic conditions on the subject site. This conforms to Phase I of the studies presented in our pro- posal. SCOPE AND PURPOSE OF STUDY Our study consisted of reviewing our ~iles concerning the site, making a field reconnaissance and reviewing up to date applicable geologic literature. The purpose of this work was to provide a basis for our report and to provide cr i teria for development of the site i.ncluding-conclusions and recommendations regarding: o o o o The possible presence of geologic hazards on the site, The stability of proposed cut and ~'ill slopes, Foundation design, including allowable soil bearing pressures in natural ground and compacted fill, and, EarthWork and grading specifications. Consulting Engineers. Geologists and Environmental Scientists Offices in Other Principal Cities • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders, Inc_ January 21, 1981 '. , project No. 50316W-UDOl Page 2 PREVIOUS SOIL STUDIES AO' Woodward· Clyde Consultants A preliminary soil investiga,tion of the site was prepared by Woodward-Gizienski and ,A.~sociates. The results. of that study were issued in a report entitled "Soil Investi- gation for the Proposed' Carlsbad Lake Community, Carlsbad, California," dated July 30, 1973. A. copy of that report is attached (Appendix A) . DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT The subject site is east of Interstate 5 and south of Poinsettia Lane in Carlsbad, California. For our study, we were provided a copy of "Plot ana Grading Plan, Carlsbad Tract No. 73-24," prepared by Lawrence R. Williams Consulting Civil Engineer dated August 5, 1974 with latest revision dated June 14, 1976. Except for minor changes this plan is essentially the same as that studied for the 1973 Woodward- Gizienski & Associates investigation. The plan indicates that the site will be graded to form building pads for construction of 67 multi-story condominium type structures. The plans also indicate that cut slopes will have maximum heights on the order of 15 feet and slope inclinations of 2 to 1 and that fill slopes will have maxi- mum heights on the order of 25 feet and 15 feet with slope inclinations of 2 to 1 and 1-1/2 to 1, r.espectively.' The 1-1/2 to 1 inclined fill slope is proposed along the western property line approximately 30 feet east of the top of an existing 2 to 1 inclined cut slope extending down to Inter- state 5. This existing cut slope has a m,aximum height on the order of 30 to 40 feet. The plans also indicate that two shallow, on the order of 4 feet deep decorative ponds will be constructed in the central portion of the site. • • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 project No. 503l6W-UDOl Page 3 CURRENT SITE CONDITIONS . Woodward· Clyde CQnsultants The site is located on a r'elatively flat north-south trending ridge. The ridge top slopes gently to the west. The major portion of the site has been cultivated to depths' of 1 to 2 feet sometime in the past. These cultivated topsoils consist of silty to clayey sands. Underlying' the topsoils are the Quaternary age L,indavista Forma.tion a.nd the Eocene age Santiago Formation. A review' of the' g'rading plans and our field reconnaissance indicates that all pro- posed cuts will be in the Lindavista Formation. These materials are dense to very dense silty to clayey sands. As noted in the 1973 report,a small area of uncompacted fill was found in the west-central portion of the site. This fill extended to a depth of 13 feet and consists of silty to clayey sand. No new fill was noted on the site. Man-made structures on the site consist of a waterline (shown on the plans) present along the eastern site boundary and a sewerline (not shown on the plans) present along the western site boundary. Although· not observed during our site reconnaissance, abandoned irrigation lines may be present. Vegetation consists of a dense growth of native weeds and grasses. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS Faulting For this study we have reviewed our files and published literature including the "Geology of the Encinita.s Quadrangle," prepared by Kenneth Wilson in, 1972. The review' did not indicate the presence of any known faults on the site, nor was any surface evidence of faulting noted on the ~ite or the ridge side slopes during our site visit. • • .' • • • • • • :. • Plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 Project No. ·S03l6W-UDOl Page 4 Woodward-Clyde Consultants The nearest known active fault along which seismic events of Richter Magnitude 4.0 or greater have been re- corded is the Elsinore Fault zone, mapped approximately 25 miles northeast of the site. The hypothesised northern extension of the Rose Canyon Fault zone is located approxi- mately 5 miles west of the site. No earthquakes greater than Richter Magnitude 4 have been recorded for this fault. Landslides In addition to other work previously mentioned, our evaluation of the potential for landslides included re- viewing aerial photographs and general topography of t4e site. No landslides or landforms that could be construed as landslides were noted. Ground Water No water seeps or springs were noted during our recent site visit. No ground water was encountered in the test borings made for the 1973 investigation. We do not expect that a ground water table is present within proposed grading depths. DISCUSSIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS The discussions, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this report are based on results of our field studies, analyses and professional judgment. The results of our field reconnaissance, made by a senior staff geologist of our firm on January 7, 1981, indicates that the site is in essentially the same condition as it was for the 1973 field investigation, although no actual surveying was done. • • • • • • • • I • • • Plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 Project No. 50316W-UDOl page 5 Potential Geologic Hazards Wf?odward-Clyde C~nsultants Faulting -Our investigation identified no faults crossing the site. Seismicity -All faults have a potential for earth- quake activity. The fault zone closest to the site along which earthquakes of Richter Magnitude 4 or greater have been recorded is approximately 25 miles from the site, whereas the closest significant faulting to the site is approximately 5 miles from the site but this fault has not exhibited earthquakes greater than Richter Magnitude 4. Liquefaction Potential -We estimate that the depth to the regional ground water table is in excess of 50 feet. In our opinion, this depth, together with the dense nature of the soils on the site generally precludes the possibiiity of liquefaction. Landslides -Our field investigation and review of maps and vertical'aerial photographs disclosed no evidence of landslides on the site. Ground Water In our opinion, no shallow permanent ground water table exists on the site and the conditions of the proposed development indicate a low probability of ground water seepage problems resulting from existing subsurface water. We recommend that positive measures be taken to prop- erly finish grade the building areas after structures and other improvements are in place so that'drainage water from lots is directed off the lots to the street and away from foundations, floor slabs, and slope tops. Even with these provisions, experience has shown that a shallow ground water or surface water condition can and may exist in areas where no such ground water condition existed prior to site develop- • • • • • • • • • ' . • plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 Project No. 50316W-UDOI page 6 W~odward.~IYde -Consultants ment. This is particularly true where a substantial in- crease in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. Slope Stabil·ity For the proposed slopes we have performed stability analyses using the Janbu method of analyses and the follow- ing soil strength parameters: Area %' :, C" :(p's:f) y,(pc:f} Cut Slopes Fill Slopes 300 250 125 120 These parameters are based on laboratory tests per- formed for the 1973 field investigation report and our experience with similar soils in nearby areas. Our analyses indicates the proposed slopes w.ill have calculated factors of safety in excess of 1.5 under static conditions for both deep-seated and shallow sloughing. Stability analyses require the use of soil parameters selected from a range of possible values, thus, there is a finite possibility that slopes having calculated factors of safety as indicated above could become unstable. In our opinion, the probability of the slopes becoming unstable is low and it is our professional judgment that the slopes can be constructed as planned. He recommend that all slopes be planted, dra.ined and properly maintained to help control erosion. Our expe~ience indicates that slopes constructed at steeper than 2 to 1 are particularly susceptible to shallow slope sloughing during periods of heavy rainfall, heavy irrigation or. upslope surface runoff. Periodic maintenance, including the re- building of the outer 18 to 36 inches of the slope, may be ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 Project No. 50316N-UDOl· Page 7 Woodward· Clyde Consultants . . . required. Sloughing of fill slopes' can be reduced by overbuilding the slope by at least 3 feet a.nd cutting ba.ck to the desired slope inclination. Sloughing can also be reduced by backrolling slopes at frequent intervals. We recommend' that a.ll fill slopes be backrolled at least every 4 f'eet of f'ill heig'ht a.nd tha.t. 2 to 1 inclined fill slopes be trackwalked upon completion. Earthwork We recommend that the site be graded in a.ccordance with the attached Specifications for Controlled Fill (Appendix B). 1;\Te also recommend that the grading be observed by and compacted fills be tested by Woodward-Clyde Consultants. We recommend that a pre-construction conference be held at the site with the.developer, civil engineer, contractor and geotechnical engineer in attendance. Special soil handling and the grading plans can be discussed at that time. We recommend, in areas to receive new fill or structures, that the existing fill and underlying porous topsoil in the west-central part of the site be excavated, watered as required and compacted. The 1973 repor.t indicates the maxi- mum combined depth of exis.ting fill and por.ous topsoil is on the order of 13 feet, however, we recommend that the actual depth and extent be evaluated in the field at the time of grading. We recommend that all other loose a.nd/or cultivated topsoils not removed by planned grading operations be ex- cavated, watered as required, and compacted prior to placing additional fill or structures. Although no expansive soil were noted during either the 1973 or current investigations, our experience in nearby • • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders, Inc. January 21, 1981 Project No. 503l6W-UDOI Page 8 Woodward·Clyde Consultants areas indicates that residual clayeY. soils may be ·en- countered locally beneath the topsoils. If expansive clay soils are found during grading, we recommend that they be excavated where encountered, a. minimum depth "of 2 feet beTow rough grade in building areas and 1 foot in pavement areas. The building area is defined a.s the area of the building plus 5 feet beyond the building limits. The clay soils can be replaced with properly compacted nonexpansive g"rgnular soils available on the site. We recommend that the upper 2 feet of fill in building areas and I foot in pavement areas be composed of properly compacted nonexpansive granular soil available ·on the site. We recommend that all cut areas be examined by our firm during grading to evaluate actual geologic conditions. Foundations He recommend that foundations for the proposed build- ings founded in either undisturbed or properly compacted nonexpansive materials be designed for an allowable soil bearing presure not exceeding 2,000 psf (dead pluS live loads) at 12 inches below compacted fill or undisturbed cut lot grade. In our opinion, this soil bearing pressure can be increased by no more than one-third for loads that in- clude wind or seismic forces. We recommend that all con- tinuous footings have minimum widths of 12 inches. We recommend that structures that cannot tolerate differential settlements (foundations, floor slabs, decks, etc.l not be located within 8 feet of the f"ace of a slope. For structures located in this zone we recommend the ~oot­ ings be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of" the footing is at least 8 feet from the face of the slope. • • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders,. Inc. January 21, 198·1 project No. 503l6W-UDOl- Page 9 Woodward·Clyde Consultants Recommendations for pond construction are not within the scope of this report. Recommendationa in this regard can be presented in an addendum report upon request. RISK AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS We have only observed a small portion of the pertinent soil, and ground water conditions. The recommendations made herein are based on the assumption that soil conditions do not deviate appreciably from those found during our field investigation. If the plans. for site development are changed, or if variations or undesirable geotechnical condi- tions are encountered during construction, the geotechnical consultant should be consulted for further recommendations. We recommend that the geotechnical consultant review the foundation and grading plans to verify that the intent of the recommendations presented herein has been properly interpreted and incorporated into the contract documents. We further recommend that the geotechnical consultant observe the site grading, subgrade preparation under con- crete slabs and paved areas, and foundation excavations. It should also be understood that California, including San Diego, is an area of high seismic risk. rt is generally considered economically unfeasible to build totally earth- quake-resistant structures; therefore, it is possible that a large or nearby earthquake could cause damage at the site. Professional judgments presented herein are based partly on our evaluations of the technical information gathered, partly on our understanding of the proposed con- struction, and partly on our general experience in the geotechnical field. Our engineering work and judgments rendered meet current professional standards. We do not guarantee the performance of the project in any respect. • • • • • • • • • • • Plaza Builders, Inc. January '21, 1981 Project No. 503l6W-UDOl Page 10 Woodward· Clyde Consultants This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for the sqfety of other than our own personnel on the site; therefore, the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to pe unsafe. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further service:;, plea:se g'tive us ,a call. Very truly yours, WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Richard P. While R.E. 21992 RPW/DS/MRR/rs Attachments (4) Plaza Builders, Inc. (4) Lawrence R. Williams Consulting Civil Engineer ~~ paryl S.treiff C.E.G. 1033 • • • • • • • • • • I • APPENDIX A REPORT DATED JULY 30, 1973 Woodward· Clyde Consultants •• • • • • • • • • • • July 27, 1973 Project No. 73-222 Covington Brothers . 2451 E. Orangethorpe Fullerton, California 92634 Attentioil: ~1r. Mike Ryan CARLSBAD LAKE Cm{li~UN lTY . ., . . In accordance with your request we have provided geologic and engineering services for the proposed Carlsbad Lake Community in Carlsbad, California. The services provided incl~de subsurface borings and a geologic reconnais- sance, and a review of available literature pertaining to possible geologic hazards which may occur in the vicinity of the subject site. A report of the field investigation is forthcoming. Our field investigation and review of pertinent 1iterature indicate there are no active faults within the subject site and that no major adverse geologic conditions exist which would preclude further development of the site. If you have any questions in this regard, please call or write at your convenience. I>JOom'IARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES -f2.1-/} ~-J_/. f!. ~Vk/.1.--z.""-<1 .e~ if"l·,...·.t1 l/\>~~..:.A:..... Stanley F. G7zienski, R.E6I10352 SFG/f·1RR/mf (4) • • • • • • • • • • SOIL INVESTiGATION FO~ THE PROPOSED CARLSBAD LAKE. COMMUN DY' CARLSBAD, CALIfORNIA for Covington Brothers 2451 t. 'Ora.ngethorpe . Full erton; '~a li'forn ia 92634 by . WOOD~·jARD-GIZlENSKI & ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil and Foundation Engineers and Geolpgist . ." (An Affiliate of Hood~·rard-Clyde Consu'1tants) .. , • • • • • • • • • • • TRANsr·1ITTAL LETTER SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS CONCLUSIONS AND RECO~1MENDATIONS' L UlITATI ONS FIGURE 1 ~ SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 -LOG OF TEST BORING l' FIGURE 3 -LOG OF TEST BORING 2 FIGURE 4 -LOG OF TEST BORING 3 FIGURE 5 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 4 & 5 FIGURE 6 -LOG OF TEST BORING 6 FIGURE 7 -LOG OF TEST BORING 7 FIGURE 8 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 8 & 9 FIGURE 9 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 10 & 11 FIGURE 10.-LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 12 & 13 FIGURE 11 -LOG OF CUT SLOPE FIGURE 12 -GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES FIGURE 13 -RESULTS OF CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS FIGURE 14 -FILL SUITABILITY TESTS ATTACH1·1ENT I -SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL ATTACHMENT II -FILL SLOPES: STABILITY ANALYSIS ATTACHr~ENT III -CUT SLOPE: STABILITY ANALYSIS PAGE 1 1 2 2 4 7 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COHSUl:TlHQ SOfL AND fOUNOATlON [N<;'H[tltS AND CE:9LOCISTS • • • • • • • • • I • • July 30, 1973 Project No. 73-222 Covington Brothers 2451 E. Orangethorpe Fullerton, California 92634 Attention: Mr. Mike Ryan In accordance with your Purchase Order Number 15290 and our proposal dated June 4, 1973, we have conducted an investigation of the underlying soil conditions at the site of the proposed Carlsbad Lake Communjtysubdivis.i6n in Carlsbad, California.' '.' '0 Results of our studies indicate that the site is suitable for the proposed construction. There are hov-Jever, existjng.fills, porous soils, and cultivate.d soils existing on the site that will require special treatment during grading. The accompanying report presents our conclusions and recommendations, as well as the results of the subsurface exploration and the laboratory tests upon which these recommendations are based. The engineer assigned to this project was Joseph G. Kocherhans of our firm. WOOm,jARO-GIZI ENSKI & ASSOCIATES ~,dt~"F~~ Stanley F. Gyzi.enski, R.V' 10352 SFG/JGK/ls (6) • • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-222 SCOPE This report describes an inves~igation of, the underlying soil and geological conditions at the site of the proposed Carlsbad Lake communi"ty 'to be located east of Interstate 5 and south of Poinsettia Lane, in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the general geology and subsurface conditions" including the presence and effect of existing fills, loose or porous soils, and potentially expansive soils; the embankment shrinkage facto~; the relative stability of cut and fill slopes; the availability of,select fill materials; recommendations regarding allowable bearing pressures fo~ deSign of foundations' in natural ,undisturb~d soil and in compacted fill; the most suitable type and required depth of foundations. for use at the site; and, t~e depth to water, if significant. It is our linderstanding the dev~lopment will consist of approximately 300 one to two-story wood-frame condominiums utilizing concrete slab-on-grade constructi on.: ,We also understand that a shallow 1 ake wi 11 be excavated at the central portion of the site. It is our further understandin~ that grading will be performed in general, in accordance with the TentatiVe Tract 73-24 plan dated May 1973, prepared by Lawrence R. Williams, Tustin, California, Consulting Civil Engineer. FIELD INVESTIGATION Thirteen test borings were made by a truck mounted, ,continuous flight, 6-in. diameter power auger and one existin~ cut slope was logged at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Fig. 1. Field and sub- surface exploration was done on July 5 and 7, 1973, under the supervision of a staff engineer from our firm. Field logs were prepared by the engineer on the basis of an inspection of, the samples secured, the materials excavated, and the soils exposed in the eXisting cut bank along Poinsettia Lane. WOO D \'I A RD· G I Z IHI SKI & ASS 0 CI ATE S CONSULTING SOIL AND rOUNOATlOH [NGIN((Pt$ AHD G(OlOCISrs • • • • • • •• • • • Project No. 73-222 P.age 2, ::.' The. ~~gs of the Test Borings are shown on Figs. 2 ·through 10 and are based on an inspection of the samples taken, the laboratory test results and field logs. Test Boring locations were· plotted in the field on a Site Pl an enti tl ed IITentative Tract 73-24 Carl sbad Lake Communityll dated May T~73, and prepared by Lawrence R. vJilliams of Tustin, California. LABORATORY TESTS The soils encountered were visually classified and evaluated with respect to strength, swelling and compressibility characteristics, dry density and moisture content .. These classifications were SUbstantiated by moisture content and dry density, ·plasticity, grain size analysis, direct sh.ear and confined compression tests on representive samples of the soils. Results of the moisture content, dry density, plast.icity and direct shear tests are shown at the corresponding sample location on the Log of Test Borings. Results of the grain size analyses and confined compression tests are shown on Figs. 12 and 13, respectively. Fill suitability tests, including compaction, grain size analysis, and direct shear tests have been performed on the probable fill soils •. Results of the fill suitability tests were utilized to arrive at the conclusions and recommendations contained herein and are presented on Fig. 14. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS The site is located south and east of the intersection of Interstate 5 and Poinsettia Lane and west of Bataquitos Lane in Carlsbad, California. The site consists of a relatively flat north-south trending ancient IIbeach ridgell sloping gently to the west with changes in elevation from approximately 150 ft in the east down to approximately 110 ft near 1-5. A relatively steep (approximately 2 to 1, horizontal to vertical) somewhat eroded slope exists .. near the eas tern boundary. The Tentat; ve Tract Pl an ; ndi cates that cons tructi on WOODWARD· GIZIEr-ISKI & ASSOCltHES C.oNSOLTlHG SOil AND FOUNDATIOH (NGIN(~R!. AND GEOLOG.ISTS • • • • • • • • • . ' I • .' '.' • .... I .#~ .:) "#' • proje'ct. 'No ~'. 73:::222'-- will be limited to the gently sloping western portion of the site. At the time of our investigation the major portion of the site was under cultivation. A row of large eucalyptus trees trending north-south exists in the north- western portion of the site. Results of the test borings made at the site indicate the presence of the following materials which are described in their general order of occurrence with depth and increasing geological age. Fill. Damp to moist, brown silty sand with a trace of clay. The fill was encountered in the west-central portion of the site in Boring 7 extending to a depth of 13 ft. Piles of loose fill have been placed along ~he top of the ridge near the eastern boundary of the site. Some rubble and organic materials were observed in the scattered piles of fill in this area . . T.opsoi 1. Loose to medium dense, genera'lly porous, damp to moist, dark brown silty sand. This material was encountered in borings located in the western portion of the site, Borings 1,2, and 8 to 13, ranges from one to six ft in thickness. These topsoils exhibit low potential expansibility characteristics~ Terrace t1aterials. Medium to very dense, damp, red brown to grey brown silty to clayey sands. These materials were encountered in all borings and extend to the depths explored, a maximum of 30 ft. They comprise the basic formational soil at the site, and relatively competent foundation material and exhibit a low potential for ex~ansion when wetted. Below the fill found in Boring 7 abo~t 4 ft of porous c'ayey sand "old topsoil" was encountered. No hard rock or ground water was encountered in the test borings at the time of excavation . WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING $OIL ANO fOUNDATION ( .... CUU(~5 AND C{OlOClSTS • • • • • • • e, • Project No.'73-2g~ " P,age 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS (1) It is our opinion no'major/soil conditions exist at the site which would preclude the devel~pment of the proposed one to two-story condominiums. The presence of existing fills, old porous topsoil, and loose piles of trashy fill will require special treatment du~ing grading. (2) The' ground whi ch will rec~ive fill and/or one and two-story condominiums will have an adequat~ bearing value to safely support the proposed loads when treated as described fn the following paragraphs and in the attached "S pecifications for Control1ed Fill". Footings for residential structures placed on nonexpansive, non-porous ,native soils or properly compacted nonexpansive fi 11 soil s may be desi gned for a soi 1 bearing pressure of 2000 psf (total dead plus live load) at a,depth of'12 inches below rough lot grade. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. The above soil bearing pressure may be increased bY,one-third for loads that include wind or seismic forces. (3) Cut and fill slopes having an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) and maximum unsupported heights of less than 25 feet will in our opinion have adequate safety factors against deep s·eated slope failures if cons tructed in accordance Itli th the plans and the attached "S peci fi cat; ons for Controlled Fill". Typical stability calculations for cut and fill slopes are attached for your information to support our conclusions. (4) Results of our field investigation indicate that soils expected to be used in fills are basi~ally nonexpans;ve. Though no potential expansive soils were encountered, it has been our experience, that thin (1 to 2-ft) residual clayey soils could be encountered between the topsoils and formational soils in localized areas. Should any potentially expansive soils be encountered they should be excavated and spread and compacted in WOODWARD· GIZIENSKJ & ASSOCIATES CetdUl TlHQ SOli .. ANO rOUNDA nON lHGU'~£lIt' AHO C[OLOGIS'TS, • • • • • • • • • • fills below a depth of 2 ft bel<M rough lot grade. Potentia1lyexpansive soils, if encountered within 2 ft of finish grade in cut areas should be undercut and be replaced with properly compacted nonexpansive ~oils available on the site. (5) Results of our field exploration indicate that all materials encountered can be excavated with normal heavy grading equipment. No extensive cemented zones nor hard rock are expected. ' (6) , In order to express a meaningful estimate of the embankment shrinkage-swell factor, the results of labor,atory compaction tests need to be compared to the density in the natural state in borrow. We, wish to emphasize that variations in soil d~nsity in the natural state, as w£11 as, in the fill, make cal cul ated values of, shri nkage at best very approximate. A major factor is that relatively few tests are made of on-site materials as compared to the mass of material moved'during grading plus the inSUffi- cient knowledge regarding the actual densities in ex.cess of minimum require- ments to which the contractor will compact the fill. Based on the limited work done to date and considering the above factors the following shrinkage values for preliminary estimating may be used: Topsoil, approximately , 8% + 2%; the underlying formational soils approximately + 2%; existing loose fills, 10 to 20%. (7) O~r experience with soils similar to those encountered on the site indicates that they could have relatively high permeability rates. Therefore the water loss through seepage of the proposed lakes could be high, could cause marshy areas at lower elevations, or could show as slope seepage. It is therefore recommended that adequate steps be taken to seal the lake areas or to intercept the seepage so that no harmful effects resul t. WOODWARD" GIZIEHSKI. & ASSOCIAT[S CONSULTING SOIt .. AND 'OUNOAT!OH [NCIN{[Jt, AND CLOlOCIS1J.- • • • • • • • • • • • (8) ~ , : ' ' ~ .. : i (. : ... • • ~I ... •• ': "'-1 • , '. " '. '" '.0", , " J Soils similar to those encountered ·on this site ar.e subject to extreme erosion by uncontrolled action of water. Therefore, it is recommended that all cut and fill slopes be planted and be provided with adequate surface drainage in accordance with the City of Carlsbad standards. (9)· It is recommended that loose and/or porous soils as well as existing fill soils that are not removed,by grading operations be excavated or scarified, as required, replaced and compacted before fill or structures are constructed. Iri general the loose and/or poro~s su~face soils average approximately 3 ft in thickness where encountered: The maximum thickness of existing fill encountered was approximately 13 ft at Boring 7. Since the fill soils on the site have the same general appearance as the formational soils and the area is used for plant growth, it is difficult to define exact limits of existing fills for this report. The former erosional patterns are not known by us. nor is the extent.of filling to make grade for the present farming oper~tion. Because of these factors it is recommended that several inspection pits be made with grading equipment at the time of grading in proposed fill areas to ascertain the extent of existing fills. (lor It is recommended that all existing potentially compressible soils be excavated, as required, and compacted prior to placing fill soils or structures. This recommendation includes the area of porous old topsoil in the vicinity of Boring 7. The excavation is expected to extend to approximately 16 ft in depth (the depth to the ba~e of the porous soils in Boring 7). Since there has been some filling on the site in the past, the actual extent of porous soils that will require treatment should be controlled in the field by the soil engineer during grading upon visual examination of the exposed soil. WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COI-ISUlTlNG SOIL ANO rOUNOATIOH (N(;,f'4[[ltS AND G(OLOGISTS • • • • • • • • • • • (11) It is recommended that all grading operations be observed and compacted fills tested by Woodward-Gizienski & Associates. Organic material and debris should not be permitted in compacted fill. A set of "Speci fi cati ons for Contra 11 ed Fi 11" is attached. The recommendations made as a part of this report shall become a part of the "Specifications ·for Controlled Fill". LHlITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations made in this report are based on the ~ssumption that the soil and geol~gical conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the test borings. If variations are encountered during construction, we should. be notified so that we may make supplemental recommendations, if this should be required. Evaluation and utilization of soil materials and geological formations for support of structures includes investigation of the subsurface conditions, analysis, formulation of recommendations, and inspection during grading. The soil investigation is not completed until the soil engineer has been able to examine the soil in excavati~ns or cut slopes so that he can make the necessary modifications, if needed. We emphasize the im- portance of the soil engineer continuing his services through the inspection of grading, including construction of fills, and foundation excavations. WOOD VI A R D ·G I Zl ENS K I & ASSOCIATES CONSULTlHG sOll;-AND fOUrtOAT10H tNGIH([KS ANQ I?£OI..O<;'ISTS • • • • • • • • ;~)~~ r',"'"",:",\'::'~~~-- / J " '. , ~ 1211 "" """ -,\---, ''------,-'--",---- . :~ ~. i. f ~ 'M' I; " ! \ ~' "", " " ~~ lZ -3-'\>\' '----'~.------:.:~=~----~=~~-,oo S-I~ ,q.,, __ \,,-,_--:-__________ . ________ :'~r-~_,.o 1 • ,-' -----______ ~--_ '-'-___ ---, , ~property i:' -------/50 -______ ,-~~~-:_ ~ ---.---------"<~-__ ",1 -------------------------------_ .. __ ... ' "'-1"10 ~ -'~i' Ii t.j· ,i ...... ~: ~!II " -------________ _ 1 " 100 F---,-90 ................. '---., ;.-I;;, ____ ----~----,-'---:-------;,/',-".:.,-,~-\-'_____ -'-,-----------------... -..../ Vs '--__ -,-__ ---' ~---:----,---___ "'..' ... , "r /; "'" ""':: ~," ',--, ''', >, ----,,"-----,", ,," --, "--""_,:"" _______ ,, ,,',' __ ---->'''''~:: ,:_''' ___ :'~>:~~:-:?~"<>'\ ~J'----'"0", __________ " ~/q'l.~:O-:---:..---:------~: ... ---=.','----:::;...-~--___ ":: t ' '[' ~13.' ' _____ :-_ "", ' ___ ,,\ ',~, " --y ~ 12 -.', \ \ \ --------y 411 ", \ \ \60 n~, _ -------------------------______________ "\ \,\/So , 2:::~1,'k ~ --------:~---""----'~;~:~~ __ ,~:~~:~;::~~:::~~:=:::--~:;:----,--~~ {> ):::~ ;-;:::: ---->-------:7~-!-o~~~~:a-t~-:-------------~:~--:i-e-g~---:~::ay LEGE,~D: -1-Indicates approximate location of Test Boring. "Ir.;jjcates api'roximate location of Cut Slopeo .... ··-···.lndicates approximate ground surface contour&o ri Indicate. approximate ! I~ita of fill and porous L~'~Jnaterial. Graphic Scale (feet) , 250 0 250 500 750 ~ • .. ---====s SITE PLAN CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY hQODt~ARD -G 1Z /Et;$K 1 & !ISS:;;: I n ~ES CONSULTING SOIL ANO rOUN~ATION E~3INEEoS AhD G£CLO:;ISTS S~N DIEGO. CALIfORNIA '"' I ,0· 7~222 ". 0 BY' :-: ;.'1:: Iit.~: 1".:.:- , ~! i~ ~·f . .... " :~ I I I ! I . 1 i I I !' • • • • • • • • • • ll .... ~A., .... ,,' -----", ...... ~ if / ,I I tamn ...• II':; : f j ~ ~ .. I :1 ;: 'I • j ~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ;j OJ I" I~ ;J ~ ~, ~ g 'I !~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :) N ~ 1 ?; d l 1} :j ~ ~ ~ 3 ~ 'I ~ ~ 1 ·1 • 'J ~ 1 ~ ~ 4 ~ " ,J ,1 1 J (!) co 0- 5- 10- 15- 20 - Bor i ng ------~-~~r_------------------------__ ___ \','C = 5 l-!-J I Medi urn dense to dense, damp, bro..,,, ~g ~ I ~6 J 3 Ii' s i Jty sand (~,i) we = 9 DD = 120 Be::: 32 n... _ "'" - _. }1r-",: t,iedi urn dense to dense, damp, red- brown c J ayey sand ( SC) ~: .-.: ye J J ow-brol'/il s i J ty sand damp, red-bro\\'11 S i 1 ty .; " ,:.::::";':: ...... :: ....... ' .. -.:.: . ...... : I~" Be = 4D/SII C':::::' :~------------------------------ For Legend, see Fig. 3 LOG OF TEST BORI NG I 1 CARlSBAD LAKE COMMUUITY 11 , 1 ~.C'()Dt-JARD -GIZI8JSKI & ASSJCIATES I J CO:IWLHWG SOIL I...~O rOU:iD.HlC:1 E}:GIt:E~i\,S A.1l0 G£OLOulSTS I l S,~:l 01 ECD. CALI FO,\,iIA . ,. 1 r I I ! 'I J • . ~ ~ • t r. ~ J ~ ,. fj .' :~ t; ~ :j " • 'I ~ , E ~ ? • • • • • • • • +J C) Q) l1... Q) ~ '+- \.... :oJ (I) ?: o Q) cc ..c +J 0- Q) o 0- 5- 10 - 15- Bori ng 2 Loose, damp, bro\,111 si lty sand (SM) Be = Be= 68J·j0L·I----------~---------- LEGEND .. WC = water Content in percent o~ dry weight" DD = Dry Density in pcf" BC = Humber of blows by 1'40-lb" hammer fall ing 30 inches to drive sampler 12 incheso Sampler Data: ID = 2.0", 00 = 2.5" OS = Direct Shear Test Data: ¢ = Angle of Apparent Friction in ~egreeso C = Apparent Cohesi6n in psf" (SM) = Group classification symbol in accordance with the Unified Soi I Classification System" Sample Humber =r . . J i t i I I 1 I I, , f I I r t ! ! i f \- I I' ,I 'I I, ·1 II /' d Ii .I I -, I 'I II I, I! I i • • • • • • • • • • • <:J c: :J o L-a 3: o C) co o 5 10 15 20 25 30 I '. Be = 34/6" ! 3 . ~ ..... 'Ii Bor i ng 3 Very dense, damp, red-brown clayey sand (SC) } I' Slightly Porous ~g ~ II ~ 2 n :'.-' Be = 327ft [I' ,_ .' ~,~c' Very dense, da"p, red-brewn to ~g ;; III ~r ':."." yellow-brown si ltt sand (S,1) Be = 38/6" .. : .... : '.:.,:'':: ,. ...... ,~. we = 3 DD = 97 BC = 35/6" 5 DS: ~ = 36 C := 200 BC = 68 ...... : .. ::.::.:. .~----------------------------" .. :~. Very dense, damp, gray-brO\"ffi si lty <,} sand (SM) . ~: Be = 66 B" ~~-------------------------------- For Legend, sec Fi g. 3 LOG OF TEST BORING 3 CARLSBAD LAKE CQ·I/,lUNITY , '"' I I I' • • • • • • • • • • iJ .: '\ ~ • I , ~ .J 'j i I 'j 3: o Q) CO eM ln PH' '0 - 5 - 10 -, 15 - o - 5 - 10 - 15 - Bor i ng lJ. IIC = ~ I I [)ense to very dense, damp, red-bro..." gg~ 14~ ' .. clayey sand (SC) '. ~ S1 ightly Porous DD = III ,'. VlC= n2 . BC = 35 ,., : .... BC = 7¥tJlJ gray-brol"n s i 1 ty BC= 6~ I~'_":~~ ______________________ ~~ __ _ Bor i ng 5 WC =!Jl 51::: '::,' Dense, damp, red-brol-'.'fl clayey sand DD = 109 I . (SC) BC = 24-" I-Sl i ght 1 y Porous tiC = 6Ull DD = 117 .. BC = ~I DS: {) = 29 C = 320 :.: BC = 50~ BC= !j.2Jr-~-L __________________________ __ For Legend, sec Fig. 3 I f i I I I II I • • • • • • • • • • • (!) CD ..c: +' 0- (!) Q o 5 10 13 ; ~I.:. ..' ...... '" - Bor i ng 6 we = ~ .... . DD = 126 I ... . Be = 35 t- . .':-. :~ ;:.':.:.: Be = --::"'.' Dense to very dense, damp, red-bro~m clayey sand (SC) I I· • • • • • • • • • • • +' Q) Q) l.J... 3: o (j) In ..c +' 0.. (j) Cl 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - Bor i ng 7 we = 7 ~ Damp, dark bro~1n silty sand Fi 11 DD = I Ill-~-+-_-=-=.:.:L..I.--=-~--'-:"":":"--'--=--~--,--,-_--=--,--_ Be = Ill-Damp, red-brown si lty sand Fi 11 -3 --\'Ie = 8 2 DD = 106 I-- Be = 12 - . -we = II lI- DD = 112 f-- Be = 37 - - Darnp to moist, ye110l·;-bro.:Jn to red-brOi'lTl silty fine sand Fi 11 ~~dium d~nse, da71p, red-brown clayey sand (SC) Porous (Appears to be topsoil) For Legend~ see Fig. 3 LOG OF TEST BOR I NG 7 CARLSBAD LAKE CO~MUNITY ~I:X:)[:'4,·,'~RD -G! Z I ENSK I & ASSOCl'.lHES 1 1 ' COilSULTING SOIL AXD FCUriDATlC;t D:GINEEi\S A)lD GEOLO~IS:rS SA.1j 0 lEG:). Cl.LI FO,~:l1 A D":::_!lY: GLI,,J PDP()~:,.l~.E.:..._~.:"':L-,! "':':":':L~.z.::.::.:~~? __ ) j"""-~-~''':~~~~-'M __ .. __________ .. ~.~:,~,57..; ,,:.~=J D:.,~~.;.~.,~.Zj L~ L?,1,~,v~~"A'" L ~ ',-I" '::~., ~\I2~ .. ,~ Z"'''o-::: . .H • • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " j ~ ~ • n H ~ ~ +' ~ (!) s (!) lL. ~ I • ~ (!) § u ro ~ '+-L ::J g U) -0 ~ C ::J ~ 0 ~ L . , <D n • H :;:: ~ 0 a ...- 1\ (!) lJ co II fi ..c: I +' Co (!) 0 1 ,1 • l! g :J ~l •• ~ ij i ~ ~ • ! , • • I • J~ o - 5- 10 - 15 - 18 - 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - Bor i ng 8 WC = =;-I DD = 108 t--BC = 9 .. '. Loose, damp, dark brown si lty sand .(SM) - BC = 2¥' . tlredium dense, damp, red-brown clayey ...... ':, sand (SC) BC = .' ':':':.,: ,:.:::::: :,-"; ,'. ,;.-.... .... -.:-::::' " '.: , ... : .... Bor i ng 9 we = In I I";' Loose, rno i st, dark brown silty sand DD = 120 r' ('1'1) BC = 5 '.:...,' .~----------------------------- . · .. ::ri.edium dense, damp to moist, yellow- :J1...J":: brown to red-brcmn cl ayey sand (SC) Be = 221," . BC = " ,,::-' 2~1_'-f---_----'--r Dense, damp, gray-brcwn si lty sand (~H) BC= ~~~J-__________________________ __ LOGS OF TEST BORIHGS 8 & 9 '/ CARLSBAD LAKE C a,fl,WNI TY ~--------------------------------------------.! W)JL'WARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOCI ATES i CO)(SULTII<G SOIL AXD FOU;W.HlClI 8lGlliEERS "HD GEOLOGISTS I SAJl 0 I ECD. CAll FOR1i I A I ~--------~--~~--~--------r----------~--p~. BY: GS J._~:..~0\LE: In = S' uE:~:l.~:.?2L"""'!1 CX'O BY: i;-; ..... ?fOATE: 7/19/71. FIP'~F iiI)· '3 t .--.,~ ____ ~.c.::_n. ... _~ •• ...:.~~~ .. ..,... .. , ........ __ ... )!;; _ .~:... ..... 6'. '-",,;: ~L"':;-,.~·,Il""~:'~ •• J I f I • • • • • • • • • • • 3: o ..c:: +' c:.. C) c o - 5- 10 - 15 - 18 - 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - Bar i ng 8 we = f, DO = 108 r--,:', Be = 9 Loose, damp, dark brown si lty sand ,(SM) - ,.=.:.'':' .'-;'-:':: , , :':" .. ::::':: Bori ng 9 damp, red-brown clayey we = 'n' I'" ,: Loose, mo i st 1 dark brown s i 1 ty sand OD = J~2' "(<::'1) Be = 5 ':.' VI' --~-----------------------------',:':.:i, tJ.edium dense, damp to moist, yellaw- Be = 23 2 ,'," brown to red-brCfflTI cl ayey sand (SC) . ',' . " .. :' Be = 2~ Dense, damp, gray-br~~ silty sand ( ~H) Be= ~~~ __________________________ __ LOGS OF TEST BORIHGS 8 &9 CARLSBAD LAKE C C·!:,iUH I TY kCOL'WARb - G I Z I ENSKI & ASSDC I ATES • . '/ COXSULTII(G SOIL AXD FOU;iD.l.TIC;1 EHGlIiEE!\$ AHD GEOLOGISTS " SA}j DIEeD. CALlFOR:iIA ,I ! 1 I • .' • • • • • • • • I I. ..c +-' D- O) C 0- .5- 10- 15- 0-· 5- 10 - 13-. .. . . ." ... :; ,.,~. -. ,:-,-... '"; ...... Boring 10 -WC = lj. 1 DD = 106 f---:--BC = 16 ~led i urn dense, damp, .1 i ght .br:~n silty .' fi ne sand (SM) -..... I-----~---------- BC = 28~ .: ..... ~ l'I.edium dense, to very dense, damp, J-i -red-brown clayey sand (SC) ,: .:: .... BC = ~;.~----------~-~-----..... : .... ,:' ' .. :: .. ' Dense, damp, gray-brown si 1 ty sand • ..., lj.; ... .'<~:. (SN) BC= 37~~"'~<~~ ________________ _ Bor i ng II ." "',: Loose, damp, 1 ight brOiffi si 1 ty sand " (SM) ---~------~--------------.:' .. :; Medi urn dense, damp, yellow-brown to .. :'. red-bra-..n clayey sand (SC) Dense, damp, red-brOtJn silty sand (&vI) For Legend, see Fig, 3 LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 10 & II CARLSBAD LAKE CO~MU~ITY 1,..coC',·JARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES ,,:/ COUSULTIIrG SOIL J...~D rOUiiC.HlC:~ 8lGlti::E~S AHD G[CL03ISTS 'i SA!l DIEm, CALlFO:::HA !I ~R, BY: Gs __ J ArDOn'!:, SCAIJ: I" = 5' ! 1>01)..'1.":";. 73:]21-.1/ ------.~ ....... .......",....4=_ _____ S~~~;,,-,.~d .. 2_~!.~:.!. ....... ..zlt9J1.L__.~I~L~· ·:~ .. :~.i:r.~~r?'~~A<~' U • • • • • • • • • • • I I ~ 1 ~ ~ ~~ ." ~ n ~ . ~ ~ H a a ~ ~ ] !l ~ ~ :J ~ ~ ,1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ! I ~ ~ ~ ::;: o (j) co 0- 5- 10 - 13 - 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - . ,. . .... -.. . Bar i ng 12 Loose, damp, 1 ight brown silty . .. sand (Sf·f.) . ,..-"... " ---~---------------------------- H8dium dense, damp, brol-In to red- .. brown clayey sand (SC) --.:." :-. ':.( :: . ~ -.,-: ...... :. ., Dense, damp, brov,'ll to yeJ low-brOtm ~t::;\;::: s i 1 ty sand (SM) F';',::', Bar i ng 13 we = II ~,~ Loose, damp, dark brOtin silty sand (S1~) DD = 118 . '. 1\ 8C = 5 .1 \'--______________________ --,._ .'<'::' Medium dense, damp, red-brown clayey = \'Ie = II 2 DD = 119 f--BC = 25 - Be = 27~ . :~. sand (SC) _._+-------------------------- Very dense, damp, red-br~~n silty sand (S~) BC= 70~L-,~---------------------------- For Legend, see Fig. 3 '; . :: i ~.coCW,QRD -GIZI8~SKI & ASSOCIATES il ~ CD:iSULTIIlG S.Oll !..XD rCU:WATlC?l OlGIHEEflS AllD G£OLOG.lSTS 1,'1 LDGS OF TEST BORINGS 12 & 13 CARLSBAD LAKE CO~MUNltY ~ SA)! DIEW. CALI ro;:'lI A ~ l'R. BY: GS' ~~!.~: I" ,; S:"'IJ ~"..:ll...!'f)j T~.:??L .. .J J ___ -.......,... _____ =r::::_~""""=====~~:::.:.:~~~~.B~:::::~V-.:.:::~:'!::?'::!.==~:.::D~::=l:::~.~~:.~-:::7~/~::.=11::::;/,=~l::!!.-..-=::=~w .. ~::.:f.=-~.r_ol-=.,.,.r:..::!J=.:!:f.::;0,;,,=:-~ ... -,.-,:::::.I.~~ ••. :.!.:,..,.:3~:.:;.I.1 • • • • • • • • • • • u +' 0> 0> L1... -0 C ::::J o I.... <.!J 3: o 0> a::\ ..c: +' C>- O> Cl 0- 5- 10- l.5 - 18 - Cut Slope 14- Loose to rr:edium dense, dry, red-bro.·r.1 si lty sand (St,1) 51 ightly porous .... Dense, darnp, red-brown c1 ayey sand (SC) e •. ! I I f I I Ii ... ------------------------------------~.~. -----_.- • • • I 1 1 ,1 II ,1 II II Cl :;z: -CI) CI) II « C>.. • I ~ :z: w I <-> "'" !u I 0-J ! • I I ! I i I • I , • • • • • SIlT and CLAY GRAVeL SAUD COBBLES I---=:.:.:..:..=-=----lf__~_r_ I-.--:.~-r-----I Ct.::'1rse Fine Co3rsd Hedium Fine I 100 7 6 90 I I ~~sh O~nin~" ~-~i~n~s.~~----~S~i~ev~e~Si~z~e~s----_.----~H~yd~r~oo~~~t~er~M~a~l~y~si~s~_, ,-I I I 3 2 If .L 10 16 20 30 4-0 60 80 IlJ.O ?OO r--------r--.....,...---~ " ~'\ l. \ . 80~:~---~~~-+4--+4--+4--~1--~~~\--+-.~~~-+-------+---+------~ \ ,,: . \ \ '. lJ.OHI~-44~+-4-+-~+-+-~-~-+-+-+-+r~\r'-~_+~--4-1 --+---+----~ I t, H-~-~~r-~--~~~----~_+_+_+-r-'r\ITi\-+~,~\'-r-+---/~ ---~ / H-~--~~r_~--~-~----~_+_+_+_+-4.~.+-~~-.. ~.~~-,~~----3M 2 ~~~-~~~~--~-~---4__+_+_+_+--*~I-+'~f--~~~~~'~·~------~--+-------~ H-~-,H_+__l-+_+-+_+-+_+---~_+,. '., --.......:----...L 3-6·~~~~~~~-~~·~·~~======~ ~. -----'-", -3-l~ -+1"---=-..1.=---=:::-"':-:--1 , --: o 10 20 30 c u.J lJ.O:: « I-LU 0:: ~ &'Jz -w <-> c=: u.J 0- 60 70 80 so ~~~I-Jf~4-~+-~-H-~H----~-+~+-~+-~~~·~f--+-------T--_+--~~ a 100 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IH MllL!~IETERS SA;I.PLE CLASSIFICi\TI~~ AND S,{}::BOL *LL *PI ~~3--~2--~~Cl~a~ye~~(~.t~~)------------------+_------+_--~-~~ 3 -lj. S i 1 tv sand (S)·O 3 - 6 Silty sand (S,~) lj. -I Clayey sand (SC) * LL = L i qui d Lim i t *PI = Plasticity Index GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES CARLSBAD lAKE COMMUNITY .' : ! I I' I I I I I • • • • • • • • • I • • ; -. -, ,---:~:~. ~ . ,,~~.~~;: !,~ .. __ -=-~~.~~~~~:~~~~ __ ~'.~ ~~.: ~~~.=~~.~ .. ~ :~·~=~~r·7-' --~::.~~.~ : _ I .' , } r . . . [~',. I.....:· .: . i •. .. .... --~ J I Sa.;;p 1 e iJurr.)er 7 - 6 13 - 2 ! I r I I I I +' .r.: C1 .-<'J ::t: C'j .-+' .-C - '+-0 ~ I ...,... C5 -U) U) u.J cr: £:! C:5 u ""-------- RESULTS OF CONFINED CrudPRESSIOW TESTS Initial Final Dry \v'~ter Dry Water Density ContentSai:uration Density C.ontent 3aturation, Pressure Co.7i-?reSS ion pcf - 110 112 % aI 10 pcf T --- 12 60 116 II 65 117 500 .. % % 15 .90 IIJ. 90 PRESSURE -psf 750 psf 1000 1000 1000 ~ Sampl, ~:_:~""l Mol,t"e Coote, V '7..}-=::--h ) % of Initial Hei grrt - 1t.8 I 3.3 IJ. ~--~----4-----~---+----~----~---+----~--__ .~---+----~ 6 ~---+----~----~---+----~----~ __ -+ ____ ~ ____ ~ __ -+ ____ ~ RESULTS OF COIIF IIIED C011PRESS I 011 TESTS CARLSBAD LAK E CCf.lI·lUN ITY ~----~----------------------------~' ("''COD,!£\RD - G I Z I EN SK I. & ASSO C I A TES COHSULHIoiG SOIL MID FG[;~iDhTlO~ ENGIN~ERS AND GEOLOGISTS S~" DIEGO. CALIFO~NI4 OR. BY: GS 1 ~?p:;>ox. 5C'\Lt: - - - -PDOJ. !-{o: 73-2.3.U1 ('I('D !W: >'/-,..-z.. i O.\,TE: 7/23/73 ] fJ\IJl<E I-iO: 13 . ij I I I I I II . "' 'lIN • • DIRECT SHE.t,R TEST DATA 2 Dry Density. pcf 118 II • Initial Water Content. "/. 9 8 Final riater Content. % 13 15 Apparent Cohesion. psf 600 360 Apparent Friction Angle. 0 26 18 • • • • • • • • • 3 100 80 CI) ~ 60 0... I-ffilJO c..:> cr: w no " MECHJ,,'iICAL t.NALYSI S . :: .. 3 4 ~ 10 lI0 200 I~" \~ !\ 1\ \ \\-<:.. f-2 j;1 1-r+\\ I ~;.. ~~--' I I "'"-= 20 I o 1000 I I PLASTIClll' C-HARACTERISTICS Liq\Jid Limit. % I I I I 2 3 22 Plasticity Index. % 7 --~--------+-----~~-+----~ Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SV,ELL TEST DATA SM sc ? v Initial Dry Density. pcf I:T---~~------+-~~~~-r----~ Initial Water Content. % --~~~----+-----~---+----4 Load. psf Percen t S~..e I I SPECIFIC GRAVITY Specimen I = I - 3 Specimen 2 = 3 - 3 Specimen 3 = L 1/ I I I II II I I I I I I ,I I I • • • • • • • • • • • Assumptions: ..... , -~ ,.,.... . . -........ -.~ ....... , SLOPE STABILITY CUT SLOPE " (1) Maximum height of slopes, (2) Maximum"slope inclination, (3) Unit weight of soil, (4) Apparent angle" of interna] friction, (5) Apparent cohesion, (6) No seepage forces. References: . H = 40 2 • 1 "D "";'; • 26~ • , f.) y. = 130 ~ = 35(). C = 200 (1) Janbu, N., flStability Analysis of Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters l', Harvard Soil Mech~nics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., IIDim~nsionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth S.l opes II, JSt·1FD, No. Si~6, November, 1967. Analysis: " Safety Factor, F.S. )' H tan <t> c = Where Ncf is the stability No. for slopes with both c and ¢. 130x40x.700 = 18.21 200 From Fi gure 10 0+ Reference 2 51x200 F • S. = 130x40 = 1. 96 N = 51 cf O.K. FOR SEISMIC " WOO D \It A RD· G I Z I £ N SKI &. AS S 0 CI ~ IE S • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX B t?LOPE STABILITY CUT SLOPE Assumptions: (1) Maximum height of slopes (2) Maximum slope inclination (3) Unit weight of soil (4) Apparent angle of internal friction (5) Apparent cohesion (6) No seepage forces. References: . H = 15' 2 to 1 y = 125 pef cj> = 30° c = 300 psf (1) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis of Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters,1I Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., IIDimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes,1I JSMFD, No. SM6, November 1967. AniJ.lyses: SiJ.fety Factor, F.S. = c yH Where Ncf is the stability number for slopes with both c and <p. ). cf = XI:! tan 1 = 3.6 c From Fig. 10 of Reference ( 2) N = 16 cf· )' F.S. = 2.5 • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX B SLOPE STABILITY FILL SLOPE Assumptions: (1) Maximum height of slopes (2) Maximum slope inclination (3) Unit weight of soil H = 25' 2 to 1 (4) Apparent angle of internal friction (5) Apparent cohesion y = 120 pef <p = 25° c = 250 psf (6) No seepage forces. References: . (1) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis of Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters;" Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., "Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes," JSMFD, No. SM6, November 1967. Analyses: Safety Factor, F.S. = Acf = XII tan 1 = 5.6 c From Fig. 10 of Reference F. s. = 1. 75 c yH ( 2) N 8f' '- Where Ncf is the stability number for slopes with both c and ¢. 21 • • • • • • • • • :. i APPENDIX B SLOPE STABILITY FILL SLOPE Assumptions: ( 1) Maximum height of slopes H = 15' ( 2 ) Maximum slope inclination 1-1/2 to 1 ( 3) Unit weight of soil y = 120 pef ( 4 ) Apparent angle of internal friction cf> = 25° ( 5) Apparent cohesion d 250 psf ( 6) No seepage forces. References: . (1) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis of Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters," Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., "Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes," JSMFD, No. SM6, Nove)11ber 1967. Analyses: Safety Factor, F.S. . 1. cf = yll tan 1 c = = 3.4 c yH Where Ncf is the stability number for slopes with both c and 4> • From Fig. 10 of Reference (2) Ncf '= 14 P.S. = 1.9 • • • \) .j • • • • • • • APPENDIX B SLOPE STABILITY SURFICIAL SLOUGHING SEEPAGE PARALLEL TO SLOPE ------ -- - - --"---Failure Surface - F .. S. = C I + ( if -~'" ) d COS2 i tan ¢ I <I'd sin i cos i j\SSUf.1PTIONS: 1) Depth to failure surface 2) Unit weight of soil 3) Unit weight of water 4) Slope inclination angle 5) Soil effective cohesion 6) Soil effective friction angle P.S. Safety Pactor 1.84 d = 3' 5 = 120 pef ~III -= 62.4 pef i = 33.7° c'= 250 psf ¢'= 25° • • • • • • :.., I 3 :': e- • • • APPENDIX C. - SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL I. GENERAL These specifications cover preparation of existing surfaces to receive fills, the type of soil suitable for use in fills, the control of compaction, and the methods of testing compac- ted fills. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to place, spread, water, and compact the .fill in strict accord- ance with these specifications. A soil engineer shall be the m-mer I s representative to inspect the construction of fills. Excavation and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection of the soil engineer, and he shall give written notice of conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. Deviations from these' specifications will be permitted only upon written authorization from the soil engineer. A soil investigation has been made for this pro- ject; any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. II. SCOPE The placement of controlled fill by the contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing unsat- isfactory material, preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas. III. MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any mater- ial imported or excavated from the cut areas that, in the opinion of the soil engineer, is sui "table for use in con- structing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than 24 inches in size and shall contain at least 40% of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size. (Mater-' ials greater than 6 inches in size shall be placed by the. contractor so that they are surrounded by compacted fines; no nesting of -rocks shall be permitted.) No ma-terial of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise improper nature shall be used in filling. 2. Material placed within 24 inches of ro~gh"grade shall be select material tha-t contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size and that swells less than 3% when compacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and soaked under an axial pressure of 160 psf. •. , • • • • • • • I • APPENDIX C 3 . Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested ~in the laboratory by the soil engineer in order to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content, and classification of the soil. In addition, the soil engineer shall determine the approximate bearing value of a recompacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the report of the soil investigation may be encountered by the contractor. The soil engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils. IV. COMPACTED FILLS 1. General (a) Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the contractor while at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a density that is not less than 90% of the maximum dry density deter- mined in accordance with ASTM Test No.' D1557-70, or other density test methods that will-obtain equivalent results. (b) Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the ma·terial. 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Filled (a) All trees, brush, grass, and other objectionable mater- ial shall be collected, piled, and burned or otherwise disposed of by the contractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a neat and finished appear- ance free from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed by the contractor from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed, and any loose or porOus soils shall be removed or compacted ·to the depth shoW11 on the plans. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment ·to be used. (c) Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopesJ the slope of the original ground on which the fill is ,to be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the contractor as shown on the figure on Page 4 of these specifications. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying formational materials. ,. • • • • • ~ ') . J'l J., ~ • -, " ~ 3 ~ • - • • • APPENDIX C (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, plowed, or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by the contractor until it is uniform and free from large clods, brought to the proper moisture content, and compacted as specified for fill. 3. Placing, Spreading, and compaction of Fill Material (a) The fill material shall be placed by the contractor in layers that, when compacted, shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thorough- ly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. (b) (c) (d) (e) v. When the moisture content of that specified by the s,oil added by the contractor until specified. the fill mat~rial is below engineer, water shall be the moisture content 1S as When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by the contractor by blading, mixing I or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. After each layer has been .placed, mixed, and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly compacted by the contrac- tor to the specified dens tty . Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory rollers, mul tiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. Compaction shall be continu- ous over the entire area, and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entire fill. The surface of fill slopes shall be compacted and there shall be no excess loose soil on the slopes. INSPECTION 1. Observation and compaction tests shall be made by the soil engineer during the filling and compacting operations so thut he can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in uccordance with the specifications. 2. The soil engineer shall make field density tests in uccordance with AS'l'M Test No. D 155664. Density tests shall be made in 'the compacted materials below the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the .specified density, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the specified density has been obtained. 0(". • .. APPENDIX 'C • • • • , • jJ • • •• VI. PROTECTION OF WORK 1. During construction the contractor $hall properly grade all excavated surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. He shall control surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties or to finished work on the site. The contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded a~eas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control features have been installed. 2. After comI21etion of grading and when the soil engineer has finished hls observation of the vlOrk, no further excava- tion or filling shall be done except under the observation of the soil engineer. Strip as specified 0:r:iginal ground 'Slope ratio = N .M Fill R:.:ro~le all to~)<"o J'l / .. ' .... ~;: ...... > >.:;: .. ,.0 .. -J ~ J~ 13 }-/.~;. -,.t VaJ;'ics J..<-'" :~ See Sec nOlci NOTES: The minimum Hidth "B II of key shall be 2 feet wider than the compaction equipment, and not less than 10 feet. The outside edge of bottom key shall be belm., topsoil or loose surface material. Keys are required where the natural slope is steeper than 6 . horizontal to 1 .vertical, or where specified by the' soil engineer . note