HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-24; CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY; SOILS REPORT; 1973-07-30 (2)I· '1 I I I I I I I I .1 .1 ·1 I I I I. ·1··· .. I SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR .THE PROPOSED .CARL.SBAD LAKE COMMUNtTY'., CARl:SBAD., CAL IJ,ORNIA cr ?3-~i for . Covington B~ot&ers .2461 t. 'Or~ngethorpe fullerton, ~a1i'fornia 92634 . I by : e •• ,.EEI'" e-r73~d.f , . DptEd O'l-30-73' . WOODWARD-GI.ZIENSKt' & AssdC1ATES· Consulti,ng Soil and fOlJndation E,ngtneers and Geol.ogist.': . .' . ~ . . . (An Affiliate of' ~[oodward-Clyde. Consultants) " . " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I I I TRAN'SM.ITTAL ,LETTER SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SITE ,ANt) SOIL CONDITIONS CONCLUS10NS AND RECm~MENDAT10NS LIMITATIONS FIGURE , -SITE'-PLAN, FIGURE 2 -LOG OF TEST ~DRINS " FIGURE 3 -LOG OF TEST BORING 2 FIGURE 4 -LOG,OF TEST .BORING 3 FIGURE 5 ~ LOGS OF TEST BORI~GS 4 & '5 FIGURE 6 -LnG OF TEST BORING '6 FIGURE 7 -LOG OF TEST BORING 7 FIGURE 8 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 8 & 9 FIGURE 9 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 10 & 11 FI GURE 10, -LOGS OF TEST B,ORINGS 12 & 13 FlGURE' 11 -LOG OF CUT SLOPE FI GURE 12 -GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES FIGURE 13 -RESULTS ,OF CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS FIGURE 14 -FILL SUITABILITY TESTS,' ; ATTACHt~ENT I -,SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL ATTACHMENT II -FILL SLOPES: STABILIty ANALYSIS ATTACHMENT II I -CUT SLOPE: STABILITY ANALYSIS PAGE 1 1 2 '~ 4 7 , . , .. WOODWARD': Glll'ENSKI & ASSOCIATE'S ' CONSULTING SOIL ANQ FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEQLOGISTS ... -------------------------------,-------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I" I 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego California 92110 (714) 224-2911 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS An affiliate of Woodward -Clyde Consultants July 30, 1973 Project No. 73-222 Covington Brothers 2451 E. Orangethorpe Fullerton, California 92634 Attention: Mr. Mike Ryan In accordance \\lith your Purchase Order Number 15290 and our proposal dated June 4, 1973, we have conducted an investigation of the unperlying soil conditions at the site of the proposed Carlsbad Lake Community subdivision in Carlsbad, California. Results of our studi~s indicate that the site is suitable for the proposed construction. There are however, existing fills~ porous soils, and cultivated soils existing on the site that will require spe~t~l,treatment during grading. The accompany; ng report pres'ents our ,con'clus icQns and recommendati ons, as we 1 i as the results of the subsurface exploration and the laboratory, tests upon which these recommendations' are based. The engineer assigned to this project was Joseph G. Kocherhans of our firm. WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES OJ? (l-~--0 J-;:::1-;7L ! I -, • , ~ Lt;?4A",'y·;,-'A#J l ~'"v~ -~"'~ -Stanley F. Gyzienski, R.f7 ,10352 - SFG/JGK/ls (6) I I I I· I ·1 '1 I I I. I I I I I I I I I Proje.ct No. 73-2'22 SCOPE . This report describes an invest,i gati.on -of the underlying ~oi 1 and g.eological conditions at the site of the propos.edCarlsbad Lake Communfty to- be located east of Interstate 5 and south of Poinsettia Lane, in Carlsbad, California. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the ,general geology and subsurface conditions, i·nc.ludi'ng the pre-s'enc'e -and effect of. existing fills, loose or porous soils, ~nd potentially ~xpansive soils; the embankment shrinkage factor; the .relative s-±ab·.i]ity :pf .cut ~and 'fill slopes; the availability of select fill materi-als; ·recommendati-'ons regarding allowable bearing pressures for design of fQundati.ons in natu-ral undistu·rbed soi 1 and . . . in compacted fi 11; the most suitable type and. requi.red depth of foundati ons. for use at the site; and, thede-pth to ·water, if slgni'fi c~nt. 'ft is our unders~tanttin-g the devel0pment wfll consist 'ofapproximately 300 one to two-story wood-frame condominiums utilizing concrete slab-on-graqe construction. We also understand that a s;hal1,,_ow lake ·will p.e .exc.avated at .' the central portion of the site. It is our -further understanding that .gradi'ng . will be performed in gen_eral, in accordance .with ·the. TentatiNe· Tract. 73-24 plan dated May 1973, prepared .by-Lawrence R. Wil1,i·ams,. Tustin,' Calif6rni-a,. Consulting Civil Engineer. FIELD INVESTIGATION Thirteen test borings 'were made by· a truck mounted,· continuouS flight, 6-in. diameter power auger and-one ex;-sting cut slope was logged at the approximate 'locations shovm. on the Site .Plan,.Fig. 1. Field arid sub- surface exploratioh was done.on July 5 and 7,19..73, under tnesu·perv;'sion. of. ! . ',', -'~:'''-'~~:.; .. , ,,- a staff engineer from our firm .. f,iel~ logs Were prepared by._the engineer on .. : _ .. the basis of an inspection of .the samples sElcured, the materials excavated,' '-. '. . and the soils exposed in the existing cut"bank along Poinsettia Lane .. - '-. . . '.~'" .' ;" W(lODWARD ·GIZIENSKI & ASS.ociATES'·- CON~ULTIHG SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS "~O GEOLOGISlS .1'. ,"·.1 .1 ·1 I' I I '1 I I 1 I I I I 'I .1 I I ProJect No. 73-2-22 Page. 2 . The ~ogs of the Test Borings are sJ;low,n on .Figs. -2 th,rough 10 and are based on an inspection of the samples taken, ·,the laboratory test resu'lts and field logs .. Test Borin.g loc.ations wereplott.ed in the field on a Site Plan entitled "Tentative Tract .73-,24 Carlsbad Lake GommunityU d:ated May 1973, and prepared by Lawrence R. vJiTli arns of Tustin, Ca'l i'for-nta,. LABORATORY TESTS The soils enc'ountered were visually classified and evaluated with: . ' respecto to streng~h, swelling and cQmpres-sibility characte.ri.stic$, dry . densi ty and moi sture content. ,'These cl as.sifi cati'ons were sLlbstanti ated by moisture content and dry dens·H:y,., ,pla.sti:.c,ity·,grain :si.ze ,anatysi:s, ·dh-:ect shear andconfi'ned compress 10n tests ·onr~prE3:s,~mtiv.e :sati1p~(es o'f 'th'e's,ui 1-5. . , Results· of the moisture content.,dry.den's·H;.y, 'pla:s:t:fttty and 'di:re'ct 'sh'ear tests are shown at .the corresp·onding. s'ample lticati on on the Log of Test Borings. Results of the .grain .siz.e .an.aJys.es anrl,:confi.ned compression tests are shown on Figs. 12 and 13, .respe.ctively. Fill suitability tests, including cornpacfron, grain .?ize analysis, and direct shea·r tests have been ·performed 'on the ,probable fill soils •. Results of the fill suitability tests were· utilized to arrive at the conclusions and recommendations contained he'rein and .are presented on -Fi,g.14. SITE AND SOIL CONDITIONS . The site is locateq south an.d east of the intersection of Inter.state 5 and Poinsettia Lane and west of 'Bata quit os Lane in ~arlsbad, California. The site consists of a'relatively flat. north-s·outh trending ancient '''pe'ach, ridge" sloping gently to the west "wi'th changes .in elevat;-Cin from approximately 150 ft .in the east down to approximately 110 ft near 1-5. A relatively steep (approximately 2 to 1, horizontal :tovertical)' somewhat eroded .s;'opee.xis,ts near the eas tern boundary. The Tentative Tract Pl an. ;'ndic·ates that. construct; on .- WOODWARD ... GlZIENS-KI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING sOIL ANO',FOUNOATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS I I ,I I 'I I I 'I' I I ~.I I ·1 I, '1 1 I I I Project No. 73-222 Page 3 ' will be limited to the gently sloping we$tern ,portion of. the site. At the ti,me of our investigation the major ,por,ti.pn ,of ~tb.e ,site ,If/as under ,culti,vati,Qn:. A row of large eucalyptus trees trendi-ng north-south exists in the north- western portion of the site. 'Re-sal ts of the tes't b'or;-ngs ma'de :at ,the s·i·te indi·cate the presence of the following materials which are described in their genera.l order of occurrence with depth and increasing. geological age. Fill. Damp to moist, brown silty s.and with a trace of clay. The fi 11 was encountered in the w.est':"G.entra1pprtion :o.f tne si.te in Boring 7 extending to a ,depth of 1:3 ft. "P'il'es of loos-e fill have been placed along the tGP' ',of theri:dge ,n,ea.r ,the easte,rn boundary of the site. Some 'rubble 'and organic materials "wer,e ob'se'rve,d in the scattered .pi les ·of 'fi 11 i .. n thts .area. Torsoi 1. Loose to 'rne:ellcl1m -d~lrs~, ":geli'e'raI1y 'p'ort1us, "a-amp to moist, dark brown silty sand. This material Was encountered in bO'rings located ion the west-ern portion of the site, Borings 1, 2,. and 8 to 13, ranges from one to,si.x ft -in .th:i . .ckn.e;s,$~' Thes.e ;i:.ppsoils exhibit low potential expansibility, ch'a·racteristi'cs. Terrace ~~ateri a 1 S • Medi·um to ve.ry.· d.ense ,:damp', .r-.ed,brown to . . grey brown silty to clayey sands. These materials were' encountered, in all borings and extend to the depths explored, a maximum of 30ft,' They comprise the basic formati'onal ·$'oi1 'at the ,site, anti 're:latively. competent foundation material and exhibit a'lo~ potentia1 for expansi on when wetted', Below the fi 11 found in Bori:ng, 7 about 4 ft of porou·s cl ayey sand lIold topsoil II was encountered . . ; : No hard rock or ground water was encountered in the' test -b.Q.!:.in.gs ____ ---• ~ ___ • _ ....... -' ________ .~.~ ._~....,.. lQIif dHV'...,..... at the time of excavation, . " .:' . , WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCI'AlES'.' CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND G~OLOGI~n .. , . <: .":. ~' . . ... ~ . I I I I .. --- I I I I -""1 -. ",.. --I I ~-·I. . : '1 I I- I . '1 I I . . Project No. 73-222 Page 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMr~ENDATIONS (1) It is our opi-nian no major'soil ,c-onditions e~(i;st -a:t the site wh-ich would preclude the -development of the propos-e'd one to two-story condominiums. !he presence of-existing fills, old-porous topsoil, and loose pi 1 es of tras'hy fi 11 wi 11 're-quir-e s-p'eci-al tr'ea'tmen't :during gra-d, n-g. *' ",<10...; qo (2) The ground which w'il1 're'ceive fill and/or one .arid two.-story condominiums will have an adequate bearing value to safely support the proposed loads when treated P.S described· in the follow-i'ng p:aragraphs and in the attached liSped fi cati on's for Cont'roll ed PiTl·!. FO'otings ,for residential structures placed ,on n,onexpansive .. , non-,porous ,native 5:0:i1'5 .or properly compacted nonexpansi'-ve -fi 1] 5.011'5 may be :clesi'gned for a soil' bearing pressure of 2000 pST {to'ta:1:oei:rd 'p'lus ;'1'1've ~l'aad~) .at.'a'depthof "12 inches below rough .lot grade. 'Pooti:ngs:' "should ,h-ave a ·minimum -width of 12 inches. The above soil bearing pressure may be increased by one-third for loads that include wind or seis·mic fe··roes. (3) Cut and fill slopes having an inclination of 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) and maxi·mum unsupported h.e'i,ghts::()f less, ,than 2Sfeet,wi11 in ou~_ opini on have adequate .safety factors against deep seated s10pe fa; 1 u'res if constructed in accordance with, the p loans and thea:tt,H:hed 11'S'p~ci fi c,ati ons for Controlled Fillll. Typical stability calcu1atlons:for cut and fnl slopes are attached for your information to sup~~rt our conclusions~ .. (4) Results of our fi~ld investigation 'indicate that soil~ expected to be used in fills are basically nonexpansive •. Though: no potential expansive soils ·were encountered; 'it'has ,been our experience" that ·thin _ '~'~" .. ',(l t.o.,l.-f-t) residu~J clayey soilS cou'ld be ,.~ncounteredbetween the t.opsoils. and formational soils in localizedareas •. Should ':any ·po·tentia1.1Y expansive ": .. ',- soi 1 s be encountered they shoul d be exc~~e~ and spread and compacte.d ~. ___ " .': : WOOOWAR'O-GIZlHiSKI &' ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOI~ AND FOUNDATION, ENGIN£E~S AND GEOLOGISTS , .. ~ .. ' '" . _. "~ ~ I I ·1 I I I 'I I I ·1 I I I I I 1,- '1 I I Project No. 73-222 P,age 5 fill s below a depth o!,..? ft belm" rough 1 ot ,grade. Potentlally expansi ve soils, if encountered within 2 ft of finis;hgra,~le.in ,cutare'a,s should be undercut and be .replaced :with pr.operly compact,ed :nonexp':~nsive soils available on the site. (5) Restll ts of ol:lr fi:elcl !=xplorati>on 'fnd'i cate that ,a 11 mate·ri'a 1:s encountered can be excav·ated wi th ·normal heavy -gradi r:lg ·equfpmen't. No extensive cemented zones nor hard .rock are expected. (6) In order to express a meaningful estimate of the embankment' shdnkage-swell factor, the res,u1ts of laboratery cOlTlP;action tests need to be compared to th~ -density in t~e natu·r.al state i,n ,borr,ow. We wish to emph'asize that va'riations i'n -soil d~nsity in the 'n'atural state, as ,wen as, in the fi 11, make cal cul ate-d -va lues 'a'f s'hri·nka"g-e ,at bes;t. ve,ry approximate. A majer fa-c,tor is that relatively Tew tests a~e'li'l'aaeb.f''bn,:;-slte materials as compared to the mass of materi'al moved during grading plus the insuffi~ . ci ent 'know-ledge re'gardiwg the --a'ctua~ dens'i-ti'es ion 'ex-cess -of min,imum ,requi re- ments to whi ch the contractor wi 11. :compact: the fi 11. B:as:ed on the--' i,mited work done to qate and cons i d~ri ng the ,above factors thefo 11 owi ng shri nkage values for preliminary estimating may be used: 'Topsoil, appro:xtmate'ly. 8% +. 2%; the underlying formati'onal soils approx1-mately ~ 2%;' existing loose fills, 10 to 20%. (7) Our experience with soils ·similar to those encounterea on the site .. indicates that they could have relatiyely high .permeability' rates. T~erefore the water loss through, seepage of the 'proposed 1 akes could be high, could caus'e marshy areas. at low~r elevations, or could shm'l as slope seepage. It is therefore recommended that adequate'step's" be taken to seal the lake areas or to intercept the seepage so that 'no harmful effects result. WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSO'CIATES CO,!SU~TING SOIL ANO FOUNOATION ENGINEERS AND, GEOLOGISTS ',1 ·1 :1 I I I I I I I I I I .. I I' I I I I Proje'ct No. 73-222 Page 6 ' (8) Soils similar to those encountered on thj~ site are subject to e.xtreme ,erosion by ut;lcontrolled aGtfQn of;wa:te.r. T:her~f:ore"it is. '. . .. recommended that all cut and fi]l :slopes .b.e ,planted' ~and ,be pro~dded with adequaJe surface drainage in :a'ccoTdance with the .. C:ity of :Ca-rlsbad standa,rds. (9) It is recommended that loose ·and/or. p'oroussoils as well as ----,--------------~------~- existing fill soils that 'are n-oi: ·removed by .grrading 'ope-rati-ons be excavated or scarified, as required, replaced and compacted b~for.e fill.'or structures- are constructed. In general the loose and/or go,rolls surface, soils .qym:ag.e __ . __ _ appr_oxilllateJy_Lfj;~tbi.cJmas:.:s...-:.WlLex_e....;:.e_n_c.o.unte'red. The maximum thickness of' exi,sting fill encountered :wa·s ;ci.:p'p-r~ox1.m.at.ely l3fLatBoring·7 •. · S-ince the fill soil s on the si te have the -same 'general ,:appe'arance ·as th-e :rormati-ona,'l 'soi ls and the area is used for plaflt g:row!bh.", it ';,s 'di'ffi~Gult ·:to ,de!r·;'ne .e-x:~,c;t 1 imi ts of existing fills for th'is re·p6rt. 'Th'e :fbrme'r,~~rdsJ(o<milpa;t:t,er:h:S ,are not known by us, nor is the extent of fillin'g to make grade for the present farming operation. Because of thes.e f~.cto,r$ i:t is r~cpmm~nde·d· that· .$everal· inspection pits be made with gr~ding equipment at the time of ~rading in propo..s~d fi 11 areas to ascertai-n ,the .eKtent ;of 'ex;sti:Jl9:..-,fills. (10) It is recommended that all existing potentially compressible soi ls be excavated, as required,andtompa.ct~d'pT':j:O'r!topla:d'ng -,fill soi ls, , ' or structures. This recommendation includes'the aY'E;a of potous old tOpsoi.l __ in the Vicinity of Boring 7. The excavation is ~xpected toexten~ to . , , approximately 16 ft in depth (the depth to the base of the pO,rous so,ils in .:~.f'~~ .. Boring 7). Since there has be~n some:fillfng o~ the site in the past,·the' actual extent of porous sO'il 5 that willrequi re treatment "shQu,l d be contro Hed in the field by the soil 'engineer during -grading upon vi.sual examination .of the exposed soil. 'WOODWARD· GIZIENSKJ' & A'SSOCIATES CONsulTIH~ SOjl ANo'FQUNOATION ENGINEE,RS AND GEOLOGists " .. ' I I I '1 I 1 I I I I I I -I. .:;".!." ..... ' Proj.ect N.o.. 7.3-222 'Page'7 . (11) It is recommende9 that all gra,9ing op,e.ratiQns be' obs:erved and compacted fills tested by Woodwa:rd-Giz.i,ens'ki .& Ass·ociates .. Organic material and debris s.houJd not be pe'rmitted ;j!n ,c:ol11p.accted fill. A set Of IISpecifi cati-on'S for Controlled Fil P ;'s attached .. The recommendations made as a part of this report sh·all bet·omea pa'rt 'Of the IIS.pecifications for Controlled Fill II . LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations made in this repo'rt are based on ·the assumpti on that the 'sotl 'and '~e61 oglca:l conditions -00 not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the· test hortngs • .If. variations are encounte-red 'during cons'truction, we .should be notified so that we may make suppJemental recommendations., +f th'i:s 'should 'be -~equi red .. Eva'l uation and u'ti li z'atl0n of so·flmate·yii:·a:l~sand geo1:ogi cal formations for support of structures includes investigation of the subsurface conditions, analysis, formulation of rec.ommendations, :~nd·i:n.s:pe.ctj.oh dur;'ng grading. The soil investigation is not completed until the sotl :engi·.neer has been' ab 1 e to examine the .. soil i-n ~exc-avati~0ns or c!Jt slopes so .thathe· can make the necessary modifications~ if needed.Weeml2hasize·the im-. portance of the soil engineer continulng 'hiss>ervice·s·.through. ·-the i'nspection.· .'. --------~-----........:::.-----". of grading, including construction of fill.s~.and foundation excavations . ... 1-: ...... ;~ .. " .. ,~ .. . . . ~ ....... ,..~~ .. , .. I I I I '1 WOODWARD. GIZIENS·Kt -& ASSOCIATES CON)iULTING SOIL ArjD 'FOUNOATIO/'f ENGIN~ERS AND Q~OLOQISTS -, -. -~ . .'.. . .> -- \I 11 I ! I, !I Ii I jl --.~~--.. ~ ~ -....... _-" -... --. -- -- --' -- - '--~-~ , ~~ /,' ~'-..::-... -... <::,s~~' ~' " , I I '. . , ..... \ ... '" \. ""'\ "'''''''''~''' ...... ~:-- " '... . ' " '" '::--,' -" ", '-:"A ---" ' ... ,,------I, --"', '-, ----------_____ _ _____ ,~ LI", • ""--, '-', ,----------, ------, ------;~ p, .. "t, ~. • ' ',----<',\ --: -------:: --~-;:::----'''~~'''=-~:~::-~-----~ '-~-------:--':_--::----:::;: ~:,~>: :-':~'" 3 h. '''-'-' ----------v" 0 ~--F'-___ _ ', __ , ,.,~ ",, __ '_., \ --r-__ __' • ____ ___ _,_ ___ __ __ _____ " _, , , S-iO ',--------------------"~'" '"_+______ __ __ , ' _________ --"6 . __ , ') " " . "', -----------------------;!,,--------'------,---./ I, \. "" .' "'" \ --~ ---------"'" ----'-------------< '" "" -", ',:, \ "V __ --', __ , . ",,', __ , '> \ ----------------------",--, '" '; \ '~ ---,,' -',---------,--. . .' . '\ " " LE'GEND:' )1 •• :tf~ : ,:,~ ." ,. «-.. f 0'( , " -+ Indlcat •• ,approxlma~e location of Test Boring. _Indicate. approximate location of Cqt Slope. ;..--.. ··Indlcat •• approximate 'grn Indicate, approximate @J1'Jmaterlal. ' ground ourface contour~. II_Ita of fill and poroUI ---" " " ';, '. -""-, , ----", "'~ ,.,2 IV .~~J3 1 .... /"1.0 ---~--:-'-":'--...... -.. 1.. ..... -----------------------... -.9 ----------... ,------ -~-----, --.:.-------~--'---,.-,-f30. ! ___________________ ..:=::.;:-~: .. ______________________________ Il;O San 'Di~go Freeway SITE PLAN CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY 260 0 ~r.aph fe Seale-, ' (feet)" 250 600 750 WOO~~ARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSCCIAJES CONSULTING SOIL AHO' FOUNDATION 'EHGIN~ERS, AHD GEOL9G1S'rs ---" SAN Q.lEGO. qUFORNIA . , ' OR. By:AlS GS NO: 73-222 CK'D SY· . ,', , , " ;',:. '~. " ',' 1 1 1 1 --·1 I 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I· 1- ·1 1 I ....... -~,. .~~ .. 4~, •• i· i ~ """"', L +' (l) (l) W- (l) 0 CI1 '+- I- =:J CI) "0 C =:J 0 I- ~ ~ (l) co ..c +' .Q. (l) 0 0- 5- 10- 15- 20 - {3o'r ing 1 ~g ~ II ~ ~; "'::, ~di um dense to dens~, ,damp, orO'.<ll1 Be = 80 J 3 f-, '" sl1ty sand (SM) ---t, '. . we = 9 JlP <, Medium .dense to dense, damp, red- DO = 120 , ;. ': ,;; brown clayey sand (Sc) Be = 32 '. ":'.' :,\:':~{ . t~ Be = 40 r ::'>,~;:~ r.'~:~'.--------~--~--------~~ For Legend, see Fig. 3 LO G 0 F TEST '80 RI.-N G,I CARLSBAD .LAKE COt~MUN'1 TY-. ~ ".-. *SLiCS:;; ... ~ ". .). ... '." . ; -.:~ . r-----------------------------~------~- I I I +' Q) Q) u. I I Q) fJ ..... I !... :::I Ci) "0 c: :::I I 0 !... C' ~ 0 I -Q) ·co ..c: +' 0. I Q) 0 ·1 I .1 .. I I I I- I I I I 0 .... 5- 10- 15- 'Sori ng 2 l:EGEND_ WC = Wat~r Content in percent of dry w~ighto DO = Dry Dens,ity in pcfo BC = Number of blows by IlJ.O-l bo hammer fall in,~ 30 inches to drive sampl er 12 incheso Sampler Data: 10 = 2.0", 00 = 2.5"' OS = Direct Shear Test Data: rJ '= Ang 1 e oLApparent Fr i ct i on i'n degreeso C = Appa~rent Cohes i oni n· psf 0 in accordan'ce wUti :the , i I. ':: -~~; . '-':";:'" .~t.:.;1<~~q. . . . "4 .~--~ .. (SM) -Group classification symbol Unified Soil Classification System" -: ~ = Sample Number • LOG 'OF T'~ST BO'RI'NG.2 CARLSBAD LAJ<ECONMUNITY ,-.: ... -, " ~. I I I 1 1 1 1 'I 1 1 1 1 I I· I .1 I I I· +' cu cu u.. I cu o ro .... 1- ::J en "0 c: ::J o 1-eo 3: o ..::: +' 0.. CU. o 0- 5- 10- 1.5 - BC ::: 25 - BC = 30 _ For Legend, see Fig. 3 Boring $ .~.,'..u-..... , ~ . . . ,.... ....... ""!"-_____ ~---~-------...... ~...,,;...~~l·, 'LOG OF TEST· BOR I'NG' 3 CARLSBAD' LAKE CCMMUNITY WXlDWARD -G! 21 ENSK I . & ASSOCIATES : CONSULTING SOIL AMOFOUNOATIOM EMGltlEERS AND' GEO.lOGI·STS SAN 01 EG.!};. CALI FORIHA-. .' , : I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I- I I ·1 I -Cl> co .c ...... 0-Cl> o 0- 10 - 15 - 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - Boring ij. ~g'~ 11 r J...!'::::·;f;· Dense to very ·dense; damp, BC = lflJ. ,,,::~:;'~ clay.eysand (SC) wc = ~ 2' ::::;~:}? :f-81 icghtly Porous DD = III --:>""."', BC = ·35 ~ . J?:'.{ ~ ~ Be = nY-~~ ).,'. : ,~i,t~: Bori ng 5 red-brown BC~ lJ.2~~~~~~~~ ____________ ~ __________ __ For Legend, see Fig. 3 LOGS OF TEST BORINGS ij. & 5 CARLSBAD L·AKE COMMUN I,TY • ! I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 1- I I I I 0- 10- 13- , I For Legend, see Fig. 3 Bor in.g ·6 -,::,,:}'L' '. J)gn_se to very dense, damp, red-brown ::>~,:::';:: cl ayey sand' (SC) ::: '.:::':~~.: LOG OF TEST BORlN~ 6 :CA'RLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY . .. . hOODWARD -GI Z I ENSK I &' ASSOCIATES COt>iSUlTlNG SOI·l AND' FOUHOATlO;4 EMGi~-EERS' AMDGEOLOGI'STS"" " j 1-__ '_' _....,._....;,·SA:.;;,!l;....;;.,;DI:.,;;E,;;;;:OO;..-.1_,C;..;.;,.A,;;.LI;....;;FO£:!!.A . , . -. -.~ :.- DR. BY:, GS '. A.ef!.Q.hJ,QA!J~~~UQJ.... .. 2?;:?i~ : C:<'D BY: jIrz. '~~.",~~f~~""~:~~'. I ~ .. ~~~~======~~==========~ I 1 1 ·-1 I I I I I· I ·1 ·1 :j~:1 , ;,". I I I U I I 0- +' 0> 0> u.. 5-I 0> 0 «I '+-10- :::I CI) "0 c:: 10 -:::I 0 lo- (!' 3: 0 .-0> to -C +' 15 - 0- 0> 0 20 - Bor i ng 7 ~5 ~ I 14 J-k:;:. -t,...;D;;;;;;CWI;;.;.;~~p'.:...-.:;;,da;;;;:r..:.;k~b~.r..:;;Q.:..:.:wn:.:-,..:.s.:..i l:...;t4.-Y"";, s=a;:.:.nd::..~ _...;F...;.i,.;..l.:.-.l Be = 1lJ. Damp, red-brown siUy 'sand Fi 11 -3 --WC = 8 2 DO = 106 ---i BC = 12 - we = 11-lJ. DO = 112 I- Be = 37 - .= ............. .......... ~ ·mlllip ip 'moist,' yeU0Wc-.:brOtin 10, . ted~brbWns;jtt:y 'f'i;ne 'sanCi Fi 11 For Legend, see Fig. 3 LOG OF TEST BOR I'NG' 7· CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUNITY.· r: , ...... : . "". . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I " +' (]) (]) LL.. (]) 0 ro 'I- 1- ;:l CI) "'0 C ;:l 0 1-C!:I ~ 0 -(]) Cl ...c +' Co (]) 0 o - 5- 10 - 15 - 18 ...... 0- 5 - 10 - 15 - Boring 8 =-" ,' .. ; ~g ~ IO~ r-!-::.): Loose; damp, dark brown si lty sand (-$1). BC = 9 -:: .... , :'.;::\ , -- ! .•• Bori ng 9 ::',(?:i Dense ~ damp, 9 ray-.brown s i 1 ty sand Y':;';:·:; (~)'. . . \ ,- LOG'S OF' TEST BOR,INGS8 &·9 . .' . CARLSBAD LAKE ·C a:1r~UNrTY WXlDWARD -GIZI ENSKI . ·&ASSOCI ATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATlOIl DlGlllEERS AND GEOL.OGtSTS . ,,' SAN DIE<:"o,. CALI FORitl A ' ' , .. ' DR. BY: GS APPRO~. SCAI .. E:· In =!1' !J'RO'J....!l ... ~4£.2 _ ,~ '''' CK'O BY:4tn DATE: 7/19~.J~1~L~~.,J· I I I I I I '1 I I I .1 --I I I I· I I (I) fJ ..... '\.. :::J (I) ;0 c:: :::J o· \.. C!:l ::: o ..... (I) CO ..c:. +' 0- (I) C 0- .5- 10- 15- '0- 5- 10- 13- Bor i ng 10 -.,-'-.; -we = It I: :.;:r~-:: Med i urn dense, damp, ligbt brONn silty DO :: 106 I-"-~::'::\~': fine sand (SM) Be -16 ' .. ;:,' , ~~·'~~';4:'--------~------------------r;.:.,_",,: n ~ ,::?:::.: ;tfed i urn dense ~ t 0 very dense, -damp; • Be = 28 -1 ;:<.~.:.: red-brown clayey sand (Se) .Be = Be = rJ~ Bor i ng 1-1 lt~:f t/~dj urn dense,d.amp, y-el1ow-.bro~ ,to §.'i::~· ted .. bro.:.ri clayey s~fld.:. ("SC) -~!.f~~;; -. ---.. " :.~'-~., . .... ~ :.:"::; .:~". For Legend~ see Figo 3 LOQS OF TEST B()RI N.GS 10 &. j I CARLSBAD LAKE COMMUN 1 TV . ~DWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES . CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATIO~ El'lGltlEERS AriD GEOLOGI,STS. SA~ 01 EGO, CAt! FORNI A . PR; BY: GS . APPR,QW~A,"6g_:c-1;1. = 5' J tR0.J~3-222 ~}(' D BY: JV~? O,AT.E: ~JJlJl.t<==ur.Jit~ltl,~-,~~=",.~ ... ",. I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I ·1 ·1 I '. .1 .1 +' <I> <I> u.. .r: +' c.. <I> o 0- 5- 10 - 13- 0- 5- -10 - 15 - Boring 12 Looser darq>., .1 ight brewn sj lty sand (SM) :';:;}:::M9"di'um -dense, .i;/afnp, .br:owntored- : ".",,-.. ,br.oWn .c1:a:y~y .s:and ;(:SC:) 'it!!.::; ~nse,9amp, -brown to ye1'low-br~ }.rr:: s i 1 ty sand ('SM) . ;;i~t~;f- .: .;:i: ,:~: BC = 27 Y-;f~\~{ . ~4-----------~------~------, . -;~,::,;:·t Very dense, damp~ retl-brown· si 1 ty - :::'~-',.~; sand (~) BC = ro~~j~~~i~ __________________ ~ __ ___ , - For Legend 9 se-e Fi g. 3 LOGS OF TEST. BORINGS· 12 I 13 CAR LSB-AD LAKE COMt~UN.ITY· WOODWARD --GIZIENSKI &_ASSOCIAr~S CONSULTING :soiL AHD FOUHDATIOH HIGltlEERSAIlDGEOLOGI-STS' .. 1'-c SAtl 0 I EGO, CALI FORM fA _ _'-§ I I I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I '1 I +' (]) (]) u... (]) 0 .~ <f-L- ::J en '"0 c: ::J 0 L- CJ 3; 0 (i) co ..c: +' Cl.. (]) 0 0- 5- 10- /.5 - For Legend, see Fig. 3 Cut Slope /4- .. l;':::?: Loose tc:~med i urn . den~e ~ . d ty ~ red-brO/ll1 >:.,> si lty. sand (SM) 51 ightly porous :.,:'!.! .:"~':':. :.' " LOG OF CUT SLOPE' CARLSBA D LAKE CO'14MUtlITY WXlDWARD -:-·G I Z I ENSK 1& . ASSOCI ATES . CONSULTING SOil AHD FOUNDATION· EMGI~EERS AUD GEOLOGISTS . . SAN OIE<;D, CA~l FO RlH A , '. DR. BY: G$. APPROX. SCAlE: I fl :;: 5,1 ~RO",~.,_tiQ;.]3"222 C!(to BY: j'b~ DATE: 7 JJ..JJJ.... • . .L~j~i;W;~ ..... .LL",~","J I I I I I I I I I ·1 I I ·1 . ·1 I- I I I I C!I z: -CI') CI') <t Q.. r-ffi c..> c:: w Q.. : .. GRAVEL SAND SU:.T and COBBLES Fine CoarsJ CLAY Coarse Medium Fine Mesh Openi n9 -ins. Sieve Sizes Hydrometer Analysis I .. " I I 100 7 6 3 2 I ~ 1. 1..lj. 10 16 20.30 IW 60 80 IIW 200 ," ~'\ ,0 .... \ \ , 90 10 \ " 80' . .. ... -20 ~ i .. c 70 ~ 30 IP. II ,i \ \ i::l \ w 60 IW :z:: . " \ I rl\ < .. r-1 I 'L W· ,I , t>::: -" " 50 \ " J-,. 50 .% : IiJ \ .\ ~ c..> c:: . ' \ \ w. .i .\ -Q.. 110 . , lJ:-I: -60 . \ " . .. ; \ " '\ /. .. .. - '. : /.. .'---:3-2 . , .. " I, , . "-, ,i! .. ." . --.. ""'-, . 30 . N·"" . '. '" -' --.---70 ,', . ,.; . -.. . . ~ .... -"\ ~:-"': ;'" , .. '1\ ....... ,., .. ' . --~ .:..~.::-~ r~ ~. _ ,. ~, .' .' . .. " '. ." --,.,. )./ "., -~, -.. . . 3-6 .......... . :." .' , ~. -.. I' 3-11-r---20 .. ---.'. ~ . 8,0,,-..-: '\, " ,f . --.., -.....r. ~ -.,:.. 10 ,. .. .~ --. .,..,....; J ., ... ,,, "y --,-..:;, SO , .. --... -:::::-::,. •. . . .. ,. ... . ,. . --. . .. -, , .. , . "." ~ . 100 0 100 50 10.0 5.0 1:0 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 ·0;001 : GRAIN SIZE ~H M I LLI METERS SAl~PLE CLASSlF I CAT ION AND SmIDt .. ~J.~,"" ., *-PI 3 -2 Clayey sand (SCl -~ .. _ . . .. 3 -II-Si Ity sand (SM) --.. 3 -6 Si lty sand (SM) .. .. - II--I Clayey sand (SC) ---,,"-~-I< • , .. SIZE .. CURVES '*LL = Liquid Limit ·GRAIN o I STR I BUT ION, *PI = Plasticity Index 'CARLSBAD LAKE' COMMUN,I TY . 'WooDWARD .,. G1ZIENSKI·& . ASSOCIATES '. ... CONSULT! NG SOIL AND FomwiT"loN ENGJHEERS ,AND 'GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO, CALfFORHIA' ".' " DR. BY': GS A'PPROX. SCALE: ----I PROJ. tiO!7 3., 2 Z-,2....;..;.. CK'D BY:~ DATE: 7/23}n . [hi3y.~g_ HO:. _:..:12 .. , ... " " , ' '0 " " . ,. ,:-, I --,- I RESULTS OF CONFI NED C·OI-.1PRESS i ON TESTS I I Initial Fina,l . .. ; ... 'Sa:nple Dry Water Dry \'later MUil'.ber Density Content Saturation Density Content Saturation ,Pressure. Compress ion I pcf %" % pef %, % :psf . ,% 0f I:ni·tial Hei ght ... I 7 -6 110 12 60 116 15 90 1090 Il.S I 13 -2 11'2 II 65 117 III 90 1000 3.3 " I· .. , ., I PRESSURE -psf , ) 2 :;0 500 750 lobo ., I " ; I I. I " .. Mo.j sture ,-.~ , , Salilple at Nat ~ra.1 C.onten: 1 .. .... ',' : ~ \ : C1 13-2:- " Q) ~-..;..-I· I .. ::x:: 2 -", .. -.... ~ r--'----~-~ _ •• r> _ -;; ~ ---r>w~ .-7-6-~ .... I---' ter, Adc ed '. ' - '1 c: 3 -"'t ~, .... 0 ~ Il ", I " I lS 0. -5 (I) fa I- 0:: ~ , 6 --, .,.. .. .;:. I" , , ,- -, .' .'1 , RESULTS OF, Cor~F INED 'COI'{PRESS lor. TESTS' ...... :,-:, , "::..,. " CARLSBA'D LAKE CCtvlMUN I TV <, .. " , " I '1 --WOODWARD -GIZIENSK I' & A$SO C I"A TES ~ :. ~ COHSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ~N~IHEERS'AHO GEOLOGISTS f.:, , SAN 0 I EGO: CALI EORN I A " --~:: OR. BY:. GS. APPROX~ .SCALE! " ---PRDJ. NO: 1'3-:0 222, CK' OSY: #--:z... - ·OAIE: 7/23/13 . HGUf/END: 1;.3 " . '. -~. I I I I I I I. I I' I I I I I I· .~ I 1 I I . 120 .. 110 100 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA -. ,- Dry Density, pef Initial Water Content, % Final Water Content. % Apparent Cohesion. pS'f Apparent Fr i ct i on Ang'l e. ! ..... f u II CI. l-x Cl ' L;j \~ ~ \ \ \\ i\ .. , '\ .1\ .' ,-X \[\,[\ I . , 118 9 13 6'00 c 26 '\ ::;;: I-. \I\f\ :z: ::::> 1\ ~ \ >-« Q I\f\ ~l£CHAN I CAL ANAlYSI S 100 -3 4 II-10 qo 200 2' 3 80' 116 C!) z: \' .i~ 8 C;; ~ 60 '''. --'·1\\ Q.. 15 I-" ffi4b \\ 360 (.) 0::: IJJ 18 A-20 "~t-_ o .1 .. 1 .. 1. 11 . ,'" " " ,. - 1000 :t:OO 10 '1.·0 0.1 0.01,0.001 GRAIN SIZE IHMLLlIMETERS ICOBBLESIGRAVELI SAND I,SILT &: CL. AY· .1' o .clf.cll!ld:f 0 • PLAST I CI1Y CHARACT~R rST I CS '1 3 , .i-----~--'-----+----+--+_---__:f LiqUid limit, "/. 22 Plasticity Index. % 7, Classification by Un,ified Soil Classi fjcati'on System ' .8M sc -·SWELL TESt' -DATA I 2 'n it i al Dry ~nsi·ty. !Rc,f' CT. -, . ,' ., . InHial Water Contentr % --. Load. psf -- \ \1\ -.. Percent SWe·ll L-.:..:....~..:.-=......;.....-...:.--.,.-____ -'--...:.-..--...L-...,.....-'---;o .. ___ -!.'.' . ~~4-+-~~~+-~_\~~~~' 2 0 ~ \ ,.7 \ \~2.60. J...-j.-+--+--I-+--I~-+-+--+--+-t--II~~-\ __ , 2.50 . \..k"K 2 LABORATORY' COMPACTION TEST METHOD: A8TM D-i 557-70T SPEC I F I C.'GRAV:tTY W)ODWARD - G I Z I ENSI(1 .& ASSOC I ATES CONSULTING SOIL A.~O FOUNDATION. EHGINEI:R$ AHD. 'GEOLOGISTS .' .sAN DIEGO, CA~lfORNIA , .... ' OR. BY.: Gs ARPROX. SCALE! _ •. --PROJ.t{O:· 7'?-??? . .F I GUR.E MP: I:~ , , .:~ '.1 I .' 1 . ",1 c:t: ::!: LI.. I, I I' I I' I I -'1 ·1 I, I '1 ,:1.· I I' 'I'" I I' I" 1. 'II. III. .. Project No. 73-222 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL ATTACHMENT I· Page 1 of 4 These specifi cati ons cover preparation of 'existing su.rfaces to rece·ive fills; the type of soil suitable for use in fills; the control of com- paction and the methods of testing .compacted fi,l1s. It shall' be the Contractor1s responsibility tQplace" spread, water and compact the 'fill in stri ctaccordance wi th the·se: ,specj·fi,cations .. A .soH ·Engi neersha 11 be the Owner1s representative to inspect the constru:ction.of 'fi1ls~ ·Exca- vation and the placing of 'fill ~-hall ·be,under the. direct'ihspection .of the Soil Engi neer and he shall give \·.,rritten . notice of: cO.nformance wi th the specif·ications upon completion of grading. bevi·atio.i1s from these specifications'~"ill be permitted only upon written authorization from' ,the Soil Engineer~ A soil investigation has been'~ade for this project; any recommendations made in the report (Jf the soil i.nvestigation or subsequent reports shall become a·n ad.dendum to' thes·e s'pe'Cifications. SCOPE The pl acement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include' all c 1 eari ng and gru bb'i'ng, relJlova 1 ":O'f·'ex''i:s'ti"n.S-· -.un$~~t'i's'factory rna te-yii:~ 1.; . prepa ra ti on of the a teas :to .be f,'; ned, . spreadi ng' "and campa cti on of " ~' fill in the area;s to be f'i'rl:ea·, anaa:l1 (j':th'er 'work. rieaes'sary tb'complete the grading of the ·filled··a~eas. '. MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill s,ha.11·;~or:l:$Js~t.of anY,materiaiimpor·ted .-," " or excavated from the cut .areas that, in ·the opi-nion of the .soil 'Engi:neer, ".. '" is suitable for use in constructing fills. The ma~erial·shall.cotltain no:", rocks or hard 1 umps ·greater than 6' inches, i'n si~e,and ·sha.] 1 ~ontain at,. least 40% of material"smaTler ·than J/4 ;,nch 'io :size. No material of a' perishable, spongy, or otherwise ,improper"natu're shall be ,use~, in filTi.ng;'·, ' 2. Material pla,ced within 24 inches of ro~gh:,lot grade shall .be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than, 6 'inches ,in.-' size" and that swells less than 3% \<Jhen c,ompacted as ,hereinafter' s.p~cif'ied, for compacted fill and when subjected to an,axial pressure .of 160 psf. 3. Representative samples of mater;'al to' be used for fill' shall be tested ;n the laboratory f,)y the Soil Engi'neer in order to determine the maximum . density, optimum moisture content and classification of the soil. .In additio'n, the Soi 1 Engineer shall determl ne the ,approxi.mate, beating 'val u.e of a recom-" ' pacted, saturated sample by d'irect shear, tests, or' other tests applicable to . the particular soil. . 4. Ouri ng grad; ng operati ons, soi 1 . types 'othe'~ tha'Yf' those ana ly:zed~ :i'n the report of the soil investigation may be encountered·by the Contractor. ~he . Soil Engineer shall be consulted, to determine the suitability of these soils. .~. . WOODWARD· GIZJENSKJ & ASSOCIATES' , , CONSULTI ... lOlL MO roUNDATlON PlGINUIIS AND G[OLOOISn I' I I I I I .1· I. I .1' ·"'1 I .1 '·1' I' I '.1 I '1. Project No. 73-222 ATTACHMENT I P.age 2 of 4 IV. COMPACTED FILLS .M· 1. General (a) Unl ess other~1i se specifi .. ed, fi 11 'rnateri:p-l s.hall·becompa·cted·· by the Contractor while at a mois·tu.recOJ:'l:tent n,ear the optimum' . . moisture ~ontent and to a densj~y that ;-s not less than 90'% qf the maximum density determi'ned in a'ccurdancewith ASTM Test No. 01557-70T, or other density methods ·that will obt'ain equivalent results. . . (b) Potentially 'expansive s'oi1s ·maydJe ;u:s'ed·ln f1'Tls :be~ow a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted 'at a moisture 'content greater than the optimum moisture content for the rnaterial~ ," 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Fill~d. 3. (a) All trees, brush, gra$'s 'and "other 'obJe:ct;iona,p}e:·material shan be collected, piled and burn.ed ;Q.r:o'therwi;s.e,d:js:pose.d of"by .the.Con-·, tractor' so as to leave the ar.eas t·hat. ;ha'l;e 'be.en ,.cle,ared ·w;·-th .a neat fi ni shed a ppea rance free from: ~ur:lsi*1ht'1.y. ·debri-s •. (b) All vegetable matter andobjecti.onable·,rnateri'al ·,shall.be reinov'ed by the Contractor from the ,-surface\upbn.~whi;qh :the 'fiTl ;;:5' ';to 'be placed and any loose and porous 59'i ls 'sh~ fl';b~e··f~tno.v:ed ,br <.coml1.i,:it:ted to ~the . . depth shown on the plans. Thesi:Jr:ficf.(re·';s:hanl':fne~n ·'be,'.p19wed 'or scarifieci .': . to a mi nimum depth of 6 inches unti.l the :surface i $ free from uneven ..' features that would tend to prevent .~.niform .compaction by the, eqL!ipment to be used. . , ,~ , i. .~: ~:~ • . ~.", (c) Where fill s are constructed on hil1s'ides :or slopes, the slope of". .., the original ground on which ,the fill is to' b.e plac~d' s'ball be stepped ..... '~.: .... : ... ' or keyed by the Contractor as shown on ,the .a:ttac-hed ·fi:gure.~ The :s,t.eps., ':".~.':: shall extend completely through the-,stri-l"rna'ntJe and tnto ',the 'und~r:lyi'Tlg formation materials. (cj)--'-After the<'''foundatio~-for the fill .. h:a'5:Jileen ;cJea-red.,plowed· or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by 'the ·Contractor until it· is . uniform and fr~e from cl()ds, brought'to the. p,roper q10isture content· and compacted as specified. for fill. Pl ad ng, Spreadi n9, and Compacti.on FilJ Materi a 1 , I (a) The fill material shall be 'placed 'bythe COl)tractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed, 6 inches.'. Each·l ayer shall ,be spread .. evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed .during the spreading to"emtain ~niformity of material in each layer. ',: . . . ,',' . ,,, (b)' Hhen the moisture content. of the fin material ·'·;s.,above that specified by the· Soil Engineer~ the fill material~hal1be' aer'ated.. . ... by the Contractor by b 1 adi ng, mi.xi ng or other satisfactory-methods uhti 1 the moisture content is as specified.~: ~ . .~ WOODWARD· GIZI£NSKI.·.& ASSOCIAT.ES CONSULTINC SOIL ANO .FOUNOATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGIS,S ". j~ ~ LI. I· I I I I·. I. . I V • • I·. I.:: :1'. . ·1 VI. ,,'1·· . ·1 . I" -I·"';' . '.1 i! "I I . I· .. ·~,~' 'I Project No. 73-222 '.ATTACHMtNT I P.age 3 of 4 (c) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that sp.ecified by the Soil Engineer, .water shall .be -a.Oded by the Con- tractor until the moisture content is as specified. (d) After each layer' h'as been .pla'ced, 'mixedand spread evenly,-it shall be thoroughly, compacted by. the' Contractor to the specified density. Comp'action shall 'be·accomplishec;l. by s·hee.psfoot rollers, vi-bratory 'roller, 'multiple-wheel ,pneumatic-tired r,eHe-rs G.r other : types of acceptable compacttng e'quipment .. Eq.uj,pment s'haTl 'be ·.of $u'ch design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. J;ompacti on shall be continuous ·over the enti re area :and the equi pme.nt . shall make sufficient trips to insl,lre'.that.the dE:s;,red density has been obtained throughout the entire fill •. (e). Surface of fi 11 slopes .. sha 1 r be .compacted and there' sha Jl' be no loose soil on the slopes • I NSP:ECTI ON .. 1. Gbs:e'rv-ations an.d .compaction tests,shall:'be ma:de by';the.Son 'Eng'ineer ., 'during the 'filling .and ·compaction ·operations,s·o that he ·can state hi'S . ,'~ . . opi ni on that the fi 11 was constructed i.n accordance .wi th the 'sped fi cat; bns.··· .'. . . r2~ 'The So";l 'Srl,g'tnee:r .Shan· make field density tE:sts l~ ifc-carda:n'c"e<Wi'ith' ASTM .. '" .. ~ Test No. D':'1:'556-~·70 •. Density tests shalf be tiiadei"n -the c'OlfIria·cted materials below the surface where the surface is. disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof 1.s belo.w the ",spe'cifi'ed -derrsi'ty,·the··'Parti'cular layer or portions shall be reworked until' the specified density h~s been obtained . PROTECTION OF WORK 1. During con·st·ruction the contractor'shall prGperly grade .all :,excavate.d surfaces to provi de posi ti ve drainage and prevent pond:; o:g of water. . .He··shall control surface water to"avoid damage to adJoining·.propertfes.' or to finished \'lark on the site. 'The Contractor 'shall take remedial .. measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded ,areasanduht.i'l 'such time as permanent drainage and eros~on con,trol measures have been installec!. 2. After completitin of grading and t~e Soil Enginee~ has finished_his observations of the work" no further excavation or filling shall be done except under th~ obse,rvati on of the, Soi 1 Engineer. . , .- , . ...-- ~. . ~ .. ,: ~ ~ . ",' . -WOODWARD. GI-ZfENSKJ& 'A:SSOC'tATES C:ONSULTINQ S~IL AND fOUNi:!ATlON ENGINEERS ANO GEOLOGISTS '.-'.',,, -~. .- > k' :J t-t o.::r !2ttr-wo ,::E ::r:o.::r .L) c:!:OJ 1-,0') I-IU c:!: 0..' C\J C\J C\J 1 (V) I'-. o Z +-l U OJ . ..., o s-o.. /',' ~ ;~<>': NOTES ~l~~' i ;. -::. , ~ , , ,.,. .~. '. , , ' ·S trip lis ~'p~c-1~ied Orlginal Ground, , , § Retq~ve A~l Topsoil , , The mini~ulll ~~d th ''B It of key ~hall ~~ 2 f,ee t wlcler than the comp~cti,on equipmen,t, and 'not l~ss -than 1,(1 {~et. The outs~de edge of bottolll key 8hl,ll~ 1>e belo~ topsoil or loose surface material. Keys are required where the natural slope is E,teeper than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where spec:ified by , , Soil Engineer • Slope'Ratio - N K I· 'B ~l See Not~ . ,") . " ~~L'" ~ ~ See Note " ~ ,} ~ '\ 1.. ___ \ __ f"_,\ .... _.' __ ,_ .. ,,_, __ > ;1 --'-'-I -, t..~ I -'I I I I I I I I: ~ I-- I 'I' 'I, I I', "'~'I ',I, -I I I. Project No. 73-222 ATTACHMENJ II FILL -SLOPES: STABILITY ANALYSIS' Assumptions: -(1) Maximum height of slopes, ,(2) Maximum slope incli,nati:on, (3) Uni t weight -of -s-o'i 1, (4) -Apparent angle of internal fri-cti-on, (5) 'Apparent cohesion, (6) No seepage forces. -Reference: H =',. 25' feet 2:.' . ::: y .= 11'8 pcf' 4' =' -260 ' . c = 600 psf (l) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis .0f·Slopes 'with Dimensionless Parameters", Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954: ~Ana1ysis: Safety -Factor, F.S •. = Nef 'i~ Where NCf i:s the $tab-i1ity No. for 'slopes with both c and ~. y H tan p = 118 x 25 x 0-.48.7 =' 2 ,4 lef = e 600" " From Fi gure 3-1 of Reference: _ Net-= 14, F.S. = 14 x 600 . 2 85 -118 x25 =. ' -... -~. '-OK for sei sm; c -,"-.,' .. ~... --'. ..... ' WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & AS,SOGIATES CONSULTING SOli; AND-FOUNDATION EH~INEERS ",!O GEOLOGISTS ' ~-; .' ' r-------------------::'.,,--:----------~----~ Project No. 73-222 ATTACflMENT III CUT stOPE: .STABI1ITY ANALYSIS Assumptions: ' . • (1) Maximum height qf slopes; (2) Maxi.mum s10pe inclinat.ion, (3) Untt \o/ei ght of s'oil, . H '=., .25 feet . 2 . :'1 :~ .. - . y ,=.113 :pef .' ~ = 290 . '.' c =320.· psf (4) Apparent angl~ of internal ("5)' Apparent cohes ion, (6) No '-seepage ·forces. Reference: fri"cti"on, (1). Janbu, N., "Stability Analy·s·is of:Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters,;l, Harvard Soi 1 Meehani Cs Seri.es. No. 46, 1954. Analy~is: ·.c . Safety Factor, F.S. = Ncf -:yH .·Where-Ntf. is :the stability No. for slopes with both. c and $. A . y' H tan p = 113 X 25 x .. 0,.~.~4 cf = c 320 = 4.9 From Figure 3-1 .of Reference: N'f = 19.5 ·c F S __. 19.5 x 320. • • 25 x 113 = 2.2. OK for sei smi c WOODWARD;. GIZIENSKI -& ASS:OCMTES.·