HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-08; CARLSBAD PALISADES; SOIL INVESTIGATION; 1973-03-03• • SOIL INVESTIGATION FOR THE PROPOSED RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA -63 ACRE SITE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA for ,.' I "'\ \ ", . 'v . ""'X Dougl as Paci fi c Corporati Ont_\\~\\\"" Post Office Box 1207 San Clemente, California 92672 by • WO'OOHARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil and Foundation Engineers and Geologists (An Affiliate of Woodward-Clyde Consultants) • TRANSMITTAL LETTER SCOPE FIELD INVESTIGATION LABORATORY TESTS TABLE OF CONTENTS - SITE, SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Topography and Surface Features Description of Soil and Geologic Units Overburden Soils Quaternary Alluvial Deposits Quaternary Terrace Deposits Tertiary Marine Sediments Geologic Structure Mineral Resources Ground Water RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS LIMITATIONS . FIGURE 1 -SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 -LOG OF TEST BORING 1 FIGURE 3 -LOG OF TEST BORING 2 FIGURE 4 -LOG OF TEST BORING 2 FIGURE 5 -LOG OF TEST BORING 3 FIGURE 6 -LOG OF TEST BORING 3 FIGURE 7 -LOG OF TEST BORING 4 FIGURE 8 -LOG OF TEST BORING 4 FIGURE 9 -LOG OF TEST BORING 5 FIGURE 10 -LOG OF TEST BORING 6 FIGURE 11 -LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 7 AND 8 Page 1 2 2 3 3 4 6 7 8 8 12 • FIGURE 12 -LOG OF TEST BORING 9 FIGURE 13 -LOG OF TEST BORING 10 FIGURE 14 -LOG OF TEST BORING 11 FIGURE 15 -GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES FIGURE 16 -FILL SUITABILITY TESTS FIGURE 17 -RESULTS OF LOADED SWELL TESTS. " ATIACHMENT I -STABILITY ANALYSIS ATIACHMENT II -SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL .-, .. '.' .. , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS An affiliate of Woodu:ard -Clyde COrJ.Sultants 3467 Kurtz Street San Diego California 92110 (714) 224·2911 March 3, 1973 Project No. 73-130 Douglas Pacific Corporation Post Office Box 1207 San Clemente, California 92672 ~. Attention: Mr. Jer~y J. Johnston In accordance with your request and letter dated February 1, 1973, we have investigated the existing soil and geologic conditions at the site of a proposed subdivision to be located on a 63 acre site in Rancho Agua Hedionda, Carlsbad, California. The accompanying report represents the results of this subsurface exploration and the laboratory tests, as well as the conclusions and recommendations pertaining to this site. The engineer assigned to this project is Richard P. While of our firm. , WOODWARD-GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES lOU1S J. L~ R.E. 29 RPW/LJL/mf (26) Douglas Pacific Corporation (1) Environmental Impact Profiles Attention: Mr. Bfollansdee , t· Project No. 73-130 e • SCOPE This report describes an investigation of the surface and underlying soil and geologic conditions at the site of a proposed subdivision to be located on a 63 acre parcel in Rancho Agua Hedionda. The site is situated between Skyline Road and E1 Camino Real and east of the terminus of Birch and McArthur Avenues in Carlsbad, Calif- ornia. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the surface and subsurface soil conditions, including the presence and effect of fills, loose or porous soils and potentially expansive soils, the availability of select fill material and the characteristics of exca- vation in the proposed. cut area; to make recommendations regarding grading including any required treatment of fill foundations, loose or porous soils, the potentially expansive soils, the requirement of blasting hard rock, if any, the amount of compaction required in the fills, and guidelines for the design of cut and fill slopes; to de- termine the most suitable types and required depths of foundations for the support of the proposed structures and the allowable soil bearing pressures to be used;in th~ design of the foundations on the compacted fill and natural native soil. In addition, comments on mineral resources, ground water and seismic risk are also presented. It is our understanding that the proposed subdivision is to be limited to residential wood-frame structures supported on con- tinuous footings or a pier and grade-beam foundation with a rai'sed wooden floor or a slab-an-grade floor. At the time of this writing no plans were available designating the proposed grading or layout of structures. A tentative earthwork distribution plan, a topographic WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES eo.csuLTlNQ SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENQINEEftlI AND GEOLOGISTS Project No. 73-130 page ~ e e map of the 63 acre site, and a road layout were provided for our studies. A preliminary engineering and geological reconnaissance was made on February 5, 1973, the results of which were reported to you in a letter dated February 13, 1973. FIELD INVESTIGATION During the period between February 19 and 21, 1973, four bucket excavations and slx'small diameter auger test borings were made ranging in depth from approximately 50 ft to 70 ft and 10 ft to 25 ft, respectively, below the ground surface. Th~ bucket excavations were made with a 30-in. diameter bucket auger rig and the small diameter borings were made with a 6-in. diameter truck-mounted, power auger at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan, Fig. 1. The test borings were located in the field with the aid of an undated untitled topographic map of the general area provided us by Douglas Pacific Corporation. The drilling was conducted under the supervision of a project geologist from our firm. Field logs were prepared by the geologist on the basis of an inspection of the samples secured and of . the excavated material. The Logs of Test Borings shown on Figs. 2 I through 14 are based on a visual inspection of the samples in the laboratory, the laboratory test results and the field logs. The vertical position of each sample is shown on the Logs of Test Borings. LABORATORY TESTS The soils encountered were visually classified and evaluated with respect to strength, swelling and compressibility characterist.ics, . dry density', and moisture content. The classification was substan- tiated by grain size analysis and determination of plasticity character- istics of representative samples oi'the finer grained soil. Fill WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSuLTING SOIL AND roUNDATIOH ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • • Project No. /j-IJU suitability tests, including compaction tests, direct shear tests, expansibility characteristics and grain size analyses were performed on samples of the anticipated predominant fill soils. Strength and compressibility characteristics were evaluated by direct shear and un- confined compression tests on selected relatively undisturbed samples and by consideration of the density and moisture content of the samples and the penetration resistance of the sampler. The geologic character- istics of the soils were also considered in this regard. Expansion characteristics were determined by loaded swell tests on undisturbed and compacted samples. The results of the moisture content, dry density, un- confined compression and direct shear tests on relatively undisturbed drive samples are shown with the penetration resistance of the sampler . . at the corresponding sample location on the Logs of Test Borings. The results of a grain size analyses are shown on Fig. 15, the results of the fill suitability tests are presented on Fig. 16, and the results ~f the loaded swell tests are reported on Fig. 18. A slow direct . shear test on a recompacted sample of claystone is currently under- , way at thi s time. The resu1 ts of this test will be forwarded in an addendum as soon as possible. SITE, SOIL, AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Topography and Surface Features The subject property is located south and west of El Camino Real ~pprox;mately 2000 ft south of the Chestnut Avenue intersection. The northern part of the western boundary is adjacent to a residential area along Skyline Dirve and the south end of the property is immediately ¥ WOODWARD. GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COIISULTING SOIL AIID fDUNDATlON £NQINUIIS AND GEOLOGISTS • PrOject No. /J-!JU .... age 4 north of a residential development along Kelly Drive. The site is of moderate to steep hilly topography (side slopes range in inclination between 4 and 20 to 1) between the approximate elevations of 50 and 330 ft (plan datum). The site lies on the slopes of an old eroded mesa remnant surface. The slopes are eroded into drainage swales and easterly extending ridges, with minor badland topography present on some of the upper slopes. The lower portion of the site is generally covered by a sparse growth of native chaparral grasses and ground cover. The upper area,. above approximate elevation 230 ft, is defined by an existing old fence line and is generally covered by moderate to heavy chaparral and a ground cover. In the lower elevations of the site,on a relatively flat area next to E1 Camino Real, a small area exists where offsite fill was placed during grading of an adjacent subdivision. The fill was placed and compaction was observed by Woodward-Gizienski & Associates .and a report is currently being prepared to cover this fill. Also . present on the site are several dirt trails and dozer trails with their associated cuts and fi~ls. Description of $0;1 and Geologic Units Our investigation indicates that the subsurface materials on the subject site can be divided into four main groups or units. These are in increasing age: overburden soils, Quaternary alluvial deposits, Quaternary terrace deposits, and Tertiary marine sediments. The group designated as overburden soils comprise the residual soil mantle which is genera.l1y considered to be nonfonnational in character. , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING lOlL ANO fOUNDATION ENQINEERS AND QEDlOGISTS • Project No. 73-130 Page 5 Overburden Soils A residual soil mantle covers the mesa surface and side hill areas and has developed over the Quaternary alluvial desposits in the lower portions of the site. This topsoil cover consists of 1 to 3 ft of loose yellow-brown silty sand, overlying the Quaternary terrace deposit, and up to 1 ft of dark brown silty sand underlain by 4 to 5 ft of gray-brown silty to sandy clay, overlying the Tertiary sediments. A 1 to 2 ft cover of brown to dark brown silty sand overlies the Quaternary alluvial deposits in the upper drainage areas; the lower areas are generally cover- ed by 1 ft of very dark gray-brown sandy clay to clayey sand. Quaternary Alluvial Deposits These deposits are found in the wide drainage areas and the lower part of the site and were present to a maximum depth of 42 ft in Boring 1. The deposits consist of interbedded layers and lenses of silty and clayey sands, silty and sandy clays, and gravel. The upper 6 to 10 ft of the sandy materials are con- sidered loose and/or porous in nature. The amount of clayey material within the deposits was found to be greater in borings made in the lower part of the site (below elevation 150 ft). , Quaternary Terrace Deposits Below the residual ;50il mantle on the remnants of the old mesa,surface, formational soils exist consisting of dense red brown silty sand with occassional layers and lenses of clayey \ sand and, gravel. This material is found above an approximate elevation of 260 ft, but has a somewhat irregular contact with the underlying Tertiary sediments due to the undulating surface upon which the terrace materials were deposited. The probable age of this unit is late Pleistocene. Tertiary Marine Sediments Below the Quaternary terrace material, the alluvial deposits described above, and extending to significant depths on the site WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSUt.TlNG SOIL AND FOUNDATION I£NGINEEftS AND GEOLOGISTS Project No. 73-103 Page 6 is found interbedded layers and lenses of very dense whitish-gray silty sand, hard gray-green sandy clay, hard brown silty clay, and very dense gray sil ty to cl ayey sand. t~hitish-gray si 1 ty sand occurs directly beneath the terrace material and at depth , this material grades into a sandy to silty claystone interbedded with silty and clayey sands. These latter soils underlie the intermediate to lower portion of the site and are generally found below an elevation of 225 ft. As indicated in Test Borings 4 and 10, the easterly extending ridges found within the central part of the site are underlain predominately by the clayey and ., sandy material. The upper sandy portion of this unit is described further north as the Torrey Formation of Eocene. Age, which would make the probable age of this unit as Eocene. Geologic Structure The Tertiary geologic units as observed in the bucket holes and adjacent road cuts s exhibit a homoclinal dip to the west and have an apparent regional dip of approximately 5°. Our investigation indicat~s that there are no landslides or landslide associated features within the property. No faults, shear . zones, or other weak structural features were revealed by our borings or during the reconnaissance,~f the site. Faulting was observed in . a road cut south of the site, but the faults were confined to the Tertiary sediments and exhibit no offset of the Holocene Age residual soil mantle. It is our opinion that no active faults exist on the site. A review of the existing geologic literature, including the Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 116-2, entitled "Crusta1 • Strain and Fault Movement Investigations" indicates that the closest active fault along which epicenters of Magnitude 4 or greater have , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COIIISIA.nHG SOIL AND fOUNDAnON ~NQINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS r Project No. 73-130 Pwge 7 e .been recorded is the Elsinore fault zone located approximately 19 Idles northeast of the subject site. Our earthquake (active fault) evaluation of the site revealed 1hat. as indicated by C. F. Richter's regiona1ization map, the Carlsbad area has been historically an area of relatively low activity. Maps, on which earthquakes Magnitude 5 and over between 1934 and the present, and Magnitude 4 and over from 1934-1961 period (Department of Water Resources Bulletin), revealed that most of the earthquakes have occured some distance from the property and appear to be associated with known active fault zones. As previously indicated, the closest active fault on which repeated epicenters have occured is along the Elsinore fault zone situated some 19 miles from the subject site. In this regard, the paper ~repared by McEuen and Pinckney concludes that based on current . avanab1e data, "A Richter Magnitude 7.3 earthquake on the Elsinore fault having a statistical repeat interval of 60 years appears to be "the 'maximum probable' earthquake for San Diego. II For most construc- ·tion the 'maximum probable' earthq~ake is recommended for design. ,- Mineral Resources A review of "Mines and Mineral Resources of San Diego County, California," California Division of Mines and Geology County Report No. 3~ 1963, indicates that the mineral resources present on the pro- perty are limited to the upper portions of the Tertiary age sediments which contain a quartz rich feldspathic sandstone. This sandstone is • potentially a commercial grade specialty sand. Our field investigation revealed that on this 'site it is of a limited quanity and generally , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COI'IIULllN8 lOlL AND FOUNDATION £NQINURS AND Q£OLOQISTS Project No. 73-130 Page 8 is overlain by a thick overburden of terrace materials and soil mantle. Ground Water No ground water was encountered in any of the test borings at the time of excavating. In addition, no springs, water seeps, swampy or marshy areas, or water loving plants were noted during our reconnaissance of the site. Due to the general absence of these features and the elevation of the site above the adjacent valleys, it is unlikely that ground water will be encountered at significant depth on the' si teo RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Among the items which should be considered in the development of a subdivision are the stability of cut and fill slopes, the volume change characteristics of the soils, the rippability of materials, in cut areas, the fill suitability characteristics of the anticipated fill material, and the presence, if any, of potential slide areas. These factors have been evaluated and our conclusions are the following: . (1)' The results of our soil and geologic investigation have .. . not revealed any major adverse so1'l or geologic conditions which would preclude further development of the site. However, potentially highly expansive soils exist at depths in the Formational soils and selective grading may have to be employed in order to arrive at satisfactory finish grade soil condition. (2) Our investigation did not reveal the presence o'f land- slides in areas that were previously suspect as-reported in our pre- • liminary engineering geology study. (3) The gro'und which will receive fill and/or residential , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CIOICSUl.TlNQ $OIL AND fOUNDATION ENIiINUIIS AND Q[OlDOI!TS '\ Project No. 73-130 e , Page 9 structures wi". in our opinion, have an adequate bearing value to safely support the proposed loads when treated as described in the followlng paragraphs and in the attached "Specifications for Controlled fill.-Footings for structures placed on properly compacted nonexpan- sive fill or undisturbed nonex~ansive firm native materials may be designed for a soil bearing pressure of 2500 lb/ft2 at a depth of 12 in._below rough lot graoe. All footings should have a minimum width of 12 in. It should be noted that San Di ego County Bui 1 ding : Inspections Department currently requires a minimum depth of 18 in. and a'width of 15 in. for footings supporting two-story residential structures unless the footings are structurally designed and special inspection is provided during concrete pouring. (4) The soils on the site range from essentially nonexpan- stye to highly expansive in nature. The formational whitish gray sandstone and the red brown terrace sands are nonexpansive to low in potential expansion. The topsoils and the clayey soils within the alluvium appear to be low to moderate in potential expansion. The .claystone portion of the Tertiary ~ediments are potentially highly expansive in nature. IS) It is recommended that the following table be used as a preliminary guide in designing cut and fill slopes at the subject site. , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES OONSULTlNQ SOIL AND fOUNDATION ENCOINEERS AND Q[OLOGIST$ Project No. 73-130 Page 10 e Allowable Height of Slope Slope Inclinatlon Slope lncllnatlOn Material 1-1/2 : 1 .. 2 : 1 1ft Predominate Q) 35 -60 a. Sandstone 0 -en .p Predominate 35 :::I 55 (.) Claystone Fill Slopes 30 -J ) 50 J " . . . ... - The above table is based on a minimum: factor of safety of 1.8 under static conditions as determined by the Janbu method of analysis (Attachment 1). Soil parameters 'used in our analysis are based on the results of direct shear tests performed for this inves- tigation. on similar samples in adjacent areas, and our experience with the formations in t~e subject area. Higher cut of fill slopes may be allowable, but will require more detailed analysis and possibly ·additional laboratory tests. In this regard, it is recommended that 4. . grading plans be reviewed bY;.Dur oJfice prior to finalizing. • Ve~ often the stability of cut slopes depends on geologic factors. It is further recommended that all cut slopes be examined during and at the completion of grading to verify geologic conditions. Should adverse conditions such as water seepage, fractured claystone or clay seams become apparent, buttressing may be required. All slopes -should be planted, drained and properly maintained to help control erosi on • (6) It is our opinion that the soils in the subject area· ;' WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING lOlL AND fOUNDATION ENCIHfiIHI AND CEOlOCISTS .. Project No. 73-130 P.age 11 can be excavated with normal heavy grading equipment. Our test borings were drilled to approximate depths ranging from 15 ft to 80 ft without refusal. This indicates the subsurface conditions at the specific locations of the test borings; however, based upon the test borings and our experience in similar soils in adjacent areas, no IIhard rock ll is anticipated on this site within anticipated depth of excavation. (7) It should be anticipated that potentially expansive soils will be encountered in the following areas: (a) Where shallow cut or fills are made in the clayey surface soils. (b) Where Tertiary claystone is exposed at finished grade in deep cuts. (c) Where clays within the alluvial deposits are exposed at finished grade in deep cuts. It is recommended that potentially expansive soils be replac- ed within the entire level pad area to a minimum of 3 ft below rough 10t grade with properly compacted nonexpansive soil available at the -site. This will require selective grading and possibly stockpiling of select soils for later use. Low to moderately expansive soils, i.e. the clayey sand portion of the topsoils, alluvial soil and ter- tiary sediments, may be utilized at finish grade providing footings and slabs are reinforced. (8) During grading, it is recommended that loose and/or porous surface soils and any existing uncompacted fills, not removed by grading operations be excavated, replaced and compacted before new fills, footings or-slabs are placed. The surface of loose and/or , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COtcIULnNG SOIL AND 'OUNDAnON ~NQIN[VIS AND GEOLOGISTS • Project No. 73-130 e P.age 12 porous materials has a variable thickness, but appears to range from 1 to 10 ft across the site. Due to the anticipated variations in depth of the existing loose materials, the depth of excavation and "- compaction should be controlled in the field by a qualified soil engineer upon visual examination of the exposed materials. (9) A set of "Specifications for Controlled Fill" is attached. The' recommendations made as a part of this soils report shall become a part of the "Specifications for Controlled Fil1". LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations made in this report are based on the assumption that the soils conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by the test borings. When grading plans are available, they should be reviewed by our office so that additional recommendations may be made, as required. Also, if vari- ations are encountered during construction, we should be notified so that we may make supplemental recommendations, if this should be required. Evaluations and utilizations of soil materials and rock formations for support of structures includes investigation of the subsurface conditions, analysis, formulations of recommendations and inspections during grading. The soil investigation is not completed . until the soil engineer has been able to examine the soil and rock 1n excavations or cut slopes so that he can make the necessary modi- fications, if needed. We emphasize the importance of the soil engineer continuing his services through the inspection of grading, including construction of fills and foundation excavations . . ' WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES ~l.nNQ SOIL AND fOUNDATIDH ENCiINEEIIS AND GEOLOGISTS r ! " Property Line LEGEND: Indicates approximate limits of existing com- pacted f i 11., Indicates approximate location of test boring (6" auger). Indicates approximate location of test boring (30" bucket). ,,'Indicates approximate existing " ., , .' ground surface contour. r-' Qat-Sand, clay & gravel L.J Alluvial material., r:~ Pltm-Sand and gravel terrace I:,., .. ,>· I 11...::...lII mater i a)., 250 I 2do \ 175 1 I I ll)U 125 I 7[> 50' 100 Ts-Silty sands, silty and sandy clays & clayey silts., SITE PLAN 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WXl[)...JARD - G I Z I ENSK I 6: ASSOC I ATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA o 5 10 +' 15 .f ~ 20 ..... L.. ~ "0 c ::J e (!) ~ 25 ., I)) ..... ~ ::S 35 c.. 2l .. qe DATD I &>ring I St iff, mo i st, dark broWl sandy clay (eL) Dense, rroist, yellow-brown clayey fine sand (SC) Medium dense, moist, yellow to gray Porous to 7' depth From 7ft. to 20ft. -interbedded with si lty fi ne sand (s.+-g» and si lty to sandy cl ay (a.-an Medium dense, damp, gray fine to coarse sand (SP) with chunks of clayey sand Partially porous S:xne 1 ayers 0 f clean coarse sand with pebbles and gravel Hard, rrpist, black sandy clay (CH) fnterbedded w ith med i lJll dense light gray b~OW1 s i I ty sam (~g» Topsoi I Ouaternary Alluvium Older Dense, moist, black clayey silt (~) Redidual Topsoi I Hard, rro i st, gray sandy to silty Tertiary Sediments cl ay (OJ) 1 For Legend, see Fi gure 4-. LOG OF TEST BORING 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA l4JO[)...JARD -GI ZI ENSKI &: ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ~D FOUNDATION EJlGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA o 5 10 25 ... 35 For legend, see Fi gu re 4-. !bring 2 Medium dense, moist, black clayey fine s\3J1d (SC) Hard, moist, I ight red-brown sandy clay (Cl) wi th gravel Porous Medium dense, moist, ~ ight brown to light yell ow-broWl si I ty fi ne sand (SM) with layers of sandy c1 ay (CL) and some c1 ean sand Porous scattered pebbl es . and gravel Dense, moist, dark gray clayey sand (SC) Hard, moist, gray-green sandy to silty clay (ai) Dense, moist, light gray-brown clayey ,sand (SC)some si lty clay (0..) Interbedded dense, moist, gray clayey fine 5and (SC) and hard, In:> i 5t, brohfl 5 i lty c1 ay (ai) Topsoi I Quaternary Alluvium Older Residual Topsoi I Tertiary Sediments .-----------continued on next page lOG OF TEST OOR I NG 2 63 ACRE S: ITE -RANCHO AGUA H EDIONDA W)QrMARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES CONSULTING SOIL ~D FOUNDATION ~GIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 35 +' ! 8 ~ '+-'-lIO ~ en "0 " c 49...3 ~ 0 .e, ~ --~ .s::. +' 0-~ Boring 2 continued sane as t:efore II Hard, moist, brown silty to sandy clay (CL) blocky fracturing LEGEND DATD = Dry at time of drilling. we = Water Content in percent of dry weight. DD = Dry Density in pcf. Be = Number of blows by I~O pound hammer falling 30 inches to drive sampler 12 inches. Sampler Data: 10 = 2.0", 00 = 2.5". UCS = Unconfined Compressive Strength in psf. DS = Direct Shear Test Data: _ = Angle of Apparent Friction in degrees. e ~ Appar,ent Cohesion in psf. LL = Liquid Limit in percent. PI = Plasticity Index. (SM) = Group classification symbol in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. ~ = Sample Number. LOG OF TEST BORING 2 Terti ary Sediments 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WXlDvJARD -GI ZI ENSKI & ASSOCI ATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 0 we = 10 ,<I (> " ~ :"" . "'. 5 '\. ..... 10 ~ Q) IS '* L.. ::::J en '"0 c ::::J g ~ 3> -c8 ~ 0-~ / 25 &..~ qs • 55 For legend, see Figure 11-. Ibring 3 Dense, damp, red-brown silty medium Pleistocene to fine sand (S~) with scattered Terrace material ee~les I gravel Hard, damp, gray sandy clay (CH) Tertiary Sediments sandstone with sane claystone Very dense, damp, whitish gray silty medium to fine sand (SM) trace clay clayey sand (SC) CI ay bed (eL) Hard, moist, gray-green sandy clay (qi) ,- Very dense, damp, light gray silty fine sand (SM) trace clay Dense, c1 ayey wi th depth continued on next page LOG OF TEST BORING 3 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA H EDI ONDA WJQ[NJARD - G I Z I ENSK I &: ASSOC I ATES CONSUlTIHG SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AHD GEOLOGISTS SAN D I Eoo. CALI FORN I A 55 7 60 65 75 80 .. Boring 3 continued Very dense, damp, light gray silty fi ne sand (s.i) Hard, moist, gray-green silty clay (an moist, light gray clayey damp, 1 ight gray silty For Legend, see Figure ~. LOG OF TEST BORING 3 Tertiary Sediments Sand stone with some claystone and sandstone 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WJQcx.JARD - G I Z I EN SK I & ASSOC I ATES CONSULTING SOIL ~D FOUNDATIOH ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA o 5 +' J! 10 15 35 Boring ~ Graded Cut Pad Hard, da1lp, 1 i ght gray-brow1 si 1 ty clay (ai) Hard, damp, gray-brown sandy to si lty c1 ay (ai) Hard, rroist, brown silty clay (an Hard, rroist, gray fine sandy clay (an Very dense, moist, light gray silty fine sand (SM) Trace clay .Hard, moist, gray-green silty clay 'lCH) Very dense, da1lPT 1 ight gray clayey silt (MH) ~----------conti nued 01 next page For Legend, see Fi gu re ~. lOG OF TEST BORI NG ~ Terti ary Sediments Claystone with some sandstone " 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WJOCMARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION EHGINEERS AHD GEOLOGISTS SAN D I EC£l. CALI FORN I A 55 60 65 70 .. Ebring ~ continued ~,....-----------Very dense, damp, light gray clayey si 1t (MH) Very dense, moist, gray silty medium to fine sand (s.1) TSil ty fine sand (9-i) chunks of hard clay hard cl ay bed FOr legend, see Figure ~. / Tertiary Sediments Sandstone with some lIudstone lOG OF TEST OOR I NG If 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WJOCMARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES CONSULTING SOIL AXD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CAlIFOR~IA DR. BY: ALS APP'ZOX. SCAlE: I" = 5' /11")-73-130 CK'D BY: DUE: 3-1-73 0 Be= 5 2 Be = 26 5 Be = 60 ""<+J 10 j! ~ tU '+-L-Be = 23 a3 "0 15 c: :::J e (!' ~ ~ os: ~ = 22 e = 380 ~ 20 § Be = 36 25 Be = fbring 5 loose, rooist, bro\'Kl silty sand (SM-SC) Trace clay Porous t-bcli um dense, roo i st, yell ow-brol'«l silty sand (~) (Porous) Very dense, damp, yellow-brown silty fine sand (SM) with trace of clay Sl ightly Porous ~di um dense, moi st yell ow-bro\'ll silty medium to fine sand (SM) Sl i ghtl y Porrus Sane layers of clayey sand (S» Clean sand wi th gravel >. (SP) Dense, moist, bro\'Kl silty fine sand (9)1) wi th chunks of clay (Cl) Hard, rooi st, gray sandy clay (CL) For legend, see Figure 4-. Topsoi I Quaternary Alluvium Tertiary Sediments ~ LOG OF TEST BORING 5 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WX1DWARD -GI ZI ENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AMD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN D I Eoo. CALI FORN I A 0 5 +' & ~ C'd If-'-Qj 10 "0 c :::J g ~ -~ 15 .r:; +' ! 20 25 .. Be = 3 LL = 28 PI = 13 Be = 16 Be= 30 Be = 28 we = 10 DO = 108 B~ = 33 os: = 29 = 320 I 2 7 DATO Ebring 6 Very loose, moist, black clayey sand Topsoi 1 (SC) Porous loose to medium dense, moist, yellow Quaternary bra-m silty medium to fine sand (9.1) Al1uv i urn some 1 ayers of clay (a.) Porous Very sti ff, mo is t, dark broW'l sandy clay (a.) Slightly porous Medium dense, damp, brawn clayey sand (SC) S1 ightly porous wi th gravel Hard, moi st, gray sandy clay (eL) Tertiar{ Sedimen s Dense, moist, light gray clayey sand (SC) l?ecan i ng sand i er with depth For Legend, see Fi gu re ~. LOG OF TEST BORI NG 6 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WJOCMARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATION ~GIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: ALS APPRC\X. SCALE: I" = 5' CK'D BY: . -;:;:,/ DATE: 3-1-73 o 5 +I ~ I 10 cu ~ '+-~ ~ "0 c ::::J ~ 15 ~ --~ ~ ! 0 5 10 Be = 21 WC = 16 DO = 113 BC = 15 UCS =52~0 Be = ~~ Be = 30 we = 16 DO = 113 Be = 3 we= 8 DO = 121 BC = 50 UCS =16,500 BC = 110 2 3 DATD B:>ring 7 Compacted, rooist, gray-bnown clayey fine ~and Hard, rooist, black sandy clay (eL) 51 ightly porous tEciil.lll drose, rooist, gray-brown clayey sand (SC) some clay chunks s 1i htl y porous B:>ring 8 Very loose, rooist, black silty to clayey fine sand (SC) Hard, moi st, dark broWl sandy c1 ay (Cl) Sl i ghtl y porous pense, rooist, light gray-braWl cl?yei fine sand (SC) sligh ly porous For Legend, see Fi gu re q.. FILL Old Topsoi I Quaternary AllUVium Topsoi I Quaternary Alluvium LOGS OF TEST BORINGS 7 AND 8 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA H EDI ONDA WJO[)...JARD -GI Z I ENSKI &: ASSOCI ATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORHIA DR. BY: ALS APPROX. SCA E: I fI = 5' PPl'l,t H' 73-130 CK'D By:/I_;.T DATE: 3-1-73 FI(.ltQt: 0' 11 0 WC = 15 DO = 116 BC = ~ UCS =1765 BC = 22 5 +' BC = 26 Q) 12 10 ~ ~ 't Oi '"C C ::I 15 g x 0 -~ .s::; .. +' BC = 19 c. ~ BC = 29 fX>ring 9 Very loose, rooist, black silty fine sand (~) Loose, rooist, gray-brown clayey sand (SC) with layers of sandy clay ( CL) sl ightly porous Medium dense, damp, yellow-brown fi ne sand (SP) wi th interbeds of sandy clay Gravel Medium dense, danp, gray-brown c1 ayey sand (SC) some s i 1 ty sand ($f) Medium dense, moist, black clayey sand (SC) to hard sandy clay (eL) For legend, see Fi gu re 4-. lOG OF TEST OORING 9 Topso i 1 Quaternary All uvi urn 63 ACRE SI TE -RANCHO AGUA HEDI ONDA w))CWARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC I ATES COMSULTI~G SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AHD GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORHIA DR. BY: ALS APPROX. SCA E: I" = 5' CK'D BY: /1 ~ DATE: 3-1-73 12 0 Be = 2 we = 29 DO = 90 5 BC = 18 UCS :-11600 Be = 60 19 Ehring 10 Very loose, moist, dark brown silty to clayey sand (S+SC) Porous Very sti ff, moi st, gray-broWl sandy clay (ai) Hard, damp, broWl sandy clay (Of) . for legend, see Figure ij.. LOG OF TEST BOR I NG 10 Topsoi 1 Tertiary Sediments W)()[N.JARD - G I Z I ENSK I & ASSOC IATES COICSULTING SOIL #.HD FOUNDATION EHGIHEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN OIEro. CALIFORNIA 0 BC = 3 we = 6 2 DO = 112 5 Bi -38 OS: = 33 +' C= 0 j! ~ (\1 't 10 c73 "0 c: :;, e CJ ~ BC = 31 .... ~ 15 £j 0-~ 20 BC = Sq 25 .. (bring II Very loose, rroi st, dark bro'nfl si lty fine sand (9-1) Porous Dense, danp, brCWl to yellow-brCWl si lty fine sand (9-1-SP) sl ightly porous Partially cemented -wi th gravel -with gravel Cl ay interbeds Hard, moist, gray-brown clay (CH) For Legend, see Fi gu re lh Topsoi t J Quaternary Alluvium Terti ary Sediments Claystone , lOG OF TEST BORING II 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA W){)D,.JARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AHD FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: ALS APp~0~. SCAI.E: I" = 5' P?0 J ",. n-130 CK'D BY: ,7'.-,'_ DATE: 3-1-73 FI(:II~I" Il('). 1l1- GRAVEL. SAHO e COBBLES CoarsJ ~dium 51 LT and CLAY Coarse Fine Fine Mesh Opening -ins. Sieve Sizes Hydrometer Analysis I I I I 100 7 6 3 2 I I .1 q 10 16 20 30 40 60 80 I 40 2IJO ? 0 ! I , ,. ~ ""-I : 90 I : . \.. 10 I I \ i \ 80 \ ' 20 I _ t : I I I \ ' I , I 70 , , i , 30 I i I I 0 c::I , I I UJ z: 60 40= -CI) « CI) >-~ 1 UJ 0::: I-50 , >-i5 50~ (.) i ! <..> ar: 0::: ~ : i UJ I 0... qo I 60 I , 70 00 , I I _\ --" 20 ;~' 80 ~ ! -........ I --10 I ~, 90 -, -, II 0 100 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 0.001 GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS .. SAWLE CLASS I F I CAT I Ct~ AND SYM30L *ll *PI 3 -I Si lty medium to fine sand (SM) -- " *tL = Liquid Limit GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION CURVES *PI = Plasticity Index 63 ACRE SITE -RAN CHO AGUA H ED ION DA WOODWARD -GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES i i CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS I SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA ! DR. BY: GS APPROX. SCALE: - - - -PROJ. NO: 73-130 , I CK'O BY: DATE: 3/2/73 FIGURE HO: 15 e -3 tEQiAH I CAL AHAlYSI S a " 10 40 200 100 DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA I 2 3 ~. I 110 80 Dry Density, pcf 118 -C!J z: Initial Water Content. % 17 15 -en l\ ~ 60 I\~ a... Final Water Content. % II 7 -~ \\..-f-3 ~4O Apparent Cohesion. pst 380 380 -<..> \\ C<: LL.I \ ~. Apparent Friction Angle. 0 7J 22 -Q..20 I 2-~'---,,-. I , , I I ~I I I ~ II 0 IIW 1000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 I \ ~ GRAIN SIZE IN MILLIMETERS \ \ \ ICOBBLESI GRAVEL I SAND jSILT & CLAY I I i\ \ \ elf elml f ~. :\ \ , 13-I-i i--\ ~\ 1\ 130 it' ~~\ \ PLAST I CITY CHARACTER I ST I CS I 2 3 !,/"",f-2 I\\~ Liqvid Limit, r. --28 \ f\\ 1\ Plasticity Index. r. - -13 Ij V ~. Classification by Unified Soil !~ t-l ~ \ 1\ Classification System --CL 120 I ~\ \ ... ; ~ 1\ r\ (,) ! 1\ \ \ Q. ~ \ 1\ 1\ ~ll TEST DATA I 2 3 %: 1\ \ \ 0 110 -~ \ 1\ f\ Initial Dry Density. pet --- ~ -1\ \ Initial Water Content, % % ---:::> >-\ \ f\ Load. pst 0:: ---Q f\1\ , Percen t Swe 11 \ \ 1\ - - - 100 \ \ [\. 2.70 \ y--2.60 SPECIFIC GRAVITY \ \ \-~2.50 90 MAXIMUM DRY I 2 3 1\ ~ ~ ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES DENSI TV, pet 123.0 131.5 133. a ~~K1 OPTIMUM MOISTURE COIHENT. % 10.5 7.0 7.0 f\. lXl'>.. NOTE: Specimen I = Sample 11-9 r'\,' ~ Specimen 2 = Sample 5-5 IoiOISTURE COIHENT, 1. "~ Specimen 3 = Sample 6-2 80 0 10 20 30 40 lABORATORY ca.pACTI~ TEST .. FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LABORATORY COMPACTION 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA TEST "'ETHOO: AS'lM-D I ~57-ZQ . hOODWARD -G! Z 1 ENSK I & ASSOCIATES , CONSULTING SOil AMO FOUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS II ~AH DIEGO, CALIFORNIA h, ~ I M. BY: ALS APPROX, SCALE: ---PROJ. HO: 73-130 ".1 I CI(' 0 llY: ".~/ DATE: 3-1-73 FIGURE HO: 16 ;i .. RESUlTS OF LOADED $lfy£LL TESTS Initial Final Vol ume Change Sample Dry Water Dry Water Pressure Air Saturate Number Density Content Saturation Density Content Saturation Dry pef % % '. 8 -J 113 16 85 10 - 2 93 28 95 Diameter of Samples: 1.94 inches Height of Samples: 0.628 inches pcf 112 88 % of 10 psf % of Initial HeiGht 15 85 160 -1.6 1.0 33 100 160 -0.1 " 5.1 RESULTS OF LOADED SWELL TESTS . 63 ACRE SITE -RANCHO AGUA HEDIONDA WOODWARD -GIZI8~SKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL AND FOUHDATIOH ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA DR. BY: ALS AP~OX SCALE-- - -pqnJ HO: 73-130 CK'D By:/-,·:J . DATE: 3-1-73 FIGURE NO~ 17 i • .. ,. .. _\J---.. _-.- " Assumptions: STABILITY ANALYSIS CUT SLOPE IN PREDOMINANTLY SANDSTONE (1) Maximum height of slop'es, (2) Maximum slope inclination, (3) Unit weight of soil, (4) Apparent angle of internal friction, (5) Apparent cohesion, (6) No seepage forces. References: H = y = ~ = C = Page 1 of 3 Case a 35 1-1/2:1 120pcf 350 300psf (1) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis of Slopes vJith Dimensionless Parameters", Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., "Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes", JSMFD, No. Sr~6, November, 1967. Analysis: Case b 60 2: 1 l20pcf 35 0 300psf Safety Factor, F. S. = Nef y~. , Case a Where Ncf is the stability No. for slopes wi th both c and ~ •. . Acf = 'Y H tan p c = 120x 35 x tan 35 300 From Fi gure 10 of Reference 2 25 x 300 F.S. = 120 x 35 = 1.78· . Case b , N = 25 cf = 9.8 ).. H tan p Acf = C = 120 x 60 x tan 35 = 16 8 300' . • 46 x 300 F.S. = 120 x 60 = 1.91 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSUlTING SOIL ANO fOUNDATION ENQINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS • C'. I- . ' ,. Project No. 73-130 e STABILITY ANALYSIS CUT SLOPES IN PREDOMINANTLY CLAYSTONE Assumptions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Maxi mum hei ght of s 1 op'es, Maximum slope inclination, Unit weight of soil, Apparent angle of internal friction, Apparent cohesion, No seepage forces. References: H = y = , = C = Attachment I Page 2 of 3 Case a 35 ~ 1-1/2:1 120pcf 25° 600 psf (1) Janbu, N., "Stability Analysis of'Slopes \·Jith Dimensionless Parameters", Harvard Soil Mechanics Series No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., "Dimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth Slopes", JSMFD, No. SM6, November, 1967 • Analysis: , . c Safety Factor, F.S. =. Ncf YH." Case a Where Ncf is the stability No. for slopes with both c and ~ •. X H tan p c = 120 x 35 x tan 25 600 From Figure 10 of Reference 2 13 x 600 F • S. = , 20 x 35 = 1. 86 N = 13 cf Case b Acf = ). H tan cp c Ncf = 20 F.S. 20 x 600 = 120 x 55 = , 120 x 55 x tan 25 600 = 1.85 = 3.29 5.13 Case b 55 2: 1 120pcf 25° 600 psf WOODWARD· GIZIENSKJ & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING lOlL AND fOUNDATION [NQINHltS AND GEOLOGISTS .. -', " 1 ' . " STABILITY ANALYSIS FILL SLOPES Assumptions: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6) Maximum hei ght of sl op'es, Maximum slope inclination, Unit weight of soil, Apparent angle of internal friction, Apparent cohesion, No seepage forces. References: e. H = y = ~ = C = AttaCnment 1 Page 3 of 3 Case a 30 1-1/2: 1 120pcf 27 0 450psf (1) Janbu, N., IIStability Analysis of 'Slopes with Dimensionless Parameters II, Harvard Soil Mechani cs Seri es No. 46, 1954. (2) Janbu, N., IIDimensionless Parameters for Homogeneous Earth . S1 opes II, JSt1FD, No. Sr'16, November, 1967 • Analysis: " Case b 50 2: 1 120pcf 270 4S0psf Safety Factor, F.S. = Ncf y~, Case a Where Nef is the stability No. for slopes with both c and ~ •. ~cf = y H tan p c = 120 x 30 x tan 27 450 From Fi gure 10 of Reference 2 Ncf = 15 15 x 450 F .s. = 120 x 30 = l. 88 ' , Case b , ). H tan p 120 x 50 x tan 27 ~cf = = c 450 Ncf = 25 F.S. 25 x 450 = 1.88 = 120 x 50 = 4.08 = 6.8 WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COHllUlTIHQ SOil AND fOUNDATION £NGIN[(IItS ANO GEOLOGISTS • " .. -w---.. _-.-Page 1 of 4 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONTROLLED FILL ~ I. GENERAL These specifications cover preparation of existing surfaces to receive fills; the type of soil suitable for use in fills; the control of com- paction and the methods of testing compacted fills. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to place, spread, \'Jater and compact the fill in strict accordance with these specifications. A Soil Engineer shall be the Owner's representative to inspect the construction of fills. Exca- vation and the placing of fill shall be under the direct inspection of the Soil Engineer and he shall give written notice of conformance with the specifications upon completion of grading. Deviations from these specifications will be permitted only upon written authorization from the Soil Engineer. A soil investigation has been made for this project; any recommendations made in the report of the soil investigation or subsequent reports shall become an a~dendum to these specifications. 'I I. SCOPE IIi. .' The placement of controlled fill by the Contractor shall include all clearing and grubbing, removal of existing unsatisfactory material, preparation of the areas to be filled, spreading and compaction of fill in the areas to be filled, and all other work necessary to complete the grading of the filled areas. c MATERIALS 1. Materials for compacted fill shall consist of any material imported or excavated from the cut areas that, in the opinion of the Soil Engineer, is suitable for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size and shall contain at least 40% of material smaller than 1/4 inch in size. No material of a perishable, spongy, or otherwise improper nature shall be used in filling. 2. Material placed within 24 ihches of rough lot grade shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps greater than 6 inches in size and that swells less than 3% when compacted as hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axial pressure of 160 psf. 3. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to determine the maximum density, optimum moisture content and classification of the soil. In addition, the Soil Engineer shall determine the approximate bearing value of a recom- pacted, saturated sample by direct shear tests or other tests applicable to the particular soil. 4. During grading operations, soil types other than those analyzed in the 'report of the soil investigation may be encountered by the Contractor. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted to determine the suitability of these soils. WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES COHSui.TINO lOlL o\IfO 'OUHDAnOH lHQIH[fjIS "'"'0 Q[OLOOISTS IV. • • .' ... _ ... __ IIIIt_I' Y .... Page 2 of 4 COMPACTED FILLS • .- ·1. General (a) Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted by the Contractor \'Jhile at a moisture content near the optimum moisture content and to a density that ;s not less than 90% of the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM Test No. D1557-70T, or other density methods that will obtain equivalent results. (b) Potentially expansive soils may be used in fills below a depth of 24 inches and shall be compacted at a moisture content greater than the optimum moisture content for the material. 2. Clearing and Preparing Areas to be Filled (a) All trees, brush, grass and other objectionable material shall be collected, piled and burned or otherwise disposed of by the Con- tractor so as to leave the areas that have been cleared with a neat fihished appearance free from unsightly debris. (b) All vegetable matter and objectionable material shall be removed by the Contractor from the surface upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be removed or compacted to the depth shown on the plans. The surface shall then be plowed or scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches until the surface is free from uneven features that would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used . (c) Where fills are constructed on hillsides or slopes, the slope of the original ground on which the fill is to be placed shall be stepped or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached figure. The steps shall extend completely through the soil mantle and into the underlying formation materials. (d) After the foundation;'for the fill has been cleared, plowed or scarified, it shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free from clods, brought to the proper moisture content and compacted as specified for fill. 3. Placing, Spreading, and Compaction Fill Material (a) The fill material shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain uniformity of material in each layer. (b) When the moisture content of-the fill material is above that specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by by the Contractor by blading, mixing or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is as specified. WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING SOIL ANO ,OUNDATION ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS . '. • ~roJec~ NO. /j-IJU • .-Attachment II Page 3 of 4 (c) When the moisture content of the fill material is below that specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added by the Con- tractor until the moisture content is as specified . (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thoroughly~' compact~d by the Contractor to the specified density. Compaction shall be accomplished by sheepsfoot rollers, vibratory roller, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers or other types of acceptable compacting equipment. Equipment shall be of such design that it will be able to compact the fill to the specified density. ~ompaction shall be continuous over the entire area and the equipment shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained throughout the entire fill. (e) Surface of fill slopes shall be compacted and there shall be no loose soil on the slopes. , V. INSPECTION 1. Observations and compaction tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer during the filling and compaction operations so that he can state his opinion that the fill was constructed in accordance with the specifications. '2~ The Soil Engineer shall make field density tests in accordance with ASTt~ Test No. 0-1556-64T. Density tests shall be made in the compacted materials below the surface where the surface is disturbed. When these tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill or portion thereof is below the specified density, the particular layer or portions shall be reworked until the specified density has been obtained. VI. PROTECTION OF WORK 1. During construction the contractor shall properly grade all excavated ~ surfaces to provide positive drainage and prevent ponding of water. , He shall control surface water to avoid damage to adjoining properties. or to finished work on th~-site~ The Contractor shall take remedial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded areas and until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. 2. After completion of grading and the Soil Engineer has finished his observations of the work, no further excavation or filling shall be done except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. , WOODWARD· GIZIENSKI & ASSOCIATES CONSULTlNQ SOIL AND fOUNDATION [NQINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS .-...... ~ Strip dS Specified -Original Gr'ound 5 lope Ra tio • N M doe Remove all topsoil ~ I. Varies. 1\<'/;.; ..... NOTES The minimum width ''B'' of key shall be 2 feet 1i'ider than the compaction equipment, and not less than 1(. fee·t. The outside edge of bottom key shall be below topsoil or loose surface material. Keys are required where the natural slope 1s Eteeper than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where specified by Soil Engineer. 14 B ~ I See Note .. '"\ .. '. HfA e e -0 : 01, to , rot 4 .J::o; oi -+! : 4 .J::o ; .. -.. -,! --- i : . j t-, , r ! .'. ~., li\ ',} "\ " \ I ~1 I' l') -. Ii) / :! J: / ! I / \ ! '\ -: \ ',I '\. " • J • / " ~, ;, ","'\ ':~ r \,~; <'~ -r-:O'l \' , .1 \. \ ':.1. . , . . I ~; • --I ~­If: ~, -.. "' ~,~ " \\ "eo .............. /