HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 73-08; CARLSBAD PALISADES; UPDATE SOIL INVESTIGATION AND EARTHWORK PACKAGE; 1977-04-01I' .. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS CONSULTING ENGINEERS, GEOLOGISTS AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTISTS Wl'.srrHN HEGION 3467 Kurtz Street Ap I f 1 1, 1 9 7 7 . Siln Dici:o Callforlua 92110 Phone (714) 224·2911 J'l oj ('I' I No. 77-105-1 r)I': Douglass Soul hwest Corporat ion Post Officp Box 1114 Callsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. John Douglass UPDATE SOIL INVESTIGATION AND EARTHWORK PACKAGE CARLSBAD PALISADES UNITS 1, 2 AND 3 (CARLSBAD TRACT 76-15) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA In accordancp wi th your rpquest and our proposal datpd ~larch 15, 1977, wp have rpvipwpd tlH' propospd tf'ntativp grading pLm fOI llif' subject subdivIsion and havp madp additional soIl studlps at til(' sltp. Thp purpose of lhesp sludips Is ptpparp updated conr.lusions and recommpndations Tegarding parth~rking at the sitp, slopp stability and found a t Ion d psi g n . In addItion, we alP pIPs£'nllng pst Imatps of tlip quantities of various soils which will requite special handling during grading including potpntially expansivp and compressible soils, soils suitable for use at finish grade, buttress VOllll11PS and sppcial ftll construction vollll11Ps. A preliminary soiIinvest igal ion covering the subjpCI 51 If' was made by Woodward-Gizienski & Associates and tlw results issupd in a I P po tl d a t p d Mm c h 3, 1 Y 73 . Two aJd('lIcln to that If-potl WPtP ![;suPc! and alP datpd Hay 16, 1973, and Oclobpl 1, 1973. TllP IPsuits o[ Olll rutl<'nt studIes are based on these reports, the current field study, laboratolY test Ing and tmalysis ppxformf'd hy out firm. Ill) liP. 1111; Ii ~;" Ii I II WI' : II ce'll I III lOll 1'1 n) ('('( No. /1-1 O'l --I ')1': Apt 11 1, llJ77 OFFICE PREPARATION AND FIELD WORK reports; a review of the tentative grading plan; a detailed gpologiral reconnaissance of the sill", inr.luding logging of spvpral existing cut slopes and nalural exposures; the drilling of 3 addillonal test borings; and the excavating of 11 test pits at representative locations. TIlE' • test borings were made wi th a six-inch diameter truck-mounted power auger and the test pits were advanced with a 2!f-inch wide t1-actor mounted bar.khoe. The excavations and borings were made at the approximate locations shown on the attached plan under the superv Ision of an engineering geologist from our firm who also made the geologir reconnaissance of the site and-logged the cut slopes. Our rer.ent flf'ld work was done during tbe period of March 8 through 26, 19/7. 111(> borings, Lest pits and field work welP done with the aid of "A Rpvised Tentativp Subdivision Ma_p for Carlsbad Tract No. 76-Catlsbad Pal isndps," pIPpared by Al fTpd B. Ostprhups, datr'd Feblll<lry 9, 1977. LABORATORY TESTS 'nH~ samples obtained in the borings and pits were visually classified in the laboratory and reptesentaive samples were evaluated with respect to grain size, plasticity, swelling and compressibility charactetistics. The visual classifications were verified by results of gtain size and Atterberg limits detetmination. Swelling characteristics were evaluated by loaded swell tests on both undisturbc;d and compacted snmples. Compressibi.lity was estimated by a confined compression test on a sample of porolls alluvial soil. The results of grain sizp and p]nsllcity tests nre prespntf'd on FiglHf' 19. Thf' [f'sults of [oadpd swell tests and the confined cornp1ession test ale found on FlguIPS 20 and 21, respectivf'ly. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS I h I tip, 1 II H ~ I :;() III II WI' : II e I I() I n I I 0 II 1'1 (I i j'(' I No. 71-1 ()',-I 'd': /I p I I I I, I <) / I sUmtARY OF SJTI~ SOIL AND GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS Real approx imatel y 2,000 fpet sout hed y 0 f the OlPst nllt /Iv I'll \If> 111 t p r se ~ t i 0 11 • 1110 site is of modetatp ly stpep hilly topography with slope In~linatiolls ranging ftom neal venkaJ to as gpntle as 2U to 1. The sitp 1 ies on the slopes of an old mfc>sa remnant sur[a~p whl~h has • f'Ioded into dUlinagf' swales and eastpr]y trpnding ridges with badland topography present on some of the upper s10pe are.as. A maj or reI at Ivel y wide. dlaw drains easterly in the northern portion of the si te. The natmal sut face of the sl te. i s ~overed by a moderate to heavy growth of native grasses and chaparral. Portions of the. site. have be.en modified by grading which was donp in conjunrtion with tlw grading of Carlsbad Tract 73-8 in the southpast corner of ellp propPlty. Two types of man plar.ed fill s exist on si te. Compac ted f i 11 exists on Lots 71 t hroug h 79, 29 t hroug h 33 and 117 through 127 . 111PSf> repre.spnt oUsite fills placed dur i ng the grading of the adj acent tr a~ L. Ex tensive borrow excavations are present on site in the are.a of Lo t s 15 through 20 and 112 through 116. Soil has been pnd dumped on t be bottoms of these excavations and also in the area of Lots 26 and 134. Our studies to date indicatp that the natural subsmface soils and geologic formati.ons on site ran be divided into [our main units. These are,in order of increasing age: overbUlden so ils, Quaternary alluv ial deposits, Quate.rnary terrace deposits, and Tertiary marine sediments. Overbmdell So i 1 s A residual soil mantle covers the mesa surfa~e and side hill areas ilne! has c\evplopecl over ll)(' Qlwteflwry a.lluvial deposits 111 lhl' lower portions of till' site. Ihls topsoil rover rOllslslS of one to thll'l' feP[ of 1008<' ypllow-blown sillY sand, overlying tllP ()u<ltprnmy lelL1!'p deposit and up to one Eoot of dark-brown silty sand underlain by fOUl to [Ive [ep[ of gtay-blown silly to sandy day, overlying the Tertiary sediments. A one to two foot rovet· of brown to dark brown silty sand overlies the Quatprnary alluvial deposits In the nortiwrly draw (1IP;]. The 10wpr areas are generally covpted by an ilpproxilllillpl y onp foot titf('k layer. of very dark g ray-brown sandy day La cl ayey sand. WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS ilo \IF. I it H H So III h WI' r; I cf,)() I ;t l I () l\ 1'1 oJ p(" I No. -; /-I () ') -1 ') I': April I, 1C)7l Thf':sp dpposits arp found in thp widp drainagp area pxlpnding into the sitp from El Camino l{ealin thp northeln portion of the subdivision. Tpst pits indiratp a maximum alluvial depth on thp oldpl of 15 feet. The deposits ~ol1sist of intetb0ddpd 1 <1yf':r 8 anJ If'nses of silty and dayey sands, silty and sandy days, and g.ravel. The upper t'M) to ten fpet of the alluvial matptials atp considered potentially compressible • in nature. guatplnary Tetrace Deposits Below thp residual soil mantle in the upper elevations of the sitp, the fonnational soils consist of df>nsp redd.ish brown silty sand with orrasional laypls and Ipnses of r'laypy sand anrl gravel. 1111s material is found genprally above an approx imate el pvaL j on of 275 fpp t but has a sompwhat inpgular: cont;:lf~t with thp underlying Tpltimy spdiments. Some Ioeal tptrace deposits on thp order of len feet thick WPrl" IdentlflPli on the ]O\v0r slopps at plpvallons ranging hom 220 to 240 fept. 1111' soils will provide significant amounts of select soil fat special use on sitp. Below the Quaternary ten-a~e material and alluvial dpposits des~ribed above and extend ing to signi f!cant depths on the si te are found Intprbeddpd laYPls and lensps of vpry dense whitish-gray silty to clayey sand and hard grppnish-gray to brown sandy and silty day. Generally, the granular materials, silty to clayey sand, oc~ur directly beneath the tetta~e material and exu;nd down to elevat iOll of approximately 2/tO [PPI. Bplow the 240 fool elevation, Tprtiary sedimpnts consist primarily of clayey materials Interbedded with mOlt' granular lenses and layers. Groundwa ter No groundwater was encountered in any of thp test borings or pi ts at the time of excavating. In addition, no springs, water seeps, and swampy O! marshy arpas werp nolpd during our IPI'.onnalssancf' of thp sltf'. It Is callt 1011f'd, how('v!'!, thal oUllng rainy peliods l'.loundwalPl lTlay h(' encountered aL Jppth In the alluvial soils. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS I) (l tI)', I illl! I ~;( I til 11 Wi' ! II e pO t 1\ t I () II i'rojf-'f'l No. 71-10'1-1')1': Apr It 1,1')71 CONetOS IONS AND RI':cm1~1J<:NI)A nONS C(' Ill' t III Co n (' "I (I r; Ion s (1) The If'sults of our studies have not revealpd ltlP prpsenre of any major advptsp soil or gf'ologk ronditlons on sltp wbkh would prf'clude the furthpr dpvplopmpnt of thf'. sitp. TIlere arf', howf'ver, several soil conditions on site that should be considered clut Ing df'velopment of plans and grading of the site. 111esp are listed below. (a) Thf'tf' arf' numf'rous piles of dumppd soil with minor trash whkh f'xlst on the-bottoms of lhf' borrow pits on site. Hurh of the loose soil exists in tile areas to tecf'lv(' fill and wi]l rf'quire exr3vation and recompart ion. (b) C1ayey soils, both sUlfare soil mant1p f'1nys and formntlona] rlaystone, exist on site and undf'truttlng of thesp pxpansive matpl-inls and repJacPlllPnl wilh rompactecl sPlect soil will br ff'quited .11 finish gradt'o (c) Relatively df'ep alluvial soils exist In the northern draw arf'a and, when porous, these alluvial soils will requir<~ excavation ancl recompaction prior to plncing new fill. ( d) The rombination through 1+2 wi 11 claystone in thp cut-fill sloge at the require buttressing due toe area of the slope. rear to tllf' of Lo t s 38 preSPTlf'e of (2) The pxisting fills in the area of 71 througb 79 and 117 through 128 havf' bepl1 observation ancl ~ompartecl. O::>mpaction clata submitted with tliP final l"eport of grading. Lots 29 ,through 33, 69 , pI a(~ed under png inePT ing is on file and will be (3 ) Wit Ii I Ii (' (' x r P pl ! () n () r I Ii" r 1I t -f I I J 8 I 0 [1(' :I I t II(' I" [ll () I: Lo t ~ 38 through 142, It Is our opinion that the proposed rut slopps having mnxlmurn hplghts of 60 feet and maximum slop!" Inclinations of 1-1/2 to 1 wlJl have adf'qllnle indlrated fa~tors of safety against dppp-seated slidp fallme If rLlnslructpci In arcorcicHlc(> wltll plans and s[l(>rlflc:atlons. WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS DOli}!, 11l~1!1 SOUl !lW('!;1 (.,01 ill l'luj('('1 Nu. 11-IU')-I')I': April I, 1977 I () II Thp propospd [Ill slopps having slopp Inrlinatlons ranging fron i-l/2 to 1 to 2 to I nnd maxlmlJll lwighls of 75 [('Pt will similarly hay!' ad!'CIll:1t p Indl('atf'd factors or sa[ply against uc'pl-spal('d slopp tail!!l!' II constructed in accot-dancp with plans and speC'ifications. Irrigation of 1-1/2 to 1 slopps should be rontrollpd to twlp minimizp sutfare sloughIng. Sur-farp sloughing and rf'velling may be pxpelipnrpd during rajny periods prior to establishment of vegetaLion growth. (4) It isom opinion that tl10 materials In the proposed rut . are;lS can be excavated by medium to heavy ripping with heavy-duty dozPl equll:Knenl. Ec,tthwotk Recommendat ions (1) It is recommended .lhat all loose piles of dumppd soi1 not lpIOOVpd by plannpd gUld Ing opPl-at iOllS hI" px('nvatpd and tp('ompartpd pI ior to placing any nf'W fill. Any trash material should be removed flom thp soil and disposed of off sitp. (2) It is lPcommpndpd that potentiaJly comprpssible topsoils and allwial soils not removpd by gl-ading opf'rations be pxr.<1vatpd and PIOpptly lPcompactpd ptiot to placing <'my IWW fill. 11tp maxlmUll dppth of comprpssible soils in thp northerrnnost draw atpa is anticipatpd to bp on the olciN of 10 feet with an average dppth on the order of!+ to 6 feet. 111e actual dppth of pxcavation and compaction should bp controlled in the field at the lime of grading. (3) It is Ipcommpndecl that thp ('ut fill slope in tflP alpa of Lots 38 through 42 bp but t ressedin accordan'(~e wi tll l hI" sketch bpI ow. Cornpacted Sandstone It.....C 1 ilYS t.on~ Drain as required Suitable on site cOJllpacted fi111llilterial WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS Il() II)', I ilH~; :;() IIlitw,· !;l ielo lnl lOll 1'1 oj P(' t Nfl. II-I (j',-·I ')1': AprIl I, 11)/7 It Is enginperlng conditions. I pc.onlln!'ndpd that t hp geologist [rom our buttll'SS film to (. ut h (' vc,tify pxam Inc'd by an al'tual I!,po]oglr (4) It is recommended that potentially expansive soils existing jn areas of sha.11ow ('ut and fill, that is, daylight areas, and wtlerevel claystolH' is Pll('ounlptPd {It finish gtadp In dpe'pPI rUI nll'(1S, he undercut to a minimLm dppth of 2 feet and replared with properly compactpd nonexpansive soil available on site. (5) It is lPcommpndpd that thE' upppt 2-1/2 fppI of fill OVPI the entire level lot area be composed of ptopet"ly comparted nonexpansive soil. The more clayey materials may be placed and properly compacted in the depper fill areas. (6) It is recommpnded that ;]11 1-1/2101 fiJ1 slopes having heighls greater than 30 feet, such as thp onp behind Lots 125, 126 and 127, be composed of compacted g-ranu1ar matetials. (7) It is recommpndpd thaI all fi11 slopps lWliodic backtolling with compacllon equipment. All properly drained, maintained and planted in order erosion. In n>gard to slope planting it is recommended 3rchitert bf' ronsllllpd for ptoppr pJanl mix In order shallow and deep root growth. h f' compac I ed by slopes should be to help control that a landscape to promol p but h (8) It 1 s recommended that gt"ading plans for the subd iv i S1 on bf' rf'viewed by Woodwatd-Clyde Consultants prior to finalizing. (9) Ilis recommpnded that all grading at thp site bp donp in arcordance with the attached "Specifications for Controlled Fill." The earthwork should be observed and compacted fills tested by Woodward- Clyde Consultants. (10) It is recommended that a preconstruct jon conff'rence be held at the site with the owner or developer, contractor, design pngineer and soil eng inf'er in attf'ndanre. QUf'stions regarding spec i'al so il handl ing or grading plans may bf' answered at that timf'. DISTRIBUTION AND ESTIMATED QUANTITIES OF SPECIAL SOILS (1) L()os_~i]f's of fill ('xist in til!' aTf'[l o[ L.ots 2(), 112, 11'3, 11.5, 116 and on an ull-mnnbf'ted lot aTpa to the past of Lol 116. 11\("' av<'ragp df'ptil of pllp8 was asslnnf'd to 1)(' on thi' ordpl of Ihrp!, fl'l'( and lhp quantity of malf'tlal involvpd Is approximnLP1y .:hQ.OO cuhir yards. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS !l(lll).', I :I !I II !;() \It II w" ill e P( I I II I I,)) I 1'1 () I PC I No. 77 -I () I, -I 'II': April I, 1<J71 ('2 ) Al 1 uv I :l 1 So I I s -A] 1 uv I a 1 lc>compaction ate anllcipalPd in til(' HI> ('t ea t ion An'a, 1.0 t s 5 <J t 11 r () tlg It 6"1, that the volume of matet ial 25,000 cubic yards so 11 srI' q II it In g a r f'a () f [,0 t s Ld a \I ,I gil II r () llg Ii B 7 • InvoJ vpd is on pxrilval ion <Inti t hroug h ')], t IH' rt Is (·slilllntr·d the urder of (3) PotPilt ially pxpansive suils -Potenl iany expansivp clay soil to be undercut to a depth of 2 fept and replaced wi th nonexpansivp soil will be encounterpd on Lots 4 through ·10, 12 through 15, 19 through 35,56,57,64 through 68,92,93,96,97,98,107,108,111,112,113, 121, 123, 124, 126 and 127. The clay to be undetC'ut includes both residual clay occuring along dayl ight lines and rlaystone occuring in deeper cut areas. 111e approximate volume is on the order of 12,000 cubic yard~. (4) Buttrpss slopp -It is pstimated that lhp volume of bultrpss exC'aval ion in thp slope at the rear of Lots 38 through 42 will bp on thp order of 13,000 cubic yards. (5) Splert soil lequirement for fill slopp construction -It is ant Iclpatpd that approximatp1y 26,000 cubiC' yards of (',ompar(f'd sandslonp will bp lequitpd to conslrurt the fiLl slopp ar-ea at the 1par of Lots 125, 126 and 127. (6) Sp]p('r soils avallablp on sl(I' -Soil sultaiJlp for liSP al fln;sh grade and In buttress and fill slopp arf'as will bp gPl1praled generally from tllP higher plevations on site. It is estimatpd that the design rut areas are expertpd to yield in exress of 150,000 rubk yards of soil for tl1Psf' uses. For comparison il Is pstimated tlial aboul 8(3,000 culiJr: yards of splpcl soil will b(' If'quirf'd to fill und('tlCut clay areas, top fill areas, and for refilling buttress excavation and ronstrurting the outer zones of lhp fill slopes. The approximate lorations of soils requiring special handl ing arp shown on the attarhed mark-up copy of the grading plan. LIMITATIONS The rOl1clusions and rerommf'ndat ions made in thi s report are baspd on thp assumption Ihal tl1£' soil rondltlollS do not dpvintC' apprpci:lbly ftom those disclosed by thp test borings. If vat lations arp pnrountetpd dUling ronstruction, Wf' should be notified so that we may makp supplempntal f(>comlnpnclations If thIs should bp f(·quir('d. 1111" soil quantities presented above au' approxlmatp and intended for prel imini1ty budgf'tlng purpos('s only. Actual lorat ions of soi]s and quantities are to be determinpd in the fjeld at thp time of grading. WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS I)() IIi'. 1111:11 !;() III II""" :11 e PI) t n I I'r 0 I 1'(' I ti). 71-1 ()')--I')I'~ April 1,19/1 I, !II If thPI,' IUP [lIlY qllPstions ('ol1(,prning our llpd[Ilf' 5011 sludlps Ot IiiI' P[It th""otk pst IllInlpH 01 ilny otill't pilr! of lhf' proj('('1 In wltlt-h Wi' IIIi1Y be of further assistance, please ('aJl or WT itp Hr. Richard P. WhiIf', of our f I un. Very trul y yours, ·h~~· James E. Caval1 in, R. E. 17553 J Eel RPW /l km PJ...tachmpnts (4 ) WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS These: s[lccificiltions cover prcpclration of existincl surfacE;s to rrccive fills; til(' type or soil ')uiLall1(c for usc in fills; lile contnll of COlllprlction "tld Lilr IlIdil()rJ~; () r-L('s l. inc! C()llq)(]dcd r i I h. ) L :;ildll lH; Lilc' LOll trde LC!r' ~.; rc:. pow, i i)i Ii ty to rl(l(e, spre:(lcl, vl(1ter und cOll1pact t.lle f"ill in strict flccorcli1ncc I'Jith thcsr. spccifici1Lions. !I Soil Enqilleer sh,~ill be the Ch·me:r's rcprcscntoLive to in';pect the construction of fills. f:xcdviJ.tion and the: plLlcinq of fill shall be under tile direcL inspection of tile son Lnqinccr; and he shi)11 Clive vlrittc~n fI()tiu~ of conformance vlith thr srecifications upon cOll1pletion of Clr(1dinCl. Deviations from these specifications v1i11 be rf;\':'littcd clnly upon \vritten authorization .from the Soil Fl1qineer. !I soilinvesti~lati(ln flas been made for this rroject; Dny recollliliendalions made in the report of the soil investiCiation or subsequent reports shall become an addendum to these specifications. I I SCOPE The placelllcnt of controlled fill by the Contractor Shilll include all clearinq Clnd qrubbinq, removal of eXistinrl unsdtisfactory Illaterial, pr(~I'aration of the areas to be filled, spreadinrJ and COlllpllction of fill in the areas to b(~ fill(:d, and all other \'wrk necessary to complete the qradinq of the ffl led areas. I I I ~1!1HIHALS 1. jViatcrials for compacted fill shall consist of any 111(]tcr-ial ilnportcci or excClvated froll1 the cut areas that, in the opinion of the Soil Enrjineer, is suit(,ble for use in constructing fills. The material shall contain no rocks or hard I u;nps (jreatcr than 24 inches in size and shall contain at least 40~{' of liIaterial Sl1lilll('r than lit]. inch in s"ize. (t1ateria"is greater than 6 inches in size shall be placed by the Contractor so that they are surrounded by com- pucted fines; n(r nesl:inrl of rocks shall be pcnnitted.) ~jo Inatr:~rial of a IJerish- able, sponqy, or other\'1"isf:: of an irrlproper nattJre shall be used in fillinrJ. 2'. r1aterial plac~)d vlithin 2(1~ inches of rough Grade shall be select material that contains no rocks or hard lumps ~lreater than 6 inches in size and that s\',1ells less than J;~ vihetl cOI!lpacted i)S hereinafter specified for compacted fill and when subjected to an axial pressure of 160 psf. 3. Representative samples of material to be used for fill shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer in order to detennine the maximum density, optimu!lI moisture content and cliJ.ssification of the soil. In addition, Lile' Soil Fllqineer ::;1),111 cieteniline till' apprOXilli}tc~ l)CilY'iIHl va"lu(; of i1 n:(OIl1- p;)cLed, :;a.lurated Sill11plc by chreet Sil(:dr tc:sts or oLher tesLs ilJlplleabl(~ to the rarticuli)r soil. ~. [iurin(1 qradinq ojleral.iolls, soil types other thiin tllo';e ana1yzc:d in thr. report of the soil "investi~lcJlion Iilay be encounterrd by the Contrllctor. "rhe ') oi 1 I~ n ()"i n c: c I' S h <1 1 1 iJ e C () Il". LJ I t e cI to d C' ten n inc the sui t (l h i 1 i ty 0 f t Ii e s e s 0 i 1 s . I V UliW/\( 111I I II I " (tI) lJlllcss oLiI(.'nvisc specHicd, rill Illdlc~rl;Jl :,hdll bl~ CUIIIiJiJ(:led I)y Lhe Contril.ctor vlhilc ilt il IlloisLurc conLent n(car the; optililllill lil()isturc~ content i1 n cJ t () a cI ens i ty t hilt i~; n () t 1 e sst f1 a r} 9 0 ~(, () f the I fI a x i In U IT1 d (' n s i ty cI c t e r - : Iii II C eli 11 .. 1 C C () I' cI illl c: e w it II /\ S H1 T c '; t r ~ o. III S ~l ! -7 () r, 0 r 0 til (~r d C' n si L y Illl: til () d s that will ohLilill cquivi\lcnL n'~il.lll.(;. (b) Potentially expansive soils llIay be used in fills helOl'1 a depth of 2/f inches and shu 11 Lw COiliPilCtcd c\ t i) Ilioi sture con tent grea ter than the optiJllulll moisture content for the lililtcr"iul. (u) All trf:es, brush, ~Jrass, and other objc'ctionable materiul shall be colle c ted, p i 1 e dan cl bur ned 0 rot Ii e rvJi sed "j s po sed 0 f by the Con t r act 0 r ~o as to leave the areas that have been cleared 0ith a neat and finished a[Jpearance free frolTl unsightly debris. (b) /\11 vegetal)le JIlatter and objectionable material shall be removed by the Contractor'from the surf~ce upon which the fill is to be placed and any loose and porous soils shall be removed or compacted to the depth shovJn on the plans unless othervlise specified in writinq by the Soil [nCjinccr. nl(~ SUrfilc~ shull Ulan be plowed or scarified to il Illinill~ulli depth of G inches until tile surfi.1cc is free frorn uneven features thot \'Jould tend to prevent uniform compaction by the eC]uiPlllent to be used. (c) lJilcn~ fills arc cOllstructrd on hinsides or slopes, the slop(: of the oriC]inal ground on \'ihich the fill is to be placed shall be stf:p[Jed or keyed by the Contractor as shown on the attached Figure. The steps shall extend completely throuSjh the soil mantle and into the underlying 1'or- lili.1tion materia"ls. (d) After the foundation for the fill has been cleared, [Jlowed or scari- fied,it shall be discecJ or bladed by the Contractor until it is uniform and free fralli Lwqe clods, brouCjht to the proper 1lI0isture content and com- pacted as spe.cified for fi 11. - 3 . P 1 a c i n g, S jJ!:..e.ll_~SG_~I1j~0!!!.P_~~t.1!.l3"J~_i:! a t e_r i a 1 (a) The fill llIaterial shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed 6 inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thorouCjhly mixed during the spreading to oiJtain uni- fOrlnity of lIIaterial in each layer. (b) vJhcn the Ii10isture content of I:ho fill J11aterial is helm'! that speci- fied by thc Soil [rHJincc:r, water slli)ll bc added by the ConTractor until the moisturc content "is as s[Jccified. (c:) vlhen thc: III()istlJn~ content of the fill Illatc~rial is i1bove that speci"' ricd L)y Lilc Soil l-n1jirw('r, the fi I I 111r1tcrial shilll br iJ(~r-cl-fccJ lJy the COrl- LrdcLo)' Lly blMlllllj, Illixil11j, or oLli('(' silLlsfclcLory IIlcLhod~3 until LlIl'III()lstlirc cOllten ti s as S lwei Ii (~cI. .. (II) I\rt(~[' (~IlI:11 IdYcl' hel') 1\('I~tl I'ld l:('d, Illixcd <11\(1 ~;ll\'cr\d ('v(;tlly, i t ~,lldll Lie LiII)t'()llc)l! Iy COJlilldC L(~d I)y Lilc CUll Ll'dC LuI' Lo LlI(~ ~;pr;c iii eel dell'.' i Ly. (11111- poctiOll Slli\11 Ile occoll1p1ishcc! by sl1(~('I'~;foot roller'), viiJr'ltoY'Y roll(~r';, 111I1I Liplo-vlhecl P'1(;llIlldlic-tircd rol'lc~rs or oLII01' Lypes or rlCCCI,t<tII]C (0111- ILlclillq ('qlli pIlIC!n I:. iqlli[llllcl1L sh;ll] be' of such df'S'iqll Ulal:il. vii 11 1)(' \iille Lil (()IIIPrlC t, tilC fill tr) tlll,~ spcci fi (:ci (kn,si Ly. COIIIII<1<; L i 011 ~;lldll lie (011- 1IIIIi()II', UV('!' LII(~ ('IILin' clt'I'd lllte! LIlt: ('I[IJiIJIIIl..'IIL slldll III'-lke ~,ul'ricieIlL IJill'; toinsLI\'(: that Llli~ desired dcnsity hilS bccn oiJtain('ci. (d :jurfacc' of fi 11 ';lopes siJall 1)(' cOlllpactccJ so Lllat the slopes arc st:ol)ie and there shall be: 110 excessive loose soil on the :,'Iopc~;. 1 .• Observation dnd compaction tests shall be made by the :';oil Engineer during the filling and compacting operations so that he can state his opinion that the fi 11 \,/as cons tructed in accordance Vii th the speci fi cati ons. 2. The Soil Enginee.r shall make field density tests in Clccordance vlith I~STH Test r~o. 01556-64T. ilensity tests shan be llIade in the compacted materials bel 0\'1 the surface I'ihere the surface is disturbed. \'Jhcn thc:sc tests indicate • tilat the density of a6y layer of fill or portion t:hercof is below the speci- fied density, the particular layer or portion shall be re\'lOrked unti'l the spccified density has been obtained. 1. [luring construction the ConLr'ilclor shl)ll properly graclr ai-I Cl:cclvated SUrfil'(~(~s-'t(i---f)-;:'c;vTdc--r)-o'si Live clr(linil~Je iJnd prevent P()IHJill~J of vliltC'r. lie shall control surfilcc vlCltcr to ovoid dillllll~e to a<ijoilling pr()r)(~rtics or to finished \'Iork on the si Le. The Contractor shall take remcdial measures to prevent erosion of freshly graded area:; and unti'! sLich tillle as perlllanent cirainage: and erosion control ferlLurcs /wve been installed . .. 2, [lLL_c:.~~ __ ~g~l~r?_ls:..U_?.c~ of (jriHlinCJ ilnd the Soil [ngi'noc;r has finislit:c1 his obscr- vation of the I'lork, no furtrler excavation of filling shall be done except under the observation of ti}C Soil Engineer. 1--_·· -- -1 Strip as Specified Original Ground Slope Ratio N M --t ./ --~~ ... / . h that \~~., . ..••.• ......../ ~;~~:,~~gb~/~;~ding -.-/\ \~~~~ .. _. _ .... ~.........' . 1 > I .. ..... .; 11 Topsol.l I .. Varies Remove a _ does not occur NOTES The wini;nuw wid th ''B It of key shall be 2 fee t wic!er ::han the compaction equipment, and not less than 10 feet. The outside edge of bottom key shall be below topsoil or loose surface material. Keys are required where the natural slope is steeper than 6 horizontal to 1 vertical, or where Epecified by Soil Engineer. ~O---s-e-e-",B'-t'-0-t-e-_ ~ S~e S:J :~ ! t i I I I t ! I • ! I I . 1 I I e I t I I -_._- • Location Bor ill~J NlIlllbor [Iovation DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER SAMPLE IN FEET *Me *00 *Be TESTS NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION 12 110 65 : I~ L.... Very dense, damp, brown silty sand (SM) sz. -WATE~LEJ I' At time of drilling or as indicated. SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classifications are based on the Unified Soil Classification System and inel ude color, mo isture and consistency. Field descript ions have been modified to reflect results of laboratory analyses where appropriate. DISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION Obtained by collecting the auger cuttings in a plastic or cloth bag. UNDISTURBED SAMPLE LOCATION MODIFIED CALIFORNIA SAMPLER Sample with recorded blows per foot was obtained with a Modified California drive sampler (2" inside diameter. 2.5" outside diameted lined with sample tubes. The sampler was driven into the soil at the bottom of the hole with a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. '-------INDICATES SAMPLE TESTED FOR OTHER PROPERTIES GS -Grain Size Distribution CT -Consolidation Test LC -Laboratory Compaction UCS -Unconfined Compression Test Test PI '-Atterberg Limits Test OS -Direct Shear Test ST -Loaded Swell Test TX -Triaxial Compression Test CC -Confined Compression Test NOTE: In this column the results of these' tests may be recorded where applicable. '-----------BLOW COUNT Number of blows needed to advance sampler one foot or as indicated. '----.--------DRY DENSITY Pounds per Cubic Foot .-----MOISTURE CONTENT Percent of Dry Weight NOTES ON FIELD INVESTIGATION 1. REFUSAL indicates the inability to extend excavation, practically, with equipment being used in the investigation. KEY TO LOGS CARLSBAG PALISADES DRAWNBV: MRK I CHECKEDBvj'LI PROJECT NO: 77-10S-1SE I DATE: 3-30-77 J FIGURE NO: 2 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH DATA -OTHER IN -MC TESTS FEET -DO -BC 5 - . 10 - 15 _ - I - - - - • For description of symbols, see Figul6 2 • C 1J[: SI (J pe -I SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER ~')\~'1~!~~ MediUlli dense, daillp, dark brown clayey I-.... san~ (SC); slightly porous -------.---"---~-----------Medium dense, dalllp, liqht brovm silty medium to fine sand (SM-SP) ~ ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) ~ ~ Bottom of Slope LOG OF TEST BORING 1 CARLSBAD PALISADES I DRAWN BV: MRKI CHECKED BV:-fIij I PROJECT NO: 77-1 05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 3 WOOOWARO-Cl VOE CONSULTANTS DE.I'TH TEST DATA IN FEET -MC ·00 ·BC s - ·oniER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER 2-1 C '" lest PiL 2 SOIL DESCRIPTION Mediulli dense, damp, dark brown clayey sand (SC); sl ightly porous ~,.;.j-------,-,----------,--------.----.-----. c~~ 2-2 2-3 C~ Med i um dense, damp, 1 i ght brown silty medium to fine sand (SM-SP) Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) 10 ~ ~---+---+---+---4-___ -+3~_-------------------------___ Bottom of Hole - Test Pit 3 DEPTH t-___ T-rES_T_D_A ..... T_A_-l·OTHER SAMPLE IN FEET ·MC ·00 ·BC TESTS NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION 3-1 5 --3-2 Medium dense, damp, dark brown clayey sand L> (SC) P44-~--~----------------------~ Medium dense, damp, light brown silty ~I\ medium to fine sand (SM-SP) C ~ Hard, d am-p·,--d-a-r-k-b--r~-w-n--s a-nd'-y-c l-a-y-( C--L---C-H -) -- ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ 10 ~~ ~~ -t----t----+------"I-----+----I~\.f-------.------,----------------.------------ - • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 Bottolll of Iiole LOG OF TEST PITS 2 AND 3 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: ~I PROJECT NO: 77-105-1SE 1 DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURH10: 4 e e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST DATA "OTHER IN TESTS FEET -MC -DO -BC -. 5 - 9 . - DEPTH TEST DATA -OTHER IN TESTS FEET -MC -DO -BC 5 - - 10 GS,CC - 13 - .- - • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 Test Pit 4 SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER li~!! ~~edi Ulll dense, damp, brown s i 1 ty to clayey sand (SM-SC); slightly porous ~ 1----------------------------------------------.-----___ ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL) ~ ~0 ~ ~ ~~ BottOlll of Hole Test Pit 5 SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER Ii ..•.. Medium dense, daillp, brown clayey sand (SC); 5 -1 [ I~. slightly porous I) Medium dense, dalllp, brown silty sand (SM); I slightly porous with charcoal and buried 5-2 [ organic material i i 5-3 [ .. ~ Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) - Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST PITS 4 AND 5 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: MV I PROJECT NO: 77-105-1SE I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURErJO: 5 e e WOOOWARO·Cl YOE CONSULTANTS Tr.st Pit 6 DEPTH TEST DATA -OTHER SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION IN TESTS NUMBER FEET ·MC -DO ·BC ~t~ Loose, damp, light brown clayey Illl~d i Uill to fine sand (SM); s"lightly porous I········i ~ "--- Hard, damp, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) S _ ~ ~ Hard, damp, light gray silty to fine sandy -~ clay (C l-C H) . - 10 -Bottom of Hole - -. Test Pit 7 DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION IN TESTS NUMBER FEET -Me ·00 ·BC 'T: Very loose to medium dense, damp, -> brown B silty medium to fine sand (SM); porous ••••••••••••• Dense to very dense, damp, light brown S -.~; silty medium to fine sand (SM); partially I ceillented "-- 8 Bottom of Hole - - - • For description 01 symbols, see Figure LOG OF TEST PITS 6 AND 7 , CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK ICHECKEDBY:~lpROJECTNO: 77-l0S-1SE I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 6 e e WOOOWARO·CL VOE CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN TESTS FEET *Me *00 ·BC GS,PI 5 - 7 I -. DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN FEET ·MC ·00 ·BC TESTS - 5 I DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN FEET *MC *00 *BC TESTS 5 - - • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 lest Pit. B SAMPLE NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION 8-1 [ ~ Hard, dclillP, dark brown sandy clay (CL-CH) ~ !I Very dense, dalllp, 1 i (J h t to silty sand (SC-SM) brown-grJY clayey Bottom of Hole Test Pit 9 SAMPLE SOl L DESCRIPTION NUMBER r>o~ () :~ Dense, dalllp, brown sandy 9ravel (GM) ~n ~ "-Iia I'd, damp, brown sandy clay (CI.-Cll) Very dense, dalllp, 1 i ght brown-9 ra y .. )\ clayey sand (SC-SM) "- Bottolll of Hole Test Pit 10 SAMPLE SOIL DESCRIPTION NUMBER ~ ~ Hard, damp, brown sandy clay (CL-SC) ~\ Dense, damp, brown silty medium to fine sand (SM) Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST PITS 8, 9 AND 10 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: Ui'J1 PROJECT NO: 77-105-1SE I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 7 tit e WOOOWARO-Cl YOe CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN TESTS FEET ·Me ·DD ·Be S - . - - - - - - - 'For description of symbols, see Figure? Tes t Pi t 11 SAMPLE NUMBER SOl L DESCRIPTION I Medium dense, damp, brown clayey sand (SC) Ii ------------_ .. _.- Dense, dalllp, brown 1\ trace of clay Bottom of Hole .' LOG OF TEST PIT 11 I CARLSBAD PALISADES si 1 ty silnd (SM) with DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: NWI PROJECT NO: 77-l0S-1SE I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 8 e e WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH \T, I-OTHER IN TESTS FEET -MC 5 - - . 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 73 35 _ 39 - 'For description of symbols, see Figure 2 SAMPLE NUMBER 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 12-7 f\orinq It SOIL DESCRIPTION Loose, dry to damp, brown silty to clayey I: ~~ ~~_-=s~.:.a~n.:. q_~=-j_~ ________________________________________ _ ~ ~ ~~ I ••••••• ?: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [)en~;Q, daillp, 1 i~ht gray-browli cldycy sand (SC) Hard, damp, olive silty clay (CH) Very dense, damp, very light gray silty medium to fine sand (SM) Hard, damp, olive gray-brown silty clay (eH) Very dense, damp, light olive gray-brown clayey silt (CL-ML) Very dense, damp, light ol-ive-gray clayey sand (SC-CL) Bottom of Hole LOG OF TEST BORING 12 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKEDBY:~/I PRDJECTNO: 77-l05-l5E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGUAENO:9 e WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS 1\ () r i n Sl 1:1 DEPTH "OTHER SAMPLE IN t--,,---,,-----1 SOil DESCRIPTION FEET TESTS NUMBER 13-1 5 10 13-2 15 13-3 20 13-4 25 13-5 30 13-6 35 92 13-7 39 • For description of syrnbols, sen Figure 2 I Hard, damp, light brown silty clay (CL-ML) Hard, dump, brown silty clay (CL-CH) Very dense, damp, light brown clayey silt to silty clay (ML-CH) Very dense, damp, light brown clayey silt (ML-CL) Very dense, dalllp, very "liqht <JrdY silLy fine sand (SM) [Jot tOln of 1101 c LOG OF TEST BORING 13 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKEDBy:A'W1 PROJECT NO: 77-l05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 10 ee WOOOWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS, DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -MC -DO -BC 5 10 15 - 20 25 29 ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER 14 -1 14-2 14-3 14-4 14-5 [30ri n~l 14 SOIL DESCRIPTION Loose to medium dense, damp, red-brown s"ilty Illediulll to fine sand (Sr~) --------_ .. _---_ .•. _------..... Dense, damp, light red-brown silly medium to fine sand (SM) Dense to very dense, damp, light gray- brown silty fine sand (SM) Very dense, damp, light olive gray clayey medium sand (SC-CL) Bottom of Hole • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF TEST GORING 14 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKEDBY:~l PROJECT NO: 77-105-l5E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 11 It e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS, DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -MC -DO -BC 5 io 1 ~ 20 25 - ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER Cut Slope 15 SOIL DESCRIPTION Loose to medium dense, damp, red-brown __ s L~"~~ed i 111ll to f i n~-2~~.s!iL __ "" ___ " ___ _ Dense, dalJlp, light reel-brown sil Ly !lIeel"iu!11 to fine sand (SM) Basal gravel Very dense, damp, light olive gray clayey medium sand (SC) Bottom of Cut • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 15 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED By:"W"V1 PROJECT NO: 77-l05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURE NO: 12 e WOODWARD-Cl VDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST DATA ·OTHER IN TESTS FEET 5 - . 10 - - - - - - - "For description of symbols, se,~ Figure 2 Cut Slop!' lb SAMPLE NUMBER SOIL DESCRIPTION 16-1 !i Very dense, damp, to fine sand [ ; ii Bottom of Cut LOG OF CUT SLOPE 16 CARLSBAD PALISADES (SM) 1iC)ht gray silty medium DRAWNBV: MRK I CHECKEDBV:""'JI PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGunENO: 13 e e WOOOWARO·CLYOE CONSULTANT~ DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -MC -DO -BC 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - 25 - ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER /I~ 17 -3 chit 17-4 [I .••••••• ·· ••• ••··•·· 1\> ............ • i) r7 -5 [( Cut Slope II SOIL DESCRIPTION Very dense, damp, red-brown silty medium to fine sand (SM) Hard, dflillP, gray-brown silty to fine sandy clay (CL) Very dense, damp, light ~Jray silty medium to fine sand (SM) with thin lenses of clay Very dense, damp, light gray clayey fine sand (SC) +--+---+--+----I----+~~------.--------.------------ 29 Bottom of Slope - - - • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 17 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRKI CHECKED By:-lfJiji PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-15E I DATE: 3-28-77 I FIGURH10: __ e WOOOWARD-CLYDE CONSUL· DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET ·MC ·00 ·BC 5 - - . 10 - 13 - - - - - "OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER ClJt Slope Hi SOIL DESCRIPTION ~ Loose, damp, brown silty rned i urn to fi ne t~l\ sand (SM); porous ------------ i .. } Dense to very dense, daillp, recl-IJrown s i 1 ty 18-1 [i~i medium to fine sand (SM) ~~------------------ 18-2 [~....... Dense to very dense, damp, red-brown clayey i>l J, sa nd (SC) r-~\\Basal gravel ~ Very dense, damp, 1 ight gray-brown silty 18-3 '-~ c"lay (CL-CH) ~ Bottom of Slope • For description of symbols, see Figure 2 I LOG OF CUT SLOPE 18 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRKI CHECKEDBY:-~I PROJECT NO: 77-105-15EI DATE: 3-29-77 I FIGURE NO: 15 It e WOODWARD-CL VDE CONSULT,ANTS DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET ·MC ·DD -BC 5 - - 10 - - 15 - 20 - 25 - 30 - 35 - 40 ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER 19-1 ST 19-2 I ~ ~ ~ 19-3 [~ ~ ST Cut: Slope 19 SOIL DESCRIPTION Medium dense, damp, brown silty fine sand (SM Dense, damp, light brown-gray sandy silt (ML) Hard, damp, brown silty clay (Cfl) 19-4 .~ ~~~~---------------------------------­Very dense, damp, light gray silty medium 19-5 [i 19-6 I [ to fine sand (SM) Very de~se, damp, light brown-gray clayey silt (ML) Contlnued on Next Page "For description of symbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 19 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: ~I PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-29-77 I FIGURE NO: 16 e e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST OAT A IN FEET *Me *00 *BC 45 - 50 - 55 - 60 - - - - ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER i mill Cut Slope 19 SOIL DESCRIPTION Very dense, clamp, 1 i ght qray s i 1 ty to cl ayey IIlf:d i UIII to fi ne <lilnd (SM) ~~ Hard, dalllP, olive silty clay (CL-CH) [~~ 19-9 ~~ ~ ~ Very dense, damp, light gray silty to clayey lllediulll to fine sand (SM-SC) Bottom of Slope "For description of syrnbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 19 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK I CHECKED BY: ""I PROJECT NO: 77-l05-15E I DATE: 3-29-77 I FIGURE NO: 17 WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS DEPTH TEST DATA IN FEET -MC -DO -BC 5 - 10 - 15 - 20 - - - - ·OTHER SAMPLE TESTS NUMBER ST,Le 20-1 [ Cut Slope 20 SOIL DESCRIPTION Very dense, damp, ~Jray-brown clayey silt (ML-CL) Very dense, damp, light gray silty to clayey medium to fine sand (SM-SC) Bottom of Slope "For description of symbols, see Figure 2 LOG OF CUT SLOPE 20 CARLSBAD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRKl CHECKED BY:IA'VT PROJECT NO: 77 -1 05-15E I DATE: 3-29-77 I FIGURE NO: 18 e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS , . . 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS Liquid Limit, 'K) ... -, .. --_. --... ---.. '----~-.-... --.. -,----_.,.,..-- Plasticity Index, % Classification by Unified Soil Classification System \ \ \ 1\ ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES ~ \ 1\ \ '\ 2_80 SG \ 1\ \ 2.70 SG !\ \ \i\ 2.60 SG '\ [\ -,--2.50SG I---L\ -\ ~~ .\ \ 1\ ~ ~ ~ --~---I--., --_ .. ,-- 1--, --, I----r--~ I ~~~ : f----~. ~ /\ \ \ --; l"\ :\~ u -" 0- 1-' ------"-,.." .---.-~~ I 1--1 r;~\ c.9 1--- UJ i ! s: i I f'.\\ ~~ I----+----i"-·,, z --+-~-\ :J I--1-._---\ >-I I >\~~ a: f--r--i-r 0 ' I \~I\ I----____ 1-_______ j-____ ----------- -·-t--e-.-[\ 1\ 1---1------- -.-1---r~l~r [\.\ \ --1--' 1-----1----- -- 20-1 Maximum Dry --_.- Density, pel 120.5 '--- Optimum Moisture Content, % 12.0 MOISTURE CONTENT, % 10 20 51 Ll & CLAY r-----'------------- \\ ~------,,---.--------r-- ~ 80 -- ~ f-----------,-----+--+--+-+---1 ;t 60 -------------'-r----------',---+---+----1 ..... Z UJ 40 ,------,,--------,,--'''--'-"--,-,,, -.-,,,.----f--- U a: UJ Cl. 2 o 1-------' --1------------- 0 I I I I I j 1 000 100 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE, mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SHE AR TEST DATA Dry Density, ._----_ .. _-_.-. --pc! Content, % Initial Water --_._----"--.. _---- Final Water C ontent, % ---_._---_ .. __ .- --- Apparent Coh r-----'----,,-----esion. pst ------------+-----1--- Apparent F ric tlon Angle, degrees SWELL TES T DATA 20-1 Initial Dry De nsity, pcf 109 ----_. Initial Water Content, % 15 -------+-- Final Dry Den sity, pcf 103 --------- Final Water C 1-------24 ontent, % Load, psf f----------__ , ______ j __ 16D __ Swell, percent 5.7 .\~ At\ \.1\. " 1\.\:\ SAMPLE LOCATION '\ ~ ~ ~ ~~ -,-1\ ~~~ 20-1 Lot 2h .) 1-----1---'----,,---------------"'--. ,-.. -- 30 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST T~ST METHOD: ASJ11-:Jl) 1 52L1!J .. J\ \Une fJolnt tstllnat:e FILL SUITABILITY TESTS CALRS8AD PALISADES DRAWN BY: MRK J CHECKED BY: ~I PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E I DATE: 3-31-77 I FIGURE NO: 22 e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSUL T~~TS RESULTS OF CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS r-' Initial Final Srunple Dry Water Dry Water Number Density Content Saturation Density Content Saturation Pressure Comp ress ion pcf % % pcf % % psf % of Initial Height 5-3 91 6 20 103 21 92 2000 11 . 2 PRESSURE -psf 500 1000 1500 2000 2 +-' -----I I r--r----c b-\~ATEI< ~.-----1--------------~ -. r ADDED ---::...c _c C1 Q) 4 ::I: ,el . -.-+J ._-6 c -~- Y-o r(' 8 - z 0 10 U) (j) W a:: I~ i; 12 <..:> 0 CONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS CARLSBAD PALISADES I _OHAWN BY: MkK I CHECKEO BY:~l PROJECT NO: 77-105-1SE I DATE: 3-31-77 I FIGURE NO: ~I e WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULT.AI\lT$ RESULTS OF LOADED SWELL TESTS Initial Final. Sample Dry Water * Dry vlater * Number Density Content Saturatior Dens i ty Content Saturation pef % % pef % % 19-2 113 13 77 109 19 100 19-4 109 19 93 107 21 100 * Based on assumed Specifi c Gravity of 2.65. Diameter of Samples: 1.94 He i ght of Sarop les: _.628_ LOADED SWELL TESTS CARLSBAD PALISADES PressurE Expans ion psf % of Initial Height "160 3.7 160 1 .8 DRAWN BY: mrk I CHECKED BY: N\JI PROJECT NO: 77-105-15E.1 DATE: 3-31-77 ) FIGURE NO: 20 ~ __________ L-______ ~~L-__________________ L-____________ ~ ________ ~~' WOODWARD·CLYDE CONSULTANTS . . . '. WCe,. G5-76 90 ~'-'-r----GR -A VEL e. -,---------,,-SfI'N[;'''· ----------l-----·--·-~-·· .-.... -........ ----] COBBlLS ''''j . . I" .." 51 LT ilnd CLAY Coarse fine COars~(]dium Fine . Mesh Op~ning -Ins Sieve Sizoa Hydromelor AnalY6is r---·-·-·---··----.... -·--.. ---.... --1"-----.-----..... -.... . .... -.... ,. -'-"-'-'-'T _ .... _ .. _ ................... , ........... , -. ""'-1 I Ii II o « I-w 50"" .... ....... 1--.-.---...... ~ .. -.. --... -... --... --.-~~ 1-- .. .... _.~ . 1_ .. . .. ---------. \ .". .~ z 40 1+---+--~·'--·--4+ ... -+. -~.+ ... -....... -+-.. +---+--+-. -_+-... -+-..---... -"-+-__ . _: i~~:~~:=~~ ~~-=;~ w ~ 30 1+-+---+.+.-+ ..... +-.... '.-.+-.. --... -1 .. -__ .-+.-.~.-... 'I-.. ~.t-._ ... -.. -. r-~=---_ .. r-. ___ -. +--+--1->---: _ ~"-='~~= 8 _ 1 ::~_ == 70 •.... ~ •• _____ ~ I 20 H--+---++-+-+--+-+-+-+--+-.+--+--... -t-+-+-+-...-+-+--+. ~--... .~ 80 .... 5-3 --~ 10 0 • » ._--_ . ,-4.-+--i'---+.-'--.. -.-/----+--.. -.--·-·f-... -».-~ .. ---.-~~ 90 f ... '-'''' ,. I . 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