HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 74-04; Spinnaker Point Phase II; Soils Report; 1984-06-19- - - - - FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING MASS GRADING OPERATIONS FOR -TRACT NO. 74-4 (SPINNAKY~R POINT, PHASE II) CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO San Diego, California BY GEOCON, INCORPORATED San Diego, California June, 1984 - -. .- GEOCON I N c 0 R p 0 R A T E ,, ENGINEERS AND GEOLOGISTS . CONSULTANTS IN THE APPLIED EARTH SCIENCES - - -~ - - File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 Standard Pacific of San Dlego 7290 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard San Diego, California 92111 Attention: Mr. Sam Thompson Subject: CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 74-4 (SPINNAKER POINT, PHASE II) ELM AVENUE, CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA FINAL REPORT OF TESTING AND OBSERVATION SERVICES DURING MASS GRADING OPERATIONS - Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated March 2, 1984, we have provided testing and observation services during the mass grading of the subject subdivision. Our services were performed during the period of January 23 through April 26, 1984. The scope of our services included the following: . - . . . . . Observing the grading operation, including the installation of subdrains and the removal and/or processing of loose topsoil, existing uncontrolled fill soils and alluvial soil. Providing geologic inspections and recommendations relative to the construction of buttress fills and periodic observa- tions of cut slopes. Performing in-place density tests in the placed and compacted fill. Performing laboratory tests on samples of the prevailing soil conditions used for fill. Preparing an As-Graded Geologic Map. Providing professional opinions as to the grading contrac- tor's general adherence to the geotechnical aspects of the plans and specifications. .- = 9530DOWDYDRIVE . SAN DIEGO,CALIFORNIA 92126 . PHONE(619)695-2880 - File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 - - - . Preparing this final report of grading. General The grading contractor for the project was Templeton Engineering Corporation. The project plans were prepared by Rick Engineering Company of San Marcos, California and are entitled "Grading Plans for Carlsbad Tract No. 74-4 (Quail Ridge). The project soils reports are entitled "Soil and Geologic Investigation for Quail Ridge" dated November 6, 1976 and "Soil and Geologic Investigation (Addendum) for Spinnaker Point, Phase II" dated January 10, 1984. Both reports were prepared by Geocon, Incorporated References to elevations and locations herein were based on surveyor's or grade checker's stakes in the field and/or interpolation from the referenced Grading Plans. - - Grading Grading began with the removal of brush and vegetation from the area to be graded and the material was then exported from the site. Loose topsoils, existing uncontrolled fill soils and loose alluvial soils in areas to receive fill were removed to firm natural ground. - - Prior to placing fill, the exposed natural ground surface was scarified, moisture conditioned and compacted. Fill soils derived from onsite cutting operations were then placed and compacted in layers until the -design elevations were attained. - - - - During the grading operation, compaction procedures were observed and in- place density tests (ASTM D1556) were performed to evaluate the relative compaction of the placed fill. Field observations and the results of the in-place density tests indicate that the fill has generally been compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. The results of the in-place density tests are summarised in Table II. The approximate locations of the in-place density tests are shown on the Site Plans (Figures 1 through 6). Laboratory tests were performed on samples of material used for fill to evaluate moisture-density relationships, optimum moisture content, maximum dry density (ASTM D1557-70, Method C), and expansion characteristics. The results of the laboratory tests are summarised in Tables I and III. - -2- GEOCON - File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 - - - Slopes Major cut and fill slopes have inclinations of 2.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical with maximum heights on the order of 20 feet and 60 feet, respectively. Minor interior slopes have inclinations of 1.5 horizontal to 1.0 vertical. The fill slopes were periodically backrolled with a sheeps- foot compactor during construction and were track-walked with a bulldozer upon completion. All slopes should be planted, drained and maintained to reduce erosion. Slope planting should consist of a drought-tolerant mixture of native plants and trees having a variable root depth. Slope watering should be kept to a minimum to just support the vegetative cover. Finish Grade Soil Conditions During the grading operation, building pads which encountered clayey soils at grade were undercut at least 3 feet and capped with granular soils. Similarly, our observations and test results indicate that granular soils were placed within at least the upper 3 feet of finish grade on fill lots. The laboratory test results indicate that the prevailing soil conditions within 3 feet of finished grade on each building pad have an Expansion Index of 4 or less and are classified as having a "very low" expansion potential as defined by Standard Table 29-C. Table III presents a summary of the indicated Expansion Index of the prevailing soil condition of each lot. Subdrains - Subdrains were installed beneath canyon fills and behind buttress fills at the general locations shown on Figures 1 through 6. The construction and design of drains generally conforms to the recommendations contained in the project soil reports. ,- Buttress Fill - ..~ -- A buttress fill was constructed in the area shown on Figures 4 and 6 in accordance with the recommendations contained in the project soil report dated January 10, 1984. The as-built dimensions are shown approximately on the above referenced site plans along with the location of the subdrain installation. Soil and Geologic Conditions The soil and geologic conditions encountered during grading were found to be similar to those described in the project geotechnical reports. The site is underlain primarily by a Pleistocene Terrace deposit which consists of red to orange-brown, silty sands. Underlying this unit is the Eocene- aged Santiago Formation which consists of interbedded sandstone and -3- GEDCON File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 claystone exposed only in a few places on the project such as along Elm Avenue and parts of Pontiac and Lakewood Streets. Bedding attitudes observed within this unit varied from horizontal to as much as 11 degrees locally in easterly and southerly directions. Aras containing dips adverse to slope stability were located in the area designated for buttressing and, hence, were stabilised during construction. The enclosed reductions of the approved Grading Plans depict the as-graded geologic conditions observed. No soil or geologic conditions were observed during the grading which, in our opinion, would preclude the continued development of the property as planned. Based upon laboratory test results and field observations, it is our opinion that the prevailing soil conditions within 3 feet of finish pad grade consist of "very low" expansive soils as classified by UBC Table 29C and "low" expansive as defined by FHA/HUD criteria. CONCLUSIONS AND FECOMMENDATIONS .,-. Foundations and Concrete Slabs-on Grade 1. Conventional spread and/or continuous footings founded at least 12 inches below lowest adjacent grade in properly compacted or dense undisturbed "low" expansive soil may be designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf (dead plus live loads). Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches. This bearing pressure may be increased by up to one-third for transient loads such as wind or seismic forces. 2. All continuous footings should be reinforced with at least two No. 4 reinforcing bars, one placed near the top of the footing and one near the bottom. 3. In arras where the depth of fill varies significantly from one side of the structure to another (Lots 84 through 91), it is recommended that footings be reinforced with four No. 4 steel bars; two top and two bottom. Foundations for these lots should also be 18 inches in depth. 4. Concrete slabs-on-grade should have a nominal thickness of 4 inches and, where part of the living area, should be reinforced with 6x6-10/10 welded wire mesh. The slabs should be underlain with 4 inches of clean sand or onsite soils. (Onsite, fine-grained soils meet FHA/HUD criteria for use as base materials). Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visqueen moisture barrier protected by a 2-inch sand cushion should be provided. Great care should be taken during the placement and curing of concrete flatwork to reduce the potential for shrinkage cracking. - 5. Concrete slabs (including garages) for Lots 84 through 91 should be reinforced with No. 3 steel bars placed 18 inches center to center to reduce cracking that may be caused by minor differential settlement. -4- GEOCON File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19. 1984 6. Footings placed within 7 feet of the top of slopes should be extended in depth such that the outer bottom edge of the footing is at least 7 feet horizontally from the face of the slope. 7. No special subgrade presaturation is deemed necessary prior to placing concrete, however, the exposed foundation and slab subgrade soils should be sprinkled as necessary to maintain a moist condition as would be expected in any such concrete placement. Lateral Loads 8. The pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 300 pcf should be used to provide resistance to design lateral loads. This design value assumes that footings or shear keys are poured neat against properly compacted granular fill soils or undisturbed formational soils and that the soil mass extends at least 5 feet horizontally from the face of the footing or three times the height of the surface generating passive pressure, whichever is greater. The upper 12 inches of material not protected by floor slabs or pavement should not be included in design for passive resistance. 9. If friction is to be used to resist lateral loads, a coefficient of friction between soil and concrete of 0.4 may be utilised. Retaining Walls - - - 10. Unrestrained retaining walls should be designed to resist the pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 35 pcf. This value assumes that granular onsite material will be used for backfill, that the backfill surface will be level, and that no surcharge loads will be acting on the wall. For walls with backfill surfaces inclined at no steeper than 2.0 to 1.0, an active pressure exerted by an equivalent fluid weight of 45 pcf should be used. 11. For walls restrained from movement at the top, such as basement walls, an additional uniform horizontal pressure of (7H) psf (H equals the height of the wall in feet) should be applied in addition to the active lateral pressures given above. 12. All retaining walls should be provided with a backfill drainage system adequate to prevent the buildup of hydrostatic forces. 13. Adequate drainage provisions are imperative. Under no circumstances should water be allowed to pond adjacent to footings. The lots and building pads should be properly finish graded after buildings and other improvements are in place so that drainage water is directed sway from foundations, concrete slabs and slope tops to controlled drainage devices. - -5- .,- File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 - - - - Any additional grading performed at the site should be done under our observation and testing. All trench backfill material in excess of 12 inches in depth within lot areas depth should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. This office should be notified at least 48 hours prior to commencing additional grading or backfill testing. 14. It is recommended that foundation excavations be observed by the soil engineer or his representative to confirm that finish grade soil conditions are as anticipated by this report. LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations contained herein apply only to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection, April 26, 1984. Any subsequent grading should be done under our observation and testing. As used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we observed the progress of the work with which we agreed to be involved. Our conclusions and opinions as to whether the work essentially complies with the job specifications are based on our observations, experience and testing. Subsurface conditions, and the accuracy of tests used to measure such conditions, can vary greatly at any time. We make no warranty, expressed or implied, except that our services were performed in accordance with engineering principles generally accepted at this time and location. -- - We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to the site by others, by the uncontrolled action of water, or by the failure of others to properly repair damages caused by the uncontrolled action of water. If there are any questions regarding our recommendations or if we may be of further service , please contact the undersigned. - -- -. Very truly yours, GEOCOS INCORPORATED jp&& Michael W. Hart CEG 706 MwH:lm (6)'addressee dfl& Thomas V. Langpap RCE 20427 -6- GEOCON File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19, 1984 - - - Sample No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TABLE I Summary of Laboratory Compaction Test Results ASTM D1557-70 Description Brown, Silty Clayey SAND, poorly graded, fine to medium (Topsoil) Greenish-gray, Silty Clayey SAND, poorly graded, fine to medium Red-brown, Clayey Silty SAND, poorly graded, fine to medium (found with cobble) Red, Silty SAND, poorly graded, medium Orange, Clayey Silty SAND, poorly graded, medium Brown, Silty SAND, poorly graded, medium (Topsoil) Light tan, Clayey Silty SAND, poorly graded, fine Green CLAYSTONE Light brown to gray, slightly Sandy Clayey SILT Yellow-gold, Clayey Silty SAND, well graded to coarse Orange, Clayey Silty SAND poorly graded, medium to coarse Maximum Dry Optimum Density Moisture pcf % Dry Wt. 126.6 9.1 123.0 11.2 124.4 10.8 128.4 8.7 120.1 12.1 126.2 11.3 120.9 12.4 111.2 17.3 118.9 14.0 119.9 13.2 124.7 10.7 GEOCON I I l/23 l/24 Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 I I I I I I I I I I ! TABLE II Summary of Field Density Test Results Elevation Dry Dens. Location feet pcf Slope Zone to Lot 228 273 111.1 Lot 195 267 108.1 11 196 269 114.6 " 195 267 112.4 VI 194 270 115.7 " 195 267 115.4 " 197 272 114.8 " 225 272 111.8 Slope Zone to Lot 199 212 110.6 9, ,I I, I, I, ,I 11 11 II 9, I, II 0 I, 0, I, II I, Lot 202 Lot 203 II et 199 II II 199 II II 200 I, 11 199 11 0 200 11 II 202 9, 11 199 I, ,I 200 ,, II 201 215 114.5 218 112.5 227 114.9 227 114.0 238 114.2 247 110.9 222 113.4 246 114.8 250 112.8 258 113.8 263 115.3 Slope Zone to Lot 200 233 118.2 I I I I I Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 10.8 90 2 13.1 85 1 Ck. #4 11.9 93 2 12.5 88 1 Ck. i/6 12.4 94 2 13.8 91 1 12.6 93 2 14.7 90 2 13.2 90 2 13.1 93 2 11.5 91 2 13.1 90 1 11.8 92 2 12.4 92 2 9.6 90 2 10.2 92 2 12.1 93 2 10.5 90 3 12.8 92 2 11.6 92 2 7.8 95 3 I I Date Test SNo. l/31 22 23 24 25 26 27 211 28 29 30 31 32 33 2/2 34 35 36 37 38 39 8 42 213 43 I I 1 I I I ! I I I ! TABLE II (Continued) Location Slope Zone to Lot 201 ,, $8 II II 201 0 ,, ,, ” 201 Lot 203 Slope zone to Lot 199 0 II II 11 200 ,I II 11 ” 229 0 II 11 9, 194 II 0 II 1, 230 Lot 194 Slope Zone to Lot 198 9, II 11 11 195 Lot 196 Slope Zone to Lot 200 Lot 201 Slope zone to Lot 199 I, II ,, ,, 198 Lot 201 Lot 201 Slope Zone to Lot 199 I, II 11 I’ 200 II II ,, 9, 200 Elevation feet 245 240 249 265 224 237 275 267 279 272 229 269 273 Dry Dens. PCf 116.5 104.0 113.7 117.2 116.0 115.4 116.3 113.0 113.6 113.4 112.2 244 113.7 253 110.6 237 112.5 235 114.8 257 106.4 257 109.7 236 114.5 229 112.6 234 111.8 I ! I I I Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks a.9 93 3 9.0 a4 3 Ck. 1124 12.3 91 3 12.5 94 3 13.9 93 3 11.6 92 5 12.5 96 5 11.8 94 5 12.4 94 5 13.0 94 5 11.5 91 2 12.9 95 5 13.9 93 5 12.1 94 5 13.6 92 5 9.3 93 5 11.9 95 5 10.6 86 5 Ck. #40 11.6 91 5 13.0 93 2 14.1 91 2 12.3 90 2 I I Date Test 1984 No -s-----.--s 213 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 2/6 51 52 53 54 55 56 217 57 58 59 60 61 0 8 6”: 218 64 n 65 I I I I I I I / I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Slope zone to Lot 199 9, ,I I, 9, 198 IV 0 ,, II 199 Lot 202 Lot 203 Slope Zone to Lot 200 ,I I, I, 11 198 Lot 202 Slope Zone to Lot 198 Lot 199 Slope Zone to Lot 198 II ,I ,, ,, 200 (9 I, I, 11 198 ,1 ,I I, II 198 Lot 205 Lot 202 Slope Zone to Lot 199 Lot 205 Slope Zone to Lot 198 Lot 200 Lot 201 Lot 200 Lot 199 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet PCf % dry wt % of nlax & Remarks 240 114.4 12.0 93 2 239 114.0 11.2 90 1 242 112.5 14.8 91 ~2 267 113.7 12.0 92 2 274 117.0 12.5 92 1 245 111.9 13.0 90 2 241 118.4 12.7 93 1 260 111.1 13.5 90 2 242 117.2 12.1 92 6 244 111.9 14.0 92 7 235 110.5 12.7 90 2 249 108.5 15.1 90 7 237 109.0 16.1 90 7 240 113.3 12.8 93 7 304 106.4 8.6 86 2 Ck. #61 269 117.6 14.2 92 1 247 108.2 8.1 90 7 304 112.5 12.7 91 2 244 112.4 10.7 91 2 250 110.8 11.3 90 2 261 110.8 13.5 91 7 252 112.5 15.1 93 7 253 114.7 12.6 90 6 I I I I I I I Date Test 1984 No. 21% 219 2/10 2113 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Lot 200 Slope Zone to Lot 198 Lot 198 Lot 198 Lot 199 Lot 198 I1 201 ” 200 ” 202 ” 203 ” 198 ” 201 Slope Zone to Lot 200 Lot 199 ” 200 ” 203 ” 203 ” 201 Slope Zone to Lot 198 Spokane Way 33 + 85 Lot 199 Slope Zone to Lot 202 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet Pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 255 117.5 14.0 93 6 245 119.9 14.0 95 6 249 113.1 12.6 91 2 250 113.1 11.4 91 2 255 113.3 11.0 92 2 252 112.0 14.1 92 7 264 108.1 16.5 97 8 258 104.7 17.9 94 8 272 112.0 13.9 91 2 277 105.3 17.8 94 8 256 117.7 14.6 93 6 268 105.9 20.1 95 8 260 116.7 11.1 92 6 258 103.8 21.6 93 8 262 104.3 18.9 93 8 280 103.0 17.2 92 8 285 111.5 14.6 90 2 268 105.8 21.6 95 8 255 118.7 14.1 94 6 283 110.8 23.5 99 8 261 107.0 22.2 96 8 275 118.4 12.8 93 6 I I Date 1984 2114 2115 2/16 8 8 2/17 2 Test No. 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 ! I / I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Locat ion Lot 200 " 198 " 199 Slope Zone to Lot 198 Lot 201 " 200 Spokane Way 36 + 60 I, " 38 + 10 Lot 203 Slope Zone to Lot 199 Lot 198 " 199 " 202 " 198 I' 200 " 201 " 198 " 199 Slope Zone to Lot 226 ,, ,, II 11 227 Lot 204 " 198 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet PCf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 267 103.8 19.8 93 8 259 105.4 20.6 94 8 265 106.9 21.5 96 8 262 116.3 12.0 92 6 276 103.2 18.6 92 8 273 113.9 12.6 90 1 282 115.8 10.9 91 6 268 117.4 12.2 93 6 286 115.6 9.4 91 6 270 120.8 12.7 95 6 265 102.9 03.4 92 8 272 104.2 20.6 93 8 285 102.2 21.0 91 8 208 103.7 18.6 92 8 277 101.9 22.2 91 2 280 111.5 10.8 90 2 271 106.0 20.2 95 8 274 102.7 23.4 92 8 274 116.6 11.9 92 6 276 117.2 10.6 92 6 293 104.4 18.6 93 8 273 106.7 21.4 95 8 I I Date Test 1984 No -A Z/17 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 2/l% 119 2121 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 2122 129 130 0 131 132 I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Lot 225 Slope Zone to Lot 225 Lot 227 " 229 Slope Zone to Lot 228 Lot 230 " 226 " 228 Slope Zone to Lot 89/Buttress " " " " 90 " Lot 197 " 199 Slope Zone to Lot BE/Buttress Lot 203 Slope Face Off Lot 201 II II 9, II 199 Slope Zone to Lot 91/Buttress " " " " 89 " " " " " 90 " Lot 204 II 201 Slope Zone to Lot 89/Buttress Elevation feet 276 278 280 283 234 236 284 236 268 270 275 278 273 290 271 260 275 277 279 295 234 231 Dry Dens. Moisture PCf % dry wt 106.0 21.9 117.1 12.2 103.1 22.6 112.3 18.0 112.0 13.7 101.0 20.7 105.7 21.5 104.1 21.8 116.0 12.6 104.5 19.0 112.3 13.6 115.8 11.7 114.0 13.9 106.9 15.1 114.2 12.5 116.5 14.3 114.6 13.2 101.0 18.8 102.5 18.2 118.3 13.1 113.4 14.0 101.0 17.4, I I I I Rel Comp Soil Type % of max & Remarks 95 8 92 6 92 8 92 8 93 5 90 8 95 8 93 8 94 2 93 8 93 5 91 6 92 2 96 8 90 6 92 6 93 2 90 8 90 8 93 6 93 6 90 8 ! I Date Test ZNo. 2122 133 2123 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 2127 146 147 148 149 150 0 151 8 2128 152 153 8 154 z I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Lot 204 " 205 " 204 11 203 " 202 I' 201 " 200 " 199 u 198 " 197 n 196 " 195 11 194 Slope Zone to Lot 87JButtress " " " " 85 " " " " " 86 " " " " " 84 " " " " " 87 " " " " " 85 " " " " " 86 " " " " " 91 " " " " " 86 " Elevation Dry Dens. feet PCf FG 298 113.0 FG 306 121.2 FG 299.4 113.7 FG 293.6 115.9 FG 289.5 119.1 FG 285.7 116.8 FG 231.7 117.5 FG 279.4 116.7 FG 277.6 110.9 FG 276.1 115.6 FG 275.2 113.4 FG 274.3 118.5 FG 273.6 111.6 268 102.5 270 103.3 272 104.9 274 104.1 276 100.3 278 102.3 280 102.9 284 115.5 269 113.7 I ! I ! I Moisture Rel Comp % dry wt % of max 12.6 94 13.7 97 13.9 90 14.4 91 10.3 94 9.6 92 10.9 93 11.7 92 11.6 92 13.0 96 12.5 94 11.7 98 9.5 92 19.1 92 20.6 92 15.4 94 18.4 93 10.1 90 17.6 92 18.7 92 11.1 91 13.7 90 Soil Type & Remarks 6 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 1 I I 3/l 8 315 8 2 Test No. 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 ! I I I I I I I I I Location Slope Zone to Lot 93 Elm St. 47 + 90 Slope Zone to Lot 87/Buttress ” ” ” ” 87 ” ” ” ” ” 87 ” ” ” ” ” 90 ” Slope Zone to Lot 94 Slope Zone to Lot 85lButtres.s TABLE II (Continued) ” ” ” ” 87 ” ” ” ” 91 ” ” ” ” 88 ” ” ” ” 90 ” ” ” ” 84 ” ” ” ” 86 Slope Zone to Lot 83 Retest of 11169 Lot 132 Lot 128 Lot 127 Lot 225 ” 227 I’ 229 ” 230 Elevation feet 274 271 273 273 276 279 283 276 ,, 280 to 282 ,, 284 II 286 3, 275 II 282 273 273 336 333 331 284 286 289 FG 290.5 Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type PCf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 104.3 20.5 93 8 114.9 10.8 91 6 111.8 11.7 98 5 112.2 12.0 93 5 111.7 12.6 93 5 113.5 13.8 93 7 101.3 19.5 91 8 114.0 15.6 94 7. 101.7 20.2 91 8 104.6 18.6 94 8 112.0 12.9 92 7 110.1 14.0 92 9 99.9 16.8 90 8 110.9 12.8 91 7 107.4 10.7 88 7 Ck. #170 111.0 13.1 91 7 114.2 10.7 90 6 118.5 10.4 93 6 119.2 11.9 94 6 117.0 13.0 92 6 114.2 12.3 90 6 115.3 10.5~ 91 6 118.1 12.7 93 6 I I I I I I I Date 1984 3/5 3/6 317 I3 8 3/S Test No. 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Elevation Dry Dens. feet PCf Lot 229 290 ” 228 289 ” 109 FG 325 ” 133 340 ” 129 336 ” 127 335 ” 109 325 Lawrence St. 38 + 30 372 Spokane Way 35 + 70 389 Lot 107 326 Slope Zone to Lot 85/Buttress 283 ” ” ” ” 89 ” 287 Lot 108 327 ” 110 328 ” 111 329 Slope Face Off Lot 199 246 0 11 11 ” 198 261 Slope zone s. of Lot 86/Buttress 287 Lot 131 341 Slope Zone s. of Lot 90/Buttress 292 Lot 130 342 ” 115 223 ” 114 225 115.7 * 119.2 112.0 123.2 117.1 119.7 115.8 120.0 112.5 112.3 115.4 117.6 111.3 112.1 112.6 111.2 121.2 114.8 119.8 115.8 116.3 111.8 111.2 I I I I I Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 11.4 91 6 12.1 94 6 11.0 88 6 Ck. #184 15.3 97 6 12.9 92 6 9.8 94 6 11.8 91 6 9.1 95 6 9.2 93 5 13.4 93 5 12.0 91 1 11.1 93 6 9.5 92 5 11.5 93 5 12.7 93 5 12.0 90 2 14.1 96 6 12.1 93 2 13.8 94 6 12.6 91 1 15.1 92 6 13.6 93 5 8.7 87 6 Ck. #202 I I , Date Test 1984 3/S 319 No. 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Slope Zone to Lot 84lButtress Retest of #200 ” 90 ” 117 ” 116 Slope Zone to Lot 94 Lot 119 ” 118 Slope Zone to Lot 94 ” ” ” ” 95 ” ” ” ” 92 Lot 118 ” 115 Slope Zone to Lot 91/Buttress Lot 125 ” 125 ” 126 I’ 227 ” 226 ” 225 Lawrence St. 38 + 60 Spokane Way 37 + 35 Slope Face to Lot 228 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet Pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 284 104.3 19.6 93 8 225 117.5 12.4 93 6 295 105.2 21.1 94 8 220 119.5 12.1 94 6 224 109.7 11.6 91 5 279 103.6 10.7 85 7 Ck. #209 318 118.3 14.2 98 5 321 113.7 13.6 94 5 279 111.5 14.6 92 7 282 108.3 16.1 90 7 287 108.9 14.3 90 7 323 118.4 12.1 93 6 326 115.5 14.3 96 5 290 112.6 15.0 93 7 333 111.8 8.1 88 6 Ck. #216 333 116.3 10.2 92 6 336 117.6 12.4 93 6 FG 289 109.9 7.5 91 5 FG 288 112.4 6.7 93 5 FG 287 108.7 6.4 90 5 273 111.8 8.5 93 5 279 111.4 8.9 92 5 283 109.1 12.5 90 5 I I I I I I I Date Test 1984 No P--.--L 3/10 224 225 226 3112 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 3113 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 8 3114 244 245 246 I / ! I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Elevation Dry Dens. feet PCf Slope Face to Lot 226 Lot 112 ” 113 ” 135 ” 85 ” 136 ” 134 Slope Zone to Lot 92/Buttress Slope zone to Lot 92 Lot 128 ” 135 Slope Zone to Lot 93 Slope Zone to Lot 86/Buttress Slope Zone to Lot 94 Lot 91 ” 89 Slope Zone to Lot 95 ” ” ” ” 95 ” ” ” “ 94 ” ” ” ” 94 Slope Zone to Lot 91/Buttress Slope Zone to Lot 93 Slope Zone to Lot 9O/Buttress 282 108.6 225 118.9 227 109.2 335 114.4 292 106.8 337 112.4 340 116.9 294 105.3 291 102.9 340 114.6 342 123.4 288 103.8 294 108.2 285 102.9 296 114.9 297 117.2 286 106.0 289 102.5 292 112.1 295 114.0 299 122.3 299 115.4 302 116.8 I I I I I Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 9.4 90 5 11.6 94 6 10.9 91 5 12.2 93 2 17.5 96 8 10.3 91 2 12.9 92 6 20.6 93 8 18.9 92 8 9.9 90 6 12.6 97 6 22.0 93 8 21.2 97 8 19.2 92 8 14.0 90 1 13.5 92 1 20.8 95 8 21.8 92 8 9.9 91 2 11.9 90 6 13.7 96 6 14.0 96 5 12.6 92 6 I I Date Test 1984 No -A 3114 247 248 249 250 251 3115 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 3/16 261 262 263 264 I2 265 266 8 267 268 I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Slope Zone to Lot 95 Lot 106 " 137 II 132 I, 129 Slope Zone to Lot 84/Buttress " " " " 85 " Lot 138 It 126 " 130 " 134 " 88 Slope Zone to Lot 82 " " " " 85 Lot 144 " 145 Slope Zone to Lot 94 Lot 89 Slope Zone to Lot 83 Lot 173 rl 141 Retest of #267 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet PCf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 303 112.2 13.1 93 5 313 109.7 10.7 91 5 341 115.1 11.6 91 6 344 110.2 11.6 91 5 344 114.5 10.2 90 6 278 114.1 9.4 90 6 287 116.7 12.3 92 6 343 113.6 11.3 94 5 342 114.8 12.2 95 5 346 124.7 15.8 98 6 346 117.0 14.7 97 5 305 118.2 14.2 93 6 278 115.4 10.6 91 6 288 116.2 11.5 92 6 230 112.4 9.3 93 5 232 111.7 9.8 93 5 306 112.6 10.5 93 5 307 115.6 11.1 96 5 277 110.8 10.2 92 5 232 109.9 8.7 91 5 234 106.4 8.2 88 5 Ck. #268 234 111.2 10.0 92 5 I ! I I I / Date Test ENo. 3117 269 270 271 272 273 274 3119 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 3120 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Lot 107 n 108 " 109 (1 110 " 111 " 112 Slope Zone to Lot 80 II 0 II I, 81 Lot 144 ,, 142 " 91 Slope Zone to Lot 147 Lot 148 I8 140 Slope zone to Lot 150 Lot 149 n 146 I' 150 Slope Zone to Lot 79 " " " " 82 Slope Face Off Lot 196 Slope Zone to Lot 84IButtress Lot 147 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Camp Soil Type feet pcf % dry wt % of max h Remarks FG328 115.8 8.8 91 6 FG 329 115.0 9.2 91 6 FG330 114.8 8.1 95 5 FG 330 113.5 6.6 94 5 FG 330 113.0 6.6 94 5 329 124.6 9.3 98 5 283 113.5 8.7 94 5 284 112.2 10.4 93 5 337 114.0 9.6 94 5 340 113.2 10.5 94 5 307 115.3 12.8 96 5 321 113.6 13.2 94 5 324 114.6 11.5 90 6 343 111.9 9.8 93 5 327 117.4 11.1 93 6 329 112.5 12.7 93 5 333 114.7 12.2 95 5 333 116.0 12.8 96 5 287 117.4 13.2 97 5 289 113.4 11.9 94 5 271 116.3 11.1 92 6 291 116.8 11.5 92 6 335 115.1 11.9 95 5 I 1 I I I I I Date Test NO. 1984 3120 292 293 294 3/21 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 3122 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 3/23 311 8 312 313 314 I I ! I I I / I I I TABLE II (Continued) Location Lot 157 ” 148 ” 125 ” 149 ” 145 ” 143 ” 146 ” 150 ” 148 ” 151 ” 138 si0pe zone to Lot 78 Retest .of #302 ” 144 Slope Zone to Lot 80 Lot 85 Slope Zone to Lot 84fButtress Slope Zone to Lot 81 ” ” ” ” 78 ” ” ” ” 83 ” ” ” ” 79 ” ” ” ” 78 vs II 1, 1, 82 Elevation Dry Dens. feet PCf 337 116.2 339 113.7 338 110.8 341 112.5 342 113.8 344 110.6 345 115.1 342 113.6 346 111.9 343 110.6 343 106.4 299 114.0 343 111.9 346 120.4 290 107.7 301 115.3 296 117.2 291 111.4 298 109.6 296 113.6 300 116.1 305 117.9 298 111.5 I I I I I Moisture % dry wt 13.2 11.5 9.5 9.9 12.4 11.9 13.2 12.8 13.2 10.7 14.5 11.9 13.6 13.6 15.4 14.1 11.5 12.8 10.3 14.1 13.2 12.4 14.9 Rel Comp Soil Type % of max b Remarks 96 5 94 5 92 5 93 5 94 5 92 5 95 5 94 5 93 5 92 5 88 5 Ck. 8304 92 2 93 5 95 6 90 9 91 6 92 6 92 5 91 5 94 5 96 5 93 6 92 5 I I Date Test 1984 No -d-.--L 3/23 315 316 317 318 3124 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 3/26 329 330 331 332 333 334 8 335 336 ! I 1 I I I 1 \ , TABLE II (Continued) Elevation Dry Dens. Location feet PCf Lot 84 304 111.3 Slope Zone to Lot 77 310 118.5 Lot 86 307 114.0 Slope Zone to Lot 81 !, !I II " 79 II ,I I, " 82 Slope Zone to Elm St. 51 + 00 Retest df #321 I, I, I, II 11 51 f 10 II II II II " 50 + 90 Retest of f/324 1, I, ,, I, In 51+00 II II II 11 n 51f 15 II 11 I, II 11 50 90 + Slope Zone to Lot 94 Slope Zone to Lot 87/Buttress Slope Zone to Lot 78 I, II 8, I' 80 Slope Zone to Elm St. 50 f 90 1, I, II II n 51 + 20 Slope Zone to Lot 85fButtress Lot 91 301 112.3 304 112.4 302 112.0 236 104.0 236 111.0 239 116.3 239 102.6 241 111.5 244 110.1 247 113.7 249 111.9 310 113.4 311 116.0 312 112.7 307 115.0 252 112.0 255 117.8 313 115.7 315 111.6 I I ! I I Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 12.4 92 5 11.5 98 5 13.6 95 5 11.9 93 5 10.2 93 5 11.6 93 5 13.7 84 2 Ck. #322 14.9 90 2 15.1 91 1 21.8 86 9 Ck. #325 19.4 93 9 18.2 92 9 13.5 92 2 15.6 91 2 11.1 94 5 11.5 91 6 10.7 93 5 12.8 95 5 10.3 91 2 11.9 93 6 12.8 96 5 14.5 92 5 I / Date Test 1984 No -4 3126 337 338 339 3121 340 347 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 347 3128 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 8 357 ! I I I / I 1 Location Slope Zone to Elm St. 50 + 80 Slope Zone to Lot 83 Slope Zone to Elm St. 51 + 40 Lot 87 Lot 77 Lot 82 Slope Zone to Lot 93 Lot 230 S. Facing Slope Zone Retest of #344 Lot 84 Lot 230 S. Facing Slope Zone Lot 81 Lot 230 S. Facing Slope Zone Lot 77 Lot 88 Elm St. 51+00 Slope Zone to Lot 95 Lot 86 Lot 79 Retest of 353 Elm St. 51+40 TABLE II (Continued) Elevation feet 259 312 262 316 318 315 315 284 284 317 287 317 289 321 318 264 317 320 321 317 Dry Dens. Moisture PCf % dry wt 114.3 12.8 116.3 11.5 109.1 13.6 112.7 12.4 116.2 12.8 117.5 11.9 115.8 13.6 107.8 11.9 114.f 12.8 116.1 9.5 113.9 13.2 115.9 12.4 112.7 9.5 124.8 11.9 117.8 11.1 101.6 21.0 111.3 9.5 113.3 11.9 117.9 10.3 123.2 10.7 124.0 17.3 Rel Comp Soil Type % of max & Remarks 90 1 96 5 99: 3 96 5 93 6 91 6 85 6 Ck. #345 90 6 91 6 92 2 91 6 93 5 98 6 93 6 91 8 88 6 Ck. #356 94 5 93 6 97 6 93 8 I I I I I , I I I I / Date Test 1984 No. 3128 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 3130 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 131 374 375 8 376 377 378 TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Lot 92 Lot 93 Slope Zone S. of Elm St. 44+25 Slope Zone S. of Elm St. 44+80 Slope Zone S. of Elm St. 44+00 Lot 94 Elm St. 51+60 Slope Zone to Elm St. 44+50 Lot 83 Slope Zone to Elm St. 44+40 Lot 89 Elm St. 52fOO Lot 80 Lot 78 Slope Zone to Elm St. 44+00 Slope Zone to Elm St. 43+35 Lot 138 Lot 137 Lot 136 Lot 135 Lot 134 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Camp Soil Type feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 319 126.2 11.1 91 6 320 124.7 11.5 92 11 245 114.0 14.1 92 2 252 116.7 13.6 92 1 257 110.7 15.4 93 9 321 114.8 9.5 92 11 270 112.1 11.5 91 2 260 112.6 14.1 93 5 319 118.4 10.3 94 11 263 107.6 15.8 90 9 372 114.7 9.1 91 10 272 113.8 10.7 92 2 322 118.8 11.9 95 11 324 116.2 11.1 93 11 370 112.0 14.1 93 5 374 106.1 16.3 95 8 FG 345 116.0 9.9 93 11 FG 346 117.1 9.8 93 11 FG 346 117.0 9.4 93 11 FG 347 115.3 8.2 92 11 FG 348 118.0 10.8 94 11 I I I I I I I / I I I I I I I I I I Date Test l9.84J!L 3131 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 8 397 398 399 TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Lot 133 Lot 132 Lot 131 Lot 130 Lot 129 Lot 128 Lot 127 Lot 126 Lot 125 Lot 113 Lot 115 Lot 116 Lot 117 Lot 118 Lot 119 Lot 151 Lot 150 Lot 149 Lot 148 Lot 147 Lot 146 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks FG 348 118.5 8.8 94 11 FG 348 114.1 10.7 91 11 FG 347 114.0 11.0 91 11 FG 347 113.1 10.1 90 11 FG 346 117.6 11.3 94 11 FG 345 117.'6 13.1 94 11 FG 345 118.9 11.4 95 11 FG 344 114.9 7.9 92 11 FG 339 124.8 7.1 98 6 FG 329 113.5 7.1 90 11 FG 327 114.8 8.9 92 11 FG 326 113.0 11.2 90 11 FG 326 115.6 8.2 92 11 FG 324 114.3 9.7 91 11 FG 321 118.6 9.9 95 11 FG 339 113.8 10.8 91 11 FG 346 113.5 9.7 90 11 FG 346 116.1 9.5 93 11 FG 347 112.1 9.7 90 11 FG 348 116.0 10.0 93 11 FG 348 116.2 8.4 93 11 I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I Date Test u$iLNo. 3131 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 8 418 419 I4 420 TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Lot 145 Lot 144 Lot 143 Lot 142 Lot 141 Lot 140 Elm St. 44+50 Slope Face to Lot 143 Slope Face to Lot 146 Slope Face to Lot 150 Lot 96 Lot 82 Lot 79 Slope Face to Lot 127 Slope Face to Lot 132 Slope Face to Lot 136 Lot 87 Lot 91 Lot 95 Elm St. 52+50 Lot 88 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Camp Soil Type feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks FG 348 113.7 7.1 91 11 FG 347 121.5 8.8 97 11 FG 347 116.1 9.8 93 11 FG 345 115.2 9.6 92 11 FG 343 118.0 10.3 94 11 FG 344 113.1 8.1 91 11 271 112.3 11.9 91 2 334 104.5 13.2 87 5 Ck. #429 340 103.0 12.4 85 5 Ck. #430 332 115.8 12.8 92 11 327 115.5 10.7 92 11 323 115.7 11.1 92 11 325 116.0 11.5 93 11 332 110.5 9.5 87 6 Ck. #427 339 103.2 7.1 82 6 Ck. #428 339 113.3 11.5 90 b 322 115.8 10.3 92 11 323 113.7 9.9 92 2 323 115.6 11.5 93 2 274 112.1 10.3 91 2 323 114.7 '10.7 91 11 I / I I ! I I I , I I I I / I TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Date Test 1984 No. 414 421 422 423 415 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 4/a 433 434 435 436 Q *37 /lU 8 430 43Y cl 440 !i! Location Lot 90 Lot 96 Lot 93 Lot 92 Lot 95 Lot 96 Retest of 413 Retest of 414 Retest of 407 Retest of 408 Slope Zone N. of Lot 153 Slope Zone N. of Lot 153 Lot 93 Lot 84 Lot a2 Lot YO Idot 71 Lot 85 Lot 81 Lot 89 Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type feet pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 324 115.4 11.5 93 2 324 112.8 9.9 90 11 325 116.0 12.8 93 11 326 117.2 12.4 93 11 326 115.6 11.9 92 11 327 117.8 12.4 94 11 332 117.0 8.9 92 6 339 115.6 11.3 91 6 334 105.2 13.8 84 11 Ck. #449 340 104.6 14.5 83 11, Ck #450 329 115.1 13.2 92 11 332 114.3 11.8 91 11 328 113.7 14.3 94 2 322 116.5 12.7 r5 2 3L5 111.3 13.5 91 2 3~6 113.u 12.4 91 11 3~8 113.0 12.9 91 11 ~25 116.8 lU.5 Y4 11 ~24 116.1 11.5 93 11 324 118.3 14.5 95 11 I I Date Test JAa4~ 4111 441 442~ 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 4112 452 453 454 455 456 8 459 460 I I I I I ! TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Lot 92 Lot 95 Lot 79 Lot 77 Lot 84 Lot 86 Slope East, Lot 141 Lot 78 Retest of f/429 Retest of #430 Lot 78 Slope North, Lot 153 Lot 78 Lot 96 Elevation Dry Dens. feet pcf 328 120.9 329 116.1 327 113.5 326 117.4 324 117.7 325 111.8 336 112.4 326 105.8 334 102.6 340 112.5 326 112.2 331 113.7 328 113.0 331 113.5 Lot 94 330 117.7 Corvallis Street, St. 8+63 449 116.0 Elm Avenue, Sta. 43+50 271 112.2 Elm Avenue, Sta. 42+40 284 112.7 Elm Avenue, Sta. 43+00 273 113.2 Elm Avenue, Sta. 44+00 275 114.0 I I I I I I / Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 14.9 94 25 15.5 90 25 11.5 91 11 12.5 94 11 13.5 94 11 14.3 91 2 12.0 90 11 13.0 85 11 Ck. #451 13.3 82 11 Ck. 11461 15.1 90 11 11.9 90 11 14.2 91 11 12.4 91 11 11.6 91 11 13.6 94 11 11.2 93 11 11.1 90 3 11.3 91 3 12.5 91 3 13.1 92 3 I ! I I Date Test 1984 & 4113 461 462 463 4116 464 465 466 467 468 4117 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 &B ::i 8 479 480 z Location Slope East, Lot 143 334 112.6 13.0 Elm Avenue, Sta. 45+00 269 114.8 12.2 Elm Avenue, Sta. 42+50 286 117.8 10.9 Brentwood, Lot 71 F.G. 307 112.6 11.3 Brentwood, Lot 70 F.G. 301 116;5 8.7 Brentwood, Lot 72 F.G. 311 111.7 6.8 Brentwood, Lot 73 F.G. 316 114.9 9.8 Brentwood, Lot 74 F.G. 319 105.9 10.0 Brentwood, Lot 77 F.G. 328 117.8 12.6 Brentwood, Lot 81 F.G. 328 111.5 10.0 Brentwood, Lot 82 F.G. 327 113.2 9.5 Brentwood, Lot 83 F.G. 327 111.6 9.5 Brentwood, Lot 84 F.G. 326 115.7 11.7 Brentwood, Lot 85 F.G. 326 115.9 11.0 Brentwood, Lot 86 F.G. 326 115.5 10.5 Brentwood, Lot 87 F.G. 327 118.2 11.4 Brentwood, Lot 88 F.G. 328 110.9 11.1 Brentwood, Lot 69 F.G. 294 121.9 11.4 Brentwood, Lot 89 F.G. 328 113.4 14.3 Brentwood, Lot 90 F.G. 329 112.1 14.9 I I I ! I TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Elevation Dry Dens. Moisture feet Rel Comp pcf Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks I I I I I I 95 90 91 90 93 96 96 95 92 92 94 93 11 2 3 7 3 3 3 3 Ck. i/511 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 3 5 4 7 7 Date Test 1984 J&. 4119 4120 4123 4124 481 Brentwood, Lot 91 F.G. 330 482 Brentwood, Lot 92 F.G. 330 483 Brentwood, Lot 96 F.G. 331 484 Brentwood, Lot 97 333 485 Brentwood, Lot 93 F.G. 331 486 Open Slope, Lot 80 308 487 Open Slope, Lot 81 310 488 Open Slope, Lot 83 306 489 Brentwood Drive, Sta. 26+35 328 490 Topeka Street, Sta. 2+95 320 491 Corvalus Str-et, Sta. 2+37 340 492 Corvalus street, sta. 5+10 343 493 Corvalus street, sta. 8+50 343 494 Topeka Street, Sta. 8+10 326 495 Topeka Street, Sta. 5+90 324 496 Slope North, Elm Avenue, Sta. 43+25 270 497 Slope North, Elm Avenue, Sta. 44+55 267 498 Open Slope, Lot 85 313 499 Open Slope, Lot 90 316 500 Open Slope, Lot 95 324 I / I I I I I I ! TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Location Elevation feet Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp pcf Soil Type % dry wt % of max & Remarks 114.0 11.1 92 3 113.9 7.5 91 11 116.7 10.8 94 11 114.4 12.4 95 7 116.2 13.0 93 11 112.2 13.4 93 5 114.3 12.0 95 5 111.0 11.7 92 5 118.2 11.0 95 11 115.5 10.8 93 11 116.3 11.5 93 11 115.6 12.0 93 11 112.2 11.1 91 11 115.6 10.4 93 11 119.0 10.1 95 11 108.1 7.3 85 1 Ck. #503 109.8 8.1 87 1 Ck. #504 109.4 14.2 91 5 116.1 13.3 90 25 116.0 13.6 93 11 I I I I I I I I, Date Test l3L-!w Location 4/24 501 Lot 114 502 Lot 113 4125 503 Retest of i/496 504 Retest of #497 505 Lot 97 506 Lot 96 507 Lot 95 508 Lot 94 509 Slope N. of Lot 77 510 Retest of #504 511 Retest of #468 618 512 Lot 78 513 Lot 79 514 Lot 80 515 Lot 153 I I I I I 1 TABLE II Continued Summary of Field Density Test Results Elevation feet F.G. 328 F.G. 329 268 265 334 333 332 332 318 265 FG 319 FG 330 FG 330 FG 329 FG 339 Dry Dens. Moisture Rel Comp Soil Type pcf % dry wt % of max & Remarks 113.6 11.6 91 11 116.8 11.0 94 11 113.9 11.5 91 11 109.0 9.6 *_.~I 11 Ck. #510 113..4 12.3 92 2 116.1 11.7 94 2 114.5 11.5 93 2 118.0 10.7 94 11 113.7 13.3 91 11 113.3 11.1 90 11 113.8 6.8 91 11 119.0 4.5 95 11 117.4 5.3 94 11 116.7 5.6 93 11 116.1 4.1 93 11 I I ! 1 ! File No. D-0684-MO3 June 19. 1984 .- - - .- - - - TABLE III Expansion Index Lots 69-153, 194-206, 225-230 Fill and Cut/Fill Lots Lot No. 77 78-80 81-84 85-86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94-97 107 108 109-112 EI Lot NO. - 1.4 115-119 4 125 1.4 126-138 0 140-151 1.4 153 0 194-204 1.8 205 1.8 225-230 1.4 4 4 3.2 6 6 0 EI - 4 0 4 4 L 0 1.4 0 Lot No. 69-70 71 72-76 98-106 113 114 120-124 139 152 206 cut Lots EI - 4.2 4.2 0 1.4 4 4 1.4 4 4 4