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Lab lb • 4391 MimOw 01. The C.iIoini Au0IIo% 01 AQilCl* 0(110($$'
1549 India Street
San Diego, CA 92301
Attn: Barney Matsumoto
appear to be priirarily sandy loam in texture... The- soil data indicate that soil reaction is.. strongly alkaline with line content medium .: Salinity is satisfactorily low and boron is also low and. poses. no hazard to plant growth.
Available nitrogen is very low with phosphorus also low. Potassium is near
optimum and calcium and magnesium are both well supplied. Inroved growth would be expected with the application of a nitrogen and phosphorus-containing
fertilizer. Miiniuxn phosphate (16-20-0) -.should be broadcast, over dry slope areas at a rate of 5 pound per 1,000 square feet and followed with a normal
irrigation. At 30-day intervals after the first fertilizer application,
16-6-8 should be broadcast. at a rate of 6 pounds per, 1,000 square feet of dry slope area. These fertilizations should also be followed by a normal irriga-tion.
Location 2
Location 2. represents a srrall streetscape slope which-.had-been-hand planted. The soil at this location consists of a medium brown sandy, loam soil and localized area of a dark grey soil high in silt content. The poorest plant growth was noted in the areas consisting of. this dark grey soil. Soil reaction in this area is strongly, acid with salinity (ECe) at a level where sensitive plant material would be adversely affected. There is a strong possibility that,the salinity is considerably higher in the dark grey
localized areas.. Boron in this area. poses no:hazard. to plant growth and: sodium. is well balanced' by. calciuiw and magnesium., ... Available, nitrogen and phosphorus' are both- low with potàssiüm moderatel low, Calcium and magnesium are both high... -.
......................................................................... flF n . ... C..... A.. IIiI.I. fl1WI 1_7A, rTlA1 I .tJ_ IJ%I I II 1• IJCIuIC nllc_ .IIIJuI iS ......,, J •,, _I w.J,a.
Telex Numbur. 5101000505 ANSBltSo&lP1antSA
. . Box 153. Santa data. Calilomia 95052-0153(408) 721-0330: i 7) P.O. Box 1648. Belk*vue1 Waaalng(on 98009-1648(206)746-6665
Member of The California Assoclatloti of AgIsCuttuisi Lsbo.alo,ies.
Page 2..
July 6, 1987
Due to the variable nature of the soil in this area, uniform growth will be
difficult. Salt-tolerant plant material should be selected for this area.
The fertilizer program outlined, for location 1 cam also be used in this area.
If localized areas are to be replanted, calcium carbonate lime or ground
oyster shell. lime should be uniformly broadcast in there-landscape areas at
a rate of. 250 pounds per 1,000 square feet. The lime and artiw.nium phosphate
should be scratched. into the soil surface to the waxiirum depth possible prior
to replanting..
Location 3•
This location represents a slope betweem two building pads.: A. soil sanple
was taken primarily: from. the. dark grey soil which. makes: up the lower portion
of the slope.. This soil has::a high. silt andl clay. content.. Soil reaction is
extremely acid_ and salinity, would restrict the growth of most plant material.
The boron content would restrict the growth of sensitive ornamentals. The
SAR. vaIue: indicatesthat.sodiUm. is well:': ba1anced' by.:calciurn" and' magnesium
although there appears to- be: an.. excess: ofiinagnesiuin;.in' this: soil.. Although
of little.. inportance at', this location,.. available. nitrogen.', is. low with phos-
phorus and potassium also low.
Due to the adverse physical and, chemical properties of the soil in this area,
it will be very difficult to establish plant material on this slope. Limited
success has been achieved in' similar soils by hand planting extremely salt-
tolerant material such a 1-gallon acacia redolens. If planting is atteipted
in this area, the following amendments should be uniformly broadcast and
scratched into the. surface to. the. niaxijruin depth. possible..
Member of Th. California Association of Agriculiuisl Laboratories
Page 3
July 7, 1987
This large slope area consists prinerily of .a fine sand which has been com-
pacted in many areas. Soil reaction is moderately alkaline and salinity is
satisfactorily low. Again, boron.-popes-no hazard to plant growth and sodium
is well balanced by calcium and magnesium. Available nitrogen and phosphorus
are both low with.. potassium low optimum. Calcium and magnesium are well
Although nitrogen and phosphorus fertility levels are low in this area, the
primary cause of poor plant establishnent appears to be. due to poor physical
conditions. Plant: growth appears satisfactory in areas where root and water
penetration are not limited by compaction... Hand: planting these conc?acted and
semi-cemented areas will probably be more effective than. re-hydroseeding.
Fertility levels in this area could be inproved by following the fertilizer
maintenance program outlined, for location 1.
Location 5 .
This sanpie represents a large slope area east of location. 4. Soil conditions
are quite variable in this area and some of: the. conpacted, cemented conditions
found in location .4 exist here also. Soil reaction. in this area is near-neutral
in reaction with, lime content medium. The salinity level in this area would
restrict growth of most plant material.. Although sodium is at present in
appreciable quantities, it is well balanced by calcium and magnesium. Again,
boron poses no hazard to plant growth. Available, nutrient levels are.
similar .to location 4 with nitrogen and phosphorus being low and potassium
slightly lower than optinum.
Some plant growth in this area appeared. satisfactory and it appears that soil
chemistry may vary widely within, this area.. In. areas that have not grown well
after hydroseeding, plants. showing a high degree of salt tolerance should be
used when. replanting. Fertilizer, levels can be inproved in this area by again
following the fertilizer maintenance program. outlined, for location 1.
Due to the highly variable nature of the soils,at this cut and fill project, it is
very likely that some localized areas of high salts have not been identified by
this sanpling visit. The undersigned is routinely in the Carlsbad area during the
last week of each month, should further soil sampling of this site be needed.
If we can. be of. further'assistance, please call..
W.L I/p I
End: Salt tolerance list and site plan.
P.O. Box 11744. Santa Ana, California 92711-1744/(74) - ot ad CPat abokatok, On.P.O. Box 153, Santa Clara, California 95052-0153/(408) 727-0336
• 1549 India Street (A04) Lab. No. 4391
San Diego, CA 92101 July 6, 1987
Carlsbad Oaks Business: Center 'soil Saiples taken 6-29-87
Saturation Extract Values_____
Sam Half ____Parts Per Million Dry Soil I Ca Mg Na K B SAk QUAL
pie Sat. I t03-N NH4-N PO4-P K Ca Mg I pH IECe Me/i Me/i Me/i Me/i PPM I LIME
1 22 1 4 11 130 8100 694 8.0 1.5 4.5 1.9 8.8 0.3 0.17 4.9 MED
2 23 0 7 6 100 10020 61 4.7 3.8 28.7 11.2 10.9 0.4 0.34. 2.4LcM '
3 26 1 9 4 70 70832 2.8 11.9 17.8 125.0 5.7 0.3 1.23 0.7 11W
4 21 3 5. 5 130 6780 756 7.7 . 1.3 2.5 1.2 9.5 6.2 .0.20 7,0:.MED
5 15 2 4 8 80 5500 425 7.2 10.4 61.0 15.5 31.5 0.5 0.19 5.1 MED
Half Saturation %-approx field iroisture capacity. Salinity = ECe (rr1xs/cm at 25 degrees C.)
SAR - Sodium Adsorption Patio.
Location 1
Location 2
Location 3
Location 4
Locat4 5