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· ·If ", .: : .. , r" ' ~ ',' f •• ",," : '.1 " .' .' BENTON Ft GINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL M<...::HANICS -FOUNt::ATlO/'lS .. : '. 6717 CONVQV COURT SAN DIEGO; CALIFORNIA 9?t1! v " ., ,', I I I , . ~ , ~,. ~ \. , / ,I Protect No. 72-6-20D -2- L~CostCl Lond Company, Alicante Hills", 1 • I~~ / I I I '. " / ( I I TS$~ Number 106 to 125, inclvsiv~ 126 to 140, inclusive " ' 141 to 154, inclusive 155 to 166, inclusive 167 to 184, inclusive 185 to 200, inclu$ive 204 to 219, inclusive 220 to 235, inclusive , 236 t9 248, inclusive 249 to 268, inclusive 269 to 291, Inclusive , 292 to 314, inclusive 315 to 335, inclu:;ive 336 to 360, inclusive 861 to 384, inclusive 385 to 420, inclusive 421 to 447, inclusive 448 to 468, inclusive 469 to 481, inclusive 432 to 496, inclusive 497 to 506, Inclusive 507 to 520, inclusive 521 to 524,1 inclusive 525 to 539, inclusive 540 to 550; inclusive 551 I 552 to 578; inclusive 579 to 584, inclusive 585 an~/.586 , I , 587 to q09, inclu$ive' I 610 to 626, inclusive I 627 to 658, inclusive \ ,659 to 662, inclusive 663 to 669, inclusive 670 to 673, inclusive 674 to 690, inclusive , ' 691 to 695, inclusive 6941 to 698/ inelu~ive , 69~ to 711, Ineluslve 7\2 tQ 7H1, fn~hJJlve 719 t9 722, ~Inelusive I I ... BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. December 2, '1974- ,~t .;, • ~ '" • 1 Week Ending ':' : . June 23, 1973 .. '" .' June 30, 1973' July -7,' 1?7S:-::') , July 14, :1973 " July 21, 1973, ': July 2$,1973'.' , Augu,&f' 4,1973 . Augurit 11, 1973' " August 18,1973' " .' Augusl'25i' 1973, , September C' 1973 ,"" September8, 1973 ;.; Sept~mber 15,'''1973, .:" September 22, . t973 Septemb:er 29, 1973 Octoper 6; 1973 ;,:,,;, OctQb~f 13,1973 " ,I OctQb@[ 20, 1973 " October 27, 1,97$ ':' '~, N(>ve'mber3i ·1973", ~,' " ' " NovemberJO;'l973:';' ~,.', Novemb,erf 17/l97S:i',',.,,:' NoYe!11ber24~ .197?: "', ',: " Dec~mb~r·1/1973. :,' ',:, " , December 8":' 1973 ,";, ",>' , .'" . I 'I ' ~ f ~ " Dec~mbe,r 'l.5'I,1~73·' , '. I Decemher 22 ',~1973" ',;,':' : , . b' '~" /::'1' . "', ".,-.,. {, Dec,m:, ~r 29y, :,'t\~7ll', , '<, .; , .- Janu"'ry 5 /"974'. \ .,', , ,,' " '/ , .. ",!" ,', t ' ,,(, ,. ,., , Janu4iyl9; '1974' "i ,<!:;'::',~ ':~ ",' " , ' "", . , , .. """", ' Janucuy 29r'1974' ,I':'; :,::,,,. :':", Febrva~)'~f "1974l; :1;';-:'1"';::'" Fe~r~ary ,?r' J~7~" : <,': ... ,: :',::' February,:16~<'1'~~;4/!~.l,::::'" ;'1" ' March 2; ,1974:,~<·t,,~11' ',J' May H,{1974.'.;-', :.:,;:,1:';. "<,' '.; , OJ , l' t, r '\" \. "~ I i ~, -". ~ " ,~:' ~~) 'l:~1;;.'~:~;;~,:'~';/:'J "~':~ :;. I Jv1t 6,f 1974':;,,:'~~) 'i> ,:' : JvlY'l3;, 1974, :,!,,", j,,),; , Nov,~mb~r: J.¢ {1;97 4' ,; ':, ' , I -,\ -!.. ~. , i ' ... ' I I . ' / -.. " ":',' I , , . (' v ( Project No. 72...o-20D -3-qecfmlbe, 2, 1974 La Costo land Company, Alicante Hills " The final resul Is of tests and observations indicate that the compacted ftUe,d ground ha.s been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It has been ,det\Carmin~d that the ·:fill. materials; compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, ·f,c;'l:e.-=:CI. safe: bearing value' of 1300 pounds per square foot f9r one'foot wide continuous Jooting$ rounde.d at theminiml,lm , reqvireq de.pth and plgced five feet or more imide the top of compacte<:l fHled $lro\.!n~ slope$~ If footings are placed clo$er to the exposed slope$ than 5 fe~t inside the top of ~mpQ;ted ' filled gr.o!Jnd !iIQpes, these should be deepened on~ foot be'low a 11/2 hodzo,ntal to 1 vertical line projected outward and downward from a point 5 fe~t horizontally Inside th.e tQp of com- 'pacted fjlle.d gr9und slopes. ' '" Oversized' ro~k and boulders were buried in the slope (sTeas b.etween Areas A and 'B and between Areas a andC on Lots 121 13, 14, 15 and 16. Therefore, on these lpts it is recommended'thQt' foOtings be pJaced at least 10 feet horizontally inside the top of the above described slope areas. If fOQtings ore placed CIOS(lf than 10 feet to the top of t~ese slope~, these should be deepened one foot b~low.a 1 1/2 hori:?!ontal to 1 vertical Une prolectElcl o\J,~~fOd clownwarc.!froma point - 10 fe~t irnHcle the ~op of compaded filled ground slope. "'" .' ',' . It is possible that rock formations ma'y be encountered in certain areas during e~cavgtion for footings Qod/or utility lines. . Expansive $oils were placed in the upper three f~.at below final grade in the fiHt;'td 9rc;>ullQ areas and (ilxpan$iv~ natural soils also exist at depths of less than thre,e feet below final grade in certain $hallow fill and cut areas. Therefore, in order to min.mize po.ssib!e detrimental effects cQused by these potentially "expansivell solis, the fQtlowin~ speciqlde$i~p~nd p~eccI!Jti(m$ are reoommende.d $ .. '. . . , .. 1) , 'Use C9ntinvo.'us interconnecting reinforced concrete footings throl,JghovJ;" and plQce these q.t a minimum depth of two feet below the low~st adigcent:~~t~dor' final ground $urfa~e. Where in-place rock conditions, exist at shal.h;)w~r depths, then les~ depth of excavation is permiS$ibl~ to. a mininlvm '9f If incJH~$... '.,'., 2) 3) , -.;.' R~rnforce and inter~nnect bontinuously with steel bar$~H interit)~ ~n~i ~xt~tiQr .. ' footings with at least one #5 steel bar at 3 inches abQ'Iefut} bottom o.(th~ ~lloss and one DS bar plClCled 1 1/2 inches below the top of th~ .stem$ Qf thefb9tines~ , v "; ,-" " Rcli$ed wooden floors that span between continuous footinS$'are ~~$t"'~tu,$e .. concrete slobs reinforCEJd with at least 6 x 6 ... 10/10 WeldQd wire fcib"ric'. ,'A' . minimum of 4 inches of 3/4 to 1 inch siz.e crl,J$hed rock sh9vl~',b.eplg~~d/"', beneQth all c.onc!f~t~ slabs and covered wHh a moisture bQrri(ll.r. ,tw9',itl.<;hfll$ of cleQn san~shoulq then be pl<,lced over the moistur~ bgrr-ier'Qnd~~19W the, bottom of the ,lab. Wherever prQctfcdble, the conoreh)IJ~t~ ,s.hQv((f be '. :. s~Pdrated from adtac;ent footings by Cl 1/2 inch thickn~S$ ~f' CQn~tJuctiQn ,f~lt or· equIvalent to Qt!QW independent movement Qf the $I<id~~ f~J~t-jVe ,to· th~ . faottnss. .. , :~', .. : ", BENTON ENGINEERING. INC, , ; • t ',,' • Proie,ct No, 72...6-20D -4-p¢.cember 2, 1974 La Costa Land Company, Alicante Hills 4) Provide positIve drainage away from all perimeter footings With a vertical fair of at least 5 inches to a hori~ontat distance of 5::f~et'ouf$icle the buildings. t •. ~ All buried exterior utility lines should be City of Carlsbad approveg plastic; Hnesdue to the corrosive characteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tests ore taken'to ~tabUsh that noncorrosive soils exist in the utility trench areas. Respectfully Sl,Jbmnted; llENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 8yzee..~ R. C. Remer . . RcR,lPHB/pk Distr: (3) Addressee (1 ) Addressee Attention: Mr. Burton Kramer (2) City-of Carlsbad, Building Department (1) Leucadia Water Distrid (1) Carl~bad Municipal Water District (1) RIck Engineering Company, Carlsbad (2) Title Insurance and Tru$t Company Attention: Mrs. Pearl Lyng BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. , . . , , : 1. . "', ! ' . ~ , . ~ . , ,t,', ,~ : ' .. '.if', 'I; .:. . ',',,4-:,'. ',; ',1, .:' 11 ... ~ ) , " ~ I , ~ ~ •• c :! ' . ~ ~! ~ -' '1 • __ .~ , ,,':' "",_"" .. ___ ;_:~~~.,.,~) • .', -[: .~,~;..,..:. :,. r , I PrQ'fect 'No. 72-.6"';201.) - La CO$tal.anc;:l C!)mpany, AIi¢onte HUla, 1-1 , .' .'.' , , :rA.!lE Of T~T RESULTS Test No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ~9 30 Appro~ imate l..ollatIon Depth of Fill Qt Test in Feet Lot-l,3-A * Lot.l3-A Lo.t:1.s..A Lot:l3-A l.ot-l3-A LQt,l3-A' . LoJ-).S ... A lot·l3-A ' Lot.lS-A lot.t>'A LQtf:~S-A Lot.l.5-A· 2.0 .' 4.0 , Lot,1.5-A ·Lot.1.5-A Lot.20-A Lot·2()-A Off1ite B ·Off$.Jttll 8 Offsite 8 Lot.2()"'A Alicqnte Road - StQ.38+35 Lot 21-<: I-ot 2l~ Lot2()..A Lot.1.9 ... A AUcante Road Sta. 38+35~' . Allq«nte Road Stat S8t35 ~ AllcQn~ Road N, S.d, . , S~th 39+00 Altct,itlte. RoCid at; AIle.antoRocd S. Side Stc:t.37+37 6.0 8 .. 0 1000 12.0 14.0 16.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 8.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 e.O 6.0 Fleld Dry ,MOisture ,Density· % dry wt Ib/e&.l ft 18,1 16.5 16.5 11.5 16.7 16.1 16.3 17.1 14.8 15.0 15.2 12.7 15.8 15.6 11.6 9.6 13.2 16.5 13.9 11.4 9.6 8.7 9.5 10.~ 10.2 12.7 13.6 13.4 8.9 16.3 110.4 108,5 107.3 113.3 112.7 111.3 112.2 110.6 111.8 114.0 111.3 114.8 114.6 113.2 118.6 122.0 ] 14.1 109.9 111.1 J 12.6 99.8 108.3 112.7 112.0 114.0 109.5 107.0 113.8 110,6 * Indicates test taken in Area "All pn Lot 13 SENTON ENGINEERING, INC • . "', MaxJmu,m· Dry: . ~J1.ity, ',': ;P~~entT:: ' fb/cuJt· "C·~~ttOo~rnal~r" , ., " ". '. ,t_ 117.8' 119.5 119.5, 125.1 125>.-1 123.5 123.5 09.5 H9.5 125.1 123.5 125.1' ,,-,; ,. " ," '.. - '125.1 125 •. 1 127.5 127.5. 123.9 118.8 . 11S.8: , : 123.9 n7~9, ' I"~, 125. J ',: SQ.,7;:', ~workecf ': :, 125.1' : "9Q.1.3' ~ ,Ch~~k'on#22 ' 119;5 ... 93.$' :.: ',. , 125.1·~: , ' .ot "0"':" . , 'ir 1/ III ,", . : 117.9 . 92~9,:·. ·',(;h_ck'on 121 ' , , :r' ,,' " "'1'" ,'" :'~' :-~"r~"'-.~-_: " 'i;,\ "< ' - 1l7.9· .9,0,.9," c;.' ...... , 125~ I, . · ... '99!~f:, ..... , .,. • 1 ': -: ttl' ~ .. ,' ::,';;,::;;;,',:,;'; 121.5' 9h:fJ",:·· , ": t'~::-,~.~':\~' -. .' ,114.0.' ,,90~~,';:' • • ~ I ,,' , '" " , ,', ' { f, .. I % PrCi0Ct NQ. 72-6-.~OD ',' La CostQ l.amI C9Rl~1 AHccmte HU1s. , Tost . No. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52, 53 54 Appr~ (meta . L04;.atiofl Depth of Fill at T~t In Feet AIiC:aTlt~ .Rocd 10.0 at 4; Sta. 38+35 , At;4Cinto'Road 10.0 S .. SIde. Sta, 37+37 Allcante Road 12.0 N. Side . Sta" 39+00 AUC:CD1t~ Road 12.0 , N. Side Sta, 39+00 Lot 2~A 12.0 At icc:nvCl' Rogel 12.0 , S. Sid.e . 5to.38+35 AUc~te Road 14.0 at (£. Sta" ~~+35 Lot"18-A Lot 18~A Lot l&--A l,.otS'!"A Lot lt~\ooA Lot la.a Alfil Way . Sta. 8;00 Alfll Way Sta. ~+OO AWl Way Sta.8+00 Lot 6'!"A . Lot 6 .. 8· ·LQ.t $"'!A bot 18-8 Lot 6~A Lot 6~A Alit) WQY St(1. 8+00 AWl WQY StQ,8+OO 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 ~.O 2.0 3.0 10.0 80 . , 10.Q 111I\11~II"J"","'rl'PIIIIII!'[\I""1'1"~""""" TA8J..E OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) *' t _ •...... t1 __ FIeld Motature % dry wt 14.3 13.7 12.8 12.2' 12.0 13.4 13.1 13.1 13.0 15.4 20.5 18.8 19.0 17.2 14.6 14.1 14.1 15.0 14.5 14.7 14.3 14.1 11.3 11.6 Dry . Density , Ib/cv ft 104.8 107.3 95.4 105.3 105.7 107.1 103.0 100.9 104.3 106.7 109.3 103.2 97.3 115.1 119.1 118.0 107.6 117.8 112~O 114.7 113.6 loa.~ 110.0 115.1 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Maximum' Dry Den1lity tb/cu ft 115.9 117,9 117.9 117.0 117.0 117.9 '114.0 , . ",', . '-'P~Q!Jnt . .' tSo.mp~t'on. RemQfb ,90",5 91.0 '. ". 80.9 Reworked 90.0 . c:: heck on· U3~ 90,,4- 90.8 ~,' . ~. " :. " Prorect No. 72-6.020D,~···· LQ Coate Lond CQfl'IPF.\Y, Altcanha HUb ., .: .... ':'.',j:'\., ·,"f_:?, '.;:' ..•.. (j)' " .. '. 'D~·C?~~~t~i·.'l974.~ <: ',", ';~:::7' . ...... ~H;l':f';~:~L:!;"), •. · Telt NO fl 55 56 57 58 59 60 61' ,62 63 64 65" ,~ i, .' 67· f ~', f, 6~ 70 7,. ". ~f 73 74 .-.Approx"'"-'· im~te·,:: . Lo~ation -l,. "_ ';: ' '1. ~ , " "'" O~pth ,.' . of Fill .' at T_t· , .. " . in F~et. '. /. TABLE. OF TEST RESULTS (~,ONT .) .~:< '~' C'~>/_:' <. '< ',. ;: .:; " 45 4 . ; 4 -!'~~" J , .. __ ,,~,,~,!_/~<.~.~~~.:_,,_, ::'::,';"?<'--"':'.;:"~' ,.:,. './', fl.ld Ply ~1~Hx;;~,~;fJC~/; . ' .. Mc~tur. Den_Uy DoJUJ.~Y: li,.: ,~qf ,: '~,. ,< ~ .. % dty wt· Ib/<:", ft Ib/qM,. ~~.:~<,.! c~~~~~~~,.;:::.<R~,~;i~',:;:,. ' . 14.4 113.8 1:U~5i' ,.>"" 93!~f'::-.:,:~ .... ~:, ;::,: ; ';~<~": ~:;i: . 14.8 113.3 1.21.5.;'.·'<:·~~,<t:~~:':·:'<':< '<-' . 17.3 18.8 108.2 12.7 115.0 15.8 112~6 13.8 114.8 16.6 115.3 16.3. 114.3 10.5 117.e 7.5 123.7 19.7 113;1 14.2 114.9 11 ~4 1~1*3 1.?2 . 106.7 11.6 10$,S 11;117 110.4 13.2 113 .. 0 13.0 107~7 16.6 110.7 BENTON EfI!~IN!i>ERING. INC;:. ~, ,;. ' " ,'. ,'. '.-. ': ,. .. ~ . , '.- ,_-,'~ ':..: 1 ~ ~ • ~. ~ ". "} .:'! . ":l':"::~' ~::.,~.~, .. ,"".~,~.,;. 115 0 '" -01\6· .. ·' ..... ,'.:'., ... ' ~ .. "7~v '. 'f'v·<'l.r~: ~~ ~,. :~.', ,-, .,. ,': .?~.< ~;::~.;, . 117,.5' "'n~l'}'>,, .' .1~6~{·".:.·::,-· 91.J\~'. 'i' '.," ~ " . '_.' 1 ':. ~.; '''. l • ,; " : • . · ,; >;.t.~"::} ..•...•.. 123.9 . I ,', 9Q.S "C .' ..: >-'.' ,;.;., ;--,.... .~ - '1-' '-, - .lUI',J, .. t ... ·",.9.7,:.:.9;:,·,>,·,lf."-'"t',1-·, .. ',' ,<' .. ",!'i\il. ~ ~ I :O{j~\;; .. :I)~:,::,:.\::;:;,~r ;;.:;!: -i;:. ,':. ::<'/ ;:":.:'~'. '~:.' , . .. ·il I"~' l~q~,'~;~r.':{.::~;f~~)/,I:-:' .. ,::!r:: .. :',.1.:::: . ; ... , "I" :. l~t:'.1,~~>';::>'~;.?~<'1.(,:.~1~:~\:;~-:~~-r~~·~';!{\>:.f~:,.~~~. " I, '\.' I :"1", 12$''t7'''; ,-J 9' '1;" .'1>"'J ..... :;.: \ ';'.-::'., .', l' . ,,; i! ,:'\:~~:::':J~'(ii~b1:h' ::F:J.i};:~~T·:,;;~';·"I,:'., : .. : '.": .'; (';':R,~ 114 'o."·);··i.:"$i1\~i;;.,'.~~·"'~: ,': ',., : " .. : ',;1-': · : ~'}:}?(j';':~*;:~:.j!2:~i~~;;;<,. ,:.;. ", ll1l9J!~~r;;:':I:~/~ :~1:!~7' ::<:'::',; .;:(~~, :',;-':.,,: : f· ':ij',\it ",> \;.:,::i;~~::~j{' .. ·4t:;·~;v,;j·:~;·~i;<;; /','>;.,:: ," .' , .: l(~~~ 114~O~-;·""\· " ... :A", ... ,"Y~::·''''i';,/,.·.'·:'· ."; ',," '; 'J;i~\," ,~"i'" -'I,I •• fl,''-'',··':-li .. ~~o;,'~If"'f'-'" '" • ~,.. '-. " . ,~ t',.,t'-"':'i · :~~:)::",);~~~:!:::;:~[[)::';.:/",':, ..... ' .: l~ · 117.9, ,.,.'.:.~n4!~':!';;;':l":<;·>~:;~".' ,,~' t;~~ . Jl9.§ y;(;~~ff;.':;]~::':'Vit« '.' r~ ," "', ,~ : f;.4 .. Pr9iect N9. 72..,6~200 Lq C;ost~J,,~g Compqny, Aliqante HUI, ' .. , -.,-':", ,." .. '" ',,' , TABL~ OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .• };/,~:~. ':": ';):::i:::-'., ' ' : ,:'",4,!' " Appro~ ... , '.T-.t , ,irnqt~ , , ,', No ~ '~9<;qt,I~:m 75 Offsit(t C ' S.,a.,6+OO Depth Qf Fill gt Test in Feet 9,0 76 Lqt 14.-8 Pond 2.0 '77.. ~otl~a Pond 2.0 _ -. 76 -L.otl4-A 'PQn,d . 4.0 79 Of~lt~ 0 , 4.0 . '.80" Off$4te D 6,0 . 81: ~t.l5.-A. 14.0 82 '~t 15-A 16.0 83 Le>.t 1~-A. . 18.0 , 84:. Lpt. I5-A 20.0 85i lot l~A' 22.0 a6. . .~t lS-A .. 24.0 87, LQ.t 15~A 26.0 , as" ~9t l!)...A . 2B.0 '·89: '~t l~ ... A le.O .90'. ~t 13eA., 2Q .. 0 91: . L9t 15..,A·, ;." ~O!t() 92 '. ", "~9t 13~A .'. 22 .0 : 93 .:" ~ot. 14-A, . :' 2,0 : 94 . L,qt l~A.r 26.0 ~.' '; 95 ; t-ot 1 ~Jt . 2.0 99" '~Qt l,?",A i·';", '. , 34,0 . 97 . .1,9.t 14-.A .t ".: '. '.~ ; , 6,0 . 9f): . : ~~f. l~A '. '-: 3.0,0' . 99 ': ~Qt14~A" . 10.0 ' lOQ .' '~Rt 13~A . 34.~0 : 101 . ~Qt 14",A. '2~O 1 Q2 ~ . ~Qt 13.,...1\, ~a . 0 1.03' ~9t 15~kl.!'. " : ~.O .' 104 " '. ~.()t l~A ,,' ,14,,0 . 105" . ~ot l~~A '.': ',,' '~~O 106' 'kQt 12~A: ',.'. ,2.0. 107 , ~Q,.t 12~e ":, :411 0 , 1,08 : ' LOot 12f1¥A'; 4.Q 109 . ~ot l~lI¥A PQnd 2.0 11.0 -' ~Qt. 2~,A . 2.,Q "!". . . . < • : ( '-,' t ';, ,t~' ,1, " , ,! ..... : . . '. . ~, :: ,-.. . ,field . ", . . -,;'>1 Moiat!Jrl,3 :9,,6 dry wt -23~a 11.2 10.9 12.0 9.5 9.3 12.6 10.8 12.2 14.1 17.B lB.1. 11.2 18.8 12.6 ·,12.6 14.3 10.8 .17.3 , 21.6 '., 25.2 1B.4 25.J \' 20.2 . 11.1 10.5 10.7. 9,9 9.8 13.5 12.,4 . 15.2 11 ,$ 11 ~ 1 12.1 6 .. 6 BENTON EN~INEE~ING. INC •. -(j). . 1 -l' ,. , " • ) l • Pr910Q' t4p., 72.*200 '. 0 : Lq~O$t~ "gnd ~9~1 AlJ~~te Hillt ~pth . "Appt"QX-of Fill . To8ft '>:lmate' Qt.T~t.:·' 'N~ •. , ; ~,9~t~n·· . '.. :.in Fef)t 111 . ' l,.9t 2 ... A,. 4.0 112 l.ot·?,.-A 6.0 113 ' ,>~t 21~ . '; 8.0 114 ::, ""ot21~ 12.0 H5~'Ali~<i1n'" ~'O$!d 24.0 . 'qt 'i. Sh-... 38~5 116:' "~' .Z-A 10.0 117' :A1I~t(» Road 28.0 ~ ~..... . , N .. $Jde. S~p" ~+35 n8 ' .'Qt 2 ... A 14.0 119 .,Lo.t 2~S 2.0 120 >~9t,'2-A 18.0 121 '}~j: 2~a· 6.0 122 .~9' 27A,: 22 .0 123 . ~ot 2 .... ,;1' 10.0 124 ,.;' o~J '1~~ Pond 2.0 125, . ,1.9t J~~ pond· \ 2.,,0 126 ',(Qtl~~'P9nd. 4.0 127 ·~QtJ~A.Pond :6 .. 0 128 ' M?t·16 ... A'··· . 4,0 129 : lQt l~A .' 18.0 130 I Lpt 13~ Pond2~P 131, :' ~~tll~. P~lld 4.0 132: l..c>t.la-A, , 42 11 0 133: '1..9~l+':A " 18.Q 134 . ~~.t 1$,~1l.' .' . 2,0 135' L.ot 16'"'A " 6,0 136 l,9i l~A· 40.0 137 . ~9t J2r-A, ", .' ,8..0 138 " Lot.l5.-..4\ ' 42.0 139 .L.-9t' l~~tl.·, lQ.O 140 Lg.".:1Sr.-A;. 3 42.0 141, LotJ3~A:, ,: 42 .• 0 142LQ~;l~P·.,::,' . 14~O 143 LQt: 1~~J\.. 0.0 144 Lo,t.·l~A.·':' 46.0· 145 Lot l~A . 1Q.0 . l~ L,Qt l~., . ~"Q . 'field ,,", J.Aai$ture '% dry wt "'11.·9 13.5 14.0 9.1 11.3 10.5 14.6 13.4 18.1 17.7 "12 '2' . . '15.8 15.5 ,6",9 .7.1 10.6 10.3 15.2 9 q 1 8.8 . 12.7 11.1 11.9 11.2 11 illS 11.1 10 7 . '. 11 .6 19.3 8~5 12.9 , 9.7 10.5 15.1 18.3 12.4 l, ": " • '!' ': -'~". .' ' I', . -" '~N ~.'NE~~N.~'.'NC';ji'~i~~:,0I;ii~ljli~~i~i~~\~;;<)i .• ,. '~ .. " .....• ,. , " '" Prol~ct No~: 72+201), La C~tQ Land CQmpal)Y, AUc,;snt, HIU. I " ' : App'rox- Test· lm9te Depth of FIll at T.t, No. LQcQtlcm in Feet 147 Lot· 13-A 46,0 148 ,lot 13 .. lr 6.0 149', 'Lot'l4-tl Pond 8.0 150: Lot 13-A 46.0 1~1 ,lot 14-A 26.0 152';' 'lot 14-8 4.0 153 :' ,t,.'ot'l3-A 50.0 154"; 'lot 13-B ,:, 10.0 155 ;,Lot'l4-B ' 6.0 156 : Lof 13-6 ,i, 12.0 157 ;', Lot 13-A ' , 50.0 158: LQt.l4-B "'~ 8.0 159 ~otila,:.B '14,,,,,0 160 ; Lotl+.-Jr 'i 10.0 '161'.'" LoJ,13~ 6.0 162 :' , Lot, 14< ", 4.0 163' :' Lot l~B ' 10.0 164': Lot' l3~a " 14.,0 16,5' lot 1-3 .. 8 16.0 166" J..9t,l'4-B " 12.0 167 "Loi 1~', < 113 .. 0 168, Lot' 16~A ' 12.0 169 ' Lot'15-A : , , 4B.O 17~: ,LCit"J3!"!l\:',;" 18.0 171 ' " LQt"J4~A"'i ' 28.0 172' C~f,13!"!A: 54.0 173 L~t.'ls..;A ',,:, 50.0 174 Lofl~,r " 22,0 175 'Lo.tJ6~A::(~, ':,' 14.0 , 176 ' l.ot' 16 ... A: '~", ' 16.0 177' lQtn6~~," ",:: 18 .. 0 178' OffJite~;ei" "J 2.1,,0 Stet'. '·26+50 " 179 ()ffslt4'~'"",' 4:1i O lao 181 182 St~.: 28+QO " ' Lot,13...¢:· ," ' 4.0 Lot 16...a ",:' ", '2.0 ~9t 1~: '.. 4,,0 ,):,~, :: t,,::l, ' , ' ~' .. . :' , ,"",;,' ". J •• "~!);.~,~~:~:T~'.~':-. Field :Moisture % dry wt 11.,4 10 .. 2 12 .. 7 13.J 10.8 11.8 8 .. 6 8.3 13.2 16.0 17'12 17.2 16.0 12.6 ,14 .. 1 17.2 16.3 13.0 13.3 15.6 13.2 12.3 17.7 17.9 116 •9 '17.5 14.5 17.2 14.6 18.9 22.4- , 27!O3, 12.9 10.8 12.6 114~$ 119_0 115.8. < . I,., Proleot No. 724200 La Costa Land Company, AUcante HUts T-7 TABLE OF TEST RESU~~S (CONT .) · Test No. 183 184 185 · 186 187 188 18~ Approx- . tmote LocQtion Lot 1'4--& Lot 15-A Lot 15 .. & Lotl5-C lot 15-A Lot 15",,& ~ffSi"',f Stq~ 45tQO 190 Off$i te F ;.st,(t~1o· 42iOO 191 'Off~jte F , SlOe a9+;~O' 192· -. Offlsltef. :Sta.41+00 Dcepth of FUI at Test In Feet 14.0 54.0 26.0 2.0 58.0 30.0 2.0 2 .. 0 2.0 4.Q 193 Off sire F·' 4.0 Sto. 4O-rOO . 194 . Lot, lq...c . 4.0 195 Lot. 15 ... a 32.0 19Q " 'Lot':l4--li' 16.0 191-'L~fU;~B' '., ," ,34.0 198 Lot·1'5~. ',6.0 ' 199 Lot f~ .. a· ·:Y. :;. 36.0 200" . LoI'15 .... ll ".<c,:' 38.0 201 ; offsh~E;: .:.: '2.0 .' :;-St~. :26+5Q:.> . '>':'1,. .. I 202 ,'Qffslte·e '~.-:-h:,': :" ;.4,0 ,. Stci; (2~+50 ":\ :.' ,: . '.' · 203' ,Of~f~ E .. ;":, \6,0 Stat '27+00" ':. : ,::\. '; 204· Lot 15--A' .' ,:>'.60.0 · 205·LQt 16 ... A i': 20.0 " 206 Lot 1 ;3;..A· .,;...... 56.0 . " ').07 LOt 14!"A, : ..... , ... " 30,;Q . , 208 Lot ll~A· ',,' '.'. 60.0 " 2()9 -~P.t 14-A " ,,", 30;0 . 2'10 Lot 13-G ", :. ::6.0 21l '"Lot 14-A' 32.0 212:, Lot 13",8 20.0 213 ~ot 14-,1;4 . '16.0 Field Dry Moisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft 16.1 113.6 14.1 115.0 13.5 '114.6 10 .. 0 118.0 9.8 120.6 14.8 111.9 8 .. 7 106.2 8.9 1~.2· 8.7 107.7 .7.7 108.·0 6.2 100.0 10.7 119.8 14.3 114.3 15.4-'111.9 9.6 118.3 9.9 119.9 ': .19.1 105.3 " 9.4 115.0 ;, ''''16.1 109..0 ~ .,' . 12.5 109,f3 , " , , 9.6 117,Q ' t~';i. I " . .. ' 12.4 100.9 9.2 ·11S.3 , 11 .. 4 114.3 :,,' 17.6 108.8 12.4 116.1 : '12.3 119.6 16,,4 OO.? 16.7 112.0 1~.6 115.9 9.6 120~2 , ** This flll wUl b~ ~ drQJn for 100 year flood line . t, ::" . , ! ' •• " ~ . I , • ; ':', '; .: . " M~imulJ1 Dry. , Density'. " .Pet~nt· " I~/t;u.ft " C.omp,Qctl~, Remarks' 119.5 120~7 125.1 125.1. 125.1 120.7, 117.9 ., Pro;4Ct No. 72~2OD T-8 Lq CQ$t<ll,.Cllid CQll1pgny I AHcanto HUll , ... -i: :': . D~cemQ~r 2, 1974 ' T~te-~OF TEST RESUl.TS (CONT ~) @ '. Appro~- rest lmate , No.. L9~qtton 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 226 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 23,7 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 24$ .249, 2S0 251 25.2 Lot 15-8 Lot 13-<: L()t l~B Lot 15-B ,lot 14-.8 ,Lot 15-5 , lot 14---8 Lot 15-8 I..ot l~B Lot 12 ... 6 Lot 13-8 J,.ot'l5-C Lot 1s.-c Lot 1+.-8 Lot 1s..c Lot 1~ ~t 12-8 Lotl~ Lot 13~ ,~ot l~' LQt 14,..IL L.ot 13~ J..ot13~B lo't .J2¥'B , " , . 1,.ot, 12~B ',~fffU~, F Of($ft. F Lot )2.,..& Lot 13",( Lilt 12·A " Lpt 14¥A ' ~ot 12""8 ,:Lot 1+.0& l.ot 13<tB LQt l~B ' : .' ~113~B" ' LQ't 1~e Lot, 14-(' L;Qt la~ " . Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 38.0 6.0 20.0 40.0 18.0 40.0 18.0 ,42.0 20.0 8.0 22.0 8.0 10.0 20.0 12 41 0 14.0 10.0 ~.O '8.0 6.0 22.0 22.0 24.0 12.0 14.0 2,0 4.0 16.0 10.0 10.0 ~.O 18.0 22,,0 26.0 24.0 26~O 24.0 6.0 12 .. 0 Field . -Moisture % clry'wt . 9~6 19.2 16.1 17.2 17.0 . :17.0 16.1 13.2 13.0 14.3 16.4 10.5 13.0 12.7 14.7 11.9 8.8 17.0 : .11.3 11.4 , . .', 11.6 _ ". 12.0 13.2 ;:-'.,14.7 , 14.3 1:-~; .. 14.4- "'13 4 .' ," :" 14.7 ""'15,7 "12/18 : 12.2 11.9 14.2 11.2 t,: 9.7 '10.7 8.6 9.0 16.6 Dry Density Ib/~!.J f.t 119.1 107e6 111 .. 6 111.9 111.2 1 n.1 100.0 114.1 113.7 110.2 lM~3 116.8 117.6 115.0 112.5 114 .. 9 117.1 109~3 114.2 116.2 n8~9 H7.1 115.0 112.7 111.0 112~ 1 113.2 110.5 110.2 11.5.6 118.5 118 .. 1 109,9 114.3 l~OiO 119.8' )19 65 117 i 1 107.8 BENTON ENGINEERING. ING. Maxl.mvm . ',,::: Dry Penal. ty, ·Pe.rcent, . Ib/~v it . Comp~tiQn Rorn~ . :.) ,,' . , ,.: ~;1"<~"'::':·~~7:.' " ~,f .,: , I " ..... :;<-~ T~9 ,~:~~mbe,r 2, 1974 Proleot No .. '72-~200 l.Q GQJtQ L.c;md C9mpqoy,. AlJ~gnte H,it~" . ' . ·"Approx- Test·, fmQl'i1ll' No. Locgtlon 253 Lot 12 ... C 254 Lo.t 12...c 255 J..ot"12-G 256 LQt 14-<: 257 Lot 12~ 258 Lot: 1:5-C 259 Lot, 15-:C 260 Lot IX 261 Alm'1W~y , , Stq,,. -16.'*90 292 AIt1I,Way Sta. lqtQO 263 lot: 1}.(: 2<>4 : Lotl.19~A 265 . Lot··16-A 26Q 'J,~t·l5.-A 267 Lot 16 ... A 268 Lpfl~A 269 ~tl6 ... &.. 270 Lot l,?~A 271 Lpt: 1~-8 272 (pt· 16 .. A 273 koti"~ 274 Lot'14-oC 275 LQt·l4.<,' 276 ~ot!l.a..c, 277 LotJ~ 278 lQt.llK· 279 Lot .1~-< 260 Lot·l+(· 281 Lot 1.9.,..8 2B2 Lot. 16",8 283 L9t 16.II'!'A, 284 LQt 16. .. P.' 285 Lot 15~. 286 Lot 161!"B 287 Aim Way StQ. 16+00 288 Lot 16~a, , . . . Depth of FlU at Test in Feet 2.0 4;0 6."0 8,0 6.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 2.0 4.0 22.0, 22.0 24.9 60.0 26.~ 62 •. 0 4,0 62.P 6.9 28.9 10.0 12.0 14.0 12.0 16.9 14.0 8.0 16.9 8.0 10.0 30~() 12.0 24.0 14.0 6~O 16.0 TA\£!~-t; OF reST RESULTS (CONT .) .... '11 • • " '" field Moistur.e 0/0 dry wt, 171!.4 17 •. 8 21.6 19.~ 18.1 12.2 17.0 16.9 13 .. 7 16.0 15 •. 1 15.5 16.8 16.6 17~3 17.3 22.6 13.1 15.3 14.9 15.3 16.1 1 1 3.3 10.2 15.0 15.2 16.0 19.7 18.3 lS,~ , 11 ,3 14,2 15,. 1 14.9 15,2 12.7 M~imurn Dry Qry. , DensJty Qem.Hy·· eerq~nt Ib/cv' ft Rb/cv. ft-C;Qmp'9:~tJoo ... Rem~r.ks ' 105.6 107.8 103.3 103.8 108.1 116.6 ill .1 113.7 115.8 110.0 11202 113.7 11100, 113.3 110.9 109,8 101.9 110.9 112.9 115.0 11'1.6 110.1 116.0' 110.0 110.2 115.0 113.1 11.3,8 110.S 115,0 118.9 115.0 11 0 3 •. 110.5 110.~ 112.8 114~3, 114.3 117,3 114.3 114.3 122 •. 9 . ]22,9 122.9 129.fj . 9~~4 94-.,3" 9,Q·~.4 90'.8 946 , ~ R~wQrked .;," Che~ ·on ·12~ 12.0 .• 9 94 .. 9· 90.4 92,.5 91.,5.. ' 9).0, . , ..... '- , " ",,", 122.,0 , 92~): l~~O 93~1 , 122,"0 91 :;.1 122.9 . '92 •. 3 .. , n9!'~ 9~~Q', . '. 119,~ '<]2,p. H2<?~ 9Q.6.; "., 120.092.4' ': , , 122.9 91.;9". ".> , 126~~ 91.0. 120!O 93 "J,' " •. 127 ~9' . 93~.5 . .' , 1~7~ 9. . 9Q~7:' ... : , .. 117~.9·: '9.~4' ., .111.9 ' . 93·;.t5.::·",:: ". 122~99a .. ~'· ." ;: , 122 .• 9 .... " 92,0:' ,J ; •• 122., ~ 9 • ; 9,2.6. ' : :,',' ", . , 121 ~~, ,:: . " 9:J;';'~:. ': "'.' ',.' : . 122 .• 9;,.> 93,,6;::, ,', .. , . 127.9'. 92.9,.';:" ' 129~Q:' .' ?O.~2(· :'. ' .. , 122.,9 ·91;,9:'," . 122.9" 93.4' . 121 • .2 91.)';: . 122.9 , " \~~ ) 9].1,9 . -.. :' . ' ~ I\IENTON ENGINEERING. ING. , ': ' , "', . ", '" ' ~, """:f 1':,:~:',,' :')J ~~ .~. ,,~::'¥1': ,~l ~:'~' __ >- , t \ I I \ I i i \ ! I \ I I 1 'Proie~t NQ~ 72-6-200 T-lO Dec.emb~r,2,'1974. La CQJta Land Compqny I AJicante HI Us Toast, No. . Approx- imate 4Qcgtlcm 289l..ot 15-<: 290 Lot 16 ... 8 291 lot 15...(; 292 Lot 15 .. B 293 l.ot 16-8 294 ~9.~ 15-8 295 Lot 16-8 296 Lot 16-A 297, Lot 14-C 298 .Lot 14-C 299 Lot H;i ... A 300 . . I..ot 1 8""~ 301 '. Lot 18-A 302. Lot 18 .. B 30:3 Lot 18"!'A :304 Lot 18-8 305 Lot 18~ 306 Lot H~-A 307 Lot 17-A 300 ~Qt 17 ... B 309 Lot 18 .. A 310 Lot lfJ-A 311 I..ot le-B 312 L9t 17 ... A 313 Lot 17 ... a ' . 314 ' ~ot 17 ... A 3·15 L<;>t 18-B 316 lQt 15-(: 317 Lot 18 .. A 318 Lot la-A 3.19 Lot 18 ... 8 320 Lot lS ... A 321 Lot 18""A 322 Lot la ... A 323 Lot lS ... A 324 Lot la.,.A 325 Lot 18"!'A 326 ~ot lB~B' 327 l.ot 17~ . Depth of Fill at left In Feet 26.0 18.0 28.0 44.0 20.0 44.0 22.0 32.0 18.0 18.0 5.0 2.0 7.0 4.0 9.0 6.0 4.0 11.0 2.0 4.0 13.0 15.0 8.0 6.Q 8.0 10.0 10.0 28.Q 17,0 19.0 12.0 21.0 23.0 25~O 27.0 29'.0 31.0 14.0 4.0 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .) Field . -Dry -Moisture '. Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft 13.8 11.0 10.2 15.0 14.2 14.8 14.7 13.5 13.4 14.7 13.7 14.1 15.2 17.6 16.7 16.0 15.6 15.9 10.5 12.2 11.6 16.2 19.2 I 15.8 11.4 12.4 17.1 16.8 18.4 17.2 18.4 16.6 17.0 18.9 17.2 16.9 16.9 14.1 13.3 111.1 117.0, 115.9 100.7 101.9 102.0 106.1 103,,8 104.1 112.,5 114.9 112.1 110.9 . 109 .9 109.3 113.2 112.7 112.9 115.~ 118.2 118.6 113.1 110.9 111.0 115.2 112.9 107.8 107.5 l09.Q 109.4 108.3 108.2 108.9 100.9 109.0 111 .. 1 109.6 112.0 114~ 1 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Maximum 0" ry ':Q,e~'ty .. Ib/~~ft 122.9 127.9 127.9 114.0, 112-.3 1.14.0 .Pes:c~nt ,~o~f?CctJC?n , ~~m~s 90.4 91 .. 6 " ,90.,6" , 88 ~ 3 . R'wOr:k~d" 90 .• 6 8~ .• 4, " Ch~~k on #292 , ' . , RewQrked ~ ", ,! ., '\ J' ,. ; J , '; .,' ,~ ,j ,j ',' , 'I .1, ,': :, -:, \ 1 1 \ '\ 1 \ \ \ f i ! I \ I Depth "Appro~-ofFill TeJt ·imate ' ' at Test No. Lo<;atIon ' In fe.et 328 Lol17":"B ' 12.0 329 Lot 18-A '. 31,0 330, Lot 18,-~ : 14.0 331 lQ:t 18~A ~' ., 35.0 332 Lot 16-8' " 24.0 .333 Lot l&-S .'.. 16 .. () 334 ~t 16.-2 " ,; 26 .. Q 335 ,Lot l.~j .... 28.0 336 Lot 17~" 14.0 . 337 Lot l~';'A :'. ,39.0 338 . Lot 19~A. .;,' 6.0' 339 Lot 17~~' "; 1<» .• 0 340. "Lot 18~a :: . i ~~O ... .' . 341 ", ~ot 17;-3,' '. 1.6.0 342 ·,Lo.t 2o;A" , 11$.0 , 343 .Lot19~A: , '." 10.0 . 344 LQl2,o..;A" ~O.O 345 . Lot 19';:~. ,~' ," 14.Q 346 lot2Q,-A':·. 24,,0 347 Lot 19 ... A: :~ .. , ' .)a.Q Wl . ,Lot 19 .... 1) ,:' ' ~. .'4.0 349 Lot 19~A ' 20.0 350 ~ot l~P, ,/. ' .. ',8.0 ' 351, lot ,1~~": ,'): ':,: ~.O i. 352 LO,t lS ... Q, . ,', 2Q_0 t ,353 'LQt·Hl~~,·".',;·,;· 47~O, . i 354 LQt l?~A;,'. ') 24~Q 1355 ~Qt l~~I::" .": 12.0 i.' ~ Lot 18-' ;\.' '., . 30.0 , \ 3"" Lot17~A I, .'." H3.0 .;, ass", LQ~ 1.7 ... a .' , " ;: 2Q.O tl, 35.9 Lot 19'!"A' ' .. ..., ~"O 3QQ Lol19-~ ,,'. . ~', 16.0, 361 Lot'l'9' ... A .) '3~"O \ 362 Lot 19 • .8 ' , ' ,,: 20,0 t 363 Lot 187.A-.. ,"' ' ., 51:.0 t 364 Lot 1~1.' ": 3.4.0 I 365 Lot 19!1'fA , ' :)6.0 i 366 ~ot 19'"18 .' 24,.0 ~7 ~Qt lS·A ~.O . T-ll ",' :', -. ',.' ,.-Maximvm' , ' ,':' , ;, " : '," ' Field Of)'. MOisture . DeNlty , 'Dry ":'::',',: ;~ :",.,::<:.~ :',':':,,::,':',':'.' ", ,Density <. P~c;oot : ".':'~,/, ",: ,':, ' I.b/qu ft':'~9.mPQ~·ti~ .,'~mQrj("';' % dry wt 15.2 15.1 15.3 14.0 13.5 11.5 11.7 11.7 13.9 15 .. 8 9.7 15.0 19.9 ,20.2 19.5 13.5 17.4 19.2 14.3 12.5 14.5 15.2 14.9 12.6 121-8 131.4- 12.1 18.7 ,I 16.6 15.6 13.8 14.1 17.6 17.0 1a.4 ' 17.9 12.6 14.0 15.7 14.4 Ib/c~ It 113.8 112.8 111.2 113.8 119 0 3 112.7 121.2 121.7 112.0 109.1 106.1 102.1 105.7 104.3 107.2 111.8 llQ.a . 103.3 lQ6.9 110.6 110.2 109.0 112.1 116~8 l1a .. 7 116.5 118.2 104.0 112.2 112.9 113.5 112.6 106.0 111 • .1 110.6 112.2 116.4 115.9 116.2 118.9 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ~, ~ -:::. ',' _:~, h }. ~ l :": -,',~ ~, -."~ • --' ,~ , , 24 9 ' ., ,",: " .. ~ i24 *9' '" :-.:&~~, '~: ':::~:""~: :-, ,',:: ,', 1,2.1;:9' , ',:: 9l::'~,"; ;:: :~'}:,:( ::.~,. 12J.9 ":93.4';', \' 'i.':: , 127.9 "93:3, ,~', .,:".',,~" ',: ' :, 121.~, ,:, ~~~~ , ::,',:.' ,:' <:'", " .. ~J·iii{t·:·">':,i'>'.~ . , '117.9,' 9;Q~'O:' ',:.:., . ", . 115.f. :':,' ~'~2':':;':-;~Rewprk&ld' " , 11~~ 9' · ,:,> '~l ~:t,:·· '::. ,", ;:\,;.' .,,'-:,' '. ,.' 115.9.' ".-'9P<~9 :~.i>:·ch~~ .onl33,9 ", 115 9 · .:'., 92 5l.";:'f'::·; /:, , ' ,".'.~. "'( .:' ':.".". -,' , ,e ' '-.. _,'" , e,W,,";' ;1"~. ~.~ .;1 '.',~ " -, 1'19';:' .:, :no:i"",l:f",,,,',""':', ,' •. , -,:, ,"". _ ~,_ • ...,. ...... " :7.~: •. Q.' ,>."'t~, ':,':''i'',~' _' . .:: ("', ., 119' 5" . " ," Of'j'>t:·y'.:r(:; .. ' .,:,,'. t, ",,::' • ".J'f~O'Y'~1" " .. ' ,'" t. , ' 1"4 ,n ': '9.' '0', <.;"..;:.,. '\' '. :', \":':', .. '.J' :; , • I,~.~;' 't'~ ,!t:.;~~'·.~ ~,;~~'-~: .~ .i,', , ' " l1S.9 '. I,' 92.;\t?::t.'·',·.:":,,,.;~.:;. \' ,': .:, 117 '9 : '. 1,' . o"'i. ;9{'::-\ ~:,~; ".", ;;.1 .. :.. ':', ,,' \ ~ _, .:, ",_ ·"f;~.~1!, :.:~-:' . ,.":> •. ,,.r •• t' ",: ".', -' ' 1179', ,',:: 93·'6.·'·i:~':I"~:{· ,',,';,: " ',' '" " . ,., , .2 ,2""", ~t.~ .. "", .. '. '," ', .. ,' 122 .0. "-:r~:;': Ml:iiit;,:;;(;·.,; \:"": ,,,.',~.'" ',C','., ;fj ".., ,_,l.3·· t ,~.,,( "'f.i'f\~ t."1''>'1:J:t'· -d",'.' ,"", . -, . 1 ;$ .. ' . i~~i":!~":11J;!'~~::~,::;;::'; •• i?!U~,."' •• ' .•. ·!, 127 9"" .:. 9)"'1"'/" ,' .. :..... .',' , I' " .• "~, .' ,<~:!!,:,,::<,(~><:, , .. ,;' "," "I·!:: 127.9, . ,90.6 .... , ..... ,. . ,-127 9 ,,' 9Q··9'· ( i ,,' .. " , :> ',.'" :: --''''~~': .. :·~.~-',;,'··I:'<':·'~'''': . 127.9·· 93.0 . "" . -" ,', -,." " ' .. '," ' ". , . . '"" . :' ,;. , :~'.' , ., 1 " • "\ 1 1 " 'Ii " , I , i t 1 , 1 I , ' , 'J' , , , ' -r\. IiIENTON ~~GINIj::ERING, INC. , ,', ',", ',':,: ,,',-.,·,1.:' "., '",:'" ,,~ \" I ~" j , ~ . " __ ~; , ,~'<!~i"t."~:,"" f:, ~ "'" .~ .oj \ , ! , '. '. .:", Apprp~-.',' 'Test, ,", hnate ' O~pth of FUI : at telt In F •• t No" L9~"atfon 440 ;; OftIJt" C " " StQ;~ 441 ' Lof'8~' ",;' , 2.0 442 Lof:B: :".::' , :, '4.0' 443Lo1' 8:'::'·,,) . '. 6 .. 0 • 444l»t~:19 ... A: , 48.0 445 19~'l7-A·'. 24.0 * 446 Lo'tl'tS:~A .;, ~ 1.0 447 ·LQf19~~' 36,0 448 Oft$tW'F ,; 6.,0 449 ·Oft~f"':-F·, . "j. 8.0 450 Of&ite: r ;.. 19~ 0 . 451, . 0~I"f : . ':.: :"12.0· 45~ 'ofl\Jtf F:.··. ..14.0 453' Lot.'12-A· . , .~, : 12.0 • ; ~ Lot,:l4--A,,', < ~.O '!\' ;, 4~ Alfil WQY' .... ,,: 6.0 Sta. 19+00 .: .. : .~! ,,; • ~6 Alfll Way· " '·8.Q· Sta 16+00"'·" .: ... .. Alfll·Wqy lO~O' Sta. 16+00 {, : ' .... ·~l~ oml .. F " :15.0 ~ Lot 9 .. 8 ' . "~'2~O . Lot a-A : "'~.O Lot 8 .. 8 '" '.: '4.0 Lot e .. A ... '[ 8~O l.Qt 8-8 : '6.0 lot 9 ',10.0 . lot 9 ' ;)2.0 lot a·A a.o Ai lot 8 .. 8 . ;:8~0 ,~ \,.Qf 'S-A Q6. 0 1t ¥I L.<>t 9 '14.0 n \'?f 9 ·14.0 \4~ &-8 10.0 rt \.? W ' 10.0 ;.Jtf 9 16.0 .. ~\1 9 16.0 ' ,'. 'lIi~ I~ ;M.O ". " .'FJeld : ;Moi~ture . % dry wt :11.7 " :,~ , 11.5 , '13.4 13.p' . 9.8 10.7 10.7 10 .. 7 16.9 16.1 14.9 . 13.2 16.0 ,10.6 '10.7 13.0 14.6 le.8 1.5.6 15.9 1$.7 I 15.2 15.5 l4 .. 8 15.0 1.4.5 12.9 13.5 10.1 15.9 13.8 17.1 12~O 1.5.0 17.1 10.6 116.0 116.6 112.6 114.3 115.2 114.0 112.2 107.3 109.6 112.2 113.2 l1S,O 111.9 111.2 115.9 114.1 + lrtJlcQ Finl$~d GrQCle BENTON ENGINE!,RING. INC. , , Test No.· 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484- ·485 486 487 488 489' 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 5C6 507. 500 SfJI 510 511 512 .ApprQx~ im.ate: .:. ~9cQtien' Lot' )6-:,A' ,36,0 * Lot l~A',: 58.0 * Lot.12-C (i '.' • 14.0 ~ . l.;o~·l3~·;· . 26.Q * . Lot-l4-C ,', 32.0· Lo·t.l7~· . ' 2.0 Lo~ l7...(;·:' 1.0 Lot l7-C ,.'. 4.0 * l.qt·la...» ." 44.0 LOt :J9-8 :', 38.0 L~t n~ ... ~ ',. 46.0 Lo,t ;l'a~B·. ,. .. 46.0 Lot.19~1$· . '.. 40.0' Lot(19~~'>:: '2'l0 LQt~J9-a . ~ . 42.0 , tot\l9~.a; 44~O' Lot'19-C .. ' 4~0 Lot l$l,..c'· 6.0 . Lqt 4-A:.. .. 10.0 * Lot.~P ... \: : 6.0 lpt 5-8 ,.':. . 8.0 Lot··l5-B:·· .' ;49.0" Lotl}-C" ' 36,0 '" Lot.16-B:,~.O * LQti19 ... a:' 40.0 , "LQf 19';'lr: . :44.0 ' '·Lot.19-a, '.:,46.Q l' ,Lot 2 ... 8'," ;; J2'.Q ' Lo.H! ... A .1: ': . : 1.24,9 Lot2 ... B ," ::: '14.0. " LQt 2.~B ,,' ... ~. 16.0 ' L9t 2~B .r: , . .<:; . , 18.(1,. L9.2"".8 .y. \: 20.0 :L()t 2 .... » '~'~l'.,':j· ; :'2.Z.0 . ·L()t 2 .. }) ":::;'. .; ,~4.0 AUoontl Rood' " :; 2,0.- Sta. 44;fi~Q· .: .: AU~Qt\tt' Rooci;'-; . ~.;O $tQ, 4M-50, ", ,,) .': 14~,l 7.3 10.3 . 14.5 13.0 t2,6 . J3,,3 '14.2 ' .. 11.0 .. "10.6 '::,'13.6 . 10.8 .' ~ 11.7 >,,11.1 . 14.3 '.10.5 , 13.0 :: 14.8 11.8 '13.1 1~.4 , 10.3 :,.10.3 . 10.8 . 16.6, '" 11.9 i . .} '12.1 12.~ 11.9 15.9 15.8 13.1 . 11.1 , ,14.4 , 11.9 '12.0 14.7 109.6 113.6 lf2.0 112.1 114.1 115.6 113.0 111.8 111.1 128.0 Hl6.1 113.0 113.3 113.0 113.6 115.9 113.9 113.6 118. 1 113.5 113~9 116.2 115.2 117.2 112.3 11$.7 116.8 -117.9 , Ul.~ 116.,3 117.9 , US.l 116.9 111.2 115.6 l12.7 112.1 * IlldlcQtel Ftnllbed Gr~ , " '.,;:,' " l • ~ • f -, • ~~ ". '~ -, .", 'j -{.J i. " :.;:,:;. :··~:;l. ;.:,,:',:: :;::~,:; s:: BENTON ENGINEeRING, IN~. .1 ., ". . , . , , " • j ,1 < . _ ... , ," " ; ~, " '-., " _,0_ v> " , Profect NQ. 72;..6~20D , La Gosta Land (;9fflpqny t AUcant. HUt, T-16 . . O~ c~~e~ ?--" 19? 4 ApproX-: Depth of Fill Ted " im(lte, at raJt Nq. l..oc;oti.()'n in Mpet 513 AU~~te Road 2.0 Stq. ,421'50 514 A}fC;CJI'lte RQad 6.0 StQ.44+50. 515 AUCQnt.e ROo;{ 4.0 Sta •. 42+50 516 AI icante Road 8.0 517 Sta.44+50 AJrconte RoQd 6.0 Sta.42+50 518 AHc;an,te Road 8.0 Sta.42+50 519 AHc.~trlte' RoQd 10.0 StQ.' 42+50 520 Lot 0:2-&. > 26.0 521 L9t.191""A '49 • .0 t' 522 LQt 19~B 46.0 523 CandiJ Way 2.0 Sta. 1'150 524 Ca~JJ Way 4.0 Sta 1+.5.0, , .. , . 525 Lot 18 ... a 48 .• Q f~t End $26 Lot 18-6 ' ~O.o f~t Pld 527 Lot l7~B ' 24.0 Wf4t End ' 528 L.ot 17",a 26.0 We.t End, 529 Lot 16 ... B !?.2.0 I\' Ea#t End 530 LQt 17~8 , . 2a.O WfJ3tEnd ".' I 531 CdtldU WQy ,~ •. O , Stc. 1+75 532 AUtont. Roc:d 12,0 Stat 44+,?O 533 ' AlfcfilOt~ RQqd ,14.0 StQ. 44+~Q \" -~.!! ~" * Indrcat~ Fjnl~hed Grad, TAaLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) , , , -• _t Field Moisture %.dry' wt 13.0 13.6 15.3 12.9 12~5 13.0 13.1 10.5 13.7 13.1 10.7 Dry Den$fly Ib/cu ft 115.1 113.9 113.0 113.3 115.2 112.5 110.0 113.2 ' 96.0 94.2 113.9 Maximym DIY Oen$ily ff;>/cu {t 125.1 12~.1 125.1 123.9 126.1 J22.'} 123.9 1i7.9 117.9 125.1 PerClnt ,', . CO~p.~cti~n ~.m~ , ~ '_ ,-. '. " '6 ", r 92 ... 1, ·'9Q,!9.' 9" 4' .' ,\;I. _ , .", '91 5 " .. ',! ,. " ", 90 .. 9: ,,:'.' ':;'" . "',' .,. .90~.O :,'., • c ." _,~!' ' " ' ~J " ~ _, f 91~4 ':, " ; i 81 .. ,5' .. :' R~worke.q --", ' . 79.}l," :R~,~~d' .. ' , ?l.O '",'., .', . .. , " , ,~ .' . : ~~ .' , ; ...... -~ , , ~ . 10.9 ]6.1 16.4 11.9 ! 10,,6 15,,8 15 e 7 17.0 ,16.9 '.17,,6 116.0 '102.3 104.3 102.8 100.6 105.8 . 111.2 115.4 125.1 9;2.6::;:::: ,,-':: 'i" .'." , ' ", . ., ' '90 5 l' > '''', ,-.~:, '.-.... ,;' , '.', .. '".: , ' 114.2 , .. ' :.~ ~~:?'l ~,~ :,':: ::.:' ',. ,.,' , 113.1 \{ \ '<. ~.<: ':.", ' 114.0 '.' :·'90 .. 2: :: ,'. :.',', _, 110.7 ... ·";!"o,~I,:;.:,':.'< .. ,.... ..' 114.0 ,.',~,.$., ,'".., .. ;;~~ ...• /~::~;::~~?':' ........... " ........ . .. , ' >' I ' ,~~~O' <', '. ..' ',. 1 '. I~' ~ ,_ ' .' '. , ': . ., ! :;',.' '-,-, ,. ~ " !ilJ::~TON ENGINEERING, INC. . :· .• ji.~~,J ":\;&J~~~i,;,,.~J±~,&~:, ;,},;@ .. , , . ,Pro leet· No. 72-6~20D . La CQlta Land CQmpaoy, AJlcante HiII$ 1'-17 D~c::~mber ~, 1974 i!JllE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .) . Test No. ~ApproX" imgte Location Depth of FiIJ at Test in Feet 534 Allc.ante Road 16.0 Sta.44+50 535 AIi<:ante Ro~ 18.0 StCl~ 44+50 536 Lot2 .. C 1 .0 537 AltCQnte Road 20 .. 0 Sta~ 44+50 538 Lot 2,,(; 5.0 539 Lot ~-C 9.0 540 Lot 19 ... A 49.0 * 541 l.ot 19 ... 8 46.0 542 Lot 19 ... 8 48.0 543 . Lot 19~B 50.0 544 Lot 19-8 ~1.0 * 545 Storm DrQin 2.0 Eca5~ment 546 Lot l-A· 2.0 547 Lot l...c ~.O 548 Lot l ... E 2.0 549 Lot 18-C 8.0 550 Storm DraIn S lS-A 551 Lot ~B 10.5 * .552 Lot 5...8 . 10.0 ~ lot &-B 12.0 * »4 Lot lS-W 2.0 S55 Lot 18-W., 4 .. 0 ~ Lot lS ... A 59.0 ~ Lot lS ... A 2.0 ~ lot 1S-A' 4.0 ~9 Lot 18~B, 2.0 :~ Lot 18 ... 8 ' 4.0 el Lot 18 ... B 6.0 t2 Lot ll~ .. A .. ,6.0 c.l Lot :3 1 ,; 0 . M. bot 19~ 2~O ~ Lot 19~e 4~O M Lot 3 1.0 ~,' Lot 19~ 6.0 ~ Dike 2.0 ~~ lot 19...c 8.0 , * Indl Qates .Ft nls~d Grade Field __ .MoIsture % dry wt 11.0 10.8 12.2 14.9 14.8 14 .. 5 20.0 23.2 13.8 12.7 11.9 11.0 13.2 12.5 12.2 15.3 12.9 10.5 12.7 16.4 14.4 14.7 15.3 11.7 14.8 15.1 14.8 13.4 13.7 14.6 14.0 13.6 12.3 15.3 11.7 11.0 Dry DensIty .lb/eu ft 110.3 112.3 118.2 112.7 100.8 100.5 108.1 1"04.3 115.2 107.5 108.3 104.7 106.4 110.5 108.8 104.0 103.0 106.2 105.4 108.3 109.7 108.7 103.0 108.0 104.2 105.4- 106.5 1'12.2 105.7 111.3 l00l2 10$.6 108,2 106,,7 110,3 111.3 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Maxlmvm · Dry Density Ib/eu. ft 121.5 123.5 127.5 125.1 119.5 117.9 117.9 114.0 127.5 117.9 117.9 116.0 118.1 122.1 120.0 114.0 114.0 117.9 116.0 117.9 117.9 117.9 114.0 117.9 . 114.0 114.0 117.9 122.1 116iO 117 i9 117.9 117,9 117.9 117.3 117.9 123.5 Per~eht . CQrnpaction, ~eritgfks " , 91.0 '- . ,.' 92·'.7 r ... 90.1 .')' " . 1 '. , Prot,ct No. 72-6",,20D La CO$tQ' LQnd Cc;mtpQOy, AHcante l-UUs T-18 D~c~mb~r 2:;'1974 ~~LE OF TEST RESU~rS (CONT .) , ',I .. Approx- .Test. imote Depth of Fill atTest In Feet No. '-9clation 570 ,571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 519 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 O~ite lie" Lot19-C Lot 18..c Lot19~ LoJ 2-C lot 3 Lot 3 Lot 3 lot 3 ; lot 3 ' Lot 3 tot 6 ' . Lot 6. L'Ot 6. . lot 6 " lot 6 Alloante Road Stq.39tOO ' Over Sewer Pipe ·9.0. 10.0 12.0 14.0 9.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 Altc.gnte Road 10.0 Sta.39+OO , , OvM Sewer PIpe AI h:qnte Roc;d 5.0 , Sto. $+50 . , Ov,r Storm Oraln Ali(;(l'lte Road 2.0 StQ~ ~7+.50 " Alfcont4 Rood 7.0 Sta~38+50 OVer StQtm DrQin AJh;;cmte Road 12.0 Stcr • .3~+OO Over Sewer PI" Alrcante RoQd 4.0 Sta.37+50 RIght of\ ' AlloQr\te Road 9.0 Stat 38+50 . Over Storm Or(:l,n, '" Indlcq* Frnbbed Grade Field 'Moisture % dry wt 15.6 13.4 13.3 12.8 11.6 10.8 12.2 13.2 13.0 12.7 1301 10.2 lO.2 8.4 13.1 10.3 10.9 19.0 17.5 1~.6 12.4 13.1 15.5 Maximum Dry Dry Density· . Density " P~rQe.nt'· Ib/ cU' ft Ib/cu ft' 'Comp~tlon RemqrJ<s 110.5 112.7 110.3 110.7 117.3 116.3 103.(3 109.8 110.1 112,,3 112.3 115.0 11'3.7 116.7 119.7 111.9 111.0 110.3 111.1 111.1 116.6 111.9 111.0 114.1 116.9 125.1 117.9 117.9 125.7 125.7 114.0 117.9 117.9 123.9 123.9 127.5' 123.5 1~.1 127,,5 123,,5 12] .5 122.1 123.5 ,94.5, Check on 1175. , 90,,,2 93.7 ,94~O " 93.2 . Check em #539 '92.4 91.0 : .. · 93. t . 93.4- 906 " 90.6 90.3 . 92~.1 .93 2 , .,. ',93 9 . , . " 90'5 , ~ . , . , ,?1!2 '--< ,i " , .. ," '''', . ,90'!4 ,,.:, .::,' , .',\",1,:" ,-.,',; " . , "~' .. ' " .... , ~, ~;,,~' t":, ... '. , " ~, ",' ~"'t.,, , " '. , , ' , , 12~.$ "t, ':'9~.: ~::(,: ",,': ' .... ', , . 127 ~5">~,;9'1:lIS:",. :,. ,: , " , :,'. "" ~:>~:;,,;.:';' ,':' ,', ,.' , • .' ~' > ,J ~-.:: J " ;~" (' .' I 122~1-:: ?,"9h<-:"",;,' "":'", .' t'; I • --', ,,<:.:, ,,0' ~ , , . "/: .... , -,.'>;';Cf: ,:,:~:',,':J' ,"",' 122,,1 . ',,' ;?Q,,? I '," .'. " " .. !' 1 90:.5 ,>, , " BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. 'oj_ , ~ , . :", ~;,'~;;ii:.,),j:<~~!;:~;~~~;i:~,i, .. ;> t , ::> .', ~ .:.:. ' j. " , Prpleqt No. 72-6-200 " La Cotta ~and Cpmparay ( Alicqnte HJII, 1-19 'j < '@.'. :' ' .. ' ~ '.. . " " .. ,': TAl\LE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .) le$t No., 594 59~ 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 60S 606 607 Approx- imate Loc,;,Qtlon Depth of Fill at T ost in Feet AU<:QOte Road 14.0 Sta. ~9+00 Ovett: .s,.wer Pipe AI iCQnte Road 6.0 Sta.37+.t§O Left of<£ Alieante Road 11.() . $ta, 38+50 Over StQrm Drain , AHcante RoQd 16.0 , , Sta. 39+00 Ov,r Sew~n Pipe AUcQtlte Road 13.0 ,Sta. 38+50 . ' ". Over Storm Ore,;n AHcQOh~ Roa~ 18.0 $tq.39+QO Oy~r Sewer P{pe AJiqgnte Road B.O . Sla. 37t~0 ~ AUc;aott Road 10.0 Stq.37+50 " Right of~ AHeante ROQd 15.0 Sta •. 38+50 Over Storm Draln AJJcahte RoQd 20.0 Stq", ~9+00 Over Sewer Pipe AU C;cmt~ RoQd 12.0 . Sta. 371:".50 ... , Left o,f(~ .' Ali qQllh,i Rood J 6.0 Sta. '$6+50 ,Ov.r Stf)rm Drain AII,(;an~e Rood 22 • 0 Stq.39+oo Ov~r $~w.r Pipe AI h;ant. RQqd ~. 0 Sta. 39+00 Over.Sewer Pipe Field Dry 'MoIsture Density % dry wi' . Ib/ c;u ft 17.1 15.9 12.7 7.4 17.4 16.8 6.8 15.0 10.1 15.1 11. 1 1.1.2 14.5 15.9 112.7 111.9 113.9 117.8 109.2 110.8 115.8 109.0 120.0 lOa. 1 116.2 110.2 110.1 E:!ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " : .Pe,f.q~nt . ;_ .. Mwdm.um Dry D,,~t.ty Ib/cu·n , , ' C~~w~Nqn Remork$ 12$.9· . '9J ,,:0 ',' 122.1 , 127.1 ' 92.7 ... . . ' , t',',.' 118.4 ., 122.1 .90.7;' ;, ,-;: .' '/ j .' -. 127.J', . ?J~:f ( .. " .' J' 1','< 118.4: ';'.' 92.,0 :.'",,: "..... . ... ~ '-'f -'. • ~.:-,~ ~ t:.~~' '.,' -, .. - -., " , . -'': ' '127 · 5, .,' •. ~ •.•• ,,9:~;[, ' ••• ,' •• ; :;~\'i~;·. ','.' .'.," ... '., ", 118.4. 91.a':· : '.: ,;'., , .,:, " ...... '::~,;.;':. :,:> "\' .. ,', ,<" '" , , ~ , ... ~"J;: ,lIlt', ,~,,,~ : . ~.t.· _ '" . 1~7 .5· . ;." .9i ;'j'; ~1J99r~~" ." " ,~' '\, l'~', "-:~.; ~ ~:.,':t. ,,:;:'.:".:;';"" . . ..' , • ',' . I'.' 122;1 ,: :,::~'.;·.9~:!.~";i·,s.~~~~~~.,.", . ,,-. ., ~"IL"'/'~'!''..·(·\ VI""~_ ;1,', :-. :;, " - '. 1~2.1 I '90~3', ., .- .-.. .-'. .. , .. 1-22.1 . 90.~. , .. , , ." , ,. _ ..... -: t J ~ '-:',' , .). ,,' , ' . , " " "c. "'.:'~ ,~;:i\;~~,i::::,;~ .. (.;//.~':;' '::.';'.::~:.-:::' ..... ~~ 600 609 610 611 612 615 6)6 617 .. ¢'18 619 620 621 622 623 624 6aS 626 627 : Depth Qf Fill ,,<;It T.t tn' FII?~t ~ ,i." , I 11.0 12A 13.4 17.1 8.6 11.0 7.8 8.6 11.3 10.7 9.3 11.8 7,0 12.5 9.9 11.0 11,1 11.0' H).O f 123.8 116.9 109.6 109.9 107.4 , 110.0' lOB.5' 118.7 117.4 113.9 114.3 114.5 111~6 , l1S.~ 110,8 11$.,6 109.9 111.4 102,0 112~~ •.. B~!'lTON E,IIIGINEJ;6ING. INC. , ;' , .,' '!': ,',: l' i' " '_>«;i,:~~:~·~~. ;r;·~,.:~ "I~~·<:'l.f __ p', ",,}";!.i'..t I ,.:-' , .,: . .' : '~\. :, 118.4 : ",:. ::92.6:~':; :'. • ,~ (~ ;': l ,'_ 118.4 . .' l: 92~f3'" . -~, " ',' ;. " i': : :', .::: }"~, ' .. ··,·t~:~i!r'·~'~,;:···. ·i,···, ••••. :< .... ns.A-· , 9r~5",.~!, ~.;. .. · ,,: .•.• :-, r~'t';;:t}~;~::;I;:.y:, .... , 1~7 5 . 93 1) i';"", "','", ',,', '" 127~~: :.,::,~::j;~~~{::rr?;r(~("/.,;.~ ... , .' 12cS. ·l",,,l""" ?P.,·3,<r '," ;,',1'" ,.',!' ",,";': ,f , . " :': ~:::"'{,/:':<~'r<'~:':',"~:?:\,~'; X,::!,":" ';. :!,:: 126,.l';"·":<19(h~<,t/i:'," ::",:\. ,",::, . " I 126. f.:(,i ;:.:~;J:~:;'·~;I £tl\:i:;: .. :}~' ,t ,} '. 12.2,.1,1''-' ".$JIl.:4"q ,'; ':., l·,r.,;·,,;l·~; .. ~ " ;i" " .;..-, :::':i,j·~:':'.? >:i::;i ,.f~?~<'):'~:/,:~L~):(;~: ;:,;,~. ~::>:"':" 127.s', . ..I ,.·S!,O~,S., '" 1 ' "" ,", i\ I' ,". ",;' -J, •• :;," ,"::' . .:}~r~>i:·~~/~.,~~~,l:,,~:;'l 'J:~:l:~:l ;'~i >-~t,~~· , '11~ 4:-;;';\' ,;, 93'~~'?;::'~; Ii' "{:', ';:,lli(:,,";' , '. '.:'<~ ";::,;,';'/i~,:;:'~~~~,~r{;,,):~:t~;d:'~~;",:[~C<\J< ' : 127 5 ,i·)<i'·'·,,~.oilZ'f'" t,', 'i'"" '~, :,' , "'~' ~~' :; ,.'; :!:',: ::':;"! :;~:~:\':~:~~~:;::~;~ :);:'J":~.::I', ',;;;"'. { 116 ~4n"",,'i":~',92:'8;~~::.:' !':',v' ~,~; ",;:",; .'~, ;. ::; 1 o~ 1'" i'; 'v ,'o1r',),L'~!"~·\..r:·;,, .. l~ i·::~ ~;", ' ' . , " {I~ ~h~ '". ';; r·f~~'j1;-"')'''':'' ~;. ,.,J. ':. ;.- . " , '. 1'1'- ') ; t·. ~ .' .1 , ~ -~'-'" ~ ",.',: ".,:':> '. -: -. ... .:; , . --, -,~ ---, -,.-' .~~ .' ./" i ':ot' .,' ,\" i':,';:;' :'~, ';,·.'~:;l.;':: . , ", ,,~. . .' ~ . ~ , ,.. - .', " ,jfl:.~t~tJ.;;i~fJ~;ii~~iif:li·;;'r;lt' ,-Test No, 628 62,9 630 631 632 633 634 635 6U 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 ,647 64a 649 ' 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 Approx-.- 'hnate ':-, , " 'l.ocatJ~rr ' • Depth of fill '. at Test io feet ',= • Freid, - Ntoi~tur. % dtywt, Dry 'Density .Ib/Q\J ft : 8.2 14.8 16.8 14.9 11.3 1 " 8.S , , 12~ 1 101'2 9.4 11.5 11.1 , ' , 11.8 " .. ' " ,', '12.9 ; -, 11.0 ':, 11.0! 11.9 12.5 13.2 12.5 11.5 .10.3 1l.4 : 11.0 , ',,' 11.0 11.3 ' 12.6 11.4 11,'1 10 .. 0 ' 11.2 116.3 11.0.6 113.? 106.1 121.8 112.2 104.6 110.2 102.6 107 .2 109 .1 106.9 106.2 111.2 103.3 114. 1 '107.3 111.3 ' 112.1 119.8 , J, 113.2 112.1' , 113.4 " 110.8 107.$ 113.3 1l2~2 112.3 , 115.2 ,,~t:~"ON ENGINEERING. INC. 675 681 ';< .. '~T~~ ENGINEERING. INC • • ' ~ . '. ,.'" !, ., .. t··to ~ '1', ~ -" • ,,' I 1, • " t • . "')f:f:~~-""":'~ !I~' I ': •• ~~'>J~ f , . r' . ~ ProJect No. 72-6-20D " T -23 La '9S.tq ~ang CompQ/1Y" A.1ic;Qnt~ Hills TABLE,oF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) '\ , i ~ j , ~'l' , 0 Test No. 662 683 684 685 686 687 688 691 692 693 694',' " I 695 ' 696 697 698 Appro~ irnate , Location' Depth of Fill (:It Test, in Feet AIfiJ. Way 1. 0-1.5 ' Sta. 9+00 , Aliif-Way , 1.5-2.0 Sta.12+50 ',Sew~r,North, 2.0 : of Ali <:an te Rd. iAlfH WaY ' 1.0 : Sta .. 8+48" , :AJfU Way" I,:'.. 2.0 :Sta.8+45' Sewer South· 1 .0-1 .5 of AlicQI1tf1l Rd. 'Alfil·Way .. 3.0 . StQ~ . Sri-50 ,Alfil Way" 4.0 Sta, a+55 ',: : Ali cqnt~ Rd. " .' , 2.0 Sewer: Alicaote R~. 1.0 * Se.w~r. 1 ' i. ;, , ,S~wer ,South" 2.0 of Aliqqnt~ Rd .• Sewer South,: ." ~.O. 'of Aliegnte Rd. ' Alicgtlte Rd." , '" 1.0 ' $~W$r ',: .,':, Below I', .,' ,~. "",",' GrQde Ali~~te R.d. , J.O , Se.w~r,.,:::" ~,:.! Below· , " • ',' ,,", ': ,i. ,; Qrgg\l Sewer Be.t~, ,1'.',::.1 2.0 ' V QI~ ,~2 & ; . ' :', " . ' " Alic:ant~ HHII '.,' , ; Sta. 22+$0" ,; " .:;' ,~ S~Wer &.t. 'i:· 2.0 Vale U~ & " ','.: . Aliccmte .. Hill$ ;j , Sta,,:3,2+0Q Sewer. Bet,;, "1., 2.Q : Val~ 112 ~ ",', /, AJieqnte'HiII$' Sta. 27+50 Field Dry f.Aofsture Density % dry wt Ib/c:u ft 14.7 1'07.7 12.3 1 Cf).8 15.5 118.7 20.0 103.5 .17.0 105.2 ' 14.3 110.2 14.2 . 114.2 8.1 116.3 9.2 120.1 9.9 120.2 8.0 112.3 1'1.6 106.6 21\.4 100.4 19.0 104.0 21.3 101.0 18.2 109.0 ' B"NTON ENGINI;ERING. ·'NC. " , \ Ma~imum·,'·' .. ',' 0" , Dry :'~>'" .' , ,: '" ~ ;. ""::' De,nsUy:'" • : P~r~~nt':;I"'" ,:' : lb/~I! .ft,'.:: .. C~qlpq~t-iQ.tl'.,Rem,qrk~,·:, ,. , ,'. • j' '," -. --,~ • , :: - \ ; 1\ ~ 'I' l' l 'i:I,· , , 118. l' 129,.1 ,', " ,?4.~ .. ,::', :;~:/\~'. :'~::.:.'.;, :'~:' " ' \" :1 : "r .,~. :';. • t :114.Q;· .. ,~,\,:,.??~~':·;' .:;Wqt~t~.,~:io,e. ," n4.0 :.: :':. 92:;~,:::,";w,~t~r L~i~e,,:' * ' ",' -.' ',' • ,. ~-" :: • :; . r : ~ ~: < • . j:t~-'~ ' .. -' .,',.' ',' ',.'.' ,,~"~" ~-i., ! ., '/ \1 : ~ ,117; • .9",;. ,93, .. 5.,,·, ,:,. ,.', .. ~: <, .... ;'1.': '~: . :'::.;J:;:: .. .'.:(:':-,: :;>, : i,::c ;,' 126~J.~') ; .. ;,' !:, ?9'.j~'1~~'~': ,WQter: lin~., I, : , :';/~~~!~;d:)' \:·~)iEf,~~:\::;·: ~,:i,:, '-'. :~''::':'I' :', :" 127 .J:i-" ;~'\ .?1}..Q:;':;;':;>,W9t~d.ane" ',., :':.' , . . , , .' ' . .." ,--- 110,.71'., .. 9Qi8 I, 'd., " ',") '., ' . 'J ': .. "//:;;rg'.J~~:~{i~~:~P:i;;";:' :,.:':;: < 114.0,.:,··""'~1"'~:'l'i:,>,,,f""I'V ,"" .. .~. i~;;\;).;r,\,\t.~~f;'.;;;~;,::·· ,.:':,i/:".· :: .. 1l0~1\::,~~,<~: ,9;1"1,9,: .. :,1' f"':?:"J;:"I';'I'; :': :.' .. ' '.i;V;·il;·:::i:i~f:i:~f,r~;:~'j';./\>'::,;.:~, :'. ; .. '120 0 ",91 '3,::,·, f';';""', "."" ,J.o : ':~r>:~. ;:\:+ )t:~<:::'i':) ;;>"::;r .. :,~':' . ',,::"'. :', . ; ~j~'"i.~ -, ,ltt'~.i,.~" •• {·_1 ,t... 4 t , \ F~ I ,,-'<, ' , , ;'~ , ~f " \'; _ • ";5 , , >, ... ,- • Protect No. 72 ... 6-20D T-24 December 2,A974. La Costa Land Compony I Alicante Hills TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) . . . Approx- Test imate No. Location 699 Access Road for Flood Control Bet. . Alicante Hills & Vale #2 700 Access Roqd for Flood Control Bet 4 Alicante Hills & Val~ ~2 701 Lot 21-C 702 Lot 21-C 703 Lot 21...c 704 Lot 21-C 705 Sewer N. of ' Alicante Rd. i h C anyQn 501 N. of 2nd Manhole 706 Sewer N. of Ali can te Rd. in Canyon 20' N. of 1st ' Manhole 707 Sewer N. of Ali can te Rd. ' in Canyon 75' 5, of Lost Manhole 708 Access Rd. N. of Alicante Rd. in Canyon .7rf1' Access Rd. N.' of Alicante Rd. in Canyon 710 Accep Rd. N. of Alicante Rd. in Canyon 711 Access Rd. N. of Alicante Rd. in Canyon Depth of Fill at Test in Feet 2.0 4.0 Field Dry N.oisture Density % dry wt Ib/cu ft 13.6 107.2 13.4 107.0 !3ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. -Maximum Dry Density, Ib/cu ft·' 117~5 117.5 Percent; , , C ompa(:tion 91,.3 91.1 -' . " Remarks' .. , ' " , I ' , .' " cl"':'" • ':, " .... " -~.~"'-"-'-""-""~"""'r..,-........ -........-..... "':' Pro fect No. 72-6-20D La C9Sta Land Company, Alicante HilJs T-25 . D~~~~~r2, W~4 .. @ '. ~' -- -" ,'. '" " TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .) ,', 712 713 714 715 716 ' 717 718 719 720 721 722 , Approx- imate Location Acc8S$ Rd. N. of Alicante Rd. in Canyon Acc~ss Rd. N. of Alic(J'lte Rd. in Cqnyon ' Access Rd ~ N. of AI iCalte Rd. in Cgoyon Access Rd. N. of AHcante Rd. in Canyon Access Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills & Vole 112 Acc8$S Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills & Vole 112 Access Rd. for Flood Control Bet. Alicante Hills & Vale 12 Sta. 27+00 on Acc;:~. Rd. Bet. AI h:ante Hi lis ~ Vole 112 Stat 29+20 on Access ~d. Bet. Alic(tnte Hilla &,Vale 12 ' Stat 24+00 on AcceS$ Rd. Be t • Allcente Hilil & Vale 12 5ta;23+OQ on Access Rd. Be t • Allconte Hills & Va,le 112 " Depth of Fi II --Field Dry at Tcpt lv10isture Density tn Feet % dry wt Ib/cu it 10.0 10.1 102.0 12.0 13.2 111.9 14.0 18.6 108.0 16.0 * 15.4 118.3 6.0 15.6 109.3 8.0 15.3 110.5 10.0 * 12.1 119. 1 Finished I 16.8 106.3 SubQrade Finished 13.0 109.6 SI,Ib9f ade Finrshed 10.7 Subgrade Finished 13.3 109.0 SubQrode BENTON !;:NGINEERING. INC. M~'mum ';" .:", Dry "",., , ,,' Density ~Percent ' 'b/cu ft CqrhPQQtion " Remarks . 110.79~.1 120.0 120.0 127.1 90~0 .', 93!,l~ " _ i:: .. ~, , 90,~3' ',,, -, . ',',' -' i '~'. ." , , .. 121. J ' , .. ' ,9~~3,:;' ",";" , ". ,', !I " , • (~ < j ~ , " 116 8 :"""91"0', :::";';" ••• ' ,I' ~ • ,~, -'" , •• , , ~::, -.'" ~ ',I " , ' •. -.::: , " , ", .... 1 1,_, " ", 1~3.6, , , ' I • ,t -" ;',' 118.3 '92 • .2 ' .;. , ; #, I, , .'~' - .' .,' . : ,," "... , -• '>, '~ , ' , i'" . :t ' , ; ~ , .. " t~ ," <:iJ~ r::~;··,·:·~,~~i1i;'f:;i~:~'!~,t7t;$(;";· ; )'foI!~"',' <;. "','/ ',' "".~' ,<. • ~\' !t··.' . '.:; .' ProJect Nq" 72~6-20D LaC;Oft~ Land CompQIlY¥ Aliqantt Hill~ . c, LABORATORY TEST RESU~TS • J. ,'; ,~: ::', ~l,; ,i<:, . ; '~ ..... . , :--;' : ~, ~: .-,'. ~ . The mQ)(rmum.diyd~~itie$ (lnd optimum moisture contents of the 9laio/fiH iTlSlt,rl{lis,gsqe·tei'!".' '.: '., .. . mined by the A •. S. ToM. 0 1557-70 methQd,-that uses 25 bloWJ 'of q:,]'Opound ramm~r fQUiJ:l9~' ~ from a hej~nt of IS inc;h~ on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diam~h~r 1/30 eubi9 fOQt compac;:tiqn,:; cylinder( eve pr,~nt~d as foUtW'-: ". .(; ':, .... >: <': ',< ' -, ~ ~ . . , ... , Soil Description Light brown 9r~eJly siity clay Red brown clayey fine to medium sand Light gray silty very fine to fine sand Light brown gfQVolly fine to medium sand Brown c:;ICJY R~d brown fine to medium SQlldy clay wHh scattered grav{:ll Brown clQ}'~y fine t9 medium sand , , Brown .clayey fine to m.edium sand Grqy brown clayey fine to medium sand GrC;ZYQroWl1 cl oyey silt Gray silty fine sand Yellow brown clayey very fine sand Red prown clayey fine to coarSe sand with scattered grQVel Gray silty fine sand , ·DCI'k orgy Iii ty clay light brOwn $tlty fine sand wIth clay binder Light y~llow brc>wn aU ty flno $qJ1d " . Maximum Dry D~nsity Ib/cu ft 125.1 126.1 118.4 127.1 114.0 127.5 122.1 . 123.9 126.1 117.9 121.9 110.7 127.9 .121.9 116.8 118.9 ' 123.Q " ,'. Optimum Mois ... ture C.onhant ' , '% dry wt, "" '~ " J 1.4 ' 9.S ,1;3,,5 ,9.7-' ·'15.~ lC~.~ " 1" • I •• :', >" • ',' -" ,,;' 't.' .~, ,:,: I : ~ , , ,', • <' ~ ; ;, .1:, 1,,', " .~ ~ "" . :: )- ,'" . " !'.'\" ." ... ,. -; ' . .;" .. ," ~ ;" '~':':" ,,:,:;~;,~:,:,::~>.,:. ',,: , , -' ' ,. ,.' , . " "l: : :" " I, BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. . . . , .,' ~ - ~.:~~~,,;;.: ~~"ij· ~;~·L:':;~;~~;;L~:' ~~;~{:i:~/;~;/'(:r:;:> :,~;. :.,'.jj.::;! ~!l'fI.IfI. -.( . '~. ' BENTON ENGI'NEERING, i;""C. 67'17 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92. i 1 TO:' RIck engineering Company 3088 Plo. Pico Blvd. . Cqrlsba.4, C~:dl.fornlQ 92008 ATTENTION J~rry Hofmalster OUR PROJE( 1 NO, 75 ... 6-2F " " • e -~ We ar~-, t;r-on~!n.lHin.g the. following: " , ( ~ ',;' ,'> . , - AitCQllte HIlls RegrQd.~ one copy of borIng 11;)9$ one copy of map of lots ... ,.; .. : .' ~i :'~ , " •. ' ...... ~ ·t\, l MAiL: ,XX .... .i . " j, , .r.,:, , i.t:"' .. , I .. I' . REMARKS: , , I' " , . ',~ . I' &~NTON ENGINEERING, INC. ," BENTON E"NQINEEAING, me, ,,-~ : .,'. . , " , • ~ I. ", ' , .} ":, • I' " :~, ' ',: ';' -' ~, '< I', ',: ; . :~,' ·r t':,:'. ',I.:': .' ' ,.,,' • :1 " ',J' '_' .:. , .~:.: ,I _ • ¥ l ~. , ~. .', ,~ " -' .. ~ , '" .:::; . \ " .' ~ :. . " .' ~, , " I < " ,~ ~ " , ' _ 1., . ~, : '" ' ... , 'J~' :';':::G~"'~: ,~ .'" .. ,' , :~:" \ 8ENTON ENGINEERING I INC. . L.C/ o t St t d '.$" -2'f/.,.·'J s;." , a e . ,or ~ _,~., ... ' , ... , ._ Time?:3 Q :' ~-.-.-. -- Date Finish~d :..£~2:1-:'.?S~~~ ;"Time -"',_,._. r---_ Total Drill'ing Hours'. _-:._,,-._._: _....;: ... ~._~~ ._. . ~ .. ,'. . " EI t' . /10' , ' :' "R-'f -'.7"~""""-'.-_ eva lon_ .. _ .. _ ..... _. e erer:l,C~,.-._,_~ F·' Id E' -X:?F8 ·Ie , ngln~~r ----.. ____ ._ ~ '. OHond PH' . D-Ri 9 itt r:.:$M pta·"'·.-'( ... " Location. _§~EA:~' ff·1;·t-:/ . -" , . <, Size~.-L &'. _tJ.t.(.~".:'q_ Total Depth ___ Water Level '.M~ .. D~pth SqmPi,Sornp. Feet Nq·., Dpth. 4 :~:. -'If / .... '." .... '- ;,[ .e. -,-'r' . Blws, Vft. • ~ j.' '. (} ."...,.' ~~..".,.,,~ .. ~...,....",...j-,.--;"--I , . Mois-Cons is";' Color ture tency vF Vr r- , .'" Description _; .• ,"4r.: (-Ie. :>,.,,..,{) '( C:~./I '/,' '.' .:'. \i>-"'i;.~~{",\\;. .. (,) ,. ::I '" "/" '7 1" ........ / ~ 44/)/,<,:.'7 9( 'f:.,.··, . . -~ ,-, ," . Notes <-~., " .{ ,. :;.: ' .:s--.:Vj',..7S' ';~~':fC::.' ·\t,";;::~;;:·· " [ :i. '1 " ,,~.~ Eli 1·z..~t l~: ~,': .;;. ,:. .' H o<~ .c.i}',::","(;;)~l')::i()J:i;,~';/';':'., PIG. $1*1"''''6'1' ;.~.'{(>i-I. "+:':' ... /~~'?-';' i,"iI,;.,.(.,:J.jif(; ,,,. , . I,' '.0 ;,.;" ._,,' . . ,'.' , .~ t (ot£lf 'r" I I.,-(;.O;/<; rp(L'F·e;'~-;;, .,;' ;:.; .~;,.,;' , '., , -' ~:'l " " ' .. /:'~ . I-~~~--~~~-.,......j.,.. ~"". f)-I-(J"':'~-'~-J\-,,--4--¢.-""""·+-'-.""l""""-'1-_"'I"""~""'":'~'~' ,,,,,:,",:,,~~"''' -~~~~'!'~~~7'l~,~-, t'1~,_,-" :.: ~ .:: 't.·~~f , ;,1'.; 'i ,'" ~/I':,; ... ~:;> .. k .' , ,-. , :4 ""', ,-. .."".... ,,:.:._-,,~~_,",",,!,,~.,i'-", ~.,:"""""~I " t-' ',' ", I-~ u ~ t/u "/~ r/t':." ... ~lI.. (.r~·~:l)~ .. {~);;{. ,',. • I.~ t j '.' •• \ ~ ' •• ,",_ • ,'t., t, '.' ,_:" '. _ . '. (',~ ,>:'::;~». '5t~.~, . , ,;' ,:. ',". !~.~). . " .!!: i .. ; '>~~7"" .;. l«.>-S .... !u ,v·!'~;.I··:~\ rQ.~h.}c.' .. 'ti.l., L _. ), :I.~.l .. , ::_' i ',' '.'.' .. j .. I I i' I ': ; I • ~'<' B~NTON ENGINEERING, INC. L~c.. P~oiect ~l.~~ __ f!!~.~s .. C?Qj(flQ.F;.".. ___ · __ . Number. :> '. 7 S -(. ~ -z.p ._ ... __ .... ~ie'd Engine~r 2.~_a .... "_'_" _ DHand. p.jt I2'}Rjg 1f /'",.,;/ /J"""<I.jdi& ~QG OF BORING NO. 3 ---_ .. -.--- Ti me ....... ~-'--_ T j ni~' ____ . ___ _ Date Started ~-.::2.."i.-::. '7r Date Finished J-2..7""_2::,"-" Total Oral.ing Hours.' El·evation..:-,!.~.-~.~ .. ~.Refe'~~~~ ~rt<l;}_"~_h Location ~~<!_ P.ftt..';'., .. 'S' It" .Ize-.. -Total Oepth-__ Water Level' ,Nf.,. ,; Depth Samp.;. Feet No. 2 3 ".' 4 5 (, 7 a 't 0 ,., 1 ,. 2 ·',1, 3 ;1\ t, ; 4 ," , 5. 6 7 e 9· o . . Blws. Vft. " -. p:,,: :.;r'.: 1"~~~. ~ ~':_~':--t ... :.:...~(. Mois-Cons is- Color tl.,lre tency M v J-' Description (/'" I;') FI"f'. SI'IM().S (:-FfH .. ''''''''''').1 7t,~'y.$. t 30 -i-fc "/{> '7r''!.>~'' t; ,c"I;~L~::, 'Tol I! (<> I( f~/!.. hLc...:\. Mili!/.!. ~~~..J' ., . I , ,'~ " < ~ I": I,:" -, '., ·f·, '.' '., : ;~f' • , .,' " 'f" • ',' , , " ~'\,l- ,'!-~~~> ~', -'. , -{ .: t :, ': ' ',,' I' , ,-; ,.' ',,-. . ,:!:' \" -", Notes , . . ',< .'" " '~ , 'J'. , " -'~ '! -". .. , 'J" '" , ' ,. " Mois-Consi'S.,. ',' , Depth SQmp,. Fee t No. :;;. SQmp. Dpth, Blws. 1ft. Color ture tency Description ., -. -,"'''1,' :; .: ":> C, .:Nofes ::( " . ';-, f. " , I.,. 'i:_1 s·" . ~ ,\;,:~<~:~"""~:",~,+",,,. ""~~'~'-""'-+-""-, ".-,..,..1-.--..,..-1 F ,i' " ' ;:"I"!-; , , 'I' ", . ;'., .: h' j. .. .:J/.fi ... ~:!:,> , .:: ;,' \ -. . ,., ':1; ,;:'~~:'~~. -:,!~ , ( 1'-· " , J' •. . ,) ,_ 9, .", ",": I t ... i'.:t;',. I'~ f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I--~----1-------~-----------t~------------~~"~"~'~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~ I . 1 1 _ 1, ,'0_ '. ~I)L M. F S'''.1··i·C('''1,,·:(,,:~:;''~~;~\~}i):~:t:~'<t'-;);:'-'-' ~~~~::~':~;~;~~i~~~~,·~,~~~~~~;.rl~~~;~~~;.~~:~;~ .. ,~~~"~"~:~ __ ~'~,;~,~':;'~ .. 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I.iS,le to 8." 2 .~ 4 .?, 6 ~., .. 9 ~-I-....,...".....-.II--___ +....,....---I -'0 , 1 6 --t----I-""""'\"'~f---t " 3 --I--l .......... ~-----l---I ~·~~--~.--~~---I 7_...-_~ __ -+_.........; 9, -..,.,.~---i---+-----i f /-f/) (o/e FOR' Fj,I,..J...)- MfI-rel('II<''-( . ~"-. .1 , . : . , " i" '!!r, e.i< ' ~ lQ' .,' .' " " ' .. " \ . .... 1 I I.. I I l Notes ! I , . ~ i I I ~:,. .~~~ ... '. , .:.:!;-,o.;/' O-~--~--~--~--~--~--~-----"~'_~~~'~~"~'~-"-'~:~:I~'~:~~~~~~~:~t~T·!~i~(C~~~.~ ;-'/~.(k., . I~~~~:. 1 , ' , , , '" . ~i\.l, ", ;:t., {-., 8,ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. LOG OF eOR/NG NO. L. a... Project ~f:..ICA~7ff_ l!.fUS. Date Started ~::,~~:-'.7J.-:-.. _ ,Time _~_, _. __ , r Number ? :5"-~ .-'2.-,::-Date Fjnis~ed J-.!::."J=.?~-'. ~ 'rime ____ . __ F· IdE' R-f f'} Ie ng/neer __ . ____ _ . . OHond Pit Total Ddll ing Hours ___ ~ ______ ". __ ',' ._ ,~ .. Elevation~_j.J..~,.~__ . Referenc;~((.f1.-.-' .. ---... P.;Hrr 9 1.(1 U.s 711 Cul-L If" , )0( .... 4:-L -t' e __ ... P/(» , oea Ion ~ ... __ . L l,.;' ':1-,- Si:z;e_.1 ~~' -. _ . .. Total Depth ___ Water Level N.£...." Depth Somp. Somp.· Blws. Feet No. Dpth, 11ft. Mois-Consls- Color ture tency 'J/{ To 1''''-vF ~---I-----I---I Pb lEN 2 3~+-_..,..j-_ __I_----l Description r/"" '5,., ... .-.0'/ C4--V +'o-~",,""" p'.; .. ,/~ t' ::;" (~6t.J/-c 70 y-";' " , ' (Olt /,,-11-F'I"~)' , ~ """-il' ,.,<> I ~, \'\>11 ~/.:'1~ (-~,t' , " Notes Fl t.L- \ 4 ~~~~+-~--~--~----+---~------4---------~-~--.~-,~--~~~~- : ,,:', r---....,..........,i"""':"'-.,...-i-----I L:r I::J,~ .s,,,,, V r-r ":>~M <J 'I C L r1'/' '::i,l" ~ if ' 7"'''~'~/ ~,.,.....~..,.,...."""'*...--..,..,...:_l_-_I t" 111' -'2 () '/0 r <J I" '~'7'7t . , ' , , ' ,.,'-' ......... 1---.-1--.....-+-----1 - f .: , ' •• :' '.:.'I~, ~ o'il ~~....-,~--r._I_-.......... I :',~, • / ' • j' ...... " ~ , :-" ,- 1t,..1 , ',' ; , . 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FI'-'- r " , : ~ • . i i " '. ,to, I , aEN70N ENG INEERI NG I INC. t·e , t" Ci LOG OF BOglNG ~O! .. -.2--__ .. P~oje~t -A?-/(I1!J.[T;. l! ILJ~. . 1:C§",?lblf_ Dote SJarted 2 .. :?iJ.-? ~~ ,:...,. ,Time ....... ?l3 L_. Number ._. __ <"' ?S"-~ -:~r=-_ .. _ .... .. Dote Fi"nished j--~.:.'?':_? ~-_~. Time _ .... _~ .. _ ... 'F'ldE' ri'FP TtlD'II' H . Ie, ,nglne~r --'1. ... ./. __ ... .. ,0 an' Ing ours __ ._ ... ___ . __ ._ ._ .. ' _ ;q:HQnd Pit ~Ievatjon.-:.,.Jo_~:'-....... _ Referenc~ PUJ'-( ... -.... _.- _,O-Rtg .Ln {o;:;'1'" g;;c/c!lrJl!:-j"",;'t-Location ~E;.f:" !,/..I9t-~ , . j:'~ II • • /(( I; 5,Z6_._· --. ' .. Total Depth.,... ___ Water Level IY~. Depth .Sqmp. Somp. Blws. Mois-Consis'- feet No: Dpth. Vft. Color ture tency Description' ' .. -'. II ,~ Notes I3n To rU'/Fj'1-1''' vI" $ 1 <.-7 '/' ct",y 1 . 2 3 ,. 4 ,5 Q v"F \ I . ) .J I I' I ~ 7 I S .' 9 O· . ,...,.....,.. 6", .. 7 8 .. I I 9, ! J 0 BENTON ENGINEERING I INC. , L. c.. , t.. c. Projt1ct ~_/!.I-; ~'3.:IT r-" t+ I. L LS ? Number _._ ... __ :' 7.s: -f.. -"'J. r= F' I'd E' RP f3 "e.ngrneer _ , . _ ... o HancJ. Pit @-Rig '/..,r; Co ~r~1 /J",c~CI~r.. f? e C''-'" d-< ...... _------ [j LOG OF BORING NO. Date $tarted ~.:.~-~.'! -] ~-.. -, Time _. __ ,_ Date Finished 2.:"~? ='!~-.. _ Time --'-_"'_ Total Drilling H9ur~. ~ __ ~. ___ ,....~ .~ ___ _ Elevatio.n~ .. 'lp._~ .. _._ Reference.......-.fL~~_ .... --. - Location _.~~~._ P4~ .,-.. ,... I ~ " ~Ize_ .. ,. -.. Totol Depth--_Water Level fV,tg... .. · Depth iSarnp, Somp. IBI WS. Mois-Consi's'- Feet No., Dptp. Vft. Color ture tency • -< ',' . ' , ' ~: . I /~:: ~~~',; , • ,I '. ~' ~ '. , 'I':' • .', \'~ . , 2 3. 4: ~ 6 7 ? 9 ,," . ' '. Btl Tu <t-""""~'~-I-.-....... --l---....j ""(IS;' ~, ", Lt e,L 1""1'1""""1"",..,....;-,.0-,...--+---; Gr' 't , 7 _';-"~-+ __ +-_-I ,:~-I"'("'~\~ \ I( .< V f' -j" Description F/,v.. 5 "',,"UI'/ ~ (01)1.t( r Srl""~'1 CL·rl'(. .~ r", bbf< '1.1) ff' , .), ~ _ ~J" . , , " t ," i, ., I' , 1 .... " j', l.' . ~, r .... , i . 1 Notes " ~ ,. '~1' , ., BENTON ENGINE~RING, INC. , /,... c.' P~Q ie~t. -/l ':.!.. ~,'!~!..!.E..>:!.I..!:,-:, __ , '> {, Numb~H 7..r-. ,-~r=. 1 ~ ."-, • '. ' )-. I t I " ",' i ", ~ ,.;: ~ > .; ,:: ~ ~ ,t, : ,',','-:, " ,~ , .,: ' < I ',' :' ~!'j r .' ', .. :' , Date Fi nishE;ld .• , ,[)-:-:I~'-:? S' Total Prilling Hqurs L • I" S .... -,... . Pi, ~.01 ' oeo 1011 ,,_ ...... .,. :-1 .: ' ,. ",:, Time '~_'_,_,, " Time " , .. :t"t . Total Depth---Water Lev~1 I'jf.· Depth $Q/'nR,! Fe~t . N9~:' 2 4 ,,' . , ... ~" :9. .' , 7 '" r "';, , I ~ r' .-~ , ,.,. ~. : ,,~ .~. 1.0 '7 ',;-.-. Sorpp~ Qpth. ,I "f, .. , ,.~~., Blws. /ft. . ", ~ . Mois-Consis- Color ture Jency 11 r \ i 1 ,.}\ Description F ~-i"'~1 ;:, ...... , C"HI(. ;"8":', .' .~ , _.~ 'I ,:- ,.-,) .. ~ -, " } , ! };' .h--. ' t'" ,!:' 'i;::- '. , ,1; ... ' .- '. ;.. .. i~ , :,~~~ , Ii': ,5 ., .;: 'J'" ' " \ ~7' , , . , ,'. ~-" ' '., '. ;'. '. 't" ~I '" ,",t .' ~ "'1' '" ;, j"" BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. I. ,c;., ,LOG QF :BORING NQ . ..:....1-:...' __ . , , Date Started ...,...£.r:~:,~, .. ,i r, , ........ )im~ Date Fi njshed .~-:l9 ::.~,5-Tl;pe --'-'-" - Total Drill i!19 HQurs·,.·, _..,. .. '-__ ... .:..:'-_. ~_ ,_" _, _ EI r "'(;32-:" R f .',:OLA eva lon_~, -4 .. -.-',,_ '_,'. ,~erenc~ .~.--,-.~. L~n" Location ;._~e_"P~o.."" <y,;. Total Depth-__ Woter Level, IVIf;- Mois ... Consi-s-Depth Stlmp. Feet No! Sqmp. , Dpth. Blws. 11ft. Color ture tency , " '~I ".' ." .!: :.,};~~ . '- " .. '." '~\ .. . ,- ;' .;}i ~h:. 1 ~ ~! ., -~~. ~.:~ . ~.,. 2 3 4 p<131! fo Mel) t$1l ~~~~~~--~-+----~ ·1 " ,;' t ".,. ~ 1'~ , :):t~f.t~~ ",::. :;. ~ ';":·""'~I'''''~!'''''~-''!'~'' -+-."", ~"~.,,,,.-,:,,,,"" .. ":;"""---l l.~? it-". . t, " .:. . :" Description .', ,I " ' '. ' ,.,' , ,-:- \ ~ , , , . .:.,.>"::- "-- ,,~ .. :, Notes. ',:. ' ... " , ' " ; . • ;', t 4. '/", :J! ~' , ' " , .. ,'.~ .'-.", . \ .. ' . " . 8,ENTON ENGINEERING I INC, . L·c· 'LO~ OF60RING~O. i"i. ~~-.-, .-.--- . P~oit,lct ~l:.1 ~ANre __ I:I-j/..l.~._ R eC}IL¥!.f!.L __ ') . Number" ?_.~~.-.~:-. 'L.p __ . ____ , _ ',Time Fierd Engjn~er-fu:t3~ .. _ .. __ .. , Total. Drilling HOl,lrs";' ~ .. ~.". .. _"':';.:.~ ..:....,~.:.. ., . .' E It'· 7'7 ~ ; :-: R f' '. , PI. a "" . CHand Pit eva lon~ .. -.~-.... -..... ~ er~r.')c~$i(·· " .. _-_. !I}Ri~..L'f CO$,PI f?"U~H<lI'!-_ /,(Jl'i'/..-Location ;..:j{~'f (f~.-'",:~$': S;ze_·_.-'(" ... Tot.al Depth---_Water level 1..':fF... <:!~', Depth SQmp. Feet No. ",. '", ,-. . ". .Somp. Dpth. Blws. 1ft. ". " ' r;",,""""'~+:!"'!'!"'~-I---..l Moi$-Consis- Color ture tency Des~riptrQn ;.' . :,"-,' ,.' 'I',t' . ,: 7,.'!.'!! .. ~--.~ .. "..,.. ... ~ .. ,..-,.'.."........,.-1...--'-1 ,:1' I'· ": .. .. ~ .. ': ·7 .... . , ';~ BENTON ENGINEERING I INC. ~OG. OFBO,RING NO'.- i L,.c, Pro i~c.t .. ......--.AI..~' I't ... ~!.~ __ .~! I '=:~ ~ ~ ec n_ do(.. ... .-..:..-----Date Started _._:r:,"" 'i? '-:-: '1 r: ,,, ,.... "" Time --. -. -: --- Nvmb~r 7, 7 .f:-c. .-?-:r D t F' . h d "')~O.~7~' " '·T" a e Inl~ l?,. ~ -'-, ..•. ', .. , _ une -~-.-,. 'F' Id E" ~pa Ie . ,ngln~~r __ , _ . __ .' • OHond Pit k.HU~" , J.& ~ r.fA l>fI,clt! A()-(.. . I q; " S I zoe -.---:" - Total DriHing Hovrs, """:~,_-'_ -.,......",.:...,.", ___ '-'-_ Elevatjon~ __ i.~~:' .. _' __ " R~fere!l~,~~}'~""'_: __ 4'~- l"r"'l.-Go ' a., , " "," Total DePth __ --~;t:'ri~:ve !.s-~M_e;' D~ ',' ·~::E~~+ '-- amp, Blws. is .. Consis~ No,' Qpth. Color tency Description, Not~s.' , , ,',- I :~r-" ~ , " ) j; .f .• . r \ "( k' ~ .~ ... ,7 ~i~,~r' '. ~,,!'l '!!I"I.,o.iI-'"~_-t"""l'~-,....,.-:-j--~-I VF v c. . , $(~r'l r.. b b I ... oL,,'1 $"" 1'1 FIt;.. " .. bb/.c.1o C; (f.i.1' I _ J,' 'I . " ~. :,{;:F~':, ,!<::'i~j; ~<:,:'; ~. ~I' ..." " '\' t::: '-. .' ;" ,'" "j': ~-... , t I ,. if,,:' " ~~. > :~ .," -' • " .. 1: t. -<~ ',~ f ' 1 i', ~ . ,~ . - I ). .' 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Total Depth ___ Water level /'l.r;. ",. / Dep.th Feet 2 ·3 4 Somp, Somp! Blws. No. Dpth. Vft. " ,. " i,f P ~~"~r>f!!', 'I4."!'I'I' J, '?I', ~" r.-;+-."...~:-t--....,.I ,~ .. .. Color t.T elfl lC. e'I"~, ~i\ .. , Mois-Consis- ture tency M V I" V F ",,.,j. I Description (':Ic. ,; 'I "''''' '1 c. b61( T" f S' rlA/r,) 'I ~ {'v b /' Ie t 6 " Notes '. :' '.-~ ! ~\ ~,.. , ! J '~, ! j . " /t . I'" IA.~ .~It~~:4j '~l:r;.:j' ,i,:ij,~ ~.rt~ ~. ~~~'i,~.' ,-,...... I?,!. to " ':',,:, '. , '~,," C· c:ri~, :~'Q'{' i~ll~ J, :;:;:---T---t-....,....-'--i--....,..;..·-,..,--,..~' ..... '_",", ".';'.:,",' ,u'/rH'"t!~'! :,," fr~ ..... ' , (l.Q IB,\" " j"t' : ,'a' -, ;I,N"".: ~'/ i' ... ',' ~:~" I' ',4-'\"!JI!-r..,"..,. ....... :.'!'!';'!!'''~''+-.. -. _",!!,,"_" 'rl-'~--IIr~ 1 ~ " , 1"!,!l'1'" """', ..... ~, ... .."i-,........-.-r--:-~..,...If4PllJ., $,:~" ~~~,!""1"" ...... " -1---1 i,: .' , ", ... !~1" , ' , 9 ... ,~o ....... ~.,.,.." ":""""'~--!"'''''-Jt.--I' -........ ,., I /"\. , /-, , " lie ~ 0""','1 , . " " -.1 '. ~. .,' ,t • ~ '. ",' .,., , \. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. LOG OF HORING NO, 11 __ Proie<;:t~"Ij~!i:Ii~'·~:r. __ HIL':.:' (:l~~E.tLO_t:__ Dote Started ~:..?-<? ~-_ Time , Nvmber ': ?F-t. -2 P "_,_._ _ Dote Finished ~"2.:;..?-~:_ Time ___ .--.:..,. _ F· IdE' e fr 11 Total Dri II i ng Hour.'s ,----_ ... --7--_ _~ _ .• _ Ie nglneer_ .. ____ _ . I o· r;;;,., ~ o HJlnd Pit E evotion_' I 'i~"'_-:: .. _ -_ Refere.ncy~ Co::l --.... ----... =i " a Lf.I (' (;) S Til B IlC • .1 No F.. 1.. .. q> p. L' r n/.. 1::;1\.., oeQI,on ~~e _ 1, ft.,'~ . -.. Totol Depth--_Water Level ,N f- Depth Somp. Somp. Blws. Feet No I Dpth: 1ft. 2--'-I-~~_-4_~ 3 . , 1 """'+--'-+ __ 4-__ 1 Mois-Consis- Color ture tency y f Description !J M 1./ , . , ' ':), 1 , " - " ;~ -,--,'o;' -1\ '-I·"··~·\ V , " \,'~' " I ',: , ' ........ / 'y ,1,-,I '" 5 ----. " -- ~ -.... --.. -. 7 8 9 0 I~'?~ I I I , -, " . " . _ i' -,?~: :, .. ' Notes .,.., --""7' •.. , ... " :', / ~\ -,~ ", ('-.. ' '. ',. ~"\ \,'j -', ' >'~ .• ' • ~ 'J • , BENTON ENGINEERING~ INC. L...:. . P~oiec;t ...,..,..-_._ .IlL!f":1MT~ JIILI. ~ .. _, f!U:/(-:!!!r- 7 Number----?~--t-?_P __ . __ _ FJeld Engineer _@f!!J_ .. LOG OF BORING NO. 'L( -~--.. -'-..,... Date Storted -l-.-::.3 .-.. 7:( ... _ . Time Date Finished ...J:..-~-,/_-?'-.. : _ . Time -___ ' .... Total Drilling Hours ~_ .. __ • ,._,_. -_. _-~----t- DHand Pit Elevation~_ IHq ..... _ Ref~rence,)~:'~4 1 .. _ .... __ . l7].o-r.,g in (oSiA E-'lC/( !Ide /.. .. /,1: 2--, l" ((' A..?,.o. ·VI .. :,:' u..t'1\ll oeo t Ion _".;._~ €. ~", .... 5i2;e ___ 2 '. . Total Depth--_Water level .!-/E . c, .. Depth Somp. Samp. Blw.s. Mois-Consis- Feet No. Dpth. 11ft. Color ture tency Description Notes ~----~~--+----4 .Ml'o D /I. iJJll 2 Vf. 3 4 5 6 '7 8. 0 . ~ :. 0 3 .: 4-...... """""* __ -+-_____ +'--..... , .' I 7-...,......_-I-_-,....j----t -, '. \\"' :,' ',' , . ,f>' I • I. ~ • ";'1" ,. ' :. I' t, , -,; . ' BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .: L c Project __ .fl./.. '.!..~ "'"-:7"1i: !-I, u s Numb~r ? 7 j~-. t. -"2. F F . IdE' 12 r t!3 ',e ,ngfneer __ . _. __ . _ OHand Pit aJ.Ri9 /..,q {'() $.-7;7 Btl({(I/o,f LOG OF .Bo.RING NO. 2.-3-----'-~ Date Started ....J. ~ 3 -..7 S-.. Dote Finished L-"3,::,.I.~ Total Drill ing Hours Elevotion_·_/.J.L ..... _._ Refe-;~~~~" ,a~.~(-.~.-= ~-~ . . -. -".' location _.:?_ee_ tf.:&l ':? 2..' Size_. _.,~ _ Total Depth ____ Woter level I'I~ Depth Sarnp. Samp. Blws. Mois-Consis- Feet No. Dpth. 1ft. Color ture tency Description f-,o_-.t-.-.--_-I-__ I:T !j',~ c;~ "r 2-1"'i---4----l--~ 3""""+---f---+---l .' 2 3 , 4 ---. 6 6' 7 8 9' Q "",' f I': , " ...... , ...•. -., '.' ... ' , .... ~-.... -. F rIC $4;Jh1 C(~ 'I, j"v~"I" '" .-1' ,.;.u ~ (';, .",r' . , . EM,> (" '7" I'>"'" • Notes ., , '. , '. ". " t v ... ~7l'~ ~ •. ' . , , . . . 1·: 'i' SENTON ,ENGINEERING, INC. l. c, Project __ ..!J/.lc~~(-r..f ..... J../ I~(.!:. Nvmber ? s--t. -2. r- F,ield ~ngineer _1?!9_._. OHond Pit [fj.-Rtg }.;; !4.~1''' /t,q(l-Io(,. LOG OF BORING NO~ z,,-_',---., Dote Started .~.:}: 7,r. . . Ti!l1~ ~~ __ _ Date Fi n ished i..:. ~"f .::.? ~~ . T,ime :.._. __ ... , Total Dri" ing Hours Elevotior:l_'_/'l " ..... _ ,_ Ref;~'~;~~i~"":'''-=-~ ~'~~ Location _.~,,!.-e J'~()'1 .. "':"'''~' ... . , S· 2' Ize_ ... -.. Total Depth--__ Water Level f'"l.e , . Depth Samp. Somp. Blws. Mois-Consls-.,'--;~ Feet No. Dpth. Vft. Color ture 2 3 4 -.--+.----1----1-----'-... -- /"\ 5 6 7 -'--_+-__ -+--__ ~ LT 1J'l ;; JVI. a 9 0 ( 1 -.".,..,~..,.-...,..jo---I---.. I·-... - ; 2 3 4 5 6 r.- 7 8 9' 0 tency f VF Description Notes -, ~.---, -:--. .,.. ..... - Flc. :;"'~"1 'eli .,'S,,-·/~·/~ 7('tW.:~{ .t; robH,ot r j' fiLL. I '7 ··\/-Z"'~-.. -f.;~ Z.i.:;-r.:"'(-;:;'--;;;'7;:;~··:I::t>·~:;~·;:: .~. :~~l· . + r· .. /' " .' .. ' ,. _.:~' ,,"!I"'~'t ....... 'i*"=-._ ~,'-f Il e \ 1. ( . . .:-~ . . ' .,. ",." , ',> , ,I , , 4' -> _" -,"'" ~ _-~ ~ , ' ,I ~.:', ... :l~~L~~"~; .. ~, ~,' "'):''$~~~;.~:;:~~ri~~*-", . ~ .' ~,~ • •• • • • e. • • • • BENTON ENG·INEERING, INC. APPLIED ·SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS ,,717 CONVOY COURT SAN ·DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON "RESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER November 18, 1976 La Costa Land Company Costa ·Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 76-1-2D Final Report on· Compacted HII~d Ground La Costa Estates North ~ Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4 and Portions of Alicante Hills Carlsbad Tract No. 75-6 Carlsbad, CalHornia .,' . TELEPHONE (71·4) 15615·191515 RECEIVED NOV 2 2 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD Engineering Department .. This-is to. report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the cOmpaction of filled ground placed on certain areas of La Costa Estates North and on Lots 59, 60, 71, 72, . 90, 91, and 93 to 97, inclusive, or Alicante Hilh in Carlsbad, California. ·The fills were placed·during the period betwe.en January 5 and April 8, 1976. Filled ground was placed over existing compacted filled ground on certain areas of Alicante Hills. The results of field density tests taken in these previously placed fills were presented 'in our report submitted under Project No. 72-6-20D and dated December 2, 1974 • . The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under ou.r inspection in accordance with the approved speci.fications are shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location of Compacted Firled· Ground". The grading plans used for the placement of filled ground were prepared by Rick Engineering Compahy and dated November 18, 1975. The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented ,·on pages 4 to 13j1 in.clusive, under the "Table of Test Resurts". Theldboratory determinations of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fi·11 materials are presented on page 14, under the "Laboratory Test Results". Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the "Table of Test Results ll were combiriafi.ons of these. The tests were taken during the weekly periods indicat~d on the following ·page. • .' .' • • • • • • • • Project No. 76-1-2D La Costa Land Company Test Number .,..2-November 18, 1976 Week Ending Tests Taken on La Costa estates North 1 to 39, inclusive 40 to 80, inclusive 81 to 100, inclusive 101 to 113, inclusive 114 to 118, inclusive 119 tc? 136, inclusive 137 to 139,' inclusive Tests Taken on AI i cante Hill s lto 6, inclusive 7 to 23, inclusive 24 to 33 , inclusive ,34 to 51, inclusive 52 to 71" inclusive 72 73 to 75, inclusive 76 to 88, inclusive 89 to 93, inclusive 94 to 96, inclusive January 10, 1976 January 17, 1976 January 24, 1976 February 21, 1976 February 28, 1976 March 20, 1.976 April 8; 1976 (Pate of last test) January 24, 1976 January 31, 1976 February 7, 1976 February 21, 1976 February 28, 1976 March 6, 1976 March 13, 1976 March 20, 1976 April 3, 1976 Apri I 7, 1976 (Date of I ast test) The final results of tests and observations indicate that the compacted filled ground has been placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greqter. It has been de term ined that the fill, materials, compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry' density, have a safe bearing value of2000 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at'a minimum dep'th 'and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes., If footings are placed cI oser to the exposed 51 opes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes, ,these should be deepened one foot below a l' 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line projected outward and downward from a point 5 feet horizontally inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. , , The major porfion ~f the grading on La Costa Estates North was in the street areas. Therefore, it is recommended that, prior to the preparation of final house plans on each I,of, that' a soils invest..,. . , igation 'be conducted within the proposed building qrea by a soils engineer so that recommenda- tions can be presented for the proper design of footings and slabs on' grade. Expansive soil conditions may also exist in the cut areas of those lots graded in Alkante Hills. 'Final classifica- tion of the soil conditions existing on each lot in Alicante HHls will be made after grading has ,been completed on this subdivision. '. I' All buri~d exterior uHlity lin~sshould be City of Carlsbad approved plastic lines due to the corrosive characteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tests are taken to estobl ish the non- corrosive soils exist in the uti! ity trench areas. . -, Grading has not been completed on all of the lots in Alicante Hills. / ' ! ' { " i'" \ BENTON j£" INEERIN ....• NC. / / • • • • • • • • • • • Project 'No., 76-1-2D , La Costa Land Company ,Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By,RC.~ R. C. Remer Reviewed by d= ~~--~ S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer R • C. E. No.' 19913 Distr: (3) Addressee, .... 3- (2) Addressee, Attention: Mr. Burton C. Kramer (2) City of Carls1:>ad, Engineering Department '(1) Rick Engineering Company, Carl,sbad RcR/SHS/ew ' BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. November 18, 1976 .3,) 'Project No. 76-1-2D ' -4-November 18, 1976 f) '. La ,Costa L9nd Company TABI,.E OF TEST RESULTS Depth ' Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test irnate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt fb/cu ft fb/cu ft Compaction Remarks Tests Tak~n on La Costa ES,tates North • 1 EI ' FuerteSt. 2.0 13.3 104.9 114.0 92.1 Sta. 57+00 2 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 12.4 111.6 121.5 91.9 Sta. 55+00 3 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 15.4 112 .. 6 1,21.5 92.6 • Sta. 57+00 4 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 12.2 115.5 125. 1 92.3 Sta. 57+00 5 EI Fuerte St. 2,.0 13~0 113.6 125. 1 90.8 , Sta. 54+00 ' • 6 Candil.Way 1.0 11.0 123'. 1 127.5 96.5 Sta. 22+{)0 7 Candil Way 1.0 12.2 115.7 125. 1 92.5 Sta. 24+00 8 EI Fuerte St .. 2.0 12.4 115.7 125. 1 92.5 Sta. 50+00 • 9 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 12.6 , 111.3 118.9 93.6 Sta. 52+00 10 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 13.8 117.7 124.8 94.4 Sta. 35+40 ,11 EI FuerteSt. 2.0 16.6 112.3 121.4 92.5 '. Sta. 48+00 12 EI FlJerte St. 2.0 14. 1 112.5 124.8 90.2 Sta. 46+00 ' 13 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14. 1 117. 1 124.8 93.,8 Sta. 44+00 • 14 EI Fuerte'St. 2.0 14. 1 112.1 121.5 92.3 Sta. 41+00 15 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14.4 104. 1 '114.0 91'.3 Sta., 42+00 16 EI 'Fuerte 'S't • 4.0 14.3 105.0 i 14.0 92.1 • Sta. 41+00 17 EI Fuert~ St. 6.0 16.7 104.5 114.0 91.7 Sta.41+60 18 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 13.6 111.4 121.4 91.7 Sta. 36+00 19 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 16.5 103.8 114.0 91.0 .' Sta. 39+00 20 EI Fuerte St. 8.0 13.9 113.6 121.4 93.6 Sta. 41+50 • SENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-1-:-2D ..:.5-November 18, 1976 5) • La Costa Land, Company 'TABLE OF TEST R,ESULTS (CONT~) Depth Maximum • Approx-of ,Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density ,Density Percent No. location in Feet 0/0 dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 21 ,Managua PI; 2.0 15.9 105. 1 114.0 92.2 • Sta. 7+00 22 Managua PI ~ 4.0 15.0 106.5 116.8 91.2 Sta. 7+50 23 Managua PI. 4.0 16.6 114.0 121.5 93.9 Sta. 6+25 • 24 EI Fuerte St. 10.0 16.4 116.4 127.5 91.3 Sta. 40+50 25 EI Fuerte St'. ' 12.0 12.7 112.7 121.5 92.8 Sta. 41+00 26 Managua PI. '2.0 16.9 106.3 114.0 93.3 Sta. 8+50 • 27 Managua PI. . 2.0 10.0 110.8 121.5 91.2 Std,. 9+50 28 Managua PI. 6.0 10.7 112.2 121.5 92.4 Sta. 7+50 29 Marmol Ct. 2.0 10.5 111.2 121.5 91.5 • Sta" 2+25 30 Marmol Ct. 4.0 ' 12.5 115.3 127.5 90.4 Sta. 2+25 31 Marmol Ct. 6.0 12.6 108.3 114.0 95.0 Sta. 2+00 • 32 EI FuerteSt. 2.0 12.9 109.9 121.4-90.5 Sta. 43+50 33 Marmol Ct. 1.0 10.0 110.9 121.4 91.4 Sta. 0+56 3A: EI Fuerte St. 1.0 11.0 118.0 124.8 94.6 • Sta. 37+00 35 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 13.4 116.0 127.5 91.0 Sta .. 51+00 . 36 EI 'Fuerte St. 3,.0 * 8.2 119.5 127.5 93.7 Sta. 49+00 37 EI Fuerte St. '4.0 12. 1 114.2 124.8 91.5 • Sta. 47+00 38 EI Fuerte St. 4-.0 12.8 113.3 124.8 90.8 Stat 45+00 39 EI Fuerte St. 8.0 12.6 110.2 121.4 90.7 Sta. 56+50 • 40 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 10.7 114.9 124.8 92.1 Sta.42+5'O * Indicates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-20 -6-N over'n ber 18, 1976 to) • La Costa Land. Company , TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test itnate at Test Moisture Densfty Density Percent , No. Location in Feet· % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 41 Candil Way 1.0 14.4 111.4 121.5 91.7 • Sta. 10+00 42 Candil Way 2.0 13.0 111.8 121.5 92.0 Sta. 12+00 43 Candil Way 1.0 13.7 111.2 121.5 91.5 Sta. 14+00 • 44 Candil Way 2.0 13. 1 111.2 121.5 91.5 Sta. 9+00 45 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 10.9 112.7 121.5 92.8 Sta. 50+50 46 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 10.7 117.5 ' 125. 1 93.9 Sta. 18+50 • 47 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 13.2 109. 1 116.8 93.4 Sta. 48+50 48 Candil Way 2.0 12.7 111.6 121.5 91.9 Sta. 14+50 49 Candil Way, 2.0 13.9 112.7 121.5 92.8 • Sta. 19+00 50 Caridil Way 2.0 13.2 110.2 . 121.5 90.7 Sta. 17+00 51 Candil PI. 1.0 10.8 114.2 '124.8 91.5 Sta. 1+00 • 52 Candil PI , ' 1.0 10.7 114. 1 124.8 91.4 Sta. 3+00 53 CandilPI. 2.0 9.0 113.5' 124.8 91.0 Sta. 2+00 54 Candil PI. 2.0 17.6 107;8 116.8 92.3 Sta. 4+00 • 55 Candil Way 2.0' 11.7 113.4 124.8 90.9 Sta. 23+00 56 Candil Way 2.0 9.9 115.3 124.8 92.4 Sta. 21+00 57 Candil' Way 4.0 13.7 112. 1 121.4 92.3 • Sta. 18'+00 58 Candil Way 6.0 13.4 111.3 121.4 91.7 Sta. 17+50 59 Candil Way 8.0 10.9 114.9 124.8 92.0 Sta. 20+00 • 60 Candil Way 4.0 11.6 113.0 124.8 90.5 Sta. 13+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-1-2D -7-November t8, 1976 i) • La Costa land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of HI I Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry'wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks .' 61 Acuna Ct •. 2.0 12.6 113.7 124.8 91.2 • Sta. 7+50 62 Acuna Ct. 2.0 12.4 102.8 119.8 85.8 Natural Sta. 4+00 Ground 63 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 11.8 111.6 121.5 91.9 Sta. 57+50 • 64 EI ruerte St. 6.0 12.0 111.5 121.5 91.8 Sta. 56+50 65 E"I Fuerte St. 6.0 12.4 112.2 121.5 92.3 Sta. 54+50 66 EI Fuerte St. 6 .. 0 12.8 111.5 121.5 91.8 Sta.55+50 • 67 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 * 12.3 112.4 121.5 92.5 Sta. 51+50 68 Candil WdY 4.0 10.7 H4.2 124.8 91.5 Sta.22+30 69 Candil Way 4.0 12.2 104.7 114.0 91.9 • Sta. 20+00 70 Candil Way 6.0 12. 1 113.6 121.5 93.5 Sta. 21+50 71 Candil Way 6.0 11.3 ' 109.5 117.8 93.0 Sta; 23+00 • 72 Candil Way 6.0 12. 1 109.2 117.8 92.7 Sta.21+50 73 Candil Way 8.0 12.0 112,.9 121.5 93.0 Sta. 22+50 74, Candi! Way 8.0 14.5 110.2 . 12'1.5 90.7 , Sta. 21+00 !. 75 Candi! Way 4.0 13.0 nO.2 121.5 90.7 Std. 10+50 76 CandJI Way 6.0 11.3 110.6 121.5 91.0 Sta. 11+50 I, 77 Candil Way 6.0 11.7 111.5 121.5 91.8 :. Sta. ·13+00 78 Candi! Way 4.0 11.9 117.8 124.8 94.4 Sta. 23+50 79 Condil Way 10.0 12.3 111.5 121.5 91.8 Sta. 22+00 :. 80 Candil Way' 10.0 11.9 113.0 121.5 93.0 Sta. 20+50 * Indicates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-1-20 -8-November 18, 1976 i) • La Costa .Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) , Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet 0/0 dry wt Ib/cu ft I.b/cu ft Compaction Remarks 81 Candil Way 4.0 11.6 115.1 124.8 92.2 Sta. 9+50 • 82 Candil Way 6.0 9.7 115.0 124.8 92.1 Stci. 10+00 83 Condil Way 8.0 10.0 118.0 124.8 94.6 Sta. 12+00 84 Candil Way 9.0 9.4 113.3 121.5 93,.3 • Sta. 21+50 85 Candil Way 11.0 10.5 115.2 121.4 94.9 Sta. 21+00 .. 86 Candil Way 4.0 11.5 115.2 124.8 92.3 Sta. 8+50 • 87 Candil Way 1.0 13.6 117.3 124.8 94.0 Sta. ],3+00 88 Candil Way 2.0 10.8 116.4 124.8 93.3 Sta. 15+00 89 Managua PI. 1.0 11.2 112.4 118.6 94.8 • Sta. 0+40 90 Managua PI. 1.0 11.6 109.1 120. 1 90.8 Sta. 1+00 91 Managua PI. 1.0 12.2 111. 1 120. 1 92.5 Sta. 2+00 92 Managua PI. 2.0 9.0 106. 1 116.3 91.2 • Sta. 1fO,O 93 Managua PI. 2.0 t3~0 112.5 120. 1 93.7 Sta.3fOO 94-Lot 2 1.0 13.0 110.3 118.6 93.0 95 Lot 3 2.0 11. 1 112.Q 1,18.6 94.4 • 96 Lot 2 2.0 11.9 111.2 120. 1 '92.6 97 Lot,3 4.0 9.4 115.4 124.8, 92.5 98 Managua PI. 6.0 9.7 122.4 127.5 96.0 Sta. 8+00 99 Managua PI. 8.0 12.,1 111.4 120. 1 92.6 • Sta. 7+50 100 Managua PI. 2.0 17 .. 0 100.3 120. 1 83.5 Reworked Sto .10+20 101 Managua PI. 2.0 13.0 112.7 122.8 91.7 Sta,. 9+00 .' 102 Managua PI. 4.0 12.5 119.4 127.5 93.6 Sta. 9+50 103 Managua PI. 6.0 12.8 119.0 127.5 93.3 Sta. 7+00 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-2D -9-November 18, 1976 q) • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TESTRESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location iii Feet % dry wt ',Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 104 Managua PI. 10.0 10.0 118.7 127.5 93. 1 • Sta. 8+50 105 Managua PI. 10.0 11. 1 117.5 127.5 92.2 Sta. 7+00 106 Managua PI. 14.0 10.6 111.6 119.8 93.2 Sta. 8+00 • 107 Mana~ua PI. 16.0 12. 1 110.6 119.8 92.3 Sta. 7+50 108 Managua PI. 2.0 13.9 106.6 117.8 90.5 Sta.6+50 109 Managua PI. 2.0 10.3 118.9 120. 1 99.0 Check on #100 • Sta. 10+20 110 Managua PI. 18.0 12.0 112.6 120. 1 93.8 Sta. 7+25 111 Managua PI. 6.0 11.6 112.2 i20.1 93.4 Sta. 6+50 112 Managua PI. 22.0 12.2 123.2 127.5 96.6 • Sta. 7+50 113 Managua PI. 10.0 11.4 111.3 119.8 92.9 Stq" 6+75 114 Managua PI. 12.0 12.5 111.6 121-.5 91.9 Sta. 6+00 • 115 Managua PI. 14.0 14.7 112.8 121. 5 92.8 Sta. 6+50 116 Managua PI. 24.0 15.5 108.9 117.8 92.5 Sta. 7+50 117 Lot 20 2.0 16.9 111. 7 119.8 9·3.3 • 118 Lot ,21 4.0 14.2 111.2 119.8 92.8 119 Lot 20 6.0 13.5 117.6 124.8 94 •. 3 120 Lot 21 8.0 14.3 110.3 119.8 92. 1 121 Candil Way 2.0 15.5 112.6 ]21.5 92.6 Sta. 9+20 • 122 Candil Way 4.0 9.7 115.2 124.8 92.3 Sta .• 9+40 123 Candil Way 6 .. 0 9.7 117.3 124.8 94.0 Sta. 9+60 1-~4 GandilWay 2.0 9.2 117.9 124.8 94.4 Sta. 11+40 •• 125 Candil Way "5.0 10.6' 115.4 127.5 90.5 Sta. 11+00 126 tandil Way 2.0 9.4 118.3 127.5 92.8 Sta. 20+60 • BENTON ENGI~EERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-2D -10-November 18, 1976 }q • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft I b;/cu ft . Compaction Remarks 127 Candil Way 4.0 11. 1 113.7 121. 5 93.6 • Sta. 20+00 128 . Candil Way 6.0 8.6 114.5 125. 1 91.4 Sta.20+77 129· Candif Way 2.0 11.3 113. 1 125. 1 90.4 Sta. 23+50 • 130 Condil Way 4.0 12.4 117.4 127.5 92. 1 Sta. 23+00 131 Lot .20 10.0 10.0 115.8 127.5 90.8 13~ Lot 21· 12.0 11.6 113.3 125. 1 90.6 133 Candil Way 6.0 17.7 108.2 118.6 91.2 Sta. 22+9Q • 134 Candil PI •. 2.0 10.9 113.8 120. 1 94.7 Sta. 2+00 .135 Managua PI . 2.0 12.8 112.7 120. 1 93.8 Sta. 5+00 136 Managua PI. 4.0 11.2 114.6 119.8 95.6 • Sta. 5+10 137 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 15.0 111.8 120. 1 93. 1 Ramp Sta. 36+00 138 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 12.7 117.8 127.5 92.4 Ramp Sta. 34+00 • 139 Acuna Ct. 1.0 12.3 112.5 120. 1 93.6 Ramp . Sta. 7+00 Tests Taken on Alicante Hills • 1 Lot 94 0.5 9.·5 114. 1 124.8 91.4 2 Lot 94 2.0 10.0 110.8 120. 1 92.3 3 Lot 94 4.0 11.6 112.9 120. 1 94.0 4 . Lot 94 6.0 10.2 116. 1 124.8 ~ 93.0 5 Lot 90 3.0 11.7 112.8 120. 1 93.9 6 Lot 94 8.0 11.3 103.6 114.0 90.9 • 7 Lot 91 2.0 12.6 107. 1 116.3 92. 1 8 Lot 94 10.0 10.5 103.3 114.0 90.6 9 Lot 91 4.0 11.8 112.0 H8.0 94.9 "10 Lot 94 12.0. 17.0 109.4 114.0 96.0 11 Lot 91 6.0 15.2 110. 1 118.6 92.8. • 12 Lot 94 14.0 15.8 103.6 114.0 90.9 13 Lot 94 15.0 13. 1 110.4 120. 1 92.0 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-2D . -11-November 18, 1976 Ii) • .La Costa Land COmpany TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT,) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fil'l Field . Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Lb/cu ft Compaction Remarks 14 Lot 91 8.0 13.9 107.·0 116.3 92.1 • 15 Lot 96 1.0 13.7 113.0 120. 1 94.1 16 Lot 94 16.0 10.8 117.2 124.8 93.9 17 Lot 95 2.0 12.0 103.8 114.0 91.0 18 Lot 96 3.0 11. 1 117. 1 124.8 93.8 19 Lot 96 5.0 10.6 115.0 124.8 92. 1 20 Lot 96 7.0 9.9 111.0 120. 1 92.4 • 21 . Lot 96 9.0 14.7 109.9 120. 1 91.5 22 Lot 94 18.0 12. 1 111.2 120. 1 92.5 23 Lot 96 11.0 11.6 112.9 124.8 90.5 24 Lot 95 4.0 13.6 107.0 116 ~3 92.0 25 Lot 95 6.0 18.9 112.7 124.8 90.3 • 26 Lot 93 2.0 TO.9 114.4 121.4 94.2 2.7 Lot 95 8.0 11.5 114.5 121.4 . 94.3 28 AI tiva Place 1.0 15. 1 . 106.8 116.3 91.8 Sta. 2-1{)0 29 Altiva Place 3.0 19. 1 113.8 120. 1 94.8 • Sta. 2+50 30 AI tiva Place 5.0 15.8 99.3 121.4 81.8 Reworked Sta. 2-1{)0 31 AI tiva Place 5.0 14.6 112.4 121.4 92.6 Check on #30 Sta. 2f{)0 • 32 Altiva Place 7.0 14.3 109.7 119.8 91.6 Sta. 2+00 33 Altiva Place 9.0 10.0 110.2 121.4 90.8 Sta.2+50 34 AIHva Place 4.0 12.9 109.2 119.8 91.1 Sta. 1-1{)0 •. '. 35 Altiva Place 11.0 16. 1 109.3 119.8 91.2 Sta. 2+00 36 Altiva Place 6.0 14.0 114.7 124.8 91.9 Sta. 1-1{)0 37 AI tiva Place 13.0 9.9 116 •. 3 127.5 91.2 • Sta. 2+50 38 AI tiva Place 3.0 * 10.9 113. 1 124.8 90.6 Sta. 0+50 .39· Lot 97 1.0 10.8 109.6 117.8 93.0 40 Lot 97 3.0 9.5 114.3 121.4 94.2 • 41 Lot 97 5.0 11.7 114.9 124.8 92.0 42 Lof 97 7.0 10.5 117.2 127.5 91.9 43 Lot 97 9.0 TO.8 113.1 124.8 90.6 * IndiCates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-1-2D -12-November 18, 1976 Ii) • ·La Costa LClnd Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CaNt.) Depth MaKimum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 44 Lot 97 11.0 15.8 111. 1 119.8 92.7 • 45 Lot 95 10.0 12.0 113.7 121.5 93.5 46· Lot 96 13.0· 10.9 118.4 124.8 94.9 47 Lot 94 19.0 * 13.8 1'09,7 . 117.8 93. 1 48 Lot 93 4.0 12.6 113.5 124.8 90.'9 49 AI tiva Place 8.0 16.4 108.6 117.8 92.2 Sfa. 0+75 • 50 Altiva Place 2.0 10.9 106.0 116.3 91.1 Sta. 9+00 51 AI fiva Place 4.0 12.6 105.3 1'16.3 90.5 Sta. 9+50 52 Lot 71 1.0 10.6 110.8 121.4 91.3 • 53 Lot 71 2.0 11.3 1'04.9 116.3 90.2 54 Lot 71 4.0 14.6 118.9 124.8 95.3 55 Lot 71 5.0 11.3 112.8 119.8 94.1 56 Lot 71 6.0 11.2 111.5 120. 1 92.8 57 Lot 71 7.0 12.8 110.6 119.8 92.3 • 58 Lot 71 8.0 12. 1 112.9 121.5 93.0 59 Lot 71 9.0 10.3 114.6 124.8 91.8 60 Lot 72 1.0 10.5 114.7· 124.8 91.9 61 Lot 72 2.0 11.5 111.6 119.8 93.2 62 Lot 72 3.0 13. 1 113.4' . 121.5 93.3 • 63 Lot 72 4.0 12.4 111.3 119.8 92.9 64 Lot 59 2.0 16. 1 105.3 116.3 90.5 65 Lot 59 4.0 15.7 109.2 119.8 91.2 66 Lot 59 6.0 15.7 108.8 117.8 92.3 67 Lot 59 8.0 16.4 111. 1 122.8 90.5 68 Lot 60 1.0 10.6 117.5 127.5 92.2 • 69 Lot 61 1.0 12. 1 113·.3 121.5 93.3 70 Lot 60 2.0 10.6 113. 1 121.5 93. 1 71 Lot 61 2.0 13.3 116.6 127,.5 91.4 72 Lot 59 10.0 11.0 . 115.6 127.5 . 90.7 73 Lot 91 10.0 9.0 111.9 122.8 91. 1 • 74 AI tiva Place 6.0 12. 1 113.3 1'24.8 90.9 Sta. 9+00 75 AI tiva Place 2~0 12.0 111.2 121.5 91.5 Sta •. 10+50 76 AI tiva Place 2.0 11.3 108.3 119.8 90.4 • Sta. 13+00 77 Altiva Place' 8.0 9.8 120.4 127.5 94.4 5ta. 8+50 * Indicates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-2D -13-November 18, 1976 I~ • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CaNT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density _ Percent -No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 78 AI fiva Place 10.0 8.8 121.3 127.5 95.1 \e Sta. 9-f{)0- 79 Altiva Place 12.0 10.8 114.5 121.4 94.3 Sta. 10+00 80 AI tiva Place 6.0 9.7 117. 1 127.5 91.8 Stq. 13+00 • 81 AI tiva Place 8.0 12. 1 111. 1 119.8 92.7 Sta. 14+50 82 AI tiva Place 15.0 -12.7 113.4 119.8 94.7 Sta. 8+50 83 Altiva Place 4.0 12.0 112. 1 119.8 93.6 Sta. 10+00 e 84 Altiva PI-ace 19.0 14.2 114.6 122.8 93.3 Sta. 9+00 85 -Alfiva Place 8.0 14.6 113.3 122.8 92.2 S ta. 10-1{)0 86 Altiva Place 21.0 14.4 116.3 124.8 93.2 • Sta. 9+00 87 Altiva Place 12.0 12.2 114.2 124 •. 8 91.5 . Sta. 10+00 88 Altiva Place 24.0 12.9 114.6 124.8 91.8 Sta. 9+00 • 89 Lot 94 2.0 13.4 109.4 119.8 91.3 90 Lot 94 4.0 13.0 '113.9 124.8 91.3 91 Lot 94 6.0 10.8 113.9 124.8 91.3 92 Lot 94 8.0 13.8 108.4 117.8 92.0 93 AI tiva Place 3.0 15.6 109.3 117.8 92.7 • Sta. 14+50 94 AI tiva Place 5.0 16.2 108.9 117.8 92.4 Sta. 14+50 95 Altiva Place 7.0 16.9 109.4 117.8 92.9 Sta. 14+75 96 Altiva Place 9.0 13.7 111.3 122.8 90.7 • Sta. 14+60 • e, BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 76.,.1-2D La Costa Land Company -14- . LABORATORY TEST RESULTS November 18, 1976 The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method, that uses 25 blows ofa 10 pound rammer falling from (] height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cyl.inder, are presented as follows: Soil Description Dark red brown gravelly clayey fine to medium sand Brown clayey fine to medium sand Brown clay Olive gray fine sandy clay . Yellow brown fine to medium sandy clay Light red brown fine to medium sandy clay YeHowish gray brown silty fine to medium sand Red brown fine to medium sandy clay with scattered grave· I . Yellow brown sil ty very fine to fine sand Red brown fine to coarse sandy clay Yellow brown silty fine to medium sand wi.th sl ight clay binder Light brown gravelly silty clay Light brown silty fine sand with clay binder Dark gray silty clay BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Maximum Optimum Mois- Dry Dens i ty ture Content Ib!cu ft % dry wt 124.8 10.9 120. 1 13.6 114.0 15.5 116.3 13.0 118.6 13. 1 121.4 11.7 119.8 12. 1 127.5 10.2 117.8 13.2 121.5 11.9 122.8 10.8 125.1 11.4 118.9 11.3 116.8 11.8 ...... ...... -----Ul ti ~., .oJ \.~ I -"'\ • .1 " Il_ I I J '2.00' - - -___ --.;.. __ ..:...:. ________ 5UB\7IVI'510 N IOOUN\7,t...Ry-:1 , 7 'O.t7.G.";'E. E.A"OEMENT 110 ~7 101 G1.. 1 00' <5.t7G.~E. EA<5EMENT _~ __ ~~L-~~-r--~,--.--.-~_~ue~~~I~V~IS~\~OrN~~~O~UTN~O~A~~~~~ __ ~ __ ~----~+-~ /( II 80 78 77 II 7'!> 7(;' 74 73 ALFIL WAY 41 42 r'::"::':] LEGEN~ i.:·::::~.::::\': hdicates Approximate Location of Compacted Filled Ground --0-Indicates Approximate Cut -Fill Line : y " Indicates Approximate Top of Compacted Fill Slape indIcates Approximate Toe of Compacted Fi 1/ Slope o Indicates Approximate Vertical Depth of Filf in Feet o Indicates Approximate Location of Field Density Test 70 10c?) ,. 111 <01 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA LOCATION OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND LA COSTA ESTATES NORTH-CAItLS5AVTOCT NO.7':r4 ~ PO~TIONS OF .b.L1CANTE HILLS-CARLS5At7 TRACT NO.~IO . CARL<S5At7, CAL IFO~NtA. SCALE: 1"='200' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO DRAWN: I(.LGree.n 7G -1-2-D 1 DATE: 10-'O-1~7~. i . I , I ,~ i