HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 75-07; GREEN VALLEY KNOLLS; RESULTS OF FIELD DENSITY TEST; 1977-03-22'. • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC • . APPLIED ·SOII:. MECHANICS -FOUNDATI9NS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DrEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENT9N "RESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER, March 22, 1977 La Costa Lan.d Company 21'00 Costa Del Mar: Road , Carlsbad/ California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 76":'4-20DF Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Trench Backfi:II, Subgrgde/ and l3ase Materials Green Valley Knolls' Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Gi"bosfCr~ed:~of ' Car Isbad, Co I:i forn ia TEI.E"HONE (71"') 15615·191515 This is to report the results ,of field density tests taken in trench backfill/ subgrade/ and base • materials in Green Valley Knolls Unit Nos'. land 2 in Carlsbad, . Cal'ifornia. ' • • • • • 1!'te tests were taken during the weekly pedods indicated below: Test Number 1 to 18/ inclusive. 19 to 121/· inclusive 122 to 201, indusive 202 to 211 i inclusive 212.to 225, inclusive 226 to 229, inclusive 230, to 237, inclusive 238 to 244/ inclusive 245 Week Ending October 30/ 1976 November 6, 1976 November 13, 1976 November 16, 1976 December 30, 1976 January 22/ 1977 February 19, 1977 February 261' 1977 February 28, 1977 (Date qf last test) The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results.are presented on pages T"'1 to T -19/ incl tiS ive , under the IITable of Test Results. II The laboratory determina- tions of the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents 'of the maj-a-fiU materials are presented on page L-1, under the IlLabOratory Test Results.1I Serne of the maximum dry densities shown in the IITable of Test Results II were combinations of these. CT 1S"-1 • • • • • • • Project No. 76-4-20DF La Costa land Company Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By'~C'~ R. C. Remer -2- Reviewed by ~&"~_:-z_-----' S. H. Shu, Civil Engin~er R.C.E. No. 19913 D istr: (3) Addressee (1) Addressee, Attention: Mr. Burton C. Kramer (1) City of Carlsbad, Engineering Department. (1) Rick Engineering Company, Carlsbad • 'RCR/SHS/ew • • • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC, Marcb 22, 1977 C1- Project No. 76-4-20DF -March 22, 1977 • T-1 G La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft lb/cu ft Compaction Remarks • Sidewalk 0-0.4 6.0 100.8 111.8 90.1 Placid.o Cto Sta. 0+55 2 Sidewalk 0~0.4 6.3 101-.2 111.8 90.5 Vueta Ct •. • Sta. 2+23 3 Sidewalk 0-0.4 4.9 101.2 111.8 90.5 Recodo Ct. Sta. 6+80 4 Sidewalk" . 0-0.4 6.8 99.3 111.8 88.8 Palacio Dr. • Sta. 1 +40 5 GaS & Electric J .5-1. 9 11.6 98.9 119.2 ·83.0 Reworked' Recodo Ct. Opp. Lot 121 6 Water 1.7-2.0 8. 1 100.7 1l9.2 84.5 Reworked' • Pa I a c i-o Dr. Opp. Lot 105 7 Water 2.0.,.2.4 13. 1 98.9 113.5 87.1 South Side of Levante St. • Sta. 69+50 8 " Water 2.0-2.4 15.0 101.3 113.5 89.3 South S ide of Levante St. Sta. 77+00 • 9 Sewer 4.0-4.4 14. 1 91.3 113.5 80.5 Reworked Falda Pl. Sta. 1 +1 0 10 Water 2.2 .... 2.6 10.·3 107.7 117.3 91.8 Falda PI. Sta. 2+60 • 11 Sewer 2 :0-2.4 1t.9 113.0 120.4 93.9 . Falda PI. Sfa. 4+25 12 Sewer 4.4-4.8 12.7 102.6 114.0 90.0 Falda PI. • Sta. 4+25 13 Water 2.5-2.9 10.8 96.4 113.5 84.9 Reworked Cumbre Ct. Sta. 0+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-2 March 22, 1977fij • La Costa Land Company . ~" TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • T est Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test irnate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 14 Sewer 5.0-5.5 17.0 99.5 113.5 87.7 Falda PI. Sta. 1+10 15 Sewer 2.0-2.5 "15.8 110.0 120.4 91.4 Falda PI. • Sta. 1 +1 0 16 Water 2.1-2.6 10.7 102.9 113 .• 5 90.7 Cumbre Ct. Sta, 3+90 17 Sewer 3.9-4.4 14.5 101..7 113.5 89.6 Cumbre Ct. • S.ta. 1 +80 18 Sewer 2.3-2.8 13 ;9-103.3 113.5 91.0 Cumbre" Ct. Sta. 1+80 19 Water, Between 5.0-5.5 15. 1 Wl.5 111.8 90.8 • .Lots 10 and 11 of Unit No.2 20 Sewer, Between 6.0-6.5 16.2 103.3 . 113.5 91.0 Lots 10 and 11 of Unit No.2 • 21 Sewer 0.5-0.9 12.6 109.9 119.2 92.3 Falda PI •. Sta. 0+59 22 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.3 105.8 117.3 90.2 Reworked South Side of • Levante St. Stq. 69+00 23 Sewer 2.3-2.8 12.9 104.3 113.5 91.9 Check on #9 Falda PI. Sta. 0+59 24 Water 1.2-1.7 12.5 114.4 120.4 95.0 • Falda PI. Std. 2+50 25 Sewer 3.5-4.,0 13.7 104~8 113.5 92.4 Falda PI. S,ta. 4+15 • 26 Water 1.5-2.0 11.2 105.9 113.5 93.3 Check on #13 Cumbre Ct. Std. 0+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-3 March 22, 1977 • La Costa Land Company (5- TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-, Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt 11;/ cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 27 Sewer 2.5-2.9 10.0 103.3 113.5 91.0 Cumbre Ct. Sta. 1+80 28 Water 1.'5-2.0 12.4 106.6 113.5 93.9 Cumbre Ct. • Sta. 3+90 29 Sewer 2.0-2.5 18.3 99.2 110.2 90.0 Cima Ct. Sta. 1+20 30 Water 1.5-2.0 18.8 93.5 111.8 83.6 Reworked CimaCt. • Sta. 2+70 31 SeWer 2.0-2.5 13,.7 109.2 119.2 91.6 CimaCt. Sta. 4+20 32 Easement 2.0-2.5 11.0 106 .8 113.5 94.1 Subgrade • Bet. Lots 10 and 11 of Unit No.2 33 Water 1.0-1.5 . 13.3 103.4 113.5 91.1 ladera Ct ~ • . Sta. 3+80 34 Sewer 2.0-2.5 11.6 99.2 110.2 90.0 Ladera Ct. Sta. 2+52 35 Water 1.0-1.5 8.6 99.8 110.2 90.6 • Ladera Ct. Sta. 0+48 36 Sewer 2.0-2.5 11.7 106.7 113.5 94.0 Escen i co T err. Sta .• 0+96 37 Water 1.0-1.5 6.8 104.7 113.5 92:2 • Escel1 i co T err. Sta. 2+43 38 SeWer 2.0-2.5 9.8 98.4 113.5 86 • .7 Escen i co T err. Sta. 3+64 • 39 Easement 4.0-4.5 12.8 111.2 . 119.2 93.3 Subgrade Bet. Lots 10 and 11 of Unit No.2 • BENTON ENGINEERING. fNC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-4 March 22, '1977 r!: • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TE~T RESULTS (CaNT.) , Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry . Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No~ Location· in Feet % dry wt Ib/ cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • '40 Water 1.0-1.5 12.3 107.4 117.3 91.6 Palacio Dr. Sttt. 12+40 41 Sewer 2.0-3.0 8.5 112.3 119.2 94.3 Palacio Dr. • Sta. 10+30 42 Water 1.0-1.5 13.3 107.5 117.3 91.6 Palacio Dr. Sta. 7+50 43 Sewer 2~0-2.5 13.2 95.8 113.5 .84.4 Reworked Sereno Ct. , .• Stq ~ 1+79 44 Water 1'.0-1.5 12.4 102.8. 113.5 90.5 Sereno Ct. Stel. 0+40 45 Sewer 2.0-2.5 18.7 103.9 114.0 91.1 • Placido Ct. Sta. ;+10 46 Sewer 2.0-2.5 9.9 109.0 117.3 92.9 Palacio Dr. Sta. 1+1O • 47 Sewer 2.0-2.5 17.5 95.5 113.5 84.1 Reworked Palacio Dr. Sta. 5+50 48 Water 1.0-1.5 10.2 98.1 114.0 86.0 Reworked Palacio Dr. .' Sta .• 2+60 ,49 Sewer 2.0-2.5 15.0 92.9 114.0 81.5 Reworked Vueta Ct. Sta. 3+60 50. Water 1 .0-1. 5 9.4 106 .6 114.0 93.6 • Vueta Ct. Sta. 2.+08 51 Water 1.0-1.5 12.0 102.7 114.0 90.1 Recodo Ct. Sta. 5+80 ) 52 Sewer 2.0-2.5 14.2 '89.9 1l4.0 78.8 Reworked • Recodo Ct. Sta. 7+35 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-5 March 22, 1977(j . • . La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density , Per~ent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 53 Water 1.0-1.5 9.9 108.7 117.3 92.1 Levante St. Sta.84+00 54 Water 1.0-1.5 15.7 108.0 117.3 92 .• 0 Levante St. • Sta.87+jO 55 Water 1.0 .... 1.5 10.5 102.8 ll4.0 90.2 Levante St. Sta. 90+37 56 Sewer 2.0-2.5 7.0 103.8 114.0 91.1 • Levante St. Sta. 93+08 57 Water 1.0-1.5 11.8 105.2 115.5 91.1 Levante St. Sta. 95+00 58 Storm Drain 1.0-1.'5 11.0 103.6 113.5 91.3 • Esc;en i co T err. Stq. 27+40 59 Water 1.0-1.5 6.8 103.9 113.5 91.6 Escen i co T err. Sta. 25+30 • 60 Sewer 2.0-2.5 12.2 101. 1 111.8 90.4 RusHco Dr. Sta.22+40 61 Water 1.0-1.5 10.7 "03.0 114.0 90.3 Rustico Dr. • 5ta. 19+85 62 .Subgrade 0-0.5 13.7 107.9 117.3 92.0 Reworked South Side of Levante St. Sta. 69+94 • 63 Subgrade .0-0.5 9.7 109.5 113.4 96.6 South Side of Levanle St. Sta. 71+10 64 Subgrade 0·~0.5 13.0 108 • 1 114.0 94.8 Reworked Rustico Dr. I .. Sta.23+30 65 Subgrade .0.:.0.5 9.0 112.1 119.2 94.0 Reworked Escen ico T err. Sta. 24+96 • BENTON .ENGINEER'ING. INC. ,; • Project No. 76-4-20DF T-6 March 22, 19~ La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum APPf 9X -Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 66 Subgrade .0-0.5 14.3 106.9 114.0 93.8 Reworked' Escen ico T err. Sta. ,26+62 67 S.ubgrade ,.0-0.5 12.2 11.3.4 119 • .2 95.1 Escen i co T err. • Sta. 28+28 68 Subgrade ,0-0.5 12.4 110.1 115.5 95.4 Ladera Ct. Sta. 4+47 69 '. Subgrade .0-0.5 10.0 108.0 114.0 94.7 Reworked • Ladera Ct. Sta. 2+97 70 Subgrade 00-0.5 9.4 104.6 11-4.0 91.8 Reworked Ladera Ct. Sta. 1+47 71 Subgrade .0-0.5 10.-0 106 .0 114.0 93.0 Reworked • Ladera Ct. Sta. 0+38 72 Subgrade 00 .... 0 •5 11. 1 106 .7 il3.5 94.0 Reworked tima Ct. Sta. 4+36 • 73 Subgrade .0-'0.5 13.7 104.2 113.5 91.8 Reworked Cima Ct. Sta. 2+30 74 Subgrade 0 0-0 •5 7.5 111.3 115.5 96.4 Cima Ct. • Sta. 0+50 75 Subgrade '. .0-0.5 10.2 109.9 114.0 96.4 Cumbre Ct. Sta. 4+44 76 ·Subgrade .0-0.5 11.8 111 .6 114.0 91.9 • Cumbre Ct. Sta. 2+22 77 Subgrade .0-0.5 11.0 110.0 114.0 96.5 Cumbre Ct. Sta. 0+50 78 Subgrade .Q-0.5 '9.2 110.0 114.0 96.5 • Levante St. Sta. 79+50 79 Subgrade .. Q-0.5 8. 1 111. 1 114.0 97.5 levante St. Sta. 81+50 • BENTON ,ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF 1-9 March 22, 1977 0 • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CaNT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing field Dry Dry Test imate Surfa.C$ Moisture DeRsity Density Percent No. .Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/ cu ft Ib/cu ft C om po ct i on Remarks • 106 . Subgrade 0':"0.5 7.2 109.5 115.5 . 94.8 Check on #73 Cimq Ct. Sta. 2+30 107 Subgrade 0-0.5 9.3 112.9 115.5 97.7 Check on #70 Ladera Ct. • Sta. 1+47 108 Subgrade 0-0.5 15.3 114.2 1.20.4 95.0 Check on #71 Ladera Ct. Sta. 0+35 109 Subgl'ode 0-0.5 12.5 115.0 120.4 95.5 Escen i co T err. • Sta. 26+62 110 Subgrade .0-0.5 9.3 110.8 116.2 95.4 Levante St. Sta. 79+00 111 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.0 111.9 117.3 95.4 • Palacio Dr. Sta •. 12+80 112 Subgrade 0 .... 0.5 13.4 117.1 120.4 97.3 Escen i co T err. Sta. 0+50 • 113 Subgrade 0-0.5 Escen i co T err. 9.9 112.0 116.2 96.4 Sta .1+80 114 Subgrade 0-0.5 9. 1 111 .0 116.2 95.5 Escen.i co Terr. • Sta. 3+60 115 Sewer 2.0-2.5 10.0 101.5 111.8 90.8 . Reposado Dr. I Sta. 6+50 116 Water 1.0-1.5 17.8 104.3 115.5 90.3 Reposado Dr. • Sta. 5+00 117 Su~grade 0-0.5 11.7 99.6 115.5 86.2 Reworked Palacio Dr. Sta. 10+80 118 Subgrade 0-0.5 7.3 104.3 113.5 91.9 Reworked • Palacio Dr. Sta. 8+80 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-lO March 22, 1977 ~ '. La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below, Maximum Approx-Exist.ing Field Dry Dry T~st imate Surface .Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/ cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 119 Subgrade 0 ... 0.5 11.8 118.0 120.6 97.8 Sereno Ct. Std. 0+50 120 Subgrade 0-'0.5 14.8 98.8 113.5 87.0 Reworked Sereno Ct. • Sta. 2+10 121 Subgrade 0-0.5 11.5 111 .2 116.2 95.7 Palacio Dr. Sta. 6+80 122 Subgrade 0-0~5 16.5 107.b 113.5 94.3 Reworked Pla~idb Ct. • Sta. 0+50 123 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.2 99.8 113.5 87.9 Reworked Placido Ct. Sta. 2+10 124 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.9 112.8 116.2 97. 1 • .Palado Dr. Sta. 6+8:0 125 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.5 113.2 1·16.2 97.4 Palacio Dr. Sta. 4+80 • 126 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.6 107.5 113.5 94.7 Reworked Recodo Ct. Sta. 8+80 127 Subgrade 0":0.5 17. 1 102.5 113.5 90.3 Reworked Recodo Ct. .' Sta. 6+80 128 Subgrade 0-:0.5 9.7 108.0 113.5 95.2 Recodo Ct. Sta. 4+80 129 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.7 101.2 113.5 89.1 Reworked Levante, St. • Sta. 93+50 130 Subgrade 0-0'.5 . 7.7 123.1 120.4 102.2 . Levan te St. Sta. 95+50 131 Subgrade 0-0.5 8.4 105.9 115.;; 91.7 Reworked • Levante St. Sta. 97+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-.20DF T-ll March 22,1977 (3 • La Costa Land Compary TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Lqcation in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ih/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 132 Sewer 1.5-2.0 10.0 117.3 120.4 97.4 Levante St. Sta. 97+00 133 Water 1 •. 5-2.0' 10.8 116.7 120.4 96.9 Levante St. Sta. 99+00 • 134 Sew~r 2.0-2.5. 15.0 95.3 1.11. 8 85.2 Escen i co T err. Sta. 3+64 135 Sewer 2.0-2.5 9.7 lO5.2 111.8 94.1 Reposado Dr. . • Sta. 4+20 136 Water 2.0-2.5 9.0 98.0 ' 111.8 87.6 Reworked Pintoresco Ct. Sta. 1.+30 137 Sewer 2.5-2.9 8.8 106.4 111.8 95.2 • Pintqresco Ct. I Sta. 3+50 'I 138 Sewer 2.5-2,.9 11 . .8 101 ~7 111.8 90.9 ' . Pintoresco Ct. Sta. 6+50 • 139 Water 1.0-1.5 8.3 104.9 113.5 92.4 Pintoresco Ct. Sta. 5+00 140 Water 1.0-1.5 8.9 106.2 115.5 91.9 Pintoresco Ct. • 141 . Sta. 8+60 Sewer 2.0-2.5 10.3 112.7 116.2 97.0 Sal iente Way Sta. 10+23 142 Water 1.0-1.5 12.2 105.5 1.15.5 91A Sal iente Way • Sta. ,10+60 143 Sewer 2.0-2.5 10':4 106,.3 115.5 92.:1 SalTent~ Way Sta.8+30 144 Water 1.0-1.5 9.8 103.5 113.5 91.2 • Sal iente Way Sta. 6+40 145 Subgrade 0-0.5 * 12.9 111.9 117.3 95.4 Falda PI. Sta. 4+55 * Indicates Finished Grode • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ---- Project No. 76-4-20DF T.,..12 March 22, 1977 e • , La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Te~t Below Maximum Approx:-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface' Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet' % dry wt Ib/ cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 146 Subgrade 0-0.5 * 9.9 H2.3 117.3 , 95.7 Fal'da PI. Sta .• 2-1-65 147 Subgrade 0-0.5 * 8.9 114.0 117.3 97.2 Falda' PI. • Sta. 0%0 148 Subgrade 0-0.5 * 13.0 111.3 115.5 96.4 , Levante St. Sta. 99+10 149 Subgrade 0-0.5 14.4 106.6 111.8 95.4 Check on # 117 Palacio Dr. • Sta~ 10+80 150 Subgrade 0-0.5 5.5 121.3 120.6 100.6 Check on # 129 Levante St. Sta. 93+50 151 Subgrade 0-0'.5 9.0 112.4 115.5 97.3 Check on #131 • Levante St. Sta. 97+50 152 Water 2.0-2.5 10.2 101.6 111. 8 90.9 Sal iente WQy Sta.' 3+80 • 153 Water, 2.0-2.4 10.6 101.8 111.8 91.1 Sal iente Way' Sta. 1+00 154 Sewer 2.0-2.5 8. 1 107.6 115.5 93.2 Check on # 136 Pintoresco Ct. • Sta. 1+30 155 Subgrade 0-0.5 17.3 98.0 113.5 86.4 Reworked Placido Ct. Sta. 2+10 156 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.6 113 .0 117.3 96.4 Sub ida Terr. • Sta. 13+00 157 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.6 111 .8 115.5 96.8 Sub ida Terr. Sta. 11+00 158 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.4 110.7 115.5 95.8 • Sub ida T err. ' Sta. 9+00 159 Subgrade 0 .... 0.5 11.7 104.9 110.2 95.2 Reposado Dr. Sta. 7+00 * Indicates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-13 Match 22, 1977 ~ • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surfqce Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compact.ion Remarks • ' 160 Subgtade 0-0.5 13.4 113. 1 117.3 96.4 Reposado Dr. Sta. 5-1{)0 161 Subgrade' 0-0.5 13.3 11l.4 117.3 95.0 Reposado Dr. Sta. 3-1{)0 • 162 Subgrade, 0""0.5 S.2 110.5 114.0 96.9 Rustieo Dr. Sta. 21+00 163 Subgrade 0-0.5 11. 1 lOS.1 113.5 95.2 RusHeo Dr. • Sta. 1'9+00 164 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.6 115.9 120.4 96.3 Sub ida Terr. Sta. 17+00 165 . Subgrade 0-0.5 12.0 110.4 114.0 96.S • ' Sub ida Terr. Sta. 15+00 166 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.9 106.4 111 .S 95.2 Pintoresco Ct. Sta. 1-1{)0 • 167 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.3 100.6 l11.S 89.9 Reworked Pintoresco Ct. 5ta. 3-1{)0 168 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.9 109.6 114.0 96.1 Pintoresco Ct: Sta. 5+00 • 169 Sl,lbgrade 0-0.5 13. 1 109.4 114.0 96.0 Pinroresco Ct. Sta. 7+00 170 Subgrade 0-0.5 11.6 HO.5 114.'0 96.9 Pintoresco Ct. • Sta. 9-1{)0 171 Subgrade 0-0.5 11.2 109.4 114~0 96.0 Reposado Dr. Sta. 1+60 172 Subgrade 0-0.5 6.5 lOS.8 114'.0 95.4 • Sal iente Way Sta. 1-1{)0 173 Subgrade 0-0.5 6.2 106.9 111.8 95.6 Sal iente Way Sta. 3+00 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-14 March 22, 19~ • < , La Costa Land Company /~ TABLE OF TEST RESU L TS (C ON T .) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Exist.ing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet 0/0 dry wt Ib/ cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 174 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.6 109.9 114.0 . 96.4 Sal iente Way Sta. 5+00 175 Subgrade 0-0.5 7.6 106.8 111.8 95.5 Sal iente Way • Sta. 7-K>0 176 Subgrade O-O.~ 8.9 104,.7 114.0 91.8 Reworked Sal ierite Way Sta. 9+00 177 Subgrade 0-0.5 ' 9.6 104.0 114.0 91.? Reworked • Saliente Way Sta. 11+00 178 Subgrade 0-0.5 13. 1-109.0 114.0 95.6 Ch~ck on #167 Pintoresco Ct. Sta. 3+00 179' Subgrade 0-0.5 10.9 112. 1 115.5 97.1 • Pintoresco Ct. Std. 9+00 180 Subgrade 0-'0.5 8.7 106.6 111.8 95.3 Check On # 176 Sal iente Way Sta. 9+00 • 181 Subgrad!3 0-0.5 10.8 107.4 111.8 96.1 Check on II 177 Sal iente Way Sta. 11+00 182 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.5 110.8 114.0 97.2 Check on #64 Rustico Dr. • Sta. 23+30 183 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.8 llO.3 114.0 96.8 Check on #65 Esten i co T err. Sta. 24+96 1B4 Subgrade 0-0.5 11.0 118.8 120.6 98.5 Check on #66 Escen i co T err. • Sta; 26+62 185 Subgrade . 0-O~5 8.4 108.2 113.5 95.3 Check on #69 Ladera Ct. Sta. '2+96 186 Subgrade . 0-0~5 10.7 108.5 114.0 95.1 Check on #72 • Cima Ct. ~ta. 4+36 187 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.6 108.4 114.0 95.1 . Check on #80 Levante St. Sta. 83+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-15 March 22, . 1977 f! • La Costa Land Company 17 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth 9f • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing' Field Dry Dry jest imdte Surface Moisture Density Density Per-cent No. Location in Feet % dry wt lb/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 188 Subgrade 0-0.5' 7.7 106.6 111.8 95.3 Check on #118 Palacio Dr. Sta. 8+80 189 Subgrade 0-0.5 10.0 111 • 1 115.5 96.2 Check on "120 Sereno Ct. • Sta.2+10 190 Subgrade 0 ... 0.5 10.0 110.6 116.2 95.2 Palacio Dr. Sta. 2+80 191 Subgrade 0-0.5 9.9 106.8 111.8 95.5 PalQcio Dr. • Sta. 0+80 192 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.6 109.3 115.5 94.6 Reworked· South Half of An ill 0 Way Sta. 10+40 • 193 Subgrade 0-0.5 16.9 107.3 115.5· 92.9 Reworked South Hq I f of Anillo Way Sta. 7+50 194 Sl1bgrade 0-0 .. 5 15.1 106.9 115.5 92.5 Reworked • South Half of Anillo Way Sta. 10+40 195 Subgrade 0-0.5 7.6 108.4 115.5 93.8 Reworked South Half of • Anillo Way Sta. 7+50 196 Subgrade 0-0.5 8.1 106 .7 115.5 92.3 Reworked Vueta Ct. Sta. 0+00 197 Subgtade 0-0.5 7 • .0 115.4 115.5 99.9 • Vueta Ct. Sta. 2+00 198 Subgrade 0-0.5 1.0.6 98.6 T1S.,5 85.3 Reworked Vueta Ct. Sta. 3+75 • 199 Subgrade 0-0.5 9.5 108.7 113.5 95.8 Check on # 123 Placido Ct. and tl155 $ta. 2+10 • BENTON ENGINEERING .• INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-16 ' March 22, 1977 ([j • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No." LOGation in Feet % drywt Ib/cu 'ft lb/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 200 ,$ubgrade 0-0.5 8.8 105.6 111.8 94.5 Reworked Placido Ct. Sta. 0+50 201 Subgrddc 0-0.5 10.6 106.1 111.8 94.9 Check on , AniUo Way #193 & 195 • Sta,. 7+50 202 Subgradc. 0-0.5 12.2 108.0 113.5 95.2 Check on 11127 Recodo Ct. Sta. 6+80 203 Subgl'ade 0-0.5 . 11.5 109.1 114.0 95.7 Check on # 126 Recodo Ct. • Sta. 8+80 204 Subgrade 0-0.5 17. 1 105.8 114.0 92.8 Reworked South Half of An ill 0 Way Sta. 10+40 • 205 Subgrade 0-0.5 13.0 106.3 111.8 95.1 South Half of Anillo Way Sta. 5+40 206 Subgrade 0-0.5 9.7 ' 109.0 114.0 95.6 • South Half of Anillo Way Sta,. 3+50 207 Subgrade 0-0 .. 5 11 .5 109.6 114.0 96.0 South Ha If of • Anil·lo Way Sta. 1+50 208 Subgrade 0-0.5 11.0 nO.l 115.5 95.3 Check on # 196 Vueta Ct. , Sta. 0+00 , 209 Subgrade 0-0.5 12.0 111.0 115.5 96.1 Check on #198 • Vueta Ct. 'Sta. 3+75 210 Subgr:ade 0-0.5 12.7 108.4 114.0 95.1 Check on #122 Placido Ct. and #200 Sta. 0+50 • 211 Subgrade 0-0.5 14.8 109.9 114.0 96.4 Check on # 192, South HalJ of #194 & #204 Anillo Way Sta. 10+40 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-17 March 22, 1977@ • La Costa Land Company , ' 11 TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Pry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 212 Sewer, 2.0-2.5 12.5 104.0 110.2 94.4' Perenne PI. Sta'., 1+78 213 Water 1.5-2.0 12.5 115.9 120.4 96.2 Perenne PI. • Sta. 4+10 214 Sewer 2.0 .... 2.5 11.4 104.9 110.2 95.1 Perenne pI. Sta. 5+85 215 Subgracle 0-0.5 7.5 106.1 111.8 94.9 'I Perenne PI. • Sfa. 9-+64 216 Subgrade 0-0.5 8.9 106.9 111.8 95.5 Perenne PI. , Sfa. 7+70 217 Subgrade 0-0.5 8.8 107.4 111.$ 96.2 ' • Perenne PI. Sta. 5-+60 218 Subgrade 0-0.5 7.7 106.4 111.8 95.1 Perenne PI. Sta .3+70 • ' 219 Subgracle 0-0.5 7.5 108.4 111'.8 97.0 , Perenne PI. StlJ. 1 +80 220 Base 0.5-1.0 9.9 126.9 131. 1 96.8 , EI Camino Real • Sta. 125+26 221 Base 0.5-1.0 7.8 126.0 131. 1 96.1 EI Cam ino Real Sta. 127+60 222 Base 0.5-1.0 5.3 125.7 131 • 1 95.9 EI Cam ino Rea'i • Sta. 130+00 223 Base 0-0.5 4.2 130.4 131. 1 99.5 EI Cam ino Real Sta. 125+20 224 Base' 0-0.5 ' 5.0 128.7 131. 1 98.1 • EI Cam ino Real Sta. 127+50 225 Base 0-0.5 3. 1 127.7 131.1 97.4 EI Cam ino Real Sta. 129+90 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. " ... ~ ~. , , ~ . .. .' Protect No. 76-4~20DF T-18 March 22, 19~ '. la Costa Land Company ,:yo TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth of • ' Test'Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry T.est imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet' % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks • 226 Sewer I Belween 3.0-3.5 Lots 200 and 201 10.7 84.8 115.4 73.5 Reworked 227 Storm Drain 3.0-3.5 13.8 91.1 113.5 80.3 Reworked Between Lots 200 and 201 .: 228 St~ Drain 3.0-3.5 11.1 95.9 113.5 84.5 Reworked Between Lots 186 and 187 229 Storm Drain 3.0-3.5 8.8 97.4 111.8 87.1 Between Lots 71 and 72 • 230 Storm Drain 1.0-1.5 8.1 104.6 113.5 92.2 Lot 12 231 Storm Drain 4.5-5.0 8.6 96.7 H5.5 83.7 Reworked lot 12 232 Sewer, Between 3.0-3.5 3.6 99.7 115.5 86.3 • Lots 69 and 70 233 StOl'm Drain 3.0-3.5 9.8 91.3 115.5 79.0 Reworked Between Lots 200 and 201 234 Sewer I Between 1.5-2.0 9.0 101.1 111.8 90.4 •• Lots 176-177 235 Storm Drain 3.0-3.5 11.3 94.9 '113.5 83.7 Reworked Between Lots 186 and 187 236 Sewer I Between 3.0-3.5 6.7 99.8 115.5 86.4 Rewd.rked • Lots 200 and 201 237 Storm Drain 4.5-5.0 7.1 108.5 115.5 93.9 CheQk on #231 , Lot 12 238 Sewer, 2.0-2.5 12.2 102.0 ' 113.5 90.0 Lot 12 '239 Sewer 0-0.5 * 8.6 101.3 111.8 90.6 • Lot 12 240 Sewer I Between 3.0-3.5 12.3 102.4 113.5 90.2 Che"k on 11226 Lots 200 and and #2~9 201 241 'Storm Drain 3.0-3.5 7.8 95.1 113 .. 5 83.8 Rew~ked • Between Lots 200 / and 201 242 Storm Ora in 3'.0-3.5 10.7 95.9 111.8 85.8 Reworked .. Between Lots 200 to 201 " * Indicates finished grade • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-4-20DF T-19 March 22, 1977 ~l • La Costa Land Company TABLE OF TEST ,RESUL TS (CONT.) Depth of • Test Below Maximum Approx-Existing Field Dry Dry Test imate Surface Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft COOl pact ion Remarks 243 Sewer I Between' 2.0-2.5 9.5 101.8 111.8 91.1 • l.ots 186 and 187 244 Storm Drain 1,.5-2.0 11.0 104.7 115.5 .90.6 Check on #228 ·Between Lots 186 and #235 and 187 245 Storm Drain 3.0-3.5 13.1 110.6 115.5 95.8 Check on #227, • Between Lots 200 233, 241 and and 201 242 • • • •• • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • .' • • • • . Project No. 76-4-20DF , La Costa Laf1d Company L-l LABORATORY TEST RESULTS March 22, 1977 {'t. The maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the maior fill materials as deter- mined by the A.S. T .M. D 1557-70 method, ·that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling fran a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction cyl inder I are presented as follows·: Soil Description Brown silty fine to medium sand Light Prange brown clayey very fine sand Light brown silty very fine to fine-sand Light gray brown silty very fine sand Light yellow brown silty fine sand Yellow brown slight.ly clayey fine to medium sand Yellow brown clayey fine sand with siltstone chunks Light gray and yellow brown silty fine to medium sand Brown silty fine sand with scattered gravel' Ligl:lt gray brown sri ty fine sand light gray brown silty fine sand Light gray fine to medium sand with 51 ight clay binder BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. MClximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 119.2 113.4 '111.8 113.5 116.2 117.3 110.2 115.5 120.6 114.0 120.4 115.4 Optirpum Mois- ture Content % dry wt 11.8 15.1 12.6 13.9 13.2 13.1 15.7 13.7 10.5 11.5 11.4 12.7 • • • • • • • ••• • • aENTON ENG,INEERING, INC .. t== U)3 'ct ,11 ~~ 7 L PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEEit APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS ·6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA. 82111 February 8, ·l977 h - TELEPHONE (714) !56!5·18!51S La C Qsta Land Company 2100 Costa Det Mar Road· Carlsbad, California 92008 v~ REC'EIVED Subject: Gentlemen: ·Project No. 76-1-2D.F Results of Field Density Tests Taken in Compacted Filled Ground, Trench Backfill, SubbaSe, and . jlQS<LM~t.E!rial lLaGosta-:.E5tafeS:~orth Carlsbad Tract No. 75-6 Carlsbad, California FEB 9 rJ77 CITY OF CARLSBAD Bullding Department This is to report the results of field density tests taken in compacted filled ground placed in the' rqvine on the east ~ide of the subject site and in trenc.h backfin, subbase, and base -materials placed on La Costa Estates North inCorlsbad, California. The ·tests Were taken, during the weekly periods indicated below: rest Number 1 to 10, inclusive 11 to 14, inclusive . 15 to 48, inclusive 49 to 78 i inclusive 79 to 103, inclusive 104 to 106, inclusive 107 to 152, inclusive 153 to 155, 'inclusive 156 to 200, inclusive 201 to 205~ inclusive Week Ending November 6, 1976 November 13, 1976 November 20, 1976 November 27, 1976 December 4~ 1976 December 11, 1976 December 18, 1976- December 25, 1976 Jc:muary 1, 1977 January, 18, 1977 (Date of last test) -. . The apprQXimdte lo¢ations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented , on pages '3 to 14, inclusive, under' the IITchie of Test 'Results. II The laboratory deterrriinationsof the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture content~ of the major fill materials are pr,esented on pages 14 arid l5, under the 1I1aboratory Test Results. II Some of the maximum dry densities shown in the IITable' of Test Results" were combinations of these. ' - • • • • • •• • • • e. • Project No~ 76-J.,.·2DF. La Costa Land Company Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . ByR.~~ R~ C. Remer Reviewed by .,g.~~c 5 .• H. Shu, Civil Engineer . R.C .-E. No.' 19913 Distr: r3) Addressee -2- (1) Addressee, Attention: Mr. Burton C. Kramer (1) City of Carlsbad, Engineering Department (1) Rick Engineering Company, Carlsbad . RCR/SHS/ew BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. February 8, 1977 - Project No. 76-1-2DF -3-February 8;' 1977 • La COsta Land Company :3 -, TABLE OF 'rEST RESULTS Oepth Maximum • App~ox-of Fill Field-. Dry Dry' Test itncite . at Test . Moisture Density Density Percent N~h Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Com pad ion Remarks 1 175' North 2.0 11.8 118.9 ". 127.8 93.0 • of Pond 2 27t), North 2.0 14.5 . 113.4. 121.5 93.3 of Pond . 3 400' North 2.0 . 14.3 112.6. ... 121.5 92.7 of Pond • 4 150' North' 4.0 16.7 101.0 111.0 91.0 of Pond 5·· 350' North 4.0 15.7 108.4 114.5 94.7 of Pond 6 lQO' North 6.0 18~7 102.4 111.0 .. 92.3 • of Pond '7 300' North 6.0 13. 1 106.7. 114.5 . 93.2 of Pond 8 100' North 8.0 16~6 109.8 121.5 90.4 of Pond 9 375' North 8.0 17.4 ]07.4 115.3 . 93. 1 •• of Pond 10 150' North ·10.0 13.5 108.4 115.3 '94.0 of Pond 11 . 450' North 10.0 14.7 107.4 115.3 93.1 of Pond < . '. 12. 200' North 12.0 12.8 100.3 109 .. 0 . 92.0 of Pond . 13 35.0' North 12.0 .10.6. 108.1 113.2 95.5 of Pond l~ 100t'North 14.0 14.5 10l.·0 ,l1L5 90.,5 • ',of Pond 15'~ Sewer-Trench ·2.0 19.7 1-17.5 t:21.5 96.7 EI Fl,Ierte St. S.ta~ 28+00 16 Sewet Trench 3.0 15.7 111.2 12 1.S· . 91.6 • ' EI Fuerte St. Sta.29+75 17 Sewer. Trench 3.0 17.8 103.2 109 .. 0 94.7- EI Fuerte St. Sia. 32+00 18 Water Trench 2.0 6.9 114.7 118.0 97.2 • EI Fuerte ·St • . Sta. 28+00 t.. .' BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 76-1-2DF -4-.Februa~y 8,. 1977 ;;-•• La Costa Land Company "... TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum . • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test· Moisture· Density . Density Percent No. Locaticm' in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft. Ib/cu ft Compaction -Remarks 19 Water Trench 2.0 '22.4 105.3 109.0 96.6 • .EI Fuerte' St. Sta. 29+65 20 Water Trench 2.0 16.0 114.6 119.8 95.6 EI Fuerte St. Sta. 31+45 .'. • 21 Sewer Trench -1.0 * 10.4 118.8 119.8 99.2 EI Fuerte St. Sta. 33+75 22 Sewer Trench -1.5 ' 15.2 109,.4 .119.8 91.,3 EI Fuerte St. Sta. '36+00 • 23 Water Trench -1.0 14.3 110.7 120·.1 92.2 EI Fuerte St. Sta. 37+00 : 24 Sewer Trench -1 •. 5 14.3 "111.8 120.1 93.1 EI Fuerte St. • Sta. 38+415 25 Sewer ir~nch -1.5 8.3 114.3 .. 119.8 . 95.4 Altiva Place Sta. 1+50 26 Water Trench -1.0 19.0 104.7 116.3 ' 90.0 • . Altiva Place Sta. 3+50 .27' Sewer Trench -1.5 14.6 '105.9 116.3' . 91.1 AI tiva Place, Sta. 5+50 • 28 Sewer Trench -1.5 ' 18.7 108.3 119.8 90.4 AltivCi Place Sta. 7+50 29 Water Trench -1.0 15.0 107.7 116.3 92.6 AI tiva Place Sta. 9+75 • 30 Sewer Trench -1.5 16.4 106.,7 116.3 91.7 AIHve'Place Sta. 11+75 31 Sewer Trench -1.5 17.3 112.9· 118.6 95.2 AI tivaPlace • Sta. 13+50 32 Sewer Tren ch . -1.5 11.6 113.6 ' 118.6 9$.8 ,. EI Fuerte St. Sta. 40+50 * Indicates depth below finished grade in feet • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC •. Project No. 76-1-2DF -5-February 8, 1977 5 • La Costa Land Company - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONi.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet _ % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ih/cu ft Compaction Remarks 33 Water Trench ~ 1.0 10.7 121.1 124.8 97.1 • -EI Fuerte St. Sta. 42+80 . -34 Sewer Trench -1.5 10.2 116.3 124.8 93.2 Marm'ol Ct. Sta. 1+00 • 35 Water Tr:ench -1.0 11.7 111.5 118.6 94.0 Marmol Ct. Sta. 2+00 36 AI tiva Place Subbase. 8'.5 115.7 121. 1 95.6 950/0 Required Sta. 13+85 37 AIHva Place Subbase 8. 1 116.-5 121. 1 96.2 9SOio Required • Sta. )2+50 38 AI tiva Place Subbase 8.5 116.3 121.1 96.0 95% Required Sta. 11+00 39 AI tiva Place Subbase 11.2 117.8 121. 1 '97.3 95% Require.d Sta.9+50 • 40 AI tiva Place Subbase 7.8 115.1 121. 1 95.1 95% Required S'ta. 8-+00 41 AI tiva Place Subbase 10.4 115.5 121. 1· 95.4 95010 Required Sta. 6+50 42 ALtiva Place Subbase -11.2 116.7 121. 1 -96.4 950/0 Required • Sta. 5+00 43 AI tiva Place Subbase 8.7 117.0 121. 1 . 96.6 95% Required Sta. 3+50 44 AI tiva Place Subbase ·10.8 115~7 121. 1 95.5 95% Requireq Sta. 2+00 • 45 Sewer Trench -3.0 10.9 110.0 120.1 91.6 , . Acuna Court Sta. 2+00 46 Water Trench -2.5 13.0 113 .• 0 124.8 90.6 Acuna Court ) , .' 47 Sta. 4+00- Sewe(Trench· -3.0 14.3 -114~,3. 124.8 .91.6 Acuna Court Sta. 6+25 48 Water Trench -2.5 9.0 114.9 118.6 96.8 Acuna Court • Sta. 7+90. 49 Wpter .Trench -2.5 13.3 112.8 122.8 91.9 EI Fuerte St. Sta. 48+00 • BENTON ENGINE!::RING. INC. '-, ", Project No. 76-1-2DF -6-. Febtua~y 8, 1977 b • La Costa Land Company .".., TABLE OF,TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of FiH Field Dry Dry "Fest imate at .Test Moisture Density Density Percenf No. Location in' Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft 'Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 50 Sewer Trench -3.0 14.5 113.5 118.6 95.7 • EIFuerte St. Sta. 50+80 51 , Water Trench -2.5 14.5 105.3 116.3 90.5 EI Fuerte St. Sta. 54+00 • 52 Water Trench -2.5 10.4 124.0 124.8 99.4- EI Fuerte St. Sta. 56+00 53 Sewer Trench -3.0 12.8 110. 1 120.1 9l.7 Candil Place Sta. 1+40 I • 54 Water Trench -2.5 11.6 114.6 l24.8 91.8 Candil Place Sta. 3+25 55 Water Trench -2.5 16.7 112.7 122.8 91.8 Candil Way • Sta. 20+50 56 Water Trench -2.5 '·16.5 106.7 118.3 90 • .2 Candit Way , Sto,. 18+50 57 Water Trench -2.5 . 13.8 108.2 116.3 93.0 • Condil Way Sta. 15+75 58 Water Trench -2.5 17.3 108.5 118.3 91.7 Candil Way Sta. 13+75 • 59 Water Trench. -2.5 12.2 105.7 '116.3 '90.9 Candil Way Sta. 11+50 60 Water Trench -2.5 10.0 109.7 118.3 92.8 Condil Way Sta. 9+50 • 61 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 10.4 117.5 121. 1 97.0 ·95% Required Sta. 28+00 62 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 11.3 117.3 121.1 -96.8 95% Requi~ed Sta. 29+50 6~ EI Fuert~ St. Subbase 8.2 117.0 121. 1 96.6' 95% Required • Sta. 31+00 64 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 11.0 119.5 121. 1 98.7 95% Required Sta. 32+50- • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. '. Project No. 76-h·2DF -7-February 8, 1977 7 La Costa Land Company - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .). Depth Maximum • . Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 65 EI Fuerte St. ~ubbase 9.0 120.0 ' 121.1·. 99.1 ',95% Required • Sta. 34+00 66 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 7.3 116.7 121.1 '96.4 95% Required Sta. 35+50 67 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 7.7 118.1 .. : 121·.1 97.5 950k Required Sta. 37+00 • 68 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 10.6 119.2 121.1 98.4. 950k Required ·1 Sta. 38+50 69 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 8.1 115.5 121.1 95.4 95% Required Sta. 40+00 70 E,I Fuerte St. Subbase 10.8 118.1 121.1 97~5 9~k Requir~d • Sta. 41+50 71 EI. Fuerte St. Subbase 7.7 118.7 121.1 98.0 . 95% Required· Sta. 43toO .. 72 EI ~uerte, St. Subbase 10.2 118.9 121. 1 98.2 950k Required Stq. 44+50 73 EI Fu~rte St. Subbase 8.6 115.3 . 121. 1 95.2 950/0' Required • Sta. 46+00 74 EI Fuerte St. ~ubbase 8.8 . 120.0 121. 1 99.1 95% Required , Sta. 47+50 '. 75 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 9.1 115.8 121 ~1 95.6 95% Recjuired Sta. 49+00 • 76 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 11.6 121.3 121. 1 100.2 95% Required Sta. 50+50 77 :tl Fuerte St. Subbase 10.0 116.4 121. 1 96.: 1 95% Required Stci. 52+00 78 EI Fuerte St. '. Subbase 8.7 118.5 .121'.1 97.8' 95% Required • Sta. 53+50 79 Water Trench -2.5 7.5 . 110.0 121.1 90.9 Candil Way Sta. 7+00 80 Water Tren.ch -2.5 13.7 120.3 127!5 94.4 • Candil Way Sta~ 4+50 81 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 14.7 114.1 1.21. 1 94.2 950k Required Sta,. 55+00 Reworked 82 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 10.8 114.8 121. 1 94.8 950/0 Required . Sta. 56+00 • 83 EI Fuerte S~. Subbase 14.4 113. 1 121.1 93,.4 95% Required . Sta. 57+50 Reworked .' • BEI'\ITON ENGINEERING. INC. Proj ect No. 76-1-2DF -8-February 8, 1977 g • La Costa Land ·Company - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT .): Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate of Test Moisture Oensity Density Percent No •. Location in Feet. % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft . Compaction Remarks 84 Water Trench ;.;2 .. 0 17.0 116.2 121.4 95.7 • Mana'gua PI. ' Std. 1+82 85 Water Trench -2.0 21.7 108.8 . 120.1 90.6 Managua PI. '. Sta. 3+60 • 86 Water Trench ":2·.0 1"2.8 113.9 121.4 93.8 Managua PI • . Std. 5+60 87 Wqter Trench -2.0 .. 19.7 107.6 116.8 92.1 Managua PL. Sta,. 7+6.0 • ~e Sewer Trench -2.0 . 27.4 82.0 114.0 72.0 85% Required Rear of. Reworked Lot. 104 "'" 89 el Fu~rte St. Subbase 10.6-112.0 121.1 92.6 95% Required . Sta. 55+00 Reworked • 90 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 12.0 . 116.4 121.1 96.1 95% Required Sta. 57+50 Check on #83 91 CandilPlace Subbase 8.4 118.6 121.1 98.,0 95% Requited Sta.4+16 92 CandO Place Subbase 10.9 109.9 121. 1 90.8 9SOk Required • Sta. 2+66 Reworked 93 Candil Place Subbase 7.9 109.8 121.1 90.7 95% ,Required S'ta'. 0+46 Reworked 94 ' Candil Way Subbase 16.6 103.0 121 • .1 85.1 9SO/o Required St<l. '23+85 Reworked 95 Candil Way Subbase 105 116~7 121..1 96.3' 95% R~uired • : . Sta. 22+17 96 Candil Way Subbase 8.5 114.0 121.1 94.1 95% Required Sta'. 19+50 Reworked 97 Candil Way Subbase 9.9 117.8 121.1 97.3 95% Required Sta.18+00 • 98 Candil Way Subbase 9.4· 113.7 121. 1 93.9 95% Required Sta. 17+50 Reworked· 99 CandilWay Subbase 8.8 122.0 121.1 100.7 95% Required Sta. 15+00 100', Candil Way Subbase 7.2 113.2 121. 1 93.-4 95% Required • Sta. 15t5.0 Reworked ]01 Managua PI. Subbase 7.7 115.7 121. 1 95.2 9SOk Required Sta. 0+80 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Project No. 76-1-2DF -9-February 8, 1977 '! La Costa Land Company --' TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONTo)' Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate of Test Moisture Density ~nsity Percent· . Nq. . Locati e;>n in Feet % dry wt ' Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks 102 Managua PI. Subba~e' . '8.0 110.3 121:1· 91.1 95% Required • Sta. 2+30 . ~eworked 103 Managua, PI. . Subbase 10.4 113 •. 6 121. 1 93.8 95% Required Sta. 3+80 Reworked 104 Altiva Place Subbase 12. 1 116.9, 121'.1 96.5 95% Required S'ta; 13+8S • 105 Altiva Place ' Subbase 12 • .2 115.5 121.·1 ' 95.4 95% Required Sta. 7+90 106 Altiva Place Subbase 12.3 116.4 121. 1, 96.1 95% Required 'Sta. 0+48 107 Acuna Court. ' Subbase 10. 1 109.8 121.. 1 90.7 95% Required Sta. 8+90 . Reworked • 108 Acu'1a Court ' Subbase 10.8 117.1 121.1 96.7 ' ~5%' Required, Sta. 6+90 109 Acuna Court Subbase 16. 1 106.4 121. 1 87.9 95% ,Required Sta. 4+90 Reworked 110 Acuna Cour.t Subbase 12.2 109.4 121.1 90.3 '95% Required • Sta. 2+90 Reworked ... 111 Acuna Court Subbase 1 L 1 112.9 '121. 1 93.2 95% Required Sta. 0+90 Reworked' 1,12 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 13.0 116. , :121 ~ 1 95.9 95% Required Sta. 45+00 , • 113 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 13.0 116.0 121. 1 95.8 95% Required Sta. 45+00 114 . Et Fuerte St.' Subbas,e 13.2 104.7 121.1 86.5 95% Required, Sta. 26+75 'Reworked 115 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 10.2 114.2 121, .1 94.3 95% Required • Sta'. 30+00 Reworked 116 EI Fuerte St. Subbase 11.8 117.3 121;' 96.9 95% Required Sto. 26+75 : Check on #114 117 EI i=uerte St. Subbase ' 13.5 115.5 121. 1 '95.4 95% Required Sta. 30+00 Check 01"1 #115 118 Marmol Ct. Subbase 14.2 106.7 121.1 88.1 95% Required • Sta.' 2+80 Reworked 119, EI Fuerte St. Subbase 11.8 117.2 121.1 ' 96.8 95% Required' Sta. 55+00 Ck on #89 ':& '8,1 120' Coodil Place, Subbase 9.7 115.0 121. 1 95.0 95% Required Sta. 2+66, Check on #92 • 121 CandH Place Subbase 8.7 \ 115.8 121., 1 95.6 95% Required' Sta. 0+46 Check on #93 ' 122 Candil Way Subbase 13. 1 115.6 121.1 95.5 95% Required Sta. 23+85 ' Check on #94 123 Candil Way Subbase 10.0 116. 1 121. 1 95.9 95.% 'Required • Sta. 19+50 Check on #96 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 76-1-2DF -10--February 8, 1977 /~ • La Costa Land Company ...... TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fir! ' Field Dry Dry T~st imate of Test Moisture Density Densfty Percent No. Location i,h Feet % dry wt Ib/ ct? ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remqrks 124 Candil Way Subbase 10.'1 '118.2 121.1 97.6 95% Required • Sta. 17+50 Check on #98 ' 125 Candil Way Subbase 10.2 115.8 121.1 95.6 95% Requ.ired Sta. 15+50 Check on # 100 126 Acuna Court Subbase 9.5 '1'15.3 121.,1. 95.2 95% Required Sta" 8+90 'Check on # 107 • 127 Acuna Court ' Subbase 10.5 115.9' 12L 1, ' 95.7 95% Required Sta. 4+90 Check on #109 128 Acuna Court Subbase 9.8 115.4 121. 1 ' ,95.3' 95% Required" Sfa. 2+90 Check on #110 129 Acuna' Court ' Subbase 10. 1 1'15.2 121..1 95.1 95% Required -. Sta. 0+90 Check on # 111 • 130 Marmol Ct. Subbase 9 .• 7 114.9 121. r 94.9 95% Requir.ed- Sta. 2+80 Check on 11118 131 Marmol'Ct. Subbase 10.7 115.4 121.1-95.3 95% Required Sta. 0+80 132 Candil Way Subbas~ 9.8' 115.4 121. 1 95.3 95% Required • Sta. 21+80 133 Managua PI. 'Subbase: 10.4 103.7 121. 1 85.6 95% Required Stat 2+30 Reworked 134 Mcmagua PI ~ Subbase 11. 1 110.9 121·1 91.6 95%.' Required Sta. 3+80 Reworked • 135 Managua PI. Subbase 10.7 11.7.5 121. 1 , 97.0 95% Required Stat 5+80 , 136 Managua PI. Subbase 9.7 114.8 121.1 ' 94.8 95% Required Stat 7+80 137 Managua PI. Subbase 11.0 110.1 121.1 90.9 95%'Required • End of CuI Reworked De Sac 138 Managua PI. Subbase 10 .. 7 116.6 121.1 96.3 95% Re'~uired , Stat 2+30 Ck. 6n 102 & 133 139 Managua PI. Subbase 10.6 116.4 121. 1 96. r 95% Re~uired " Sta. 3+80 Ck. 6n 103 &,134 • 140 Managua P,I. Subbase 10.6 116.0 121.1 95.8 95% RequJred' End of Cui Check on #137 De Sac i 141 Candil Way Subbase 8.1 114.4 121.1 " 94.5 95% Required Sta,. 13+50 • 142 Candil Way , Subbase 10.7 115.4 121.1 95.3 95% Required Sta. 11+50 • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Project No. 76-1-2DF -11-FebruaryR, 1977 1/ La Costa Land C.ompany - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.). , Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fir! Field Dry Dry T~st imate of Test Moisture Densi:ty Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks' 143 Candil Way Suboase ' 11. l' 115.5 121. 1 ,95.4 95% Required •• Stat 9+50 144 Candil Way Subbase :) 1.4 115. 1 121..1 95.0 95% Req'uired Stat 7+50, 145 Candil Way Subbase' 11.0 ' 115~9 121.'1 95.7 95% Required Stat 5+50 • 146 Candil Way Subbase, 10.3 116.0 121.1 95.'8 95% Required Stat 3+50 147 ' Bike Path Subgrade 9.5 '127.6 ' 127.5 ' 100.1 Stat 51+25 - EI Fuerte St. 148 Bike Path Subgrade '9.9 122.6 121.5 96.2 • EI-Fuerte St. StQ. 46+00 . 1 149 Bike Path Subgrade, 10.4 126.3 127 • .5 ·99.1 EI Fuarte St. Stat 45+00 150 Bike Path Subgrade 10.0 12-1.5 '125.9 " 96.5 • EI Fuerte St. Stat 41+00 151 Bike Path Subgrade' 8.2 103.6 114.0 90.9 EI Fuerte St. Stat 37+25 • 152 Bike Path Subgrade 10.0 107.9 114.0 94.6 EI Fuerte St. Stat 33+40' 153 Candil Place -Base 6.9 117.6 .131.1 ' 8.9.7 95% Reql.! ired Stat 4+15 Reworked • 154 Candil Place B~se 7. 1 120.5 131. 1 91.9 95% Required - Stat '2+60 Reworked 155 Candil Place Bas,e 5.9 120.4 131.1 " 91.8 95% Requ ired Stat 0+50 Reworked 156 Candil Place Base . 4.9 124.1 131.. 1 94.7 95% Required Sta.4+15 Check on ~,153 • 157 Canc!il Place Base 5.7 123.1 131.1 94.9 . 95% Required' Sta. 2+60 , , Check on #154 , 158 " CandH Place Base 5.9 123.4 131.1 94.1 95% Required Stat 0+50 Check on # 155 159 Managua PI. Base :4.7 134.0 132.0 101.5 95% Requ ired • End.of Cui De Sac 160 Managua PI. Base 6. 1 123.7 . 132.1 93.7 . 95% Required' . Stat 7+80 Reworked • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Projecf No. 76-1-2DF -12-.February 8, 1977 it • La Costa Land Company - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) . Depth . MaximUm • Approx-of Fill Field . Dry Dry Teast imate of Test Moisture Dens,ity Densrty Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft .Compaction· Remarks 161 "Candil Way aase . 5.3" 125.1 " 131. 1 95.4 95% Require'd • Sta. 3+50 162 Managua PI. Base 6.0 1.25.8 131. 1 ' 95.9 95% Required Sta. 7+80 Check .on # 160 163 ' Managua PI. Base 5.5 124.6 131.1 95.0 , 95% Required Sta. 5+80 • 164 Managua PI. Base 6.5 124.3 131. 1 94.8 95% Required Sta. 3+80 165 Managua PI. Base 6.5 124.3 131. 1 94.8 95% Required Sta. 2+30, 166 CandHWay Base 4.9 124.0 . 131. 1 94.7 95% Required' Sta. ~+50 • 167 '. Condit Way Base 7.3 1'33.0 132.0 100.7 95% R~.quired Sta. 5+50 168 Ccmdir Way Base 7. 1 126.9 131.l. 96.8 95% Required Sta. 7+50 169 Candit'Way Base 6. 1 128.0 131. 1 97~6 95% Required • Sta. 9+50 170 Condit Way Base 6.3 129.0 131.1 98.5 95°/6 Required Sta. 11+50 171 Candil Way Base 5.7 125.9 131. 1 96.0 95% Required Sta.13+50 • 172 Candil Way Base 6:8 133.5' 132.0 101. 1 ~ 5°/~ Requ ired Sta. '15+50 )73 Condit Way Base 5.9 129'.2 131. 1 98.6 95% Required Sta. 17+50 , .174 Condit Way Base 5'.2 128.5 131.1 98.0 95% Required • Sta. 19+50 175 Candil Way Base 6.3 134.0 132.0 101.5 9SOk Required Sta. 21+50 176 EI Fuerte St. Base 6.9 13Q.l 132.0 98.6 95% Required Sta. 56+00 177 E! Fuerte St. Base 7.7 130.0 132,.0 98.5 95% Required • Sta. 53+00 178 tl Fuerte St. Base 7.4 '124.0 131. 1 '94.8 95% Required Sta. 50+00 ' 179 EI Fuerte St. Base .6.~ 130.1 132.0 98.6 ' . 95% Required Sta.· 47+00 • 180 EI 'Fuerte St. Base 5.0 132.4 l32.0 100.3 . 95% Required Sta. 44+00 18,1 EI Fuer.te St. Base 8~0 129.6 132.0 98.2 . 95% Required Sta. ,42+00 • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • Project No. 76-·1-2DF -13~ February 8, 1977 /3 La, Costa Land Company -, TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CaNT.): Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry Test imate of Test Moisture Density . Density Percent No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft lb/cu ft Compaction Remarks 182 EI Fuerte St. Base 7.6 134.7 ~132.0 • 102 .• 0 95% ~equir~d • Sta. 40+00 183 EI Fuerte St. Base 5.0 134.,3 .132.0 101.7. 95% Required Sta. 38+00 184 EI Fuerte' St,. Base . 5.8 134~ 1 '132.0 101;5 95% Required Sta. 36+00 • . 185 EI Fuerte St • Base 6'.6 . 134.6 132 .• 0 102.0 95% Required Sta. 34+00 186 Acuna Court Base 7.7 126.0 133 A 94.5 95% Required Sta. 8+80 187 Acuna Court Base. 7.8 . ·122.2 -128.1 95.4 95% Required Sta. 6+80 • 188 Acuna COLlrt Base 5.8 .'128.9 133.4 96.6 95% Required Sta. 4t60 189 Acuna Court Base 6.3 132.5 138.2 95.8 95% Required Sta. 2+80 190 .Acuna Court Base 4.4 127.6 132.0 96.7 95% Required • Sta .0+80 191 EI Fuerte St. Base 6.8 135~ 1 132.0 102.3 95% Required Sta. 30+00 192 EI Fuede St. Base ·5.5 137.8 132.0 104.4 95% Requ ired . Sta.28+00 • 193 Marmol Ct. Base 6.7 132.8 J32.0 ~ 100.5 95% Required Sta. 2,+70 194 Marmol Ct. 'Base 9.5 132.0 132.0 100.0 95% Required Sta. 0+70 195 Altiva Place Base' 5.2 129.3 131.1 98.6 95% Requ ired • S.ta. 12+00 196 AI tiva Place Base 4.9 127.7 131.1 97.4 95% R~quir~d Sta.· '10+00 197 Altiva Place Base 5.2 .130.2 131.1 99.3 95% Required Sfa. 8+00 198 AI tiva Plqce Base 4.7 127.8' 131.1 97.5 95% Requ ired • Sta.6+00 199 Altiva Place Base 4.3 129.1 131.1 98.5 95% Required Sta. 4+00 . 200 At tiva Place Base 3.7 129.0 131. 1 98.4 . 95% Required Sta. 2+00 • 201 Sewer Trench -2.0 14.8 113.9 127.9 88.9 85% Required Sta. 372+40 Rear of Lot 6 • '. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • '. .' • Project No. 76-1-2DF -14-February 8, 1977 ,Jf La Costa Land Company - TABLE OF TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Depth Maximum Approx-of Fill Field Dry' Dry Test imate of Test Moisture Density Density, Percent No~ Location in Feet '% dtywt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft," Compaction Remarks 202' 'Sewer Trench -2.0 15.0 110.5 127.9 86.2 . 85% Required. Sta. 362+56 :Rear of Lot 9 203 Sewer Trench -2.0 15.4 104~5 117.9 88.6 85% Required Sta. 322+60 Rear of Lot 13 204 Sewer,Trench -2.0 14.7 103.5 117.3 88.2 ' 85% Required Rear of Lot 104 Check on #88 205 Sewer Trench -2.0 11.5 104.3 117.3 88.9 85% Required Rear of Lot 79 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the majorfiH materials as determined by the A.S. T.M. D 1557-70 method, that uses Z5 bl'ows of a 10 pound rammer fcilling from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diamefer 1/30 cubic foot compa~tion cylinder" • eire presented as follows: ' • • • • • Soil Description , ,Dark red broWn gra,velly clayey fine to medium sand Brown clayey fine to medium sand Brown clay , , Olive gray fine sandy clay Yellow brown fine to medium sandy clay Yellowish gray brown silty fine to medium sand , Red broWn fine to medium sandy clay with scattered gravel Red brown fine to coarse sandy clay YelJow brown sil'ty fine to medium sand with sHght day binder Dark gray silty clay Light gray siJty fine to medium sand with, , . slight day' binder: ' , Gray brown slightly 'silty fine to coarse sa'nd {D.G. base} Gray sJightly silty fine to coarse sand (D.G. bqse) Brown grave II y 51 ightly sil ty fine to coarse sand (D.G. base) ,BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Maximum Optimum'Mois- Dry Density ture Content Ib/cu ft % dry wt . 124.8 10.9 110. 1 13.6 114.0 15.5 116.3 13.0 . 118.6 13.1 119.8 ' 12.1 127.5 10.2 121.5 11.9 122.8 10.8 116.8 11.8, 121.1 11.3 1'32.'0 , 8.2 131.1 7.5 133.4 8.6 • .- • • • • • • • • • Project No. 76-1-2DF La Costa Land Company -15- -. LABORATORY TEST RESULTS (CONT.) Soil Descripti on Dark broWn clayey fine to coarse sand GrQY brown slightly silty fine to coarse sand (D.G. base) Yellow brown sl'ightly silty fine to coarse sand {D.G. base} Red broWn clayey fine to medium sand Gray brown' cI ayey silt Olive gray silty clay Olive gray fine sandy clay Light red brown fine to medium sandy clay Dark gray silty cI ay Red brown clayey fine to cQ9rse sand with scattered grQvel BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Maximum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 128. 1 138.2 132.4 127.8 117.9 109.0 118.0 121.4 1i6.8 127.9 February 8, 1977 /5' Optimum Mois": ture Content % dry wt 10.6 7.6 8.3 10.2 13.4 18 •. 5 13. 1 11 • .7 11.8 8.7 .".... • " BENTON ENGINEERING, 'INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATION~' 6717 CONVOY COURT. SAN OU::GO. CALIFORNIA ~2"'1 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT ~ CIVIL ENGINiEER December 1, 1976 La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 76,...4-20DF . Resl.,llts of "R II Value, Mechanical Analysis, and Sand Equ i va lent Tests Performed ,on Subgrade Soils For Widening of . EI CamIno Real West o'f Green Valley KnoHs Carlsbac;l tract No. 75-7 Carlsbad, California TELEPHONE (714) 15615·191515 This is to report the results of laboratory tests to determine the IIR, II Value, Mechanical Analysis, and Sand Equivalent of two representative samples of the subgtade soils obtained from the east side of EI Camino Real north of Levante Street in Carlsbad, CaLifornia. . The S~nd Equivalent test and Mechanical Analysis were performed i'n accordal'lce with the California bivision of Highways Test MethoCl 217 and A.S.T.'M. D 422-63 respectively. The results of these tests together with the resul:t of the IIR 1\ Value Test fOr each sample are presented as foil ows: . . U.S. Sieve Size 1 Inch No. No. No. 4 16 50 No. 200 Sand Equivalent IIRI! Value Sample No.1 MO" North of Center! ine of Levante Street 100.0 100.0 95.6 89.3 31.8 7 22 . Sample No.2 600'North of Centerl ine :of . Levante Street Percent Finer by Weight 100.0 100.0 97.7 91.8 81.6 4 12 " ' Proj:ect No. 76-4-20DF e La .costa Land Company -2-• December 1, 1976 Copies of the r.esults of the tests to determine the JIR" Value of the soil, conducted by Testing Engineers" Incorporated, are attached hereto. Respectfully subm itted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By£C~ R. C. Remer ' Reviewedby ~~&t::g; , Phiif)H'OBtOn, 'Civil Engineer R • C .' E. No. 1033'2 D istr: (3) Addressee RCR/SHS/ew BENTON E,NGINEERING, INC. tv, .. t f"" ""j.'" t ~ ~1 • JA ~ e ~~ • Testing Engineers· San Diego 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. BOX 80985. SAN DIEGO. CA ~2~::!8 ~ (714) ~25.9641 ~ LABORATORY NUMf!ER SD3l-3757 DATE ~Qvember ?6, 1976 . JOB DATA: Fill: 1/:534 SAMPLE DATA: Sample submitted to the Lq Costa laboratory on November 23, 1976, and Benton Engineering, Inc. identified as El Camino Rea,1, 160' N. 6717 COp.voy Court C.L. Levante on ~ast Siiqe str ee1:. San Diego, CalifQrnia 92111 I R • VALUE '[:lATA GRADING /",NALYSI;j A B c: D E SIEVE PERCENT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS· P.S.I. ~OO 280 200· SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION • % 1a.5 15.7 17.1 4" . - DENSITY. #/Cu. FT. ~Oq.9 113.4 Il0.0 ; . S" R.VALUE. STABILOMETER 10 28 22 .,,, .,.' ,- EXUD. PRESSURE. P.S.J •. :(,40 ·380 300· 1" --_.- STAB. THICK. FEET 1.30 1.03' 1.14 ,. ~1a " EXPAN. PRESS. THICK. FEET' ---., 0.20 O.O~· 1/2" .. T. J. (ASSUMED) = 4.5-, o/a" .. I.J By.STAB. @ SOO P.S.J. ~:x;tlD. = 22 Z::l .;;:4 Cl.J -< ta> By EXPANSIO~ PRESSURE = 54 o· '#6 0:: AT EQUILIBRIUM ::=: 22· .. ;:16 .. SAND EQUIVALENT = ;:30 . DURABILITY (COARSE) -'LIQUID LIt.\lr = ;;:50 . . . DURABILITY (FINE) ::=: . PI-A;>T!C .LIM!T :::: ;:100 F. J. :::; ~2oo REMARKS: (2) Benton Engineering, Inc. .. ' " THC: am , fQl'lIoj 15 JI' ~ ~ ~ . , , e • 4-A I~ • Testing Engineers· San Diego r. 3467 KURTZ ST .. P.O. BOX S098S. SAN DIEGO. CA 92138 (714) 22S.-964~ ""'!"""'" . L.ABORATORY NUM.BER SD3l-3758 DATE Novemper 26~ 1976 JOB DATA: File 41534 SAMPLE DATA: Sample submitted to' the' La Costa labor~tory on NovemQer '23, :\.97,6, and identiUed as 600' N. of Lev~nte St. Benton ~n~ineering, Inc. on east side E;l Camino Real, 6717 Convoy Court: San Diego, California 92111 " R -VAl.U," DATA GRADING ANAL YS'~ A B C 0 E SIEVE: PERCE!'IT PASSING COMPACTOR PRESS -P.S.J. 90 1,50 50 SIZE As RCVD. As USED MOIST @ COMPACTION -% 24.4 22.5 26.3 ' 4" DENSITY -#/Cu. FT. 1QO.2 103.6 96~6 ~" R·VALUE: • STAElILOMETER lZ 18 7 2" EXUD. P~ESSURE • P.S.I. 300 430 140 " 1" -----' " STAB. THICK. FEET 1.27 l.l~ 1.'33 %" EXPAN. PRESS. THICK.FEET 0.80 ,0.87 0·.23 ; ~" " T. I. (ASSUMED) = 4.5'" %" '" BY.STAB. @ 300 P.~.J. EXUD. = 12 Z:J #4 I!).J -0( , lil> By EXPANSIO!'l PRESSURE = 32 o· It #8 '. ' , AT EQUIL.IIjIRIUM = l2 #16 '" , SAND EQUIVAl.ENT = ;:30 ' ' . PURABIl.ITY (COARSE) = L.IQUID L.IMIT ::::: ' #50 DURABIl.ITY (FINE) = PLASTIC L.i'1IT = #100 " R I. ,= #200 .. .., ~EMARI<S: (2) :Benton ~ngineering, Inc. .--'" .";.J'~ , TESTING ENGI~EERsf} " I ~ ByG//I~_ - THC:am i. lI., Chap~I,l, R.E. 4f'1.2~~:~ .:;> I • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT .. CIVIL ENGINEER La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Road Car I sbad I Ca I i forn i a 92008 Subject: Proiect No. 76-2-20D Mechanical Analysis and Sand Equivalent July 15 r 1976 Proposed Trench Backfill Material La Costa Green Valley Knolls Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: TELEPHONE (714) S6S-gISS This is to report the results of Sand Equivalent and Mechanical Analysis' tests conducted on a sample of soil proposed for use as trench backfill on the subject project. The Mechanical Analysis test was performed in accordance with A.S. T.M. D 422-63 and the, Sand Equivglent test was performed in accordan~e with A.S. T .M. D 2419-69. The ~esults of the tests ar~ presented be low: U.S. Sieve Percent Finer Size by Weight 3/4 Inch 100.~0·'-- 1/2 Inch 99.6 ,H'~ No. 4 97.9 ':1 No. 10 87.3 ~ ". No. 30 49.5 ". No. 40 39.6 }Or No. 60 28.8 r No. 100 20.8 No. 200 14.0 Sand Equivalent = 35 ) Proj ect No. 76-2-20D • La Costd Land Company -2- ~espectfully subm itted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BYR~~ R. C. Remer ReViewedb~ .~ Phil ip 1:/. Benton, Civil Engineer R.C.E. No. 10332 Distr: (2) Addressee (1) Leucadia County Water District (1) City of Carlsbad Building Department (1) Cameron Bros. RCR/PHB/ew BENTON ENGINEE"RING. INC. • July fS, 1'976 -"./ • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS ~ FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT -SAN DIEGO, CALJFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRE~IDENT .. CIVIL ENGINE~R La Costa Land Company Costa Del Mar Rood Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Project No. 76-1-2D April 1,° 1976 Results of Sand Equivalent Test La Costa Estates North Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4 ~- Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: TELEPHONE (714) 565-1955 This is to report the result of a Sand Equivalent test performed on a sample of soil proposed for use as trench backfill over utility lines in La Costa Estates North. The sample was obtained from a proposed borrow area near the intersection of Alga Rood and Alicante Road. The Sand Equivalent test was performed in accordance wrth the Cal ifornia Division of Highways Test Method 217 and the result Js presented below: Sand Equivalent = 39 Respectfully subm itted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By£_~~ R. C. Remer R.VjewedbY~~_ ' dip H. enton, Civil Engineer R. C. E. No. 10332 RCR/PHB/ew Q"7 . IXPR -5 L· ) ---CARLSBAD C\1'l O~ Department EOgioeenng Distr: (2) Addressee (1) City of Carlsbad " Ii , , 1 I I I - . -~ BENTON ENGINEERING, 'INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS PHILIP HENKiNG BENTON '''RESIDENT • CIVIL ENGINI!ER La Costa Land Company COsta De'l Mar Road ' 'carlsbad, Cal ifornia 92008 Atteflt,i on: Mr. frv Roston 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92111 March 16, 1976 Project No. 75-12-20F the Findings From Additional Borings ~reen Valley Knolls , .' , ·Gentletner)!' (Formerly Spanish Village Units 2 and 3) Rancho La Costa, Cal ifornia TELEPHONE (714) 565.1'955 RECEIVED MAR '2 6 :1916 C',\{ OF Cf\RLSBJ\D t , . , .. , oer'lartmen tniineenng -~ Reference" is made to our February 6, 1976 report whetein we reconimendeddrPlllng. of five additional borings at selected locations within the subject property. The recommendations. - . in the-Fl:!bruary 6, 1976 report was prepared in response to the request made by Mr .• Robert Stork 6f ~a Costa Land Company in order to obta in a more comprehesive subsurface -inf6rm-, ationa.t the site so that the scope of contingency which might result from edrthwork·opera- " .tions, can be reasonably estimated. ' The five ~dditionaJ borings were drilled at the appr~ximate, locations shown on the attacbed Dra~in9 No.1, entitled 'ILocation Of Additi onal Test Borings". The purposes of drilJing . these additional borings at selected lo.cations were de~cribed in the February 6, 1976 repOrt .. field Investigation The five borings were drilled, 24 to 36 inches in diameter, with a truck--mounted rotary . 'bucket-type driH rig at the approximate locations shown on' the attached Drawing No.1; entitled ItLotation of Additional Test Borings. II The borings were drilled tQdepths 'of 7 to 40feet,below the existing ground surface. A continuous log of the soils encountered in the borings was recorded at the time of drilling and is shown in detail on, Drawing Nos. 2 to 8,induslve, each. entitled "Summary Sheet. II . . -Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervals, where possible,in the soils ahead 'of the dr-illing. The drop weight used for driving the sampling tube into the soHs was,the . "Kelly" bar of the drill rig which weighs 1623 pounds, and the average drop was l2,inches. LQ~oratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed on all undisturbed 5ampl~s of the soils in ord'er to determine the dry density and moisture content. The resul ts of these tests are presented on :Drawing Nos. 2 to 8, inclusive. Consolidation tests were performed on representatIve samples in the Pj ! . I i 1 I , " ! Project No. 75-12-20F La Costa Land Company -2-Marcli16, 1976 upper 15.0 feet of boring 4 in order to determine the lodd-setflement ehdractedsHcs of the soils'and the reSults of these tests are presented graphically on Drawing Nos. 9 pnd 10, each' entitled "Consol idation Curves. II ' COmpdction tests were performed on repr~sentative samples of the upper le6sf3 sorls in S<?ring 4, ar'ea' in order to establish compaction criteria. The SQils were tested according to the A.S. T.M.' , D, 1557-70 method of compaction which uses 25 blows, of a 10 pouriclralTimerdrop,:fing18 inches' "on each 'of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold. The resuits of the tests are presented' tis foil ows: Boring No. " 4 Bag Sample Cenci us i ens Depth in Feet Soli Descripti on 1.0-2.0' Silty fine sand Ma>timum Dry Density Ib/cu ft 120.4 d'ptimumM6is- tore Content % dry wt,~ . '" 'OLlrfihdings from these additional five borings are described below {The Lot descriptions presented herein Were based on the lot numbers shown on the Grading Plans, Sheet J6'f 7, Greel'lVaHei Knoi;ls (Carlsbad Tract No. 75-7) prepared by Rick Engi,neering Company (Same, as Drawin~ No,. l). Boring 1: 'Drilled on the north side of proposed Lot No. 22 where existing ground surface is approximc;:ltely at Elevation 165.0 feet. The boring reveals that the native soils in this boring area are capable 'Qf'supportin'g the proposed fiils in that area provided that the upper 1 ~5 fe~ of,loose topsoils ate removed qnd, r-etotnpacted prior to placement of fill soils for ,cOO1paction •. Boring 2: Drilled on the north side of Lot No. 176 dnd on the south side 'of I-adera Court ctll de sac where existing ground surface is approximately at Elevation 116.0 feet. .' J. This boring indicated that no expansive clay soils exi.sted in the' bqring area. ,Howeve.r,", the upper' 1.8 feet of soils were found to be loose. These loose soils should also be 'r-emoved qrid recompacted before placement of fill soils for conipa ct ion • Boring 3: Drilled in Lot 158 on the west side of Sereno Court cuI. de sac where existing ground surface is approximately at Elevation 180.0 feet. It is concluded from the information obtained frOm this boring that nO expansive soils were encountered between Elevation 180.0 and Elevation 1'40.0, and therefore, no expansive soils are likely to be exposed after excavation in this boring area. Boring 4: Drilled in Lot 188 on the west side of Cima Court cui de sac where existing ground surface is approximately at Elevation 100.0 feet. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. ! '!I ~ ! i . I ! I I . f i f .[ Project No. 75-12-20F .. La Costa Land Company .. -3-March·16". '1976 This boring revealed that the loose fills and olluvial deposits'w~re ai;proximately 13 feet in thickness·. These upper loose soils have in-place densities varying. from 72.8 to S3.2 . percent of maximum dry demity and tend to exhibit abrupt consolidation upon saturation in,,::the. upper 8.0 feet of the soils. Therefore, the upper 8 feet or these loos~ ·soHsshould· be removed .and recompqcted to Elevation 92.0 feet before placement of new Hils for compqction. Boring 5: Drilled on the north side of Lot 194 in the proposed Cima Court where the existing . ground su.rfdce is approximately at Elevation 134.0 feet. . This boring revealed no expansive soils 111 that particular lotare db,ove ElevctHon ',: 127.0 fe·et. Respett~ull.y subm itted, BENTON. ENGIN:EER/NG, INC. By /' f. .#:'~< '.' s. H~ Shul Civil Engineer R • C • E • No. 19913 Distr: La Costa Land Company (l) Attention: Mr. Irv Roston (1) Attention: Mr. Bob Stork SHS!ew Rick Engineering COO1pany, Carlsbad (1) Attention: Mr. Barry Bender BENTON ENGINEERING, INC.' - . I I, W¥ . ·1 ... w w u. i .... a. w o 18 1 19 - '" .:i ~ z II) o ., SUMMARY SHE:ET BORING NO._._L_~_ ELEVATION _1¢5.!.9':~ V.F.j~.fJ.-.n Brawn, Moist; Loose to Medium Compact , Topsoil Light Brown and Gray, Yellow ~~j;Il Rusty Streaks, Slightly Moist, Compact Very Compact SILTY FINtSAND 10.2 26.2 8.7 SILTY -FINE SAND ,32.7 8.2, 14.6-, * PROJECT NO. 75-12-20F Indicates Undisturbed Driven Soi.! Samples Indi cates Loose Bag Sampl es Elevations were obtained from BEN10N ENGINEERING, INC. 26.2 fLo 1'11.' , . , .DR-AWING NO. . '2 .1 ,', , I '£ ;. ! I,' , t· ! I . , ~ ~ J ~ ;. ;- w w u. --J: ;- "-w o 2 6 7 8- 9 10 . 11 12 13 \ 14 ! . : 15 I t ! 116 17 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 2 --._-.. --.-. _ .. ELEVATION 116.0' Light Brown, Moist, Loose Light Brown, Slightly Moist I Medium Firm Light Brown, SI ightly Moist, Very Firm SILTY FINE SAND Light Brown, Moist, Very Firm 0.8 14.2 95.6 i I I 3.2 4.6/91.8 I . 8.2 4.2 97.2 8.2 4.9 00.7 8.2 7.3 98.2 1-----'---'--.--.--..1---.---------.--.. --.. ---.. -.---------.-.----.------.. -.-..,,....-.------.--~ DRAWING NO. PROJECT NO. BEN10N ENGINEERING, INC. 75-12-20F 3 -z >. 7 0 a:"': w· ;~ wi-: 1-1-ul-w WCl: 1-...1 SUMMARY SHEET w~ aa:!:: c:nU-ZU- uJ ..J«o z -. a: « . J. ..Jw zen ..J~> w:::> «I-" 0.. co _u co 3 W!: I 22 OU:2 BORING NO. wena: O~ wenen I-<1::::> en-,.. .. --~.-. -.-_.'-w~ U:o ,..cii :r:-U5 0-~en >. en en 0.. C/lZ ELEVATION. H39. O' '" -I-2~' a: CO w-w a:~ 0 « a:u-O..J ..J 0 U -------"'---_ ...... '" Brown, Moist, Loose Topsoil SILTY FINE SAND Reddish Brown, Moist, SIL TV FIN E TO ~ '. 2 Medium Compact MEDIUM SAND 3 Light Gray-brown, Streaks 4-of Yellow Brown and Reddish Brown 12.3 5 26.1 9.5 6 7· 8 _. I 9 I I I I ~, J32.-2 5.9 13.61 ... 0 SILTY FINE c: (. SAND f 11 ;. 112 .- .. c > i I ! \. i 13-~ 0 I "-.. I j ~ ; 14 - ~ ! 15 i) 35.1 <). 1 12.8 .I Bedding Dips 80 S 100 E I : I --I ! 16 1 t I I . I : 17· i ! ~ 1 18 ~ I 19 . I 24.5 ..! 120 14.4 12.9 ~ . , Continued on Drawing No.5 , . . ___ ~. _____ .~ __ ~. __ ~ ________ . _________ -___ .-__ . ___ .. _______________ . __ r-~,-------------~ . , , ROJECT NO. 75-12-20F DRAWING NO. 4 BE:NlON ENGINEEHING, INC. . __ . ____ . ____ .. __ .. _._L.-...._. ________ ...• _ ... __ ..... _ .•. ~ I , . , \ f , ' } 1 t i i' I t. i t'l f I J ' j ! I I \ i : ' I I , ; I '. i I-w W \1- ~ :t l-ll. W o I I I 28 '. I , ' " , '0 Ih :8 t> :0 ;.J 29 31 32 SUMMAHY SHEET BORING NO, 3 (Cont.) 4 ________ _ Light Gray-brown, Steaks of Yellow Brown and Reddish 1"y.;~~;/ZI Brown PROJECT NO. 75-12-20F SILTY FINE SAND BENfON ENGINEERING, INC. ~ t!l' a: I-w!:!: zCl) w~ w~ >. -I-a:1l. o 75.0 9.8 04.9 75.0 .9.7 05.2 54.6 8.6 10.4 5.0 1..6 08.9 DRAWING NO. 5 - [ I r ! f l ~ l t ,2 r r i t 4 I I 5 i 6 t • t , 7 ! 8 , ,-1~ 9 f 0 r 10 ~ 11 t ~ t 12 'f ~ 13 d j 14 I 1 15 16 . i 17 ! I 18 i I I 19 I I 'W 20 ; ~ f <l: i Z ,~ v ., wa: ..Jw Q.m :E:E c(:::l enZ ... ::':': ::'. W fMl! :':" .:: ..... :::.: : 8) . ' .... . ,': .::.', }:N; SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 4 ELEVATION 100,0' Light Gray Brown, Moist, Loose 51 ightly Moist SIL TY FiNE SAND Light Brown, Moist to Very Moist, Loose, Lens of SI ightly Silty Fine ~and Light Brown, Very Moist, Medium Firm, Slight Cloy Binder FINE SAND AI SILTY FINE SAND Moist, Some Small Fragments • ,,-... ././·"r .• of Claystone (0 Continued on Drawing No.7 PROJECT NO. 75-12-20F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, .... j > >. 0' w..: a: I-, ~~ 1-1--u. ULI. w!!: ~ . a:Z zen 9::J> w::J c(c(d w!: wli;a: Q~ wln en wlll! U:OQ ~U;~ >' >tQ -I-::E~ w_ a:LI. ~..J a:lII! Q 1.6 13.2 00.4 3.2 5.0 87.9 3.2 5.2 92.3 I I 1.6 7.5 I ,95.8\ I 3.2 14.0 00.2 4.8 14.2 03.3 DRAWING NO. 6 I II, f r I I vi 0 ~ ~ r i 21 22· 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 33 SUMMAHV SHEET BORING NO .. __ ti~qt]t.) Light Brown, Moist, Firm, Some Small Fragments of ' .... ".'./'7" .•• Claystone Dark Olive Color, Moist, Very Firm SIL TV FINE $A~D CLAYSTONE PROJECT NO. ._.- L....--'--7_5 __ -1_2._-_20_F. __ ~........I____ BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, >-""': a:u:. w .... ZcIl w!: Lu~ >' -I-a:\J.. o 6 .6 12 .6 98 .8 I I , " 11. 8 12 . 4 96 • 5 / DRAWING NO. 7 -10 L I I I:) , , "\ z .... 0 w wo: i=..J W u. ..Jw ...1«0 --' 0.. Dl _U Dl :t :a:a OU::a .... «:::> (/l_> 0.. (/lZ ~(/l W 0 « ..J I SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO ... __ ~_. __ ._ ELEVATION _ .. ]34.0' Light Gray-brown, Streaks of Yellow Brown and Reddish Brown SILTY FINE SAND > t!). a:ti: w __ z(/l w:: w~ >. _ .... a:IJ. o > . 1-1- iiiLl. z· w:::> o~ >~ ~..J' 38 .6 15. 0 11 O. 1 32.2 14.1 13.1 22 . 8 18. 1 10 . _:_1 _L __ ...L-_-.---. _____ ._ ... ___ ... _ ... _. _____ ._. ____ .. _. _________ . ___ r-________ ~ PHOJI:L T NO. BEN I ON t.NGINEERING, INC. 75-12-20F DRAWING NO 8 _______ • __ -'--____ ._ ... _________ • _ ..... _ ...... ___ •• ______ • ___ •. ______ • __ , ....... ,_.~ ____ .~ _____ J -" . " . " -~ ____________ ~Jt CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 00~==~~:J~-r~~-T~~--------2r-_-~I--~~lr~-r~~~'~---, i , I : I Bori ng 4 1.0 , 1 : I i Sample 1 -+--+--t· -.' ~ . . [-.---r---. -.----Depth: 2.0' --i +1t-1I---i: ------"'--'--r .-. t -H--I---' ------.-! -..... -.j----.-t----+--+--+-+---'-1'---1 , ii' : i ' i ': ! I' I ' " , ......... , ,', ' o :,.':-, ' en I :,! I i /' : I I Boring 4 en 11 I Sample 3 ! 1----+--+ 1 --'1=,--1..0' d-;-, -:-:~---.-. -[--in-Dep:h: 7.0_'_...., II. I : ! I ! I i ~ !! I I I ~2.0 -+--H-t-Hj-------L-t--t-t-; i+ ~ I-------+--==-!----=l-:~-_i -~l.-t-.-------. :-'--i--Utt:· I .~ ... ~____ I 0.;---1--I : _ I i J i I I Ii' I , I ;, i' . I . ,! ; I I ! i : r'O . ........ ..il :::; " ':',"" ' ~ z o () I i r I i I I i I ! 1 I -r---ir---r--r t--t--r---... Ii' : I i f-----L. I +---.1 .. 1.. 1 .. 1-iii I I I I I I I Iii I I 1-----+1 ---+1 ....--J.--~ -~ -. r t--: I , I ' , I i I i: i ' I I ! , I , I I L I 1-----[1' -!--.-~----I. t .-+._- I : I I I! I I I 1 I L..--_ __ _1. __ 1 _1 . LJ .. __ -----1 , i . --.-.. J. I I .. j a Indicates percent consol idation at field moisture • Indicates percent consal idati on after saturati 011 PROJECT NO. 75-12-20F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. III ,.-:0 c .~ .. >, ill o > C ill Q) ... ~ o .... ~ u o ..J CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 6 8 10 16 OO'~,Z ____ ~~O~.4~~~O~,6~~O~,8~1~,O~ _______ ~2~ __ ~ __ -T4 __ ~~-r~~~ __ ~ Boring 4 Sample 4 Depth 11.0' , elL -r---I---'-. ! __ _ _ -t Ill ______ -J ___ rll -L+---+--l '----~ i 1.0 I-----+----+~-+rl! J 1 -.1,: -I~ -----t-----~---r--j--+-+-+-+-+----i l_l. ___ o-_...L.. ' ,I ! ,I -r I ..). L I; I : I I ' I 1---+---+ 1 --rn n 1--------;----r---c-- 2.0 ~ __ ~ __ ~~~~~~~ ______ ~ ____ ~~ __ ~~,~~~~~~ " ..-::.,\:':'::': ....... ~-:' III :3 .' , : O(~~~'_'~'--~--~~~~~~~---------r----~~'~' ~~~~~~------~ u v -J ~i ! ! iii I Boring 4 ~ I Ii, ':' : L 50mple 5 ~ 1 -!! irh! +--J-, -i-+---+-t--iDepth 15' t 2 ~--+---t-li---r i .~ -r t-----------·_-t-.. ---1-- ~ I i I ! I i I I I i ... Z LI.I U « \AI 0. I z 9 ... c !2 ~ ~ z o u .... ::' .. : ::', ':' . ~ .: ,' . ", . , " " . '. . ........... ", ...... .. -. .' .. ~. .. I I I Iii ! 'I[! 1-----1-1 ]-+1-[ j-I-I-------f--t-r i' I · . It. r I I -i-i-Ii : I ii -'1"---·-·-;---·-~-T+-.j......I-lI-+-,,-l-I----I '; I I ',': .! c', .':,1 I t-----+'--+--+-+-i-r--1--j .. -----.. --------t-· .------t- I ! I ! i ! I -.II~~i I I I i n,T!-----i-.-·l-11-+--t-+'-------i ! iTH-rl-.. ---------r' ---, I I---'-+---+---+-! +H ~1------r ----t --' I '----'----'-I_U_J __ -._LL.l ____________ .1 .. ___ .. __ , _____ . ..L.....-L..~.L---L--------l o Indicates p.ercent consol idation at field moisture • Indicates percent consol idati on after saturati on PROJECT NO. 75-12-20F BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 10 ; I • • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER January 7, 1976 Rick Engineering C:ompany 3088 Pio Pico Blvd. P.O.' Box 1129 Carlsbad, Cal ifornia 92008 Attention: Subject: Gentlemen: Mr. Barry C. Bender Projec~ No. 75-12-20F Review of Tentative Mop and Specific: Plan No. 171 Carlsbad Tract No. 75-7 Green Valley Knolls (Formerly Spanish Village #2 & #3) Rancho La Costa, Col ifornia T-ELEPHONE (714) 565.1!;j55 In response to your letter request dated December 19, '-975, we have reviewed the foHowing drawings prepared by your office from a geotechnical viewpoint: 1) 111 = 100' scale Tentative Map and Specific Plan No. 171 of Carlsbad Tract No. 75-7, Green Volley Knolls. This drawing was dated September 9, 1975 (with two revisions dated on October 24 and September 29, 1975) and was signed by Mr. Robert C. Ladwig. 2) two sheets of 111 = 50' scale drawing of ~he subject site. 3) 1" = 100' scale drawing of the subject property with a final lot number. l~ The review was based on the subsurface information obtained, from our previous soils investigations conducted at the sire and in adjacent areas under our project numbers of 69,-3-24BC, 70-11-18B, 73-3-9BC, 73-3-16BC, 73-11-120, 73-3-1A and 74-12..:3lAF'. ' ' Uppn evaluating the subsurface conditions from the above soils reports and the proposed heights of slopes, It is our opinion that: 1. The originally planned 2 horizontal to 1 vertical cut d.nd fill slopes at the follow- ing locations may be changed to 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical slopes (on the basis of final lot numbers shown on the 111 = 100' scale drawing): Project No. 75-12-20F • Rick Engineering Company - -2-• January 7, 1976 a) The slopes located northerly of Lot Nos. 49 to 51, inclusive, Lot Nos. 58 to 60, inclusive, Lot Nos. 150 to 152, inclusive, Lot Nos. 158 to 161, i'nelusive, L0t Nos. 181 to 187, inclusive, and Lot Nos. 195 to 200, inclusive. b) The slopes located southerly of Lot Nos. 77 to 79, inclusive. c) The slopes located easterly of Lot Nos. 1 to 5, inclusive, Lot No. 154, Lot Nos. 131 to 133, inclusive, and Lot Nos. 111 to 115, inclusive. d) The slopes located westerly of Lot Nos. 123 to 127,' inclusive. , In the cut slope a~eas, the exposed soils should be inspected by a soils engineer or a geologist in order to check whether any adverse soil conditions exist that were not previously revealed in our soils invest,igation reports. In the fill slope areas~ the areas torec~ive the fills or the exposed soils should be inspected and approved by a field engineer before placing fill soils for conipaction. 2.A shrinkage factor of 1 percent may be a~sumed for estimate of earthwork quantity if the excavated on site soils are to be recompacted to an average relative compaction of 92 percent per A.S. T.M. D 1557-70 method of compaction. It is assumed that the areas to support new fills will consist of firm natural soi Is and no areal subsidence would take place aft.E;r fill placement. A shrinkage factor of 20 percent should be used in areas where alluvial"soils'are to be removed and recompacted as described under Item 3, bel'ow. 3. Reference is made to the Section 2 of our January 22, 1974 report wherein we suggested a special grading procedure for placing compacted filled ground in the southern porti'on of the site where porous alluvial soils exist in the 'upper portion of the valley. In that report, we suggested that wherever proposed filled ground is less than 10 feet in thickness, the areas to receive the fills should be excavated and recompacted to the following depths before fill placement. - A) Required depth of removql and recompaction shOiJld be 10 feet minus the proposed tliickness of fills, or S) To the depths where the in-place dry density of soils is greqter than 103 pounds per cubic foot or 83 percent of the maximum dry density per A. S. T.M. D 1557-70 method of compacHon, whichever is lower in elevation. This special grading procedure was intended to be applied in the areas located southerly of Lot No~. 146 to 149, inclusive, Lot Nos. 195 to 200, inclusive, and Lot 225, where compacted tilled ground-will be placed. Our January 22, 1974 report was entitled, "Project No. 73 ... 3- 16BC, Review of Tentative Map 73-20 and Grading Plans for Carlsbad Tract No. 72-24, dated October 17, 1973, Spanish Village Units 2 and 3" Rancho La Costa, Carlsbad, California. II The removal and recompaction of an old earth, fill dam running between Lot' Nos. 111 and TT7, will also be required during grading. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .. Project No. 75-12-20F .. Rick Engineering Company • -3-• January 7, 1976 . If the proposed filled ground is placed in accordance to this special procedure and under con- tinuous engineering inspection, it is our opinion that, the proposed sewer line between Lot Nos. 223 and 228 and between Lot Nos. 224 and 227, along a proposed street, would not be adversely affected by the presence of ground water in that area. Similarly, th~ compacted fills in the abondoned reservoir site (southeastern portion of the site) are expected to perform satis .... factorily if the fill soils are placed in accordance with the recommended procedures and under continuous engineering inspection. ""': 4. By extrapolation or interpolation of the boring logs presented in our previous soils investigation reports, it is anticipated that potentially expansive soils may be encountered in the upper 3 feet below finished grades in the follO'Ning cut areas: Lot Nos. 82, 83, 195 to 200, inclusive, and Lot 225. Also, the streets bordering Lot Nos. 1, 2, 82 and 83, would encounter potentially expansive soils in the upper 3 feet below finished grades'. Nonexpansive to slightly expansive sc;>ils (less than 2.5% expansion form air c1ry to saturation under a surcharge load of 500 pounds per square foot) are expected to appear in the upper 3 feet below finished grades in the remaining lot areas. It is recommended that wherever expansive soils remain within the upper 3 feet of finished grade. in proposed building areas, either of the following procedures be adopted to reduce the adverse effects of detrimental movements due to moisture .change in these seils. Either 1) Overexcavdte 3 feet and replace with select nonexpansive sand and sil ty sand soils uniformly compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. or 2) Use a raised wood floor structural system supported on continuous inter- connected reinfor<;:ed "grade beam" type foundations placed at depths of 1.5 to 2.0 feet below the lowest adjacent final adjacent grade. The steel reinforce- ment in the continuous footings will vary with the potential degree of expansion in the supporting soils as will th~ recommended depths of footings. In that ach.sQlly exposed soils in certain areas may be different from what we have estimated by extrapolation or interpolaHon of boring Iqgs, a lot by lot inspection of thr exposed soils is still considered necessary during and after grading ·and before final recommen~atiblls prior to building construction. The inspection can be conducted by.a field engineer;: •. If necessarYi auger holes may be drilled to depths of 3 feet below finished grade and expansron tests conducted on the soils within· this zone in order to classify expansion potentials of the soils. ' Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. By S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer R.C.E. No. 19913 '. . : Reviewed b@' ~ Ph i iif)HOeOtOri; . Ci ~ i:1 Eng I neer R .C. E. Ne. 10332 Distr: (3) Addressee SHS/PHB!ew BENTON ENGINEERING, INC, • • f 1 _ 1 ""'1' " r I ( BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -' FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 921n PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT· CIVIL ENGINEER ; December 17, 1973 La Costa land Company Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Mr" Inv Raston ' SubJect: Project No. 73-3-16BC Rewiew of Revised 'tentative Map and Specific Plan SP-116 Carlsbad Inact 73-20\;Vo_+il.a~ -,'-._,.' -, ..... . Spanish Village Units 2 and 3 ~~a~flc).J;~r~o,st:Q .~; Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: 1- TELEPHONE (71'4) 565.1955 A review was made of the revised Tentative Map and Specific f:1an No. ,SP-116, Carlsbad Tract 73-20, Spanish Village Units Nos. 2 and 3 prepared by Rick Engineering of Carlsbad, California and dated July 20, 191"2. The drawing was signed by Robert C. ladwig, a registered land surveyor in California with a job number of 39450 The proposed grading shown on the drawing is feasible from both the cut and fill slope sta- bility standpoints and from other known geotechnical considerations, except for some of the existing cut slopes bordering La Costa Avenue in the northwest portion of the site that were already constructed prior to the date of report. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, ,INc'. By ,;<-6, # ~=- S, H. Shu I Civil Engineer' . ------~-~ Distr: (4) Addressee (l);Attention: Mr. 'BOb Stork (2) :Ri·c~·Engineering Car'/sbad Attention: Mr. 'B.C. ~ender /5_ 7J'~~ /~. • • PHILIP HENKINGBENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER La Costa Land Company BENTON ENGINEERING,INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNI:lATIONS S717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92.1r! May 10, 1973 TEL.EPHONE (714) SSS·19S!> • COsta Del Mar Road Carlsbad, California 92008 .' Attention: Subject: Gentl ernen: Mr. Irv Roston Project No. 73":3-16BC Prel iminClry Soil's Investigption Spanish VHlage Units 1 and 2 (Supplement to Project No. 70-11-18B Phase I of Pte-Preliminary Soil Investigation MBD Property, Rancho La Costa Dated December 11, 1970.) Rancho La Costa Carlsbad, Cal ifornia CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS i It is concluded from the results of field investigations and laboratory tests that: .' ' 1. The subsurface conditions within the subject property are generally favorable for the proposed developmen.t with some precautions as described in paragraphs 2 to 4, inclusive, that foil ow • 2. the unfavorable geotechnical features that deserve special attention for the .' proposed developments are tabulatedbel.6w: • • aJ Evidence of previous movement of soil mantles was noted to a depth of 16.0 feet (to approximately Elevation 107.0 feet) below the existing ground surface in the area of Boring 2A, and potentially expansive clay and claystone layers were encountered below 16.0 feet in depth. b) Soft claystone with black carbonaceous materials was encountered in some zones below a depth of 17.0 feet in the area of Boring 3 or below Elevation 113.0 feet. c) Ground water was fou~d at a depth of 9.6'-feet bel.ow· the existing ground surface or bel'Ow Elevation 44.4 feet in the area of Boring 6 located at the southwest corner of the'site. Cav- ing of the boring was noted below the wetter table • • • • . ' • • . ' Project No. 73-3-16BC La Costa Land Company -2-. May 10, 1973 d) A previous landslided zone was found between the depths of 25.5 and 30.0 feet in the area of Boring 10 or approximately between Elevations 161.5 and 157.0 feet. e) Another slip plane was noted between the depths of 4.0 and 4.7 feet, or between. Elevations 173.0 and 172.3 feet at Boring 11. f) A landsl·ide zone was encountered on top of a clay horizon at Elevation 87.5 feet in Boring 1 of Spanish Village West, 7 Acres Site Project under Project No. 73-3-9BC. The boring locations of this project are also shown on Drawing No.1, in the southwest corner of the site •. This clay horizon and slip zone will be exposed by the grade excavation along most of the street from EI Camino ·Real eqstward to the first road intersection. Ihe slip plane dips downward out of slope 31 0 and should be either buttressed or excavated at a flatter slope. g) A landslide zone was encountered on top of a day horizon at Elevation 86.0 feet ;in Boring 2 of Spagish Vi./lage West I 7 Acres Site Project under Project No. 73-3-9B:: This slip plane dips 29 out of slope.. Care should be taken to lay these s'lopes back if the slip plane and underlying clays are ~ncountered during grading. h) Wherever the characteristic La Costa green clays are encountered during grading, they should be laid hack to slopes of 3: 1 horizontal to vertical or flatter. We anticipate that . they will be found below ElevatIon 110.0 feet in the north portion, below Elevation 90.0 feet. in the southwest.area, below Elevation 120.D feet in the central area, and below Elevation 160.0 feet in the eastern area. a. Present plans call for excavations through the problematic zones of (0), .(b), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) described above. It is therefore recommended the excavations in these areas be kept to a minimum height at a slope flatter than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. These unstable .zones should be carefull·y examined during grading operations to ascertain whether stabilized fills or buttress fills are needed to correct the unstable conditions. If possible, grading should be planned to avoid constructing exposed cut slopes in these unstable zones. 4. Present plans call for fills up to approximately 7.0 feet in thickness in the problem- atic zone' of (c) described in paragraph 2. Because of the presence of the ground water table and caving in the boring, buildings with high concenfrated column loads or high rise buHdings should be avoided in Boring 6 area, unless special foundations such as driven pit,s aLe used • . 5. ihe favorable geotechnical conditions of the subject property are that the soil mantles can be excavated by conventional equipment without re~ortin9 to extra heavy excavation equipment. 6. In estimates of earthwork quantities, a shrinkage factor of 3 percent may be used for • the excavated soils below thetQpsoil and up to 25 percent in the loose topsoil layers. In that the upper 2 feet of soils encountered in all the borings drilled for this project are loose, settlements of the upper soils up to 6 inches may also be taken into account for earthwork estimates. • 7. -The excavated granular type of soils such as silty sand, slightly silty sand, clayey sand and fine to medium sand may be used for structural support both as ,natural soils and as com- pacted filled ground. The fine-grained types of soils such as claystone, clay, silty clay, and clayey silt should not be used for structural support because of their expansive poten-tials as indi- cated by the results of laboratory tests and our past experience with the fine-grained types of soils .: in the La Costa area, unless spedal deSIgn precautions are used for footings, and concrete slabs~ • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-16BC La Costa Land Company -3-May 10,'1973 t/- 8. When used as compacted fit·1 material, ffhe fine-grained soils should be placed no closer to exposed slopes them 20 feet, for ~asons of staLrJity oJ fill slpoes. . . When these types of soils are placed in approved areas, (i .eu 20 feet or more i.nside of fill slopes), either of the two following alternative procedures may be used. A) Place these soils at depths of 3 feet or more below finish grade, in which case no special design precautions will be needed. B) If such soUs are placed within the upper 3 feet below fin(ll grade, the special .' design precautions presented in the attached Appendix C should be adopted. . If, during grading, these expansiVe soils are found to exist within the upper 3 feet below finished grade in cut areas, either of the two options presented above is acceptable. Alter- native (A) can be effected by' over-excavat.ing these soils to a depth of 3 feet and repl(lcing the excavated soils with properly compacted nonexpansive soHs. In any case, it is recommended that all lots beinspeeted at the time of grading in order to determine those lots which contain poten- tiaUy expansive clay soNs within the upper 3 feet below grade; in some cases it may be necessary to hand-auger 3 feet deep holes in order .to make this determination. . ' . 9. A one-foot wide continuous footing .placed one foot below the proposed finished grades of both compacted filled ground and natural ground,. may be designed for a safe allowable bearing value of 1658 pounds per square foot. This value is applicable to both fine-grained type and granular type of soils. The settlement of a one foot wide continuous footing pieced asrecom·- mended and loaded to 1658 pounds p~r square foot 'is estimated to be less thdn 1/4 inch. 10. When be4ding plane failures are not trwolved, cut slopes may be made safely up to the following.maximum heights with adequate factors ·of safety: Morn Soil type Slope Gradient Safe Maximum Heights In Cut Slope Horizontal to Vertical in Feet Case (A) Case ·(B) 2 : 1 23 Fine""9rained soils 3 :1 35 19 4 :1 51 26 Gr~mular soils 1.5: 1 30 2 :1 54 Case (A) applies to the excavations made through a relatively integrated soil mass . that contains few or none of the conspicuous previously-described sl iding planes. If excavations . . are to be'made through the problematic zones as described in paragraph 2 of this report, a cut slope 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter should be used. Under this condition Case (8) would .apply. ' 11. Compacted HII slopes that are made of the excavated soils comp(lcte(:i to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density obtained by the A.S. T .M. D 1557-70 method of compaction may be safely constructed to the maximum heights presented below, with adequate factors of safety: E!ENTON ENGINEERING, INC. .' • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-16BC La Costa Land Company Fill Slope Horizontal to Vertical 1.5:1 2 : 1 2.5: 1 -4-May 10, '1973 Recommended Maximum Heights in Feet 38 66 154 It is assumed that the excavated fine-grain~d soi'ls will be placed at least 20 ,feet or mQr~from any compacted fill slope and that grading operations will be conducted under contin ... ' uou,s engineering inspection in accordance with the applicable sections of the attached Appendix AA, entitled "Standard Specifications for the Placement of Compacted Filled Ground. II 12. The recommended maximum heights or both cut slopes and compacted fill slopes ore predicated upon the assumption that proper erosion control and drainage devices will be pro- vided at the tops "f slopes in order to prevent excess surface water from sheeting over the slopes. 13. ,Residential buildings may be constructed partly on cut and partly on compacted fiUed ground provided the load-settlement characteristicS of the bearing soils are comparable. 14. If any soil types are encountered during grading operations that were not tested in this investigafi,on, c;ldditional laboratory tests should be conducted in order to determine the physical characteristic:s and engineering behaviour of the soil,s. Supplementary reports and recom- mendations will then become a part of this report. 15. A report ofa geological investigation conducted ot this site will be forwarded in the near future. ' Respectfu Ily subm i tted, BENTON ENGINEERING,INC. By~ ~~~ _____ ,- "S. H. Shu, Civil. Engineer • Reviewed by .......... _____ ....;-._~.;.;;... ___ ~~~ __ ........... • Distr: • M. V. Pothier, Civil Engineer Chief Engi.neer (4) Addres~ee (1 ) A tten ti on: Mr. Bob Stork (2) Rick Engineering, Sari Diego Atteriti on: Mr. Sam Gaines BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. SHS!MVP!ew • • • • • • • • • • . ' " PrQject No. 73-3-16BC La Costa Land Company -5- DISCUSSION Moy lO, 1973 A preliminary soils investigation has been compl'eted on the subject property, known os Sponish Village Units 1 and 2 and iocated southerly of La Costa Avenue and easterly of EI Camino Real in Carlsbad, San Diego County, Cal ifomia. Tbis r~por't is Intended to serve as CI supplement to 0 limited soil investigati9fl undertaken previously by our firm under Proiect No. 70-11-18B with 0 report dated December 11, 1970 entitle'd "PhQse 1, Pre-Preliminary Soils Investigation, M8D Property, Rancho La COsta, San ,Diego ,County, California. II The objectives of this investigation were to study the general subsurface conditions within the subject property that were not previously investigated, to identify potentially problematic or hazardous oreas to the proposed developments, and to present appropriate soil parameters for prepQring gra&ng plans and fGundation design. The general topography of the area may be described as gently rolling to steep sloping terroin'. ' A ,high ridge e)(fends in an east-west direction in the north central portion of the ,site that has a limited run-off to the north, and a valley in the southern portiGn directs the major drainage to the west. According to the IISoil Map,1 prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the upper soils in the area are described as Huerhuerto fine sandy loam, Carlsbad locrmy fine sand, Los Flores loamy fine sand, arid Botella loamy sand. The soils encountered in both investigations consisted primarily of slightly sHty fine to medium sand, fine to medium sand, silty very fine to fine sand, slightly silty fine sand, very fine sandy silt, clayey fine sand, firie sandy clay, slightly clayey fine sand, clay ,siltyclay and clayey very fine to fine sand. Fi~ld Inv~sti9ation 'A total of fourteen borings were drilled with a trock-mounted rotary bucket-type drill rig at the approximate locations shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location of Test Borings. II The borings Were drilled to depths of 11 to 55 feet below the existing ground surface. A contin- uous log of the soils encountered in the borings was recorded at the time of drilling and is shown in detail on Drawing Nos. 2 to 28, inclusive, each entitled "Summary Sheet. I! Also shown on Drawing No.1 are-several locations of borings made adjacent to the subject property in order to provide cross-sections of the subsurface conditions of the adjacent areqs. The soils were visually classified by field identification procedures in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification Chart • A shnplHied description of this classification system is presented in :the attdched Appendix A at the end of this report. Undisturbed ~mples were obtained at frequent intervals in the soils ahead of the drilli.ng. The drop weights used for driving the sampling ~ube into the soils were the "Kelly" bar of the drill rig which weigh 1023 pounds and 2200 pounds, and the average drop was 12 Inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described under IlSampling" in Appendix 8 • . ,BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-16BC La CQsta Land Company .Laporatory Tests -6-May 10, 1973 7~ . . Laboratory tests were performed on setected undisturbed samples of the soils in order to determine the dry density and moisture content. They are 'presented on Drawing Nos. 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 pnd 16 tQ 28, inclusive. Consolidation tests were performed on represenfative samples obtained in the proposed filled ground area ond in the representative excavated soils that might be used for com- p'pJ;ted fi lis in order to determine the load-settlement characteristics of these soils • Tbe results of f~ese tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 29 to 31, inclusive, each entitled "Consolid(ltion Curves. II In addition to the above laboratory tests, expansion tests Were performed on a representative clay- stone sample and some representative excavated soils to determine their volumetric change character- isH cs with change, in moisture content. The recorded expansions of the sampl es are presented as follows: Percent Expansion' Under Un it Load of 150 Pounds per Square Foot from Air Dry to Saturation 1.78 3.01 2.39 * Remolded to 92 percent of maximum dry density. Percent Expansion Under Unit Load of 500 Pounds per Square Foot from Air Dry' to Saturation 5.75 The general procedures used tor the above laboratory tests are described briefly iii Appendix B. Compaction tests were performed on representative samples of the soils to be excavated to establish compa~fion criteria. The soils were tested according to the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method of compaction which uses 25 blows ofa 10 pound rammer dropping 18 inches on each of Slayers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold. The results of th(!} tests are presented as follows: Maximum Optimum Mois- Boring Sag Depth Soil Dry DensHy tUre Content No. Sample in Feet Description Ib/cu ft % dry wt 8 2 4.0~ 5.0 Silty fne to medium sand 119.2 11.4 11 1-3.0-4.0 Alternating silty fine sand 114.3 14.0 and cI ayey fi ns sand 11 3 25.0-26.0: Clayey silt 113.4 15.1 12 1 5.0-6.0 Silty fine to medium sand 114.0 13.6 12 2 26.0-27.0 Silty fine sand 114.0 11.5 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Ptoi~et No. 73-3-16BC --7-May 10, 1973 g--• La Costa Land Company Mechanical analysis tests were performed on r~presenta.tive samples in accordance with A.S. T .M. D 422-61T and the results are pr~sented in the following tabulation: • Boring 8 Boring 11 Boring 11 Boring 12 Boring 12 U.S. .Bag 2 Bag 1 ,Bog 3 Bag 1 Bag 2 Sieve Depth: Depth: Depth: Depfh: Depth: Size 4.0-S.b' 3.0-4.0' 2S.0-26.0 5.0-6.0' 26.0-29.0' • Percent Finer by Weight 1/2 'Inch 100 • .0 No. 4 100.0 99.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 No. 10 99.1 98.4 99.9 99.9 99.9 No. 30 96.6 96.7 98.4 98.S 99. 1 • No. 40 89 •. 1 9S.7 97.9 95.0 98.1 No. 60 56.2 92.4 95.6 62.5 8S.9 No. 100 35.6 77.0 89.4 31.0 49.1 No. 200 23.6 33.8 47.6 16.2 19.6 ., Soil Silty fine ' Silty fine Clayey very Silty fine Silty fine Classifi-to medium sand fine sand to medium sand cation sand sand In order better to classify the finer grained soils, AtterQerg Limit tests were performed on selected • samples in accordance with A.S .• T.M. Designations D 423-61T and D 424-S9. The results of the tests and the final group symbols are presented as foHows: Boring Sample Depth Soil Liquid Plastic Plasticity Group No • No. in Feet Description Limit Limit Index Symbol • 2A 6 2S.s-26.0 Clay 56 18 38 CH 3 Bag 4 21.0-22.0 Clay 62 22 40 ' CH 8 Ba9~ 2 4.0-5.0 S iffy fi ne to 31 21 10 CL * medium sand .: with clay binder 11 Bag 1 3~0-4.0 Alternating 37 2Q 17 CL * silty fine sand and • clayey fine sand '11 Bag 3 25.0-26.0 Clayey very 36 17 19 CL * fine sand * Minus No. 40 sieve sample that contains clay binder • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-16BC -8-May In, 1973 La Costa. Land Company Direct shear tests were performed on selected loose soil samples remolded to 90 percent of maximum dry density and on selected undisturbed samples that were all saturated and. drained prior to testing. The results of these tests are presented below-: Maximum Angle of Normal Shear Internal Apparent Load in Load. Friction Cohesion kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Degrees Ib/sq ft (A) U!1disburbed Sdmples Boring 8, Sample 2. ·0.5 1.23 31.0 930 Depth: 11.0 feet 1.0 1.53 2.0 3.78 Boring 10, Sample 1 0.5 1.01 35.0 660 Depth: 3.0 feet 100 1.54 2.0 2.23 Boring 11, Sample 5 0.5 4.59 15.0 1900 Depth: 25.0 Feet 1.0 4.07 2.0 4.98 Boring 13, Sqmple 5 0.5 2 .• 27 30.0 1330 Depth: 25.0 feet 1.0 1.92 20 0 3.15 (8) Remolded Sam~le Boring 8, Bag Sample 2 0.5 0.72 32.0 380 Depth: 4.0 to 5.0 feet 1.0 1.02 2.·0 1.67 Using the lower values of internal angle of fri ction and apparent cohesion, and the Terzaghi Formula for local shear failure, the safe allowable bearing pressures for both c6n1pacted filled ground and natural ground are determined on the following page. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. . 1'" • • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-}6BC La Costa Land Company -9-May 10, 1973 ItJ- Lacal Shear Formula: Assumptions: aid = 2/3 C Ni'e + y Df N'q + Y BN'y (1)' Continuous fooHng 1 foot wide = 2B (2) Depth of footing = 1 foot = Df Undisturbed Natural Soil~ ct> = 15 Degrees N'c = 10 C == 660 Ib/sq ft N' =4-q y = 115 Ib/cu ft N'y =2 Qld = (2/3 x 660 x 10) + (115 x 1 x 4) + (115 x 0.5 x 2) = 49751b/sq ft O'd Safe = O'd -:3 (Factor of Safety) :;; 1658 Ib/sq ft Fill Soils Compacted to 90 Percent of Maximum Dry Density Q = 32 Degrees Nit = 21 . C = 380 Ib/sq ft N'q = 11 y = 116Ib/cu ft N'y=7 Qld = (2/3· x 380 x 21) + (116 x 1 x 11) + (116 x 0.5 x 7) = 7002 Ib/sq ft O'd Safe = O'd 7'-3 (Factor of Safety) = 2334 Ib/sq ft BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. •• • • • • • -o· C3" ~ I l! • • N ces .... • • __ ~~~ ____ --------------------~~~--~~~z- t ..-III ... 111 • .. -...... :I: ~~ l-e=» .. .,Z .... a 2 3:.. .EiJ 6 7 8 11 12 13 14-'. ·15 16 . 17 ." . ... .,,1Il -c~ 0 ... ,. ."u." SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO . .........:..1_ ELEVATION _124' * Brown, Dry, Loo,e, Topsoil SUGHTLY SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM ':'~"'\Y.;:: '---_______________ ~+__--S-A-N-D-----' J---4--'---+---+---I-----.,.o...t )~~::"./.:~ Brown, Dry, Medium Firm, Very ";"'::::':::: .Jlight Clay Binder ......... .. ~:.)\).:~ Slightly Moist, Very Firm Moist Brown, Moist, Very Firm, 51 ight Clay Binder FINE TO MEDIUM 27 6 SAND • (Merges) ALTERNATING 35.7 LAYERS OF SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND 24.4 Continued on Drawing No.3 o o Indicates Undisturbed Drive Sample -Indicates Loose BOg Sample I I. I I -The elevations presented herein were determined by interpolating between the contoUJ lines shown on Cl plan furnished by Rick Engineering Company. . . . 'ROJECT NO. 73-3-=16BC . . BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 2 .0 • 20 '. 21 22 23 • 24 .25 • 26 27 28 • 9 30 i • 31 2 • N • • • Brown, Moist, Very Firm, Slight Clay Binder 30.8 ALTERNATING 60.0 LAYERS OF SILTY . VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLiGHiL Y SILTY FINE SAND . 35.8 41.6 PROJECT NO. 73-3 .. ·16BC. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 3 • • • • • Cl cQ ~ • &It · .... , ~. 0 .... S u' 0 ..J • • N oes - • IU · ~ e z ~. • .... III .. --III .. III ... a.-....... ::I: ~~ ... e::) a. ."z III ~ 39 ~ ... vt -ca: 0 .. ~u • a:a ~ )-~ SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO . .J (Cont.) Brown, Moist,Very Firm, Slight Cia Binder · ::.:' '::-FewSUtstone and Clayey · . :,'. " Siltstone Lenses ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SilTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SilTY '. . . ®.:: ... \ : -_. ---.. 40 :,:::.:::.\.;': Brown, Moist, Very Firm, FIN E SAN D .54. 5't--'-__ f----+..o..---i-------I SANDSTONE . >::::::: Cemented, Few Shells 41 ~::~-:·~:-:z:~~~~----~~----+-----~----~--~~--~--~--~ · ":::.:-:' "; Light B-rown Cind Light Gray, 42. ' .. ', .: ... Moist, Very Firm . , 4 4 •• 43 45 46 47 48 51 52 ·53 5 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND BEN.10N ENGINEERING~ INC. 67.4 46.0 42.1 DRAWING NO.· 4 • • • • • • • • N ~ - ..2 ... .... • > j a til • 1M I G • ... .,-SUMMARY SHEET III III .. III ' tn' II. .. -...... .. tn eG % a: a: -ca: BORING NO.~-,..,-... ', 4(::1 0 .. >-.. "'~ tnU"" 155' , III' ELEVATION a ~~~~~~~ _______ ~~~" ____ ~~ __ ~~~~~~~~--+---+---+---4-~ Brown, Dry, Loose, Topsoil SLiGHTL YSILTY 6 7 8 9 10· 11 12 . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 FI NE TO MED fUM J---I---'--+--I-~-+----'--I ~:. ,iI>: •• ~.: .• (,1' .. -R-e-d--b-ro-w-n-a-n-d--'-g~ra-y---b-ro-w---'n-., ---1. SAND . Slightly Moist, Firm ----------1 Moist, Very Firm ALTERNATING LAYERS'OF SLIGHTLY SILTY 19.5 --...,----1 FI N E SAN D AN D SILTY VERY Yerl9w-brown Light Gray Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm .. ,:' ':'" Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm FINE TO FINE SAND ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND" SilTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND, 27.6 SILT AND VERY '2.9.2 FINE SANDY SILT SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND . 37.3 Continued on Drawing No. <> PlOJE~T NO. 73-3':'16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 5 • • 'ROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 6 • • • • • • 0 c:o ~ l! • ~' j! II) 8 c ..J • N Q(S ...... Q) ~ • -.-> .J: ~ .-t: 8-V) • WI i ~ • SUMMA,RY SHeET BORING NO. am '. '2~ _p ELEVATION --.l1k.l102,w.31 __ 1 ..... ', .. 2 :''':'.::::: Brown, Slightly Moist, Very 3' CD :':':':': ~:~~t Brown, SlightIy Moist, : : : ;: Very Firm, Porous ......... ·4 .......... .. .. .. .. .. 5 -......... .......... 6 01-'-' .. :....:. ~....;..-'I. Yellow-brown, Moist .......... 7 .......... .. .. .. .... 8 -......... ~. .. .. '". .. .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ' .. -. .. .. .. .... FINE SANDY eLA Y (Mer!:les) CLAYEY FINE SAND 19.5 19.5 I 4.9 12 13 14 15 ........ -. ......... .......... .......... .......... ..... -., .. YeJlow-brown, Moist, Medtum Firm -. ~:. Yellow..;brown, Light -Brown and ~. Gray-brown, Moist, Medium .:: .. : ":' Firm, Chunks of Cemented SLIGHTLY CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND ": :,~, Silty Fine Sand and Pockets of .;yjf(f.; Slightly S.flty Fine Sand. 16 ®~' Evidence of Previ.ous Movement ~ Above 16 Feet ' / 17 18 19 20- .: - e~3 Olive-gray; Very MOist to Moi$t, ~=$ Medium Soft to Medium Firm, £:-h.clay Surface DiDs 23(jto N 63ov.. E=3 Olive-gray, Moist, Very Firm CLAY CLAYSTONE Continued on Orawing No. 8 PROJEC'T iNO, 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ~.3 DRAWING NO. 7 ,. r'-.... • • • • • 0 c:Q ~ . • ,~ .E '" ,0 U 0 -I • • N • • • III ~ ~ • .. : .. -...... 1M ",' '''' .. _ ... ",111 :z: ~~ -C~' ... ~ 0 ... )-'~ ."Z '" U '" " ,.." '. SUMMARY SHEET' BORING NO. 2.h (Cont.) ~,,,,~.v*t"-t==:t-:O~I j=ve=---=g=raY; Mo j~t, VeryFi rm 21 @ CLAYSTONE 16.2 15.,6h 14,.0 , _ ® W~ Light Gray, Slightly Moist, SLIGHTL Y SILTY 22. t':~=\:~'~='>;;f'~ -:~~e;:r~!.!.!in~~-,-i r~m_, _s-;ca-;-t-:-te-:-re_d:-;c:-o_o---;rs:::-e_--tFI N E ~~:~DI UM J--16_,_2-+-_+-_-+-_--f-_-t 23-...... --1 OHve-gray, Moist, Very Firm 1-----1" Dips 90 to SE 24- - 25- 26' 0 ..... ' ---..j , 27 , Olive-gray and Orange-brown 28 .- 29-Color Merges, Light Red-brown With Yellow- 30-~rown and Rust-b[Qwn Few Sinall Pockets of Silty Fine ® 31 Sand and Gypsum Crystals Merges to Softer Claystone 32- " . 33 , 34 I Light Gray With Yellow-brown 35-~ and Rust-brQwn, Slightly Moist , ® .... ~ Very Firm . . 36 . -.. *.- " . PROJECT NO. CLAYSTONE SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE'SAND , 73-3 .. 16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 59.0 19.5 1 07 .9 • 40.0 54.6 DRAWING NO. 8 • • • • 0 co ~, l! e, .2 8 0 ...J • • '''l cd -Q) ..2 -' .-• > ..c CIt .-C 0 V) • All i ~ • , '. 1\ I-.. -SUMMARY SHEET 1M 1M .. 1M lit • II. ct.-...... ' .. ",fa :c aa -c(~ BOiliNG NO. __ ~ ,I-, .c.=» 0 .. >-ct. WtZ "'v'" ELEVATION 130' 1M c ", v ~~::.:~:'::':::: I ;nh.'R~~'un\ n~ I ~!:fII,PnrnIlC 1 ~ F_i_rm ___ ...,.--_________ -I '.' : : .... Very Firm 2 3~ 4 5 . Gray-brown, Slightly Ntoist, Sl'ightly Porous 6-0 . SIL TY VERY FI NE TO FINE SAND 11.4 9.7 :: I 9 ~~~~--~~~----r-~~~--r--r--!-~--j-l _ : : : :;' Light Brown, Moist, Firm ...... 10 ..... . . . .. -. 11 GD ~~.~:::.~.~:~~:~~: ~l~i9~h-t~Br-o-w-n-/~L~i9~h-t~G~ro-y-a-n~d~-+~~~-----t~~---t~-t--t---i _ ~ .:~:::.:::<; ":ellow-broWf,l, Moist, Very 12 ' ,~Flrm 13-~ " ~ 14 ~'~~~~~~~~---r-r~~-rl . ~ Olive-gray, Red-brown and 15 ""7""""'or,t Yellow-brown, Moist, Very Firm 16 @~~'/ '/ ~ '/ 17 ,~~~~~--~~-+~--~--~~-+~~~~ 1: ..... =-= ~::1 Light Red-brown With Yellow- .18 19- 20- E=3 brown, Moist, Very Firm" , Soft Black Carbonaceous 1----1 Material in Some Zones 1--...,...... Olive-green Wi,th Red-brown and Yellow-brown Streaks CLAYSTONE Continued on Drowing No. 10 PROJECT NO. 73 ... 3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NC). 9 • • ... III III -, III .. III .e. 'Go. % ~~ 5 ~~ a SUMMARY _ SHEET' BORING NO.~ 3 (Cont.) "'/\ ~t-~==~~~--~~--~~~~----~------~--+-~~~--~~ .-""--...... -.... Olive-green With Red-brown and 21 G) -Yellow-brown Streaks, Moist, . [!J Very Firm 1-6.2 25.6 97.6 ,22 • 23 • • 0 a.:I ~, l! .E • ,8 u 0 ....I • • • • ... ~ ~ • 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . - 0- '--_ .... Becoming Firmer With Increase CLAYSTONE ....... _ .... ' 'in Dept~ (!j' Continued on Drawing No. 11 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 23.3 22.8 99.8 25.8 DRAWING NO. 10 .' • • • • • 0 co ~ • tit ... , • ,t, .e 8 ,U ~ • N c<S -ell • V) • WI ! '~ l- 1M WI ... ........ :z: ,to-&. WI ~ I~~ r-.... 34 · 35 , SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO._. 3 (Cswt.) 01 iVe-green With Red-brown 1::=::1 and Yellow-brown Streaks, Moist I Very Firm 36®' ..... ' ---I 37 38 39 40 CLAYSTONE 33.3 41.~~~~~~~,~.~ __ ~~_~~ ____ ~ __ ~4~1~~6~~--Jl--1--J · · · · PROJECT NO. DIAWING NO, 73-3 .... 16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 11 -. • ). ~ Ii' t-.... ·SUMMARY SHEET " . W..,: IAJ"': III . ~ III ... ·111 .11) iii .~ ~. Uv.. II. au "" Z • .z . ....... a.. ... 11) .. .. Z lit 9i:!). w :;) ~~fl . :z: .~ oc~ BORING NO. ~ w L o~ ~~. -au i'i Wlltac t-~z .. >-'-'=(5c >-vi ::z::1It ...... .. II)UII) lQ6..' .~ ...: \ltV;~ III ELEVATION ~~ iii: .. w_ 0 -• v.. o ... 8II:It 0 .,.. • • • • - I Light Gro~-brownL DrX' Loose 1 Firm CD Gray-brown, Slightly Moist, '13.0 2 I Very Firm 3 . firm, fQ[Q!'!~ --- 4 ® I Light Brown With Rust-brown SILTY VERY FIN~ 6 .• 5 7.1 85.2 TO FINE SAND ~ 5 ~ -Very Firm > ~ ". . .. ' ~ I -...J 6 ...J « CD 9.7 7 . 8 . ~ .. .. .. Brown, Moist, 'Firm. ......... CLAYEY VERY .... .. .. . , 9 "! .. i .. FINE TO FINE .......... .. ~ .. .. .. SAND 10 .. ~ .. .. .. • CD .......... . .. ... * , ... 6.5 .. :. .. ~ .. 11 - • • - P~OJECT NO~ DRAWING NO. • 73-3-16BC BENTON. ENGINEERING, INC. 12 • • • • • c - I:Q' :.:E • 1/1 ... .2 -8 0 ....I • • • • SUMMARY SHEET , 5 BORING NO,.__ _ ELEVATION . .7] ' ___ .... -::.' ...... :.: ... :.:~~:.~. Light -GrCly-~oose SILTY VERY FINE :.:.':::':: Porous -----I TO FINE SAND ,::.::)'.':',>:.: ",-...:.F..:.:ir~m __ ...:-__________ -+-_____ ---.l/ 1 G) (/';':':<' Light Brown, Dry, Firm S'ILTY VERY FINE 2 ... , . TO FI N E SAND 32~~<\i)· \ . . ~~~1~~~i~/ 4 CD .:; .. : .. .:<:.:.; tight Brown, Dry, Firm, SIl .. 1Y VERY FINE _ [jJ ::::: Small Chunks of Claystone TO FINE SAND 5 : : : : : -----~ WITH CLAYEY ........ Moist VERY FINE TO 6", :UH//: , ~~~~'~~~~I~~: o '::';:'~:~':':: "'---------,--------..------i VERY FINE TO / 7·1..;:!./ ..... : :: :: Gray-brown, tAoist, Very Firm 1\ FINE SAND 8- · 9 · 10 11 - 12 - · '. , '. • CD " . , . , PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC CLAYEY FINE SAND BENTON. ENGINEERING, INC. 6.5 4.9 4.4 88.1 14 .6+---~-1-----I ,16.2 DRAWING NO. 13 ,,. t- , -, , , , .2 lit .0 u c " ....I " «. , • ....... --..,.,..-'--' .--o- ... ... •• SUMMARY SHEET ... .... en • ... ~. ...... ~enlG :z:: 1:1: -cl: BORING NO. 6 ... .,4(::::t ~~t; .. ' tit Z ~I ... ELEVATION _ " c::I Light Brown, Dry, Loose SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Medium Firm 2 Light BrQwn, Dry, Firm, Few Smelll Chunks of Olive-gray 3 Claystone and Pockets of Fine . SLIGHTLY SILTY to Medium Sand; S orne Zones VERY FINE TO 4 Slightly Cemented, Slightly FINE SAND" Porous 5 light Brqwn and Gray-brown, 6 Moist,Medium Loose 7 Grc;Jy-brown,' Moist, Medium Loose 8 SLIGHTLY 9 Very N\oist SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND . 10 . Gray-brown With Light Brown, .11 Saturated 12 PROJECT HO, 73-3-·16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ,.. 2ti &II": Q2~ &II ...... Z f &II _ m",)o &II ~ __ lie > . .... 0 0 -... ~~ lie .... 0" 6.5 4.1 11.4 0.8 12.6 0'.8 0.8 rr-t; . ijIlt: -~t: Z ::; lie Z -, ~"~~ &II "u a ...... ::z:"' .... ,..", "';;;f lie IG a .... &11_ 1Ie~ 87. .~ :::> > :::> 106.8 -. ...J .~ ORAWIHGNO, 14 • • '.' • 0 c::a ~ .' 1/1 -~ .E 8 0 ....I. ". • • • • to-... ... ... ""' :z: to-& ... " 1 2 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .-:: ... & !II a: a: e:» ."Z In • SUMMARY SHEET ... 1ft III -4::E BORING NO.~_ o .. ~ inUIft ELEVATION .:.....134' Light Brown, Dry, Loose Firm . '.: : ...... Very Firm .. ',.', . ,.;: .::: . Light YeUow-brownand , . Gray-brown, Moist, ~ightly Cemented :.:.::,. ':::/ 'More Cemented With Increase .. :':" ':,~, in Depth ..... . . ' . , '" •. oJ. ' .. > " .- . . 0', ..... ... ' .. ': . . -------I SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND @]:~. ::. ::.' With Interbedded Layers of ,.: ..... '.: Red-brown Fine Sandy Silt . " . 1==;===;=1 Gray, Moist, Very Firm, Cemented CLAYEYVERY FINE I--~_--'-_-+-_-+----i TO FIN'E SANO ~~ ______ ~ __ ~ ___ w== __ " ___ m ______ r.~ ____ -= ____ ~M=_=~e _________ .~--~~----------~ P.OJECT NO. 73-3-16BC DRAWING NO. 15 BENTON ENGINEER(NG, INC. • • .' '.' • • - 1- o .... -~ • 8 • • o -l w :lE « z £II o .., I-W W U. --J: l-e. w 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ·10 11 -12 1 1 15 SUMMARY SHEET BORING No.,_ ..... 8 __ ELEVATION 247.01 f'll' : : : :-: -Dark brown, f..!oist, Loose, Roots ~ , : : : : :" Porous, Topsod, Seashells - -Scattered On Surface Orange..:brown, Slightly Ivbist, Firm,Slightly Micaceous __ i ht-B wn -'. ":.'. LightBrown To Light Gray, G) ': ":' ~: :'. Slightly N\oist, Very Firm, Clay Binder, Slightly Micaceous 51 ightlyiVloist To Iv\oist, Micaceous 6 Inch Highly Cemented And Calcareous Zone CLAYEY -FINE TO MEDIUM SAND SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 85.8 8.6103.0 50.6 7 .3113. 1 Continued on Drawing No. 17 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC o .... Indicates Loose Bag Sample o -Indicates Undistur~d Drive Sample * _ Elevations Shown Were Obtained trom The Tentative Map and Specific Plan Prepared by .mck Engineering of Carlsbad, California Which is Entitled Carlsbad Tract 72-24, Sp(mish Village cit La Costa, Units 1 and 2, and dated July 20, 1972. QRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 16 • • '. '. • • • •• • • w :e « z aI o .., Z 0 ... i=;:..l w wee w ..lw ..l~o II.. ..... Coal 5-aI x :;:; Cl)u..:; I-«::> Co Cl)z ~~, W C « ..1 . 15 u -W ~ 16-I - 17-I .,.. 18-- 19-. " .' ',' ' , , ," .. . ' 0.' " - 20-.... -, -' ...:. - - -... - - -- ,... - ,- - - -..... - '-- -- - - -' ...:. - - ..,.; - PROJECT NO. 7~-3-16BC >->. w' C)t-l w":' ...1-ul- SUMMARY SHEET a: II.. ca:~· iii II.. zu.. w ..... z::i a: « . zCl) ..l~> BORING NO .. 8 (Cont) w2: W'u «1-°, wlII!: WCI)a: 0..., w.CI)CI) ii:5 C X-en >. >CI) Cl)CI)Co --I-:e~ a:aI w-a: II.. c..l a:lII!: c Light Brown To Light Gray, SILTY Slightly Iv\oist, To Iv\oist, Very FINE Firm, Clay Binder, Micaceous TO MEDIUM SAND Light Orange-brown, With Some Clqy Hig.hlyCemented, Seashells SANDSTONE \ - DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 17 • • '. • • • • '. • • • N c(S -J2 § CD 0 -' i_" > .:.c:: (I) .-c 0 (/) I 0 .... II) 0 U 0 ....I w· ~ <:( 2 !XI ~ I- W we:: w ...Iw ~ a.. co :t: ~,~ t:: ¢:::J w ,02 o rown, 1St, oots Topsoil SUMMARY SHEET 'BORING NO. , 9 ELEVATION 200.01 1 , ,~::,,: ~:,', White To Light Gray To Light 2 G) ",. ':..< Brown, Slightly Moist, Very LAYEYFINE TO EDIUM SAND 4 5 6 7 1 11 12 1 1 1 , : .:"::. ':: Firm, Micaceous, Rootlets, Clay .... ,',: ".:. Filled Fractures ,. .' : ' .. PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > 0"'; a:u.. w_ 2 0 w!!: w~ >. -I-a:u.. o 37.,415.4109.9 44.0 6.~ 110~2 46.2 7.8 110. , DRAWING NO. 18 • • • • • • N 06 • ..- J!! .-t: :::l '(I) • lI) I • 0 .... (/I a U 0 ......J • • ")/9.;. ~~---r--~~----------------------------------~--~--~--~--~--~ ~ w w u. ""-::r ~ ,Q. W Q SUMMARY 'SHEET BORING NO.. 10 ELEVATION 18z.01 .... ~ Brown To Dark Brown, Moi~t, SI!...·fY FIt',IE 1-~. Loose, Porous, Roots, Topsoil, TO MEDIUM _ ....... :-:: Lenses of Clayey Fine To Medium 'sAND. Ii-' ----4----1f----I---+------I 2-:: :.:: :1''\!""S=an~d::...-. ________ -+-____ ~· " _ (:;\ , .... : Brown-gray and Gray-brown Wit~ 3-0 ::::~ Orang: Yellow Streaks., Moist, _ ,r:( ....•. Very Firm, Lenses of FlOe To 4_W .::': :.: Medium Sandy.Clay, Rootlets, 5-~ \",wn Cloy Filled Froctures _I ~~. Light Yello~ To Yello~-brown, 6-CV~I:':: :'.-".:'. S!'ightly M.Olst, Very Film, Clay _ f2l ~ Binder, MIcaceous 7 -t..:.J " ....... . '. : ' .. . - 8-_ . Occasional Lense of Clciyey Fine - C~AYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND (Merges) / SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND '" ' "~~ . Mixed Orange, Yellow and CLAYEY FINE TO :~~ Light Gray, Slightly Moist, Very MEDIUM SAND 12- 13= Ii] .>-->--Firm, Micaceous, ALTERNATING 14= .:::::. ~~i~ ~~~~~OOF I 11.0 10.3 107.7 81.4 7.1110.0 99.0 9.2 114.1 . _ : : : :: : . MEDIUM SAND / 15-CD: : : ~ : : Mixed Oran$e, Yellow and Light CLAYEY 68.2 15.0 112.8 .... .: :: : :i\GraYi Slightly Moist, MtcQceou! FINE '":'". "I \ SAND 16-. : ~ : ~: Lenses of Clayey Silt . (Meraes) -BJown To Light Brown and' 17 .... ~~~. Gray-brown, Moist, Very Firm, -r:-l'Micaceou$ 18-LiJ 0: -I' ~ 19-. '\. "'Fractured .-: f'ii:\ ,.'" 20-0 ~ ~-: ., - 21- PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC CLAYEY SILT C~ntinued on Drawing No. 20 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 45.0 19.6 ~07.5 DRAWING NO. 19 • • • • • • • • • • • .- .-c::: ::.J z > ~ 0 O' ~ ~ffi ..J~,5 SUMMARY SHEET ~~ ~ ~~ O~~, BORING NO. 10 (Cont) I ww~ .~ <{::> 1Il-> Q. III Z !Z III >_'~ w <{, .--Q ..J =~ Q 21~~~~U~~~~~~~~~----~----------;---t-~t---t---r--1 _ .~=~ Brown To Light Brown and 22-~~~ Gray-brown, Iv\oist, Very Firm, - 23- - 24- ~=~ Micaceous CLAYEY SILT I$$:~~ Bedding Dips t/J'_ 100, High 25= G~,,~"',~ Angle Fractures:!: 60 Degrees - 26- - p.,'''~''<¥iMixed Brown,Orange and Yellow ~~lofvery Moist To Saturated,Soft To CLAYEY SILT. Firm, Landslide ,Zone, Fractures in I MIXED WITH 68.2 18.9 J 08.3 27-~~.:.~~~'%.~~-:. Se~eral Directions: At 25.5 Feet CLAYEY FINE 28-~~:'<. East, At 26.5 Feet DIps 52 I -~: ... ~\~IPS 4 Degrees North .55 ~grees SAND / _ ~"': South 80 Degrees Eqst' I----t---+-----+~--,-,-+-.--'--t 29-............ __~~.... Light Gray.With a F~w Orqnge SLIGHTLY SILi~/ 30-(i) ,~~~ Streaks, SlIghtly Moist., Very FINE TO MEDIUM 86.9 ...: ' :~~~, . Finn, ' ._. SAND , I '31-~~~~ Light Gray To Light Brown and SILTY FINE :~~~ . O!ans.-brown, Moist, Very I?AND WITH CLAY;' - 32- - 33- - 34- . .;~~~ ,Firm . \ 81 NDER AN D ~~~~~ 1 Foot Layer of 1/4 Inch CLAYEY FINE t~~~~" Gypsum Seams,Mostly On , .... ; \Bedding Planes , ' SAND .... : LightlJ8rown To Brown and Light : : : :: Gray Mixed" Jv\oist To Very J 13.2 111.5 35=® : : : :: Mois~ Very Firm,Thinpedded CLAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND 1259.6 12.6 11 1.3 \\~iPS -:-5 Degrees,Clay Seams \ \nd Clay Pods . . Lenses of S i.1 ty F-!.i!.!:ne~S.::::.an!.!:d=--' _---ll..,-----'------JI - - -, - -- - - - - - - - !Xl -, o .., PROJEct NO. 73-3-16BC DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 20 • • • • • • • • ) Z 0 I-·w wa: w LI. ...Iw .... Q.1Il :I: ::5::5 I-«:::l Q. (l)z w i=...1 ...1«0 -(Jill OU:::5 (1)-> ~C!) « SUMMA.RY SHEET BORING NO, 11 ELEVATION 177.01 Q ...I' 0 (J, , .. ' , ,-, -: : : :: Btown I Moist, LQQ~e, Porous, 1-,: ' ' " Roots, T opsoll _ : : :: :. Brown To Orange-brown, Moist, 2-: : : : : I\Firrnl Porous, Rootlets _ -~:::, Old Slip Plane Dips 19 Degrees ~".", " North 20 Degrees West 1,/2 Inch 3-i'V" '. ,c [jJ:~~~~, ~i~~;c~~a~o ~~~~ Brown With ~~~~: Pods and Streaks of Orange and 5= G)~~~~' Ye'llow,Slishtly Me-1st, V~ry Firm .. ~~~, Micaceous,Slightly Porous, ~,~~ -Rootlets on Fractures,Clay - 6- - :" " " ,,-, x.."", .' Filled Fractures ' ........... ,,' >...>...>... ..... , _>.. >.. ~LAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY FINE· SAND ALTERNATING WITH LAYERS OF FINE SAND AND. 8- :~~~i( '\l~~~~:e Dipping,~5 beyrees .~~v,>..;;, 0 t '15 Dewees"West 1 8 -~~""...... '.WiL~a.v' ~':':':,,; . . -.,. _ ..... ~ _ -----I CLAYEY FINE SAND - > 0' a: I-w!!:. z~ w_ wll:: >" -I-a:LI. Q 79.215.6 107.8 9- :~~~~: SI ip Plane Dipping 45 Degrees :~ :~:,~ North 15 Degrees West, 1/8 ~'~~"~"~'~I:nc:h~Bro::w~n~C~I:ay~ ________ -JL-__ ------~--b -t2'lSi125.4 10.6J13.Q 1 1 °1'-~ ~2 I'_'~~'~",'.".,::.~.'.',~' .. ""':~", .. ,:',.:.::. Light Yellow-Gray To Light SL I GHTL Y SILTY _ L:.J .~ Yellow-brown, Slightly Moist,TO SILTY FINE ~ Very Compact TO MEDIUM', SAND, 12= ~~~:.:~:'~'::~ __________ ~ ______ -+ __ ~{,'~~lr~~~s)~--4' __ -4---+~~--~--~ ~ Orange,.Brown and Gray., 13: I Slightly Moist, Very Firm SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM I SAN D 14-: .. :::~;.:: .. : Light Brown To Light Gray, FINE SANDY 15= G) '.:::.:.::'::: Slightly Moist, Very Firm, CLAY 94.6 12.2 111.2 _ ~ ~SI_ig_ht_ly_P_or_ou_s~ _____ ~~ ____ ~~1 16-~ Light Gray To Light Brown, 'SLIGHTLY SILTY _ ~ Slightly iV\oist, Very Compact TO SILTY F.fNE ~_+---+----+---+-----I 17--' , , .. \ TO MEDIUM SAND(Merges) / _ , " " , ," \-'-_______________ ~--~+-----.:--=----=--..J 18-: : :.:: Light Browh,Slightly Moist To _ : : : :: Moist., Very Firm, Lehses of Silty 19-: :::: Fine Sand, Micaceous, CLAYEY FINE SAND . ' , " Thinbedded With Pink Clay 20= G ~.'-::: .::· .... )\'\;;..Sle:...:;a:.;.;;.;.ms~ ______ --+ ____ '----"'J 107.8 14.6113.1 _ ~ L!ght G~ay, SligbHy Moist, Very SIL TY 21 ~ Firm, Micaceous FINE SAND . -. . . . Continued on Draw!ng No. 22 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NQ. 73-3-16BC DRAWING NO. 21 • • • • - t • .E • • CII o v !1 w :lE <t Z III o ... r--SUMMARY SHEET w wei: w "'w u. BORING NO. . 11 (Cont) --Q.aI J: :lE,:lE Ii: <t::> w Inz c 21 - 22- -I)~ Light Gray ~o Olive Gray, .~ Slighfly Moist, Very Firm, ~wcaceoos 23- -~:'~~ Light Orange .... brown To Brown. ....: (';;"\J;: ,', With Orange Streaks and Pods, 25-0' , . N\oist r Very Firm, Micaceous 24- -[~J~ 26-hill,,~~1 - 27-" - 2,8-, - .29- '3;G)"',~ "\ - 31- - \ ' 32-~~ :~ I -(":;\ . 35-0 ':. -" 36-" - 37- - 38- Dark Orange-brown, Gray, and Red-brown, 51 ight Iy /v1oist, Very Firm, Lenses of Sil ty Fine Sand, Mi:c::aceous Light Gray T() Light GTay-brown SILTY FINE SAND , CLAYEY VERY FINE SAND SLI GHTL Y SI L TY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND ~ 41= ~~::-I-. -O-c-c-as-j-on-a-I-L-e-ns-e-s-o-f-C-Ia-y-e-y-----l 66.0 15.8 109.1 56. 1 17.5 108.9 136.4 11.5109.1 94.6 7.6 101.9 42-~ -Fine Sand Continued on Drawing No. 24 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON t:NGINEERING, IN'C. DRAWING NO. 22 • • • 33-.--'---r~z~r---------------------~------------~~--~--~--~~~--~ ... 0 ~ . lH ~ffi ..J~5 SUMMARY SHEEt ffi·~ ~ Q..m -(Jm ztn :J: :E:E 0 U::E BORING NO. 11 (Cont) w2:: ' Ii: ~:::l tnen> - -w~ tnz tntn > . ~ ~ _ ... '42 11~~~~ ~u. . _ [I] ~':-'~ Li~ht Gray!o Light G~ay-brown, 43..., ~ .... : ... ' Slightly N\olst, Very Firm, ..,.. ~~>:: Micaceous, Lenses of Silty Fine 44-~~" ':. .. :: .. ' Sand, Occasional Lenses of SLIGHTL Y SilTY , 4 1t:."'" ®, ~' .. :'.':: .... ::"""",,::' Clayey Fine Sand FINE TO MEDIUM r...r-' • SAND ~73.9 9.3 104.9. ~= F~~~:~~~~~:r---~~--~--~--~---------L--~~---L--~~ - • ..,.. ..,- - - -• -- - - - • ,- - - - - • N cO' - --£! ..,.. .-c ::> .- Q) ~ • 0 --. -.-> - ..J:: ....:. Ct) .-S ,-.. -V) .' I 0 --..... ..,.. (/) 0 U ..,- I 0 ..,. -' -I • w - :E ~ -Z 0:1' -0 .., • PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 23 • ~ w w u. ...... :t ~ Q. W e • 0 1 2 • 3 4 • 5 6 7 • 8 9 • 10 11 12 • 13 • .:E -.-> ..c 16 til .-c-o (/) 17 • I O. ..... 18 . us 0 U 0 : -' 19 • w 20 :s « z Q) 21 0 .... • wa: ..Jw SUMMARY SHEET Coal :'E:'E «:> (l)z BORING NO._ .... J2:..-_ ELEVATION 235.0' ·:..;.· .. :·Brown,Slightly. Moist, Medium" . ." " . > c!. cct: w ...... z·(I) w!!: wlll! >. -~ ccu. e ..... :':., Firm, Slight CI~ Binder, Porous, . . . ' .. :". --Roots, prowed Topsoil SIL TY FINE SAND 1-........ ...,---+---+---+----+--,..... PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC Orane~hrown Orange-red-brpwn, Moist, Medium Firm, Pods of Fine Sandy Clay, Porous, Roots .. LAYEY FINE SAND Light Gray To Light Brown With. Streaks of Orange, Slighfly N\oist, Very Firm, Micaceous, Lenses of Slightly Sil ty Fine To fv1edium Sand, Brown Clay Filled Fractures SILTY FINE TO '--_,....-______ "'---IMED JUM SAND Lenses-of Silty Fine Sand, Occasional Clay Pods Yellow-gray-brown and Light Gray, Slightly Moist, Very Firm, Micaceous Cont.inuedon SILTY FINE SAND rawing No. 26 BENTON ENGlNEERING, INC. 81.4 7.3 111.2 99.0 9.7 112. 1 88.0 9.3 105.4 83.6 1O.6r 09· DRAWING NO. 24 ) • • • o w :E <I: 2 III o .... I-W w' u. '-::t: I-Q. w 0 21. 22 23 24 25. 26 27 28 29 3 31 32 33 3 35 36 37 38 39 40 . 41 wa: ...I1J,J Q.1Il :E:e <1:::> (1)2 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 12{Cont) Light Gray and Light Brown Wi·th , Yellow Streaks, 51 ightly Jvbist, : ~:-" ',:.;. Very Firm, Micaceous, Lenses of ':': ':. :':,~, Silty and Slightly Silty Fine To ',' ':": " lv'Iedium Sand ." .: .... ~. . Occasional 1/8 Inch Clayey Sand Streaks Light Brown To Brown With Orange Streaksr 4 To 6 Inch Lenses of CL~yey Fine Sand SILTY FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No. 27 PROJECT NO, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC . 73-3-16BC >-(!l' a: I-w~ 2(1) w!!: w~ >. -I-.a: u. Q 12.2 145.2. 7.6 113.5 195;8 17.93.4 . DRAWING NO. 25 • • • • • • • • • I-w wa: w ..Jw II.. -... Q..1Il J: ::!E::!E t-<1::> Q.. II)Z w Q 41 - 42- - 43-- ..,.. Z 0 j:..J ..J<l:o -Olll Oii':::: II)Cij> 1/)11) <I: ..J ° ~ ~ ~.:., · ... .- SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 12(Cont) Light Brown To Brown With Orange Streaks, Slightly fv\oist, ~ILTY FIN:E SAND Very Firm, Micaceous Lighl' Gray To Light Brown With · .. " ... 44-I-=-: :....: :....: :....: '-I: Oronge, Moist, Very Firm, · ... , Micaceous CLAYEY FINE SAND - - ..,.. - - -' - ..,.. - - - - - - -' - - - - - -, - ..,.. - ..,.. ,... SILTY FINE SAND III ..,.. o ., PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > o· a:t-w!!::. Z-II) w!!: w-lIoi: >. -I-a:u. c 83.6 11.6107.2 DRAWING NQ. 26 :. • • • • • • • • '. • N ~ -or! .-c ::> V') I .2 S u .5 w :e < z III o .., ,T t- 'tlj LI. --:J: t-0. w Q 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 17 ,18 19 , 21 wa: ...Iw 0.111 :!E:!E <:;) II),Z z o i=..J ...1<0 SUMMARY SHEET -Ulll OU::::: BORING NO. , 13 (1)-> ~II) 180.01 ELEVATION < ..J U Brown, Moist, Loose, Roots, Very' Porous Topsoil To 2 Feet Very Moist, Light Gray To Light Brown With Streaks Of Yellow and Orange, Moist, Very, Very Firm, Clay Binder, Micaceous" Brown Clay Filled Fractures 1/8 To 1/4 Inch Lenses of Clayey Fine Sand, 1/8 To 1 Inch Clay Seams p<:."'<-', ""', ~ Dark Brown To Orange-brown, ~~?{' Yellow-brown and Light Gray, : : : ;: ,Moist,Soft To Medium Firm, ~~.,.:>i R90t Holes, Porous,Occasional ~~ .... 'tI Shell Fragments, Friable SILTY FINE SAND LAYEY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND MIXED W:ITH SILT FINE TO COARSE SAND > 0' >. W' a:t-w"': t-I-ut- w!!:: Qa:3:; iiiLl. ,a:zLI. zll) ...I~> z· «0 w':;) w!!: WII)a: Q~ , wt-II) w~ U::oQ :J:~iii :::..: >(1) 1I)13!!: ' :!Ell'! a: III a:LI. Q...I a:~ Q 125.4 12.5 106.7 85.8 10.8 10.0 .I 123.2 9.2 106.3 Oranga,'Iv\Oist ,Compact, Occasional Coarse Grains, OccaSional Clam Shells SLIGHTLY SILTY 2e.6 9.6 102.5 FINE TO PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC MEDIUM SAND Continued on Drawing No. 29 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. ,27 ~7- • • • z . > > . t-o ~. W' j:..J a: I-w..: 1-1-ut: w wa: SUMMARY SHi:ET w!!:: Qa:~ -II.. W ../<1:0, ~. a:~ • II.. ..Jw zen ..J~> ..... Q.co _U!XI 13(CQnt) w!!:: w;:) ~.I-51 :t ::E::E Oii:'::E BORING NO. Wena: c~ 1-' <1:;:) en'iii> w,~ ii:5 Q :ten ..... Q. cnz ,en en >. >:g . ·en u;ff w -I-~lI'! W'- Q <t a: II.. ~..J . a:~ ..J Q U 21 ~'" Dark Brown To Orange-brown, r--:LAYEY FINE TO -l"" , "-,, .'\. lv1oist, Soft To Medium Firm, ~EDIUM SAND' 22-,"-""" "-Friable, Shell Fragments MIXED WITH - [\ ~LIGHTL V SIL TV 1 23-I:INE TO MEDIUM, -SAND 24-Gray-green To Green With -(0 Streaks Of Yellow and Orange, 33.0 25.6 99.1 25-lv1oist, Soft To Medium Firm, • -Highly Fractured. gnd Mixed 26-Into 1/4 To 1/2 Inch Chunks, , -[§] , Gypsum and Yellow Iron Stain 27-Fi-II ing Fractures In All CLAY -' .. D,irections 28-\ '" -"- 29-"-, Layers of Brown With Streaks ''''-Of Yellow, Red, Orange -0 Mixed With Green And Gray 70.4 20.2 102.9 30-"- • -,,,-. .'> Very Firm j 31-. -, 01 ive-Gray-Gray-Green, 32-' Moist, Very Firm, Gypsum SILTY Common, Pockets Of White CLAY -- • N o(S ..... ~ .-s:: ::> Clay, Lenses Of Over 50 33-Percent Shell Fragments, Lenses - 3~ Of Iv1edium To Coarse Sandy Clay J -CV 50.6 18.8 108.3 Gray-green And Green With 35--Streaks Of Orange And Yellov. • -1\ Moist, Very Flnn,Hlghly CLAY -' Fractured In Many Directions, SI ickensides Common . -j - -V') • I .E --8 u - 0 -..J - • ,W ~ ..... <t --.. ~ co '-0 .., • PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO. 73-3-16BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 28 • • • • • • .E S v • 0 ...J C CO ~. • •• · ..., :I • 4C Z CD o ., CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 O.S 0.8 1.0 . 2 E 10 It· Hole 4 t--I-I-Sample 2 1 r-~~ __ ~~~~~~~-+~~ __ ~ ____ ~~~~ __ ~ __ ~~1-~r~IA~~.h~A~LI--~ 3 4 ., ., ..., z 5 ~ ~. :z: .~ 6 LIJ ..I Q. :I C 7 ., II. 0 PROJECT NO. -.10=:1'1-=t88-73-3-16BC \ '\ \ o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON ENGINEERING 1 INC. DRA~!NG NO. 29 • • • • '. • • .' • • • .E ~ U C oJ C co ~ w :I c z III o , ., 1 2 3 4 ., C/) 1&.1 Z .:111: 2 X ~ 6 1&.1 ~ G. :I c C/) \&. 0 0 ~ z 1&.1 (,) 0:: 1 1&.1 G. z 2 0 ij Q :::; 3 0 C/) ! (,) 4 PROJECT NO. ~ -3-6BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD 'IN KIPS PElt SQUARE FOOT o INDICATE$ PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON ENGINEERING, iNC. DRAWING NO. 30 ,- • • • • • • • • '. N -0 C C· - .... :II c Z III o ., +lQ2 1 PROJECT NO. 73-3-16BC CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AT FIELD t!lOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON ENGINEERING t INC. D.RAWING NO. 31 It • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER BENTON ENGINEERING; INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND TELEPHONE (7,14) 565.1955 1. General Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal strengt,h in filled ground by proven engineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be filled, fil'ling, of the land, the spreading, and compaction of the fi lied areas to conform with the I ines, grades, and slopes as ,shown on the, , accepte,d plans. • The owner shall employ a qual ified soi Is engineer to inspect and test t,he Hlled ground as 'placed to:verify the uniformity of compaction'of filled ground to the ,specified 90 percent 'of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall 9dvise the owner and' grading contract'or immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist,and shall have the 9uthodty to re ject the compacted fi lied ground until such time that corrective mea~ures • are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the sole respo'Asibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaGtion~ • • • • • 2. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Hlled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed., pi led, and burned or other'"", wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be filled free of veget9tion and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas shall be corrected by draining or removal, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfactory for the suppod' of the filled ground'shall then be plowed or scarified,to a depth of at I~ast six inches (6"), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, ,or other uneven features which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to'be used. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 pe,rcent, horizontal. benches shall be cut into firm un(iisturbed natural ground in order to provide both lateral and vertical stability. 'This is to provide a horizonfal base so that each ,layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of 'the fi" shall be at least 10 feet in width 'on firm undisturbed natural ground at the eleva- 'tion of the toe stake placed at the natural angle of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeedi,ng benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. • • • • • APPENDIX AA -2- (d) After the natural ground has been prepared, it shall then be brought to the proper mois- ture content and compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in , accordance with A.S. T.M. D-1557-66T method that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4" diameter cylindrical mold of a 1/30th cubic foot volume. , 3. Materials and Special Requirements. The fill s'oils shall c~msist of select materials so graded that at least 40 percent of the material passes a No.4 sieve. This may be obtained from the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixirg soils from one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from vegetable matter, and other de-, leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater than 6 inches in diameter.' , If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physical cha'racteristics. are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown on the plans or as directed by the soils engi neer. If during grading opera,tions, soils 'not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shall be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recomme~ed i,n the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these specifications. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade,subbase, and base materials for roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shall be' in accordance with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. • 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. • • • • • (a) the suitable fill material shall be placed in Jayers which, when compacted shall not exceed six inches (6 "). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throughly mixed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture in each layer. (b) (c) (d) When the moisture content of the fill material is b~.low that specified by the soils engineer, water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum' as specified by the soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. When the moisture content of the fill material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other satis- factory methods until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils ergineer. After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be thorough Iy compacted to not less than ninety percent of maXimum density in accordance with A.S.T.M. D-1557-66T modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatic-tired rollers, or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equi,pment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such design 'that they wiH be able BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • • APPENDIX AA - 3 - to compact the fi" material to the specified density. Rol'Iing shall be accomplished while the fill material is at the specified moisture content. Rolling of each layer shall be continuous over Its e!1tire area and the roller shall make sufficient trips to insure that the desired density has been obtained. The entire areas to be filled shall be compacted. (e) Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rQII'ers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too dense for planti ng and unti I there is no appreciable amount of loose soil Or:! the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling the slopes in increments of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory results. (f) Field density tests shall be taken by the soils engineer for approximately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if required by the soils engineer. The location of the tests in plan shall be so spaced to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. Tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet In.elevaticm'gain. The soils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used r the tests shall be taken i.n the com- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density has been obtained. (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6 11) compacted layers ... as specified gbove, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and grades as shown on the accepted plans. 5. Inspection. Sufficient inspection by the soils engineer shall be maintained during the filling and compacting operations so that he can certHy that the fill was constructed in accordance with the accepted speci fi cations. 6. Seasonal Limits. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled if weather conditions increase the moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is Interrupted by rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soil'S engineer indicate that the'moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified'-, 7. Limiting Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those sorls that expand 2.5 percent or less from air dry to saturation under a unit load of 500 pounds per square foot are considered to be nonexpansive. 8. All recommendations presented in the "Conclusions II section of the attached repqrt are a part of these sped fI cati ons . BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT. CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE (-714) 565·1955 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOil DESCRIPTION GROUP I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 C LEAN GRAVE LS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS CLEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 sieve size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. ' FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size. ** SilTS AND CLAYS Liquid limit Less than 50 SilTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 III.' HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC Ml Cl OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel-sahd mixtures, little or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no'Hnes. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-c lay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. -Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. ' Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticity, gravelly clays, sandy,clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty sojJ's, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high, plasticity Peat and other highly organic soils. * Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are U. S. Standard. • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON PIlESIDENT • CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APP,LIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 TELEPHONE (714) 5615·191515 APPENDIX B The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below fhe ground surface. The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cutting tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being stili confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the field,moisture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made without removing the samples from the brass liner rings In which they are secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the so,iI above • the point of sampling. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal ang Ie of friction and cohesion. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. • • • • Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. 'Loads are applied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the s~mple unti I the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are placed in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined In the brass rings are permitted to air dry at 105° F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per square foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each'sqmple. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous observations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded and expansion is recorded untfl the rate of upward movement is less than 1/10000 inch per hour. • • • • • _ APPENDIX C • • • • • • • • • • >. u x ~. 8-Q. <C • • • • • RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EXPANSIVE SOILS . -. CQse (1)-: For soils with an expansion potential over 6 percent under unit load of 150 pounds per square foot from air dry to saturation.(Tests to be made after grading), 1. Use continuous interconnected reinforced footings throughout, and place these at a minimum depth of two feet below the lowest adjacent exterior final ground surface. Avoid the use of isolated interior piers where possible .• 2. Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars all interior and -exterior footings with a minimum of one U5ber at 3 inches above the bottom of all footings and one #5 bar placed 1 1/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footings. 3. Use raised wooden floors spanning between continuous footings if possible. Reinforce all concrefe slabs on grade with a minimum of 6 x 6 -10/10 welded wire fabric and provide a base layer of at least 4 inches of crushed rock beneath all concrete slabs. A moisture barrier should be provided above the crushed rock . and then 2 inches of sand should be placed over the moisture barrier and below the bottom of the slab. 4. SeporClte garage slabs from perimeter footings by 1/2 inch thickness of construc- tion felt or equivalent, to allow independent movement of garage slabs relative to perimeter footings. Assure complete separQtion by extending the construction 5. 6. felt over the full depth of the front thickened edge of the garage slab. Cut off garage door stops at least 1/2 inch above the garage slab. Provide positive drainage away from all perimeter footings with a vertical 'fall of at least 6 inches in a horizontal distance of 5 feet, outside the house walls. Exercise every effort to assure that ·the soil under the foundations and slabs has a uniform moisture content at least 1 ta 3 percent greater than optimum throughout the top 3 feet below finished grade at the time'of .plac\ng the foundations and slabs. Case (II). For soils with an expansion potential over 2 percent but less than 6 percent under unit load of 150 pounds per square foot from air dry to saturation. Same as CQse (I) with the following exceptions: 1. Continuous footings may be placed at a minimum depth of 18 inches in lieu of 2 feef as indicated in Item 1 under Case (I) 2. No.4 reinforcing bars may be used in lieu of No.5 bars ·as indicated in Section 2 under Case I. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 'Pi Ie: 'SA:) 1. C£..T'1 5""-7 It 2: • • PHII,.IP HENKING·BENTON PRESIDEN.T • CIVIL ENGINEER La Costa Land Company aENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SqlL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92.11 (. 'May 24, 1973 ~ TELEPHONE (714) 565.1955 • Costa Del Mar Road Carlsbad, CaHfornia 92008 • • • • • • • • Attention: Subject: Mr. Irv Roston , Proj ect No. 73-3-9BC Preliminary Soils Investigaf.ion ~.~f?9D.!ili.YlU~ge West, 7 Acre Site ; Rancho' La Cos~b --cCrJsba(C~Carf forn i a CONCLUSIONS It is concluded from the field investigation and laboratory test results that: 1" An old landslide zone was found between the depths of 34.5 and 39.0 feet at Bor'ing 1, where the sl ide debris'consists of a mixture of dayey fine sand, fine sandy clay and clayey silt. Abundant gypsum filling and some brownish iron stains were also encotmtered.'in the fractures. Also, extensively slickensided gray clay anp silty clay zqnes were found below a depth of 19. () feet and to the end of the bori ng at 46.5 feet in Bod ng 2. Some of the cI ay strata between these depths were highly sheared and fractured f~om previous tectonic movements. If excavations are to be made in these zones, the excavation slopes should be kept no steeper than 3 horizontal to 1 vertical and to the lowest possible heights. The lateral extent and stabil- ity 6f these zones shoulc:l be carefully examined during grading operations to check whether buttress fills or stabUized fills will be required. If feasible, it would be preferable to plan grading Sq as not Jo cut into these unstQble zones. 2.' In the central:.valley reentrant area where Borings ,3: and 4 were drilled, the upper 4.5·feet of soils in Boring:3 arid the upper 8.5 feet of soils in Boring 4' were found to be compress- ibl~,and low in density. The soils in these zones should be properly densified before using for . any structural support or the placement ot compacted fills upon these soils. This may be accotn ... plished either by removal and recompaction of the compressible soils or by a surcharge fill. Detailed soils investigations ,should be undertaken in the valley reentrant area if high rise build- ings or any heavy structures are to pe constructed in this area. 3. the in-place granular type soils such as slightly clayey sand, clayey sand and silty sand. are 'suitable for structural support, both as natural soils and as compacted fHled ground. The fine-gtained type of soils such as slickensided clay and silty clay, sgndy clay and clayey silt . ~ )'> A,r'S ~ , .' • • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -2- La Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site May 24, 1973 ~,.. should not be used for structural support unless special design precautions are observed, because of their expansive potentials, 'based on the labQratory test results and our past experience with the fine-grained soils in these areas. When used as cc;>mpacted fill material, the fine-grainea type of soils should be placed ata depth of 3 feet or more below proposed finished grades of concr!3te slabs and footings and be placed at. least 20 feet or more inside compacted fiJI slopes. Ifpoten- tially expansive types of soils are exposed in the upper 3.0 feet below finished grade after eXcavaticm, these should erther be removed and replaced with nonexpansive soils unifonnly com- pacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density or, if these soils are pennitted to remQin in the upper 3 feet below finished grade, footings and concrete slabs should be specially designed for expansive soils conditions. Recommended procedures for special design of footings and con- crete floor slabs are presented in the attached Appendix C. It is recommended'that all lots be inspected at the. time of grading in order to determine those lots which contain potentially expan- sive clay soils within the upper 3 feet below grade. If necessary, htmd-augered holes 3 feet in depth may be drilled in the lots in order to make this determination. 4. The excavated natural soils, when properly compacted fo at least 90 percent of maximum dty density in Qccordance with the A.S. T .M. D 1557-70 method of compaction and in accordance with the appliCable sections of the attached Appendix AA, will have an allow- able bearing value up to 3930 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings placed at a minimum depth of one foot below finished grade. The settlement of a one foot wide continuous footing placed one foot below finished grade and loaded to as much as 3000 pounds per square foot is estimated to be less than 1/4 inch. This value applies to all soil types encoun- tered within the subject property. 5. -Undisturbed finn natural soils have an allowable bearing value of 2490 pounds per square foot, for one foof wide continuous footings located at.a depth of one foot in such soils. The estimated total settlement of a one foot wide confimJous foating loaded to 2490 pounds per square foot is lesS than 1/4 inch. 6. When bedding plane failures are not involved, cut slopes may safely be made to the fol.lowing maximum hei$~ts with adequate factors of safety:. Predominant Soil Cut Slope Safe Maximum Type in Cut Slope 'Horizontal to Vertical Heights in Feet Case A Case B Fine-grained soils 2.5: 1 29 I 3.0: 1 19 35 4:0: 1 26 51 Granu lar soi Is 1.5: 1 30 2.0: 1 54 The safe maximum heights presented under Case A apply to excavations made through old landsl-ide zones and slickensided clay 2;ones described under paragraph 1. The recommended slope under Case A is 3 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. The-safe maximum heights presented under Case B apply to excavafions made through relative.ly fracture-free fine-grained soils, based on the information obtained from this iiwest.igafion. The recommended slope gradient under Case B is 2.5 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. If Qld landsl ided zones are found during grading BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • . , • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -3- La'Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site May 24, 1973 .3 X operatiQns that were riot found under this investigation, the slope gradients and maximum safe' heights shCX,Jld be changed to Case A at that time. This will depend on the findings of inspections at the time of grading • 7 .If the' excavated granular soi Is are compacted under continuous inspection and in accordance with the appl icable sections of the procedures described. in the attached Appendix AA, then the compacted fill sJ:opes may be safely constructed up to the following maximum heights with adequate fqcto~s 'Of safety • Slopes Horizontal to Vertical 1.5: 1 2:1 2.5: 1 Recommended Maximum Heights in Feet 38 66 154 8. For both excavated slopes and compacted fiU slopes, it is assumed that suitable erosion control devices will be provided at top and toe of the slopes in order to minimize erosion of the slopes by surface runoff and to avoid the possibil ity of loss in lateral resistance due to scouri ng of the toe by surface runoff. 9. ,For earthwork estimates, a shrinkage factor of 3 percent may be assumed for the excavated soils, in addition to the settlements of the supporting soils due to surcharge fills. If fill soils greater than 10 feet in thickness are placed in the areas of Borings 3 and 4 and the supporting existing soils are later subjected to water intrusion and become saturated, then settle- ments up to 3 inches anq 1 inch, respectively, may be assumed fo..r: eattbwork estimated in the, areas of Bori ngs 3 and 4. 10. Residential buildings may be constructed partly on ~ and partly on compacted:filled ground provided the load-settlement characteristics of the natural soils and the compacted fille:d ground are comparable. If any soil types are encountered during grading operation that were not tested in this investigatiQn~ additional laboratory tests will be conducted in order to determine their physical characteristics, and supplemental reports and recommendations will automatically become a part of this report,! The data presented on the attached p~gesare a part of this report. Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. Distr: La Costa Land Company By d!~/./'2""'~~-­ S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer Reviewed by --=1/VrI~-..;..-.;..-.;;.-h.,... ~~_-=~~::;.:'~.< .=JI ______ _ M. V • Pothier, Civil Engineer Chiet Engineer BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. (3) Attention: Mr. Irv Roston (1)"' Attention: Mr. Bob Stork Herman D. Ruth & Associ ates (1) Attention: Mr. Herman D Ruth (1) Rick Engineering, Carlsbad SHS/MVP/ew • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -4- La Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site May 24 ,1973 1-X DISCUSSION .A preliminary soils investigation has been completed on the property known as Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site, of Rancho La Costa, Carlsbad, Cal ifornia. The sHe is located easterly of EI Camino Real, and the south boundary of the site is approximately 3300 feet southerly of the intersection of La Costa Avenue and EI Camino Real. The objectives of this preliminary investigation were to determine the general subsurface condi- tions of the subject area, to identify potentially problematic areas and to present appropriat.e soil parameters for pr~paring grading plans and future foundation design., In order to accompl ish the objectives, four borings were drilled and representative soil samples were obtained from the borings for laboratory testing. Also, pertinent portions of our report of Project No. 73-3-16BC Were reviewed. The general ·terrain of the site may be described as gently rolling to steep sloping terrain in the southern and northem porfions of the site and a sl ightly sloping valley reentrant in the central portion of the site. According to the I!Soil Map" prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the upper soils in the area are described as Las Flores loamy fine sand and Botella loamy sand. The soils encountered in ,the investigation consisted primarily of clayey and~ sl ightly clayey sand, silty sand, clayey silt,' clay, silty clay and sandy clay. ' Field Investigation The four borings were drilled with a truck-mounted rotary bucket-type drill rig at the approximcite locations shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location of Test Borings. II The borings were drilled to depths of 14.0 to 46.5 feet below the existing ground surface. 'A continuous log of the soils encountered in the borings Was recorded at the time of drilling and is shown in detail • on Drawing Nos. 2 to 10, inclusive, each entitled "Summary Sheet." The soils were visually classified by field ident.ification procedures in accordance with 'the Unified Soil Classificafion Chart. A simpl ified description of this classification system is presented in the attached Appendix A at the end of th is report. • Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervais, in the soils ahead of the drill ing. The drep weight used for driving the sampling tube into the soils was the "Kelly" bar of the drill rig which weighs 2200 pounds, and the average drop was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described under tiSamplingfl in Appendix B. • In addition, a geological reconnaissance investigation was completed for this area dnd is atfached as Appendix D. • • Laboratory Tests Laboratory tests were performed on all undisturbed samples of f+le soils in order to determine the dry density and moisture content. The results of these tests are presented on Drawing Nos. 2 to 10, inclusive. Consolidation tests were performed on representative samples in order to determine BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • . ' • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -5-May 24, 1973 La Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site the load-settlement characteristics of the soils and the results of the tests are presented graphically on Drawing Nos. 11 and 12, each entitled IIConsolidation Curves. II A Summary Sheet and two Consol idatiori Curves from our report of Project No. 73-3-16BC are also included and are shown on Drawing Nos. nand 14. The general procedure's used for the above laborat.ory tests are descr:ibed briefly in Appendix B. In addition to the above laboratory tests, expansion tests were performed on some of the clayey soils and other potentially expansive soils encountered to determine their volumetric change chQracter- istics with change in moisture content. The reeorded expansions of the samples are presented as follows: Percent Expansion Under Uni t Load of Depth of 500 Pounds per Squote Boring Sample Sample, Soil Foot from Air Dry No. No. in Feet Description to Saturation 1 1 5.0 Clayey fi ne sand 1.00 1 3 15.0 Silty fine sand with clay binder 0.30. ,2 6 31.0 Clay 7.22 3 2 6.0 CI ayey fi ne sand 0.25 Compaction tests were performed on representative sampl'es of the soils to be excavated to estapl ish compaction criteria. The soils were tested according to the A.S.T.M. D 1557-70 method of com- paction which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer dropping 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot mold •. The results of the tests are presented as follows: Maximum Optimum Mois- Boring Bag Depth Soil Dry Density ture Content No. Sample in Feet Description Ib/eu ft % dry wt 1 1 2.0,.. 3.0 CI ayey fi ne sand 111.0 15.0 1 2, 12.0-13.0 Sit tY fine sand 114.4 13.5 One mechanical analysis test was performed on a silty sand soil in aceordance with the A.S. T.M • D 422-61T method of testing, in order to determine the fraction of fine-grained portion in the soil mass. ihe result is presented below: U. S.Sieve Size No. 200 So ilC I ass i fi cation Boring 4, Bag 1, At 1.0-2.0' Percent Finer by Weight 32.4 Silty sand In order better to classify the finer grained soils, Atterberg Limit tests were performed on certain $amples in accordance with A.S. T .M. Designations D 423-66 and D 424-59. The results of the$e tests and the group symbols for the soil classifications are presented on the following page. BENTON .ENGINEERING, INC. Project No. 73-3-9BC -6-May 24, 1973 • La Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site . Bag Boring Sample Depth Liquid Plastic Plasticity Group' No. No. in Feet Soil Description Limit Limit Index Symbol • 2 1 21.0-22.0 Clay 56.8 20.8 36.0 CH 2 2 33.0-34.0 Sil ty clay 36.5 18.6 17.9 CL Direct shear tests were performed on selected loose soU samples remolded to 90 percent of maximum • dry density and on selected undisturbed samples thdt were all saturated anddrail!ed prior to testing. The results of these tests are. presented below: Maximum Angle of Normal' Shear Internal Apparent • Load in Load Friction Cohesion kips/sq ft kips/sq ft Degrees Ib/sq ft (A) Undisturbed Sample •• Boring 1, Sample 2 0.5 1.54 24.0 820 Depth: 10.0 Feet 1.0 1.27 2.0 2.22 Boring 1, Sample 7 0.5 1.63 36.0 * 820 Depth: 35.0 Feet 1.0 1.40 • 2.0 4.06 Boring 1, Sample 8 0.5 1.30 31.0 970 Depth: 36.5 Feet 1.0 1'.58 2.0 2.21 • Boring 2, Sample 8 0.5 0.91 36.0 * 260 Depth: 41.0 Feet 1.0 2.03 2.0 3.31 Boring 4, Sample 1 0.5 0.75 32.0 430 Depth: 3.0 Feet 1.0 1.06 2.0 1.72 (B)· Loose Soil Sample Remolded to 90 Percent of Maximum Dr~ Density • Boring 1, Bag Sample 1 0.5 1.22 35.0 820 Depth: 2.0-3.0 Feet 1.0 1.58 2.0 2.40 Boring 1 r Bag Sample 2 0.5 0.95 40.0 540 • Depth: 12.0-13.0 FE)et 1.0 1.37 2.0 2.27 * Arbitrarily reduced • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC . -7-May 24, 1973 7 X. La Costa -Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site Using the lower values of internal angle of friction and apparent cohesion, and the Terzaghi t6rmula for locQI shear failure, the safe allowable bearing pressures f9r the soils are determined as follows: .Local Shear Formula Q'd = 2/3 CN'c + Y Df N'q + Y BN'y Assumptions: (1) Continuous footing 1 foot wide = 2B (2) Depth of footing = 1.0 foot:; Df Uhdistur~ed natural soils cI> = 32 Degrees N' = 21 c C = 430 Ib/sq ft N' =11 q y = 102 Ib/cu ft N'y =7 Qld :; (2/3 x 430 x 21) + (102 x 1 x 21) + (102 x 0.5 x 7) =7476 Ib/sq ft Q'd Safe = Qld +3 (Factor of Safety) = 2490 Ib/sq ft 9<' Fill soils compacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density cI> = 35 Degrees NI = 25 c C = 540 Ib/sq ft N' = 14 q y = 117 Ib/cu ft N'y = 10 Q'd = (2/3 x 540 x 25) + (117 x 1 x 14) + (117 x 0.5 x 10) = 16,577lb/sq ft Q'd Safe = Q'd +3 (Factor of Safety) = 3930 Ib/sq ft BENTON ENGINEERING; INC. • • • • • • • • ,/ -" ,/ / \ t./lA1~~rA p.O~) 10 u~ ~ PROJECT BOUNDAJ?Y-APPRO--fIMAT£ APP 00 AVtN .3 ,3051 A ~ . C 'Y ... Indicates Approximate ocation Of Test Boring Project No. 73 ... 3-9BC S -Indicates Approximate Location Of Test Boring Project No. 73-3-16BC ATE-5-23-73 DRAWN: RW SC LE:l l1 =20Q' ~~~~~--------~----~~~~~------~--------~--~~'~ '~OJIECT NO. 73-3-9BC LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS SPANISli VILLAGE WEST -7 ACRES RANCHO LACOSTA CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. . 1 • • • • • • • • •• Q) = V'l ~ 0 « "'- .... In Q) w :iE « z a:I o ., I-W W SUMMARY SHEET " ,u. , ' ...... :x:: BORING NO, " J l-e. w ELEVATION 125.01 * Q 0 -......... ...... . $tJGf-ITL Y',' ", CLAYEY FIN'E TO FILL .. , . ,Brown, Moist, Loose .......... 1- -:::::!\~ ________________ ~4M_"_jED_I_U_M __ SA_N __ D~J~--~-+---+--~~~~ 2-: : : :: Light Brown To Brown And n t-,:....:...:...:...:...j. Yellow With Yellow And Orange " - w ::::: Staining In Spots And In 3-. : : : :: Fractures, Slightly Moist, Very - : : : :: Firm 4- -rt\ ", " 15 Inch Layer With Clay Filling 5-\L; "".-"-,"-=-. -'-. '--', "in Fractures, Roots, Dips 10 To .... -..... - .; ........ 6-.......... .. -.. .. .. ~ --&. .. .. ~ .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. a .......... .. .. .. .. .. .......... .. ; ...... .. .. .. .. . .......... .-... " ..... 9-......... .. .. .. .. .. 1 0 = ® I-'-~'-,-; -=-; .:...; '--'~ .......... -.. -; , ... 11-.,: :~~~ ..., ,@ 12- -[1] 13- -I~'" 20 Degrees Bedding Dips 7 Degrees Due North - Wnite To light Gray,Slightly Moist, Very Firm, Clay Binder, Micaceous, Crpss-bedding Dips 5 To 10 Degrees CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY FINE SAND 46.2 9.3107.1 1-9.8 13.9 96.8 14-~"'<:~ ..., r:::\ ~"~ 15-'0 ~~'S 99.0 Continued on Drawing No. 3 8.6n 10."1 ..., - - - ..,.. - - -. ..., - -- PROJECT NO, 73-3-9BC o -Indicates Loose Bag Sample o -Indicates Undist"utbed Drive Sample * -Elevations Shown Were Obtained By Interpolation Between Contour Lines On Drawing Fumished By Rick Engineering, Inc • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 2 • • • • '. • • • .' • w :E < z t-W wa: w 1.1. ..Iw i I:LIIl :E:e Ii: <:;:) w (1)2 Q 15 ' - 16- - 17- '- 18.- - 19- - SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 1 (Cont) I~Whi!e To Light.Gray,Sligh.tly ~~ Moist, Very Firm, Clay Binder, , ~. Micaceous, Thinly Bedded Biotite ~: Bands Dip 0 to 5 Degrees , SILTY, FINE SAND "!'" J : : : :: \'-------------If---------J :: :'.: Light Yellow, Light Gray,And : : : ; : L!ght Brow~,SIi9.htl)! Moist, Very ..... FIrm, Bedding Dips 8 Degrees At ' ... " North 60 Degrees East :::::\ .--CLAYEY FINE > c/. a:t-w!!: 2(1) w2:: wllt! >. _t-a: 1.1. Q >. !:t: /I). 2:;:) wu C" >~ ~..I '(~ 20-': : : :: Lenses of Micaceous Silty Fine : ~ : :: Sand, Thinly Bedded SAND 52.8 - , 21- - 22- - .... ",'* .. .. ~ .. .. ......... .. .. .-.... ..... -... - ~~ Light Gray To White, Slightly .~ Moist, Very Firm, Micaceous, Slight Clay Binder, Dips 0 To 24= '5 Degrees 25= (§) - 26= ~ Light Yellow And Light Groy SILTY Fit'" E SAND 55.0 6.8105.1 27= I 28-~.~.~.~ .. ~~----------------~--~------~~---t--!---t--t ... ' .. Dark Yellow To Brown With :: : : : Yellow And Orange Staining, - 29- -0 30-\V - 31-- - 33- - - .... - - :.:: : :-Slightly Moist, Very Firm, : : : : : Slightly Micaceous, Lenses Of : : :: : Silty Fine Sand, : : : :: 1/16 To 1/8 Inch Gypsum Seams : : : :, : Along Bedding : : : : : : Slightly Moist To Moist, ...... Abundant Gypsum In Fractures ...... \And Bedding Very Soft Pods Of Orange CJaye}' Sand On West Side Of Hole Due To Old Landslide Movement ,Bedding D.ips 2 Degrees At South 15 Degrees East CLAYEY FINE SAND 97.9 17.8107.2 Continued on Drawing No.4 III -a .., PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC BENtON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 3 • • • • • • • Q) .0-.-VI ~ ,(J « " • • • w :ii < Z III 0 .. • SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. ] (Cont) 33 _ .. : :: Dark Yellow To Brown With ..... Yellow And Orange Staining, 34= .'. ',:.: : Slightly Moist To Moist, Very 8 " ',', ' Firm,Slightly Micaceous,Lenses 35-, "of Sit ty Fine Sand -' . 36-.~ - 37- - 38- - 39 .... -W 40- rs'S.~.=Brown To Dark Brown And Gray- . : :~ Brown With Yellow And Orange Spots And Streaks, Moist, Very ~i'~"1 Firm,Old Landslide Debris, . '. Abundant Gypsum, Thinly' : Bedded, Dips 0 to 5 Degrees ~ .• ~. .iHiI. ~, \ . ~--------------------~ I \BIUe-Gray, Gray-Brown, Dark . Brown And Orange-Brown, Very . Moist, Very Firm , ' Hiahlv Cemented CLAYEY FINE SAND CLAYEY FINE SAND AND FINE SANDY CLAY MIXED WITH Cl.AYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. > c)' a: I-w!!: z~ .w_ w~ >. -I-a:u-e /~49.6 17.9102.1 -16.3-82.5 146.3 15.2112.2 I 133 • 1 1 5 .3 110.2 DRAWING NO. 4 //1. • • .' • • • • • • • • Q) .... . -V) e .:t " .-> ..c .6It .-C o Vl w ~ « z !XI 0 ., I-w W II. -J: Ii: z o > > _ ~..: , w..: 1-": ~ _I SUMMARY SH EET w ~ Q a: 3: 0Z-": ...100 Z0 ...12> w;:) §u::~ BORING NO. 2 w~ wUia: Q~ v.~~ -~~ U::(5Q >0 « ELEVATION _ ,105,,01• -..,. ~~ a:Q~ ...I a:~ O~--~~o~~--------------------.------------------------+-~Q--~--~---+~---~~ : : : :: : Light Brown To Light Orange- w Q :-: ; : : : Brown With Pods And Streaks Of : : : : : : Yellow And Orange, Slightly : : :: : : Moist, Very Hrm, SI ightly . :: : : : Micaceous, Brown Clay Filling ; . : . .. Fractures, Occasional Rootlets • • ! •• · .. -.. • • '! • -. · -~ . . . · ..-... 4 .... ; 6 7 8 .':'.:><::: Light Brown To Light Orange- .. ", '. '.': Brown With Pods And Streaks 0 f :",:-:.:'.:. :: Yellow And Orange, Slightly . Moist, Very Firm,Lenses Of Clayey Fine Sand 9 .: .. '.' 9 Inch Layer Of Brown,Dry, 10 ® :"':j-.... ::: .... ' Highly Cemented Clam Shells 11 12 14 15 0 16 17 1 ::/>:\( Light Gray To 'White With <'.:." :'; ... Yellow Streaks,Micaceous ~<.>::' ... ~ Alternating Layers Of Brown And ~",::'.: : ..... , Light Gray Lenses of Clayey <:':'.: : :'. Fine Sand, Bedding Dips 2 .":.'. Degrees At South 20 Degrees East Bedding Dips 2 Degrees At South ': . .":':.::. 60 Degrees East :.' ,'~. ~ .... <.' : · , ... . . . . . ... - .... ::; .. ~::".:. Very Soft Pockets And Hard Lime . Cemented Nodules-Slide Zone With Gypsum Veins CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No. 6 PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 15.4 9.8 102,0 26.4 7.7 106.3 24.2 10.0 112.4 DRAWING NO. 5 • • • • • • • • • .! .-til ! ~ ~ J . .a-lit 0) ~ .0) 0 -.->' ii .... s:::: 0 Vl w :s < z to o .., /3 x ~~--~--~~----------------------------------~--~--~--~--~--~ z > I-0 CJ' >. w -a: I-w~!::ti: w wa: !i...l SUMMARY SHEET w!!: Qa:~ (/). "-i ~ ...I 0 g z ~ ...I 1-;:» ffi;:) . ~I-:S:s ~U::s BORING NO. 2(Cont) wwi2 "-!!:!~oa:o o~ -~~ i~ >. >~ w' 01-z"-a: ... . < .... 0 . win(/) :z::-r;; (/)(/)o;. w-a:~ w < -I-:S~ oa:...1 P ...I a:"-n·~o ~~~n° TIn 19_ Gray-Green' To Green,Moist, ~"--Firm, Slickensided, Gypsum 2v-E§~ V~i'ns,Fractured,L.andslide Zone -'4' . Slip Plone DIps 6 Degrees Due 21..,. V, West,Ro0tlets In Fractures -ILl." 1\ 22-~----------------~~~ .. ,Very Firm,Slip Plane-Dips 290 :~. ") At South 20 0 West .-.....:----1 :';'. . Firm, 1 Foot Shear Zone - 23"': -" . , .. Very Firm' 25- _ \!' Slip Plane Dips 28 Degrees At '26-G) E~::'E; =3South 60 Degrees West '. - 27- - 28- -. 29- -',,/. - Yellow-Green,lv'Ioist, Very Firm, Micaceous "':.:"-' -... Dark-Green To Gray-Green, tIoii---t lv'Ioist j Very Firm, Some ..." .... --t Slickensides And Fracturing -... :-: .. -..... 3D- 31 = (~) It:···~=· ~ -32-.. Yellow-Green,Moist, Very Firm, _ ; Micaceous, Some SI ickensides . . ., And Fracturing 33-JI!oii: 1Iiw!I" ~(loI -~'" ~ 34-.,' 1::::::1 Dark-Gree'n ToOray-Green, . - ·35- "- 36- - 37- - 38- - 39-- !ioo"_--alv'loist, Very Finn, Highly Sheared And Slickensided;Movement In Many Directons,Most Shear Plqnes Dipping 60 Degrees 0'.' CLAY SILTY CLAY CLAY SILTY CLAY CLAY 40~ .. Continued on Drawing No.7 PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 33.0 22.2 04.9 . 36.2 17.4 106.8 61.6 16.8 112.6 62.2 14.3 117.9 I ; DRAWING NO. 6 • • • • • • • • • • jI! ,-(/) ! u « t.... .... . ~ 3: G,) ~ > ..c .'" '2 0 (/) W :IE <t Z co o .... z ... 0 W j:..J W wet: ..J<to II. ..J·W ..... Q.m _u m ::r: ::E::E oii:::E ~ <t:::l cn-> '0. cn'z ~Ul W 0 ~ 4 u ..... (6) 41- -' 42...;.. - 43- ' . -,,' ., 44-, -, ' , 45-, - 46-(2) .. " , -" 47- -- - -J - - - ---- ...,..; - - - - - - -- ,... ..... --- - - - - PROJECT NO. .73-3-9BC > >. ". W· a:'" ~.~ ... ... u'" SUMMARY SHEET w!!:: (iill. zll. z~ 9~> z· a: <t . BORING No.2 (Cont) w:::l <t!n 0 w._ Wcna: o~ W 5e w~ ii:(50 ~(iilf 2:"': >.cn :IE~ a:aI w-a: II. 0..J a:~ 0 Dark Green To Gray .. Green, . Moist,Very Firm, Highly Sheared 34.1 18.4 119.3 And Slickensided, Movement In Many Directions"Most Shear Planes Dip 60 Degrees \ 1 Inch Very Soft Remolded Clay CLAY Seams Dips 6 Degrees At North . 60 Degrees West Dark Blue-Gray,Moist, Slickensided 126.5 .14.1 117.4 - DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 7 • •• • • • • • • • • 2 .-V) Q) "-o· « " .0-~ 3:' Q) ! -.-> ...t: .~ c 0 V1 w :l! et Z III o .., /5x r---r-~r-~z~'---~------------------------------------~---P--~----~--~--~ O· > I-W W ~ -:I: Ii: CJ' ~ffi . ..J~5 SUMMARY StiEET ffi~ . Q.1Il -UIIl zif . :l!:l! Oil::: BORING NO. 3 w_ et::J (1);n"?; wllll:: (1)z ~VI ELE;VATION 73.0' ::=..,: ..J ~~ o U Q _ ..... : Gray-Brown, Moist, Loose, Very w Q 1---1: Porous, Roots, Some Medium . 1-1---'--1: Grains, TopsoU To 2 1/4 Feet -OJ 2- 3= Ci) ""': - 11- - 12- .......... .. .. .. .. .. .... , .. ". .......... .. ........ ......... ' ......... .. .. .. .. .. , .......... . ; .. , .-. . -........ ........ '., Dry To Slightly MQist,Medium Firm : :: : :. Firm .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ; ...... .. , ........ o· .. , ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . -.......... .. . -.... " y "': Y Gray-Brown To ~ight B-rown,Dry 1>.i~:o..:.Y. ~ To Slightly Moist, Firm, Very . ~ ~ Porous, Some Medium Grains --..: :": "' :": .:x :'" .:x :'" .. ~ 'A~ ''-~''''''' ~~ ... _ ..... ........... . CLAYEY FINE SAND (Meraes) MIXED CLAYEY FINE SAND . -[2] ~ . . AND SILTY 13= . ~-':~:~:j; -SI-i9-h-tl-y-M-O"'-j-st--------'--I FIN E SAN D , 13.2 4.7 87.2 26.4 7.5 97.2 24~2 7.2 99.0 - 17- - 18- - 19 .... 15.4 4.8 90.4 ~1-Continued on Drawing No.9 PROJECT NO. 13-3-9BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. B • '. • • • • .. • • • .! .-en e ~ " I .... ~. Q) ,.2. -.-> ...c .!! 6' en W :i « z en o .., "" W III u. -J: "" Co W O· 21 .... 22- '- 23- - 24- - 25- - 26- - 27- .- 28- " - 29- - 30-. , - .' ..., .,- ..., ..., ..:. - : - - -.... ..., ,- ..., -- -- ..., ..., - - .... .,.. Z > 0 o· >. W· i=..1 SUMMARY SHEET a:"" W..: """" ot:: ~ffi ..I~o w!:!:: o§~ c;;u. a:Z Co en zlf' z' '««d (5ii:~ 3 (Cont) '..I",,> w;:) ~.:i BORING NO. w_ Wena: O~ w~en en'i~ w~ ii:(50 J:-f en;:) >. >en en en ·z « ELEVATION _ .... . :i~ a:1D w- ..I a:u. 0..1 a:~ .0 0 . ..... ~'It . Gray-Brown To L ighTIrow""n, :" ..... 'It .'\."0: Slightly Moist, ~irm, Very :,,: ~'-.: Porous, Some Medium Grains ~ '. ' ' , . MIXED CLAYEY A FINE SAND Q ' , "" 24.2 11.2 95.8 'Ill'. x AND SILTY "'e. "A ' .... FINE SAND '.' . . , . .. ., ... • :>..: , .. , ., ....... ,,~, .', Moist ,"~, , , , . '. .," " ~. Very Moist -~~ '0;; , : .. Gray-Brown And Gray-Green, CV ... . . Saturated, Firm I ., eLA Y W.lTH 30.8 19.6 1105,~ CLAYEY FINE TO 1\ MEDIUM SAND AND SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND .. DRAWING NO. PROJECT NO. 73-3..:9Bc BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 9'" • • • • • • •• • • 17 t ~~~~--z~·~--~----------------------------------~->--r---~--~--~--~ WI-2 CIa:"': 0 Wa: t-= ~ ..,:~..,: wa: ....... SUMMARY SHEET W!!:. ~ u;~ zu. ~ ...Iw ...1(30 zen ...12> Z:::i a:«, _ ,A. Q1 -Q1 we: .-WCJ «I-g ::c :!1:!1 g U:::!1 BORING NO, 4 w'~ ~ 220 a:o 0 -~ en_ t:w ~ ;:)z u; ?: >' -> en ' en iii!f ~.... ELEVATION 59.5' -I-~iII! a:Q1 wa:i2 o :::l a:~ 0...1· CJ 0 _ . '. ~ Light Brown To Brown,fv\oisf, 1 . Loose, Roots, Very Porous, '=W . Topsqil To 1, 1/2 Feet, Lenses of 2-. Slightly Silty Fine Sand, _ 1\ Occasional Green Clay Chunks 3-G) ~.:-, ":'.1 \ SILTY FINE SAND 0.6 14.0 89.8 _ ~'.:. Very Moist 4 ~~~"~'~\~~~~ ______ ~ ____ ~ __ ~------4---~--~~~-4--~ l-... ,. Dark Gray-Brown, Very Moist, CLAYEY FINETO 5=® : :.:....... Loose MEDIUM SAND .: ':.'.::':' Dark Gray-Brown, Very Jv\oist, FINE SANDY -:: ..... ,:: ....... : Very Soft, Very Porous CLAY 6-: .......... ,. · ........ . -, ~", . .-,,,. " ,-,.",,, 7-:"-:"-'''-: , l'-<"< ' Brown, Very Iv\oist, Very Soft, MIXED CLAYEY _ Chunks And Pods Of Brown And FINE TO MEDIUM' 8-.:' .~" Green Clay, Very Porous SAND AND SILTY -fn\ ~~'~~~-----------iFINE TO MEDIUM 9-~ .~~"'" Soft To Medium Firm SAND - 10-- -, 11-- 12- 13- '. " ., " ' ,", r.-.. ," ~ ,'" ~ .>... ..... " · .. " .. Black-Brown, Very Moist, CLAYEY FINE TO Medium Firm, Lenses Of Clay, MEDIUM SAND t-: _: __ : ._. :-1' Very' Porous · " " .... · " .," . " ~ .. .. .. " .-'" " .. 0.6 18.6 ~02.3 5.520.7 100.2 14=GV~:ti::=,:~: ~ __ ~ ____________ ,--__ ~ ____ ~~5~~~119~,~49~8.5L-~--4 - - - - - - -. - - - - - Q1 -o .., PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING 'NO. 10 .. .. .. gx • ,.. ~ti I-.. -SUMMARY SHEET c:> ' ..,...: ~ti .IM • t ... ... IM ." . Q~~ WI' • ... .." .z " -. a.-... ."G 6 Z ~ z:::» cCQ z II -cl BORING NO. .., -u:I",>-"'y a, .., ... l-. e :) 0 ... >-.., lIiI: -0· :z:"' ..... ... a )Ovt a. .,z "'Uut 541 > . ",;;;~ 1M ELEVATION -... I~ •• ..,-a .... a .... .lIiI: a • Light Brown, Dry, Loose SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Medium Firm 2 . Light Brown, Dry, Firm, Few 6.5 4.1 87.· • Small Chunks of Olive-gray 3 Claystone and Pockets of Fine SLI'GHTL Y SILTY to Medium Sand; 5 orne Zones VERY FINE TO 4-Slightly Cemented, Slightly FINE SAND 11.4- Porous • ,5 Light Brown and Gray-brown, .~ Moist, Medium Loose ::;) 6 :> ::;) Gray-brown,' Moist, Medium 0.8 12,6 106.8 -' 7 <i • Loose 8 SLIGHTLY , SILTY FINE TO 0 9 Very Moist MEDIUM SAND • 10 Gray-brown With Light Brown, 11 Saturated 0.8 ·0 -0.8 ~ u 12 . • oS .. • .' . • DRAWING NO, • . BENTON ENGINEERING, INC • -1';- • • • • • • .' · . - • III :II • c Z • o ., , O~~ 0.4 -- 1 2 3 '4 ., ., . .., z 5' III: 2 % to- .., 6 ..I L :I c ., 7 I&. 0 ... 8 z .., CJ G:: ..,. 9 L Z 2 10 ...,. ;c 0 ::; Sl1 5 CJ 12 • 13 14 0 • PRO.JECT NO. 73-3-9BC /1 ;< CONSOLIDATION CURVES :: LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 .6 8 .10 It Borin~ 3 Samp e 1 -( ) Deoth-31 . t\. \ \ \ \ '\ \ 1\ 1\ \ -, -\ 'l INDICATES PERCENT CONS01.IDATION AT FIELD ,MOISTURE INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION DRAWIN(J NO. BENTON E'NGINEERING • INC. 12 • • • • • • • • • en 'Q) ..... u • III :. • = • o ., OQ2 C.4 'l~ 1 2 3· ... -- 4 ., ,. III Z ¥ 5 2 :z: ... III ..J A. :II C ., ~ 0 .. I z III U It: III A. Z .0 ij 1 0 r :; 0 I • ! u , I 0 • PROJECT NO. 73-3-9BC " }tJ'" CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PEl SQUAIE FOOT 0.6 0.8 1.0 2. 4 6 8 10 I- Borin~ 4 -t-Samfl e 2 Dep h: 51 ~ ~ ......... ~ ~ ""-r---" -I-_ -I'-f'.. --. .f'... --. , . . INDICATE'S PERCENT CONSOl.lDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE INDICATES PERCENT CONSOI,.IDATlON AFTER SATURATION DRAWING NO. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 13 • • • • • • • • • '. 0 -S U 0 ...J e co ~. III :II C Z • .~ CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 4 1 2 3 4 If) If) ..., z 5 .~ !:! x ... 6 . ..., -' L :I C If) I&. 0 0 l-z ..., U 0: 1 ..., A. z 2 0 t; iC CI :::i 3 0 CI) ! u 4 o INDICATES PERCENT CONSOl.lDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE .,- • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON DRAWING NO. '"* PROJECT NO. ~ ENGINEERING t INC. 73-3-9BC 14 • • • • • • • • • • • BENTON E~GINEERING. INC. APPLIEO SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNOATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN OIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 -PHILIP HENKING BENTON ""E8IDIlNT. CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A TELEPHONE ('114) !l6S.19!1S- Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION GROUP I. COARSE GRAI NED, More than half of ~aterial is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS MOre than h-a!f of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 CLEAN GRAVELS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS C LEAN SANDS More than half of coarse fraction is smaller than No.4 sieve size SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.** SILTS AND CLAYS liquid limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS liquid li mit Greater than 50 fll'. -HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded' g~avels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines. ' Poorly' grade,d gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, .little or no fifles. Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-silt, mixtures. Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, Httle,. or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. "'Clayey'sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. InorganiC silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand. mixtures wifh sl ight pla~ticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- 'ticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays,. . silty clays, lean clays. Orga~ic silts and organic stlty-c1ays of low plasticity. , Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat . clays. Organic clays of medium to high '.' plasticity 'Peat and other highly organi'c soils. * ,A~opted by the CO'rps of Engineers and Bureau',of Rec'iamation.in Janu~ry, 1952. ,** All sieve sizes on this chart are U. S. Standard. ' -' '. _ • • • • • • • • • • • PHILIP HENKING BENTON PIUE8\DItNT. CIVIL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6717 CONVOY COURT SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 TELEPHONE (714) 5815·191515 APPENDIX B The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing a special sampling tube into the undisturb~d soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. ' . The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cutting' tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for laboratory tests, the soil being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The sarhples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the fie'ld',moisture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth at which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which' the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per minute. The machine is so designed that t-he tests are mad~ without removing the samples from the brass liner rings in which they are 'secured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampl ing. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesiort. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is de,signed to receive one of the one inch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in several increments to the upper "surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals 'for each increment. Generally, each increment of load is maintained on the sample unti I the rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are pla'ced in contact· wT.th the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release 'of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to'air dry at 1050 F ,for , at least 48 hours prior to placing into the expansion apparatus. A unit ioad' of 500 pounds per .sq~are foot is then applied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each 'sample .. Water ,is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous, obserVations are made until downward movement stops. The dial reading is recorded ,and expansion' is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less tha~ :1/10000 inch'per.ho~r. ' • • .' • • • APPENDIX C • • • • • .BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • Case I: • e· • • •• • • Case II. • • • APPENDIX C 5 *' } For foundation soils with an expansion potential, over 6 percent under a unit load of 150 pounds per square foot from air dried to saturation. .' . . . . 1. 2. Avoid the use of fsolatedinterior piers where possible~ Use conti'nuoys footings throughout, and place these at a minimum depth of two, feet below the lowest adJacent exterior final ground surface. Reinforce and interconnect continuously with steel bars aU interior and exterior footings with one 15 bar at 3 inches above the bottom of all footings and one #5 bar placed 1 1/2 inches below the top of the stems of the footings. If possible, use raised wooden floors that span between the continuous footi ngs • " 3. Reinforce all concrete slabs with 6 x 6 -10/10 welded wfrefabric. 4. Provide a minimum of4 inches of crushed rock 3/4 to 1 Inch tn size beneath all concrete slabs. A moisture barrier should also be provided over the crushed rock and this should ,be covered with 2 inches of sand beneath concrete slabs. 5. , Separate :garage slabs from perimeter footings by 1/2 inch thickness of con'·, struction felt ot equivalent, to allow independent movement of garage slabs relative to perimeter footings. Assure ~otnplete separation by extending the construction felt over the full depth of the front,thickened edge of.:the ~arage slab. Cut off garage door stops, ~tleast 1/2 i,nch above the garaeeslab. 6. Provide positive:'drainage away from all perimeter footings with a vertical fc;rll of at least 6 inches in a horizontal distance ,of 5 feet, outside the house walls. 7. Exercise every effort to assur~ that the soU under the foundations and slabs has a uniform moisture content at least 1 to 3 percent greater than optimum throughout the top 1.5 feet below finished grade at the time of placing the foundations and slabs. ' For foundation soils with an expansion potential over 2 percent but less than 6:'percent under a unit load of 150 pounds per square foot from air dried to saturation. Same as above, except: (A) Continuous footings may be placed at a minimum depth of 18 inches in lieu' of 2 feet as item 1 onder Case (I). (8) No. 4 bars may be used in lieu of No.5 bars as item 2 under Case (l). (C) items 3 to 7, incllJfive, of Case (I) are als~ applicable to Case (II). ,j , BENTO':l ENGINEERING, 'INC. • • • • • • • • • ",' , • • APPENDIX D Reconnaissance Geologic Investigation Spanish Village West, 7 Acre Site Rancho La Costa Carlsbad, California Project No. 73-3-9BC May 17, 1973 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. • • • • • '. • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -l-May 17, 1973 "J.1 X APPENDIX 0 As a part of the, subject preliminary soils investigation, we have also completed a reconnaissance geologic investigation and transmit herewith our findings. The intent of this appendix is to summarize our observations concerning the geol'ogy and potential geologic hazards on the subject site. The scope of this investigation consisted of a visual site examination, I iterature research, and a review of the boring logs from this investigation. In general, the site is underlain by the Delmar Formafion, Torrey Sandstone, alluvium, colluvium, landslide debris, and topsoils. Princ'ipal geologic hazards include: old landslide zones, the clayey Delmar Formation which is landslide-prone and contains expansive clays, and thick deposits of soft compressible alluvium in the valley bottom. It is our understanding that one and or two story wood frame dwellings are planned for this proposed residentiClI development. During the period from April 4 fo April 12, 1973, the four borings ~see Summary Sheets, Dr.awihg Nos. 2 to 10, inclusive) were logged and inspected by the writer and a visual site examination was made. Surrounding areas were also inspectecl to provide relevant information for comparison. Available pertinent literature (including our previous soils reports in the vicinity) was searched for data on geology and geologic hazards in the vicinity. This roughly rectangular-shaped parcel consists of approximately 7 acres bounded by EI Camino Real on the west, a 150 feet wide San Diego Gas & Electric Company easetnent on the east and undeveloped hil'lsides on the north and south. If' lies in a portion of the SE 1/4 of Section 35, T 125, R 4W, S.B.B.M. and the N 1/2 of Secti!)n 2, T 135, R 4W; S.B.B.M. City of Carlsbad, San Diego County, Cali'fornia. '. Gently sloping topography is predominant on this site which lies mostly in a broad valley bottom. Along the northern and southern boundaries the valley sides rise abruptly to form tnoderately to steeply slop.ing hillsides. Drainage is in a westerly direction. Annual grasses and scrub brush cover most of this area which has been partly cultivated in the recent past. Elevations vary from 49.3 feet in the valley bottom adjacent to EI Camino Real along the western 'boundaryfo approx- imately 110 feet along the southern boundary. Total relief is 60.7 feet. The soils and geology were observed in natural surface exposures and in nearby and adjacent cut slopes. In addition, the four borings from the subject report were logged and inspected by the writer and boring logs were reviewed from our previous soils report, Project No. 70-11-18B, entitled IIPre-Prel iminary Soils Investigation, MBD Property, Rancho La Costa, SCln Diego . County, California, II dated December 11, 1970. The enfire area is underlain by the Middle Eocene age (approximately 45 million years before present) Deltnar Formation which crops out along the lower valley sides. It is overlain by the Middle Eocene age Torrey Sandstone which crops out on the higher elevation ridges on each sIde of the vaUey. Quaternary alluvium and colluvium are present in the valley bottom and lower valley sides. Landslide and slump debris is present along the sides of the valley. Topsoils are variable i.n thickness and have been deeply cultivated' on the nearly flat valley bottom. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • • • • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -2-May 17, 1973 ~g X The Delmar Formation is the oldest and lowest elevation unit, underlying 01-1 of the other forma- tions which are younger in age. Due to a slight regional dip of approximately 1.50 downward in a west .... southwest direction, the top of the Delmar Formation is at different elevations across the area. On the ridge along the northern boundary the top is at about 86 feet elevation 'and on the ridge along the southern boundary the top is at about 87.5 feet elevation. The base of this formation is not exposed in this area, but it is at least as low as 50 feet el.evation where the formation is exposed in road cuts along EI Camino Real. The Delmar Formation is composed primarily of green and gray-green clay and clayey silt with interbeds of light gray and light brown clayey and silty sand. Clays in this formation are especially weak and landslide-prone. Special attention should be given to them when they 'cire encountered during grading to assure that cut and/or fill slopes are not over-steepened. In addition to their landslide danger, they are also critically expansive and special foundation designs will be required if they are allowed to remoin within the footing zone of proposed struc- tures. In general, we recommend laying cut slopes made entirely or in part within this clayey formaHonback to at least 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. Of particular note, in this regard, is the grade planned for the Levante Street extension a.t EI Camino Real on the south side of the valley, where several hundred feet of roadway will encounter the Del Mar Formation clay (see Tentative Map and Specific Plan, Carlsbad Tract 72-24, Spanish Vi-llage at La Costa, Units 1 and 2, prepared by Rick Engineering Company, 509 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California, dated July 20, 1972, Job No. 3937, map not included in this report). - Torrey Sandstone overlies the Delmar Formation and forms the high-relief topography on the hil/- sides both north and south of the property. It underl~ies the highest hills and ridges which stand out in bold relief in contrast to the Delmar Formation which is found in subdued gentle relief only in the lower elevations along the valley bottom. Torrey Sandstone is composed primarily of I-ight gray and light brown slightly silty to silty and clayey fin'e to medium sand. Locally, these soils can be expansive and should be tested prior to use for select borrow material. The Torrey Sand- stone is not normally subject to landsl.iding by itself. However, since it overlies the landslide- prone Delmar Formation, it is often directly involved with landsliding, in effect riding down IIpiggy-back ll style with the underlying failing Delmar clays. In this regard, whenever Torrey Sandstone and Delmar Formation green clays are encountered in the same·cut slope, the entrre cut slope should be treated as though it were all clay and should be laid back to a slope on the order of 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter to mitigate the possibility of landsliding. Quaternary alluvium and colluvium are present in the valley bottom and lower valley side~. .Colluvium in this area is essenfially slope· wash that has not yet been transportee;! downward into the creek bottoms and it may be treated like alluvium. for grading pruposes. Alluvium in the broad valley bottom is at least 20+ feet thick. It consists of loose and soft, porous deposits of sand, silt, and clay in varying mixtures. In all cases, alluvial and colluvia·1 soils should be removed and recompacted, or in the case of deep valley fill partially removed and recompacted prior to placing additional fill or footings. The water table in the valley is at about 44 to 45 feet elevation. Loose and porous topsoils should be removed Clnd reqompacted prior to placing fill or footings on them. At least two major landslide areas were observed during our reconnaissance of the site. In addition, shallow slumping and creep was noted .in the topsoils and in the clayey Delmar Formation. The, principal landslide areas are located in the valley sides along the northern and southern property BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • • • • • • • • • 'Project No. 73-3-9BC -3-May 17, 1973 boundaries.. One major slide zone was encountered in each of two borings (Borings 1 and' 2, see Summary Sheets, Drawing Nos. 2 to 7, inclusive). In Boring 1, located on the ridge overlQoking the southern port of the 7 acres, a major landslide zone was encountered at depths of 34.5 to 39.0 feet. This crushed and mixed zone lies on the top of the Delmar FOllTlation days with the orientation of thE! slide plane dipping 30° N 650 W, adversely out of stope into the volley below. In Boring 2, lo.cated on the ridge overlooking the northern port of the 7acresl a major landslide zone was encountered at depths of 19 to 21 feet. As above, this crushed zone. lies on top of the Delmar cloys. It too is dipping adversely out of slape 290 S 200 W into the. volley below. Grading operations around these two ridges (especially along the aforementioned Levante Avenue extension) should be done with caution. Buttressing or laying the slopes back may be necessary, depending upon each' individual situation. ·~sed upon our observations to dote, it is our opinion that cut slopes ·entirely within the Torrey Sandstone maybe planned for ratios of 1.5: 1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter and cut slopes .' . within the Delmar Formation or combined Delmar Formation-Torrey Sandstone should be planned for ratios of 3: 1 (horizontal' to vertical) or flatter, unless special·r.ecommendations ore mode to the contr(:lry (see Conclusion No.6 on page 20f the main body o(this report). ~oca"y, small faults are present In the area, but none are known to be active at this time .• the closest potentially active fault is 'the north-northwest trending Rose Canyon foult located approx-· imately 6-.2 miles southwesterly under the Pacific Ocean'. No major earthquakes hQve been recorded or are known to have occ;urrEild along this fault. in recent history. A few minor low mag- nitude earthquakes have been reported in the general area, however, but have cause9 IHtle"if any, damage. '. The closest Iqrge active faults are the ELsinore and San Jacinto faults located 25.5 and 42.0 mUes n~ttheasterly, respectively. The closest major earthquakes have occurred to the northeast. al(5,ng the Son Jacinto fault and 56 miles to the northwest on the Newport-lng'lewood fault. These'in.od- erate:-sized earthquakes hod Richter scale magnitudes ranging' from 6.0 to 6.8 and produced Modified Mercalli scale intensities on the order of V to VI in the La Costa area. These intensfties are approximately equivQlent to ground accelerations of 0.015 g to .0.032 g~ respectively. In our opinic;m, slmiJar earthquakes in the future will generate similpr ground accelerations in the La Costa area. i An area subjected to Modifred Mercalli scale intensity VI· ground accelerations would expertence the following maximum effects: Felt by alii many frightened and run outdoors. Some heavy furni- ture moved; d few instances of fallen plaster or damaged chimney~. Pendulum clocks stop. Damage slight. No damage is anti-cipated to buildings of good. design and const~uction. Southern California has been placed in Seismic'Risk Probability Zone No.3 (Uniform Building Code, 1970, Page 122). In this zone, M09ified Mercalli scale intensities of VIII (approximately equol to aground acceleration of 0.149 g) or greater. may be expected. An area subjected to . earthquake induced Modified Mercalli scale VIII ground accelerations would experience the following effects: Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary sub- stantial bundings, and great in poorly built structures. Panel walls thrown ouf of frame structures. Fall of chimneys, columns, and walls. Heavy furniture overturned. Well-water levels change •. Persons driving motor cars disturbed. BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. • • Project No. 73-3-9BC -4-May 17, 1973 1;0 ~ However, based on our experience in the area and the known seismic record, it is· our opinion that Intensity V II I or greaterse ism i c ground acce'l erations are unlikely to occur in the La Costa area. The.refore, a normal seismic factor for this area of Southern California should be adequate for most structural design. If you have any questions after reviewing this appendix, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. • Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC • •• By t2~ ... ? J. ~&I/. William J. Elliott, Registered Geologist #1101 • • • • • • WJE!PHB/~w BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. BE~TON ENGIN~ERING .. INC • .(PPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA !il21115' PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDIENT • CIVIL ENGINEER December 11, 1970 RQncho La Costa Route 1, Box 2550 Encinitas, California 92024 Subject: Gentlemen: Project No. 70-11-18B Phase 1/ Pre-Preliminary Soils Investigation r¥Bg~~!JY.. '.~ , -RanGho!i6'(J:.Gosta~:> San Diego.County, California CONCLUSIONS SAN DIEGO: 583·15654 LA MESA. 469·5654 It is concluded from this initial limited investigation and laboratory test results that: 1. Generc;"ly the medium firm to very firm natural soils are suitabl'e for the support- of compacted filled ground and/or proposed two story apartm~nt buildings. However, a land- slide was found at Boring 2A and it is possible that other unstable areas could exist along' the north and northwest sides of the property. Severalsl ide areas have previo'usly been encoun- tered during grading on areas east of' this property. These slides are generally caused by shea~ faNure within the vnderlying claystone formation which in some cases dips .downward to the . ' ' northwest. It is therefore generally recommended that bui Iding and the placing of fi lied :ground be restricted ·from within the north and northwesterly portions of the site. Theapprox- . imate location of this recommended limit of development is shoVfn on Drawing No.1. It may .. ~ possible to excavate only for limited building sites north of this line to as low as Elevation 150 feet, provided additiqnal investigQtions and geologic studies verify each area is stable. 2. The resvlts o'f the laboratory expansion test and Atterberg Limit tests indicate that . the claystone encountered in Borings 2A and 3 is an "expansive" and "CH" relatively high' :plasticity type clay. The results of tests performed during investigations of adjacent areas also , indicate that the clays, silty clays, and claystone in the vicinity ore "expansive" soils •. Based on the findings in this initial investigation, it would appear that it will be possible to develop . most of the area without making excavations to within 3 feet above these underJyfng expansive soils. If this can be accomplished, then specially designed ·footings and slabs would not be required • However, if the expansive soils are anowed to remain in the upper 3 feet below finished grade in eHher cut or compacted filled ground areas, then it is recommended that footings and slabs be specially designed. It is 'probable that the silty clay and clgystone form- ations would be exposed if excavations are carried below Elevation 116 feet in the vicinity of '. Boring No.3. Project No. 70-11-18B , Rancho La Costa -2-December 11, 1970 :1 ').,/ 3. The results of the load";consolidation tests indicate that certain of the alluvial soils in the valley in the southerly portion of the site are somewhat compressible under relatively small unit loads when allowed to become saturated. It is therefore recommended that buildings in this area be supported on a minimum thickness of 5 feet of compacted filled ground. This would require the removal and recompaction of the upper alluvial soils in those areas where either less than 5 feet of filled ground is to be placed or where less t~an5 ,feet of excavation is planned. . 4. All of the soils may be satisfactorily compacted in the fill areas. The filled ground should be placed on natural soils determined suitable for support and should be uniformly com- pacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with the attached II Standard Specifications for Placement of Compacted Filled Ground,lI Appendix AA. Any existing fill soUs, such as exist for former earth fill reservoirs, and any loose, soft, or compressible soils existing in proposed compacted filled ground areas should be removed as required by the soils engineer and the compacted filled ground placed on approved natural soils. 5. It is probable that cuts in the silty sand and clayey sand soils, and compacted fills constructed using these soils wi II be stable with an adequate factor of safety for heights up to 40 feet when constructed on a slope ratio of 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical. However, if exca- vations are made in the cloy or claystone formations, it is recommended that these be cut on a slope ratio of 2 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. The above conclusions assume that suit- able erosional control and proper drainage will be provided to prevent water from running over the top of exposed slopes. ' The samples obtained in this investigation will be retained in our laboratory for a period of 90 days. In order to complete a preliminary soils investigation report additional 'tests would have to be performed on the samples al ready taken and additional borings and field invest- ,igation would be required to better determine the suitability of certain areas for development as may be proposed by the design grading plans. We wi II await your further instructions before proceeding with any additional testing. ' Respectfully submitted, BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BY,tRc:? ~ R. C. Remer Reviewed by ~=::::£:~~+-_W-=-'..:...2_..:::::::;::::;;~tE~:::::~----~ , Philip H. e~ton, Civil Engineer Distr: (2) Addresee (1) Ri~k Engineering Company (1) Mr. Benny Gonzales BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. Project No. 70-11-18B Rancho La Costa -3-!December 11, 1970;J 3; DiSCUSSION The initial limited phase of a preliminary soils investigation has been completed on the MBD property located on the south side of La Costa Avenue and east of EI Camino Real in Son Diego County, California. The objective of this initial investigation was primarily to determine the existence of any soil conditions which might be Qetrir~1ental or require special consideration in 'developing the site for the construction of two story apartment buildings. In order to accomplish this objective, eight borings were drilled, undisturbed and loose bog samples were obtained, and laboratory tests were performed on certain samples. A limited geologic reconnaissance was also mode of the area by Dr. Richard L. Threet, Geologist, and a copy of his report is attached hereto as Appendix C. the general topography of the area may be described as gently roll ing to steep sloping terrain. A high ridge extends in an east-west direcfion in the north central portion of the site that has limited run off to the north and a volley in the. southern portion directs the major drainage to' the west. According to the IISoil Mapll prepared by the U. S. Department of <;lgriculture, the upper soils in the area are described as Huerhuero fine sandy loom, Carlsbad loamy fine sand, Los Flores loamy fine sand, and Botello loamy sand. The so.nsencountered in the investigation consisted primarily of slightly silty fine to medium sand, fine to medium sanc;l, silty very fine to fine sand, slightly si·lty fine sand, very fine sandy·silt, clayey fine sand, fine sandy cloy, slightly clayey fine sand, clay, silty clay, and clayey very fine to fine sand. Field Investigation Eight borings were drilled with a truck-mounted rotary bucket-type drill rig at the approximate locqfions shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled IILocation of Test Borings.1I The borings were drilled to depths of 11 to, 55 feet below the exiSting ground surface. A continuous log 6f the soils encountered in the borings was recorded at the time of drilling and is shown in detail on Drawing Nos. 2 to 15, inclusive, each entitled IISummarySheet.1I . The soils were visually classified by field identification procedures in accordance with the Unified SoU Classification Chart. A simplified description of this classification system is presented in the attached Appendix A at the end of this report. Undisturbed samples were obtained at frequent intervals, in the soils ahead of the drilling. The drop weight used for driving the sampling tube into the soils was the II Kellyll bar of the drill rig which weighs 1623 pounds, and the ave,rage drop was 12 inches. The general procedures used in field sampling are described under IISampling" in Appendix B. Laboratory Tests LabOratory tests were performed on certain undisturbed samples of the s6i·ls in order to determine the dry density and moisture content. The results of these tests are .presented on Drawing Nos. 8, e 10, 12, 13, and 1.4. Consolidation tests were performed on representative samples obtained in BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. -- ,_ Project No. 70-11-188 Rancho La Costa -4-. December 11, 1970 11 Borings 4, 5, and 6 in order to determine the load-settlement characteristics of these soils. The results of these tests 9re presented on Drawing Nos. 16 and 17, ~ach entitled "Consolidation Curves. II '. In addition to the -above laboratory tests, on expansion test was performed on a representative sample of the claystone encountered to determine its volumetric change characteristics with change in moisture content. The recorded expansion of the sample is presented .as follows: Boring No. 3 Sample No. 6 Depth of Sample; in Feet 26 -Soil Description Claystone Percent Expansion Under Un i t Load of 500 Pounds per Square Foot' from Air Dry to Saturation 5.75 The general procedures used for the laboratory tests are described briefly in Appendix B. In order better to classify the finer grained soils, Atterberg Limit tests were performed on selected samples in accordance with A.S.T.M. Designations D 423-61T and 0424-59. The results of the testS and the final group symbols are presented as follows: Boring -Sample Depth , .soil Liq~id Plastic Plasti city Group No. No. in Feet Description Limit Limit Index' Symbol 2A 6 25.5-26.0 Clay 59.2 18.6 37.6 CH 3 8ag 4 21.0-22.0 Clay 62.2 21.8 40.4 CH BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 2 5 6 7 8 9 • '10 -'.t 11 c c:Q 12 ~ .E !S 13 u 0 ..J 14 15 16 17 18 SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. ___ 1 _ ELEVATION ~241 * Brown, Dry, Loose, Topsoil :nw?-:;; Brown, Dry, Medium Firm, Very '::::).:::~ ~li9ht Clay Binder SLI GHTL Y SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND :.~.: :.;~. :;'.'. :::'.:.:-:.::.:', ~\().:'.:;. Slightly tv\oist, Very Firm Moist Brown, Moist, Very Firm, 51 ight Clay Binder FIN'E TO MEDIUM 27 6 SAND • (Merges) ALTERNATING 35.7. LAYERS OF SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND '24.4 Continued on Drawing No.3 Olndi cates Undisturbed Drive Sample o -Indicates Loose Bag Sample * _ The elevations presented herein were determined by interpolating between the confour lines shown on a plan furnished by Rick Engineering Company. 'IOJECT NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. D~AWING NO. 2 ·- 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 o co ~ 27 28 . 29 ..s 30 31 2 Brown, Moist, Very Firm, SI ight Clay Binder \ , ' 30.8 ALTERNATING 60.0 LAYERS OF SILTY . VERY FI NE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND " 35.8 41.6 ' PROJECT NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO. 3 0 co' ~ , 0 ... S u' 0 .....I Brown, M~ist, V-;;'-Firm--;---ALTERNATING '. Slight Cia Binder LAYERS OF SILTY ;,,:' ':. Few Siltstone and Clayey VERY FINE TO .:.'. : Siltstone Lenses FINE SAND AND ".... .. -. . SLIGHTLY SILTY 38 39 . 40 ® Fr".:~~' •• '+-.. ~:: ....-________ ---l. FINE SAND 54.5 +-----+ ___ -+-_-+----1 . :-:-.:>::.:: Brown, Moist, Very Firm, ,,--~ ____ -J , :X>~: Cemented, Few Shells SANDSTONE. 41 ;>:-.'; : . ':::.:-:' ". Light Brown ~nd Light Gray, 42-. -:.":'.-Moist, Very Firm ~ . ... . 43 45 46 47 48 51 52 53 PROJECT NO. 70--11-18B SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND BENTON ENGINE~RING, INC. 67.4 46.0 42.1 DRAWING NO. 4 .' ." SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.~_ ELEVATION _ .1.551 ~~~~~~---------------------~~~~~~~~~--+---+---+---~~ Brown, Dry, Loose, Topsoil SLIGHTLY SILTY 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 16 17 18 19 FI NE TO MEDIUM J--I--~~-+-,-f-"'---I .~ ~:'~~~~:~"-R-e-d--b-ro-w-n-a-n-d-g-r-ay---b-ro-w-n-,--~ SAND Slightly Moist, Firm -------''----1 Moist, Very Firm ALTERNATING LAYERS' OF SLIGHTLYSILTY 19.5 , ___ --'---; FINE SAND AND Yellow-brown Light Gray Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND ALTERNATING LAYERS OF SLIGHTLY SILTY FINE SAND, SIL TV VERY rl NE TO FINE SAND, 27.6 SILT AND VERY 29.2 rlNE SANDY SILT ',' ',', Light Gray, Moist, Very Firm PROJECT NO. 70-11-18B , ' SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Continued on Drawing No.6 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 37.3 DRAWING NO. 5 e ... III , ... ... "'" :z: t-.. ~, 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 ... -.... ... Go .' ~~ oe=» ~z ." . .. .".a -C(~ 0 ... >-." U.'" SUMMARY SHEEl BORING NO . ....1 . .L<;smt.) . Light Gray, Jv\oist, Very Firm SILTY VERY FI NE . TO FINE SAND ~--:,.:,.~ Gray, Dry, Very Firm, Lime Cemented SANDSTONE Could not excavate sandstone with drill rig- 'ROJECT NO. 70-11-188 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 39.0 60.0 54.5 DRAWING NO. 6 .- SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. > 2A ELEVATION _] 231 :: ::: . Light Brown, Dry, Medium Loose CLAYEY Slightly Moist, Firm FINE SAND (Merges) .......... t ........ .......... 2 :' .. : . .':~:; Brown,. Slightly fv4toist, Very _ Q) .': :: :':. Firm FINE SANDY (:LA Y (Merges) 1 ..... 3 •... , Light Brown, Slightly Moist, : : .::: Very Firm, Porous ....... -. 4 ..... . .. .. .. .... 5 ...... ',,, .......... 6 -·0 1-:-:-0.:-: -I: ~Y,~e""'lI-ow---b-ro-w-n-,-M-oi-st"'-----' .......... .... .. .. .. .. eO ...... .......... .. ,f ...... .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .~ . .. .......... .. .. . -.... ' .......... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .... CLAYEY FINE SAND 19.5 19.5 . / 4.9 12 13 .. .. ... ~ .. .. .. .. .. .. .......... .......... .......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ' ... Yellow-brown, Moist, Medium Firm ~I~':':' .: ". Yellow-brown, Light Brown and 14 .'>. :: '. Gray-brown., Moist, Medium .;: .. ~ Firm, Chunks. of Cemented 15 I"~ :.: ..... Silty Fine Sand and Pockets of . . . ::.: ~ SlightJy Silty Fine Sand. 16 ® iI~ Evidence of Previous Movement ~ \Ab~ve 16 Feet • I . Olave-gray, Very Moist to Moist, t--... .v.adium Soft to Medium Firm, . 17 . ~Clav Surface Dips 234.9 to N 63~ 18 ...... -... Olive-gray, Moist, Very Firm 19-: 20- SLIGHTLY CLAYEY FINE SAND SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND CLAY CLAYSTONE Continued on Drawing No.8 - PROJECT NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 3.3 / DRAWING NO. 7 .' ..... _!"'I Olive-gray, Moist, Very Firm CLAYSTONE SLIGHTLY SILTY FI NE TO MEDI UM 21,~ [I:. : .. ::, Light Gray, Slightly Moist, 22':' .. :'.' Very Firm, Scattered Coarse .. ;: :.' Grains t~:=-~ -I=rO~1 i~ve!.!!-!....9-ra-y-,~Mo~i:-st:-,-:V-;e-ry-::F::-i r-m--} 23- 24- 25- .' SAND ~......j. Dips 90 to SE '26' 0 .... ·.--1 27 28 29 . 3D- 31 · 32 · 33 34 35- 36- · · ~ , Olive-gray and Orange-brown Color Merges Light Red-brown With Yellow-CLAYSTONE Brown and Rust-b[Qwn ® Few Small Pockets of Si Ity Fine Sand and Gypsum Crystals . Merges to Softer Claystone ~ Light Gray With Yellow-brown ~ SILTY VERY FINE ~-::. and Rust-brown, Slightly Moist, ~. Very Firm TO FINfSAND ® t2<'~ PROJECT NO. 70-~11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 16.2 15.6 h 14.0 16.2 59.0 19.5 107 .9 40.0 54~6 DIAWING NO. S III II, ~ I-.. -SUMMARY SHEET III III ... 111 ." . .. Ao-...... .... ."IG % . ~~ -c~ BORING NO._ a . I-e:::t 0 .. >-Ao .. z ."u." ELEVATION 130' _ III ~ .n ma Ilnht.Rrnum f)!:¥ I nnc •. Pnrnll~ ~ Firm . ,:',: :... Very Firm ~ .. -" . v 1 :~~ 4~ ',' --,--_____ _-,-..o-_~_I 11.4 5 ~' Gray-brown, Slightly Moist, SILTY VERY FI NE (;:;'\ : Slightly Porous 6 ~. TO FINE SAND 9.7 7- I 8 9 · -. ~ .. · .... · .... ' 10 .... . · ... . · .. ,' .. Light Brown, Moist, Firm CLAYEY FINE SAND 11 ® :,,:,::::'::::: Light Brown, Light Gray and rn ,:~::":':::~> ~ellow-brown, Moist, Very VERY FINE 6.5 SANDY CLAY ::-IFom ~ WITH VERY FINE SA~DY SILT AND SILTY VERY FINE SAND 14 U3 ]9 .- 20 - Olive-gray, Red-brown and e:mJ Yellow-brown, Moist, Very / Firm .. Olive-green With Red-brown and Yellow-brown Streaks SILTY CLAY· CLAYSTONE Continued on Drawing No. 10 PROJECT :NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. ·9.7 QRAWING NO. 9 ~~~--------~-_~~~~~/~ ~ . ~ E;! VI' SUMMARY SHEET· ~ Ii =..: ~ t: ~a: "" _ .. .,.,IQ ) Z ;;;-ca~ Z :;; *z ' !' ~ ~ o:S ~ BORING NO. ft,3 (Cont. IU ~ i.\1", ~ ~ ~ :s i!~. 0. ~ = VI U VI AU a:: 6 C' :z: VI ...... III ~ ..: )00 ~'" in ~ Q !!'" J:jIt ~.. =i12 ')n ... ~.v~--t====r~------,--~----------~----~--------~---+--~--~~--4---~ _ ~=~ Olive-green With Red-brown and . 21-G).I: Yell9w-brown Streaks, Moist, HJ Very Firm 22 23 24 25- 26-0 ........ -1 23.3 22.8 99.8 27 Q 28 CLAYSTONE 'al :E., of! 29 30 Becoming Firmer With Increase ..... --1 in Depth o -' 31 ® t=::i 32 33 - PROJECT NO. 70-11 .... 18B Continued on Drawing No. 11 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 25.8 DRAWING NO. 10 • • VI' ~ E ,VI o U C ...J ... ... ... II. ....... :z:: ... a. ... e , .,., ~ - 34 - 35- 36 37 38 39 40 41 - - -- SUMMARY SHEET', .. -..... In ,. a.-... .,,10 ~,~ -ct: BORING NO._~ 3 (Copt.) 0 ... >-e=» ."z '." U ." Olive-green With Red-brown and Yellow-brown Streaks, Moist, Very Firm (V CLAYSTONE ® - -" ... -~ PROJECT NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. >-~ -" -w": w-• t: ~ t: ut: .~ &&I ....... Z :; .z -Z ." 9~>-'III L "~'~ 'ee~ III ii w.". W ... ;:60 )0 ~ %." ..... > -"'vt~ -... ~:&t -= • w-• u., o .. .~ 0 . ' 33.3 41.6 DRAWING NO. 11 .' ,.. ~ Ii I-.. -SUMMARY SHEET c:> ' UI": ~Ii III III t: -... -." . UI ..... ca~ Vl • III Z • II. z!:) '" IlL-... .",112 .. .-z '" ~~~ z aa -ca BORING NO. d: UI .. u2",>-UlU I-e:::t 0 ... ,.', UI ii --III: c ..... z"" IlL ."u." > ' "'oc >-'" "'-t ."z 1061 . '" III ELEVATION -.... ~~ III: 112 UI_ " '111 II. Q "',' III:': Q 1'\ .... I Light Gray-brown, DrXI Loose .. -· . . . .. ~ . 1 I Firm · .' .. -• -0. .": 13.0 CD · ~ .. .. 2 ... Gray-brown, Slightly Moist, 0." .. ". :. : :: .. Very Firm I 3 -. ® Ei rm, fQ[Ql.!& - Light Brown With Rust-brown SILTY VERY FINE 6.5 7.1 85.2 4 I TO FINE SAND ~ 5 => -Very Firm > ::::> . ....I 6 ;J, ® 9.7 7-:~ 8 ......... ' Brown, Moist, Firm -......... CLAYEY VERY .. .. .. .. .. 9 .......... FINE TO FINE ... , ..... .. .. .. .. .. SANO .. . '.. ..' ~ 10-0" -..... ....... -. 0 6.5 -" ... ,'!. ., 11 . -. . - -- -- - 'ROJECT NO, DRAWING NO. 70-11-18B BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 12 . , t-III III ... ..... :z:: t-Ao ,_ III 0 " ... 1· 2 3 4 5 6 7 a · 9 0 t:Q · • 10 11 .2 I/) 0 12 U 0 ..J · SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO.-L- ELEVATION __ Zl' _..- :.:.,:,\~ .. :.:::;: Light Gray':broWn, Dry, Loose Sit TY VERY FI N E ':-:':'.>:':,: Po.rous -----I TO FINE SAND ,:-:::-::,:-:i'-...'-F_lr_m _________ -+-___ ~_~J CD :.!i./';.::'.:::':.' Light Brown, Dry, Firm SILTY VERY FINE 6.5 TO FINE SAND .......... ~/>:I\,--__ ,' _______ ~~---!~:'-!..:f~~C!::...~~~~:....!!iN....!..\Y:...~--'/ CD .. .. ' h 4.9 4.4 88. 1 , .~::.:-,:::.:'::.,: Lig t Brown, Dry, Firm, SILTY VERY FINE [jJ ::::: Small Chunks of Claystone TO FINE SAND WITH CLAYEY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND AND ..... ----- Moist ...... " .... .......... ® ~L(i)) ·3 ..... .......... SLI GHTL Y SILTY ------------1 VERY FINE TO 14.6 1\ FINE SAND / Gray-brown, Nioist, Very Firm J..=,.,~ •• :....:..-=-1. .......... · . · . · . · . · . · . · . CD · . · . · . ._ ... !' .. · . · .. . ' . · . · . · . · . · .. .... -. !' • · .. · . · · . · . · . PROJECT NO. 70-11-18D CLAYEY FINE SAND - BENTON ENGINEERING, INC .. 16.2 DRAWING NO. 13 .' e t-" ... .. II. -. ::a: I-A. ... 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10' 11 12 .. -.... ... , A. III aa e;3 .-,z lit • ... "'1lIS -eta 0 ... >-",y.-, SUMMARY SHEET BORING NO. 6 ELEVATION 541 Light Brown, Dry, Loose SILTY VERY FINE ______ --------i TO FINE SAND Medium Firm Light Brown, Dry, Firm, Few Smqll Chunks of Olive-gray Claystone and Pockets of Fine to Medium Sand; Some Zones Slightly Cemented, Slightly .. Porous SLI GHTL Y SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND Light Brown and Gray-brown, Moist I Medium Loose Gray-brown, N\oist, Medium Loose Very N\oist SLIGHTLY ----i SILTY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND Gray-brown With Light Brown, Saturated PROJECT NO. 70-11-188 BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. 6.5 4.1 87. ·11 .4 0.8 12~6 106.8 0.8 0.8 DRAWING NO. 14 " 1 2 3 '4 5 6 0 i:O ~ 7 l! ~ 8 0_ .... 1Il-9 8 0 ..J 10 e 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18- 19 WI 0 • ~ Light Brown, Dry, Loose Firm .,:: .:: .. Light YellQw-brown and - . Gray-brown, Moist Lightly Cemented 'SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND ::.::.<:.;:: More Cemented With Increase .... '. in Depth . rn . ::'. {: -:~ With Interbedded Layers of .. : .... -::' Red-brown Fine Sandy Silt .: ... ::: . 1====4 Gray, Moist, Very Firm, Cemented 'ROJECT NO, 70-11-188 BENTON CLAYEY VERY FI NE 1--_~----Ji.----!---4-~ TO FINE SAND ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING NO, 15 ," 2 3 4 ~ ~ '" z 5 ~ 2 ::z: ... 6 '" ..J Go 2 c 7 ~ LI. 0 PROJECT NO. 70-11-18B CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN, KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ~ ---I--i-< \ \ \ \ 10 14 Hole 4 ,Sample 2 r,o ..... ~h AI o 'INDICATES PERCENT CONSOl.lDATION AT FIELD NOIS,TURE • ,INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON ENGINEERIN~ t ',INC. DRAWING NO. 16 ,J ." .... o ... Z ILl .(,) It: ILl CL. z 0 ~ 0 :; 0 en ! (,) 1 2 3 4 PROJECT NO. 70-11-:-188 CONSOLIDATION CURVES LOAD IN KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 0.4 0.6 0,8 1.0 ~ -r---_ r--_ --1- 4 E 10 Hole () Sample 1 Dec,th 21 o INDICATES PERCENT CONS01.IDATION AT FIELD MOISTURE • INDICATES PERCENT CONSOLIDATION AFTER SATURATION BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. DRAWING N.O. 17 BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92115 PHILIP HENKING BENTON "RESIDENT -CIVIL ENGINEER SAN -DIEGO, 583-5654 LA MESA, 469-156154 1. 2. APPENDIX AA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PLACEMENT OF COMPACTED FILLED GROUND Genera-I Description. The objective is to obtain uniformity and adequate internal s.trength in fi lied ground by proven engineering procedures and tests so that the proposed structures may be safely supported. The procedures include the clearing and grubbing, removal of existing structures, preparation of land to be fi lied, fi II Ing of the land, the spreading, and compaction of the filled areas to conform with the lines, grades, and ~Iopes as shown on the accepted plans. The owner shall employ a qualified soils engineer to inspect and test the fill~d ground as placed to verify the uniformity of compaction of filled ground to the specified 90 percent of maximum dry density. The soils engineer shall advise the owner and grading contractor immediately if any unsatisfactory conditions are observed to exist and shall have the authori ty to re ject the compacted fj lied ground unti I such time that corrective measures are taken necessary to comply with the specifications. It shall be the sole responsibility of the grading contractor to achieve the specified degree of compaction. Clearing, Grubbing, and Preparing Areas to be Filled. (a) All brush, vegetation and any rubbish shall be removed, piled, and burned or other- wise disposed of so as to leave the areas to be fi lied free of vegetation and debris. Any soft, swampy or otherwise unsuitable areas ~hall be corrected by draining or remova I, or both. (b) The natural ground which is determined to be satisfa~tory for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least six inches (6 11), and until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features which would J tend to prevent uniform compaction by the equipment to be used. (c) Where fills are made on hillsides or exposed slope areas, greater than 10 percent, horizontal benches shall be cut into firm undisturbed natvrdl ground In order to pro- vide both lateral and vertical stability. Thi's is to provide a horizontal base so that each layer is placed and compacted on a horizontal plane. The initial bench at the toe of the fill shall be at least 10 feet in width on firm undisturbed natur~il ground at the ~Ievation of the toe stake placed at the natural ang Ie of repose or design slope. The soils engineer shall determine the width and frequency of all succeeding benches which will vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of slope. (d) APPENDIX AA -2- After the natural ground has been prepared, it shall then be brought to the prop';r mois- ture content and compacted to not ress than' nin~ty .percent' of maximl!1'n densl:ty in accordance with'A.S. T.M. 0-1557-66T method that, uses 25 blows .of a 10 pound hammer falling from 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4" diameter cyli,ndrical mold of aI/30th cubic foot volume. . , 3. Materials and Special Requirements. The fi II soils shall cpnsi,st of select ma.terials so' graded that at least 40 percent of the material passes a No.4 sieve. This maybe obtained fr.om the excavation of banks, borrow pits of any other approved sources and by mixing soils frol'n one or more sources. The material uses shall be free from vegetable'matter, and other de .... leterious substances, and shall not contain rocks or lumps of greater than 6 inch,es indiameJer. If excessive vegetation, rocks, or soils with inadequate strength or other unacceptable physi.caJ characteristics are encountered, these shall be disposed of in waste areas as shown 00 the plans or as directed by the soils engineer. If during grading operations, soils not encountered and tested in the preliminary investigation are found, tests on these soils shari be performed to determine their physical characteristics. Any special treatment recommended in the preliminary or subsequent soil reports not covered herein shall become an addendum to these spec!ficafioris. The testing and specifications for the compaction of subgrade , subbase , grid base materials for roads, streets, highways, or other public property or rights-of-way shaH be in <;Iccordance with those of the governmental agency having jurisdiction. e 4. Placing, Spreading, and Compacting Fill Materials. (a) The suitable fill material shall be placed in layers which, when compacted shaH not exceed six inches (6"). Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be throughly mi,xed during the spreading to insure uniformity of material and moisture' in each layer. (b) VVhen the moisture content of the fi II material is bel,ow that specified by the sons engi·neer, water shall be added until the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the' soils engineer to assure thorough bonding during the compacting process. (c) 'Mlen the moisture content of the fi" material is above that specified by the soils engineer, the fi II material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or ether satis- factory methods unti I the moisture content is near optimum as specified by the soils engineer. - (d) After each layer has been placed, mixed and spread evenly, it shall be'thoroughly compacted to not less than ninety percent of maximum density in accordance wi·th A.S.T.M. 0-1557-66T modified as described in 2 (d) above. Compaction shall be accomplished with sheepsfoot rollers, multiple-wheel pneumatlc.:..tireclrollers; or other approved types of compaction equipment, such as vibratory equipment that is specially designed for certain soil types. Rollers shall be of such d'esignthat. they wi II be able BENTON ENGINEERING. ·INC. APPENDIX AA -3- to compact the fill material to the specifred density. Rolling shall be accomplished while the, fill material is at the specified moisture content,. Rollil"G, of each layer shall be continuous over its entire area and the roller shall make suffichmt trips to insure that the desIred density has been obtained., The entire areas to be filled shall be compacted, (~) Fill slopes shall be, compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. Compacting operations shall be continued until the slopes are stable but not too denSe for plantll"G and until there is no appreciable amount of loose soil on the slopes. Compacting of the slopes shall be accomplished py backrolling the slopes In increments of 3 to 5 feet In elevation gain or by other methods producing satisfactory results. (f) Field density tests shall be taken by the solis engineer for approximately each foot in elevation gain after compaction, but not to exceed two feet in vertica.l height between tests', Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevqtion gain if required by the soils el"Gineer. The location of the tests in plan shall be.so spaced to, give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet In elevation gain. The soils engineer may take additional tests as considered necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction, Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be take'n In the com- pacted material below the disturbed surface. No additional layers of fill shall be spread until the field density tests indicate that the specified density 'has been obtai ned. (g) The fill operation shall be continued in six inch (6 11) compacted layers, as specified above, until the fill has been brought to the finished slopes and gr<;ldes as shown on the accepted plans. 5. Inspection. Sufficient inspection by the soils el"Gineer shall be mai,ntained during fhe fillIng and compacting operations so that he can certify that the fill was constructed in accordance wi th the accepted speci fi ca tI ons . ' 6, Seaso,nal limIts. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled tfweather conditions increase 1t1e moIsture content above permissible limits. When the work is interrupted by rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the soils engineer indi'cate that the moisture content and density of the fill are as previously specified. 7. Limitil"G Values of Nonexpansive Soils. Those soils that expand 2.5 percent 01' I'ess from air dry to saturatfon under a unit load of 500' pounds per square foot are considered to be nonexpanslve. 8. All recommendations presented in the If Conclusions II section of the attached .report are a part of these speci fi cati ons • BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANfcs -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOULEVARD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92115 PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT .. CIVIL ENGINEER APPENDIX A SAN DIEGO: 583·5654 ..,A MESA: 469·5654 Unified Soil Classification Chart* SOIL DESCRIPTION I. COARSE GRAINED, More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve size. ** GRAVELS More than hal f of coarse fraction is larger than No.4 CLEAN GRAVELS sieve size but smaller GRAVELS WITH FINES than 3 inches (Appreciable amount of fines) SANDS More than h~lf of coarse fraction is smaller than No. 4 sieve size CLEAN SANDS SANDS WITH FINES (Appreciable amount of fines) II. FINE GRAINED, More than half of material is smaller than No. 200 sieve size.** SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Less than 50 SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid Limit Greater than 50 III. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOrLS GROUP SYMBOL GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC ML CL OL MH CH OH PT TYPICAL NAMES Well graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, I ittle or no fines. Poorly graded gravels, gravel·-sand mixtures, little or no fines. Si Ity gravels, poor! y graded gravel- sand-silt mixtures. . Clayey gravels, poorly graded gravel- sand-clay mixtures. Well graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, I ittle or no fines. . Silty sands, poorly graded sand-silt mixtures. Clayey sands, poorly graded sand-clay mixtures. Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt or clayey-silt-sand mixtures with slight plasticity. Inorganic clays of low to medium plas- ticityl. gravelly clays., sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays. Organic silts and ·organic silty-clays of low plasticity. Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatoma- ceous fine sandy or silty soils, elastic silts. Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. Peat and other highly organic soils. * Adopted by the Corps of Engineers and Bureau of Reclamation-in January, 1952. ** All sieve sizes on this chart are UoS. Standard. PHILIP HENKING BENTON PRESIDENT ~ CIVJL ENGINEER Sampling BENTON ENGINEERING. INC. APPLIED SOIL MECHANICS -FOUNDATIONS 6741 EL CAJON BOUI,.EVARD SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92115 APPENDIX B SAN DIEGO: 583~5654 LA MESA:. 469-5654 The undisturbed soil samples are obtained by forcing (] speCial sampl·ing tube into the undisturbed soils at the bottom of the boring, at frequent intervals below the ground surface. The sampling tube consists of a steel barrel 3.0 inches outside diameter, with a special cu.t- ting tip on one end and a double ball valve on the other, and with a lining of twelve thin brass rings, each one inch long by 2.42 inches inside diameter. The sampler, connected to a twelve inch long waste barrel, is either pushed or driven approximately 18 inches into the soil and a six inch section of the center portion of the sample is taken for iaboratorytests, the soU being still confined in the brass rings, after extraction from the sampler tube. The samples are taken to the laboratory in close fitting waterproof containers in order to retain the field mois- ture until completion of the tests. The driving energy is calculated as the average energy in foot-kips required to force the sampling tube through one foot of soil at the depth qt which the sample is obtained. Shear Tests The shear tests are run using a direct shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of deformation is approximately 0.05 inch per min.ute. The machine is so designed that the tests are made' without removing the samples from the brass I iner rings in whk:h they are se- cured. Each sample is sheared under a normal load equivalent to the weight of the soil above the point of sampling. In some instances, samples are sheared under various normal· loads in order to obtain the internal angle of friction and cohesion. Where considered necessary, samples are saturated and drained before shearing in order to simulate extreme field moisture conditions. Consolidation Tests The apparatus used for the consolidation tests is designed to receive one of tne one in.ch high rings of soil as it comes from the field. Loads are applied in several increments to the upper surface of the test specimen and the resulting deformations are recorded at selected time intervals \. for each increment. Generally, each increment of loac;! is maintained On the sample t,Jntil fhe rate of deformation is equal to or less than 1/10000 inch per hour. Porous stones are .p.laced in contact with the top and bottom of each specimen to permit the ready addition or release of water. Expansion Tests One inch high samples confined in the brass rings are permitted to arr' dry at 105°'F for at least 48 hours prior to placing into the ~xpansion apparatus. A unit load of 500 pounds per square foot is then appl ied to the upper porous stone in contact with the top of each sample. Water is permitted to contact both the top and bottom of each sample through porous stones. Continuous observations are made until downward movement s,tops. The dial reading is recorded ~nd expansion is recorded until the rate of upward movement is less than .1/10000 inch per hour. APPENDIX C . , BENTC;:>N ENGINEERING. INC. September 28, 1970 Mr. Donald J. Everitts As~t. Chief Engineer's Office State Lands Commission 107 South Broadway Los Angeles, California Dear Mr. Everitts: Re: Mineral resources potential of east half of southeast quarter Section 25, Township 12 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino B&M I have spent about two hours walking over the subject property, attempting to evaluate its mine~al potential by exam- ination of numerous outcrops and five shallow trenches dug by bulldozer. As far as I have been able to determine, 'tpere is no reasonable likelihood of commercial quantities of "coal, oil, gas and other mineral deposits contained in said land." The subject property is underlain entirely by massive beds of metamorphosed tuff and tuff-breccia of the Santiago Peak or Black Mountain (Jura-Cretaceous?) volcanics. The beds strike about N500W and dip about 40° in a northeasterly direction; no faults or mineralized veins are evident. There is no possibility of coal in such rocks, and there is no likelihood of oil or gas, in the absence of suitable source rocks, reservoir rocks, or traps. Although the metavolcanics have locally yielded small amounts of. refractory clay and pyrophyllite a few miles to tpe southeast of the subject property, no alteration or other indications of such mineral deposits was found on the subject property. Regionally in the metavolcanics small amounts of pyrite are disseminated throughout the rocks, but there is ho history of occurrence or indications of significant amounts of preciousmetaisor base metals. Conceivably, the metavolcanics could be quarried here for crushed rock and rip rap, as they have been in Mission Gorge at San Diego, but the rocks of the subject property are the same as those in a belt which is several miles wide and whi<;::h extends from near Camp Pendleton to the Mexican border and beyond. There are large deposits of the same rock much closer to markets, and there would be insignificant justification for quarry operations on the subject property. " cc: Rancho La Costa, Inc. Benton Engineering, Inc. Respectfully. submitted, ~i,~ Richard L. Threet Registered Geologist NOg 340 5737 Trinity Place San Diego, California 92120 'e _I e··· r ~ . . --, . --- I I I /i / 1 I I I / 1 -J - / iJ I ~ I , ., I ! GREEN .--, -' VALLEV KNOL.LS COSTA 230 105- . ,-:.(: " 1 ... i; .', ......... ..... j ,~ .~ ... BENTON ENGINEERING·, INC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA LOCATION OF Al7I7lTIONAL TEST OO~tN6'5 G~EEN VALLEY KNOLLS ~ANCHO LA C05TA CAt(LSeAt7, CALlFOt(N 'A. PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO , . I I I 3.,72-/-IIA 8 '. --~~""------,---.~----,-~- , , \ \ (/)'1 100 4 73-J-9BC ) o 11:::, o ~ 73-3-9BC \ !~ ~ I) 12-6-2BC In __ I, ;73-3-/A ., Z JJ-3-/A ;; -----------.------.----- 03 69 -3-248c I ., I , . , !!::, REVISEO: 1/-. ,I 1/ ,\ '/ ~-B-i3, REMOVEO ME.a PROPERTY,., SAN OIEGO COl//lTY; ,4()lJEO I's/WI/Sfl VILLAGE UNITS / ANLJ 2~ ''cARLSgALJ~ LOcATION OF TEST BOIl/A/eS8-13., PRoJECT NO, 73-3-16Be. APPEO LOCATION OF BO/?INGS: / /ltV/) t! P/?o./ECT NO. 73 -3 -IA) 3 AN/J -I PrlOJECT NO, 7iZ-liZ -7A, ~ -? A;l/O 3 PROJECT NO. 7E -6 -2 Be, ~ 2, ANO 3 ,PROJ':C r AlO. 7E - / -/1 A, II AND 12 PROJECT NO. 69-9 -ee) 2 /IN/) 3 PRo./ECT NO. 69-3-E.l-BC) 'J?;3A,jlO'; PROJECT 4'0. 73-3-9Bc BOVN£JA-RY OF SV8/ECT PRoPERTY 200 . i , ~3 72-6-2!3C ;; 0 13 , .. 11:::, 1163-3-8C ) Indicates APproximate Location of Test Boring p,oJecT No, 73-3-'68C BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA .. LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS In SPANISH VILLAGE UNITS I AND 2 RANCHO LA COSTA CARLSBAD) CALI FORN IA DRAWING NO I '.:<.-. -'~ .< -• ·'LA· .' • . - ,......--------~...::;...----------~----~-- , , --. ;~-,,~ 1-, i \ , \ 200 (l)7 /50 ~'I 21')0----- . ( I .. -1 , , 'r - , " J \ i I " ··.·.1 . , , toO _,_"0.-:-..".-,"--'-'---__ ~_ -----.--.-. -_-=-~_._~ ____ . -----.--________ , _____ -"--------~---------.~--------------~-. _._-_.- ------------------ 80UNL'JARY OF" SV8/ECT PRoPERTY 200 .. Indicates Approximate Location of Test Boring BENTON ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA LOCATION OF TEST BORINGS .Att 8. O. PAOP£RT.Y RANCHO LA COSTA \ SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CAL/FORNIA SCALE: /// = 200' PROJECT NO. DRAWING NO DRAWN: R·M· 1'-,/,'<'/. DATE': /2·!!J· 70 70'//·188 I .. -',)-. --,' ;;:-. -t , i ! -------------