HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 75-04; LA COSTA LAND CO; COMPACTED FILLED GROUND; 1976-11-18....
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!'RESIDENT • CIVIL ENGINEER November 18, 1976
Lq Costa Land Company
Costa Del Mar Road
Carlsbad, California 92008
Project No. 76-1-2D
Final Report on
Compacted Filled Ground
La Costa Estates North
Carlsbad Tract No. 75-4
and Portions of Alicante Hills
Carlsbad Tract No. 75-6
Carlsbad, California
TEL£PHONE (71") 565·1955
NOV 2 21-gm
Engineering Department
This is to report the results of tests and observations made in order to inspect the compaction of
filled ground placed on certain areas of La Costa Estates North and on Lots 59, 60, 71, 72,
90, 91, and 93 to 97, inclusive, of Alicante Hills in Carlsbad, California. The fills were
placed during the period between January 5 and April 8, 1976.
Filled gr'ound was placed over existing compacted filled ground on certain areas of AI ica"nte
Hills. The results of field density tests taken in these previously placed fills were presented
in our report submitted under Project No. 72-6-20D and dated December 2, 1974.
The approximate areas and depths of filled ground placed under our inspection in accordance
with the approved specifications are shown on the attached Drawing No.1, entitled "Location
of Compacted Filled Ground". The grading plans used for the placement of filled ground were
prepared by Rick Engineering Company and dated November 18, 1975. '
The approximate locations at which the tests were taken and the final test results are presented
on pages 4 to 131' inclusive, under the "Table of Test Results,". The laboratory determinations
of .the maximum dry densities and optimum moisture contents of the maj or fill materials are
presented on page 14, under the "Laboratory Test Results ". Some of the maximum dry densities
shown in the "Table of Test Results" were combinations of these. The tests were taken during
the weekly periods indicated on the following page.
, !
. ' ..
1 Project No. 76-1-2D -2-
, La Costa Land Company
Test Number
Tests Taken on La Costa Estates North
1 to 39, incl usive
40 to 80, incl us ive
81 to 100, inclusive
101 to 113, inclusive
114 to 118, inclusive
119 to 136, inclusive
137 to 139, inclusive
Tests Taken on Alicante Hills
1 to 6, inclusive
7 to '23, inclusive
24 to 33, inclusive
34 to 51, inclusive
52 to 71, inclusive
73 to 75, inclusive
76 to 88, inclusive
89 to 93, inclusive
94 to 96, inclusive
• November 18, 1976 @
Week Ending
January 10, 1976
January 17, 1976
January 24, 1976
February 21, 1976
February 28, 1976
March 20, 1976
April 8, 1976 (Date of last test)
January 24, 1976
January 31, 1976
February 7, 1976
February 21, 1976
February 28, 1976
March 6, 1976
March 13, 1976
March 20, 1976
April 3, 1976
April 7, 1976 (Date of last test)
The final resul ts of tests and observations indi cate that the compacted filled ground has been
placed at 90 percent of the maximum dry density or greater. It has been determ ined that the
fill materials, compacted to 90 percent of the maximum dry density, have a safe bearing value
of 2000 pounds per square foot for one foot wide continuous footings founded at a minimum depth
and placed five feet or more inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes. If footings are
placed closer to the exposed slopes than 5 feet inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes,
these should be deepened one foot below a 1 1/2 horizontal to 1 vertical line projected outward
and downward from a point 5 feet horizontally inside the top of compacted filled ground slopes.
The major portion of the grading on La Costa Estates North was in the street areas. Therefore, it
is recommended that, prior to the preparation of final house plans on each loti t~t 8 soils inveJ.t.: i~ation be conducted within the proposed building area by a soils engineer so that recommenda-
tlons can be presente" for the proper design of footings and slabs on grade. E)(p_a.Q.slv_~~.o.iI
condit!,ons ma.Y_<2.t~,.~lllJ, the cut areas of those lots graded in Alicante Hflls.-!:rn~1 classifica-
tion of the soil conditions existing on each lot in Alicante Hills w'ill be made after grading has
been completed on this subdivision.
AI! buried exterior utility lines should be City of Carlsbad approved plastic lines due to the
corrosive characteristics of the soils, unless sufficient field tests are taken to establish the non-
corrosive soils exist in the uti! ity trench areas.
Grading has not been completed on a'll of the lots in Alicante Hills •
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Project No. 76-1-2D
La Costa Land Company
Respectfully subm itted,
R. C. Remer
Reviewed by ~ ~£~ .
S. H. Shu, Civil Engineer
R • C. E • No. 19913
(3) Addressee
(2) Addressee, Attention: Mr. Burton C. Kramer
(2) City of Carlsbad, Engineering Department
(1) Rick Engineering Company, Carlsbad
November 18, 1976 @
1 Project No'. 76-1-20 e -4-e November 18, 1976 @ • .. La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum
• Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
Tests Taken on La Costa Estates North
• EI Fuerte St. 2.0 13.3 104.9 114.0 92.1
Sta. 57+00
2 EI Fuerte 'St. 2.0 12.4 111.6 121.5 91.9
Sta. 55+00
3 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 15.4 112.6 1~L5 92.6
• Sta. 57+00
4 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 12.2 115.5 125. 1 92.3
5 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 13.0 113.6 125. 1 . 90.8
Sta. 54+00 • 6 Condil Way 1.0 11.0 123. 1 127.5 96.5
7 Condil Way 1.0 12.2 115.7 125. 1 92.5
Sta. 24+{)()
8, EI Fuerte St. 2.0 12.4 115.7 125. 1 92.5
• Stat 50+00
9 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 12.6 111.3 118.9 93.6 '
Sta. 52+00
10 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 13.8 117.7 124.8 94.4
Sta. '35+40
11 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 16.6 112.3 121.4 92.5 • Sta. 48+00
12 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14.1 112.5 124.8 90.2
Sta. 46+00
13 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14. 1 117.1 124.8 93.8
Sta. 44+00 • 14 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14. 1 112.1 121.5 92.3
Sta. 41+00
15 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 14.4 104. 1 114.0 91.3
Sta. 42+00
16 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 14.3 105.0 114.0 92.1
• Sta. 41+00
17 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 16.7 104.5 114.0 91.7
Sta. 41+60
18 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 13.6 111.4 121.4 91.7
Sta. 36+00
• 19 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 16.5 103.8 114.0 91.0
Sta. 39+00
20 EI Fuerte St. 8.0 13.9 113.6 121.4 93.6
> Project No. 76-1-2D e -5-e November 18, 1976 @ • . La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field, Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet 0/0 dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Canpaction Remarks
21 Managua Pl.-2.0 15.9 105. 1 114.0 92.2 • Sta. 7+00
22 Managua PI. 4.0 15.0 106.5 116.8 91.2
Sta. 7+50
23 Managua PI. 4.0 16.6 114.0 121.5 93.9
Sta. 6+25
• 24 EI Fuerte St. 10.0 16.4 116.4 127.5 91.3
Sta. 40+50
25 EI Fuerte St. 12.0 12.7 112.7 121.5 92.8
Sta. 41-tOO
26 Managua PI. 2.0 16.9 106.3 114.0 93.3
Sta. 8+50 • 27 Managua PI" 2.0 10.0 110.8 121.5 91.2
Sta. 9+50
28 Managua PI. 6.0 10.7 112.2 121.5 92.4
Sta. 7+50
29 Marmol Ct. 2.0 10.5 111.2 121.5 91.5 • Stat 2+25
30 Marmol Ct. 4.0 12.5 115.3 127.5 90.4
Sta. 2+25
31 Marm'ol Ct. 6.0 12.6 108.3 114.0 95.0
Sta. 2+00 • 32 EI Fuerte St. 2.0
Sta. 43+50
12.9 109.9 121.4 90.5
33 Marmol q. 1.0 10.0 110.9 121.4 91.4
Sta. 0+56
34 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 11.0 118.0 124.8 94.6
• Sta. 37+00
35 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 13.4 116.0 127.5 91.0
Sta. 51f{)0
36 EI Fuerte St. 3.0 * 8.2 119.5 127.5 93.7
Sta. 49+00
37 EI Fuerte St. '4.0 12. 1 114.2 124.8 91.5 • Sta. 47+00
38 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 12.8 113.3 124.8 90.8
Sta. 45f{)0
39 EI Fuerte St. 8.0 12.6 110.2 121.4 90.7
i Sta. 56+50 '. 40 EI Fuerte St. 4.0 10,7 114.9 124.8 92.1
* Indicates Finished Grade
. ,Project No. 76-1 ... 2D e -6-e November 18, 1976 @ • . La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum
• Approx-ofFill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
41 Candil Way 1.0 14.4 111.4 121.5 91.7
• Sta. '10+00
42 Candil Way 2.0 13.0 111.8 121.5 92.0
Sta. 12+00
43 Candil Way 1.0 13.7 111.2 121.5 91.5
Sta. 14+00
• 44 Condil Way 2.0 13. 1 111.2 121.5 91.5
Sta. 9+00
45 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 10.9 112.7 121.5 92.8
Sta. 50+50
46 EI Fuerte St. 2.0 10.7 117.5 125. 1 93.9
Sta. 18+50 • 47 . EI Fuerte St. 2.0 13.2 109. 1 116.8 93.4
Sta. 48+50
48 Condil Way 2.0 12.7 111.6 121.5 91.9
Sta. 14+50
49 Condil Way 2.0 13.9 112.7 121.5 92.8 • Sta. 19+00
50 Condil Way 2.0 13.2 110.2 ' 121.5 90.7
Sta. 17+00
51 Candil PI. 1.0 10.8 '114.2 124.8 91.5
Sta. 1+00 .' 52 Condil PI, 1.0 10.7 114. 1 124.8 91.4
Sta. 3+00
53 Condil PI. 2.0 . 9.0 113.5 124.8 91.0
Sta. 2+00
. 54 Condit PI. 2.0 17.6 107.8 116.8 92.3
• Sta. 4+00 .
55 Condil Way 2.0 11.7 113.4 124.8 90.9
Sta. 23+00
56 Candil Way 2.0 9.9 115.3 124.8 92.4
Sta. 21+00
57 Condil Way 4.0 13.7 112. 1 121.4 92.3 • Sta. 18+00
58 Candil Way 6.0 13.4 111.3 121.4 91.7
Sta. 17+50
59 Condil Way 8.0 10.9 114.9 124.8 92.0
Sta. 20+00 • 60 Condit Way 4.0 11.6 113.0 124.8 90.5
Sta.' 13+50
• Project No. 76-1-20 e -7-e November 18, 1976 (j) • . La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
61 Acuna Ct. 2.0 12.6 113.7 124.8 9-1.2 • Sta. 7+50
62 Acuna -Ct". 2.0 12.4 102.8 119.8 85.8 Natural
Sta. 4+00 Ground
63 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 11.8 111.6 121.5 91.9
Sta. 57+50
• 64 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 12.0 111.5 121.5 91.8
Sta. 56+50
65 E~I Fuerte St. 6.0 12.4 112.2 121.5 92.3
Sta. 54+50
66-EI Fuerte St. 6.0 12.8 111.5 121.5 91.8
Stat 55+50 • 67 EI Fuerte St. 6.0 * 12.3 112.4 121.5 92.5
Sta. 51+50
68 CandifWay 4.0 10.7 114.2 124.8 91.5
Sta. 22+30
69 Candil Way 4.0 12.2 104.7 114.0 91.9 • Sta. 20+00
70 Candil Way 6.0 12.1 113.6 121.5 93.5
Sta. 21+50
71 Candil Way-6.0' 11.3 109.5 117.8 93.0
Sta. 23+00 • 72 Candil Way 6.0 12. 1 109.2 117.8 92.7
Sta. 21+50
73 'Candil' Way 8.0 12.0 112.9 121.5 93.0
Sta. 22+50
74 Candil Way 8.0 14.5 110.2 121.5 90.7
• Sta. 21+00
75 Candil Way 4.0 13.0 110.2 121.5 90.7
Sta. 10+50
76 Candlf Way 6.0 11.3 110.6 121.5 91.0
'Sta. 11+50
77, Candil Way 6.0 11.,7 111.5 121.5 91.8 • Sta. 13-f{)()
78 Candil Way 4.0 11.9 117.8 124.8 94.4
Sta. 23+50
79 Candil Way 10.0 12.3 111.5 121.5 91.8
Sta. 22+00 • 80 Candil Way 10.0 11.9 113.0 121.5 93.0
Sta. 20+50
* Indicates Finished Grade .,
• Project No. 76-1-20 e -8-e November 18, 1976 ® • . La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
81 Condil Way 4.0 11.6 115.1 124.8 92.2
• Sta. 9+50
82 Candil Way 6.0 9.7 115.0 124.8 92.1
Sta. 10+00
83 Candil Way 8.0 10.0 118.0 124.8 94.6
-Sta. 12+00
84 <;andil Way 9.0 9.4 113.3 121.5 93.3 • Sta. 21+50
85 Candil Way 11.0 10.5 115.2 121.4 94.9
" Sfa. 21+00
86 Candil Way 4.0 11.5 115.2 124.8 92.3
Sta. 8+50 • 87 Candil Way 1.0 13.6 117.3 124.8 94.0
Sta. 13+00
88 Candil Way 2.0 10.8 116.4 124.8 93.3
Sta. 15+00
89 Managua PI. 1.0 11.2 112.4 118.6 94.8 • Stat 0+40
90 -Managua PI. 1.0 11.6 109.1 120. 1 90.-8
Sta. 1+00
91 Managua PI. 1.0 12.2 111. 1 120. 1 92.5
Stat 2+00
• 92 Managua PI. 2.-0 9.0 106. 1 116.3 91.2
Sta. 1+00
93 Managua PI. 2.0 13.0 112.5 120. 1 93.7
Sta. 3.J{)0
94 Lot 2 1.0 13.0 110.3 118.6 93.0
95 Lot 3 2.0 11. 1 112.0 118.6 94.4 • 96 Lot 2 2.0 11.9 111.2 120. 1 92.6
97 Lot 3 4.0 9.4 115.4 124.8 92.5
98 Managua PI. 6.0 9.7 122.4 127.5 96.0
Sta. 8+00
99 Managua PI. 8.0 12.1 111.4 120. 1 92.6 • Sta. 7+50
100 Manogua PI. 2.-0 17.0 100.3 120. 1 83.5 Reworked
Sta. 10+20
101 Managua PI. 2.0 13.0 112.7 122.8 91.7
Sta. 9+00 • 102 Managua PI. 4.0 12.5 119.4 127.5 93.6
Sta-. 9+50
103 Managua PI. 6.0 12.8 119.0 127.5 93.3
Sta. 7+00
.Project No. 76-1-2D e -9-e November 18, 1976 @ • . La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No .• Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
104 Managua PI. 10.0 10.0 118.7 127.5 93. 1
• Sta. 8+50
105 Managua PI. 10.0 11. 1 117.5 127.5 92.2
Sta. 7+00
106 Managua PI. 14.0 10.6 111.6 119.8 93.2
Sta. 8+00
• 107 Managua PI. 16.0 12. 1 110.6 119.8 92.3
Sta. 7+50 .
108 Managua PI. 2.0 13.9 106.6 117.8 90.5
Sta. 6+50
109 Managua PI. 2.0 10.3 118.9 120. 1 99.0 Check on # 1 00
Sta. 10+20 • 110 Managua PI. lS.0. 12.0 112.6 120. 1 93.S
Sta •. 7+25
111 Managua PI. 6.0 11.6 112.2 120. 1 93.4
Sta. 6+50
112 . Managua PI. 22.0 12.2 123.2 127.5 96.6 • Sta. 7+50
113 Managua PI. 10.0 11.4 111.3 119.S 92.9
Sta. 6+75
114 Managua PI. 12.0 12.5 111.6 121.5 91.9
Sta. 6+00 • 115 Managua PI. 14.0 14.7 112.S 121.5 92.8
Sta~ .6+50
116 Managua PI. 24.0 15.5 108.9 117.8 92.5
. Sta. 7+50
117 Lot 20 2.0 16.9 111.7 119.S 93.3
• l1S Lot 21 4.0 14.2 111.2 119.8 92.8
119 Lot 20 6.0 13.5 117.6 124.S 94.3
120 Lot 21 8.0 14.3 110.3 119.8 92.1
121 Candil Way 2.0 15.5 112.6 121.5 92.6
Sta. 9+20
122 Candil Way 4.0 9.7 115.2 124.8 92.3 • Sta. 9+40
123 Candil Way· 6.0 9.7 117.3 124.8 94.0
Sta. 9+60
124 Candi.l Way 2.0 9.2 117.9 124.S 94.4
Sta. 11+40 • 125 Candil Way 5.0 10.6 115.4 127.5 90.5
Sta. 11+00
126 Cand!1 Way 2.0 9.4 118.3 127..5 92.8
Sta. 20+60
.Project No. 76-1-20 e -10-e November 18, 1976 @) •••• La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-' of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. . Location in Feet % dry wt Ib.7cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
127 Candil Way 4.0 11. 1 113.7 121.5 93.6
• Sta. 20+00
128 Candil Way 6.0 8.6 114.5 125. 1 91.4
Sta. 20+77
129 CandiJ Way 2.0 11.3 113. 1 125. 1 90.4
Sta. 23+50
• 130 Candil Way 4.0 12.4 117.;4-127.5 92. 1
Sta. 23+00
131 Lot 20 10.0 10.0 115.8 127.5 90.8
132 Lot 21 12.0 11.6 113.3 125. 1 90.6
133 . Candil Way 6.0 17.7 108.2 118.6 91.2
• 134
Sta. 22+90
Candil PI. 2.0 10~9 113.8 120. 1 94.7
Sta. 2+00
.135· Managua PI • 2.0 12.8 112.7 120. 1 93.8
Sta. 5+00
136 Managua PI. 4.0 11.2 114.6 119.8 95.6 • Sta. 5+10
137 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 15.0 111.8 120. 1 93. 1 Ramp
Sta. 36+00
138 EI Fuerte St. 1.0 12.7 117.8 127.5 92.4 Ramp
Sta. 34+00 • 139 Acuna Ct. 1.0 12.3 112.5 120. 1 93.6 Ramp
. Sta. 7+00
Tests Taken on Alicante Hills
• 1 Lot 94 0.5 9.5 114. 1 124.8 91.4
2 Lot 94 2.0 10.0 110.8 120. 1 92.3
3 Lot 94 4.0 11.6 112.9 120. 1 94.0
4 Lot 94 6.0 10.2 116. 1 124.8 '93.0
5 Lot 90' 3.0 11.7 112.8 120. 1 93.9
• 6 Lot 94 8.0 11.3 103.6 114.0 90.9
7 Lot 91 2.0 12.6 107.1 116.3 92. 1
8 Lot 94 10.0 10'.5 103.3 114.0 90.6
9 Lot 91 4.0 11.8 112.0 118.0 94.9
"10 Lot 94 12.0 17.0 109.4 114.0 96.0
11 Lot 91 6.0 15.2 110. 1 118.6 92.8 • 12 Lot 94 14.0 15.8 103.6 114.0 . 90.9
13 Lot 94 15.0 13. 1 110.4 120. 1 92.0
.Project No. 76-1-2D e -12-e November 18, 1976 @ • <-La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of FilJ Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture , Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction Remarks
44 Lot 97 11.0 15.8 111. 1 119.8 92.7
• 45 Lot 95 TO.O 12.0 113.7 121.5 93.5
46 Lot 96 13.0 10.9 118.4 124.8 94.9
47 Lot 94 19"0 * 13.8 109.7 117.8-93. 1
48 Lot 93 . 4.0 12.6 113.5 124.8 90.9
49 AI tiva Place 8.0 16.4 108.6 117.8 92.2
• Sta. 0+75
50 AI tiva Place 2.0 10.9 106.0 116.3 91.1
Sta. 9+00
51 AI tiva' Place 4.0 ·12.6 105.3 116.3 90.5
Sta. 9+50
52 Lot 71 . 1.0 10.6 110.8 121.4 91.3 • 53 Lot 71 2.0 11.3 104.9 116.3 90.2
54 Lot 71 4.0 14.6 118.9 124.8 95.3
55 Lot 71 5.0 11.3 112.8 119.8 94.1
56 Lot 71 6.0 11.2 111.5 120. 1 92.8
57 Lot 71 7.0 12.8 lTO.6 119.8 92.3
• 58 Lot 71 8.0 12. 1 112.9 121.5 93.0
59 Lot 71 9.0 TO.3 114.6 124.8 91.8
60 Lot 72 1.0 10.5 114.7 . 124.8 91.9
61 Lot 72 2.0 11.5 111.6 119.8 93.2
62 Lot .72 3.0 13. 1 113.4 121.5 93.3
• 63 Lot 72 4.0 12.4 111.3 119.8 92.9
64 Lot 59 2.0 16. 1 105.3 116.3 90.5
65 Lot 59 4.0 15.7 109.2 119.8 91.2
66 Lot 59 6.0 15.7 108.8 117.8 92.3
67 Lot 59 8.0 16.4 111. 1 122.8 90.5
• 68 Lot 60 1.0 TO.6 117.5 127.5 92.2
69 Lot 61 1.0 12.1 113.3 121.5 93.3
70 Lot 60 2.0 10.6 113. 1 121.5 93.1
71 Lot 61 2.0 13.3 116.6 127.5 91.4
72 Lot 59 TO.O 11.0 115.6 127..5 90.,7
73 Lot 91 TO.O 9.0 111. 9 122.8 91.1 • 74 AI tiva Place 6.0 12. 1 113.3 124.8 90.9
Sta. 9+00
75 Altiva Place 2.0 12.0 111.2 121.5 91.5
Sta. 10+50
76 AI tiva pface . 2.0 11.3 108.3 119.8 90.4 • Sta. 13;{)0
77 Altiva Place 8.0 9.8 120.4 127.5 94.4
Sta. 8+50
* IndiCates Finished Grade • BENTON ENGINEERING. INC.
• ~
Project No. 76-1-2D e -13-e November 18, 1976 @
La Costa Land Company
Depth Maximum • Approx-of Fill Field Dry Dry
Test imate at Test Moisture Density Density Percent
No. Location in Feet % dry wt 'Ib/cu ft Ib/cu ft Compaction .Remarks
78 Altiva Place 10.0 8.8 121.3 127.5 95. 1
• Sta. 9+00
79 Altiva Place 12.0 10.8 114.5 121.4 94.3
Sta. 10+00
80 AI tiva Place 6.0 9.7 117. 1 127.5 91.8
Sta. 13+00 • 81 Altiva Place 8.0 12. 1. 111. 1 119.8 92.7
Sta. 14+50
82 Altiva Place ·15.0 12.7 113.4 119.8 94.7
Sta. 8+50
83 Altiva Place 4.0 12.0 112. 1 119.8 93.6
• Sta. 10+00
84 AI tiva Place 19.0 14.2 114.6 122.8 93.3
Sta. 9+00
85 Altiva Place 8.0 14.6 113.3 122.8 92.2
Sta. 10+00
86 Altiva' Place 21.0 14.4 116.3 124.8 93.2 • Sta. 9+00
87 Altiva Place 12.0 12.2 114.2 124.8 91.5
Sta. 10+00
88 AI tiva Place 24.0 12.9 114.6 124.8 91.8 .
Sta. 9+00 • 89 Lot 94 2.0 13.4 109.4 119.8 91.3
90 Lot 94 4.0 13.0 113.9 124.8· 91.3
91 Lot 94 6.0 10.8 113.9 124.8 91.3
92 Lot 94 8.0 ~I 13.8 108.4 117.8 92.0
93 AI tiva Place 3.0 15.6 109.3 117.8 92.7
• Sta. 14+50
94 AI tiva Place 5.0 16.2 108.9 117.8 92.4
Sta .. 14+50
95 Altiva Place 7.0 16.9 109.4 117.8 92.9
Sta. 14+75
• 96 AI tiva Place 9.0 13.7 111.3 122.8 90.7
Sta. 14+60
• •
: '
• Jl'Project, No,. 76-1-2D
La Costa Land Company
-14-November 18, 1976
The maximum dry densities and ,optimum moisture contents of the major fill materials as deter-
• mined by the A.S.T.M • .D 1557-70 method, that uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling
from a height of 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot compaction
cylinder, are presented as follows:
Soil Description
Dark red, brown gravelly clayey fine to medium sand,
Brown clayey fine to medium sand
Brown clay
01 ive gray fine sandy clay
Yell ow brown fine to medium sandy clay
Light 'red brown fine to medi,um sandy clay
Yell owish gray brown silty fine to medium sand
Red brown fine to medium sandy clay with
scattered gravel
Yellow brown silty very fine to,fine sand
Red brown fine to coarse sandy clay'
Yellow brown silty fine to medium sand with
sl ight clay binder ..
Light brown gravelly silty clay
Light brown silty fine sand with clay binder
Dark gray sit ty cI ay
Maximum Optimum Mois-
Dry Density ture Content
Ib/cu ft % dry wt
124.8 10.9
120. 1 13.6
114.0 15.5
116.3 13.0
118.6 13. 1
121.4 11.7
119.8 12. 1
127.5 10.2
117.8 13.2
121.5 11.9
122.8 10.8
125. 1 11.4
118.9 11.3
116.8 11.8