HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 76-02; ROYAL HOMES NO 6; REPORT OF COMPACTION TESTS; 1977-07-14. -~-:." "~ •• • 1 DUCO' 'Engineering, Inc. FOUNDATION. GEOLOGIC INVESTIG"'T.IONS FILL CONTROL -SOIL T,STING 'J~t , ,:'! Ca.rlsbad Development Corp. P.O. Box n.n" Carlsbad, California ~170 CEtt~R,E DRIVE, SUITE F • WALNUT, CALIFORNIA 91-789 , \. ~ (2i3) 964-3440 • 964-3449 Subject: Report of Compaction Test~ Carlsbad Tract 76-2 Gentlemen: Royal Homes No. 6 Carlsbad, California Job No.: 6-20 Irt ~~cordance with your request this fir. has·~nspected 'and tested the compacted fill placed on the subj ect site between May :1.1· and July 11, 1977. A plan of the site showing the test locations and other data pertinent to this report is attached as Figure No. 1 (3 sheets). , ~ Referen~e data used in the preparation· of this report consisted B£' a Report of Soils In~estigation prepared by·th~s firm dated 3-~6~76, Geo·logic Investigation dated 10-4-~6 prepared by Bob Dickey and a Grading Plan of the site prepared by Brian. Smith Engine,ers, Inc. ,Site .preparation, grading and testing were conduct.ed in the follow- -"'.1 .. , ing manner: .. 1 ~ite Preparation 1. Surface debris and vegetation was str~pped and-h~uled offsite. 2. No surface s~ructt1res were· present c;m the site. 3. No subsurface structures were en:countered ,during ,grading. 4. No trees were existing on the site when we arrived~ 5. Existing fill soils were remQved to natural grou~d and-ihcor~· porated into the compacted fill after removal of al~ de1eter~, ious material. ~ 6. EXisting loose natural soils were removed by benching as the compacted fill progressed upslope. • " ,~."" ~l" .: I Page Two July' 14 J 1977 • Site Preparation (con't) 7. The exposed surface of the natural,ground was prepa~ed ~o r~­ ceive 'fill by scarifying to a depth of'8 inches, watering as necessary and compacting to minimum requirements.," 8. A 'shear key excavated into bedrock or approv~d .~oil was pro- vided at the to~ of the major fill slopes. 'Gra'd'ing l~ Fill ~oils were 'spread in'6' inch loos~' lifts, watered as neces- sary and compacted to minimum requirements. 2. The method used for adding moisture and compacting was a water truck and rolling,with a self-propelled iron .heeled eomp.ritor and a sheepsfoot roller. 3. Top soils were removed and an equipment wi~th wide '~ilt-bac~ bench was provided at the daylight point for propoaed fill oye~' cut slopes. Tes,ting 1. Field density tests were ~erformed in accordance with ASTM t~st method D1556. The ~esu1ts of these tests, taken duiiug the course of grading are attached as a part of this'teport. 2. Maximum density and optimum moisture, were' determined for each type of fill soil in accordance with ASTM fest metbod n1557~70. The results of these determinations along with the expan$~on potential of the soils, determined in accordance .ith U.B.C.' test standard 29-2, are as follows: , -Soil Type Max. 'Den. ·Opt. Moist. Expan. Index A -Clayey sand 125.3 PCF 8.2% , 48 B -Clayey fine sand 1,18.1 It 11.5%, 77 C -Sandy clay 111.3 II 14.8% 88 D -.C1ayey silty sand 112.2' " 14.0% _27 E Clayey sand 121.9 Ii 9.8% 53 -F -Claystone 110.2 n 14.2% 1.03 G Sandy clay 116.3 It 12.6% -'90 H -Clayey silty sand 122.2 " 10.1% 25 I Sandy clay (blend) 116.7 II-12.3% 81 J Gravelly clayey sand 125.0 II 9.8% 21 K -Clayey sand w/gravel 120.3 II 9.5,% 55 !> . Page Three July 14, 1977 Conclusions and Recommendations • Job No.: 6-20 The expansion potential of the onsite soils that will directly affect shallow foundations and slabs is considered moderate for lots 1, 7-.9,11-16,19-24,26-38,46-54,57 and 6'9. Remedial construction m~asures to minimdze this cQndition are recommended as follows: Footing shall be continuous under all exterior and interior bearing walls and shall be imbedded a minimum depth of 18 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. Reinforce the continuous footings with a minimum of one #4 rebar placed top and bottom. Concrete floor slabs shall be reinforced with 6X6 -lOXlO welded wire mesh placed at midpoint in the slab. Floor slabs ~hall be cast on a 4 inch thick layer of graded aggregat~ base course or w·ashed concrete sand. Garage floor slabs need not be reinforced if poured entirely inde- pendent of the stem walls using a positive expansion joint of felt or similar approved material. The recommended soil bearing value for continuous and square footings a minimum' of 12 inches in width and imbedded a ~inimum depth of 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade shall be 1500 P.S.F. TJie foregoing values are for dead and live loads' and may be increased 1/3 for t~mporary horizontal forces. It is the opinion of this firm that the fill soils placed on the subject site, as reported herein, have been properly compacted for their intended use. Respectfully submitted, Approved .by: H HD/cd SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20 Test Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil I , I No • D ate No. ~N.=a..::.t..=... _--:::;..F.=i,;;;;n..=... --.::;;G..:.r..=... _--",-T_e..::;.s..::;.t Field peF Fi~~d Type Comp"," I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 \ 8 9 10 11 ,-12 13 14 " 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I 25 26 < 5-11-77 '2 278.0 282.0 • It 4" ,28,3.0 285.-5 5-12-77 3 " It ;5 51 68 5-13-77 ,2 II .. " ' .. It 4, 30 68 57 56 5-161;77 63 II II " It " " " 57 ' 54 58 51 Clara 55 5 ,. '3 5-17-77 58 " " It II 57, 58 52 58 277.0 275.5 182.0 196.0 277.0 277.0 220.0 284.6 286.0 216.2 218.0 282.0 285.5 167.0 205.0 218.0 160.0 '181.0 175.0 189.5 183.0' 204.0 157.0 165.0 152.0 184.0 199.5 161.0 .281.0 281.5 155.0 160.0 i59.0 170.0 158.0 165.0 175.0 162.0- 216.2' 215.0 ,173.0 286.0: 284.6 168.0 181.0 170.0 179.0 180.0 280.0 283.5 279.0 279.5 184.0 199.0 281.0 281.5 222.0 , 209.0 162.0 178.0 188.0 159.0 169.0 157.0 187.0 205~5 167.0 283.0 283.0 161.0 14.5 8.6 9.9 9.2 '14.1 11.2 8.4 8.5' 7.1 16.4 14.3 14.7 21.9 15.0 15.8 17.7 13.2 15.9 '17.3' 8.6 ' 15 .. 4 19.1 16 6 '. 0 ' 15. 9 ~65.o-13.8 176.0 11.9 165.0 13.8 ~15.1 " , 122.6 ",' 114,.6 - 116.2 105.6 110.3 113.7 i12~1 117.1 107.3 108.4 107.2 A, '91.9 A,' ,C B 97.,8 97.0 98.4 94'.,9 93.4 , 96.3 Bo" . ' 95.4 B -, ,99,.2 C G G 96.4 , 93~2 92.2 ,105.,0", 'C .94.3 , 90.5 . , '113.4 105.2 102.8' , 109.8 106.9 103.4 113.8 107.,6 103.1 100.8 117.2 117.6 111.0 F F G G 1" ' B C 95.5 , 93.,2 94.,4 '91.9 93.8 96,.4 ' 91.1 93.2 , C ' '90.5 , A 93.~5 A 93.9 B ' 94.0 • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20. Test Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil % C·omp •. No. D ate No. ,::.:N..=a...::,t..:;,.. _-..::..F.=.in.:=.=,... ~G=-r.;;... __ T",-e;:;;..s_t Field peF Field Type. 27 28 29 30. 31 .32 33 34 35 36 37 -38 39 40. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50. 51 52 5-17-77 58 II 59 57 5-18-77 57 It " 53 It 51 " 58 163.0. 1.10..0. 157.0. 160..0. 167.0. 172.0. 161.0. 175.0. . 177.0. 178.0. 175.0. 180..0. 180..0. 181.0. " 57' 163.0. '181.0. " 58 165.0. 181.0. II 55 167.0. 185.0. .. 53 175.0. 190..0. 5-19-77 5.8 " 56 " 57 ,,-58 " 58 " 59 . '11 59 5-20.-77 .59 It 60. " 60. n 60. It 63 63 5-23-77 56 II II 56 165.0. 177.0. 169.0.. 184.0.' 164.0. 181.0. .168.5 181.0. 172.0. 181.0. 177.0. 185.0. 115.0. 185.0. 175.0. 176.0. 181.0. 183.0. 193.0. 190.-;-0. 175.0. 173.0. 185.0. . 185.0.-, 189.0. 189.0. 20.4.0. 20.4.0.' 184.0. 184.0. 167.0. 171.0. 168.0. 170..0. 13.5 15.9., . 13.0. 13.1 175.0.' .13.6 176.0. ~7.o. 170..0. 170..0. 172.0. 171.0. 177.0. 174.0. 18.9.. 13.3 12.2 12.4 15.4 9.5 1.12. D. 110..-9,'. 111.5 10.7.0. 10.9.2 107 .. 8 10.1.1 110. .. 8 .111.0. 10.5."7 10.4.5 116.0. . H .R H F :F C . 9..1.7 ~ 90. ... 8 9~.'2 9.7.1 9.3.9., 92.7 9.1~ 7 . 95 .• 3 94.0. 95.0. . 9.3'.9. 9.4 .. 9 175 •. 0. 177.0. .. It~.o. . 11.6 '. . t1,9~O : . ·G· 9.4.6 178.0. 119.0. 182.0. l~D.o. 18.3 18.5 14.1 17.1. 180..0. ": '10..3 i8s.o. . ~87.o. 197.0 199.0. 179.0.' 18'2.0. 12.3 . 12.0 . 16.5 14.9 10..8 11.6 ... ,io.j.~·:O· 102.!? 10.2.1 10.5.2' 110..3 lQ5.6· .. lo.5~9 10.6..5 106.5 . 10.4.'9 10.2.8 10.3.2 10.4.3 . ·,F 97.1 . F 93.0. F9.4.7 F 95'.5 B .. 9,3.4 G. B B G ... 90..8 91.1 .90..2 . '90..2 90..2 . F·93.3 93.7 F " '.94.7 -1 -- SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20 Test Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil % .Comp •. Ii 0 • D ate No. ,:.:N-=a..;::t..::... _--=-F-=i=n..::... --=.G;:.r..:... _--=-T.::.e.::,s.:.t Field peF Field Type 53 54 55 56 57 ,58 59 60 61 6.2 63 -64 65 66 67 68 69 TO . 71 72 73 74 75 76 . 77 7-8 5-23-77 55 n· 53 " 52 .. 62 .. 63 ... 51 It 56 .. 57 " 54 5-25-77 56 " " " " " II " It " so 52 54 50 51 50 53 55 53 5-26-77 49 '11 52 II 66 It 53 " 50 It 52 " 56 174.0 193.0 175.0 189.0 178.0 190.0 195.0 198.0 195.0 204.0 . 183.0 216.2 175 .• 0 195.0 . 170.0 '190.0 176.0 192.0 180.0 197.0 177.0 186.0 .' 168.0 193.0 182.0· 299.0 180~0' .190 ~O 182.0 216:2 179.0 193.0 182.0 214.0 ~80.0 . 206.0 '195.0 214.0 190.0 182.0 208.0 178.0 184.0 187.0 177.0 198. O. 215.5 212.0 214.0 213.0' 21'5~5 201.0 181.0 180.0 177.0 197.0 202.0 187.0 186.0 183.0 186.0 188.0 180.0 181.0 11.7 11.0 10.9 10.5 10.7 '16.6 15.4 1·3.1 11.8 15.8 11.6 12.8 106.6 I .. , 105.5." ,I 90.4 106~9 I 91.6 " 105.4 I 90.3 '. 103.6 F, '94.0' '106 • 8 F . 9 6 • 9 10 7 .it G 9 2 .'1 109.7 . 104 •. 7, G F I I 94.3 95.0 91.4 .97.2 189.0 9.6 1?2.2, A 97~5 184.0 ' 14.2 106~4 G ~5.6 189 • 0 10 • 3 ' 1]" i ~' 2 R 9,1 • 0 .' 187.0' 12.3". 110.5 R .90.4 189.0.. i4.8 .107.3 G " ·96.4 188.0 '9.2 . 113.4 '. II 92'·.8 197 .0 10 .0 102.1 'F . " 92. 7 195.0 192.0 . 210;0 ·193.0 191.0 194.0 191.0 8.9 10.4 12.6 10.3' 12.6 9.6 13.9 1'14.6 112 •. 5 110.9 . 114.1 113.3 111.5 111.5 R l I A I 1: I 93.8 '96.4 ·95.Q 91.i 97.1 95.5 95.5 :~ • '. SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6.,.20 Test Lot Elevations N!> • D ate N-o. _N..;;;;;a....:;.,t.;;... __ F_i_n...;;...--'-G..:;or...;;... __ T_e_s_t I 79 5-26-77 48 199.0 1'67.0 181.0 188.0 205.0 196.'0 80 81 82 83 -84 85 86 .87 88 89 " " tt 5-27-77 .. " " " " tI It 57 51 53 55 49 "54 49 55. 53 51 68 185.0 . 190 176.0 210.'0 214.0 206.0 203.'0 200.0 193.0 ·208.0 182.0 206.0 194.0 ~90.0 187.0 214.0 216.2 218.0 91 5-28-77 52 193.0. 215.5 92 93 94 95 ·96' 97 .. It tt It .. tt 54 50 51 55 50 48 195.0 212.0 191.0 217.0 192.0 216~2 193.0· 206.0. 192.0 217.0 200.0 215.'0 9a 5-31-77 Clara 191.0 214 ~O .. 211.0 216.2 99 100 101 102 103· 1tl4 ." " " tt tI 53 177.0 51 '185.0 54' 193.0 68 2'01.0 55 186.0 6-1-77 53 185·.0 212.0 218.0 206.'0 214.'0 2'01.0 194.0 193.0 196.0 195.0 197.'0 198.0 200.0 197.0 198.0 195.0 190.0 197.0 200.0 198.0 199.0 200.0" 2'01.0 ?05.0 199.0 212.'0 203.'0 202.0 2'04.'0 203.0 2'04.0 % Moist. Dry Den. Soil Field ~eF ~i~1d ~ype 17.4 20.6. 9.1 8.4 7.8 9.2 1117 10.0 11.3 112.9 " . 118.5 12~.2 118.'6 117.5' 119.-2 115.4 113.8 A A H H H A R R 11 % Comp. 90.1 94.6 99.2 • 97.1 9:6.2 .97.6 '. 94.4 93,.1 93.6 9.4 114.4 119.5 H .' 97.8 7.7 16.7 . 12'0.8 11.3.5- H .98·.9 A 90.6 ~~f~i'? '. 117.4 A 93.7 12.2 7.9 7.0 12.1 7.6 10.~ 9.7 8.1 .. 8.4 17.3 9.3 10.8 112 .• 8 125.1 118.8 118.6 116.4 115.8 119.1 H A H H H R· H 117.3 H 118.8. '. H .. .. 114.1, A 116.8 -R 115.'0. R 113.2 H 9,9.8 97.2 . 97.1 95 .• 3 94.8 97.5 96 •. 0 - -97.2 91.1 I 95.6 , "/ 94.1 9'2.6 ,. " .; . '" . :1 • • •• SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20 Test Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil % Comp,. No. D ate No. .;;..;N-=a:...::t..::.._-....:::.F-=i:..=:n:..=..~G-=r-=.._--=.T-=e:..:::s:..=.t Field peF Field Type 105 6-1-77 106 107 108 109 ,110' 111 112 113 114 -115 116 II " " II II " " " II " " 50 '187.0 217.0 , . 45 222.0 228.0 47 216.0 223.0 43 236.0 246.0 44 229.0 240.0 46 '221~0 .231.0 48 206.0 215.0 55 189.0 206.0 52 56 47 45 187.0 179.0 210.0 226.0 215.5 194.0 222.0 243.0 117 6-2-77 . 46 220.0, 232.0 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 , 129 130 " " ,,' '~ . " , " . " " II II " " II 44 51 229.0 186.0 4.2 242.0 45 230.0 43 239.0 46 230.0 49 201.0 42 243.0 44 ;235.0 243.0 216.2 257.0 238.0 258.0 240.0 213.0 259.0 241.0 48' 211.0' 220.0 49 43 49 . . ~OO.O 238 .. 0 207.0 218.9 256~'0 218.5 . 204.0 224.0 219.0 238.0 233.0 227.0 208.0 , ,204.0 9.7 8.2 11.4 10.0 17.2 16.3 12.5, 9.7 205.0 8.4 183.0. . ,13.5' 216.0 234.0 23,0.0 11.7 12.6' ,,15.8 , 116.2 ',114.3 111.9 117;2 . 119.3 :', 112.9 113' .• 7 .' 116.~ 1.14.5 112.8 1;10.9, . 115.2 . 118.4 H , , H H H A A H H .. . , iI' A 95.1 9~3. 5 ' 91.6 95.9. 95.2 90.1 93.,0 95.6 9317 90.Q H:,90~8 ' H·,·94.3' 236.0 12~5: .' 120.-2 .. ' H . ~ --, 94.5 98~4 207.0 " 7.7', 245.0 238.0 242 .• 0 235.0 211.0 248.0 240.,0 214.0 211.0 246.0 2,15.0 8.3 7.8 9.6 ,8.4 10.'6 . 6.'9 7 ~4 . 11~3 .10.4 9.1 8.8 '115~ 5' H 121.1 H 111.6 H '117,.4 H 113 •. 2 H ~14.9 A 'ii2.8.'-;-:,., H 110.7 , H '119'~ 4 '117.6 ' 113.5 . 116.8 H· H H H , . 94.5 99.1 : '91.3 9'6.1 -,2.6 91. ~ .90.6' 97.7 95.2 92.9 95.6 ' I I tit • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-40 Test Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil No. Date No. _N~a_t~. ____ F~i~n~.~G~r~. __ ~T~e~s~t Field PCF Field Type % Compo 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 2-3-77 41 , , ... .. .. .. " " It " It il " It U" 47 45 42 44 46 48 41 43 45 42 47 43 46 41 U '\ 44 .. 45 " 43 44 2.-.6-77 42 " 44 n 42 45 . " 55 " 52 11 55 253.0 223.0 238.0 248.0 242.0 234.0 215.0 260.0 233.5 250.5 264.5 259.5 242.5 225.0 258.0 228.0 244.0 '249.0 247.0 238.0 220.0 255.0 . 265.·0 . ·261.0 247.0 263.0 . 248.0 235.0 254.0 247.0 255.0 1 264.0 258.0 231.0 239.0 238.0 253.0 '263.0 239.0 248:.0 258.0' 265.0 2.50.0 259.0 245.0 257.0 254.0 263.0 240.0 . '259.5 252.0 264.5 260.0 264.5 251.0 . , 241.0 263.0 252.0 256.0 254·.0 256.0 258.0 '258.0 261.,0 11.8 '9.5 7.4 8.9 13.6 11.9 7.7 9.1' . 12.2 14.8 10.4 9.6 7.4 8.5 12.2 15.6 13.9 11.7 10.2 11.1' 10 .• 7 13;4 247.0 250.0 235.0 194.0 179 .• 0 250.5 .248.0, ,.10.4 196.0 206 .• 0 ~.11.0 209.0 20,5 ~5 . 204.0 208 •. 0 7.4 7.6 9.5 113.7 1l6.{. 118.5 113.'1 105.3' 107.2 11'5.7 '114.0 116.a ],04.6 114.3 116.2' 119 • .1 , ;t10 .• ·6 .. , 110.2 105.6 . t. 103.9 . 1.18.4 121.8 '107 •. 8 i06.2 1,08.5 110.1 ' , t , . 114.6 114.8 116.7 ·R, R R C C R 95.3. 97.0 ' 92.6 94.6 95.3 f)4.7 fl., 93.3 ·R··: 95.6 .. ' . C '94.0' H ·93.5 R 95.1 9a.o C· ,99,.0 c c R ,R c C C C R R '. . 93.4 96.9 99.7 . 95. ~ 95'.4 97.5 98.9 93.8 93.9' , 95.5 .-: . , • I • • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS '~OB NO.: 6-20 Test No,. Date 157 6-6-77 158 " Lot Elevations No. ~N~a~t~. __ ~F~i~n~.~G~r~.~ __ T~e~s~t 53 "'54 197.0 202.0 214.0 212.0 210.0 159 6-7-77 Clara 201.0 208.0 160 161 ,162 163 164 165 166 . 167 168 16'9 170 171 172 17:3 174 176 177 1.78 1.79 i,80 181 182 II ... .. ." .. " .. ." .. 6-8-77 " " II II . . it It " .11 ~t . 6-9-77 ~, tI " " 50 51 53 50 52 51 49 53 67 Clara 67 .68 . '\ 67 69 67 68 69 67 197.0 178.0 .195.0 191.0 189'.0 184.0 197.0 183.0 192.0 198.0 200.0 204.0 196.0 208.0 207.0 203.0 209.0 197.0 68 ;202.0 67 . ' 202.0 69 '212.0 22 206.0 68 201.0 217.0 216.3 214.0 217.0 .215.5 216.? 218.5 214.0 221.0 213.0 221.0 218.0 221.0 219.7' 221.0 220.0 219.7 221.0' 218.0 , 224.0 :225.0 229:5 23-4.0 209.0 210'.0 212.0 211.0 . 213.0 214.0 213.0 213.5 '195.0 200.0 ],98.0 . 205.0 203.0 209.0 '210.0' 213.0 216 ~ O' 218.0 217.0, 219.0 , 221,.0 221.0 224.0 % Moist. Dry Den. Soil Field Pel'Fie1d Type 14.6 10.8' 11.7 13.2 12.4 11.6 12.8 14.3 13.0 15.6 14.0 12.7 '13.1 . 11.9 13.8 14.6 13.0 10.8 12.8 9.9' 10.1 11.3 9.6 18.2 15.1 105.8 107.~ 108.3 106.1 104.8 110.7 113.6 . 109 ~.1 . 108~7 110,.7 104.2 101,5' -, 109.-2 108.9 . .' 111.4 113.2 110.5 ' ·109.6 ..... '. c c c G G ,G I. D I I I I I I 112.7 I 114.-3 I 116.8 '113'~2' , .1'15.0 101.8 104.3 " ) .:'. H '. D D % Comp. 95.1 9{).1 97,.3 94.2 95 .• 2 97.7 . 93.8 93.1 .94.9 92 •. 9 90'.5 93.3 95.5 ·91.0 , . -9·4.7 93.9 9'6.6 97.9 91.3 . '(,95. 6 92.6 94.1 90.7 93.0 .~- .-, "1 .-' ," . I'Ll'.' (.--V·· . • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20 Test Lot Elevations No. Date , No. ~N~a~t~. __ ~F~i=n~.~G~r~. __ ~T~e~s~t 183 184 185 186 187 188 6-9-77 " " " It " " 69 22 23 68 69 23 22 215.0 207.0 218.0 210.0 212.0 227.0 210.0 229.0 229.5 231.0 225.0 263.0 234.0 229.5 189 190 1~1 192 193 ,i 69 217.0' ·243.0 1.94 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 . ' " 6-10-77 " " " " '. , n· '\ -,. " ,.. 6-13-77 23 24 22 23 43 44 45 68 i1 46 ,30 21 23 226.0 232.0 221.0 231.0 252. O. 246.0 242.0 212.0 216.0 237.0 225.0 227.0 204 " 46 234.0 205 6-i5-77 21.· 225.0 206 " 31 227.0 . 20'7 .' 21 229 .0 2 Q8 " 20 2 32 • 0 235.0 ,247.0 263.0 259.5 250.5 236.0 239.0 242.5 267.0 239.0 260.0 442.5. 246.0 267.0 ... 2~9.0 249.0 228.0 224.0 223.0 227.0 236.0 230.0 226.0 .. 234.0 '228.0 235.0' 233.0 262.5 259.0 250.0 235.0 228.0 241.0 230.0 233.Q, , '235.0 236.0 234.0 239.0 236.0 % Moist. Dry Den. Soil Field peF Field Type 14.1 12.6 13.8 20.1 15.6 12.4 13~0 . 10.6 11.8 14.3 17.0 20.9 , 18.6'. 14.1 . 15.9 12.7 . 13.8 19.6 11.6 13.2, ' 15.1 , 16.6 12.4, 1'0.8 9.4 12.1 108.4 ,106.1 . , 99.8 101.6 1.10.4 . 114.3 112.5 112.9 109.6', ' 111.6 '109.7 100.6' to,6.1 105 ~.9 108.3 101.5 114.3 109.7 113.6 .- 115.2 ,I F F I I I I . I H ,I F D D D I D I ',102.8." \.: F 108.1 . 112~:4 , 110.5 109.3 113.6 -D I I I I % Comp~ 92.9 90.-9 90.6 9:2.2, 94.6 ,97 .• ·.9 .. · 95.4 96.7 93'.9' 91.3 94.Q 91.3 94.6 94.4 96.:5 90.5 , · :~7. ~, 97-.8 97.3 98.7. ~. ";. 93~3 96.4 · 96.3 94.7 93.7 97.3 : , , . " , . ,/ '. , ',~ Test Lot N 0, • D ate No. 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 6-15-77 69 n .. 21 " 24 " 30 " 29 " 31 " 23 216 ,;,6-17-7Z 20 217 218 220 221 n, " n 29 31 Sonora" 30 '20 222 6-20-77 29 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 " " 31 n '\ 30 41 47 48 48 . " " n .. " " " Sonora 32 29. " 232 ' " 33 . 233 6-22-77 31 2.34 It 34 tit • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6 ... 20 Nat. Elevations Fin. Gr. Test 212.0 235.0 241.0 226.0 237.0 232.0 234.0 250.0 24-6.0 260.0 267.0 266.5 267.0 260.0 242.0 ,259~0 245.0 237.0 242.0 234.0 244.0 245.0 ·241.0 234.0 259.0 227.0 215.0 220.0 248 .. 0 266'-5 267.0 265.0 267.0 249.0 266.5 267.0 267.0 265.0 '233.5 225.0 230.0 265.0 250.0 267.,0 247.0' 266.5 24.6.0 221.0 252.0 267.0 261".0 267.0 233.0 239.0 242.0 235.0 239.0 241.0 -245.0 244.0 243.0 245.0 247.0 446.0 24,8.0 ,,249.0 , 250.0 252.0 265.0 222.0 223.0 227.0 255.0 253.0 257.0 '249.0 256.0 555.0 ~ Moist. Dry Den. Soil % Field' PtF F!e1d Type£omp. 11.7 ,8.9 13.4 12.6 9.6 10.1 12'.6 10.3 11.6 13.4 14.,2 12.9 10'.1 11.7 15.0 ' 11.9 12.7 10.8 12.5, 13.4 ',10.'6 12.1 ,13.7 12.2 11.6 14.2 112.4 110.1 109.1 111.6 113.6' 110.9 11-1.6 , , 114.7 , .109.7 , 112.3 110.4 113.7. , ' , 114.7 ... , ' '108.6 107.3 1'14. i 112.6 116.5 ,112.0 . 11,0.7: , I ',I I I I I t I I H H' , '9·4.3 93.5 ' 95.6 97.3 95.0 9.5 .,6 ,,98.3 " 94.0 ., -. 96.2' , 90. j , 93.0 'I"", 93.1 I R 'H Ii , I, t, 92.0 '93.4 " 92.1 11,3.6 '>J" 'i 95,~ 3 96.0 94.8 97.'3 111.5 ,"10~'. 2 110.1 108.7 I ,I , . , 'I I ,1 95.5 , 93; 6 . , 94.4' 95, • .5 9.3.1 :, : .I .. ; • • SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS JOB NO.: 6-20 . Lot Elevations % Moist. Dry Den. Soil % No. ~N~a~t~. __ ~F~in~. __ G~r~. ____ T_e~s~t Field peF Field Type. Comp. 235 6-22-77. 67 236 237 238 239 240 It 22 It 30 6-23-77 34 It 31 " 29. 241 6-24~77. 30 242 243 244 '2'45 ~46 " " 33 , , 29 32, 47 68 247 6-27-77 '30 2.48 " 249 ~t • 250 ·6:;;28-7" 251 252 253 254 255 256 ~57 258 , 259 260 261 . " 6-30-77 " " 7-11-77 ". It II " 31 34 7 .7 35 32 29 40 38 37 .. 36 28 30 32 212.0 . 215.0 227.0 255.0 232.0 252.0 23.3.0 228.0 229.5 . 267.0 267.0 267.0 266.5 267.0 258.0 ·267.0 257.{) 259.0 229.0 202.0 230.Q 255.0 278.0 279.5 266.0 263.0 259.0 264.0 266.0 266.5 265.8 266.5 236.0 265.5 266.5 267.0 233.5 218.0 267.0 267.0 'l-6] .0 284.0 284.0 267.5 268.5 268.5 264.6 267.3 268.5 269.0 269~. 0 269.0 269.0 . 227.0 229.0 256.0 257.0 259.0 260.0 262.0 .. 260.0 264.0 261.0 233.5 218.0 264.0 265.0 265.0 2-80.0 282.0 267.0 268.0 268.0 264.6 267.$ 268~5 12.4 10.5 13.9. 16.5 18.4 11.5 6.2. 14.7, 10.0 13 .. 7 15.5 . '14.1 12.7 11.3 3.5 12.4 9.1 7.4 11.4 7.1 8.6 " 7.1 269.0 9.4 .' , 269.0 10.8 .29 9 •0 9.1 269.0 8.8 113.9 111 •. 6 101.6 100.8 103.6' 111.6 12'4.0 .110 .• 5 114.8 111.8 111.1 .- 108.8' " 113.0 105.4 10.6.8 113.6 108.1 , ; l1l:.1 108.6 10,5.1 . , I I F F F B. .J I . - 97.6 . 95.6· 92.2 94.0 94.5 99.2 94.7 I .98.2'- I ' 95.~ I . 95 .. 2 I· 93.2 I. B B .B . B B .. I' 96.$ 90.3 , 9.0·4 96.2 91.5 94'.1 92.0 90 • .1 115.6 ... '-B 97 ~,9 95.3 91.3 90.8 112.6 'B , ,107 .8' B 107.2 118.1 'B 109.5 B 108.0 100.0 92.7 91.4 13 See /Ylf.5 ( ;).) t· " ... ---- .. ', . . . Bob Dickey, Geologist • 32145 Via Carlos, San Juan Capistrano California 92675 (714)' 493-5207 . October 4,.' 1976 Carlsbad Development Company P. 00 Box B Carlsbad, California 92008 . ~c,£\~~1) \\. a '/. \<;\1\) nt~ (.I . v 'S£>l\U Orr: C~R~~t\\1\e(\\ C\'\i '\\'6 ~e9 , ",'ee\'\ '6'" Subj ect: Geological Investigation of Prop}~ed Residential Development Carlsbad Tract 76-2, Royal Home No.6, Unit No.1, 2, & .. 3, Elm Street at Appian Road, Carlsbad, California Gentlemen; This Geologic Investigation has been conducted at your request to . provide design input for preparation of the grading plan for Carlsbad Tract 76-2. In 'conjunction with this investigation, the Preliminary Soils Investigation by Duco Engineering dated March 26, 1976, and the 100-scale Tentative Map for Carlsbad Tract 76-2 by Brian Smith .. ··Engineers·, Inc., dated February 6, 1976, were both reviewed. Completed geologic ,mapping on adjoining Carlsbad Tract 74-5 was also reviewed. Two surface reconnaissances and eight backhoe trenches were complet~d to provide a record of site cond- itions for interpretation of the proposed grading. This report 'has been prepared to present findings of these studies. Geolpgical Conclusions and Recommendations Based upon this Geologic Investigation, the Tentative Tract is consid- ered to be feasible for development, provided that the recommenda- tions of this report and the Soils Investigatio~ are considered during design and development. 1) The proposed 2:1 cutslopes depicted on the lOO-scale grading plan are expected to expose massive sandstone and siltstone with relatively flat-lying bedding structure. This bedrock is exposed on neighboring Tract 74-5 in cutslopes and on El Camino Real roadcuts. 76-2 cutslopes are expected to be stable as graded, subj ect to detailed geplogic maBping during site grading. Portions of the cutslopes are expected to expose interbeds of siltstone material. This siltstone was found to be jointed and fractured, with' clay seams . dipping at various angles. These clay seams and joints may fail as small-scale pop-outs on slope faces where slopes undercut these features. As alternatives, eit her increased maintenanc.~ for pop-but ,1"". ~ • ---;f7 b-D ~i • Carlsbad Dev Co -TX'act 76-2 October 4:" IH76 Site Index Map . I Base map fr·.om a portion of the San Lui's. Rey Quadra.ngle, U. S. G. S. Scale: 1 inch = 2000 feet ' ..... ~.~.~'-.\/ ~~I"..~1, ..... ~, ... : ..... ~ .... :'I~;~~ ........... 1'f"'tr~~:t~'t"'~'t .... ft"I"'" :r~-t';'W!.,..~~"",.., ~~ ... ~~"t.~d ~: , I,.:' / J ~ '. ], .... ' ,:\ :." I I',' :1.: " , ,. '; , , I , 1 I I ' I 'I_ I j - J I 1 I :' .. ~'" ' . j. Carlsbad Dev Co -Tract 76-2 October 4, 1976 page two • ,failures can be expected~ or minimal width replacement fill blankets can be provided, as deter:rp.ined during grading. The , area behind Lots 62-67 is expect~<:i to expose this siltstone material. 2) Soil materials have been treated by'Duco Engineering in their report of February 6, 1976. The trash fill encountered along several drainages was not found in the proposed cutslope 'areas explored during this geologic investigation. , 3) The landslide encountered by Duco near Lots 44 and 45 was probably a cross-bedding failure which occurred along a clay seam or joint plane. Since the siltstone material tends to fail along such features, it is important that the s~dehill fill keys be geologically -, ,. inspected where ungraded natural Slopes are to remain beneath the toe of the keyway. The area recommended for inspection by the geologist is the keyway~io-be constructed below Lots 41 to 50 QD the San--Bte'go-Ga-s-a:rrd--EIectric easeme~ ff more convenient, a prinC!:paI with1)uco (15OtIi gI!aduat? g,eologists) couJ,,(t,make-th-is-4ns'pe~ tion.' . .,-, ''------------ ~ 4) Because of the sandy character of much of the bedrock to be exposed on the proposed cutsiope's--;--C-Onsrderahle~-erosron_can 'be expected where run-,off.:::1:s=-allowed to flow over slopes. The slope pro- tection berms and drainage terraces sl1oul(Lbe_design~truc- ted to minim1f.~rJ!r:L-(~,ff .2yer sloJ2,e faces. Future homeown,ers should be warned to-.minJm-i-z-e-ir.xig~t!.<?nr consistent with maintaining ground cover. Only lightweight deeply-rooted plarit varieties should be planted on these slopes. ' 5) Recommended geologic mapping on cutslope faces should be accomplished while grading -equipment remains on the site to facilitate possible remedial grading. The fill-over-cut slopes should be graded to lower pad grades, inspected and approved, all before superposed fill embankments are constructed. This is to minimize unnecessary removal of engineered fills. 6) Removals and fill compaction should be inspected by the Soil Engineer. Structural support for buildings or for compacted fills is available within the upper few feet of bedroc~ materials. Where loading geometry permits, suitably, compact nat-qrp,l soil materials may be left in place b~neath compacted fills. Potential areas of dispute can be resolved by the Spil Engineer ,and Geologist. t , !, i " .' ~ '1·· ...... . . i ~<v ... ~ . I • ; , ~" ;~ . ",' , " :ia-,; , " Iii, ; " , ,. J. , " . ' i I ·1 I ' I I. I· i ;'< >,-- ~- , . " '1' Carlsbad Dev Co -Tract 76-2 October 4~ 1976 page ··:three • 7) No fault rupture is anticipated O:t:l-Site. To resist probable seismic shaking from future· off-site 'earthquakes, . . buildings can be designed in conformance' with normal Zope III -. .,----. . loadin~ v~ues. . ~ 8) It is unlikely t~~~~ubdrains.will'-p~ __ re~d beneat~ canyon fills, based upon surface conditions during the inv-estigation. A final determination=sJ:ioul~ be made when cleruiouts~:na;)-e'-:b-e-en:' .... ------------------.-------------------------' · made. .J .: ' ..... ; ~ 9) Building setbacks from graded slopes should be _ 'based upon:': - the current Uniform Building Code, Chapter ~ . ~ ,A ....:------ Thank you for this opportunity to be' of continued service. Please call if there are any questions regarding this report, •. ' This .:~: investigation has been conducted in accordance with generally acc.epted/ · practice in the field of Engineering Geology. . No further warranty is , : offered or implied. " -,',1 "'YI. · Respectfully, Attachments: Dis tribution; • G. 914 Appendix-Geology, Index Map, Geology Map (2) Addressee .. (1) Duco Engineering .. j _._ 6 -; ....... ;, , J' . ',. ". I ~': : .. / . ,-... ~"I:II-'~" f .. , ) i ,,' , ,\ ~ " I, ., . "j! I " 'i' f • I I ! I " i ~!. , , i ,I, • j I ' . ~'. . Carlsbad Dev Co October 4, 1976 page four Tract 76-2 • Appendix .. Geology:' Site Conditions -The 25-acre site is in essentially natural condition,' with graded properties bounding to the west. A natural drainage, flows' southerly along the east boundary. This draInage lies beneath the' power lines in the San Diego Gas and Electric right of way. Partly paved Appian Road and Elm Street bound the northwest edge of the tract. Lot. 8 of Carlsbad Development Tract No. 76-2 was,'graded. with adjoining Tract 74-5A to the west. " Site conditions have been lavishly described in the March 26, 1976 Preliminary Soils Investigation by Duco Engineering. Reference to this report is heartily recommended. , , Proposed Grading -The site is to be graded with normal cut,-and-till ' techniques. The', upper, or northerly portion is to be ex,cavated, with fill yardage to be placed in the upper and lower central drainage and along the west side of the power easement. Cut slopes will be graded at 2:1, with highest slopes to be constructed 50+ feet high above.,J.Jot 66. Other cut slopes are to be up to 20 feet high. Fill and fill-over-cut slopes are also to be graded at 2:1, with 1 1/2:1 fill slopes adjacent to the power eaE?ement. The deepest fill, exclu- sive of probable cleanout depth, will be 45 feet deep on Lot ,53. Geologic Se~ting -The site lies on the east flank of a low dissected ridgeline in an Eocene marine sandstone deposit w:i.thin the central Penninsular Range Province. This bedrock is essentially flat-lying, composed of quartz and feldspar rich sandstones with interbedded siltstone layers. Overlying the bedrock are surficial deposits of alluvium, slopewash and topsoil. Scattered fill and trash are locally present. No faults are known to cross the site. Nearby active faults. " include the Southern California Offshore Fault (Rose Canyon?) which ':: ," reportedly occurs a few miles offshore beneath the Pacific, Ocean ' to the southwest, and the Elsinore Fault, 22 miles to the northeast. Groundwater is not expected to be significant to the site. Bedrock -Bedrock sandstone and siltstone are exposed in upper drainages where these are deeply incised. Trenches revealed com- petent bedrock beneath a thin soil cover in cut-slope localities. The sandstone b'edrock was found to be composed of fairly massive medium to coarse grained feldspathic and quartzitic materials, which eroded in typical badlands fashion. Interbed¢led siltston:es were found to be fine grained, massive and generally we 11 fractured and jointed, with local clay coated fracture planes. Upper drier portions of the silt- stone were deeply cut by shrinkage cracks, i~dicating an expansive n~ure. ' , , " , , , , " .. v" .I.'~ " '.~} , I .,', " \! '/ , " .. ' . , I 'I' j. , ~ ~. , )' , I I " 1 ! I I , , I • , i' 1 . () l • .• I· i Carlsbad Dev Co -Tract 76-2 October 4, 1976 . page five • , , The approximate surface exposures of the sandstone and 'siltstone materials are indicated on the attached Preliminary Geologic Map. Field distinction was made between sandstone and siltstone on the' basis of the soil character. Expansion cracks in the soil mantle'- were interpreted as overlying siltstone bedrock •. Granular soil was interpreted as overlying sandstone bedrock. Structure of the bedrock was essentially flat lying with a very gentle westerly inclination, or dip, of 2 to 4 degrees. In addition to the . ' , \ gentle westerly dip, the siltstone was cut by several random joint sets, some of which exhibited clay coatings. The sandstone was generally massive, with cross-bedding apparent in som,e exposures. ' Surficial Deposits -Alluvium is present along the San Diego Gas' ,,, and Electric power easement, extending into the site along some of the drainange swales. This material is generally sandy, with more cohesive portions in up slope areas. Local conglomeratic zones can be expected. Depth of removal for alluvium was not teste,d, ,for this geologic study. However, relative compaction' of these materials 'wiii guide the ultimate removal depth. No exposure of underlying bedrock materials is considered to be necessary. ~ " . , , Slopewash, or deep soil, can be expected in natural drainage channels. iI' This material is expected to be cohesive in character, expansive, and subject to lateral and down slope movement when ,loadeq. with . superposed fills or structures. Removal should be considered necessary,' in graded portions of the tract. Soil was encountered in the trenches excavated for this study. Thick.-,: ': :: nesses ranged from 1 1/2 to 3 112 feet. Sandstone bedrock was over- lain by granular soil and siltstone was overlain by cohesive soil. This , cohesive soil was found to be less well compacted than the granular soil. Both soil types will likely require reworking during grading. Fill was placed on lot No. '8 in conjunction with grading of adjacent tract 74-5A. Trash fill along several drainages has been reported by Duco Engineering. The trash fill will require removal and offsite disposal. Fpundations and concrete walks I drives are evident in the area of lots 42 & 43. This will require removal.· Geologic Hazards -Faults, large landslides, and significant groundwater were not found on the tract. A landslide has been reported by Duco on lots 44 & 45. This was probably a cross-bedding plane failure':" , ~ occurring within the siltstone unit, since bedding in this area is indicated to be quite flat. No ground rupt~re from ~aults, is exp~cted " , ' . . . ~ ..... ' . r " , ~'.' :' , ---~--",'--: ------"~{if1r-:----cr~~ " " ,t, ,! , " i-, : if , ! I :, " \ '\ "'I " , -1"')" ':'.': , .. , , , , .. 'I, " ':, ~ . . .~ :I"! Ii' .I",r .. i .i I ,I i j 1 I ., .\ -! , , . ' ! • i' ; 4 ·1 1 . . { f) II , . • ~'. t Carlsbad Dev Co -Tract 76',:"2 October 4, 1976 page six " . • ••• " ....... ~ " '. '.:l on the property. Ground shaking ir~ni~iit,~iIt'~ .earthquakes occurring on nearby active fault traces cah ;.~¢ , .. ~~¢,~e~?\during the life of the . . ·project. These nearby falllts :.in61ud'$;= ·~h(,3·::S(,;>u'thern Califor:nia Offshore . . ,. I • 1 ~~. • • (Rose Canyon) Fault and the Elsi;nore Fault'~ . ;·,'tbe Elsinore is considered to be the most likely site of ~ nearby earthquake, for this tract. Site shaking consistent with Zone ~II lOJld~n:g. dan l?~' expected. No ground- water was encountered during thi!>:.~Ju~y .. Ol:' the $qil Investigation. No ,- groundwater is expected to be enCPur.lter.~~ dur41g site grading. .. . . ',;:!!j \ ... . , '. t .j ,: . I' . \ I; .· .. · ... :, .. :,'.~1.;,I· ~." .:',~/~' . ','~ ~ -~' .. :{l,:l: { . , . :.'~ ( 'i":", J . : . 1 ~ .f , " ;. ....... -; : . f . '_ .. , . . i:~{!:' ,f, . '. f ~:V. \ . ;; . '. ,. t ," , , :. '\" . , J' . ,.~ , 'j, ~~~. : .' .,' ~ .I ~ , , : , -, • , .. < • Carlsbad De.co -'l'racL ,o-~ ---':. ,., :Trench 1 O-:3~ Trench 2 .. 0-2. 50lL ;,: .• nch . Logs :.,}" ". '.' ,:"": '1', ,T 2.-7 VP/ZtJ?,< .s/lAlPS77)III~ 1#a:>IIIM nJ c:1t?~c: GlUIN~ 1///59Vl£.j ~"#e::. 61bsmAl~ 8a/tp~ 7CU/:'" fla,2ii;a,v~ Trench 3 CJ -~ :X?jL.: /4"# ~..?;vp t"RU?) f'2--'2-:5tJ1L g~(I/N S#AI.tJy ~/ ,/)/lAlt? :2 -b~:2.1 EFP/ZtJc.I:. :.' Trench 4 c> -1?-":2-~ BRaUN ~ cJlm 6.K;:;W6"iM ~ 1~:2--7/ 86P~ 8RtxVN CL4f'&f' 6"IP:s?Z>(I$I)4¥5il/~ . d~/jJ'T$P/ F/2.4c..114.1Z/"'~ Trench. 5 . (/ -I~z.. .:::gIL !3&WAI Cb,4?l /~.z. -4 gpgog L/~ 6~,v t!#fY6j/ 6";?rG7ZJ#P, 4--5' g6£?~ .tAJlli7l5. tJp~ &~tS sM~O'Al~ , S -6" 8£p@c:;e:: u6/1r" 6~ ~~lt' -slVS7tJAft$. -. Trench 6 . O-/~ ~ a;/eG,/ aAVGlj SIL.7S?7JIV'-% ... -. /~ -2-,t;E/?&?U '2--~ %p~cg Stiff 61vr ,q;V';:'-6~~ -S;l1</£J5m~ I 6 -&,/ B@@C? .6l/rr ;t4c:PIP/tf ... a~~ ~,A;~ 5MpSmIV6/ N~sit/5 Trench 7 / ~ -5'~:z-ecPlZtXY< {/fA! S/lAlo:smlVe., ~/fr-.c..~/N" Go, '. tJ1,IJ£51(/.6' ~/r/Z->e . ~-9/N~ "",' '. ';~' j .~ • ": • P"t" '" .... \',. . f Trench 8 ", " "" 0-/1'/;2.- . ~ TAN S/lIllP ) ., , . 'S " , 't, 1f'1Z---1-7":2-13e:P~0< T/?A! S/lNt:>S1?JAI.c., ~r(..'f'/AI'~ . /." \ .. ,N/?55/Vc', C/);?ase:. 6t4t/~'fP.:;" ... :~ ." . '~, -.. ," ~ ,.:j I{J~.< ~.i.:; " t .;'. ':., • ~p"'h ',' t " . ' , . J ,. . 'C··"··:'}·::""1t·l~~t,,."~~t·-·,~, .' ... '. !J,._.".:-,.. "i' ~. 1 : . : .... ';.;: ,I ,.,~ ::. .. t' • r II -. hZ-, II ". " 1 J I .1, I " , " :. . ' J", .. ' . . i: ,:-. ' .. ' 1 '!. " ',: ' .. ~ ',' , .. i ,~. :' ,:.. t, \ I ;, t. ' W' ,I e e DUCO Engineering, Inc. FOUNDATION & GEOLOGIC INVESTIGATIONS FILL CONTROL -SOIL TESTING 1170 CENTRE DRIVE, SUITE F . WALNUT, CALIFORNIA 91789 (213) 964-3440 . 964-3449 PRE LIM I N A R Y SOl L S I N V EST I GAT ION PRO P 0 SED 7 0 LOT'S U B D I V I S ION CAR L S BAD T R ACT N U M B E R 7 6'-2 CAR L S BAD, CAL I FOR N I A CT71o-0 ;)- REC£l~£D FOR: Carlsbad Deve19pment Corp. P .0. Box "B" Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 March 26, 1976 Job No.: 6-20 DUCO Engineering, Inc. • FOUNDATION Be GEOLOGIC INVESTIG"ATIONS " FILL CONTROL -SOIL TESTING 1170 CENTRE DRIVE, SUITE F • WALNUT, CALIFORNIA 91789 (213) 964-3440 • 964-3449 }larch 26, 1976 Carlsbad Development Corp. P.O. Box" "B" Carlsbad, California 92008 Subject: Soils Investigation Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 Carlsbad, California Job" No.: 6-20 Gentlemen: Attached is a subject site. report or the this office. copy of our Report of Soils Investigation for the Should you have any questions with regard to th~s recommendations contained herein, please ~ontact We wish to thank you for selecting our firm to provide this service. Very truly yours, DUCO HD/nd Page One March 26, 1976 Job No.: 6-20 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a preliminary soils invest- igation for a proposed 70 lot residential subdivision to be known as Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2, to be located southeast of the inter- section of Elm Avenue and Appian Road, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, California. Figure No. 1 presents a plot plan of the site indicating the pertinent soils data. . The object of this investigation was to gather information and data regarding the surface and subsurface soil strata upon which to base our recommendations for the safe and economical develop- ment of the site for the proposed single family residences. SITE CONDITIONS The subject site is an irregularly shaped parcel of property en- compassing approximately 25 acres, sotith and east of the intersec- tion of Elm Avenue and Appian Road, in the City of Carlsbad, cali- fornia. The property is bounded on the east by a 150' wide ease- ment for the San Diego Gas and Electric Co.; on the south by a currently developed residential subdivision; on the west by Appian Rd. and on the north by Elm Avenue. The site is characterized topographically by several east to ~outheast plunging ridges separated by a well incised dendritic drainage pattern which converges into two main drainage courses in the southeast portion of the site. The surface runoff coll- ected by these drainag~ course~-ls discharged into a main north- south draining water course which is roughly aligned within th~ 150' easement along the east property line. T4e north central and northwest portions of the site are composed of gently sloping terrain which drains both east and west. The maximum topographic expression is from a high point at elev- ation 297'+ on proposed lot 16 to a low point at e1~vation 154'+ on lot 60,-for a maximum relief of 143 feet. Surface vegetation, at the time of our field investigation, con- sisted of a moderate to very heavy growth of native weeds and grasses with locally heavy concentrations of brush and scattered small trees. A considerable amount of burned, dump re{use was ~ncountered in the northeast corner of the site in the area of proposed lots 41, 42 and 43. Test hole #2, ~xcavated in. lot 41, e~countered a depth of 8 feet of mostly glass and decomposing metal in a minor matrix of soil. . Page Two March 26, 1976 Job No.: 6 -20 Site Conditions (cont'd) A 'very heavy growth of tall weeds in this :,area made the exact areaL limits of this fill impossible to.determine; however test hole #3, excavated on lot 40, did not encounter any fill, but considerable._,~.REfj[~~_ debil~Tong' wrdi-' tlie-"re'~~-~ts-'ai." previous struc tures-:Was eVi.d.e.n.i:~_tlYiS area. ~'~', ..... ---- Other areas on the site where fill and debris was noted were lot. No.eight, to a depth of 5 feet; 34 and 3.5 to a depth of 3 , feet; lot 36 to a depth of approximately 18 inches and minor surface fill and debris on lots 66, 67 and 15. The soils encountered in the test holes consisted of topsoils composed of clayey sands on the higher elevations, overlying sandstone bedrock, and sandy and silty clays at the lower elev-. ations overlying siltstone and claystone bedrock. Thick top- soil and altering bedrock were encountered to depths of 8 to 10 feet along the toe of the proposed major fill slope along the east property line. The top 4 feet of .these soils was noted to be fairly loose. Test hole #4, excavated'in.the vicinity of 'lot line 44-45, ex- posed a very disturbed and distorted claystone bedrock which may be part of an ancient slump or laridslide block. Additional test holes, ex·cavated approximately 50 to 60 feet north and south of test hole #4, revealed undisturbed clayey sandstone indicating this situation is local in nature and can aucess- fully be corrected during grading~ No ground water or caving were encountered in the te~t holes to the depths explored, nor was any ground water cohdition evident from surface observation. FIELD INVESTIGATION The subsurface soils conditions were explored' by excavating nine (9) engineering te~t holes to depths of 5 to 10 feet using a backhoe with an 18 inch wide bucket. The approximate location of each test hole is shown on Figure No. '1, a plan of the site prepared by Brian Smith Engineers. A continuous log of eac~ test hole was kept in the field at the time of excavation. These logs, attached as Figure Nos. 2 through 10, reflect the condition and type ~f ~ach Boil strata encountered based on the Unified System of Soil Classification as devised by A, Casagrande. Page" Three March 26, 1976 Field Investigation (cont'd) • Job No.: 6-20 Relatively undisturbed samples of the subsurface soils were obtained using a 2.5 'inch diameter hollow-tube s~mpler. Dis- turbed, bulk samples of the typical soils e~countered were also obtained to be subjected to laboratory testing and analysis. LABORATORY INVESTIGATION In-situ moisture and density tests were performed on the undis- turbed samples and the results of these tests are shown on the appropriate test hole log at the depth sampled. Also shown are the results of calculations made to determine the reLative com- paction of the undisturbed soils compared to the maximum density determined in accordance with ASTM test method D1557-70. Results of the maximum density determinations and the laboratory tests to d~termine the expansion potential of the onsite soils in accordance with the U.B.C. test standard 29-2 are as followst Soil Type Max. Den. A -Clayey Silty Sand 122.2 PCF B Sandy Clay 111.3 " C -Clayey Silty Fine Sand 112.2 " D -Sandy Clay 116.3 " E -Clayey Sand 118.1 " F Fine Sandy Claystone 110.2 " Opt. Moist. Expan. Index 10.1% 14.8% " 14.0% 12.6% 11.5% 14.2% 25 88 27 90 77 103 A summary of the direct shear tests are shown below. The tests were performed on typical soil samples in a saturated state in order to duplicate extreme field moisture conditions. DIRECT SHEAR SUMMARY Hole No. Depth, Ft. Shear Angle Cohesion 1 ;3.5 33° 750 P.S.F. 3 5.5 23° 600 " 6 4.5 26° 1250 " 7 4.5 24° 900 It \' Page Four March 26, 1976 Laboratory In¥estigation (cont'd) Job No.: 6-20 Grain size analyses of the typical soil types encountered are shown graphically on Figure Nos. 11 through 13. The ,consolidation potential of the typical undisturbed subsur- face soils is presented on the Pressure-Void Ratio Curves, att- ached as Figures 14 and 15. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . The development of the site, as proposed, is considered feasible from a soils engineering standpoint based on the implementati~n and incorporation of the following recommendations into the sit~ preparation, grading and construction of the proposed structures. Site Preparation Prior to the start of grading the surface vegetation, debris and remnants of the previous structures shall be stripped and hauled offsite. The trash, dump refuse and debris on lots 34 -.36 41, 42 and 66 shall be removed to natural ground to the satis- fact~on of the soils engineer and hauled offsite. The existing filIon lot No.eight shall be removed to expose the underlying natural ground under the direc tion of the soils enginee-r. The excavated fills on lots 1 and 2 may be incorporated into the compacted fill if cleaned of all deleterious' substances. The bottoms of the incised drainage courses to receive fill shall be cleaned of all existing loose surface alluvial soils to ex- pose the bedrock or soils determined to be competent by the soils engineer. Upon completion of the ravine bottom clean-outs, a determinations will be made for th~ necessity of a subdrainage system based on the exposed soil conditions. If deemed necessary, a gravel 'and perforated pipe subdrain will be designed as required. A minimum equipment width wide shear key shall be excavated at the toe of all major fill slopes to a depth of 2 feet into app- roved bedrock or soils deemed suitable by the soils engineer for support of the surcharging fill soils. A mo:re e'xte,nsive removal and possibly a stabilizati~n fill may be necessary in the area of lots 44-45, depending on the soils conditions ex- posed during the excavation of the fill slope shear-key in this area. Page Five March 26, 1976 Site Preparation (cont'd) .-tt Job No.: 6-20 Prior to the placing of any filIon the proposed fill-over-cut slopes, the eXisting top soil shall be removed to expose the bed~ock and an equipment width wide tilt-back bench shall be provided along the daylight line. Grading Fill soils shall be spread in 6 to 8 inch loose lifts, watered as necessary to near optimum moistur~ condition ~nd c~~pacted to a minimum of 90% of the maximum density as determined by ASTM test metln:rd -n'1"5S1-70 by means of a sheepsfootroller or oth!ar approved means of compaction. Fill slopes shall be backrolled at maximum 4 foot vertical in- tervals with a sheepsfoot roller and track or grid rolled for surface compaction. Berms shall be provided at the top of the cut and fill slopes. No surface water runoff shall be allowed to flow over the face of the slopes. Expansive Soils .The expansion potential of the onsite soils varies from low to high. It is recommended that upon completion of the proposed grading, a lot by lot evaluation of the soils that will direct- ly affect shallow foundations and slabs be made and any remedial construction measures deemed necessary to minimize the affect~ of·-t;..h·e--e-x-pa,n·sive soils will be made at -that--'t:ini'e-. --:._- ,-,----'"'~~-------..-.~-~ .~-. .;-...... Foundations The proposed structures may be supported on conventional cunt- inuous and square footings founded into firm natural ground or compac~ed fill. A soil bearing value 0,f.l:500J .• S_ •. :t?_o_ . .!Il.ay be used for f66tings imbedded a minimum dept~ of l2tnches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. The ultimate depthf~r the foundations will be determined by .the expansion pg,tent:ial of the subgrad·e .. soils. Thj,JL __ ~~j:ft~ t=!:<:>n _~.:i.ll __ b .. e __ m~d:~ __ \1P"~.n ,com- pletion of the grading when th,~ fi,n.a_l ___ dJ._sposit·ion -of, the soils, is known. --... 0--.----~--.---.--. The bearing value recommended is for dead and live loads and may be increased 1/3 for temporary horizontal forces. Lateral values may be computed at 300 P.S.F. per foot of depth t~ a maximum value of 4000 P.S.F. ---. 7 Page Six March 26, 1976 Job No.: 6-20 Conclusions and Recommendations (cont'd) The recommendations contained in this report are based on the' results of our field and laboratory investigations, combined with the principles of madern soil mechanics and sound engin- eering judgment. Should any unusual conditions arise or drastic design changes be contemplated, this firm shall be notified immediately in order that proper modifications to the recommendations contain- ed herein may be made as deemed necessary. Respectfully submitted, Approved by: h_/ ,;{, ~/ .~Z21~~~ Sterling F .y'Whfte., RCEI0863 \-• e • e q - DATE DRILLED Depth In 'Feet 2-21-76 DUCO E11gineering, Inc. LOG OF BORING NO. 1 PROJECT NO. 6 - 2 0 o Clayey sand with scattered gravel, med. brown, -1--1--1-----1---+---10.., mo is t , firm ~----~------------~----------------------~-----+ .1 - 5 .. - - - 10 - - - - · 15 - · - . - · 20 - - - - ""! 25 A 116.6 8.6 95.4 Bot tom 0 Hole Bedrock -sandstone, clayey silty sand, red brown & grey, moist, very dense Very difficult excavation Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. 2 10, DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 Depth In Feet o - · - 5 - - - - 10 - - - · 15 - - - · - 20 - - - - - 25 Bot tom 0 Hole DUCO Engineering, Inc. LOG OF BORING NO. 2 PROJECT NQ. 6-20 FJELD CLASSIFICATION FILL -Burned metal in soil dump refuse, glass & rusting matrix loose , , Caving Nat.~ Clayey silty sand, It. grey orn., moist, firm Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. Dept < In Feet o 5 10 15 20 25 DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 LOG OF BORING NO. 3 ,Y./(/~;r ~ § ~ 0 h N4? A.q,"" ~~\..... ~o ~~i'" ~o v .... ~ .$ .....l., 'Y v'::" ~ 'Y'" ~'t' ~'t' o~ ~.o~ 4,~ ~o o~ 'FJELD CLASSIFICATION C;)/'Y'Y c; Sandy clily, dark brown, very -firm 1 B 97.8 04.3 87.9 Clayey silty sand, 1 t. grey, - ..,. 2 C 99.9 2.1 '89.0 Bo tom of Ho e - -. - - -. , - - - - - - - - - - - - - Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 PROJECT NO. 6 - 2 0 mo~st, loose to moist" firm , • FIGURE NO. 4 /;2. DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 Depth In Feet o 5 10 15 20 25 - · · - Bo tom 0 F Ho - - · · - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ." e - DUCO Engineering, Inc. LOG OF BORING NO. 4 PROJECT No.6..,. 20 FJELD CLASSIFICATION Si1 ty clay, d"ark brown, very mo;ts t, loose Claystone, greenish grey, moist, firm, very distorted & disturbed Possible old slide debris" or fault zone Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE No.5 j '3 ~" __ ---II DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 LOG OF BORING NO. 5 ~ ~ ~ 0 th Dep in Feet 1V<t.>c, A~<t.> ~-<;-Cj.,..... ~o ~ ~..... ~o &~ tY.t:;~~~ .$ .<,. A <:) v~· .$ <:)<.. ~ '" c,'" o~ ~ -0";. .,.~ ~o o~ FJELD CLASSIFICATION • c.;/<:)..." v Sandy clay, dark bro~m, very o -dense . 1 D 110.1 16.l 94.6 Clayey sand, med. grey brown, 5 - - - 2 E 113.7 12. t 96.3 Bo tom 0 i= HoJ e - 10 -, - - - - 15 - - - . - 20 - -t - - - 25 Carlsbad Tract No. 29-2 PROJECT NO. 6 -2 0 . moist loose' to . moist, dense , FIGURE No.6 DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 LOG OF BORING NO. 6 PROJEct NO. 6-20 Dept In Feet o 5 10 15 h - ~ . - - . - - ~ - - - • - . - 20 - - - - - 25 1 l!d~tJ:~ ~ ~ ~ 0 N""C, A.q,4!. ~+\ .... ~o.,,~.,... ~~&~ .$' "" A "J d· ","J "J" ~ c,~ o~ 8;--o'S. .((:~ ~o o~ FlELD CLASSIFICATION 'O/"J"'o v Silty clay, dark brown, very moist, loose Sandy clay with ca1ichoe, dark grey bro-wn, moist very firm / D 107.9 17. 92.7 Silty clay with caliche, grey brown, very moist firm Fine sandy clay, 1t. grey brol07n, mOist, very firm Clayey fine sand, 1t. brown, very moist, firm B( ttom pf He 1e Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. 7 DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 Depth In Feet o - - 5 - 1 F 104.1 12.(94.5 - B01tom 0 HoJe - 10 - - - - - 15 ....: ~ - - - - 20 - - - - - 25 DUCO Engineering, Inc. LOG OF BORING NO. 7 PROJECT NO. 6 -:'W F1ELD CLASSIFICATION Clayey sand, firm med. brown, moist, loose to mod. Clayey medium sand, grey brown, moist, firm Claystone (sandy), greenish g-rey,moist, dense dry & Hard . Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. 8 Dueo Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 2 -21·-7 6 LOG OF BORING NO. 8 PROJECT NO. 6 - 2 0 Depth In Feet o 5 · - · - · · 10 - - - · · 15 - - · - · 20 - - - - - 25 FJELD CLASSIFICATION Silty sand, med~ brown, moist, firm ~~------~----------------~~------------------------~~ 1 A 107.9 7.7 88.3 Bedrock -sandstone, medium to coarse aand~ tan, damp, dense difficult to dig Bo tom olf: Ho e Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. 9 (7 DUCO Engineering, Inc. DATE DRILLED 2-21-76 LOG OF BORING NO. 9 PROJECT NO. 6 - 2 0 Depth In Feet o FJELD CLASSIFICATION I---+---+----+---+-----l FILL -Clayey sand, yellow brn, " mois.t, loose +-+--i----i---+-----{ FILL -Clayey sand, drk. brown, FILL -Clayey sand, grey brown, moist.loose damp, loose .. - 5 .. - 10 - - - - . 15 - - - .. .. 20 - - - .. - 25 Boltom of Ho]e - Wire cable & bottles , NAT. -Clayey sand, dark brn., moist, firm Bedrock -sandstone, med. to coarse sand, It. grey brown, damp, dense Carlsbad Tract No. 76-2 FIGURE NO. 10 ::!! COl C ::0 ,., z' p (' '. '" : CLAY SIZE' -----_. ----•• aVIFI SILT SIZES FINE SAND COURSE lAND .~ r · ...... _~IOO ---,OO~ r-'j T [TTT 'n I'f I '("ff-r "1'r r "j ng ..... 90 ..;;> ---90 I I I . Ii I I I II I IT [71 II I I II I Iii --.., 80 ..;----80 I I I I I II II II V1 I II I I I I I III ~ 70 e . --------/ 1 .1.1.1,1 I 1.1-t-.1 I i.11 ~ 1 C!) 70 ~ -= -----.., eo -' ------~ 50 ---... 40 -= --= ::: 50 i 20' e -I ~ ~ 1..1 ., ,' ..l • (/) 1= r , I I I ~ 60 1= I Hole 111 1.1 -+ ...l...l .1..1..1 ~ I I I ... ~ V 8"-5.0...1 ...1...1...1 ...1...1' Z _ . I ... ~ 1 .1.1 u "'0 I:::. .1 .1 I ...1 I I GC ., ~ I I I ~ ~ . ! 1 ..l • I I I I I I I I I I '1 .J != . V \ 1 1.1 .1 .1 ~ 40 ~ I I ... ~. I I o '= / I I i ...1 1.1' ... -I -.11. _I I Ii -.1 ~ .' I I I I-" V I I 50 l- E . . ./ ~ 201--m I r lz-f1J I U II ± I I U I \I \I III; '0 I. ... k==C \\ \.\ 1\ \\ \ \1 II I 1·1 II III I' 0 ~ I I I I I I I I ~ I' I I .1 I -I I· I. 1 I II II I I I. I I I .1 I • l I I I • I I I II I I I. II I I 1 I-~ ~ __ n~ -m-20n+400lll~200~MO;!OO_;';IO---SO-~~II30;-~.(C~~Ib' ~ ~ ~;; r ;. r~l.~ t:.i·ll·i\~i·il·3·"" IIIC". . . ".IEVI: 'IZE' ... II T T I~ , • '0 ...... , ......... _ ............... I II' I I I I I , I I I I I I II. I I II \ I 1". I·. I II 11.1 II" , ,. I .• I I I I . I II, I, I I I I I I I I I I I , i , i 1 i , • i i~ i r i' ,i iii iii r -I i r iii Iii L iii Iii iii Iii ,i i i r , iii ii' i i r, ' , ............... , 0..... ..... • .... -.. ....... .., ....... Ho l~ III -EQUIVALENT GRAIN DIAMETER NO. DATE 3-4 ... 76 GRADING ANALYSIS· DUCO ENGINEERING PROJECT NO. 6-20 :!! Gl C :u '" z p t-,a N ~ t "'. '. CLAY .,ZEI SILT SIZES--~F-'-jijE SAND C:OURSE SAN. r----... iVEL '00 1 '0 '20 1400 210 200 '00 50 W·~,08 4 l~ f". ," '. ,r t'd" ~,oo [I '1,111 11,11 ' r:?T1 I II II III~ 90 I I 1 lilT II JfW I 'II II II 1111 90 80 I I II I r IlfJIf I I I" II II III ~ 80 70 e 20 r --~~ I I I III \I II ·1 \I I I II I 111 : 20 '0 I 1 II I I I 1\ II I I . III I 1111 1111' 0 ~' I I I I • "I I I. 1 .1 1 I II ILl I LL I. I I I I J~ _~ _l I I I I 1 3 I I 11 t~ I I I I l. I I == 10 20 400 2"10 200 100 50 30 16 10 8 .. r f f r ." r~· 2"2i" ...... -. , I-us -IJ'DMOIlO 10 1010 4114011 IS 10. M. ., " , .. -.,. ~ L-I .I.-3 ...... IIICIIOIII. llEVI: IIZEI .. 11 T T I~ , 1 .10 .... 1M ... 1000 ................. , ., I I I I I II , , " " II "I II" i I I '" '" , , 'I' ,I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I, ~ I i '1 , •• i I -, iii ( Iii I ,I iii iii I I ~. I I I lit: iii Ii' iii iii , , i , i , iii iii i • , .. oooee..... . 0..... ...... '....... ....... .. I • .-II 'Hole 113 EQUIV~LENT GRAIN DIAMETER NO. DATE 3~4~76 BY __ ~L~.~W~. ________________ ~ GRADING ANALYSIS DUCO ENGINEERING LOCATION Car lshadTrae.t:_36 .... 2 PRO.lECT NO._6 - 2 0 ft.o. 1'OIt.' L.A.-~ "'II Ci) c ::u 1"1 Z P 'r.a w ~ r' ~. 01 CLAY SlZEI liLT IIZES ___ ==r FINE sallo __ -,-.1 COURSE __ liD .RavEL '00 ~ t 'i Y r i 2f i 'il I j' (... '6 ...... 0 8-=-=--_, - -Lf to ," ,t 2"d" 90 I· II . I I II· 1IIIWll I . II II III 1'00 ~ [T J ~ 80 ~ . = o 70 ~ . HolE III Y V . .:: A ~ ~ 3 .0' _ 7. (' / 1/ : 70 -~ . J -~ ~ 1-.... L V -~ I-. 0: 60 I=-'., H ~le 115 :: I- - ;;;;. .....: e! ~ ~ 20 ~.. . . = 20 I ~ . = I§ ~ /'1 I I I I I I I I II I I I I ~ 50 to-. '. = 1"". ~ ; 10 I-:: t:: -10 F -~ ~ --~ I I ~ , I I'~ Jo ,. I &' 2~1 Jd '.' Jol 11 J I I', I. 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I 1 I I .1 I I I I I I I I ~ ---110 no. OMOIIO IOlOeo50"'40~30lSaQ.16 ... 1O 8 ? ." r,; r,r 4' rf'·I'·t\·I~·2i·3·"'" IIIC ... S-"" .. . . SIEVI 1111. ' I II 10 ••.. 1"'" ... lOGe _..... ~ ..... • ...... I I I··' I I 1 I 1'1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I ' I I II ., I I I , 1.1 I ' ,I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I, I I I . iii •• ii' -'. i i ( I 'I I iii I r iii -, i i '. I I i L ' i i r iii iii' i , " i r , iii iii .' i -, " ' ........ ....... ...... ..... ....... ........ ... .-. NO. ) H ole s 5 & 7 EQUIVALENT G~AIN OIAMETER DATE 3-4-76 8Y_...,jL~.L.:W.u.i.--________ _ GRADING ANALYSIS DUCO ENGINEERING LOCATION Carlsbad Trac t' No. 76-2 PROJECT 6-20 II • 0. ".L.A-:-~ _. __ . • o -~ c a: e o > .40UMTITHff~~~++~~~H+~~#m~~H4~wm .01 .02 .o~ TEST DATA BORING NUMBER . SAMPLE NUMBER· SYMBOL DEPTH (FEET) ELEVATION (FE ET ) HEIGHT (INCHES) DIAMETER (INCHES) IN ITIAl MOISTURE CONTENT{%) INITIAL DRY DENSITY (LBS/CU.FT.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY FINAL MOISTURE CONTENT .1 .2 PRESSURE 5 1 1 7.5 1.0 2.5 12.5 113.7 2.65 .~ . I TONS/ FT. 2 2 10 PRESSURE -VOID RATIO DUCO .ENGINEERING DATE 2-27-76 PROJECT NO 6-20 10 o ~ c a: e o > .40 .01 .02 TEST DATA eORING NUMBER SAMPLE NUMBER· SYMeOL DEPTH (FEET) ELEVATION (FE ET) HEIGHT (INCHES)· DIAMETER (IN CHES) IN ITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT(%) INITIAL DRY DENSITY (LBS/CU.FT.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY F .. AL MOISTURE CONTENT (%) .I .2 PRESSURE 6 1 1 3.5 1.0 2.5 17.3 107.9 2.65 2 TO~S I FT.12 z 5 10 PRESSURE -VOl D R.ATI 0 DUCO ENGINEERING DATE 3-1-7 6 PROJECT NO 10