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CT 76-12; Lake Calavera Hills Unit 1 Lots 2-141; Soils Report Addendum; 1981-05-13
,.’ ~3. 3467 KuN Street San D~ego. Cahlornia 92110 714-224-2911 g-yd 623 WoodwarcLlyde Consultants - May 13, 1981 Project No. 502161-FCOl Pacific Scene, Inc. 3900 Harney Street San Diego, California 92110 Attention: Mr. Doug Nystrom - ADDENDUM TO FINAL REPORT OF ENGINEERING OBSERVATION OF GRADING AND TESTING OF COMPACTED FILL -~ LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT NO. 1 LOTS 2 THROUGH 141 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 76-12 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA - - - - -. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have reviewed the founda- tion recommendation section of our report entitled "Final Report of Engineering Observation of Grading and Testing of Compacted Fill, Lake Calavera Hills, Unit No. 1, Lots 2 through 141, Carlsbad Tract No. 76-12, Carlsbad, California," dated April 28, 1981. We recommend in our report that footings be founded at least 12 inches below finish grade. It is our opinion that the footings may be placed 10 inches below rough as compacted grade providing at least 2 inches of soil is placed against the footing during the fine lot grading. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, Richard P. While R.E. 21992 RPW/SAW/eej Consuhng Engreers. Gedcqaa and Enwronmenlal Sctent~sts onces I” omer Prlncrpal C,t:es - -~ - - ~- - - Woodward= L ,lyde Consultants I. , ‘, 3467 KurU Street c- San Diego. Cal~fornm 92110 714.224-2911 Telex 697-641 April 28, 1981 Project No. 502161-FCOl Pacific Scene Inc. 3900 Harvey Street San Diego, California 92110 Attention: Mr. Doug Nystrom FINAL REPORT OF ENGINEERING OBSERVATION OF GRADING AND TESTING OF COMPACTED FILL LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT NO. 1 LOTS 2 THROUGH 141 CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 76-12 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA Gentlemen: In accordance with your request and our proposal dated December 30, 1980 we have provided engineering services in conjunction with the grading of the subject site. SCOPE OF WORE Our services included: 0 Providing engineering observation of the grading operation, and other subdrains to control ground water, Q Providing inspection of the placement of canyon subdrain and other subdrains to control ground water, 0 Performing field density tests in the placed and compacted fill, 0 Performing laboratory tests on representative sam- ples of the material used for fill, Q Providing engineering observation of the under- cutting of highly expansive soils from finish grade ana, Consult~cq Engmefs. Geoi~~slf and Enwronmenral Scenwr O,,ces I” Other Pr~ncQal Cil~es , -. . - . ! : Pacific Scene I,- ‘. April 29, 1981 Project No. 5021:-PC01 W& Jward-Clyde Consultants - Page 2 - .- 0 Providing professional opinions regarding the con- tractor's general adherence to plans and specifica- tions. SUMMARY OF GENERAL EARTHWORK AND TESTING Site preparation, compaction, and testing were done between January 7 and April 3, 1981. In our opinion, based on our observation and testing, the work performed during that period was in general conformance with the Specifications for Con- trolled Fill attached to our report entitled "Update Geo- technical Investigation for The Proposed Lake Calavera Hills Tract76-12, Carlsbad, California," dated January 20, 1981. - .,- -- During the grading period, fill was placed, compacted, and tested on fill and cut-fill Lots 2 through 6, 8 through 12, 14 through 34, 40 through 46, 50, 52 through 63, 69 through 78, 81 through 92, 95 through 98, 101, 105 through 111, 118 through 120, and 122 through 139. Lot 140 remains as an ungraded open space lot and Lot 141, a future school site, was used as a borrow and stockpile area. mini park, Lot 1, designated as a has not been finish graded and will be reported when grading is complete. .- - - _- Grading of the site essentially consisted of excavating loose surface and alluvial soils, installing subdrains in the can- yens , preparing areas to receive fill and making cuts and fills to design grade. An existing 14-inch watermain located along Glasgow Drive was removed and the void filled with com- pacted soil. During the grading operation, compaction procedures were ob- served, and field density tests were made to help evaluate the relative compaction of the placed fill. Field observations and results of field density tests indicate that the fill has been generally compacted to 90 percent or more of maximum dry laboratory density as determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method No. D1557-70. For reference! the approximate location of field density tests and the limits of compacted fill have been recorded on a copy of the grading plan. The results of field density tests, expressed as a percent of maximum labor- atory dry density (relative compaction), are given on the attached forms. Laboratory tests were made on representative samples of the materials used for fill. The tests were per- formed to evaluate moisture density relationships, maximum dry density, optimum moisture content, grain size distribution, and plasticity, strength, and swell characteristics. The results of laboratory tests are attached. -. ” ** ‘ ;. ., Pacific Scene I . ; April 29, 1981 4 Project No. 502161-FCOl Wb .iward-Clyde Consultants - Page 3 SUMMARY OF FINISH GRADE SOIL CONDITIONS During the grading operation, certain treated to provide a specified depth of grade. lots were specially select soil at rough - Fill Lots and Fill Portion of Cut-Fill Lots - - Inspection and laboratory tests indicate that nonexpansive fill was placed within 2 feet of rough grade on all fill lots and the fill portion of cut-fill lots noted herein. Cut Lots and Cut Portion of Cut-Fill Lots - On Lots 2 through 6, 8 through 12, 14, 15, 17 through 29, 40 through 46, 50, 53 through 63, 70 through 78, 81 through 84, 92, 95 through 98, 101, 105 through 111, 118 through 120, and 122 through 134, expansive soil was excavated and replaced with nonexpansive fill to a depth of 2 feet below rough lot grade over the entire level lot or along daylight line where expansive soils were encountered. The recommendations pre- sented herein are not intended for structures or appurtenances located beyond the limits of the undercut. Cut Lots Not Undercut Cut Lots 7, 13, 35 through 39, 47 through 49, 51, 64 through 68, 79, 80, 93, 94, 99, 100, 102 through 104, 112 through 117 and 121 were inspected at the completion of grading. The inspection indicated that no expansive soil is evident at rough grade surface. RECOMMENDATIONS Foundations for Structures on Nonexpansive Soils - - We recommend that foundations for single- or two-story (resi- dential) structures placed on nonexpansive, undisturbed soil or on nonexpansive, properly compacted fill be designed for a i bearing pressure not exceeding 2000 psf (dead plus live , loads). We recommend that footings be founded at least 12 inches below finished grade, and have a minimum width of 12 inches. In our opinion, this bearing pressure can be in- creased by no more than one-third for loads that include wind or seismic forces. -. ... Pacific Scene I,. April 29, 1981 ‘( Project No. 502161-FCOl - Page 4 Wq IwardXlyde Consultants - Slopes Fill slopes at the site have inclinations varying from approx- imately 2 to 1 to l-1/2 to 1 (horizontal to vertical), and are approximately 60 feet high. Fill slopes were treated by peri- odically backrolling with a sheepsfoot compactor and track rolled. We recommend that structures that will not tolerate differential settlements (such as foundations, swimming pools, concrete decks, walls, etc.) not be located within 8 feet of the top of a slope. We recommend that footings that are lo- cated within 8 feet of the top of a slope be extended in depth until the outer bottom edge of the footing is 8 feet hori- zontally from the outside face of the slope. - -- - - Additional Fill and Utility Trenches This report discusses the fill placement observed by personnel from our firm during the period specified. We recommend that any additional fill placed, as well as backfill placed in utility trenches located within 5 feet of a building and deeper than 12 inches, or backfill placed in any trench lo- cated 5 feet or more from a building and deeper than 5 feet, be compacted under our observation and tested to verify com- pliance with the earthwork specifications for the project. We should be contacted at least 24 hours prior to backfilling operations. - .- - .~.. - Drainaqe We recommend that positive measures be taken to properly finish grade each lot (after structures and other improvements are in place), so that drainage waters from the lot and ad- jacent properties are directed off the lot and away from foundations, floor slabs, and slope tops. Even when these measures are taken, a shallow ground water or surface water condition can and may develop in areas where no such water condition existed prior to site development; this is parti- cularly true where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. LIMITATIONS The elevations of compaction tests shown as finished grade (FG) tests on the attached forms correspond to the elevations shown on the Grading Plans for Calavera Hills, Carlsbad Tract 76-12 dated October 30, 1979 latest revision dated October 8, 1980, prepared by Rick Engineering Company with the exception of Lots 8 through 12 which were raised .7 to 2.0 feet. Ele- vations and locations used in this report were based on field surveys done by others. - - ‘, . - Pacific Scene I., ,, April 29, 1981 "c Wq !ward-Clyde Consultants Project No. 502161-FCOl Page 5 -. - ~- - - The soil conditions described in this report are based on observations and periodic testing. This office should be notified of any indications that soil conditions are not as described herein. We will inspect foundation excavations for each lot if we are requested to do so. For this report, rough lot grade is defined as that grade set in the field by the grade checker from reference stakes estab- lished by the surveyor, and represents rough grade at the time we were inspecting the grading operation. Likewise, the indicated depths of undercutting of expansive soil and/or depths of placement of nonexpansive soil were based on the measurements made by and grades set by the contractor's grade checker. - - - The conclusions and opinions drawn from test; results and site inspections apply only to our work with respect to grading, and represent conditions at the date of our final inspection. We will accept no responsibility for any subsequent changes made to this site by others, or by uncontrolled action of water, or by failure of others to properly repair damages by uncontrolled action of water. please give us a call. If you have any questions, Very truly yours, WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS Richard P. While R.E. 21992 RPW/DT/mm Attachments (4) .-. ‘9MPACTlON TEST RESULld . c c Jar N~ur LAXE CALAVEZA HILLS, UNIT 1 OATL RrralTec 4/29/U -I JOB NUY~LR 50216i-FCO~ ~mr,covrr~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9. 1981 PACE 1 or 10 U.Wro”” OL,. 2% “=E*’ LOUIIO” .yly. “Z,Z cl%% D‘ll.#vv .:“,KL .em.wv. 15, cc, + 0, Lu. DcMI(L JAN 16 1 2 - 3 4 5 - 6 1 JAN 17 8 - 9 10 11 - 12 13 14 JAN 20 15 16 17 - 18 19 20 -. 21 22 23 - 24 25 26 27 - 28 29 -~ JAN 21 30 31 32 - 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 - 40 41 42 - LOT 31 140' 12.4 110.1 120.0 91 LOT 31 144' 13.6 111.7 120.0 93 MT 52 152' 13.9 110.0 120.0 91 LOT 89 168' 13.4 109.0 120.0 90 LOT a6 184' 14.2 109.4 120.0 91 LOT a4 215' 13.8 111.2 120.0 92 LOT a2 226' 13.3 108.6 120.0 90 LOT 31 148' 13.9 110.5 120.0 92 LOT 91 160' 14.5 110.3 120.0 91 LOT 31 156' 13.0 109.3 120.0 91 LOT 52 158' 12.5 108.8 120.0 90 LOT 90 167' 12.7 109.2 120.0 91 LOT aa 171' 13.6 110.0 120.0 91 LOT 44 192' 13.9 109.4 120.0 91 LOT 31 160' 9.0 106.6 125.5 a4 LOT 52 164' 9.2 107.5 125.5 85 15 LOT 31 160' 12.4 115.0 125.5. 91 16 U)T 52 164' 13.1 113.6 125.5 90 LOT 90 175' 11.9 113.4 125.5 90 LOT aa 180' 12.7 106.4 115.5 92 ILJT 86 190' 12.9 104.7 115.5 90 LOT a4 220' 12.0 114.9 125.5 91 LOT 32 168' 11.7 114.3 125.5 92 WT 53 175' 13.2 104.8 115.5 90 LOT 91 179' 14.7 105.1 115.5 91 LOT 56 ia51 13.1 105.5 115.5 91 LOT aa ia51 12.5 115.4 125.5 91 LOT a5 203' 13.2 116.1 125.5 92 LOT a7 190' 12.8 114.7 125.5 91 LOT 32 172' 11.1 112.1 118.5 94 LOT 52 178' 11.4 108.9 118.5 91 KIT 55 182' 13.4 105.5 115.5 91 m a9 iaa' 12.9 105.0 115.5 91 LOT 57 195' 14.6 104.1 115.5 90 L(YT a7 193' 14.6 104.1 115.5 90 LOT 59 208' il.8 113.9 125.5 90 LOT 86 200' 12.4 114.9 125.5 91 LOT a5 206' 13.0 104.6 115.5 90 LOT a3 225' 12.7 109.6 118.5 92 mr a4 227' 11.2 107.3 118.5 90 m aa 189' 14.1 104.3 115.5 90 LOT 90 186' 11.2 Lo7.a 118.5 91 -wt 4/2a/ai ;UMPACTION TEST RESULT’ - ‘Jo; NAME c LAKE CAIAWRA HILLS, UNIT 1 c DATE REPORTFD 4,2g,a1 JOB Nuumrr 502161-FCOl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PACC 2 0, 10 - “01mlJma .IILO U.D”.ro”. “ILIII”, 011% ps;‘.. “S7TI.T LOcbIIO” ILIYAIIO” co**s*1 D‘“.lW D**.ITl coI*.“lo* 0, 0,Irn.f . ~Vwl. CC, PC, 1L 0, W. Due,. .- JAN 22 - - JAN 24 - - - 2 JAN 29 - - JAN 30 PER 2 - .- FEB3 -- - - 43 UT 32 178' 13.7 105.8 115.5 91 44 LOT 54 ia51 13.1 105.2 115.5 91 45 LOT 57 200' 12.8 104.6 115.5 90 46 LOT a5 217' 13.6 105.0 115.5 90 47 LOT a7 212' 11.5 104.4 115.5 90 48 IC)T 56 201' 13.1 102.2 115.5 88 49 LOT 31 ia21 12.1 loo.8 115.5 a7 50 LOT 91 195' 13.4 102.4 115.5 88 51 Lrx 135 225' 13.1 111.0 120.0 92 52 LlyT 134 228' 13.8 110.0 120.0 91 53 LOT 124 180' 13.0 110.4 120.0 92 54 LOT 124 185' 12.4 112.2 120.0 93 55 50 LOT 91 195' 14.4 106.4 115.5 92 56 48 LOT 56 201' 14.2 103.0 115.5 89 57 49 LOT 31 182' 13.1 101.2 115.5 87 58 LOT 60 210' 13.9 105.6 115.5 91 59 LOT 61 214' 14.2 108.9 118.5 91 60 LOT 57 205' 14.2 102.2 115.5 aa 61 MT 58 208' 15.1 105.6 115.5 91 62 56 MT 56 201' 15.5 105.4 115.5 63 60 LOT 57 205' 14.9 105.0 115.5 64 LOT 61 217' 13.7 107.3 118.5 65 MT 59 215' 14.4 LO9.5 118.5 66 LOT 135 231' 15.0 109.1 118.5 67 LOT 134 234' 16.1 108.7 118.5 68 57 LOT 31 182' 14.3 105.2 115.5 69 LOT 43 175' 15.1 107.9 118.5 70 IOT 43 178' 14.7 107.2 118.5 71 LOT 135 237' 16.7 100.3 110.0 72 LOT 134 240' 16.9 101.7 110.0 73 LOT 136 252' 13.0 114.5 125.5 74 LOT 138 261' 13.4 113.4 125.5 75 SBT 135 243' 15.5 108.4 118.5 76 LOT 137 255' 14.9 107.4 118.5 77 LOT 139 269' 22.2 96.1 105.5 78 LOT 134 247' 22.9 95.9 105.5 79 LOT 136 258' 23.4 97.4 105.5 a0 LOT 138 265' la.5 103.2 112.0 81 COT 135 250' 17.5 103.8 112.0 a2 LOT 137 259' 16.2 102.8 112.0 91 90 90 92 92 91 91 91 90 90 91 91 90 91 90 91 90 92 92 92 91 wt 4/2a/ai .- woodward.clydeJccuwttants 3 Ce”*“.II”D s*511*1.. C.O.0SI.l. .“D .““~.O”.‘“l.L .CI.“.S.T. r MPACTION . TEST RESULTa ( Jo1 NAY, L?+KECALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 - Jam NUY~LR 502161~X01 D*T"CCOYL*LD JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 0*rr RLPORTLD a/*9,*1 P*GE 3 or 10 “Olrw.‘ .Im.n U.OuAIO”. “IL*,,“, DIV. y:” “SfW. LOC*~IO* cL.YAIIO* co”T.“l ou4.l” D‘M.rn co”c.cIIo* 0, o.,.., . om, 11. PC, PC* * 0. w. DUB. FEE 4 - - FFiB 5 - FEB 6 - - FEB 17 FEB 18 - - FEB 19 - - FEB 20 - - wt 4/28/N 83 LOT 134 253' 18.9 102.4 112.0 84 MT 136 261' 18.3 101.6 112.0 85 LOT 138 268' 13.7 115.0 125.5 86 LOT 135 256' 15.6 109.0 118.5 87 LOT 137 263' 15.0 107.2 118.5 88 LOT 134 257' 15.6 107.8 118.5 89 LOT 124 192' 17.6 102.8 112.0 90 LOT 124 195' 18.4 102.3 112.0 91 IKIT 129 215' 17.3 101.9 112.0 92 LOT 135 259' 17.7 102.3 112.0 93 LOT 43 180' 16.0 104.5 115.5 94 LOT 44 195' 15.5 106.7 115.5 95 LOT 124 197' 17.6 101.9 112.0 96 LOT 124 200' 17.9 102.7 112.0 97 LOT 129 220' 14.7 108.2 118.5 98 LOT 129 225' 15.3 109.0 118.5 99 LOT 129 228' 16.8 102.8 112.0 100 LOT 43 183' 18.0 103.6 112.0 101 LOT 44 198' 19.7 104.1 112.0 102 LOT 43 186' 19.0 102.3 112.0 103 104 105 106 LOT 43 LOT 44 LOT 120 LOT 119 LOT 43 D3T 124 LOT 124 LOT 124 LOT 123 LOT 130 LOT 129 LOT 128 189’ 18.5 104.9 112.0 200' 16.9 102.6 110.0 205' 14.7 109.2 118.5 211' 13.9 108.2 118.5 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 192' 15.2 109.4 118.5 205' 17.7 106.4 115.5 210' 16.4 104.8 115.5 215' 15.7 107.2 118.5 220' 13.0 99.6 112.0 231' 12.7 114.4 125.5 234' 13.7 106.9 118.5 236' 14.0 97.9 112.0 115 LOT 15 220' 12.7 114.5 125.5 116 LOT 18 203' 13.2 113.2 125.5 117 MT 20 195' 13.9 109.8 118.5 118 LOT 22 184' 14.7 109.9 118.5 119 LOT 24 159' 16.9 103.2 112.0 120 LOT 26 153' 17.2 102.4 112.0 91 90 91 92 90 90 91 91 91 91 90 92 91 91 91 92 91 92 92 91 93 93 92 91 92 92 90 90 88 91 90 87 91 90 92 92 92 91 woodward.ctyde-nts @ CD”.“LII”G **LI*.s... ..OLOCI... .“D ,““,.01.,“,.L ,CI.l7l.T. - *PI -. - !’ CC;.,PACTlON TEST RESULSS ( AIML LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 c o*rr R‘roll7ED 4,2g,*1 1 NUYmLm 502161-FCO~ - DI,E,c,,~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PACT 4 0, 10 - "eI.N* nms l.A.0".10"" ".U1,"‘ DA.= mssr 2% 0, LOCAIIO" ‘l.I"A~IO" CO*,.*v OU.IT. oul*,n CO.,.5710" Ol."T . mm. ". PC* ?c* % 01 w. DUL -FF.B 20 121 122 123 - 124 FEB 23 125 126 127 128 129 - 130 131 132 .- 133 134 135 136 - , c 137 138 - FEB 24 139 140 141 - 142 143 144 145 .- 146 147 148 - 149 150 151 152 - 153 154 - FEB 25 155 156 157 - 158 159 160 161 - 162 127 131 WT 28 147' 13.7 113.9 125.5 WT 29 140' 12.7 113.6 125.5 LOT 27 153' 14.1 114.2 125.5 WT 29 144' 13.5 113.7 125.5 WT 14 223' 14.5 108.3 118.5 WT 16 227' 16.4 104.8 115.5 LOT 27 156' 15.0 98.6 112.0 WT 27 156' 17.1 104.4 112.0 WT 19 200' 16.8 103.3 113.0 WT 21 192' 13.9 115.6 125.5 WT 25 170' 18.6 99.2 112.0 Wl' 25 170' 18.8 102.3 112.0 WT 23 190' 16.7 102.0 112.0 WT 25 175' 18.2 103.2 112.0 WT 29 145' 17.5 103.2 112.0 MT 28 154' 16.3 102.3 112.0 WT 26 160' 15.1 108.4 118.5 WT 27 166' 15.9 109.1 118.5 WT 24 171' 14.6 111.0 118.5 MT 22 193' 15.9 104.9 115.5 KIT 20 201' 14.4 110.7 118.5 LQT 18 208' 16.8 103.5 112.0 WT 16 231' 17.6 102.2 112.0 WT 14 233' 17.0 102.5 112.0 WT 15 234' 16.5 101.4 112.0 Wl' 16 237' 16.2 103.0 112.0 WT 17 214' 16.7 104.9 115.5 WT 18 212' 15.5 110.0 118.5 LOT 19 206' 14.4 108.8 118.5 WT 21 195' 15.9 109.7 118.5 WT 23 180' 16.7 101.8 112.0 WT 25 175' 18.9 103.3 112.0 WT 27 160' 17.5 104.2 113.0 WT 28 175' 17.8 103.5 113.0 WT 17 235' 16.7 102.2 112.0 WT 15 237' 16.9 103.3 112.0 LOT 16 239' 14.7 110.8 118.5 WT 17 238' 15.5 105.2 115.5 WT 14 240' 13.1 114.0 125.5 LOT 16 242' 17.3 101.5 112.0 Len 15 242' 14.5 110.4 118.5 WT 11 252' 15.4 107.5 118.5 90 90 90 90 91 90 88 93 91 92 88 91 91 92 92 91 91 91 93 90 93 92 91 91 94 92 90 92 91 92 90 92 92 91 91 92 93 91 90 90 93 90 . . . ” ,,* ,*, WoodwardGlyde Consultants + CO.,YLII”..“‘I..‘... . ..LO.l... .I. ‘“,‘.O..,.r.L‘6*‘“11‘.* c hiPACTION TEST RESULT&t r4AYL LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 ~hT~R~PO,,TEO 4,29,81 m N”Y.II 502161~FCO~ - DA,L.COVCIID JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PAGC 5 oc 10 FJZB 25 - - FFzB 26 - - - -c FEB 27 -. - - - - MAR 9 - - 'i, - - wt 4/28/81 163 WT 10 254' 14.9 107.0 118.5 90 164 LOT 12 254' 15.9 109.0 118.5 92 165 LOI- 12 256' 15.4 107.9 118.5 90 166 WT 11 258' 13.7 100.9 118.5 82 167 LOT 12 258' 12.5 98.6 118.5 83 168 WT 17 240' 12.6 114.1 125.5 90 169 LOT 18 220' 15.7 111.0 118.5 93 170 LOT 20 216' 18.4 103.5 112.0 92 171 LGT 22 209' 13.5 115.2 125.5 91 172 WT 24 197' 14.2 109.7 118.5 92 173 LOT 26 187' 14.8 110.7 118.5 93 174 LOT 18 226' 14.2 110.3 118.5 93 175 166 LOT 11 258' 15.9 109.3 118.5 92 176 167 WT 12 258' 14.5 110.0 118.5 92 177 TAT 10 260' 14.1 105.0 115.5 91 178 LOT 11 261' 14.0 109.4 118.5 92 179 WT 12 262' 14.7 107.8 118.5 90 180 111 LOT 123 220' 18.5 102.0 112.0 91 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 221' 17.2 104.4 112.0 93 223' 17.5 104.4 113.0 92 226' 16.7 103.7 113.0 91 229' 16.8 102.3 113.0 90 232' 17.7 104.0 113.0 92 235' 18.6 102.6 113.0 90 236' 18.3 102.7 112.0 91 239' 16.7 105.7 115.5 91 241' 15.9 104.6 115.5 90 206' 14.4 109.9 118.5 92 200' 13.5 107.6 118.5 90 182' 14.0 111.1 118.5 93 167' 15.2 108.8 118.5 91 244' 13.9 108.4 118.5 91 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 WT 124 WT 124 LOP 123 LOT 124 LOT 123 WT 124 114 WT 128 WT 130 LOT 129 WT 23 WT 85 WT 27 WT 29 WT 128 WT 5 LOT 6 WT 29 WT 27 LOT 25 WT 5 WT 5 LOT4 SAT1 WT 130 263' 273' 175' 190' 205' 267' 269' 264' 264' 241' 16.6 17.1 17.7 17.4 14.8 16.1 16.9 16.0 18.5 17.2 104.3 103.2 100.9 102.1 109.6 102.7 102.9 101.2 101.5 100.1 113.0 113.0 111.5 111.5 118.5 113.0 113.0 111.5 111.5 111.5 92 91 90 91 92 90 91 90 90 90 woodward.ctydeconsunants I;r COI. ‘*aI.,‘... .‘.L*el... .I .l.. .c,m.,,.., - .- COMPACTION T ~‘T RESULTs I (I - E CALAVJZPA HILLS, UNIT 1 DATC Rrmnrr~ 4,29,,31 1 c -FCOl -UARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PACK 6 01 10 “S,‘S. L0cA.00” IL~1.110” “yt”l”.“= .I‘LD U,OUIO.. “IL*,I”C ma4.l” Dc*.m CO”,&C710” , O,.‘., . amrr. ICI es, + OVULDU.. WT 29 - WT 28 LOT 27 LOT5 - WT 4 WT 29 LOT 28 WT 4 - WT 1 WT 43 WT 29 - LOT 28 WT 27 LOT 1 WT 29 WT 28 WT 137 ~~ ( 2 ;; WT 129 - WT 26 WT 25 WT 24 - WT 23 WT 22 WT 21 WT 20 .- WT 19 WT 53 WT 52 - - - WT 52 LOT 85 WT 87 WT 89 Lm 53 WT 90 WT 95 LOT 96 WT 97 LOT 98 WT 92 - 180' 14.7 104.9 115.5 90 187' 16.6 106.7 115.5 92 199' 14.9 105.7 115.5 91 271' 15.8 103.4 113.0 91 267' 16.5 101.8 113.0 90 185' 14.6 107.9 118.5 91 194' 14.9 108.8 115.5 94 270' 18.9 101.2 111.5 90 270' 17.2 103.8 115.5 90 195' 17.7 104.4 113.0 92 190' 13.7 107.5 118.5 90 1%' 14.2 109.1 118.5 92 201' 13.5 104.7 115.5 90 226' 17.7 102.5 111.5 91 196' 15.3 107.9 118.5 91 198' 14.9 107.6 118.5 90 266' 15.9 109.6 118.5 92 243' 16.2 102.2 113.0 90 226' 14.5 110.5 115.5 95 245' 17.8 102.4 112.0 91 204' 14.3 106.6 117.0 91 207' 15.0 107.1 117.0 91 209' 14.7 109.9 118.5 92 211' 15.4 107.1 113.0 94 215' 16.5 105.0 115.5 90 218' 15.6 106.8 117.0 91 222' 14.9 108.4 118.5 91 224' 15.6 108.9 118.5 91 182' 16.6 104.3 115.5 90 185' 16.8 108.0 115.5 93 188' 13.1 110.8 118.5 93 217' 15.6 104.5 113.0 92 216' 12.7 109.2 118.5 92 200' 13.9 110.1 118.5 92 192' 15.2 102.6 113.0 90 203' 16.6 104.9 115.5 90 FG 219.2' 14.5 108.4 118.5 91 FG 218.7' 14.7 107.7 118.5 90 FG 217.9' 15.0 107.9 118.5 91 FG 217.6' 13.6 107.3 118.5 90 FG 215.3' 15.9 105.6 115.5 91 bwmdward.ctydeJconsultants rr CO”,“LIIe. >LO.l... .I* ‘“.. .I. ,.11 QMPACTION TEST RESULd NAME LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 OATS Rrmrrr~ 4,2g,81 km NUY~IR 502161~PC01 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9. 1981 P&GE 7 01 10 “OI.?uU *t&n WOUIOI” .U.,“‘ DIV. “Z. “‘F’ LWIIO” ‘LI”*r10* co”1‘“, D‘“.lV. ms*.,n C0.,.r\E110” _ 0.1C.I c mm. II. SI PC, * 0. Lu. owea. MAR 13 -. - -MAR16 - x - .- IAR 17 .- - - ,- 246 LOT 86 247 WT 88 248 WT 90 249 WT 52 250 WT 32 251 250 WI' 32 252 WT 17 253 WT 16 254 WT 15 255 LOT 18 256 WT 87 257 WT 218 258 LOT 21 259 WT 24 260 WT 25 261 LOT 26 262 WT 14 263 LOT 32 264 WT 89 265 MT 22 266 LOT 23 267 LOT 27 268 MT 85 269 MT 53 270 WT 52 271 LOT 56 272 MT 55 273 WT 91 274 WT 28 275 WT 53 276 WT 88 277 WT 54 278 WT 86 279 WT 91 280 WT 32 281 WT 52 282 WT 90 283 WT 29 204 LOT 33 285 WT 85 286 WT 86 287 WT 87 FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG 223' 15.7 107.1 117.0 91 215' 14.9 106.8 117.0 91 206' 14.2 109.1 117.0 93 195' 15.1 109.3 117.0 93 181' 20.4 95.2 113.0 84 181' 14.9 108.2 118.5 91 242.7' 15.4 108.4 117.0 92 244.0' 13.0 110.0 118.5 92 244.3' 14.9 109.7 117.0 93 228' 14.9 108.9 118.5 91 219' 14.3 107.2 118.5 91 230.4' 16.9 100.7 110.0 91 220.6' 17.8 110.9 117.0 94 211.9' 16.5 110.2 117.0 94 209.0' 15.9 112.3 117.0 96 206.1' 16.7 109.0 117.0 93 244.0' 15.5 109.5 110.5 92 184' 15.9 111.5 118.5 94 209' 16.0 105.6 115.5 91 217.7' 16.6 112.0 117.0 95 214.8' 15.6 110.2 115.5 93 203.1' 15.7 112.7 115.5 95 225' 14.7 110.6 115.5 93 197' 14.1 107.2 115.5 90 198' 16.4 106.6 115.5 92 207' 15.7 105.2 115.5 91 204' 16.9 106.4 115.5 92 202' 14.2 106.6 115.5 92 200.2' 16.2 112.2 117.0 95 200.0' 16.9 100.3 110.0 91 215' 17.2 106.3 115.5 92 202.9' 13.5 107.4 118.5 90 223' 16.9 105.6 115.5 91 205.6' 15.6 112.1 117.0 95 187' 15.8 111.1 118.5 93 201.6' 16.8 111.4 117.0 95 209.5' 15.5 107.8 117.0 92 198.0' 14.9 109.5 118.5 92 192' 15.5 110.0 118.5 92 227.1' 16.4 103.7 110.0 94 225.1' 14.9 105.6 117.0 90 218' 15.7 108.8 118.5 91 3 4/28/S] woodward.clyde- 3 c...YLI,*. =“.I .,,.,. S,.LO.,.l. .* . . . . I.o”-,.,.L .=1...1..- fi=OMPACTION TEST RESUL’I q’ JO1 Nawr LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 D~rr RVC.#~~ELI 4,2g,81 - Jo9 NUY#LR 502161-FCOl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PACE 8 or 10 ..- aA,. l”==.” In=*. LocA.,o* ILIYA.IO” *y$Lrn, .IILD U~0”.10”” “aA,‘“, 0sl4.1.1 m*.m SOINRIO” 0, 0.7”7 l OI. II. cc, cc, x 0. Lu. OW‘. MAR 18 288 289 _- 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 - MAR19 299 300 301 302 - 303 304 305 306 307 308 ~-. 309 MAR 23 310 311 - 312 313 314 MAR 24 315 316 .- 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 - 324 MAR 25 325 326 327 328 329 330 WT 87 LOT 88 LOT 84 LOT 83 WT 84 WT 89 WT 55 WT 56 WT 57 LOT 31 MT 30 WT 83 LOT 31 Ji3T 60 LOT 61 MT 50 LOT 58 WT 59 WT 82 LOT 19 WT 20 LOT 33 LOT 30 WT 32 WT 31 WT 33 WT 82 WT 109 WT 108 WT 107 LOT 106 WT 105 WT 32 LOT 33 WT 62 WT 63 LOT 34 LOT 70 WT 69 LOT 71 LOT 139 LOT 101 WT 110 FG FG FG FG FG FG 221.2' 14.4 109.7 119.0 217.3' 13.8 108.7 119.0 230' 14.5 110.0 118.5 228' 15.2 108.1 118.5 232' 13.7 108.0 118.5 213.4' 14.0 109.5 119.0 206' 14.9 109.0 118.5 209.1' 12.8 109.8 118.5, 212.2' 14.7 108.1 119.0 188' 15.0 105.3 115.5 190' 14.6 108.4 118.5 FG FG FG FG FG FG 234' 16.2 106.4 115.5 190' 16.7 107.6 115.5 222.9' 15.0 108.0 118.5 221.5' 15.5 109.0 118.5 193' 16.9 104.2 113.0 215.3' 16.0 107.1 117.0 218.4' 14.9 111.2 118.5 230' 14.1 108.4 118.5 226.9' 13.8 112.1 119.0 223.9' 14.2 109.4 119.0 194' 16.7 105.5 115.5 195' 16.7 106.6 115.5 196' 17.5 106.0 115.5 190' 13.7 107.6 118.5,,, 196' 14.9 108.9 118.5 234' 17.0 102.9 113.0 FG 241.6' 15.5 111.6 118.5 FG 240.5' 14.8 109.1 118.5 FG 238.6' 15.1 109.3 118.5 FG 231.5' 14.4 110.1 118.5 FG 231.2' 14.8 108.3 118.5 FG 198.8' 16.2 107.7 117.5 FG 199.5' 15.7 108.6 117.5 FG 232.6' 16.5 109.0 117.5 FG 236.7' 14.9 106.3 117.5 FG 199.8' 14.7 108.0 118.5 FG FG FG FG FG 264.9' 14.9 108.2 117.5 261.0' 14.2 107.9 117.5 268.3' 14.7 109.6 117.5 271' 17.7 102.6 111.5 230.6' 15.3 106.2 117.5 240.2' 14.5 109.2 118.5 92 91 92 91 91 92 92 92 90 91 91 92 93 91 91 92 91 93 91 94 92 91 92 91 90 92 91 94 92 92 92 91 91 92 92 90 91 92 91 93 92 90 92 -wt 4/29/81 woodward.clyde consultants li cO*,“LII*~ w4LI”‘.... S.O.OSI*.. .“O‘“.l”OM”,“l.l .LI.“ll.l. - JOU NAME LAKE CALAVERA JOtde4~ION TEST RESULTy OATI RErOlTED 4,2g,81 JOm NUYBLR 502161-~~01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PAGE 9 or 10 “OlmvI .m* U.Ol.rn”” “~LI,,“~ OI.. .“z% “2:., LOCAIIO” ILe”AmO* CO*,.*, D‘l4.I.. DS”.,TY Ce”NcmO* or TUT . O”,rr. VC. Cs, % a. W. OUS. ~_ MAR 25 MAR 26 - MAR 27 MAR 30 MAR 31 ,- APR 1 .- APR 2 -- - APR 3 -- - 331 I.m 129 332 MT 130 333 IOT 131 FG 247' 15.2 247' 15.8 200.7' 14.8 334 LOT 72 FG 272.5' 14.2 335 LOT 73 FG 269.'5 15.7 336 LOT 74 FG 266.6' 15.1 337 LOT 75 FG 261.7' 15.9 338 LOT 111 FG 237.8' 14.9 339 LOT 30 FG 197.3' 15.7 340 ux 31 FG 192.5' 13.9 341 LOT 76 FG 255.5' 14.9 342 LOT 77 FG 250.5 15.7 343 344 LOT 132 FG 251.5' 14.7 LOT 133 FG 255.1' 15.5 345 LOT 134 FG 259.0' 15.7 346 LOT 13s FG 262.4' 15.0 347 LOT 127 FG 248.0' 15.4 348 lm! 128 FG 249.2' 14.2 349 MT 129 FG 249.5' 14.5 350 LOT 130 FG 249.5' 14.9 351 LOT 43 352 LOT 131 353 IBT 118 354 LOT 119 35s LOT 81 356 IDT 82 FG FG FG FG FG 196' 17.5 249.2' 14.5 216.3' 14.4 213.2' 15.2 238.8' 15.5 237.2' 16.2 357 IDT 122 FG 237.1' 13.8 358 LCT 123 FG 237.5' 14.0 359 LOT 124 FG 237.5' 13.2 360 LOT 125 FG 237.1' 14.4 361 LOT 126 FG 236.2' 13.9 362 LOT 120 FG 210.1' 13.4 363 LOT 136 FG 265.8' 13.5 364 IJ3T 137 FG 269.2' 14.5 365 LCT 138 FG 272.6' 15.2 366 LOT 139 FG 273.6' 13.7 367 U)T 78 FG 243.5' 12.7 368 LOT 83 FG 235.6' 13.8 369 LOT 84 FG 234.0' 14.1 106.7 115.5 105.8 115.5 110.6 118.5 110.2 119.0 109.3 118.5 109.1 118.5 110.4 118.5 107.9 117.5 111.1 117.5 108.0 118.5 111.2 117.5 110.9 117.5 117.5 117.5 109.9 117.5 109.6 118.5 112.7 118.5 109.7 118.5 108.9 118.5 107.0 117.5 106.0 115.5 110.8 118.5 108.9 118.5 107.9 118.5 104.3 111.0 103.0 111.0 109.6 117.5 108.0 117.5 107.6 117.5 108.3 117.5 109.6 117.5 108.6 118.5 107.0 117.5 111.8 118.5 110.2 118.5 107.3 117.5 108.0 118.5 110.6 118.5 107.1 118.5 92 91 93 92 92 92 93 91 94 91 94 94 93 93 93 92 95 92 91 91 91 93 92 91 94 92 93 91 91 92 93 91 91 94 93 91 91 93 90 wt 4/29/81 .- vbodward.ctYdeconsultants @ CeI*YL,I*O .“~I”,S”.. G‘OLODI... .s.D ‘““1”0”“.“I.L .CI‘“lllV. - f-‘MPACTION TEST RESULTs ( Jo.8 NAYS LAKE CALAVERA HILLS, UNIT 1 DAIT RIK)"IED 4/29/81 - JOB NUMBLY 502161-FCOl ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JANUARY 16, 1981 THROUGH APRIL 9, 1981 PAGE 10 0, 10 - "Or*nm. .Im.a U.O(l.ro"" ,.U,,", tin ."E. "5:" LOUIIO" ILIYA*ID* 50""*1 0s*.m D,"S,Tv 6O".ACT10" O..l.T , oa.rr. PC, CC, x 0, LA.. 0ue.. APR 6 - -- - APR 7 - APR 8 - APR 9 - - - 370 LOT 1 371 LOT 10 372 LOT 11 373 LOT 12 374 LOT 9 375 MT 8 376 LOT 5 377 LOT 6 FG FG FG FG FG FG FG 378 LOT 43 379 LOT 43 380 LOT 42 381 LOT 43 382 LOT 44 383 LOT 45 384 LOT 46 FG FG FG FG FG 385 LOT 40 FG 386 IDT 41 FG 387 LOT 2 FG 388 LOT 3 FG 389 MT 4 FG 273' 13.9 110.2 119.0 264.0' 15.4 111.4 119.0 263.5' 14.9 112.9 119.0 263.2' 15.2 112.1 119.0 264.4' 14.7 113.0 119.0 265.1' 14.9 111.4 119.0 273.0' 14.5 110.1 119.0 275.5' 16.9 104.4 118.5 198' 15.9 106.8 115.5 200' 14.2 107.1 117.5 202.6' 14.7 109.4 119.0 202.6' 15.2 110.5 117.5 202.0' 14.1 112.7 119.0 202.4' 15.0 110.2 117.5 202.8' 15.6 109.9 117.5 202.7' 14.5 107.9 117.5 202.4' 15.0 110.0 117.5 275.4' 14.1 108.3 117.5 274.8' 15.0 110.2 117.5 273.2’ 14.8 109.8 118.5 92 93 94 94 95 93 92 92 92 91 91 94 94 93 93 91 93 92 93 92 -4/29/81 woodward.clydee a co*wLI,“o .“CI” I.... e‘DLODI.v* 1-o .*.l.O*r~*..L .CI.v.lll.l. - - PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 1 2 3 ICDBBLESI “c”;‘:’ 1 c, y; f 1 SILT L CLAY] Liquid Limit, % - - - *i-m. 1 Plasticitv Index. % 1 Classification bv Unified Soil I-.. _- I-.. Ia I_.. --f I- t Classification S&tern sPl-SC 2x-PSL sm-2,. z@J gal l- 5 40 150- !2 ZERO AIR VOIDSCURVES 2.80 SG iooo loo 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 O.ocll GRAIN SIZE. mm h~ECHANICAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA . I- I.1 Dry Density. pcf Initial Water Content, % Final Water Content. % I- [ 191- Apparent Cohesion. mf (600 1 - Apparent Friction Angle,dqrees 1 - 1 26 1 - SAMPLE LOCATION liLOT32 2 ILOT -i ILOT 35 40 LABORATORY COMPACTION LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST TESTMETHOD: ASTM D 1557 70 A SWELL TEST DATA FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LAKE CAL&VERA HILLS, UNIT 1 C"ECIED nv: wt 4/29/M WOOOWARO-CLYDE CONSULTANTS - - - - -~ - - .- - - PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 4 5 6 Liquid Limit, % - - 33 Plasticity Index, % - - 8 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SC-SM SC-94 SC-SM COBBLES~~A/;Lfc, T; f {SILT & t,A”l 160 ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES GRAIN SIZE, mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA 4 5 6 Dry Density. pet 107 100 102 Initial Water Content, % 14 17 16 Final Water Content, % 18 22 21 Apparent Cohesion, psf BOO 800 800 Apparent Friction Angle, degrees 16 19 16 timum Moisture LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST TEST METHOD: I FILL SUITABILITY TESTS I LAKE CAMVERA HILLS. UNIT 1 DRAWN BY: sh 1 CHECKEO BY:‘&, 1 PRO,ECT NO: 502161-FCOI. 1 DATE: 4/29/81 FIQUNENO; 2 wt 4/29/81 WOOOWARO-CLYOE CONSULTANTS PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS , F( 9 - - - t&j,-, A,R \,nlCtP PI ID\,CC f! 2( ___^^ 1000 loo 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.w GRAIN SIZE. mm 140 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - Dl,RECT SHEAR TEST DATA 7 8 9 I. na”-i... ^..‘ * “c.llrll*. lJCl I O<l 0.3 I ,a, I a- zs A.“& initial Water Content, % 1 22 1 16 1 14 - - - ~- 120 Final Water Content. % Apoarent Cohesion. af Apparent Friction Angle, degrees) 15 1 18 1 17 LOad, prf SWELL TEST DATA Swell. percent I Initial Drv Oenstv. ocf I Initial Water Content 46 .I DN oenrir”~ cd Final Water Cantcnt~ 96 -- _- -- 1 160 1 160 1 160 7 1 8 7.4 9 1 1.3 1 7.4 I ‘17 I 34 I -40 - - - 90 I Maximum Dry Density, pcf w ‘fl< G “n 0 112-u LL Optimum Moisture Content. % 1 1 1 ?,,STJE 21.0 16.0 co,,!NT.% 15.5 1” M n LABORATORY COMPACTION TESTMETHOD: ASTM D 1557 70 A .- LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST FILL SUITABILITY TESTS LAKE CALAV!%A HILLS, UNIT 1 DRAWN BY: s,, Cl4ECltED w: wll\l PnOJECINO: 502161-FCOl i DATE: 4/29/81 FIG”“EN0: 3 wt 4/29/m WOODWARD-CLY DE CONSULTANTS c ,- - - - - PLASTICITY CHARACTERISTICS 13 14 Liquid Limit, % 31 34 Plasticity Index, % 6 9 Classification by Unified Soil Classification System SM-SC SC G -” 5 I I II I ! I tjld ZERO AIR VOIDSCURVES h 20 I I II I 0 ’ I I I I ‘co0 loo 10 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 GRAIN SIZE, mm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS SWELL TEST DATA 5 ” ’ ;, , : I ! ! I I I II I I I\ LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST LABORATORY COMPACTION TESTMETHOD: SSTPI D 1557 70 A I FILL SUITABILITY TESTS 1 DRAWNIIVz sh CHECltEO BY: PROJECT No: 502161-FcOl PIOVRENO: 5 wt 4/29/91 WOODWARD-CLYOE CONSULTANTS