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• I , . February 29, 1980 218-1F,3236 ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Consulting Soil, Foundation & Geological Engineers Palomar Aiport Business Park 6231 Yarrow Drive, Suite C Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: Mr. Bernard Gilmore Re: Soil Testing Services Las Pa I mas Dri ve Palomar Airport Business Park Carlsbad, California Gentlemen: RECEIVED l\ill.R 5 1980 CjTY OF CARLS.BAD Engineering Department In accordance with your request we have provided field density and soi I testing services for the construction of the pavement for Las Palmas Drive. On February 7, 8, 12 and 26, 1980 our representatives were present at the site to obta in soil samples and to perform field density testing at loeations designated by Mr. Russell I:.. Morrison, Senior Construction Inspector for the City of Carlsbad. The field density testing performed on February 26, 1980 was performed after the rains had damaged the previously tested base grade. The results of the field density and laboratory compaction tests are presented in the attached Tables A and B, respectively. In addition to the field density testing, R-value tests (results attached) were performed on two samples of the subgrade soils and on the imported base materials. Gradation and sand equivalent tests were also performed on a sample of the imported base material the results of which are presented in the attached Tables C and D. Based on the attached test results it is our opinion that the pavement subgrade soils and base materials were compacted to a minimum degree of compaetion of 90 and 95 percent, respectively, in accordance with ASTM Test Designation. D 1557-78. 70505 Roselle Street, San Diego, California 92121 • (714) 453-5605 / 630 Alta Vista Drive, Suite 705, Vista, California 92083' (714) 758-9144 • February 29, 1980 218-1p., 3236 Page 2 Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendqtions made in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and pi-acti.ces. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either· express or implied. If you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, ROBERT PRATER ASSOCIATES Robert Prater, RCE No. 18,121 RP:cc Attachments Copies: Addressee (4) City of Carlsbad, Attn: Mr. Russell L. Morrison (2) 218-1F TABLE A -SUMMARY OF FIELD DENSITY TEST RESULTS (ASTM 01556-64 and/or ASTM 02922-78, ASTM 03017-78) Approximate Water Test Elevation Content No. Date of Test Test' Location (Feet) (%) Las Palr~as Drive 2/08/80 Station 7 + 50 -101 Lt. C.t. FSG 15 2 2/08/80 Station 11 + 50 -61 Rt. C.L. FSG 14 3 2/08/80 Station 4 + 65 -101 Rt. C. L. FSG 18 4 2/08/80 Station 3 + 70 -C. L. FSG 16 5 2/08/80 Station 1 + 50 -121 Lt. C.L. FSG 14 6 2/12/80 Stati on 5 + 00 FBG 5 7 2/12/80 Stati on 3 + 00 FBG 4 8 2/12/80 Station 1 + 50 FBG 6 9 2/12/80 Station 8 + 00 FBG 6· 10 2/12/80 . Station 13 + 00 FBG 6 11 2/26/80 Station 12 + 50 FBG 7 12 2/26/80 Station 9 + 50 FBG 5 13 2/26/80 Stati on 6 + 85 FBG 4 14 2/26/80 Stqtion 5 + 00 FBG 6 15 2/2.6/80 Stat.ion 1 + 75 FBG 8 \ . Notes: 1) "Compaction Curve No. II refers to 'fable B. 2) Unless otherwi.se noted elevations shown are to nearest foot. 3) "FSG" denotes finish subgrade elevation. 4} "FBG" denotes finish base grade el~vafion. 5) '~C • L. II denotes. cen terl i ne ·of street ~ Dry Degree of Density Compaction Compaction (pcf) (%) Curve No. Remarks 106.3 92 5 104.7 91 5 105. 1 91 5 102.8 89 5 Test failed -area re-rolled 107.5 93 5 128. 1 99' 7 129.0 100 7 126.8 98 7 130.9 100+ 7 123. 1 95 7 124. 1 96 7 127.1 98 7 127.5 98 7 126.2 97 7 124.9 96 7 e - 218-1F TABLE B LA~ORATORY COMPACTION TEST RESULTS (ASTM D1557-7~) Maximum Optimum Compaction Test Description of Source of Dry Density Water Content (Curve) No. Material Material (pcf) (%) SILTY SAND Onsite 115.0 14.0 (SM), ton 2 CLAYEY and 'Onsite 103.0 21.3 SANDY SILT (MH), ton 3 SILTY and Onsite 112.0 15.9 SANDY CLAY (CL-CH), tan 4 SILTY and Onside 110.0 15.7 SANDY CLAY (CH), ton 5 SILTY SAND Onside 115.5 13.5 (SM), brown 6 SANDY SILT (SM), ton Onsite 113.5 14.0 7 SANDY SILT Import 129.6 7.7 (SM), brown .... -. -." TABLE C SAND EQUIVALENT TEST RESULTS Average Value of 3 Tests 35 TABLE D GRADATION TEST RESULTS Sieve Size Percent Passing 1-1/211 100 111 100 No.4 95 No. 30 29 Na.200 10 Specificati on Requirement* 30 Min. Spec;: ificat, on Requ i rements* 100 90-100 50-100 25-55 5.,.18 *Section 400-2.3 of Standard Specifications For Public Works Construction, -1979 Edition 21S-1F r I "/ I I FORM 1\ .-JP , LABORATORY NUMBER SD3S-S20 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS - JOB DATA: File 11671' PROJECT:'-Job i1218-1F .··-\f'::~-:'.;;;\":!~?::: . :~i:~:;:' . ~:;"~:b±:i~~~N o!;;i~~~~~ed"to,'.~11 ,,-, '." -_,:,,:::, " "'i", ~;';::·:i~~p.,tified as intersectri,on' ,~:~",'.,::,,~ , '" Las Pa1tnas/Camino Vida Roble ~ .,' '-'.-~~ CLlliNT: ,". sandy silt with some. ~.1~~., ; _,~:.~-.:}} • _, t _~ 'A-•. ;. ".;: __ • .~:. _";~. ;1 \.. ' .. ;: -~. ,:" Robert Prater & Associa,tes ":. :; :::: . 10S0S Rosse11~ Street San Diego, California 92121 -",: ..... , '-'. , . ,R-VALUE DATA •• ',' '~-• -'. BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGO'CITY METHOC} . ; : ~ \ >. '." ~-~ 1------------.------.----,------.-----11" ". 'COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR DAYS ' .A B 'C 0 :;OMPACTOR PRESS: P.S.I. ~ 20S' 110' 60 MOIST @ COMPACTION' % 20.S 23:·3 26.2 DENSITY -I/CU. FT, 106.6 100.7 96.4 ~-VALUE -ST~~ILOMETER 22 12 4 . ~XUD. PRESSURE -P.S.1. 740 420 170 !STAB. THICK -FEET 1.12 1.26 .1.37, ~XPAN. PRESS. THICK-FEET 1.93 0.67 0.47 T. I. (ASSUMEO) = 4~5 III By STAB. @ 300 P'S.I. EXUD. :l 8 .' . ~r----------------------------; ~ By EXPANSION PRESSURE .0: 18 Ar EQUILIBRIUM 8 "NO EQUIVALENT = REPORTED To: (1) Robert Prater & Asso~iates .. ~. ( ... :, ,"PENETRATION. INCHES 0., 0.2 0.3 0.4 ".' 0.5 : . . t~.. ,":. P.S.I. ':': --., STANOARD P.S.I. 1000 1500, 1900 2300 2600: " . ' # .. ,~-~ . MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING •• '. '. : .' ••• ' •• " .', ',' • ,.' '< . % -" EXPANSION ...... : ••• , : •••••• ::.~ ••.•• , : •• ,,::: :_,:':',,' % ',_" COMPACTION TEST: . METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTURE' (ApPA~ENT) : ••• , •• , • ~., • ' .... OPTIMUM DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (ApPARENT)'. : PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: . LI.QUID LIMIT ; . , ,~" PLASTIC LIMIT • PLASTICITY INDEX -~ I , .. ... - TESTING ENGINEERS -SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY , .. 'fAt ~f~' :"LG~~i;.~ . WLC:am '. ~ ... • • ~ ,'" 'tr .... -, '. ~ ;: .. ~_ ... >, : ;.:, ';,..<.>~, .... ' ._. ~w".~. ,"'. -. ,-,,~ ..... . .... Wil,liam L. Cochrane., R.E. tJ2:4445 .. :1 ..... ' .. ...:.:~~~'.,:_ :2'",. ,{::< ;:~i:>/,;~~:~:;~':~i::,3}~:/~ .. ""\ '. • ,. ', . •• '.,. .i.j •• t=-. • ~~..;. • ---r Testing Engineers-SEJn Diego :: ',' ',: "" ,• 3~67K~rizs~., P.O. B6x80985, S'an Diego, 'Ca. 92.~;~' (714i2~5-~6~; ~ /IJ-"';, 1903 West Vista Way, Unit B, Vist-a, California f}208$ (7:14i·758-3730 ,. _ ~Jt ...... '~ ... _. J':.. " • : 1 ~ " " " .' . . 'SD35 521 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS . ;. ... .,' \. , JOB 'DATA: . -. ","" 11671 . • < ~ .', ", • ,. SAM~~t;ATA: ' ",: S /N '3~' ~ubni;tte(l t'o ~' th e laboratory on 2/11,/80, ,~! identified as Las Pa1mas Drive, ' ' ~ ',. , , . ,'", ,. PROJECT: , Job 11218-1F r "." .' Robert Prater & Associates 10505 Rosse11e Street San Diego, California 92121 .... .,t.' ~ ~,-: ';:. : . -.. .,.. 'COMPACTOR PRESS -p.S.1. ,MOIST @ COMPACTION -% DENSITY' IICu, FT. 'R-VALUE -STABILOMETER EXUD. PRESSURE -P'S.I. ' :STAB. THICK -FEET 'EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET T.·I. (ASSUMED) = R-~ALUE DATA A 350 9.6 128.0 84 560 0.23 0.06 w By STAB. @ 300 P.S.!, EXUD. 77 B 'c 350 350 10.5 10·.1 126.8 125.5 75 80 ,230 420 0.36 0.29, 0.10 --, ." .' D ~~3~ __________________________________ ~1 ~ !'; By EXPANSION PRESSURE f' 0:: ~----------------------------~------------------~ AT EQUILIBRIUM 77. AND EQUIVALENT = REPORTED To: • (1) Robert Pl1ater & Associates . ' WLC,:am • ~ ... -r'_ •• ' _. '.' . " d.g.. D~se import. ~,'~" ~I -".' '. ':: .... . " j , . BEARING VALUE (SAN DIEGQ CITY METHOD) , : COMPACTED AND SOAKED FOUR' DAYS .' , '.' PENE'-r~ATIO~ ",'. '!.. .' ',INCHES ' ' P.S.I. STANDARD :- P.S,I. . ,"OF STANDARD , 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 " , 1000 ' .-1500 1900' " 2300 2600 MOISTURE AFT~R SOAKING ••• ,' •••• ~ ••• __ •• _ , •• EXPAN~ION ••..• , •• ' •••• _', .', •. : , • '." , : , ".:. , .'. _ : COMPACTION TEST: . METHOD -CALIFORNIA BEARING OPTIMUM MOISTU,RE .(ApPARENT) .' •• , •• , , .', • , , • OPTIM~M DRY DENSITY. LBS./CU. FT. (ApPARJ;NT) , • PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT ,PLASTICITY INDEX '-, . TESTING ENGINEER$ -SAN DIEGO REVIEWED BY , William l.. Cochrane; R.E,. fJ24445 ."-' %, .. ', .. _. ,: -'_;" :;;-~":,,~,".:-:,,Z;::{/~ .. ,; =:;~:L~ FORM ~ JP, ~ t" '~ -e, -r ' Testing Engi~eers-San Diego ',' ,,',. 3467KurtzSt., p.o. Box 80985, Sa~ bi~go, Ca. 92t3~ (714)225-9641 ';,;;.. 1903 West Vista Way, Unit B, Vista, California 92083 (714) 758-3730 '" LABORATORY NUMBER SD35-519 REPORT OF SOIL TESTS February 14, 1980 ::' ":1 'JOB DATA: ' . File 41671- Job 11218-1F .CLIENT: Robert Prater & Associates 10505 Rosselle Street San,Diego~ California 92121:' . R:VALUE DATA , A 'S :' C, ,COMPACTOR PRESS -P.S.I. 200 350 290 MOIST @ COMPACTION -% 11'.1 15.2 16.1 DENSITY -IICu. FT. 110.7 115~0 112.8 R-VALUE -STABILOMETER 10 35 16 EXUD. PRESSURE -P.S.I. 170 410 260 STAB. THICK -FEET 1.29 0.93 1.20 ,EXPAN. PRESS. THICK·FEET 0.50 0.70 0.57' T. I. IAsSUMED) = 4.5 Sy STAB. @ 300 P'S.I. EXUD. 20 ','" -~ -..., .'; ...... .: b ~ 3 ~ ~'~--------------------------------------------------~ ~ 0:: Sy EXPANSION PRESSURE AT EQUILIBRIUM "' 20 AND EQUIVALENT = REPORTED To: (1) Jbbert Prater & Associates . " WLC:am SAM~L~ ~AtA:: iINlJjl~',s~b~itted ~t~;: ,.;1 the 1aooratorY on 2/11/80, ;,-:':1: identified as Las Palma,S D;rive ,,' "j silty sand. ,_ " ' <" ",:: " . . ~" :'~: ~'" .~ " .' . , ~ -; . -':" .. :';- _~ :-~, "i , %OF . P.S.I. STANDARD P.S,.I. ' : STANDARD , . 0.1 ·0.2 ' 0,3. 0.4 0.5 1000 1500 1900 ·2300 2600 MOISTURE AFTER SOAKING ••••••• _ •• ' ••• ' •••• __ • , . 'EXPANSION ........ _ •••• _', : •• _ . _ , ..... _" .' __ • COMP,6.CTION TEST: METHOD -CALIFORNIA S,EARING ". -,~ OPTIMU,M MOISTIJRE (ApPARENT) •• _ .' _ •• _ •••• , ~ '%, ,OPTIMUM DRY DEfl/SIT:. LBS'/CU, FT. (ApPARENT) •• , ' PLASTIC CHARACTERISTICS: LIQ'lJlOLIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX ., TESTING ENGINEERS -SAN DIEGO REvIEWED BY . . :~ " " " Wiliiam L.Cochrane, R.E. fJ24445'~,