HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-09; The Meadows La Costa; Soils Report; 1981-08-10CTSO-q
5100 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, California 92660
1083 North Cuyamaca Street
El Cajon, California 92020
TELE 449-8830
August 10, 1981
The Woodward Companies
5100 Campus Drive
Newport Beach, California 92660
ATTENTION: Mr. Scott Woodward
S.E.A. 010153 ,
SUBJECT: Slope Stability Analysis, Proposed “The Meadows, La Costa”
Subdivision, Melrose Avenue, Carlsbad, California.
In accordance with your request, we have completed the subject
analysis. The intent of this analysis was to determine if certain slopes
within the subject subdivision will possess an adequate factor of safety
against deep seated and near surface failures when constructed at an
inclination of 1.75 units horizontal to 1.0 unit vertical. It was further
our intent to address the concerns expressed by Mr. Richard H. Allen,
Jr., Principle Civil Engineer, City of Carlsbad, in his correspondence
dated July 23, 1981. In consideration of the requirements set forth in
the City of Carlsbad Grading Ordinance and the current standard of
practice, we are aware that the utilization of slope inclinations steeper
than 2.0 units horizontal to 1.0 unit vertical does mandate that detailed
stability analyses be performed to properly analyze both the near
surface and deep seated stability of these slopes. The recent advance-
ments in the state-of-the-art within the geotechnical engineering pro-
fession does, in our opinion, permit the performance of this type of an
The results of our analysis, as presented herein, indicates that cut-off
drains will be required in all fill slopes in excess of 15 feet in height.
A review of the stability calculation summary as presented in Table 1,
on Plate No. 2 of this report will show that the installation of the
cut-off drains and the use of the on-site decomposed granite as a facial
buttress will produce a near surface factor of safety in excess of 1.5.
We have included additional recommendations in the body of this report
which will further increase the factor of safety of slopes inclined at
1.75 units horizontal to 1.0 unit vertical.
August 10, 1981 -2- S.E.A. 010153
Please do not hesitate to contact this office, if you have any questions
regarding this report.
Respectfully submitted,
DES: NMJ: jgr
cc: (4) Submitted
(2) Rick Engineering
(2) City of Carlsbad
Attn: Mr. Richard Allen, Jr.
The intent of this analysis has been to apply current state-of-the-art
procedures to the analysis of deep seated and near surface stability of
certain slopes within the subject subdivision. It was further our intent
to provide recommendations which will further enhance the stability of
slopes which are designed at inclinations steeper than 2 units horizontal
to 1 unit vertical.
The scope of our analysis has consisted of reviewing a grading plan
prepared by Rick Engineering Company dated August 4, 1981, and
stamped “Preliminary Not For Construction”. A copy of this grading plan
is enclosed herein as Plate No. 1. We have further reviewed the
previous geotechnical reports prepared for the subject site. These
reports are briefly summarized as follows:
1. Benton Engineering, Inc. Project No. 79-7-18BF, dated August 15,
2. Shepardson Engineering Associates, Inc. Project NO. S.E.A. 010153,
dated November 6, 1980.
3. Shepardson Engineering Associates, Inc. Project No. S.E.A. 010153,
dated January 27, 1981.
August 10, 1981 -2- S.E.A. 010153
Additionally, we have conducted a review and analysis of current
state-of-the-art procedures for the performance of laboratory testing to
determine near surface shear strength characteristics and methods of
performing stability analysis.
Surface Slope Stability
In the Southern California area, the increase in annual rainfall has led
to the surface failure of many artifically produced slopes. These surface
type failures are to be distinguished from the more dangerous deep
failures and do not affect adjacent facilities or lands beyond the top of
the fill slope. Surface slips require a combination of three conditions:
l)a mantle of less dense soil; 2)a slope with sufficient steepness where;
3)soil moisture is equal to or greater than the liquid limit of the
remolded soil. The soil moisture is the result of artificial irrigation and
seasonal rainfall, and experience has shown that a .25 inch/hour
intensity apparently represents the minimum rate at which surface
infiltration exceeds subsoil drainage for many soils.
Mechanism Needed to Produce Shallow Sloughing Failures
When the rate of rainfall infiltration into and through the upper layers
is equal to or greater than the capacity of the interior materials to
remove it by deep percolation, a temporary perched water table is
formed, as shown on Figure No. 1. If the surface infiltration rate
continues to exceed the deep soil percolation rate, then complete perched
saturation will occur and, also, a downslope parallel seepage pattern
will develop. Unfavorable groundwater and seepage conditions, as
described, are among the most frequent causes of surface slides. The
presence of water lowers the stability and contributes to slope failures
in the following ways:
1. BY reducing or eliminating chemical and/or capillary tension
which provide cohesion.
August 10, 1981 -3- S.E.A. 010153
2. By producing neutral pore pressures which reduce effective stress
thereby lowering shear strength.
3. By producing horizontal seepage forces parallel to the potential
failure plane.
Current Analytic Procedures
Currently, the standard of practice regarding surface slope stability
recommends that a slope be viewed as infinite in height and analyzed in
accordance with the formula developed by Skemton & DeLory (1957), for
the condition where the groundwater flow is parallel to the slope at
shallow depth. It may be written in the form:
FS=C+(cl/ - s>w) 2 Cos$tan 8’
(JS Z sir+ Cosp
Where: $ = Soil Friction Strength Parameter
C = Soil Cohesion
2 = Depth of Slide Mass
p = Slope Angle
Experience has shown that the utilisation of this formula allows for high
factors of safety to be assigned to slopes whose surfaces have failed.
Therefore, it becomes apparent that a different analytic technique is
needed if successful analysis is to be accomplished. This is supported
by a recent paper submitted by Leighton & Associates to the Environ-
mental Management Agency, Orange County, dated October 27, 1980,
which indicates that a study of 11 different failed slopes of that area
shows that adjustments to the soil strength parameters are necessary. As
pointed out in that report, the laboratory method for determining the
erroneous design parameters is generally referred to as the “direct
shear test”. This test method does not allow for measurement of pore
water pressure to be taken during the test, resulting in inaccurate soil
parameters for soils which are not free draining. Usually the test over
estimates the cohesion intercept of the soil and under estimates the
August 10, 1981 -4- S.E.A. 010153
angle of internal friction. Since deep slides are more sensitive to soil
friction then cohesion, this test results in conservative evaluation of
deep seated failures. Therefore, the test has been used successfully
throughout the Southern Calfiornia area for evaluating the potential of
deep seated failures. However, since surface slides are more sensitive to
changes in cohesion, the same test result would naturally over estimate
the stability of a slope surface. Additionally, there is significant
evidence that tests conducted at low confining pressures produce higher
angles of internal friction then tests conducted on the same material at
higher confining pressures, as indicated by Figure No. 3, on Plate No.
2. This supports the conclusion that shear tests conducted to determine
the soil strength parameters to be used in the analysis of surface
stability should be obtained using low confining pressures as shown on
Figure 4 of Plate No. 2.
Surface Slope Stability, Design Recommendations
Therefore, we recommend that slopes within the subject site which are
designed at inclinations steeper than 2~1 be designed in accordance with
the following procedures.
1. Since parallel seepage is recognized as being the prime cause of
slope failures, we recommend that a slope drain be installed at a
depth equal to the tension crack potential for the slope material
or 3 feet, whichever is greater, as shown on Figure No. 1, on
Plate No. 2. The maximum vertical interval of the slope drains
must be based on the stability calculations described in Item No.
2. The direct shear test for determining the soil strength parameters
should be conducted at low confining pressures, i.e. less than
800 psf, on materials which have been remolded and allowed to
ex‘pand and dry through at least three (3) cycles.
August 10, 1981 -5- S.E.A. 010153
3. The surface analysis should be performed using accepted slope
stability techniques considering an upper wedge of saturated soil
being buttressed by a lower wedge of unsaturated soil situated
down stream from the proposed slope drain, as shown on Figure
No. 1, Plate No. 2.
Deep Seated Stability
The results of our analysis to determine the critical height of a cut or
fill slope within the project inclined at a ratio of 1.75 units horizontal
to 1.0 unit vertical indicate that slopes to a maixmum height of 50 feet
will possess a factor of safety in excess of 1.5. The results of our
analysis of deep seated stability are consistant with the recommendations
presented by Benton Engineering, Inc. in their report dated August 15,
The implementation of these recommendations will require that the select
fill material placed within the zones indicated on attached Plate Nos. 1
and 3 possess the above described shear strength characteristics. The
results of our previous investigations indicate that the decomposed
granite, which will be obtained from the major cut areas adjacent to the
western boundary of the subject subdivision, will meet the above
described shear strength characteristics. Although our previous investi-
gations have indicated that portions of the De1 Mar Formation soils will
meet the above described shear strength characteristics, we recommend
that these soils not be utilized in the select fill areas due to the
presence of localised stratas of low strength clays in the De1 Mar
Reference is made to the proposed cut in the area of cross-section C-C.
We understand that this cut slope will not be constructed until the final
phases. of the proposed site grading. The results of our geologic
mapping’ indicate that the De1 Mar Formation may be in this cut slope.
August 10, 1981 -6- S.E.A. 010153
The approximate surface contact between the granitic and De1 Mar
Formations are shown on attached Plate No. 4. In the event the proposed
cut slope in this area does expose the De1 Mar Formation soils, we will
recommend that they be removed and a facial buttress, equivalent to
that shown for section B-B on Plate No. 3, be installed. In the event
the facial buttress exceeds a height of 15 feet, the installation of a
cut-off drain will be required.
Based on the above analytic technique, we therefore recommend that the
slope drain be installed at a height interval of not less than 15 feet in
accordance with the recommendations set forth on Figure No. 2 of Plate
No. 2, and that soil strength show test results of a minimum of 100
pounds cohesion and 38’ angle of internal friction, when tested at low
confining pressures. Slope surfaces, analyzed in accordance with these
recommendations, shall possess a factor of safety against surficial
failure in excess of 1.5. We feel this is a conservative analysis for the
following reasons:
1. We have given no consideration to boundary conditions which
would include the tensile properties of the drain system.
2. The method of analyses used is based on the Swedish Circle and
considered conservative for this type application.
3. We have reduced the cohesion along the potential slip surface by
a factor of safety of 4.
Additional Mitigating Measures
Although the results of our calculations, performed in accordance with
the current state-of-the-art, do indicate that the proposed 1.75 units
horizontal to 1.0 unit vertical slopes will possess a factor of safety in
excess of 1.5, it is our opinion that the concerns expressed by Mr.
August 10, 1981 -7- S.E.A. 010153
Richard H. Allen, Jr., in his July 23, 1981 correspondence do dictate the
need for additional mitigating measures. We, therefore, recommend that
the following landscaping and irrigation measures be implemented on the
proposed 1.75:l.O slopes.
1. The landscaping plans should include the installation of either an
acacia or eucalyptus tree at intervals of approximately 100 feet.
Although the trees can be placed at variable heights on the slopes,
we recommend that they, generally, be placed at or above the
mid-point of the slope. I
2. The irrigation systems proposed for the above referenced slopes
should be a common system for each slope and the control of these
systems maintained by the Homeowners Association. We note that a
slope in the area of Lot Nos. 30 thru 39 will be in a proposed open
space area.
It must be noted that the near surface stability analysis presumes that
a perched water table will produce a saturated soil condition within
the upper 3 feet in those portions of the slope above the cut-off drains.
Our analysis accomodates this extreme condition favorably and should
successfully mitigate the concerns expressed by Mr. Allen in his July
23, 1981 correspondence.
Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned, if you have any
questions regarding the opinions or recommendations presented herein.
Respectfully submitted,
D.E. Shepar&&, R.C.E.
Statistical analysis of 255 trial circles reveals that uee of a factor of safety of 1.89 and Taylor's charts is not significantly different from the use of a factor of safety of 1.5 and a seismic load of O.lG .The chart below,is based on factors of safety of 1.5 and 1.89 and Taylor's chart. Enter the chart from the bottom left
-Slope Ratio ~‘b’ - SloGheight without. Seismic
* S, f*su.m n.r- ., J