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CT 80-14; Park Drive and Hillside Drive; Soils Report; 1989-08-29
- - - - - - - - - - - - - 4% T e.OUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. 6280 RlVERDALE ST. SAN DIE00, CALIF. 92120 . TELE 280-4321 ’ P.0. BOX 20.527 BAN DIEGO, CALIF. 92120 678 ENTEbzPRIBE ST. ESCONDIOO, CALJF. 9zozs . TELE ,46.A544 August 29, 1989 Vinedale Development Corporation 280-A Chinquapin Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 SCSLT 8721203 Report No. 8 SUBJECT: Report of In-Place Density Tests, Site Improvements, Carlsbad Tract 80-14, Park Drive and Hillside Drive, Carlsbad, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present the results of the in-place density tests performed in the sewer, water, storm drain, and cribwall backfills as well as the prepared subgrade and base materials. These tests were performed at the jobsite by Southern California Soil L Testing, Inc. between June 8 and November 15, 1988. Field density tests were taken by Southern California Soil L Testing, Inc. at various locations in the compacted backfills and prepared subgrade and base materials. Test locations were chosen by our field representative. The results and locations of the field tests are shown on the attached plates. For the purpose of this report, a station of 0+00 was assumed at the east end of the cribwall near the intersection of Park Drive and Hillside Drive. The locations of the cribwall backfill tests presented herein were recorded in reference to their assumed station. ENGINEERING DEFT LIBRARY City of Carisbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive - SlOlO CarfsbaQ CA 92009459 .9.2 JUTHERN CALIFORNIA S01L AN0 TESTING. I N 0. - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - SCS&T 8721203 August 29, 1989 Page 2 Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used according to A.S.T.M. Test 1557-78, Methods A and C. The results of these tests were used in conjunction with the field density tests to determine the percent of relative compaction of the compacted soils. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL a TESTING. INC. SCS&T PJoject Supervisor DBA/DH/MH/rr cc: (4) Submitted (1) SCS&T, Escondido - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 1 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) ---------__--_--_-______________________------------------------------------- Sewer Sl 6-8-88 s2 6-8-88 s3 6-S-88 s4 6-8-88 55 6-8-88 S6 6-8-88 s7 6-8-88 S8 6-8-88 s9 6-8-88 SlO 6-8-88 Sll 6-8-88 s12 6-8-88 s13 6-8-88 s14 6-8-88 515 6-8-88 S16 6-9-88 S17 6-9-88 S18 6-9-88 s19 6-9-88 S20 6-9-88 S21 6-9-88 522 6-9-88 S23 6-9-88 S24 6-9-88 C,K. u...., 5-"-88 Parkside Place Main, Station 13+10 Parkside Place Main, Station 13+20 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 12 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 11 Parkside Place Main, Station 12+20 Parkside Place Main, Station 12+30 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 10 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+85 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+90 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+85 Parkside Place Main, Station 12+20 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 9 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+20 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+35 Parkside Place Main, Station 11+30 Parkside Place Main, Station lo+90 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 8 Parkside Place Main, Station 14+90 Parkside Place Main, Station 15+05 Parkside Place Main, Station 14+90 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 15 Parkside Place Main, Station 14+60 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 14 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 16 Farksidt- Fidce Cul-de-sac Main, Station 15+00 127.5 12.4 113.2 1 94.3 129.5 13.6 110.0 1 91.6 127.5 16.3 114.8 1 95.6 133.0 10.5 108.0 4 90.3 120.5 10.5 107.7 4 90.1 132.0 13.6 120.4 3 94.4 135.0 12.4 114.8 3 90.0 128.0 13.8 109.1 4 91.3 134.0 15.2 108.2 4 90.5 136.0 16.3 107.5 4 90.0 136.5 14.5 109.5 4 91.6 135.0 17.1 107.9 4 90.3 130.0 15.5 107.8 4 90.2 132.0 15.1 108.4 4 90.7 134.0 14.6 108.3 4 90.6 135.5 14.9 108.9 4 91.1 135.0 14.5 102.4 4 85.7 121.0 18.9 105.5 5 91.7 123.5 16.1 106.5 5 9'2.6 125.5 17.4 104.0 5 90.4 124.0 16.1 107.4 5 93.4 127.5 15.5 108.0 5 93.9 126.0 18.1 107.1 5 93.1 125.5 18.3 118.4 1 98.6 ii4.G i8.9 i04.7 5 Yi.Ll - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 - PLATE NO: 2 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP - NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) __-__--_--______-_______________________------------------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - .- _- - 526 6-9-88 S27 6-9-88 S28 6-10-88 s29 6-10-88 s30 6-10-88 s31 6-10-88 S32 6-10-88 S33 6-13-88 S34 6-13-88 S35 6-13-88 S36 6-13-88 S37 6-13-88 S38 6-13-88 S39 6-13-88 S40 6-14-88 S41 6-14-88 S42 6-28-88 S43 6-28-88 S44 6-28-88 s45 6-28-88 S46 6-29-88 547 6-29-88 S48 6-29-88 S49 6-30-88 s50 6-30-88 Parkside Place Main, Station 15+00 Parkside Place Main, Station 15+00 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 18 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 13 Parkside Place Main, Station 14+10 Parkside Place Main, Station 14+15 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 19 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 7 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 6 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 5 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 4 Parkside Place Main, Statin lo+60 Parkside Place Main, Station lo+25 Parkside Place Main, Station 10+50 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 3 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 2 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 16 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 13 Parkside Place Lateral, Lot 10 Retest of S17 Lateral, Lot 8 Easement Main, Lot 17 Easement Main, Lot 17 Park Drive Tie-In, Station 13+17 Easement Main. Lot 17 Easement Main, Lot 17 126.0 16.1 128.0 18.1 128.0 14.9 128.5 15.6 126.0 15.6 128.0 17.0 130.0 14.6 136.0 12.0 136.5 11.1 136.0 13.3 135.5 13.0 124.0 12.4 136.0 13.6 136.5 12.0 136.0 12.4 136.0 14.3 124.0 14.9 128.0 15.6 134.0 14.9 133.5 12.4 108.0 15.6 112.0 16.3 110.0 14.9 115.0 12.4 117.0 14.3 107.9 107.3 111.2 109.8 108.8 111.4 108.1 119;o 118.8 121.4 120.6 120.9 121.3 119.4 119.7 109.1 109.6 108.9 109.0 118.9 112.5 117.1 112.0 133.3 113.5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 93.8 93.3 92.6 91.5 90.7 92.8 90.0 90.1 90.0 92.0 91.3 91.5 91.9 90.5 90.7 90.9 91.3 90.8 90.8 90.1 93.8 97.6 93.3 94.4 94.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOE NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 3 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) _----_--____--__---_____________________------------------------------------- Water Wl 6-27-88 w2 6-27-88 w3 7-6-88 w4 7-6-88 W5 7-6-88 W6 7-6-88 w7 7-6-88 W8 11-15-88 w9 11-15-88 Storm Drain SD1 6-14-88 SD2 6-14-88 SD3 6-14-88 SD4 6-14-88 SD5 6-14-88 SD6 6-14-88 SD7 6-14-88 SD8 6-14-88 SD9 6-14-88 SD10 6-14-88 SD11 6-14-88 SD12 6-14-88 SD13 6-14-88 SD14 6-14-88 SD15 7-6-88 Parkside Place Station lo+20 Parkside Place Station 12+05 Parkside Place Station 13+50 Parkside Place Station 14+75 Lateral, Lot 18 Lateral, Lot 19 Lateral, Lot 1 Park Drive Tie-In Park Drive Tie-In Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+90 Retest of SD1 Retest of SD2 Retest of SD3 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+55 Retest of SD5 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+35 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+20 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+35 Retest of SD8 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+25 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+40 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0+50 Storm Drain Easement Lots 14/15 Station 0~/5 Lot 15, Inlet Box Cul-de-sac 135.5 12.4 115.0 126.0 11.7 112.4 133.0 13.6 110.6 127.0 13.6 112.1 126.5 14.9 112.6 132.0 14.9 113.0 135.5 13.6 111.6 SG -1.5' 9.9 115.0 SG 8.7 121.3 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 100.5 100.5 107.0 115.0 109.0 115.0 121.0 115.0 114.0 99.0 119.0 8.1 103.0 6 78.9 8.1 106.6 8.4 102.6 10.9 113.4 13.7 103.2 15.5 14.5 108.8 111.0 16.9 106.2 17.1 108.4 18.9 109.3 13.5 109.0 13.0 14.7 12.9 13.0 108.1 109.9 108.6 110.4 6 6 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 96.2 94.1 92.2 93.4 95.4 95.7 93.0 90.2 95.3 81.7 78.5 94.5 86.0 90.7 92.5 88.5 90.3 91.1 90.8 90.1 91.6 90.5 92.0 - - - - .- - - _.- - - - - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 4 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent)(p.c.f.l TYPE (percent) _----_-_L-_____-___---~~-~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~---~~--~~~~----~~~~-~~~~~ _-___o- SD16 7-6-88 SD17 7-6-88 SD18 7-6-88 SD19 7-8-88 SD20 7-8-88 SD21 7-22-88 SD22 7-22-88 SD23 8-11-88 SD24 8-11-88 SD25 9-23-88 SD26 9-23-88 SD27 9-23-88 Lot 15, Inlet Box Cul-de-sac Lot 15, Inlet Box Cul-de-sac Lot 15, Inlet Box Cul-de-sac Park Drive Curb Inlet Box Station 16+80 Park Drive Curb Inlet Box Station 16+80 Hillside Drive Station 3+35 Hillside Drive Clean-Out Station 3+30 Hillside Drive Catch Basin Station 3+25 Hillside Drive Catch Basin Station 3+23 Hillside Drive 36" R.C. Pipe Station 1+28 Hillside Drive Clean-Out Station 1+20 Hillside Drive Curb Inlet Box Station 1+21 121.0 14.9 109.8 123.0 12.4 112.4 125.0 13.5 109.5 142.0 12.4 123.2 13.0 120.2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 7 7 1 3 1 91.5 93.7 91.3 93.3 144.0 91.1 81.5 12.4 109.9 84.5 13.0 111.1 91.6 92.6 80.0 13.6 104.9 93.5 82.0 15.6 106.8 95.3 76.5 9.9 13.0 10.4 111.5 92.9 73.5 79.0 116.8 91.6 112.6 93.8 - - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 - PLATE NO: 5 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. - (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) ----_---___--___________________________------------------------------------- Cribwall CWl 8-23-88 - CW2 8-23-88 .- cw3 8-26-88 CW4 8-26-88 CW5 8-26-88 CW6 8-31-88 CW7 8-31-88 CW8 8-31-88 CW9 9-l-88 CWlO 9-l-88 CWll 9-2-88 - CW12 9-7-88 CW13 9-7-88 - - Curb Subgrade CSBl g-30-88 - CSB2 g-30-88 CSB3 10-4-88 CSB4 10-4-88 CSB5 10-4-88 CSB6 10-4-88 CSB7 10-4-88 Hillside Drive Station l+lO Hillside Drive Station 0+40 Hillside Drive Station 0+20 Hillside Drive Station 0+30 Hillside Drive Station O+lO Hillside Drive Station 1+25 Hillside Drive Station 0+60 Hillside Drive Station 0+90 Hillside Drive Station l+lO Hillside Drive Station 0+80 Hillside Drive Station 0+35 Hillside Drive Station 0+90 Hillside Drive Station l+lO Park Drive Station 14+70 Park Drive Station 17+30 Retest of CSG2 Retest of CSGl Park Drive Station 11+05 Hillside Drive Station 2+20 Hillside Drive Station 4+00 78.0 11.1 109.9 75.5 13.6 111.4 77.0 11.7 108.5 78.0 15.6 116.9 79.0 16.3 119.1 82.0 13.0 116.5 81.0 14.3 116.3 83.5 11.7 115.1 84.0 13.0 115.8 95.5 14.9 119.1 83.5 10.5 110.8 83.0 13.0 118.8 85.0 9.3 117.3 Subgrade 11.1 113.7 Subgrade 8.1 122.5 Subgrade 11.1 126.0 Subgrade 13.6 117.2 Subgrade 11.7 121.9 Subgrade 13.6 116.5 Subgrade 12.4 114.8 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 4 4 91.6 92.8 90.4 91.7 93.4 91.4 91.2 90.3 90.8 93.4 92.7 93.1 92.0 94.8 92.8 95.5 97.7 95.6 97.5 96.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .- - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 7 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) ------_----_-_--__-_--------------------------------------------------------- Subgrade SGl 9-30-88 SG2 9-30-88 SG3 10-26-88 SG4 10-26-88 SG5 10-26-88 SG6 10-26-88 SG7 10-26-88 SG8 10-27-88 SG9 10-27-88 SG10 10-27-88 SGll 10-27-88 SG12 10-28-88 SG13 10-28-88 SG14 10-28-88 SG15 10-28-88 SG16 10-28-88 SG17 10-28-88 SG18 10-29-88 Curb Base CBl 9-30-88 CB2 9-30-88 CB3 10-4-88 CB4 10-4-88 CB5 10-4-88 CB6 10-4-88 CB7 10-4-88 CB8 10-4-88 CB9 10-6-88 Parkside Place Station 10+00 Parkside Place Station 12+30 Park Drive Station 18+50 Retest of SG2 Retest Of SG3 Park Drive Station 16+00 Park Drive Station 14t50 Retest of SG6 Retest of SG7 Hillside Drive Station 2+00 Hillside Drive Station 4+50 Retest of SG5 Retest of SG8 Retest of SG4 Retest Of SG1 Parkside Place Cul-de-sac Station 12+50 Parkside Place Cul-de-sac Station 14+50 Retest of SG17 Hillside Place Station 10t80 Hillside Place Station 14t00 Hillside Place Station 12t80 Retest of CB3 Hillside Place Station 12+25 Hillside Place Station 10t85 Hillside Place Station 10tl0 Retest Of CBl Hillside Place Station 4t10 Subgrade 8.7 114.7 2 87.0 Subgrade 4.7 101.5 1 84.6 Subgrade 12.4 119.1 2 90.2 Subgrade 11.7 122.7 2 93.0 Subgr ade 11.7 116.2 3 91.1 Subgrade 12.4 123.4 3 93.5 Subgrade 11.1 118.0 3 92.5 Subgrade 9.9 118.2 3 92.7 Subgrade 9.9 122.9 3 96.4 Subgrade 11.1 115.6 1 95.9 Subgrade 13.6 122.0 3 95.7 Subgrade 9.3 123.1 3 96.6 Subgrade 10.5 125.7 6 96.3 Subgrade 8.7 124.9 6 95.7 Subgrade 11.7 125.6 6 96.3 Subgrade 9.9 123.6 3 96.9 Subgrade 6.4 117.2 3 91.9 Subgrade 11.1 121.7 3 95.4 Base Base Base 8.1 11.7 8.7 Base 11.7 Base 12.4 Base Base Fsase Base 11.7 9.9 1m:s 9.9 112.3 1 93.6 115.1 4 96.3 109.9 1 91.6 116.1 1 96.8 114.2 1 95.2 121.7 3 95.5 121.5 3 95.3 1~22.V 3 95.7 137.2 8 98.8 - - JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 - PLATE NO: 7 TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP - NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) _-_-~~-_---__-_-~_______________________~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~-------- - - - - - - - - - - - CBlO 10-6-88 CBll 10-6-88 CB12 10-6-88 CB13 10-6-88 CB14 10-6-88 CB15 10-6-88 Base Bl 11-l-88 B2 11-1-88 B3 11-l-88 B4 11-2-88 B5 11-2-88 B6 11-2-88 Bl 11-3-88 B8 11-3-88 B9 11-3-88 Sidewalk SWBl 11-4-88 SWB2 11-4-88 SWB3 11-7-88 SWB4 11-7-88 SWBS 11-7-88 SWB6 11-7-88 Hillside Place Station 2+00 Park Drive Station 12+00 Park Drive Station 15+00 Park Drive Station 17+00 Hillside Place Station 14+15 Hillside Place Base 9.3 136.5 8 98.1 Base 8.1 135.3 8 97.3 Base 8.1 134.6 8 96.8 Base 9.9 137.0 8 98.5 Base 10.5 117.1 1 97.6 Base 9.9 113.8 4 95.2 Station 15+00 Parkside Place Station 12+00 Parkside Place Station 14+25 Parkside Place Station lo+30 Park Drive Station 15+20 Park Drive Station 18+00 Park Drive Station 13+20 Hillside Drive Station 0+50 Hillside Drive Station 3+00 Hillside Drive Station 4+50 Hillside Drive Station 1+35 Hillside Drive Station 3+85 Park Drive Station 17+00 Park Drive Station 19+45 Park Drive Station 14+50 Park Drive Station 11+50 Base 8.1 135.3 8 97.3 Base 7.5 134.3 8 96.5 Base 9.9 136.7 8 98.3 Base 8.7 136.0 8 97.6 Base 9.9 137.9 8 99.1 Base 8.1 135.8 8 97.6 Base 1.5 138.4 8 99.5 Base 8.7 138.6 8 99.6 Base 8.7 138.1 8 99.3 Base 7.5 135.7 8 97.6 Base 8.7 135.9 8 97.7 Base 11.1 137.1 8 98.6 Base 9.9 138.1 8 99.3 Base a.7 134.1 8 96.4 Base 8.7 135.8 8 97.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988 PLATE NO: 8 MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS, ASTM 1557-78 --_---_--_-----_---_---------------------------------------- ----- SOIL METHOD DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MAXIMUM TYPE MOISTURE DENSITY (percent) (pcf) 1 2 3 4 5 6 A A A A A A A C Tan, Fine to Medium Grained SAND Reddish Brown, Fine To Medium Granined SAND Brown, Fine to Medium Grained SAND Grey. Fine to Medium, Silty SAND (Import) Beige, Very Fine, Sandy SILT Reddish Brown, Fine to Medium, Slightly Silty SAND (Import) Grey, Fine, SAND (Import) Class II Base 13.4 12.5 8.7 13.0 15.2 11.3 13.0 6.7 120.0 132.0 127.5 119.5 118.0 130.5 112.8 139.1 - _-