HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 80-14; Park Drive and Hillside Drive; Soils Report Final; 1989-08-30ENGINEERING DEPT. LIBRARY
City of Carlsbad 2075 Las Palmas Drive Cartsbad CA 92009459
August 30, 1989
Vinedale Development Corporation 280-A Chinquapin Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008
%X&T 8721203 Report No. 13
SUBJECT: Final Report of Field Observations and Relative
COmpaCtiOn Tests, Rough Grading and Site Improvements,
Carlsbad Tract 80-14, park Drive and Hillside Drive,
Carlsbad, California.
In accordance with your request, we have compiled a summary of our field observations and tests performed during the grading
and backfill operations at the subject site. Attached please
find a copy of our Report No. 7, which summarises the rough
grading and retaining wall backfill operations, and Report No. 8, which contains the results and locations of in-place density
tests performed in the utility trench backfills, cribwall
backfills, and subgrade and base materials at the site.
Together these reports represent our final Report of Field
Observations and Relative Compaction Tests.
If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity
to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated.
DBA/DH/MH/rr cc: (4) Submitted
(1) SCS&T, Escondido
- SlOlO
6280 RlVERDALE ST. SAN DIElm, CALIF. 92120 * TELE 2804321 * P.0. 80X 20627 SAN DIEGO, CALIF. 9z1za
678 ENTESrnRISE ST. ESCONDIDO, CALIF. 9zoz5 . TELE 746.4544 December 1, 1988
Vinedale Development Corporation
280-A Chinquapin Avenue
Carlsbad, California 92008
SCS&T 8721203
Report No. 7 -
SUBJECT: Final Report of Field Observation and Relative
Compaction Tests, Carlsbad Tract 80-14, Hillside Drive
and Park Drive, Carlsbad, California.
REFERENCES: 1) Report of Field Observation and Relative
Compaction Tests, Proposed Carlsbad Tract 80-14,
Hillside Drive and Park Drive, Carlsbad,
2) Updated Recommendations, Carlsbad Tract EO-
14, by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc.,
dated December 29, 1987.
3) Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation,
Residential Subdivision, Park and Hillside
Drives, Carlsbad, California, by Southern
California Soil & Testing, Inc., dated October
22, 1979. Project No. 13477
In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared
to present a summary of our field observations and the results
of relative compaction tests performed at the subject site by
Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. These services were
performed between April 27 and August 8, 1988.
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988
- The results of in-place density tests presented herein include
test reSUltS as reported in Reference Number 1 as well as the -
results of in-place density tests performed in the relatively
minor additional fills placed on the lower pad elevations of
lots 6 through 13, the final trimming and compaction operations
on the fill slope located along the west side of these lots, and
.- the placement and compaction of retaining wall backfills.
The subject site is an irregularly shaped parcel of land located
at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of Hillside Drive
and Park Drive in the City of Carlsbad, California. The site is
bounded on the north by residential property, on the east by
Park Drive, on the west by Hillside Drive and vacant property,
and on the south by the intersection of Park and Hillside Drive.
Prior to grading, the site was in a relatively undisturbed
condition, with the northern approximate one-half of the site
sloping moderately to the west into a well defined arroyo, with
the southern approximate one-half of the site sloping steeply to
very steeply in a generally southern direction. Vegetation
onsite consisted of a light to moderate growth of indigenous
grasses on the upper elevations and a dense growth of chaparral
on the lower elevations. Embankment associated with Park Drive
existed along the easterly property line and storm drain and
sewer conduits exist along the western boundary.
It is our understanding that the site is being developed to
receive 19 detached residences. The proposed structures will be
one and/or two stories high and be of wood-frame construction.
Shallow foundations and conventional slab-on-grade floor systems
are anticipated. Earth retaining masonry walls will be used to
TO assist in determining the locations and elevations of our
field density tests and to define the general extent of the site
grading for this phase of work, we were provided with a grading
plan prepared by Manitou Engineering Company of Escondido,
California, dated September 21, 1981 with a revision date of
April 11, 1988.
Prior to grading operations, the areas to be graded were cleared
of vegetation and the material thus generated was exported from
the jobsite. Compressible near surface soils were then
excavated from the areas to receive fills and benches were
established into dense sandy soil at the toe of proposed fill
slopes. The surfaces exposed by removals and benching were
scarified to a depth of approximately 12 inches, watered to
- slightly above optimum moisture content, and recompacted prior
to placing embankment. Fill soils, consisting primarily of non-
detrimentally expansive silty sands obtained from on-site cuts
and several local import sources, were then placed in six to
eight inch lifts, watered to near optimum conditions, and
compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density by
means of a sheepsfoot roller and heavy construction equipment.
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988
accommodate split-level designs.
Page 3
Soils exposed after cutting to finished grade on Pads 1, 2, 3,
18, and 19 were determined to be unsuitable for the support Of
structures due to their in-situ porosity. These porous soils
were excavated to competent underlying soils and were replaced
in uniform compacted lifts as described in the preceding
paragraph. Cuts on lots 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, and 17 exposed
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988 Page 4
competent soils at finished grade, thus no undercutting was
determined to be necessary. Lots 6 through 13 consist entirely
of compacted fill soils.
Retaining wall backfills were placed in thin lifts and
compacted, utilizing hand held mechanical compaction equipment.
- Observations and field density tests were performed by a
representative of Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc.
during the site grading operations. The density tests were
taken according to A.S.T.M. Test 1556-74 and the results of
those tests are shown on the attached plates. The accuracy of
the in-situ density test locations and elevations is a function
of the accuracy of the survey control provided by other than
Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. representatives.
Unless otherwise noted, their locations and elevations were
determined by pacing and hand level methods and should be
considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method
AS used herein, the term "observation" implies only that we
observed the progress of work we agreed to be involved with, and
performed tests, on which, together, we based our opinion as to
whether the work essentially complies with the job requirements,
local grading ordinances and the Uniform Building Code.
Maximum dry density determinations were performed on
representatives samples of the soils used in the compacted fills
according to A.S.T.M. Test 1577-78, Method A. This method
specifies that a four inch diameter cylindrical mold of l/30
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988 Page 5
cubic foot volume be used and that soil tested be placed in five
equal layers with each layer compacted by twenty-five blows of a
lo-pound hammer with a 18-inch drop. The results of these
tests, as presented on Plate No. 7, were used in conjunction
with the field density tests to determine the degree of relative
compaction of the compacted fill.
Based on our field observations and the density test results, it
is the opinion of Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. that
the grading was performed basically in accordance with the
recommendations contained in the referenced Geotechnical Reports
and the recommendations contained therein do apply to the
subject site.
This report covers only the services performed between April 27
and August 8, 1988. As limited by the scope of the services
which we agreed to perform, our opinion presented herein are
based on our observations and the relative compaction test
results. Our service was performed in accordance with the
currently accepted standard of practice and in such a manner as
to provide a reasonable measure of the compliance of the grading
operations with the job requirements. No warranty, express or
implied, is given or intended with respect to the services which
we have performed, and neither the performance of those services
nor the submittal of this report should be construed as
relieving the grading contractor of his responsibility to
conform with the job requirements.
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988 Page 6
If you should have any questions after reviewing this report,
please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity
to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated.
Respectfully submitted,
cc: (4) Submitted
(11 SCS&T, Escondido
- JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 3
TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP NO. (perCent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) _~~~~~-_~~~--_-----_-~~--~~~~~---~~~-------~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~----
- 1 4-27-88 2 4-27-88 3 4-27-88
4 4-27-88 5 4-28-88
6 4-28-88 7 4-28-88 8 4-28-88
9 4-29-88
10 4-29-88 - 11 4-29-88
12 4-29-88 13 4-29-88
14 5-2-88
15 5-2-88
16 5-2-88 17 5-2-88 .~ 18 5-2-88 19 5-2-88
20 5-2-88 21 5-3-88
22 5-3-88 23 5-3-88
24 5-3-88 .~ 25 5-3-88
26 5-3-88 27 5-3-88 - 28 5-3-88 29 5-3-88
30 5-4-88 -. 31 5-4-88 32 5-4-88
33 5-4-88
34 5-4-88 - 35 5-4-88
36 5-4-88 37 5-4-88 - 38 5-4-88 39 5-4-88 40 5-5-88 41 5-5-88 42 5-5-88 43 5-5-88
44 5-5-88 45 5-5-88
46 5-6-88 47 5-6-88
48 5-6-88
49 5-6-88
Lot #ll, Bench 116.5 NG 8.7 113.1 Lot #8, Bench 121.0 NG 8.1 112.8
Retest of 1 117.5 PNG 9.9 115.7
Retest of 2 119.5 PNG 10.5 115.8
Lot #13, Bench 112.0 PNG 9.3 114.2
Lot #13 114.0 10.5 119.1
Lot #13 116.0 10.5 119.1
Lot #lO 118.5 10.5 121.0
Lot #12 120.5 12.4 117.8
Lot #2 136.0 NG 9.3 118.5
Retest of 10 136.0 NG 11.7 120.7
Lot #6, Bench 118.0 NG 10.5 119.2
Retest of 9 120.5 12.4 124.7 Lot #2 146.0 9.3 119.5
Lot #l 138.0 11.7 120.3
Lot #3 137.5 9.9 119.3
Lot #4 153.5 11.7 120.7
Lot #4 155.5 13.0 126.9
Lot #4 157.5 12.4 126.9 Lot #l 147.5 9.9 119.7 Lot #18 131.0 NG 8.7 118.0 Retest of 21 131.5 NG 12.4 122.5
Lot #19 134.0 14.3 110.3 Lot #2 149.5 13.6 111.0 Lot #l 146.0 14.9 112.2 Lot #3 151.0 14.3 115.4
Lot #19 135.0 13.6 111.8 Lot #2 151.5 15.6 107.8 Retest of 28 151.5 15.6 112.6 Lot #3 153.0 16.3 113.9 Lot #4 155.0 8.7 120.7 Lot #3 152.0 15.6 108.7
Lot #2 152.0 14.9 114.7 Lot #4 157.0 12.4 124.5
Lot #3 154.0 14.9 109.4
Lot #lO 122.5 12.4 119.0 Lot #12 118.0 14.9 109.2
Lot #ll 124.5 13.0 120.7
Lot #13 120.0 16.3 109.9 Lot #12 122.2 12.4 104.7 Retest of 40 122.2 12.4 121.7 Lot #13 124.0 14.9 113.5 Lot #9 124.0 12.4 113.1 Lot #lO 126.0 15.3 114.7 Lot #8 124.5 16.3 112.5 Lot #8 126.5 11.7 121.2
Lot #lO 127.0 15.6 112.7 Lot #7 128.0 14.3 107.6 Retest of 48 128.0 14.3 112.3
1 1
1 1 1 2 2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
2 2
1 1
1 1
2 1
1 2 1 2 1 1
2 1
1 1
1 2
1 1
94.3 94.0
96.4 96.5 95.1 90.2
90.2 91.6
89.3 89.8
91.4 90.3
91.2 90.4
96.1 90.6
89.4 92.8
91.9 92.5
93.5 96.1
93.1 89.8
93.8 94.9
91.5 90.6
95.6 94.3
91.2 90.1
91.0 91.5
91.6 87.2 92.2 94.6 94.3 95.6 93.8 91.8
93.9 89.7
JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 4
"":-_--__-___-______------------------------------------:-:-:---------------- (percent)(p c f ) TYPE (percent)
51 52
53 54
55 56
57 58
61 62
63 64
65 66
67 68
69 70
73 74
77 78
79 80
81 82 83 84
85 86
87 88
89 90
91 92 93 94
97 98
5-6-88 Lot #9 5-9-88 Lot #3 5-9-88 Lot #l 5-9-88 Lot #2 5-9-88 Lot #2
5-9-88 Lot #l 5-9-88 Lot #3 5-9-88 Lot #6 5-9-88 Lot #2
5-10-88 Lot #ll 5-10-88 Lot #6
5-10-88 Lot #9 5-10-88 Lot #lO 5-10-88 Lot #8 5-10-88 Lot #7 5-11-88 Lot #6 5-11-88 Lot #8
5-11-88 Lot #lO 5-11-88 Lot #9
5-11-88 Lot #7 5-11-88 Lot #6 5-12-88 Lot #6
5-12-88 Lot #19
5-12-88 Lot #18 5-12-88 Lot #12 5-12-88 Lot #13 5-12-88 Lot #ll 5-13-88 Lot #6 5-13-88 Lot #6
5-13-88 Lot #6 5-13-88 Lot #6
5-16-88 Lot #l 5-16-88 Lot #2 5-16-88 Lot #3 5-16-88 Lot #4
5-16-88 Lot #5 S-16-88 Lot #6 5-16-88 Lot #7 5-16-88 Lot #8
5-16-88 Lot #9 5-16-88 Lot #lO 5-17-88 Retest of 72 5-17-88 Lot #19 5-17-88 Lot #ll 5-17-88 Lot #12
5-17-88 Lot #13 5-17-88 Lot #18 5-18-88 Lot #4, Garage 5-18-88 Hillside Drive 5-18-88 Lot #13
127.5 15.6 110.7 140.0 11.7 113.2
139.5 12.4 125.1 141.0 11.1 119.5 139.0 12.4 120.7
142.0 12.4 119.8
143.0 13.0 119.3 113.5 13.6 109.0
143.0 13.6 123.9
130.0 14.6 112.1
115.5 16.3 108.1
129.5 14.3 112.5
131.5 13.6 109.9 130.5 12.4 119.2 130.0 14.9 110.7 117.5 11.1 117.3 132.5 12.4 109.1
133.0 13.6 119.9 134.5 11.7 117.5
133.0 11.7 119.7
119.5 12.4 120.3 121.5 13.0 119.4
136.0 12.4 100.9 134.0 11.1 108.1 133.0 14.3 113.3 130.0 11.7 119.4
134.0 11.7 115.2 123.5 11.1 119.5
125.5 14.9 108.3
127.5 13.6 121.8 129.5 FG 13.0 119.1 145.0 FG 7.5 115.0
146.0 FG 8.1 124.8 146.5 FG 8.1 122.2
147.5 FG 7.5 120.7
138.5 FG 11.4 118.8
137.0 FG 11.7 119.3 136.5 FG 11.1 116.6
136.0 FG 12.4 119.3
135.5 FG 12.4 119.9
136.0 FG 13.0 118.9 136.0 12.4 108.8
137.0 FG 12.0 108.2 134.0 FG 12.0 108.3
133.0 FG 11.1 108.6 130.0 FG 13.6 108.9 133.5 FG 14.3 109.1 140.5 9.3 120.3
88.5 14.3 112.7 125.5 13.0 108.4
1 1
2 2
2 2
2 1
2 1
1 1
1 3 1 2
3 3
3 2
1 1
1 2
3 2
1 2
2 2
2 3
3 3
3 3 3 1
1 1
1 2 1 1
92.3 94.3 94.8 90.5
91.5 90.7 90.4 90.8
93.8 93.4
91.6 90.3
92.2 93.1
90.9 90.8 92.1 93.8
94.3 90.5
84.1 90.0
94.4 90.4
90.3 90.5
90.2 92.2
90.2 91.3
94.6 92.5
91.4 94.3
94.7 91.4
94.6 95.1
94.3 90.7
90.1 90.2
90.5 90.8
90.9 91.1
93.9 90.3
- JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203 PLATE NO: 5
TEST DATE LOCATION ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DEN. SOIL REL.COMP - NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) _---_-~--_-~~_-----_____________________~~~~~~~-~~~~~----~~~~~~-~~~-~~~------
100 5-18-88
- 101 5-19-88
102 5-19-88 .-
103 5-19-88
104 5-19-88
105 5-19-88
106 5-20-88 - 107 5-20-88
108 5-20-88
109 5-20-88
110 5-20-88
- 111 5-20-88
112 5-20-88
113 5-23-88
114 5-24-88 115 5-24-88
116 5-24-88 117 5-25-88
118 S-25-88 119 5-25-88
120 S-26-88 -
Wall Backfill
WBl 6-23-88
.- WB2 6-23-88 WB3 6-23-88
WB4 6-24-88 WB5 6-24-88 ..-. WB6 6-27-88 WB7 6-29-88
WB8 6-29-88 - WB9 6-30-88
WBlO 6-30-88 WBll 7-l-88
-- WB12 7-l-88 WB13 7-19-88 WB14 7-19-88 WB15 7-19-88
WB16 7-19-88 WB17 7-20-88 WB18 7-20-88 - WB19 7-20-88
WB20 7-21-88
Lot #ll
Parkside Place Station 14+00
Parkside Place Station 12+60
Parkside Place
Station lo+60
Hillside Drive Station 3+50
Lot #12
Lot #lO Lot #9 Parkside Drive Station 11+35
Parkside Drive
Station 12+80 Parkside Drive Station 14+85
Lot #8 Lot #7 Lot #6
Lot #l, Slope
Lot #2, Slope
Lot #3, Slope Lot #l, Garage Lot #2, Garage Lot #3, Garage
Lot #ll, Slope
S/End E/Wall 145.5 7.8 120.3 N/End E/Wall 148.0 12.4 124.7
S/End E/Wall 147.0 12.7 127.2
S/End E/Wall 149.0 14.6 119.9
N/End E/Wall 152.0 10.2 118.2
N/End E/Wall 149.5 14.3 119.2
Lot #5 131.0 13.0 127.3
Lot #6 121.5 14.9 119.5
Lot #8/9 132.0 15.3 119.3
Lot #7 133.0 12.4 120.5
Lot #9 133.0 12.4 119.1 Lot #lO 132.5 12.4 114.3
Lot #19 135.0 17.6 108.2 Lot #18 132.0 14.3 109.4 Lot #19 136.5 14.9 106.8
Lot #18 133.5 12.4 110.4
Lot #l 143.3 8.7 117.4 Lot #l 142.5 12.4 123.7
Lot #2 144.0 13.0 121.4
Lot #3 143.5 12.4 120.1
130.0 11.1 119.6 2 90.6
130.0 11.1 107.5 4 90.0
132.5 12.4 107.7 4 90.1
132.5 13.6 110.8 4 92.7
86.5 13.6 109.3 1 91.1
128.5 13.6 108.1 1 90.1
131.5 11.1 116.0 3 91.0
130.5 11.1 116.2 3 91.1
134.5 11.1 116.1 4 97.1
124.5 10.5 115.0 4 96.2
129.0 11.7 115.3 4 96.5
131.0 10.5 118.0 3 92.6
132.0 11.7 124.5 2 94.3
132.0 11.1 123.4 2 93.4
143.0 11.1 113.3 1 94.4
142.0 10.5 124.4 2 94.2
142.0 9.9 112.3 1 93.6
139.5 10.5 123.3 2 93.4
140.5 9.9 121.5 2 92.0
141.5 10.2 124.9 2 94.6
126.0 13.6 108.7 1 90.5
6 6
6 6
6 6
6 2
5 1
5 1
3 2
2 2
92.2 95.5 97.5 91.9
90.6 91.3
96.4 90.5
91.3 95.3
91.7 91.2
90.5 92.0 92.1 93.7
92.0 91.0
JOB NAME: Tract 80-14 JOB NO: 8721203
NO. (percent)(p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) -_-__--___-_-____-_-____________________~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~------~~~~----- ------
WB21 7-22-88 Lot #ll
WB22 7-22-88 Lot #ll WB23 7-22-88 Lot #12
WB24 7-22-88 Lot #3 WB25 7-22-88 Lot #4 WB26 7-22-88 Lot #4 WB27 7-22-88 Lot #3
WB28 7-25-88 Lot #15 WB29 7-25-88 Lot #3 WB30 7-25-88 Lot #3
WB31 7-29-88 Lot #13
WB32 7-29-88 Lot #14 WB33 7-29-88 Lot #17
WB34 7-29-88 Lot #17 WB35 7-29-88 Lot #16 WB36 7-29-88 Lot #16 WB37 8-3-88 Lot #13
WB38 8-3-88 Lot #13 WB39 8-3-88 Lot #17
WB40 8-3-88 Lot #12 WB41 8-3-88 Lot #13
WB42 8-3-88 Lot #7
WB43 8-3-88 Lot #6 WB44 8-3-88 Lot #7 WB45 8-4-88 Retest of 39
WB46 8-4-88 Lot #17 WB47 8-8-88 Lot #17 WB48 8-8-88 Lot #15
WB49 8-8-88 Lot #15 WB50 8-8-88 Lot #15
134.0 131.5 145.0
143.0 144.5
126.0 146.0 146.0
125.5 123.5
123.0 124.5 122.0
11.1 10.5 15.6 12.4
13.0 12.4
17.0 8.7 11.1
18.7 19.0
15.6 18.1 14.3 124.0 12.4 118.5 9.3
127.0 14.3 126.0 14.9
129.5 15.3
131.5 15.6 131.5 16.3 118.5 13.0 120.5 14.9 123.0 9.9 123.0 9.9
122.5 10.5 124.5 7.5
107.7 104.0 110.6 119.5
118.4 123.9
114.9 114.5 116.0
108.2 108.3 106.9 106.9 110.5 110.0 111.3 116.7 106.5
110.0 110.4 110.3
106.3 108.2 125.0
111.6 108.0 107.9
109.4 110.9
5 7 5 2
6 6
5 3 3
5 5
5 5 1 1 1
7 7
7 7
1 7
91.3 92.2
93.7 90.6
90.7 94.9
92.3 97.4
95.4 91.0
91.7 91.8 91.4 90.6 90.5 93.2
93.2 97.3
88.8 97.5
94.2 95.9
95.7 95.7
91.2 98.3
SCS&T 8721203 December 1, 1988 PLATE NO: 7
MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE DETERMINATIONS, ASTM 1557-78 --_---__-___________---------------------------------------------
(percent) (pcf)
1 A Tan, Fine to Medium Grained SAND
2 A Reddish Brown, Fine To Medium Granined SAND
3 A Brown, Fine to Medium Grained SAND
4 A Grey, Fine to Medium, Silty SAND (Import)
5 A Beige, Very Fine,
Sandy SILT
6 A Reddish Brown, Fine to
Medium, Slightly Silty
SAND (Import)
7 A Grey, Fine, SAND (Import)
13.4 120.0
12.5 132.0
8.7 127.5
13.0 119.5
15.2 118.0
11.3 130.5
13.0 112.8