HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-10; KOLL BUSINESS PARK; AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT; 1982-04-21~,I I . _, I i 1 . ,I .1 I . :1 I ~ I ,I -I , I I ·1 -I . ·:1 I ':1. .... ll" , ......... -""1·" .~'t.l ~ ... RECEIVED JUN 1 '1 1982 . SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING, ;INC . SOIL ENGINEERING & ENGINEERING GEOLOGY April 21, 1982 10 Carlsbad Research Center c/o The Koll Company 7330 Engineer Road Job No: SDl144-~0 Log No: 8-02-2439 San Diego, California 92111 Attention: SUBJECT: Mr. Michael Dunigan AS-GRADED GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Rough Grading Completed Carlsbad Research Center, Phase I Carlsbad Tract No. 8l-l0 Carlsbad, California References: 1. "PJr.e.lI.mI.-naJr.y SoI.l and Ge.ologI.c. I nve..6tigatI.o f1., CaJr.l.6bad Re.6eaJr.c.h CenteJr., CaJr.l.6bad, CalI.60Jr.- nI.a," pJr. e. paJr. e.d by Woo dwaJr. d -Cl yd e Co n.6 u£. ta nt.6. , dated ApJr.I.l 27, 1981; Gentlemen: 2. "AddI.tI.onal StudI.e.6, CaJr.l.6bad Re..6eaJr.c.h Ce.nte.Jl., Pha.6e. I, CaJr.l.6bad, CalI.60Jr.nI.a," pJr.e.paJr.e.d by WoodwaJr.d-Clyde Con.6ultant.6, dated Augu.6t 17, 1981; 3. "Addendum to AddI.tI.onal S:tudI.e..6, CaJr.l.6bad Re..6e.aJr.c.h Ce.nte.Jr., pha.6e I, CaJr.l.6bad, CalI.6oh- nI.a," pJr. e. paJr. e.d by Woo dwaJr. d -c.e. yd e Co n.6 ul ta nt.6 , date.d se.ptembe.Jr. 3, 1981. Submitted herewith is the report of observations and testing performed during the preparation of existing ground and the . placement and compaction of fill for Carlsbad Research Center, Phase I, Carlsbad, California. Grading under the purview of this report was performed by Templeton Grading, between about October 1981 and April 1982. Field density tests are shown -' ", / -;;u ,--, f p {-'''- SUBSIDIARY OF IRVINE CONSULTING GROUP, INC. -' l ___ 4891 MERCURY STREET. SAN DIEGO, CA 92111.(714~266 'I I I I 'I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I Carlsbad Research Center April 21, 1982 Job No: SDi144-l0 Log No: SD2-2439 Page Two on the attached As-Graded Geotechnical Maps, Plates 1 through 11. Test results are tabulated on Table I, Results of Compac- tion Tests. Grading was performed to: 1) rough grade commercial .. building pads; 2) rough grade streets and 3) provide site drainage. PREPARATION OF NATURAL GROUNV In areas to receive fill brush, vegetation,miscellaneous debris and other deleterious materials ,were removed. Topsoil : and alluvium were removed down to firm natural material or bedrock. Prior to placing fill, the exposed soils were scari- fied to a depth of about 6 to 8-inches, brought to near opti- mum moisture conditions and compacted. The natural ground is considered suitable for the s~pport of the fill placed at the site. SOIL TYPES The fill materials used at the site consist of native soils I and imported "decomposed granite". The list of soils used as fill are included in Table II, Laboratory Test Results. FILL PLACEMENT Fill soils were placed in about 6 to 8-inch lifts, brought to near optimum moisture content and compacted. The equipment used for compaction consisted of a self-propelled, steel- wheeled compactor, sheepsfoot rollers and other heavy earth- moving equipment. I I I Ii I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Carlsbad Research Center April 21, 1982 Job No: SDl144-io Log No: SD2-2439 Page Three' Grading operations were started and completed to rough grade during the period covered by this report (October 1981 through April 1982). VENSITY TESTS Density tests were made in accordance with ASTM: D 1556-64 (Sand-Cone Method) and ASTM: D 2937-71 (Drive-Cylinder Method). Results of the density tests are attached in Table I, Results of Compaction Tests and results of the maximum density and optimum moisture determinations are tabulated in Table, II" Laboratory Test Results. Ninety percent of the laboratory maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM Method of Test D 1557-78 (Five-Layer Method) was adopted as the low- est acceptable test result. FILL SLOPES Fill slopes were limited to a maximum slope ratio of 2:1 (horizonta1:vertica1) nominal. All 2:1 fill slopes over 10 feet (vertical) in height were constructed w,ith granular ma'terials in accordance with the referenced "preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation .•. ". The granular material consisted of ,imported "decomposed granite" and was utilized in tpe outer 10 feet' (horizontal) of the slopes. Fill slopes with a slope ratio of flatter than 2:1 (horizonta1:vertica1) or less than 10 feet (vertical) in height were constructed utilizing nativ$, on-site materials. Care should be taken such that on-site fine grading does not reduce the width of the granular fill slopes.' If retaining walls or other encroachments are planned in the future, plans for these modifications should be forwarded to the Geotechnical Consultant for review. I I· I I ~ . , , -I I I I I I I I I Carlsbad Research Center April 21, 1982 CUT SLOPES Job No: SOl144-10 Log No: SD2-2439 Page Four Cut slopes were limited to a slope ratio of 2:1 (horizontal: vertical) nominal. Cut slopes were constructed in Point Lorna Formation and Santiago Formation. NATURAL SLOPES Natural slopes are present in two canyons that are adjacent to the northern site boundary. The natural slopes are considered to possess gross stability in excess of generally accepted minimum engineering criteria. GEOLOGIC SETTING The geology of the site is generally as described in the referenced "Preliminary Soil and Geologic Investigation ••• ". The site is underlain by the Eocene Age Santiago Formation and the Cretaceous Age Point Lorna Formation. The Santiago Formation underlies in the southern-most portion of the site, with the Point Lorna Formation underlying the remainder of the project. Minor amounts of alluvium were completely removed prior to the placement of the fill. The as-graded geologic conditions are shown on the attached As-Graded Geotechnical Maps, Plates 1 through 11. GEOLOGIC OBSERVATIONS VURING GRAVING During grading operations periodic observations were made by . the Soils Engineer and Engineering Geologist. Areas of specific review included: fill keys, cut slopes, alluvial removals and removal of existing fill materials. Data collected during grading is presented on the attached As-Graded Geot-echnical Maps. I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I I I I I Carlsbad Research Center April 21, 1982 FAULTING Job No: SDl144-l0 Log No: SD2-2439 Page Five No evidence of active or inactive faulting was encountered ~n the· course of in-grading geologic observations. ROCK VISPOSAL Oveisized material generated during grading was placed in fill are~s along. the north property boundary near Lot No. IS 1 an4 2. The rock was placed in windrows, and backfilled with relatively clean materials, generally decomposed granite. The rock was placed no less than ten feet below the finish pad and surfaces. The area of oversize material disposal is indicated on the attached As-Graded Geotechnical Maps, Plates 1 -11. ~----.. """.~." . ~'-:,J;f;f:#<\{·,;r ~<;:~~:~;:.~: .. ' on: the 'resul ts'of' s ..... ~:.: ••• ,-.fL'" '.: -:, ... ,~ "f-4,,""'':~~~ ',' ".,' ,' ..... r .~:, __ .}<'.~ .... ted' herein'~ it is this fi~~s "opinion, tha.~.~:,th~ , '. . c~mpactio'~ was perfor~ed ;'in ac·c~'rqa~q~"·wi th ;;~ur< ::<:." ~ <:.', ". ' ' . ,'. { ': ' : ' " . .' :-', ' ' . ; '., ~··rE~c(:muitle:naations and the requirementso:t. :the City of Garl. • • • • _ .' I •• t,.. , '. '. "'! .' ~ , I. , I .' fill slopes, as built, are considered t6.~osse~s /.. ..:.... . ' .. .~ ... ",,' ,~: ::'-'":.' ..... , 'r<-',..,: ',';'-"';t,: _' ~ . . .... ' ... tabili ty in excess of g~neral accepted, st'andards ~ ,,' -.: F:' ' .:-' . ',,: '.:'; ": ,:~ , .~. , ... :. . . ~'<.~ .:: .:~ ;: .,~~~'~~:.:-....... ':: ~. ;-::~':>"·"~~:}.·:f{.:~;~:;};~):?:~·h ',~i ~ :>{;( order to enhance the potential' for 'future 'favorable' • • " .: :~':; '~. ',~ .~. • '0." ~··j7·,\'~J~ ." " " '" of slopes, these areas should be landscaped ,.' ": I;>, 1:h~ compl~tion of gr~dind'>' "PI~~ts should cOh~'i~t pf , . r~oted varieties r~quir'i~g"iittl~' ~at:~ri~g';:?':;i<i~nd"':: ; I ~pe> '~r~~i te'ct would b~, ~h~ ~~s{ .. p~rty ,t~ ,~~~~~~,~,;:'~e~ard~~~ -, , tual'·' types of plants' and planting "configuration>'::"~'l'o, .' ":::: I::~' : E~~~ar~·1 the tendency of wea:the~~·~,~<.ne~r:'_~he, ~~~P~' f~d~·,. ",' . '" ':' igation should be planned to achieve uniform 'moisture I :.:,cond±tions weli below the' sat~r~ti~n' l·eYel. ,:";If"":autoJUatic . , !':'.timing devi~es are utilized in conjunction :'with 'irrigation:, I, ;:1,/:::,.: '~: syst~m~, 'provisio~s sho~ld be ~~defo~ ~ inter;up',tihg" 'normal' ::::~; ',;. , , ,,,:'fi:i: wa terl'ng during and following' periods' "of: 'rai'~fall ~> : prop~rty :'. ; . -.. " • , .. -'r, • '.,. ~ '.. , ..... ~ ... ! . :'\>;.,., ' • .~~:.:~';,,~, : ':' '. owners andlor maintenance personnel should bei made' aware that -~,~, . I :'· ·"··:~:~r~~.;, .. ",·:,:~~~~;>'·:.·,:>improper slope maintenance, altering site drainage';: over-.... ,\j~.':{::. I :_", ... ~ . "~~~f~.,' .A:.r.~:~:I:" ~.~{:<::'tf~ t.' . ~. . . ',: ":':. 't1.~ .. " .:!.~ .. : :';:<-e~;\;~i~{;{\rJ~r~:",;~:.;~:~.~atering, and burrowing anima.~~, can be de:~trime:n~al 'to" ~lop~ .·;~.1~~~.{f.~~·.~ I':::':;;~:~t?i'(c ~:a:~l~:~~mm:::::d i::l~~:~n~a~:s::::o~::i: :~~: :~:::m:~ce ·~~r I. ,';, .. k::~1.>.· .: instead of excavating trenches in slope faces. .'.~::'.. . ::.: ... \.;. I , ',>i<.;~,;·/· :,.,.> :" . .. ;...... .' .,~. '. .. , .::' ." ,,', / . '. , . '.! . " .... ..c," .,:-'. "/"~,,,,,' ... ,.., ........... tions'· and de':'elopmen ts • 'Such in.*es,tiga '-J.'..,.u,w .. ,'" . ~ .. ,~ ... (~.;'~J-~~~'~ { •. ' ,':-.. :,-" :" ;,>,\.' '.,"~'.~' .. ,: ,l~~ely: include su~~·'urJace .. ~xploration~ .. ,,:~'.:~.~/:,,;.:~:}:\~: ,.' · ;:<, .... ";~:~~re:t:avl~!ftL~ ':.:'< .•. , ..• ~. '::: '··.··:';j;~,::\':~'~{:~~f1,: . Asphal.tic. concrete pav~~~ti~ ·.design' is c~rrently b~~~).,g. ".'0' ... ::; , .• _. , " ," ',:1., -.~-,t:..~:J~*~ ",-, .. I .. " _~J""e .. 1T ..... ~.,'.' .... ' performed by San .. .Di~g6· ~SqJls Engineerin'g Inc ~ , . in." aC ~ ! .. " -~". ' .• Cl .... ~'~i,::· :. . -~ ',', --.;-~'.' . :.:.;.; I.~:.', _ .... with .the requirements of .... ;:he City of Carlsbad .... A 'pavement '~~~commendatioii letter Jli~i' foil~w. ': .. :~:"'~., '" '. :.~:;;;:: :' .. ;>.c,"~;;:~.:/~~: .. : .... ::'. ':.:; A·.,~;n:~ . '~~~~f:i 1 "., '. ·;'~f:l};~)'}~J; .. ::::' ""-'::'1~?:'i,'l:it~,fM,{{~r~1~( . }~~~,~': Trench backfill should b'ef' compacted to a minimWno~' 90·. ""''r'"-.':;':-.-::-.,~... ....,.. .'. . ..• ' t ~,!,..~ .. ! , ••• _ ..... 1 •• • ":. ' .... ,.-.. ", :!;" .". ,~:. ,,' ,·,·,·"'-,cent of' the laboratory 'maximum' density~.; The' c;:ompaction '., .... ; ,"'A','",'",,,,,,-.' .' ,.', ' to ~"":"-':'~ .' "'.~,' ~ • . ' .. :'. should be performed by mechanical means unless otherwise . '." • '. '.' .' _.~ ::.~; ',:. • ...' • • r " ..' .. ..: .: .... , , , z:ecommended. Jetting may be' 'Utilized w.i th gra,nular" back~~. '.' '. '. '.~." "',' ",s,.: . . ". , -, :~. <~\. ,", • !. fill 'materials (sand equivalent greater. than 30)' in '. '''' ":,}. ' __ :/',i . .... , .. ,trenches less than 4 feet"deeP and 2 fe·et· wide. Followi~~:"'· " . " . ~. . . . , '< 'i',~;·· .. jetting operations, the' trenches shouI'd be mechanically'·.;. ... :r,i,i::':' ",~,,;'" . . . ;" , .:. ~.~.;.,,~ r,.. . :,~? .', ,_ . . ~"" .. ':_t·...-~;:~t: .. ~~~ :-L~ . . ~!.;< '., ... compacted from the surface. 'Jetting and granular.'bac~~ill >~~~jE·"';.·· 'I:.' ." .! are not' recommended for "t~~nches in slope area·s·. :Additi~h·':;~~:t;:(~~fir· · .... : .. L ~:·.:~:;·~-<:\;. ... : .. ,·'i.>~·; . " . ·"ally, jetting is not recommended in trenches extending' "::,:.:: .::' ~; I~:>(;':"j'f\? ./.~:::r t~: ::!::e::g:o o:o::::~:::~s ~i thin.a 1: 1 projection . ~jt;: { .' " '.; ',,' ','," . .,' ;. ", ·.·:l?:~·>·;· . ' . , .. :,. . . I ', I ::' " , .: ~. " .' '~ - '" "':)..,-.f ...... · , '" . ~ .. 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' 21* .. ... , . :.£,' ,22* .. 23* ... 24* .. 25 10/12/81 26 .. 27 .. 28 II 29· .. 30 " '31'2 -',: 314 "::)~".~: 314 !.'~:i·:.' ~.: ,~ ~ .... : 313· , 313~";:\; . -312'''';:'-- 310':':~~ :.' . 312 ',~'/:~ 314: .~~~~. .. , 313'-;':~;<·. , '1'·":: '. 309 --:-.:: !" ..... ~ ~!. <~ 309 311i .. ':: .. ~~ 313',:>':.' ... ,., ... 314 315 .... .-313 ... .. . 314 3102 \,::c 311 309 305 302 295 -' .. ,'" . 16.3 113'.3 15.3' 111.8 . '. . " 14.9 113.1 15.3 113.4 15.9 113.5 16.3 113.7 13.6 114.2 14.6 113.8 17.9 . 114.1 15.6 110.8 15.6 110.3 17.9 113;7 14.3 111.0 13.9 110.4 13.9 110.7 13.9 ' 110.2 1'5.6 . 111.8 15.6 111.0 16.3 112.5 15.3 110.8 14.9 110.4 15.9 112.4 15.3 110.6 16~6 110.7 16.6 111.7 16.6 113.9 15.3 112.1 15.3 112.7 16 •. 3 113.5 15.6 112.8 ¥-:. ~ 94 94 ':'94 .. , .. ' .;::! ,; ';< ' . ,': : .. :~.' ~ ~ . . -',' .-\; . . }:~:{; '.' 95 " 93 9~ , 92 .' ·94 93 93 94 93 .' .... 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II' ~ .>.~;t'-;;" /~e.-:i·:~_ .' .. ", II ,.: " :',:. 1, ~". , , < .9'5 96 97 , ' '98' ' '99 108 . 109 :," .,-: :110 Ill' . 112 113* 114 115 116 I"; . , :',: 117 j{',F":~~: . -' 120 ....... ." .. 16/21/81 " " II 'If " .,' .,,' , .. " . 'If , II:::,:; .. .:~" .. ; :'.'," ,," ~ :' ~ .. " . • '. ,t').-.' II' " .. ' II 10/22/81 .' " . , .. " ':,.' If ' II 'If .. If If If If " , , NAME: DEP'TH1 MO co , 293 15.3,., 109'. 3 , . -"# 287 16.9 111.3 '286 15.6 199.4 282 '15.6 109.3 285 16.3 109.3 282 17.9 . 112.5 273 17.6 i11.2 275 15'-3 111.6 276 15.3 112.4' 277 17.9 111.3 279 13.0 108.1 279 13.9 . 111.4 '278 17.9 111.6 276 15.6 112.3 '. 275 21.6 90.0' 275 20.3 94.5 ' 275 19.0 . 100.6 275 15.6 113.5 276 15.6 115.6 274 21.2 98.5 274 20.8 98.7 281 22.2 99.0 268 15.3 110.8 268 16.9 112.9 270 14.9 111.'1 272 15.6 112.5 270 17.6 113.9 271 20.2 101.8 280 15.3 111.1 284 14.3 110.8 92 95 92 '92 93 '92 , .~ ': .' 89** --;-""92,' ';'<7":' :' 9 2" >~:>:~. "93 .:~,:. . '::17** --.: ':/:"~1*< ' . 86**:' ".: ~'97'" ,:;: :::.9:6 " ':'~>::' , ~ ''' .. " ;::'~::.~ 4 " :>:~: ' .. 94· <,' 94 :, , .. ' 95 .... ;~' . 97, <. ~: '. 95 . 96 96 97 95 95 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ,2 2 2 2 4. 6 6 6" 2 2 2 2 5 6 ,2 2 . , , ~. ",;':t' . If Rete~t ~*iO'l':~ ::1/.:.: ':-i " . Retest';#i05:·~~:~::·' :, ' , Ret~~'t:,:, ito 6~ik:::':': ~' . :::e:9t,itl~;j~~J;, ,,' Lot #10 ........... ~ .... . LO: *:i"~'~~~": ;. . ." ~", . " '. f'~.~<.:·' . "":.. If '. .. ,:'~.,~ .. ~~ : ....... ' ... ' ,': • ,;'.-> .. It' . ' .. . ". ~ .. ; .. ~:: -, 'Lot #10 eleva tion in feet., ' .. " , ' ... : .... , ., . ,,~' : -~:l;'it:: *;::~:~::~~:~:~~~:~~~:~RIVE_CVLIN~::ima ted 1::>.]\>:'--· -------~~~~~ . ~,,:.S:,i~kl,'~.", .. .,-, .... ,< •• 4-, ~ • _ ' ':'r- I" .. ·· ", ' ," .\ ~<>"':' ... '129 . 130 . I f'),l31 ~:;~f~i~ '1" "~i~~:(' '136"· . !.:.:l';;;:~i;:~ til~E: :;~'~: 1~1' I';"~": ~:: • ",,', 146 ... ~ I",' :,' 147 148 149 * 150 .. ':\. <: . , ", . " II 10/23/81 ,.~J~?},,{"; II : ': i:" '2 79 ,.~ ~ , ,~::~:"_i.~~}~~~;' "; '.283 .;~, .. t:~":}:~'j~~:;·:~t: . 283 " '" ," 'II ..... ,., . " .. ~ . , ,,' " . . .~.' '. . -" .. ,;;. ,.' . " " ,II :.' . ',. '.-:. . ' ,II '. II ", 7-, I,. , 10/26/8;t ,> " " " , " II . , " ,II II II '. . '. ~ II II 10/27/81 II II " ..:":,~,~{0!;.'·· 284~':" . ':~'81i~;< ;', 2:1.~::':·. 275 ':. X?~:;:~·:. 27]:;.,..-',: '. .. ~~·.t~:tE·~~ .-: .278 ',:-. '~7~;;~: . 276.' '.' -:." -d~"~ 276":','-. ~-,:1,::'-; .... : 27,6 ;: ~ : ,~.,.' 276, ;' 278 280 280 .. --::.~' .:' ': 279 280 281 283 292 292 22.2 22.2 ~. , . ,23.2 21.8, ,15.9 ,,.:; .... '14.6 '. ,:.-: . '20.0 20'.0 21.2 '~1.2 . -20.8 20.8 .. ~ ". :'22.-2 23.4' .24.2 23.4 24.2 22.8 20.8 20.2 15.0 15.5 16.8 16.8 10.5 19.0 99.7 <, 100.7 ,,98.1 97.4 100.0 97.5 101.5 100.'5 111.6 111.4 104.6 102.7 102.1 102.6 105.0 102.8 101.9 95~8 98.4 91.9 ,"'r. 100.0 98.9 ' 99.8 99.4 102.8 107.5 107.8 108.5 117.3 96.6 . , ,;:.. "-. ·:-r .... :-·· ,,-', ' 'i5;~~~i 96 . ' .. 93 .:C,ff,'-,\:': , 93.'/):/:' 95 93 97 '96, ,.-::. '.' 95 ; ,': " .. ' 9'5 ":'~:>' ....,'. ~ . -' .... '. '.; 93' ',:>-,:' 96, " ,,' 95":-',::::'; .";~. . '96 ":,,>.' . :: : .. ' ~ -, ' ':-': '98 ,-/:','::": ';>' 96:?'~';~~ , " 6 ' ' .,' 2 ". . , 2".:' :~' " 7.': ::/ .. , :!~:. '7 :'?:; .. ,' 7 '. 7,;'Z{', .~ . " 7' ,':". 9 5~. :,: :.. 7 " -:, ',' :. 91 :,::>'~, 6': .. ··.' .. . 94' :':. :'.':' . 6' ~:'-~, ...... t;'- ~ 88**",': 6" '.' ',-.. ~ ':'95'",: ':-Oh. 94 ' "',~' '95 ':'. , . '::'" 9·5 ,".'"\ '_.":'':'' '91 '. ' " .: 90 90 91 90 . 90 6'::';:-: ,6 6 " 6 :. , ,. 3', 5 5 5 1 7 '" t· ~ . ','<~-'/~:{'~t1}~~':' Lot: #10' "'-:"';~':', ... ;.'" ,";; "';·>.l:~~,~',~~:;;:t~::,/:~~~:,:,:::?~j1r~:" ,,::. Rutherford ,Road ::::( Re·tes'\: #140·,'1.'.:: Rutherford'ROad : . II ,." " ' , -,', "'~.-."" -.,\ , . "','. il,. '. -~ .. -, " II' . -:: ~ . ::~ :''"v;::-, '~;i.: ' .:"';, .. ~:: ',- -. '~i •• '~1.' .. ~f~~~ , :' " .~:::' , . ; :': ,,' " SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated e1-evation 'in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER ' , , .' ,-, ,-,,;:.:-!; "':'::»,:,/"';~ :" '\' T FAILED, SEE RETEST . • :h,,' ' .. , ~.\. . " ", . .; .... :..', ¥ I ..,_~ +-,-' , ':~ .. ~ .. ~~~ .... '.; I:: ;;;L~;jl~~~~~,,': 1"5? ,'-';'''''·-:'''''i'''' 158 ' "~'~J;b.~f; .159 i I~,:.~:,~~,Y,~~:, " '160 . ,;'l;::~~~K~/~:: . 1'61.' 162 " 163 164 .165,: 166 . . 167 168 * I{~,t:i;.: '·169 ·170 * 171: ,172' 173 174 'I:"'~:;}:<" ;':', 175 ,::::~<.':.:' 176 * , i' ',,~.' .~'. ·1-.···,': I '·' ~.' " . , .. ' I 177 178 179 180 . """ '. .~ ~ -, .,". '": '. 10/28/81 ~ , .' ,! . " . ".' .' .. :' .' ',;' ." .' 10/29i81 : If If " If If ~~j;:'~ : ~ '-2!.::~'~~;~:~;' 19 9 . , .' .. >~~ ,l:., ~,.::' {' ·.··~9~ '. 14.0 .. " .. . . .~, .::. ~ , i9;~-~'~;" 287, .. . ~ . ".:.:~' ;: . ~ ~ , 289 22.2 288 22.2 : .. ~ . 290 23.4 292 15.6 .. ~,' 294 15!6 296 15."9 296 14'.9 285 17.4 .. 284: . 17.4 " .. <.-,- 283 17.8 :;-.. 285 17.8 286 17 .. 0 .,- . ,"'..:.,. 287 '.16~·5 ; 295 17.4 295 17.-4 295 16.9 925 16 ~9. 294 15.9 294 15.9 924 12.7 294 12.7 ,196 14.8 296 14.8 294 12.0 294 12.0 295 12.5 295 12.5 '99 ~. .' i18~8 . , .9~i;~·5" . 112.0 108.7 -, 103.2 , 108.6 109.5' 113.3 113,8 104.4 104.9 108.6 111.3 109.0 109.3 .~i.;>, .... ~.(,.'; :6<. ,. It . -Er:·' .. " '"'·3. ~~·t, ..r".: :"j:" ,.·:':-<':;v'''''.,:':~~1-··· ~ ··:f~· ':':~~:":.' '3' . :;,;";':fi',, .. \:1 .. 3,' '. . ,: 90 . 'I~ ,', .' . 9~ "'to'";" ~ _., ' .. 90 . :;::" ,)~:.'<" 90 f.> ,,-" . 5 .5 4 -. . .4 .;~ 3" 3 4 4 .4 4 . II· . " " ... ~ " .. ~', ",':' ':.; "-... ,(. "",",. II" ' .. ; ~,.~!,:-'r-:,-, .. ' .. II' .. , .~ /:~;::.t~: ~,A..;;':,;;y,~~,: Lot "#:~i~~.:; , -'.~. '. II' ",' " II II ".' II " . -'." ':--~--' ' ... -, - .• ! .. ~ .. :"'. ,:~>, I .. !,· ... :· ,. __ ~ " _: <>' ..... _T_E_S_T_F_A_I_L_ED_._S_E_E_R_E_T_E_S_T ____ ....;. ______ . _>::..;;~i::~~~·.;..·~':_::: .. :_.'·~_:~~_<··-:..:~::~.~:'~::_;~:·.:~:",:,:c~~~·: ;:-:~:"::-' -:' ~:-:-~'!':':~~~~~ I· ....... ~ '. -1', . ~ ,. " , .. , . ; -:, ::"'~' .~ . ~,~,-·~~:~f~ ... "', < ;:: ...... ; ... :'3:'; I ·~,,· '~ .. >. ','." ,. , 186 187' .. 188 ' 189 . ,.., ... 190 ·1'91. '. . . ;' 192". 19,3. :. 194 ..... .:. 195 . I ', <;,;;,.;, 19 6 ' ,. i(i§1r~:,~:~ " -. , . }[r"f·':;>';:· '. 197 . ,.t~! ::~~;::~::=~:~: '. .. ;.' :."./,' 198 I:)~:/J\:·· 199 . '~l~, .~~~ ,'"'''' 202 I<}i Y," 2 0 3 ': 1 ;:~{.~~g::; . ~ ~ :.:, ' ' .. :y ~~:~:: . 206 . :-; .. ,,', 207 'I:~':'" <~ ~.: • .. I:·~ ':,:.: " ,. . '. . . 208 209 210 .' . .It • ,. if " . "'-: . .:.. .. ','-.:'. II, ,; '. ·:·~i:>·' 11/~/81 : '.\::>~~<.,::'" .~. ,,: ' ; : . . . II' ... ; . ',:" .... '~~:"~.' . . ' .. ::, " )":~;.:': 10/28/81 ." ",/':::'~,:'. "" .... ' . " .. ,.~f·:?J: .. .. ," DEPTH 1 , ~.;r :" ·~~~.l.:: 298 "'--" , : ~:.}, 298 292 292 295 295 296 296 280 281 281 283 288 288 290 ..... . 290 292 290 288 291 .' 292 10/29/81 '293 " " ,,' "" , . II " II 10/30/81 II 294 295 295 296 298 297 292 293 " . -.,., '.:':-'-.-:"'. ~'. \-.-:.; '. , .' . ~ ; . : ~~':~". ~~~::~~ , 15.2·,. 15'.2"'=4<: " ·ll'; ·16'-5 '.' '16.5 14.'7 '14.7 13.9 .12.5 19.3 21.2 20.2 18.9 . .16.9' 16' ~'9::; .' .. , 17.:3 16.6 16.6' '15~3 15.3 14.3 14.3 20.2 20.0 19.8 19.8 20.8 20.8 15.6 15.6 '104.8 07~9!.'· 1'09. 4~' . 1ii".'i 'c. 112.4 111.9 , . 115.3 .. -...... . 99.'3 . 100.5 . 99.5 .98.2 110'.3' . .', 109.2 109.2 109.7 110.2 111.1 Ill,. t. 110.6 '108·7 109.2 100.2 101.0 . 99.6 101.8 101.8 98.1 125.0 125.0 . "'9 >~~f ·~,··9.2 ';'94 .. ' 5 ~. . : :,tF~ .... '.,' .....•• :;-;~~;r .: . : 96' ',' ".~~;, _ .~. '. " ,",1:'-'; : }!r:~~~ . . ~ ~~ :~~'<:!' . ?-~'.: ~:.::(t~:. -~ : ~'. '. . ~ .' .\: 94 94 ~\: ... ~3'··~(> 95 " 95 '.'. '92 91 92 6 6 2 \ .... 2 2 ".-- 2' , 2· . .' ' .. -. 2'" 2 2 5.- 5 7 7· 7 7 7 7 8 8 .. .. , . .. Lot. : :!' II II ' " Lot II II II' Lot, .. .! " --·I;:·:c:'::: ' .. ':. SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOC,ATIONS 1Estimated e1e'vation in feet.· *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER •. :. :.; ~F·-:'·.'·'_~:'''';·;· , 'I"':~" : .'-------------~~~~ " .~.:·"L~2'~~,.!jEL.· F~ILED. SeE RETEST ~, .... ' ~i::~~'~:~;~:~:~:' .. ,' '~'-.. , ,,211":,' , 10/~0/8i , '2l:?: ~~' ,-;,~:?:" :, ,.,,' _;~l:".~;."~ ~ ':--: .. >~. , !j,'''" ':, . ";'", ~: ; , : ::,!,' , , '::' 10/31/81 " 11/2/81 u II " 11/3/81 , .. u " " . . ,,-... " , ,:,: .. " , , 'U' II, .'":. .~ " 11/4/81 23,2 " 10/31/81 234 u 235' 11/2/81' 236 " 237 II 238 II 239 II 240 u :, ::.:; .• c~~;'41~~ 2 4 ',> 9 ,', '\ ,!.~ .. " ,: 2'95" " 14.9 " '~<~::E~ . 297 15.9 " , " 298 15.9 300 16.6 125~0 302 16.6 125.0 284 15.9 107.5 .. ~4 285 18.9 97.0 .. 287 17.8 101.6 288 18.9 96.9 287 . '19.5' 99.1 " ," 288 19.5'-99.5 , " '285 20.0 99.6 ; 285 20.0 99.1 285 29.3 94.7 286 18;9 98.2 288 18.9 98.8 289 ' ' 18.5 96.4 289 16.8 100.0 290 16.8 100.7 299 17.9 107.1 298 17.9 106.4 298 21.2 99.0 299 21.2 100.0 300 14.9 108.9 301 15.9 112.5 304 15.3 110.6 302 15.3 109.9 304 14.3 114.8 305 14.3 112.0 93' 92 • ~f' " , " " :,'..'92 ....... ~ , ;~':il~> " '~,:,92"':,",:', ;':"'92 J~:' " ,-f.."'.' ~; \;.:~~~; ' , :;:\::: ~" ;;,?t;!~~ , '.: :<J .. ';..' ,92 . . " , .. ". ,~ .. " <:90, " ,;."93 " :,,': 94 ~ ~ , , , ,-, 95 ... -~~ . ,"", <~:. 94 ',- ," " 94 , , " 95 .:1'-'" " 92 95 93 .' " 92 92 96 " 8' 8 8 2 6:' 3 ," ,6 7 . '1.' " <~ :7 " ~ ."r 7 , , .... -:::-. 6 " 7,' ; .7 , ' , 7' J : " 7', . 3 '3. 9 6 .- 5 5 5 5 8 2 . ~"- Lot ill:' "~ . ,h' ~': ':, L~i;~f~IJi~;~ u .. :~:;:,,;, : ,,:':" ,,: ',~'~, ":';: : " " " u . ~ . :: -', .... ~~=" " ~ .: .: .... .. ' . "" ~"-'., "'-t •• :. .. ' .-:-"' .. SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimat~d e1evatio~ in ~eet~ *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER, " '''', ,7'" .. ; TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST "'-.- ,,' . ::7', I ", '"" -: " ,. ," . o:.,..,~ :.~ --260 ,,261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 , , " ... ~ 11 , II' ~,:.' ,\. ~'.'. . ;--~, .r. 11/4/8'! .... : ..... :- ',.' :'" ",'," .. ~.'" ':. -'~ !" '" ~ -' ... II :. .. ~, , , " "', ' , :; .. 'II :,' II ' .' " , ~'. , " " " .. .. 11/5/81 " ,jI."',:,J'.'-' . ',308 .. " (I~'\: '1 • Ib' '29,7 ~4:~~;"· . " ,':297 ' , ,!~~t 299 ' :, :'296--.'~"; .i<~~i~.~·· .... -. , '296 .~ .... ~,~ . ,~., '292": ' \i~i3 "'.-: ~~j.~;~ 293,:"" '2'9'4 " 296 296 289 291 ,290 292 293 295 , : . t"~ ;';-.' . ,.~ "'~. • -'. '. • ~ ":'. ",<' :::'~ \.': :r, 13.3, ", " .J ," , 13.3 ,:;:', 13.9 13.9 113.6 15.6 110.6 15.6 113.5' 14.9 110.6 14.9 111.5 " 14.8 112~7 14.8 112.0 14.9 111.3 14.9 111.9 17.8 100.4" 17.8 100.1 18.'6 '. 97.0" ", "0' 13.0 111.4' 14.9,' 113.3 14.9 114.7 , ' 14.3 111.9 15.6 111.8 ... '! 15.6 110.9 14.3 111.5 15.9 112.7 15.9 111.0 23.4 105.0" 23.4 105.0 > 20.5 105.0 20.5 105.0 22.6 105.0 22.6 105.0 ..... .-": 9 3 --,;", ,:i :,~;:~ ...... ;.'" . . .... ~ 7" " .. , ., ,,:,'; 9 2 ,:;\:::::}: -'4 " ..... '.-: ...".~. . ...... '~ . ~. 9:2' ~.}r.~· -4~' .. ,~ \ ' , .. ,' 92 -' ::;.'~/ :.-' 91::'~ ">'~; : 92' 93 94 94 91' ",' 4 '::', 2 ,!,- 2: " "6:"~ : 6'":-: 6 " 6 6 6, -_:'2;. .::::~~::~:S~~::~~~~~~::RIVE-CYLlNDE:S Hma ted eleva Han in f~e~.;<:.;\,~,,~ I:;'~ .. *_~_T_E_8T_F_A_IL_E_D_. _S_E_E_R_E_T_E~~_:_'-_____________ ~w;roiEciiOiOra' ]' 'r' E'NGiiii'EerR'm" 'rc;r., ',':,'N" ~ . "', ::~:-. '., .',~ _~ .. ;'~~ .,;. ; ,-~.~ ..... &~t4-i .... ~' <':', ~:,' I >. ,'-, . " " . -~ . '" I · . ' ....... ~. :." . ~ :~. ::.:~ . • ',,, .276 277 ,278· 279 280 281 282 . 283"A: 284 '28? 286 . 287 288. 289 ·290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 " " . . " .... .; . .. ;. .: .,:' .. . <'~,,'" ':.:';' "~' .. .:" 11/6/81. ,.::' .:":" ,:',~ >, 11/5/81 '}"-' '. .. ' '." " : " " " :.:. ~~ ':. ~'.:~ " .. 'i:'~': '.~;, . , ". II. , . " 11/6/81 .;. ,,' ",~. " " " . " :'''' . "2'96;':<, .:. ~ . 297' : • .or' • . '':-.,'/ .''289 .. ~ ... ;' . '-289 :":, : 290 290 290 289 289 289 .. 290 290 292 293' 292 -.. . 291 294 295 296 291 292 291 292 291 292 290 292 293 292 291 . 22.6 " ""2'2 ~.~"."> , ,,~ .. ~': . ... ~. , . 15.9 . ~",-·r '. ,,14."8 ". 14 .. 3 18.1 15.6 15.6 "'I .';, 14.0 14.0 " 16.9 .. ~ . 16.9 1,3.6 ' 11.7 21 •. 2 19.5' 23.4 .. 23.4 21.2 21.2 19.8 . 19.8 22.0 20.9 20.5 17.9 17.9 17.6 17.6 12.7 105.0 :111.6 >·10.7.··9·· .. 112.4 103.8 104.7 '104.4 110. O' 109.3 104~2 .'10'4.9 109'.5 96.8 98.7 .98.9 101.0 105.4 ·104.8 102.8 103.9 109 .• 3 /92 ::!-! ;' .. ~.'-" . :,: . 5 : 3 ' 3 '.~ '~" 5'> '5 '. ' .. , .3····· .,')';' 5 8 .... " . ·5 :. " " Lot " ~ .,' , . ;". ~ ... : ... ~ .. ~~::.: .. : . '.,'." 6 :., 6' 6 '; 6' 6 6 6 7 7· 3' 3 ·3 3 5 , -": .. ~~::':~'-.: , .. :. ... ~.,. " .: , . ..:-·>~~>(~:i::··· Lot #10 .C\.~ .{?;<.,.;.,:::: " . "';' " ". '.< J' :, • " ~ • :'.:. " SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS timated elevation .in feet ::', >.,;;g . . *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL a'THERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST ,;;.t. ",j< • ,:~L ..... ::.,. l..' >,.' '", ~" .. _ -' ;..,_ic., :+ .. :~'l:J :',.'0,'-~ , . '. 305';''- 306 1~ • 307. ';' :308*' :" ~. ~~~'~:' 309' •• -# .'.::- . 32i .... · 323 .'324' .325 326 327· 328 329 330 . , 11/9/81 '/'~If~<' ,} ,,~ " .. ' .. " :', .1" 'If :. " "'.' If· , .. . . II . / -~:: ,t;·;.~~~ :;;~ . . 314 ...... 315 '~:>:::, 313' ~::: 311 313 < 313 314 .314 315 . '. 313 312.' '314 314 . :: 313 .. ' : 291 ':> 291'~\';" 291 " 29i 294 \,;. 293'\'::' 2·93 '" , 311 312 .. 310 . ~. . 313 -<'. 313 ' 312 313 290 291 '14~:~' :"; ~3'~'4 ..... : . ... \. ':j ,',r'" 23.4 _. 14.9 1'4.9 16.3 15.6 20.1 > 15.3 15.3 14.3 14.3 . , 15.9 , . 13.1 13.1'. .. ~ 16.1 "t5.6 19.3 . 20.0" 20.0 14.3 14.3 15.,6 20.8 20.8 14.3 15.9 19.8 19.8 'l9 i1i: , '.' ; 101.5 115.0 113.0 109.3 113.5 108.3 114.0' 113.3 115.7 . , .. 1'12.6 .' . 112.2 119.0' 119.0 .' 117.0 117~0 105.0. 107.5 107.5 112.2 113.4 114.7 ... ·10f.0 100.1 105.6 108.1 97.2 97.9 . '.; ~ . : -: _:':'l~· ::. 93 . ,",;.: .:~:g~~' :b ~:;'11 . 90·~-·~{:(:.·, :93 '.' .94 . . :'94 ':>~,~."'" .. 95 '. 90 92 90 91 ~"'" . ~~.',' ;', s-. " . 2·" ". ,0', .. 2'. 9, i:-" .: .'1':' . . 4'" 4 8 7~ .. ' 7 2 . 2· 7 7 .. Lot ... 33.5 ,33~ 337 339 340 .-<; • 341 342· 343 . 344 345' 346 347·; 348· . . . 349" '350 , . '.351:· '352 : 353.' '.354 355 356 357* , 358*· . 359 360 " II. 11/10/81 II ,~·~.s~~~ .: --.' ~ . ..:.... ~ '; .' II. :. , . " . II· .. ' . " .' ~. '. . :' ~" :\~-. '. II .>i:f!'::·: .':: \~ :: ~~:;'i~"· .', .~.~ ,.::, .... !. ,.~.~'. ,. -II .... .: .-II. -~ ::~ ~ '. ":.;:~ .. 11/12/81 '" " " .. : • ",1.. ••• " " " " " , ~:·~/·::~J~~:s~i::~ 292 . ~," '. 2941:l .· > ..... - :'295 :.: .. ~ " ,.,';'" 294 293 296 296 ·295 294 .-..'.' .: . 295 .~'. 294 .. " ...... .:~.:~: .! , 293 . .' .. '.~ .... 300'" 298 '-;: . i9 ~/;.~~.~,. , .~ .. ' 29 7:~. :295 , -. _ ........ . ,294 292 }; . , 314 . 312'. : .f 313 313 313 313 314 314 313 313 313 . ,:. ~ ;. . '"" 19.3 " l· .... {, 1.8.9 .' , 18~9 18.9 21.1 19.3 • oM' _ ...... 18.9 . 18.9 1'3 ~ 5 .. ~ .-.... '. 14.8 ' ::.:.-;.~. ':. : .:~~'~.5 .. <~ . 20.5 ' :22··~·O\· ,./" . 22.0 19.4' . 19.4 '. ' ... ""';"" .21.2 21~'9 '. 21.9-.~· , -20. s.. 20 ~'5":' 19.4 19~4 19.8 21.2 21.2 22.0 22.0 :~~:;~, };~:~~?~, ':':"9' 9"'-;;;'5" " '" . :')8<~~~" .. '97.6 -'99.1 10i·.1 98.3 10.3.6 . ", 103.1 103.6 104.0' 108~0 .; . .108. '6 101.6· 102.0 ';'98'~ 8 99.8 .-. 99.0 '. 99. 7 .. 101'.3 ""'103:2 '.' '103.9 104.2 106.8 .101.8 .103.0 102.0 99.2 97.9 97.9 99.5 91 9,1 ~. , , 99 '. ':.> ::::),;;;W; . ': ~"~:,"~"\ ..•.. .: 92 . _: '.': .. :':93 '''':'.::.' 92 ·94 93 93 95 10 10 ': ,~ ... :.:. ',; ,-~:(:.;~:i:::~i.~::'...:-.>. _ -.:.:., " - 7'. 7 .' 7 '-:'" .;>/ . " ,,- 3 .~/ 5 .. '. :".; ~~ ~ .. ' ;.<, .', >1:' .. ..11 '~ !-' •. . .7·~.;Y ,Lot #10' .. _ ,; ..... ",~.h·': ;J·,,~~~tj"il":ffl Lot #4 -, ..... ', "'J'';';>:'" . . '.': -, .~. :: .. ,~~.~~. ,-;~~~;~~~~" . ,Lot #12 ;.,-'.,:' ., .. -,>.,+ ~~,:~:~:: ;2J~;:;~1' . 9 9 9' '9 .~6t~#12:· ".}'<{-~.::.:,,~:,: Lot #5" 'Lot #12 -.. ' : .... " II -r" ;' ,"', 'r" li~·". . SEE PLAN FOR TES~ LOCATIONS " •. :-;',;":-;;;" *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER . " .~ ".. ,.', /;~.;:: i 3%r L-_T_E_S_T_F_A_I_LE_D_,_S_E_E_R_E_T_E_S_T ____________ ~_--!:~~,,:,::,,!~~~~~::,:,:,:,:,,:,,="~'-",:!::::o" '"':''''0:0:' ~ Estimated elevation in feet. ":' .. ~ , .' ,~ ................ --.. ;,\~/: ,~, ~ " .. ' . ,!,~~.:;:t1: " <~f '.,<-. , . -':{.:;.~ , "~: . t;{:;.· ~~====::;:=:,::,:~~~~~~~~==~~~E;::::::::I . ":'" ....... 364* 365 -.' _... 366 ':._ r •• \ ',-:, ·367 '. 368 '. 3,69 370 '.' .... 371' 'DATE . • <,~ ~ __ '. i .. -:.; • 11/13/81 " " " .'. " .. ' " ' ... ~.:'/::.;' ~. ,i\'"" ':~ .:;:~ .. ~' . '." .. ~72 373 1 .. :"."':' .. 374 : '." . 'i;·j/.:;·~.l' ... ~.·:,~".· .. 375' .. :.;:: .. ,;,~. '. _, -;_~ _~'_ -.~~ ',;~~i',: :.' '" ~-.. ~.--.' :": .... ,.;: ':'I'j~~':~~* :'C:; .. ~t~~·.< ~~:< : ~<::: .' '. ;' ;'~!~" >: / .. '380 ' .. :h~·,,· .;~< :iti~~!:i>·t " '. I : ~,'.,. :'.' . .: ·':':i:t·~:·:: 383:. . .. " I~{J; ~:: 1~/i~;81 . : .\: -' , 386' . 1'<': .:. 387 388 I "'·,·:· '" .: 389 390 " .. .. ." " ~';:~.~~::"~~~~\; .,~. 313"': ,~ 3·i~{:·~··. , .'. -". ~ :. ·3l4·'~.:,·, 316 315 314 314 315 314 315 , , ., .;. 316." 316 317 315 .... , ,~. ~~~' 315 .. '-~12 .' .-:-. ' .313 ':':.:' 313 315 317 314' 313 316 315 316 316 315 314 316 317 •• ~. " T· .. ·: .: . 2'~'·~ 6 .,: . /. ... " 22":"0 . '. ~ '.. " '. 21. 2 . , 21.2 18.3 18.3 19.0 19.0 14.9 19.0 19.0 '" 21.2 14.3 " .. 14.3' 22.0 22.0 23.4 ... ' 21.2 : • • '-I .23.4 '. 23.4 22.0 22.0 20.5 20.5 17.6 17.6 22.0 22.0 . ' '':~'~\':. :'~:;r%;':< > t' 98'.4' 10:~'~~:8 ; '. 9'9': S" 103.8 107.4 102.3 101.5 100.3 103.7 112.4 , 98.9 100.3 99.6 110.8 111.7 102.3 100.1 102.0 . 97.6 .: 99.0 100.9 101.5 .. 99.5 98.8 ,104.3 103.9 109.1 108.2 98.1 97.6 97 .. '::.:,::.:,:. 9 '97 ,.' :, .. ' 9 ,::,~~lj, .: ........ ' ~'; 1<:;'1,. .~:: ,9~. ::"F~;:>' 9, ~'. " 96 '.:'.: '9<':', '.... ;. ~' : .. ~ 9 .5,·X;~;:~:' ':~ '9"; 92 . -;..... 4 ;. ,'" # 4 ..... : 9·':.~·. . ..:~:.:.: 9::::;' 7 :.' .. :-: >,'. ,'.:.:., ;":: :~;:t;, ~:;. , 9 3 '~':/.,::~',;' 7 92 ./,',>:::~ 7 0< . .. 94 .. 10 94 10 93 2 93 2 92 7 91 '7 : Lot· . " ...... '-. : " ." /" . ~ ,,' :::'. ~ ____ ~ ______ -L ______ ~ ______ L-____ ~~ ______ ~~--~----------~--~ SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet ::-., ...... ·..;1.:· r : c ~ .. : -.. '~, ;.." .• ::~ .. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TE$T FAILED, SEE RETEST ·.:;~.r.,:; . '-1- . "..' --:f'~~. _ .. ,,' , ' .. " I ;.: .. :p.::, '. ~: f~~~~:~:~: -' ~ ?~ ~ ,/"}.~. . . >~-'" > 'ofl • I" .. ,.·" .. ' "i"I~~l; :::~,;r:~::;.~'. :::i"~;; ;. :. S!-·~~=:~ ~-: .. '1 :~. ::; ... ;~:.; I~~~';>: I:'~,··', ·1',:'" . ;:~,,:' ,", .. ' .. NO.: 1144-10 ·395* 396* 397 .398 399 400 401 , 402 40,3 404 405 406 .407 408 ·409 410 ,4.11 .' 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419* 420 .' DATE 1i;~~?~i . .. II' ,! .. ,:,,'.:: It. .: .::, . ". :. '.,~ ...... - . " " " " rr -: " 11/17/81 " .. "f " " " .. '.:.: .. ' II .... ~ .. ~ , :': '" :-" :~ . "" -, .~ '. '.: rr .: ". ,'. ; .'" .~ .-II ',1' . rr .. " " rr .. II .. ~ " rr It 11i18/81 11/17/81 -.''''' ' .' ..,.(' ~I ". ~~~.~ " 316 ':'" .. -,,' 310 312 .. 3'16 . 315 312 315 317 .' 314 313' ", 314 315· 314 316 316 . .. ,' 317 315' .::'. 313 315 317 314 316 314 315' 316 314 315 314 318 316 .. . ,.":. 'r , ," > .... {,.-~ ~ , • ' •• ~:.. ',.-.' i~. 21.2 22.0 ..... ,. 22.0' . 22.0 22.0 19.0 2'1.2 21.2 24.2 22 .• 7 23.5 19.0 19.0 22.7' 22.7' : 19.0 98.9 100 ~ 7.'. 101.1 100.7 105.1 98.9 .~ .. 100.2 94.4 98.4 96.7 94.-5 92.8 . 99.6' . "';"'" 100.6'· : 98.8 19'.0 97.6 '19.0 . 100.9 19.0 102'.0 22.0 100~O 22.0" 97'-6 21.2 . 97.7' 19.0 97.7 22.0 101.4 20.5 104.0 21.2 100.2 19.7 95.0 19.0 97.5 23.0 98.5 21.2 101.5 '94 7 · 95 10' .92 94 .90' 94 . .. -.1. . , '.- 92 .' ''':: ., ·90 ":';.,':' . '. , 9'1 .. ', ..... " . 95" .... ,7 :." .. .. ··.·96·· . :'::;::.<:" · '94 '. :',: . : . ,: ~":.:::~ :.' 93 -, ' .. '.~ .. :-.~ ~;: ,'# ~'-• : 91 :'.:' · 92 .:;.~{> ""fi:.' 9 0 ~:):'~;,,' , 9'3 .' 'Y/.-:\ .. 93 .~ "94 . '-: ,:" 90 93 9'6 94 95 7· 7 9 9' '" 9 9,:';.',: 11 9 . ? 9' .. . 9' . ~ ~. ~:~ 9· . .. :. 1'0 :',' .;:.{ • "1"..; 10' . • ',r·', 10 ~. 9 ' '. 9 .. ·'6 ".: 6:' .. :·:· 10 ... · 10 11 11· . 6 7· , " " Lot #4 Estimated elevation inf~et. I '· . SEe PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS -" : '. '.: . *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER .' '. :". :::':' . .-: .. -, ' .... .'. , **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST 'I'~ .'~-; ~--------"iAN"DiE'GO"Som:sE'NCiiNeEiiiit«t' ... "~ 443 444 445* 446* 447* 448 449 450 ~ . . . 317. ~ .:<~.' ".315 .. , ··315 316 306 307 307 308 . 309 310 :. 309 311 312 313 314 313 314 .'. ' .. ~ 313 312 313 311 :312 312 :313 315· .,; 314 316 312 310 311 14.9 19.0 19.0 19.0 15.6 32.4 14.3 14.3 14.3 15.6 15.6 14.9 13.9 23.0 21.2 21.2 21'. l' 20.0 23.8 23.8 18.3 25.4 22.1 25 '.4 '20.5 17.9 17.0 17.6 16.3 16.3 97 ~8 . 112.6 100.8 113.2 111.5 112.8 109.8 110.8 .", . 111.8 108.9 . -. . '91~5 : 209.6 104.5 103.9 90.7 94.5 95.1 '. 95.5, . 93.0 99.3 .. 94.3 103.3'. 104.8 98.5' 104.8 111 .• 0 110.0 96.: ," '1 ." ·:~,~~I :,~ . 92' . I","'~", 5: : , ' '5 ". .' .,' I, ~ 4":~·. ,-..; 4· , ~, '. 99 .;; ,,/.:' 10 . 10 ~. ~1':"'~' ......... 9 .. : .-. I,. :..(, ..... 6 . . ~ ,,~: 9' .: -.. "'.- 11"" . 6 :' '-F" 6 . ."., 10' ,I;' 94 '~.:. 10. . 1~.J 94 9 " : 90 -::-.':.." 2 '. : 9 3 . ., .. 5 -, 92 .', 5 " " . " ,. ~ .. , :il' ., ., ,. .' .~.' .::.~ >,\:~; ;:h~ ,""i.!';"'."~A·'''''- . ':.; >~~~:,;~:~j/ , ... .' :-~. . ..... <: .:~'" :;.~::. ': Lot, #1 ::'~~-'~~~.'.<:\ ".::' ': :::':;:':};~r;i(: .:' ,', ,'-. . .~: -:.' . "",-- i:' .' ....... ___ L. ____ .... ___ --JL-___ ...L __ ---...... ----.;........L--...... -----------t , Estimated elevation in feet. .:. '-,' :.~ :,:J~~~~~ ; r' .... ,.. ..... • .J .... '," -1···· .: SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS *SAND-CONE'TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILE[t~SEE RETEST . ,.." .. ':,.,., ,',~' . . -. ........ . . . '- ,."> •. ;,',..~ .. ~,~--;~: .. :;.".,-'#. -'~ . .~ : I. :.;:.:,;<,-;~,. :;~ll' '-.I:~t*~F" ,.::.~ ~ ~ .1.: :,>.' :ilt "Jik;~'; " : j./,:;'. ,., "I' ... ..r.;.: -',' ':' ...... ' ." ::1,'i' _ .' A:":" : .... '1'\"" , , , I ",',,' , .' . , I ',' .. -.:- ,-:.'" .. ... .'-.' 455 456 45'7 ,,, :~458 .. " '459' , ,460 461. 462"'~ ,'. ~. , .:463',' '494 "465· ,"466' : 467· ::468 469* 470*' _ r' ] '.' ·471* 472* . ~73*. '.' 474* 475* 476 477 478 479 480, " .. " " '" .. ". :. , " ' " . -' , 'j,: III .;:::~~ ~ :-,.':-t' .1'<' ,.I' .: .. " ~.~~ (. "::'" .: ... ~: , ,'" , , , :, ~~/~ ~: . ~' -}' I •. ,-.. ' ';('~' .~' .. '. .... :. ~~~ ..... \~ .... ': 1"" .~: , ,:.,11 ," ' .. '" . :::,' ;"' , 11/20/8 " ',: il " ':." ." " 11/19/8 '. " " , 11/20/8 " " 3i;<~r: ~ .... ': :'~~' .' • p •• ;;.~'":; .:311 >~:,., 14.3 . 312 0:,':':. '. i5:;~~6':: . 313"'" , ;:15::.:'6'':;- 316 318 320 '318 319· 317 318 . 314 17.3 r 17.3 '. 18.·3 ,18.3 25.8: 25.8 '18.3 • .' L~. 21~5 . .J'. _ ~ • -:. • 312·' 21.5 . .,~ . ' .. 313 .' . '19.1' ·315' . 315 314·' , 19: 1 21.5" 19.8 '314 19.8 .. 314, '22.3' . . ; . 312" '22.3 ;:: . 311. ,:.': . 21.2 ,r :. , ~ 313 22.3 312 22.3 314 21.7 316 17.6 315 18.3 316 18.3 318 , 18.3 314'·· 17.0 313 24.2 . , 9'4 • . ·'~·l!'o~' 9j:~9 ' 92.,2 ".;':. 97~3 97'.5 106.6 ~, '. 93.2 ", ,'. 91 . < )~~. 9 2 "':.:,.:. ':.: :. ::~: '9 a. ::' .. ;!~~~". 93 .' ' .. ' '93 93 :' 94 ':.91 9 11 .9. 9 11 11 . 11 11 11 11 11 9 9 9 3 11 SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS , stimated elevation *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER ..... ~ .. " .. ww ........ ,_ FAILED. SEE RETEST. . ~~r .' ... , ....... '. , ; in feet.' :;.' ." ,'. .~ ~. ,. . .. ;(~,~~~~;~;~~:~~<:~,:'; '.;. ~ . . ~ '; . . ~~:,d::[~i<;::. ~,;~~~ .. ' , . :;.:-.::~: ;;:.;~;~~"; , ·481 ':'~ ,', ... ' ", ·,X82;:'~·~· "ra~r~' :484 485 486 I' :~'~:,::~,' 487 .~~~ .::~ ~;I~t::: Il"':~:"';"-': 494 :I·~};~:~J-'· li~§- ··.f0;;;; ". 1.//· ., .> .--':7". .. ~ . ~ . I.·· .. ·~: " . , , , 495' 496 .497 '.498 499 .500* , '501 502 503 504* 505 506 507 508 509 510'* .> DATE . '>}~{~~.:;:, /,~\ ,11/20/8 ',;:.:;~\~,'>~~ ': 11/~3/8 .. ' , .. II II .. .. 'I ~ : ... 11/20/8 . " " ... ,-,", II' , .. 11/23/8 '. " 11/24/8 .. , ." : ~, .-. :" " II -II .. ' ".. . 11/20/8 " " " " " II· , '. " ~ .. '. 3~5·>·",:r 314 '." ... "...., .... 316 315 318 320 323 321 322 318 316 318 319 323 319 '319 300 298 298 301 300 301 303 315 316 318 318 316 317 317 '24.2 14.3 18.1 18.1 19.0 19.0 19.9 21.0 21.0 22.0 19.8 18.1 18.1 19.8 22.6 22.6 22.9 20.2 22.9 20.7 20.7 21.7 21.7 16.9 14.3 14.3 14.3 20~5 12.4 22.6 , , "95.9' 107.7 95~Y" 94.7 94.2 94.6 98.2 95.,8 94.1 99.5 .. 96.5 101.9 100.4 94.3 97.6 99.8 90.7 98.1 90.7 89.6 95.8 91.7 92.3 101.8 101.5 103.6 101.1 100.5 101.3 96 '90 90 ~" ",', 90. . " 94 .... ...,. :. 91 ,\,' 90 -".':',:: ' 95 ~' .~ ~,' , .,'" 92 ',',' :", 97 <,",,: 93 90 . '!. ~.' ' . ~ ~ .. ....... , .. . " 88 ::'.:, .. " 94 90 91 .. .' 92 :.' -: ~ ., . ~. ~ 91 95 91 96 91 91 '9 '9' ,:' 9 9 "" . 9 . 6., 6 '.' 9: 11 ll· ' 11 11 10 10 10 10, 9 10 9 " iOi-~~_ '?":' 'Lot #11:;-:: " . /:./;: .~~~. '1 .. ~ . .' ',~ ,.': -. ;!i,1:y:, •.••••.. :;::, . -.' • L' .~-,; .... ~ .' ~. I ", ::,.'~'. SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS stimated elevation in,'feet ... ' ,-.-'!. " -".' ':": ... ' -: •• '1', I *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST 1_-:,,··, . , " ...... ,~ ... '.:~jf:~ ~~tI~; ~~,\ J.~~~ :I'···'c ... ;:c'; I '". :':". .~ J~< ...... "':.' .. ' .' ~ ~." . "'I' <;'iI~ii:S .-. . ~: . ~~ ........ ,j.::: I':····· -" : i ~.' 518 519' 520 521····:-. 522 523*'. 524* 525 '.r· 5 2 6<.": ,'. 52i:'·':· 528 529 530 ':' ". 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 :. I, " • .11 • II , '. : .' . .. . ~.: :: ',~ ... ) 1/24/81 ,:.. >,.'~,:: ';~'" :. :.;:' " . . .. . .+·T.,~";/ ~;.: . ,: .:'<:,,', . '"' . ·<·E:>~::·.·;·/;· . ': ';.::' .. 1/25/81 .: . .' '! .. , ... ,;. '~ .. : .~ ,,' ..•. .. II .11 ... II' II 307 ".,. 308 310 312 313 314 313 313 314 315 317 . 317 " 318 300 300 - 298 301 302 301 ..... 301· .~: 301 302 303 300 303 302 302 300 300 . : :~,~ ': :.~: 1 7 ~ 0 .:~:':: 17.0·:::<5i:· 17.0 ":, 18.3 18.3 19.0 19.0 22'.7 ~2. 7, 24.2· 22.0 ; 22.0 22.7 22. 7 l..; 20.7 20.7 20.7 26.1 26.1 20.3 24.9 19.5 20.0 17.8 17.8 20.0 20.6 20.6 20.6 21.5 .. ,.' ~j-::. ,j/: .. r~' iii's .:s·:"- ~ .. ".,:: ~>.: ;=.,;',' 104.6' . iO'8"~'6:" 102.0 100.8 101.7 101.'0 92 96 97- 96 93 '9 9 9 9 97.6 96~9 97.2 97.6 95.2 9~.7 97.6 9 5 '<.:.~";'., .11' 95 :~")'. 11 93 .,: . .:' 9 3 • 0.. ", .'.91~: '.::)j{:' . . :.~ :.:. ;'}':: ~. :~:~\;§ ... . , 94 •. 8 . 93 .<:. 95.3 .: '93 94~2 ., 97.8 96.5 ~4.7 98.3 101.6 102.3 97.2 99.8 101.7 97.3 .:.~ . '.92 " ... 90 ,'" . .... :94 '" 95 .':',.:" 96 91 93 95 93 9 9 9" 9 1:1 11 11 :1.1 11 " 11 .6 6 6 9 ~~ .. .. -II :: ',:; -.. : < ... j ,,:<~:!~,,~; Lot'. #2. :.{) .. :: .: ,.,.,':; .... --,,'?'. Lot #6 II Lot· , .. # 7 ,,~ . .':. ,~:,~~,::~<:, . " .:. ~', ':"::, ~. >.:.~. ~'.~ ,: -. ~ " .'';:: ':' .: . " -'.;~ .:. __ .":<~:; .:::;~~::~:S~~~:~~~~:~:~RIVE-CYLINDER stima ted elevation in~~e"e\{;:;~:2_' .1SL ..... __ S_T_F_A_IL_E_D,;... _S_E..:..E_R_E_T_E_S_T ______________ -:;:o::-::-=~:_::::~_.;_=~~;o;rn:;,;_""r.i~ ,'. . . \~~;~~() ·:10~~:~~ ,:~ : '.~ ... I · .... ·:·· . , '" '" ~ ::,' .': ·1':':'· '. " -.~ .. ~ .......... 'd, -558' '. 559 .' 5.60·' 561: .. 562 563 . 564 . 565 566 . 567 568 569 570 " -" .', .- ... .. ~ I ,,- • '-.> j -~ - 300 294 294 295' 296 318 318 318 317 317 303 300 .295' 294 294 299 300' . 300 • o· 301 302 302 . 303 302 304 .. '. 305' 306 300 303 304 305 . .) .. :. ',I':' " 21/5 96.5 23.8 . 97.0 21.9. 95.8 21.9 96.3 23.8 95.8 22.7 92.7 18.3 106.9 18.3 104.3 25.0 94.6 22.7' 92.9 25.0 93.9 25.0 96;1 23.0 94.6 23.0' 98.1 23.5 '95.0 23,.5 ' 93.6 24.2 . 95.7 24.2 '94.8 22.7 94.7' 19.7 96.8 20.3 94.8 20.3 95.3 19.7 96.-4 19.8 95.3 19.8 95.8 20.4 95.6 21.8 95.0 21.8 93.8 21.8 94.1 20.4 94.4 9 2 ,;~,\ ::".: 91' >~.:Jt· 9 2 .. ~.::-'.>' .: :~:' 91 ~"'- . 91 ,.' '. 96 6 11 10 94 .. ' .. :.>; ...• : 10 ... :-' ~{ .' . 93 . 11 '. 92,"::.'-:> 11 . 94 .' ::, ,;.. 11 .. ~ '9~'::" :<r:~ . 9" :. '93 : <>.... --9 .'. :rc;iij l~ .... : ...... . '.90 ... 9 90····<~·· . :.-9 2' .:: :~~.;:i~: 90 .. ;;. 91 . 92. '< " "- 91' :. :' .. '~i ,-;.;.\.: 91 ~;. 91 90 90 90 9 6'· 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ,6 6 6 . ~ r? ,,' -~." . . '~~~; . :r'''':"~ , ,.-~~~ ':",: . ......... .;< ~.' ~, ~~~ :-]-' " of . '. :#~ . • ;.~ ,:f ,' . .. : .. ~~~: . : ~~~"'l . 'J:' • 'f·- Lot #11 ..... " ".:." ','>":" ••• '. ~ :-;:,'''-' . ... ~. , .. ;';::' .";' ,: ~:,,·(::t;~~;},:;::;:~:;~i1':}!::;:: .'\};: Lot # 6 . "'''~ ," ",<:.,; .• '< ;-;: ';<;}yi/~1~~1" .~ . . . .. ' ~ . . -:.-" .. ~d;,:!'z~~$lJi:'~'{';;' '.: .;-: "'.' -'. ,- " .,,:~ '.' ,~~~: . . . Lot #6 II' " . '. '.'. ~ , II . " "1-", , ~ :t .• ':. .' . ·11' i . ..•. :.},~ SEE PLA~JOR TEST LOCATIONS Estimated __ ~,. *SAND-CQN.E TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER eleva tion in feet.· '~;'.: ~'::::~" ST FAI~l'D. SEE RETEST ·I .... ·~·· ------~-----~~~~ . .' . '.\'''' ".> I', . "':. ;>~:;: ... 576 577 , , .' " " ...... : " ~ ."'.'. .. ' .' , ....... ii,: .·s"i8'··-: .. ' ':"" -.. ~ .. ' -:!,~ - \ ". _ ~" h • *.' • 4 -.'I·~:~~:~~i:;.': s 79 ,', . . '.',' .. II' .,{ .-" ';''t, .. 5 80 . ' .. ' " '; : ·:??~f·: . '582" " " 5'8' 3' ._>." ., .. ". --.; . ' 584 585 . . ,: ~.~ 2/2/81 ..... : . It " 586 ,: .... '~~: .,".: .... '.', 587 . " -I'" '. -! ~ • .' ;'-:I~::{~~~~' ::: :: . ," :: .' -" .< .. " "., ' ."" : ".>. .... 590 591: -.:: .. 592 " 593.' . 594 .... 595~~~> , . 596' 597' ·1 ~,:.:, ~~ .' -5·98 , . , II . " .11 II· II' II II " .11 11 . :~: ,:_~;'1~~_:: >. ' -306 • ,,-' t . ~. -. . 296 .... , " " , 299 300 : -:' ~: 302 304 .293 294 296 298 300 300 . -298 319 318 317 313 301 301 -. 299 -,:." 299 298 298 300 296 297 '295 296 296 296 26.9 26.9 17.6 20.6 17.6 20.6 22.7 22 .• 7 . .. -">; 22 .• 7~. ,,' . 23.5 22.0 23.5 23.5. ·i 25~0 21.2 21.2 22.7 22.7 21.2 23.5 13.9 13.9 ·,~iI6. 0 ... 90 90 90 93 92 94 -'.: 93' ':'--'.-~' .. :·~<.~9 0 .'~"::~.::- 91 . ~ " :~;::'··~i·::."'.:. ';'.' }):~~".' .~~.~\~."'~ ','.<' :":{~:~:: ~ :~:: ; :::~-: . ~, '~ '. ";9 4 ~ ~.''':", ,:~.~.\ '>'93".;: ;>-. .--94' -.:'" " 93'" :~; . : 92 'c), . . ,~ :' .. • 0" . 94 . ~ ... ~" 95 91 93 90 90 6 6 9. 6 ':~: 1 .~)-' ':~:~.' . .. 6 : 9::-- 9 :9';': -9'.'·· :9 9 9. 9·.·· 12 599 I ~:":'.~.' .... 600 ,". r-__ ~~ ____ -L ______ ~ ____ -L~ __ ~ ________ ~--~------------~ --I: >1":"'. *:::;~~~:~:S~~::~~~~~~:~RIVE-C ",·,:,,~,~ .. rt.~ .. ·;n lES tima ted elevati~n tn t,et-, > ;),:: I":"~' .' .A,LED, SEE RETEST '" ~.~~:~'O i." . ~'':' . ~~ . .~. .', I : .:' »;.::,~,~ ... 1:·:·.:.-:':: ,-'.' .--, I I ,' ..... ~ ",' :, ", ."c -~: ';:, ': t, ~~ -:'.. ',', Ii' I I I: I .. i I.:.· ... •••••• .... , .. I . I I·;·; ;:~:: I: .. I I I I -I ·1 JOB NO.: 1144-10 TEST NO. 601 602 603 604' 605 606 607 608* 609 610 611 612 613* 614 * 615 616* 617 618 619 620 621* 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 DATE 12/3/81 " " " " " " .. .12/2/81 " .. " .. " 12/3/81 " " " " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. 12/4/81 TABLE I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SO L DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION I (") (PCF) (") TYPE 296 298 299 300 300 301 300 299 319 318 319 320 319 317 305 303 303 306 307 3'05 303 304 305 306 307 304 305 303 304 295 14.3 12.7 13.6 13.6 14.3 12.4 12.4 11.7 25.7 25.0 25.0 25.7 22.4 23.0 19.7 20.0 21.8 25.7 25.7 21.8 20.0 25.7 19.9 20.9 22.1 20.9 22.1 20.9 19.9 17.9 116.6 117.8 118.4 117.3 118.1 117.4 117.4 117.2 93.2 93.0 95.0 93.7 96.5 96.3 94.7 93.1 96.8 94.5 ?7.3 96.5 91.3 95.5 95.3 95.4 96.1 95.9 95.7 95.5 95.7 96.0 91 91 92 91 92 91 91 91 91 9.1 93 92 94 94 93 91 92 93 93 92 90 91 91 91 92 91 91 91 91 91 12 12· 12 .12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 '11 11 11 6 11 6 6 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 ' .. .. .' ":"~ ~'; . :. -.: ~ .' LocATION .. ;." . :'c' " " " " :' 11 Lot· #1 . . It ... It . :/:. " ,', . .' jl " Lot #6 " . ,,:;.: " , " .,. ", .' .. ! •• ". ,-, ~--. -. -. -" Lot #10 -, It " Lot #6 " It ... Lot #10 " Lot #6 " Lot #7 SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS lEstimated 'elevation in feet. *S.AND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. I', ~, . 1 '" ' I , ' . "" , l I:' ' 1 ::' ~; ,..-," .... '" ;. . ~ ,'. ':. '. I":' I I 1 j I I 'I 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640* 641* 642* 643* 644* 645* 646* 647* 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 12/4/81 ' .. " " " " 12/7/81 " " " " " " 12/8/81 " " " " " Ii " " " " " 12/9/81 " " " " 298 296 297 296 295 299 288 288 291 287 286 292 29.1 291 .294 297 287 290 292 292 294 296 298 298 300 300 320 322 324 23.2 17.9 20.8 20.8 19.9 20.8 25.0 22.1 22.1 25.0 28.0 25.0 22.0 24.6 24.5 25.0 27.4 21.2 21.5 21.5 i5.1 23.8 23.8 25.1 23.4 17.8 17.8 22~4 22.4 22.8 95.0 96.5 96.3 95.3 95.2 96.0 90.6 94.1 93.5 87.7 95.9 96.8 95.0 94.2 86.5 90.7 80.5 93.6 93.8 94.4 96.7 95.8 95.4 95.6 95.5 105.3 114.0 99.2 98.6 100.7 90 92 92 . 91 91 92 89** 92 92 86** 94 95 93 92 85** 89** 80** 92 92 93 92 " '91 91 91 91 95 96 93 92 94 .. 6 ~ 6 6 6 6 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 11 11 11· 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 10 5 7 7 7 LO.~·::t7'\?<~rl;· . • • .....t· '.::1'",: • Lot #10 " " ' , , Lot #9 '.<:' " ~etest #637 Lot #9 " " " Lot #10 Lot #10/9, Lot #10 " Lot #9 " " " " " " " " Lot #14 " " '~":.'){ .... :~".:~ .. ~:: . .. ;/ /" ,' .... .... ':, .. ,-oJ " ". ". , SEe PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS lEstimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. '. '\' ,11~l':""'~:{""';';::':·"·'."":":'.~':.':.':' .. ~ •. ,.·: .. i .. ;,;.;,:, .. ::", .. ':,. . . .. ' .••... :~;; ' .. '"i' . .: , .• , ;:,f;$~Y"c ~~; \{~" . JOB N~.~ 1144/10 II ' .. ... ~.~< >.' TEST NO.' DATE I!" ' .. . :'-.: I i ., .... i '. ~ :>-.' ...... ~ f"~. • ." " ,I I • ' 1 I' •..... . ,' .. ~"/ . -.. I""':·,':' I I I' I" , " 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 ·670 671 672 673 674 .' 675 676 677 678 679* 680 681 682 683 684 685 112/9;fn ': ·.It .:. II II II II II II .' . 12/1.oi81 " '. II ' .. ' , . . ' II . II II· .. , , " -. ,;,.~ ., .. " II II ... ." ~2/9/81 II II It .11 .. '11 TABLE I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center DEPTH 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY CONTENT DENSITY (") (PCF) 325 22.8 99.7 325 22.4 98.5 301 22.2 102.0 302 18.3 101.7 304 18.8 102.7 306 18.8 103.7 305 17.9 102.4 307 17.9 102.7 302 22.7 95.2 305 21.2 92.3 303 22.7 94.1 306 22.3 94.1 304 22.3 96.2 307 22.9 93.0 305 22.9 94.2 309 21.2 93.6 308. 21.2 93.3 309 23.9 92 .• 7 300 12.4 115~4 301 12.4 117.8 302 12.4 116.5 303 12.0 116.6 306 14.3 116.4 304 14.3 115.8 305 12.4 ·li 7.4 RELATIVE COMPACTION (", , " '93 92 .. -', 92. 92 93 93 92 92 93 91 92 92 94 91 92 .. 92 92 91 90 ·91 90 . " 90. 90 90 91 SOIL TYPE 7 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 '12 . 12 12 12 12 ""';F.~I~I~~~!~' . DATE: 11/13/81';:' .', , ", . ~ . ":.. .. .. " -, II Lot #2 . II '. '." II : '::::: ::> ;~.:. ' ... ," .: -. ,. ' ... ' '.' ' . r .". i'.'.: .• , r'" . , : II.: -::-/:.:," : \:'! ' 1<. '::. • t,';' -.:.' . .: ';'i;U:?}(', .. II~. ::,:.: . ..,~:~.:.;.:.:~~ .. :/,;:: Lot "it':: ::'::.'. ',,':'::>.: . , . . ~.. .. , ... _.,' • It . :~,:, :::.<~' ,: ;,:::~< . Lot:: tl4 .,~~;,'.f· . . : . .' . ", > ?:~: .. ',:::.", .. :. -. ': . .. " . . ~'. ." .. ' It ' ... " " . ... II ",: '.-, ,. SEE PLAN FOR' TEST LOCATIONS 1 . Estimated elevation in feet. I ·1 *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. ~",,:,,',---:' -------,-",--' ;,-----.:,~::~:"< I[~r~ " "-,, RESULTS OF ~~~;AICTION TESTs!'dAf~1,~~ii~~; , i.,,~:,:~~'., JOB NO.: 1144:'10 NAME~ ~:~S~:::d U::S ::: Ch R:::':: DAT~ '1/28/82 > ',c', TEST NO. DATE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION TSyOILE ' :,",:< : ~;r:'/,; P LOCATION,""', I;;:, (") (PCF) (") ._,:.'.!> 686 12/7/81 307 11.7 117.6 91 I ' '687 " 308 11.7 118.4 92 ~" ',< 688 " 309 11.1 118.8 92 i'--'-::: : !~: ~~:~ ~~::~ :~ 691 " 310 17.6 106.7 93 I' ,692 " 310 17.6 107.5 94 693 '" 309 14.3 117.0 91 I. • ::: 12/:/81 !~~ ~:: ~ , ~~~:: :~ . : 1 I i , ":: " , 1 ' ,I I,':",' I::'" , 1 I.······ I. I ,696 '" 311 12.4 114.0 91 697 " 310 15.6 105.7 92 698 " 312 15.6 103.4 90 699 " 311 15.6 ,104.4 91 700 '" 312 15.6 ,117.0 91 , 701 " 311 15.6 115.7 90 702 . " 313 13.3 113.2 91 703 " 315 20.5' 96.3 92 704 " 314 20.5 99.3 95 70S' " '316 19.8 102.2 97 706* " 315 19.8 99.5 95 707 12/9/81 316 16.3 106.8 93 7a8 " 317 21.2 97.2 95 709 " 319 -17.0 106.3 92 710 " 322 16.3 112.1 90 711 " 318 17.0 106.2 92 712 " 321 16.3 105.8 92 713 " 323 11.1 118.5 714* " 314 15.6 103.0 715*'" 316 16.3 105.0 90 91 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 12 12 12 8 13 13 '13 12 . 12 8 9 9 9 9 13 11 13 ·8 13· 13 12 13 13 " II II, II It . " ·.If • • ~ I l' -, :-: " ... , ,,. r .. :! ~' ./ -0-'!f-: .... '. -~.-'<: ... . .". ~ ~~ ... .'~,:'.:. ;-' -. -: "; ;'.:<";-," JI. ,',' '.,' .... '. ; ~;... . "!' ,-"\.: ~,~ . ' .. , l. " Lot 14 .: '. :.~ ::.: .. ', :;-.1 -:: .: r'" .', '.' 'II J>, "~':', ': _ ': '. • :. , .~ •• : .; ' •• 0.' • or:, .~ __ " -". ''l . ~: ',: . : 'I, ',' f , •• '" " ," .... ~ '. ." " " '" " " " 'II " " -I J SEE ,PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. ' '",'. ::~E\:~i' TEST NO. DATE DEPTH 1 ~~I~i¥~; u,:i~£f~ Ct~~~~I~I~N :$~i lOr.~;T~~:'·<:\~\"·-·' .. :~t~"""-7-16-"'1-2-/-9/-8-1--1-3-1-8--f-"':'17;';:.:"'0--f---':1o;...07;:;';'.~0-+--9...:.3;;.:... ..... ·-' .. -f--l-·,~-·:· ....... ·~:·WO ..• ~::&..,j;::u.; .. W:;:::i-('-.f!~-~:~:-!i:f~-~:-\-I, /;, ~~: ::.. !~~ ~~:~ ~~::: :~~! Lot:~~J,,;~~~: • • 't 719 " 319 17.0 107.4 93 13 720 " 321 17.0 106.0 92 13 721 12/10/81 317 13.6 114.4 92 8 722 ." 319 13.6 115.8 93 8 723 " 316 14.3 114.4 92 8 724 " 317 14.3 113.7 94 14 725* " 318 1A.3 116.6 90 -12 726* " 319 13.0 113.8 94 14 727 " 320 13.0 114.3 95 728 " 317 13.0 114.5 92 729 " 319 21.2 101.5 97 '·730 731 732 733 734 " ." " " " 735* 12/11/81 736* 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744* 745* " " " " " " " " " " 320 21.2 100.5 96 321 21.2 101.2' 96 322 13.6 115.5 92 323 17.6 108.5 98 324 17.6 108.0 97 323 12.4 112.9 90 324 17.£ 104.4 94 324 19.0 103.2 93 323 19.0 104.7 94 324 19.0 105.3 92 325 18.3 103.5 90 326 18.3 107.1 93 324 16.3 112.3 93 324 16.3 113.5 94 324 15.6 112.0 93 325 17.6 105.5 92 14 8 ,. - 9 9, 9 '8 10 10 .8 10 10 10 13 13 13 14 14 14 13 ." " " " " : '.:-' ~I ., ": .~. " ... -.. " ',' " , .. ': ..... " ',' , . ",' ,." "-. " -, .-: " .- .-" " -,., "':' .. , " ..... .' .... . , '.." .. :. ~. " . , " .- " ." " ~,' .. .:'.: . " " " ". " " " " " " " ,SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING" INC. I I, I I ,' , :", 'I I I I, I I I I" I':' , I .- • I I I 1144-10 JOB NO.: TEST NO. 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 DATE 12/11/81 " " 12/10/81 " " . " 753* 12/11/81 754 " 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 " " " " " " If " 112/14/81 " " " 112/15/81 " " 112/16/81 " " " " " TABLE I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SOIL DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION TYPE C") (PCF) <") 325 324 325 311 310 311 313 318 321 324 314 316 315 316 313 312 310 317 320 324 324 295 292 293 283 281 286 284 285 283 17.0 17.0 15.6 23.8 23.8 21.7 21.7 15.2 15.2 15.2 24.7 24.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 22.9 22.9 16.6 16.6 16.6 16.0 17.3 17.3 18.0 19.9 17.8 19.9 17.8 17.8 20.3 113.9 112.5 111.5 93.6 94.4 93.3 94.2 104.0 106.3 108.3 93.7 94.5 95.3 94.7 94,.2 95.5 94.8 111.7 113.4 113.9 108.9 109.2 108.6 109.1 102.7 101.9 103.2 101.9 102.6 101.4 "92 94 93 ,94 95 96 ,', >,:. '! ... " 91-,c 92 91 92 98 97 98 97 98 97 14 14 14 11 11 11 " 11 " ... ~:'. :~ 3 Lot #l.4 ,,-,: """ . '.:"..: ,~ .. :: .. : ~ ... ~ .. 3 3 11 II II Lot #2 " '~ ." 1": i 11 Lot #,1 ".;:}'/<,,:,>:;" II' ... ' )',,',-,»>,-,:,; ~~ . ~t" #2 <:: ;;~?: 11 " ,::', .';'" ,II 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 9 9 " -. '~.' Lot *14 . ;!,:, --",,::'<':::- :: .:: :,·:~;·l3~~ " ,,', :' ~ \; "~>~;:: ;~,;~j;~\' Lot #23 ;','.' ":,,~', " Lot ,#22 <. ',' " .* ,:., Lot #24 " " " Lot #21 " SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS i Es tima ted elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. .:-;';.."..~ '<:;'. - • '::.. -. ~'" T' ~.>,,"" -:"', ,:=1 ,-. t·-: . . L -.' I~~::'> 1,;:\.{:'.~.~.·.~.'.r.F .:~~.. .' . <",-'i'" I I ;, .... ;'t\.:: .. : ... :i,.;.l.;.f.r.~~_, .. t.:.~: ;'. ". RESULTS OF ~~~~ A~TION TE~TS · ..;'; .• :.:~f·.·~:,.:.:.~.t,i~ .. ?·.~ •. ;_:: •••. ·~ •• ,·.: •. ::,.: •• ~ •••.• , .... : .!;~:1~~~· , : ~ ~ .' I' .:, ..... : :';'".; .. ::.: CJ~O:B~N~·~:'~:.:;. ;:1::l:::4:::4::-::1::0::;:=:,:N:':A:,:M:E1=: ;:~:::~r~ls1=Ts=U~::::=d::=U:::~::Ts~:::Ra=yr~c;:h:::;:~~~:=:~:::I:~;==:;=S=O=IL=:,D~A~:r:E::1=/=2=~:;.=~= ... 2= .. :.,::. :,= ..... i.=';:=: =I TEST, NO. DATE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION . LOCAT I ON ~!,> \.,,; .. I;,~$' 7;~ 12/16/81 287 ~:: 3 (::~19 9(:1. TV:~ I":":~·~:::::;:~: .. i 7?:y' 12/15/81 275 17.2 107.3 97 10 i ... ·J<:' 778 II 275 16.6 ·107.0 96 10 I .• ,· • _, " I ~:~.: :~~ ~::: ~~::~ :: ~~ 781 " 278 17.2 106.7 96 10 I :> 782 " 278 19.7 107.1 96 10 '. . . 783 " 280 16.6 106.:9 96 10 I ;.~ ~::. 121:6/81 :::~::: ~~::: :: ~~ ')' . 786 12/18/81 296 17.6 104.0 94 10 I ... 787 " 289 17.6 104.6 95 10· (:.:..:.... 788 " 295 17.·8 101.9 92. 10 1.<:' 789 " 292 17.8 102.0 92 '10 .... . . ' 790 " 292 17.6 105.0 95" 10 :l' .' .' 1"":":'/; 791 " 293 16.9 103.3 93 10 .:.':':' 792 " 294 19.5 104.9 95 10 I· ~"':,:., .. <:." . 793 :: 295 16.9 102.1 92' 10 ....... : 794 294 16.9 105.2 95.. 10 . ':, ~:. -. ••..• :... 795 : 294 19.5 102.4:: 10 .:r:~~·:·· .~:~ II'"~ ~:: ~::: ~~.~:! 95" ~~ I '". .. 798 12/14/81 290 15.6 111.'8 92 14 799 " 288 15.6 110.8 92 14 I':. 800 .. 286 16.3 112.3 93 14 801 " 283 16.3 110.1 91 14 • 802 " 282 16.3 110.3 91 14 803* " 284 14.3 110.8 92 14' I 804*" 289 16.3 113.3 94 14 805 " 290 15.6 109.9 91 14 LO~' •• 2·~:'·;rz;>i~: Lot #20 .:.,~::Ol:;'; :~~t Lot #24 ".: Lot #21 " " " Lot #24 .. " ~... I ", Lot #23 .... .' :. ", tot #24 .". tot #23...... . Lot #24.'- .. " :.".~.~ ..... >.';.' .:~: . : .'. _ ... .; .... Lot #21 ' ... , :~. " 1; .. ,' .. ~~,. " .. " .. ' ... ' ~ '. :~" '~."}::.:~ '~'.~ ~:, .. :~.~ .~~;~./ " " " Lot #24' " " " " Lot #21 I· I SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. ... ->,: ' .. . , :.<;< -. : .,-~: :-,: c' -V', ",-, lr---, -~' -__ -,~';;-.,., ,-:;-,-~ -R-e-s-u-L-r-s'!-Jb-' F-~-~ 0-8 M-L~-A-~-T-IO-N-T-e-S-TS---" .--;-':-. -.-,.-.1i:'~,'af"";,y;~j~·$J~ ~.~%. ~J~O~B~N~O=.::;:1=1=4=4=-=1::0::;=~N:A~M~E::: ;:c;a:;r;l:;s=b;a;:d;:::R;::e;s:;e::;a::r:::;c;::h::::c;:e::n;t:;e;r;::::;:::==;'D:A~T:E:=1::/=2:;:8::/=8=2=::" ="=1 -'. 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE -,. . .... ' li~:~: TEST NO, DATE, DEPTH CO~i:~T DZ~gW COMP(~~TlON :~~i L~~:~~;lt:c.,;(;"~i~ . • '{1.f' :~~ 12/~4/81 ~:~ ~::: ~~~:~ :~ ~: LOt;, #2'1.;'s'ft -,_, ";.:,'. . 808 II 288 14.9 ·111.3 92 14 Lot #24 -,:' .: ..... I , ~. ~ ~.', 88 1 0 0 9 II 282 16.3 112.8 93 14 ":: J ':: II 283 16.3 111.7' 92 14 " I,', :~~:: ~~~ ~~: ~ ~~~:: :~ 1: I :~! : ~:: ~~:~ ~~~:: :~ : . .. 0: , 815 " 276 11.7 112.9 90 8 " II " II II • ':> 816 " 283 15.6 113.8 94 14 . ___ :" 817 12/15/81 285 15.6 112.8 93 14 --II. II •. :~: : ~:: ~~ : : ~~: : ~ : ~ 1: -.::: :~~ : ~: ~ ~ ~ : : ~~:: : : ~ ~: . ' Ii:'", :~~ : ~:~ ~~: ~ ~~:: ~ ":~ 1: ... ~' <.:::~ 824 " 291 14.3 112.2 90 8 1-» .. ~ .. :.. 825 " 291 16.3 112.6 93 14 -.-/:/? 826 "': 292 16.3 105.2 95 10 1 .... _-827 . .,. 288 17.6 109.9 91 14 . ..... 828 II 284 17.6 110.5 91 14 " II I' :~~. : ~:: ~::: ~~::~ :~ ,~~ II II 831* ., 287 16.3 111.3 92 14 II IJ 832 " 289 16.3 109.1 90 14 833 " 285 17.6 109.3 95 13 II. II I 834 " 287 18.3 110.0 96 13 835 " 288 18.3 109.6 95 13 II -II , .. "-..... .-.... " .' -. '-'.' ~ . ":, .' , .- ' .. .. ': ~. :.~;:~i·t~:' :, .~. '-..-0 . : . :.~ i .•• '" I.'::" -:'~.' ~" " :} • I SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIQNS 1Estirna ted elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEG.O SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. ,--r. 11:' « .. ~: . J,~~:~.C ~ I: :')k'~_'r---------------------------~"'-}-~" .~-----~. !,!",".;...~ .. 1:1.···~.:.~:."i;.i.~_.~.;i .. · ",g; RESULTS OF ~~~; AICTlON-T~;TS(I\t'/'·· ...• ·· .•. '.',·r.·.~.·-.. (.'; .. );.,.; ..... ~.;:: ... ;: ..... :.;.'!! .... ~,;.:;: ~ ~ ~.. .' :.:.~~~~it{~ . ::-: . ~ .~ .. -1 1144 10 NAME: Carlsbad Research center -::'~:\:bATE: . 1/28/82 I i ." .:: JOB NO.: - [' .. :,,:: 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SOIL "(""":~:':., .. TEST NO. DATE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION· TYPE LOCAT'ION . ,. ,..... C") (PCF) C") I' . !., .. ;,;.~.·.~.<: .. i:.'.;.'".;~ .. :.f.:::~ 1-- 8 '-3-6 .... 1-2-1-1-5/-8-1-1--2-8-8--t--2.:.:;1::..-2-+-1..-:.;0:...:1:.:..~5-+--9.:.7~ .. -~ ,-" -I--..... ;;~~+; -.,-: -. -'-.. J -" '~:::-,; ::-/(~-f~~.:~';"'":i7.-:·~:;-.,,:-t ~ ,:' 90"" Lot #24 'l~"f.:'i·:;··":,: 1(",.: ::: 12/:6 /81 ~: ~ ~~: ~ ~: ~: : : ~ 1~":O~" #21~':~'~t · ,".-839 " 293 12.4 116.5 90 12 " ..... ;: ... '. It.. 840* " 293 11.1 117.6 91 12 " 841* " 294 14.3 110.9 92 14 " 1 842*" 294 14.3 111.7 92 843 " 294 11.7 117.8 91 1.'-:-":: 844 " 293 14.3 111.7 92 845 " 290 14.3 110.8 92 .. ~ -\' · ~ ' ... I· ..... , 846 " 289 14.3 111.9 92 .~: 847 " 288 13.6 '111.7 92 · '" . · ,.' ... ' . . . 1"-.. ' · .. , ,) . '1" '-' . . .. ::>~.; . · "':'. '1' I·' 848 " 290 17.6 111.6 ~92 849 " 290 17.6 110.5 91 850 " 292 13.0 110.4 91 851 " 294 13.0 111.2 92 852 " '. 294 11.1 117.2 91 ,853 " 294 11.1 116.991 854 12/17/81 296 16.3 112.593 855 " 294 16.3 111.0 92 856 " 295 15.6 113.8 94 '. 857 " 295 15.6 109.9 91 858 " 294 14.3 112.2 93 .. 859* '" 292 14.3 110.0 91 860* " 292 11.7 116.2 861 " 293 14.3 111.5 862 " 293 14.9 113.6 863 " 294 13.6 111.7 864 " 296 13.6 112.6 865 " 296 11.1 118.1 90 92 94 92 93 .92 !. 12 :J ).4 14 14 .. 14 14 14 14 14 Lot #20 Lot #21 n' Lot #24 " " " " ". " ·Lot i21 ,~ '. '". 12. 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 12 14 14 14 14' 12 ; " Lot #20 " :. . " " Lot #21 " Lot #24 " Lot #23 " Lot #22 " Lot #20 .~ ........ ' I' .... I:.· .. SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS lEstirnated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST .. : . ' .. I SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. ", -......... I ' .• ""~ ~' ',1 '. ·1.··.: I, .;;. , ... , 1 I I, . 1.··· . i' j;' I··:·;·:····· :.t'.:.: : .: .• ; .. ;:; ; .. ' I'''' I I I -.1. I' TEST NO. 866 867 868 869 870 871* 872* 873 874 875 876 . 877 878 879 880* 881* 882 883 884 885 .886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895* .' '. : '. ,~: ::, ,,' DATE .r " ", ~. ~ , , 12/17/81 It ,,' ... It .. .. II .. It .. 12/18/81 .11 " ,,'11 .. .. It II ", ,'. " " : .. .' " .:'. .. ' .. '. .. " .. .. .. " " " " '. ~;",-:":-... TABLE I.,. RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center . 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SOIL DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION TYPE (-.) (PCF) (") 296 294 294 294 296 295 296 295 295 295 295 294 294 296 295 296 295 296 296 296 294 292 290 291 294 297 292 293 295 296 11.1 17.6 21.2 21.2 21.2 13.6 13.6 15.6 15.6 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.3 15.6 15.6 21.2 21.2 21.2 14.3 14'.3 14.9 14.9 .22.7 22.7 22 •. 7 11.7 14.3 14.3 13.6 117.6 110.5 100.2 99.6 101.8 110.2 111.9 112.3 111.0 110.0 111.5 114.0 112.6 111.5 109.9 112.9 102.6 104.9 102.0 112.2 110.0 112.2 111.5 96.2 96.5 94.2 110.5' 115.7 114.6 113.9 91 91 94 95 97 91 92 93 92 91 92 91 90 92 91 93 96 98 95 .,' 93 .' 91 93 92 94 95 92 91 93 92 91 . . 12 14 '9 '9 9 14 14· 14 14 14 14 8 8 14 14 14 .7 7 • 7 14 14 14 14 11 11 11 14 8 8 8 DATE: 1/28/82 Lot #'22 Lot #21 tot '#20 II Lot #19 Lot #22 Lot '#23 Lot #20 " , .,..., . .-,., ">~. -.~ ~ .. ':;..: .: '. , '. .' ' . ' Lot #21 ,'. ~ .. . .... ",: -: ........ . ... ~ :" ' ;.: ... . . '\ ' Lot .#22 .... ,~:i"" " " ".. . .. '.:i· '. LOt. # 2 3 ·.~: ... Y , ~. . .' ,,'. . ..... . .. .. ',' .... ~.<;:,~< ".~' ~":r~~~ '~.'~~~ .. .. .,~,' .,'~ • A , " ~~ Lot #24 ;, '.:, " Retest #645. Retest #646 .. Retest #647 Lot #24 " Lot #23 Lot #21 SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1ES tirna ted e1evation:in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER ' **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC: ~ ,. ... ,:', . , ' " '"11 "::';" !' ':C A " ":' .. :,.' :: ·~I··\·>·' .. : '. ~~.:' ':'.: • 1 " .' • I"::~ . , ...... . I' I •• J :~~~'" ; 896 ' 12/21/81 901 902 903 904 90S' 906 90T 908 909 910 911 912 ,913 914 915 916 917* 918 919* 920 921 922* 923 924* 925 II. " II II .. . .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .' " " 12/22/81 .. " " .. II II II .. II II II TABLE .I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SO DEPTH' CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION TyplLE (") (PCF) (") 288 290 290' 291 291 291 292 292 293 294 295 294 296 296 295 296 297 298 297 295 295 295 296 295 294 295 296 297 296 296 15.6 15.6. 16.3 16.3 17.6 16.3 16.3 17.6 ,17.6 17.6 16.3 '16.3 15.6 15.6 17.0 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 15.6 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.9 16.3 16.3 7.5 14.9 106.2 107.6 105.1 107.3 108.0 106.3 105.6 106.1 108;2 107.1 107.3 106.6 105.4 106.5 104.6 104. T 107.5 107.2 108.3 106.4 105.5 112.2 109.4 110.0 108.8 109.9 113.6 113.0 120.6 110.6 92 94 91 93 94 92 92 92 94 93 93 93 92 93 .. 91 ." 91 94 93 94 93 92 93 90 91 90 91 94 93 94 91 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 i3 13 13 13' 13 13 13 .13 14 14 14 1·4 14 14 14 12 14 - • >c /')i~i~~~: . DATE: 1/28/82 LOCATION . ~ , . , ... ~ II '-\~ ~.,~ .. '~-/~.'-'.- " " " , .. II " " " ...... ,,; .. .. .. " II ,", " -y' Lot #21- Lot #22 S.D.G.& E., & Lot #14 " ... ... Lot #19 , .. " " ... ' , Lot #22 ',., :' ,:;,' Lot #23 Lot 20 " II ~ ':' .... ':. " Lot 21 .. .. Lot 22 II .. Lot 23 " .. SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS lEstirnated elevation in 'feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC. , , ... _Ij"~f~. 'J~ • , .':': ~.' .~ .. JOB NO.: 1144-10 'I',J~:"::) 1<~'? _ TE;~~NO' '2/;:~ 81 j/! 928 929 I 930 931 "1' , . :' ... ~ I· ,'< '.- , ' ')' ',",':. ", > . ':' , . " -'.,. ,'.1· ... ' , ~,' I" "~,: '" I ." 'I ' :-, . I, .... -.. "-' . . . , e._. " I , .,'" ., ... • ' :' ••• ~: ~ ~> •• : I': '. . " •• > 1< :1, " I"" ... ' 932, 933 934 935 936 937 938* 939* 940 941 942 943 944 , 945 946 947 948* 949* 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 &.2/23/81 .. .. " " .. " .. .. .. .. .. 12/24/81 " " .. .. , ,,' . " " ~2/28/81 " " .. .. .. " .. .. TABLE I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION SOIL C") (PCF) C") TYPE 295 295 295 296 297 297 297 297 297 296 296 297 327 327 306 308 309 310 307 308 309 309 300 302 304 306 274 276 278 280 282 14.3 108.8 90 14 14.3 110.2 91 14 10.0 117.6 91 12 17.6 ,106.9 93 13 '17.6 15.6 14.3 16.3 16.3 16.3 13.6 13.6 17.0 17.0 22.0 22.0 22.0 21.2 21.2 22.0 22.0 21.2 8.1 8.1 9.3 9.3 20.5 20.5 ~0.5 22.0 22.0 106.1 112.5 110.7 106.4 107.1 105.2 113.3 114.4 105.2 105.2 99.8 98.6 100.2 101.9 98.9 101.8 100.8 100.7 121.5 120.0 121.7 121.0 98.3 99.0 97.6 98.6 102.3 92 90 92 93 93 92 91 92 92 92 95 94 94 96 92 95 94. 94 94 93 94 94 94 94 93 94 97 13 8 14 13 13 13 8 8 13 13' 6 6 7 7' 7 7 7 7 12 12 12 12 9 9 9 9 9 Lot 23 Lot 19 I, .. Lot 20 " " II " Lot 14 " Lot 2 " II II' " " " " ," : tot 1 " Lot 2 .. Lot 3 " " " Lot 3 SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIO.NS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST ... :., ~ , ' -~ .. '- .'" .', .-1 I· SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . ~ -, . : I ,,:;-'. : ',:;:'~:,<~ '.I:~,:;:,,;'~"""~":.'·""':;";':"':."~:":~:', .. ,.., -----,·-.-·: ... ',-.-,-.. ---------T.-A-e-L-e-I----r-'-' ------.. -.. :-:.-'·f;-:f-)t-';,~ ... ;i ... ~~-;>-;~.-a: '. ~~,,{ JOB NO.: 1144-10 NA:::;~~;~~F R~~;;hC:;;L~:,~~STS DATE:::'i~,;[~r :~:;,;,~>:~~.' TEST NO. DATE DEPTH 1 CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION :~~'e, ,,:;'::':<~:~:;;:;:~{': 15:';r ~57 12/28/81 293 1~"'~ 3 1~:~2 9~) ,.' ~~ ~ '.' j. 13 13 12 12 Lot 14 :'1· "' .. :. 'I":' :, " ." . .. ":' " '.:' IS;~. .~. ~~~ -::' ... 1~!~;8{; .' ...... :::-;'.- l~::. :1' .~.'~~J ~ ~' ~ --;:.. -....... < • , '., :".; .-; ':?:. ~ I" I· .. ··:···· I] I .1 " IJ • 958 ·959 960 961 '962 963 964* 965* 967 968 969 970' 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988· n 1.2/29/81 II " " 11 II 11 1.2/29/81 11 11 II 11 .11 II 11 II II II 11 .. /14/82 " II " " " II II " " 295 16.3 106.3 92 304 9.3 117.6 91 306 9.3 119.1 '92 300 20.5 101.0 94 302 20.5 102.4 96 302 20.5 104.0 90 308 9.3 117.1 91 304 9.3 116.7 91 302 18.8 102.2 96 303 20.4 103.0 96 305 20.4 104.2 97 306 20.4 103.6 97 308 22.1 105.0 98 307 2n.6 103.2 98 . 308 20.6 104.6 98 316 17.6 108.2 94 316' 17.6 105.4 92 317 16.3 105.6 92 319 16.3 107.9 94 318 18.3 106.7 93. 319 22.0 99.7 95 319 22.0 97.7 93 318 21.2 99.4 95 319 21.2 97.9 95 325 16.3 108.3 94 325 16.3 107.3 93 323 16.3 105.7 92 322 16.3 108.3 94 298 15.6 109.7 91 299 15.6 108.4 90 7 7 13 12 12' 7 7 7. 7 .7 7 7 13 13 13 13 13 9 9 9 9 13 13 13 13 14 14 II Lot Lot Lot 14 " " Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 14 II " II II ': II . , '. . .' . -.".,:. . " .. " -. ~ ", ,. " . "' :,. " , Lot 14 II II " Lot 19 " SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1 Estimated .elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •. INC~ -"';.:,' • , ~< _ 1 -, .. ,~',' - -• ' \. -.r ., .... -..... 1·· ''''?~'~:',': .. /::> .:,,;:-; '.~ .' : ,.,.-,J:·i.;Ji."....-------------------------~~---........ -, ~I,;:,{i JOB NO.: 1144~10·· NA::SC~~:~b~: :~::~~T~~~t:=~TS . DATfrtl~~:~~~~r· . 1 . .' . 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE SOIL , . ",:, TEST NO. DATE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION. TYPE . (") (PCF) (") 1.,:,: . 989 ./14/82 301 14.3 112. 2 93. c' 990 II. 303 14.3 111.7 92 14 14 I,:: . , " 991 Ii .. 304 9 • 3 121 . 6 94 12 .992 II 307 9.3 122.6 95' 12 ,. I, 993 II 310 9.3 120.0 93 12 994 II 312 9.3 120.6 94 12 995 II 315 22.0 105.0 93 9 :":1 996 . II 316 22 . 0 . 96 . 9 . 92 9 997 ~/15/82 309 11.1 119.7 93 l2 I'·' 998 II 310 18.3 105.5 99 7 999 II 3i5 18.3 101.7 95 7 ... <":.' . 1000 II 312 10.5 119.6 93 1120' ~ 1001 II 317 17.9 102.7 93 [.~~~~ : !~: ~::: 1~~:: :~ ~~ .. ' 1· ~~~: ./1:/82 !~~ ~~ / ~~~:: . :~.. ~~ .. ' ... <'~~'-' . 1006, II 317 12.4 117.S 91 12 I':, ·'i 1007 n 303 14.3 110.3 91 ,: 14 100S II 304 14.3 111.1 92 14 .. . -. ~: .. 'J' ,'.-' •• or _ . <.\::-. :',' 'I' : :.': ",= . -iii .- ·1 1009 II 306 14.3 109.4 90' 14 1010 II 310 17.6 107.7 94 ,,,. 13.,. 1011 II 312 17.6 10S.9 95 13 1012 II 314 14.9 10S.4 94 13 1013 ~/19/S2 316 16.3 106.S 93 13 1014 1015 '1016 1017 lOIS 1019 II II II II II II 31S 16.3 106.4 93 13 320 17.6 107.1 93 13 305 16.3 105.0 91 13 306 lS.3 105.3 92 13 304 lS.3 106.5 93 13 307 lS.3 107.3 93 '13' . II , -, ... II . '" Lot 1 .. ::'>·:; .. ··~;:::~ ::- II II . , " . ... II· . -' . . ., . -, .: ~"-: . II .... -,.:-' • >,: ~.. • :' , , , . . . ' ... r· II ",., . "., . ~ ; . II Lot 19 II II II SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING'. INC. . .. I --I, , ' . ';;;-., .. I'" 1049 1050 " " 12 13. 13 13 13 12 12 13 13 13 14 13 14 13 12 14 13 9 9 9 14 14 '14 -.. " Lot 14 II Lot 19 , II' :t: , .... " ::"': .. --, ... f~ : ... # '._ : II " .:. , .",".' ~ ~. , ~ ,.,:, " ,- . "_ ,II .- 11- II , " Lot 3 .'.< ~)!:X II II' , Lot 3 Lot 14 ,L'ot 19 Lot 3 II II Lot 14 " " .' -~ " ': ... ~ . :' .. :; . SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS l.Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . ,'~ ~.~:' :: : ..... < I····;." . I ........ .. ~. . I-~' .~ '. . '.' "'. .. I· ...... ; ... . ," :\ .. !~, w, " ~\..: • , ." .', ~ I·.· ... ::::: . -, ." I":":::'" I I .1 I'" JOB NO.: TEST NO. DATE. .1./27/82 j, .. v 1051* 1052 1053 1054 10.55. 1056 " ':; .... : ",,:?,::r,~ " " " 1057* 11-/28/82 1058 " 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067* 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074* 1075* 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081* " " " " " .. .. ". " " .. 2/1/82 " .. . "'. '/2/82 It :' , " .. .. It g/3/82. It " It DEPTH 1 MOISTURE CONTENT (cr.). . 285 281' 290 .292 294 296 290 298 300 293 301 302 303 304 305 296 299 303 312 316 315 317 320 317 325 318 328 318 319 320 322 9.9 9.9 21.2 21.2 23.4 23.4 10.8 22.2 22.2 8.7 16.6 16.6 15.6 15.6 20.5 10.5 12.4 9.6 17.6 17.6 18.3' 18.3 9.9 8.7 10.5 11.1 11.1 14.3 14.3 14.3 10.5 UNIT DRY DENSITY (PCF) 118.4 119.7 107.0 98.6 98.1 97.3 118.3 97.3 98.6 120.3 108.8 109.9 109.2 111.3 95.9 120.0' '119.3 119.5 110.9 109.6 109.8 108.5 119.4 118.8 119.7 119.0 117.6 112.2 111.7 112.8 117.7 RELATIVE COMPACTION (cr.) 92 93 91 92 92 91 92 '91 92 93 91 92 92 94 91 93 92 93 92 91 91 91 93 92 93 92 91 93 ~2 93 91 ',' SOIL TYPE 1~ 12 7 7 7 1 12 7 7 12 5 5 5 .5 6 12 12 12 4 4 4 5 . 12 12 12 12 12 4 4 4 12 Lot: 3 jt:~~<f~f .. ' .. :.' .: '~ ~y>~(': . , ." ('. ~. ~"'I":!~._~ 0 .. " " " " It " " II ..' ~ , . '~. ..... \ ." . 0':,. ".': .. ..:~. -'. ' : :: ,J' '. ~ ••• ~. ,', .~ t '~ ~' .. ' t. J ~'-~-.' . ": ".,' .. ' " I. " " ',' ~ . . ~ , ••••• <" • , :'. ' '. . . . ':. '-.. ::"', ; -." '~. . .... ~ .' E.C .R. Parkway~" " It " Lot 14 " :' .. ,- " .. " " E.C.R.parkwaY " " Lot 14 SEE PLAN FO'R TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •• INC. -.: ~. ": ., " .' ; '<: ", '-;., . .... ~ .. ~ '.' .: JOB' ~O.: 1144-10' TEST NO. ,~!!: 1082 I";':"':'~!" 10'83 10'84 . .:.:{..{:> 10'85* I ~"':,' 10'8,6 10'87 I' 10'88 10'89 I ,,~':', ~~:~ . "~ , I'~ ~~:~ .... -, . '~", 10'94 ·I.·~·· .. , ::':".' '10'95 .: ..... 10'96 .'::,'<' ~~:~ ,.; .. ~ ...... I",":::··"· ~~~~ " ~' .. ~;,~~' 110'1 ~I' ':'" :: 110'2 . '~~. ':' : :',' , .:' ". 110'3 I .. :~::·. 110'4 ,.': 110'5 I'>':.:::· ~~~~ 110'8 110'9 1110' 1111 1112 DATE 2/3/82 ~/4/82 " " 2/9/82 " " " " " " " " ~/16/82 " " " " " " ~/17/82 " " " " " " " " ~ /18/82 " TABLE I . ~.' ,'. . RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE DEPTH CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION (") (PCF) (") 327 328 325 330' 298 30'0' 30'2 30'4 30'6 314 316 318 320' 257 257 258 260' 261 262 265 267 270' 272 274 -275 278 280' 282 284 275 278 11.7' 119.1 92 11.1 118.3 92 11.1 119.2 92 118.3 99.3 98..5 10'0'.0' 98.9 97.5 10'1.5 10'2.9 10'1.1 10'2.3 92 93 92 94 92 91 97 .98 96 97 " .... .' . 8.7 20'.4 20'.5 21.2 21.2 22.2 23.4 23.4 22.8 22.8 22.2 17.6 96.8 104.5 10'6.5 10'7.6 10'5.6 10'7.3 10'7.9 10'6.9 10'7.6 10'7.5 10'9.5 10'6.6 10'8.4 109.0' 10'7.0' 10'8.5 10'0'.1 87**· . '17.6 17.6 15.3 15.3 15.6 15.6 14.'3 15.3 15.3 15.3 16.6 16.6 14.3 15.9 22.8 22.8 99.5 94 91 92 90' .' 92 92 9i 92 90' 92 . 90' 91 90' 90' 91 90' 90' .' . SOIL TYPE 12 12 . 1'2 12 7 7 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 1'0' 10' 2 2· 2 2 2' 2· 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 10' 10' Lot (;;~,~1~~1\ . Preis.tly Drive .. .. .. . . ~: " . '". , .'.:, -" Lot 12 , ( .. !' . "~ II " . ',.' .......... , >'", :' •• II . , -, ~ . .' -:; >', ;" " Lot 2' Retest #10'95 .-. Lot 2 ': ... :'.« .>. , .-II .... '::~; .... ;'" ",:;/:~.' . .' "",' :.:;;.: . . .' , ' " . :'" ,,' .' ',: : . , \I \I .' ... .. .. .. \I .. \I " . ~. ..... :~. ~. : .,:.,!:.- " .. I I·" I ... SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation' in feet~ .. -! "., *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER . 1'-' **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST ~AN nu::(.lO ~Oll ~ FN~INFFRIN~ INC· I, I .,' . " ," -' {-. -,' . :.' ::';:<:' . ::.: "::'~ ,:.. : '1':,·\::·, ( . -, ,' .. :. ".' I,', I I I ,I. -' :1 ...... 1119 1120. 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138, 1139 1140 1140 1141 1142 ~/18/82 .. " " " " .. " ~/19/82 " .. .' " " " '" ' " " " " 12/22/82 " " " " " " " 2/23/82 " " " " SOIL TYPE' '10 10 10 9 9 9 9 7 7 7 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 2 , ' . 2 : < 2 2 . , 10 10 . , 2 10 10 5 5' 5 7 7 :::::~~~~ffj,j . " C,U'" • , " ~ .. ' . '. ~''''';:' , ~: • 1 .' " .' _.. ',: . " Lot 1. " "<,. " :f{~·,.':L, ,;::J-i~i;~'}1l~,;;.· La: >"f;;;~~[,ii;{: " • -:-<> Lot 2 .', ': .' -.:-.,;, . ," ; .. , . .' . " Lot 1 " Lot 2 " ' " SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 1Estimated elevation in feet. *SAND-CONE TEST, ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED, SEE RETEST AAN nu:an An .. A I:Nr.UNI:I:CUNA INr. TABLE :I RESULTS OF COMPACTiON TESTS , " II -', "; '1144 I::'; " 1145 " " 1146*' ~/24/82 I 1147 " I' II· I' . II'~ li' JI:': ". :1· ... I' . I I I 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 " " " " " 1153* ~/25/82' 1154 " .' 1155' 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 " " " .. .. 2/26/82 " " " " " II 3/1/82 " " " " " 289 290 290 292 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 271 274 277 298 279 282 284 286 288 292 293 300 303 290 293 302 302 304 303 -I I SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS 10.5 20.5 11.7 23.0 23.0 20.5 20.5 21.2' 10.2 21.2 21.2 22.5 22.5 17.9 21.8 21.8 20.2 20.2 20.2 23.4 22.8 20.5 116.9 100.4 ll6.9 100.7 99.1 97.3 99.8 101~5 116.8 97.7 98.3 96'.5 96.9 103.0 98.7 98.1 97.0 97.7 96.3 96.5 96.3 96.6 ~! ~I *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST 91 94 91 94 93 91 93 91 91 91.3 91.9 90.2 '90.6 ,92.8 92.2 91.7 90.7 91.3 91.7 91.9 91~7 90.2 12 7 1~ 1 7 7 7 10 1'2 7 7. 7- .7 10, 10 10 7 7 6 6 6 7 DATE: Lot : 2'~~\~~~~~~ " " II II " .. " " Lot 1 II· Lot 2. II· ~ ;. ~, -.. .,'.' ';-. . ,. :.., " .~~~~:':~'. , . '. " ; . " . , -J.. .", ., .; .... '. -' .... ~.' ;.' .. ,.,:,:: '.~,:- Lot 1 "., """.,., .. . . ~ . ,,- Lot 2 ,,, : " " " 1Estimated elevation in feet. SAN OIFGO SOIL S FNGINEERING. I.NC;:. ',' ,. ,;:," ,,~ , . ,~ , : ;-'. i ,,:(. -------------?~.<.---... ::.~: .. ::,'.:~---.;> -:" , , i.·.·. .':." I ;j : •. ' I I .-, 1,1 "1 ·1 , ~ ~I"· t , I~ , ,I -I J ·1 .,1'.' . t :. ~, JOB NO.: 1144-10 TEST NO. 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 .1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 i197 1198 1199 1200 1201 DATE 3/1/82 3/2/82 " " .. .. " " ". .. 3/3/82 " " .. "I _. , ..... 3/4/82 " " " " " " 3/5/82 " ." ... " " " TABLE l: RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS NAME: Carlsbad Research Center DEPTH 296 297 299 302 308 308 303 304 307 309 308 311 310 310 311 312 313 313 312 313 315 315 iFG328 314 315 316 316 iFG325 iFG321 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE S CONTENT DEN~.!.!Y COMPACTION OIL . (", (PCr I (", TYPE 21'.2 23.0 23.0 21.2 21.2 22.5 20.0 20.0 19.6 '20.5 19.6 20.0 20.0 19.0' 22.8 23.4 23.4 18.6' 18.6 19.0 21.2 19.6 18.3 18.3 17.6 17.9 17.9 17,6 17.6 97.1 97.6 100.0 98.1 97.4 97.4 97.4 100.4 101.3 101.2 100. O· : 103.7 103.5 103.0 '100.5 101...1 100.3 '101.4 100.4 103.0 98.9 104.7 106.8 104.9 106.5 105.2 106.8 105.9 105.4 .. 90.7· 91.2 93.5 91.7 92.8 92.8 92.8 90.5 91.3 91.2 90.1 93.4 93.2 92.8 90.5' 94.5 93.1 91.4 90.5 92.8 92.4 94.3 92.8 .. ' 91.2 92.6 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ·10 7 ·7 10 10 10 7 10 13 13 13 91.5 13 92.9 13 92,.0 13 91.7 13 . -~ ':"'!- .-. ~ " .rl ., --" . ~ ... '. '.. ··~t : .... SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS *SAND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST 1Estimated elevation in feet. SAN ~IEGO SOILS ENGINEERING •.. INC. " ',.' . I :1' , , I ,', I ' I' I':: I , J I, I" -, : I -I I _.I I --I 'I I ---! • I JOB NO.: TEST NO. 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 -1212 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 "J 1.144-10, DATE 3/8/82 '" " " " " " " 3/9/82 " " " " " " " " 3/10/82 " " " " 3/11/82 " " " " " " TEST NO " " TABLE :r RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS 'NAME: Carlsbad Research Center MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE S DEPT'H 1 CONTENT DENSITY COMPACTION OIL (") (PCF) (") TYPE FG306 '18.6 106.0 92.2 13 FG308 17.9 105.5 91.7 .' 13 295 17.9 105.1 91.3 13 296 17.9 105.5 91.7 13 298 18.6 105.6 91.8 13 297 19.0 106.1 92.2 13 FG310 17.6 106.3 92.4 13 FG306 19.0 10'6.9 93.0 13 298 17.9 105,.7 91.9 13 297 18.3 105 .. 5 91.7 13 297 18.3 '106.1 92.3 13 296 16.9 105.9 92.0 13 296 17.6 107.2 93.2, 13' 297 17.6 106.9 93.0 13 298 17.3 106.6 92.7 13 296 17.3 10~.9 92.1 13 FG29'6 18.6 106.8 92.8 13 FG297 18.6 106.3 92.4 13 FG298 17.9 106.6 92.7 1.3 FG299 17.9 106.1 92.2 13 295 16.9 106.3 92.4 13 FG296 13.9 111.2 91.9 14 FG297 13.9 111.8 92.4 14 FG298 17.9 107.1 93.1 13 FG300 13.3 112.2 92.7 14 292 17.6 107.1 93.1 13 290 13.0 111.1 '91.8 14 294 14.3 112.2 92.7 14 ~ TAKEN-m·1BER N( T USED. " " It " , " ".-. ';' ... : - -,& ~ ~: • ....: :~', • : ,'''' "., : " , ~'i~~~J~~if,f)~: . DATE: " " , ,":'-" ",," -,',':' ,', ': f} __ , , : :;::>~ :;:::' , ' -:-.' ... - 'r ~ -, , SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS *SAND-C,ONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST 1Estimated elevation in feet SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING., INC. 11'~'7' ~,f,\'-" ' TABLE I RESULTS OF COMPACTION TESTS : ",.:: B 0 1:144-10 JO N .: i .', NAME: Carlsbad Research Center . ~'.r:~:;' ':':DATE .,,:::, TEST NO. , " 1 MOISTURE UNIT DRY RELATIVE 01 DEPTH CONTENT D,ENSrTY COMPACTION S L (,.) (PCF) (", TYPE -, :', '1232 .',T,','EST' ~or TAKEN-~UMBER N[)T USED. 'I' 1233 ',," nil" "n I , I I I • '.I. J I I dl I, I I I! • 1 II· ;..:.--.. II -,--, 1234 ", n, " ,It " "n 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 ·1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 n " " " " " ' 3/12/82 FG290 " " " 3/23/82 , " FG291 FG293 FG294 FG324 FG320 FG318 3/23/82 FG306 " " \ n . FG304 FG304 1247 3/24/82 FG319 1248 " FG315 1249 1250 " " FG320 315 " " 13.9 13;0 13.0 13.6 20.8 20.8 21.2 20.2 21.8 21.8 17.6 21.2 20.5 20.5, " " " " 112.5 1'11.4 112.1 110.2 100.3 99.6 , 98.6 98.9 98.6 100.8 106,.3 99.3 98.3 98.7 93.0 14, 92.1 14 92.6 14 91.0 14 93.7 7 93.0 7 92.1 7 92.4 7 92.1 7 94.2 7 92.4 13 94.5 " 9 91.8 7 92.2 7 ~ , .. --.-, '~~X~~~I~~1, DATE: '. ' ,'~ ... " .. ". . . .. ~.., ~ ,'" .. -. ;" I: -,." ... SEE PLAN FOR TEST LOCATIONS *SA'ND-CONE TEST. ALL OTHERS DRIVE-CYLINDER **TEST FAILED. SEE RETEST 1Estimated elevation in feet II ...... SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEER,ING •. INC • "f 7 ,Brown CLAY 8 Red-brown sandY'CLAY 9 Light brown silty CLAY 10 Light olive-brown silty. CLAY.: 11 Brown CLAY 12' Brown "DECOMPOSED GRANiTE'" 13 ·14 . ';:; . 'MAXIMUM OPTIMUM DENSiTY P,fOJSTUR~ ·(PCF) , ("" 130.5 9'.0 117.0 13·.0 113.0 14.5 '121.0 10.5 119.0 12.0 102.0: 21.0 107.0 19.0 125.0 11.0 105.0 18.0' 110.0 16.0 .'102.0 21.0 .. :.:--. 129.0 8.,0 115.0 16.0 121.0 12.0 " " '.' " . " ',' ~-" SAN DIEGO SOILS ENGINEERING. INC.