HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-19; MARY Y MONTANAS UNIT 1; "R" VALUE TESTING AND STRUCTURAL SECTION DESIGN; 1987-08-26•• • CALIFORNIA GEO TEK, INC. I :::.:::::: .. :~ . 42030 Avenida Alvarado, Suite A • Rancho California, CA 92390 • (714) 676·2782 Job No. JO-352.02 ProJect No. 12S4W33-0-i August ~6, 1987 TO: L. C. J. Oevelopment 1667 South Missinn Road, Suite C Fallbrook~ California 92028 SUBJECT: "R" Value Testing and Structural Section Design l Interior Streets, Ma-r y Montaiias, City of Carlsbad, California The structural sectjons for paving of' Janis Way, Celinda Drive North, Celindq Drive South, Sara Way, and Maria Lane have been completed. The work was authorized by Mr. Ca.rl Lynton. The calculated sections for all but Ceiinda , Drive South are less than the minimum Ctty standards and the section for {eli'nda Drive South is the same as the minimum City standard. Consequentl~, .a1] interior streets will require tne min'imum City standard .. Transmitted herewith are the "Rn Value test results and pertinent calculations. The final desi·gn for all interior streets is: . 3 inches AC over 6 inche'5 Class 2 AB If you have any questions or further'requirements, please notify this office. BRL/kbm Enclosures Respectfully submitted, ~~ -'~" Bruce R. 'Lee RCE 233:96 12S4W33-01· ·Page 1 Design TI = S.O • Base "R" Value 78 Subbase 31 Mar y Montanas Tract 81-19 Janis Way . GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-31) = 1.10 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50 (TI 5.0) T = .0032 (S.O)(100-78) = 0.14 ft. AC (1 5/8" AC use 311 , minimum) 2.S . 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. gravel Base Thickness Total = 1.10 ft. OVer subbase 1.10 ft. -0.62 ft .. = 0.48 ff.gravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.43 ft. AB (5-1/4 11 Class 2 ~ase) Summary 0.25 ft. -3" AC 0.43 ft. - 5 1/4" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 3" AC Use 6~ Class 2 Aggregate aase (per winimum City standards) lZS4W33-01 -Page 2 Desi'gn TI = 5.0 Base IIRII Value 78 Subbase 52 Mar y Montanas Tract 8.1-19 Celinda Drive North GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-52) = 0.77 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50 (~I -5.0) • T = .0032 (5~~~(100-78) = 0.14 ft. AC (1 5/811 AC use 3", ~int~um) 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. gravel Base Thickness Total = 0.77 ft. over subhase 0.77 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0'.15 ft. gravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.13 ft. AB (1 3/~1I Class 2 base) Summary 0.25 ft. -311 AC 0.13 ft. -1,3/411 Class 2 Aggregate Base Use J" AC Use 6" Cl ass ,2 Aggregate Base (per mi ni'mllm City standards) 12S4W33-01 l'age 3 Design TI ;:: 5.0 Base IIR" Val ue 78 Subbase 27 Mar y Montafias Tract 81'-19 Celind~ Drive South GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-27) 1.17 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.5.0 (TI -5.0) -e T = .0032-(5.0)(100-:78) = 0.14 ft. AC (1 S/8I1 AC lise 311 ) 2.5 0.25 ft. At = 0.62 ft. gravel - Base Thickness Total = 1.17 ft. over subbase 1.17 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0.55 ft. gravel For Grof 1. 1, Th i ckness = O! 50 ft. AB (61' Cl ass 2 base) Summary 0.25 ft. -311 AC 0.50 ft. -611 Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 3" AC Use 6" Class 2 Aggregate Base 12S4W-33-01 '-Page 4 Design TI = 5.0 Base "R" Value 78 Subbase 30 Mar y Montanas Tract 81-19 Sara Way GE = .n032 (5.0)(100-30) = 1.12 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50 (TI -S.O) T = .0032 (5.0)(100:-78) = 0.14 ft. AC (1 5/8" AC use 3") -2.5 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. gravel Base Thickness Total = 1.12 ft. over sUbbase 1.12 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0.50 ft. gravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.45 ft. AS (5 1/2'" Class 2, b'ase) Summary 0.25 ft. -3" AC n.45 ft. - 5 1/2" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 3" AC Use 6" Class 2 Aggregate Bas'e (per minimum City standards) 12S4W33-D1 "Page 5 Design TI = 5.0. Base "R" Value 78 Subbase 3& Mar y Montanas Tract 81-19 Maria Lane GE = .0.0.32 (5.0.)(10.0.-36) 1.0.2 feet . Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50. (TI -5.0.) T = .0.0.32 (5.0.)(10.0.-78) = 0..14 ft. AC (15/811 AC use 3") 2.5 0..25 ft. AC ~ 0..62 ft. gravel Base Thickness Total = 1.0.2 ft. over subbase 1.0.2 ft. -0.,62 ft. = 0..40. ft. ~ravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness =0..36 ft. AB (4 1/2" Class 2 base) Summary 0..25 ft. -311 AC 0..36 ft. - 4 1/2" Class 2 Aggre~ate BaSe Use 311 AC . Use 6" Class 2 Aggregate Base (per minimum City standards) . Sample Ref. 1 Specimen Number A B C P.N.: 12S4W33-01 Moisture Content at Compaction Percent 10.5 n.4 9.7 Janis Way SUMMARY OF uR" VALUE TESTING Moisture Lxudatlon Dry Expanslon Pres~ure Density Pressure P.S.l. P .c.r ~ D.ial ----" _.---,.. -... -.. -------.-_.--------- 338 126.5 .0009 243 123.7 .0013 518 128.7 .0007 Stabilometer "R" Value --~ -.---~- 35 26 55 'fiR" Value at 300 P. S. 1. Exudation Pressure 31 e e '; ! , , j ; I il l 1. i 1 ,\ , t Sample Ref. 1 Specimen Number -- A B c r.N.: 12S4W33-01. Moisture Content at Compaction Percent -----.--~ . ...-.- 11. 2 12.0 12.9 Celinda Drive North SUMMARY. OF tiR" VALUE rEstING Moisture Exudati.on . Dry Expansion Pressure Density Press.ure P.S.l. P.C.F. Dial -_ .. _-_ .. _------_._--...... _. ._-------.---- 649 124.1 .0031 422 126.4 ·.0022 . 242 123.5 .0012 Stabi ] OIJleter nR n Vel I,ue --------- 77 69 39 UR" Value at 300 P. S. 1. Exudation Pressure 52 e (- Samp Ie Ref. 1 Specimen Number A B .. c . P.N.! 12S4W33-01 Moisture Content dl COlllpdcl i on Percent 12.4 13.3 14.1 Celinda Drive South SUMMARY OF "R" VALUE rESTING Moisture L xuddt ion IIry FX\lcHls ion Pr.c5~ur·e Deflsity Pre~sur'e P .S. L P.C.F. Dial .------' -'--.... ~ . -.-. -.~ w __ .. _. __ .~ __ " \ 462 123.2 .0010 342 122.7 .0000 267 120.9 .0004 Stdoi IOlneter "R" Value ~"----_ ... --------- .61 33' 22 , / / ~ "R" Value a t 300 P ~ S. 1. Exudation 'Pressure 27 e Ie Moisture Content Sample Specimen at Compaction Ref. Number Percent ---._._--- 1 A 11.2 B 12.1 C 13 .. 0 P . N ~: 12S4W33,..Ol Sara Way SUMMARY OF UR" VALUE TESTING Moisture E.xudation Ory Expansion Pressure Dens'ity Pressure P.S~l. P.C.F. Dial -.-~.'-----._-,;".--------- 450 128.0 .0004 303 127.0 .0000 203 125.3 .0000 Stabilometer "R"Value ----- 60 29 21 fiR" Value at 300 P.S.1. Exudation Pressure 30 ,e (e 'j ,I :i :1 1 f Sample Ref. 1 Specimen Number A B C P.K.: 12S4W33-01 Moisture Content at Compaction Percent 11.1 12.1 10.4 Maria Lane SU'MMARY OF '''R'' VALUE TESTING ,",oiSture Exudation Dry Expansion Pressure Density ,Pressure P.S.I. P.C.F. Dia'l -----------... -------.------ 311 128.2 .0000 219 126.3 .0000 474 129.0 .0003 Stabi1.ometer "R" Va,lue 37 21 5'6 + IIRIl Value at 300 P.S.I. Exudation pressure 36 e :.a., '., • , .1' . ~, ./~" vr ~,'\. ,,\ " , ... CALIFORNIAGEOTEK, INC. ,.....!:~: :-:,-, -: --:-:-::-;//0/, '\.~ 42030 Avenida Alvarado, Suite A • Rancho California, CA 92390. (714)676-27'82' Job No. 10-jS2.02 Ptoject No. 12S4W33-01 August 26, 1987 TO: L. C. J. Development 1667 South Mis~ion Road, Suite C Fallbr~ok, California 92028 SUBJECT: 'iR" Value Testing and Structural Section Design, Interior$treets, Mar y Mbntafias, City of Carlsbad, California The structural sections for paving of ,Janis Way, Celinda Drive North, Celind:a Drive South, Sara Way, and Maria Lane have been completed. The work was authorized 'by Mr. Carl Lynton. The calculated sections for all but Ce.linda Drive South are less than the ~intmum £ity standards ~nd the sectionfo~ C~linda ' Dri ve South is the same as the minimum City standard. Consequently " all ' i oteri or streets will requ ire the mi n tmum City standard, transmitted herewi th are the "RI! Value test results and pertine.nt calculations. lhe nnal, design for all interior streets is: 3 inches AC over 6 fnches Class 2 AS ~ C.A:'K..1 j:;.. i'i,.b A:-tJ Dial.. CO l-4. Ii ~ l<t..:C If you have any questions or further requirements" please ,notify this offi'ce. BRL/kbm Enclosures RECEIVE'D NOV 241987 -CITY OF.: CARLSBAD QE-'lEl1)~ EROC. SERV,; DIV" , , 12S4W33-01 ·Page 1 Des i'9n TI = 5.0 • Base "R" Value 78 Subbase jl Mar y Montafias Tract 81-19 Janis Way GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-31) = 1.l0 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50 (TI -5.0) • T = .0032(5~~~(100-781 ~ 0.14 ft. AC (1 5/8 n AC use 3", ~intmum) 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. gravel Base Th i ckne.ss Total = 1.10 ft. over s~bbase 1.10 ft. ~ 0.62 ft. = 0.48 ft. gravel ForGr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.43 ft. AS (5 1/411 Class 2 base) Summary 0.25 ft. -311 AC 0.43 ft. 5 1/411 Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 3'i AC Use 6" Class 2 Aggregate Base (per min;,mumCity standards) .. -~-~ ........ ----.. ~-----------.' 1 " · e· 12S4W33-01' . -Page 2 Design TI = 5.0 Base ~R" Value 78 Subbase 52 Mar y Montafi~s Tract 81-19 Celinda Drive North GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-52) = 0.77 feet Surface thickness Gf = 2.50 (Tl -5.0) T = .0032 (S.O)(100-78) = 0.14 ft. AC (1 5/8 11 AC use 311 , minimum) 2.5 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. grave·l Base Thickness Total = 0.77 ft. over subbase 0.77 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0.15 ft. gravel For Grof 1.1, Thickness = 0.13 ft .. AB (1 3/4" Class 2 base) Summary 0.25 ft. - 3 11 .AC 0.13 ft. - 1 3/4" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 3" AC Use 611 Class 2 Aggregate Bas'e (per minimum City standards) ------------------.,.....------------;-~-~------~---~-~-- 12S4W33-01 -Page 3 Design TI = 5.0 Base "R" Value 78 Subbase 27 Mar y Montanas Tract 81-19 Celinda Drive South GE = .0032 (5.0)(100-Z7) 1.17 feet Surface Th i c.knes's Gf = 2.50 (TI -5.0) T = .0032 (5.Q)(100-78) = 0.14 ft.AC (l 5/8" AC 'use. 3n ) 2.5 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62 ft. gravel 8as.e Thi ckness Total = 1.17 ft. over subbase 1.17 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0.55 ft. gravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.50 ft. AB (6" Cla.ss 2 base) Summary 0 .. 25 ft. -3" AC 0.50 ft. -6" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 311 AC Use 611 Class 2 Aggr~gate Base 12S4W33-01 'Page 4 Design TI = 5.0 • Base "R" Val ue 78 Subbase 30 Mary Montai'i"as Tract 81-19 Sara Way GE = .0032 (~.0)(100-30) = 1.12 feet Surface ThicknBss Gf = 2.50 (TI -5.0) T = .0032(5.0)(100-78) =.0.14 ft. AC (15/811 AC lise JII) 2.5 0.25 ft .. AC = 0.62 ft.·yravel Base Thickness Total = 1.12 ft. over s~bbase 1.12 ft. -0.62 ft. = 0.50 ft. gravel . for Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.45 ft. AB (5 1/2~ ClaSs 2 base) Summary 0.25 ft. -311 AC 0.45 ft. 5 1/2" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use. 311 AC Use .6 11 Class 2 Aggregate Base (per minimllm Ctty standards) 12S4W33-01 -'Page 5 Design TI =5:0 • Base IIRI' Vp.l ue 78 Subbase 36 . Mar y Montanas Tract 81-19 Maria Lane GE = .0032 (5.D)(100-36) = 1.02 feet Surface Thickness Gf = 2.50 (TI -5.0) • T = .0032 (5.0)(100-]8) = 0.14 ft. -AC (1 5/8" AC use 3") 2.5 0.25 ft. AC = 0.62-ft. gravel Base Thi.ckness Total = 1.02 ft. over subbase 1.02 ft. = 0.62 ft. = 0.40 ft. gravel For Gr of 1.1, Thickness = 0.36 ft. AB (4 1/2" Class 2 base) Summary D.25 ft. -3" AC 0.36 ft. - 4 1/2" Class 2 Aggregate Base Use 311 AC Use 611 Class 2 Aggregate Base (per minimum City standards) ~ ,-, • __ .~~"':'"-~r--~--"""'';o~~~~-, ~ -'.: ' ..... \e e' Sample Ref. 1 Specimen Numb.er A B C P.N.: 12S4W33-01 . Mo i sture Content at Compaction Percent ---_.--_._._-- 10,.5 11.4 9.7 Janis Way SUMMARY OF "J{" V'ALUE TEST tNG , Moi sture Exudation Dry Expansion Pres'sure Oens'i ty Pressure P.S.L P.C.F. Dial -~--.-.----.,--.. ----.--,--,----- 338 126.5 ;0009 243 123.7 .0013 518 128.7 . .0007 Stapilometer "R" 'Va hie 35 26 55 ~ ilRIl Vallie a·t 300 P. S .. 1. Exudation Pre~slire 31 I I I ! i ,e. I .. j .,' 1 t 1 1 i Moisture Content Sample Specimen at Compaction R~f. Number Percent ------_._------- 1 A 11.2 B 12.0 C 12.9 P.N.: 12S4W33-01 Celinda. Drive North SUMMAR,Y 'OF "R" ·VJ\lUE rESTING ------------.---~--... -----.. -.-----.- Moisture ·[xudat'i on. Ory .Expansion P'ressure . Oensi ty Pressure P.S.l. P.C.f. Dial --.-----...-....0;-----.------. --~--.. -- 649 124.1 .0031 422 126.4 .8022 242' 123.5 .0012 Stabilometer "R" Value ----------'--_. -' . 77 69 39 , "Rn Val ue at 300 P. s. L' ExudatienPressiJre 52 ,e e~ Sample R~f. 1 Specimen Number --::-~---'- A B C P.N.! 12S4W33-01 MOl stun~ Content at C(MnpdC t ,on Percent -~-:..-:..-.----~ .-. ------,. 12.4 13.3 14.1 ,eeL i nd~ Dri ve South SUMMARY OF "R" VALUE rESTING Moisture [ XUddl i on Ory rxpanslon Pr'C~~ure J)e,,~; i ty l)re~'stH'e P .s. I • P.C.F. ' Dial .-.. _.----.. ..-... ---.. -ow .... _, ..... __ ~. _ •• 462 123.2 .001;0 342 122.7 .0000 267 120.9 .0004 Stdbilometer "R" Va,Jue "'--~ ... -_ ... -... _------ 61 33 22 URI! 'Value at JOOP .,S.l. Exudation pressure 2.7 Moisture Content Sample Specimen at Compaction . Ref. Number Percent --..-~--- 1 A 11.2 e B 12· .. 1 C 13.0 ·e P.N.: 12S4W33-01 Sa:rii. Way SUMMARY OF "HOI VALUE TE.ST LNG Moisture E.xudation Dry Expansion Pressure Uens·ity Pressure P.S.!' -P .C.L Dial ------M __ •• _____ -" , ------- 450 128.0 .0004 303 127.0 .0000 203 125.3 .0000 Stabilometer '~R" Vqlue 60 29 21 "R" Value at 300-P:. S. I. Exudation Press~re 30 ,~ '~' e .. '9' Sample Ref. -,-' 1 Specimen Number A B c P.N.: 12S4W33~01 Moisture Content at Compaction Percent -'----...:... .... ----.--;--.~-.----- 11.1 12.1 10.4 ~Ma ri-a Lane SUMMARY OF uRn 'VALUE TESTING -.. ---.~.---.--.-.~--'-----~-~-. ~oi sture, [XUd(1t 1 on' Dry Expansion Pressure Dens j;ty Pres,sure P.S.I. P.C .F,. ; __ D~L_. -----.------...... ---- ,311 128.2 .0000 219 126.3 .0000 474 129.0 .0003 , , Stabilometer "R" Value ---'-- 37 21 56 JlRIf Value at 300 P. S . 1. Exuda tionPre.ssure 36 ..(',