HomeMy WebLinkAboutCT 81-34; LA COSTA SOUTH UNIT 1; SOILS INVESTIGATION; 1981-12-09'. MV ENGINEERING, INC. 476 W. Vermont Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, California 92025 714-743-1214/727-1818 Job #1198-81 December 9, 1981 M;C. Don Trabert P~O. Box 2106 Leucadia, CA 92024 SUBJECT: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FOR LOT #41, LA COSTA SOUTH, UNIT #1 The enclosed report has been prepared to present 'the results of our geotechnical investigation for the sub-' ject site. This report includes the results of our field investigation, laboratory analysis, and our summary of findings and recommendations for site development. Thank you for choosing MV Engineering, Inc. If you have any questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to call us. We appreciate th~s opportunity to be of service. et ------------------------~----,----~----- • • '. REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION LOT 41 LA COS'rA SOUTH UNIT· ~n LA COS'I'A, CALIFORNIA . Prepared for: Mr. Don Trabert P.O. Box 2106 Leucadia, CA 92024 Decernber.9, 1981 Prepared by: MV Engineering, Inc. 476 w. Vermont Ave., #102 Escondido, CA 92025 Job #1198-81 • '. TABLE OF CO~TENTS' Purpose of Investigation General Information ,Soil Description Field Investigation Laboratory Testing Bearing Value Retaining Structures Summary of Findings and'Recommendations. Geology-Seismicity Bearing Capacity Slopes Retaining Structures General Limitations AP,PENDIX Figure 1 -Plot Plan Appendix "All Exploratory Boring's (a,nd. key) Appendix "B" -Laboratory ,Test Results Appendix "c" Specifications for Constructib.n of Controlled Fills Unified Soil Classifi:cation Chart I' 1 ,I 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 ,,' '-",' ,'". • • '. REPORT OF,' GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION' LOT 41 LA COSTA SOUTH'UNX~ #1 LA COSTA, CALIFORNIA PURPOSE OF INVESTIGATION This investigation was conducted to'determirteif'the sub- ject site is sui table for construc,tion -of a condcit(lihium' project. The purpose of this investigation is to: (I) Determine the engineering, prope'rties ' of the underlying soiis. (2) Provide'information to aid ih fopnd~":" tion design. (3) Investigate the site geolog,y~ GENERAL INFORMATION The subject site consists of an lot fronting on Navarra Drive. borhood containing condominium proposed plan. approxima te ly rec;t~~f{guia:t This is a, ,de-veloped':':'ne:igh- complexes similar' to--the This previously graded lot slopes ge,htly to th~ n,pr.thand ", is free of structures and debris. A small cut slope exists on a lower, undeveloped adj'acentlot alorrgthe,' eastern property line. The southern pro.perty linte'abuts a fairway of the La Costa golf course while tn-e' west side adjoins a developed condominium site .. ' It is our understanding that this lot is to be deve:loped into a site with six condominium units u,tiliiing 'Col1veri- tional construction techniques. ' SOIL DESCRIPTION There is predominantly one soil type on th~s si t~,~, ,This consists of a cohesionless, brown, ~in~ silty 'sand. ',' A small area (marked on the attached -site plan, -Fi'g,ure'.,.l) 'bf coarse sand and gravel was found near the north~a:st-_Cbrher of the lot. This coarse sand appears' to bea reIIitii(11t.,,6t , ancient stream deposits. . , .... ) --: ,-- ." "t ;0_0 -~ -' --~ -''; • • ____ - J .'\ -;. -... ---~-... • • •• ·Geotechnical Investigation-for Lot 41 La Costa South Unit #1 Page Two.·" . 12/9/81 Our auger borings discovered the following sotl types during the field investigation: Soil Type I Soil Type II Brown, fine grained, poorly' indurated, well $o~ted, massive, silty ferruginous sandstone. This predominant soil i·s· non- detrimentally expans:i;ve ~ . Soil Type I with cobbles . Soil Type III -Poorly sorted, subrounded,coarse grained, sand and. gravel (stream deposits) Soil Type IV -Gray, very fine grained, slightly plastic, clayey sand. Complete boring logs are in the apperidixof this report. The nomenclature used in describing the soils· is .in accord- ance with the Unified Soil Classification Syste1ll as illustrated on the attached chart. FIELD INVESTIGATION A subsurface investigation was performed on November 25, 1981. This included three deep ~uger borings p~us five shallow borings to delineate the area of $tream qeposit, standard penetrometer tests and collecti~g of soil samples· from auger cuttings and split spoon sampler. . Standard penetrometer tests w~re performed at various locations and depths to determine relative d·ensit~e~ of the existing natural soils and to aid in the calculation of these soils' bearing capacity. LABORATORY TESTING Samples of the soils from the borings were taken to our laboratory for further analysis. Tests included .expapsion testing, maximum density/optimum moisture ,curves, and sieve analysis. Results of these tests are reflected in our ,reco:qrmeridations and are presented in the appendix of. this report .• " ' .. '-i, ,'< • ·e· 'Geotechnical Investigation~for Lot 41 La Costa South Unit #1 BEARING VALUE . Page Three . 12/9/81' Calculations for the bearing value of the existing soil~s' in t.he area of proposed construction are .based upon the' standard field penetrometer tests and calculated for th~ anticipated footing types and dimensions. . . . Calculations are in accordance with the methods descr~b~g by Peck,' Hanson & Thornburn (1973) for'shallow footings ,on noncohesi ve soi·l. RETAINING STRUCTURES Construction of retaining walls is anticipated for this' . site and equivaient fluid pressures have peen determined for the structures proposed. Estimations have been made using the chartspreserrted by Terzaghi and Peck (1967). These values q.re include~ in the recommendations . SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following summarized findings and' reco:rru:nend'at~ons are based on the analysis of all data and ,information obtained. from our soil investigation conducted on tpi.s si 'be. '1'11is includes our visual inspections of the s'ite, : field ·imtesti- gation including the boring excavations ,.' labor.atot"Y +esul"ts F and our general knowledge and experience with the soil types. . It is our opinion that the project site is suitable for development with respect to soil conditions provided th~ recommendations contained in this reportareincor·pbrated in the planning, design, and construction phase of ·the project. . . GEOLOGY-SEISMICITY This property is situated on Eocene marine ·sed·iment:ary'. rocks just above and south of the flow line of' the . San Marcos Creek. The origin of the stream gravel discovered in .6n~ location of the site appears to be from Plei$tocene non-marine deposits. .-: '---. --~ ~ -~--- -',- '.--.."" ".:, • • Geotechnical Investigation_for Lot 41 La Costa South ·Unit #1 p~ge.FOtir ,12/9/al No obvious geologic hazards are apparent on thissi te •. There is no ground surface evidenceof,faulting on or adjacent to this property. Based on review of available published inforni~:±ion, includ-,l ing the San Diego County Map of Faults and Epi'centers, there are no active or potentially ac.tive ·fault,:s· h~ar' this property. The nearest known active fault is the Elsinore Fattlt approximately 24 miles to the northeast. The Rose Canyon Fault, thought to be a potentially active fault,' is . located 12 miles to the west. As a result, ·'the potenti,al for surface rupture within this site is remo~e •. Liquefaction is not considered a potential for this site due to the density of the soils a~d lack 0'£ grQun4w~ter. BEARING CAPACITY Design of foundations may be in accordance with the Uriiform Building Code for Class 4 material 6£ Table '29-B~ An allowable soil bearing value of 1,50Qpsfmay be used for conventional continuous footings, when they 4-re ~m­ bedded into natural undisturbed soil or on-site soil compacted to a minimum.of 90% maxi:m.um dry density,. a mini.,..· mum of 12.0 inches deep and 12.0 inches wide.' . -'. . The construction of larger.or deeper footings will have the effect of increasing the allowable bearing' v~lues., We ... can· provide allowable bearing values for specific'footings when their locations, elevations,' and.total loads'are decided upon. If footings are to be placed into fills m~deup of other than the two soil types described,verificatioIlcf bear.ing· strength should be obtained prior to construction. We will be happy to field check any imported 50ii for this, site. Settlement of the natural bearing soiis 'I;lnder .struc·tural loads less than· the allowable loads given here w:j.l;L be negligible and should occur during the constr.uction period;; SLOPES Cut slopes will be stable at 1.5 h6rizontal·t~ 1 ve~tical .. : . ; . '. ~ -'., . .:' .' • , . '. . -. 'Geotechnical Investigation·for Lot 41 La Costa South Unit #1 ;Pag~'five, '~;~ 1'2/9/81 '" to heights of 10 feet or less ~ 'Fill :slopeswiii be' ,stable' .' 'at 2.0 horizontal to 1 vertical toneight,s'bf: 20 feet ·or less. Larger slopes or steeper slopes may be'stable-but will require specific site,investiga=t;:ldn and stability analysis. RETAINING STRUCTURES Retaining walls less than 10. feet in heignt·.wA-ichate po·t· restrained from rotating about their' bases' ·suff'icient.ly to mobilize the full available active ·strength.o~ the back..,. fill soil may be designed to resist an equivale'nt :flu.id " pressure of 48 Ibs./ft.3 provided, that only,qp.-:sit~,so·iis' are used as a backfill mater.iCil, that adequat.e di'a:bi·age' , measures are taken to insure that pore ,water,pressure'will not build up in the backfill, and that' thes~lope ·of the , . " backfill surface does not exceed 2 hQrizQntal:'to 1 ve-rtiqal;' Use of other soils as backfill material may '-'al t.e:r the" active earth pressures and should therefore:Qecnecked for suitability prior to placement. GENERAL Groundwater was not found during the 'investigation;:ind is " not expected to be a factor during the deve:!:opment at Ure, ,. proposed building site. . . It is recommended that any proposed' grading ':a;nd thep):,epa-, ration of native soil be done in accorda,nce with the enclosed Specifications for Cbpstruc:t;'i,on of Co,nt.roll-ed" Fills and the local Grading O~dinanc~: ~,~ Adequate measures should be undertaken to properlyfin~ . .-sh grade the building area after the proposed st,tuctures and other improvements are in place, so t1:iat:drainag¢, waters from the improv~d site' and the adja.eep;ta.:i::ea.$'will be directed away from the foundations, foo.tl.];l<Js,~ and'. floor slabs via surface swal~s' to the natu,r.a'l drainag~ . system for this area. Proper drainage .will belpto ;.:i-.l;1sur~ that no waters will seek the level o;f:the.bear,ing s9i'I$ under foundations, footings, and' flo'or slabef·wh.i9h, equId resul t in undermining and differentiai settienl(;~'nt o~ :' .... uplift to the structure and other improvement.s." " Any backfill soils placed in utility,tremche'.s' orbehi.nd : ," . :-~. . -;-'-.-' ~ . -~'-~ ,'. -:.; .' I· • Geotechnical Investigation for Lot 41 La Cos't,a ',South Unit "#1 ',-, '. = ..• , ,Page . SiX:~ .: .''-, 12/9/81:, ; . , ~. ~.'~--'- retaining walls which support structures ando'the'i improve";' . , : '.: .. ments such as patios, sidewalks, driveways, 'pavement, etc .•. · .. : (other than landscaping) should be compacted· to at lea·st.· ' .. . 90% of maximum dry density. These sqils 'should be hon-.......... . expansive. LIMITATIONS , '-"-'--~. --"-- Uniformi ty of the underlying soils is a·ssumed bei;ween bQrihg;':" excavations. ,-0. -,-- Should soils other than those described he,rein be encounte;r~et:· <.......' during construction, additional testing may be reguired~ ih< . :.; order to ascertain their engineering' properties. " The recommendations made in this report. are appl±cable:to the site at the time this report was· prepare~. ~It is the responsibili ty of the owner or developer to, fnsure tJ:lCi,t. these recommenda·tions are carried out in the fielcl. .. MV ENGINEERING, INC. Staff et R RCE ,--'\ .' ~ --'-: -'(': .. - _~" ~_, ___ "!o __ .-::: :-:~. '.- . .. , - ,,--... -' ... - " .. ~ •• < ~~'r _ ;~',. ;{'. " . . ,', !: . ,~-' " ",., .. ~ t\! \\ eB-4 . ~B-I MV ENGINEERING, iNC~, . 476 W. Vermont Ave., Suite 1-02. Escondido, California 920~5 714-743-1214/727-1818 ;.--' .: ' J)' ~. ' .' ,':. :. . "".J. v . Et.' .; . . " '9:8" 6 ---.: .' . -,~ ~~ In -~: "".. ., " : ~)' :.' , ; <t-". , .", ts· '. '. '"----------------------------'----~-------_._~ ............. ~'_..,;,..._,...J, ': '," ",,; -:; SECOMlARYDI\fISIONS L----,-------r---:::-;-:~_t__:___t_u=ii_::::;:::;:_::::::i."_:::-.'::-:;::::::;' ~-··ti-:::····~:7:-:::~--i· -.. WeIJ gi~ I'Mls. fl'M-UI'Id riIii"" ... 1e .. 1e Of no . -." flNlS.-. . :.' . " ". PoOrly .acted .IMI~ 01-.~-1Iind mix''''es. liilit Or' no fmes. . _. . -. _. . -;,",< Silty gravels. gr~-.. nd-.ill mixtura. non-~tic ·finn •. ,-. - CIaY'lYgr.".~. gravel-unci-Ny mi ....... piastic '.nn .. ,-.. Poorly IIr.cted --:a Or gravelly ...... 'IIUIe or no. finea .. Silty' SII~. uncI-.ilt mi.tu,...~-pl.stiefinn. , -"~:' -, , ~ Clayey __ nds. sand-clay mi.tur".plaitiCfine!!.-· , ,nor= $ihs and.very fine ullds, ,ocku~r, .ilt.y. or ~. . fine sands 01 cllyey. sil{s.~th sl~,.t Plasticity. I-----il--=~...;;;;;:..;;;;=;...;;..;.,.:;.;;.t~~...:.;,.;;=~;..:;.;,;;;.;.;.;.;:~~ ........ ---Inorganic cla~of 1OW,'to med;um ptHticity. g;.VIII., eIay$. sanCty clays •. slIIV clays .... n. clays; , ------+- Organic silts.ndorpMc sifty ~ oflqw plasticity. - Inor~nic sihs, miciceous·Qr diatom.c.ousfkle sandyar. --... 'ihy~Is, elastic silts. . -'.. '. ' lnorg.nic clays;·of. high (JInticity. fatdays~' 1---1------------. --' ----.. ~ .. ~ . ..-.. .. -----........ ..-_f. " Organic clays of rnec:liUll"!-to higk p,asticitY:Ofganiclilts, 1----~~----------------~------.~--~---.~. Pe.t and ether highlV Qrgjnic Soils. DEFINITION OF TERMS -. • . U.S. STANDARD SERIES SIEVE CLEAR SQUARE':Sl~Va ()PENINGS'" '>' -, ." 200 40 10 • . _ __, 3141 ' 3"·' ~2' _..,... ..... t ",.-, ,-I-----------r-----------...,.-.. -...-..-..~---....,..:;_..-""'""___T_ . SILTS AND CLAYS SANDS. GRAVELS N€J NON-PLASTIC SILTS SAND of:lNE I MEDIUM I COARSE GRAIN SIZES Bl.O\NSIFOOT t ClAYS AND PLASTIC SiltS GRAVEL . J .-COBI)LES ~lOERS, FINE COARSE -• --- " I' ~ .--~-------------~ t------...... -...... ------+-.-. ---......... ~ .. VERY lOOSE LOOSE . MEDIUM DENSE DENSE VERY DENSE 0-4 4-10 10-30 30-50 MRSO' VERY SOFT SOFT FIRM STIFF VERY STI.FF HARD 0-1/4 ,''' -112 1I'l -1 ., - 2 2 -.. OVER" 0-2 2 -.. 4 -• 1-16 11-32 __ OJER32 ~------~----~-~-----.~. ---~.-... -.---~--~~ RELATIVE DENSITY ,coNSISTENCY .' . t Number of bICM'5 of 140 powxf hImmer falling 30 inches to cthiea 2 inch 0:0.(1-318 ind, l.tU IP.III spoon CASTM 0-1586). . . ..• •. tLh:onflMd ~essive strength in tons/sq.ft ... determiMd bv Iabora\ory testing 01 app;CIIII,rPiied' bv the standard peMtration t_ CA$TM D-1586), pocket penetrometer, Iotv~. 01 viide ~Mtion. - -- KEY TO EXPLORATORY BORING LOGS _ Unified SoilC~sSificatior" $vstemCASTM _D~2487)' LA COSTA -LOT 41 MV ENGINEERING, INC. PROJECT NO. 476 W Vermont Ave., Suite 102-Key -.. ,t ,> :', ::; _ . ,.'. . . -- Escondido. CA 92025 1198-81 12/9/81 ----~~~--~.~~------~--~~~~~~~~~------~- A. .~ , ::".' r-----------------------~--------__ ~----~------~----------------__ ~< 0fLL RIG continuous auger SlR='ACE 78 feet IV W~R.: ~--~------------~----~------------~----------~--~l----~--~~~~ DEPTH TO GROUNOWATER N/E BORING OIAMETER 5 inches' CAll: ~LJ..£D .11 . . DESCRIPTION AN} CLASSIFIcATION ~------------------------~--~----~-----+--~.~ sm-SOL (RET) DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS silty sand, fine grained with little c1ay(possib1e fill) . 80.1,1 Type I . fine silty sand Soi Type II . fi~e silty sand with cobbles m = split spoon sample .~ = bag samples dry !tQ!l: THE STRATFlCATlON LIES REPftESENT THE APPROXJM.«rE BOlHWrf BETWEEN MATERIAL. TYPES AND THE TRANslnJN ... BE GfW)UAL V ENGINEERING INC 76 W. VERMONT AVE. SOL COLOR CONSISt TYPE . rown med. den:$eSC SM dense.' 0 1 2 3 . 4 5 6 7 8 '9 12 13: 14 -----r----~~~15 SM 16 21 ~----+-----~--~17*-~~~---r--~~~ 1.8 19 20 EXPLORATORY 8oRIN~ LOG LA COSTA -LOT 41. , .i 'J ",-< --~ • I' ESCONDIDO,CA 92025 t-------------r-~------~~-........ -------~ ......... _f .~ ,', B-1 PRoJECT NO. . ': a.n:.' BORING ~--1-1-9-8--8-1--~--~12-/-9-/-8~1~.--~ ~' r 1 L. I' 1 I I > 1, - ' .. 'OAU.,. RIG c SlIFACE EL£VATIOH 72 feet " DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER DESCRIPTION ANJ CLASSIFICATION' ,DEPTH ~--.............. --------------------~~~--~--....... ~~~(~) SYM-'COLOR NSI T. SOL,' DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS silty sand with pebble Soil Type III poorly sorted, coarse, sub- rounded sand with cobble gravel , Note: difficult drilling due to occasional large cobbles occasional rocks up to 6" diameter -rounded V ENGINEERING INC 476 W. VERMONT AVE. £SCONDIDO,CA 92025 SOL CO S. TYPE med. dense 0, +-~-.I' IS 2 5 6, 7' 8 9 10 EXPLORATORY80RINGLOG, ' LA COSTA -, LOT 41, PRO~CT NO. DATE 111'\8 ~ ______ ....... __ ~~ ________ ~~WG 1198-81 12/9/81 NO. ,B,...2 ,;. . -. '0AlJ. RIG DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER BORING DESCRIPTION ANJ CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS S.oil Type I fine silty sand e II bottom of boring = 11 feet V ENGINEERING INC 76 W. VERMONT AVE. ES'CONDIDO,CA 92025 EXPLORATORY BORtNG lOG LA C9STA -LO~ ~1'1 PROJECT NO. ~. a.n: BORING t-------+--' ....... -~-----..f ,rc~ 1198-81 'I~!9/81' ~ 'B~3 '. APPENDIX "':!?" • .'; ,"0 1 \ \ \ \ 1\ '-. ,- \ \ .\ ---~ .. . ' . . . -· 'I 1\ \ -!\ \ , 1\ Joe NAMe: Don Trabert '35 \ \ ) . , . l\ \ ~ -1-.1130 L 81 i\ \ \ Joe HUM.,.: 1198-81 D"'I: -, 2 \ 1\ \ . \ \ ~ . 130 \ \' :.: \ VI.UAL. DC.CIII.ltT,O": brown sil-ty sand \ \ , \ , 1\ -~: \ , \ \ LOC:ATION stCUIII,,,: B-1 la~ 'r ~ \ \ It '\ ' . V \ \ , SAM .. L.C No. TYPf= 1 HCM.. N~ •• ,J / \. '" \ ~ / \ , \ , 8 ... : W.R~ Landry DC;'TN, 5 feet ~ \ .... \ 120 V '\ , \. \. ' , ..; 8M / , ~\ \ CLAS.'I"'C:ATION .,.u.s.c.s. U V i\ \ \ .. 1\ \ ,; / \ I\. \ :It '/ " \ 1\ • -115 • / \: \ , J '" ~ [\ : LA. c:OM;.. .. c:T.IO~ AS'J'M 1557-70, !: z / \. \ , ::I \. I\. ~ . .-,; " , :, • -)., ~ ., tlO a \' ~ \. \. \. \. ~ ~ ~ .. \ \.1 -~ \. A ~ . , 105 " ~ .) "\IN' ~,.: 'WRL ~ i\. \ \. " · ~ ~ " \. , \. '\. ~ :\. 100 \ , \ --. , I'\. " '\.. " "-~,a "\ "-'\ . '410 , 125,.5 .-\.: " "S. .;~ .5 'M.OO_' " ~~ ~ \.. ,~ 10~7 , .. "CII/CeNT MO"'UItIE ,O.M.C. eo 0 a 10 II ao as ,: :30 . , -~ 'I I ~ .. -- , . .' ~, . Trl.a1 No. Samp1e+Mo1d Wt. Sample Wt. Wet. Dems;ity .~Wa,t~'r Dry" Dens;L ty I' 1 14.21 3.96 118.8 4~3 113.9 ,- 2 14.56 4.31 129.3 7 .• '7 12.0.1" , --- 3 14.88 4.63 138.9 11.5 124.6 4 14.80 4.55 136.5 14.'0 119 .• 7 -,-~ ~ -": -'- Mo1d# 2 Yo1ume 1/30 cu.ft~weight 10.25 1b~. 1 '. · ,-' ----, --I L . • ~ } , : ;, , " : ~ i : , , • " , " , : , , , .. .' • " : GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION " - Project La Costa -Lot 41 Job. No. Location of Project Navarra Drive Boring No. 2 " OeIcription of Soil Soil Type III Depth of Samp-.e Tested By. Material Testing Lab Date of Testing Gravel Sand 2 ' , " ENGIN:~ERI'NQ'i :'NC~ " 476 W.,yermont Ave., S~lte 1'0, E;$condIQo. Callfomuf,92025 ", ' ' " " ;I.198~,,8,l ' , " " " ; " Sample No. 1 " ; " -1,~' ;feet' " Dec. 1, 1981 .1 : , " " " , :: Fines , Coarse to medium J=ine Silt Clay, U.S. standard sieve sizes , ~ I .5 .. 0 2 8 § : ... ... :!: ! ! i i i i .. CO) I I I 100 . Il I 'I I I I ! ,. " ,': , , ' I I II I I I I I ! 80 : I ,I ~ " .... ~~ I , " I! " N I i, I " " , , I I I II , ... I I ;j I) eo I ----c I I I I .--= I \ .. , -I I I J , c " , '" 3 I \ II I I I ... II I ; t. 40 J i I " : 1'1 ' , " ; , I J I , I " "-.- I I " I I : I ! I I .- " 20 , -": I, ~ J. II " r I I ',,, I I IJ !.i. I I T 7 " ' ' I I I " " I Ii , 0 I I I I I 0 ~ ...... & at ... Pt -' I' -... : :0 : '~ , ~ : C! " d 0 0 0 " Grain diameter. mm , " " brown, subrounded, Visual soil description coarse, gravelly sand , " " ; " , , ' ' ,,' " " , Soil classification: " , GP System Unified Soil C1assificati'on Sy,stein. ' " " " ., . , " , .. " " '" " , , ; ',? " " .. , " .-" " i , ", , , , " " , " ,', o .J -0-.-: '-~ , " , UPANSICiIf 'r-.s'r • .. Date 12/4/81 PIP-1198-81 'rechnicl.an W.R. Landry Inlt,i.al Fiz)/d Soil wet+Tare -366 g 3.68 g Tare 200 g 200· g, Soil wet 166 g 168 g Ring Volume .002841 ft 3 .002841 ft3 Density t w~ 1,28.7 lbs/ft3 J 26 :.1-·'.·:lbs(ft3 , Water 11.6 initial 13,.2 . riniiJ.· . .. lbs/ft3 , -lbs/ft.3 DensitYd 115.3 115:.1. . rg ,. Dial Reading .000 initiaL • OOQ' . ~inal .. Time/Date 1530/12-4 initial 0830/12-7 final , EXPANSION 0% qu Saturated 7000 lbs/ft2 c Saturated 1600 lbs/f.t2 . j SOIL DESCRIPTION brown silty sand Soil Type I REMARXS __ ..;;;,T..;.e..;;;,s...;t;.....".l;.p...;e...;r;.;;f;..;:o;.;;rm=e;;.;d;;;....;o;;.;n;..;;....;s;;;;.o;;;;.1=.· =.l-=-s,;::am~p,;::l..;;;;E!.:...., ..:;o..:;£:.......;:2:..:.;.;::,5~i:.:n.:.;c:.:h::.;' e::,;s;;;;.' ____ diameter and 1.0 inch high. S~iI).ple .. was rem<;>lded at' optimum moisture and at 90% 9£ maximwq~:rY density • (ASTM 1557-70). Sample was surcharged 'with ',a weight equivalent to one(l) p.s.i., subme}:ged., .. ~ridall,owe:d· ", to expand until expansion was less th~n 'O.OS' p~r_houi •. . '.f MV ENGINEERING. INC. 476 W Vermont Ave .. SUite 102 Escondido. CA 92025 SIEVE ANALYSIS Sz...--npl· :d Or Sample Submitted By: Werner Landry Source: B-2 To Be Used For-classification -Remarks: L .. VVVLL coarse sand with gravel -;-'. OURJOilNO.-l198~:8l, --. . , . -: .; _0 ~~ " ":c. . .' Sieve No. Dry Gradation Washed Gradation 1/2. J 1 Ace. Wt. Retained 0/0 Ret. llJo, Passing Ace Wt Spec. R~tai:p,e.d ~ . --:.! .'-. - ., 1-_3_/:,..8_'_ 1 +-----r------I-------l:-..---+-----f---------r-.......,---."'"""1.. ) 1535.2 ,74;.7. . #8 #10 1631. 4 26.'9 .73·l· /fl6 #20 3814.6 . 63.1 -... ,. #30 ~--~-------_r------_r------~~---r_---~~~~.-. ---~.r---~~~:" , I"", .,.i' 4560.5 75.2 . ~4;.:~' ',';, .. #50 #80 #100 5439.9 89.7 #200 5445.9 8~.8 10.2 Pan ~ 5464.1 FORM MO-67S • ;:. • • APPENDIX "e" ,',.' ~.: ' .' .-. ·' SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF CONTROLLED ~ILLp ~ENE~L DESCRIPTJON: Tl1~ cQI'lstruction of controlled fills shall consist qf an qQ.~quate prelimin~ry soil investigation, clearing, removal of $~i~ting ~tructures a~~ foundations, preparation of land to b~ filleq" 'excavat~Qn of,earth and rock from cut area, compaction,~nd, contr,ol of the fill, and all other work necessary to 'qomplet~ t:\1e gradi~g of the filled areas to conform with the ,lines, ' gradeq, and slopes as shown on the accepted p+ans. CLEARIN<.S ANI:) RREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED: A. All fill control p~ojects shall have a prelimiI'l~ry's6if investig~t~on or a visual examination, depenoing upon the nature Of the job, by a qualified soil epgineer prior to g~ading. S. All timb~r, tr~es, brush, vegetation, and other ,~ubbish ' shall pe'removed, piled and burned orotherwt~e ai$pos'ed • of t.o leave the prepa,red areas with a finished apweq~i'tnpe, free frpm unsightly debris. • G'. 'A-n':( r;ioft, swampy or otherwise unsui tablee areas' ,shaLL be correct~d by· drainage or removal of compressitile .mat~-rl?-l; , or both; to t:\1e depths indicated on the plans or as di~ected. by the soil engineer. . D. ~~e nat~ral'g~ound which is determine~ to, be satisfactory, for the support of the filled ground shall then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least s-ix inches (6") or deep~r as specified by the soil engineer, and until th~ surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven f~atqr~s which would tend to prevent uniform compaction by' the eq~ip­ ment to pe used~ ~. No fill shall be plaged until the prepared native ground has been approved by the soil engineer. F. Wher~ fills are made on hillsides with slopes giea,ter than 5 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical), horizontal benches spall be cut into firm, undistur~ed, natural ground at the ~levation of the toe sta~e. The soil engineer shall determtne the width and frequency of all succeeding benches, which wj.ll vary with the soil conditions and the steepness of, slope . • , , • • G. After t4e natural ground has been prepared, it shal+ be brought to the proper moisture content and compact~d to not less than 90% of maximum density, ASTM D1557-64T.' H. Expansive soils may require special compact~on specific~­ tians ~s directed in the preliminary soil ~nvestigation by the soil engineer. ' I. T~e c~t po~tions of building pads in which 'rbck-like It)atel!ial exists may require excavation anc,i r,ecompaqtian fordens:\.:ty compatibility with the fill as directed by: the soi~'eng~neer. M}\~ERIALS: The fill soils shall consist of select materials, g~~ded, sd : tha~ at lea~t 40 percent of the material passes the NOr 4 ~ieve. ,~re material may be obtained from the excavatiop, a borrow ~it, or by m:\.xing soils from one o~ more sources. ~he material used shall be free from vegetable matter and ouheb deleterious substances, and shall not contain rocks 'o!i It1mp.~' greater than six inches (6") in diameter. If 'e~ces~iv~,y¢~e­ tati6n~ r9cks Qr soils with unacceptable physical cha~acter~ i~tiqs are ~ncountered, these materials shall be dispose~ 6~ ip waste al!eas designated on the plans or as direQt~d by the,', soil engineer. If soils are encountered,during tne grading QP~ration which were not reported in the prelilIlinary,:so'.il ,investi,gation, furthel!' testing will be required b? asce.rtaih their engineering properties. Any special treatment recQm~ mEi=nded 'in' ~he Pfeliminary or subsequent soil reports not' . covered herein ~hall become an addendum to the~e specifications. No material of a perishable, spongy or otherwise ~nstab~e 'n.~tu~~ shall be used in th~ fills. PLACING, S~READING AND COMPACTING FILL MATER+AL A. The selected fill material shall be placed in layers which shall not exceed six inches (6") when compacted. Each layer; shall be spread eve.nly and shall be thoroughly ~lage-mixed during the spreac,iing to insure uniformity of material and moistuEe in each layer. :j3. When , the moisture content of the fill ij'laterj.al is:be]"ow that specified by the soil engineer, water shall be add~d until the moisture content i~ near optimum as determined hythe soil. engineer to a~s~re thorough bonding during the compaqting process . -2- • • • C. Whep tne moisture content of the fill materi~l is above that specifieq. by the soil engineer, the fill material shall be aerated by blading and scarifying or other.satis- factory methoqs ~ntil the moisture content is near optimu~ as determined by th~ soil engineer. D. After eacp layer has been placed, mixed and spre~d even~y, it shaLl-be thoroughly compacted to not les-s than the spec,- .ified maximum density in accordance with ASTM D1557 .... 64T! . Compaction shall be by means of tamping or sheeps;Eoqt ...... . 1;'ollerl=l', fiul tiple-wheel pneumatic-tired roJ,lers ~ "on othe;r- types of rollers. Rollers shall be of such qeqign tpat, the~ will b~ able to compact the fill to the specifie¢i del1sity. Rolling of each layer shall be continuQus over t ts .~n~ire Gl-rea and the roller shall make suffioient p.a$ses···· to obt~in the desired density. The entire'are~ t6 ~e . filled shafl' b~ compacted to the specified q,ensity·.· .. E. Fill Slppes ~hall be compacted by means of sh~ep~fpot roll~rp or' other suitable equipment. Compactiotl.qperqtions. s~al~ be ~ontinued until the slopes are stable but not too' dense fqr .planting and until there is no appr~Giable· 'a'mount . of l<oo'Se sqil on the slopes. Compacting of the slo.pes s.haLL . b~ acoQfiplished by backrolling the slopes in incr::eI!le.nts of thr~e to tiye :eeet (3'-5') in elevation-ga;in q.r by qttIer' methoAp producing satisfactory results.' . ' . ~. Fie~d den~ity tests shall be mad~ by the-soil engihei~,for apPfoximately each foot in elevation gain after compaot~~m{ put notr tq exceed two feet in verti(,'!al height·.b.etwe~n. testr.·~.T The lo~~tion of the tests in plan shall be spabed tQ·giv~·.· the pest possible cove:rage and shall be ta·kert no f9-rtl:H~r than lOP' feet q:tpart. Tests shall be taken on cor'ne:):' and . te~:rac~ +9ts .fq;r-each two feet (2') in e~evat~qrt ~~~ri. The soil ernginee:r mar take additional tests as'considered rieces-.· 'sary y9 phec,k on the uniformity of compaction.' WHere sheeps- foot rollerp are used, the tests shall be·taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface •. No' addi- tional layers of fill shall be spread until the fi~ld density tests indicate that the specified density has peen obtained. G. The fill operation shall be continued in sik~inch (6") Gompactep layers, as specified above, l:j.ntil the fill' has been brou~ht to the finished slopes and grades as sAowDon tp~'qccepted plans. SUPERVH;lI?N S~pervisi9n by the soil engineer shall be made during the ·filling -3- • • • and compacting operations so that he can certify that the fill was made in accordance with accepted spec~fications. The specifications and soil testing of subgrade, subbase and bas~ materials for roads or other public prqperty shqll be ~one in accordance with specifications of the gove~ning agency. SEASONAL LIMITS No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled 4ur~nq unjEavorable weather conditions. When the wQ.rk is interrupted by neavy rain, grading shall not be resumed until ~~eld tests by the soil engineer indicate that the moisture conteI).t and density of the fill are as previously specified. In the event that~ in the opinion o·f the engineer, soils unsatisfactory as foundation material are encountered, tpey shall not be incorpor- ated in the grading and disposition will be mad~ at tpe engi~eer's discretion . .,.4- • • • UNIFIED SO~L CLASSIFICATION Identifying Criteria I. COARSE GRAINED (more than 50% larger than #200 sieve) Gravels (more than 50% larger than #4 sieve but smaller than 3") Non-pla$tic Sanp~ (more than 50% smaller than #4 sieve) Non-plastic II. rINE GRAINED (more than 50% smaller than #200 sieve) Liquid Limit less than 50 Group Symbol GW GP Soil Description 00 Gr~vel, well-graae4·gravel~ sand mix.t\lr~, Ii ttl,~ qr no fines. . Gravel,: pqbrly g·rad~d, gravel .... · s.and mixture,· ~ittl.e Or no '. fine$. 0 GM G.ravel,-~iitYi pO'Qrly g·raded-,· grave;I.-sand-sil t nri~.tures .. G~ Gravel, clayey, poorly gradl=d-, grav~l-$·and-clay SW SP SM SC ML CL mixtures. _ ' . . Sand, we.ll...,graa~d,o. gravelly sands, littl~'Qr no fine$. Sand, pqorly graded~ grav~11Y sands, Ii tt],e '91:"' no ·f:j..ne.i:;'.; ... Sand, silty, pqorly' grade c:1'i s~n4~silt·~ixtures. '0' '. Sand, ((layey, poo'rily graded, sand-clay ~~xtures. Silt, iporganic silt anq fine sand, sanc;ly si.lt or clayey~silt-sand mixt~res witp sl:\.ght plasticity • • I Clay, ~n6rganic clays of ,loY' to medium plastic! ty i gravelly clays;, sandy clays, silty clays, lean .clays •. -"'= '. • '. II. FINE GRAINED-con't. Liqvid Li~it g~eater tnan 5Q III. HIGHLY ORGAN+C SOILS j OL, $ilt, orga.niq~ silt.'s anp Qr,ga'pic silt-clays of low pla-!;!t'ic;L ty. ' MH, Silt, ino:):"ganic, ,silts ,rnicac~oLj.s cDr dictornaceous ~~n~, ~aQdy or 8t~ty soils, elp.sti~ silts. CH Clay, inorgaI)ic ~', clays of". m~dium to .nign p~asticitYI fat ct~yS .,: ' , ' OH Clay, o,rganic, clays of medium ts;> J:1igh plasticity. P't P~at,'Qther ~ighly organic swamp soils,